Basics of Mando'a Grammar
There doesn’t seem to be a single, comprehensive resource for Mando'a grammar on tumblr (that I’ve found), so I thought I’d compile a basic intro post for people who are eager to learn the language but unsure how or where to start. This is coming from an English-speaking perspective. Feel free to let me know if I missed anything.
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Help they're so CUTE
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red panda, ferret, and otter models by Joosh
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Absolutely amazing how the one thing everyone fighting alongside the Tanith first and only agrees on is the fact that Major Rawne is very attractive but his vibes are also way off.
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everybody look at this fucking frog!!!!!!!
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Relistening to the first season of TMA really shows just how completely unprepared and overwhelmed Jon was with taking over the archives. Man's trying so hard, acting all serious and his voice just holds the tiniest of quivers when welcoming someone for a live statement
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It's always incredibly funny and interesting to be able to look at your fandom through the eyes of a stranger, who does not know at all what's been happening and is just different flavors confusion xD
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if you missed the hermitcraft spoiler email, here it is!
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Absolutely love it when Gaud's potential shitposts turn out to he incredibly informative for Very Specific Situations.
Am I ever going to come across a snapping turtle on a road? Most likely not, but if I ever do, I know what to do now
trying to decide if i'd rather be a tortoise or a turtle. on the one hand I prefer dry land, on the other hand turtles can breathe out of their cloacae so. it's tricky
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Both Bdubs' moss cloak and Etho's hair look Incredibly Fluffy
Although, what's with the mushrooms? Are they a type of infection? They look to be hurting Bdubs
Seem to sprout out of his skin
Facial expressions are on point as well: the pain in Bdubs' scrunched up face, the furrowed eyebrows on both of them, the clear worry on Etho's (visible) face
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through the skin
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new series! new series! new series!
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So happy double life started, now there're so many adorable fanarts on my dash again
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i think we should take the watcher!grian headcanon and make it just an accepted part of his friend's lives because its way funnier than it being a big angsty secret
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Hey. Minors following me. Internet safety is key!! NEVER include these in your bio/byf:
Medical diagnoses - this is nobody's business but yours. You don't owe anyone an explanation for why you are the way that you are
Trauma - same reason as above
Triggers - people can use these against you! Don't give people tools to hurt you. No one has to know what tags you block. Just block tags to stay safe!
Age - age is okay for adults to include but is iffy when you're a teen. Predators want this information, don't give people more than they need. Just state that you're a minor, that's all that anyone needs to know.
In general: stay safe. If you're not comfortable with every stranger out there having access to this information, you shouldn't post it on the internet.
Play devil's advocate and ask yourself about what would happen if someone searched for your information with intent to hurt you. You do NOT owe anyone an explanation!
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my favs are idiots pt 2
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if you're from Ukraine, you have a uterus and don't want to be pregnant:
1. First of all AVOID AT ANY COST people and sites that have the name of "Ordo Iuris" or "pro-prawo do życia" (translate: pro-life). If you see a logo of fetus inside a heart, run.
Pro-prawo do życia foundation informed that one woman from Ukraine contacted them, asking for abortion. She barely spoke polish, which they admitted without any shame, that's why she thought that if they talk about abortion, they can provide it. They informed that they "explained children are not killed in Poland" and that now she's "in a safe place where no harm can come to her and her baby". I don't have words for how fucking inhuman it is to manipulate traumatized woman into carrying pregnancy she's not ready for since she's a refugee with no finances.
2. If you need abortion, contact:
Aborcyjny Dream Team
Ciocia Basia (abortion in Berlin; they can be found on facebook and theor email is [email protected])/ Ciocia Czesia (abortion in Czech Republic)
Abortion without borders (all of the above cooperate with them)
They will give you information on how to perform safe abortion with right medicaments or will help to travel abroad.
3. If anyone would try to threat you, remember than in Poland it is still legal to do abortion yourself, that's why it's mostly done with pills. Don't let them manipulate you. Fuck these people. You're not evil for needing abortion.
Please, help me spread this message and translate it in Ukrainian, please
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