#and that's the email I've been using since i was a kid
kendallspussy · 2 years
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arsnof · 2 months
ArsCo Presents the Inaugural Arsnof's Great American Yard Sard Comics and Sundry Sale 2024!
Hello there! I'm Arsnof. You may remember me from content such as "Canadian Illustrator", "Dungeon Mentat", or even "Transformers Meme". I'm here today to host a celebration of buying things, thinking they're so super cool, and then putting them away and never looking at them again. Comics, books, toys, anime, manga, CCGs, rare webcomic goodies, tiny figurines of yokai, a Little Golden Book adaptation of Gremlins that ends before midnight, Chuck Norris's Karate Kommandos, can you read Japanese because I can't, official Soul Coughing stickers, a hoard of well read Wizards and Toyfares, Funko Pops, feet pics (you can get off, but only if you can correctly diagnose what's wrong first), Transformers...
I could go on forever, but I got it, you want it, we can make a deal (no tongue).
Why is this happening? I'm shit broke and getting shitter. Going down like a Trump Casino. Guy paying his bills on time? I haven't heard that name in forever.
I've been taking care of my ailing father (tried to die on us three times so far this year) and the rest of my family (I don't owe you an explanation, cop) and then someone just up and decided to make my automobile a notomobile.
They didn't have insurance, but that's okay because we have full cov-*hand to ear*-what? We don't? Only comprehensive? Since when? FUCKING shit... Okay, but we still have uninsured motorist, so-four thousand? Four thousand. Dollars. $4,000. To replace an entire ass truck.
We are in desperate need of a car. I've got a lifetime of memories. You, on average, have some change sitting around. Can I have some? I'll trade you stuff.
I'm starting with my comics because they're easiest to catalogue. See something you like? HMU, as the kids say (please God don't let that be a sex thing) and I'll see what I can do. I'm giving the comic shop at which I used to work a vague preference, but I can be swayed.
Next up will be the trades and manga, DVDs of varied origin, toys, and so on.
If life can stop kicking us in the gender neutral pain zone for five fucking minutes, @paulyollyoxxenfree and I will get back to handicrafts. They're getting back into the amiguroove and I'm going to hit the pad - finish and print Kitty, start Dr. Doctor. Stickers and stuff. I'm not shaving for a while to put me in mall Santa shape by Thanksgiving.
But what if you've got too much money and you're sick of it, but you hate being given things? I take donations. If you put a special request in the memo, I won't even give you the thanks. I'll just spit. I take requests.
Fuck, I don't know, antelope? My email - [email protected]
I might make one of those kofi things.
Oh and, heheh, one more thing...
Launching in the fourth quarter 2024, ArsCo is proud to announce Alone With Arsnof, the happening new app that gives you the power to have some one-on-one time *gunshot* wit- *sudden fade to red-tinted black, gunshot echo. Sirens fade in. HE'S DOWN! OVER THERE! THE ROOF? A high-pitched whine. Bright light. The late afternoon sky comes into focus. Fireballs? The sun is so bright. Automatic gunfire. No, jets. Falling. Screams. Recognizable screams. Unrecognizable screams? Inhuman? The sun blinks*
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 2 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Despite his best efforts, Bradley hadn't stopped thinking about you since Monday. When Bob decided they needed a Team Mom, he sees an opportunity he can't pass up. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst and swearing
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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When Bradley arrived on base Tuesday morning, he saw Bob right away.
"I can't thank you enough, Rooster. Piper had so much fun yesterday, and I really think this is going to be good for her. The other kids seemed excited too."
Bradley zipped up his flight suit and grabbed his helmet. "The kids were easier to instruct than I expected. They made it fun." His mind automatically pictured Everett. And Everett's mom. 
"So you'll be back for practice on Thursday?" Bob asked, reaching for his own helmet.
Bradley scoffed. "You think I'm going to bail on the Tiny Eagles? No way. We have a championship to win, and I plan on being named coach of the year."
Bob laughed. "That's the spirit."
Nat strolled over, sipping coffee inside the hangar even though you weren't supposed to. "How was pee wee football?" she asked with a smirk.
"We've been over this before, Phoenix," Bob said with a sigh. "It's tee ball."
"She's just fucking with you," Bradley said, looking from side to side before he stole Nat's coffee and took a big sip.
She groaned in response. "Just finish it," she told him. "So, tee ball? How was that?"
"Fun!" Bob exclaimed. "Piper loved it. All the kids were great. And all the moms came up at the end of practice to introduce themselves and tell us we did a great job."
Nat burst out laughing as Bradley finished her coffee. "Yeah... I'll bet they did! They would probably love to show you two even more gratitude."
Bob looked confused, but Bradley just smiled against the coffee cup. "Moms are not my type. I told you that already, Nat." But he felt like such a liar. He could picture you so clearly in his mind, and he could remember how your voice sounded. Really, he was more excited about practice on Thursday than he should be, simply because you and Everett were going to be there. 
Maybe he would wear a Phillies hat to match with Everett.
"Rooster... every woman is your type," Nat said, patting him on the shoulder as she grabbed her helmet and headed for her Super Hornet. 
Work was insanely busy, and Thursday arrived before you knew it. You were still answering client emails when Frank knocked on your door at lunchtime. 
"Come in!" you called, and thankfully he brought you a sandwich. You jumped up at the prospect of actually having something to eat, but Frank wrapped you in his arms before you could take a bite.
"I've missed you all week. You work too hard," he whispered, placing a soft kiss next to your ear. "Wanna come over this weekend?"
You should say yes, especially since Everett was going to have a sleepover at your sister's house. Plus, this would be your last free Saturday for a while, since tee ball games would be starting up.
"I'll have to let you know," you told him as his lips connected with yours. 
But you were thinking about how it might feel to kiss Coach Bradley with his mustache.
Where had that thought come from? You let out a startled gasp, and Frank slipped his tongue between your lips. 
Bradley would definitely be a better kisser than this.
"Frank," you managed to say. "I'm starving, and I have so much work to do."
He sighed and squeezed your waist through your suit. "Try to come over this weekend, okay baby?"
You just nodded and unwrapped the sandwich as he left. Only four more hours until tee ball practice. You couldn't believe you were as ridiculous as the other moms, but here you were, thinking about your kid's coach while you ate lunch. 
But it didn't stop there. After you picked Everett up at school, he rambled on about tee ball and his coaches for the entire drive to the ballfield. And you started thinking about Bradley again.
"Can we go see the Phillies play again this year?" Everett asked as you pulled into the parking lot. 
"You know, Ev, it was supposed to be a surprise. They play the Padres on a Sunday afternoon, and I've been planning on getting us tickets."
After hesitating for a beat, you parked next to the Bronco again, which you were smart enough to know was a really dumb thing to do.
"Yes! Can we take Coach Bradley with us too?"
You pressed your lips together and shook your head. "Sweetie, he's your coach during tee ball hours. I don't think he's going to have time to go to a baseball game with us." 
Everett jumped out of the car and looked up at you as you took his hand. "But he likes the Phillies. I think he might want to go."
Once again you changed into your sneakers while you walked across the grass. You didn't want to get your son's hopes up, and you couldn't help but think that he wouldn't be so starved for attention if Danny came around more often. Your ex was legitimately the worst. 
"We can talk about it later, okay?"
You almost tripped over your own feet when you looked up and saw Bradley. He was talking to one of the overzealous moms, and he had his arms crossed over his chest, nodding along with whatever was being said. His biceps looked good, but you also immediately noticed the Phillies hat on his head. 
Bradley's eyes shifted to the side as you approached the bleachers, and he kind of smirked at you. He didn't even seem to notice when the other mom placed her hand on his forearm. But you did. You wished it was you touching him instead. 
"Mommy, I need my bag," Everett said, and you shifted your attention to your son. You helped him get his cleats on, and then you waited for the coaches to blow the whistle to start practice. 
"Can I have everyone's attention for a minute?"
You looked up to see Bob heading toward the bleachers where all of the parents were sitting. So you took the spot next to Everett on the bottom row, and Bradley shifted to stand closer to your end. 
"I just wanted to reiterate how excited we are to coach your kids this season," Bob said. "Coach Bradley and I have worked out most of the scheduling and whatnot, but we do need to have a Team Mom or Team Dad to help us with some tasks. Things like bringing extra snacks and drinks, and being in charge of sending out texts if the weather is bad. Also they would need to be available to help us with anything else that might come up."
You let your gaze shift from Bob to Bradley, and he was already looking at you. He nodded once as his lips quirked up into a smile. 
"Does anyone want to volunteer?" Bob asked. Almost every mom around you raised her hand without hesitation. 
Bradley didn't look away from you, and it was making you feel flushed. He slowly, purposefully put his hands on his hips and raised an eyebrow as if to say c'mon, raise your hand.
You didn't have time to be the Team Mom. You didn't even really want to be the damn Team Mom. It was something extra that you really didn't need to do. 
But... you felt your hand slip up into the air as if gravity no longer had any hold over it. Bradley's smile grew as you sat in front of him like a little girl hoping he would call on you.
Just as Bob was about to choose a different parent, Bradley nudged him with his elbow to stop him.
"Right here," Bradley announced, nodding and gesturing to you. "She's our Team Mom." You slowly lowered your hand, and you felt a little giddy at being selected.
Bob looked a little confused with the abrupt decision, but he just smiled at you and said, "Sounds good. Thanks for volunteering. Now let's get started with our practice."
He blew his whistle, and Everett launched off the bench. You could hear him tell Bradley, "You wore a Phillies hat! Just like me!"
Bradley laughed and said, "Sure did, kiddo. Thought we could match." He glanced at you one more time before he led the kids out onto the field.
Bradley shouldn't feel so proud of himself right now. But he did anyway. He didn't even know what he was playing at with you. But as soon as Bob told him they needed a team parent, he wanted it to be you. 
"Jesus," he muttered under his breath as he set the ball on the tee for Henry to try to hit. You were probably married. Bradley probably just made himself look like an ass. But you raised your hand anyway when he tried to silently encourage you to.
"Nice hit, Henry!" Bob said, and Bradley clapped as the kid ran for first base. 
Bradley set the ball up again, this time for Everett. 
"You ready?" Bradley asked, earning him a big smile. "Just keep your swing nice and steady."
He watched Everett absolutely nail the ball and hit it right past Bob. He looked up at Bradley in surprise.
"Run, Ev! Run to first base!"
Bradley watched him take off like a shot and run past Bob, only stopping once he had stomped on the base.
When Bradley glanced over to where you were sitting, the smile on your face had him fumbling to get the ball back on the tee. You waved your fingers toward where Everett was jumping up and down, and then you looked at Bradley and bit your lip. Then you waved your fingers at him too before ducking your head.
He forced his focus back to the next batter who also hit it hard enough to take a base.
"These kids are actually good," Bradley told Bob as he helped guide Amber to first base while Bob pointed Everett to second. "But we need to practice running bases next week."
"Can't wait to play the Tiny Hawks next weekend," Bob said. "The Eagles are looking good."
Bradley and Bob high fived as the kids all gathered around them in the infield at the end of practice. "Great practice, Tiny Eagles," Bradley told them. "Now get some good rest this weekend, and we will see you on Monday for our next practice!"
The kids all started to run toward the bleachers, and the coaches followed them at a more leisurely pace. "Damn," Bradley muttered when he looked toward the parking lot.
When Bob gave him a concerned look, Bradley shook his head and said, "Everett's hot mom parked by me again. I've actually been thinking about her since Monday."
Bob's mouth dropped open. "You mean the Team Mom?"
"Yeah," Bradley whispered, nearing the bleachers and watching you switch Everett's cleats for sneakers.
"You have a crush on our Team Mom?" Bob asked a little too loudly for Bradley's liking. "That's why you picked her? Is that a good idea?"
Bradley just shrugged and took a deep breath. "Too late now, yeah?"
You felt a tingle wash down your spine and goosebumps break out on your skin. You glanced to your left, and sure enough, the coaches were standing right there. Bob was looking at you, and Bradley was running one hand over his face and readjusting his Phillies cap. 
Maybe you had imagined it. But you could still remember how he was looking at you, goading you, urging you wordlessly to raise your hand earlier. 
Because he had a crush on the Team Mom? On you? There was no way.
But as you stood, Bradley headed in your direction. He smelled good again, and he was so handsome. And his voice was so deep. You really wished your other two senses had experience with him as well. 
"Team Mom," he said with a smile. "Can Bob and I get your phone number for future correspondence and incidentals?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed, and when he handed you his phone, you added your name and number for him.
"Thanks again for volunteering," he said with a smirk.
You didn't know what to say, and you could feel your face growing warm as your nose scrunched up in embarrassment. "No problem," you managed, but instead of leaving, he inched closer, and his smile grew.
"I hope you don't feel like I pressured you." 
You just shook your head, mesmerized by the low register of his voice. "No. I'm happy to do it."
Everett suddenly popped up next to you, standing on the bleachers. "Mommy, check to see if Coach Bradley wants to come with us to see the Phillies this year. Please?" 
You turned back toward Bradley, about to tell him that Everett was just being overzealous, but Bradley was grinning at Everett and adjusting the bill of his cap.
"I don't know if your dad would like that, kiddo," Bradley said, examining your face carefully.
But then Everett's face really lit up. "He wouldn't care! He doesn't even live with us anymore."
You scrunched your nose again in embarrassment. Nothing like having your kid basically announce to a hot guy that your ex husband ditched you.
But Bradley's lips curved into a smirk. "How about your mom and I talk about it, kiddo?" he asked, and Everett gave him a high five. "Now that I have your number?" 
You just nodded as you started to shove everything you brought into the gear bag.
You had scrunched your nose up again, just like a kitten, and Bradley felt the urge to reach out and touch you. He'd love to take you and Ev to a baseball game. He thought he might even like to hang out with you one on one, now that he knew Everett's dad didn't live with you any longer. But now he was wondering if you were single or seeing someone else.
Bradley watched you hurriedly packing up Everett's gear while he ran off to say bye to Bob. But Bradley didn't walk away, instead he texted you so you would have his contact information as well. 
When you checked your phone, you looked up at him again and laughed. "Your name is Bradley Bradshaw? Brad Brad?"
He groaned and pretended to be annoyed, but he really wasn't. "My parents probably thought they were hilarious."
Your laughter had him grinning again. "It's not a bad name! I'm sorry I laughed." But you were still laughing.
"You're not sorry," he said with a playful glare. 
When you scrunched your nose again and ducked away from him, you said, "No, I'm not."
Then Everett streaked back over and asked Bradley to walk to the parking lot with the two of you, and Bradley was helpless to say no.
"You have fun again today?" Bradley asked him as he bounced around, full of energy.
"Yes! I even hit the ball!"
"Yeah, you hit it hard. You'll be a power hitter when you make it to the major league. We just need to work on your fielding."
You were smiling but looking straight ahead at your car.
"What position do you like to play?" Everett asked, eyes wide as he looked up at Bradley.
"Usually shortstop. Sometimes second base."
"Did you used to play for the Padres or something?" Everett asked, completely in awe.
Bradley just laughed. "No, kiddo. I played in college. Then I joined the Navy, because I definitely was not good enough to play for the Padres."
"You're in the Navy?" you asked him as Bradley opened Everett's door and took the gear bag from your shoulder. Even touching your body through your suit coat was enough to require Bradley to take an extra breath before answering you.
"Yeah. So is Bob. We're both aviators."
"Wow," you whispered. "Impressive."
"Mommy! I'm hungry!" Everett called from the backseat as Bradley placed the bag on the floor.
"Me too, Ev. I'll get dinner ready as soon as we get home," you promised him, and Bradley could tell you were a good mom. You kind of reminded him of Carole Bradshaw, if he was being honest.
"Be good, and listen to your mom," Bradley told Everett as he closed the back door and then opened yours. "See you on Monday."
"See you then," you replied softly, slipping into your seat before Bradley gently closed your door.
He waved at Everett who was reaching his arm out the window as you pulled away, and then he climbed into the Bronco and headed to the Hard Deck.
Bob was already there when Bradley arrived, and Nat was on them right away. "You two look adorable in your matching Tiny Eagles jerseys."
"Thanks, Nat. I feel adorable. Do you feel adorable, Bob?"
Bob just blushed and walked away with his cup of peanuts. 
"So how are the moms treating you?" Nat asked as they both waited for drinks at the bar.
Bradley rolled his eyes. "Just fine."
"Are you hooking up with one of them yet?" she asked casually. 
"What the fuck, Nat? No! I'm there to coach the kids!"
"Chill, Rooster! It's so easy to get you riled up when you're trying to hide something! Bob said you have a crush on one of the moms."
He just shook his head and thanked Jimmy for his beer. "I don't. She's just cute is all. Not my type. Never gonna be my type," he promised, heading toward the pool table. And as if he was trying to make his point to Nat, he chatted up the first woman who approached him and left with her number. He wasn't going to call her, but Nat didn't need to know that. 
He didn't even save the number in his phone, because yours was already in there. 
In an effort to get that mustache and those biceps out of your mind, you called Frank on Saturday afternoon and agreed to head over to his place. 
He never cooks in his condo kitchen, and he hates when anything is messy, so you're not sure if you want to stay over or not. But you pack a bag just in case. 
When you get there, he has Thai takeout waiting along with a bottle of prosecco. "I'm glad you decided to come over," Frank whispered, running his hand up along your leggings while you tried to eat. 
"Yeah," you agreed halfheartedly. "Me too."
How had your life been reduced to this? Sleeping with a man you didn't have feelings for after ending a marriage to a man who never loved you? You wouldn't allow yourself to dwell on it for too long. 
"Let's head to the bedroom," he told you, snatching you out of your seat as soon as you finished your last bite of food.
As Frank ran his hands along your body and undressed you, it was easy enough to close your eyes and let your mind drift a little bit. Then his hands felt good, running up your sides and removing your shirt. It felt nice when he removed your bra and squeezed your breasts. It was even lovely when he pushed you down onto his bed and pressed you into the mattress with his weight. But when he started fucking you, it was just so mediocre. He somehow lasted too long, and you knew that you'd never be able to get off with him tonight. 
"You're so sexy, baby. Am I making you feel good?" Frank asked you softly.
You let your disappointment wash over you, but Frank didn't seem to notice the sad little gasps you made as he came before withdrawing himself and removing the condom. 
You checked your phone as you got dressed, and you nearly dropped it on the floor. You had a text from Bradley. A screenshot of ticket options for the Phillies vs Padres game the following month.
Bradley Bradshaw: Do you think Ev would prefer to sit behind home plate or in the outfield?
Now your heart was beating faster. Now you felt a little silly inside. Now you could imagine getting yourself worked up for a healthy orgasm.
"Everything okay? You keep looking at your phone," Frank said as he pulled his underwear back on. 
"Actually...." you started, and the lie was out of your mouth before you could stop it. "It's my sister. I need to go pick up Everett. But thanks for dinner."
Frank kissed you softly, holding your body against his before you broke away with a quick goodnight. You practically ran across the parking lot and jumped into your car with a smile on your face. Then you responded to the text.
Everett is going to think any seat is the best seat.
Bradley responded almost immediately, which shocked you since it was eight o'clock on Saturday night. 
Bradley Bradshaw: Well then why don't you tell me where you'd like to sit.
You pictured yourself sitting in his lap, and you felt very warm. When you started your car, you turned on the air conditioner as you drove away. 
His lap. 
You could picture yourself there so easily, like you'd already spent time snuggled up with him.
What was wrong with you?! You barely knew this man! 
It only took you five minutes to get to your house, and as soon as you walked in, your hand was sliding down inside the front of your leggings and into your underwear. You eased yourself down onto your couch as you touched yourself exactly how Frank never seemed to be able to. 
You stroked your clit just right with your middle finger, and then you came so quickly, it surprised you. 
When you caught your breath, you located your phone and responded.
Your call, Coach. What view do you like the best?
Bradley was sitting at his kitchen island, considering all the filthy things he wanted to send back to you.
You were definitely flirting with him now, right? You had to be single, right?
He quickly typed out his response and hit send before he could change his mind.
Any seat where I can see you.
I am thrilled by how much love you all had for the first part of this story! I hope you keep on loving Coach Bradley! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 8 months
The thing about Gaylors is that it isn't like a bunch of people connected with a song about longing and secrecy or something, and thought "this relates to my experience as a queer person, I wonder if she's felt something similar. Maybe she's bi or something." (She isn't, she has made it very clear, but I could see listening to a song as a young, queer teenager and wondering.) Or even listening to a song like Betty and interpreting it as queer, which my 62 het mother did. No, for Gaylor, Taylor Swift is a lesbian, she's never been romantically or sexually attracted to a man. She's been married to Karlie Kloss since 2016. The kids Karlie Kloss supposedly has with Josh Kushner are fake (then they insert an antisemitic comment about Josh Kushner). All the men Taylor has 'dated' are fake beards who she hates (no word on why she pretended to date a man she hated for 6 years when she could have presumably picked a guy she like. And shout out to Calvin Harris for being so mad when they broke up he broke his car and went on a tirad on twitter but didn't out her. Queer Ally there.) And if you count the buttons on her coat you'd know that she is trying to tell us that. It isn't unlike how instead of looking at her new relationship and going "They are cute, I hope they are having a good time," people are going "they are soulmates, he's her 13th boyfriend [i've heard of] and so its fate. They are going to get married and have children within the next year. If they break up, I'll die." Or people watching a music video saying "there are 5 blue squares, that means 1989 TV is coming next, because its blue and the fifth album" when it also just...had 1989 TV as text on a sign at the end of the video. I know people are weird about celebrities. I am occasionally weird about celebrities. I have watched interviews where famous people seem funny and charming and though "I really hope they are actually as nice as they seem on TV." But that line between the mild parasocial relationships many celebrities invite because of their brand and the "this persons mine" mentality is not ok.
okay I've been sitting on this one for a long time because I thought sharing it seemed like kind of mean but. as long as we're delving the depths of gaylor conspiracy hell I want you all to see this 158 slide presentation "proving" Taylor was planning to come out when Lover was released, discovered by my dear friend @dykeschemicalromance via tiktok. it is, and I do not say this lightly, one of the most unsettling depictions of conspiracy thought in action I've ever seen
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messedupfan · 8 months
Chapter 6
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Summary: Vision attempts to make a threat to Y/n. Tommy and Billy start a new activity. And Y/n is debating on exploring a romantic relationship but is worried about the consequences.
A/N: HELLLOOO!!! I've FINALLY been able to finish writing a chapter. So sorry it took so long! Hope y'all are well. Lemme know what you think! Enjoy!
Masterlist | All Chapters | All Stories Taglist
On Sunday afternoon, Wanda is anxiously waiting for her kids to arrive. To avoid a messy situation with Vision, she sends Pietro out to pick up food from a place an hour away that her boys really love to eat from. You continue to work as she paces around the house. Adjusting decorations here and there, fussing over every little thing since Luna is sitting at the kitchen table being entertained by her tablet. A rare moment that Wanda actually wishes that her niece was being a distraction.
As it gets closer to the time they're meant to be dropped off, Wanda begins to work herself up. Ranting to herself she gets angrier and angrier by the second. Saying that he's the reason their marriage fell apart. That he's the one that left her for a child. That she shouldn’t be worried about how he's going to act after what happened last Sunday since it was his unacceptable behavior that caused the incident in the first place. 
“Wanda,” you call out firmly to stop her on her tracks. She looks at you with a glare that's meant for her ex and you smile at her. Despite how terrifying that glare is. “Can you help me hammer some nails in? Put some of that energy into good use.” You hold the handle of the hammer out to her. 
“Sure, uh,” Wanda blinks a couple of times to clear her head. “What do you want me to do?”  She takes the hammer. 
You set up two pieces of wood that don't really need to have nails in them but figure since they're useless to you they can be useful in this moment. “Just imagine these nails are your ex-husband.” You lay some nails out on the table next to the piece of wood. 
Wanda walks over and stands in front of you. Her anger blinds her from all that she was taught as a young girl and she raises the hammer a little too high for your liking. You grab her wrist, wrapping your body around her from behind, to stop her as she starts to bring it down. “What?” She snaps.
“Last I checked, you need your thumb. Go at it slowly at first. You want to get the nail sturdy before you go crazy on it so that you don't lose your fingers,” you explain yourself and demonstrate the pace she should start with by guiding her hand that is holding the hammer. “See? He's already taken your sanity, he doesn't deserve your fingers,” you say jokingly and it makes Wanda laugh a little. 
“Aw isn't this sweet,” Vision says as he hands Tommy and Billy their duffle bags. You step away from Wanda and clear your throat because you're not sure how that might've looked to Vision. More so what it looked like to the boys.
Wanda hits the hammer hard causing the nail to split the wood and she drops the hammer on the table. “Vision, you're late.”
“Well, I figured since my time got eaten into last week, you wouldn't mind if I took some of yours in exchange. Besides, I was getting the boys new gear.” Vision explains as he steps closer. “By the looks of it, I probably should have come a little later. I do apologize for interrupting, but please. Not in front of the children.” 
Wanda rolls her eyes, “Whatever you're thinking was happening, it wasn't.” She smiles for her kids and gets to their level. “What gear did you boys need?” 
The twins show their mom what Vision got for them as they excitedly open the duffles to reveal all of the new martial arts gear that their dad got for them. “You should be getting an email of their schedule soon. They start this week,” Vision explains. Then he walks over to you as Wanda gives her full attention to the boys as they unpack their bags. “My boys wouldn’t stop talking about you and your daughter all week. I hope that we can come to an understanding that nothing complicated happens between you and their mother. I’d hate for them to lose a friend,” he says in a low tone and your eyebrows crease in confusion. 
“Vision,” you start awkwardly, not really used to saying his name. “I’m only here as a favor to Pietro. There is nothing romantic happening between Wanda and I.”
Vision tips his head to the side and pulls his phone out, “That’s not what it looked like the other night.” On his screen is an image of you and Wanda smiling at the restaurant. Other than being creeped out that he somehow acquired this picture, you can’t help but be impressed by the quality of the image. 
“Hey that’s pretty good,” you pull out your phone, “if I give you my number do you think you could send me that? I don’t normally photograph this well.” Vision is thrown off by your response and he isn’t sure how to continue this conversation. He was expecting you to ask how he got the picture and then he was going to say that he has eyes everywhere in a threatening tone and you were supposed to be afraid of him. Not requesting him to send you the picture. He planned this all out the moment he got the picture. Vision is offended that you have gone so far off of the mental script he had. “Oh you know what, send it to Wanda. She has my number.” Vision steps back and clenches his jaw. There’s no way his ex can know that he has the photo. “That isn’t a problem. Is it?” 
“No, no, it's uh, there’s no problem.” Vision puts his phone into his pocket and clears his throat. “That seemed more than friendly,” he states, trying to gain some sort of control in the conversation. You shrug. 
“I’m sure it does. I mean, a picture can be worth a thousand words and all that but those words depend on the person who is seeing it. When I look at it, I remember the situation that the two of us were laughing about. You see a romantic date. I'm sure whoever took the picture thought it was worth sending to you for the same reason.” Vision's face starts to turn red and you aren't certain from what but you continue. “I can tell you the truth all I want but you have your picture and an idea of what's happening there. It doesn't matter what I tell you.” 
“Is everything alright over here?” Wanda asks as she approaches. The boys are running up the stairs behind her so they can put away their new gear in their room. 
Vision smiles and pats you on the back, “Everything is perfectly splendid. I was apologizing to your friend here about the scene I may have caused last weekend. I was highly emotional. Virginia and I are expecting a girl and well,” he doesn't continue after the dark expression that passes over his ex's features. Vision clears his throat and steps away from you. “I will see you next Sunday, Wanda.” He walks out the front door. 
You watch Wanda and can tell she is struggling with something internally. You want to ask her the significance of what Vision just said but you don't want to pry. “When do you think Pietro will get back?” You ask in order to snap Wanda out of whatever was starting to eat her up.
“Um… um… I'm not sure,” she is fighting to come back to the present. She doesn't want to live in the past anymore. She doesn't want to fall into herself again about something that wasn't meant to be. She has her boys. They are enough, she doesn’t need more than them.
“The twins seem excited about martial arts,” you say conversationally, trying to help her leave her head. “I think I'll be back here fixing holes in the walls in no time.”
“Why’s that?” She asks as she tries to stay grounded to the conversation. 
“Well you never know, they might become super ninjas and start punching holes in the walls,” you make funny motions and noises to get a reaction out of her and Wanda does smile a little.“Then they might start karate chopping your tables and well,” you make the chopping motion with your hand and Wanda lets out a laugh at the image. “Sure, you can call your brother to fix those things but come on. Once this addition is done, you know you'll look for any excuse to get me back in here.”
“Oh is that so?” She challenges with a smirk. 
“Oh yeah,” you wink playfully. “You’re going to miss me taking forever to get the job done.” Wanda shakes her head and takes a deep breath as she is finally free from her head. 
“Thank you,” she says as she reaches for your hand to give you a soft squeeze. 
“Anytime,” you squeeze back. When the front door opens the both of you quickly pull away. As if you'll be caught doing something wrong again. Pietro comes in with bags of food and calls for his nephews to wash their hands and come down stairs. You follow Wanda to the kitchen and stand by her as she washes her hands in the sink as you wait for your turn. Once your hands are clean, you help her set the table despite her insisting that you didn't have to. 
Because you don't have Rachel with you, you stay to work a little bit longer than last time because you hate how empty your apartment is when she isn't there. “As much as I appreciate your dedication,” Wanda starts as she crosses the duct tape line to hand you a water bottle. “I think you should head home. Besides, I need to get these kids to bed and loud saws and drills don't really help with that.” 
You check your watch and your eyes widen at the time, “Oh wow, I'm sorry. I didn't realize. Let me pack up and I'll be out of your hair.” 
“It’s okay, really,” Wanda says as you pack your equipment that you'll need for work tomorrow. “You got so focused I almost didn't want to stop you,” she admits. 
You didn't really hear her as you weren't very graceful in packaging, you keep dropping things and making way more noise than normal. “Thank you for letting me stay after Pietro left. I'll see you next weekend?” You ask as you're stumbling towards the door with your gear. 
“Would you like to see me sooner than that?” Wanda asks as she holds the door open. 
You nearly lose your grip on your bags when she asks. A wave of nervousness comes over you and you aren't quite sure why. You know she isn't interested in dating… wait. No you don't. You think she isn't but she hasn't ever blatantly told you that. “Um sure, if you and the boys have a free day, I think I can convince the ex-mrs to come out with Rach,” you offer. 
Wanda shrugs with an odd expression, “Yeah, we could do something like that.” 
“Alright then,” you respond awkwardly, “I’ll uh get in touch with you sometime this week.” 
“Okay,” Wanda nods once. “I’ll see you later.” She shuts the door once you're at your truck. 
When you get home, you're surprised that you're not ready to fall into bed and crash for the night. You check the time again and figure that it couldn't hurt to give Phil a visit. So you grab your coat, wallet, and keys and make your way to The Hub. Walking in, there isn't much life around and you notice that there isn't anyone behind the bar but you take a seat on one of the stools anyway and wait for someone to appear. Hoping that your old boss is still around so that this visit isn’t for nothing. The wait for someone to come out from the back is longer than you anticipated it would be. You know that when you worked here, no one would have gotten away with this. That is until she is standing in front of you. She’s not who you came here to see but she’s someone that you've been debating on seeing more of. 
“You know that I gave you my number so that you could call me, right?” Daisy says as she grabs a glass to clean. 
“I like to talk face to face,” you shrug, “I guess I'm old fashioned that way.”
“So you did come here for me,” she returns the glass to its spot under the bar and leans on the counter. “Two days isn't too bad. I've waited by the phone longer and for much less.” 
You laugh, “Daisy, I can't date you without talking about it with your dad first.”
She scoffs and steps back, “I’m not a child, I don't need his permission. I don't see why you do?”
“Come on, I respect your dad. He helped me through a rough time. I wouldn't feel right asking you out without his blessing.” You explain and look around the bar. 
“Wow, you are old fashioned,” Daisy mutters. 
“Is he here?” You ask as you tap your fingers against the counter. 
“No, he went home after posting the schedules for the week,” she explains. She looks around the establishment to scan the customers before landing her eyes back on you. “Is that really why you came here?” She asks, a little shy. The girl was being bold in giving you her number but she wasn't expecting you to use it or actually be interested in her. The fact that you might've come here to get permission to ask her out has her mind spinning. 
“Might be,” you respond, unsure yourself about why you came here. Maybe a part of you does want to explore something with Daisy. “But he's not here so I should go home.” 
“Or you can stay and we can chat like we used to,” she leans against the surface between the two of you again as you’re reminded of when the positions were reversed and you were on the other side of the bar. You were around the age she is now. Maybe a little older. On slow nights she was allowed to sit and do her homework at the bar. Especially when she was grounded. Whenever she was going through something tough during her senior year in high school you would talk to her and give the best advice that you could. The reminder of how young she was when you first got to know her makes the idea of dating her uncomfortable to you. However, as you look at her now, you don't see her as a child as you once did. She looks more mature and as she had pointed out, she is an adult now. Would it be so wrong to explore something with her? She is only five years younger than you. 
“Still having boy troubles in school?” You ask with a teasing expression. 
Daisy scoffs with a shake of her head. She crosses her arms over her chest and leans back. “First of all, I never had boy troubles in school.” 
“Right, it was girl troubles,” you quip with a grin. 
“I think I'm going to take back that offer,” Daisy mutters as she tries to hide her growing smile. 
You shrug, “If that's what you want to do. By all means. A person is allowed to change their mind.”
“Ugh, you're no fun. You're not going to let me know how you feel at all before you talk to my dad?” She steps forward and grabs another glass to clean with a rag in order to keep her hands busy. 
“Oh, were you trying to bait me?” you laugh a little to yourself. “Daisy,” you start. 
“I like the way you say my name,” she interrupts. 
You shake your head a little bit and don't pay further attention to her comment. “Daisy, no matter how a person feels about you. Never let them use those feelings as a weapon to manipulate you into staying with them. If you want out, you're allowed to have an exit. You're allowed to change your mind about a person.” 
Daisy nods as she accepts your advice that she didn't know she needed. “Don’t bite my head off for this question. But is that something you learned from your divorce?”
You sigh as you consider how to answer that. “Maybe,” you look at your hands with a frown, “I’m not proud of myself but I… Well, one day Jean admitted to me that she had fallen out of love with me and I convinced her to stay married to me in the hopes that she would feel that love for me again some day. Give me a chance to save our marriage.” You sigh as you remember that time in your life that you don't think about anymore. “It was the most miserable year of our lives.” 
“Wow,” Daisy has moved on from cleaning glasses to wiping down the counter. “Is that why she's married now and you're not? Because she stopped being in love with you but you didn't with her?” 
You are a little thrown off by the deeply personal questioning but you're not against answering. Even when she apologizes and tells you not to answer. “No, it's okay to be curious. I think that even the people that knew us from the beginning have that same assumption. But no, that's not why I'm still single. I held onto that marriage a year longer than I should've only because I didn't want to admit that I had also fallen out of love with her. Especially since I had dreamt of marrying her since we were in the third grade.” You look Daisy in the eyes as you continue. “I couldn't let go of the fairytale.” 
Daisy nods as she falls deep in thought, “I could see how that would be hard to do.” The conversation gets lighter from there and the two of you talk for a couple of hours until you have to call it a night. It makes you feel better about talking to Phil about dating her. You never saw yourself in this position but you think back to Kate encouraging you to go for it. She has a gut instinct that you trust a little bit more than your own. 
When you return the next evening after work, Phil is there. You ask to speak to him privately, he takes you to his office and he worries that you might be in financial trouble again. You quickly reassure him that isn't the case and he relaxes. “I never thought I'd ever ask you this but here it goes,” you clear your throat as you think of how to phrase the question. “Well, you know that I have nothing but respect for you, sir. You're like my second father.” He thanks you and asks you to get to the point because he has a business to run. “Right, um, when I was here the other day, Daisy gave me her phone number. She has since told me that she wants to explore a romantic relationship with me. I had never seen her as a potential partner until then and I didn't want to do anything without you knowing, Phil. If you don't want me to date your daughter, I swear to you that I won't do it.”
Phil crosses his arms over his chest and sighs. “What about that girl you brought here? The two of you seemed pretty cozy,” he points out. 
“We are just friends,” you correct, once again. “She needed a night out, I mean her ex is a piece of work.” You shake your head at the reminder of the drama that man causes. 
Phil nods, “So you're doing free work for her out of the kindness in your heart? No ulterior motive?”
“Come on Phil, you know me. I would never do something like that,” you reply, a little offended by the accusation. 
“Do I know you,” he asks with a scowl. “Because I never saw this conversation coming. Not from you,” he sits forward on his desk. “You used to babysit her.”
“Phil, I have wrestled with this since she asked me out. I can't explain it, we were talking last night - just talking - and I think that we might have a connection. This isn't about an inappropriate relationship, because it wouldn't be it's…” you sigh as you fail to find the proper words with his disappointed glare distracting and insulting. “I know that in your eyes, no one is or ever will be good enough for her and I'm not saying that I am, but… she is an adult. And I think, correct me if I'm wrong, that you trust her enough to make her own decisions. You haven't said a definitive no yet so something tells me that you're not against the idea. Unless I'm wrong and I'm giving you another opportunity to say no and I won't ever bring it up again. I swear.” 
Phil sighs and looks at the picture of him and Daisy in his desk. It's an old picture of the two of them going down the slide at a park. He wishes that she could have stayed that small but you were right. She is an adult now. “Do you love her?” he asks, keeping his eyes on the photo. 
You rub your face, “I don't know yet. I've never thought about her that way before but… I'd like the chance to find out.” You truthfully admit because the last thing you're ever going to do is lie to him. 
“Okay, I will allow it,” he looks in your direction as he talks. You are shocked but filled with relief. “You better not mess this up, you only have one shot at this.” 
“Thank you, sir. I appreciate it, really.” The two of you hug and he kicks you out of his office telling you to make plans with his daughter when he isn't around. She didn't work today so that wasn't a problem. You walked home a little excited about the idea of dating again. 
Later that week, while you're cooking dinner you get a phone call and answer frantically as you're completely ruining your meal. “Hey, are you doing anything tonight?” The familiar voice asks over the phone. The smoke alarm goes off as the pan catches fire and you drop the phone on the kitchen counter.
“Hold on!” You shout as you cover the pan with the lid, run to open the windows,  turn on the fans, and wave the kitchen rag in front of the alarm to keep the smoke away long enough to shut off the horrible noise. Once the beeping stops you breathlessly pick up the phone and see that it was Wanda calling. “Hey, sorry, what were you saying?” 
You are met with uncontrollable laughter from Wanda that makes you cackle a bit as well. “I’m sorry, it's not funny,” she says as she tries to contain her laughter. “Are you okay?” You confirm that you are but your food isn't. “Perfect!” 
“How so? I don't think that almost dying of asphyxiation is perfect.” You throw in sarcastically. 
“No, I just mean since you have nothing to eat and I have more than I can eat that it's perfect! You can come over here for dinner,” she invites happily. 
“Are you sure?” You say looking at the time and figuring that you don't have a lot of time to prepare anything else and you really don't want to get takeaway. 
“I wouldn't have called if I wasn't,” she says with something in her mouth. 
“No I'm sure you wouldn't but um, what about Vision?” you ask carefully. “He hardly likes it when I'm around the boys when I'm working. I'd hate for his private investigator to report to him that I was there when I wasn't. Especially since you have the boys this week.” You explain yourself as you check your burnt food and think of the best way to dispose of it.
“It won't be a problem,” Wanda says with a grumble in her tone at the idea that her ex-husband is still making it difficult for her to have friends. “The boys made some friends at their karate practice and I guess the class has a sleepover for the new kids whenever they join to make sure everyone gets to know each other well. I don't know. All I know is that my house is empty when it shouldn't be and I could really use the company. I was hoping that maybe you could too?” 
You understand how it feels when Rachel has a sleepover on a night when you have her. It's a crummy feeling because on the one hand, you're happy whenever she has friends and gets to create those fun memories that come with sleepover adventures. On the other hand, you only get so much time with her that you don't want to share it with anyone. 
“Alright, I'll be right over,” you say as you grab your keys. She cheers over the phone before hanging up. You grab a bottle of wine that you think she might like as you leave your apartment. It was a gift that you otherwise wouldn't drink yourself. Wanda answers the door with a glass of wine in her hand and you laugh as you hold up the bottle that you brought with you. 
“Oh good, you brought your own. I really wasn't in the mood to share,” she says jokingly as she lets you inside. You smile and set it down on the dining table. 
“And here I thought it was going to be a gift for you,” you walk into the kitchen and grab yourself a glass. 
“Hold on now, I didn't say I didn't want any,” she says as she sets her glass down on the counter in order to make you a plate. You pour yourself half a glass from the bottle she already had open and move to get out of the kitchen. “Is this too much?” She turns to show you the plate but she almost knocks into you, “I’m so sorry!!” She says abruptly and you laugh it off telling her that you're fine. “Are you sure?”
“Come to think of it, there must be something wrong with me since I'm here having dinner with you.” She swats your shoulder with the back of her hand and tells you to shut up before handing you the plate with your food on it. Your stomach growls loudly as the aroma finally enters your senses. “This looks amazing, thank you for the invitation.” 
“It’s my pleasure,” Wanda says. “Sit, make yourself comfortable.” She tries to direct you out of the kitchen. 
You look to her back door and think about how she gets so many more stars here than you do. “Hey, do you mind if we eat out there? I mean, it's such a great night,” you ask and Wanda looks out the window from the door and agrees. 
“You’re right, it is a nice night,” she grabs her glass from the counter and opens the door for you. You thank her as you pass by and get yourself settled on the outdoor furniture. Wanda joins you shortly after with a plate of her own. The two of you enjoy the meal together under the stars with two bottles of wine. When the food is gone the two of you are still chatting. “So what happened to making plans with us and your ex and Rachel?” Wanda asks as she pours the rest of the wine from the second bottle into her glass. 
You cringe at the question as you remember that you told her you'd hang out with her and the boys. “I completely forgot, I'm sorry. This week has been… honestly there's no good explanation. I'm sorry,” you say as you finish your glass of wine. “I’m glad you called me over here.” You make eye contact with her as you say this. Wanda’s smile is warm and inviting and you realize that you never thought you’d have a chance to see this side of her. She is a very beautiful person and you start to feel lucky to have the chance to know her. 
“Do you dance?” Wanda asks, breaking you from getting lost in her features. You didn’t realize she had freckles before. 
“Uh, not sure what you mean by that,” you pinch your eyebrows together but neither of you break eye contact. 
She giggles, “It’s not a trick question. Do you dance?” 
You look away for a second then look back at her. “I suppose it depends on who’s asking,” you reply as you blink slowly. 
Wanda rests her elbow on the armrest and sits her head on her fist as she leans a little closer, “I’m asking.” 
You nod and frown your lips a little before smiling again, “Then yes, I dance.” 
“Perfect,” she says before she finishes the last bit of wine in her glass. She grabs her phone and taps the screen as she stands up and picks a song to play on her outdoor speakers that she hardly ever got to use. “Stay right here,” she tells you as she runs inside to turn the device on. 
You stand and look up at the stars, the weather is perfect for a summer night. Usually it’s unbearably hot and humid. But tonight it’s a perfect warm temperature with a slight cool breeze. The moon is full and providing more light than usual. Though, lighting isn’t a problem as Wanda’s porch lights also shine bright. You close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose and enjoy the refreshing scents of grass and trees. Then you hear the soft rhythmic strumming of a guitar and you turn around with open eyes as Wanda is rejoining you on the deck. Your heartbeats a little differently as you watch her walk over to you. There isn’t a time that you have ever felt so calm in the presence of someone but she has brought that out in you. You give the credit to the wine because anything else feels dangerous. 
“Hi,” you say as you offer your hand to her. 
“Hi,” she says as she takes your hand and the two of you seamlessly begin to move together. Her free hand resting on your shoulder and yours resting on her waist. The two of you dance to the music, at first facing each other and having light conversation that mostly consists of compliments on movement. Then the two of you fall silent, just enjoying the moment together as you hold each other close and continue to sway along to the melody. 
As the third song ends, you look at her cheek and consider placing a small kiss there but as you move forward she turns to look at you, almost making her lips the target. You clench your jaw as you stop yourself. Wanda leans her head further into your shoulder. “Thank you for spending time with me tonight,” she says in a soft broken whisper. Not that she needed to whisper, she just didn’t feel like her normal volume would be appropriate at this distance. 
“I can’t think of a single place I’d rather be than here right now,” you admit. Wanda hums as she closes her eyes. She doesn’t want to break this moment but she doesn’t want something to happen. Neither do you. Not when you have been texting everyday since Monday with Daisy. That’s when it hits you. Daisy. Sweet, sarcastic Daisy. You follow Wanda’s lead and close your eyes and continue to sway. You don’t look at her, you don’t say another word. You just hold her until the next song ends. And the next. And one more after that until the music stops. 
The two of you break apart and she goes inside to figure out the problem. You collect the dishes and bring them inside to wash. When she still hasn’t returned after you have the dishes put in the dishwasher, you wander around the house until you find her. She is on the phone with her boys. She is singing softly to them. You walk away as you think about how great of a mother she is. You start to wonder what kind of role Daisy would be able to play in Rachel’s life. You can’t believe you never considered this before. She’s young and free, would she be a good step-mother? As much as  you don’t always get along with Anna, she is a decent person to co-parent with. Then there’s the Jean of it all. Is Daisy someone that you could bring around Jean? You don’t know yet. But something tells you that there wouldn’t be a problem bringing Wanda to Jean. 
“Hey, sorry about that,” Wanda says as she finds you sitting and facing the torn down wall. She joins you on the sofa. “They were getting anxious about spending the night and they wanted to be picked up. But I’m a little drunk so I had to convince them to stick it out.” 
“That’s precisely why I haven’t left yet,” you admit with a laugh. 
“You don’t have to leave, I have a guest room that is always ready to use,” she tells you. Wanda yawns as she checks the time. Her eyes widened at her watch, “It’s gotten really late. Wow, where did the time go?” 
“I have no idea,” you say refraining from saying something flirtatious. “If it’s not a problem, I could stay,” you say as you look at her. “But I probably won’t see you in the morning because I’ll have to head home pretty early in order to make it to work on time.” 
“Yeah, it’s no problem at all,” she says as she gets up from the couch. “I’ll show you the way,” she waits for you to stand and you follow her up the stairs. Wanda leaves you with a goodnight hug and you thank her for letting you stay. In the morning, you leave a note on the refrigerator so that you don’t leave without some form of goodbye.
Chapter 7
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
I have seen people question whether dios apate minor really needed to happen the way it did. it's the 'this could have been an email' of htn. 'augustine this did not have to be a threesome', I hear people saying. and boy do I have an obnoxious amount of things to say to protest this perfectly sensible assertion so here we go haha
1) yes it absolutely had to be like that. It says so on this piece of paper *hands you a piece of paper that says "because I said so and also it's narratively and thematically Sexy"* in my half-legible handwriting. seeing tamsyn muir describe harrow the ninth as a book about being a kid and realizing your parents probably had sex has given me such validation, I am unstoppable now. (to be serious for a moment, harrow the ninth is essentially a bildungsroman, and the threesome scene does a whole lot of thematic heavy lifting around harrow glimpsing elements of adulthood, relationships, and sexuality she clearly finds at the same time repulsive, bewildering and fascinating, and around opening her and especially our eyes to how much john is just a man with human longings still, under the god stuff. dios apate is crucial plot- and character-wise too -- it's a loadbearing threesome in terms of delivering the clues you need to piece together the mystery plot of the book, which is simply delightful -- but even more so thematically. and then the scene at the end where they confront john gives gideon some of that same opportunity to peek into adulthood and go '...well shit I guess', as a sort of mirror, just without the french kissing that time and more murder. the things magnus and abigail model for the girls about love and adulthood? mercy and augustine are providing the opposite-day batshit insane version of that fhdskjfa, you know, for contrast and spice)
2) listen... it gets lonely out there in deep space with your 'legendary unamorous' brother, two infant pathetic baby kitten sisters who you'll probably have to kill one day when you take another stab at god if they don't manage to get themselves killed along the way on their own, and the two people you've spent the last ten thousand years having separate yet connected married & divorced arcs with and also btw one of them is god... honestly a threesome over the dinner table is probably The most well-adjusted reaction one might hope for under those circumstances
3) on a characterization level I think Augustine is actually doing something incredibly deliberate with it: he's presenting John with yet another chance to admit what he did. which is notable especially since the deal he and mercy agree on as a condition for the threesome to happen at all seems to be that they're going to give the ol' godslaying another game try sooner rather than later. (I get the sense that it's not so much that he disagrees with her ultimate goal so much as that he thinks she's being dangerously indiscreet and hasty going about it, before. “though I think it will be the death of us,” huh.)
notice how he's structuring the whole thing: he's invoking the intimacy and love in their strange little threeway relationship and how long it's been by truly playing along with john's 'we're a happy family really when we're at home! :)' delusion (helped along by lowered inhibitions via enormous amounts of alcohol and what I've previously described as a joint mercy/augustine leyendecker themed thirst trap. ah, a classic). he brings up alecto and what happened to her -- or rather, he is clever enough to make john bring up alecto and how she is totally dead, right?? by seeming to make a careless statement that leads there and then acting contrite about it after. he (helped along by mercy, who I think realizes exactly what he's doing -- this is very much a two-man con) brings up how much they all loved their cavaliers, and wow funny how that's been haunting us for ten thousand years now huh :) wow, a lot of our other lyctor friends slash family sure are super dead in the name of some unknowable greater reason neither of us quite grasp and that you won't fucking tell us, aren't they. these are all the main grievances he and mercy confront john about at the end of the book, but put forth much more subtly and not phrased as an accusation -- he's baring his and mercy's vulnerabilities as bait, essentially. if john had, say, a conscience where his conscience should be instead of a black hole, it probably should have stirred something in him.
(also let me just say... the way augustine just takes a pneumatic drill to the TWO tender spots g1deon seems to have and then has the audacity to be like 'oh dear. did that upset him. ooof my bad *loooong dead-eyed slurp of his wine*' is just sooo... he's such a bitch!!! he's the only person who could ever have held their own in a ten-thousand-year bitch-off with mercy and I love him so much. well even if it wasn't all to get g1deon into murder range for harrow I think he wouldn't enjoy sticking around for the 'getting our tongues on god' part of the evening so maybe it's a kindness, really, and totally not pent-up aggression from the last twenty years or so breaking through)
he is all but shaking john by the lapels begging him to just... come clean about it already, to stop thinking he's still kidding everyone else along with himself. it's clear throughout the book that augustine knows exactly what john is at this point -- and all of the most cynical things he does say about it turn out to be distressingly right. john is always less sentimental than you'd think. john wouldn't forgive mercy, he will abandon in a heartbeat anything that isn’t necessary to him anymore, whether emotionally or in some other way. and still he seems to hold out some desperate absurd hope that the man he wants, the man he thought was there, is in there, somewhere deep deep down, if he just gives him the chance to show himself.
(mercy definitely has her own side of this whole thing, I'm just focusing more on augustine because this evening was like. his idea in the first place and I feel like we can Read Some Things into that fact lol. now that we have both ntn and htn to go from I sort of have this sense that the things augustine wants from john are more... personal? more interpersonal? they both love him equally, but mercy's love seems tinged slightly more towards the religious (augustine accuses her of knowing 'only worship without adoration', which like... also the eight house's entire Vibe lol) -- mercy at the end of that book is totally a person breaking up with GOD, not just with john -- while augustine's vibe is more like a man in the last not-with-a-bang-but-a-whimper days of a marriage that sort of felt like it could have been something real and good once but all your illusions about it have since been taken from you and trampled underfoot into the mud and you've had the divorce papers signed and ready in a drawer for over a year now, hell, as it turns out, is other people etc. lmao)
having a threesome over the dinner table with god is one thing, having a threesome over the dinner table centered on the one man and god who has yet again let you down in a way so fundamental it can barely fit into words and who you both still love in a way anyway, miserably, and also just reaffirmed your joint resolution to murder (all under the pretense that it gives your baby sisters the chance to murder your brother of ten thousand years yeah that's why this is happening no other underlying aching emotional motivations here haha)... listen mercy and augustine are simply on a different level, theologically. they've added horny shrimp colours to the religious spectrum. who else does it like them
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/21/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Rhys Darby; Samba BTS; Vico Ortiz; Ruibo Qian; HowToHelp; Petition Embed; Queerties Last Day; IRL Outreach Assets; New Watch Parties; Visual Rep of SaveOFMD Effort; Fan Spotlight; Collages; OurFlagMeansBooze; Articles; Morale; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
Wow everyone, crazy day again. Day 2 of BTS Darbygeddon. I'm actually going to set a google calendar reminder for tomorrow between 1-2 in case Samba decides to drop another doozy on us. Hope you all had a good day. Here's the highlights-- there's more I would have liked to add but I need to get permission first, so I'll hopefully have them up tomorrow. As always, please let me know if I missed anything <3
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Rhys Darby =
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Back again with another Cameo is Rhys for our lovely crewmate @Kellykat53 over on twitter! Thank you so much for sharing this with us Kelly, it's a lovely little inspirational video, definitely gives us plenty of Vitamin RD (as @scorpiostarseed would say). Check out the Cameo
= Saint Samba Schutte =
I've seen several people mention that Samba is a Saint (sorry not sure who started it to attribute it) so going forward, that will be his name. SO MANY BTS pictures and videos. My goodness. Has it even been a day since the last Merstede dump? It has, but damn, here we are with the BOYFRIEND video, and the nipple scratching, and oh look it's Buttons from the Cryptid Factor! As always, if you have access to instagram, please check out these posts on Samba and Rhys' posts/stories.
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Videos on Tumblr:
Boyfriends - ty @blakbonnet!
Merstede - ty @kiwistede!
English Jacket - ty @kiwistede!
Cursed Jacket - ty @kiwistede!
Steard Nips - ty @kiwistede!
Rhysently Granted Reunion - ty @kiwistede!
= Vico Ortiz =
Vico voiced the new novel "The Diablo's Curse "by New York Times Best Seller Gabe Cole Novoa! I know some of you are huge Vico fans so wanted to mention it, you can purchase the audio book here. Src: Vico's IG
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= Ruibo Qian =
Are you in New York? Our Pirate Queen will be at the #TonyKiserTheater NEXT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26 at 6:30PM for a one night only reading of On The Evolutionary Function of Shame, by D.A. Mindell - For more details visit here.
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== How to Help ==
Hey all! We're adding some things to the daily task lists (and taking some off). Here they are!
= Petition Embed Code =
Looking to easily embed the petition link in your AO3 fic, or maybe your email? @sonnetforbonnet was kind enough to provide us with some embeds you can use! Please visit the repo for the codes!
= Last day for Queerties! =
Please remember to vote! Today's the last day!
Best TV Comedy
Best TV Performance
= IRL Outreach Assets =
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== New Watch Parties Coming Up! ==
The Pirates! Watch Party! This is a family friendly movie so bring the kids! Or the adults-- or anyone you know, really, as long as it's not against their will! Sunday March 3rd, 3 PM EST, 12 PM PST, 8 PM GMT!
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== Visual Representation of Fandom Efforts to SOFMD ==
Remember our friends that had the in person Matelotage Processional? Well they're back with a funny video illustrating the fandom efforts of Save OFMD!
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Fangirlfoto's Instagram Don't have instagram? See the video on the repo here.
== Fan Spotlight ==
Thank you once again to @wndrngnomad on twitter for all their awesome collages dedicated to the Cast and Crew! Day 21: Calypso's Birthday! Perfectly timed considering the lovely Boyfriend themed BTS we got today! Catch-Up: Day 2: Madeleine Sami!
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= Our Flag Means Booze! =
Our absolutely brilliant crew-mate @quiet-compassion over on tumblr has been designing OFMD Themed Drinks since the show was dropped by Max!  These not only have super fun and creative names you'll all recognise, but an amazing array of flavours too! If you're 21+ (in the US) or the appropriate age for drinking in your country, feel free to try them out! As always, please drink responsibly! Are you celebrating with Moonglow Manifesting? Why not try the "Moon Glow" cocktail for the end of the event! Want to see ALL their concoctions? Head on over to the repo, they're all there!
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== Articles ==
17 Facts and Easter Eggs about OurFlagMeansDeath That will Get you On Board - 17 Fakten und Easter Eggs zu „Our Flag Means Death“, die dich ins Boot holen - ty @AddieH on twitter
Max: The 34 Absolute Best TV Shows to Watch
==Morale ==
Hey crew. I've been hearing some scuttlebutt around the deck that people are starting to worry again about whether or not s3 is going to happen. The love notes section is already pretty long so I'm not gonna go too crazy up here too -- instead I'm going to just point out that David Jenkins, while not active and posting things for us right now, is sneakily poking around in Samba and Rhys' BTS comments. He's still there, he's still watching, and I think he can tell we're all feeling the high from Samba's releases. Don't give up hope, these things take time. They're gonna get there. I'm gonna add the trends to this section today because I think it's important to see what we did today:
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. I know I've said it before, but it bares repeating since I know a lot of you are struggling right now.
Just a gentle reminder that if your brain is telling you that there's something wrong with you, or that you've done something wrong or embarrassing -- it's lying to you.
There's been so much dopamine from all the excitement lately with the BTS, that it has to come down at some point, and when it does, your brain will sometimes over-compensate and you start feeling maybe worse than you did before.
This is totally normal, it really is. Our brains are glorious complex pathways of unmeasurable brilliance, and yet a simple hormone change can make that same brain tell us that we're not enough, or we're not worthy.
I am here to remind you, you are so very much enough.
No matter what is happening in your life-- in your job, in your personal relationships, in your family, in your school, anywhere--
If you feel like you've failed, or you've let someone down, just know you are STILL enough. We all fail, it's how we learn.
We pick ourselves back up and we try again, and if we fail again--
We're STILL enough, and we are still worthy of love and comfort.
Eventually you will succeed. You will get there, and all the while while you work on it, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH.
I know it's so hard to see when you're feeling small, but I see you all every day, and I am awe-struck at your constant ability to band together and not only find love and support, but give it so freely and lovingly.
A simple @ to someone, alerting them to something they'd like
A love note in dms or on a tumblr post
A gif or picture or video brought to tumblr from some other platform so others can see them.
Writing a fic or drawing a picture.
A reblog with tags, goofy or not
Anon Asks showing people you support how they feel about a given topic
Liking a post.
These are all love notes. No matter how public or private, they're all there and they all add up eventually to form this wonderful community and you've been kicking ass at love.
I know we all look like we're having a good time, but a lot of us are struggling silently, and yet we're finding ways to reach out to one another and spread love to help us all get through. Love isn't always positivity, it can be commiseration, or frustration on behalf of someone. You all are finding the best ways to help your crew, and I'm so very proud of you.
You all are capable, creative, gifted, beautious piles of stardust smooshed together into one wonderfully unique package, and you are so very loved.
You are enough,
You are loved,
Get some rest <3 You got this.
= Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika =
What can I say, I literally can't not include this Rhys gif today. It's physically impossible, please forgive me. Good fucking lord, I'm going to Costa Rica now. Also, sorry I tried to get a matching Taika gif, but I have run out of brain cells. Hopefully this one will suffice.
Rhys - Courtesy of @bizarrelittlemew
Taika - Courtesy of @studiomoon
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120 notes · View notes
catnippackets · 4 months
Pls do some self promo here of your art (saw your pinned, tell us about it)
I make a weekly horror comic called The Backmaker that updates every Friday that you can read here. the story is about the main character Alice (white hair) being haunted by a strange dream. it's based on some weird dreams that I had when I was a kid that I decided needed to be a full story. here's a panel of the main characters making a horrible discovery in their youth (act 1)
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I've also been slowly revamping my old webcomic, Swan, in my spare time! it's nowhere near close to being fully plotted out at this point but I've been debating making it a mix of prose and comics/illustrations since it's a little complicated and I think trying to do it as a full webcomic all by myself might take the rest of my life lmao. all that I have to publicly show for it are some drawings of Keira and Cailín, who are no longer the main characters and actually just side characters (well Keira's the secondary main character but Cailín has been demoted to side character). I love drawing them they're my oldest ocs that have still stuck around and they're my beautiful girls and I love them. it's a fun faerie fantasy romp in a wild untamed magical world
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I also made a full animatic with them last year which is not canon to their story but I'm still very proud of it
because I am a professional storyboard artist and STILL LOOKING FOR WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somebody PLEASE hire me my biggest strengths are being very fast and staying in character. I'm a valuable asset I've got 8 years of experience I won't disappoint you
I'm also taking commissions rn on account of not having a job rn so if you're interested shoot me an email ;)
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cowgurrrl · 5 months
Slow It Down Cowboy
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author’s note: this ended up being so chunky but I hope that’s okay
Summary: The wall [5.8k!!!]
Warnings: academic blackmail??, bad administrative decisions, an even worse parent, Joel comforting reader, more art talk, slight angst
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As the sun sets earlier and the weather dips below the usual heat, things actually start looking pretty good. Andie, somehow, found time off of work and is coming home for a few days during the long winter break. You've gotten back to making art you actually care about now that you're in a race with Joel. All your students are settled and starting to come out of their shells, making more experimental art. Ellie continues to show up with cups of coffee with your name on them before anyone else can spill into your classroom, and you continue to text Joel. 
How much are you spending on coffee now?
I thought we agreed to keep certain things secret.
Joel Miller.
Hush. You deserve it.
In between lessons and at lunch, you'll manage to catch each other at the right time and shoot messages off as fast as they come in. He helps you fix a squeaky chair over text, and you help him set up a care package to send to Sarah. It's nice even though you haven't really seen him since the night of the gallery opening. Even things at the bar seem to be doing better, and you're making enough to not have to worry so much. But you're most proud of the list of students whose art will be shown at the winter showcase, Ellie's work among them. 
You make a big deal about it and send in an announcement to be read in the morning, congratulating all the students. You even go out of your way to announce it in all your classes and offer extra credit to any student who shows up to support their classmates. Surprisingly, your rag-tag group of moody teenagers actually seem keen about the opportunity. Things are going well. You're happy, healthy, financially stable(ish), and your guards are down for the first time in a long time.
You're working with quiet music playing over your computer when the knock at your door sounds during planning period. You stand to open it, but before you can, you hear a jangle of keys and the popping of the lock. Principal Martinez walks in, squints at you, and immediately turns on the overhead fluorescent lights that haven't been used in God knows how long. They buzz in protest as your eyes adjust. 
"Hey!" You manage to sound cheery even though she looks like she means business. "I'm assuming you're here about the winter showcase?" You ask, and the line between her brows deepens.
"The what?"
"The showcase? A couple of my kids from the art club got accepted to have their artwork shown in a gallery downtown. It was on the announcements this morning. I can send you the information about when the event is." You offer. Something clicks, and she shakes her head now that she knows what you're talking about. 
"Oh, that," she says. "No, I'm not here about that." 
"Am I in trouble?" 
"Not exactly." She says, and you feel panic pool in your stomach like an unwanted visitor. "Dalton Green's father has brought his grade in your class to my attention."
"He hasn't turned anything in to me since September. I can't grade an empty page," you say, hoping that she's as aware as you are that it's the beginning of November. "I sent an email to his father and football coach back in October, but I still haven't seen any work from him."
"Mr. Green says he's positive his son has turned in work. Are you sure you haven't just misplaced it?" 
"No, I've graded and given back every single assignment from the semester." 
"Let me be clear," she says. "Are you sure you haven't just forgotten to put his grades in? It's an easy mistake to make. You could always just input them now so that he's eligible to continue playing. You wouldn't want to bench a perfectly responsible young man. Would you?"
"Ma'am, are you suggesting I lie about Dalton's grades just so he can keep playing football?" You ask, your panic quickly turning into frustration. 
"It'd be such a silly thing to fail something as simple as art. Especially when the funding for the school comes directly from our team's ability to perform. Sometimes, as teachers, we have to make sacrifices to ensure the greater good of our students." She says. It never fails to surprise you how condescending people can be when it comes to your job. Martinez will be gone in a year to fight for a place on the school board, and it's clear she's not pulling her punches even now. Still, you're floored by the ask. Never in your career have you been asked by a principal to lie about a student's grades. 
"I'd be willing to make certain accommodations, but I'm really not comfortable doing that. If he wanted to turn something in, I could find a way to give him half credit." You say. Her face changes almost imperceptibly before she straightens up with a cynical smile. 
"Well, I think since you had the idea, you should be the one to call his father and tell him the good news," she says it like it's a reward, but it feels like more of a punishment. Your good mood comes crumbling around you as she looks at you expectantly. You have principles as a teacher. This is one of them, but how far are you willing to go to protect it? "I have a meeting with some people from the school board, but please let me know what conclusion you and Mr. Green come to regarding Dalton's grades." She says as she walks out of your room, not even bothering to look at you over her shoulder as she speaks to you.
"Fuck," you mutter as the door closes behind her. You stare at the phone and think about your options. You can't let her walk all over you just because she's your boss, and you won't compromise your values just so the football program will thrive. But you also really don't want to make this phone call. If Dalton's dad is as pleasant as he seems over email, you can't imagine this going well. "Fuck." You say again as you pick up the receiver and search your records for Dalton's dad's phone number. You find it, and in a burst of confidence, dial the number and listen to the line ring, secretly hoping he won't pick up. 
"Green." His dad says in place of a greeting, and you take a deep breath.
"Hi, Mr. Green. This is Dalton's art teacher from school. I understand you had some issues regarding his grade in my class?" You tread very carefully, but even then, he scoffs.
"You're damn right I have some issues. Why are you failin' him? He's gotta pass to play football, and Principal Martinez said you'd get it sorted." 
"Yes, sir, that's why I'm calling," you say. "Dalton hasn't turned in any of the assignments I've given out since September, and because of that, I've been unable to give him a good grade. However, I can make some arrangements to give him half credit for every assignment he turns in before the end of next week. That should give him more than enough time between classes and practice." 
"He told me you lost his assignments."
"No, sir, I haven't received anything from him." You say. He doesn't say anything for a moment, and you almost hope the call dropped before he can respond. 
"Are you sayin' my son's a liar?" 
You spend the next twenty minutes being berated over the phone, not even allowed to get a word in without being cut off. Several times throughout the call, you think about hanging up and unplugging the phone, but you know that'd only make it worse. God forbid he show up at the school and humiliate you in front of the other staff or, worse, students. No wonder Dalton has issues if this is how his father speaks to people. If your day wasn't ruined by your encounter with the principal, it certainly is now. You handle it as well as possible until he gets near the end of his rant and takes a deep breath.
"I just can't believe they'd let a teacher as horrible as you work there. What right do you have to teach anything?" He says, and that's what really gets under your skin. Suddenly, hot tears spring in your eyes, and your throat feels like sandpaper.
"I don't know." It is the only thing you can think to say.
"Call me back when you have a real fuckin' solution and not whatever bullshit this is." He spits before hanging up the phone. You put the receiver down and bury your head in your hands, trying your best not to cry. Your molars buzz, and it feels like your head is swelling with pain. His insults and backhanded comments echo in your ears, and you can't hold the tears back any longer. 
What a fucking shit show. You know Martinez won't do anything about the verbal abuse unless you're willing to lie about grades, which is a ridiculous request in the first place. Dalton's dad won't back down, and you can safely assume Coach Sanders is next up on the roster if you don't do something soon. Why can't you get a kid to turn in a fucking piece of paper? Are you really that bad of a teacher that you're losing an argument with a seventeen-year-old? Is this the hill you want to die on? 
You think about going upstairs and seeking refuge in Mrs. Tomlinson's English class, your favorite coworker and the one who hides the good snacks in her desk, but you know she has a class, and you don't want to embarrass yourself. Andie is seven hours ahead and probably asleep. You're friends with people from the bar but not good enough friends that you could call them crying about a situation like this. The realization that you're alone in this makes you more emotional, and you have to stifle your sobs behind your hand. 
You jump when your doorknob twists open again, and you half-expect Martinez to be there with an I-told-you-so look on her face. You quickly turn so your back is to the door and wipe the tears on your face. You can't stand to be humiliated again today. When you turn back to see who entered your classroom, Joel's big brown eyes soften when he sees how upset you are. 
"Honey," he murmurs, and you almost start sobbing again at his soft tone. "What's goin' on?" 
"I didn't know you were coming today." You sniffle, trying to pull yourself together. He walks over and drops his toolbox on a nearby table so he can pull you up from your chair. 
"Supposed to be a surprise." He says as he tucks you into his chest. You hug him tightly and let him rub your back in the quiet of your classroom. His shirt smells like laundry detergent and the cold wind sweeping through the hill country. He should be wearing a jacket, but he's not, and you can feel goosebumps on his skin. For a minute, you just cling to him and cry, staining his shirt with tears, but he doesn't care. He's patient and shushes you gently as he adjusts his hold on you to bring you closer. You bury your face in his neck, and he kisses your head. 
"What are you doing here?" You ask into his skin. 
"I found your missin' piece for the projector. I thought I'd come install it for you so you'd stop fallin' off things tryna get it to work," he says. He leans back just enough to swipe your hair out of your eyes and rests his hands on either side of your face so you can see him. You want to turn away because you know you look like a crying mess, but he doesn't flinch. "There she is," he whispers fondly when you meet his eyes. "Your turn. What happened that's got you all upset?" He asks, swiping his thumbs under your eyes to catch stray tears. 
"Just… a really shitty call with a parent." You say, not wanting to get into specifics just yet. 
"Anythin' I can do?" He asks, and you shake your head. Just his presence is enough to make you feel better. His big, warm hands holding you like you're precious is a big plus, too. You run your hands over the muscles hidden by his shirt and take a deep breath. 
"Just this," you say, and he smiles. "'S a very nice surprise."
"I might've had ulterior motives." He says sheepishly, and you chuckle.
"What are your ulterior motives, maverick?" You ask. You honestly don't know where the nickname came from, but it's stuck around. You've heard it used by old southern women when talking about someone who's independent or doesn't follow the rules. "There goes maverick again!" They'd say when their unruly son would go speeding by in the kitchen. You think the private name suits him.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks quietly, without a hint of shame or doubt in his voice. You almost fold just because of how he's looking at you through his long eyelashes. Almost. The age-old sound of your projector whirring reminds you where you are, and you straighten up.
"Not here."
"After I fix the projector?" He negotiates, and you laugh at how quickly he bounces back.
"After you fix the projector and we're not on school campus anymore." 
"Deal," he says as he turns away from you and toward his toolbox. "You should time me. This might be the fastest replacement I've ever done."
"You're really that motivated now?" You tease, the levity between you two draining the dredges of your bad afternoon from your brain. He smiles and digs in his toolbox for the right screwdriver. 
"For you? Of course." He says. You bite the inside of your cheek, fighting a smile, and he winks at you. He's barely standing on a chair before you grab his arm and stop him.
"Wait," you say. You're not really sure what the plan is, but you also don't care. Joel, however, looks confused. "I found an old step stool in my storage closet the other day, but it's on the top shelf. If you can get it down, that might be a little safer."
"You've had a step stool this whole time, and you're still climbin' on tables?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at you. "You're gonna put me in an early grave one of these days."
"Quit that," you laugh as he steps off the chair. "I didn't have time to get it down whenever I needed it, and I just forgot about it until the other day. C'mon, I'll show you where it is." He sighs dramatically but follows you into the dusty storage room filled floor to ceiling with various art supplies. It's hidden by a suspicious-looking, windowless door just off to the right of your classroom. You think it might've been used as a tornado shelter when the school was much smaller and younger, but since then, it's been renovated into a personal storage room. 
The second the door closes behind him, you turn around, push him against it, and kiss him before you can change your mind. He gasps into you like he wasn't expecting this but quickly grabs your waist, anchoring to you and kissing you back feverishly. You really had planned on making him wait until you were safe, far away from school grounds, instead of pulling him into the nearest private space like a teenager. But you figured if Martinez can break the rules, why can't you? 
Your hand snakes through his hair and plays with the curls at the nape of his neck, drawing a content sigh from Joel. His lips are a little chapped and firm against yours. He tastes like coffee and something sweet, and you want more. You tip your mouth up to him to kiss him deeper, and he grips your hips hard, his fingers grazing the skin just under the hem of your shirt. You test scratching your nails over the back of his neck, and he shudders beautifully under your touch. In one move, he switches places with you and pins you between him and the door. 
With him in control, he slows down just a little, kissing you softly like he's got all the time in the world. You've realized Joel likes treating you like you're made of porcelain. Like all it would take is one wrong move, and you'd fall apart under his touch. He lets you make the first move every time, tying his hands behind his back until you say the word in an impressive show of self-control. Even at the art gallery, when there was so much tension between you, you thought you'd choke on it; he wasn't the one who initiated. The knee-jerk reaction of flipping your positions against the door to take control is his first show of power, and you like it. What do you need to do to get him to do it again?
The bell sounding through the intercom breaks you apart, and you groan at the intrusion. Nothing is keeping you after school today but you aren't ready to separate from Joel just yet. You rest your head on the door and stare at him as you vaguely hear the sounds of rowdy kids flooding the hallways. His lips are swollen and a little pink, and his hair is messy from all your pulling. 
"What?" He questions your staring and you shake your head.
"I just like looking at you," you say. "Your hair is also a mess, but that's a completely different story." 
"And whose fault is that?" He laughs and musses his curls back into place. You help with a few strands at the back and smile when everything is tame again. 
"Good as new." You say. Now, it's his turn to peer at you, and you give him a confused look. You swipe under your eyes as if there's mascara stuck there and fix your hair, waiting for him to give you the all-clear, but he just chuckles.
"I can't believe you pulled me into a closet to make out." 
"Me neither, honestly." You admit as the both of you dissolve into delirious laughter. You wait in the closet for a few more minutes so the hallways can clear out (and you can kiss a little more) before you finally exit, checking that it's clear and then opening the door wider for Joel. When he sees his toolbox sitting on the desk where he left it, he sighs and glances between you and the ceiling. 
"I'm never gonna get to fix that goddamn projector." He mutters, and you laugh as you pass in front of him and pat his shoulder. 
"Next time, maverick." You say. His grumbles disappear as you pack up your stuff side-by-side in silence. It's nice to not feel like you always have to fill the space with conversation. It's enough for papers to rustle as they land in your bag and his tools to clink as they find their proper homes. The hallways have gone quiet, and the eerie silence of an empty school slowly creeps up on you. 
Joel's boots squeaking catch your attention as you unplug your computer and start turning off various lamps around the classroom. He stands in front of the whiteboard where you have a big print of a Rothko painting displayed for today's art history lesson. He tilts his head as he looks at it like he's trying to find some hidden meaning or perspective, and you smile to yourself at the motion. 
"Lots of people think it's not much to look at." You break the silence from the back of the room, and he looks at you over your shoulder.
"I didn't say that."
"I know. I'm just letting you know what certain historians say," you say. You finish with all the lamps, and the only light coming into the classroom is the little bit of natural light streaming in from the windows near the ceiling. Stray dust spins in the air as you join him in looking at the poster of the Rothko, and you try to imagine what he's thinking. 
It's a little unnerving, like most of the ones Rothko made towards the end of his life. The vast darkness on the top half of the painting is daunting, while the gray at the bottom helps ground the viewer, at least a little. If you look closely enough, you can see the various washes and brushstrokes he used to create the painting. Obviously, a lot of skill and time went into something like this, even though not everyone wants to see it. "It's hard to know what it meant to him. It probably didn't mean anything, honestly. He wanted people to have sensory experiences with his art, so you only get as much as you put into it." You explain, and Joel nods but doesn't look away from the painting.
"Is it the surface of the moon?" He asks. 
"What makes you say that?" You interrogate, trying to hide your excitement at getting to hear him tell you what he thinks of art. 
"Well, it kinda looks like I'm standin' on the moon and lookin' out into space." He says as he runs his finger over the divide between the two colors. 
"Where's the Earth, then?"
"Maybe I'm on the dark side of the moon." 
"I don't know," he says. "Maybe the Earth is just too far away, and I can't reach it, but I know it's there. If the moon started spinnin' faster or somethin', I could see it, but maybe it's not for me to see..." It's incredibly profound, even if he doesn't realize it. You see where he's coming from based on what you know about his past and almost want to reach for his hand, but you don't. "But I don't know. What do I know bout art?"
"A lot," you answer quickly, hating how he talks about himself like he's stupid. "You know a lot. That was a really good analysis." He hums noncommittally and bumps your shoulder with his. 
"What bout you? What's it to you?" He asks, and you sigh as you look the colors over again.
"A wall and the night sky." 
"A wall?" 
"Yeah. It's either protecting me or keeping me in, but either way, it's there, and there's not much I can do about it. I could stay where I am and never find out what's beyond it and be safe, or I could climb the wall and never be the same again. I wouldn't know what's behind it or what's out there— that's why it's all black at the top— but maybe that's what's so interesting about it. The unknown." You say, and Joel hums. 
"You should be a teacher or somethin'." He says, and you laugh and move to grab your backpack off your desk. 
"It just might be in the cards for me," you say. "What's Ellie doing tonight? Don't you have to pick her up?" 
"She's actually going to the movies with some friends tonight." He says, beaming with pride, and you gasp dramatically.
"Is she really?"
"Sent her with twenty dollars and everythin'."
"Oh, that's so good! She's doing so good! I knew art club would get her out of her shell." You clap your hands, and he nods, smiling.
"She certainly ain't shy anymore. It feels like she's always on the phone with someone these days." He's a little nostalgic for the little girl who used to cling to her dad, and you make a sympathetic sound. 
"Don't you worry. I'm sure she'll want to hang out with her old dad during winter break."
"Old?!" He parrots as you usher him out of the room, your keys jingling on your arm. 
"Her words, not mine." You say as you walk out into the empty hallway with him and lock your classroom door behind you. He scoffs and grumbles something under his breath but doesn't push you for any insider information on Ellie. You like having your secrets with her, and as long as she's not a threat to herself or others, you'll keep those secrets until she's ready to tell him. 
You walk out to the parking lot together to catch the last few rays of sun scattering across the sky and smile when you see that Joel somehow managed to park close to your car. He loads his tools up in his truck bed while you throw your backpack in the backseat, but neither of you gets in your car immediately after things are settled. Instead, you wander back over to his truck and lean against one of the doors. 
"So, if Ellie's out with friends, what are you doing for the rest of the night?" You ask, and he smirks, stepping into your space. You think about scolding him, but the parking lot is practically empty. Plus, you like having him close. In the orange light of dusk, you feel safe next to him and his truck. He quirks an eyebrow at you and looks serious. 
"Are you askin' me on a date?"
"It's not a date."
"Is this the same thing like you weren't gonna kiss me, and then you did?" He teases. You roll your eyes and push off his truck, putting your arms up in defeat. 
"I didn't realize Joel Miller hated spontaneity so much. Fine, I'll stop doing it." You start walking back toward your car, but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back before you can get far. You smile when your chest collides with his and look up at him. 
"Now, I didn't say all that," he says. "'M just surprised. You're gettin' ballsy."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"I don't think so," he says as he leans forward like he's about to tell you a secret. "I think it's pretty hot, actually." He whispers lowly in your ear, his breath fanning out across your neck and making your face hot. You shove at his shoulder, but he just laughs and grabs your hand. "What? You don't like me callin' you hot?" 
"You're ridiculous, you know that?" 
"I ain't hearin' a 'no.'" 
"Yes, Joel, I like it. Is that what you wanna hear?" You finally relent, and he shrugs with every ounce of sass.
"Maybe," he says. "I also wanna hear what you were thinkin' for our not date."
"Oh, something super romantic." 
"Oh, yeah. Whataburger meals and milkshakes." You say, and he makes a play at his knees giving out under him. 
"A woman after my own heart." He groans, and you roll your eyes. 
You could take separate cars. It'd probably be easier for getting home and take away an extra stop, but you don't really care about that when you climb into the passenger's side of his truck. He doesn't seem surprised by your decision to ride with him and rests a hand on your thigh the second he pulls out of the school parking lot. He asks about your day, painting, and even if you've heard anything else from Henry as he drives. You rant a little about Principal Martinez and ask about his day, so he gets a turn ranting about headers and structural issues. You're not exactly sure what he's talking about, but you nod and listen anyway, and he doesn't critique you for not knowing. 
When you get to Whataburger, you have to scout to make sure there are no teenagers you recognize before going in. Of course, he opens the door and lets you order first like a gentleman, but you elbow him out of the way so you can pay before he can even reach for his wallet. By the look on his face, you would've thought you ripped a cookie out of his hands. "It's my turn!" You say, but he still looks shocked when you hand him his orange and white striped cup. You choose a booth near the back and continue talking about your days or recent developments until your food comes, and then you talk in between bites. It's not romantic, but it is comfortable. 
He updates you on Sarah's progress in medical school and even shows you pictures on his phone of the last time the three of them were all together. He looks lighter when he's with the both of them like all the pieces of his heart are bound in those girls. You like to think it is. He tells you how he's looking at grants for small-business owners in Austin and is eligible to apply for a good amount. "'M just nervous I won't get any." He says, and you shake your head.
"They've got insane amounts of money they're looking to give to hardworking people. I bet you'll be a millionaire by the end of this bet." You say, and he chuckles as he pops a fry in his mouth. 
"What bout you?" He asks.
"What about me?"
"How's the search for a gallery goin'?" You take a deep breath at his question and shrug.
"I don't really have anything to submit just yet, but some places are taking rolling submissions, so I can send something in whenever. I just want it to be good." 
"'M sure it will be." He says, and you give him a look. 
"You haven't even seen any of my work. What if it's awful?"
"Then I'd lie and say it's the best thing I've ever seen." 
"So you’re a iiar." 
"At least, I'd be a considerate liar." He says. You're about to start arguing with him about it when a pair of familiar eyes meet yours across the restaurant. Before you can even think about a tactic to get out of the situation, she's already up and walking toward your booth.
"Oh, shit," you mutter, and Joel's eyebrows furrow until he finds who you're looking at. His face falls exactly the same way you're sure yours did.
"Hi!" Marnie greets as she lands in front of you. "I haven't seen you in a minute!"
"I know! I've been meaning to text you about getting drinks, but I keep forgetting!" It's a lie. A considerate lie, but a lie nevertheless. 
"Oh, you're too sweet. We'll set somethin' up," she says as she turns to Joel. "And you! I haven't seen you since Sarah moved. How is she?" Oh, shit. How does she know you and Joel? He recovers quickly with a charming smile and a nod.
"Yes, ma'am. She's doin' real good up in Boston. Keepin' outta trouble and everythin'." 
"And Ellie? How's she doin'? She still makin' art?" 900,000 people in Austin and countless Whataburgers within 100 square miles, and the person who walks into the one you're in is the one you used to work with at school. Not only that, but she knows Joel's kids. She knows Joel. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Yeah, she's still doin' art. She's good at it. She's seein' a movie with some friends from school tonight." He says, and Marnie's eyes light up at the mention of the high school while Joel tenses.
"Oh, my gosh, how's the new classroom? I completely forgot they renovated that old teacher's lounge a couple years ago." 
"It's good. The equipment's a little old, but nothing's fallen apart yet. You'll have to come see it sometime."
"We'll have to find a time!" She says, always insanely cheerful. "Well, I'll let y'all get back to your meal, but I'd be kickin' myself if I didn't come over here and say hello to you two. Joel, please tell the girls I said hi."
"Yes, ma'am," Joel says politely. With that, Marnie turns and walks back to her waiting husband and says something that sounds like, "I know them!" Your food is suddenly cold and unappetizing when you look at it, and your stomach is in knots. The warm bubble around you and Joel has burst, and you're left in the stark light of the truth. "D'you wanna go?" Joel whispers, and you nod. 
He takes your trays and throws away the food before opening the door for you to walk out into the cool night air, avoiding Marnie's stare the whole time. He doesn't reach for you or help you into the truck. He barely looks at you until you're in the safety of the cab. The world is spinning around you, and alarms are sounding in your brain. What the fuck just happened?
"How do you know her?" You ask Joel, staring straight ahead, and he swallows hard.
"She was Sarah and Ellie's science tutor," he says, and your eyes flutter shut. "How do you know her?"
"She was the science teacher at the high school during my first year there. She left to go to a different school after that, but we were pretty close."  
"So, she knows you're a teacher at the same school my kid goes to."
"And she knows Ellie does art, so she knows she would be one of my students." You slowly piece together how bad this could be. You got caught having dinner with the parents of one of your students. If Marnie says anything, word could travel through the district until Martinez hears about it. You'd be in much more trouble than you already are with her. You could be accused of giving Ellie special treatment and violating school policy. 
"Fuck." Joel mumbles, mirroring your exact thoughts, and you nod. 
"We can't do this." You whisper, not wanting to admit it, especially after such a nice day with him. He doesn't protest. He feels the gravity of the situation. You want to put your hand over his. You want to hug him. You want to comfort him the way he comforted you, but you can't. 
"I know." His voice is even and controlled like he's choosing his words carefully, but you can hear the disappointment in his words. You can't go back to an hour ago when you were laughing and pulling him into storage rooms. You have to stay where you are. You have to stay safe. He is the personification of your wall and you have to be okay with not knowing what’s beyond it.
You can't do this.
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 @ignorethisplz2004 @buckyispunk @d1lf-loverrr @vee-bees-blog @moel-jiller @anoverwhelmingdin @casssiopeia
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thoughtssvt · 1 month
short nanami & megumi speech analysis
it's so interesting to me how nanami's speaking mannerisms translate through culture. not hating on how anyone writes him or anything, i just find it interesting.
because most of the time in fics/smaus kento speaks like he's writing a work email, right? very professional-esque, something you'd relate to a corporate setting, or just very rigid/ no slang way of speaking. when in japanese he just speaks very formally. even in fights he takes the extra time to use the polite words (which is often a longer way of saying things -- which now that i think about it would technically be how he's characterized in english if we're talking about how lengthy the sentences get i digress)
i think the only time he broke polite speech was in the fight with dagon when he called everyone to gather.
it also does make me think about megumi bc he's about the only other character who constantly uses polite speech even in the fight with dagon and any other fatal battle. with the other first years his speech is more lax and casual because they're of the same age and status but way more polite than you'd hear teenagers talk (at least in the 'verse)
in contrast he doesn't actually use polite speech when he talks to tsumiki, at least from what we saw (and i haven't fact checked myself but i also think he drops polite speech when he thinks to himself whereas i believe nanami still uses polite speech when he thinks)
this lowkey makes me headcanon that kid megumi shadowed nanami during a mission once and the way he carried himself just had megumi's eyes gleaming.
especially bc of his speech the earliest we've seen him (when he first meets gojo) he uses "あんた誰" antadare = who are you? the use of あんた anta being rude especially to a stranger. he was also in first grade so he probably just switched to using polite speech after learning, but i'm gonna stop here bc i only meant to talk about nanami but now im thinking about how itadori's speech changed just very slightly when he was talking to ozawa since he called her "ozawa-chan" and he usually only uses the suffix honorifics like -sensei--
idk how i got here
anyway good luck studying japanese, yall!
i've also been wanting to talk about the change in characters' character when they have siblings and their change in speech just across some of my favorite anime but i need to fact check myself lol
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drunkenskunk · 4 months
I'm so fucking tired.
Okay, so, for context: I've been calling my senators for weeks - months! - trying to tell them to kill KOSA and prevent it from moving forward. Talking about how dangerous it is for kids and adults, since it would effectively ask us to dox ourselves every time we want to use the internet. Talking about how it's a violation of our 1st and 4th amendment rights. Talking about how it's rife for abuse of power. All that. Sometimes I get the answering machine, sometimes I get a staffer who says "I'll pass along your concerns."
Today, I finally get a response.
It's a form letter email from Catherine Cortez Masto. And it said "that's why I'm a proud sponsor of KOSA!"
Lads, I'm... I'm trying not to fall into despair. I know it's not useful to anyone.
But I can't help but feel like everything I've ever done is fucking pointless.
I'm so tired.
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So back when I first started knitting I was told that I was going to need to use it for my tithing - my time and my labor and my love, rather than strictly money that I frankly can't afford. Fair enough, will do. But more than that, I was told specifically - ever noticed how when we're told to make things for Him He's always very specific about it? - that I was to make baby blankets for my local pregnancy center. Fair enough, can do. But even more than that, I was given a very specific mental image of the blanket I am supposed to make first.
Now, this wasn't an immediate thing. It was to be my best effort, not my first one. But since November, I have slowly been acquiring what I'll need. Bulky needles. Knowledge of stitches. A pressing on my heart, of late, that this is something I need to be standing ready to do. All I am missing is the yarn.
But speaking of 'of late,' I have been going through... trials. Let's call them trials. Trials of the open-ended and indefinite (and unbearable) variety. I have also been praying. Constantly and emphatically. I'd like these trials to be over soon, please. And it's felt like I just... haven't been receiving an answer. Can't hear Him at all. He's silent through all the usual channels. Everything - even the small things - are going wrong. Etc.
Now I have no doubt that this is my own fault, not being able to hear Him. But it's still discouraging. So my prayers over the last couple days have been more along the lines of, "Can You hear me? Are You there? I am small and weak and need some sort of sign that You're still listening."
So like, I've been getting emails from my knitting supplies supplier like "We've got tons of new yarn in stock! Check out our new yarn!" And I've been ignoring and deleting them because I've got BILLS to pay and CHILDREN to feed and clothe I cannot be indulging a HOBBY but.
Well I got one through that said "big summer yarn sale" and I deleted it and I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't supposed to do that so I went to their website and looked at their sale yarns and I found it. The precise yarn I'm supposed to use.
Kids if you ask God for a sign that He's listening to you, He might tell you "Go do something for someone else for awhile and stop whinging about yourself for a bit."
So last night I'm sitting and I'm looking at this yarn that's 40% off going "Really? 🤨😑 Well I'm Dead Broke right now so if You want me to get it You'll have to provide a way. 😑" and lo and behold. I got the alert today that I'm getting paid in a couple days.
I would still like these trials to wrap up with a nice neat bow on top, but I'll get back to y'all once I've knitted a baby blanket and - somehow - rendered it up to my local pregnancy center. How? I haven't a clue. But if He wants it there He'll get it there, that part isn't my problem unless He makes it my problem.
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vaspider · 5 months
I genuinely hope this isn’t too prying or intrusive, I am strictly asking out of curiosity but…. What…. Is going on with that 16 year old and why is it on a post about a house coat? Are you ok?
I'm fine.
That kid has been fixated on me since I said, basically, that the French Revolution killed a bunch of innocent people and isn't something to be emulated.
For the past 3 weeks, since I told her to leave me alone on Tumblr, she's been stalking me across the internet, digging up every possible way to contact me, and sending elaborate death threats along with suicide threats. I've turned off the contact forms on my professional website and NK. She's sent asks here and contacted me from multiple Tumblrs, multiple Facebook and Instagram accounts, TikTok, LinkedIn, Reddit, YouTube, BlueSky, and multiple email accounts. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something, though I do have it all screenshotted and saved. She found my phone number and left multiple threatening voicemails, and she kept contacting my business, sending death threats to places where my employees, including my younger brother, had to deal with them.
She seems to think that I'm a man, and that I'm attempting to use magic on her, and that she can threaten me into doing whatever it is she wants. I don't really understand what's going on in her head, and I'm not trying to do so. I don't really read the things she writes.
At this point, the FBI is involved - she's been sending death threats pretty much every day for about a month now with a few breaks here and there - and I've been declining to respond to her for the vast majority of that time, hoping that she'd get bored, or, hopefully, that someone who cares about her would realize how deeply, deeply unwell she is and get her help before this becomes a criminal matter. I really, really don't want to be put in that position, but I also can't ask the people who work for me (some of whom are my family) to deal with a constant barrage of messages detailing how if I don't publicly apologize for ... fuck all if I know or care... she's going to "slit [my] throat like a Sicilian" and throw my body in the Willamette River.
I really, really, really just want this kid to leave me alone. I didn't seek her out - she sought me out - and I'm not interested in talking to or debating with a 16 year old. But, also, the things that she's been doing for the past month are crimes and truly beyond the pale.
As to why that's on a video about a housecoat... your guess is as good as mine. Her last comments before this were on the two public videos on my abandoned YouTube account, both of which were process videos about making patches, and she left death threats on a post on my old personal Instagram that I made on the day of the Tree of Life shooting. It has nothing to do with me or what I'm saying - she seems to just randomly pick things to add her bizarre urban fantasy VASpider fanfic to.
Please leave that person alone, everybody. She is a third my age and very clearly deeply unwell. I'd been ignoring her, but I'm kind of hoping against hope that knowing that, yeah, actually, what she's doing is a crime, people take that seriously, and I really really really don't want her to fuck up her life? will convince her to stop.
I'm not afraid. I'm mostly just tired and very, very sad. It is really upsetting to see someone who is so out of alignment with consensus reality, and it's even more upsetting when that person is so young. I feel deeply sorry for her, both that she's unwell in a way that's clearly causing her harm, and that she doesn't seem to be getting the help she needs from the people around her. I hope it's just that the people around her don't realize what's going on and that someone can make them aware, because it is just... rotten... to see someone that young making such a mess of things.
I don't want to talk about this further. I've been avoiding talking about it publicly at all, but at the point where we're closing on a month... I dunno. I hope saying something directly and making it clear this isn't going to go the way she thinks gets it through to her.
I'm gonna go play with my dog.
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daceydeath · 2 years
Working Proposal (Part 4)
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Pairing: Han x reader, Felix x reader Word Count: 3.9k Genre: Smut Warnings: 18+, minors dni, swearing, unprotected sex (don't be stupid), threesome, cum play, oral sex (f receiving)
You had been working with Stray Kids for a while now and after a long day at work turns into a very unexpected but intriguing proposal. Will this change your world or end your career?
Walking back into the JYP offices the following day was as chaotic as you imagined, your desk was covered notes from the reception desk of people to return calls to, your co workers were all asking if you were well since you had only missed 3 days of work in 3 years but you could hardly explain that you has spent the day in bed with one of the most handsome idols in the industry fucking you senseless for hours, so you smiled and thanked people for their concern. Making your way down to the dance studio you knew you probably would be very early for the morning meeting but you could at least use the studio to hide from any further questions. Opening the door you found yourself alone the kids and managers must be working on something else, or had not yet arrived. Opening your emails you began firing off things that needed to be dealt with immediately regarding the scandal or the legal department, then you began returning calls assuring brands that they did not need to cut ties or do re-shoots until you and the police knew more about the perpetrators.
"You're in early baby" Chan chuckled bringing your gaze from your work to him and making you realize that he wasn't alone both Han and Changbin were with him and you knew the others would not be far behind.
"Morning" you beamed "I needed to get some work done without trying to explain where I was yesterday, I can hardly tell the truth" you giggled turning back to your emails again.
"I guess that is true" Changbin laughed as Minho and Felix arrived.
"How are you doing Han? Are you feeling alright?" You asked switching off your screen to give him your full attention as you waited for the last three members and staff to arrive.
"I'm not great" he admitted quietly.
"If you need anything you only have to ask, I will fix this though I promise" you sighed pouting slightly at his sad eyes.
"Morning" some of the staff greeted as you stood to speak to them patting Han's shoulder as you passed "Have you seen the latest from legal?"
"Yes I've already asked that the police press charges and that we start defamation proceedings immediately" you nodded as two of the managers entered the room.
"What happens if they are just kids though?" one asked looking to you "Surely you're not planning on having them arrested"
"I don't care if they are children they still need to be held accountable for their actions, the whole media circus will probably scare them straight but they still need to go through the motions" you sighed feeling like it wasn't likely that it was a young teen, they tended to do stupid things and less malicious things "I feel it's more likely to be an anti to be honest or a sasaeng" you sighed annoyed at the whole thing.
"Is this the first large scale scandal you've dealt with?" Another asked looking slightly worried.
"No, I've dealt with sasaeng fans before and stalkers I just get protective of the artists I work with, that is my job after all" you smiled politely before going back to your seat to collect your things before the meeting started. You sat quietly typing away more emails and team notes making sure that all of Chan's suggestions were being acknowledged and hopefully met, then waited for the staff to head off to their respective roles or tasks for the day.
"What are your movements today?" Felix asked sweetly after the others had gone.
"I've got emails upon emails, then a side of emails and possibly lunch then I'll have to stop hiding and go back to my desk to look at the next lot of brand deal things your doing" you grinned noting how soft and cute he looked with no make up and his hair still slightly fluffy.
"Are you going to be hiding here?" Seungmin narrowed his eyes at you playfully.
"Not if I am going to be in your way, I'm sure there is a broom closet or stairwell I can hide in too" you chuckled you couldn't help that they made you feel relaxed around them they were just so down to earth when they interacted with you.
"No you would never be in the way" Jeongin squeaked looking very much the maknae in his over sized hoodie with the hood up.
"No stay here we can still practice with you here it's not a problem" Felix added wide eyed.
"Don't panic if you don't care that I'm here I will stay" you grinned shaking your head at them and going back to the things you were working on. They began their choreography run through practicing each song together and they sepeartley if needed but you barely noticed with the work you were already caught up in, the only time you noticed was each time you phone vibrated you would quietly exit the room to not disturb them, take the call, then walk back in to find them not practicing but quietly talking amongst themselves which quickly stopped as soon as they spotted you in the doorway.
"You know how sus you all look each time I come and go from the room right?" you asked dryly knowing that they probably did but would never admit it "I thought you would be better actors by now".
"What would you say to breaking for lunch and joining us for some food?" Changbin smiled softly looking every bit the cutie you knew he was.
"What are you thinking?" you replied smiling in return.
"Well we aren't sure" Minho started his teasing tone already in full swing
"Oh really, because if one of you says me I will walk straight back out that door" you continued smiling sweetly at him leaving some of them wide eyes and the others snickering.
"Your'e no fun" Minho pouted playfully.
"No I suppose I'm not" you rolled your eyes going back to your emails.
"Are you alright? You can tell us if any of us have over stepped any marks" Chan's voice was warm but serious as he observed you carefully.
"Yes and no, I would rather not deal with any extra activities while I'm at work, if that is alright with you. A few of the team have pretty loose lips for people in this business" you met his eyes trying to assure him you were not upset or hurt just wary.
"Someone has said something to you?" Changbin instantly snapped from sweet to protective and Chan's face turned annoyed as you sighed.
"Yes, the events of the music video shoot did not go unnoticed apparently" you tried to mask the tension in your voice but couldn't.
"Shit" Changbin groaned looking guilty.
"Fuck" Chan whispered rubbing his hand over his face. "do you want to stop this then, I meant it when I said that we would stop whenever you wanted, we would never punish you for it especially since it would be our fault" he looked frustrated and guilty which made you feel saddened that you were placing more on his shoulders.
"Who?" Minho asked obviously also aware of what had gone on.
"What happened at the music video? Is this about that argument Bin and Minho had? Jeongin asked confusion written on his face.
"After that happened um...."Changbin started to explain his ears turning pink.
"We had sex in the artist rooms" You giggle watching how red Changbin turned. "I know you're a gentleman and I very much appreciate that but we are going to have to be honest with each other right now" you shrugged.
"And someone knows about you and Changbin?" Hyunjin smirked.
"and Chan" you added quietly "He was there too".
"Sorry someone knows about Chan, Changbin and you" he amended making Chan's ears also go slightly pink.
"I don't get why you're embarrassed, I agreed to everything that happens between us and I assume you guys talk about it so none of you interrupts another" you quirked an eyebrow at them all. "Plus you have already had arrangements before me why is this embarrassing?"
"I thought you said you had only had vanilla before you signed up" Han laughed at his members expenses easily.
"I had, that was my first time with more than one other person" you admitted sheepishly.
"So you signed up, met with Chan and then fell into a threesome?" Han's eyes widened comically.
"No comment" you sighed as your phone rang again and you turned to leave the room again.
"We are getting lunch though right?" Changbin asked as you shut the door nodding at him. By the time you got off the call Felix was bouncing on his toes next to the door waiting for you to finish up.
"Did you want to come grab the food with me?" he grinned "it has just arrived at the desk".
"Of course Felix" you grinned following him to the lifts to help carry what you knew was going to be a monstrous amount of food, the kids could really east when they were allowed to. so you were unsurprised that there were two large boxes and a couple of bags waiting for collection.
"Did you want me to take the boxes and you grab the bags?" He asked sweetly.
"How about a box each and we can share the bags?" you smiled again, being with Felix made it very easy to spend the whole time smiling he was, as the others always said, real life sunshine. He spent most of his time trying to make his members lives easier and they adored him in return. "What on earth did you guys order anyway?"
"Chan Hyung has got some pho, there is a heap of meat and rice, I got some chicken, um I think we have kimchi friend rice and I forgot what Seungminnie and Innie got" he explained making sure you got into the lift safely.
"It might have been easier to tell me what you guys didn't order" you chuckled as he continued to make sure you didn't trip as you walked and opened the studio door for you.
"Yessss" Changbin cheered as you followed Felix into the studio arms laden with food.
"Here let me" Chan insisted taking the box from your arms and placing it on the floor for you while you untangled the bags hanging from your arms.
"Sit with me?" Han whined softly looking at you cutely.
"How could I resist that face" you cooed taking a seat on the floor beside him only for Felix to fling himself to your other side squeezing in between you and Hyunjin making the older one pout. "Now, now children if you can't play nice I will go back to my desk" you faux scolded raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah sharing is caring" Seungmin smirked cheekily making you get flustered all over again.
"You're so cute when your flustered kitten" Minho cooed from across the floor from you.
"She's so cute full stop" Hyunjin grinned "Especially when she makes that faces she makes when she...."
"Hyunjin stop" you mumbled feeling your skin heating up further as you looked at your lap making them all stop and look at you worried.
"I'm sorry princess" Hyunjin apologized immediately looking at you with puppy eyes "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I would never want that" he reached behind Felix to stroke your arm and when you allowed it take you hand and kiss your knuckles.
"It's alright Hyunjin, forget it" you smiled slightly as the others continued to quietly watch you "I am just not used to all the attention".
"Aww don't be sad" Felix soothed wrapping this arms around you and leaning his head on your shoulder "You can't be sad when there is a present for you".
"Why is there a present? Felix what have you done?" you narrowed your eyes at the fluffy hair on your shoulder.
"It wasn't just me, its Han too" Felix beamed his eyes creasing into cute little half moons.
"Yeah, this is for you" Han smiled softly sliding a white gift bag towards you.
"It this explodes when I open it I will scream you know that right?" you giggled poking the bag with one finger not sure what to expect.
"It's not a bomb!" Han whined comically placing it into your lap as Felix unwound his arms from your frame.
"Hmm" you hummed untying the ribbons at the top of the bag and peering in you saw a cloth bag that was obviously keeping the gift safe pulling it out you saw the distinctive logo printed on the soft fabric "What have you two done?" you gasped as your eyes went wide.
"I saw you talking to Yeji last week and I overheard you talking about how much you liked it..." Felix trailed off.
"So you bought me a designer bag???" you yelped as your fingers grazed the soft leather back inside.
"Well yeah you should have all the nicest stuff, I mean you work so hard for us so why not?" Han shrugged as you pulled it out to trace your fingers along the metal logo on the front.
"You really shouldn't have boys, really this is far too much" you blinked as tears sprung to your eyes over how touched you were by the sweet, albeit over the top, gesture.
"Aww so cute" they all cooed at you as you looked up at the ceiling to stop the tears properly forming.
"I did tell you that you were likely to be spoiled by us" Chan grinned looking thrilled with how happy you looked. You shook you head still shocked at the whole thing. You leaned over to Han and pulling him into a soft kiss before letting him go and repeating the gesture with Felix both boys glowing pink after you let them go.
"If that is the reaction we get after you like something you're going to get presents every day" Jeongin grinned already planning to buy you everything you had ever had your heart set on.
Your phone rang again before you could respond to the threat of ridiculous spending and you stood back up to take the calls while the boys continued to eat. You could see it was the legal department so once again you ventured out into the hallway so that you could have both privacy and also protect them from any bad news should there be any, taking in the information you were given you agreed to go with one of the lawyers to the police station to go over the evidence that had been gathered. Hurrying back into the studio you collected all of your things quickly packing your work bag and taking the gift bag Felix held out in his fingers before pecking his cheek and rushing to your meeting.
Hours later you got a text from Chan asking you to meet back at the company figuring it was going to be for other activities you dropped in at your apartment to change and freshen yourself up and change into something more attractive. You assumed it would be Chan you were meeting or maybe him and Changbin but you weren't expecting you walk into Chan's studio to find Han and Felix spinning slowly on office chairs while scrolling through their phones.
"Evening" you smiled walking in casually and plopping yourself down on the couch.
"Hi" Han squeaked seeming shyer than his usual self
"Hello" Felix added already blushing faintly, they had obviously asked Chan to invite you to the studio but you had a feeling it was slightly different to normal for them.
"What can I do for you both?" you whispered as seductively as you could without giggling. Han got to his feet quickly pulling you up and connecting his lips to yours in a hurried but still soft kiss, holding you to him by your waist and Felix slowly made his way behind you his hands stroking your hips as he moved your hair to kiss the side of your neck.
"Can we just see where this goes?" Han breathed against your lips making you smile against his lips and nod. You remembered that Felix didn't probably want to have sex but that didn't mean you couldn't give him some form of pleasure whether it be from your mouth, your hands or your performance as you let Han do whatever he wanted to with your body. Both their hands wandered around your body and under your clothes, Felix undid your pants for Han and dragged them down your legs until they were bunched at your ankles.
"Do you always wear such pretty things or was this for us?" Felix panted into your ear you could feel from the way he was pressed against your back he was already getting hard.
"For you, Felix only for you" you whimpered as Han began massaging and kneading your breasts under your shirt.
"Better get this off huh?" Han whispered pulling the fabric of your shirt up your stomach and Felix wrapped his arms around you again cupping your heat and making you gasp.
"Such a pretty girl for us" Han cooed taking in your lacy lilac lingerie.
"So perfect and pretty" Felix echoed dragging the pads of his fingers but up your body and making you shiver.
"Do you want to go first Lix?" Han asked over your shoulder meeting Felix's eyes.
"Sure Hannie" Felix whispered deeply spinning you in his arms so he could take his time kissing you. Felix kissed you exactly as you expected staring out sweet and tentative and quickly becoming sensual as you responded to him, whining as you allowed his tongue to enter your mouth to dance with yours his hands squeezing your hips and holding you as close to him as he could.
"So fucking hot pretty girl" Han murmured as you heard him step back from you and sit back down on one of the chairs. Felix maneuvered you back so your legs bumped the soft pads of the couch.
"Please sit jagi" Felix whispered against your lips before gently guiding you to sit falling to his knees between your open legs "Can I taste you? Please" he looked up at you with big doe eyes.
"Yes Felix, please" you whimpered lifting your hips as he dragged you forward and slipped your underwear down your legs before throwing them to Han who pressed them to his face breathing deeply. Felix grinned as he kissed his way from your knee all the way to the top of your thigh enjoying how you twitched under his lips. You groaned as he slid two fingers through your already wet slit collecting your essence and bringing it to his lips to taste you.
"She taste good man?" Han grunted freeing himself from his shorts to lazily tug on his own cock.
"So fucking sweet, Hannie" Felix groaned repeating the way he slipped his fingers through your folds but instead offering them to Han who took them into his mouth instantly groaning around the other mans digits.
"Fuck" you whispered entranced by the scene before you until Felix turned back to you and instead dragged his tongue through your wet lips making your head drop against the back of the chair "Felix" you moaned grabbing his hair and carding it through your fingers.
Felix licked and slurped teasingly as he went from circling your clit with the tip of his tongue to delving it inside you and stroking your walls gently with it, the whole time moaning and whimpering into you.
"Fuck Felix, Fuck" you mewled trying not to grind his face into you as you rapidly chased your impending orgasm.
"Fuck his face pretty girl, show him how much you like it" Han smirked still slowly stroking himself as he waited for his turn.
"Oh god, Felix" you cried as you let yourself go coming hard against his lips, he slowed his pace as you rode out the aftershocks eventually pulling away from you and wiping his face on the back of his hand.
"So perfect jagi" he mumbled against your lips as he gave you one last lingering kiss, while Han moved himself from the chair to the spot beside you on the couch.
"Felix is good with his mouth isn't he pretty girl?" He teased softly moving you gently to help you straddle his hips "Think you will be able to ride me?" he chuckled taking in your fucked out expression.
"Sure Hannie" you purred as he lined himself up with your entrance and waited for you to sink down his length.
"So tight pretty girl" he muttered into the skin of your neck as you lazily rocked your hips against his enjoying the stretch of your walls around his cock. "Can you take a little more?" he groaned holding your hips and thrusting up into you slightly making you gasp.
You laid your palms on his clothed chest giving yourself more leverage and began moving your hips faster making him tighten is grip on your hips and start thrusting up into you harder and faster as you clenched around him.
"Fuck pretty, I won't last long if you keep squeezing me" he ground out making you lean in to kiss him again, your tongues tangled together and you both increased your speed, the sound of his hips slapping up into you making Felix groan from the other chair.
"Han please" you mewled as he his thrusts began to lose rhythm as he got closer to his release.
"Want to cum on you, can I?" he moaned loudly and you nodded frantically making him pull out of you suddenly and flip you onto your back before he began jerking himself off over you. Felix quickly joined Han looming over you cock in hand as they reached their peaks almost together Han first thick ropes of cum spraying over your cunt with Felix following just after covering your stomach in his seed. Panting slightly Felix quickly left the room after tucking himself back into his sweats and Han leaned down to kiss you again.
"You are amazing pretty girl" He mumbled against you lips between soft gentle kisses.
"You really are jagi" Felix smiled appearing at your side with a damp cloth and a bottle of water "Do you want me to help you clean up?"
"Thank you Felix" you sighed watching him as he slowly and gently wiped you clean as Han collected the clothes that had been discarded.
"Here pretty girl lets get you dressed" Han grinned helping you to your feet.
"Please tell me you aren't going to buy me something each time you want to spend time with me" You giggled watching them both take turns to help you put something on or give you a sip of water.
"Maybe not every time" Felix smirked before his face broke into breathtaking grin.
A/N: As always I adore all of you who spend your precious time reading something I wrote, any comments, reblogs or like are appreciated xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @symptoms-of-moonlight, @septicrebel, @ayoitschannie, @krishatumblernow, @tangerminie, @elizalabs3, @armystay89, @septemberkisses, @stay-bi,
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darlingillustrations · 4 months
I feel like I should be panicking more. My rent is due in one week, my landlord isn't friendly, and I have no one to ask for help. And yet? I have an eerie sense of calm about it.
I know the calm that happens when you are not actually calm but panicking and your body is helping you survive. This isn't that kind of fake calm. I am sleeping at night. I'm not snaping at my kids. I am *at peace.*
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(Read more for musings about the economy, my spiritual mindset in the midst of it all, and some Mary Oliver poetry.)
Five years ago? I would be panicking and staying up late working long hours and burning myself out. But now? These days I'm working full days, then stepping back and cooking meals or working on projects for my kids. It feels more stable this time. I feel like I've matured.
I got a report in my email yesterday which showed that retail sales in January plunged 0.8% from December, far worse than the consensus forecast for a decline of just 0.2%, and the largest monthly loss since March 2023. On the one hand, it made me feel better that it's not just me. On the other hand, it sucks that lots of other people are struggling, as well.
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Still, I make the time to meditate every morning. Still, I pull out my poetry books and take my life advice from Mary Oliver. In the poem One or Two Things she wrote:
One or two things are all you need to travel over the blue pond, over the deep roughage of trees and through the stiff flowers of lightning--some deep memory of pleasure, some cutting knowledge of pain.
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You don't need to have all the answers. You just need to put one step in front of the other.
Last year when I launched my wholesale business, I drummed up over 1000 leads. I'd pick a city and use google maps or yelp to search for gift shops, stationary stores, coffee shops... anywhere that I thought might want my work... and I took the time to write a personal note to each and every one of these businesses. This month I decided to check back in with them again, and so many of the businesses are now closed or their email addresses no longer work.
Having exhausted these leads, I sat at my computer yesterday with the knowledge that I needed to wait on people to get back to me, that the wholesale leads were out of my hands. And that I still did not have money to pay my landlord. Not once did I fear I would join the list of closed businesses. I did not despair.
Instead, I turned to my first joy. I went back to the sales history on my website and found my very first customers from back in 2016 when I launched my web shop. I emailed them, each of those first customers, sending personal emails. I did not ask them to buy anything. That wasn't what I needed. I asked how they were, what they have been up to, where their lives have taken them.
I was searching for that deep memory of pleasure, that cutting knowledge of pain. One or two things is all we need, after all.
And I got one email back.
This woman was the first person to ever buy an art print in my online shop--a honeybee boy painting--and it is still hanging in her stepson's room, nearly 8 years later. She shared pictures of her new baby, and I shared the pictures with my kids. This woman had sent me many emails over the years, asking for life advice or encouraging me on a hard day. She shared that she didn't realize her emails had made such an impact on me.
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Funny how none of us truly sees how impactful we are to those around us. Funny how life keeps going on, whether we worry about it or not.
In One or Two Things, Mary Oliver also wrote:
For years and years I struggled just to love my life. And then the butterfly rose, weightless, in the wind. "Don't love your life too much," it said, and vanished into the world.
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I want my character to be defined not by what I do when things are easy but by how I carry myself when things are hard. And I do believe things happen for a reason. Maybe the line between delusion and faith is very thin, but the universe has shown me time and again that it's had my back. I've been in worse scrapes and still came out ok.
If you've read this far and you want to help me get through the next week, you can buy something from my shop or support me on Patreon.
And if you've read this far but you are in a similar boat, don't fret. We will find our way through the fires. one. step. at. a. time.
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hutchersonsgurl · 27 days
We're just friends - Clapton Davis Part 1
Paring x fem reader and Clapton Davis
Warnings:, pre-established relationship, SMUT. characters are 18+ and MINORS DNI. This contains depictions of fingering, oral (m receiving). (No use YN)
Summary: You and Clapton have been dating secretly because you were the school nerd, and Clapton didn't want to ruin his "cool" status. But you have had enough of being a secret girlfriend so you changed your image.
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Noah's POV:
It was a bright and sunny morning, and the birds chirped happily outside my window I smashed the pillow into my head not wanting to get up not wanting to deal with school today who wants to spend their 18th birthday in school all day? not me but I have to look at my phone and see that I got a text message from the school's mean girl Brooke it said "Check your email you'll want to see this I put down my phone I walk over to my desk and click on the link on the email thinking it was some dumb video she sends everyone making out with her boyfriend but no this was way worse as I press the video I see Clapton and Brooke sitting together at the party last night in the video Brooke " since your little girlfriend isn't here tonight how about we send her a video" she says with an evil smile "wait what? Noah and aren't dating but we all know she has a huge crush on me but I'd never date a loser like her, I mean come on I'm Clapton and she's the biggest nerd in our school" He says
I feel tears well up in my eyes as I realize the boy who I've been dating in secret for over a year now who told me we'd go public tonight doesn't give a damn about me he cares about his popularity more than me.
I pick up my phone and start to call Jade the phone starts ringing and I hear a pickup
"Hey what's up?" she asks
I couldn't help it I just started crying
"wait hold up did Clapton's dumbass do something? I swear to god if he did I'll beat some ass" she says
"he called me a loser in front of everyone..." I say in between sobs
I explained everything that has happened up to now to Jade and she's pissed off
"Okay so don't bother getting ready for school," Jade says
"why?" I asked
"because it's time for a makeover bitch meet at the mall in 20," she says and hangs up
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20 mins later
I met Jade at the salon and it feels like hours at this point but after 2 hours I turn around to see myself in the mirror my hair is straight and dark Black and My makeup is smoky black eyes and nude lipstick
" Holy shit I can't even recognize myself, " I say in shock
" Nah I still only see you your outer bitch is on the outside," now come on I'll pay since it's your birthday girl, and let's go tonight cute dress for tonight," Jade says paying and then dragging me to the clothing store we go into a chic boutique that always had stylish and unique pieces I try on a few dresses and really don't like them until Jade comes in with the most beautiful black dress on I try it on and I love the way it hugs my curves and I spin around in it and take a few pictures in this dress after I take a few pics I get a bunch of text messages from Clapton
Clapton: babe where r u?
Clapton: u missed the first period is everything okay?
Clapton: fuck I heard you saw the video I didn't mean any of it u know I love u please talk to me
Clapton: Baby please answer me
Clapton: I'll see you at your party tonight and we'll talk then
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I exit out of the text messages and put my phone in my purse and get dressed Jade and I walk up to buy the dress and we walk out of the store
"you know Clapton is going to eat his heart out tonight and speaking of eating let's go get something to eat," Jade says as she drags me to the ice cream shop
we walk up to the counter and we see a really cute guy at the counter
"hey, what can I get you guys today?' Gabriel asks
" I'll have a hot fudge sundae and she'll have an Oreo frosty" I answered
"Hey, I know you your the new kid Gabriel what are you doing here shouldn't you be at school?" Jade questions
"I could ask you two the same thing" he responds with a chuckle
I notice that he's tall and tan and has beautiful black curls in his hair
"Are you doing anything tonight? because if not it's my birthday today and you should come tonight" I asked
" uh yeah sure cool I'll be there see you soon" Gabriel answers
we pay and we leave heading back to my house
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as we got to my house I could see my mom putting up decorations for the party
"Hi, honey how was school today?" Mom asked
"oh actually didn't go...." I answer waiting for a yelling
" you are so lucky today is your birthday young lady we will continue this talk tomorrow" Mom replies
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part 2 coming sooon
Not edited will fix soon
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