#and the order is wack because i decided it would be
crunchycrystals · 2 years
made my own playlist for t/ylor swift's discog because i wanted to listen to her entire discog without remixes and the random eps and getting rid of songs i dont like listening to and the one i made is 14 hours long lol
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happy74827 · 11 months
Burning Bridges
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[Dexter Morgan x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Upon an incident that was out of your control, Dexter comes to the realization that it wasn't just a coincidence.
WC: 1951
Category: Slight Angst, Hurt/Comfort
I forgot how much I missed this show (him), so I decided to write another. It's been so long since I last wrote for him that I actually see the difference in my writing. It's wack.
Dexter was many things… a brother, a son, a pro bowler, a serial killer… but what he lacked was being a good friend.
He didn't understand friendship or its value. It was something that he simply couldn't grasp. Sure, he was able to fake it well enough in order to make sure that people liked him and didn't find him too creepy or strange, but there was never any real emotional connection. In his mind, everyone was either someone he needed or someone he didn't need, and he would treat them accordingly. The only exceptions to this rule were his sister, Debra, and you.
The two of you had met back in college, having been assigned to be each other's partners for a group project. It was a poetry class and a course that Dexter hadn't really wanted to take, but a general education requirement and the promise of an easy A convinced him to at least show-up and suffer through it. Well, for a guy who had to fake every single aspect of his personality in order to fit in with society, it turned out that poetry didn’t come quite as easily as he thought it would.
He had always found the art form to be rather silly, with all the emphasis on metaphors and flowery language. There was no purpose or goal other than to be creative and artsy, and it bored him to no end. The first time you had sat down with him to discuss the project, you could tell how much he didn't want to be there, and the look of complete disinterest on his face as he tried to figure out what your poem meant was the most hilarious thing that you had seen in a while. You couldn't help but laugh, the sound of which made him sit up and give you a quizzical look.
"What?" He asked, tilting his head slightly, confused.
"Nothing," you replied, still giggling. "It's just that I can tell that you don't like poetry."
"Why would you think that?"
"Because you haven't said a word; you're just sitting there, staring off into space and twirling your pencil between your fingers," you told him, and he glanced down at the utensil as if he didn't realize that he was doing that.
"Oh. Sorry, I guess," he apologized, his tone making it clear that he was actually a little annoyed at having been called out on his inattentiveness.
"That's okay. I like poetry, so I'll be happy to do most of the work," you offered, smiling sweetly, and his eyebrows raised.
And that you did. In fact, you loved it so much that you majored in English and planned on getting your Masters, while Dexter got his degree in criminology. It was a nice trade-off because while he struggled in poetry, getting down into the debts of his feelings that were nonexistent, you struggled with chemistry, unable to wrap your head around the subject no matter how hard you tried.
So, the two of you had a mutually beneficial agreement. You did all the work for the poetry class, and in exchange, he tutored you in chemistry and made sure that you got a decent grade. Once the class was over and done with, the two of you stayed friends, though you had very little in common. Dexter had no interest in books, and you had no interest in criminology. He was a loner, and you had plenty of friends. You were a romantic, and he was completely unromantic. He didn't even have a girlfriend, and you had been in three different relationships over the course of the two years that you had known him.
Still, the two of you got along well enough. You were one of the only people that Dexter could actually stand for more than five minutes, and he was the same to you. So you went out to the bar sometimes, hung out with his sister, and did your best to keep him company while also doing your best to try to set him up on dates, hoping that one of these days, he'd actually find someone. It eventually did work out when you found him Rita, but as of right now, she had broken up with him, and he was back to being a lonely bachelor which it didn't bother him much until now.
You were in the hospital, your head wrapped and bandaged like a mummy. You were apparently attacked outside the grocery store, and if it wasn’t for the small instructions he had given you for self-defense, you most likely wouldn’t have survived.
At first, Dexter didn’t think of it as anything important in terms of his line of work. He believed it to be a coincidence, a random crime in the night. But it turned into something more the night he decided to visit with some cake.
“How’s the head?” He asked as he came inside, seeing you propped up reading. Of course, you were reading.
You shrugged. “Like I’m wearing a sweater hat, but it doesn't hurt, so there's that." You paused, setting down your book and glancing at him. "I’m still salty about my groceries. Almost two hundred dollars I spent on that stuff. Gone. Wasted. Poof."
Dexter had to chuckle a bit. "Hey, I can't do much about the food, but I brought you something," he said, revealing the white box.
"Is it chocolate? If it is, I love you," you joked.
"No, it's just vanilla. But, here."
He opened the lid and showed you, and you immediately lit up.
"Awww, Dexter! You are the best friend ever," you gushed, giving him a warm smile.
He smiled back. "It's the least I could do."
He was cutting it up for you when he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. You didn’t seem to notice, but out in the hall, a shadow passed by the window. His body went on alert, eyes flickering towards the door. He couldn’t see much, but he could make out an elderly man with gray hair and a beard.
Dexter's face remained unchanged, though his body language betrayed him as he sat the cake knife down. He knew that look. That look in a man's eyes when he was looking at prey. This was a predator.
"Hey, uh, what was that description again? Of the man who attacked you," Dexter asked, his tone a bit distracted.
"You mean Santa Claus on drugs? That pretty much sums it up. Why?" You looked up, confused.
"I don't know. It's probably nothing."
But it was something. The man had apparently come back to finish the job, and Dexter's jaw clenched at the thought. He was already planning his death in his mind. It wouldn’t be pretty. He gave you a piece of cake, swearing that he’d be back soon before going after the man. He stopped at the lobby momentarily, informing Angel to keep an eye on you, which, of course, the cop complied with.
Angel was a good cop. He was loyal, smart, and a damn good shot. But there was one thing that made him a great cop. He cared about his city and the people in it. He would protect the innocent no matter the cost, especially when it came down to those he was closest to. He was the kind of guy who would risk his life without a second thought if it meant saving others.
This is why Dexter liked Angel and why he was the only one that he trusted with this job.
Finding the man was extremely easy on his part. Dexter already knew what the guy’s plan was, so he stuck around outside the parking lot, watching the shadows. After a few minutes, the man appeared, heading towards the entrance once again.
He never got that far.
A hand was clamped over his mouth while the other dragged him away from the double doors and towards the side of the building. Dexter didn’t pull out his knife, though, only resorting to his arms as he applied pressure against his throat. The man fought, trying to break free, but he didn't get the chance. Dexter didn’t kill him, no, not yet, but his arm was still strong, and he had no plans to let go.
“Listen closely. If you so much as look the wrong way, I will rip your heart out and shove it down your throat. Understand? Nod if you do," he threatened, his voice calm and even. The man nodded, terrified, his eyes wide.
"Good," Dexter replied, “Why are you here?"
The man was quiet, but he was breathing heavily, and his eyes were watering.
"Talk. That girl, why are you after her?"
"I’m not—”
"You attacked her, and now you came back to finish the job, did you not? Who sent you?"
The man was sweating; his face was flushed and red. Dexter was pressing too hard, and his victim was starting to lose air. He didn’t care.
"Who?" He repeated.
The man choked, unable to speak.
"Last chance. Who sent you? And don't lie to me."
The man didn’t answer, and Dexter tightened his hold. That finally did it. The man began to squirm violently, trying to break free, but it was too late. His face started to turn purple, and Dexter had to adjust his grip and pull him closer.
“It wasn’t personal! I had to! I didn't have a choice! It was just a job!" He gasped out, struggling for air. “I got paid to do it. I was just doing what I was told! Please, please, don't kill me."
"Who was it?"
"I—I don’t know. It was some lady. I met her at a bar. She didn’t give her name, but he wasn’t American. She gave me ten thousand dollars and told me that the job was to attack this chick in the parking lot and make it look like an attempted robbery. Said it had to be done in a couple of days. Listen, man, I didn't want to do it. But the money—"
"What did she look like?" Dexter cut in.
"Dark hair. Young. I don't know! I don't know, I swear. She wore sunglasses the whole time. Please, don’t kill me. Please."
Suddenly, it hit him like a ton of bricks. The Dark Passenger was roaring, the realization washing over him like cold water.
Everything made sense now. The way she had suddenly showed up out of nowhere, the incident outside the bowling alley, her sudden interest in you. It all made sense. She was behind it. She had done it.
Dexter wanted to snap the man's neck. He wanted to rip his throat out. He wanted to take his knife and stab him over and over again, to punish him for what he had done to you, but he refrained. He had the answers he needed, and the cameras around were still running.
He dropped him and watched him collapse, gasping for air. He didn't move, too scared and in shock to do so. Dexter didn’t say a word; his anger was silent, but it was boiling beneath his skin.
He was going to kill her. He was going to hunt her down and end her, and there was no place on Earth where she could hide.
“You ever, and I mean ever, come near her again; I will tear out your spine and make you choke on it. Understand?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I understand."
Dexter didn’t say anything else; he simply walked off, his hands stuffed into his pockets. He had a lot to think about.
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Random HC's That I Probably Overexplain - Cater Edition 1!
TW: Angst heavy, using kids for profit via social media, emotional/physical abuse (nothing explicit/gory) His mom was a family life vlogger. I've dabbled on this topic a few times before, but never got really into it. His mom ran a channel called the "Beloved Diamond Family", in which his mother went by Dreamy Diamond, and his older sisters went by Dazzling and Ditzy Diamond. He was "Daring Diamond" or sometimes just called "Little Gem/Diamond". "Daddy Diamond" was never around, but his mom sometimes went on rants about him on camera. They rarely made it onto the channel though. Part of the reason the Diamonds moved so much is because of his dad's work, but the other part was because of how much information his mom would divulge and put her kids in danger. Cater's dad did his best to protect his kids from the consequences of her actions, but couldn't get ahead of them. Cater was the star of many of the videos, as he was the baby and everyone wanted to see more of him. He hated being made to do everything that his mom said, or repeating the actions a hundred times until he got it "perfect", but the comments of other parents telling him how much their kids loved him and whatnot was enough to keep him going. It's also why he's so attached to his phone now and a big part of why he just keeps up the facade. To be caught at a less than picture perfect moment or with a subpar reaction at this point scares him. Irrationally, he worries about his mothers reaction, and because he's never really been to school for long enough to make friends, he has to act the only way he knows how and hope that people keep liking the show he puts on. A lot of the videos were pretty fluffy, happy videos, but Ms. Diamond would do anything for views, and did put out videos of Cater sobbing over his dead pet, about him breaking his arm on his skateboard, and a lot of her "prank" videos that were mostly just endangering her kids or trying to prove her husband was cheating. (At one point she did a "slip and slide" in the kitchen and called Cater over to try some of her cookies. He couldn't have been more than five or six, so he came running in excited and ended up in urgent care. All the scars and marks he got from his moms wacked out ideas have been carefully hidden under makeup and magic for years now, but sometimes he doesnt have the energy to cover them up on his clones). Obviously, none of the Diamond kids were off very well, but when they were "too big to be cute anymore" his mom kind of let the channel die out and became a more severe alcoholic. However, when her channel started to pick up traction again years later, Ms. Diamond decided to keep her channel going with behind the scenes clips and telling stories about her kids while mildly tipsy. She didn't tell her kids she was going to do this, and now that they're all 18 and over they want to stop her, but don't want to cause more drama from her. Cater's bigger sister wants to take her to court for everything she's done, but Cater and his eldest sister just want to ignore it and sweep it under the rug like nothing is going on because it hurts too much to revisit the things they used to have to do. Cater's mom is...a BoyMom. Like she is Not Normal about her son to a creepy uncomfortable extent and Cater doesn't know how to deal with it, he mostly tries to break contact with her, but she is relentless and a master guilt tripper. He had been looking forward to his 18th birthday to officially disown her or put a restraining order on her, but never had the heart to actually do it, because...it is his mom, and family never abandons each other unless you want to be a piece of shit, right? (This is not serious, please, if you have family that doesn't treat you well don't be afraid to leave if you can)
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badbatchsprincess · 4 months
Heated ~ pt.14
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13 ~ Pt.14
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Literally only smut.... smut. smut. smut. It's Hunter's night, and Tech's night.... enjoy bbs... oh ya and some bondage! TeeHee
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Another rainy day on Ord Mantel. You sighed leaning against the window watching the droplets dowse the entire city. You liked it a lot you realized. It made the city lights glow in their neon colors and air was always cleaner the next day. It made Ord Mantel somewhat beautiful, which seemed impossible… except the little moments like this.
It’s been two weeks since the boys started working for Cid… and it was going… alright.
She had decided it was best to post you all up in the apartment above the bar as long as you helped her with the chores around the place and helped serve the customers when they’d meander in. It covered your rent, she said. You were starting to think she just liked having the company around. It gave you good cover though while the boys ran odd jobs. 
You and the others decided it would be best to keep you away from potential spies and bounty hunters. You didn’t have a problem staying at Cid’s, the deal worked out fine anyways, and it could be so much worse. 
After a long day scrubbing the bar down with soap for the first time in probably months, you were pooped. You had taken a long relaxing shower before curling up in the circular window over looking the main street. You had created a little nest there, where you kept your snacks within reach and your holonovel near by. The boys said they’d be home soon so you were just trying to kill the time instead of eagerly waiting. 
They had been sent to rescue an ex separatist senator to Echo’s dismay. You were wondering how that was going while you read through the filthy smut on your holo screen. You could only imagine the chaos these boys were bringing to this unsuspecting plant. 
The schedule system seemed to be working well too. If they were able, you’d spend the day with all of them. Echo resumed your combat training in the back courtyard behind Cid’s place, and at night you’d spend it with your alphas. 
Echo says you’re making good progress. Though it didn’t really feel like it. You think he just likes wacking you around with a stick for fun. The others sometimes would join in giving you someone to spar with. Wrecker obviously was the most difficult. There was no possible option where you could ever gain the upper hand with him. 
Echo had you graduate to fighting with various make shift weapons. Cid’s broom handle, a durasteel pipe, and a dull knife from the bar. It was exhilarating and part of you was really starting to like it.
You hadn’t realized how good of a teacher Echo was. He says it’s because he had extra training himself when he was a shiny. He was really able to help you strengthen your punches to the point that Hunter would actually shift backwards a bit now when you’d strike. It was giving you some hope you’d actually be able to hold your own soon.
You flexed your hands noticing the small scabs forming on your knuckles. With a sigh you set your novel and looked back out at the street watching the speeders zoom by pedestrians trying to get out of the rain. 
At some point, you must have dozed off, as you woke up to the sound of your door opening and a freshly showered Hunter comes walking in looking refreshed. It was his night after all. 
You smiled and stretched trying to wake yourself up like a lazy tooka.
“What time is it?” You asked realizing it was dark outside now and the city lights were glowing through your window.
“We just ate dinner, thought I’d bring some up for you.” He walked over giving you a tray with some delicious smelling tip-yip. You squealed in excitement and sat up grabbing the spork suddenly feeling awake. 
He walked in front of your mirror running his hands through his damp hair trying to push it out of his eyes while you dug in.
“You smell good.” You put a piece of food into your mouth liking the way he smelled after a shower. It was so undoubtably Hunter and it made you feel so safe. 
He smiled flashing his k9s at you, “You’re the one that smells good mesh’la.” 
You tapped your lips and he huffed a laugh before walking over and bending down to press a kiss to your mouth. You smiled kissing him again before going back to your meal. 
He flopped down on your bed in the corner giving a big sigh and a stretch himself. 
“How was the mission?” You asked mid-chew. 
“Exhausting.” He sighed feeling himself start to relax into your soft bed.
You giggled, “Saving separatist scum is too hard for sarge?” Your baby voice made him scowl. 
“It seems that the separatists and anyone not in line with the empire is on the same side now.” He rubbed his eyes, “everything is different now.” 
“That we can agree on.” You shoved another bite in, “I got to hang out with a too flirty Gungan today who absolutely has a drinking problem. Told me his wife found out about his girlfriend.” 
“Quite a day for you huh ad’ika?” Hunter played along with the dramatics. 
You nodded, “Mhmm. I’m doing really hard work while you’re all gone.” You shrugged with a playful smirk. 
“You poor thing.” He used his baby voice making you giggle.
Eating your last piece of tip-yip, you set the tray aside before walking over to Hunter and climbing onto the bed to straddle him. 
“I missed you.” You leaned down kissing both his cheek bones. 
“Mmm.” He hummed running his hands up your sides, “Not as much as I missed you.” 
“Show me.” You smirked running your hands over his firm chest. 
Hunter gripped your hips before rolling both of you and pinning you to the mattress. He smirked as he lowered himself to kiss you again this time a little hungrier. You smiled into his mouth feeling him press his hips into yours. You felt the hardness between his legs and you whimpered feeling the fluttering butterflies in your stomach and that familiar heat begin to pool in your lower belly. He gave a satisfied groan grinding into you liking the way you responded to him to prettily. 
He sat back on his heels, “up love.” He helped you sit up to peel your shirt from your body. He smirked realizing you didn’t have a bra on and leaned forwards to press you back into the mattress to leave a trail of kisses down your sternum before he licked one of your hardening nipples. You moaned pushing your chest further into him while he continued to lick and suck, making you arch your back into his hot mouth. He then went down to grab the waist band of your sweats and yank them down only pulling away from your tits to slide them off of your legs. 
You were just about to reach up for him again but he pushed your arms away before flipping you over onto your belly. 
“Alpha.” You whined pushing your ass up trying to make contact with him again desperate for the friction. 
“Shh adi’ka .” He soothed running his hands over your ass cheeks giving them a good squeeze before he brought his palm down spanking you. You yelped looking back at him already feeling the imprint of his hand welting up. He just gave you a playful smile before reaching into his waist band and pulled out his vibro blade. You sucked a breath in feeling the cold metal press to your skin. He slid the knife along your silky skin before sliding them under the waist band of your damp panties. 
“Such a good girl, omega.” With his other hand he ran his fingers over your core feeling the wetness soaking through your panties. You wiggled but he withdrew his fingers, “stay still for me mesh’la.” 
You huffed and willed yourself to stay still, but it was agony. He resumed his small strokes stroking your clit through the fabric of your panties while the knife continued upwards until he twisted the blade bringing the sharp side right through your panties, slicing them like butter. He growled finally seeing how wet you were already. He chucked the blade and you watched it fly across the room before impaling into the wall before driving his finger into you. 
You let out a loud moan feeling him start a consistent rhythm before adding another thick finger stretching you.  You wriggled against him desperate to be filled even more. It was starting to feel so delicious you were certain he could feel you start to clench down on him. 
He withdrew his fingers and sat up slightly to kick your knees apart and lift your ass up in the air. He shoved down his trousers and grabbed his throbbing cock stoking git a few times before lining himself up with your aching cunt. You pushed yourself back against him feeling his tip push inside. You moaned as he surged forwards until he was flush with your ass. You cried out finally feeling the relief of him filling you. Hunter was thick, and he was so, so hard. You mewled as Hunter set the sturdy pace. 
…You loved the way Hunter fucked…
He was so deliberate making sure his strokes were steady and hitting that yummy spot inside you that made your toes curl with every stroke. He also couldn’t seem to get enough of your creamy cunt. He groaned every time he could hear just how wet you are with every thrust. You think it’s because of his heightened senses, he could probably feel and her every tremor your body made as he pleasured you and you knew it drove him wild. He could probably sense every beat of your heart, and scent the small changes in your scent that let him know you were enjoying yourself.
You tried to push yourself up onto your hands but he grabbed the back of your neck pinning you back down, “take it, omega.” He snarled feeling you clench around his cock. You moaned loudly certain the others could heard you as Hunter pounded even harder. The only sound in the room was your squelching and the slap of skin on skin. 
Hunter wasn’t always outwardly dominant, but everyone and awhile his alpha side trickled through and it made your entire body sing. 
He pushed himself as far in as possible, mesmerized by the jiggle plush of your ass against his lap. He sighed shaking his head still unable to believe he was able to have the omega of his dreams. Your scent was making him get lost in the fog of lust.
“Fuck, pretty girl,” He slid his hand from your neck to the roots of your hair where he tugged making you whine, “do you have any idea how perfect you look? M’fuck, you were made for me mesh’la.” 
“Alpha…. Ahh!” You whined as he brought his hand down onto your ass again hearing the slap ring out into the room. You moaned feeling the warming sting again making you drip down your thighs as you took Hunter as best as you could despite his roughness. 
Gripping onto your hair, he pulled you up straight arching you agains this chest as he fucked you on his lap. You gripped onto his thighs absolutely loving this deliciously brutal pace. He was so deep inside you, you were starting to feel it in your stomach. You mewled feeling so damn good, so surrounded in his warmth and affection. It made you so happy.
He snaked his free hand down between your thighs to run slow meticulous circles bringing you to the edge. You clawed at his muscular thighs as you begged him not to stop feeling like you were going to cum. He smiled into the crook of your neck licking your mating gland and you shivered feeling yourself hurtle over the edge. 
You let out a scream as Hunter’s fingers threw you over the edge. Your orgasm wracked through your body leaving you spent and shaking. He released your hair and wrapped his arm around your middle keeping you to his chest as he continued to thrust, feeling himself start to cum. 
“Fuck.” He bit out. You felt him twitch inside you before his hips stilled and he spilled himself inside you. 
You went limp against his chest hearing the rapid beating of his heart against your cheek. He pressed lazy kisses on all the skin he could reach before leaning forwards and gently guiding you down onto the mattress. He pulled out of you slowly making you groan at the empty feeling. 
You felt his cum drip out of you, as he got up to grab something to clean you up with. When he came back from the bathroom, he had a damp washcloth to clean up your thighs and then himself before he tossed it to the side. Hunter curled up next to you pulling the sheets up to cover the two of you. You rolled over wanting to lay on his chest which he was happy to comply with. 
He tilted your chin up for a kiss before letting you settle against him while he caught his breath. 
You purred feeling satiated and tingly. 
“I have my heat in a few weeks.” You said quietly knowing he could hear your whisper. 
“We’ll need to make sure you get another implant after huh?” He said running his fingers through your hair. 
You nodded, “How will that work, same like last time?” 
“It’s whatever you want mesh’la, if you want all of us we’ll do that, or if you just want one of us we understand that too.” He kissed your forehead. 
“Okay.” You smiled tracing the skeleton tattoo on his ribs with your finger. 
“Who did your tattoo?” You asked. 
“Crosshair.” He looked down at his arm, “He has a steadier hand than the others.” 
“Did you do his?” You smiled poking him in the side. 
“No, he did that on his own.” Hunter grabbed your hand before you could tickle him and pressed it to his mouth with a kiss. 
“Should I get a tattoo?” You asked jokingly. 
“If that’s you want sweetheart.” He pinched your cheek lightly. 
You nuzzled into his side breathing him in. His scent was so warming and calming it made you feel like you were at home. The past two weeks had been interesting. You were sad Crosshair wasn’t with you anymore, but the burning agony wasn’t there anymore at least from what you could tell. It was like he was on a vacation and while you missed his presence, it didn’t seem as devastating as it might actually be. It was strange. 
The only thing you worried about was being found. You didn’t know what the empire wanted with you, and frankly you didn’t want to find out… there was a tinge of anxiety that seemed impossible to dispel. 
Hunter did a really good job of making you feel safe though. If anyone could make you disappear, it would be these boys. 
“I can feel you thinking.” He mumbled with his eyes closed. 
You squeezed him a little tighter, “I’m just thankful for you, thats all.” 
He smiled and leaned down to kiss you again. 
“My sweet little ‘mega.” He whispered, “We should get some sleep mesh’la, I know Echo wants you up and early.” 
“Ugh.” You ran your hands up and down his chiseled abs, “Can’t you just tell him I’m tired and we can stay in bed?” 
“No chance sweetheart, you look too good in those tight pants.” He chuckled. 
You sighed and relented, securing your legs around his before closing your eyes and settling in. You just hoped the rain let up before Echo expected you in that courtyard. 
Well you were wrong. The only word to describe your current state was… soggy. 
You squeezed the water from your hair before twisting it up on top of your head to keep the loose strands out of your eyes. 
“Echo please, I’m begging that we go inside.” You shivered. This was reminding you of Kashyyyk, even though that was significantly not as wet. 
“Nope.” He squared up raising his wrapped fists, “You gotta get used to being uncomfortable.” 
You pouted, “But omegas like comfort and warm things.” You groused. This was so not your element. 
“It’s a changing universe Tiny, gotta make sure you’re ready for anything.” He gave his arms a little shake, flinging droplets, before getting into a fighting stance. 
You mirrored him even though your mind was on sitting by the fire in the apartment warm and dry. You looked to Wrecker and the others who sat under a fabric covering staying dry, “Please Alphas.” You begged with your best pup eyes.
Wrecker and Hunter looked like they were on the verge of folding but Tech crossed his arms, “You heard Echo. Again Pip.” 
Strict as always… you sighed locking into Echo’s movements. Fine…A fight it will be.
You waited for Echo to make the first move. He lunged forwards, giving you a small window to sneak under his arm, and land a punch to his side. 
He hunched over, stunned you had juked him out. When he tried to retaliate you used your small size to out maneuver them. Over the weeks of the training with them, you learned that due to their size they moved slightly slower than you could. They were strong, but your small size allowed to quicker jabs. 
When he was spinning around to pursue you, you used your foot to kick up one of the sparing sticks into your hand swinging the metal pipe at him. He dodged it before grabbing his own. 
“Good. Use what’s around you.” Hunter coached from the side. 
Echo brought down the pipe but you blocked it in time. The rain was making the concrete slippery so you decided to duck down and swing the pipe low catching Echo’s boot. You knocked the ARC trooper down onto his back and pointed the weapon at him. He surrendered giving you the victory. 
“I’m going inside now.” You poked him with the stick before tossing it to the side. When you were just about to enter the back of the bar, Echo grabbed you from behind hauling you up into the air. 
“Echo!” You screamed trying to wriggle out of his grasp. 
“C’mon Tiny.” He growled holding steady despite your squirming. 
With a growl, you brought your feet up in the air before thrusting them down changing the weight distribution and rolled the two of you into the nearby crates. You were able to get away from him but he grabbed your boot and tugged you back forcing you to slide across the ground through the dirty puddles. 
You kicked at him freeing up your boot before rolling back to your feet. 
“That was a dirty trick.” You looked down at all the muck on your shirt. 
“Gotta make sure you’re ready.” He laughed wiping mud from his cheek. 
“How’s she doing?” The trandoshan stepped outside observing from the doorway. 
“She’s improving significantly.” Tech kept his eyes on you scrutinizing your every move. 
“Good, because I’m going to need her to cover some shifts later.” Cid waved her claws in the air before going back inside to avoid the rain. 
You groaned but put your fists back up prepared for Echo’s next attack. This was going to be a long day.
“Are you alright dear?” Tech watched you limp into the bedroom looking exhausted. You nodded before turning into the bathroom to turn on the shower. You smelled like alcohol and bar snacks. You just wanted to feel the hot water and scrub until you smelled like soap. You heard Tech outside the bathroom walking around, and you started to strip down before stepping into the steaming shower to wash the day off. 
You did everything you wanted to, scrubbed, washed, exfoliated. You felt glorious getting out. Even the soreness in your muscles from training were feeling better. You grabbed your favorite body oils and began getting to work moisturizing yourself. It was such a relief. 
When you stepped out you found Tech in his boxers reading something on his data pad. You tightened your robe and made your way over to him suddenly feeling a little warm looking at all of this taut defined muscles. He was so tall, just like Crosshair. They almost seemed like twins at times. You just wanted to sink your teeth into him he looked so good.
“Alpha?” You asked softly getting his attention. 
He looked up from his screen noticing your loosening robe. 
“Can you massage my back for me? Echo really did me in.” You said lowering the shoulder of the robe showing him your bare skin. You were dying for Tech’s skilled hands. You watched him fix too many things on the marauder not to think about them all the time. Often when you were alone, you would think about how good they’d feel on you… or in you. 
“Take off your robe and lay down cyare.” He watched you untie the robe and drop it to the ground revealing your glistening oiled body. He swallowed thickly feeling himself start to harden at the site of you. You crawled up onto the bed laying down face first into the plush. 
He got up to grab the lotion off the nightstand before squeezing some into his hands. He warmed it between his fingers before pressing them gently into your back before spreading it around making sure to get every spot… then he went to work. His fingers massaged every muscle and tendon making you absolutely turn to putty. 
You were moaning and groaning when he worked down your legs making sure to thoroughly give you an entire body rub down. It felt so damn good. His skilled hands were one of your favorite things in the entire universe. 
“Alpha… you’re so good at that.” You whined as he worked a particularly tight muscle in your shoulder. 
“We might be working you too much.” He sighed feeling how tight your entire body is under his dexterous fingers. 
“Echo was particularly rough today.” You sighed. 
He chuckled, “Sometimes, I think we forget you’re not engineered like we are.” 
You huffed, “You’re telling me.” 
He continued to rub further down to your lower back where some new muscles were forming and you whined as his thumbs pushed and pulled the aching tendons. 
“Cyare…” He leaned down so his lips were right by your ear, “I want to try something new tonight if you’re open.” 
That peaked your interest. 
You cracked open an eye to look up at him, “What did you have in mind?” 
“Well with all these new credits I decided to head out to that sex shop on fifth street, I picked up a few things I think you might find interesting.” 
You sat up on your elbows feeling your insides start to flutter with anticipation, “What things?” You bit your lip.  
He pushed his glasses up and got up off the bed before reaching into his pack. He pulled out a red bag and walked back over to the bed. 
“Go on.” He held the shopping bag out for you to investigate. 
You stuck your hand inside feeling something soft. When you pulled it out you realized you were holding a roll of red satin ropes. You gasped and looked up at Tech. He nodded towards the bag, “There’s one more thing.” 
You reached inside again grabbing something smooth. When you pulled it out you were confused at first, until Tech turned it on and it started to vibrate. It was a black and gold vibrator. 
“Are you open to trying these cyare?” He looked at you and lightly skimmed your chin with his fingers, “You can also say no. I won’t take it personally.” He always gave you an out. You, Crosshair, and Tech had agreed to use the color system a while back, and Tech definitely stuck to it. 
You chewed your lip and looked back up at him, “Green.” You answered. 
He smiled before switching into dom alpha mode. 
“On your knees.” He commanded and you shivered sitting back on your heels. 
“Use your colors.”  He reminded while grabbing the crimson ropes. You nodded and watched him double up the soft strands before bringing the center loop to your neck as he began to expertly tie the knots. 
You watched him as he skillfully bound your arms behind your back careful not to touch your skin much, the angle was a little uncomfortable at first, but the more he tied the more secure you started to feel and the pain ebbed away and the heat start to enter your blood. 
He then tied a couple more well placed knots squeezing your tits together making you squirm wanting more. 
“Tech.” You sighed starting to feel restless wanting him to touch you. 
“Color cyare.” He looked at you with lust blown eyes. He was very satisfied with his work. 
“Green.” You said locking into the tent in his trousers. 
“Can I record you mesh’la?” He ran his finger tips over the ropes still not touching you. 
You nodded, “Yes Alpha.”
“Such a good girl.” He touched the side of his goggles and you noticed the little flashing red light turn on letting you know the camera was recording. 
He knelt over you gently taking you into his arms before laying you down on your back. You whimpered at just the slightest touch of his warm hands. You desperately wanted more, but you knew you were going to have to work for it. 
You were forced to lay slightly on your side to keep the weight off your hands, but it seemed to give Tech the desired effect. He was staring at you like a starving man. Your cunt clenched around nothing and you were sure he caught that on camera. It made you blush.
“Let me look at you.” He placed both hands on your knees rolling you onto your back totally at his mercy. 
He spread your legs wide, revealing your dripping cunt. Wet all for him. You were mesmerized by the look in his eyes, that hunger. It was making you even more horny knowing you were doing this to him. It was longer a want, but a need to have his hands back on you.
He ran a selfish hand through your folds collecting some of the wetness but avoiding the place you wanted him the most. He was testing you, to see if you’d complain and get bratty with him. 
You usually did under Crosshair’s influence, but you were too desperate for him to touch you to even go there. You just wanted to be a good girl for Tech tonight and submit to him without a fight.
You stared up at him with glossy eyes as he scanned every part of your tied body. He took special time showing off his handy work behind your back. He even rolled you over to record the details and get a good shot of your round ass. 
“So beautiful Mesh’la.” He massaged the cheek that still held Hunter’s hand print from the night before. He seemed to take a bit of an interest in it, massaging it himself. You were breathing heavy now, hoping he’d take mercy on you and make you cum. 
“Thank you alpha.” You groaned feeling his fingers trail dangerously close to the apex of your thighs. 
“Look at you, not even bratting tonight.” You could hear the smirk in his voice, “Is this all it takes for you to behave?” He tugged at the rope around your wrist with a slender finger. 
You whined in response. 
Usually he’d demand you use your words but he was getting impatient even for himself. Between the massage earlier and now this. You allowing him to fulfill one of his favorite fantasies had him desperate to feel you cumming around him. As Crosshair would say, it’s one for “the spank bank.”
He ripped off his shirt throwing it to the side while pushing down his trousers leaving him bare. You strained to look at him, but the restraints forbade your movements. He chuckled and flipped you back over spreading you once again. 
“Now, darling, you’re going to cum for me as many times as I want before I fuck you full, do you understand cyare?” He picked up the vibrator holding it up for you and the camera to see. 
You nodded, “Yes, alpha.” 
“Good. Let’s begin.” He switched on the toy and slowed it down to your clit making you hum. 
Immediately you were squirming around trying to push back against the ropes but obviously that wasn’t going to work. It was tiresome, but the look on Tech’s face made you even wetter. He looked like an animal with that determined squint. 
Tech’s cock twitched watching you writhe around under the little toy. He was so fixated on the way the ropes bit into your skin, he almost missed you cumming on the virbator. 
“One.” He counted keeping the toy on you as you rode out your orgasm. But then that turned into overstimulation and you started to wriggle around again trying to escape the vibrations. It was starting to feel like too much and you clenched down on nothing to your dismay. You desperately wanted to be filled.
“Ahh!” You whimpered feeling yourself quickly be thrown into another orgasm. You couldn’t believe it. You moaned as the pleasure washed over you, tingling all of your nerves. You had to remember to breathe letting your body try to relax a little.
“Two. Good omega.” He encouraged keeping the toy to your cunt, “Think I can make you squirt with just this?” He rubbed the toy around eliciting more cries. You flinched when he’d trace over a certain spot making you cry out for him. 
“Doing so good cyare, I want one more. Can you do that for me omega?” He looked down at you with a stern look. You looked up at him with bleary glossy eyes trying to squirm away from the toy. 
“Y-yes.. sir. Yessir.” You threw your head back unsure if you’d be able to take another orgasm again so soon. You were desperate for a break, but you wanted to please your alpha and decided you’d do whatever he wanted. 
You greedily watched him fist himself and the drops of precum dripping from his flushed tip. The way his cock flushed as he stoked himself made you salivate. You ground your hips down onto the toy lost in your thoughts about licking him up. 
He watched you succumb to the lust as you chased your high with determination. He was purring knowing you were trying to please him, it made him very, very happy. 
“Almost there omega.” He was watching your movements stutter before you tried arching back as you came hard. 
Tech smiled proudly and withdrew the toy letting you release a massive sigh. You twitched as the aftershocks rolled through you and you squeezed your thighs together trying to calm yourself. 
“My perfect girl.” He praised leaning down, “I just have to have a taste cyare.” He gave you a few licks making you cry out before sloppily making out with your cunt. 
You moaned enjoying the warmth and softness of his wet mouth it was a soothing contrast to the vibrating toy. It was so delicious you ground down into him as best as you could from your angle. Just as quickly as he started, he pulled away to kneel over you. You watched him spit on his own cock rubbing the wetness around before sliding down to tease your entrance. 
“Alpha!” You whined feeling the warmth radiating into you. 
“Shh, omega.” He cooed before surging forwards watching himself disappear into you inch by inch. You cried out with joy finally feeling the glorious stretch you craved so much. 
“Fuck!” You yelped as he started to thrust making you purr in delight. 
Tech focused in on getting a rhythm going watching how you bounced up and down the mattress and the way your bound tits jiggled between the knots. It was going to make him cum. He had to close his eyes and focus on not coming so fast despite how absolutely utterly perfect you looked tied up like this. It was glorious. You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid eyes on.
“Fuck baby.” He pulled out suddenly deciding he couldn’t take it anymore. You whined feeling empty but he just picked you up setting you down on the floor next to the bed kneeling you on a discarded pillow before pressing his soaked cock to your lips. 
You smiled and greedily took him into your mouth letting him grab the sides of your face before he started fucking your throat. 
You felt the subspace creeping up on you as you settled into his pace being mindful to breathe while you relaxed your jaw and throat muscles. The grunts and whines Tech were letting out fed the needy omega in you. Alpha was happy. You were making alpha happy. 
It made your entire body flutter. 
The next thing you knew, Tech was pulling out and splattering his cum on your cheek and across the bridge of your nose while the two of you breathed heavily. 
He looked down at you in slight shock before coming to his senses and shutting off the camera to kneel down in front of you. 
“I’m so sorry cyare.” He grabbed his discarded shirt and wiped your face, “I shouldn’t have done that.” His eyes were filled with concern. 
“Hmm?” You looked up at him with bleary eyes as he cleaned you, “It’s alright alpha.” You smiled softly trying to ease him. 
He rubbed your jaw affectionately studying you. When he realized you were heavy into subspace, he sighed and picked you up placing you onto the bed knowing talking won’t help much.
“You did so good for me omega.” He praised while untying the knots carefully. He took extra care rubbing the areas with indent marks with his thumb soothingly. You preened under his ministrations feeling yourself start to free up from the confines of the rope. 
You stretched before clinging to Tech. He removed the last of the rope before using his soiled t-shirt to clean between your legs and settle you into the covers. You kept mindlessly reaching for him, whining when he had to clean up the space a bit, removing any objects from the bed. 
Tech curled around you surrounding you in warmth, “I’m so proud of you, cyare. You did so fucking good.” He pressed a kiss to your hair. You rolled over and looked at him before pressing into his mouth for a real kiss. 
He melted into you instantly and you smiled. He kept kissing you like he couldn’t get enough of it. 
“Thank you alpha.” You whispered snuggling into his chest. 
“Now, get some rest cyare. You’ve earned it.” He petted your hair soothing you into much needed sleep. 
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Uhh yeah... so that just happened bahaha...
Anyways - I wonder what Crosshair is doing right about now...
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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kasdan · 8 months
birthday hcs 🎂
it may or may not be my birthday today so i decided to write some headcanons on how the characters would celebrate with you<3 (saying i'm 20 now is wack)
pairings: loki x gn!reader, frank castle x gn!reader, carol danvers x gn!reader
warnings: fluffffff, very slight itty bitty suggestive themes if you squint and tilt your head, not proofread
marvel masterlist
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doesn't really see birthdays as being that special considering how old he is and how many he's had, but will make an effort for yours since learning traditions are different on midgard 
struggles with being forced to share you on the day where he just wants to lock you in your bedroom all day and have you to himself
plans a party for you anyway, wanting you to feel special on your day
will plan an extravagant outfit for you and leave it on your bed for you to put on before the party
the outfit is green obviously because he wouldn't want you in any other color
he's only a tad bit possessive it's fine
you two walk into the party arm in arm looking like a perfect couple 
finds himself smiling slightly when he sees you having a good time
doesn't leave your side for the whole night and periodically checks up on you to make sure you're enjoying yourself
gets you the most gifts out of everyone, and makes a slight competition on him getting you the most, and best, of the gifts you receive at the party
you figure out what he's doing early on and you just smile up at him kissing his cheek in content, causing him to hold you closer to him as you open the rest of the gifts
ends up not completely minding that he's sharing you with this many people at the end when he sees how happy you are, and just wants to see you happy
but he does get excited when you ask to leave the party finally, done with all the partying for the night
wraps himself around you and doesn't let go until late into the next morning
𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆
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would prefer to just spend the day in with you rather than do anything extravagant
however, if you want to go out for it, he wouldn't stop you and would just want to support you in the best way he could
cooks all meals for you the entire day, including any snacks you might want, and will go out to get any missing ingredients that he needs
he knows if you're holding back on anything that you want that day and will force the truth out of you of what you want
will gladly just lay in bed all day with you if that's what you want
barely lets you get up to use the bathroom
all in all just wants to pamper you the entire day
will become your bitch for the day and will do whatever you want without asking twice
you want ice cream? he'll be out the door before you get all the words out and back 10 minutes later with 5 different pints for you to choose from
your feet hurt? he's picking you up and having you ride around the apartment on his back the entire day
no matter how much you try to get off and insist that you can get to the kitchen on your own feet, he's ignoring you and placing you on the counter before asking what you wanted from the kitchen so he could get it for you
just wants you to have the best day possible because he loves you<3
𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔
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gets up early in order to make you breakfast and will carry it into the room when you wake up so you can eat it in bed
plans out the whole day for you so you can have the best time 
puts together a surprise party for you with the help of your friends and kamala because once she knows there's a surprise party in place she has to help
takes you out to lunch and then tells you that she planned a dinner for tonight so you should both look for a new outfit for you to wear, even though you're really just picking out an outfit to wear at the surprise party
you both end up getting off track and trying on random outfits that don't go together in the slightest and making your own fashion show
eventually you get an outfit and move to the register to pay after being threatened to get kicked out of the store if you don't pay for something
doesn't even give you a chance to get your card out to pay, she's already handing over her card to the cashier glancing your way with a grin before you could even move to reach for yours
struggles to come up with more things to do while the party is still being set up, so she insists on a walk in the park to give more time for everyone to set everything up
finally gets the text that everything's ready and pushes you into the park bathroom to get dressed
makes an excuse that she forgot something at home so you have to go back first before heading to dinner
convinces you to go in with her even though you're sure the thing she's getting shouldn't take more than a couple minutes to get
you understand why she wanted you to go with her when you walk in the doorway and suddenly the lights turn on and there are a bunch of people in the room screaming surprise
brings in the cake that she made earlier in the week with the help from monica because she was failing miserably 
overall, she's just happy that she was able to give you a day that you can be happy about
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buy me a coffee ♡
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emeraldspiral · 1 year
It's honestly crazy how people have so many misconceptions about the behind the scenes drama with Invader Zim that's mostly just fabricated based on what we expect because of what we hear happens with other shows.
Like, the network censors did have some weird bones to pick with certain things the Zim crew wanted to do, but I think it should be obvious given the stuff that made it to air that they were actually quite lenient about what was allowed. I think somewhere there's even a quote from Jhonen saying he didn't actually have a lot of fights with them and that the only thing that would've changed if Zim were on something like Adult Swim where he could go totally hogwild is that people would just randomly explode sometimes. Like, Nick were the ones who asked Jhonen to make a show for them after reading his extremely violent and mature comic books. They knew what they were getting into and they knew what they were signing off on when they let episodes like Dark Harvest go to air.
Contrary to popular belief, Nick never "hated" Zim. It wasn't cancelled for being "dark" or getting complaints from Karens or inspiring serial killers or having low ratings, and they certainly didn't try to sabotage it on purpose with their wack-ass scheduling (how would that have benefited them?). Dark Harvest was in like, the third episode and they were mid-production on season 2 when the show was cancelled. It was Nick's most expensive show at the time and while it was getting good ratings it wasn't as profitable as they wanted it to be. So when Viacom's stock tanked and they needed to cut expenses they gave Jhonen a few different options to reduce the budget, and when they couldn't come to an agreement the show was cancelled. When deciding what episodes to finish Jhonen suggested changing the ending of 10 Minutes to Doom to have Zim die in order to give the show finality, but Nick wanted to leave the door open for the show to come back. Ultimately, it was decided that the Xmas episode should be the finale because it would make the most money.
Nick actually loved the show. They got exactly what they asked for and it did well despite the issues they had with scheduling it and their own ineptitude at marketing and merchandising it. When they ran a Zim marathon on Nicktoons Network in the late 2000s the ratings were something like the highest ever or second only to Avatar, and they did reopen negotiations with Jhonen to revive the show again. But they still couldn't agree on a budget so nothing came to fruition. Eventually though, we finally got the comics and ETF and I believe Jhonen said that there was supposed to be a revival series or some other continuation following ETF, but negotiations on that fell through because just when they were about to come to an agreement there was a change in leadership at Nick that caused negotiations to be scrapped.
It wasn't Jhonen and the network who had "creative differences". From what I understand, the only drama with "creative differences" on the show were with director Steve Ressel (and this was waaaaay before he got outed as a groomer in 2020). Apparently, there was enough bad blood between him and Jhonen and the rest of the crew that he said he wouldn't return to Zim if it ever got revived (and in fact he did not for ETF). I think it's actually quite telling that Steve recorded commentary tracks for the show by himself that didn't even make it onto the DVDs while Jhonen and all the writers and actors who were on the commentary tracks that actually got officially released sounded like they all got along really well and enjoyed working together. I think there was also even a conscious effort to avoid talking about Steve in the official commentaries.
Also, there's a whole blog post by Rikki Simons titled "Character Assassination Long Since Past Due" where he reams Steve Ressel for not only being a dick at work but for talking shit on his own platform and being the source of a lot of the misconceptions about Jhonen's attitude toward the show that persist to this day.
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bithablu · 15 days
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Spooky Meowlder would like to alert you to the fact that there are book spoilers below the cut.
*Chapter Three*
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Lucy's 15 years old. She's been doing this since she was 8. So while she sounds like a grizzled veteran (because she IS one), it's jarring to read. I know she's been doing this job of dancing on death's door for almost half her life but her tone just oozes of false confidence and PTSD. She's done it before so she'll do it again but she just needs a minute to rip the will to live from her throat.
Meanwhile, Lockwood is lollygagging/studying the crime scene and being a passive menace instead of an active one for once. Ok. That's not fair. He did find a death glow that very few others would have detected. It would have been a cool reveal if Annabelle hadn't already appeared. As much as he irritates Lucy sometimes, Lockwood is actually a good agent and an amazing boss. For the most part. Skipping The Hollow Boy drama. For now.
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See here's more of that grizzled veteran attitude. This is the type of thinking snipers are taught. Patience in the face of danger. Study your opponent. Be calm even though the ghost can kill you with a touch. Oh! And ghosts can psychologically manipulate you through ghost lock and malaise. You're fine. Just wack it with the pointy stick and hide behind iron like you're trying to avoid anemia. It'll be fine.
I'll be ranting about The Problem and the correlation to late stage capitalism towards the end of the book (climate change has better examples in book 4), but is worth noting how those that are in power are so willing to exploit the younger generation in order to maintain an untenable status quo.
Some old lady wants to sell her house? Sure! That'll be fine! Just hire some children to battle a malevolent murderous ghost and hope they don't cost too much property damage so you can still get a good price.
Bitch! Burn that shit down and rake up any source that didn't get torched enough! Burn the lot twice before you risk the lives of kids!
But nOooOooO. In the olden days, a widow could sell her house and make enough money to retire quietly to Bath. So instead of changing the culture to protect everyone, they've decided that it's worth sacrificing the lives and sanity of the youth to keep from deploying a salt the earth approach to the dead.
She doesn't get mentioned until the next chapter and I already want to kick Marissa Fittes in the face.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
On Ser Criston Cole
Listen, I will be the first to acknowledge that Criston gives off massive incel energy, and also has some of the most wack anger issues out of anyone in the show (aside from maybe Daemon, which is basically a given). However, I do think he’s a much more complex character than a lot of viewers seem to realize, and large part of it traces back to sexist double standards.
First, we need to understand the sheer scale of the power difference between him and Rhaenyra, in order to understand how he approached their relationship. I think that because Rhaenyra is pretty, and young, and a woman, and of course a very lovable character, we don’t see her as very threatening. But she is lightyears above Criston in just about every possible way.
Criston Cole is the only PoC main character in the show. Fabien Frankel is of Iraqi descent, and it’s a deliberate casting choice, as Criston is Dornish. Dorne, for those of you who don’t know, was the territory in Westeros that gave Aegon the Conqueror the most trouble and fought the hardest against his rule. As of HotD, it’s the only part of Westeros that remains independent from the Targaryen dynasty, and there is undoubtedly a ton of racist, negative sentiments towards Dornishmen. And, in the main GoT series, we are explicitly made to understand that a lot of racism towards Dornishmen manifests in the form of heavy fetishization and hypersexualization--I'll come back to this later.
Think of all the jokes about Dorne and Dornishmen that have been made on Twitter regarding Vhagar-- they’re objectively hilarious, but are based on canon racism and hostility. He’s also the only lowborn character, which they point out explicitly in the show. And we see characters in the show comment disparagingly on this, both to his face and behind his back (Harwin Strong, as much as I love him, is one of those people). All of the Targaryens that we love dearly have not had to work for their wealth and their power; they were born into it. Criston is quite literally the only person on the show who has had to fight, and bleed, and sweat, and work for every scrap of respect and power that he has. He had to work twice as hard to earn half as much as everyone else.
Rhaenyra, on the other hand, is the heir to the Iron Throne. At the time that she and Criston sleep together, she is as highborn as it gets, and will wield the highest political power in Westeros in a matter of years. She is as wealthy as it gets. She is from the bloodline at the top of the racial hierarchy that has historically subjugated Dornishmen. By every possible marker except gender, she is the privileged, and Criston the underprivileged.
I don’t necessarily see what happened between him and Rhaenyra as rape, but there is absolutely something squidgy there. The combination of the power dynamic and the way she had to convince him into it is a little uncomfortable. We can’t see into his head, and we can’t know what consequences he fears he might face if he refuses her. She could so easily lie that he tried to come on to her, and literally have him killed. That’s the power she holds. You can understand why he might be afraid to upset her.
Imagine if the genders were reversed; if it was a powerful prince and future king pressuring a lowborn, non-white, female guard into a sexual relationship. One consequence of the patriarchy is a dismissal of male victims of sexual assault, and I think this is a big factor into why viewers weren’t largely creeped out by the scene. We are taught to view men as always down for sex, to the point of acting as if it's impossible for them to be coerced or forced into it. And again, the perception of all Dornishmen as these hypersexual beings would only exacerbate this unwillingness to view this scene as coercion.
Essentially, Criston has everything to lose in this encounter. If he says no, she could decide to lie and have him executed, and he would be powerless to stop her. Even if he says yes, she could tell people what happened, and he would also be helpless in the face of his own execution. And he puts his life at risk, to be intimate with her, clearly because he has strong feelings for her, and assumes that she does, too.
But Rhaenyra does not understand the power difference, and she does not understand the significance of Criston sleeping with her. I don’t think she intended to be the Targaryen equivalent of a fuckboy, but it’s undeniable that she uses him, here. She’s bored and upset that Daemon abandoned her, so she goes for the quick stress relief. But it’s because of her privilege and ignorance of the difference between their stations that she doesn’t take even a moment to think of how this impacts him so much more than it impacts her.
So Criston’s reaction on the boat, I think, is a desperate attempt to convince himself that he didn’t jeapordize his entire career and his life for a quick fuck. He’s devastated at the thought that it was virtually meaningless to her, that she does not want the same things he does and never has. It’s incredibly clear in that scene that Criston would NOT have slept with Rhaenyra if he’d known it wasn’t significant to her.
I also think this lends more depth to his (still absolutely batshit) reaction to Joffrey at Rhaenyra and Laenor’s wedding. He clearly has so many feelings towards what happened between him and Rhaenyra: hurt, anger, dread, but overwhelmingly, terror. The threat of Rhaenyra telling everyone about what they did has never once left him; he has lived in the years since with the knowledge that if she ever wanted to have him killed, she would simply have to open her mouth. And here comes this nobleman, a white man born to the kind of power and influence that Criston will never see in his life. And he tells him, as if it’s a joke, that he knows his biggest and most dangerous secret. The one that could have him killed in a heartbeat. I can understand why Criston took that as a threat, even if we as viewers can understand Joffrey meant it more in solidarity.
TLDR: Please remember that all of our faves are very white and very rich and very powerful, and Ser Criston Cole is very much not, and those power dynamics will be present in every interaction his character ever has.
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writing-bakugo · 2 years
Attack on Titan Guys and Their Lovers
I've been working on some AOT fics and decided I'd post my ideas for their ideal lover to keep me motivated to work on their fics....
warnings: fluff, angst, language
contains: Eren, Armin, Jean, Connie, Levi
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Mikasa. Sorry, don't make the rules...but...It would be a soldier like Christa (before she was Historia). They met as cadets and Eren admired her selflessness. It pisssed him off that someone so kind and gentle determined that to help as many people as possible, she should join the Scouts. She truly believed her death would aid in humanities battle.
It shocked Eren at how quickly she jumped in the face of a titan to save another soldier. And, when Eren turned out to be a titan shifter, she didn't treat him any differently.
"Eren, I don't care about killing anyone. I just want to see the sunrise every morning beyond the island."
"Then I'll make sure you can."
Ya'll be sleeping on this man's potential partner. This is one of my favs...
Commander Erwin had a daughter in her last year of training in the Cadet Corp when her father died. She learned that Armin was saved over Erwin, and decided, "yo, I should know the man that was worth more than my dad because that's wack."
She's very brutish with her words like Erwin, but it's what Armin needs to hear. Whenever he freaks out about not being the right choice and is insecure because he doesn't know what to do, she's right there to reassure him that even she would've chosen him over her father.
"I don't know what to do! I just...It should be Erwin standing here."
"Don't waste my dad's breath. Stand up and think, Armin."
I once hated this man and now I'm his hype woman so...here goes
Jean needs someone not tainted by war. Sure, he probably saved them when they were being chased by titans. He was their hero. But he saw that fear and that determination in their eyes and he didn't know what possessed him when he made them promise to never join the military.
Sasha and Connie walk up on him one day while he's sketching and they ask who he's drawing. He just grumbles that it's his imagination and slams the notebook closed. That's when he realized he had a little crush. That's also when he decides to hunt them down and he stumbled upon them working as a medic in a makeshift hospital.
"I got a serious injury."
"Huh? Where?"
"My heart."
I will forever and always die on the Connie deserves all the love in the world because have you seen him? Heard him? This is another fav idea:
Connie. Scrawny cadet Connie met her the first day of training. She was strong and sly and always winked at him and when anyone mentioned it, he'd brush it off. But for the life of him, he couldn't figure out why she, smart and witty, would be attracted to him, Class A Idiot. It annoyed him how much time she spent with Reiner and Bertolt, but at the end of the day, she'd always hang out with him.
When Reiner and Bertolt revealed themselves atop the wall and asked Eren to join them, she stood motionless. Pale face. Clenched fists. And when Reiner and Bertolt revealed themselves, they revealed her too. She escaped with them.
During the attack of Liberio four years later, she was in such a bad mental state that Marley officials had already decided a date for her titan to move to another warrior. They had to wait till the Festival was over, but all the plans were upturned when she was taken along with Eren and Zeke in the airship when Sasha died.
"Oh yeah, the idiot will fall in love with anyone?! I'm not that much of an idiot!"
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry? Sorry? Sasha and my family are dead and my mom's a titan and you're sorry? I can't fucking wait till we're back and someone eats you."
This is above and by far my fav... enjoy
There wasn't a soldier alive faster than her. Fitting, since she was on Erwin's squad, with Miche, the strongest soldier. Their mission to take in the rats from the Underground was successful, and she was ordered to teach Levi, Isabel, and Farlan the ropes of ODM gear. Which proved useless because they were too prideful for their own good and the first scouting mission came too soon. When he crossed the gate to the walls, she smiled back at him and he saw the birds and grass and sun reflect off her eyes before he looked down at the vast land for himself.
When they both died, Levi was lost. She was the only one who showed an inch of kindness when she hugged him then and there on the battlefield (of course Miche stopped Levi from attacking everyone first). She told him to hold onto his memories and that's when Erwin stepped in.
When Erwin was promoted to Commander, he promoted Levi to squad leader and she was on Levi's team. He confessed to her, and her alone, that he could not read. After a little laughing, she taught him how and stayed by his side in all meetings and wrote his reports until he had a hang of it.
By the time the titan shifter had joined the Scouts, she was a squad leader in her own right. After Petra and his squad died, he found comfort in her again. Fast forward to the day Erwin died. How else could Erwin convince an entire army to ride to their deaths if not sacrificing himself and another strong pawn? It was between her or Levi, since Hange was focusing on the fight inside. They all knew who needed to live.
She was found hours later aa a pile of broken and ripped bones gasping through a dry mouth. He stared at her face. She wheezed and coughed and her wide eyes wouldn't stop moving back and forth. The golden sun blared into them and Levi collapsed on the ground. He'd failed her on two accounts:
he didn't get the fucking beast titan and he wasted the titan serum on Arlert.
"Is that you, Levi?"
"I can't see a thing."
"She's suffering," Hange said with tears dripping down their face, "if we even attempt moving her..."
"Leave. Everyone. Get out of here."
"I wish...I wish I could see the sunset. It's about that time, right?"
"The first time I saw open sky was in your eyes."
"Did we win?"
Levi punched the ground. He punched it again and again until his hand bled. She coughed. It sounded like a screeching eagle: full of misplaced air and urgency.
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jaxxsoxxn · 6 months
you got more of NSFW Headcanons of Flasharang 👌💋
Oh boy, do I! ;] (hcs from before in chronological order: normal, nsfw, spicy, normal)
Boomer absolutely loves Barry's thighs - bites them the most. Flash has to sometimes just wack his head away because "I have to run tommorow, Digger!" but usually he let's him go at it.
They'd be the worst in a threesome - their jealousy and need to touch would make it horrible for the third person unless they're a voyeur.
Talking about voyeurism - even when none of em have enough patience for just watching, after some "worse" fights, Barry would just tie Boomer to the bed and make him watch get himself ready/finger him without letting him touch. Digger fights him only for a few minutes, before softly begging and being like "doll... Ya know I didn't mean it-" man's thinking he's slick lmao
Flash would absolutely fight til grave that he's not even a little sadistic - but he also definitely enjoys just not letting Boomer do anything, leaving him at his mercy.
One day he decided to just check every tattoo Digger has, maybe while using his mouth. Boomer absolutely curses him and his entire "Speedy goddamn bloodline".
Also, Barry likes to notice every small thing, so Digger can hide his more sensetive areas only for that long. Boomer's sure that he hid them well enough, until his fav Flash stabs him with his fingers slightly under his ribs and makes him choke on his spit.
Digger, who will also fight this violently til death, adores working for getting shit - like, of course you can open him up if you'll beg nicely.
Getting Barry ready is Boomer's fav part of topping him - if he can eat him out before? Even better.
One time he just spits at Barry's hole and gets a concussion right back, after he jolts and kicks him in surprise with superspeed, almost throwing him across the room.
Talking bout rimming, Digger always acts like it's the biggest embarrassment ever when he's on the reviving side - he will fight tooth and nail, just to curl his toes five seconds later like a little bitch.
Flash's a rider and them thighs are definitely working overtime. He's also the one bringing snacks and water after a longer session - Digger might give him few snack bars, but he's usually not as concerned about himself, which he should be.
Boomer's not actually a crier! So when he starts tearing up the first time mid sex, he can't help himself not to stop Barry, so he can "deal with it."
Barry is absolutely down to just stopping fully and helping him with it, but he believes that it's "stupid" and it'll "go away". They have a talk about it later, with lots of softness.
Their relationship stared by sex and Digger fully believed that it'll be just that, because "why would he want him any other way lmao"
They still have an issue with softer sex sometimes, when Barry actually let's himself love Digger, not fuck him. Poor ol' Cap needs few breaks in-between, when he can just take some shaky breaths and relax.
Barry's so carrying that the first few times when he's like "Poor baby, you need a break? We have all the time you need, just breath with me, love." Digger sobs. He also gets 100% more sensetive to everything.
Me 🤝(shaking hands emoji) Making Boomer pathetic
Also it turned slightly angsty at the end, didn't it? Well,,
Also, my Boomerflash lovers n dear anons, sorry for slower response, but I am drawing a shorter comic rn for these two with lyric from "Too Sweet" by Hozier! So expect that, I guess <3
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Here's what I've got of this... version of Midoriya Hisashi. Or at least the beginnings of him. @importantdestinydefendor thank you for enabling me!
This is very scattered and out of order and... yeah. Hope y'all enjoy nonetheless.
Freckles, fluffy dark hair (the exact colour I find it hard to describe, lemme see if I have a sample on hand) that's in a long ponytail, eye colour yet undetermined but they're kinda... they look tired. Glasses. Doesn't speak much normally so can come across as distant or standoffish but loved ones know better. Subtle and gentle physical affection, but by no means rare or sparse. Has a habit of mumbling under his breath while in Speculation Mode™ (Izuku gets it from him) though he tries to suppress it somewhat in front of people he's not very close to. Does something that requires creativity, haven't decided what though. Art? Inventing wack stuff? Very quiet and easy to miss, which he uses to his advantage. Neither hero nor villain, probably not a vigilante either, but for some yet unknown reason is regarded as “someone that can be trusted” by some kids who end up in the uh, more legally dubious side of things. Vigilantes and other denizens of society's underbelly go to him for help (because they don't trust heroes or the police to not arrest them) or exchange favors.
And I like the idea of the Midoriya couple eventually courting Toshinori. A throuple!
Oh and Hisashi took Inko's name. His original surname was probably Akatani, more on that later.
It'd be kinda funny if he kept butting heads with the Commission, though not out in the open. Like he accidentally keeps stumbling onto their shady shit and uh, Deals With It™ in one way or another. Hawks might just develop the Ducky Syndrome and imprint on Hisashi.
Yanno how in Yotsumegami “unwanted children” (children with disabilities, the younger of a twin pair or every sibling except the eldest in triplets or higher, etc) would be killed (it's a real historical practice in Japan, mabiki, they called it) or something like that?
Would be kinda fun if an offshoot of that variety existed in the BnHA world, even if it's not outright child murder kids would be abandoned, especially in the chaos of the Dawn of Quirks. People who were scared of quirked people would abandon their quirked child, quirkist folk abandoned their quirkless children, it's chaos.
It would be more prominent during the initial chaos, though I guess laws and stuff would've been passed later on to prevent it or at least cut down the numbers— and the practice fizzled out but there's still a few remote rural villages who accept “unwanted” children.
One such secret community could be like, giving the surname “Akatani” (red valley, for the red of spider lilies used in mabiki in times past) (note: I don't think we know for sure that killing infants w poisonous spider lily bulbs was a historical thing, other methods are used but probably not this, but this is taken from Yotsumegami where the children are killed in this manner) to the children that were discarded at their metaphorical door. Do they still practice mabiki? Debatable. But it's like a giant secret orphanage with questionable, cult-like mentalities.
Akatani Hisashi was one of those until he miraculously escaped and tried to survive in the outside world.
Based on Kara no Kyoukai's Hollow Shrine agency maybe he works for a really unknown hole-in-the-wall tiny detective agency? Perhaps?
Wears a lot of dark colours.
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imaginewarehouse · 1 year
Professor Wexler x Fem!Non-Student!Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: You come into your friend’s class one day to help her with an assignment and the cute, emotionally stifled professor develops a big fat crush on you real quick- he uses his Big Brain to figure out a way to see you again.
(Psst, he says he was required to offer the assistant job to you- he wasn’t)
Warnings: Age difference, that’s it.
“So you remember what to do, right?” You friend asks as you both sit down in the front row of her regular classroom, and you just give her a nod- preoccupied with scoping the place out. Its HUGE! More like an auditorium than a classroom. You couldn’t imagine learning in a place like this!
To be fair though, you couldn’t imagine learning in a classroom either, at the moment. Instead of going to college like your friends, you decided to get a job and take a couple years to yourself… now you’re a manager at the store you work at and feel kind of stuck. It makes being here, in these hallowed halls among all these brainiacs with binders and books kind of intimidating, but… you’re managing! You have nothing to be ashamed of, just because you chose a different path. You’re doing this for your friend, anyway, and besides- this’ll be fun!
Its occult studies- how cool is that??
“Y/N!” Your friend suddenly exclaims, putting her hand on your arm to get your attention and you jump- head whipping around and gaze landing on her once again rather than the rafters.
“Come on… Are you listening to me?” She asks, half laughing and half freaking out- just her style. She was like this all the way through high school, too. Every time she had a big assignment due, she would get so stressed out! To relax her, you nod and give a reassuring smile.
“I’m just doing what you tell me up there, right? I’m the example for your presentation- Trust me, I can follow instructions perfectly well. It’ll be fine!” You shrug, drumming your fingers against the folder in her lap. “Besides, you’ve been researching this thing for months- if I trip up there, it’s not gonna make much of a difference.”
“Hey, if you trip up there I’m going to pretend you’re a stalker and I don’t know you.”
“Ditto.” You smirk.
“You’ll pretend that you’re a stalker and I don’t know you??”
The two of you dissolve into giggles at that, not noticing how the rest of the room is going quiet until it’s too late. A man comes in from the back of the stage and stops at the edge, closest to the two of you.
When you notice him and his very disapproving look (Reminding you why you didn’t want to continue with school in the first place), you quickly shut up and wack your friend to get her attention, too. She sees him as well and immediately swallows her laughter, lowering her hand. “Sorry sir.”
“Mhm… “
Though some of the other students behind your back still snigger and whisper to eachother, the man turns away from the two of you and introduces himself. You move on quickly, too, poking your friend again and leaning over to whisper in her ear. “That’s your teacher??” You ask, folding one leg over the other and angling towards her. Seeing him gave you a devilish idea, and you just can’t help yourself from messing with your friend a bit. She needs to relax, after all- school is not everything…  
“Uh- yeah. Professor Wexler.” She replies quickly, not taking her eyes away from the front- something like fear in her face. Worry. Feeling a smirk wobble onto your face, you turn your body slightly to her in order to deliver your next line without anyone hearing. This’ll kill her-
“Well… all I can say, is I now see the appeal to class-”
“Oh, you’re right, Professor Sex Appeal is talking.” As you settle back in your seat, your friend finally turns to look at you- half in disgust and half in horror. You mime zipping your lips and throwing out the key, before turning your full attention to the teacher finally. Oh, she’s too easy. Sure, Professor Wexler is nice-looking, but you aren’t really that horny.
You just love messing with her.
“And, now… (Friends Name). Your turn- I hope you’re ready.” Professor Wexler finally reads out your friend’s name from the list on his desk, after 45 minutes of sitting there nervously waiting for her turn. You, timid about getting up there in front of all these smart people your age. Her, dying on the inside from anxiety about failing an assignment despite your regular arm pats of reassurance.
“You are,” You assure her quietly with a nod one last time, as you both stand up and get up on the stage. She leads you to the centre before splitting from you to give Professor Wexler the USB for her PowerPoint and get it set up at his desk; Leaving you to stand there awkwardly centre stage. You consider crossing your arms, but that’s antisocial so you end up standing like a penguin with your arms at your sides. Oh lord…
It’s hot, and you suddenly feel totally inadequate in everything that you’re doing with your life- here are all these people getting degrees and masters and certificates, and you’re managing a Burger King-
Wait. Y/N, shut up. Come on. You’re on your own path, you’re okay. You can do this.  
“Miss (Friends Name), why don’t you introduce your assistant while this boots up?” Wexler’s oddly dulcet tones interrupt your inner freak out, and you look deftly over to them as your friend nods quickly, like oh right, okay. You flash the man a bright smile. Like thank you!
“Well, this is my friend Y/N,” Her voice is clear and confident as she looks out to the audience informationally and you find yourself to be so proud of her. She’s going to be fine. “She’s going to provide some visual aids for us.”
“Hi,” You add, giving an awkward little salute to the crowd. Why did you do that? Oh god, you hope to fuck that was cute-
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Do you go to school here?” Wexler asks, taking over while your friend finishes pulling up her work on computer, having it reflect onto the back wall.
“Oh- no, I don’t.” No need to elaborate, ha ha~ Its nice of him to ask and distract you from the very nerve-wrecking situation but there’s absolutely no need to embarrass yourself further. “Just here to help (Friends name), today. Um- pretty school, though.”
“Isn’t it.” He grins, and it’s really rather a nice grin, and since you’re never going to be in here or see him again you really don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t appreciate it. You also feel suddenly quite glad that you wore this mini skirt and washed your hair today.
“Okay, I’m ready.” Your friend pipes up, and you nod; Attention fully on her again. Let’s go.
After a few minutes of introductions and explanations, your friend finally draws attention to you once more. “Alright Y/N, now I require your assistance- would you come centre stage again, please?” You feel a certain gaze on you a little harder than others, but focus on the audience; Dipping your head a little in hello once again as you step up to where you’re needed. 
“Please sit down on the stool, facing the audience.”
Doing as instructed, you make sure to cross your legs- you’re wearing a skirt, and you’re a lady. As your friend touches your head in certain parts and explains the how to and the reason behind the ancient art of scalping- you can’t help but give a bright, humorous smile. You feel so weird sitting here! The lights are hot and there are lootta bored students out there watching… You know that you aren’t what people are really paying attention to right now, but that doesn’t make it better.
Then she tells you to stand up again, which you do, and requests Wexler to come over. Your eyes widen and you glance at her, not sure what’s going on. You thought you were the only aid? Why is she gesturing for the handsome professor to come closer to you? Why!??
“Most of what we know of the ritual sacrifices in this particular area involved nuptials. Ah- a wedding, in simplistic terms. So,” (Friends name) grins cheekily, turning promptly to you and Wexler. “Be free to get nice and close you two while I explain this next part.” Ohhhh, she’s having a laugh; Making fun of her teacher a little bit while she has the power. You get it, the rest of the class give chuckles and teases as Wexler strolls up next to you.  
While your friend continues her lecture, you turn on your heels awkwardly to face Professor Wexler with a very little, very crooked grin on your face. “Well… this is sudden. We only just met.” You say, quiet enough for him to hear perfectly but you’re not speaking over your friend at all. Just between the two of you.
He nods, giving the tiniest of amused grins. “Very.” You get the feeling he doesn’t smile all that often, and the fact that he’s done so for you make you feel all warm inside.
So, pointing a stern finger at him, you give a half stern-half playful look with one corner of your lips quirking up and try not to laugh when he forces a nervous look on his face; Like he’s getting a talking-to from his real wife. “You better take out the garbage, or we’re getting a divorce.”
“Promise, promise!... I have to say, though, if those are our vows, then I have some serious concerns about our pending marriage.” Yeah, you’re flirting a little. But hey; There’s something about having a man who’s older, and more accomplished play along with your silly little game, that feels really good. And it’s not like you’ll ever see him again- so why not?
“Hey,” You actually giggle then, unable to help it. Because this is such a weird situation; Here you are, on a stage in front of at least 30 people your age pretending to be married to your friends teacher- and again, maybe flirting with him. A bit… “Just do as I say and you’ll do just fine,”
“Uhuh,” He nods, grinning again and shaking his head as he looks back finally to the audience and your friends assignment.  
20 minutes later, the class is over and you’re all free to go. You help your friend to pack up her stuff and go up on stage to search for a few props she’s missing. “Where are you… “You mutter, wandering off into the wings to see if they may have rolled off. “Aha!”
Just as you’re about to go grab it, leaning against the back wall, a male’s voice calling your name startles you. You actually jump, surprised. You thought you were alone!!
Turning around, you’re only slightly relieved to see Professor Wexler there standing just in the wings, too. He’s a little ways a way from you, but still hidden away behind the curtains with you. “Oh hey there again, sir.” Sure, he’s not your teacher, but when are you next going to have the chance to call someone ‘sir’? You have a thing for it. And it’s not hurting anyone! Flashing a warm, polite smile, you reach down and pick up the prop. “I was just catching a runaway prop- sorry if I’m not supposed to be back here!!”
“No, no, that’s fine… I was just, uh… “He seems a bit tongue-tied, so you wait patiently- watching him fold his hands into his pants pockets, the light glinting off the glasses on his nose. “So. You said you didn’t go to school here. Are you… going to school somewhere else, or?.. “
“Oh, no.” You shake your head, holding your hands and the prop behind your back and forcing a polite smile for him, despite feeling uncomfortable about the topic. Telling a teacher you don’t go to school?? Awkward… uncomfortable… a couple hundred other words meaning the same thing… “I- don’t go to school, actually. I’ve um… Well, I’ve been working instead. I know- I should get an education, but-”
“There’s nothing wrong with taking some time, or following your own path… Actually- it’s rather brave. “That brings a big, genuine smile to your face, and it seems to relax him a lot; He smiles one of those miniscule smiles again as you approach him. “Are you considering anything here, at all?”
“Well… this class sure seems like some fun!”
“I’m not sure that ‘fun’ is what I’m trying to get at, here, Miss L/N.” There’s a stern look on his face but a mischievous glint in his pretty eyes. And- ‘Miss L/N’. Good god- “But- I do agree. It is a… fun, subject.”
“It is!” You agree, nodding. “If I could get into a school like this, I’d absolutely be here! I betcha I’d be top of the class.” You wink, teasing.
“Ah- I bet.”
Smile faltering, because you remember that your friend is still waiting for you out in the auditorium and you, unfortunately, can’t just stay here and chat with the cute professor about a slightly brighter future all day- you take a deep breath and straighten up. “… Anyway, I have a shift in an hour and (Friends name) promised to drive me home– it was really nice meeting you though!”
You’re already turning your hips to head off back onto the stage when Wexler speaks up quickly again- halting you. “Um, before you go, Miss L/N, I uh- I have something I thought you might be interested in. Here.”
“Hm?” Stopping and turning back to him, you watch him take a folded-up piece of paper out of his jacket pocket- which he hands to you. Curiously you open it up, read it slowly, and raise your brows in surprise. “A job application?”
“I’m… required, to give this out to people. You know, scout. And I thought you might, perhaps, be interested. Its an assistant job. Uh, for me. You’d be working with me… be my assistant, uh- It’s not very hard, I promise not to overwork you, but… it is work in this subject. I thought you might be interested. I know you’ve already got a job, though, and you probably want to stay there- “
“Oh, no. I don’t.” Is this for real?? Is he serious?? You could work h e r e??? No way!! You would love to do something knew- something in academics! Occult studies! This is so exciting!
Your enthusiasm must show on your face, because Wexler relaxes once again. “… Great. So- then- I hope to see your application come back.”
Flashing a bright grin, and not even really thinking about it (Just that you want to), you step closer to him and give him a quick, one-armed hug. “You will, definitely!” You exclaim, pulling back before he can even move to reciprocate the affection- leaving the older professor with slight wide eyes and a bashful grin on his face. “I’m very interested!”
He opens his mouth to say something else, but your friend calls after you then.
“… Y/N?? Did you get lost back there?? I think we should get going soon, if you wanna get to your shift on time!”
“Oh- right, yeah. I’ll be right there!!” You call back, before turning back one final time to Professor Wexler. “Thank you, for this.”
“Its my pleasure. And- you can just send the application back with Miss (Your Friends Name).”
“Hmmm, nah.” With a little grin, backing up towards the stage, you fold up the application and waive it to him. “I don’t think so, I’ll bring it to you in person. So, see you tomorrow? You got office hours?”
That grin he gives is quickly becoming addictive to you. “… I’ll see you tomorrow.” You can’t wait.
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ninjago-x-lmk · 2 years
Theories I had that are headcanons/slightly canon to this AU
I'm just gonna put out on a whim here and say, if you ever reblogged a post that has the same theory as mine and it has the display name 'lilacartsmadison' that disappeared all of a sudden, then most likely that was mine, but I had accidently deleted my acc so now you can't see it...
also, for story purposes, this theory will play into the AU.
So I've seen a lot of people try to 'rewrite' Ninjago, and I definitely I understand and actually am interested in what people rewrite it as, buuut...for me, I wanna sorta 'rewrite' an inconsistency in my AU.
specifically, a headcanon I had that inspired a theory.
SO, I know that Ninjago's magic system is all wacked up and that Lloyd's connection to the elements doesn't make sense...and that's because they had to...'go with the flow' and improvise it. But I decided to fix the inconsistency and turn it canon here in this AU
so I propose these theories
1.) None of the Ninjas stood a chance with becoming the Green Ninja and it was not because of 'Destiny'
Lloyd was going to be the Green Ninja from the moment of Birth. Whatever Finnwick said in Cloud Kingdom was a lie. The Green Ninja was always going to be Lloyd.
The thing I asked myself is, what makes the Green Ninja the Chosen One? The prophecy stated that he would be the one to defeat the Overlord...But with what? And that got me thinking, that being the 'Green Ninja' meant that the Chosen One should retain the elements of creation once more, time and time again, both Oni and Dragon powers (specifically the Four Elements or at least one of them) seam to weaken the Overlord, and not just any 'Oni Power' like Garmadon's seems to be pure Oni, but specifically, the one who wields both sides of the powers, the one who wields both Oni and Dragon.
The Overlord gets weakened, by Lloyd's power the first time he is defeated, only appearing as a computer virus, all because Cyrus Borg built it in the place he died. He was shun out as a virus when the Ninja used Lloyd's power after hearing him while being stuck in the Digiverse. Zane legit apparently absorbed the power of the Golden Armor so any mere mortal could touch it. (So that would mean pre-MOTO, Lloyd, Garmadon and WU could potentially touch it?) who's to say that Zane couldn't defeat him that way all because he absorbed the powers of Creation? and in Ninjago Crystallized, again the four elements or the Dragon element defeated the Overlord, but the Oni Power did great damage to him compared to Garmadon's power.
So the key should possibly be 'One who posses the power of the First Spinjitsu Master.' and since the Elements in this world, seem to be either HEREDITARY or UP TO DESTINY and with Lloyd being FSM's grandson, it seems very likely Lloyd's powers were hereditary.
2.) All the powers of the Ninja were given to Lloyd.
The reason that the other Ninjas didn't get their powers through hereditary means, is because the powers had to return to Lloyd or at the very least be given back so that Lloyd could get the full powers of Creation. Which is why the Ninja couldn’t inherit their elemental powers. Lloyd needed the four elements in order to gain his true potential, thus, skipping the ‘original bearers’ to the true bearer. This could also be the reason that Wu had the Green Ninja Prophecy in his satchel in the first place. Wu saw that the Ninja somehow didn’t inherit their powers, and took it as a sign that The Green Ninja was coming. Which also explains another thing.
I feel like that the Golden Weapons are also related to the original elements in a sense. It is already confirmed that you can heal it from corruption if you use your respective elements and channel it. But what if the one who wields all 4 elements is the reason the Golden Weapons reacted in the first place? If Lloyd inherited all four elements, which hasn’t been done before, then it would explain how the Golden Weapons would react if the Green Ninja was near its proximity. Probably how Misako found out. How does this confirm though? Well in earlier seasons, The Four Ninja don’t have their elemental powers yet, and the first time we see the Golden Weapons react to Lloyd in the form of the Armor it glows. Granted this is just speculation and Garmadon was there with him, but what’s a theory without good speculation?
Anyways, story-wise it could try and fix the inconsistency and why the Ninja needed Lloyd to get their powers back. Lloyd as the Green Ninja inherited the powers of the Four Elements in order to become the Chosen One and defeat the Overlord.
The elements were hereditary but, with Lloyd’s birth it basically had a choice. Hereditary by the means of the bearers of the Elemental Powers or Hereditary means by the FSM.
There was no choice at the matter, honestly, I believe if Lloyd had a sibling or biological cousin, there would definitely be a choice made by the Cloud Kingdom, but since he was the only grandson to the FSM via hereditary means, he’s the only heir with Oni and Dragon powers.
3.) The reason why Gramadon nor Wu somehow can’t tap into each other’s powers.
Something that’s also bothering me that could rip a hole into the ‘Lloyd was never chosen, it was always gonna be him either way’ theory into shreds and that’s Garmadon and Wu, if Lloyd was supposed to gain both Creation and Destruction powers why him? Why not the sons themselves? My first speculation is biased…and it seems to be the case…
After all, Garmadon’s full Oni form has Dragon Wings.
But why doesn’t Wu have it? Like he could just do it?
I feel like, because Lloyd since he can control both, (There’s a theory from a tumblr user that Lloyd can control both if he’s using the Green Powers. Honestly it makes sense since, ‘The Energy powers’ have to be created then they are created to destroy) using Green Powers, without any personal bias (He just refuses the Oni form) which is why he is the Green Ninja
He has balance, he is trained to KEEP the balance, whereas Garmadon and Wu are personally biased. Wu not only using his powers less, but only using creation, and Garmadon Destruction. United, they were powerful and they were keeping balance and peace. But when they separated, the balance begun to shake off-course. With Lloyd he kept the balance in check, he did things that Wu and Garmadon could not. Balancing himself as a person and holding the responsibility as a Ninja. Thus making him the Green Ninja.
Though that doesn’t exclude the existence of ‘Destiny’ here ‘destiny’ still plays a role, making sure Lloyd becomes the Green Ninja instead of Choosing him. They had to make sure he was born, had to make sure that he was the Green Ninja. Wu and Garmadon had to be biased. The FSM had to die and Quanish had to predict the future for the Green Ninja. Perhaps…perhaps destiny did indeed choose Lloyd, but not in the way that it made it sound, Perhaps his destiny as the Green Ninja was paved and built upon, forged for his fate. But in any way…Lloyd will always be the Green Ninja, due to hereditary means and fate.
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meeblo · 1 year
TBWF Reread Ch0
Here it is, the start of my reread of the The Boy Who Fell, with analysis and an accompanying drawing or sketch each chapter. I'm doing this as a combination of a few things I want to do, namely reread TBWF and get better at art.
Not sure how I want to order this in the future, for now I'll do art first and then analysis.
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Chapter 0 is fairly short so I don't have much to say. The striking solid red cover does a great job establishing the tone and prevents readers from getting the wrong impression from the majority of chapter 0 before Ren is pulled off the roof. Even while the basic school plot is happening, the reader wonders what that chapter cover was about and what the deal is with the ominous past tense narration.
It's interesting seeing Yuu's characterization here. You don't learn a ton about him in this one short chapter, but he's definitely different to how his characterization is later solidified in Springtime of Yuuth. Visually different as well, not just in art style which obviously shifted over time but in terms of body language and posing as well.
Ren's characterization is very nicely introduced here. Throughout the chapter, the narration in Ren's voice is going back through the events that transpired and trying to think over what he could have done differently. The nervous self-doubt is mixed with self deprecation, as Ren states that he is "simply bad luck". Ren stating that "Yuu had nothing to do with it" and that it was just his own bad luck shows him solely blaming himself for negative occurrences that are—though not entirely out of his control—decidedly influenced by other factors; this stays true of his character up to late in the series, where he finally starts to accept that the things he was pushed to do are proof that he is a victim too, not that he has committed unforgiveable acts. This isn't to say that Yuu is at fault here; the roof edge was precarious, but an eldritch tendril from hell pulling Ren off is the problem, Ren would not have fallen otherwise. This is just an early indication of a larger part of his character. Ren is also shown to be someone with little to no social connections and a pushover when it comes to someone with more self confidence than him, other aspects of his character that are relevant early on though not as long lived as his self-deprecating blame.
My favorite panel of the chapter is the last one on page twelve. The composition is very striking, with the directly top down view as Ren is being pulled off the roof and is now parallel to the ground facing up at the sky. This wonderfully recontextualizes the very first page, the only color page of the chapter, which is devoted to a full view of the sky. Though not the exact view Ren would see when falling, page two (as the copyright notice is technically page one) definitely conveys a different tone with the context of how the chapter ends. Page twelve is also the best view of Ren in the chapter, providing a full body depiction. This is the moment when you see Ren in the most detail in chapter 0: right as everything goes to hell.
My Art
I was definitely overambitious here for my first time ever drawing a scene in a digital art program. The perspective proved to just be too tricky, so Ren and Yuu's sizes don't quite match up; Ren in particular has a massively wide chest, strange proportions I was not intending. I wanted to try and shade things with screentone to replicate somewhat the look of the comic earlier on, but I didn't actually reference and see how star tended to use screentone so it's not quite the same. Overall though, I think I had a good concept for the piece and that the composition is fine even if the anatomy and proportions are all out of wack. There are things I decided to not go back and fix because I don't want to strive for perfection on every piece; I feel like I'm more likely to improve faster if I keep making new pieces rather than tweaking one until I'm absolutely satisfied with it. Real missed opportunity though to just make the sun the sun, I realized afterwards it would have been really cool to have made it the Hell Kitchen logo.
I gained a lot more familiarity with shortcuts and navigating layers, so it's nice to already have noticeable improvement even just from when I started this drawing to when I finished.
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tinyshe · 1 year
Garden Report & Frugal Living 23.08.05
I’m moving slower than a slug in a dried out summer garden. I water the potted plants and expect the rest to carry on.
The elderberry bushes are now in full bloom and the Autumn weather has set in. This afternoon I heard the little Executioner of Summer sit outside my window singing his sad song. The trees are definitely putting forth their Autumn attire in reds and yellows. So glancing back to the elderberry -- it will be a blossom harvest because there will not be enough time for the berries to mature and ripen. It has been a chillier Summer, even the hops that grow like rambunctious weeds were feign to put forth flowers; they just twindle and twine about without purpose.
The fruit trees have put on so much green new growth it is hard to see the fruit if there is any. A good Summer trim would be in order if I could drag a ladder about to mount and wack at them. Maybe tomorrow I can beg someone to do that for me.
Tomorrow I have decided I am going to pull the garlic in a ‘ready or not’ maneuver. I need to build up and amend the bed. I also still need to make a second harvest from the potato barrel. Did I tell you the peas are just starting to come up in the pots and some ravenous night marauder is mowing down the leek seedlings?
The blackberries are making a race to ripen. I’m not sure that they will make it with any sugar content due to the cold and eternal fog. I won’t write them off yet but keeping one eye on their progress since so many of them are still blooming!
In the pantry notes: I have found that frozen blueberries dehydrate faster than fresh. My thoughts are the skin of fruits and veg are there to protect the seed esp from dehydration BUT when they are frozen, it changes the structure of the cells/breaks down the fruit/veg which makes it less drying time.  I’m trying out my theory on frozen carrots that came in a big lot at a price half that of fresh. I’m sure I am reinventing the wheel here and experts have written about this, published and have made money on sharing this info but for you dear friends, you get to suffer through my benign ramblings all for the simple low price of a few eye rolls, perhaps a giggle and your blessed time. What a bargain!
The hens are confused at our dusk and dawn rampaging, the neighbors are quiet while we battle the skunks wanting to nest under our house. So far, they the skunks) are winning imo. I have a lovely food forest habitat surrounding the house that sits on post and piers. Yes gentle folk, it is the ammonia bomb season since I have gotten tired of shaking black pepper on everything everyday and doing big thumping loads of laundry at midnight. Doing some ‘bombing’ and buckets of water through the hedges will hopefully dislodge them (yes, there is 2).  I had a pair of garden gawkers arguing about the fire-of-eden so loudly I had to stick my head out the front door and inform them they were not far from the nesting skunk *snff*sniff*big eyes* whereas one of them informed me she likes the skunks because they eat rats.  Obviously this dear woman hasn’t chickens to protect nor a skunk spray under her bedroom in the middle of the night. But with that parting comment, they (the gawkers) left hurry-scurry ... and without the skunk! WAIT! Take the skunk with you since you love them! Please! Its free! Take it home with you!! Wait ... OoooOOo *big sigh of defeat*
Here’s hoping your days are skunkless and your Summer full of delicious Bounty!
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venusstruggles · 1 year
It's concerning the amount of narcissists that end up in-trapping me into their manipulation. My dad is slowly losing his power over me and I think he might be losing it. Only thing he pays for is my phone. I'm paying off my car, myself, paying my car insurance, buying all the things I need. When my mom told him we had replaced my other car because it was totaled he was losing his shit and getting defensive and butthurt over the fact we didn't let him do it. tough luck dude.
I met this guy on tinder and we were gettin along and we were friends for about like a month and I was about to go to the beach and I decided to invite them. EXTREMELY bad Idea on my part. Lemme just describe just a couple of things that he did on a FREE week long vacation to the beach paid for by my mothers. (1) He tells my entire family we're autistic- including my sisters bf. after only knowing them for not that long. (2) He also proceeds and try to tell my mom how to parent me ???? He is my age. He's younger than me actually. If I was with him, it was walking on eggshells everywhere u went. (3) If you didn't agree with him. He would yell at you telling you that you're wrong and belittle you and treat you like you're dumb. So the whole vacation is a slight bit like torture. When we get back it only gets worse and worse and worse. For a while he was constantly blowing up my phone about how his parents are crazy and ask if he can come over- at like 4 am. Finally after a couple of weeks he starts threatening me so last week I sent my final message telling him to not contact me and if he continues to harass me, I will get a restraining order. He tried to turn me against my family and tell me the reason they didn't like him is because he's "making me realize" sum wack ass shit.
anyways that's it for tonight
V ❤️
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