#and the goddamn pants strike again💀
cementcornfield ¡ 1 year
The Investigation Continues
Interviewer: I hear you get [Joe’s] drip right. You make sure he’s good.
Tyler: *cracks up*
Interviewer: You drop off packages and just say venmo me? 
Ja’marr: Nah that ain’t true, I ain’t do that-
Tyler, still laughing: For the free! For the free!
Ja’marr:  I ain’t do that….I'm gonna get him some pants though.
Tyler please, what do you know 🤔
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darthmaulification ¡ 3 years
Hi, would you be averse to the idea of the sex pollen trope with Maul and/or Savage? (Consensual/already in a relationship). Ooor predator/prey with one or both the boys (you’re a freelance working from their criminal cartel, you have stolen something from them and they want it back. Of course they catch you but the chase is exciting and maybe you can reach an agreement that’s satisfying for everyone).
A/N: anon... my friend... i am so sorry this took so damn long to get out. 🙏😭 sis has been sitting in my drafts for a WHILE because it was so darn much to write. 💀💀 
and thank you btw, for asking about the sex pollen trope because that is one thing i’m like pretty 50/50 on. it depends on how it’s written i suppose?? like, i don’t like the trope in it’s “oh no i’ve been drugged, and if i don’t fuck, i will die so basically there’s an ethical/moral coercion thing going on” form, but if it’s like “hey babe wanna take this fun, hip aphrodisiac with me and get it on like donkey kong?”... then i’m more willing to tolerate it. 👍 
so! for you, dearest patient anon, i decided to mix bits and pieces from the two requests! 😊 and i’m a whore for maul and savage, so y’all are getting FED today. 😤
hope you enjoy!! 💗💗
content: gratuitous smut, ✨consensual✨ use of sex-enhancing drug, fem!afab!reader, y’all three are so goddamn horny, predator/prey kink, a tad of breeding kink, oral sex (f receiving), fingering (f receiving, both doors), creampie, double penetration, also savage is nothing but soft in this, and also you’re married to savage and maul 🥺💗
word count: 6,069
It’s all part of the game.
You have to strain yourself to not start giggling madly as you run, weaving around trees and dodging low hanging branches. Shrubbery and sticks crunch under your boots, and you know the noise is giving you away far too well. Your heart beats rapidly in your chest, both from the physical exertion of having been non-stop running for the past hour and from excitement.
The hot bolt of arousal that spikes in your core almost makes you stumble, pulling a hitched gasp from your throat. Maker, you can only imagine what Maul and Savage will do to you when they catch you. The thought makes you consider stopping, finding some tree stump to sit on, maybe strip down to your birthday suit, and wait patiently until one or both of your husbands show up to claim your body. 
It’s tempting, but—
Your head whips to the side where you see a flash of red in your peripheral, where you heard the distinct snap! of a stick under a boot. You have to bite your lip to prevent yourself from moaning out Maul’s name, and instead you pick up the pace and sprint in the opposite direction. Panting, you glance once over your shoulder just in time to see Maul leap out from behind some trees. Your eyes lock.
“Rabbit!” He roars, and oohh it’s intimidating and makes your already racing heart flutter, but it’s so sexy at the same time. Temptation strikes again, the alluring thought of just oh-so-accidentally catching your foot on a root, or maybe claim you were just “too tired” to run any farther... Oh, is it tempting.
But the sound of Maul’s rapidly approaching footfalls also remind you that it’s much more fulfilling to let your legs carry you faster, that the game is so much fun.
You grin to yourself, veering left towards a line of large, wispy looking trees. Good to hide in, you think as you approach, observing with interest the ground-touching curtains of branches, thick and opaque with bright green leaves and curious looking pink flowers. You skid to a halt just in front of one of the trees, slammed by the sudden aroma that effuses from it.
The scent is strange yet oddly bewitching, not unpleasant but you can’t see it becoming a fancy perfume off on Alderaan any time soon. As you part the wall of branches with your arm, pleasantly surprised by their velvety feel, you take a look at one of the flowers in closer detail. For some reason, the tiny blossoms look familiar, like you’ve seen those fuchsia petals and tiny yellow center before, but you just can’t seem to place the name—
“GOT YOU!” You shriek when Savage’s deep voices booms out from behind the leaves, his thick arms snagging you around your waist faster than you can blink. He lifts you clean off your feet and through the waterfall of cascading leaves, beneath the canopy of the tree. You squeal with laughter, twisting and squirming in Savage’s arms.
“Savage! You scared me!” You puff through giggles, looking over your shoulder and up at your husband, who has a supremely triumphant look on his face. It’s not often that he catches you before Maul does. In the back of your mind, a tiny voice reminds you that you should be grumbling at losing, but you’re too excited and aroused from the fun of it all to care. A sultry, cat-like grin blooms across your face.
“You caught me, husband.” You take note of how Savage is bare-chested, his gorgeous canary yellow, tattooed skin hot against you. A sheen of sweat glistens on his bulging muscles, painting him deliciously glossy. His gaze rolls to lock to yours, his butterscotch eyes are heavy-lidded and he’s breathing deeply, but smiling just as brightly as you. The muscles of his arms flex beneath your hands, and a rumbling purr vibrates in his chest.
“So I did.” Savage dips his head, pulling you closer so that he’s able to nuzzle into the crook of your neck. You sigh when his lips kiss along your soft skin, his broad nose dragging across your collar bone. He kisses up your neck, lingering with each one to savor your taste and smell. Savage is always one to treasure the products of your exertion. Turning your head, he catches your lips in a gentle kiss.
“Mm... Savage.” You murmur his name, lips still touching his, his breath fanning upon your chin. The yellow skinned Zabrak hums, deep purrs rumbling like distant thunder in his chest. His forehead rests against your own, his dandelion yellow eyes staring deep into yours. There’s so much tenderness and love in his gaze it shines above the lust that simmers there too.
“Little one.” He replies easily, kissing you again, just as gentle, and you sigh softly into his mouth. For such a towering, hulking man, whose bare hands can and have broken bone, Savage is the most gentle person you’ve ever met. It’s the self control, the years of training that accustomed him to make his mark on the world, be that small or large.
And it shows in his loving kisses, the strong arms holding you in the air, the hips your bottom rests upon, the powerful legs standing unwavering like great pillars of stone, bearing you both.
“You caught her. Excellent.” Maul’s voice erupts through the curtain of branches just as he does, crimson skin glistening. Savage sets you down as Maul takes a couple steps in, shaking the leafy branches off his shoulders. One of the pink flowers gets caught on his loose black pants and he curiously pulls it off.
“Hm. I don’t believe I’ve seen this flora species before.” He raises the blossom up to a ray of golden sunlight that breaks through the thick canopy, spinning it in his fingers. You catch sight of the iridescent shimmer on the underside of the small petals and it comes to you. You do know this flower!
“Oh Maker, this is an Amoris tree!” You gasp, feeling your cheeks warm. Amoris trees are incredibly rare, found on very few planets or moons warm enough as this one is. Having read about them while you were still in school, you remember learning a very interesting fact about their blossoms that the tree keeps year round. Maul notes your blush with a smirk.
“Do tell what’s causing you to fluster, sweet girl.” He purrs, tilting his head as he lifts the flower to his nose to sniff it. Briefly, surprise sparks in Maul’s eyes, no doubt at the curious scent, before he’s looking at you expectantly. You giggle, placing your fingers over your lips and you look between your husbands to the flower, then back again.
“Amoris trees bloom with Cupio flowers,” You gesture to the flower in Maul’s hand, “They are very... potent when eaten. Influencing the body in a...”
You trail off, eyes glazing over with lust as you glance between Savage and Maul, rolling your gaze purposely slow between them.
“... carnal way.” The word hangs heavy in the air, like a thick blanket covering the three of you. You swipe the tip of your tongue over your bottom lip. Maul stares at you, the expression on his face unreadable, like it’s only his fiery eyes that can emote. Savage does much the same, but a boyish grin overtakes him in no time.
“I suppose the allure of your pussy is a strong one.” He says bluntly, causing you to gasp loudly and Maul to even raise an eyebrow, at the truly vulgar words that came out of his mouth. Normally, Savage would only ever use polite, eloquent words, but sometimes his sweet mouth surprises. But it makes you smile, knowing your doting husband has that saucy flare in him.
“So is that what made you hide under this tree, hm?” You lightly tease Savage, lightly nudging him in the side with your elbow. He shrugs, broad shoulders lifting and falling.
“Smelled nice.” Savage replies nonchalantly, the hand he has on your lower back slipping downwards to cup your ass. He gives the cheek a hearty squeeze, grinning playfully down at you when you squeak in surprise. You swat away his hand with a giggle.
“So...” Maul twirls the flower between his thumb and forefinger, “If one was to eat a single pistil, it would act as an aphrodisiac?”
Both of the brothers’ stares lock onto you, and a knowing blush warms your cheeks as your laughter fades. You look to Savage, whose grin has broadened considerably, and then to Maul, whose golden eyes are drowning in growing lust. You nod, feeling the wetness in between your legs increase tenfold.
“Yes...” You breathe, beginning to like the idea Maul implicitly proposed, “Would you both like to try it? I’ve heard they’re sugary.”
Maul wastes no time in plucking two more flowers from the tree and placing one in your hand and the other to Savage. You stare at the tiny blossom, noting the light pink sap that leaks from the severed pedicel onto your palm. With eager hands shaking from excitement, you pull the flower’s tender yellow center from it’s petals as Savage and Maul do the same.
“Here goes.” You lift the pistil to your mouth, pass it through your lips, and plop in on your tongue. The pollen tube tickles the insides of your cheeks and when you bite down on the bulbous ovary, it explodes with a burst of sticky sap. It is incredibly sugary, coating your tongue in it’s sickly sweetness. You hum in pleasant surprise, glancing between your husbands who are also chewing on their respective flowers. Almost unanimously, you all swallow.
The effects are almost immediate. You gasp at the swell of heat that bubbles in your belly, then plunges straight to your pussy, flooding your clit. The blush on your cheeks darkens considerably and spreads to your shoulders, painting you an impressive shade of cherry. You get lost in a haze, like all you can perceive are the hormones and signals your body is emitting. A tremble rolls down your spine, and suddenly you feel far too hot and constricted in your clothes. Specifically your pants.
“Stars...” You moan, pleasure igniting in your body as you go to undo the sash around your waist, your fingertips and knees shaking. The action sends another wave of pleasure crashing down on you, like your core senses you removing your clothes, and with haste you shimmy your pants, underwear and all, off your legs. Next to go are your tunic and bra, which you all but rip from your body and leaves you shivering with lust. The cool air pebbles your nipples into tiny peaks, but otherwise doesn’t faze you, because you are just so hot.
It’s as you stand on quivering legs that you finally notice the effects the flower had on Maul and Savage. Both Zabraks look positively horny, wild, lusty-eyed and panting, with impressive bulges creating tents at their crotches. Maul is rolling his shoulders, like he’s warming up for training, mouth slightly agape. Savage is doing much the same, though he’s focused on huffing deep breaths, broad chest heaving and lifting his shoulders.
“Oh, that is divine.” Maul growls the last word through gritted teeth, almost sneering at nothing, as a bead of sweat rolls down his temple. At first, you believe he’s talking about the effects of the flower, which he may be a little, but his chin jerks up in the air, nose twitching, and you realize he’s inhaling deeply. His head begins to turn to you. Oh... oh...
“Little one,” Savage rumbles, voice strained, and you turn your head to meet his intense, honey yellow gaze, “You smell amazing.”
Of course, the flower enhanced their already sensitive senses of smell, and now they’re probably drowning in pheromones. You moan again, both at the thought of your husbands drunk off your scent and from the almost overwhelming heat in your wet core. A scandalous thought in mind, you saunter over to Maul, who drinks in the sight of you flushed and dripping like a fine wine. Savage watches with a stare just as blazing.
You place your hands atop Maul’s crimson skin, stepping as close as you can to him without touching. Your fingers dance on his collarbones and you nearly lose your resolve at the completely lustful look on his face. A smile blooms on your face as his hands settle on your hips, squeezing. The touch makes you moan softly, and your head falls against Maul’s chest.
“How about,” You breathe, pressing yourself against Maul, breasts and hard nipples squished against his firm pecs, “You both eat my cunt until I wail your names?”
Maul snarls, eyes flaring, and he smashes his lips into yours. The kiss is all teeth and sloppy, your lips barely meshing together than they are clashing, but it’s perfect. Maul’s hands travel your body, gliding to the softest parts of you and squeezing, digging his fingertips into your flesh. You do much the same, clawing at his shoulders and back. After a few more moments of unrelenting, furious passion, the kiss breaks with the intensity of a dying star, leaving you both panting and desperate for more.
“Brother...” Maul addresses Savage, who’s been watching, ever the patient one, “Come up behind her. Hold her up.”
Savage does just that, briskly situating himself so closely behind you that you can feel the hardness of his manhood poking at your back. It makes you stifle a moan, the thought of his perfect, wonderful cock almost making your knees give out from under you. But the sturdy hands he has on your waist would prevent you from falling. You tremble at what’s about to occur.
“My sweet girl,” Maul ducks his head to kiss your neck, then your collarbones, then your breasts, “Let me ravish you.”
You shiver as Maul kisses down your body, lips leaving a scorching trail in their wake. It’s like you can feel every kiss, the sensation on your heated skin prolonged, as Maul sinks to his knees. He licks the tender skin of your mons veneris, looking up at you through heavy lidded eyes.
And then, he feasts.
Maul has his head between your legs, tongue starting a frenzied attack on your clit, swirling around your bud with a fervor. His hands come to grip your thighs and he pulls them apart slightly, making you cry out when his head dips and he takes your dripping pussy into his mouth. His tongue licks the hot slit of your entrance before it plunges in and you scream, throwing your head back against Savage’s chest.
“Maauull!~” You wail his name, your hands grabbing his head, fingers weaving in between his horns and you tug him closer, deeper into you. Maul full mouth sucks at your cunt, lips around your flower as he tongues your pussy. He goes fast, unrelenting, and one of his hands slides up so that he can place a thumb on your clit. He starts to roll it under the pad of his thumb, and it has you screaming. Your orgasm approaches quickly, beginning to tighten the knot that’s in your lower belly.
Maul is never one to go slow when he devoured your pussy, and supplemented by the flower, it seems that he just can’t get enough. He goes deeper and deeper, like he’s trying to reach the parts of you his tongue simply isn’t long enough to lick. His horns poke into your inner thighs, lips working around your hot flower.
“Ma—Maul!” You choke on his name when you finally cum, hard, breath catching in your throat. Dazzling stars light up behind your eyes when you squeezed them shut, body seizing as your hips shudder, pussy clenching harder than you ever had before. You almost feel like you can’t breathe, mouth gaping for air, but you’re so very much alive. Maul laps up your release like a pleased dog, glancing up at you when your cunt is licked clean. He swipes his tongue over his glistening lips, chin wet with you, eyes boring into yours when you finally catch his gaze.
“Savage, eat her as she desired. Make her tight pussy work.” He addresses his brother all while staring directly at you. If your cheeks weren’t already a bright red, you’re sure that they’d have gone a shade darker. Savage, who had been acting as a towering pillar to hold you up, begins to suck hefty love bites into your neck, trailing up to your jaw.
“Lay on the grass, little one.” He murmurs into your ear, normally sweet, but this particular whisper is hard, commanding. It compels you to sink to your knees, level with Maul briefly, before you lay back on the ground. The soil is surprisingly soft, cool against your overheated, trembling body. Despite having such a powerful orgasm, it’s as if you need another, your pussy already dripping at the thought.
“Oh, Savage, please.” You beg, looking up at your husband, who’s height is amplified by the drastic angle difference between you. He looks down at you, his golden eyes flashing with a lust so strong he’s become a different Zabrak. He lowers himself to the ground, slowly, and finds a seat between your legs. Watching you intently, his hands grip your calves and guide your legs apart, with the reverence of one opening a carefully wrapped gift. Savage leans to kiss your knee, then up your thigh, and you shiver. His large hands splay on the sides of your thighs, kneading your tender flesh.
Savage offers you a wide, dopey smile that’s absolutely compounded with happiness and lust. Then, he ducks his head between your legs.
The difference between the brothers is like the sun and moon. Maul had eaten you out like a starving man, all hunger and desperation, while Savage, sweet as he is, begins to place patient, gentle kisses on the skin of your inner thighs. You whimper as he kisses closer and closer to your flower, before gasping his name when his mouth meets your wet core. He runs his tongue flat against the entirety of your pussy, licking a long, slow stripe up your soaked entrance and to your sensitive clit.
“Sweet girl...” Savage rumbles against your core, nose pressed against your pubic mound and before you can even process what he said, his tongue is swirling around your bud. You cry out, Savage’s licks are gentle yet calculated, slow and soothing, but deliberately so. He sucks at your clit with a leisurely fervor, preferring to taste and savor more than anything else. You moan his name, turning your face and the grass tickles your cheek.
“Always so sweet, isn’t she, brother?” Maul asks, chest heaving as he saddles up next to you, leaning over your arched, flushed body. He uses a hand to anchor himself above you, beckoning you to look up at him. His flaring, golden eyes are blown nearly all the way, and you’re positive that yours are just as eclipsed. Savage doesn’t lift his head from where it’s buried between your thighs, instead humming in reply and sending vibrations straight to your core that makes your hips buck against his face.
“Hold her hips, brother.” Maul commands as he leans in to kiss your gasping lips, rough and deep. The passion makes your heart soar, and you moan into his mouth. Savage heeds what Maul said as his hands slide from the side of your thighs, kneading along the way, to slip between them then push your legs apart and press your hips down. All the while, Maul plays with one of your breasts with his free hand, tweaking your perk nipple with his fingers.
You moan, writhing best you can beneath Savage’s heavy hands and Maul’s body. It’s all so much, the pleasure tripled by the still very powerful effects of the Cupio blossom. Between Savage’s tongue and Maul’s fingers, you feel the telltale pulses of an oncoming orgasm approaching.
“Sav— Savage!” You gasp when the yellow Zabrak focuses his tongue on your clenching entrance and two of his thick fingers on your clit. He rolls your bud under his fingertips, softly, but just firm enough that it lights you ablaze. You loll your head to the other side, the cool grass kissing your other cheek, and moan. Maul kisses your neck, nipping and licking wherever he can, and his hand switches to attend to your other breast and nipple. 
It’s all so much, it’s like you can feel every sensation to their absolute apex. You cry out Savage’s name again, then Maul’s, and they’re the only words your mouth knows. Your second orgasm hits, sudden and surprising, arching your back and curling your toes. You gasp, hips rutting erratically from the waves of earth-shattering pleasure rolling through your entire being.
Savage, like Maul, devours your cum as it is given to him, lapping and sucking it away from your hot, fluttering entrance. He gives your flower one last kiss, nuzzling his nose into your core, before he parts. You barely catch his gaze with your hazy, heavy-lidded eyes, but you’re able to lock onto Savage’s sunny disposition and smile, tired and satiatied.
“That was... amazing.” You breathe, reveling in the way Maul swoops down and passionately kisses you. Lip locked for more than a few moments, you hardly have the time to catch your breath when Savage pushes against your body and does the same. He kisses your lips tenderly yet deeply, and you mewl at how fully his body engulfs yours. On both of their lips, you can taste yourself. And, oh how it’s sinful.
“We are not done with you yet, sweet one.” Maul growls and then his crimson fingers are between your legs, plunging two into your wet heat. You squeal at the intrusion, Maul’s knuckles brushing your clit, and the breath is pulled from your lungs when he begins to scissor his fingers inside you. He curls them, pressing against each perfect area, and it has you bucking your hips to the rhythm of his fingers.
“Need to get you ready, little girl.” Savage rumbles, and his hand squeezes itself under your ass, lifting you just enough. You gasp in surprise when his fingers reach your other hole, circling it with his finger tip. It moves further to your moist heat, soaking itself in your wetness.
“Wha—?” Your slurry question is cut off when your lips part to release a silent moan, as Savage inches his thick finger into your puckered hole. Oh... oh. You haven’t done this before, but as Savage squeezes in another finger, the slight burn overpowered by the intoxicating stretch, you can’t help but wish you had tried it sooner.
Their fingers busy your holes, preparing you for the grand finale, their other hands and lips caressing, kneading, worshipping the rest your body. Everywhere, you are touched, left with tingling nibbles and marks that will darken to satisfactory bruises.
“I’m—I’m ready! Please, I’m ready— I need you!” You blabber breathily, almost incoherently, desperate for Savage and Maul to finish stretching you out, to finally be delivered the things you’ve desired since you’ve started. Maul grins against the skin of your breast, playfully licking at the nipple his face is close to.
“Really, now? Sweet girl, you are begging.” He teases, curling his fingers to rub against one of the most sensitive regions inside you, resulting in a long moan from you. The red Zabrak slides in a third finger, pumping them in and out in roughly. He looks to Savage, who’s invested in watching your face, with a wicked grin.
“What do you say then, brother? Should we indulge?” Maul asks, hand moving faster, so fast it makes your head spin. For a moment, Savage lingers on the idea of furthering your pleasurable torture or allowing you the release you’re craving. The glint in his eyes gives the answer even before he speaks.
“I’ll take her ass, you get her cunt.” And then Savage is pulling his fingers from you, grabbing your hips and dragging them to him. Maul is forced to also remove his fingers, and the emptiness is overwhelming, but you don’t have time to dwell on it when Savage pulls you to your knees, pressing his hips against your back. His cock throbs against your skin, making you tilt your hips and mewl.
“Savage, please, please, please...” You murmur, moaning when the yellow Zabrak angles his hips, dipping them low enough so his cock, this thick, ridged rod, glides between the globes of your ass. Maul comes up to your front, and you place your hands on his shoulders both to keep you stable and to give you something to grab.
“Easy, now.” Savage whispers against the nape of your neck, kissing as he aligns himself with your gaping hole. He gently presses the tip of his cock, damp with precum, against it, one of his hands swooping down to gather some of your own release onto his fingers so that he can rub it on his impressive, daunting length. You’ve taken Savage many times before, but as always he knows that he is big, and knows that you need the lubrication. Your husband starts to push his erection into you, and you wail.
“Saavaage!~” You keen his name as he goes deeper, stretching and filling you like he never has before. There’s a slight burn, but it’s so unnoticeable that you help Savage by pressing your hips into him. He chokes on a groan, hands traveling to squeeze your plushy hips. Savage kisses your neck again, sighing into the skin.
“Little one... you are so... tight.” He groans, rocking his body into yours, testing the waters to see how much, or in this case how little, give your body gives him. You can feel every ridge of his cock, the sensation odd, but welcome and amazing all at once. Maul shifts closer, his hands firmly planted on your waist, under your breasts.
“My turn.” He growls, and you pull in a heaving gasp when his dick brushes your clit, then prods at your soaked entrance. He pushes forward, sliding his cock into your pussy, groaning at the tightness that’s amplified by Savage already swaddled inside you. The velvety walls clamp so tightly around him, Maul breathes through his nose to gather himself.
“Maul, Maul...” It’s like your mouth only knows to say his name. The word spills out in reverent prayer before you’re consumed by long moans and gasps when Maul starts to pull out, then push in. He growls, guttural and deep in his throat, starting a rocking rhythm that his much slower than he normally would, but so so nice. Your head falls against his chest, lips agape, and you keen when Savage begins to thrust too.
Where Maul pulls out, Savage pushes in. The brothers work like cogs in a well oiled machine, their thrusts falling into place like pieces of a puzzle, all meant to absolutely ruin you. Your legs are quivering so badly you can hardly keep yourself from lolling over and falling to the ground. The tightness in your core is devastating, like your entire world is being rewritten, made so intensely pleasurable from the two orgasms you’ve already had.
But your body keeps going, finding the strength to continue to keep your pussy drenching both Maul and Savage’s cocks, urging you to a third climax. You feel like you’re in the clouds, pressed snugly between two muscled, powerful Zabrak who seek to claim you and lay waste.
“Sweet girl...” Maul pants, nipping at your breasts and sucking at your nipples. He gives a harder thrust into you, jerking your body up, almost making Savage lose the rhythm. The yellow Zabrak responds with a rough thrust of his own, causing you to squeal into Maul’s crimson and charcoal skin. They are competing, of course, as they always do. Maul’s honey eyes glint, and he accepts the challenge.
And it’s like your world explodes.
Maul ruts so hard and quickly into you it pulls the breath from your chest and causes Savage to nearly slip out of you. He grips the tender mounds on your chest, tweaking your perk nipples as he pounds into you, and Savage retaliates by thrusting just as hard, if not harder. They set a relentless pace, bucking their hips so fast and deep it has you practically bouncing between them.
Slack jawed, you can’t even form words, your lips parting only to let out airy moans in time with their cocks hitting the deepest parts of you. The noises are obscene and wet, but it is music, a well-practiced composition performed by the three of you.
It feels like fireworks are going off in your core, the heat soaring to heights it’s never reached before, and the telltale pulses warn of a rapidly approaching climax.
“Ma—Maul! Sav—age!” You squeak, eyes screwing shut, eyelashes against the the furious blush on your cheeks. Red and yellow hands, both adorned with midnight black tattoos, roam your body, kneading and squeezing, wandering like they’ve never touched you before. Maul bites at your jaw, teeth grazing against the skin of your chin, and Savage nibbles at your earlobe.
“Gonna put a baby in you.” Maul growls when he pulls back, is words chopped by staccato grunts, his breath hot against your neck. You tremble at that, moaning his name against his chest. Behind you, Savage tenses and a purr rumbles in his burly chest.
“Or two.” The yellow Zabrak grunts, one of his large hands rubbing the soft, plush flesh of your belly. You feel your core flutter, faltering and clenching around his and Maul’s cock. You whine and writhe between them, overcome by the sensations, as the knot in your center is pulled taut. Tighter and tighter...
“Or three.” You manage to gasp out and both Savage and Maul groan loudly, both thrusting in at the same time and sending you over the edge. The string snaps, and you cum hard, so hard that it has your body falling into Maul’s, your eyes shooting open and rolling into the back of your head. Your pussy flutters, your release coating Maul and Savage’s dicks, glazing your thighs.
You don’t even make a noise, your lips agape in a silent scream, only a forced, airy exhale escaping you. Maul is next to cum, hips freezing against yours, snarling as he finishes deep inside you, cock releasing long, hot spurts of his virile semen. You feel it bloom across your walls, like ivies on walls, and it takes him seconds to fully empty himself and ride out his orgasm before he pulls out with a groan.
Savage’s hips stutter, and he cums with a loud groan, spilling his thick semen into your ass, his cock twitching inside you. He pulls out, dick still spurting his release, splattering sticky white globs on your ass and lower back. You whimper at the sensation of his and Maul’s cum seeping from your ruined holes, hot and tacky on your trembling thighs.
You all pant from the exertion, Maul breathes against your collarbone, his horns just barely poking against your neck. Savage’s arms wrap around your waist, pulling you close to his sweaty, heated body. He kisses in between your shoulder blades, and you can feel his cock softening. Your head lolls back against his pec, and you look up at him through your eyelashes, barely able to keep them open.
“That was amazing.” You slur with a somewhat raspy voice, haphazardly reaching up to cup Savage’s cheek, the action draining your already spent strength. Savage purrs, turning his face to kiss your palm just as Maul’s hands find your hips, rubbing circles with his palms. The red Zabrak leans in and kisses your neck, atop a dark mark courtesy of his brother.
“You did wonderfully, my love.” The praise makes your heart swell and you force your head to tip back down to look at him. A wide, pleased smile blooms on your face, all sleepy and glowy from the sex. He grins in turn, kissing your tired, wet lips. The kiss is gentle and kind, but still holds that Maul intensity that makes you quiver before it.
You can feel yourself coming down from the high, both of the overwhelming orgasms and the lingering effects of the aphrodisiac that had been tingling throughout your body. It doesn’t feel as though you’re overheated anymore, not from the flower, at least. In fact, your body feels heavy and lethargic, completely spent. Maul notices, of course.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” He says, snagging his pants from the ground and rising to his feet, expertly slipping the black trousers on. He offers you a hand, which you take, and pulls you to your feet. As expected, you can’t find it in you to stand, slumping against Maul on legs made of jelly, gripping his shoulder and the arm around your waist that holds you up. Sinfully, you can feel their cum slide down your slick thighs.
“I can run a bath.” Savage says as he rises and pulls his pants on, collecting your scattered clothes from the grassy ground. You thank him quietly, nuzzling against Maul’s chest, from who you can feel extreme satisfaction radiate off him in waves. Savage is much the same, you can hear his deep purring as he lumbers over.
“Like that.” You mumble, eyes closing, pressing your face into Maul’s chest where faintly, beneath his heartbeats, a purr simmers in his throat. He kisses your forehead before he and Savage exchange you in their grip, Maul taking your clothes and Savage receiving you. When Savage picks you up in his arms, bridal style, you open an eye and smile.
His face looks so peaceful, happy, satisfied in a way that tells you he feels it in his soul. Savage’s flaxen yellow irises, golden like fields of wheat, hold nothing but adoration. He smiles, and the inky black skin that surrounds his eyes crinkles at the corners.
“Hi, honey.” Your voice sounds almost foreign to you, so soft and raspy but full of love nonetheless. Savage purrs louder at the endearment, nuzzling his face against your cheek, mindful of his horns. The vibrating purrs start to coax you into sleeping and your eye closes, making you ever more aware of the utter exhaustion consuming your entire body.
“Little one.” He replies, nose sniffing its way across your skin and into your hair, tickling you. He nuzzles one more time before he pulls back, leaving a kiss on your cheek.
You feel Savage start to walk, following Maul who says something, but you’re so tired it sounds like gibberish to you. The haze of sleep settles thick on you, but you open your eyes one last time as the branches brush past you as Savage ducks out from under the tree.
The sun sits low in the sky now, dipped near the horizon you can’t see past the forest you’re in. But you’re able to see the inklings of a brilliant ruby and gold sky, complimented by the navy blue parallel to it. The warm, orange light is bright enough to reach the forest floor and paint everything it touches a cozy amber.
Maul, who walks ahead of you and Savage leading to where your ship is, is not spared from this mellowing treatment. His vibrant, scarlet and ink black skin is bronzed by the evening sun’s light, making him appear softer, less brash. He glances over his shoulder, sensing that you’re staring, and he smiles, as warm as the hue that he is. His eyes are softened too, shadowed slightly by the dimness of the light, but still they are that fiery gold, and still they are Maul’s.
You look up at Savage, who is Tuscan sun yellow and luminescent the way Maul is, and you close your eyes. You fall asleep to his rumbling purrs, the beats of his thumping hearts, the tender rustling of leaves, and bathed the warmth of love that pours from Maul and Savage, hotter and stronger than the rays of the twin suns of Tatooine.
Perhaps we should do this again.
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