#and the kids are sad bc parents need to give attention to crying babies
aliengirl · 6 months
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looks like nobody is happy about this whole thing
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primaviva · 1 year
Your theory is so good but it does make me really sad bc if they go down the 'we can't mess with the multiverse say goodbye everyone' route, then CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW ALONE GWEN WILL BE
She lost Peter, half gained back her dad but let's be fr that relationship will never be the same, then has to lose Miles, Hobie, Pav, Peter, Jess, Margo, EVERY SPIDERPERSON she knows and has found comfort in. She has to lose them in one go. like.... poor baby losing literally everything 🥲🥲
I'd cry for her but having said that I can 100% imagine the end of btsv being a no more multiverse travel. That or it's like multiversal travel more 'free' bc they find a safe way to do it without collapsing universes or sm
But yeah loved your theory and would love to hear more of your controversial opinions 😼
i love astv but the writing for the plot or just the concept that started astv is lazy and they thought they was slick
they wanted to make it seem like miles was lonely when he has ganke, someone who knows his secret, because they wanted to use his solitude to push the plot. to me that’s just a lil lazy because miles could’ve opened up to ganke and if he was overwhelmed he def would’ve told him because you can tell they are close friends.
AND GWEN IS NOT ALONE LIKE YES IN HER MIND SHE IS but it’s so funny cus she has more friends than miles from what they show in the movie like the way they portrayed the mary janes kinda made it seem like they were JUST bandmates
not only did they try to get her attention at the prom (yes they were there if you didn’t notice before the lizard attack and she was looking for pete) BUT MJ AND GWEN ARE BEST FRIENDS TOO like after her day one peter, mj is one of gwens close friends after betty brant (the girl w the beanie)
and it’s like yes they are alone but not in the physical sense. they tried to portray their solitude as they had no support systems that could understand them and therefore made the spider society this holy grail of people they can relate to when to me that isn’t true. they did this more heavy on gwen side where they made it seem like mj and them weren’t her close friends and yes she didn’t have her dad but even then she could’ve still opened up in a different way.
they both feel like they have a lot going on with no one to understand the pressure that lays on them. and they lowkey demonized rio by making miles give a latina mami attitude because yes of course two parents aren’t going to hear they kid out when he is giving them attitude and allat. and gwen just straight up ran away from her problems which she has a track record of doing.
i just feel like they are using this “omg they both have been so lonely yearning for each other” thing with miles and gwen to add to their dynamic and it takes away from a message of teen mental health and the generational differences that they could’ve done instead of this idea that you have to depend on people because that’s UNHEALTHY.
miles and gwen do not NEED each other but they are good to support each other and this narrative that they been obsessed with each other since they last saw each other is just unhealthy it’s really toxic to focus depend on individuals to make you happy instead of finding your own peace which is something they both need to learn. they barely knew each other too like it’s just very unrealistic like yes miles has every right to admire gwen because she was everything he wanted to become when finding out he’s spiderman but for him to draw her every single day since is ode like you can’t lie
I just hate when movies do this narrative where the two love interest lean on each other for support and are depressed when they aren’t around each other because 1) if you can’t be a stable person when someone you like isn’t around that’s 🚩 2) depending and literally glorifying someone who gives you happiness to the point where you put them on a pedestal which is literally what miles did is so again UNHEALTHY
idk it’s just wasted potential to actually discuss teen mental health and how to actually push teens to deal with it instead of finding ways of escapism like getting a s/o as a distraction, isolating themselves, self harming in ways that aren’t just physical pain you inflict on yourself like purposely neglecting your health, etc. especially since most spider people are teens it’s just i hate how they depicted it like miles and gwen have nobody to relate to in their universe when it was a personal matter on how to open up cus they only did that just for plot sake of “i need a watch to see all my friends in different universe and finally feel whole!!
like miles literally wanted to do a physicist type major just so he can see gwen and open a portal like does that not sound wild to y’all? lowkey villainous? lowkey a little too fixated, obsessed, and unhealthy? idk maybe it’s just me who has a problem with this choice or narrative and how they portrayed it cus nobody talks about this unless it’s people clowning miles for loving up on a snowbunny 😕
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realcube · 4 years
saying things they don’t mean during an argument
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thank you to anon for this request <3
characters ♡ msby black jackals (hinata, sakusa, atsumu, bokuto)
content warning ♡ angst, hurt to comfort, fluff, swearing, crying, adoption  (sakusa’s) & suffocation (?)
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kōtarō bokuto 
♡ you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest - you knew he was a bit boyish sometimes but you never expected him to be so childish in regards to a simple request
♡ ‘bokuto, i have so much on my plate!’ you cried, tightly gripping the sheets underneath you, ‘planning the wedding, going to work, doing almost every chore in this damn house and filing all our fucking taxes!’
♡ you momentarily paused to look at him, expecting a look of sympathy but instead getting an eyeroll which prompted you to continue, ‘and all i am asking for is you to run a few errands! that’s it! why are you so opposed? i thought you enjoyed grocery shopping?!’
♡ bokuto pulled his night-shirt over his head as he stormed to his side of the bed, ‘it’s not fun without you!’  he whined childishly, plopping himself down next to you and gasping when you had the audacity to shuffle away from him
♡ ‘it’s not supposed to be fun, bokuto!’ you yelled, completely fed-up with him at this point, ‘a few errands, that’s all i ask of you!’
♡ bokuto notices how your voice shook and your lashline glistened; he didn’t want you to cry so he begrudgingly gave it, but with a strong comment to go along with it so you knew that he really didn’t want to 
♡ 'fine! i don't need you anyway!'
♡ then proceeded to dramatically pull the duvet over himself and pout, averting his gaze to the wall opposite 
♡ in this context, he hoped that you’d understand his comment and not take him too seriously but since you were already on the verge of tears, this simply pushed you over the edge
♡ you buried your face in your hands and hid under the blanket in hopes he didn’t realise you were crying but his senses are just different when it comes to you so try stifle that sob all you want, he’s still going to hear it and he’s still going to instantly pull you into his arms while frantically apologising 
♡ ‘please don’t cry, (y/n)! i really didn’t mean it- i do need you! i love you so much, my life wouldn’t be the same without you! you do so much for me and i am so sorry for not showing you how grateful i am! like you’re so pretty and kind and talented and smart - only geniuses can do taxes - so i’m just so lucky to be with you and i can’t wait until we’re married. please, don’t leave!’
♡ eventually his praise slowly became pleas as he begged for you not to leave/hate him
♡ he does not want to lose you bc of a silly comment he made-
♡ eventually his endless pleas started to become more than background noise to your sobs, so you finally hugged him back, whispering, ‘i can’t wait to marry you too, kō.’
♡ this action lifted a massive weight off his chest and he let out an audible sigh of relief, his grip on you loosening, ‘mhm, and of course, i’ll run the errands, babe. i suppose, it’s the least i could do.’
♡ you hummed in agreement, glad that a part of your mental stress had been relieved, allowing you to finally relax in his arms and perhaps doze off in his loving embrace 
♡ ...
♡ ‘mm, you smell like marshmallows, (y/n)- can i add marshmallows to the shopping list?’
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kiyoomi sakusa
♡ he spoke as if you were making some crazy, otherworldly request but in reality, all you were asking was for him to take paternity leave to help you care for the baby 
♡ you’re not really a baby-expert so you thought that sakusa would be happy to stay home and learn how to care for the child with you - as a couple, as a team 
♡ but he was extremely opposed to the idea, spewing out a much of nonsense as to why he needs to go to work, but a part of believed that he just didn’t want to deal with his child - or maybe, he didn’t want to deal with you
♡ ‘sakusa, how do you expect me to raise a whole baby on my own! they need a lot of attention - i don’t think you understand how big of a commitment this is, you can’t treat it like a hobby!’ you cried, having long before burst into tears because your mind told you the worse - that he didn’t actually love you, he lied about wanting a kid, he lied when he said ‘i do’.
♡ usually during arguments when he notices that you’ve started to cry, he’ll drop everything he was doing to shuffle over to you and wrap you in arms, then whisper sweet-nothings into your ear until you feel better but today, he showed little consideration to your emotions as he continued pacing through the living room while you bawled your eyes out on the couch
♡ ‘i thought you loved (c/n)! you were so gentle around them but it turns out you’re not even willing to take a paternity leave to help take care of them!’
♡ ‘what happened to the man i married?’
♡ ‘kiyoomi, you need to revaluate yourse--’
♡ you wouldn’t allow him to get a word in, which was probably for the best considering he had nothing good to say 
♡ but you were forced to cut yourself off when heard the sound of shattering so you immediately search for the source of the noise and there stood sakusa, his hand resting on the decorative table in the place your framed wedding photo once was - now, it was laying smashed on the ground surrounded by it’s own glass shards
♡ he pushed it off like the petty bastard he was
♡ while you sat stunned, staring the mess he just voluntarily made, he quickly turned on his heel and strolled away at a leisurely pace, 'my life was a lot easier before you entered it.'
♡ that was the last you heard of it for the next three days - you were giving each other the silent treatment 
♡ you couldn’t have any sort of grain for three whole days bc they are all on the top shelf and you usually make him grab it for you but you refused to talk to him- 
♡ you were the first one to break it though as you noticed that he hadn’t went to work for the last three days and curiosity got the better of you 
♡ ‘kiyoomi.’ you called out to him from the kitchen but he didn’t even look up from his book - ‘parenting for dummies’ - causing you to scoff, ‘why aren’t you going to work? did something happen?’
♡ finally, he sighed and shifted his gaze off his book but only to shoot you demeaning look, as if you were stupid, ‘paternity leave, duh.’
♡ the corners of your lips twitched into a smile, which you quickly forced away when you recalled the events that occurred three days ago and the hurtful things he said, instinctively looking over at the decorative table to remind yourself of what he did 
♡ but to your surprise, the picture was no longer laying on the ground, pooling in shards of glass but rather, it sit on the table with a brand new frame - which had both of your initials engraved onto it along with the date of the ceremony
♡ you didn’t need to choke out an inquiry as sakusa noticed your stunned expression and answered on his own, ‘i bought a new frame. i hope you like it.’
♡ of course you liked it; this one was a chic black with silver decals which matched your living room aesthetic way better than the other, tacky blue one did - plus, this one was customised which made you love it even more
♡ ‘i do. i really do. but i don’t like your attitude lately.’ you muttered, shaking your head as you waddled over to the couch 
♡ sakusa was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you down next to him, ‘i’m sorry, love.’ his voice cracked slightly as he whispered in your ear, ‘i cannot put into words how much harder my life would be without you. i just..hope you understand.’
♡ it’s not that sakusa was bad with words; he was just too emotional and overwhelmed to produce a long, coherent sentiment for you so he just prayed that you recognized that everything he said on that day was meaningless
♡ ‘i love you, (y/n).’
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atsumu miya
♡ you rolled your eyes, ignoring him and continuing to type your essay until atsumu slammed your laptop closed
♡ ‘please, (y/n)! you know how much this means to me! i’ve been waiting for this festival for years!’
♡ you scoffed, folding your arms and patiently waiting for him to move his filthy hand off your laptop, ‘i do and i’m proud of you. but i have a lecture that day and my exams are just around the corner - and you know how much my education means to me.’
♡ atsumu had to take a moment to suppress a gag at how sickening and condescending your tone was, ‘it’s just one lecture, (y/n)! you’re not going to fail your exams because you missed one lectu--’
♡ ‘you don’t know that.’
♡ atsumu blinked twice, a unimpressed expression painted on his face as he let out a sigh, realising there was no possible way he’s going to be able to get through to you - i mean, he’s been trying for the last 20 minutes to no avail
♡ he ran his hand through his hairs, turning on his heel, heading towards the door and left
♡ but not before peering over his shoulder to shoot you a nasty glare and spitting, ‘you’re so selfish. you can’t even do one thing that’d make me happy - you never can.’
♡ that was the final thing he said to you for the next....20 minutes 
♡ that’s actually a new record for him - usually he storms out of the room, sulks for a minute or two then renters to beg for your forgiveness 
♡ but not today. he was so mad that he needed 20 whole minutes to cool down and come to his senses
♡ but once he did, when he came back into the room, he expected to see you typing your essay or studying as usual since his words don’t usually effect you too much 
♡ so of course he was shocked when he slipped back into your shared bedroom to see you with the duvet tossed over your whole figure, faint sobs coming from underneath 
♡ his immediate reaction was to pull the blanket away and offer himself as your source of heat, so he wrapped you in his muscular embrace, ‘b-babe.’ he stuttered, eyes-wide as he never would’ve thought you’d take his words seriously, ‘are you okay?’
♡ he knew that was a stupid question but he simply asked it to determine how sad you were - and considering you weren’t able to babble out a reply, that wasn’t a good sign
♡ ‘you’re not selfish.’ he reassured you while rubbing circles on your back, ‘if anything, i was being selfish- and nothing makes me as happy as you do, (y/n). i- i really didn’t mean it.’
♡ he paused only to place a kiss on the top of your head, ‘i love you- and to show you how much i love you..i’ll drop you off at your lecture on that day, and take you to the festival afterwards; does that sound good?’
♡ you were finally able to choke out a response but only to explain how unachievable his idea was, ‘my lecture finishes at 5 and the festival ends at 7, and there is a 45 minute drive between the two- you’re only going to be able to spend a little over an hour there.’
♡ ‘and i’ll have a blast in that time!’
♡ you sighed, your lips twitching into a small smile as you buried your face into his chest as you really couldn’t look him in the eye, ‘and why can’t you just go without me again?’ 
♡ ‘who the fuck am i going to play dance dance revolution against if you don’t come?’
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shōyo hinata 
♡ you crossed your arms over your chest, internally regretting ever opening your mouth to try calm down fiancé as now, not only is he even more angry, but also most of his anger with now directed at you rather than manager, like it was previously 
♡ eventually, you started to develop a headache from all his screaming and shouting so you politely asked him to calm down, to which he replied, ‘calm down?! you’re the one who made me mad with your rude-ass comment and now you’re telling me to calm down?!’
♡ you preferred it when he was demanding for you to say ‘butt’ instead of ‘ass’ because now that’s he spent more time with bokuto, he’s started swearing more often and to be honest, it’s scary when a 5″4 ginger sunshine is yelling at you, calling you a ‘rude-ass’
♡ ‘shōyō, if i’m completely honest, i have no idea why what i said was so mean and i have no idea what’s going on- why are you so mad at your manager?’
♡ suddenly, he twisted his neck to look at you as if you had just been possessed, ‘what?’ he inquired in a hushed tone, his voice hoarse and oddly sinister  
♡ you quirked a brow, too tired of his constant bitching to pay attention to his tone of voice, ‘yeah, you speak too fast, shōyō.’ you said with a shrug, checking your nails to ensure that he knew that you truly did not care about how he scowled at you, ‘plus, i just don’t understand why this gets you so worked up - i try, i really do, but i guess your volleyball problems just go over my head.’
♡ hinata clenched his fist, realising that he wasn’t going to make any progress by complaining to you. he whipped his head away before storming off, not even sparing you a final glance, ‘you just don’t get it; you don’t understand anything i say and you don’t even make a fucking effort! you just think you are so much better than everyone - well, you’re not! try coming back down to reality with the rest of us, and then we can talk.’
♡ followed by a slam of the door which rattled through the whole apartment
♡ you really had never seen hinata so angry before in your 6 years of being together 
♡ the words he said were far from pleasant and a part of you wondered in he genuinely meant them, perhaps he had been supressing those thoughts for ages and now that he was finally mad, he could let it all out
♡ though you tried to reassure yourself that everyone says things they don’t mean when they are angry, but the tears started flowing on their own
♡ hinata didn’t plan on seeing you for another few hours as he had the idea of heading over to bokuto’s, have a drink and cool down but when he hopped out the shower, he realised he had left his phone in the bedroom - where he left you. 
♡ begrudgingly, he slid into the room with the intention of grabbing his phone then leaving but that went to shit when he noticed that you were bundled up under the blankets, and he could hear distant sniffles coming from underneath
♡ and hinata only has four moods: mad asf, happy asf, loving you & volleyball...asf
♡ so upon seeing you in such a state, presumably because of what he said, elicited his mood to change from ‘mad asf’ to ‘loving you’ 
♡ he pounced on you, causing you to fall sideways and squeal but he simply did not give a fuck
♡ ‘baby! i am so sorry! i didn’t think what i said would make you cry!’ he blubbered, or at least, that’s what it sounded like since you couldn’t actually see him due to the fact he had trapped you under the blankets, ‘i don’t know why i even said that! you’re not like that at all- i don’t think of you like that!’
♡ he paid little regard for your pleas of mercy as you squirmed frantically under the blanket, trying to escape his grip and body weight. he simply continued babbling on about how sorry he was and how amazing you are, ‘you are down here with the rest of us - i just said for no reason. please don’t be mad! you are - what does bokuto call it again? - oh! a humble--’
♡ ‘shōyō! i’ll forgive you if you get off me right now - i can hardly breathe!’
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niks-minion · 4 years
Reading Bnha 302
Ok, let’s try to dig and find gold.
So here I was, wondering for a whole week who’s gonna be the one to kick little Toyua’s ass. Rei??? Enji? Miraculously summoning his quirk Shouto? I’m putting off my clown wig bc no such scene. Is it a burned sleeve, Enji? Is it the answer I’m seeking? 👀
Um, kids are banned from the privilege to laugh at little Shou-Shou snot bubbles. Sorry, Natsu, Fuyumi, blame your big bro over there.
What caught my eye immediately was that the chapter has a very dark vibe. Enji’s face are hidden in the shadows almost everywhere. Man, it gives you chills, just look at this. Yikes.
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Sorry, but let’s stare at this some more
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Couldn’t resist. Sleeping with no care in the world, imitating Kageyama Tobio cute scowl. What? Someone tried to kill me? Nah.
Is this ice? Todo had his quirk this early? *Proud mama sobbing*
Anyhow, moving on.
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Right in you face! Hero? You? Pfffffft, yeah, k.
Rei is a queen, and her expression here!!!she’s mad and has every right to be mad.
Rei “maybe just pay attention to your son? Pls? Bc ya know, he just attacked our other son and if you run away now, it’ll end bad”. Enji “woman, I have more important stuff to do, I’m a hero. do it yourself”. Again his face is lurking in the dark. Scary.
And we are at the beginning of the circle again. Same scene but now we have two perspectives. Touya’s eyes are so sad... “I want to be on his place, if only I could...” after all this years he still hasn’t given up here. Playing with his siblings is never gonna be enough. If only they could switch places. Again- shadoooooows.
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Poor Natsu, he just wants his sleep back. Ugh, go bother Fuyumi, damn it.
The last person Toyua believed would stay by his side, would understand him, would be there for him currently doesn’t give a fuck, bc sleep is important, duh. He’s utterly alone. Can we start crying already? Yeah? Ok.
it’s time for Mom to try too. “Touya, go play with your friends?please?” “No!”
Well he didn’t listen to his father, and he had a great amount of respect for the man. So kinda an obvious outcome. The thing that got me is that from the early age Touya knows the whole shit ton of dirt. A kid. Thinks that he’s just a flawed experiment, and his mom went along with that. Producing kids. For money. I’d go crazy too.
Ok, this is the reason Rei blames herself too. But what she could have done at this point?
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Ok. Fuck. After all these years. After being clearly thrown aside. After watching Enji spending all his time with Shouto. HE IS STILL TRYING TO IMPRESS HIM!!! Smiling at him. “Dad pls, just look at me. I’m here too!”
Tears are covering the whole floor now. Damn it, Hori.
But apparently you burning yourself in hopes of getting a spare glance is not enough. Think of the better strategy next time, bro
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Like he’s not even scared? Just determined to stop Enji from bullying his mommy. Did I say “my baby hero”already?
Also we see Endeavor again hidden in the darkness. He looks like a scary fairytale monster, waiting to drag you in hell. He’s too far gone, the light can’t reach him anymore.
Fuyumi and Natsu, hugging and crying? They too knew what was happening, navigating in this neglect and screams...how did they manage to grow up and be normal functioning human being again?
And the saddest frame award goes to...
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It’s just devastating. Touya sitting alone, crying bc his dad doesn’t care. No matter how hard he tries, no matter now much pain he’s endures, nothing works, and he’s alone. Always alone.
Oh wtf Enji. Stop, or I’m gonna have nightmares!
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My favorite frame. Every member of Todoroki family, reflecting, acknowledging where they could face it defferently, how could they save him...
And now they’re finally ready to face it. Together. As a family, standing side by side.
Rei, calling Shouto their family hero? Shouto acting mature, not going solo but sharing his plan, asking advice, considering his family opinions? I’m.. it’s... I’m so proud, I can’t find words to express it, sorry.
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One more completed circle. Shouto’s first step to become a hero was saving his mom. And now she’s here, standing tall, telling him “you’re a hero, son” 🥲 and Todo is thankful to Deku for that. For showing him the way out of his resentment and pain. Deku was there in time, while nobody showed up for Touya...
Tododeku stans, how’re you doing? Seeing their precious friendship?
Ok. I need to say it again. Todoroki Shouto is the kindest, most selfless soul alive. Bite me.
He’s here to give Enji a chance to make it right this time. Give him a hand. He was saving ppl from the age of five. I’ll fight every civilian who’ll dare to say shit about him
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And after my tears’ve filled my entire room, I see the eavesdropping blonde and I lose it.
Bj, Hawks and Bakugou. Trio blondies eavesdropping brigade. It was part of that internship.
Btw where is Bakugou? It’s time for him to show up and scream some profanities to diffuse the tension.
I was thinking it was Natsu who wanted to treat his baby bro with soba, but here it’s says Touya. Anyhow, anyone will do. Just give that boy his comfort food, he deserves it. I deserve it too after all of this emotional whirlwind of never ending pain.
Now we’ve discovered almost everything, the last question is Touya’s death. I wonder, if it was Ujiko, the doc who spoke with Todo parents about Touya and his quirk, could he pass this info to someone? Or could he help the boy himself to escape?
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onlyswan · 4 years
cloudburst | jjk
→  pairing: jungkook x oc
→  genre: fluff, angst
→  warnings: mention of depression, profanities bc i curse a lot
→  word count: 1.2k
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summary: cloudburst (n.) an extreme amount of precipitation in a short period of time, sometimes accompanied by hail and thunder, which is capable of creating flood conditions;
or the only word close enough to describe the peculiar episodes of rainstorm that befall the vicinity when jungkook and ivy’s skin touch.
note: so um i came up with this idea for like more than a year now lol it’s supposedly a story but my motivation always ends up short so i gave it a try today and ended up using jk and i badly need to post it somewhere so here you go i guess lmk what you think?
“the weather app said it would be sunny today. why the fuck is it raining cats and dogs?” the woman who just entered the café grumbled, her hair dripping across the floor with every stride she took on the way to a table.
 her friend it seems like laughed at her appearance, “i warned you that it rains here a lot yet you still moved. invest in all things waterproof,”
 ivy looked over at jungkook with a guilty look on her face, which he deliberately ignored. he continued sipping on his coffee, one hand scrolling through his laptop and the other with no plans on letting go of hers. they’ve been here before. they’ve fought countless of times because she can’t stop worrying about how their relationship affects other people, and well, the entire planet.
 “jungkook, humans need sun. the plants and trees that give us oxygen need the fucking sun. it can’t rain every day! we will die!”
 “but i need you every day. is that not an enough reason?”
 and how could she possibly forget this one…
 “the local government is panicking about the flood. it makes no absolute sense why it would rain this hard suddenly often. i think they’re executing a project to redo the roads,”
 “good. that’s their damn job,”
 the thing is… jungkook knows what he wants and he will not let anything stand in his way of getting it. this fact has been well established ever since he was a little kid. when his parents wouldn’t let him get the toy he was eyeing the moment they stepped into the mall, he made his own means and got it for himself, selling the drawings he worked all night on to his classmates and mooching off them for food during recess instead of spending his allowance on overpriced food at the cafeteria. they don’t support his career choice? that’s fine. he moved out and tried, is still trying, his very best to survive in the world outside their roof. to say his parents are still baffled by this action is an understatement. he might be stubborn, and well, bratty, but he never begs. he never asks twice. it is that simple. wait. correction. was.
 jungkook is a hopeless romantic. he isn’t shy about it, but he isn’t very proud of it either. he likes classic romance movies and that’s how he imagines true love would be like. he loves the yearning, stolen glances, shy compliments, petty jealousy. but oh my fucking god, not like this. he is whipped. there is no denying. the fondness he has even for the most trivial things about ivy fascinates him. why do the smallest interactions put a stupid smile on my face? why does her voice gives me butterflies? why the fuck can’t i get enough of her? his friends are terrified of commitment. if they could only hear his thoughts, they would laugh at his face. one day they will understand and i will laugh at their faces then, he would always think to himself when they discuss about not wanting to get tied down and bossed around. because he would do anything and everything for ivy. that is why he pissed off all the damn time. sure, he enjoys the longing and slow burn. but not when one small touch and it rains so hard it looks like the sky is going to fucking fall upon the earth, not when ivy is sad and he can’t hold her in his arms without making her feel more down. rain makes her gloomy and depressed, that is one of the first things he learned about her. the irony makes him want to laugh and cry. she always assures him that it’s alright, that she has found comfort in it somehow, because she has him by her side. and she means it wholeheartedly. jungkook finds it hard to believe her, but he smiles and kisses her anyway, the ringing of the raindrops against the roof turning mute. her kisses make everything better.
 her love language is physical touch, so when they both came to a realization as to why it rains every time they are together, she felt cursed. why? out of all people, why her? she had boyfriends before, but the connection she has with jungkook is different. he treats her right. she is generally shy but once she talks, she would go on and on. she rambles when she is happy, excited, frustrated, or angry. they all get tired of this eventually, but not jungkook. he finds it adorable, and he listens intently whether it’s about how fucked up her childhood was or how much she wants a black cat. he makes her feel happy and loved. but it seems like the universe is against her happiness. when things don’t go her way, she shuts everyone out and drowns herself in her own misery. she knows she’s pathetic, but at least she’s not letting this patheticness bother anyone else, right?
 jungkook never begs. he does not ask twice. but for ivy, he would get on his knees. just like when he spent the entire night knocking on her door.
 “just leave, jungkook. this is fucking stupid. we are stupid,” she made sure to speak clearly, to not wobble on her words. her voice betrayed her at the end. “we’re over,” it came out as a whisper and she was almost terrified that he heard it. he did.
 “let me in, please. let’s talk properly. how are you just going to decide that we’re done? there are two of us in this relationship, ivy,” he tried to reason with her, pulling at his sleeves in an attempt to warm his freezing hands. he wants nothing but to cuddle in her soft and warm bed, he’s in pain. he hates this entire situation, but he loves her most in the world.
 “you sound ridiculous. we haven’t been together that long. you will move on, and i will, too,” the truth is she feels ridiculous. yes, they haven’t been together for that long but she has grown attached. and this hurts worse than she expected. “…right?”
 “that’s bullshit and you know it. i don’t care about the consequences. i don’t want to lose you,” it has never been this difficult to walk away, so you know what? fuck ego. fuck the goddamn planet. “we will make this work. we have to. so when you’re ready to open the door, i will be here.”
 ivy smiled at the sight of her boyfriend focused on drawing on his tablet, legs crossed and the digital pencil gripped by his tattooed hand she usually loves holding, but she’ll let him work for now. he tsked when a strand of hair fell over his eyes, which she brushed back immediately.
 “just put your hair in a bun so it wouldn’t bother you,”
 he pouted, “you do it better than me,”
 “liar, you just don’t want to move,” she rolled her eyes but stood up anyway.
 “maybeee,” he chuckled, averting his attention back to the screen as she did his hair. she loves his hair, more so with that damn undercut, but she won’t tell him that and well, she doesn’t really have to, because he already knows. with the way she constantly plays with it and tells him to put it up? she’s not exactly slick.
 “thanks, baby. i love you,” he hummed. she kissed his cheek as a return of appreciation and fought back a wince when the lady from the other table continued complaining because the drizzle outside intensified to a rain once again.
 jungkook merely shrugged and turned the screen towards her. “what do you think?”
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Finding Out
Summary: Reader visits The Empty to retrieve Cas and finds out who her parents were, one of which was right there with her all along.
TW/CW: Sam Winchester x Daughter!Reader. Angst (towards the end). “Orphaned” Reader taken in by the Winchesters. Mentions of Sam Winchester x Ruby.
Requested?: Yes, a lovely Anon said, “Could you do a Sam x daughter!reader where they found her as a baby but she was half demon so they took her in to try and be good and she grows up with them and stuff and then I’m season 15 instead of Cas going to the empty it’s her going (bc she’s half demon) where they find Ruby and Ruby admits to the reader that she’s her mother and Sams her father”
Word Count: 1,423
A/N: I feel like I should warn that I haven’t watched season 15 yet but I can still write her going to the empty bc I know what it is. I’ll try my best 😊 I hope it’s okay considering I didn’t really know what I was doing lol. I tried to make it somewhat fit into the timeline but it’s a little funky. Anyway, love to all!
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Your POV
    Hi, I’m (Y/n). I was adopted into a pretty cool family when I was just a kid. I don’t remember much about it because I was only about three years old. I have an older brother named Jack Kline. He’s what they call a Nephilim which is a half human, half angel. Biologically, he’s the son of Lucifer but he always insists that his real dad is Castiel. Castiel is an angel. Then there’s Sam and Dean Winchester. They’re brothers but they act a lot like I think a mom and dad would to me. Sam is like my mom, he’s always helping me out with my studying, training, and making sure that I remember to eat. When I get in trouble, he’s the one giving me the stern mom look that I’ve seen Grandma Jody give him and Dean. Dean on the other hand usually acts like he’s upset but as soon as Sam turns his back, Dean is high fiving me for being hilarious or smart or whatever but telling me not to do it again because Sam didn’t like it. He also taught me a lot about working on cars because I help him fix Baby all the time. If we ever decide to drop the hunting life, which I doubt we will, I’d love for me and him to open a garage together.
    Anyway, enough about them. You probably would like to know a little more about me. Like I said, I was adopted when I was about three years old because someone left me on the doorstep of the motel that Sam and Dean were staying in then. I don’t remember who it was but I remember them telling me to wait there because the people inside would take care of me until my mommy came back to get me. I never knew where she went and because of it I grew up pretty quickly thinking that she just didn’t want a little child and would come back for a teenager, she didn’t. I became what most people would say is about sixteen or seventeen. I remember Jack doing the same thing after he was born. It surprised Sam, Dean, and Cas when I did it but they assumed it was because of who I am.  You’re probably thinking, okay so you’re a Nephilim, who are your parents? That’s just it. I don’t know who my parents are but I do know that I’m not half angel. I’m half demon. Cas realized that almost immediately. For a while, there was some debate about whether they would keep me but they finally decided that they would, but the search for my parents didn’t stop there.
    They called up an old friend who happens to be the King of Hell and asked him if he could tell who my parents were or at least the demon half of the pair but no such luck. So, as my powers started manifesting themselves, we started training. It took some time but I eventually became able to control them and sometimes I use them on hunts but not often as it attracts a lot of attention.  
    I’m dragged away from my walk down memory lane as I sense something shift around me. I open my eyes and look around but see nothing. Literally, it’s a giant void. I remember now. I came to The Empty to get Cas back. “You’re so much older than I expected. I bet you still have your dad’s eyes huh? Not exactly something you can get rid of,” I hear someone say behind me. Turning around, I am faced with a woman who looks almost exactly like me. She’s a small bit taller and has brown eyes instead of green like mine. She’s also wearing an outfit similar to mine. If it weren’t for the small subtle differences, I’d think that I’m looking in a mirror.
    “Who are you? You’re not like me from the future, are you?” I inquire.
    “That sense of humor sounds a lot like Dean’s,” she says laughing, “No, I’m not you from the future. How would you change your eye color to make that happen?”
    I tilt my head and think for a moment, she has a point. Before I can say anything else, another voice joins the conversation, with a hint of bitterness in their tone, “She’s your mother.” I recognize that voice instantly as Cas appears at my side.
    The woman in front of me smiles and looks at Cas, “Come on, Castiel. I was trying to break it to her gently,” she looks back at me, “I’m your mom. My name is Ruby.”
    I’m quiet for a moment as I process this new information, “So, if you’re my mom then you should know who my dad is right?”  
    Ruby shares a certain look with Cas that I recognize as a, “Do you want to tell her or should I?” look. Cas nods so Ruby looks back at me, “Sam is your dad.”  
    Before I can ask any more questions, a loud noise erupts from somewhere in the darkness and Cas grabs my arm, “We need to go. That’s it.”
    Ruby looks to me with a sad smile, “I love you, kiddo. Always remember that.” With that, she waves her arm and Cas and I are thrown aside. Suddenly, it's hard to tell if my eyes are open and I’m still somewhere in The Empty or my eyes are closed and I’m not. I hear someone calling my name and realize I need to open my eyes. As I do, the light is almost unbearable but squatting beside me are Sam, Dean, and Jack. I sit up and rub my eyes as I try to make sense of the information, I just learned moments before.
    I look up as someone starts gently rubbing my back. Jack is now sitting cross legged beside me and Dean is squatting down to our level but Sam and Cas are nowhere to be found. “You okay?” Dean asks quietly. Before I can answer, Sam and Cas reenter the room. I stand, as do Dean and Jack, and watch Sam carefully, wondering if Cas told him. Sam takes a deep breath before racing forward and wrapping me in a hug. I quickly return it.
    When we pull apart, Dean and Jack look very confused as Sam looks down at me with a smile and moves my hair out of my face, “I’ve had a hunch for a while that you were her daughter. There’s no denying that you look almost exactly like her but I had no idea that you’re mine too.”
    “Hang on, did I just hear you right?” Dean questions.
    Sam and I both turn to look at Dean as Cas answers, “(Y/n) is the daughter of Sam and Ruby.”
    Dean’s shocked expression is almost cartoon like as he opens and closes his mouth looking for a response like a fish looking for water. We all sit down around one of the tables in the library as Cas explains everything that Ruby told him prior to my arrival in The Empty. Apparently, after she and Sam spent their time together, she found out that she was pregnant. When she died, Crowley found me and left me for Sam and Dean to take care of because if he couldn’t just get rid of me and he had his hands too full to take care of me himself. Everyone seemed kind of shocked but processed it rather quickly. I on the other hand felt like I now had a gaping hole in my chest, like something was missing. I just found out that she’s my mom but I can’t ever see her again. I silently get up from the table and make my way to my room. Behind me, I hear Sam tell the others, “She probably needs some time alone. One of us can check on her in a little bit.” As I close my door behind me and flop down onto my bed, the hole in my chest begins to ache and tears break through the dam. I snuggle up to one of my pillows and not for the first time in my life, I wish I had my mom there to comfort me but it hurts even worse now that I have a face to put to the title. Soon, I manage to cry myself to sleep and drift off into dreams that are sure to sting when I wake up.
Taglist: @emiijemii​ @castiels-majestic-wings​
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sleeplesscenarios · 4 years
bingqiu and headpats - an essay
or something... this is just me word vomiting after rereading chapter 49, have fun :)
so, for context, this is the chapter when luo binghe kisses shen qingqiu after shen qingqiu pats him on the head and there are some important points to make.
now there’s a whole ass paragraph in there going on about how much sqq loves to pat ppl on the head and there’s one sentence that’s something like “don’t touch a man’s head or a woman’s waist” and it barely makes sense tbh but it’s sqq, shit barely ever make sense in his head. what’s important here is three things:
1. shen qingqiu loves patting people’s head 2. he got the idea that he’s not supposed to pat people’s head 3. luo binghe always let him pat his head
there we need to clear one thing up: 
what are headpats?
headpats are the most affectionate things in the world. based on the gay content i consumed, i’ve come to the conclusion that headpats are an “i like you” in gay. unfortunately, not everyone is aware of that (maybe it’s not even true but it makes sense if you consider that quote above) but i can 100% guarantee you that you can make a person’s heart flutter if you pat their head a lot more than a hug could ever do.
headpats not only make one’s heart flutter but also give comfort. it also means “you did well” and i know for a fact that this sentence could make many stressed af people cry (imagine a lbh who lost the only person who ever loved him and then gets him back... yeah...). usually the older is the one giving comfort to the younger bc parental instincts or whatever so it’s also extra heart fluttering when the younger gives it to the older uwu. anyways, headpats don’t only give comfort, they could also provide safety.
most importantly, it suggests that the person’s palm is resting on top of your head, the highest point of your body which calms you down and keeps you grounded. good for anxiety (if the person can be touched, please don’t touch an anxious/panicked person if they don’t give a sign that it’s ok you could alert them and make it worse) and easing nerves.
next, headpats from luo binghe’s point of view:
we have our white lotus precious sunshine half demon child who suffered through every shit possible before finally meeting this man whose attitude took a 180° turn. as said before, sqq LOVES patting people’s head and sqq always thought that binghe is a very cute boy so how could he resist just patting his head and ruffling his hair all the time? he can’t. he won’t. luo binghe is both touch starved and affection starved so this man is not only the first person who treated him well but also probably the first person who touched him with affection instead of beating him.
imagine this long suffered, touch and affection starved 14 years old luo binghe having his head patted by shen qingqiu for the first time. yes. i would fall in love on the spot too.
and after that, shen qingqiu keeps doing it because it’s what he does and luo binghe thinks he would get used to it by the time he’s 17 or smth but no??? it’s always the same fluttering feeling he gets in his heart, and it warms his whole body up and fills him with happiness and god, he never wants sqq to let go of him :(( it calms him down, comforts him, encourages him, makes him feel cared for and loved........ *cries*
moving on to the most interesting part, headpats from shen qingqiu’s point of view:
so shen qingqiu LOVES giving headpats and he finally found this adorable, enthusiastic little boy who lets him pat his head for all he wants (see the never wants him to let go part above). but sqq has his doubts because should he really pat the head of this half demon boi who would cut off his whole arm later on? yes. he keeps doing it anyways because yolo (his words not mine).
at first, he pats binghe’s head because “good little baby protagonist, grow strong, kill ppl, get women uwuwu shizun supports you pls remember not to kill me later”. and he doesn’t even notice it but he grows super attached to this kid, like the novel didn’t mention but i’d bet money that when he ditched binghe to the abyss, he would stare at his open palm and imagine what binghe’s head/hair felt like beneath his palm/fingers. because he did give him a lot of his love and affection so of course, he wouldn’t come out of this unscathed. headpats affect the giver too. everytime he patted binghe’s head, sqq would look at the way lbh’s eyes lit up and he relaxed under his touch because he trusted him so much, and hhhhhhhhhh shen qingqiu had no chance either, he’s just dumb af.
at that moment, when shen qingqiu saw the sad and lonely grown up luo binghe and his arm moved automatically to give binghe his headpats that was not only because it became a routine born out of something he enjoyed doing. it was also from his strong desire to protect him (which we can see a lot in the second half of the novel), see his eyes bright and twinkling again instead of piercing and cold, to see a thoughtless and happy smile on his face again, to make him feel loved and cared for instead of lonely, to give him comfort, affection, whatever just to not see him like that anymore.
at that time, shen qingqiu’s arm moved to pat luo binghe’s head because he loved luo binghe very much (even if he didn’t realize it yet or if it wasn’t to that extent yet) and hated to see him so miserable, especially after knowing full well what luo binghe had to go through ever since he was born. 
and at that time, luo binghe really couldn’t help but kiss him because even if that was only his own delusional dream, he could feel the real sqq for a moment, he could feel the same kind of warmth and comfort and affection that he fell in love with, and since shen qingqiu moved unconsciously, the movement came from his heart so it reached directly luo binghe’s heart who responded with his own.
actually, shen qingqiu patting luo binghe’s head at that exact moment like that truly felt like a love confession, it must have felt like that to luo binghe.
thank you for your attention, bingqiu headpats forever! ^^
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what-kinda-fuckery · 4 years
Hey so, I was one of the star struck falsettos stans that spent the forty dollars for the webinar, and I took notes (like a weirdo). So I decided I would share my funny moments and updates from the cast here!
- Host: Everyone should be keeping their audio off.
Christian: Oh alright!
Host: nO Christian not you
- Christians in Manhattan and his hair is back and he’s wearing a Superman t-shirt.
- Brandon is with his parents in NJ
- Stephanie and Brandon still love each other
- Brandon: Meat should be cooked just right
- Betsy: Stephanie are you in maple wood?
Stephanie: Well thank you for telling everyone where I am (she’s in NJ)
- Stephanie: Are you fucking kidding meee!!!
- Tracie is in LA, she looks like she’s in Costa Rica and I love her dog.
they’re all talking about Anthony’s clear skin
- Andy Randy is in LA with a fresh haircut his boyfriend did it and he’s watching too much TV
Andrew: I’m watching this is America
Stephanie: SO GOOD
Andrew: SO GOOD
- Everyone’s having hard days
- Christian is acting out tracies dog’s pathetic bark and everyone’s like WHAT are you doing bc it looks like he’s about to throw up
Betsy: What else do you do during a pandemic? Have a baby!
Andrew: Can I toss out another baby name? Celery.
Literally everyone: Goodnight Andrew goodbye!
- Christian is living with a girl (?) and playing board games instead of watching television
Christian: yesterday I made pork filet en croute
Stephanie: In mean girls they wear pink on wednesdays. In falsettos they make pork.
- I can’t get over Anthony’s voice
Again everyone returning to his literally perfect skin
- Stephanie: When watching four jews in a room in the beginning who’s in China?? I know the answer I just want to hear someone say it.
Andrew, with a thick accent: It was Bryna, in China, with a torn miniscus
- Christian: Did anything interesting make it on to the telecast between me and you? Andrew? Actually I dont remember I need to do my research.
Andrew: There’s been some strange comments about Christian and I- (AT THIS POINT IM WHEEZING)
Andrew: No that’s not a thing that happened
Brandon: Andrew i want you to know that it’s okay if it was. It’s a safe space just the seven of us. (Lol)
- Bill Finn would take two steps into the room: “WROONG”
Stephanie: he wanted me to sing the end of I’m breaking down up the octave and I said #notmytrina
- Tracie what did you do during act 1
Tracie: Betsy and I sat in that dressing room for like an hour and a half
- Betsy watched parts of the first act to feel like she was there
- Betsy sprained both her ankles at one point during the run and was a trooper anyways
Brandon reenacting Betsy limping during look look look look
Everyone dies laughing
Christians LAUGH makes me SO HAPPY
- Betsys screen is frozen like this: 🤨
Andrew: What if she went into labor??? (This is a common thread throughout the zoom)
- Anthony: I’m getting a lot of glitching so Stephanie is just like “HUH UH UH UH”
- Betsy comes back and everyone is like
- They bought Andrew an ice cream for his birthday from the vending machine at rehearsal
- Andrew: The Hawaii crop top
Betsy: I would give anything to have that
- Tracie: it was very hard. Very precise bringing the blocks together
Brandon: Trying to be like oh my god we’re going to a funeral
- fan question: What did the blocks weigh?
Stephanie: They were like thick yoga blocks. Not heavy but awkward shaped
Andrew: Significantly heavier when Anthony sat on them
Anthony: I just realized how much I got thrown around
Stephanie: Anthony were you proud of yourself? #proudofyou
Anthony: The one moment I was cringing was father and son
Betsy: Anthony’s like BLAH BLAH BLAH blah my line BLAH BLAH BLAH my line BLAH BLAH
Anthony: I was blinking in that number like constantly
Oh Anthony.
- Andrew: I HAVE A STORY ABOUT CHRISTIAN BORLE. Tech for what more can i say. He was laying on me. We were shirtless in underpants under the blankets.
Christian: SLOWER
Andrew: he leaned over; He sniffed his armpit and said “I hope you like France”
Christian: i haven’t worn deodorant in 10 years true story
- Christian: i seem to remember holding our pillows and blankets pretending like we were partying on fyre island and Andrew said:
Christian: No no it was something like:
Betsy: James lupine I feel like we’re ruining this show
- Andrew: The shenanigans were real but so was the sadness
Stephanie: We’re real and we’re funny what you gonna do
- Andrew talking about how hard the show was to do: Finding some liberty, It’s a hard world to live in all the time. It was a hard time especially for Christian. I would sometimes go home and cry for no reason
Brandon: Building up emotion with nowhere to put it
Betsy: then Lesbians come in and provide all the levity
Stephanie: Although Dr. Charlotte brings in horrible news
Tracie: Everything’s beautiful at what more can i say and I’m like not so fast
- Tracie always had a funny thing to say
- Who broke character the most on stage?
Anthony Stephanie and Christian
Anthony: it was when I said “I don’t want a bar mitzvah” and I spit in your face a lot and you went like *puts arms up* and someone at stage door was like very condescending like it’s not professional
Christian: Oh my bad we’re people sorry
- Stephanie wrote a line in the show “YOU HAVE PAINTINGS OF DICKS”
- James wanted her to cut off her finger during I’m breaking down
And turn around with a bandaged bloody finger
- Betsy’s nose bleeding during something bad is happening
And Tracie was like something BAD IS HAPPENING
Tracie: Christians throwing up right now
Betsy: Bloody Kleenex up the nose THE SHOW MUST GO ON
- Fan question: Stephanie how do you belt with a banana in your mouth
Christian: Practice practice practice
Stephanie: just shove it in your cheek. But Really that wasn’t supposed to happen
Anthony’s nickname in the rehearsal room was little bananas because he had to gather up all the pieces of stuff after Stephanie shoved the table over with her rear. Sometimes he didn’t have enough time to put it somewhere so he would just put the pieces of banana in his mouth and that’s where it came from
That’s why
- Andrew: Stephanie your glasses are very chic
Stephanie: Oh my gosh thank you *shocked*
- Betsy: Bill was like I’d rather DIE than change lyrics for the pbs special
FLaT aS a LaKe
- Cue everyone accidentally talking over each other and saying what at each other for 30 seconds
Christian: what? what? what?
Who is it?
What’s going on?
- If you could play anyone else in the show who would it be
Anthony said Mendel
Tracie said Mendel
Brandon said Trina
Andrew said marvin
Betsy said whizzer
Stephanie said Mendel
And I honestly couldn’t hear if Christian said anything whoops
- Brandon: If someone could at some point explain to me the Mendel eats dirt meme? People have been Asking me if Mendel eats dirt? I don’t think it’s about Trina Trina is not the dirt. I was overwhelmed. Can someone in the Q&A explain this? *A few seconds later* oh It was from a meme generator?
Christian: Greaat.
Brandon: It’s a fan fiction about Mendel eating dirt and getting aroused by it
Everyone: WHAT
- They still get fan art
Someone recreated the whole soundtrack 8bit and also with KAZOOS
- Brandon: CONGRATS CHRISTIAN ON LULOS WIN FOR LITTLE SHOP. If you haven’t seen Christian in little shop it’s revelatory I’m not just blowing smoke up your ass I have not laughed that hard in a while at the theatre
- Christian talking about little shop
Christian has a 12 inch Batman toy in his dressing room and he misses it
- Ticket prices were getting out of control before corona everyones hoping this will make a difference
Brandon and everyone think it should get more accessible
- Brandon: Hear hear I need a refill
- Stephanie: Your hair looks incredible Brandon (it did)
Christian: She’s been waiting to talk about it for 53 minutes
- Andrew: Well Betsy what I’m wondering is have you crowned yet??
Proceed everyone dying
Brandon, taking a picture of the screen: This moment will go down in history as When Betsy was asked if she was crowning
- Everyone mimicking zoom freezing by starting a sentence and freezing halfway through
- Christian: What new Steven sondheim musical are you excited about Anthony *devilish grin*
Anthony having no idea what Christian is talking about
Christian: Come on Anthony you know the answer. Ugh. The minds of the young. You’re smoking pot now aren’t you??
Christian: We have a lot of fun
- Andrew: I’m trying to get people to pay attention to me
- Christians pretending to be frozen
Cue a lot of yelling: Stephanie BRANDON STEPHANIE
Everyone accusing each other of being frozen
- Andrew: Let’s all act like we’re frozen
Steph: I see Andrew acting like hes frozen
Betsy: Watching you do that is killing me
- Listening to the cast recording for the first time together
Stephanie: Why was I the a-hole that couldn’t be there???
Christian: That’s a question only you can answer
- Betsys husband came in everyones like BETSY LOOK OUT
Christian: that scared the shit out of me
- What is marvins last name and what was his line of work
Christian: we definitely said it at some point right? (They didnt) but he was in advertising. What was the last name? Gardens? O’Malley?
- Andrew: Betsys gone oh no
Betsy: I’m right here!!!
Andrew: She’s giving birth (again)
Stephanie: Betsy Wolfe is a ceiling
- Brandon: Welcome back Anthony. You’re here now.
Anthony singing merrily we roll along over Betsy trying to tell a story
- Betsy: Steve (Steven Sondheim) comes to the door I call him steve
Into the woods is the reason Betsy is in theatre
- Betsy: Andrew was nervous singing at the tonys for Book of Mormon and he got dry mouth he sang like 😬I BELIEVE and he licked his lips so much during the song.
Brandon: Did you have a boner then too?
Stephanie: It’ll be like dry mouth, boner
Stephanie: Bets maybe we should wrap it up
EVERYONE TELLING HIM TO STOP SINGING I took a video it was beautiful might post that later
- “Tracie Thomas from Lent!”
Tracie having stage fright
Tracie: Billy porter said “oh child we all forget the words” and walked away
- Anthony said WHO SHAT THE BED in four jews once
Anthony: That’s my contribution. Steph got her line, I got who shat the bed
- Steph: We lost andrew oh no
Christian: Um, we lost andrew ten minutes ago. Yeah when Brandon started singing
- Then Betsy sang a song by Bill Finn beautiful
- Steph: Wear your masks and eat pork on wednesdays
That was it!! I hope you enjoyed and people who were there if I got anything wrong that’s my human error it was hard to note everything I wanted to. Smooches! Byee
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msiopao · 4 years
Sera with the Members
a/n: mark is in this because dream is now a fixed unit and he’s part of the lineup!!!!!!
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was the person who made Sera comfortable since he reminded her of home
always asks if canadian bacon is better than american bacon
‘i dONt kNoW, sERa! mEAT iS mEaT!’
she didnt actually cry on stage when he was leaving but she cried when it was just the two of them and he recorded for the last time
it was her idea for hyuck to buy him a big bottle of ketchup
CANNOT believe that mark was a churchboy and ends up acting up in music videos
the duality SCARES her
calls her finny since her name is serafina
sera has her own room but she has an extra bed so he sleeps in there when he spends the night
learned this watermelon shake to help mark’s hangover
english all the time
ever since they met, mark has always placed his elbow on her head due to her short height
sera learned this fried rice recipe from her mom and he goes over to their dorm for breakfast
‘mark bls dont touch anything. get out of the kitchen and go watch tv or something’
always brings up his messed up eggs
‘gordon spitting facts tho’
whenever he feels too overworked or too pressured, sera has always made it a point to come over to their dorm and have a movie night with just the 2 of them with his favorite snacks and drinks
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omg these two
sera is typically not mean but when renjun starts, she becomes ruthless
always calling out his fake personality
‘everyone, don’t believe him! he’s 2 faced!’
‘what are you even saying! you act like you’re so quirky and giggly but you yeeted jisung into the wall last night!’
so yea, they fight a lot
but its very playful and they know where that line is drawn and not cross it
he talks to her about space and aliens and she listens to every word bc renjun sounds so confident and happy whenever he talks about that stuff
they’re actually 10 days apart but sera acts like she’s 10 years older than him
‘okay, granny’
always in awe whenever renjun draws and paints and she really likes seeing him in his element
unbeknowst to her, he actually draws her a lot
wants to frame all of his work 
they go out to the roof and stargaze
he steals her airpods just to watch her go crazy
once hid her phone in the fridge
lives for his vocals
cannot believe how much he’s grown from chewing gum era to now
her heart strings were tugged when he cried in dnyl
renjun always says that he wishes sera was born as his little sister bc they act like they’re siblings
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so their is kinda complicated
sera’s closest to him than all the members bc 1, he was her first friend and 2, he has cats
before, when they still went to school, her and jeno always went together
yes, jaemin and jeno and her went together in the beginning
but jaemin was in the hospital and recovering so it just became them 2
also, she goes to visit his parents so she can see his cats
this results to his parents and older sister adoring her
‘bongsik, nal, and seol are my kids’ - lee sera, 00 line vlive
she always craves for attention and when it isnt given bc he’s too busy playing, she just walks into his room and sits on his lap while he plays
tries to get his attention by saying stuff but he teases her by acting like she aint there
‘fine, i’ll go to jaemin’
jeno wasnt supposed to be blonde for the comeback but they were just messing around and next thing they knew, jeno’s tips were bleach blonde
when shes on that,,,, time,,,,, hes the only one in the dorm she listens to
not even johnny, who’s practically her father
collabs with her mukbang show and jsmr
he mentions her like at least once whenever he has lives that she’s not in
steals his glasses all the time just to watch him wander around with this confused adorable face
hugs are so cute w these two and czennies see them hugging in videos and she can barely reach his shoulder 
forehead kisses and sweater paws for daysss
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drop dead gorgeous boy
shes not safe from jaemin’s affections
*cue jeno glaring at him for stealing her*
we all know how much he loves the members and whenever sera breathes, he busts his uwus
takes so many pictures of her
sera buys him lots of lip balms and carmex but he always forgets to put them on
sera hates peaches but she buys him peach flavored sweets whenever she sees them
sera is also an attention whore so she always runs to him and wraps her arms around him and he squeals by how cute she is
bought him an expensive camera for his birthday
has a polaroid picture of him in her clear phone case
actually, her phone background is an old picture of predebut sera, jeno, and jaemin
one of the rare moments where she cried was when she found out that jaemin wouldnt be in a few comebacks bc he was sick
kept visiting him and jaemin cannot repay her enough
the dorm is full of ryan and winnie plushies from the sofa, a tiny winnie plush on the corner of the island counter, and their bedrooms
sera is the one who always throws away the his satanic drink even though it’s still full
‘yah, you need to think about your health and if it your body is tired, dont fight it by trying to drink these to keep your energy’
sleepovers with them are often and sometimes found sleeping on the spare bed in her room
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our big babie
oh boi when he got hurt
sera called him twice a day, one in the morning and one at night, just to check if it’s still hurting and making sure he’s resting
forever remembers when he dressed up as a girl 
‘you see, i’m not the only girl member. dongsuk is just on hiatus right now’
his name on her phone is ‘man-child’
when he went on tour with 127, she really missed him
like she missed him so much that she kept posting on instagram for him to hurry back home
still mad that he moved dorms to be with the older members
when sera got sick, she made him sing ‘no longer’ to her like a lullaby
when he asks sera to do something for him, usually she says no because he asks her to do ridiculous things but his aegyo always convinces her
thinks his color amblyopia is so fascinating and adds more into the unique traits he has
another attention giver and she loves hugging him because he gives really warm hugs
one time, jeno and sera had a fight and it got so bad that hyuck had to be called and he was the only one who got to talk some sense in sera to talk to jeno
but the legendary markhyuck summer fight was resolved because sera yelled at them and cried since they are best friends and they shouldnt be like that to each other
they made up since ‘wow sera cried’ and ‘the members are ready to beat us up if we continue this’
and by members, like all members, including the older ones
sera knows how much being the moodmaker title burdens him so she tries to ease that burden by talking to him just the two of them
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look how adorable he is UWU
he is 1/2 of sera’s sons
like she’s whipped for him and jisung and he knows it too
‘yes, i will give you the world, the stars, and the moon’
thinks his laugh is endearing and is sad that it isnt that high-pitched anymore since his voice got a little deeper
cannot believe how much he’s grown too
when he speaks in chinese, sera thinks its the cutest thing 
‘can we give his scalp some rest? its not healthy for the boy’
trust fund babies
you know how chenle has 3 airpods?
sera went through 4 phones since she keeps losing or breaking it
dont ask how bc shes as clumsy as namjoon
had this phase where he wouldn’t stop back-hugging his noona and she just left it alone
always buys him snacks and cooks him a lot of food bc she thinks he’s too skinny and wants him to be healthy and gain some fat on those cheeks again
on their break, she went to china with jisung and her lock screen is a picture of her and chenle holding his nephew
triggered her baby fever
czennies ship them but he makes it clear she’s the older sister he’s never had
nct dream took a vacation to her hometown and she bought them basketball tickets so chenle could see his idol
his mom practically adopted her since she goes over to his apartment all the time whenever the others are getting too much for her
she misses him so much its not even funny
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our maknae is growing up :(
sera had the whole family sit and watch the first episode of dancing high
so proud of her boy
she called him during the show and it was shown and heard about her telling him to take care of himself and to not be too hard on his body and that she’s waiting for him at home
as the youngest member overall, sera babies him the most
he obvs takes advantage of it and she used to cuddle him to sleep when he was younger bc he had a hard time sleeping
again, cooks for him a lot since he’s a growing boy and making sure he takes vitamins and drinks water and limit sugary things
she calls his mom to give him updates about her son
remember his phone that he used until it actually died?
sera actually bought him a new one before that happened and just casually gave it to him
‘i know this was going to happen so i just took care of it. i have to take care of you, jisung-ah’
hypes him up whenever he dances bc wow this boy is actually talented
doesnt really like skinship but he tolerates it when she holds his hands bc theyre so much bigger than hers
one day just woke up and she got so confused when jisung grew up
‘did you grow in your sleep?’
loves his awkward nature and she keeps saying how adorable he is and cute he is whenever he acts cool
god, she’s just so whipped for him
but tbh, who isn’t?
aaaahhhhhh i cannot believe our wish came true and they became a fixed unit and we really getting a comeback and an mv in the 29th!!!
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shima-draws · 5 years
Shima please tell me about your galaxy brain human Lucario AU I wanna know how it all pans out
NDASKMADMLASMKSA OMG ANON I am more than happy to share :'D This got really REALLY long, I hope you enjoy a good read lmao
So we have. Lucario. As a human. Possibly named after an actual Pokemon Lucario, idk. He's still Aaron's apprentice—trains under him at the castle to become an aura user. However, human Lucario is like. 15, making his connection to Aaron that much more powerful bc he's pretty much baby and Aaron's in his mid twenties practically raising this kid by himself. Lucario views Aaron as kind of a father/guardian figure? He's still so uptight at this point tho;; and he views Lady Rin as a mother (which. Is. SOFT). Rin and Aaron might be in love, it's hard for Lucario to tell, he doesn't Romance. He just focuses on his aura training. Pssh.
Fast forward to the time of the Big Pokemon War. Aaron realizes the only way to stop the fighting is to go find Mew at the Tree of Beginning. However he knows that this is a huge sacrifice—and knowing how loyal Lucario is to him, Aaron knows he'll follow him and be subjected to the same fate. And Aaron's like—Lucario is just a kid, you know? He still has so much more to experience and live for. So while it fucking breaks his heart to shatter Lucario's trust in him (for the time being) and totally ruin his father figure status, Aaron "betrays" Lucario and traps him inside the staff. It's some crazy magic aura crystal thing that seals something inside of it, whether it be a Pokemon, human, spirit, or whatever else. At this point it's also for Lucario's safety—bc nothing can really touch him while he's in there, and they're in the middle of a war, so yeah it's just really good timing and planning to protect his kid. However Aaron, being the adorable himbo dumbass he is, kinda forgets that this is an aura crystal, and therefore needs aura to "unseal" it essentially, which would set Lucario free. Unfortunately after Aaron goes to the Tree and gives up his life to stop the war (cue Titanic music) there's not really any other aura user around. They're pretty rare, even way back then;; so Lucario falls into a deep slumber, being sealed, and is kept there for about 1000 years.
And then!! Ash fucking Ketchum enters the picture!!
Lucario is suddenly woken because he senses Aaron's aura nearby. Absolutely pissed at Dad for leaving him behind, Lucario escapes from the staff and goes to attack, but stops when he realizes Dad is actually not Dad, it is adorable 14 year-old boy who has a similar aura to Aaron. Cue a very disgruntled teenager running through the palace, totally out of place and confused. Eventually he's stopped by Lady Ilene, who explains what's going on. Naturally Lucario's heartbroken—not only is his master/dad/guardian dead, but so is his mother figure, and everybody else he'd once known in the castle. Bc Ilene looks so similar to Rin, Lucario takes comfort from her. Ilene does her best to console him and asks if he'll do her a favor. He leaps at the chance to make her happy—apparently he's a sucker for getting good Parent Figures to like him—and agrees to go help Ash and co. find Pikachu at the Tree of Beginning.
Instead of Lucario doing the Naruto run ahead of the group (which like. How the fuck is he so fast...) he actually sits in the car in the passenger's seat with Kidd doing the driving for him, bc hell if a human can run for that long and not be totally wiped out afterward (also he just woke up from a 1000 year nap. Yeahhh. Not gonna happen.) Also baby has no idea what the fuck a car even is so he's a bit nervous around it, and Kidd's like "Um yeah no I'm not letting you drive. Just tell me where to go" so Lucario uses his aura to lead her. Things progress p much the same way, with Lucario getting strangely attached to Ash despite not wanting to, at all, but it's hard because Ash is just Perfect and a Good Boy and pretty much gives Lucario the sort of attention he craves. Eventually tho that all comes to a head when Ash brings up his friendship with Pikachu. Lucario's still bitter about Aaron and honestly can't bring himself to trust any of them—and is pissed at himself for having taken a liking to Ash despite that—so that leads into their giant fight in the first step of their enemies to lovers trope. Ha. Even so, he still gets consoled by Max (and is given CHOCOLATE!! Which is the most fucking heavenly thing he's ever tasted), and witnesses Ash unable to sleep bc of his honest worry for Pikachu. Lucario does some Deep Thinking to himself about his relations to the group.
The next day, the group activates the Time Flower that recorded Aaron's entire abandonment of Lucario. Believe it or not being a young kid in training for a war tends to give you a bit of trauma, so Lucario freaks out a little and starts attacking the hollow projections of the enemy Pokemon. Ash manages to calm him down. Lucario collapses and asks why Aaron had abandoned him. What did he do wrong? Why would Aaron turn against the kingdom? Why did Aaron trap him in the staff? He doesn't know shit and it's frustrating. Ash comes up to him and apologizes, and as soon as the waterworks turn on Lucario's like oh nooo. Oh NOOOO. Here's this boy laying his heart out on his sleeve and is so honest and open and sincere that he can't help but feel awful for how he treated him. Lucario immediately forgives Ash and is like "I will now protect you with my life" bc Ash is baby and Lucario realizes for the first time!! He's made an actual friend with somebody that isn't his dad or the queen! And if he's friends with Ash that means he can be friends with Brock and May and Max and Kidd too. The prospect is EXCITING. He can trust these people now, he knows, because they saw what happened and they believed him about Aaron. They're choosing to side with him over the "kingdom's hero" and that honestly means a lot—it's a huge commitment and Lucario's just. Super grateful that he has a group of people backing him up. Lucario promises himself that he'll reunite Ash and Pikachu, bc if he were given the chance he'd reunite with the people he once held dear too. Ash and Pikachu really care about each other and Lucario admires and respects that a lot and he wants to make Ash happy so!! He's like. It is my personal mission to see that we find Pikachu successfully. And Ash is just like :'D !!! And it's that moment when Lucario realizes that he might like Ash a biiit more than he originally thought he did. Huh.
Literally not even 30 seconds after that revelation Regirock attacks and Lucario almost has a fucking aneurysm because he JUST made friends with these people!! And now they're going to get killed if he's not careful! Story of his life. He immediately shifts into Protect Ash Mode™ and hurries everyone to safety. Things are crazy. Lucario has too much of a burden on his shoulders. He's stressed. But Ash is with him and that makes things a little bit better so he focuses on getting them to where they need to go and protecting them along the way. Big job for such a young kid. Whew!!
Traveling through the Tree of Beginning, weird antibodies keep voring people, and it's not fun. At one point Lucario takes the bullet for Kidd, but is mysteriously released (probably bc of his aura and his connection to Aaron, who gave up his life, which gave energy to the tree and to Mew. So there's a connection there. The tree kinda sees Lucario as one of its own.) Finally, finally! Ash and Pikachu are reunited! Lucario can immediately sense how close they are and how much of a bond they have. Seeing someone with so much history with Ash makes Lucario a bit shy around Pikachu, but it’s cool, they warm up to each other eventually!
Right after this, Ash and the others find out that May, Brock and Max were devoured by the antibodies. Lucario barely has any time to grieve for them before the Regis burst in and essentially trap him as Ash and Kidd are attacked by the cells next. Lucario watches in absolute horror as Ash is swallowed up. It’s like Aaron all over again—and this time it’s worse because Ash hadn’t done anything wrong, and Lucario had really come to trust him and admire him as a person. It’s absolutely fucking heartbreaking. He watches in hollow-eyed despair as Pikachu and Ash’s other Pokemon cry over him. Everything sucks. The world is a nightmare. Lucario almost wishes he’d gotten swallowed too. Why is it always him that’s the last one standing, the only one left, the remainder to deal with the carnage and the loss by himself? Then Mew performs its voodoo magic and lo and behold!! Ash and the others are miraculously revived! Lucario is absolutely overjoyed and relieved. It’s then that he realizes he’d be absolutely devastated if he lost Ash for good—even more so than Aaron. At this point he’s kinda come to terms about Aaron’s death, though it still hurts because there’s so many questions left unanswered.
Of course right after this Mew collapses and everything goes to shit again. Great. (Can he get like five seconds to maybe just breathe?? Idk.) At the center of the Tree of Beginning, Lucario finds Aaron’s gloves and things start to click into place. Maybe...the stories were true? Lucario activates the Time Flower there and realizes what Aaron had done, his noble sacrifice, and why he couldn’t bear to get Lucario involved. Lucario breaks down in tears bc he’s so relieved and yet so unbearably sad. Aaron was like his father. Someone who cared for him so immensely and deeply. Aaron urged Lucario to continue on and live his life to the fullest—that’s what he wanted for him, after all. But at this point Lucario isn’t sure if he can. Mew needs saving, after all.
Lucario decides he’ll follow in Aaron’s footsteps and save Mew, no matter how sad it makes him to have to leave his new friends so early. Ash immediately protests, along with Kidd, and Lucario tells them that it’s a risk he has to take, just like Aaron. Mew and the Tree need his power more than ever now, and he can’t just abandon them. He starts to pour all of his aura into Mew, but it’s not enough. Ash puts on Aaron’s gloves and jumps in, deciding to help out. Lucario is grateful but also very panicked because Ash literally just came back to life—he couldn’t bear losing him a second time, especially since he already lost Aaron. Lucario tries to bump him out of the way but Ash absolutely won’t let him!! If they’re going down they’re going down together. Ash tells him that he can’t watch Lucario take on the burden by himself over and over—that he wants to split the weight and make things even. Cue a very emotional tense moment between two boys about to sacrifice their lives together. Neither of them want the other to die, but they don’t really have a choice. Mew absorbs their power and then…
Lucario wakes up.
And he’s alive. Holy fuck!! (There’s no fucking way I’d kill him nope not happening not this time bitches)
Apparently splitting the burden of giving one’s life energy to another with a second person eases the consequences—leaving both Ash and Lucario alive (which makes him realize that if he’d gone with Aaron all those years ago and split the burden, both of them would have lived. But strangely Lucario wouldn’t trade that opportunity for what he has now.) Ash literally jumps on him and hugs him so tight he nearly dies a second time, but it’s fine. It’s a good way to go.
The tree is safe, and so is Mew. Ash rejoins the others, bringing Lucario with him. They all have a merry little reunion, and then head back to the castle together.
At this point, Ilene thanks Lucario for all he’d done—for Ash and co. and for the tree and Mew. She then sets Lucario free—saying he can do whatever he wishes, he can follow any path in life he wants to now! Suddenly there’s a whole world full of possibilities, and that world is there for him to explore. He can practically hear Aaron encouraging him to take a step into the unknown, journey to his heart’s content, make tons of friends, and master his aura. Except Lucario isn’t really sure he wants to take the trip by himself. He bashfully asks Ash if they’d be alright with him joining them. Ash is absolutely fucking ecstatic, of course. He asks Lucario to teach him how to properly use his aura, and Lucario has a big self revelation moment like “The student has become the master” and it’s magical. So we hit off a brand new adventure with Lucario traveling with Ash, Brock, May, and Max, and teaching Ash how to hone his aura! Which gives us more aura Ash moments, which everybody craves! And it’s kinda gay and lovely!!
And that is my rewrite happy ending for Lucario and the Mystery of Mew thank you goodnight ✌️
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haus-of-wu · 4 years
Bonamana (미인아) 10th Anniversary Album Analysis/Rediscovery
Happy 10th Anniversary to Bonamana / 4jib !
I viscerally remember this album coming out when I was in the 8th grade and using my damn iTunes gift cards to buy the album tracks for my iPod nano. (WTF was streaming in 2010)
Bonamana was the first album of many in SJ’s discography that didn’t have the full lineup of members. Hangeng had departed SM, Kibum had announced a hiatus to focus on acting, and Kangin was starting off what would become SJ’s almost decade-long military rotation era.
We’ve come a long way, and we’re still out here !!
Track analysis and re-reaction below the cut - as a veteran ELF I find that middle school me fixated on certain songs (and was the biggest Ryeowook stan), and then completely forgot about entire other songs, so it’s always a fun time going back down memory lane.
Bonamana (미인아)
Even if you look and look, look and look, look and look There’s no one else but me.
It’s true, true that my feelings don’t have a place to go. You know that I adjusted myself to fit you
honestly the best iteration of the “SJ Funky” sound that started with “Sorry Sorry” imo
an absolute headbanger !! if you aren’t already bobbing your head to the bass line and percussion in the first 10 seconds you are not human
this has just the right tasteful amount of autotune that makes it age a lot better than sorry sorry over the years
i’m sorry but the choreo absolutely fucks especially with kyuhyun going out there being like “you thought i was a main vocal? i’m in this fucking dance break”
re:choreo, it’s understandable that they’ve pivoted to the rock remix of this for super shows bc there’s a squat move they do that is not friendly on the knees at all
if you wanted a club BOP about a guy trying his hardest to figure out how to get a girl’s attention, this is it
donghae doing a magic trick for every music show performance of this, while looking fiercely in character while delivering his line as a man who is hella stressed about what to get the girl as a present
the way ryeowook and sungmin (tenor line !!) exchange lines
this song made me go feral in 2010
No Other
Hearing you tell me that you love me, I have everything in this world, You & I, You’re so fine, Is there someone like you? I love you Oh, please know it, to me there’s only you, That I stupidly see you As my everything 
that feel-good cute love song that served as the foil to Bonamana
the softest MV !!
just super chill and smile inducing
all the music show performances of this are just...so cute (also featured so many shenanigans like leeteuk yelling HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEENIM/GOOD LUCK SHINEE, and random members playing rock paper scissors in the middle of the performance)
probably has the most evenly split line distributions for the time (each member has their own verse of sorts)
contains one of my favorite hyukjae rap parts - it flows in such a relaxing way
Shake It Up (Remix Version)
Hey get up, (Hey get up) everyone come here (everyone come here) Just shake (all your thoughts) Just shake it up!
your everyday repetitive life, right now shake it up your repeated thoughts of sadness- right now shake it up Are you separated from the world? It all depends on you
SJ said shake it up !
chill club song with the touch of autotune, heavy synth, and weird background “oh OHs” of the time
the predecessor to the electronic chill vibe that Skydive has
they really told us to have fun and enjoy
honestly the song i didn’t realize i’d need in quarantine as i jam out at my desk
All My Heart
The words I still can’t say The words that got stuck in my throat I love you more than anyone else It’s still you and me, me me me me me me me me
In this moment I’m really happy I’m really grateful that you came to me The one who gives everything to me It’s only you and me, me me me me me me just you
a simple guitar instrumental with soothing vocals, a wholesome r&b
composed by LEETEUK AND HENRY? fuck me up fam
as a kid this was just the “nanana nanana na” song (that’s the me me me part of the chorus lmao)
this is the happy song that you’d like wave your lighters to maybe
hyukjae’s been singing “don’t wake me up” for eons
god this song makes me so soft
A Short Journey
My heart that loved you My eyes that looked at you Are still here
Oh baby say goodbye, for a short while goodbye I’ll go back to the place when I once was When I open that door and take one step So that I can stand in front of you who I missed
My heart that loved you My eyes that looked at you Will wait
Kangin going to the military tribute song composed by Donghae and lyrics by Hyukjae? they really had all the rights in 2010
god the lyrics really hit me in my ELF heart. like we really went through a whole decade of military service and said goodbye for now so many times
the opening piano intro? i hate you donghae i really do
hyukjae these lyrics man. why. why you gotta make our hearts hurt like this
another simple instrumental with soothing vocals, but this time it hits you in the feels a bit
if you weren’t listening to the lyrics, this feels like a song you’d watch your parents slow dance to in the house
thanks for triggering the “i miss kangin” hours G O D
Boom Boom
From head to toe you are wrapped with all luxury things Hoo~ so eye-blinding, who would ever dare to touch you?
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star I’m trying to get a hot girl, I’m drawn to her bad look look look am I wrong?
It’s nothing but such a beautiful sin
yeah i feel like 13/14 y.o. me only was here for bonamana and boom boom back in 2010 which is like...pretty valid given the taste of your typical middle schooler in 2010
but literally. if you thought bonamana was about a guy desperate to get the girl, boom boom was legit like “shit she’s hot like sin and hooking up with her might be a mistake for me but oh well wtf why the hell not”
kyuhyun’s line at the beginning “from head to toe/머리부터 발 끝까지” is apparently used in a lot of lyrics, to the point where D&E were like, Bout You’s Korean title is gonna be that, AND it’s gonna be in the chorus. this was totally off-topic.
the whiplash in this album honestly. soft love songs to trying to get girls in the club to i’ll wait for you to finish military service. they have the RANGE
On the window and on my eyes Dew forms, tears form, a small stream is made Where they’re from and how they form over and over even I don’t know The only thing I know is that I just really hurt My formerly burning heart is slowly becoming cold It seems even I don’t know what to say, or how to hold on to you
time for a KRY ballad (can you BELIEVE they are finally having their first whole-ass album in june ??)
break up crying song included with the album of two absolute bangers
just close your eyes and get taken away on the sad rainy day ballad
Your Eyes
I want to erase all of my insufficient former self It seems like someone like me has nothing to give to you
Do you still remember, do you believe that it’s only you for me Do you know how long you can keep me by your side In this large world, there’s only one person (I only want you) Did you know this about me
sad piano r&b time !! brought to you by yesung and kyuhyun only
kyuhyun’s bridge though
easily a candidate for some drama OST
i feel like this album really just had two sides - party rock central and r&b feels
My Only Girl
Even if I cover my ears I can hear it, even if I close my eyes, I can see it Even if I shut my mouth I keep calling out for you I am stupid I hate how I can’t get over you
we really opened this song with “cause i’m lonely” huh (screams at how applicable this still is for them TEN years later)
i love everything about this song except the chorus
the chorus is very underwhelming
My All Is In You
Even though I’m pretending to smile Without knowing why In truth I want to cry
It seems love is ending like this Before I know it our parting is approaching You say “goodbye” To me, letting you go is still difficult Please give me a little more time I can’t live without you My all is in you
another sad breakup bop why are you guys so good at this genre
the percussion comes in so nicely
little strings in the background that help accentuate the words (chef’s kiss)
KRY really were already yelling not even halfway into this song - perf
we literally are only in the second chorus folks
this song is great, it’s only sin was that it said “rap line you just don’t get lines”, so rip heechul, hyukjae, and shindong
Shake it Up!
the original - way less electro, more acoustic
has a very lo-fi beginning and then it amps up
has some interesting high pitched synth piano twiddling up there
a tad slower than the remix, but not by much if at all
dude the horns coming in behind hyukjae’s rap !! it fucks !
if the remix version’s vibe is people having fun in the club, this one’s vibe is a summer bbq party in the backyard
god i really love the horn line - it gives it such a nice vibe
another point in the “feel good” bucket
In My Dream
She’s walking away Embracing another person My chest’s like it’s being crushed under a heavy weight
I’m dreaming again, right? Cold sweat runs down my body It hurts to dream about things, I hate to remember
I wish I would fall asleep forever like this I wake up with her presence still… although I hope I don’t dream again, Like today, it seems I fall asleep with her presence
piano and string sadness here we go
bring back SJ KRY + donghae + sungmin
this chorus for this song stabs me in the heart every time
i’m mad where’s the MV for the heart-wrenching sad ballad
kings of emotional power vocals
we really are out here singing our hearts out about that ex-girlfriend that haunts us as we try to fall asleep
if they ever perform this all ELF in the vicinity would immediately die
One Fine Spring Day
A warm wind is blowing like it was that night The flowers you lovingly planted have bloomed Before I know it spring has come again I still want to deeply sleep like it’s winter
You are so very far, so very far To be honest I miss you every day Even the very small, very small trivial things make me think of you every day
still laughing the ryeowook brought up bonamana as his favorite album on weekly idol bc it contained his first ever solo track ;kasjf;aksdf king of promoting only himself
this is v soft, v much aligned with the little prince image that wasn’t even in the works yet
the imagery of the lyrics man. cute winter to spring yearning uwus
s o f t e s t
like this is literally the song that inspired every fanfic writer that’s ever written ryeowook as persephone in some greek god au
Good Person
When you laugh I feel good too, even when you say it’s just pretend You bring happiness to the days when I wait for you, the nights when I miss you Even when I’m alone it’s okay if I can just see you I’m always behind you, I’m always looking out for you, but it seems like I have to share
The difference between me and the person who makes you cry is that all I can do is comfort you
this song sounds like something that would be in the opening of an animated show that takes place in a high school
now that i’m looking at the lyrics, this is literally an upbeat sounding song accepting that they’ve been friendzoned and all they can do is support her relationship with the other guy
bittersweet nostalgia bop i guess
Here We Go
cue family/action movie credit music vibes
i don’t have much to say about it - i just isn’t something i’d listen to on the regular
it’s just happy-go-lucky finale type music
it has a really old-school hyukjae/shindong rap verse lmao
vocal line is out here yelling, very on-brand
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ywtaeho · 5 years
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hi guys !! so you don’t understand . . . i’ve been so stoked to join this roleplay ?? i remember seeing this community in the tag prior to the revamp when i didn’t have the time to join, but i do now ! i’m so excited to get started and roleplay with you all ! anyways, i’m jada and this is my muse choi taeho, youngest of the chois & all around baby ! you can find his profile here, bio here, and plots here ! there’s everything you need to know about him under the cut, and just like this post if you’d like to plot !
ok so just as a sidenote i’m keeping his childhood relatively vague so that i can have room to plot w/his sibling james’ mun, to make sure the details correlate & all that !
but anyways he was born in the city, away from yangwon - definitely got the whole spoiled youngest sibling mentality, he’s always loved attention & ngl he was a bit of a crybaby/snitch back in the day so..yikes !! definitely gotten better though.
when middle school rolled around was when he started to get popular, since he’s really sociable he made friends easily & just loves talking !! sometimes too much.
this was also when he realized his dream - to become a school teacher ! he knows he wants to work with little kids, so like prek-1st, but seeing the way his teachers helped him go from a kid who hated schoolwork to one who did really well & loved school really was what inspired that !
then three years ago, just as he was about to reach high school, his parents told him they were packing up their things & moving to yangwon out of nowhere !!
you can imagine he was...pretty devastated. he loved the city and everyone in it, and he thought he was too big for such a small town. he had to pack up & leave everything which, for a teenager, was the end of the world as he knew it lmao !! he was really sad about it & resented his parents knowing there was nothing he could do about it. this is why he was a huge grouch for the first few weeks of living here, it was totally out of character but was his way of acting out in protest
but on the bright side, he thought it could be ok - he lowkey thought everyone would think he was cool bc he was from the city !! but like....sike. he went from pretty popular at his school to this whole town hating his family for reasons he didn’t really understand ??
also didn’t help bc he stood out .... a lot. his hair was dyed blonde, he dressed very city, even back home he was kind of a stand-out lmao. he talked w obvious accent & didn’t know the first thing there was to know about the outdoors. just....a lot !!
but it was once he stayed in town & got to know about everything that things started to add up & make sense - he begun to realize how much the people were affected by jojamart, began getting interested in local activities, & just tried to understand a little better.
after graduating high school he picked up a job at the community center working at the daycare to give him some practice working with kids while he goes to school to be a teacher, especially writing because it’s his passion & all that !!
now he’s just sort of in the middle - a true lawful neutral ! part of him really wants the town to be a little more understanding & not judge his family so heavily, while the other half is bitter towards jojamart for the destruction it’s bringing families.
anyways now some random facts !!
he’s still a little ignorant to some things - he’ll ask some dumb questions, without realizing what he’s really saying. he’s trying hard to be understanding, but sometimes he slips up & can’t ever fully relate to the natives, and he kind of acknowledges that now.
swears he’s not materialistic, but lowkey is ?? like he says he’s simple but all his “casual” clothes are name brand, he walks around nearly everywhere with airpods plugged in his ears, and he breaks the bank buying video games.
oh yeah - he loves video games !! literally will talk your ear off about them, has this really extra office setup w/all these collectibles he’s bought & collected over the years. he streams but like...nobody but a couple of friends watch lmao !!
will cry over babies !! he loves babies & kids & dogs and will go on about how they’re the future of this world so we need to take care of them even though he’s a baby too !!
he is passive most of the time nowadays, but his old stubbornness can definitely kick in over something he really cares about. 
also v affectionate !! he loves people & isn’t scared to show them !!
not active at ALL....like this man will curl into a ball after walking for 10 minutes....
also dear god taeho is CLUMSY....he will literally trip over air !! AIR !!!!
i think you get how equally childish & dumb this man is so !! definitely hit me up for connections !! he’s got a plot page but outside of those i just want a diverse range of positive & negative relationships ! give me enemies, sibling-like relationships, flirtationships, crushes, bffs, coworkers, fellow students....all of it ! i think this has the potential to be really fun so i’m excited to see what we can come up with !
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rumorwalsh · 5 years
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( marilyn lima, cisfemale ) hey ! have you seen RUMOR WALSH around ? SHE works as a FIGURE SKATING INSTRUCTOR at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 21 years old & they’ve been working here for ONE YEAR. they tend to be +ROMANTIC & +GENTLE-HEARTED, but can also be -NAIVE & -SENSITIVE. the other employees have labeled them EINSTEIN IN TENNIS SHOES. thanks a lot ! (  twenty-five cent books at a library sale, reciting medieval love sonnets to yourself, a tea set without a sugar bowl, a locket with a photo inside worn close to your heart,  and a midnight drive to nowhere. ) 
HI, hello. i’m hannah n this is like. the third (??) time that i told myself i was going to join this group n i’ve finally done it, whew! skdjflk i love u simran <3 anyway! i’m 20, kickin it in the est! i’m a full time student (majoring in being a dumb bitch n loving my gf and i’m at the top of my class baby..) and i’m ALSO a preschool teacher so if i’m ever Not here, i’m with my babies !! but that isn’t the reason why ur all here..... ur here for an intro post! so! this is my sweet, strange daughter... rumor ! 
(insert big time rush transition music here)
so y’all already knOw a little bit abt her Life and Backstory bc! she’s roman’s little sister so i’ll just kinda breeze over most of it but
she is the third walsh child born out of four, with 2 older brothers and 1 younger brother.... #goodluckcharlie
she’s nothing short of.... a baby genius tbh ? like babygirl is smart as a WHIP and that much became clear very quickly as a kid, she had the brains to go far! 
but she also had a Lot of energy... a Lot Of It. and focusing in school was always super hard for her, which was frustrating bc she knew everything and what was going on but she couldn’t ever make herself pay attention to it in class and was always getting in trouble
so! her parents tried to find something for her to do that was a constructive way to use all that energy! musical instruments were Not rumor’s friend, neither were most sports. it wasn’t until she started to figure skate that she found her niche :’) an she never looked back!
the rest of school passed? pretty uneventfully? but she did graduate 2 years early and went to columbia university where she majored in history (just like her dad huh) with a concentration focus in medieval and renaissance studies 
and then? she moved right back home post-graduation bc she has no idea what she wants to do w her degree at all! she just wants to figure skate :( so now she’s chillin at big bear, where she’s been for the last year give or take!!
and that’s kinda all i got for the biography rn KJDFMS but here are some fun facts abt rumor as a person that will help u to understand her 
"no its not a nickname"
that might as well have been her middle name. i mean, her parents did saddle her with the first name RUMOR so what would the difference really be
has the worlds biggest sweet tooth, always has cherry sour balls w her at all times
will reach into her pocket and pull her hand out w a piece of candy for you
human embodiment of the pleading face emoji but like while she's stomping on ur foot
as a child, she always wore her hair in two long braids and whenever someone tried to touch one of her braids she kicked them in the shin
has a peanut allergy but every year as a treat on her birthday she eats a reeses peanut butter cup and just stabs herself with an epi pen
her perfume smells like vanilla and orchids
she has fucking terrible eyesight and wears round metallic glasses that she wears at all times bc she's terrified of putting her fingers in her eyes
bites her nails
dog ears corners of book pages
always always always wearing winged eyeliner
wears sweater vests sometimes
her favorite hat is her beret
she’s such a fucking softgirl but like. refuses to admit it and will never ever admit that she needs someone looking out for her but like. she does.. 
super fucking bisexual thank u goodnight
okaY! time for some plots!
one ive been thinking abt A Lot is like. she’s very bianca stratford from 10 things i hate about you adjacent but like. smarter? so i would love to have a dynamic like hers and camerons? something soft n cute and maybe partners in crime ... perhaps they have a crush on her but like.... thats not needed i just want a soft wholesome nerdy friends thing okay
AN EX please give me an ex !!!! one from before college perhaps? that she had to leave earlier than she wanted bc she had to go to new york! someone who broke her heart maybe whether it was on accident or on purpose?? something good and spicy and sad i love to cry thank u 
friends! give her all the friends! ALL OF THEM! shes so cute and gentle and like a golden retriever she would die for all her friends okay? okay
look if u want a rivalry... or a hateship...... or u know smth mmessy and dramatic like that......... im not gonna say NO
basically idk what kind of plots are already happening so like im just here to fill in the gaps! whatever u need! 
and i do have some posts in my wanted connection tag HERE
whew okay i think that’ll do it ily thanks for reading <3
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thehyperkraken · 6 years
EDIT: yall idk why the actual fic isnt showing up in the tags but this shit is, bc thats literally the opposite of what i wanted, but for the love of god read the fic first and/or instead, that’s the thing i spent more than 20 minutes on: [link]
Hey random idea dump for that one fic i done did yeehaw... it’s almost longer than the fic itself but jesus christ i need to get these ideas out of my head and throw them into the internet ether, seriously don’t read this its a goddamn mess
So ghjkdf the actual plotty part of that fic came from that one b99 bit... the Bone one.....u kno
Arthur: Come on, Dutch. The O'Driscolls thing isn't the problem. You're in a bad mood because you've been so busy planning this heist that it's keeping you and Hosea apart. You two just need to bone. John: Oh no... Dutch: ...What did you say? John: Don't say it again! Arthur: I said you two need to bone. John: Oh my god... Dutch: (with barely contained fury) Hhhhhow Dare you Arthur Morgan, I am thIS GANG'S LEADER!!! You have NO RIGHT to comment on my sex life— (5 minutes later) Dutch, standing on top of a table screaming: BONE?!?!?! (10 minutes later) Dutch: What happens in my bedroom, son, is NONE of your business— (20 minutes later) Dutch, jumping up and down on the table: BOOOOOOONE!!!!!!!!! (40 minutes later) Dutch: And don't EVER speak to me like that AGAIN! (storms off) John, sunken down in his chair in horror: Why the hell did you do that? Arthur: (shrugs) They need to bone. John: Gross, Arthur! That's our dads!
And then like a day later gfdhkg
John: Oh hey Dutch! I know you don't want to talk about Hosea, BUT, I had an idea— Dutch: No need, John, it's all good. John: So... your fight with Hosea is over? Dutch: Yep. John: Because you finally figured out a plan for the heist...? Dutch: Nope! Arthur, excitedly: Because you guys—? Dutch: Yyyyep! Arthur, looking smug: Knew it. John: Ugh... Arthur: (leans down close to him) See, what happened is, our dads had sex— John: UGH, SHUT UP!
Another inspiration I had was John Mulaney’s bit about zoning out for John with adhd,,,,, the part where he’s like “the doctor was reading me the results of a blood test, it was IMPORTANT that I LISTENED, but NO, I zoned out, I was like, I’m just gonna stare at the wall and think m’thoughts” that’s why I wrote the part where John was like “ehhh attention deficient something something disease” bc it made me laugh gjhggdjh
Dutch: so the doctor says you have ADHD John: (thinking about minecraft) what?
Also unrelated but blease consider Arthur teaching John to drive like
Arthur: are you watching the road? John: ........I am looking through the windshield Arthur: John: .......and I’m not gonna hit anyone...... Arthur: John: ....but no. I’m thinkin’ about minecraft
(Also I don’t know anything about ssb I’ve played it once and hated it, minecraft is my og video game love, but Abigail beating John at ssb is funnier, I’m a fake gamer boy :^( rip)
Arthur: are you drinking coke for breakfast? John: yeah, what did you have for breakfast? Arthur: ........nothing John: (sipping his drink) I’m doing better than you, then
So when Dutch and Hosea decided to adopt, they agreed they wanted to take in kids who needed good homes the most, so they were specifically looking for older kids who would probably age out of the system and wind up on the streets
They met Arthur who was a clearly depressed and gender non conforming thirteen year old who hated everyone and everything and wasn’t getting the Love he Deserved, and Dutch was like “I want THAT ONE, with the SAD EYES”
Arthur tried to push them away at first, cuz he absolutely didn’t trust anyone, and some part of him believed they’d just give him right back up for adoption if he disappointed them in any way. But he eventually learned that they were good guys who really just wanted to help him, and they weren’t gonna abandon him if he wasn’t the perfect kid they always wanted
(he probably told them about this fear eventually and Hosea just snorted and was like “if we wanted a perfect kid we woulda got a cabbage patch doll. something that wouldn’t scream or make a mess” and Dutch was like “yeah! or like a 27 year old with a job and their own house and kids of their own. pre-made grandkids” and Hosea was like “or a cat” and Arthur was like “...okay”)
Anyway it took a loooong time but Arthur eventually trusted them enough to come out to them as trans, without really knowing the proper words for everything, just knowing that He Is A Boy And That’s That. As much as Hosea is the one the lads go to to talk about stuff and get comfort and Wise Dad Advice, he probably told Dutch first bc he was more uncertain how he’d respond and he wanted to get it over with in the worst way possible.... like, if they were gonna react badly, heap all the bullshit on in one fell swoop
I imagine he did it off the cuff too, in response to something Dutch said, like Dutch was like “u get back here right now young lady” and Arthur was like “first of all I’m not a lady, I’m a BOY, and second of all FUCK you, I do what I WANT” and Dutch was like “groovy. you’re grounded.” Arthur was like (offended) “don’t say groovy... don’t try to be hip” and Dutch was like “no it’s totally tubular that ur a boy. It’s absolutely funky. You’re fucking grounded though”
Then he went and told Hosea like “congrats! it’s a boy” and they helped him transition and they didn’t tolerate a single person misgendering him the whole time. Like before he’s even begun transitioning, they’re literally at the doctors office to discuss it w/ their doc for the first time, and a nurse is like “ms. morgan?” And Dutch is like “INCORRECT” and the doctor is like “what seems to be the problem (deadname)?” and Dutch is like “FOOL! THIS CHILD WAS LABELED INACCURATELY, WE REQUIRE A GENDER RETRACTION” and Hosea’s like “please stop yelling”
Anyway probably about a year later they got John when he was ten and Arthur was fifteen. Arthur was a little bit jealous like, wow, am I not enough kid for u, but Dutch and Hosea always planned on getting at least two bc they wanted them to have siblings, and they know John came from a pretty abusive situation, so Arthur can’t be too mad at him. At least until he met John and realized what a fucking brat he is
Since John was younger and way more desperate for affection, he immediately loved Dutch and Hosea just bc they were nice to him, he was ready to call them his dads within the month but he was nervous that it was too soon and they’d be weirded out. But I imagine he got triggered by something and had a meltdown and they got to see just a glimpse of what he’d been through, and Dutch and Hosea were falling over themselves trying to comfort him and tell him they love him and now I’m making myself cry :’^(
Anyway... from that point on John was like “these are the only dads I’ve ever had and I would kill a man for them.” He gets in trouble quite a bit bc he’s Naughty, but Dutch and Hosea always make sure to punish him fairly and never yell or be physically intimidating with him or permanently take away his stuff, like they make him do chores to earn back the right to use the xbox or something. And they always explain to him exactly what he did wrong and why he’s being punished and talk to him about how he can make it better or what he can do next time, or if there’s a root problem, like he’s acting out bc he’s overwhelmed with school work or smthn, how they can help him. Especially after he gets diagnosed with ADHD
And of course they do all this with Arthur too, but they make a special concerted effort with John bc he’s The Baby :^) and Dutch somehow maintains an attitude of “idk what ur talking about, John has never done anything wrong ever in his life” every time he gets in trouble meanwhile Hosea is like “what do you MEAN, he’s a GREMLIN” fjfjfhhf
Arthur was probably diagnosed with depression and anxiety at some point... it was probably a long process to get him to even admit he had a problem bc he didnt wanna bother anyone... Arthur also probably came from an abusive situation from the way canon Arthur talks about his dad, but Arthur is much more the type to be like “i’m gonna keep all my feelings inside, and then one day, i’ll die” whereas John is like “i will SCREAM if i get a papercut”
[EDIT: i woke up in a cold sweat at 4 AM with this in my head so now i’m putting it here
Charles: So, Arthur... Do you wanna talk about your feelings? Arthur: No. John: I do! :) Charles: ...I know, John. John: I’m sad! :) Charles: I know, John.
i’m sure it’s been done before but it’s so good. ok now back to our regularly scheduled programming]
In regards to Arthur being trans, John doesn’t really Get It, Arthur tried to explain it to him once and John couldn’t care less, all he knows is Arthur used to be a girl or something, there’s tea involved probably, and John is thinking about minecraft again... he has 2 am thoughts about it sometimes and comes to Arthur like “what IS gender” and Arthur’s just like “hm. big mood”
Dutch is “Dad” and Hosea is “Papa” or “Pa” or “Pops” or “Dad, No Not You, The Other One” or “Other Dad.” Hosea really doesn’t mind at all, he wouldn’t care if the kids called him Hosea or mom or anything else, it truly isnt important to him. But Dutch Loves being Dad. Every time they call Dutch Dad he grows three times stronger and 10 years are added to his lifespan. Dutch is an Alpha Parent, he 100% goes to every parent teacher conference and bake sale, he’d go to every game and concert too if either of his kids had a single athletic or musical bone in their dumb little bodies. I guess the school probably hosts art galleries sometimes to display art the kids make, Arthur always has a drawing in one of those, and Dutch will absolutely go just to brag about his cool son.
Dutch is the Fun Energetic Dad who embarrasses the boys in front of their friends but can always be talked into taking them out to get ice cream. Hosea is the more quietly anxious dad, he makes sure they do their homework and keep their rooms clean and shit, and he's the one the kids always go to talk to when they’re having problems... like Arthur will rant for an hour and a half about high school drama and Hosea will patiently listen to all of it and when he's done he’ll offer to kick the other kids’ asses for him, and Arthur’s like lmao but Hosea Means It.
Hosea is also the one the kids go to for help on their homework because Hosea and Dutch have five brain cells between them, and four of them belong to Hosea. Dutch is like “suddenly I don’t remember basic math, time to make shit up” and Hosea is like “I must become an expert on 1820s Chinese history in two days for my beautiful sons”
I have NO idea what either of their jobs are, I wanna say Hosea is a lawyer or smthn but idk, Dutch is probably like......................a used car salesman LMAO...... they clearly make a lot of money (or maybe STOLE SOME) bc I gave them a huge house w/ a pool gjhkdhg
Anyway more about THE KIDS
They go to a school that is a combination middle school and high school, bc that’s what my school was like
Mrs. Grimshaw is the strict and irritable principal with a secret soft spot for kids, Mr. Pearson is the cafeteria cook, Strauss works in the office, I wanna say Rev. Swanson is a weird but friendly janitor or something lmao. Uncle is Dutch & Hosea’s annoying forever-drunk neighbor who everyone barely tolerates fjfjhfh
Micah is The School Bully but like bc this is a cutesy high school au and I can do what I want, he’s not actually like a violent racist or anything he’s just a bad mad sad kid who is a huge dick
Bill is Micah’s Bully Henchman, he’s generally not as much of a dick as Micah is, but he punches whoever Micah asks him to bc they are the closest thing to friends that either of them have
Trelawny is a new student who just moved from another school and he’s that fucking Weird Magician Kid who can’t hold a conversation longer than five seconds without saying “wanna see a magic trick,” tried to do some unimpressive card tricks for the school talent show, unironically wears a cape, etc.... Arthur stood up for him when he was getting pushed around by Micah and Bill so now Arthur has +1 more weird friend
Karen is the Popular Girl who somehow knows everyone, is probably a cheerleader, everyone is either extremely intimidated by her or thinks she’s gonna be a stuck up bitch, but she’s actually just super fucking chill and nice, WILL stab a man for her friends, she won’t hesitate bitch
Tilly is Karen’s bff who was getting bullied by *shakes fist* those dang foreman brothers.... Karen stood up for her and Tilly was like “no don’t u will get hurt!!” and Karen was like “ha... fool... cheerleaders cannot die” and whooped ass with her gymnastics skills and somehow got the foreman brothers expelled. So now Tilly is like “I owe u one (1) Life Debt” but Karen is like “nah it’s chill just come to target w/ me & we’ll call it even.” Tilly is just tryna get shit done and do her damn homework but everybody else is going on adventures and being nuisances so of course Tilly has to go too bc come on....... who do you take her for, some kinda two-bit GEEK? NO WAY
Mary Beth is a quiet nerdy girl who’s always reading or writing and never talks in class or anything. Karen and Tilly became her friends thru sheer brute force, Karen just sat by her one day n was like “sup” and Mary Beth was too shy to ask her to leave. They were surprised to discover Mary Beth is actually pretty nice and funny when you get to know her and also the Biggest Lesbian Alive
Sadie is a BAD BITCH... NOBODY fucks with Sadie, not even Micah, Sadie is the girl who when some dipshit boy spreads a rumor that he had sex with her, she agrees and tells everyone she pegged him and he cried after, she hasn’t given a fuck since 2007. she climbs on the roof to get lost frisbees. one time she got the gym coach to agree to give her an automatic A in the class if she did 100 push ups in 5 minutes. Then she Did That. She might have pulled several muscles in both of her arms but She Did That. Karen, Tilly, and Mary Beth (but mostly Karen) approached her like “damn that was sick” and Sadie was like “yea i know” and then they were friends
I literally don’t know anything about Sean I’m sorry...... maybe he’s a transfer student who becomes friends with John, they play Minecraft together and Sean boobytraps the houses John builds. Sean is the only living human being who understands how redstone works and he uses his powers for evil
Molly is going to a nearby community college and is working at the high school part time as a TA and she is like 19-20 or smthn so the kids all think she’s The Hottest Shit,,,, like they think she’s just the coolest hippest person alive, but also she is Very Attractive so fuckin everybody has a crush on her, most specifically Javier and Mary Beth. She ineptly tries to flirt with Dutch every time he comes to a parent teacher conference bc she’s dummy thicc and thinks it’s friendship goals that Dutch lives with and has adopted children with his Best Bud Hosea
The teacher Molly is TA for is Charles Chatenay, an all-grades art teacher who takes his job WAY too seriously, like dude chill they’re high schoolers. His class is where Arthur met Albert, bc Arthur loves drawing and obviously Albert loves photography. They were both like “wow he’s cute” but were too shy to talk to each other for more than basic pleasantries, until one day Albert’s Big Project was ruined a day or two before he was gonna turn it in, and Arthur helped him fix it.
They’re so sweet on each other it’s unbearable, they’re both Soft Boys so they fuckin blush if they make eye contact...... the most bold either of them get is when Arthur is feeling insecure about his body and Albert gladly tells him how perfect and handsome he is in every way, and he wishes he was half as gorgeous as Arthur is, and Arthur is like (offended) um, excuse me, how dare u insult my beautiful boyfriend in this way?? They both wanna grow beards so while they’re still going thru Changes they excitedly bond over their facial hair......... they run up to each other at school like LOOK AT MY NEW CHIN HAIR and the other one is like WOW!!! GOOD JOB
Javier has a big lovely family who spoil him rotten and tbh love to spoil his friends when they come over too, his parents are in a constant and devastating game of dish-gifting with Dutch & Hosea, Arthur and John have eaten more of Mr. & Mrs. Escuella’s tamales than any other food, neither Dutch nor Hosea are very good cooks but luckily Javier has plenty of aunts and uncles and cousins who are happy to occasionally take one of their unimpressive lasagnas or cakes from a box mix
Lenny’s cool dad in canon is the high school au dad of Charles and Lenny, he and Charles’s mom amicably divorced and he got remarried to Lenny’s mom, who is a Cool Stepmom to Charles. Charles and Lenny go stay with Charles’s mom all the time, in fact she was around so much when they were younger that she practically helped raise them both. maybe she gets a gf and Charles and Lenny have so many moms and are so loved & cherished like they fuCKIN DESERVE
Kieran is the weird horse girl at school, he’s Lenny’s age, they become friends when they’re forced to sit next to each other and they’re both too awkward and shy to say anything until they’re paired up on a project together bc everyone else in the class already paired up and they were the only ones left gjkhfd.... John wants to dislike Kieran bc Lenny is HIS friend now, but Kieran is a sweet lad with a mean dad.... His dad is Colm O’Driscoll, Dutch & Hosea’s other neighbor and Dutch’s sworn enemy
Dutch expects Kieran to be as shitty as his dad, but he is a SWEET BOY, and as soon as they realize his situation, they tell Kieran he can come over whenever he wants and spend the night any time, he doesn’t have to ask or anything, but Kieran is super respectful and always asks permission and always tries to come over when John or Arthur are there so he can go under the pretense of hanging out with them, bc he doesn’t wanna intrude...
Once he came over when Hosea was the only one home and he was like “hi Mr. Matthews are John and Arthur home” and Hosea was like “no sorry they’re out” and Kieran was like “oh... ok sorry I’ll just go then” and Hosea was like “absolutely not” and brought Kieran in and made him snacks and wrapped him in many blankets and watched a kids movie with him until he fell asleep on the couch... when Dutch came home he was like “??? new son ???” and Hosea was like “yea I guess. oops”
When Kieran gets older they help him become an emancipated minor and get a job and his own place (even tho he knows they’d let him stay with them if he wanted) and he changes his last name to his mom’s maiden name Duffy... Colm and Dutch glare at each other over their fences and Colm is like “enjoying stealing my son?” and Dutch is like “my son now” but Colm really doesn’t care bc he’s an asshole... and even tho they don’t legally adopt him, Kieran’s like “I’m more of a Van der Linde than an O’Driscoll” and oops i’m making myself cry again :’)
And yes Abigail does eventually teach John how to play stupid super smash bros. She’s Pro Gamer level of competent at nearly all video games and John has the biggest heart eyes for her, the end thank u for listening
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nbdmharrinston · 6 years
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Hey sweets! Here I come with yet another one of my trash babies. I really needed to bring in some angst here, and a hoe-y character so have one of my top 3 bitches. And don’t let her fool you with her baby face.
Like this or hmu if you want angst to plot!! 
( Scarlett Leithold |  21 | cisfemale ) I swear I saw Madison Harrinston di Stefano around campus yesterday. I hear SHE is very IMPULSIVE, COQUETTE and CONFIDENT, which explains why when you think of them, you’d think of SHOPPING BAGS and CHAMPAGNE ROSE. They’re in their sophomore year and studying CRIMINOLOGY. ( Mar | 25| gmt -3 | she her )
Sorry if this got long, Madison is the daughter of my otp and one of my most developed characters even though the “lack” of gifs always makes it hard for me to play her and it’s why I wasn’t sure if I should try with another fc or not but here we are.
Maddie is the typical girl who will wear knee long dresses or skirts through the day just to impress her grandma and get money from her (actually also does it with her dad as well and with whoever she needs something from just as teachers. Playing innocent is her favorite game tbh). But at night? She is a completely different person, wear really short shorts and skirts and bralettes are basically what 75% of her wardrobe is full of.
Daddy’s girl who lost her way. From being back at home by midnight she turned into the girl who vanished from home for days without anyone knowing where she was (except her younger brother who knew she was at some electronic party in Ibiza)
Isn’t very attached to anyone except her parents, her grandfather from her mother’s side and her 4 siblings.
Has been a party girl ever since her sweet sixteen party but she wasn’t one to need alcohol or drugs to have fun, that until she started going out with Jean.
To get into Jean’s story you may like to know a few things first (Jean is non playable though bc its yet another of my otp’s sons and my friend plays him): she was the sweet girl who played with toys but one day she got bored and every guy became her toy. Maddie knows she is pretty and doesn’t mind using her beauty to get stuff from others, mainly guys but also from girls since she is bi curious (more curious than bi tbh). Jean was one more of her toys.
But who was Jean? Her bff’s twin brother, they met when they were kids and he ALWAYS had a crush on her but he wasn’t hot enough for Maddie to notice him. That until puberty hit him right. They never dated and maddie always made sure he knew it was just sex, but seeing her with other guys, feeling like she was using him (and tbh Maddie was indeed just using him when she felt lonely or bored or just needed a ride home), it made Jean go mad out of his mind. He was in lvoe with her, and she didn’t give two fcks about it, all she wanted from him was to be her slave. Her lap dog. Jean decided to make Maddie pay, became her torment. Madison was his drug, his addiction, he needed her and Jean wanted her to feel the same he did so he got her into drugs, the hard ones. It wasn’t a hard work with a girl who acted like a godess but really felt worthless, he became her dealer and in a weird way she needed him even if it was just for the drugs. And things got out of hands, Maddie went from having drugs just on parties to needing them on the daily, from weed and cocaine to heroin.
Maybe too late but her parents noticed and sent her to rehab where Madison had to deal with the abstinence and all it made her feel until she was finally clean. A process that took her a whole year out of her life.
She ended her studies in a boarding school in Britain and took a year off after her graduation to spend some time with her family.
Her parents left her with no other option but to join lockwood.
One of the privileges of being hideously rich is that she doesn’t need to live in college, she haves her own apartment close to it.
She is the third of six siblings
Her eldest sister, Victoria, died with just a few weeks of live. It was a sudden death in her sleep. Their parents (teen parents at 17 years old) were devastated and Madison’s mom blamed herself for what happened so they took half a year away one from the other, crying cause they really needed one another.
The half year they spent away one from the other is the longest time they have been separate ever since they met in high school (the same school were Madison studied) and became best friends. 
Her father’s family is one of the traditional british families that are related to the crown family and are hideously rich to the point where at least five generations could live a luxury life without working even a day. Then again her dad works for the family business and she secretly admires him for that.
Her mother’s side of the family are italian descendants who settled in Argentina where Madison’s mother was born. Her mother’s story is SO sad and full of triggers I’m not going to get into that but what you need to know is Maddie’s grandmother died at a young age of cancer. And also that her grandfather is a important drugs dealer in Argentina.
Maddie was actually born in Argentina even though they were raised in London. But she spent most of her summers in Argentina and that’s the reason why her accent can sound quite weird and when she is mad she curses in spanish.
When she wants something no one can stop her.
Is a coquete and isn’t ashamed of it --- will use everyone to get what she wants
Used to be daddy’s girl, now haves daddy issues.
Seems to be really confident although she feels worthless in the inside.
Owns everything pink
Haves a huge collection of designer bags and shoes. Her closet is probably bigger than everyone elses house’s.
Weak for shopping and luxury. would be lost without her credit card bc girl hates carrying money around.
Never payed for a drink in her entire life, always gets them for free.
Is used to being the center of the attention.
Hates lollipops but always haves one just to atract the attention.
Isn’t a whore but acts like one.
Looks like an angel but may be the devil herself
Is cold like winter and loves breaking hearts as a hobbie
Knows most guys jst want her body and uses them too.
Can make you feel like if you were special, the one, but it will be temporal.
may promise you heaven and end giving you hell
She is a well known model (better known for her scandals than her actual talent though) and is taking a few months off after someone discovered her past with drugs.
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sophia1644 · 7 years
Stuck With Me
Pairing: Nolan x Reader (yes ty for the request)
Warnings: angst, sad lil bean Nolan (I’m weeping), Dom!Nolan at the end ;), fluffy fluff throughout, no smut but sort of heated at the end
Summary: Nolan’s anxiety leads him to believe that Y/N will be torn away from him, and that’s the very last thing he wants to happen, because he doesn’t know if he could even live without his girl.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I honestly love froy sm like I recently found out that he’s the sweetest person in the whole world and he speaks fluid Spanish?? that’s hot af and he cares abt mental awareness and all this other stuff and oh, did I mention, hE HAS THE SAME MUSIC TASTE AS ME!! that’s so hard to find in a guy bc they all like rap nowadays and oh now I’m talking to much… ok enjoy this fluffiness
I turn the key in the ignition, turning off the car and opening the door, my boyfriend doing the same. I round the vehicle, Nolan clasping his hand into mine as we walk towards the school building together. As we near closer, Nolan groans, readjusting the strap of his backpack on his shoulder and turning to face me, obvious distress splaying over his features. He stops walking and so do I, standing in the midst of the bustling parking lot, filled to the brim with high school students. Nolan takes both my hands in his, biting his lip as he searches around the area restlessly, looking for something or maybe even someone. I place my hand gently on his cheek, his attention bouncing back to me. “Nolan, what’s wrong?” I query as his eyes travel downwards to our interlocked fingers. He doesn’t answer me, muttering something under his breath and shaking his head, then his eyes widening and fixating on something behind me. I turn to see Scott McCall and Liam Dunbar talking to one another I’m hushed voices, glancing towards our direction a couple times. Nolan takes me by the hand, dragging me into the school as quickly as he can manage, avoiding the five feet radius of where Scott and Liam were standing. We stop in front of one of our hiding spots, a place where we met during class if something was wrong or even if we just missed one another. I swing open the door to the empty closet, pushing him in and locking the door behind me, annoyed with not understanding the situation. “Nolan, baby, you have to tell me what’s going on,” I whisper, both of my hands resting behind his neck. He sighs, ruffling the blonde hair atop his head and looking into my eyes with his beautiful blue ones. “You already know all the Monroe stuff…” I nod, knowing how scared he got over the supernatural stuff happening in town recently, sparking his anxiety. “Well, I’m trying to help Scott’s pack, but-” “Woah, woah, woah,” I say, interrupting him. “You’re doing what? Nolan, I don’t want you to get into this any deeper than you already are. I want you to focus on getting out of all this, not throwing yourself in the middle.” His hands land on my hips, his fingers hooking into the belt loops of my jeans. “I know, it’s just I can’t stand helping Monroe anymore, when Scott and them are good people.”
“Nolan, you have to get out.” “But Monroe will kill me,” he nearly shouts, but I muffle him with the palm of my hand. He backs up into a wall, slumping against it and sitting down, bringing his knees to his chest and hugging them. “I don’t want to die,” he says, his voice breaking between syllables. I immediately drop to my knees, throwing my bag aside and kneeling in front of him. “Baby, baby, baby, you’re not going to die,” I say, grasping his face in my hands again, and planting a quick kiss against his lips. “You’re okay. I won’t let anything ever happen to you.” He bites his quivering lip, nodding hesitantly while I wrap my arms around his torso, moving his legs down gently and sitting on his lap to get as close as possible to him. He rests his chin on the top of my head, hugging me tightly and kissing my hair. The shrill noise of the bell sounds shortly after a few minutes, bringing us back to the reality that is high school. I stand up first, brushing off my jeans and flipping my hair back behind my shoulders, then giving a hand to Nolan to help him up as well. He smiles at me, taking my hand and brushing it against his lips lovingly, then getting up.
We swing our bags back on and he turns the knob to the door to leave, but I grab his forearm, stopping him. I press my lips against his one last time, kind of shocking him a bit, until he relaxes, sinking into it. “I love you,” he says, his hot breath hitting my lips. “I love you too, Nolan.” . I rub my eyes, yawning as I look down at the book I was reading, closing it and setting it down on my bedside table. I pull on the chain connected to my bedside lamp, the light flickering off. I lay down, pulling the cotton sheets over me and closing my eyes. Not even after two seconds, my phone rings and I know exactly who it is, due to the personalized ring tone. I roll over, grabbing my phone and sitting back up. I tap on the screen and answer the call, my chest hurting at the whimpers coming through the receiver. “Y/N,” Nolan’s voice comes out as a whisper and every single muscle in my body tenses, concern washing over me. “Can I c-come over?” “Of course, Nolan,” I respond quickly, hoping he’ll get here as fast as possible, so I can just hug him and talk out whatever what was on his mind at this time of night. “I’ll see you soo-soon,” he musters to say, hanging up the phone, after I hear a sniffle.
Twenty minutes later, he’s at my window. Thank god my room was on the first floor, because we had a lot of impromptu meetings like these. He knocks on the window lightly, and I bolt out of bed, gripping the bottom of the glass pane and pulling upwards. “I’m s-sorry for waking yo-you up, but I just needed, um, to talk to you,” he says, and I don’t fail to notice his tear-stained cheeks and his red eyes contrasting the dark puffy bags under them. His blonde hair is disheveled and sticking up in all directions, his hands probably been playing with the strands in hopes of calming himself down, something he did more often than not. “I’m always up for you, Nolan,” I whisper, moistening my chapped lips and pulling him into my room. I engulf him in a bearhug, giving him a peck on his wet cheek. Without any reluctancy, his arms encircle my waist, pulling me deeper into the fabric of his grey sweatshirt. I slowly tug him towards my bed for him to sit down and spill whatever was on his mind. He complies, sitting on top of the covers and just as I’m about to sit beside him, he murmurs a ‘no’ so quietly that I barely hear. He pats his lap and I quirk a brow at him, but he nods his head firmly, confirming what he wants. And how could I say no to him? Especially, right now? I straddle his legs, my hands combing through his hair and scratching his scalp to help calm him down. His fingers land on my thighs, his eyes watching every movement as he traces my stretch marks with a feather touch. I wait for him to speak first, occupying myself with the golden locks and not wanting to rush him into explaining what was on his mind.
He eventually stops making shapes along my thighs with his fingers, his eyes finding mine, a slight tiny of red still coating them. “I was thinking about Monroe earlier and I’ve been getting some anxiety because of it,” he says with more composure than he spoke with earlier. I nod along, sad about the idea of him undoubtedly curled up in a ball and crying over something like this that he had no control over. My instincts take over at the saddening thought and I take his hands in my own, bringing them to my lips to pepper with kisses. He smiles half-heartedly at my affection, then continues. “Earlier today, I said I was afraid of dying and honestly I am and that’s half of my fears, but mostly… I’m afraid of losing you in any way, shape, or form. Just the thought of me getting torn away from you or especially you getting torn from me, I just, I just couldn’t do it. I don’t know if I cou-could live without you, Y/N.” The second his voice starts breaking, I break down too, my eyes watering at the words slipping from his mouth. “Don’t say that, Nolan. Baby, you’d have an amazing life with or without me,” I correct. Teardrops threaten to fall down his face, barely balancing on his lower lashes. “Bu-ut, I can’t imagine a life wi-without you, Y/N.” I raise my hand, brushing away the tears blurring my vision and the ones now fallen onto his cheeks. “Nolan, I promise I will be in your life. I promise I’ll be in your life for as long as I possibly can and we’ll have an amazing family and kids and you’ll be an amazing dad and-” “You’ll be an amazing m-mom too and wife,” he adds, the corners of his lips moving up at the notion. “Yes, we’ll both be amazing parents with amazing lives, and it’ll all just be amazing.” He frowns again, a pout also forming onto my lips unintentionally at the sight. “But, you can’t promise that, Y/N. I might die or you mi-might die.” I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into the crook of my shoulder. “No, I refuse to believe that. I believe that everything happens for a reason and us meeting each other isn’t the end. I found the love of my life and now you’re stuck with me. You hear? You’re never getting rid of me, Nolan.” I pull back, placing my hands on his cheeks again and forcing him to look me in the eyes. The eyes I’d feel honored to stare into for the rest of my existence. “Okay, then you better learn how to deal with me,” he jokes, his frown diminishing by the minute. I laugh, the action causing him to really smile for the first time in the last hour. “It’d be my pleasure to deal with you, Mr. Holloway.” I lean in, Nolan taking no time to get the hint. I squeal as he picks me up abruptly and throws me onto the bed, his dominant side contrasting the previous version of himself that just spilled his guts to me. He climbs over me, hovering above my body, only an inch or two separating us. He bites his bottom lip seductively, his eyes flashing to my lips. He bends down, our mouths finally touching, the taste of salt from our tears prominent as I swipe my tongue over his lips. “Can I stay over?” Nolan asks, before proceeding to take off his sweatshirt, nothing underneath. “Anything for you. I’m stuck with you, remember?” “Get used to it.”
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