#and stan groups no matter what happens and it can make you think
bandzboy · 3 months
I've been a stay for 6 years, I've seen all the bad and the good things, and skz have been a really important part of my life. With everything that was going on, I decided to take a break from skz until this whole lose my breath era was over. Now I wanted to come back for their new album, but it just doesn't feel the same anymore. It's been months yet nothing has changed, they haven't apologized or addressed any of the concerns, they are still working with zionists. Their lyrics seems so meaningless now, this is from their new song "Head above the clouds, stand tall for the hell of it. Tower over crowds, don't pause 'cause I'm lovin' it. Heavy and I'm proud, backbone never suffering". In the past I would loved this song, but now them saying this while being silent about a genocide and happily working with zionists, just feels wrong. I know that one person leaving won't change anything, but I don't think I can support them anymore. As much as it hurts, it's time to admit that they really don't stand for what they used to.
anon i'm honestly on the same boat as you and tbh your feelings are valid if you decide to unstan it's truly okay bc i get you! truly i've been following everything going on and it's insanely sad that so many stays have been trying their hardest to make them know but all we get is silence. it doesn't help that jype is also trying to silence people too but you know it just sucks because there's no way they haven't seen it at this point there's no way they don't know their fandom is so divided over this ever since the lmb release. i wanna believe they are good people but it just so crazy they keep being tied to zionists or hanging out with them and it feels like a slap in the face every time i am not gonna lie and unfortunately, they aren't the only group that is silent rn and it truly makes me question all the people i stan at the moment and what their intentions are... like i truly sit here and think to myself what the really reality is! i can't be excited about things anymore because of how everything is looking rn. i knew i wasn't gonna tune in for this next skz comeback when the lmb fiasco happened because unfortunately it tainted everything for me and it's sad! i don't know what i'll exactly do either but since i'm so dead set on making things right and to keep pushing it i am sticking around for that because my interest in kpop is kinda slowly going away and it's sad. even tho i want idols to have better working rights and it's something that i will always bring up and, i'm very passionate about you could say, it's hard for me to stay knowing that these people are so comfortable being silent and it hurts to know this was probably the plan all along. the way when people started to bring up celebrities speaking up, people were already not including kpop idols with everyone else like... the group of people that should speak up and i think that was the moment that i realized how wrong everything is like how we expect them to essentially do nothing and not gaf about anything and that's messed up ESPECIALLY coming from groups like skz that have lyrics that are very much about rebellion and fighting back oppressive things and so on and it makes you really think that yeah maybe this whole shit was just a concept to them and they don't bring that into their real life. it just sucks atp i'm just venting i could go on because i have SO MUCH TO SAY i'm just now realizing i've been bottling this all up almost but yeah all of this to say that i truly truly get it and just know you aren't alone when it comes to feeling like this towards groups you stan because it's happening to a lot of people atm
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hollowed-theory-hall · 6 months
what's the one harry potter pairing u like that u mentioned in the tags of your hinny post?
Anonymous: Can I ask who that minor character you ship with Harry is? For some absurd reason my mind jumped to Stan Shunpike lol but it's probably not him.... Or is it?
Okay, so this is kind of a funny story. Like, my pipeline through hp pairings was a weird one. Like, I used to read a lot of Harry pairings, still do on occasion (some make more sense than others). None of them were ones I would point at and say: "that should've happened in the books"
One day, I was innocently writing a fic (canon divergence of GoF), and it was just for me, for funnsies, never posted it anywhere and not planning to. And I planned to pair Harry with someone there (honestly, I don't remember who because I didn't write the plan down) but when writing, Harry ended up with a different character. And it was so strange to me because that never happened.
Like, how do you write a ship accidentally?
But I did. I wrote Harry into a ship by accident. So I went back to the books to try and figure out why the hell would my subconscious decide that's the way to go.
I'll also preface it by all this being my subjective opinion and I do read other Harry ships in fics, this one just quickly became my favorite to write (and the only one I write). Also, I don't actually think this is a pairing that should've happened in the books, it's place is in fic and that's where I like it.
So, the character I accidentally shipped with Harry is... *drumroll*
Stan Shunpike!
Not really, it's:
Theodore Nott
Now, you might look at the name and go: "Who the fuck is that?"
And you'll be correct. Theo has 0 speaking lines in the entire book series. His name appears twice. He, himself, as a person, only appeared on page, like, 3 times in the background. The scene that gives the most information about him is other characters talking about him. He isn't even present.
That being said, I'm very good at extrapolating a lot of information from very little evidence. So allow me, to walk you through who is Theodore Nott and why I ship him with Harry.
Basic Information
So, let's start with the most basic overview before I pull out the quotes and go any deeper.
We know Theo is a Slytherin student in Harry's year. So he likely shares a dorm with Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle.
Theo's father is both at the graveyard at the end of GoF and in the Department of Mysteries at the end of OotP, so we know he is a Death Eater. We also know Thoe's father was one of the first and closest Death Eaters to Voldemort, who waited for him during his interview with Dumbledore in 1967:
“Then if I were to go to the Hog’s Head tonight, I would not find a group of them — Nott, Rosier, Mulciber, Dolohov — awaiting your return? Devoted friends indeed...”
(HBP, page 444)
We also know the Nott family is "as pure-blooded as the Malfoys" according to JKR in an interview. We also know Theo's great-grandfather (maybe? the family relation isn't clear), Cantankerus Nott, is suspected to be the one who wrote the Pure-Blood Dictionary, the book that coined the term "Sacred 28" and made that list (which the Nott family are on).
The name Nott is potentially to be derived from the name Nótt, which is the personification of the night in Norse Mythology. So it has been theorized the Nott family have a Nordic origin. Possible, but it doesn't really matter for this post.
What does, is that he comes from a dark, Death Eater, blood-purist family similar to the Malfoys. Even so, Theo never took the Dark Mark and never joined Voldemort in the books.
Now, that we have the basic information out of the way, let's look at Theodore as a person.
All the details I could gather from the books
Alright, now we get to the fun part. That is, me going through all the relevant scenes that mention Theodore Nott and actually creating a character psychoanalysis out of basically nothing.
So, the quotes aren't organized in a particular order. I'm just going to explain Theo and then explain why all this makes me ship him with Harry.
“Well, I pity Slughorn’s taste. Maybe he’s going a bit senile. Shame, my father always said he was a good wizard in his day. My father used to be a bit of a favorite of his. Slughorn probably hasn’t heard I’m on the train, or —” “I wouldn’t bank on an invitation,” said Zabini. “He asked me about Nott’s father when I first arrived. They used to be old friends, apparently, but when he heard he’d been caught at the Ministry he didn’t look happy, and Nott didn’t get an invitation, did he? I don’t think Slughorn’s interested in Death Eaters.” Malfoy looked angry, but forced out a singularly humorless laugh.
(HBP, page 150)
This is a part of the conversation between Draco, Pansy, and Blaise, Harry overhears when he is hiding in their compartment at the beginning of HBP. I have a few things to note regarding this scene.
Firstly, throughout this conversation, Pansy, Blaise, and Draco all call each other by their first name. This shows closeness, they are all friendly and familiar enough to use their first names with each other. Theo, though, is referred to as "Nott" by all three in the compartment.
He doesn't actually sit in their compartment which is in itself a sign about how he isn't really friendly with Draco's group. Considering the group is most of his year from his house, Theo is likely very lonely, and it will be apparent from other scenes I bring up later.
Secondly, Theo's father is in Azkaban. We know Draco is bothered about his own father's predicament. He mentions it to Harry and bothers him over it, Theo doesn't though. Theo doesn't seem to be bothered by Harry or his father's incarceration.
The only conclusion I can draw from this is that the relationship between Theo and his father is not a good one.
(I know some fics like to have Lucius be abusive towards Draco, for some reason. But the books really don't back this up. Lucius loves Draco and Draco adores his father)
Theo, though, Theo seems to be the one with a very strained relationship with his father. Strained enough that he isn't bothered the man is in Azkaban. What I'm saying is that Theo's father likely abuses or mistreats him in some capacity.
If anything more was needed to complete Harry’s happiness, it was Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle’s reactions. He saw them with their heads together later that afternoon in the library, together with a weedy-looking boy Hermione whispered was called Theodore Nott. They looked around at Harry as he browsed the shelves for the book he needed on Partial Vanishment, and Goyle cracked his knuckles threateningly and Malfoy whispered something undoubtedly malevolent to Crabbe. Harry knew perfectly well why they were acting like this: He had named all of their fathers as Death Eaters
(OotP, page 583)
This is a scene at the end of OotP after Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Theo's fathers were caught at the ministry and sent to Azkaban because they are Death Eaters. There are a few important notes about this scene.
The first, Hermione knows Theo, while Harry and Ron don't really. This means she likely knows him from the classes she takes and Harry and Ron don't — Arithmancy and/or Ancient Runes.
The second, he is sitting with other Death Eater children, but I don't think it's by choice. I mentioned in the previous quote how he isn't close to Draco and his crew. He sits with them here mostly because he doesn't have another choice. Theo doesn't seem to really have any friends, so he sits with the closest people he has to friends — kids he has known since he was young because their fathers were in the same circle.
The other note about this is that Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco are all mentioned as being threatening and malicious towards Harry because they don't like that their fathers are in Azkaban. Theo, though, Theo doesn't threaten Harry, he isn't part of their whisperings. As I mentioned above, he's likely happy his father is in Azkaban.
A pair of blank, white, shining eyes were growing larger through the gloom and a moment later the dragonish face, neck, and then skeletal body of a great, black, winged horse emerged from the darkness. It looked around at the class for a few seconds, swishing its long black tail, then bowed its head and began to tear flesh from the dead cow with its pointed fangs. A great wave of relief broke over Harry. Here at last was proof that he had not imagined these creatures, that they were real: Hagrid knew about them too. He looked eagerly at Ron, but Ron was still staring around into the trees and after a few seconds he whispered, “Why doesn’t Hagrid call again?” Most of the rest of the class were wearing expressions as confused and nervously expectant as Ron’s and were still gazing everywhere but at the horse standing feet from them. There were only two other people who seemed to be able to see them: a stringy Slytherin boy standing just behind Goyle was watching the horse eating with an expression of great distaste on his face, and Neville, whose eyes were following the swishing progress of the long black tail.
(OotP, page 445)
“The only people who can see thestrals,” she said, “are people who have seen death.”
(OotP, page 446)
The stringy Slytherin boy mentioned here is Theo. This scene proves that:
He takes Care of Magical Creatures
He saw someone die
Let's explore the second one for a moment. The fact Theo can see Thestrals means he watched someone die and was old enough to comprehend what he was seeing. We also know Theo's mother is dead. So it's likely the person he watched die was his mother.
I also want to draw attention to Theo's distaste towards Thestrals. He could likely see them carrying the carriages every year since 2nd year, it's not his first time seeing them. But it doesn't stop his displeasure with their sight from showing. Which says something about him. It means he likely recalls his mother and her death whenever he looks at the Thestrals. and these are memories Theo rather not experience.
We don't know how his mother died, but I'd hazard a guess it wasn't natural. After all, wizards have long life spans, they are more durable to illness and injury, and don't usually die from accidents unless very extreme or magical. And there was no epidemic of dragonpox (a disease that does tend to kill wizards) in the time since 1980 and the books. So, she was more likely killed at some point between 1985(ish) and 1991.
“No, I don’t think so, sir. I’m Muggle-born, you see.” Harry saw Malfoy lean close to Nott and whisper something; both of them sniggered, but Slughorn showed no dismay; on the contrary, he beamed and looked from Hermione to Harry, who was sitting next to her.
(HBP, pages 185-186)
First, Theo is an O student in potions since he is in the potions NEWT class, and was probably meant to be there even if Snape was the teacher.
Second, again, Theo doesn't really have friends. He sits next to Draco as the only other Slytherin in the class. Also, they share the circumstances of being sons of Death Eaters currently in Azkaban. Although both of them seem to deal with it quite differently.
Third, Theo joins Draco in making fun of Hermione's blood status, but he does not initiate it. Considering the environment he was raised in and is in, it makes sense he would make fun of it. Whether he's a blood-purist or not, he would want to keep his image considering he doesn't have many allies. Hanging out with Draco is survival, not friendship. They aren't even on a first-name basis with each other.
“Amortentia doesn’t really create love, of course. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. No, this will simply cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. It is probably the most dangerous and powerful potion in this room — oh yes,” he said, nodding gravely at Malfoy and Nott, both of whom were smirking skeptically. “When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love. . . .
(HBP, page 186)
The final quote I have about Theo is from the same potions class as above. Both he and Draco are portrayed here as underestimating amortentia and its potential damage. It makes sense for their upbringing in the Wizarding World, which has no real laws or regulations regarding love potions that are seen as harmless fun more often than not.
I'll add Theo likely didn't witness a healthy romantic relationship. Considering his father is a Death Eater who is likely abusive and may or may not have killed his mother. With this as his reference to a marriage, it's clear why he'd look down on love and love potions.
Why I think Theo and Harry have potential
Okay, so now that we know who Theodore Nott is, let's talk about why I ship him with Harry.
I think Harry, in general, would get along best with a clever partner with the ability to be ruthless (Slytherins or Ron fall into this category). Because Harry isn't some golden savior; he casts unforgivables, and is very willing to poison Umbridge or Crocio Snape if he could get away with it. He needs a partner that won't be horrified by these thoughts.
Also, Theo literally never speaks on page. Even when spoken to, his reactions are silent. I think this quiet and no need to talk, the ability to be comfortable in silence, is something that would be comfortable for Harry. Harry in the books finds himself annoyed with Ron and Hermione's constant banter on occasion, so I think it fits well.
Theo would also be comfortable around Harry without a need to play a certain part. Because Harry wouldn't care about that. He would honestly rather Theo forgo the pure-blood Slytherin act.
I feel like Harry and Theo, have a good potential to understand each other. Theo lost his mother and likely experiences abuse from his father. It makes them very likely to trauma bond over their crap life and shared experience. Two out of three only ones who could see the Thestrals in the entire class.
The other thing I feel they could connect over is being lonely. Harry spent all his childhood until Hogwarts basically being on his own. Theo stayed on his own. Draco at least has his parents, he has other students he's closer to, not that he shares everything with them, but he has some support network. Theo has none. And this is something Harry knows well.
Theo, I think, wouldn't expect anything specific from Harry. He doesn't even interact with him, not to mock him, and not to idolize him, he doesn't care at all. And we know how much Harry appreciates being thought of as Harry and not as the Boy-Who-Lived. Theo would allow Harry to be himself without some mold he wants him to fit in.
The fact Theo never becomes a Death Eater, even though he was in Draco's year and his father was a Death Eater before Lucius (and in better standing than Lucius with Voldemort) is so interesting. It's somewhat surprising Theo wasn't marked. It means he didn't want to be. It means that Theo Nott didn't want to torture and kill muggleborns or blood traitors, or anyone really. And he didn't want to swear his allegiance to Voldemort. This is just a fascinating fact to me and something I enjoy considering. What life experience made him come to that conclusion? Was it just his dislike of his father that pushed him away? Could he have been another Sirius Black (Gryffindor in a Slytherin family) under slightly different circumstances? I mean, Voldemort likely wouldn't force him to become a Death Eater, but would his father? I don't know what at all went down there, but I like that potential story.
We also know he wasn't part of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad, even though some minor Slytherins were mentioned to be part of it. He just seems to be an actually decent guy (I don't care what Cursed Child says about him, I know he's there but I avoided almost anything to do with Cursed Child so I barely know the plot).
Finally, this is a character Harry doesn't have as much drama to get over with. Yes, sometimes I want to read overcoming drama between characters before it becomes a romance, but sometimes I want something chiller than that. And Theo is a really chill, safe, Slytherin option for Harry.
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pineappleciders · 2 years
can u do platonic main 4 (sp) and what it would be like to be in their friend group?? fem reader or gender neutral, either is fine! tysm
INCLUDES: stan, kyle, kenny, and cartman (and a bit of butters)
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lots of silliness. goofing off. tomfoolery, if you will
as you all grow and mature a bit, kenny and you are probably the only ones laughing at fart humor left
you and kyle (and sometimes cartman) tend to get into heated arguments and even fights. it always resolves itself though (and it's always over something stupid)
you don't have a rivalry like kyle and cartman, just bumping heads (its normal for friends to fight, especially in south park)
you're kind of the one making little quippy jokes after someone talks
"god, this rain is so annoying!"
"you're so annoying."
a lot of the times when something wacky is happening, you and one of the others (usually kenny) will make eye contact
kind of like how in the office they just kind of.. look at the camera in annoyance or to say 'seriously?'
you and stan often hang out, and sparky loves you. you're both sentimental animal lovers
you kinda grow on shelly. sometimes if you're at his place you two will gang up on stan (lightheartedly, of course) and sharon loves you
i wanna say kyle would help you with your studies but honestly he'd probably tell you to do it yourself
cartmans an asshole to you just like everyone else, but he still has some sort of respect for you as a friend. probably begs you to do shit for him but lays off when he realizes you aren't easy to manipulate
speaking of butters, he probably likes you a lot. you might rip on him a little, even if just to fit in with your friends, but you make sure he knows it's lighthearted banter (you're there for him, and he appreciates it a lot)
he also spends nights at your house, and cartman calls it gay (no matter your gender)
despite your fights with kyle, you two are still good friends and sometimes you, him, and ike will watch kids shows at his house
sheila makes you guys little snacks and you get along really great with ike (if ike needs a babysitter, kyle's immediate thought is to leave him with your family. he knows he'd be safe with you, despite your goofy and sometimes dumb behavior)
kenny spends a lot of time at your place, and sometimes you two will go out to the lake just to talk and skip rocks. you don't even have to converse, you and kenny just get along
overall? there's a lot of ripping on each other and getting into trouble, but you can't help but think it's all worth it when your friends have all fallen asleep on your couch watching terrance & phillip
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not-goldy · 4 months
I've done a lot of thinking. Kind of long thoughts. Sorry.
When we got news BTS was joining MS. I threw up at the thought of Jimin going & panicking on behalf of Jikook. I remember saying I don't think Jikook can go 2 years without each other are they gonna make it, more importantly is Jungkook gonna be okay? Spoiler alert. The answer is NO & we saw that with his breakdown when Jimin was in reach, but busy during Chapter 2. Had that man in a downward spiral knowing he was still seeing Jimin & could pop over, but not as much as he's use too & was not coping well and told us & showed us he wanted his Jimin. Then it was Jimin's turn to pout when Jk was busy. Made me sad but then we saw them making the best of 2023 spending alone vacations together & couple days, even days before enlisting. And I was like pheew, at least they're spending time together so maybe when separation comes, they'll be okay. Spoiler alert. Jikook said NO we won't be okay & pulled the biggest FU you aren't separating us move, that's ever been pulled. I be damn if they weren't behind the scenes making arrangements to not only be together, but share a bed, a unit, living area & in a buddy program that has it where they even take their vacation days together & see each other every day til discharge. Blew my damn mind, but at the same time not shocked cause of course Jikook would pull off something like that. Everyone should've seen it coming to be honest. JUST WOW. The real definition of "Screaming, I testify that we'll survive the test of time. They can't deny our love. They can't divide us, we'll survive the test of time. I promise I'll be right here."
That said. This woman pulling this with Jimin or that woman with Jk. Doesn't matter. I know regardless of what happens behind closed doors, my duo are the closest no matter what anyone says. Its a real genuine bond no one can break, not even random women or men for that matter. They're the two who are spending time in their rooms when they could be with others, spending their vacations off camera alone cooking at their house or coming back home together from LA when others went off on their vacations & them spending couple days together over everyone else. Enlisting together & making life decisions together. Dropping honorifics to show their closeness & even their parents show constant support toward the other. Who make time for each other on their birthdays & really commit to it year after year. Say what you want but I'm at peace knowing how much Jikook truly love each other. Its not fake or baiting. They're genuinely close & comfortable with each other, esp enough to cross friendship boundaries. Whatever that means for them. Take that how you want. I haven't been stanning two people who are exaggerating & making their bond seem closer then what it is for the sake of the group or to entertain fans, when in reality they're off building a relationship & life with their real partner over each other & don't even spend significant holidays or birthdays or couple days together. NO. Instead, I'm stanning Jikook who always put each other first (over their own partners if they have them) for when it really matters, including on couple days & does it year after year & are consistent. Jikook have proven for years they're the closest & the military enlistment solidified that cause you only join with a buddy program with friends you are the closet too or with your actual partner. Take your pick, cause we know both can apply here and Jikook did that. And no one can take that away from them. And guess what they're still together today through all the bullshit and hate. And that matters to me & I support whatever they have. They have nothing else they need to prove to me. I get others need more validation, but I'm content & at peace & just happy knowing while all this melodramatic bullshit is going down, that Jikook have each other and Jimin is not dealing with this alone. They have each other to rely on through good and bad in there. So I sleep well at night knowing that. They'll never make me hate you or turn my back on your Jikook. Thanks for listening.
Been awhile I read something interesting in my Ask box so thanks for your thoughts.
The Jimin going away had us all too so I understand what you mean. We try not to victimize him and treat him like a fragile being but sometimes instincts override our every senses.
I wanna dwell on that a little bit to say things are going much better than I thought.
The anxiety and panic attacks thinking he can't take that isolation for long but bro went in there and dominated 💀
It's a fuck you to every single person who thought him a feeble weak submissive gay man. Don't you just love it when it's the stigmatized gay ones who end up setting the standard of the ever cherished male masculinty and who end up dominating the upper echelons of their prized male sports???
Who's your daddy
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Better say his name bitch
I feel yuh on the other stuff too
We riding till the wheels fall off
Old Town road style 😎
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sp-by-april · 2 months
I hope this is to your liking. We have public humiliation, name calling, spitting, biting, collaring....
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Kyle, Stan x F!Reader
[Read on Ao3!] [Kyle Master List] [Stan Master List]
I’m that girl everyone warns you about.
She’s wild.
She’s hot.
She’s selfish.
“She’s a little fucking brat,” Kyle said.
We were all at Clyde’s annual summer house party. Almost everyone in our graduating class was there. I was looking hot as ever, really feeling myself as I slid open the door to the deck when I heard Kyle and Stan talking. About me.
“She’s spoiled. No one’s ever stood up to her,” Stan said, “We both tried, that’s why she broke it off and ran,”
Yeah, I dated both of them. Not together, or at the same time, or anything. Neither relationship lasted long. Still.
I pranced out onto the deck and Stan almost jumped when he saw me.
I smirked, “Shit talking me, Marsh? I thought that was beneath you,”
Kyle frowned at me, “It’s not shit-talking if it’s true,”
“So when I tell you that the reasons I broke it off were because you were boring, you were too soft, and you had nothing to offer…” I grabbed the bottom of Stan’s jacket and tugged it to get a reaction out of them, “That’s not shit-talking because it’s the truth?”
Kyle smacked my hand away from him, “It doesn’t matter. You weren’t worth keeping, anyway,”
All my attention had been on Stan since I came outside and Kyle hates being ignored. I figured that would piss him off more than anything.
“Apparently, I’m still worth talking about,” I reached for Stan again but Kyle grabbed my wrist.
He started turning it, “Get out of here before I do something you’ll regret,”
He was actually kind of hurting me! I couldn’t believe it. It pissed me off. I grabbed his hand and tried to pull it off mine.
As I struggled, I used my most venomous tone, “Make me,”
He grabbed me with his other hand and wrenched me off of him.
Kyle held both of my wrists now, “I’m going to make you wish you’d never said that,”
He twisted so hard I yelped and my knees almost buckled.
He turned to Stan, “What do you think?”
“I’m in,” Stan grinned like an idiot and leaned over me, “You should be happy. Tonight is gonna be all about you,”
I tried to yank my wrists back but Kyle held firm, “Should we take her upstairs?”
“No,” Stan unzipped his jacket and tossed it on the chair beside him, “We should do it right here. So everyone can see,”
Stan curled his hand around my neck, his thumb landing right under my chin.
“She’s nothing. She’s just a spit cup,” He put his mouth to my ear, “We’ll prove it,”
I rolled my eyes and tipped my head away from him, “Good show. Almost believable. Can I go now, or are you guys going to bore me to death?”
Stan kept my neck in his hand, pulled me a step back, then pushed down until I was sitting on this long lounge chair against the back of the house.
I blinked as I looked out over the deck. There were groups of people in the backyard. Some of them were staring. We weren’t exactly being quiet. Stan was right, everyone could see. I wouldn’t back down, though. I just knew I could win this game.
Kyle finally let go of my wrists, “Feigning boredom. Talking back. None of your tricks are going to work tonight,”
I turned my head away from him as I rubbed each of my sore wrists.
Kyle sat down next to me and put his hand on my knee, “Ignoring me isn’t gonna work either,”
Stan’s thumb started to caress my throat as he leaned over me. His free hand dropped on my other knee. He and Kyle pulled them apart, flashing my lacy white panties to the audience below. The deck was now a stage. I’m pretty sure I saw Kenny texting someone about what was happening.
Kyle’s hand slid up my thigh and started pulling the thin fabric.
I ignored Kyle as Stan’s hand left my knee and dove into his back pocket, “Stan–“
Kyle pushed his fingers inside me forcefully and I gasped. I had to pull it together if I wanted to win.
I tried to continue ignoring Kyle, “Stan, I already know I’m the best you've ever had. I’m sure you probably still jack off to my nudes and everything but –“
“Shut the fuck up and open your mouth,” Kyle snapped. He was done being disregarded.
I finally looked over to him, and his hand pulled out of me. He was wet down to his knuckles with my slick and as he rubbed his fingertips against my lips I heard a distinct shutter sound. Stan was taking pictures on his phone. While I was momentarily distracted, Kyle pushed his fingers in my mouth and forced me to suck them clean.
Stan filmed the whole thing.
Kyle’s hand pulled out my mouth, quickly dropped down between my legs and he pushed his fingers back inside. He immediately started massaging my plush little g-spot.
He put his mouth to my ear and his hot breath melted over my skin in the cool night air, “I’m gonna keep you coming until you can’t take it,”
My thighs locked around his hand and my hips started grinding on him.
I tried my best to ignore him. I didn’t want to succumb so early but, fuck, he knew exactly where to touch me. When we were together I trained him well when it came to making me come. Now he was using it against me.
I couldn’t stop the wave. The pleasure I didn’t want washed over my body and I moaned shamelessly. The heart of me, the part of my body Kyle had once called his favorite place in the world, held his fingers like a vice as I came.
While I came down from the excellent endorphins, Kyle grinned as I released his hand.
He stood up and glanced over at Stan, “If you’re just gonna film…”
He started to unbutton and unzip his pants while Stan dropped onto the chair next to me.
His hand finally fell from my neck and slid straight down to my breasts. He filmed is hand fondling them through the thin material of my strapless dress. Then he filmed his hand dropping between my legs.
Stan’s fingers pushed inside me and my breath hitched as Kyle stroked himself in front of me.
I’d never tell him this in a million years, but Kyle had a great cock. It didn’t just feel good because he was so thick, it looked good. When we were together I would blow him all the time, just because I loved how he tasted and the way he felt on my tongue. If he thought he was punishing me by putting that thing in my mouth, he was in for a surprise.
He rubbed the tip over my lips, leaving them wet with precum and I finally opened my mouth. I wrapped my hand around the base of his shaft and stoked him as my tongue ran small circles under the head. It was something I knew he loved. The first time we hooked up, I pulled this move and he came so fast that I was a little disappointed.
His breath quickened and mine went with him as Stan’s fingers curled to hit my sweet spot.
But Kyle wasn’t going to let me control any part of how this went.
He pushed himself to the back of my throat, “I want you to think about all the fucked up, filthy shit we could do to you tonight,”
Stan increased the pressure he was using inside of me as his other hand switched between filming what was happening to my pussy and my lips wrapped around Kyle’s dick.
“Think about how we’re going to do a lot more than just stuffing you full with our cocks,” Kyle groaned as he started to fuck my face.
He grabbed a handful of my hair and my eyes rolled back as I held onto Kyle’s thighs and used them to brace myself.
I was honestly a little glad Kyle took over, because the way Stan was touching me, I couldn’t concentrate. If Stan has one strength it’s those fucking hands. The way he holds, squeezes, massages... All of it was on another level with this guy.
I fought hard to control my moans, Kyle was determined to make it even harder.
“I was controlling myself before but you should know,” He pulled my hair and his other hand dropped to roughly fondly my breast, “From the moment I first saw you, I wanted to fuck you until you couldn’t take it,”
Stan nipped at my other ear, “I think a few of the guys out there feel the same way. Some of them are about to start jacking off to you already,”
“She’s probably loving that,” Kyle turned his attention back to me and thrust hard against my throat, “Don’t worry, we’ll show them how worthless you really are,”
Kyle’s other hand slid over my cheek and he now had full control of my head, “Everyone’s watching,”
My hand ran up from Kyle’s thigh, over his stomach, and then up to his chest. It didn’t seem to phase him in the least. I tried to ignore the hushed voices around us and just focus on what they were doing to my body. Kyle wouldn’t let me.
“They’re here to see you get what’s coming to you,” He pulled on my hair and I winced, “You’ve earned this,”
Stan had won. My muscles tensed up, my nails dug into Kyle’s chest and I moaned deep onto his cock. I couldn’t believe they were making me come already but Stan’s movements in conjunction with Kyle’s words took me past the limit.
The wave of pleasure that crashed over me was fucking embarrassing. I put up a fight, we’d barely started and my pussy was already gripping Stan’s fingers like I needed them to live.
The vibrations from my shameful moans must have pushed Kyle to the edge because he groaned low and his cock started pumping salty, wet ribbons into my mouth. He never stopped thrusting, fucking his cum deep into my throat. I swallowed as much as I could, but I still felt some dripping down my chin. It didn’t help that Stan’s fingers were still fucking me and there was a goddamn iPhone shoved in my face.
Stan pulled his hand from me finally, but his wet fingers grabbed hold of my neck again. He looked at me like he was trying to figure something out. He gave my neck a small squeeze and let me go as he stood.
I looked up at Kyle, holding his cock in the warmth of my mouth, and when I caught his gaze the corner of his mouth curled up. His eyes were heavy lidded and as much as I could tell he was having fun playing with me, his serious, cool demeanor worried me a little.
Okay, it worried me a lot.
He pulled my hair a little as he kept his hold on me, “Don’t move,”
I should’ve been paying attention to Stan instead.
Stan turned to the growing crowd, “Who’s got a belt?”
I heard the sounds of people murmuring, talking, and speaking in other hushed tones. It really sounded like everyone who’d been in the house came around from the front to gawk at what they were doing to me. Then I heard multiple belts unbuckling. I glanced to the sides of me and looked like people crowded mostly at the sides of the deck to get a good look at Kyle’s dick in my mouth.
I found out later that Tolkien and Clyde both unbuckled, pulled the belts from their loops, and raised them in the air.
Stan looked between both of them and made a decision, “Tolkien,”
Tolkien smirked and pushed past a few people to get to the deck. Stan reached down over the deck and he handed him a dark leather belt.
Kyle withdrew from me and dropped his hand from my face, but his fist kept a strong hold on my hair.
Stan approached with the belt and I got a good look at it. It was long, but not very tall and looked pretty expensive.
He wrapped the belt around my neck and pushed the metal latch through the leather until it closed through the new makeshift hole.
I was collared.
Kyle smirked, “I’d say we cut off the excess but it could make a good leash,”
Kyle pulled my hair tight, "Open your mouth,"
I shook my head and Kyle grabbed my face with his other hand. He pushed his fingers into the tender flesh of my cheeks, harder and harder until I relented and my mouth opened.
He tilted my face up to him, leaned over me, and dropped a big glob of spit right into my mouth.
I swallowed and he finally let go of me completely.
Stan grabbed the front of my strapless dress and both of my hands clung to his wrist to stop him, but Kyle pounced onto my hands again ripping me off of him. It wasn’t fair, Kyle’s hands were so much bigger than mine and it seemed like he was always watching me.
Stan pulled the front of my dress down, exposing my bare breasts. He started fondling them and I noticed he was biting his lip.
He then pulled at the belt around my neck, “Take my dick out,”
“Fuck you,” I was defiant. Seriously, fuck this guy.
“This is–” Stan started.
“Fuck. You,” I reiterated.
Stan yanked hard on the makeshift leash around my neck, “You’re not fucking allowed to talk anymore,”
Stan made sure his phone was right in my face to capture every minute of this. I don’t know what he was about to say but I smacked his phone out of his hand and it fell into his lap. How’s that for not talking? Still got my message across.
He pulled on the belt until my ear was to his mouth, “This is exactly why we’re gonna break you tonight in front of everybody,”
He took his hand off the leash and slid his phone back into his pocket. Then he grabbed my wrist and dropped my hand on his lap.
Stan’s hard-on was practically fighting with his zipper. I unbuttoned, then unzipped him to pull down his pants and boxers. His cock sprang up immediately.
He wrapped the belt around his hand, tugged upwards a little, and I understood immediately. I pulled my knees up onto the chair and then he guided my face down to his dick.
I took him in my mouth and didn’t realize Kyle was behind me until he pulled my panties down. His fingers rubbed along my slit, pushed deep inside, pulled out, and slid to my clit. He started rubbing me in small circles and it reminded me of how I liked to use my tongue on him.
I tried not to moan as my head slowly bobbed on Stan’s dick. While making Stan come fast from added movement and vibrations would be fun, I didn’t want to give Kyle the satisfaction.
Kyle smacked my ass, hard. I still had a red mark there the next day. I should’ve known Kyle would immediately take advantage of me being ass up, face down.
“Is that the best you can do?” Kyle leaned over me as he rubbed his cock along my slit, “I thought she’d make a better fucktoy,”
Stan groaned and grabbed a fistful of my hair, “I wanted to keep going until she begged us to stop. She probably won’t even make a good fleshlight,”
“Let’s find out,” Kyle groaned as he squeezed inside of me.
I couldn’t stop myself from moaning onto Stan’s dick. My mouth started going faster too, it couldn’t be helped.
Kyle wasn’t gentle. He started pounding into my delicate, previously favored pussy like it was nothing to him. I was surprised. Kyle had fucked me before. It wasn’t anything like this. It felt insanely good.
Like 'I almost put my hand on my clit,' good. God, I wanted to come again. I had to wait because Stan pulled my leash and my hair.
His hips jumped and his dick slammed into the back of my throat. I gagged a little and I could feel Kyle throb at the sight of me struggling.
Stan groaned loudly and held my head down as he spilled his seed in my mouth, “Swallow. Every drop,”
I tried my best to do as instructed while Kyle continued to slam into me. I tried so hard to pretend that getting fucked by Kyle’s thick cock didn’t feel good, but even with him fucking me so carelessly, he was hitting my sweet spot so deliciously I was drooling right on Stan.
I wouldn’t be surprised if all the extra lubrication in conjunction with my uncontrollable moaning is what made him come so fast.
Once I’d swallowed everything Stan had to offer, he let go of the belt and my hair. I finally lifted my head off of him.
Kyle grabbed the leash and yanked me upwards until I was standing on my knees and my back was pressed against him.
“Her body feels good,” Kyle rubbed my breast, squeezed it hard then slid his hand down my body and landed on my clit, “It’s no wonder she’s such a slutty little brat,”
I was going to protest but he was rubbing me again and I wanted to come again more than anything. I would’ve sold my soul for an orgasm that instant and Kyle was throwing me headfirst into one.
“Let’s see if she’s still good enough to fill up,” He growled in my ear.
I shook my head, “You can’t come in me –“
He pulled on my collar, “I can do whatever I want,”
I whimpered as he pulled on my neck and the bliss I longed for was so close.
Kyle knew it, “Will you be a good girl and come for everyone?”
I started moaning louder, and I heard someone below us yell, “She’s coming again!”
Kyle was fucking me so intensely that I had almost forgotten there was an audience.
It didn’t matter. What mattered was all the warmth between my legs and the feeling in my core that was quickly spreading out to the rest of my body. It was so intense, I almost screamed. As I came, the delicate pocket between my legs Kyle was so intent on roughing up tightened around him until his cock was in a stranglehold.
His breath quickened even more and his hands slid back to my breasts, “Fuck,”
His hands palmed, and squeezed my breasts hard as his hips bucked up into me violently. His mouth dropped onto my shoulder and he fucking bit the fuck out of me as his cock pumped me full of hot, wet spurts.
Once he’d fully finished, Kyle pulled out of me and pushed me down. I landed right on Stan, my ass still in the air.
Kyle’s thumb traced my slit and pulled me open slightly, inspecting the damage and sticky mess he left inside of me.
He smirked, “You should try her pussy. I think she makes a great fleshlight,”
Stan grinned and pulled on the belt until I was straddling him, “I can tell. That bite’s gnarly,”
“I wanted to mark her,” Kyle shrugged as he stroked himself.
Stan watched me eagerly as I slid my slit over the head of his dick, “Let’s see if you’re worth anything after all,”
He pushed down on my hips and I whined as I sank down on him.
I held onto his shoulders as I started rocking my hips. He was impatient. His hands guided my hips harder, faster, harder.
I did one of my favorite moves, rolling my hips, and I listened to him groan so deep I thought he might drool.
“Shit, you actually feel fucking good,” He groaned.
I arched my back as I rode him and watched his face contort in pleasure. I was intent on regaining control. Unfortunately, Stan’s hand dipped between us and started massaging my clit. I was already sensitive and overstimulated from having three orgasms, I couldn’t concentrate.
The fact that I was riding him just the way I liked and it was Stan’s perfect fucking hand touching me had pushed me over the edge.
My head lolled back as I felt the pleasure overtake me.
Stan yanked the leash again, “Keep your eyes on me,”
I whimpered like a dumb bitch and obeyed. The way I was coming I would’ve done anything he asked of me.
He held the belt tightly and watched my face as I came. My eyes rolled back, my mouth dropped open, and a loud shuddering moan poured out of me.
I wasn’t alone. Stan was just as loud as my silky walls fastened up around him and gripped him possessively.
I gasped for air after my body had betrayed me.
Kyle grabbed the belt and pulled me towards him, as Stan panted and gathered himself.
I stood on my knees and Kyle’s hands both went straight for my breasts. He squeezed them and then his thumbs swept my nipples. He pinched and pulled them and I saw his cock twitch as he listened to me whimper and whine.
I barely noticed Stan on his knees behind me until he pushed my shoulders forward and rubbed his hand up from my dripping slit to my ass, spreading around the wet, sticky mix of slick and cum.
Kyle glanced over at him, “Do you think she’s ready?”
Stan pushed the tip of his dick against my ass, “I think we can make it work, yeah,”
I tried to turn back to him, I was going to beg him to be gentle but Kyle grabbed the belt again and kept me in place.
I gasped and squirmed as Stan pushed into me.
He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my back up against him. Then his arm dropped to lift my leg, giving Kyle full access to my core.
Kyle slid the head of his cock along my slit and quickly shoved his entire manhood inside my anticipating pussy.
I trembled and whimpered. It was all I could do. I couldn’t even move. I’d never done anal before, let alone had two guys with good dicks jammed in me at the same time.
Kyle slid his palm under my chin and grabbed my face, “What happened to the bratty little girl who was fighting so hard?”
I didn’t know what to say. I could feel Stan’s hips start to move in long deep strokes. I was so frustrated that I tried to fight back tears but they welled up in my eyes anyway.
Kyle’s lips slid into a smile and he kissed me. He pushed his tongue in my mouth and he started shifting into me.
Kyle only got more feral as he went on. God, the way his cock firmly thrust into me, the way his tongue moved against mine, where was that when we were dating? Was he really holding back like he said?
Stan’s hand slid from my shoulder to my breast. He alternated between roughly caressing, squeezing and palming me.
All I could do was lean against Stan and accept the sensations they were giving in abundance. My head lolled back onto Stan’s shoulder, but it didn’t stop Kyle. He leaned over me, still holding onto my face, and kept his mouth on mine as he drove his cock into me.
God, I’ll never forget the feeling of his tongue over mine, and his fingers pushing into my soft cheeks, and his body pressed against mine. He was pushing me against Stan without any daylight between the three of us, as his hips thrust into me. Stan shamelessly fondled me as he fucked me. He pushed a loud, shaking moan in my ear, finally admitting how much he enjoyed me.
I came first. I was so overwhelmed I didn’t even try to stop it or hold it off. My whole body trembled and I moaned embarrassingly loud. I thought they might’ve heard me on the next block. My back arched and Stan gasped in my ear. Kyle’s breath quickened as he felt it. Every muscle in my body seized and I couldn’t move.
Stan’s hips jerked abruptly into me and he made the most needy, pathetic noise as his dick spit his hot, wet seed deep inside of me.
He squeezed my breast and his forehead dropped onto my shoulder. I could feel his hot breath panting on my skin.
Kyle took a little longer, but he got there. He groaned and growled in my mouth and his hips bucked up into me violently. He held himself in as deep as he could and his mouth hungrily moved on mine as his cock pulsed intensely and pumped me full of sticky pearlescent spurts.
We panted in each other’s mouths for awhile and I heard murmuring from the crowd. The crowd. Fuck. I still couldn’t think about it.
They both withdrew from me and I collapsed on the lounge chair. My whole body was weak and everything between my thighs was unbearably wet, sticky and tingling with pins and needles from the over stimulation. I was so exhausted and used up that I couldn’t speak if I wanted to.
Stan looked me over but I couldn’t read his expression, “What should we do with her now?”
Kyle turned to the crowd staring at us in the backyard, “Who else wants a turn?”
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lplondynnwo · 4 months
(this was copied from a reply because i’m noticing A LOT of people don’t seem to understand what i’m understanding)
If JYPE is allowing skz to collab with a zionist i don’t think they are gonna allow skz to speak up against the matter.
We all know that skz have a lot of creative freedom within their music and production but at the end of the day they are still just another k-pop group in a toxic industry under a big company (one of the biggest in the industry). Any wrong move they make and they could pretty much lose their jobs. You guys are forgetting THEY DONT JUST HAVE COMPLETE FREE WILL. The still have schedules and bosses. People who run things and tell them what to do.
The k-pop industry is not a very good place especially for big name idols under big name company’s. If we see the stuff that we see now, you can’t imagine what goes on behind the scenes. Why Felix doesn’t do lives after apologizing for the coca cola. Why Chan isn’t allowed to go live anymore (which he literally said himself) because of something he said. And TONS of other idols being put under harmful diets and forced to do things they don’t want, etc.
It’s not that easy and we probably haven’t even seen half of it. I get that you want them to apologize and not do this at all, trust me so do I. But like I said at the end of the day this is their job. They could lose it just like that. People get kicked out of groups and put on a hiatus for DATING. Take Seunghan from RIIZE for example; he’s on a hiatus for having a girlfriend (who he wasn’t currently with) BEFORE he even debuted. Imagine what would happen to SKZ if they speak up against a genocide (that their company obviously doesn’t care about) like you want them too.
If it’s their own collab that we can only assume they are being forced to do, then we can also assume they have to promote it as well. And as for the members— Felix specifically, didn’t we establish he’s a regular donator to ‘Save The Children’? The same ‘Save The Children’ that has been providing services towards Palestinian children since 1953?? They know, but there’s not much they can do. At least not publicly. Especially after the company made them collab with a zionist, do you expect them to be able to speak AGAINST it without consequences?
And by saying this I am not AT ALL trying to excuse anything Puth has done/said, anything JYPE has done/said, or say that StrayKids can never do any wrong (because people seem to assume that a lot). All i’m saying is it’s never really a “if they wanted to they would” situation in the K-Pop industry. Idols who have spoken out on it (Fatou from Black Swan for example) are under (the best way I can describe it is) “lower” and less watchful companies. Like I said, they’re are still bad companies in a toxic industry. However, they allow idols to do MANY things idols we know of and stan cannot do. And it’s all because of who they work for. I would love if SKZ and other popular idols with big fandoms and platforms could speak up on this and put a message out there but i just don’t think it’s possible for them. These companies literally control their entire lives.
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That's was really good chapter, really good
I can feel that MC was really triggered when Belphie go for attack, body remember everything...
Also, I started to love Asmo, I mean I always love all of them, but no, Asmo plus one favorite, favorite trio😭😭😭😭
Sol Is awesome and I'm so glad to be here with him, I always loved him, but I didn't get enough of him, so yeah, win not only for Mammon stan, but for Sol stan, my two precious white haired grandpa
Sol is so protective of MC
That line was so powerful, where he was be like, and you think that I'm not angry? 🤗
I want to know what happened to him, I HOPE WE'LL KNOW, I need more lore, bc he was almost dead and Barb helped him, what the fuck happened between them >_<
Also, fuck you Belphie, NOT HIM TALKING ABOUT HONESTY LOL still my little meow meow
But I really interested...how Beel and Satan would react on that. Want to believe that Satan on our side. I mean, humans didn't get him, pls he's my favorite too....
she was so sweet and liked our soul, awwww
And I really feel bad for MC, I love angst for my girl, but... It's hurt. Your family doesn't know you, some of them want to kill you, and you can't make yourself to hurt them because of love, but also cant tell them that you know them and you're family :(
They may be strong in every aspect, but still.
Lucifer is not angry, but more feel betrayed and hurt, I think that's the case :(
Pls let MC get some rest, bc I'm worried bc of that promise 🙂
Also that moment with choosing side...was interesting. I love how Sol so protective of own people and how he wanted to be powerful, now everything makes sense. But a little sad, that it doesn't seem that MC with him on this. MC not attached to the own world, sometimes I feel like that they're doesn't have a place in the world bc they're not exactly human, not demon and not angel, really interesting moment
And have a good day!
Yes!! Yes! Everything you said! You basically summarised all my thoughts!
The Asmo-Levi-Mammon-MC friend group is so wholesome!!!??? I love that the three of them believed MC no questions asked! And Levi, in Nightbringer, before he gets more used to being a demon is so shy??? I want to squeeze him. And Asmo's so sweet!????? They can be mean, obviously, but it's nowhere near what they are like as fully fledged demons
The Solomon backstory and his relationship with both Thirteen & Barbatos was so good! Also Candy!! I'm so glad we got to find out more about her too
Thirteen & Solomon technically being roommates? The fact that Thirteen actually really cares about Solomon!? I'm😭 That Barbatos really cares about him as well🥺
Oh! Oh! Yes Solomon saying the you think I'm not angry line while just 😊 smiling was amazing. Man was fucking livid
He cares about MC so much, and he cares about humanity so much that if it comes to it he would fight viciously against people he has come to consider his friends and he expects MC to be the same. Because Solomon's been without a human friend/companion for so long and he finally found someone like him and he expected them to hold the same views and ideals as him because of course when you ask a human to choose between humanity and demons they'll choose humanity no matter what bond they have with the demons right!? Except MC went haha actually.....lol and then gave the grimoire to Lucifer with 0 hesitation and then promised to protect them & bring happiness to them in a place they were told not to make promises (my bet is it'll make their promise binding and they knew that too right!? Because they spoke about not making promises there twice with Thirteen. and if that's the case that means they knowingly made a binding promise meaning if it comes down to it if there's a war they'll never be on humanity's side) God, Solomon must be devastated
Also the fact that Nightbringer was right about what MC will choose!?
Satan might actually just not pick a side? Like he wouldn't be bothered to go out of his way to help MC the way the other three did, but at the same time if it meant going against Lucifer......
Beel, I'm not sure. Because as of rn MC hasn't had a big bonding moment with Beel and it's just been 1yr since they lost Lilith. He may not hate humans the way Belphie does but I feel like he'll take Belphie's side, the same way he did in that Devilgram where Belphie protested the exchange program
Lucifer was definitely hurt and scared and covering it up with anger
And yeah I get the same feeling that general MC doesn't really have anything in the human world. It's kinda been hinted at in the previous seasons as well and nightbringer might as well have confirmed it during the last lesson
In conclusion,
Let MC take a fucking nap
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
Don't you think pjms theories are too much of a reach? I don't think the company is sabotaging Jimin or that Bang/Scooter hate Jimin. There's not enough evidence to affirm those things to me. The company is just inefficient, stupid and money hungry. They are in a position to give better support to Bts solo songs that are not tied to western producers, they just don't want to spend money because a bts solo has some degree of success guaranteed anyway.
I have stanned idols who sued their company, who shaded their company until they left. And Jimin doesn't do those things. He complained about the MVs, but that's about it. He looks happy, he jokes around with staff. To me he is not being mistreated, it just looks like it because they company is incompent.
No, I don't think everything is a reach. I don't think they particularly hate Jimin, it's not personal. It's just that Jimin wasn't who they were planning on investing in, and they had other things to prove and he unfortunately stepped in their way. I even think they would've done the same to any other member, of course not everyone has the star quality Jimin has.
They're not incompetent. You don't build a multi billion dollar company if you're incompetent, for god's sake. You're naive and everyone thinking the same is naive or playing dumb. A lot of what they did for Jungkook's promo they already did it for BTS as a group before; they actually did more for Jungkook than they even did for BTS. They've always known what to do, they just didn't do it for anyone else. And even if some things slipped out of their hands, fans have been tagging them and asking them to fix it and they never did. Even though they fixed everything people complained about regarding seven.
What do you mean to say, that from April to July they learned everything didn't learn in 10 years? Because that's the time between like crazy and seven; 3 months. How does that make sense? Even more, the moment Jungkook was in that studio booth, they were already planning everything for seven. So, did they learn everything between March 24th and April 7th?
All solo releases had a settled and agreed on budget by the company. I doubt the members get involved with numbers; it's the company who decides on the budget. But even knowing and understanding that, some things are hard to understand still.
Jimin didn't get 6 videos because it was "irrational" but rookie group new jeans got 6 videos. Jungkook is going to get at least 2 more when he releases his album, and I don't even have to talk about predictions but present day is enough: there's like 10 visualizers (I think it's more than that now because I keep getting the notifications) for this one single and those videos cost money too.
I get that the physical CDs that the fans have been asking for cost money, but here's the thing.. they were sold out in the first or second week. So they never planned on restocking anyways, they manufactured a certain amount that got sold out in the first week and they never restocked because they were never planning on manufacturing more. Now, Jungkook has a month worth of CDs stock, I heard that the they stocked 38k CDs a couple of days ago and I believe the first stock was 10k, and since then they've restocked like 4 times so I'm sure they're already around the 100k CDs sold. I would even bet you that if they run out of their initial stock, they will manufacture more CDs if necessary for this single.
The same is happening to other BTS releases, by the way. They've been sold out for months and they're only restocking for Jungkook. It wasn't an exaggeration when I said all the money the 7 have earned is solely going into Jungkook's career. I will keep saying that because it's a fact.
By not restocking those CDs, they're limiting their support for their own artists. But they're also limiting the support fans can give them, because how can they buy if the product is not available. And that is sabotage, no matter the reason behind.
You say "They are in a position to give better support to Bts solo songs that are not tied to western producers, they just don't want to" well exactly, and that is not incompetence. They just don't want to.
"Demand, impact" bla bla bla. If they were to restock 50k CDs of like crazy, they will sell all. And they know that. It's not that they're scared they'll manufacture and ship CDs and make no revenue; they know there's demand, they just don't want to do it.
Budget and money aside, there's still important things they could've done, important things they could still do that they don't need money for.
There's no need to for budget to combine a song's streams or let people know about change in a chart rules. The English and Korean versions were released combined, it gained streams the following two days simply because it's a good song, and it hit #1 on global. The day after it was #1, the numbers were split and thus affecting its chart position. It's almost like for three days it didn't matter but it mattered the moment it was #1, because that was the debut they had planned for a different member. Seven, of course, combined from the begining and still no problems.
Spotify customer service said the label was in charge of combining songs, that they could do it if the label asked. I wasn't sure if I believed them at first, because sometimes databases get messed up and also Spotify customer service is kinda bad. But for several reasons, one being that issue with Post Malone's song, and the other being scooter's attempt at changing the number of streams for seven after its debut, I believe them now and I'm sure that if hybe wanted to, they could.
They didn't need budget to let people know about the change in the chart rules. They didn't care to, they didn't want to announce it until Yoongi had a song out. I don't know if you remember, but this is how things played out:
-> like crazy predicted between #4 - #6 for the second week
-> announcement that 100k+ sales were deducted from the total sold that week
-> a couple of hours later: instagram posts about Jungkook "making history" with bangpd and scooter
-> bangpd on the cover of billboard magazine the next week
If you think all of that was a coincidence, you do you.
And they didn't need budget to let people know what happened to those 100k sales. They still haven't given any explanation on that.
Did they need budget to put like crazy on this is BTS playlist? Did they need to hear Jimin say he wants to be a giant popstar?
None of that has anything to do with personal aspirations the members might have and it has everything to do with management. And no, I don't believe they're incompetent.
I said this earlier this year and I still stand by it:
There is no doubt it was Jimin who decided for who long he'd promote and what activitites. Of course, I'm not ignoring that Yoongi's release was stepping on Jimin's tail, so I also think Jimin could've been somewhat obliged to cram everything into a few days because he knew Yoongi was next.
I know Jimin decided on the shows and performances he went to; Jimin always been tied emotionally to their Korean fans, and he's always respected and honored them; during the pandemic and for festa 2022 he mentioned several times wanting to do music shows. He's had a good relationship with Jimmy Fallon for years, he chose to go to his show because he likes him. I never expected Jimin to go to live lounge as well as I don't expect Jungkook to ever do a stage like set me free pt2 or even like crazy.
I could consider -I have considered- the option that everything was just bad luck or something and that after knowing it was possible to have such a debut like Jimin, hybe he wanted a piece of the cake and to seriously take credit for success like that, so they decided to go all out for JK (this is where personal aspirations come into play), making sure that everyone knew who were the people involved. Because everyone knows who's behind seven. Even Jungkook won't miss any opportunity to talk about receiving the song and being granted this chance. He literally said his life changed because they gave him this song.
I mean...
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But there are two things that won't let me really commit to the possibility that all happened by chance; one being all the mediaplay around JK since early 2022. Two, and the most relevant to me it's that Jungkook seemingly never worked on his album. He said that he wasn't doing anything, that he had no plans, told people to not wait for him. I'm sure you know everything. It's not like they suddenly decided to give him a song and then a full english album, no. They've been planning this for a while, and he probably knew about the plans and that's why he wasn't really working on anything.
Maybe you're new to the fandom, but one of the years BTS went to the Grammys, I think it was 2020, a CEO went with them and he placed himself in every photo next to them. In one photo, he even moved Jungkook out of the center so he could be the center of the photo in the freaking red carpet.
That same man, along with BangPd would give interview after interview talking about how they know how to create the next BTS, because they allegedly have some kind of formula. Formula was the word they always used. Armys always got so mad about those statements, saying BTS can't be imitated and that BTS is what it is because of the members and not because of the company. Most armys who remember that, who read those interviews aren't in the fandom anymore. The people in the fandom now don't know, and don't care.
This whole thing, for more than a year, has reeked of the same ideology.
You know that they are fame and money hungry, yet don't consider the possibility that they might do everything they can to get exactly that.
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i-am-baechu · 10 months
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Summary: Everything was perfect until it wasn’t. Y/N and Jungkook love each other but when familiar and new faces come into their lives, things get complicated. On top of that, a surprise that truly shakes their plans for the future. Will their relationship push forward or will Jungkook lose his fangirl once and for all?
Chapter twenty-one: In & Out
→ Genre: Idol au, established relationships, girl group stan au, social media au, K-pop fan page au, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
→ Main pairing: Idol! Jungkook x Fan girl! Reader 
→ Side ships: Yoongi x OC & Jin x OC
→ Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, alcohol usage, anxiety disorder, stalking, and obsessive behavior
→ Warnings for the chapter: Talks of depression and dark thoughts (If this is triggering please don’t read it) 
→ Authors Note: If you are struggling in life please call 1-800-273-8255 or visit https://psychcentral.com/health/online-help-for-depression#list that has other resources to help you. You are never alone even if this world makes it seem like. Where there is love there is no darkness 💜
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” – John Green
One of the worst things that can happen to someone is having their thoughts travel with no destination. It’s so dangerous but you don’t realize it until you have already left the train station. No matter what the weather is, nothing can change the feeling in your heart. The sun can shine through the window but there is no light in the compartment. Just darkness. The only way to escape is to pay the master gratitude and maybe then the sun could shine.
Y/N sat on the bed listening to the water hit the window. Pitter-patter. It was another rainy day in Korea and she couldn’t be bothered with the rain drops. They just keep reappearing. Rain is nice for others, it brings peace but for Y/N it's different. Each droplet contained a fragment of her life which is why she couldn’t look at the glass. It would make her remember or worse think. In moments like this, she was glad she had Jungkook in her life but today she didn’t want the comfort. She wanted the loneliness and she wanted to feel the nothingness at least then, nothing could hurt her.
Jungkook sat in the living room with the movie at a low volume. It’s been two weeks since Y/N left the guest room. He would come in and try to talk to her but she would just look at him with a blank expression. It was something he wasn’t used to from her and in all honesty it scared him. He felt his phone buzz and he picked it up, “Hyung...”
“Is she still in the room?”
Jungkook glanced up the stairs and sighed, “Yoongi, I don’t know what to do...I’m scared.”
“It’s been almost a month and she hasn’t talked to any of us. Maybe you should try again but this time be a little more firm.” 
“Firm? Is that the right action, especially how she is now?” 
“Okay, not firm...I guess just tell her your concerns and talk about more therapy.”
Jungkook nodded his head and rubbed Bam’s head with a small smile, “I’ll try...I’ll talk to you later.” 
“Good luck.”
Jungkook sighed and stood up from the couch. He glanced at a photo of Y/N and him at the beach. It was cloudy that day but that didn’t stop them from going. She wore his sweater and they looked out towards the water. That day, he saw a small look of Y/N’s mind. She talked about how she wasn’t sure how she felt and everything was confusing. The one thing that would never change no matter what, Jungkook wouldn’t be with her. One day at a time, he told her. 
He tossed his phone on the couch and smiled at Bam, “Stay.”
The big dog nodded his head and laid on the couch watching his master go up the stairs. With each step, Jungkook glanced at the photos that were placed on the wall. Each photo told their story, the moments that made his heart flutter no matter what. Like the moment when Y/N surprised him for his birthday in the dance studio or when Jungkook surprised her with roses on her birthday. Moments that made him know that this was worth it. 
He gently knocked on the door and slowly opened it to see Y/N staring at the wall. Something he grew accustomed to seeing. He closed the door quietly and sat on the bed. He gently rubbed her leg which was covered with the black blanket, “Babe...can we talk?”
He glanced down at the carpet and started playing with his fingers, “I think you should go to therapy more...”
“What’s the point?” 
His eyes widened when he heard this and glanced at her. This was the first time she answered him with words, “What do you mean what’s the point?” 
She slowly got up and stared down at the blanket, “It won’t help me at this point...I think I’m too far gone.” 
“Babe, what do you mean?” 
She glanced up at him and then back at the blanket, “There was a night at the hospital....Jeongguk I almost died.”
His eyes drifted to the blanket but he shook his head. He scouted closer to Y/N and placed his hand on top of hers, “Baby-”
“Jeongguk, have you ever experienced a near-death experience?” 
“Well...once at this concert but that doesn’t matter right now.”
She sighed and glanced at the window, “I met him, death...in my subconscious. I was in this beautiful house as he spoke to me like I was an old friend...well, I am one to him. I could’ve grabbed his hand and let everything be over. There was a part of me that wished I did because I’m just...I’m so tired Jeongguk...so tired.” 
Jungkook gripped her hand tighter and rubbed her knuckles softly, “Y-Y/N...I know things-”
“Jeongguk, someone tried killing me because I love you. Before that I was already going through things...the thought of being a mother scared me and just me wanting...”
“Wanting what?”
She looked at his face and a tear fell down, “I wanted to die Jeongguk...Everything was too much and I just couldn’t handle it. I hate that I felt like that because I had so much support from my friends but I-I...I just couldn’t.” 
Jungkook bit his lip and held back his tears because right now wasn’t the right time to cry. She needed him to be strong, “Baby, I can get you help-”
“Jeongguk, I love you so much...I don’t think I can be here anymore.”
His eyes widened at this and he stared at her, “What do you mean?” 
“I want to go back to my mom...I need to leave Korea for a while.”
He nodded his head at this and glanced down at the carpet, “Do you want to...do you want to break up?” 
She glanced at him and shook her head, “No...I don’t want to break up. I think it would be best if I stayed with my mom for a while...like a month.” 
He nodded his head and leaned forward placing a kiss on her forehead, “If you want that then I’ll support you. I’ll always be here for you.”
She leaned forward, having her head on his chest, “I love Jeon Jeongguk.”
“I love you L/N Y/N.” 
1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
Jungkook sat in the dance room with his head between his legs. The night before was weighing on him heavily. That night, he slept with Y/N in the guest room. She cried into his chest as he rubbed her back hiding his own tears. Hearing the person you love wants to end their life was something he wished on no one.
“I knew you were going to be in here.” 
He looked up to see Namjoon with a bottle of water and a soft smile, “Hey...”
Namjoon sat next to him and set the water next to him. He let out a small sigh and leaned back on the glass, “I heard you talked to Y/N last night.”
Jungkook nodded his head at this and looked at Namjoon with a blank expression, “Y/N is going back to her mom's for a month.”
“That sounds good for her...what happened with the conversation?” 
“She told me something...”
Namjoon nodded his head and took a sip of his water, “You can tell me anything Jungkook.”
“When she was in the hospital...she almost died. She told me that she saw death and they talked...she also said she wanted to die but she chose differently.” 
Namjoon's eyes widened at this and put his water next to him to give him his full attention, “What?” 
“Y/N said she wanted to die and I think she basically had a mental breakdown because of what happened.” 
“That makes sense, Jungkook...someone tried killing her. She is also dealing with it at work, it's a lot for one person.” 
Jungkook looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes, “I know...I hate myself that I didn’t notice it.”
“Jungkook, you can’t put this pressure on yourself. I think you always knew she was having a hard time.” 
“I did but I-I just didn’t notice how bad it was...if I noticed it maybe I could’ve helped her sooner.”
Namjoon placed his hand on his shoulder and brought him in a hug, “It’s not your fault...it's the people out there that are doing this to you guys.” 
Jungkook finally let his emotions break through and he started crying in his chest, “I-I just want to be happy with her. I want to spend my life with her and experience everything with her. Why can’t the world let me be happy?” 
“Shh...it’s okay Jungkook. It’s okay.” 
“Wh-When I find the person that did this to her, it’s going to be war.” 
Namjoon nodded his head as he rubbed his back, “We’ll be by your side. No one messes with us.” 
That night when Jungkook came home, he saw Y/N in the kitchen drinking some tea. She looked so tired and it broke his heart to see her like this. He placed his things on the table and walked towards her. She glanced up and gave him a small smile, “Hey, you.” 
“Hey, baby. How are you doing?”
She glanced down at her mug and then back at him, “I made tea. My mom told me to make it, she said it would make me feel better.” 
“That's good, baby. When do you want to leave?” 
She walked towards him and leaned her body against his, “I was thinking Friday...”
“Friday? That’s in three days.”
“I thought the faster I go, the faster I come back.” 
He nodded his head and kissed the top of her head, “If that’s what you want...I’ll be here waiting for you. I’ll give you space.” 
“I don’t want that much space, Kook.” 
“We’ll get through this.”
“We will.” 
Tag List:
@agustdpeach @mdavt @aloverga @drissteele @xngelsau
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
This is how I find out an anti-nettles tag exists of Tumblr people are so shallow minded and miss the point George's original story people really think just because these dumbass show runner decided the race-bend an entire group of characters for cheap brownie points of representation that it means Nettles no longer matters like no, it may no longer be about race just because the writers are trying to force feminism onto Rhaenyra's character but it's still about class. A low born orphan at just the age of 17 was capable of doing what dozens of well trained knights failed to do. She survived one of the biggest civil wars in Westeros history, she had one of the last surviving dragons of the dance (who cares who's the biggest, oldest, most shiny etc etc it was Nettles and her dragon that outlived them all in the end) AND she was capable if creating an entire culture around herself (the tribes could've easily over powdered her but instead chose to worship and respect her) mind you all she had was a dragon, she had no titles just her name. Also, she's a few of the very few characters in the books that show care and remorse, she mourned Jace someone she barely knew and cried for Driftmark despite having lived a life previously where she was mistreated and starving on the streets. I swear these Dumbnyra stans deserve their names (Dumbnyra), and just because some of us are pro-Nettles, it doesn't automatically make use of team Green, Team Green can kick rocks as well because they are such hypocrites, whining and complaining about how their fav characters were stripped of importance and reduced to a singular thing yet they turn around and strip Nettles's character as a gotcha moment towards to Dumbnyra stans, as if her relationship with Daemon is the only thing important to her character. These stans also need to realize the Nettles is one of George's favorite characters whose stories he'd like to continue.
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👆🏽That’s for the fact that this racist(who I should mention I’m blocked by for no reason🤣) actually knows how to tag things properly. I’ll give her that, but who exactly died and made her an authority on Black representation?
Dumbnyra stans this is exactly why people keep calling you people racists:
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Do tell me how white a** Alys Rivers(no disrespect, but come on) had more purpose than a girl who shows that Targaryen supremacy is a lie? The girl that shows you don’t need Valyrian blood to claim a dragon.
The girl that George himself said he wanted to write a novella on(never heard him say that about Alys, Addam, Alyn, any of the other dragonseeds, Rhaena, and Baela)🤷🏽‍♀️
They are so blinded by the fact that she “ruins” Dumbnyra(which isn’t what they claim it is which is why they are scared sh*tless of her being on a show they claim doesn’t matter) that they make up lies about Nettles being the most irrelevant character in Fire & Blood.
This can never be irrelevant/unimportant/unnecessary/whatever else you want to say to demean her:
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That happened long after the Dance boo boo(when Missy Anne’s a** was long dead 😊).
And if the one who wrote that garbage happens to be reading this(because I know you people are stalking me), f*ck you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You've crossed the line.
You’re a bigot. You have no right to speak on Black representation let alone say we are good on representation that doesn’t even affect you and that you have no understanding of.
And you definitely don’t care about representation because if you did you wouldn’t want Rhaena who has her own arc to replace Nettles who according to you wasn’t Daemon’s lover. If she’s just his daughter or his mentee, well then you have nothing to be worried about. Her presence on the show shouldn’t disrupt your putrid little white supremacist ship or make Missy Anne look bad since what happened at Maidenpool was all a big misunderstanding and Mysaria’s fault😊 You shouldn’t give a second thought to her.
Yes, Black people care about this issue(and even if some of us are a part of Team Green because that’s the majority I see from Team Green actually caring about her, then so what🙃).
Do you see how we are portrayed by the media? Do you see what happens to Black characters in TV shows and movies? To Black women characters? Do you see how they are treated by production and the fandom?
What you people are doing isn’t new. Just look at The Bear, Sleepy Hollow, Vampire Diaries, Star Trek, Star Wars, GOT(see how Missandei was done), and Marvel fandoms(there are more than that I’m just too tired to get into it).
The moment there is even a hint of a possibility that a Black woman might be in a relationship with the fandom hottie, hell the moment a Black woman doesn’t have a stereotypical role, all hell breaks loose and you people look for every excuse and spout out the same tired crap on why so and so is irrelevant, is a terrible character, doesn’t need a man, needs to be cut, should be killed off, should be replaced, etc.
So just because you don’t care doesn’t mean we should accept scraps, or our “irrelevant” characters being cut, or swapped out with race-bent characters. Black people aren’t all the same sweetie and we deserve more than what you feel we do.
If that’s too much for your diminutive brain to handle why don’t we just combine Ulf and Hugh? It’s not too late to cut out one of the two’s roles in post-production. After all, they serve the same role and they are both white.
You know what? How about we combine Black Aly and Jeyne Arryn while we are at it😀
Should we view Helaena and Rhaenyra as the same? I have a hard time telling them apart since they are both white and blonde. They should wear name tags that way we don’t get them confused 🙃
Let me stop there.
Sorry for ranting anon, but I’m so tired of the disrespect. Like how does one character who’s supposedly so unimportant cause so much uproar?
I go in on Dumbnyra stans a lot(and that person shows exactly why), but you are right that all sides of this fandom treat Nettles like she’s trash. If it’s not saying she’s a plot device sent to ruin Dumbnyra from Team Black and that anyone Black can replace her it’s how Team Green is so worried about her being abused and how maybe it’s for the best she gets cut.
Their behavior is utterly disgusting. It's anti-Black, but no one takes anti-Blackness and especially not misogynoir seriously.
Nettles may be a secondary character, but she’s the most important secondary character during the Dance. She starts out literally homeless. She claims Sheepstealer by determination, not by blood. She’s the only one to claim a wild dragon. The only non-Valyrian dragonrider that we know of.
She gets the Rogue Prince to fall in love with her to the point where he’s willing to die for her and disobeys his wife’s orders to save her. She survives the Dance with a dragon intake. Becomes a fire witch and is worshipped by a mountain clan in the Mountains of the Moon(she’s still worshipped by them during the main series). Her legacy is cemented.
I love her relationship with Daemon, but she’s so much more than just Daemon’s love. She’s a survivor. She’s the final girl. She would be seen as special as she is if she was white.
A character like her will never not be needed especially in a world where the representation of Black women in media, particularly fantasy stories, is still pretty bleak.
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lovezella · 2 years
The Witch of Westeros
PROLOGUE - see you on the other side
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I don't own the Scarlet Witch and her storyline, credits to Marvel and Stan Lee.
gif not mine!! got it from pinterest!
this fanfic doesn't follow the plot of the series of HOTD nor it's books. I simply made it up. major spoilers for doctor strange: multiverse of madness. 
tbh, this is my first time ever writing a story in 2nd pov so if it sucks, I'm sorry😭
anyway, It's finally here! sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy!!
mention of blood, stabbing, heads cut off, turning things to ashes. I think that's all, if there's anything I missed out, don't be afraid tell me. !! NOT EDITED !!
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The sound of roaring and explosion mixed with the smell of fire, gunpowder, and the distinct, metallic tang of blood was the only thing you can comprehend at this moment. Your eyes darted from your companions to the demons you were fighting. The fight would’ve ended ages ago if you didn’t know there were thousands—no, millions, of them. Not to mention they can regenerate making your head hurt more than it already did. 
Saving the multiverse became a job—a responsibility, more likely— for not only you but for Dr. Strange and surprisingly, Loki. It’s been months, years, or perhaps it has been decades since you have been saving the multiverse. Time has been a bit complicated for you, per se.
You, The Master of Mystic Arts, and the God of Mischief traveled to countless realities, defeating enemies such as demons, monsters, or even evil variants of yourselves. 
Going through infinite dimensions and saving the other realities was the least idea you thought you would be doing in the future when you first joined the Avengers. Yet here you were, fighting your way through a crowd of merciless nightmarish demonic creatures who can regenerate. Your mission was to retrieve a necklace that holds much power and once belonged to a god and was now passed down to its descendants. It was stored inside the temple on the very top of the mountain that the demonic creatures were guarding. You’re meant to grab it, bring it back to the owner before anyone else can use it to their advantage, and leave without a hassle. 
“Anyone care to help me here?” Dr. Strange yelled from a few miles away. He created a portal, making the group of demons from his fall down and he snapped the portal shut, cutting the heads off. 
“Classic.” Loki chuckled, witnessing the action as he move to stab the demon that jumped on him, grimacing when its blood hit his face. 
You smirked, blasting ten demonic creatures away from you, turning them to ashes as they tried attacking you again. “I don’t think you need anymore help from there, Stephen.” you teased and the said man groaned when another group started hitting him.
“Damn demons. Can’t you do your thing and kill them all, Wanda?” Dr. Strange asked. 
“I can, but they keep coming back no matter what.” You told them. 
Loki muttered under his breath before sharing his thoughts. “They just keep coming back no matter how many times we kill them. It’s impossible for this to happen.”
“Loki, we are in a different reality. I don’t think there is anything more impossible than this.” You retorted, flicking your wrist and lifting one demon and throwing it to the approaching group. 
“What I mean is, there’s a possibility that something or perhaps, someone is summoning them.” Loki proclaimed his theory.
“A distraction.” You sighed out in realization, your eyes widening as you looked around for any sign of different figures in the crowd. A figure walked by miles away from you guys. They were wearing a black hood over their head, covering their face. 
They must’ve felt your gaze and turn to look at you, their purple strange eyes meeting yours before they glared and ran away. 
“Stay here! I’ll handle this.” You shouted to them, lifting yourself with your magic and flying toward where the figure went, ignoring the yells of protest of your two friends. 
You flew away from the crowd of creatures and landed in front of the small cottage you saw them run into, placing a shield behind you so that they cannot attack you from behind. Your eyes hardened seeing it all dark with no trace of light anywhere. Hesitantly, you stepped in, summoning your magic to see a little clearer and to be ready to fight if something or someone attacks you. 
The sound of footsteps approaching behind you alarmed you and you turn around, ready to blast your magic to them until you saw their faces when they got closer.
“Loki! Stephen!” You gasped in surprised, internally sighing in relief when you saw them before frowning. “What are you doing here? I thought I told you I will handle this.” you scolded.
“We can’t just leave you to walk in here with no back ups.” Loki reasoned and Dr. Strange nodded beside him. 
There was no point in fighting so you just nodded and lead the way deeper into the dark cottage that seems to be bigger on the inside. As you walked in silence with all your guard up, a clashing sound was heard behind you, alarming the three of you.
“He’s right, Wanda. We know you can handle yourself but we need to make sure you’re safe.” Stephen said.
But before any of you could say a word, a figure stepped in front of you and pressed two fingers on your temples making you freeze in place.
You could hear Loki and Stephen yelling behind you, and they seem like they were struggling too but you can’t focus on them or anything but the pain you felt on your mind that’s spreading through your whole body. They leaned down and whisper in your ear before letting you go. You tried fighting it and summoning your magic but it was impossible to move. A portal started growing from under your feet and before you could grab into anything, you fell down fast in an unknown, perhaps never ending, hole. 
But you remembered what they had whispered in your ear. 
“Видимо се на другој стр��ни.”
See you on the other side.
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hwaightme · 2 years
Your fan, Seonghwa (part 1)
(your fan ml)
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🛸 pairing: seonghwa x nerdfluencer & physicist!reader 🛸 genre: romance, fluff, mutual pining 🛸 summary: a bulletpoint-style wordstream of what it would be like if seonghwa was stanning you 🛸 wordcount: 5.4k 🛸 warnings/tags: language, SCIENCE, astrophysics, may the force be with you, scientific formulas, lego obsession, yunho driving, hongjoong jealousy and fatigue, seonghwa just wants someone to be a nerd with, lmk if anything else 🛸 taglist: [temporarily removed because... dumblr] 🛸 a/n: Hello there my loves <3 here is part 1 for Your Fan Seonghwa! The end is nigh and I am in denial ;~; Much love and biggest hugs <3
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"Hold up, are you... no.... NOT THIS!!! NOT LIKE THIS!!! GUYS WE HAVE LOST HIM!!!
A wild Wooyoung crashed Seonghwa's dorm room, and yelled bloody murder as he saw what could only be described as cursed scriptures on the older member's phone screen. It was unmistakable... they were FORMULAS... EQUATIONS... THE MOMENT WHEN MATHS SUDDENLY HAD MORE LETTERS THAN NUMBERS...
"What???? What is happening???" a confused Mingi, who was passing by the room while walking down the corridor, called out and peered in. Wooyoung was crouched on the floor, clenching his shirt as though he was having a heart attack.
"He is... HE IS WATCHING PHYSICS LECTURES." That was enough for Mingi to shriek, and be joined by San, who collapsed onto his knees right at the door, and beat it a couple of times with his fist, and screamed:
"I think I am about to pass out this is disgusting..." Wooyoung whispered to himself, not noticing Yunho creep into the room, assessing the damage.
"Bro you are supposed to be a role model and you do this?" Yunho asked shaking his head in disapproval.
"This is to answer the question of whether Tatooine's twin stars could be a real thing and actually have planets forming around them. It is really nicely explained and informative, and I highly recommend it." Seonghwa's voice remained level while he was observing the reactions of his fellow members - just as he had expected, and intended.
"That's what they all say... and then they go get a degree..." Yeosang interjected while walking by the room, every bit a mourning man.
"Hey STEM is also cool!" Seonghwa added making the group erupt in waves of groans and gasps.
"WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON, YOU TRAITOR?" Wooyoung shouted out, having turned borderline manic at this point.
"I really can't see why we split the sciences and liberal arts in such a hardcore way. I mean, the really awesome stuff happens when we combine them, right?"
The eldest member was just having fun taking the piss at this point, knowing that if anybody was distant to science, it was the majority of ATEEZ. With the exception of Yeosang, but he felt the natural sciences to be a moral trigger so he was not destroying the 'not quite STEM fond' agenda.
"You know what, keep on watching it you corrupt man, but out of my sight for my sake."
"First of all, you are the one who barged into my room for some fucking reason. Second of all, okay then, I'll tell you about dark matter and dark energy later."
"What?" Wooyoung, who had already picked himself up off the floor and was in process of slowly getting out of the room, suddenly froze and turned his head dramatically.
"Space is fun, you should 'open up your eyes open up your mind' a bit."
"Yeah that's why I'm asking you to give me that space and keep some space between us. I don't want to have a stress-induced stroke or something."
"Do you even have a brain to have a stroke with?" Hongjoong entered the room, making his way to his bed, done with the younger member's antics, and moderately disinterested in whatever cursed content Seonghwa was indulging in in his free time.
"I swear, the more time I spend in the studio, the more shit goes down at home and I end up finding out via Twitter or as a public announcement. Can science explain that, Hwa?" Hongjoong called out while rubbing his face with his hands in an attempt to fight sleep.
"Nah, don't know anything about psychology, sorry."
"Oooh how does that make you feel Joongie?" San tried to prod.
"Scram, you menace, show's over." Hongjoong aimed with a pillow, ready to start physical violence, but the threat seemed to carry across well enough, "San, I have yet to think of consequences for you and your bloody international conspiracies, so for you I am auto-pissed."
"Aight, I'm boutta head out." Yunho raised his hands and grabbed both San and Wooyoung by the collars, and dragged them out. Mingi was polite enough to just follow along.
"Have a NICE TIME!" Seonghwa merely smiled as a frustrated Wooyoung slammed the door to the older member's dorm and stomped off, obviously not satisfied with the lack of a scoop. He was in dire need of tea, and the one member that had not yet revealing ANYTHING at all was just going insane with his space obsession - not good enough.
Seonghwa knew that he would not be attacked. He had a foolproof strategy to hide himself. And it was the power of natural sciences and mathematics. All he had to do was switch screens and he would have one of your 'professional' videos playing. One where it was just your voice, and a digital blackboard occupying the entire screen, with you writing formula after formula.
He found it challenging to pick up on all the things you said in your more academically intense videos (at least straight away), but your passion was addictive, and Seonghwa had discovered that you were brilliant at providing analogies for concepts that were hard for him. This had resulted in him proudly being able to calculate redshift, and relative magnitudes (with these endeavours having been done in secret, on envelopes or napkins, out of everyone's sight).
This kind of study-along had become one of the ways in which Seonghwa decided he could connect with you without being grilled by the other members. The only one who had raised an eyebrow and had taken his behaviours with suspicion had been Hongjoong, but with no other evidence, the captain could not make him walk the plank.
If he wanted to unwind and treat your videos almost like relaxing ASMR, he either went to your other channel where you did 'researcher vlogs' or focused on the videos that were whole sessions dedicated to simply nerding out over your favourite things. Which just so happened to be incredibly similar to his. To Seonghwa, there was nothing better than your ability to combine your professional knowledge and total shitposting.
He loved how you would include Star Wars memes in otherwise serious videos. How you would dive into the great depths and divulge the details of something like the impact of destruction over Endor, or the flight dynamics of space craft in Star Wars, or the famous discussion of vibrations in space, and how all sound in the movie should be treated as an interpretation for the audience, rather than something that the characters could actually hear.
You had also mentioned a couple of times about Star Wars figurines and LEGO sets, which had sent his heart ablaze, but so far, had never shown even as much as a hint at a collection - which he had written to you about in the comments of one of your YouTube videos using a fake account.
He had almost squealed when he saw that you had favourited the comment, and replied to it with a quick 'perhaps soon ;)'. It really meant nothing, and anyone could have written the same thing in half a second, but it was you, and he suddenly understood in much greater depth how ATINY probably felt when he read their comments out during a live.
Seonghwa had discovered you when searching for a clip from one of the Star Wars films, a clip which you had just so happened to have analysed. He had been curious about what you had to say, so he simply clicked, not knowing that this was the start of something much greater.
First, the thought you were a YouTuber who produced Star Wars related content. Next, he thought you were an adorable nerd who liked space. Then, he thought you were an incredibly intelligent and multifaceted individual who had a broad range of interests, fascinating experiences, and a passion for science. And finally, he figured out that you were a fully fledged researcher working towards her PhD in astrophysics in a high profile institute, were hilarious, what he would consider a genius, and yet were supremely humble, down to earth (he found it interesting to describe you in that way while you were studying everything that surrounded the planet) and so genuine.
He did not consider himself a fan at all, because he simply wanted to get to know you, off camera In real life. Seonghwa had a crush on you from the get-go. And the opportunity to meet had presented himself out of the blue, and on the best day possible, when a schedule had just been canceled. In the community tab on your channel you had announced that you would be doing a small meet and greet in a specific location, and that if anyone wanted to pop by during a set period of time, you would be there.
It was set. He was going to pull 99z tactic and make a run for it. This was critical. Much to his dismay, once he checked the map, he saw that the 'venue' you had chosen, which turned out to be one of the 'dream-ity' cafes was... far. Very far. Especially for him, since it was either public transport and high exposure risk, or walking which would just send him to go meet people in the after life instead.
He had no choice. Seonghwa needed a partner in crime. But there was only one who fit the role anyways. He needed Yunho. Upon receiving a cryptic text from the eldest member, he ambled into the room, a smirk on his face.
"So? What do you need me for? Does Cinderella need to head to the ball?"
"Honestly, kind of. I need to attend this one event, but it is far." Seonghwa kept his descriptions vague, not wanting to reveal too much too soon.
"Why not grab one of the drivers?" Yunho narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.
"This is a private matter."
"Well you know I need details now. And I am not moving anywhere until I get them."
Yunho could feel where this was going. He could see that familiar glint in Seonghwa's eyes. This was peak 'I am crushing, I know it, but I don't want to tell you' behaviour. Finally, the old man found a potential special someone. This was a day to celebrate.
"I said, private." Seonghwa reiterated. Yunho did not really need to know the details, because he was already on board, but it was fun to annoy Seonghwa when he could.
"Hey, what if you are going to go be murdering people, then I would need to bring cling film and plastic bags at least. State your business."
"If you drive me there I know you will snoop anyways, so why tell?"
Damn. He was good.
"Oh that sounds spicy, okay I'm in. But wait shouldn't we let Hongjoong know that we are going out? It'll be less suspicious that way - too many members have made the mistake of not having him on their side already."
"You make a good point, JOOOOOOOONG?" Seonghwa stood up to start getting ready. If he was to make it to the fan meet closing, he needed to be heading out of the door right about now. Yunho caught on and rapidly hobbled out to grab his jacket and mask against any in-car paparazzi photos.
"Yo?" Hongjoong poked his head into the room, and took a swig of the mid-evening coffee he had in his hand.
"Yunho and I are going on a trip." Seonghwa explained, whilst inspecting himself in the mirror, styling his hair.
"In our favourite rocket ship." Yunho returned, playing with the car keys, and decided that Hongjoong needed a bigger headache today.
"Zooming through the sky." Seonghwa understood the assignment and picked up on the song cue.
"Little Einstein." Yunho leaned over and whisper screamed into Hongjoong's ear, making him shudder and lean far back.
"What in tarnation?"
"Don't worry about it Joongie we shall be back shortly."
"Uh so no one will explain why??? NOR WHERE????"
Hongjoong shouted at the already closed front door.
But little did Seonghwa and Yunho know, Hongjoong had a talent for running down the emergency stairs of the apartment building faster than the elevator moved. And he also could hide behind the car so effectively, that the pair only noticed his form chilling in the back seat when Yunho had already started the engine and was about to drive out.
"Hongjoong WHAT are you doing here, how???" Seonghwa yelled after having his soul momentarily depart from his body when he saw Hongjoong's dark silhouette in the front mirror. In the meantime, Yunho was struggling to contain a fit of giggles, and was grasping onto the steering wheel for dear life.
"I have special powers. And I want to find out who you are going to go meet and hell's ass o'clock. I don't need another midnight concert-goer or gym rat."
"Don't worry, I'm more tame than that."
Yunho smiled to himself. There already was progress - Seonghwa was revealing more and more about who in the world he wanted to go see.
After having finally arrived to the location, with Hongjoong whining that it was so far and that the other members were probably already burning the dorms down, they stopped. Seonghwa made no move towards getting out of the car, instead looking off into the darkness, observing some figures moving about.
He was trying to make sense of where you were, so that he could find the best moment to enter the scene. The other two members went quiet at the same exact time, just observing Seonghwa, who seemed to have been able to locate a target.
He spotted you waving to a couple of people who just departed from the cafe, officially leaving you as the only one left. The cafe had already closed, so you were loitering outside, and checking something on your phone. Illuminated by the streetlights, you were like a fairy tale. It was difficult for Seonghwa to convince himself that it actually was you in front of him and not some illusion. What if it was just his wishful thinking? Well, only one way to find out.
He huffed, threw on a black cap and checked his mask was not wonky, and opened the car door. Hongjoong was about to call out to him, but Yunho was quick to react and rapidly extended his arm out, nearly hitting the captain in the face but at least preventing him from making noise.
Seonghwa bolted to you as soon as he looked around and confirmed that there were no curious eyes - he was not about to lose all rationality, as much as he wanted to.
Yunho and Hongjoong were watching the scene unfold with wide eyes and jaws dropped to the floor. Only now did Hongjoong realise that this weird outing was about that ONE YOUTUBE PERSON Seonghwa kept on watching. Hongjoong should have seen it coming, considering how a couple of members had found love via social media. Of course, Seonghwa was going to be an internet creep. How else.
"Livestreaming for chat, duh. I'm sending updates."
"THE GUYS DO NOT NEED TO KNOW??? Hey give me the phone-"
"Can you even reach that far? Hah Woo is flipping out and saying he is sad he can't say 'no bitches' to Seonghwa every morning anymore."
"Seriously though stop sending pics this is literally-"
"Once ATEEZ, always ATEEZ. We know ALL."
When Seonghwa approached you and called you by your name, you were all ears. For some reason, you had felt the need to stay behind, just a little longer. Your heart had told you so - and apparently, it was clairvoyant or very well-attuned to world vibrations. Here was a mysterious stranger, clad in black, talking to you. Part of you was a little afraid, but there was nothing a little lab-made spray that was in your pocket could not do. You put away your phone, and began to reach for the item, but at the last second decided to ask for your fan's name.
Seonghwa could not lie. It would not sit right with him. Besides, he only recently had seen what kind of shit went down when that happened - also known as San fighting a love war on too many fronts. So, after a moment of deliberation, he uncovered his face, and quietly whispered a "Park Seonghwa..."
And that made you flip, as you clapped your hands in excitement, your face lighting up with the widest grin you could muster.
Seonghwa was unable to process, basically forgetting that he was an idol and people could know him, even though seconds ago he was in full sneak mode. Hearing you say his name with so much glee did things to him.
"Uh... I am... definitely... A fan... so..." he was trying to force out, unable to break focus from the joy you were experiencing.
"Well same here! And more specifically yourself! I'll be honest, it's one of your Lego assembly lives that did it and introduced me to ATEEZ, since uh, you know, we are fellow Star Wars appreciators."
Seonghwa totally was not contemplating whether it was considered too early to marry a person who he had officially met only a couple of minutes ago.
It was not the stage presence, nor was it the talent and skill oozing from this man that had been the thing that hooked you in initially. You had grown to appreciate that later, and became a bit of a fan, but what had been the little lightbulb moment that helped you discover Seonghwa and ATEEZ, was Lego. You were a proud internet dweller, and enjoyed traversing content that was associated with your areas of interest regularly, so as soon as you saw Star Wars and Lego in a just finished livestream on a channel called ATEEZ, you had to check it out.
And that was how you came face to face with an incredibly handsome, yet somehow still cute man who was raving about what was your favourite game, toy, arguably way of life, of all time. All at once. After reading through some comments that were under the video, you figured out his name, his occupation, that "his duality was no joke", that he was "ethereal and was making people melt", that people would be happy if he rearranged them like the little building blocks, that his name was star related... and that he was an avid Star Wars fan.
Well there was no choice for you but to at least respect this man. And that respect, quickly enough, turned into you listening to "This Is ATEEZ" on loop on Spotify, and making your colleagues passively memorise some of the songs because of how many times they had graced their ears. Their videos were probably the only deviation from the usual astrophysics lectures and movie clips that you had in your recommended on YouTube, and you were pretty happy with that. They hit your 2AM 'need to work on my five projects but am derailed by sleep debt and lack of caffeine' funny bone alarmingly well.
Once your a tid-bit oblivious self finally recognised the legend that was in front of you, you became an unstoppable wave of compliments. It was only fair, and the least you could do. He had come to your meet and greet, waited for hell knows how long, all while most likely having a billion other more important things to do.
Seonghwa was blushing into infinity, but you continued. You mentioned that you often cranked up ATEEZ tunes when working in the labs, and Seonghwa was ready to become total mush then and there.
Your conversation then eventually turned back to the original point of the fan meeting - to talk science fiction and outer space, and you stated that you would be more than happy to show Seonghwa some of the more serious work that you did. Realising that you were pretty much asking him out, Seonghwa was giddy, and wasted no time in agreeing with you and asking when.
Without thinking about it much and just deciding on the spot to take the risk, you ask for his phone, saying that ,such ventures would require closer collaboration', with a smile.
In the meantime, Hongjoong was screaming in the car, having a metaphorical heart attack, while Yunho was now on video call with the rest of ATEEZ, doing something similar to a live broadcast - an attempt which the captain could hear was being guided by none other than Yeosang, who, amidst the hoots and tease after tease, was explaining (unprompted) the theory behind live on-scene reporting as though he had been called on by a teacher.
Hongjoong could not take his eyes away from the exchange between you and Seonghwa. While he could not say many details about you, his friend was like an open book to him, and every twist, every turn, every tilt that he could recognise (no thanks to the distance between the parked vehicle and the two of you), Hongjoong could see that Seonghwa was deeply into you. Far too deeply for it to be just a little passing interest.
As Seonghwa texted you and you confirmed the numbers have indeed been exchanged, you suggested to take a photo together, so you could use each other's halves for profile pics and he decided that he was yours even if you did not need him in your life. A resounding series of 'brooooo's resounded from the call as Yunho tried to focus the camera on the scene, despite Hongjoong shouting 'creep' at him.
After setting up communication, organising what you both had agreed was to be a date and parting ways, Seonghwa waddled back into the car like the happiest duckling of all time. Literally could not speak while Hongjoong was punching his shoulder repeatedly.
Yunho shook Seonghwa's hand and Wooyoung could be heard HOLLERING over the phone and begging for Yunho to show Seonghwa's face, which was glowing. He became eternal sunshine.
For your date (and yes he kept on chanting this in his head) Seonghwa decided to make you a rose out of Lego, and glued it together so that it could be a permanent piece that would not be damaged while being transported. Whilst in the process of making it, he had to fight off the 99z menaces, only managing to get rid of them when he went against his nature and littered the floor with spare Lego pieces like a minefield.
Hongjoong has been on edge ever since the so-called fan meet, eyeing Seonghwa whenever he would as much as touch his phone, and try peek over his shoulder if he began to smile like a lovesick fool. The captain was doing just about the same thing now, watching Seonghwa as he was making finishing touches on the rose.
"Hey, Hwa, can I at least meet her? Or like learn more about her?"
"As long as you don't stalk me and her, and meet her not in person not right now, sure."
"I know you can and do creep on the interwebs."
"Dang it. The sad part is that you're right. Okay give me just like.... a rundown? Can I trust her?"
Seonghwa, proud of the gift he had just finished making, was now in the process of tidying up, carefully wiping the floor.
"If it helps, she is the kind of person to have to-do lists, me and her literally have an agenda set out, and she sent all location and time details in advance."
"Shit okay she is responsible-"
"She participated in a rocket launch."
"YOU WHAT FAM??" Hongjoong was shaken. How did this person have time for everything?
"Yeah. She is an astrophysicist, so she wasn't designing the rocket per se, but contributed in a different project phase."
"Damn, she might even be able to understand the ATEEZ lore with that brain."
"Uh huh."
"Can I come with you?"
"No." Seonghwa shut the leader down with a smile, twirling the flower between two of his fingers, as he thought about the evening ahead.
Judging from your reaction to the surprise present, the rose might as well have been a newly discovered star - that was how you admired it, how you handled it, and how you turned into an automated praise dispenser towards Seonghwa - he was glad that the institute where you had decided it was safest to meet had a penchant for 'conserving energy' and kept the lights relatively dim, so you could not see just how red his ears were.
You decided that the best place to begin the tour would be the mini planetarium that was housed inside the institute. Seeing as you had exclusive access even after hours, it was an opportunity one simply could not pass up. As you led Seonghwa from one exhibit to another, and managed to guide him through it thanks to being here countless times already, you notice just how immersed he was, and caught flashes of near boyish excitement as you threw in a couple of references from popular culture, be it your favourite franchise or details from movies like Interstellar or The Martian.
Moving along, you led him to one of the stronger telescopes that were on site - even though they were not much compared to those in an observatory, and were more for fun rather than for research and real observation, it was definitely enough to make Seonghwa send out a barrage of questions regarding anything he could spot. To you, it was a rare occasion to meet someone outside of your field of work who was equally as excited about all things space. And of course, it was even rarer to have that person be a crush of yours.
Then, it was time for the final destination. Your pride and joy, one that you had spent quite some time decorating. Your office. Well, technically you shared it with other post graduates but they allowed you to go ham on the interior design so you considered the office to be mainly your space.
And THAT was where Seonghwa saw some parts of your collection, and was completely blown away. There was a glass cabinet position against a wall a bit further away from the entrance, and in it, he would spot The Razor Crest, a Hoth AT-ST, R2-D2, Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder, and many, many more. He gravitated towards the display, and his mind was spinning from the sheer glee of seeing such beauty. As he was taken by the sight, you left his side for a couple of seconds, and then returned, and poked his shoulder lightly.
When Seonghwa turned his head, he nearly yelped.
"Is that... A box... for the Mos Eisley Cantina?"
"Yeah, and I was wondering if you wanted to... assemble it, together?"
You had never seen a man drop to the floor that quickly before. In a matter of seconds, Seonghwa was sitting, as one might say, 'criss cross apple sauce', and patting the space next to him, in front of him, wherever just please let's unpack this and get to it.
So you spend the whole night just making the model on the floor of your office, in your own little world, enjoying life.
Which of course meant that he came home at... 6AM, disregarding seventeen missed calls and forty-two texts from Hongjoong, looking like the happiest man alive. Which made the captain melt as he stored away the insults and scolding session he had prepared for later use - because it was Seonghwa after all, Seonghwa could be forgiven, and Seonghwa would make him clean the room probably.
So instead, he sat by Seonghwa's side as he flicked through photo after photo after photo, showing Hongjoong progress pics of the Lego assembly, with very aesthetically pleasing photos of you sprinkled all over his camera roll. It was far too clear - Seonghwa was down bad.
They had not noticed Yeosang slink into the room, but considering that he had stayed politely quiet, accepted his presence.
"Is my man... a goner? Do I need to ask my girlfriend to make a funeral fit?" Hongjoong asked.
"Hyung it is more likely to be a wedding fit do you see how smitten this guy is?" Yeosang interjected, posing a counter.
"Yeah and that is what scares me, I am barely keeping all of you guys under control and if this guy also goes off into a different orbit then I am actually going to be in a permanents crisis."
"Hongjoong you already are in a crisis... like all the time..." Yeosang was ready to fire this fine morning.
"And I am going to go into a melt down if Seonghwa is also gonna be out of it. My guy, if you crack and start sneaking out on top of spending so much time hell knows where I will actually lose my marbles, I need at least one responsible adult with me."
"Can I invite her over then? She'll be the responsible adult." Seonghwa quipped, stopping his swiping on one of his favourite photos of you, where you were concentrated on attaching a particularly small piece.
"Dude that is kind of..."
"Really she is so awesome. If anything, I would kick everybody else out." Seonghwa joked, though immediately apologised under his breath out of fear of getting the notorious slap of justice.
"Then what's the point?" Hongjoong was confused at the older member's logic.
"Well if you don't want me out of the dorms, that's my solution."
"I don't want you to be fully out of it, that's my point."
"Out of what?"
"The sigma grindset, maybe?"
"Bruh what even. Hypocrisy at its finest. Plus you yourself said she is responsible and an absolute legend." Seonghwa was not on board with the captain's attempts at stopping him. It only made him want to continue meeting up with you even more.
"That she is. I actually googled her not too long ago. Damn, she is... SMART. Have you seen how many sciency papers she wrote? And they are in journals!?" now that came to Seonghwa as a surprise. Although he knew a lot more about you in the personal sense, and enjoyed learning about your hobbies and interests, he had never fully dived into the work you did as he had deemed it above him, thus not a point of focus.
"Wait really? I did not look into that part, since I-"
"No you really have to take a look, it's crazy. If you think that her channel is intense with info, this is next level. Those papers lost me at the title."
And so, Seonghwa looked. And looked some more. Tried to read. Pretended to understand or at least skim and appreciate even though it made him progressively more miserable and planted seeds of doubt and ridiculous conclusions that he was somehow 'inadequate'. And on your subsequent dates, Seonghwa became more and more preoccupied with appearing 'smarter', rather than fully being himself. He wanted to be more academic with you, feeling like that was what you deserved. As days turned into weeks, he found himself regularly looking at your work, reminding himself that he would never be able to achieve this, and regarding you as someone out of his league. He was prone to self-doubt, and here, out of the blue, all fuses were blown and all alarms triggered. The final straw was when a student, younger than both of you, who was doing a research placement at the institute, gave you a call, and Seonghwa could understand virtually NOTHING that was said aside from hello and goodbye even though he was pretty sure all had been in Korean. He wanted to shut down. He could not imagine keeping up.
Thankfully, you knew a thing or two about stars and could tell when they started to shine a little less brightly.
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So I was thinking...
Yesterday, the article about the BTS contracts hit. I read the article and didn't get the big deal. It said they would sign...so they hadn't yet, I thought.
I went to twitter and saw all these people celebrating and I was like...do they not know how to read? Why are they celebrating something that hasn't even happened and that the company is saying will happen.
Why would the company not wait until it has actually happened to make a celebratory article? So I went back to sleep lol
Promise? Oh yeah. What a contract. The board agreed...not BTS. Well, only Rm so far.
But then legit people started talking about it and being serious. I saw the many ridiculous tweets and hateful ot7love remarks, solos being dissapointed, and real Jimin fans feeling sad.
That's when I decided to "believe", although it sounds like media play to me. Why are the stocks tanking even more? Investors didn't believe the news or think Rm's post were enough, apparently. Nothing is set in stone. It hasn't happened yet. The stocks will go up when it actually does happen, though. The investors are worried for now and then future, I suppose.
As someone who loves Jimin and his artistry, I am worried too.
Ot7s and company stans want to make us feel like we are the akgaeist of the akgae for believing that Jimin got sabotaged by his company. But do people seriously think that all that happened to FACE was normal? They can't even offer a rational explanation.
Even if we entertain the idea that his company didn't sabotage him on purpose, they still didn't protect their artist and fix the things that were and are within their reach. Things like:
•Combining Like Crazy Korean and English version
•Restocking the Like Crazy single
•Sending albums to China on time
•Investigating Hanteo sales
•Investigating the erasure of Bb sales
•Properly timing the release of other member projects to avoid interference with other projects
•Fixing the Spotify profile and all that stuff that came along with that
The list is quite long.
Somehow, saying these things makes you a solo or an akgae or a manti (who even came up with this one? so stupid.)
Isn't it more hateful to normalize what happened to Jimin and to want BTS back despite the unequal support the company has given each member?
The people I know don't want Jimin to sign because he deserved better as a soloist and not because they hate BTS. The people I know are neutral and positive towards BTS. They literally only want fair treatment for Jimin. They are Jimin fans. Not solos, shippers, ot7s, rando labels. Just people who appreciate Jimin as an artist.
Somehow, the people who want BTS back, no matter what, and can't wait for the solo ventures to be over are better than all of us... because BTS is 7 and they are brothers who love each other and nothing can break them apart...not even solos, akgaes, shippers, and Chapter 2...(insert sad violin music).
Everything is backwards in this fandom.
I look at the members who told their story and shared themselves through their music and notice how happy they are. They were exhausted before, so done with the generic white garbage songs, and their creativity constricted. We've gotten to see the colors of their real music and therefore, their real selves. That's what being a true artist is about. I don't know how ot7s who want BTS back, no matter what, don't see this.
It doesn't make sense to me why any proper fan would want their artist to give that all up.
And people kept saying that this time around, Jimin's contract would include better deals because that's what contracts are for. Then I thought...where was the contract when he was pushed to the sides and no longer in the front of the group, when he was given 2 lines in a song, when he was the harmonizer but not one of the lead singers, when FACE era began and ended.
I guess I have no faith in contracts. Or that company.
Any proper fan who doesn't live in a weird fantasy bubble should be worried...and/or dissapointed.
If there is anything I've learned in Chapter 2, it's that it is a every-man-for-themselves chapter. Looking back at Chapter 1, it was like that too, except I was drinking too much of that purple kool-aid to notice it.
I guess we will see what happens when actual contracts are signed. I can only hope that things go well for Jimin. That's the only thing that matters to me.
I guess we will see.
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marimayscarlett · 9 months
About the aging thing- I GENUINELY daydream about tending to Richard's aches and pains from aging like, rubbing his back or his knees with pain relief cream or getting him heating pads or making him tea after a long tour. Massaging his hands after a long rehearsal and redoing his manicure; I genuinely care about him and his well being, I just want him to be happy and healthy, no matter his age ❤️
Hi 🤗 First of all:
Tumblr media
While of course I'm sure Richard is fully capable of taking care of himself (not wanting to deny his independence here), I love this energy. That's the energy we need around here. We stan a group of old(-ish) men, the youngest of them being 52, so I think we all should have some kind of understanding that yes, aging is happening in this group and what changes this can bring. Hell, even I have bad knees and I'm not even 30, I would not even think of lamenting about the aging process of the R+ guys because we all willl eventually grow old, have bad knees/backs/whatnot and wouldn't say no to a heating pad and some pain relief.
So yes, I get what you mean, I know this tendency from myself (always wanting to take care of others, maybe that's the cancer sign in me acting up) and I think this take and train of thought is just lovely. We all should just be gentler with the people around us, the people we adore and with ourselves. 🤍
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valandhirwriter · 5 months
hello! I was sent your way by doandroidsdream because I was told you are a fellow Arnaghad Stan. I have even talked to one of the writers who helped write him (he even confirmed my theory that he is sorta like Lambert intensified). Is there any particular headcannons you happen to have for him and the Bears?
Hello there,
okay, my headcanon about Arnaghad is rather long, and not really Lambert-esque. But lets get started, all I write after this is my head-canon, even if I end up stating it like a fact. You are talking to my story brain atm. ;)
Arnaghad is Gemerrean. He was born in the red mountains of Gemerra, to one of the fierce warrior tribes of the region. Unfortunately his people's time was running short, when Emperor Hereward of Nilfgaard send two punitive expeditions into Gemerra, to curb their raiding. Most of Arnaghad's people were slaughtered, he lost most of his family this day. Captured as a child, he was sold into slavery, ending up in the grand arena of the golden city. From there he was sold to a mage, who looked for strong specimens for Cosimo's work.
Early in Witcher training Arnaghad had problems communicating, because he did not speak northern common. His friendship with Erland began, because Erland had picked up a little southern language, from his time on the ships. Arnaghad liked and was frightened of Erland, because he realised that Erland wasn't accepting that he too had been sold to the mages, and was fighting back every opportunity he got. Arnaghad also loved Erland for that.
Arnaghad in my head was one of the first six succesful transformations. (I know, in canon it's five, I have six, because I have a story about one that didn't work as planned).
Arnaghad and Erland became lovers as adults, and even after going their seperate ways, both never quite got over the other.
Arnaghad at heart is a survivor, strong, fierce and enduring. When it comes down to it, he throws all he has in surviving whatever shit he ended up in. Arnaghad has a fierce temper and a bigger heart than he dares to admit.
Arnaghad taught the bears to be strong, independent and survive no matter what. The whole "heartless bears, don't feel a thing" perception is a misconception in my brain. Bears are able to survive immense pain, push past any horror or trepidation and keep going. It doesn't mean they don't feel. They also are not disloyal to one another, but they also expect everyone in their school to be able to make it alone. Contrary to the wolves who have pack/group mentality, they fight alone. (The Lion fights alone, and so do I, to add a quote here.)
Arnaghad led his people to abandon their school when he learned a pogrom was under way. They did not leave because they did not care, but because it was the way to survive: why fight an angry mob, when you can evade them? Arnaghad told his people to split up, spread out, and let the world think the school of the bear was broken, while he secretly kept in contact with them, and eventually found a secret hideout for his people.
Arnaghad was saved from Ivar's betrayal by Erland, who gave Ivar the beating of his life for trying to murder Arnaghad. (Erland has a fierce dislike for the vipers because of that, and they are the only witchers he might not consider brothers, in my head)
Arnaghad is seven foot tall, with very wide shoulders, huge muscular arms, he's built like a damn brickhouse. He has a mane of brown hair, interwoven with braids. The braids symbolise his lost family, his people and all the battles he fought. Aside of him, only Erland remembers the names of Arnaghad's lost family, and is able to name them by the pattern in Arnaghad's family braid. Arnaghad has seven battle braids.
Arnaghad is a lot smarter than most people thing, though it took him a few decades to get into reading, and liking books. He is rubbish at alchemy, and surprisingly good with signs. Many people who fight him are surprised when he hits them with very strong and precise signs. (Side effect of too much time with Erland when they were young.)
Arnaghad is still alive during the events of the Witcher books, and thinks that the whole mess with Cirilla is an idiocy of massive proportions. He doesn't have much of a good opinion on the chain of events, and would give Vesemir a talking to, for letting his young wolves be so stupid. (If it were Erland, doing the same thing, he'd grumble that Erland thinks he's a fucking knight, and then follow him to make sure he survives this. So take his opinion with a grain of salt.)
Arnaghad has no love lost for Nilfgaard. "Torres and Fergus... they were never were the true heirs of Hereward's bloody legacy, Emhyr var Emreis is." Still Arnaghad would work for Emhyr if contracted, though he would make the Empire pay a very high price indeed.
Arnaghad likes the Griffins (secretly). On the outside he will grumble and growl about their code, their stupid ideas and what not, but when it comes down to it, he likes them quite well, and rescued more than a few from certain death at the hands of Leo Bonhart. Griffins are people where Arnaghad feels he can trust them (and was never disappointed).
Arnaghad did indeed killed his fellow Witcher Rhys, but it wasn't murder. He assisted Rhys suicide, when Rhys couldn't bear his existence any longer. Arnaghad does not expect anyone to understand that.
Arnaghad is afraid of chains, metaphirical chains, of being slave to someone. It is what made his relationship with Erland so complicated, as Arnaghad became afraid of the way he felt for Erland, feeling he could never say no to Erland, and unable to accept the emotional chains he felt tied him to Erland. Something he only worked out in his later years.
Arnaghad loves being outdoors, he was born in a tent and his happiest memories of his childhood is traversing the red mountains.
The bears: School of the Bear has no code. Because all rules get broken eventually, it's better to leave them out right away. Bears do what they do not because a code says they have, they do what they do because they decide to, because they can. Bears are much in the "because I can" department, when asked why they take the risks they do. Most bears would not be able to function without the thrill of a threat breathing down they necks, and they are entirely unable to exist in polite society.
Contrary to other schools bears rarely feel short-changed about their lives or feel unhappy as Witchers. Which is mostly because most of the schools candidates started off worse, than they had it in their school, and have little wish to live a more normal life. Their solitary path makes them happy, and the brothers they have are enough.
A bear might well save someone's skin and when there is no coin involved all he might want from the person he rescued is to be fucking left alone.
There is more, many small details that are hidden in my stories, that I cannot quite think of now. Are there details or ideas you are looking for? Aspects you wanted to ask about?
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absolutebl · 11 months
Hi ABL!! This is more of a data question then anything but it might not actually be answerable.
How does the world of BL define a successful show? Is it money made on ads revenue? Streams? Trending hashtags??
Granted in North American media I also couldn’t answer this question, but I could gage based on…article reviews or critical acclaim. Or something.
I see soooooo many people saying something flopped or was massively successful, but truly. How on earth are we making those benchmarks?
I figure you might have at least a tiny sliver of insight into how this works! Or at least a key word I can take to google LOL. Thanks as always!!!!!
Well for GMMTV et al, it's YT views. So that's easy. We can see those eyeballs outright.
The streaming platforms obfuscate data (that is one of the reasons SAG is still on strike) but we can see things like where it's ranked on their internal leader boards (what's "popular on Viki" for example). How many reviews something has. How many collections and lists it's on. How many people on MDL have it listed as "currently watching"
More key is how much chatter a show is getting. How many comments. But also...
Literally when you do a Google search for that IP:
How are the hit returns?
How many top spots does it hold above the fold on Google main (using private or incognito mode).
Are people blogging about it? Think pieces?
Are there reaction vids?
Reddit chatter?
Interviews with actors?
The amount of fan content generated around an IP tells you a lot about the number of viewers - since it is all a numbers game. Commenters (those who visibly/trackably react to content) are more common than (content) creators. Ghosts (passive consumers) are more common than commenters.
There are those in EntDA working on formulas for predictive fan base numbers sourced in the ratios of these.
Lemme try to explain...
In other words, the fans who create content for IPs (fanfic, art, meta analysis, FMVs, etc...) are the rarest. Those who interact with the content, leave star reviews, comment on the above fan-made content, engage in discourse, leave YT comments, are the second rarest. Those who tend to do nothing more than ... well, ghost (maybe have a subscription, maybe save the vid to a playlist or on MDL, maybe read this on Tumblr but don't react to it). They are the largest contingent but hardest to track.
If we could get a good handle on the first 2, there's usually a predictable ratio that can be drawn for the fan base as a whole, the largest number 3 - ghosts.
For example:
For every 1 creator there are 100 commenters and 1000 ghosts. Something like that. However the nature of this ratio is dependent on venue and vocality of the fan base (often a generational thing). So like, most Kpop stans are vocal, but 4th gen stans tend to be more noisy online, even though 3rd gen groups tend to have bigger overall fan bases. (Superstars, like super hits, are non-viable non-predictive outliers. There can never be another KP, or 2g, and we can't use their numbers to predict anything. Just like Taylor Swift or BTS can't be used to predict/estimate the success of a new pop venture).
back to the BL fandom
Here on Tumblr you can tell what's popular by which ones are getting the most gifsets.
That's how we know Only Friends is out performing Dangerous Romance. (I mean I could check the numbers on YT but I don't really have to.)
Also, I bet you good money Kiseki is garnering more eyeballs than You Are Mine. Again, I can say that with confidence just based on the content that's being created for that IP in this one venue.
On a practical level, in the ET industry, if there is chatter about a BL outside of BL circles (as happened with KP) you know it's gotten HUGE (by BL standards).
The moral of this story, incidentally, is if you like a thing, doesn't matter how shy you are, if you want it to continue, get a second season, whatever, you gotta NOT JUST WATCH IT BUT TALK about it. Online, where careers are made and broken. Squeaky wheel and all that.
Entertainment is about attention. More money is always thrown at the thing getting the most attention.
Just like politics.
Okay, I done now.
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