#I resonate with womanhood and I resonate with boyhood
patchuolli · 2 years
There are some girls that are boys and some boys that are girls and there are some people that are both and some people that are neither, there are also some people that are boys and girls and neither and I think I am that. My body is not feminine to the world but there moments where I am woman, and there are moments where I am just a young man, a boy, who is slightly too uncomfortable in their body, there are also days where I am neither. I am just a thing and my body does not affect me because it is just there to exist and keep me alive.
Days where I am woman… I am soft, shaven, and I want to be touched and desired with fire that I know the gods would weep at.
Days where I am but a young man, I want to open her doors and bring her flowers, and have her rest her head against my broad flat body.
Days where I am neither… I want to explore the world and be explored by it, I want people to look at me and question what and who I am, where I came from and where I belong. I want the sun to shine on every part of me; woman, man, and neither.
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