#also this is just a really good interview
|◁ II ▷| down bad ! |◁ II ▷|
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nhl masterlist !
pairing: quinn hughes x famous singer! reader
warnings: fluff, smut is implied but not graphic!! use of y/n.
summary: your sister sends you an article of you and quinn being absolutely down bad for each other...
word count: 2.4 k
notes: saw one too many edits of my handsome boy on TikTok and this is the consequence :) also, this is sort of based off of taylor swift and travis kelce. enjoy!
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you're finishing up in the studio, just done tweaking one of your last songs on your new album when your phone dings! with a notification.
it's your sister, who sends a trail of emojis that don't really make sense and a link.
you press on it, confused and assuming it's something she wants for her birthday that's coming up soon.
you laugh, because the cover photo is one of you and quinn from last year when you took him as your plus one to the grammy's. you have to admit, you both look really good, and so, so in love.
so you nestle into your chair to read it.
one of Hollywood's up and comings, y/n l/n and quinn hughes of canucks and nhl fame have been dating for over three years, and have been public for two. we have complied a list of fan favourite moments of the couple over the span of their relationship that show their deep (and public) affection and love for each other
10. 2023 Grammy's Award Ceremony
picture: you are wearing a light blue floor length gown, hair loose and curled. your makeup is simple and glowy. quinn stands next to you, in a clean, slate grey suit with a hand wrapped around your hip, fingers nestled in the dip of your hipbone.
the award ceremony for the grammy's - where y/n won best album for the second year in a row - was when the famous couple first went public officially, not counting the many paparazzi pictures taken in both vancouver and Los Angeles.
sources show that the two could hardly keep their hands off of each other. they were seen kissing multiple times through out the night.
it was true, quinn had been extra handsy that night, and had all but ripped that dress off of you when you got back to the hotel. you sigh at the memory, stomach warm and a little achy. you can't wait for him to come back from the roadie he left for only two days ago.
9. y/n's tiktoks
despite their massive success in their respective industries, it is easy to forget that they are also part of gen z. y/n's TikTok page features fashion, her music and most popular of all, her boyfriend. here are only some of her most viewed and liked videos:
video one: you smile into the camera, fluffing your hair in a close shot. the subtitles read: fit check with my bf! quinn pulls you against him by your waist, kissing your face over and over as you laugh, pushing at his chest. over the song, you tell him to let go so you can show your outfits. he lets go reluctantly but holds your hand, spinning you around to show off your sundress. then he grabs you and dips you low, hands dangerously close to your ass, as you giggle into his cheek.
video two: the video is taken by one of your friends who took your phone. she's on the couch and you and quinn are in the kitchen cooking for the small get together in your vancouver apartment. you lean up to smile at him, and he bumps his nose with yours. some trending love song plays in the back.
you flush at the comments gushing about how he looks at you, the height difference and how cute you guys are. there's something so sweet at seeing the two of you from an outsiders perspective.
8. quinn knowing y/n's entire discography
during media days, one interview has elias petterson and quinn hughes guessing songs and the artists. the journalist managed to sneak at least four of y/n's songs in, quinn getting all four correct, with the full name of the song, name of artist and then album, all under 10 seconds of the song playing. now that's a supportive boyfriend!
you watch the video linked, your boyfriend sweaty and hair wet. the media person is impressed, and quinn just shrugs bashfully and offers a crooked smile. you look at the time stamp and bite a grin: it's from before you guys went public. no wonder all of your fans say you guys were obvious.
7. quinn hughes: nhl player and personal bodyguard
fame in hollywood forces many in the industry to have body guards, and y/n is not exempt. for many years before she started dating the canuck's defensemen, she's had many bodyguards following her around. now, it seems like her boyfriend has taken over that job.
video: your body guard, john moves to open the limo door as you and quinn arrive to an event, but your boyfriend crosses from his side of the car to open it himself, patting john on the shoulder and gently pushing him from the entrance and helping you out himself. he helps you balance on your heels as you stand and wave at the cameras, one hand on your waist as he maneuvers you to the other side of the sidewalk so he can block you from the cars. he keeps your hand cradled in his, his other arm around your waist as he shoulders through the paparazzi.
quinn looks so attractive and so masculine in this video. you've never had boyfriends who took princess treatment so seriously, but quinn has always been a defender, on ice and off. it was a little awkward and it took a long a while for him to get you, but ever since he had you, he's made sure he tried his very best to keep and protect you.
6. getaway in hawaii
although the couple hasn't had any announcement of engagement yet, early last year they were sighted in hawaii on a trip eerily like a honeymoon: here are some pictures.
picture one: you're in a tiny pink bikini and he's in board shorts. he's taken off his hat to give to you, and you're pressing on a pair of your too-small sunglasses onto his face while both of you laugh.
picture two: the two of you are standing in the water up to your calves. he's got his fingers tangled in the strings of your bikini bottoms, and yours are on his chest as the two of you look into the horizon.
picture three: quinn has you balanced on his shoulder, smiling as you clutch at his back. one of his forearms is possessively covering your ass from the camera, and his other hand is wrapped fully around your ankle to give you a semblance of balance.
you still smile every time you think of that trip, afternoons playing in the water, romantic dinners and nights with his head between your legs, your fingers tangled in his hair. you silently remind yourself to book a vacation back there the next time both of you are free.
5. the NHL award ceremony
the recent NHL award ceremony when quinn hughes received the James Norris award for his skills as a defenceman gave us another peek into y/n's relationship with hughes family.
video one: you're sitting between quinn and luke in your pretty dark blue gown. your hair is pulled back from your face the way quinn likes. he's got an arm thrown over the back of the seat, fingers rubbing your shoulder as you talk to Luke about his hair routine. quinn murmurs something the camera can't catch into your ear and you laugh, tucking your hand into the his that's resting on his lap. he leans back, stretching his legs as you absentmindedly rub his knee, leaning over his brothers to talk to his mom.
video two: his name is called, and you stand with him, clapping loudly. he hugs you first, and you press a kiss into the corner of his lip, but he plants a firm, real one on yours. your manicured, white nails contrast against the black expanse of his suit and broad back. you push him gently towards luke. when he's finished hugging everyone and comes back down the aisle, you quickly fix his tie and smooth down his lapels. he kisses your cheek again and goes down to the stage.
photo three: the trophy is in the middle, the whole family wrapped together. you're tucked between ellen, the older woman has an arm around your waist and your boyfriend's got is arm slung across you shoulders on you other side, everyone smiling big for the camera.
you still remember ellen and jim insisting that you get in the photo, because "you're practically family anyways," and "it's any day now" that their son proposes to you. the photo is on their fridge, to this day.
4. quinn's y/n shirt
another video from y/n's tiktok. during the christmas season, she spent the holidays with the hughes family. her future brother in law (hopefully), jack hughes got quinn a pretty special present.
video: jack is holding the camera, and it pans to you and quinn. your holding a giant sushi stuffed toy (long story) from luke on your lap as you sit next to your boyfriend.
"here," he extends a hand holding a bag to his older brother.
Quinn smiles in thanks and digs into it, retrieving shirt. but it's no ordinary shirt. it's one of those old, retro looking ones with your face blown out all over it.
pictures from red carpets, your album covers, and in gaudy, shadowy text, it reads: IF LOST, RETURN TO Y/N L/N.
Luke cackles as you bury your face in quinn's shoulder. he's letting out a deep, belly laugh as his parents smile and take pictures of it when he holds it out.
he immediately pulls off his sweatshirt and tugs the shirt on. it fits a little tight.
"merry christmas!" jack yells as he gives you a high-five.
he still wears that stupid shirt around the apartment, just because he knows you like the fit and your face plastered all over his chest.
3. y/n's songs about her boyfriend
through many new releases, we have determined a list of songs about quinn from her new album, lover.
sweet nothing
paper rings
I think he knows
good looking
wow, you think. these people must not have lives if they're rummaging through your digital footprint and media presence with your boyfriend just to link them with your songs.
2. quinn's interview
since the couple has gone public, y/n has been seen at Canuck's games with family and friends. since she's from vancouver, born and raised, she is passionate about hockey and fits right in.
video one: the jumbotron flashes your face an name; you're wearing quinn's canucks jersey, hair loose. you smile and flutter your fingers at the crowd that's going crazy. one the ice, quinn's teammates jostle and holler at him, and you blow him a kiss. he pretends to catch it, and the screaming in the stadium reaches a new level as the screen pans to him: he's pink and all smiley.
video two: the ref makes a call and you stand, throwing your hands up in the air, exasperated. you huff, sitting back down with your head in your hands. your friends watch on with disappointment, and the three of you let out complains.
video three: quinn grins while looking off camera in the middle of an interview, and the journalist laughs.
"your girl?" he asks, and quinn nods shyly.
"yeah, it's real nice to see her here supporting. I mean, she's really busy too with her tours, but it's nice to have her on my turf."
"I saw! she got really riled up for the penalty during the second period. she's wearing your jersey as well."
"yeah," he scratches his neck, scrunching his nose to hide the big ass smile on his face, "she looks great, eh?"
"glad to see her in her hometown, too."
"right. yeah, I love her so much."
you snicker at how love sick he looks, because early on in the relationship he followed you around like a clingy, lost puppy. he still does sometimes after a roadie or one of your tours. you love it.
1. karma is the guy on the rink, coming straight home to me
the internet broke when y/n changed one of the songs on her song list for her tour last year at rogers arena in vancouver: instead of "karma is the guy on the screen, coming straight home to me", which is a reference to her ex, she changes it to better fix her new romance.
video: you dance through the song, your backup dancers clueless as you reach the line.
"karma is the guy on the rink, comin' straight home to me!" your voice breaks a little in a giggle at the end, your dancers shocked laughter and gasps visible from their faces that even an iPhone camera from 25 meters away can catch.
video two: quinn's in the tent with your parents and some of his teammates and their girlfriends, all of them are vibing to the music and dancing, most holding drinks in their hands.
when the line hits the speakers, everyone is screaming so loud and filming him, and he blushes so red that it spreads to his ears and neck, even in the dim light. his boys are slapping his back, and your dad gives him a high-five. he just smiles at you, dopey and deliriously happy in his shirt of your face and the 20 friendship bracelets your fans had made for him.
you remember that show perfectly, and the night after even better. you barely got any sleep because of his attentions, and your makeup artists spent nearly half an hour covering up the bruises on your neck and chest the next morning.
all in all, we can come to the conclusion that quinn hughes and y/n l/n are completely down bad for each other, like she teased in the song list of her unreleased album. we only hope for good things in the future for this famous couple!
you smile at the closing statement, sending it to quinn to read later in his hotel room.
he facetimes you that night, hair wet and eyes sleepy.
"that article was absolutely right. I am so down bad for you." he tells you seriously, with the promise of lots of love when he comes straight home to you.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
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1d1195 · 2 days
Toothpaste III
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Read Toothpaste here | ~2.6k words
From me: Been way longer than it was supposed to since I last chatted about these two.
Warnings: a couple sweet fluffy puns and pining.
Summary: Harry realizes there's a bit of nepotism in hiring her to work for him while she finds a new job. But Harry would call it flat out favoritism. Also, he really likes the way she says Dr. Styles when she answers the phone.
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“Good morning, Dr. Styles office.”
Harry was used to hearing his name said by women all the time. He worked with all women—they all reminded him of his mum which is why he hired them. Unfortunately, he found that many of the newly graduated dental hygienists were there for him...and not the job. He started his practice fresh out of school. Wanting to make good on his degree (and start pecking away at the loan debt from dental school) and help those with toothaches as soon as humanly possible. He was kind to each of them, but he wasn’t oblivious to the flirting that attempted to reel him in during the interview process. They would make small remarks about how they saw themselves fitting right in at his practice—and life. They batted their eyelashes and smiled just a hair too hard.
Now, he was no better than those he turned down in favor of the woman flitting about his office and eyeing the same sweet girl on desk duty. Hiring her because she was pretty, funny, intelligent.
And very much unemployed thanks to him.
Not even dinner first?
It rang in his head. The promise to take her to dinner still only remained just that: a promise. He had given her space as she was excited about the time to herself for the first time in two years. But then when she called again about a month after, claiming she was getting bored and antsy, Harry had to hire her. There had been paperwork to get hired. Training in what her tasks would be as she made the desk her home-away-from-home.
It seemed wrong to hire her and desperately want to go on a date with her, so he separated the two. Let her get her feet under her and whatnot. So, he never got to find out if ‘open’ would be the last of their flirting.
Unfortunately, Harry was ready to let all of his sanity fly out the window. The way Styles sounded in her mouth was a sin and a virtue. Completely and totally the cause for him struggling to maintain a semblance of control over his emotions.
“I know we say drooling is good thing in this office, Dr. Styles, but that’s a bit much,” Mary chided as she walked past him in the small hallway between rooms. Harry cleared his throat. Once more thankful for the mask covering the majority of his face to hide the blush that rose to his cheeks. She was none the wiser, fiddling with a pen as she listened intently. The little headset on her head while she scribbled on a notepad.
“Let me check and I’ll call you right back, yeah? If not, I’ll find someone to recommend,” her voice was so soothing, oozing with kindness and understanding that Harry didn’t know was necessary for someone scheduling appointments for him, but it was the moment he heard her voice. There was an exchange of goodbyes and then she clicked the headset off. “Dr. Styles,” she sang analyzing her notes while clicking and tapping away at her keyboard.
Now Harry had to pretend like he wasn’t just waiting for her to call for his attention. He turned immediately into a patient room where Helen was tending to a teen boy. Helen glanced up; her eyes danced with a smile unseen by her own mask as she continued to pick at the buildup between her patient’s teeth. “Toby isn’t due for an exam, Dr. Styles,” Helen teased.
He glared at her briefly and turned to call out of the room. “Jus’ a second, love.”
“Did you hear that, Toby?” Helen whispered. “Dr. Styles is a bit smitten with his secretary. He’s trying to act casual.”
Toby smiled around the instruments in his mouth and peered back toward where Harry stood. “She pre-ee,” he murmured.
“She is pretty,” Helen agreed. “But he’s pretending like he isn’t in love with her.” Toby chuckled around the tool once more and Harry glared at him.
“There’s a joke ‘bout me being a sadistic dentist, Toby. Make sure y’floss before y’next exam,” he warned lowly. “Helen,” he nodded.
“Dr. Styles,” she nodded in response, the smile never leaving her eyes.
She was scribbling on the calendar in front of her inputting as many random national dates as possible. It started shortly after her arrival. The other women in the office usually multitasked their dental duties as well as the front desk. They were excited to have her. As motherly as they were, they knew immediately why Dr. Styles hired the pretty girl and were hopeful the otherwise quiet, shy man would open himself up for her and let love in rather than spend all his waking hours thinking about his practice.
The day of her follow up appointment, she informed him it was National Chocolate Ice Cream Day and she wanted to be sure she would be allowed to celebrate.
“National what?” He chuckled.
It was the kind of thing that made life a little more enjoyable, she explained. After he hired her to be secretary, it was a whirlwind filling the calendar with as many silly days to recognize as possible. Many days had multiple things to be celebrated, so she chose carefully. National Dimples Day was a must—given that Harry had pretty dimples hiding behind his mask. It was followed by National Pina Colada Day, and she told him it was one of her favorite summer drinks.
“Did y’need something?” His voice was warm. Like always. The way it made her feel safe when she was scared that first time she met him, worried a root canal was in her very immediate future. “What’s that say?”
“National Retainer Day!” She nearly cheered. She looked up at him with a bright smile and he couldn’t help but fall harder for her. Each topic of the day was curated with someone in mind. Even the other ladies in the office got their moment to celebrate something they loved as she would randomly call out factoids about the coming month. “Anyone like rosé?” She had called.
“Who doesn’t?!” Melissa shouted back. Of course, the entire time she worked was spent mainly doing tasks, waiting in between calls and tasks to continue filling in the calendar with her funny days of recognition.
Harry was still chuckling about Retainer Day. “Something y’needed t’ask from y’phone call?” He repeated gently to jog her memory.
“Oh yes,” she dropped her pen midway through writing National “Ba” and he felt a little bad for interrupting her thought. Also, he desperately wanted to know the end of the word, and what they would be celebrating in a few weeks. She opened a different window back up and held her notebook poised professionally in front of her. “It’s a little boy,” she explained. “His teeth sound a lot like mine, so I’m probably being too nice,” she frowned. “I know you’re not a pediatric dentist, but the mom sounded exhausted so I told her I would ask and if not recommend someone you know personally from dental school who would take care of him.”
The kindness in her heart was way too sweet. No wonder she was filled with cavities.
“S’fine, set it up, I’ll look.”
“Like today?”
“S’it that serious?” Harry asked curiously.
“Mom sounds exhausted.”
“Like she’s going t’pull her son’s teeth out at a hardware store?”
“Exactly,” her smile was so beautiful. Harry knew smiles.
“S’this m’next patient?” He asked pointing at the tablet waiting beside her. She handed it to him and watched him read.
The way Harry leaned against the counter surrounding her desk put his forearms on full display making her stomach flip. Due to the mask, she couldn’t see his mouth—which was probably for the best. If she saw his lips, his nice teeth, perfect smile, or that dimple in his left cheek she would do something crazy, like kiss him in the middle of his waiting room. Even though no one was there in the waiting room, it seemed like a precedent she couldn’t let happen. Especially when her coworkers were down the hall with patients as well.
His eyes were so focused on the tablet, he didn’t even notice she was staring at him. His concentration was adorable. It was obvious Harry cared about all his patients. He was so intelligent (obviously) and just overall lovely.
“Are we ever going to go on our date?” She whispered quietly so not even Mary, Helen, or Melissa could hear.
Harry nearly dropped the tablet. His mask saved him once more by hiding his surprise. “Oh...um...” It spooked him that she was so confident and easy going about their flirting. It was only a few moments of flirtation and yet, it was enough to make him flustered. Tongue-tied. His brain misfired, no words could get out of his mouth.
Which was not great for her.
“I’m sorry,” she looked away and her hair fell in front of her face so he couldn’t see her embarrassment. “That was rude, I was...” she shook her head. “Forget I said it.”
Her heart was threatening to beat out of her chest, and she thought she might die of mortification. How could she say that in the middle of the workday? That was so inappropriate. Maybe more inappropriate since he was a hand deep in her mouth and she asked to open for him. At least then she was a patient and could leave. Instead, he was going to have to go be a hand deep in someone else’s mouth thinking about how she cornered him and flirted with him when she shouldn’t have.
Her stupid mouth was going to get her fired again. She finished the word “Bagel” on her calendar and looked for the information to call that poor mother back. She dialed the phone number and listened on her headset at the other end rang.
A note was dropped on her desk, a prescription paper from Harry’s notepad. Fluttered and settled directly in front of her as the phone continued ringing. She turned to see Harry’s retreating figure before she picked it up and read it.
Tomorrow? Tooth-irty is too early. How about six?
The bell to her apartment rang at quarter to six. She was doing some finishing touches to her hair and makeup, and it seemed they would remain unfinished. She wasn’t mad that he was early because it was making her anxious to wait for so long (hence the extra primping). “Just a second!” She called scrambling to put the last bobby pin in place and swiped mascara over her lashes quickly.
She hurried to the door and pulled it out of the way. Harry held three red roses in his hand. “Sorry m’early. I was... nervous and excited.”
“Nervous?” She questioned.
He nodded but didn’t say anything else. Harry wasn’t a man of many words. He was quiet overall. But when he did speak, every word was warm, important. Nerves must not have been important. “Those are beautiful,” she reached out to touch the mini bouquet. The petals were like velvet, and she imagined that he paid a pretty penny for just three little roses.
“S’not too much?” He asked.
“No,” she shook her head. “They’re perfect.”
He released a relieved sigh and smiled. “Good.”
At dinner, Harry pulled her chair out and his knee bumped hers beneath the table. She tried to memorize every detail of the moment. It was a feeling that started all the way in her toes and worked up to the roots of her hair. This was a big day. A big moment.
Three months ago, she was in a different world. Now she was at a new job, a new apartment, and on a date with her unbelievably handsome dentist and boss. It was unreal and perfect and something that didn’t happen every day. Something that had never happened to her.
So, she was memorizing every little detail so that when she thought about it for the rest of her life she could talk about the wrinkle near the corner of his mouth when he smiled. How his eyebrow quirked up when he read something he liked on the menu. The way his fingers wrapped around the stem of his wine glass like he was a connoisseur. Was he? She wanted to ask.
“S’it alright?” He asked quietly.
In all her memorizing, she forgot how quiet she must have gotten. Even a man as few words as Harry, it was probably unnerving to sit in silence while sipping at wine, listening to the quiet jazz quartet in the corner of the space while the girl across from him nibbled at the bread on her plate and stared at him for what must have been an embarrassing number of minutes. “Yes,” she said quickly, her knee bumping against his and the table causing the glasses to wiggle. He smiled. That gorgeous, beautiful smile that should have been on pamphlets and billboards for his practice. “Sorry,” she cleared her throat.
She wondered if he would ask her back to his place. Was it too much to do that? Maybe they could just hang out. Her entire work week was spent with Harry and yet she just wanted more time with him. Like something had changed in her that this was...this was something more. More than a toothache. More than toothpaste.
“Are you alright, love? You’re awfully quiet...”
“Can I say something...insane? You obviously don’t mind my ranting thus far between my intake form and my appointments. But this one might... really make you regret asking me out... I don’t know... I just think I have spent a lot of my young adulthood being unhappy. I watched rom-coms and read romance novels and envisioned this all-encompassing love that would put Nicholas Sparks to shame. Then I started my job fresh out of college and I hadn’t thought about love in three years? Four years. Four years of not thinking about love, reading about love, watching love and it was my favorite thing in the world...and then I got a toothache and wanted to yank it out myself and you were just there. You don’t say a lot but you... you helped me quit a job I wasn’t happy in, a job I wasn’t in love with a job that was killing me from the inside out,” she took a breath and Harry was stoically watching her. “I am trying to focus on everything that is happening. For the last three months I’ve been trying to figure all of this out and remember every little detail about you. The way that your knee feels next to mine and how your ring clinks on your wine glass and how I have imagined falling in love so many times in my life and I never thought it would happen in a dentist office—arguably, my least favorite place in the world.”
Speechless. Completely totally speechless.
Harry held his hand up for the waiter. “Could we get our food t’go?” He asked.
Part of her hoped the ground would open up and swallow her. The anxiety and mortification she felt was so intense her voice was dead in her throat. All emotion stopped existing. Part of her thought she did combust as he asked to leave. “Is everything alright?” The waiter asked.
“Yes,” Harry nodded assuredly. “S’jus’... I’ve got a bit of a toothache,” he explained and glanced at her finally. The left dimple making itself visible. The relief swam through her. “Need t’head home t’take care of it. S’that okay, love?” He asked quietly.
She nodded. “Yeah,” she cleared her throat. “It’s that sweet tooth of yours.”
“Well, y’know me, love,” he winked and handed his credit card to the waiter. “I crave sweet things.”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
@straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals
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@just-another-reader1098 @hermionelove @tiredinwinter @whimsy-willows @hannah9921
@fangirl7060 @triski73
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
If you like this, check out my masterlist here
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aruinedthing · 1 day
so not only did armand finally make a fledgling. he made a public figure into a fledgling. a public figure who was already poised to dive headfirst into even greater mortal notoriety before armand turned him by virtue of planning to publish. a book about vampires. which also flagrantly breaks one of the great laws. and armand, armand, who has spent hundreds of years culling other people's problem fledglings... apparently isn't going to do anything about his own! in fact he kind of can't do anything without worsening the problem, because the problem fledgling he made is a 2-time pulitzer winner who was going to get interviewed about said book no matter what! and the good news is nobody really seems to believe him about vampires being real, so at least there's that, but. when your brand-new problem fledgling who's still going forward with shattering a great law after being turned has now gone viral about it, you can't just set him on fire! people are going to notice if daniel molloy, previously respected journalist who just went off the deep end and published a book about vampires that he is insisting is non-fiction, suddenly disappears off the face of the earth! nobody’s taking him seriously now, but that would get conspiracy theorists’ ears to perk up, and it’s all downhill from there. as far as the scale of the Problem here, armand turning daniel is like magnus turning popular commedia performer lestat but times a million because there's the internet now. how do vampires hide from the cloud, armand? no wonder he's not picking up anyone's calls.
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prisonhannibal · 3 hours
the loumand relationship was actually crazy I can’t believe it lasted for 77 years. like imagine dating a guy who’s clearly not over his ex to the point that he hallucinates him when the two of you are on dates and even in bed with you and he says no when asked if you’re companions and you don’t really have compatible lives because you are a coven leader and he doesn’t really gaf about all that or the theater AND he has a daughter/sister but you don’t wanna be a step parent and told her she should die. then you massively fuck him over and try to get him killed bc you don’t trust that the relationship will last, but he survives (because of his ex) so you apologize and he tells you he will never forgive you, and then you guys meet up with the previously mentioned ex (who is also your ex, allegedly) who calls you a gremlin and your boyfriend rubs it in his face that he’s gonna stay with you forever just to hurt his feelings. right in front of you. and you literally got his daughter/sister killed so there’s that elephant in the room forever. then you stay together for twenty more years while you lie to him the entire time about what happened in paris and he fucks and kills 100+ guys and you’re clearly mad about it but won’t tell him. you get into the worst argument ever where you’re both horrible to each other and intentionally bring up each others worst traumas to hurt each other and he reveals that he finds you boring and that spending twelve hours talking to some guy he just met about his ex was more interesting than being in a relationship with you for decades. so obviously you hold the guy hostage and psychologically torture him and then wipe both of their memories. then presumably the relationship continues in the same deranged fashion for fifty years, where you do stuff like build shelves he can’t even reach because you can fly and he can’t, but at least you got an ipad to play on in bed when the two of you are lying half a meter apart in bed. then he decides to bring back the same guy from 50 years ago to do another interview and you listen to him talking lovingly about your (allegedly) mutual ex and how good the sex was for hourssss. and somehow your solution to all of this is to make the marriage work by constantly lying, manipulating him, deleting memories from his brain and spinning a whole web of lies that you had to keep going for more than seventy years just so he wouldn’t leave you for the ex. WHY ARE THE TWO OF YOU TOGETHER! why do you want to make this relationship last!! can’t even go to couples therapy because this is a whole new type of fucked that they don’t even teach in therapy school
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thearchercore · 2 days
the interviewer asks lando questions about max and the crowd starts booing and there max's good friend, for whom his friendship is so important, continues laughing without doing anything to defend him or tell them to stop. I really don't understand Max, how he can want a friendship like this
lando has been saying things like this since november
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i believe that while their friendship started as genuine, lando is seriously acting immature and objectively as bad friend. repeatedly.
i'm not here to psychoanalyze people's friendships and if they deserve better but i think lando needs to change his behaviour if he ever wants to gain at least a bit of trust after this week because he instigated the most unnecessary british media witch hunt on his "friend" just because he couldn't control what he was saying.
bare in mind he was also making faces when max was mentioned in an interview yesterday so like... yeah. i dont know, his behaviour just icks me bc i cant stand him being so immature but AGAIN, i wont get into psychoanalyzing, not here for that lol
also think everyone backing up max today in front of press took a toll on him
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uchinagai · 14 hours
07.1 - "its me before her" - Karina smau
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warnings: cursing, unhealthy obsession if you really think about it, fighting, mention of blood, use of alcohol, 2k+ words (I got carried away) idk what else just enjoy :3
She hated it.
Oh, how much she hated being an idol. Maybe it was the age catching up to her because her generation ended. None knows, but everyone knows she hated all the attention she got as Jennie Ruby Jane of Blackpink.
Maybe that's also why she felt drawn to y/n: She wasn't the Jennie everyone worshipped with her, but Jennie, who could express herself and talk about her opinions without millions of people coming at her; she felt safe with her.
Could that be the reason why she fell for her? Possibly. She never meant to fall for her, she didn't even know she liked girls before y/n came into her life with that silly show she went to, only because she watched it occasionally and laughed at idols' reactions discovering who they were texting. It was refreshing for her to see that the opposite, extrovert was teasing and flirting with her from the other side of the screen. She knew about y/n, and she learned a lot. She was all over Korea's billboards, like once she was. She was the new generation IT girl, like just like rookie jennie. She was pretty, she would admit. Her music was also good, so Jennie couldn't help but search for her, learning a few things here and there. Like how she loved “nevertheless” so much that she went on and got the tattoo on her neck, how she enjoyed listening to soothing and calm music, and how it helped her sleep well. which side she preferred to sleep on, her house and where she lived and so on. It could be too much. Jennie never questioned
She was drawn to her.
Even ‘blinks’ knew. How? She reposted her music and posts, mentioned her on shows and vlogs, and said she would do anything to get her attention.
But now, here she was, giggling and smiling from ear to ear, seeing y/n on the other side of the wall, while y/n had a shocked face, seeing her idol of years standing and smiling at her. Was it awkward? Maybe? Jennie wouldn't admit it and say it was because all she did during the small interview at the end was geek over y/n, giving the most prominent puppy eyes, ignoring the awkward tension from y/n; she stared so much that fans captured it in seconds, making ship edits.
Secretly, she wanted edits and videos of them together to look back on and maybe even use to slide into her DMs.
She did.
She wouldn't let the girl go now she got her attention and also learned that y/n was her huge fan but was too shy to approach as big of an idol as she was
“I'm telling you! Old BTS was the SHITTT”
“Hey, Blackpink was good too!”
“Your companies forbid you guys to interact. You wouldn't know!”
“I'm not lying, at least!”
“I dated Taehyung for your reminder, so I call that I win!”
As Jennie said that, y/n couldn't help but pout in defeat. Of course, she mentioned dating. Jennie loved it; cute puffy cheeks and sad look on y/n were to die for. She loved their small, useless interactions, always lighting her mood. Jennie just ended her relationship with Taehyung. It didn't hurt her, but with y/n, she acted fragile, as it affected her in some sort of way to seek comfort from her beloved.
“Oh, come on, don't get all puffy now!” Jennie said as she cupped her face, squeezing her cheeks. Y/N loved being babied, so of course, she gave in.
“BTS is still good,” she mumbled as Jennie laughed. She used the moment to wrap her arms around her, pulling her into a warm embrace.
How could she ever consider moving on?...
y/n was too oblivious to Jennie, but not too much. She did notice all the things Jennie did that could question their friendship, but she chose to ignore them and told both (G)I-DLE member and ex-member that it was nothing, and they read into things too much when they heard Jennie say, “If I were a guy, I would 100% date y/n.”
But she was wrong. y/n was so wrong.
Both Jenie and y/n got invited to a party that a mutual idol friend invited them to; god knows what the hell was in those drinks, but she is wasted, so out of her mind, like she is flying and has no control. Maybe that is why she's pinned against the counter right now and is making out with Jennie. Her lips were soft and delicate; they tasted like cherries, and with a mix of the bitterness of alcohol, they both chugged down. y/n wouldn't deny that kiss was terrible; it was amazing and the best she ever had, but it was wrong. Was she kissing her best friend and idol a good idea? No. It was a horrible idea, but yet she didn't push her away; maybe it was alcohol getting to her head and making her fuzzy all over her body. She didn't decline Jennie, which caused the black-haired girl to get cocky and full of confidence with her hands and body. It turned into a messy and sloppy make-out session, obviously led by Jane. Her one hand cupped y/ns cheek while the other one was around her waist, pulling her deeper into her. The kiss was the only thing y/n remembered from that night, but the following day, she woke up in Jennie's mansion, naked, covered in love bites, and only bed sheets covering her.
Her heart dropped.
This was never meant to happen with Jennie. She felt like crying, and all she could do was look around for her clothes. Instead, she found nicely folded clothes that probably belonged to Jennie, with a note saying, “Your clothes are being washed. Wear these. Let me know when we are up. We should talk.” 
y/n hated talking and being comforted; it made her weak, and she always ended up crying or bursting out. But she also couldn't escape the reality, they fucked. It was terrible; her body was weak, and she barely got clothes on. She stared at the mirror for a good 5 minutes. How could she face her now? It was about to come crashing down. She was going to lose her friend and idol she admired all because she was too wasted to control herself and threw herself onto her; at least, that’s what she thought. If y/n could, she would’ve dragged herself by the hair and beat her so much. While she dreamed of that being somehow possible standing in front of a mirror, Jennie walked in; her face was relaxed like what happened last night was nothing, and y/n was overthinking about marks and waking up naked.
“Drink the soup first; you drank a lot last night.”
It was cold. Y/N wanted to cry. Everything was definitely falling apart, but all she could do was listen to Jennie and go downstairs for her soup. She sat in silence; what was she even meant to say? She wanted to run, but that would make the situation even worse, so she took it all in, calming herself for the future outcome of their friendship.
On the other hand, Jennie managed to calm herself before Y/N woke up, creating a script for what she should say to Y/N. She felt like passing out. She took advantage of Y/N when she was drunk, and now she probably blames herself. Jennie hates herself just as much as her job. But as she got lost, Y/N was done with soup, trying to snap her out of her thoughts. 
“Jen… Jennie….Jennie!!” she yells the last part as Jennie looks up like a confused cat, making y/n melt right away
“Right, let's talk.”
This wouldn't ruin their friendship, would it? y/n thought to herself as they sat down on the couch.
“Okay, so-” “I'm sorry-” they said at once, making them chuckle even under the tension between two of them.
“You go ahead first,” said y/n since it seemed like Jennie was ready to apologize.
“I'm so sorry for what we did. I took advantage and used you for my benefit. I never meant this all to happen; we were drunk and not thinking straight, but I can’t blame you one tiny bit even. I'm sorry about this, and I understand if you want to stop being my friend after this because I can't stay just as friends after everything,” Jennie said in almost one breath, making her gasp as she finished.
y/n had the most challenging time taking in the last part. What does Jennie mean by can't stay friends? What does she want from her? Does she want to become her lover? No way. She never viewed Jennie like that, and now she’s even more lost.
“Wait, w-what do you mean?”
“I know it's weird, bizarre… but I’ve liked you for a while, and before you reject me, I know you won't view me that way, but I want to mean something in your life.”
“You mean a lot in my life, Jennie,” y/n said hopelessly, not understanding what she meant.
“What I mean is… god, it's weird,d but friends with benefits? I know it's a horrible idea, but I'd rather be like that with you than just a friend because I can't imagine myself staying away from you after this.”
Everything seemed to stop around y/n. Friends with benefits? That is crazy; she never imagined herself like that, but somehow, with Jennie, the idea wasn’t bad. It was better than completely losing her best friend. But she hasn't answered at all. Physically, she was frozen, which caused Jennie to worry.
“Listen, I’ll understand if you do not want to do this-”
“I’ll do it.”
“I said I would do it.”
“It's better than losing you, Jen.”
Her heart skipped a beat. So she was up for it? What? This isn't like y/n at all. Why the sudden change? But she snapped out of her thoughts. y/n chose her, is what mattered to her the most.
“Are you sure”
“Yes, Jen.”
It was a horrible idea.
Not because Jennie hated sleeping with y/n; no, she loved getting to touch her like none else could.
She hated it because of the conditions y/n put up.
If we find someone we want to date, we stop.
No strings attached
Everything is just physical
Avoid the public eye at all cost
She hated 2nd and 4th the most. She wanted to show off, she wanted everyone to know, but they were still just friends. She also hated the fact that she had no right to get jealous.
Well, she broke that one.
Because for that reason, there's a girl on the ground, nose bleeding. She hated seeing y/n with someone else. She hated it more than her job. Someone touching her waist made her blood boil. And this specific girl, Wonyoung, had to be a victim of her rage.
The girl was pretty, known, and sweet—y/n's exact type, which Jennie hated even worse. It was apparent that the girl took a big liking to y/n. Lip lick, gaze, movement, hands, leaning in—everything was right before her, so what would she do? Storm over and drag her on the ground until someone stopped her.
Nails digging into her arm, trying to stop her. The hands were soft; it was y/n. Why was she defending her? She couldn’t hear anything around her. Everything went blank. Screams were muffled as she stared at the girl, who stared back with horror, holding her arm against her nose. A group of people managed to pull her away from the girl. 
She then saw y/n kneeling to Wonyoung, helping her calm down and breathe, but she was too dizzy to reach out or say anything; it felt like a trance she was stuck in. She slowly gained back control, but why was Jennie crying? Shouldn’t Wonyoung be crying right now? But yet, she's the one who drew the blood, knocking the girl, yet she is the one crying. Was it fear? Of course, it was fear. Not a fear of being charged for assault but a fear of losing her beloved, y/n.
Did she cross the line? Again?
No, this couldn't be happening. She worked so much even to mean something to y/n.
She couldn’t have messed this up. . .
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A/N: Woo, I finally finished this. It's been in my drafts for a while. This is my first time writing, so errr, let me know how I did . . .
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realcube · 2 days
hi cutie!! your work makes me froth at the mouth <3333 also hear me out on this: ts! yaku talking with ts! lev after one of his games and lev introduces you as his foreign cousin and yaku is like omg cutie
this has been dinging around in my mind all week like a screensaver ily mwah
A/N → omg that's soo good !! ty for blessing me with this 🙏 also you literally read my mind cuz i've been having endless yaku brainrot recently
TWS/TAGS → fem!reader, reader is a statistician ??, modelling slander & cursing
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yaku wipes his forehead with a towel while he is sat at the side of the court. the match is over and everyone is beginning to filter out of the stadium, including his teammates, but not without giving him a celebratory slap on the back or handshake first.
they all make their way towards the exit, where there are crowds of interviewers and tv cameramen waiting to pester them about their winning game. yaku wasn't quite ready yet to deal with the onslaught of questions and praise, so he remains on bench a bit longer, still trying to properly catch his breath.
that was until he heard the familiar voice of an old friend yell, "hey, shorty!"
he looked up to see lev walking towards him, with his arms wide open for a hug. it had been over a year since yaku had seen lev, since his modelling career had really taken off and presented unmissable oppertunities all over the world. yaku couldn't help but crack a smile, even at the terrible nickname.
as lev made his way towards him, he couldn't help but notice the girl he was with. stunning. a beauty unlike any other. so graceful and elegant in their movements, wearing a benign smile that caused yaku's heart to skip a beat.
naturally, he assumes you are lev's model girlfriend, or something like that. that was the only reasonable explanation he could think of, but even then, you were still miles out of lev's league. as you both approached, yaku tried his best to pay little mind towards you, as the reminder of lev's fortune would only piss him off and spoil what was supposed to be a joyful reunion.
"lev." he said, outstretching his arm for a handshake but he should've expected it when lev scooped him up in a big, tight hug.
"yaku! it's been forever!"
"put me down!" he demanded, and lev obliged, still beaming at him.
"congratulations on your win." lev said, and you added, "yeah, you were amazing."
yaku couldn't help but blush at your compliment, and he bowed his head in thanks towards both you and lev. which is what prompted lev to clear his throat and clarify, "oh! this is my cousin (y/n) from abroad."
you wave slightly to accompany the introduction, meanwhile yaku looks between the two of you, absolutely star-struck. "cousin?" he repeats.
"yeah." lev chuckled awkwardly, motioning towards himself and joking, "you're probably confused because i am so much better-looking but it's beca—"
you playfully elbow him in the side and he grunts slightly, then bursts out laughing while you exchange a knowing look with yaku. "so are you a model too?" he asks.
a fiery heat rises to your face and you tense, shaking your head slightly, "no, i'm just here with lev because i wanted to see the game."
he takes notice of the fact his question flustered you a little, and this brings him a new-found confidence, "have you ever thought of going into modelling?"
you blink a couple times while thinking about it, then shrug, "it's never really crossed my mind. i like the job i have."
"oh, yeah!" lev chimes in, "she's a statistician, isn't that super fancy?"
you nod in agreement with your cousin's enthusiasm, elaborating, "i know it doesn't sound cool but i get to chill in a big office and i hardly have to talk to anyone."
yaku agrees that a career devoid of other people's stupidity sounds like a dream come true, but he inquires, "so you just hide behind a computer all day?"
you nod proudly.
"sounds like a waste of such a pretty face." he chuckles to himself at how your eyes widen and your hand rushes to cover the bottom half of your face, "really, though, you should think about modelling. it's probably a lot easier and pays more. plus, i'd rather see your face on billboards than his."
he gestures to lev, who slaps his hand against his chest and lets out a dramatic gasp, "what's wrong with my face?! and modelling is not easy; it's one of the hardest jobs in the world and not for the weak."
"i'm sure styling your hair is very difficult, lev." yaku says sarcastically.
you laugh and interject, "he doesn't even style his own hair, he has someone to do that for him."
yaku raises an eyebrow, trying to suppress a shit-eating grin, "so what the fuck do you do?"
lev crosses his arms over his chest and pouts, walking towards the exit, "you two can come find me when you're done being mean."
you both snicker to yourselves at lev's behaviour, realising you only tease him out of love, really. so when your laughter dies down, you begin to follow him at a safe distance behind. "how long are you going to be in russia for?" yaku asks, recalling that lev mentioned you're from a different country.
"just today." you reply, "this trip was so last-minute for me. lev just messaged me a week ago asking if i wanted to come and i said sure. i wanted to stay for a whole week but virtually all nearby hotels were booked. it's a miracle i even managed to find a room for tonight."
yaku frowned at your story, "that sucks. but i know a motel that has availability for this week."
"really?" you perk up, "what's it called?"
"my house."
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antigonick · 2 days
seeing your input about horror... what are movies / books / any media of the genre that you like or would recommend?
Hmmmm... so, these aren't necessarily horror media I love in a "simple" way, but they stayed with me / affected me like I described—they achieved what horror can do when it's really good, which means pulling you out of yourself and roughing you up. This is going to be just off the top of my head because I have to run 🏃‍♂️
Movies: Raw (Julia Ducourneau), Nope and Get Out (Jordan Peele), The VVitch (Robert Eggers), The Night House (David Bruckner), It Follows (David Robert Mitchell), Hereditary (Ari Aster), The Descent (Neil Marshall), Possessor (Brandon Cronenberg), Ginger Snaps (John Fawcett), Candyman (Bernard Rose), Ex Machina (Alex Garland — barely horror but something horror adjacent about what it leaves behind). I think Mindhunters (David Fincher) could also make the list, and Interview with the Vampire (Rolin Jones) is doing something with perception and the gothic and the baroque and transgression that's a clear homage to horror.
Books: the actual Haunting of Hill House (Shirley Jackson), the actual Turn of the Screw (Henry James), House of Leaves (Mark Z. Danielewski), The Other (Thomas Tryon), Carrie (Stephen King), Black Leopard Red Wolf (Marlon James), The Fallen Hero series as always (Malin Rydén), Annihilation (Jeff VanderMeer); if you look in my book recs tag you'll find others!
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nalyra-dreaming · 16 hours
I also don't get what there's to like about loumand. I mean, I love seeing characters and relationships that represent me on screen. That's always good. And they had chemistry in the beginning, or at least the writers allowed them to explore it and the flirting phase was cute. Then, it just got distant. They barely had meaningful conversations, kisses, cuddling, love scenes or anything that showed a couple with real development. I feel somewhat the same way about claudeline. But I guess the difference for them is that was the only romantic relationship for their characters and even if we didn't see it, we're told they made it work. But we don't see that with loumand and the period that had indeed some attraction and flirtation was really brief. So what do people expect Jacob to talk about? Make stuff up about how Louis and Armand are soulmates, they have a magnetic pull, they tell each other everything, they never fight etc? He didn't think they made sense and he's entitled to this opinion. And I don't get how people are making this about race when he said he didn't think they made sense on the book either? They were written not to last. And it's okay to think they could've done more, I for once would've loved to see it because I think they had potential for more positive moments before shit hit the fan, but it's not what happened and to pretend otherwise is weird for me. But for everyone that can ship stuff even without too much screen time and survive on fanfictions, fan videos, fanart etc, you're entitled to your own opinion and should have fun and enjoy it too. I just find the whole reaction to Jacob's interview so ridiculous. Not to mention he didn't say anything new, he's been criticizing them since the beginning, so why the surprise? Specially now that we know Armand was even more involved with Claudia's death lol.
Exactly. Thank you.
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iremiari · 2 days
something something.... in a similar vein of thought as to how crystal's mind eyes are supposed to represent her "being watched" (it was stated in an interview somewhere), what would the baby doll demon spider represent for edwin?
it took me a good while to figure out but i think it's Societal Pressure and Bullying. which is A Lot Lamer than it sounds but also,, think about it!! (a bit of a long read)
it makes laughing noises. Specifically children's laughter. It is made up of MULTIPLE doll heads and hands. It's like if an angry mob of children was a spider. And let's not forget about its nature -- If Edwin makes the slightest noise or the slightest utterance or makes a move, it chases him. It chases him relentlessly and is always there to eat him alive.
obviously the spider is terrifying in ways that also don't relate to bullying, but still kind of relate to the society around edwin. one of them being that it's made of dolls. they're fake. they're plastic. they're superficial. people tend to be so superficial to keep up appearances and ostracize anyone that doesn't.
it's also a spider. a doll spider. in a dollhouse. edwin is trapped in its web (the dollhouse). but also, he would be trapped in society's social obstacles and mazes for him if he were alive simply because he is Different from them. his true self is not one that society welcomes, accepts, nor tolerates. and they would hunt them down and hurt him any chance they get.
this also makes for some really poetic metaphors about him and his interactions in hell
i think one that's really sweet is when edwin says "I can't escape it... I can't." and charles replies "Yeah well, I'm here now." LIKE OH MY GODDDDDDD LIKE!! like think abt it. think of the implications and how it relates to the metaphor.
charles is there to FREE him from being quiet. he is free to run and to scream and to escape the web that he's in. that's so. they're everything to me.
as for simon,, i cant really say what it WOULD mean like metaphorically... except for the part where simon asks "Do you think it has to be torture? Being the way we are?" and edwin's like "No. It does not. I'm going to get out of here, you should come with me." like edwin KNOWS its not a sin and he's trying to escape the society that rejects them
other than that though, i cant really think what that interaction would mean...
maybe im just wrong about the metaphor, maybe it's Not societal pressure. maybe it's not anything at all! maybe the curtains were just blue, and a giant spider made of doll heads is just a giant spider made of doll heads. who knows?
either way it is 1am where i am right now so if anyone sees this post and has any ideas, feel free to rb/comment, id love to see your take :D
(though: in a similar vein,,, charles died due to hypothermia and internal bleeding. hypothermia or the cold is usually associated with loneliness in most fiction - the way warmth is associated with company - and internal bleeding represents,.. well you can probably guess. leads you to wonder the kind of life charles lived.)
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buckgettingstruck · 2 days
Please this might be mean but why did this make me laugh 😂😂 like those fans who bullied Oliver and contributed to him getting off Twitter and who harassed the cast and Love interests are the ones who jumped ship from buddie to bummy. Like if we all stop to think just how little we actually see it happening now in the buddie fandom ever since they all decided to go worship Lou, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out
Buddie fans used to do all that shit
Lou came into the show and they flocked to him
Suddenly buddie fans are no longer doing all that shit…
The toxic shit still exists within fandom space but it’s…gasp coming from that side of the fandom. Weird how that works.
Also like making shit up? When it’s literally bummy fans admitting they were blocked by Oliver snd Ryan and Joaquin and shit 💀💀 so are the bummy fans lying for attention or is this anon just out of touch with what’s happening in their own fandom 🤔
The oh he won’t talk about Bummy because buddie fans. Well funny he didn’t have that problem talking about Taylor, or Lucy, or Natalia? Hell this anon should go reread some of Oliver’s season 6 end interviews.
And the thing that made me laugh the hardest. The paras social relationship accusations. Like please anon tell me you saw someone say that about the bummy fans, thought to yourself hmm that sounds like a good one let me toss it out at someone! Without telling me that’s what happened.
The way their entire toxic little subset of fandom space is just imploding more and more each day as they turn on each other, and spiral down into public tantrums like this just 😂😂😂. 
it tickles me it really does that there is one (1) interview about them where oliver actually acknowledges them but he says he hopes theyre friendly AFTER THEY BREAK UP only to talk about buddie shit for the next several interviews 😭 but apparently that one interview is their bible or whatever ✋ along w the cameoverse they had to pay thousands for jesus christ
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College fits: the desi version
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Starting of with the very basic indo-western outfit: Kurtis. Now, you can wear knee length or short-length kurtis, whatever your prefer.
First of all, please, for the love of god, don't go for those cheap chikankari kurtis or those 'kashmiri embroidered' kurtis. It's disrespecting to the real chikankari and kashmiri embroidered work and secondly, its tacky atp.
Go for normal, printed or plain kurtis. I would say thin straps, or cut-sleeves kurtis cause they feel more girlish and more appropriate for college. If you are insecure about your arms then you can go quarter length and full length too. You can buy good and cheap ones from zudio or myntra.
You can pair your kurtis with shorts, jeans or skirts. Your jeans could be linen, wide -legged, cargos, etc. Avoid skinny jeans or ripped jeans.
Personally, I love to wear short kurtis with baggy cargos. I wear boots cause I love that edgy aesthetic. It's OP for me. I live for that fit.
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Now, if you want to wear those long flowy skirts, you can just pair them with any normal top of your choice. Additonally, you can wear a duppatta as a scarf and go for the whole Ananya from 2 states look.
You can also wear those really big shararas that almost look like skirts. But daily wear dividers/ shararas are a bit hard to find. You would have to get them stitched only.
Nowadays, a lot of of other sort of traditional skirts are also coming. Wrap around skirts, pencil skirts, short skirts, etc. You can find them easily online. Again, pair them with your normal tops.
If you don't like those traditional skirts/ ghagras you can also opt for those trending maxi skirts. Pair them with jhumkas, duppatta and a boho tote bag and you are good to go!
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Okayyy so printed shirts are my favorite.
You can just wear the shirts with the bottom of your choice. Even with skirts. You saw Katrina Kaif in Fitoor. Take inspiration.
If skirts aren't your thing,I would personally suggest linen pants. Looks amazing.
The other option is ofcourse wearing your shirts as shrugs over your outfits. Avoid buying those full length shrugs and wearing them over jeans and top. It doesn't look elegant.
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Pathani kurtas on women>> Yes, I mean those short linen material kurtas that men wear. Feels androgynous and I love them alot.
If you have some pretty duppattas and scarfs, you can wear them as tops.
You can also wear those patiala pants like geet from jab we met. They are really comfortable and I feel not as normalized in your indo-western style too. So you can have your own unique style by experimenting with them. You can buy the plain color patiala pants and pair it with cute fitted strappy tops. Complete the look with punjabi jootis.
You can also just wear duppattas over your normal western outfits too. Maybe or maybe not add jhumkas according to the outfit. Add a totebag and voila! the simplest indo-western outfit out there.
Vests! I live for vests. Vests add color to my outfit in the simplest way possible. it's chic, it's elegant and ots perfect for when you have interviews or jury if you wear them the right way.
There are endless possibilites with the indo-western look. It's all upto you- how much you want to experiment. Some of my friends in Nift even wear sarees in indo-western look and go to college wearing that. So, ultimately it's all upto you.
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I feel like accessories totally determine your look. If you want it to be more party wear types or minimalist- it all depends on the accessories. They totally carry your look.
For the normal days, you can add on chudiyas. Can go for siilver ones, but if you want it to be a bit more dressy, you can buy matching chudiyas.
Accessories matching your outfit>>>> Even if you are wearing silver jwellery, try to match the rest of the things with your outfit. Rubberbands, hair clip, bangles, your shoes, your bag, etc.
Wear jootis when you go indo-western.
I feel like the key for accessories is to not overdo it. Keep it simple. The best part about our desi style is we have a lot of ways to dress up- bindis to payals. For your college fits, you can just go for bindis matching your outfit or the black one, jhumkas and bangles. finish it with a totebag.
When your shoes are visible with an outfit, you can do this. I like to wear boots alot. So, whenever I wear dresses and my boots are visible, I wear payals over them. It looks really cool. 10/10
if you are really into the aesthetic and want to play around, you can also try wearing scarfs as hairbands, silver necklaces as headbands, use earrings as hair ties.
To feel like a desi coquette, you can wear those bowtie hair clips matching the color of your kurta
pictures from pinterest
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eurytypewriter · 1 day
sfw and nsfw poly!vees x reader headcanons??😩😩😩😩 PLEASE IM BEGGING
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Tysm for requesting and dw you don’t gotta beg I love writing these and have so many more for them! Also I didn’t know if you wanted fem reader but I can totally do male reader if that’s what you wanted!
The V’s, fem!reader, degration, FFMM, poly V’s, head canons. Idk I tried not to go dark at all because I wanted to try something less grim!
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- The V’s all have to have scheduled times for when it’s their turn to have you, and they’ll always fight over who’s day it is, or they’ll trick eachother somehow and trade days!
- Vox likes to keep you on his lap while he works or while in meetings proudly showing you off like you’re the most valuable thing in hell! I mean to him you are and if anyone even thinks about arguing with him about it he’ll get Val to blow their head clean off.
- Velvette loves to make you things sometimes it isn’t even fashion related! She’ll take you flower picking and make you flower crowns, draw you things, etc.
- Velvette takes mini photoshoots of you wherever you guys are, she puffs and pouts and gets livid if you don’t agree to take pictures with her. And then she goes and makes the others jealous because of all the *forced* time she spent with you😭
- Velvette didn’t exaggerate when she said that Valentino was the biggest piss baby in hell, whenever he’s furious or just simply heated you’re kind of his stress relief ball? He’ll love to hug and rant to you but because of your size difference he has to control himself or else he might hurt you and he doesn’t want that!
- The V’s are all very busy demons but when their pet complains about not having enough time with them (as in all together) they make sure to clear off their schedule, meetings? Adjourned. Shows? Postponed. Interviews? Canceled. All for you. They’d never admit it tho. <3
- They have weekly movie nights with you, normally you and Velvette pick the movie and Val prepares a load of snacks for everyone while Vox gets the blankets and pillows ready, all that and your always the last one up since they all already fell asleep probably on eachother too.
- They really try their best to isolate you, so if you have friends they do a variety of things. Hate them, try to persuade you to hate them, and have weekly shit talking meetings whenever you’re not around to talk about how ‘they aren’t good enough’ but they would never say that to you because the only thing they say to you is how ‘useless and dumb you are.
- On that note; they love to bully and insult you and most of the time you can’t tell if they’re joking or not so I guess they wouldn’t do well with overly sensitive reader.😔
- Cuddle time with them is so comfy and heated, you’re obviously in the middle however Velvette demands you spoon her while Vox is in front of her with his hands wrapped around her grabbing your waist squishing poor Velvette. During all of that Val is on the other side all on your back, he’s touching all on your waist, grabbing your boobs, all while keeping his chin on your head.
- While cuddling Valentino always tries to make things sexual and get yelled and scolded by the others.
- They designed and have a point system just depending on their sex life with you which I’m not gonna get into 😭 (unless you want me too?)
- They all hate sharing you, they hate sharing with others with eachother but on the miracle day they’re all free, and down to fuck you know you’re in for a long night.
- Velvette is always competing with Valentino, who makes you cum first, or the hardest. Whose name gets moaned louder or who makes you squirt the farthest.
- They live for a cute little overstimulated reader, and not to mention pent up. when they all collectively agree on not letting you cum for weeks it’s torture for you. They’ll lock you up in closets and make out with you until you’re begging to take it a step farther and then they’ll unlock the door and take their leave.
- They all degrade you hard, and “live” for making you cry, “Aw look Val the little sluts already in tears begging for more cock to take!”
- Most of the time they’ll have on your knees ass up for Val while you suck Vox’s dick so velvette can eat you out from under.
- Other times you’ll be sandwiched between Valentino and Vox taking in their dicks quite nicely while Velvettes all over your tits leaving hickys and licking all over your body.
- Sometimes they let Velvette use the strap on you and she loves it because it makes her feel equal to them when it comes to being able to “dick you down” but they don’t mind, well at least Vox doesn’t he love a good show between you two, Val not so much.
- They’re all extremely territorial, they love leaving hickeys all over your body. Whenever you parade along the office with them they get so turned on/wet.
- Velvette normally assists you when you’re trying on the clothes she designed for you and every time without fail she gets so turned on seeing you undress and uses her fingers to edge you and then leaves you there fucked out of your mind.
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melodianaartist · 2 days
Ehm since I have talked about good omens on here before i just wanted to jump on here to clarify that in light of all this, I don’t support Neil Gaiman.
Honestly I do not have the mental spoons to research the situation right now as my irl life is incredibly busy and I just can’t right now.
From what I gather this situation is also really messy and hard to access. The article currently going around comes from boris Johnson’s transphobic sister and the actual interview it sources was conducted within the context of a true crime podcast which is also paywalled, thus making it hard to access. The best source we have rn is from someone live-blogging said podcast on Twitter. (On a personal level: I don’t even have Twitter and for personal reasons will not have it ever. I’ve seen screenshots of the interviewed (including ones where it seems that the liveblog says that the act was consensual) and I have no way to judge their accuracy.)
Most of what I see in tumblr tag rn is people saying to wait and see for better, trustworthy and accessible sources, while also believing victims until proven otherwise. I second that notion.
It is also - regardless of the truth of this situation - wise to question why Boris Johnson’s transphobic sister would publish this article right now when it’s -from what I understand - a important time concerning UK Elections and Neil Gaiman has spoken out against TERFS like Jk Rowling before. Using victims to feed transphobic narratives is despicable.
I believe that there is such a thing as separating the art from the artist, but I’m not sure how I feel about posting good omens stuff for now.
I won’t be engaging or keeping up with this situation because I lack the ability to right now. That beeing said, I don’t want any of my silence beeing understood as support of Neil Gaiman.
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xbadgerbearx · 3 days
chapter one: new hire
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summary: When a tall stranger is suddenly hired into the King's Club, your world shifts abruptly--whether for better or worse. As he unravels the threads of his history, you find yourself running from your own. Can you confront the shadows of the past, or will they ultimately consume you both in the end?
pairing: Kid x reader
word count: 2k
warning: spoilers!
notes: I did give Kid's character a name, but it came from an interview that Dev Patel did.
Redlight: masterlist ... [2]
There was a new man in the kitchen today. 
He seemed nervous as he made his way over to your area–you were washing dishes. He was here just the day before when he was escorted into Queenie’s office. It was surprising that not only Queenie didn’t immediately throw him out, but that she also gave him a job. His eyes met yours briefly before turning away to busy himself with some miscellaneous cutlery. You did the same, although you noted how beautifully big they were.
The peacefulness of working in silent tandem would be interrupted when Alphonso, your “manager,” showed up. “New guy, huh? What’s your name?” Your ears perked up, also wanting to know what the quiet stranger's name was.
“Bobby,” he answered unconvincingly.
Alphonso hummed before making his way closer to your station. “Wear your cap properly,” he chided one of the cooks. “We don’t want one of your pubes in the curry.” Alphonso stood next to Bobby–who was next to you–and only made it up to his shoulder. “Bobby,” he repeated with humor. “I think we’ve met before, right?”
“Don’t harass the new staff,” you reminded him impassively. The tall man quickly turned his attention to you. He hadn’t heard you speak until that point–he liked your voice. Alphonso waved you off.
“You like tequila, huh, Bobby?” Bobby walked around the short man to pick up a dirty pot to clean. “Patrón, Don Julio, the one with George Clooney in the photo?”
“I just want to clean the dishes, okay?” He took his place beside you, which was at the sink.
“Coke? Morphine? MDMA?” Alphonso continued. 
“Alphonso!” you snapped as your actual manager intervened. 
“Oi, Alphonos, eh, I’ve told you many times to stop hassling my staff.”
“Quality control, man,” he answered nonchalantly as your manager walked away. “You’re gonna thank me for this one day!” Alphonso got close to the new hire. “Stay cool, Bobby. Stay cool, hmm?” Alphonso turned his attention to you. Leaning against the sink, and right in your way, he laughed. “And how is it being in the kitchen today, hmm? Better than up there?” He extended a single finger up. 
“Alphonso,” you started calmly. “If you want to keep your finger, I suggest you get out of my way.” He quickly slid off to the side, but he was still leaning against the sink. You brought the newly dirtied dish to the sink to start rinsing it. 
“Okay, okay,” he smirked. “This is her on a good day, if you can believe it,” he said pointedly to the new hire. The tall stranger raised an eyebrow, but ultimately said nothing, “You should see her when she’s really on duty. She’ll have you-”
“Alphonso,” you interrupted, eyes glaring. “If you don’t leave us alone, a leg won’t be the only thing you’ll be missing,” you reminded as you walked past him and into another part of the kitchen, leaving Bobby alone with the short man.
“If it pleases her majesty,” he mocked while doing a small curtsey. The tall man looked at Alphonso quizzically. “Whatever Queen Whore wants, she gets,” he laughed, but Bobby frowned. 
“Don’t call her that,” he said quietly, eyebrows furrowed, but Alphonso wiggled his brows playfully instead with a smirk.
“Hm, what’s that, Romeo? You like her or something?” he grinned.
Bobby opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out as you strolled back into the area, this time holding a fresh set of towels. Alphonso laughed as Bobby scowled at him. 
“Alphonso, if you don’t leave this second, I’ll get Queenie myself,” you cooly explained, ignoring all eye contact and continuing to dry the dishes.
Alphonso tsked and swatted the air with his hand before deciding it would be wise to leave. “You better be careful with her,” he announced as he was leaving. “Five men entered a room with her, and only she came out-” he cackled. “Alive!” He then chastised a cook for bumping into his leg before exiting the kitchen. 
Quietly going back to work, you ignored Bobby’s glances and carried on with your day. He was quietly thinking about his earlier interaction with Alphonso. What did he mean by that? And Romeo? He had some things to ponder over… 
When your back was turned, he noticed that when you washed the dishes, you spent extra time cleaning your already clean hands.
The next time you worked with Bobby, he was tasked with preparing Queenie’s tea. He seemed a little lost, but you quietly helped him before sending him to her office. He was surprisingly in a light-hearted mood at the moment. A cook made you bump into a table and almost knocked Queenie’s favorite cup off, but he caught it. Instead of a snide comment or remark, he just laughed and handed you the cup. His positive mood improved your own, slightly sour one. You wore a small smile.
“I never got your name,” he said quietly after a while as he put the sugar bowl onto a tray. 
“And I never got yours,” you replied as you grabbed the small milk pitcher.
“Oh,” he chuckled. “It’s Bobby.”
“No it’s not,” you stated nonchalantly, as if it was a simple fact. Bobby looked at you confused, although his heart beat a little quicker, fearful that he’d been spotted out already. He was quiet as he gathered his thoughts. Then he had an idea.
“Okay, okay,” he chuckled nervously. “You got me. I-I’m Romeo. That’s my name” He was wearing a big smile, sure that you would buy this one.
You paused what you were doing and met his eyes. “Romeo?” you asked in disbelief and he nodded hesitantly. “Romeo?” you asked again. “So why ‘Bobby?’” 
His smile fell slightly and he shrunk into himself. He chuckled a little, seemingly to stall for time. “I, uh, well-” he shrugged as he tried to form a sentence. “You know Alphonso. I said that to get him to leave me alone,” he said unconvincingly. He was bad at lying. 
Staring at him for a few moments, a smile slowly formed on your face. “Sureeee your name is Romeo,” you drawed. “And I’m Juliet.” The tall man laughed, his smile reaching his eyes. He had a nice smile, you noted. “Anyways, Romeo,” you emphasized sarcastically, obviously not buying this name either. “Queenie’s tea is done. Probably shouldn’t keep her waiting too long,” you directed, handing him the finished tray. He took it gratefully and made his way to her office.
You didn’t expect to be interrupted so quickly after sending him on his way, but Sita–an escort–came over to your station. It surprised you seeing the state she was in; she had just been crying and was wearing a plain chemise. “Queenie wants you,” she murmured before hurrying off. 
Heading towards Queenie’s office, you could see the new hire and Alphonso already in there. You knocked on her door and she waved you inside. “See? How hard is it to learn some fucking manners?” She berated Alphonso. You waited on her couch and got comfortable. Bobby glanced at you as he was pouring her tea; he was surprised at how…confident you were in her office. Queenie went over to her safe. “Hey, you,” she snapped at Bobby. “Face the wall.” He turned around, which allowed you to discreetly admire him in his uniform. 
Queenie finished her discussion with Alphonso. “Tell Naqeeb that if the maal is good, we’ll buy some more for Chief Rana.” She handed a stack of cash to him. You could see Bobby stiffen. “Get it sorted by the weekend. He is coming with his boys. Remember, only the best serve the VIPs.” Alphonso left, and soon Bobby as well, although not before giving you a quizzical look.
Queenie sat behind her desk and got comfortable in her chair. “I need you to be on your best behavior this weekend, got it? No funny business, not like last time.” You scowled but nodded in understanding. “Good. And wear that little red dress you have, you know it’s his favorite.” 
Rolling your eyes, you sighed. “Okay. Anything else?” You stood up from the couch and made your way to the door. 
“Yeah. Watch over that little goat fucker. You seem to keep him in check.”
“Who? Alphonso?”
“Yeah, him, whatever. He seems to harass my employees less when you're around,” she smiled. 
“Yes ma’am,” you chuckled before leaving her office and heading back to the kitchen. You scanned the area for your Romeo, expecting him to be there, but he wasn’t. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bobby was currently hurrying after the shorter man. “Alphonso! Hey, uh, good job with Queenie, huh? She really respects you.”
Alphonso scoffed. “The only person in that room she remotely respected was your little work wife. What do you want?”
“Um, look. If you- if you,” he stopped to calm himself before starting again. “Look, if you need any help with the VIPs…”
“Hey, new guy. You know what happens to earwigs around here? You hear nothing, you see nothing. Got it?”
“Look, I’m just saying. If you need someone to go and do the job…”
“Does it look like I need help from someone like you?” Alphonso continued walking, but the tall man grabbed his shoulder. “Hey! What the fuck, man?”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” He was looking slightly more desperate. “Look. You want to make some money? Guaranteed?”
Alphonso humored him, but he did look interested. “Go on.”
The tall man quickly found a piece of paper and wrote an address. “Come to this place tonight…bet on Khan. You’ll make a killing.”
“How the fuck do you know?”
“I-I’ll be fighting him.” Alphonso scoffed before laughing at him. He obviously didn’t believe him and told him to fuck off. “The monkey will win the first two rounds and go down in the third.”
The shorter man became serious. “What’s in it for you?”
The tall dishwasher replied, “I want a promotion,” before patting him on the shoulder and leaving to go back to his job.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You didn’t see Romeo or Alphonso for the rest of the evening after what happened in Queenie’s office.  Your shift was over and you had just finished washing your hands when Alphonso strolled over. “Hey, baby-” he smiled.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Okay, okay.” He straightened himself before lowering his voice. “I need a favor. Well, not really a favor, but I’d appreciate it if you went with me to this place.”
“I’m not sure. That tall fucker–the new hire–gave me this address.” He passed the piece of paper with hurried writing over for you to see. 
“...And you want me to go?”
“Pass.” You hung up the towel and took off your apron before folding it over your arm. Alphonso followed you as you made your way to the exit.
“No one is making you go.”
“Aw, come on! You’re gonna make me go to this sketch ass place by myself?”
“Yeah, but aren’t you at least a little curious about Bobby?” You slowed to a stop. Alphonso smiled, seeming to sense his victory in winning you over. “I mean, come on. No one knows anything about that guy. He just keeps to himself and washes dishes. He said that if we go and bet on this guy named ‘Khan,’ then we’d make a lot of money.”
“I don’t even think his real name is Bobby…or Romeo,” you muttered to yourself, finger pressed to your lip as you looked away in thought.
“Soooo…” Alphonso looked at you hopefully. A few moments passed before you rolled your eyes and relented. “Yeah, baby! Come on, we’ll take Nicki!”
“Your scooter?”
“Hey, now. Nicki is not a scooter. She’s a classy rickshaw,” he huffed before smiling. “Let’s go before we’re late to the show.”
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cementcornfield · 1 year
The Investigation Continues
Interviewer: I hear you get [Joe’s] drip right. You make sure he’s good.
Tyler: *cracks up*
Interviewer: You drop off packages and just say venmo me? 
Ja’marr: Nah that ain’t true, I ain’t do that-
Tyler, still laughing: For the free! For the free!
Ja’marr:  I ain’t do that….I'm gonna get him some pants though.
Tyler please, what do you know 🤔
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