#and the middle two redraws are not wips no
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fagcifer · 3 months ago
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[🎶] ;; this blonde fag keeps getting treated better than samael and enoch for some reason, and its pissing me off.
i dont know if its the blonde, blue eyed white man effect but hes very fun to draw. he might as well be the resident cunty blonde. ((he is
ive seen woacry product and i was like,,,, woah,,, moving wings on sillies keychains. i dont know why luke specifically, probably because hes the only one ive drawn with wings.
the flipside looks suspiciously like akira. ill go back to fix it later. but in my defense, lukes hair situation is already fucked up, and ep tends to put two slabs of hair in the middle. its practically a stable amongst their characters.
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theres another wip of a redraw of this somewhere but its... kinda shit but still very pretty!— pretty shit!
to be fair, there are enough references for me to pick and choose from but i chose certain ones that is really hard on the eyes for some reason. i wonder if itll be easier for me to make a cosplay wig for luke than draw it.
also its literally two bananas near the parting, why am i so ???
also also, his fit is based on oomfs on twitter before i deactivated. i still remember when i found out and got dissapointed that luke only wore lame suits.
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some sort of mock up because i cant think of a wings pose for the life of me. to my understanding, when you pull on the chain, the wings will move UP. folded wings look weird, and ive never seen anyone do two pair of wings for the specific product before so im sorta hesitant.
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if you recognised the wings,,,, uhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhh. its a mockup, and it will NOT be in the final thingymabob. great point of reference though. also i forgot that the base of his wings are black, so uhm.
other than his name, i dont think ive ever referred to luke nicely before. either i mention eves affair with uriel, calling him a faggot or other various mean things. i love him so much, ive even bought cinnamonroll theme stuff for him😭😭😭😭
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chacusha · 1 year ago
Summer Quodo event poll
Because I have a "running events" problem (namely, that I like brainstorming events that would be neat, and then once I brainstorm an event, I get attached to it and want to run it), I am planning on running a Quodo event for the middle of the year.
So, please help me pick which event I should run this summer by telling me which one you'd be most interested in!
Explanations on each of these below the cut:
Option #1: Ship week
Here, the event would be a Quodo ship week most likely in early/mid August. Basically, the way a ship week works is that there is a designated week for posting fanworks for a ship, where each day in the week is associated with a prompt (or maybe two prompts, to give people choice). The last day in the week is usually a free choice day. Basically, it's a way to have a concentrated burst of fanworks for a pairing, and you can see the different ways people interpreted each prompt, and it's also kind of a team effort? Or you can treat it as a challenge to try to post one thing each day -- it's completely up to you how many days/prompts you fill.
The event will start by me collecting some prompt suggestions, holding a vote on them, and selecting a week's worth of prompts and publishing the list of prompts for each day. Then people make as many fanworks as they would like for the themes and post their work on the appropriate day.
Proposed timeline: April: Collect prompts May: Vote on prompts and release prompt list Jun-Aug: Creation period August: The ship week
Option #2: Collab event
For this event, basically, you would get paired with another Quodo fan and the goal would be to collaborate in order to produce a fanwork or a pair of fanworks. What a "fanwork collaboration" means can vary a lot and depends on what the members of the group are interested in (basically, when signing up, you would specify your preferences for the type of collab you would be interested in, and these preferences will be taken into account when I do the matching).
Here are some types of collaboration, roughly in order from least amount of coordination/cooperation to most amount of coordination:
1) Writing/creating to the same prompt/idea: Basically, the coordination happens at the beginning of the project with the two members agreeing on a general idea/prompt to work with, and then both members go off and create and share what they made at the end. This way you get two unique takes on the same idea. Very little coordination involved.
2) One person creates work inspired by/complementary to the other's: Here, the creators collaborate in order to produce a pair of related works -- first, one work is produced and then the second work is made in relation to that work. This could be the second creator's take on the same idea -- a remix/retelling/redraw of the original work, or an illustration for a fic or a fic inspired by art, etc. (It's also possible for both people to each create an original work and then swap, although this is more time-consuming and may not work with people's time.) This requires a bit more coordination, maybe sharing early drafts or handing work off by a deadline.
3) Collaborating on the same fanwork: This option involves two people working together to produce a single work. You can choose to do this however you like -- for example, with fic, maybe you swap the writer every few paragraphs, or do it roleplay style with each person writing one character. With art, maybe one artist does lineart and then hands it off to the other person to color (or both artists each do lineart and then send to the other to do the coloring). Hard mode!
You can treat this event like a bang or reverse bang if you like by using option (2). A bang is where someone writes a (long) fic (doesn't have to be long for this event) and they get an artist who illustrates it or provides some other kind of art or complementary fanwork (could be headers/graphics for the fic, podfic, etc.). A reverse bang is the opposite -- an artist comes up with a piece of art (maybe a sketch) and a fic writer crafts a fic around that piece of art.
There would be periodic check-ins just to see if there are any members/groups that have gone inactive and which might require reassignment to a new group.
The sign-up form would collect things like: - What fanwork medium you would prefer or are planning to work in. - What type of collabs you're open to. - What type of fanworker (fic writer, artist, etc.) you would prefer to work or not work with. - How often you would like to check in.
Proposed timeline: Apr/May: Sign-ups and matching Jun-Aug: Creation period August: Work reveals (in pairs)
Option #3: WIP-finishing/motivation event
The purpose of this event would be to provide motivation/company/social pressure to finish a longer/more ambitious sort of project. People can sign up with a new or existing project they would like to complete by the deadline, and then they would use the work period to see if they can finish the work, in the company of others doing the same. It's called a WIP-finishing event, but really, any project is allowed even if it's brand new. That said, this event might be useful for projects you've been meaning to get around to for a long time and haven't, or intimidating projects a bit beyond your skill level so far. Any media is allowed -- fic, art, comics, podfic, vids, meta, crafts, etc.
I am still figuring out the timeline and due dates -- below is what I have so far, but I would be happy to adjust the deadlines and format in order to accommodate what would work best and be the most motivating for the participants. So far, I am thinking that there is a date at which the project must be finished, and then there is a long posting period for people who would like to post their work in smaller increments. I would also pick 1-2 dates for each finished project to spotlight/advertise it -- one would be toward the beginning of the posting period for works that are fully finished and posted, or for works that have started posting (have posted the first installment); the second one would be shortly after the last installment of the work has been posted (if applicable).
The sign-up form would collect things like: - Your name and name/description of project - (Optional) Progress so far and projected length/time commitment of project. - (Optional) Goals you would like to have hit by certain check-ins.
It would be fine to drop projects at any time.
Proposed timeline: Apr/May: Sign-ups. May-Jul: Creation/posting period, most likely with optional check-ins at the beginning of Jun/Jul/Aug. Mid-August: Work completion deadline. Work posting and promos begin shortly afterward. November: Work posting deadline. Final wrap-up/celebration and masterlist.
Which one would you be most interested in? Let me know!
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wilsons-journey · 2 years ago
Pew,.... this Comic will definitely break me. But so far it’s the fun breaking.
I’m in a constant: I need to make more Reference // Nah lets redraw this // Nah draw this different  // How should I even draw this?! // HOW DO THIS EVEN WORK - or just AAAAAHHHH - and then again: Ah yes this is good. 
And I only “refined” the first act. I didn’t started the real action scenes yet,... This,... this will be a interesting ride. But I’m looking forward it! 
Do you want me to keep you updated with WIPs / rambeling of the progress?
New WIP of the first bit under the cut: Caution! Blood / Death / Still a mess of sketches
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But I’m a little proud of the idea, that came to me with the middle section - Valefors Weapons crossing the faces of the two Charr, that are about to die :X In the middle Panel will be Kying.
It’s the small things, right? Right?! (Someone send help - time for a little break)
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joyfuladorable · 9 months ago
for fanfic writer asks!!
5, 13, 15, and 18
✨Fanfic Writer Asks✨
*INHALE* Okay, these are going under a cut, cuz it’s time to RAMBLE
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
I’ll give y’all a two-fer! One new-ish and the other old as balls
So last year, I had the idea to do a Parent Trap AU with the Rise turtles: Estranged Baronjitsu separating right after the tots were mutated, with Splinter taking Raph and Leo and living on a fancy movie star estate on the West Coast and Draxum taking Don and Mikey and staying in the Hidden City. Yokai would be revealed at some point; so by the time all the kiddos are middle school aged, society is just getting used to the integration of these two different worlds. The setting would, of course, start at summer camp, a prestigious camp smack dab in the middle of the US for budding mystic users regardless of if they’re yokai, human, mutant, or otherwise.
Leo and Raph would go with their buddies Casey and Junior (two foster kids who may or may not actually be related). Don and Mikey would go with April and Sunita. Shenanigans would ensue, with Leo and Don being mistaken for each other multiple times (mostly by Camp Counselor Todd who has poor eyesight in this AU for funsies). Then one thing would lead to another, and the turtles would realize that they are In Fact related and Obviously this means they have to secretly get their dads back together by using makeshift cloaking brooches to switch Leo and Don (the only viable ones to switch since they’re the same height) and eventually force their parents to reunite to switch the two back.
But who cares about THAT??? The idea actually spawned cuz I redrew caprisun in that one scene where Hallie goes “now that’s My kinda Woman!” when the tie dye girl manages to pull her duffel out from under a big pile without breaking a sweat. I really wanted to write tween Casey, April, and Sunita forming a close knit bond during the summer while the boys are off doing shenanigans and then continuing that when the switch happens with long distance phone calls and stuff. But alas, the other more urgent wips are a-calling, so I’ll settle for doing scene redraws whenever I feel like it lol
Okay, now the Old One was for a visual novel/dating sim called Hustle Cat, the first game I ever played that gave me they/them as an option for the protagonist’s pronouns. The different routes all followed the same pattern: a down on their luck young adult decides to apply for a job at a cat cafe and then finds out that all the cats are actually the employees who have been cursed in one way or another so that they can only be human while Inside of the cafe, and each route/romance option has the protag bonding with the chosen person and helping them with their problems and stumbling on a cure for the curse by said person discovering their unique magic.
The fic idea I had was basically a Special Route, where the protagonist in each timeline/route is Cursed and Dying, and the only way to save them is to send them back to the Beginning. So the protag, Avery, wakes up at the beginning of the game with all the knowledge from all these other routes. So, out of love for all the cafe people they dated in each route, they decide to play matchmaker for their friends while also trying to help them figure out their magic. Two of the three matches go well (Hayes/Landry & Mason/Finley), but the last match isn’t working that well. Avery Knows one of them (Reese) has a crush on the other (Graves), but it doesn’t seem like it’ll be reciprocated. At the same time, Reese is suspicious of this new coworker who seems to know everyone wayyy more than they should.
In the end, the curse would be revealed to have followed Avery through time and is still killing them, albeit very slowly through the story. Reese would eventually pressure Avery into revealing the truth, and the entire cafe would band together and figure out how to save Avery. Didn’t have much else planned out other than Avery/Reese being endgame cuz I Personally didn’t really like Graves’ route (what with him being significantly older and also the protag’s boss for a majority of any route). Anyways, happy ending! Everyone Gay with Magic and now able to be cat whenever they want!!
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
Usually, I let an idea kinda roll around in my head for a while (which can be as little as a few hours and as long as a few weeks) before I write anything. And then, when I do, I tend to start writing the beginning until I run out of steam, followed by writing notes of where I want the story to go. A note can be as simple as [characters fight] or as complex as [emotions and gestures and staging during a specific moment with possible dialogue]. Honestly, I tend to plan a lot because I struggle with actually writing, lol. Grasping the motivation to write is like trying to hold water in my hands! I really envy folks who are able to just go for it and keep going without needing significant breaks in between.
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
Depends on the fic! If it’s a fic based on art, like I’ll Be Ok! or Keep Your Eyes Open, then I’m directly pulling the dialogue from said art. If the fic has a specific vibe or references a moment in canon, then I’ll pull from those, too. A Light that Never Goes Out is a Kingdom Hearts reference cuz the canon material/cast heavily reference the games. “That’s My Mom!” is word for word what Casey Jr says at the end of the Rise movie and is also the exact moment I started to write and build off of in the fic. And if I’m doing neither of these things, then I usually try to keep the titles short and relevant to what I’m writing (like Training or Struck Match), sometimes changing them several times during the process if I ever think of something better.
Oh! And for chapter titles, I tend to do the same. I like for them to be relevant to the chapter while also building off the previous chapters. So like how I’ll be Ok! has “Promises Made” and “Promises Kept” and A Light that Never Goes Out has “The Heart May be Weak” and “Without a Doubt” (more KH quotes). Naming Ramifications’ chapters is Easy cuz they’re just the title of the relevant episode/movie, lol
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Oh man, I’ve really enjoyed writing banter, lately, like Mikey and Raph’s whole exchange at the beginning of Keep Your Eyes Open. But! I think a few lines I’m immensely proud of are what Professor Honeycutt says to Mikey in Scrambled after being asked about giving up his memories during Season 3:
“Well, Michelangelo, to be completely honest, I did not give myself much of a choice.  I saved what was absolutely essential at the time: understanding my mission and who I could trust to help me.  The rest of my memories, whether they carried over or not, were left up to chance.  I believed, at the time, that I could not spare a moment to weigh their worth.”
“If you’d had that time, what would you have kept?”
“Everything,” The Professor answers without hesitation. “I feel, even now, after having several associates - friends - recount to me what I had forgotten, that I am… fragmented.  There are pieces of me that I had to give up forever; and while I do not regret their sacrifice, I miss them.  I mourn them as I do for the life I had before my fugitive status.  If I had been allowed the means, I would have saved Everything.”
It’s dialogue I came up with while at work, sudden inspiration that rocked me with how perfectly it fits with and aids the narrative. It’s also insight into Honeycutt that I’d never really thought about before. Like, here’s a wholeheartedly good individual who sacrificed parts of himself over and over again, whether intentionally or not. How would that feel over time? How much has he mourned these losses? The loss of his real body, the loss of sensation of a real body, the loss of agency, and the loss of memories, the only parts of him that are solely and wholly his own. I finished writing Scrambled and came out the other side a MUCH bigger fan of Professor Honeycutt, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
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citrus-cactus · 1 month ago
Creative Goals Summary (January)
Whoof! Made it through January! What a month.
Fandom goals:
1). Participate in the digimon screenshot redraw! Status: Done [link in case you missed it!]
2). Gargoyles fanfic progress. Status: In work. Here's how things are looking so far with all the WIPs:
"joined in love (not in hate)": 85% complete. I got the motivation to work on this again and figured out about half of the sections I have yet to complete. Just two-and-a-bit more multi-paragraph sections to go, and then many final editing passes because that's how I do. It's about 9K words at the moment!
"Dissonance": Some good progress this month! I don’t have a word count for this one bc I’m writing it in a document with a bunch of other fics and notes in it XD I'd say it's about 45% done, but I'm not willing to commit that number to bold, ahaha. The babygirl is annoyed and suffering in this one, which makes me :)
Untitled Friendship Bracelet fic: I started a new fic this month because apparently I didn't have enough WIPs XD It's been a fun challenge to write in 1st person POV so far, but it helps that the narrator is a very exuberant 9yo girl! Between this and the first fic, I am writing a LOT of young adult fiction set in the Middle Ages, which is something that youngAdult!Citrus always wanted to do. This one’s for you, 12yo me! :D
3). Surprise stealth goal Status: Done. MENACE!!!!!! [link in case you missed it]
Personal goals:
1. Make a logo for my spouse’s project (v1) Status: Done. I want to share this with the Internet so bad! But I must resist. Suffice it to say I drew a little guy who I love very much <3
2. Secret Personal Project (SPP) “big” drawing #1 Moved.
See you tomorrow for declaring February's goals. Happy Friday!
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senkuplushie · 1 year ago
2 5 and 11 for artist asks :3
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
side profiles in general are far easier for me to draw than any other angle, and I don't necessarily find one direction easier than the other? unless I'm drawing a character who has far more detail on one side or something, but i don't think I've done that yet.
though I do tend to naturally draw people facing left more often unless I'm referencing / redrawing a picture where they're facing right
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
it's probably about 40/60? if you count wip pics anyway. I almost always post finished results online, but I rarely finish anything, so.
tbh it's probably been more like 15/85 in the past two months or so, since I'm trying to take more time to practice specific stuff [anatomy, clothing etc] without the intention of finishing / posting it, rather than waiting until I'm in the middle of a usual "full" drawing and having to very anxiously try my best to figure it out then [as i typically did before - it's very noticeable in the characters' limbs + Tsukasa's hair in the dcst redraw i did recently]
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
hell yeah!!! usually just the music I'd listen to any other time tbh. I once made a playlist specifically for drawing but I always forget it exists
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polar-equinoxx · 2 years ago
Pov: Iceman leaves his hair ✨unbleached✨
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(And goes into a room of very purple lighting)
Please click it for the details ahaha
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cryptidclaw · 2 years ago
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Fire and Ice: Rise of Change edition (aka. my redraw of the Fire and Ice cover) is complete! 
This took me FOR EVER, the complete opposite of the Into the Wild cover, that one I completed in 1 night, this one has been a WIP for possibly a month??? Could be more and I wouldn't be surprised. 
This is probably one of the most complicated covers in the first arc, there are so many characters and such a big background! I am not used to illustrating backgrounds like this so at least it was a good push to get me out of my comfort zone! 
Now info about my changes to the cover! The cats in the frame are Bracken(paw) and Cinder(paw), they are both important characters in this book and they are Fire and Gray’s first apprentices (Bracken is more Fire’s apprentice too honestly) so I thought they should get a spot light! Also I want to change a lot of the frames in future covers bec I like the idea of other important characters getting the cover spot light! 
The other characters in the scene behind the frame are Sedgecreek (upper right), Graystripe (upper left), Troutclaw aka. Whiteclaw (below Graystripe), Voleclaw (farthest bottom left), Leopardfur (Next to Voleclaw), Fireheart (bottom middle), and Sand(paw) (bottom right). All of these cats were in the border skirmish between River and Thunder when Fire and Gray were traveling back from bringing back Wind Order! 
Image IDs v
[Image ID: A digital illustration, which is a redraw of the original Warriors: Fire and Ice cover.  At the top of the cover is the Warriors title written in dark purple, and below it is written Fire and Ice which is yellow and lined in the same dark purple. Below the title is a portrait style frame centered in the middle of the cover, this frame depicts Bracken(paw) and Cinder(paw) centered in the frame, sitting next to each other with mirrored blank, wide eyed expressions. They are in a dark night scene and are mostly in shadow with their eyes glowing a bright white. In front of them are black silhouettes of grass, and in the background in a dark blue night sky and a huge bright blue moon lined with white. Behind this frame, filling up the rest of the cover, is a illustration of a battle taking place in a sunset scene of a river surrounded by grass that is mostly lit in yellows and oranges. In the foreground at the bottom of the illustration are 4 cats, there are two on the left of the page, we can only see their angry seemingly yelling faces peaking over a log, the cat farther from the left has her arm raised with her claws unsheathed, the other two cats are faced away from the camera and are looking towards the first two. from left to right the first cat is grey with blue eyes, the second in gold with brown spots and amber eyes, the third is round, chubby and orange, and the forth is a cream and back tortie. In the mid ground are two cats by the river bank, one is standing with their left side showing and they are crouched low to the ground and screeching at something off screen, the other is behind this cat, and is getting ready to pounce on the first cat while screeching. the First cat is a brown and white cat with orange eyes and the second is a big gray tabby with glowing yellow eyes. On the other side of the river is a single cat looking over to the other side, this cat is a brown tabby with green eyes. At the bottom of the cover where the author is usually listed, is written “Rise of Change” in yellow text./End ID]
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peachyninjago · 3 years ago
WIP'S. WIP'S Everywhere
Tagged by both @manjirian and @fabrowrites. tyvm!!!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!  
mm local crytpid is only posting the titles/v short descriptions <3<3
Reality, A Memory (Aka Dreamweaver Chapter 2)
The (Un)Common Cold
Wu And Morro (Angsty) Mini-Comic
Scars Don't Heal, But They Do Give Us Bittersweet Memories
Kai And Nya Screenshot Redraw
Disaster Cousins Ft. Goth Makeover
That One Vine Of Two Guys Dragging Their Sleeping Friend On A Mattress Into The Middle Of A Lake But Make It Disaster Cousins
Lloyd And Garmadon (Angsty) Mini-Comic
(Young) Wu And (Young) Garmadon Shenanigans
UH. i think that's everything. damn i have sm to do eariatiars. everyone I know has already been tagged (Again 😔😔✊) so uh. i tag the person reading this <3<3
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mappinglasirena · 3 years ago
Mappening is Happening
I thought I’d give you all a little (hah!) update of what has been going on in the background of the mapping blog recently. I haven’t finished anything in a long while and I always feel a little weird throwing WIPs on here without the commentary I feel they deserve (that’s what twitter is for 🙈). But I’m trying to get better about that.
So, here is a ton of my work literally in progress. I hope you enjoy looking at a whole lot of very similar deck plans 😋
I have an idea for a new mapping project for periods when I don’t have the time or energy to write long things. But it requires me having a usable map of the upper and lower deck of La Sirena.
My first idea was “eh, I’m going to take the set plans we got from the blu-rays and just clean them up a little, make sure all the markings are in the right place, add a few things that are missing, and re-do the labels. That won’t take too long, surely?”
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“Yeah, that’s serviceable!”
But then I started working on the lower deck. Looking at the original plans, the first one is too warped and out of focus to use as a basis, but there’s a bunch of stuff missing in the second one (most obviously, the front of the mess with the stairs to the bridge).
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“So. If I want to have a map of the lower deck in its entirety, I need to add the front of the ship and a bunch of stairs, make adjustments to the glass-plates - not to mention clean up the graininess from rescaling it to fit with the upper deck...... Okay, fine, I’m just going to retrace the entire lower deck, make it as clean, and as screen-accurate as I can get it, and add all the missing stairs and things.”
It helped that I already had a redrawn version of sickbay, because I’ve been adding furniture to that, too:
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(Still missing a few things, like the shelves on the support beams, not to mention labels for the furniture. But it’s getting there!)
"Using that and the old plans, it won’t be too hard getting the entire lower deck redrawn, right?”
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“Yeah, that’s good. That’s a good update!”
But to get there, I had to do a ton of work on the two sets of stairs to the upper deck to get them accurate. And it’s silly to only do half the stairs, so obviously I did the top half as well. But that, in turn, necessitated getting the railing around the stairs in the back and around the drop to the lower deck in the front right, so I knew how and where the stairs attached. “And while I’m at it, might as well do the railing around the panorama windows as well.”
“Also, I got some things wrong about the holodeck in my first redraw. For one, I’m fairly sure there aren’t actually any support beams sticking up straight through the middle of it, so those need to go. And I can get it cleaner, too.
“Also also: I already have outlines of the captain’s quarters and Raffi’s quarters, because I did versions of those with furniture!”
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(Rios’s quarters)
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(Raffi’s quarters with a marker for the skylight.)
“And I started on doing the same with the bridge. Didn’t get super far, but I have the floor structures down. So might as well add all that to the upper deck as well!”
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“Yeah, okay, that’s kinda neat.”
Then there was a brief interlude where my brain got completely obsessed with the floor plates. I don’t really know what kicked me down that particular rabbit hole. Maybe it was just that the next step for the upper deck would have been deciding whether to do a full retrace, or whether to keep the cleaned-up version of the original plans, add the new things I had drawn, and leave it at that. It was probably also something about the set plan not being 100% symmetrical (it’s off by one pixel if you use a 1 pixel wide centre line) and the width of the beams and spaces between them not being 100% accurate. So I was curios whether I could get the floor plans to fit (and whether my estimation about their size was off, perhaps).
Either way, I spent two days completely obsessing over floor plates, and ended up with this:
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(I was kinda tired when I did this and there are some very glaring mistakes that a very kind person on twitter pointed out to me. But it’s part of this odyssey, so I felt I should include it 😋)
“Okay. So I have an idea for the floor plates. Nice. But now I need to figure out a way to make the walls of the upper deck be above the floor plates, without getting interference from the markings on the floor and.... I’m gonna do a full retrace of all the walls and beams on the upper deck after all, aren’t I? WELP!”
And because my deck plan file already consists of 94 layers and I love it being so modular and able to show and explain a bunch of different things around the ship, might as well make the underlying structure of the upper deck as bare-bones as possible. That way, I can add and move things much more freely.
So, here is the skeleton of the upper deck. Maybe this is an approximation of what the ship looked like at its inception/before Rios added the Starfleet containers with quarters, holodeck, etc.
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(I still need to decide what to do with the back of the ship and access to the engine room, since those sets don’t actually exist and nothing official has been said about it yet...)
After getting to the point pictured above, I spent the second half of my Saturday fixing my floor plate mix ups and adding in some new information. Unless I’ve overlooked something, any plates that still look flipped at this point are screen-accurate.
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Clearly, there were some incidents near the bridge and at the back of the captain’s quarters that required floor plates to be switched out at some point - and it had to be done quickly, so there was no time to get them all perfect. Or possibly Rios was drunk and/or one of the holos was having a laugh. Any explanations are welcome ;)
(The plan above is not set-accurate, btw. If you look closely, you’ll notice that this is the extended version of the upper deck, with Rios’s cabin the size we see on screen, not the size built on the set.)
I’m going to have to do a massive write-up of this when the plans are done. Explain things like “screen-accurate but not set-accurate” (check the pinned masterpost for info about the captain’s quarters if you’re interested), point out all the things I’ve done to these plans to get them where they are, note all my observations and measurements, and provide evidence for some of my decisions regarding floor plate placement etc.
But for now, here is what I’ve been up to the last three-ish weeks, in case anyone was wondering ;)
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mctwilight-mcd · 3 years ago
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BOOM! I did art in 2021! I didn’t just watch TV for a year!
Happy new year! 
Template by AsterianMonarch on DeviantArt.
Full versions and descriptions for art below the cut.
January: Human version of my Agent 3, Laura. There’s a little something else going on too, but that’s a secret, for now 😉.
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February: A piece I did called “Trapped”. It depicts an octarian soldier in their non-sanitized and sanitized forms. The text on the left reads “Trapped in a body”, with the right continuing the sentence with, “You can’t control”. The layering on this was HARD. (yes I am aware I spelled ‘trapped’ wrong)
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March: It’s my pfp! I posted this on here too. Search on my ‘#my art’ tag and scroll to the bottom. 
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April: Agent 4 Day art! My 4′s name is Sophie. She’s over 20 in this photo so she’s wearing her wedding ring and her mask has it’s colouring. It’s also my own design for the armor. I also have this one up here.
Here’s the link to the post.
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May: Bun Buddies!!! Made this after I changed the design for Ahato in my au.
Here’s the link to the post.
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June: Pride art of my Agent 3, Laura, and my Agent 4, Sophie. Drew the original in Jan but redrew it since my style got better.
Here’s the link to the post.
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July: Yang’s Birthday drawing. I love Bumbleby. I am obsessed. Anywaysssssssss...
Here’s the link 
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August: Rwby oc/Bumbleby fan child. Her name is Bee (I know, ironic right? don’t worry it’s a nickname.) Didn’t do much that month so have a bee. The colouring on this was hardddddddddddddd.
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September: It’s my birthday jig. I was born in the evening on September 21st. This song was made for me. Lil’ b-day gift to myself.
Post. Here. This is it.
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October: This is a wip. I’m redrawing a scene from the Rwby ep. Strings (S8E3) with my own characters. You will recognise Bee, the other one is named Marigold. The full version has Petal in the middle. The other two haven’t been drawn yet.
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November: Say hello to Marigold. A very sweet lady who is 6ft tall without heels. She and Bee are dating and are on the same team. Petal, Marigold, Chiara (Bee’s real name) and Noel. Team PMCN! (Pumpkin). But here’s Mari in full colour. This was also a pain.
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December: My piece for the Hypnothesis Discord’s Holliday Art Collab. I can’t show the full thing, but here’s my part. It’s blurry because Tumblr can’t deal with the super high resolution. 
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anke-creates · 3 years ago
I posted 48 times in 2021
34 posts created (71%)
14 posts reblogged (29%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.4 posts.
I added 40 tags in 2021
#fae - 6 posts
#birds - 5 posts
#art - 5 posts
#digital art - 4 posts
#throwback thursday - 4 posts
#wip wednesday - 4 posts
#fairies - 3 posts
#mushrooms - 3 posts
#blue - 3 posts
#strange magic - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 27 characters
#species:erinaceus europaeus
My Top Posts in 2021
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[ID: Rough sketches of  handful of mushroom people: a fairy with wings based on a slit gill fungus; two mushrooms with little faces at the top of their stems, their "hats" tilted back, with the gills a bit like rays in a halo; a mushroom with a nearly egg-shaped cap and its stem split into noodly arms and legs; a mushroom with a fluted/folded stem and a tired old face under a cap, based on an elfin saddle mushroom]
I’m considering trying faepril this year, and doodled some mushroom-based ideas as preparation.
16 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 19:42:29 GMT
WIP Wednesday, art edition
I haven't done much art lately, but there are two things I started I'd like to get back to at some point...
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The fairy is Dawn from Strange Magic, a digital redraw of a little marker quickie I drew back in 2006
Right is, well, I sent a link to a collection of JJ Sneed gifs  to @aldersprig and she said "What a handsome outlaw. Someone oughta put a collar on him". So yeah. I worked from a screenshot from Once Upon A Time, so I need to find a different reference for his hair.
16 notes • Posted 2021-02-10 19:36:21 GMT
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Finally continued work on the shelf mushroom fairy.
Pose reference photo by Adorkastock (formerly Senshistock) used.
17 notes • Posted 2021-04-13 18:59:18 GMT
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Happy birthday @wyntereyez!
19 notes • Posted 2021-10-04 04:52:10 GMT
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A little Caturday drawing
[ID: A black, very thin cat with one big eye in the middle of her face, looking at a small mouse right in front of her. The mouse is looking back her, and there is a little ghost flame hovering above its head. End ID ]
Why do we even have an option for image descriptions if the character limit is so low?
28 notes • Posted 2021-09-25 13:32:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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hitodama89 · 5 years ago
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I’m this close to just flipping the freaking table with this pixel animation I’ve been working with literally for this whole year! First I doodled it lazily as I usually do, then I realized I want to actually put effort into it, and since then it’s been redrawing after redrawing so. Many. Things. So. Many. Times. Now the thing would technically be finished, but after looking at it for a while I think it would work much better with two more frames of animation. And one does not simply add two more frames into a loop without once again redrawing a thousand things! =)))
Ugh, gotta see how I feel about it tomorrow. In the meanwhile have this wip snippet of the part when I was in the middle of redrawing the treeline. I saved it because I thought the difference was amusingly huge!
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disgruntleddemon · 6 years ago
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so here’s a redraw of a wip i made and gave up on a year or 2 ago.
i think I've improved a lot in art and character design since the original and its fun to compare the two
 top row from left to right: Crowly and Aziraphale
middle row left to right: war, famine, pollution, and death
bottom row: Adam 
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uozlulu · 6 years ago
Watching the Shogun Assassination Arc and the Farewell Shinsengumi Arc makes me want to draw again. Maybe I need to like idek try redrawing stuff like I did in middle and high school and try to build up a kind of anime-like style so it'd be faster and easier to sketch than my current trek into semi-realism.
But like at the same time I made so many improvements to my drawing by switching to semi-realism. 
Like so here is one of the first drawings I posted to devART and one of the last anime style drawings I posted to devART:
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Expecto Patronum (March 21, 2004) and Shadows Can’t Get You (June 29, 2008)
I think my strongest piece during this phase of art was this one: 
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44. Two Roads (Septmber 9, 2007)
So then I thought I wanted to step away from an anime/manga style and work on achieving some kind of semi-realism. So here’s one of my first attempts at this and my last finished fanart (I’m going to cut this for length since there are more pictures)
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Nerds in Space (June 9, 2009) and Summer Bonding (January 21, 2017)
My most successful artwork I think during this phase was this one: 
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Hide Redraw (January 16, 2016)
Then after 2017 it was like no matter what I tried to draw I just kind of couldn’t motivate myself to finish and after a while I just couldn’t really motivate myself to sketch anything out either. 
I tried doing original characters, tried drawing people, tried drawing buildings, tried drawing animals but my heart just wasn’t in it. I’d almost think it’s some kind of symptom left over from my post-operative cognitive dysfunction, but all my art after April 2016 was done in that state and I did a lot of art, but that was also because at the time I didn’t have the brain coordination for writing. 
Did I trade art for writing? Is there a bigger reason for this artblock? Do I need to try a new way of drawing or did I just end up at a point I feel like no matter how much I practice I can’t livee up to something? Idek. If it’s the latter, that’s kind of stupid because I’ve never been able to draw at my age level. I was almost five when my brother was born and I was drawing pictures on the developmental level of someone who was two. 
The last thing I sketched was a couple doodles of Usagi and Sakura hanging out. 
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Usagi and Sakura 2 WIP 1 and Usagi and Sakura 1 WIP 1 (June 17, 2018)
I’ve never really done anything more with this even though it’s been almost a year. I want to do something with it and I’ve always liked the idea of Usagi and Sakura being friends but it’s like my brain is just bleh. 
Did I make improvements because of how long it's been or because of the style change? If I change back will it be good because speed or bad because the semi-realism is the more apt style? What if I just stop drawing all together even though I want to? IDEK IDEK IDEK. 
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rhonderart-blog · 6 years ago
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Page 26 penciled! Tbh not super thrilled with this page 😱 top half is fine but I had to redraw the middle panel like 15 times and am still somewhat unsatisfied, and the bottom two are kinda bleh "Finished, not perfect. Finished, but perfect. Finished, not perfect..." onto the next one and hopefully less hassle! . #drawing #TreasureHUNT #TreasureHUNTcomic #comic #comicpage #comicart #manga #comics #webcomic #webcomics #wip #fantasy #fantasycomics https://www.instagram.com/p/BqtpylqhgG7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g2bkq8lvnhud
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