#and tbh I think learning something for the sake of someone is a very tell tale sign of love
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seokwoosmole · 5 months ago
*Sign of affection minor spoilers*
Yuki’s family not communicating with her in (or even seeming to know much) sign language rubs me so wrongly. I don’t know a whole lot about the Deaf community, but I’m taking an ASL class right now and I’ve seen Deaf characters portrayed in media, but I don’t know any Deaf people that use ASL that are close to me, so maybe this isn’t an educated opinion. But I would think that if you were a parent and had a Deaf child since BIRTH and they were 19 years old, sometime in those 19 years, you would have learned sign language - even a little???? Like if Yuki was born hearing and became deaf later in life, I could maybe see how her parents/brother haven’t yet mastered sign language, but that’s not the case!! Yuki was born Deaf and her whole family is perfectly fine with her relying on lip reading and they don’t even seem like they’re actively practicing or learning for that matter😭That scene in the manga when Yuki helps clean for her older brother and she says he only knows ONE sign. And when Itsuomi meets her parents they are genuinely shocked that the two of them are holding sign language conversations despite him only learning recently and the two of them not dating very long. I love Itsuomi and I do think he is genuinely a really great guy, but I also think other characters make it really easy for him to look like such a green flag in comparison😭 Like. This man didn’t know a single sign before meeting Yuki and he’s known her for a few MONTHS and he’s made such an effort to learn for her. And don’t get me wrong, this isn’t an Itsuomi praise post (again I love him, but imo, if you have a significant other who’s fluent in and predominantly uses a language that’s not one you know, it’s the bare minimum to make an effort to learn it) more so this post is just me being baffled at the people in Yuki’s life😭 Like. THESE PEOPLE LOVE HER! Yuki does not in the slightest have an unloving or unkind family. So the fact that they canonically don’t use sign language with her and rely on her to lip read and write/text is just wild to me.
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daisymerollingg · 6 months ago
heyyy i know drive knight is definitely hard to write about, but.. do you think you could write something about him slowly gaining feelings for the reader? i think itd be really cute (assuming hes maybe a cyborg like genos)
Drive knight, falling inlove?
Genre; fluff, hcs
Pairing: Drive knight x reader
side note; Hi Anonn, I didn’t expect my first ask for opm to be about drive knight tbh. Drive is definitely a complicated ask,, also there isn’t a single fic about him damn. Anyhow, you ask and you shall receive!
also this is longer than expected
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Drive knight is an interesting and mysterious character. There really isn’t much information about him I can go off of.
Because he has the same core thing Genos has, i’m going to assume he’s a cyborg for the sake of this fic.
Drive is cold and does not care for much, he is simply focused on his own goals. The well being of others doesn’t concern him, hero or civilian.
So it was new when you caught his eye. It was probably your intelligence and calculated skills that piqued his interest in you at first. Your logic-oriented approach to things, and even your resourcefulness made him want to learn more about you. He figured your abstract knowledge and talent could aid him in his own objectives.
He observes you for awhile. Not in a weird or stalkerish way, simply just watching you whenever the both of you so happened to be in the same space together. He silently absorbs every word you say and every action or move you take. It’s not obvious at all, actually.
When he finds that he wants to learn even more about you or maybe he thinks you have information that maybe of use to him, He’ll start engaging in conversations with you, in a very tactical manner though. Most of the time He’ll interrogate you about information or discuss theories he has. The convos are often emotionless and very straight to the point.
solely from these interactions, and the fact he does not reciprocate any type of greeting or pleasantries, you’ll likely be intimidated by him.
moving on,
It all starts when Drive knight has some new theory he thinks you might able to help him delve deeper into. When he goes up to you with his usual monotoned call for your name, which is his way of greeting people, you assumed, and his gaze falls onto a patched up area on the whole of your lower arm. He feels something in him shift slightly and he asks you about it, before he even starts talking about his theories. It honestly caught you off guard . You tell him that you dropped some hot oil on your arm while cooking and burned yourself but it was no big deal.
he stays silent for a few moments, his one mechanical eye leering down at you, then he simply tells you that you should be more careful, and sustaining a hindering wound while doing such a mundane task is un-exemplary. You weren’t sure if he was worried or disappointed in you…?
then he quickly switches the topic to what he originally came to discuss.
Afterwards, Drive knight thinks back to that interaction and confusion settles in him. He didn’t know why he was eager to know what had happened to you, and why he even advised you to be careful… He brushes it off.
it was when he starts picking up, and I mean actually noticing other things about you, that he starts to grow truly perplexed. The way you walked, sipped your tea, brushed off the creases in your outfit and straightened your back whenever someone approached you, and many other subtle characteristics he picked up on, lingered in the back of his mind.
he started appreciating you, and those subtle acts of yours. He enjoyed how human you were.
Again, however, he ignored that little nagging voice in his head.
Subconsciously, he started doing things out of character of him. He started greeting you with a ‘hello’, which he never did, and even mutely acknowledged your presence with a curt nod even if he didn’t want anything from you at that time.
his core starts to warm up slightly when he’s speaking to you, and sometimes he gets lost in your eyes or even just your features when you’re speaking. He starts occasionally feeling worried about you, or might randomly start to wonder what you’re currently doing.
Of course, when he starts to act more warmly to you, you start seeking him out yourself, maybe just for advice or discuss your own theories or even just to tell him something random that happened to you.
When he finally realizes that his feelings towards you were romantic, he’s in conflict with himself. Does he just have to live with these feelings, at least, until they diminish and satisfy them with the small interactions you have? Would they distract him from ultimate ambition? Would his feelings grow to the point a mere exchange of words with you here or there might not satisfy him?
Thankfully, the feelings he has toward you rarely ever distract him. Even though you do cross his mind every now and then, it’s nothing too intense or he couldn’t push away.
He still prioritizes his goal above everything else.
He would start to view his feelings for you as simply another variable to account for. Maybe not positively at first. He starts analyzing you from a distance, trying to figure out why you make him feel the way he does.
after awhile of trying to grapple his emotions, he just comes to the conclusion that this was just a part of human connections, and if he wanted to live amongst them, he must learn to adapt to this.
After a very long while, he’ll confess. He’s very matter-of-factly about it, too. “Through my observations, I have determined that I hold a special interest in you. I would like to pursue further understanding of this dynamic.” And yada yada.
when you reciprocate his feelings, he feels something being lifted off his chest, something he didn’t even know was there.
how he acts in your relationship… very professional? He’s not affectionate, not physically or verbally, doesn’t really have a label for you either. He won’t call you his partner, boyfriend/girlfriend. You’re just Y/n to him, someone Maybe if you probe him about it, he’ll refer to you as his significant other.
his love language is acts of service,
his protectiveness over you would likely increase after you’ve made it “official”. In a very strategic way. He’ll analyze the threat then neutralize it as quickly and efficiently as possible before you’re even aware of any danger. And this also counts for unserious dangers.
ex: the eggs had run out but you were planning to have eggs for breakfast. Drive will quickly buy you some eggs and put them in the fridge before you even notice.
He would also improve your living conditions by installing Security systems, or fixing any type of mechanical/electronical issue.
he also gives you gifts that are more efficient than they are sentimental. Probably something that would personally help you or make your life easier.
Doesn’t complement you much on his own. If you ask if he likes your outfit or you if you look good, he’ll say yes (or answer honestly), really doesn’t go further than that.
Kissing… he can’t kiss you obviously, but you can kiss him. He doesn’t mind when or if you kiss him, he actually kind of likes it.
Won’t seek out sensual intimacy with you but will reciprocate it, rather awkwardly, if you offer it. (Ex: holding hands, hugging, cuddling, possibly.)
He generally just loves having conversations with you, whether they’re tactical or just random talks about anything.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months ago
there was an anon who asked for spiderman and deadpool pony and curly but i accidentally deleted the ask w my headcanons so second times the charm
•curly uses his ability to heal wayyyy to freely, like seriously, he gets his arm chopped off and he doesnt care at all, if anything he shows it off to pony cause he thinks its funny how disgusted pony acts, pony always has his mask on and curly likes imagining the face ponys making under it
•curlys not the biggest fan of his looks, HES STILL VERY CONFIDENT and genuinely very egotistical, but he thinks he could look way better and prefers not to have ppl get THAT look in their eyes when they see it. he was a bit hesitant to let pony see his face but pony says he has no room to judge, he got his powers from sleeping in the lot and some spider biting him, at least curly got his in a cool way, so what if he got scars, pony took his chances and coulda got killed from a poisonous spider or somethin, no powers no nothin just a stupid death😭
•pony will probably hang onto curly like hes a parrot, just chilling on curlys shoulder. i’ll bet 4 dollars that i don’t have that he also crawls on curly like a spider, too. curly gets very ticklish at that but EVERYONE else thinks it’s creepy, totally off putting they never wanna see that bs ever again
•when curlys limbs get chopped off or whatever he can just pop em back in place and that’s wayyyyy easier than just waiting to grow a limb back, but of course pony and curly make it a joke, they like calling it “pin the limb on the shepard”❤️ if ponys upset he swaps which limb should b where and leaves curly to fix it on his own
•ponys spidey senses save curlys ass a LOT!!! curly says he doesnt have to do that, but pony would prefer not having curlys blood on his suit, actually. ponys usually on top of curly to protect him from debree and curlys idea of a thank u is saying “so uhhhh dinner n drinks later???😏😏”
•curly will call pony at 2:45am talking about a new move they can do together, but the move curly wants to do is something he doesnt even know the BASICS of, so now pony has to teach curly how to do a backflip without breaking something, JUST so he can look cool shooting a gun
•pony has organic webs and if u press down on a certain spot on his wrist, the webs come out!! as soon as curly learned this ponys had to fight him off before curly sprays the webbing on someone he doesnt like’s hair or on some poor fool he wants to prank.
•let curly break the fourth wall!!!! i have nothing to add on about this other than when curly does it, pony looks around confused asking who in the hellll he’s talking too. this also means curly knows hes not “thee” curly and hes read all the fanfics of him and pony out there
•the public BOTH dont like these guy but they especially dont like deadpool/curly, they say hes the way more destructive if the two which isnt wrong tbh. curly says their hatred for him is y they always take the worst pics of him compared to pony who always gets the cooler looking pics in newspapers
•guys wouldnt it b so cool if ponys canon even was supposed to b curly dying but bc curlys practically immortal everytime the universe tried ts just didnt work and so it went over to johnny and dally was just a plus one accident
•ponys spidey senses also means he doesnt rlly fall for curlys pranks anymore, he just lets curly think so for the sake of curly having a good time, sometimes tho he is NOT granting him that satisfaction
•they both ask each other RLLY invasive questions, i will not elaborate but i will tell u curly is more open to answering them than pony is
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qoldenskies · 2 months ago
prev ask abt donnie being all sparkly eyed abt twin sense and leo shutting his mouth and letting his (little) brother have this eeeeeeee /pos
also would love to hear you talk more abt raph+leo and donnie+mikey dynamics
i could talk for hoooours about raph and leo's dynamic specifically because they are SO interesting and im sure it shines through in the way that i write them at least a little, because i do like getting the chance to pair them together and make them riff off each other. what can i say, they're fun when they're bickering about nothing (or, they're actually bickering about something but leo gets offended and derails it and raph takes the bait) and they're fun when they get along and comfortably colead, or when they just have one whole braincell when they put their heads together
i also really enjoy the potential of a post-movie dynamic where when leo is more comfortably situated into a leadership role being a really important voice of reassurance for raph, more than he already is at least. leo could come in and help calm raph down and tell him it's not so bad/it's going to be okay, but i think raph KNOWING there's someone else who knows how to care of everything is going to seriously help his blood pressure lmfao. especially because leo responds to stress more competently and is a lot better at making structured plans on the fly.
honestly i would love to see more hurt/comfort or whump with these two where raph is the one going Through It especially because leo is actually pretty protective of him in canon, he always gets the MOST upset/offended when people fuck with raph in particular. leo knows very very well that raph is easily upset and he gets angry when people push him around and take advantage of that. unless he gets to do it but if he did raph totally had it coming (/lie)
and when i talk about how second oldest leo feels key to their dynamic i mostly mean when it comes to their conflict like ... raph holds leo to a higher standard than he does anyone else, at first at least. he's always telling him to take responsibility, trying to catch him out in a lie, and arguing with him about the way forward,, and like, leo having a more contrarian personality and being easily suspicious of people (especially because he's so perceptive) is a big reason for this, but i think raph and leo kind of being in their own camp as the oldest two would explain this trait and explain why raph puts so much focus on leo shaping up specifically. i also notice that raph is a lot more comfortable making fun of leo which plays into it LOL
^^^ and post-movie a lot of these problems are resolved-- raph learned pretty early on (in bug busters, probably) that taking things seriously and not listening to leo just for the sake of it was only going to lead them into danger, and in the movie leo learned that being uncooperative and petulant as a defense mechanism was only going to hurt his family and himself by extension-- but i also think there's a lot of angst potential in this dynamic on both sides tbh. it's pretty apparent they fought/fight so much because they fundamentally just misunderstand each other. leo is trying to 4D chess his way out of this unwanted responsibility but it doesnt work at all on raph who is so direct-- raph just keeps trying to lecture leo and make him understand because he's not picking up any of leo's cues at all. really all of their problems would be solved by direct communication but leo would rather die than do that (<- kind of literally? he comes close) and raph doesn't really strike me as someone who's very good at articulating himself and laying all his cards out on the table, he has a lot of emotions that are difficult to put into words. means they can scuffle lots and that's fun
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pearlescentparade · 1 month ago
hear me outt guys. killer!reader x 007n7 toxic yaoi ok ok I NEED to get this out of my system
killer who's deadass obsessed with him . I'm not sure why, maybe it's the sopping wet cat aura or the fact he's a dilf /hj but they WANT him - they just don't know proper ways to show affection. probably initially mistook it for some unreasonably potent hatred but then realized the mere idea of killing him put them in agony and went "wtf". prior to the spectre they would stalk him , watching him in his own home to learn what he likes and needs and have those things on hand to 'gift' to him (place conveniently in his home when he isn't looking). forget to turn on the coffee maker while getting C00lk1dd ready for school? suddenly there's a ten dollar bill to pay for some at the gas station,,
probably also tried to leave a gift that was heartfelt to them, but scared the shit out of 007n7. decapitated head in the windowsill eeeYIKESS!!!!!!!
by the time both reader and him are in the spectre I think it'd have been years possibly of him having No Idea they were there (except for a very prominent feeling of being watched that he'd brushed off,,) before they see him in a match and finally try to introduce themself. and it probably goes something like "hiii dear!!!!!!!" "who the fuck are you". at some point they explain they love him and offhandedly mention the stalking and gifts and he is horrified. because what do you mean he was getting stalked by a murderer while he was just trying to survive with his baby boy. what do you mean that murderer was obsessed with him.
I think at first he'd be terrified and especially avoidant, not at all reciprocal of the feelings(which would utterly destroy the killer for a while btw), but with how outcast he is amongst the survivors and the constant feeling they'd leave him for dead if it benefitted them,,, the idea of someone so dangerous being so obsessed grows gradually more appealing, the idea of being so wanted, so needed. at some point he gives in and indulges them!! which leads to Something.
the killer blatantly avoids killing him, chasing anyone else; if he's the last one left, they try to be as lenient and lazy about their attacks as they can. their justification? Elliot heals, builderman can heal and build defense, shed and guest and chance stun, noob can function as a meat shield for those with low hp, and two time is annoying. 007n7 is hardly as important to slaughter !!
i think I heard somewhere that while survivors are put in the cabins in between rounds killers go to their own personal limbos but I'm ignoring that for the sake of this next one. they sometimes (as often as possible really) sneak into his cabin just to spend time with him. After seeing his,, rather adverse reaction to finding out you stalked him, and all the gifts, you'd avoided doing so and instead made your presence very known. 007n7 has his own scary dog privilege kinda sorta. He knows you would kill for him, that you'd do anything he asked, and it's just about the only comfort he has in this place. killer!reader is like an obedient guard dog. sometimes he berates himself for being selfish and continuing to reciprocate, lashing out at reader and telling them to go away. the two sheepishly meet again days later, act like nothing happened, back to a somewhat lovey-dovey relationship, repeat
oh and they like sitting at 007n7 feet and lying their head on his lap. like a doggy. however, 007n7 likes it when he's surrounded by them. their arms around him, legs entangled with his, chin tucked atop of his head, his face in their neck. it makes him feel safe.
when reqs are open best believe I will send one related to this.. as long as i'm not too late tbh because I feel like your reqs would fill up so fast YOU WRITE SO WELL!!!
anyway I want feedback helgp did I cook or should I never be allowed in the kitchen again
HOLY SHIT ANON THIS IS LITERALLY ALMOST A DRABBLE IN OF ITSELF. wrap it up everyone fkin shakespeare in mny inbox GODDD DAMNNN BRO THIS IS SO GAS .... i esp like 007n7 having to confide in killer! reader bc nobody else likes his ass so he has no other choice but the freak whos obsessed with him.... and him crawling back even after they fight ...... its so pathetic i love it ohh my ogoognndess I WANT TO WRITE TOXIC RELATIO NBSHIPS SO BAD... THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS IDEA !! AND THANK U FOR LIKING MY WRITINGG keep staying tuned for when requests open again!! i was initially afraid that nobody checked my blog anymore because i dont upload as often as i used to when i first started, and that itd be funny and sad if i opened requests again and nobody sent anything in HASDHS but after opening my inbox i realize u guys are all still here AND come back frequently so thank you all :']
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breezy-cheezy · 1 year ago
You are deep in the paint about One Piece and me and my datemate watched OPLA recently so I will tell you this thing I said while we were talking about Shanks.
He said something to the effect of Shanks is CRAZY STRONG, perhaps one of the strongest, and has some special ability that allows him to tell anyone weaker than him to GTFO, so it's a fucking mystery why he lost his arm when by all rights he never needed to lose the arm. He's still the strongest without it, but why'd he lose it in the first place if he didn't have to???
So I replied, after like a minute of thought, "Because he might not need the arm, but Luffy needed him to lose his arm". Luffy needed the lesson he was going to learn for Shanks giving up that piece of himself to save Luffy's life. He needed to see the stakes and be given that lesson of actions, consequences, collateral damage, giving pieces of yourself for the sake of your crew/family/nakama.
Furthermore, with Sanji and Luffy being connected through "my mentor/surrogate father literally gave up a piece of himself to save my life", stands to logic that Sanji also needed that lesson in the narrative sense. These older guard pirates passed along something vital, giving up something that they don't need to live fulfilling lives but would be seen as incredibly important, to teach the next generation something and give them tools with which to do better.
I don't go here (I don't have the spoons for the entirety of One Piece tbh), but I liked the conclusion I came up with and wanted to share it in the hopes that you might like it too. I don't think I'm breaking any new ground here tbh but as an outsider, it was neat to think about.
I SURE AM, BUDDY X'''D Thanks for popping in! 👀 I got thoughts (and manga screencaps since you won't read it anyway, FREE REIN:
Hm. I mean point taken, but I mean...even the strongest people aren't infallible? Even IF Shanks has Conquerer's Haki (the power in question) which is something very special someone has to be born with and trained to use to its fullest, that doesn't mean it'll fix everything. Also like. He's also been shown to kinda....lose control of it when nervous or on edge.
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Like my dude did not have to do this. He mentions later he doesn't like being on different territory or something LOL (he's visiting a different powerful pirate leader here).
Anyway to rescue Luffy at that time, he had to act FAST and was probably SCARED FOR HIM so like. Maybe didn't have the time to make the Haki register? It came down to losing Luffy or bodily thrusting his own arm forward to block the bite from the sea king....and well. Shanks has 2 arms. Only one Luffy. The choice was easy. Even upon losing the arm he didn;t seem upset by it really.
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For the sake of the new era he says....the face of it being Luffy himself. And yea the wording really is "I gave it up" and him clearly having no regrets.
STILL I think you do have a point, this was VERY important for Luffy to learn. This same kid stabbed his own face to prove he was "manly enough" to be a pirate (so Shanks wouldn't leave without him....like his brother Ace....like his brother Sabo, to an extent, through "death" in his case) so the realization that being a pirate....would not be easy. There would be sacrifice. There would be pain. But also in a way, it was Shanks showing how important Luffy was to him. This, and passing down that straw hat much to big for Luffy....yeah.
It's clear then he's not ready. Not yet. It's with these parting gifts that Luffy is finally able to let Shanks go, and improve himself so he's strong enough to protect others, so they don;t have to do for him what Shanks did. Luffy learned to live, and while Shanks's sacrifice was devastating to Luffy, he took it to heart to keep going and grow stronger. And yea, that Nakama is just that important, more than limbs. More than life.
NOW SANJI ON THE OTHER HAND....similar but different. Luffy and Sanji were very lonely kids, but for different reasons. Luffy was clingy to anyone who showed him anything close to kindness, while Sanji....puffed up like a scared cat. Without going deep into details, he's from an extremely abusive family that beat into him he's not worth anything because he's weak. Especially from his father. So when Zeff gives him all the food, and sacrifices his own leg....well...
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"Why did you do that for me?! I never gave you a reason to be kind to me!!!" And Zeff responds with their shared dreams of the All Blue...but I also feel like it's just. Sanji is a kid. He's just a kid. Again a face of the new generation to come. Zeff had his chance to search for the All Blue and be a pirate, but Sanji's life is just beginning. I'm sure that fueled his decision too.
But unlike Luffy, this just made Sanji cling harder. In a way he gave up his dream to support Zeff, out of guilt, out of a sense of duty and kindness he'd....not really experienced and didn't know what to do with. And Zeff probably allowed it for awhile, because goodness Sanji is just a kid, and he needed someone to help him grow and learn.
But it took Luffy to come along, bringing "I will live for you" to challenge Sanji's "I will die for you" conclusion.
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Which uh. Didn't really fix Sanji's self sacrificial nature, but it HELPED, lmao. Eventually he was able to let go of suppori=ting the Baratie to finally chase his dream...as long as he doesn't die for a crewmate in the process hsdhfhdsk
So YEA IDK how much their mentors/father figures knew/thought about their sacrifices, but there sure were willing choices to give up their limbs for the upcoming generation/era, no matter what. I loved Zeff emphasizing that to Garp in OPLA, I think that's extremely important and a huge theme to One Piece in general. Cycles, power, and how many conflicts rise from powerful forces refusing to let go of their power, thus suffocating the new generations (the World Government smacking down so hard on the age of pirates).
Shanks and Zeff gave their support and protection to ensure these kids could live their fullest lives, and I think that's beautiful!
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loonarmuunar · 9 months ago
Just finished Saw II. And I have MANY OPINIONS
I don’t think the larger cast works in the runtime for the film. I think it COULD work! But with the fast pacing and shorter runtime, it ends up being awkward.
Saw was great bc it hurt. The audience is given time to connect with the characters. We see them try over and over again, only to end up right back where they started.
But in Saw II there just isn’t any time to learn much about anyone. I don’t think we even learn some of the characters names? I couldn’t connect to any of the characters, besides Daniel. There’s just. Very little to no downtime in the film. We don’t get to know a lot of the characters motivations besides “get out of here”.
Like. Why did Obi kidnap them?? He said he had to, but. What does that mean. Was he being threatened? It feels odd to me that they went with that, when they could’ve just said he did it for money or something. Or just had Amanda take the others, like she did in the first film.
Tbh Addison (had to look up her name) doesn’t even seem to have any distinct traits?? She’s a prostitute, but we learn that in the weirdest way. Xavier (I think?) says “The only door you know how to open is between your legs.” which. I gotta say is such a ridiculous line that it’s funny. Does he say this about every woman??? Was this just a lucky guess?? Is he just REALLY GOOD at telling who’s a prostitute???? That’s just the silliest way I can think of introducing her profession akdksk.
She might be quieter than most of the other characters (maybe??), but I think it’s more that the others are constantly screaming at each other. You could possibly say she stays in her lane?? But there’s just nothing much you can say.
I can’t care about these characters while they’re living, and so I can’t care about them when they’re dead.
Also it looks more like they just tried to kill off as many characters as fast as possible. GOGOGOGO SHOT IN THE HEAD BURNED ALIVE NAIL-BAT NERVE GAS EVIL BOX EVIL BOX!!! Like Idk what’s the point when you could just. Have a smaller cast, and have more time for other stuff like. Learning who they are.
Saw ii is just a lot of shock value. Which, I don’t MIND shock value sometimes! Sometimes it’s awesome to see how special effects will make it look like someone got split in half, or exploded from the inside, or whatever. Sometimes it’s Sick As Hell! I am not above watching gore for gore’s sake!! But in the particular instance, I think shock value is the WORST THING you could do here. Because it’s a very strong veer away from the quieter, more anxiety inducing gore and fear in Saw.
Going from Saw’s slow paced dreadful horror, exploring two characters deeply, and occasional bloodshed, to Saw II’s huge cast with not enough time to explore any of them, and non-stop blood and gore, is just frustrating.
Also! The gore and ickyness just kinda loses its value for me! In Saw they cut away occasionally from the gorey parts. And I LIKE THAT. Whatever you can imagine will always be worse. Writers typically don’t tell you what happens in a Noodle Incident, bc whatever you imagine will be far more interesting. And it’s not like we were missing out on anything, because there were other instances of onscreen blood and gore. Imagining how it would look seeing Lawrence sawing off his foot, or Amanda cutting open someone’s stomach, is a lot more effective than seeing it happen.
Saw II wants to do everything Saw did but MORE. Gorier louder bigger more characters. But it ends up being a movie with no substance.
It’s honestly not a bad movie on its own merit. If it was its own film, it would be pretty okay to me. But it fails to even live up to Saw, much less stand next to it.
Maybe Saw III will give more context to things. I don’t know. Shrug. Would love to see some other takes on it! I want to understand why others like this movie :]
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debtdeath · 2 years ago
for the ship hcs ask game: flashfire (or just scout & pyro platonically) hcs? opinions? hotel?
(prompt: "Send me a ship + a word, and I’ll tell you the first headcanon that comes to mind!")
you absolutely sent me more material to work with than the prompt asked, which rocks. happy to talk about scout and pyro platonically and/or romantically tbh! for the sake of this being the first time i talk about them (i think) i'll keep it PG but feel free to follow up if you wanna hear NSFW stuff 👍
general opinion:
i think they're neat together! a lot of people are reluctant to ship them together romantically which is like, fair enough etc but it feels like that'd be overlooking their potential for both chaos for the sake of chaos (fun!) and true tenderness between two people who generally might feel pretty misunderstood and isolated from the rest of the team for various reasons (also fun!).
because theyre both on offensive roles i can see them interacting regularly On The Job as well which is always great to write imo.
i generally think scout and pyro are close friends even before becoming romantically involved or whatever...
i like the idea of scout being a bit scared of pyro at first because they're a big question mark, but because scout is this person who finds any challenge worth his time he takes it upon himself to be The First Who Befriends That Weirdo (affectionate).
he'll learn how to decipher pyro's mumbling and learn sign language (which also helps on the battlefield where it's often loud!).
scout is of course extremely curious about what's under the mask but he doesn't pry. none of his business. but if pyro ends up revealing themselves you know he'll be like 👀👀👀
pyro's just glad someone's willing to stick around with them! they don't mind being a loner but like, company is always nice.
they probably also feel pretty >:) about scout—this big talker jock and generally annoying dickhead—being actually nice to them. the power they hold over him... i reckon they feel pretty good about it.
scout strikes me as a romantic regardless of who he's paired up with, and pyro seems like a cuddler so i think their relationship as Lovers would be soooo sweet... inseparable and always goofing around and laughing and pulling (sometimes VERY dangerous) pranks on their teammates.
they're two fucked up little guys who somehow find each other in a weird fucked up world <3
now to specifically get to The Prompt from the ask LMFAO... hotel HUH...
i can imagine a scenario where they have to spend the night in some kind of motel for a duo contract or something and it's (gasp) a room with twin beds bc why would it be a double bed? fanfiction is contrived man (winks knowlingly at the person reading this)...
anyway scout checks in on his own bc he doesnt want pyro's Appearance to alarm the reception lady (little does he know that the lady would think absolutely NOTHING of it, she's seen worse, she's been workin this reception desk for 30 years you know), grabs the key and then gets both him and pyro in.
i think as soon as they get in they jump on the beds like trampolines because The Urge To Have Fun is too strong lmao.
i feel like they first sleep separately but then scout maybe notices pyro having bad dreams or tossing and turning so he just ends up snuggling up with pyro to comfort them :) or it could be the other way around if you want really, i think neither of them is truly free from insomnia, night terrors, and PTSD lol.
i feel like i could go on and just write a ficlet from just this idea but i'll stop here LOL thank you so much for indulging me!
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months ago
speaking of hair do you think there is any symbolism to the characters who have one eye covered by their hair like lusamine and gladion for example
Oh yeah definitively.
The typical trope of characters having one eye covering their is usually used to evoke shyness, simply not being a very social person, a hidden personality or past, or, you guessed it, ✨trauma✨. And of the characters that have these bangs, they are kinda fit the bill.
Lusamine is the most interesing to me, bc it tells us so much, both before and after we know her story. Before, Lusamine looks like a generally trust worthy person. She seems kind, parental, and incredibly devoted. But then you look at her hair, and how it interacts with her face. For the sake of this post, let's just talk about her bangs. Lusamine's bangs doesn't fully cover her eye. You can see it ever so slightly peeking out. It kinda acts like this...hood, i guess, leaving an overcast shadow around her face. It helps make her otherwise more kind face feel more.....ominous. Her smile doesn't exactly look kind anymore, and her eyes don't seem that welcoming. Like there's something more that your missing. And then you actually get to know her, both in her actions throughout the main game, and what you learn from Lillie and Gladion. Going with what I said before, I do think Lusamine is a woman defined by trauma ( honestly, as he rest of the aether family is), but also someone who is still very cruel to those around her, a stark contrast to how she appeared before. And all of that is still conveyed through her bangs. Hiding one eye, but not fully, her bangs acting as a hood that cast a shadow over her face....it's really good!
Gladion is a similar story: a kid who has been traumatized by the loss of his father and the cruelty of his mother bc of that loss. Unlike Lusamine, his hair fully covers his eye, with you only being able to see it from the side. Again, it's a good way of showing his personality: someone who has something to hide, someone who more than what you think, someone who is possibly hurting. But what makes his hair special to me, is that it really cements the idea that Gladion is an emo ass teen who wants to look cool. If I'm remembering correctly, Gladion's rips in his clothes where done himself? And between the posing and the clothes, you cannot tell me that Gladion thought the hair covering one eye wouldn't be the coolest thing ever. That he would look so cool and mysterious. But, to not bully him too much, I can also see his hair as a slight defiance towards his mom? I dunno how he used to look when he was young, but given how Lusamine pretty much controlled how he and Lillie used to dress, I can imahine the freedom of Gladion being able to do fuck all with his own hair. Though, ironically, if his hair wasn't always covering his eye ( quickly checked the pokeani to see if that was the case and it wasn't! both of his eyes where visible), it would have made him and his mom more similar design wise.
What I said about Gladion, can be said for Arven too, tbh. Hidden past, hidden personality ( as in he's a sweetheart), lot's of trauma- the whole package. I will say, it's particularly funnier with Arven, bc at least Gladion tries to look intimidating and still kinda acts like how you would expect him too. But Arven is so insistent that he isn't sweet and nice even though he very much is. His tough guy act is actively failing lmao. Fucking dork.
And I know, I know there's Cynthia and Volo, but I think you guys would get the point already lol. Though I think Cynthia is pretty funny too. Her bangs are definitely there to make her look mysterious, and she is, but what's hidden is that she's actually a lil goofy. At least in the anime she is. And she's pretty disorganized, which is something you don't expect a woman like her to be at first glance. Honestly, she's a very funny subversion of expectations here lol.
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solomons-poison · 2 years ago
As someone who had pet rats, I LOVE rats they are such sweet gentile creatures
Knowing barb tho he is terrified,, how do you think he would react if he found out mc had pet rats/likes rats? (I think he would use that to his advantage in some way) but also I wanna help him get over his fear of those lovely babies💗💗
(Idk if requests are open atm, if not you can ignore, but if you do end up doing this, thank you!)
Also good way to brighten up your day is to look at dumbo rats, cutest little fellas
Finding Out MC has Pet Rats
A/N: This is such a funny prompt, thank you for sending this in ahaha. I've always wanted to get rats, they are such funny curious creatures, but I come from a family that always had cats, and I ended up with cats of my own as well by a random rescue suggested by my roommate. One day though... 🐀
Featuring: GN reader || Barbatos x reader
Warnings: talking about pet rats ?? none
Upon finding out about Barbatos' great dislike of rats (hatred might really be the more appropriate word), it might seem tempting to keep quiet on the subject to prevent his discomfort. But Barbatos is perceptive, and it's easy for him to see that something is bothering you, especially when it happens right after a random discussion with the brothers about your life back in the Human Realm.
You know that, really, he is willing to learn everything and anything about you and respect it. He's an adult, he knows and is willing to put in the work to make your relationship as cohesive as possible. But when it comes to your lover's greatest enemy... it's easy to understand why you'd both be hesitant.
When you first break the news to Barbatos, he is shocked, to say the least. Utterly speechless. His brain and his heart had never battled so strongly before than when he heard that you loved, and even voluntarily owned, the very creatures he loathed.
You will have to be very patient with him. Logically, he knows that Human Realm rats and Devildom rats are two different beings. The latter is more akin to Human Realm cockroaches but without the wings, difficult to eradicate and hardy in most conditions. So it might be good to start with just going over the things you like about rats, whether it's general information or about your specific pets.
Really, the best thing to do will be to set up a date with him to introduce him to your rats. Let him see their set up in your home, tell him about their quirks, show silly photos. And once all conditions have been met and Barb has had a chance to steel himself, you can bring the rats to him.
It will take several tries for him to come anywhere close to accepting them tbh. As much as he loves you, and as adorable as your pets are, the hatred is deep-seated and very difficult to get over. But he is willing to try, for the sake of your love and relationship. He never wants to hurt you or look down on the things and creatures that you love. It's just a personal battle that he'll have to fight and win.
If you do manage to win over his heart, he's quick to get very attached. But only to your rats, mind you. Any others, even if it's someone else's pet rat, the awful feeling he gets around them will be back full force. In fact, he may even be protective of your pet rats against any other rats he encounters.
He's one of those reluctant adoptive father types, who takes forever to win over. But once you've got him in the palm of your hand, he gets along with your rats very very well, teaching them little tricks and giving them treats on occasion, maybe even holding them when he's feeling brave.
Introducing Barbatos to your pet rats is really the ultimate relationship challenge. If you two manage to surpass that, nearly nothing is standing in your way from a long-lasting relationship. But it's definitely a barrier that will need some careful consideration and lots of mutual respect.
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struggling-author · 8 months ago
What do you think of the boys season 4
I love it!
homelander arc is very interesting because despite his god complex he is so undeniably human, also trying to balance his absolute psychotic mindset with genuinely trying to be what he thinks is a good father is really intriguing. he also seems somewhat more… tame? like violent murder is definitely still on the table, and he enjoys torturing those who wronged him, but it’s not as arbitrary and random as before, he doesn’t torture people like deep or a-train just for the sake of it, doesn’t care about being idolized by someone like firecracker, actually wants people who are somewhat equal to him and actively seeks out sage and accepts that he could actually learn from her („smart enough to listen“ is genuinely a pretty wise quote) and don’t get me wrong, none of this is homelander apologism, dude is still psycho, but it definitely feels like an intriguing growth - like developing from a superpowered man-baby to an actual supervillain (does him getting milk again represent a step back then? time will tell)
then on the other hand you have butcher torn between literal devil and angel on his shoulder as his time is running out, I loved his decision not to give ryan the cookies (the kid really seems to bring out the best in everyone - despite being somewhat pscho himself) and excited to see where it goes and if they‘ll actually kill him off (I think not tbh)
new noir is funny, may actually become a cool character
deep is still a sad little bitch
a-train redemption was expected and doesn’t feel perfectly executed, but I do really like it in theory and was hoping for it. that moment taking mm to the hospital where his little cousin sees him was great, something about actually becoming the hero people see him as… beautiful powerful arc if they go through with it
kimiko is still awesome and cute. I love her! don’t have much to say because I don’t fully get her arc (doesn’t show subtitles for some reason) but I‘m happy whenever she’s on screen, her exasperated sigh when she has to keep explaining everything with books was the best😂
mm is similar, I still love him but poor dude needs a break
hughie arc with his dad was very meaningful, accepting his death, reconciling with his mother and forgiving a-train, he has finally actually learned from his mistakes which is so great to see (compared to people like butcher always stepping in the same shit again and again)
annie confronting her past is also great, I actually hope her and cracker can somehow reconcile too (cracker is really up in the air, giving 50% redemption vibes but might also just double down on being evil and eventually getting killed or discarded)
tek knight was underwhelming, I expected an evil batman not a weird masochist, at least not JUST a weird masochist
frenchie Idk, he was a favorite before but I heard bad things about his actor, his arc is actually great imo I just can’t fully enjoy it
did I miss anyone? oh ashley… she’s just a weird character, can’t really hate nor pity her, she is a victim, she is a villain, she’s pathetic, she’s ultimately unnecessary and doesn’t add much
but yeah overall extremely happy with the season and can’t wait for next episode
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 1 year ago
Hi Jalebi, how are you doing? I have to say this. Your take on Shyam and Kushi relationship dynamic amazed me. It is a very unique perspective which many wouldn't have thought of. It makes so much sense and it makes my heart break more for Kushi. :(
So for my ask, I have a fun one. Arnav is a very private person and even more so, when it is about Kushi right! But somehow in their sangeet, they all know about the almost-kissiya. Apparently from her reaction, it isn't Kushi who spilled the beans. So in your view, with whom did Arnav discuss this and how do you think that conversation might have gone? And what would have been the reactions of all family members from both sides, when that person discuss this publicly for writing those lyrics?! I have always wondered about this and it made me laugh trying to imagine this. Lol.
Thanks for answering this.
Hello Anon,
Thank you for liking my post! It is still painful for Khushi that she has a terrible support around her life tbh.
Haha, that is an EXCELLENT question. To be honest a lot of the sangeet felt like such a fever dream because so much did not make sense? LIKE WHO WOULD KNOW ABOUT THE KISS AND WHY?
Also, jokes apart it was also during the time when Arnav was committed to someone else so it's him telling his family that he cheated on his partner and his family... gladly putting that in a sangeet?
It's honestly so difficult to imagine this because it's two things - given Arnav he would've either told this in confidence or by mistake, and either situation clearly means of course this is not something to put in public.
Either way to be in canon I can imagine NK begging Arnav to tell him something romantic about his love life. It would be funny cause it would go like this:
NK OS: The Tales of Nannav and Khushi Ji
Arnav: Khushi tells me I must help you.
NK: Aww, and you never not listen to her, don't you?
Arnav: Yeah... that has had a great effect on your life expectancy.
NK: *cough* Thank God *cough*
Arnav: So what do you want? And be quick.
NK: I need to know what is something romantic that you did to hear and the moment or explanation behind it or what happened afterwards!
(Arnav pauses to think for a few minutes)
Arnav: I bought her bangles,
NK: Wow Nannav, then?
Arnav:: Then I refused the fact that I bought the bangles.
NK: ... do you have anything else?
Arnav: Yeah... I saved her in the rain.
NK: Amaz-
Arnav: After I sent her to manage my company's parking lot post working hours.
NK: Nannav, that's not romantic.
Arnav: I know, I agree. How about us being mistaken as a newly wedded couple in Nainital?
NK: OMG, finally that is so romantic.
Arnav: Yeah, maybe. I mean Khushi did empty half of my fuel tank so we were stranded midway, we got beaten by some goons and at the end we learned that Babuji had a paralytic-
NK: For God's sake Arnav, give me ONE romantic moment.
Arnav: I kissed her cheek by the pool.
NK: Yes!-
Arnav: And I told her she was incapable of accepting the challenge to kiss me back.
Arnav: Umm... talking about that I did nearly kiss her by the pool during Diwali?
NK: That's it, shut up, that's perfect. Do NOT give me explanation. I beg of you do NOT give me any explanation.
Lol... to think of it this is hilarious.
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my somewhat hot take on ric grayson
firstly, spoilers for the whole ric grayson arc. if you haven't read it and have somehow avoided learning about it through tumblr, here is your warning
also a disclaimer, i am only just getting into comics by reading nightwing. i have read nightwing (2011) aka new 52, grayson, and all the rebirth (2016) stuff. i am yet to read infinite frontier (it's on its way) so i can't talk about any of that
spoilers and shit opinions ahead
so, i read all of ric grayson aka nightwing (2016) #50-73/77 depending on how you want to fully define his arc and the supporting issues of batman #54-55, and the joker war where he gets his memories back
and tbh, it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be
don't get me wrong, its an awful nightwing story. i did hate a lot of it. it was only when jurgens took over and actually made the plot a plot did it get better, but i was expecting it to be the worst thing in the world and i actually found myself enjoying it in the same way i enjoy watching twilight, which is to say its cringy but there's just something that keeps me hooked.
so lets look at the positives and negatives
bea: i actually really like bea. i think she was actually a decent match for dick as she did good in her own, non-vigilante way, and was reliable. she wasn't trying to backstab him or trying to mind control him, and she actively fought for him to get his memories back in the end and was willing to get to know dick even thought she fell in love with ric. she also wasn't annoyed that he was/is a vigilante and didn't tell him to stop for her sake. i'm not mad dick broke up with her bc i expected as much, but she was one of the better partners.
parts of ric: under it all, ric was still dick. i was expecting an absolute piece of shit but ric was actually a good guy after jurgens took over. maybe it was the expectations i had from what others have said but fully, i think he isn't given enough credit. he wanted to leave the life he didn't remember behind but ended up going back to it and being one of the 'nightwings'. he didn't do it for an anterior motive, he didn't do it because he owed someone, he did it because it felt right. especially after the way he reacted in nightwing annual #2 when bruce old him he was nightwing, it was nice to see him going out there.
the court of owls: i loved the court of owls tie in. its a great plot that has been central to dicks new 52 story, and one that carried all the way through to the end. especially with it being cobb in the end, the way it started, it felt nice and cyclical. the history of the court of owls in terms of its creation for new 52 is interesting and the way dick was tied up in it all is one of the things that i have really enjoyed throughout the 3 titles. seeing it through 2011, grayson, and then multiple times in 2016 makes me little nerd heart sing. again, it may just be my bias to the court as a villain, but seeing dick as a talon, even for a short period of time, was pretty cool.
joker war: obviously this whole storyline could work independently with dick or ric but i do like how it was tied into his story so well. the magic crystal thing is weird but, given dick's history with the joker as robin and as jason's brother, i loved that it was the joker that brought his memories back in the end i know it was the court and the bea that did most of the work but still i also loved seeing the aftermath, seeing him struggle to go back to nightwing despite him being dick again, the fact that he was happy as ric and had to leave that behind. dick had another hero moment and i do like that
ok, with that all done, here are the negatives:
the arc length: i know this is very common but the arc went on for way too long. i know it was because the original 8 issue plan was thrown out, and jurgens then had to do damage control, but it was still too long. im lucky that could read it all start to finish in one sitting, but this was an arc that lasted 2 years! like WHAT! this really should have been 1 arc, i get it being 2 after the whole mess with who wrote it but still, cut out like most of the middle stuff, have the first arc and the final court arc and then boom, it would be so much better.
the other parts of ric: ok, so i don't like most of his character. mainly him not accepting help from his family. again i know this is a common complain, most of the negatives are, but he had so many people around him that wanted to help and he dismissed them all. they all tried to help him have a life afterwards and he basically told them to fuck off. even after he started going and vigilante-ing again, he never reached out to talk to them. i do sort of get it when he first left the hospital to go to the manor and bruce had the stupid idea to show him his death, but i still think it was a major flaw.
dan didio, scott lobdell, and eric esquivel: if you don't know these names, count yourself lucky. i did my research and found a great reddit post all about the logistical history of ric grayson that is worth reading if you're interested but the crux of these three is a whole list of verbal abuse, toxic workplace practices, and sexual harassment/assault. didio is co-publisher and has a reputation of hating nightwing, like he tried to have him killed off during infinite crisis all the way back in 2005. lobdell is the person who ached for the amnesia arc to be extended despite him only writing 8 issues in the end. esquivel was only brought on for co-writer for one issue but that issue was released only a few days after sexual abuse allegations about him came out. a lot of these men being in charge of nightwing and not being fired until 2020 comes down to their standings in DC and the connections they had at the top. all disgusting, but it meant that the first chunk of ric graysons run is marred with their names and actions. i wouldn't;t include this as a factor except it is a factor. ric grayson may have been 'created' by benjamin percy but he only wrote the first issue, the next 8 were lobdell, before jurgens wrote the rest. and if the big men upstairs wanted ric grayson, they would get ric grayson.
honestly, when i got to #49, i was tempted to not read any further. I would just skip straight to infinite frontier and pretend that ric didn't exist. but i wanted to do my due diligence to the character, so i powered through and found that there was some light in the dark. there is a lot wrong with the arc, and even with the positives i would still say i didn't like the arc, but i can see some of the positives.
also again, this reddit post is super interesting for anyone who doesn't know the history behind ric as how he was received at the time. im glad i read it but i won't be revisiting it
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waywardsculs-a2 · 1 year ago
so since they're here on a test basis right now, i'm going to put down a little headcanon post for the new muses i'm trying out with whatever can come to mind. obviously some will have more than others.
i'm going with grey-ace for him, demiromantic. he'll need a lot of work if you want to get close to him, but i doubt that's a surprise in the slightest.
zero sexual or ( genuine ) romantic experience. he can flirt as long as he needs to in order to obtain something, but that's about it. he's charming by nature, but also absolutely unhinged.
if you do manage to get close to him in that regard you need to know he will be extremely murder - happy with anyone that tries to step in. meaning if someone tries to get in the way of the relationship? hope you didn't value your life.
hates having his tail and ears touched. unless he actually trusts you, but you still have to ask first.
whatever you do, don't try to touch him without consent first. he hates it and will not hesitate to kill you if you ignore this.
don't expect him to be gentle at first. he doesn't really know how to be that. it'll take a lot of learning because he hates being vulnerable.
i'm putting it out here now my default for him is in fact stolitz but i'm sure that's no surprise. i'm not really into blitz/fizz as anything other than friends/childhood crushes.
he's pan through and through and doesn't really need an emotional attachment for sex, but he definitely prefers it.
despite the shit he loves to give moxxie and millie he'd never actually try anything with them. ( he's just jealous )
most of his emotion will show in his tail - his true emotions that is. he still can't control himself very well.
why yes i am keeping him emotionally stunted because we all know that he is and quite frankly i understand how he feels way too well.
sure you can date him, but he won't ever tell you he loves you because he's afraid of being hurt again .
please don't touch his horns unless he gives you permission. he can and will shoot you point blank in the gut for it.
demi through and through. she really doesn't even think about anything regarding her own relationships, since she's more worried about her daughters and her work.
probably one of the most sleep deprived honestly. she's always got so much going on it's ridiculous.
yes, she wears those angelic steel pointe shoes everywhere when she leaves her home.
zestial and rosie are the only two that have seen her in her more relaxed state, especially the former.
she can and will adopt any she feels are truly in need of a place to call home, but also show great potential in other areas.
i hc her as a fallen angel - this is something she keeps as a secret from almost everyone.
i'd probably put her as straight tbh?? girl and her obsession with bad boys smh...
but idk if she'll really do much, she's got her work cut out for her at the hotel after all
you can take the dagger from the girl, but you can't take every weapon from her at all times no matter what you do
i'll only ever write him as separated from stella, and default to the octavia he refers to as my own just for simplicity.
he is pan, and honestly? on the verge of being effectively gender blind - meaning that unless your muse is very obviously displaying as a specific gender he'll default to using more neutral terms in hopes of keeping from offending anyone.
absolute hopeless romantic. nothing and no one will ever be able to change that.
yes, he is on antidepressants.
his relationship with octavia is probably one of the most precious things in his life and he'd do anything to keep her safe and help make her happy. he knows he isn't the best dad, but he's doing what he can to improve for her sake.
i am absolutely open to exploring ships with him that don't involve blitzo. just come talk to me about it.
if you're interested in shipping with any of them, only do so with the knowledge in mind that i may not be keeping any of these muses. there's no guarantee unless i really manage to find i have a strong muse for them in the end.
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ink-flavored · 2 years ago
OC ask game!!! if they haven't been done; 🤥🍀🖍️❤️ for Pride and ✂️🍁😨❤️ for Justice!
oh boy a VARIETY! thank you! :D
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Oh, he loves lying. Lying is his favorite thing, it's his hobby, he does it for fun. He's definitely good at lying about other things, that aren't necessarily about himself. Especially since he can literally influence your sinful thoughts to become sinful actions, Pride is really good at lying to you about the state of things in your life, targeting your ego. ex: You know, if you don't [do something sinful], everyone's going to think you're weak/stupid/cowardly/etc. You wouldn't want to be weak, would you?
As for lying about himself? About what he thinks or feels? It's easy to tell when he's lying if you know what to look for: loud, angry, defensive objections. He will do anything and everything to deny whatever it is, up to and including starting fights about it.
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
Pride is probably one of the unluckiest bastards in all of existence, so he doesn't believe in luck for the sake of his own sanity. Plus, he's full of himself, so anything good that happens to him was a direct result of his actions, and all the bad things don't count. They're someone else's fault.
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
I would take him by the shoulders so gently. And then start shaking him and yell LET YOURSELF BE VULNERABLE YOU PRICK!!!!!
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation. He loves both of those things very much. He is the king of PDA and whispering inappropriate things in public.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Oh man, that's a tough one. Justice always sees the best in people, in no small part because he can sense and know people's pain. If you're an asshole to him, even on a regular basis, he knows it's because you had a bad day, or you're grieving, or you're scared of being hurt. It takes a lot for him to truly give up on someone.
But, since he is the embodiment of justice, he cannot and will not stand for someone's fundamental rights being trampled. The reason he left Heaven in the first place is a perfect example -- the other angels were willing to kill an innocent person for the "greater good" of killing a demon. That soul didn't do anything wrong, but their right to exist was about to be violated. He refused to be a part of the firing squad.
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favorite season? why?
Spring! He loves watching the sleeping planet come back to life.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Fight, 100%. He wouldn't be a very good soldier of God's army if he ran away, would he? After training for literally thousands of years, he's learned to shut off the fear response, to focus exclusively on defending himself and anyone around him. Unfortunately, this means he is not safe to bring into a haunted house, because he will punch the zombie.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Quality Time, Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation. Sitting on the couch reading a book while you do something else in the same room is peak time spent for him. He loves doing things to help people, he loves giving people compliments. Ultimate sweetheart tbh.
[send me an emoji OC ask]
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flowerandthesongstress · 2 years ago
Wat Do If You Would Like Me To Read Your Stuff; the Shminstruction.
In short: just poke me through my contacts, tell me to read your stuff, specify whether you want me to read your stuff Like Normal People Do or to put on The Professional Goggles and engage The Academic Thrusters, and send me an accessible and non-suspicious link (not ao3). Done!
In regular:
Nowadays I try to use social media as little as possible for the sake of my mental health. I don’t read any dashes and don’t ‘follow back’ in neglectful silence.
I prefer to talk to people, and I prefer to do so one on one.
So please just contact me and tell me directly, something like: ‘hi I'm looking for readers, would you please read my stuff? here it is’. DON’T WORRY about the form of the message. 
Yes, please do that even (especially) if you are a stranger. I think it’s an awesome ice-breaker. I once made a friend this way. Rest assured, I will appreciate you doing so, very much.
I consider honesty and straightforwardness super cool and comforting. They save my time and yours too.
In other words, if you just go ahead and ask me, I will read if not immediately (although sometimes immediately if it’s a slow day and my current book is also slow), then at the first opportunity.
I read fast, because secretly I'm a caffeinated squirrel cursed with human consciousness. shhhh 🤫 don't tell anyone
But if you are waiting in the bushes and hoping that I would go to your page and click on something of my own volition, without being prompted, then please be aware that I will never do that. It's just not gonna happen.
Plus, chances are, I simply do not possess the means to make it happen.
For instance, I can’t read your stuff on ao3. My access to it is severely limited. I can only access my current page (the R one) to upload or to copy-paste a prewritten reply, for no longer than two minutes, after which my SO blocks the access again. As in the past someone decided that this means I am being somehow limited against my will, I feel compelled to note: this measure was implemented on my insistence. I cannot and would not browse that site. 
Hence, if your stuff is there, then I would ask you to please send me a link to docs, or a file; whichever is easier for you. 
I’m a [related profession redacted; ask] and [another related profession redacted; ask], but also just some gal who’s still learning English. I can Simply Read And Don’t Sweat It, or I can offer my expertise. As in, you can specify what you're after: 1) silence (just check something out non-disruptively so that you could assess the emotions elicited by the impression of being ever so slightly exposed), 2) only emoji reactions, 3) keyboard smashes or crying at will, 4) encouraging praise only, 5) specific advice, 6) a short analysis, 7) full nerdview i.e. a detailed analysis which I warn you will likely lean hard into psy lit.theory. You can change your mind at any point. 
My default setting is 3, actually. Not everything has to be work. 😴 Also, burnout, tbh.
If I can’t handle something, that’s not on you but due to a personal issue, and I’ll let you know as politely as I am able.
If it’s original work: send whatever. I love original work.
If it’s fanfiction: as long as it’s fanfiction of a thing that does not trigger me, like any farming simulators. None of those, please. Like, nothing even remotely related.
I would like to remind you that I am not in any fandoms. The positive aspect: it also means that I can provide an unbiased outsider opinion regarding something I have little to no context for. 
Q: but what's the catch?
A: No catch. This is not a quid pro quo either. It's a good ice breaker. +This post was created because I grew wary of one repeating situation: 1) someone expects me to read their work despite not having communicated that. 2) I'm none the wiser and/or possess no means of reading their work, and instead of reading their work, I do not read their work (or their social media), but, for instance, raid the fridge naked at 2 am and read more nonfiction while eating cold pasta with my hands, and then obliviously blabber at them about the occurrence as a whole/the book/pasta. 3) they trauma-respond via feeling inadequate and neglected, and get sad for no good reason, and inwardly blame me for these negative feelings while continuing to not communicate. 4) bad times are had by all.
just ask. please just ask. while I figure out how to kill mark and get away with it.
okay bye 😘
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