#and simplifying them as well
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flufflecat · 5 months ago
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making progress and then immediately unmaking that progress as i change my mind about every detail
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lotus-pear · 2 years ago
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"feels like we could go on for forever this way.." (x)
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Lights out
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bluuscreen · 1 month ago
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finally played the murder of sonic the hedgehog and i like the art so much i wanted to try and emulate the vibe.. bg is loosely referenced from a photo on unsplash, outfits are from pinterest [except sonics shoes, those are from my brain] [pretty sure his jacket/skirt were based on rainbow dash but whatever they suit him too]
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achillean-knight · 10 months ago
Jumpscares you with more attempted Undertale pixel art LOL
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sundry-whovengerslocked · 9 months ago
Doctor Who "Rogue" memes
I've made memes. enjoy.
(contains slight spoilers)
firstly, ones that are more encompassing:
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regarding the episode itself:
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and finally, Captain Jack Harkness stages of grief:
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ckret2 · 1 year ago
You know all I want to see his a show down between Evil Ford and Canon Ford after seeing the last post with annon. I just imagine it to be funny for some reason, like who would even win? I know evil Ford can't kill cannon Ford because it would wipe him out to? Well, at least that's how I think it would work-
lol who says Evil Ford can't kill Canon Ford? He's not some kind of magical doppelgänger tied to his existence.
We as the audience see the character concept of Evil Ford as a modified copy of the character concept of the original Canon Ford. But from their perspectives, they're not "characters," Canon Ford isn't "the original," and Evil Ford isn't a "copy." They're simply two guys from independently existent parallel universes who are both named Stanford Pines, one of whom said "I've got to stop Bill from taking over Earth" and one of whom said "helping Bill take over Earth sounds fun."
For the most part, I figure they'd be evenly matched; although Evil Ford has at least one physical advantage over Canon Ford.
Which I shall demonstrate with the help of a t-shirt.
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"Hey," said nobody, "since Evil Ford was always on Bill's side, does that mean Bill didn't turn him into gold during Weirdmageddon—?" No, no, Bill still did that. Just in a different way.
On the other hand, Evil Ford lacks two advantages that Canon Ford has: he never built a quantum destabilizer (although Canon Ford's is out of fuel, so it's not terribly useful); and he doesn't have a pack of Pines ready to back him up in a fight.
If they actually fought, I think Canon Ford would probably win; not due to any particular skills or weaponry, but due to the fact that they're Disney characters and evil is always doomed to lose.
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sysig · 7 months ago
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I invite you to imagine (Patreon)
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acearohippo · 7 months ago
I love fandoms, especially witnessing what fans take away from source material and how fans interpret it based on their experiences. Not to mention the stark difference of interaction between new fans, casual fans, experienced fans, and long-term fans.
I say this because the SVSSS fandom has continuously fascinated me in insisting in discussions that there are parallels between Shen Jiu and Luo Binghe (tell don't show), but in their fanworks, I just see parallels between Luo Binghe and Yue Qingyuan (show don't tell).
And it's not even (fully) a case where they're blending character personalities because they want what the other dynamic has, it's just how the characters are based on canon in two different timelines.
All of this to say, perhaps original draft PIDW (NOT original!PIDW nor pre!SY PIDW which are completely different) was supposed to revolve around the dynamic between SJ and YQY vs SJ and LBH. Perhaps YQY was to be the last hour mastermind, the true foil to LBH.
And fandom is just circling this idea without realising it because, once again, the unreliable narrator that is SY has already convinced this fandom that any version of SJ has to be a/the villain, regardless if it's through his own actions or baseless rumours.
Warning, run-on sentence ahead.
I don't know, mans, but it's gotta mean something that LBH and YQY have such similar life beats of being orphaned and having a tough life but remaining kind/compassionate because they had someone to live for until they didn't which left them empty until they found (or refound in YQY's case) one (1) man to obsess over in an uncomfortably intrusive way with no regards for his feelings and rejections, eventually reaching a position as the most powerful being in existence with a huge caveat that their sword is 83% of that power and is slowly killing them which did nothing to soften said man of their obsession's into showing them kindness leading to the ultimate confrontation between the two in which only one could survive and keep their obsession, not that it mattered because neither of them got to experience his feelings reciprocated, except in another timeline where the same things are happening until their obsession suddenly stops rejecting their (still intrusive) advances even if he is acting a bit silly, but hey take advantage while you can and take advantage they did because now they have that reciprocated feeling (except one still "won" as he gets to keep him for himself) and be thankful that all it took was, in their perspective, a near death fever that drastically changed his personality and most likely left him crippled in some other way, preventing their obsession from not NOT needing them anymore, all-in-all fulfilling their desire to be relied upon again, hooray! 😋😁✌🏽
In all seriousness, at the end of the day people are going to draw connections between characters that fit whatever narrative they understood from the story. SVSSS fandom just seems to be trying to convince others of one narrative while believing on a deeper level of another narrative. It's amusing and makes following the fandom fun.
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koumori-1999 · 1 year ago
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christmas shopping
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winters-rose-daughterofcain · 9 months ago
I've been trying to phrase things eloquently and I really can't so here you go. Part two really felt like it was trying have its cake and eat it as well in a lot of ways, and it really didn't work.
You give Cressida a whole redemption arc and friendship and put her in an impossible situation and humanise and make you sympathise with her, then want me to hate her again?
You show how Pen uses LW as a coping mechanism and how it's not good for her or those around her and not have her drop it?
You want LW revealed to the ton but no real consequences?
You double down on how Pens family treat her only to have them all come together and be forgiven at the end?
You sideline Colin in his own damn season and butcher Penelope so badly I almost wanted less of her as well?
You can't have everything. Not in such a short time span at least, and it really suffer from it. If you wanted to give Cressida more depth and expend on her role why was she tossed away like nothing at the end? Why did Eloise abandon her? Why was she treated as awful in part two after being put in an actual horror show of a situation? I know they needed the blackmail plot but you can't just give her depth, make her the antagonist and then drop her storyline in the drain that's not how that works. That's not complexity that's laziness, and laziness they created mind you.
They didn't have to write Cressida the way they did this season, if they wanted to make it easy they could have had her marry off screen between seasons to a rich man, they could have had Eloise befriending her be a mistake and had a different arc there, they could have had her LW claim be for any number of reasons, and her blackmail because she still has it out for Penelope. They added this to the story, and as much as I was sceptical at first (I have seen far too many botched bully redemptions) I was glad they did it aded a lot of depth and character interaction, it created some interesting parallels between Cressida and Penelope and seeing Eloise in a different, less intimate friendship with someone who, ironically, is a lot more open with her was interesting. Incomplete, but interesting. It was good, or it could have been. But you can't just turn like that and have it still work. You can't just have Eloise abandon her and have it treated as the right thing to do. You can't leave her with that ending and consider it a happy one. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You didn't create a complex antagonist, you created a scared lost girl who was cruel because she was taught to be and you left her to burn.
You could have had Penelope and Cressida talk to each other, could have explored the ways the mirror and the ways they differ. You could have had Penelope struggle, but untimely empathise with Cressida and help her out, she could have forgiven her for her years of torment because she of all people understands why she did it. You could have had her forgiveness mirror Colin and Eloise forgiving her for LW. You could have looked at how Cressida's openness helped her friendship with Eloise and how Penelope might start to incorporate it. About how by nature of Cressida's openness Eloise is learning to see other perspectives and listen more even if she still has work. You could have done so much with female friendship and camaraderie and empathy and you just... didn't.
The Lady Whistledown this season was just... I think I have a thesis which is most of my thoughts on Polin.
Whistledown was meant to be the subplot to the Polin storyline, not the other way around.
Putting aside my own wishes to have her end Whistledown for her character and for her and Colins relationship, and her love of Colin, her continuing it isn't unexpected I was afraid of this and thought it might happen even if it's lazy. If that was it and if it was handled better I think I could begrudgingly live with it. But it's not. Not only was it handled so so poorly it was the whole second part and for what? Part one was Polin. Part two was Lady Whistledown drama with some cute Polin moments sprinkled in-between with some mandatory angst. Tell me the resolution to Colins arc now. Quickly. You can't he didn't have one, we barley even saw him through Episode seven and eight. There is so much romance in your purpose being the person you love, IF and only IF, it's reciprocal. Penelope literally says in season two, when she has been Whistledown for over a bloody year that she hasn't found her purpose yet. They were meant to find each other. To both have their writing as their passion and creativity and fulfilment, not Whistledown, but her manuscripts, his stories from around the word their joint and secret words. But their centre, their purpose, their guiding light was always meant to be each other. It's what kept Penelope sitting at that window, it's what draw Colin to her at every ball. They had all the potential and set up to be the most beautiful, genuine, heartfelt relationship. But no.
Colin deserved to be angry. The woman he loves has lied, has hurt him, has his from him after all the times he was venerable with her and so, so much more. They deserved to argue. Penelope deserved to be more upset over this than crying in the moment and walking past him later. That's the man she loves, who she thinks hates her, who she know if he did hate her she would deserve it and she wouldn't blame him for a second. They deserved time and space and Colin deserved explanations and apologies. They deserved a later, happier wedding, they both deserved to have their feelings heard and said and listened too. Is that not the core of their relationship? Listening to and seeing each other? Would that not lay the groundwork for some really good well earned conflict and a really rewording resolution? The groundwork was all there that's what's killing me. The set up was all there for something so good which is why I was excited. I know screen time is limited, I know there is only so many emotional conversations you can have on screen, but Bridgerton primarily just people talking on conversations, when it's there bloody season surely they can space out the conversations that need to happen in a way that works with pacing. And to be honest, the screen time defence only works when the screen time that they did have was allocated well. And I'm not taking subplots. Even if I think a few could have been trimmed, the screen time Polin did get was just used so so badly. Colin got dust and that didn't even feel like Penelope had the time, just a mouth piece for the writers.
Rapid fire stuff because I need to expand on the above in more detail later lol.
The acting was flawless give everyone on that set their flowers.
I really like the Mondrich's and seem to be the only one who likes seeing them lol, their sweet and always a good time they just need a better storyline, or you know, one that actually has a resolution.
Not what I would have done for Benedict and I still want to see him look at art again but let's hope season 4 is better lol.
Don't like the way Penelope's family stuff was done, specifically Portia but it is what I thought would happen. Disappointed but not surprised. I'm biased tho so I won't speak on it too much. I lose too much objectivity.
Hate hate hate the baby thing tho, it was fine as a subplot with her sisters but her having the boy was predictable and also dear god the girls nineteen for fucks sake. No. Hated that.
Francesca the absolute love of my life. I adore her and John, I liked the conflicted with Violet, loved everything about her storyline this season she was perfect, my favourite part honestly lol. Also Michaela Stirling get behind me NOW. Sapphic Bridgerton fans truly are the bravest soldiers cause istg. Also I don't trust this fandom with any actor or actresses period but especially not a Black actress who's "ruining" your favourite storyline. So I will be greatly enjoying everything I see of all three of them Francesca John and Michaela, while watching with a sharp eye for any bullshit.
Kate, also the love of my life it was so lovely to have her back even if just for a bit. Wish they did more with Anthony especially him and Colin tho, but again, wasn't expecting much more. I do wish they would write them out with a bit more subtly tho it's getting almost funny how obvious it is.
The Violet, Marcus, Lady Danbury plot I didn't actually mind. Could have been trimmed a bit but it was good seeing the adults in more depth, I haven't watched queen Charlotte tho so I kinda feel like I missed some things.
Overall, I liked certain parts of this season I really did, especially if I fully ignore the context, and I'm happy for everyone who enjoyed it truly, but it was have an entirely different ending in my head. I'll definitely write about at some point but who knows if anyone wants to see that lol.
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snackugaki · 2 years ago
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big boy pizza, leo edition
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cbdinodoodlez · 6 months ago
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hi guys i finished lining and coloring these guys not too long after posting the sketches but then i exploded for like 2 days bc i couldn't get Greaseball's colors right but it's ok it worked out [I think]
i think new production supa sillaay!!! i'm doing the coaches next YAYAYAY
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mayxo-hxh · 11 months ago
the way togashi draws proper facial features for hisoka's side profile and then just a straight line down the nose for illumi. like yeah, me too man
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tak-angina-jasne · 10 months ago
hi malevolent fans have you heard about jekyll & hyde musical??
im sorry i know Arthur and John have totally different relation from Jekyll and Hyde and im not comapring but
im at ep 15 and they just had converstion about "possibly ending it all if it goes bad" aka if commiting suicide would stop king in yellow and like
my brain automatically went to "confrontation"
anyway its a very cool song you should check it out
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galactic-feelins · 4 months ago
Roxas from the Runaway City AU, and we're finally at the image that made me what to document these in the first place
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Image taken Oct 18, 2023
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