The Adventures of a Red Mare
89 posts
Redeeming the qualities and smashing the clich茅s about red mares since 2014 - Avatar by @barnlarn -
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redmareredemtion 4 days ago
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His nickname at the ranch is "Fight Club" 馃槶 馃檮
Like, buddy, bring some of that fight to the squirrels how about. Though, it's interesting - I've seen this same thing before in other Hollywood Dunnit line horses: high emotional intelligence/ connection with people + big emotional responses to other horses or "threats".
Basically, big feelings all the time. Which makes him so fun to work with because he gets stuff figured out really fast, but also he's dramatic af about everything.
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redmareredemtion 10 days ago
Managed two months without coughing. Horses in the barn start coughing again. Cough is back. I would be so happy if we just could get rid of that stupid cough for good. DX
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Least she's cute, I guess. 馃槄
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redmareredemtion 22 days ago
Wenn ich geil Dressurreiter:in w盲re und ein Fohlen von Donnerhall h盲tte dann w盲re das fix Donnerbalken!
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redmareredemtion 1 month ago
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Well then, only took one month to get rid of that cough. Let's hope it stays that way. I keep being skeptic with other horses at the barn still coughing. It's like a Kindergarten. XP
In other news still no new bridle. I guess I will just keep my old one until it falls apart. Least it fits and that's most important.
We also practiced hacks with others. We shall see if our understanding sticks when hormones kick back in. XD
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redmareredemtion 2 months ago
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Close up of horses.
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redmareredemtion 2 months ago
Went for a lil trail ride today and brought my dog Pippa :) She did so well heeling, even with snow cyclists on the trail <3 (Don't worry she got to run around for a bunch as well). Kin loved having her along. I can't take her on the trails too often anymore since a lot of people get really nervous about off-leash dogs, so he's missed having a trail buddy.
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redmareredemtion 2 months ago
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Well, we can clearly see which horse in the field is the outgoing and friendly one, and which two are not.
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redmareredemtion 2 months ago
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So, we started the new year like champs. Not.
The new bridle didn't fit. At all. Lucky enough the ladies in the store allowed an exchange for other stuff without even the slighest fuss. So, thanks for being chill, Kr盲mer Pferdesport!
Not so chill is the fact that the red woman caught a very nasty cough that we're now dragging along for, like, three weeks which I find not cool at all. She already saw the vet and is getting medication and I have a feeling she is feeling better, but the coughing still ain't cool. Coughing horses set off my paranoia. Besides that my poor babygirl dog had some no cool thing too and just overall, precious pet girls, can you please be healthy and content? For my own mental health too, plz?
So, yeah, hoping this stupid cough will improve soon.
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redmareredemtion 3 months ago
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Hope y'all had wonderful holidays and enjoyed many rides! The red woman and me had some fun really well-behaved hacks, so thanks for that! Today she had her 5 minutes of need-for-speed again, unfortunately after having given me quite some coughs after cantering so I was a bit can we cut that crazy plz?! Anyway, got her her cough-medicine so let's hope we can still catch that and won't need the vet. Quite a number of horses are coughing again, it's just like a kindergarten, tbh.
Pony also got a new bridle that I still am not sure about, also she turned the bit around in her mouth again as seen on the photo when rubbing her face on her leg after riding. Y honse?
But yeah, wishing you guys a good start into the new year and fingers crossed please for this naughty princess to get that cough gone quickly.
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redmareredemtion 3 months ago
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<3 Happy Yuletide y'all~
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redmareredemtion 3 months ago
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This pious little nun looks a lot more well-behaved than is true.
We had a very interessting Centered Riding clinic last weekend and damn did I have some eye-opening moments, that I believe she also approved of. Now the only thing is me learning to also implement what I learned in theory on the long run. I will try my best for sure, tho.
The red woman was an absolute star for that clinic and was super focused and it was quite a joy in total. I'm sure already looking forward to the next clinic! For someone always struggling with a correct and relaxed seat Centered Riding is quite a thing, I discovered.
The next day the little witch however decided to remind me that she had been very good lately and I was to appreciate that, because the silly goose rewarded me with two mighty bucks when asking for right-hand canter. Thank you very much. Plz not again. XD
She was being a good girl before and afterwards tho and only acted a bit grumpy when my trainer asked a bit too much than we both were able to give at that moment, but we ended relaxed and that is always most important. Just reinforced me in my quest to work on my relaxed seat, so I'm not sending confusing signs and she goes "make up your mind, okay?" which I understand is annoying. XD
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redmareredemtion 4 months ago
People who aren't familiar with riding a 5-gaited horse might laugh a bit at this, but I am a bit proud because the red woman managed to canter on both hands in the arena until I asked her to stop.
Now to get this to come stable every time and get better with the form of it all, but damn yasss queen for cantering like that. So proud.
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redmareredemtion 4 months ago
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The face of a naughty girl who decided her hacking buddys thin nerves were a good reason to be an annoying speedy pony again for her riding aunty even though we talked about not being a speedy turd long and thoroughly.
I mean, I know my friends horse can be a super annoying nervous silly and knowing her she prolly was mostly pissed at him trying to crawl inside her, but yeah, why be an annoying turd? So I remember when she is being good? 馃檲
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redmareredemtion 4 months ago
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This one needs a new rug as her current one is...too short...obviously. XD When I get her one, I will get her one with a neck piece because damn she always sweats on her neck most.
Other than inappropriate clothing we had a fun hack with friends today that included a new boarder who only after our 2nd fast galopp told that he is a bit of a cautious rider due to 3 accidents within a year with his last horse. Like. Boy. Plz tell that before so we won't go super fast. XD We are always controlled when we hack and don't go cray (anymore), but let the horses have a good run, but of course won't have to if you tell us beforehand. Hope we didn't scare him off from hacking with us again. 馃檲
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redmareredemtion 4 months ago
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Met a lady with a small white terrier on our walk today and as we met she said;
"I could only see your rope at first and though surely you had a dog, then it came into view and i though GOD what a massive dog!"
She is indeed a massive dog
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redmareredemtion 4 months ago
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my pet mold spores
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redmareredemtion 5 months ago
Liberty dressage clinic was pretty neat!
We learned mostly basics, but that was super nice and I definitely will be able to use some of it in our daily business.
The red woman however was baked by all the thinking. It really was physically exhausting for her. I did feel a bit bad for her, not gonna lie, but I guess learning new things just is exhausting at first and by the end she really did well. Especially considering patience and focusing ain't exactly her strong suit.
So yeah, that was really fun. Hopefully we will get another chance to learn more soon.
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