#and she responded YES!!!
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cecenyss · 4 months ago
I make friends that can be happy when I’m not
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months ago
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MDZS x Brazil (1985)
(Yes. Real movie dialogue)
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sassypotatoe1 · 24 days ago
Vocal cats are the best what do you mean kitty can say hello like a human child? She says prrp to let you know where she is because she can't say psst, and the closest thing to psst in cat language is in fact a grievous insult. She goes "hmm?" when you call her. She almost says let's go when she calls you for food. If she could say t or g she would say let's go perfectly. She says I love you. I mean it's closer to maiyowoo but it's close enough for an animal that doesn't have human or bird vocal cords.
Vocal cats man they're so good and perfect and I love them!
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hellsite-detective · 1 year ago
Could you please tell the story of how you and Madame Curator got together? I love those kinds of stories!
ah! a wonderful story that i love telling!
see, me and Madame Curator met on tumblr! no surprise there. i was just going about my day when suddenly i started getting all of my queerplatonic yearning posts on my main blog spam liked. i looked to see who was doing it and noticed she was also reblogging a lot of them. i went to the blog she was reblogging them to and noticed her pinned post was all about wanting a qpr, and she specifically wanted the exact same things i wanted!
so, because i’m socially awkward and don’t know how to just message people, i opened my ask box on my main blog. and by some miracle she sent an ask in! specifically saying that she hopes im able to find a queerplatonic relationship one day. after that, i messaged her and was like “heeyyyy so you seem super cool!! we should talk moooore” and then we did talk more! and like… two weeks of constant messaging later, i messaged her and was like “hey so i kinda maybe possibly want to be in a qpr with you!” but in a super vague way. she said she wasn’t interested and we went about our conversations like normal
the next day! she messaged me being like “okay actually remember when you asked me out? well i think we should revisit that because i maayyybe realized i like you too.” then a couple days later we had a detailed discussion about what we would both want out of a queerplatonic relationship and setting boundaries and then we just ended up together!!
i’ve never believed in “soulmates” (i’m too aroace for that) but after everything that’s happened with her… i’ve started believing it. she’s just amazing and i’m so glad that i met her!
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thepurecinnamonroll · 4 months ago
(with urgency) Y'all I don't know how to explain it, but Alex is so "baby, can you call me back? I miss you... It's so lonely in my mansion" coded
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technikki · 18 days ago
you have to know there's like a whole niche of posts on this site that are mario rpg fans doing character analyses on like luigi or whoever thefuck and it gets rbed w a screenshot of someone going "thought this was about luigi super mario and got really confused" and the op having to be like yeah no i was indeed talking about luigi super mario. and the thing is the games really are just like that canonically. you could not begin to imagine the shit that happens to that funny green man
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smokestarrules · 2 years ago
Suletta saying love me. love me please. I’ll do anything. I’ll kill for you, I’ll listen to you, I love you. love me and let me stay. vs Miorine going hate me. hate me. I need you to hate me because I love you. I need you to run away, to stop loving me, to be safe. hate me and it will be worth it in the end. hate me and leave. (Suletta saying love me, please love me, please don’t leave me)
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magic-is-my-muse · 2 months ago
The vindication i felt when Michaela showed up 😂 i was clocking the vibe straight away and i said so to everyone i knew, my best mate, my mum and my sister. All of them were like
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Then this
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Happened and i LAUGHED MY ASS OFF!
Like why else would Fran be so SURE she could only have companionship?
Why ELSE would she be playing the funeral march in the first episode?
Or deflect her mothers every attempt to gain her enthusiasm?
Or not know what to say when asked what shes looking for in a suitor?
Or skidaddle when any man tried to flirt with her?
Like OK maybe one of those things individually could be excused but ALL of them??
Honestly, she chose a man who doesn't SPEAK?? BRO if you want someone whos not gonna figure you out you choose someone who doesn't ask questions. Like am i the only one who clocked it straight away?? Gurl pretty much bolted when the man said 8 children.
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Calling it now! Fran is after Benedict bc they will want to cement Eloise's spinster status before her season and bc this is too GOOD to wait two seasons for! I am HYPED for some WLW REGENCY GOODNESS PEOPLE
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lunarharp · 10 months ago
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Tomb of the heart🌹 & a toast for shirahama-sensei's birthday
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enixamyram · 3 months ago
Okay, this has been bothering me for a while because despite having so many people blocked and so many things muted, I'm still seeing a lot of anti complaints. So:
When, exactly, does Andrealphus "flirt" with Stella?
I keep seeing "criticism" that he's supposed to be gay but he keeps flirting with Stella, or that the shows pushing an incest joke with him and his sister or yadda yadda ya- Bullshit. Nothing that he does can legitimately be called flirting.
Andrealphus brings up Stella being attractive for one of two reasons. To insult her or to brag to others about his family being in some way better than others.
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Whenever he calls her attractive, it is in the same sentence of either implying or all out saying that her looks are all she has going for her. He constantly refers to her or even straight up calls her stupid to her face and I can't remember the last time saying someone was dumb was the same as flirting with them.
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Or he'll refer to her looks to others as another way of bragging about his family (note; he rarely refers to her by name and instead says "my sister", a manipulative tactic that constantly relates her positive points back to him somehow). Even this is insulting her though as, again, as far as he's concerned all she has is her looks and nothing else. That's why it's the only thing he talks about. In his mind, Stella is nothing but a pretty face and so when he talks about her, he needs to remind everyone about her one good quality as another ego boost for his relation to her.
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Is it still creepy the way he talks about her? A bit, sure. Is it as creepy as some people make out/undermine him as a gay man? Not even a little.
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the-puffinry · 2 months ago
POV: you are trying to read but your bird keeps looking up who Suetonius is
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 months ago
jsyk, i'm about to have 3 weeks off of work and i Will make it everybody's problem (be online a lot)
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ranchdip · 3 months ago
i always forget dnp are more famous than i think bc my sister (who hasn’t watched youtubers in like 8 years) just asked me if they’re together now
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cestacruz · 1 year ago
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Before i pass out from sleepy disease , have a page of my different AU's arturias (missing the whole of my monster AU but still
Arturia Pendragon my beloved
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chimchiri · 4 months ago
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something went up on Patreon 🍑
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