swipingrightinyour30s · 11 months
Thursday 9th November
Ok so ‘J’ has FINALLY responded. I get life it gets busy work & all the other shit that gets in the way.
So he has added me on Snapchat and we are talking conversation flowing. He wants to meet for a date this weekend, but I’m feeling more next weekend.
He has a wedding in Queensland he’s flying out to next weekend though. I’m sure we will sort it out just the logistics of living a few hours apart J being in Melbourne & me here.
He seems lovely! I found out he is Spanish arrrrrriibaaa!! Lmao why am I so cringe. But also love myself sick.
I’ll keep you guys updated.
Alyce 🫶🏻
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swipingrightinyour30s · 11 months
Tuesday 7th of November
Dating site – Woo plus, for plus size people or people who are attracted to bigger people. 🍑
Ok so I rematched (I was off this site for a bit) with Let’s call him J he is from Melbourne & is my type physically 🔥 he is 33 into spirituality (green flag) is career driven, here is a glimpse of his profile. No I won’t be sharing his photo as I’m pretty sure that’s illegal 😂 and I’d feel soooo uncomfortable if someone shared mine on a blog.
We were talking about what we were doing today and he said he was going out for lunch and drinks. I replied with “oh a date?” He said that he wishes & it was just with a friend. I shoot my shot & said “you could always take me out of a date” to which he replied he would love to & when am I free… I’ve just replied next weekend.
Sweet heart on paper right?!
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Anyway I’ve just reached out and asked if he has Snapchat or something we can talk on a bit more consistently.
I’ll keep you updated.
Alyce 🫶🏻
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swipingrightinyour30s · 11 months
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Welcome ✨
This blog is dedicated to all the single ladies 💕 follow my dating journey as I am on the quest to manifest the love of my life 🫶🏻 crazy? Mm I think not, we all want to be loved and share our lives with somebody special. Here I am going to share my dates & tribulations & probably overshare A LOT. Buckle in. 🤘🏻
Who am I? 🫶🏻
My name is Alyce I am 32 years old I live in Gippsland. I live alone with my beautiful rescue cat Felix Winston 🐱! I’ve just recently in the past 6 months ended a career in early childhood education after 13 years. I am currently a student studying the diploma of community services & ideally want to work helping families at risk 💕
Ok so the boring shit is out of the way.. ME oh Jesus first thing is first. I do have border line personality disorder 🙃 I know this impacts my relationships in my life greatly at times, mainly I have it under control or it controls me 🫠. I am a very intense, emotional, empathetic, down to earth, funny, witty woman. I’m either full of life or I’m not I’m either happy or….. I’m not. I’m very black and white & I am an extreme over thinker. I KNOW 110% I have pushed men away because I am to full on or want clarification or better communication from them.. something that is too hard to ask for most the time NEXT…
I don’t have the best track record with dating. I’ll get into that more so later! But it ranges from being left for my best friend & them getting married, to domestic violence to a head fuckery of a ‘situation ship’ oh and i cannot forget the special mention to the guy who I was with for 2 months & he hid his pregnant girlfriend from me 😂
So yeah there’s that ^ I mean sure I’ve met nice guys but it hasn’t eventuated other than a few weeks/ months of meaningless sex…
So here it goes I mean what’s there to lose?! This ain’t my first, second or third rodeo 🤠
I hope you enjoy my content & yes it will be too much information at times but hey I told you I’m black or white! So don’t say I didn’t warn you.
PSA - There is nothing wrong with being single, I know I am a whole vibe & a Fucking power house just the way I am! BUT! There is also nothing wrong with putting yourself out there & trying to find your person, or who knows I/you may be found 🫶🏻
Thank-you for joining me on this journey & definite shit show.
Alyce 🫶🏻
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