#and that’s like maybe a third of the characters from morningstar
dee-does-arts · 4 months
I guess since I have a lot of characters I’ll talk about a few of them, but I’m always willing to talk about more of them.
The protagonist of my story and her main friend group consist of five characters, so there’s Cia, Kio, Tristen, Avery, and Solstice.
They’ve all known each other for a long time (Cia and Kio especially they’ve been friends since they were like 5, and Kio would literally know Avery his whole life because that’s his twin sister.) There’s actually a couple romantic relationships within the group. Kio and Solstice are partners, and Avery and Tristen are partners.
I like to think they gather together for video game sessions where they try to get the others into their favorite games (or at the very least the plot of the story). Solstice probably introduces the others to Bugsnax, and Tristen definitely introduces Undertale.
They all have some other hobbies as well. Cia really likes art and writing. She probably writes fanfiction in particular. Kio’s very into music, and he really likes to play guitar. Tristen just in general likes anything that involves tech. Avery is really good at swordfighting, and Solstice really loves plants. She has a garden that she tends to, and she also likes to make crafts and things like that.
So that was a little ramble about some of my characters! I really need to draw these five all together more.
Thank you for the oppertunity to talk about my silly guys :D
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weebsinstash · 7 months
Hello! I don’t know if you do this but I was wondering what your thoughts were for a Yandere Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel? I’m having trouble writing a good representation of him and would like some advice.
Honestly I'm gonna humble myself and say that it took reading someone else's post to make me like, REALLY notice the nuances of Lucifer's character
This post right here literally made me rewatch his scenes and go "oh wow he IS like DANGEROUSLY DEPRESSED"
He doesn't remember Charlie told him where she is, or what she's doing, and he can barely follow a conversation despite clearly trying to pay attention. He also just seems kind of scattered, and um, HE LITERALLY MAKES A JOKE ABOUT DYING FROM FALLING OFF THE HOTEL BALCONY like dude is making jokes about death in front of his fucking daughter, like my dudes, I think this guy is BARELY holding himself together
He clearly loves loves LOVES Charlie but he doesn't really know how to properly articulate himself and I have a feeling there's a lot he's concealing from her, and another big question is, is his depression from being cast out of Heaven, or from something to do with his missing wife, or a combination of both? Either way this man is clearly dealing with like, really bad issues. And Charlie also mentioned he wasn't around a whole lot when she was younger, so... did he have depression back then too?
So, that all said, I feel like a yandere Lucifer would almost be, potentially invigorated by his darling? Given a new lease on life? He may not be 100% his old self again but, you get him to like, 65, maybe 70% on a good day. You give him another reason to get out of bed in the morning, or afternoon, or evening or, whenever he can drag his depressed ass out of bed
Given what we currently know, I feel like a romantic yandere Lucifer would pretend to only be platonic and do his best to poorly conceal his feelings because of his whole... "can't ask his missing wife if it's ok for you to be their third" ordeal, the man still wears his wedding ring, and a platonic yandere Lucifer basically adopts you like another kid, because uh, I mean for one he apparently canonically missed a lot of Charlie's childhood, and he's also an ancient fallen angel, so he's got that age advantage on you no matter how old you are. I mean what are a few decades when he's literally thousands upon thousands upon thousands--you get the idea
Yandere Lucifer would want to stay close to you, helping watch over you, maaaaaybe being overly paranoid about you randomly disappearing and going missing For Very Obvious Reasons, and in the process he winds up being unintentionally overbearing. I mean, he did it in irritation, but he basically showed up at Charlie's hotel immediately saying it was a dump and all of HER FRIENDS were 'a bunch of losers'. He never completely pulls his punches when there's something he's displeased with, even if it has something to do with someone he loves, so his darling would get much of the same treatment. "Ohhhhh, you uh, you wanted to move across the city? That's, um, definitely a fun idea! BuuuuuUuuut, what IF, instead of doing that--", like, he tries to playfully tug you in 'the right direction' until you make him put his foot down
Hmmm... what would him losing his cool look like... well, we've already seen that he doesn't mind throwing hands and WILL KILL, but will stop if he's asked to or there's a good reason. With you, though, you're not typically going to be there to stop him from offing any rivals or bad influences, so I imagine he'd be kinda casual about it, actually! He already thinks pretty lowly of Sinners, so say he finds out you've been ditching him and Charlie to go out drinking with strangers, making new friends, maybe having a few one night stands? Yeah, some of those people definitely aren't calling you back, and Lucifer doesn't really see a problem with it. These people are kind of the worst and really don't deserve you, anyways! If anything he's helping clean up Hell for you and his daughter and keeping you safe :)
Losing his cool with YOU... I think would involve him using his powers to finally confine you, maybe even going demon mode to intimidate you into submission in a very dad-esque "now you listen HERE" kind of way. We don't really know the scope and scale of his powers but I can picture him at least being, obviously much stronger than he looks, and transforming to fly you "back home" where he puts you in your room where no one can reach you without his explicit permission (and you also can't leave~)
One second you're just drunk and jokingly defying him, teasing him, maybe even picking him up and swinging him around because you're bigger than him, to you he's just a silly little guy! Meanwhile this Grown Ass Man Who Is Also The Actual Devil is getting more than just a little frustrated you basically view him as a wacky little cartoon more than a grown man, one who has had sex and has had two wives and sired a child. You're just teasing him and stumbling around drunk when he's trying to get you to your hotel room to get to bed to sleep, like you're clearly not taking him seriously, maybe even playfully putting your hands on him (TOTALLY not riling him up in 'fun' ways) and he finally just huffs and snaps his fingers and, you're suddenly magic'd to bed! You're laying there blinking confused and he's tucking you in and chuckling that "you're such a handful!" before leaving you to sleep and somehow INSTANTLY knowing when you're up.
You ARE in his house, after all...
Not to be gross but uh..... I'm not saying "yandere Lucifer who has the power to still get a Sinner pregnant if he wanted to and you wind up fooling around with him and you're waking up with his little apple symbol on your lower tummy as one of those like hentai womb tattoos to show you're pregnant" but uhhhhhhhhhhyeah that's what I'm saying, and whether it was accidentally or intentionally, he's keeping it, and thus, keeping YOU
I just feel like he'd be very goofy and awkward and bad at hiding his feelings and being very clearly overprotective and jealous in ways everyone else but you manages to pick up on (god Alastor would have some MATERIAL) and, in a romantic/sexual setting he eventually just loses his patience with you not seeing him as a man and just gets... progressively more forward. You pop back into the Hotel after a night out and Lucifer's already hammered at the bar with Husk, stumbling up to you, hanging off of you, slurring and embarrassing himself, "You'reeeee SO pretty... like SO pretty.... do you wanna have *BELCH* you wanna fuck? Cause I LOVE to fuck, like when I FUCKED my wife to make my DAUGHTER, my wife and daughter that I have, 'cuz im a DAD, 'cuz I'm a MAN!" and you're just giggling and ruffling his hair, "You're so weird, dude ^^" and walking away while Lucifer internally screams, wondering just how DIRECT with you he's going to have to be
meanwhile Charlie is totally cool with all of this and sees this as a weird double whammy of Curing Dad's Depression + new family member and friend hurray! and she's totally actively either shipping you with her dad or aiding and abetting him in his weird attempts to absorb you into the Morningstar family
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murkycran · 5 months
Misc. Vox Fic Rec List
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Welcome to my Miscellaneous Vox Fic Rec List!
Soooo after a lot of consideration, I decided to make a third rec list. This one will be for miscellaneous fics, which can mean anything from smaller Vox pairings to fics that are not strictly Radiostatic or VoxVal. You'll see what I mean.
I will keep updating this periodically as I read more fics, too, so feel free to check back every once and a while! I'll reblog it when I update it, plus make a note with the date at the top. Trust me, this is by no means a complete list; there's fics I still want to add to this that I just haven't gotten to yet. I just decided to go ahead and post it anyways, because if I kept waiting until I ran out of fics to rec I'd probably be working on this forever.
These are not in any particular order; I'm going by both my Bookmarks list on AO3 and my memory of fics I forgot to bookmark. I also tried to make notes on what fics were written before season 1 released, but I might have missed some, so keep that in mind.
Please let me know if any links don't work or are wrong!
✨Before you proceed:✨ read the tags on these fics if you decide to read them. Many of them have heavy material - no surprise given the fandom, but still, felt like this needed said. On that note, there's also fics with explicit material and some fics are straight up PWP. Again, read at your own risk/heed the tags.
Fic Rec List Masterpost
Radiostatic Fic Rec List
Staticmoth Fic Rec List
Alastor Makes a Porno by Charnel_Goat, spappest
Summary: Alastor interrupts Val and Vox's personal time to get his rut over and done with, and they're just going to have to deal with that.
Basically, Alastor and Val try to have a threesome, but they keep arguing, everyone's injuring each other trying to figure out the logistics, and nobody cares what Vox has to say about any of this.
Notes: This has Staticmoth, Radiostatic, and Valastor. It's not strictly leaning more towards any pairing (tho Val does make a pretty sweet comment at the very beginning about Vox lol), which is why it's going on the Misc List. Porn with an edge of hilarity that - despite the tags - made it pretty funny. Three terrible people being terrible to each other. Vox suffers. Heed the tags.
He's Visual, Alright! by dead_boy
Summary: For Valentines Day, Charlotte Morningstar— Lucifer’s brat— had announced the hotel would be hosting a sweetheart poll, allowing winners to vote for the biggest ‘sweethearts’ in Pentagram City! How adorable!
— Of course, when Angel gets involved, things get a little twisted, and hell treats it as a most-fuckable-celebs poll.
Vox isn’t the only one surprised by how high he scored, and how concerning the amount of votes he received was.
But there was no way in hell this “demand” was enough to make him give into Valentino and Velvet’s newest fixation: Making use of this fame and making Vox do some modelling!
Surely he won’t mind the lingerie and toys provided by Velvet and Valentino respectively, right?
edit march 2024: i can’t believe he just won the hottest hazbin character poll. literally manifested
Notes: Poly Vees. Funny af. Vox suffers, but in a good way. Written BEFORE the hottest HH character poll, can you believe that? Lmao.
stray by vol_ctrl
Summary: How Vox met Vark. ♥
Notes: No ship. Written before season 1 release.
After the Credits Roll by leftofrevolution
Summary: Everyone knew the Magnes sometimes liked to spice up their sex life by dragging another demon into the middle of it.
Vox maybe should have paid more attention to that particular tidbit of information than he did.
Notes: Lilith/Lucifer/Vox. Chapter 1 written before season 1 release, with Chapter 2 being released after season 1 release. I read for the crackship, ended up liking the Lilith/Lucifer/Vox dynamic and world-building a LOT. Lol. Poor Vox. Or good for him? Still has yet to be seen.
The Shopping Cart Test by spappest
Summary: Angel never expected Prince Charming to have a TV for a head, but when Vox kills Valentino and saves him from his abuse, well… Maybe Hell doesn’t have to be all that bad. With Val out of the way, everyone can have a happy ending. Angel’s safe, Charlie’s happy, and even Alastor finds love.
Oh, wait. This is Hell. It’s always that bad.
Notes: Angel/Vox. Started before season 1 release. First Staticdust fic I read. :)
Hold Me Up by Sameko
Summary: Vox has been in and out of a relationship with Valentino for years. Always breaking up. Always coming back.
Then one night comes the definitive crack at the expense of one of Valentino's employees, to which Vox never paid much attention other than for shits and giggles.
One night, one word too many, might be enough to shift the perspectives of two people once strangers to each other.
Notes: Staticdust. Pretty bleak and dark at times, but so, SO good. Two broken people trying not to cut each other with their edges while also trying to help each other.
Cruel Melody by Hiding_Behind_a_Pencil_and_Pen
Summary: A man hopelessly in love with a monster, despite how much it hurts.
A person chained to a beast he can never escape, no matter how hard he tries.
Vox and Angel Dust have given their body and heart to Valentino, and neither know how to free themselves from his lies.
But maybe, even if it never gets better, they won't have to suffer alone.
What if Husk was just a little too late to get to the bar in episode four? And a certain media Overlord helped Angel instead. They find out that they're not so different after all.
Notes: As of now, I think this is Queerplatonic Staticdust.
Revelations in Technicolor by Awesome_Possum
Summary: Velvette had been dead for six years, part of The Vees for four, and fucking Vox for a little over two. They had a good thing going.
On one of their bi-weekly Vox-mandated movie nights, Valentino put a plan into motion and Velvette learned something new and surprising about her business partner and part-time sugar daddy that made a shocking amount of sense.
It ultimately ended up bringing The Vees closer and if Valentino claimed that was his intention all along, no one had any reason to believe him.
Notes: The Vees are a V and Vox is the hinge, so he's in a relationship with both Valentino and Velvette. Interesting headcanons for Vox's human life. :) (What is the ship name for Velvette/Vox again?)
System Shutdown by Swoolie
Summary: Taking a leaf from Alastor's book, Vox goes on a small break from everything.
He doesn't stick around long enough to see the chaos that ensues after his sudden disappearance.
Notes: This is tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. It's too early in the story to tell definitively which direction it's going to end up, so for now it's going to be on the Misc list. I'll probably move it when it becomes more clear what the main pairing will be.
Dapple Rose by The_Penny_Tails
Summary: Everyone always assumes the same thing about Alastor and Vox's relationship: That it's one-sided, that it's based on fixation, and that the reason for their falling out was due to the obsession turning into something that couldn't be controlled.
All of those assumptions are correct. The only problem is, everyone gets the 'who is obsessing over whom' part of the equation wrong.
When Vox and Valentino end up stuck at the hotel, suddenly the entire relationship between the radio and television is put on display, casting it and Alastor in an entirely different light.
Notes: Tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. Due to both this and the entire story itself (you'll see what I mean when you read it), it's going here on the Misc List. I freaking love this story, because so far I've not seen another fic where Alastor was obsessed with Vox while Vox was not obsessed with him in return. :3 Everything Penny_Tails writes is gold!
Here I Come by Heliosolar
Summary: Vox contemplates his lackluster life as he stands over the edge of the city.
Or, the fall of Vox, both mentally and physically.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. No ships, just Vox. Heed the tags.
Entertainment for Two by Heliosolar
Summary: With the radio demon joining them for the night, Vox puts on a show the two overlords will never forget.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Staticmoth and Radiostatic, at the same time. 😳
Proposition by Snorp_Lord
Summary: Alastor does not, strictly speaking, have a 'relationship' with the King of Hell. But they certainly have a something.
A something which does not include Vox. But Alastor is at least willing to indulge Lucifer in whatever this new idea is.
The new idea is Vox.
Notes: Contains Radiostatic, Radioapple, and Staticapple, but for this installment, Radiostatic is definitely the focus. Very intense, pretty sweet. 😳 Has 2 more parts in the series which are definitely worth the read, though they don't feature Vox as much.
meteor shower by spoondrifts
Summary: alastor, rosie, vox, and a study in non-traditional love.
Notes: QPR Alastor/Rosie/Vox. Very good! (What's the ship name for this?? Radiostaticrose?? Radiorosestatic?? Roseradiostatic?? Staticradiorose??)
spiraling down thy majesty by spoondrifts
Summary: “Okay, um, time out,” Lucifer said, because he felt like they were maybe losing the plot a little. “I feel like I should remind you that I’m not here because I was like, uh, overwhelmed with lust for you, in particular. I’m here because Husk said you were Alastor’s ex and I have poor impulse control and thought it’d be funny, but I’m realizing now that this is actually just really weird and you, my friend, have some serious issues that I am not equipped to handle.”
Or: Lucifer and Vox have a shared problem that starts with Al and ends in stor and has a in the middle—thankfully, there's a solution! (The solution is sex. It's just sex.)
Notes: Staticapple. Revenge sex. As in...they're both getting revenge on Alastor...using each other. Lol.
(Fic rec list to be continued as I read more)
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dodger-chan · 9 months
Look we all have to write the steddie flirting through DnD scene don't we?
Consider this a Christmas gift if you celebrate and something to do while everything's closed if you don't.
“How touchable are my boobs in this?”
“I think I’m falling in love with Eddie.” Steve replied. He had not meant to say that. He’d been helping Robin pick out clothes for her date with Vickie that night, and the thought had just hit him. Steve tried again. “Your boobs look great. Vickie will definitely want to slip her hands under that shirt.”
“Perfect.” Robin threw herself down on her bed next to Steve. “Let's go back a few seconds. Why do you think you’re falling for Eddie?”
“I stole one of Dustin’s old DnD manuals and I’ve been looking through it to figure out how their nerd game works. I bought my own copy of Sacred Heart. And I'm trying to read The Hobbit for the third time.”
He was forty-eight pages in, the farthest he’d made it yet. He might make it through the whole book this time, now that he’d decided he could skip the songs. 
“Oh, it’s like when you studied for the SATs with Nancy!”
“Even though I’d already taken the exam. Exactly.” Steve sighed. “It’s been going on for weeks. How did I not notice until now?”
“Because you’ve spent most of your life purposefully ignoring it when you liked a guy.” Robin ruffled his hair. “Hey, at least finding him hot isn’t news, right?”
“Yay for small victories, I guess.” Steve fixed the mess Robin had made. “But what do I do about it?”
A part of Steve had wanted to show up in his rattiest t-shirt and jeans, to do his best to blend in with the rest of the club. But it wasn’t like the other guys didn’t know who he was. And Steve wanted to find out if Eddie might like him, not some nerd that looked like him. So Steve wore a polo shirt and his best jeans. The only way he could have looked less like he belonged was if he’d pulled his letterman out from the back of his closet.
“Are you playing with us Harrington?” Eddie asked when Steve sat down at the table.
“Um, is that okay? Bobbie had a thing come up and she asked me to sub in for her.” Robin’s thing had been a second date with Vickie. At his house, so the girls could kiss without worrying about getting caught. Steve needing to spend four hours in the Wheeler basement gave them plenty of alone time, too. “I might need some help with the math, but Robs gave me a character sheet and some basic instructions.”
Eddie and his friends exchanged looks. Steve really hoped they weren’t going to tell him to get lost.
“Steve? You’re playing?” Dustin practically threw himself down the stairs when he saw Steve. “How did we finally convince you? Was it Robin? Where is she?”
“Robin’s busy. I’m her sub. If Munson’s cool with it?”
Faced with Dustin’s pleading eyes, Eddie didn’t stand a chance.
Steve mostly kept quiet at first, observing how Eddie ran the game, what strategies the kids preferred to use. Mostly he let them make the decisions and when they were in combat he hit the biggest enemy with his morningstar until it stopped moving.
It felt kind of familiar, but way less painful.
After a little while, Steve thought he had the hang of it enough to try Robin’s plan.
“Wait a second,” he stopped Mike before they attacked the mysterious cloaked figure. “Isn’t everybody’s health kind of low?”
“We don’t have time to rest and heal, Steve.” Mike was being weirdly patient with him. “The enemy has already seen us.”
“Yeah, but I could try charming him instead of fighting. Robin said her character was supposed to be charming.” She’d had this long explanation about charisma that Steve hadn’t followed but she’d summed it up as flirt with the NPCs. “If I flirt with him, maybe he’ll let us by without a fight.”
“He’s a guy, Steve,” Dustin pointed out. “Robin’s character is also a guy.”
“Gay people exist.” One of the older Hellfire members, Steve thought his name was Gareth, spoke up. He hadn’t expected any of Eddie’s friends to help him out with this. The three of them had their eyes on Eddie.
Eddie wasn’t saying anything.
“He’s seduced at least one girl in every town we’ve passed through,” Lucas explained. “Usually two or three.”
“It’s kind of a running joke,” Will added.
“He could like both.” Steve said it with a casualness he did not feel. “Some people do.”
“Buckley’s not going to be upset you made her character a little gay?” Eddie asked him.
“Nah, she won’t mind.”
“Then roll for seduction.”
Right as he rolled, another of Eddie’s friends - Steve had missed his name during introductions - bumped into the table. The dice fell onto the floor and one rolled under the sofa.
This was apparently a catastrophe.
“We won’t be able to get the die without moving it! We’ll never know what you rolled!” Dustin whined.
“Couldn’t I just roll it again?” This was, for some reason, the worst question he could have asked, as it sparked a lecture on the sacred and inviolable nature of the dice rolls.
“Have him role play it,” Jeff suggested. Eddie shot his friend a dirty look.
Steve briefly wondered if Robin had been talking with the older members of Hellfire, but that didn’t seem likely. They wouldn’t have any reason to help him out. 
“I don’t mind.”
“If that’s what you want.” Eddie shrugged. “Show us you can be as charming as your character.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m exactly as charming as Sir Dingus des Cheveux.” Steve wasn’t sure if he should be flattered or disturbed by how much Robin’s character was based on him. Though it certainly made playing him easier. “Tell me what I see.”
“I already did. Cloaked figure, no obvious weapon.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’d notice if I was looking for a fight. Can I see his hair? His face? His eyes?”
“Um, his hood is up, so no.” Right. Eddie was going to make this difficult.
“Okay so I step forward and I stand, uh, shit. It’s hard to describe.” Steve could be just as difficult. “Can we act it out?”
“Act it out?”
“I mean the NPCs are all you, right? So if you could stand in for this guy?” A lot of flirting was physical and, for Steve, automatic. He didn’t know exactly what he was doing until he was doing it. 
“Do it, Eddie.”
“I’ve always wanted to see The Hair at work.”
Eddie’s friends egged him on. Lucas nodded along with them. Dustin had grabbed a blank sheet of paper and seemed prepared to take notes. Will seemed somewhere between uncomfortable and fascinated. Only Mike looked unhappy about it, but that was just how Mike was. 
Date a guy’s sister for a year and not even saving his life could make him smile at you.
Eddie rose from his seat.
“Okay, Harrington. Charm me.”
Steve stepped forward, until he was almost close enough to touch Eddie.
“Hi,” he said, tilting his head to one side. He smiled a slightly goofy smile that he knew invited teasing. “What’s a nice boy like you doing in a dungeon like this?”
Eddie burst out laughing.
“Seriously? That’s what you’re starting with?”
“Is that you or the character laughing?” Steve asked.
“You have a beautiful laugh.” Steve spoke in character. Eddie stopped laughing, surprised. “I bet your face is just as lovely.”
“He pushes his hood back to reveal the face of a drow. The face is not lovely, but scarred. One particularly nasty scar on his right cheek creates the illusion of a smile. He says, You lose.”
“I don't know about that.” Steve stepped a little closer and lifted his hand. “May I?”
Eddie nodded.
Steve pushed Eddie's hair away from his face, lightly brushing Eddie's scars. Taking care that the back of his thumb caressed the most prominent one, the one that tugged down the corner of Eddie's lip and gave his smile a permanent look of irony.
“You have the most expressive eyes I've ever seen,” Steve murmured. Eddie pulled back.
Shit. That wasn't in character. Steve tried again.
“I think I won, but I wouldn’t want to contradict anyone with such enchanting eyes.” He dropped the smile but kept the teasing tone. “What do I lose?”
“Your life,” Eddie replied, but his heart clearly wasn't in it.
“You don't want to kill me.” Steve’s smile widened. He'd won this round as soon as Eddie had laughed. “If you’re having trouble thinking up a forfeit, can I suggest a kiss?”
“Okay, okay,” Eddie said with another laugh. “You have successfully seduced the drow. He does not attack your party, or summon reinforcements. Your one night stand allows for a long rest. Because the drow is a cleric of Loviatar, you only recover half your health.”
“Worth it.” He winked at Eddie before sitting back down at the table. “Sir Dingus had an excellent time. Is there a fantasy version of asking for a guy’s number? In case I have to sub in for Rob again?”
He didn’t want to saddle Robin’s character with a boyfriend when Robin had been using him to flirt with girls, but he didn’t want to leave Eddie with the impression that Steve moved on from people as quickly as Sir Dingus did.
“The life of an adventurer is hardly conducive to long term relationships.” That did not answer Steve’s question. “But, he tells you his name is Ghauntel Kenduis and should he see you again, he will remember yours.”
Dungeons and Dragons was not the worst way to spend an afternoon. The combat was kind of boring, and the bickering over what the party was going to do next made Steve sympathize with the guys who’d stuffed nerds into lockers. 
Okay, DnD was not his thing at all and the only thing he really enjoyed about it was getting to flirt with Eddie.
Steve slid his hand over the scars on Eddie's neck. Slowly, carefully, he brought their lips together for a kiss.
Well, Eddie’s characters, which wasn’t exactly the same thing. And after that first time, he hadn’t had to do nearly as much roleplaying. But it was still fun.
“You kept breaking character,” Eddie commented when the game was finished for the day. 
“What do you mean?” The kids had, unsurprisingly, vanished upstairs as soon as it was time to clean up. A little more surprising was that the rest of Hellfire had also cleared out, leaving Steve and Eddie alone.
“When you would flirt. You kept losing the characters. You’ve never played before, so flirting with me instead of my NPCs would be an easy mistake to make. Or…” Eddie trailed off. “Nah, you’re just bad at the game.”
“I mean, I am. And breaking character wasn’t something I tried to do on purpose.” Steve stepped close to Eddie again. Close enough to reach out and touch him. “But I kept doing it because I wanted to flirt with you.”
“Why?” Eddie asked. “I'm a freak and kind of an asshole a lot of the time. And I’m not exactly a pretty face these days.”
“Well, it turns out that weird and passionate nerds are kinda my type.” And Steve was sick of dating girls who weren't his type. “May I?”
Wordlessly, Eddie nodded.
Again, Steve pushed Eddie's hair back, tucking it behind his ear. Eddie leaned into Steve's touch.
“You really do have the most expressive eyes. I wish you didn't feel like you have to hide them.” 
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circeyoru · 6 months
Dude, this question just came to me after I finished reading the latent charter of Overlord Colector udhdhsh
Does Reader/Colector talk with the 7 deadly sins? If so, do they like any of them (Maybe Asmodeos? If so, do they also know about his relationship with Fiz hdjdbdhhdhshs)
Idk, this just came to me, sience the 7 deadly sins are also quite powerfull hdhdhs
This is for {Collection of Overlords}, check MASTERLIST for the work
No worries, no distrubance~!
As for your ask, short answer: Yes.
You, as the Collector, do talk to the other 7 Sins. They treat you as the Ruler of Hell as well, but they will listen to Lucifer's orders just because you are fine with it. If you object, then they will try to diswayed Lucifer or outright disobey. Since you hold more power and authority than Lucifer in their opinion.
The 7 Sins are under you and the Hell royalty (namely Lucifer, Lilith, and Charlie). Think of them as the third in power. As embodiment of a sin, they are counted as Hellborn and know of your existence. They bow before you in the times before Lucifer fell, only 'changing' alligence when Lucifer rose to the throne and because you let it.
Communication with you is scarce because there was no need. They are essentially Kings and Queens of their own Ring, until you pop up for a visit. You do chat with them from time to time, even though you know everything about them and their situation in the Rings. A bit like the thing with the Overlord meetins.
(if you don't watch Helluva Boss, then you might not know who I'm implying. But I'm labelling their Ring and I'm going with the known ones in the show)
Pride Ring: Lucifer Morningstar. Naturally you already know him and is his mentor. The Pride Ring doesn't originally have a 'Sin' per say cause you were named as the Ruler of Hell instead of a Ring
Gluttony Ring: Beelzebub. You and her go well, even though she's a party type and you were more quiet and calm. You enjoy her chaotic nature. The care you have is actually from her, she has authority but cares for the demons at her party. Of course, you support her and her little boyfriend, Vortex. You didn't care if it wasn't fitting due to the status thing, you just think they fit.
Greed Ring: Mammon. Yeah. Do I need to say more? You do not care for his disrespect. While he dedicates a lot of money to you and you take it, you doesn't support his extreme exploitation of the Hellborns since they weren't have a choice of being born as one.
Lust: Asmodeus. You love his dramatic character. He is said to be the weakest, but you didn't care. You love that he stands for true love. It was interesting to hear his lecture on it and why he doesn't do love potions that forces love and feelings on someone. That was a reason why you were against Valentino with his love potions. As for Fizz, this love Sin's boyfriend IMP, you know about them and support them just the same. Though you don't exactly see why they were hiding it and why Asmodeus was hiding you to not bless their relationship since if it was true love as he claimed, why hide? But you don't question it, since it's not your relationship.
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littledollll · 1 year
Omg I need something
Lucifer x human! reader
Lucifer is in desguise in a city and meet R who tell them the pick up line "are you an angel? Because you look like you fell from Heaven"
What happens next is up to you.
Doesn't have to be long, I just think it's fun.
Someone new
Lucifer Morningstar x reader
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A/n: big thanks to my bae @pebbleswritessometimes for giving me this idea, we were freaking out about it at 3am (April 1) it was amazing.
I just decided it would be fun to indulge you my dear anon and add it to this already started fic! Thanks for your request. (April 26)
Warnings: none
A stranger, a stranger you wished so badly to have in your life for the rest of your life. Lately you meet a lot of them. Charming and kind, confident and thoughtful, sweet and calm. There was something so familiar about each one, something you couldn’t quite place yet inviting and so lovely.
Someone new every day. You’d fall for them every time, their character, how they projected themselves, their voice. Everything about each was drawing you in, you couldn’t understand it but it sure as hell was entertaining, it was lively and heartwarming.
This started as a game to Lucifer, a little something to keep them entertained just because they could. Looking back on it now they were glad they decided to toy with you out of all people they could’ve possibly chosen.
They found you very entertaining but also generally so kind.. so sweet. The game was never intended to go on for so long really, but how could they ever bring themselves to stop from meeting you?
You’d wish they’d stay a little longer but never dread. You knew another one would show at some time the next day, at this point it was expected. You waited each time with anticipation running through your veins to see just who you’d run into today, that would be the light of your day.
It came to you. That was it, each and everyone one brought light, there was the familiarity. Powerful yet subtle, bright but not blinding, enough to keep you warm but not burning.
You wished to know each one more, and in a weird way it felt like you did, like one after the other they completed eachother, like they were the very same but in different parts.
Such a weird phenomenon but one you wouldn’t dare complain about. You didn’t want it to ever stop, each charming word and sticky sweet smile was engraved to your brain. You felt like you could tell this stranger anything, and you felt as if you knew everything about them. You were learning, all of you? Both of you.
Each time you were beyond excited to meet them, and each time you seemed more curious, more confused which then turned into more aware.
That was also entertaining to watch. You coming to the realization that these could all be the very same, but also the worry of sounding insane and being completely wrong. Lucifer could see the cogs turning in your head every time you spoke, how you didn’t really seem opposed to the idea, just afraid of being wrong.
"You knew who I was every step that I ran into you” there it was. That soothing voice again, that same voice in a different body.
“Who are you?” Your tone was curious, fond. Not mean or upset, but filled with genuine wonder. “Someone new.. maybe not so new.” Your beloved stranger(s?) replied. And you smiled.
It was weird to think about how normal this felt for you, you didn’t feel insane, you didn’t feel tricked. It was more of a fun phenomenon, like whoever this truly was, they were just playing a game.
“Aha! So I am right!” You practically jumped at their confirmation as you walked together. “Have you been speculating for a long time?” As always, their tone was fond, amused. And their smile soft and kind.
“A while honestly, maybe more on the third or fourth person, you’re always the same you know? I don’t know how to explain it.. I find it quite lovely though! A little confusing since I now kinda question every stranger I met..” you could ramble on forever and they’d so gladly let you, but you stopped yourself and your walk as you turned to address them.
“Is this some kind of social experiment?” You asked enthusiastically. Your stranger chuckled, shaking their head, “yes, and also no.” They were away one to give such vague answers.
“Will I ever meet the real you?” That made them pause. “The real me?” Their tone a little more serious now. Yet you nodded and explained further. “Don’t get me wrong it’s a very fun.. game? But I’d like to know my favorite strangers true face and name..”
“The ‘real’ me isn’t my name or face darling.. is it truly that important to you? I’ll let you in on a little secret.. the very first time we met, you saw my real face.”
You vaguely remember that. A beautiful, tall- simply ethereal person walking past and making friendly conversation. And you threw the cheesiest pick up line on earth possibly- “are you an angel? Because you look like you fell from heaven.” Which was met with an amused smile and tilted head..
“Now, why would you wear any other face when you have such a pretty one! Will you tell me your name?” Lucifer chuckled and shook their head. “Because it’s not about my pretty looks, darling.. Maybe, some other day..”
“Hopefully soon, then.” Oddly enough, though the curiosity was killing you, their name wasn’t really all that important. Hopefully some day, and hopefully soon, your stranger would tell you their name. You just can’t wait for that day.
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nerdyfan1 · 2 months
Thinking about Winner Pentious again. So fuck it gonna list some things about him I’ve thought about or speculated.
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First thought I kind of took from this post and idk if I really believe it but, I have a thought about it so I’m talking about it here. That being Morningstar eyes observation.
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Now I’m iffy that this was actually intentional cus for preparation for this post I went through the episode in Heaven to look through all the background winners to see if is like rare. It wasn’t super common but, I did see it a lot more so I think this was just winner thing and likely a coincidence. Still it did give me the funny idea that before the fall Luci had the same eyes as winner Pentious. Ngl that probably look so cursed and I kind of like it. If that the case god that is probably a jumpscare to Sera.
Moving on let’s talk about something smaller before I jumping into a big thing I have in mind. I like that the big third eyeliner changed to making it look like little wings. It’s obvious why it looks that way and it’s not like anything super deep about this I just wanted to mention it cus nobody seems to at all and I just found it cute. Wish I knew how to draw this better.
Tho yeah I guess speaking of wings… that leads to another thing.
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So he’s wingless. It’s right here when we got the shot him of him ascending guess what I’ll call it. I really like this. Both from a logical standpoint and more importantly a character standpoint.
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First of all up makes sense he’d not randomly grow new appendages. Spoiler alert but, I feel like this is gonna be a trend with any other future redeemed sinners we get. Where they pretty much similar to what they once looked like in hell but, the pallets are changing to something more heavenly, visuals that reflect the reason they died (which I’ll touch on later) and maybe smaller wings. Something else I realized when looking into the background is most Winners usually have wings. The only wingless one I found when looking around was like a lobster guy. This meaning unlike the eyes this is more rare. So very interesting if less redeemed sinners will have wings. Or what I’d prefer less fancy ones. As they’ll still need to fly among the sky to survive really live up there.
Leading into this from the character perspective, I do wonder if this means Winner Pentious just can’t fly? Idk my first thought was him using his love of making machines to help him fly like this:
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Or maybe a more fitting one for him, a steampunk style jet pack kind of thing? Idk something I always liked about Pentious as a character is his ability to adapt and how uses his mind to aid in leveling the playing field for himself. Besides it could lead to some great comedy to see him fly around like a nerd in his little nerd contraption. :P
So last point for the post but, my Hazbin moot mentioned this to me and I really wanted to bring this one up. So when I stated that I was making this post and asked her server about if they had any things they noticed about him that was worth mentioning here. My mate pointed out his bow tie eye changed to a heart.
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Which lead to me going into us talking about the heart theme of Winner Pentious’ design. Back in hell, at least to me, he’s always read as more paranoid. He was just not exactly the most trusting person before the hotel. A lot of eyes are usually are a visual for paranoia after all and Sinner Pentious’ design did indeed have many eyes in different places. It’s a common theme throughout it actually. Now compare that to the Winner design with the overall eyes theme starts to be overtaken by a hearts.
Considering how he died to get here, to me it was designed this way intentionally cus well he spent the time at the hotel learning to finally open up his heart to others. Then died in a sacrifice out of the love he grew for the place that became his home and people there who became basically his family. Hence now he’s decorated with hearts. While still keeping a few eyes indicating that his paranoia is still lingering a little bit within him just it’s not nearly as much as he used to be. Cus stuff like that never truly leaves you but, you can still find ways to combat those feelings to live more healthily.
This lead me to start to develop a headcanon about them. If he developed those hearts on his new designs cus he learned to open his heart and let ppl in then if someone took advantage of his new founded trust or made him super upset, would those same hearts visually be shown to breaking?
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Started doodling the idea out (sorry it looks kind of ass lol) to show what I mean. I know a more common fanon thing to do when drawing Winner Pentious is to give him the more stereotype angel wings but, ngl I kind of like the idea of messing around with the hearts of this design to express him emotions way more. Given how his hat in the actual show this feels so fitting haha.
Tho yeah that’s kind of all I got. Idk just wanted to dump stuff I thought about with Winner Pentious and his design. It’s such a pretty looking one btw probably my favorite in the show. Took a design I always really liked and did really cool stuff with it while keeping to the core of the original. He’s very pretty basically what I’m saying. Love him. :3
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royalvelvette · 7 months
dance with me, darling
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/F, M/M, Multi Relationships: Charlie Magne | Morningstar/Vaggie, Charlie Magne | Morningstar & Valentino, Charlie Magne | Morningstar & Velvette, Charlie Magne | Morningstar & Vox, Valentino & Velvette & Vox (Hazbin Hotel), Valentino/Vox (Hazbin Hotel), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Alastor & Husk (Hazbin Hotel) Characters: Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel), Valentino (Hazbin Hotel), Velvette (Hazbin Hotel), Vox (Hazbin Hotel), Husk (Hazbin Hotel) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Overworking, Overworked Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Autistic Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Needs a Hug, Husk is Bad At Feelings (Hazbin Hotel), Good Significant Other Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel), Overworked Vox (Hazbin Hotel), Soft Vox (Hazbin Hotel), Soft Valentino (Hazbin Hotel), Idiots in Love, Dancing, Self-Esteem Issues, POV Multiple, POV Third Person, Two Shot Summary:
Local quintet need to slow down and take a break, seventy-year-old cat man says.
Read on Archive of Our Own here.
once again breaking up the originally a one-shot into a two-parter because the setting information got away from me. Second part (the sillies dancing) will post either later tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Part 1 under the cut. Word count: 1753
It was finally quiet in the hotel. Not completely, in the way of well-populated areas, but quieter than it had been since... since.
(Charlie didn’t want to think about since. About red red blood, and missing limbs, and still nearly running out of medicines even after Auntie Belphagor had sent some up expressways, and the amount of dead still in the streets when, normally, the cannibals would have cleared the majority by now.)
It was a quiet she desperately needed; too many nights had been lost to passing cot-to-cot while Val kept everything calm and Vaggie was out in the streets, pulling in even more wounded (there had been so many buried underneath the rubble that remained of the once-bustling weapons district). Vox was usually gone as well – his drones made him invaluable when trying to find anyone who couldn’t, or wouldn’t, call out. Velvette helped out where she could – usually upstairs, stitching and restitching wounds when the original stitches inevitably got pulled. She just... needed a moment. A moment alone, to herself, in the quiet, because if it was quiet it meant nobody was hurting. (Charlie was tired of her people hurting).
She slid down the closed door of their bedroom, sighing, pressing the heels of her hands against her eyes. She just... wanted to rest. Wanted to see Vaggie for longer than twenty minute intervals or however long it took them to fall asleep at night. Wanted to see Velvette stitching new outfits instead of skin, wanted to hear Valentino speak without his voice coming out scratchy and cracking, wanted Vox to be present at the hotel instead of having his eyes in his drones. Want-want-want, what a selfish creature – her people were injured and dying, and here she was wanting things that would keep them from being helped.
... Charlie allowed herself to wallow for a minute more before pushing off the floor. Val needed more water, probably, and it wouldn’t hurt to check in on Velvette and see if she needed any more supplies. Maybe, if there was more quiet time later, she could spend some time with Vox and see if she could spot Vaggie on the feeds.
Husk was only a little annoyed about the fact he had been unceremoniously promoted to hotel manager. He got it, he did – Vaggie was out in the streets every day, the Vees had shit to do, and the princess was trying to help everyone at the same time like she always did, but he didn’t sign up for this shit.
(He didn’t really sign up at all, but, well. Al said jump, he jumped. Even if he didn’t want to.)
It wasn’t supposed to be his job to direct the staff, keep Niffty from causing too many problems, and put out metaphorical fires. He was just a goddamn bartender! His job was keep his bar clean, keep it stocked, and sling booze to order while drinking some himself. Sue him, sometimes he missed being an overlord, but managing the souls under him to keep the casino running smoothly? That wasn’t one of them; and yet, here he was, doing that same thing except with none of the fucking power that came with it.
(And, honest to God, if one more imp got uppity with him about being told to keep the parlour clean so none of the injured chucklefucks got infections, he was going to tear the unlucky bastard’s head off. Something had to be done; preferably before he lost his job.)
Opportunity struck that night, as luck would have it. (Who the fuck was he kidding – luck hadn’t been on his side since the day his soul stopped belonging to him.) But whatever it was, it wound up with Vaggie sitting down at the bar for the first time in two weeks. It was the first time Husk had really been able to get a look at her – at any of them – since everything went down. And Vaggie?
Vaggie looked like shit. Her wings and hair were matted with blood and dirt, the bags under her eyes rivalled his, and she was barely managing to sit upright on her stool – only doing so by leaning against her spear. If the Vees and Charlie were anything like this – and his bets were on yes – it was worse than he thought. Something was going to give, and give soon.
(Alastor would want to know, something in his mind whispered.
Fuck off, Husk thought back. The thought of Alastor anywhere near this place, near these people, made his fur stand on end.)
He pulled some Beelzejuice out from under the counter and got a stein ready. Vaggie still hadn’t said anything, staring blankly past him, but that suited Husk just fine. Getting the drink ready would hopefully let him get his thoughts in order so he didn’t sound like a total jackass.
(There wasn’t really a nice way to say “If the five of you don’t take a break soon, you’re going to end up useless,” but he really wanted to find one. Last thing anybody needed was the fallout from Vaggie trying to stab him when she was too tired to reign in her impulses.)
Vaggie snapped out of her stupor when Husk slid the mug – maybe a bit too full, with how some slopped out – over to her. She nodded her thanks, but didn’t move to pick it up. Husk busied himself with the spill; anything to put the conversation off a little longer. He watched Vaggie out of the corner of his eye as he did; just in case. She seemed fine, and eventually moved to sip at the drink, then chug it down like a woman dying of thirst.
He tossed the soiled rag into the bucket behind the counter before leaning against the back wall. “You got a sec before bed, boss?” he asked.
Vaggie set the mug down a little harder than strictly necessary. “Not really,” she said. “Gotta get an early start tomorrow, y’know, digging people out of the rubble and all.”
Husk’ll give her credit – she kept the unlike you quiet. “About that,” he started. “You... uh, you sure you don’t want to take a break?”
Vaggie snorted. “What, and stand around like you do? No, I have to-”
“I ain’t doing nothing,” Husk snapped, “I’m doing your fucking job since you’re never here. You think I want to be tellin’ imps and sinners what to do? I didn’t sign up for that shit!”
Vaggie’s face twisted into a half-snarl, half-frown. “What, you want a raise? A medal? Newsflash, asshole, we’re all doing shit we didn’t sign up for right now-”
“I don’t need that shit, I just- you guys-”
Vaggie stood up, and even though her eyes were nearly level with the bar, her furious glare made up for it. “Whatever, I’ll – I’ll deal with it, fuck, give you a raise, hire someone else-”
“You ain’t fuckin’ listening to me.” Husk could feel his own temper threading. “I don’t want a raise, I want you to take a break!”
“I can’t!” Vaggie snarled. “If I stop, Charlie’ll-”
Snap. The last of his patience fled with a near audible sound as his legs extended and shoulders widened, wings flaring, yellow iris glowing vibrant against his black sclera. Even still, his voice didn’t rise above a hiss.
“You all need to stop. The five of you aren’t gonna last like this,” he said. “You’re no fucking use if you burn out before you can finish working. And...”
He shrunk back to his normal size, forcibly reigning in his temper. Vaggie was staring at him with wide eye, spear held in a white-knuckled grip – ready to fight or flee, didn’t matter. What mattered was she was silent, and paying attention.
“I’m. Worried about you,” Husk said finally. “You – don’t need to end up like me. You five need to take a break, all of you.”
Christ, but he hoped Niffty was busy upstairs somewhere. Vaggie was still just – staring at him, though the grip she had on her spear had relaxed somewhat.
Then her eye started to water and her face contorted and oh fuck, fuck he wasn’t – he couldn’t handle crying people on a good day. She sniffed once, hard, scrubbed at her eye. Husk held his breath, terrified that one wrong move from him would set her off. He could still only sorta handle Charlie crying, and that was because she cried a lot.
Vaggie took a deep breath, then nodded. “Okay,” she said, voice just this side of wobbly, “okay. I’ll... we’ll take a day off. I’ll make sure of it.”
Husk let some of the tension out of his shoulders. “Good,” he said. “Good.”
Vaggie turned to leave, but then turned back, pointing at him with her spear. “But if you ever pull that shit again, I’ll-”
He waved her off. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll write you an apology letter or whatever. Go to sleep, kid.”
Vaggie felt a little bad as she finally slipped into the room she shared with Charlie. The lamp was still on, even though Charlie was fast asleep, book hanging precariously from her fingers. That suited her better than if Charlie had still been awake, but still – she missed her girlfriend, and these moments before sleep claimed them were some of the only ones they had been getting. Hopefully, her plans for tomorrow would make up for it – if Charlie wasn’t angry about them. Vaggie carefully crept closer to the bed, pausing as Keekee lifted her head from her spot against Charlie’s side.
Vaggie raised a finger to her lips.
“Mrrp,” Keekee said, snuggling closer to Charlie but otherwise ignoring her.
Vaggie carefully took Charlie’s book, setting it face down on the end table. Charlie’s phone screen lit up dimly at the motion, then again when Vaggie picked it up. She inputted the password and navigated to the clock app, grimacing at exactly how early the alarm was set for (her own alarm wasn’t much better), before turning it off. Her own was already turned off, and she had done the same to Velvette’s and Valentino’s. Vox’s was a little trickier because of his internal clock, but hopefully – hopefully – he would respect the text she had sent him instead.
Mission done, Vaggie set her girlfriend’s phone back down – this time face down. Charlie was going to be furious when she woke up tomorrow morning, but Husk... was right. They all needed a break – Charlie probably most of all.
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s-che · 1 month
Reporting from the Dream Library: Sagas of the Icelanders
This month, the Dream Library is pairing two extremely good first(ish) generation Powered by the Apocalypse games for our TTRPG book club: Gregor Vuga’s Sagas of the Icelanders and Jason Morningstar’s Night Witches. We had our first session (of Sagas) last Friday and it was an absolute hoot — I’ll jump in to talking about everything that happened in just a moment, but first, as a reminder, if you’d like to swing on by for our ongoing RPG book club, play sessions, or just to talk games and design, you should come do that. I will kiss you on the head if you do that (I will not).
Anyway, let’s talk about Sagas.
What is this game like?
Sagas of the Icelanders is an old PBTA game — one of the first generation after Apocalypse World itself. There’s a dedicated subforum on the old lumpley Barf Forth Apocalyptica forums with posts going back as early as 2010, although the full game crowdfunded in 2013. On surface mechanics, it’s a pretty typical MCed 2d6 plus stat mechanical structure, set in the Iceland of the early 900s, a setting which is (to paraphrase the text), as dramatic as high fantasy, as lonely and communal as the post-apocalypse, and as tense with social pressure as a western. We play as a handful of people eking out lives on a broadly unpopulated island, struggling to survive far from their ancestral homes in Scandinavia or the British Isles. 
The most immediately eye-catching part of the game is it’s emphasis on gender in society in the setting: almost all of the playbooks in Sagas are gendered, and the basic moves too are divided into those available for men, those available for women, and the (very) few shared between them. It’s a hard swing for a historical game — especially one that came out in 2013 — but, for reasons which I’ll talk about in a moment, it works really, really well.
What was this session like?
Our session opened with, hmm, I would say maybe an hour of loose chatter. I would normally call this a pretty inefficient start to a 3-hour oneshot, but it was honestly worth the time. We were playing with materials designed by Jason Morningstar (of Night Witches) — a family tree with blanks left for us to slot playbooks into. Like the gendered basic moves, this felt good — it hit the right balance between suggestion and restriction — and we spent the first third of our time in what we might call idle dreaming, working to slot our characters into a community together and figure out where things stood. In a real way, the session underscored for me the value of good players — it felt collective and collaborative in a way which required a lot of trust and a good group.
Our first hour of actual play was dedicated on family drama: Vermund, the witchy eldest daughter of a recently deceased goði (a kind of local judge), watched from a cliffside as travelers from another community (a goði named Magni and his daughter, Halla, betrothed to Vermund’s younger brother) picked their way along the road towards our homestead. A wedding should be a time of celebration — yet when she read the runes, Vermund saw danger in the future: a plot by Magni to seize control of the property through this well-timed marriage. To make matters worse, Vermund knows a secret: although Bjorn is in fact her mother’s son, his father is not her father but the Christian thrall, Olan, who was brought back twenty-five years ago from a raid to Ireland.
Back at the homestead, Bjorn and Vermund’s husband, Gisli, relax in a hot spring and are briefly taunted by Egil — a foster-brother adopted by the goði before his death, and several years Bjorn’s elder. After insults fly, a holmgang (a formal duel) is planned for later in the evening, and Egil continues on his way, carrying meat for the welcome-feast for Magni and Halla. Yrsa, the goði’s widow, butchers it herself then assembles the full household to give some sage wisdom on how not to ruin things this evening.
In the last hour of our play, Magni arrived — accompanied not only by his daughter but by a priest — and revealed himself to be a recent convert to Christianity. The welcome-feast settled in more or less peacefully (with some stress over Egil’s seat, which was turned over to Magni’s priest)... although Bjorn did not hit it off with his bride-to-be nearly as well as his sister did. When Egil, motivated by drunken passion and perhaps a legitimate sense of brotherly love, attempted a toast which called more attention to Bjorn’s weaknesses than to his strengths, a brawl broke out between the two brothers which ended — tragically — in Bjorn’s accidental death. We ended our session as Magni’s priest prayed, Yrsa wept, and everyone wondered what could possibly happen to our poor community (and the inheritance) next. 
Holy shit did we have a good time. The first and most obvious thing to say — in case it wasn’t obvious from that play summary — is that Sagas of the Icelanders is a deeply social game in a way I think few other games have really successfully mastered. This is where the gendered stuff starts to really come out strong: the playbooks are full of these cascading moves, webs of insult and honor for the men, soft power and tense circumstances for the women, and an altogether sense that things have the possibility to fall apart — or spiral into a blood feud — at any moment. Of course, they eventually did — and in a way I don’t think anyone was expecting. I was excited for the potential of a holmgang, but where we ended up felt somehow more poignant, more tragic and stupid and pointless — and generally more in line with the Icelandic family sagas, the epics from which the game draws its name. 
There were friction points, of course — as we discussed afterward in the Dream Library the game, while it does a really terrific job of modeling what it’s like to participate in gendered society, has no real mechanical scaffolding  for what it might mean to see yourself outside of the role you’ve been assigned. You can fail at performing gender, of course — but never intentionally subvert it. That being said, the game has a real hack-friendly tone to it (one of the perks of being so early in PBTA as a movement, I think), and I think some custom moves would easily resolve those issues for longer-term play.
Speaking of that hack-ishness, I do also want to shout out that Sagas, like Apocalypse World, has a kind of maximalist sensibility that was eventually lost, I think, from a lot of indie RPGs and has only recently begun to be found again. In the race to prove that indie games are easier to learn than D&D, there’s a tendency to slim down as far as you can — turning thick games into zines and zines into one-pagers — which I think is, genuinely, tragic. Sagas of the Icelanders revels in bits of scale and extra content: historical information, appendices on the legal system during the period and how it changed over time, some mechanics to help ease the transition into a Christian Iceland should your campaign cover the decades that process took, and even a short essay reading Iceland as a successful stateless/anarchist society. There are names, dates, recipes, and snippets — Sagas of the Icelanders is crammed full of little details in much the same way Apocalypse World is. 
All in all, it was a really lovely game. I was glad to leave off where we did — and I could have played for another dozen sessions and told the story of multiple generations of this extended family. Sagas is simply good — and more people should be talking about it.
What comes next?
Next on the docket is a oneshot of Night Witches sometime next week as the Dream Library transitions into discussions about that game. I’m really excited — Night Witches, like Sagas, has been on my list for years and I’ve never gotten around to actually playing it. I can’t wait to see how the actual play will shake out. If you’d like to get in on playing, there’s still time! If you just want to come and chat about the game over text, that’s also good! If you’re enjoying reading along with these play reports, well... Keep reading them! 
I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with some war stories.
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askpowersides · 2 months
Hi! I'm Lemon/Lemoon! I solo run this ask blog. I will mostly do little prompts and blurbs of RP, but maybe drawings sometimes too! This is my first time running one so please, don't be afraid to give me some criticism!
This is a Superhero/Villain AU. In this world, it's very common for a person to have one or two superpowers. Depending on how strong they are you're offered jobs to work for the government in different positions such as crime fighting, crisis aversion, safety precaution, and basically anything to do with keeping the upkeep of Sanders City!
All of them have a Hero and Civillian identity, so I ask that if you submit an ask, you keep the civilian questions to the civilian identities and Superpowered questions to the super identities
As for shipping, there's probably gonna be basic stuff. Logicality, Dukeceit, and Prinxiety, so feel free to ask about those pairing, even though none are dating as of now!
I'm hoping you learn more about them through ask blurbs or prompts and such, but under the cut is a quick character profile and rundown!
Deceit and The Duke
The Duke and Deciet are the infamous villains of the city. They leave utter terror in their wake wherever they go. They're practically always together.
The Duke seems to be the stronger of the two, with his tentacle summoning powers he can constrain and hold people, animals, and even buildings! He seems to be more violent and prone to mocking his enemies. He wears a handcrafted helmet meant to look like a Mace or Morningstar, but lacks any metal in its structure.
Deceit is the more cunning, smart villain. His power is making minor illusions, and with that, he can change his snake face into any person he's seen, although imperfections are common. Speaking of snakes, watch out for his summoning ability! His second power is dastardly, as he can summon a yellow snake anywhere from 9 inches to a whole 26 feet!
The HHF (Head Heros Foundation) nor the government can find any information about their civilian identities....but through the power of an ask blog? You, too, can know!
Remus Crete has a power much similar yet weaker than his twin brother. He can create anything small and toylike in size with the ability to follow commands and come to life. With how weak Remus' creations are, he wasn't as fortunate as his twin Roman to get a job at the Heros tower. His brother still offers him funds, but his parents could not care less about the forgotten twin.
Janus Laine can summon multiple arms, and that's it as far as the government is concerned. He, Remus, and their other roommate Virgil live in a small apartment down in a less fortunate part of the city. They both live off whatever Roman sends them from his paychecks per month, and Virgil pays for himself.
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Paranoia is the third villain of the little trio. Paranoia often works alone, seen only with the Duke and Deceit when facing off against multiple Heros at once.
Paranoia often targets more rich people than government buildings, leading him to less run ins with big Heros. His powers include 4 long spider legs that can help him climb buildings, and being able to contort shadows. This allows him to travel at the speed of light as long as he darts through shadows, even pulling them out of walls to cover his face and conceal his identity.
Just as Duke and Deceit, the HHF are unaware of the identity of Paranoia.
Virgil Freal is a skinny pale boy who was born with multiple eyes. As far as power development it came very early compared to most and that's all the power development team at the hospital seemed to note about him, letting his late stage power development go unnoticed to the government. He works at the Patty Cake Cafe in an upper part of the city and lives with his roommates and friends Janus and Remus.
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Roman the Grand Prince
Roman, unlike his fellow Heros, actually revealed his name early on. With a power such as being able to create large fanciful powerful creatures like witches, towers, bats, ghouls, and other creatures of the sort just by drawing them and 'pulling them out of the page' he became the face man for the HHF.
Roman was offered a contract in his early teen life, as compared to his twin his powers developed fast and strong. He was offered a home, a 300,000 a month salary, and a job beating up evil-doers and he lept at the chance. Because of this it's rare to find him anywhere around, as to keep away from paparazzi he stays in the tower until needed.
The HHF classified his last name and family for their safety and privacy, but you already know Roman Crete.
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Logic has worked for the HHF for many years. He has fearsome metalkenisis, and keeps strictly business.
His fellow heroes only see him when they all fight crimes. He works specifically in safety regulation but oftentimes will fight alongside Morality and The Prince. He tries to keep to himself and is very private.
The HHF have classified any personal civilian information about Logic.Logan Berly works as a librarian out of office. He lives in the hero tower with his fellow teammates Roman and Patton but avoids them at all costs. He has no second power, but his first power is strong enough to make up for it.
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Lastly, Morality
Morality is the final aid of the HFFs main squadron. Morality can summon small floating balls of light filled with emotion. Being backed in one's light is said to be calming and sweet. Because of this he often works in crisis aid. He helps people facing trauma or accidents by calming them down while transporting them to safer places using his light magic, but it can also be used as a fearsome blinding technique in battle.
Morality got the gig in early adult life. It was his dream to help others and his powers came in useful when villains started popping up and scaring people.
The HHF have classified any personal and civilian information about Morality.
Patton Harth is a proud owner of a small upper-city Cafe called the "Patty Cake Cafe" where he often works and manages when not needed at the tower. Luckily as an owner he can pop in and out without needing to be there constantly. He often helps the younger looking man Virgil who takes a lot of Noon and Afternoon shifts for more money, despite the fact that he seems to get stressed easily and quickly.
The light stars he summons, being able to calm people and blind them, constitute as two separate powers.
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12 notes · View notes
tragedytells-tales · 6 months
Artificial Avatar | The More, The
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Notes - OC oriented, Comedy with a hint of angst, Obey Me AU, the pacing on this one is rancid, Canon divergent, Dialuci
Characters - Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Grim, Ryo, Candy, Gidorah, Luka, Himiko ( Himiko and Ryo belong to @/absolutepokemontrash )
Summary - Ajay goes to RAD for the first time, finally meeting several new Avatars of sin.
TW - None
Warnings - Not proof read
[ Prolouge ] - [ PT. 1 ] - [ PT. 2 ] - [ PT. 2.5 ] - [ PT. 3 ]
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The crunch of the toast and the sweet taste of strawberry, or what Mammon called bloodberry, jam was decidedly Ajays favorite way to start their day. They let out a pleasant little hum as they quietly watched Himiko finish cooking breakfast for Ryo, Grim, and Mammon who got up just slightly later than the messy haired teen.
"It's probably because her spring break just started," Himiko had explained. The hushed clanging of pots and pans had only just started, but Himiko didn't seem as pleased as she did yesterday. "I hope she remembered to set her alarm for RAD today."
"What's a spring break?"
"It's a week where students take off from school for the beginning of spring, at least in the human realm. Since spring doesn't exist in RAD, they don't get that."
"What's a RAD?"
Himiko looked up from the slowly heating pan and turned to the teen who had just settled in a chair. For a moment she thought to question how they hadn't known what RAD was, but then again they also hadn't known what normal food was. So maybe it shouldn't really be a surprise.
The more she learned about the kid the more questions she had.
"RAD, or the Royal Academy or Diavolo, is a school that every demon attends starting from kindergarten to college." She explained as she tossed hashbrowns into the pan. "You will actually be going to RAD with Lucifer and Ryo today, but you'll be staying with Lucifer for the week so remember to bring your bag."
"Okay Lady Himiko."
The kitchen settled into silence after that either only the sound of shadow hog frying on a pan to occupy it.
For a moment Ajay could hear a whisper bloom from the shadows nearby.
"Is Lady Himiko truly anything like what your guardians told you?"
And then another.
"This is temporary. Don't be naive."
Ajays eyes narrowed on their lap. They felt a small ball of something bitter swell and stir, as if something shoved it into their chest and the feeling got comfortable. Their gaze drifted back up to Himiko just as shots of green and black struck through their eye.
"Can I bring Mr. PanPan with me to RAD?" Ajay asked.
The voices retreated and Himiko glanced at Ajay out of the corner of her eye, a raised brow. For a moment she thought to question why the teen had asked that after around twenty minutes of silence, before shrugging and continuing.
"You can't bring stuffed animals into RAD, no." She hummed, setting a third plate next to two other larger ones. "But you can bring him with you to Lucifers."
"I can?"
"I'm sure he won't mind that much. He may be a grouch, but he's a reasonable one."
The sound of half asleep grumbles from the halls put a pause on the conversation as Ryo and Mammon made their way into the room. Grim had decided to ride Ryo like a chariot and sat atop her head, yawning widely before settling down in his own designated seat.
"Good Morning you two." Himiko chuckled.
All she got were affectionate grumbles in response, so she ruffled their bed heads in retaliation as she moved to her own seat.
Ajay took that as their cue to hop off of their seat and start on their way to gather Mr. PanPan to leave in the few minutes they still had at the Nanami-Morningstar household.
"You're not gonna finish your breakfast?" Ryo called through a mouth full of her own food. She gestured towards the still mostly full plate, also decidedly ignoring Himiko's small scolding, and turned to face Ajay.
The half demon only shrugged with a quiet "I'm full." Before they started down the hall.
Grim took his chance and scooped the rest of Ajays food onto his own plate with a wide grin, "more for me!"
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The knock on the door came right on time, if not a few seconds early. Himiko was the one to answer, swinging the door open with a small greeting as Ryo nudged Ajay towards the man in the doorway.
Mammon looked over and scanned the fourteen year old a raised brow, mostly noting their lack of luggage aside from the stuffed panda that hung on their hip. His eyes drifted towards Ryo, then the area surrounding them, before pointing to the non existent bag on their shoulder.
"Is that all that you're bringing?" He asked.
The teen titled their head and blinked, "It's all that I have."
"Oh yeah, ya came from the dungeons."
The ravenett in the doorway smirked with a small rumbling chuckle as he turned to the demoness, "Surely you didn't already take them into your makeshift orphanage, Himiko."
Himiko, as eloquent as she was, decided to go for the straight forward response of, "Watch it, Lucy."
Ajay titled their head at the exchange and gave the group a cautious frown, looking between Himiko and Lucifer. Himiko turned to the teen a small smile, mostly in an attempt to counteract Lucifer's neutral glare.
"You already met him at the castle, but this is Lucifer Morningstar the Avatar of Pride." She introduced, vaguely gesturing in the demon direction.
"Or uncle Lucy." Ryo chimed.
Lucifer's expression shifted into a hard frown that he shot towards the half demon, "Do not call me that."
Mammon strode over his big brother with a roll of his eyes. He leaned most of his weight on him and lightly punched him in the shoulder as he dropped his voice to a whisper, "Quit your glowerin' big bro, you're gonna scare the kid..." he tried.
Lucifer glanced towards the teen and Mammon caught sight of the hesitant glances they kept throwing towards the Avatar of Pride.
"Nevermind you already did."
Lucifer simply shrugged in response and turned to Ajay and Ryo, "Anyway, let's go."
Both teens started toward the elevator, one skipping along while the other strode a few steps behind. Ryo had yet to convince them that this behavior in particular was weird, but the kid was a weird one overall.
Lucifer reached out to stop Ajay for a moment, "I'm going to drop you off at RAD and you will get settled into your room and the dorm after school."
The half demon nodded before darting off to stand by Ryos side, leaving the three adults alone in the living room when the elevator doors closed.
"You could've at least tried to be friendly." Himiko mumbled.
"I was."
"No you were not?"
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The large castle-like structure of RAD slid into view quickly, its warm orange lights and many windows illuminating the inside to give Ajay a slight peek into the schedules of the bustling teachers and staff.
The entrance to RAD wasn't as grand as the castle, but still had a flair to it that matched its environment while still standing out as important. That was specifically noted by the large RAD symbol etched into the stone ground.
Students and staff alike chatted around the entrance, making it clear that school hadn't started yet.
The Avatar of Pride handed Ajay a backpack that the teen wasn't sure they'd seen him have before. It was basic in style but weighty.
"This is the only time we'll be driving to RAD." He explained, waiting for Ajay to adjust the bag before dropping it on their shoulder. "During your stay at the House of Lamination my brothers and I will be walking you to and from school."
"What about Ryo?" Ajay questioned. The princeling didn't look up from her phone.
"She also walks to and from school."
"Isn't that dangerous?"
Lucifer raised a brow at the teen, as if the question itself was ridiculous in thought. "She has a father and several of the strongest demons in hell to protect her. You have neither. Who do you think is in more danger?"
The teen, in response, simply blinked and tilted their head. "...Her?"
"Oh. You're dense." Lucifer spoke bluntly and swore he could feel the tell-tell signs of a migraine already starting up in his skull. Just how much trouble had Diavolo gotten him into this time?
"Anyways, Ryo will walk you to the high-school sector and drop you off at your first class. In your bag you'll find everything you need for your classes today, including a D.D.D to stay in touch with Ryo. Don't cause any trouble for me or king Diavolo. Understood?"
"Yes Lord Lucifer." Ajay nodded. They stood up slightly straighter, like a perfect little soldier if Lucifer had to describe it.
"Loosen up old man, how much trouble can this kid really cause?" Ryo rolled her eyes and grabbed Ajays arm with a light tug. She started for RADs entrance, dragging the teen at her side to keep up with her pace, "Let's go before we're late, not that I care but you probably would."
The doors to RAD swung open easily, mostly with either magic or Ryos strength, Ajay couldn't tell. But the second the two stepped into the school the hallway went completely, and awkwardly, silent.
The teen had only been taught so much about the royals, though most of it was word of mouth from two of their guardians about how horrible they are, one of them had taught them the history of how all nine Avatars came to be. But they mostly understood how well respected and renowned they are.
So when they walked into the halls of RAD, they expected the students to turn their full attention to the princette of the Devildom, maybe bow or at least greet her with praises or something. But instead, a harsh uncomfortable silence settled into the hallway as most of the students stilled, while others almost completely ignored her or ran away.
Ajay thought to question it for a moment, but Ryo didn't seem to be that surprised. If anything, the princette only looked slightly bothered but not annoyed.
"Why is everyone ignoring you?"
"Eh, let's just say I wasn't the best brat in my youthful years." Ryo grumbled, crossing her arms slightly tighter over her chest as her eyes flicked to the side. The few demons her age they landed on stiffened. One glared while the other tugged their friend's hand and scurried off somewhere.
If she didn't look annoyed before, then she did now.
"Aren't you sixteen?" Ajay spoke unfazed, looking from the demons back to Ryo with a neutral stare.
"It was so many moons ago."
"You just got back from whatever school it was two days ago."
"You really don't know how to have fun, do ya?" Ryo shot back. The half-demon didn't look the least bit affected by the sarcasm, instead they just looked more confused before shrugging it off as if suddenly deciding that they didn't care for an answer.
Before the silence around the two could be awkward, or Ryo could pick Ajays brain, the sound of rushing footsteps startled the Avatar of Misfortune to attention. A blast of pink hair blew past her and straight up to Ajay in a blur of gray and other colors.
"New kid, new kid!" The younger demon launched themself at Ajay faster than Ryo could blink. Right before they got slammed to the ground with lighting speed.
Ajay grabbed the demon's wrist with one hand and grabbed the front of their uniform with the other, less human, one. They hoisted the demon into the air with ease and body slammed them to the floor without hesitation.
Ryo laughed out loud, but the shrill ring of the bell rang louder.
"Ah shit- that's the bell for class." The princeling rushed and typed out something quick on her D.D.D. Ajay heard a small ding come from one of the pockets of their backpack before Ryo pocketed her phone.
"I sent you your schedule and the location of your first class, it should be pretty easy to find on your own. Ask the teachers for directions afterwards! See ya Ajay!"
The princeling turned on her heel and rushed down the hall towards where Ajay assumed the older teens attended. She was out of eye sight within a millisecond, leaving Ajay completely on their own.
Reaching into the pocket they assumed their D.D.D was held, they pulled it out with their robotic hand and stared for a moment.
...It was more lo-tech than they were expecting. It didn't look like anything close to the technology they were used to in the lab. They almost debated simply downloading the data into their arm after-school, but decided against it.
They found the map for school easy enough, and found their class surprisingly quicker. Not without bumping into a few students and getting growled at by a few others when their solid metal arm jammed into their backs.
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The school day flew by quicker than the half demon expected. But the thing that surprised them the most was the difference in lunch times. They didn't think they were going to sit with Ryo, far from it, but the demon texting them the menu an hour earlier had confused them more than the slang the other teens kept using throughout the day.
Just as Ajay was beginning to get used to the idea of eating lunch alone their attention was caught by speed walking footsteps. As they looked up, their vision was filled with a RAD student skirt, one that was dabbled with bright spray paint spots, a few stitches, and a jacket tied around it. The owner of both simply crossed her arms and let out a giddy hum.
"Sooo, you're new here huh? First day and you're already getting into fights, good job!" The voice said with a small giggle. "Really! I've never seen a move like that! Not even when the princeling went on a rampage a good year back!"
Ajay frowned and turned up to the voice to find a demon with large light purple eyes and pink-orange puffy hair that was pulled up into two buns. She was smiling wide down at them with shark-like teeth and crossed arms.
The girl held out a hand towards Ajay before taking it back when their confused frown only grew worse. She shrugged, unfazed or unbothered, and introduced herself.
"The name is Candy, current record holder for most detentions and the demon you bodyslammed earlier!"
A different voice spoke next, this one slightly deeper than Candys' and with a hint of an accent. "Which isn't something to be proud of, but she doesn't have much."
"That ugly rat is Luka." Candy huffed, pointing somewhere over her shoulder and right towards the demon with blue eyes, black side parted short hair, and a small playful smile. He stood slightly further back and gave Ajay a nod of acknowledgement before quickly looking away.
"Guys, don't scare the new kid." A third voice chuckled. This one was softer than Candys' and higher pitched than Lukas'.
Candy rolled her eyes and plopped herself next to Ajay. She nudged their arm and gestured over to the green eyed, black and green haired, golden freckled girl standing slightly closer to the two.
"That mom friend who needs therapy over there is Gidorah." Candy explained.
"Why are you sitting here?"
"Because we wanted to sit with you. New kid and all y'know."
"I do not know."
"Okay then! Anyway, what's your favorite color?"
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"King Diavolo, I don't believe it's a good idea to let Ajax-"
"Ajay join gym class, at least not without power inhibitors or something. Or maybe seeing a doctor because what they did in the first place wasn't normal, your highness."
Now, in Ajays defense, they didn't exactly mean to cause one of the gym walls to collapse or to cause a chunk of the concrete to crack. They were told to not hold back against the other team in dodgeball, even though they didn't know what the phrase "hold back" meant.
So here they stood in the student council room before several new, colorful haired, Avatars of sin that they only knew by name alone.
"I see..." The demon king let out a loud sigh and cast his hazel eyes over the teen, who looked nothing less than confused. "Yes, that is going to be a problem. We can't have the gym getting destroyed every other day."
"They collapsed an entire wall." The orange haired demon whispered, staring at Ajay with wide disbelieving eyes.
The pink-ish haired demon next to his side glanced at his brother with his head in his palm. "Why do you sound so surprised, you do that when someone eats your custard, Beel."
"But they're scrawny..."
"If the peanut gallery wouldn't mind keeping it down." Lucifer, who currently looked half ready to smack someone upside the head, interrupted.
The green eyed demon flicked through a few papers, which Ajay still found strange, before he looked up to address the room with a hand on his chin. "The damage the gym sustained will require a healthy chunk of this month's budget to go towards fixing it. We'd have to cut-"
Diavolo cut off the Avatar with a shake of his head. "No, that won't be required. I'll pay for the damages myself. After all this was my mistake." He hummed. The room went silent, but Diavolo simply turned to the gym teacher with an embarrassed smile, "I meant to give them inhibitors before they went to gym, but I got so caught up in work that I forgot."
"More like his date with Lucifer..." The purple haired demon mumbled with a small giggle. This earned him a glare from Lucifer, a few chuckles from the other demons at the table, and a tired strained smile from the teal haired demon who had barely spoken since the meeting started.
"Well then, I will have preparations for the repair of the gym begin tomorrow morning, my lord."
"Well that was resolved quickly. What about them?" The gym teacher jolted a thumb in the half demon's direction, finally catching their attention.
Diavolo narrowed his eyes on the teen for a moment, watching them stand as still as a statue. "They will be let off with a warning," he decided, "a formal apology letter to your teacher will be written by tomorrow. Understood Ajay?"
The teen turned their attention to the king with a small nod, "Yes your highness."
"Aww, they’re so polite!" The pink haired demon cooed.
"Do we all agree that this is a fair consequence?"
"I don't see why not."
The gym teacher stared down the half demon for a moment before nodding with a shrug. As long as it wasn't coming out of his paycheck or the gym budget, he didn't care that much anyway.
The blue-ish haired demon looked less than pleased, even sinking back into his chair. "I can't believe I got called out of class for this. It's the only easy one that gives me time to catch on the earliest updates of my favorite webcomics."
Lucifer slowly turned to look past Mammon's seat and glared down at the purple haired demon with daggers in his eyes. The energy in the room shifted, and Ajay could've sworn that Lucifer was the Avatar of wrath himself.
"Are you complaining about attending your student council responsibilities? And what are you doing on your phone when you're supposed to be focused on class?"
"Oh no..."
"And with that, this student council meeting can end here." Diavolo rushed.
The gym teacher turned and stared at Ajay for a moment, a question at the edge of his lips. What he saw that child do was unlike anything he had seen before in all of his years alive. But before suspicions could settle in, a stern smile from Diavolo shot it down. The demon sighed and left the student council room with a sharp turn.
The Avatar of pride tore his attention away from the purple haired demon to give the teen a barely softer glare. "Remember when I told you this morning not to cause trouble for me or king Diavolo?" He asked. His voice dropping into a tone that Ajay couldn't exactly place.
They knew they were in trouble, but not the kind of trouble their guardians normally threatened, clearly.
"And yet only one day here and you're already causing property damage to the school."
The purple and white haired demon lifted his head up for the first time in a while and glanced down at the teen with an amused hum, "Satan's record was actually a few hours short of yours."
"You guys keep a record?" The blonde demon questioned.
"We will discuss this further at the House of Lamination since it is the end of the day, grab your things and meet up at the entrance Ajay."
That bit of the conversation caught the attention of the several other demons around the room, all with a range of looks of shock to completely unbothered.
"Wait, hold up, hold up." Belphegor shot up and whipped his head around to face Lucifer, "They're coming to live with us?! Since when, and why weren't we told about this?!"
"You didn't tell your brothers?"
"I did. I texted them each individually. He has me blocked."
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The walk to the House of Lamination felt like an eternity plus some to Ajay. Mostly because several of the brothers, Asmodeus, Satan, and Belphegor, wouldn't stop peppering them with a number of questions. A few of which they physically couldn't answer even if they wanted to.
More surprisingly was when every one of them walked into the house with Lucifer instead of eventually leaving to go off to their own homes like Ajay assumed.
That was, until the realization struck the half demon like lightning.
Ajays eyes widened ever so slightly, barely showing the actual shock behind them.
"All of you live together?"
Lucifer turned to them with a frown, yet again looking at them as if they just asked one of the stupider questions he's heard. "Yes. Me and my brothers, except for Mammon, live in this house."
The teen raised a robotic finger and counted, horror and disbelief slowly growing up until the number hit six. Six people in one house, counting themself made seven.
"...All of you? In one house?"
"Yes, child." Lucifer narrowed his eyes on the half-demon, waving away the giggles that poured from his brothers. If it weren't for the forewarning that Ajay was generally quiet, they would've been cackling. That he was sure of.
This was it, Ajay was sure that if their guardians didn't find and kill them, or they didn't die fighting the Avatars whenever that was supposed to happen, then this was it.
Living in a loud, chaotic house with six other people would do them in.
( Ryo-yo )
[ Ryo: lol goodluck kid! ] Read: 4:09
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Taglist: @absolutepokemontrash
AN - Ajay suffers their worst fate ever. Being put through normal teenage things, accidentally breaking down walls, and living with more than three people who want to interact with them.
19 notes · View notes
kariachi · 25 days
I remembered Couples Retreat exists and just, ugh.
Every character done dirty, especially Mike, and the fucking hoops you have to jump to do Mike dirty- He does a fine job of it all on his own but nooo~
"He totally was chill with Charm at first until he realized he could use her for power" Really? Mike 'never met a girl he didn't intend to eat' Morningstar? Totally had no intentions prior to realizing she made a really good power source?
"Mike, being an asshole, tried to sneak out of Legerdomain to get revenge on the Tennysons" Really? Mike 'my primary goals are power and my looks with revenge maybe third' Morningstar? Who's repeatedly shown to be intelligent and a planner? Just gonna recklessly risk fucking up the easiest access he's ever had to his main goals at the first opportunity? Which in fact leads us to-
"Mike does not bite people, that never happened, no don't you dare look at old episodes-!" This just builds off a regular problem with how Mike is handled, namely that the show decided at some point that it didn't want to engage with the more interesting parts of his design, powers, and MO. And yet do we have anything to indicate he ever bit Charmcaster? Nope. Nope, because that totally wouldn't make him trying to run off make more sense in the story they're trying to tell, Mike first getting Charmcaster on that 'addicted to me' path that was his entire MO when we met him and he was, wait, wait, using girls as power sources. But we can't do that, heavens forbid we carry on with the theming we started him with.
Like, fuck, that would even help with their attempts to paint Charmcaster as this poor innocent soul, but noooo.
"Mike forgot Charmcaster's real name because he's an asshole who doesn't actually care about her" Excuse me?! Fun fact: this was the last straw for me with this episode when I first watched it. I already didn't like it, it was doing the characters dirty and replacing the proper Charm-Mike anti-Gwen team-up I'd wanted to happen since Charm showed up in AF, and then they threw this out there. Which really feels like they wrote themselves into a corner and had to do some sort of savings throw because that's not Mike's brand of asshole. Mike manipulates, it's the half of his fucking MO they let him keep, and he manipulates through fake connections. Mike isn't going to forget a target's name, he's going to remember it and use it constantly so they always feel seen and cared about. Especially after having the biting thing removed from his MO! They're not letting him get people addicted anymore, he has to use methods like that! They really just removed 90% of the fucker's MO!
And this is all by taking the show the way the writers intended it, which includes ignoring the fact that Mike is only in Legerdomain because Charmcaster kidnapped him. And yes, he wanted to go to Legerdomain, but a key fact is that she didn't know that. She didn't know that, and she specifically and openly brought him home because she found him interesting. These two factors, plus no indication of medical care, very firmly a kidnapping make.
Especially when you take into account that she is macking on him from the word go. And by the by can I remind everyone that we have no reason to believe Mike is anything but a peer to the Tennysons and Kevin and Charmcaster is a grown woman even if we don't take into account the time-dissonance going on in Legerdomain that would leave her at minimum in her 30s. Like, "oh Charmcaster's a poor innocent-" Charmcaster kidnapped somebody and immediately dove into making moves on them as soon as they were conscious. Every move until Mike realizes she's a good power source is hers, and each of them he is someone the flirting is being done to not with.
And gods, that's a whole other facet- how the fuck are they expecting me to believe Mike is surprised that Charmcaster makes a good power source? How? They really tried to pull "they energy vampire doesn't realize someone's a good source until they literally kiss him"? Really? Fuck, they expect me to believe that he met somebody running the magic dimension, able to summon great stone beasts, using powerful magics, and wasn't considering they would make a good snack? Really?
Back on topic, back on topic.
Mike woke up in a strange place with a stranger standing over him, macking on him, talking about how he's there because she's interested in him. Mike woke up and was wary as hell through that first scene with Charmcaster.
And then the show tries to play it like he and she bond and get along and he likes her right up until he realizes he can use her to his own ends. And the sudden shift makes no fucking sense. If they were having it where Mike clocked her as a potential target from the start and was playing the part as is his hunting MO, that would make sense. If they were having it where Mike was playing the part because Charmcaster is much more powerful than him, they're on her turf, and the fact there's no other people around when I doubt the books he's read were post-genocides are plenty of reason to not risk pissing off your grooming-inclined kidnapper, that would make sense.
They'd never do it, because even when Charm pulled shit with Kevin there was a healthy dose of 'it's his own fault the asshole' going on, and he's a character we're meant to like, but it would make sense. Fuck, she enslaved a load of people and committed a genocide while bargaining with a Great Old One three episodes ago, the odds she doesn't produce red flags like a factory are low, especially over time.
But the point is we go from 'Mike is wary of this stranger who kidnapped and is macking on him' to 'Mike cares and they're getting close' with nothing in-between. Which can only see working from where it is because the show refuses to acknowledge how Charmcaster has started this whole mess. Because if they acknowledge that that was a kidnapping, and that what she's doing is more likely than not a second case of trying to groom a minor, then they can't play her as the poor broken bird woobie whose sins don't count.
Here's a hint, this doubling down on the predator shit plus the woobie crap are how the episode does Charmcaster dirty. Especially when we pretty much just had a 'broken bird woobie is used by guy' storyline with To Catch a Fallen Star. We didn't need a second one, at least not so soon after. But no, somebody decided what we really needed was a storyline where they had Charm macking on another teenager, kidnapping a fucker to mack on, but it doesn't matter because she just so sad and lonely you guys, and the guy is such an asshole.
It didn't have to be like this. It could have worked. It could have been decent. Not good, but decent. Here! Here, I'll even give you three different ways the episode could have gone with these two that would have worked better.
1. You could have had Mike as the antagonist while not making Charm an asshole woobie-
Mayhaps he doesn't get knocked out, he's up and about to put on the charm when Charm shows up, talking his way into Legerdomain. He then proceeds to use what we recognize as his old tricks to get close to Charm and by extension the Alpha Rune, learning all he can along the way. Charm's loneliness makes her more susceptible, but there's not a romance or shit going on, she's just happy to have an apprentice/friend. Which makes it hit harder when Mike tries to usurp her and take the Alpha Rune and it's power for himself. For maximum effect you could cut out all the episode stuff with Team Tennyson, they only show up during the cold open and at the end when Mike's ass gets tossed out of Legerdomain like the trash he is. You still get Mike being his asshole self, but Charm isn't also being an asshole- better fitting with what they kept seemingly trying to do with her- and is sympathetic without being treated like a poor woobie who needs the Tennysons to help her.
2. You could lean more into Charm's behavior and have her as the antagonist-
Start everything as it is in canon, but her and Mike's second scene rather than being 'oh look at them bonding' Mike is still wary for quite obvious reasons, with the scene involving Charm realizing he's drawn to power and attempting to use it to bring him and keep him right where she wants him. After all she's fucked up all her other chances to have somebody around, and she says herself in canon that he's pretty, and we know damn well she's not opposed to forcing them to do as she wishes. Between her being willing to kill people and plying him with the promise of all the energy he could want, the 'oh I'm keeping you pretty boy' vibe from their first scene together continues. However the Tennysons get in- Charm learns Gwen's a target of Mike's and tries to grab her as added reward potential for doing as she wishes, they just manage to break in again like they did last time, whatever- they're surprised to realize that the one needing rescuing is Mike this time. You get to have Charm doing villain stuff without just immediately shoving it aside in favor of 'oh but actually don't worry about it isn't she sad', you can still keep her loneliness as motivation but with the added villainous edge they could never seem to keep themselves from doubling down on. You also get a nice different side of the issues seen in To Catch a Fallen Star, which still would be too close together but at least not functionally the same theme- this time with a woman in a position of power mistreating a guy, with a side bonus of 'even assholes can get mistreated and it doesn't stop being mistreatment just because they're assholes'. Something this show needs after some of the shit it did with Kevin's history with Charmcaster, boy doesn't even get to hate her without being labelled the problem.
3. You could play with both, keeping both of them antagonists-
Play it as in the last one, Mike is wary because of everything, Charmcaster has Intentions, and then it becomes obvious enough that Charmcaster is a great powersource that Mike's self-preservation instincts can't beat out his need for energy and Charmcaster can't miss that she's found a way to bring him in line without having to go full mind control. For the rest of the episode it becomes clear that they're both actively using each other- Mike trying to get one over on Charmcaster and trap Gwen as another source of energy, while Charmcaster- the one with all the actual power- has control over the situation, sees what Mike is trying to do, and plans to off Gwen and the boys to secure her power and control, keep him in line. Team Tennyson then has to wedge in and break apart this toxic little team-up/two-person nightmare- a fight that's just as much psychological as physical. Mayhaps Gwen spends it trying to convince Charmcaster that Mike's not worth the effort and she can do better- seems like what the show would do- while Kevin, as a Charm victim himself, tries to get through to Mike just how much a risk he's taking and how much it isn't worth it. Have it end with both of them defeated, with Kevin and Ben dragging Mike out of Legerdomain for very different reasons ('your own good and never make me care about that again' vs 'I do not want to have to have that fight again') while Gwen tries to talk Charm around again, only to get thrown out. Final scene is Ben suggesting they burn the Legerdomain portions of that spellbook, just in case.
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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Event: Whump- The Musical
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Characters: Charlie Morningstar, Alastor, Vaggie
Warnings: Genocide (Canonical), Self-Doubt
Prompt Used: Day 2 - The song referenced + Mob Mentality (mentioned) + Propaganda (implied)
Have fun! Story under the cut <3
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
„No!“, she screamed. Her voice spiralling into an unholy shriek, as she threw herself at the golden door. Charlie hit it repeatedly, while not stopping to scream. She just couldn´t stop herself. And why should she?
„How dare you! How can you do this!“ Her voice broke, as a sob escaped her throat. Another angry shriek, as she threw her entire weight against the door now, hoping against all odds, that this would be enough for it to open again. To give her the chance to negotiate for the redemption of all her friends once more. To make them see sense. For her to achieve that her friends were given the mercy they were in desperate need of!
„Charlie?“ Vaggie had never sounded so afraid. Not even when Charlie had found her in that alley, still bleeding and shaking, when she needed her help to even stand up. „Are you alright?“, a gentle hand was laid on Charlies shoulder.
„Am I alright?“, she whirled around, slapping away the hand, staring at the other. At the angel, that had deceived her from the first moment. At this being who had slaughtered countless of sinners. Charlie let out a humourless laugh. „Am I alright!“
She started to pace. „How could I be alright!“ She pointed a finger at Vaggie, not even noticing, that her fingernails had grown sharper in her agitation, forming the claws she always tried so hard to suppress. It was something she needed to do, to appear more harmless, to appear kinder. Just another thing, she always needed to keep track of. Otherwise people would never believe in her idea. Most thinking of it as ludicrous anyway.
„Were you even listening!“, Charlie cried. „They are coming down to kill us all! Am I alright?! No! Why would I be! They trusted me!“, she gasped, „They trusted in me!“ Her voice broke again, warping her last word into a helpless sob.
Her voice now more akin to a growl, than anything else. She tried to quiet down, when she saw one of the sinners, that were just passing by, flinch. They didn´t even know where the sound had come from. And why would they? Charlie, just like her father, had always tried so hard to appear as kind. As more human, than they really were. No matter what they were truly like. But she was failing at it in the moment. In the same manner that she had failed in every other aspect.
Another helpless cry tore its way out of her throat anyway, as she started to run back to the hotel. She ignored Vaggie, who was running after her, shouting at her to wait, to slow down, to „Please talk to me!“
There was one last hope, that had settled into her mind. After all, she was the same kind of creature, that her father was. Her mother known as a witch. Her father an angel. Wasn´t there some book of spells that they had gifted her some centuries ago? Maybe, she would be find something useful in there. Some way to stop heaven from coming down here, and kill her people.
She took no notice of the sinners jumping out of her way, as she raced down the street or of Vaggie trying to keep up with her. Still calling out to her, growing more and more frantic, the longer Charlie refused to react, and yet still not receiving any answer.
Charlie ignored it all.
Take the corner at the left, third right, straight ahead, right again at the weird statue, side step the drunk, sharp left, run up the pathway to the hotel.
Barrelling through the door of the hotel, she took no notice of how Angel Dust and Husker jumped out of her way. How Nifty nearly got kicked across the room by her, and Sir Pretentious unceremoniously shoved aside. She ran past Alastor, who had bemused smile on his face, as he got interrupted in the middle of his greeting once more, reminiscent of his first introduction to the hotel.
The faint „What´s up with her?“ from Angel Dust, didn´t even reach her ears. Just as she didn´t hear Vaggies poor attempt at explaining her erratic behaviour.
Charlies focus was centred around the attic. She needed to get up there as quickly as she could! This hotel might still have a chance of being saved.
Boxes over boxes greeted her, when she finally climbed up to the attic. Immediately she started to rip into them. One of those contained the book she needed. Glasses, blankets and old pictures. All those things were carelessly thrown to the side. She simply couldn´t spare the patience to treat them the care they needed at this moment.
Finally, she pulled the old book out of its hiding place.
Instead of racing down to her room, like she had originally planned, she sat down on the ground. A wave of dust billowing up around her, as she started to quickly page through the book.
It was filled with an abundance of strange symbols. Charlie tried to twist her tongue around them, but realizing soon, that this would be useless. She simply couldn´t understand what was written down in there. The language too far from her grasp, even if she simply tried to sound the words out.
Her reluctance to learn, when her father had offered to teach her years ago, was coming back to bite her in the worst possible moment.
This might just be something that was far beyond what she could do. But if she didn´t even try, who would. Who would step up to the angels? To heaven? Who would protect her people from their cruel fate? From what these damn angels planned for them?
Her father? He had already given up centuries ago. His hopelessness had cost him the fight before it had even begun. Her fathers opinion of the sinners, had already clouded his decision when he allowed the angels to come down in the first place. The teachings, heaven had instilled in him far too strong to rise up against them a second time. And if he ever did again, he would never do it in protection of the sinners.
Her mother? Who had deserted them all seven years ago? Charlie knew, that against all hope she still harboured, that her mothers song were unlikely to ever return to hell. There wouldn´t be another song to get the people to rise up as one entity. The only way, they maybe could have had a chance of beating the overwhelming force that heaven was sending down upon them.
She laughed dryly, whispering quietly „One more disaster, I can add to my generous supply“
Charlie was fully aware, that whatever happened next: The responsibility of it was laying on her shoulders. The king and queen of hell, not willing to step in any more. So she had needed to do it as their princess.
But her attempt had failed spectacularly. Her idea of redemption being laughed at, as impossible in both heaven and hell. And now she had brought the angels back onto her doorstep as well.
Was this her punishment? Was she more like her father, than she had ever even thought in the first place. An old saying, her father had sometimes whispered to her „Pride goes before the fall“ to warn her of hubris, came to mind.
Had the idea of the hotel, of sinners redeeming themselves, been nothing more than her hubris, for which she was getting punished now.
Was this somehow all her fault?
With a sob, she threw the book to the side, pulling her knees up to her chest, as she started to cry once more in earnest. Curling into herself, she didn´t notice the shadows shifting behind her. They were wrapping themselves around her, as if they were attempting to hide her even further away.
Charlie couldn´t believe that all of this happened, because she wanted to help. All she ever wanted was to help.
Angel Dust, who was such a gentle and heart-warming person, once you got to see behind his mask. Husker, who always was there for everyone if they needed somebody to talk to and always offered his advice. Sir Pretentious, who was, even she had to admit, somewhat a wuss, but still willing to step into a fight to help his allies and always well-meaning.
Even Vaggie, who had betrayed her trust. She had always been there for Charlie. Fighting to protect her dream with all she had.
Charlie had brought the angels right to them, because she though she could change the way things were being run. Stupid, stupid girl.
She sobbed again.
With the way, that she was crying, she completely missed the sound of the door being opened, or the tapping of dress shoes slowly approaching her. Every little tap almost sounding like hooves hitting the wood.
Though what she couldn´t ignore, was a surprisingly gentle hand petting her hair. The tips of sharp claws, barely scratching her skull. They were nothing more than a faint warning any more, of what they might be capable off, but at the moment utterly harmless.
„Now, now little princess. Enough of that!“
She looked up at the demon, that had come to crouch down in front of her. Alastors smile was as permanent as always, but somehow it felt more forced than usual. He had tilted his head to the side, as he watched her closely.
Charlie sniffled and wiped her tears away. The radio demon didn´t stop petting her, though at this point, she could recognize, that the motion felt kind of mechanical. Nothing more than a imitation of affection.
She looked closer at the other, truly looking at another person, since receiving the refusal from heaven, that had dammed all of hell.
„One question haunts me, and it hurts to even think about it. It feels like everything is too much.“, Charlie mumbled, opening up to Alastor. Finally, spelling out what was racing through her mind.
He just raised one eyebrow. The sound of radio static, that always surrounded him, growing a bit more quiet. It was obvious to her, that he was waiting for her to continue.
„Was I really seeking good or just seeking attention?“
Charlie looked away from him, when she didn´t immediately got an answer from him. Doubt was flooding her mind again.
Faintly, she wondered if there was even such a thing as a good deed. She had grown up in the pits of hell. But what really send her mind racing was the state of heaven. The angels apparently saw the annual slaughtering of her people as a recreational activity. Something they did for fun. Killing was nothing more than a bit of fun for them.
If this was how the righteous and the holy were, was there even anything approaching goodness in the world?
„What a loaded question, my sweet!“ Alastor laughter was warped with his static, as he just grapped Charlies arm to simply pull her back onto her feet. He was still chuckling to himself, as he first dusted of her shoulders, and then his own hands.
Walking away a few steps, he picked up the spell book. Carefully smoothing out its broken spine. Charlie must have accidentally broken it, when she threw it. She waited for Alastor to continue, but he wasn´t coming forth with any answer, instead he simply turned to her and smiled. His canines almost shining.
„Well, what do you think?“, she pushed. Not willing to bear the silence for a moment longer.
„That this is exactly why I came to this hotel in the first place. Your idea was insane, and I was just waiting for you to fail!“ He hummed slightly, his attention being captured by the book, as he slowly started to page through it.
„What the hell?!“ She was getting angry.
At Alastor, who acted like all of this had no other outcome, than what was happening at the moment.
At Vaggie for lying to her all these months. No. Since the start of their relationship.
At heaven, who kept sending angels down to hell, to cull her peoples population, without even caring if there was any other way.
At Adam in particular, who was leading the charge.
But most importantly, she was getting angry at herself, for already having give up so easily.
Charlie started to pace, trying to find a way out of this mess. But no matter, how she approached it, she just couldn´t find a way.
„Interesting what you have here, princess.“
She spared another look at Alastor, who was still paging through the book, but it had slowed down. It almost seemed like- But no, that couldn´t be...
„Do you actually know what this says?“
„Oh yes. Not like it´s hard, now is it? Wouldn´t you agree, princess?“
Charlie just slowly shook her head. Certainly not agreeing with the radio demon. Her pacing slowed, as a sudden thought entered her mind. It made her take a closer look at Alastor.
Alastor, who was the radio demon. One of the most powerful overlords in hell. Certainly experienced in fighting his way to the top. Cruel and gruesome. But undeniably, one of the few which seemed to win every time.
Maybe she had been approaching, the defence of the hotel all wrong. Of course, she wouldn´t find another way. She already had tried all, that she could. At least, if she was still trying to be kind and gentle.
Maybe she needed to approach it differently. Not as someone who wanted to show her people, that kindness was possible even in a bleak place like this. But as the princess of hell.
„Help me“, she demanded. A plan slowly forming in her mind, that might just work.
„You need to help me Alastor!“
„Not asking, are you princess“, he chuckled. Finally, he looked up from the book, staring at Charlie instead.
„No. I am not! I will defend this hotel and it´s residents with all I have. And you will help me!“ She had decided to do this now, and there was no way, that she would move from her position at this point.
„If they want a fight with the princess of hell, they will get it. O but I can promise them, if it comes to it, then no good deed will I do again.“, she growled this conviction out. At once the shadows in the attic started to violently twist.
„Willing to make a deal?“, the demon in front of her asked, his voice almost joking. But she could see, his magic coming to life, as it swirled around the two of them. Charlie took a deep breath, as she simply stepped forwards and shook his hand. In response, a loud static screech echoed through the air, as Alastors smile seemed to grow impossibly wide.
„As you wish, princess“, his laughter and voice faded away, as he vanished into some of the shadows, and a silhouette of Alastor giddily waved at her, before fading away itself.
Charlie meanwhile stormed back down to the main room of the hotel. Willing to ride the energy and motivation, that her deal has brought her for as long as possible. To plan, to scheme, to get everyone ready. Either to leave or to fight at her side. Whatever they chose.
Because if heaven wanted a fight with hell, hell they would get.
And she would make sure of that.
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kattahj · 2 years
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I posted 4,881 times in 2022
135 posts created (3%)
4,746 posts reblogged (97%)
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I tagged 3,234 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#the sandman - 288 posts
#sandman - 242 posts
#animals - 183 posts
#our flag means death - 175 posts
#cute - 138 posts
#star trek deep space nine - 127 posts
#dream of the endless - 125 posts
#dracula daily - 110 posts
#dracula - 105 posts
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#you have big dreams which will likely become reality one day due to your hard work and determination. bottom line is: you’re only going to
My Top Posts in 2022:
Oh, wow, I actually teared up at I am hope.
203 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Still curious about the possibility of Sandman meeting shipping culture with the coming TV show, I went to check AO3 to see if there were ships in the comic book tag, and dude, this is hilarious.
There are currently 1165 fics written for the Sandman comics. The ten most popular ships are:
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) (14)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (9)
No Romantic Relationship(s) (9)
Death of the Endless & Dream of the Endless (8)
Desire of the Endless/Dream of the Endless (7)
Dream of the Endless | Daniel/Eames (Inception) (7)
Dick Grayson/Koriand'r (6)
Arthur/Eames (Inception) (6)
Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling (6)
Dream of the Endless & Hob Gadling (6)                  
Not only are the figures tiny, half of those ships involve characters who aren’t even in the comics! “No romantic relationship(s)” is the third most popular ship! Two more are ampersand relationships, meaning that there are only two actual comic-based ships in the list: Dream/Desire and Dream/Hob, with less than ten fics each.
Still, only 639 fics are marked “gen”, so there does seem to be ship fic out there, scattered as it is. I filtered out crossovers to see what would happen:
330 fics total, 179 of those are marked “gen”. The most popular ship list is:
Death of the Endless & Dream of the Endless (9)
Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Lucifer Morningstar (7)
Desire of the Endless/Dream of the Endless (6)
Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling (6)
Dream of the Endless/Thessaly (5)
Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Reader (5)
Death of the Endless/Dream of the Endless (4)
No Romantic Relationship(s) (3)
Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Nada (3)
 Dream of the Endless/Nuala (3)                    
Okay, so here we have eight actual ships, with 3-7 fics each. Even with the massive drop in numbers (almost three quarters of the fics were crossovers!) that’s not much. All of them involve Dream. (I did go looking for Hazel/Foxglove, since I mentioned it in the previous post. They have two fics.) In addition to Desire and Hob, we now have Lucifer, Thessaly, Death, Nada, Nuala, and – of course – Reader.
It’ll be fun to see if those names pop up in fics for the TV show as well, or if there will be completely other contestants. (Maybe even some ships without Dream in them?) What are your guesses?
208 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
It just occurred to me that when Hob points out that he can't be killed, and Dream says "You can still be hurt," he's probably thinking of Orpheus. Like, do you want to know how badly an immortal person can be hurt and still live, Hob? Do you?
410 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
I love that despite the running joke of how practically everyone except Isaac knew that he was gay, when he did come out, it was to Hetty, who didn’t know. Because to him, it was a serious moment, and a serious revelation about himself, and it deserved to be met with genuine sympathy and respect, not flippancy or fake surprise.
546 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
When Diana Wynne Jones revealed that Howl was from modern-day Wales, she meant for this to be a contrast to the fairy tale land of Ingary. This did not work whatsoever with little child me, since I had only heard of Wales from other fantasy stories like The Dark is Rising and The Chronicles of Prydain. As far as I was concerned, Wales was just another fairy tale land, albeit sometimes more technologically advanced than the regular ones.
595 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Unwinding in the Vines
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary: Reader can’t get enough of cuddling Spencer.
A/N: Hey Heyyyy! Here’s my twenty-third fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April! Sorry this one is again out a little later than usual- I’ve started a new job and it was my mom’s birthday today! This ones based on this request from @lexieshuntingsstuff- it’s a user smol sweet moment between Reader and Spencer. Feel free to send me an ask here (I promise I don’t bite lol) Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Vague mentions of death (of minor characters & a tree lol) & Reader is overprotective of Spencer after he had a run in with an unsub- other than that it’s just a smol fluffy moment.
Main Masterlist Word Count: 1.2k
His arms were wrapped around my torso tight. They wound around to hug every dip and curve of my body, like the vines of ivy trailing up the tree he was resting his back on. Unlike the tree, who was being choked slowly to death by the vine, I thrived under his hold.
His hold on me made me feel safer than I ever had been, grounding me. Him being clingy also assured me that he was real, I could feel his skin on mine, even when his touch was dampened by our clothing. Though I craved him being closer, even more clingy than he already was being, I’d have to settle with how we were. I tried to sink into his touch even more despite it not being possible, winding my own arms up around his to create vines of my own.
I often felt unsafe, specifically at my job which was also Spencer’s. He was by my side through every investigation, through thick and thin, willing to do whatever it takes. It didn’t matter whether we were personally involved or it was the most routine case we had all year, he was always by my side. Though I often craved for him to be closer to me, to smother me with his whole body twisted around me from the tips of my toes to the top of my head.
I then hooked my legs around his, intertwining myself even further into him, no longer knowing where I stopped and he began. It had been too close of a call during the last case for me not to want him so close. He was the one holding me, but really I was protecting him from the man who dared pull a gun on him even though he was dead.
“What are you thinking about?” Spencer spoke up pulling me out of my daydream for a moment.
I fiddled with my fingers that I had intertwined with his, assuring me that he was here, safe and here to keep me safe. He nudged my side as I started to drift off back into my thoughts to prompt me to give him an answer, “How much closer I want you,” Was the first answer that came to my mind, until the true answer came to me. I hesitated, reluctant to spill my guts even though I knew he wouldn’t be mad, “ and- how glad I am that you’re safe…”
His breath hitched, probably him thinking back to his brush with death, all because of some cocky unsub so chaotic he had been hard to predict. I wanted to apologize for bringing it up, but Spencer had already moved on from the subject, choosing to focus on the positive, “I don’t think I can’t physically be closer- unless you want our atoms fuse.”
I giggled a little along with Spencer, making our chests vibrate with one another. Twisting myse a little around for just a moment I booped the tip of his nose delicately before teasing him with my tongue stuck out just a bit, “Think you could figure that out doc?”
“Maybe- I could probably do it with an assistant.” He teased right back, with a boop on my nose too as revenge.
“Only if it’s me.”
“I’d never be able to do anything without you.” My heart swelled at the affection, just as it always did around Spencer. He always leveled attacks of affection on me, which some would find obnoxiously overbearing. I thought those people were crazy. I loved him so much, letting him go or him letting me go sounded sad. When we were unable to touch each other at work I always felt a slight pain in my chest at the thought of it. Guess that probably made me clingy as well, but Spencer loved it just as much as I did.
My mind had shifted back to thinking about the BAU, our job that caused constant turmoil within me. Ever since he had nearly been fatally wounded I couldn’t help but wonder if there was anything else for us, something safer. Looking up at the clouds floating along without a care in the sky, I envied their ability to be carefree, to be able to see where the wind takes them.
“Did you ever think this was where you’d be?” He looked up at the clouds with me, perhaps also wishing life would be just as easy and carefree.
“No.” It was true, and also not surprising. Whether his answer was about his job or about me, I knew that even not that long ago he never would have imagined being here underneath the tree with me. Though, I was still worried that he no longer wanted to be a part of the BAU, especially after the recent fiasco. I did not want him to stay only for me.
“Do you want to be here?” My meaning had a double entendres, at surface level meaning his time with the BAU which even with my anxiety over recent events, I knew realistically we were meant to be there. Suddenly I was now anxious for his answer to the other meaning, whether or not he wanted to be here tangled up with me. We had said the words I love you out loud, and even then self doubt liked to poison me.
“Yes.” His arms choked around me tighter, but I never felt more free to be me. I never felt more alive than when I was close to Spencer, thriving with him. My own arms were holding Spencer down to me, but he had told me once that I was the only reason he ever grew to be better which I happily did along with him.
My stomach rumbled, interrupting our deep conversation. It was loud enough that Spencer could hear it even with the breeze that was muffling almost everything. He moved his hand down to rub my stomach, soothing it for the time being. “Do you want to eat the rest of the food?”
Wistfully I looked over to the picnic basket that we had packed for our time to unwind. We had eaten only a small portion of it before he had pulled me back to rest on his chest. My stomach may be slightly rumbling, but I wouldn’t want to give up my hold on Spencer or have him give up his hold on me. “No, you’d have to let me go if I did.”
I felt warm, almost hot, his arms insulating all the heat inside me along with what I produced on my own. My cheeks were definitely burning, but I didn’t care, I felt safe here away from the horrors I faced everyday with him. I never wanted him to stop clinging on to me like a koala bear or like the vines around us. He brushed a finger along my cheek, which was probably hot to the touch as he then asked, “Are you sure I’m not holding you too tight?”
Nuzzling my face on the side of one of his arms, I then squeezed my palms around him three times, a silent confession of my love. Turning my head up I saw him looking down at me in adoration, not at the other beauties of nature around me. I squeezed him tight once again, trying to entangle us permanently like a vine to a tree before I told him, “No, it’s perfect.”
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
Preference: When They Get Jealous
Characters: Nevada Ramirez, Okoye, George “Digger” Harkness, Lucifer Morningstar, Clyde Logan
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Nevada Ramirez
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Nevada Ramirez does not get jealous. Don’t get anything in that pretty little head of yours twisted: Nevada “El Trujillo” Ramirez does not stoop so low as to feel jealous. Jealousy is what a pussy incapable of keeping his woman feels. And Nevada don’t never gotta worry about that type of bullshit.
Nevada Ramirez does not get jealous. Not even when he sees some jackass getting a little too handsy with you. He gets angry, sure. But not out of jealousy: It’s because that dumbass just doesn’t know his place. He knows you’re too sweet for your own good, that you’ve never been particularly good with confrontation or speaking up when it came to strangers; luckily for you, your boyfriend is more than happy to lend you a hand with that problem.
He sees you smile all wobbly at the asshole, brows ever so slightly furrowed over eyes that whimper in panic. Maybe even reads your lips a bit. He can’t hear you over the thudding bass of the club, but he knows you well enough to know that you’re stuttering, your voice quivering as you try ever so gently to politely shut him down. It almost makes Nevada want to smirk: You’re trying to help your own pest, give him a head start and give him a chance to escape. But it’s too late for that, and you know it the moment you see two of ‘Vada’s boys stalk up to you and your new friend, with one of them grunting that it’s “time to go.”
You’re pretty sure your “new friend” knows it’s too late as well, given how he tenses, but the hand he has on your lower, lower back stays. Maybe even applies further pressure. He tries (stupidly) to hold his ground. But the ground can’t hold him; not as Nevada’s boys pick him up effortlessly and drag him off to a more dimly-lit section of the club. The only thing shining brightly from that corner being the exit sign.
Fifteen minutes later, your boyfriend joins you. He would pretend that he doesn’t know why your lips are pressed in disapproval, and that he doesn’t see how your brows are still furrowed but this time, in a way to suggest disapproval. And you would pretend that you don’t smell the smell of cigarettes smoked in the alley, or sweat worked up from an activity he got too into. More importantly, you pretend that you don’t see his bruised and bloodied knuckles as he rests and arm about you, gently ushering you closer to him as he murmurs about how lonely you looked without your Papi around.
Instead, you give in to the kiss he gives you. His idea of an apology without outright owning up to it.
Nevada Ramirez does not get jealous. He gets even.
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On the outside, she is calm and collected. The very image of the perfect warrior. But on the inside? Okoye is blaze with passion. Of course, her fierceness shined through when it came to protection, particularly that of her country, her king, her queen, her princess, and, of course, you. But it was ultimately her taciturn countenance that people took note of, which makes her all the more deadly to the unassuming.
Case in point, if she sees anyone putting the moves on you — man or woman — they will find themselves in one of two situations: They will either have the tip of an often-used vibranium spear pointed at them, or they will be requested to help Okoye spar. And, more often than not, the latter is what she chooses to apply.
Mind you, the challenged needn’t be a member of the Dora -- they needn’t even be a seasoned combatant or even have so much as an orange belt in Tae Kwon Do. Which frankly isn’t very fair, considering they’d be receiving a challenge from the head of Wakandan security, but oh, Okoye will insist: “There are few things more patriotic than assisting your protectors where they need the assistance,” she says. The smile she speaks with is very slight, but there’s no doubt from anyone who knows here that there’s a sliver of malice in them.
There’s really no need to go into how the match goes, especially since it’s obvious who the victor is every single time. Generally speaking, there are only four things that bare mentioning:
For one, no matter how much of a sweat or how bruised and banged up her opponent gets, Okoye always goes easy on them. Always. For two, every blue moon, Okoye might let them land a hit on her. However, this is out of pity as well as being for show. Because in the event they so much as scratch her, there’s the third thing: At the end of every sparring match, you go up to your beloved, singing her praises or to offer her a cloth to dab what little sweat she might have shed, or to tend to whatever sores she might have received. But whatever the case, you always go to her.
Fourthly, none of Okoye’s opponents ever try getting cozy with you again.
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George “Digger” Harkness
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Digger’s got a lot of nerves, daring to actually exhibit jealousy. He’s not a cheater, no, but he sure doesn’t exactly keep his eyes locked and loaded on you as much as you would like for him to. The amount of times he’s earned your ire for glancing at a jiggling ass or checking out a pair of swaying hips could fill a small novel.
So you (pretend) that it isn’t petty when you finally gain the opportunity to enact revenge on him.
Considering that his release from Belle Reve wasn’t exactly officiated by actual personnel (and was, in fact, just a flat-out jailbreak), your beloved Aussie had to lay low for a bit. That meant that in order to keep the feds from knocking down your door and getting you more involved than what you already were, Digger had to hide from place to place for a bit before he could even dream of returning back to you and setting up shop in your humble abode. But just because his life was sort of on pause didn’t mean that yours had to be.
It seemed like every time Digger gave you a ring from a burner phone, you were about to be headed out somewhere or were planning on going to an event with friends. Really, the fact that you wanted to go somewhere wild should’ve been a big indication to Digger that you were pulling his leg, but it didn’t matter: On the occasion that you sent a pic of what you planned on wearing, the jealousy consumed him.
You were going out? In that outfit? In that color you know makes you irresistible to both him and probably literally anyone with functioning eyes and a working downstairs!? Well, no, actually: While you did occasionally join your friends for a night out on the town, it was rarely ever in any of the outfits you implanted in Digger’s mind. And even then, for the most part, you weren’t actually going anywhere except to the couch to scroll YouTube or binge watch New Girl until you fell asleep.
But of course, Digger never thought this might’ve been the case. Instead, he thought to enlist the help of “friends” to keep an eye on you and report back to him if any bastard’s eyes or hands went anywhere they didn’t belong, aka on you. And when those efforts came up fruitless (he refused to believe them when they insisted you weren’t acting up), he took matters into his own hands: His dumb ass cut his location-hopping a bit short, appearing at your door a frustrated and possessive mess as he wasted no time storming through the door, hoiking you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes so he could take you to the bedroom and “remind you who you belong to.”
So, in short, Digger’s main resort when he can actually be around you is his go-to for most things he gets involved in that isn’t thievery: He, ahem, “smashes your back out”. Lovely.
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Lucifer Morningstar
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Lucifer swears he doesn’t get jealous but since he doesn’t think it’s a lie, he’s technically not lying. But he’s most definitely not being forthcoming with the truth. And that truth is that when he gets jealous, Luci becomes the most petty baby of them all!
Normally, he’s pretty confident that he has your attention. After all, what’s not to love? He’s sexy, talented, witty, interesting, and, oh yeah, the literal embodiment of enticement and charisma. Regular men just simply cannot compare! . . . So why in the Heaven would you be smiling at such a drab, bipedal specimen who thinks that they can replace having a personality with simply owning a pocket watch in this day and age!?
He doesn’t care that that guy is your coworker, he’s boring and stupid and there’s no way you really find him interesting, right? . . . Right?
If left to his own devices (hell, he’ll make the devices himself even if you protest), Luci will go out of his way to try and prove that that guy isn’t worth your attention and that you should please keep it on your loving Devil instead please. He’ll bequeath him unpleasant sobriquets; he’ll enlist his connections to dig up some dirt; if you leave them alone together for too long, Lucifer might even ask him what his deepest desire is. But these will often fall flat on the ass: The nicknames will roll off the “opposition’s” back like water off a duck (or you’ll fuss at Lucifer to quit it); the worst thing that could be dug up was that he was a college republican or something; and apparently his deepest desire is to acquire a copy of the Star Wars holiday special.
And somehow, that’s even worse!!
He might actually become a little pathetic (which, considering it’s Lucifer, probably just means his hair becomes a bit less combed, his clothes become more disheveled, and he might even somehow become even more clingy and demanding and even direct his pettiness towards you) because (Y/N), please, you can’t seriously be considering leaving your handsome, interesting, Devil for some boring, sad, oblivious piece of --
Really, the best way to get Lucifer to stop pestering is by reminding him who you’re with: Himself. After all, you’re not going home with the guy from work. Nor do you let him rest his head on your lap so you can play with his hair, or giving him your kisses, or letting him touch you in places only Heaven and Hell know drive you wild.
No . . . Those are reserved only for Lucifer, your beloved Hell bastard, for better or for worse. But mostly for the better -- even though he can sometimes just be the worst.
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Clyde Logan
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It really depends on the environment, because it ultimately can go one of two ways based on that alone. Clyde thinks the world of you, that you must be some kind of angel to see something good enough in him worth dating. And while it’s a bit of a confidence-booster in some respects, it also leads to a lot of other worries, highlighting even further his own long-term insecurities.
In a way, he’s both shocked and glad that you don’t get hit on every moment of every day the moment you walk out the house: You’re clearly the most gorgeous gal ever. You deserve acknowledgement of this! But then again, he doesn’t want so many eyes on you; one pair might most definitely belong to somebody better for you than him: Better-looking, better at talking, better socially, better job . . .
So when the two of you are out grocery shopping or visiting a local farmer’s market or anything and some rugged fox of a man casts a sensual smirk your way, Clyde can’t help but gain the demeanor of a nervous puppy, his large frame seemingly shrinking as his long hair curtains his face. If he had a tail, it would most certainly have tucked itself between his legs. It only gets slightly better when you only return a polite but small smile and take your partner’s hand to gently lead him elsewhere. But only slightly. It may take some cuddles and smooches when you get home to properly perk Clyde back up, but that’s far from something you mind doing.
However, should you both be at Duck Tape, or any other gathering that might make use of a mixologist for that matter? Clyde is in his element.
Clyde isn’t one to boast or show off; it’s not compatible with his shy nature, and his belief in the Logan Family Curse just doesn’t allow for him to get greedy about it. But if one night you drop by to visit him at work and he sees some guy making goo-goo eyes and hokey small talk at you? It’s on.
It doesn’t matter what drink the guy orders: Clyde immediately knows how to make it and make it perfectly, utilizing only his organic hand. The concoctions are mixed with such ease and precision, his every move emoting a sense of confidence that the unsuspecting would never have guessed a man like him could possess. And if he would be so bold, Clyde might even do so while barely breaking eye contact. It’s all the more better if the guy flirting with you tries ordering a drink for you himself. Because that’s when Clyde can start off with the man’s drink . . . before making you a completely different one entirely. The patron’s brow furrows.
“That’s . . . not what I ordered for her,” he points out.
And Clyde nods. “Nope. But that’s her favorite, and I reckon she’d prefer that over what you wanted her to have.”
You toasting at your beloved and offering a, “Thanks, honey” only sweetens the deal.
There aren’t many opportunities where Clyde feels like The Big Man on Campus, so to speak. But moments like that, where he feels he gets to show some of his worth? He can’t help but be a bit emboldened by them.
Of course, it goes without saying that it isn’t the drink-mixing or skill that drew you to him: It’s that sweet, thoughtful disposition of his. Because let’s face it: In a county of foxes and wolves, you can’t beat a sweet-eyed puppy-dog.
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