#and she doesn’t want to wait for azure
chryzuree · 1 year
thinking abt childhood fates au, where chrysi runs away and falls in love w azure during that whole time jacks is looking for her. every time azure dies, chrysi’s jst patiently waiting for him to be reincarnated, whereupon he tracks her down as soon as he remembers her and they date all over again 🫶🏻 but then chrysi ends up in the deck when she finds jacks there, so when azure comes back and tries to find her, he’s heartbroken that she’s trapped :((( it’s okay though!! when paloma takes chrysi’s place, azure’s the one to find her and take care of her until she wakes up 🥰
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just-jordie-things · 2 years
dreams to be desired - fushiguro megumi
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word count: 7.3k warnings: swearing, implied smut (smutty without being smut bc i'm shy) summary: you know megumi dreams about you, but he’s still too reserved to make the first move.  oh well, you’ll just take matters into your own hands. more info: all characters are aged up! jujutsu tech is a college in this fic
It was getting warm in the small dorm, and if Megumi thought twice about it he might have been uncomfortable with his shirt sticking to his back, but any thoughts of getting up to turn on his fan went out the window as a gentle pair of hands grabbed the offending material and teasingly began to lift.
(y/n’s) giggling was soft enough in his ear that he almost couldn’t hear it over the deafening sound of his own heart pounding.  He tried to steady his breath so that he could better focus on the girl in front of him.
It was a miracle that she was here, sitting before him in his own bed.  He wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve her presence at this time of night, but upon feeling the cool pads of her fingertips tracing upwards over his abdomen, he let the thought disappear with that of the fan across the room.
“Your skin’s hot,” She murmurs, her lips still close to his ear, before she leans back to look at him.  “Maybe this should come off, hm?” She asks, tugging further on his tee shirt.
Reaching one hand behind his back, he made great haste in pulling the shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor without a glance.  The sudden burst in confidence wasn’t like Megumi, but deep down he knew this was a rare opportunity, and he wasn’t about to waste a single minute.
(y/n) grins in amusement, which slowly fades into a smirk as her eyes wander down his exposed chest.  She leans forward on her knees, her eyes slowly falling shut, but before she could plant her lips on his, his hands stop her.
Her eyes open suddenly, brow raised in curiosity as to why in the world he would stop her.  He’s smiling at her.
She looks down at his hands on her waist, fingers tracing the lacy edges of her tank top.
“Your turn,” He murmurs, azure eyes trailing slowly down to where his hands held her shirt- if you could even call it that.  The thin black fabric left very little to the imagination, and yet his heart was racing as his hands slowly slid under the fabric, curling around her waist.  “Fair’s fair”
She’s giggling again, and Megumi wonders briefly if it’s possible to get drunk off of a sound.
“I ‘spose I can’t argue with that”
He’s heard that teasing lilt in her voice before, that false saccharine that makes him second guess his every move, his every word.  Normally he’d fluster, turn away with a ‘tch’ and hope that his dismissal was enough to make her leave him alone, so that he could hide his red tinted ears that always gave him away before the blush on his cheeks.
Tonight he doesn’t shy away from her playfulness.  Instead, his lips curl into an almost devious grin as she follows his command.
She shoos his hands away from her waist, taking the hem of her shirt in her hands and pulling the fabric upwards in a tantalizingly slow motion.  Megumi’s tempted to rip the fabric clean over her head in one foul swoop, but he bites his lip and does his best to remain patient.
If she wanted to make a whole show of it, then who was he to rush things? He’d waited this long for his shot with her, it would be silly for him to complain about how slowly she took her clothes off.
Besides, to his amusement, he finally got to see what her preferred color of lingerie was.
He had to admit, he was a little surprised.  His mouth watered.
She’s wearing her own grin as she finally clutches the skimpy tank top in one hand, letting it fall to the ground to be forgotten with his own shirt.
Megumi lets himself marvel at her beautiful, perfect, angelic body for just a moment longer.  Slowly, his hooded eyes trail up her torso , creeping over every inch of exposed skin and lacy pink fabric until they meet hers.
Without a second longer wasted, the pair dart towards one another, lips colliding in a heated kiss.  His hands wander everywhere they can reach, warm palms leaving goosebumps in their wake.  He’s humming, almost purring, contentedly into her mouth with every soft patch of skin that he’s able to touch.
Her hands reach for his chest again, smoothing over his collarbones before trailing down, down, slower with every passing second.  He’d never pegged her for such a tease, or perhaps she was just trying to take in as much of him as he was of her.  Her hands finally pause just above his trousers, fingers just barely hooking into the fabric.  Just enough to make him shudder at the thought of them traveling further.
“(y/n/n)...” He murmurs, lips tracing up her jaw on one side, the other side cupped securely in his large hand to keep her in place.
“(y/n)...” He voices again, reaching a tender spot just below her ear.
“What?” She asks again, beginning to laugh.  But it wasn’t her previous flirty giggle, it was a boisterous cackle.  A masculine one.
Megumi retreats from her neck, his brows in a knot.
“Did you say (y/n)?” She asks, but it’s most certainly not her voice.
In fact, it’s clearly Yuuji’s. ___
Megumi shoots upright in bed, chest heaving from the harsh awakening.  And to his dismay, there was Yuuji, bent over and cackling so hard his face was red.
“Have a nice sleep?” Yuuji asks when he finally catches his breath.  He brings a hand to his face to wipe the tears from his eyes.
“I was,” Megumi grumbled.  “What’re you doing in my room?”
“Well, I came to see if you wanted to go on a run with me,” Yuuji says, plopping himself into Megumi’s desk chair, swiveling back and forth like a child.  “You didn’t answer the door, figured I’d wake you up, you don’t usually sleep in.  But you must’ve been reeaall comfortable”
He’s grinning so wide that Megumi’s surprised his face doesn’t split right in two.
“Shut up” He muttered, dropping back down onto his pillow.
“(y/n/n), ooh, (y/nnn),” Yuuji mimics.  “You said her name a lot”
Megumi grabs the sides of his pillow with his fists and closes it tightly against his ears.  It’s not enough to drown out Yuuji’s voice in the slightest.
“I knew you had a thing for her.  I can’t wait to see her reaction when I tell her you were having a wet dream about her,” He giggles, and despite all his teasing, his cheeks were flushed pink at the thought.
“Don’t you dare” The annoyed boy growls, dropping his pillow and sitting up again to properly glare at his so-called friend.
“Oh come on, she’d love it!” Yuuji exclaims.  “She has a thing for you too.  Wouldn’t be surprised if she’s had her fair share of steamy dreams about you”
Megumi rolls his eyes.  Of all the possible people that could have walked in to hear him muttering her name in his sleep, Yuuji was probably the worst possible choice.
Why couldn’t it have been Inumaki? At least he wouldn’t have been able to tell anyone.
“So, a run?” Yuuji asks.
Megumi grabs his pillow from behind it and chucks it at him.  Yuuji dodges with ease.
“That a no?”
“Get out”
When he’s gone, Megumi collapses back into his mattress, hiding his face in his hands and groaning.
This is what he gets for enjoying something for once.  He can’t even have a scrap of peace in his dreams. ___
“(y/n)! Nobara!”
Yuuji jogs to catch up with his classmates who had just been wandering towards the front gates.  Both girls stopped in their tracks, turning to see their pink haired friend breaking into a sprint.
“Why’s he running so fast?” (y/n) asks.
“I don’t know.  But it’s too late to out run him now” Nobara mutters, placing her hands on her hips as she glares at their approaching classmate.
(y/n) hums in agreement.
When Yuuji finally gets within hearing range, she calls out to him.
“I thought you were going to run with Megumi?”
“Oh, he was not in the mood” Yuuji laughs as if it was an inside joke.
(y/n) and Nobara shared a look, each telling the other not to ask what was so funny, for the sake of time.  Sometimes the things Yuuji found funny didn’t make sense, and it was just better to go along with it.
“Well, we’re not in the mood either,” Nobara speaks up.  “We’re going shopping”
“You can come if you want,” (y/n) offers kindly, earning a side glare from Nobara.  “But we’ll be out all day.  Might be worth it to wait around to hang with Megumi instead”
“I don’t think he’s going to speak to me for the rest of the day,” Yuuji shakes his head.  “Maybe the rest of time,” He mutters.
Both girls don’t really react.  It wasn’t unlike Megumi to be pouting and dishing out the silent treatment to Yuuji.  Or anyone, really.
“But he’d probably still speak to you (y/n)” He adds with a high pitched lilt to his voice.
(y/n’s) brows furrow.
Yuuji does a little shoulder shimmy that only furthers her confusion.
(y/n’s) eyes slide over to Nobara, hoping the short haired girl would provide some insight to their friend’s weird, weird antics.  But she only rolls her eyes and scoffs.
“Spit it out, Itadori” Nobara barks.
Yuuji giggles, hiding his grin behind his hand as he stares at (y/n), who’s growing increasingly concerned for his well being.
Maybe I should hang out with him more, she thinks.  Is he not getting enough attention..?
“I can’t tell,” He says, still squealing behind his hands.  “But it’s juicy!”
(y/n) blinks, wondering where in the world Yuuji got hot gossip from.  Not that he didn’t have friends, anyone who’s ever met him was his friend.  But there weren’t exactly a lot of people at Jujutsu Tech, and everyone got along fairly well.  So juicy gossip was hard to come by.
(The closest thing that ever came to it was when Panda caught Maki blushing over a photo of Yuta, but as soon as he dared tease her for it, he was on the ground.  So that was deemed off limits)
“Spill!” Nobara darted forward, grabbing Yuuji by the shoulders.  “Spill! Now!”
“I told you! I can’t!” Yuuji shrieked.
Nobara grimaced, and began to shake him by the shoulders at a dangerous speed, sending his head knocking back and forth.
“If you don’t tell me the juicy gossip right now I’ll murder you!” She threatened.  “Is it about me!?”
Yuuji grumbled noises of protest until she stopped shaking him.  His eyes blinked heavily as he tried to fight the dizziness that washed over him.
“I think ‘m gonna be sick” He muttered, holding a hand to his head.
(y/n) frowned, stepping forward and raising his head to check his eyes.
“You’re fine,” She told him with certainty.  “But you better fess up before she freaks out.  What’d you hear?”
“Is it bad?” Nobara asks, her lips curling into a frown, (y/n) looks over at her, wondering the same thing.  Why else would he be so weird about spilling the beans that he brought up first? “Are people talking shit about me?”
“Are people talking shit about her?” (y/n) whips her head around at lightning speed, and her fists grab the collar of his uniform, dragging him in close.  Close enough that he can see the violent glint in her eye that she usually only gets when she’s taking down a curse.  He swallows thickly, never having been so intimidated by the normally sweet girl.
“N-no!” Yuuji shakes his head rapidly.  “No one’s talking shit about anyone!”
(y/n) drops her hands from his shirt and takes a step backwards so she was out of his personal space.
“Oh” Nobara mumbles, almost sounding disappointed.  (y/n) and Yuuji share a confused look, before (y/n) gets back on track.
“Then what is so juicy that you’re giggling?”
Yuuji’s bubbly laughter returns as he remembers what he was so giddy about in the first place.  (y/n’s) eye twitches with impatience.
“Someone has a crush on you” He sing-songs.
(y/n) blinks wide, almost owlishly so, slowly processing his words.
A crush?
“Ohmygosh!” Nobara squeals, suddenly sounding just like Yuuji.  She bounces on her feet and nearly pushes (y/n) aside to get up in his face.  “Who! Who! Who!?”
This time when she grabs him by the shoulders to shake him, Yuuji is quick to pry her hands off.
A crush on me? (y/n) ponders to herself.  As intrigued as she was, her heart sinks a little bit as an awkward feeling spreads throughout her stomach.  Guilt, perhaps.  The feeling surely crept around her insides like guilt did.  I already have feelings for someone, she winced.  And those feelings are definitely not going anywhere anytime soon.
“It wouldn’t be right if I-”
“Itadori Yuuji if you don’t tell me right now I’ll kill you!”
“Would you stop threatening me?” Yuuji shrieked.
“Then stop baiting us and spill-!”
“Nobara,” (y/n) spoke, catching both of her friends’ attention.  “It’s okay,” She says.  “He doesn’t have to say anything”
“What!?” Nobara and Yuuji squawk in unison.
“I don’t need to know,” (y/n) shrugged lamely.  “It’s fine”
“Seriously?” Nobara gawks.  “Someone’s in love with you and you’re not dying to know who?”
“I didn’t say that exactly” Yuuji mumbled under his breath.
“No,” (y/n) replies nonchalantly.  “I don’t need to know.  Clearly they don’t want me to, so it’s not my business, right?”
“No!” Nobara hollered.  “It’s all of our business!”
(y/n) chuckles to herself at her friend’s bewilderment.  She supposed it made sense.  Anyone who’s heart wasn’t spoken for would have happily accepted the news of a secret admirer.
“You made it our business,” Nobara glared Yuuji down, shoving her finger into his chest.  “And if you don’t tell us right now who (y/n’s) little valentine is then I’ll-”
“Yeah yeah, you’ll rip my throat out,” Yuuji put his hands up in defeat.  “Look, all that’s fair of me to say, is I caught him this morning when I was trying to have a running buddy,”
That piqued (y/n’s) interest, and suddenly she was all ears to what Yuuji had to say.  Because to her knowledge, Yuuji had only visited one person this morning.
“But he was fast asleep.  Like a baby.  A little baby dreaming and moaning, (y/n/n), oh (y/n/n)...” He trailed off making kissy faces while Nobara’s jaw dropped open.
“No way Megumi had a sexy dream about (y/n)!” She screeched.
Yuuji could have sworn he saw birds flee from trees upon the high pitched scream.
“I said I couldn’t say!” Yuuji declared, raising his hands in innocence.  
“But you did,” Nobara accused, a wicked grin on her face.  “That’s fucking crazy! I can’t believe Megumi’s got a thing for you!”
She spun around on her heel, curious towards (y/n’s) reaction.
“Yeah, wh-who knew…” (y/n) mumbled, eyes glazed over as she was clearly somewhere else at the moment.
Nobara and Yuuji glanced at each other, indulging in an excited look.
Surprise, excitement, nervousness, desire, happiness, all these emotions hit (y/n) like a truck.
Megumi had a dream about me? A sexy dream? The thought made her stomach flood with butterflies.  
“But that- that doesn’t mean he has feelings for me,” (y/n) stammers out, finally looking over to her friends, as if waiting for them to confirm with her.  “Right? I mean, anyone can have, uh, wet dreams.  It’s not like you have control over them”
Nobara rolls her eyes.  “Don’t be stupid”
Yuuji giggles some more.  “Only one way to find out!”
“What’s that?” (y/n) asks.
“By messing with him!” ___
With the plan of shopping officially scrapped, (y/n) wipes her clammy palms on the front of her uniform skirt.  As fun as the idea was at first, now that it was in motion, she thought she could puke.
It’s just the butterflies, she tells herself.  She’s never really been a shoot-your-shot kind of girl, rather a hope-they-can-feel-me-staring-and-that’s-enough-to-let-them-know-I’m-interested type.
“That’s idiotic!” Maki had barked in response.
(y/n) wasn’t sure when Maki and Toge had gotten roped into this, but here they were, involved, in… whatever this was.  A trap?
It was sort of a trap, she supposed, just not the fun kind that resulted in exorcizing a curse.  The nerve wracking kind, where she had to go persuade Megumi into making a move without giving away that Yuuji blabbed his fat mouth.
“(y/n), listen to me carefully,” Maki said, in the sweetest voice (y/n) had ever heard from her.
The intimidating woman placed her hands on her shoulders, and crouched over enough to look her directly in the eyes.  All of the contact made her fluster and her face feel hot.
Fuck.  If I fluster this much now, how am I supposed to seduce Megumi into admitting he has feelings for me? God, I’m such a fool, I should put a stop t this before I can’t turn back-
“You’re hot,” Maki states, matter-of-factly.  “You’re the hottest person here,”
Nobara scoffed, earning a swat to the back of the head from Yuuji.
“And anyone would be so lucky to have sex dreams about you,” Maki continued.  Every word boosted (y/n’s) confidence, but the butterflies in her stomach continued their ruthless crusade.  “And men are stupid.  Especially Megumi.  He’s stupid for not making a move.  And now you have to make him pay, understand?”
(y/n) gulped, and nodded her head.
“So.  Be a big girl.  Hike up your skirt and unbutton your shirt.  Then go seduce the hell out of him”
(y/n) nods again, fingers readily undoing the top button of her uniform, revealing her collarbone.
“Are we sure that I can’t just ask him on a date?” She asks.
“Tch,” Maki’s lips curled into a devilish smirk.  She reached forward, grabbing the second button of (y/n’s) shirt and in a swift motion popped it open too.
Did she have first hand experience in seduction or something? (y/n) wondered as she stared down at the tease of skin that was exposed.  Just a little bit of cleavage, she supposed just enough to make someone want to see more.
“This is much more fun.  Yeah?” Maki asked, followed by a wink.
(y/n) let out a shaky breath.
“Fine,” She agreed, earning quiet cheers from the group of friends who were here to support this ridiculous plan.  “Okay.  I’m gonna go do it” She said, more to herself than anyone else.  And with that, she spun on her heel and headed off to find her target.
As she wandered the campus, she tried to keep her thoughts confident.  She was beautiful, and she knew it,  but that didn’t mean her confidence was always at it’s peak.
Maybe Gojo would have been a good person to get confidence advice from, she thought briefly, but it was too late now to track down her teacher.  The plan was in motion, and she needed to see it through before she could chicken out.
Besides, she was curious about this dream of Megumi’s, and if this was how she was going to get answers, so be it!
She finally found him just as she was heading out of the school, he just so happened to be jogging up the stairs.
The seduction plan left her mind for a moment, replaced with more innocent thoughts of how cute he looked in his casual clothes.  She especially liked when he wore a plain white button up and trousers, as simple as it was, it just looked striking on him.
“Hey, (y/n),” Megumi greeted upon nearing the top of the steps where she stood.  
His eyes noticeably widened for a moment, taking in the shorter length of her skirt that showcased her long legs (did they even have an end?) and was her shirt unbuttoned more than usual?
“You goin’ out?” He asked, jerking his thumb over his shoulder.
“No, actually,” (y/n) replied, and reminded herself what it was she was after.  “I was actually looking for you”
“Oh?” Megumi hums, tucking his hands in his pockets.  “Well, you found me”
He’s standing just a couple steps from the top, so he’s just about eye level with her.  Boldly, (y/n) takes a step forward, closing a significant amount of space between them, leaving only a few inches of room between her body and his.  
“I like that shirt on you, you know,” She says, doing her best to keep her voice even, and surprisingly, it was well.
Megumi had to hold his breath to keep himself from choking on air.  She liked how he looked?
“I think it makes you look taller” She adds, gaining a little more confidence in her words.
“Maybe you’re just short enough that I always look taller?” Megumi replies, but his voice is just a little more quiet than he means it to be.
Was he nervous? Was this little stunt actually working?
“You might be right” She smiles.
“Is that why you were looking for me?” He asked, raising a brow.  “To compliment me?”
She lets out a little giggle, and the sound instantly brings back images from his dream last night.  It sounded nearly identical to the hazy, flirty giggles she’d made in his subconscious.
Thinking about that now makes his stomach drop and his face suddenly feel warm.  He hopes- no- prays that he’s not blushing right now.  To any deity that would listen.
“No, you just distracted me, s’all,” She finally answers him.
Megumi’s holding his breath again. He distracted her? When she’s standing there looking like that?
“I was looking for you because I could use some help with a history assignment, and I know you’re the go-to.  Do you have a minute?”
Even if he was overwhelmingly busy, he still would have nodded his head and happily spent the rest of the night helping her with her studies.
“Yeah, sure” He says with a kind smile.
(y/n) grins ear to ear.
“Perfect,” She says.  “Come with me”
With that, she’s grabbing his wrist and pulling him behind her.  He stumbles for a second, surprised from the contact and sudden control she took over him.
He’s not sure he’s ever really touched her, beyond some training, or maybe if they were squeezed next to each other on the couch for movie night.  But having her pulling on his arm as she leads him who knows where had his heart racing more than it probably should have.
She brings him all the way to the library, which is empty seeing as it’s a weekend and everyone is doing anything but studying right now.  He’s sure most of their classmates aren’t even on campus.
“What’s the assignment for, again?” Megumi asks.
“The Paranormal of the Middle Ages,” (y/n) replies, which isn’t a lie, she does have to write a paper, but it’s not due for another few weeks.  Normally she wouldn’t get started on it until the week it’s due.  
History is her best subject after all.
“Any recommendations on where to start?”
She finally drops his hand, turning to look at him.  She’s still awfully close, he has to tilt his head down to meet her gaze, which he quickly turns away from, scanning the bookshelves.
“Uh, actually, yeah I do,” He says sheepishly.  “Here, follow me”
She follows the command, and keeps up with his quick strides to the corner where the history books were stocked.
When he gets to the shelf he was looking for, he quickly scans along the spines of books to find the one he’d read just a few months ago.
“Looking for something specific?” (y/n) asks, standing close by his side.
His eyes barely meet hers before returning to the books, unable to look at her when she’s this close.  
Does she even realize? She’s not usually like this, right?
“Yeah, I actually read something I read not too long ago.  It’ll do for your report, but, uhm, you might actually like it”
“A personal recommendation,” (y/n) muses with a smile.  “I’m sure to like it then”
He finally finds the text he was looking for and he thanks the stars he did because his head was starting to feel dizzy and light from her sweet perfume lingering around him.  Despite how cloudy it made his head, he hoped the scent lingered on him later.
“There you are,” He says, plucking the book from the shelf and handing it to her.
(y/n) steps even closer, and he hesitates on the thought of stepping back, but ultimately decides he’d be an idiot if he didn’t entertain every second of having her this close to him.
When she takes the book from him, her fingers brush over his for just long enough that it couldn’t have been accidental, but he’s too consumed by his own nerves to call her on it.
“It- uh- it should have everything, I don’t think y-you’d need another one, for the report,” He’s stammering, and she looks up at him, still smiling.  Was she enjoying this? Was this on purpose? “Unless you want? Do you need more than one source?”
He knows that she heard him, but she just stands there, her eyes flickering between his curiously.  Was she reading him? Is that what this was? Some test? She wanted information out of him?
He was so busy investigating this little act, if he could even call it that, that he almost missed her setting the book back on the shelf.
“Megumi,” His name falls off of her lips, in almost a coo it’s so quiet.  “Are you nervous?”
No, of course not! He wants to deny right away, but she’s peering up at him from under those long lashes of hers, and she smells so good that he thinks he’s already putty in her hands, and it would be useless to try to convince her of anything else.
“What are you doing?” He asks instead, in a hushed voice as if there was anyone who could overhear.
But again, it’s a Saturday, and they’re in a library, completely alone.
(y/n) turns, biting her lip to keep herself from smiling too much.  She leans back against the bookcase casually, before shrugging her shoulders.
“Can I tell you something personal, Megumi?” She asks, softly, because he leans in a bit closer when she whispers, and she likes having him too close to her.  “It’s a little embarrassing,” She says, smiling down at the ground.
He steps closer, nodding his head.  He reaches a clammy palm to the back of his neck, anxiously rubbing the spot.
“It’s silly, but I thought you might be able to help,” She says, tilting her head to the side as she looks up at him again, wanting to watch his every reaction to what she was going to say next.  “There’s a guy” She whispers, even softer than before.
Fuck.  Seriously? She wants boy advice? Megumi mentally face-palms.  He has to fight to keep his expression neutral.  I thought for a second there she could have been coming onto me.  Clearly she just wanted advice from a friend.
“A guy?”
She nods, not breaking eye contact with him.
“Yeah, a guy,” She sighs.  “And I really like him.  I can’t stop thinking about him, it’s driving me crazy” She lets her eyes flutter shut, her head falling back, pushing against the books behind her.
Megumi’s eyes wander the features of her face, and he feels ridiculous for thinking about how perfect she looks, even more angelic than she had in his dreams.  How could she stand here, and look this good, smell this good, and talk to him about how some guy makes her feel.
“You- uh… you sure you don’t want to talk to Kugisaki about this?” He asks, and starts to brush past her to leave.  “I’ll go find her”
(y/n’s) hand grabs his wrist before he can walk away, and her grip isn’t strong at all, but it’s enough to make him stand before her.
“No,” She hums.  “Talking to her won’t really help me, I don’t think”
Why the hell am I the go-to? Megumi thinks.  We’ve never once talked about this stuff.  Anyone would be better to confide in than me.  
But he lets out a breath and nods, staying put in front of her.
“Fine,” He mumbles.  “What is it then? You want to ask him out or something?”
A beam spreads over (y/n’s) lips.
“Sort of.  Not exactly,” She says, her eyes trailing away from his, daring to land on his pink lips for a few seconds too long for it to be discreet.
Unconsciously, and anxiously, Megumi licks his dry lips and hopes she would get this over with quickly.  He’s so close to her, and with her back to the bookshelf, he feels increasingly more tempted to close the last of the distance between them, shove her back into the shelf and kiss her senseless.
He shifts on his feet, trying to think of anything but that.
“I kind of want to make him squirm first,” She admits.
You’ve already got that mastered, Megumi thinks, only sort of bitterly.
“See, he’s really been on my mind, Megumi,” She sighs, and he wants to scowl at her for saying his name like that, like she was out of breath.
Against his will, his dream resurfaces in his mind.
His eyes glance down to her mouth, turned into a little pout.
“It’s been distracting, honestly.  I can’t go a minute without thinking about him, I can’t focus on work, or training.  I was supposed to go shopping with Nobara today, ya’know,”
Curse her for saying things that should be breaking his heart, but the look on her face is all too enticing for him to walk away from.  He’s trying not to frown, but the more she talks about how this guy has occupied her every thought, the more stormy he feels.
I’ll have to get a name out of her so I can find him and scare the shit out of him, a lightbulb blinks over Megumi’s head.  Surely he’s not deserving of all this attention she’s giving him anyways.  No guy deserves a girl like her.
“I think I’m getting off track,” (y/n) giggles again, and Megumi’s eyes snap back to hers.  He realizes he’s been staring at her lips for far too long, and heat crawls up his neck.  “What the real problem is I can’t even escape him in my sleep” She says.
The heat in his neck and face is replaced instantly with ice cold fear.
“Like- like in your dreams?” He stammers, more nervous now than he had been during this entire interaction.
(y/n) nods slowly, keeping her eyes on his.
“Yeah,” She mumbles.  “Like in my dreams,”
How could she have known? Yuuji? Would he have really told her? No, maybe he didn’t, maybe this is just coincidence.
A small smirk tugs at the corner of her lips, and then she’s leaning forward, pushing onto the tips of her toes to reach impossibly closer to him.
His eyes, blown wide, follow her every movement, until she’s hovering just before him, the tip of her nose almost brushing into his.
“Thing is,” She murmurs, cool, strawberry mint breath fanning over his lips, and he has to fight his own eyes to stay open.  “I know he thinks about me too,”
His fingers twitch at his sides, dying to reach out and grab her by her hips, like it was the sole purpose of his hands.
Her cruel eyes rest on his lips, because she can’t help herself.  They’re pink, and look plush, and she can only imagine how amazing they’d feel against her own, against her skin, anywhere he’d like to place them, she’d surely let him without any fight.
She lets her gaze meet his slowly, letting him know exactly where she was looking, and exactly what she was thinking.
Megumi thinks he’s never felt so much pent up tension in his life.
“But I just can’t seem to get him to make a damn move,” She finishes her thought while she tries to pick out every shade of blue in his irises, which are nearly blown by his pupils.
(y/n) thinks she’s never felt so in need in her life.
She’s glad that she talked her friends out of spying on this little scheme, instead talking them into an all day shopping spree- which once she’d suggested, Nobara had practically dragged the whole gang out to the front gates.
“So Megumi,” She hums, leaning away from him, resting her back against the bookshelf again, amused at his rigid stance.  “Any thoughts? What could I do to make it clear to him how I feel, because to be honest with you, he seems a little dense at times”
She takes him in, all of him, now that she has a little distance from him.  Which isn’t saying much, since he’s literally standing toe to toe with her.  His height towers over hers, so even if she’s not on the tips of her toes to be face to face, it still feels like he’s completely surrounding her.
His fingers are tapping at his leg at a rapid, unsteady pace.  He bites his lip roughly and then releases, tongue darting out to soothe the ache, and his eyes can barely stay on her.  But even as they dart around, they always make their way back, and there she is, still staring at him.
She waits patiently, because she has all the time in the world.
This is a test, Megumi thinks, his thoughts running through his head a million miles a minute.  It has to be a test.  And I’m failing by just standing here and not saying anything.  She’s going to walk away if I don’t say something.
He’s not sure where this came from, this sudden change in demeanor, the change in her uniform, all of it.  It’s truly dizzying, and he’s not thinking clearly.  He doesn’t like having a hazy mind, he likes to stay sharp, vigilant.
But how could he be expected to do that when she’s here before him like this?
So he doesn’t say anything at all.
He just acts.
His lips are against hers and she’s shoved into the bookshelf so fast she squeaks in surprise before melting into him, and passionately returning the kiss.
His large palms grab at her lips, keeping her flush against him and while also keeping her pinned to the shelf.  She hums into his mouth, a little sound of delight as her own hands grab the collar of his shirt, fisting the material tightly.  It almost grounds her, because as soon as Megumi kissed her, she was ten feet off the ground, and then fifteen, and soon she was floating away into the clouds.
(y/n) gasps as he prods her mouth open, his tongue swiping over her bottom lip before temptation gives in and he sinks his teeth into it.  She whimpers when he releases and goes back to kissing her feverishly.
His palms are hot even through the material of her shirt, and she’s dying to feel his skin against hers.
Megumi decides rather quickly that he wants to take his time devouring her, and to do that, he was going to have to find a more comfortable position so that he wasn’t craning his neck so much.
Acting quickly, his hands wandered down from her hips, and he had to crouch a bit just to reach her ass.
“Jump” He ordered gruffly, and (y/n) wasted no time in following the instruction.
His hands held her securely as she wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped into his chest.  Her legs wound around his narrow hips with ease, and as soon as he had her pressed into the shelf again, Megumi was kissing her exposed collarbone, grazing his teeth ever so gently against her skin.
(y/n’s) fingers tangle into his hair as his lips travel up her neck, pressing featherlight kisses against the more sensitive skin.
“Megumi,” She mewls as his nose prods against her earlobe so he can reach the sweet spot at the junction of her neck and jaw.
It’s like her voice goes straight to dick, and heat pools in his lower abdomen.
In return, he sucks harshly at the spot he’d previously been leaving little kisses.  Her fingers tighten in his hair.
“Megumi,” She calls his name again, breathless, while hands sliding down the nape of his neck before they grip his shoulders.  He pulls away, panting slightly as his hooded eyes meet hers.  “Why didn’t you…sooner...”
She trails off, her lust blown eyes falling to his swollen lips, and she almost forgets her question as she thinks about grabbing his bottom lip with her teeth and sucking on it to her heart’s content.
“What is it, angel?” He murmurs, pushing his nose against her as he blindly leans in to steal another kiss.  “What do you need?”
His lips brush over hers as he speaks, and a shiver runs down her spine that she knows he feels, because she can feel his smirk on her own lips and she wants nothing more than to never speak again so that she can always have his mouth on hers.
“Need you” Her voice is so small that if she wasn’t whimpering directly into his mouth he would have never heard it.
Fuck, is Megumi glad that he got back to the school just in time to catch her on the stairs.  What luck he had to run into her when he did.
He grins, before sealing their lips in a messy, hot kiss.  (y/n’s) hands claw at his shoulders, and then grip the material of his shirt, so tight her knuckles ache.  But she’s overwhelmed with the heat- the heat of his body, the heat between her legs, the heat of his skin.
A coy smile curls at the edge of his lips, and as desperate as he is to keep her mouth occupied by his, he can’t help but tilt his head back, just enough to get a good look at her.
At first she tilts forward, chasing his lips, before realizing he wasn’t going to cave back into her.  Her bottom lip juts out in the slightest pout as her eyes flutter open.
Her brows draw together in the smallest movement.  Her eyes are puzzled, but she doesn’t ask him why he stopped.  She simply takes the time to admire her features, while he does the same.
Megumi’s eyes trace every inch of her face, as if he hasn’t already committed every feature, every dip curve and freckle, to memory.
He’s smiling, and not a teasing little grin he’s been giving her, he’s really smiling.  Out of bliss.  
She smiles back at him.
“It was me, right?” He mumbles.  “That you were talking about?”
Crinkles form at the corners of her eyes as she lets out a short giggle.
He’s the cutest.
“Of course,”
He had been fairly certain she was talking about him, but he still feels a little relieved hearing her confirm it.
“There’s no one else for me,” She adds, reaching a hand up to his jaw, laying her palm there softly.  The pad of her thumb sweetly brushed over his skin.  “Besides, I’ve never had a guy have a wet dream about me before, so I figured I’d give ‘ya a chance, right?”
Megumi’s sweet expression soured in an instant, his brows furrowing and his lips pulling into a deep frown.  (y/n’s) laughing like it’s oh so funny, and he’s contemplating dropping her and walking away.
(He’d have to be pretty stupid to do such a thing, but the thought does cross his mind)
“I fucking knew he told you” He grumbled bitterly.
(y/n) shrugs, her free hand reaching up so that her fingers could gently rub the knot away from his brows.
“He meant well,” She hums.  “Don’t be too upset”
Megumi rolls his eyes.  Says the one who isn’t humiliated.
“Would it help if I told you about the dreams I’ve had?” She asks, making his eyes dart back to hers, wide and curious.
He thinks she’s joking at first, but her expression is genuine.  His mouth moves to tell her yes I would very much like to hear about the dreams you’ve had about me, but his mind is too busy trying to imagine the dirty images that’s played behind her eyelids at night, so no words come out.
(y/n) giggles, and pushes off of his shoulders so that he would let her go.  She’s shorter than him again as she lands on her feet, but she quickly reaches on the tips of her toes to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“If you wanna come with me to my room I’ll tell you all about ‘em” She says with a grin.
Megumi blinks, his lips parted as he stares down at her.  (y/n) loves her newfound power of stunning him to silence.
She shrugs casually, and turns around, about to head out of the library without another word.  But just as she’s about to take a step, two arms wrap around her middle, and she’s lifted off the ground, with her back pressed to his chest.  A yelp escapes her before a string of delighted giggles.
“Well let’s go there, then!” Megumi cheers, racing towards the library’s doors.
(y/n) pretends to fight him to let her free, but her hands remain gripped to his forearms, not a single part of her wanting him to let go. ___
“So…” Megumi drawls, a bit out of breath as he lays on his back, the comforter on (y/n’s) bed tangled around his legs.  “What exactly did Yuuji tell you?”
(y/n) laughs at the memory that feels like it was forever ago but it had only happened that morning.
He lifts his head to see her from where her head was at the end of the bed.  She’s too exhausted to crane her neck to look back at him.
“He was just excited to tell us that he had some juicy gossip, and then said it wasn’t his place to actually tell us” She recalled for him.
Megumi’s ears focus on only one word, his eyes widening as his heart plummets to his stomach in embarrassment.
(y/n) musters up what little energy she could to prop herself on her elbows so she could amuse herself with the pale expression on his face.
“Need some water?” She teases, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.  “You drank all of mine on break three, so you’ll have to go get more”
That brings some color back to his cheeks.
“So… everyone’s gonna know?” He mutters to himself.
If Nobara knew, everyone knew.
“Oh, they already do,” (y/n) confirms his newfound fear casually, as if she was telling him the weather.  “Who do you think told me to come seduce you?”
She wiggles her eyebrows at him playfully, while Megumi groans and falls back onto her pillows, covering his hot face with his hands.
He wasn’t going to hear the end of this. ___
no original thoughts mind on megumi xoxo ~ jordie
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ashiemochi · 2 years
wet the bed - lsk|m
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✠ wet the bed ↳  hear the sound of your body drip, drip, drip
➶pairing: ID! Leon S Kennedy x (FEM) Reader ➶genre: smut, little plot, still smut. ➶Content includes: squirting, fingerfucking, overstimulation, mutual masturbation, creampie (if you squint), your usual big dick Kennedy smut. ➶WC: 3k
A/N: this was originally written for @lottathoughts for her Jessie/Leon pairing but i thought it looks good enough to be an X Reader pairing as well! don't mind the recycled fics, it's good for the environment <3 again, if you see she/her pronouns, remember my proofreading skill is literal ass
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“You want to watch… Porn together?”
“You say that as if we didn't do this before.”
“Well, true but,” You cleared your throat, arms crossed as you shifted your weight to your other foot, your eyes glancing at the laptop on the bed then at him with faint red tinting your cheeks, “Is there a reason why?”
Leon released his breath through his nose, hand resting on his thigh and the other leaning behind him on the mattress, pair of azures showing a hint of fatigue within its pool of lust.
God knows how long he’s been waiting for you in bed, all clothed up with an obvious tent in his pants and an open laptop near the bottom of the mattress.
“I got called in,” He revealed and your eyes widened a bit, “I’m being sent off to Pittsburgh.”
“When?” You asked with a subtle frown.
It didn’t take seconds for him to answer.
“Tomorrow. In the morning.” Leon gestured to the laptop with a faint grin, “Anyway, thought I’d try something with you – maybe even take it with me when I miss you too much.”
Heat rushed up to your face at this and you bit your lip slightly, bringing up your shoulders to your ears for a moment. Leon was never shy when it came to teaching you a few things – in fact, he always approached you with a new idea.
Sometimes, you'd be nervous during your intimate times, wondering if you were doing something wrong or right – and Leon always calmed you down and got you to cloud nine before reaching his own clouds.
To him, your pleasure always comes first.
And to you, hearing his moans and heavy breathing next to your ear as he’d mutter praise after praise – he slowly built your confidence towards your sexuality.
With that being said;
“Alright, yeah,” You nodded, his eyes lighting up at your agreement, and you went around the bed to peep at the laptop’s screen, “What is it that you want to try?”
Leon’s smile widened and he patted the spot next to him, “C’mon, I’ll show you.”
Running your hand through your hair to push your curtain bangs away, you sat down next to him, crisscrossed. He reached over to his laptop; of course, Pornhub wasn’t even in incognito mode. 
Your heart was already rattling in your chest but you kept yourr composure and watched as a couple was seated next to each other. The camera view was from above, giving a full view of the girl’s naked body and the man was straddling her leg, possibly keeping her from even attempting to close up her legs.
As you’d expect, both were completely naked – but the man only had a plaid shirt on. The couple had their faces cut out and when they’d be in the camera’s view, they’d be blurred.
The man had his hands caressing his girl’s body, all the way up to her bosoms then down her curves, enticing her. The girl, to give the same treatment, had her hand around his hard cock, slowly pumping it.
“Leon,” You looked over at Leon, seeing him only gesturing with his hand to keep your eyes on the screen and you rolled your eyes at his childish antic but did as told.
Soon enough, the man in the video trailed his hand down to the girl’s cunt, purposefully stroking her clit in circles and receiving moans in return. Her hand sped up just a little around his cock, hearing him also sigh heavily.
Was this all there is?
Foreplay orgasm?
You wanted to check the name of the video but could only see it was about six minutes long. That doesn’t seem like enough for the whole thing. Maybe a toy was involved?
It was a simple mutual masturbation porno.
Looking at Leon from the corner of your eyes, you couldn’t see his intense gaze, being shielded by his curtain fringes – but his lips were parted slightly, and sometimes, you’d catch the faintest sight of his tongue darting to lick his bottom lip.
You weren’t going to lie – a subtle uncomfortable feeling was beginning to form within your lower abdomen.
Louder and louder the girl got when the man finger-fucked her deep and quickly. She purposefully jerked him off, both moaning helplessly. The girl’s sounds got higher and you swallowed thickly; whatever plan Leon had in mind, it was already working.
“Leon, is it just this–”
You were cut off when the girl practically shrieked, back arching up when she started gushing.
The clear substance splashed everywhere; on her thighs, and stomach, and even drenched the sheets beneath her. Her moans and whines weren’t stopping, only intensifying when her man pushed on and she came again in no time.
Her hand kept up the relentless pace on his cock, making him groan as his cum spurted out onto her stomach and she whined weakly, having her poor cunt stroked to bring her down from her high. Only heavy breathing filled the quiet atmosphere of their porno.
And so, the video ended.
Your eyes were wide, jaw slacked at what you just saw. Sure, you knew about how a woman can squirt when stimulated right – but you never did it before. It seemed intense and you weren’t the type to be that loud – but apparently, Leon wanted to put that to the test.
Leon looked over at you, voice visibly lower than usual, “So, you up for it?”
Your body? More than.
Your mind? Absolutely.
It was foreplay but more. Just finger-fucking, but more.
“Uhm,” Your chest felt heavy and you were sure he could hear your heartbeat just the same, and you cleared your throat, clearly flustered, “Yeah, just… A bit nervous.”
Leon gave you a genuine comforting smile, his hand settling on your bare thigh gently, “I’ll take it slow, and–”
“Seemed like he was going like he had a meeting in less than a minute,” You interrupted him with a mutter, making him chuckle at your joke.
“He had a video to put out, but I,” Leon inched closer, half-lidded blueblue eyes shamelessly gazing at your redred lips and then your eyes, “I love to take my time with you, princess. I like our videos longer than six minutes.”
Your eyes darted down to his hand, fingers barely brushing your inner thighs and your eyes fluttered shut with a soft sigh when his lips peppered your neck, trailing up your jawline.
There was never a need to contemplate anything when it came to being fucked out of your mind by none other than Leon Scott Kennedy. He was usually so utterly respectful towards you and your boundaries; a simple stop would cease everything and he’d quickly check up on you.
His stubble scratched your skin so good, lashes giving you butterfly kisses before his lips went up to the corner of your mouth, the tips of his fingers stroking your clothed crotch.
Of course, Leon was a charismatic teasing asshole.
“Mhm,” You nodded, turning to face him but was silenced in an instant once he got your consent.
His lips moulded with yours, the butterflies skyrocketing as he applied more pressure to the kiss, making you lean back against the pile of pillows at the headboard. Your hands went up to his jawline, tugging him closer as he deepened the kiss, enticing a muffled moan from you.
Leon pulled away just a little, using his foot to push the laptop a bit farther and to the side as he leaned over you partially with a smug look, “Already moanin’ for me, sexy?”
You huffed at his teasing, “Want me to stay quiet instead?”
Leon chuckled, shaking his head as his lips brushed against yours, “Fair enough.”
As his lips met yours sensually, his hand trailed up under his your shirt, feeling you shiver beneath his touch, and he reached up to your bare chest. 
It was Sunday AKA, no-bra day since you’d be home all day.
He swallowed your whimper with a pleased hum, thumb swiping against your nipple as he kneaded your breast. The pleasure you were feeling was mild but growing the more he progressed and it hit you; he was planning on doing exactly what the couple in the video did.
Except he was fully clothed; grey sweatpants (god forbid) and a simple black plaid shirt.
Your arms went around his neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss and parting your lips just a bit to greet his tongue with yours. Leon’s brows furrowed at the intensity of the moist lip lock alone and could only wonder how noisy your cunt would be.
Luckily, he didn’t need to wonder any longer – and he trailed his hand low, sinking past the hem of your shorts and panties. 
With just a touch on your clit, a hitched sound came from you, forcing you to part from his intoxicating kiss. Leon gazed down at you with glistening lips forming a small smirk, using just his two fingers to stroke your clit in precise circles.
“Ah, fuck,” You moaned, head tilted back with a heaving chest at the feeling and your legs widened more for his hand. Your shorts restricted you a little, same with him but he made do.
“Hmm~” Leon hummed, feeling the slickness of your wetwet pussy, toying with your bundle of nerves steadily, “So wet for me,”
The way he worked you up made you breathless, head heavy with need. Your swollen lips were parted for your moans and whines. Your hand gripped the collar of his shirt, eyes set on the way his hand moved beneath your shorts. You let your eyes trail to the laptop, seeing the small light next to the camera was on. 
Since when did he turn the recording on?
“Leon,” You mumbled, looking up at him pleadingly, hips lifting up a bit to get him to remove your garment, “‘need you.”
Leon snickered, bumping your nose with his, “I’m right here, princess.”
He released your aching clit to remove his hand from inside your shorts only to grip the hem, pushing both the shorts and panties down.
Eagerly, you shuffled out of them before kicking them off the bed and you straightened up to peel your shirt off, making Leon raise an eyebrow at your actions.
“Someone’s too eager, huh,” Leon commented, amused but not surprised, taking in every inch of your naked and flawless body right before his eyes.
He wasn’t going to lie.
“Your fault,” You retorted breathlessly, laying back down on the pillows and staring up at him with your big eyes and a smile.
He needed to fuck that smile off of your face.
“I’ll take the blame if I get to hear my name coming from those lips,” Leon muttered lowly, trailing his hand back to where you needed him the most.
You whined when his fingers resumed their merciless rubbing, your hand reaching over to his bulge under his pants, squeezing him gently. Leon muffled his grunt, nose scrunching up just a split second, glaring at your wandering hand intensely. 
His cock was rock hard beneath his slutty grey sweatpants and you felt it. With his middle and ring finger, he slid them inside your cunt, making your eyes roll to the back of your head and your legs widened comfortably.
Leon started moving his fingers to his knuckles and then out, biting his bottom lip at the faint wet noises. Your hand wriggled past his pants and boxers, tenderly coaxing his cock out where it stood tall and proud. Leon nearly faltered with a moan of his own, eyes shutting blissfully at the feeling of you stroking his bigbig heavy dick.
“Playing dirty, are we?” Leon growled almost dangerously, staring at you through his bangs and you giggled breathlessly, your other hand going up to cup your bosom.
“Just putting what I watched to the test,” You smiled toothily and your head tilted back when his thrusting sped up, moaning.
Your sounds were truly heavenly to him.
Deep and deep he went, your gasp ended up hitched in your throat when he brushed past your sweet spot. In an instant, his smirk widened along with the devilish glint in his pupil-blown eyes.
And just like that, Leon went relentless.
His rough fucking against your spot directly ripped high-pitched moan after the other. Tears stung your needy eyes, writhing beneath him at the intense stimulation alone. His leg went over yours, keeping your thighs from clamping up and his other hand went over yours that was around his cock.
Leon released a low moan as he moved and grounded into your hand, “Keep it up, sexy – and I’ll fuck this cunt and cum inside of you.”
As if that was even a threat to you – you wanted him to cum inside.
But the mutual masturbation right now was your priority. You loved feeling his heavy cock in your petite hand, every vein and curve along with the blunt red tip – you’d do it every day if you ever got the chance.
The audible sounds of your soaking pussy were getting louder and Leon fucked you harder and deeper, making you squeal and your hand shot down to grip the sheets.
You were unable to stay still as you tried to keep jerking him off. Your moans blended with his and Leon’s head dipped to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, his sounds coming out airy and low as his hips moved along with your hand’s movements.
“Wa–wait, I feel – shit, Leon–” You couldn’t even voice your thoughts, crying out at the squelching noise of your drenching pussy. It was as if you needed to use the bathroom but Leon knew it wasn’t the case.
“It’s alright, sexy,” Leon groaned, hissing as your hand on his cock sped up, pumping and rubbing him purposefully, “Just let yourself go, f–fuck.”
As if all you needed were the magic words, you cried out at the orgasm that hit you – and it hit you hard.
Leon didn't stop his ruthless violation of your spot, rubbing it harder along with his palm pressed flat against your throbbing pearl. And you gushed endlessly. Your shriek came out loud as your back arched off the bed, eyes shutting tightly as your legs trembled. 
"God fucking damn, Y/N-mmh~" Leon bit his lip hard at you coming undone, "That's it, keep cumming for me, princess."
Your cum dripped and rolled down your thighs and cunt, some splashed on your lower abdomen. Your chest heaved along with your abdominals when he slowed down, bringing his fingers out to caress your visibly pulsating clit.
"Sh– Shi– it," You whispered shakily, a sheer surface of sweat glistening your chest and forehead at how worn out your body already was. Your orgasm was still around the corner and Leon wanted to try something – again.
A choked gasp came from you when Leon slid his fingers inside again and your eyes widened at his relentless finger-fucking. It was as if he went even deeper due to your cum being everywhere.
"F-fuck! Ah!" You shrieked, nearly squeaking at Leon fucking you harder and harder. You didn't even want to stop him, letting sensitivity hit you along with the fuck ton of fiery pleasure.
You weren't even aware of your hand still stroking his hard cock and his breathing quickened, removing his fingers. Leon shifted with a grunt so he was hovering partially over you, giving him the perfect position to piston into your cunt with his massive dick.
"Oh, god!" You cried out, your hands grasping onto his broad shoulders.
"Son of a bitch, fuck," Leon cussed, unable to stop fucking you mercilessly as if making you one of the mattress. He pushed himself to the hilt, making you choke up on your moan with wide eyes.
He took the moment to peel off his shirt and his pants, then he gripped the back of your knee to press your leg to your chest. His hips snapped against yours bruisingly, moaning lowly under his breath.
Tears rolled down your temple, feeling the knot tightening again. Leon felt you squeeze around him, making him hiss through gritted teeth.
"Le-Leon~!" You squealed out, and he hovered over you, ushering you to wrap your leg around his waist to free his hand.
"I'll fucking miss you, and I'll miss," Leon growled, gripping the pillow next to your head and the other went down to your sensitive pearl, "Fuckin' you–ah~"
With his bigbig and heavy cock assaulting and brushing your poor cervix and his fingers ruthless on your poor clit, your orgasm washed over you. The hot white pleasure flashed before your rolled eyes, cumming hard that you drenched the sheets once again.
Leon cussed under his breath, hitching at the end as he pushed himself deepdeep, hitting cloud nine. He thought he went blind for a split second, drawling out a moan as his toes curled on the bed. His cum shot out and filled you up – and then overfilled you. 
Leon fucked you gently, eyes half-lidded gazing down at his hot cum seeping out from your cunt. He eased you down from your high, rubbing your clit as you shook uncontrollably beneath him. He panted heavily, smiling softly at your state.
Your eyes were hazy, fading in and out with a trembling chest and legs. Your dripping cunt was twitching every once in a second. Your face was red, drool rolling down the corner of your wet lips.
You were officially fucked out of your mind.
Leon kept himself inside as your leg dropped down to the bed and he leaned closer to you, his clean hand cradling your cheek to get you to look at him.
"Still with me, baby?" Leon asked breathily and you blinked lazily.
"We… We should do this again," You whispered tiredly, making him laugh a bit and you giggled.
Leon pressed a chaste kiss on your lips, fingers trailing to brush your hair behind your ear and he hummed against the kiss.
Pulling back, Leon gazed at you lovingly as he stayed close, earning a soft smile from you.
"When I come back, we'll do whatever you want, okay?"
You nodded slightly, "Promise you'll be careful?"
Leon leaned his forehead against yours with a heavy relaxed sigh.
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goldrushenthusiast · 1 year
“Nico didn’t need to be gay!!” “Everyone is making everyone queer!”
Do you want to know my thought process, leading up to HOH?
“oh my god is he serious there’s no way he’s gonna actually make him have a crush on Annabeth yeah just we need more of that terrible trope (c’mon please be Percy) are you seriously kidding me (wait omfg it might be) wait holy shi-”
Until the actual part I thought it was going to be Annabeth. I could not believe it. And yeah, it was fucking traumatic but do you know how many times I reread that passage because I thought it would go away? Be forgotten about forever? Never talked about again? But it WASNT. And I was incredulous.
Name one gay character from Harry Potter (no, dumbledore doesn’t count. literally stfu).
Name one gay character from divergent (Lynn dying and saying she loved Marlene doesn’t count). Edit: apparently there is also one gay couple and a guy having a crush on four, I had in fact forgotten about those (I haven’t read the books in 4+ years (2 of which I didn’t know I was gay) and I have always been impartial to lesbians ig)
Name one gay character from Hunger Games (no, Plurbius’ partner (Cyprus) and Barb Azure & the gal down the street don’t count).
Now you might be thinking “ha! you can’t say they don’t count!” but I CAN (especially dumbledore).
there’s a reason I remember the exact characters and the exact times their partners were mentioned! there’s a reason those are the only ones! Plurbius’ partner Cyprus is mentioned ONCE! and no pronouns used. Lynn and Marlene may have had chemistry before (I haven’t read the books in a while) but the only time she “came out” was her DEATH? and it could be interpreted differently. The Covey, Coriolanus, and Sejanus leaving to lake and letting Barb Azure see the gal up the street. That’s it! In the most popular Y/A books we get fed TABLE SCRAPS.
In PJO, it’s different. So much different. We have Nico, Will, Piper, Alex, Magnus (technically? idk), and probably more.
PJO also wasn’t marketed as some huge inclusive book! It was just a normal book, with a normal gay character in it. With 3! With 4! With 5!
No, not everybody in books needs to be gay. But some people in real life are, and sometimes those people have a hard time accepting that and sometimes seeing themselves represented helps just a tiny bit. So stfu and let us have this because y’all have EVERYONE else.
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itsabouttimex2 · 11 months
ooo if your not busy maybe Mei or Azure a gn! Reader who’s a descendant of the lady bone demon but said friend tries to hide that fact from them
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(Thank you for sending such an interesting request! I ended up liking this scenario so much that I wrote out a few characters for it!)
Descendant of the Lady Bone Demon: Part One
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
Maybe they should’ve seen this coming. Maybe there were a few warning signs they didn’t pick up on. Looking back on it now, it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? All those little things should’ve added up a long time ago.
The way the room grew silent and tense when you walked in, no matter how how exuberant it had been prior. How you manage to sneak up on everyone without even trying, as though you had no presence. The wide berth that strangers give you, even though they can’t explain why. That last one had been particularly strange for your friends. They hadn’t understood why people would treat you so coldly, not back then.
They understand now.
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Mei Dragon thinks of you as one of her best friends, right alongside MK. Even in childhood were the two of you close, your company providing a brief break from her parents expectations and the crushing weight of living up to her family name. She grows up to think of you as a sibling, really. She’s a ride or die, rise to the challenge, thrill junkie sort of girl. And above all else, she’s fiercely loyal to her friends.
So Mei doesn’t believe a word that LBD has to say. She doesn’t care about destiny, about fate, about these so-called “invisible strings that guide us all through life”.
She lives her life as she pleases, doing what makes her and her friends happy! And she’s not gonna listen to a word that some wannabe world-destroyer has to say about it!
Until the Lady Bone Demon mentions you.
“Y/N bears my very own blood, thin though it has grown. In time, they will follow the very same path I have, to cleanse this world of pain and suffering.”
Now she’s listening. Her control over the Samadhi Fire slips, scorching a ring of death into the earth around her. The heat alone wilts the any flora that was spared outright combustion. “How…” The fire flickers, fizzles.
And then promptly reignites, blazing hotter than ever before. Immediately, the Lady Bone Demon cringes away from Mei’s sweltering power as oppressive heat waves bear down on her. She can only watch in fear and awe as the Samadhi Fire grows hotter and brighter, fueled by rage.
“How DARE you say that about my friend! Y/N would never do anything like that!” A blazing arc of black and red fire slices into the blue crystal formations created by the demon, melting them into sizzling puddles. Her anger builds with each lash of multicolored fire, reducing each and every spiked crystal around her to a mess of glowing goo.
That anger doesn’t fade even after the fight is over, not even after she gets to see the Lady Bone Demon shred apart and drift away. It’s cathartic to watch, but doesn’t make her any less angry about what she heard.
No, that anger only fades once she has you in her arms, hugging you as tightly to herself as possible. You don’t know about your lineage. No one else does either. Just Mei. Which leaves her with the worst dilemma of her life.
Does she tell you? Does she tell anyone?
She doesn’t want to be like Sun Wukong, hiding important information from even the people who would be affected by it the most. She was a victim of that, and it had hurt. She doesn’t want to hurt you. That’s the last thing she wants. But she also doesn’t want to cast any doubt on you, doesn’t want anyone to think you might end up a destructive foe that would one day need to be struck down.
The fear of losing you somehow outweighs the fear of you being angry at her for withholding information from you.
So she keeps quiet.
Mei rationalizes her silence on the matter by telling herself that she’ll tell you later. Yes, everything will work out, she’s sure of it! She’ll just… wait. Just a little bit. When everything calms down and everyone starts to move on from this disaster, she’ll speak up. Once everyone is in a better, happier mood, they’ll definitely be more receptive to the bad news, right? So she isn’t doing anything wrong. She isn’t acting like the Monkey King. She’s… just keeping you safe.
And she really hopes you won’t hate her for it.
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Tang has long pondered your place in this little group. It’s not that he doesn’t like having you here, nothing of the sort! Really, he sees you as family, the same way he sees everyone else in this ragtag group of misfits.
But you stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone else has a direct tie to the original pilgrims who once undertook a legendary journey to retrieve sacred texts.
Tang Sanzang for Tang. Zhu Baije for Pigsy. Sha Wujing for Sandy. Ao Lie for Mei. Sun Wukong for MK. Everyone had someone who their skills, appearance, or even personality harkened back to.
Everyone except for you. Tang had made several guesses before, wondering if there was someone you yourself were standing in the place of. But no one truly seems to fit. Rather than distancing himself from you over this disparity, he makes an effort to grow closer. “It must be lonely”, he reasons to himself, “being the odd man out.” He’s struggled with his own insecurities of being useless or weak, so he can relate to you on a personal level. After making that connection between the two of you, he starts to look out for you, trying to help guide you as you grow.
Tang probably sees himself as your father figure, just the way he sees himself as MK’s.
But, since you don’t have the support system that MK has, he tries to take a more involved role in your life. He’ll sit down with you to chat about any troubles or struggles you have, offering you a kind ear and a welcoming shoulder. And if you ever are struggling with something so bad that it breaks you down and leaves you in tears, he happily takes you into his arms and stays with you through the meltdown. If you fall asleep in his embrace after wearing yourself out, he enjoys it all the more.
He cherishes moments like that, actually.
Sure, he’s sympathetic to your feelings of loneliness and isolation. It’s true that he wants you to be happy. Sometimes he hates the world for hurting you the way it has.
But he loves that you trust him enough to break down in front of him, that you trust him to console and protect you in your weakest moments.
Even at a moment like this, where one of the greatest threats to humanity is bearing down on the two of you. For once, he doesn’t hide or cower. Not when your life is on the life. His golden shield encapsulates both of you, a fierce glare painting his face as he holds you close. You breath raggedly against his shoulder, barely able to support yourself. You had been wounded in the fight, nearly passing out after taking several blows for him and the others. Now, he holds you close, standing tall as you lean on him for support. He watches as the Lady Bone Demon throws attack after attack at the two of you, each blast of crystal and bone shattering and fading against his aureate shield.
The ancient demon glares down at him, a sneer curling her face. “You would fight your destiny? The great monk, Tang Sanzang-”
“I don’t care! Even if I am his reincarnation or his descendant… the choices I make are mine and mine alone! And I will always choose to protect my friends!”
“Even Y/N? Even the very one who bears my blood within them? Are you truly willing to risk saving them now, that they might follow my ways later?”
All the little pieces click into place for him. The mystery he had pondered the most was finally solved, and now he had to live with learning the answer.
“That- that doesn’t matter! Y/N is a person all their own, who will make their own decisions! And I trust them to stay by our side and fight for good! I won’t let you corrupt them!”
And he doesn’t. His resplendent barrier holds fast, shining brightly until all that is left of the demon has been scattered to the wind. He holds you gently, mustering the strength to carry you on his when everyone makes the trip back to Pigsy’s noodle shop. Someone like Sandy or Wukong would definitely better suited to the physical labor he was performing, but Tang couldn’t bear to separate himself from you yet.
Nor is he willing to let go once everyone has taken a seat. He props you up against himself, rubbing your back to keep you awake. “The kids eat first,” Pigsy says, carrying three hearty bowls of noodles. MK, then Mei, then you. Once all of you have your noodles, the chef goes back to the kitchen to start on another batch. Tang holds the bowl and the chopsticks, lifting the noodles to your mouth. Occasionally, he tips the bowl to your mouth so you can sip at the nourishing broth. On any other day, he would’ve swiped a few bites for himself while feeding you. Now, you’re all he can think of. He feeds you bite by bite, then guides you to lay your head in his lap once you’ve finished.
“Hey, Tang.” Pigsy peers down at him, another bowl of noodles in his hands. He passes it to Tang. “What was that demon lady saying to ya anyways?”
Tang looks down at you, watching your chest rise and fall, looking more at peace than ever before. He can’t tell you. Not here. Not now. Maybe not ever. But he and Pigsy can both keep secrets, and more than that, you’ll have two targets to split your anger between, keeping Tang from catching the brunt of it if you ever do find out. So he asks:
“Do you think you can keep a secret, Pigsy?”
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Red Son
He doesn’t know why he likes you. By all means, you’re just another peasant, another mortal working at the same noodle store that his arch-rival is. But there’s something different about you. Maybe it’s the way you never seem to flinch or cringe or even cower. Maybe it’s the cool head you keep. Maybe it’s the wide-eyed awe you stare at his creations with.
Even after you had been kidnapped.
“I thinks that it was very clever of you,” you softly admit, not fighting against your bonds. “The way you used the tri-toothed 1x2 plates. I don’t see many people use those.”
He shouldn’t be happy to hear you say that. He should scoff and huff and strike down your praise like it’s meaningless drivel. But it’s not. Not to him. He’s been waiting to hear something like that for a long time, actually. Now, if it only it had been from the mouth of his father…
He shakes himself from those thoughts. “Not that a PEASANT like you could ever comprehend just how truly clever my work is! In fact, the legs of this machine are held in place by a truly unique-” “Technic angular wheel,” you finish for him. “It was a smart choice. I bet finding one that could evenly bear the weight of four legs at once wasn’t easy.”
No… no, it hadn’t been. In fact, it had been very hard to source that component. But here you were… acknowledging him. Praising him. Giving weight to his accomplishments by recognizing them. Somewhere deep inside, he’s a little touched to have his efforts commended.
Not that your kindness inspires him to release you. The only thing that frees you is MK and Mei coming in and storming through, knocking him over the head and escaping with you in their clutch.
Still, he doesn’t… hate you, at least. Or maybe, he just hates you less now. It’s a surprisingly good start.
A start that you continue to build off of throughout your repeated interactions, to his surprise. Your praise wasn’t just a one-time thing, wasn’t a way to get him to drop his guard. It had been genuine, entirely sincere. You had truly thought of him as clever, and you still do.
His schemes become less destructive, but more frequent. MK starts sending you out to deal with him, and most of your “skirmishes” end without any true damage. The two of you talk tech, and then he “tactically retreats” from the fight. Eventually, he drops the act, just swinging by the noodle store to talk with you about mechs or vehicles or rare components and where to find them at reasonable prices.
It’s a strange sight for everyone, the two of you amicably chatting. Sometimes someone will try to butt in, usually MK, who tries to keep up with your conversations to no avail. Other times it’ll be Pigsy, making sure that one of his employees isn’t being threatened or endangered. If one of his new mechs has a Journey to the West inspiration, Tang will happily chime in on it.
But most often, it’s only the two of you, happily talking as equals. Not enemies. Not rivals. Just… actual friends, somehow.
Even if it meant fighting to defend them, these are the sorts of moments he doesn’t want to lose. He wants to protect these cherished hours he spends with you, sharing noodles and blueprints in the middle of a crowded but welcoming restaurant.
Even if it meant fighting a foe he had no chance of defeating. All he has to do is buy a little bit of time. Just enough for MK and his ragtag team of idiots and peasants to smash this osseous demon into pieces. He glares up at her, his hair and hands exploding into flame. It’s a mere display, a small threat to keep her occupied. If she focuses on him, then she can’t hurt you.
Not that she’s trying.
“Foolish child. Do you really think I can’t understand the game that you’re trying to play? You would stand in the way of a peaceful world, all in the name of protecting the heir of your enemy?”
He falls to the ground, clutching his head in pain as she taps into his mind to deliver her next words.
“But a meager resistance cannot hope to undo destiny. I will find Y/N, and add their power to my own. That is their destiny, and I will see it fulfilled.”
“You- you won’t! I wont allow it, you… you PEASANT! You can’t hope to beat all of us! The Demon Bull Family, Sun Wukong and his successor, and the Six-Eared Macaque! All of us will stand against you! If we stand together, there is no threat that can overcome us!”
It’s a little funny, almost. Once, he would’ve scoffed and mocked another for saying such a thing. They sound silly on his tongue, cheesy and overblown. It’s something more suited to MK and his band of goons, speeches of friendship and overcoming adversities together. But it’s true.
And her defeat is testament to the strength that loves brings.
He thinks he loves you. You’re what he imagines having a little sibling is like. He wonders if you could love yourself, if you knew the truth of your heritage. Maybe you could. Maybe you’d fall apart and refuse to trust yourself ever again.
He chats idly with MK as you rest your head on his lap. It brings a strange peace to his heart. You look almost happy, in spite of the bruises and cuts. You look happy, which is proof that you didn’t hear a word that the Lady Bone Demon said about your blood ties.
He doesn’t want to rob you of that happiness so quickly, not when you fought and bled for it.
He absentmindedly strokes your head, thinking of how he’d roast anyone who might try to harm so much as a single hair on it. He can’t let anyone hurt you. Not even himself.
So he keeps quiet, and prays that all will turn out well.
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kitofawriter · 3 months
Anyone wanna hear about my niche Shadowpeach Count of Monte Cristo AU? No?
Okay so Wukong is Mercedes right, Macaque is Edmond.
This got longer than intended so more below the cut:
Azure is Mondego and he’s got a thing for Wukong, but clearly Wukong is in love with Macaque. So Azure conspires with Peng (Danglars) and Yellow Tusk (Villefort) (who knows this is basically the only way to convince SWK to fist fight Heaven as seriously as they need him to) to get Macaque in trouble with Heaven. DBK kinda plays the role of Monsieur Morrel as the friend who got sidelined once the Camel Ridge Trio gained power.
Anyway Mac gets in trouble with Heaven and ends up imprisoned, SWK cannot find him and nobody in Heaven will tell him anything. Eventually SWK decides Mac is dead and he’s gonna work with Azure to overthrow Heaven as vengeance. After a long war, they eventually reach peace with Heaven and are given Camel Ridge as a place they can rule as they see fit.
LBD and the Mayor sorta play the Abbe Faria role and teach Mac a ton of magic and stuff but instead of them dying Mac just bails and escapes alone first chance he gets because he knew they were bad news.
He then proceeds to show up, glamored to an unrecognizable level (because SWK wasn’t the one to get in trouble with Heaven the furnace didn’t happen, and thus no gold vision), and acts as a very powerful spirit who’s very interested in the success of Camel Ridge and has absolutely no ulterior motives such as revenge. Absolutely not. He calls himself the Count of Shadow because he’s dramatic.
Anyway more characters.
MK is Albert/Maximillian who was adopted by SWK as a Mentee and ends up also studying under Mac
Mei is more of less Valentine except basically not at all as she’s neither in a romantic relationship with MK nor related to Yellow Tusk. She just plays a huge role in proving that “loyalty is real and not everyone is out for themselves”
Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy all play pretty big support roles in that they’re there to support MK and Mei and keep an eye on their creepy new friend, oh wait! New friend doesn’t like the rulers of camel ridge (who are mush less benevolent than they claimed they would be because they have 0 experience) okay maybe he’s not awful.
Very importantly Red Son plays the role of Benadetto/Cavalcanti, with some encouragement from his parents because they don’t like the trio anymore than anyone else. He gets to pretend to not be related to his family and act as a sorta spy by being a very powerful fire demon who wants to train under Yellow Tusk. He ends up being pivotal in finding the proof that Mac was framed and clearing his name with Heaven.
SWK meanwhile is struggling with ruling alongside Azure, Peng, and Yellow Tusk because he’s the only one with any actual experience ruling anything, while trying to train MK, while trying to keep Heaven from getting annoyed enough to wipe them off the face of the earth and dear god the last thing he needed was a handsome monkey demon passive aggressively flirting with him in ways that are far too painfully familiar!
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Red son and monkey trio[Wukong, Macaque, and MK] that fall in love with mei's sister[reader lolz]?? (btw do you write for azure lion?)
A/n: I wasn’t planning on doing requests but I changed my mind when I saw this, it was hard to pass up. So thank you for this! And I don’t write for azure lion as of yet haven’t watched S4 yet. I’m waiting for the EN release
Falling In Love With Mei’s Sister
{monkey trio + red son x mei’s sister!reader}
You met macaque around the same time MK did. You noticed that MK was acting strange and when you found out it was macaque, you went all dragon rage on him. He had to admit that you packed a punch {you literally punched him in the face}
You were a bit hotheaded “a bit” is an understatement, mei bet that you could level buildings if you wanted to with your power. So yeah you two dragon sisters were very different from each other. You, the serious one and mei, the loud and outgoing one.
Your power was what macaque took interest in. He saw you as more of victim to be manipulated than someone he’d eventually catch feelings for.
Yet when you finally got passed the ‘I want to punch you’ phase of your relationship, you thought he was a pretty cool guy.
When he finally got you to crack a smile and laugh at something he said. He was done for.
Monkie panic set in. He honestly didn’t know what to do. So, he ignored you. And you were pissed about it. You decided to let your petty side shine and ignore him back. Let’s just that it lasted for two weeks before you got sick of it and confronted him.
You were more sad than pissed when you found him you memorized his travel patterns you found that he stops at your place during the night at 1am every night
It was hard to admit why he was avoiding you when he did. You laughed not in a mean way though. You were just surprised that’s all it was. You could tell he was in love with you. Just by the way he looked at you. I mean you like him too and you told him so without much hesitation.
Macaque was kinda embarrassed but tried to play it cool. But you can bring a different side of him out and he loves you for it.
But let’s just say Mei wasn’t too happy about you and Macaque became a thing. She did come into your home without any heads-up. Caught you two on the couch cuddling. Sure Mei didn’t like macaque but she cared more about your happiness, it been awhile since she’s seen you smile
Mei did threaten Macaque, if he hurts you. He nods getting the message, like he’d hurt you even though that was his intention before he got to know you yet he didn’t dare to tell Mei
Sun Wukong
Wukong met you when you asked Mk to take you to Flower Fruit Mountain. One, because you wanted to meet Mk’s monkey mentor and two, you wanted a few training pointers.
Sun was surprised that you joined Mk and wanted some pointers from him of all people and not because you were fangirl like Mk
Of course Wukong took you up on your offer and trained you along with Mk that day. He surprised to learn that you were related to Mei. Honestly he should have known better.
“So are you and Mei like cousins or something?”
“No. She’s my kid sister.”
Yeah, you were two years older than Mei. It kinda shocked Wukong a bit. That you were the older one you were a bit on the shorter side in Wukong’s words you were small but that doesn’t mean you were any less powerful.
Wukong liked sparring with you. He felt you were more on his level than Mk was. He’s asked you questions about it. You’d mostly answer with just kinda had this much power, maybe because you were your parents first kid you just have that much power but you’d say your sister was quite powerful in her own right you just practiced more.
Making trips to FFM turned into frequent things you went even without Mk. Wukong didn’t mind, he liked seeing you. Sun has found your humor interesting in a good way of course. He’d laugh even if the jokes were dumb. I think that’s when he started falling for you.
He didn’t even realize until pointed it out him one day.
“Uh! What!?”
“You’re staring again.”
Of course you’d tease him. But he’s the type to brush it off and flirt with you after your teasing. Which you’d roll your eyes at.
Someday he’ll tell you how he feels, but right now he likes his relationship with you.
Oh yeah, Mk knew you. You were friends, just like him and Mei were. You’d come to the noddle shop for lunch during your break at work. Sometimes you’d go there for the food, talk to Tang and sometimes just to see Mk. Mk was always excited to see you, Pigsy too mostly because you pay for your food unlike someone else Tang
Mk would get distracted every so often when you’d come in for your lunch break. One, because the two of you like talking to each and two, Mk has an existing crush on you.
Yeah, Mk was already in love with you. It was actually love at first sight. Mk felt a little guilty since your his best friend’s sister. Not to mention you’re a couple years old then him and mei. This love is very one-sided on Mk end.
You treat him like a younger brother and it sort of frustrated him. Mei has told him that he couldn’t tell you about his Monkey King powers or you’d have an overprotective meltdown.
So you don’t know anything about Mk and his Monkey Mentor. Though that didn’t mean you didn’t know about your family heritage. But you’ve stated that you wanted to live normally and moved out and into your own apartment and started working at a shoe store.
So, Mei did her best to keep you away from all the monkey shenanigans. But you did start to get suspicious when started to rarely see Mk at Pigsy’s.
“Hey, Pigsy? Where’s Mk?”
“With the Monkey King.”
Pigsy spilled the beans. You were livid, you called Mei. You asked if everything that Pigsy said was true. Your sister hesitated yet said yes. Mk was called by Mei telling him that you found out.
“Oh no…”
“What’s wrong, bud?”
“Something really bad.”
You rant to Mk about how much you’re angry at him and Mei about not telling you anything. But then you pulled him into a hug and told him to be safe while he was out there saving the world.
“Be safe when you’re saving the world.”
“R-Right, right. Of course.”
This crush is never going to go away.
Red Son
Oh no, not another one. That’s what he thought when he first saw you. You weren’t just Mei’s sister, you were her twin. Identical twins, yet your personality are like the sun and moon.
It was funny to some degree when Red Son mistook you as Mei when you met. That was until he saw your clothes and hair. Very different from your sister. He has found that you are timid yet quite intelligent.
Even though he just sits and listens when you talk, he likes the way you words things and talk about certain topics you like. Red Son finds some of things you talk about interesting he’s researched some just to join in your conversation.
That’s when he found out his feelings for you. Red Son was bit embarrassed by the fact that he, Red Son, had feelings for a mortal and the fact that you are related to that Dragon Horse Girl and friends with Noddle Boy made it worse. Yet he felt that you were worthy of his time.
Your meetings with Red Son were in secret. Yet Mei has become suspicious about where you go since you usually tag along with her and Mk. She told Mk and they decided to investigate.
“What is my sister doing with Red Boy?” That what she exclaimed to Mk when they found the two of you in the park together. Of course this ended up with Mk and Mei trying to fight Red Son. And before that could happen you stepped in.
A sister argument ensued. This is the first time Mei, Mk and even Red Son have heard you yell. It shocked everyone. You were happy that Mei cared about your safety but Red Son hasn’t done anything to you. Even though Red Son was supposed to be your enemy yet you found a friend within the fire demon. You like him a lot.
His face flushed a light pink color, hearing that from you. Sure you called him a friend but he knew someday he’ll tell you how he really feels about you.
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peachdues · 1 year
The Great War — Teaser
Giyuu x F!Shrine Maiden (Bundle of Joy — Giyuu’s version)
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A/N: one more teaser, as a treat. I know y’all are frothing at the mouth for this one.
Below are several snippets of the ✨romance✨ that developed between Giyuu and the Reader leading up to their first night, as teased here. The last snippet is immediately following the events of the original teaser — in which Giyuu inadvertently strangles his newly-pregnant fiancé (only he doesn’t know she’s pregnant).
CW: post-strangulation description of injuries • panic • otherwise, Giyuu is one big Mr. Darcy.
“I think you enjoy diverting my attention,” Giyuu said simply, though Y/N could see the rising annoyance in his eyes.
She felt his gaze bear into her as she flipped her loose hair behind her shoulder. “It’s not possible to distract someone unless they find the diversion in question captivating, Tomioka-sama.”
The Water Pillar almost looked amused. “And you are certainly that, Y/N.”
Y/N ducked her head to avoid that piercing gaze, so that the ravenette would not see the faint rosy blush creeping across her cheeks. “I did not think you had the constitution for teasing, Lord Hashira.”
Giyuu took a step towards her, a frown tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I do not jest.” He hesitated for a moment, eyebrows furrowed as he scrutinized her. “Nor do I lie.”
“This is -“ Y/N said breathlessly, “A pomegranate!”
Giyuu nodded, arm still outstretched towards her as he waited to drop the ruby fruit into her hand.
The Miko shook her head. “No, Tomioka-sama, I cannot accept something so expensive-“
“I insist.” The Water Pillar withdrew a small knife and split the fruit in half, staining his hands crimson with the juice that spilled over its soft flesh.
Hesitantly, the young Miko accepted the half he offered her, and thumbed some of the fat, glistening jewels loose. The moment she brought them to her lips, Y/N sighed, contentedly, and for some reason, Giyuu found his cheeks heating as he watched her savor the sweet fruit.
Y/N lazily opened her eyes after swallowing her first mouthful, but was startled to see the Hashira staring at her, unwaveringly, and she realized he’d moved closer towards her than he had been only seconds earlier.
Giyuu’s azure eyes were fixed hard on her lips, as he leaned in close to her, Y/N flushing as he drew nearer.
Is he going to kiss me? Her traitorous heart thundered at the idea, and it caused her no short amount of grief to know she was uncertain whether she wanted him to do so.
As Y/N’s emotions warred with her logic, the Water Pillar’s gentle fingers cupped under her chin, and his thumb brushed delicately across her lower lip.
“Pomegranate juice,” he said, but Y/N could still feel the warmth of his breath still as his hand lingered under her chin. His eyes were wide as though he, too, could not believe what he’d just done.
Y/N gingerly unfolded the furoshiki cloth and unveiled a long, but fragile metal and wood reed.
It was a hairpin, she realized with a soft gasp. Y/N could scarcely bring her fingers to run over the exquisitely crafted ridges of the leaves that adorned the top portion of the pin, afraid that even the slightest pressure from her touch would cause the Water Pillar’s precious gift to her to crumble.
I spend the year longing for autumn, she’d told him.
She hadn’t thought he’d been particularly interested in listening to her talk; but as Y/N cradled the delicate ornament between her palms, she felt a blush begin to creep across her cheeks.
As her fingers traced across the delicate ridges of a cluster of maple leaves, lacquered in a thick coat of scarlet paint — a perfect match to the hue of her traditional hakama pants — Y/N realized that perhaps Tomioka had been paying more attention to her than she’d realized.
For the Water Pillar had given her a piece of autumn to hold onto year-round.
“Tomioka-sama, you do not-“
“Giyuu.” The ravenette interrupted her. “Please, call me by my name; it’s Giyuu.”
Y/N’s mouth closed, but she smiled softly, considering. “Alright. Giyuu — please, you do not need to feel obligated to bring gifts for us — it was only salmon.”
But Giyuu shook his head. “I don’t bring gifts for everyone; just you.”
Y/N turned scarlet.
“Please, just-“ Giyuu frowned, and Y/N could have sworn she saw the faintest glow of pink coloring the Hashira’s cheeks. “Just take it.”
(Right before the events of the NSFW teaser 👀)
“Tomioka-San!” the young Sun-Breather called, waving to Giyuu as the latter departed from his estate. “Would you like to eat together?”
The Water Pillar did not stop his descent from the stairs leading to his manor, but he did acknowledge the boy who had been determined to befriend him. “I cannot; there is something I must do tonight.”
Tanjiro Kamado’s smile faltered slightly. “I see,” the boy then straightened and bowed, deeply. “Please, allow me to accompany you!”
Giyuu’s eyes widened slightly, and his knuckles briefly tightened around the hilt of his sword, as the young Miko’s face flashed before his eyes. “Er — no. This is something I must do on my own.” And, because the boy looked so crestfallen at his rejection, the Water Pillar added, “I shall return well before you awaken for training, Kamado.”
Without another word, Giyuu brushed last the young, eager slayer and made his way to the familiar forest path that led him to a certain shrine, where a certain Miko was undoubtedly cursing at the lazy drift of snowflakes from the sky.
As he watched the retreating back of the Water Pillar, Tanjiro noted the potent scent of sadness and longing that shrouded the man.
Tanjiro’s heard clenched, however, at the scent which lay beneath the Water Hashira’s sorrow, concealed like the bud of a flower beneath its petals.
It had been the unmistakable scent of love — deep, and reverent, and yet saddened, which clung to the ravenette like a fine perfume.
(Post-strangulation episode; Y/N is pregnant).
Y/N awoke and her body was immediately seized with panic.
Her head pounded, and the harsh, sterile light above her hurt her eyes. Nothing, however, could compare to the crushing fire in her throat, as though her neck had been snapped. Y/N breathed hard and fast through her nose, lashes of dizzying pain coursing through her as her hands flew to her neck, only to meet something cold and smooth rather than her own skin. Y/N’s fingers dug into the wood, clawing at it desperately in her alarm.
“Y/N, Y/N, shhh,” a calming voice soothed as a pair of cool, gentle hands came to meet her own, stilling them against whatever was enclosed around her neck. “Don’t touch that, it’s to keep your neck stable.”
Y/N’s eyes darted from side to side, unable to see anything but directly above her, due to whatever contraption she’d felt locked around her neck, restricting her movement.
A pair of ethereal violet eyes peered over her. Y/N had to blink a few times, adjusting to the harsh light above her, as Kanao Tsuyuri’s face swam into focus.
“You are okay, Y/N. You’re at the Butterfly Mansion. You’ve been out for a few hours, but you are safe.”
Y/N’s breath was still heavy, though she relaxed the grip she had against the thing around her neck. She opened her mouth, wanting to speak, but she was only able to make a raspy, strangled sound, so foreign to her ears.
“Don’t try and speak, Y/N. Your vocal cords sustained a great deal of damage.” Kanao gently raised her fingers to Y/N’s eyelids and peeled them back slightly, checking the status of the burst blood vessels in the Miko’s eyes.
Kanao pulled her hands away from Y/N’s face, her own expression neutral and clinical. “Are you able to blink on command?”
With far more effort than Y/N could have imagined, she managed to close her eyelids and reopen them.
Kanao nodded. “Good. I’m going to ask you a few questions, and I want you to blink your responses. One blink for yes, two for no, okay?”
Y/N blinked once.
Kanao gave her a small, encouraging smile. “Good. Do you know where you are?”
Y/N blinked again.
Kanao nodded. “And do you know who I am?”
Another blink and Kanao visibly relaxed. “Thank goodness. Do you know — do you remember — what happened to you?”
Y/N hesitated, her body tensing at the memory of Giyuu, moving so silently behind her, even in his sleep, as he brought her to the ground and wrapped his hand around her, unseeing and unfeeling as he nearly choked the life out of her.
Y/N slowly blinked once, tears stinging her eyes as her vision clouded.
“Oh Y/N, don’t cry,” Kanao soothed, taking Y/N’s limp hand in her own as the other raised to smooth her hair back. “Please, you can’t cry. You can’t strain your throat any more than it already is.”
Y/N closed her eyes to keep her tears sealed within, as her chest heaved with a strange, strangled sound that bubbled in her, unable to be released as Y/N worked to keep her mouth closed. The pain, however, only magnified.
Y/N’s eyes flew open and she gripped the doctor’s hands tightly in her own. Giyuu, she kept trying to mouth, though wincing at the twinge in her neck, Giyuu.
“Are you asking about Tomioka?” Kanao asked kindly, and Y/N blinked once in assent.
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strawhatsoraya · 1 year
u thot i was finished?? guess again 🥰️ alright, this time i'm requesting luffy (bc i can't believe i never asked u for this before) and the prompts: popsicle & ❛show me how much you missed me❜; just some upcoming summer vibez, yk <3 the luffy agenda must be spread!!!
you incorrigible nasty woman *does her best trump impression* nasty nasty woman the nastiest in the history of nasty woman.
it's ok i love you this way.
it IS summer so this will be my first official summer fic of 2023. woop woop. SUMMER OF SMUT should totes be like a thing, you know? like kinktober? i'm just sayin'. anyway I can't believe I haven't written Luffy smut before so here we go. you asked for popsicle so I feel like a one trick pony rn so please forgive me but that's how things ended up.
(also if that's boricua luffy that you think you see, you see correctly i like to push my own agenda sometimes)
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LUFFY X FEM READER / NSFW WC: 3.5k of foolishness CW: luffy likes his lil pet names, also he likes popsicles, food play, messy messy, oral, there's a mouth, and there's a popsicle, and there's a cock, idk you do the math, luffy being a lil shit but we love him SUMMARY: Modern AU / Luffy stays at Sabo's for a week to help him study for his finals (he is a freshman in College/Uni), and when he comes back home Y/N wants to show him just badly she missed him.
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Summer was eternal on the island.
The sun, unforgiving and tempestuous, hung high in the azure blue sky. At the moment the clouds were sparse but when you live in a tropical environment, it is only a matter of time before rain clouds make an impromptu appearance.
It doesn’t matter to you; however. Not today.
Whether it stormed, whether the wind blew violently, or not you weren’t moving from your spot. 
You hadn’t seen Luffy in a few weeks, and you were dying to hold him in your arms. It wasn’t something you wanted to admit out loud; however. You sit on the hammock you both set up together, in between two palm trees in the backyard of his house. It’s a hot summer day. Sweat already pills on your forehead, and on your nose. You wipe at it with the back of your hand. It was fortunate that the trees shielded you from most of the sun’s rays, otherwise it would be absolutely intolerable to wait for Luffy any longer.
You hear him before you see him. His laughter was bright and melodic. There’s a familiar slapping of sandals that is recognizable. Luffy had a bad habit of stomping as he walked. You turn your torso to look over your shoulder. He makes a grand appearance through the back door, no shirt–all big sunshine smiles and glistening brown skin. The wind picks up and brings over to you the scent of his favorite shampoo, behind it, you also get a very brief whiff of sunblock.
He never wore much on his pretty face, but you had nagged him enough to finally succumb.
“Hi,” you greet him, feeling inexplicably shy as he stomps towards you, his arms spread out wide. When he finally reaches your back on the hammock, he brings his arms around you and squeezes. Luffy giggles as he buries his face into the crook of your neck. You hum content, tilting your head to give him more room. 
“You smell so good,” he mumbles against your skin, dropping sloppy wet kisses up and down your neck. He kisses up to your ear, eliciting goosebumps throughout your body. You roll your eyes, determined to chastise him while pretending not to be enjoying his dramatic display of affection. Luffy leaves you no room. “Although a little sticky.” He nips at your earlobe and you cry out in surprise, shoving his face away by placing your hand on his cheek and pushing.
“That’s because it’s HOT,” you enthuse with a raise of your brows. Luffy smooches your cheek with a resounding smack before he lets you go at last. “I’ve been waiting for you. I’m a little sweaty.”
Luffy laughs quietly, and instead of making it around you and the hammock–he decides to climb over it, lifting one leg over the hammock then the other. He uses the hammock for support, so you shake and sway in your seat.
“Oh, come on!” you complain although you’re quick to laugh. Luffy drops on the space next to you, making you slide down the hammock until you’re pressed up right next to him. “Can’t you do things normally for once?”
“Nah,” he replies, curling one arm around your waist. It’s hot, insufferably so, but Luffy was always like this. Always needing you close, always needing you to touch. “What’s normal anyway?”
You glance up at him through your lashes, and not for the first time you can’t help but notice how pretty your boyfriend is. The sunlight is soft through the green leaves, casting dancing shadows over Luffy’s face. Today he’s not wearing his hat on his head, so the wind plays with his messy hair, brushing it off his forehead.
You reach up to trace one thick eyebrow with an index finger. Luffy closes his eyes briefly as you do so, his long thick lashes fluttering gently. It is so tempting to just kiss him on the hammock, to forget everything and give in to your raging hormones but there’s a paper bag on Luffy’s lap and curiosity bests your desire for once.
“What you got there?” you ask him, bringing your hand down to brush your knuckles down one of his exposed biceps. Luffy shivers but doesn’t look away from the bag. You smile secretly. He always liked to pretend you didn’t have an effect on him. He was a strange kind of masochist. He enjoyed holding out for as long as possible as if it was a challenge only he competed in.
“Popsicle,” he answers simply, pulling it out from the bag. He quickly tears the wrapper open and pops it into his mouth. Luffy holds it there, no hands, so he can crumple the bag and wrapper.
“I don’t get any?” you ask him playfully, knowing full well why he didn’t get you one.
“You don’t even like popsicles,” he answers unamused, rolling his eyes as he leans back on the hammock. You yelp when your weight shifts. Luffy uses one of his arms to spread out the hammock, so you can lay on your back with him. The other held on to the popsicle. “Come here, and stop complaining. I haven’t seen you in a week.”
You wiggle on the hammock until your head is resting on his arm. The sky above is peaceful, with the wind making the tree branches sway slightly. If it was cooler, you’d fall asleep quickly, there in Luffy’s warmth.
“Yeah, a whole week. How could you leave me like that? You’re heartless,” you declare dramatically, elbowing his side slightly. Luffy chuckles, next to you, the popsicle melting quicker than he can eat it. 
“I was studying with Sabo, you know this!” he groans, his thick brows drawing together. “You’re the one who told me if I didn’t pass my finals you were gonna break up with me. I almost died. My head was going to explode.”
“That was an empty threat and you know it,” you mumble, turning your face to look at him. 
Now that he was laying on his back, the length of  his lashes were even more noticeable. His lips, dark pink and pouty tempt you again. You swallow the lump in your throat, and ignore the desire gnawing at the pit of your stomach a little bit longer. Still, your hand reaches out, and you drag your finger softly against his cold bottom lip.
Luffy nips at your finger, trapping it between his teeth lightly. You wiggle it trying to release it. Luffy does so quickly when you squeal, tapping it gently with his popsicle.
“Stop that, unless you’re trying to make me kiss you.”
You choose silence. Luffy turns to look at you, popping his popsicle back in his mouth. He leaves it there as he watches you. He always had a hard time reading you. Luffy didn’t like to think. He liked simplicity, and spontaneity. He always had fun with you, but when you grew quiet it always scared him. It made him think he had done something wrong. This time; however, there’s a certain familiar look in your eyes. Luffy reaches out and pinches your cheek lightly, his popsicle melting slightly down his chin.
You grab his hand before he can pull it away, and hold it against your cheek. Luffy feels his heart seize when you close your eyes, when you tenderly press your face against the palm of his clammy hand and nuzzle it. There’s a tug at the pit of his belly, the one that tells him to devour you, to fill you with kisses, to touch every inch of your skin until you’re delirious in his hold.
“I missed you,” you whisper to him, and kiss his fingers one by one.
Fire was deadly in summer, especially when there was no rainy season; when there’s only been drought. It had been a week since he last kissed you, held you, he was parched–and you were just stoking the fire.
“Did you now?” he quips around his popsicle. You look up at him through your lashes, your own dark brows drawing together. Luffy tries not to laugh, truly, but you’re so cute when you’re mad he can’t help it. “You’re not acting like someone who missed me.”
You drop his hand unceremoniously, embarrassed that you even let yourself be this vulnerable with the pigheaded young man you called boyfriend. 
“How exactly am I supposed to act then?” you spit, scrunching up your nose in irritation. Luffy chortles, shoulders shaking in unison. It only serves to make you further annoyed. “Just forget it!”
You sit up, trying to put some distance between each other. You were embarrassed at having been the first one to say it, and now Luffy was behaving like a smug idiot. Your face feels hot as if it was on fire, and you slap your cheeks with both hands hoping to wake yourself up enough to have some kind of clever retort.
Luffy, once again, doesn’t give you a chance. He sits up too, and whines like a child as he places his chin on your shoulder.
“What are you getting mad for?” he mumbles playfully, looking up at you through his lashes. You glance down at your shoulder through your nose, trying your best haughty look on him but you are disarmed by the warmth of his big brown eyes. “I missed you too.”
His words relax your shoulders, and you breathe out noisily through your nose. It does nothing; however, to make you feel less embarrassed and it does nothing for your increasing sexual desire. 
Luffy is holding the popsicle on his hand, and you watch the trail of blue trickle down his wrist and forearm. It drips slightly on his shorts, not that Luffy seems to mind. 
“Hey,” he says, his voice taking in a deep hoarseness that turns your skin hot. “I want you to show me.”
You swallow the lump in your throat. Luffy leans back on the hammock, and holds the popsicle over his chest. It drips on his skin slowly, blue on brown. 
“Why don’t you show me how much you missed me?”
You’d be a liar if you said you loathed Luffy’s games. There was always something he was up to, there was always a gamble, and an ambiguous prize to win. It made it all the more satisfying when you did. 
“Okay,” you tell him, slithering yourself over him. You watch Luffy adjust his hips, and a sly smirk tugs at the corner of your plush lips. You know he’s already probably at half mast just at the idea of you over him, of what’s to come.
“Hurry,” he whispers to you urgently, so quietly, the blowing wind almost steals his voice away. “It’s melting.”
You open your mouth to taste the melted popsicle on his skin. You suck loudly on the spots they lay on, making sure to flatten your tongue as you do so. You can taste the saltiness of his skin, smell the vague scent of sweat. You take in a deep noise breath through your nose as you slide your tongue around his muscular chest, lapping up the dripping popsicle that slides over the curves of his muscles.
“That’s it, chula,” he tells you, his voice husky and sultry. Luffy lowers the popsicle, leaving a blue trail of cold liquid down his abs. You watch him shiver at the sensation, his eyes fluttering close, head snapping back. You smile, watching him tease himself, edge himself beyond reason. “Keep going.”
You lower yourself off the hammock and onto the ground. You’re wearing shorts, which had you known what would happen you would have worn something different instead; more accessible. The pebbles on the dirt bite into the skin of your knees but you pay it no mind. Instead you focus on cleaning up the sticky mess Luffy has made of himself. You slide your hands up the sides of his torso, enjoying the slippery warm sensation of his skin slick with sweat.
Luffy shudders underneath you, a soft grunt floating past his lips.
Your hunger grows at the sound of him. Your kisses become messy, desperate. You dig your teeth into his side, biting down. Luffy barely holds back a moan, but by the way his core tightens you know he’s loving it as much as you do. As you nip at the space under his belly button, his happy trail tickling your nose, his erection becomes all the more evident. It pokes out from under his shorts, pushing against your throat.
“Nnhg,” he grunts, his hips moving slightly as he starts to hump up at nothing. “Mm, you missed me that much?” You smile against his skin, your teeth catching on his side again. Luffy reaches out, and grabs a fitsful of your curls. “You’re so cute. I want to eat you up so bad.”
You giggle, wishing he would do that already if that’s what he wanted but it seemed Luffy had other things in mind. Just as you were reaching for the button of his shorts, Luffy sits up, half melted popsicle still in his hand.
“Wait,” he says breathless, pretty shiny eyes unfocused. You smile up at him, although your expression is quizzical. His dark berry lips are blue tinted, and his brown skin is adorned with faint blue freckles and spots. “Open your mouth first.”
You blink, unsure of what he was planning now, but you were in too deep to question him although part of you knows you should. You tilt your head and try to gather your curls away from your face. Luffy helps you with his free hand, and when you open your mouth he slides the popsicle in.
You frown down at it, and at him, but when he makes no move to remove it, you gently close your lips around it. Luffy chuckles softly–a perverse satisfaction that makes his nether regions stiffen even more. He knows you hate the 'blue flavor’ he insists on but he can’t help it. You look so pretty when you have something in your mouth. He couldn’t bring himself to stop. Luffy slowly pushes the popsicle in and out of your mouth.
“Come on, bebé,” he pouts. Luffy even throws in a petulant frown. “Play with me. Pretend it’s me.”
You cough as he pushes it all the way in, gagging slightly on the blue popsicle. In order to persuade him to stop, you grab his wrist, and curl your tongue around the popsicle. If it melted quickly, Luffy would end this silly game and give you what you really wanted. Luffy smiles at your eagerness, at the way you lap and suck on the popsicle. He watches with furious admiration the way the blue liquid oozes down your chin and neck. His tongue dips out to lick his chapped lips. He feels parched, thirsty, even though he had been sucking on that same popsicle just moments ago.
He lets go of your hair to wipe at your chin with his thumb. He keeps pushing the popsicle in and out of your mouth while you continue to suck on it noisily. Luffy watches you, lids heavy and eyes full of lust as he pops his thumb in his mouth.
“You’re all sticky,” he says, fidgeting in his seat on the hammock. You give him a seductive look over the popsicle, one that makes him want to tear your clothes off. You knew exactly what to do to make him crazy. Luffy, not one to give up so easily, uses the remainder of the popsicle to push against the inside of your cheek, stretching your mouth open.
You blink repeatedly, and frown, watching him fumble quickly and clumsily with his free hand. He unbuttons the top of his shorts, and you hear the zipper come down.
“What are you doing?” you ask, with your mouth stretched, your cheek turning icy cold as he keeps the popsicle there.
“I’m making room for me, mami,” he says as you watch him whip out his cock. “What else?”
Luffy squeezes the tip of his cock, and watches your mouth intently. His lips part as he watches the blue drip down the other side of your chin. Luffy shifts to the edge of the hammock, and aims the head of his cock towards your mouth. The moment he shoves the tip in alongside the popsicle in your mouth your eyes grow wide.
Luffy knows he shouldn’t laugh at you. That you never enjoyed it especially when you were both having sex, but you look so cute and funny there was no way he could hold back. You bring out your hands to slap his knees, but Luffy has a hold on the back of your head now. He lifts his hips from the hammock at a steady pace, fucking up into your mouth.
You hold on to his knees for dear life, feeling conflicted at the feel of his warm cock filling up your mouth. You do your best to suck him up, to slurp and curl around his erection. The popsicle starts melting faster, it’s sticky sweetness coating everything in your mouth. You cough, and your eyes tear up as you choke both on Luffy’s cock and the popsicle juice.
Luffy grunts as he watches you. He bites on his lower lip when your eyes fill with tears. He had never tried this before, but the sensation was far from unpleasant. There was something about the coldness of the popsicle, the way part of your mouth had turned frigid and how now slowly everything was starting to warm up–to heat up.
Suddenly, Luffy pulls you off of him and takes out the mostly melted popsicle. He pops it in his mouth. 
“Don’t stop now, mi amor,” popsicle still in his mouth, he tells you breathlessly, eagerly, as he grabs your head again. Luffy brings your head down suddenly over his cock before you can even form a sentence. “You have to finish before anyone sees.”
You’re reminded now how you’re the open, as he slams the head of his cock against your throat. You grip his knees tightly, as yours dig deeper into the ground of Luffy’s backyard. Yes, you were at his house, but it was still outdoors. Yes, there were sparse trees all around you, a chain fence and some shrubbery, but just behind those was one of the main roads of your little  neighborhood. 
If anyone was paying a modest amount of attention, they could see the entire show you were putting on for the birds, and the blade of grass in Luffy’s backyard.
It was better not to think about it. Instead you focused on the slickness seeping into your underwear. How sensitive you were now to the lining of the inside of your denim shorts. You wiggle as Luffy continues to fuck your mouth, trying to get some friction between your legs, anything to give you some relief. You hum and moan around him, your grip on his knees softening, as you slide your hands over his thighs. Luffy pants softly, his breathing becoming erratic.
“Y-y-your hands are soft, baby,” he murmurs in a daze, his face looking up at the sky. 
The sun peeks through the green leaves of the branches, and he closes his eyes to the view, wanting to only focus on the sensation of your mouth; the pleasure it was bringing him. You grip his thighs, and let your fingers slide towards the inside of his legs, under the legs of his shorts. You drag your nails down against the sensitive skin of his thighs, as you flatten your tongue against his shaft and give a particularly powerful suck.
Luffy cries out, almost dropping the popsicle stick from his mouth, and lifting his hips entirely. You shut your eyes tightly, as he slams against the back of your throat, taking away your air. Luffy holds the position there, biting down on the wooden popsicle stick to keep from moaning. Your mouth fills up with hot cum, and you swallow it quickly, not wanting it to linger on your tongue. It takes a moment for Luffy to let up, it isn’t until you slap his knees repeatedly, that he pulls out.
A breezy laugh taking up the heated space between you.
“Wow, mi bebé,” he says happily, pulling you up onto his lap. You let him cuddle you, allow him to dust the dirt and pebbles off your scratched up knees. “That was so good, maybe I should go away more often.”
You grab one of his ears and pull it. “No seas pendejo.”
 Luffy laughs and bends at the waist. He drops kisses on your injured knees.
“Okay, okay, I won’t go anywhere,” he mumbles against your knee, looking up at you through his lashes. You fold immediately, unable to deny him anything when he looks at you with those doe brown eyes of his; soulful and bottomless. “Sorry about your knees.”
You shake your head lighty, and card your fingers through his dark hair.
“It’s fine. It was worth it.” Luffy chortles, his shoulders shaking as he licks one of your knees playfully. 
“I thought so too!”
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wendigonamecaller · 5 months
Can't Forget To Love You.
Desc: Azure, Alastor’s darling wife, died tragically and suddenly one night from tuberculosis. Ever since then, Alastor had become ruthless in his killings. Finally, he meets his end and hopes the pain from losing his bird would end, only for it to hurt tenfold when he wakes up in Hell with Azure nowhere to be found. Almost a century later, his thoughts are once again captivated by her essence just as an Angel falls and decides to help Charlie out with her dream.
TW: cannon type violence, death, angst, Azure is a fallen angel, Azure is secretly unhinged, emotional Alastor, Alastor in denial, Azure doesn’t realize Alastor was her Alastor at first, Azure falls because she defends her husband against Adam and Sera. Eventual smut, cursing, both Alastor and Azure try to beat around the bush, Alastor tries to protect her by pushing her away.
Chapter TW: Drinking, self esteem issues if you squint, Mimzy is a little shit, Mimzy knows exactly who Azure is, Mimzy is actually kinda nice.
TAGLIST: @redfoxwritesstuff
Chapter 2: She Only Smiles Like That When She's Drinkin'.
Azure wasn’t sure how she ended up in this dilemma, one moment she was arguing with two of the highest angels in Heaven, the next she was being thrown into the pits of Hell. She tried to use her wings to break her fall, only for them to somehow no longer be able to sustain her weight.
She landed gracelessly in front of a pub, or what she thought was one at least. The ex-angel looked up to see the sign on the establishment, a wave of nostalgia slapping her right across the face. ‘Mimzy’s’ was plastered on the sign, and the smell of Azure’s favorite whiskey was thick in the air as she opened the door.
She walked through the threshold and came face to face with something extremely new to her; demons in every corner, crowding the bar, taking up booths and tables, jazz playing loudly through speakers that added extra bass that Azure could feel vibrating her entire being, some on the dancefloor, and a few making out in a few corners.
A wolfish sinner passed her with what looked to be an imp of sorts, money poking out of his pockets. She quickly swiped it as she brushed past the sinner, only receiving a growl and glare from the sinner before he disappeared into the crowd. Azure brushed her darkening hair out of her face as she approached the bar, settling on a stool away from the rowdy group of demons that seemed to be having a drinking contest and her eyes brushed along the different bottles of alcohol lining the shelves. 
A short demoness wearing a pink flapper dress and bright blonde hair approached, giving Azure a welcoming, prideful grin.
“Ain’t ever seen ya ‘round here before, ya must be new. What can I getcha sweetie?” She asked, pulling out a glass.
“How much for a peach whiskey?” The ex-angel asked, folding her now useless wings behind her to keep them out of the way of other sinners.
“How much ya got sweetness?” The blond asked, pulling out a bottle of Azure’s favorite drink.
The now black haired female pulled out the money she’d swiped, showcasing at least $300. The ears on top of her head furrowed, knowing things would likely be a lot more expensive in Hell than in Heaven.
The blonde noticed this, and though that was more than enough money she decided to cut the poor sinner a break. “Tell ya what, tell me about yourself and you can have the whole damn bottle if ya want.” She offered, and Azure’s eyes lit up.
“Wait- really?” She asked, and the woman nodded. 
As the blonde poured some peach whiskey into the glass with some ice, Azure dived right in, happy to be lucky enough to find some hospitality. “Well, for starters my name is Azure, but I go by Azi.” She couldn’t remember when she started going by Azi, all she really remembered was her husband was insistent on calling her by the blasted nickname and eventually she just embraced it.
The woman smiled. “Sounds like someone I used to know, I’m Mimzy doll.” She introduced and Azure gave her a smile.
“Sounds like someone I used to know as well.” 
“How come you’re in this slopfest?” Mimzy asked, picking up a dirty glass to clean it. 
“Honestly I’m not sure. I’ve been dead since 1926.” Azure answered.
“And you’re just now wakin’ up in Hell? Dollface there’s a gap there.” Mimzy chuckled.
“Well, I know what got me here, I’m just not sure why.” Azure’s brows furrowed, and her right ear twitched. 
“Elaborate?” Mimzy asked, pausing and leaning against the counter as she paid attention to the hind. 
“I was in Heaven.” Azure whispered, not wanting any strangers to pick up on their conversation. Mimzy’s eyes widened.
“What did ya do to get the boot?” She asked as Azure finished off her first glass of whiskey.
“Argued with two of the higher angels.” She said sheepishly. 
She went to grab the glass of her second whiskey, only to notice her hand was nearly pitch black and had bright red claws that were long and sharp, extending from her second knuckle until an inch or two past her natural nail-bed. 
“Holy shit, you’re a firecracker aren’t ya?” Mimzy laughed and Azure smiled sheepishly.
“I guess that’s what my husband loved about me when we were alive.”
Azure stared into the mirror in the apartment Mimzy had graciously offered for her to stay in as long as she worked to earn her keep. Her features had changed a lot since her initial fall only hours earlier. Her wings were now a blood red and some of her down feathers were a darker red, the tips of her longer feathers turning a dark purple. Her skin was a pale gray color, fading to black on her hands and legs near her ankles and her hooves had turned to a brownish black color.
Her hair was gray by the roots, and faded to black the closer it got to the ends. Her ears had done the same, white at the base but fading to black at the tips, and cute white antlers poked out of her hair. She growled, a prey in life and death. 
Her now white eyes turned black for a second before her ears and antlers were hidden, a simple spell she used in Heaven to hide her animal traits that now included a wolf’s tail. Mimzy had said she’d find someone to help with her amnesia while she slept tonight, so Azure tried to put her racing thoughts to rest as she changed into a flimsy white nightgown that Mimzy had provided and sank under the covers of the bed in the bedroom of the apartment.
The next morning she awoke to Mimzy knocking on the apartment door, and quickly threw the door open. “G’morning doll, time to get you ready we’re leavin’ in a few minutes.” Mimzy threw the curtains open and turned on a few lights before setting an outfit on Azure’s bed.
“Where are we going?” The hind asked, tossing her nightgown off and folding it on the bed. 
Mimzy turned away respectfully while Azure changed, picking at her claws. “A friend of a friend has a place centered around redemption, thought maybe you’d be more suited to work there.” Azure tilted her head in confusion.
“Sinners can be redeemed?” She asked, and the blonde shrugged.
“Hell if I know, I just figured maybe some of the activities would help with that noggin of yours dollface.” Mimzy says as she goes behind the hind and ties the back of the shirt she wore together.
That brought both of the females to a hill near the outskirts of the Morningstar district, staring up at a large hotel. “Wow.” Azure commented, brushing her fringe out of her face.
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet dollface.” Mimzy chuckled, and then led the black-haired hind up to the doors.
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What the Legos Want
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MK: "I just- I don't want to let my friends down, you know? It's like, I want to help out in the store, do arts and crafts with Sandy, and party with M-m-m-Mei! Mei! But it's to hard, I'm just one guy!"
(1x02 Duplicatnation)
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MK: "Okay! I did bad, I just- I really wanted that peach, and I guess I got carried away."
(1x06 The Great Wall Race)
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Sun Wukong: "Take in everything! Choose what you want to do, and then do it! That is focus."
(1x07 Impossible Delivery)
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MK: "I just wanted to be good enough—like you."
(1x09 Macaque)
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MK: "It's like- I want to be strong, and I'm trying to be! But it- it's like Monkey King isn't giving me a chance! *sigh* What if- what if he knows he made a mistake—chose wrong, chose the wrong successor?"
(2x07 Shadow Play)
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Sandy: "Hurting others isn't a measure of one's strength—took me a really long time to realize that. As long as I'm doing something to help out a friend, I don't mind what it is! I just want to be there for 'em when they need me."
(2x08 To Catch a Leaf)
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Sun Wukong: "You want me to leave it, and I want me to take it! Eh, it's toughy." Ne Zha: "What!? Don't do this! Sun Wukong: "I'm sorry—it's the only way!"
(3x01 On The Run)
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MK: “Why are you helping her—Lady Bone Demon—like, look, I get that you’re a bad guy, but you know that she wants to destroy everything, right?”
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Sandy: "I don't want to fight, but I can't let you hurt my friends!"
(3x04 The Winning Side)
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Sun Wukong: "What? You got what you wanted didn't you? Not gonna gloat? Monologue a little before scurrying off to your master? Go on! The Lady Bone Demon is waiting." Macaque: "I couldn't care less about what the Lady Bone Demon wants!"
(3x09 The King, the Prince, and the Shadow)
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Mei: "I can't! I don't want to hurt you—any of you! I'm sorry."
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Mei: "No! Stay back! I- I don't want to hurt you!"
(3x10 The Samadhi Fire)
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The Mayor: "All my lady ever desired was a world no longer plagued by pain—until the Monkey King and his companions got in the way. Fate however has gifted her a second chance!"
(3x13 Time to be Warriors) (Desired, wanted, same thing.)
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Lady Bone Demon: "Save your hero speech child—I've existed long enough to know when it's over. MK: "You still think that the universe really wants anything, from any of us?" Lady Bone Demon: "Don't you?"
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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Macaque: "Still the same Wukong, doing whatever he wants with no regard for others!"
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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Sun Wukong: "It's actually amazing how quickly you're mastering your powers—when I was your age-"
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MK: "-You were fighting the celestial armies and generally swinging your big ol' tail around to get what you wanted?" Sun Wukong: "Well I was going to say making regrettable life choices but yeah, thanks for laying out. I'm embarrassed to admit it but—you might have actually already done more for this world that I ever have!"
(4x01 Familiar Tales)
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Mei: “What’s the point of having power if you won’t use it? Don’t you have people you want to protect?”
(4x05 Court of the Yellow Robed Demon)
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Sandy: “But you were too WEAK to be who you truly are! I am a monster! That’s what the world wants me to be, so that’s what I’m gonna give ‘em!”
(4x06 Show Me the Monster)
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Curse MK: "Hey no no no- I get it man. You want to get back to our monster of the week adventures, get back to our simple missions with Mei, mastering all of Monkey King's powers and delivering noodles for pigsy. Right?" MK: "Yeah...yeah actually that's exactly what I wanna-" Curse MK: "But we can't! Not after all we've seen! All we know and all we don't? *sigh* Right friend?"
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
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Azure Lion: "No no—this isn't what I wanted! All you had to do was wait, after this was all over I was going to release Sun Wukong, help him see reason! That is now impossible—not after what you've done!"
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MK: “No matter what I do, it’s going to lead to pain. It’s like the Lady Bone Demon said—it doesn’t matter if I want to help people or not! Everything I do just- it just makes things worse!”
(4x08 The Brotherhood)
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Macaque: "Point is, it’s time to start making your own choices—something I wish I would have learned a lot sooner than I did. You don’t want to fight Azure because people might get hurt, you don’t want to not fight him because people might get hurt–so do something else! Only you get to decide who you are kiddo.”
(4x10 The Jade Emperor)
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Sun Wukong: "Ah, don't be like that! Eat some fruit, soak up the sun—that's why I've been training so hard!" Macaque: "What, so you can be the strongest?" Sun Wukong: "Nooo! Well, maybe a little bit—but that's not the point! It's so we don't have to worry about anything or anyone ever again! Just living a lazy life, sitting in the sun, eatin' fruit, and doing whatever we want!"
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Sun Wukong: "I just wanted to protect the people I cared about—to be strong enough. I lost sight of why I was doing any of it."
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Macaque: "You did it for yourself! You've become this like, obsessive demon! I told you going against the Jade Emperor was a bad idea, but no, Wukong doesn't listen to anyone, he just does whatever he wants!"
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
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MK: "That's what you were pretending to be right? To be my friend? To care about me? When really you were just using me to get what you wanted! To turn me against my own mentor! Put your hand in the monkey cage, and expect to get bit son!"
(4x13 Rip and Tear)
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Sun Wukong: "Azure just stop, okay? You've won—you're going to destroy us just like you wanted! Us an the entire universe." Azure Lion: "Huh? No. This is not what I wanted! I can still fix this, it's- it's the whole reason I'm here at all!" Sun Wukong: "Wait, how are you here!?" Azure Lion: "What? What kind of a question is that you know exactly how I'm-" Sun Wukong: "-No! Here and now! I put you in the underworld myself. How'd you get out, how'd you get the scroll? I know for sure you didn't steal it—you couldn't have! Azure, who gave you that scroll? Because whoever it was they must have known this would happen, wanted this to happen! And they used you to do it."
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Azure Lion: "I just wanted to make the world a better place!" MK: "You still can—you're the only one who can."
(4x14 Better Than We Found It)
Welcome viewers, to a shadow play the likes of which have never been seen! It follows the tragic tale of a legendary warrior, and how those who bring light into this world inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear whether they want to or not.
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chryzuree · 10 months
chrysi and castor should be frenemies after he’s experienced some villain erosion / he’s kinda gotten over her a bit. he tells her he’s dating a new girl and she jst goes “honestly i was kinda hoping you’d die old and sad and alone, but like, guess i’m happy for you!!” you are being MEAN
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ivanttakethis · 1 month
Before Round 5 - Tov’s Log
Rose (?) vs. Sai (?) -> ??? Win
Cassio arrived home well after midnight.
They murmured a soft greeting and goodnight before retiring to their room.
Tov was still on the couch, trying in vain to process all of the events of Round 4.
She kept coming back to that image of Himei, covered in blood that wasn’t her own. The lost look in her eyes.
Her heart twisted painfully.
Tov needed to talk to her. She wouldn’t be able to sleep if she didn’t.
She turned off all the lights in the living room, quietly shut her bedroom door behind her, and punched in the number for Himei’s room phone.
She’d memorized the number off of a contestant call sheet Cassio left lying around.
Tov tried not to think about whether Cassio left the paper out on purpose or not as the line rang.
And rang.
And rang.
And rang.
Finally, a soft click.
“…Hello?” It was Himei.
But it also wasn’t Himei.
Her voice was too hollow, too flat and distant to be that of the friend Tov knew so well.
“Tov?” Himei sounded surprised. “Are you still here?”
Tov frowned. “At the competition? No. I’m at home.”
“Cassio brought me back here after my— incident at the end of Round 3. They wouldn’t let me come back for Round 4 to see you perform.” She continued.
Himei didn’t respond.
The only reason Tov knew that the line was still connected was because she could hear Himei’s uneven breathing.
Tov waited.
She was used to waiting out lulls in conversations. They never made her uncomfortable.
“I won.” Himei said blankly.
“I know.” Tov said. “I saw.”
“I… I won.” She still sounded far away, but not in space. In time.
She was stuck in a loop. Stuck back on that stage. Stuck reliving Min’s death over and over again.
Tov needed to break her out of it.
“Where’s Tallis?” She asked amidst another long stretch of dead air.
The silence stretched longer.
Himei shifted on the other end of the line, her voice no louder than a murmur, “He doesn’t think he’ll win his round.”
Tov closed her eyes and sighed.
“He will.”
He has to.
If Tallis died, part of Himei would die.
Part of Tov would die too.
She couldn’t patch them both back up.
When Tov opened her eyes again, her gaze was drawn to the window.
Azure, Moran, and Stasya’s constellations adorned the dark sky just outside.
Tov hadn’t had a chance to tell Himei about them yet. That gave her an idea.
“Can you see the stars from your room window?” She asked.
“Uh, yeah. I can.” Himei sounded caught off guard, but a little bit more like herself.
“I named some more constellations after our late classmates.”
“Stasya… and Moran.” She said, her voice tinged bittersweet.
“Azure too.” Tov added. “They’re up in the sky near ours. I can point them out to you, if you want?”
“Yeah,” Himei sniffed, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Do you want to name one after Min too?”
She was quiet again, but only for a moment. “I think… I think she saved my life.”
“Me too.”
“She thanked me, but I never got the chance to thank her in return.”
“This could be your thank you.” Tov said.
“You’re right. I’ll try.” She can hear the small smile in Himei’s voice.
Tov turned fully to her window and set her eyes on the sky, “Remember, use the North Star as our guide…”
This is basically End of Round 4 Part 2.
It spawned almost entirely out of my interpretation that Himei hallucinated seeing Tov after Round 4 in @lookatmysillies’s follow up log from Himei’s POV (so sorry if I misinterpreted what you wrote, my brain went straight to hallucination and would NOT let me go 😭)
Plus this gave me the chance to honor Min ( @starry-skiez ) since she saved Himei’s life, and therefore saved what remains of Tov’s sanity.
Himei and Tallis belong to @lookatmysillies and Min belongs to @starry-skiez.
Azure ( @azureitri ), Moran ( @geospiral ), and Stasya ( @billwasnot ) are also here haunting the narrative!
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sercezgazety · 9 months
For all the times he thought about fucking Herbert West, Dan never imagined there would be a press coverage.
The pictures they draw in the courtroom are kinda hilarious. Herbert looks like a feral child, even shorter than in real life, unnaturally pink lips curled in a permanent snarl, and eyes ridiculously large. “The artist must have really wanted to be a gothic novel illustrator,” Herbert snorted back when they were still talking to each other. The way he said artist didn’t suggest irony, just distaste. Dan wasn’t spared from this kind of creative exaggeration either, by the way, his cheeks so hollow and circles around his eyes so dark, he looked like a skeleton in the first pictures. That was before he started stress-eating, that is, though the dark circles never go away. By the end of the trial, Dan from courtroom sketches resembles a very sad panda bear.
The moment Cornell took care of the bail — huge, but also ridiculously small, considering Herbert’s capabilities of causing harm — he apparently decided Herbert needed a makeover. He wasn’t stupid, he never told Herbert to smile for the cameras; there’s no world in which that could end well. It’s impossible to make Herbert with his speech patterns and his stare appear likeable, but Cornell did have his client memorize some lines that made him sound almost reasonable. Nothing too grand: not a word about defying God, no personal opinions on the value of an individual life in the great scheme of things. A scientific breakthrough, yes, and the methods were perhaps a bit unorthodox, but if we were to wait for the bureaucrats to find the right stamps in their desk drawers, the society would never get anywhere. The system’s rigged. Huge pharmaceutical companies have the proper resources to deal with all that paperwork and red tape, they have the money to send entire ethics committees on “scientific conferences” (the quotation marks are not performed with fingers but with a disdained grimace). Those are luxury cruises, actually, did you know? Glorified bribes. In this day and age, the little guy can do next to nothing. There’s no way for an independent researcher to act by the book and get any results. Just imagine how many breakthroughs we’ve all been robbed of by this system. And why? Because of ethical standards, as the industry would have you believe? Oh no. You see, they don’t care about progress, they don’t care about helping people or curing diseases the way the little guys do. They don’t care about us, Herbert recites, smoothly asserting himself as one of human beings. They want money. He holds his head high, and there’s fire in his eyes, the kind Dan’s grown to be wary of. One newspaper calls him charismatic.
The scientific rigor was upheld at all times during his research, Herbert tells the press, and Dan just knows he’s physically refraining from following rigor with mortis. Cornell decides that looking like an undertaker is not doing his client any favors, and finds a well-cut checkered suit in a reasonable shade of gray. Concessions need to be made. It’s wrong, it’s wrong, it’s wrong, and with the azure tie, Herbert looks so ridiculous, he might as well be wearing a Hawaiian shirt with a tramp stamp peeking out from underneath it.
“Do you know this man?” the prosecution asks Dan, pointing to this all-new, normal and respectable doctor, and Dan wants to say, no. That’s not Herbert, that’s someone else entirely. But he just nods. There’s a lump in his throat whenever he looks in the other defendant’s direction. Herbert’s doing his best not to show his discomfort with the bright colors and alien textures, but Dan knows him well enough to be aware he’s this close to tearing the clothes off.
Dan, on the other hand, doesn’t get any specific instructions on what to wear, except for ditching shirts that Ms. Rhiannon — Miss, she insists — proclaimed Byronic. There are women on the jury, she explains, but there are also husbands who don’t like their wives swooning over defendants. But besides that, be yourself.
When he puts on a sweater vest and a corduroy jacket, his lawyer claps her hands in delight. Perfect, she decrees. The ideal boy next door, no longer a paperback romance hero, oh no. Calm, friendly, reliable, one you’d want to grab a beer or a coffee with. She bats her eyelashes at that last part, though maybe Dan’s just imagining things. By the time the trial’s over, there’s no batting eyelashes at him anyway, just thirty extra pounds, gray hairs that suddenly got there despite the weird bald patches, and the humiliation of crying in front of a camera and not having any tissue. It takes him over a year to get back in shape, but it seems the liver spots are there to stay.
for angst, doomed middle aged men yaoi, and courtroom bathrooms continue reading here
(each chapter can work as a standalone, I think)
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Ser Stephan Of Harring’s Town Extra
This is set after Steve gives Eddie his guitar to look after.
This is also the last thing I have fully completed. But I’ll leave a link to my masterlist that has all my WIPs.
We can do this any of a couple different ways. I can start uploading all of what I have in a mad rush and then just post new parts when they come. I can focus on one in particular (list the one you want in the replies) and then post new parts when they come. Or finish it and post all the parts at once and then move on to the next one, finish it, post all parts, repeat ad nauseum. (Does that make sense??)
Eddie walked through the door of his trailer, guitar case in hand. He stopped when he saw his uncle on the sofa, beer in hand.
“Uh...” Eddie murmured, looking around sheepishly, “hi?”
“Watcha got there?” Wayne asked, jutting his jaw at the case in his hand.
“A guitar?” Eddie replied stupidly. He was usually better at thinking on the fly then this, but his brain had gone completely blank.
“Yeah?” Wayne said. “Let’s see then.”
Eddie moved to sit next to his uncle on the sofa. He flipped the clasps and opened the case.
Wayne let out a low whistle. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so pretty. Where did you get her?”
“I’m holding it for a friend,” Eddie murmured. “His dad’s a piece of work and doesn’t know my friend plays.”
“So he’s concerned it’ll get broke if it stays with him?” He held out his hands for the guitar. “May I?”
Eddie paused for a moment and handed it to him. Wayne strummed a couple of strings and looked down impressed at the sound quality. “Shit, son. She sounds as pretty as she looks.”
Eddie blushed.
“Not as pretty as her owner?” Wayne teased and Eddie blushed a darker shade of red.
“It’s not like that,” Eddie mumbled.
“But you’d like it to be, am I right?” Wayne started strumming properly and placed his fingers on the strings moving to play Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash.
“Yeah,” Eddie admitted softly. “There is just so many different facets to him that it’s like holding a crystal to the light.”
“Uh-oh,” Wayne said, pausing mid-strum. “If you’re already waxing poetic, you’re done for, head over heels.”
Eddie ducked his head, his face not being able to get any redder than it already was.
“Sometimes I feel we’re on the edge of something greater,” he said softly. “I’m just waiting to see who takes the first step.”
Wayne put the guitar down next to him. “Who says it can’t be you?”
“I guess I’m too used to being someone’s dirty little secret that I worry I’ll end up another one.”
Wayne pursed his lips. “I could see why that might be a concern especially with this boy’s daddy being a piece shit that would destroy this beautiful instrument instead of letting his boy be happy.”
Eddie sighed. “Yeah. I mean I wasn’t expecting miracles in a town that tried to straight up lynch me, but it would be nice if we were known to someone outside of ourselves.”
“So tell me,” Wayne said. “Even if it’s just one person. It wouldn’t be just the two of you. You could come here and be safe.”
Eddie nodded. “If we do get together, you’ll be first person I tell.”
“Good,” Wayne said, picking the guitar back up. “Let’s find a safe place for her, shall we?”
Eddie stood up and stretched. “I think we should name her.”
Wayne laughed. “Shouldn’t it be his job to name her?”
“Nah! If she hasn’t been named yet,” Eddie said with a grin, “then he’s lost all privileges.”
Wayne shook his head. “All right, then. Go on.”
Eddie tapped his lips with his finger. “Sweet Cherry!”
Wayne’s grin split his face. “Sweet Cherry it is.”
They decided to keep her under Wayne’s bed with the permission to take her out whenever Steve wanted to play her.
Tag List: @chaossmiles @bejeweledbaby @shrimply-a-menace @mightbeasleep @goblin-eddie @gregre369 @idea-less-author @xtkxkrzrizir @azure-and-gold @flanbott @garden-of-gay @tauntedperfume @marvelousforlife @itsfreakingbats
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senjutsunade · 2 months
✣Character Drabble✣
Shizune always asks what she is looking at, each time she catches the blonde staring out the window.
Tsunade is always startled—though never lets anyone see that—blinks to cover up how lost she had been, shrugs, and returns to the table, whining about more work, needing sake, or Kakashi being late. Again.
And the whole thing is forgotten for a few days until it happens again—when the cycle repeats. At times she gives a vague answer. At times just a sheepish smile. At times no response at all.
Tsunade wonders what Shizune thinks. Concern is always present in her apprentice’s eyes. Though she remains quiet. For which Tsunade is grateful.
The most meaningful discussion she has ever had with Kakashi had been when he inquired whether, when she looked at the picture outside the window, did she see a burden or possibilities? His solemn tone had made her remain quiet for a long time—knowing he wouldn’t want the answer she has to give. Instead, she gives one that will satisfy them both…yet not be an answer. She says she sees a dream.
She knows he expects her to elaborate. But she holds her silence and he chooses to respect her decision to not say more. Maybe he does understand. He is, after all, in a similar position to.
Ironically…the person who understands her need to look out is the one person she has clashed with constantly since her return to Konoha. Danzo, arriving unexpectedly, catches her by surprise, asking how often she sees the present when she looks outside? He doesn’t comment on her shock. Nor does he seem to expect an answer. That’s the only time his gaze tells her that for once, they are the same. Then he turns away and she follows. The past can wait after all.
What does it matter to Konoha that the window shows her not the present generation, but all the faces that are missing? That she sees the ones long gone, left only in her memories. That even when she sees the present, she still looks for the smiling face of her brother or a glimpse of white and black hair. She looks for all the faces she knows have not stepped into the village in decades.
The present day does not care that she is the last of a generation that sacrificed itself so that Konoha may still exist today.
And she questions whether it’s a blessing or a curse that she still remains there, to remember those who aren’t.
Outside the window, the world is a kaleidoscope of colors she once loved. The azure sky, the emerald leaves rustling in the wind, the vibrant reds and yellows—all are muted in her eyes, overshadowed by the ghosts of the past. The bustling streets are filled with laughter and life, yet all she can hear is the silence of those who have fallen.
Each day, the sunlight filters through the window, casting long shadows across her desk. She watches as the light dances, trying to find warmth in its touch, but it only serves to highlight the emptiness within her. The silhouettes of the villagers move about their daily lives, oblivious to the weight she carries, the history etched into her very soul.
Tsunade often catches herself tracing the lines of the glass with her fingertips, as if she could reach through it and touch the memories held on the other side. The window has become her silent confidant, bearing witness to her silent grief, her unspoken fears, and the relentless march of time.
She sees Nawaki’s youthful grin, always full of dreams too grand for his small frame. She sees Dan, with his kind eyes and the promise of a future that was stolen away. She sees Jiraiya, always a step behind, yet forever loyal. She sees Orochimaru, his serpentine gaze ever calculating, a reminder of the fine line between brilliance and madness. Their faces blend with the living, creating a tapestry of what was and what is, a constant reminder of the price of peace.
Every so often, a familiar face from her childhood appears in the crowd, now older, wearier. They nod to her, a silent acknowledgment of shared loss, but their eyes quickly move on, focusing on the future she struggles to embrace.
The seasons change outside, painting the village in different hues, but inside her office, it remains winter. The coldness of her reality, the stark white of her solitude, contrasts sharply with the life outside. She knows the village thrives, rebuilt from the ashes of war, but the cost is written in every invisible line of her face, every scar on her heart.
As the day fades into twilight, the sky outside her window turns a deep orange, then purple, then black. The stars emerge, one by one, distant and cold. Tsunade remains at her desk, the glow of the moon casting a pale light into the room. She sighs, the weight of the past and the burden of the present pressing heavily upon her.
In these quiet moments, when the world outside is cloaked in darkness, she allows herself to feel the full extent of her sorrow. Tears may fall, unseen and silent, but they are hers alone. For as long as she remains, so too will the memories, the ghosts, and the unending question of what might have been.
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