#and the Japanese VAs all already do such a perfect job of voicing these characters
beif0ngs · 1 year
sigh, i still cannot fathom how anyone (yes, even Oda himself) could possibly think One Piece would work as a live action series without it coming off as anything BUT cringey...
especially when a majority of the characters are so silly and exaggerated in terms of features and/or mannerisms, that i cannot imagine anyone IRL being able to pull off or truly capture the essence of these characters in a live action series. and by taking away some of these exaggerated features/mannerisms of the characters to perhaps make them slightly more believable or grounded in reality, you’re basically erasing an important part of their identity that is specifically unique to them in the original series. just based on the trailer alone, the fact that they deliberately chose to get rid of certain aspects of these characters should already be a huge warning sign that One Piece being adapted into a live action series was never a good idea... 
y’know maybe sometimes, certain manga/anime are meant to stay and be consumed within that form of media, and that should be more than enough. even MORE so with a series like One Piece, which has over a thousand chapters & episodes, and STILL counting!!
anyway, that’s just my two cents’ worth on the live action adaptation. if you belong to the part of the fandom who is excited and looking forward to the live action series, great for you! and if you’re on the other side of the fandom who feel the exact opposite, that’s completely valid too. after all, how many anime live action adaptations can you name that were actually successful and well-received by the fans and general public, hmm?
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Diamond is Unbreakable Ep. 8-16 Thoughts
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Ep. 8-9
Yukako has so many issues god bless
I've taken a liking to her design. Her color scheme goes together well, her hair has a lot of character and I do like the rose emblem on her outfit.
Her stand, Love Deluxe, plays the prehensile hair trope straight, other than her ability to control her hair even when it is not attached to her scalp. I like the name but I find this type of stand boring to be honest.
I'm not really interested in Yukako as a character, unless she gets something more later on. The funniest thing they can do is pair her and Koichi together. "Me and my girl don't argue, she tells me to shup up and I do" and such.
Josuke and Okuyasu were nice this episode. We learn that Crazy Diamond can't bring back anything The Hand deletes. Just goes to show how opposite their powers are.
Koichi is not really my cup of tea. I appreciate him being part of the group but solo episodes with him don't really interest me. Plus his voice is incredibly grating in both sub and dub. It's interesting that he set up that rock so that Yukako wouldn't die, you gotta be really confident that you'll win if you are worrying about the safety of your opponent.
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Hey, Koichi with the new hair kinda looks like... No I shan't say it.
Let's talk about Echoes. My boy. My lil man. Look at his lil smile :) My favourite stand from part 4 so far. It seems to emote on its own sometimes, like Star Platinum who smiles every time it gets a chance to beat someone up. I like it when stands emote on their own. The fanworks do this a lot but jjba itself rarely does it. Which is a shame.
Ep. 10
This is just 20 minutes of Okuyasu having nice things happen to him and I think that's just great. If I had so say my one gripe (and be a killjoy), it would be that it doesn't tell us much about Okuyasu and Josuke that we don't already know. The best thing about filler is that it gives us characterization and I don't think this episode has enough of that.
Okuyasu and Josuke fighting reminded me of the Death 13 episode except Polnareff was infinitely more stubborn
Also this is a great time to just give the VAs the biggest shout out cuz wow I love them. Especially Okuyasu I love the way he says Josuke. It brings me joy. They are perfect fits for the characters they are playing. I can hear Tonio's accent but I know fuck all about Japanese so It might be horrible, not my problem tho.
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Ep 11 - 12
I think Tomoko is one of my favourite female Jojo characters so far. The bar is on the ground, but, you know. Take what you can get.
I don't get why they added that scene with Josuke at the start. It doesn't really add anything.
I think the funniest thing in episode 11 is Koichi and Okuyasu just going through it and the Jojos not giving a shit. I hate the Joestars so much it's unreal. It did struck me as a bit weird. It's not at all weird for Jotaro (Have you seen the stardust crusaders? They told Polnareff they lied about Avdol's death to him and then they had the audacity to go "I didn't think you'd be this hurt"), It does feel a bit off for Josuke though.
Jotaro smiling as he says Jospeh could die is amazing. Of course he would.
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I didn't think about what Red Hor Chili Pepper's stand user would look like but I am definitely not dissapointed in Akira. Personality wise he is insanely boring but I do like his design.
Okuyasu looking at his own hand as he thanks Koichi was a nice touch.
I like how they handled Joseph. Obviously Josuke is not gonna be amazed to see him but It wouldn't go with his personality if he was antagonistic either.
Ep 13
I don't like how different the japanese VA of Joseph sounds when he is yelling. English VA doesn't have this issue but it's also was the weakest of the sdc cast imo. No winning with this one.
Ep 14 - 15
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The first episode is just set up. It does that job pretty well though. Really makes Rohan seem insane. I mean, he *is*.
Rohan relating everything to art and writing isn't even that off from how most artists think tbh. Writers will see a documentary about the most disturbing shit they have ever seen and they will go "That will make my writing about this part more accurate".
And Rohan'a advice is actually pretty good. Like, draw with references. Draw from reality. Base your characters on people who you know, instead of like, just taking from your favourite artisans. Anyways,
Rohan's stand is called the Heaven's Door. Firstly, It's a really cute stand. Secondly, this thing is busted. It'd be one thing if looking at a draft was the only way for it to work but touching you with his stand also works. And he can knock someone unconcious when unfurling them. Add on that the insane speed he has for no reason and honestly we should just be glad this guy isn't a villain. He is just weird and offputting.
I fucking love episode 15. The pay off is amazing. I love that Okuyasu and Josuke notice something small like a cut on his hand and immediately help him. I love that Rohan opens Josuke's eyes by insulting his hair. And then he just. keeps. going.
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Josuke being literary so blinded by rage that he doesn't see the draft? Amazing. He absolutely destroyed that place. And threw a fucking chair at Okuyasu and Koichi. This show is pretty funny when it wants to be.
The story of his hair was really sweet. The guy helping them seems to be a student like the current day Josuke too.
Ep 16
The art style for this episode looks different from normal and I have no idea why. The style is ussually pretty consistent. You can see the gums in their teeth it's strange.
Jotaro gets a slight outfit change. I like the colors and the tilted belts. I'm not sure on the new jacket. I liked that they used the collar of his shirt to give the same vibe as his part 3 outfit insead of just giving him a jacket exactly like his old one. His new jacket is a bit dissapointing. I like dolphins. I'm not sure what they were trying to do with the triangle and the sun. Overall, I like the older one just a bit more. I would love it if he kept changing outfits like this tho.
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It's something that Jotaro can't seem to seperate Star Platinum's time stop ability from Dio. Like, that's Star Platinum's power.
As funny as seeing Jotaro get his ass beat by a Twitch looking ass rat is, It's also shows what I like about stands. I know Jotaro is holding back here, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a bad machup for him. So you don't need to nerf him in ordert to create conflict. Stands are good against combatting power creep, is what I'm saying.
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Love Crazy Diamond popping up out of nowhere just to look sad. Don't look at me with them big ol' eyes.
Ep. 17
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I think one thing part 4 is good at is the character dynamics. Rohan and Koichi was fun to watch. Rohan grinning at Koichi getting flustered was great. Reimi being really friendly with Rohan cuz she knew him when he was a kid is a nice bit of writing.
I made a joke post about where Kak went after death, a few people mentioned how ghosts were real and he could be like Reimi. Now I know what they are talking about.
Reimi has a nice design. Especially the choker with the hands holding on it. Speaking of hands
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I know I shouldn't be laughing at the guy whose only trait so far is that he kills young girls to date their hands to satisfy his stupid fetish or something but
what even is that music. Why did they make it like that.
To close this off, I am currently on vacation with little internet access. It's a rural area so there isn't much to do. I've been spending my time writing these, slowly. Gonna take a hot minute to finish this part.
I've been also wondering if I should watch Stone Ocean before Golden Wind and get the Jotaro story over with. I'll decide that later, I dunno.
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Well, I am torn.
I am reading the Bunshun article (roughly translated) where the reporter just buzzed in and diametrically questioned Takahiro Sakurai (he was the voice of Claude Faustus, Osomatsu, Reigen, Rohan Kishibe, Geto Suguru, and other iconic characters) about his extramarital affair. And the famous Japanese voice actor, shocked, but in a true Japanese fashion, calmly displayed his composure and replied to the accusations confirming that he, in fact, has been cheating on his wife for 20 years and is dating someone from work for almost a decade, who didn’t know that he was married. That happened on the 20th of October. Three days later, he would announce on Twitter that he’d quit his nine-year radio show. Hours ago, Bunshun, considered to be practising a “guerrilla type of journalism,” a head better than UK’s sensational media Daily Fail probably, broke the news. This media outlet caused a few people in the Japanese government to quit their jobs. (“Reporters for the big media are salarymen,” he continues. “If they knew it was a scoop they’d go after it but they don’t get it. It’s like having muscles you don’t use - when they atrophy, they’re useless. I’m asked all the time why we get scoops. The simplest way to answer that is that we seriously go looking for them. We have to.”)
If Takahiro would be a celebrity from the West, he would either ignore the reporter or go ballistic for the intrusive questions.
It is no wonder that the Japanese seiyūs don’t even give a glimpse of their private life. The fans tend to be possessive. Japanese VAs hold a certain charisma like a commanding Hollywood A-lister. Them marrying will break their fans’ hearts. I still remember when Kenjiro Tsuda was forced to reveal that he is married via his Instagram account after another weekly magazine carried out the news.
Thing is, Takahiro isn’t a saint. He isn’t perfect. What he did from an outsider’s point of view is totally shitty. But, we don’t know the real deal of the story. We don’t know him, his wife, nor his lover. We don’t know anything at all. We don’t know what happened behind closed doors.
If one reads the Bunshun articles, especially the one that came out in September, the reporter stalked him, including interviewing his neighbours. What triggered this pursuit was Takahiro Sakurai’s slip in 2018. The recent one was conjured using a tip the reporter received from Takahiro’s anonymous co-worker. The reporter called him X.
In 2018, it was already reported that he was already married with a slip of a tongue and in September his management was forced to issue a notice after Bunshun carried the news that he was married complete with paparazzi photos! If he’d lose all the accomplishments he has built since the 1990s, would it be a retribution? Is it our business, to be honest? Who are we to judge him harshly? I don’t know what kind of damage control can he and/or his management still do. It is pretty getting viral at this point. They are already speculating that he’d lose everything. Yes, fuck, he cheated. But he didn’t harass someone nor murder them and got away with it. But, yes, adultery is a big deal for many. It is a big deal for me.
We have to learn to separate the artists from their works. It would only make a difference how grave the offence is (see Roman Polanski, for example).
In a way, I am quite disappointed. Is all.
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childofaura · 1 year
I know that your experience with FE Engage so far hasn’t been great but who were your favourite characters so far during your playthrough and why?
Augh man… I don’t know if I’m the best person to ask about characters; I dropped so many or didn’t pick others up because of how desperate I was to just progress; and with no constant skirmishes, I didn’t have the privilege to really invest in them when I was already investing in others.
So I’m gonna do a list of the characters I like, and a list of the characters I wish I could have invested in.
Characters I like:
Zelkov- Stated many times, but even though Ivy (unfairly) gets credit for bringing the rings to you, it was Zelkov who stole the rings and the Time Crystal. Chapter 11 was my most frustrating chapter at that time; the freezes, the teleporting, the extra movement. Zelkov was literally my shining light and that’s when I swore to marry him. Him being kind, gentle, and handsome was just a bonus.
Veyle: GOSH I CAN’T GET INTO IT IN JUST A SHORT LITTLE SEGMENT BUT VEYLE. IS PERFECT. There WILL be a whole post delving into her character.
Hortensia: I brought it up briefly but Hortensia really does (ONLY IN MY SUBJECTIVE OPINION) have the better character arc and personality. She’s also cute as a button and whoever voices her does an amazing job.
Rosado: Aside from being pretty and well-designed, Rosado’s actually a genuinely nice character and just… way better than Rosemary. I don’t know if the English VA says it with just as much flamboyance, but his Japanese “EMBLEMU, ENGAAAAAAGE!” is my favorite.
Jean: Listen, this kid is the ONLY original recruitable character in a paralogue (original, Anna doesn’t count). I’m gonna keep this kid with me no matter what.
Fogado: I honestly don’t need to say much. I do feel bad for saying this, but I think he’s more charismatic than Timerra, who I never used. I actually kind of ship him with Hortensia, so when all this is said and done, I kind of want to do a comic where they reunite again later when they’re both adults and they start catching feelings for each other. Mark my words, I WILL do it.
Mauvier: Man, this guy was one of my marriage options because his character was just so fascinating. As much as I’ve come around to Marni and Griss, their character development is very… last minute. Which feels really cheap because while it’s GOOD character backstory, you don’t get to enjoy it. But Mauvier’s growth and character was so well-defined and progressed properly that you just KNOW he’s gonna be important.
Alcryst: He may be timid but he crits at the most needed times, my man. Also again, I love his personality and character growth and dynamic with Diamant.
Citrinne: Also really cool, didn’t know she was Diamant and Alcryst’s cousin until supporting her with Diamant, which bugs me. That’s important info and I feel like she should have been included in the Brodia cutscenes.
Lapis: Listen. I love this baby girl. I love her to death. But her STATS, man. I get that I massively fucked up and promoted her too early (14 or 15), but I struggle with her keeping up. I’m NOT abandoning her though, I love my farm girl.
Etie: Stated before, but I like her unique character design (dainty-dressed lady with abs) and she’s saved my ass. Though it’s weird/funny how her bow twitches like cat ears during cutscenes.
So those were units I actually use, whom I like. And these ones are units I wish I could have invested in:
Panette: LOVE the Day of the Dead aesthetic, love that she’s a berserker. But at the time I was still trying to salvage Boucheron, so I never picked her up. Which sucks because I ended up dropping Boucheron completely.
Kagetsu: I REALLY wanted to work with him, because it’s fascinating that he’s the only Japanese-based character, he reminds me of Say’ri and Yen’fey. But I stuck with Lapis.
Saphir: I like her a lot, and I loved her support with Vander. But I just couldn’t get started on using her because she showed up so late, and I was trying to work with the units I had. I enjoy the older female characters.
Pandreo: Loved this party boy. I tried sticking with him for a few levels, but eventually had to go back to Jean. For what it’s worth though, he was a good reliable unit and I liked his character.
Boucheron: Ok I know I said I dropped him, but gosh dammit I REALLY wish he worked out! But he was super unreliable during my run (and I get it, that’s just how berserker units are in FE), wouldn’t land decently percentaged hits and wouldn’t crit very much. I think his character was pretty funny and well-defined, but they didn’t lean very much into the “cries easily” part of his personality for some supports.
Merrin: Wolf rider. That’s all I need to say.
But yeah, that’s the big ol’ comprehensive list. I probably will NOT be replaying Engage so I can’t really say much, though I’ll happily build most of these units in FEH when they get added.
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HypMic 7 - 9 | Maou-jou 5 - 6 | Akudama Drive 6 - 8 | I7 s2 6 - 9 | Taiso Samurai 5 - 6
HypMic 7
I will never not laugh at the content advisory, haha.
I like Kazuha already. Too bad he’s probably evil…
Oh, is it the day of the DRB in the series already…? Or maybe, because it’s the qualifiers, BB and MTC’s match is on a different day to FP and MTR’s.
Oh? Does Tom know Jakurai well enough to call him “Jakurai-sensei”? (<- middle ground between “Jinguji-sensei/Sensei” and “Jakurai”) Also, Tom uses “ore”.
Ooh, Iris is a motorbike rider, eh? Interesting. I thought they (<- not sure if Iris is a “she” or “he” with a really weird name) were more of a Saburo-type and didn’t bother with things like that, based on their appearance. Update: Someone on Yahoo Answers said based on Iris’s watashi, she is a woman.
Typo fixed! Good job, anime staff! Update: I’m referring to “…darkest hour is just before the down” (sic).
…bukkorosu = “f***in’ slaughter ‘em”. It’s not wrong…it’s just the subbers really like to abuse the F word for MTC. But you knew that already if you got this far…right?
LOL, Ramuda wants to “scratch [Rex’s] back” (figuratively) to…get SNS views? Hahaha.
This Studio Alita is probably a reference to Shinjuku Alta.
Yotsutsuji!!! That was the one big spoiler I got before watching the episode today and I’m so happy I got to see him animated!
(One of) Irihatoma and Degarashi refer to Jakurai as “Jakurai-sensei” as well. Hmm, I never noticed. Update: That’s Degarashi, because Irihatoma speaks to Jakurai alone later this ep.
There’s 50% chance I’m getting this wrong, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say Kazuha is voiced by a veteran VA…one I already know about.
Doppo calls Kazuha by his first name…That upgrade means their relationship escalated quickly (or this is a quirk of HypMic in general, since I noticed most characters are on first name basis with each other). Also, it’s cute Doppo finally has someone in his corner. No other part of the franchise has one, to my memory. Update: It might actually be “Kazuha-kun”…but I’m still surprised though. Update 2: It’s both, actually.
I’ve listened to the phrase “some random guy” several times from Hifumi’s mouth and all I can figure out is the “yatsu” at the end. (Doesn’t help my ears blocked themselves up again, although it’s less than it used to be.)
Harumi Wharf.
R? On a helicopter landing pad?
…uh oh. I was right when I thought Kazuha was going to be evil. Also, Doppler shift/effect. Update: “Doppler” is clearly a pun on “Doppo”.
Hmm? “Hey, Doppo” from “yaa”…it doesn’t have a name referred in there. It’s a small but odd thing to do. (I remember a professional translator was complaining that people with intermediate Japanese were giving them flak for translating things “wrong”, but what I do here is analysis for my future and edificiation. I’m not here to knock down pro translators’ doors and demand a refund, because I’m trying to go pro to atone for my sins as a scanlator.)
The soundtrack’s slightly sinister tone, plus the fact I figured the culprit well before Doppo did, makes me slightly scared…for MTR.
I realised they skimped on the budget…this “hot off the car chase” line seems more like an MTC line, doesn’t it…?...Yeah, it’s almost word for word for MTC in DRB+. Maybe the subbers rushed and used this translation (this link I put here) rather than their actual lyrics…? I will have to get to the bottom of this. Update: Turns out the translation is slightly different, but…yes, there is reference to a car chase in the start of Shinjuku Style. (Sorry, I don’t know every lyrics of every song off the top of my head.)
…wow, this got really Doppo-centric. I’ve never seen the leader relinquish their position when it comes to “leading into battle” before. It just goes to show the staff really do pay attention to how popular Doppo is.
Note “Doppo” means “walk alone”, roughly speaking, hence the “solitary” line.
This song is very, very faithful to its original lyrics, because I was trying to look at Hifumi’s “mixing paint” line and it pretty much matches.
Hifumi’s “my men”, LOL.
Kazuha = “one leaf”, hence the “leaves” in one of Jakurai’s lines.
I cringe every time I hear screaming coming from this episode, y’know…?
…oh dear. MTC’s plot actually bled into MTR’s.
I already knew from browsing Twitter earlier today that Kizuna was going to become FP’s today, but hearing it is another matter entirely.
Kosuke Miyoshi is Kazuha. Apparently, this guy also voiced Mashirao Ojiro (the tail guy) from BnHA, but that’s his only major role…so I was right in that I knew him, but wrong in that he was, again, a relative rookie in comparison to most.
Apparently FP’s sign is a peace sign sideways to represent an F, but…it’s just a sideways peace sign to me…
…how is Dice’s bead ornament attached to him? Is it on his hair, on his ear, on the skin behind his ear…? I was trying to replicate his outfit and got stuck on how to represent it, so I ended up opting for trying (and failing) to do a small braid on the right side.
IWGP shows up this season…it’s the song with the “hoo!” noise BB perform in this episode.
LOL, “Dead men tell no tales” is a perfect saying for MTC.
Akudama 6
Is there a movie called “Brother”…? There’s apparently one that’s the plural of that, but not that itself.
If HypMic likes the F bomb, then Akudama like the S word.
I-Is it just me or is the choreography sped up at some points in this episode…? It’s a bit disorienting to come back to.
I thought the kid was a robot…but close enough.
Oh no! Why does the teacher always have to die for the student to become stronger???
Kairaku/shugi -> pleasure/doctrine (if I didn’t somehow misunderstand the shark’s kanji combo),
The part after the ED looks a little too long…keep watching.
The Japanese says “Lost Children”, but the English says “The City of Lost Children”, probably referring to this French sci-fi film.
I7 s2 6
I like how Gaku is taking special offence to Yamato’s comments about him being a playboy.
Re:vale-san. I never noticed until now.
“I’m already looking forward to it.” That’s how I would translate Tsumugi’s “I’m already excited”.
“…who could possibly complain?” – I think Mitsuki might.
The pun in the MEZZO show is that tai (group/squad) sounds the same as tai (want to ~). Rabbinsta is obviously Instagram + Rabbit (Chat?).
Oh my gosh! It’s the Yotsuba sister!
Mitsuki’s shopping trip OST is nice, man. This piano.
This episode has a really great sense of danger and foreboding for the future.
I7 s2 7
Perfection Gimmick. Never heard it in the anime before.
Even the ramen house’s name is a play on “Idolish7”.
LOL, Yamato sure turned that comment around.
The sign talking about beer says something about coupons below it. (It went by too fast and my CR app’s kinda fiddly, so I can’t really go back…)
Kimi to Ai na Night (pun on Idolish7, aka “AiNana”, again).
Mitsuki, no one hates you! You’re just imagining it all!
I7 s2 8
Momo hugely resembles Sasara, right down to the highlights on the hair…
“…you’re so handsome…” – I’m dying on the inside here, people! *laps up the BL pandering with a derpy smile on my face*
Banri and Tsumugi haven’t been focussed on lately…they’re clearly doing something regarding Banri’s ties with Re:vale, but I can’t quite figure out what that “something” is.
Why is there a basketball and a football in the back of the Takanashi office…?
Please don’t run in heels, Tsumugi…
“I love Idolish7!” - Ah, despite my quibbles, Tsumugi is good after all.
“making one’s best exertions” – Why do those words on the cup worry me a bit…?
Isn’t “I’m watching you” a creepy statement…?
Apparently Tamaki’s symbol is mp (mezzo pianissimo), hence Sougo’s words.
…my gosh! Aya’s foster father is Kujou?!
I7 s2 9
If I heard it right, Tenn’s line was “I can be your idol”, not “your prince”.
“Older Izumi” - …ah, poor Mitsuki.
“Damn you, sexy beast…” – LOL!
…aw, I think this is the first time my heart has been lightened by Tsunashi’s laugh. He’s a good boy.
The chibis…I’m still trying to get used to them…
As a song once said, “You can’t please everyone so you just gotta please yourself.” (Blah blah blah, something about garden parties…)
Takao what now???...okay, Takao Dayuu.
…You’re lucky that wasn’t Tenn doing Takao Dayuu. It would’ve been very “Gentaro does his courtesan voice” if it was.
Nagi doesn’t overpronounce things as much in this season. It’s…pleasant, actually. Give me more of that.
Nagi’s “Oh my god!” was hilarious.
Taiso 5
Ra (ら) and ro (ろ) look kinda similar in hiragana.
Even without the audio, I can guess the words were “yarubeki koto” (things you should do) -> shachihoko.
The texts are written in gyaru-moji. Gyaru-moji is basically indecipherable to anyone who doesn’t know how it works – kind of like the common teen vernacular, to be honest (LOL…?) – and so the subs actually kind of ruin the confusingness of it all, but they did slightly better when they went “UR”.
Movie shiritori! But…has it really been half a year since Leo started? I feel slightly robbed about that plotline with the Men in Black right now…(then again, HypMic is just as bad about important plotlines, if not worse, so…I’m going to be patient and not complain.)
July 5th…Rei is a Cancer…?
They’re…finally moving on this Men in Black plotline! I only complained two points ago! Thank you, staff, for listening to my complaints (…?).
Moon Land finished recently, so I wonder if I’ll lose interest in this anime from here on out…? There was a Pommel Horse Prince in that.
Moon Land taught me that gymnastics has a lot of skills named after their creators, much like the Aragaki previously. The score is out of 10 for both D (difficulty) and E (execution), meaning a 20 is the best you can do, but the judges can get really picky...
The word for “vault” literally means “leaping/jumping horse”…makes sense.
Some of these names are names I’m familiar with from Moon Land already…but I never remember what the skills look like.
…welp, Leo just proved he really is a ninja after all.
Dr Stone’s s2 had its ED announced to be “Koe?” by Hatena and “Yume?” here really makes a theme…does Hatena give all their song titles question marks on the end?
Taiso 6
Colour gangs? Like in IWGP?
It’s nice to see they’re (Jotaro and Rei) communicating properly for the first time in possibly this entire anime.
On the wall, that thing is an evacuation map…of some sort.
…I’ve always wondered: if a bird eats chicken, does that count as cannibalism?
This is like thw Makkachin incident all over again (in YoI).
“…there’s no reason for you to grin and bear it.”
…Leo and Jotaro, both are so dense! Boys *shakes head*.
BB? More like ET (LOL)!
Maou-jou 5
…I didn’t even notice the cast was all dudes bar the princess at this point.
Tatakau Onnatachi. It could mean “fighting women” or “female warriors”.
I’m still vaguely pissed that Kirito is here under my nose…darn Demon King!!!
One of the harpy’s recent worries was that she wanted to become friends with the princess…That’s kinda cute…
Didn’t Syalis already get the coffin that one time? Or did it get confiscated?
*eyes sparkle* Cloud…I’d like to sleep on a cloud…*dreamy look on face* Cloud.
This is basically Princess, ‘Tis Time for Torture in reverse.
Is it “make do” or “make due”…?
I don’t think I need to explain the joke where the harpy is happy.
Gendo pose!
I wonder if the bed or the sheets will talk to her (Syalis) someday?
Maou-jou 6
The New Gearbolt’s quote is “guruguru dokkan”, which is just a bunch of sound effects. It would translate to something like “whir-whir-thud”.
Underwear episodes are some of the worst episodes ever…they’re so juvenile…I dropped at least one series based on the underwear episode alone.
Ah! The seal on the ice monster’s shoulder! Too cute!
How can a mechanical princess mecha (…thing?) have worries?
LOL, never underestimate the hilarity of the teddy demons ganging up on the Demon King.
I like how the Japanese pointed out the demons only moved the princess.
HypMic 8
I thought the robberies were Kazuha’s doing…? Or is this a separate case?
Samatoki answering his phone with his feet up…LOL, there’s just something funny about it. It shows he’s just so badass, he can get away with it.
Riou’s hacking (?) skills come to the fore again. (Or is that listening to enemy intel?)
Ooh, Iris is sassy. I love her already.
…er, Samatoki? Blowing cigarette smoke into Jyuto’s face is just rude…
“…don’t hang up your gloves.” – Considering Jyuto has his red gloves…LOL.
What the heck is that backing track when the 2nd car moved out? That’s a cool track.
Ah! Iris is a Saburo-type…LOL, Saburo’s fake identity.
“a cop who’s in with the yakuza” - Wow, way to diss your own teammate, Samatoki.
For a guy who was only just in the water, Riou doesn’t even look wet.
“2 DIE 4” – Hmm? So did the anime staff know what Riou’s 2nd round song title was at the time…? Update: Judging by the name “Requiem” dropped in the next episode, I would say yes.
“…f*** the police…” - Wow, way to diss your own teammate, Samatoki. X2
Hmm? In Riou’s rap bit near the end, he goes “mad warrior” and that rhymes (in a very loose way of speaking) with “Mad Trigger”. The English didn’t keep that.
I remember seeing a spoiler which said that line (the one about slaves)…but seriously, Jyuto is such a “sexy revenge cop” (as someone once said – I think it might be Slug, or an anon to Slug) that literally nothing else seems to matter about him.
Why do they subtitle the laughing??? I still have no idea.
“Sgt. Iruma”? The guy just says “Iruma-san”. Is he a sergant or some other rank? Update: Yes. (As in, he is a sergant.)
I’ve never actually seen Ramuda sleep in a bed before, come to think of it. Does he not have a bed?
I would assume Gentaro is going…but he said he won’t be going, then negated that and then negated it again. Unless the 2nd time was him admitting it was a lie the first time…is he going or not???
“shinsetsu no human” – (Spoilers for later on/manga)…Yes, that’s actually what Ramuda says. It’s as if Ramuda subtly admits, right there, he isn’t human.
Nodo = throat…If this were translated more literally, it would sound pretty clunky.
“…rappa no inochi…paa!” – Yep, the subbers got the gist of the joke there.
Dice is basically a worm at this point…He’s squirming like one, anyway.
That “number of pips facing up” thing has got to be foreshadowing for something, y’know? Nothing in a story ever goes to waste. Also, it’s likely the dice are weighted or something…
…yep, there you go.
That voice Gentaro used for “I despise lies” was amusing…because it’s so different to his normal voice, and because Gentaro is a serial liar.
The 2nd song…which I already know is called “JACKPOT” from browsing Twitter earlier today…was a bunch of fun.
Hmm…emphasis on the candy. I wonder what that means? (<- already knows, I just want to keep it a secret from you, dear reader, if you don’t know it too)
ANIME SHOP is so clearly a pun on Animate, including the colours, that I can’t even…LOL.
FP’s Kizuna sounds distinctly different to the others…probably because of Ramuda. It’s mostly Ramuda carrying the tune there.
“Life is what you make it.” – Hmm, an interesting quote for sure.
HypMic 9
…welp, they don’t call it Fling Posse for nothin’.
I didn’t believe my ears, so I went and listened to it again. Sure enough, Ichiro calls Jakurai -san, not -sensei.
Ramuda’s normal voice! Things are getting serious~!
“Hifuming”? Is that a deliberate choice on the translators’ part? Or is it a mishearing?
…I’m laughing at how Samatoki called Ichiro a “hypocritical piece of s***”. I know the “s***” part is correct at minimum from the audio.
I believe Samatoki said -san, not -sama when he asked for an honorific. Hmm, interesting.
I knew this would get animated, but…I still can’t believe I’m watching it! Amazing…absolutely amazing.
If you’re wondering…yes, that long thing is her entire title and name. It’s said the name “Kadenokouji” is the longest Japanese surname in existence.
I remember reading a tweet earlier today that said somebody wanted “Altercation! Altercation! Altercation!” as a song title…and now I LOL, because the subbers made Gentaro say the exact same word.
Hmm…I only just noticed BB are the only ones with bags. They probably came last, but who took the others’ bags into Chuoku…? Update: Some of the others did have bags, I just never spotted them. For instance, Riou is carrying a large black rectangular bag, but Samatoki and Jyuto don’t have any. Jakurai has the bag from his TDD days.
The 2nd DRB brackets got announced today. BB vs DH, MTR vs BAT, FP vs MTC, rolling out across Japan (and Japan only due to COVID) in 2021.
“What happened between you and him?” - I was going “who?” in Cantonese (as I sometimes do), but turns out they’re just referring to Samatoki.
This is exactly as it played out in the drama tracks and manga…exactly what I was waiting for all this time! So good, dangit!
LOL, in the future, we will have camera drones working our concerts like they do in the DRBs…I think (?)
I wonder what Dice is thinking right now, seeing Otome on the screen…hmm…
…gah! Airhorn! Airhorn to the ears! *tilts to side due to sound*
I still kind of remember Slug’s take on the final battle…”The popo? More like the poopoo!” (or something like that). *sniggers*
The little barking bit after Jiro’s verse was…kinda cute, actually.
…ow, these are some burn-ass words. See? This is the power of the DRB!
…eh? Riou’s mic has his MC name on it. Don’t think I’ve seen that in any other part of the series.
Hoh, Riou even made references to Saburo’s character songs.
You can see “Hc” on Samatoki’s mic too…probably another case of his MC name, but partially obscured by his hand.
Aw, “Samatoki no sabaku toki” is a good lyric. Why couldn’t you try to keep that, instead of translating it literally to “judgement day for Samatoki”?
You can hear a thumping beat in the background when Samatoki prepares himself. That seems to be a similar way to how ARB treats this stuff.
“I’m THE Samatoki” – “Samatoki-sama da”.
I think it was really cool to show Samatoki handing the song over to Riou, but it also indicates there’s a disjunct in the lyrics that would cause such a thing. From this, maybe Riou is MTC’s weak link…?
Skeletons with katanas! Is that not cool?!?
…hey, that joined words thing Ichiro does…I would assume that’s what Rhyme Strike looks like in the HypMic universe?
Notice Samatoki took the word “signal” from Ichiro’s part and put it into his own one.
“Today is a good day to die.” – *eyes bulge* Oh…gosh. What a quote. Update: Someone theorised Ichijiku wrote these titles (the last 2), but someone else – like me – theorised this quote was what FP and M fans thought for this battle.
Akudama 7
…that’s one twisted kid.
Never threaten to kill a kid who can regenerate far better than you, Hoodlum.
Brawler is still in the OP…it’s kind of saddening to see him now.
I noticed a certain character appears on the Executioners’ hands if you pause at the right moment in the OP. It’s the first character in shori (management).
Bunny: set meal/Shark: roasted meat (yakiniku)
…This sounds a heck of a lot like the genbaku dome (Hiroshima Peace Park).
Bunny and Shark’s shirts together: Idiot -> Shark: Bone
Actually, this also reminds me of the Osaka Expo held in 1970. I loved writing about that event – it was just so fun to write about.
This anime is like Appare-Ranman’s sequel, except without the racing and crazy racial stereotypes (although there are still crazy stereotypes).
…whoa! This scene is going on the end of year list for sure. Just…have to remember this scene, where all the children disappeared, exists.
…”The City of Lost Children” is an apt title for this episode.
(HypMic spoilers!) I wonder if they’ll reveal that Ramuda is a clone in what’s left of the HypMic anime?
…oof, Doctor’s a filthy traitor!
Rule number 1 of fighting: never yell out “Smokescreen!” when the smokescreen is meant to cover you.
…LOL, dark censorship bar. Please wait for the Blu-Rays to see this scene uncensored.
What the heck?! The countdown went from 7 to 0 so fast!
Akudama 8
Black Rain, huh? *checks* It’s a movie about a pair of New York policemen who have to save a Japanese gangster from his death.
…don’t jinx it, Swindler!
Your brother isn’t on the moon, Sister. It’s just your dreams on there.
Notice “Neo Lake Biwa” actually has “Reiku” in its name, as opposed to, say, “mizuumi” or “ike” (the Japanese equivalent).
You can still see where Doctor stitched herself up.
What did Doctor “hold on to”?
Way to monologue through the whole morality thing… (<- not as satisfied as they would like from this scene)
I wonder if the seal is electronically tracked…
Tsubo = pot, vase…*thinks about drugs* (Not that pot.)
“…I’ll make you into a real man.” – More like a eunuch, LOL. (partially sarcastic)
I recall from Sarazanmai that “pair look” is the term for “twinsies” in Japanese.
Oh! Swindler kind of looks like the Executioner Boss now.
…I find it ironic that Swindler had long hair up until not too long ago.
Can to the eye! Ouch! That’s gotta be worse than a lightsaber…er, jitte to the eye!
This makes me wonder…was Courier a rich kid once…?
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imma-lil-teapot · 6 years
Each TMNT Incarnation and Where They Stand With Me :)
(Nervous chuckle) ... Yeah no, I suck at titles. Moving on! 
Y’all can go ahead and skip this part if you’re not interested in senseless rambling and just wanna get to the TMNT fun~ ;) 
Soooooo, I’ve recently updated my Tumblr page to a blog dedicated to all my fandoms (musing, headcanons, writing, gifs, pics, the works, basically anything and everything in relation to them) since I wasn’t really ever doing anything with it other than using it to share pics mostly. But ever since I stumbled back into the TMNT fandom, I’ve been searching Tumblr for fan content and OMGOSH, did I hit the jackpot! Headcanons, fanfics, Turtle x reader stories, so much juicy stuff! Am hooked! Dunno why I never tried searching for similar stuff in the past for my other fandoms! I guess I just... didn’t realize there was so much content here. :O But anyway, I always wanted a place to share ideas and thoughts regarding my fandoms outside of sites like Deviantart and Fanfiction.net, and heck, it’s been here under my nose all this time... Y’all gonna have to forgive me; I’m an old fart. ;P (Insert image of Slowpoke for reference) So without further ado... 
Imma start this blog off really simple and, as the title states, just give you all a small-ish idea of where each TMNT universe stands (or ranks?) with me, personally... Note the ‘personally’ part so please don’t feel offended if I don’t share the same opinion as you on a particular verse. ^^; I have my own tastes and will respect the next person’s when it comes to them. ;) Also, please beware the typos (which there most definitely will be)...
IN RELEASE DATE ORDER: (Hopefully they’re right)
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Imma just say it: I haven’t read any of them yet. :/ There probably are sites out there that would allow you to view them online for free, but in truth, I’ve been a little slack about trying to find any... That may however change someday as I always tell myself I should really seek out the source material so it’s only a matter of time. What I do know, however, is that they’re of course a lot darker than most incarnations (which I don’t have a problem with personally) and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious as to exactly how much darker. X’D The closest I’ve come to ‘knowing’ these Turts comes from watching the Turtles Forever movie and they weren’t in it for a long time so it’s very difficult to say what they actually mean to me, so we’ll just put these guys down in the ‘not sure’ column for now. ;)
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HAHA~ I think any fan of the franchise as a whole knows this little gem! The series that really hit it off and spawned over a 190 eps! Quite an impressive feat for a Saturday morning cartoon! It made its way to TVs the year before I was born, but it would take another few before it would reach our tubes (we’re always a few years behind the rest of the world :/ ) so I was around four when I was first introduced to it and needless to say, I loved it back then! Michelangelo was initially my fav due to him being my older brothers’ fav and the one they mainly spoke of, but it didn’t take long before my favering gravitated towards Leonardo (even at such a young age) and has been that way ever since. ;) But where exactly does the series stand with me as an adult nowadays with so many other verses we’ve been exposed to? I do hold a lot of nostalgia (as many older do) for it, and I mean, come on, that theme song is ageless, and I even started watching a lot of vids involving the original VAs and the shenanigans they get up to and seriously, it’s so heartwarming and fun to see them! But I have to be honest...
It’s not my fav verse, honestly. I will always adore them, of course, because of the nostalgia and the goofiness... But it’s the latter that’s mostly the reason for it being placed a bit lower on the favoritism ladder. While its a fun watch if you want something lighthearted, I still prefer the idea of the darker undertones that comes with being associated with ninjas. It’s just a preference. Plus, the Turtles designs are big one for me, and I’m sorry to say, but I keep seeing these fellas as more frog-like than turtle, despite the shells. X’D So yeah, no big reasoning for it, and even if someone were to ask me if I like these guys, I’ll still say yes, just that they’re not my ultimate fav is all. ;)
Also, we won’t talk about the Japanese Anime Ninja Turtles: Superman Legend or something to that extent... We’ll just let that one be gently swept under the carpet. ;) Only ever saw the trailer for it and that’s all I’ll ever need to see in my lifetime.
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Now funny enough, I really don’t remember ever seeing these movies as a kid, though it’s possible I did and just maybe blocked the memory, but I highly doubt it... So yeah, I saw these movies as an adult already. The first is praised by most fans, and honestly, I can see why: it’s pretty good! :D The acting is very decent and the humour’s brilliant! The two sequels... not so much but still okay. ;) Where they sit with me... Not too far on the ladder again I’m afraid. :/ While I do really enjoy and appreciate the acting and that humour (”I made a funny.” X’D) it mostly comes down to the Turtles designs again... I really can’t see past them being actors in costumes rather than characters. :’( Granted, good actors. ;) And heck, Jim Henson did a phenomenal job! They’re just not really the movies for me is all, even if I do go back and watch ‘em every now and then. X’D I do however melt every time at the scene in the first movie where Raph wakes up in the bath and Leo’s there and apologizing and all... Makes me all gooey inside! X’D The feels are real! Speaking of Leo, though, he sounds even younger than Mikey. Small nitpick, that, but... why? X’D
But yeah, let’s just say, they’re good movies, just, not my favs.
Also, Coming Out Of Their Shells tour... Yeah, I’m gonna just... pretend that doesn’t exist for a minute. 
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Saw one ep as a kid and am not interested in seeing anymore.
Although, VA Matt Hill voices Raph. That’s one good thing.
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Well it wasn’t already apparent by my avatar... Ladies and gents, I present to you... My fav TMNT verse to date! Oh my goodness, where do I even begin with this delicious series?! :D Firstly, animation: so appealing, comic book-y style! Their designs: without sounding pervy, veeeeeeeery appealing (hehehehehe), no seriously, they sometimes have a bitta bulk to them but it honestly works, and dem muscles, and the cool eyes! The VAs: spot on! Perfect! Wouldn’t have ‘em any other way! Make me melt, Mr. Michael Sinterniklaas~ (cough) Their personalities: Omgosh, just yes! So perfect! They’re easily differentiated and yet still work together so well. Leo’s mature and level-headed (well, most of the time ;P ) yet still gets tested a lot and even has a fun side that’s shown on occasion. Raph’s grouchy and violent but is shown on more than one occasion that’s he’s total softie and really does care. Don’s just a sweetheart and freakishly smart and even has slips ups from time to time. Mikey... omgosh, best Mikey ever! So much fun! So hilarious! And just a bundle of energy, but not at all an idiot like he’s sometimes portrayed in other verses. He’s witty, mischievous and just so adorable! Heck, even Master Splinter, April, Casey, the lot of them are just awesome in this series! And wow, they really do lean more towards the source material (or so I’m told) when it comes to the plots! It’s darker than the other previous verses yet still remaining kid-friendly (although I question it at times XD) and omgosh, it’s just everything I want in a TMNT universe! Granted, it’s not perfect perfect, but it nailed it for me. ;) It really showed so lovely character developments, alsortsa different genres, the humour will leave you in stitches, the Turts are all just so lovable, I can’t get enough of them! This series was really my high point and I’ve yet to find one that tops it~
Btw, this even includes Fast Forward and Back to the Sewer (BTTS). The former being my least fav of the series simply due to the setting and again, it’s just preference. I even liked BTTS, even though I’m not overly fond of a cyberspace setting, but I found myself really liking the art style and the general plot. :D 
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As with the last, if you’ve picked up on the page’s header/banner, you’d have probably guessed that the 2007 movie is also a good candidate for one my favs... And you’d be correct. ;) I’m actually very fond of this movie, and it’s largely due to the Turtles designs. I love how they were done! They just look so cool! <3 Subtle differences tell the viewer who’s who even if they didn’t have a mask or weapons. The VAs were also pretty good~ Now, the story isn’t the greatest, I’ll admit. Personally I thought it was okay, but know many fans think otherwise. But I did like the confrontation between Leo and Raph! It got real there, peeps! :O Now here’s also where it falls a little on its face for me: I didn’t really like how they handled Leo’s personality (if you haven’t already picked up on it, yes, I’m a Leo fangirl and I’m picky when it comes to how they handle his personality) but it’s a nitpick again, yet, I still feel compelled to state my opinion: the whole “I’m better than you.” comment really took me back and made me think they pushed it. I honestly like to believe he’d never actually say something like that... at least, 2003!Leo wouldn’t. X’D But that’s just my problem: I’m comparing a different verse’s Leo to this one and whether I like it or not, he said it. :/ Oh well, it still made for some fun action scenes and I’ll still always like the movie.
Bit of a goof on my side: I honestly thought that this movie was made to tie in with the 2003!verse due to the timeline in which it was produced, but turns out, it’s actually closer to the 1990′s timeline although still considered it’s own verse.
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Oooh boy, lemme prepare for the backlash real quick... I’m uhhhh... not a fan of these boys. :/ I don’t mind them, but I’m honestly never gonna watch the series again. It’s hard to top your fav when you’ve kinda already hit your high point, ya know. Now before you light your torches and sharpen your pitchforks, hear me out: I will never bash the series, or make fun of anyone who likes it! Or anything to that extent! It’s just wasn’t for me, plain and simple, and it’s got nothing to do with it being ‘new’ or I’m just an old fart stuck in my ways. Heck, If you’re still reading, you would’ve found out that even nostalgia couldn’t beat the series that grasped me in my teens! So no, it has nothing to do with age. But if you do need a reason: I wasn’t overly fond of how they handle the characters. For one, they look and act a bit too young, Mikey is just... wow, something else. Donnie’s... sheesh, pretty snappy and antagonising. Raph’s well... okay, he’s meant to be angry half the time, and they did give him some more layers with Spike and Mona Lisa and whatnot, but he still kinda never learns his lesson if I can say that? He’ll learn that he shouldn’t cause issues with others, yet next episode he’s back at it again. :/ Leo’s... wow, just not like other Leos. X’D Best way I can describe him is... young? Very childlike. And even when he was progressing to becoming this better leader, I honestly couldn’t even see the change. My mind was just stuck on this “He’s a babeh.” notion. Also, I’m not even gonna start on this April and Casey. Just. No. Most of the characters were annoying and I just kept seeing recycled plot after plot. What I did like was the romance that blossomed between Raph and Mona (albeit far too rushed) and even Donnie liking April was adorable (but seriously Donnie, you can do so much better), and there were some really heartfelt moments, like Splinter telling Leo to leo his brothers with his heart and not his head, and the scenes when they were Tots will always make me squeal... But yeah... without leaving any spoilers.... about Splinter... just... thanks, Nickelodeon. Y’all know what I mean. Not once... But twice.... Really? So yeah, look, I realized some of those reasons might even be petty, but again, it’s just not the series for me, but anyone who’s a fan... You keep being a fan! ;) I’m glad you can enjoy something I can’t. ;)
2014/2k14/2016/2k16 AKA BAYVERSE~
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HAHA~ Every fan’s favorite... If only. X’D Jokes aside, despite many fans claiming the Bay movies ruined the franchise, these two films gathered a small following... And I’m apart of it. :) Funny enough, I honestly didn’t know what to think of them when the movie first came out. I think I was just taken aback by the sheer amount of detail and all that went into their designs. I didn’t not like them, but again, their designs were a lot to take in. :O Even now after seeing the movies quite a few times over, I find myself constantly discovering something I didn’t notice on them before, be it a strap or a scar etc. And it honestly took some getting use to their sizes, I mean, sheesh! :O Not to mention the different background story, and Megan Fox’s wooden, expressionless acting, but despite all that... I found myself actually growing attached to these hulks of Turtles. They still have a lot of that heart in them and plus they’re just so much fun, I mean, can we say ‘Elevator scene’? X’D Now again, not perfect by anys mean, but still fun and pretty decent incarnations to add to the franchise. Again, Leo’s been given this ‘Better than you’ a bit which irked me to be frank. Not always but it’s there sometimes, but otherwise alright. Raph’s a decent Raph. Even had some tender moments. Donnie’s adorable! X’D This slightly potty mouthed geek that you just gotta love. And Mikey... although given that bitta ‘idiot’ feel, is also just as lovable and you want to hug him every time he’s onscreen! 
In short, I like ‘em. :) They’re actually closer to the top of the ladder than some others.
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Yeeeeeeeeuuuuuuh... no. Sorry. Not for me. :/ Again, gonna remind y’all, nothing to do with age. Nothing to do with change. I will say that the fluid animation is nice, and the fact that they chose 2D animation. :) Buuuuuut, wow, they were certainly a lot to take in. Almost as much as Bay’s Turtles. After watching a few eps, I will conclude that they really just aren’t what I’m looking for. I found that the constant joking, while sometimes funny, got a little bit much, plus such short eps. Raph being leader was a switch and one that took awhile to get use to and honestly, I’m just not for it, I don’t even know where to begin with Donnie, Mikey’s okay, Leo... (deep breath) I don’t know what they were thinking... Let’s not even go to Master Splinter. But anyways, I get that change was what they were going for and that it was more so based on the 1987 toon with the silliness so that’s fine. I’m glad it’s got so many fans. :) And honestly, I wanna end off just by saying...
That no matter what your thoughts on what I’ve said, I hope you can respect my opinions and choices cause at the end of the day, they’re just my own, and I will always respect yours! :D If you adore the verses I’m not too crazy about, that’s great! :D I want you all to love the heck out of them! And honestly, this is what’s so great about this franchise: there are so many verses to choose from! So many options and tastes to suit any and all! You don’t have to follow the masses! You go enjoy whichever incarnation(s) you want to! ;) 
And there we have it, my first fandom bloggy thingy~ Hope there’ll be many more where that came from! :D
This is Drag0n-Mistr3ss signing off~
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ryumako · 5 years
so I’ve mentioned it before but I started watching bnha soon after 7/15, because it was my birthday and I had gotten on tumblr and saw that it was also Deku’s birthday.
Sharing a birthday wasn’t the actual reason I started watching it, it was more so the fact that I was a) already trying to choose another (specifically shounen) anime to watch and b) had seen so so much bnha on tumblr, especially on that day, and I figured I might as well get in on it (I didn’t even know season 4 was coming out soon and in hindsight I’m so glad I caught up because tumblr goes fucking buck wild for bnha as any season of it comes out and it doesn’t matter who you follow, no one is safe)
but yeah, I’ve currently got about 60 anime on my plan-to-watch list and bnha wasn’t even Fucking One Of Them (but that’s just how it goes, isn’t it)
I was very indifferent about it at first, but even then I was still thinking about it when I wasn’t watching it. I had a lot of questions (that eventually got answered). There were things that rubbed me the wrong way (subtle and not-so-subtle fetishy stuff, how the female characters are treated/written, Mineta existing at all, etc. But like. I find a lot of shounen anime to be this way. Doesn’t excuse them, but I make my Disgusted™ face and soldier on). But there were also a lot of things I liked. It’s funny, the animation and art style (especially the manga’s) is really cool, and I fell for most of the characters immediately.
For a while, it was just something for me to watch on the train. And I don’t know when it happened, but eventually I liked it so much that I could no longer watch it on the train because I would be visibly reacting to scenes. Didn’t matter much anyway, I caught up in about 9 days (would have been shorter, but I had a full time job at the time).
Anyway, I got distracted from the series because a couple weeks later I was dumped and then fired (yikes) and had to move from Denver to Kansas. Still, I was looking at fan art during the whole 7 hour drive.
I wanted to read the manga, but I’ve never read a manga this long. I wanted to make sure I had the Time and the Energy. I ended up starting it on August 29th and caught up with it 3 days ago on the 7th. I have yet to read Vigilantes or Smash!! but I’m getting to it
I started the manga for 2 reasons
a) Season 4 in just a month!! I wanted to know what I’m in for
b) I needed to figure out the hype around certain characters. I am hyper aware of the fact that tumblr latches on to characters so hard to the point where it doesn’t even make sense and they end up mischaracterizing them. I wanted to accurately Form my Opinions.
I’m the type to usually have the main character or someone close to the main character as my favorite (um if that wasn’t already blatantly fucking obvious lmao) and it’s because they almost always have the most character development/detailed backstory! That isn’t to say that I can’t infer things about the more minor characters, it’s just that usually they’re much less interesting/developed anyway. Bnha is overwhelming because there are several lovable characters.
But yeah, after watching the anime and having not yet read the manga, I was having a lot of trouble understanding the hype around: Mirio (based on what you see in the anime, he didn’t really have a personality yet, just POWERRRR and a cool-ass quirk, but don’t get me wrong, I love him now! He’s super admirable and really interesting. I also love his interactions/relationship with Deku!)
Kirishima (he seemed like a generic supporting character to me. He was really funny the whole anime, but I failed to see why he was so popular. After reading his backstory and watching him overcome his shortcomings, watching him frame himself in such a realistic way, etc, I loved him! His character design is really, really cool, and he’s a super lovable guy. You want to be his friend. Definitely the kind of character I can’t imagine anyone hating.)
Todoroki (out of the characters I list here, I understood this hype the most, because a decent amount of his backstory/character is already revealed in the anime. But people fucking LOVE Todoroki. I saw him more than any other character on my dashboard, even before I consumed the series and followed bnha blogs. I was like yeah, he’s cool and interesting, but is he that cool and interesting? The answer is yes! Todoroki is a very mature, clever, multi-faceted in depth character and he’s also fucking hilarious. Also, his quirk? Hell yes!)
and then Bakugo.
I still don’t understand the Bakugo hype. I like his character design (his Japanese VA is perfect, like what a fucking voice, he probably can’t even speak after recording), I like that his existence motivates Deku, and some of the things he says make me laugh out loud
But like, I cannot humanize him, and I cannot understand the hype. I was really really hoping the manga would help me Understand the Hype but it didn’t really?
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Horikoshi basically said ‘I was going to make Bakugo an actual character with human emotions besides anger, I was going to give him empathy, I was going to make him not wholly self-absorbed, I was going to give him a personality besides that of a wet house cat,
but look at him! Look into his eyes! There is nothing there. Only anger.’
Or rather, he literally calls him “explosively rotten and detestable”.
BUT RACHE, what about when he brought Deku aside to talk about his quirk? What about that one time he showed a single scrap of softness?
Okay I’ll give you one thing - he did finally show an emotion that wasn’t just anger (even though he was still angry the whole time). We learned that Bakugo can feel Regret. But also…was that whole thing not only just about him?
It was ’I feel guilty about being the catalyst that ended All Might’s career’
’I need to fight Deku to prove myself, despite his initial protests’
’I need to break the school’s rules and get both of us in trouble because I can’t handle my own feelings’
He was only thinking about himself the whole time, so I don’t really put much stock in that argument. I was surprised that he agreed to keep the existence of One for All a secret, and I still believe it was totally out of character for him to do so, but the alternative would cause the unraveling of the entire story, so.
Upon reading the manga, I found one (1), one scrap of hope. And if you’ve read the manga, you probably know what I’m talking about, because it was kind of a big deal to people.
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He said that. I actually gasped when I read it. I really couldn’t believe it (oh the bar is so low though)
THIS was a really good example that Bakugo has feelings somewhere. And believable, too! It didn’t come off as out of character for a couple reasons -
a) He is saying it to a child he will likely never see again. He would never say this within earshot of a classmate (Todoroki, Yoarashi, and Camie were all adequately distracted) and if god forbid Deku were to ever hear that from him, he would backpedal so fast he’d get whiplash. But yeah, of course he’d never say anything like that around anyone that matters.
b) The setting. He’s actively in the remedial classes, where he can only be hyper-aware of his failures and shortcomings, whether he likes it or not. This line/scene occurs rather far into the manga. He hasn’t gotten anywhere and he fucking knows it. Every time he makes a move or has a chance, it backfires. He’s starting to realize his self-absorption alone is holding him back and this line is a hint that maybe, maybe he’ll change
but will Horikoshi write that? I have trouble picturing him doing that, and if Bakugo does change, it is going to take a really
long time. I know a lot of fans have the patience to see it happen, I suppose I do now as well, but I suspect casual fans won’t.
In a way, I am a little obsessed with Bakugo just because you all are. I’m always trying to understand the psychology. I’m not trying to insult anyone who does have the impulse to humanize him (some of you though…SOME of you DEFINITELY go too far) because again, his character design is cool, his quirk is cool, and he can be funny at times (albeit not at all clever).
I will definitely be here for the seemingly unattainable dream chapter in which he apologizes to Deku. I can’t even imagine it…
I’m a little annoyed at myself now, because Deku is my favorite character but I simply don’t have much to say. I just wrote a goddamn Bakugo Essay but I don’t have much to say about Deku. He’s one of the most motivational and relatable characters I’ve ever come across. Call him a generic shounen protag all you want, but I love him. If it were 2012 and kin was still a thing (and I had That Type of Brain) I’d be hard pressed to find a better kin candidate (born on Jul 15? infp? Bullied mercilessly yet resilient? Sweet as fuck? Same god damn hat Deku). He’s adorable, funny, nerdy, and ferocious. That boy goes absolutely feral on his opponents/enemies and you love to see it. 
But anyway, yeah! Bnha fucking rocks and I don’t give a fuuuck if it’s associated with cringe culture. “Cringe culture” is cringe culture. I was telling my brother about how the plot is dummy simple, so I can see how people think it’s overrated. However, it’s hard not to love the characters, and the creativity of their designs and quirks! Horikoshi had my head spinning with the infinite amount of unique characters he seems to pull out of his ass and make likable (or at least respectable) (um save for Mineta, fuck that guy, what a ginormous mistake. There’s this song I like called “Don’t Give Me Grapes” and while the lyrics aren’t applicable at all, I get that song stuck in my head whenever I see that idiot because my brain says “Don’t give me grapes.” Don’t give me grapes).
The writing is also fucking captivating, like obviously everyone knows the hero will come out the victor every single time, but with bnha’s arcs, you definitely find yourself asking “but how?? How the fuck will they get out of this one??” You’re left biting your nails thinking “dude, man, Horikoshi, there’s no way you didn’t just write yourself into a corner right now” but then there’s the TWISTS and ugh I love them. I love them. I Lov
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anflowcrat · 6 years
Octopath Traveler: I love it but in the same way I love fries.
[Not a review. This is just me shooting the shit. Doesn’t spoil anything but does assume you’re already familiar with the game]
I clocked in 70 hours for this game to finish everything (and I do mean everything), which means that Octopath Traveler is one of the few games past my childhood that I was able to play til completion without dropping it to play more minesweeper. That may not sound like much but believe me there’s very few games that have reached that bar (pretty much just Dark Souls really). And while it does hold that esteemed badge, I’m hard pressed to recommend this game to anyone apart from the most hardcore of classic jrpg fans. Because, at its best, Octopath Traveler is the perfect love letter to the SNES jrpg era, but at its worst, it is just that. 
The game never elevates above its genre unlike, ironically, many of its predecessors. It’s not the perfect storm that is Chrono Trigger, it doesn’t have the depth of Bravely Default’s job system and combat nor the charm of its meta narrative, it doesn’t have the heavy themes of an SMT title, and it just doesn’t attempt to make a mark in the history of this genre. 
Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of things Octopath Traveler does well. However, it consistently falls just short on any of these things for it to realize its full potential. The fragmented narrative is the most unique aspect of the title and its the aspect they pushed heavily in marketing, and I mean, yeah, it works.
Let me reiterate, it works. It’s fun to piece together how the narratives tie in with each other, especially during the post-game when everything really starts to converge as one giant world rather than eight fragmented ones, and it’s really only in a format like this where you can have this much insight on so many different aspects of the world and where you can delve this deeply into each character. So it works. But that’s not really much of a compliment. My toilet works but I’ll be damned to call it excellent. 
And no, I’m not just stealing from the Dunkey video here.
[quick little digression here, feel free to skip] I disagree with Dunkey’s assertion that the narrative loses momentum every time you switch to another character’s story. Because, for one thing, if you haven’t developed the “suspension of time” (i made that up) needed when playing a video game after all these years, then what the fuck are you doing. As someone that plays video games, this is just a part of the medium you have to accept. If the game offers you freedom, then you have to understand, as a player, that it’s almost as if time pauses before you progress the narrative. How many “LuL in Fo4 you’re obsessed with saving your son but instead the character just dicks around building houses and shit” jokes do we have to make before we just accept this aspect of the medium.
And for another thing, I saw Octopath Traveler as more of a series of interconnected short stories, where each chapter is a short story of its own. And if you look at how the writers structured the chapters, you’ll see that this was the clear intention. Each chapter has a beginning, middle, and end and each chapter resolves a small arc. Tressa’s story is a prime example of this. If you look at her narrative as one big story, rather than four connected stories, it’s absolutely nonsensical. Like any amateur writer will tell you that you can’t introduce a new character with an arc in the third act and then resolve that arc. It makes no sense. But, in this case, a character wasn’t introduced in the third act, they were introduced in the first act of the fourth story. Does that make sense? [digression over]
However, I do agree with Dunkey that very little effort has been made to bring these eight characters together. The most you get are Tales Of style party chats. That’s it. I’m unaware of what the budget for this game was, or how much development time they had, but considering the fact most dialogue is without voice acting and the animations are simplistic and often recycled, it boggles my mind as to why the scenes aren’t slightly altered based on who’s in your party. I’m not talking about anything complex. I’m saying, have Alfyn crack a joke to break the tension during another character’s tale. Shit like that to give the party more chemistry, and really more of a reason to give a shit about them. Even in the post-game, this wasn’t done. I appreciate the post-game’s attempts to bring the side-characters together, that was really fun, but again the game exerts little effort to bring the party together or even to tie members of the party closer to the world. Why was there no special line when talking to Zeph when you have Alfyn as your party leader? No special line when talking to Ali as Tressa? I know that this shit seems small but this is exactly what I’m talking about. Octopath Traveler consistently does things well but it never goes above and beyond to be truly special. 
I find this apparent in every aspect of the game, except its visuals (which are fantastic). The combat is only very very slightly more layered than a lot of the olden titles of the genre. Certainly a step back from Bravely Default as the “boost” system is simply a means to empower your abilities.  The random encounter rate is atrocious. The music, while good (Alfyn and Cyrus’s themes are the shit), I doubt it would be remembered as the years go by. The actual content of the narratives (rather than the form) are pretty by-the-numbers. While some characters do shine, such as Alfyn, Cyrus, and, uh, yeah that’s pretty much it, the others are as forgetful as they come. 
I don’t know. I don’t know what to make of this game. Because I did enjoy my time with it, but I know that a lot of that is simply because I’m a fan of the genre. And the game is clearly aimed towards me. But that’s the problem, it only aims for me. Yeah, I didn’t mind the basic characters that much because it was comforting to see mainstays of the genre like Therion, Primrose, and Olberic. But at the end of the day, I know that that’s just fan service. I know that’s just me munching on fries. And I don’t hold fries deep in my heart.
[Oh, sidenote, the voice acting was really good. Surprised me because I usually play games like these with japanese voice acting but the english VAs did a really good job for the most part. I really like that part where Alfyn confronts Miguel. The voice acting was fucking amazing during that.]
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