#and she found a really good price but my dad told her that it would be too hot if we went now and that she would suffer the most
to say the mood in my family is grim would be an understatement
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maidragoste · 11 months
Chapter One: The Reaping
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The Hunger Games AU
Katniss!Jacaerys x Peeta!Reader (I labeled it that even though Jace's backstory is different from Katniss's but he and Reader will be the star-crossed lovers of district 12)
Chapter Two Chapter Three
I really hope you like it because I'm so excited to write this au!
Please let me know what you think in the comments, as always, likes and reblogs are appreciated too 💖💖
My inbox is open so I'm always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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Jacaerys entered the Victors' Village, not that he was a victor. In fact, his name had never come up in the reaping. But he and his brothers lived there since his uncle Larys took care of them after his father died in the middle of an explosion in the mines while working.
The teenager quickly quickened his pace while adjusting his grip on the only two squirrels he had brought from all the ones he had hunted during the morning with Baela, his best friend. He may not have needed to hunt for food anymore but he was one of the few people in District 12 who knew how to hunt. Some people had depended on bartering with his father to bring a plate of food to his table. His father would not have wanted him to leave those people abandoned, so every day he sneaks into the forest with Baela to look for deer, rabbits, squirrels, birds, fish, or any type of edible vegetable or fruit. He always gave the best goods to Baela, after all, she had more mouths to feed with her mother, her twin sister, and her two little brothers. But the rest he exchanged with the merchants or even sometimes he practically ended up giving away his merchandise due to the low price that he was willing to accept from the families that he knew did not have enough to eat to prevent them from ending up asking for more tesserae. Uncle Larys had never told him but Jacaerys knew that he thought he was a fool for doing that.
Jacaerys hated the silence in the village but it was no surprise considering that of the twelve houses there, the only house that was being inhabited was his uncle's. Of the seventy-three Hunger Games that have been held so far, there have only been two victors from District 12 and the only one still alive is Larys Strong.
Jace hurried into the house trying to ignore the heaviness in his stomach.
“I told you Luke would throw up again this year! You owe me!” was the first thing Joffrey, his youngest brother, said when he saw him.
Lucerys, or Luke as his dad had nicknamed him, was the middle brother, and every year he had the worst time during Repairing; which was the moment when the District escort went up to the podium and then took a random piece of paper from each glass urn, one containing the names of all the boys between twelve and eighteen years old and another with the names of the girls. This was how the tributes were chosen for each Hunger Games. Like any coherent person in District 12 Luke feared being chosen as a tribute and unlike Jacaerys he could not hide his fear.
“Take this to the kitchen,” the oldest of the brothers asked, handing the squirrels to Joffrey before running to the bathroom.
When Jacaerys entered he found Luke hunched over, holding the toilet bowl. Ignoring the smell of vomit he hurried to his brother's side and with one hand began to rub soothing circles on Luke's back while the other brushed the hair from his face. He doesn't know how many minutes they stayed like this until the youngest finally stopped vomiting.
"I'm sorry, Jace" Luke apologized with a broken voice and tears on his cheeks, clearly feeling ashamed for being in the same position for another year. "I really tried."
"Hey, you have nothing to apologize for," Jacaerys denied as he helped him up from the floor. "It's okay to be afraid. Only an idiot wouldn't be afraid."
"Joffrey is not afraid," the youngest murmured after cleaning his face.
Joffrey must have been the only thirteen-year-old in District 12 who wasn't horrified at the thought of his name coming up in the Reaping. Jacaerys believed it was because Joff thought he would be able to win the games just by being a relative of a victor. Also, of the three, Joff seemed to want Uncle Larys's validation and attention the most. In these three years living with him he had never told them that he loved them but Jace thought that he should at least care a little about them because otherwise he could have let the authorities take them to the community orphanage instead of taking care of them.
"I told you, an idiot," Jace said, managing to get a small laugh out of Lucerys. "Listen, Luke. Everything will be fine. You never asked for a tessera so your name is only on four pieces of paper."
In the first year when you started to be part of the Reaping, they put your name only once in the bowl. But every time you have a birthday they add another paper with your name on it. If you do not ask for any tessera then it is assumed that you will reach the age of eighteen with only seven papers.
Jacaerys always tried to reassure his brother, and also himself, saying that the chances of his name coming up were low compared to all the people who had to ask for tesserae to be able to eat.
"Lucerys, Jacaerys, start getting ready for the Reaping" Larys ordered from below. There was no need for him to shout as the house was silent.
"Take a bath, you stink" Jacaerys mocked, ruffling Lucerys's hair before leaving him in the bathroom.
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"Happy Hunger Games! and may the odds be ever in your favor!" greeted Effie Trinket, the District 12 companion, with the same excitement as in previous years.
While Effie gives a speech about what an honor it is for her to be there as a companion, Jacaerys's eyes meet Baela's. She smiles at him and he struggles to return it. Baela is so brave, he doesn't know how she isn't trembling with fear knowing that her name is at least twenty times. Maybe in recent years she was no longer asking for tesserae but before Jacaerys moved in with his uncle she had.
"Ladies first!" said Effie announcing that it was time for the drawing. She approaches the urn with the girls' names and then reaches deep inside and takes out a piece of paper. You can feel the tension in the air and for a moment everyone seems to hold their breath until Effie opens the paper and I read it "Y/n Y/l!"
Shit. Jacaerys knew you. He had seen you more than once at the bakery when he went to buy or exchange his merchandise with your father. Not only that but you two share classes together at school. You weren't friends. But you were still there for his brothers when he was too devastated by the death of his father to care about anyone else. You were the one who stopped some idiots from bothering Luke at school, you were the one who helped Joffrey with his homework to prevent him from repeating a grade, and you, in the only conversation you ever shared, reminded him that he was important to the District, that his brothers needed him, that he could not abandon them, that his father would not have wanted to see him as a ghost in life, that he would have wanted him to help the people of the District.
Jace had to go say goodbye to you, his gratitude may be three years late but he needed to thank you for taking care of his brothers when he had failed them and remind him that he had a purpose.
Jacaerys watches you move towards the stage. Your posture is straight, your chin up and your steps are firm but he can see the uncertainty in your eyes. You still look pretty in your pink dress, it wasn't glamorous at all—no one in the district wears glamorous clothes—but in his eyes, you stood out. It's probably because, unlike other girls in the district, your clothes didn't hang off and your bones didn't show, you didn't look like someone who was malnourished.
Maybe with your beauty and if you had a good interview you could get lucky and captivate a sponsor, he thought. He hoped that this year his uncle would try even harder to bring home a winner.
Once you are on stage Effie asks for volunteers. Of course, no one offers.
“Now it's time to meet our male tribute!” Effie announces, rushing to the boys' urn and pulling out the first piece of paper she sees, “Lucerys Strong!”
This must be a nightmare, Jacaerys thought. They were supposed to be safe, they had never asked for tesserae. He was snapped out of his stupor by hearing Joffrey's desperate cries calling for Luke as his brother began to walk with fear and tears in his eyes to the stage. Jace didn't even think about it, he broke out of his formation and started running after Lucerys.
“I'm a volunteer!” he shouted when the peacekeepers grabbed him, wanting to take him away from Lucerys. “I volunteered as a tribute!” he repeated, standing up straight, once they released him.
"Magnificent!" Effie exclaimed, happy because there was finally some action in the District. "But you are supposed to present the winner of the reaping first and then ask for volunteers…"
"Just let him up," the mayor interrupted her sharply, clearly upset by the situation. He knew Jacaerys because he always bought strawberries from him and Baela.
“No, Jace!” Lucerys said with a trembling voice, still shaking her head. “You can't!”
“Go to Joffrey” the eldest brother ordered firmly, he wanted to hug Luke but he was afraid that if he did he would also start crying and he couldn't do it knowing that the cameras were filming everything. He couldn't appear weak. “Go,” he repeated, pushing him aside and heading to the stage without looking back.
Jacaerys' brown eyes meet yours and the heaviness in his stomach increases. He would have to kill you if he wanted to come home, you, the person who pushed him to move forward after her father's death. He had never thanked you and much less would he do so now knowing that in a few days, he may be the one who ended up killing you. Obviously, luck was not on his side but if you died he really hoped that it would be another of the tributes who would end up taking your life. If it became him and he managed to win the games, Jacaerys was sure that there would not be a day in which he would not think of you.
"Wonderful!" Effie exclaimed once the young man finished climbing the stairs. "What's your name?"
"Jacaerys Strong," he answered.
"I'll bet my shoes he was your brother. You didn't want him to steal your glory, did you?" The companion's smile disappeared before the furious looks of the victor and the tributes. "Good! Let's give a big round of applause to our new tribute!"
But no one applauds. The entire District demonstrates its disagreement with its silence. Not only that, but many people begin to bring the three middle fingers of their left hand to their lips and then point them at Jacaerys. He looks shocked as they give him that gesture. It was not a common thing to be used in the District but every once in a while, someone would do it during funerals. It was a gesture of giving thanks, of admiration, of farewell to a loved one. The same gesture they had made at his father's funeral. Jacaerys feels a lump form in his throat. He can't help but look at you, this was thanks to you, if you hadn't reminded him that the District needed him like they needed his dad then maybe he would have continued in silence staring into nothingness, living mechanically instead of starting to help people like his dad used to do.
The mayor begins to read the Treaty of Treason. Once he finishes he instructs you and Jace to shake hands. Jacaerys notices that your hand is a little smaller than his and he feels warm against hiss. You catch him off guard when you squeeze his hand as if to encourage him. He returns the gesture even though he knows he shouldn't, it wasn't the time to become friends.
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Tag: @valeskafics @agqrtz
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mrsparrasblog · 6 months
I know John Price would be the best Dad on earth but please let the Plot , ploting
Part 2
Your dad loved you; you were really sure he did, just not as much as he loved Tina, your younger sibling. You were the result of a one-night stand he had when he was 16, while Tina was a love child of your dad's new wife. You liked both of them; you really did. They treated you with respect; you stayed in their house while your dad was on deployment. So you couldn't really complain; they even let you stay while you did your apprenticeship, despite that you were over 20 now and full of age, but they made it clear: finish your apprenticeship and you're gone.
Your dad didn't say anything. Well, how could he, since he was always on some kind of mission, to save the planet or world? He was like a real-life Avenger. It just hurts sometimes when he misses certain events like your ballet performance, your appendix operation, your 18th birthday, and your graduation ceremony—the best of the whole year. But who cares about that when you have no one in the crowd to cheer for you?
The worst part? He did make time for Tina. He was at her elementary school graduation, at every birthday, and at her fencing competition, claiming it's not because he likes Tina more; it's just that fencing is more interesting than ballet. You would understand that, right? You were a good, smart girl. Of course, you would understand how important his job is, right? You're not a selfish little lady, he said.
For years, you thought he despised you, maybe because you were the spitting image of your dead mother or because you had the same interests as her but not like Tina. Tina was cool; she did fencing, wanted to join the military, and even got caught smoking weed. Your dad only laughed about this, telling her he did this too when he was young.
You and your dad didn't share the same interest; you liked everything that was hyper-feminine: ballet, pink, makeup, Taylor Swift. And you were becoming a midwife instead of a cool, badass soldier. His only expression was, "Are you sure, sweetie?" Of course, you were sure, and you thought your job was even more badass than his. You helped bring babies into the world; what could be better?
One day, you noticed he did love you. In fact, it was just harder to love someone at 17 than at 30, he said. He cried while saying this, begging you on his knees to forgive him for being such a crappy dad, and of course, you did. His affection and attention were almost like a drug to you; you didn't need weed when hearing "I'm proud of you, sweetie" did so much more to you.
It wasn't a surprise when you started to sleep with older men, craving the care and affection they could provide you with. The same affection you begged your whole life for. When your stepmother found out you got intimate with 40-year-old men every weekend, she told your dad, of course, that she did. And he was furious—more than furious. Giving you a lesson about safe sex—a bit too late for that, innit? And then he told you that he was disappointed in you, and it hurt even more than the neglect you needed to endure your whole life.
You were walking through the streets of Cardiff, enjoying the sight of your hometown; it was beautiful, especially at night. Suddenly, a man bumped into you—correct: the most handsome man you've ever seen in your life. He was tall with dark hair, mesmerizing eyes, tattoos and pale skin, and he was definitely old enough to be your type. Maybe that was the fairytale love story you ever dreamed of.
"I'm sorry, sir; my eyes aren't so strong in the dark."
He kissed your hand like you were some kind of royalty and smiled with the most charming smile. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't have to apologize," he said with a thick, beautiful Russian accent.
"Thank you, sir."
"Call me Vlad, princess," he said, and you told him your name, to which he replied that it was the most beautiful name he ever heard.
"Let me walk you home, princess. It's dangerous for a beautiful girl like you to walk on her own," he said with a cheeky grin.
"So you're from Russia? How is it there?"
"Beautiful; the nature is stunning. I live in Moscow, and you would love the architecture."
"I bet I would love it. If I have the opportunity to travel someday, I definitely will."
"Where would you go first, princess?"
"Hm, New York or maybe Sydney. No wait, the Alps. Ah, it's hard to decide, you?"
You mumbled while walking on the sidewalk; you didn't know why, but you felt safe like never before. Not even the dogs barked at him; he had this dark presence about him, but how he talked and behaved, letting you walk further away from the sidewalk, lending you his jacket, and caressing your finger with his thumb, made you feel safe and appreciated.
"I was almost everywhere in the world, but if I could decide, I'd say Moscow."
"Doesn't count; you live there." You pointed your tongue at him and threw a giggling fit.
"And who are you to decide this?"
"Like you said, a princess."
"And what does your Highness want?"
"Hm, ice cream."
You went to an ice cream place, both of you picking out an ice cream flavor; he insisted that he pay for your £2 ice like a gentleman, and you laughed.
"You're weird; chocolate-mint ice is a disgrace."
"It is good; taste it?"
"I won't."
You smeared the ice around your plump lips. "You sure don't want a taste now," you said, hinting at a kiss. He smirked and leaned in for a kiss. His lips were gentle, but there was so much passion behind the kiss and so much longing that you immediately moaned, making a fool of yourself. After what felt like hours, you split, trying to catch your breath.
"that was-"
You nodded before pulling into another kiss. The 10-minute walk home took 3 hours since you stopped every second, demanding his attention, and he gave it to you so willingly. You arrived at your door.
"So this is my door."
He kissed you one last time, "Sorry Princess," and then he pulled you into him, holding something against your nose, but before you could react, you were already far gone.
You brought him to your place, Price's house, with what he wanted; he wanted to kill every three of you, make a massacre, and then leave them for Price to see. But you were confusing him; he liked your presence; sure, he was just a man, and he knew you were the type of woman he watched when beating his meat, but normally attractiveness wouldn't affect him, especially not with Price's daughter. But you were nice to him even though you didn't know he was fucking Vladimir Makarov, so his plan changed; he needed to break you or have you and then rub it under Price's face that you were his now.
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twstfanblog · 2 months
Honestly, I just love to hear you rant!!! My request is any au you choose, with Crewel, Rook, and Vil, together or separate, your choice!!! I think your rants are super sweet and sound so much like my own to my friends!!! It kinda makes me think of when I spent 30 minutes trying to find out how much a pint of ale cost in 1843 England for one sentence in something I was writing! 😅 Too bad I'm already following you, because I would totally follow you again! Can't send the Tumblr gift thingies though, because screw American capitalism.
(That price of ale thing is literally how deep I get into world building if Im not careful XD Most days I just go, IT'S FINE YOU DON'T KNOW JUST KEEP WRITING)
Hmmmm... I've written about them all a lot in most of my AU's, honestly. I dont have anything really rant worthy left to say about...I literally had a whole hour to think about it, so instead, I'm just gonna drop another AU so I can get you something new about them. My Manhwa AU is pretty self-serving, but it's got plenty of Vil, Rook, and Crewel sprinkled in.
Basic idea of the AU is that 'Villainess' type story. Yuu was seen as a villain in the original timeline, only to die and come back in time to when she was a child with her full memories. She vows to change her ways and not die in such a way again.
Crewel and Crowley are Yuu's birth parents (Because my AU's are just the same universes in different settings-oop) Crewel married Crowley 100% for the money and power since Crowley was an arch duke. You couldn't call it a marriage of convenience hard enough. But of course, Crewel had to have a puppy to fufill his duty. Crewel will openingly treat Crowley like the bumbling man he pretends to be, but he is an adoring yet stern father to his precious puppy. So you can imagine when she wakes up one day and doesn't act like herself at all. He's so concerned about her...
Vil isn't nobility, but he and his father are both rich and popular enough to buy a title. Both actors, Vil leaves for the performance to the point he was called a succubus by one of his cast stars (teenagers acting so good one falls in love but the other is like 'dude we were acting, calm down'). Vil holds onto his issues with always being casted as a villain but he holds it in much better because hes just happy that he's well liked enough to always perform. As he gets older in this AU he starts to really show his support for the arts and all who create it. He's even started looking for investors to help him fund an acting school.
Rook is a noble man, lover of the odd and offbeat art, no one but his family really accepted his art. But he tried and he shared it with everyone he could. Vil saw it during an artshow and kinda tore it apart publicly by going on and on about how disturbed it made him feel. The current brownnoser tried to 'agree' saying it was bad art.
Vil: There's no such thing as "bad art", you toad. I said it disturbed me, I find it grotesque is a very...eyecatching way. It's not bad because it made me feel something.
So Rook falls in love instantly and basically hunts this mean beauty.
They end up working well together because Vil has FINALLY found someone willing to write him in a hero role and PROPERLY CRITIQUE THINGS WITH. They discus art and what makes something 'moving' vs 'shock value'. They fall in love hard for each other to the point Vil accepted Rook's proposal and is already 60% planned through their wedding. Only to realize he never told anyone when his dad asked if he was open to seeing anyone because he's been told many a young man and lady would like to court him.
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lethalchiralium · 9 months
Johnny was back in the morning, carrying a pack of furs and a bundle of meat, a smile on his face as soon as he saw his smiling little baby. You kissed her hair as he set down his bounty, he instantly scooped up his daughter who cooed at the sight of her dad.
“How was Missoula?” You asked as you pulled your shawl tighter around your torso.
“Damn borin’, missed ye ‘n the big one, an’ of course, my babe.” He kissed Claire’s forehead, she squealed in response. “Price sold a lot.”
You gently pat his back, ushering him inside. “S’good. Simon’ll be home before sundown.” You grabbed his furs and meat, carrying it inside and kicking the door closed with your boot. Johnny instantly found himself on the couch, gently rubbing the baby’s back.
“Johnny.” You moved back into the kitchen, taking a drink out of your cup.
“Yes, luv?”
“Are you sure you don’t hear the noises at night?”
He paused, giving you a unfazed look. “Here? No, I told ye ya just need more sleep.”
You set down your cup full of water, staring at your husband. “You try being the only food your baby wants. Shit’s hard.” You scratched your jaw a little, watching Claire smack her dad’s face. “I’m just worried. What if something’s really out there? What if we’re not actually safe here?”
“I’ll check th’ traps wance ah get some Claire time, a’richt?” He kissed Claire’s face again, the girl screeched with excitement. Worry was still nestled deep in your belly, your hand absentmindedly rubbed your collarbone to give yourself some ease. Maybe you were overthinking it. Maybe it is just the wind, or a squirrel or something.
But you knew it in your gut. Your gut was almost never wrong. You prayed it was wrong.
“Johnny, I think-“
The front door slammed into the wall, scaring all three of you but you were the first to snap into action, seeing a bloody faced Simon clutching his head. Claire began to screech from being startled, you darted towards your husband as he stumbled into the house with Price holding him up by the back of his shirt.
“Simon! Simon, baby, what happened?” Your hand peeled Simon’s hand from his head, walking backwards as Price pushed him into the house. Blood poured from his head and you felt your heart rate speed up in record time.
“Fuckin’ horse.” He mumbled, you looked at the gash on his hairline and the blurry look in his eyes. You haven’t seen him this dazed since he got hit over the head with a rifle years and years ago. You examined the cut as you led him to the couch, taking his bloody hand and helping him sit down. He decompressed into it immediately, chest and legs finally settling like he had worked for a thousand years straight.
You looked at Price, who had a few bloody scuffs on his arm. “What happened?”
“Horse bucked him off without warnin’ into a fence post.” He said, you nodded before ducking the few feet into your kitchen - your bandages and wet cloths were in hand in moments. You looked at your friend, watching his worried look turn to steeled as he met your gaze. “Grab my whiskey, would you?”
“Not m’bourbon.” Simon murmured from his place, you glanced into your bedroom to see the concerned face of Johnny, holding a crying Claire. You gave him a little nod before returning to Simon’s side, instantly gently wiping away the crusted and dripping blood. “S’cold, baby.”
“I know.” You whispered. “Just wanna clean you up before I bandage you.”
“M’fine. Don’t know why he even brought me here, just needed a minute to get up.”
Price handed you the whiskey bottle and a clean rag. “You were down for a good while.”
Your head whipped up to look at him. “And why didn’t you come get me?”
“He’s fine now.” He shrugged, gesturing towards your husband. “He’s talking and awake.”
“Fuckin’ men.” You grumbled, dropping the cold rag onto Simon’s lap before opening the bottle of whiskey. You took a swig, of course, and then poured some onto a new rag. You began to disinfect the wound, to which Simon squirmed, panting as he whined in pain. “Stay still-“
“Baby, it hurts-“
“I know it does, gotta get it cleaned and bandaged. M’almost done.” Your fingers were nimble as you began to bandage his wound, wrapping the long cloth around his thick head tightly. You never missed the way Simon looked at you, so comfortable in your presence. You tied it off after ripping it off near the end, tossing the excess onto the couch before handing him the whiskey.
He graciously took it, took a generous swig before handing it back to you. “How’d I look, doc?” He smirked, pink lips chapped but his smile still full of adoration.
“You’re fine.” Your hand settled on his thigh, gently rubbing it. “You’re not gonna be happy with what I have to say, though.”
“I’m still gonna work the horses, maybe just in a few days.”
“No more sex until that hit is healed.”
He groaned, disappointment tangled in his throat. “But-“
“I’m leavin’.” Price declared, sensing you were about to air some intimate details, you didn’t even acknowledge his departure.
“There’s three of us. You two bump heads, me and you bump heads. I like my daughter having both of her fathers.”
“Head hits are nothing.”
Your eyes flickered down to his eyes, watching them dart away from your stare. “‘Til they’re something.”
His glare had moved towards the bedroom door, Claire still crying in the room. He grunted a little, annoyed as he looked back to you. “Bring her here.”
“You’re funny.”
“Not joking.”
“Simon, you’re still bloody.” You pointed towards his hand, his shirt, the side of his cheek.
He gave you a piercing stare, voice low. “She knows I’m here. If she hasn’t stopped her cryin’ yet, she’s not going to. Give her to me.”
You stared back at your husband, hand rubbing on his thigh before you plucked the bottle of whiskey from his grasp. You turned towards the bedroom, calling for Johnny. He instantly appeared, holding a clearly upset and wiggling baby. Her little head shaking back and forth, tears and snot running down her chunky face as she looked at you.
Johnny’s eyebrows furrowed, moving Claire up his chest a little. “Everything a’right?”
“He wants her.” You nodded towards Simon.
Johnny chuckled dryly. “Like that? Nae.” Both of you looked down to Claire, whose hands were out in the direction of Simon, grabbing the air towards him as she cried. “…Fine. If ye pass out and drop ‘er-“
Simon groaned, one hand held out to grab Claire. “I’m not going to drop her.” Johnny gave him a stern look, his other hand held out. “I’m on the fuckin’ couch. She’s not gonna get away from me that easy.” Johnny handed her to him, Simon instantly smiled as her little hands gripped onto his sleeves. “Are you, darling?” She sniffled, still whining and crying, yet Simon holding her seemed to calm her to an extent. He brought her head to his lips, kissing her soft skin. “You love your Papa, don’t you?”
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captain-mj · 1 year
I definitely need the shadows making fun of Graves' crush on Price 💀
Oh I can definitely do that! The return of my oc Jason!! Also, Mila and Oz are here!!
Price was currently just standing there, but he was wearing one of his tight shirts that showed off his back muscles and how big his arms. He looked gorgeous.
Graves was staring quietly, admiring how he twisted and told his recruits what to do. Such confidence.
"Commander. Permission to stare with you, sir?" Mila asked, leaning in.
Graves groaned. "Please, fuck off."
"Oh come on. You're the one staring at the old man."
"We're only three years apart."
"Yeah, you're old too." Mila smiled at him. "A whole 35. Practically ancient."
"You won't be in your twenties forever. You know that right? One day you'll be just as old. Your back will hurt. Knees will ache when it's going to rain."
Mila hummed. "You think Price's knees ache? Maybe you can ask him and you two can bond over it."
Graves huffed and crossed his arms. "Let me please just stare at the man in peace."
"I mean. He is a fine man. Maybe he's into women."
Graves slowly turned to him and watched Mila bit her lip to bite back her laughter. "Get lost, soldier. That's an order."
Mila left, still laughing to herself. She must've informed Jason and Oz because they were watching Graves like a hawk. The moment he started to talk to Price, they were behind him, making kisses at each other in a way that made Graves blush.
Price tilted his head, getting Graves's attention. "You okay, darling? You're flushed."
Graves flushed more. "I... Um..."
Price's hand darted out, touching his face. "You don't feel feverish. Is everything okay?"
Before Graves could blame the heat or that it had been a long day or really anything, Jason butted in. "Nah, he just does that sometimes." Oz dragged Graves away the moment Price pulled his hand away.
"He called you darling."
"Shut the fuck up."
"Of course you'd like a Brit."
Graves groaned. "I know. I am betraying my country but I feel like the founding fathers would understand." He rubbed his face, trying to get rid of his stupid blushing. "But he's a good guy."
"He killed a bunch of Shadows."
"And I killed a bunch of the Vaqueros. We agreed to leave everything in the past." Graves hit his shoulder lightly.
Oz hummed. "I think you're too good for him, but if the weird British Dad makes you happy."
Graves hated it here.
The news spread fast and soon every time he was around Price, one of his Shadows would find some way to joke about what was going on or, debatably worse, try to help. Graves had been pushed into Price's arms at least four times.
Each time Price took it gracefully, arms circling around him until he got his footing. Occasionally, his hand would linger on his back for a moment afterward, just gently touching and it drove Graves mad. Their height difference was more noticeable when Graves's wasn't in uniform. He only came to about 5'9 and a half while Price was an easy 6'2 and he had the hands to match based on the way they pressed against the small of his back.
Gaz started to glare at him every time. It clearly wasn't on purpose, especially since Graves had no qualms about scolding the Shadows in front of everyone for once again doing this. He kept glaring all the same.
Then, Soap dropped a comment. "If Graves is the Shadow's dad, does that make us step siblings with them?"
Graves blinked slowly, his brain cells clinking together before he glanced at Price who had turned bright red. His hand quickly went from behind Graves's back to behind his own in a parade stance.
"MacTavish." He hissed.
Graves saw his opportunity. This was mostly revenge for the darling thing but a little because he also wanted to see Price's reaction. "Oh, Casanova, you turned all red." His hand reached up, feeling Price's flushed face.
"It means a man who is a romantic." Graves hummed. "Well, you don't feel feverish, is it the heat?"
Price stumbled over his words before just shrugging. "I guess."
Ghost and Mila exchanged long suffering glances.
Wow they were fucking annoying.
So they planned and then locked Graves and Price in a closet.
They luckily had plenty of wiggle room, but Price's arms still ended up going around Graves to make it a bit more comfortable.
"I'm skinning them alive when I get out of here."
"I don't understand what their issue has been lately."
Graves moved a little and found himself pressed back to chest with Price. He flushed again and tried to just breath.
"Claustrophobic?" Price asked gently, tugging him in a little closer.
"No. I'm fine, don't worry. Can you get to the door?"
Price tried it but grimaced. "Locked. Think they put something in front of it too. I'd have to break it down and that would be a bit hard considering."
Graves sighed and turned around again so they were now chest to chest. "Have anything you want to talk about?"
It was quiet for a minute, just a bit too dim for him to see all of Price's features. The kiss came out of nowhere.
The second one didn't.
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queenlucythevaliant · 8 months
Tell Your Dad You Love Him
A retelling of "Meat Loves Salt"/"Cap O'Rushes" for the @inklings-challenge Four Loves event
An old king had three daughters. When his health began to fail, he summoned them, and they came.
Gordonia and Rowan were already waiting in the hallway when Coriander arrived. They were leaned up against the wall opposite the king’s office with an air of affected casualness. “I wonder what the old war horse wants today?” Rowan was saying. “More about next year’s political appointments, I shouldn’t wonder.”
“The older he gets, the more he micromanages,” Gordonia groused fondly. “A thousand dollars says this meeting could’ve been an email.”
They filed in single-file like they’d so often done as children: Gordonia first, then Rowan, and Coriander last of all. The king had placed three chairs in front of his desk all in a row. His daughters murmured their greetings, and one by one they sat down. 
“I have divided everything I have in three,” the king said. “I am old now, and it’s time. Today, I will pass my kingdom on to you, my daughters.”
A short gasp came from Gordonia. None of them could have imagined that their father would give up running his kingdom while he still lived. 
The king went on. “I know you will deal wisely with that which I leave in your care. But before we begin, I have one request.”
“Yes father?” said Rowan.
“Tell me how much you love me.”
An awkward silence fell. Although there was no shortage of love between the king and his daughters, theirs was not a family which spoke of such things. They were rich and blue-blooded: a soldier and the daughters of a soldier, a king and his three court-reared princesses. The royal family had always shown their affection through double meanings and hot cups of coffee.
Gordonia recovered herself first. She leaned forward over the desk and clasped her father’s hands in her own. “Father,” she said, “I love you more than I can say.” A pause. “I don’t think there’s ever been a family so happy in love as we have been. You’re a good dad.”
The old king smiled and patted her hand. “Thank you, Gordonia. We have been very happy, haven’t we? Here is your inheritance. Cherish it, as I cherish you.”
Rowan spoke next; the words came tumbling out.  “Father! There’s not a thing in my life which you didn’t give me, and all the joy in the world beside. Come now, Gordonia, there’s no need to understate the matter. I love you more than—why, more than life itself!”
The king laughed, and rose to embrace his second daughter. “How you delight me, Rowan. All of this will be yours.”
Only Coriander remained. As her sisters had spoken, she’d wrung her hands in her lap, unsure of what to say. Did her father really mean for flattery to be the price of her inheritance? That just wasn’t like him. For all that he was a politician, he’d been a soldier first. He liked it when people told the truth.
When the king’s eyes came to rest on her, Coriander raised her own to meet them. “Do you really want to hear what you already know?” 
“I do.”
She searched for a metaphor that could carry the weight of her love without unnecessary adornment. At last she found one, and nodded, satisfied. “Dad, you’re like—like salt in my food.”
“Like salt?”
The king’s broad shoulders seemed to droop. For a moment, Coriander almost took back her words. Her father was the strongest man in the world, even now, at eighty. She’d watched him argue with foreign rulers and wage wars all her life. Nothing could hurt him. Could he really be upset? 
But no. Coriander held her father’s gaze. She had spoken true. What harm could be in that?
“I don’t know why you’re even here, Cor,” her father said.
Now, Coriander shifted slightly in her seat, unnerved. “What? Father—”
“It would be best if—you should go,” said the old king.
“Father, you can’t really mean–”
“Leave us, Coriander.”
So she left the king’s court that very hour.
It had been a long time since she’d gone anywhere without a chauffeur to drive her, but Coriander’s thoughts were flying apart too fast for her to be afraid. She didn’t know where she would go, but she would make do, and maybe someday her father would puzzle out her metaphor and call her home to him. Coriander had to hope for that, at least. The loss of her inheritance didn’t feel real yet, but her father—how could he not know that she loved him? She’d said it every day.
She’d played in the hall outside that same office as a child. She’d told him her secrets and her fears and sent him pictures on random Tuesdays when they were in different cities just because. She had watched him triumph in conference rooms and on the battlefield and she’d wanted so badly to be like him. 
If her father doubted her love, then maybe he’d never noticed any of it. Maybe the love had been an unnoticed phantasm, a shadow, a song sung to a deaf man. Maybe all that love had been nothing at all.  
A storm was on the horizon, and it reached her just as she made it onto the highway. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled. Rain poured down and flooded the road. Before long, Coriander was hydroplaning. Frantically, she tried to remember what you were supposed to do when that happened. Pump the brakes? She tried. No use. Wasn’t there something different you did if the car had antilock brakes? Or was that for snow? What else, what else–
With a sickening crunch, her car hit the guardrail. No matter. Coriander’s thoughts were all frenzied and distant. She climbed out of the car and just started walking.
Coriander wandered beneath an angry sky on the great white plains of her father’s kingdom. The rain beat down hard, and within seconds she was soaked to the skin. The storm buffeted her long hair around her head. It tangled together into long, matted cords that hung limp down her back. Mud soiled her fine dress and splattered onto her face and hands. There was water in her lungs and it hurt to breathe. Oh, let me die here, Coriander thought. There’s nothing left for me, nothing at all. She kept walking.
When she opened her eyes, Coriander found herself in a dank gray loft. She was lying on a strange feather mattress.
She remained there a while, looking up at the rafters and wondering where she could be. She thought and felt, as it seemed, through a heavy and impenetrable mist; she was aware only of hunger and weakness and a dreadful chill (though she was all wrapped in blankets). She knew that a long time must have passed since she was fully aware, though she had a confused memory of wandering beside the highway in a thunderstorm, slowly going mad because—because— oh, there’d been something terrible in her dreams. Her father, shoulders drooping at his desk, and her sisters happily come into their inheritance, and she cast into exile—
She shuddered and sat up dizzily. “Oh, mercy,” she murmured. She hadn’t been dreaming.
She stumbled out of the loft down a narrow flight of stairs and came into a strange little room with a single window and a few shabby chairs. Still clinging to the rail, she heard a ruckus from nearby and then footsteps. A plump woman came running to her from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron and softly clucking at the state of her guest’s matted, tangled hair.
“Dear, dear,” said the woman. “Here’s my hand, if you’re still unsteady. That’s good, good. Don’t be afraid, child. I’m Katherine, and my husband is Folke. He found you collapsed by the goose-pond night before last. I’m she who dressed you—your fine gown was ruined, I’m afraid. Would you like some breakfast? There’s coffee on the counter, and we’ll have porridge in a minute if you’re patient.”
“Thank you,” Coriander rasped.
“Will you tell me your name, my dear?”
“I have no name. There’s nothing to tell.”
Katherine clicked her tongue. “That’s alright, no need to worry. Folke and I’ve been calling you Rush on account of your poor hair. I don’t know if you’ve seen yourself, but it looks a lot like river rushes. No, don’t get up. Here’s your breakfast, dear.”
There was indeed porridge, as Katherine had promised, served with cream and berries from the garden. Coriander ate hungrily and tasted very little. Then, when she was finished, the goodwife ushered her over to a sofa by the window and put a pillow beneath her head. Coriander thanked her, and promptly fell asleep.
She woke again around noon, with the pounding in her head much subsided. She woke feeling herself again, to visions of her father inches away and the sound of his voice cracking across her name.
Katherine was outside in the garden; Coriander could see her through the clouded window above her. She rose and, upon finding herself still in a borrowed nightgown, wrapped herself in a blanket to venture outside.
“Feeling better?” Katherine was kneeling in a patch of lavender, but she half rose when she heard the cottage door open.
“Much. Thank you, ma’am.
“No thanks necessary. Folke and I are ministers, of a kind. We keep this cottage for lost and wandering souls. You’re free to remain here with us for as long as you need.”
“Oh,” was all Coriander could think to say. 
“You’ve been through a tempest, haven’t you? Are you well enough to tell me where you came from?”
Coriander shifted uncomfortably. “I’m from nowhere,” she said. “I have nothing.”
“You don’t owe me your story, child. I should like to hear it, but it will keep till you’re ready. Now, why don’t you put on some proper clothes and come help me with this weeding.”
Coriander remained at the cottage with Katherine and her husband Folke for a week, then a fortnight. She slept in the loft and rose with the sun to help Folke herd the geese to the pond. After, Coriander would return and see what needed doing around the cottage. She liked helping Katherine in the garden.
The grass turned gold and the geese’s thick winter down began to come in. Coriander’s river-rush hair proved itself unsalvageable. She spent hours trying to untangle it, first with a hairbrush, then with a fine-tooth comb and a bottle of conditioner, and eventually even with honey and olive oil (a home remedy that Folke said his mother used to use). So, at last, Coriander surrendered to the inevitable and gave Katherine permission to cut it off. One night, by the yellow light of the bare bulb that hung over the kitchen table, Katherine draped a towel over Coriander’s shoulders and tufts of gold went falling to the floor all round her.
“I’m here because I failed at love,” she managed to tell the couple at last, when her sorrows began to feel more distant. “I loved my father, and he knew it not.”
Folke and Katherine still called her Rush. She didn’t correct them. Coriander was the name her parents gave her. It was the name her father had called her when she was six and racing down the stairs to meet him when he came home from Europe, and at ten when she showed him the new song she’d learned to play on the harp. She’d been Cor when she brought her first boyfriend home and Cori the first time she shadowed him at court. Coriander, Coriander, when she came home from college the first time and he’d hugged her with bruising strength. Her strong, powerful father.
As she seasoned a pot of soup for supper, she wondered if he understood yet what she’d meant when she called him salt in her food. 
Coriander had been living with Katherine and Folke for two years, and it was a morning just like any other. She was in the kitchen brewing a pot of coffee when Folke tossed the newspaper on the table and started rummaging in the fridge for his orange juice. “Looks like the old king’s sick again,” he commented casually. Coriander froze.
She raced to the table and seized hold of the paper. There, above the fold, big black letters said, KING ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL FOR EMERGENCY TREATMENT. There was a picture of her father, looking older than she’d ever seen him. Her knees went wobbly and then suddenly the room was sideways.
Strong arms caught her and hauled her upright. “What’s wrong, Rush?”
“What if he dies,” she choked out. “What if he dies and I never got to tell him?”
She looked up into Folke’s puzzled face, and then the whole sorry story came tumbling out.
When she was through, Katherine (who had come downstairs sometime between salt and the storm) took hold of her hand and kissed it. “Bless you, dear,” she said. “I never would have guessed. Maybe it’s best that you’ve both had some time to think things over.”
Katherine shook her head. “But don’t you think…?”
“Well, don’t you think he should have known that I loved him? I shouldn’t have needed to say it. He’s my father. He’s the king.”
Katherine replied briskly, as though the answer should have been obvious. “He’s only human, child, for all that he might wear a crown; he’s not omniscient. Why didn’t you tell your father what he wanted to hear?”
“I didn’t want to flatter him,” said Coriander. “That was all. I wanted to be right in what I said.”
The goodwife clucked softly. “Oh dear. Don’t you know that sometimes, it’s more important to be kind than to be right?”
In her leave-taking, Coriander tried to tell Katherine and Folke how grateful she was to them, but they wouldn’t let her. They bought her a bus ticket and sent her on her way towards King’s City with plenty of provisions. Two days later, Coriander stood on the back steps of one of the palace outbuildings with her little carpetbag clutched in her hands. 
Stuffing down the fear of being recognized, Coriander squared her shoulders and hoped they looked as strong as her father’s. She rapped on the door, and presently a maid came and opened it. The maid glanced Coriander up and down, but after a moment it was clear that her disguise held. With all her long hair shorn off, she must have looked like any other girl come in off the street.
“I’m here about a job,” said Coriander. “My name’s Rush.”
The king's chambers were half-lit when Coriander brought him his supper, dressed in her servants’ apparel. He grunted when she knocked and gestured with a cane towards his bedside table. His hair was snow-white and he was sitting in bed with his work spread across a lap-desk. His motions were very slow.
Coriander wanted to cry, seeing her father like that. Yet somehow, she managed to school her face. Like he would, she kept telling herself. Stoically, she put down the supper tray, then stepped back out into the hallway. 
It was several minutes more before the king was ready to eat. Coriander heard papers being shuffled, probably filed in those same manilla folders her father had always used. In the hall, Coriander felt the seconds lengthen. She steeled herself for the moment she knew was coming, when the king would call out in irritation, “Girl! What's the matter with my food? Why hasn’t it got any taste?”
When that moment came, all would be made right. Coriander would go into the room and taste his food. “Why,” she would say, with a look of complete innocence, “It seems the kitchen forgot to salt it!” She imagined how her father’s face would change when he finally understood. My daughter always loved me, he would say. 
Soon, soon. It would happen soon. Any second now. 
The moment never came. Instead, the floor creaked, followed by the rough sound of a cane striking the floor. The door opened, and then the king was there, his mighty shoulders shaking. “Coriander,” he whispered. 
“Dad. You know me?”
“Of course.”
“Then you understand now?”
The king’s wrinkled brow knit. “Understand about the salt? Of course, I do. It wasn't such a clever riddle. There was surely no need to ruin my supper with a demonstration.”
Coriander gaped at him. She'd expected questions, explanations, maybe apologies for sending her away. She'd never imagined this.
She wanted very badly to seize her father and demand answers, but then she looked, really looked, at the way he was leaning on his cane. The king was barely upright; his white head was bent low. Her questions would hold until she'd helped her father back into his room. 
“If you knew what I meant–by saying you were like salt in my food– then why did you tell me to go?” she asked once they were situated back in the royal quarters. 
Idly, the king picked at his unseasoned food. “I shouldn’t have done that. Forgive me, Coriander. My anger and hurt got the better of me, and it has brought me much grief. I never expected you to stay away for so long.”
Coriander nodded slowly. Her father's words had always carried such fierce authority. She'd never thought to question if he really meant what he’d said to her. 
“As for the salt,” continued the king, "Is it so wrong that an old man should want to hear his daughters say ‘I love you' before he dies?” 
Coriander rolled the words around in her head, trying to make sense of them. Then, with a sudden mewling sound from her throat, she managed to say, “That's really all you wanted?”  
“That's all. I am old, Cor, and we've spoken too little of love in our house.” He took another bite of his unsalted supper. His hand shook. “That was my failing, I suppose. Perhaps if I’d said it, you girls would have thought to say it back.”
“But father!” gasped Coriander, “That’s not right. We've always known we loved one another! We've shown it a thousand ways. Why, I've spent the last year cataloging them in my head, and I've still not even scratched the surface!”
The king sighed. “Perhaps you will understand when your time comes. I knew, and yet I didn't. What can you really call a thing you’ve never named? How do you know it exists? Perhaps all the love I thought I knew was only a figment.”
“But that’s what I’ve been afraid of all this time,” Coriander bit back. “How could you doubt? If it was real at all– how could you doubt?”
The king’s weathered face grew still. His eyes fell shut and he squeezed them. “Death is close to me, child. A small measure of reassurance is not so very much to ask.”
Coriander slept in her old rooms that night. None of it had changed. When she woke the next morning, for a moment she remembered nothing of the last two years. 
She breakfasted in the garden with her father, who came down the steps in a chair-lift. “Coriander,” he murmured. “I half-thought I dreamed you last night.”
“I’m here, Dad,” she replied. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Slowly, the king reached out with one withered hand and caressed Coriander's cheek. Then, his fingers drifted up to what remained of her hair. He ruffled it, then gently tugged on a tuft the way he'd used to playfully tug her long braid when she was a girl. 
“I love you,” he said.
“That was always an I love you, wasn’t it?” replied Coriander. “My hair.”
The king nodded. “Yes, I think it was.”
So Coriander reached out and gently tugged the white hairs of his beard. “You too,” she whispered.
“Why salt?” The king was sitting by the fire in his rooms wrapped in two blankets. Coriander was with him, enduring the sweltering heat of the room without complaint. 
She frowned. “You like honesty. We have that in common. I was trying to be honest–accurate–to avoid false flattery.”
The king tugged at the outer blanket, saying nothing. His lips thinned and his eyes dropped to his lap. Coriander wished they wouldn’t. She wished they would hold to hers, steely and ready for combat as they always used to be.
“Would it really have been false?” the king said at last. “Was there no other honest way to say it? Only salt?”
Coriander wanted to deny it, to give speech to the depth and breadth of her love, but once again words failed her. “It was my fault,” she said. “I didn’t know how to heave my heart into my throat.” She still didn’t, for all she wanted to. 
When the doctor left, the king was almost too tired to talk. His words came slowly, slurred at the edges and disconnected, like drops of water from a leaky faucet. 
Still, Coriander could tell that he had something to say. She waited patiently as his lips and tongue struggled to form the words. “Love you… so… much… You… and… your sisters… Don’t… worry… if you… can’t…say…how…much. I… know.” 
It was all effort. The king sat back when he was finished. Something was still spasming in his throat, and Coriander wanted to cry.
“I’m glad you know,” she said. “I’m glad. But I still want to tell you.”
Love was effort. If her father wanted words, she would give him words. True words. Kind words. She would try… 
“I love you like salt in my food. You're desperately important to me, and you've always been there, and I don't know what I'll do without you. I don’t want to lose you. And I love you like the soil in a garden. Like rain in the spring. Like a hero. You have the strongest shoulders of anyone I know, and all I ever wanted was to be like you…”
A warm smile spread across the old king’s face. His eyes drifted shut.
#inklingschallenge#theme: storge#story: complete#inklings challenge#leah stories#OKAY. SO#i spend so much time thinking about king lear. i think i've said before that it's my favorite shakespeare play. it is not close#and one of the hills i will die on is that cordelia was not in the right when she refused to flatter her dad#like. obviously he's definitely not in the right either. the love test was a screwed up way to make sure his kids loved him#he shouldn't have tied their inheritances into it. he DEFINITELY shouldn't have kicked cordelia out when she refused to play#but like. Cordelia. there is no good reason not to tell your elderly dad how much you love him#and okay obviously lear is my starting point but the same applies to the meat loves salt princess#your dad wants you to tell him you love him. there is no good reason to turn it into a riddle. you had other options#and honestly it kinda bothers me when people read cordelia/the princess as though she's perfectly virtuous#she's very human and definitely beats out the cruel sisters but she's definitely not aspirational. she's not to be emulated#at the end of the day both the fairytale and the play are about failures in storge#at happens when it's there and you can't tell. when it's not and you think it is. when you think you know someone's heart and you just don'#hey! that's a thing that happens all the time between parents and children. especially loving past each other and speaking different langua#so the challenge i set myself with this story was: can i retell the fairytale in such a way that the princess is unambiguously in the wrong#and in service of that the king has to get softened so his errors don't overshadow hers#anyway. thank you for coming to my TED talk#i've been thinking about this story since the challenge was announced but i wrote the whole thing last night after the super bowl#got it in under the wire! yay!#also! the whole 'modern setting that conflicts with the fairytale language' is supposed to be in the style of modern shakespeare adaptation#no idea if it worked but i had a lot of fun with it#pontifications and creations
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WIBTA if I gave my sister's concert ticket to her ex boyfriend and make her pay for it? NSFW warning
I (24 cis female) and my younger sister (19 cis female) have tickets for a concert we both really like. Sister and i have been saving up for a while as tickets are a little pricey where we live. I bought the tickets in my name but my sister paid half for hers. we have two cars in the family. One for my dad (50s cis male) and one for us for college. Last weekend my sister asked if she could borrow my car for a few days as she was going to be in the next city over for a party with her friends and boyfriend. I said sure because I knew I would be at home all weekend. i got a call on sunday morning from my sister's boyfriend (21 cis male) saying that I needed to come and pick her up because he was done with her. apparently over that weekend not only had she driven the car off of the road and had just left it there (nobody was injured, thank god) but had also hooked up with her boyfriend's best friend (20 cis male). Dad and i went to pick her up and she looked so proud of herself. When i asked her about what she had done she just said "well you did worse than me at this age. i should be able to have some fun. it's not like i completely wrecked the car." like zero fucking remorse whatsoever. getting the car towed and checked out cost more than i would like to admit. we're without a car for a good few weeks. my sister refused to even pay for some of the repairs because "it's not technically my car., you bought it." she had been blasting her ex on social media too, making memes and tiktoks poking fun at him. I told her if that wa.s the attitude she wanted to have, then the concert ticket "wasn't technically hers either" because i bought the tickets. i reached out to her boyfriend to check on him as we had been close before this and he was not doing well. I asked him if he wanted to come to the concert with me to try and cheer him up and take his mind off of things bc I know he was a fan too. he sounded really excited and told me he'd get back to me. well my sister found out that I was going to give her ticket to her ex and she lost her shit. she started screaming and crying that i was her sister and i should take her side and support her no matter what. she told me she never judged me when i contracted an STI last year and never went to my boyfriend telling him about it or offering him support. I told her she was being a bitch and she needs to grow up, and that she can reimburse me for the full ticket if she is that bothered about it. I sent a cashapp request for the full price of the ticket multiple times but she has since blocked me on the app and is refusing to talk to me. WIBTA if i do give him the ticket?
What are these acronyms?
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
Black male reader being a single mother fucking hot dad to his Black kid who loves him cuz he give her so much effection and having a sweet (only to the kid and male reader) pregnant pitbull that about to have her babies and cod boys are gushing the fact the Black male reader is even hotter when out the field
I be slaming my money for this shit I've been thinking of a hot single dad Black male reader
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Thank You for Being Here
This was something I really had to put some thought into and make sure it was meaningful but fun at the same time.
Thank you for this request @gamersansblog
I hope you enjoy and 💖Happy Valentines Day💖!
Trying to raise an 8-year-old daughter and a pregnant pitbull was definitely not where Y/n expected his life would end up.
Then again, they were both the best things to ever happen to him.
Currently, his lovely white pitbull Dasiy was about to give birth to her puppies. He filled in the team a few days ago and invited them over to help him out.
Maya, his little sunflower, was more than eager to help Daisy, so to calm the girl down since she was bouncing around everywhere he asked Gaz to occupy her while he and the others got Daisy ready for when she gave birth.
While Y/n worked on setting everything up, he failed to notice the way the others looked at him as they watched him work.
Soap's eyes traced down the strong, veiny forearms of the darker man, even holding a breath as he could only imagine what they felt like when he came in contact with them.
The Sergeant found himself jealous at times when he saw the man strangle their enemies in a headlock and quickly ended them with a snap.
It sent shivers down the Scots spine at just how powerful they were even when he wasn't fighting the enemy.
"Soap, he man, you with me?" The deep voice broke the man from his daydreaming as his head snapped back to the man.
"Huh, me? Yea' I'm good," he babbled out quickly before turning away from Y/n and walking off blushing.
Daisy made a noise of confusion as she and her owner looked up at the same time of the direction MacTavish had gone before looking at each other then Y/n giving the dog a belly rub with a laugh.
"You'll be fine girl..." Y/n reassured her.
"Daddy! Is Daisy gonna be OK?" Maya shouted as she ran over to his side, being careful like Y/n told her too when petting Daisy.
"She will be Sunflower, she will be," Y/n said to Maya, watching her light up at the news.
"You're gonna be the best momma ever Daisy!" She smiled towards the pitbull happily.
From behind, Gaz couldn't help but enjoy watching the pair. It always surprised the Sergeant at just how easily Y/n could change from being a merciless man in the field to the loving father of Maya.
There was always something about watching Y/n get angry in the field and just letting all hell break lose. Gaz would admit, he was hot when he did it too. He couldn't even count the amount of time he fantasized Y/n being that way with him in the bedroom, when Maya wasn't around of course.
He rested his chin on his palm as he continued watching the man look after the snow white pitbull lovingly.
Beside him, Price bit his lip as he himself also enjoyed the scene.
If anything, he admired Y/n's strength. When he asked how the man became so strong physically and mentally, he usually said it was his mother who blessed him with it.
Price had know Y/n for a little longer than the others and had seen what the man had went through over the years. In the darkest times of his past to his best when on missions or just in general. The Captain silently scolded himself for easily falling in love with the soldier that had his heart.
The dark skinned man always sent him a bright smile in the field after every mission they completed. Price always felt his heart quicken when Y/n did. He could see where Maya got her radiance from. It was special.
At times, he wanted that smile all to himself but knew that would be going way too far, especially when it could jeopardize what he already had with Y/n. But he could still let himself imagine as he watched the family in front of him again.
Smiling to himself as they talked to the pitbull, soothing her softly for what was to come.
The Captain turned to look at where the Lieutenant had been residing for the last few minutes, at the dinner table also eyeing the family of three.
Ghost didn't know how to describe what he felt for the man.
More than anything, he wanted to make Y/n his, be his, and only his. He wanted that family with the man. The Lieutenant knew very well that he was head over hills for the man but just couldn't shake the thought of just what they could be.
He wanted everything could give him.
Mission after mission, it had only been him on his mind, and even when Ghost himself wasn't involved, he'd make sure to meet the man first when he returned. Hell, he even checked over him for injuries himself just touch the man and feel the strong body that was underneath the layers, fingers raking up just about everywhere he could touch that was covered with the heavenly chocolate skin.
Ghost shook the thoughts from his head as he heard a howl from the pitbull.
"Alright girl, it's alright. Gaz, you think you can get Maya for me?"
"But Daddy! I wanna stay with Daisy!" The girl cried as she had no intentions on leaving her furry friend.
Gaz walked over and bent down, a small smirk on his face as he picked up the 8-year-old girl and held her in his arms.
"She'll be just fine, Maya. Plus, Daisy is a strong girl, just like your daddy," he replied.
"But Daddy isn't a girl, Daddy is a Man, Gazzy," and all the men in the room laughed at the nickname.
When Maya first met Gaz, she had a hard time remembering that it was just "Gaz" and kept adding on the "zy". Eventually, he just went with "Gazzy". It made him feel special in a way.
Of course, later on, Maya also gave the others nicknames of their own. Price got "Mr. Beard", Ghost was deemed "Mr. Spooky Longlegs", and Soap got "Mr. Bubbles".
Maya was definitely a gift and treat when she visited the base with her father and they all loved her like she was their own daughter.
"Alright Daisy, you can do it girl!" Y/n said as Daisy was finally ready to bring her pups into the world.
"Let's go get some Ice Cream, eh?" Gaz suggested as he let Daisy and Y/n have some privacy to themselves.
4 hours later...
On the bunch of blankets was now 8 pitbull pups all feeding from their beautiful mother.
Maya glowed at the sight watched Daisy feed her pups. The poor girl looked tired but it was well deserved after carrying them for so long.
"She's a strong mother, eh Y/n?" Soap spoke from beside Y/n as he watched from afar with smile on his face.
"Definitely, Johnny, definitely..." Y/n grinned himself as he watched the sight. It reminded him of when Maya was born.
"Mr. Spooky Longlegs, are you gonna name one of Daisy's puppies?" Maya asked to Ghost, climbing up onto the couch he was sitting on before resting her head on his shoulder.
"If ya' father's fine wit' it," he said, turning to the man.
"I don't mind! Feel free to do so... I think you would have to go through their mother first though," he replied with that charming smile of his making everyone fall even harder for him.
"I'm sure Daisy could wouldn't mind," Price spoke with his own chuckle.
Daisy replied with a whine making the men laugh.
"But Mr. Beard, if you're gonna name a puppy, it's gotta be a really, really, cool, name," Maya whispered the last part to add emphasis to her words.
"10-4, Maya, sir," Price replied with a salute.
"A reporting New CO now, Price?" Ghost asked.
"Seems so, Lieutenant, and that makes her your boss too."
"Guess so..."
Y/n couldn't help but enjoy the scene of the men here at his home. He loved having them around when he could, and even Maya and Daisy enjoyed them.
He walked over to Daisy as she feed her pups, looking up at him with a side eye making him laugh.
"Don't worry, missy, I just came to check up on you is all," Y/n said truthfully.
He watched her with soft eyes just like he did with the 141.
"Thank you, all of you for being here..."
Without them, his world would have been bleak without the wonderful flowers that bloomed around him.
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ivecomeforsouls · 2 months
Chapter 9 A Father's Blessing
Link and Marin spent the rest of the day and into the night catching up with each other. Legend told her about the rest of his adventures, as well as the one he should be on right now. She talked about waking up. How her father sat her down and told her the full story of the Wind Fish, how she learned about sunburns(that were impossible to get in a dream world), and when the big owl told her that Link was real and would be in town at the first of autumn. After that, they just sat together by the lake in a comfortable silence until Tarin came and took them back.
The morning arrived with the song of the birds and sound of wind blowing through the trees. He has the last one up today. Marin, Tarin, and Ravio were talking about the price of fish in different Villiages, and how to get the best deal by calculating travel costs and taxes in with the price itself.
"Ah, but if you head to Abermage by horse, you can get a better deal in Exmeen Market at Barris's spot." Ravio sounded quite pleased with himself. As Legend got up and put away his bedding, he realized that Ravio had just won a competition with Tarin in finding the best deals for fish.
"Good morning, Link." Marin brought breakfast and sat next to him. "I was thinking that we all could go for a picnic today. Is anyone opposed?"
Tarin spoke up. "I will be headed to Abermage City today," Ravio gave Legend a proud smile. "But I'll help you pack some food before I leave."
"I think that would be wonderful, Marin." Legend pulled his arm out from around her shoulders and cleared his dishes.
As Legend did so, he found a letter addressed to him on the floor by his feet. He picked it up. Ravio was telling Marin the story of there trip here, exaggerating some of the stupid stuff he did, in his opinion. Looking back down again, he opened the letter quietly, and saw four words written on the inside of the empty envelope.
You have my blessing.
He recalled the conversation he'd had with Ravio about asking Tarin for his blessing. He'd been unsure of his ability to summon enough courage to actually confront him. Ravio. Stupid merchant did it for him.
He ran out after Tarin with the message and told Marin he was headed out to get bread(anything but milk, realy)really.
"Tarin!" Legend engaged his pegasus boots. "Tarin I need to ask you something. Personally, this time."
"Oh?" Tarin stopped and looked at him. "By all means, what might that be?"
"I would like your blessing to marry your daughter, Marin."
"Would like?" Tarin teased. "That's a lot to give for just liking."
"Please Tarin." Legend begged, forgetting the envelope in his hands. "My life would never be complete with her. I would never feel joy again if..." Tarin cut him off.
"Call me dad." Tarin grinned and put his arms around his shoulders, walking him back towards the house. "And just so you know, I belive in short engagements. I'm also not headed to Abermage."
"Im off to a friend's house to make plans to announce and celebrate your engagement."
"What? But I haven't proposed yet!"
"Marin has perfectly set up the scene by accident. During your picnic today, you will propose, and you will not come back until you have done so. Understood?"
"What?! I don't have a ring!"
"We'll figure that out later. Marin already said in one of her dreamy rants that she doesn't care if you've got a ring or not."
Legend looked at Tarin. Or tried to, anyway. "Bye!" Tarin called back as he made his may back down the trail. Marin was leaving the house, Ravio close behind her, hauling a ton of picnic stuff.
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halfadoginatank · 1 year
Robin and steve accidentally join the mafia
I couldnt stop thinking about this post by @qprstobin so wrote a lil bit based on an idea in there
It's been about two years since vecna's defeat, and after two years of some of Robin and Steves most awful jobs in chicago. One month into this one and they've finally found peace.
"Okay can we be real here?" Rob waves a slice of pizza as they sit in the store room of the warehouse-like antique shop they work at. "The boss is lovely, I mean seriously! But isn't it weird that we've met his entire family?"
Steve squints at Robin from the couch. "I don't think so? Maybe this is what, like… Italians are supposed to be like."
"Aren't you Italian?"
"Yeah but my family was fucked up. Everyone's so close with Boss it's like, a clan almost." He settles his hands on top of his chest. To be frank it's the best couch he's ever been on.
"I think it's about time we start accepting the fact that they might be like. Mafia." Steve looks at her to continue. But she's too busy eating the last of her pizza, avoiding the crust.
She finishes and hands the crust to steve.
"I mean, the store is practically empty! Barely anyone shops here!" Okay that's true, it's almost like family video but instead of stocking shelves for new movies, their boss Mr. De Luka or one of his 'cousins' will drop off something so they can slap a price tag on it and find a good place to put it.
"Mmm but why would we care? We're not doing anything wrong! Plus are you gonna look Mrs. De Luka in the eyes and say 'oh sorry ma'am' which you know she hates! And go 'we won't come to dinner tonight on account of maybe you being the Italian mob!"
Robin cringes hard. Steve huffs in victory. Mrs. De Luka was a tall and beautiful woman with angular features, a roman nose, and hair the exact same color as Steve's. She was a force to be reckoned with. She may bake some of the best cream cake but she's also steadfast and can settle a table of eight full grown men with just a slap of her hand against it.
"Ugh. That's not fair, saying no to her is impossible, she's like… so incredibly hot."
Steve scrunched up his nose. "Ew robin dont say that she's like a parental figure."
"She's more like a friend's mom!"
"Yeah! My mom!"
Robin points an accusing finger "Ahah! So you admit it. She's practically your mother!"
Steve chokes on the last bite of his pizza crust, he sits up and hammers on his chest. "Jesus Christ, no robin she's not my mother!" He coughs out
Robin throws her hands up "I didn't say that. I said practically! Hell, Angelo calls you cousin!" Steve narrows his eyes… Angelo Ricci is their boss's cousin, actual, biological cousin. Because as Steve and Robin have learned, some of the cousins or aunts or uncles are just unrelated people they call family.
"Should you be calling him by his first name? He's old enough to be your dad."
Robin actually stops and sits back in her chair. "If he was my dad that would be weird." Steve nods.
"Because of Amara?"
Amara Ricci… Steve can still remember the first time they met.
It had to be at least a week after they were hired. Mr. De Luka thanked them both for being great employees and asked them if they would have dinner with his family. Mr. De Luka wasn't like Keith, and neither was his store. It seemed genuinely family owned, and Mr. De Luka himself was much kinder, and seemed to actually care. Which was novel considering their last boss told one of them if one of them got killed during a stick up, to not sue him because 'he warned us'."
They both took a cab to the house, which wasn't really a house but a manor. It was huge, and Steve thought he had seen huge. Turns out Midwest standards are nothing on city ones. Robin and Steve knocked on the door, that's when they met Mrs De Luka. She was harsh but loving, and most importantly. Insisted on being called Helena, or Ma.
There were so many people in the house, they only set about trying to find their boss and at least get to know his immediate family. Sure enough, halfway into the conversation with the man. Another man walked up to him and clapped him on the back. This man called their boss 'Carlo' and introduced himself, Angelo, his wife Luna, and finally their kids.
Behind them was a girl just about their age maybe a few years older. She was short and had Angelos curly black hair, Luna's tanned skin, and an arched nose that clearly came from Mr. De Luka. Robin lost her breath, and stumbled. She stumbled so hard her shoulder bashed against Steve and he got to witness his best friend make possibly the most hurried introduction ever. Luckily the girl, Amara, just laughed.
Next to him was her brother Dante, who was notably younger. When Steve looked at him he felt a pang in his chest. If he squinted his eyes and tilted his head to the left he almost looked like Dustin. And just about the right age too.
Finally they all sat down for dinner. Robin and Steve sit shoulder to shoulder. Robin across from Amara and him across from Angelo. An older woman sat at the end of the table. Helena's mother, Mrs Ricci, and to her left her husband Mr. Ricci. To say Steve was shocked was.. an understatement, in any dinner parties his family had him attend, there was always a man at the head of the table. Steve likes to think that that's when he started to feel a bit more comfortable.
The dinner went on incredibly long, eating was interrupted by conversations, bickering, and drinking. But it was amazing. By the end of the night, when Mr. De Luka and Angelo walked them out; they were both smiling. exhausted, maybe, but happy. Angelo slapped his shoulder and said 'cousin, come by anytime.' Mr. De Luka had walked back inside at Helena's call so the other man leaned forward. 'you two make my little brother happy, I've not seen it in a while.'
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bokettochild · 6 months
Horse story?
When we first moved out here, my parents knew they wanted land and my mom desperately wanted to have horses. The land and house came quickly, but finding the right horse, at a price we could handle but with a temperament that suited children was...tricky. We live in ranch country so most horses out here are working horses.
And then the lady who worked the water office told us she was helping a girl sell a horse.
Fireball was a mare in her teen years, sweet, spunky, and trained, but... she couldn't show. Not because of the reasons you'd see in a horse movie, but because she had arthritis in her back legs from a nasty accident where a previous owner let her get tangled in barbed wire and never treated the injury except with some disinfectant spray. Some days were harder for her, but she loved to run and she was full of love for kids, as the girl selling her was, in fact, a kid herself.
We met her at our water lady's place, not far from our old farm. The current owner was boarding her there and we were delighted to make her acquaintance. She joined the family soon after, but everyone was in agreement that "Fireball" wasn't the best suited name for her.
Well, we found a new name soon. Generally, renaming animals is a big no for me, unless the name is clearly just for show and they don't seem too attached. She was no 'Fireball', but my dad quickly learned she could be quite persnickety, so? Snickers!
Snickers wasn't pedigree, but she has some Arab blood in her, and the softest brown eyes you ever did see. She was a great fit for our family and helped everyone get acquainted with what having animals (other than birds or fish) was like, with all the patience of a saint. She had her faults, but it turns out my dad just might not be good with horses, because she really was an angel most of the time, and my very best friend growing up.
Snickers was in our lives the longest of any of our herd. She was the first and still holds that place in my heart. She saw me through so much teenage angst and was the shoulder I cried on for years when I needed someone to talk to.
If I'd had a phone back then to take photos with, I would post one, but all the pics I have are old shutterstock prints that are....very small, or with really bad lighting, so, yeah.
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t3kandson · 20 days
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Player in Danger
Word count; 11,663
Fandom; The Boyz, Straykids and a little Itzy.
Pairing; Reader X Bang Christopher, Reader X Seo Changbin, Seo Changbin X Bang Christopher & Reader X Lee Juyeon.
Characters; Bang Christopher, Seo Changbin, Lee Juyeon, Sohn Eric, Kim Sunwoo, Ji Changmin, Kim Younghoon, Choi Chanhee, Hur Hyunjun, Lee Hyunjae, Lee Minho & Shin Ryujin. Mentions of Lee Sangyeon, Moon Kevin, Ju Haknyeon, Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin & Yang Jeongin.
Warnings, Angst, Jealousy, Bitterness, Deceiving, Trapping, insecurity, Denial, Betrayal, Miscarriage talk, Cheating, Wanking, Pegging, Sub Christopher, Dom Reader.
Taglist; @nyu-topia
Notes; part 6/7 of Player.
Previous parts found here.
Including the previous part Player in Denial.
Juyeon’s POV
"You ok Juyeon?" Lulu’s voice came to your attention. "Let's sit down," she said as she tried to place her hand warmly on your shoulder. Gently persuading you to move towards the side room. But you stopped briefly a few steps later. "Who's the baby's dad?" You questioned praying for another reason for the swelling in her stomach. "Who do you think?" She snorts almost amused as your eyes widen.
"It's Changmin," she said confidently as you feel like everything is lifted from you. "Wait you thought," she started giggling excited. "Wait if I knew that's where your mind went I would have played along," she smirked walking in front of you as your feet moved to follow her. "And your sure, your sure it's Changmin’s," you asked remembering you had lost Jubin from a misunderstanding. "They are Changmin’s," she said stroking her bump excitedly as she walked to the relative room with you. "They're?" You questioned as she chuckled once more. "I'm having twins that's why I'm so huge for a five-month pregnant woman," she chuckles as her hands massaged her belly. "It's ok were both saved, you're not the father if that's what your asking," she said as she sits. "You happy?" You ask as she nods almost looking besotted. "Can't believe Changmin didn't tell me, the dark horse," you said as she smiled his way. "He wanted to, he wanted to show them off. But I stopped him," she said as you tilted your head confused. "Why?" You asked as she smiled softly. "Because it's weird you know letting your partner tell your ex that he's right," she paused as you pointed at yourself further puzzled. "You told me I would find a better life and I did. But their was a part of me that was hoping you was miserable and missed me," she said honestly as she clenched her hands on her knees. "Especially when I heard you was being the most doting uncle to the child that's biologically yours with her," she said looking pained. You knew she would have found out about Jubin as you knew Elle would have rushed to tell her. But you didn't think for a second the pain that she must have suffered. Though she had been the person you had cheated on Y/N with. You knew she was madly in love with you and had paid the price already. "It's ok I got over it the second these little bundles came," she said brushing her hand around her bump once more. "I don't need to be jealous of her anymore because I have my own happy story," she said pushing her loose hair behind her ear. "I'm really happy for you," you said holding your hand out to her. "I really hope that their healthy and you finally get your happy ever after," you said standing up.
"You off already?" She said looking a little disappointed not to talk more with you. "Eric just informed me Sunwoo told Jubin I'm her father, so I have my own happy ever after to catch," you said as she looked saddened for you. "I hope you can catch it and be a father to your little girl. Sangyeon says your so good with her that he's seeing you grow into a good man," she said standing up. "Wow a compliment from Sangyeon," you said almost dazed from that confession. "I know but he seems to have eased up on both of us since my baby news and you stepping up for your daughter. I think he finally forgives us or more importantly me," she says looking at peace with that. "Hard not to when he's the one married and with kids too," you chuckled as she deadpanned your way. "Think you two should put this all behind you now and stop living in the past. If he's willing to do that you should too," she said starting to walk out the room. Suddenly she moaned out her lips pursing as your heart started to panic again. "Lulu what's up? Are the babies ok?” you asked panicky as your hands went to her shoulders. "It's ok just one of the little mischief makers has just woken up and yeah I'm starting to feel the kicks," she chuckled blowing her hair strand out her eyesight. "Their kicking already?" You asked in awe as she smiled even more at you. "Yes, feel," she said pressing your hand to her stomach. Small little bumps into your palm even over her clothing was felt. It felt so emotional and your heart was blossoming as the thought of her own happiness their growing in her. Though you were sad you never experienced this with Jubin their was a part of you that wanted this so badly with Y/N. The desire to have her in your arms and make her the mother of a sibling for your daughter. You wanting to enjoy all these moments with her. "Don't you go getting attached Lee Juyeon," she smirks. "I'm not I promise, I just hope one day I get this experience myself," you said still enjoying the feeling of the babies beneath your palm. "With Y/N?” she asks into the silence. "It's ok I know you want it and you can be honest and say it," she says looking at you without any pain. "Is it bad that I want to say yes, I want to snatch her and our daughter and run away from the life she has," you admitted feeling all kinds of guilt hit. "Even if it means taking them away from Changbin and Christopher," she asks as you nod closing your eyes with the bad thoughts. "Sometimes dreams come from breaking someone else's, it's sad, it's bad. But if she's meant to be with them she won't leave them. If she does then she never wanted them," she said smiling. "Just don't force it taking them by force. A booby prize isn't worth the fake relationship you get," she said looking in a little in pain. "Sorry," you said letting your hands fall from her. "It's ok like I said without that I wouldn't have had these. You were the brambles I had to trench through to find Nevada," she chuckled as you mirrored shaking your head at her. "Go fight for your baby mama babe," she said pressing a kiss to your cheek before walking towards Elle’s Labour room. She turns to you once more to find you stood there. "Go, shoo, go find your happy ever after," she said looking complete. Your heart feels at peace knowing that everything between you has settled. It isn't just you that's grown and changed but her too, but maybe it's what parenthood does to you.
Ringing Y/N hadn't been fruitful. Her phone was turned off as it had been for a while. It either was off or your calls avoided all together these days. You knew Changbin wouldn't be answering but you felt frustrated with Christopher. He had supported you since saving Jubin. You couldn't help but fear that the truth being revealed would push you away from your daughter. You had regular nightmares of finding them moved away. It took two weeks for Christopher to respond finally. He had told you Y/N wasn't feeling very well and that he would take over arrangements with Jubin and would bring her to you. His usual happy self was faded when his eyes took yours. "Samchon Juju," Jubin cried as she ran to you excited. You could have heard your heart collapse hearing her remain at calling you uncle. You don't know what you expected, but it felt like the relations with them three had been thrown to dust. Added with the extra pain that your own daughter had still decided to call you uncle instead of daddy. If it wasn't for the fact you knew Y/N confirmed her paternity you would have expected them to be angry with you for your friend revealing the truth.
"I don't know why your complaining, you get alone time with out them now," Minho said as you watched from the garden as Ryujin and Jubin was baking. "I know that that's great progress. But it's not fair on our daughter this icy atmosphere. We all need to talk it through as it's not solving anything right now," you complain drinking the lime water Jubin made you minutes before her cooking class with Minho’s wife. "Have you asked Christopher this?" He asks relaxing on the garden chairs. "Yes I'm always texting all three of them. It's like I'm being punished," you said whining. "Maybe by heavily acknowledging your Jubin's father they want to keep a good distance between you and her. Maybe this is a sign to move on," he said lifting his sunglasses so that his eyes could stay in contact with yours. "What I'm over here, not their pining over her," you said hands in the air as he deadpanned you. "Coming from the bloke who can't cope now he can't see her," he scoffs as you felt exposed. "Well yes ok I miss her, as a friend," you said as he shook his head. "Fine I will speak to them for you, but this is the one and only time I will interfere. You got it," he growls your way. "Your do it," you asked with excitement as he rolled his eyes. "Thanks hopefully we can go back to being all civil, friendly and happy," you said relaxing as Jubin appeared with a cake bowl and a spoon in hand licking it as the mixture falls upon her messy face. "Had fun princess?" You ask as you sit her on your lap and snuggle into her. Holding your bundle brings you so much joy even if it's bitter sweet on all the years missed. "Yes i did, can we come here and make cakes with Auntie Ryujin again daddy," she said as you almost choked on your own spit. Eyes blinking as you could see your heart pumping through them. Your daughter called you daddy for the first time. It was so surreal to hear her call you that that you forgot to even breathe let alone reply. "Your always welcome here sweetie," Ryujin said saving you from your moment of not even being able to function. "Really that would be so good, Mummy doesn't know how to cook that well," she said as you couldn't help but chuckle. "She called me daddy," you mouthed to Minho as he nodded happy for you. "Hey princess, we should start organising that horse riding i promised you. What do you think of that?" You asked as your hands played with her hair. She turned to you in pure excitement. "Really, Oh Daddy I so can't wait," she said throwing her arms around you. Holding her tight to you you felt the most contented you had ever felt. Jubin was your life and you weren't ever letting go of this feeling of pure contentment of family life with your little girl.
Minho had offered to drive Jubin home so he could speak with them both. But he had come back saying it wasn't successful, Changbin had refused to even discuss Jubin with him telling him politely to mind his business.
However, the following day you were summoned by Changbin himself, so maybe their was a change at heart. Going to the cafe to meet them had you feeling content that you were finally able to get your life back. Instead of all three of them, you found Changbin's arms folded and looking annoyed. Reminding you when he first realised who you were at Minho's wedding. Feeling self conscious all of a sudden you sat down. "Just you?" You asked as he chuckled with annoyance. "Why expecting Y/N?" He scoffs as your brows furrowed. "No was expecting you and Christopher," you half lied. "Well Y/N is taking it easy she's hopefully pregnant with our baby," he said defining the word Our. "Y/N's pregnant?" You scoff having his words hit you like a truck. "I thought you two was close, didn't she tell you," he said almost smirking. "Maybe we wasn't as close as you feared Changbin," you said with slight avoidance of a connection with Y/N. "We've been trying for a child for a while, be nice to give Jubin another sibling," he said sitting up straight as your head tilts at his words. "Another why you hiding a kid I didn't already know?" You said intrigued. "No that's you," he said accusingly. "Huh?" You said almost dumbfounded. "I'm sure unless theirs other children I didn't know about, which ok I will admit a chance of that, that their is just Jubin," you said almost bewildered with where this conversation was going. "And this is why Y/N doesn't want to see you, because you haven't changed. You're still lying even about your own child yet you want us all to sit around the table and discuss Jubin," he said picking up his cup of coffee to take a sip of it. "Wait I'm totally confused what you are accusing me of doing?" You said getting slightly annoyed. "That was all I needed to hear to prove your still the game player Y/N feared you was. In future if you want to play Daddy At least talk to us first before making her call you that," he said standing up. Now anger was rising through you, who did he think he was trying to take the one joy you had as a father away from you. "Excuse me, I know you like playing at being a daddy to my daughter but you don't get to tell My daughter what she chooses to call me. For the record she was the one who called me Daddy off her own back," you growled wanting to punch his smirking grin off his face. "Well if your friend didn't spill that on her she wouldn't feel forced to call a man she barely knows Dad," Changbin said scrunching his nose in bitterness.
"Barely knows I've almost known her for half a year, for the record if your girlfriend didn't want our daughter to know me as her daddy. Then why did she confirm what my stupid friend said. I heard she didn't put up that much of a fight. Ask yourself why that is Seo Changbin," you spat at him watching his smirk fade slightly. "Just admit your scared, your terrified that Y/N still has feelings. Ask yourself this why was she making sure to come on trips with me and Jubin. I didn't need her there, she went because she wanted to," you said into his face before he grabbed you by your collar. "Go on punch me you know you want to, because you know I'm right. All this this is because your scared now Jubin knows the truth that I'm going to take her away from you," you hit out as his face went red. "Please can you take this outside," the owner of the cafe said approaching as Changbin released his grip on you. "It's ok I'm taking my leave anyway, tell my daughter I love her and will see her for our weekend Friday," you said smirking at him as you went to walk off. "Why don't you focus on your kid with Lulu and leave Jubin to us?" He said in a almost pleaded demand as you spun on your heel towards him. Everything suddenly made sense, had they seen Lulu at the hospital looking pregnant and presumed the same then him. "Changbin you need to get some facts straight. Lulu is pregnant, but not with my kid, it's Changmin. Ask Sangyeon to confirm it as you guys are all up his ass these days," you said watching his face relax slightly. "But nice to know you played on Y/N’s emotions with her to get her away from me because of your pointless fear," you said walking towards him. "If you're interfering still continues to affect my relationship with my daughter I will come take Y/N from you that's a promise," you threatened watching anger fill through him again. With that you walked out the cafe annoyed and irritated. Had he seen Lulu and convinced Y/N that you were hiding a child. No wonder she was ignoring you. Though you took joy from making Changbin jealous his previous words stung. She was pregnant with their baby. Did this mean it was all over, their was no chance of winning her back? No way of having her in any way in your life. Their was no way he would let his pregnant partner near an ex. You were caught between anger but also regret, she should be carrying your child, you should be married and excited for the birth of your second child with her. Though you wanted to blame everyone that had made this path uneven you couldn't help but know deep down that this was on you.
You had been woken up by a bouncing Jubin on your bed. Having been asleep when she got back from Juyeon's the previous night. And all she wanted to talk about was her time with her daddy. It had taken a while for you guys to suddenly figure her talking about Juyeon. Changbin's hurt in his eyes at hearing her address Juyeon as her Dad. You wanted to console him but knew no words could, you had made this mess. Hopefully you would be pregnant soon enough and be able to truly show them how sorry you were. "Are you ok?" You said hands brushing up his muscular arms that would normally turn you into a mushy mess. "I'm fine," he said opening his arms for you to sink into. Something else being new as he had suddenly started being more needy. "I know your upset with the whole Jubin calling Juyeon Daddy. I'm sorry I had hoped this would all go away," you said as he leaned his head onto your shoulder. "I'm sure once his baby’s born he will soon forget her and move on," you tried to paint. Deep down you knew Juyeon would never run from Jubin. He hadn't yet, even knowing he was having a child with Lulu. But their was a part of you that knew that him abandoning Jubin would solve all this mess. "You don't mean that Y/N that's not fair on Jubin," Christopher said coming from behind you. "It's a bit selfish on our behalf to wish that. At the end of the day that man is her father," he said hands held high as you rolled your eyes in defeat. He was right, he was always was, in your jealousy you were wishing something that would hurt your daughter. Guilt hit through your body as such bad thoughts. "How come Minho brought her home yesterday anyway," he asked as your head zapped to Changbin, not even aware. "Nothing much, just thought it would be easier for us if he brought her. Think he just wanted to chat about random stuff, you know man time," he said tensing slightly. "That was good of him," Christopher said as he made his way to the garden when Jubin came through the back door. "Daddy Chris,” She said making you blink as she rarely called him that. He was Daddy and Changbin was Daddy Binnie. "When can I see Daddy next?" She asked as you felt the air be sucked from Changbin. "I'm sure at the weekend you can see Daddy Juju," Changbin said with a little dominance in his tone. It was clear he was attempting to bring some form of lack of importance to Juyeon. "Why can't he come for tea, I like it when your all here," she said looking hopeful as Christopher picked her into his arms. "We're really busy at the moment Princess, it's hard when all of us Daddy's are working hard for lots of things to pay for your treats," he said as Changbin picked his phone up in pure anger and annoyance and started typing. "Binnie," you said with a confused glance his way but his phone was tilted out of your view. "You mean like my horse riding lessons, Daddy said he would take me this weekend," she said as Christopher looked to you both. Changbin had his back to you all, both you and Christopher knew that he wasn't in a pleasing mood. "Baby," you whispered as your hand fell to his shoulder before he turned to look your way like nothing had happened. "I'm ok I promise," he said as if he has snapped himself out his moment of inside rage. "How about we fix these dance lessons we promised you, come show me what lessons you would like," he said walking to Christopher to take her from his arms. As he walked to the table to the laptop resting their you walked towards Christopher. "What are we going to do," you said almost hopeful he had a plan to fix this. "We can't do much, we can only try to navigate through this. But Y/N it's going to be hard. We need to keep a strong stable civil stance for Jubin's sake," he whispered before leaving you standing their watching Changbin with Jubin all excited at the prospect of her lessons.
"You not eating," Christopher said as Changbin walked passed the dinner table towards the door. "I got some errands to do," he growled without giving you a glance. "Where are you going?” you said rushing to join him before he could leave. "I just said some errands," he said a lot more softer with a smile. "I will be back soon I promise, got to pick up a few bits that's all. That and get some fresh air. Today’s been hard, so going to pop into Jisungs. He said holding your hand as you pecked him on the cheek. He had been through the mill recently due to your actions the least he could do was have some him time with his friend.
When he returned drunk he crawled into the bed that you were snuggling up tight to Christopher in. His arms reaching around you cramming you between himself and Christopher. Lips falling along your neck as you smell his night on him, abrupting you from your sleep. Eyes too tired and slammed shut refusing to open he pouted against your skin. "Please don't leave us for him," he pleaded pulling his arms around your stomach. "Your really break my heart if you leave," he chokes almost tearful. "I've never wanted anything so much as I've wanted Chris, you, Jubin and our baby. Please don't let him take you from us," he whimpers that you feel splashes of what your sure are his tears against your skin. "Baby I'm not leaving," you whisper barely audible.
Several weeks had past and you continued to avoid Juyeon. Everything was almost perfect at home even though Changbin was clingy. Especially after dropping Jubin to Minho, who was taking charge of the drop off. Changbin would often afterwards go out drinking with Jisung, Seongmin and Jeongin often coming home a whimpering mess.
"I'm really worried about Binnie," you said plopping on to Christopher’s lap while he was having his time playing the computer. Something he had started doing when Jubin was with Juyeon. "He's ok," he said almost distracted. "He's not and you know it please don't lie to try and reassure me," you said turning to sit facing him. "Look he will be ok, let him adjust to this new pattern of events," he said trying to look around you. "Well he better sort his shit out we can't continue like this when the baby arrives," you said as he chuckled as his hands clicked around on the controls. "Especially as I'm seven days late," you whispered as he blinked froze to the spot, before turning to look at you like he had seen a ghost. "What?" He choked, "your pregnant?" He whispered as you chuckled his way. "I think so," you said as he picked you up in his arms squeezing you hard to his chest. "Oh my god we need to ring him, this will get his ass home, this is what he needs, we need this. Wow, I'm going to be a dad again," he said throwing you into the air in pure excitement. "I’m not confirmed so don't get too excited," you said as he deadpanned your way. "Don't burst this, don't take this from me Y/N let me have my moment before I have to be sensible," he pleads as you chuckle. "Ok Daddy I will behave," you smirk as he looks at you with a wicked expression. "I need to fuck you, we need to celebrate this," he said horny and gone in the news. "You find out you're going to be a dad and you got turned on," you said hitting his chest lightly. "You pregnant is such a turn on, when you were carrying Jubin, well the things it did to me," he said biting his bottom lip. "Well actually I got you a gift I was going to use it next time we had a big special night," you said blushing slightly. "What's that?" He said looking intrigued. "Come with me," you said making him let you drop to your feet, walking to the room him dragging behind connected by your hand.
Reaching your destination you reached under your personal bed. His hands falling to the cheeks of your ass pressed in the air. "Oie cheeky," you said coming back to stand by him, box in hand. "Our bed," you said winking as he put his hand directing you to the door. Pulling him once more you took him to your joint bedroom before placing the box in his hand. Leaning towards the cupboard you smirked at him as he eagly opened his gift. His eyes lighting up in shock your way. "Y/N why have you got this?” he asked still in disbelief. "Well I thought I should attend to your needs, especially now your cum isn't needed to be deposited in me," you smirk completely enthralled with his reaction. "You going to fuck me," he said with his eyes full of sudden desire in them. "Yes, I’ll have you beg for my cock," you said as deep as your voice could go without sounding stupid.
"You always find a way to shock me," he said pulling you into him. His tongue makes it’s way into your mouth. Deep passionate kisses befall as your body's clashes against each other. Hands falling up his hair finding some to grasp in your hands, you pull throwing his head back. Lips fall upon his neck as he hums totally weak within your grasps. You had seen Changbin being very dominating with him so you knew it was what made him weak. But the thought your own actions was doing it also was making your blood pump in a feverish excitement. Pulling on his T-shirt you pulled it off him. Hands softly stroking his chest they found his nipple as they skirted around. Deep hums fill the air before your lips suckle along his flesh, making them vibrate longer. "Fuck Y/N," he cries as your teeth slightly dig into his skin around his sensitive buds. Hands colliding with his slacks that fall deep within to his harden member. Pumping him has him close his eyes to full blown whimpers. "Look at you a whimpering mess at my hands. You wait till I'm fucking this plump ass," you whisper as your other hand falls to his cheeks as you grope him. "Please," he begs lost already in his needy state. "Look at you, you’re a mess and I’ve hardly touched you," you gloat enjoying the power and understanding how Changbin enjoys it. "I need your cock fucking me," he begs as you speed your pace on his member. "Please Y/N," he cries out as your own nub Throbs. "Ok baby on all fours, ass in the air," you demand as he lets his sweats fall to the floor obeying. Finding the lube in Changbin's draw you lube your finger before bringing it to his rim. Pressing it in he hisses as you let it slowly bring a rhythm. "You're being so good baby," you praise before a second finger joins. You let the tip of your digits explore the unfelt before feeling. The sounds Christopher makes has your own slick drip down your thighs. "I think your ready baby, wouldn't you say?” you ask him more for confirmation as he nods. "Words baby I need words," you demand. "Y/N please I'm ready," he confirms as you grin feeling a little sadden that Changbin is not their to witness you fucking both your lover.
Stepping into the strap on you check the fastening before lubing your plastic cock up. Pressing kisses to Christopher’s lower back you place the makeshift cock to his entrance. "You sure you want my cock in you," you say as he growls in impatience. "Y/N I need you to fuck me, stop stalling," he growls as you feel elated at how needy he is. Pressing in you hear him hiss as you slowly rock the tip in. Fucking him inch by inch you bottom out before you press kisses on his back as you still. Hands find the bottom of his spine for leverage as you start your pace. At first it's exciting new and different and the sound of his whimpering needy mess has your body on fire. But it soon lights something in you too, your own needs. Nub throbbing as the friction of the material drives you crazy. You soon realise that if you slam with a harsh thrust the plastic attached to the pants hits your own core. It spurs you into your own desperate need as your pace becomes fast hard and desperate. Noises from your own mouth mix with his and you feel the vibration from him shaking as he closes in on his orgasm. Your hand falls to his cock to help pump him as you fuck into him. "Shit Y/N," he cries as you feel wetness hit your fingers. Your pace still unmerciful on his ass as you chase your own. The feeling hitting right where you need it against your throbbing nub. "Let go," he whimpers underneath you with encouragement. His words spurring you over the edge as you cum into the underwear holding the cock still embedded in his ass. Collapsing over him he stifled his laughter as your cheek rests against his muscular shoulder. "You planning on staying embedded in me?” he says playfully as he twists so you fall to the bed beside him. "You look such a sexy hot wet mess their baby," he says with a orgasm overglow. "My sexy baby mama," he says pressing his lips to yours.
Sitting on the kitchen counter as Christopher cooks the Doenjang Jjigae he smiles when he hears Changbin and Jubin come in. "Hi baby," you smirk excitedly as he looks between you and Christopher wary. "What are you two up to?” he asks as he rests his keys on the side. "Princess why don't you go and wash up for dinner," Christopher said as she quietly nodded before leaving to go to her room. "What?” Changbin says filled with anxiety. "Ok don't get too excited but we think Y/N may be pregnant," Christopher said as Changbin froze to the spot. "What your," he gasped looking at your belly. "Well I'm a week late, and I'm feeling rather nauseas," you said stroking your stomach. "Well why haven't you tested yet?" He said shakey as he tried to hold on to his excitement. "We were waiting for you so we could do it together," you said stepping from the counter to make your way to him. "So let's eat, put Jubin to bed and let's test," he said pressing his lips roughly to yours in an impatient need to hold you. "One problem, we haven’t got a test," Christopher said breaking your moment. "Then let's eat and while you settle our oldest daughter I will get a test for our baby," Changbin said applying the same affection to his Lover. "I love you both so much," he said as he laced his hands with you both. "Our family will be so complete," he added with an extra squeeze of your hands. "This time no burger dates," Christopher said pointing at you both. "We're not feeding her healthy poison all the time," Changbin said pouting as your sure your own mirrored. "I expect to be included too," he said smirking as you leaned onto his shoulders. "Our date night," you said feeling secure, happy and hopeful the test would confirm your complete family. "You have to be less rough with her," Christopher said pointing at his younger as he shrugged his shoulder. "We all know Jubin arrived because you broke the walls holding her in," he added as you cringed slightly at Christopher’s comment. "I promise to be switch with her till she's due. I’ll use you as my dick puncher instead," Changbin winked as you held your arms tight around Christopher in pure contentment.
Walking around the baby clothes section looking for a cute baby grow had made you so very broody. Changbin had returned home the night before, depressed that he couldn't find a pregnancy test. You spent the evening consoling him and trying hard but failing to contain your new excitement. He had messaged earlier in the day with excited emoji saying the test was brought. You felt passing a cute baby grow would make it all feel real once it was confirmed. The fact you had been sick this morning practically confirming to you that you had successfully conceived their child. Though Juyeon was fleetingly in your thoughts. Their was a part of you trying to throw down the pain that you had experienced carrying Jubin. Instead you was imagining him doing all that with Lulu. The happiness of his face bringing another child into the world but this time he hadn't been cut out. Jealousy was raging through at the thought, that you swore you was imagining Lulu herself. It took seconds for you to realise Lulu was indeed standing not far from you, Elle in her company as she pushed the pram of her infant. It took seconds for Lulu's eyes to find yours. In the sudden desperate need to get away you started dashing from the door.
"Y/N please don't go," you heard her call from behind you. "Please don't make me chase you not in my condition," she added as you stood frozen to her words. You were scared to turn to look at her seeing her showing her beautiful condition carrying his child. "Y/N, are you really pregnant?" She asked softly as you turned to face her. Instead of the cockiness you were use to seeing, she was softer and more looked like she wanted to be in your company. The silence from you reached her as she smiled warmly. All while Elle’s reaction was her usual frustration. “Look I just wanted to say I think as now we're all having children of our own, I should start the process of us leaving the past behind us," she said looking hopeful. "Because we share Jubin now?" You said looking at her realising the daunting realisation that she was your daughters step mum. "No that's not it, Y/N this bitterness, this jealousy isn't healthy for any of us. Not for you with your baby coming, or mine," she said stroking her stomach with proudness. "We were kids when we acted shamelessly and hurt your feelings," Lulu said hopeful for some sort of response. "Are you asking for forgiveness for yourself or me?" You asked still struggling to hold a little venom in your tone. "Lulu leave it babe, she's not interested. Like Juyeon said she closed herself off and only see’s them," Elle snorts rolling her eyes. "Them?" You said abruptly annoyed with her words. "She didn't mean it like that, we shouldn't be getting involved in Juyeon's war with you," she said shooting daggers at Elle. "Look I don't think we're be friends, Elle clearly agrees with me the past can't be changed. I wish you and Juyeon all the best with the baby, but minus Jubin we don't have anything left to discuss. To be fair you might be my daughter's step mum but me and Juyeon are still her parents," you said with a harsh tone before spinning around to walk off. "What are you on about, theirs no me and Juyeon," she said with confusion in her tone. "Wait you think Juyeon's my babies dad?" She questioned as you turned to her with slight hope for her next words. "I think we should have a nice coffee, cake and a real chat, sounds like theirs a few things that you've become confused about," she said as Elle clicked the roof of her mouth with annoyance. "So Juyeon isn't with you, he isn't the baby's father?" You asked with desperate need for a response. "No Y/N, Changmin is my fiancée he's the father of my babies," she said softly then you had ever noticed. "Juyeon is madly in love with you, you're the only person in his heart, his life, you have always been his true love. Just he made a mistake, a really big one but that don't stop him loving you," she said stepping closer to you as the words fell around you. Heart beating fast at your confusion. Juyeon wasn't all the things you feared this time, he wasn't being dishonouring. "Let's go for that coffee ok?" She said as you nodded silently chewing over the words. All while trying to understand why you was so happy to hear that news.
Having chatted for almost an hour, you had warmed against Lulu. Even Elle had softened and you had a cuddle with her and Eric's daughter Lily. She was such a tiny little bundle. All Eric's features yet Elle’s pale complexion, she really was the sweetest pure and innocent as her little fingers gripped yours. It wasn't long before Changmin and Eric appeared. "She’s the most beautiful thing ever right?" Eric said with proudness. "She really is, congratulations again," you said as you passed the bundle to her father. Changmin sneaked to the seat next to Lulu as he wrapped his arm around her all doted and in love. You watched feeling content as Eric swaddled his daughter and held her like she was the most precious thing in the world. "You could get love sick from this all, right," a voice said taking you by surprise, it was Lee Juyeon
Jolting in your seat you took Juyeon in, his face looking pleased to see you. Your heart racing like it was deliberately setting your emotions up to fail.
"I think it's cute if I'm honest," said smiling his way which made him even more content. "We need to go, I'm sure Juyeon will keep you company," Lulu said standing up. "Wait you rang him didn't you?" You said noticing their desperate need to dash. "You both need to talk, especially now you know that me and him aren't having babies," Elle teased as Juyeon looked between you both confused. "She thought," , "I know what she thought but I thought Changbin had put this misunderstanding to bed," Juyeon said sounding annoyed. "Changbin? Misunderstanding?" You spluttered tilting your head to his words. "He knew, I told him already that Changmin was Elle's baby daddy," Juyeon said bitterly. "When, When did you tell him?" You questioned desperate to know. "A month ago maybe even five weeks now," Juyeon said crossing his arm as everyone departed. "Wait so your telling me Changbin knew you wasn't Elles babies dad?" You questioned as you felt like the world was spinning. "Yes, we even met up for a coffee while he was butt hurt that Jubin had started calling me Daddy," he said sitting down in Elle’s seat. "No that's not right he would have told me," you said in denial as he rolled his eyes. "Y/N he did, from the sound of it he was only their to basically tell me to back off. He even told me about the baby. Which by the way you're looking so good, bet you can't wait to be showing soon," he added looking up and down your body.
"Wait he told you I was pregnant?” you questioned being confused with each word spilled. "Yes he told me you was pregnant and to practically stay away," he said with his eyes piercing yours. Elle’s words earlier she had known about the baby, Changbin hadn't even known for 24 hours, how did she know so fast? "Elle knew too?" You questioned as he nodded. "Yeah Changbin told Jeongin so basically everyone knew," he said looking worried as your brain unlocked these new words. "Changbin’s been telling everyone I'm pregnant what like yesterday or something?" You said as he looked puzzled your way. "He's been telling everyone for ages, why are you not pregnant?" He said almost hopeful. "I wasn't a month ago, we were only trying for a baby back then," you said as Juyeon looked hurt. "So he didn't tell you you were misunderstanding about Elle so he could get you pregnant and trap you. Classical Changbin, he fears me so much he traps you with a kid of his own," Juyeon snaps annoyed as your hand falls to your stomach.
"Please don't talk about my partner like that," you snap feeling the need to defend him in that moment. "Sorry I apologise, I'm just angry that he didn't put you clear on the situation. Our daughter has missed out because you've been avoiding me," he said taken aback at your tone. "That wasn't Changbin that was me, I regret telling our daughter the truth," you said as Juyeon looked like your words punched holes in him. "You would have lied to her?" He questions as his hand grips the table. "Yes, because this is all messy, we're messy. Changbin was right, we can't see each other. I’m carrying their child," you said standing up watching his eyes water. This couldn't end any other way now. "Y/N, Jubin is our daughter don't do this to me, don't do this to our little girl," he said holding on to you. "Juyeon, I won't take Jubin away from you I promise, but we can't see each other anymore. I’m sorry," you said as your voice cracked. "Why I don't understand?" Juyeon said standing up. "Because it's not safe, I can't be around you," you admitted as his eyes widened. "Wait your avoiding me because you don't trust yourself around me?" He asked as you went silent not sure how to answer that. "Y/N please be honest with me," he said cupping your face as your heart refused to calm. "Y/N, if you wasn't pregnant and you didn't have this Elle misunderstanding, would you have been mine by now?" He asked as you closed your eyes to his words. "I remember the way it felt when you kissed me before Elle had Lily," he said placing his fingers on your lips. "The feeling of your lips set mine almost on fire," he added stepping close to you. Closing your eyes, you felt close to passing out you had to get out there before you did something stupid. "Y/N say something," he said as his Le Labo Another 13, Intoxicated you. "Juyeon I can't do this," you said snapping your eyes open and stepping backwards. "I’m pregnant, this isn't fair," you whispered. "And I'm your eldest daughter’s father, ignoring me isn't fair to me neither," he said stepping closer to you once more. "Their my partners Juyeon, you're just the guy I fucked at College,” You said watching his body slump to your words. "The guy you fucked at college? Is that all I was to you?" He said almost tumbling backwards as he took a step back. "Yes one that i happened to get pregnant from," you added as he almost collapsed into his chair. "I’m sorry Juyeon that how it was, that's how it is. Let's leave this all here, I'm sorry," you said pressing your hand to his shoulder as words failed him. Your heart burned alongside him, hurting him was like shards of glass stabbing you. But you could never risk crossing the blurred line that was tempting you to cross. With that you stood backwards and dashed from the mall cafe leaving Juyeon broken behind.
Juyeon's words was still ringing through your ear when Changbin and Christopher returned from work. Looking at Changbin colouring with Jubin hurt you. Had he used the misunderstanding to get you pregnant. Juyeon's words of him trapping you weighed heavy. Was he right? Had he really wanted a baby to keep you and Jubin from running to Juyeon. Or had he really wanted a family of his own, a family where it was you three and two children. "You ok?'" Christopher said as Changbin took Jubin to bed after dinner. "Yeah I'm just tired," you said as you continued to dry up the plates. "You just seem really defeated tonight," he said as he locked his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. "I think it's the hormones," you tried to excuse for your mood. "Well once we do this test you need to sleep," he said kissing your neck. Instead of melting your body tensed. Was he aware too of Changbin’s deceit? Had he kept the secret of Elle’s baby's paternity secret from you too? "What did you do today anyway?" He questioned as you turned to look at him ready to test him. "I went baby shopping, Juyeon and Elle was there," you said as his face softened. "Are you ok? They didn't say anything to upset you did they?" He said stroking your arm. "Not really," you said looking at him trying to work out if he was acting or really had no knowledge. "They were practically talking about hanging with Jeongin so much recently," you said as he looked puzzled your way. "Our Jeongin?" He asked as you nodded. "He’s been telling stuff about us to them," you threw out. "I've not even spoke to Jeongin for a while now, I've been busy working or with you and Jubin. Wait are you accusing me of something?" He said stepping back from you. "No just I don't like them knowing our business," you said as Christopher cupped your face. "Baby, I can promise you I have more important things to do in my life then send a report to your ex partner via my work colleague. But I will speak to him and find his sources so we can nip this in the bud," he said as you smiled his way almost crushing him in the hug. Of course Christopher knew nothing of this, he was the peacemaker, it wasn't his style.
"Are we ready?” Changbin said coming down the stairs waving the stick your way as you forced a slight smile his way. "Really you can put a better smile there hormonal hetty," he teased as you took the test from him. Sitting in the rest room finding the courage to start the test. Your mind was trying to claw what response you wanted. What if it was negative? Now Juyeon wasn't having a baby himself. Their would be nothing holding you back because he was the father of your child. Changbin and Christopher’s loyalty was that enough to hold you back? Walking back into the room with the stick you passed it to Changbin, you felt too sick and conflicted to look at the test. "What does it say?" Christopher said with impatience. Changbin’s silence hit the room, deep down the hope it was negative ran through you. "Binnie?" You whispered as you saw a drop fall from his eyes. It’s ok baby, we can try again," Christopher said before taking the test in his hand. Christopher closed his eyes in pain and opened to find yours, shaking his head you realised you wasn't pregnant. It was like it ignited something in you, all options were back on the table. But beneath that you saw the pain they both was going through. Resting your hand on Changbin shoulder you felt guilty. "I’m sorry I should have done the test before telling you guys I thought I was. I was just so convinced I was pregnant," you said into the silence. "Do you want me to leave you guys for a minute," you said feeling the atmosphere suffocating. "No, we're in this together," Christopher said coming round to hug you. "I’m ok he needs the comfort more," you said as he pulled you towards him. "You wanted this just as much," he said stroking your hair. How had things changed, their was a time when you fought hard to persuade Christopher to have a baby. Guilt was engulfing you having the comfort when you wasn't as heart broken as you thought you would be. "I need fresh air," you said pushing your self out of Christopher’s hold. "He's right we need to stick together as a family," Changbin said snapping his head to look your way with the pain breaking him on his face. "Binnie I'm so sorry," you said as he closed his eyes. "Don't say sorry like you did something wrong," he said in despair. "Look it's not like we lost a baby, their was just no baby their to start with, we should look at that fact," you said as Changbin scrunched his face in your direction. "It was a real baby to me, I made plans for that baby," he snapped making you step back. "Binnie," Christopher said tapping him on his shoulder. "I’m sorry Y/N, just I don't know, I'm just sorry," he said not even looking at you. "We had even told friends, and now," he said slamming his hands on the unit. "Like Jeongin," you whispered as Christopher snapped his attention towards you.
"You told him I was already pregnant didn't you?" You said feeling guilty at broading the subject so soon. "When did you see Jeongin?" Changbin said as his eyes widened your way. "She saw him earlier," Christopher lied for you as he looked almost angry his way. "You saw Jeongin today?" He said looking at you with something beneath his eyes that was more then sadness. "I already told you that but it's ok we're just have to tell him false alarm," Christopher said rubbing his hand along his collar bone. "Funny that, he's on holiday with Seongmin in Jeju island," he said looking at you. "Look does it matter who does and doesn't not know, look I got it wrong myself she didn't tell me he told her today," Christopher said panicking.
"Juyeon told me," you blurted out as his eyes widened. "You were with Juyeon?" He accused as you jumped from his tone. "Binnie calm down," Christopher said almost shaking him a little. "He was with Elle, baby clothes shopping that's all," you said as he pursed his lips. You could see his anger was conflicted. "What else are you keeping from me Y/N," he barked as Christopher slammed his own fist to the counter. "Look don't take your anger out on Y/N, their is no baby we need to come to terms with that. Y/N had to encounter her ex which was obviously going to happen we live in the same city. So I think we need to stop the wrong emotions escaping," He lectured. "It's not like we can't try again," he added more softer. "Right your right, I’ll get one of those ovulation tests, we can work it out right. Because if it's tonight we can try tonight," Changbin said with desperation. Juyeon was right he wanted to trap you to keep you. "Slow down, this is whiplash," you admitted as Changbin shook his head almost enraged with your words. "We said we wanted a baby have you changed your mind now you've seen Juyeon?" He accused as he groaned into the air. "Ask me this one question Changbin," you said feeling slightly brave to tackle him. "Go ahead," he replied almost softer. "Do you want a baby with me, or a baby to trap me because your scared of Juyeon," you asked. It wasn't the first time this questioned had been raised but never the term trapped. "Having our baby is trapping you?" He quizzed. "It is if you're doing this for the wrong reason," you added as he mockely chuckled. "One meeting with Juyeon and your throwing Christopher’s words. Funny that as your words convinced him this wasn't trapping. So why that word now? What else did he say?" Changbin accused you.
"I think we both know what he said," you admitted as Christopher’s head snapped to yours as Changbin went silent. "What did he say?" Christopher asked. "That he isn't Lulu's babies dad, Ji Changmin is, and it gets worse, he said you knew that five weeks ago. When you met him to tell him to back away from me because I was already pregnant," you accused as Changbin looked like he was silently holding his rage in.
“Binnie is she telling the truth?" "I didn't tell him she was pregnant I said she was hopefully pregnant I just never recorrected him when he misheard. But suppose the word Y/N pregnant in the same sentence would have got him all confused with feral bitterness. And for the record I never told him to stay away, again his mistruth words. But seems like he has you hanging on to his every word of his story," Changbin said with bitterness in his tone. "I didn't believe him, I actually told him to stay away from us," you said folding your arms his way. "You could have fool me," he spat out sarcastically as Christopher looked equally mad with him. "So you knew he wasn't the father yet you failed to tell us?" Christopher said arms folded his way. "What’s it to do with us?" Changbin shouted out. "He's Jubin's dad," you said in annoyance. "We're all Jubin’s dad if it's not his business about our life then his business isn't ours," he said looking angry that Christopher was attacking him. "Jubin is all of our business, you knew that news was up settling for Y/N so why didn't you put her straight," he said as Changbin laughed looking anywhere but him. "And why was she upset?" He accused looking your way. "What are you trying to say?" You said almost taking back with this direction of this conversation. "Do you think she would have agreed to having a baby with us if Juyeon hadn't got Elle pregnant," he spat out.
"So you admit it you trapped her?" Christopher accused as you almost felt ready to faint from his words. "It's only trapped if she truly didn't want us,” He stated as his eyes took yours. "This is too much for me I can't do this I'm out," you spat out not wanting to continue the inquisition Changbin was suddenly spilling. "Run off to him, tell him the good news that theirs no baby," Changbin mocked as you turned to him. "I don't want to be around any of you," you shouted out as you stormed from the house.
Kevin's phone was turned off and Hakyeons left ringing. You really needed them right now as you couldn't go back to the house. Ringing Hyunjae he sounded drunk and wasn't making much sense. Ringing a number you hadn't in ages you rang Younghoon. He was just on his way out with Hwall and Chanhee to the club. When he offered you to join them, you jumped at that invitation. It had been years since you had been out with them. All night they had tried to quiz you but you gave them nothing but sinking shots after shots. Taking them on the dance floor and letting the night take your worries away. But when you almost fell into someone’s arms you never imagined the disgust on their face seeing you would be Sunwoo.
"Oh for fuck Sake it's you," he said rolling his eyes as Hwall threw his arms around you. "Mate eyes off she's ours," he said warning Sunwoo off. "I don't know why I'm not surprised three men after you and theirs still more," he said looking around to see Chanhee and Younghoon who had joined you. "Sunwoo, Juyeon's scummy mate who fucked me over at every opportunity. These are mine and Kevin's mates," you added knowing your words was slurring slightly. "Well Juyeon's scummy mate do one," Chanhee said with his eyes fierce at Sunwoo who almost died of laughter. "Does Changbin and Christopher know your out her plastered?" He quizzed with a raised eye. "No, and I don't care," you said falling into his hold again as he went to catch you. "Ahh you hate me but you caught me," you giggled as Sunwoo rolled his eyes as he stood you on your feet. "I don't hate you, I can't stand you," he said widening his eyes. "Your drunk you should go home or get one of these to take you," he said as Hwall came to hold you away from him. "Take her home mate," he added as Hwall laughed. "Go get fucked we're getting wasted tonight," he spat out as Sunwoo rolled his eyes. Hwall dragged you back to your table as they continued to help you get drunk and forget all your problems.
Juyeon’s POV
You were wrapped in a blanket letting tears still fall from Y/N’s words earlier. Lulu had tried to convince you that her words was lies to stop herself doing something stupid. But the way the words felt when she stung them your way, crippled you that you feared any hope of them being wrong. Maybe she was right, even though you wanted to hurt Changbin in every way. You loved Y/N enough to let her have her dreams and right now having a baby with them was her life. Minus the father of Jubin you had no place in her life. You wondered in time would you ever be comfortable to be around each other even if it was just for your daughter's sake. You was just about to settle to sleep when the phone rang. "What's up I'm just off to bed?” you asked hearing the loud noise of music in the background. You could barely hear his words but Y/N’s name mentioned had you intrigued. "Sunwoo mate text me I can hardly hear you," you said as the phone hanged off.
Y/N's here and she's very drunk. Her mates are not discouraging her.
You sure she's pregnant?
She had told you herself she was pregnant why was she drinking herself into the oblivion. Their was no way she would risk harming her baby, something had obviously happened.
"I’m on my way ping me the club you're at," you replied.
The journey there felt like it was taking forever. What had happened for Y/N to become such a state. Had she lost her baby since you met this afternoon? You hoped your words was the reason for her pain. Maybe you should have kept that Changbin knew from her to save her anguish. Your fear was founded finding her top half sloped over the table. "Another one baby," the guy next to her said placing her another shot. Before she could take it you took it as she groaned. "Sunwoo for fuck sake do one," she groaned as Sunwoo made his way to you. "I will make sure to pass the message on to him," you said as her head shot up to look at you. "Juyeon," she whispered in pain. "The one and only," you added as Sunwoo’s hand fell to your shoulder. "Get her home mate," he said as she chuckled. "I have no home," she chuckled throwing her head to the table winching when it impacts. "Y/N for fuck sake come on come back to mine," you said trying to lift her head back up. "Mate leave her alone we know who you are," her friend spat out as you rolled your eyes. "Yeah sure you do, but I couldn't care less. She's pregnant and drunk and you're enabling her," you spat out. "Wait she's what," the other one choked out. "Y/N what the fuck, what are you doing?" They spat out with equal concern. "It's ok their is no baby now," she said before looking up to you as your heart hurt. "Aren't you happy now?" She slurred broken as you looked at Sunwoo before her again. "Baby I'm not happy when your hurting," you said throwing the loose hairs behind her ears. "Let's get you somewhere safer then here, this isn't where you should be," you said as the taller of the three stood by your side. "It's ok we're take her back home," he said as you almost passed out on his volume of alcohol off his breath. "Mate you can't even walk let alone drive her," you said before going on your knee to Y/N’s level. "Do you want me to ring Changbin and Christopher. Im sure they will want to be with you to support you right now," you said brushing your hands through her hair as she closed her eyes. "You were right Juyeon," she said barely audible. Just that one sentence made you aware she wasn't here because she lost her child, she was here because she had lost herself too. "Come on come home to mine, I promise you I won't do anything but make sure you sleep," you said as she nodded on the table. "I will look after her I promise," you said to her friends as they nodded silently as you dragged her out. Her body so fragile under your hold.
Driving her and Sunwoo back to yours to help her get up the stairs you both placed her into your bed. You stood there silently watching her sleep. "So she lost the baby then?" Sunwoo asked as you nodded. "Yeah it seems so, but I think something else happened," you said as she fidgeted. "Like what?" He asked as you went over the words from earlier. "I think she found out Changbin had played her as a surrogate," you said feeling the pain she must feel now she knew he had trapped her. "What does this mean for you?" Sunwoo asked as you smiled her way. "It would be good to think maybe I could get a step closer to the family I lost. But I don't want them at this cost, not at the cost of her child," you said feeling sadness on her behalf. "So when she's sobered up I will take her to theirs and try fix this up," you said as Sunwoo placed his hand on your shoulder. "Stop holding on to the fear that you be accused of being a player. You don't have to be so serious now you just need a healthy balance," Sunwoo said as you chuckled. "Using a miscarriage to snare my ex girlfriend isn't the answer Sunwoo," you said as he rolled his eyes. "Not now later on, Because it looks like the beginning of her downfall with them," Sunwoo said turning his back to Y/N to face you. "How long will she crash and burns from that relationship till you admit your worthy of her," he said before walking out the room to go home.
You barely slept on the sofa worrying about her and how to support her with her loss. Noticing it was 8am you made your way to make her a coffee and some egg rolls. Walking into the room you placed it next to her. Like the smell woke her eyes strained as it took you in. "Why am I here?" She said sitting up looking confused. "We didn't?" She asked as you laughed her way. "Having sex with women who’s too drunk to consent isn't my thing," you said sitting on the bed. "You were drunk Sunwoo found you called me. You refused to go home so I brought you here," you said passing her some paracetamol. "I'm sorry about the baby," you added as she threw her head back to swallow her medicine. "I wasn't even pregnant," she admitted as you tilted your head baffled with her words.
"We were trying, i mistakingly thought I was, turns out I wasn't," she admitted as your heart lifted slightly from the prospect of the pain she didn't have had to endure. "I'm still sorry it didn't work out this time," you said passing her the coffee. "Their won't be another time," she admitted before taking a sip and tsssking from the temperture. "Because he admitted he wanted you pregnant to trap you?" You asked. "That's what you said last night," you added before she could try and deny as she breathed in deeply showing the pain. "I shouldn't have said that it's unfair of him," she said passing you the coffee back clearly too hot for her. "But you did so you can't take it back," you said as you passed her the egg roll. "If I go home he will expect us to try again," she admitted as your heart felt a little hopeful. "You don't want that?" You asked as she shook her head. "Can I ask why? You clearly wanted to try in the first place," you asked as she closed her eyes contemplating whenever to continue. "Let's say things have slightly changed," she winced as you felt a little brave to keep pushing. "Because then your ex boyfriend was having a baby with his mistress, and now you know their not," you said watching her face get torn with how to respond. "I don't know?" She replied like she didn't want to say those words. "Y/N if their was no Changbin and Christopher would you want me?" You asked as her eyes closed. "But they do exist," she groaned passing her plate to you with the food untouched. "Humour me Y/N," you pleaded wanting to know how she truly felt.
"Yes, but they do exist so nothing changes. I have to go back to them," she added as you inwardly felt like shaking her. It was clear she was with them due to loyalty because they had been their for Jubin. Though you was happy she had their support. It was only needed because she feared you wouldn't want this life with her. "Your going to go back to people your not in love with," you quieted as she looked slightly annoyed. "I do love them though," she proclaimed as you deadpanned her. "I know you know the different with love and in love. Y/N I know your in love with me," you said hopeful. "Juyeon, we can't ever be together, it's not fair on them," she said as her hands reached to yours. "What's not fair to them is lying to them making them believe your crazy about them when you're not," you said as she chewed on her bottom lip. "Me and you both know deep down it's Jubin they want not you. Do you think I would be cruel to take Jubin away from them. What if their was a way they could have her too and allow you to catch your dreams," you said lacing your fingers with hers. "And you're my dream are you?" She said cockily. "I know I am, I know you dream of the family life we can have together," you said with confidence brimming through you. You knew you should feel guilt towards the guys who had been your daughter saviour. But Changbin’s actions and Sunwoo’s words was heavily on your mind. "Our daughter wants everyone to be happy and right now two people aren't and two people are living a lie," you said cupping her face. "I don't know if I can destroy the family for it to be fixed," she whispers almost conflicted. You feel the electricity between you turn up a notch. She's not convincing herself, she's trying to convince she can be loyal. "Sometimes we have to do scary things, but we both know it will be worth it when things are how it should be," you said brushing your thumb along her bottom lip. "I know your scared of the past, but surely I've shown you that things are different now. We're not kids no more," you added as you felt herself digest your words. "I've only ever loved you, since you fell into my arms. The world was black when you ran away," you whispered as she looked lost in your eyes.
You knew you shouldn't but taking sunwoo's words you pressed your lips to hers. You had expected her to stop or freeze against you. But instead she welcomed you as her mouth didn't waste a second working alongside your own. Tongues sliding against each other, you felt her desperation when her hands fell to the hem of your vest. Things was moving very fast, your dreams of reunited with her was at the clasp. You moved carefully scared to slip up this special moment. Not wanting her to realise her relationship with them was in danger of falling apart.
Full Masterlist
Player in Denial
Next part due to be published next month
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dickarchivist · 11 months
Hi there!
I'm going to be greedy and ask a few of your OC questions about Grave Squad. I don't even care which clone/clones you choose. I want to get to know them all!
3.) Do they have any hobbies?
17.) What did they want to be when they were little?
20.) Do they believe in the supernatural? (ghosts, aliens, magic, etc.)
Thanks! 💀
I'm gonna answer these for everyone hehe
3.) Do they have any hobbies?
Ghost: He loves to cook~ When they have down time, or get to interact with civilians on any planet, Ghost asks about their food and culture. Anthropology, as it were. He loves understanding different cultures. His brothers are happy about it, Ghost cooks for them mainly. It's a good way for him to de-stress when they have access to fresh food.
Phantom: Poetry! He will never, ever admit that, tho. Phantom really enjoys writing poetry, reading it too. Specter found his book once, and Tom panicked and said it was Wraith's. Specter said he bought it, but he's probably the only one who knows Tom wrote it.
Specter: photography is his biggest hobby, but Specs also paints! He's very artistically inclined, has an eye for it, and enjoys the self expression. He's painted most of The Crypt's walls. He especially loves this hobby when Athena joins him, he taught her how to paint and draw.
Banshee: Ban loves books. Absolutely 100% loves books. Most of his personal credits go into books. His not to secret hobby, tho, the one he doesn't show outwardly, is that he composes music. Most of the music he listens to 24/7 is stuff that he made himself.
Wraith: Ray collects flowers from the places the visit. He'll press them in a book Master Dax made for him, adding their place of origin, the date of collection, and any relevant information such as environmental requirements, edible or toxic, and aroma when fresh. His other favorite hobby is doing his brothers' hair, as well as Athena's. The man knows a mean braid.
17.) What did they want to be when they were little?
Ghost: Ghost wanted to be a dad. When he was little, he asked one of his teachers what their lab was like where they were made, and when he was told they were born, Ghost became obsessed with the idea of having a home. A family. When he learned that people can be raised, they can make other people not in tubes, all he wanted was to be a dad. He still hopes for that, deep down.
Phantom: Tom wanted to be a jedi. He spent a lot of his limited free time practicing saber techniques "for when my powers come in!" Because he assumed, like any child would, that he simply had to grow into them. Sometimes, he still tries to move things with the force.
Specter: Specs wanted to be a teacher. Aside from his brothers, his favorite person was a teacher on Kamino. Not combat, the basics. Reading, writing, code, math, etc. She taught him to love art by encouraging the doodles in the margins. Today, Specs thinks she was his first love, and silently dedicates every piece of artwork he does to her. He hopes, once the war is over, that he might be an art teacher specifically, because art was what made him realize he's a person.
Banshee: Ban didn't want anything else when he was little. He thought being a soldier was all there was, so it was all he wanted. Until he blew up the first time. When he woke up and saw Master Dax above him, it was the first time he wanted anything for himself, "I want to go home." Now, he dreams of being a musician, or a house husband, for the right person.
Wraith: Ray has always wanted to be a doctor. Even before he started his official medic training, he was constantly trying to improve the health and lives of his brothers. He does however, sometimes, have a little day dream about being a florist.
20.) Do they believe in the Supernatural?
Grave Squad: they've seen people die and come back when they shouldn't. They've seen magic first hand in the jedi. They've been told stories about the witches of Dathomir and how General Valka got the spikes on his back.
Yes. Emphatically, Grave Squad believes in the Supernatural.
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hirik0 · 9 months
False Reality Part 2
Soap/Ghost, SiFi AU
When Ghost is opeingin his eyes again for the secound time this day, hes blinded by brithe hospital eyes. He makes a displeased sound holding one of his hands in front of his eyes. NExt to him someone is moving. "Simon, how your feeling?", a female soundig voice is asking him and why is he thinking he must imagening this voice? He moves his head and hes lookig at his mother Helena Riley. HE blinks a few times, while tears are filling his eyes, why is he sad this just dont make sence. Its his mum he just saw her last sunday for family dinner right? RIGHT?!? "What happened?", he ask confused. "Price said you had a really bad migraine when you spoke over the phone, he also said your confused about living here in London. I had to let the EMTS in", his mother sound woried and tears are gathering in her eyes and he hates this. "Yeah, I dont know, just have a wiered feeling, maybe i dreamed bad and thats why im confused", he says to sooth his mother worry. "Of course sunshine, I will get a nurse yes", Helena says before leaving the room. Sunshine, why the fuck is she calling him sunshine? His mum only ever told him Simon his hole life hes sure of that. His mum returns with a nurse and a young Doctor. Ghost has to press his teath together to not call the Doctor Gaz and ask him what he is doing here. "Im Dr. Garrick", the young Doctor is intrudusing himself and Ghost acts like he in fact dont know Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick. Jsut the Gaz in his memorys is in the military. "We did a CT scan and MRI of your brain and we found nothing. He dont know where the headache was coming from but it for sure was not a migraine. The good news is also no tumor. Just i dont no what happend right before you passed out?", Gaz ask taking a pan in his hand his left hand, Ghost notices Gaz is right handed hes pretty sure about this. But does it really matter. "I was on the phone with my boss John Price and I dont know for some reason I thought i dont live on earth, but that clearly cant be right", Ghost explains feeling stupid. "I mean the mars colonie from Elon Musk failed after just 5 years and the only other posibility is the moon base, and Im sure your not an astronaut", Gaz says still writting down eveythink Ghost said. For some reason Ghost has the feeling failed is an understament and that after Elon Musk got killed at the mars revolution the colonie recovered really fast, but he keeps that for himself. "Well you can go home Mr. Riley, we cant do anything for you, besides making sure you get some sick days", Gaz says with his big familier smile. "Thanks... Doc", He nearly called Gaz Sergeant what the fuck.
His mum drives him home looking worried. "You are sure you dont want to stay in your old room, sunshine?", she asks for the 5th time. "Yes mum its fine, if thinks get worse i will call you", he ansered for the 5th time. "You sure you can come to dinner on Thursday?" "Yes, Mum of course its with Joes girlfriend and her dad, right", Ghost says confused why he knows this. "Yes, Emma MacTavish and her dad John, the mum sadly past away. Cant imagine to raise you both with out your dad." Ghost bites his toungh to not say they infact would be better off with out their loser father but he has the feeling this will upset his mother. He dont want to upset his mother, he hates when she is upset. He also has the feeling that Emma is Soaps youngest niece and not his daughter. "What is Mr. MacTavish doing for work again?", Ghost ask nearly saying Soap, feeling wired to call Soap Mr. MacTavish having the feeling Soap would tell him thats his dad. "His Joes chemestry teacher, Simon do you even listend when Joe told us for 3 months how cool the new chemestry teacher is?" "I maybe turend my brain of becasue he repeaded the same thinks over and over again", Ghost lies through his teeth. Chemestry teacher oddly makes sense to him, knowing that Soap is good in chemestry for other reasons then beeing a teacher. His mum is smiling at this. "Well, it was that or him just talking about Emma, for 3 months i understand. He just like Tommy was with Beth at the beginning. Ghost start feeling sad having knowing that he infact didnt know this. He knows that Tommy is loving Beth with all he got, but for some reason he dont know he talked about nothing but Beth for months. Because he was not at home, why was he not at home? They reach Simons apartment building and Ghost kisses his mother on the cheek as a thank you. He gets in the building he enters his code the 4th November the day... the day its an important date to him he knows that but why? Was important thing happend on the 4th November?
He opens the door to his appartment, walking straight in to the living room he didnt inspected yet. Like in the bedroom, this room feels to big for just one person. He loves the wall with books shelves, the sofa looks comfortable, the tv looks like a ancient relict to him, tvs got replaced 20 years before smartphons. It looks to lived in, he also hates the open kitchen, but it's what he has to work with. He looks through all the drawers till he finds a pair of scissors. Time to fix his hair, while he walks to the bathroom he sees photos of him having a man bun but his brain tells him this is against regulations, he just dont know what regulations. He stands in front of the giant mirror and start cutting away big parts of his hair, till he has short easy to maintain miltary style hair cut. He has the urge to shave the sites down more but he thinks that it's maybe to much change for his mum. He's also pleasantly suprised that the cut dont look like a 5 year old that cut their own hair, the feeling of him cutting his hair regularly on his own is popping up in his head. He cleans the scissor before returning it to the kitchen. He inspects the fridge and its full. There are fruits he oddly only knows from books in a fruit bowl. To his horror he don't find any bourbon, but lots of whine and the worst he sees a coffee maschien and he has no tea. He takes a apple out of the bowl, before he goes to the last room in the appartement. It's a small office and he instantly feels the need to move his bedroom in here. He nearly drops the apple when he sees the law degree with his name on right behinde the desk. Hes a lawyer? If Price is his boss does that mean PRICE is also a lawyer? Guess instead of resting he needs to catch up on British law... and how your supost to follow it. Why does he has the feeling he broke a lot of laws in the past? He laughs at the conflicting feeling of him being a lawyer and him not haven follow a law atleast his hole adult life.
Supect: Simon Riley, Human space marine
Days in simulation: 4 standard galactic days
Time till ascending: 8 standart galactic days
Today he would meet Soap and for some reason that makes him really nervous. The last few days he looked at his work suprised that he understood everything. He is up to date with all his cases, he's ready for court on Monday and at the same time he feels like a big imposter. He watched some earth TV, oddly already knowing the plot of most movies and series even if said series is allegedly just premiereing. Sometimes thinking about how Gaz would react to sertain plots and jokes. The music even if it's allegedly just released feel like they are old and should not be at the top 100 charts. He's questioning if everything is in fact okay with his brain since he passed out 3 days ago. He just showered and is now standing in front of his dresser. The lack of black cloths is the biggest pain in his the ass. Every shirt being in a light colour he has to dig in there every fucking day to find some dark colours. He choose a dark green button up and black dress pants, no lack of these at least. He has the need to cover up atleast the lower half of his face. He also every morning is looking for something to blacken the skin around his eyes being iritated ever time he dont find it. Why does he has this need to hide his face? He talks with nobody over this not wanting to worry them or end up in the hospital again. He also start to work out really iritate by the limits his body is setting him, feeling like he is suposed to be able to do more.
He stands at the front door of Beth's and Tommys house still unsure why he even knows the address. The same feeling he had with his mom is also here. As if Beth, his mom, Tommy and Joseph are all supost to be dead. He rings the bell and Beth is opening the door with a big smile that turns in to confusion. "Did you cut your hair Simon?", she asks confused. "Yes." "But why the man bun was really a good look on you", Beth say while letting her brother in law in. "Just didn't liked it anymore." Beth is narrow her eyes before slowly nodding in understanding. "I get it long hair is a pain to take care of, looks good Simon just suprised." Footsteps are stomping down the stairs and a teenage Joseph is looking around the corner disappointed to see his uncle instead of his girlfriend. "Hi Joe", Ghost just greats. "Hi uncle Si", he says before disappearing to his room again. "Teenager", Beth sighs fondly. The adults move to the living room. His mother and Tommy sitting on the couch talking about something. "Si", Tommy says with a big smile that makes Ghost heart arch. "Tommy, good to see you." He supresses the need to hug him, clearly he sees Tommy on a regular basis. "A shame that Dad, cant be here", Tommy sees and Ghost blood frezzes in his veins. A shame? A shame, this man better never comes near them ever again. "You okey sunshine?", his mom ask seeing his for her very unusal face expression. He slipped from Simon to the Ghost something his family just never saw. He need to take several deep breaths before he can answer his mum question getting concernt looks from everyone in the livingroom. Hes rescued from an answer by the doorbell.
Joe is sprinting down the stairs, its only one person that can ring with all his family downstairs. Emma and Mr MacTavish. He nearly falls in his haste and honstely the scene is mealting the cold rage inside of Ghost. Joe pulls the door open probably with a big smile. "Hey", he says a bit arkward and his mum mutters while shaking her head: "Just like his dad." "Hey, Joe", a girl is answering a her smile clearly can be heared in her voice. "Mr MacTavish", Joe greets his teacher after hugging his girlfriend. Emma MacTavish has the same big, lightening ther room up smile as Soap, but her Hair is red instead of brown, probably from her mother. She goes Joespeh nearly to his chin, perfect to rest the head on when you hug. Soap steps in and his long hair instead of a stupid mohawk is iritating the shit out of Ghost. Also Soap is way to tiny, no visibel bulk at all. Soap has shoulder long hair, just like Ghost before he cut his, he imgine its put up in class but at the moment its down. He has the same blue eyes he rembers from somewhere and this smile that punches the air out of Ghost chest. Thank fuck he dont blushes, because his mum will likely notice something early enough. "Well you know my parents and than is my nana Helena Riley and my uncel Simon", Joeseph intedudec the two. John heard is skipping a beat when he looks in Ghost brown eye the fuck he will do falling on love with the uncel of his daugthers boyfriend. Emma will probably never forgive him that.
They sit at the diner table the adult Rileys one onside and Joseph and the MacTavishs on the other. Beth cooked a vegetarian deep dish to the displeasement of Ghost with fucking eggplant in it. So while everyone is kinda busy talking with each other he picks the offensive plant out of his food. "Joe told us your really in to music from the 2000s", Beth says making Ghost turn in the conversation again. "I had to listen to a lot of it for a essay and it stucked", Emma says clearly exited about the topic. "What's your favourite song?, Helena asks intresstet. Lady Gagas Bad Romance Ghost thinks being so suprised about this knowledge he accidentally eats a piece of eggplant. "Bad Romance form Lady Gaga", Emma answers. "I never heard this song I think", Helena likes listens to older music. "I can send you my playlist Mrs Riley", Emma offers. "Call me Helena or Nana dear and that sounds lovely." "I think you also would like Karma from Taylor Swift", Emma says while inspecting her food also picking out the eggplant. "Oh what's the song about?", Helena ask intresstet. "That if you do good things Karma will make sure good things happen to you and the people you care for", Ghost answers automatically getting the attention of the hole table. "That sound lovely", his mother says with a smile on her face. "Could not have said it better", Emma says smiling. It's because that are you word Ghost thinks while drinking from his water glass. They go on to the dessert that are deffently made by his mom. Littel lemon tarts, Simons favourite. "So how is living with and I quote: Londons best and hottest lawyer", Soap asks as a joke getting a drop it look from Ghost and a emberest look from his daughter. "We heared thats technically illegal a lot", Tommy says punishing Ghost shoulder playfull. "It's because you always ask me oddly specifically if scenario x would be illegal which it is 90% of the time. The other 10% is it will be if you get caught", Ghost says while jabbing his elbow in Tommys site. "No disgusion of Law at diner", Beth reminds them annoyed. "Well technically diner is over Mum, dessert is not diner you told me that a lot", Joseph says imitating Ghost lawyer talk. Ghost just nods proudly using the own words against someone is important in law, while Tommy takes a big sip of his wine to not laught. Helena and Emma are chewing their tart suspiciously long. John has to take a deep breath to not laugh. "Sometimes as you know Joseph Riley diner has more then one course like today and then dessert is infact part of diner. So no law questions", Beth says stern. Joseph opens his mouth to say disagree and desites last second to say something else. "Emma also want to be a lawyer." "Oh really?" Ghost ask intresstetto his knowledge Emma wants to specialise as a alienspecies vetenarian. "Mum was the best family lawyer in Glasgow and I want to step on her foot steps", Emma says with a shining in her eyes like Soap when he is allowed to blow up something. "Family law is hard but important", Ghost just says getting a site eye from Beth. They change subjects after this till the last piece of dessert is eaten.
The teenager are sitting on the couch while the adults still talk at the diner table. "Well I thought Joe will never stop talking about Emma the whole school year, he hardly talks about anything else", Beth says a bit tipsy from the whine. "Mum!", Joseph protest from the couch. "Ah same here a have a check list of thinks Joseph Riley does by now", Soaps says loudly over the protest of his daughter. "DAD!", Emma says as a warning a familiar look of challenge in her eyes, that Ghost know all to well from his Soap. "Don't worry bumblebee I will keep the really embarrassing stuff for another time so that Beth can coordinate with storys about Joseph", Soap jokes and it clearly the wrong answer because Emma is narrowing her eyes pulling her lower lip on while thinking about a response. Ghost just smiles hearing that Soap uses the same nickname for daughter Emma as for niece Emma. "Well atleast I don't got called Soap by everyone because I blow up a soap dispenser at uni Dad", Emma answers clearly not pleased with her dad's answer. It seams that Soap is still Soap after all even as a teacher instead of... God he will figure that one out later. "Was an accident and technically not my fault", Soap protests. "Oh so what happened then?", Ghost asks with a raised eyebrow looking Soap directly in the eyes for the first time. Soap feels how his heart is about to jump out his chest, his hands geting sweaty and how his ears are getting warm, all just because Simon Riley is giving him his full attention. Fucking hell, he had his fair share of hot parents as a teacher but Simon Riley will be the death of him. "Well...", he starts never ever he had the problem to tell this story before, its likely because he's a lawyer and not because he's hot Soap lies to himself. "We tested a chemical reaction and I maybe put a bit to much of it in because I was distracted and then the dispenser exploded." "So it was your fault", Ghost concludes while shaking his head and Soap has to repress the urge to just agree with him. "No, I was distracted by a fellow student and he is,atleast half the reason it happened." "And still they only called you Soap." Holy fucking shit the way he says Soap is sending shivers down his spine. He hated this nick name but when Simon Riley says it it sounds like so good he wants to fall down on his knees. He's lucky he sits because he maybe would have done it embarrassing his daughter in front of Josephs family.
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palialaina · 1 year
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Uncle B keeps saying "It's GRAPE to see you, Berry!" so I decided today, I was going to change up my colors. I have never seen someone ready to make a joke and then look so crestfallen so fast. I think he went through the stages of grief in about twenty seconds while his brain started back up, and then he said how sunny I looked.
It's a new, terrible joke, I'll take it.
Jina found me a Kamera! I don't think I'm the best at taking pictures, but she said I could use it to keep track of my home progress, same as this journal, so I'm going to give it a try.
It's been kind of a whirlwind, I've totally lost track of time again. Einar really likes shiny pebbles, and he started talking to me about Oneness. I don't really get it, but Jina said it's something programmed into beings like him and Hekla, and it's kind of like a Path? But the difference being is that people choose, and these guys didn't get to.
Feels kind of sad. It was kind of fun trying to understand it, but I don't really think Oneness is my thing to worry about. That, or I find it in my garden
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I am way too proud of it, for sure.
I picked up my third hallway piece today, but there's always so much to be distracting. Elouisa asked me to bug hunt, I had to catch crickets for Aunt Del (Seriously, auntie, you live next to a place called Leafhopper Hill, what were you expecting?) Maybe after I've relaxed a bit I'll go try and mine for stone and iron again, like I totally meant to do.
I wish Zeki would lower the backpack price though. Jeez. 5k for a bigger bag is wild, but I guess that's the way Grimalkin do business. Which. Rude. But I don't really have a choice.
Dad was having some trouble earlier too. Apparently he has a son! Who went into the military, and there was a kerfluffle about that, but he's trying to reach out now. I told him that owning up to his gaff was better than using the death of his wife against his son, and he agreed with me. Even said I was a good child!
Okay, I'm not a child, but heck it. I'm calling him Dad forever, even if not to his face.
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Aunt Del gave me a pie for helping her with the crickets, so I had some for dessert, and man, I wanna learn how to cook like she does! I just... don't have time. So much else to run around and do. And not enough hours in the day, it feels like.
Also, Uncle B keeps trying to sell me his fertilizer recipe, but like... if I go beachcombing for a few hours, and then drop all the oyster meat into my worm farm, I end up with more fertilizer than I know what to do with! So I don't know that I'll ever buy it from him. I did buy my better how and watering can though, and wow, that makes the garden a lot easier to work in. He's hinted something about apple trees and blueberry bushes--with the obligatory Berry related pun that I had to sigh about--but he says I need more experience with what I've got first.
Maybe once I can grow those, I'll get to make some pies!
I wish I didn't have to catch fish for the weird temple thing over by the farm. I am not good at it. No wonder it's not really my Oneness (sorry Einar). I think I almost had a thing, but then it snapped the line just before I could finish, and ugh, that's twice now with that dang thing. Bahari Bay fishing is hard...
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I did catch this guy though!
I decided against keeping it though. Angry little thing kept glaring at me, and I don't really have the space for pets yet anyways. So I sold it instead. Hopefully Auni got a kick out of seeing it in the shipping bin.
Oh, and Sifuu had me canvas town for opinions on what makes a good book. I have so many concerns for what she tries to write next. She's... well, got a lot of work ahead of her, I think.
I told Jina I'd send her little bits of mail for fun, so that she can practice reading ancient human. She was all for it, since our current dilemma with her puzzle door thing isn't going well. I keep going back and forth on whether the next answer is water, or like... the library. It seemed pretty straightforward at first, but now I'm not so sure.
Maybe once I've had some rest, I'll actually be able to go mine stone, iron, and see Najuma. Mayba Tamala too, but she kinda makes me uncomfy. Still, being that far out, she must want some visitors, right? Take another shot at getting those darn Bahari fish I need for sure, and comb the beach for as many oysters as I can get for my worms!
....man. That list seemed shorter in my head.
Oh, and I got a letter from my friend Lark!
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Heya Berry, Do you like soup? Please save me.
Let me explain- I got pretty tired of eating grilled mushrooms and fish for days, and Reth told me he'd give me more recipes once I got my cooking level up. But the only other thing I know how to make is soup. I'm not half bad at it, if I do say so myself, but at this point I've made so much of it that at this rate I'm gonna out-soup Soup Guy. I can't eat all this ramen myself, please save me from my soupffering. (I mean, I'll be fine. I ate mushrooms for a week, I can eat soup for a week. Buuut seriously. If you get a hankering for ramen, please come over)
Drowning in soup, -Ya pal Lark
Poor Lark! Maybe I should send some of the steak dinner I've learned how to make... Auntie Del might know how I can send that in the mail and not tip off Auni. I mean, her pie made it here intact, and he loves her pie!
I shall have to think about it. Hm.. Auni-proofing a steak...
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