#and sunrise at 4am to sunrise at 10am
ilikedetectives · 2 years
If you don't see me posting VP for this week and the next, chances are I'm sleeping whenever jetlag randomly shuts my brain off. You can find me on the floor somewhere or mid raiding the fridge because my body doesn't know what time it is anymore 12-14 hour jetlag is BRUTAL 😂
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pinktinselmonstrosity · 3 months
had probably thee most insane night of my life lol! everything is sorted now (10am, i just got home) but. oh my god it was rough
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okamiz36 · 3 months
Literally no context for this one, I stayed up till 6am to see the sunrise, read fanfiction till 7am, cleaned house till like 10am fell asleep woke up at 2pm and saw this on my tablet T-T im 99% sure i drew this at 4am or smth-
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Woe upon yee, late night vent art or something I cant remember doing-
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aropride · 9 months
(u can check on this site if ur not sure! earliest sunrise of the year is usually mid-june in the northern hemisphere, and mid-december for the southern hemisphere)
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ihhfhonao3 · 1 year
Starts on the dot. No 6:30 option, you can choose “something else”
Reblog because I’m actually kinda curious! Especially with times people think is morning vs. age demographic, and why they think that it’s morning.
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hangryyell · 2 years
Sleep W. VP
Yoru definitely hates being woken up early, but with the protocol and for training he has no choice. On their days off he sleeps in like the king he thinks he is.
Phoenix is an early riser for sure, I’m talking about he’s up before the sun, cause he thinks he IS the sun. He likes being able to go work out without anyone else being there.
Kay/o we know daaaamn well this bot don’t sleep. But he sure does pretend for the sake the rest of the Protocol. But he’s up all the time. He normally waits for KJ and Raze to be up before leaving his room.
Chamber is an early riser, but the kind that wanted his room to be facing the sunrise so he’s woken up “naturally”. Being kissed by Sol really brightens his day no pun intended.
Sage is up by 5am every morning even on her days off. There is no sleep for mama.
Reyna, Reyna is an angry morning riser. When she was back in her kingdom she would be woken up by the pretty sounds of birds chirping, the soft smell of her bath being prepared and the smell of fresh fruits waiting for her as well. Being at the protocol she is still miffed that NO ONE is preparing a bath for her, or even trying to feed her in said bath. Pathetic if you ask her.
Astra is up by 8am sharp, No if ands or buts. Is a happy riser cause she’s got a good sleep schedule.
Raze hates waking up early, she is groggy until at least 10am. No matter how much coffee or work outs she does.
Neon is literally still asleep until the VERY last second. She groans and whines at anyone talking to her so early in the morning. If she hasn’t eaten yet don’t talk to her. Instead of coffee Neon likes fruit juice in the morning. It varies from day to day.
Brimstone, Brimstone, Brimstone, Brimstone. He is one of those that is up at 330am but doesn’t get out of bed until at least 430am. He’s a cold shower kinda man to wake himself up, then a nice lil workout and then another cold shower after. He is a black coffee drinker, two and a half sugars.
Fade is a 10 alarms kinda gal, snoozes every single one. She will literally wake up minutes before they have to leave for a mission. She’ll eat when she gets back, she’ll drink a black coffee on the way and don’t talk to her until at least they get the location for the spike.
Jett, Jett is up and at’em at 4am. She’s showered and ready in her pjs until at least 8am. Then she changes into her “work” clothes. Full rounded breakfast. Cheerful kinda morninger.
KJ is a “I haven’t slept yet” riser. She stays awake for a couple of days at a time honestly. Drinks coffee and has caffeine patches to keep her going.
Omen, Omen doesn’t sleep much of course. So he’s mostly with Kay/o most nights. Since he’s the only one on compound that doesn’t have an ounce of fear in him so he can relax at the very least. He uses Kay/o’s bed more than the bot.
Cypher is the kind of guy that takes cat naps. He’s always ready for something. He’s learned that sleeping too long doesn’t keep him on his toes. He’s an omelet kinda guy, coffee with a dash of milk and one sugar.
Breach is chaos at 5am. Like he IS literally the ass crack of Dawn. He’s loud and wiiide awake the moment his alarm goes off. And some days his alarm doesn’t go off but he’s up on time every time.
Sova is a hunter, he’s up at 3am ready to go. He likes to have a nice breakfast and watch the sun rise. Then work out and do some Bow practice. He keeps to himself that early if anyone else is up. The rest have learned to not give eye contact because if looks could kill, Yoru isn’t the only one with a stank face that early in the morning.
Skye is ready and willing and out on a run by 4am. She’s a hearty breakfast in the morning after her run. Nice cold shower and then chores until the rest of the protocol is up.
Viper also sleeps very little. But when she does sleep everyone lets her sleep in cause she’s a hard worker and also because they don’t want to get chewed out.
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yaboylevi · 5 years
After rereading the chapter with the official translation and looking at the timeline once again, I’ve been very confused by the timing of Hange and Magath’s meeting. The main problem is that we don’t know when exactly the Rumbling began, but I’d say that it probably happened in the afternoon, some hours before sunset.
This theory on Reddit really made me think about the timeline a lot... The theory speculates that Hange and Levi have received a different message in the Paths, at a different moment compared to the others, namely at night. This would explain why Hange and Levi identify the problem in Zeke only, not Eren. I have already thought of some potential counter-arguments for that theory (also thanks to the official translation - though I still have to check the Japanese version), so I’m not too sure it can be possible...still, the timeline is very confusing.
When Hange meets up with Magath&Pieck in chapter 125, the sun is setting, and it seems to be right after they have escaped the battlefield. The Colossals are still there, and the Marleyan airships are retreating.
But then Hange, after being transported into the Paths, says that half a day (12 hours?) has passed since Zeke and Floch headed for Shiganshina. Well, then it should've been night-time when Hange and Levi were in the forest. But when they get out of the forest it is still light outside. Sure, it could be the morning of the next day. Maybe we were just tricked by the sequence in chapter 125 (Connie and Falco riding in the sunset light - and right after that we have the Commanders' meeting). As Jean said he joined forces with Marley “the night before”, we would have another night where supposedly Hange and Pieck, etc got in contact with Jean&Mikasa. And also met with Connie, Armin, and Annie...But if this happened in less than 24hours, it was way too fast, based on how much spread out across Paradis everyone was.
Hence why I’m thinking 2 night could have passed. Let me break the timeline down. Btw, judging by their clothes, it seems autumn or spring so the hours of light should approximately be from 7AM to 7PM...probably.
Here’s a map of the walls:
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DAY 1 - Afternoon (& DAY 2 - Morning)
Eren gave his brain radio signal a bit after the Rumbling started, let’s say around 4-5PM.
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Connie and Falco rode into the sunset. He must have separated from the 104th at 4:30PM and we see him again at around 6PM riding with Falco. To get from Shiganshina to Ragako, Connie stopped for the night, and so he and Falco arrived in Rakago the next morning (approx 7-9AM?). So it took at least 13-16 hours, more or less, and they were riding slowly.
Armin and Gabi departed from Shiganshina a while after Connie left, let’s say 6:30PM, the sun hadn’t set yet. He then caught up with them in the morning. He didn’t stop to rest, so by horse at full speed, it should’ve taken...10-13 hours maybe?
If Mikasa&Co defeated the titans in one hour, then the discussion between Armin and Mikasa happened around 5:30PM, with Armin departing one hour after that, tops. After their fight, there should be still 1 hour and 30 minutes of light. Mikasa goes to see what Jean’s up to where Floch is.
Annie and Hitch meet in the late afternoon, the sun is setting while they ride out of Shiganshina. The next morning around lunchtime, in a place not specified, they meet Armin&Connie.
We see what all of the 104th and Hitch did that night in between the afternoon of DAY 1 and the morning of DAY 2. During this night they’re all in very different places. 
For Armin, Annie, Connie, Gabi, and Falco to get back to Shiganshina, since they stopped to eat in a village between Rakago and Shiganshina District, it must have taken more than 10 hours for them to reach Mikasa. Let’s say 12-13 hours? So if they departed from Rakago at like 9-10AM, this would mean they got to Shiganshina when it was night already.
During the morning, we see Mikasa helping out as a doctor, she talks to Louise. The flow of the chapter seems to imply this is the same morning Armin met with Connie, but we can’t be 100% sure. It would make sense though.
I can really only make a guesstimate for this as well, but...The last Colossals leave Shiganshina at around 11AM (?). A bit after that, Floch talks to his Yeagerists. Later on, let’s say 2PM, Floch tries to execute Yelena and Onyankopon, but the plan concocted between Pieck, Hange, Jean, Armin, Mikasa etc is already ongoing. How is this possible if it should've taken a lot more for Armin to get back to Shiganshina? Hence why, imo, another day passed that we didn’t see. So 2 nights. 
If this is the case, it would explain why, when Hange and Magath met, the Colossals were still marching in Paradis: it was the afternoon of DAY 2, and they later on contacted Jean&CO during the second night. It doesn’t align with Armin’s timeline, though, and it wouldn’t make sense for Magath and Pieck to be stranded in the middle of nowhere without food or water for 24hours. (I have a headache, can you tell?)
Now, let’s analyze Hange’s timeline!
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Zeke: he and Floch left the Forest of Giant Trees and 12 hours later, Hange and Levi got the radio message from Eren. They talk for a bit, Hange finishes the cart for Levi, straps him on it and they exit the forest. Meet with Pieck&Magath. It is afternoon, the sun is setting (7PM?). If we count backward, keeping the Rumbling+Eren’s message at 4-5PM, then Zeke blew himself up at 4AM that day, which is impossible, as there was daylight when the storm cleared up.
The Forest of Giant Trees on the map seems to be at least a bit closer to Shiganshina. At full speed, it might’ve taken 7 hours to Zeke and Floch to reach the battlefield in Shiganshina. Let’s say the battle lasted 1 hour since their arrival. It means Hange saved Levi at around 8-9AM. It checks out, because Zeke made himself explode a bit after sunrise, I’d say, during a rainstorm.
So, actually, Hange’s timeline doesn’t check out, imo. According to it:
8AM Hange finds Levi
3PM Zeke reaches Shiganshina
4-5PM Rumbling starts, Eren video calls everyone.
8PM (12 hours later finding Levi) Hange and Levi got a paths-call from Eren. (Night 1)
After a while, they exit the forest and it’s (still? already?) afternoon.
If they had gotten Eren’s message at 5PM(?) like everyone else, Zeke should’ve blown himself up at 5AM (12 hours prior). But when, right after that, the skies cleared up, it was already well into the day.
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Also, I fear I am already putting the Rumbling too late during the day, but if it happened even before 4-5PM, then Hange’s timeline above (”half a day has passed”) really doesn’t make sense, IF WE WERE TO BELIEVE THAT HANGE AND LEVI HAVE MET UP WITH MAGATH AND PIECK THE SAME DAY THE RUMBLING STARTED AND ZEKE BLEW UP.
It would’ve taken a really long time for Hange to get from the forest to the outskirts of Shiganshina where Pieck and Magath are, considering Hange was transporting an injured person on a (poorly) self-made cart-thing, so they must have ridden slowly. How can it still be the afternoon of the first day? Unless the river current brought them a lot closer to Shiganshina than expected and they were resting in a different, smaller forest. 🤷
Hange must have taken track of how much time passed by looking at the sky, which imo must’ve been already pretty late if Hange could tell 12 hours had passed when they got Eren’s message.
So, if Hange&Levi received a message from Eren (?) at night, finished the cart, rested for the remainder of the night because heck, Hange must’ve been exhausted, and the next day met with Magath, it would’ve made sense. But:
The Colossals are still there during their meeting, so it must have been the same day? Because the citizens said the last few titans left inhabited areas on what I guessed was DAY 2, I’d say between sunrise and midday.
Then again:
Jean says they joined forces with Marley the night before. But Armin’s group couldn’t have been in Shiganshina by that morning/early afternoon (the timing the Floch-Jean scene seems to happen) because it would’ve taken them longer (11+ hours) to get to where Mikasa and Jean were. Armin’s group were also taking their sweet time, as Gabi states there was no rush, since Reiner would be sleeping for 2-3 days.
- If only one night has passed between the start of the Rumbling and the SC teaming up with Magath, then that theory can’t be. But the timing of everyone reuniting doesn’t make any sense, unless they literally teleported around the island.
- If two nights have passed between those 2 main events, then the timing is correct, and the theory could be onto something. In this case, we haven’t seen what the main cast did for one whole night, which was skipped. Considering a LOT of very important interactions were skipped, that’s possible. But it wouldn’t make sense for Eren to deliver the message to everyone, except Hange-Levi, and later give only them a different one. Unless...? ;)
- Ultimately, I suppose it could be a continuity mistake, or there could be a different explanation in the next chapter(s).
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hoelpimentel · 4 years
tagged by one of my faves @just-another-cnchoe ☺️💞
what color is your hairbrush?: black
name a food you never eat: there’s a lot bc i’m picky af
are you typically too warm or too cold?: too cold
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?: studying
what’s your favorite candy bar?: three musketeers or kitkats
have you ever been to a professional sports game?: the only one i can actually remember is a sugarland skeeters game a few years ago, i know i went to an astros game on my 1st birthday but that’s all i know
what’s the last thing you said out loud?: can’t remember, it’s 4am so it’s been a few hrs lol
what’s your favorite ice cream?: chocolate or cookies n cream
what was the last thing you had to drink?: water
do you like your wallet?: yes but i’d like it more if it had more money
what’s the last thing you ate?: gummy bears
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: nope
what’s the last sporting event you watched?: i think it was game 7 of the world series 😔
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: i fucking love popcorn, all i need is butter on it
who’s the last person you sent a text to?: @cncohyikes <3
ever go camping?: nope
do you take vitamins?: yep, gummies bc i can’t swallow pills 😙✌️
do you go to church every sunday?: nope
do you have a tan?: i wish lol
do you prefer chinese or pizza?: depends, i love them both
do you drink soda through a straw?: not usually
what color socks do you usually wear?: any color lol
do you ever drive above the speed limit?: i don’t drive
what terrifies you?: literally everything, i’m the biggest coward
look to your left, what do you see?: my desk
what chore do you hate the most?: taking out the trash
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?: 5sos
what’s your favorite soda?: mountain dew or dr pepper
do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?: go in
what’s your favorite number?: 4
who’s the last person you talked to?: my sister
favorite cut of beef?: idk lmao
last song you listened to?: whatever song just played in the where we are concert movie
last book you read?: i can’t remember but my sister and i pulled out our childhood books so i’m gonna read those soon
can you say the alphabet backwards?: nope
favorite day of the week?: thursday or saturday
how do you like your coffee?: i don’t lol
favorite pair of shoes?: my converse or flip flops
time you normally get up?: nowadays? anywhere between 10am-4pm 💀
sunrise or sunsets?: sunsets
how many blankets on your bed?: 3 rn but i only use one
describe your kitchen plates?: circular and white with flowers along the edge
describe your kitchen at the moment?: clean bc i washed the dishes lmao
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?: i don’t drink
do you play cards?: not really
what color is your car?: don’t have one
can you change a tire?: nope
your favorite state/province/county/city etc.?: all i’m saying is houston >>>>> dallas
favorite job you’ve had?: i’ve never had a job
how did you get your biggest scar?: i scraped my knee three times in a row when it hadn’t fully healed from the previous time lol
i haven’t been on tumblr much so idk who hasn’t done it but if you want to, feel free to tag me! 🥰
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jasfhercallejo · 5 years
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The path to the jump-off is a known place for pilgrims during the Holy Week season. There are statues which serve as the markers for the “Stations of the Cross”. Climbing at 4am where our only lights are from our headlamps, these statues can actually be freaky. Lol
At 6:30am, we managed to reach the campsite of North peak. The warm sunrise greeted our bodies with warmth, and with the golden hour we took turns in taking our silhouette photos. At around 10am, we reached the campsite of South Peak and ate our packed lunch. Imagine how hungry we were! Few minutes from the summit, we went to the view deck where you can see the snake river and some vast rice fields of different colors. At 11am, we left the peak to descend the mountain, and we reached the jump off point at about 2PM. After that, we went to Mt. Arayat National Park for a quick swim, then had our early dinner at San Matias Ihaw-ihaw Restaurant (Thank, Nei for the treat!) And yes, the whole trip back to Manila was a sleeping session for all of us tired diehikers.
Tips for Mt. Arayat Traverse (North - South Peak)
WATER WATER WATER – I’ve brought more than 2L of water. It was heavy, but you know, better safe than sorry. Always bring more water than needed. 
GOOD SHOES - My second major hike meant another painful death for the shoes. This experience just screamed at me to invest on my hiking gears. 
INSECT REPELLENT – lots of mosquitos in Arayat National Park. Best to spray some on while waiting for your turn to wash up, to reduce risk of mosquito bites.
TRAIL FOOD – bring enough trail food to boost your energy throughout the hike.
FIND YOUR PACE – there were moments during the descent when I almost felt like giving up because my legs and knees were seriously killing me. Just take your time.
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A Day in the Life: Mornings
A Family Mob AU fic.
The day began at 4am that morning, with Michael blinking into the dim light of a waking Los Santos. He didn't even need to move from bed to know that someone was already up. Michael sighed.
Gavin glared out the window, his eyes trained on the newly rented apartment across the street. Green light smeared on the glass, pouring from Gavin's eyes and the thin membrane on his back fluttered irritably. 
"Yo Gav what the fuck, Go to sleep." A high pitched unearthly shriek ripped through the penthouse as a ghostly version of Michael floated in front of Gavin. He turned around to see Michael walking over with a sleepy sour look.
It was too early for any kind of grooming. Michael had left his spines out, poking through his specially made pjs they were usually hidden under his heavy leather jacket. Gavin could even see the third eye, its lashes twitching as Michael worked to keep it closed at this early hour.
"Christ Micool not this early!" Gavin hissed, his eyes torn away from the window. Michael rolled his eyes, all three, and scoffed.
"Yeah but you haven't slept again." Michael hissed and Gavin pouted. 
"They didn't either! I don't trust it." Gavin turned back to the window, eyes trained back on the faint light peeking through the curtains across the street.
"You heard Matt, they're students. Of fucking course they dont sleep." Michael said grabbing Gavin by the shoulders. Gavin squawked as Michael lifted him up and began to walk away.
"But I gotta keep watch Micool."
"Well I'm up now you can get some sleep and I'll watch." Gavin grumbled as Michael slipped him down on his own bed and fell asleep instantly. His membrane wrapped around him, covering the Brit in a cocoon of glittering gold. 
Michael quietly left the room and moved out to the living room to wait out the rest of the night.
By 6 Ryan, Geoff and Fiona were up and with Michael. Geoff had floated in around 430 with a yawn and a light whine. Geoff was rarely able to make full words before 5 am so no one who saw him before then expected any.
Ryan and Fiona came in next one after the other at 5am. Ryan teleported in right to the fridge to grab a diet coke. Meanwhile Fiona shuffled in leaving a small trail of sea water behind her as she went straight for the coffee maker.  Together the four crew members all silently sat together as the rose rose.
By 501 Geoff was talking.
"Gavin was up?" He asked.
"Yeah, dumbass was staring down the new neighbors again. They need to get some fucking sleep." Michael confirmed. There was a swish and a heavy bat riddled with glowing green nails thumped on the coffee table.
"Fiona and I could put them to sleep." Ryan offered as Fiona chugged another cup of coffee and twirled the bat.
"Not yet you two. It's too fucking early for that." Geoff  groaned running a pale tattooed hand down his face. 
"It's never too early for a bit of a scare." Ryan joked with a small smile. His purple eye glowed and moved separately of his other more human eye. It almost looked hungry as it turned towards the window. Michael growled as he shoved Ryan who laughed as he crashed lightly into Fiona.
"More like a murder!" Michael shouted. Fiona gurgled angrily as she reached over Ryan and shoved Michael. Geoff closed his eyes and sighed, not that anyone could tell with how much he squinted.
"Alright you three stop that. You'll wake the whole city." Geoff scolded them.
"Or just us." Jack said, padding in with Matt and Lindsay at his heels. Mat grumbled, his little wings fluttering as he rose into the air and shot off to the coffee maker. Fiona yelped, clutching her coffee and shielding it from Matt's dash. Lindsay yawned and shook yellow dust from her hair as it sprang to life and cackled with heat turning a soft orange.
"Sorry guys." Ryan apologized sheepishly, sipping from a cube of diet coke, as Lindsay flopped down across the four others on the couch. There was a resounding oof from the others as Jack shook their head black, green mossy scales shining in the sunrise.
"Jeremy, Alfredo and Gav still asleep?" Jack asked shuffling over to the open loveseat as Matt hovered with a cup of coffee nearby.
"Jeremy and Alfredo still, Gav just fell asleep." Geoff explained as Jack groaned.
"Again? Do we need to sleep on him again?" Jack asked as Fiona snorted.
"He'd love that." Fiona said wiggling her eyebrows and Lindsay snorted. 
"We could make sure someone is in the position to make him feel loved." Lindsay joked. "I'm sure Michael wouldn't mind."
Michael went to reply but Geoff interrupted. 
"Alright assholes leave it. I doubt blowing the guy would help much. It's the students across the street. They aren't sleeping." Geoff explained Jack nodded.
"Right. Bastard cant sleep if someone is awake nearby." Matt said, moving back to the kitchen and grabbing a bag of chips.
"Its 6 am and you're grabbing doritos?" Fiona asked.
"Fuck off at least I'm eating." Matt said around a mouthful of doritos. 
"Its finals week right? They should sleep regularly soon I doubt we have to worry." Ryan pointed out, his purple eye swirling around. Fiona winced as it sped over her.
"Ryan for fucks sake I feel like you're eye is going to eat something." Fiona said shoving a pillow in Ryan's face. "Get an eye patch."
"Stop staring at it Fiona!" Ryan said, covering his eyes with his hands and flinging his cube of Diet coke across the room.
"Oh for fucks sake. Kids lay off it's too early." Jack scolded and Michael had enough and shoved Lindsay onto the floor. "Let's get some food."
By 8am breakfast was made and the smell lured Jeremy from his room and into the kitchen. 
"Well look whose here. Morning sleeping beauty." Michael teased as he stepped in front of the shorter man. Jeremy stopped in front of Michael who held up a cup of coffee. Silently the half awake man opened his mouth, revealing rows of black sharp teeth. Michael silently poured the semi warm liquid down Jeremy's throat until the cup was empty. 
As you do.
"Hey get over here and eat before it gets too cold." Ryan insisted beckoning Jeremy over. Jeremy sat down, his black skeletal hands hovering over the table but not touching. Ryan smirked the eye patch he was wearing was bright green with a little daisy on it that shone in the sunlight. "Open up and players line up to take a shot."
Jeremy opened his mouth and, as most mornings the others all lined up and started throwing food at Jeremy. It had become a tradition, rather than either waiting for Jeremy to wake up or letting him rot the food the moment he touched it, the others started tossing his breakfast at him to catch. It worked, and made for a great game every morning.
After several shots of bacon from Jack and one very messy egg from Lindsay, Geoff lined up some potatoes and sent the spuds flying towards Jeremy. Only for the spuds to splat on Jeremy's face. 
"Fuck! It's in my eyes! Geoff the fuck?!" Jeremy shouted as the potatoes began to turn black and disintegrate. Geoff roared with laughter, his laughter pitching up into a high whistling wheeze and a little puff of smoke escaped from his mouth. Jeremy sneered as he scooped up Ryan's eggs, earning and indignant "Hey!" From Rayn, and hurled them at Geoff.
There was a satisfying splat as the eggs collided with Geoff's face. And from there breakfast devolved.
Alfredo entered the kitchen all his arms stretching and eight eyes blinking at the sunlight then blinking away bacon grease as a plate of bacon slapped him in the face. Alfredo sighed, swiping the bacon from his face and stuffing it into his mouth.
Welp. When in rome.
By 10am the food fight has ended, the kitchen cleaned up and the Crew has begun to move on to business. Those who could fly did, taking to the air of the penthouse to leave room closer to the floor for others. 
Fiona was down in the private gym with Alfredo, the Drowned and Cave Spider sparred and talked crowd control for the up coming heist.
Ryan and Jeremy were in the armory with michael running inventory and cleaning weapons. The Enderman, Wither and Guardian chatting calmly about possible explosives and points of entry.
Lindsay, Geoff and Jack were in the command center, running through Plans and blueprints. The Blaze, Ghast and Creeper chose targets and contingency plans. 
Gavin finally woke up by noon. The Phantom stretched his Membrane and yawned, joining the planning team by 1230. The day would continue from there, plans would be laid and prep work would be finished.but the morning would gave already slipped by in a nice haze of well earned laziness.
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I was tagged by the ever lovely @besidemethewholedamntime, thanks lovely! 😘
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
Just plain black. Nothing exciting unfortunately!
2. Name a food you never eat
Mushrooms, and at the moment, cheese. Damned dairy intolerance.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Both, but usually cold. My internal heating and cooling system is truly buggered, thanks to the fact that I was a premmie baby. Just one of the many fun side effects.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Fannying about after having a shower. Every single day I do this and I don’t know why.
5. What’s your favorite candy bar?
CURRENTLY, it is the Galaxy Vegan caramelised hazelnut chocolate and oh my god it’s so good. A lot of vegan chocolate is really crumbly and whilst it tastes good, the texture is just off and that kind of ruins it for me. But Galaxy have really nailed the texture, it’s just creamy and good and just tastes and feels like real chocolate and I was honestly so happy the first time I tried it.
6. Have you ever been to professional sports event?
I have! I went to a few Scottish Premier League (football) games when I was younger, with my dad, before realising that I didn’t enjoy it much. I have also been to one singular hockey match, which really tells you everything you need to know about how I found that. Honestly I don’t really go in much for sports. I enjoy watching horse riding, show jumping and the like, and figure skating, and that’s about it.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?
“WHAT ARE YOU EATING?!” To the doggo, who had just got a hold of the leftovers of my dad’s lunch.
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
Ben and Jerry’s do an ice cream that has vanilla on one side, and chocolate on the other, with a full ass BLOCK of caramel in the middle, and it is probably the unhealthiest thing I have ever consumed, but oh my god it’s so good.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Tea! Please assume that I am always drinking tea, it is a fairly accurate assumption.
10. Do you like your wallet?
Eh. It’s okay. It’s getting a bit old but I’ve been putting off getting a new one.
11. What is the last thing you ate?
One of those tiny little packets of haribo that are STILL somehow leftover from Halloween
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
I did! I bought a new top for work, a white jumper bc white goes with everything and I’m a bit lazy.
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched?
On purpose? The 2018 Winter Olympic Ice Dance final when Virtue/Moir FINALLY WON THE GOLD!!! It was on until like 3/4am, and I had 3 back to back lectures the next day, and I was SO TIRED, but oh it was worth it!! I think the mens individual final was on the next night but I FULLY fell asleep halfway through 😬
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Sweet and salty!
15. Who is the last person you send text message to?
My sister! I was ranting about The Crown and she was just kind of listening haha
16. Ever been camping?
Twice! Both my guide troop. Once just cause, and once bc it was the Centenary of Girl Guiding in the UK and all of the troops in our county pitched up in a giant field for the weekend, which was good fun! Would I do it again? Maybe not. I’m not really that outdoorsy, but I will give anything a go once.
17. Do you take vitamins?
Nope! I probably should, but I swear every time I start taking vitamin C I get a cold. Not sure if this is just my immune system being weird or if I am actually cursed.
18. Do you regularly attend a place of workship?
Nope! I am very much agnostic. I used to live almost right across the road from a church, that was fun on a Sunday morning no need to set an alarm, and I used to walk past, I kid you not four or five on my way to work, which is a lot considering it was ALL ONE ROAD and a fairly short walk.
19. Do you have a tan?
Nope! I’m so pale I reflect the sun back.
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza?
Pizza!!! I miss it!!! Dairy free cheese suuuuuccckkksssss
21 . Do you drink your soda through a straw?
Not really. I didn’t really before but I’m really not a fan of paper straws and them getting all soggy.
22. What color socks you usually wear?
Literally every single colour. A lot of blue and navy but I’m not kidding, it is every colour.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I can’t drive so I can’t go over the speed limit haha
24. What terrifies you?
Oh well, what a fun question. So much. Ultimately failure. Failure to do anything worthwhile in my life, failure to help people, failure in my personal life. The list goes on. And heights. I am truly truly terrified of heights.
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
The doggo!! 🐶
26. What chore do you hate the most?
Sorting through odd socks. All black socks should be burned imo.
27. What do you think when you hear Australian accent?
Neighbors. My mum loved Neighbors in its hayday, and it is always discussed when Kylie or Jason Donovan is on the telly haha.
28. Whats your favorite soda?
Good old lemonade.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit drive through?
Can’t drive so go in. My flatmate and I got really bad for ordering in McDonalds last year after it got put on Uber eats. She was a terrible influence on me I swear.
30. What’s your favorite number?
31. Who’s the last person you talked to?
My granny!
32. Favorite meal?
My mum’s leftover chicken risotto with bacony bits
33. Last song you listened to?
According to Spotify, Smoke by Gia Margaret (suprise surprise, its from the Normal People soundtrack)
34. Last book you read?
Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell. Such a beautifully written book. Very casually magical and oh so very sad.
35. Favorite day of the week?
Tuesday, but I couldn’t tell you why.
36. Can you say alphabet backwards?
Absolutely not.
37. How do you like your coffee?
I don’t like coffee. I like the smell but it is far too bitter for me and the caffeine makes me feel truly awful.
38. Favorite pair of shoes?
I have a pair of brown boots that are almost victorian in style, they lace up, and made of the softest leather and I love them to utter pieces.
39. Time you normally get up?
On a normal day, usually any time after 10am. I like my bed and I don’t go to sleep until quite late. When I’m working, it’s usually between half past 6 and 9am.
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunset?
Sunset. I am very much a night owl.
41. How many blankets on your bed?
At the moment I just have my big thick duvet which keeps me very cosy and I never want to get out of my cosy bed, but I FULLY expect that to increase as it gets colder bc I am a cold creature.
42. Describe your kitchen plates
Just plain white, fairly standard.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment.
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
Oooh, I like a Bacardi and coke or a gin and lemonade (which according to my gin and tonic loving mother is a sacreligous thing to do to gin). I don’t drink a whole lot, but those are my two go tos.
45. Do you play cards?
I can play cards, but I don’t do it on the regular.
46. What color is your car?
Don’t have a car!
47. Can you change a tire?
48. Your favorite state or province?
Don’t really have that here, so I’m gonna be a bit cheeky and say Perthshire 😉. It really is beautiful though!!
49. Favorite job you’ve had?
My current job! It’s just a clothes shop retail job, but the company is so good (which is rare for a big company), the people are so lovely, the hours can suck sometimes, but I enjoy it so much more than waitressing and bar work!
Thanks again so much for the tag! I think just about everyone has been tagged in this, so if you haven’t done this yet, consider yourself tagged now!!
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welcometomy20s · 4 years
September 5th, 2020
This is a review of all the hourly music in Animal Crossing New Horizons.
6AM - Nice steady beat but that synth, that’s quite something. 7.5/10
7AM - It sounds like a John Mayer’s song, I guess that’s breakfast? 6.7/10
8AM - Little of rocking beat there. Little too funky for the time, but okay. 8.2/10
9AM - I don’t quite understand how this music works. But it’s not bad. 7.3/10
10AM - Good jazz-funk feel, feels like an improvised section. Light! 8.7/10
11AM - I acknowledge what they are trying, but I detest this kind of music. 5.4/10
12PM - I don’t have any feeling about this one or another. 6.0/10
1PM - This bass, what is this bass? Okay, I’ll play with this. 7.8/10
2PM - I think this track is a discarded track from Persona 5. Yeah. 6.7/10
3PM - Perfect song for its time, things are winding down. Get that last bit. 7.6/10
4PM - Now there’s just too much synth. It sullies the song. 5.8/10
5PM - Sounds like an end to a sci-fi noir. Not that it’s bad. 6.1/10
6PM - Why we’re in a different state completely. Wow, accordion! 7.1/10
7PM - This sounds so sad. It is just mocking the player at this point? 6.9/10
8PM - There’s a lot of motive behind this song. Lots of different things. 7.4/10
9PM - I kind of like the groove here. It’s a fun little ditty. 7.9/10
10PM - I couldn’t form a coherent thought for this piece. 7.5/10
11PM - There is a strange tension in this music. It’s that push and pull. 8.1/10
12AM - Seems like a great culmination of everything that happened. 7.7/10
1AM - This is a great late-night jam. I seriously love this. 8.9/10
2AM - This is unusually bright for the time. Is this supposed to be a lullaby? 6.3/10
3AM - This is the throw-it-in section, and I do love the arbitrariness. 7.9/10
4AM - Oh, that was pretty standard for a song. I didn’t notice. 7.3/10
5AM - This is such a great sunrise song. It’s so different from anything else. 8.4/10
And that’s it! This was on the back of the burner, so I’m glad I did this.
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mrschwartz · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked Before
i was tagged by @agoodafternoon! 💖
What is the color of your hairbrush? red
A food you never eat? meat? i think i’ve mentioned this before, but i’m a pescatarian
Are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? doing some price reasearch for e-readers
What is your favorite candy bar? my favorite candy is m&m but candy bar? idk, kinder? i’m not really a candy person tbh
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yep, some football matches
What is the last thing you said out loud? "the payment was accepted” to my mom after buying a kindle
What is your favorite ice cream? pistachio
What was the last thing you had to drink? mango juice
Do you like your wallet? it’s fine, i just wish it was smaller
What was the last thing you ate? spaghetti with pesto
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no
The last sporting event you watched? i have no idea
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? to me this question is insane bc popcorn is popcorn, but i like it with butter
Who was the last person you sent a text message to? my friend
Ever go camping? nope
Do you take vitamins? no
Do you go to church every Sunday? njrnvjrfnj that’s funny
Do you have a tan? no, it’s faded now :( i wish i was at the beach
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? chinese
Do you drink your soda with a straw? if there are straws available, yes. if not, then no jnfjvnf
What color socks do you usually wear? my socks are all different colors, it’s one of my little joys
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i’m gay, i can’t drive
What terrifies you? losing my will to keep going
Look to your left, what do you see? my dog 💕
What chore do you hate? doing the dishes
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? tbh i never realize it’s australian, i always think it’s british at first, i’m sorry
What’s your favorite soda? coke (with lime)
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru
Favorite cut of beef? don’t eat beef
Who’s the last person you talked to? my mom
Last song you listened to? little lies by fleetwood mac
Last book you read? 1984 by george orwell
Favorite day of the week? yeah that doesn’t mean anyhing anymore
Can you say the alphabet backwards? if i focus, yes
How do you like your coffee? with cream and sugar
Favorite pair of shoes? white adidas
At what time do you normally go to bed? in these times, around 4am
At what time do you normally get up? again, in these times, around 10am
What do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? sunsets
How many blankets are on your bed? one
Describe your kitchen plates? white
Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? gin and tonic, probably. also i do love doing tequila shots, but only when i’m willing to get really wasted
Do you play cards? yes
What color is your car? i’m gay, i can’t drive!!
Can you change a tire? nope
What is your favorite state/providence? this question reeks of united states, but i’m gonna answer anyway lmao são paulo, since i’m from here
Favorite job you’ve ever had? i’ve actually never had a job. i was Supposed to have started this semester, but then.............. 🙂
How did you get your biggest scar? i scratched my shin on a sharp edge of my window while streching
What did you do today that made someone else happy? i answered an ig template about what percentage of jake peralta i am, and my friend thought my answers were funny
i tag @overandoverhoney @turtleskane @drafee @partynthem, only if you want to, of course 💖
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
flame and electric violet for lance!!! -selfshippy
flame - would you two be more prone to get up early and watch the sunrise or go out and watch the sunset? alternatively, would you stay up until the sunrise and then sleep ‘till one?
He's an early morning riser, and I'm a super nocturnal being. If I had my way [ie natural sleep cycle], i'd be staying up til like 3 or 4am so basically watching the sunrise. And definitely would sleep til 1pm. Or 10am. Whichever i'm allowed.
I don't really like sunsets like i used to, but a lot of that has to do with climate, and the sunrises are much prettier in vegas than the sunsets. Or i at least get to see sunrise.
electric violet - what’s something odd, extravagant, or thrilling that you and your f/o like to do sometimes?
Pokemon battles!!!! They're super thrilling. I'm not as competitive as I used to be, so I'll go watch Lance's battles instead. They get me super hyped up!!!!! I love it!!!!! He's just so awesome when he's battling! Plus after battle kisses owo
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Aaaaaaaaand goal achieved!!!!
I did it y'all!! I ran the longest I've ever have in one sitting!!!
Started 11pm and joined the endeavor and made it to sunrise, which I round to 8:30am!
9hours and 30mins 😮😁
Now in all fairness, I wasn't continuously running. At 2am Junel, the Ultramarathoner scheduled a power sleep break. We finished the loop around 2:20am so he extended his sleep until 3:30am. Then at 6:30am we had another break until 7am.
Where we ran, a friend treated me to fresh cinnamon buns and a coffee but I still crushed hard when I got home, around 10am. I'm just waking up now lol
Oh right and last night was a weird mix of wind gusts at first. It was hard to balance body heat cause when the wind was calm I felt I was over layered but when the wind gusts hit, I felt I was under layered :/
Then at 4am it started to snow, which we knew about but the snow didn't stop.... Hasn't stopped :/ it was really cool sights but it's made running 10x harder. I'm feeling it for Junel.
On a milestone news tho, at around 6am he reached 100kms mark. He's doing it!
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Oh that video of my being all uncoordinated AF was during the power sleep break Hahah 🤷😂
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thehikingviking · 3 years
Triple Divide Peak & Merced Peak, A Day Hike from Quartz Mountain Trailhead
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I had been planning a combination day hike of Triple Divide Peak and Merced Peak for over a year. I mapped out a route and saved it to my phone, but a whole summer came and went without me actually getting the opportunity to attempt it. This year I made a mental note to prioritize it as an early season hike. While my planned loop was rather long, elevation gain was moderate which made it a good conditioning hike. I selected an open weekend and planned to do it solo, until Zach asked me if I was interested in doing a hike. I proposed my idea, cautioning him that it was about 25 miles, and Zach gladly accepted with no complaints. Now that doesn’t happen every day. We met in Livermore and carpooled together for the long drive to the Quartz Mountain Trailhead. From reading previous trip reports, I expected a rough road, but found much the opposite. I feel like a 2WD vehicle could have made it to the trailhead if driven with care. Zach slept outside in a tent while I slept in the car. My alarm went off at 3:30am the next morning and we were on the trail a little after 4am.
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The hike almost ended before it got started. There was a lot of deadfall covering the beginning section of the trail, and I couldn’t uncover where it resumed. We both had headlamps, but we needed a flood light. I felt so helpless stumbling around in the dark. Finally I rediscovered the trail, and hope was reinstilled. While things were certainly better, certain sections of trail were still a little tough to follow. I really had to focus all the way until Chiquito Pass where there is an intersection and the trail becomes more pronounced. I guess this section of trail gets little maintenance as it lies just outside of Yosemite National Park.
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The first mile of the hike was all downhill followed by another mile of mostly flat terrain. I spent those miles staring at the sky and admiring the stars. The third mile marked the beginning of gradual uphill climbing. The sun began to rise as the moon began to set.
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After 4 miles we reached the outlet of Chain Lakes and our first reliable water source. We were entering a summer following a low snow year, so I took note of this stream with concerns that most of the hike would be dry.
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We followed the creek down about a hundred vertical feet before beginning another very gradual climb through the forest. Sunrise brought about mosquitoes, and while it was nice to have light, I preferred to be left with my blood accounted for. The swarms got so bad that we couldn’t even stop for a sip of water. This did have one positive impact, as it motivated us to keep moving, for as long as we kept hiking at a brisk pace, they could not draw blood.
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After 6.5 miles we reached Moraine Meadows and the South Fork of the Merced River. This qualified as another dependable water source.
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I couldn’t even stop mid crossing to take a photo upstream. It was not even worth it with the bloodthirsty mosquitoes waiting for their opportunity. We turned right across the river and followed the footpath through the Sierra Shooting Star covered meadow.
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Rather than continue to Fernandez Pass, we left the trail and followed the South Fork of the Merced River upstream. I was hoping to find a use trail alongside the river but found nothing of the sort.
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Cross country travel up this canyon was relatively easy.
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Triple Divide Peak was the first summit to come into view that morning.
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We passed through some small alpine meadows, mostly sticking to the watercourse. 
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I studied the map and concluded the best place to leave the stream. I don’t know why I was so concerned about water beforehand. We were following the headwaters of a major river. At any rate, I instructed Zach to fill up here before climbing out of the bottom of the canyon towards Triple Divide Peak. The water was as fresh as could be.
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I picked a route up smooth granite slabs. I was very happy with the gentle nature of the terrain.
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Merced Peak finally emerged from behind the curtain.
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We crossed several more seasonal creeks as we made our way to the foot of Triple Divide Peak, and we eventually reached a tarn. So much for my water concerns.
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We hiked along the left side of the tarn and began making our way up the final boulder field. Peak 11261 looked impressive to our south.
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The following section was a classic class 2 slog. We took it in stride.
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Balloon Dome became visible as we climbed higher.
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This section wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn’t long before we started nearing the summit.
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We reached the summit of Triple Divide Peak a little after 10am; 6 hours after starting off. To the east were Mt Banner, Mt Ritter and the Minarets.
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To the southeast were too many peaks to name. The notable ones were Red Slate Mountain, Red and White Mountain, Mt Gabb, Silver Peak, Seven Gables and Mt Hooper.
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To the south were the impressive Peak 11261, Gale Peak and Madera Peak.
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To the northwest were Merced Peak, Red Peak, Grey Peak and Mt Clark.
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To the north were the headwaters of the main fork of the Merced River. This drainage eventually leads to Yosemite Valley.
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To the northeast were Mt Florence, Mt Maclure, Mt Lyell, Rodgers Peak and Foerster Peak.
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Balloon Dome
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We took a long, well deserved rest on the summit. A few mosquitoes showed enough perseverance to follow us up to 11,611 ft. Give them credit.
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Now the interesting part was about to begin. My only beta was an old, and somewhat incorrect, trip report from Bob Burd. I had studied the topo map and the satellite images and figured a ridgeline traverse to Merced Peak would be manageable. We stated off down the ridge along very tame terrain.
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I was able to move at a very fast pace. The rock was solid and I was almost jogging. However, It only takes one loose rock to change everything. I put all my weight on one rock and it shifted, leaving me perpendicular to the ground. I came down straight on my side, with my ribs smashing against an angular piece of talus. I audibly let out a grunt. I felt like an idiot. I examined my body and aside from a bruise, I was in one piece. I looked back at Zach and he was way behind me, so I took a few minutes to take in the views. Merced Peak stood defiantly to our west.
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Edna Lake and the Clark Range stole the show further north.
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Zach caught up to me after a few minutes. He saw my fall and heard my grunt. He was going very slow so I hope my accident didn’t scare him. The rock transitioned from a white granodiorite, to a more reddish talus and then to a dark grey talus. The ridge became a little more loose but remained mostly class 2 with a few sections of easy class 3. There was an impressive cliff to our right, so we took care to straddle the south side of the ridge.
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We carefully dropped down to the saddle between Triple Divide Peak and Merced Peak. Zach was moving very slow, but I reminded myself that while he is an excellent trail walker, he is still new to scrambling. I patiently sat on a rock and went back and forth between looking at the views and the map on my phone.
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We still were less than halfway done with the ridgeline traverse. It was going to be a long day. After regrouping, we began a steep climb up towards Peak 11588. This was a mix of class 2 and class 3, but I sought out the latter to make the climb more interesting. I found myself waiting a lot, so I took a selfie and again went back and forth between enjoying the views and staring at my phone.
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With 100 vertical feet remaining to Peak 11588, I decided to traverse along the southern side of this peaklet to avoid unnecessary elevation gain.
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This idea looked good from the topo and the satellite views, but in reality it wasn’t so straightforward. It was still class 3, but this was probably the most challenging scrambling of the day. If I had it over again, I simply would have climbed over Peak 11588.
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Once beyond this obstacle, we reconnected with the top of the ridgeline and followed this carefully for the next few tenths of a mile. I went quickly to give Zach confidence, and I would wait every 50 meters or so. He was doing the right thing by taking his time and scrambling with care.
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Peak 11588
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Can you spot Zach?
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Once I saw Zach was through the difficult section of scrambling, I went off ahead by myself.
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Ottoway Lakes and Red Peak
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The last quarter mile to the peak was class 2. I would have the summit to myself for the next 30 minutes. To the east were the Ritter Range and Triple Divide Peak.
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To the south were Gale Peak, Sing Peak and Madera Peak.
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To the west was the Buena Vista Crest.
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To the north were Red Peak, Grey Peak and Mt Clark.
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To the northeast was the Yosemite High Country.
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I ate a late lunch on the summit. It took Zach 3.5 hours to complete the 1.5 mile traverse.
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From the summit of Merced Peak, we dropped off the southern face. I did this quickly, and again had to wait for Zach to catch up. This allowed me to take a split break overlooking a beautiful tarn.
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Zach showed up right after I finished. From the toe of the talus field, we dropped into a drainage with a developing stream and followed this downhill.
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We followed a cross country route that aimed to take us right back to our earlier trail junction where we first encountered the South Fork of the Merced River. We passed by a beautiful tarn along the way and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a swim.
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I felt refreshed afterwards, but Zach did not want to partake. He still has not completed an aqua challenge to this date, and I can say confidently that he is missing out.
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Merced Peak
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Subapline Fleabane
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From the tarn we cut across some more slabs and meandered through the forest. I was getting pretty tired of all the downhill as we neared the end. My route worked almost perfectly, and we were deposited within a few hundred feet of the trail junction. I wanted to rest at the South Fork of the Merced River, but the mosquitoes were still too much for me, and I continued on without even stopping. The hike back had several meadows that were full of blossoming Sierra Shooting Stars.
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Northern Alligator Lizard
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The mosquitoes kept us honest and we continued most of the way back without any breaks. I wasn't that tired since I spent so much time resting along the ridgeline traverse waiting for Zach.
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With two miles to go, I made some distance ahead of Zach. At Chiquito Pass, I passed the intersection and was too tired to make sure Zach knew the correct way back. Instead I got a head start on the uphill section which seemed much longer than what I remembered from the morning. Seeing the area in light made navigation much easier. Zach eventually caught up to me, and we walked out together. It was a 24.4 mile, 15 hour day, however I felt pretty good. We didn't waste much time at the trailhead and began our drive back out to civilization. We stopped for dinner in Oakhurst and drove back home that night.
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