#and so are they lmao (we hate laundry !!!)
woodchipp · 3 months
Funnily enough, I think Aubrey's backstory, the idea of her character arc and her personality in general would've fit Sunny better.
His horrible home life could've led him to latch onto his friends since they seem to be the only people in his life who are actually willing to give him the time of day. Maybe he could project what he wants out of the friendship onto them and consider them his "saviors" - people who'd care about him all he wants and fulfill all his needs. Of course, as tight-knit as the group is, they have their own lives and problems, and so Sunny eventually grows to resent them for not being what he wanted them to be while also blaming himself for, in his opinion, not being good enough of a friend to warrant their undivided attention.
I think that'd perfectly explain the whole "Sunny's ideal relationship with his friends" thing. A part of Sunny's development could be him realizing his wildly unrealistic desires prevent him from seeing and appreciating his friends for what they are.
As time goes on, said resentment could be fueled by the group (and probably the people around him in general) not taking him seriously and treating him like a baby because he's the youngest of the bunch. Sunny seems to be designed to be as Cute of a Bapy as possible, so that could be made into a plot point - he would hate his appearance because his baby face makes it hard for people to take him seriously without cooing over how cute he is.
Then Mari kills herself, he becomes a recluse, yadda yadda yadda.
I just like the idea of Sunny being a surly and irritable asshole at the game's start before he develops an actual personality and generally becomes nicer over the course of it. I'd still consider it somewhat of an improvement over the nothing of a character he is in the original game.
(I suppose Aubrey wouldn't even need to be rewritten that much. The game could draw some parallels between them in terms of how they cope with their self-loathing, with Sunny excessively blaming himself while Aubrey blames everyone and everything but herself)
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wonder-worker · 11 months
"In reality Richard III invented a Woodville scare as a screen for his own conspiracy"
-A.J Pollard, "Richard III and the Princes in the Tower"
#lmao#richard iii#my post#I think that's true for all usurpations and coups to an extent#but its 10x more applicable and accurate for Richard III#Not only because of the compressed length of time (a mere 3 months as opposed to years of back-and-forth tensions)#but also because ultimately one of the key reasons Richard could do what he did was because he did it from the heart of the political#institution (ie he was an internal threat rather than an external one)#and he was someone who was trusted and loved rather than mistrusted and hated. His betrayal was political but it also had far more personal#ramifications for everyone involved - most people simply did not expect it from him and cooperated with him precisely because of that#which enabled him to seize power before most people even realized what he was doing#And there's the fact that he actually did stage a conspiracy by accusing the Woodvilles of plotting to attack and ambush him#and produced weapons from his own war in Scotland as fake 'proof' - when in fact we know that HE deceived and ambushed THEM#there's also the (propagandic) lie that they usurped him from the position as Lord Protector when they certainly didn't#either Edward IV didn't appoint Richard Lord Protector meaning the Woodvilles denied him nothing#OR the council collectively chose to have a council rule during Edward V's minority rather than a Protector (something they were entirely#within their rights to do both socially and legally)#so claims that they wrongly defied Edward IV's last wishes or broke the law (which Mancini repeats in his account) must be seen as exactly#that - propagandic lies to vilify EW and her family#when in fact Richard was the one plotting a seizure of power - whether it was as Lord Protector or as King#(of course these are just two things - there's a whole laundry list of others)#so this is definitely applicable to him
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varpusvaras · 11 months
Sometimes you compare yourself to your parents or grandparents or whatever, and think like "oh my god how did they do it and why can't I do it", like I was making frozen mashed potatoes for dinner because I didn't have the energy to peel and boil and mash the potatoes from scratch, and my thoughts went like "oh this is going to be really handy with kids...how did my parents do this with multiple children, why am I already thinking about ways of doing things the easy way when they didn't? We had dinner made from scratch every day even though they worked almost 10 hours shifts"
and then I remembered that first me and my older brother had our grandparents feeding us, then we had a nanny who would pick us up from school and feed us, and then when we were around 10 and 12 years old, it was us who peeled the potatoes and put the dinner to oven before our parents came home and they only had to finish the cooking
So, yeah. The answer is that they didn't do it, and most likely a lot of people you're comparing yourself to didn't either
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tiamathh · 3 months
hey if u don't mind sharing how did work up the courage to have sex and take ur clothes off. I'm on the #neverhadsex boat bc I'm rlly insecure about my body too and well I usually don't discuss these things w people or ask for advice bc it's super embarrassing to me to admit it, so it would be great if u could share ur experiences 🤧 if u don't feel comfortable w it just ignore this ask lol
Hi buuu if I'm being honest djdjf i liked my body when I like got fully unclothed for the first time bc I was like... ,,,idk I just liked it and now my body's changed bc of uni and stress and I'm having issues again, that being said honestly with the right person you won't care as much and they'll make you feel comfy enough to be vulnerable on that level don't get me wrong i genuinely don't wanna get naked ever againdndkdj but idk it's just,,,, I feel safe enough to w my partner ykwim?
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skyeateyourdonuts · 1 year
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ventique18 · 9 months
A few things we learn about Malleus in Platinum Jacket:
He has had many, many tutors over the years who were brought from all over so he would receive only the finest education. He's a genius however, and whatever they taught him he could do better. He would get angry because he thought they were teaching him basics because they were looking down on him and would throw tantrums so terrible he would accidentally raze his grandma's garden with forest fires. Each and every one of his tutors end up packing their bags and resigning in fear of him. 😭 He'd get severely scolded by Lilia because of this.
Deuce comments that while Hades looks terrifying, his minions look goofy in comparison. Malleus tells him to never judge people based on appearances, as they'd never have been painted if they weren't competent. He also likens these minions to his bodyguards and shares how proud he'd be if they were to be lauded by the world and the succeeding generations in the future. (PROUD BIG BRO MOMENT)
He confirms that Briar Kingdom royalty choose their retainers at a certain age, which we can alreaddy conclude by the way he employed his goofy teenage knights and his mom chose the most radical/problematic generals back then.
He doesn't appreciate the servants in his castle waiting on him hand and foot. It's protocol so he can hardly do anything about it, but he was relieved when he enrolled at Night Raven and had to do everything himself.
Lilia instilled in him from a very young age that a person is nothing if they can't properly take care of themselves. He couldn't do this in the castle though, so he instead reads plenty of books on how to do household chores and whatnot. He's delighted to be able to put this knowledge to practical use at NRC.
He does mundane things like shopping and laundry by himself, until Sebek enrolled and tries to steal all his tasks lol. Although he's visibly disappointed, he lets Sebek do what he wants.
He actually knows how to use the washing machine and dryer but only after so many tries and difficulties.
He once washed his clothes in the kitchen sink and got caught doing it. His dormmates offered to do it instead (because he's their god lmao) but he refused because as he said, he likes to exert his own effort for things.
He is a good art critique and appreciates all kinds of art, though his favorite are sculptures. He likes to see the wears and tears of things over the years. He likes to see proof that things lived their lives (even inanimate things!), and that changes and ageing are beautiful.
He once again repeats that he loves gargoyles.
Though he adores the thought of being happy amongst others, he hates it when people are visibly happy and he isn't.
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jkslipppiercing · 8 months
Never Been A Friend | Part 1 | Jeon Jk
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♧ synopsis: Sneaky glances across the room weighed with a dozen different meanings left to be unsaid; confusion, desire, lust. He was never a friend, was he?
♧ pairing: brother's bsf!jk, bratty!reader.
♧ warnings: y/n is too drunk to form a sentence, jungkook loves cursing, jungkook is jealous out of his mind, kinda enemies but not really, jungkook calls y/n a brat that he cant stand, someone calls y/n a slut, and that's all i can remember 😙
♧ WC: 1.6K
♧ a/n: hello loves! wrote this in one sitting and it's barely edited, but the intention is there lmao i love you all so much please enjoy! dont hesitate to tell me what you think <3 im like the no.1 supporter for constructive criticism lol okay thank you byeeeee
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She whines,
Throws tantrums,
Acts like a goddamn brat for the sake of being annoying,
And I still want her lips around my cock.
That goes beyond the fucking level of my emotional understanding.
I want her wrapped around my finger. I want her to get on her fucking knees and apologize for all the turbulent feelings she makes me suffer by.
She ruined my night.
I was fucking.
Blowing a girl's back just to lay off some steam. Get the stress of the college life off my shoulders.
But then, she just had to cock-block me.
My best friend’s sister.
Speaking of the twat, he dared to interrupt my one night stand for the sake of his bratty sister.
Usually, I love brats.
My type.
They make sex enjoyable. All the more pleasurable when they try to resist.
Keyword: try.
Because I know for a damn straight fact when a girl wants to be disciplined.
Fucked right and put in her place.
Reminds me of her. Y/L/N Y/N.
Except for one thing, though- she makes my fucking insides churn in all uncomfortable ways.
She doesn’t have a bratty attitude, the bitch has a bratty personality.
Yes, she is indeed a bitch. I can't stand a girl who's always annoying just because she feels like it. She'd never had a valid reason to hate me, and neither did I.
When I first met her, I mean.
She was laughing with her brother having breakfast one time when I came out of my room for painkillers and a glass of water.
Her brother and I were both freshmen in need of a dorm, and we agreed on splitting the rent once in a frat party.
Yes... we were both strangers to each other, but we clicked.
Met through mutuals, and our vibes matched. After living with each other for over six months now, we've grown pretty close.
He's cool, agreed on basic rules like who does the laundry or dishes, helped with assignments, and was always there when needed.
He's a friend. A close one.
A tolerable one.
That can't be said about a certain someone, though.
She scowled at me that day and later told me she didn't like my vibe when I confronted her about it.
And yet, she's the reason I left a naked girl in my bed and came to this godforsaken club in the first place.
Her brother is here, too, which is why he called me to come pick her up. Said something about her being drunk, and since he had taken a shot or two as well, he couldn't take her home himself.
Or he just didn't want to, because he was also getting laid tonight.
That's proven to be right when I see him making out with a girl near the bathrooms.
His hands grope her all over as she arches into him, which is enough to make me look away.
Sly motherfucker.
Casting my vision toward the main dance floor, I scan the crowd for a short brunette with soft features.
Annoyingly soft features.
So soft that I want to corrupt her. Tear the bratty exterior and dig through the filthy dark side on the inside.
But those features aren't the only things that infuriate the hell out of me.
It's her innocence.
How can a brat be innocent, you may ask?
When my gaze lands on her, my jaw tenses in annoyance.
She sways her hips sensually, eyes closed and mouth open as she slides her hands down her body to a seductive beat following her movements.
I follow the action, eyes unable to tear away from her figure.
Her fingers skim over her neck down to her breasts and then further, the lightness she seems to be handling her body with attending to a grace she always breathed by.
Fuck, I hate this woman.
Hate everything about her.
How she moves.
How she walks.
How she fucking talks.
Runs her mouth like a brat who needs to be handled.
No- not like- is.
She is a brat.
A brat who's oblivious to all the eyes she's attracting.
Including mine.
Her dancing resumes as her eyes stay closed, feeling every beat.
She's enjoying herself.
Not for long.
I school my expression- which had turned into a scowl the moment I set my eyes on her- and begin my stride towards her.
I spot a man doing the same, but she's absolutely mind-numb as she continues to dance with her damn eyes closed.
I was irritated, but now I'm literally fed up.
He's a couple inches shorter than me, wearing a white tee and skinny ripped jeans.
Not to mention, his hair is slicked back by a disgusting amount of hair gel.
He approaches Y/N with predatory eyes and a shit eating grin, his gaze set straight on her perky ass.
Which is just barely covered by the tight little dress she's wearing, inching higher and higher up her thighs as we speak.
My steps quicken when I see him reach out, apparently intending to slap her ass.
My blood boils.
White noise drowns out all available access to the outside world as I break out into a jog and reach her just in time.
My hand swiftly slides onto her tiny waist, and I glare at the man whose shit-eating grin is now gone, replaced with confusion.
Y/N's eyes stay closed as she giggles, and it's now I notice how drunk she is.
Bright crimson tints her cheeks and her breath smells of strong tequila, obviously from having taken too many shots.
Isn't she here with friends?
How could they leave her alone like this?
Her brother's here. Her brother is here.
My breath turns heavy, my heartbeat quickening. I have to stop myself from punching the douchebag in front of me into fucking oblivion because I don't know if i'll ever stop once I start.
I try to focus on anything besides her frame that's barely hanging onto me, all the exhaustion from her dancing catching up to her as she fights to keep her eyes open.
Why the fuck is she here all alone? Why did they- whoever she's here with, except her brother- leave her here like this?
Like she's not even aware of where she is.
Like she's not sober enough to be responsible.
Like she's not fucking strong enough to defend herself if anything happened to her.
I might punch a wall.
My grip tightens around her waist, which makes her drowsily lift her head to stare up at me.
She's still shorter than me with heels on, enough to put her neck in an uncomfortable position whenever she looks up at me.
It's adorable.
But that's none of my concerns as the slimy fuck keeps undressing her with his eyes. Makes me want to claw them out with my bare hands.
"Wha..." She starts, growing more and more confused as she tries to wrap her head around where the hell she is. "Jungkook? What are you..."
She trails off into a mindfuck, allowing me to set my full focus on the man still staring between us with wariness.
My gaze hasn't worn off him since I saw him fucking reach for her ass, which makes me want to bash his head against the wall.
My breathing turns heavy again.
"Off-limits." I bite out with enough to control to shock myself. I'm even more surprised that this motherfucker is still breathing.
His eyes thin into slits as he eyes me suspiciously. "I haven't seen you here the last couple of hours. Thought her sexy ass came alone." His eyes skim over her body, gaze lingering longer than necessary on her breasts.
Guess someone's leaving with no limbs tonight.
"You thought wrong." It takes almost all the last bits of my control to reply with that before I start turning around to leave, Y/N almost falling asleep on my arm.
She clutches the hem of my shirt with a weak grip, like a toddler would its mom.
If I couldn't get here in time, what would've happened?
I catch myself before I overthink it. If I did, I'm afraid I might commit a crime tonight. One of shameless blood and murder-
My back is turned to him when I hear a low whistle, which makes me pause, angry enough for my limbs to shake with adrenaline.
"You know, It's often rare for a slut with such a sweet ass to be out here all alone wearing that. Almost like she's begging for a cock-"
The words are barely out of his mouth before my fist connects with his face. The force of my blow got him on the floor, nose fucked and bleeding. Might be broken.
Good. Bare minimum.
I almost straddle him and punch him to his fucking fortunate death.
But I have to get Y/N home.
I can't stand this anymore.
I can't stand her anymore.
Coming here alone? Dressed like that?
I mean yes, she did come here with her idiot brother who thinks with his dick, but he's nowhere to be found.
How can someone be so nonchalant to just leave his sister here all alone?
I'm so goddamn confused.
And infuriated.
Fucking fuck.
I need to get her the fuck out of here before i lose my fucking mind.
Fuck me.
The punch I just delivered did little to satiate my thirst for this slimy fucker's blood.
But again, Y/N's more important.
I turn, my panic spiking so high it reaches levels it had never before when I find Y/N out of my sight.
My breathing starts to go abnormal for the nth time this night.
I might develop heart problems.
A sigh leaves my mouth when I spot her by the bars, trying to convince the bartender to give her another shot. Relief floods my system, and my breaths regulate.
I send a quick text the girl- who i already forgot the name of- and tell her to head home. She sends a crying emoji back but agrees nonetheless, telling me to call her back when everything is sorted out on my end.
I have other things to care for.
Or I guess, in this case, a certain person to tend to.
God, It's gonna be a long night.
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genericpuff · 2 months
Okay, what was up with the "I'm with stupid" SpongeBob episode?
is this like a rhetorical question or are you asking for me to actually get into it lol because i absolutely will, here we go-
CW: discussions of ableism
honestly it's just one of those season 1-3 episodes that hasn't aged as well as all the others. like so much of seasons 1-3 are bangers, they often still hold up really well 20 years later and even the 'weaker' episodes are still solid and someone's favorite that they will fight to the death to defend
but the "I'm With Stupid" episode is genuinely the tarnish on that record because it's just. mean-spirited torturing and gaslighting of spongebob the whole way through. it's both foreshadowing of the declining quality of Spongebob that , at the time, we didn't know was coming (we know now) and foreshadowing of Patrick's character being devolved into the "big mean and dumb bully" archetype that comes around S4-5.
like for anyone who hasn't watched this episode or doesn't remember it, it's the one where patrick's parents are visiting and he's stressing out because his parents always treat him like an idiot (and we do know patrick isn't characterized as being "conventionally intelligent", but he's still a great guy throughout the first 3 seasons, he loves his friends, is the ultimate chill guy, and really he's just total ND vibes for anyone who remembers being that "not conventionally intelligent" kid growing up so I can def 100% understand the premise of this episode as someone who was that kid lmao)
and spongebob offers to help his friend out by sigh pretending to be stupid to make patrick look smarter by comparison
and i'm sure you can see where i'm going with this when i say this episode hasn't aged well
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like it immediately starts on the wrong foot with the whole premise of spongebob playing the "protective helmet dummy" act which is just a cruel stereotype of disabled and neurodivergent individuals.
but then as it goes on, patrick basically weaponizes spongebob's idea against him by actually being mean to him the same way his own parents would (and yes his "parents" are cruel right out the gate to patrick, but then immediately shift focus to spongebob as the target once he arrives and puts on the "dumb person" act.)
is this resolved in any actually meaningful way? maybe something like the Squirrel Jokes episode where Spongebob gets rightfully called out by Sandy for making stereotypical jokes about squirrels which is a metaphor for jokes that punch down on girls/minorities/etc.?
nope, not at all. spongebob eventually gets so (rightfully) fed up with the bullying that he decides he's not gonna go along with it anymore esp when he offered to do this to help his FRIEND and that's now clearly being taken advantage of at his own expense. So he approaches the parents as his 'normal' self (ugh sorry i just hate using that word in this context) where he explains that he's not actually an 'idiot', he can do math and even knows how to do his own laundry (sigh, again, incredibly ableist). and how do patrick and his "parents" respond? oh right, they gaslight him and escalate the bullying. the parents don't believe that spongebob was putting on an act and just assume patrick "taught" him how to say the things he's saying to defend himself. which i don't even have to explain is just another level of mean-spirited because this is an ACTUAL THING that happens to neurodivergent / disabled children, their needs aren't taken seriously by the adults around them and because they're often seen as purely the stereotypes of their disabilities, they're talked down to and mistreated just because they don't function the same way that neurotypicals do in a society that's designed for neurotypicals.
anyways, spongebob is literally driven into a meltdown by the parents and patrick gaslighting him, and he runs home crying. that is the last that we see of him in the episode.
and then the "parents" happen to say their names out loud to each other and that's when patrick realizes they're... not his real parents. and the parents go "oh duh, that's right, we don't have a son!"
and that's it. that's the resolution to the episode. there is no moral, it tries to "get back" at patrick and his shitty fake parents by being like "haha see! they're stupid!!" but it just ??? doesn't at all make up for the 10 minutes of manipulating and abusing and gaslighting spongebob???
like up until this point in the show, the one who's usually on the end of the abuse is Squidward, sometimes Mr. Krabs, but both of them are often at the end of some kind of physical comedy as karma. Mr. Krabs is a scummy greedy capitalist, so of course anything that happens to him after he's done something awful is karmic justice in the form of an anti-capitalist metaphor that's funny for children and satisfying for the adults re-watching Squid on Strike who go, "OMG Mr. Krabs is unfair!" Of course because it's a serialized kid's show, it does have to go back to the status quo at the end of each episode so nothing can really come of Squidward dismantling oppression board by board (Spongebob is literally us when we were 6 btw, "Gee, IDK what Squidward's talking about, but he sure sounds convincing" which is just genius writing lol), but even episodes like Squid on Strike and Selling Out have incredibly timeless and STILL APPLICABLE MESSAGES about late stage capitalism and the death of small businesses under the weight of massive, predatory corporations that, if anything, have only aged BETTER over time because now the 6 year olds who watched that back in the 2000's are adults and living the reality that Squidward was living in.
and then ofc when it comes to Squidward, well, it's usually also karma after he took things too far in his cynical opposition to Spongebob's childhood wonder. In a lot of ways, Squidward is simultaneously an empathetic reflection of the adults who have had to survive under the oppression of capitalism, many of them giving up their hopes and dreams to do so; but also a grim reminder that if we're not careful and don't appreciate the little things that bring us joy, we too can become jaded and oppressive to the next generation.
there's a lot in the older Spongebob episodes that's a lot more counter-culture than people give it credit for (unsurprising though considering Stephen Hillenburg himself was a Gen X'er and many shows pioneered by Gen X'ers throughout the 80's and 90's were writing from a comically cynical point of view, like they hated capitalism and the boomers too, this shit runs deep LOL) making it a way more progressive show than many people give it credit for because on the surface, it's just that dumb kids show with the annoying laughing sponge.
nothing about I'm with Stupid is counter-culture or fighting for the "little guys" like so many other episodes do. whether it was a blind spot on Hillenburg's end or another writer on the staff who was severely misinformed, the entire episode shows its age in the most exhausting, uncomfortable, ableist way, by stringing together 11 excruciating minutes of gaslighting and manipulating a normally positive and endearing character who was just trying to help their friend, with no closure or apology towards said character, and no resolution or message in the end about how treating people differently based on their perceived intelligence is wrong and cruel. I feel like somewhere under all the mean-spirited attempts at "jokes", there was some fringe message about how right-wing assholes will look for lesser targets to "punch down on" or use manipulation tactics to make their victims appear weak by poking them in all the right places, but it's lost in the mishandling of the episode's overall structure where it spends the majority of time playing into disability / neurodivergent stereotypes for comedy, bullying a character who did nothing wrong, and then hastily resolves itself by leaving the message at "welp, at least Spongebob isn't as stupid as Patrick and his parents!"
this turned into a longer and more introspective post than I had planned, but man, I was genuinely shocked when I rewatched that episode for the first time in ages and realized it had come out during the seasons 1-3 era which has, y'know, the episodes that are still the most popular to this day 20 years later and contain the majority of every Spongebob meme template out there (of which there are a LOT).
Like I swear to god I always remembered this episode being part of the sort-of-later era, like shortly after the movie came out but before it became entirely mean-spirited in its comedy post-Hillenburg. But nope, I'm With Stupid accompanies Procrastination, one of my own personal favorite episodes from that era because it perfectly encapsulates the ADHD experience, both of which aired in 2001, three years before the Spongebob movie which is when most people agree that Spongebob 'peaked'.
I was just so stunned by that because most episodes of that seasons 1-3 era are generally so positive and equalizing between the varied characters, and when that balance is thrown off, it's usually for the sake of sending a message about being kind and accepting to one another. Shit, Sandy is someone whose entire characterization revolves around her being conventionally intelligent, she literally built a rocketship to fly to the moon, and yet in the very first episode where she meets Spongebob, as soon as she finds out Spongebob couldn't breathe without water, she doesn't make fun of him, she doesn't chastise him for lying to her, she simply accommodates him and Patrick by giving them fishbowls to wear on their heads whenever they want to visit her in her home, which we always see them wearing in subsequent episodes when they go to visit her (at worst she says "you could have asked" in response to their need for water, but in her defense, they gave her the impression they knew what air was and it does make a point about how we need to all play our role in both sides of the conversation so people can express their needs without feeling like a "nuisance"); and we always see her going out and interacting with her friends in Bikini Bottom in her suit, which people don't make fun of her for, until at the earliest the Squirrel Jokes episode which, again, see above, her getting made fun of by Spongebob and everyone in town is meant to serve as a message not to pick on people for their differences.
And no , I'm not saying all this as some nostalgic Spongebob fan, I'm saying this as someone who both watched the shit out of Spongebob as a kid AND as an adult, who regularly rewatches their favorite episodes from the earlier era of the show, has almost all of those season 1-3 episodes memorized line for line (even the ones I don't watch as often anymore), and is currently doing a binge watch of every episode from S1-3. I hadn't watched I'm with Stupid in a long time. Maybe that was for a good reason 😒💀
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wonwooslibrary · 1 year
svt as boyfriends ♡ wonwoo edition
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member: wonwoo x gn!reader genre: fluff, bullet points :3 word count: 876 summary: wonu's gamer bf era warnings: none !! just know that i am in love with jeon wonwoo. (me saying things like that is what makes it hard to see i'm a junhui ult on this blog) author's note: happy wonwoo day !!!!! summer is about half way over :( but I hope this wonu boyfriend au will make you feel better <3
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There is absolutely no way that the Jeon Wonwoo is not the “gamer bf” 
I have some very specific thoughts about boyfie Wonwoo so buckle your seatbelts and make sure to keep all hands and feet in the cart while it is in motion 
Quality Time 
Jeon Wonwoo is the king of quality time!! 
He would so much rather just chill with you at home than go anywhere 
Hates parties and only goes to them if another member of svt is hosting it because he’ll feel bad if he doesn’t spend time with his brothers 
Feels uncomfortable around your friends but will go with you to see them anyway because as long as he’s with you, he’s happy 
ABSOLUTELY loves when you ask if you can join him when he is gaming! 
If you play games a lot, he’ll be all pouty when you beat him at something like Call of Duty, but if you don’t play games a lot, you’ll be pouty when you find out he let you win at Mario Kart
He would also love to just have cuddle time where he reads his articles online and you just game on your phone, read a novel or something
Words of Affirmation
THIS MAN IS FSDKJFNSDKJ so good at affirmation pls I could sob just thinking about it 
He never fails to make you feel worthy, and perfect ! 
Always compliments you when he’s watching you do something, like if you win a race in Mario Kart he’d be saying something like “I’m so proud of you, good job!” even if it is something simple 
He’ll be over the freaking moon if you tell him you got a promotion at work, he’ll go on a rant about how much he loves you and will be on your side no matter what 
Do pet names count as words of affirmation bc Wonu is the type to say something like “babygirl/babyboy”, “sweetie” or “sweetheart” aaaaa
Just imagine him being like “good morning, sweetheart” AAAA sorry i’m in love-
Anyway Wonu is amazing at compliments and also loving you 
Physical Touch 
Is awkward lmao but he will try his best 
He would love to rest his head on you, if you’re taller, in between your shoulder blades while back-hugging you, but if you’re shorter, on your shoulders 
I can totally see him waiting to hold your hand when you’re shopping, going on dates, or just chilling in the living room
Loves cuddles but would refuse to admit to it 
Please let this man be the softie we all know he is !! 
Though, even tho he loves being around you and touching you…he always needs his alone time, and you are more than willing to accept that because let’s face it: everyone needs to be alone once in a while
He is such a simp tho, if you ask for even the slightest PDA he goes all out, even if he gets embarrassed about it: he’ll wrap his arms around your shoulders if you’re sitting next to each other in a movie theater or a restaurant 
He’ll also 100% playfully push you, like if you tell a really bad joke or if he is pretending to be annoyed with you (we all know he could never actually have any negative feelings towards you)
Acts of Service 
Acts of service is totally his calling: he’ll love to do literally anything for you
When you can’t sleep or are sick, you’ll ask him to sing you something to relax you and he’ll sing for hours until the both of you are asleep next to each other 
He seems like the type to love doing simple chores like laundry: it keeps him distracted, gives him the alone time he needs, and it helps you out ! 
As soon as you pull a “Wonu could you do this for me 👉👈 🥺” he’ll be sprinting to make you happy 
My favorite Wonwoo act of service is: teaching you how to do things…
This man loves to learn, and who else is he going to share his knowledge with? You want to know better ways to keep your plants alive? He’s got you! 
You’re unsure how to make this side dish for dinner? He’s texting you links to twenty different recipes and helping you pick the one you like most 
He just loves to interest you in these silly little facts that he hopes would help you with something, whether it be now, or in 10 years 
He’s a helpful bean <3 
Gift Giving 
Uses his money to his advantage (pls stop him before he takes over the world) 
If you even mention an article of clothing being cute in a store, you suddenly have one of every color the next day
If you are like “Hey Wonu do you wanna go see __ in concert?”, you best believe that he’s buying you VIP tickets 
And when you complain to him that he is spending way too much money on you, he just shrugs 
“What else am I going to do with my money? We have a nice place, and I have everything I could want, as well as you, I might as well use it to make you happy” 
I love him…
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strip4kaneshiro · 3 months
Cole Cassidy x Texan! reader domesticity headcanons
hiii it’s Kay again LOL. My first comeback piece and it’s Overwatch head canons LMAO. Felt some type of way about writing headcanons about real people so we’re moving on to fictional characters as the lord intended. As of rn, I’m fixated on Cassidy, Reaper, and Lifeweaver as my faves. So expect me to write about them TRUST
You and him defo live on a small ranch back in his home state of Texas together
this takes place in a universe where Overwatch is a lil more flexible with him than before, so don’t worry too much about the logistics ok???
Not close too his hometown though ( he’s still wanted there, rip), so you end up choosing a ranch set of land south enough to still be able to reach the coast if wanted. Cole was adamant about being able to take beach road trips
Let’s you do majority of the interior decorating, while he focuses on upkeeping the outdoors of your home
In the process of choosing yalls house and moving in, contrary to popular belief, Cassidy was the super picky one
I swear you had to change real estate agents twice because he wouldn’t stop nitpicking LMAO, but all for good reason, He just wants the best for his darling <3
He will NEVER wake you up earlier than 9 am for any reason unless it’s a doctors appointment or a road trip. Babes just wants to watch you sleep
“Cole! It’s 10:30! You weren’t gonna wake me up?!” You chastise, jumping out of bed and pulling stray hairs out your face
“Now why would I disturb your peace?” and he flashes that damn cowboy charming smile smh i hate him so bad
If your into skincare stuff, he simply watches you in amazement as you go through a multi step routine
Begins asking you to help him, not because he cares much about his skin, but he loves to see you yap about what you love
(Please free this man from the 14 in 1 in the shower)
Bro CANNOT keep his hands off of you for any reason and it makes everyone both envious and uncomfortable
If you’re in the kitchen, hands wrapped around your waist from the side. Doing laundry? He’s leaning on your shoulder and simply watching.
Depending on if Overwatch needs him, he will force them to give him a 14 hour notice so he can tell you. Cole never wants you to wake up confused and alone like how he did Ashe and Deadlock gang
Speaking of, expect to see the, very often in your house. They all just decided y’all’s house was the hangout spot like a bunch of high schoolers
He doesn’t appreciate how Ashe and you team up to tease him
Ended up getting two dogs and a cat with him.
The cat loves you but cannot stand being near Cole unless it’s bribed (male cat)
“Oh, did your wife give you those scratches Cass?” (Baptiste)
Cole begrudgingly acknowledges the scratches on his shoulders and back during a training session.
He forces you to trim his claws and get him a scratching post when he gets back home
If you drink coffee/tea/matcha, he leaves enough hot water in the coffee pot so you can make whatever you choose. Or if he knows, he just does it himself and leaves it for you warm cold (ik some of you r iced coffee fiends)
Cole takes you on shopping trips every couple of months because he loves to spoil you, he even carries all the bags without one single complaint! (He gets to flex his ranch muscles)
Don’t let it be a nice day over 70 degrees, this man will take any chance he gets to have as little clothing on as possible around you (Why he does this we don’t know)
Catch him in a tank top or no shirt at all doing yard work while you lay in a chaise , tanning or quietly reading.
He wouldn’t have it any other way though, he loves working hard for the ones he loves.
So as the day comes to the end, and you come outside with some iced tea for him, he wipes as much sweat as he can off of himself before leaning over and kidding the top of your head.
“I love you, darlin’.” He’ll mutter, before wrapping his toned arms around you and embracing you
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
The Bear S3 Capri Live React
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WARNING! Spoilers for each episode below the cut!
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EP 1 - “Tomorrow”
Oh your poor hand I wanna kiss it, my sweet baby :((
Omg it’s filmed so differenttttt AAAAAA!!!!
Zaddy walked in meaning business lets gOOO
Like I said in TB&HH and many of my one shots this is a STUNNING restaurant - like FUCK!!! Carmy is BRILLIANT !!
Carmen RELAX!! Jesus! With punting the chair!
Omg his notebook from The French Laundry!!! Cute
New Yorks got everything :( OH this seeaaason is gonna rip my heart to shreeeeeds New York destroyed him.
Oh I think we are getting loads of baby chef Carmy FUCK 
Oh god oh god 'subtract'??? Fuuuuck
I would hate how perfect he always is HAHAHAHA I would haaaate working with him!!!!
Cousin Steve took care of him, I'm glad someone did 🥺
Oh fucking for Carmy to kiss me like that 
The kiss on the nose is everything I want to do in life 
“It’s never gonna happen again” he will die before it happens 
Good apologize to Richie you FUCKING IDIOT and good for saying I’m sorry good for saying I love you. Good boy. Good boy. 
He is about to make everyone miserable.  
“I know you are, honey” that is his real mother figure. 
While Mikey was dying Richie was destroying his marriage trying to save him and Carmy was getting verbally abused in New York. I am…gutted! 
I have thought about Carmy finding out about Mike. I never. Fucking. Thought. They. Would. Show it.
Like a mother Nat snuck the money in his pocket. I’m fuckin CRYYYING BRO THIS SEASON IS GONNA GUT ME 
The best meal Syd has ever had 🥹
The fennel makes him think of Syd because she has an allergy I’m gonna stroke out. 
EP1 ; Final Thoughts - SydCarmy is SO happening if it doesn’t what the fuck are they doing. Baby Carmy is gutting me. I hope Luca doesn’t go away after this episode. Mikey. Oh, Mikey :(((. Natalie? The cinematography - oh I’m about to EAT w these fics. Oh my god.I am fucking GUUTTTEEDDD THIS SEASON IS GOING TO DESTROY ME
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EP2 - “Next”
the AirPod falling out is so real
Lmaoooo her dad !! She is absolutely moving out as soon as she can 
Awww the ‘love you chef’ <3
See this music like shut up SydCarmy or bust!!! lmaooooo
Why is the fourth wall being broken???
His anxiety is so insane he is acting cracked out LMAO
CICERO OH NO - this is gonna be INSANE
Carmy needs to step off Syds dick and give her some control lmfaooo - like ? you don’t even own this place little man.
“Technique is spelt wrong but OK” BYE THIS IDIOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 
“You know buddy, I tried to call in and get you an order but they says you was back in the fridge yelling at yourself” LMFOAAOAOAO VJKFDNVLAKNLKVN I AM CRYING HE IS I LOVE UNC SO MUCH
everyone is asking him why the fuck he’s doing this and he cant say “because i cant stick my dick in syd” so he doesn’t know what to say.
He’s quitting smoking not for his health but to save … time. Alright then.
“The computer drafted the agreement so make sure you have a lawyer look at it” CAAAACKLING 
Carmen shut the fuck up you are in no position for fuck yous.
“I commend your bravery from inside a locked vault” IM DRFNDJSNENN HAHAHAHA GET HIM RICH
“Oh my god am I finally having a stroke?” “Am I having a stroke?” These POOR WOMEN SOMEONE PUT CARMEN ON A FUCKING LEASH
“I insist that you get fucked my good man” BYEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHA RICHIE IS TOO FUNNY 
They are bickering like BITCHES 
his ego needs to be stroked lmaoooo he’s asking Syd to stroke his ego 
“I know sweetheart, don’t be scared” NATALIEEEE HAHAHAH It's ok Fak I'M scared of Carmy rn lmao.
holy fucking shit Carmen you are driving me CRRAAAAZYY SHUT UP 
“Every day Jeffery-Ballet?” TINA HAHAHAHA I LOVE THAT 
This IS banana town sweetheart Fak
“He was gonna tell us what he said to Claire”- Richie: “classic behavior dysregulation” PLLLEEASE
“Then I actually take it back, fuck you” i love Richie down
The gum chewing is sexy 
“Is that what you did” “no i’m just here if you need anything” oh, Carmy :(
Oh, Marcus :((((((. “Take us there bear” “yes chef” oh my god I’m crying again 
EP2 ; Final Thoughts - Carmen needs to fucking relax and I’m gonna say this probably a lot. Omg the fighting with Richie in this episode was pissing me off they are fighting like catty brothers!!! The moment with Marcus at the end really got to me. This was overall though a hilarious episode
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EP3 - “Doors”
Marcus mom funeral!! Awww I’m glad they all are there for him. Thiiis is the moms funeral, ok, so they did it all in one day the shooting for both funerals so we wouldn’t know!!!
I wonder how Carm feels he’s there for Marcus’ mom but wasn’t for his brother 
Wow this speech must be so impactful for Carmy to get a glimpse into someone else’s life like this 
Look alive lizards we are OPENN
Richie is so goooodddd at his job 🥹🫶
For the bear and his honey fans princess cake is 100% going in there hahahah
Hmm things are going a bit too well 
Carmy throwing so much good decent edible food away makes me twitch. 
Carmy and his little edible flowers hahaha I love it
“The rare Transylvanian 5 titted goat?!” CICEROOO HAHAHAH
“Joy” “this is a waste of time, give it to sugar” HAHAHAHA
Fak not putting it ON THE TABLE and Richie being like “keep my mans name out of your mouth “ PLLLELEEEASEE
Something abt Carmy cleaning is so hot
They’re being so too hard on tina :((
Richie is bringing patrons to the kitchen and Carmy is just violently bitching Syd out I am dead also, someone get the belt i’m gonna beat him.
This goes out to everyone who said there’s no chance the bear could fail and that it was a stupid idea it could? (cough- ex moots, cough) ; please tell me why they don’t even have a star and they’re already doing poorly with funds
I can’t- Carmen and Richie are fully going at each others throats and physically fighting.
Please Fak just grilling customers for info.
Carmy is SO little brother and I wanna choke him “we’ll figure it out” “ME?” “I’m trying to use less shiiittt >:(“ like a winey bitch - YOU ARE AN ADULT SHE IS THERE TO HELP YOU YOU LITTLE COCKSUCKER DO YOUR GOD DAMN JOB EFFICIENTLY
Carmy is losing it he needs to be medicated ASAP
Thank GOD Syd is putting her foot down and telling him to shut up
Syd looks fed the fuck up, rightfully
EP3 ; Final Thoughts - Holy shit Carmen is going nuts. Sydcarmy is going so hard rn he needs to finish shit with Claire so he can admit his feelings to himself about Syd. He needs to stop being so mean to her, he is going to cause her to panic. Whats so funny is I drafted Carmy bitching Syd out in my OC fic in the most recent chapter before this even came out (but in my world (in girl world) winnie is behind him chewing his ass out and literally told him he’s acting like his old boss) But it’s funny because hes literally telling her abusive ass shit his boss told him.
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EP4 - “Violet”
Ohhhhh to kiss Carmy that way. A dream
The nose kiss oh my god oh my god 
He’s such a good listener 
He is so fucking - oh my god this man. This man. I need him astronomically 
Marcus :(((
I love Syd’s scarf but also lmao the stress of that docu - I get you girl hahah
Yaaaay she’s moving! 
This apartment is stunning!!!
Him laying with her is so cute. 
“He’s not my uncle like Carmy” 🥹PLS SO CUTE
This is so good such kid convo omgggg kids are just like thissss!! He’s such a good dad omfg playing her handdddd fuckFUCKCJCKCJC expect more Richie content soon
“Maybe you’ve reached as far as your talent can go” makes MY stomach hurt, dawg 
“I feel like Bear is starting to respect me” please the way they look up to him I cantttt lmao
TAYLOR SWIFT!!!!!!!!!!
This Frank guy is weird- they made a great job at making this feel awkward as fuck.
that’s my girl! 
Oh is she about to get poached
Oooo like not Carmy??? Oooooo hes trying to poach her
Marcus has such nicely manicured hands
The way they just stuff snacks in faks mouth to make him go away hahaha love it
Mmhmm this season will make me fall more in love with Richie then ever before
Richie. Richie. Richie. Richie. Richie. Oh my god. My heart is being ripped out 
Wait they’re being reviewed for a star?! Already? They JUST opened! 
EP4 ; Final Thoughts - This was SUCH a Richie episode! I loved it alot :))) <3!!! So many Dad!Richie moments that made me smile. He also almost made me cry with his whole being alone thing. I will remedy my sadness with writing Richie fics literally probably tomorrow because holy holy holy this man I need to give him kissesssssss
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EP5 - “Children”
So do the Bears all have the same alarm clocks?
Marcus speech really touched Natalie :((
Carmen doing the boxes by himself HAHAHA its what he deserves!! BAD BOY! 
Syd the ultimate good friend helping Marcus with his moms stuff 
Syd looks so cute her outfit is adorable 
Lmaooo Syd with her dead mom club jokes she’s too funny I see why Carmy is so whipped 
The Bear and His Honey is going to fucking SLAP with this new Carmy content WOW
Him throwing away more food that is perfect literally perfect. *sarcasm*
I wanna leave hickeys on Richie’s neck so bad - it’s so pretty 
Omg Carmys mentor closing the restaurant- he’s spiraling and looking at the every second counts she instilled in him- oh god.. Oh god-
Richie has grown so much im so so proud of him! 
He is crushing on this girl from Ever so hard
Carmy is gonna get his legs broken if he doesn’t cut it out hahahaha
Fak drinking a Capri-sun LOL
Omgggg him saying to fire Marcus you are CRAZY 
Lmaooo Jimmy venting to syd and saying that carmy has a tree up his ass
Carmy finding baby pics I’m SICK
EP5 ; Final Thoughts - WOWOWOWOW This is the last ep. I am watching tonight I need to digest. This was such a cute Richie ep. I am so in love with Dad!Richie. He is such a good, good dad. I also am dead- John Cena as a Fak? And having a mikey esc. Haircut???? And smoking in the restaurant- and then them saying it smells like smoke I am dead as fuck. Richie really really wants this review to go well, I hope it does:((
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EP6 - “Napkins”
Good morning! time for e6 It is Directed by Ayo so i fear it is gonna kill me :) !
Well at least Tina has a normal clock 
Oooo get down on it!!!! Let’s go Tina!!! Get in that groove mama! 
Tina is so Puerto Rican mom I love it so so much 
Tina’s married?! I love it!! how sweet 
If Mikey’s in here- I’m gonna fucking die 
Baker tina!! Oh- customer service Tina? No! Books Tina!!! Smart girl!! that’s my lady :))
Oh Tina I’ve been there mama you’ll land on your feet :((( That’s right baby everything will be ok 
One thing about this show is all of the characters need routine 
The degree thing pisses me off to no end because of how real it is. Like shes been doing this 15 years and knows it better then someone right out of school with a stupid degree.
Awww Tina and hubs been together so long!! So sweet I love it her husband is good to her. 
I sooo love Tina is getting her moment the actress is so kind and amazing 
Woah I thought the big interview would be at the beef LOLLLL like not that it’s big but that they really need her lolll 
Oh my god. They hired someone ??? What the fuck and didnt tell her?!! RUDEEEE 
This little fucking prick oh my god yes Tina fuck him
Aw baby I wanna hug her it’ll be fine mama I know it doesn’t feel like it
“Maam you can’t smoke in here anymore” I can’t hahaha
Everyone calling him handsome I can’t hahah he is! But still hahaha
Omggg richieeee I love him he’s always been so sociallll!! Get ready to eat with the beef Richie oh. Wow. This whole scene is so chef kiss i cant wait to write more the beef!richie
“She can’t be crying in here” I am done LMAO
I fear I’m seeing the Mikey crush AAA “sandwich really that bad??” Stop being funny !! I also see how he got Carmy out of his panic attacks what a brother stop Mikey!! Why would you do that Mikey everyone loved you so muchhh 🥺💔
Gosh Mikey IS so handsome
oh my god Carmy takes after him SO SO SO MUCH oh my god Carmy takes after him so much 
Oh my gosh I didn’t realize she was older then Richie!! 46 means something in this show- did Mikey…at 46? If he did I will fucking sue 
OMG SHOWING HER THE PIC OH ANS TELLING ABOUT CARMY SHUT UP HE “hes the shit” he wasn’t allowed to work at the beef because mikey knew that he’s better then the beef. He sees so much in him I knew that was the case!!! I’m sick 
My god !! Carmy!! Takes!!! After Mikey so fucking MUCH!!! 
Oh Mikey- oh. Mikey. Oh Mikey. Oh Mikey. Oh Michael Berzatto. Hit me while I’m down PAL kick me why don’t you?! “I knew I was gonna get skipped because I had people to take care of” I knew this episode would make me sick. 
oh my god when Tina said she loved Mikey she loved Mikey like a good friend and I am so gutted when Carmy says everyone loved Mikey and he just lit a room up and could make anyone comfortable oh my god I’m so gutted!!!!!!!!!!! 
EP6 ; Final Thoughts - This episode let us truly meet Michael & oh my god it’s almost painful to watch these back to back like- this is a lot to digest holy fuck. When Carmen talked about a temp in a room and how Mikey could feel it then lean into it and manipulate it however he wanted. He did such a good job portraying that. I’d give anything for him to have just called Carmy when he was on that bridge and for him to have answered and for Carmy to change his mind. Oh my god I’m so- like oh my god? This show. I can’t.
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EP7 - “Legacy”
Carmy so pretty :)
Oh Richie. Thinking about :((( everything. 
Syd thinking of Carmy 
good Carmy is back at AI-ANON 
so much fucking family hahahah god I love Italians hey uncle Gary! 
*sighs* good morning, Syd. 
Oh. Ok he’s opening his own place ok…and he’s asking her I KNEW IT POACHER!! POACHER!!!!!
oh my god he’s offering her a real CDC job - with a real good salary,  it would be healthier for her sadly!!!!!!
How’d I headcanon Carmy knew French PUUUURRIODD 😌
“You look nice” ha. Ha. Ha.  Shoot me in the FUCKING FACE
“That sounds legendary pal” I WANT TO KISS HIM ON HIS STUPID MOUTH 
“Matter of fak supply” LOL
Richie is taking this so seriously which makes me more mad how Carmy treats him like he really is so good at the job and loves it.
Aw he really misses Tiff. :( he’s so different now and wishes he could go back so bad but he’s gonna find someone that I’ll be very jealous of bc I need this man SO BAD
Oh him crying abt Mikey- no stop I can’t 
“Hey grandpa” “hey grandma” I love Ebra and Tina sm lol and her mimicking his accent they’re adorable 
“Maybe you can go fuck, Ted” hahahaha I love telling people to go fuck now 
Eva’s drawing in Richie’s host book 🥹🫶
Carmen I wanna choke you out so bad!  Can you take a single suggestion ???
EP7 ; Final Thoughts - Another good episode!! Very balanced which I like, the character centered episodes feel very heavy but I still love them. I'm just happy that we got a little bit of a second to breathe!! I think it’s cool how they’re doing the beef on the side, like so cool! I never thought of that as an option. Because it’s true the neighborhood would probably miss their local sandwich spot! I liked this episode a lot :) Carmy can go fuck this episode, though he’s in the dog house and I hope Syd leaves to teach him a lesson! (& it makes him realize he loves her!!!)
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EP8 - “Ice Chips”
I’m guessing before we start Nat is gonna find comfort not in her brother, but in Syd! 
oh my god Donna SUGAR oh my god sugar snapping on Donna I can’t 
someone get someone here other then Donna 
My Scorpio sissy Natalie !!! 11/10/88 (this confirms to me carmy is still in his 20s theres no way hes 33 when nat is 34)
Donna needs to leave this is the worst she’s the worst birth partner ever 
At least Donna is being nice 
She never told her mom she was pregnant??? Wow!
Donna’s labor with Carmy being so incredibly hard is honestly canon! That is so funny actually. Yeah that kid makes everything hard for himself! 
lol you get that epidural queen!!!
I’m glad Donna is hearing that she scared them as children. 
Donna is an alcoholic because her mother had problems
Ok I’m feeling Donna sympathy 
EP8 ; Final Thoughts - wow. Wowowowowowowowow 0 Carmy and 0 Richie basically but this was nats episode and Donna’s! I am happy we were able to see the sweet side of Donna, I think (and hope !!) she is on the right path to sobriety!!! This episode was very tender , I loved hearing about their childhoods more <3 Nat is gonna be a good mommy!!!
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EP9 - “Apologies”
Magic? Ok sick, ok Marcus!! That’s who was watching this ok then wonder what thats about?
“Claire is peace” please- the thought of her gives you a panic attack. 
He’s gonna apologize this episode Jesus we wasted a whole season still no sydcarmykiss. It’s ok guys stay strong we’ll be there next season 
Yes Syd leave him 
Carmen you are nuts!!! 
Richie and Carmy staring at eachother through the window like bears about to kill eachother is freaking me out.
Syd say it -
Oh wait it’s the funeral for ever lol! I forgot that’s the funeral. Ok not worried 
He goes to the walk in to try to make it in his mind like he hasn’t waited all this time to apologize hahahaha 
“Missing one, that wouldn’t the the thing happened to be wedged up your ass the last few weeks is it?” JIMMYYYYY HAHAHAHAHAHA
Jesus this man’s eyes literally glow blue 
He owes him sooo much money wow 
Tina and Marcus are so cute
Carmy and his drawings are adorable 
Ten minutes left and Carmy hasn’t said sorry lol 
His little smile at the farm AAAA
Syd ls bringing them food before Carmy 
No she’s right Carmy I’m sorry why wouldn’t it be immediate insurance what is … wrong with you?
Oh my god fak going to see Claire Fak leave now no no no no no no no no oh my god this is so bad 
Mommy Nat 🥹💖
Aw Carmy looking at mikes funeral card 😭💔
EP9 ; Final Thoughts - Why does this season not feel done?! Well prob because they’re gonna do a season 4. But still there’s no way they can finish all of this in one episode. Holy moly the Faks need to stop interfering this is so bad!!!! Too many Faks!! Ok I can’t last episode time AAA
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E10 - “Forever” !!!!!!
This mentor I like very much 
He took the popes nose thing from this mentor hahaha
This man who mentored Carmy it’s understandable why he was so driven or like, inspired to keep going
Richie is crushing on Jess hard 
Luca oh baby I wanna kiss himmm oh him 
oh my fid oh my god oh my god oh my god his boss his his oh my god 
Oh my god oh m y god “working for a bad boss is the worst because the culture you’re a part of is the culture you create” Carmen is spiraling rn (the next chapter of my oc fic is gonna go crazy)
Syd being more sociable then Carmy bc Carmy is panicking 
This smug bastard loves that he makes Carmen squirm I wanna punch him
“This is why you’re alone you can’t handle this” I’m going to fucking stab something
Carmy finds 0 joy in cooking anymore. 
Richie is so lovable the boss loves him and knew him for less then a week hahahahah
Carmy OH CARMY CARMY CARMY OH CARMY  “generally being you” my jaw is my jaw my jaw my jaw my jaw my jaw on THE FLOOOOORRRRRRRRRR. Oh my god. He’s such this asshole boss I hope he dies holy fuck HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE. I WANT TO PEEL OFF HIS SKIN
Luca and Syd??? Ok- I say go for it queen
My mind is blown so far this is so amazing but also how the fuck hasn’t he sorted with Claire and S3 is closing???
Omg after party at SYDS?! Where is Carmy??? literally Marcus and Tina are there and the Faks?? He has to be seeing Claire there’s no way why would he miss out on this!!!!
If only Carmy got to be apart of something fun. Of course he’d deprive himself. OF COURSE
He is… giving Syd ptsd like his boss did to him. She is having done to her what was done to him.
Oh Syd. Oh Syd. Oh you need to get out of there baby it’s killing you. I hate seeing her upset its hurting me.
Their review was bad…. :((((((((((((
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EP10/S3 ; Overall Final Thoughts -
IM CRYING omggggg omg omg omg omg omg omg the whole thing with the boss had me in actual tears. TB&HH is about to eat so hard so so hard oh I have so many ideas AAAA and I’m so in love w Richie even more then last season he is totally crushing on Jess. Oh my god syd needs to get out of the bear Carmy is actually killing her. He is doing to her what his boss did to him and that’s evil!!! Evil evil. Oh my god so many thoughts I have but wow just wow. I can’t most of all wait to read the rest of the fandoms thoughts WOW my fics are about to eat I’m so inspired ALSO SydCarmy fics are about to be so angsty and eeeeeaaaatttttt!! He is slowly killing his girl, also - him being able to say sorry to syd but not claire??? I’m mad that the Faks had so much screentime like they were funny sometimes sure, but waywaaay too much faks. Not enough Nat, not enough MARCUS!! The most powerful touching scene or at least most inspiring of the season for me was the one with carmy & his old boss the sack of shit, that scene is gonna propel tb&hh so farrrr also this whole season is going to! Im so excited to keep writing that. I see people are not liking this season in my peeks on my home page (i didnt want to taint my thoughts) but im kinda surprised - like yes we didn’t wrap everything up & there were too many faks and not enough syd BUT the cinematography was stunning, and we got to see in carmys head which is what i predicted - this season was to get in his head to see 2 main things 1) how he does what he does 2) why he is how he is - and we got both of those answers, I think everyone was expecting this to be the last season and it was never going to be! In order to wrap this up we had to fully understand why carmen is how he is, are you all catching my drift here? I cant wait for S4!!! I feel it that SydCarmy will happen, I know that chefkids will put it in to words because their brain is much bigger then mine - but wow wow and wow. I’m gonna have to watch each episode 10 more times to digest it but wow. Loved it! MOST OF ALL I CANT WAIT FOR S4!!!!!! AAAAA
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aita for how I treat my mom's roommate? Apologies that this is really long!
The people involved here are me (19f), my mom (54f) and my mom's roommate (39f). Gonna call the roommate "Jenny" for simplicity; that is not her real name. Context: So late last year, there was a bad natural disaster in our area. Jenny's house suffered bad damages from it and she needed somewhere to stay until she could find someplace else. Since she and my mom are coworkers, my mom offered our guest bedroom while I was away at college. She was feeling lonely in the house without anyone there and needed help paying rent anyway, so it seemed like it would work out.
I first met Jenny when I came back for Thanksgiving break. She needed help moving some of her furniture into the room she'd be staying in. And by, "she needed help," I mean she wanted my mom and I (who are both disabled) to do it for her. She did nothing while we moved her stuff in and just stood around watching us until we were done. So not a great first impression.
Immediately after that, Jenny started treating me really… weirdly. She treats me like I'm five years old. And that's not an exaggeration by any means. She baby-talks me, coos over me like I'm a cute toddler, and once even gasped when my mom swore in front of me, turned to me and went "Did you hear that? Your Mama said a baaad word!" This feels really demeaning and insulting to me, but no matter how I objected to it, she'd only laugh at or mock me. It got to a point where my mom also had to say something about how uncomfortable Jenny's baby talk made me, and while Jenny 'apologized' (to my mom, not to me), she still does it. Like, all the time.
I could put up with it until I went back to uni, but when I came home for winter, spring, and now summer break, she is still doing it. Alongside some other more mildly irritating things.*
My mom doesn't like her either, and from what I'm understanding she's got a bad reputation at their work for how she talks to others. But she's always paid rent and my mom appreciates that extra help, so. Where I may be assholey: I've resorted to giving Jenny the silent treatement. I never talk to her, hardly even acknowledge when she talks, and quickly excuse myself from the room when she enters it. My mom is hurt by this, as it often means I get up and walk away from conversations between her and I once Jenny inserts herself into them, but never stops me or complains about it. The most she's said is that I'm being needlessly rude sometimes, because "that's just how Jenny talks to everyone." (Which is just… untrue, because she doesn't talk to my mom like that.)
It's been months now. Should I just get over myself and talk to her more, even if she hasn't stopped doing what makes me uncomfortable? She seems to be trying to get my attention all the time, constantly looking to me when she talks like seeking a reaction or approval or something, and hurting my mom's feelings in the crossfire seems unfair… Even though both me and my mom do not like her. Maybe I'm just being overly spiteful or my ego was bruised and I don't want to acknowledge it. I don't know. I know I hate receiving the silent treatment, so I might be a bit hypocritical doling it out…
What do y'all think? *(I can give examples of this on an alt if necessary, I just don't want to bloat this more than it already is with the laundry list I could provide, lmao)
What are these acronyms?
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remersgf · 1 year
doug remer hcs 💌
doug remer x (mostly)fem!reader
sfw & nsfw
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- hates doing his own laundry but loves doing yours
- definitely doesn’t pocket one of your panties
- (yes he definitely does)
- likes to pick out your nail color when you get your nails done
- usually picks out like hot pink or something kinda obnoxious
- he likes to come with sometimes, once he got a pedi with you and he was in heaven
- calls you honey and baby 🤭
- generally goes easy on petnames though
- really likes to hold one of your boobs while spooning or sleeping, not in a sexual way; he just likes the warmth & squishiness. it’s comforting to him
- really just likes your tits in general
- kisses the top of ur head :((
- also likes to squeeze ur cheeks together and kiss your puckered lips
- loooves when you play with his hair or tug on it he MELTS
- if you have curly hair, he’ll twirl it around his fingers absentmindedly all the time
- and washes it for u!! you taught him and now he’s obsessed
- love language is physical touch and acts of service
- loves bringing you trinkets; whether it’s a rock he found on the side of the road or a tiny clown figurine he bought
- i feel like his scent is really strong LMAO
- not in a stinky way, but like if he slept in your bed or something you’d smell remer on the pillows for a few days
- bisexual or unlabeled tbh
- boob n thigh man fosho
- slaps his dick against ur face when ur about to give him head
- lightly though obv. playful.
- (channeling orgazmo matt stone) one time u convinced him to grow a pornstache and he called it the ‘kitty tickler’
- i feel likes he’s a rlly sexually natured person (am i projecting)
- his sex drive is so high omg
- he’s usually always in the mood but he’s able to hold back so as to not make you uncomfortable
- be prepared to FUCK LIKE RABBITSSSS
- service soft dom vibes
- but can also be subby as hell
- and also lowkey moans like a chick i will die on this hill
- super vocal during sex
- reaaalllyyyy talented at eating you out and he LOVES it
- same w sucking u off!! (m!reader)
- no joke he could and would eat you out for hours
- would be SO down to a threesome with coop
- loves loves loves to tease you
- in bed but also in public too
- during sex i feel like he’d love controlling ur orgasm and edging you
- teasing you and teasing you until you can’t take it anymore!!!
- in public he’d whisper filthy things into your ears
- ‘when we get home, if it’s cool with you, i’m gonna fuck so hard till all the thoughts in your pretty head disappear. poor thing won’t be able to walk in the morning’
pt.2 likely coming soon <3
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ozzy-boy · 1 year
Volks' love languages
(his deluxe date made me start thinking about this... I'm definitely going to make more of these for the other guys <3)
-Volks isn't a touchy feely guy. He just isn't. Sure, he opens up a lot more around you than he does around other people, but that doesn't mean he isn't awkward and cagey about it.
-Won't initiate physical touch. Practically refuses to. You have to be the one to initiate everything.
-It isn't even that he doesn't want to touch you- no, he's just too stubborn to ask. Because (clearly) asking your significant other for a hug is embarrassing (obviously). He always has to bring it up in a round-about way, like "If you tripped and fell on me-" or "If you wanted to-".
-He eventually gets more and more used to it the longer you're dating.
-Just don't call attention to it when it finally happens. If you make a big deal out of him hugging or deciding to kiss you first, he'll get embarrassed and stop. It's like getting the trust of a wild animal- he's skittish. (lmao)
-In general though, physical touch just isn't really his thing. He doesn't hate it (even if he pretends he does), but it's not usually his first thought either. Hates PDA don't even try it with him cause he'll refuse.
-Isn't the biggest fan of gifts, either... He just isn't very materialistic. He could take or leave most presents, unless they were particularly thoughtful or really to his taste.
-The best gift you can give him is an activity to do together, or something for him to cook. If you ever want to get Volks downright giddy, get him the expensive wagyu. Seriously, he'll be like a kid on Christmas.
-Which leads into one love language Volks is very much a fan of: Acts of service.
-It stems from his childhood. His mother was an ER nurse- and he did everything he could to make her life less difficult.
-He got good grades, kept his room clean, didn't get in fights... He was kind of the definition of a 'good kid'. Started doing his own laundry and making his own meals a lot younger than a lot of kids typically would. He never really minded it, either. Usually, when the house was already clean and dinner was already cooked, it meant that him and his mom could spend more time together since she didn't have anything extra to do after work.
-This bleeds into his romantic relationships too, even if he doesn't realize it. The biggest way Volks shows he loves you is by doing things for you. This trait comes out x100 if you live together.
-You are NOT going to work without a packed lunch. If you bug him about it enough he might even leave you cute little notes. Usually just stupid little doodles of wolves and stuff but he doesn't understand why you love them so much.
-Cooks most of the meals and does most of the chores. (malewife fr)
-You try to insist that you should split the chores 50/50... but he just ignores it. He wants to make your life less difficult.
-"So what if I did the laundry already? We don't need to take turns doing it... C'mon, don't look at me like that."
-"Don't worry about the dishes, I'll do them myself later... Seriously, there are better ways to spend our time together."
-He's secretly such a sweetheart, although he struggles with words of affirmation.
-Sometimes, Volks will say something so incredibly sweet that it makes you swoon but it's never on purpose.
-If he's TRYING to use his words, he can't come up with anything. He's plagued with awkwardness and an emotionally stunted personality, words are hard for him. He struggles to string words together that really explain how much he likes you...
-When he says something really sweet, it's probably because he's just being honest and not putting any thought into it.
-Which... Volks kind of has a problem with sometimes. It's difficult for him to really talk about his emotions and feelings and that's why he always pushes this cares about nothing/nonchalant attitude- you can't be disappointed if nothing ever bothers you.
-So, he actually really appreciates having someone that speaks their mind and means it. You manage to fluster him so much just by being nice and honest with him.
-Hearing you say how much you like him, how attractive you think he is, how much you appreciate what he does for you... Really makes him swoon.
-He's never really put much faith into people's words- actions are what speaks loudest- but it's different when it's you. He loves your words.
-Just... tone down the flirting and compliments in public, okay? He thinks he looks like a dork when he blushes like crazy in public and he'll pout about it.
-Volks' other main love language is quality time.
-Just wants to spend time with you. He doesn't really care what you're doing, or where, or for how long.
-Whether it's for a couple of minutes between your busy schedule, or for hours at a time. Any time he spends with you is good time spent.
-Volks is a homebody and an introvert at heart. His personal time and space are not something he gives up lightly. Just the fact that he allows you in his apartment when you start dating is a high honor, because it's a privilege only few are afforded. (few = you and his mom)
-You don't even have to be doing anything when you're together. Volks is the type that's perfectly content to just exist in the same room. It gives him a good opportunity to stare at you without you noticing.
-Speaking of staring, it's practically a love language in it of itself for him. He loves to just look at you, and he doesn't really care if it's 'weird'. So what if he's staring? You're hot. It'd be a shame not to stare.
-He'll also love it if you engage in his hobbies, especially if you agree to go camping with him. Just be careful, his idea of camping is closer to straight up survival. But he'll be happy, so you figure it's worth giving up your comfortable bed and learning to spear fish in the wilderness.
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gyunglitter · 1 year
➷ prologue ➷
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-“oh, the way he makes me feel that love isn’t real -– cupid is so dumb”
unlike you, your brother’s best friend just doesn’t know when to quit
word count: 1,205
warnings: not too many, just hints of angst and a SINGULAR curse word (for now lmao), i hate editing sooo this is VERY unedited lmao
tags: brother’s-best-friend!beomgyu x reader, ??? to ???, angst, fluff(??), beomgyu is the cool boy-next-door, reader is an independent girlboss (or trying to be, at the least), beomgyu’s gonna be GROVELING, simp!gyu, pathetic pining from both sides lol, maybe some cringe from reader (she was a teenage girl in love, have some empathy plz😭)
notes: super excited for this story! inspired by my personal love life (except for the fact that no one’s groveling for me, just the first half of the story🥴) but we believe in happy endings here!! enjoy a story of pining and crying and groveling<3
–> masterlist <–
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Shit. You were so late.
It wasn’t necessarily your fault. Okay, maybe it was. After getting off your flight, you had made the irrational decision to stall your return home by stopping by your childhood best friend’s grad party, as she had also graduated from college at the same time as you. (Thank instagram for providing you with that information.) And so what, you got caught up and now you’re twenty minutes late to the dinner your parents were putting together for you–it’s for your graduation, it’s not like they can start without you anyway. 
At least, that was the reassurance you kept repeating to yourself as you begged your uber to speed up the rest of the way to your childhood home.
Unlike the last time you had stepped foot in your family’s home, you were now twenty-one—a real adult—with your bachelor’s and a promising full-time job. Just like you had promised yourself when you were eighteen and moving out almost four years ago: you’d grown up.
There were a few promises you weren’t able to keep, but you’d rather not think about that as you rang the doorbell to your old house.
“Y/n! You’re finally here!” The shrill that came out of your mother was nothing but joyful, as she ran from her side of the doorframe to hug you tightly. “Where have you been? Dinner was supposed to start at seven!”
You patted her on the back, laughing sheepishly. “Sorry, traffic was terrible,” you lied, wincing at yourself. You’d made sure to wash your teeth in your friend’s bathroom before leaving and sprayed a ton of perfume on yourself in the uber before coming over to the door to hopefully drown out the smell of your previous engagement, but that didn’t stop you from fearing your mother’s strange intuition.
Luckily for you, she’d bought it, probably too caught up in the excitement of you being home after so long. You didn’t come home to visit since you had left abroad for school. If your parents ever wanted to see you, they would fly out instead, sometimes bringing your older brother and making the visit a family vacation instead. There were a few times you could’ve gone home and made it easier for your family to see you, but you always came up with an excuse. You’d gone to great lengths to not step foot in this house. Until now, of course.
You stepped inside, taking off your shoes as your mother asked you a ton of questions regarding your food storage, laundry, and how much the uber was. All the usual things she asked you when she got the chance. It made you laugh a bit, before going to deny it.
“Eomma, you have nothing to worry about! My well being and financial state are fine at the moment,” you reassured her.
This didn’t work, as she continued to rant about her concerns. Oh well, you tried.
You looked down to put on a pair of house slippers, when you noticed an additional pair of shoes sitting by the others. It wasn’t a pair that you recognized, but your heart stuttered a little at the possibility of who the shoes could belong to. You hoped it was one of your uncles you hadn’t seen since you were a kid. Or maybe a grandparent! Hell, you hoped it was your weird-possibly-dead next door neighbor–anybody other than the first name that popped in your head.
Your mother sighed at you, “Honestly, Y/n, it’s been years since you came home! I worry–”
“Is that Y/n?!”
Your head shooting up, you couldn’t stop the grin on your face from growing when you saw your older brother, Soobin, after over a year. He didn’t make it to the last few visits because of work, and it made you miss him dearly. Who would’ve guessed?
“Oppa!” You cried, running over to your brother that already had his arms open for you. Hugging him tightly, you laughed a bit. “Jeez, oppa, what happened to your lankiness? You have muscles now!”
Soobin snorted at that, squeezing you tighter in his arms. “It’s called the gym, ever heard of it? Now that you’ve graduated, you’ll finally have time to go! Congrats, by the way.”
You smiled in thanks. Your brother and parents hadn’t been able to make it to your graduation since it had been a bit of a last second decision–you weren’t too sure when your graduation was supposed to be since you figured you still had a few more credits to go. But you ended up getting cleared after a bit of deliberation, shocking your family as they hadn’t made plans to fly out yet. It was you who had decided that instead of them coming out, you would come home to celebrate and stay for the next couple of months before your job needed you. Your family agreed without hesitation, they had been trying to get you to come home ever since you’d left. And here you were now, after what felt like a lifetime.
“It’s good to have you home, Y/n,” your father shouted, coming from the kitchen.
You grinned at your father and went to hug him as well. He had on an apron, looking like he had just finished making some dessert judging by the chocolate smudges on the front. Unlike the last time you had seen him (which had been about six months ago), he had quite a few more patches of gray hair. But his smile was the same.
“It’s good to be back, appa,” you replied, and it wasn’t a lie.
Looking around the home, you realized not much had changed. Sure, there were a couple new photos hung up and there was some new furniture fitted in, but everything felt the same. Even the sounds of the house were the same: the TV playing some sports game your dad wanted to catch, your mom scolding Soobin as he whined, and the beeping of the oven from the kitchen. Though it had been so long since you last stepped foot in here, you felt like if you closed your eyes, you could be taken back to when you were eighteen. At first, you didn’t mind the thought of that.
Until he came back.
“Hey, little Y/n.”
The smile you had on your face immediately dropped at that voice. That damned voice. 
You could recognize all of the old nostalgic sounds from around the house easily. But none of it compared to the deep tone that sounded behind you. You remember when the pitch had still been higher and louder, before mellowing out to the smooth baritone you had spent your teen years adoring. You swooned when you would hear it around you, and dreamt of when it would be spoken for you.
But that was when you were eighteen. And, with your greatest effort over the years, you were no longer eighteen.
“Beomgyu…I should’ve known those shoes up front were yours.”
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–> next <–
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astro-pioneer · 2 years
teenager in love!
he's absolutely smitten by you. is that bad? 『ace, ruggie』
an absolute simpleton
he's so giddy whenever he's around you it gives everyone whiplash
grim could be getting the slandering of his life and ace would see you walking and be like !!!! and switch up so fast
he'd leave deuce, grim, and yuu behind just to walk you to class and enjoy the small time together fjdjfjdj
definitely the type to somehow leave class early and wait for you at your class
one day he had a present for you and bashfully admitted the begging he had to do to get it made him have to feed the flamingoes for a month
riddle and trey (mostly trey) feel bad and give him the stuff he asks for with no punishment because 1) every heartslabyul student is now slacking and 2) the grovelling got on riddle's nerves quickly lmao
grim gets pissy whenever ace sits with you during lunch because it's one less person he can steal food from but that's a him problem
"This isn't fair! Who's going to give me more food now!?" It was a miracle most of the students were ignoring Grim's meltdown during lunch. His eyes were drilling holes into the back of Ace's head a few tables away. It was an amazement in of itself that the bread sitting in the monster's mouth wasn't soaked with the dramatic tears streaming down his face. "How dare they take my other supplier away from me!" Deuce and Yuu tried their best to ignore him.
Ace was sweating, holding his sandwich while trying to avoid looking behind him. It was an amusing sight to see; it wasn't every day the cat made the redhead shiver. "If you'd like we could have lunch another day? It seems like your friend doesn't seem fond of us hanging out." Ace whipped around quickly, a mean glare being sent to Grim, who screamed and dove into the magicless prefect's blazer.
Turning back around, he sent you a grin, "Never! Say, how about we also have lunch together tomorrow? Same table? I can bring you a pastry or something! Also don't mind the furball, he's just stupid."
four words: a piece of shit (in leona's eyes)
he has no problem going out of his way to assist you! carrying textbooks? hold the lightest one, he'll take the rest
leona's a hater because he gets ruggie's attitude after he was a literal saint with you
dude practically spends more time with you in your dorm than his own dorm (leona's room and laundry are getting out of control please give him back)
the only time he's not as sweet is when he sees you struggling with something
prepare for a whole bullying session before he swoops in and helps you
definitely would skip away like a buffoon while telling you you don't owe him anything
leona would pay to unwitness that
Leona groaned, trying to tune out Ruggie's complaints about how Crewel is on his ass about trying to get the lion beastman to attend class. Like hey, he's a pretty lazy dude, what do you expect? "Hey, Leona! At least pretend to listen, will ya'?" Leona was thinking about what to make the hyena get him for lunch.
He cracked an eye open after not hearing any nagging in his ear, only to roll and shut it again. Don't get him wrong; he doesn't hate you. His room just needs to be cleaned, is all. He could faintly hear Ruggie's conversation with you, something about test tubes or something.
Hearing footprints tap away on the tiles, he opened his eyes again. Ruggie somehow was able to forget all about his issues with his dorm leader. He rolled over, getting comfortable. He needs to thank you when he sees you later.
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