#and take it to the next level so if anyone have any questions or anything free feel to ask me
gojosprettyprincess · 8 months
GUYS GUYS I JUST WANNA SAY THAT IM OKAY NOW and I have my motivation back to keep writing and to that anon that sent the ask and said to forget about it, ITS OK i get what you meant and thank you so much im glad you enjoy my work, it truly means alot💝
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confessedlyfannish · 1 year
DP x DC Prompt #4
When they all convene at the cave, Alfred is silently wrapping Dick's knuckles. Damian hovers beside him. Tim and Barbara are hunched over the batcomputer, not even sparing Bruce a glance as he strides over.
"Report," Batman grunts. No one reacts.
"Hood pushed his panic button at 2:34 AM," Barbara says shortly, straightening.
The button had been a joke, mostly because Jason would never use it and everyone knew it.
"I patched into his comm at 2:35. This is what I heard initially." At her nod, Tim presses play. What occurs next is a garble. There is the sound of high winds, as if Hood is rushing through the air, even though the comms are designed to filter out any ambiance otherwise the Bats would never hear each other. Interspersed is a mixture of static punctuated by high, inhuman screeches of metal and something else unknown.
"This goes on," Barbara says after thirty long seconds, switching it off. "Red Hood failed to respond to any attempts at contact. I dispatched Nightwing to Hood's location at 2:36 AM. He was approximately two miles away." She pulls up a GPS map of their respective locations, their beacons blinking.
"At 2:41 AM, Red Hood's comm goes off, as does his GPS," Barbara says, swallowing softly as the red beacon indicating Jason disappears. "Nightwing arrives at 2:42 AM."
Dick doesn't say anything, head hanging low as he grips the metal table he sits on. Damian glances between the two of them, expression flat but fists clenched.
"Nightwing, report."
"Scene was empty, B," Tim speaks up. "No trace of Hood, no sign of a struggle. No cameras in the alley. We've been checking the ones nearby but so far there's no sign of anyone but Hood heading in that direction...and no one, Hood included, caught in the cams heading out, not within that time frame."
"So he's still in the area," Batman concludes. "The local buildings?"
"All the entrances have cameras, which showed no evidence of Hood nor any evidence of being tampered with," Barbara says. "Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin canvased within a half mile radius to check for any signs of disturbances in any of the windows or rooftops but found no evidence to support Hood being taken. A scan confirmed several serial offenders, but when interviewed and searched there was no sign of Hood. Several in the area reported an unusual quiet for Crime Alley."
Batman forces the next question out. "Did you check the dumpsters?"
"Yes," Nightwing grits out. "Empty."
Barbara clears her throat. "I have attempted to reconnect to Jason's GPS and comm as well as restart both remotely but there's no signal at all. The thing is, when there's a disruption like that it usually leaves some sort of sign" she pulls up the audio waves, pointing at the end where the spikes conform into a straight line that makes everyone deeply uncomfortable. Upon playing, the noise from before plays before going abruptly silent. "But there is no large spike, this is clean. It just ends. His GPS is much the same. It's not off, it's just gone."
"I know you don't like to hypothesize this early on, B, but we think this involves a meta," Tim says, rewinding the audio. "We've been running the audio from Jason's comm through different filters, playing with the levels and isolating what we can and, well, take a listen--"
The screeching drops to a sort of muffle and in the background, distantly, they can hear bits of Jason's voice.
"No, I'm not---"
"--don't need--"
"get AWAY from--"
a particularly desperate yell that makes Tim flinch, "I am NOT--!"
and almost a whimper that makes Batman's blood run cold, "please..."
And then, unfairly clear even through the faint garble, Jason says "I don't have a choice, do I."
And a minute later, quietly: "Ok."
The audio cuts off.
The defeat in Jason's last words is palpable, and fundamentally wrong. Jason has never sounded defeated a day in his life, and no one knows how to process Red Hood all but giving his hands over for the cuffs. Nightwing pushes himself off the table.
"I'm going back out there," he growls. No one tries to stop him as he stalks out the cave, not even Alfred.
"I will accompany Nightwing, make sure he does not punch any more walls." Damian says, nodding tightly.
"B?" Barbara asks.
"Keep working on it. See if you can identify what could be making those noises if Hood was standing still in an alley," Batman says, walking towards the zeta tube. "I'm going to make a few calls."
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mostly-imagines · 5 months
So This Is Love
jason todd x fem!reader
aka you show each other what love is supposed to be like
4 in 1 blurbs
warnings: section 1: close-call panic attack for j, mentions of ptsd for j // section 2: implied sexual activity // section 3: mild angst w comfort // section 4: implied ptsd for j
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He feels like his heart might burst through his chest.
The nightmare wasn’t anything unusual for him, but it did feel particularly vivid tonight. It was more of a memory than anything, though. That same one that plays on a loop in his head throughout the night the more he tries to push it away during the day. It was the last thwack of the crowbar that had him jolt awake in bed.
You shift in your spot next to him, opening your eyes to see his rattled state. If he’d been in a clearer frame of mind he would’ve lied to you. He would’ve expertly leveled his breathing and told you everything was fine and to go back to sleep.
But instead, he looks over at you with wide eyes, chest heaving and shaking like he might start hyperventilating at any moment.
You shoot up from the bed, instantly on alert. This isn’t the first time he’s had one of these nightmares around you, so it’s not hard for you to guess where this is coming from.
“Jay? What’s—what do you need?” You know better than to try and touch him unprompted right now, you’ve panicked enough yourself to know that sudden contact only makes it worse.
“I—I can’t, I—” Now he really looks like he’s about to lose all control of his breathing.
You sit up further, moving onto your knees. “Here, let me—can I see your hand?” you ask gently, holding your own out.
He extends it to you without question, a tiny act of vulnerability that he couldn’t have dreamed of doing in this state before he met you.
You flip his hand over, palm-up and start tracing lines over it in the moonlight. You’re looking at his hand quite intently like there’s something very important on it. It’s enough to make him question what the hell you’re doing. 
“I can read palms.” You tell him, simply. 
“What?” His voice almost breaks, like he’s right at the edge of tears. 
“Yeah, my friend taught me. I can tell the future and everything.” You look up at him, fingers not stopping their trailing. “Do you wanna hear yours?”
All he can do is nod.
You smile and start to inspect his hand carefully, tracing over calluses and a few tiny scars. You draw your finger across the short, deep line parallel to his fingers.
“This one…see the way it curves upwards right there?” He nods. “That means you’re very resourceful and ambitious. Like a leader.” His breathing starts to slow as he watches you, trying to focus on what you’re showing him in the dim light from the window.
“And this one,” you trace the line that curves downwards in the middle, “This one says that you’re strong and stubborn, which I can confirm,” he huffs out a laugh. It’s little but it’s genuine. “But it also means that you’re resilient. You’re built to overcome things and bounce back even stronger because of them. Which I can also confirm.”
He leans forward, resting his forehead against yours. He takes in a deep breath, watching you draw patterns across the base of his palm.
The sensation soothes him in a way that he frankly didn’t know he could be soothed. He figures he usually can’t, except when it’s you. He tries to match your breathing, syncing up with you. If anyone else tried to get this close to him when he was on the verge of a panic attack they’d get punched, at best.
But you…you always know how to help him. He’s considered in the past that he did something really right somewhere down the line and you were sent to him as reward. He’d racked his mind for hours of every good thing he’d ever done, trying to find one that could explain your presence in his life. For anything that could explain why he deserved you. He poured and poured over every memory he could dig up but couldn’t find any good he’d ever done that surmounted to a single piece of the good in your heart.
There was a time when he would’ve thought—when he did think that you were only in his life to be taken away as soon as he felt safe. That would certainly be in line with previous experiences. But you showed him quickly that you have this way about you…it makes those loud thoughts in the back of his head shut up and just listen. Listen to your words, your breathing, your footsteps, your laugh…anything he could. Because it turns out, when he listens, he feels safe. 
He’s quiet for a long time, contentedly watching you work. He notices that at some point you’d stopped tracing the lines and began drawing designs instead. 
He breaks the silence after several minutes, softly commenting, “You don’t know how to read palms.”
“No, I do not.” 
But you continued to leave your invisible art on the palm of his hand just the same, both of you taking comfort in the sound of the other's breathing and the soothing feeling of each other’s skin.
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The radio plays lightly in the background, surrounding your night with soft ambience. You’re working at the cutting board with tomatoes as Jason leans against the counter next to you, having just finished getting the pasta set up on the stove.
His hands find your hips, resting them there as he watches you work over your shoulder.
“Watch your thumb.” He comments when the knife gets a little too close for his liking.
You shrug him off, “I know how to do it.”
He eyes the way the knife stutters as you cut through the tomato, slicing through not very cleanly at all. “Doesn’t look like it.”
You ignore him, elbowing him gently in the abdomen. He’s joking, but he’s not. The skill level you’re displaying is only above Bruce and slightly below Tim, which is not great.
“Will you let me do it?” he asks you when he realizes there’s going to be no improvement. 
“Fine.” You relent with faux annoyance. 
You switch over to the stovetop, keeping a careful eye on the pasta as it cooks. It’s quiet for a moment as he works, chopping with much more efficiency than you had.  
“You didn’t have to stay here tonight, you know.” You say quietly, still intently watching the stove.
In spite of the music, your low volume does nothing to faze him as he continues his actions, “Why wouldn’t I?”
You stir the contents of the saucepan around. “Well, I know Roy wanted you to go out…”
“Not missing much.” He mumbles, opening up the above cabinet to get out plates.
You lull your head to the side, “Come on, he’s your best friend.”
Jason frowns. “He’s not my best friend.”
You turn your head towards him, “No?”
He meets your gaze, frown consistent. “No. You are.” He says it like he’s confused that you don’t know that. 
“Oh.” You smile, “You’re my best friend too.”
His eyes soften at that, a light smile gracing his lips. He knew that, and he knew you’d say it, but hearing it out loud just…does something to him.
You flick the stove top off, prompting him to on instinct reach for the Marinara jar and crack it open for you. He hands it to you and you accept with a smile, twisting it open the rest of the way as you turn back to the stove. The jar sputters as you open, spitting out sauce.    
“Oh, shit.” You hiss, when the splatter hits your shirt.
He takes one glance at the mess on your shirt and pulls his own shirt off his back. He’s tugging yours off just as fast, replacing it with his. You’ve barely processed what happened as he scans your body, eyes lingering on where his shirt stops at your thighs. “Can you wear this to bed tonight?” He asks, hands running over your waist.
You laugh, “Really?”
He meets your eyes, face serious. “Yes.” He squeezes your hip, “You look good.”
“In your shirt.” You say with a knowing smile.
“In my shirt.” He confirms.
You turn back to the stove to dish out the salsa, his hands skimming around your thighs as you do. He watches you as you work, though rather than watching your hands he’s fixated on the size of his shirt over you and how fucking good you look right now. 
“Or…” He sweeps his eyes over your legs before looking back up at you again. “Did’ya turn the stove off?”
You tilt your head at him, “I did…?”
He grins at you, lifting you up by your thighs til you’re a head above him. “Good.” He maneuvers you over to the counter, setting you on top. He brings your wrist up to his mouth to press a delicate kiss before dropping to his knees.
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You’ve been laying in bed for at least three hours, bordering on sleep but never quite falling in. You and Jason had a little spat, though nothing insurmountable, it was still the biggest fight you’ve had to date. You’d tried going out (at night) to see your friend that was having a hard time, and yeah, you should’ve told Jason you were going. It was only five blocks, give or take, but in Gotham at eleven o’clock at night, it’s a risk to say the least.
You should’ve told Jason, you know. But he wouldn’t have let you go or would’ve insisted on putting hold on patrolling to accompany you. You always feel bad when he does that—people could be getting hurt somewhere because you needed your boyfriend to walk you down the street. Unfortunately, it didn’t matter in the end because he caught you red handed before you’d even made it a full block away. Of all the nights for him to come home early, it had to be this one.
He dropped down from the rooftop behind you and scared the absolute hell out of you, and you didn’t even have time to be relieved that it was just him because he was on you in a flash. 
“What the hell are you doing out here?” His voice was hard through the modulator, a rare tone for him to use with you.
“I just—my friend—” he sounded tired and angry, sure signs that he’d really not had a good night so far which was probably all the more reason that you shouldn’t have been out by yourself in the middle of the night.
“What are you—no! Go home. Now.” You would’ve, you really would’ve, but your friend called you crying about her boyfriend cheating on her again and she needed the in person support. 
“Ja—” You’d cut yourself off, “It’s down the street, it’s fine—” He dropped his shoulders in a huff and faced you dead-on. You didn’t need him to take his helmet off to know exactly how he was looking at you.
He dropped down and hooked his arm around the back of your legs, lifting you off the ground with no discernible effort. “Wha—”
He started walking before you were even fully planted on his shoulder, arm wrapping around your legs to hold you in place. 
“Hood! I am so fucking serious, put me down!” You swatted at his back and struggled in his grip, though in the back of your mind you knew it was a pointless effort. Even if you were a match in size, whatever mood he’d been pushed in was enough to guarantee that you had no chance. 
He ignored you, not even pretending that you were giving him any difficulty with your squirming. He marched you back down the block to your apartment, not stopping until you’re outside your door. He set you down in between him and the entrance, digging into his pocket for his key.
He kicked the door shut behind him, finally letting you go. He wordlessly grabbed one of his spare guns and two cartridges of ammo from inside the closet by the door and turned back to you with a firm stance. “Stay here.”
You immediately tried to push past him again, at that point more angry about him dragging you back here than about having to duck out on your friend. He stopped you, holding you by the arms, which led you to respond by raising your voice at him, “Jason!” 
But he didn’t waste any time letting you know how it is, “I will lock you in this fucking apartment. Stay. Here.” Him cursing at you like that was very rare and not a particularly good sign, so through your anger you’d made the decision that it was better to relent, for now. Your posture dropped and you frowned at him resentfully, a visible cue that you were giving in without you having to say it. 
He stayed true to his word and locked the door on his way out, though knowing you could easily unlock it from the inside. You’d trudged into your bedroom, slamming the door behind you.   
Now you lay on Jason’s usual side of the bed, partially because you do miss him, partially because the bed feels a little less empty when you can’t see all the empty space. You know he was just trying to keep you safe after what was probably a rough start to the night, so you feel less than great that you’d yelled at him.
Your dwelling over the memory is interrupted by a quiet creak of the bedroom door. You blink up at him blearily, “Jay?” You sit up, furrowing your brow. You didn’t even hear him come home. “What’s wrong?” You figure he must be hurt to come in here—it’s not unknown for him to sleep on the couch if he feels like he did something wrong or upset you.   
Your eyes attempt to adjust to the darkness, scanning over him for any injuries. He’s out of his armor and in his regular clothes which means he must have showered already. And you know from dozens of nights patching him up that he always tends to his injuries before showering.
This leaves you confused, as you look up at him, waiting for an answer. “I can’t…I don’t want to sleep without you.” He whispers, eyes on the floor. 
You shuffle back into your usual spot near the wall and hold your hand out to him expectantly. You’re still a bit cross with him, but you miss him too much to care right now.
It takes him a second to move, but he eventually lingers away from the door and makes his way to the bed. He takes your hand as he climbs onto the bed, letting go only when you lay down after him, staring up at the ceiling next to him. 
You weren’t entirely expecting him to wrap his arms around you and tug you into his chest. Somewhere in the back of your mind you’d assumed he would lay on his side and you on yours and that would be enough for him to fall asleep with. Instead, he tightens his arms and buries his face into the crook of your neck. You lay there in silence for a couple minutes, both thinking.
“You’re mad.” He mumbles into your shoulder after a while. You know he feels badly about the dispute, you knew it while it was still happening. As hard as he tries, he’s not very good at hiding his emotions. Not with you, anyways.
You shrug slightly. “Barely. I’ll get over it. This is more important.”
He picks his head up to look at you, “I love you. You know that?”
You wiggle out of his grip a bit, making him frown. You use the new space to flip over to face him, before placing his arm back around your waist. You peek up at him, looking him in the eyes, “I do. You know I love you. Even when we fight.”
He looks at you like he’s a bit thrown off by your words. “I’m sorry. It was just…it was a rough night…I—I’m sorry.” He tells you dolefully.  
You shake your head, frowning. “Don’t be. I should’ve texted you.”
“It—yeah. Please. I just worry about you.” He looks so sad and it makes you feel somehow worse.
“I know,” you whisper, “I’m sorry.”  
“Don’t be.” He kisses your forehead, not moving away after.
You feel like you can finally relax and your tense body doesn’t take long to slacken in his hold. Soon after, he does the same, both of you closing your eyes. You feel your heart slow and your mind starts to find a space of peace.    
Before you crash out, you mumble out, “I’m going to be a little passive aggressive in the morning, though.”
“I’d hope so.”
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Jason didn’t get it at first.
Honestly, he didn’t really realize that you noticed things about him that even he didn’t see.
Your neighbor was having their place remodeled and you knew there would be construction going on near your apartment all day.
Jason didn’t really care, planning to bury his head under the pillow and trying to sleep through it. You however, seemed very adamant about getting out of the apartment that day. You’d left hours before the construction crew had even gotten there, telling him it was a nice day out.
It was an alright day, but he let you have your way.
You held his hand as you walked down the street, looking into shop windows and commenting on things you think he’d like.
You led him into a book store excitedly, telling him about how the author he’d been binging had just published something new. He didn’t even know that.
You were browsing the sections, flipping through books as you went. You peered across the shop at a kid holding an absolutely massive pile of books, who was clearly struggling to keep them in his arms.
His mother tried to help him but he shook his head and strided away independently, albeit very slowly. The weight of the books though, did get the best of him, and you could tell by the quivering in his arms that he was going to drop them.
“Loud noise.” You said quickly, seemingly out of the blue. Jason turned to you, confused, before seeing the stack the books splat flat onto the ground. It was indeed a loud noise.
He tilts his head at you, though you’re still busy watching the little boy as he throws his head back in frustration.
“What was that?”
You look at him, “He dropped his books.”
“Yeah, I saw. But why—”
His question gets cut off by the kid bursting into tears, wailing. You turn back to look at him, your gaze getting caught by the new book you’d been telling him about. “Ooh!”
You grab his hand and pull him over with you, smiling widely when you have the book in your hands. The sight of you makes him feel so warm so fast that he forgets about the odd interaction all together.
A couple hours later, you sit outside a cafe and eat lunch together, his back to the road, you sitting diagnal to him.
He’s telling you about the shit Damian got in trouble for at school last week, holding your hand with his right hand and eating with his left.
“He thinks he’s not going to get expelled for pulling shit like that every other week, it’s ridiculous.” He says, tossing his napkin down on the table.
Your smile is wavers as your eyes move past his shoulder looking down the block before widening, “Car—”
The sudden noise startles him enough to make him visibly jump, hand flying to where his holster would be. He looks over at the fender bender, shoulders relaxing.
He turns back to you to find your eyes looking far more worried than they should. You seem to be scanning his face, looking for something and he’s about to ask you what’s wrong when it sinks in.
He does get scared by unexpected loud sounds, doesn’t he? He never really thinks of it until it happens, but his mind is trained to expect gunshots or crowbars making impact.
It doesn’t happen often, but it noticeably takes a little piece out of him when it does.
“You…” he tries, but falters. He’s not even sure he’s processing this right.
He’s never seriously tried to fathom that you love him half as much as he loves you, though love doesn’t feel like a strong enough word. He lives and breathes for you, you’ve become a lifeline he’d been stranded without for most of his life. But now you're here and you’re everything, you’re in his head all the time, in every emotion he feels.
He thinks he’s here for you, that he was brought back from the dead because of you. You can’t possibly understand how much his heart is full of you, he doesn’t understand it himself.
He knows you love him, he’s gotten that through his head. But he can’t get a grasp on the idea that he’s equally matched in the who loves who the most battle.
Do you really care that much about him to go out of your way to keep track of things that might startle him? He knows there’s a million things about you that are in the back of his mind at any given time, but surely you don’t operate that same way with him?
Do you?
There’s this burning in his heart that aches and it only gets stronger when he sees you looking at him like that. So genuine. With care, with love.
He squeezes your hand, “I love you. More than anything.”
The look on your face sinks back into that sweet, adorable look that he’s so used to and it makes him want to scream.
You smile that bright smile and it sends his heart rocketing into oblivion. “I love you.” You squeeze his hand back, “More than everything.”
He feels like his heart might burst through his chest.
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antiquarianfics · 3 months
Accidental pt. 4
What happens when you accidentally kidnap the exact man you were looking for?
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pairing: mob!bucky x reader
warning(s): canon level violence, kidnapping, profanity
a/n: it’s my birthday, so let’s celebrate with their date 🤭
You do not have permission to copy, translate, or repost my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
part 3
"Oh, and one more thing," you say, catching the man's attention before he gets back into the SUV. He raises an eyebrow, you smirk. "Tell James he better damn well bring flowers."
You sigh as you stare at your reflection in the mirror, smoothing out your blouse. You turn to the side to see the back of your outfit and straighten back out again.
“You’re wearing pants to a fancy date with a crime lord?” Ellie asks, judgement lacing her question. You turn and raise an eyebrow at her, crossing the room to find the loafers you planned to wear.
“Yeah. Problem?” You ask, not really caring about Ellie’s opinion of your date attire. After all, it’s really more of a business transaction than a date.
“Yes! He’s probably expecting a dress, heels! Something low cut! You’re supposed to look sexy! You,” she pauses, gesturing to your body with an exasperated hand motion, “look like a JCPenney commercial.”
You scoff, a smirk teasing your lips. “Ellie, I don’t care. First of all, I can run a hell of a lot easier in loafers than heels, in slacks than a dress. Second of all,” you pick up your handgun where it lie on your dresser and check the safety, “I can’t hide this as easily in a dress.” Once you’re satisfied the safety is on, you tuck the gun away in the back of your pants, pulling your blouse back down over it. You look in the mirror again and fiddle with the tucking.
“Should I French tuck this?”
“Yes,” Ellie says distractedly before continuing. “But, Y/N, this guy is dangerous. You should play it safe. It’s just a date, so be who he obviously wants you to be.”
You sigh, turning back around to look your sister in the eyes.
“Ellie,” you say, tone dead serious. “Why are you so afraid of him? What did he do to you?”
Ellie blanches and doesn’t say anything. You sigh again turning back around to the mirror to fiddle with your hair, making sure it’s out of your face.
“I never saw him,” Ellie says suddenly. You watch her through the mirror where she sits on your bed staring at her hands. “I never saw him,” she starts again, “but I don’t think I was important enough for him to spare me his attention.
“I was at home making dinner when his men came for me. There was knock on the door, and when I answered, they stuck a bag over my head. Next thing I knew, I was in a dank, small room. There was a mattress on the floor for me to sleep, a toilet. Nothing else. I was there for maybe two days before someone came for me. I was taken to a conference room. There was a man there. I forget his name, but he was tall. Blond. He asked if I knew why I was there, I said I did, and he asked if I had any way to repay what I owed.”
“What did you owe?”
“750,000 dollars.”
“Ellie! How do you—? What? How?” You’re shocked, unable to comprehend how your baby sister could owe anyone so much.
“I… I met this guy, Zemo. We were just friends, but he started taking me around his friends. His friends hung out in these speakeasy type clubs. They played poker and stuff. I don’t know. I usually just watched, but after a few times, they talked me into it. Told me it was easy money, and, Y/N, I needed the money! So, I played, and I was doing really well. So I kept playing long after Zemo and his buddies left. I made so much down there, but I got too cocky and I lost an all-or-nothing. I played again to try and win it back, but it was like I’d lost my mojo, like I’d been playing on beginner’s luck.”
“Ellie,” you say sympathetically.
“I was $750,000 in debt and I couldn’t pay it, but the man I’d lost to—I think he felt bad—he said I could have 72 hours to get him his money. If I didn’t get him the money in time…” She trails off and you realize you’re clenching your jaw. You consciously unclench it. Ellie takes in a deep breath and exhales slowly. “He said if I didn’t get the money to him in 72 hours he would just have to find another way for me to pay him back. I don’t really know what he meant by that.
Anyway, the blond man asked if I could repay the money. I said no. He looked… sympathetic? He told me I’d have to go back to the cell until they could find use for me. I was there until they brought me home.”
You sit next to her on the bed, circling your arm around her. “Elle, I’m so sorry. I wish you’d come to me for help. I would’ve helped.”
“You don’t have that money, either. Plus, you are helping.”
“I guess.”
“What time is it?”
“Are you nervous?” Ellie asks.
“I accidentally kidnapped the most powerful man in the city and threatened his life, sis. I’m not nervous at all,” you say sarcastically.
Ellie opens her mouth to respond but is cut off by the ringing of your doorbell and a knock on the door. The two of you exchange a surprised look and you double check your watch: 6:34.
“He’s early,” you say, standing as you take a deep breath and try to swallow your nerves.
“Hey, you’ve got this. I know it,” Ellie reassures you, but she makes no move to follow you as you leave the room and go to make good on your end of yours and James’ bargain. You’re settling her debt and she makes no further move to support you.
You sigh as you reach the front door, swallowing your nerves and the tiny bit of resentment for your sister forming. Swinging the door open, you come face to face with the same man you had kidnapped and assaulted the day before: James Barnes.
James is looking around him when you open the door, but his attention is immediately on you as the door opens. His striking blue eyes meet yours, take in your person, and meet your eyes again. He grins.
“You look beautiful, Doll,” he says. He sounds breathless, completely blown away. You give him a questioning look, still so unsure of his motives.
“Thank you. You clean up nice. Not being tied up to a chair suits you,” you say. Your words come out funny. The ‘thank you’ sounds somewhat genuine but the compliment comes out somewhat strained, like you’re not sure you should be saying it.
James ignores your tone and lets his grin widen. He then takes a hand out from behind his back—you hadn’t even noticed his hand was behind his back—and hands you a bouquet of blue hyacinths. You just stare at them for a while as your brain attempts to catch up with your eyes.
“You actually brought flowers.”
“You threatened me again,” he teases.
“James, I…” You trail off, speechless. You wonder how you keep getting away with threatening him. Most people would be, at best, locked away, at worst, dead.
“My name,” he says, “is Bucky.”
You let your eyes trail from the hyacinths up to his eyes (you can’t help but notice they’re the same color), and you think that he looks shy—timid. James—Bucky—looks like he is nervous to ask you to call him by this other name.
“Bucky?” You ask, and, against your better judgment, as you ask it, you pull back your front door and step aside, inviting him into your home. He looks equally surprised you’d do such a thing, but he enters, taking a few steps into the corridor before pausing to look around and to wait on you. You close the door behind you and lead him to the kitchen where you pull out a vase for the flowers.
“Yeah,” he says. “It’s—erm—a nickname. It’s what my friends call me.”
“We’re friends?” You ask skeptically.
“Well, no, but we’re going on a date. ‘James’ is just a little formal,” he says, wrinkling his nose at his own name.
You offer him a friendly smile (which surprises you). “Well, Bucky, you’re lucky I’m ready because you’re, like, half an hour early.”
Bucky has the decency to look embarrassed, but he ignores the accusation. “Well,” he says instead, “shall we go?”
You nod and follow him out to his car. Once you make it to the vehicle, Bucky opens the car door for you, carefully shutting it behind you. He takes his spot in the driver’s seat a moment later.
You let out a breathy laugh and he side eyes you as he starts the car.
“Nothing! I just sort of expected you to have a driver. You’re just… surprising.”
He smiles at your admission. “Careful, Doll. Someone might think you like me.”
It’s not a long drive to what is certainly a high class establishment—an establishment nicer than any you’ve been to before. Bucky gets out of the car, rushing to let you out. As you get out of the car, he offers his keys to the valet and his arm to you. You glance briefly at his arm and give him an annoyed look as you loop your arm through his.
Bucky escorts you to the double glass doors that lead to the restaurant where a doorman waits to open the door for you. You say “thank you” as you pass and Bucky gives you an unreadable look. Then, once inside the restaurant, Bucky whispers something to the host who nods and leads you towards the back and up some stairs that lead to a glass enclosed landing where two guards stand on either side of the door leading to the rooftop seating. Bucky lets go of your arm and steps forward as the male security guard mirrors him. The guard pats Bucky down, finds a handgun tucked away in a holster at his waist, takes it, and then allows him to step to the side so that you may take your turn.
Your breathing picks up ever so slightly as you watch Bucky get frisked, especially once you realize they’re going to frisk you, too. You start to worry when you realize they’re going to find a weapon on you—how is that going to play out? Will Bucky go back on his word? Will he kill you? Then, when they take away Bucky’s weapon, you remind yourself to breathe normally and regain some confidence. He brought a gun, too: he doesn’t trust you and you don’t trust him.
You step forward, making eye contact with Bucky the whole time. You hold your arms out ever so slightly as the female guard steps forward to frisk you. You raise an eyebrow—maybe you’re challenging him to do something—when the guard finds your gun and pulls it out of your waistband. She holds it up and offers you a “seriously?” look, which you see in your peripheral. You shrug at her, eyes still on Bucky. He’s smirking.
The two of you are then led by the host through the guarded door to a single table that sits on the balcony. The balcony has been well decorated with myriad plants and string lights. There’s soft music playing in the background. Bucky pulls out a chair for you and you sit, watching as he takes the seat across from you. The two of you just watch each other as the host offers you menus and promises a waiter will be with you soon. Once the host is gone, the two of you sit, watching, waiting.
“Lovely weather we’re having,” you finally say, picking up the menu. If he isn’t going to say anything, you decide, you’re going to play coy.
Bucky raises his eyebrows, letting out a laugh and looking away before returning is gaze to you.
“You brought a gun to our date,” he says.
“So did you,” you reply, still looking at the menu. “Is the chicken alfredo any good here?”
“What for?” He asks, ignoring the alfredo question.
You sigh, setting down the menu. “Why did you?”
“You held me at gunpoint the last time we met. How was I to know you wouldn’t try to finish the job?”
“I held you at gunpoint the last time we met, but I had you tied up. How was I to know you wouldn’t take the shot now that your hands aren’t tied?”
“We’re here because I already shot my shot.”
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I’ve given you every reason to.”
He laughs humorlessly. “If I wanted to hurt you, don’t you think I would have done it already?”
“Why am I here, James? Why don’t you want to hurt me? Aren’t you supposed to be some big, scary crime lord? Because you’re not living up to your name.”
Bucky clenches his jaw and looks away. You think you’ve maybe finally struck a nerve, finally gone too far.
“Have you ever once considered, Y/N, that maybe—just maybe—I’m a person, too? Did you ever think you were capable of threatening someone’s life until necessity made you?” You flinch. He notices. “I have a shitty job. I do shitty things. I do even shittier things to even shittier people. But it’s the job I was given, the job I have, and the job I do. Maybe I’m a monster, a freak, an emotionless robot, but maybe that’s just what I have to be so I don’t go crazy. At the end of the day, I’m just a man who wants to live his life, so forgive me for wanting to do that.”
Bucky is breathing erratically. He’s worked up. You stare, mouth slightly agape, surprised. You have a feeling he’s felt this way a while and never had the chance to voice it, but you also realize that your existence in his life might be more to him than just some girl who wants her sister back, some girl who extorted him.
“You actually like me,” you say, genuinely surprised.
He looks at you, eyes softening and looking a little embarrassed.
“You’ve got terrible taste.”
He laughs. “That so?”
“I never even introduced myself. You clearly only know my name because you know who my sister is and put two and two together. I’ve been terrible to you. I mean, I have my totally logical and understandable reasons, but I’ve been terrible.”
“That’s true, but I was holding your sister hostage. Not the best conditions. I’m sure she’s thrilled about all this.” He gestures to the table in front of you, the two of you.
“She recognizes I’m cleaning up her mess.”
Bucky looks at you, expression sad.
“Cleaning up her mess,” he repeats quietly. “You don’t have to do this,” he says, louder, more confident.
“This date. You don’t want to be here. You’re not interested. I get it. You’re cleaning up your sister’s mess. You can just go,” he says, looking far off onto the horizon. “Don’t worry about Ellie. Her debt’s forgotten.”
You don’t move. You sit, you stare, you chew your lip, and you consider the man in front of you. You consider the handsome, powerful, sad man in front of you who—to your surprise—is genuinely interested in you. You make a decision.
You hear your chair scrape against the floor as you stand up and start to walk back towards the door. You take a few steps past Bucky, turn around, and walk back to the table. You stop right beside Bucky and hold out your hand. Bucky looks at your hand outstretched to him and trails his eyes up to you, and you watch as he carefully searches your face.
“Hi,” you say, smiling. “I’m Y/N. Mind if I join you for dinner?”
Bucky’s face breaks out into a grin as he takes your hand, grasping it firmly as he shakes it. “Bucky,” he greets, playing along. “I wouldn’t mind at all.”
@cjand10 @vicmc624 @mostlymarvelgirl @livingoutsidethetardis @onceithough @thedonswife13 @kaithesimps-blog @buckitostan @julvrs @unaxv @searchn0tfound @10ava01
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dyingswanpavlova · 1 month
Secret affairs || 》 Aemond Targaryen 《 OneShot
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x sister!reader
warnings: sorry guys, I'm new to this, I'd say probably mild smut? And also, incest between siblings obviously, a few curse words. Also the dinner scene is a little violent. Love y'all!
summary: Aemond has always found comfort in the loving arms of his sister, that's exactly what he does after his brawl with Jace at the family dinner.
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It had been obvious, considering the ridiculous tension in the room. But the moment, Jace and Helaena started dancing, without Aegon bashing anyone's head in, I had considered us to be safe.
But Luke just had to laugh.
At him.
The moment he slammed his hand on the table, followed by a "final tribute", I knew we were done. But I also did not try to stop him. What good was there in it? I could not have prevented it anyway, he was too stubborn and too proud. My seemingly level-headed brother who also was also a brooding, ticking bomb, just waiting to explode.
"To these three...Strong...boys."
"I dare you to say that again."
"Why? 'twas only a compliment. Do you not think yourself strong?"
The next thing I saw was how Jace punched him right in the face. I instinctively jumped up - as if I could have done anything to help - but to no one's great surprise, Aemond did not even flinch. He did not even spill the wine from his goblet. The next moment, he tilted his head to the side and pushed Jace to the ground. Luke jumped up as well, only to have Aegon slam his head into the table.
Everyone was screaming and hissing wildly, but Aemond watched with a smug expression as guards pulled the boys back, only to be confronted by Rhaenyra and Daemon.
I finally woke up from my trance and rushed forward, gripping his elbow tightly.
"Was that really necessary?" I asked and sighed.
He was actually calm, which made the situation all the more unnerving. He crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at me.
"Jace swung first. I was merely speaking my mind. You should be happy.”
I rolled my eyes.
"That may be technically true, but we both know you provoked him. We barely made peace with them."
Aemond gave me a glare. He didn’t like when I was the logical one, especially when it came to the situation at hand.
“And why should I care? Luke’s a bastard.”
I grabbed his hand and dragged him away from the tumult.
"Are you trying to get your tongue cut out?"
He pulled his elbow out of my grip. He hated that.
“What? It’s the truth.”
He crossed his arms again. So stubborn. I hated that.
"I know it's the truth. But don't you remember the last time we discussed this so openly, hm?" I pointed at his eye patch. "Mother barely talked father out of having you sharply questioned, just hours after you lost your eye. Aemond..." I lowered my voice.
"Father will always be on their side, you know that."
He was silent for a brief moment, before rolling his eye in annoyance.
“I am perfectly aware of that.”
He huffed before grabbing my arm and pulling me behind one of the pillars so no one would overhear.
Behind the pillar he was closer to me than he had been all night. His one hand was on my arm, keeping it from moving, but the other was gently placed on my waist, to keep me in place as well. His face was completely stoic, yet I could tell there was anger and frustration bubbling up within him.
“I am not an idiot. I know father does not care about me or any of us. I am well aware that he would choose Jace or Luke over us, any day.”
My expression softened and I gently touched his cheek.
"I know they're bastards, Aemond. And I'm not angry at you for provoking that fight. I'm just worried about you."
His body seemed to relax as I touched his cheek. Yet, he stubbornly still refused to show any proper emotions.
“Worried about me? I can take care of myself. You don’t need to protect me.”
"Yes, I do. In fact, we need to stand up for each other. You, Aegon, Helaena, mother and me. Because no one else cares about us." I said firmly.
He hated admitting it but I was completely correct. He did not speak for a moment. He still held me close, refusing to let go even as he looked at me.
“That does not change the fact that they are bastards. That does not change the fact that Jace will be heir to the throne one day, simply because Rhaenyra is a whore.”
"Aemond." I said sharply and glanced around. Everyone was busy chattering wildly in a mess.
He grunted as he moved towards me, pinning me lightly against the pillar with his body. His hands went to my waist, just to hold me in place as he bent his head so it was next to my ear.
“You may be the only person I love in this family, but that does not mean I will not speak the truth if I want to.”
I closed my eyes.
I swallowed.
"I'm not asking you to stop. Just...not here. If someone overheard that, Aemond...It would be considered treason." I said quietly.
His one, amethyst coloured eye shut as his head stayed close to mine. His body was still pressed against me, keeping me trapped between him and the pillar.*
“You are too soft, you know that? Too scared. Father would not care if someone overheard us.”
I scoffed.
"Father would have our tongue cut out in no time if it meant he would protect Rhaenyra and his precious succession."
He growled softly in annoyance as he pulled away from me, still keeping me caged in with his arms, but not as close as before.
“Damn him. One of his bastard grandchildren could do the worst thing in the world and he would still protect them until he dies. But then he would not bat an eye if anything happened to any of us. I mean hell, I lost an eye and he did not give a damn.”
"Do not remind me." I almost hissed. I remembered that day vividly. Aemond did not even shed a single tear, except for when the panic coursed through his body, right after it had happened. Later on he only said Do not mourn me mother. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon. While I had spent all night sobbing.
He heard my hiss, and he immediately felt guilty. He knew that day effected me, maybe more than it effected him. His voice had become much softer as he spoke again.
“I have not forgotten the look on your face.”
He gently grabbed my chin, forcing my head up gently to look at him.
“It was like you were the one who lost an eye.”
I reached out and gently trailed my fingertips along the outline of his eyepatch.
"If only it had been me." I said quietly.
His eye shut as I grazed his eyepatch. He hated when I said things like that.
“Do not ever say that.”
He suddenly grabbed my wrist, so I would stop touching the eyepatch. He could tolerate a lot of things being said about his missing eye, but the one thing he could not take was when I made that comment.
He gripped my wrist tightly as he continued to hold it. He could still remember how upset I was that night. How I cried and cried and how nothing he could say seemed to calm me down. He even remembered holding me that night, just so I would calm down.
He pulled my arm gently, forcing me flush against him once more as he leaned down so he was once again close to my ear.
“The look on your face that night, seeing me all bloodied up and missing my eye…I do not want to ever see that look on you again.”
I sighed deeply. "I felt like I was dying."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest to hide it. I sniffled softly but somehow I had to smile.
"I still cannot believe you had to comfort me."
He instinctively wrapped his arms around my waist when I held onto him. He even smiled slightly as well as I buried my face in his chest.
“You could not handle the sight. You are too soft and emotional.” He teased.
I shook my head.
"It was not the sight that made me go insane that night. It was...you. It happened to you of all people."
Aemond’s heart skipped a beat when he heard me say that. He was quiet for a brief second. A thousand feelings and thoughts passed through his mind. Yet his voice was quiet and soft, almost sheepish even after a second.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
I pulled my head back and gently cupped his face in my palms.
"It means, I love you and you got hurt that day. And that almost killed me." I said quietly.
He felt a shiver go down his spine when I gently cupped his face. No one had ever touched him, especially his scarred face, with that sort of gentleness. No one but me. He found himself leaning into my touch, his eye closing for a moment.
“It is just an eye, Venice.”
His voice was uncharacteristically soft. He hated feeling vulnerable. It was one of his only weaknesses- me.
"Not to me." I whispered back.
He was silent again. He suddenly felt like that night again. When I had cried and begged and pleaded for him to be more careful. How I had wrapped his face in a cloth and tended to his eye, while trying to keep his face hidden from others.
His voice was still soft, as if something in his mind had suddenly snapped. He swallowed as his hands held onto my waist.
“You love me too much, you know that?”
I smiled gently.
"I am well aware." I said quietly. "I cannot help it."
He was quiet for a moment, soaking in my words, soaking in my touch. He suddenly pulled me fully against his body. My head tucked under his chin so he could hold me as close to him as he could.
“You are being ridiculous.”
Yet he could not deny that he craved my love and affection all the time. He was desperate for my attention.
I laughed softly.
"And you are an emotional cripple." I teased.
He chuckled lowly as he held me even closer with one arm, while the other hand went to my waist once more. He suddenly grabbed a little tighter at my hip. He loved my teasing. No one had ever spoken to him in such ways before. He knew our father might not even give us a second glance if we were suddenly dead. Mother was trying. In her own way. And failing.
“I am not an emotional cripple. You are just annoying. An annoying brat.”
I smiled warmly and pinched his cheek.
"I know you are not. I was teasing you."
He grunted and made a face as I pinched his cheek. He tried to act annoyed, yet he was actually quite fond of my touch. He suddenly pinched my on your rib, in the same place he knew I was ticklish. Accidentally, of course.
I laughed breathlessly and swatted his hand away.
He said nonchalantly, as if it really was an accident. However he smirked when I swatted his hand away.
"Careful now, little sister. I may have to start tickling you for real.”
I smirked and looked up at him.
"You better not, you know? I fight back."
I bit my lip and my expression turned more serious when I heard how mother apologized to Rhaenyra on our behalf behind the pillar. I sighed and buried my face in his chest again.
"Can I come over later?" I asked quietly.
It was not uncommon. Ever since the eye incident, I would sleep in his bed ever so often. Being near him made my nightmares go away. I felt like the older we got, the more inappropriate it felt, so I would normally sneak into his room after dark.
We had gotten...close, a few times, but I had never misinterpreted it as something meaningful. We simply needed each other...Or at least that was what I told myself.
He quickly noticed my changed demeanor when he heard our mother. He could have scoffed at them, but he was more focused on me at the moment. I looked troubled, clearly upset. He nodded subtly as I asked to come over later. He tried to sound unbothered and indifferent as he responded.
“As if I mind.”
His heartbeat was picking up. Me sneaking over at night had become more normal in the past couples years, ever since he had lost his eye. He would never admit it to out loud, but I knew he preferred having me in his bed.
He glanced down at me as I buried my face into his chest. He suddenly felt extremely protective. He was aware of how inappropriate it probably was to continue having me sleep in his bed. However he was too stubborn to stop it. He had almost become dependent on it over the years, especially after I started becoming much more affectionate towards him as well.
He placed a hand on the back of my head and gently played with my hair as he held le close.
“You are such a needy little brat.”
I smiled faintly.
"But only to sleep." I whispered, not sounding too convincing to my own ears.
He smirked slightly once more as I whispered that to him. He was amused at the fact that I was trying to insist that I only needed him to sleep, and that it was all it was. He was not stupid. He caught all the affectionate gestures, the stares, the looks I would give him. He could tell I was just as dependent on him as he was on me.
“Of course. Only to sleep.”
He said in a sarcastic tone, trying his best to hide the fact that he enjoyed having me in his bed.
I swallowed hard and bit my lip. I intertwined my fingers with his.
"I mean it. We will simply sleep. We cannot continue to..."
I closed my eyes.
"You know what I mean."
That was what I said ever so often and a few days later we would fall back into our old patterns.
He raised an eyebrow when I linked my fingers with his. He could not help but get a little annoyed at the fact that I kept insisting that we both would not do more than sleeping together. He let out a quiet sigh through his nostrils.
“Yes. Only sleep. I got it.”
He responded again in a sarcastic tone. He knew deep down I would probably not keep the promise of never going further. I never did.
As I was holding his hand, he suddenly gave it a slight squeeze. He was growing irritated at how badly he wanted me at that very moment. He did not like the way I made him feel so needy and desperate.
“Just come over after dark, as usual.” He finally spoke again, his voice low and soft. He was trying his best to sound nonchalant about it.
I nodded and squeezed his hands back.
"I will go to my chambers. Promise me you will not get into any more fights tonight?" I said teasingly but there was a hint of concern in my voice as my fingertips gently trailed along his bruised chin.
He rolled his eye and chuckled lowly, finding my request amusing- although he knew deep down I was only half joking. He leaned into the touch of my fingers on his face. He would never be able to say no to me when I was sweet and affectionate with him.
“I promise to be on my best behaviour. No fights, no insults, no snide remarks. I shall behave with the most decorum tonight.”
I smiled sweetly and looked at him for a moment longer before I gently withdrew from his embrace and left the dining hall with quick steps.
He reluctantly let me go when I pulled away from his embrace. He wanted me to stay, to continue feeling my body against his and my skin under his fingertips. However he knew it was best to not take the risk of someone seeing us two like that.
He immediately felt antsy and irritated once I was out of sight. All throughout the rest of the dinner, he fidgeted and was restless. He felt extremely distracted. The bastards were back in their quarters, but Aemond could not get his mind off something else entirely.
Once in my room, I took a quick bath and got myself ready for the night. I put on a white nightdress and a white robe. Then I sat down on the bed to read until I was sure that everyone was finally deep asleep. When I thought it to be late enough, I closed my book, opened the door and rushed through the corridor with quick, quiet steps until I reached the door to his bedroom. My steps echoes through the hall, but no soul was close by. I did not bother to knock and quickly vanished inside his bedchambers.
He was laying on his bed, wide awake and reading a book as he waited for me. He had already changed into his nightwear: an all black, satin robe that he wore with nothing underneath. He was slightly frustrated already, having grown very eager and desperate to have me in his arms again. That frustration faded slightly as the door slowly creaked open and I appeared.
He shut his book and set it on the bedside table as soon as he saw me. He sat up, his eye watching me as I practically scurried over to the bed.
He watched as I climbed into his bed on all fours. His heart was beating faster than normal and he was growing impatient. He immediately grabbed me by the hips and pulled me onto his lap. He was in dire need of having me close, having me in his lap, with my legs on either side of his hips.
He was still frustrated and a little irritated, as he wrapped his arms around me in an almost possessive way. His eye darkened as he took in my figure in the white nightdress.
I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder.
"How was the rest of the dinner?" I muttered.
He let out a sigh, suddenly feeling much, much calmer now that I was in his arms, on his lap. He gently cupped the back of my head and ran his fingers through my hair in a soothing motion. He responded in a low, gruff tone as his eye was still darkened with lust - however, he was trying his best to hide it at the moment.
“It was fine. Aegon was as drunk and as unruly as usual. And Rhaenyra was as stubborn and bitchy as always.” He almost spat the last line, as he had never gotten along with our older half-sister.
I smiled faintly.
"So I did not miss much."
He hummed in acknowledgment as he continued to run his hand through my hair. He was growing more and more eager as he was holding me on his lap. He could already feel his body reacting to my closeness. It was driving him insane having me in his lap, wearing such a sheer and revealing nightdress.
“Just the usual. Nothing of worth happened.” He responded in a slightly distracted tone, as he suddenly grabbed my hips a little harder with his hands.
I closed my eyes. I felt how his body reacted to my proximity and of course, my own did, too.
I swallowed and tried to keep my tone nonchalant. To at least try to stick to my earlier words.
"That is good." I said quietly. "Are you in pain? That punch was pretty nasty, but you did not even flinch."
His eye darkened even more when he heard me question him about his injury, specifically about if it was painful or not. He suddenly gripped my hips even harder, his fingers digging into my skin just barely as he shifted me in his lap, grinding me against him.
“I am unharmed. It was a light punch. I have had worse brawls even with Aegon."
He responded, his eye not leaving the way his hands were gripping my hips, the way my sheer nightdress was almost slipping over my thighs.
I could not help the small gasp that left my lips.
He chuckled lowly when he heard that gasp from me, knowing that he had finally gotten me to slip up and give in to him. He suddenly leaned in against my ear, his breath hot and tickly against me as he spoke in a low, gruff tone.
“Does my needy little sister need me?”
He teased me, as he started slowly grinding me against his lap once again, making sure to make me feel how I was affecting him.
A shiver ran down my spine and I let out the softest whimper. Oh, and how I needed him.
"But...Aemond...I thought, we said..." I protested weakly.
He smirked at the way I was already quivering in his arms from his simple touches, and at the way I mewled and whimpered softly as he ground me against him and his lap. It was like music to his ears, watching me lose my composure so quickly.
“I do not care what you said earlier. We both know you need me just as much as I need you.”
He responded with a harsh tone, and he roughly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him.
He leaned closer to me, his breath still hot and tickling as it came against my neck now. He roughly grabbed both of my hips with his hands and pulled my body even more tightly against his. He let out a small hiss as he felt my heat rubbing against him, making him feel desperate and needy.
I let out a soft moan and rested my forehead against his shoulder.
"Ah, shit." I whispered breathlessly.
He smiled faintly at my soft moan, his hands grabbing and squeezing my hips roughly as he pulled me even closer to himself. He started slowly grinding me against his lap, the pressure against his own aching length making him even more desperate and needy than he already was.
“Tsk, I told you this was what was going to happen if you came to me. You just cannot resist me, admit it.” *He whispered against my neck, biting and sucking it harshly, leaving marks all the way up to my jawline.
He continued to bite and suck on my neck, leaving a trail of dark marks from my neck to my jaw, marking me as his. He started breathing hard against my skin, desperately gripping m, hips and grinding me against him. He was slowly losing his patience and his control.
“I hope you don’t mind wearing a few extra pretty accessories tomorrow to cover up your neck.” He said in a sarcastic tone in between kisses.
I could not help myself. I rolled over and pulled him along, wrapping my legs around his waist.
"Idiot." I whispered breathlessly. "Last time I was covered in hickeys and bite marks for days. It was so hot outside and I had to run around, covered like a Septa. Mother was so suspicious."
He let out a low chuckle against my neck as I pulled him over with me. He immediately grabbed my legs and held them tightly with his hands. He was completely desperate now that I had initiated the move and started to practically take control of the situation.
"I remember. It was hilarious.” He responded with a smirk, still remembering the fun he had whenever he saw a new bruise he had left on my neck or any exposed skin. I ignored his idiocy.
"Kiss me." I whispered and impatiently started undoing the buttons of his night shirt.
He smirked once again when he heard me demand for him to kiss me, and again when he felt me starting to undo the buttons of his nightshirt.
“So impatient…”
He muttered, as he leaned down and finally started to kiss me in a deep, passionate way. It was a kiss full of desperation, all tongue and teeth. He started getting more and more frustrated as he felt me trying to undo his shirt, but just could not quite do it fast enough.
He grabbed one of my hands and suddenly yanked it away from his buttons, pinning it above my head on the pillow. He was now in the position of power, taking back some of the control that I had grabbed from him, and also frustrated at my lack of speed in undressing him.
“Be patient. You are acting like a spoiled child.” He mumbled against my lips in between messy kisses. He started sucking and biting my bottom lip, wanting to hear me mewl from pain and pleasure, which I quickly did.
I moaned softly against his lips and let out a soft whine.
"Come on, do not make me wait. I have not felt you in days." I whispered pleadingly.
He smiled faintly against my lips at the sound of my whiny and pleading tone. He enjoyed how impatient I was, how desperate I was to have him. It was always a massive boost to his ego whenever I expressed just how much I craved him, just how much I needed him.
“You are so whiney.” He mumbled against my mouth again, before quickly ripping the buttons of his nightshirt open, desperate to get it off.
He pulled the buttons all the way, completely opening up his nightshirt and exposing his upper body to me. He was desperate to feel my touch, to feel my hands on his skin, and he was desperate to feel my body against his as well.
“There you go, princess. Happy now?”
He muttered, in a sarcastic tone, before leaning down and kissing me again.
I let out a shuddery breath and kissed him hard while my hands impatiently roamed around his exposed chest.
He smirked against my lips at the way I was roaming my hands all over his chest hungrily. He enjoyed the feeling of my hands raking across his skin, the way I was desperate to touch him, to feel him, and he was desperate to feel me as well.
"Gods, you are so needy… and impatient… always desperate for me to give you what you want, are you not?”
He mumbled against my lips in between messy kisses.
"I cannot help it. You ruined me." I whispered as my lips found his neck.
He let out a low, stifled moan as I started to kiss and suck on his neck. He closed his eye, relishing the feeling of my lips against his skin and the way my body squirmed under him, wanting him. He was losing control and I was only making it worse.
“I know I did… and you are not complaining, are you?”
He responded as he tightened his hold on the hand that he was holding above my head on the pillow, still pinning me down, on my back, beneath him.
He shifted and moved himself lower on the bed so he could lay in between my legs. He started kissing and nipping at my neck, slowly sucking on the skin, leaving a mark, as he started grinding himself against me again.
"You are all mine, princess. You do not need anybody else - you will be mine, always.”
He started whispering in my ear, still grinding and rubbing himself against me, feeling how my body responded instantly to his touch, to his voice in my ear.
I rolled my eyes.
"Do I look like I am complaining?"
I smirked and gently bit his earlobe, only to whisper: "You ruined me. You compromised me. You turned me into a needy, naughty mess. And I loved every second of it."
He let out another low moan as I whispered that statement in his ear. It was like music to his ears, hearing me admit just how desperately I belonged to him and him alone. He smirked, knowing just how much he had completely changed me, how I had been completely transformed, how he had completely conquered me.
He shifted a little, still laying in between my legs, and he started grinding his hips against me harder as he responded.
"And I take great pleasure in the fact that I did that to you.”
"Oh God-" I moaned softly and immediately my hands went down to undo his pants.
He could not hold back the grin on his face when he saw my hands start to hurriedly undo his pants, clearly getting frustrated with the buttons and buckles. He loved how desperate I was for him, how much I wanted him, and how I was getting impatient with the speed.
“So impatient… so needy… desperate for me, are you not?”
He teased and taunted in a gruff, lust-filled tone.
"Aemond, do you not dare tease-"
When I realized he wore nothing underneath, I laughed.
"So much for only sleeping. You planned this."
He let out a low, amused laugh at my reaction when I realized that he was completely naked beneath his pants. He smirked in response to that comment, loving the fact that I had just realized how much he had planned this out. How he had made sure he was ready for me.
“You know me so well, princess. Do you really think that I would just be lying here, fully clothed, waiting for you to come, knowing you would not be able to resist me?”
He responded with a taunting, teasing, tone.
He smirked again, watching the expression on my face before he started to quickly move himself back up towards me and leaned in close to my ear.
“You should know by now that the only thing I am ever thinking about is you… I cannot get you out of my head… the way you look… the way you react when I touch you… the way you moan and cry for me…”
He started whispering in my ear, still grinding against me as he talked.
"Please." I whispered breathlessly. "I...I need you, Aemond. Now."
He could not ignore the pleading and desperate tone in my voice as I whispered to him how I needed him. He loved it. He loved when I got needy and desperate for him and he could not deny that it was turning him on, making him want and crave me as well.
“Beg for me then, princess… beg and I will give you everything you want.”
He responded, in a deep, lust-filled, voice, still grinding against me as he continued to tease and taunt me.
He felt how my body was squirming and writhing beneath him, how I was so desperately trying to touch him, to touch his body. He loved how needy I was becoming, how I was completely falling apart beneath him, completely under his control.
“Go on, my dear… beg for me… if you want me… if you need me… beg me for it.”
He responded, still taunting and teasing me with his deep tone, still grinding against my aching heat, but not giving me quite what I so desperately wanted.
"Please." I whispered, swallowing my pride. "Please, I am begging you, Aemond. Let me feel you."
He felt his control slipping when he heard my pleading, the way I was begging him, the way I was clearly desperate to feel him. My pleading tone, my desperate words, were all feeding his ego.
“Gods, I love it when you’re pleading for me… begging for me like that… desperate for me to give you what you want…My naughty little love." He responded, still taunting and teasing, but his own need and want growing stronger by the second. He could not deny how badly he wanted me as well.
That was when he decided not to torture me any longer. He positioned himself above me and I finally felt him - teasingly, almost painfully slow.
"Oh God, Aemond-"
I let out a shuddery gasp and buried my hands in his silky hair.
He could not tease and taunt me anymore once he had felt me as well. He had teased and edged us both long enough, bringing us both to the brink of desire, and now he could not hold back any longer. He started pushing himself against me, taking his time, and going painfully slow.
“Gods, I’ve wanted this… I’ve craved this all day… I’ve been desperate for you all day…”
He gasped out in a deep and lust-filled tone.
He felt my hands immediately reach out and grab onto his hair, holding on tightly, and he could not hold back a moan at the feeling of my fingers digging into his scalp.
“Gods, I have missed you, sweetheart."
He muttered out between gasps as he continued to push himself against me, still going as painfully slow as possible, to tease me more.
"Please, Aemond. Do not tease me. Not right now." I gasped out.
He smiled.
And then he made me his. Again and again.
And again.
Until the only thing my lips could form was his name.
And on the next day we promised that all we would do would be to sleep.
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marilynthornhilllover · 3 months
I know that you love me, you don't need to remind me,
Emily. P x Jennifer. J x Fem!Reader
Warning: talk of drug consumption, reader is high, mood swings, use of guns (weed) , bad flirting, mommy kink, praise kink, teasing, cringe kiss etc .
A/n: I saw that new jennifer and emily episode where Emily was high and they were so cute! Had to make a fic😌
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It was that quite long awaited time of the year where criminal agents are given two weeks off from work. You were beyond exhausted but nevertheless was very happy to finally be able to take off your FBI vest and feeling relieved that you won't have to be picking it up for another week or so.
You soon realized that you literally didn't have plans arranged for the upcoming two weeks ahead, or even tonight. Everyone was pairing up as they packed up their office stuff and headed out. Spencer and Derek laughed and gave eachother a high five as they made their way downstairs to sign out while Emily and jj were already giggling about some random joke as they continued to pack up.
You nervously decided to walk up to them standing in the corridor like a shadow making sure not to seem creepy— but maybe you were doing the opposite. Ever since you joined the team, yes you did make friends but no one ever went the extra mile to offer to hang out with you. Only Emily would now and then eat lunch with you at her desk.
Jennifer wasn't bad either, she did offer to help you with a case file once, you went over to her house which you complimented her for the cozy interior, and yes the boys were also good to you but on a employee holiday like this no one was paying any attention whatsoever to you. They already plans of their own.
You on the other hand, had none, all you were gonna do was shower, eat, sleep and repeat for the next week or so. Nothing productive, not as if you had anything to do either. Prentiss and Mantegna had insisted that someone help you with case files so its not as if you have a major cade to crack over the holiday.
You were as free as a bird and your energetic self needed something to reinforce that energy into. If you could have went on a cruise for two weeks you definitely would have.
Emily scoffed at Jennifer's joke before turning around and spotting you cuddled up in the corner like a little mouse. She tilted her head to the side before approaching you with a warm smile.
" hey hon, you got any plans for the holiday?" She asked chewing a piece of gum that she had been for the entire day — somtimes you wonder if any flavour at all is still existence in it.
" uhh nope, but I'll sure my couch has plans for me though" you said sarcastically and of course she laughed, because Emily laughs at anything and everything which you did find cute. Emily always made sure that she kept everyone at a level where they felt at their absolute best when around her.
She was never mean to anyone really. Always funny, ambitious, smart and talented she was everything. Sometimes her aura was just too high, but she was always still approachable and not prideful.
Emily was like one of those drugs that you couldn't stop using because it feels too good, and when you do take it, it altars with your entire brain function and chemistry.
And speaking of chemistry, that was something you and Emily had alot of. Everytime her eyes made contact with yours, you felt as if your body was thrown into the deepest pits of hell. You'd get shivers everytime she passed you or called you a pet name. You'd go completely weak in your knees when she made the littlest amount of psychical contact with your skin — it was absolutely ridiculous just how easily she could get under your skin.
Or the time when you were making coffee in the kitchen and she needed to grab something from the top shelf and she moved you by putting her hands on your hips, with her chest pressed so closely against your back with face by your neck.
Emily made you question things. You knew you always had a thing for older women, always, since highschool and it never seemed to go away. And Emily was exactly your type, you just weren't sure if she felt the same way in return and you didn't wanna ruin the amazing friendship you both had by letting your stupid emotions and hormones get the best of yourself.
" well I'm sure you'll find something to entertain yourself, JJ and I are hooking up at her place tonight for snacks and a movie" she placed hands on her hips are she turned to look at jj who was texting away on her phone before turning back to you. You gaved her a akward smile, before a breathy nervous laugh escaped your mouth.
" hooking up huh" you saw as her eye brows quirked before a sly smile came into evidence on her face and quickly glanced at Jennifer who was now angrily texting before taking a step closer towards you, closing the the last gap space that was there. Her body heat and perfume over took your senses making your breath hitch.
You pressed your palm against her chest sneaking a quick glance at jj and the camera above. Emily was looking at you with a teasing smirk, she leaned down besides your ear and whispered.
" do wanna hook up with me as well?" She pulled back to see the reaction on your face and just as she imagined it was absolutely priceless. She chuckled before pulling away completely.
" oh my God emily would you leave poor y/n alone, let's go already" Jennifer said with a tint of exhaustion and annoyance her voice. Emily chuckled before gently caressing your cheek. The both women waved you goodbye before departing and going their way.
You sighed before picking up your bag and leaving, you locked your office door and went home. You did decided to walk with a few case files home and evidence objects to keep yourself busy during the holiday to stop yourself from going insane from the intense boredom you were prone to have.
— — — —
Emily and Jennifer had just sat down and were about to enjoy their late afternoon with wine and salt and vinegar chips when a continuation of loud knocking could be heard on jj's front door. Both women looked at eachother with utter confusion on their faces — the weren't expecting anyone. Jennifer decided to get up and go check the door, Emily following closely behind with her hand placed tightly on her gun.
The door bell soon started ringing along with the knocks which triggered Jennifer even more. Unlocking the door Jennifer threw it open, not caring what stood on the opposite side of it, after all emily was ready to protect her best friend at all cost, even if it meant shooting someone in their foor.
" if I had my way I swear I would—" as soon as she saw you she stopped talking, her eye brows quirked as she squinted her eyes to make a better appearance of your face in the dim moon light. Emily let out a soft sigh when she saw you but quickly went back into a state of worry at the same time.
Now you had both women wondering what you were doing at their house.
" y/n? I didn't know you were coming over, did Emily invite you?" Jennifer turned around hoping to get a confirmation nod from Emily but she shook her head and pursed her lips, letting her know she was just as confused as her.
" Well aren't you guys a bit rude, aren't you gonna invite me in?" You muttered but before they could react you let yourself in. You carefully walked down the long fancy corridor switching off some lights on your way because they made your eyes burn, making your way to the living room area, having knowing your way around jj's house since the last two times you were there.
You stumbled over the coffee table and landed right onto the sofa, face first with a soft groan. You dropped the ziplock bag of cheese puffs you had brought onto the floor.
She walked up to you and you and sat beside you on the couch, she picked you up by both your forearms and made you look at her.
Both women side eyed eachother, both in desperate need to know what on God's green earth was going on. Jennifer leaned against the wall to further scrutinize you. Emily on the other hand was just worried how you got here on your own with no car or phone.
" hey y/n sweetie are you..... drunk?" Her voice sounded like when water got into a phone speaker and you tried to play a song— you couldn't understand it. You rubbed your eyes and glanced at the table to which your face instantly lit up when you saw the salt and vinegar lays chips.
You grabbed them ferociously then took out some chopsticks you had stuffed in the back pocket of your jeans and started eating the chips. At this point both women were flabbergasted, mouths open, jaws dropped. Jennifer took a deep breath before she turned around and went to her fridge to grab you a drink to help you sober up because it was crystal clear that you were beyond drunk, drunk was an understatement.
" what time is it?" You suddenly asked putting the chips down and dusting off your hands.
" time for some hydration, here you go" Jennifer said as she passed you a bottle of cold cranberry juice. Once again your face lit up like a child on Christmas day.
" ohhhh, it's got what plants crave!" You exclaimed. The look on Jennifer's face when you said that was priceless as Emily silently continued to look at you with a completely blanket stare.
You placed the bottle of juice at the side of your head as if it was an ice pack and burped. You cleared your throat before speaking up again.
" have you guys seen that movie! Idiot city!.... wait city Idiot... wait... yeah" it's like your body was replaced with a child's and this called for huge concern. Emily sighed heavily and took the bottle from your hand.
" Idiocracy?" Jennifer whispered and you nodded.
" I knew I liked you! Ohhh, I and on my way here I saw a cat jumping off your house roof then it turned into a dog and flew away as a mosquito" you said before the loudest laugh took you over that you almost started crying.
Emily whispered " oh good lord" before she shook her head, Jennifer was still completely and totally lost for words. Jennifer had a feeling that being drunk would not cause someone to behave like this— well of course she knew, she's a profiler. She had a feeling you were high, but she didn't want you to act out and she would need proof for Emily because knowing her she wouldn't believe for a minute you would do drugs.
" umm y/n what's in the bag?" Jennifer asked and your eyebrows quirked, you placed your finger at you ear urging her to repeat even though she was so damn close to you.
" What's in the bag" she repeated as she dragged her words this time. You shrugged.
" I don't know what time the supermarket closes" emily stood up and walked towards to kitchen to grab her phone, you had the agent stressed. Jennifer just took it upon herself to grab the bag of " cheese puffs" before she walked towards emily.
" look I know you may not believe but I have a pretty good feeling that, that girl right there is literally the profound definition of what we call high" emily scoffed.
" Oh come on, she probably had too much wine I mean weren't we just about to drink wine as well?" She restated trying to convince Jennifer, but honestly to this rate she just couldn't, Jennifer was already convinced from her own opinion.
" emily elizabeth prentiss which wine do you know makes someone this drunk?" Jennifer asked, emphasizing on the last two words of her sentence. Emily shrugged before looking back at you, who was now sniffing the air every two seconds like a curious dog. Jennifer rolled her eyes before opening the bag of cheese puffs and taking a sniff.
She gaged before pulling away quickly.
" this smells like straight up weed!" She swiftly turned to let Emily have a sniff, to which Emily pulled away as well. Jennifer closed the bag and turned it around where there was writing in black. " DO NOT OPEN, CONTAINS CASE 101 EVIDENCE".
" you ate the case evidence! Oh my god!" Jennifer looked like she was going to erupt like a volcano and her high pitched tone of voice was making your head hurt and ears ring.
" I was hungry, and I didn't know that they were edibles" you whispered as you squinted your eyes since it was getting harder to see. Jennifer looked at you in disbelief as she turned to Emily for back up. Before Emily could utter a word Jennifer was already furious.
" Emily, don't even! She basically ate the entire bag!" She shouted. She saided pacing the room with her fingers gently massaging her temple to calm her.
" what are we gonna tell hotch, or even worst David" Jennifer covered her face with her both her hands before leaning over the kitchen counter.
" Well I mean, she probably just ate the backup stash, it should be fine, we should really be worrying about is her health" emily muttered scratching her head. Jennifer looked up at emily as her jaw dropped.
" your defending her?!" Emily raised her hands in defense but before she could reply Jennifer took the chance.
" I seriously cannot believe you right now!" Jennifer once again, started pacing the room, this time even more quicker.
" Oh come on jj, what are the odds that people make silly mistakes like these?" Jennifer stopped, and looked at emily with wide eyes.
" Well with the odds as high as her I'd say zero!" She said angrily before picking up her phone.
Emily sighed before looking over at you who was now eating the chips and gnawing your teeth wildly making crumbs fall all over the place. In a way Emily felt bad for you, mostly pity because she knew what you did was down right stupid but Jennifer was being a tadbit too harsh on you in your current position — knowing you couldn't properly comprehend the situation or what was going on.
" ok I'll take her home and we can speak to the team about this tomorrow when y/n is a better state of mind, ok?" Emily said in a reassuring voice. Jennifer sighed in frustration before biting her lip and nodding approvingly.
Emily carefully picked you up off the couch and wrapped her arm around your waist as she insisted to take you home safely. Her body warmth was comforting and her perfume was like a lullaby putting you to sleep this time. You melted in her embrace as she took you outside.
Your vision was blurred and the cold air on your skin — although you had a jacket on, was making you shiver. Seeing this emily hugged you tighter. She opened the door to her wagon and assisted you into the passenger seat and putting on your seat belt for you. You looked at her, she looked like one of those ancient paintings,the ones you can't withdraw your eyes from, the Renaissance ones.
You weren't sure if maybe it was the drugs or the hormones that came after taking the drugs but you felt the need to kiss emily, your eyes flicked down to her lips that were slightly parted as she concentrated on getting the seatbelt to adjust to your liking. Her smooth skin and wrinkled lines that ran across her forehead and eye line area, her little cute eye bags from all the hard work she does.
You couldn't resist the urge, she was a drug, she was your drug. You licked your lips and leaned in. Your lips connected with hers in a slow soft kiss. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to enjoy the moment. Emily didn't pull away, she was surprised yes, but she didn't pull away. Emily couldn't cover up the feeling she felt for you but she also didn't want to take advantage of your drunken state.
Taking it that she was enjoying it as much as you, you tried to force your tongue into her mouth but that's when she pulled away. Your brows furrowed and for a moment the drugs may have returned your common sense and you realized what you did — what you were trying to do. And soon the embarrassment and cringe settled in.
" sorry, oh God I'm so stupid!" You whispered as you fought back tears, you covered your face with both hands and started sobbing. Emily sprinted around to the drivers seat to comfort you. She gently peeled your hands away from your face, holding your palms in hers she caressed them with her knuckles softly. You sniffed and shook your head in denial before looking out the window.
" hey, sweetheart look at me please" her voice was as soft as an angel and so gentle as if you were something valuable that could be broken, that's something you loved about emily, she was so comforting in all circumstances, no matter what. She placed her hand under your jaw and turned you to look at her. She stared at you with her cute Bambi eyes so filled of love, and she so badly wanted to say " I love you" but she knew you wouldn't be able to comprehend them.
" look y/n, i wanna— kiss you back but I can't. That doesn't mean I don't want to, I just want you to be able to give me your full sober concent." She spoke as slowly and clearly as possible so you won't misinterpret anything.
" and your not stupid, we all make mistakes my love. Once I accidentally— well I got drunk the morning of my Law exams and failed them, and that did set me at a disadvantage for my career but I still made it into this job" she continued to rub your knuckles and wip every tear that fell from your eyes.
" and this joke takes y/n, but it also gives.... it gave—" she took a deep breath before exhaling heavily. " it gave me you." Hearing these words made your heart flutter souly. Your little smile came across your face which emily mirrored.
" now, my sweet girl, my I take you home?" She spoke in a old French accent waving her hand a fancy motion, You both laughed until you were out of air. after the laughter died down She chuckled and placed a hand on your thigh squeezing the tender flesh which made your breath hitch.
The drive home was long but certainly not quiet at all, you and Emily blasted high 2000s music all the way until she arrived at your home. You knew there was gonna be alot to discuss the next day but you should be fine once you have emily by your side.
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lizthewriter · 3 months
it's nice to have a friend / theodore nott
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PAIRING  rich boy!theo nott x reader
SUMMARY  part four of the get him back! series. you meet theo and blaise for a cup of coffee to find that blaise had planned a double date for a carnival on campus. him and his date swiftly leave you and theo behind, forcing the two of you to form an unlikely bond. PART 1 PART 2 PART 3
QUOTE  "twenty questions, we tell the truth, / you've been stressed out lately, yeah me too, / something gave you the nerve, / to touch my hand," - it's nice to have a friend by taylor swift
WRITTEN  7.8.2024
you grimaced at ginny's shocked rebuttal. you see, you hadn't exactly told her that theodore nott had asked you out a few nights ago. and you hadn't yet revealed ro her that it was all fake - but in all honesty, you didn't think you would.
"you know, he might be a bit grumpy and quiet, but i've never had anything against nott. you know he always cleans up the gym at the end of the day? never leaves it to the janitor, he hates people making a mess. i can't tell if he's nice or if he has ocd."
ginny cared about you, a lot. of course she would, she was your best friend in the whole world. but she never took the time to focus on herself. you were hoping that maybe if you were dating someone like nott, she would trust him enough to take care of you and she'd finally start to focus on herself.
"anyways, that's beside the point, when are you seeing each other next?" ginny asked, holding back a squeal of excitement.
"we're grabbing coffee with his friend blaise after my economics class," you responded, a little nervously. it wasn't exactly seeing theo that you were nervous about, but having to see his friend as well. you couldn't say you knew blaise too well. he had been in one or two of your classes, but you'd never spoken to one another and you didn't like to put your faith entirely in rumors.
"oh yeah, zabini, right? i hooked up with him once."
you wrinkled your nose. "as happy as i am that you're doing great in that aspect, i'd rather you keep the details to yourself." ginny grinned mischievously in response - any time you told her no, she couldn't help but disobey. you blamed it on those damned twin brothers of hers.
"no, i don't want to hear about it!" you exclaimed, shoving your hands in your ears and running from ginny, as she chased you around the dorm shouting what you assumed to be a rather detailed escapade of her time in bed with the one and only-
"blaise zabini. theo's told me all about you," blaise said in a polite tone, shaking your hand. he wasn't as scary as you made him out to be in your head. he was tall, but a gentle giant as it seemed to be.
"really?" you asked, slightly suprised at this, glancing towards theo.
he shrugged sheepishly. "a bit, yeah."
"he's mad for you, mate," blaise told you with a chuckle. "a real keeper, he is."
you couldn't see, but theo was glaring at blaise with daggers shooting out his eyes. blaise, of course, knew all about theo's little fake dating scheme and how it was all a facade. besides his actually reasonable rationality for fake dating each other, there was another, secret reason. he wanted to make you fall in love with him. but he couldn't deny that you were so damn stubborn and argumentative that it almost pissed him off sometimes.
"anyways, there's a little fair nearby i thought we could all check out. we're going to meet my date there," blaise explained as he gestured to us to follow his trek towards some campus event in the distance.
"you didn't tell me you were inviting anyone else," theo said as he caught up with blaise, pulling on your arm as he jogged, as your fingers were interlaced together. his tone was as level-headed as could be, but still there was that hint of irritation within.
"i thought i did?" blaise responded with a fake look of thoughtfulness. "oh well." he turned back to face you. "i assume you've met daphne greengrass."
"yeah, she's been in a lot of my classes. she's nice. is that her over there?"
you pointed to a girl with silver blonde hair, dressed in a rather extravagant chanel two-piece suit that made you wonder if you were a little dressed down in your average clothes. daphne greeted blaise so elegantly, so beautifully. she emanated every value of a high class woman. everything you, unfortunately, were not. you shifted uncomfortably as she slipped her arm through blaise's.
"you are the prettiest girl here." you felt theo's nose brush against your left ear. a blush painted your cheeks and you leaned away from him with something of a suprised look. his eyes were dead but as insistent as ever. "don't worry about her."
"thank you . . . theo," you responded hesitantly. was this his way of getting into character? perhaps you should play along.
"so, have you two kissed yet?"
you sputtered out a cough and theo cleared his throat uncomfortably at daphne's sudden and blunt question. she barked out a laugh at your responses. "i'll take that as a no then. but you've went on a date before, right?"
"theo took me to dinner last night," you exclaimed, expression growing warm with a soft smile as you reminisced the night prior.
"you should have kissed her theo," daphne said in disbelief. "are you trying to drive her away from you?"
"daphne, daphne, lay off them," blaise said with a light chuckle. "their time will come."
as the four of you approached the fair, light-heart carnival music filled your ears, as well as the sounds of carnival games and excited college students who seemed to be brought to life by the free food avaliable.
"what do you guys want to do first?" blaise asked, glancing towards you and theo.
"i mean, i'd like to go on the ferris wheel," you said, gesturing to the large wheel that had been resurrected on one of the football fields.
"great, well daphne and i are going to look at the games, so how about we meet you back here in an hour? yeah? great!" and while you and theo were just starting to protest blaise's desicion, him and daphne had quickly left the two of you behind.
you turned towards theo. "so."
the air was awkward. despite last night, which you had to admit was a lot easier with alcohol floating through your veins, the two of you found yourselves at an impasse. "do you want to go on the ferris wheel then?"
the two of you walked through a crowd filled with friends having a right laugh and couples making those who were single gag and grimace at their public displays of affection. "do you think we should . . . kiss? like daphne said. it'd be pretty weird if we didn't, right? most couples do."
theo looked flabbergasted. "w-well, sure, i suppose. do you want to kiss . . . right now?" he glanced around at all the people nearby and felt the butterflies in his stomach flutter, the heat in his cheeks rise.
"theodore nott, are you blushing?" you teased.
"i am not!" he protested grumpily, turning his face away from you to hide his reddened cheeks.
you drew closer to him with a mischievous grin, your fingers climbing up his chest before grabbing onto the lapel of his versace coat. "what, have you never kissed a girl before?"
"no, actually, i have not," he responded, his line still set into a grumpy, thin line. you drew away, again shocked by the man before. he always found a way to suprise you, didn't he?
"you've never had a girlfriend? or even just a girl that you happened to kiss?"
"no, i'm not much for dating," theodore replied simply.
"i've never had the time either - much too busy with university and my career," he explained in a bored sort of tone. "have you dated a lot? not that i'm judging you or anything. just curious."
"i've dated around a bit, yeah," you responded, your pride a bit wounded. despite him saying he wasn't judging you, it very much felt like he was. "you can't find your soulmate if you don't go looking for them, right?"
"you really believe in soulmates?" theo asked with an amused grin.
"yeah, and you don't?" you replied, your tone slightly defensive.
the two of you strolled up to the ferris wheel and got into one of the cabs. the ride operator closed the door behind you and soon enough, you were slowly rising into the air, overlooking the entire carnival, as well as campus beyond that.
"so you think we don't present like a couple?" theo asked you, leaning back on his side of the cabs and shutting his eyes.
"well, we're very tense around each other. and not in a hot, sexual tension kind of way in the awkward, i don't know what to say to you way." obviously the two of you needed to change that. especially if you wanted to convince mattheo of your relationship.
"how do you suggest we change that, then?"
"i suppose we have to act like a couple in all aspects of our life. that means in private too. it will get us in the groove of pretending to like each other."
"what, you don't like this charming mug?" theo asked sarcastically, lifting up his head and shooting you a charming grin. you barked out a laugh.
the corners of his lips upturned for a second more. "yes. yes, it is a start."
"well, i'm starting to hate it less and less, so there's a start."
TAGS @rosieandthethorns @thaliasworld96 @lovelyygirl8 @moony-artemis @thesecretmansion @thecraziestcrayon @amongemeraldclouds @readingthingsonhere @darkenwolfie @jaxyy219 @empath-bunny @always-reading @xmadigurlx @mypolicemanharryyy @prettyb1tchsblog @hoeforvinniehackerrr @luckylzclerc @pandalovingcats @theyb @annaisabookworm @starsval @niktwazny303 @starsfortaylor @jetblackpayne @gillyweeds @alwayslatetothefandoms @simp-for-fantasy @helendeath @bambi-slxt @nottheodorenott @shartnart1 @s0kovian-witch @slutfordpr @ch3rry-lips @blobsblobican
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writersblockedx · 1 year
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Pairing - Jeremiah Fisher x Fem!Reader Summary - Jeremiah goes to you for everything, and when you give him a vital piece of love advice, it dawns on him that he is, in fact, in love with you. Warnings - None? Slight mention of underage drinking. Words - 2K
As was common, Jeremiah was at a loss for his several hookups. And, as was even more common, he went to you to debrief and to ask for advice. While he had hookups and situation-ships way more than you did (or anyone in Cousins for that matter), he struggled with how to manage them. At least he did until he started asking you for advice.
He threw himself onto your bed, forcing you to shut the book you had been deep inside. There, staring up at the ceiling, he let out a huff. "What, or should I say who, is it this time?" You raised your brow at him, watching as Jere's wide pupils stared up to the ceiling as if he were replaying some memory over and over.
"Luke." He let the name out in a sigh. "And, And!" He suddenly added as if he had almost forgotten in his daydreaming gaze, "Abi."
He finally sat up, staring at you with them puppy eyes you could never resist. "Two?" You questioned.
"Yes." He said, barely embarrassed by such fact; at this point, it was to be expected. "Reframe from any criticism please."
"I'm not gonna criticise you, Jere." You told him, a sweet smile gracing your lips. "If anything, I don't see what the problem is here."
He took a second before shrugging, "I just- I feel wrong, you know? Guilty." He explained. "Like I'm going behind their backs."
"Okay then, well you either need to tell them both the truth or pick one."
Jeremiah thought about the options for a moment and ran both scenarios through his head until making his decision. "I have to pick one." He said before looking at you, uncertain, "Right?"
"If that's what you want." You comforted him.
At that, he let himself fall once more. This time, right into your lap as he made a dramatic sigh as if this decision was a life-changing one. "What if I don't know what I want?" He questioned, gazing up at you, his sea-blue eyes catching you into his trap.
You let a sniffle of a laugh as you looked down at him, "Oh, trust me Jere, you've no idea what you want. But, that's okay too, sometimes you have to experiment with different people until you know what you want." You went on.
That seemed to spark another question for him, one of which wouldn't leave his head for the next few weeks: "How do I know? Like, how do I know that this is someone who I want a relationship with? A proper relationship, not just a hookup."
For that, you needed to think. As much as you gave Jereimah advice after advice, that was a question he had never asked. "I suppose it has to be someone you feel that spark with. But not just a sexual spark." As you were certain Jere sometimes mistook it for. "A spark that reaches to a deeper, emotional level. Where you feel safe but excited at the same time. A balance, I guess." That was what you assumed anyway. You hadn't had many successful relationships yourself.
But your words had seemed to prompt something for Jere. His eyes washed away, his mind sucking him into his thoughts. Until, after a long moment, he sat back up and with furrowed brows, asked, "How do you know all this? It's not as if you're happily married."
"No need to remind me." You giggled, slapping the side of his forearm.
Of which he chuckled at and defended himself, "I'm serious! You talk all this wise shit and can't even get yourself a date."
You could have scoffed, "I can get myself a date, thank you."
"Really? When was the last time you went on one?"
Then you did scoff, grasping the pillow from behind you and chucking it at Jeremiah's head, only erupting more laughter from the both of you. "You are so rude!"
Only once your mini pillow fight died down and Jeremiah returned home, did that question take over his whole mind. He strolled into the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of milk as he thought over it: how did he know? The only time he felt a spark that wasn't sexual- well, he couldn't quite remember. Everything you had described, the safety but excitement, the emotional connection (and the sexual), well the only person he could ever even suggest he had felt that for was you.
"What's up with you?" His brother's voice broke him from the glare he had been giving the countertop.
His eyes widened, "Huh?"
Conrad and Belly, who had been trailing behind him, both giggled. "You're just a bit...out of it, you know?"
"That's a first." Conrad laughed.
Jeremiah snapped, "Hey!"
"Go on then," Belly pushed, "What is it you're thinking about?"
The boy sighed, replaying your words once more. "A spark."
"Why's a hookup causing you an existential crisis?" Questioned Conrad, watching his brother in such a focused state that it was becoming a concern.
"It's not a hookup." Jere admitted. "It's Y/n."
Suddenly, that name peaked Belly's interest. She leaned closing, placing her elbows on the kitchen island as she watched the boy carefully, "What about her?" She prompted.
"I went to her for advice, as I always do, and now I can't get it out of my head. She was explaining how for love, you need a spark, an emotional connection, safety..." He stopped there, ever so stunned by his recent realisation.
"And?" Belly pushed on, one brow raised.
Jeremiah sucked in a breath, not making eye contact with either of them as he said, "She basically just described everything I feel for her."
He looked at his brother and his best friend. It was silent. At least for a moment as he took in their unreadable expressions; were they stunned? Embarrassed? Futile? Then, breaking the silence came Conrad's laugh. "You have a crush on Y/n, great." He shook his head. "It took you long enough."
Jere's brows instantly furrowed as he straightened his back, "What? How did you-" He couldn't get his words out.
Conrad looked to Belly, "Come on, back me up. It was obvious."
Jeremiah looked to his friend and Belly could only shrug. "It sort of was." She agreed. "But, now you know, you can ask her out!" Excitement was painted on her words. Belly had been waiting for this for almost longer than yourself.
"I can't do that. She's- She's Y/n. She's my best friend. It'd be weird." The idea was so foreign that it was unbelievable.
"She's your best friend who you're in love with!" Belly argued. "Think about it, please."
With that, she and Conrad left Jeremiah to his thoughts. Once more, you never left his mind. He had been trapped.
For weeks, it was all he could think about. He'd gaze across the other side of the pool at you. Shades covering your eyes as you bathed in the sunlight. There he was daydreaming of everything you would do as a couple. Granted, it was pretty much the same as how things were now, only littered with kisses and hugs and greater smiles than either of you had ever made before.
It came to the point where he was just bursting to tell you. But he waited. He had to wait until the right moment. He couldn't do it by the pool, with Steven and Belly watching. He would wait for the perfect moment. And when the group of you arrived at a local party, he knew maybe tonight would be the night.
A few drinks down, he caught you by yourself. You had wandered to the backyard, sitting on the stairs that led to the porch. He lingered by the patio door, watching you as you sat alone for a moment. Your curious expression was emphasised by the fairy lights which tangled over the wooden fencing, flashing pinks and purples across your cheeks.
You didn't even know Jeremiah was there until he came and sat next to you, your shoulders nudged up against the others. "Enjoying the party?" A smooth smile hung from his lips as he grasped the red solo cup in his hand.
You nodded and glanced over at him, "Yeah, yeah, just needed a break." You excused.
Jere smiled, looking back through the patio doors and the booming party he could still overhear. "That's understandable." He gazed back at you and fell, once more, into your eyes.
"What about you?" You nudged his shoulder playfully. "You're never one to miss a moment from a party. Shouldn't you be looking for Luke? Or, or Abi!" You spat out their names as they flooded back into your memory. You had lost count of all the people Jere had hooked up with.
His smile faulted at the mention of their names, "Erm, no, no. I actually ended things with both of them." He admitted.
"Oh, why?" You raised a brow. "Ended up telling them the truth?"
"No, no." He answered before he looked to the ground, licked his lips and questioned if this was the moment. Something in his mind said fuck it, and he did. "But it was actually because of something you said." Jeremiah couldn't tear his eyes away from you as that curiosity built on your expression once again. "When you were explaining it to me, everything that love made you feel, all the sparks and the connections. That you should feel safe with them but it should be exciting all the same. Well," He took a breath and ran with it. "You're the only person that makes me feel that way."
The air soon became thick with Jeremiah's words as they floated around your mind. This was Jere, your friend, your best friend. The one who had talked non-stop about her and him all while you were nothing but a bystander. Yet, here you were, sitting away from the party the boy was usually the centre of as he professed his love. And you could never deny your feelings in that it wasn't reciprocated.
This time, it was your turn to look to the ground, lick your lips and say: Fuck it. "Jere, I can't deny that you aren't utterly brilliant. I mean, you're incredibly beautiful, and you know it. You're charming and comedic, you bring a room to life. And I love being at your side for all of that, I want to be there in the future too." You took a breath, wondering if your next words were about to ruin that smile that was glued to his lips. "But, it's because I want that, that I want to be your friend. Just your friend." Like that, the smile dissipated. "I can't be some other hookup that you start complaining about because they get too attached, or too clingy. I won't let that be me."
He jumped to take your hands in his. What used to be a simple gesture between the two of you, had suddenly become complicated and you questioned if you should let go. "That's not what you are to me. I would have already tried that on you if that was what I wanted, trust me." He admitted. "This isn't me asking you to kiss me, or to have sex with me or whatever I do nowadays. I'm sat here asking you to be my girlfriend."
The word had been said. It was in the air and it was up to you what you did with it.
And so, you tightened your grip on his fingers and said, "I want you Jere and I trust that you want me to." From there, you leaned in before he could respond, securing a yes with a kiss.
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moody-alcoholic · 3 months
I am not ignorant to the fact I’m writing a gay sex scene and everyone is hanging out in Syria. Resources below.
Guardians of Equality Movement
Syria LGBTQI+ Resources
Equaldex LGBT rights in Syria
I cant stop writing for this series. Every time I say I'll take a break I pump out another outline...
MDNI +18 content
Summary: Ghoap x Reader, throuple. Slow burn (sorry but not sorry). 2.7k words. Reader is female (she/her), army nurse, non descript physical features, names used: Ashe.
CW: MDNI +18 content Mentions of torture, torture, smut, blowjob (male receiving & giving), language. First proper Johnny x Simon scene, IDK it just felt right...
Previous parts - masterlist - next part
Enjoy <3
Johnny was grabbing something to eat in the canteen when he watched Ghost walked over to him. He knew something was wrong, he had that cold look in his eyes. The one he gets when he has to focus on the job and nothing else matters, not even him. Johnny swallowed hard standing up to meet Ghost. 
“Come.” It’s all he says but it makes the hairs stand up on the back of Johnny’s neck. Johnny follows they walk into an observation room. Johnny gasps when he sees you handcuffed the table head hanging down.
“What happened?” Johnny asked looking round the room his eyes falling on Jack who’s stood there arms crossed. 
“We believe she’s responsible for the murder of the doctor.” Jack says. Johnny laughs, looking around at everyone else being serious.
“Christ, what’s the evidence?” Johnny asked.
“Her ID was used to withdraw large amounts of insulin which is believed to be the cause of death.” Johnny looked at Jack shocked then at Price. 
“Has she said anything?” Johnny asked feeling sick. There is no way you did that, this has to be a set up, something… Johnny just knew it in his gut, you were innocent.
“No, she’s not talking.” Price said, Johnny could hear something in his voice. Sadness? Annoyance?
“I heard you are very good at your job lieutenant,” Jack says taking a step closer to Ghost. 
“‘Pends on what you heard.” Ghost replies remaining still, looking through the one way glass you’ve not moved, not wanting them to see your pained expression.
“I heard you can get people to talk, and we really need her to talk.” Jack says. 
“We can try other ways before sending Ghost in.” Price says. Jack scoffs.
“If she’s been trained by the enemy she won’t break.” He says walking to the door. 
“You have 24 hours to get her to talk or you’re out of here.” Everyone looked at Price. He went to sit down.
“You heard him, make her talk.” Price says.
“We don’t torture innocent people.” Ghost’s voice is level, he still hasn’t moved. 
“We’re not torturing anyone just question her you’ve got to buy me some time, look like you’re doing your jobs so I can figure out a solution.” Price sighs.    
“It’s wrong.” Johnny says. Price sighs again getting up. 
“LT, Gaz go to security I want anything you can find, from the moment she wakes up in the morning to the second she’s asleep. She takes a piss I want to know about it, where her card was swiped who has seen her anything, and quickly before Jack can replace staff.” Price says as he walks over to Johnny. 
“Come on let’s go have a chat with her, maybe she’ll tell us something useful” Price says his hand on Johnny’s shoulder. Johnny knows Price is trying to calm him but there is nothing on the face of the world right not that can slow his mind. He looks back through the window, guilt rises up as Ghost and Gaz leave the room. It’s times like this Johnny envies Simon being able to hide his face. Price squeezes his shoulder he looks in Price’s eyes, they look sad understanding. It doesn't make Johnny feel any better.
You can’t look at Simon’s eyes when he’s the room, the caramel eyes you used to lose yourself in, they’re just dark now, dark and uncaring. Johnny’s in sometimes, he won’t even look at you let alone in your eyes any more, the eyes you used to look in for comfort, love, hope. You don’t know what's worse. Price is the one who questions you, always the same questions. 
How did you do it? 
Why did you do it? 
Who do you work for? 
How long have you known about 141? 
Did you get close to them on purpose? 
Did you use them to get information on 141? 
He never says their names, Johnny, Simon. It’s always just ‘them’ he doesn’t have to say their names, you know who he means. Maybe you did betray them? Maybe this was all your fault? 
By the second day you can’t remember the doctors name, just the fact he’s leaving a kid and a wife behind. You’re moved into a windowless cell, you’re woken up at random times, you’re starting to lose track of time. It’s only after what you think is the third day it becomes violent. Jack is the only one who’s violent, he’s around a lot more, there are new questions. 
Why this base? 
Why now? 
Do you know anything about the arms sales to Al-qatala? 
Have you ever been to Urzikstan? 
Why kill an innocent doctor? 
Why insulin? 
Why are you betraying 141? 
Jack is the only one who will look you in the eye, he likes to look you in the eyes but he’s not kind. You become numb to the attacks, the repetitiveness of the torture, you hate that word, torture, it makes you feel guilty. You’re not guilty. Or maybe you are. 
“I wouldn’t use insulin.” You say after a particularly rough session. 
“What’s that?” jack asks, his face up in yours but you can still only just make out his features, nose, lips, chin, in your blurry haze he just looks angry. 
“If I was going to kill him I wouldn’t use insulin, too easy to be traced.” He doesn't like that answer, he doesn’t like anything you say if it’s true or not. 
You enjoy Gaz’s visit’s, he’s the member of 141 you had not met yet, he brings you food, soup or rice mostly. He doesn't question you, doesn't talk to you. Just tries to feed you food, or at least swallow gulps of water that burn your throat. He doesn’t need to do this for you, you don’t know him, he makes you feel strangely guilty. You used to spit out the food not accepting anything from him, when he said they would start tube feeding you, you relented accepting the spoonful's of thick soup or rice and beans. He’s got kind eyes. 
You don’t see Simon or Johnny anymore, maybe they’ve given up on you, maybe they don’t care. Jack tells you they don’t care. Price is there sometimes you think, it’s getting harder to tell, the passage of time becoming almost impossible to follow, you think it’s been 3 days, maybe 4, maybe 5. Your stomach growls, you haven’t seen the sunlight in days. Your body hurts from being upright all the time. 
“You should give her a break.” It’s Simon’s voice that pulls you out of your half conscious state. You see him stood in the door way, all black, his face covered. It’s not the voice you know, not the kind voice you’re used to it’s something different. It makes you shiver, makes the hairs stand up on your body. You try not to cry, only letting tears fall down your face after Gaz has been, then you know you’ll be left alone for a few hours. You don’t want to let them break you but it’s becoming harder to think.    
Someone bursts bursts through the door to the room pinning Jack to the wall. The noise makes you jump and you try to lift your head up but it’s too hard, your neck hurts. You blink hearing shouting, then you feel hands on your face, it feels like Johnny’s hands they’re warm he’s forcing you to look at his face. Everything is blurry you try to squint. You feel movement behind you. 
“I’m so sorry it took us so long love.” It’s Johnny’s voice you’re sure, your head is spinning though, you can’t tell. Your eyes move past Johnny, you think you see Simon, you think that’s him, you feel your head slump in Johnny’s hand as your restraints are cut lose. You must of blacked out for a second because the next thing you know is being on the floor. Johnny scoops you up in his arms and you lean up against his chest. 
“it's over now, we've got you.” Johnny whispers in your ears. You’re blinded by lights as Johnny carries you out to the room to the medbay. You recognise the smell, that’s a good thing you’re not totally broken, you can smell the clean sheets, the smell of antiseptic. There are hands all over you now, people touching you, so many lights. You reach for Johnny, where did he go? You start to panic trying to pull yourself up. Is it a trick? Are they doing this to finally try and break you? 
“Johnny!” You call searching for his hands. You feel a sharp pain travel down your arm. You feel your breath catch in your throat, your body being pressed down. Maybe this is the end you’re in too much pain and too tired to tell. You feel your body slump down as ringing grows louder in your ears, it doesn’t take long before everything goes black. 
Johnny wakes to Simon’s hands on his shoulders. He looks over at your body still unconscious, still with tubes shoved down your throat. Simon pulls a chair up next to him, Simon’s started caring less and less who sees them together, especially at night. 
“The doc’s say the swelling in her head’s gone down.” Johnny says leaning forward in his chair.
“When was the last time you slept?” Simon asks him. 
“Got a nice kip before you woke me.” Johnny replies. Simon sighs, his hand running up the back of Johnny’s neck. 
“You really should get some sleep, some proper sleep.” Simon says. Johnny scoffs. 
“4 days,” he says, looking back up at you. 
“4 day’s, we let her suffer.” Johnny says quieter. Simon sighs his forehead resting on Johnny. Simon know’s how guilty Johnny feels, he feels the same too, he’s just better at hiding it. 
“Come.” Simon says getting up extending his hand out for Johnny. Johnny looks up at him blinking. 
“Give me five minutes.” Simon pleads. Johnny sighs standing up and following him. He lets Simon guide him all the way to the dorms into Simon’s room. Johnny has never left the bedside since you had been moved to Damascus. Simon had tried to get some alone time with him but he can tell Johnny’s guilt weighs heavy on his shoulders, he want’s to be there when you wake.
Simon pulls Johnny into his room, locking the door. Johnny tries to protest but Simon is too quick, his hands guiding Johnny’s hips pushing him against the wall. Simon’s hand slips under the front of his mask pulling it off over his head, he looks up at Johnny his thumb stroking his cheek. Simon looks almost sad, he can see the pain in Johnny’s eyes, the anger, he feels it too.
Simon presses his lips onto Johnny, forcing his tongue in his mouth as his hands reach under his shirt. Johnny seems to relax for a second enjoying the taste of Simon on his lips, playing with his tongue. Simon pulls away moving to Johnny’s neck planting little kisses all the way down to his collar bones. His head tips back hitting the wall as Simon pulls Johnny’s shirt over his head. 
“Si, we shouldn’t leave her.” Johnny says as Simon is burying his head into Johnny's neck. 
“She’ll be fine.” Simon says his voice low, almost a groan, as he continues to run his tongue down Johnny’s neck, Johnny’s hands moving up Simon’s back eventually running his fingers through his hair. Johnny doesn’t fight Simon, enjoying the feel of his husbands hands on his body as Simon’s hands slip under Johnny’s waistband pulling his trousers and boxers down. Simon is moving slow, slow and gentle working his hands down Johnny’s stomach to his abdomen, Johnny is almost desperate gripping Simon’s hair as he moves his tongue round Johnny’s body. 
“Si..” Johnny moans as Simon’s hands find their way to Johnny’s semi-hard cock. Simon want’s to almost beg Johnny to relax, instead running his hand up and down his shaft. Johnny presses his forehead on Simon’s chest moaning as he pushes his hands slipping under Simon’s shirt. Johnny trembles as Simon uses both his hands to pleasure him, his breathing becoming faster. Simon keeps Johnny’s body pressed up against the wall as Johnny starts thrusting his hips, fucking Simon’s hands. Johnny had felt this many times before, Simon giving him pleasure, but never quite like this, his emotions high, endorphins pumping through his body, Johnny starts to tense again Simon pulls away, a whimper leaving Johnny’s lips. 
“On the bed.” Simon says guiding him over as Johnny blindly follows his instructions laying flat. Simon takes his boots and the rest of his pants off flinging them to the side. Johnny lays his head back on the pillows as Simon licks the precum off Johnny’s tip making him moan his hands desperately trying to grab Simon’s hair. Simon smiles then thrusts his mouth round his cock taking him all the way to the hilt.
The pleasure is almost overwhelming, Simon can feel it, Johnny’s body shaking a mix of pleasure and stress. Simon doesn't stop his hands running up Johnny’s chest as he positions himself in a more comfortably to suck him off. Johnny moans and gasps as Simon’s tongue presses into the underside of Johnny’s shaft, Simon can feel him twitching in his mouth enjoying each one as he get’s closer to the edge.
Simon can read Johnny’s body like a book, Johnny thinks he’s sly hiding his movements, his cheeky side glances, the heavy petting Johnny does when he’s in the mood, the way his fingers move around Simon’s body forcing his attention. He thinks he’s good at hiding it but Simon knows him, Simon loves him and right now Simon knows he needs to make Johnny relax.
Johnny’s hips are thrusting again Simon’s hands grip his waist trying to keep it in place. Johnny moans Simon’s name as he cums. Simon likes that, hearing Johnny call his name in the heat of the moment, Simon feels his own cock twitching in his pants as he rides Johnny through the orgasm making sure that Johnny is well and truly satisfied before pulling his mouth away. Simon enjoys the taste of Johnny’s cum in his mouth, the feel of his hot seed hitting the back of his throat. Johnny is still panting when Simon moves, sliding up next to him pulling his head on his chest.
Johnny moves to rest on his chest his still heartbeat still racing, Simon takes exaggerated breaths and Johnny subconsciously follows him. Simon reaches down pulling the duvet over Johnny, kissing his face running his fingers through his hair. 
“You need to rest,” Simon says wrapping his arms round Johnny stroking his back. Johnny’s breathing starts to steady as Simon lowers his voice.
“You do this on purpose,” Johnny says sleepily. Simon smiles, he does do it on purpose. Johnny needs to rest, he’s no good to anyone if he can’t think straight.  
“I’ll wake you if anything happens, I promise.” Simon says kissing his forehead.   
The knock at the door pulls Johnny out his sleep, he jolts awake almost fighting over Simon to get out of bed. 
“Easy.” Simon says as he moves swinging his legs out so Johnny can get up.
“You said you’d wake me if anything happened.” Johnny sounds frustrated puling his trousers and shirt on. 
“This is the first thing that’s happened.” Johnny throws Simon’s mask at him opening the door before he gets chance to put it on. It’s only Price.
“She’s awake, she’s asking for you.” Price says. Johnny shoves his feet into his boots as Simon gets up off the bed moving over to the door. Johnny looks back at Simon smiling and rushes out the room pushing past Price. Simon follows Price stopping him in the doorway. 
“What do you want to tell her about Jack?” Price asks. Simon sighs. 
“Laswell found anything?” Simon asks walking with Price, he shakes his head. 
“Still looking for a connection, he’ll be punished for the way he questioned her, demoted at the very least, depends on what they feel like. Theres no evidence he spoofed her card we’re lucky there were so many witnesses. We’re lucky we could clear her name so quick.” Price says. It still took 4 days. 
“Think he can justify his actions?” Simon asks. 
“Let’s see, we’ve got other things to focus on now.” Price walks into her room Simon hangs back for a second. A wave of guilt washing over him, he just wanted to hold her jump into bed with her, apologise. 4 days we let her suffer, Johnny’s words replaying in his head. Never again, he promises himself. 
Next part
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rashomonss · 10 months
your Learning to Adapt hc was amazing, i loved it sm!!!
that being said, i need a dateables ver., i crave the sweet succulent angst (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
a/n: ahh thank you! I’m so glad you and so many others liked it omg!! I got a bunch of comments and asks for a pt 2, so due to popular demand here is a dateables + luke version of learning to adapt! hope you enjoy!
warnings: there will be some small spoilers concerning seasons 3 and 4 of the og! obey me, it’s nothing major though
readjusting | learning to adapt pt 1.
it’s not the same without you
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Diavolo is left with remnants of you all around him. All the belongings you left at the Demon Lord's castle remain in the same spots they were placed in by you. None of them are touched, he can’t bring himself to.
A part of him feels as if he failed you somehow, he's supposed to be the demon prince yet he couldn’t even protect the person he cherished the most.
Whenever he eats dinner it always happens to be a human world dish. One of your favorites, for some odd reason he hasn’t wanted much Devildom food since you’ve left.
Diavolo goes through many stages of grief during this time.
At first he drowns himself in his responsibilities, so much so Barbatos questions if he is receiving enough rest.
However once you get him into bed he can never seem to get out, instead he stares at the pillow case next to him and sighs. Only a few months ago you were laying there next to him smiling as you both talked late into the night about anything and everything.
He loved talking to you. If anything he misses your voice the most. That reassuring voice always seemed to brighten his day as well as others around him. That lovely voice that would put him to sleep at night when he claimed to have trouble sleeping.
If Diavolo was honest he’d give anything to hear you call his name once again.
Barbatos finds himself lonely for one of the first times in his existence.
More often than not he’s gotten used to you being alongside him as he cooks or cleans around the castle. With that in mind he’ll turn over his shoulder to ask you something but then realize you're not there. Often times when this happens he’ll make a face then silently continue cleaning.
The numerous little D’s around the castle tend to worry for him because he’s always on edge lately. Especially after a certain trip to the market he made alone.
It was a morning like any other and Barbatos set off for one of his favorite outdoor markets. Diavolo requested a human realm dish and this place was the perfect place for acquiring human realm food.
You often went with him, explaining your favorite foods and what not to him when you got the chance. He loved leaning more about you at any given chance, especially if you were alone with him.
As he stepped into the market and gathered a few goods here and there he began to pay the shop owner and then man made a remark of him missing his other half. Barbatos knew that he was referring to you and with that he payed the shop owner quickly and then left.
Ever since then he’s stopping visiting that stall.
If he’s being honest he’s not fond of making your favorite dishes for Diavolo while you’re not here. However he’ll never mention that to anyone.
Simeon wishes to be an angel again, this was the first and only time he wished that.
If he was then…maybe he could possibly aid with your safe return. That’s what he tells himself anyway. Simeon can’t help but blame himself for whatever reason for your disappearance.
While you're gone he takes this time to comfort Luke as well as the brothers. If he’s able to keep a level head then it should make others less anxious.
He also takes up cleaning most of Purgatory Hall as well as the House of Lamentation when the brothers lock themselves away for certain periods of time.
Simeon tries his hardest to remain calm and distract himself with other hobbies he likes; however each little thing he does reminds him of you.
When he picks up a pen he thinks of how you adored his work, praised it even, as you laid on his bed while he told you numerous different story plots and tales he had for upcoming chapters. When he passes a store and sees only his reflection a pang is felt in his chest. Just a few months ago both of you shared a smiling reflection in a store window as you walked hand in hand with him.
He doesn't know how much more of this he can take, but he’ll never let anyone know that.
Luke bakes himself into exhaustion. Oftentimes he bakes recipes the two of you would make when you spent the night at Purgatory Hall. Recently however, Simeon has had to stop him because the countertops are overflowing with sweets as Luke puts a new cake into the oven.
Luke likes to carry out activities you both would do together, such as watching the same shows you liked to watch with him, or visiting the same places you would take him too when you weren’t with the brothers.
Luke misses you so much but he knows you're okay, Simeon told him so. Still that doesn’t calm his emotions any less. Because of this Luke continues to pray for your safety and will bless your belongings.
This has caused some issues with the brothers because they become unable to touch that item for a while.
Just like the others he sometimes will visit your room and just sit silently in there wishing and praying for your safe return.
Bonus characters
Mephisto finds himself ignoring the desk you use while you spent time in the newspaper club room.
Sure all of your belongings are there and in the same place as well as all the pictures of the brothers and your other friends. Even him. But he doesn’t care.
It’s not as if he dusts off your desk at the end of every week and does weekly checks on your camera to make sure it’s up to date and still has all of the saved pictures you took.
It’s not as if he hasn’t downloaded a copy of the photos on your camera to is own personal laptop and scrolls through the ones you took of you and him when he feels lonely.
Of course he doesn’t miss the human who invaded his club room and made it lively like they do to every part of the school they reside in.
He doesn’t even realize that he gets the same drink every afternoon from the vending machine. It’s not as if you brought it to him every time you showed up. He just drinks it because it’s good.
And no he doesn’t glance at the door every hour or so hoping you’d barge in. Thats ludicrous. But currently its only a hope in his mind.
Thirteen sighs as she looks across the Devildom. Usually you both would be sharing this beautiful sight together, however she’s alone today. Like always.
She deems it fine. But maybe company would be nice, maybe. She’s grown found of your voice, your company, and even the atmosphere you bring to a conversation. She could sit and listen to you for hours.
She still wears the friendship bracelet you made her. It’s never been taken off once. And since she’s had a bit of spare time while you’ve been away she made you a few. Maybe some to even wear in your next life.
Since she can’t give it to you currently she put it around the base of your candle, that she watches daily; hourly even.
For her favorite human to disappear out of the blue like this made her very protective of your soul. At times she finds herself blabbing to your candle when she’s had an interesting day, or if she has a new trap idea.
To her it’s nice talking to the candle, but she really wishes to talk to the owner of it more.
At first Raphael didn’t feel completely lonely like the others. He had a decent relationship with you but it wasn’t nearly as close as Simeon’s or Luke’s for that matter.
However a part of him can’t help but try to comfort the beings around him during this time. He does truly care for the brothers so he does whatever he can to help them as well as Simeon.
At the end of the day he does find himself missing you. The conversations you would have with him were interesting and he loved the sparkle your eye would hold when he talked about his days in the celestial realm when the brothers were still angels.
He promised to take you to the celestial realm a while ago and show off in depth how beautiful it was. You smiled at his promise and he always remember that.
Sighing to himself, he currently wished to walk with you through a celestial realm garden to ease his mind.
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stargalaxxy · 3 months
⋆˚࿔ Boyfriend Scenarios 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ - Ninja Boys - His Feelings ⋆˚ʚɞ
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁Oki, it's been awhile since I made a boyfriend scenario, this is suppose to be like the guys realizing their feelings for you. (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) This was a struggle though, and thinking about the next one is already having me worryyy haha (╥﹏╥) But I hope you like bcs I kinda dooo ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ) But for a next story I really want to write something for Nya but I don't really have any ideas so if anyone wants to request something for her by all means lemme know I would love to hear what you want.. But no more talking enjoyyyy ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
𝜗𝜚Now Playing: Hey Lover by, Daughters of Eve𝜗𝜚 (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) *
♡‧₊˚Let’s Fall in Love♡‧₊˚
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♡‧₊˚Lloyd Garmadon♡‧₊˚
‧₊˚ ⋅You Calm His Mind‧₊˚ ⋅
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  It was no surprise to anyone that Lloyd was struggling with a lot on his plate, taking the mantel of green ninja and fulfilling prophecies. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  However, dealing with it as a responsible adult was a surprise to everyone given his still maturing mind. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  When he made the sacrifice, he knew that he was taking away your childhood as well, when you all got back to the Monastery. He stopped to apologize for his choice saying it was the only thing he could think of before consulting with you, 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖   You smile as you hug him “you don’t ever have to apologize for doing the right thing, you were so brave today. Thank you for saving us” you look to him as you played with the back of his hair absentmindedly. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  After that you helped him move his things to the boy’s room orders from master Wu, where Lloyd will stay while you kept the guest bed of where you both use to sleep. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Placing a hand on his heart that night as he remembers your hug, Lloyd’s mind was racing from the walk home from Doomsday Comix that night, but after your words his anxiety leveled as you held him close.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Growing up he would constantly question his actions taking careful steps to seem like a capable leader for his brothers and you, training harder and displaying a serious exterior.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  He admired your growth just as much as you did, noticing how you would push yourself, how your element has gotten stronger and how you were better at controlling it. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Whenever he saw you struggling Lloyd would encourage you to keep going, to try your best and never give up!
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  “Ninja Never Quit” head ahhh
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  He’d notice every time you would shake your head and snicker playfully at his motivation making him shout at you defensively before noticing your grateful smile. Grabbing his outstretched hand and thanking him,
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  His cheeks turned red as his eyes. He pulls you up looking away with a pout. Secretly loving the way, you turned him into mush just from your looks or words.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Whenever he wanted someone to talk to when his thoughts got to heavy, he’d go to confide in you, in return he’d notice how you would do the same. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪   Those nights of when you two would hang your legs on the side resting your chins on the rail as you talked to each other enjoying quiet silence or him enjoying your voice. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪   During these moments when you both sit under a sea of stars accompanied by a light breeze, he would wish for time to stop just to enjoy the tranquility, no evil dad, no enemies, no fulfilling prophecy.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪   Just you and him and he couldn’t ask for anything more.
୧ ‧₊˚ 🎀 ⋅ ☆ ˖°
Lloyd follows the sound of giggling as he looks to your cracked door, he knew he shouldn’t be peaking into your room. Since getting a talk from his brothers about how girls liked their privacy, 
Lloyd blushes at the awkward conversation as he rolls his eyes knocking lightly on your decorated door. Your giggling stops as you shuffle in your bed,
“The doors open” you call from the other side. Lloyd pushes the door open taking the invitation as he notices your surprised expression, Lloyd hasn’t been inside your room since the change. 
So, he knew seeing him was a surprise to you, Lloyd knew he was welcomed as you had invited him in the past. However, the thoughts of being alone in a room with you made his heart skip in ways that he has never experienced so he’s denied the offer or would excuse himself with a fake task leaving you behind.
So now here he was in your room decorated to your liking which was really cute in his opinion, your room screamed you, it was comforting in a sense. Lloyd takes notice of your favorite colors scattered around the room with other colors that complimented the scheme that you were going for, 
“Wow (y/n), your room looks amazing” Lloyd compliments as he walks over to you plopping himself on the floor. He hears your giggle as his ears start to flare up, “what are you doing? Come up here” you pat the spot next to you as Lloyd nods hesitantly. He gets up to sit at the place you patted, awkwardly shifting his feet, “so, whatsup?” you ask as you sat your elbow on your crossed knee resting your cheek on your palm as you look to him. Lloyd lets out a chuckle that he's been holding in,
Why was he so nervous, he’s never been nervous of you, if anything he’s always saw you as a challenge. Avoiding you when you were kids as your teased him and he’d scheme pranks on you, but now you both would look away from each other stuttering on words and making lies to get away from one another.
What was going on? 
“Oh, y’know the usual, fighting Kai, beating Jay, helping Cole, and learning from Zane” you lift yourself up as you chuckle, “That’s a lot… How are you handling it?” You would ask that a lot checking on him to which greatly appreciated since no one had ever asked him that. 
“It was hard at first, but it’s becoming second nature now.” You nod at Lloyd’s answer as you look away to your hands, “why’d you decided to come to my room?” you ask looking to him again with a teasing grin. “You starting to get tired of your brothers~” you laugh as Lloyd grins, “I’ve never been good at sharing” Lloyd huffs as he grins at your laughter. “How’s the room, s’pretty spacious” Lloyd looks around as you nod, you rub the back of your neck, as you mumble something that the average person couldn’t hear. 
However, when you look to Lloyd the blush on his face said otherwise as he grips the sheets under him quickly looking away as you did the same.
‘The nights are lonely without you’ is what you said, meaning for it to be internal as you move a part of your hair behind your ear. Your blush was evident on your face to Lloyd’s view, 
he swallows hard as Lloyd looks up from your wooden floorboards sucking in a breath as he says the words that has been inside his head since he left your room that night.
“I miss you too, (y/n).” 
( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )
♡‧₊˚Kai Smith♡‧₊˚
‧₊˚ ⋅You calm his anger‧₊˚ ⋅
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ It was no surprise to anyone that Kai Smith had strong anger in him, since he was toddler, they have been destructive as his parents knew it was connected to his element of fire.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ However still concerning, as when Nya was born Kai’s parents wondered how he would act around her during his destructive tantrums,
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ When Kai met his sister, they knew he would protect her from anything. Being a caring older brother, he helped them around the house, taking on responsibilities that was uncommon for a three-year-old. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Then he met you, and his anger finally settled as he found someone else, he loves to protect,
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ But when you tell him that you were moving Kai felt his world shatter as he felt his anger take over, why? why did you have to move, why did it feel like you were leaving him?
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ But when he saw your sad face his anger dispersed to comfort you, saying all the new things you’ll see and do, he hated to see you cry as he tries to comfort you the best he can.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Trying to make you feel better takes his anger away as he always stated how much he likes your smile as a kid.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ It seemed to always calm him down when he saw your smile, he loved playing together like a big happy family.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ So watching you leave in the taxi with your parents to the airport broke his heart, you both were sobbing as Kai’s mother held him and your dad picks you up.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Kai wanted to be strong for you, but he couldn’t, seeing you leave was the hardest thing for him. So, taking the opportunity to message each other you both tried your hardest to keep in touch.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ But then Kai’s parents left, leaving him with the shop and caring for Nya, school got harder for you as after the rumors you found it emotionally draining to pick up a pencil and paper that wasn’t your homework.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ You both understood why you both lost touch, feeling guilty on both ends.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ But now here you both are together, unable to let each other go again, meeting almost daily.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Kai loved using these moments to get closer to you, whenever you came over any arguments that happen. Or any stress that ran through him from missions, you were able to show up just in time to help him through it.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Kai loved every second of it, your quiet and logical voice calming him down as you hold him close. Wishing for more moments like this but when he isn’t angry, just to feel your touch during happy, sad, or neutral moments. 
✧˖°.🍒ֶָ֢⊹ ࣪ ˖🍓₊ ⊹✧
You and Kai sit with pillows under yourselves on the floor with a blanket on top of both your legs, it was raining outside so there wasn’t much to do but stay indoors.
So, you thought to bring over some movies to watch together with snacks from the convenient store, Kai was so excited to hang out with you outside.
Having made plans for the both of you to spend at the park and going to get ice cream, the amusement park came to the city even.
However, with training and school, you both had to go on the last day,
Turns out the last day was when the gods decided to rain on your guy’s day. And Kai being understandably pissed, you came up with the quick solution, but it was obvious that Kai was still sulking.
He enjoyed the time with you, but he really was looking forward to spending time outside of the monastery. “Oh Kai, if you keep sulking, you’re gonna get wrinkles~” you sing placing your cup of noodles down and start to rub Kai’s back in a comforting manner.
Kai huffs as he turns away, “sorry, I just, was really looking forward to spending the day with you” you giggle,
“But we are silly.”
“y’know what I mean, more than just sitting and talking, I wanted to…take you out.” The words that Kai pushed out made you blush; your heart begins to pick up speed as you try and calm your breathing.
Your smile grows as you lay you head down on Kai’s shoulder you feel his body tense up before relaxing again.
“I like hanging out with you like this, whether we’re out or not I just want to be near you.” Your words calmed the fire ninja, so much that his frustration completely dispersed as a goofy smile crosses his lips at your caring words and physical contact.
“Heh, thanks (y/n), I just don’t wanna bore you.” You giggle again, “you’re so silly Kai, you could never bore me, even if we were watching paint dry, I’d still want to stay with you.” You close your eyes and snuggle closer to your friend loveras Kai does the same, he lays his head on yours.
Kai grabs a random snack from the bag and opens it, grabbing a chip between two fingers he gives one to you placing it close to your lips. 
You open your mouth and lean over grabbing the chip into your mouth, Kai blushes as he feels your lips brush against the tips of his fingers.
You look up at Kai and smile, seeing residue from the spicy noodles that you were eating all over your lips.
Kai smiles before bursting with laughter, “haha-oh my gosh, (y/n), you look like you got red lipstick all over your mouth-haha!” you yelp embarrassed at how you must look.
Turning away you try to find a napkin to wipe your face, “d-don’t look! Where’s a napkin!” you frantically try to find one as Kai places a hand on your wrist, “it’s oki, hah, you look cute” you huff as you try not to look away. Kai calms his laughter as he grabs a napkin from his side and starts to wipe your mouth, you can’t help but blush as Kai’s hand holds your chin to properly wipe away red broth from the spicy noodles off your lips.
“There, all clean” Kai smiles down at you as you both look at each other, the movie long forgotten, the moment you both were caught in was a change in mood. Kai brings your head up further looking down you catch a glimpse of his lips, closing your eyes you both move closer.
“Kai! Have you seen my- oh~ what’s happening here~?” Nya bursts into the room as you and Kai recline away from each other in a fast motion.  “N-Nya, get out!” Kai screams as he stands up to chase her out.
“Ooh~ you guys are getting close~” Nya teases as she cackles out the room.
“Ugh, sisters.” Kai groans.
♡‧₊˚Cole Brookstone♡‧₊˚
‧₊˚ ⋅Your Smile ‧₊˚ ⋅
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 Cole loves spending his time with you, that’s no surprise
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 At first, he thought it was because he liked your calm vibe and kind gestures towards him. It wasn’t just about the sweets…. oki maybe a little.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 But now he finds other reasons as to why he like being around you, However, secretly, I like to think that Cole is a bit of an airhead when it comes to liking someone romantically. He chops it up to just liking you a lot as a friend, his reasons as to liking you he believes it’s innocent.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 When his team found out of his constant outings they follow him, they figured out that he was going to you. Figuring that he likes you.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 After confronting him later that night Cole shrugs it off as you guys being friends, but they knew better,
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 Do friends, leave lingering touches a bit too long,
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 Do friends stare at each other’s lips?
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 Or do friends stare a bit too long while blushing at the positive reaction of their jokes?
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 Then yea, you two are just the perfect friends…
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 But in all for realness, you two spend so much time together that its clear to everyone of your guy’s feelings, even if you two struggle to say them aloud.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 But Cole figures it out sooner or later, when he caught you in the kitchen before you could fall on oil that you dropped.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 He held you in a dip his calloused hand securely wrapped around your waist and his other hand holding yours. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 You both stare at each other for a moment, catching your breath and calming your heart, your cheeks turn up to smile, you always tried to cover it behind your hand. But now Cole can see it more clearly. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 He can see every feature of your face closely, little curls of your hair that stuck out from your pastel headwrap. A bit of flour on your cheek and nose It made you look like a cottage girl.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 As Cole sits you up memorizing your face and looks. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 Cole finally realizes what his brothers were talking about and why he acts weird around you,
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 He absolutely adores you and your smile. Seeing you look at him and only him with those eyes and smile Cole finally understands why he feels as though he’s floating on air. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 He realizes why his heart flutters whenever you cock your head to the side and give a curious smile when you’re about to ask him something.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 He knows now that seeing your smile is what he wishes for more than anything in the world.
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧
You and Cole were walking down the city, it was your day off and you asked if Cole wanted to hang out with you,
It took a bit of convincing to ask him to come as he didn’t want to impose on your day off. He had wanted you to take it easy seeing as you had a busy week, but you were able to convince him to join you.
“We should get ice cream!” you excitedly point to an ice cream parlor, Cole hums as he seemed just as excited as you.
“Hey, that’s not a bad idea, it is getting hot” Cole puts his hands in his pocket as he follows you.
You open the door to hear a small bell go off alerting others of your arrival in the shop.
The cold air of the shop hits you, feeling it against your sweaty neck and collarbone felt like heaven.
“Ahh, that feels so goood” you smile as your stretch wanting more of the cold air to hit other parts of your body,
Cole sighs in delight as well as his body slouches feeling relaxed, “it seems everyone had your idea of getting ice cream” Cole comments as he views to packed parlor. You shrug as you try and find a table, “that’s oki, I don’t mind waiting” your smile grows as you find a table,  “look look!” you jump as you race to the table before anyone could take it, “c’mon~” you wave Cole over as he follows you shaking his head a teasing smile on his face.
“Alright, you sit, and I’ll order.” 
You nod not wanting to get up as you tell Cole what you wanted, after a bit he soon comes back with two cones, he was already devouring his taking big licks. 
You grab your cone as soon as Cole hands it over to you, you hum at the sweet taste taking small licks to savor the flavor.
“What did you get?” Cole rolls his cone over his tongue looking to you again, “rocky road” you grin as he chuckles.
“yummy” you stare at his cone grabbing Cole’s attention as he arches a brow, “wanna taste?” he holds the cone up to you, your face grows red at his smoothed down ice cream. 
“uh-uhm a-are you sure?” you stutter out as you stare down at his ice cream, “as long as I get a lick of yours” Coles words flowed out so easily does he have no shame?!
You hum as if thinking on what to do, still blushing you look away to see if anyone was looking. Seeing as no one cared you look back and stick out your tongue swiping up at his ice cream leaving a dent as to where you licked tasting chocolate. 
You retract quickly as you look to Cole seeing that he was just staring at you, you thought that he finally realized what just happened as you notice soft pink blush on his cheeks making your heart jump at his cute face.
“Can I try yours?” he finally speaks catching you out of your trance you nod and shove your cone in his face.
“ack!?” you gasp as you went a little too far having hit his nose with your ice cream, “C-Cole! I’m so sorry!” Cole looks to his nose, looking adorable.
He swipes it up with his finger and places it in his mouth, 
“Hey that’s good!” Cole smiles as you felt as though you were about to have a heart attack.
“Th-thank you..” you smile tiredly as Cole chuckles,  he looks to your blushing face, smile still painted strong as you take a swipe of your ice cream, looking down Cole looks at the dent you made when you licked his ice cream,
He blushes as he lowers his tongue and licks the same spot that you tasted. He hums as he looks back up to enjoy his view of you.
♡‧₊˚Zane Julien♡‧₊˚
⋆。°·☁️You Love Him for Who He Is⋆。°·☁️
⋆˚🐾˖ Zane loved every moment with you,
⋆˚🐾˖ every day you showed him new emotions and what they meant and how to understand them. 
⋆˚🐾˖ Whenever Zane was confused or behaved that was seen inappropriate, he appreciated how patient you were with him. How you would explain things and what to do for next time.
⋆˚🐾˖ Zane knew he had to tell you that he wasn’t human, but already being weird he wondered how much you could take before dropping him for being too much to handle.
⋆˚🐾˖ The thought worried him, as it grinded his gears he would pace around trying to find a way to confess to you the truth. Zane didn’t like keeping secrets, it made him nervous, which is something he learned when he explained how he felt to you.
⋆˚🐾˖ “Oh, your nervous Zane it happens to everyone!” you smile as Zane explained his feelings to you that’s been keeping him from going into sleep mode.
⋆˚🐾˖ “It does not feel pleasant, it feels as though my insides are going through a roller..” Zane explains as he stares off at his bird chasing a tiny sparrow awkwardly.
⋆˚🐾˖ you giggle, “that’s normal too, that’s the bodies way of saying, ‘hey I’m nervous’ there are ways to stay calm do you want to know what I do to stay calm?” you tilt your head looking up at Zane as he turns to you with blank face then nods,
⋆˚🐾˖ “yes, that would be helpful.” Zane smiles as you grab his cold hand, Zane feels his face heat up at the contact as you bring them to your lap. 
⋆˚🐾˖ “I take a deep breath-“ you inhale through your nose, “I let it sit collecting the bad thoughts-“ your voice wavers from holding in the breath as you finally release it slowly. “Then I let it go, my bad thoughts fly away into the wind.” Your smile up at Zane as you chuckle watching Zane look up as if seeing your said troubles blow away with the wind.
⋆˚🐾˖ Zane looks back down to you in admiration, wearing a cami plaid dress with matching headband and earrings, Zane’s eyes move down to your lips they were glossy and smooth. 
⋆˚🐾˖ This moment reminded him of the movie you both watched of the couple holding each other lovingly as they sealed their loving words with a kiss.
⋆˚🐾˖ “I-uhm-th-thank you” Zane tries to talk, you tilt your head as your brows furrowed with confusion, your soft smile only intensifies Zane’s feelings.
⋆˚🐾˖ The feelings that he can’t exactly pin out. “of course, Zane” you smile pulling away as you look over to the pond pointing to the swans and their family floating by.
⋆˚🐾˖ Zane watches you coo at them, pink blush on his cheek as his gears turn to calm the blush. He then smiles as he captures this memory of you two together as he does with all the rest.
⋆˚🐾˖ Never wanting to forget the time he spends with you.
“Great run boys let’s head back and get some food” Cole swung his war hammer behind his back as he stretches. 
“But we’re at the beach, it’d be a shame to not stay and use this time and relax” Jay kicks the sand pouting as Kai nods. 
“I agree with lightning, I could use a tan” Kai grins under his mask as Cole shakes his head, “We need to report back to sensei of our findings there’s plenty of time to relax, c’mon” Kai and Jay groan as the follow Cole. Kai stops however to see Zane staring down at the ground, “Hey Zane let’s go!” he calls to the nindroid causing him to jump from whatever he was looking at. “What is it, Zane? Did you find something?” Cole walks over and kneels to whatever caught their brother’s attention,
“It’s just a shell” Jay squints placing a hand on his hip. “Aw man, I thought it was something cool” Kai complains as he huffs walking away with Jay, “it’s a very beautiful shell” Zane picks it up and examines it holding it up to the light and watching the colors dance on his face. 
Cole cocks his head to the side as if trying to understand Zane, “uh yea Zane, that’s some shell” Cole walks with Zane close behind. “What’s so special about that shell anyways?” Jay pipes up as Cole and Zane catch up. “I am not sure of how to describe it, but it reminds me of (y/n)” Zane continues to stare down at the tiny shell following the ridges with his thumb. “Who?” Kai was now interested again stopping to let the others catch up to him.
“(y/n), I met her when I went out to get ingredients for dinner.” Zane spoke remembering his encounter with you, the memory made him smile as Cole puts two and two together, “ooh, you like her” Cole smiles at his ‘a-hah’ moment. 
“I enjoy her company if that is what you mean.” Zane looks to Cole, confused of what he was insinuating. “No Zane you like like her, like y’know” Jay only confuses him more as the nindroid shakes his head.
“I do not know.” The guy’s groan at the dopey nindroid, 
“Oki, how do we explain this..” Kai places a hand on his chin to think, “oki, when you’re around (y/n) how do you feel” Kai points to Zane. The group stops to wait for his answer, what does he feel when he’s around you?
Zane stares back at the small shell as if it held the answers, “I feel, happy when I am with (y/n) I feel that she genuinely understands me” Zane pauses for a moment rummaging through every interaction that he has had with you to diagnose himself and his feelings.
“But at times, I feel…nervous, she makes my sensors act up, I have to work hard to calm my system from overheating. When she displays physical contact, my gears turn fast…Are these signs of like liking someone?” Zane looks up at his friends who now had the masks up smiles on their faces.
Jay wipes a fake tear, “our little nindroid is growing up” the rest laugh as Zane stares confused, “are these feelings normal?” he tilts his head as Cole nods, “yea man completely normal. You love her and you saying how that shell reminds you of her, shows how she’s always on your mind, you should tell her that, she might feel the same!” Zane hums as he thinks back on their words. “yea Zane, you should confess, tell them what you told us!” 
“But what if they don’t harbor the same feelings as me?” Zane’s face contorts to worry as he continues to fiddle with the shell,
“Oh, well that is a possibility” Kai shoves Jay making him groan seeing as it only fueled in Zane’s worry. “No way, I’m sure she likes you too!” Cole walks over placing a hand on Zane’s shoulder, “yea man, don’t worry so much turn off that overthinking brain of yours and listen to what’s in here.” Cole points to Zane’s chest.
“My control box?” Zane goes to open it, the guys watch as a moth flies out, Cole groans as he shuts it, “no, your heart. You’re a good guy Zane your kind and compassionate, I’m sure whoever this (y/n) knows that too.” Zane processes his words as he looks down at his chest placing a hand of where his heart would be,
What is his heart saying to him?
The next day Zane met with you at the park, you both planned on going to the aquarium as they had a new exhibit. 
“Zane, hey!” you call for him waving by the fountain as he turns and runs over to you, “good morning (y/n)” you smile at how polite he was. “morning” you chirp back feeling excited for your plans, “are you ready?” you give out your hand for Zane as he pauses for a second his gears working to calm the blush on his cheeks.
“B-before we go, may I say something?” you pause as well putting your hand to your side again, “s-sure, what’s up?” you were quiet, was Zane getting tired of you? Was he telling you he didn’t want to be with you anymore? You swallow as Zane worked up the courage,
You notice him take a deep breath, holding it before letting it go. He was using your technique. 
“Zan-“ “(y/n), you make me nervous” huh, your body went stiff,  “I-I’m sorry?” he shakes his head and continues, “you make my body work hard to calm my nerves, whenever we touch I feel sparks go up to my head and my face over heats. My.. heart beats so fast that I feel that it might explode.” You take in his words your own heart beating fast and your cheeks turning pink, “my friends told me it is because I like like you, and they are right, you are sweet and patient, you help me understand new concepts of emotions that I would never have known.” 
Your eyes shine with hope of what Zane was getting at, was he…
“Oh, Zane I-I don’t know what to say” you giddily hold your face calming your blush as you swoon,
“You are a dear friend to me (y/n), and I want to tell you how much I appreciate you.”
It felt like someone broke a piece of glass, you broke from your trance startled by the ‘friend’ part coming from Zane’s lips. Looking to him he hands you the shell he found on the beach, it takes you a moment to take it as you were still recovering from the unexpected…confession.
“I found this shell on the beach, it reminded me of you, so I want you to have it” he smiled with such innocents so happy for you to take the gift that he felt you would like.
So, swallowing down your feelings you reach for the shell your hands softly touch causing you both to blush. “th-thank you Zane, it’s so pretty” you chuckle admiring the shell still feeling a slight sting from the friend zone.
“Of course (y/n), I’m glad you like it, I think it’s very beautiful too” he smiles down at you making your blush worst.
Even though Zane confessed he can’t help but feel he did it wrong…
♡‧₊˚Jay Walker♡‧₊˚
⋆˚✿˖°❀He Likes how Nervous You Make him ⋆˚✿˖°❀
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ Jay is always nervous around you, he likes you a lot and all he wants to do is impress you.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ So when you voice your interest in something or someone, Jay can’t help but feel a bit insecure or even jealous if you were to spend a bit of your time on a new fixation.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ In a way to get you back Jay will find a ton of the stuff you like and show them off to you,
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ “hey (y/n) look what I got~” teasing the figure in front of you,
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ “Oh yea I’ve been collecting these for a while now, if you’d like I can show you the rest!” Jay loves showing off to you…
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ “Jay they just came out yesterday, how do you have so many?” 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ “oh haha, y’know I just love these little guys.”
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ you eye him suspiciously as he nervously laughs.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ If you start showing interest in someone’s characteristics or stare a bit longer than usual Jay will flex any part of him to show that he can outshine anybody any time. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ Like if you stare at a guy with his arms out Jay will wear more muscle shirts that show his arms, or if you say how, you like the scent of something Jay will bath himself in the scent you like to have you like him more.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ I feel like I’m describing a bird trying to win a mate oml…
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ Jay does this because he wants you to like him, he knows he has feelings for you he is just super insecure with his qualities that he’s worried that he isn’t good enough for you.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ But the moment you realize what he’s doing you assure him that he doesn’t have to pretend for you to like him,
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ “silly, I already like you, you don’t have to try so hard~” you tease playfully punching his shoulder making Jay smile.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ He loves you, and he wants to tell you that, but every time he gets so nervous and intimidated by your charm he freezes up.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ He can’t help but be stunned by your beauty, he loves every moment with you and wishes to tell you that without tripping on his words.
“C’mon baby c’moon!!” you shout at the screen watching as the results pulled in on your Kirby hoping the weight would push you to victory. 
“No, nooo!” Jay watches your scale run over,
The game congratulates you as the scale breaks under your Kirby you rise from the couch as you scream in victory hopping around the living room as Jay groans flopping on the couch dramatically face in his hands as he listens to your celebration.
“yeaaaa hahaha, I win Jay I win~” you cheer grinning twisting your body to the celebration music as you dance along with your celebrating Kirby
“ugh, yea yea, I was so sure I got more strawberries than you I even went back for the other berries!” Jay pouts as he side eyes your victory dance wiggle. Swaying and hopping on the balls of your feet he admits you looked really cute if you weren’t currently bragging to his face of your victory.
“Hehe, no one can beat me in Kirby games Jay” you wink grabbing the remote to increase the music on your tv continuing to dance as Jay laughs,
“Whatever, you grew up with him, you cheated” he accused pointing,
Jay continues laughing as he brings out his phone recording you and your silly dance moves. Jay starts to tap his foot along to the beat watching you dance you laugh with him as you grab his hands having him join you. 
“You got lucky” he taunts getting in your face as you giggle blushing, “no luck, all skill baby~” you wink causing Jay’s face to explode from the nickname, you wheeze as you watch Jay’s face turns red as double over holding your sides as you try to calm your laughter.
“ha ha ha, very funny” Jay slides away grabbing his switch control watching you laugh his small smile returns, “I’m sorry I’m sorry Jay” your giggles laced your words as you walk over holding onto Jay making his stomach warm as butterflies tickle him. When you calmed down you look up at him,
“Heh, wanna play animal crossing?” you grab your switch connecting its controls as you look down at the lightning bolt dustplug charm that Jay gifted you a while back.
“Yea, I need some help on decorating my place” Jay got a hold of his emotions or tried to as you come back next to him.
The moment you sat down you squeaked, “youch!” Jay jumps at your yelp, “a-are you oki?” he asks as you rub your thigh. “Yea, you just shocked me, it felt really strong though” you chuckle as you continue to sooth the shock on your thigh. 
“c’mon sit down” you usher Jay back with your hand, he was hesitant though, he must have gotten a bit flustered, and shocked you on accident. He gulps trying to calm his nerves as he sits next to you. Your thighs were touching, you felt so soft that he wanted to wrap his arms around you, “hey log on so I can fly to your island” you look at your screen as you wait for Jay to connect. “s-sure” Jay was so nervous his heart was spinning from the contact that you two shared it was making his head spin. 
“Jay?” you look up earning back his attention, you looked concerned, “are you oki, do you have a fever?” you place a hand on his forehead it was cool to his warm face as his blush skyrocketed. A squeak once again left your lips, he had shocked you..
“Geez, Jay you’re just full of electricity today~” you tease at the ninja holding your hand, Jay was still stiff, every time you touched him or spoke or even looked in his direction, he’d feel like cupid was shooting him with arrows.
“I-s-sorry” he pushes out as you shake your head with amusement you giggle softly laying down on the couch, “it’s fine, now let’s play!” you push him close to you as you landed on his island you both start doing chores as Jay plays happily next to you. 
( > 〰 < )♡
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It is complete ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ omggg I was struggling, this was sitting in my word doc for weeks, I had no idea of how to write for these boys and how they would feel for you. I wanted each to be different but I was loosing that inspiration.... anyways I finished the next one is gonna be the confession so I already have some stuff written down so I wonder how that will be ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ) thank you for 26 followers oh my goodness, I'm so happy you guys like what I'm writing to see more, I hope I can continue to make stuff you guys like. (˶ ˘ ³˘)ˆᵕ ˆ˶) I'm also trying to work on a welcome blog where I'll put in a master list and rules so that you guys can request stuff!! ᯓᡣ𐭩 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ P.s. I so want some ice cream, or cheese cake... P.p.s. I feel better no more sickness Love, ⋆˚࿔ Karrots 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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wayfayrr · 11 months
Self-conscious captain
the next self aware link and this time it's the captain my favourite boy, warriors!
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“Hey [Name], I’ve been going through some of my old games to clear things out. I found my copy of Hyrule Warriors and wanted to know if you’d like it?”
“I thought that was one of your favourites though, what’s come into you to give it away like this? Do you want anything for it, I’d feel bad simply taking from you.”
“Nah I got it as a gift anyway, I beat the game and did everything there is to do. Plus I know you’ve been wanting to play it anyway, so please have it.”
There’s something off about this, between how skitterish they’re acting and the fact they’re so willing - that they’re so desperate for me to take their favourite game from them? I’ve got nothing else to go off of though, and they are right I have been planning to buy it. They wouldn’t be offering if they didn’t want me to have it so what is there to lose?
“If you’re sure then. I can’t wait to play through it myself rather than watching you.”
Is there such a thing as too much relief? Because if there is then that was definitely it, with how their shoulders relaxed; all the tension left their body as they handed me the game. Why does this feel like the start of a creepypasta, am I simply gonna go home then suddenly there’s some new version of Ben drowned for me to deal with? I won’t know until I play I guess, but it might be fun. 
There’s no better time than now to learn though, I’ve got the whole afternoon to myself anyway so why not? Putting the game into my switch; booting it all up it seems fine, so there’s nothing there that should have messed with them. It’s up until the first cutscene for anything to even show up that could be wrong. Link’s eyes seem to be focusing on me far more than they should during it, more than what should be possible, with more of a smile than he usually does during this too. Then I finally get to the level.
I can’t control Link, the game seems to be frozen, not a single bokoblin moving, Link is still moving, the camera isn’t even focused on him now and he’s moving closer to the screen. 
“Honeybee? You’re here! I knew your friend would cave pretty face when I pressed them. It’s so nice to have you here alone with me!”
“Oh it’s all alright dear, I did think you’d be a little shocked at first because, well I mean I know this isn’t something that happens very often. Would you be against getting to know me better though?”
What. The. Hell. No wonder they were so eager to pawn the game off to me, a living character that seems to be obsessed with me? If the roles were switched then I’d be throwing it at them as quickly as I could, I’m amazed they could even keep calm for long enough to hand it to me without seeming any more suspicious than they did, he threatened them he’s already admitted that stop lying to yourself [name]. Why does he even want me over the person who actually played as him? None of this makes any sense. 
“I - No I wouldn’t, actually could I ask you some questions too? Just y’know, try to get my head around all of this.”
“I’d be more concerned if you didn’t ask me any, I mean right now? You’re treating me more like an actual person than anyone else ever has.” 
“Where would you like to start then honeybee? We can take this at your pace, you’re in full control here.”
Where should I start? There are so many different things I want answers to, I could stay here for hours just talking to him to find out everything; now that I think on that, it’s not like I have anything else planned today. I could simply just stay here for a bit and talk, it’s probably the safer option too. If I don’t, do I really want to test the sanity of a sentient game character, no. 
“Um, if it’s all up to me then. Can I ask when you first became aware? Of the fact that you’re you know, a character in a game.”
“Oh, that? Well, it was about three months ago now, two or so weeks before you played with them. They really just saw me as a toy, not caring if I got hurt or anything, which is fair they never knew I was anything more than that; but you didn’t know either and you treated me like a person. You always apologised whenever I took any damage, never tried to get me hurt for your own pleasure or replace me as soon as you could. It was only a matter of time until I started to want you, then it was fairly easy to get eyes in your phone.”
“You've got ‘eyes in my phone?’ what do you mean by that.”
He looks so pleased right now like he wanted me to ask that exact question, it’s such a smug look on his face too. There’s something else to it as well, I can’t pinpoint what but there is certainly another look on his face. With how emotive he is it really doesn’t feel like this is some kind of sick joke, he’s too alive.
“That’s one of the things I’m most proud of!! It was pretty easy when you linked your phone to their switch to download a photo, I just made part of that connection a bit more personal and permanent. I promise I didn’t listen in on anything too private, I swear on Nintendo that I’m not like Cia. I promise.”
“Moving on from… that then. Why’s the real reason you wanted to be with me like this, I mean I get the feeling there’s more to it than you’re letting on.”
“You caught me I actually wa-”
The scowl that crossed his face when he was interrupted by the doorbell was unlike the cheery demeanour he’s been using, it’s almost like he’s angry or jealous of me having my attention split from him; it barely lasts a second though. Before his face swaps to one of remorse possibly because he got so irritated over something so trivial, that needs my focus more than he does right now. 
“I think you already know, but I should go check that. I’ll only be a couple of minutes, it’s probably nothing after all.”
Not even a word, just a nod and a look of rejection as if he was a cat I’d had to move off of me when I turned to go and answer the door. True to my word it wasn’t something that going to take long, simply signing for a couple of parcels. It only took me a few minutes to collect it and then start heading back to my room, I’ll be able to open them while I talk to Link after all. Really it would be cruel to make him wait after everything else he’s been through, even if he’s been monitoring… most of my movements, is it bad that I still feel bad after knowing that?
A shrill yelp followed by a shattering sound right when I was about to go back in wasn’t the best sign, the worst thing is that this time there wasn’t a digital overlay. Did someone break in - or break out? Only one way to find out.
“Honeybee? I - I’m sorry I - I really was trying to keep it in one piece.”
He’s out of the game.
Link is in my room bawling his eyes out because he accidentally broke my LED screen, the hero of hyrule is standing in my bedroom crying his eyes out because he broke a piece of glass. Earlier there was always a feeling of him trying to come off as likeable to me, to the point where it was manipulative, he wouldn’t even consider the idea of me not liking him. Now it’s like he’s having a panic attack at the possibility that I won’t like him because he broke my monitor. 
“I - I’ll do anything to make it up to you. Please - just - I - I didn’t mean to break it.”
“Link -”
“My clothes would probably be worth a fortune to someone right? I - I mean it’s an actual set of armour from the Hyrulian forces - it’s real chainmail. If you sell it - it’ll more than make up the cost, right? You won’t hate me if I did that, right?”
“Link. I don’t hate you, it was an accident and even if it wasn’t I would forgive you.”
That seemed to snap him out of it, if only a little; he’s still crying but now he’s not rambling about ways to make it up to me. He clearly seems to want me, even if I still don’t entirely get why so maybe I could; opening my arms proves the fact that he really does just want some affection. Waiting wasn’t even on the cards as he practically dove into my arms barely seconds after looking at me for permission. 
“You really don’t hate me then? Really? Even though I’m not as good as the other games?”
“I don’t hate you for wanting to get out of what was essentially your prison or - you being as good as the other games? Your game is different but it’s just as good”
“But - you and your friend both said it. I - I’m not canon. You still treated me well that‘s why I fell for you, but I’m still - I’m still less than the other games. So I just, I really wanted to prove to you that I can be the only one for you [name]”
Stroking his hair seems to be calming him down now, the tears are slowing and his breathing is evening out the longer I stay here with him; only a few more moments until I should be able to get some answers from him. Adjusting to having a roommate might be a little strange, he really does seem nice though, nicer than anyone else I’ve ever met. Wait no I’ve only really just met him, why am I already thinking about that? It’s something to consider for certain - oh come on, just admit to yourself that you love this. He cares so why not see where it all goes?
“Canon just describes the story, it doesn’t change anything about you and I’m sorry if it’s ever seemed like that link. Come on, I'll clean the glass up, then you can finish explaining things okay?”
“No wait, it’s my fault, let me clean it up for you. If nothing else, please honey.”
“You don’t have to, it’s not a bother.”
So he already knows his teary puppy face can get me to agree to anything, he’s been here for less than a few hours and it already feels like we’re in a relationship as he knows me inside out… Which makes sense given that he has been watching me through my phone. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad if I stopped fighting against what he’s offering.  The gloves he’s wearing make picking up shards less painful than it would be otherwise, doesn’t take him that long either.
Long enough for something to flicker on my switch, but that can wait.
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 5 months
Having them as best friend's:
Multiple X Reader
Contains: Alastor, Angel Dust, Husk, Charlie, Lucifer, Vox, Velvette, Rosie, Adam, Lute, and Valentino
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You're gonna have to hear me out with this one: he's down for the gossip 24/7!!!
He will listen and talk shit with you 100% and I'm not arguing on the matter.
Someone says some wack ass shit to you in public? "I beg your fucking pardon?" With like the scariest grin that fucker can muster.
You start talking to someone? He interrogates them! If they're not strong enough to survive one little interrogation with THE Radio Demon, they're not good enough to date you. Sorry not sorry.
The friendship would be violent, but in almost a sibling type relationship. If he said something absolutely out of line, you'd smack him or kick him in the back of his knees. He'd always get payback, whether it was immediately or a few days/weeks later.
You called him a 'radio faced cunt' once in front of everyone and they all mentally started planning your funeral.
Until he clapped back with something equally as interesting.
He only accepted affection from you and Rosie. And Charlie that one time.
If you had a bad day, he'd know immediately by the look on your face and wouldn't let anyone talk to you until he knew exactly what had made one of his two favorite people upset.
He'd kill them if you told him to. Just supportive bestie shit!
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Angel Dust
Let's be real, if you're best friends with Angel, you're probably equally as close with Cherri.
But just you and Angel Dust as best friend's? Shit, he's awesome.
Had a bad day? Go to his room and cuddle Fat Nuggets while you cry/rant about the days woes.
Spontaneous sleepovers BECAUSE YOU CAN!
Platonically flirting to the point that everyone thinks you're together. Neither of you deny the claims, just to keep everyone on their toes.
The words 'love you' followed by something like 'slut' or 'bitch' are common occurrences.
When it comes to dating, Angel just wants you to be happy.
But if someone breaks your heart? He'll come out with guns blazing with no hesitation. NO ONE hurts his bestie.
Platonic cuddles because you love his floof.
Would probably form some sort of marriage pact with you for fun one night when you're both wasted. "Yeah, I'd marry you if we're both still single in 100 years, Toots."
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The banter would be unmatched. You call him a furry and he'll clap back with something that makes your jaw drop before you burst out into laughter.
He'd tell you how it is, regardless of whether you asked or not.
Sure, you're his best friend, and he cares about you. . . But it's because he cares about you that he won't sugarcoat something, even if it's not something you wanna hear.
He would listen to your problems, like any good friend.
He wouldn't trust anyone you had romantic interest in, especially since the ones you always went for had some serious issues.
He'd say something like: "Don't cry to me when that bastard breaks your heart."
And you wouldn't cry to him when it happened, but he'd make you a drink and silently take care of the problem once he had one of the other hotel residents hoist you up to your room.
The next morning you'd tell him he was right and he'd smirk as he wiped down the bar, but wouldn't say anything.
He was never good with affection, so he respects your space and you respect his.
He literally always has your back, even if you don't know it. You do.
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Honestly, you probably grew up together and that's how the two of you became best friends. (But even if you didn't, everything is still the same.)
She's the friend that's too trusting of everyone, so you easily filled the place of being the friend that questioned everyone's intentions.
You even heavily questioned Vaggie's intentions when Charlie insisted on bringing her around after finding her.
You only warmed up to Vaggie when Charlie admitted her feeling for her, to you one late evening. She was a nervous wreck, but you were always the level-headed friend.
Being best friends with the princess of Hell had some lesser known perks — invitations to high class parties, special access at LuLu World, and the most eventful sleepovers known to Hell.
Whenever you mentioned interest in someone, Charlie was the first to push you to go for it.
If it went wrong, she was always there first, telling you it would be completely fine. If it went good, she was the first to congratulate you.
She's 100% the mom friend. Thirsty? Here's something to drink. Cut your finger? "Here's a bandaid, be more careful."
A relationship similar to siblings, bit without any malice or envy. Just happy to be in each other's presence.
She literally documented everything the two of you did, since the very first time you called her your friend. She's not going anywhere.
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Yeah, so, everyone thinks you're dating. Even Charlie is a bit suspicious. You're not, but you had been there by his side for as long as he could remember.
When Lilith left, you filled some part of the void, not allowing Lucifer to go hungry when he spent long days in his office.
On his good days, he's absolutely there for all the tea, especially if it's PIPING HOT. "That bitch said WHAT!?"
He has no filter and will unintentionally intentionally hurt someone's feelings when it comes to you.
He protects you as fiercely as he protects Charlie, despite knowing that you're capable of protecting yourself.
The two of you argue like an old married couple, which only fueled the dating rumors. . . Until you mentioned someone you had interest in.
Bro interrogated everyone you ever liked. Can't handle five minutes with the king of Hell? Not good enough for his bestie. Keep it movin' pal.
No one is allowed to call you a bitch, but him. Anyone else tries, they'll be met with absolute SASS.
Not even joking, Lucifer would be so sassy towards people, to the point that you picked it up.
So the two of you just went around unintentionally terrorizing demons!
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You hate someone? Bet. He'll have someone spy on them and give you the real tea.
Brings you as the plus one for many major events, but bullies you the entire time. You thought you'd get five minutes of peace on your best friends arm? WRONG!
Literally throws toddler meltdown style temper tantrums when it comes to Alastor. You're usually the one who has to reboot him or just smack some sense into him.
You're both pretty level-headed most of the time, but one of you probably has a couple of screws loose. (It's definitely him.)
No one is good enough to date you. Not sorry.
If anyone looks at you wrong, they've signed their second death to double Hell.
You and Vox talk shit about everyone, especially if you've had a hard day.
If it was bad enough, he'd offer to kill the demon who dared make your day shit. He'd still listen to you though.
"Fuck that. You're not going alone." And then you have to wait 15 minutes for him to look 'good enough' to go out, even if you were powerful and just wanted to go on little walk down the street.
Body doubling. Different tasks, silence, but the comfort of having someone else in the room. Absolutely.
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She likes you slightly more than Vox and Valentino, which is fabulous.
Weekly designated sleepover nights where the both of you unload from the week.
Someone is rude to you? Cue Vel lecturing them on how they fucked up and their career is over, but make it musical.
You went on a date with someone and didn't tell her? "I want details, Lovey! Are they an overlord too? Tell. Me. Everything."
Prepare for Hell's greatest gossip sessions, especially around the topic of Hell's cutthroat fashion industry.
She might not seem like it, but she's a good listener.
You're leaving the tower to run a small errand? Surprise Surprise, she's coming with you and turning it into a whole day, complete with lunch and shopping!
She uses you as a model sometimes, purely because she can.
Will call you a sweet name and insult you in the same breath.
Gets worried if you don't text back within five minutes. She will literally show up to make sure you're alive. You're probably taking a nap.
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Literally the best to spend the day with. She loves walking with you or just having tea.
Much like Alastor, she would be down for the gossip, but she wouldn't go very far with it.
In terms of relationships, she'd want you to be happy, but would also threaten to eat your partner if they hurt you.
She'd be such a good listener when you came to talk about your day.
She'd even offer advice and just casually drop something like: "Listen to your intuition, darling. It'll tell you others intentions."
At some point or another, everyone questions whether you're dating or not, which both of you laugh at frequently.
She enjoys her privacy, but she also would love having you around more than others.
She would love giving platonic affection, just to make you feel loved.
Sometimes Alastor pops up and Rosie gushes about how the two of you would get along — and immediately you're just thinking how this trio would be iconic.
She doesn't care about your past, you don't care that she's a Cannibal. . . Well, she cares, but she would NEVER hold it against you!
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He literally goes out of his way to piss you off.
There's a lot of threatening and him calling you stuff like 'Sugar Tits'.
Adam annoys you to the point of you WANTING to just jump to Hell, but you never do, because he's your best friend, and you wouldn't want to emotionally traumatize him by making him think that he lost his best friend to Lucifer, AFTER losing his wives to him.
He says "Suck my dick, Bitch" AT LEAST A DOZEN TIMES A DAY. It irritates you to no end.
The banter is unmatched. He wants to get sassy? You're the SASS MASTER.
You pushed him down the stairs for fun and he didn't talk to you for two days.
He doesn't give a fuck who you date, but if they hurt you, he's taking care of them and not telling you SHIT to avoid all of that mushy feelings crap.
The two of you argue too much for anyone to think you're together.
There's NEVER a moment of silence when you're out. He's always singing, talking, laughing, or mimicking the sound of some instrument.
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She's annoyed 24/7 and you're one of the two main causes.
But she wouldn't replace you because who else would put up with her attitude and listen to her rants like you?
If you had a hard day, she'd probably make some offhand comment and then subtly try to make it better by like getting you ice cream with rainbow sprinkles or something.
She hates physical touch, so the only time she touches you is to smack you, probably for saying something very Adam-ish. "Say that shit again and it'll be worse."
She hates everyone you have romantic interest in, but let's you learn your own lessons the hard way.
Nobody could ever picture the two of you as friends, let alone dating.
She's like the sister that has it all but claims she's the black sheep of the family.
Her job comes before everything else in her life, that including you, but when she has time for you, there's usually food and shit talking involved.
She makes sure you drink water every day. She'd kick your ass if you passed out because of dehydration.
She'd give you the key to her place, but you'd never use it unless she told you to. (Like in the event she forgot her set or something)
(I've reached the 10 media limit, so just imagine a gif right here)
He offers you a job almost weekly. You hold off on kicking his ass every single time because that's your best friend.
Derives great pleasure from pissing you off.
You don't agree with the manner he treats his employees, so you undermine him every chance you get, just to make sure they get the best treatment possible.
It pisses him off to no end, but he let's it go. He wouldn't hurt you. He couldn't, not without a whole bunch of backlash from quite literally everyone.
Whenever you start liking someone, he warns you to be careful because he knows the industry. He is the industry.
He's gossip central. Talks super exaggerated with his hands and his voice changes whenever he remembers another detail.
He's a touchy feller, that much is evident. He's always touching you in some way, but it's not sexual/romantic or violent, it's more reassurance for both of you. It's a safe middle ground.
You have to leave for some reason? "The limo will take you, but don't touch anything."
He throws tantrums on the regular and you've learned to just let them go on until he eventually shuts the fuck up and let's you speak.
He'll call you a slut and then ask if you want to get food. It's extremely clear that you're not dating lmao.
A/N: I hope this is okay! I've never written for a bunch of these characters, as I just stared writing Hazbin stuff last week, and even then, it was a small Vox one-shot and a Lucifer one-shot.
Requests are open, if anyone would wanna request something for one of these characters? I'd pull through to the best of my ability.
Part Two
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
In the mood to be ravaged by Minsung 😩😩
um. idk where this came from. goodnight.
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word count: 1.2k
details: smut (mdni), threesome, oral, degradation, frat!au, toxic behavior
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“hold her down,” minho sneers at his best friend, watching you with his arms crossed over his chest.
jisung mutters something under his breath but complies anyway, straddling your hips and pinning your wrists above your head on the mattress.
minho seems satisfied enough with that and squats down next to the bed so that he’s at eye level with you. you refuse to look at him, knowing your bratty behavior won’t get you anywhere, but you’re too proud to give him what he wants.
you’ve been fucking minho for, oh, a couple of months now. on and off. he’s good in bed but doesn’t want to be tied down, etc. etc. like every other frat guy you’ve ever met. except for jisung. unlike minho, jisung actually did seem to want to get to know you. he took you out on dates. he texted you goodnight. he didn’t have a snapchat account.
“i didn’t know he was your best friend,” you insist bitterly, glaring at jisung.
the only person who could’ve known and likely knew you were sleeping with both men was jisung. you’re trying to get a read on him, which is why you’re staring him down, but he maintains eye contact and stays stoic, not giving any indication as to whether or not your suspicion is correct.
minho snorts. “i don’t believe you.”
“he’s way too nice for anyone to assume he’s associated with you.” well, the position he had you in now wasn’t very nice but it was turning you on.
minho full-on laughs this time which gets you to finally turn your head in his direction. “nice? han jisung?”
“is that his last name?” you ask, looking back to the man in question who nods in affirmation. “then yes. he’s perfectly nice.”
“would someone perfectly nice fuck you behind their best friend’s back?”
“sure,” you say, shrugging to the best of your abilities with jisung on top of you. “i’m not anyone to you. we’re not exclusive, we’re not even a ‘we’. you text me when you’re horny, sometimes i respond. and vice versa. how could jisung have known we were sleeping together unless you told him? and even then, how could he have known how weird you’d get over it?”
“she ever talk back to you like that?” minho asks jisung, completely ignoring your little monologue.
for the first time, jisung looks nervous. he opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off before he does. “he likes it,” you say.
jisung’s cheeks flush even pinker and he averts his eyes from his best friend’s, all but confirming what you’ve just claimed.
“he likes being bossed around,” you continue, as if the poor man’s grave hasn’t been dug deep enough. “why do you think he spends so much time with you?”
minho makes a sound in the back of his throat, annoyed. “so you like having it both ways? being used like a slut and having one of your own?”
“see, you get it.”
“oh, i get it, alright,” he spits, standing back up. “ji, take your pants off.”
“wha- right now?”
“unless you don’t want to fuck her?”
“no i do, i do…”
he scrambles up and starts unbuckling his belt, fumbling with the clasp. you reach out to for him, your hands now free, and touch him gently.
“don’t feel pressured to do anything, baby. we can do this later, just us if you’d rather.”
jisung lifts his head to meet your gaze, smirking. his eyes, usually so bright and sparkly, have gone completely dark. it catches you off guard. “and let him have you all to himself? yeah right.”
you shake your head adamantly. “that’s not- i was just-”
“undress her,” minho interrupts, his voice echoing out from the corner of the room.
jisung finishes getting his own jeans off before moving on to you. you make it easier for him by lifting your hips so he can pull your pants off and then do the same with your arms for your shirt.
minho undresses himself, depriving you of the sight as he does it while you’re distracted by his best friend.
“min…” jisung murmurs when joins you both on the bed.
“can i… taste her?”
minho smirks and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. of course he was loving this. sure, doing this with jisung meant he had to share you, but it also meant he had another person to dominate. figures the power would go straight to his dick head as soon as he learned jisung would listen to his commands.
minho cocks his head to the side, pretending to think about it. “how badly do you want it?”
jisung gulps before answering, eyes falling between your thighs. “so bad.”
“fine, you can.”
“but only over her panties.”
jisung’s eyes go wide. “but-”
“take it or leave it.”
jisung whines, barely audible, but doesn’t protest further.
“sorry, baby,” he says to you, pouting as he parts your legs and lowers his head between them.
your hands fly to his hair the instant you feel his tongue on you, pushing his face further into your pussy. jisung moans against you which makes you moan in turn.
you don’t remember closing your eyes but when you open them, minho’s got his cock in his hand, squeezing it gently as he watches the two of you. he notices you looking at him and grins lazily.
“feel good?”
“uh huh…”
“jisung’s good at that, isn’t he?”
“better than me?”
you blink at minho and frown. “i don’t—”
“i mean, he doesn’t seem to be making you scream right now so i can draw my own conclusions.”
“you’re an asshole,” you scoff.
he shrugs. “an asshole that can make you cum really, really hard.”
you want to point out that he’s purposely put jisung at a disadvantage by making him eat you out through your underwear but you don’t. instead, you focus the feeling of jisung workig you closer and closer to the edge with his tongue.
“don’t let her cum, ji.”
you both groan at that.
“no, no, no i’m so close. please don’t stop,” you plead, trying to trap him in place with your thighs around his head.
jisung freezes, unsure of who to listen to.
“please, baby, i’m right there,” you try again.
timidly, jisung nudges your clit with his tongue a couple more times, just enough to send you over. but minho yanks his best friend away as it washes over you, effectively ruining the orgasm and making you cry out in frustration as you clench around nothing.
“‘m sorry,” jisung mumbles.
“save it. get her on all fours.”
“i can do it myself,” you say defensively, pushing yourself up onto your elbows just for you to immediately lose your balance and fall back into the pillows.
minho doesn’t so much as blink at you. “like i said.”
jisung does end up helping you. he even holds you upright with his hands on your hips as he positions himself behind you. minho opted for the front, citing something about being the only one who could shut you up properly.
“ready?” he asks jisung as he taps his cock against your lips.
jisung nods, presumably, because you can feel the head of his cock push in just slightly.
“this time, don’t let her cum for real.”
“and if i do?”
minho just scoffs and shakes his head, muttering brat under his breath. “then we’ll just have to edge you as many times as we edge her.”
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solarsa1nt · 8 months
uraume x fem!reader
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Tags — fluff , king (queen) of curses reader , simp reader , established uraume/reader
Notes — this takes place during that one scene is s2e22! also, i use they/them pronouns for uraume!
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"Yuu-chan, look! Look! Look!" Y/N orders her vessel abruptly, leaning forward on her throne so hastily she's almost sent tumbling down the pile of skulls; E/C eyes lit up with sparkling excitement.
"Huh?" Itadori pauses, surprised to hear the queen of curses suddenly speaking to him— her having been completely radio silent since she gave Itadori back control earlier.
Y/N blinks open the second set on eyes on Itadori's face— still looking through the main golden set to watch their lover with rapt attention.
Their brief meeting earlier in the ruins of what used to be Shibuya unfortunately had to be short, but Y/N hadn't expected the monk to show up again so soon.
"Yuu-chan! Look at my lover! Aren't they just the coolest?!" Y/N admires, resulting into a sputtering cough from their vessel— eyes blown wide in shock at the queen of curses admission.
"Itadori?" That kid from the Kamo clan (Y/N truly didn't bother to attempt to remember his name), who was standing next to the vessel, questions; unsure of what caused Itadori's sudden look of shock.
"Sorry, uh..." Itadori trails off, opting instead to speak through his head towards the curse rather than flail about trying to come up with an excuse.
'You had a lover?' Itadori questions, the disbelief in his tone making Y/N frown.
'Haah? Why do you seem so surprised?!' Y/N huffs, leaning back against her throne with her eye twitching in annoyance. 'And I have a lover! They aren't dead!'
'Why would anyone want to be with—' Itadori starts to reply but gets cut off.
'Finish that sentence, brat. I dare you.' Y/N scoffs, still looking through Itadori's eyes at their lover as they and that curse with the blood technique fight.
'Anyway! Isn't my lover just the strongest?! Heh~ just look at them!' Y/N laughs to herself, a blush spread across her face. 'They're so pretty!'
Itadori's lips part slightly in sheer disbelief at hearing the lovesick tone dripping off Y/N's voice— sounding completely besotted with the white-haired monk.
'Maybe I should've gotten a ring for them while I was free... Yuu-chan! Gimme control! I need to get something nice for my love!' Y/N demands, mentally hitting herself over the head for not getting anything for Uraume earlier.
'Now is really not the time!' Itadori counters, still in shock about how infatuated Y/N sounds.
'Hmph! Whatever, you're no fun!' Y/N complains, sinking back onto her throne with a childish huff.
Itadori goes to say something— likely a snarky comment, knowing how the brat is —but Y/N cuts their connection off with no more than a lazy wave of her hand.
Maybe once I wring control over this brat's body, then Uraume and I can go on a date~ Like Yuu-chan did that one time! Y/N fantasies, smiling to herself giddily at the idea. Then we can—
Ah. Wait. A frown tug's on Y/N's lips, remembering the demolished state of Shibuya. Fuck.
Maybe she shouldn't have leveled an entire prefecture...
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© 𝓢OLARSAINT 2024 ─── all of my works belong me alone! do not copy, steal, plagiarize, or spread any of my works in any other social media platform. these have only been reloaded on my own accounts on ao3 and wattpad
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hauntingofhouses · 9 months
Thinking about the crazy love triangle situation in Blue Eye Samurai and debating heavily with myself on how I'd like to see it conclude. And yeah this discussion can be thought of purely as shipping, headcanons, and fandom fun. But when analysing the show and engaging with it in a more in-depth, almost-literary level, it's impossible to dismiss who Mizu's potential love interests are and how different endgame romances would affect her character arc and the overall story and themes.
So in this post I'd like to look at the love triangle a bit more closely, and speculate on where the story will take this.
DISCLAIMER: It is my personal interpretation of the text that Mizu is non-binary—I use this as an umbrella term denoting any gender that does not adhere to the binary restrictions, norms, and expectations of what it means to be either a man or woman in a particular society; it's not just an androgynous "third gender" that exclusively uses they/them pronouns. Thus, while I personally believe Mizu is not strictly a cis woman, she does still identify with womanhood, despite definitely feeling a level of detachment from it due to living as a man for so long. With that being said, I will be using she/her pronouns for Mizu in this post, but please note that this is purely personal preference. Everyone is free to interpret the text the way they like. That's the fun of fiction. Now, without further ado, let's proceed.
Okay so, thinking about the pairings on a purely surface level, and even before i got into the show, I was pinning my hopes on some lesbianism going on between Mizu and Akemi, and the show does hint at this; in Ep1, during their first encounter in Kyoto, there is the famous slow-mo shot of their eyes meeting, Mizu's lips slightly parted as she is unable to tear her gaze away from Akemi, while sweet string music plays in the background. This is clear romantic framing, and a marker of attraction. If Mizu was a cishet man, there would be no question that this is a potential love interest.
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But then, in the same episode, we meet Taigen, who is introduced to us firstly from hearing Akemi's father describe him as "a fierce and undefeated young samurai", the "best swordsman in the best school" and "a fisherman's son from Kohama [...] whose rise reminds [him] of [his] own."
In the next scene, we meet him in person as Akemi's fiance, and he seems sweet enough. He even gives her sweets! In exchange, Akemi gives him gold, and he feels a bit ashamed that he doesn't have anything better to offer her. But Akemi accepts him and his gift wholeheartedly and flirts with him a little, which makes him smile kinda shyly.
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When Akemi confirms their engagement, Taigen is in disbelief because he has no status or noble background, but Akemi reassures him.
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So from these first few scenes, we're introduced to Taigen as an honourable and strong samurai, but also as a man who is sweet and gentle with the woman he is about to marry, as well as aware of his own inferiority when compared to Akemi's high station.
Our view of him then changes as his true self is revealed: he is an arrogant and smug bastard among his peers, but more importantly, he is the terrible bully from Mizu's childhood.
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And it is this side of Taigen--pompous jerk and unrepentant xenophobic bully--that we continue to see as the show goes on, and it's safe to say that this is his real self, sans any pretense of humility and modesty. Around anyone who isn't an outright superior in terms of class and power (ie. Akemi's father, the shogun), Taigen never hesitates to assert his own authority and "greatness."
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But as the show goes on, he gets caught by Heiji Shindo's men, and then tortured. And that's when we see, okay, turns out he's not that bad. He's honourable; "honour" is not just meaningless and superficial pedantry for him, but an internalised, guiding principle.
He was a cruel asshat throughout Mizu's childhood, but in a prejudiced and xenophobic society, he was just playing by the rules. As a child, he knew he was at the bottom of society, but when met with someone even lower ranked than him (Mizu), he can project all those prejudices and insecurities onto someone else. This way of thinking--"if you can't beat 'em, join em"--is what allowed him to climb up the ranks despite being some dirt poor kid from an abusive household*.
*Well, that combined with his cismale privilege of course, because this would not be an option for a woman in similar circumstances.
Thus, his upholding of honour also exemplifies how Taigen embodies the ideals and rules of his society. His insistence on duelling Mizu is another more blatant example of this. He doesn't want revenge like Mizu does. He wants to be accepted by society, within the bounds that society has placed, and that means that his only two options following his defeat at the Shindo dojo were to either chase Mizu down and get his damn duel, or kill himself for his humiliating defeat.
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Now! Moving on from Taigen, let's go back to the other end of this little love triangle: Akemi.
Mizu and Akemi only properly meet in Ep4. During their first meeting, when Akemi tries to poison Mizu in Madame Kaji's brothel, she compliments Mizu's eyes, calling them "beautiful."
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This seems to genuinely take mizu off-guard for a second before she coolly plays along. We know that Mizu recognises Akemi from the get-go, and thus sees through Akemi's ploy from a mile away. It's also safe to assume she'd expected false flattery, because Mizu understands full well that this tactic is how women get what they want: by using their 'feminine wiles' and playing up their naivety and innocence. But even so, it's interesting that Mizu actually seems surprised by Akemi's compliment.
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Then, after Mizu subtly taunts Akemi by lying about Taigen's death, she and Akemi have a bit of a scuffle, and then we get to Mizu saying this:
"Women in our world don't have a single good option. Except you, like some magical forest creature. You could have anything you want, but then you beg to eat trash."
(no screenshot because it's quite a long line but you get it)
Here we see Mizu's opinions on the marginalisation of (mostly poor and under-privileged) women stated outright, and underlying her words is also resentment. Because even though she and Akemi have shared experiences of female oppression, Mizu, unlike Akemi, was also poor, from a rural village, and is a racial minority. Mizu is triply oppressed, while Akemi only faces one primary form of oppression, and to someone as embittered by the world as Mizu is, to see Akemi "beg to eat trash" is a slap in the face, practically tone-deaf to the other injustices around her--injustices which Akemi has not shown much, or any, acknowledgement for at this point.
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Then, after this scene, Mizu kills Kinuyo, and this unsettles her to a degree we've never seen from her before. She is visibly distraught, and the entire sequence hammers the theme of this episode (and arguably, a large portion of the show) into our heads: women in this world suffer. And even though Mizu is well aware of this fact, to commit this act is so visceral that is shakes her to her core, and it's what ultimately leads to the ambush of the Thousand Fangs.
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But before the ambush, Mizu and Akemi talk a little again, and during this time Akemi taunts Mizu some more.
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Right now, Mizu is exhausted to the point where (I believe) she even downs some sake, despite not usually drinking. Thus, worn down, she cuts Akemi's ropes and tells her, "Just go." Akemi recovers from her initial fear of Mizu's blade and taunts her some more, accurately seeing through Mizu's facade of coldness, recognising the raw anger there, and says this:
"I thought you had to be something special. Your face isn't even so scary. You're just... angry."
At this, Mizu is amused and compares Akemi to Taigen ("I see why he likes you. You're just like Taigen when we were children. A fucking brat.")
The reveal that Mizu and Taigen knew each other in childhood surprises Akemi, but before either of them can say more, everything goes to shit.
That's when we get to Ep5. This episode focuses primarily on Mizu, the central piece of this love triangle, and does the most out of all the episodes to shed some light on her character and goals, fleshing her out to be more than just the vengeful, highly proficient samurai we've seen thus far (symbolised by The Ronin), but also a person who is capable of love, domesticity and gentleness (symbolised by The Bride). But in the end, Mizu rejects both these ideals, instead becoming an Onryo, who is neither guided by pride/honour, nor love.
By 'reincarnating' into an Onryo, Mizu is able to win the day and save the women in the brothel. However, as she has now fully embraced her status as an Onryo, and is exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally, she lets the Tokunobu clansmen take Akemi away while Akemi's screams echo in her ear.
Mizu says this choice is for Akemi's own good, that Akemi's better off; because Mizu is jaded and weary, and cannot afford the luxury of idealism, and thus must always be strictly practical and realistic. So of course that's why, in her view, yes, Akemi should not be wasting her time in a brothel where women are exploited and abused, nor should Akemi be so naive to think that her marriage with Taigen is even still possible. However, regardless of Mizu's views, it is not for her to decide, because though Akemi is privileged in some sense, she is still trapped and voiceless, and deserves the right to choose her own destiny.
But as it happens, in the end, though Akemi did not choose who she gets to marry, she DOES get to choose her next move when Edo burns down.
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"I want to be great."
This one line is the key to her entire arc, which is only just beginning. We see she quickly has acquired the affection and good graces of the shogun's son after their wedding night and consummation, and with Madame Kaji and the girls now serving her, Akemi will only grow to become a prominent political player.
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NOW, only after analysing the characters as they are within this season, only can we speculate how their arcs will continue as the show progresses.
First and foremost, I will reassert the popular opinion that Mizu and Akemi are foils. The climax (pun intended) of Ep7 illustrates this as it parallels the turning points in both Mizu's and Akemi's arcs:
Mizu melts the steel of all her loves and shames, the people she's collected: the broken blade wielded by both Chiaki and Taigen, Akemi's knife, Ringo's bell, Master Eiji's tongs - this symbolises her beginning to accept herself, and in doing so, also accepting the help of others;
Akemi consummates her marriage with Takayoshi Itoh, gains his affection, and cements her position as a woman in the shogun's palace - this symbolises her taking charge of her situation, no longer playing the damsel, but using her position to her advantage, empowering both herself and the underprivileged women around her.
These are thus two directly contrasting, diverging journeys:
Mizu's arc moves inward (yin). It is an internal path of self-love and self-discovery, focused on finding peace and tranquility inside herself, and this involves allowing herself to let others into her life, opening herself up to friendship and empathy once more.
Akemi's arc moves outward (yang), it is an external path of growth, transforming from a naive, caged princess to a powerful woman and a force to be reckoned with.
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Akemi is always dressed in red, even her eyes are a bit of a reddish-brown rather than brown-black like most other characters, and in her penultimate scene she stands against a backdrop of flames. She is fire: quick-tempered, passionate, full of energy. Red is powerful, authoritative, and in eastern cultures, it is associated with prosperity.
Mizu is blue: her eyes, her sword, her clothes. She is also named after water; it's where she goes to recover, reflect and meditate. Water is fluid like a brook weaving around a stone in its path, always changing and adapting, it is graceful, it is beautiful and ruthless, tranquil yet swift.
Thus, in the future, I expect we will see plenty of political manoeuvring and intrigue in Akemi's plotline, where she fully embraces control of her life, and begins to take action to help others as well, realising that her own oppression is just one piece in a much larger picture. Her main conflict is with society.
In direct contrast, Mizu's main conflict is with herself. She must realise that her desire for vengeance is a projection of her own deep-rooted self-hatred. Her arc must move towards unpacking her feelings and trauma so she can be at peace with herself and allow space for love in her heart. Because as we saw in Ep5, Mizu had come extremely close to achieving peace and joy, as she had not only loved Mikio, but also had briefly believed that Mikio had loved her (and accepted her for who she is) as well.
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Thus, assuming the story is not planned as a tragedy, Mizu will likely end up getting her vengeance, but it will not satisfy her, because it is not what she needs. What she needs is to let go of the Onryo within her and to reconcile both The Ronin and The Bride within herself, as she is both a fighter and a lover, but not a monster.
(Edit: I recommend checking out this post by @stylographic-blue-rhapsody for a much clearer analysis about Mizu'a symbolism as Ronin, Bride and Onryo!)
And now that we've mostly covered each of the characters individually, we can finally get to the main point of this post: the love triangle.
Let's talk about Option A: Akemi.
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As I covered extensively earlier, Mizu and Akemi are foils, a yin-yang pair. But while they play off each other very well in a thematic sense, I personally believe that a serious romance between them will be more complicated if they become endgame. This is because Akemi's natural resolution is to embrace a position of power and influence, where she has both freedom and control over herself and to make much-needed changes in a prejudiced society. Meanwhile, Mizu's natural resolution is the opposite; her happy ending would to find a peaceful life where she is safe and free from prying eyes, and able to be her true self.
Thus, it would make very little sense for Akemi to forfeit power and run away with Mizu and start a humble life together. Akemi wants to be great, and that is absolutely what she deserves. On the other end of the spectrum, it would also make little sense for Mizu to dedicate her life in service of Akemi, such as acting as a bodyguard or something similar, because a life in a palace full of court intrigue and conspiracies is far from what Mizu needs to be happy.
With that being said, if Mizu/Akemi is endgame, and assuming their overarching character arcs do not shift directions, their love story would likely be either tragic, doomed, or bittersweet. I do absolutely love this type of story because personally I'm a sucker for catharsis, so it would be very interesting if the writers do decide to take this route.
Also, as a note, please do not take this as me dunking on this pairing. This is just my personal opinion and analysis and I completely understand if you disagree!
Then, of course, we have Option B: Taigen.
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Between Akemi and Mizu, Taigen is a bit of a free-floater here, because Season 1 leaves off at a point where his arc is very ambiguous as to where it's headed. While Akemi climbs for greatness and Mizu goes on a journey across the ocean to (presumably) discover more about her heritage, we have little clues about where Taigen is headed. And if I'm being honest, I'm sure he has no idea either! He still hasn't reclaimed his honour, so he would be unable to rejoin the Shindo Dojo; he's been rejected by Akemi; and while he showed loyalty to the shogun, the shogun is now dead, and all the shogun's men who had witnessed his "humiliating" death were left to die by Lady Itoh, who is now pulling the strings within the palace.
Therefore, Taigen has very few options here.
And when considering his role in the story is as Mizu's begrudging ally, his arc will undoubtedly be focused on unlearning his xenophobia and misogyny, the latter of which we have not seen yet, but is surely present. Now, whether he will do this in Mizu's presence or absence will be unknown until we see Season 2. Following the Season 1 finale, he might return to Kohama and wait for Mizu there as he learns humility and remorse over his past cruelty; or maybe he will follow Mizu to London, and the two of them will continue to butt heads until he finally admits to himself that he cares for Mizu more than he would like to admit. There is no room for doubt that his growing feelings for Mizu are more-than-platonic, because we all saw him get turned on by sparring with her in Ep7 lol. Thus, regardless of the exact choice he makes, I am sure that his overall arc will be focused on redeeming his character.
Now, when it comes go redeeming him, I know there are many who simply don't want him redeemed because he was such a jerk to Mizu, and while yes I agree he was awful, I do believe there is also nuance to his character.
Previously I've discussed in great detail the colour and elemental symbolism with Mizu and Akemi, but have yet to touch on how they relate to Taigen. So, let's talk about that for a second.
While Akemi is red and Mizu is blue, Taigen is green.
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Green is a complementary colour to Akemi's red. Complementary colours are directly opposite each other in the colour wheel; when mixed, they neutralise each other, but when put side-by-side, they form a pleasing and impactful contrast that boosts the brightness and prominence of both colours. This mirrors Taigen and Akemi's relationship. They are an "ideal" pair because they complement each other very well, and bring out each other's most prominent traits. Mizu's comment about their similar "brattiness" comes to mind here.
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Green is also an analogous colour with Mizu's blue. These colours are sitting right next to each other on the colour wheel; their natural similarity makes it easy for them to form a cohesive overall appearance, but using both in equal amounts will make a design overwhelming and too busy. Thus, the best way to use analogous colours is to make one the dominant colour, while the other will serve as an accent. I feel this also speaks to the dynamic in Taigen and Mizu's relationship. They came from the space place, both from nothing; they're both strong fighters who love the sport, and work well together when fighting side-by-side; however, they butt heads too easily, mirroring how analogous colours can be too overwhelming when used in equal amounts. Thus, to work together in harmony, one has to be the dominant colour, while the other serves as the accent. In this case, the dominant force would be Mizu, as she is the protagonist of the story, while the accent would be Taigen.
By fulfilling this role as an "accent" to Mizu, Taigen's character would easily be slotted in as a the love interest. This is in contrast with a Mizu/Akemi relationship, whereby Akemi is Mizu's foil before she is Mizu's love interest. This is because, by being a love interest, a character usually takes a backseat in the story, serving the plot and the themes by playing a purely supportive role, and this is not possible in Akemi's case because her character exists to parallel and contrast Mizu (red and blue), and not to support her.
It is possible to serve as a supporting love interest in Taigen's case however. And this is because he, unlike the other characters, does not currently have a definitive place within the story. He initially served the plot as an antagonistic force, but now as he is slowly unlearning his prejudices and becoming a better person, he can no longer serve the story by acting purely as a rival.
Instead, he will serve the story by literally supporting Mizu. And this relates to Taigen being earth, which is steady, firm and reliable, unwavering in loyalty and principles, hardworking and rooted in stability, which is seen in Taigen's staunch and inflexible obedience to the traditions and rules of society. These traits are what make him a perfect samurai, but not a good man. However, unlike most people in their world, Taigen is still capable of change and redemption, which is why Mizu says that he has the potential to be great. Not great by way of power or glory, but great in character. Already, he is honourable to a fault, and does not betray Mizu even after she technically robbed him of everything he was striving towards. And when he was shot by an arrow in the chasm, he did not hesitate a second to tell Mizu to use him as a human shield and save herself.
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The trigger for his redemption is Mizu. If she had never beat him in that duel, Taigen would live on to become a man like Akemi's father. Cruel, power-hungry, controlling, conservative. But through Mizu, Taigen's sharp edges are ground down, much like water that wears down the stones in a river.
Where Mizu and Akemi's possible love story would be a clash of wills, full of passion and even heartbreak, a possible love story between Mizu and Taigen would be the wearing down of souls. Mizu would make Taigen a better person, and in turn Taigen would dedicate his full respect and support to Mizu as his equal, thus getting her to slowly open up and love herself. Already, Taigen has grown enough to admit (begrudgingly, and in his own Taigen way) that Mizu is better than him; though, clearly, he still has a long way to go, as he still calls Mizu a demon shortly after that.
But basically, Taigen is a very simple man (his main goal now is "to be happy"), and Mizu has great depths that he cannot yet fathom. For this love story to work, it has to begin with Taigen changing for the better. If he succeeds in that, and is able to accept Mizu for all her complexities, I believe that they will make a formidable pair. And though he'd likely still throw a jab or snarky remark at Mizu every now and then, I think he'd come tl wholeheartedly admire Mizu as a brilliant swordsman and a kind soul. Thus, should things work out and this be endgame, Taigen would be able to provide Mizu with what Mikio could not: an idyllic life that is not built on a lie, but mutual trust, respect, admiration, and equality.
Or hey, maybe they could both make their own dojo together! I don't know.
(Edit: This post by @rinandsketches does a great job at delving into Taigen's character and a potential Mizu/Taigen relationship if you'd like to read more about this angle!)
Now, as I move on from Taigen, there are a couple more options on how to resolve this love triangle and that includes Option C: Ringo.
In this option, Mizu does not have an endgame romance with either Akemi or Taigen. In this route, she finds peace and love through friendship, solidarity, and a found family between herself, Ringo and Master Eiji—a bunch of outcasts in society who make a strong trifecta of sword-makers.
Also, as an aside while I'm talking about Ringo, I'd like to point out that I believe his element is air and his colour is a neutral grey; he is talkative, easy-going, wise, curious, light on his feet (stealthy) and free-spirited, which are all traits linked to air, and traits that complement Mizu nicely, as he is capable of getting Mizu to open up and trust others again, while Mizu helps him reach his true potential for greatness.
And finally, there's Option D: Polyamory.
This is basically an "all of the above" option, in which everyone wins and it's a super duper happy ending. It would also be awesome to get some polyamorous representation, and seeing the dynamic between Akemi/Mizu/Taigen play out would be very entertaining and refreshing. So, you never know, this just might be the true endgame!
AAAAND with that, I close my extremely long analysis of what is essentially Mizu's love life. Whatever the final outcome of this love triangle though, I just hope it will be well-written and satisfying to all the characters' respective arcs. (Also I just want Mizu to be HAPPY goddamn it because she deserves the world and her coochie eaten out)
Now, I highly doubt anyone will read any of this (especially not until the end!) but that's fine. I just have so many thoughts and feelings about this show and I just needed to get this out of my system lol! But if by some miracle you did read this far, I wholeheartedly welcome any sharing of thoughts and ideas because man am I obsessed with this show! But of course, if we have an opposing opinions, please be respectful when letting me know; I am very open to friendly discussions.
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