#and she gets pretty bitchy about it and it's great!
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lightningant · 1 day ago
I am 100% team Tomarry and don't really like Tomione, but if somehow Harry is not in the picture and you have to ship Tom with a Golden Trio member, it's gotta be the brightest witch of her age.
Harry's got the narrative mirror, Parseltongue, magic power and of course his cute look going for him when it comes to Tom.
Hermione cleans up rather well (why do you think jock extraordinaire Victor Krum wanted to date her) and is very intelligent and has 10 OWLs
Ron is very unremarkable. He is a an every man. Nothing special to look at, not very bright, no great power. Just a good guy.
A guy we see at pubs complaining about his bitchy boss, receding hair lines, problems with the missus.
Hard to imagine a guy like that with a very powerful, very pretty homme fatale like Tom.
Who are you people. Have you not ever been in a relationship
Hermione isn't "smart" - she has an absolutely prodigious memory. "Brightest witch of her age" means this is a precocious skill. This also has absolutely nothing to do with Tom's values. Tom is a creative maelstrom; pretty much all we hear about Voldemort magic-wise is how he keeps inventing crazy spells. The person who's closest to him, Snape, shares this trait (hence my fervent belief they had some doomed daddy issues mentorship situation). What do we know about Hermione? That she HAAAAATES magical creativity. That she's terrible at applying her knowledge - the evil coin she made is an expression of an advance in her understanding of the subject (she's learning and evolving!), but also a straightforward use. She brings her school textbooks with her to self-soothe.
Personality-wise, you could not find a worse pair. Hermione has a strong justice drive (not moral fibre, I mean that insane substrate of stubbornness where you embody a holy war on your beliefs even if you're objectively and obviously wrong) and detests creativity, so Tom's villainy is irrelevant; she's going to be annoyed and horrified by his genius and have strong opinions on it. She is going to complain constantly. She is going to backseat drive his innovations.
Do you think Tom would enjoy a posh muggleborn who obviously comes from money going "UM, ACTUALLY" over his shoulder? Do you think he will enjoy her starting squabbles to vent her own frustrations? Do you think he would appreciate her aimless moral crisis of "oh, look at how everyone treats that elf - shouldn't we do something?" Where she doesn't even bother to listen to the elves on their abuse. If she heard about Tom's background, she is likely to find him pitiful! Do you think he'd appreciate a little rich girl who goes home to her muggles expressing simpering pity? Who buys into his self-mythology and thus believes his mask? Who has to personally bear the burden of him accruing social capital by expressing his desire to hatecrime her. Who's true feelings would probably be to cut her off from her muggle family entirely.
Why do people date to you? To stand next to each other attractively? This isn't even a dangerous toxic couple because Hermione's only power in this relationship is being a nag. I want to attend a women's march just thinking about it.
I would say "go Snamione like a normal person at least their incompatibility is grounds for an opposites attract relationship" but you people think he is ugly and try to squeeze thrill like blood from a rock with teacher/student regardless, which makes them less compelling and again puts Hermione in a position of a demeaned and devalued woman...what must be done to save this woman?
Speaking of opposites attract, is it not obvious a homme fatale like Tom might worry at normality like a loose tooth?
First, Ron's not a balding pubcrawler. He is a househusband. His primarily occupation at all times is being somebody's favourite. He spent so long with Lavender despite being in love with Hermione for a reason. He gets mad at Harry for "putting his name in the Goblet" because this is a conspiracy he could have roped Ron in on, and to not rope him in on it implies he is devalued in comparison to fame and popularity, which separated him from his brothers.
Speaking of brothers, Ron has spent his entire life with the brightest wizards of not just their age but their era; the only wizards we hear as prodigious as Bill, successful as Charlie, as academic as Percy, or as creative as Fred&George are famous, James & Sirius, or Tom Riddle. Tom's genius and good looks are very familiar territory to Ron, and this time he's not even a competitor for his mum's love. Being an accomplished homme fatale is going to hit different on someone like Ron, who is only impressed by quidditch. (This is why Ronarry is real btw)
And as a couple: Ron is also a big picture thinker and strategist. One of his unusual skills is in wizard chess, but he applies that way of thinking to relationships. He's the Heart. Ron tends to scale down the obsessive tendencies of both Harry and Hermione, and even acts as a pillow for Hermione to punch with her petty complaints as it helps her decompress her obsessive focus - Harry finds Hermione exhausting without Ron there.
What would Tom see in a man who doesn't see his godhood as natural yet intuitively understands how impressive he is? Who knows what it means to budget and go without? Who has a big family which, in an AU circumstance, could absorb Tom, appreciate him, find him like-minded? (The screaming row when Tom first starts stealing his whole family would be legendary. Regardless.) Who could pull Tom away from his tendency to obsess over things, who could look at Tom's narrow-minded plotting with a broader viewpoint, and most importantly, who could see every layer of who he truly is and find it worthwhile - something Tom spent his entire lifetime chasing - and ask only that Tom treasured him above all else? Who is simple, loyal, and easily pleased enough that he is someone who can be trusted, accommodated, and included on misadventures without any friction whatsoever? Who gives him a little kissy after a bad day and gets mad and doubles down when questioned on his values?
He has seen his heart and it is his! And honestly? Likewise with Ron!
Tom's next ship down from Harry is Bella and the next ship sideways is Ron and you can show me all the dark academia Pinterest boards you want, you are never going to convince me otherwise.
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yoonguurt · 27 days ago
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Pairing: non idol Jihoon x F!reader
Genre: fluff, angst if you squint, smut
Trope: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers
Word Count: 5,088 
Trigger Warnings: none
Summary: Jihoon always joins in when his group of friends makes fun of Mingyu for being a simp for his girlfriend. It isn’t that he thinks that a man shouldn’t go above and beyond for their significant other, it’s just that he hasn’t had a girlfriend that makes him want to go that far. Maybe one day, though.
A/N: This is for @ddeonghwa-s secret cupid event! Surpise @strawberry-skiess I'm your cupid! This honestly was hard to start, but once I started I just couldn't stop. I hope you enjoy it! Happy Valentine's Day (even though I'm a day late) Thanks to @kwanisms for this lovely little banner. I love it so much. This is for adults only, no minors allowed! I will fight you.
Read all of the other wonderful entries here
Smut Warnings: slight nipple play, dom!Jihoon, sub!reader, fingering, oral (f receiving) unprotected sex (do not), maybe two thigh slaps
“Well, if it isn’t the simp of the century.” Jeonghan’s voice floats through Jihoon’s ears and he looks to the door as Mingyu walks in. Over the last couple of months, calling their group giant a simp has become something of a ritual. They don’t mean it, they honestly think it’s adorable how whipped Mingyu is. And he certainly isn’t ashamed of it. He wears the title like a badge of honor. “Still single and bitchy, I see.” Mingyu’s retort is almost immediate, a cheshire grin adorning his face as he watches the rest of the group burst into laughter and Jeonghan’s face turn into a mix between a smirk and a scowl. 
Jihoon retreats into his thoughts while his friends chatter amongst themselves. He does think it’s sweet how much Mingyu loves his girlfriend, he just isn’t sure that he understands. Sure, he’s had a few relationships of his own, and while he cared about them, even loved one or two, he has never known the amount of love Mingyu seems to wield. His friend found his self described love of his life around 4 months ago and he’s been head over heels the entire time. Jihoon has watched Mingyu rush to get to his phone when he gets a text, with a special ringtone for his girlfriend, and smile like an idiot at whatever it is she has said.
He’s lived through Mingyu leaving nights at the bar solely because his girl wanted to cuddle. When her birthday came around, the two men spent hours going through unlimited stores while Mingyu tried to find the perfect present. Every time Jihoon suggested something, Mingyu had a retort on why it wasn’t good enough. The new cd by her favorite band? “I don’t have enough time to get it signed.” The pretty pink purse that screamed something his girlfriend would like? “I already got her that one.” Eventually, the tall man had settled on a necklace that Jihoon was certain cost more than a used car. Mingyu had the money to throw around, he guessed. 
Part of Jihoon wants to know what it’s like to feel like that. Another part thinks that it seems like a burden. He can’t decide where he stands on the topic. Sure, he wants that great love that novels describe, wants to give his heart to someone and know that they’ll always be there. But at the same time, he isn’t sure he’ll find someone that can deal with his finicky moods. There are times when he wants someone to cuddle, only to immediately change his mind. He knows that can be annoying, and he is working on it. One of his other issues is time. He takes his job seriously. 
Working as a producer, he is a busy man. He doesn’t know if there’s a person out there that will understand that sometimes, he loses himself in his work. His phone drifts to the back of his mind, dates forgotten without him meaning to. It’s the main reason his relationships have failed. He genuinely doesn’t mean to, and it’s another thing he has been working on. He’s been getting better at responding to his friends in a timely manner, he’s even taken to setting alarms on his phones so he doesn’t miss the planned hangouts. Sure, he still falls into the music and forgets the world around him, but he’s getting better.
There has always been an exception, though. You. His best friend. The two of you have known each other for years, having met in freshman year of college. Your sunny disposition sometimes clashed with the grumpy facade he puts on, but it’s always worked. A couple of his exes thought there was something going on between the two of you, but that’s never been the case. He just clicks with you. You understand him. You’re a busy woman, too. The journalism world stops for no one. 
“Isn’t that right, Jihoon?” He snaps head up toward the voice. Soonyoung looks at him expectantly, obviously waiting for him to agree with him. “Sorry, what?” The huff of air that comes from Soonyoung’s mouth lets him know how annoyed his friend is. “I said that it’s cute that Mingyu loves his girl so much, isn’t that right?” Honestly, he doesn’t know how to answer this. “Sure, it’s cute, but it seems exhausting.” The sound of a scoff comes from behind him and he turns to the sound. He hadn’t realized that you were here. He suddenly feels like he said something wrong, like when a teacher calls on you to answer in class and you fumble and answer wrong. It’s embarrassing for some reason. “So what I’m hearing is that you would find caring for your partner that much to be an inconvenience?” Everyone’s eyes flit between you and Jihoon, waiting for a debate to start. The two of you have always been like that. You’re able to have a small, argumentative conversation and then go back to joking like it never happened. 
Jihoon sighs deeply, knowing where this is going. “That’s not what I said.” His tone lets you know just how annoyed at having a conversation like this again. “I’m just saying that Mingyu’s level of simpdom sounds like a bit much. I’m happy he has someone that he loves so much, but being at her beck and call constantly sounds tiring.” Mingyu responds before you can even open your mouth. “That isn’t how it is.” His tone isn’t defensive in any way. He just sounds like he’s explaining something to a child. “She doesn’t ask me to do any of that. She actually encourages me to have fun with you guys. I just feel so happy that I have her and I want to make sure she knows that.” 
Jihoon stays silent for a moment, thinking over Mingyu’s words. He thinks to himself, wandering again if he’s ever had something like that. He thinks the closest thing he’s had is you. He’s dropped more things that he can count to be at your side when you need him. He’s even dipped on girlfriends because you were upset. Once, he canceled on his most recent ex just because you secured a front page spot for the local paper. He needed to be the one to celebrate your accomplishment with you, needed to be the first one to congratulate you. He didn’t want to think too deeply about what that meant. Sure, he had had a massive crush on you in college, he thought he might have been in love with you, but that had disappeared a long time ago. 
When you showed no sign of reciprocating his feelings, he decided to let it go, letting you go, at least in the romantic sense. 
Of course, there were still times where he’d look at you and think about how beautiful you were, especially when you’d just woken up and the light was hitting you in a specific way. But, that was just him appreciating your beauty as a best friend. He was sure of it. Realizing he had been quiet for too long, he glanced at Mingyu, nodding his head. “I guess I could see how someone could feel that way.” He chose to ignore the way Soonyoung cut his eyes toward him, knowing what he was thinking. Soonyoung had been the only person who had known about his college crush. He always insisted that you had felt the same, and that Jihoon still held a candle for you. 
“You’ll find it one day, Hoon. Don’t close yourself off to it.” Your voice is strained, though you try to hide it. You’ve always admired Jihoon, even if he was a bit closed off. He’d never really let himself go in a relationship. It was like he never felt comfortable. But you knew him at his core, knew how sweet and thoughtful he was. He had always been there for you when you needed him, which was probably why your love for him had never died. You’d tried to find someone else, dated people, even loved one or two, but not like you loved Jihoon. No one could compare. You’ve seen every side of him and there isn’t a single one of them that you don’t adore. He’s also been growing his hair and God does he look better than you’ve ever seen him. You can tell his confidence has grown a little and that is even more attractive. You know you’re well and truly fucked, but you aren’t sure you want to change that.
The night winds down and everyone gathers their things to leave. Soonyoung takes the time to pull Jihoon aside, making the younger boy look at his friend in confusion. “Look, I know you’re going to deny it like you always do, but watching you two pine after each other is getting hard to do.” Jihoon opens his mouth, only to be silenced by Soonyoung’s hand lifting in the air. “Have you ever stopped to think that there’s a reason that relationships never worked out for either of you? If you haven’t, then think about it, ok?” Soonyoung clapped his friend on the shoulder before he moved to hug you and tell you goodbye. 
“I’ll help clean up.” Jihoon’s words cut into your thoughts, distracting you from what it is you were thinking. You turned to face him, a teasing smirk gracing your features. “Take a look around. There’s nothing to clean up. Go home and actually get some sleep tonight. I know you have to be at the studio early tomorrow, just like I know you haven’t been sleeping. Just listen to me and go sleep.” He was baffled at how you knew that, but then again it was a talent you seemed to have. Knowing everything without him having to tell you. But then again, he guessed he had the same talent. It was like a sixth sense. Some real ‘There’s a disturbance’ shit. He simply nodded at you, saying goodnight and leaving without even stopping to think that you barely had to have any force behind your turn to get him to do exactly what you wanted.
The thinking came when he walked through his door. A lot of it. Soonyoung’s words began to float through his mind. Did they have any weight to them at all? Sure, relationships had really never worked out for the two of you, but that didn’t mean anything. Relationships come and go, that’s what they do. Occasionally, people get lucky and they find who they’re supposed to be with. Sometimes, they don’t. That was just life, it didn’t mean that the two of you were the reason the other’s relationships failed. The more he thought about it, though, the more merit Soonyoung’s words seemed to hold. Any time you needed him, he came running, and the same applied to you. You’ve both left dates and anniversaries because the other needed something. He’s had to assure quite a few exs that there was nothing romantic between the two of you and if he had to guess, he’d say you’ve done the same. Everything hits him at all once and he feels the need to sit down to process. 
You’re going through your own mental roller coaster. You know that Jihoon could find his person if he would just let someone in. It doesn’t have to be you, though you desperately want it to be, you just want him to find someone that will make him happy, someone that will bring out the loving side you know that he has. You sigh deeply as you lock up your apartment, making your way to your bed to get some much needed sleep.
You don’t hear from Jihoon for a few days, but that isn’t totally unusual. Sometimes he gets so lost in the music and you just wait until he’s back in the land of the living. But as a whole week passes, you start to worry. He’s never gone more than 3 days without speaking to you. You try to play through the events of the last time you saw him, thinking about if you had done something out of the norm. The only thing you think of is the conversation everyone had about Mingyu. He must have been offended that he was ganged up on, but then again that didn’t make sense. It wasn’t the first time everyone had had this conversation and he has never reacted like this before. It takes a split second for you to make up your mind and grab your purse and walk out the door.
Jihoon sits at his computer, staring past it like it’s not even there. He can’t focus, hasn’t been able to focus for a week. His thoughts always float back to you and how he feels. Now that he has realized he does in fact have feelings for you still, he can’t seem to bring himself to face you. What if he acts different? What if you realize? He can’t risk it. There are too many years of friendship on the line. Sure, not answering your texts is the coward’s way out, but he doesn’t know what else to do. As he had sat on his couch a week ago, the realization that he was in love with you hit him in the face. Damn Soonyoung. He would have been totally fine if he had kept being ignorant. Now though, he knows that he’d do anything for you. He knows that he already does do anything for you. 
The beeping on the keypad to his studio brings his attention back to reality. There are select few who know the code to his studio and he looks at the door with held breath, hoping it isn’t who he knows it is. You swing the door open, displeasure written all over your face. “What the fuck, Lee Jihoon?” He grimaces, hating that you’ve pulled his full name out of your pocket. If he didn’t before, he knows now that he is in deep trouble. He sits in his chair, slouching like a scolded child as you glare at him. “No text in a week. No reply in a week. Nothing to let me know that you’re even alive. Who the hell do you think you are?” Jihoon almost wants to laugh, thinking you’re adorable even when you’re angry, but he doesn’t dare. He knows that will only make things worse for him. 
Jihoon is hit with a sudden urge to touch you and he can’t hold back. He quickly stands and moves towards you slowly, watching as your demeanor changes. You go from angry to confused as you watch his steps. He stops in front of you, wrapping his arms around you. “I’m sorry.” The words are whispered, but you can still hear them. All of the anger leaves you, almost. You hit his shoulder lightly, making him giggle slightly. “You damn well should be. Had my ass worried sick, asshole.” There’s a playfulness in your tone, one that you can’t help but let out. Your confusion grows as you realize that Jihoon hasn’t stopped hugging you. That is definitely different. Jihoon hates physical touch, he always has. In the entirety of your friendship, he’s only hugged you a handful of times and everyone has been quick, lasting only a few seconds.
“What happened to you in the past week for you to be so affectionate? You hate physical affection.” Your words come out teasing, trying to mask your genuine curiosity as a joke. He doesn’t answer for a moment, seeming content to just continue holding you. When he finally does speak, you choke on air, starting a small coughing fit. “Yeah, but I love you.” There’s no teasing tone. No joking. You can hear the sincerity in his voice. You have no words. No thoughts, head empty. 
Jihoon pulls back just enough to look at you and you can see the hesitation and worry in his eyes. You need to say something, you want to say something, but nothing is coming out. Your mouth is opening and closing like a fish gasping for air and you’re sure you look ridiculous. When you finally find words, they aren’t what you planned to say. “Are you sure about that?” Jihoon can’t contain his laugh and the sound hits you in your gut. It makes every fiber of your being tingle. Hearing him laugh brings you back to reality and you give him a playful shove, smiling and letting out a huff of laughter of your own. “Shut up.” There’s no real bite to your words and you know that he knows that. “I tell you that I love you and your response is to ask me if I’m sure?” He’s teasing you and loving it and you pout. “Hey! It’s a perfectly valid question!” Looking at him your heart surges with affection. 
“As funny as that was, I’m kind of panicking over here. A response would be nice, even if it’s a rejection.” Jihoon chews his lip as the nerves show on his face. You can’t help but smile at him and reach up and lace your fingers in the hair at the back of his neck. “Have I told you how much I love your hair like this?” Your statement throws him off guard and he looks at you with furrowed brows. “Wha-” You cut him off with a finger to his lips. “Almost as much as I love you.” The smile that comes across his face could light up a room with no lights. He leans down and presses his forehead against yours. “Are you sure?” He giggles against your lips as you give him a pout and a shove. His reaction is to pull you closer to him, pressing you as close to his body as possible. 
His eyes flit down to your lips before trailing back to your eyes, in silent question. You give him a slight nod, knowing that he’ll get the message. You watch as his lips slowly move towards yours, as if he’s teasing you by making you wait. You let out a whine of impatience and he giggles. He can’t help but give you what you want. When he finally presses his mouth to yours, it’s like the world explodes in a rainbow of colors you didn’t even know existed. You feel as if your entire purpose makes sense now that you have tasted his lips. It doesn’t take long before the sweet pecks turn into desperate, open mouthed kisses. His tongue dances with yours, fighting for dominance, which he quickly wins. The way he takes control of the kiss goes straight to your core. You’d thought about this and sure, you thought he’d be more of a dominant lover, but the reality is greater than what you could imagine. And this is only kissing. You can only imagine what it’s going to be like when he’s actually fucking you. The thought alone has your thighs clenching.
Of course, Jihoon notices even though you’re trying to be subtle about it. He pulls back with a smirk. “Oh? Is someone getting needy?” The way his voice drops in octave only causes you to clench tighter and let out a small whimper. Jihoon’s lips make their way to your neck, leaving small nibbles and kisses in their wake. “Aww. My poor baby. Already getting desperate, huh?” All you can do is nod against him as your hands grab at his shirt. He lets out a deep chuckle against the skin of your neck and the vibrations make you shiver. His hand slowly makes its way from your neck down the front of your chest, stopping just above your breast. He lifts his head to look you in the eyes, silent asking for consent. Instead of giving him a verbal answer, you take his hand, completely bypassing your clothed breast and placing it at the hem of your shirt. He takes the hint, leaning back just enough to lift your shirt from your body.
The chilly air in the studio causes your nipples to harden immediately and Jihoon’s eyes fall to your chest and darken with lust. His hands instantly find your bra covered breasts, pulling the cups down just enough to him to see your peaked buds. Taking one in between his thumb and index fingers, he pinches lightly, just enough to see your reaction. When you arch into him, he smirks, knowing he’s found something you like. “Hoon, please.” Your voice is light and airy, the need evident. “Please what, sweetheart? What do you need? You’ve gotta use your words, pretty.” The way you buck your hips and whine tells him all he needs to know. 
He moves his fingers to the button of your pants, making a show of slowly loosening the button. His teasing is both driving you crazy and making you more horny than you have ever been. Your hips are bucking into nothing, desperate for some sort of stimulation. When he finally gets the button undone, he sinks to his knees, pulling your pants down as he lowers himself. “Hands above your head, baby. No moving unless I say.” The softness of his tone does nothing to hide the dominance and it makes you weak. You nod and move your hands above your head against the wall. Jihoon flashes you a smile that makes your heart flutter. “What a good girl I have. You listen so well, my love.” 
When he taps your leg to signal for you to lift your legs to step out of the pants. You obey slowly, trying to tease him a little bit. A quick slap to your thigh makes you gasp, a moan slipping from your lips. “Behave. I’m trying to make our first time sweet. Don’t test me, angel.” His patience wavers slightly when he can’t wait to remove your panties, simply using his strength to rip them so that they fall off of you. It’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. “Holy shit, Jihoon.” He smirks like he knows how much his strength affects you, because he does. He doesn’t say anything, simply lifts your right leg and places it over his shoulder. Your breath hitches as you look down at him, making eye contact as he makes a show of sticking his tongue out, flicking it over your clit. The sudden contact makes you jerk forward and your eyes fall closed. Even though the action was nowhere near enough, it made you even more wet. You’re practically dripping at this point and once glance at the man below you lets you know that he enjoys the effect he has on you. 
He spends what feels like forever just slowly giving your clit kitten licks, driving you insane just as slowly. Without warning, his actions speed up. He grips your hips and harshly pulls them forward, shoving his face as far into your pussy as he can get it. The moan you emit is bordering on pornagraphic. Your fingers twitch, wanting so badly to grip him by the hair and ride his face. As if he can sense your thoughts, he pulls back, making you whine. “Don’t even try it. Move those hands and you won’t cum at all.” The slight growl in his voice does things to your insides. “Yes, sir.” Your voice is low and desperate and Jihoon groans, approving of your choice of title. 
He dives back into your cunt, quickly sliding his middle finger inside of you, his ring following a few seconds later. He curls his fingers, searching for the spot that he knows will make you come undone. It doesn’t take him long to find it, pressing the tips of his fingers against it and rubbing. You can’t control the sounds that come from your throat and you’re beyond glad the studio is soundproof. You can feel yourself getting closer to your peak and you do your best to communicate that. “Ji, please. So close.” Your hips are moving without your control, chasing your end on instinct. Jihoon leans back long enough to give you permission to come. “That’s it baby. Let it go. Let me taste you. Give it to me.” His words throw you over the precipice, launching your mind into a different plane, one that is filled with nothing but pleasure and the sound of his voice. Jihoon works you through your orgasm, slowing down gradually to draw it out as long as possible. 
“Breathe, love. In and out.” You don’t even realize how hard you’re panting, but you listen to him regardless. Your eyes are closed and your legs feel like jelly and you’re aware that you’re only standing because he’s holding you up. You aren’t sure when he stood, brushing his fingers across your face and through your hair. When you finally return to reality, he’s looking at you with concern. “Are you ok?” His voice is shaky with hints of worry and his eyes flicker all over your face like he’s looking for some sign of distress. It takes you a moment to respond and when you do, you can only say the first thing that pops into your mind. “Are you fucking kidding me? That was insane and amazing and I need your cock in me right now or I’ll die.” The laugh Jihoon lets out is loud and unrestrained and it makes you smile. 
He places a quick kiss to your lips, letting you taste yourself briefly on his lips. His hands take hold of yours and he slowly moves you toward the couch that sits against the wall behind his computer chair. With another kiss, he steps back, his hands moving to the hem of his shirt. “Lay down on your back, baby.” You don’t even think before doing as he says, keeping your eyes on his as he lifts his shirt over his head. It isn’t the first time you’ve seen Jihoon shirtless, but the fact that you know what’s about to happen makes it all the more erotic. He drops the shirt on the floor, not caring where it lands, moving his hands to the basketball shorts he’s wearing. Your breath hitches in anticipation, and you refuse to even blink as he eases his shorts and boxers down together. When his length comes into view, your mouth goes dry. He’s the perfect amount of length and girth, not too long or short and you just know the stretch will be heavenly. He watches you look at him for a moment before he steps out of his clothes completely and makes his way to the couch where your body lies limp and needy.
His eyes wander your body, simply taking you in, clearly liking the way you’re spread out for him. “You are so fucking beautiful, do you know that?” The way he’s looking at you makes your insides turn to mush and you reach for him, making grabby hands at him. He gives you a soft smile, kneeling in between your legs and linking his fingers with yours. After giving each hand a kiss, he lifts them to fit around his neck, leaning down to give a slow kiss, full of nothing but love. Giving you one last questioning look, he waits for you to smile and nod before he reaches down to align his length with your entrance. When he pushes forward, it feels like the world expands and closes in at the same time. You’re hyper aware of everything while also only focusing on the feel of him. It’s like you’ve finally found a piece of yourself that you didn’t even know you were missing. 
The first thrust steals every bit of oxygen you have, replacing it with love and just Jihoon. The sound he makes causes a groan to erupt from your throat. He sounds wrecked already and you love that you’re the one that is making him that way. His face buries itself in your neck, lips littering kisses along the exposed skin. “Fuck, you feel so good.” You can tell that he’s holding himself back. You lift your head just enough for your lips to be close to his ear, giving it a soft bite. “Jihoon, you can be soft later. Right now, I need you to fuck me.” It seems like that’s all he needed to hear. He pulls his hips back until his cock is almost completely out of you before he slams back in. Hard. The movement jolts your whole body, shoving your head against the arm of the couch. Without missing a beat, Jihoon brings his hand down to place it between your head and the couch, his thrusts still hard and fast. 
With the combination of his speed, depth and roughness, you’re embarrassingly close to coming for the second time. You dig the nails of one hand into the skin of his back, the other making its way to his hair, pulling just enough for him to feel it. The groan he lets out lets you know that he very much enjoys that. Your moans are loud and mixing with the filthy babbles that are coming from him. Praise of how good you feel, how badly he’s wanted this, how you’re his now. Your orgasm hits you full force without you even realizing just how close you were. The squeezing of your pussy around his cock and the look on your face has Jihoon following you immediately, filling your cunt with every bit of cum he has. You look up at him, and his breath hitches. You’re so, so beautiful and so, so his. Looking at you like this, he knows that he would do anything for you. Anything just to see you happy and smiling. He would eat glass if that would cause you joy, even though he knows it wouldn’t. A sudden realization hits him and he lowers his head.
“Shit, I’m a simp, too.”
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helluvapoison · 1 year ago
Saw your preening hcs!!! They're so cute, I love the way you write!!!
How about the same characters helping a reader preen their wings? That would be so awesome :3333
Lend A Helping Hand
Lucifer, Adam, Lute, Vaggie and Husk help reader with preening
warnings: possible innacurate bird knowledge, heaven headcanons (also probably innacurate) illusions to sexual behavior but it’s not
˚✧₊⁎ Lucifer ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Seeing you uncomfortable physically hurts him, he has a knee jerk reaction to clutch his heart
• Lucifer’s preemptive when it comes to you, checking your wings around the same time he feels his wings molt
• Dramatically smacks a hand to his forehead, “I can’t believe I didn’t notice! Shit! Oh, duckie, I’m so sorry.”
• Praises you the whole way through, like you’re undergoing a dangerous surgery while wide awake
• Obscenely gentle when handling your wings
• You’ll receive only the utmost care from him!
• That being said, he gets distracted towards the end. Petting your feathers, admiring their color
• “You’re so prett—pretty feathers! You have pretty feathers! Aha.” Lucifer’s nervous chuckle fades as he focuses once more
• He’s more than thorough, quadruple checking his work and asking if you feel better yet
• (Tell him he did a good— no, a great job)
• “A thousand times better, thank you,”
• “Just a thousand?” Lucifer grins cheekily
• “Alright, alright, a million. And here I was worried you’d get a big head over it.”
˚✧₊⁎ Adam ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• “Sucks, amiright?” His voice lacks any sympathy.
You’re sure if you looked, he’d be wearing that punchable smirk
“Go. Away.”
“Yikes, tense much?”
Normally you had more patience than this. Today you were in no mood, whipping around and shooting him a deadly glare
• Surrendering his hands, Adam turns and leaves, swearing that would be the end of it until your bitchiness subsided
• It’s not like it bothers him to see your nose scrunch in pain or dragging your hands down your face in irritation
• He blames you for turning him into a liar
• “If you make it weird—!”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll hit me or something. Try being original next time. Now shut up so I can help you. Fuck, you’re just as bad as Lute.”
• Adam is eerily silent. In the mirror you can see his tongue poking out in concentration
• He’s uncharacteristically soft when handling your feathers
• “There,” He dusts his hands together, “Now you can’t say Adam never did nothin’ for you.”
• Fucking flabbergasted when you thank him. Outloud. Oh, you’re never living this down
˚✧₊⁎ Lute ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Treats the matter like an inconvenience, a chore that just has to be done
• “If I don’t help you, we’ll never get back on schedule,” Lute’s tone leaves no room for arguments
• Her hands shoving into your shoulders and forcing you to sit before her
• Despite this, her touch alone is mercy on your wings
• You didn’t know she knew the meaning of the word gentle until now
• Lute is diligent in all she does
• For the briefest, most minuscule of moments she thinks she has a grasp on sin. As innocent as it is, she’s not supposed to be helping you
• She won’t let you ruin her reputation
• She doesn’t dare let her fingertips linger on your feathers (no matter how loudly they sing to her)
• Lute acts as if you’ve burned her when she’s done
• “Thank—“ She’s already storming away, cheeks glowing red. From anger, embarrassment or other, you’ll not find out today, “—you.”
˚✧₊⁎ Vaggie ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Honestly, she wasn’t going to offer at first
• Vaggie would prefer to forget about her time in Heaven altogether and helping you with your wings proves triggering, though not so terrible she can’t
• Not when the need to help outweighs her guilt
• You look so damn pitiful!
• “Here, hold still,” Vaggie sighs softly as she approaches
• She waits for you to go relax and accept the offer hanging in the air before touching your wings
• Vaggie’s touch is sweet and hesitant, almost treating your feathers like you’re made of porcelain
• “You ok?” She asks as she twists her fingers around the hardened shell, breaking the pin feather
• You smile at her over your shoulder, “Yeah. You’re much better at this than me.”
• Vaggie breathes out a light laugh, “I’ve had more practice. It’s… easier with someone else too, I guess.”
• Significantly less nervous when she’s done
•Next time, she’ll definitely offer her assistance sooner
˚✧₊⁎ Husk ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• He startles you, making you jump when you thought you were alone
• Husk, although he’ll deny it to his double death, made it his job to pay attention to people he cares about
• Watching you walk around uncomfortable, teetering the edge of all too familiar pain was hard to ignore
• “I know those things can be a real bitch.” He points with the bottle he’s holding
• “Are you trying to be sympathetic or stating a fact?”
• “I’ve been around the block a few times,” Husk shrugs, “And I might be offering my services if you need ‘em. Not just good for listening.”
• He almost regrets it when you immediately accept. He looks at his claws, tainted by alcohol and who knows what else, then your wings
• Washes his hands before. Which strikes you as odd because you’ve seen him use a dirty rag to clean glasses at the bar
• He might be qualified but surely you have someone more deserving willing to help you? Someome nicer, someone cleaner, someone better than him?
• Husk isn’t complaining! It’s just his inner thoughts making his hands tremble
• “I owe you a drink for this,” You say sweetly
• Husk hums out a laugh, “Nah. It’s my pleasure,”
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ thank you so mochi, friend! i’m glad you liked them, you read my mind too and gave me an excuse to write these hehe
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melled42 · 4 months ago
Idk if this is a huge request or not, but could you explain more about Bell? (The shitten in your au)
I would be thankful, take care.
Yeah, ive done like... 3 pieces of her max but she gets SO many asks lol. the story isn't really ready for her yet, and i'd like to finish what im working on before i do more with her, but i'll give the basic rundown.
she LITTERALY started as a joke baby post but she got so much interaction i said i'd expand on her design and now she seems to just have a following of simps (oops, like lamb like daughter)
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most of the old ideas for ewen and nari with her are out of date now on the art, but heres a bunch of plot and some unposted sketches under cut
Nari and Ewen are married and leading the cult still. all the siblings have kids, grandkids and even great grandkids (excluding shamura). Its only after they decide having a child is someone for them to love and raise, not someone who they're forcing the cycle of trauma on that they have Bell. And they adore her. While growing up, one by one, the former bishops, all her aunts, uncles, and shamura decided it was time to peacefully end their long lives. So she sees death as a good thing, the satisfying end to a long life story. So when Ewen and Narinder are ready to die together, even though they say she doesn't have to, she takes on the crown and ends if for them with a last "i love you" between them. She runs the cult now which is more themed around their shared neck wound "rings" and their relationship than just the lamb. She's called "the black sheep" by her followers (or queen if they're kinky, princess when shes younger). she wields the crown as a pair of horns and a sythe, sine the cult of the black rings also referenced Ewen's large black horns and she keeps up the theme.
Baal and Aym are her "brothers" (more of her body guards and technically her cousins but she refuses to call them anything else) and her body guards, staying after their master's death. They've known her since she was a baby and still treat her as one sometimes. She's VERY protective over them, but also will bully them sometimes, like kicking their asses when training and saying they're just going easy on her like when she was a kid, knowing full well she's overpowered by the crown.
Because shes such an oddity, the mystic seller assigned one of their followers to keep an eye on her and, much like her "ba ba" she found the overpowered demigod shes now obsessed with. With some help from Ewen before they passed, they were able to translate their glyphs. Now that helper follows her around disguised as a poor imitation of a regular mortal to better understand her and the mortal realm. Or at least thats what she convinced them to do since she wants them around <3 probably not to their masters liking lol. I haven't decided on a name yet. Bell eventually give them the purple crown (they/it)
Before they left, Narinder was trying to reawaken the crowns, whether for the memory of his siblings, or that the cult was growing too large to be centered on the red crown. They're not very powerful right now and Bell is the leader of the others, more like a babysitter.
The blue crown is with Kalliope (kalli for short) (she/her), a distant relative of Kallamar's who had to fight, both physically and socially, with all her other of age relatives to get the chance, since Kallamar's polycule made a LOT of kids and grand kids. She's kind of bitchy about it and whines about everyone not respecting her or how hard she worked. shes a flamboyant cuttlefish and trans femme. also the crown is worn like an earring. Bell has little tolerance for her and they have a lot of bitchy girl fights.
The green crown is with isop (a kinda combo of isopod and aesop) (he/him) who is a rubber ducky isopod. he's Leshy's great great grandkid, and really only god the crown because no one else on the peaceful forest farm leshy put together in his later years really wanted it and figured it meant free babysitting. he's pretty young and small with a fascination for chaos and violence that only little kids without developed social perception can have, though he more watches at this point. The others tend to carry him or he rolls around in a little ball. The crown is worn like glasses.
The orange crown is with Mycelia (lia for short) (they/them plural) who is a homunculus mushroomo made through experimentation by Heket and Sozo before they died. they're the only one who is actually older than Bell. They're undying because they're a hive mind of all the mushroomo, who have been progressively growing. They can see everything the others see, can spout new bodies when needed and even feed on their own dead bodies. Bell sometimes just kills them when they're frustrated with them or other things. They'd be a threat but they're very monotone and emotionless about pretty much everything and don't care. They've worked with the red crown just because death is a natural boon to fungus and keeps them alive. The orange crown is worn as a necklace.
Heres some sketches since I haven't been able to get the designs to my liking but people keep asking so :T
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Rereading The Lightning Thief as an adult was such an odd and gratifying experience. I just finished the book in one day yesterday, and here are the things I made note of to myself:
-Wayyy less of the book than I remember is the quest. So much time is spent building up Percy's character, and his life and backstory.
-Percy is such a little asshole, it's hilarious. He is SO RUDE to everyone, it's my favorite. I want to live with how much more of a dick he is than I remembered. I remember golden boy teen Percy who's good at everything and is effortlessly cool in the perceptions of others in the later books best. Like, we obviously know him better, but I kinda forgot about his snotty little asshole sixth grader origins.
-As someone that works in the school system, he's so accurate to me it hurts. It's so relatable, his one teacher believing in him, him getting frustrated when the material doesn't come to him like it does the other kids. I don't have ADHD and I could just feel all those feelings. It's great.
-Every time Percy thinks about the "betrayal of a friend" line in his prophecy, I swear Luke is mentioned in the next line, or pops up in the next scene. I just appreciate Rick not going out of his way to seem smarter than his audience. He wants his readers, middle schoolers, to have the tools to solve the mystery.
-I can't remember if I knew his dad was Poseidon before the reveal. As an adult, it seems like almost a slap in the face it's so obvious, but I am pissed I can't remember if I was excited and surprised by the reveal.
-Annabeth is also a bitchy child, she's literally so bitchy. We don't focus on it enough.
-I definitely remember when it hit me as a child that Gabe was abusive. It was way after I read this book. I kind of like how casually the domestic violence is sprinkled in. Not only is it a children's book where that is not the focus, but Percy acts like how most kids would, I think. It's pretty fine and normal that Gabe hits him, he only goes ballistic when he finds out he hits Sally. Obsessed with how Rick, by even only barely telling us Gabe is abusive, is still like "-And we should kill him for it."
-Annabeth's crush on Luke was so obvious, she should be embarrassed.
-Totally forgot we have Gabe to thank for Percy for sure being an FBI fugitive and definitely on the no fly list irl as well as from Zeus. He's such a massive asshole.
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Pretty Demon
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Summary: Nat keeps pestering you about not sleeping with someone you went on a date with and when you stormed off in a huff Nat tried to go to Wanda to read your mind, instead Wanda said she’d speak with you, hopefully she’d make you feel better
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, talking about virginity, Nat being annoying and Wanda being sweet, demon Y/n is not the big bad demon she’s portrayed to be (she’s big and scary really, everyone should be scared of her)
A/n: I wrote this while waiting for the vet at work in like 40 minutes so any mistakes or anything blame on the horse trying to off himself 😂 he’s fine though don’t worry
“So why didn’t you want to sleep with her? She sounds great” you and Nat were sat on the couch watching some weird movie that neither of you were paying attention to really, just eating popcorn and talking nonsense
“I don’t know she just…I don’t think she’s my type” your mumbling intrigued Nat, were you nervous? She sat up staring at you “not your type? She was hot, tall, hot and really into you, like she really wanted you”
You shrugged “too desperate, I can’t sleep with someone like that I need someone who isn’t desperate”
Nat laughed out loud throwing popcorn at you “that makes no sense! Come on Y/n what’s really going on? Do demons need to be married or something? Need their blood as a sacrifice?”
You shoved your friend off the couch standing up “don’t be weird Nat I just didn’t want to sleep with her okay? No other issue, I’m going to my room okay?”
You stormed off out of the room ignoring Nat and shutting your door hard behind you falling onto your bed
Wanda was awoken from her after mission nap by Natasha barging into her room “Wanda I need you to read Y/n’s mind and tell me why she’s being so bitchy at the minute with me”
Wanda slowly sat up rubbing her eyes free from sleep “it’s inappropriate to read someone’s mind without their permission Natalia” she groaned
Nat rolled her eyes “okay but somethings wrong and she won’t tell me”
“Why don’t you ask her?” It was a good suggestion but Nat wasn’t looking for good suggestions she wanted a quick solution “if I wanted my head bitten off by the demon underground equivalent of a mob boss then yeah I’d ask her what’s wrong but I want to keep my head”
Wanda was too tired for any of this nonsense so she relented “fine I’ll go and talk to her and then maybe, just maybe I’ll peek into her mind and see what’s wrong okay?”
Nat grinned hugging the witch “perfect! Thanks Wands” she left the room and Wanda followed making her way down to your room where she knocked and waited for an answer “come in Wanda” you said from your bed
She opened the door seeing you face down on the bed not even attempting to move “how’d you know it was me?”
“Your perfume has always stayed the same, cinnamon and something rose smelling I can never guess but I know that’s your main scent pretty much” sitting up you faced the witch and gave her a small smile patting the space next to you for her to sit which she did
“So did Nat send you?”
“Yeah…yeah she did, she’s just worried-
You scoffed “she’s being nosy, she wants to know why I didn’t sleep with the girl I had a date with last night”
Wanda listened, okay so her powers were being used for gossip, great “sorry Y/n she said she was worried but I didn’t know it was her being nosy, do you want me to leave?” She began to get up but your hand held her wrist keeping her in place “no it’s okay I- I like having you here, you’re very calming”
She smiled grabbing a hold of your hand and holding it in her own “I didn’t know demons liked comfort”
You giggled “we all need a little comfort sometimes”
“I think I want to tell you what’s wrong” you said after a few minutes of silence
Wanda nodded “okay, you don’t have to you know but I promise to keep it a secret if you want”
You sighed “okay it’s silly but the reason I didn’t sleep with the girl is because I haven’t-haven’t ever been with a woman, I was burned at the stake at 26 and obviously in those times being gay was unheard of and you had to be married and I don’t like men so I didn’t want to marry them then they killed me so-
“Hey hey darling it’s okay breathe with me okay?” She started to breathe in and out to help you, you obviously didn’t breathe but it was still helping you to calm down “thank you” you whispered and Wanda smiled “you’re welcome”
Wanda waited for you to calm down and started again “so, you’re a virgin?” You sighed looking away from the witch but Wanda didn’t let you, she used her fingers to pull your face around and focus on her
“Don’t get all shy on me honey, you’re a very powerful demon you can talk about anything without embarrassment you know?”
“That’s the problem Wanda everyone thinks I’m this big bad demon who slaughters anything in sight and drinks their blood and takes their hearts as trophies, then you have the other side which is people thinking I have sex with every woman I see, I come back here and Tony is instantly asking me how many women I did which I think is a little disrespectful actually, women aren’t objects you know?”
Wanda thought you were adorable like this, she’d never seen you be so open and it warmed her heart “Wanda? Are you okay?”
She smiled “yeah I’m okay, thank you for telling me all this, I promise not to tell anyone if you don’t want me too”
“Thanks Wanda, yeah we’ll keep this between us for now, I don’t need anyone thinking I’m not cool or anything” you both laughed out loud and you started to feel better, Wanda really was great to talk too and a good listener.
“So” she started, placing a hand on your leg rubbing it softly “have you kissed someone before?”
You nodded “yeah I have, I like kissing women but anything more is a bit daunting like what do I do first? Where do I put my hands? Do I take her clothes off or does she do it instead? How do I know if she’s enjoying it, she could be faking it like women in porn do”
Wanda pulled you into a surprising hug holding you close “please don’t worry about any of that Y/n when the time comes you’ll be ready and you’ll know what to do okay? I promise it’ll be okay don’t worry about it”
You let yourself relax into the hug curling into the witch holding your head in her neck “thank you Wanda” you whispered and the witch smiled “such a cuddly little demon aren’t you?
You growled pulling your head away from her neck “I’m the scariest demon ever what are you talking about” you showed off your fangs and Wanda rolled her eyes “soooo scary, anyway have you eaten dinner yet?”
“No I haven’t been hungry recently, I didn’t even eat much of the popcorn Nat made earlier”
Wanda raised an eyebrow “how long haven’t you eaten for?”
You shrugged putting your head down but Wanda forced it up to look you dead in the eyes “when was the last time Y/n?” Her stern voice made you feel something but you weren’t sure of what is was, you think you wanted it to happen again though
“Erm I don’t-I don’t know maybe last week someti-
Wanda stood up dragging you with her “woah! Wanda where-
“No! You haven’t eaten in a week what’s wrong with you?”
“I mean I’m obviously dead Wanda I don’t really need to eat just every now and then” Wanda wasn’t listening she was dragging you to the kitchen and forcing you to sit down on one of the stools “you should’ve told me you hadn’t eaten I would’ve cooked you dinner every night you know that”
She was scrambling around the kitchen making something for you, you saw her pull out some container with her paprikash, your stomach rumbled now, that was an absolutely favourite of yours
“You’re hungry now aren’t you darling?” You didn’t notice Wanda placing the food in front of you and handing you some utensils “now eat this and I’m going stay here the whole time so I know you’ve eaten it”
You happily took the fork and dug into the meal, you didn’t realise how hungry you actually were, this was the best thing you’d ever eaten and will ever eat, when you finished Wanda was quick to your side again.
Picking up the finished plate Wanda placed a glass of orange down on the side and took the plate away to put in the dishwasher “good?” She asked smiling and you nodded “I’ve definitely missed your cooking, I’m never not eating ever again”
You downed the drink and Wanda took the glass also putting it into the dishwasher “maybe I need to baby you from now on” 
“Probably, I’d be happy to come home and your waiting for me with a home cooked meal” you laughed but Wanda wasn’t laughing, she was deep in thought, when she turned around and took her place behind you her hands rested on your shoulders “I would take such good care of you honey, you’d never have to want for anything again you know?”
You didn’t respond just going through in your mind what was happening, was she being nice? Was she hitting on you? No she wouldn’t right? This seemed like a complete 180 if true
While you were thinking through this Wanda moved her face closer to yours whispering in your ear “don’t think so hard princess, I think you’re just the sweetest thing in the whole world, I’d love to take care of you and be yours and you be mine”
You blinked out of your thoughts and registered just how close she was to you and you nearly jumped out of your skin “er…isn’t this a little sudden?”
Wanda shook her head “I don’t think so princess, you nearly always come to me for advice, when we get home late from missions you near enough always come to my room to sleep, you say it’s because Tony’s sheets that he buys are scratchy and you don’t like them but really it’s because you like the comfort my cuddles bring you especially in winter or the heat goes out”
She turned you around on the stool and grinned at your blushed expression “I thought you said demons couldn’t blush”
You shrugged “it seems you know how to make me do things I thought I couldn’t do today, blushing is one of them”
Wanda glanced down at your lips and back up to your eyes “can I do something?”
You nodded “do whatever you want Wanda”
Wanda didn’t need anymore encouragement and leant forward kissing your lips lightly and you couldn’t move or reciprocate, when your brain finally caught up with you Wanda pulled back making you whine
“No I was gonna kiss you back I promise I just got nervous”
Wanda kissed you on the nose “shh detka it’s okay if you want to kiss me more we’ll have plenty of time later”
Your eyes widened “later?”
“Of course princess, I have a lot to teach you don’t I?”
You registered what she said and blushed “oh? Oh okay erm yeah, wait you’ve slept with women??”
The witch winked at you “you really think I’ve only slept with Vision?”
You thought about it “well yeah because we’ve never seen you with anyone else, also how did that work? He’s a robot sooooo?”
“Let’s not talk about that honey, I just want to focus on my pretty demon from now on”
She gave you a small kiss again and you giggled “I’m the pretty demon”
“Yes you are pretty girl”
“What are you doing?” Natasha flinched slightly at Maria’s voice from behind her but kept her eyes focused watching you and Wanda in the kitchen
“Shhh Mia there’s something happening here”
Maria glanced around Nat to you sat on the stool and Wanda stood way to close to you to just be friendly “you’re not much of a spy are you? Wandas hand is on her thigh, if we stand here any longer they’ll start kissing”
At that the women saw Wanda lean forward and kiss you and both of their mouths dropped “woahhhhh” Nat exclaimed “that’s why she didn’t sleep with that girl on their date, she was waiting for the witch!”
Maria pulled Nat out of the kitchen and to the gym leaving you both alone “what the hell was that??”
Nat laughed “the little demon wants the witch, that’s hilarious”
“Isn’t Wanda a bit older than Y/n?” Maria questioned but Nat rolled her eyes “Y/n was 26 when she died in the Salem witch trials, she’s like 526 years old, she’s a lot older than Wanda it’s fine”
Maria thought that made sense “okay well I guess tomorrow will be interesting”
“I can’t wait for the morning meeting”
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erwinsvow · 10 months ago
bitchy!reader being jealous at a party when she sees rafe talking to some girl and then finding out its a girl he has either slept with in the past or shes been all over him since before they were toghether. Reader makes a scene calling her out for being all over her man
yess but bitchy reader is a menace, she doesnt care abt any girls but she'll be soo mean to rafe abt it😭😭 this has to be pre-dating bc she would never let rafe disrespect her like that & he knows not to
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when you catch rafe's eyes again, you feel a familiar sense of self-satisfaction course through your veins. of course he's looking—he should be surprised he can even look away.
you always look great, but today is something special, a pretty strapless dress decorating your body, something similar to the color of rafe's eyes. so, like always, it's no wonder he can't look away.
but you can't let the bastard think he's got you thinking about how often he is looking at you. it's all very confusing, so you don't glance back, trying to stay engrossed in your conversation with your friends. a few drinks and thirty minutes later, your eyes travel back to rafe.
and though he is still looking at you, there's some other girl in front of him, talking to him. the girl you recognize, someone who used to frequent tannyhill. on more than one occasion she's wandered down the kitchen when you and sarah are making waffles and sipping overpriced coffee. when you'd seen her, she'd been in rafe's clothes.
you hadn't cared much then, treated her the same you'd treat anyone. even now, with the girl in front of him trying to capture his attention and the idiot's eyes still on you, you feel the same—mildly annoyed at her, beyond irritated at him.
he thinks he can make you jealous. it's even cute that he's trying. this time you do stare back at rafe, a little annoyed at yourself for thinking about how cute he looks today. you like him in blue, you like that he's matching you.
"why are you staring at my brother?" sarah questions, and you smile in his direction.
"get your shit straight, sarah. he's staring at me." you wave at rafe, smiling sweetly before looking away. you don't have to see his face to know how it fell at your reaction.
"ugh. now he's coming over here. i'm not sticking around for this." you direct your smile at sarah.
"who asked you to stay?" she rolls her eyes at you.
"match made in heaven," she mutters, walking away in the other direction. when rafe approaches you, you stay seated on the couch, sipping your drink and observing your nails. they're baby blue—and you wonder how you'd come to that decision in the salon yesterday. of course, you know the answer.
"what the hell was that?" rafe barks, and you resist the eyeroll for as long as you can. last time he said if you rolled them at him again, he'd slap them out of your head, and though you want to test his theory, you'd prefer it in the privacy of his bedroom.
"just saying hi, rafe. you know i've met that poor girl before, at tannyhill. i'm surprised you even let her sleep over, you seem like the type-"
"can you shut up about her? what the hell was-"
"you already said that. and why would i shut up? you're the one yapping away to her. you know, you must be great in bed."
"excuse me?"
"i mean, you treat a girl that shitty and she's still willing to speak to you? she must remember something good. but knowing you it can't be for the conversation."
"you're welcome." you glance up at him again, but your eyes track back to the girl watching the two of you, the one he left behind to come talk to you. "i know you're a dick but don't be a dick. go finish talking to her. it's rude."
"i don't wanna talk to her."
"well, you're not talking to me."
"d'you have to make everything so fuckin' hard?"
"you're the one trying to make me jealous by talking to some poor girl! did you think i'd appreciate that?"
"why can't you just get jealous like you're supposed to?"
"you are such a jackass. maybe if you acted, like, a normal person-"
"oh, you're one to fuckin' talk. normal person my ass. you cuss me out every chance you get-"
"stop engaging in behavior that gets you cussed out then."
"shut up."
"you shut up!"
you both stare at each other for a moment.
"you wanna come to tannyhill with me?"
"yeah. let's go."
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holylulusworld · 1 year ago
A perfect gentleman
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Summary: Your trip to Great Britain changed your life forever.
Pairing: Raymond Smith x fem!Reader
Warning: bitchy friends, mentions of anxiety, meet cute, sex with a stranger, smut, protected sex, unprotected sex, public sex, shower sex
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You bobbed your head to the song blaring from the loudspeakers. It was the only thing you could do. That, and watching the others dance with men they just met. Grinding into them – their intentions clear.
Maybe you are not the most social person, but being in a place with so many people spiked your anxiety.
You shuddered and ripped your gaze from your friends to order another drink. Something light. You never were much into alcohol.
“You don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself,” a man plopped down next to you and dipped his head. “How can I help you relax?” He purred and moved his hand to your thigh.
“You could start by stopping to touch her,” another man suddenly stood behind your back. He pushed the other guy off you and glared at the stranger touching you. “Is that the way to welcome tourists now?”
“Man, she looked lonely,” the man grunted but made space for the second guy. “Didn’t know you called dips on her already, Raymond.”
“Get lost,” Raymond snapped at the man. You flinched and tried to make yourself as small as possible while the men fought. “We don’t harass ladies at my favorite place.”
“Alright, alright,” the man huffed. “She’s not worth the effort. You can have her.”
“Hey, are you okay,” Raymond softly asked. He must’ve been from around, because of his sexy accent. You always had a thing for men with an accent. “I hope he didn’t hurt you. Some guys shouldn’t drink too much.”
“Uh-thank you,” you murmured and finally looked at the man. Raymond looked like you imagine a British gentleman, but with a dash of roughness and something hidden behind his neat appearance. 
He was wearing a navy-blue corduroy waistcoat, a slim tie with the same color, and a light blue and white striped button-down over dark wash slim-fit stretch jeans. His hair was neatly gelled back, and his beard was long but well-trimmed. Orange-rimmed clear lens glasses framed his handsome face.
“That was very nice of you.”
“A gentleman must protect a lady in need,” he grinned and sat next to you. “Let me buy you a drink for the inconvenience, and for not stepping in sooner.”
“You came the moment the man put his hand on my thigh,” you shyly glanced at Raymond. He offered his name to you and held out his hand. You placed your hand in his, feeling another shudder run through your body. This man was unlike any guy you ever met.
He screamed danger but acted like a gentleman. You could smell weed on his clothes when he leaned closer to ask you for your name. 
“Y/N,” you replied and allowed him to hold your hand for a little longer than needed. He ran his thumb over your skin, causing a tiny whimper to escape your lips. “Thank you again.”
“What brings you here, love?” Raymond leaned impossibly closer, letting you feel his warmth. “I assume you are a tourist.”
You chuckled. “What gave me away?” 
“Your accent, and I know every pretty girl in town.”He laid it on thick when he purred your name and told you that you look beautiful in your dress. He already had you when he saved you from the grabby guy, but you wanted to bask in his compliments for a little longer.
“Every single one,” you chuckled. “You’re a very busy man in that case.” 
He adjusted his glasses and smirked. “I don’t know every woman like that.” Raymond gave you a wink. “But I’d like to get to know you better.”
“My friends are still somewhere at this place,” you leaned closer to drink his appearance and scent in. You were enchanted by this man. “Probably rubbing themselves against the guys they just met.”
His eyes sparkled at your words. You were about to do the same with him. Why – you had no clue. He was handsome and charming. But there was something else drawing you in like the moth to the flame.
“Do you want to leave this place?” A question was not in his words when he got up, still holding your hand. “I promise to be a gentleman.”
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You didn’t make it far. Before you knew it, you left the bar with Raymond. You ended up pressed into the wall in the dark alley behind the bar. 
He was all over you, lips devouring your mouth the moment you were out of sight. His hand slipped between your thighs, finding your panties soaked. He teased you for your floral cotton panties, moving the fabric aside to shove a finger inside your soaked cunt.
Raymond lifted you off of your feet, and you ended up in his arms, your pussy stuffed to the brim with his thick cock. 
“Fuck, this is a tight little cunt,” he puffed into your neck. Hot breath fanning over your skin. “You’ve been a good girl, huh? How many guys did you fuck behind a bar so far?”
“No one,” you held tight onto Raymond as he slowly rocked into you. “Only you.”
“You’re so good for me, love,” he whispered in your ear as he mercilessly battered your cunt. He was not a gentle lover any longer. Raymond fucked up into you, all the while holding your body safe in his arms. “I’m gonna ruin you.”
“Aw, baby love,” he crashed his lips onto yours to silence your moans. “You met the right man to ruin you.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and started to move your hips.
“Ruin me. Do it. I’m done being the good girl.”
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“Why did you leave without us?” One of your friends asked. Janice walked inside your shared hotel room, smirking as you were reading another book. “Y/N we are on vacation. Stop reading and go out there. There is a whole new world to explore.”
“Yeah. Maybe you’ll get some dick too if you stop hiding,” your other friend snapped at you. She didn’t get lucky last night and tried to let her anger out on you. Chanel always gets lucky. Just not last night.
“Oh, I think you will have enough fun for all of us,” you hid that you were the one getting a perfect dick last night. Well, they wouldn’t have believed you. You never take a risk. This includes fucking a stranger behind a bar. “Don’t forget to wrap it before you let any dick get near you.”
 “It’s their job,” Janice huffed. “I only need my lipstick and nothing else.”
You bit your tongue. Last night you were the one making sure that you didn’t take a bigger risk. Raymond was all too eager to fill you, but you insisted on protection. Even though you were a horny mess wanting nothing more than to feel him bare inside of you.
“Have fun reading,” Janice snapped at you. “We are going to meet up with some girls we met last night and tonight, we’re going back to the bar. Tonight, I’ll get lucky and fuck a British guy!”
“Don’t wait for us to come back today. You’re no fun to be around since you and Ransom broke up,” Chanel added. A low blow to your fragile heart.
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With your friends gone, you had the time to enjoy the city. You explored the usual spots tourists would seek out and ended up in a nice little café to have a break.
It was close to your hotel, and you could enjoy the sun as long as you wanted to. 
At least no one tried to hit on you here or called you boring for enjoying your tea and biscuits.
“This must be fate,” a familiar voice said. Raymond stopped short in his tracks when he recognized you. “What brings you here?”
“I was—” You licked your lips at the sight of Raymond. Today he was wearing a soft camel tan shawl cardigan and a skinny burgundy tie over his dark wash jeans. He looked as perfect as ever when he claimed the empty chair on your table, “having a break from exploring town.”
“Sightseeing,” he nodded thoughtfully. “I see.” Raymond eyed you up and down in your simple shirt, cardigan, and a pair of worn-out jeans. “I could give you the Smith tour to show you all the secret spots no tourist ever saw.”
“Smith tour?” You wrinkled your forehead.
“That’s my surname, sweetness,” he smirked and nodded at the waitress to order tea and biscuits himself. “Do you want to go on that tour with me?”
“Sure,” you said a little too fast. He was still a stranger, but you let him fuck you twice last night. What else could he want? You were sure he wouldn’t hurt you and having the chance to fuck him again had you already dripping. “I’d love to see more than the usual spots.”
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You didn’t see much of town. All Raymond showed you was his large, luxurious estate where he lives by himself. And you didn’t see much of it either. 
Raymond had you pinned to his mattress; his cock buried balls deep inside of your dripping cunt moments after he guided you inside his home. 
“Shit, look at you,” he purred before he claimed your lips in a heated kiss. “I could get used to having you like this. Underneath me, filled with my cock.” He kissed you again, softer this time. “Bare.”
He rocked his hips at a slow pace, dragging his thick cock along your walls. Raymond smirked as you dug your fingertips into his back.
“Raymond,” you whimpered his name. “Please.”
“Fuck, say my name again,” he buried his face in your neck to nip at your soft spot. “Now,” Raymond growled your name and gave you a particularly hard thrust. “Sweetness.”
“Again,” he snapped his hips into yours. “NOW!”
“RAYMOND!” You screamed his name on the top of your lungs. “RAYMOND!” You chanted it like a prayer. “Please.”
“Fucking take it,” Raymond whispered in your ear. “You’re meant to lie underneath me, my cock in your sweet pussy.” He slowly fucked into you, taking his time to enjoy having you again. “All I was thinking about was your cunt. I could smell you on me all day.”
Your arousal coated his cock with every thrust. It soaked the sheets underneath you, ruining the fine fabric you admired before you ended up on his bed. 
“You’re mine now,” he threatened, his voice a deep growl as he kept on fucking you into the mattress. “Say it.”
He stopped moving and stared at you underneath him. “Say it!”
“’m yours, Ray…”
He kissed you again, sweet but dirty. His tongue delved into your mouth, tasting the strawberries you ate earlier.
“Yes. Fuck.” You started to clench around him and tremble underneath Raymond. “Please.”
“Ohhh…fuck,” he thrusted into you, ignoring that you cried out his name. Raymond simply fucked you through your high, rhythm never faltering as you threw your head left and right. It sounded cliché, or like bad porn. But right at that moment it was all you could do because he just felt too good inside of your body. “That’s it.”
“Come inside of me, please,” you pleaded. “NOW!”
Fuck…He thought and exploded inside of your quivering cunt. Raymond didn’t stop. He trusted in and out of you, making an even bigger mess of his sheets. 
“That was,” you sighed when he slipped out of you to lie next to you. Raymond panted, and you patted his chest when he gasped for air.
“I know, sweetness.”
“Thank you for making my vacation much more interesting,” you laughed as he crawled back on top of you to kiss you softly and gently. 
“Thank you for making my shitty week better.”
“You’re very welcome, Mr. Smith.”
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His shower was amazing. Just like the rest of his home. It was huge, and the rain showerhead was something else.
Not that you got the chance to enjoy it much. The warm water barely had the time to run down your body before Raymond was all over you again.
He stood behind you to nip at your earlobe with his teeth. His skilled hands cupped your tits, and you fell back against his chest.
“Still not enough?” He chuckled at your words. “You're insatiable.
“You’re just too cute to ignore.” He watched you turn around to cup his face to kiss him. “What are you up to, sweetness?”
“I’d love to fuck you again,” you purred his name and ran your hands over his chest. “What are you up to?”
Raymond smirked, and you knew you were in for a rougher treatment. He twirled you around, barking orders at you. “Hands against the wall.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“You’re playing with fire,” he was on you again, to manipulate your body. He gripped your hip with one hand and guided his weeping cock into your dripping pussy. “But I’ll not stop you from being a perfect little cockslut for me.”
You hissed but welcomed his length like an old friend. “You feel too good inside of me, is all.”
“Yeah,” he kissed your neck. “How good? Good enough to spend the rest of your vacation with me.”
“Yes.” You said without hesitation. To hell with your friends, sightseeing, and biscuits. All you wanted to do is spend time impaled on Raymond’s cock.
“I knew it,” he breathed into your neck. “You’re perfect.”
Raymond nipped at your neck while slinging his arms around your waist.
“My little lost tourist.” He slowly but steadily pumped into you. “Lucky me getting inside this sweet body.”
“Oh, yes,” The warm water gently rained down on you and Raymond, and your wet bodies slid easily against one another. “Fuck, please.”
“Same, sweetness,” he growled as you started to push back onto his length. Raymond was close to losing all control. He pressed you against the wall, pumping into you with all the strength he had left in him. 
You slammed the palms of your hand against the shower wall feeling your high ripple through your body. You were panting heavily, and your knees buckled when he emptied himself inside of you. 
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“No, you don’t understand,” Raymond grunted into the phone. He watched you turn around in your sleep to snuggle into his pillow. “I want you to tell me where to pick her things up. Y/N wants to spend the rest of her vacation with me, not you.”
He groaned as your friends bombarded him with questions. His patience was wearing thin, and he was close to sending one of his problem solvers to get your belongings.
“Listen, all you need to know is that she’s safe with me. No…I won’t send you a picture of her.” Cursing loudly, he looked at you.
“Give me the phone,” you yawned, and rubbed your tired eyes. “They won’t believe you, Ray.”
“Fine,” he handed you your phone, waiting for you to confirm that he’s not some psycho kidnapper holding you hostage. Even though, his cock twitched when he imagined keeping you at his home forever.
“Janice, relax,” you tried to calm your friend. “I met Raymond two days ago at the bar. Yeah, where you left me all alone. We met again at a café, and I spent the last two days with him at his home. I texted and called you, but you didn’t answer so, I believed you don’t give a shit about me and if I’m still alive.”
Janice muttered into the phone, but you didn’t care. You told her to pack your things and hand them to whoever Raymond will send to them.
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One week later you sat on his couch, snuggled into one of the blankets he offered to you. “You’ve got a nice home,” you said and smiled. It pained you that in not a week you had to leave this wonderful place and the man owning it. “Maybe I can come back here one day.”
“Or,” he sat down next to you and placed his hand on your thigh, “I just keep you here forever.” Raymond nuzzled his face in your neck. “I heard you quit your job, left your boyfriend, and are looking for adventure.”
“What? I-“ you spluttered. “How did you find out?”
“Your friends are rather talkative,” he shrugged and moved his hand between your legs. “I got a big home, and a good job waiting for you. I know this is sudden, but I’d love to keep you around. What do you say?”
Part 2
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sincerestlove · 1 year ago
Mother Nature
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thank you so much for the request Anon! i hope i did the idea justice!
Request: hii! my sincere welcome to tumblr, hope u find it a great community here 🫶 u said u were taking requests, i really liked ur writing so what about regina george and reader are on their periods but g gets extra mean and r gets super sensitive and emotional?
Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: None; just Regina being moody and mean
The second you woke up, you knew it was shark week.
You could feel the dull, painful ache in your lower stomach and the tension in your lower back. Your boobs were sore and to top it all off, you could feel a migraine working its way to the front of your head.
Yeah, today was going to be hell.
Sluggishly dragging yourself out of bed, you somehow managed to get ready for school, gathering all of your things into your backpack. You were about to text your girlfriend, Regina, who picked you up for school every morning, when you heard her obnoxious car horn outside your window. You figured she'd stop after her usual 3, but no.
She kept honking.
Rolling your eyes, you made your way downstairs and out the door. The second you laid your eyes on the blonde, you could tell she was in a bad mood. She looked stunning as usual though, clad in a pretty multicolored pink top, pink high-waisted jeans and her signature docs. It was Wednesday, after all.
"You want to stop staring and get in the car?" Regina all but snapped at you, bright blue eyes icy cold as they glared at you. You didn't respond but did as she asked, settling into the passengers seat. You leaned over to press a kiss to her cheek, but she leaned away, brushing you off.
Okay, ouch.
"Don't, Y/N. I did my makeup perfectly, today. You'd just mess it up."
You felt the harsh pang of sadness and hurt settle deep in your chest, turning away from her to stare out the window. The rest of the car ride to school was silent, thankfully. When you arrived and Regina parked the car in her usual spot, you rushed out, not stopping to hear anything more from her. She didn't say anything, anyway.
The rest of the day dragged on uneventfully, the only notable event being that your migraine had gotten substantially worse. By lunch time, your vision was blurry and you could barely keep your eyes open. Regina hadn't texted you all day either, which only made your mood worse than it already was. You were used to secretly texting in class, but she hadn't reached out at all. Settling at the Plastic's lunch table, you were the first one there, and decided to lay your head down, offering you some minimal but much needed relief.
"What are you doing? You look ridiculous, sit up." You looked up to see Regina towered over you, arms crossed, an annoyed look on her face. "God, you look awful. What, did you get hit by a bus?" She all but laughed at you, a sneer resting on her pretty lips.
You didn't know what her problem was, but ever since this morning, she had been mean to you. One thing about Regina that you knew for a fact, was that she was always nice to you. Ever since you met, she had been nothing but sweet. She had a soft spot for you. But today, something changed. You had enough of her bitchiness for one day.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes, a few of them falling down your cheeks. When Regina saw them, her expression changed, eyes softening, her hands reaching out to you. You swatted them away, standing up from the lunch table. "You know what? Fuck this. I'm going home." Without another word, you grabbed your backpack and made your way to the front doors of the school. This time, you heard Regina call out for you, but you didn't turn around.
You made it halfway down the walkway when you began seeing spots in your vision and fell to the ground. You groaned in pain, hands coming up to hold your throbbing head. Regina called out for you again, a moment later feeling her arms wrap around you. "Y/N, hey, what happened?!" That was the last thing you heard before everything faded to black.
When you opened your eyes again, you were laid in the nurse's office, headache still pounding against your temples. "Y/N?" Warm hands cupped your face, turning your head to meet a familiar pair of blue eyes filled with worry.
You smiled softly taking hold of her hand into yours. "Hi." She sighed with relief, leaning down to take your lips into a gentle kiss. She brought you into a tight hug, nosing herself deeper into your neck.
"God, I was so worried. I didn't know what happened to you, I just saw you fall." She rushed out, voice breaking at the end. You shook your head, running a hand through her hair.
"I'm fine, Gina. I'm just on my period. I think it's because I haven't eaten or drank anything all day and on top of my emotions, it caught up to me."
She lifted her head, meeting your gaze. "Y/N, I'm so sorry for being a bitch to you. I woke up and started my period today, too, which just ruined my whole mood." She sighed, brushing her thumbs over my cheeks. "But that doesn't excuse how I treated you and how I acted. I'm so sorry for hurting you and making you cry. I'm so sorry."
You saw tears bubbling up in Regina's eyes, making your heart ache. You knew she wouldn't and couldn't be mean to you without something going on. "It's okay, Gina. I know you didn't mean it, I was just hurt and confused. I didn't know if you hated me, or what."
"Of course not. I could never ever hate you. I'm sorry, baby." Regina kissed you then, running her hands up and down your shoulders soothingly. "I promise I will make it up to you. For now, c'mon, let's get you some painkillers, food and water."
You nodded gratefully, taking the hand she offered you. Leading you out of the nurses office, she guided you to the cafeteria and sat you down at the table. She kissed you once more, before walking off to the lunch line.
Gretchen, Karen and Cady were all staring at you like you were an alien.
"What, is there something on my face?" You reached up, wiping a hand on your eyebrows and cheeks.
The three girls smiled at each other knowingly. "Yeah, it's called Regina George's complete love and adoration."
You rolled your eyes at them, falling into familiar banter and gossip about the happenings of the school. Regina returned a few minutes later, armed with a full tray, a bottle of water and an Advil. You smiled at her warmly, waiting until she sat down beside you to kiss her. "Thank you, Gina." You mumbled against her lips, feeling her smile.
"You're welcome, baby."
i hope you enjoyed!
please leave requests if you have any ideas! :)
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dark-konohagakure2 · 5 months ago
Akatsuki clan gang r@ping a village girl? Most likely for disrespecting one or two of them by accident.. so they decide to teach her a lesson (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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tw: noncon, threesome, double penetration, degradation, abuse, misogyny, semi-public sex, voyeurism, full nelson
All characters depicted are 18+
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Deidara is naturally already rather quick to anger, it's just a part of his bombastic personality, but is already short temper will become a blinding rage when he receives what he believes to be an insult towards his beloved art, and while Sasori doesn't share his partners temper, he does share the blonde man's passion for art and desire to punish those who would insult it.
The girl honestly didn't mean to insult anyone's art, all she said was that she saw a very nasty explosion, not knowing that the unsightly and destructive explosion was actually Deidara's latest fleeting masterpiece, and the blonde won't be happy about this perceived slight against him, roughly grabbing her by the arm and demanding that she apologize or else. Of course she isn't going to apologize for something she doesn't think is a very big deal, so Deidara takes matters into his own hands.
Sasori will watch from the sidelines as Deidara starts to roughly tear off the girls clothes, making her struggle and cry out in fear within the dark alleyway of the village, completely at the mercy of this unhinged stranger. Deidara will laugh, pointing out how she stopped being such a bitchy art snob the moment he started touching her, and how he's going to make sure she'll never even think of criticizing his art ever again.
Deidara will laugh even more when he forces his cock into her vulnerable pussy, holding her up from behind as he ravishes her cunt to his heart's content. He'll even let Sasori get a full view of him tearing up their little art critic's hole with his big cock, letting her humiliating predicament be seen by anyone who just so happens to walk by.
"Hah~! This is what happens to bitchy little girls who insult great artists like me, un! Now let's see you shut up and take my cock all the way inside of you like a good bitch, hmm!"
Sasori is content to just watch at first. He never understood why people loved copulating so much, and being a puppet he doesn't particularly care. While he is indeed a human puppet Sasori is also a man, a rather older one at that despite his appearance, so he won't be able to help the occasional twinge of arousal he feels at the sight of his partner violating such a cute girl.
Eventually curiosity will end up getting the best of the redhead and he'll tell Deidara to scoot over and give him some room. Deidara will be pretty shocked by this at first, since he never thought his emotionless master had any interest in sex or women, but Deidara isn't one to deny his man of what he wants.
It won't take long before both Akatsuki members are thrusting up into her pussy, Sasori's wooden cock rubbing against Deidara's organic one within their shared tight space. While not as vocal as Deidara, Sasori is enjoying it an equal amount and takes even more sadistic delight in the act than the younger man, finally understanding why humans love fucking each other so much, he can now see how addictive it can truly be.
Once the two rouge ninja have finally finished having their twisted fun with her, they'll just leave her in the alleyway where they found her amongst the trash, but not before leaving the shaken up young woman with one last ominous warning.
"Maybe that will teach you to hold your tongue next time, little idiot. If you mess with us again, we'll show you something much more nasty than a measly explosion..."
They'll allow her to live this time, letting her stay alive as a lving example of what happens to people who dare to insult their artistic endeavors, but she'll need to watch her back, because they won't be so merciful if they catch her being so disrespectful to them again.
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tw: noncon, threesome, spitroasting, double penetration, monster cocks, degradation, size difference, slapping, choking, facials
Both Itachi and Kisame are able to easily shake off any insults hurled at them by their enemies, they're rouge shinobi, so it comes with the territory. But the two of them are only human, and they're able to let their anger show itself if pushed far enough, so when a ninja the duo is fighting against starts to throw insults at them, calling them 'comrade killers' among other things, the two decide to teach her a lesson.
Kisame is more open in showing his anger when he's roughing her up, spitting curses at her and threatening to shred her to ribbons with Samehada as he uses the living sword to slice her clothes off her body, but Itachi will also show his disdain for her, albeit much more subtly, his Sharingan active in his glaring eyes as he grips her arms tightly enough to leave bruises.
Both are equally rough in very different ways as they ruthlessly pound her respective holes. Kisame will roughly fuck her pussy with his thick dual cocks while Itachi slowly yet roughly forces his cock in and out of her mouth at a pace too rough for her to adjust to, barely giving her a moment to breathe under his oral assault.
Kisame despite his scary appearance, is actually a very well mannered man when he's not mad, but now that this insolent little brat has gone and gotten him riled up, his relatively polite- albeit scary- demeanor will be replaced with harsh degradations and a merciless double pounding to her untouched cervix as he teaches her a lesson about speaking ill of the Akatsuki to their faces.
"You think you can run your mouth right to our faces, bitch? Naughty little brats like you need a good pounding to learn some manners!"
The blue man's cocks are thick and long, just one of Kisame's fat cocks would be enough to leave her stretched and fucked out, but taking both of them is almost impossible, but Kisame couldn't care less if they don't fit inside of her, he'll make them fit, or she'll die trying.
Despite his less violent nature, Itachi is just as brutal with her, in fact it it wasn't for Kisame's sheer size, Itachi would arguably be more brutal than his brutish partner. His elegant hand will wrap around her neck as he fucks her throat, the Akatsuki ring on his finger painfully digging into her neck as he does.
If she dares to accidently scrape her teeth against or bite his cock, Itachi will rather harshly slap her, which will surprise and arouse even Kisame, who knows that his partner isn't one to strike a woman, especially one that's a bit younger than the duo, but the shark man won't mind in the slightest, in fact it will just encourage Kisame to slap her around even more.
Kisame will cum inside of her when he reaches his climax, his big cocks too stuck inside her cramped pussy for him to pull out in time, not that he wants to, he'll relish in the sensation of his balls emptying into her hole. Itachi on the other hand isn't going to give such an impudent girl the privilege of taking his Uchiha seed down her throat, so instead he'll pull out of her mouth just as he's about to climax, opting instead to cum all over her face and breasts.
"There... That should teach you the value of keeping your mouth shut, especially when you're against the likes of us..."
Neither of them will really bother with her after they're finished playing with her. They could easily just kill her so she can't tell anyone, and it would be child's play for Itachi to use his Sharingan to wipe her memory, but neither of them will do any of that, they want her to live with the consequences of her insolent actions.
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tw: noncon, threesome, age difference, degradation, double penetration, misogyny, bondage, kidnapping, voyeurism
Kakuzu might be quick to annoy, but the old man is nowhere near as short tempered as his partner Hidan, but while he isn't as quick to anger, when Kakuzu does get mad, his anger is even more destructive than Hidan's, and nothing irritates Kakuzu more than someone trying to steal his precious money.
The Zombie Combo are minding their own business when Kakuzu suddenly catches some street rat girl trying to steal his wallet, but his reflexes are fine tuned from decades of combat, so Kakuzu is immediately able to grab her arm and stop the attempted thievery dead in it's tracks. Kakuzu is pissed, while Hidan is more amused than anything.
Kakuzu's reaction will be swift, his decision already made as he uses his metallic threads too hold her in place, using his free hands to undo his pants. Kakuzu has no qualms with violating someone over a few ryo, if she wants to act like a thieving harlot, he's going to treat her like one.
Hidan likes to watch, he's watched Kakuzu take care of disobedient bitches before, and it gets him off like nothing else. Hidan's is going to join in too, but before he does he likes to taunt their prey with his disgusting perversions and demeaning words, the look of fear and disgust on her face getting him harder than he thought possible.
"Whores like you just can't keep their hands to themselves, can they, bitch!? Well now I get to watch you learn the consequences of stealing from people like us the hard way, you silly cunt!"
Kakuzu is a very big man with a lot of experience with sex, so he knows how to roughly pound a tight hole, and he'll be especially rough due to how angry he is with this insolent young woman, his thick cock stretching her as he mercilessly ruts into her, and despite his greedy nature, he's nice enough to give Hidan a good view.
And Hidan appreciates the view, so much so that he can't wait any longer, and he has to join in. He'll have Kakuzu move over so Hidan can fuck her from the front, both men with move with as much synergy as they to in battle, fucking up into her tight cunt, able to move freely despite how hard she's squeezing them.
Neither of them are gentle, Kakuzu because he's mad, and Hidan just because he's a sadist bastard. She did nothing to wrong Hidan personally, but he doesn't care, the Jashinist is going to slap her around and call her every single degrading word in the book as he's fucking up into her already stuffed cunt.
Even once the duo is done rearranging her insides, she's not out of the woods just yet. Kakuzu is feeling rather petty, and is still holding onto his anger at her for even daring to try and steal a rather small amount of money from him, so the stitched up man decides that they aren't going to let her go until they know she's sorry.
"You think you're off the hook already? Idiot. I don't forgive people who try to take my money that easily. You're going to pay us back for that with your body..."
Hidan is more than happy about this decision, while he usually hates it when Kakuzu makes all the decisions, he can always use more blood for his multitude of rituals, not to mention he's borderline insatiable when it comes to his sexual appetite, so having a toy to inflict both pain and pleasure upon is just what Hidan needs.
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tw: noncon, threesome, power imbalance, age difference, manipulation, god complex, facesitting, piercings, isolation
Pain and Konan are both integral pillars of the Hidden Rain Village. Pain is the leader of the village, and Konan is able to sense everyone who enters and leaves the village, and nobody is allowed to leave without Pain's blessing. So when a young villager attempts to sneak out of the Rain Village without anyone noticing, God and his angel are almost immediately there to confront her.
The two are about to give her the benefit of the doubt, the poor thing must have just gotten lost, but when she starts yelling about how she can't stand the village and it's constant downpour of rain, and how Pain is a tyrant pretending to be a god, neither Pain or Konan are too happy about her desire to dissent, but if she what's to believe that Pain is truly a tyrant, then they'll show her just how truly domineering he can be.
Konan especially is very disappointed, she had hoped that the residents of the village would eventually embrace Pain as their god, and while a majority of them do, there are still a few loose ends that need to be tied up in more ways than one, and this girl is just another one of the unruly loose ends.
Despite her lithe appearance, Konan is very strong, and she is able to hold the rebellious girl down underneath her without much effort, and it takes even less effort for her to press her perfectly pierced and mature cunt down on the younger woman's face. Despite her paper abilities, Konan isn't paper light when she sits on the girls face, her entire weight pressing down on her as Konan uses the young lady's rude mouth for her own pleasure.
"Hush now, use that mouth of yours for something more useful than speaking out against Pain. Now if you don't make me cum soon, you'll surely suffocate."
Pain is content to just watch at first, he has full faith in Konan's ability to reeducate the would-be escapee, knowing that the woman is more than capable of keeping his villagers in line, but eventually he'll decide that he needs to step in after spotting the slightest flicker of resistance in her face. If she truly believes him to be a false god, then Pain will be obliged to let her see his godly might firsthand.
Pain, true to his name, is more brutal than his partner, forcing his pierced cock inside of the young woman while she's preoccupied with reluctantly pleasuring the older woman on top of her. His piercings will rub painfully against her inner walls as Pain fucks her cunt at a slow yet torturous pace, the metallic studs mapping his cock being almost as cold as Pain's body itself.
Both Akatsuki members take quite a while to climax, Konan is experienced and patient enough to hold herself back from cumming too early, and Pain can barely feel anything as it is, although he'd still capable of experiencing both pleasure and pain. Eventually the two Ame nin will finally reach orgasm, Konan moaning quietly as she squirts on their captive's face, while Pain is almost deadly silent when he cums inside, he won't be worried about potentially getting her pregnant with his seed, due to his... unique situation.
Once their cruel "lesson" is finally over, Pain will drill it into her head, telling her horror stories about the terrible monsters that lurk outside the village, and all the terrible things that they'd do to a lone girl like her. It's impossible to tell if Pain is lying or not, as his tone of voice and the cold look on his face never change.
"Do you understand now, little one? The people outside of our great village would have done much worse things to you than just this. So don't ever think of leaving again, unless you wanted to become even more debauched..."
Pain hopes that this lesson will remind the girl why she should never leave the village or dare to question his godly status ever again, so both he and Konan going to keep a much closer eye on her from now on, they might even start to enforce even stricter rules on her from now on, rules that will make it impossible for her to spend time with her fellow villagers ever again, besides Pain and Konan of course.
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italiansteebie · 2 years ago
for some reason, eddie munson has been hanging out at scoops. scoops ahoy, of all places.
robin isn't sure why he's here, but it seems when he shows up, her rich bitch of a coworker, steve harrington, seems to get real flustered.
how interesting.
she watches from the corner of her eye as steve strikes out with yet another girl, and as eddie scoffs in his direction. it's not harsh, though. more of a fond, knowing look, to which steve meets with his own matching expression.
it seems practices, casual, even. do eddie and steve know each other? outside of boring school hierarchies? are they friends?
the way they're interacting now sure seems like it.
she catches steve's eye, watching as a blush rises to his cheeks, before he ducks his head and wiggles his fingers in some sort of wave at her.
she scoffs and looks back to where eddie was, only to find that he'd moved on already. she pretends not to notice the disappointment on steve's face.
were they actually friends? it seems unlikely but, hey. who is she to judge, the dingus is actually pretty cool sometimes.
turns out, the king and the freak were much closer than robin once thought.
and cooler too.
though, that was physically speaking, because about thirty seconds ago, she'd walked in on them in the freezer. luckily, they were only kissing, still, it was a sight she'd never lose.
she power walked back to the break room. "oh my god." she whispered to herself as she sat at the table. "buckley! buck, hey. robin," there was eddie, he looked a bit flustered and the situation fully set in. "hey-"
"robin, you can't-" eddie heaved a breath, "you can't tell anyone, please," his tone was pleading, and his eyes were wide with fear. a concerned part of her wondered where steve was, if he was too ashamed to show his face. no, he wasn't like that.
"it's okay, i- uh. i have a crush on tammy thompson."
"wh- oh. that's great, good. good." eddie breathed. "i gotta go check on stevie." he told her, jerking a thumb towards the walk in.
how steve was still in there was beyond her, that little box was cold.
it was a few minutes before both boys emerged once more, tears frozen to steve's face as he walked out, shaking hands grasping at ring clad fingers.
he was scared. scared of her, robin realized.
"it's okay, robin. eddie told me," he sniffled, hands still shaking. "thanks for being cool about this, my dad would actually kill be if he found out, i- uh. yeah. thanks." he sighed, shoulders finally relaxing, falling away from his ears.
"of course, steve."
"tammy thompson, though?"
"i know, right?" eddie giggled from next to him, still holding steve in a comforting embrace, smiling as steve laughed.
robin scoffed, "what's wrong with tammy?"
"nothing," eddie said casually, while steve decided to forgo pleasantries, "she's a total dud." he scoffed. "she is not!" robin protested, mouth open in amused shock. "glad to see you're back to your bitchy self, sunshine," eddie laughed, watching their antics.
i read @scoops-stevie 's recent post and was ✨inspired✨
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myrskytuuli · 2 years ago
You know what?
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I’m a HUGE fan of how Beelzebub gets to be bitchy, popular, party girl who is also the girlfriend of the guy our POV character has a crush on AND just genuinely kind of an ok gal. Her tone of voice comes off as mean, but if you listen to her words, she just wanted Loona to have a good time at her party and was genuinely concerned about Blitzo’s well-being.
Yes, she sounds and looks like a mean-girl, but she never actually acts that way. Even if you kind of expect her to, because that’s how the narrative usually goes with bitchy, pretty girlfriends of cute guys our socially awkward protagonists have crushes on. It’s very clear that Loona’s confrontial attitude is entirely in her head, brought out by her own insecurities, which is understandable, but doesn’t mean that she is right about Bee. Because Bee is actually a sweetie.
Well done Tex. You scored a great girlfriend!
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mangosrar · 1 year ago
call it what you want pt7.
matt sturniolo x fem reader.
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over the years, matt had got into many fights, countless punches thrown at people, and almost an infinite number of run ins with those who simply just pissed him off.
but it always shocked you that he was like this. chris and nick we’re such nice people. sure they had both had fights with people before, but matt was ridiculous.
and this factor was part of the reason you couldn’t stand him. you had never been in a fight before. you’d never hit or punched anyone, never even laid a harmful finger on one single person, so the earth shifted a little when you locked eyes on jessica levri, pushing, and yelling in your fake boyfreinds face, because like a hounds blood, you were drawn to it.
you weren’t sure if it was because of the adrenaline from what just happened with matt, or the pure fact that jessica levri had been on her high fucking horse far too long and she needed a rude awakening, but before you could even register what was happening, you were wedging yourself between her and matt and pushing her shoulders, sending her stumbling back.
she looked at you, scoffing like you were the most vile thing on earth.
you’re gaze on her was intense, like she was about to turn to stone any second, and your whole body was red hot with anger.
by now pretty much the whole team were stood around, waiting in anticipation. matt was behind you, chris to your left, caden to your right, and elijah stood behind jess.
you watched as she swapped her eyes from yours to matts, before smirking and opening her mouth.
“get your dog under control matty, it looks like she bites” she sneered.
there was no reply from matt, but you heard him suck in a breath from behind you.
you bit the inside of your cheek. you had gotten this far, but you hadn’t thought it through. what we’re you even going to say?
she laughed before crossing her arms over her chest and leaning down, getting right in your face.
“what? you gonna hit me?”
great idea.
there was no time for any other person to even get a word in edge ways.
as soon as you pulled your hand back, it was like everything was suddenly moving in slow motion.
the whole school was watching.
matt was right behind you.
oh god your parents, what would they think.
you were probably going to be expelled.
you were about to rock Jessica levris shit in front of half of your town.
there was no turning back now.
the second your fist landed on her face with a searing crack, the whole crowd gasped.
she dropped to the floor like a bag of bricks. clutching her face, crying like a kicked dog.
“yes bitch” you yelled, bending down slightly.
your chest was heaving up and down, red hot fury surging through your veins like the deadliest poison, and somehow it felt exhilarating, like taking a breath after drowning.
everyone stood completely gobsmacked. matt, elijah, caden, chris. all in complete silence, mouths hanging open at your outburst.
there was a brief moment, and the temptation to jump on her and carry on hitting her stupid bitchy face was through the roof.
but just as you went to make a move, hands came around you from behind your waist, throwing you over their shoulder, and escorting you off of the rink, while you kicked and screamed, yelling whoever it was to put you down.
“i mean what we’re you even thinking y/n” chris yelled, pacing up and down the locker room while you sat on the bench, watching him like a disciplined child. he had picked you up and walked you right out, preventing you from causing anymore damage.
about 20 minutes had passed, and still no sign of matt.
“i don’t know” you muttered quietly.
“you know you’re gonna be in trouble right?” he said, coming to a halt and pointing a finger at you.
you simply nodded and looked down.
the both of you just basked in the silence, taking a moment to recollect after the complete shit show that just occurred.
it was now that you were realising, that hitting jessica was the stupidest decision you had ever had. no good would come of it. matt would still probably go back to her, your parents were gonna be furious, ans the school we’re gonna expel you. what a waste of bruised knuckles.
suddenly, the locker room door burst open and matt came rushing through, making both you and chris to snap your heads up in his direction.
“i’ve looked everywhere for you guys” he panted.
“yeah, i had to get this Chihuahua away from the general public, who knows who’s next on her hit list” chris spat. you knew he was angry with you. this was the most out of character thing you’ve ever done.
matt nodded, looking at you, before rubbing a hand over his face and opening his mouth to speak.
“hey uh, would you give us a minute to talk?” he asked, swapping his gaze to his brother.
he just scoffed, not even sparing you a glance, before walking away, slamming the door shut on his way out, making you flinch.
matt watched the door close before padding over to you and sitting down.
you refused to look up at him, too worried to see his expression.
“he’s pissed” matt stated.
you just nodded. keeping your eyes trained to your feet. you could feel his eyes burning holes into the side of your face.
“you broke her nose” he spoke, his tone flat.
“good that bitch deserved it” you scoffed.
matt just shook his head, letting out a breath, before standing up in-front of you.
“what has gotten into you? last i checked, you wouldn’t even talk shit about someone without feeling bad and now you’re hitting people?” he questioned.
“i don’t know matt! i was pissed at you and then she just-“ you cut yourself off, sighing. “i don’t know” you finished. finally bringing your eyes up to meet his.
“so you wanted to hit me, but you hit her instead?” he raised his eyebrows, eyes boring into yours.
you just shrugged, there was no justification for it at all, apart from the fact that she was a complete bitch, and she was right there.
“you can’t just punch people y/n” he said sternly, folding his arms over his chest, looking down at you like a disappointed parent.
“you do” you exclaimed, looking up at him, raising your voice slightly.
“but you’re not me, you’re not like this, you’re nice and smart, and you’re always gentle with people” he shot back. his words threw you off a little. that was probably the nicest thing matt had ever said about you.
you didn’t reply. you just blinked up at him with furrowed brows.
matt sighed before taking a seat next to you again.
“for what it’s worth, i’d punch your ex for no reason” he said. turning to look at you.
“thanks matt. that means a lot. that doesn’t change the fact that everyone is pissed at me” you yelped, throwing your hands up and letting them fall, and slap against your legs.
“chris will come round, and i’m not pissed at you” he spoke lowly.
you sighed, and turned your head to look at him, and the look that he was giving you made you want to squeeze your thighs together.
there was something written on his face that you couldn’t decipher. his eyes were low and dilated. like he was hungry for something.
there it was again, that moment of silence, both of you just staring at eachother.
matt brought his hand up to brush against your face, then letting it cup your cheek, and in that very moment, you did know better.
your lips were on his in less than a second, pushing and pulling against him.
you felt his tongue prod at your lips. begging for entrance witch you granted, and he was all over you, running his tongue along the roof of your mouth, making you whine and matt smirked against your lips.
his hands came round to pull you up onto his lap and you happily obliged. running your hands up his chest and round to the back of his neck, tugging his hair, pulling a low groan from matts mouth, as his hands ran up your sides, pulling you impossibly closer.
the kiss was hot and sloppy, the both of you, somehow, relishing in the hatred for one another, but basking in the tension.
you felt matts hands travel down to your ass, pushing you back and pulling you forward, making you rock your hips against his, and you damn near dropped to your knees, before a voice snapped you both out of it.
“well this is a sight for sore eyes”.
also my taglist is not working, so if it says i haven’t tagged you, trust me i tried 💕
this long as fuck taglist: @sturnssan @biplrbtch bitch @valerieburkens @ukyios @eyelessdemon00 @iheart2021chris @hearts4chris @leah-loves-lilies @whicked-hazlatwhore e @lexihowardsgf @1201pm-blog m @chrislover911 @yourmom-123456789 5 @x4nd3rsukz @ilovechrissturnioloposts @mattnchrisworld @leoloveeeee e @jazab3lla @martyniukpl @sturnbaby @knowingnothingnoel @ilovemattstromboli i @obsessedwithyou @dragonstoneshortcake @breeloveschris @biinthisbitch13 @skyteller143 @innocentfsin @mattswifue @thatcrazybitch-69 @ihateeveryone357474 4 @shmophsturniolo o @sturns-posts @mattsturnzzz09 @sturnisposts @jenna0rtegaswife @jeffbuckleylvr27 @katelynmeier14 @sara2233445 @alexb25598 @sturniolos4lifee @st7rnioloss @kasiaslayuje @causeidontlikegolsrush @cosmicmistake42069 9 @xxloveralways14 @24kmar @creamoncreamoncream2 @kennyhop @khloe7233 @sofiasnookiee @sfdfgy @iker-blog1 yn @sleepdeprivedandinsane @quinnroki @lvr444life e @ffhgdxgg @travelintheworld2 @aubreyswift13 @sturniololol @starziick @heartlesssturniolos @nickmillersn1gf @beautyb1ade @tommysaxes
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muffinsin · 7 months ago
Hiya, I'm new to the blog but I've loved everything I've read so far! I was wondering if I could request the Dimitrescu daughters (separately) getting saved by a maiden that they thought hated them? Like, maybe a hunter breaks in + smashes a window and the maiden literally carries (or drags) the daughter to safety and refuses to leave their side until they've warmed up.
Maybe the maiden never actually hated the daughters (like a miscommunication/the maiden having a difficult to read expression), or maybe they stopped hating the Dimitrescus a while ago but nobody noticed? Idk, it's up to you, I just think you'd have a fun take on it :3
I went through the anon lists and hopefully I didn't miss any, so if possible can I be sleepy anon? Please and thank you, and have a great day/week!
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Hi :)! I’m happy to hear ya like my works :)🙌 Honestly what a cute prompt!
Let’s get into it :) anon name is all yours🙌
Bela is, a mystery to you
To her, you seem like an enemy. A staff member, yet with a deep hatred towards her
Perhaps, if you weren’t so pretty and cute, perhaps if she didn’t like you in some strange way she is too proud to voice, you would’ve ended up in the basement already
Alas, Bela keeps you safe and only puts you in your place when your work isn’t done properly. She thinks you should consider yourself, lucky
To you, she seems like an uptight boss bent on punishing you for every little mistake
You wonder, what have you done for her to be this obsessed?
She notices every little mistake you make
A true perfectionist, you realize soon enough, and it bothers you to no end
But, unlike her interpretation of you, you don’t hate her. You don’t even really dislike her
She’s just..uptight, a little bitchy, yes. But she’s smart, you’ve come to notice, and quite obviously she is breathtakingly beautiful
Perhaps, if both of your false views and interpretations of one another were out the way, you’d have talked sooner
You would have liked to start a conversation with the supposedly dangerously intelligent and cold eldest daughter of Alcina Dimitrescu
Bela, on the other hand, would have liked getting to know you sooner
Still, she only ever sees false hatred in your eyes that is truly mere curiosity
She has never been all that good at reading people’s emotions
Their intentions? Yes, their facial features? Yes. But still, her books cannot teach her to fully understand humans, people, it seems
It’s a fatal misunderstanding on both your parts, one that this day will clear up, it seems
The day, while not being an ordinary one at all, is not all that unusual to Bela. An uprising, again, though somewhat cute in numbers
Four maidens. Bold, or perhaps only desperate enough, to dare fight back
It’s a pointless fight, a squabble she doesn’t even bother notifying her sisters about
Even with the many knives and utensils scattered around them in the kitchen, the fight seems pointless
That is, until Bela easily dodges a pot that smashes into the fragile window behind her
Immediately, she screams in pain at the cold air rushing in
The three remaining troublemakers spot their opportunity instantly, so it takes less than seconds for the other kitchen windows to be shattered
Bela grits her teeth, one arm wrapped around her protectively, her other hand clutching her sickle
She refuses to tell her sisters. Refuses to allow Mother to hear of this. She can do this! She can’t cause her family trouble. Cassandra would have never let this go on. Daniela would have killed them in seconds. Bela should have never let it come this far, should have prevented the window from breaking..
Throwing herself back into her battle, she strikes one down, but pays the bitter price when two steak knives are sliced and thrust into her thighs
Immediately, she falls, her blood gushing, her limbs aching and as if on fire. The cold immediately finds the large gashes and digs through. The blades of the knives seem icy cold like the terrain outside
She manages to knock one down with her, but as the back of her hooded head hits the windowsill, her vision begins to blur
One more
She tries to call out for Cassandra, hoping, pleading, Mother will hear nothing of this
To her surprise and horror, she finds she can’t reach her sister, too far away for her weakened swarm to detect
She grasps for her weapon, but can’t detect it. Was it lost when she fell? She can’t remember, but tastes her own, foul blood in her mouth
With difficulty, she sees the maiden’s lips moving. She can’t make out what she’s saying, but her expression enough is sufficient to allow her to assume it must be some kind of insult
Pride, cockiness, a human’s downfall
She watches as, seemingly out of nowhere, you stand behind her, bringing Bela’s abandoned sickle down at her neck
It’s messy, and rough, but enough for the woman to drop her weapon and scream. Enough to fall to her knees and enough for Bela to finish her off
Golden, unfocused eyes meet yours. She looks unsure. Worried. Confused. Cold. Hurt. Scared
Never did you think Bela Dimitrescu would feel such things. Never did you think you would truly see a glimpse of humanity in her
But, you have…
You have seen her eyes squint when she laughs with her sisters, seen the faintest hint of a blush and happiness hidden beneath pride when being praised by her mother. You have seen her playful annoyance aimed at her youngest sister
When you close in on her, her first instinct is to lean in. Then, nearly within that same moment, she snarls and pushes herself harder against the cold wall
You hate her. She has no reason to believe you are not part of this attack, or at the very least are now that her weakness is so pathetically displayed
But you don’t approach predatorily
With your hands raised, you gently move closer to her
She watches you closely, her golden eyes watchful even as her body trembles
Slowly, you unwrap the sleeping robe from around you. Is it this late already? Bela hadn’t noticed
The material is thin, but the action shows your intentions nonetheless, and so she allows you to lean into her personal space
A small, quiet gasp passes her lips when you pick her up. Automatically, she sets her hands on your shoulders and wraps the robe tighter around herself
With her vision blurry and the foul taste in her mouth, her bloodied, non functioning legs and aching arms, she doesn’t protest when you keep holding her up and close to you
Your warmth is…comforting
Bela winces a little. She doesn’t want to look up at you, doesn’t want to ruin this perfect moment
After all, when she does look up, what will she see? Hatred? Annoyance? Cockiness?
You pass the fireplace, walk up the stairs
She clings tighter to you, but there are no others in the hallway
All staff members know better than to leave their rooms at nighttime, and even more so in winter, when it is known the residents of castle Dimitrescu are more on edge and easier to irritate
After a little while she notices where you’re taking her- her own room, her safe harbour
She extends an aching arm and closes her fingers around the door knob, helping you open the way inside
She wonders; have you ever been in here? What do you think?
Despite her annoyance, Bela manages to bite down a curse when her cheeks heat up a little
Secretly, perhaps, she wants you to like her room
And like it you do
Bela is every bit the perfectionist you knew she is
But, there is beauty in this
Her shelves are organized neatly. The books placed in them tell you the woman in your arms is fond of just about everything
Information and documentaries of a vast range of topics can be found, from hobbies to animals, to biomes, to sciences
Her bed is made and her nightstand is nearly empty, save for the storybook placed on it
It isn’t opened and sports no mark or so
You assume she hasn’t touched it in a while, but somehow, you correctly guess that it’s meant for the few times her sisters sneak into her room and the story calms their anxious minds
When Bela looks up at you eventually, she gasps quietly at the softness found in your eyes
She stays quiet as you set her down on the bed, doesn’t even wince when you brush aside her hair to have a look at the nasty cut on her head
With the heat of the room, the wounds begin healing slowly
And still, you fuss over her
She hopes you don’t take notice of her dusty pink cheeks and wide eyes when you press your sleeve to her forehead
Your subtle smile tells her differently
She hates you, you’re sure of it
And you hate her, she’s sure
After all, why else would she dump dead, stinking deer in front of your room every single morning?!
Why else would she do this to you and no one else!
Why is she tormenting you? What have you done to her!
After all, why else would you dispose of her beautiful gifts every single morning?
You must hate her!
She feels stupid for gifting you her finest meat every day, but can’t stop, either
Perhaps she can yet woo you, after all
But you dump it off to the kitchens every time! Not even back to her! The kitchens! For common staff!
You must hate her…!
When you pass her in the halls, you do your best to avoid eye contact. Were you looking at her, you would notice her doing the exact same thing
Despite her hatred for you, you are curious about her
She’s beautiful, there’s no question there
With chocolate-coal-brown hair that easily falls down at her shoulders, sometimes curled, at other times straightened, her golden eyes you only sometimes dare gaze upon
She has one lazy eye, and you find it’s the cutest thing in the world. Her features are stunning and you regularly fight yourself to avoid staring at her
At night, at times, you can’t help but wonder what this beauty of a woman would be like curled against you
Her pale, snow-white skin pressed against yours, her face tucked away by your neck, your arms tight around her
Sometimes, you bitterly remind yourself; she would strike. Bite down at your jugular with all her might and drain the life from you
But, perhaps even happily so, you would allow her to
Despite her hatred of you, she has you wrapped around her finger
Despite your hatred of her, you have her wrapped around your finger
A raid at the castle marks the time both your lives are about to change
Raids are, by all means, hardly unusual
While they aren’t everyday happenings, all residents and staff of the castle, even the villagers, know of the foolish men and sometimes women attempting to break into the castle every few weeks or months or so
None are successful, but it seems this never dampens their spirit
But, there is protocol
And so you find yourself hiding in the only room closest to you at the beginning of the raid: the armory
The very armory occupied by Cassandra Dimitrescu
You know protocol, you know to hide in the nearest room, lock it even, and wait it out. Protocol never mentions the case being in which a Dimitrescu sister is near
You hold your breath, but it’s no use. She notices you immediately, and given the current raid at the castle you ought to be happy she doesn’t automatically strike you down
Instead, she holds your gaze for a moment. Your eyes meet a dark gold, more beautiful than anything you have ever seen before
You don’t notice you’re holding your breath until she stretches her arm out, her gloved fingertips pointing towards the back of the room
You understand instantly. A hiding spot, as instructed. Of course
Even as you slide between and behind the large barrels, hide behind the suits of armor standing at the back, you can’t help but keep your eyes lingering on her
Her back is smooth, her hips surprisingly slim
She looks regal, yet lethal in the way her fingers twitch and she grasps the weapon tighter every few seconds
Soon after you’ve slipped into your hiding place and Cassandra started sharpening her weapon- you briefly wonder why it is she stays with you, rather than throw herself into the sure fight happening somewhere in the castle- when you begin hearing shouts ahead
Then, you see them, two men, as they burst into the armory
They’re broad shouldered and sport brown hair and a brown, stubby beard. Thick noses and burst lips adorn their faces. They’re twins, and judged by their clothing, hunters stemming from the village
You hold your breath and shrink against the suits of armor and barrels surrounding you
They sneer at Cassandra, their weapons- two machetes, one each, drawn. They’re wholly focused on her
If they’ve seen you, they pay you no mind at all
Cassandra doesn’t wait for one of them to attack. Instead, you watch as she throws herself into battle
Swarming halfway and masterfully avoiding all incoming attacks from the two intruders, she catches one’s neck with the end of her sickle and reaps chunks of the other man’s clothing and skin from his ribs
You watch as blood forms and drops fast. The man splutters uselessly, stumbling back while the other, though injured, tries to fight back
It becomes clear to you now, why Cassandra is known as the best huntress at castle Dimitrescu
Despite her impressive display, your eyes press shut when the injured man stumbles in your direction
Again, he doesn’t seem to take notice of you, and yet you don’t dare move
Then, a loud bang forces your eyes open and a scream from your lungs
But you are not the only one screaming, and so you are lucky enough to be unnoticed again, for…
Cassandra’s scream was the one outweighing yours, you realise
The woman screams and shakes, her hood torn off to reveal teary eyes and her beautiful, pale skin breaking off slightly
Behind her, you notice the crack in the wall now a large gap. It must have been caused by the explosion you’ve heard
She’s still fighting strong, having finished the already weakened man bleeding out near you
Still, you grit your teeth and watch with wide eyes as the machete of the other connects with her arm. At first, she howls in pain, the noise so desperate and pure you almost cry
Then, the limb falls. You watch as it falls from her and breaks off into what must be hundreds of little flies that curl in on themself as the cold wind touches them
You grit your teeth when the woman stumbles backwards, her back dangerously close to the large gap in the wall. If she was to fall…
The man seems to have the same idea, pushing and swinging his machete around like a madman trying to make her back up into the gap
You decide you can’t bear to stand idle while her fate may be sealed
Slithering from behind the armor and barrels, you yank the other machete from the dead man’s tight grip
In a smooth, albeit difficult swing, the sharp blade meant for monsters connects with the man’s exposed neck, just where Cassandra struck him before
His head tips to the side as he collapses, and you drop the weapon immediately
Cassandra groans and growls madly as you near yourself and push her weak arm wielding the sickle aside
She reminds you a little of an animal with rabies, the way she shakes and growls, and you hope you don’t pay the bitter price for your care
Still, you wrap your arm around her slim hips and pull her towards you, wary of the large piece of broken off wall behind her
She doesn’t fight you, merely keeps on growling and- crying? You can’t be too sure. You didn’t take her for one to cry, but then again, you wince when you nearly step on what used to be her arm
Carefully, you scoop the unmoving flies from the floor and into your pocket
The woman is clearly out of it, her lips parted and sharp, fang-like teeth on display as she snarls and growls over and over again, her screams quiet, but almost banshee like in their shrill tone
You wonder; is she trying to reach her sisters with it? If she is, it’s entirely too quiet and weak of a scream, you decide
You take another gamble and hook your free hand under her legs, promptly lifting the woman into your arms
Again, she snarls and shakes, but makes no move to attack you
That is, if you don’t count her sharp, bloodied nails of her remaining hand digging into your shoulder
And still, you can’t bring yourself to believe this is meant to be an attack
You carry her out the library and the only place you know to be warm; the kitchens near the grand dining room
Cassandra relaxes significantly as you move her to the room, the warm fires and steam warming her sore body
Still, you don’t dare let go of her
When you hold your breath, you realise; she’s almost..purring? That can’t be right
The next thing you realise are the flies, previously unmoving, buzzing in your pocket
You set the woman down on a clear part of the table and retrieve one of them, smiling as it buzzes in your hand
You place a gentle kiss to it, not unaware of the small gasp coming from Cassandra, and release it. Immediately, it returns to the stump where her arm used to be
You repeat the process, kissing flies as they return to her
Cassandra’s thankful for the cold still in her body, for it’s at the very least suppressing her growing blush
You feel her lean against you and cant help but wonder;
Perhaps, she doesn’t hate you
Maybe, you don’t hate her
Daniela is almost 100% sure you hate her
You never react to her sly smirks, her cute giggles, the sweet hand resting on your shoulder!
She has tried flirting with you for ages, and nothing!
You’re never rude to her, actually- you’re very kind to her!
You always bring her a flower when your work in the gardens is done
You always braid her hair for her and brush it out after
You make sure her room is clean and her bath is full of bubbles and delicious scents
You always smile when you see her
So why haven’t you kissed her yet!
She doesn’t understand
She’s thrown you so many signs! All she could. But you haven’t acted on a single one
She thinks, you must hate her
And you?
You’re a little…clueless
You like her, so very much
You lie awake at night, your mind occupied by the beautiful, auburn haired woman that regularly visits your dreams and thoughts alike
Sometimes, you dare dream
Could she be yours?
Could you make her happy?
Could she want you?
But is she not with others? So many stare when she passes, you hear the hushed voices either insulting, or praising her
She’s a goddess residing in this castle; what chance have you got?
You try to be close to her, yet never too close
You don’t want to disrespect her, never
You care far too much about her for such a thing
Then, one day, there is an attack
Lycans, they say, a stray pack headed from the village and led by their prey directly to the castle
Of course, the staff is immediately brought and locked away for safety
You are less lucky, having insisted the day prior you’d like to clean out the library
After all, this is where Daniela is known to spend her days…
Now, separated from the other staff members, you have little choice but to stay put
You try your best not to glance at Daniela, who stands with her sickle held tightly. She too heard the alarms, it seems
You grip the fire poker, your eyes still trained on the floor
You wonder; if you looked at her, could you ever advert your eyes again?
It seems, there is little to no time for you to dwell on this thought, for a loud bang and a snarl is all you hear when the door to the library is ripped from its hinges and a furry snout peaks through
Before you have time to react, Daniela grips the lycan already
You watch as she works, no, plays with the wild animal
She spins it and giggles, grips and yanks, breaks and slices
The beast only snarls at her, yet can’t even hope to land even a single claw on her
All goes well, you don’t even think you need to make use of your improvised weapon
Even the snarls and screams from the outside dull. They’re retreating, it seems
Then, however, a gasp is ripped from you when the beast pushes against you. Whether it did it on purpose or was knocked against you, you can’t tell, but you do realise one thing; you’re falling
Hoping to catch yourself, you reach out to grab all within reach
Only, unfortunately, is that a lever
In the next second you feel icy cold wind come down at you and hear the piercing scream of the auburn haired woman next to you
Your hand stretches out, your lips parting as you scream a warning that comes too late
She’s knocked back by the force of the lycan’s gigantic paw swiping at her, thick claws dragging through her dress and soft, pale skin
You feel ill as blood pools at her stomach and the sickle falls from her
She kicks the animal away, yet it looks, and sounds, as though each move only pains her so much more
You realise your own mistake fast and quickly work on shutting the windows again, her scream and your own blood pumping loudly urging you to work faster, faster, faster
When you look to the side, she’s barely sitting up, her bloodied hands and arms desperately shielding herself against the creature
You don’t think, can’t think, won’t take the time to think now
With the fire poker gripped tightly in your hand, you charge
You scream, and it’s met with a pained howl
Thankfully, Daniela must have injured the creature enough for a simple, powerful strike to its heart to finish it off
And still, you feel your uniform slip from you and the nasty, aching pain of the large slashes made at your back
You grit your teeth, ignoring the mark the creature has left on you even as its foulness enters your body
You turn Daniela to find her bloodied and shivering, her flies dropping, her skin seemingly switching between breaking and healing itself
Again, you don’t dare waste time
She watches you through a blurry haze as you wrap your arms around her. She almost tastes your scent
It takes everything not to taste you
She feels her wounds, the pain she has almost forgotten all about. What is pain? This is a nasty reminder
Next she’s lifted to you, her fingertips and face nuzzling your warm skin
You feel her move to you, as close as she could, and all but grant her this
You know now what happened, what you have caused her
And you’re set to fix it. You won’t allow a stupid mistake, an accident, to be it for her
Daniela shivers still as you pick her off the floor and rush through the halls
Yet, all she feels is you. Your warmth. Your heartbeat, loud and close against her ear. She loves every moment of it
She isn’t sure where you bring her at first, until she finds herself set on her bed
When did she get here? She can’t tell. Black dots appear in her vision and her stomach feels slick with blood even as it starts closing up again
You gently cup her cheek, your eyes, so beautiful and worried, checking her over
You notice the little cuts on her face heal and shut nearly instantly, whereas bruises caused by the cold wind stay stubbornly in place
Perhaps, if the cold hurts the woman, the heat could help her, you figure
Daniela whines when you move from her and for a moment you feel your cheeks heat up. Her fingers entangled with yours, her golden eyes wide and hopeful
She doesn’t want you to go. Not now. Even if you hate her
And really?
Neither do you
You only wish to hold her close, to protect the precious creature held so close to you
You wish to cup her face and stroke the soft fingers holding onto yours so sweetly
You want nothing but to nurse her back to health, to know her, really know her
To be here
To make her yours
You watch, the truth laid bare in her eyes. No flirty smiles you don’t understand, no hidden meanings behind words you can’t understand
Her feelings, exposed and shown to you in her bright, golden eyes
You lean down as gentle as you can, and even more so, you press your lips to the flower tattoo adorning her forehead
“I’ll draw you a bath, it will warm you up”, you whisper. Then, you promise:
“I’ll return, iubita mea”
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lauramkaye · 4 months ago
Hot take on a 200-year-old book
At the start of Pride and Prejudice, Darcy liked Caroline Bingley, and Caroline isn't completely irrational to think that she might get him to propose eventually.
Oh, he WON'T, not with her connections in TRADE, but it isn't so very wrong of her to have hopes of him. He doesn't like meeting new people and he's used to her because she's his friend's sister, he's had her to stay at Pemberley at least once and is now staying with her family so he must not have hated it! Plus, she has fashionable manners and appearance, she's generally fairly savvy and clever, and they have a great time being bitchy to each other about people they don't like. She's funny in a mean way and SO IS HE - "She a beauty? I'd as soon call her mother a wit." For Darcy, Caroline makes a fairly amusing person to trade zingers with, roast vulgar people, and probably to use as a shield against other husband hunters that he knows less well. I suspect that Caroline's plan when they come to Netherfield is to just keep being in his orbit, showing off her society hostess and witty one-liner skills, and eventually he'll realize he has to get on with producing an heir and will decide that as far as eligible known quantities go, better Caroline than Anne De Bourgh. (Which, I mean, at least Caroline brings more pleasant in-laws and you could actually have a conversation with her.) It's not a terrible strategy for somone as antisocial as Darcy, honestly, though I think that pre-book Darcy is okay with being FRIENDS with the Bingleys but wouldn't be polluting the shades of Pemberley with them, so to speak - that's a bridge too far for his sense of what is due to his family.
(In fact when you think about it, the way that Elizabeth and Wickham enjoy dishing dirt about Darcy is kind of a mirror of the way Darcy and Caroline start out!)
I think part of why Caroline gets so very desperate and blatant is that Darcy stops playing along with their usual games as he starts to fall for Elizabeth. It's not so funny when it's about his crush, and instead of giving back another quip about how inferior these country bumpkins are, he not only shuts her down but does it in a way that is complimentary to another woman. I think the first time he does this is at Lucas Lodge with the infamous "fine eyes" comment. You can SEE Caroline getting more and more frantic to re-establish their prior rapport and Darcy just doubling down on taking every one of her attempts and turning it into a way to say something nice about Elizabeth, to the point where by the end of the Netherfield trip he is deliberately fucking with Caroline and I think is kind of enjoying it in a "hah hah, you can dish it out but you can't take it" sort of way.
If Caroline was a little smarter and more devious - a bit more like Wickham - she would have eased off and focused her comments not on Elizabeth but on her family, especially Mrs. Bennet and Lydia, who DO behave in a way counter to propriety and good manners and are genuinely embarrassing to their better-mannered sisters. That way, she could have reinforced his feelings against the match. Continuing to push him and doubling down every time he pushed back activated his Lady Catherine-Tuned Stubbornness Circuits (aka "I am the master of Pemberley and you don't get to tell me who I can or cannot marry").
Caroline and Elizabeth are both witty and fun to talk to, but Elizabeth is witty in a playful and sweet way that doesn't offend people (even when she might WANT to, see pretty much every conversation they have at Rosings). And most important, in the long run, Caroline encourages Mr. Darcy to indulge in his worst self (much like Fanny Dashwood does to John Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility) while Elizabeth challenges and inspires him to become his best self, and that's the most important difference between them.
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potionsformaya · 2 months ago
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𓏵 ˖ ⋮ emily davis headcanons. . ֹ ₊
❝ often a lack of confidence manifests itself as over confidence. . ❞
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this is part 1 of my emily headcanons, because she’s my angel and yet I never gush about her on here (smallest piece of angst somewhere in the mix but it’s like a: “must’ve been the wind” sort of thing.)
Emily isn’t exactly the biggest animal lover. She doesn’t like being around dogs (Sam’s dog likes to chase her when she’s comes over. Now she demands it gets put outside when she visits.), and cats are more tame (Ashley’s cat falls asleep in her lap, and she awkwardly pets it) but she wouldn’t want one as a pet. She does, however, have a soft spot for rabbits.
HATES losing. The sorest loser you’ll ever meet. Falling second place is enough to make her go crazy. It doesn’t even have to be anything academic or sporty. Losing to someone in a game can also ruin her day.
Being a mathlete, she sticks out like a sore thumb when grouped together with the other mathletes because most of them are on the geekier side. But despite her sour attitude, she’s managed to befriend a handful of them.
Even when she and Jessica were friends, she always felt like she had to be better than her in some way. Jessica being more out there and popular because of her brash and extroverted attitude, Emily felt as if she couldn’t keep up. While everyone was drooling over Miss Homecoming Queen, it was always a hit or miss with how people felt about Emily. It was always “she’s too bitchy” or “she’s okay”, no in between.
When Emily started dating Matt, she put on this flirty, suggestive persona just in case there was a chance of him leaving her for the same reason Mike dumped her. Being “too frigid”. However, Emily is still insecure about her performance in the bedroom due to Mike making it pretty clear she wasn’t his best experience.
Emily can be a bit bitter, but she’s never been all that serious. The smallest things are enough to tickle her, including her own jokes.
When around adults or authority figures, Emily is a completely different person. Very respectful and and well mannered. The first time she visit Ashley’s house, she went from ranting to Ashley outside the door, to having a polite conversation with Ashley’s mother in the living room.
Emily did in fact feel guilty for the prank they pulled on Hannah, and had zero intentions on going back up to the lodge. After a talk with Matt and thinking about how much it probably meant to Josh, she caved in.
Emily realized her eyesight was getting a tiny bit bad when she was only two seats away from the board and still couldn’t exactly make out what it said. If then became concerning when she was beginning to have a hard time reading up close, Sam told her she was going to have to get glasses sooner or later, but Em kept putting it off because she felt glasses would make her look dorky. She secretly ordered some online, and the prescription glasses were a little chunky and thick. She only wears them in the comfort of her own home.
She actually loves giving gifts on special occasions. And she’s loaded so her gifts usually aren’t that casual. She likes spending money on her friends to see their faces when they open up whatever she got them.
She doesn’t exactly have a fear of roller coasters or rides, they just make her sick every single time. And if you’re not fast enough, or you’re unlucky enough (like Chris), you’ll end up in the spray zone. 
She topped Chris’s high score in DDR.
Emily got stuck in an art class as an elective. She hated every minute of it and she’s great at everything, but her art skills, not so much..
Ironically, Emily can be one of the most sensitive people you’ll ever meet.
She loves teasing and messing with her friends, but when it’s done back to her, she’s thrown off completely.
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