#and she says ive seen people wear things like that and yeah they look like vampires
coolgoodandfine · 4 months
im looking around at suits for my sisters wedding and i realize my fashion sense for formal wear is just vampire. my sister has given me the go ahead as long as it matches her color. i have no clue what to pick
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kindestofkings · 10 months
tongue-tied (sunflowers)
lando norris x reader
dets: reader is a pro golfer, a massive f1 fan and best friends with lily muni he. will she enter her wag era?
authors note: I litch dont know a thing about golf and I know you can tell lol xx ENJOY
faceclaim: madeline argy
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liked by lilymhe and others
yourusername just wanted to assure everyone im still alive ! just working away and falling more in love with lilymhe, better watch out alexalbon xxx
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lilymhe my love !! training is always so fun with you
alexalbon heyy you're meant to say stop falling in love with me! ive a boyfriend 😑 lilymhe eh why bother :))
ynfan1 can't wait to see you in action on the green!!
ynfan2 🔥🔥🔥
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liked by alex_albon and others
lilymhe the mixed weather has not stopped us getting some practice in! (its impossible to keep her attention when there's a gp on 🙄)
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yourusername but it's the azerbaijan grand prix! I never miss a grand prix!
lilymhe first alex now you 🙄 🙄
f1fan1 can alobono fight? CAN HE FIGHT??
alex_albon you mean i'm not the only f1 lover in your life???
yourusername oi I was the first mister ! been a mclaren fan since birth 😤 lilymhe tbf she isn't lying... ynfan1 it is sooo common knowledge that yourusername is a ride or die mclaren fan lol yourusername yeah get with it albon
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liked by lilymhe and others
yourusername home and showered in time for the miami grand prix this is a full time job !
kind followers this pact of doritos is a secret between us, got it? so if my personal trainer asks you saw NOTHING, got it?
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ynfan1 yn and lily being f1 fans is so cute !
lilymhe oooh but doritos are your sad snack ? whats happening
yourusername the fav ended in p17 😭 congrats to albonononono tho, i guess alex_albon wow could that have been anymore heartfelt ! lilymhe sush shes a mclaren girlie, don't kick her while she's down!! f1fan1 soooo me coded. its a hard time for us mclaren girlies rn.
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liked by ynfan1 and others
yourusername greens beautiful as always! unfortunately inviting alex_albon along with us backfired entirely cause albon didn't bring an papaya wearing f1 friend, so I just thirdwheeled for the day .
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alex_albon oh sorry I think oscar was busy today :(
yourusername thats not who I meant and you know it ! 😑
lilymhe at least you look cute tho!
ynfan1 im litch not a golf fan but I'm obsessed with you lol
ynfan2 I feel so seen, I recognise a lando norris fan when I see one !
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landonorris freshhhh
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f1fan1 lando finally past his puberty danny ric is proud
f1fan2 he so fine
landofan1 😳❤️
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liked by alex_albon and others
yourusername it's the monaco grand prix and not only am I not missing it, I'm here! thank qqqq mclaren <33
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ynfan1 ahhhh OMG I hope you meet lando finally
lilymhe babe come williams garage xx
yourusername on my way bestie! gotta tell you about the most awkward encounter EVER lilymhe 🫢🫢
mclaren so glad to have you with us today!
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landonorris just followed you!
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liked by lilymhe and others
yourusername attended my first grand prix after being a fan of the sport my whole life! was so chronically awkward I'll never show my face in public again, I've turned to the drink and am hiding away xxx
unrelated: is there a support group for people who embarrassed themselves in front of their celebrity crush??
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lilymhe it can't possible have been THAT BAD
ynfan1 you looked so pretty tho!
ynfan1 also have you forgotten you're a PROFESSIONAL sportswoman yourself lilymhe they are so right ! you slay always yourusername 🥹🥹
mclaren please come join us for another weekend ! celeb crushes can go both ways you know ....
ynfan1 OH OH OH NORIZZ has a crush on you YAYYY
alex_albon leave you both unsupervised for a DAY and you implode
yourusername you said you would be my wingman, I was unprepared 😔😔
landonorris if you do find one can I also get the number to that support group?
osarpiastri please for the well being of everyone, I cannot hear a recap of this meeting alex_albon we should have stuck with the original plan and gone golfing ffs landonorris kick a guy while he's down why don't you yourusername hello ! hi guys just gentle reminder this is my comment section so I can like ... see everything.... landonorris hi 😳 alex_albon oh ffs help lilymhe
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liked by landonorris and others
britishgq meets yourusername in our next edition. yn is the pinnacle of modern women, with titles like the 'people's princess' circulating. we believe it's high time for a proper catch-up.
oh, and did we mention she's currently britain's highest-ranking female golfer?
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yourusername ahh this is surreal, I had so much fun!!
britishgq 💓💓
lilymhe I say thats my bestie and I am PROUD
lilymhe a model and a killer sportswoman, someone wife her up before I do ! f1fan1 hahaha thats landos warning
ynfan1 I feel so proud omg!!
ynfan2 oh hello lando lurking in the likes
alex_albon oh?
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liked by maxfewtrell and others
landonorris have been getting some private lessons in between races, watch out carlossainz55
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carlossainz55 aye you'll need a miracle
landonorris and who says I haven't got one...
alex_albon you'd wanna start returning my calls mate
landofan1 oh hello WHO ARE YOU SOFT LAUNCHING
ynfan1 *whispers* please be yn please be yn 🤞
ynfan1 ahh its SO is yn
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liked by landonorris and others
yourusername golf golf golf, also I drove a fancy car and didnt crash! waiting for that call from mclaren any second now xx
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lilymhe look at you all adorable and loved up <3
alex_albon these kids are growing up so fast ! f1fan you are everyones parents xx
mclaren getting rid of our first driver as we speak !!
landonorris you are leaving out the detail that you mounted the curb...
yourusername and I can leave the detail of you out of my life if you dont watch ynfan1 HE KNOWS THE DETAILS
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liked by yourusername and others
landojpg summer break well spent.
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ynfan1 I spot my hero !! must be dating if she's on holiday with the friends
landofan1 ew is lily's friend hanging out of him AGAIN?? get a job christ
ynfan1 you do realise shes a professional golfer right?? ynfan2 there's this thing called holidays ....
lilymhe please give her back to me... you can take alex!
landojpg he's not as cute tho 😔 alex_albon so you're saying I am cute tho? 😎
landonorris added to their story!
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the prettiest papaya supporter🧡
yourusername ah give a girl some warning before you hardlaunch her to your millions of fans... yourusername kinda so cute tho Ill let you away with it <3 lilymhe AH hardlaunch on main danielricciardo does landonorizz have ... rizz??
as always would LOVE to know you're thoughts! come chat about this fic or even ideas you have for my next one??
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 2 months
request where Benny Weir gets set up on a blind date with the reader
"300 Awkward Blind Dates Later ~ (benny weir x fem!reader's version)
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tw! idk cursing ig
i forgot abt my inbox's ngl also guys putting the same req in my inbox twice is not going to make me do it faster!! also ive alr had to delete some reqs too PLEASEEE read my rules befire requesting any songs
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It was Rory's fault he was doing this. He complained ONE TIME like a week ago about being single and so Rory put him on a blind date?! When Rory had told the whole friend group about setting up a blind date tonight for Benny everyone laughed, except Benny of course.
It was way too last minute to cancel the date so he had to just suck it up and go on this date with someone he had no interest to know about. Great.
"Hey Rory, next time you set someone up on a date don't you think the people going on a date should know about it?" Benny says, with an annoyed tone, sarcastically.
Rory's eyebrows furrowed, "she knew about it, she's going on the date. So by your rules... it's fine!"
He then walked off before Benny could hit him. Ethan turned to look at him with an amused smile, so did Sarah and Erica.
"Well, we're gonna go to class. Have fun on your date tonight." Sarah said teasingly before the two girls walked off laughing.
Ethan just patted his shoulder, somewhat comfortingly but also so Benny wouldn't see him laugh.
He was sitting in class, not paying attention. Just thinking about tonight. Rory wasn't known for having the best type in woman for example: Debbie Dazzle. The evil fucking doll that was turning the entire student body, and part of their friend group, into dolls!
"Mr. Weir! Whats the answer?" The teacher yelled across the room.
He was awaken from his daydreaming, he looked at the bored and it was blank. Nothing. Shit.
"uh, France...?" Benny asked with his confused smile.
"that might be correct," the teacher begun, "if this were Social Studies, but Mr. Weir... this is Science! Care to share with the class what you were dreaming about that was so important you can't pay attention?"
The look the teacher had on his face of sarcasm and a smug annoying smile. But Benny just shook his head in response.
"Then pay attention to the lesson. If I have to get on to you again I'm writing you up." Then the teacher got right back to teaching the class.
He made it through the rest of the school day without thinking about the date, but when he was walking with Ethan home it is alll he could talk and think about.
"Why would Rory set me on a date and not tell me until that day! Who does that ya know? And it'd be too rude to cancel this last minute... wait... Rory never even told me where!" He ranted about this whole thing the whole walk home, Ethan not really being able to get a word in at all.
He went to his house, found somewhat nice clothes. Three buttons at the top sorta shirt, and jeans. It was different from the shirts he usually wears because it wasn't just vertical lines across the shirt with a bunch of colors. It was one to two color max kinda shirt. He even brushed his hair.
He called Rory and found out where this date was, and he took his grandma's car. His brain then started filling with all of the positives that could come out of this date.
What if you're smokin hot?
What if you've seen every star wars movie?
What if you were nice?
His mind was just filling up with "what if". He got to the Restaurant you two were meeting up at, not super romantic but not McDonald's kind of casual.
He spots a really gorgeous girl sitting by herself at a booth, that has to be you?
He walks over, "Hey are you here on a blind date? Set up by Rory?"
You nod at the man, "Yeah... I don't really know him that well he kind of just started telling me about his single friend..."
He laughs at that before adding on, "I didn't know we were going on a date until today. He also did not tell me your name?"
You smile at him before responding, "(Y/N), and you're... Benny right?"
He nods in reassurance.
You were both there for hours, laughing and chatting. Until the restaurant was starting to close. You had both had appetisers, main dish, milkshakes, and then more dessert.
They told you they were closing and you both realized how long you had been there.
"It's been really fun talking to you... could I get your number?" Benny asked you, with a nervous undertone in his voice.
You smile and nod your head in agreement, taking one of the napkins and a pen from the checkbook, writing your number down to talk to him more often. You hand the napkin to him, as he grabs the pen and checkbook out of your hands. He had gotten the money from his grandma before the date but you didn't have to know that obviously. He actually told her to give him more incase he wanted to buy a video game.
He wasn't expecting to stay long, just get mac 'n cheese and then decide you two won't work well together. But he didn't want the video game and the amount he brought perfectly covered the check with tip.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" Benny asks after signing the checkbook and putting the cash on the table.
You looked at him with somewhat a shocked look, "oh, uh yeah if you don't mind. My dad said he was going to be a little bit late."
He heard the nervous chuckle at the end of that, and that is when he realised he fell for you. Hard.
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soobieedoo · 21 days
Formula of Love CH. 7 - failed disguise (written)
word count: 683
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finding out that the guy who you purposely cut out of your life, now goes to the same school as you was NOT on your bingo card this year.
you’ve now become even more cautious. Wearing a hat and a mask in hopes of hiding your identity, glancing side to side in the hallways. It’s a bit ridiculous really, he respected the way you wanted to end things despite your lack of reason and it’s not like you insulted him either…at least not that you know of. But still, there’s something dangerous about lee donghyuck and you’d rather not venture into that territory... again. You liked your routines, you talk to the same people everyday, you go to classes, you did NOT need him to ruin that.
letting out a heavy sigh you didn’t know you were holding, you make it to the door of your chemistry class, you feel someone tap your shoulder as you try and open the door. With your heart beating you slowly turn around to see Jeno, Professor Kim’s TA who, according to everyone in class, is the hottest TA they’ve ever seen. Most of the time he just sits at the front of the room or hands out tests and assignments with a smile. You used to think it was annoying, he’s handing you hell on paper with the sweetest smile. But, you’ve grown to like it as there really is something comforting about it.
“um hi?” jeno says taking you away from your thoughts.
“hi?” you’re a little confused as to why he’s talking to you, thinking you’ve done an assignment wrong or failed the quiz professor kim gave the other day, you instantly start to panic.
“Y/N right?” jeno asked taking you away from your thoughts again.
“yeah, did i do something wrong?”
“oh nono! nothing” jeno smiles at you “actually i wanted to ask something! um i have a friend. He recently transferred to NCityU and is looking to speak to a fellow pharmacy student. I know you’re taking this class as a requirement for the degree so-“ an arm wraps around jeno’s shoulder taking him by surprise.
your breath stops.
as you look at him, your heart starts to beat. you pray he doesnt recognize you under the mask or the hat. Already preparing to decline jeno’s offer, he suddenly steps away from jeno and closer towards you.
“hey y/n, how’s it going?” you stay silent at first, frozen, words stuck in your throat. “hello?? earth to y/n” haechan says waving a hand in front of your face.
“s-sorry, hi…i’m fine how are you?”
“good! doing better now actually” he smiles at you, a small dimple showing up.
God you hate this. “i have to go i’m sorry class is starting soon it was nice seeing you donghyuck” “wait y-“ too late. You walk into the room, as haechan stares through the window watching you practically run to your seat.
“dude i had that in the bag, i was going to get her contact info for you. you freaked her out” jeno sighs from the side.
“i’ll get her contact info myself thanks”
“how? she can barely even look at you, i’ll give u 10 bucks if you manage to actually hold a conversation with her” jeno’s smug expression makes haechan laugh.
confident he stares through the window watching as you silently type away at your phone “well u better give me that 10 bucks now. i managed to get her to like me before and i never even met her in real life. what more now that she gets to experience all THIS in person.” he winks at jeno who gives him a disgusted expression in return.
“that might be the reason why she liked you in the first place, because she never actually MET you in real life.” jeno laughs preparing to enter the room.
haechan flips him off as he walks away.
with a slight skip to his walk, he smiles at his decision to move to this university. Determined, he sets a goal for himself.
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note: currently preparing to travel to america for the first time to see dreamies!! so i apologize for late uploads coming up! ive been out and about doing last minute things :/ but! still hope u guys enjoy this written chapter :)
taglist: @bloomyroses @lionzyon @ourbeautifulaffair @yewshi @injunnie-lemon @nessaassen02 @dudekiss3r
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 4 months
could you do please number 18 for the prompts you posted?
I absolutely love everything you write. I've even read a lot of your Star Wars fic and ive only actually seen a couple of the star wars movies 🤣🤣 you are just such a gifted writer!
i went a bit AWOL on this and it got away from me! i call this…jily-adjacent??? hope you don't mind, anon! x
from these prompts
“This is ridiculous.”
“I’m beginning to think you’re not enjoying this quality time as much as I am, Evans.”
Lily rolls her eyes, even though he can’t see her through the door. “You know,” she grunts, pulling the skirt up, and smoothing her top down over the hem, “most people opt to go out for a pint or something.” She appraises herself in the tall mirror, then swings open the door to the dressing room. “Just posing an alternative for the future.”
Sirius grins at her. “Don’t act like you didn’t love picking the outfit I’m likely to die in.” He motions for her to turn around and tugs at the skirt, clicking his teeth with the same disappointment he’s shown at the last several options.
She sighs and walks back over to the rack, grabbing the next choice: a midi-length black dress, with puffed sleeves that make her think of her great-grandmum.
“God, this is awful,” she says, pulling it off the hanger.
“In case you’ve forgotten, Evans,” Sirius says, taking the dress from her hands and holding it up in front of her, “you’ve removed ‘going out for a pint’ from the equation for us.” He pokes at her stomach as he turns to put the dress back up on the rack.
Lily smiles automatically at the reminder of what Sirius declared to be the ‘only good fucking news since fucking Hogwarts’ when she and James finally told him last week. She pops back behind the dressing room door, making quick work of the skirt and shirt ensemble, and pulls her own jumper and jeans back on. The jeans feel tighter today than usual, and she wonders if it’s because of the baby or if she’s just imagining things.
“Anyway,” Sirius says, from outside the dressing room, “maybe we should just try some Muggle shops. This place isn’t doing it for me anymore.”
Lily snorts as she pushes back through the doors, once again in her own clothes. “We’re going to the bloody Malfoys’,” she says, lowering her voice. “If we show up in Muggle clothes, we’ll be murdered in the entryway.”
“Excuse me,” Sirius says with a haughty sniff, flicking his hair over his shoulder, “but please don’t speak about my delightful family like that.”
The witch who offered to assist them earlier, before Sirius more or less told her to shut up and leave them alone glares at them from the desk, clearly annoyed that they’re still there and haven’t bought anything yet.
Lily turns back to watch Sirius as he pulls another dress from a nearby rack, frowning as if its existence has deeply offended him. “If the charms wear off and we end up looking like ourselves, who do you think they’re likely to kill first?” she asks.
“Still you,” he says with a regretful sigh. “It’s just such a shame you’ve committed the heinous crime of being born, Lily Potter.”
Sirius and Lily continue to scan the small shop for a dress that could work, but every time Lily finds something remotely bearable, Sirius shoots it down with a comment about the hemline being wrong for her body type or how the style is too 1977.
At Lily’s huff of frustration, Sirius shrugs. “If you just wanted someone to smile and say you look pretty, you should have brought James.”
“Yeah, because he’d love the reminder that we’re going on this mission without him.”
“I tried to get him instead of you,” Sirius reminds her. “Moody said Prongs doesn’t look as good in a dress. Something about the legs.”
“Just find me a dress, Black.”
“What shade of blond?” he asks, referring to the assortment of charms they’ve settled on for their disguises. “Platinum or more of—”
“Why does it matter?”
He affords her the same look of annoyance he’s reserved for the clothes up to this point in their outing. “It’s basic colour theory, Evans.”
She rolls her eyes, but replies, “Like a…honey colour?”
He nods and continues flicking through the hangers. “Speaking of Prongs,” he says, without looking at her—and they weren’t just speaking of him, so Lily knows whatever he’s about to say has been on his mind for a while.
“I’ve got some orders.”
“Orders,” Lily echoes, lifting an eyebrow.
He still doesn’t turn to look at her. “If things go tits up, at the Malfoys’, you’re getting the fuck out of there.”
Lily frowns. “Not with—”
“No way, Evans. You’ve—” He turns around now and leans against the rack. “If you wanted to play the hero, you should have thought about that before you got yourself knocked up, alright?”
Lily's brows knit together, and a flicker of irritation sparks in her eyes. “Don’t be so—”
“Obviously, I’m buzzing about the baby! So is Prongs. He—well, Merlin, you don’t need me to tell you. You have to live with the git. But come on, Evans, you can’t be stupid anymore.”
“Stupid anymore?” she bites out. The witch at the desk glances up from her magazine again, but Lily doesn’t care. She steps closer to Sirius, dropping her voice dangerously low. “You and my husband can both fuck off with whatever that is. And I think it’s pretty rich that you and him, of all people, have devised a plan for me to be less stupid, when you two have a patent on the personality trait.”
Sirius laughs loudly, throwing her off kilter. He pats her cheek. “Never change, Evans.”
“What is wrong with you?” she demands.
“Don’t you think,” he says, watching her with a smirk, “that maybe there’s a reason you ended up with Prongs? That you ended up with all of us, really? That maybe it’s not because you even us out and curb our rebellious tendencies, but maybe—just maybe, you’re a little reckless and impulsive, and yeah, a little stupid, too?”
She sputters. “That’s not—”
“If you weren’t,” he continues, still grinning, “my telling you—a woman carrying a literal child in her uterus—to get the hell out of dodge when curses start flying at the Malfoys’ wouldn’t be so personally offensive. In fact,” he tilts his head, “it would probably just seem like common bloody sense.”
Lily opens her mouth to continue to argue with his ridiculous line of logic, but he holds up a hand to stop her as he pulls a deep purple dress from a rack. He holds it against her and smiles widely. 
“This is the one, Evans,” he says with certainty.
She examines it sceptically. “Are you sure? Isn’t it a little—”
He scoffs loudly. “Lily,” he groans with indignation. “Please buy this bloody dress. Your wedding dress was literally horrid and if you’d just asked me, you could have avoided—”
“Oh my God, okay!”
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lilislegacy · 6 months
I have some small and random headcannons that are not really big enough to justify a big ol' post about so I'm just dropping them in your ask box lol
-Jason is red/green color blind like a dog or wolf
- Annabeth has a little dolphin plushie that percy insisted that she get while they were at an aquarium to "heal her inner child"
- I know this is kinda already said because Piper's eyecolor is ambiguous, but what if she has spectral heterochromia. Like different colors in the same iris
- Leo knows all the words to all the songs in highschool musical (just seems like something he'd know lol)
- Annabeth wears noise canceling headphones a lot of the time because she's really sensitive to sound
- Rachel will give people like random things. "Here I found this rock and it reminded me of you" "have this cool leaf!!" Stuff like that
- Hazel and Nico are both short because it makes them closer to the underworld
Just some random thoughts lol enjoy!
thanks for the ask @invadericee!!
omg i love these
the jason color blind one is an interesting thought. follow up question: why would that be? is it related to him living with the wolves?
percy making annabeth buy a little stuffed dolphin, or buying it for her, is the cutest thing ever. and knowing percy he’d probably buy something for himself too lol (we shall never forget the fallen panda pillow 🪦💔). and you know every time she looks at it she’s gonna think of him (she’d totally sleep with it and snuggle it when he’s not there)
yeah piper’s eyes are said to look like kaleidoscopes. super cool and pretty!
leo and the high school musical soundtrack LOL. he would 😂
idk about annabeth being sensitive to loud noises, given her life is constantly filled with battles and giants and explosions and well… mass chaos. but i can totally see her wearing noise canceling headphones while she studies. she says in MoA that she needs her study space to be plain and non-distracting, so it makes total sense that she would need silence too (especially if percy is studying next to her and tapping his foot and pencil drumming lol)
rachel is TOTALLY the type of person to do that. she’s the friend who gives you the most random shit for your birthday. like she’ll give you dirty rocks with some special meanings that you don’t get 😂
bestie… the hazel and nico one is so out of pocket, and it made me cackle. that’s the funniest hc ive ever seen. i do picture them both being short, and this is the best explanation i’ve ever heard. leo or percy would totally say this. i love this 😂😂
thank you for your wonderful thoughts! i always enjoy them!!
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avalil18 · 7 months
(Series)Meeting The Parents
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Summary:you met joes parents for the first time and they absolutely adore you
Y/n pov
It’s game day here at OSU and I’m so excited! Joe is finally playing! I also get to meet Robin and Jimmy, joes parents. I’m honestly quite nervous but I know they are loving people and amazing parents!
I’m wearing black jean shorts that aren’t to short and an OSU cropped long sleeve shirt with converse. My hair is down and curled at the ends and I put the front pieces up into clips. As I was walking into the stadium I see Robin and Jimmy. They quickly noticed me and walked over with some cousins and joes brothers.
“Y/n! It’s so nice to finally meet you!”-Robin says as she is hugging you
“Hi! I’m so excited to finally meet you too!”-you say hugging back
I moved away from Robin to give jimmy a quick hug
“Hi y/n! I’m Jimmy and it’s great to finally meet you!”-jimmy
“Aww! Thank you! Ive heard so many great things about you guys! Joe always talks so highly about you guys!”-you say pulling out of the hug
“Aww that’s so sweet! Joe always talks about you! I’ve never seen him so happy! Thank you for taking care of him!”-Robin
“Of course!”-you
I smiled and hugged the rest of the family and made small talk until Robin came up to me as we walked to our seats.
“So,where are you from y/n?”-robin
“Im from Northgate,Ohio! Just out of Cincinnati!”-you
“Omg! Such a cute town!”-robin
“Yeah! It’s great!”-you
“And how’s your family? Any siblings?”-robin
“They are good! I’m very close with my family! I have a twin brother and an older sister.I’m very close with them!”-you
“Awww! That must be so nice! As you know Joe has older brothers so he was really the only child in the house growing up!”-robin
“Yeah! He told me that they graduated high school when he was born!”-you
“Yep! But he is still very close with his brothers which I love!”-robin
“That’s so sweet!”-you
Robin and I talked for a bit more and we kept laughing as she told me stories about Joe when he was a kid.
“So y/n, do you work?”-daniel (joes brother)
“I do! I work in marketing for a company called Kroger!”-you
“Oh wow! Thats amazing!”-daniel
“Thank you! It’s a lot of fun!”-you
After talking with joes brothers for a bit the game finally started. All of us were cheering and stressing. As fourth quarter hit and the clock was 0:20 we knew we were going to win, and we did! I was so proud of Joe!
After the game ended we all walked down into the family area where the families wait for the players to come out. After a couple minute wait Joe finally came out. I let joes family greet him and congratulate him before I ran up to hug him.
“Hey there winner!”-you
“Hi babe!”-joe said hugging me
“I am so proud of you! You did amazing out there Joey!”-you
“Thanks! And thank you for coming out to support and meet the fam! I hope they weren’t a lot.”-joe
“Of course! And are you kidding? They are amazing and I love your family!”-you
Robin came up to us and said
“She’s a keeper Joey!”-Robin
Then Jimmy and everyone else joined in
“Yeah! She’s amazing!”-everyone
I gave a big smile! I am so happy they love me!
“Oh trust me, I know!”-joe
I gave Joe a big smile and kissed him on the cheek before giving him a hug.
“I got to go because my friend is taking me back, but it was so lovely meeting all of you!”-you say hugging everyone
“Awww y/n! I was so lovely meeting you and I hope to see you soon!”-robin
I hugged her and gave Joe one last hug and kiss then took off.
Joes pov (after the game)
“Omg Joey I love her!”-robin
“Same!”- Daniel and Jimmy
“Good, because she’s the one.”-joe
Robin looked up at him
“Really! Omg Joe! Do you love her?”-robin
“Haha,yeah! I really do love her, mom! She helped me get rid of all my anxiety during the game. She said something to me this morning when I was getting nervous and I kept repeating in my head what she said during the game and it helped me so much. She makes me happy, like really happy! She just gets me and understands me.”-joe
“Awww! I’m so happy for you! I can see the way she looks at you and the way you look at her! That’s true love,Joey!”-robin
Authors note: um hello aren’t they the cutest couple ever!!! Anyway hoped you enjoyed!🫶
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saetgvia · 3 months
spark | wriothesley
in which you and wriothesley find an unlikely spark.
prince!wrio x fem!noble!reader, invented country au
✧ genre: fluff, angst...? maybe...? if you squint...?, arranged marriage trope
✧ tw: usage of damn, if you see anything else lmk <3
✧ word count: 456 words (i'm SO SORRY EWOIHSFOSDL)
✧ playlist: spark - taeyeon, radio - lana del rey, deja vu - txt, darl+ing - seventeen, invu - taeyeon, agora hills - doja cat, killin' me good - jihyo, i like you (a happier song) - doja cat & post malone, fever - enhypen, eleven - ive, hype boy - newjeans, hard to love - rose, sour grapes - le sserafim, oh my god - adele, my head & my heart - ava max, nonsense - sabrina carpenter, the feels - twice, might as well - wayv
✧ pre-reading note: yo uh there might be inconsistencies between this chapter and the last one, the idea for some of this came AFTER the publishing of the prev chapter so uh yeah!
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ii. arranged
He strides in, holding a pot of tea on an ornate silver tray that gleams in the warm light.
'Oh, no!' the queen chuckles. 'He's our teaboy. He quite likes to dress up, my ladies in waiting tell me he's quite the charmer.' You let out a shaky breath. You like the queen, she's sweet and seems to have an excellent relationship with her people. The king, too, is nothing but jovial. If you're to marry Wriothesley, at least his family is nice, and the rumours say he is too.
'No, that's Wriothesley.'
He's more ethereal than you ever could have thought. Ebony hair streaked through with silver and wearing a grey suit accented with a crimson tie, he was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. His smile, radiant enough to light up the whole kingdom, and his sweet dimples that just made him seem all the more handsome. Black studs glinted in both of his ears, giving off the impression of someone tough, but with that grin you couldn't see him as anything other than the sweetheart everyone said he was. And he's walking over to you. Uh-oh.
He takes a seat next to you on the couch, chuckling softly and aplogising for being late. He looks even more ravishing from here, and as he turns to you, you quickly turn around, suddenly very interested in your tea.
'Hello darling. Thought I was going to have to remind you to close your mouth.'
The side eye you give him was devastating. He snickers quietly at your switch up, then speaks in a rich, deep tone.
'Mother, Father, Queen Eliana, King Richard. May I take me bride-to-be on a little walk?'
Your mother giggles daintily, and your father nods his approval. As quickly as he sat down, Wriothesley stands back up and offers you a gloved hand. You take it, and your mother shoots you a glance that's both a warning and a knowing smirk at the same time.
'Shall we?'
The garden is absolutely dreary. Winter has hit Emeia hard, and the leaves have abandoned the fingers of the trees which arch longingly for summer. Icy white roses still bloom in early winter, and you admire their sweet aroma as you stroll around the path with Wriothesley. He's surprisingly easy to talk to, and you find yourself laughing a lot more than you thought you would, ladylike manners and covering your mouth be damned. It starts getting dark and the cold caress of the breeze makes you shiver. Wriothesley, being the gentleman he is, notices, and offers you his coat.
'No, I'm okay thanks. I think we should head inside then. And... thanks for tonight, Wrio.'
He smiles.
'Wrio, huh? I like that name.'
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a/n: i am so so sorry that this is insanely short but i'm running low on motivation :/ i promise i'll get more out soon even if there's a bunch of short parts pls don't hate me :P
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taglist: @reimiiko, @whiskey-19
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please like and reblog my work! tumblr relies on reblogs to function, so help my work be seen by more people <3 my spark taglist and overall is now open, drop an ask if you want to be added! just specify which one.
© saetgvia 2024. do not copy or repost.
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leahsfiction · 1 year
PALISADE 20: In Their Fear Pt. 1 (00:22:21–00:29:57)
“Well, the good news is that it’s still 3 Grip, which means that—”
“—we will have a chance to take care of this.”
“Jack? Take it away.”
Something bad is in the air. Bilat crafts teeter in the sky like anxious flies. The distant sound of heavy ships taking off in great black columns of launch smoke. Everything seems too bright. The day is too warm. The headache sits on your forehead and on your temples.
In Carhaix, someone drops a tray of wine glasses. Pleasure yachts and private transit gather at the closed Portcullis Gate, and as it opens vanish into distant Principality space, passing ship after ship of settlers as they pour into the Palisade System.
In the early afternoon, the sun dims, and a red band of light appears around the middle of it, like a bauble wrapped in a ribbon, or a horrible mirror of the Diadem. It’s dim enough to look at directly, but it still hurts your eyes. There is a whine in the air. Every couple of hours there is a rumble of radiation static, and a corona jets from the surface of the sun.
The animals respond in fear. Birds rise, suddenly alarmed, from the trees, or cower silently in crowded branches. Rabbits and foxes freeze, dumb, in the middle of walkways. Ants rise en masse from cracks in the walls. Rivers seem to run slow, with an algaed stink.
Some of the spies know nothing and continue as usual, keeping their mouths shut, answering questions curtly, bargaining limitedly for clemency. When others see the quality of light in the room change, and the demeanour of the people around them alter—why do the calls to Gucci Garantine keep getting dropped? What was that scream of Nidean engines overhead?—they change their tune quickly. They start making specific bargains. Get me off-world. Get me through the Portcullis Gate and I will tell you anything you want. Or they close their mouths, defiant, eyes up. Millennium Break. You do not know the sharpness of the dagger on which you walk.
Of course this is unproportional, they think. What a waste. We’re in a good place. We know the identity of Hexagon. So they made some gains in the Bontive Valley. So they fucked us up on the Isle of the Broken Key. Small beer. We are the most powerful empire in the galaxy. The blood is in the grip. But the Stargrave, these pissant revolutionaries, are gonna get this whole thing blown up.
Or: they let something slip in their fear. The Stargrave has gone mad. She was on the edge and you fucked it. They say the BIS boss went to stay with her, try and calm her down. They say she makes her staff practice dying. They say she got wind that you were trying to come for her and fled, it only made this malady worse, this is the end of the world.
When the message comes to you—secondhand, of course, the Cause council has seen this first—it shows in grainy low-resolution the pinched face of an aide-de-camp as she turns the camera on. Then she tilts it nauseatingly, the view dips, and we see the only remaining right angle of a small ruined building. It seems to be surrounded by trees. The roof came away long ago; just two brick walls stand, forming the corner in which the Stargrave stands.
She is a blonde woman in her late fifties, maybe her mid sixties. She wears full military regalia. On her right arm, from her hand up to her shoulder, is clamped an unwieldy metal device, somewhere between a leg brace and a trigger mechanism. A leather strap, almost like the bit of a horse’s bridle, with eight buttons on it, crosses the palm of her right hand which faces towards the camera. Beneath the device you can almost see that her right sleeve has been rolled up to the shoulder, or cut neatly, and two IV needles run from its metal armature: one into her upper arm, and one just above her wrist. Her face is very pale; her lips white, pressed tightly together; dull light from the armed sun. She opens her mouth: silent for a second, lips parted. Then the man standing to her right—another aide-de-camp, carrying an assault rifle—speaks.
“Terrorists of Millennium Break. As a result of recent assaults on sovereign holdings in the Bontive Valley and the central transit network of this planet, as well as targeted assaults on her office, the Stargrave has been left with no choice but to arm the stellar combustors entrusted to her in holy power for the preservation of the Divine Principality.”
He takes a shaky breath.
“She has instructed me, in her wisdom, to communicate to you that any attempt to approach the Brecheliant Forest or the stellar combustor units, covertly or otherwise, as well as any attempt on Stargrave Elcessor’s life or liberty, will be met with—will be met with an immediate detonation. Resulting in the destruction of the planet Palisade, the sector designated the Twilight Mirage, and the twenty-three systems within the nearest achievable firebreak.”
“I have also been instructed to inform you that any attempt to seek a loophole, magical or mundane, or otherwise circumvent the terms of this message, will also result in an immediate detonation. The stellar combustors will remain armed until August Righteousness of Jade Kill; Véronique and the Divine Fealty of Rose River; Captain Skelton Knaggs of Carmine Bight; Saint Decario Dicario of Violet Cove; Jesset City of Gray Pond; and Gucci Garantine of Blue Channel turn themselves in to the Bilateral Intercession at the nearest checkpoint. This message will be rebroadcast throughout the Palisade System on the hour and at the half-hour.”
There is a long moment of silence. Then the Stargrave nods imperceptibly; then the aide behind the camera turns it off.
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thislousytshirt · 3 months
Wyll Ravenguard story suggestions
ive heard a lot of people, both fans and non-fans of wyll, say that his storyline is lacking, and i agree. i actually think lae'zel, karlach and wyll just have weaker stories than the other origin characters but ive seen people say they think wylls was neglected because hes the only black character and yeah... i think it has a lot of potential and ive thought about how id rewrite it without removing anything thats there (like completely changing the role of his father or changing wylls character, i tried not to change his character at all but there might be things i overlooked) i tried to come up with content that could feasibly be added to the existing game by larian. anyway heres what id add
-a scene early in act 2 where wyll confesses to the player that what happened with karlach has caused him to question whether mizora has manipulated him to kill other innocents or good people in the past. he summons her to ask (wait, can he summon her? i dont see why not) and she makes light of the question, refusing to answer outright but implying she has. this is upsetting to wyll and causes him to question his role as a hero. (this scene does not happen if karlach was killed or that quest wasnt completed)
-a scene early in act 3 where wyll tries to help a group of refugees but is rejected because one of them can sense his connection with a devil. this sparks a conversation with the player where wyll says hes come to terms with his sacrifice but he isnt made of stone and being rejected by his father and then continuously used by mizora is wearing him down. he then apologizes for being selfish and the player can end the conversation or tell him hes not being selfish and encourage him to talk about what it was like after he was outcast as a teenager. after this he will show frustration with the situation and say hes afraid he will grow to resent the people hes trying to help. the player can say that they value his help or they can encourage him to stand up and defend his own value to other people. (or they can say some dick thing yk)
-after duke ravenguard is rescued hes brought unconcious to the camp. he recovers and is freed from the absolute by the astral prism but is disgusted with wyll like his is in canon and refuses to work with the party or listen to what they have to say. he leaves to go to his house and gather his resources. the party agrees they must go after him before the astral prism's effect wears off (is this how the astral prism works?) the party sneaks into ravenguards house or fights his loyal flaming fists to get to the duke, and pass a persuasion check to allow wyll to talk to his father. it is a DRAMATIC and EMOTIONAL confrontation where wyll tells his father he made a pact to prevent a slaughter, that he has been fighting to save innocents ever since, and that it still hurts that his father believed he had done it for power. wylls father looks conflicted and agrieved - he doesnt want to believe he was so unfair to his own son. wyll tells him that he can disbelieve wyll and hate him if he wants but begs him to work together with him to stop the absolute and save baldurs gate. ravenguard believes him and is remorseful, they hug and everyones tadpoles connect catching the duke up on whats happened. he goes to their camp and becomes an ally like usual
*if the party didnt recruit wyll or he was killed, the duke becomes their ally like in canon and gives them the key to his house so they can use his stuff
*if the persuasion check to get ravenguard to talk to wyll is failed they will have to fight him. after the fight wyll gives him a potion and says his speech like normal. i just think it would be fun and dramatic to have a mini boss fight in there
*if for some reason the player decides not to bring wyll to the confrontation with the duke then they can just persuade the duke through dialogue and tadpole-meld with him but it will not be nearly as satisfying. back at camp wyll will say hes reconciled with his father and thank the player.
*if duke ravenguard is not saved at all then i assume there is a canon dialogue that plays with wyll but i havent seen it so if its as bad as his reunion scene then rewrite that too.
i havent seen like, every scene, i havent even finished act 3 in my playthrough because i have adhd, and ive only seen wylls early romance scenes. so its possible some of the stuff ive touched on is hidden late in act 3 or in the romance but i want it in his main story path and earlier if thats the case. and i have seen the confrontation with his father and i think its super bad.
also - i know rescuing the duke is already very difficult and annoying, and adding extra steps to recruiting him would piss a lot of people off, but its worth it for me to get the confrontation into a setting where lighting and staging can be used to effect, and the effect of wyll having to forcibly enter one of his families properties which he should have been welcome in - it symbolizes him no longer accepting his exile.
anyway tell me what you would have done differently
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Do you have any bsd headcannons you'd like to share? (literally anything, I just love learning about other peoples hcs)
chuuya's hat is so old (bc it keeps getting passed from person to person and he brings it with him everywhere obviously) and WORN OUT but he has no idea how to fix it. he treats it like his child but it's inevitable that the material will deteriorate over time, so he's been trying to convince himself to go to a hatter for ages and can't swallow his pride. he drunkenly told it to hirotsu once night while they were drinking, and hirotsu just sighed and got it fixed for him that night while chuuya was passed out. they never spoke about it.
dazai has met several women who actually did say yes to a double suicide. the majority didn't mean it and just wanted to toy with him, but ran when they realized he was serious. a few actually did mean it. he pulled strings and invited them to a romantic date, except that he sent therapists there instead of him, basically playing matchmaker. all those women are now doing better but ask him about it and he'll act dumb and say he knows nothing about it.
fyodor needs glasses. his eyesight definitely sucks and the hours he spends at a computer don't help. however, he manipulates himself into thinking that he's actually fine when he's not. nikolai also has shitty eyesight bc of his dull eye and the other one he's probably abused looking at the birds in the sky and thus the sun. they are literally the blind leading the blind. nikolai places his portal 2 meters from where he meant to put it and fyodor says "good job". it's incredible how they're feared terrorists.
sigma gets tired wearing heels all day. he wants memory foam but doesn't know it exists. give him his goddamn memory foam. anyways one of his employees saw him holding his feet in pain and offered him orthopedic shoe inserts. he hasn't been the same since. would give them a raise if he knew how.
tachihara used to get acne from having his bandage on his nose all day. so, he's developed an incredibly rigid skin care routine. his face is soft as hell. cheeks are smoother than you'd think.
kouyou made it her first demand as executive to raid her favourite shop where she gets all her kiminos and accessories. hirotsu led the black lizard battalion into the shop and the workers were so fucking confused. stole expensive silk fabrics and clothing of the highest quality because she doesn't settle for less, and in the process has gotten hirotsu more into fashion. they go shopping together.
speaking of shopping, kajii only goes thrifting. have you seen his clothes?? they're not his size and torn as hell but they're so damn cheap he can't resist. his sandals are so goddamn iconic. yeah he's blowing you up but his dogs are OUT like a mf psychopath. i maybe love him a little too much.
ivan has greasy hair. while doing his surgery thing wtv tf that was, fyodor was continually grossed out (ironic aint it). pushkin was then ordered to help ivan wash his hair and they died just a little bit. neither knew what the difference between shampoo and conditioner is, and they struggled with it for a long time. eventually when they came back for fyodor to do the surgery, ivan's hair smelled like flowers and was braided cutely because they gave up and went to a salon where the people working there fell a little in love with his hair and went overboard. pushkin's hair (if you can call it that...) was also in a little bowtie. they enjoyed their little adventure just a little bit. just a little ofc.
odasaku has no idea how to cook curry. he loves it and fears doing it wrong, so he just buys it from the same place over and over. considered asking for the recipe but never did because why change what is already perfection. dazai however is convinced oda has housewife abilities and can cook like a god. he never knew the truth.
fitzgerald can't do math. he pretends he's good at converting currencies but in his head it just doesn't add up. 20 000 yen? that's like.... 5 freedom eagles obviously. no biggie *throws a bunch of american dollars at the workers and just takes the item and leaves* he also doesn't give tips when it prompts on the machine, and instead prefers sliding a crisp bill to them directly. cried a little when his favourite shop told him they ran out of an item he wanted and they didn't budge after he slid them a stack of 100s (he has no idea how many were in the stack)
fitzgerald also owns an airline but he doesn't manage it personally ofc. his only interaction with it is that they provide him and the guild with a private jet to travel to japan. lovecraft did not get on. he swam??? who knows, but he did not get on that plane. lucy got sick and louisa freaked out every time there was turbulence. mark was snoring loudly the entire way and steinbeck had his nose pressed on the window looking outside the entire time the lil cutie.
agatha has the super power of drinking tea while it is still piping hot. she never burns her tongue and never complained about its temperature, except when it's too cold. the water was literally boiling once (her subordinates wanted to find out how hot she can go) and she gulped it all down without a single contortion of her face. incredible.
shirase doesn't understand english and keeps trying to learn it but every time he thinks he's getting the hang of it, someone throws cockney slang at him and he gives up.
adam finally figured out how to blow a bubble of gum, but keeps swallowing it. one day, it clogged his internal system (he's not supposed to be eating obvi) and he's been afraid of it ever since. thinks it's possessed by evil spirits his android brain can't understand. i also hc that he recharges thru solar panels integrated onto his skin and for this reason he goes to the beach to 'tan' often. HE'S SO PALE people get a little concerned for him when they see him not apply sunscreen and just lay down for hours at a time. one lady actually told him he could get skin cancer and he opened his eyes "ackshually 🤓👆" then began reciting every fact known to man about skin cancer. rip that lady
verlaine and rimbaud complain about france all the time. "fuck france i fucking hate the french this country goddamn sucks" then as soon as someone else says anything bad about it they give them death glares and threaten death for disrespecting their country.
wells has memorized a whole lot of things about quantum theory from her days studying to be an engineer because it was her favourite class. she cannot handle mechanical or civil engineering topics and physically ascends at the mention of anything to do with dynamics. i also think she's been hit on a lot while wearing disguises; she tells them she's actually a woman, they freak out, then she sends them back in time. this time, they do not approach her and thus she doesn't have to deal with the awkward rejection and doesn't even remember it.
jules verne has made little dolls and pretended that they were his friends and invented scenarios in which they hung out. i will not elaborate on this.
albatross sometimes interrupts conversations in order to listen to the engine of a vehicle passing by. tries to track them down, too. he'll be the type of guy to ogle at your car without making eye contact with you while you're still in the car. and when i say ogle, i mean ogle. checks out motorcycles more often than women.
the flags bully lippmann sometimes when he acts in a really cheesy scene. he's coming to hang out with them and they're all giggling and chuckling at him stupidly. albatross walks up to him, tucks his hair behind his ear and whispers whatever cheesy thing was said in a low voice before bursting out laughing (he usually starts laughing before he can even finish the sentence). pianoman slides it slickly into conversations, and doc 'fufu's at random moments when looking at him and he suddenly remembers the scene. iceman has not watched the movie and chuuya couldn't care less.
the first time he tried to take the train, ranpo loudly exclaimed and yelled at every turn and stop of the train. he went during rush hour too and got his entire body smooshed into the strangers next to him. he squealed when someone accidentally (accidentally) grabbed his ass in the crowded traincar, then asked loudly who did that. dramatic as hell. got his pockets picked and knew who did it, but couldn't do anything about it. he felt awful and slumped his way back home and collapsed into yosano's arms with a groan. this was the only time she'd ever willingly bought him a bunch of sweets and let him eat them in peace while he ranted to her about the atrocities
kenji is more notorious on the streets than he knows. he got recognized by some huge 200cm tall man built like a goddamn tank with tattoos all over his body who wanted to fight him. kenji was so flattered that he knew his name that he thanked him and burly dude was like. wtf. anyways they got beef ramen together afterwards bonded over cows and are now besties. he's told the agency about it but they think that by "friend" he means someone else his age.
tanizaki ran into kajii once at his favourite thrift shop. he recognized him and ran out freaked never to return. for this reason he had to keep wearing his same stanky ahh uwu girl clothes that don't fit and hasn't had a style update. actually, when doing his research for how to infiltrate the mafia, tachihara found out that there have been a lot of sightings of known dangerous ability users in the thrift store, and that's why he wears the same shirt as tanizaki.
tachihara dreads the hunting dogs meetings because they make him feel like the only sane one there. his back has become so chiseled from carrying teruko around all the time, and once - jouno thought it would be funny - he tripped on a wire laying down on the ground and almost dropped her. he had to use his ability to pick her up from the belt of the uniform to prevent her from faceplanting, and she looked like she was about to explode. he had to let her beat him up a little then she hopped back on his shoulders and nothing changed. he questions his life choices often
jouno can't handle cinnamon or ginger scents, they overwhelm him and he goes into a fucking sensory overload coma. odor orgasm. sinus sex. teruko got sick once and tachi made her the strongest herbal and ginger tea you've ever seen (learnt it from his brother rip the goat) and he collapsed on the ground with a moan. woke up a half hour layer with no clue wth just happened. tecchou eventually heard about it, placed a hand on his shoulder and said "it happens to the best of us" while nodding solemnly then never elaborated.
yeah fukuchi and fukuzawa used to steal food when they were younger but imagine them figuring out milestones together. "dude my armpits are itchy where is this hair coming from :(" "genichiro i don't need to know about that *scratches at his armpit subtly*" i think they were very goofy about it
speaking of puberty elise once freaked mori out by saying she got her period. dude was like. wtf. you're an ability. how tf. she insisted he got her a bunch of tampons n pads and chocolate and heating pads and the works, then once he (the underlings he made go do the shopping threatening their lives if they ever told a soul) bought everything, she looked at his confused and asked why he bought those things. she's an ability how could she have a period? mori cried a little that night.
bram is a swiftie for no reason other than i think it's funny. alternatively, i believe he listens to reggae for no reason other than i think it's goddamn FUNNY.
kunikida's old students sometimes run into him on the street and recognize him. they immediately straighten their backs, nod at him and quickly walk away in the most respectful way because they don't want to ruin his schedule. he nearly tears up from happiness every time.
natsume goes through 5-6 "here, kitty kitty!"s in a day when he's just vibing around. people try to feed him grass blades. people get WAY too comfortable rubbing his stomach. once, a girl saw him on her way back from school and started scratching a random spot behind his ears and he folded so quickly and just melted on the sidewalk. he wont admit it but he has that weak spot in human form too (i want to pet him so badly this is self indulgent ok). the girl was actually gin btw. she's an animal whisperer i dont know why i dont know how but she is.
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corvidares · 9 months
okay, so i just finished re-reading Any Way the Wind Blows and this feels so blatant as to be smacking me in the face: simon is disabled.
now, the reason why that makes itself even clearer in this book than in wayward son (where he, of course, also has the wings + tail) is because simon is once again in the world of mages - despite doing his best to leave it behind. compared to wayward son, where hes basically and literally in the wild west. where theres magical beings everywhere, where simon practically fits in because he is one.
but ill get back to that.
ive seen a lot of really interesting points about what simon's wings represent and mean, and i'm not disagreeing with those. but in a very literal sense, they are a disability.
think about it like this: the world of mages (and Normals) is not built for humanoids who have giant webbed wings and a tail. simon constantly struggles with controlling these limbs, and their size makes it ten times harder. spaces are too small, furniture and objects are broken when he spreads them, and many a shirt or jacket are ruined.
he struggles to find a good way to deal with this - spell them away? wear them out by cutting holes in things? fold them extremely painfully into his shirt? even though this last one is treated like a solution for a little while, its far from ideal. who is simon doing this for? himself, or everyone around him? yes, of course Normals cant see them. and yeah, hes expressed discomfort about baz and penny spelling them hidden. but thats not the point. even with this botch job of a way to "wear" his wings, which succeeds at hiding them from Normals, simon still states a couple times that he knows people stare at him and his seeming hunchback. i mean, thats blatant.
(he eventually, with shepard's help, realizes a good way to work around this - zippers or buckles on shirtbacks - which very much feels like an aha! disability aid moment)
im not saying disability is based in how people look at you, or it only being a societal thing. (as in, when he wasnt in the world of mages, he wasnt suddenly 'not disabled at all') disability is a huge spectrum. but those things absolutely can be a part of the disabled experience.
but all of that doesnt even get to my main point: simon has no magic anymore. and in the world of mages, thats a huge deal. magic is like living and breathing, especially for baz and penny. its not something they question or have to worry about not being able to call upon. hell, even before simon lost his magic he was disabled, just to a different extent.
before awtwb, we dont hear much about mages whose magic is weak. but they come to the forefront now - which just solidifies that solid magical ability = able bodiedness.
smith is promising a miracle cure. a cure. think of it like bullshit orgs such as aut!sm spe@ks, wanting to "cure" autism - he wants to cure people. (and hes just as full of shit) why? because weak magic is seen as a disease, a problem, even subhuman.
take daphne, baz's stepmom. her quality of life is fine, great. her weaker magic doesnt seem to put her at a disadvantage. she manages her disability well. but in comparison to the norm, to what is expected of the average mage, shes got nothing. less than nothing. she feels shame over what she cant do.
smith's case becomes even more blatant when we see, at the end of awtwb, that he wants to essentially cull weak magicians. that they're holding back society. that theyre better off as powerless as Normals - who are blatantly seen as subhuman - than as weak mages. much like how ableist rhetoric puts forward that disability is a fate worse than death.
which brings us back to simon. he insists hes a Normal, now or always has been. baz insists hes the most powerful magician to exist. both of them are wrong.
and right. and right and wrong.
simon is some third thing - not a mage, not a Normal. akin to how disability is its own minority aside from race or ethnicity he has a foot in each world, and he always has. but now he cant achieve blending into either.
this is why the increasing presence and humanization of other magical beings beside mages is so important (thank you shephard!) how mages tend to seem magical beings is very ableist. theyre subhuman, theyre not to be trusted, theyre freaks, theyre dirty, etc. except oops, how can you keep thinking that penny, when this very nice one works at a cafe and helped you translate shephard's engagement terms?
even baz and the events of wayward son play into this - yeah, some vampires are horrible people. but plenty, like baz, are just people. with a range of experiences and morals and ways of living life. (take nicodemus) (i could make a point about how simon's stalwart acceptance of baz's vampirism helps baz comes to terms with it and how this is also super disability coded, but thats another essay)
in the beginning of awtwb, he decides to go to the extreme opposite of his chosen one powered life - to live as a Normal, and the second step (after cutting himself off from baz and penny) is getting his wings removed.
except he cant do it. and even having his wings touched is horribly uncomfortable. now, this partly has to do with how much theyre sensual parts of his body - same as his tail. but its also, separately, very intimate. theyre treated very clinically, like a fascinating specimen to pore over. im not trying to give niamh shit here, just saying what i saw.
but theyre part of him. people with disabilities often deal with being stared at and poked and prodded by the medical field (if theyre not ignored or waved off. maybe both.). even every day folks feel the right to touch disabled folks, or their mobility aids.
for a lot of people, mobility aids are a part of them - its like a stranger touching your face and thinking theyre doing you a favor. when instead theyre being weird as fuck.
simon's status as previous chosen one even plays into this sort of thing - people see him more as a figurehead, for what he can and cant do (including his wings!) than a person. hes a tragedy, hes a hero. hes inspirational, hes to be pitied. sound familiar?
the end of awtwb doesnt spell out whether simon ends up deciding to keep his wings (frustratingly). but they spell out that he would absolutely would, in my opinion.
simon increasingly treats them as a natural extension of his body. think of the scene where he flies about the watford goats. how he expresses his feelings with his wings and tail. and of course, how he learns to let baz loves each and every part of him: including his dragon limbs.
baz loves him, and loves them, not in a fetishistic way, but because its simon, and he loves everything simon is. not just what he represents or can or cant do.
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socialjetlags · 6 months
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╰ ☆ ◞ avan jogia / nonbinary / he/they ——— no way, is that KAVI DESAI? you know, they’re 32 years old and they’ve been in los angeles for 12 YEARS. they’re chillin’ as a MUSICIAN & MANAGER at ALT CULT RECORDS. oh and they’re notoriously known for being PRETENTIOUS but there are some people who have seen them be ENTHUSIASTIC. i heard they’re a part of a BAND called STATIC MIDNIGHT, yeah, they’re a DRUMMER. to be honest they sound a lot like BASEMENT & CITIZEN. they’re actually A RISING STAR.
FULL NAME: kavi desai.
NICKNAME(S): avi (a shortened version of their name, also happening to hold the meaning of "sheep"), shepherd (see: explanation for avi. sheep doesn't seem to flow too well as a nickname, & here comes a moniker he'll never shake), pepsi.
AGE: 32.
DATE OF BIRTH: february 9, 1992.
PLACE OF BIRTH: maywood, california, usa.
GENDER: nonbinary.
PRONOUNS: he/they.
ORIENTATION: bisexual.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, gujurati.
NEIGHBOURHOOD: west paradise.
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: lives in a one-bedroom unit at the aster apartments.
MOTHER: mindy desai, distantly supportive relationship. there's nothing stronger than a mother's love, they say, but kavi could name a few things. mindy is a good mom, mostly, and she makes sure to check in every now and then. sometimes she'll even refer to recent news of static midnight, if there is anything to speak of. if kavi could complain of one thing, it would be that she always has to slide "your father loves you, you know" into conversation.
FATHER: jevan desai, hostile relationship. to put it simply, jevan disagrees with the life that kavi is living, and kavi often fans the flames—if he's going to piss his dad off regardless, he might as well do a good job at it.
SIBLINGS: palomi desai, younger sister. palomi thought the world of kavi when they were kids, and well... she still kind of does. she is their motivation to do good & be good. if they have one only fan, it's palomi.
PETS: a tuxedo cat (unoriginally) named socks. if you ask kavi, she's "a sweet little thing." everyone who's met her so far would have to disagree.
OCCUPATION: musician, manager of alt cult records.
NAME OF THEIR ACT: static midnight.
ARTIST INFLUENCES: karnivool, soul blind, superheaven; he takes a lot of musical inspiration from heavy shoegaze artists.
FACE CLAIM: avan jogia.
HAIR COLOR: naturally dark brown, but currently bleached to a near-platinum tone. looks a bit like half-assed frosted tips with the dark roots starting to come back in.
EYE COLOR: dark brown.
HEIGHT: 177cm, 5ft10.
BUILD: slim, defined muscles.
TATTOOS: a decent amount on his torso, arms & legs. details tbd.
PIERCINGS: double lobe piercings, left nostril stud.
CLOTHING STYLE: experimental. mixes all kinds of fabrics & patterns, mostly dresses in a muted color palette. wears a lot of loose, flowing pants paired with tighter tops.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: thick eyebrows, long eyelashes.
MBTI: esfp-t, the entertainer.
ELEMENT: water.
POSITIVE TRAITS: enthusiastic, adventurous, accepting, humorous, forward, decisive, open.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: pretentious, argumentative, (too) open and also somehow not open enough, self-sabotaging, unreliable.
HOBBIES: doom-scrolling, generating ai pictures of himself in different styles, denying any and all wrongdoing that they’ve ever done, irritating their cat and then giving her treats to reel her back in, working out, bitching about working out, fishing for people to tell him that his workouts are paying off, trying new diners, hanging out at bars, window-shopping, rearranging their living room and then ultimately ending up on the same layout, arguing with his neighbors over the noisiness of him moving his furniture every other day, spreading misinformation, pondering the possibility that it’s time for him to grow up and then deciding that he’s still got time.
LONG-TERM EX: “the one”, almost. kavi was a flight risk from the get, but this person gave him an honest chance—and fell so in love that they stayed long after it had become obvious that he wasn’t willing to give them what they needed. up and down relationship, passionate one day & dull the next; a routine that established itself and persisted for two or three years. they were living with kavi up until the breakup, which was around christmas 2023. they still have an immense amount of love for each other, but understand that they lack romantic capability. staying friends through it all, for better or for worse. the vibes: the 1 by taylor swift, i know the end by phoebe bridgers, cellophane by fka twigs, two slow dancers by mitski, renegade by big red machine & taylor swift, new perspective by noah kahan, etc etc…
THE BEST FRIEND: they’ve been through hell & back together, even if most of this so-called “hell” was self-created. there’s not much kavi wouldn’t do for them, so long as they keep cat-sitting when he’s out of town.
CUSTOMERS: people who shop at alt cult records somewhat regularly and are often subject to kavi’s pretentiousness, as music is where it tends to come out. the person who thinks he’s so cool, the person who’s sick of him acting like they give a shit about anything he’s got to say, the person who thinks he’s a sleazebag but he’s Hawt so they’ll pretend to be interested in what he’s saying all day every day, etc etc!
start at the beginning, who are you and why are you important?
“i’m kavi desai,” he says, as if it that’s all he has to say; there’s something suffocatingly smug in it, telling of who he is. a conglomeration of false confidence and one-liners. “i was just an indian kid with a dream, and now i’m managing a record store and playing in a band that people actually give a shit about; no matter what angle you look at it from, i’ve got something to be proud of, right? and, believe me, it gets better from here.”
how long have you been making music?
“as long as i can remember, really. i asked for a guitar for christmas one year. i can’t remember how old i was, maybe nine or ten, and santa provided. i learned fast and i wrote a lot of songs as a teenager, most which were complete dog shit. i ended up picking up drums ‘cause a good friend of mine was selling their set, and i guess there was somethin’ in me that knew where i needed to be. hey, here i am.”
how would you describe the kind of music you make?
“honest rock music. in a band, you have to work together to make something worth listening to—but if you understand who i am and what i do, you’ll understand there’s a lot of self-revelation in it. i like to try new things, and i like to believe that it all comes from my heart.”
who are some of your biggest musical influences?
“when i was growing up, the main one was the smashing pumpkins. i could probably play every song from pisces iscariot on a guitar to this day—but hey, don’t hold me to that, alright?… nowadays, i really like superheaven. their drummer’s style really stands out to me. they don’t make music anymore, but their discography never gets old.”
what is the first record you ever bought?
“the all-american rejects’ move along. not a single skip on it.”
what has working in the music industry meant to you thus far in your career?
“excitement. if i’m honest, not much else to speak of yet, but i think we’re getting close to something.”
what are some stand out moments from your career so far?
“it’s always nice to be told that i inspired someone to start drumming… or to see a pretty girl lose her shit from catching a setlist. hey, let me tell ya, moments like that will make you feel like a real rockstar!”
what are you still hoping to achieve in your career?
“well,” they start, grinning ear-to-ear—their bashfulness now evens out the vanity from earlier. “i want a sure sign that i’ve made it. this might look different for other musicians, but for me… it’d be nice to hold an arena tour, right?”
what’s next for you?
“keep your eyes on me and you’ll find out soon enough.”
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Greetings everyone! So uhm. its been a while since my last liveblog post. there have been some circumstances that made me really not wanna read, but now they have passed and I have risen from the ashes like a glorious phoenix and I can resume my divine mission of complaining about this mediocre-at-best book series to an audience of as many as 60 people if you can believe it. Also we're back to the style of post where I just jot down all my thoughts bullet-point style because my life is in shambles
Anyway, last time we had a chapter where literally nothing happened except for Lucien showing up at the very end, so lets see what he does in this chapter 47
I still cant believe its been only two months since Feyre started permanently living at the night court and forgiving Rhysand for torturing her, its taken me longer to forgive people at my school who mildly annoyed me. Also wait, Feyre was UTM for three months, shes spent more time consecutively being tortured by Rhysand than consecutively having a good time with him wth
Feyre stop fuckin jacking the bat boys off challenge (impossible!!)
Ive seen this part where Feyre talks about the bat boys being so much stronger than Lucien in english where shes like "Lucien may have trained to be a warrior, but Cassian, Azriel and Rhys were Warriors" like oh fuck, we gotta get out of here!! those guys are Proper Nouns!! But in the german version, this line is just "Lucien may have trained to become a warrior, but Cassian, Azriel and Rhysand were warriors" because nouns are always capitalized in german and not just when theyre Super Epic and Cool so you cant do that thing that english books do with proper nouns, and Idk i think thats pretty interesting
Something about Feyre being all like "theyre hunting me, its like Im their prey" really pisses me off, I think its because it could be cool and thematically relevant but instead its just kindof nothing
Speaking of which, Lucien coming ip to her and saying "We've been hunting for you" is so forced, it reminds me of how Tamlin would say these weird objectifying things to Feyre alllll the way at the start of ACOMAF even though hes never said shit like that before, except this is way worse because who on earth would say it like that?? hello?? If you were looking for someone who went missing, you'd say like, we've been searching for you or we've been looking for you, not we've been hunting for you thats just insane
HUH?? which high lord gave her the ability to slow down time??? Thats so overpowered and I dont remember anyone ever talking about it
Oh, of course they cant just be afraid of Feyre, they have to be afraid of Rhysand who just showed up
Did this motherfucker really take the time to change his outfit just make his dramatic entrance just a little more dramatic? Honestly, if it was any other guy I would think thats so iconic, but because its Rhysand just wearing his fucking black tunic again I just want him to explode
"Has your mother, the Lady of the Autumn Court, not taught you that you should listen to a lady?" why he have to say that Lucien's mom is the Lady of the Autumn Court thats so awkward. Also yeah, it sounds more awkward translated from german to english because they use both 'Lady' and 'Dame' (which is german for lady) in the same sentence, but its still just a very bad line
This is actually kind of interesting because Im guessing Lucien called Rhys a dirty son of a bitch in the original and then he growled because its like, oh Lucien insulted his lovely mother that he loves soooo much, but its been translated here as 'Hurensohn' (lit. 'whore's son') so it gains this additional layer where Lucien is not just insulting his mom also using a word that's like a trigger for him which makes it much more impactful imo. good job, Ms. Ernst
The fact that Feyre is getting on Lucien's case for siding with Gamlin over her is mighty ironic when you consider whats gonna happen in acosf, but also Lucien right now and the IC in acosf are making the same choice of listening to their close friend of several centuries over his gf that theyve known for like a year. Like, yeah, obviously its super shitty in both cases but I do get why they did it. And thats not even factoring in the political power Tamlin and Rhys have over their friends, like, it really doesnt matter if you "dont enforce rank" because youre the super special ones who were literally chosen by god to rule, you have an inherent authority over the people around you
This is all so frustrating because I do sympathize with Feyre for feeling abandoned by Lucien because that is essentially what he did, but I really dont like how hes portrayed as being unambigiously in the wrong for caring more about politics or himself than Feyre when its like, first of all, politics impact sooooo many people of course making sure that the SC at leats looks stable from the outside is more important than Feyre's mental health, and second of all, Feyre also pretty much only cares about herself. Which is her right btw, she has been very traumatized, she should be prioritizing herself for a while now, i just dont like the way the narrative frames this whole thing
Honestly, Feyre's kinda slaying rn. Her with her big spooky bat wings being all like "when youve been trapped in the darkness for so long it becomes your best friend" is kinda cool, idc
Okay, nevermind, she slayed for exactly one line and then she was nearly choking on Tamlin's name "because of what Rhysand did to him" girlie that was centuries ago why are you making this about him when he was being abusive two months ago* *i dont think he was actually being abuse but thats the framing of the narrative so im just going with it
I would usually properly translate this line but my brain isnt up to it at the moment, but its onpage 528 and I think you'll know which one I mean if you look at it, but I dont really understand Feyre being like "if I had stayed at the spring court and just given myself over to my own misery, I wouldve learned to take pleasure in other people's pain" Is it trying to justify Feyre being needlessly cruel by implying that it was inevitable and that her UTM trauma would've made her become like this no matter what? First of all, you cant say that for sure though and second of all, wowweweee Sarah Janett Maas knows soooooo much about mental health, she should become a psychiatrist, no degree necessary
"You are dead. You and your entire damned court." ohhhhhh so THATS why they call him death incarnate. Someone bring him back to life so no one ever calls him that again
??? Feyre was talking about how weird she felt about her lack of feeling when she was speaking to Lucien just now, but she was thinking about feeling guilty for desjring Rhysand?? what. Am i just being stupid rn or are those things no in any way related
man this chapter was exhausting
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A Very Crossover Crime
Fandoms: Suite Life on Deck, Z-O-M-B-I-E-S, Criminal Minds, My Little Pony, My Babysitter's a Vampire
Written for @tom-hunter-summah
Parties that may be interested: @whatthekidscallbolt @diagnosed-crazy @calico-kiwi
Warnings: terribly ooc writing, swearing, violence, death, major character death, mentions of SA
Notes: for the sake of clarity the teens are all roughly 19/20, pronouns are whatever i want them to be, fuck bailey all my homies hate bailey, ive never seen my little pony
"Hey Erica, I don't know if this is a good idea."
Rory yelled over the noise of the wind as they flew over Washington. He only kind of knew what was going on as Erica had interrupted him in the middle of his game, announcing she was hungry before promptly leaving again. In the time after the Whitechapel explosion, something had changed between them. Maybe it was because they were the only person she knew, but Erica was choosing to be around them more and more often. Of course, she was still Erica, but the scathing comments became more lighthearted. They were truly becoming friends. Which is why Rory followed her after her surprise outburst; they knew she expected them to.
"It'll be fun. I've always wanted to try zombie blood," she tossed a wink at them as they landed.
"I just think The Council-"
"Bup bup bup. Who do you trust more, the council or me?" she fluttered her lashes.
"Well, you of course," their grin huge.
"Then let's go."
They landed just outside of Seabrook, Washington. Hopping a tall fence placed them in a rundown section of the town, decorated in scrap metal. From what they understood the town was divided into two, humans and zombies, or it was before things got complicated. It was loud and quiet at the same time. There was remarkably little wildlife. It almost unnerved Rory, though they supposed the two vamps may have spooked the local critters, instinct telling them to run and hide. On the other hand, there were voices everywhere. Some were hushed, others big and boisterous. Rory plodded along behind Erica, puppy dog posture contradictory to her cat-like posture. Her sharp eyes, looking for someone that wouldn't be missed.
After what seemed like a hundred hours of searching, well, it's hard to say Rory was searching, but, after a hundred hours of walking, they found two young men smoking a cigarette. Erica gave Rory a look, signaling the attack.
"Oh my god; this is delicious!"
Rory simply nodded enthusiastically in response.
"Now this I could get used to."
Two Weeks Later
"Sixteen bodies found in the last two weeks. All in Seabrook, Washington. All victims have been zombies with two puncture wounds in the neck. They were drained of blood." Hotch lectured.
"So what, we've got a vampire on our hands?" Morgan quirked an eyebrowm
Reid piped in, "Or someone who thinks they are. There's actually a popular subculture filled with people who identify as vampires. They wear fangs and sometimes even drink blood"
"Well, whatever they are they're not slowing down. The Seabrook police department has asked us to come in. They want us in by morning."
Hotch's statement signaled they were finished and he dismissed the others to get ready for their flight.
Several hours after their initial briefing, the group sat in the jet, reviewing the case. Everyone was at least two and a half cups deep into their coffee, deciphering eyes staring at the case file. Opinions being thrown back and forth.
JJ spoke up, "Look at the bruising around the neck. It almost looks like-"
"Hickeys," Morgan quirked his eyebrows at the realization.
"According to the autopsy report, the bodies showed no sign of sexual assault. They declared that the bruises were from strangulation." Rossi added, not entirely believing the statement, simply trying to relay it.
Emily, unhappy with this answer, kept on. "Yeah, but I think they might be misidentifying them. Look at the layout of the bruises. Does that look like a human hand to you?"
"It very well could be a misidentification," Reid spoke slowly, eyebrows furrowed as he flipped back and forth between the photos of the victims. "Understanding of zombie biology is very limited. In fact, humans in Seabrook didn't start interacting with them until the "Z-Band" was invented in 1985, and hardly at all beyond that until 2020 after an act passed allowing zombie children to attend regular high school."
"So you're telling me we're working off of nothing?" Morgan said, exasperated.
"Well, not nothing. Look at the puncture wounds on the victims. They're different sizes. That, coupled with the fact that the victims are killed in pairs..."
"We're looking at partners," Rossi finished for Reid.
"Now kiddos, before you get off the boat I want to remind you that we're only staying here for a couple days. Don't forget the buddy system, and please be back on the boat by..."
Miss Tutweiller trailed off, the group already having left her sight.
"I can't believe she's still calling us kiddos. We graduated a year ago," Cody remarked.
"Yeah, well maybe if you stopped acting like one she would. I mean, look at that fanny pack," Zack pointed out.
"I'll have you know that this fanny pack—"
"Would you two shut up? You're both acting like kids," Bailey sniped.
Zack, Cody, Woody, and Bailey walked around the Main Street square of Seabrook, Washington. It was abnormally barren, considering the gorgeous weather. Only a few lonely bodies walked the streets. Most of them were people from the ship. Actually, looking at it Cody realized they were all people from the ship.
"Ooh, frozen yogurt. I hope they have double seaberry swirl," Woody grinned excitedly.
They ducked into the frozen yogurt shop, relieved to find at least someone from the town occupying it: A teen couple, a gray-skinned, green-haired boy across the table from a white-haired girl with healthier-looking skin. They looked frightened if she was being honest. That is until a hand was shoved into their faces.
"Well howdy there. I'm Bailey. Wah wah wah. Wah wah."
She continued introducing them. She was speaking. He was sure of it.
"So you haven't heard," the girl, Addison, spoke.
"There's been murders here in Seabrook. Everyone's scared out of their minds."
If murder wasn't enough to make her jump out of her seat then murders plural sure was.
"Hehe. What?" Zack chuckled nervously, mouth left open, hand hanging loosely in half protest.
"That's it! I'm out of here, seaberry swirl or not!" Woody ran from the parlor.
Zack followed after him, "Hey, Woody. Wait—"
He was cut off abruptly after running into something. Or someone, it would appear. It was a blonde guy about his age, a little shorter than him.
"Well, hello there good lookin'," Zack smirked.
"Well, don't you look tasty," came another voice.
A blonde girl was standing beside him, their tongue gliding across their lower lip as they studied Zack.
"Wow, double babe alert."
"I'm Erica, and this is my..." the girl did a once over on the guy next to her, "friend, Rory." Rory gave him a grin.
"I'm Zack."
"You know Zack, it's not safe to be out here all alone," Erica dragged her finger down his arm, "Things are pretty scary around here."
Zack, only slightly distracted by the touch, responded, "Aha, but I'm not alone. I've got my pal Woody with me," he looked around, "Woody?"
"You were saying?"
"Zack, there you are. Why did you run off like that? Didn't you hear what that girl said? People are getting murdered. Where's Woody?"
Cody quickly interrupted the tension. Whether or not that was for the better, Zack couldn't tell yet.
"You guys look a little lost," Erica said, eyeing up Cody and Bailey, "Let us show you around. We can help you find your friend."
Bailey spoke some words of confirmation, and Erica pushed herself between Bailey and Cody, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders. Rory placed themself next to Zack, and they began walking.
Hotch stood in front of the entire Seabrook police department. He despised their demeanor, how little they seemed to care about the nightmarish events happening beneath their noses. As if every zombie in this town could be killed and they still wouldn't give a damn. The whole town was just a tad too cheery, the pastel exterior simply a facade, hiding terrible horrors inside. Something was off, but he couldn't tell what. He cleared his throat, gathering the attention of the room.
"You're looking for a pair: a man and a woman between the ages 18 and 25. They are going to be very close to each other, possibly siblings or partners. They are incredibly loyal to each other and will die before turning the other in. The woman is going to be the dominant partner. She is calling all of the shots," Hotch finished presenting the profile and stepped off the podium.
"You think they'll listen?" Rossi asked.
"I'm not sure."
"They don't seem too interested in catching these guys," Emily added.
"We need to be out there. We need to be doing something," Morgan said.
"No. We've been instructed to stay at the station. We are going to stay at the station," Hotch retorted.
Morgan stormed off. He found a bench outside of the station and sat on it. Huffing, he picked up his cell phone.
"Babygirl, what can you tell me about Seabrook."
"Erica! What are we going to do? There's police everywhere. I can't go to jail!"
Rory was panicking. The other three had all needed to use the bathroom and Rory had taken the time to panic.
"Relax; they're on our side remember?"
Erica placed a soft grip on her shoulder, physically comforting her but still giving a look that said 'Dude, duh'.
"Oh. Right," Rory chuckled embarrassedly.
"Now as soon as the cops get here, Bailey and Cody are going to attack us, and the cops are going to arrest them, and then we get to go home with some major cash in our pockets," they winked at her.
"Well, not home."
Even Erica seemed a little dejected at that statement. She missed Whitechapel. She missed Sarah. It had been three years. Three years of wandering. The two had never really assimilated into the group, always kind of outsiders, never making any real friends.
Erica noticed several officers loitering, several with hands hovering their weapons.
"Hey guys I—"
Bailey and Cody quickly grabbed Rory and Erica, bearing their teeth. There was a look of fear in both of their eyes. What the fuck was going on?
"Help!" Erica screamed. The two began to let out cries.
"What are you doing?" Cody whispered. "How are you doing this?"
Erica looked at her and gave a small grin before continuing her yelling. The police officers, now aware of the situation raised their weapons, pointing toward the scene.
"Step away from them and put your hands in the air," an officer shouted.
Erica released her hold on Cody, panting slightly, two people under her control was pushing her limit. Cody quickly removed herself from Erica, taking several steps back, hands in the air.
"Ma'am, step away from the man."
Bailey opened her mouth and—bang! Bailey crumpled to the ground.
"Bailey!" Cody screamed. He fell to his knees, sobbing.
The police took the opportunity to run in, cuffing Cody before lifting her, dragging her across the pavement before they pushed her into the back of the car.
Zack stared, horrified at what had just happened. Cody and Bailey had attacked Erica and Rory. Why did they do that? Why did they do that? Why didn't Bailey let go when the police showed up? Why did she try to bite Rory? Bailey was dead. They shot her. He watched it happen. He didn't do anything. He just sat and watched. What the hell happened? It was a blur as the three of them were escorted to the station for witness statements. He had half a mind to think that there should've been an ambulance, but he didn't have the voice to ask why there wasn't. Where was Woody? He hadn't seen him since the yogurt shop. He noticed, not only the police as they entered the station. Is that the FBI? They sat him at a table in an interrogation room. He was given some water and snacks.
"Now son," an officer sat in front of him, "tell me what happened."
"My friends attacked those guys."
In the lobby, Erica and Rory were talking to another officer.
"Well done, you've done much to help with our little zombie problem. You two can go ahead and go home."
Erica gave Rory a high five and a grin. "Let's go home."
A bright purple light flashed just outside of Seabrook. Twilight Sparkle looked around at her friends and their new human forms. They had made it to Seabrook. "Come on everypony; there's a friendship crisis that needs solving!"
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partyexe · 1 year
HEYY I JUST WATCHED THE EPISODE THAT YOUR JAME THINGY IS FROM HEJDHD, its one of my favourites!! how about you whats your favourite episode(s) (im assuming you've watched them all? i havent if you haven't either so dont worry)
oh yes i have!!! im a bit rusty bc the last time i watched an ep was around this time last year but again the whole series is kind of ingrained into my head so
ok heres the list
1. classroom (s2e22)
i just love this one so much because it reminds me of an experience i’d have in elementary. the plot is that a test is supposed to take a place but there are technical difficulties that melanie and jim spend the whole episode fussing over, meanwhile there are a bunch of seperate plots going on inside the classroom between the kids and their little antics they’re going through despite being ordered to sit still until everything is sorted out, which of course they don’t do. in the end melanie is just like oh whatever lets just take the day off. and she joins in hanging out with the kids
2. belsons backpack (s2e36)
AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHDHDHHDEHRHDHDSJDJDDDUDIDKDKKDK. THIS ONE IS SOOOO. Ok SO what happens is belson and clarence accidentally switch bags and clarence finds this comic belsons been making out of pages of some sort of zoology book about dolphins, with the main protagonist named bodhi. of course clarence confronts belson about it and he’s like Omg i didnt know you liked comics!!! I love this so much you should make more!!! with his gay ass and belson of course denies any connection. but instead of it ending there, he keeps making them and secretly giving them to clarence. i dont remember exactly what happens to initiate the next events but it ends in clarence coming to belsons house and helping him through writers block and spoilers belson literally cries. over how sweet clarence is. head in hands
3. lil buddy (s1e41)
loooots of people don’t like this one at all but it’s so special to me. they dont like it because it’s “ugly and creepy” but like honestly? as an autistic it resonates with me so much with how i used to feel as a kid if something i liked / relied on was taken away from me. i used to have a ton of meltdowns and panic attacks over the smallest things so seeing clarence go through the same thing in this episode. AUGH just ive cried several times watching this ep its so touching and its so sweet at the end. Please Watch It !!!! im not even describing what actually happens throughout it bc i want anyone who hasn’t seen it to watch it as spoiler free as possible (you might remember seeing those memes about clarence shaving his head and wearing a black hoodie, this is what that’s from)
4. rise and shine (s1e12)
another one that i like just bc its so cozy. the whole premise is clarence wakes up early like at 4 or 5 am i think, and we see his whole little morning routine that involves trashing the house and then cleaning it up again all before mary and chad wake up. it does have a plot like with this mountain lion that made its way into his backyard but i dont care that much abt that part tbh. again it’s mostly the feeling of the episode
5. the entire stormy sleepover saga (s3e5-10)
not even gonna say anything about this one for two reasons. one is spoilers and two is because id be here until 11 am (it is 5 am) if i did so. just know it is the best thing to come out of the whole series Ever and it is the closest thing to clarence being serialised there is.
6. balance (s1e50)
speaking of serialised stuff in this show!!! this one comes directly after the episode “in dreams” where jeremy, a kid clarence meets in his dreams and does everything he can to make clarence stay asleep and play with him, makes his debut. ok i know based off that description jimmy sounds like some kinda villain but he’s sweet and just wants a friend ok. there is not a single Bad Guy in clarence and if you disagree you are wrong. but yeah the episode balance is where balance, who i kid you not looks like a clarence x belson fan kid, shows up first. basically throughout the episode he causes a bunch of problems for clarence and belson but appears as a goody two shoes to the rest of the school, at the end even hypnotising the staff momentarily, before he gets sprayed with a hose and gets thrown back into his little clown car with similar versions of jeff, sumo and belson in there with him. just a really bizarre episode that has some cool lore stuff
and finally number 7 is video store (s3e35)
this one is so good its crazy. it has no direction or planned plot, it is literally just the voice actors messing around in the studio acting as the main three in a video store, trying to find the perfect movie to watch that they can all agree on and have never seen, while making the store clerk’s life hell. it is definitely one of the funniest episodes i can tell you that confidently
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