#and so i hit them with the ouch stick
mx-legend-of-faye · 9 months
What ever you do, don’t imagine Wild having to leave the chain for the events of totk.
Don’t imagine that it hasn’t been years between botw and totk, but only however long it’s been since he joined the chain.
Don’t imagine the chain in Wild’s hyrule when a portal appears. Don’t imagine Wild going through the portal last only to discover he can’t. Don’t imagine the rest of the chain panicking and full of confusion when the portal closes and Wild isn’t there.
Don’t imagine the confusion and panic Wild felt when he didn’t go through the portal. Don’t imagine his realization that maybe it was for a reason; for another adventure. Don’t imagine Wild going back to the castle to talk with Flora and her asking him to explore below it with her.
Don’t imagine what Wild must’ve felt seeing Fi shattered. Don’t imagine him spending every moment after that worried about what Sky would think. Don’t imagine everything he was probably feeling as he jumped after Flora, just barely missing her hand.
Don’t imagine Wild waking up alone again. Don’t imagine how in a few days he went from having the whole chain at his back, all of them being a family, to suddenly having no one. Don’t imagine his guilt at Flora falling without someone to catch her. Don’t imagine his guilt at knowing the chain has no idea what happened to him, just that he didn’t get through the portal with them.
Don’t imagine Wild stepping out onto the sky islands, desperately wanting to show Sky, going so far as to turn as if to talk with him about it only to have the crushing realization that Sky isn’t there. No one is. And he’s all alone again.
Don’t imagine Wild worrying more about everyone else than himself. Don’t imagine his desperate worrying over what happened to Flora. Don’t imagine his panic for the chain—are they eating well? Are they safe? Have they gotten hurt?
Don’t imagine him sitting at a cooking pot, spacing out thinking of everyone he’s lost, only to look back and realize he’s made way too much food for one person.
(TW: What’s next can be inferred as suicidal thoughts. Stop reading here or skip past the next little paragraphs if you do not wish to read such context)
Don’t imagine Wild being ready to give up everything, because he’s already lost so much and now he has to do it all over again and what’s the point, he’s all alone—
Don’t imagine Wild deciding not to give up because he has to find Flora first and he can’t just leave his brothers like that. He’ll find Flora, and he’ll find a way back to his brothers, and he won’t give up because he can’t. Not when he has them to find. He won’t leave them. And until then, he has the sages. He has a kingdom to protect. That’s enough to hang on to for now.
Don’t imagine Wild having to go through all the events of totk without anyone by his side through the worst of it.
Don’t imagine the relief Wild felt when he finally caught Flora.
Don’t imagine that a week after the events of totk another portal appears.
Don’t imagine Wild and Flora’s goodbye.
Don’t imagine Wild’s reunion with the chain. Don’t imagine the tears and the relief and the shouted questions and the obvious changes in Wild after every new trauma he had to endure—and the obvious difference in arm.
Don’t imagine Wild falling easily back into place as the cook. Don’t imagine Wild having a nightmare the first night back with the chain. Don’t imagine Time being the one on watch that night and comforting Wild. Don’t imagine Twilight waking up first to find the two of them sitting by the dying fire, Wild resting his head on Time’s shoulder, and deciding to let them sleep. Don’t imagine the others waking up, Twilight telling them to keep quiet, and one of them taking Wild’s slate to take a picture—the first picture they’ve taken since Wild got back.
Don’t imagine all of them around the fire one night, each sharing their own journeys.
Don’t imagine Wild telling them what happened to him in both botw and totk.
Don’t imagine how finally, after so much struggle and panic and worry and frustration, Wild is back with his family.
Or do imagine all of that. I’m not your parent, I can’t tell you what you can and can’t do. Also, it’s hypocritical of me to say don’t imagine it. I know I’ve been imagining it.
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gingersxng · 3 months
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Sex Addiction
Pairing: f!reader x San
Summary: your boyfriend can’t keep his hands to himself and isn’t sorry about the consequences which follows
Genre: Smut 18+
Notes: sub!reader, rough dom!San, San has a sex addiction, San is really horny, public touching, nipple sucking, pussy eating, fingering, spanking, bruising, unprotected sex (always keep safe), cum eating, cream pie, many rounds, overstimulation
Words: 814
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you were invited to a family dinner with your parents at a fancy restaurant earlier this evening but halfway through your boyfriend decided it would be appropriate to start playing with you under the table. caressing his hand on your squishy thighs and then further up your short skirt while holding a conversation with your mom. you felt your heart race and your body froze cause you were so scared someone would notice. you squeezed your thighs together locking his hand in between them to give him a warning. a deep chuckle escaped his lips. he pinched your thigh making you jolt up with a “ouch”. you threw a deadly glare at him and he honestly couldn’t care less cause all you got in return was a dirty smirk. “everything alright honey” your mom asked with a worried look on her face. “she’s been having bad cramps lately, I think I should take her home so she can get some rest” San replied squeezing your thigh.
and that’s how you ended up on your bed with your boyfriend sucking on your nipples and a hand inside your panties. “y-you really can’t restrain yourself c-can you” you moaned out trying to sound angry. San let go of your nipple and gave you a smirk sliding in two fingers inside your hole. “oh how well you know me..” he chuckled pumping his fingers faster. his actions made your back arch and eyes shut tight. this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened when you and San were out together, his sex drive was almost too much but you wouldn’t have it any other way seriously.
he pulled down your panties and rubbed your clit a few times before he dove right in. tongue gliding up and down your folds tasting your arousal. you put your hand in his hair pushing him down a bit, he groaned against your clit sending electric waves to your stomach. your moans were like angels singing in Sans ears and he could feel his cock twitch in his pants. your orgasm hit you like a train and you came all over his tongue, your body felt so heavy. San didn’t waste any time, he licked you clean and hurried to undo his pants letting his leaking aching friend out. “you don’t know how hard it is to keep my cock inside my pants when we’re out darling” his voice were deep and serious making your whole body shiver. he took his cock guiding it to your aching hole, being too excited like he used to get he didn’t give you a chance to adjust to him and you let out a whimper from the burn. he rutted into you like his life depended on it, your hands grabbing around him scratching his back. his eyes were pitch black and his bangs sticking to his sweaty forehead, San wasn’t that vocal instead he was growling and it always made your pussy clench around his cock sucking him all in. “fuck, I’m gonna cum if you keep clenching like that” “then cu- cum mmh inside me” you moaned out. he almost came just hearing you say that. he pulled out grabbing you by the waist flipping you over on your stomach. “on all fours now” he growled. with shaky legs you obeyed him.
he hit your ass cheeks very hard a few times which would leave handprints before taking hold on your hips squeezing hard while he pushed himself inside again. you felt tears rolling down your cheeks from the mixed feeling of pleasure and pain, San always used to go very rough on you when you had sex which meant you almost never had romantic and slow sex. “my beautiful sexy girl gonna get filled up good with my cum” he groaned throwing his head back. you felt your stomach twist and your mouth fell open when he put one hand on your clit and the other squeezing your ass hard while thrusting in and out. “pls S-Saaaannn!” you screamed, your legs almost gave out under you. “cum for me baby” he spanked you one more time with force and you came while letting out a loud broken moan. San pressed his hips into you and you could feel his cock twitch inside you, a big load of cum spurting into you. San pulled out watching as the cum was dripping out from your stretched hole all over your thighs, just the sight made him hard again. before you had time to rest you felt him pushing his cock in again.
“San you’re kidding…” you threw your head back to look at him. he gave you a sly smile letting out a little laugh. “when you have an addiction it’s damn hard to stop” he said bending over kissing your neck and grabbing your boobs as he started to thrust into you again.
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annaloveshjp · 1 year
cold kisses ✧
harry potter x gn!reader
word count: 1k
summary: cute little scenario of harry being sleepy and wanting kisses ♡
“Y/N?” Harry’s voice pulls you from your book as he walks into the common room after his quidditch practice.
“Harry, hi,” you greet him. He walks over and plops himself onto the sofa next to you. Harry’s still in his quidditch sweater, which is a bit too big for him. He pulls the sleeves over his hands to make paws.
“You okay? How was practice?” you ask him, putting your book down and patting your lap, inviting him to lie down. He sometimes reminded you of a puppy.
“Fine, and good,” he says softly. He leans down and stretches across your lap, groaning as he does. The wind messed up his hair, sticking everywhere, but not much more than usual. You stroke his hair as he leans into you more, undoing any small knots the wind had created.
His cheeks grow warm from the fireplace that is always lit. He sighs in contentment as the warmth spreads through his body.
“Need a shower?” you ask. He doesn’t reply for a moment, then nods his head. “Yeah,”
“Okay, well, go,” you nudge his head lightly.
“I don’t want to,” he says. “You’re comfortable.”
“My lap will still be here after your shower, Harry,” you say, smiling. “Now go, love. Take a nice, relaxing shower,”
He tilts his head to look at you. “Okay,” he proceeds to roll off of the sofa, hurting his behind in the process.
“Owww,” he groans tiredly. “That hurt,”
“No shit, Harry,” you sigh. “Now shoo, before I drag your arse up to your dorm,”
He lets a small smile slip onto his face before getting up and going to shower, but not before kissing you on the cheek.
You pick your book up and continue reading as he showers. After a while, you check the clock and see it’s been thirty minutes and you start to wonder if he fell asleep in the shower.
You put your book down and walk up to his dorm. You knock and wait for a sign of protest but hear nothing, so you open the door.
Walking in, you look over to see Harry lying in his bed with damp hair and no shirt on. He looks asleep, but you confirm he isn’t when you hear a muffled hi coming from his direction.
You look around to make sure the other beds are empty (they were), then walk over to him and sit beside him.
“How was your shower?” you ask him, reaching over and rubbing his bare shoulder. He flinches slightly at your cold touch.
“Good,” he seems to be talking to his pillow.
A sudden idea pops into your head. “Hey, sit up,”
He lifts his head to give you a questioning look.
“Love, sit up,” you repeat.
He stretches before obliging. He now sits next to you on the bed, his eyelids drooping slightly.
“Good,” you say quietly before crawling behind him on the bed and sitting down again. You raise your hands and begin massaging his shoulders so he can relax.
He tensed up for a second. You questioned why in your head for a moment before realizing why he felt so warm; your hands had been cold before.
“Sorry,” you say. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No, it’s okay, they’ll get warmer as you go on,” he says. “But that sure woke me up.”
A small laugh escaped your lips as you continued with your massage.
“How did everyone do during practice?” you ask him. Your hands are getting warmer now.
“Everyone did fine,” he says. “Ron missed a few, and Katie got lightheaded after an hour, but other than that, it was good.”
“That’s good,” you agree. “D’you think I'd make a good player?”
“With your aim? No way,” he jokes. “But maybe a beater. Do you like hitting things?”
“Sometimes,” you say. “One time I actually hit my sibling with a pillow and knocked them off our loft bed,” you cringe and half smile at the memory.
“Ouch,” he says.
“Yeah,” you say. “Maybe next year I’ll try for beater, who knows?”
“That’d be cool,” Harry says. “I’d get to boss you around, ha!”
“You already can, Harry,” you say without thinking. Your face turns red in realization but thankfully Harry can’t see.
“I– what?” he turns around with a slight smirk as he notices your shocked state.
You quickly compose yourself and say with as much confidence as you can muster, “You heard me. You already can.”
He narrows his eyes for a moment. “Okay, then. Get off the bed.”
You didn’t think he’d actually start to boss you around, but you oblige anyway. You crawl around him and off the bed, now standing in front of him. “Is that it?” you ask.
“Now, kiss me.”
You look at him. “Is that it?”
“Maybe,” he says. “Now do as I say. Please?”
“Fine,” you roll your eyes playfully before leaning forward and giving him a swift peck on the lips.
“Hey! That wasn’t a kiss!” he whines as you back away.
“It was!” you say.
“Barely,” he retorts.
“Fine,” you say as you walk up to him. Harry scoots back on the bed to make room for you to sit. You sit down and look from his eyes to his lips.
His hand cups your jaw as you both lean in for a kiss. Your hands go to his warm shoulders as your lips meet and suddenly your whole body is warmer than just a few seconds ago.
You lean into him to somehow feel him more, which makes the kiss more intense. One of his hands goes to rest on your hip and all of a sudden you’re sitting on his lap.
You pull away for air after a moment. “Good enough kiss?” you ask him.
“Almost,” he says. He leans forward once again and pecks your lips once, twice, then a third time before he says, “Okay, good.”
You smile and kiss him on the nose.
Harry pulls you with him as he lies down on his back, your head resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around you protectively.
“I’m warm now,” you say. “Thank you for sharing your body heat.”
“No problem, love,” he says through a yawn. “Can we sleep now?”
“Of course,” you say. “Goodnight, Harry.”
“Night, Honey,” he whispers.
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romanoffsbish · 1 month
I’m Fine 🙂 / Save Me 🙃
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Familial / Sisters)
Warnings: Angst w/Bittersweet Ending | Reader Dies | Black Widow / Red Room Canon | Addiction | “Cry for Help”
All she had left was the memory of you. | WC: 1,512
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"Do you ever feel like you're all alone in this world?"
Natasha looked up from her laptop quick. "What?"
"Like, no matter how hard you try, no one will ever love or regard you in the same way you do them?"
Natasha tried to approach you gently, "Y/N." Yet she wasn't quick enough as you jumped back. "Shut up."
There was a fire in your eyes she hardly recognized, and she took a step back. Looking in your eyes hurt, because you were not the same little girl who used to pick flowers from the garden just for her hair and part of her took blame for that. "Don't try and pretend like you do." If you were a wine you'd be the most bitter. "I don't know why you even keep me around Natasha."
The redhead scoffed bitterly, "because I love you!" It stung to feel the burden in her words—you're hurting yourself just to spite her, but she hurt you first and with the way your mind was racing this made sense.
"Or is it because you feel guilty?" You countered, and hit it on the head as she whispered, "Y/N, please..."
Crushing her the same way she did you the day she left you behind, in a place built to destroy a dreamer like you, in the hands of a man set out to punish you for the mistakes of the woman you loved the most. Ouch.
"Do you think the world would miss me if I vanished?"
"Of cou—." You mindlessly cut her off, words tinged with vitriol, "Of course not. You're the one they'd hold the candlelight vigils for, you'll be on a mural and I'd be the one the stray cats would miss, because just like them I know what it's like to truly have no place."
"Have you been smoking pot?" It reeked the longer she stood closer to you. Then you all but confirmed it as you grew defensive. "Is that all you can ask Natasha?"
Natasha clicked her tongue. "Answer the question."
"Yes," you monotoned, "what does that change?"
"Everything." You grew rather frustrated, "but how?"
“You’re not making any sense,” she tried to reason but you laughed incredulously, “this is the first time in my entire life that I am making complete sense, Natalia.”
"I don't like it when you're like this, sestra."
"I'm always like this." Natasha sighed, "yeah..."
"Yeah?" Natasha nodded shamefully and you couldn't stop the sob from breaking. She hated you.
"Then I won't be anything to you, anymore."
Natasha shot up in a cold sweat, her wife beater tank top sticking to her skin, the words of your last fight still ringing in her head; a cry for help and she was useless.
"Fuck," she hiccuped, her knees pulled to her chest as she sobbed alongside the sky just outside the window. She dug the heels of her palms into her eyes and tried to force the pity she felt for herself away, the grief...
There were so many things she could have said; done.
I don't understand, but I want to; talk to me...
Had she ran after you, would it be different now?
Could've grabbed you by the arm. Don't go. Stay.
I love you more than you could ever know.
Instead she scoffed, 'at least I can finish my paperwork now,' and let you storm out the door without noticing the keys to her brand new jet black Porsche were gone.
Yelena still won't return her calls. Melina and Alexei are beside themselves in a grief harsher than her own. Though she internally wagers that her loss was the greatest, because you were her little widow first...
"Natty?" the blue haired girl looked at you with a wide grin, the innocence of the nickname you gave her was endearing and in the same breath, twisted. It was clear to her you didn't remember much of the before. You were four years her junior, so similar to Yelena, this life was honestly all you'd known. "Da, malen'kiy pauk?"
Natasha laughed just as soon as you giggled. It brought her joy to know, that for a while, you could be free of the harsh shackles that awaited you all back home.
"A little girl at school today told me about how in her family, when a person goes away, that they can become something else when they visit." Natasha nearly lost the joy on her face as you curiously approached death. In her mind the hope you held onto was futile, that when you shoot someone between the eyes, they are as good as gone, but she could never destroy you like that.
Instead, she gave life to your wonder, "What would you want to be then, a kitty?" You shook your head and blurted your answer easily, "malen'kiy pauk." The gaps in your teeth only made your smile more endearing, and the redhead opened her arms to you. You launched yourself into your sister's arms and gripped her tight.
"Then I could visit you," you mumbled against her shirt and the natural redhead tensed. The idea of you no longer existing felt unpleasant—her walls crumbled the moment you and Yelena entered her life but this was the first time she'd felt anything excruciating.
"Moya malen'kiy pauk," she chuckled softly so as to not cry instead, she placed a kiss to your cheek then hoped your childlike attention span would change the tune.
Then a familiar jingle sounded and you were scrambling into the house, shrieking for your mom.
Natasha shook her head and walked to the old man who knowingly parked out front of your house. He handed the redhead three ice creams, and a disk.
You stood next to Natasha in the line for lunch, which was just a tasteless tray variety of essential nutrients. It was rule of thumb not to talk in line, but you were never one to follow the rules, and neither was Natasha.
"Are you scared of death?" Natasha frowned. "What?"
"I think a healthy fear for the end is fair, but I'm not losing sleep over the concept. Why do you ask?"
"Because I'm honestly not," you shrugged, stance indifferent but Natasha unfortunately believed you as you went on to say, "just wondering if I'm alone."
"Never with us," Yelena chimed in. "Death is an inevitability, just a matter of the when and how."
It wasn't hard to see to the fear in the blonde's eyes as she kept up her indifferent demeanor. Deep down, Natasha knew she was still that little girl from Ohio, who up until recently called fireflies, forest stars.
"I can't believe it," your tone clipped, the warmth you used to greet her with was gone. "I'll be back," she lied without realizing, but you could see it clearly. "Izhets."
"Y/N, I am going to end it once and for all," she hoped you could see the bigger picture, a promised freedom.
"Tozhe tupoy," you chuckled humorlessly. "There is no end, just more opportunities to build up defense."
(Dumb too)
Natasha fell for the American's words of ignorance.
"I love you," she said with certainty before she was one with the shadows, the last piece of your hope gone as it'd been years since you last caught sight of Lena.
A loud cry outside the purposely cracked window pulled her from her bittersweet thoughts of you...
Natasha stood beneath the tarp of your balcony, eyes downcast on a gorgeous white cat, paws soiled by the mud she trudged through with her three kittens. The redhead set a plate of food down for her then settled down beside her, towel in hand as she dried her babies.
The light of the moon cast over the kittens, reflecting off their varied fur patterns. A black one meowed, calling to her first among the litter, he hissed softly at the unfamiliar lift but settled fast as she began to dry his fur, pulling off grime and putting him to sleep.
The same occurred with the next boy cat, who was a gorgeous shade of gray, with faint swirls of orange.
Lastly, the smallest of the three, a gorgeous blend of white, brown and orange. She was the most vocal.
A grateful purr came from the mama cat when the redhead moved on to her paws, her eyes fluttered open at the unexpected contact, and when Natasha lifted her own gaze she gasped. With the light now on her face the color of her eyes was clear, a tear streamed down Nat's face without warning. The color and deep feeling of understanding behind them were just so, you.
"Oh my," a subdued laugh left her as she caught sight of something else, she scooped the feline into her lap, and placed a finger on her wet, pink nose in waiting. The blur of black transferred right on over and the woman smiled truly for the first time in eight months. "Dobro pozhalovat' domoy, moy malen'kiy pauk."
(Welcome home, my little spider)
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sinsandsweetness · 7 months
dom rick bending reader over his knee for being a brat? maybe even rickyl
cw- impact play, mean!dom!rick(?)
“This isn’t even fair,” you whine, face pressed into the rough couch pillow next to you. Your torso is splayed over Ricks lap, knees brushing the hardwood floor.
“Not fair, huh? Daryl said you were bein’ a brat, sweetheart. And you know what happens when you act up like that.”
“I wasn’t,” your words are drawn out. Ricks hand smoothing over the soft flesh of your ass. The action already has you bracing yourself for impact. He’s just warming you up.
“Are you sayin’ that he’s lyin’? Is that what you’re tryna say, baby?”
You look over your shoulder and meet eyes with the bowman, leaned back into the armchair on the other side of the coffee table. Palm freezing over his groin when he sees you looking. Clearly already stirring in his jeans.
“No, no, I just-”
A quick sharp sting to your ass cuts you off.
“Ouch,” you flop back to your original position. Face pressed to the pillow where you can easily muffle your pathetic little cries.
“Just what, baby?” Daryl’s voice drawls from across the room.
“Didn’t meant to- ah” another smack jolts you do reward. But you know better than to complain. “I didn’t mean to lip off, okay. I’m sorry, Dare. I won’t do it again, I promise.”
You can’t see them, but you’re sure they’re sharing a look. Debating between themselves wether or not you’re to be forgiven so easily. So soon.
Another hot blow to your ass elicits a moan this time. The tender flesh starting to feel all tingly and numb. It hurts, sure. But for whatever reason, it’s also turning you on. From Daryl’s angle, he can see an adorable little wet spot of arousal on your panties.
“Pretty sure you said that last time, no?” Rick chuckles, rubbing sweet, gentle circles over your skin. “Just a few more, baby. Gotta stick to the rules. You misbehave, you face the consequences. Just how it goes, doll.”
Tears fight their way to your lash line as your ass takes another few rounds of sharp, jolting pain. Smoothing his palm over the red handprints in between each hit.
You can actually feel your arousal now. A needy, messy, wetness spreading under the cotton fabric of your panties. Ricks fingers dipping down to drag along damp cloth.
You whimper as his large fingers brushing over your clit.
“Alright, angel. Worst part’s over. Now you just have to make it right. Gotta make it up to Daryl, sweetheart. You ready to do that for us? To be a sweet little thing and ask for forgiveness?”
You nod into the pillow, your agreement taking the form of a drawn out moan. Your completely submissive reaction and the slight tremor in your thighs has both men holding back their smiles.
Oh you’ll make it up to them, alright. It’s not like you have much of a choice.
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sunandsstars · 1 year
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Recombinants x Medic!Reader
Summary: An unlikely group of people find a home in their cute little human doctor.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of wounds/death/hurting animals
Word count: 1.6k
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“Sorry! I did tell you it would burn” ___ swiped the alcohol wipe across Lopez’s blue arm, cleaning the deep wound from dirt and bacteria. She grabbed a needle and thread out of the medkit on the floor and carefully stitched him up.
“Don’t be a pussy Lp” Brown stuck his tongue out, tail flicking every which way, hitting Mansk behind him who swatted at the appendage and rolled his eyes, not that anyone could see them under the shades.
“Hey! This is a crazy ass gash on my arm! Let me cry dickface” Lopez stuck up the middle finger of the hand that wasn’t getting treated and ___ slapped it, instructing him not to get into petty fights until after she’s done.
“Will you lot stop pulling each others cocks for one minute?” their colonel strolled into the med bay with Wainfleet right behind him, both ducking under the small doorway to get into the room. “How’s it looking doc?”
“He’ll be ok, it shouldn’t get infected if treated correctly, just make sure to change the bandages every once in a while” ___ finished the last of the stitches she sewed, putting away her equipment. Being a doctor on Pandora had its pros, her income was higher than any other job on Earth, she got to be the first of the human race to live on another planet, she also got to have free roam of Bridgehead since she was highly ranked which was cool.
The cons however, were that she had to be apart of Project Phoenix. Assisting the recombinant squad, ‘deja blu’ was not what she signed up for and at first she was very reluctant, until she actually spent time with them. They were sweet and gentle with her, knowing that she was physically much weaker than them, they took care of her and also each other. Somewhat, they were a family.
Also the soldiers were fucking hot.
“Good. Lopez that was some stupid shit you pulled back there. Could’ve gotten us killed” Quaritch’s heavy steps stomped over to the two and flicked the mans pointed ear, Lopez winced and ___ huffed a laugh.
“Sorry colonel, just got too excited”
“If you want to be excited again, you have the opportunity to get out once you’re done here” General Ardmore made herself known, glaring at every person in the room “I need you on the front lines, take on those big ass animals that are blocking our train lines, they haven’t moved for days so we’re gonna amp up the pressure”
Some of the squad quietly sighed, they just came back from a mission, one that almost got them eaten by a giant black cat, not to mention one of them is injured enough as is.
“General, Lopez here needs to rest, he’s hurt enough as is” ___ intervened, holding the man’s massive hand and squeezing it in reassurance, she knew by the way his ears pointed down that he didn’t want to go out so soon, especially after almost getting his arm hacked off. Ardmore only directed her glare to the woman, making her freeze and look down.
She was one intimidating lady.
“General, we’ll be out there as soon as my guys are rested, it shouldn’t take long” Quaritch piped up, not wanting their doctor to face the older ladies rath of judgement.
Ardmore nodded sharply and sighed heavily, not liking the delay but this wasn’t her team to command… well it was…but Quaritch was a man that she didn’t want to get on the bad side of. Recom or human. She briskly turned and marched out but not before giving them three days rest to recover and gather supplies. She’d just have to send some Bulldogs instead.
Lopez sighed and squeezed ___’s hand in thanks for sticking up for him, he released it and stood up from his chair, Brown coming over and clapping him on the back “you guys wanna go to the rec room? Ja and Zhang are waiting for us”, many agreed and followed suit, Wainfleet and Quaritch sticking behind for ___.
The doctor packed her equipment away and took off her lab coat off, nodding to the two as they filed out. “So.. what exactly happened out there?” she usually was on these missions with them, but she had to tend to some paperwork with the bio scientists.
“We ran into one of those.. what are they called, thanators? Nasty fuckers” Wainfleet strolled up next to her, tail flicking and sending her hair up a little, he grinned and messed with her more, using his tail to flick more of her neatly kept hair.
___ turned and slapped his leg, smoothing her hair down and jogged a little further to get away from him. “Yeah, they’re not very nice. You must’ve been in their hunting zone - stop that!” she grinned as Lyle followed her around “just because I have hair and you don’t!”
Quaritch snorted “docs got a point corporal, but that burn runs deeper than Lp’s kitty scratches, how you gonna take that?” he was a few ways back from them, ears pointed up and grin on his face at their silliness. He could hear more of his team in one of the rooms further up laughing and chatting, Prager had a secret lover? Now that is something he’d need to find out.
“Well for one, sleep with both eyes open and a nightlight, for two-” The soldier grabbed ___ by the waist and hoisted her up over his shoulder, slapping her ass and barging into the recom’s rec room shouting “this little lady has been bullying me about my hair! We needa teach her a lesson”
Zdinarsk sharply turned at the loud noise and saw the predicament the two were in, ___ was dangling with her face barely reaching Lyle’s lower back, her tiny fists hitting the muscle as she shouted for mercy. The soldier hollered “what hair?!” and the rest followed with shouts of their own, oh the agony.
Wainfleet pointed his middle finger at every single one of them, including Quaritch behind him who was chuckling loudly. He placed the human in his arms onto one of the couches and forced her onto her back, easily pinning her with just one hand. His yellow eyes met hers and she instantly tensed up “no! NO! Lyle please don’t!” the man only grinned devilishly and raised his other hand slowly “Lyle I promise I’ll do anything!”
“Yes anything! I’ll bake you those brownies you like!” Man did he love those brownies.
“Hmm, what do you think people?” Lyle glanced at everyone in the room to see their opinions.
Zhang twisted around and raised his brows “I dunno corp, she disrespected you and your lack of hair, she deserved what’s coming to her”
“Yea give it to her!” Fike pumped a fist into the air and Mansk nodded cooly.
“The people have spoken darlin’ you could still make me those sweets anyway” ___ screeched as the solder brought the hand down and tickled at her skin, going across the stomach, under the pits, under her chin. Her greatest weakness is that she’s ticklish, ever since they found that out she’s been exploited to the harsh fingers of the recombinants.
The doctor had tears going out of her eyes as she laughed at the feeling “I-I’m sorry! ahaha! I did- I didn’t mean to!” she felt Wainfleet slow down to a stop, nodding and patting her head as she breathed heavily. A flicker appeared in his eyes and she instantly put her hands up, knowing he would probably do it again.
Prager strolled by and rugby tackled Lyle to the floor, taking him down and wrestling him. All ___ could see from her position was tails swinging and legs flailing, she breathed heavily and sat up, carefully avoiding the almost ten foot men.
She strolled over to Quaritch who engaged himself in a game of cards with Ja, Zdinarsk and Fike. She examined the A4 cards he held then the ones on the table and plucked one from his fingers, placing it down. “Fuck” Zdinarsk swore, cursing whatever god was out there for this treachery, she was losing. Z-Dog never loses. “You know, I thought I liked you sweetness” ___ just stuck her tongue out in retaliation. Fike urged the doctor to help him out too, only to get a card thrown at him by Zdinarsk.
“How are you doing Lopez?” ___ strolled over to the man who was watching T.V with Zhang and Brown, he grabbed the little lady and perched her onto his lap.
“Good mami. It’s gonna take more than a fat cat to tear me down”
___ glanced over the man’s shoulder at Wainfleet who agreed and flexed his muscles, marines will be marines, she laughed.
“Don’t act like you weren’t crying earlier because of the pain” Brown chimed in, eyes glancing at the two next to him, he reached a hand over to rest it on ___’s calf, rubbing circles on it.
“I didn’t cry”
“Yes you did, whining like Prager when he got dumped by his secret lover”
‘Prager had a secret lover?’ ___ wondered. Tea is brewing, she had a feeling it was gonna be good.
“I’ll stick my tail in your ass if you don’t shut your fucking mouth”
“I’m counting on it”
“Cut it out!”
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slayfics · 6 months
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You paint Denki’s nails.
800 words~
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You carefully stroked the brush across your nails, ensuring to lay down an even level of paint.
“Man, that’s a strong smell,” Denki said, walking up to sit next to you on the couch.
“Oh sorry, I guess I could move to my dorm,” you said, placing the nail polish brush back in the bottle.
“No it’s fine- by all means continue cutie~” he said, in his usual flirty tone.
You rolled your eyes and continued to paint your nails.
“Hey, what’s that look for?” He asked defensively.
“Nothing little Pichu,” you said, continuing to paint and not looking up at him. You didn’t exactly mind Denki’s casual flirting, but it did irritate you that he flirted with anything that moved. You found it impossible to take any of his compliments seriously when he tossed them around so casually to anyone.
“Pichu? What happened to Pikachu, hm?” He asked, making himself comfortable on the couch.
“Pichu fits you better. He also hurts himself when he uses his electricity,” you said laughing.
“Ouch! Ok, you got me, but I’m working on it! I don’t fry my brain as much as I used to anymore!” Denki said, defending himself.
"I know I know, you've been working really hard," You agreed as you finished up with your nails. "Hey, let me do yours." You offered.
"What?! Paint my nails?" He asked, looking at you with a confused expression.
"Yeah come on, girls love a guy with painted nails. It'll help you," You said teasingly at him.
"Hmm, alright go ahead then. Besides, I'll take any excuse for a cutie to be close to me," He said laughing and sticking out his hands for you.
You playfully hit him on the shoulder for his remark.
"Hey!" He laughed, "You're being extra feisty today."
"You deserved it!" You said searching your bag to choose colors for him. "Hmmm- how about yellow and black? Maybe- your index and ring finger yellow then the rest black? That's pretty spicy I think."
"Sure I trust your judgment," he said, shrugging his shoulders.
You untwisted the cap of the nail polish and pulled his index finger closer to you. Denki watched as you carefully painted even strokes of color onto his nails. His heart beat just a little fast at how close you were to him.
"Wow, ok, I see your vision now. This is looking pretty cool. And~ since you're handing out tips~ what else do you think would help me with the ladies?" He asked, tilting his head as he watched you switch to the black nail polish.
"Be more picky," You said plainly as you continued to paint.
"Hm? What do you mean?" He asked.
"You flirt with everyone Kaminari, and everyone knows it- no girl wants that," You explained. "Girls like to feel special. They don't want to be with someone they think would just date anyone. They have to feel like you mean it when you say you like them or call them cute. So, stick to flirting with one girl. Maybe you'll have better luck that way."
"Ohh- Ok, I think I get what you're saying," Denki responded and looked solemn for a moment as he processed your words.
You two sat in silence for a few moments as you began painting his next hand.
"Hey- do... Do you want to go to the arcade tomorrow?" Denki asked, his voice sounding unusually unsure.
"Sure, you gonna kick Kirishima's ass at Mortal Kombat again?"
Denki laughed, "Always! But um- no... I meant... Do you want to go to the arcade... with just me?" He clarified.
You paused painting his nails and looked up at him, "What?" You exclaimed surprised by his question.
"Well- you just told me I should focus on one girl and... If I'm being honest- you're the one I think about all the time. I'm not just saying flirty stuff to be charming or something- I... I mean it with you," He explained, as he searched your dumbfounded expression desperate for an answer.
You felt like your whole body was paralyzed. Was Denki being serious? All those times he flirted with you- he wasn't just joking? Did he really mean everything he said?
Your cheeks warmed up the more you processed his words.
Denki began to panic at your silence, "Oh man, you can totally forget everything I just said if I made this weird. I don't want to ruin our friendship or anything!"
"No! It's not that- I... I uh... yeah- let's go to the arcade tomorrow. Just you and me," You said, your blush deepening as you went back to eyeing his fingers to avoid his gaze. It was suddenly hard to look him in the eyes now.
"Yeah? You want to?!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Ok! It's a date then."
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee
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be with you
multiple bsd characters x reader. reader is gn (gender neutral).
about: dates with bsd characters. established relationship
featuring: dazai, chuuya, atsushi, akutagawa, ranpo
notes: atsushi is referred to as “jinko” (white tiger) in aku’s part
kiel notes: idk if you can tell whose part is more self indulgent LMAOOO managed this during writer’s block i think im a god. kidding
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DAZAI — cosy colouring book date at home
dazai recently bought colouring books from the bookstore. he said along the lines of “exploring creativity,” but really, he’s just lazy and broke for outdoor dates. you didn’t mind, though; quality time is still time spent with your lover.
worn out faber castell colour pencils are splayed out on his futon, and you both are lying on your stomachs. he kicks his legs and fills the empty pages with different colours. a peaceful and quiet retreat from the world with dazai gently humming a song you can’t quite make out, only to be disturbed by the gentle sounds and laughter of lovers.
“why’s the penguin yellow?” you giggle, and he pouts.
“have you seen club penguin? all the penguins have different cute colours!” he shades another penguin green and you rolled your eyes. “that game is dead, though..” you remarked, and he scoffed playfully. “not dead in my heart."
being childish and immature with the right person truly heals your inner child.
CHUUYA — aquarium (his mayoi card!!)
chuuya’s gloved hand held your hand as you both strolled through the tanks. your fingers traced the outlines of the fish as they swam close. he points at an ugly fish and laughs, “it looks like you." your jaw drops because that fish was actually ugly. it was your turn to exact revenge, and you point towards a small fry fish, saying, “and that’s you." you stick your tongue out at him and his mouth twitches in amusement. talk shit get hit.
your fish and his fish swam to each other and circled in a dance. he chuckles, “maybe that’s actually us,” he watches the fish swim away, and you beamed, “we could rule the fish kingdom together!” his eyes soften when he sees your bright smile illuminated under the blue aquarium light, before he smirks again.
“yeah yeah, you don’t even know how to swim,” ouch. there’s some truth in his words, and you can only sigh. fishes are naturally good at swimming, so it wouldn’t be a problem if you guys were one.
he sends you both back home by piggybacking you and zipping through the city. you hold your shoes in one hand after a long day of walking, and you grip the shark plushie he won at the aquarium in another.
ATSUSHI — cuddling in a pillow fort
you throw a blanket over the pillow fort you and atsushi have built in the last ten minutes. he struggles to let the fairy lights stay put as he pulls them around the fort.
“get in already!” you pat the spot beside you impatiently, and he crawls in. your laptop rests on his right thigh and your left thigh, sharing a movie screen. it’s a movie marathon on a rainy day. the horror movie plays, and atsushi hides his face in your neck when a jump scare appears.
lightning flashes outside and thunder roars, sending the poor boy flinching a little. you felt bad, so you decided to call off the marathon (not even one movie in) “okay no more, we can just cuddle." you close the laptop screen, and he lays on your lap. your fingers twirl his soft hair, and he purrs softly. atsushi’s soft purring and the soft pitter-patter of the raindrops outside lull you to sleep. you lay your back against the fort gently, eyes closed and relaxed with your lover.
AKUTAGAWA — cat cafe
it took a lot of convincing for akutagawa to go on this date. he didn’t like going to a cafe with the same species and animal family as atsushi. he agreed anyway because he didn’t want to see you upset (good).
you sat on the floor and wiggled a feather toy around while akutagawa fed lickable treats. many cats surrounded him and rubbed their bodies against his thighs. a white cat that oddly resembles a tiger approaches him, and he moves the treat away.
“ryu, you’re so mean.” you clicked your tongue and fed the white cat some of your treats. “it looks like jinko.” he grumbled and stared at the cat with his void eyes. at this point atsushi is your boyfriend’s boyfriend.
akutagawa uses his ability to create a mini cat tower for the cats surrounding him. you can’t help but giggle at his helplessness when the cats jump on him. they seem like to him a lot, well, except for that one cat he denied of treats.
on your way back home, you told him he looked like a tuxedo cat. he only cocks an eyebrow at you, not questioning your weird comparison.
RANPO — dessert tasting
a flyer comes into the agency’s mail, and ranpo is already dragging you down the busy afternoon streets. “come y/n, we have to go. it’s an important mission.” his grabs your wrist tightly and enters the cafe. mission? at a cafe?
what came into the mail was a notice for a dessert tasting at a cafe before their grand opening. ranpo could already discern the flyer’s content when atsushi walked in with a bunch of letters. who in the right mind would turn down free sweet treats? obviously not ranpo.
the waitress brings out pastries after pastries, and ranpo pushes his glasses up, acting like a food critic.
“hm, these scones are not sweet enough. the texture is too chewy.” he moves on and shoves a spoonful of gelato into his mouth. “i like the gelato. it’s sweet for my liking.” he nods approvingly, and you laugh, wiping the cream off the edge of his mouth. “slow down, the greatest food critic. we’re here to enjoy the desserts too.”
“if they don’t want to lose a customer like me, then i’d better say something about their recipe before their grand opening.” he’s got a point. you doubt he’d actually frequent this cafe, though, because he only came today for free desserts. you both get ramune to cleanse your palate afterwards (not that it helps).
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main menu ☆
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wonbriiize · 8 months
pairing; anton x reader
genre; best friends to lovers, fluff
warnings; none (?)
note; i think this is the shortest scenario i’ve ever written but i hope u guys still enjoy it <3
giving your heart away
in which you and your best friend anton go out for a walk while it’s snowing and he decides to start a snowball fight that ends differently than you’d have ever thought…
“i told you that it would start to snow,” you glare at anton while putting your hands in your pockets because it was so cold outside.
“so what? it’s beautiful. the first snowfall of the year,” anton smiles happily.
and i get to witness it with you, he thinks.
for him, this is the best thing ever, but he can‘t let you know. you two have been best friends for years, so him confessing his feelings for you might change everything.. and he doesn’t know if it would be a good or bad change. all he knows is that his friendship with you means more to him than his lingering feelings and he can’t risk losing it. losing you.
“you know i don’t like snow,” you can’t help but to be angry about this. you’d much rather have stayed at home, where it’s cozy and warm instead of walking outside in the snow, feeling like you’re going to freeze to death.
“well, maybe i can change that,” anton grins before he grabs snow off the ground and forms it into a ball.
you shake your head, taking a few steps backwards. “no, anton, don’t, you’re just gonna make me hate snow even more.”
“are you sure?” anton’s grin grows bigger as he throws the snowball at you.
“ouch! that hurt!”
“oh, don‘t be a baby, that was nothing.”
“i literally hate you so much right now,” the coldness that you were feeling is gone because the anger inside of you is heating you up.
“i know you don‘t,” anton throws another snowball at you, clearly enjoying seeing you act like this. he loves teasing you.
“come on, do something about it. stop me,” and there is another snowball coming at your direction, landing onto your jacket.
now you’re getting really angry.
“i‘m not going to-”, you can‘t finish your sentence because anton throws two snowballs at you. at the same time. one ball misses you, the other one hits your forehead.
it didn’t hurt, but you like to be dramatic so you fall to the ground.
knowing that anton is going to run up to you any second now, you try to hide your grin.
“oh my god, *y/n!*”, anton runs to you as fast as he can. once you see that he is kneeling down and his head is above you, you grab snow from the ground and throw it in his hair. after that, you stand up as fast as you can, laugh and go back a few steps.
“oh, you did not,” anton stands up, shaking off the snow. you stick out your tongue. “oh yes i did.”
“you‘re going to regret this,” anton looks at you, trying to not show how happy he is that you’re finally letting go and loosening up.
“well, you have to catch me first,” you smile while you run away.
it’s actually fun, you think. being here, outside, with anton, playing in the snow.. it feels so relaxing. so comforting.
the two of you keep throwing snowballs at each other and you‘re having the time of your life.
“time-out! my hands are totally dead,” you say, throwing your hands up to show anton how red they are.
“do i look like i care?” anton starts forming another snowball.
“if you want your best friend to keep her hands then yes, you should,” you walk over to the bench, clean the snow away with your hands and then sit down, putting them away in your pockets.
after a few minutes, anton sits down next to you.
“you’re lucky that i want you to keep your hands,” he says.
“oh, you shouldn’t have said that because once they’re not frozen anymore, these hands are going to be forming the biggest snowballs you’ve ever seen,” you joke, bumping your shoulder into his.
“then let’s fasten the process,” you’re surprised when anton pulls both of your hands out of your pocket and holds them close to his chest. you wonder how his hands are so warm even though he was playing as much with the snow as you.
this is it, anton thinks. earlier today, he thought that confessing his love to you is the thing he’s most afraid of to do. but in reality, it’s the thing that will make him feel the most alive. he needs to let you know what you mean to him or else he will regret it for the rest of his life.
it’s now or never.
“how are your hands so warm?” you ask him.
“because my heart is,” he whispers, looking straight into your eyes.
your heart flutters.
it always flutters when you’re with anton. it’s just what he does to you. you have tried so many times to not think about him in that way, but you can’t help yourself.
everytime you’re with anton, your heart starts beating so fast that you’re afraid it’s going to pop out of your chest and right into his hands. giving your heart away.. it frightens you. but right now, you feel like the only person you should give it to is anton. maybe his warmth will keep your heart safe just as he’s saving your hands from freezing to death right now.
“my heart always feels warm when i‘m with you,” now anton looks away. he‘s a little embarrassed to have said this, but he doesn’t regret it.
he starts playing with your hands.
“holding your hands like this.. it’s something that i’ve always wanted to do. that i keep want to do in the future, too.”
if he would have said something like this to anyone else, anton would have cringed. but for some reason, saying those things to you, in this very moment, feels more than good. it feels freeing. it feels right.
anton looks up to you again.
“i know with saying those things i might have ruined everything but i just needed to get it off my chest.”
his eyes sparkle in the moonlight. it looks like they’re holding the whole galaxy inside of them and you want to look at every single star.
“if you don’t feel the same way just tell me but i will probably put my head into the snow afterwards so you won’t see how embarrassed i am,” anton smiles unsurely.
“no, i will gladly put your head into the snow myself,” you grin, sliding closer to anton.
he looks surprised.
“but before that, i will kiss you. okay?”
anton looks even more surprised, but in the best way possible. he nods, pulling you closer.
the second your lips collide with each other, you forget that you’re sitting outside while it’s snowing and how cold it is. being this close to anton makes you feel so warm. it makes you forget where you are. the only thing that matters is that you’re with him.
maybe going outside with anton wasn‘t a bad idea after all. actually, you couldn’t have imagined a better thing to do.
and just like the snow keeps falling down, you keep falling even more for anton each second that passes while the two of you kiss. you‘ve offically given your heart away and you know there’s no one better than anton to keep it safe.
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anystalker707 · 8 months
Jealous? Me?
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x [gender-neutral, afab] Reader Kinktober prompt: Jealous sex Tags: Transmasc friendly / Dom-Sub undertones / Penetration / Strap game / Bottom law !
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          You sat on the bed in the cabin, with your back against the wall, messing with a paper you’d found on the bedside table. It had nothing important nor special, but anything counted if there wasn’t an opening for a talk. He noticed it, certainly, Law was a smart guy, though he was also awful at talking about anything that involved feelings, whether they were his or not. Obviously, he put some effort into it when it came to you, and it still wasn’t any easier.
Law tried not to look a lot at you. He glanced around the cabin, restless, trying to find something to do after placing his sword down and leaving his hat on the desk. The desk, bedside table, adjusting the poster on the wall. None of it really worked. Eventually, he slowly let out a breath and stripped down to his boxer shorts to get ready for bed and sat down next to you. As much as he tried to rethink every single little thing he’d done that day, Law just couldn’t figure out what exactly made you act like that. It was a normal day at an island, restocking and chilling around a little. He had even been around you for most of the time.
Okay. There needed to be a first step, right? Law rested his head on your shoulder—or at least tried to, meeting the mattress instead. “Babe,” he sighed, bottom lip sticking out a little, as he crossed his arms. No answer. He raised his eyebrows a little, thinking for a moment. “Come on.”
“I can’t believe this still happens,” you sighed as you put the paper away and looked at Law. “Every single time, you’re always letting someone hit on you. Last time, it was that guy at the open market when we were buying food, but today, it was that woman at the docks. Like, I know you don’t flirt back or even think about anyone else, but can’t you at least push them away? It was obnoxious watching her shove her tits into your face while you just sat there. Are you dead or something?”
Well, Law did seem dead, to some degree. You couldn’t help but find it a little funny when he looked up at you with his droopy eyes, dark circles under them—your face didn’t mirror your thoughts, though.
“I’m sorry.” Law pressed his lips together. “You know that I just don’t care. It’s not like they know me or they’re going to kiss me or anything. Does it even matter?”
You narrowed your eyes at Law; he furrowed his eyebrows, looking up for a moment before he sat up, slowly exhaling. Despite your attempts to pull away, he still wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder.
“What I’m trying to say is that they’re unimportant. I only have eyes for you,” he mumbled, kissing your shoulder.
“At least be a little more considerate because I hate watching this happen,” you sighed, rolling the paper up to smack Law’s head then put it away again.
“Ouch,” he groaned, scrunching his nose. “You know you’re the only one who gets to touch me, to kiss me, to see my bed hair, to see me all skrunkly whenever sleep-deprived… The only one who gets cuddles, love, this body, kisses,” he continued listing, observing your face carefully—his heart fluttered at the smallest sign of a smile on your face. “But I will try to be more attentive about it. For you, babe.”
A sigh escaped your lips, and Law felt your shoulder relaxing under his head. “Okay.” You nodded, looking at him. “But I still expect you to make up for it. Come on, Law.” The fact you said his name instead of a pet name made him look at you again, pausing as he met your gaze. “Did you even remember my existence after that woman in the docks started flirting with you? I bet all you think about now are her tits, with the way she kept shoving it in your face. You barely talked to me after that. You only approached me now, and…”
“Stop being so dramatic!” Law groaned as he threw a leg over and straddled your lap, facing you. “You know how bad I am with this stuff, and you kept avoiding me!” His palms pressed both of your cheeks together as he looked at you in the eyes. “What was I supposed to do, hm? I was thinking about you all the time!”
You crossed your arms over your chest with a scoff. “Untrue.”
Law’s eyebrows knitted together, and he pouted again. “I only have eyes for you. I literally have a tattoo with your name, pictures of you everywhere, I take you everywhere. What else do you need?” He wrapped his arms around your neck, hugging you close, and you wanted to laugh at his growing desperation.
Of course, he loved you. Protecting you was always Law’s first reaction whenever some danger approached, and he needed to spend at least a certain amount of time with you during the day, or else he’d get extremely clingy. Not to mention the small things he did, like making sure you were always eating properly or drinking enough water, always knowing when you needed hugs or space.
“You’re so fake!” You clicked your tongue, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing his collarbone—his hands rested on your back with the change. “You don’t even like me, Trafalgar, you just use me because there’s no one else for you in the sub!”
Law felt like dying. He knew it was playful banter, but there was a bottom of truth, and he didn’t know what to do right now to get that off your mind. Whatever he had to say turned into a gasp once you started nipping on his collarbones instead of just kissing, also making your way up his neck. A soft groan escaped his lips as he leaned his head back, and the new kisses up his throat made him groan again.
“Goddammit, (y/n),” he sighed.
The soft touches on his back made Law shiver, feeling your fingers trace down his spine gently, eventually slipping into his boxers—he swallowed dryly as he kept still, despite the frustration once your hand pulled away.
“I hate you.” Law rubbed the back of your neck, humming at how your lips sucked a mark into the side of his neck.
“I know,” you chuckled as you leaned back and looked at him. “If you didn’t hate me, you wouldn’t be letting anyone else hit on you like that!”
Law’s eyes widened as he glared at you, clicking his tongue. That was getting ridiculous. “I’m yours,” he said with a nod. “I’m all yours. Only yours. Your property, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, and whatever else you want.” His face fell as you chuckled more, his cheeks burning in embarrassment. You were insufferable, but he loved you so much it hurt.
“You’re so cute when you’re desperate like that,” you chuckled, but you were shut up by a kiss this time. Despite the initial lack of reaction, you slowly kissed Law back.
The soft kisses started gaining urgency in no time—Law’s teeth tugged on your lips before he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into your mouth at the first opportunity you got. Fuck, it made you groan. Your hands tightened around his waist, and Law finally felt like he was getting somewhere.
“Stop being so annoying,” Law breathed against your lips. “You’re lucky that I love you.”
You eyed him with a smirk, shaking your head a little. “Do you, though?” Before there was any interruption, you shifted your positions, making Law fall back on the mattress. “Whatever. I think it’s about time I give you a little reminder about who you belong to.”
Law perked up a little at the same time his cheeks burned, and he had to close his eyes for a moment. “I’m not against that.”
“Of course you aren’t.”
It didn’t take long for you to undress, get the box from the wardrobe, and get the strap-on ready, but it felt like an eternity for Law as he buried his face into the pillow he hugged, also undressed. He was thankful you couldn’t see his cock under him because he was afraid he’d started leaking already just from the pressure of the occasion.
The mattress shifting around him brought Law back to reality. He lifted his head as he felt you straddle the back of his thighs, and the soft kisses pressed between his shoulder blades eased part of the anxiety. With a soft hum, he closed his eyes and rested his head against the pillow again, sideways this time. He loved the way you touched him, so careful and loving. Your fingertips traced the tattoos on his back, going down to his tramp stamp—your thumbs pressed to it so nicely, rubbing circles into the skin. He moaned at something as simple as that.
“Stretch?” You asked, receiving a hum of denial in response. It rushed things a little.
The lube was cold, eventually warming up as you spread it evenly over your fingers. Your thumb held Law’s ass cheek to the side and exposed his waiting hole; he gasped, tensing up under you once two of your fingers pressed to his entrance. In soft circles, they traced his hole, spreading the lube before starting to push in. Law let out a sound that was muffled against the pillow, clenching tightly.
You didn’t take long—since Law didn’t need you to stretch him first, you didn’t bother lingering around sensitive spots or curling your fingers up inside him, only spreading the lube generously. The strap’s dildo was next.
Law visibly tensed up a little as he felt you shifting, but he didn’t move. A knee sank into the bed beside each of Law’s thighs, and there was an elbow by his side before he felt the toy press to his entrance. He moaned, pressing his eyes shut as he felt your cock slowly push in, stretching him so nicely as his walls accommodated around it, and his back arched a little bit once he felt it start pressing to his sensitive spots. It felt so good.
“Fuck,” you whispered, letting your other elbow sink into the bed as well, now that you didn’t need to guide the toy into him anymore. Your chest pressed to Law’s back, feeling it rise with his breathing, which easily fell out of pace as you started moving your hips.
The first thrust was shallow, barely having anything moving, but it helped you adjust your position to find enough support to make things easier. Law hissed as he felt you slowly build a pace, his fingers wrapping around the pillow as his cock twitched between him and the mattress. He could relax according to how his body got used to the new pleasure, burying the lower half of his face into the pillow, muffling his moans.
“Still thinking about someone else?” You breathed into Law’s ear, your voice carrying that bitter tone that agonized him so fucking much. “Or did you remember who’s your actual partner, hm?” A gasp came from Law as your hips snapped particularly sharply, pressing to a sensitive spot inside him. “You must like making me jealous,” you sighed.
His will to protest was practically useless—whatever you did to him, it took away Law’s capability of forming a proper train of thought, only allowing him to focus on how good you made him feel. The best he could do was groan in a tone that mixed pleasure and complaint, and he was sure it only amused you.
A trail of kisses was left along Law’s shoulder, sometimes interrupted by soft nipping. Your lips felt so nice, hot against his skin, adding to the pleasure that only you could ever give him. The thrusts became a little more intense, not exactly faster, as you bit down on his shoulder; Law arched his back with it, moaning.
You reached deep inside him, making him feel so deliciously full, so good. His fingers sank into the pillow again, holding it tightly to himself.
It took you a while, slowly removing an elbow from the mattress and slowly stabilizing yourself so that you could reach a hand up to Law’s face. He was a little confused but gasped at feeling your fingers pushing into his mouth, two of them, forcing their way in as your palm pressed to his cheek. He was forced to stop burying his face into the soft fabric of the pillow, letting his moans shamefully fill the room along with your unsteady breathing and the occasional squelching sound.
“Ahhh,” Law groaned, unable to say anything even if he wanted to. Drool started running down the corner of his mouth, and he wanted to disappear for a moment—he felt embarrassed at the same time he felt stupidly good.
Maybe he lost track of time for a moment. His mind started getting fuzzier at some point, the corners of his vision blackening out, his cock aching as it throbbed, all somehow turning him on even more. Reality came back to him with the way you groaned, shifting a little behind him, and his tongue was already hanging out of his mouth at this point.
You were probably aware of how it made him feel and felt proud of it. Your thrusts kept going, fucking Law so nicely, keeping that angle that made his back arch more and his moans grow a pitch higher.
“What’s it?” You whispered, lips grazing the shell of his ear. Hell, the way you regretted not getting a vibrator or something inside yourself before. He was such a mess under you… It made you feel so hot, unfortunately unattended; the eventual friction of the back of the strap-on against you didn’t even count.
“I hope the next time someone is hitting on you, you actually remember how nice I fuck you. Maybe that’ll help instead,” you said sharply.
Law would never admit it, but he loved it when you’d change roles with him and take charge like that, muttering loving or cruel words to him, riding or fucking him—he was a sucker for it. He knew some things that would often trigger this change, and one of them was jealousy. No, he never made you jealous on purpose, but whenever he noticed your bad mood towards him was due to jealousy, his cock already throbbed in his pants.
The moans that slipped from Law’s lips grew each time louder according to how his orgasm approached, forming that familiar tingling sensation in the base of his stomach. His mouth ached a little from the way your fingers tugged on it, but maybe he enjoyed pain.
Law’s cum made a hot and sticky mess that’d require a change of bedsheets later, shot between himself and the mattress as he kept being fucked through his high, and even after. He whimpered, gasping for air at the edge of overstimulation that was quickly replaced by the awful feeling of nothingness at the same time your hand let go of him. He clenched around nothing as you pulled your cock out of him, arching his back then curling up a little while whimpering more. Too much to process. You were making him go crazy.
“Fuck,” you whispered, pulling back to take the strap off, no matter how messy it was. “My time now, right?” You kissed the back of Law’s neck and pressed a hand to his back. “I hope you didn’t forget me again.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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abigailxoxo · 3 months
fic recommendations part 3: Kai🔥
https://archiveofourown.org/series/2154861 -a collection of unrelated one shots where Kai doesn’t do well in the cold!! I love this series a lot
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47340898 Nya doesn't understand why Kai won't spar with her. Is he really that protective of her, or is something else wrong? [some sibling angst +comfort featuring Kai’s fear of water]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41464731 “I don’t care about your stupid bear!” Kai yelled.
“No,” Zane cut in softly. He stood up and placed a hand on Kai’s shoulder. “But you do care about Jay. And Jay cares about the bear.” [basically Kai helping the ninja to show he cares for them]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31443812/chapters/77772008-Kai is grieving over the loss of Zane between seasons 3 and 4. His friends and family work to balance out Kai's more extreme traits. But what happens when he is left alone with all the pain and guilt burning inside him? [Or kais very bad way of coping. angsty and a couple Tws in the tags!]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42144636/chapters/105809082 -Kai feels left out from the ninja, and starts to overthink. Suddenly he meets this “buisness” man in the desert, who gives off suspicious vibes, offering to help kai in the future. [CHECK THE TAGS!!! not much interaction with the ninja until towards the end, but a very good plot + end]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39025779 Kai, Nya, and the others are invited to dinner with the smiths soon after Hot. However, neither seemed to the fact that 1) Kai and Nya are now grown people, and 2) they hardly know each other [basically kai getting frustrated with his parents and snapping angst but happy ending :))]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41910219?view_full_work=true -Kai gave himself the task of getting Cole a gift. How hard can it be? [THIS IS SO CUTE AHHH FT COLE X KAI]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32194186/chapters/79773796 Five times Kai provided comfort for the other ninja when they were having a rough time.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48889378 the team scrambles to last minute celebrate Kai's 17th birthday (and get his age wrong) [this is so cute bcuz kai isnt used to his bd being celebrated 🥹💕]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25607038 All his life, Kai has had to work for himself to stay alive and keep his little sister alive. Now he's been thrown into a team he doesn't trust. But can he find it in himself to trust others to help him save his sister and himself? [the teams first mission together with chaos and kai almost drowning..]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42952665/chapters/107915217 5 times kai lost his temper and 1 time he didnt
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41946786/chapters/105283755 Kai and Jay are tasked with guarding a mysterious artifact, at the museum.To no one's surprise, things don't go well.
Or: I hit Kai with the ouch stick for a while. [AHHH I LOVE THIS FIC. READ THE TAGS!!]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42456837/chapters/106628268 the three times kai has ever cried in public, and the two times he was comforted.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43105782 The solar eclipse will be happening soon. Kai wishes he could share the city's enthusiasm. [basically kai needs more sunlight than a normal human and gets VERY SICK during the eclipse]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47019439 Jay reached out with his hands despite being aware of the futility of the action. He was too far away and Nya wasn’t intending on coming back. That realisation dawned on all of them. Except for one. [Kai cant handle the fact that nya is gone.]
https://archiveofourown.org/series/2986323 LITERALLY A ADORABLE SERIEE OF LAVA ONESHOTS. I ADORE THEM ALL
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48031378/chapters/121106653 hc that kai and cole got drunkley married one night.
they completely forgot about it until a mission gone wrong ended up with cole in the hospital, the doctors wouldn't let them in, ('cos they weren't blood family or some bs reason like that) and kai just lost it and yelled "that's my husband!" (cole x kai)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29963463/chapters/73761240 After Kai's life suddenly comes to a fiery end, he makes a deal so he can continue his purpose of protecting his family. He just didn't expect to come back as something so... cute and fluffy..
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40972503?view_full_work=true#main Kai is kidnapped and buried alive, left to die. When acute claustrophobia starts to sink in, it doesn’t go go great. Not even after the others rescue him.
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11732480/1/Breaking-the-Ice kai falls through thin ice on there first mission when they dont get along very well
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12959261/1/ 5 times kai hid a injury and one time where he didnt succeed
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12768259/1/ 5 times kai lost his temper and one time the ninja lost theres (ft Kai’s fear of water in last chapter)
https://www.tumblr.com/scrambledfluffmuffins/704010233406701568/spice-and-everything-nice Kai, in both a show of brotherly love and brotherly pride, attempts to outdo his siblings in a test of all things spice and chocolate.
https://www.tumblr.com/lloydskywalkers/187747637775/flickerA story about Kai and the warmth he brings to himself and others (in cuddles)
Kai reflects on all the changes in the team post-s7 (mostly abt there hair)
lmk if any of the links dont work, i was kinda rushed making this lol. so this isnt all of the fics i have saved, but some!! (guess who my fav character is challenge)
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onenicebugperday · 10 months
Submissions page is still broken for me, but I have a dragonfly to share from a few nights ago. Behold: the world’s angriest blunt!
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Or, rather, disoriented guy I rescued from the bug-unfriendly porch light that, understandably, didn’t appreciate being caught and decided to bite the heck out of one of my fingers about it. Ouch! But it was worthwhile to help the little fella out, as it would’ve either damaged its wings hitting the glass or been burnt by the incandescent bulb. Once I got a proper hold on it(see: above picture) I took it to the backyard where there were far fewer lights to get confused by and many safer places to perch. Plus, that’s where all the mosquitoes tend to be. Usually what happens at this point is I let go and the dragonfly takes off immediately. This one must’ve either realized I wasn’t a threat or just needed the insect equivalent of a breather. Whatever the reason, it hung out on my index finger.
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I tried to gently nudge it off with my thumb, but instead of cooperating it simply started perching on that instead. Classic dragonfly move. It even waved at me.
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Then it gave me a little kiss…
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NOT! It was in fact considering committing an act of violence, but ultimately didn’t in the end. Just lightly scraped its mouthparts on me.
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By this point I was tired and sweaty and wanted to go back indoors, so I attempted to coax it onto a stick I often see similarly sized dragonflies land on. That was apparently not acceptable to this one, though, and it immediately took off directly into my face before landing on a(much flimsier) plant.
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A far cry from the other times I’ve handled this particular species. The first one was in a bad spot at the college I go to, but allowed me to just scoop it up and walk away with it perched on my fingers, before taking off into a gust of wind several minutes later. The others had also been victims of the nefarious porch light, but the longest any lingered was just a few seconds before taking off, and none ever bit me. Just a lesson in not getting complacent with wildlife based on a few good past experiences, I guess!
Goodness, this one was particularly feisty! Agreed that most dragonflies I've handled have been chill about it, but a few have tried to nibble my flesh. So it goes! Still better to help them out, I think. Glad this fella was successfully moved and neither one of you was seriously maimed :P
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faerunsbest · 3 months
Despite how much they love each other now at some point cal Lia and rolan were just kids, mean little grubby jelly beans who didn't think about what they said.
At some point in time it never occurred to either cal or Lia that rolan didn't feel like he's one of them or maybe they just didn't know?
Sometimes grumpy kids say awful things and they don't realize how awful it is until later much later.
Let's assume they all [the kids] share a room in a small apartment with their single struggling mum. Space is limited and they do step on each other's toes, cal and Lia are so close in age its easier for them to stay together during arguments.
It just is. Rolan being so much taller takes up more space even when he doesn't mean to.
So they argue they argue and cak or Lia winds up screaming at rolan, with all that young thoughtless hangry rage
That they wished he wasn't there. Then maybe they could be comfortable. By the time they've finished Rolan is breathing heavily, eyes glassy with his hands gripping the front of his shirt. They know what they said and the weight if it hits them like a ton of bricks and now... there's a stunning silenece...but for rolan trying to stay calm.
Cal and Lia bolt from the room, they don't didn't mean it. Why did they say that?
Unsure what else to do. Rolan looks around the room and begins picking it up, all the mess. He rolls up his own clothes into tight roll, trying to make sure everything of his fits into the bottom drawer. Out of the way.
When he comes out he doesn't see them, but he can hear them kicking around their mums room, wanting to be left alone.
In the kitchen he sees their mother rattling noisily about, frustration on her brow.
" can I help?"
She jumps at his small voice. She seems to glance into the cupboard and back to him
" actually I think I've forgotten to grab a few things from the market. Would you run out for me please?"
Happy to be of use, rolan slips into a coat riddled with patches and takes the small purse she hands him along with a small messy list and almost heads out.
At the door his mother stops him to kiss the space between his horns
" If there's enough, maybe a bit of sweet bread too?"
With a lopsided smile, he hurries out and down the hall out of sight.
A few minutes later, cal and Lia come out grumbling. They look around the living room, he isn't in his spot by the window, his little stack of books are gone. Cal points to the empty spot, Lia can feel something clamp tight in her chest before she bolts back the bedroom.
Cal immediately behind her, they freeze. Both of their beds are made nice and neat, lias with a little bear on its pillow. Rolans bed sits blank and bear, his blankets nowhere in sight. They begin frantically shouting for him ripping open the closet to find him hiding.
Where are his things!? They come out and cal sees a coat missing on the rack. His lip wavers
" mum, where's rolan?"
They watch her trying to pry open the shell of something they don't care about when she answers with mild annoyance.
"He went-ouch!"
She whipped her hand away sticking a finger in her mouth. She looks up stunned to see the pair suddenly falling apart, bawling and screaming at her. She drops what she's doing to try and figure out what's going on, impossible with them hiccupping and breaking their words into jagged parts.
a few moments later, the door creaks open and a very happy rolan steps in with an armful of grocery.
" mom! There was- what happened?"
He blinks at the scene his siblings have made of themself, knocked off his feet when they rush him.
Their mother swift as can be manages to grab the bag from his arms before it can all go flying. She shakes her head at them unsure what argument is being resolved.
After dinner and clean up the place is quiet and empty. Their mother narrows her eyes suspicious of the silence before peeking into her own room.
She can't help the smile at seeing them all curled up together under her blankets, cal and Lia absolutely refusing to let go of rolan.
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 7 months
Good morning/evening/night
I want to request zhongli/albedo!reader unintentionally doing something suggestive and not realising it, like maybe he just stretching while making a bit noise but the yandere think otherwise or reader is playing biliard and he bend down but ended grabbing the attention of the yandere OR one the one the port mafia member passed reader office but hear reader making certain noise and burst the door but it was just reader getting massage
𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰! 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥... 𝘈𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘪𝘵... 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘯𝘰𝘵... 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘴𝘰... 𝘐 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵.
𝘈𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘵!
𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘐 𝘮 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘣𝘶𝘵... 𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘶𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵
𝘋𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘐 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯'𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘵.
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Since y/n naturally stays confined to his office more likely to spend a lot of his time there.
Mori was the one who suggested playing billiards though some agreed because Mori was after all the boss except y/n.
You were firmed on your standing on not opening your own office doors.
"Come on, Y/n-kun~! It is a one-time opportunity to get out of your office and enjoy"
"I'm fine with how I am stating, Please leave my door your voice is disturbing my listening to music day" You simply replied as Mori pouted and started to pace around the door.
Then he stopped and let out a sighed.
"All the executives will be there to play! And it is just downstairs!"
"I find no enjoyment in playing such games"
"Come on Y/n-kun! Just one game or you can just watch them play! What say? Company us won't you?"
"The fact that staying with you for even mere minutes can take away my life span"
"Now now, Y/n-kun~ don't say that, as your boss won't you obey my order?"
"Since when does an enjoyment time turn to your order?"
"Well... Others it's their wish but you are the exception"
"Oh, please your exception is the reason why I cannot tolerate been with you, leave"
"Mo~! Don't you want to enjoy and play? A break is nice you know!"
"Take a break y/n-kun! You work a lot!"
"I already ask for a vacation for a week yet you reject it"
"Well... A break is small but vacation is long so no, Y/n-kun you are indeed needed in Port Mafia you know"
"I have no more time to spent"
Mori side glance at Kouyou who let out a sighed.
"Y/n aren't you been harsh on Ougai-dono?"
"Do you think I care? Not sh*t"
"Y/n if you don't come out of your office I shall not make tea nor coffee for you for few days"
"And no more cakes for you either"
The door opens as you peek out from the door with a slight frown.
"You surely know how to threaten me"
"Of course! We are partners after all!" Says Kouyou who smile as Mori let out a sighed.
'Why doesn't y/n-kun obey me like Kouyou-kun, talk about favoritism'
All you wanted was to drink tea and be in peace in your office while hearing rock music.
But today it wasn't a choice for you as you watch Them play.
"Here" Kouyou handed you the stick as you stare at it.
"You can't just confine in staying in the corner, You already had a coffee"
"..." You let out a sigh of disapprove .
Chuuya curiously side-glances at Kouyou and then at you who approach the board.
To be honest they were curious about how you play as you bend to shoot.
Avoiding the eyes more likely some of them were slightly flustered while some were... Normal.
"Y/n-kun have a nice ass don't you think? Elise-chan?" Said Mori teasingly as they both stayed on the side alone. While taking notice of Chuuya's flustered face when you lean into the table.
Elise did not bother to warn Mori.
As the ball hit the side table and flew out you just tilted your head to the side letting the pinball hit Mori on the nose.
"Ouch! Ouch!" He groaned in pain as you just passed the stick to someone close to you.
As Kouyou control herself from laughing.
The others try to help Mori who hold his nose.
"Who told you to blabber? You should have concentrated on the game Rintarou" said Elise with a cheeky smile as Mori pouted and pointed his finger at you.
"Why would you aim at me for?"
"I have no idea what this game was, Ask Kouyou she knows how bad I am at games" you simply said and took a seat on the stool Mori muttered something under his breath with Elise healing him.
To say the least, the match ended with you leaving half of the game.
But to be honest they do agree with Mori someway.
But they are glad that they don't speak out like Mori.
What goes on with his mind to blabber it out?
A:n- that's all good day/night to all!
Sorry if nothing suggestive is written as I am not good with it so...
And yeah there aren't the theme of Yandere but I do hope you enjoy it?
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dairy-farmer · 3 months
I just had a thought! :3c Multiverse+A/B/O/ shenanigans! And it goes on longer then I expected it too!
Tim. Clever, ruthless, barely holding in there. Standing in the ruins of what once was Gotham, air tank running, filters On. The air of planet earth has finally passed the point of no return. The last human hold outs have finally fallen.
He was hoping it wouldn't come to this.
The Great Pyrrhic Victory.
Batman's Doomsday Vault. Buried deep under the rumble of Wayne Manor. With every last Fuck You, Batman ever found. All the "taking you with me" plans, laid out side by side. And Tim?
He needs the one at the very back.
Because this... THING. Won't stop. Not ever. And the Multiverse can't afford that. So Tim fights forward. Runs out of weapons. Bashes in those last few skulls with and empty air tank. And then he digs.
And digs.
And digs.
He runs out of air tanks, day seventeen. But the rubble filters the poisoned air enough. It has to be enough. Three hours later he hits Vault. Uses the last of his wrist computer's battery to power the entry pad and door. He's in. At least the air is clean here, for now.
And there? In the back? Sits the plain black lock-box.
A sci-fi looking hand grenade with extra bits. The bomb that can Destroy Everything. Not just the world. But the entire universe. Tim's whole reality and everyone in it. He would never consider it, if there was anyone left. Any way to fix this. But there's not.
It's just him, a monster, and the bomb that can end all of this.
He doesn't bother to say good bye. Why give that THING a chance to stop him? He pulls the pin.
And let's go.
Aaaaand it works EXACTLY as it's creator designed it too. VERY big boom. Everything dead. Etc etc. Reality? Hard Deleted. No take backs. But! Creator dude was a coward and a scoundrel. Like FUCK was HE going to stick around and Die with you PEASANTS. Absolutely the fuck not! He just hated you! To death!
HE was gonna hop to a DIFFERENT reality! One that probably had blackjack and hookers! Appreciated his GENIUS! Or at least that had been the plan... until Batman Super DUPER broke his bones for threatening all of reality. As one does.
It was in the file.
Page 17.
Tim only bothered to read to page 15. Because he was short on time and the world was dying. He didn't give a shit about the assholes life story. He probably should have. Because if he HAD? He would have realized he wasn't going to die today.
Instead he's in the Vault.
THE Vault.
The Super Dangerous Batman's Final Fuck You Vault of DANGEROUS EXPLODING DOOM Vault(tm). He's not doing so hot. What with the hiking for days without rest, poisoned air, no food or water, and expecting to die. He's standing in front of THE "destroys the universe" bomb. Blinking dumbly down at it.
These many factors are probably why he fails to dodge.
Getting full body takled by a well rested, highly trained, adrenaline filled Alpha? BIG Ouch. But at least Tim get medical aid and an IV of fluids! Followed by everyone's FAVORITE gameshow~ Paranoid Bat Duel Interrogations, Code Word Exchanges, and General Angry Wet Cat Posturing!
The fact that Tim does not EXSIST here? Doesn't help. But his wrist computer DOES. The OTHER problem? Is this Reality has secondary genders? What? I mean, he HAS heard of planets like that. But...
It apparently trips them out just as much, that he only has one. But apparently Uncle Clark has the same problem. So he's given fake Beta pheromones to where.
He's... surprised they just let him stay. To be honest. But apparently "pack is pack", and HIS family may be gone, but so long as THIS version is alive? He has a home with them. Tim doesn't cry. It's dust. Sweat got in his eyes.
But! This wouldn't be a smutty Ask Thought if it stayed so wholesome, would it?
Because Tim is awkward. Clearly trying his best. But unsure of... how to? Bond. He doesn't HAVE the enhanced sense of smell. The scent glands. The instincts. He loved his family, but they didn't DO touch nearly as often as A/B/O/ packs need for healthy bonds. So really, he comes off as skittish. Jumpy. Abused almost.
In need of attention.
Bruce casually rubbing his shoulder. Clasping the back of his neck. Sitting near him. Duck tucking Tim's arm in his, resting his head on Tim's shoulder theatrically so he can rub his scent on him subtly. Jason slinging arms around him and using him as a leaning post.
And Damian. A child who never knew him as any sort of Rival or threat to his position, who sees him NOW as a battered and abused member joining the pack. A hero in his own right, Tim is no threat to Damian's long held position as Robin. Damian is out here legit RESEARCHING how to rehabilitate abused Betas and Omegas, trying to apply a hybrid approach.
Treating him like an easily spooked cat.
Tim starters getting used to being touched. Cuddled even. Pulled into laps and flopped upon. Honestly, even kinda LIKES this whole nest idea. It's pretty comfy.
But then it goes to shit. In the way it always seems to. Tim has started helping out. Building a record of Red Robin's presence LONG before Tim Wayne appears. Planning outings for when he CAN go out together with the others. Comparing realities. But then? Ivy. And ugly fight.
Heat inducer, straight to the face.
He calls it in. Already used a near by hose to get it off him. But... but he feels sick. Like, lose meal you ate as a four year old sick. Nightwing gets to him. Jabs him with the counter agent. Helps him back to the cave.
But not before a dangerously high fever starts to kick in. Blurred vision. Sever nausea. He's not REMOTELY aroused, but he IS being affected. They scramble to figure out what's happening.
The inducer is poisoning him.
The counter agent is helping, so another, STRONGER dose is applied. But that's all the can do. And even that, is incredibly rough in his liver. And he's still nauseous, still has a fever.
His body just doesn't have the proteins to break down the chemical of the inducer. Bruce sends everyone back out on patrol. He scoops Tim up. He'll tuck him into bed so he can rest. There really is nothing they can do.
But that's not true and they all know it. It's that none of them are willing to SAY it. To name the truth. There very much IS a way to get Tim the proteins he needs to break down the drug poisoning him. And with how deeply nauseous he is, it wouldn't be orally.
But they choke on it.
Eyes lingering on their other-reality pack mate. Frustrated, they leave to go take there anger out on some goons. Bruce himself tries not to think about it, as he carries Tim upstairs. As every jostle and sway makes Tim desperately suck in air to keep from hurling. As sweat catches the light. Making the younger man look like he'd just run a marathon.
He rests Tim on his bed. He's refusing to think about. Helps Tim out of his clothes. Isn't thinking about it. Goes, comes back, with cool water and a wash cloth. Most CERTAINLY not thinking about it.
Tim his thrown an arm over his eyes. To block out the light. Is pulling in even, practices breathes. Utterly miserable. When... when he doesn't have to be. Bruce wets the wash cloth and wipes him down. It's basicly with holding treatment.
Bruce's eyes stray the the sheet, lightly draped over Tim's hips. Only thing that covering him, now. He is horrifyingly glad Tim is scent blind. Tears his eyes away. Tells Tim that... technically... there IS one way to get the proteins into his system. If he doesn't want to wait this out.
For a long, terrifying, moment there is dead silence.
Bruce has ruined everything.
Tim hates him.
He's going to run away and never speak to him aga-
Bruce is pulled from his brooding panic spiral, by Tim dryly pointing out, that in CASE Bruce us unaware? He's fucking huge. And Tim is nauseous as shit right now. He WILL blow chunks. Not exactly sexy. Perfect timing as always, Bruce. Somethings truely ARE universal.
Bruce snorts. But Tim has a good point. This is hardly the most romantic situation. As sensual as sandpaper to the face. He promises to make it up to Tim. Feels that distinctly Alpha thrill at the prospect of GETTING to take care of someone. Tuck them close and provide for them.
For now, he massages. Gently. Careful not to rock. Slides his hand down to gently rub. Twirl his finger around and tease Tim's little cocklette clit, when things are wet enough, drift lower to slid in. Start to gently stretch his hole.
He doesn't have to fit. Today. Just has to get deep enough that no seed will slip out. A though occurs to him. They have heat aids, don't they? He bought them for Dick and Jason. They probably don't USE the smaller ones anymore, since they've grown. But that doesn't mean Alfred would have thrown them out.
Bruce leans down. Presses a kiss to Tim chest. And tells him he'll be right back. He's gonna get something that'll help.
Heads for the Heat/Rutt nest.
And yep. Right there on the high shelf in the back. The smaller plugs and toys. Grab that and a bottle of artificial slick, he's good to go. Back in short order.
The slick makes his fingers slide in so EASILY. He pulls back, picks up his favorite rutt sleeve from where he stashed in the box. And imagines what it will feel like, working himself inside that tight, fluttering hole. Brings himself to the edge with brutal efficiency, but doesn't let himself fall over. Sleave off, crawl forward.
Gently pushing. Still too tight. Tim gasping and gripping his arms, legs spread beneath him. He wants so BADLY to rock forward. To fuck into him. But he won't. Not Today. Just the tip, pushed just deep enough to gush inside, as he cums. He shudders, milking his cock into that body. Then grabs the cute little blue plug that'll keep it all inside him.
Rock it in.
It's impossible NOT to cuddle Tim after that. To wrap him in his scent and body. Instincts and hormones demand it.
His son's are of course FURIOUS. Mostly that he enticed Tim with out discussing it with them or with them there. His youngest, also being an Alpha, tries to stab him at breakfast. It's to be expected. The important thing is Tim feels better.
Tim is ALSO immediately hunted down by Damian, when maiming his father for sexing up Delicate Timothy failed. Scoundrel! Cad! Damian bets he wasn't even gentle and attentive! Barbarian! How could he!
So obviously, it's up to the ONLY Alpha in this household with ANY decency! To fix this! Which is how Tim starts the first day of MANY exciting days to come, by waking up to Damian eating him out like it's his mission in life. Fingers on a mission to find his g-spot or die trying. One overwhelming, if confused, and still waking up orgasm later?
Damian is tucking a pillow under his hips. Adjusting his grip. And..? Oh! Oh, big is genetic! Very full! And he hasn't even hit his final growth spurt yet. Holy shit. Then Damian pulls his hips back and snaps forward, and Tim's not thinking much of anything. Mostly just incoherent babbling and scrambling at the sheets.
Getting That Spot HAMMERED.
Shuddering apart.
Feeling something... different. Pressure. Stretch. Popping in and out, until it CANT and its just dragging the grind, just inside him. Damian shuddering, snapping his hips forward like he wants to FORCE it deep. Like a FIST inside him. Spraying his guts. Full! Oh god, full! It's grinding against everything that feels good. Amazing and like he's gonna die. Tim can SEE the little bulge of seed, from how full he's gotten.
He gets to learn EXACTLY how long it takes for a knot to go down.
"They" get caught Dick. Who hums and offers Tim advice. It CAN be a lot, can't it? Dick meanders over. Eyes trailing over Tim's straining and sweat soaked body. Where Damian is buried deep and knotted inside him. And leans down.
You know what always helps DICK when a knot is too much?
Tim knows that look in Dicks eyes. He does not trust that look. Tim doesn't want to know, Dick.
Too bad~☆! Says Robin number one, grining like a shark.
What helps HIM, is more orgasms, He informs, as his clever hand makes contact with Tim's clit. Tim jerks but can't escape. Pinching, twisting, tugging. Rubbing. Tim whines and jerks, coming apart while Dick watchs. Waits his turn.
It's a long morning.
Luckily, Omegas can't Knot. Unfortunately, that does NOTHING to stop them from bending you in half and railing you through the mattress. Pulling you up into their lap then up and down their cock like a sleeve. Kissing the air out of your lungs as they pin you to a wall, so they can get better leverage, fucking deep and hard like they want to permanently rearrange your insides.
Sometimes Omegas are ALSO Superhero acrobats.
Tim hides out in Jason's room, after he escapes Horny Devil and his beloved gremlin. Gets a shower. A nap. It's a mistaaaaake. Or not? Jason, at least, props him up in a comfy position before sliding home. Apparently stretched him A LOT while he slept, because frankly, the fullness feel nice instead of bloated.
He could almost go back to sleep.
Gentle rocking. Sweet praise being rumbled in his ear. Warm pressure covering him like a weighted blanket. The slow, building, hum of pleasure. 'S nice. Jason even arranged the pillows so Tim could slump face down and still breath just fine!
........you know what? He NEVER gets to sleep this easy. Go for it. This is nice. Unlike SOME people, at least Jason is being thoughtful. Have fun.
And Jason does have fun. Tim drifts in and out of a light snooze. Getting some sleep, getting some orgasms. Waking up to an absolutely GUSHING hole stuffed with cum. An exhausted Jason cuddled up next to him. The sheets may be beyond saving.
He has to shower, again.
Sticks to the walls. Hugs corners. As he keeps an eye out for Fuckwing the cuddler. Tim is HUNGRY damn it! He missed both breakfast AND lunch thanks to him! He eats quickly. Does not notice Alfred's exasperated look. The Beta can smell everything, after all.
And since HIS room is compromised. Tim, having learned nothing, decided to hide in Bruce's room. The perfect place to nap!
Which is obviously exactly where Bruce finds him. Smelling like bratty, young adult drama and jealousy, exhausted on his bed. Poor Tim. His kids fighting over Tim Time should NOT be taken out of Tim. They'll learn THAT the hard way, when he inevitably avoids them to rest.
Bruce, luckily, already learned all this in his playboy phase.
Want a massage? Some juice? Cuddles? I'm VERY non-threatening. Here if you ever feel horny. Let's get you all nested up, hmm?
And Tim's not even an Omega. He's not an ANYTHING. But damn if that's not effective. Bruce paying attention to him. Talking in that low, soothing rumble. Touching all soft and gentle. Not pushing or demand, just warm and smelling so GOOD and just.....
He's squirming out of his clothes and dragging Bruce down on top of him. Feeling incredibly decadent and kinda bratty. Pay attention to him. Fill him up and make him feel good. He's pouting and demanding and feeling clingy. And wonder of wonders?
Bruce doesn't scold him or scowl. But grins so indulgently, hums and hushs. Yes, yes. Of course. His little pillow princess, gonna get so full and knotted.
And Bruce is huge. But Jason stretched him so, SO much. So Bruce can rock into him now. Punch the air out of him, little by little, as he gets filled up. Whine and pant as his clit his teased. As Bruce fills him even when it feels like there should be no room left. Until he bottoms out. Grinds with little rocks of his hips.
Slides back and seems to take Tim's insides with him. Slowly. The more. In and out. Held still. Praised as his insides stretch out. As it starts to feel overwhelming good instead of just overwhelming. Faster. Harder. Whimpering and drooling as everything is pummeled by the snap of those hips. Fucked.
He's not even knotting him yet.
Bruce making him orgasm first. Almost dragging it out of him. So his body will relax enough to TAKE it. Then the pressure. The short, brutal little rutts against Tim's best spots. Made all the more sensitive having just orgasmed. Each one making Tim jolt and squeeze, milking that quickly expanding pressure. Having it GRIND, almost cruely, against where it feels best.
Unable to move, barely able to BREATHE, as he finally locks and begins to gush. Pumping deep. Filling and filling. Hot hands, rubbing to ease the strain. Or maybe just in fascination. He's been with Beta's but never someone who body straight out WASN'T designed for this sort of thing. Not poorly designed for. NOT designed for.
Tim looks almost pregnant. Not heavily. Just that tiny swell. But it's enough to wonder. Are they even compatible? He finds himself hoping the might be. Let's his hand drift down as he leans forward to press kisses to Tim's face. Works him up to another orgasm. See? Being knotted is nice. Feels good.
It's a bit awkward due to the angle, thanks to his own poor planning, but he is able to cuddle close to Tim. Who is finally getting used to it. Is nested in pillows, covered by Bruce, and filled to the brim. High as a kite on hormones thanks to the near but not quiet pain and repeated orgasms. There'll be no Red Robin on patrol tonight.
Tim of course, can barely walk the next day.
Which means he can not escape his brother's. Who love him VERY much and have multi-step plans to becoming THE favorite. Tim may soon become the stabby one, if they don't let him rest. Alfred is the favorite. He has food and doesn't keep Tim from his work.
(That's a lie. He loves all of them. But his fuck bruises have fuck bruises, so currently they're all BASTARDS. Dead to him! Hisssss!)
!!! the angst of tim losing his universe but then ultimatly sent to another, an a/b/o one where he's the object of their desire but he can't fully handle it because his biology just isn't fully compatilble but that doesn't stop them from trying!!!
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
Hi, congratulations on 1000 followers, you really have no idea how much your writing helps me, thank you.
Can I request 15, 16 and 45 from the Fluff Prompt List? with Frankie? thank you, again <3
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I'm Right Here
Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Word Count: 1k+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I hadn’t intended to be the one writing for my 1k followers, purely because I have a lot going on (I’m good - it’s just life!) and I knew I wouldn’t have the time to dedicate to writing a ton of prompts. But I wanted to write this one! Initially, I saw something very angsty with these prompts, but considering you chose them off the fluffy list, I decided to stick with a fluffy theme.
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Frankie Morales Masterlist
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“You’re hurt. Please, just let me help you.”
Frankie shakes his head, immediately groaning and rubbing his temples.
“I’m o-”
“Don’t you dare say ok. That guy got a few good hits in.”
Frankie cracks open an eye to glare at you. “I won that fight.”
“Ok, Benny. You may have won but that doesn’t mean you aren’t hurt.”
“I can do it mysel- fuck!!” Frankie tries to stand from the couch but slumps back, hand clutching at his side. 
“I’m right here, you stubborn ass. Let me help you.”
Frankie sighs, finally giving in, shoulders slumping back, wincing at the motion. “Ok. You win.”
You pull out a small first aid kit, grateful that you had one stashed in your bathroom. Your hand comes up to gently hold his chin, his stubble scraping lightly against your skin as you dab at the gash on his cheek. His eyes are on your face, as if he’s taking you in. 
“Why did you fight that guy?”
Frankie is silent a moment. “He was a jerk.”
You chuckle. “I’m not debating that but why fight him? He was twice your size. You’re a skilled fighter which is the only reason you’re walking away from this with a handful of injuries. What did he say?”
Frankie’s eyes don’t quite meet yours, looking away. He shifts nervously where he sits. “He- he was just saying jerk things.”
“Don’t worry about it. Ouch!” You had dabbed a bit of rubbing alcohol on his cut, making sure it was disinfected from the other man’s rings that had gouged into his skin.
“It’s not like you to just fight a guy, Frankie.”
“Look, just-” He moves his face from your grip “-forget IT HOLY SHIT WARN A GUY!”
You had cut him off by placing ice on his bruised ribs, causing Frankie to nearly jump out of his skin. Laughing, you move your hand and replace it with his to hold the ice in place. 
“Don’t be a baby. It’s just ice.”
“It’s fucking cold.”
“That’s what will help the bruising. But don’t change the subject.” You fix him with a look and his eyes soften.
“I-I don’t want to say.”
“Frankie, I’m a big girl. I can take it. What did he say?”
Frankie’s eyes meet yours. “When you turned him down, he said a bunch of terrible shit about you. I’m not going to repeat it.”
“So, wait…did you beat that guy up to..defend me?”
Frankie nods, looking down at his hand that was holding the ice. “Yeah. I wasn’t gonna let him talk shit about you.”
“Oh Frankie. Why would you do that? I mean, I appreciate it but it’s not worth you getting hurt over it.”
“Is it not obvious?” He’s speaking to me but his eyes remain on his hands.
“Isn’t what obvious?”
He’s silent now, obviously nervous about whatever he wants to say.
“Frankie, look at me.” He sighs, bringing his deep eyes up to mine. 
“We’ve known eachother since what, the 3rd grade? You yelled at Timothy Mattheson when he pulled on my braids? We’ve been best friends since then. You can tell me any-”
“I’m in love with you.”
“I- you’re what?”
He sighs, nodding slightly. “I’m in love with you.”
“But..for how long?”
“Since the third grade when I yelled at Timothy Matteson.”
Tears well up in your eyes. You had had a crush on Frankie since then too, but you’d always told yourself it was one sided. There was no way that Frankie liked you in that same way and you were too terrified to lose him as a friend to ever ask.
“Look, you don’t have to feel the same way about me. It’s ok. But could…could you just…hold me? For just a moment. Before you break my heart?”
As if I could ever hurt you.
“If I hold you, I’m never letting you go.”
Frankie’s eyes snap to mine, a slight glimmer of hope in them. “What?”
“I love you, Francisco Morales. And I have ever since we met.”
Frankie throws his ice pack on the couch, wincing as he sits up, his hands coming up to hold your cheeks. He hesitates only briefly, his eyes studying yours before he pulls you in, lips gently brushing against yours. Losing yourself in the kiss, you reach forward blindly to grab at his shirt, but your fingers poke at his bruised ribs and he breaks the kiss to swear.
“Oh my God I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s ok.” He lets out a breath of pain. “I want to kiss you so bad but maybe we should wait for this-” he gestures to his ribs which are turning a dark, angry purple color “-to heal a bit?”
“I think that’s fair.”
Frankie beckons you to him, cuddling you up on his opposite side. You swear you can feel him practically purring with happiness and you’re sure he feels the same from you. 
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics  
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