#and that as a woman and a wlw i am butch
moodr1ng · 4 months
would u guys kill me if i called myself futch
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 10 months
Figured it was time I did a face reveal
This is me
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This is me and whoever wanna volunteer
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stormydayvibes · 10 months
The wonderful feeling of napping on your girlfriends chest. Listening to the sounds of her steady breaths as you feel the soft drumming of her heart beat. Legs and arms intertwined in loving embrace. Soft hands drawing circles into my shoulderblades and down my ribcage. To be compleatly enveloped in a woman's affection is the most heavenly way to pray. The surrender of trust so willingly. In her I found my religion, in her I found what cherubs sing of.
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Genuine question at other women who also present or identify more masculine (masc/butch, any other): Do you ever deny yourself to have even the slightest bit of sexual attraction towards other women? Even if it's just thinking"Wow, she looks hot!" Because you're so worried that you could be a thread?
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softbutchthatlovesyou · 8 months
What is a lesbian? Is a woman who likes women? A non-man who likes non-men?
Lesbian is Women whos attracted to Women and ALSO
Someone with queer attraction to Women/Other Lesbians.
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patchuolli · 2 years
There are some girls that are boys and some boys that are girls and there are some people that are both and some people that are neither, there are also some people that are boys and girls and neither and I think I am that. My body is not feminine to the world but there moments where I am woman, and there are moments where I am just a young man, a boy, who is slightly too uncomfortable in their body, there are also days where I am neither. I am just a thing and my body does not affect me because it is just there to exist and keep me alive.
Days where I am woman… I am soft, shaven, and I want to be touched and desired with fire that I know the gods would weep at.
Days where I am but a young man, I want to open her doors and bring her flowers, and have her rest her head against my broad flat body.
Days where I am neither… I want to explore the world and be explored by it, I want people to look at me and question what and who I am, where I came from and where I belong. I want the sun to shine on every part of me; woman, man, and neither.
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uhoh. i think ive had a low reading comprehension moment
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wolfisland · 3 months
before pride ends i would just like to send my love to lesbians. the positive impact my lesbian friends have had on my life is immeasurable and they have provided support and insight thats irreplaceable. some of the people whove made me feel the most welcome and understood as a bisexual woman have literally been lesbians who have supported me because we will always have our love of women in common. some of the most important lessons ive learned about my own identity and place in my community have come from lesbians who love bi women, who want to share spaces with bi women.
as a bi butch the friendship and solidarity i can have with other wlw, butches and femmes, lesbian, bisexual, or otherwise, are so valuable to me and i strongly believe in bisexual and lesbian solidarity and community. i will ALWAYS push for lesbians and bi women to support each other and show up for each other. i am so grateful for all of the chances i have had to be part of my lesbians friends lives and journeys and excited for my future with other wlw and the steps i hope to see us all take in the future for our rights to live our lives freely and proudly.
everyone say thank you lesbians.
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that-stone-butch · 1 year
hi, i have a question and i mean this in good faith, but why do some butches get top surgery? you mentioned it in some of your recent posts and i’m just trying to understand. i 100% believe in bodily autonomy so i’m not judging anyone for that decision, i’m just trying to understand so i can support people better. obviously there’s a lot of overlap between butches and transmascs but i don’t really understand why someone who still identifies as a woman (not all butches do, but “lesbian”/“wlw” still implies some connection to womanhood) would want to have that surgery unless it was to prevent breast cancer? i have chest dysphoria too but i guess it’s not bad enough for me to understand this. is this higher level of dysphoria common in butches? again i mean this in good faith and i just want to understand. i wish you well for recovery and i hope everything goes smoothly!
my pal you have like fifty gender biases here that you're gonna want to unpack. this pile of questions has so much added baggage it's going to take so many steps to unpack holy shit
not all lesbians are women/have an 'implied connection to womanhood'
'top surgery' may mean mastectomy but there are also people out there who get 'top surgery' meaning breast implants, among whom some are butches, and for whom that is an equally momentous instance of gender-affirming care. is this a part of your question?
you don't have to understand why someone would want a procedure in order to support them
i cannot speak to whether or not butches experience an especially 'high level' of chest dysphoria
even if i could produce some statistic that indicates that we do experience a 'high level' of chest dysphoria, i am not especially equipped to speak for all of us as to why
i have no idea what amount of people counts as 'high' to you. is one in five high? one in ten? what if it was one in ten sure about getting top surgery, but an additional two in ten were considering it? would that be high, to you? i have no frame of reference for you
'has tits' does not necessarily mean 'is woman' and some women do not want to have tits. period
other people's chest dysphorias are going to look different from your own. there are as many different reasons to feel dysphoric about one's chest as there are people
like i'm taking your good faith seriously, but even if i wanted to answer these questions i couldn't. i'm just one person. so let me reiterate the only answer that matters:
you don't have to understand why someone would want a procedure in order to support them
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For Vanoe: "vanitas promised his canon love interest, as a romantic gesture, that if she started to become a monster, he would kill her so she wouldn't have to suffer. and then later when discussing how vanitas will eventually turn into a monster himself, he said he wants noe to kill him when that time comes. pretty yuri. also i'm a lesbian and i like them"
"Idk they have such a homoerotic shoujo manga dynamic but they're guys. Or maybe not that much but you gotta admit this would be exquisite yuri if they were girls. Noé the gothic romance heroine etc etc"
For Wenzhou: "Basically in their family unit Wen Kexing is the wife but Zhou Zishu is the mom. Also there are lots of genderbends of them around but the best ones are those where Wen Kexing goes super hard on femme but Zhou Zishu deadass has the same personality and appearance - like shoutout to those artists/writers u r the real ones. Also lesbian Zishu still being called "husband" by Wen Kexing, mwah chef's kiss! He would SO be a butch."
"Wen Kexing is compared to a wife twice in the show and at least once in the book iirc. Canon malewife + wears red eyeshadow and rocks a red robe in his Ghost Valley Master getup + his husband is an emo assassin, they are so incredibly yuri even if they're guys"
For Ineffable Husbands: "Well due to neil mentioning that they was plans for a fem presenting 1960s scene of the two of them that never ended up happening, there's a lot of fanart of that. Plus, they are an angel and a demon, and both technically don't follow the gender rules of humans and many other species on earth, so while they do present very masculine throughout the show, they could be any gender and therefore they seem very fitting for this.(I do apologize as I don't quite understand what guy Yuri is despite your definition so I am guessing and have no clue if they count."
"Looks like m/m on first glance but they don't actually really have gender and Crowley dresses as a woman for a good few years canonically"
"theyre male presenting in the show but they dont really have gender so they could be wlw if they wanted to"
"While both characters spend most of their time presenting as male, they are supernatural beings without any real sex or gender. Crowley appears as a woman multiple times, and one scrapped scene included both Aziriphale and Crowley as women in the 1960s. Additionally, it’s very common to find “Ineffable Wives” fanworks, with both characters appearing as women. As well as having been an immensely popular fandom ship for many years, it has been confirmed that Aziriphale and Crowley are canonically in love with each other."
"Regularly turned into women in fanart. Both Aziraphale and Crowley are incredibly gender. They have been together in some sort of way for 6000 years. Heavy yearning. Cringefail. Divorced and married at the same time. Literally an angel and a demon. What more could you want?"
"theyre literally genderless and can be anything ever!!!"
"Their genders are ineffable and they have hopelessly pined for centuries"
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yourturntofnaf · 4 months
can you list the top ten most lesbian yttd characters
oh I certainly can. starting from number 10...
10. mai tsurugi
for 10, we have mai. she's certainly wlw to some extent. although I generally lean towards her being pan, I can also absolutely see her being a femme lesbian. I definitely see the vision.
9. anzu kinashi
once again, I see her as generally sapphic of sorts instead of strictly a lesbian, but there's also a part of me that sees myself in her. I want you to hear me out with this one: nonbinary lesbian for lesbian ranzu. this came to me in a dream and I think the people need to hear this.
8. maple
certainly, this is the most debatable lesbian take in terms of canon considering her plot revolving around midori. although that is pretty hard to argue against, consider this: she's out of his league anyways and she deserves better, specifically the love of a woman.
7. strawberry girl
yeah I know she has no canon content yet beyond one picture but like...
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she just has the vibe. when I see her, I know she's one of us.
6. nao egokoro
everyone's favorite fat femme lesbian representation. is she canonically fat or a lesbian? nope. however, I am a fat femme lesbian so my stamp of approval outweighs canon. thank you for understanding.
5. megumi sasahara
no straight woman could rock that uniform quite Ike she does. once again, she's just got that vibe. plus, maigumi is pretty based.
4. touko rikuno
arguably the most girlboss character to come out of this series. the first time I saw her I thought "one of us, one of us". her and jin are totally mlm/wlw solidarity.
3. reko yabusame
I feel like the fandom generally agrees on this one. it just makes sense. I will never get over that "I love fat ladies" post with reko. this is canon content to me.
plus, the way she hangs her hand? lesbian as fuck
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2. kugie kizuchi
kugie is canonically wlw so that's pretty cool! I absolutely headcanon her as the coolest butch you've ever met.
now, you might be thinking: "kai this is literally canon, why is she only second place?!" and to that I would say...
1. emiri harai
the epitome of the lesbian vibe. I mean come on
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ok, this was really fun. I will spread lesbianism to the masses. please don't take this too seriously! happy pride, support your local queer
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candiid-caniine · 3 months
so I've seen this going around lately, and I want to talk about it. I didn't want to add discourse to OP's post because I didn't know if/how much was welcome.
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this is a very hot button issue for me. general tw for this post: mention of abuse within kink dynamics.
so. y'all all know that I have some very strict limits on this blog. I have a boundary against play with cis men. I have a hard limit on misogyny and patriarchy kinks being in my space. and I'm not alone in that: a lot of other queer ppl I know (mostly wlw, nblnb, t4t, and intersex) have the same limits.
for me it's trauma rooted. all dynamic abuse I've ever experienced has been at the hands of cis men, so I don't deal well with them. and growing up in purity culture as a closeted afab has ruled out misogyny/patriarchy kink. as a result, I am very avoidant of anything that rings of these dynamics...which happen to be overrepresented as dominance in modern pornography.
it is very hard as a t4t to find porn that isn't influenced by this binary, which usually plays itself out as:
to be feminine is to be weak, and vice versa
the submissive partner is the bottom
the dominant partner is controlling outside the bedroom
submission is holy for the feminine and deviant for the masc
dominance is holy for the masculine and deviant for the femme
existing power balances in society are utilized in play
the submissive is to be protected
the submissive is the dominants responsibility and not vice versa
aesthetic perfection is expected of the sub
and many more.
so to say "signs of domination in your social circle" may mean different things to different people. I'll be honest, I don't know what OP meant; this post was awhile back in their blog -- I'm just using this as a way to talk about some of my own hangups, hence why I made my own post instead of responding.
and yeah. if someone in my social circle showed signs of being controlling outside the bedroom, magnifying social inequalities in play, deeming submissives weak and demanding of protection, or expecting aesthetic perfection of submissive seeming people....would I call that evil? um. fuck no.
but I would recognize it as something I can't be a part of. I would form resentment if treated accordingly: as something inherently weak, defenseless, naive, and feminine due to my preference for submission, or hell, for being fucking Asian. cause yeah, that happens.
that said: if someones treating every sub, or every person they decide is submissive, like that...they're a fucking weirdo. their problem.
but there's another side to this. one that affects people who top, people with penises, and people who present as masc who...
may derive euphoria from aligning with a binary role in a kink setting
may genuinely share a desire to be protective and controlling with their partner/s
may face othering or prejudice for seeming like an angry trans woman or a violent butch or an angry Black person
are already only tenuously accepted in queer spaces due to masculine presentation or AGAB or race
so what's to be done?
simply put, don't put your trauma or your bias onto others. I really think that's the answer.
if a particular type of dominance triggers you, remove yourself from the space. unless it's your space, in which case set boundaries.
if you find yourself side eyeing people of a certain AGAB or presentation more than others, consider that this is a you problem.
understand not everything's about you. subs can be just as selfish as doms. just because your friend likes to dominate doesn't mean they want to Dom you. just because they Dom in a way you wouldn't want to be dommed doesn't mean they're wrong.
fuck off with your kink shaming. flat out, unless you are speaking about dynamic abuse or any other type of abuse, you have no grounds to judge the way other d-types or s-types roll. unlearn your purity culture.
learn a thing or two about top drop and/or Dom drop.
and for God's sake...in this hellish 2024 pride month where trans rights are backsliding and other lgbtq+ rights will certainly follow: educate yourself. cishets didn't invent kink. leather daddies have been doing this for decades. lesbian pulp fiction featuring s&m dates really far back. hell, ancient Greeks have art documenting s/m relationships, and y'all know they were gay as shit.
cause I have an inkling that in queer circles this comes from the decrying of evil, icky cishet culture in kink. you are entitled to your boundaries, but your bias and your judgment and your disgust can damn well be kept to yourself. my partner deals with enough guilt over their preferred role, and enough crisis about whether their masculinity comes off as creepy, without neopuritans exacerbating the issue.
and that includes me. I've had to unlearn this shit from the ground up since coming out. I thought coming out was the unlearning, but no: you are not immune to internalized bias. and your masc, amab, intersex, and Black and Brown queer siblings are not immune to the harm you may be perpetuating.
anyway. I'm stoned AF. and prepared to turn off reblogs for this post. lol
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the-everqueen · 7 months
Definitely curious about the genderflip Sandman fic 👀
SAME. as in, this is only a concept on the back burner of my brain because i haven't really worked out a satisfying answer to the central q of the thing which is: what does a gender flip DO to these characters?
because here's the thing. i think 99.9% of the time a genderswap au is unnecessary and boring. (not to mention essentialist as hell.) boys have pussies, girls have dicks, people of all genders are intersex, etc. some of us notgirls and failguys just want to vicariously experience our fave getting his clit sucked or her prostate massaged. i personally hate fics that go "but what if these [cis] dudes were [cis] GIRLS" and then proceed to strip the characters of everything that makes them compelling, that makes THEM, because at that point you might as well just flesh out your OCs and maybe interrogate your internalized misogyny and transphobia while you're at it.
in the case of sandman, i am (transparently, obviously) curious about what happens if the Corinthian is not designed to be (read as) a man. in the comix, he very much embodies the fears and risks associated with gayness in the 90s (the AIDS epidemic, the dual violence of the closet and/or being outed, the culture around cruising, intersections of race and class with queerness in U.S. urban areas, etc). in the show that's subtly shifted to be a broader umbrella of queerness as well as a very 21st century anxiety around surveillance/public vs private that also taps into a cultural fascination with serial killers. in both cases, him reading as white, middle-aged U.S. man is a CRUCIAL part of what he signifies. he looks like (and takes advantage of being) someone with a lot of social privilege, across multiple categories. no one is going to question why he's in a fancy hotel, a conference room, a seedy bar, a suburb. OBVIOUSLY that changes if any one of these categories changes. i'm thinking about how and also what that means.
(the dreaming spinoff comix tried to do a Thing with a female Corinthian: while Coco spends a year as a real boy, a trans woman named Echo takes his place in the Dreaming. the spinoff handles Echo...really poorly. [i wrote a whole paragraph here trying to distill her arc but it's tangential to this post so suffice to say: it was Bad.] Echo is posed as this "femme fatale" type because i guess if the Corinthian is a woman, she'd also have to be sexy and alluring to the (heterosexist) male gaze. imho this was a cop-out, but then again...what about that spinoff wasn't.)
on some level i'm not sure the Corinthian could ever be anything besides the Corinthian, if that makes sense. as in, if you change anything about him, maybe then he ceases to be the Corinthian and becomes something else entirely. Dream can take different forms (and Overture has a femme!Dream) because stories can take different forms across cultures and times and species. but the Corinthian is intrinsically tied up in humanity and its biomythic nature. and what we think of as Human, as Sylvia Wynter reminds us, is very much tied up in narratives around identity including race, gender, and class.
at the same time my id absolutely wants a butch lesbian Corinthian who uses he/him pronouns. mostly because lesbian and wlw sex STILL gets dismissed or sanitized or erased or pathologized, even though queer women remain subject to state, police, and domestic violence at higher rates than their straight and/or cis counterparts. (also yes i'm counting my trans hermanas y primas, t*rfs can fuck right off.) but also because i'm a fagdyke with religious trauma who relates very hard to god's failed masterpiece.
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trulynamelessworld · 19 days
Danielle and Armande WLW WIP!
Currently in the early stages of a story called "How Not to Plan a Future" focused on the trials and tribulations as Dani and Armande navigate trying to plan a wedding, nosy aunties, found family, and lesbian baby making.
Dani (Will kill you if you call her Danielle.)
40 years old
2 time Pullitzer Prize winner, already.
Twice divorced to men (and she'll tell you all about it)
Finally quit smoking a couple years ago
No clue how she bagged a gorgeous woman ten years younger than her considering she's already going grey.
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Armande (Not De Romanus thank you.)
30 years old
Millionaire art dealer
Obsessed with her ipad and making heinous smoothie concotions to give Dani
Moved her biological mother and family over to America when they asked
Hit on Dani because she liked her hair and the soft butch vibes.
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Now full disclosure, I have no idea when this will actually be posted as I would like to have a decent amount of the fic done so I can have some kind of upload schedule but I am very jazzed about the idea!
I hope you enjoy the idea of Dani and Armande frantically trying to cobble together a wedding that somehow includes their muslim, jewish, and catholic beliefs while keeping their families from killing eachother.
(Louis and Lestat will also feature as Lou (they/them) who is a museam curator and well, Lestat (she/her) a well established rock musician.)
Show this post some love if you like the idea??
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straydogged · 2 months
yeah okay I think I might be bigender.. I've been so deeply confused because I thought it would feel different, more clear, like the gender differences between myself and josie when we switch (she's part of my subsystem) but it's? both. I'm both but not necessarily 50/50. sometimes, but not always. it explains why I cannot let go of the deep desire to be butch wlw and the grief at not being "woman enough" to be wlw, but also feeling the exact same way about being mlm. I want to be both, I am both but I don't feel like I can call myself both. and it's just been a 4 year long gender crisis that I haven't been able to climb out of... but bigender feels like someone dropped a ladder down for me
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x08, part 1.
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Opening the episode with literally Jamie's name is !!! I'm already smiling. My boooy. <3 A streak of four wins just bc Jamie saw the flaw in Total Football, fixed it, and there we go <3
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I am so incredibly sad for what Ted has to go through. This SUCKS. Some other man is bad enough, but your fucking therapist is a punch in the gut. Especially when you still have feelings for the woman you love, but she doesn't love you anymore.
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I don't UNDERSTAND! If TedBecca isn't supposed to be romantic like Hannah and the writers say, why this? Like, yeah, they've been to the same party, obviously. And the mention is casual, "they're brother and sister to me", but I still see the foreshadowing. Like, I'm all TedTrent and bi Ted, but ????
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Mae is so sweet. What a woman.
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Seeing wlw in s3 of Ted Lasso was the last thing I expected, but hell yeah. Please don't make Jack evil. Please. If they're gonna break up, let it not be a scandal and a mutual breakup or something. However, I can see Keeley staying with Jack and Roy telling her he has feelings for Jamie and they hit it off pretty nicely. But that's just my shipper heart's desire. We'll see bc I don't think this show might be that bold.
I wonder how many women actually sleep with their bra on. It's the most uncomfortable thing EVER imo.
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Keeley is such an excitable puppy. Just like Jamie when with Roy. :)
I'm actually surprised about Nate and Jade. Like... it's almost a complete 180? Idk, I still dislike him. I think I understand the point, be kind and and not judgemental, all of that, but I can't with him. I don't like him and his storyline. A lot of screen time was wasted on him when imo when it could've been something way more interesting.
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She might as well might be a butch bi.
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Laughing. Trent with his what I almost sure is an empty mug, just for the drama of it. Doesn't matter that he 'drinks' from it after. Show me liquid in there or I'm not fooled.
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S1 Roy would never, and I'm proud of his development. Ted is one of his people now, isn't he? A good friend for sure. It's also very interesting for me to watch in terms of Roy's other relationships and interactions. He already went somewhat there with Jamie in Amsterdam, "I was a dick today, I'm sorry" and how he realizes that he often releases his negative emotions on Jamie "whether you deserve it or not".
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Crying with laughter. Roy is ready to "talk about it", but definitely isn't ready to do THAT. It makes me feel good for getting this part of a relationship right in my fic, lmaoooo. Also, where is Higgins?
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A real conflict here, hehe. Hopefully, one day, he's gonna be ready to join them and talk about it. That would be fun to watch.
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Higgins summoning succeeded.
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What are you doing there, Helga soft boy, with your sparkling pencil? This makes me think of that "Jamie — Jamie" thingy. Yeah, no, Roy and Jamie are in love.
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This is more like a soft howling/whining :')
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Babe, wake up, new reaction meme just dropped.
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He sure does, but he's still repressed about it.
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Trent Crimm woof'ing with a soft look on his face can be SO personal. I love him, your honor. I wonder what he'll write in his book about that. I also wonder when is Roy gonna join them. Oh, i'l watch him barking and woofing, alright. Jamie wouldn't let that go, EVER. At the same time I feel like Roy would refuse to imitate barking & they would let him just bc that's Roy. A simple "fuck you" and that's ok.
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The difference in body language, wow. Love hounds though? Nate, you need to get back with Ted then. Gosh, this entire storyline is SO awkward.
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I think I'm still in love with her a little bit. What a woman.
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