hella-rihs · 1 month
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I forgot. You all have to look at my updated Vio reference
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hella-rihs · 1 month
In other news. @plaquerat has inspired me to make ANOTHER ghost OC so. Father Rhys coming to a my blog near you
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hella-rihs · 1 month
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I wanted to post Cummulus & Cirrus together, but I need to redraw Cirrus and I'm impatient. So. This is Cummulus! A few headcanons below the cut. Ignore the censor bar. I just fucked up so bad I gave up-
SO first things first. Cummulus & Cirrus have been bonded together for a long time- in fact, that's why they were summoned together! And as soon as they heard that "marriage" was a thing humans did, Cummulus asked Cirrus to marry her. Awww!
They're still polyam and have other relationships though. I am a "all ghouls are polyam to some extent" supporter and I will not backdown.
But yeah! This is Cummulus in her human disguise, and her elemental form. Still haven't figured out how I'm going to do "true" forms, or if I'll even bother, but still.
She really likes simple and flow-y clothes! She also wears (along with her wedding band) matching earrings with Dewdrop, and a star from Aether. Not that she isn't close to the others, but Aether and Dewdrop just kind of have a thing going on with "giving/wearing matching accessories" and she thinks it's sweet. Cummulus & Cirrus are both on the older side when it comes to the summoned ghouls- BUT they haven't been around as long. Cummulus and Cirrus are both kind of... very protective types. They bonded really quickly with everyone when they were summoned, and still bond really fast with new summons. As an air ghoul her moods tend to be pretty mellow, and just generally nice to be around. She is the QUEEN of parallel play. Many ghouls and even clergy members go out of their way to be in the same room as her, because they swear it makes them feel less stressed.
I am getting very distracted so that's all I have for now, hopefully I will redraw Cirrus soon and I'll have more complete thoughts!
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hella-rihs · 1 month
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I made a ghoul OC :] his name is Vio and he's your local grumpy ghoul-bus driver.
He likes going fast more than anything else, so he's more of a get away driver most of the time...
Not my best work but I needed him out of my head while I had a brief relief from a migraine :]]
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hella-rihs · 2 months
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Thinking about ghoul concepts and wanted to start with Sodo!! In my mind it's rare to see the ghouls not in their "stage" costumes, but I'm sure there are times when they aren't, right? Also, since I'm reposting this I had some more thoughts- I'm going to call the "less casual" form the Element form :)
Hopefully I can make some more designs soon :) until then, I'm gonna ramble some below EDIT: YAYYYY it posted right this time !!!!!!!!!
I don't feel like you'd see much of the casual / less casual ghoul forms, but who knows! I'm gonna keep thinking on them. I wanna design a true form for the ghouls too, but that's a bit... more out of my artistic wheelhouse. For now!
But, for the human design! I like to think he keeps his clothes as simple as possible. Being a water ghoul turned fire, I imagine he was already used to not wearing a lot (easier to swim) and then being a fire ghoul gets pretty hot, hence the tank top & baggy pants.
He presents himself as kinda stoic and grumpy, but it's totally an act, but mostly for anyone who isn't a ghoul (or his current Papa, and still Copia when he is Frater Imperator). Because of that he wears lots of cute little keepsakes for his friends :) he hasn't gotten one from Phantom yet, but that's only because phantom hasn't found the perfect one yet. He has things from the other ghouls he's worked with, but he's stopped wearing them after he got closer with the current ghouls. He keeps them somewhere he can see them, though. He still wears the necklace from Aether though, because they were very very close. I also think that, despite being a huge trouble maker with a short fuse, he's also really quick to take charge if the situation arises, even more-so after Aether left. It's because he's one of the ghouls who's been summoned longer than some others, but being in charge doesn't actually come naturally to him. He's very happy when someone else can handle the responsibilities, but he keeps a close eye just in case.
Also, while thinking about his temper, he actually wasn't always so quick to anger! But it's not because he's an angry person, he just has a lot of passion and strong emotions (which is also why he tries to put on a stoic front), but most people tend to just see that come out as anger, because that one is harder to keep in. This is all because of his change from water ghoul to fire ghoul- he didn't grow up having to navigate and handle all the intense emotions of being a fire ghoul, so he's still adjusting. Really he doesn't have a short fuse, he's just holding in a lot of things so it seems kind of random when he bursts. He's working on it though!
That's all the thoughts I have for now, but! I hope to have more to contribute another time :3
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hella-rihs · 2 months
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So technically this is a dnd NPC I made inspired Ghost... but... you could consider it a Papa V concept, no?
At the very least, I'm pretty happy with those refs in the top left!
(BTW he's a warlock priest who's trying to teach people how to build their own God. Normal stuff)
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hella-rihs · 2 months
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Realizing I didn't even post this drawing I did of myself that I'm using as my main blog icon 💀 I keep forgetting to post here
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hella-rihs · 2 months
Character is Abl.3 and belongs to @hella-rihs or Rihs on Artfight
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hella-rihs · 4 months
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I'm not dead!!! I swear!!!!
I've actually been doing lots of work setting up a new place for art :] I'll keep posting here too, but you should totally check out my neocities page!!
This guy is named Wilson :)
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hella-rihs · 4 months
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I'm not dead!!! I swear!!!!
I've actually been doing lots of work setting up a new place for art :] I'll keep posting here too, but you should totally check out my neocities page!!
This guy is named Wilson :)
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hella-rihs · 1 year
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finally getting around to posting some attacks!
characters belong to @cr3ntist, @dragabond, and @hella-rihs !
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hella-rihs · 1 year
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Since I've been able to actually get some attacks out this year... I decided to make a card!! You can check out my art fight profile here
Come attack me or share your characters with me and I might attack you!
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hella-rihs · 1 year
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My first friendly fire for art fight this year >:3c
thank you @pastalbird for sending me ur ref sheet!!!!
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hella-rihs · 1 year
While I'm thinking about it, who's gearing up for art fight?
I swear I'm going to actually try this year 💀
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hella-rihs · 1 year
Hi hi I'm doing this again
My birthday is next week and I haven't been able to go to work since February because my entire left leg was in so much pain I couldn't stand up <3 I'm still recovering so my household could really use some help right now. So. If you wanted to drop something in my kofi or commission me that'd be cool
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hella-rihs · 2 years
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I've always wanted to try and do doll customizing :) a friend gifted me a LOL OMG doll and I used a Disney descendants doll for the new head for my first ever faceup, I think I did pretty good!! Here's to hoping I can do more fun creative things in the future
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hella-rihs · 2 years
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(Aka why I have not been posting)
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