#and shannon forgot to give half of them personalities
buddielove · 3 months
I love the idea that the Universe™️ is like PERSONALLY invested in Buck’s life and has been trying for the past SEVERAL YEARS to literally hand hold him to the right person!
First by subtly dropping half naked Eddie Diaz into Buck’s direct line of vision right after his most devastating break up ever!
Then secondly having Eddie bring Chris right back to Buck (effectively baby trapping him), shove pizza money and legos in his hands and be like ‘there is no one I trust more with my son than you’ and just doing a ‘LOOK! RIGHT HERE!’ type hand motion at Eddie only for both of them to just NOT connect the dots.
Finally it’s like ‘OKAY! ALRIGHTY! YOU WANT TO PLAY?! YOU WANT TO TRY ME!’ And it just hits Shannon with a car because NOW! NOW THEY HAVE TO SEE! Buck must go give comfort, Eddie must relish in that comfort and return affections and FINALLY they will be together! Only no!
Like lmao I have this little hc that the Universe™️ has been trying and somehow failing (??) to get these two together for years, wondering how tf they’ve managed to avoid even an accidental kiss or too intimate touch, and it’s sent cars, trains, bullets, lightning! And it didn’t even SEND Tommy (it actually forgot he was going to visit) and now it’s just ‘on the next call Buck’s getting chocked’.
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whenthechickencry · 4 months
Umineko EP8. Replay Part 3
Bernkastel figuring out that "Lambdadelta's plan" is bullshit was slowed down by the fact she had no friends.
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EVA uses her magic to clear the sea of kitties from the room with the key, giving Ange and Battler a chance. EVA leaves letters with a red string to guide Ange, and Ange remarks that they can be trusted because they were written by someone who was always at her side... Narration remarks how Ange would get hurt a lot by the cat box being opened towards all, but the goats couldn't care less... Everyone's fighting to the best of their strength, with no mistakes and - Goddamnit Gohda.
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Erika finds out the truth and everyone tries to murder her immediately, Beatrice tells her to fuck off. Meanwhile, Bernkastel finds out the trick and forces attacks on Battler's group. Ange decides that even a 1% chance to live is a chance worth taking, I am so happy to see how she has changed her view. Lambdadelta makes herself lose to rock paper scissors, deciding to certainly not be a spectator and go with them for the happy ending.
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They are using the power of 3d to have basic candy models explode during this ending, btw. And whales. It's really cute how much their love and friendship is remarked over and over. Even when blowing each other up no one can argue the fact they love each other.
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We cut to the fight for the Golden Land again here, Then back to Ange and Battler. Ange feels about going back alone, and then Battler tells her that she must fight and we get this interaction....
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It makes me very happy every time the game remarks how Ange has grown. Anyways, Bern eats Lambda and Lambda explodes inside of her.
Oh huh.... now that I think about it those ep2 scenes with Shannon and Kanon certainly were interesting in that they established Shannon and Kanon as real people people outside Rokkenjima can perceive.
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All the talk about how people's recollections of you can give way to half-truths that don't match up to the fullness of that person is making me think about how the way people close to me have died and how the way people remember them has hurt me and others in my life, it's definitely, won't go into detail too much but this scene's giving me a lot to think about.
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Erika calls Rosa a serial cheater which is.... never the vibe I got from her remotely? I don't think there's much to say about her relationship with Maria's dad, but everything afterward gave off the vibes of not being in a committed enough relationship for "cheating" to be a thing. Aaaah, I feel really bad for Erika in spite of everything now...
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Erika and Beatrice get into a final duel, Beatrice saying they have already won because Ange is already choosing to live in the future. We cut back to Battler and Ange, Featherine arrives and Lambdadelta starts freaking out.
The moment where Lambda attacks still feels really cool even on reread. I actually like it way more on reread now that I saw how Lambdadelta was such an ally the entire time....
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Featherine simply writes that Lambdadelta is already dead, though, and Lambda can't even understand what happened... Lambdadelta calls her a monster.
I... honestly forgot the punch for a second myself. Was shocked at the same time Featherine was. Bernkastel "remembering what pain is" and these lines really do kind of demystify Bernkastel and make it pretty obvious how she's a bitter person who hates Beatrice and co for human reaons, I think.
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Bernkastel is also the main character in some game board, so this is her lashing out against herself as well. And the complete abandonment of Featherine is a little sad to think from her perspective.
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Bernkastel pulls the red truth that no one will come back to her towards Ange again, Battler dies in front of Ange, but even if Ange still struggles at seeing this, it's not like she hasn't gone through this song and dance a couple times now... she won't let the red truth destroy her miracle.
The tacit inclusion here of Beatrice as part of her family makes me so happy I want to cry.
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Ange's eagle fucking explodes the whale oh my god, Bernkastel then just keeps throwing red truths at Ange that definitely won't work anymore. Bernkastel is turned into a kitty. Featherine reveals Lambda is safe in the audience seat.
Ange goes on to make her choice in front of the 2 golden doors...
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Ange assures everyone that this isn't goodbye... not because they will always be with her, but because she still believes in them coming back to her. After making her choice, and being given the doll by Kinzo, Ange is back at the top of the skyscraper and she makes the decision to step back. Ange has decided to live.
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EVA and Battler close the door that leads into Ange's future, confident she can handle things on her own from now.
Erika has... mixed feelings about the events it seems. With how many insults she threw at Ange for wanting to kill herself I got the vibe she didn't want Ange to kill herself. Not like she'd be broken up about it either but I think her ideal ending was the trick ending, having someone who can understand what the truth did to her. She seems a a bit both impressed and displeased she can live with the truth while not turning into a bitter person. Battler cheers up by saying she isn't a witch at all, but the detective.
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Hachijo takes away the Book of Single truth and chides them for disturbing the sleep of the dead with rumors, and takes the book herself. Life became a little easier for Ange as people are less willing to be goats.
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We cut to Battler the scene of Battler and Beatrice in the same place where Kinzo and Beatrice met, Beatrice shows the motorboat to Battler and tells him to leave.
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I am going to cry even though I remember this scene perfectly.... Sayo definitely does not consider her life worth living anymore. All the cousins except Battler are dead, and she blames herself for that. She already didn't consider her life worth living before everything happened but after seeing the state of Rokkenjima, man, I can't imagine her mental state, even if Battler probably eased her heart a little... Battler takes her off Rokenjima but it's just not that easy. She's playing strong for Battler's sake, too... putting up the Beatrice persona. But her heart is too wrecked by now and it's too late.
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This scene is destroying me. I want her to reach the realization Ange did. I want her to be able to see the futures thtat I am sure she could have achieved.... but I know how this ends and every line destroys me more and more.
Beatrice tells Battler that she is an evil witch who can't keep living.
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Battler and Beatrice and Battler fall down with the catbox, together, forever.
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Ange thanks Okonogi for being the person to her that without love, the truth can't be seen. Okonogi was given in the Ushiromiya group so he's obviously pretty happy with the arrangement, and this also guarantees Ange's survival by making sure no one will be after her.... Ange reveals how she's going to in a journey and becoming an author so she can impart magic to other children.
Ange opens up her life as the last witch, ANGE BEATRICE.
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wixhing0nastar · 2 years
So I’m finally sitting down and watching Season 2 of Warrior Nun (I’ve been super sick for the last two weeks but I’ve let it play in the living room over a dozen times for the views) but first I wanted to rewatch Season 1.
Season 1 rewatch thoughts below the cut! Season 2’s coming soon!
First thought: fucking hate Mother Francis or whatever her name is, like, as a disabled person myself learning what she’d done to Ava and the other kids at the orphanage was rough.
On that note though, I do want to give WN props for its surprisingly good representation when it comes to Ava’s disability. Maybe a little-known fact outside of disabled communities, but narratives like Ava’s where the person is magically cured by something are normally pretty unpopular (with us) and offensively written.
But the way it's handled is actually really good! Sure, Ava can magically walk and use her arms again, but we see repeatedly that she struggles with pretty basic (for an able-bodied person) things because she was never in a position to learn them. And even more impressive is how they managed to write Ava’s selfish/thoughtless behavior without demonizing her for it and acknowledging that it’s a result of trauma and something that needs to be worked on... like lots if things you have to work on after a long-term traumatic experience.
I suddenly really want to see Ava and Shannon interact. Like, I know it's impossible on account of Shannon being dead, but I’m very curious what their interactions would look like.
For some reason, I don't remember the OCS having this much screentime during the earlier episodes... which is good because tbh I really don't vibe with JC’s Drifter group... which is on purpose, we as the audience are drawn into Ava’s narrative and her thoughts and desires and outside of having some uh... Hormonal Feelings towards JC, she doesn't really care about the Drifters outside of having a good time, unlike how she eventually comes to feel out the OCS.
Which, on that note, maybe I’m noticing/paying more attention now because I’ve seen the back half of the season and have come to care about them in retrospect.
Me Vibrating In My Seat: Look! This random tidbit supports my “Ava is the WN universe’s Second Coming of Christ” theory!
Okay, another thing I don't think I’ve picked up before was that the flying levitating is a power that’s unique to Ava and that different Warrior Nuns have different “bonus powers” so to speak...
I wonder if, based on Lilith’s reaction during the scene, another one of Ava’s powers is either like... ridiculously high pain tolerance or super rapid healing to the point her brain doesn't register the pain from something as simple as getting hit by a stick?
Because Lilith and Mother Superion both seemed to think it should hurt and I feel like out of everyone they’d know what “standard” Halo-Bearer powers should look like best.
Ugh Lilith... what sucks is knowing where her character arc is going and this whole “hunting down Ava” thing feels (pardon the pun) saintly in comparison to where she’s going.
The Mary/Ava episode is probably my favorite episode of Season 1. Just, peek comedy with a mix of feels and lore, aka: perfection.
Camila showing up to a knife fight with an automatic machine gun (after Ava was just shot with an arrow) is also peek comedy. “I really hope I got God’s message right.” Which I only just realized is a call back to the last conversation with Beatrice.
Also just... knowing that Ava’s biggest fear is being alone, and like... the joy radiating off of her when Mary, Beatrice, and Camila are taking care of her while she’s injured hurts. Like... after the way Mother Bitch treated her for being quadriplegic, it was such a surprising experience to be taken care of so tenderly by people she’d only known for like... a week? After spending 12 years being told she was nothing but a burden by her own caretaker. No wonder she’s willing to die for them down the line.
Also, forgot to say anything during the episode, but I love how the two women we’ve kind of seen as primary antagonists up to this point (Jillian and Mother Superion) are both developed into sympathetic characters (and future allies) during the same episode, which is also right around the time Father Vincent starts seeming a little sus (even though it’s hard to tell because everyone else is even more sus).
Ah... the scene that started it all. I do love Beatrice’s coming out scene. It’s so beautifully done and I love Ava’s reaction, not just as someone who ships them. Like... Ava struggles a bit with empathy, when JC told her about his mom she didn't really seem to care all that much, but when Beatrice is opening up about her own messed up history and is clearly upset, you can almost see the switch getting flipped in Ava’s mind and she becomes genuinely serious and concerned for one of the first times in the show...
I love heists!
That’s it. That’s the comment.
The reveal that the main characters have been unknowingly aiding the bad guys the whole time is just... perfection.
AAAND THERE’S THE CLIFFHANGER! Can’t say I’m upset I won’t have to wait another two years to watch the next episode, lol.
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catboyruy · 4 years
I finally convinced my friend to read kotlc but she wants me to reread the series with her and I- I don’t want to be brought back to the reality that everything I love about the series isn’t canon yet.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Based on the post you made abt people who dislike Sophie, do you think she’s a self-centered person? Or that she can be at times?
Oo that's an intriguing question. I think that she can be self-centered, but that the vast majority of the time it's appropriate and not something that's negative about her character or something to be changed.
(putting the rest under a cut because long :))
The thing is, Sophie is the main character. This story is told through her, about her specific experience and relationship to everything that is happening to her world and her life. Of course there's going to be a heavy focus on her, because that's the point. She's not an impartial observer, she plays a large active role in everything, so she should be self-centered about what's happening.
Take all the times she thinks about her unnaturally strong abilities and worries about them or her role as the moonlark or her focus on her biological parents. Those things relate the the plot, yes, but they're parts of it that are very important and connected to her character as well. It's only natural that people think about themselves and how things impact them! In fact, I'd be off-put if Sophie was able to distance herself and impartially compare everything with everyone else and represent everyone equally. She shouldn't have to give up herself for the sake of everyone else in the story when it's her story (not that anyone is suggesting that)
Are there times she could've reached out more to friends and been more inclusive? Yes. In that sense, I suppose she could be considered self-centered if that's the definition you're using. Dex could've had a more active role in some missions, and she could better utilize her friends strengths better. Linh frequently gets left out of the loop, and Tam was stuck in the Neverseen a lot longer than he probably would've been if they'd actively tried to get him out. That's something Sophie actively feels guilty about and berates herself for, so she's aware of the behavior. But I also don't think I, personally, can blame her for it because it was very clearly out of her hands. Shannon needed Tam to be able to trigger Keefe's new ability as part of the climax at the very very very end, and in order for him to do that he needed to be under Gisela's control, so she couldn't take him away from the Neverseen until it'd been done otherwise nothing new would've happened.
I do think it's a little unreasonable to expect her to keep up perfectly with all her friends though. There are a lot of people in her life, and they all have different thoughts and desires and take up space on the page. Sometimes some need more focus than others. There are people it could be distributed to more, like Dex and Linh, but it's not some moral failing if you're closer to some of your friends than others. They don't all need to have the exact same standing. But I'm getting off topic
Another thing though is that a lot of her actions that could be considered selfish or self-centered are also done for the sake of others. Her running away to bottle everblaze and prove it was actually everblaze was something she chose to do against everyone's instructions, and she did it not only to prove her worries right but because humans were in danger. She looked so much into the Black Swan in Exile to learn about her creators and then fixing her abilities so she could save Alden. Yes, she didn't want to be broken anymore, but Alden was a huge part of it too. She didn't ask Dex if he wanted to go where they were held because she didn't want him to have to relive that. You can agree or disagree with the decision, but at least part of it came from her concern for her friend. She temporarily forgot about Biana...while trying to keep half a dozen people alive having just found her parents brutalized unconscious bodies after weeks of searching. I think in this kind of situation she's allowed to pass of the concern for one person to another. Fitz can worry primarily about Biana and she can worry about her parents, that way they're not trying to dart between the two. Sophie started looking into her parents for Fitz, because he wanted to be matched and she wanted to be matchable too. I'd argue that Sophie's actions, the vast majority of the time, are motivated by something to do with someone else.
So overall, Sophie can be self-centered, but it's her story and so much of it--the human experiments, the strange abilities, the Black Swan as a whole, etc.--relates directly to her in a way it does to no one else, so she's allowed to be selfish and self-centered about it and it makes sense for her to be. Is she perfect? Nope! There are instances where her involvement in things pushes others to the side, but that's not something she wants to do and she does feel bad about it, so the behavior may be remedied yet.
At least, that's my perspective on it. Of course anyone is welcome to disagree with my opinions!
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stab-the-son-of-a · 3 years
Whumptober No.6
TW: Food, alcohol, starvation, food descriptions that may be gross, allusion to gastric issues and nausea
Ambiguously set after this, "Cracking a Cold One", and before this, "Shower Talks". First.
There was something he’d forgotten, but for the life of him, Jaden couldn’t remember what it was.
Which, admittedly, was just about one of the worst feelings. It was like he could imagine in his mind’s eye the to do list, but a specific entry was rendered to garbled gibberish. He paid his father. He paid the utilities and the mortgage payment, and the car, and the insurance and all those adult bills. It wasn’t their wedding anniversary, or their engagement anniversary, or her birthday, and frankly he’d never had a hard time remembering any of those dates.
No doctor’s appointments, no meetings with his father, or his boss…
Idly, Jaden swirled the glass of seltzer with one hand and examined the fading bruises on the knuckles of his other hand. They were healing up well- he couldn’t really see them anymore. He took another sip and continued to mull over what it was he could have forgotten.
Shannon had sent him to the store for more water bottles and oatmeal because they were out of it. Jaden had kept his word to Dal-- the boomer, three bowls versus one, plus protein bars--
Oh shit. Oh shit that’s what he forgot.
Jaden leaped up off the couch, swaying slightly with the buzz of alcohol, and hurriedly rushed into the kitchen and tossed most of the oatmeal into the pot, along with plenty of water.
“Fuck!” Jaden snarled as he waited for the mixture to heat up, stirring it furiously. As some splattered onto the stovetop, he turned up the temperature as high as it would go and scrambled for a rag to wipe up the mess. “Jesus fucking fuck.”
How could he forget that? A single stupid job- don’t fucking starve the people in the basement. It wasn’t that hard. Scraping the bottom to make sure nothing burned, he stirred the oat mixture again and shifted uncomfortably. When had he last brought them food? Last night, right? Shannon had made something with beans and rice and egg and Jaden had brought them half the leftovers because they were out of oats and, well, people needed something once a day or so, right?
Wait. Shit. That was the day before yesterday. Yesterday was some sort of soup that didn’t agree with him and he’d gone to bed early.
So that made two days now. The math worked. Wednesday, he fed them, Thursday, he forgot, and today he forgot. But it was only a little after 8 at night, so there was still time.
The oatmeal in the pot bubbled unappetizingly. He made a face at it, personally offended, and chewed his lower lip. Darting his attention around the kitchen, he searched out the spice rack. Shannon was the cook, not Jaden, but even he knew that oatmeal and cinnamon went fine together. There was cinnamon in oatmeal cookies. And sugar. And probably butter and egg? He didn’t know, did he look like a pastry chef? But, the brown stuff, that wouldn’t be hard to find.
After nearly dropping the cayenne and paprika and checking the label, he took a spoon from the drawer and scooped out a small mound. That would be enough, right? Right.
It clumped a little as he mixed it in, and a small puff rose up at first, the stench of it strong enough that he wondered if maybe he’d put in too much, but after a few more times, the oatmeal was pretty much all one cohesive color and texture. Plus, if the steam was any indication, it was hot enough now.
Maybe too hot, but that’s what long sleeves were for. Jaden crammed the last three protein bars in the box into his pockets while he waited for the food to cool down enough to ladle out into bowls.
After the too late realization that the first bowl he grabbed wasn't enough to hold the oatmeal, Jaden switched it out for three larger ones.
Water probably wouldn’t be a bad thing, either, but he only had so many hands. He’d give them more in the morning. And, while it was on his mind, he set an alarm to go off at six every night. Problem solved. It would be good to keep them on a schedule anyway.
When Jaden first agreed to this whole mess, he didn’t think it’d be this much effort on his part, or that Shannon wouldn’t help as much -- he felt like the dad conned into getting his kids a pet. Jaden grimaced at the comparison and shoved that deep into the back of his mind in favor of gathering up the steaming bowls. Indeed they were overwarm in his hands and where he balanced it in the crook of his elbow, but he managed.
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girlofmanyfandoms · 4 years
A/n: So, I feel bad for not posting lately, here’s my AU where I take a slightly different take on the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. A few changes that I’m trying to make: more friendship-based, no love triangle, probably more gay, more racially diverse cast (without any harmful stereotypes). I’ll try to stay true to each character’s personality!
I’ll also take this time to say there’s stuff I haven’t released yet, so tell me if you want me to release those!
Disclaimer: This is in no way hating on Shannon’s series, I just wanna see where the story would go if we took a slightly different approach!
Warnings: I didn’t edit this at all-
Word count: 2868
Tag list:  @everyonehasthoughts @imaramennoodle @bookwyrminspiration @holesinmyfalseconfidence @percabetn @an-absolute-travesty @linhammon-roll-bromance101 @linhamon-roll @holesinmyfalseconfidence @linhamon2 @a-lonely-tatertot @loverofallthingssmart
Let me know if you want to be added or if I forgot to tag you!
“Uh, no boys, she’s sitting with me.”
Jensi raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with her sitting here, Marella?”
“Nothing! I just need to pull her to the side for some girl talk.” Marella pulled Sophie’s sleeve, navigating across the cafeteria to an empty booth in the corner. Sitting down and adjusting herself, she extended a hand. “Marella Redek. No nicknames. I know the ins and outs of everything around here.”
“Sophie Foster,” Sophie introduced, shaking her hand, though her response came out as a murmur. She brushed her hair out of her face, trying to shrink as small as possible. “But I’m sure you knew that.”
Marella nodded. “You must’ve caused the Council a lot of trouble if you’ve gotten your way into Level Two right after being with humans. What was it like, by the way?”
“Pretty normal, I guess. Well, not for me, I was a highschool senior at 12, and my parents wanted me to attend community college instead of an Ivy League. Even the newspapers were talking about it, and that ticked my parents off big time.”
“I know, crazy, right?” Sophie started digging into her lunch. “Why would the news choose a story about a child over actual breaking news?”
“No, I meant those words you used. A high school, college, a new paper? What do they mean?”
“Oh, that’s right! Those are more human terms, sorry,” Sophie apologized. “There are levels of human school: Preschool, which is usually ages 1 to 4, elementary school is from ages 5 to 10, middle school is ages 11 to 13, high school is ages 14 to 17, and college is at least four years, and gives you the certification you need to get a good paying job. Newspapers are just mini books made completely of paper that tell you what’s going on in the world.”
“Oh,” Marella said, looking off into the distance. “I guess I never really thought that human school would be so different from Foxfire. We just have these levels, and then the elite levels. What was your human family like?”
Sophie tugged out an eyelash, which didn’t go unnoticed on Marella’s end. “U-um-“
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be pushing you so much on your first day. I should be helping you adjust.” She toyed with her food. “So, how’s our world been for you so far?”
“A little overwhelming,” Sophie admitted. “I don’t feel half as glamorous as anything around me. We don’t exactly have crystal houses and fancy ball gowns in San Diego.”
“You don’t?” Marella shook her head vigorously. “Right. Sorry. Let’s get back on track. Anything you think you’ll need to know that I can help you with?”
Sophie clutched her knees, now rolled up into a ball. This Marella girl was a bit intense at first, but maybe she wasn’t so bad. After all, she had saved her from sitting with some yes-boys. The declared leader of them seemed friendly, but a little too hyper. No, she decided, Marella wasn’t half bad. “I don’t know. Anything really, you know best.”
“Alright, then. This place is sort of a maze, try to find someone with a similar schedule to you so you can walk together until you know your way around. You know Stina Heks?”
Sophie shivered and nodded, thinking back to seeing her raging through the halls screaming about someone making her bald. She could’ve sworn she heard her say “Disney,” too.
“Stay away from her. Stereotypical bully, not afraid of fighting dirty. The Vackers, Keefe Sencen, and their little bubble are all the buzz. They’re pretty nice, and Sencen’s a bit of a flirt, but if you don’t like attention, maybe steer clear from them.”
Sophie let out a bitter laugh. “Easier said than done. The Vackers are the ones who found me. Fitz brought me here, Alden sent him out to find me, and Della helped me get ready for Foxfire.” Sophie paused to pull out another eyelash. “I don’t think Biana likes me much.
Marella’s eyes widened in shock as she leaned back and blew out a breath.
“Is that bad?” Sophie was panicking a bit now. What had she screwed up now?
“Well, it’s not good for your social status, that’s for sure.” Marella started slicing her food, which resembled Jello. “If you’re on her bad side, you’ll want to stay away from Maruca, too. They’re best friends.”
“Great,” Sophie sighed. One day in and she already had a long list of people to avoid. “Anything else I should know about?”
“Oh, yeah, but I’ll stick to school stuff. Your most difficult subjects are gonna be Elementalism and Alchemy.”
“I can help with that,” a boy called, sliding next to Sophie in the booth and placing his tray down. “Dex Dizznee, by the way.”
“Sophie Foster.” She grinned a bit. Edaline had gone without her to the apothecary and mentioned the “Disneys.” This must’ve been who Stina was shouting at. “I saw what you did to Stina earlier. Wicked move.”
“Finally, someone understands the genius! She deserved it, too, after what a pain she was last year. That’s where the alchemy comes in handy.”
Marella rolled her eyes, and Dex leaned back casually. “Don’t act like you don’t think she deserved it Marella. You know she did.”
“Ok, it was kind of satisfying seeing her run around like that-“
“-but don’t take it as a sign that I’ll join in. I have a reputation to protect.”
Dex snorted. “Yeah, as the gossip girl.”
“I don’t gossip, I have connections,” she corrected.
“Whatever you say madam,” Dex relented jokingly. “What about you, Soph? Got anything you could build a reputation for?”
“Not really,” she expressed. “I don’t want the spotlight. I just want to make it by here.”
Marella took a bite of her lunch and scoffed. “Good luck with that.”
“Tell you what, my next class is Multispecesial Studies, I can walk you to Alchemy,” Dex offered.
“Really? That would be great, thank you!”
“No problem. It’s hard making it by for people like us.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Marella chugged down her lushberry juice.
“We’re different, special.”
“So, outcasts?” Sophie rested her head in her hand and stirred her drink nonchalantly, taking in the view of the cafeteria. It was remarkably pristine and clean, its white walls with blue accents not showing a hint of grime. With the barstools at tables all around the center and the booths to the side, it looked like every diner’s dream.
“No, not outcasts. Think more sideline supporters.”
“So, advocates,” Sophie helped. “I don’t really see that, but maybe one day. Right now I just want to pass.”
“Well you can’t do that on an empty stomach,” Marella chided playfully. “Eat up. Lady Galvin is a stickler for accuracy.”
Fantastic. Sophie had only been there one day and she had already ruined her Alchemy teacher’s favorite cloak. Marella was right, Alchemy was tough. She’d have to take Dex up on his offer. She wandered through the halls, trying to find the way to her next class, P.E. She strolled like this for a few more minutes before a snobby voice called to her from down the hall.
“Lost, new kid?”
Sophie winced. Great. The number one person on her People To Avoid list had already found a way into her world. She attempted to speed walk, but the clacking of leveled boots followed quickly, and she was spun around with a harsh push.
Stina laughed, and for a 12 year old elven child, it sounded quite maniacal. “Why so frightened? I don’t bite. Much.”
Somehow Sophie sincerely doubted that. There had to be some fangs behind that evil smirk. But maybe she could play it cool with this demon in disguise.
“I’m not frightened, just lost. Do you think you could point me to P.E.? I don’t want to be late on my first day.” Sophie held her breath, hoping she came off as casual.
“My pleasure,” Stina grinned a sickeningly sweet smile. “In fact, I’ll walk you there. Wouldn’t want our newest prodigy to miss class because of some weak instructions, now would we?”
“No, of course not.”
Stina linked their arms, acting as if they were old pals going on a walk in the park to catch up. It was silent except for the shuffling of their shoes, so Sophie made sure she was hyper aware of her surroundings, trying to memorize the numbers on each locker and how they connected to the twisting, winding paths of the school.
At this point, she was sure Stina planned to do something crazy to her, like stuff her in a locker or hide her body, so she had to think fast. Luckily, this was her specialty.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry,” Sophie began, stopping abruptly. Stina stumbled a bit, but regained her composure in seconds. “I forgot something at my locker! Oh, I’m so sorry, but Edaline told me I’d need what was in my locker. You go ahead, I shouldn’t keep you from your class! Don’t worry, I’ll find my way to Phys Ed.”
Sophie speed walked away, leaving Stina in the dust. Once she rounded the corner, she took off, speeding through corridors and halls until she ran out of breath. Giving up, she rested her head against the wall, trying to clear her head when she was forced to her feet and slammed into a locker. There was a click, and through the slits, Sophie could see Stina’s eyes crinkled in smugness and satisfaction. Yet through all of this, the only thing Sophie was thinking of was, That was pretty lame on a scale of bullying-ness.
“Good luck getting out of there, Foster,” she remarked. “Now, you get comfortable, I have some business to attend to.”
“Gonna go sharpen your claws?” Sophie snapped.
“No, newbie, I’m going to put the princess of Everglen in her place. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you updated!”
And with that, Stina clacked away, her footsteps receding and the silence finding its way to creep back in.
Sophie had no way of telling time. This she had learned when she realized she had in fact left something in her locker: her Imparter and the Ruewen crest. She let out an audible groan of frustration, and tried to occupy herself with her temporary home. There were books about unicorn breeding on the shelf above her, to which Sophie wrinkled her nose. Next, there was a box of animal pins, glittering and shiny, and she was very tempted to stuff a few in her pocket, but she restrained herself. She took to examining the pictures on the door with what little light she had and realized, to her disdain, that this was Stina’s locker.
Sophie shivered in disgust and tried patting herself out and getting the Stina vibes off of her.
“Well, if I’m going to be stuck here, I might as well take advantage of it,” she decided. Sophie put all of her energy into memorizing the photo album beside her, and wound up with some lovely photos of baby Stina, along with some other cherished memories. She was scanning through Stina’s diary and chuckling to herself at her inevitable revenge when yelling came from around the corner. Sophie dropped the journal and shuffled forward a bit, peering through the slits. This could be her saving.
“MESS WITH BIANA ONE MORE TIME-” Maruca had her pinned to the wall and looked ready to murder her, but Stina remained unfazed.
“Relax, duchess, you might be the heir soon,” Stina responded coolly.
That was the breaking point. Maruca opened her locker, which was, unfortunately, next to the one Sophie was trapped in, and slammed it shut.
“Maruca!” Sophie yelled, but Stina rattled in her locker, and shouted curses over her, both to insult Maruca and to put an end to Sophie’s escape plan.
Maruca was quick to exit, and soon enough it was just Stina and Sophie, trapped in their lockers, trying to determine the other person’s next move.
“Do you happen to know how to break down locker doors?” Stina commented dryly.
“Would I still be here if I did?”
“You got a hairpin?” Sophie asked. “Or some thin piece of metal you can slide in between the crack of our lockers? I might be able to break out of mine by picking the lock.”
“And what about me? Gonna leave me here to rot while you run free?” She harrumphed. “I don’t think so. If I’m suffering you suffer with me.”
“I’ll get you out too, just answer the question and slide the metal through the crack.”
Stina huffed, but Sophie heard the sound of metal on metal scratch as something hit her foot. “My family crest. Do not scratch it.”
“You got it.” Sophie used her fingernails to get a little bit of extra room before sliding the crest through the door. She maneuvered it a bit, and the door let out a click as it swung open. Sophie fell forward face first, but sat up and whooped in victory.
Stina cleared her throat. “I’m still here.”
“Oh, I know,” Sophie poked smugly. “But if I’m going to break you outta there, you’re going to owe me a favor.”
“I do NOT-“
“Fine, then stay there. And spend all day, heck, maybe even until tomorrow, stuck in that cramped locker with no food or water whatsoever.” Sophie began to stroll away slowly, biding for time just in case Stina changed her mind about the offer.
“Fine,” she grumbled. “Just get me out.”
Sophie cheered to herself silently and crouched down in front of the locker and got to work. Stina was peering through the slits in the locker, and for a moment they felt each other’s breath on their faces and they met eyes before glaring at each other and backing up a bit. The door swung open, and Stina came crashing down onto Sophie.
Stina pushed herself off of her quickly, seeming very flustered. She reached out a hand to Sophie, which she took. Stina shook Sophie’s hand off of hers.
“I need my family crest,” she said, looking off to the side uncomfortably.
“Oh,” Sophie frowned, unsure why she felt a little disappointed. Probably because my back hurts and I was just refused the little she could have given as thanks, she thought. “Right. Take it.”
Stina’s fingers brushed against Sophie’s as she took it back and pinned it onto her cloak once more. “Well.” Stina lifted her nose upon in the air, regaining her haughty facade. “Until we meet again, Foster.”
“Yeah, Sophie nodded, getting back to her feet. Once Stina was out of earshot, she muttered, “Hopefully that’s never.”
Sophie dusted herself off, finally registering her circumstances. She was late for class, and she looked disheveled. Stina had just walked off, leaving her lost, confused, and just waiting for a punishment of her lifetime. Sighing, she walked along the edges of a pyramid.
“Ms. Foster,” a cold voice crowed from behind her.
Sophie recognized that voice. Dame Alina. “Yes, ma’am?”
“Is there a particular reason that you’re not in class right now?”
“Incoming!” a boy screamed from the top of his lungs, a bunch of verminions on his tail. Alina shrieked and ran into a neighboring hall for shelter. Sophie took this as an opportunity to find her way out of this maze and escape Alina’s grasp. She followed the boy until they reached the Healing Center, where he hid until the verminions passed by. Sophie stopped. She could go in and ask whatever medic was present for directions, but the thought of going anywhere near a doctor made her sick to the stomach.
“Can I help you, new girl?”
Sophie jumped. The boy she had been following was right in front of her, and she instinctively slunk back.
“Chill, I won’t hurt you. The name’s Keefe, but you can call me-“
“Sorry Keefe, but I’m really late for class, do you know where P.E. Is?”
He furrowed his eyebrows and massaged his neck, looking a bit hurt. “Uh, yeah, take a left after the next three halls.”
“Thank you!” Sophie bolted to class and arrived there out of breath.
“Sophie! Just in time for us to start splotching,” Dex waved her over. “It’s easy, you just use your telekinesis to move this marble into the other person. If you succeed, it bursts and you get a paint splotch on you.”
“Great,” she muttered. “You won’t believe what I’ve just gone through.”
“Tell me at the end of class. We’re gonna need all of our focus for this.”
“Alright,” she sighed. She couldn’t be upset, seeing Dex that excited lifted her mood just a bit. And that was just the boost she needed.
This was it. It was down to her and Fitz for the Splotching Champion title. Sophie gathered her concentration. She could not mess this up.
The splotcher was thrown in between them, and Sophie gave it her all. The marble exploded with a loud boom, and they were both thrown into opposite sides of the room. Sophie saw nothing but the green paint, and then darkness.
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stellarstacey · 4 years
So! Today's my birthday, do you think you could do a birthday Buddie piece?? Maybe the birthday person forgot it was their bday and everyone throws them a surprise party? Chris with an adorable present would be awesome too!
Eddie glared at his phone when the alarm went off. It was officially 6:08 AM meaning that he was now 33 years old. When did he get that old...Okay so maybe 33 wasn’t old in the grand scheme of things but to Eddie it felt like the end of the world. Eddie sighed and ran a hand down his face but froze when his phone dinged. 
Happy Birthday, Edmundo :) 
Eddie groaned at the reminder. Edmundo...yeah Buck was definitely pushing his buttons. 
Fuck off!
Eddie replied as he got up and started on his morning workout. 
Well aren’t you a bucket of sunshine this morning.
Eddie scoffed and wiped the sweat from his brow. 
Fuck you Buckley!
Eddie shook his head trying to fight off the smile at the corner of his lips. 
Is that what you want for your birthday? 
Eddie looked at the text confused. 
To fuck me? XD 
Eddie spat out his coffee as he set the mug down on the counter. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, Buck!” Eddie spluttered as he looked over at Christopher’s room to make sure he didn’t wake him up. 
The room door stayed close. Eddie took a deep breath. 
What are you gonna do? Put a bow on your dick? 
Eddie tried to joke but the image of Buck standing before him with nothing but a bow wrapped around his...Fuck, he could feel himself getting hard at the thought alone.
If that’s what you want than sure! :P
Eddie snorted and sat down on at the counter.
What I want is to be 32 again!
Youre not old, man. Stop being an idiot and enjoy today. 
Eddie smirked.
Calling me an idiot on my birthday, what kind of best friend are you?
The bestest! 
Eddie smiled at his phone. 
I got to get Chris ready, see you at work!
Eddie was actually having a good day. Christopher had giving him extra birthday hugs and kisses. Bobby had cooked him a birthday feast breakfast. Hen had gotten him this new book he really wanted. Chim had been making him laugh all day and Buck... Buck was perfect because he was Buck. Eddie found himself outside of the station texting his parents. He was the only one allowed to have his phone on him because of Christopher, so sometimes he abused that power. 
“Hey.” Buck said coming up to stand next to him. 
“Hey.” Eddie smiled at him and Buck looked around them for a second before leaning in closer to whisper to him.
“Blue or green?” Buck asked and Eddie frowned in confusion.
“What?” Eddie asked and Buck smirked.
“For the bow, blue or green?” Buck teased and Eddie rolled his eyes. 
“You’re still on about that?” Eddie asked with amusement. 
“You still haven’t answered my question.” Buck bit his lip and Eddie raised an eyebrow. 
“Blue.” Eddie shrugged and Buck nodded.
The alarm went off and they raced for the truck. 
Eddie was dead tired by the end of the shift. He just wanted to go home and spend the night with his son. He was half way to his truck when a hand caught his arm. 
“I know you’re beat...but could you spare ten minutes for your best friend?” Buck asked shyly and Eddie could never say no to him.
“Sure.” Eddie nodded and Buck dragged him over to the side of the station. 
When Buck started to climb the ladder that led to the roof, Eddie blinked in confusion but followed him up. He felt his heart stutter in chest at the sight. Fairy lights were hanging off poles...music was playing from a small speaker. There were two lawn chairs underneath the lights. Also a cooler filled with Eddie’s favorite beer. Eddie felt the back of his eyes sting...He fought off the tears. No one...No one had ever done something like this for him. Not his parents or his abuela or his sisters...not even Shannon. Eddie swallowed and followed Buck to the chairs. Buck plopped down and handed Eddie a beer. Eddie plopped down next to him. 
“This is...Buck you didn’t have to go through all the trouble...” Eddie whispered and Buck rolled his eyes. 
“This was nothing, man. It only took like an hour to set up. Plus you didn’t exactly seem into my other idea so I had to improvise.” Buck joked and Eddie nearly choked on his beer...if Buck only knew...
“Buck I mean it...This is... “ Eddie trailed off and Buck smiled at him and handed him a box with a small blue bow on it. 
Eddie smirked at the bow. 
“This is not your dick in a box is it?” Eddie asked and Buck burst out into laughter. 
“No!” Buck shook his head and Eddie smirked as he opened the box and froze at the leather bound book. 
Eddie took it out of the box. He opened to the first page and froze as he saw a picture of himself when he was only maybe two or three. He turned the next page and it was picture of him with his sisters when he was about seven or eight. He kept turning the pages and it was a timeline of his life...Pictures he hasn’t seen in years or didn’t know existed...Pictures of his army friends, of Shannon, family, Christopher, The 118. He couldn’t stop the tears now... 
“Where did you get some of these?” Eddie choked out and Buck shrugged. 
“Some from your abuela, some from your parents and sisters. I tracked down some of your army friends through Instagram... Some are mine... At the end everyone left you a message.” Buck stated and Eddie flipped the pages and saw pages and pages of letters addressed to him. 
Eddie bit his lip to keep the sob from escaping him when he saw Christopher’s letter.
“Buck...” Eddie let out a small choked sound and Buck blinked in shock.
“Shit, did I fuck up? Was this a bad idea?” Buck asked nervously and Eddie put the book down in the box and stood up. 
“Get up!” Eddie growled and Buck’s eyes widened as he stood up.
“Eddie I’m sorry I thought it was a good idea...I didn’t want to upset...” 
Eddie shoved Buck roughly against the door leading down into the station. Buck stared at him in shock and Eddie put a hand on either side of Buck’s head trapping him there.
“I don’t want to feel old anymore!” Eddie growled again and Buck frowned at him. 
“Okay?” Buck looked so lost.
“I never did anything crazy when I was young. I always played by the rules...I don’t want to play by the rules tonight.” Eddie whispered as he got closer to Buck leaving no space between them.
“I’m so lost, man.” Buck whispered back breathing harshly. 
“You trust me?” Eddie asked and Buck frowned.
“With my life.” Buck answered honestly. 
Eddie leaned closer and bit Buck’s lower lip pulling it back with him as he leaned away. Buck’s eyes darkened into pitch black orbs. Eddie let go and the lip fell back into place. 
“You wanna break the rules?” Buck whispered into Eddie’s ear and Eddie nodded. 
“You came to the right place, baby.” Buck whispered as he kissed and nip Eddie’s ear sucking on the lobe. 
“I wanna be bad tonight...” Eddie growled and Buck hissed in pleasure as Eddie palmed him through his jeans. 
“You wanna fuck me on the roof of the station, Eds?” Buck breathed into his ear and Eddie moaned nodding. 
“You want it rough?” Buck asked as he kissed Eddie’s jawline. 
Eddie shook his head. “Slow...Slow. I just wanna feel every part of you.” Eddie murmured and Buck let out a deep content sigh. 
“Kiss me.” Buck whispered pleadingly and Eddie kissed him lazily.
It was sloppy and lazy and perfect. Eddie pulled away. 
“I love you.” Eddie whispered and Buck closed his eyes. 
“I’ve been wanting to hear those words from you for...God I love you too. I have never loved anyone like the way I love you.” Buck whispered and Eddie smiled at him. 
“We should probably not have sex up here...” Eddie muttered with a small frowned. 
“Maybe not the best idea...” Buck frowned and Eddie looked at him. 
“Ask me if I care?” Eddie smirked and Buck lifted an amused eyebrow.
Eddie held Buck in his arms as they looked up at the night sky. They were naked on the roof of the station and smiling ear from ear.
“It’s two hours before Christopher’s bedtime. If we leave now we can spend sometime with him before he has to go to sleep.” Buck muttered as he leaned up to kiss Eddie before pulling him up to get dress. 
Buck was pulling on his jeans. 
Buck froze at the use of his first name. 
“Thank you for making this the best birthday of my life.” Eddie whispered and Buck smiled at him.
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March 26th - Day 4: “You want to marry me?” + love @evanbuckleyweek
Marry and be Merry
Eddie walked into Buck apartment with bags in his arms. He and buck were going to make simple but delicious tacos and watch a new movie tonight while Christopher was at a school lock-in for their last day of school.
He had anything that he might need for if Christopher called with an emergency to be picked up.
Buck was sitting on the kitchen table looking deep in thought at papers.
"You okay?" Eddie asked while putting down the bags.
"I think I'm screwed." Buck said more of a whisper.
"What's wrong?" Eddie moved closer.
"My hospital bills. Most of the visits were covered but others weren't or not fully at the time."
"How much are we talking?" Eddie asked while sitting down next to buck. The food forgotten now.
"So big that I could use the money I'd have gotten from the settlement." Buck gulped.
Oh. Oh, no. This was worse than bad. How could Eddie help?
"But you're back on your full coverage now?" Eddie asked putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah. So the last few weren't a problem but the ones before still are. I don't know what to do. Well I do but I don't like it." Buck frowned.
"What are you gonna do?"
"File for bankruptcy or see if they'll adjust payments so I actually have a chance to start catching up." Buck sighed.
"Buck. That'd be- you shouldn't have to do that." Eddie suddenly felt a pit of anger for the world at never letting buck feel good for long. "What are theses?" He thought to change the subject. At least for tonight, he could keep buck's mind off this problem.
"Other bills and a letter from my Gram's" buck pulled the letter up and opened it.
She was the best. While grandma couldn't be around often she always tried to kept in touch with them. She helped him on getting the jeep when his parents couldn't because he really needed it then.
Eddie looked as buck's brows meet in confusion. "Hmm."
"What is it? She's okay right?"
"She asked why I'm waiting so long to get my inheritance?" Buck said the word like it was a foreign concept.
"What inheritance?"
"I don't know. Let me finish reading this. 'Evan I can't change it within the time left with how busy I am traveling. You have till your thirtieth birthday which will be coming up next year right? I had hoped it'd be a nice wedding gift for your future family but if not it'll be returned to my estate and either split up or given to charity if you all can't agree on what to do with it. I think of you often. Love, Grammy Eve.' What? There's two numbers to call at the bottom." Buck looked it up on the phone.
"She put money away for you?" Eddie surmised while buck got up.
"It's her accountant and a lawyer. I think I've gotta call them to ask about it. I don't remember her ever telling me this. I gotta call her too." Buck was pacing back and forth.
Buck didn't look as down but he did look confused and anxious as he waited for someone to pick up.
After a solid hour and a half he finally got the whole story.
Grandma Evelyn had put a large sum away for him but didn't want him instantly getting it upon being a legal adult so it was suggested to add stipulations.
She'd told Bucks parents and given them a letter before Bucks graduation that she'd have to miss. So either they didn't tell him and kept it or they forgot and lost it. Both options were horrible.
And so buck would have from the age of twenty one to thirty to get married. Upon viewing of a marriage certificate the money would be given to the newly married couple.
"How am I gonna find someone by next year? I haven't dated anyone since Ali. It's not enough to fully cover it but that's a lot. I could pay off the rest way easier." Buck was worrying his lip.
"Did the stipulations say anything about who you could marry?" Eddie asked.
"No. But I don't wanna go to Vegas and find a random person who will even up getting half when they find out. I doubt i could talk them into a prenup. I'd be back at square one." Buck's stomach growled.
"Let's make dinner. We can talk more after."
Once the food was prepared and made they ate as Buck looked less worried. Food always put him in a better mood especially when it was one of his favorites.
"The reason I was asking is because- I mean it doesn't say they have to be a woman. I know you're straight but-" Eddie said.
"I'm pan dude. I mean I've only been with women for a while but I still find others attractive too." Buck corrected him. "Wait.
"Well, you know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you right. I mean, it's not like you could be around us more than you already are." Eddie laughed.
"You, want to, marry, me. me!?" Buck asked like it was a struggle to push out each word.
"Who wouldn't? You're a catch buck. And it doesn't have to be permanent. I mean, I'm just suggesting, because I'm a sure bet and I understand you already so you don't have to explain," Eddie said. "I should be asking if you'd want to marry me."
"Why wouldn't I? You're the one of us with actual experience being married."
"Because she didn't want to be?"
"Who didn't want what? Shannon?"
Buck looked like he was putting together things slowly but surely.
"Before she died, we had dinner. I thought it could be the beginning of us reconciling. But, she told me she wanted a divorce. She still wanted to be a part of Christopher's life but, I think our relationship was just too far gone and she wanted to focus on being a mother."
"Eddie. Am I the first person you told this to?"
"I just- kind of- everything happened so fast. And I couldn't let Christopher know that or see that. Then this happened to you."
"Eds." Buck acted on instinct. He reached out as he stood up bringing Eddie with him.
Eddie was suddenly wrapped in a firm holds by buck's arms. "I'm here. It's gonna be okay."
He felt as Eddie whimpered before he shook quietly.
"I'm so sorry you had to keep that to yourself for so long."
"I only told Bobby. I didn't mean to but after being caught fighting, I was so caught off guard. And it I just did," Eddie whispered.
"Are you sure you're okay with this though?"
"With telling you? You're my best-"
"No. With marrying me? I mean, I don't want it to hurt you more Eddie."
"I could never regret marrying you. I meant what I said. And I realized recently I wasn't as straight as I once thought I was." Eddie said.
"You like me too?" Buck asked.
"No buck. I love you. I know this isn't a good time to say it but I have to if we're doing this. And after, I'd want to give us a shot, if you're okay with that." Eddie said.
"I'd be more than okay with that." Buck smiled. "Eddie can I ki-"
Before he could finish his word Eddie moved forward to kiss him.
"Umm. Could we do that again, I think I liked it. But I wanna know I liked it for sure," buck winked.
"Yeah. We can."
Buck pulled Eddie into another kiss.
Part ( 2 )
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 68)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:5823
Warnings: Language,endgame plot, happiness, fighting, angst and fluff, reunited family, the truth comes out, character deaths, fighting while pregnant,  Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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Tony, Rocket, and Bruce all worked on getting the stones on a glove. Once it was set, and it seemed safe, the main question was who was going to do the snap. Of course, you couldn’t wield the power, or Shannon. Thor offered himself up, but between you and Tony, you convinced him not to.
Bruce said that he would have to be the one who did it due to the gamma radiation and the Hulk’s actual size. Bruce had gotten a chance to sit Shannon down and explain to her what he planned on doing. He knew that it would potentially cause some damage so he asked her if she would use her healing ability so that whatever damage was done wasn’t permanent. She was wary of it all but knew she had to put aside what she wanted for the greater good to bring back her son and her parents as well.
As soon as it was decided that Hulk would wield the glove, everyone geared up, just in case his Hulk form went berserk. Tony, Rhodey, and Scott got their suits on. Clint got his arrows. Steve suited up. You and Shannon slipped into your fighting gear that had been adjusted by nanotech to properly fit her baby bump. You formed a forcefield around yourself. Tony ordered FRIDAY to activate the barn door protocol, to keep the compound safe, and to keep the rest of the city safe. Everyone was ready to face whatever happened or fight whatever happened.
Bruce transformed into Hulk, the lucid form of the Hulk and he put on the glove. The power surged over him, making everyone nervous, but after checking with him, he was able to get out that he was fine. He held on for a few seconds, then finally -- he snapped.
Then he collapsed. Tony and Shannon worked on healing Bruce’s arm, while the rest of the team tried to see if it worked.
Nothing seemed different for a second, but then Clint’s phone started to ring. It was a sign.
Hope, relief, joy, ecstasy flooded through you as you watched Scott go over to the window and see life outside of it.
“Guys, I think it worked!”
But in a flash of milliseconds, Hulk grabbed Shannon. Scott was blasted backwards. Hell, everyone was blasted.
The compound had been hit by a missile, several missiles in fact.
You fell forward before falling down into a hole one of the missiles had caused. For a second, you were disoriented as hell. Water was falling on you, debris and rubble were all around you. A large piece of the building was on top of you.
You looked over, trying to assess what the hell had just happened, when you saw Hulk struggling to keep part of the building up and protecting Shannon.
Rocket’s voice snapped you out of your confusion.
“I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe!” he gasped rapidly.
Immediately, you scrambled to your feet. Using your power to get the building of yourself, you got up, assessing any damage to yourself quickly. Then your purple power extended from your hand as you lifted the debris off Rocket. Next, your power flew to Hulk, helping him lift off the giant piece of building he’d been holding up.
“Can anyone hear me?” you spoke into the coms. You kneeled down beside Shannon to make sure she was okay as you spoke, but the water was flowing in fast. You knew if you didn’t get everyone out, and quickly, they’d drown. “There’s water filling down here. I’m going to go up and see what the hell that was. Does anyone copy?”
“I hear you,” Scott responded. “I’m on my way. I’ll get everyone out. You go.”
With one last check on Shannon, you soared up, flying high up. It took a second to navigate through the water falling on you, the debris settling, and all the jagged rods and beams sticking out, but finally, you broke through the top.
As you hovered in the air, you saw the last thing you’d ever want to see: Thanos - alive, and for lack of a better term, well. He wasn’t fucking dead, and that was the main issue.
The stones, where the hell were the stones?
Well, he didn’t have them. That was the main thing, and you needed to keep this purple sack of shit away from them at all costs. He had just kicked Steve across the wasteland that was the compound. The vibranium shield was broken in half. Steve was struggling to get up. You looked around and saw Thor laying on his side, and Tony’s suit immobile.
Suddenly, Thanos began talking, and you slowly hovered toward him, but he didn’t see you, you were just out of his field of vision.
“In all my years of conquest– violence– slaughter– It was never personal. But I'll tell you now– what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet– I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.”
Just then, an army beamed down from the ship above. Hundreds of Thanos’s soldiers landed on the field before you. You landed in front of Steve, trying to protect him from Thanos and his army.
“And I’m going to enjoy killing you again, very much,” you mocked as you stared him down.
“Ah, Y/N. I find it hard to believe that you could’ve killed me. You couldn’t even take over a city with your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend,” he retorted, giving you a look as if he’d already won.
All you did was smirk before you replied, “Killing you was the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
Your eyes glowed purple before you and Steve suddenly heard something, in the coms.
“Hey, Cap, you read me?”
It was Sam. For the first time in five years, it felt like you could breathe again.
You and Steve gave each other a confused look, looking around to see where he could possibly be.
“Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?” he repeated. “On your left.”
A portal began to form behind Steve and you stood dumbfounded at the sight. Dumbfounded, but relieved and elated all the same.
Out of the portal walked T’Challa, Okoye, and Shuri. A sight for sore eyes.
Steve looked and sounded as if he were about to cry from sheer elation, and to be honest, you thought you would too. You and Steve would go against Thanos alone if you had to, but God it felt great to know you had a chance, a real fighting chance with all of your friends behind you.
In the next second, Sam came flying out, and then suddenly, dozens of portals were opening all over behind you and Steve. Strange appeared with three other beings you’d never met, and then suddenly Peter swung through.
With every new person, your heart felt fuller and fuller.
Armies began walking out. The Asgardian Army, the Wakandan Army, the army of sorcerers.
Your eyes were scanning, searching, looking everywhere for one particular individual. You didn’t see him though and your happiness started to deflate. Just as you turned to look though, another portal opened in front of you, and out stepped your one and only.
“Did you miss me?” Loki breathed as he stood before you, in the flesh.
In that one instant, that one moment, all else stopped. You forgot about everything and everyone. You forgot where you were, what you were doing, who else was standing nearby - absolutely everything disappeared and he was all you could see.
It was all you could do to keep from ugly crying from happiness. You wanted to throw your arms around him, never let him go. But you knew you needed to focus.
Scott, Bruce, Shannon, Rocket, and Rhodey showed up. Wanda and Pietro appeared. Tony and Thor joined the ranks. Soon, everyone was back that had been wiped off the face of the earth.
You gave Loki a smile and a look full of love before you and Steve looked at each other, a glint of determination in both your faces before the two of you turned, flanking each other.
“Avengers...” Steve shouted and everyone got in their battle stance as Steve called for Mjoirnir. “Assemble!”
In the blink of an eye, hell broke loose on earth.
The Avengers army charged forward at Thanos Army. After just seconds, the armies collided.
You were flying in the air, trying to get to Thanos. He was your soul focus. But he was too far away.
As you were flying, flying monsters from Thanos’s army came right at you. Smaller aircraft were deployed from Thanos ship. You did your best to use your electric dark energy to blast the aircraft out of the sky and crash through the monsters, decapitating them as you went.
Your eyes couldn’t help but scan the field for your loved ones. Loki was doing excellently, navigating the field as if it were a ballroom. He cut, slashed, punched, and dodged. Shannon stayed in the air, mainly healing anyone from above. Remy charged debris and cards, throwing objects as fast as he could, using his staff for close combat. Tony took to the air as did Wanda and Stephen, doing very well and staying out of most of the ground fight, which was good. Your eyes found Bucky and Steve, and you were nervous for them, worried, but you knew they could handle themselves. T’Challa and Sam were fighting fiercely. Thor was using lightning and his axe, full of rage and fury.
Everyone was fighting the fight of their life.
But you needed to focus on Thanos so he didn’t get the --
You internally gasped, glancing around. Where were the stones? Where was Clint? Did he have them?
Tony had been flying about fighting from section to section when he was surrounded by a few of Thanos’ goons blasting them with his hand thrusters. He became unaware of the enormous being that was coming towards him from behind, smacking him into a pile of debris in that instant he managed to turn and was using the blasters when the creature gets pulled back by the synthetic webbing that Peter had created and the monster was killed by giant Scott. Peter rushed up to Tony and began rapidly talking.
“Hey! Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must've passed out, Because I woke up, and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, ‘It's been five years. Come on, they need us.’ And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time–” Peter was caught off guard.
The entire time that he was talking, Tony was astounded about how unfazed the kid was being about the whole situation. The more he heard the kid talking the more emotional he got knowing that they had brought them back. Scrunching his face a little he got closer.
“Okay kid, hold me.” Tony pulled Peter close and held him tight.
“What are you doing?” he sounded a little confused but welcomed the much awaited hug. “Ohh, this is nice” and hugs the older man tighter.
“Mrs. Stark, it appears that your son and your husband are embracing each other,” TADASHI announced.
“Are they in a safe spot?” Shannon asked her AI.
“Yes they are safe,” came the Japanese accent.
Monsters of all sizes and kinds were flying at you, trying to keep you from getting to Thanos. Proxima jumped up on a rock, and launched herself at you from the side. You didn’t see her coming and she slammed you out of the sky. You went rolling along the debris.
You coughed as you got to your feet quickly, Proxima making her way toward you. You were shaking your head. You had to kill her...again?
Why did you all have to kill and fight people you’d already defeated once before? This was just insult to injury.
“Ready to fail again?” she asked with a smirk.
“Ready to die again?” was all you said before you charged your hands, shot out your purple electric energy and it kept her still. You were just about to kick up the voltage, hopefully stopping her heart, before suddenly her eyes went wide and she gasped, her chest moving forward.
You frowned, leaving your power on her, but then you saw blood trickle out of her mouth. You let your power stop, confused by why she was bleeding. But when she dropped to her knees, you realized why.
Loki stood behind her, wiping his knife on his pants.
“Thought you could use some help,” he smugly responded and all you could do was smile and shake your head. Oh how you’d missed him.
“I didn’t, but I appreciate you trying to help me,” you assured with a stunning smile.
Suddenly Clint’s voice was in your ear though, pulling you from the trance you’d been in.
“Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?” he asked.
Your eyes searched the battlefield but from where you were, you couldn’t see him.
“Get those stones as far away as possible!” Steve replied with a harsh grunt.
“No! We need to get them back where they came from,” Bruce responded from somewhere on the battleground.
“No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel.” Tony’s voice came through everyone's earpiece.
“Hold on!” Scott huffed and shrunk to normal size and pulled out a remote. “That wasn't our only time machine.” Scott pressed the button, which activated Luis's van's horn, which was heard from afar.
Hearing so, Cap went to higher ground. “Anyone see an ugly, brown van up there?” Steve asked.
“Yes! But you're not gonna like where it's parked!” came Valkyrie from high above.
“Scott, how long do you need to get that thing working?” Tony managed to ask.
“Maybe ten minutes.” He hid behind a piece of debris.
“Get it started. We'll get the stones to you.”
Hope had landed next to Scott and took a breather.
“We're on it, Cap,” Hope responded for Scott. She turned to him and smiled and started flying.
Scott and Hope were on their way to the other time machine, trying to repair it while Clint ran across the field, trying to get it to them. You shot in the air, about to try and help him, or at least stop Thanos from getting to it.
Before you could locate him though, T’Challa asked Clint for the gauntlet. At his voice, you finally found the two of them. T’Challa took off like the speed of light. He was able to dodge shots and blows from several of Thanos’s soldiers. He landed with a large blast knocking several enemies back, but then Thanos sword came flying at T’Challa, dislodging the gauntlet from his grasp.
Terror overtook you and you were just about to fly down to protect the stones when Wanda beat you to it. She landed between Thanos and the gauntlet, a white hot rage burning in her expression. You couldn’t help but feel pride and sympathy.
“You took everything from me,” she stated darkly.
“I don’t even know who you are,” he responded defiantly.
“You will,” she vowed before slowly rising in the air, bringing along several pieces of debris with her.
For a split second, you wondered if she’d even need your help. Maybe Wanda would finish Thanos right here and now.
She launched objects at him that were the size of buildings. He just took the brunt of it and kept coming toward her before she fired shot after shot of her power at him.
Then you suddenly remembered the stones. Your gaze shot to the gauntlet where T’Challa was running towards.
Ebony Maw had picked up the earth where the gauntlet was and T’Challa was trying to grab it, but Maw used the earth to slow him down, trapping him.
“Hey, Maw!” you shouted, hoping to get his attention. You charged several stones nearby and slung them at Maw quickly. He deflected some of them, but at least his concentration was broken for a second, just enough time to let Peter Parker dive at the stones and grab the gauntlet.
Maw glared at you angrily, realizing what you’d just cost him. He threw earth, stones, debris at you, but you just put up your shield made of your birth power - Bio-Kinetic energy. Anger flared through you. You had failed once, been too distracted before, not again - never again.
With a surge of energy, you picked up debris and threw it at Maw and while he was distracted dodging it, your other hand came up, your power wrapping around his throat, the dark energy clenching tightly. He tried to launch objects at you to stop you, but your forcefield surrounded you and every object that hit you just disintegrated.
“Goodbye, Maw,” you said with dark happiness. You squeezed a little tighter and he went limp. You dropped him on the field, happy to be rid of another obstacle.
Peter Parker was jumping and slinging webs as fast as he humanly could to get away from the creatures from Thanos’ army. He had gotten far enough to activate instant kill mode. “Uhhh I could use a little help here, anyone?” Peter sounded distraught.
“I’m coming, Peter, hold on!” came Shannon’s voice through his gear. She flew as fast as she could. With the help of her AI Tadashi she managed to locate him and stop the creatures from coming too close to him. “Peter, on my mark, jump!” she yelled.
Soon enough, she was just above him and he jumped, latching his spider legs onto her suit.
“Thank you! Ms. Moran.” He sighed in a bit of relief while hugging the gauntlet.
“No worries, Peter and it’s Mrs. Stark.” Shannon giggled.  “Alright, I’m sending you up with Valkyrie, ready?”
He got thrown into the air and was caught by Valkyrie and off they went on her flying horse.
Just as you finished killing Maw, you looked around to see where Thanos was, if Wanda had made any progress on killing him or stopping him. Yet, when you glanced to where they were before, Thanos was in the air as Wanda slowly ripped away his armor. He ordered a “rain fire” command, but Corvus argued with him against it saying it would harm the troops on their side as well as your side. Thanos demanded he do it anyway.
In one second, shots came raining down from the ship, hitting anywhere and everywhere. It knocked Wanda back as well as hit multiple people on the field. Your hope fell away as Wanda flew back, far away from Thanos. When Wanda was pushed back, it broke her hold on Thanos.
The sorcerers tried to act quickly to shield those that they could from the blasts. Then two seconds later, one of the shots hit the edge of the lake, and water came crashing in, threatening to flood the whole battlefield.
“Uhh, guys don’t mean to interrupt but the lake water is going to flood this area if we don’t do something soon!” Shannon announced while trying to keep her eyes on Peter.
Stephen took notice and flew over quickly before the water could hurt anyone. He began whirling the water into what appeared to be a water cyclone to keep it contained. You shook your head, wondering why he didn’t just lift the old debris up to keep it held back so he could fight too, but now wasn’t the time to argue with him.
Your sight reset on Thanos now. He wasn’t fighting anyone, and the gauntlet was still out there.
Peter had it and he was struggling. “I got this. I got this!” he yelled as he shot a web and glided along.
You were trying to decide whether to help Peter or stop Thanos. Your heart was racing. Seconds mattered, every second meant something. You didn’t have time to debate this for long. Finally, you made the executive decision to stop Thanos - several people could help Peter, but only a few of you could stop Thanos.
“Shannon, I’m going after Thanos. Peter needs help, I can’t get to him,” you told her, knowing she would be there to help him in an instant.
“Tadashi, scan the area for Peter. I need to know where he is,” she called for the AI.
“He’s still up in the air. They are getting close to the van, Mrs. Stark.”
“Alright turn on the thrusters.” From there she jetted to where they were. She was just about to get there but one of the ships snapped his webbing and he was rapidly falling. Thankfully the iron spider suit he was wearing had protected him from any of the harsh blows from the debris.
All she could hear were his screams and grunts as he fell. She got there just in time to shield him from the blast that had been far too close to her liking.
“Okay, I don’t got this. Help! Somebody help!” was all that anyone close could hear. “Ahh!” he yelled in panic.
“Peter! Are you okay?” she asked, letting her helmet retract so she could get a closer look. Her eyes began tearing up, seeing him standing there all bruise. “Oh, my son! You’re back. I’ve missed you so much.” She helped him stand and pulled him in for a hug.
“Hi there, Mrs. Stark, it’s good to see you—-” He got out once he steps back. “Wait, what do you mean by son?” he looked confused. “I mean I do see both you and Mr. Stark like family but—” he got cut off.
“There’s so much that I need to tell you, but this isn’t the time nor the place.” She smoothed his hair back, a few stray tears going down her cheek. “When all of this is over you, me, and Tony will have a talk okay?”
“Mrs. Stark, don’t cry. Things will turn out right, I know it will.” He tried to cheer her up. “Are you sure you should be here though?”  He started looking around hoping that no enemy was near. “Am I in trouble?” he instantly got nervous when he heard about having a chat with the three of them.
“Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble, Peter.” She ruffled his hair and he smiled sheepishly.
Soon enough more enemies started to approach and between the two they were able to diminish the numbers of them but more kept showing up. Shannon knew she had to keep Parker safe at all costs so she managed to connect all her powers together and send a surge of thunder and things to kill a large diameter of the enemies.
Just as you locked eyes on Thanos and set out for him though, the shooting from above stopped. Everyone halted on the battlefield, wondering what had happened. The shots didn’t stop though - they were redirected towards the sky, the clouds.
You frowned, confused. Your eyes met Steve’s, then Remy’s. Everyone had the same look you did -- utter confusion.
After a few people muttered their bewilderment and then soon it was easily realized why the ship had changed its aim.
Carol Danvers had just entered the battlefield.
She crashed through the ship, disabling it, and slammed through it again for good measure. The ship powered down and fell into the lake.
Everyone took a moment to shout with joy but it was far from over. Carol flew through the area looking for Peter and the Gauntlet.
“We’re over here, Carol,” came Shannon’s voice.
Carol landed, looking at him with a smile. “Hey I’m Peter Parker,” he introduced himself while hugging the gauntlet.
“Hey, Peter Parker. Got something for me?” She cocked her head.
He walked and lowered the stones, looking to the oncoming horde. “I don’t know how you’re going to get it through all of that,” he said in an exhausted tone.
Shannon and all the over women gather up. Wanda on his left.
“Don’t worry,” Wanda assured.
“She’s got help,” Okoye appeared on his right and you in front of them.
You stood shoulder to shoulder with the other women of the field as all of Thanos’s army charged towards all of you. Carol’s mission was to get the stones to the time machine. The rest of the women were to get the army off of Carol, clear her a path. Yours was to keep Thanos from getting to Carol.
Taking flight, you rocketed toward Thanos, who saw you, he was about to throw his sword your way, but something else sharp sliced your side, sending a searing pain up your right side. You began falling towards the Earth, glancing to see who hit you as you did so. Right before you landed, you saw Corvus smirking at you. When you hit, blood shot out of your side and you wheezed.
Get up, you ordered yourself. Monsters and soldiers were running at you but you held out both arms, charging items and throwing them and using your electrical power to knock them back. In a way, all you had done was clear a path so Covrus could run at you. He had picked up his spear, raising it high above his head before throwing it at you.
You rolled out of the way and onto your feet in one movement. A flash of anger went through Corvus as he jabbed at you again and again. All you were doing was dodging his shots before finally, you used one hand to grab the spear when he shot it towards you. He looked at you in surprise, but you used the hand on the spear to charge it until it blasted him off the end of it, sending him flying backwards. You charged the spear and launched it at him with all your force. It hit him square in the chest.
One second after he was dead, you remembered you needed to get to Thanos, to stop him from getting the stones, but when you looked up to find him, your blood ran cold.
Thanos had been slowed down by Hope, Shuri, and Shannon’s blasts, but then he resorted to another way to stop Carol. He threw his weapon straight into the time machine, causing an explosion that knocked nearly everyone on the battlefield.
You were too far away to help, but you saw that Carol had lost the gauntlet. Thanos made a move toward the glove, but Tony was nearby. He slammed into Thanos hard enough to knock him away from the gauntlet for a second, but Thanos, filled with wild rage, hit Tony -- your blood boiled at the sight.
Thor landed in front of the gauntlet, swinging furiously at Thanos. He swung his axe towards Thanos’s head and neck, but Thanos caught it. Thor summoned Mjorner, trying to brace the axe to push it towards Thanos’s neck. It looked like he was winning, but needed some help. Steve ran up and dove on the back of Thanos.
Thanos somehow shoved the weapons away from him, headbutted Thor, and threw Steve off of him, slamming his giant fist into Steve’s sternum, effectively knocking him out.
If your blood wasn’t already on fire from the attack on Tony, you were absolutely enraged now.
Immediately, you began flying towards them. You darted towards him, trying to fight monsters and soldiers as you went, shielding yourself from any other weapons that may be launched at you.
Thanos made towards the gauntlet, he had it in his hand, but Carol made it to him in time. She caved in his knee, punched him in the face, threw blasts of energy at him, dodged his blows, he grabbed her arm and threw her far away.
Come on, you screamed internally, pushing yourself harder.
Thanos put the glove on and your body felt hot, cold, numb. Every emotion raged through you like an ocean had hit you.
He raised his hand and went to snap. You were almost there. You could almost get him!
Not again, not again, not again!
Carol was suddenly back, her hands forcing Thanos’s hand open, preventing him from snapping. She pushed on the gauntlet hard, then pushed even harder, forcing him on one knee, bending his fingers so far back you were praying they were going to break. He tried to headbutt her, fight her, punch her, but her energy field was too strong.
Thanos suddenly grabbed the power stone and he held it in his other hand. He closed his fist around it, and punched Carol, sending her far away.
For the briefest of seconds, you felt failure, that it had happened again. He was going to win.
He put the powerstone back in the gauntlet, he was acclimating to the power of the glove, he said, “I am… inevitable.”
But then, you were there, right next to him. The hope, anger, fear, joy, all of it had returned.
Just before he could snap though, your dark energy wrapped around the gauntlet forcing it open.
“No,” you all but snarled.
Thanos stared at you with wide eyes, and he tried to punch you, much like he did with Carol, but your shield protected you.
Then your power bled onto him, starting from his hand, to his arm, then finally all over his body. Purple electricity snaked around his body. You lifted him off the ground.  
Your voice was full of pure malice and power, as you said, “You see, Thanos? When you take away your weapons--” your power peeled off the gauntlet from his hand “--and your armor--” your power pulled his armor off piece by piece, ensuring to wrap your power around his neck as you did so “--and your power…”
He floated there, in nothing more than a shirt and pants, his eyes squeezing shut from the pain around his neck and body as your power slowly squeezed him tighter like a boa constrictor. You slammed him into the ground, on his knees, so he could look over and see Tony, who had the stones.
“You’re nothing more than a man,” you said. “You’ll never hurt my family or this world again,” you vowed as you stared at him, and he at you.
Keeping Thanos in place with your purple, electric energy, you walked over to Tony, taking his left hand and holding it. You let your red bio-kinetic energy flow into Tony. It would help him so he didn’t have to take the full force of the stones. You knew your body could bear it, thanks to the power of the mind stone, and you knew by charging his body cells to their full potential, he could withstand the power even more.
One arm, one power flowing out of each as Shannon came over to constantly heal Tony, so that the power didn’t kill him.
It felt like you were being ripped in half. The pain was almost unbearable. Thanos was strong, and it took every ounce of your energy, power, and concentration to hold him back as well as not letting the stones completely kill you or Tony.
Shannon had been forcing her healing powers onto Tony. When her body began to feel the distress from the babies, she took a deep breath and calmed herself, focusing on keeping her husband and her sister healed. So you two could do what needed to be done, so that things went how they needed them to go.
“You almost had it there, buddy, but guess what?” He stopped in front of him and crouched down. “Out of all the possibilities there was only one shot at winning this and you know why?”
He looked around and saw everyone that had been dusted and was back. He looked towards his wife and his son and the family he formed within the Avengers.
“Tony, I can’t push my powers any further.” She looked to him, seeing just exactly what the gauntlet was doing to him and you. “Gahh!” she screamed from the exhaustion.
“Shannon!” both you and Bruce yelled.
“Because this wasn’t inevitable and I.. am.. Ironman!” he shouted and snapped his fingers.
Thanos looked on in despair as his troops began to fade into the air. At the very end when he is the only one left, he said, “This wasn’t supposed to end like this.” With that, he had become a pile of dust blown away a moment later.
“Holy shit,” you breathed out weakly before falling to your hands and knees, trying to catch your breath. That ordeal just took everything out of you.
Looking back to where both Tony and you were at, Shannon could see the power of the gauntlet. Raw energy had left most of his right side injured. He stumbled for a bit before his body collapsed beside a pile of debris. Rhodey soon flew in and went up to Tony to see his long time colleague and friend laying there in pain. Soon after Peter flew in and ran to his mentor.
“Mr. Stark? Hey- Mr. Stark” he stopped for a moment. “Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark– We won, Mr. Stark. We won. You did it, sir. You did it.” He broke down and hugged him.
“Alright kid, alright I know,” he patted the kid on the back. “Come on, breathe, I’m not dead, okay?” he tried to joke.
Shannon walked over with the help of Bucky. He had been told that she was pregnant and had used up most of her energy to keep them all alive.
“Thank you, Bucky.” She kissed his cheek.
“No problem, doll.” He smiled and walked back to Steve’s side. “Hey, babe,” Tony hoarsely got out. “We did it.”
She sat next to him and leaned her head on his left side. “Yeah we did, now how about we all go back to the cabin to clean up and eat?” she suggested. “The babies  starting to get too active.” She grabbed his hand and put it on her belly.
“Oh boy, those  kids got energy!” He laughed. “I don’t know how you managed to fight here with us today while carrying these little miracles.” He kissed her cheek lovingly.
“Get a room!” you teased as you walked up to the pair and offered your hands to get them to stand.
“Hey, we have and it made you an aunt, didn’t it?” He smirked.  “Alright, FRIDAY, see if there’s any quinjets left to get us all home.”
“Right away boss.” It took a moment. “There seems to be 3 quinjets still fully functioning, sir.”
“Alright you heard the AI, let’s get our butts into those jets and head back to their home.” Steve ever the team leader.
Tag List: @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification @thejemersoninferno @rda1989 @munlis @thefridgeismybestie @bubblyanarocks3 @igiveupicantthinkofausername @kaliforniacoastalteens @feelmyroarrrr @kaelingoat-blog @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo @damalseer @heyitscam99 @yknott81 @sorryimacrapwriter @glitterquadricorn @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm @alyssaj23 @sea040561 @princess76179 @thisismysecrethappyplace @sarahp879 @malfoysqueen14 @ellallheart @breezy1415 @marvelmayo @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711
Loki: @lostinspace33 @ultrarebelheart @lenawiinchester @esoltis280 @tngrayson @wangdeasang @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice
UC: @lokis-high-priestess
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lilywoood · 5 years
Remember Me 2/?
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Hello I’m back with part 2, also I’m getting a bit slow on the update but it’s because me and my lovely @diazbuckleysworld (check her fics they’re awesome) are working on a collab, also for those waiting on Small Bump 4 it’ll come soon might update it this weekend ♥️
Tag list : @diazbuckleysworld @felicitous-one @translucent-bisexual @cherishingstydia @gxtop @impossiblealice @bemybuddie @chitownwolf @kajamitt @livlyf247 @chioink @mooniemouse @peroquenotevean @daughter-of-infinity @silkevanloon @ablackskull @boz-ruh@viki-ds @fyeahhipsterdoctor @gayfanfiction-thatsthepost @thegreatgherkin87 @annmariepanda
Words count : 1006
Song : Don’t forget about me - Cloves
If you want to be in the tag list hit my askbox 💓
He never imagined that one day he’ll be forgotten, that one day he’ll be erased, snapped from someone’s memory, from his best friend, his soulmate memory, never imagined that one day he’ll be a stranger face in familiar eyes, never dared to imagine that one day he’ll see his entire world crumble under his feet.
-Is it some kind of sick jock, Eddie asked Buck talking a step back, Evan it’s...you know who I am, he croaked pointing to himself, I’m your boy...best friend, he stumbled.
-I have a best friend, Buck frowned, I...I’m sorry, I don’t...I don’t remember you, he added distressed passing his hands through his hair pulling it , why can’t I remember you, he demanded trembling and hitting his head, why can’t I remember, he repeated hitting himself harder and harder.
-Evan, Eddie called taking his fist in his hands, it’s, he swallowed, don’t worry you’ll remember maybe its the shock, he smiled trying to convince both of them.
Eddie never believed that he’ll be hurt more than when Shannon left, never though he’ll experience more heartache than that day when he came home and she wasn’t here, the day she took everything and disappeared without even saying goodbye.
He always believed that death was the most painful thing you could experience, not being able to see the person you love, not being able to hear their voice anymore, to just enjoy their presence, he always believed that death was awful, he was wrong being forgotten is worst than anything.
Being a stranger to someone you love, not being able to be there for them, not being able to enjoy them was crueler, because with death you had to accept that the person couldn’t be there anymore, you had to mourn and move on at some point, with memory loss you had to helplessly witness yourself being removed from the person you loved the most memory, you had to accept that you were nothing and no one, you had to choose to either fight and win them back, or give up and disappear definitely.
He couldn’t stay in the room any longer, he felt himself choke with unshed tears, felt himself slipping, he couldn’t impose his distress to Buck, couldn’t make him go through another crisis, he waited until the blond closed his eyes to leave the room.
He let himself fall into the nearest seat and finally broke down, the tears flowing over and over, never stoping, he felt his heart clenching, his lungs burning...
-Eddie, he heard Maddie call, everything is alright, she asked sitting next to him.
He raised his head to look at her, she never looked so tired, dark circle around her eyes and her hair was messy and in low ponytail, he chuckled drily here he was having a break down being comforted by the person who needed support the most.
-The doctor is with Evan, she started smiling softly, want to tell me what happened, she quizzed squeezing his hand.
-He forgot me, Eddie breathed quietly feeling the tears threaten to come back.
-Eddie, Maddie croaked holding him, I...I’m sorry, she pursued, the doctor told me he might experience some partial memory loss because of the swell but, she trailed.
-Don’t, he smiled tearful, I...he started drying his cheeks with the back of his hands, I kinda deserve it anyway, he shrugged
-Eddie you’re not responsible of Evan’s accident, she frowned, a drunk driver didn’t stop at the red light, she pursued, a drunk driver hurt my brother and ran away, she wobbled, it’s not your fault, she suffocated, it’s not our fault, she cried letting herself be held by Eddie, if anyone is at fault it’s the asshole who let my brother almost dying alone in the rain, she sniffed.
-So what now, Eddie tried, are they keeping him, he demanded.
-Well he spent two weeks in coma, she spoked, the doctor said that he needs to keep him until the end of the week and then I don’t know, she sighed, he can’t go home alone so I’ll have to postpone our moving with Chim, she smiled.
-He can stay with Chris and I, he stated, and before you say no Carla will be there too, he added, let me at least be there for you...both of you, he pleaded head hung low.
-I...Eddie you don’t have to do this, Maddie frowned, I’m his sister, she added.
-I get that you don’t trust me with him, Eddie interrupted, but please Maddie let me do this, he sobbed.
-I’ll tell the doctor, she conceited patting his shoulder, but be warned that I’ll come everyday to check on him and call regularly, she tried to joke
-Please do, Eddie chuckled tiredly.
Five minutes later Doctor Simons and his team left Buck’s room to meet Maddie and Eddie outside, he told them that even if Buck had been lucky to survive some sequels would be irreversible.
-Do you think the memory loss is one of those sequels, Maddie demanded reading Eddie’s mind.
-I don’t know Miss Buckley, the doctor admitted massaging his temple, we think that half of the loss is psychological, he explained, his brain probably tried to shade him from the trauma of the accident, he added, I talked with a colleague she’s a therapist specialized in trauma and memory loss she will meet with your brother tomorrow and we will know then, he counted.
-When can we take Evan home, Maddie demanded again, nervously replacing a strand of her hair behind her ear.
-If all goes well with my colleagues and if the test results come back ok tomorrow, he can be discharged Sunday, with that he shook both their hand and left.
A painful silence seemed to settle between them, worry and dread floating around them, a lot of questions had been raised by Doctor Simons and Eddie couldn’t help but wonder if Buck’s brain hadn’t tried to protect him from the pain Eddie had put him through after the lawsuit
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Unforseen Chasm (Part 68)
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Part 68 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 5823 Warnings: Language, endgame plot, happiness, fighting, angst and fluff, reunited family, the truth comes out, character deaths, fighting while pregnant,  Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93 what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Tony, Rocket, and Bruce all worked on getting the stones on a glove. Once it was set, and it seemed safe, the main question was who was going to do the snap. Of course, you couldn’t wield the power, or Shannon. Thor offered himself up, but between you and Tony, you convinced him not to.
Bruce said that he would have to be the one who did it due to the gamma radiation and the Hulk’s actual size. Bruce had gotten a chance to sit Shannon down and explain to her what he planned on doing. He knew that it would potentially cause some damage so he asked her if she would use her healing ability so that whatever damage was done wasn’t permanent. She was wary of it all but knew she had to put aside what she wanted for the greater good to bring back her son and her parents as well.
As soon as it was decided that Hulk would wield the glove, everyone geared up, just in case his Hulk form went berserk. Tony, Rhodey, and Scott got their suits on. Clint got his arrows. Steve suited up. You and Shannon slipped into your fighting gear that had been adjusted by nanotech to properly fit her baby bump. You formed a forcefield around yourself. Tony ordered FRIDAY to activate the barn door protocol, to keep the compound safe, and to keep the rest of the city safe. Everyone was ready to face whatever happened or fight whatever happened.
Bruce transformed into Hulk, the lucid form of the Hulk and he put on the glove. The power surged over him, making everyone nervous, but after checking with him, he was able to get out that he was fine. He held on for a few seconds, then finally -- he snapped. 
Then he collapsed. Tony and Shannon worked on healing Bruce’s arm, while the rest of the team tried to see if it worked.
Nothing seemed different for a second, but then Clint’s phone started to ring. It was a sign.
Hope, relief, joy, ecstasy flooded through you as you watched Scott go over to the window and see life outside of it.
“Guys, I think it worked!”
But in a flash of milliseconds, Hulk grabbed Shannon. Scott was blasted backwards. Hell, everyone was blasted.
The compound had been hit by a missile, several missiles in fact.
You fell forward before falling down into a hole one of the missiles had caused. For a second, you were disoriented as hell. Water was falling on you, debris and rubble were all around you. A large piece of the building was on top of you.
You looked over, trying to assess what the hell had just happened, when you saw Hulk struggling to keep part of the building up and protecting Shannon.
Rocket’s voice snapped you out of your confusion.
“I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe!” he gasped rapidly.
Immediately, you scrambled to your feet. Using your power to get the building of yourself, you got up, assessing any damage to yourself quickly. Then your purple power extended from your hand as you lifted the debris off Rocket. Next, your power flew to Hulk, helping him lift off the giant piece of building he’d been holding up.
“Can anyone hear me?” you spoke into the coms. You kneeled down beside Shannon to make sure she was okay as you spoke, but the water was flowing in fast. You knew if you didn’t get everyone out, and quickly, they’d drown. “There’s water filling down here. I’m going to go up and see what the hell that was. Does anyone copy?”
“I hear you,” Scott responded. “I’m on my way. I’ll get everyone out. You go.”
With one last check on Shannon, you soared up, flying high up. It took a second to navigate through the water falling on you, the debris settling, and all the jagged rods and beams sticking out, but finally, you broke through the top.
As you hovered in the air, you saw the last thing you’d ever want to see: Thanos - alive, and for lack of a better term, well. He wasn’t fucking dead, and that was the main issue.
The stones, where the hell were the stones?
Well, he didn’t have them. That was the main thing, and you needed to keep this purple sack of shit away from them at all costs. He had just kicked Steve across the wasteland that was the compound. The vibranium shield was broken in half. Steve was struggling to get up. You looked around and saw Thor laying on his side, and Tony’s suit immobile.
Suddenly, Thanos began talking, and you slowly hovered toward him, but he didn’t see you, you were just out of his field of vision.
“In all my years of conquest– violence– slaughter– It was never personal. But I'll tell you now– what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet– I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.”
Just then, an army beamed down from the ship above. Hundreds of Thanos’s soldiers landed on the field before you. You landed in front of Steve, trying to protect him from Thanos and his army.
“And I’m going to enjoy killing you again, very much,” you mocked as you stared him down.
“Ah, Y/N. I find it hard to believe that you could’ve killed me. You couldn’t even take over a city with your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend,” he retorted, giving you a look as if he’d already won.
All you did was smirk before you replied, “Killing you was the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
Your eyes glowed purple before you and Steve suddenly heard something, in the coms.
“Hey, Cap, you read me?”
It was Sam. For the first time in five years, it felt like you could breathe again.
You and Steve gave each other a confused look, looking around to see where he could possibly be.
“Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?” he repeated. “On your left.”
A portal began to form behind Steve and you stood dumbfounded at the sight. Dumbfounded, but relieved and elated all the same.
Out of the portal walked T’Challa, Okoye, and Shuri. A sight for sore eyes.
Steve looked and sounded as if he were about to cry from sheer elation, and to be honest, you thought you would too. You and Steve would go against Thanos alone if you had to, but God it felt great to know you had a chance, a real fighting chance with all of your friends behind you.
In the next second, Sam came flying out, and then suddenly, dozens of portals were opening all over behind you and Steve. Strange appeared with three other beings you’d never met, and then suddenly Peter swung through.
With every new person, your heart felt fuller and fuller.
Armies began walking out. The Asgardian Army, the Wakandan Army, the army of sorcerers.
Your eyes were scanning, searching, looking everywhere for one particular individual. You didn’t see him though and your happiness started to deflate. Just as you turned to look though, another portal opened in front of you, and out stepped your one and only.
“Did you miss me?” Loki breathed as he stood before you, in the flesh.
In that one instant, that one moment, all else stopped. You forgot about everything and everyone. You forgot where you were, what you were doing, who else was standing nearby - absolutely everything disappeared and he was all you could see.
It was all you could do to keep from ugly crying from happiness. You wanted to throw your arms around him, never let him go. But you knew you needed to focus.
Scott, Bruce, Shannon, Rocket, and Rhodey showed up. Wanda and Pietro appeared. Tony and Thor joined the ranks. Soon, everyone was back that had been wiped off the face of the earth.
You gave Loki a smile and a look full of love before you and Steve looked at each other, a glint of determination in both your faces before the two of you turned, flanking each other.
“Avengers...” Steve shouted and everyone got in their battle stance as Steve called for Mjoirnir. “Assemble!”
In the blink of an eye, hell broke loose on earth.
The Avengers army charged forward at Thanos Army. After just seconds, the armies collided.
You were flying in the air, trying to get to Thanos. He was your soul focus. But he was too far away.
As you were flying, flying monsters from Thanos’s army came right at you. Smaller aircraft were deployed from Thanos ship. You did your best to use your electric dark energy to blast the aircraft out of the sky and crash through the monsters, decapitating them as you went.
Your eyes couldn’t help but scan the field for your loved ones. Loki was doing excellently, navigating the field as if it were a ballroom. He cut, slashed, punched, and dodged. Shannon stayed in the air, mainly healing anyone from above. Remy charged debris and cards, throwing objects as fast as he could, using his staff for close combat. Tony took to the air as did Wanda and Stephen, doing very well and staying out of most of the ground fight, which was good. Your eyes found Bucky and Steve, and you were nervous for them, worried, but you knew they could handle themselves. T’Challa and Sam were fighting fiercely. Thor was using lightning and his axe, full of rage and fury.
Everyone was fighting the fight of their life.
But you needed to focus on Thanos so he didn’t get the --
You internally gasped, glancing around. Where were the stones? Where was Clint? Did he have them?
Tony had been flying about fighting from section to section when he was surrounded by a few of Thanos’ goons blasting them with his hand thrusters. He became unaware of the enormous being that was coming towards him from behind, smacking him into a pile of debris in that instant he managed to turn and was using the blasters when the creature gets pulled back by the synthetic webbing that Peter had created and the monster was killed by giant Scott. Peter rushed up to Tony and began rapidly talking.
“Hey! Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must've passed out, Because I woke up, and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, ‘It's been five years. Come on, they need us.’ And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time–” Peter was caught off guard.
The entire time that he was talking, Tony was astounded about how unfazed the kid was being about the whole situation. The more he heard the kid talking the more emotional he got knowing that they had brought them back. Scrunching his face a little he got closer.
“Okay kid, hold me.” Tony pulled Peter close and held him tight.
“What are you doing?” he sounded a little confused but welcomed the much awaited hug. “Ohh, this is nice” and hugs the older man tighter.
“Mrs. Stark, it appears that your son and your husband are embracing each other,” TADASHI announced.
“Are they in a safe spot?” Shannon asked her AI.
“Yes they are safe,” came the Japanese  accent.
Monsters of all sizes and kinds were flying at you, trying to keep you from getting to Thanos. Proxima jumped up on a rock, and launched herself at you from the side. You didn’t see her coming and she slammed you out of the sky. You went rolling along the debris.
You coughed as you got to your feet quickly, Proxima making her way toward you. You were shaking your head. You had to kill her...again?
Why did you all have to kill and fight people you’d already defeated once before? This was just insult to injury.
“Ready to fail again?” she asked with a smirk.
“Ready to die again?” was all you said before you charged your hands, shot out your purple electric energy and it kept her still. You were just about to kick up the voltage, hopefully stopping her heart, before suddenly her eyes went wide and she gasped, her chest moving forward.
You frowned, leaving your power on her, but then you saw blood trickle out of her mouth. You let your power stop, confused by why she was bleeding. But when she dropped to her knees, you realized why.
Loki stood behind her, wiping his knife on his pants.
“Thought you could use some help,” he smugly responded and all you could do was smile and shake your head. Oh how you’d missed him.
“I didn’t, but I appreciate you trying to help me,” you assured with a stunning smile.
Suddenly Clint’s voice was in your ear though, pulling you from the trance you’d been in.
“Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?” he asked.
Your eyes searched the battlefield but from where you were, you couldn’t see him.
“Get those stones as far away as possible!” Steve replied with a harsh grunt.
“No! We need to get them back where they came from,” Bruce responded from somewhere on the battleground.
“No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel.” Tony’s voice came through everyone's earpiece.
“Hold on!” Scott huffed and shrunk to normal size and pulled out a remote. “That wasn't our only time machine.” Scott pressed the button, which activated Luis's van's horn, which was heard from afar.
Hearing so, Cap went to higher ground. “Anyone see an ugly, brown van up there?” Steve asked.
“Yes! But you're not gonna like where it's parked!” came Valkyrie from high above.
“Scott, how long do you need to get that thing working?” Tony managed to ask.
“Maybe ten minutes.” He hid behind a piece of debris.
“Get it started. We'll get the stones to you.”
Hope had landed next to Scott and took a breather.
“We're on it, Cap,” Hope responded for Scott. She turned to him and smiled and started flying.
Scott and Hope were on their way to the other time machine, trying to repair it while Clint ran across the field, trying to get it to them. You shot in the air, about to try and help him, or at least stop Thanos from getting to it.
Before you could locate him though, T’Challa asked Clint for the gauntlet. At his voice, you finally found the two of them. T’Challa took off like the speed of light. He was able to dodge shots and blows from several of Thanos’s soldiers. He landed with a large blast knocking several enemies back, but then Thanos sword came flying at T’Challa, dislodging the gauntlet from his grasp.
Terror overtook you and you were just about to fly down to protect the stones when Wanda beat you to it. She landed between Thanos and the gauntlet, a white hot rage burning in her expression. You couldn’t help but feel pride and sympathy.
“You took everything from me,” she stated darkly.
“I don’t even know who you are,” he responded defiantly.
“You will,” she vowed before slowly rising in the air, bringing along several pieces of debris with her.
For a split second, you wondered if she’d even need your help. Maybe Wanda would finish Thanos right here and now.
She launched objects at him that were the size of buildings. He just took the brunt of it and kept coming toward her before she fired shot after shot of her power at him.
Then you suddenly remembered the stones. Your gaze shot to the gauntlet where T’Challa was running towards.
Ebony Maw had picked up the earth where the gauntlet was and T’Challa was trying to grab it, but Maw used the earth to slow him down, trapping him.
“Hey, Maw!” you shouted, hoping to get his attention. You charged several stones nearby and slung them at Maw quickly. He deflected some of them, but at least his concentration was broken for a second, just enough time to let Peter Parker dive at the stones and grab the gauntlet.
Maw glared at you angrily, realizing what you’d just cost him. He threw earth, stones, debris at you, but you just put up your shield made of your birth power - Bio-Kinetic energy. Anger flared through you. You had failed once, been too distracted before, not again - never again.
With a surge of energy, you picked up debris and threw it at Maw and while he was distracted dodging it, your other hand came up, your power wrapping around his throat, the dark energy clenching tightly. He tried to launch objects at you to stop you, but your forcefield surrounded you and every object that hit you just disintegrated.
“Goodbye, Maw,” you said with dark happiness. You squeezed a little tighter and he went limp. You dropped him on the field, happy to be rid of another obstacle.
Peter Parker was jumping and slinging webs as fast as he humanly could to get away from the creatures from Thanos’ army. He had gotten far enough to activate instant kill mode. “Uhhh I could use a little help here, anyone?” Peter sounded distraught.
“I’m coming, Peter, hold on!” came Shannon’s voice through his gear. She flew as fast as she could. With the help of her AI Tadashi she managed to locate him and stop the creatures from coming too close to him. “Peter, on my mark, jump!” she yelled.
Soon enough, she was just above him and he jumped, latching his spider legs onto her suit.
“Thank you! Ms Moran.” He sighed in a bit of relief while hugging the gauntlet.
“No worries, Peter and it’s Mrs Stark.” Shannon giggled.  “Alright, I’m sending you up with Valkyrie, ready?”
He got thrown into the air and was caught by Valkyrie and off they went on her flying horse.
Just as you finished killing Maw, you looked around to see where Thanos was, if Wanda had made any progress on killing him or stopping him. Yet, when you glanced to where they were before, Thanos was in the air as Wanda slowly ripped away his armor. He ordered a “rain fire” command, but Corvus argued with him against it saying it would harm the troops on their side as well as your side. Thanos demanded he do it anyway.
In one second, shots came raining down from the ship, hitting anywhere and everywhere. It knocked Wanda back as well as hit multiple people on the field. Your hope fell away as Wanda flew back, far away from Thanos. When Wanda was pushed back, it broke her hold on Thanos.
The sorcerers tried to act quickly to shield those that they could from the blasts. Then two seconds later, one of the shots hit the edge of the lake, and water came crashing in, threatening to flood the whole battlefield.
“Uhh, guys don’t mean to interrupt but the lake water is going to flood this area if we don’t do something soon!” Shannon announced while trying to keep her eyes on Peter.
Stephen took notice and flew over quickly before the water could hurt anyone. He began whirling the water into what appeared to be a water cyclone to keep it contained. You shook your head, wondering why he didn’t just lift the old debris up to keep it held back so he could fight too, but now wasn’t the time to argue with him.
Your sight reset on Thanos now. He wasn’t fighting anyone, and the gauntlet was still out there.
Peter had it and he was struggling. “I got this. I got this!” he yelled as he shot a web and glided along.
You were trying to decide whether to help Peter or stop Thanos. Your heart was racing. Seconds mattered, every second meant something. You didn’t have time to debate this for long. Finally, you made the executive decision to stop Thanos - several people could help Peter, but only a few of you could stop Thanos.
“Shannon, I’m going after Thanos. Peter needs help, I can’t get to him,” you told her, knowing she would be there to help him in an instant.
“Tadashi, scan the area for Peter. I need to know where he is,” she called for the AI.
“He’s still up in the air. They are getting close to the van, Mrs. Stark.”
“Alright turn on the thrusters.” From there she jetted to where they were. She was just about to get there but one of the ships snapped his webbing and he was rapidly falling. Thankfully the iron spider suit he was wearing had protected him from any of the harsh blows from the debris.
All she could hear were his screams and grunts as he fell. She got there just in time to shield him from the blast that had been far too close to her liking.
“Okay, I don’t got this. Help! Somebody help!” was all that anyone close could hear. “Ahh!” he yelled in panic.
“Peter! Are you okay?” she asked, letting her helmet retract so she could get a closer look. Her eyes began tearing up, seeing him standing there all bruise. “Oh, my son! You’re back. I’ve missed you so much.” She helped him stand and pulled him in for a hug.
“Hi there, Mrs. Stark, it’s good to see you—-” He got out once he steps back. “Wait, what do you mean by son?” he looked confused. “I mean I do see both you and Mr. Stark like family but—” he got cut off.
“There’s so much that I need to tell you, but this isn’t the time nor the place.” She smoothed his hair back, a few stray tears going down her cheek. “When all of this is over you, me, and Tony will have a talk okay?”
“Mrs. Stark, don’t cry. Things will turn out right, I know it will.” He tried to cheer her up. “Are you sure you should be here though?”  He started looking around hoping that no enemy was near. “Am I in trouble?” he instantly got nervous when he heard about having a chat with the three of them.
“Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble, Peter.” She ruffled his hair and he smiled sheepishly.
Soon enough more enemies started to approach and between the two they were able to diminish the numbers of them but more kept showing up. Shannon knew she had to keep Parker safe at all costs so she managed to connect all her powers together and send a surge of thunder and things to kill a large diameter of the enemies.
Just as you locked eyes on Thanos and set out for him though, the shooting from above stopped. Everyone halted on the battlefield, wondering what had happened. The shots didn’t stop though - they were redirected towards the sky, the clouds.
You frowned, confused. Your eyes met Steve’s, then Remy’s. Everyone had the same look you did -- utter confusion.
After a few people muttered their bewilderment and then soon it was easily realized why the ship had changed its aim.
Carol Danvers had just entered the battlefield.
She crashed through the ship, disabling it, and slammed through it again for good measure. The ship powered down and fell into the lake.
Everyone took a moment to shout with joy but it was far from over. Carol flew through the area looking for Peter and the Gauntlet.
“We’re over here, Carol,” came Shannon’s voice.
Carol landed, looking at him with a smile. “Hey I’m Peter Parker,” he introduced himself while hugging the gauntlet.
“Hey, Peter Parker. Got something for me?” She cocked her head.
He walked and lowered the stones, looking to the oncoming horde. “I don’t know how you’re going to get it through all of that,” he said in an exhausted tone.
Shannon and all the over women gather up. Wanda on his left.
“Don’t worry,” Wanda assured.
“She’s got help,” Okoye appeared on his right and you in front of them.
You stood shoulder to shoulder with the other women of the field as all of Thanos’s army charged towards all of you. Carol’s mission was to get the stones to the time machine. The rest of the women were to get the army off of Carol, clear her a path. Yours was to keep Thanos from getting to Carol.
Taking flight, you rocketed toward Thanos, who saw you, he was about to throw his sword your way, but something else sharp sliced your side, sending a searing pain up your right side. You began falling towards the Earth, glancing to see who hit you as you did so. Right before you landed, you saw Corvus smirking at you. When you hit, blood shot out of your side and you wheezed.
Get up, you ordered yourself. Monsters and soldiers were running at you but you held out both arms, charging items and throwing them and using your electrical power to knock them back. In a way, all you had done was clear a path so Covrus could run at you. He had picked up his spear, raising it high above his head before throwing it at you.
You rolled out of the way and onto your feet in one movement. A flash of anger went through Corvus as he jabbed at you again and again. All you were doing was dodging his shots before finally, you used one hand to grab the spear when he shot it towards you. He looked at you in surprise, but you used the hand on the spear to charge it until it blasted him off the end of it, sending him flying backwards. You charged the spear and launched it at him with all your force. It hit him square in the chest.
One second after he was dead, you remembered you needed to get to Thanos, to stop him from getting the stones, but when you looked up to find him, your blood ran cold.
Thanos had been slowed down by Hope, Shuri, and Shannon’s blasts, but then he resorted to another way to stop Carol. He threw his weapon straight into the time machine, causing an explosion that knocked nearly everyone on the battlefield.
You were too far away to help, but you saw that Carol had lost the gauntlet. Thanos made a move toward the glove, but Tony was nearby. He slammed into Thanos hard enough to knock him away from the gauntlet for a second, but Thanos, filled with wild rage, hit Tony -- your blood boiled at the sight.
Thor landed in front of the gauntlet, swinging furiously at Thanos. He swung his axe towards Thanos’s head and neck, but Thanos caught it. Thor summoned Mjorner, trying to brace the axe to push it towards Thanos’s neck. It looked like he was winning, but needed some help. Steve ran up and dove on the back of Thanos.
Thanos somehow shoved the weapons away from him, headbutted Thor, and threw Steve off of him, slamming his giant fist into Steve’s sternum, effectively knocking him out.
If your blood wasn’t already on fire from the attack on Tony, you were absolutely enraged now.
Immediately, you began flying towards them. You darted towards him, trying to fight monsters and soldiers as you went, shielding yourself from any other weapons that may be launched at you.
Thanos made towards the gauntlet, he had it in his hand, but Carol made it to him in time. She caved in his knee, punched him in the face, threw blasts of energy at him, dodged his blows, he grabbed her arm and threw her far away.
Come on, you screamed internally, pushing yourself harder.
Thanos put the glove on and your body felt hot, cold, numb. Every emotion raged through you like an ocean had hit you.
He raised his hand and went to snap. You were almost there. You could almost get him!
Not again, not again, not again!
Carol was suddenly back, her hands forcing Thanos’s hand open, preventing him from snapping. She pushed on the gauntlet hard, then pushed even harder, forcing him on one knee, bending his fingers so far back you were praying they were going to break. He tried to headbutt her, fight her, punch her, but her energy field was too strong.
Thanos suddenly grabbed the power stone and he held it in his other hand. He closed his fist around it, and punched Carol, sending her far away.
For the briefest of seconds, you felt failure, that it had happened again. He was going to win.
He put the powerstone back in the gauntlet, he was acclimating to the power of the glove, he said, “I am… inevitable.”
But then, you were there, right next to him. The hope, anger, fear, joy, all of it had returned.
Just before he could snap though, your dark energy wrapped around the gauntlet forcing it open.
“No,” you all but snarled.
Thanos stared at you with wide eyes, and he tried to punch you, much like he did with Carol, but your shield protected you.
Then your power bled onto him, starting from his hand, to his arm, then finally all over his body. Purple electricity snaked around his body. You lifted him off the ground.  
Your voice was full of pure malice and power, as you said, “You see, Thanos? When you take away your weapons--” your power peeled off the gauntlet from his hand “--and your armor--” your power pulled his armor off piece by piece, ensuring to wrap your power around his neck as you did so “--and your power…”
He floated there, in nothing more than a shirt and pants, his eyes squeezing shut from the pain around his neck and body as your power slowly squeezed him tighter like a boa constrictor. You slammed him into the ground, on his knees, so he could look over and see Tony, who had the stones.
“You’re nothing more than a man,” you said. “You’ll never hurt my family or this world again,” you vowed as you stared at him, and he at you.
Keeping Thanos in place with your purple, electric energy, you walked over to Tony, taking his left hand and holding it. You let your red bio-kinetic energy flow into Tony. It would help him so he didn’t have to take the full force of the stones. You knew your body could bear it, thanks to the power of the mind stone, and you knew by charging his body cells to their full potential, he could withstand the power even more.
One arm, one power flowing out of each as Shannon came over to constantly heal Tony, so that the power didn’t kill him.
It felt like you were being ripped in half. The pain was almost unbearable. Thanos was strong, and it took every ounce of your energy, power, and concentration to hold him back as well as not letting the stones completely kill you or Tony.
Shannon had been forcing her healing powers onto Tony. When her body began to feel the distress from the babies, she took a deep breath and calmed herself, focusing on keeping her husband and her sister healed. So you two could do what needed to be done, so that things went how they needed them to go.
“You almost had it there, buddy, but guess what?” He stopped in front of him and crouched down. “Out of all the possibilities there was only one shot at winning this and you know why?”
He looked around and saw everyone that had been dusted and was back. He looked towards his wife and his son and the family he formed within the Avengers.
“Tony, I can’t push my powers any further.” She looked to him, seeing just exactly what the gauntlet was doing to him and you. “Gahh!” she screamed from the exhaustion.
“Shannon!” both you and Bruce yelled.
“Because this wasn’t inevitable and I.. am.. Ironman!” he shouted and snapped his fingers.
Thanos looked on in despair as his troops began to fade into the air. At the very end when he is the only one left, he said, “This wasn’t supposed to end like this.” With that, he had become a pile of dust blown away a moment later.
“Holy shit,” you breathed out weakly before falling to your hands and knees, trying to catch your breath. That ordeal just took everything out of you.
Looking back to where both Tony and you were at, Shannon could see the power of the gauntlet. Raw energy had left most of his right side injured. He stumbled for a bit before his body collapsed beside a pile of debris. Rhodey soon flew in and went up to Tony to see his long time colleague and friend laying there in pain. Soon after Peter flew in and ran to his mentor.
“Mr. Stark? Hey- Mr. Stark” he stopped for a moment. “Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark– We won, Mr. Stark. We won. You did it, sir. You did it.” He broke down and hugged him.
“Alright kid, alright I know,” he patted the kid on the back. “Come on, breathe, I’m not dead, okay?” he tried to joke.
Shannon walked over with the help of Bucky. He had been told that she was pregnant and had used up most of her energy to keep them all alive.
“Thank you, Bucky.” She kissed his cheek.
“No problem, doll.” He smiled and walked back to Steve’s side. “Hey, babe,” Tony hoarsely got out. “We did it.”
She sat next to him and leaned her head on his left side. “Yeah we did, now how about we all go back to the cabin to clean up and eat?” she suggested. “The babies starting to get too active.” She grabbed his hand and put it on her belly.
“Oh boy, those kids got energy!” He laughed. “I don’t know how you managed to fight here with us today while carrying these little miracles.” He kissed her cheek lovingly.
“Get a room!” you teased as you walked up to the pair and offered your hands to get them to stand.
“Hey, we have and it made you an aunt, didn’t it?” He smirked.  “Alright, FRIDAY, see if there’s any quinjets left to get us all home.”
“Right away boss.” It took a moment. “There seems to be 3 quinjets still fully functioning, sir.”
“Alright you heard the AI, let’s get our butts into those jets and head back to their home.” Steve ever the team leader.
Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords @oldfreakything @adefectivedetective @dontbetooobvious
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog   @sammysbuttcheek @misz-adrii @sandlee44 @womanxofletters @natsuccs @childishhoebinoo @expecteddifferent @girl-next-door-writes @fanaticfanfiction @dakotapaigelove @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell @reigningqueenofwords @oldfreakything
Marvel: @reigningqueenofwords @flowerbunbunny​ @zelda2248 @misz-adrii
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annashipper · 5 years
Discerning Anon
Hi Anna! 
I went to the 92Y preview screening and discussion with Michael Shannon and the director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon on the 20th. The moderator, a Columbia University film professor who has been doing these discussions for 30 years gushed that this was THE BEST film she had seen this year!!! She also hadn’t seen any of the earlier versions.
I have to say the AG-R Director’s Cut is a greatly improved version! It runs tighter and quicker and Tesla is now an actual 3rd character. Katherine Waterston’s name should absolutely have been included on the poster!! I thought Michael Shannon as Westinghouse was terrific. As for BC, Edison being a difficult person that people don’t understand and/or like, this is his specialty character, he plays it very well as he usually does.
The director said when he first read the script he wasn’t sure if he was interested because he didn’t really know a lot about electricity, but reading it again he picked up on the characters and how one was obsessed with being remembered and the other was more interested in integrity rather than self-promotion which drew him in. BC was already attached to the project when AG-R signed on - it is a Sunnymarch production - and AG-R went to Brooklyn to see if he could get Michael Shannon onboard who originally gave him a firm hard No, also due to not really knowing a lot about the subject matter. AG-R gave him probably the only book written by people who actually knew Westinghouse, MS read it and signed on because he thought the character was an important one especially in this day and age. Once MS was onboard, I forgot who mentioned Katherine Waterston to the director but he thought that KW and MS would be a fantastic pairing! He was really thrilled to get her signed. AG-R then approached Nicholas Hoult about Tesla, and that he envisioned Tesla as a Bowie type character. NH already knew a lot about Tesla and was in.
AG-R said it was Westinghouse who he most identified with personally. There’s also a new scene where Tesla is reminded that he is just an immigrant and should go back where he came from which also hit a note with him.
AG-R also talked about how historically accurate the movie can really be when there’s not a lot of material about Westinghouse, and how there are real people who have been omitted (Edison had a 2nd wife) and other people were combined into one character. Adding everyone would have taken the movie in a few different directions than how he intended and been a lot longer.
There is an elephant in the movie however I assure you it does not come to any danger or harm. 😉
So what does Martin Scorsese have to do with this? When the project was coming together AG-R was advised to add him to the project as a backup just in case anything should happen, which drew a gasp from the audience. Apparently, there were concerns about HW coming to light before things actually did. Scorsese was the guardian angel in getting this off the shelf it was put on and if worse came to worse Scorsese was going to do the final cut himself, however he believed in AG-R and gave it to him to do as he originally envisioned.
There were lots of questions for MS about how he chooses roles and what he thinks of acting. A lot of people who were part of the production were in the audience along with the director’s mom who also got a round of applause. As for the audience - I think I was the youngest person there!
The problem is the subject matter. You either get into it or you just don’t. Not everyone will find how to build the better power distributor that interesting, although this older crowd did. I don’t think it would necessarily appeal to those who like period pieces if they aren’t engineers. The characters are interesting if you’re interested enough in the subject matter but I don’t think the characters make you interested in the subject matter itself.
It’s not a bad movie. I really enjoyed it because I’m a fan of 5 of the actors and I actually do find machines interesting. However with even the most recent reviews, I might be one of the few who did.
I also went to the NYC movie premiere Monday! The closest I got to the red carpet was walking by it to get in line for the movie which was a block and a half long! Thankfully I was towards the front of the line. They showed the film in a couple theaters, but I’m not sure everyone in line was able to get in.
While BC was doing interviews after their spin on the red carpet, I passed Weirdo who was upstairs chatting with a few people. In heels, she’s taller than me.
All the showings including the Studio/VIP theater let out at the same time. I wandered through and found BC shaking hands and hugging people as they were coming out of the VIP showing. He happily took a few quick pics with some people and kids who were most likely related to the studio execs. He then went over to MS who just came out of the theater who was also in good spirits. You could tell they were both very excited about everyone’s response to the film. Weirdo was there too standing there pleasantly and patiently and then wandered off until it was time for them to leave. Dave wasn’t there but there was a very discreet bodyguard keeping an eye over BC, with Karen not often far from his side.
It looks like the film is going to do well in NYC, people leaving the theater were all talking about what they really liked about it and Edison, even on the bus home. We’ll see how well it does elsewhere.
I do have to say congratulations to AG-R for winning his own war in getting his movie out from under HW and released as he intended. The Director’s Cut really is a much better movie because of it.
Thank you so much for sharing your opinion on how the film has progressed Discerning Anon.
Given how unimpressed you were with the 2017 version you’d seen, I was really looking forwart to getting your take on the director’s cut.  
The film opens tomorrow in Greece, so I can’t wait to see for myself if AGR was actually able to turn what sounded like a horrible liability into something good.
Thank you also for allowing me to share these pics you took at the premiere with the rest of the class:
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Showmance-wise, what I’d really like to know is why Ben didn’t give Weirdo his own suit jacket, instead of her having to borrow David Birkin’s for warmth.  By the time she needed it, he was done taking pictures.
Did he forget about the one other time he had to be noble at the 2015 BAFTAS afterparty, a few hours after Ms Ballsy kept pointing out that a real gentleman would have offered his heavily pregnant wife his jacket to keep her from freezing to death on what was a very cold night?
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gltrngold-a · 4 years
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ THE AFFLUENT   ♥ ♡ ♥  —
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“A house with a death in it can never again be bought or sold by the living. It can only be borrowed by the ghosts who have stayed behind.”
                             — i am the pretty thing that lives in the house (2016, dir. oz perkins)
「 keira knightley. thirty. female. she/her. 」 welcome to cerulean pier, home of many mythological beings. did you know that our resident CAPRICE DE LUCA is the child of PERSEPHONE? they don’t, maybe that’s why they’re known as the AFFLUENT around town. they are GENTLE & SOLICITOUS, but also SENSITIVE & PLIANT. they are also currently A WRITER. don’t say anything, but they are hiding THAT SHE WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO INHERIT HER GRAND FAMILY FORTUNE. 「 shannon, 20, she/her, bst. 」
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ basics  ♥ ♡ ♥  —
name: caprice alessia de luca age: thirty birthdate: 26th september, 1989 — milan, lombardy, italy zodiac ( sun ) sign: libra orientations: bisexual, biromantic relationship status: single label: the affluent occupation: writer
faceclaim: keira knightley height: 5 ft 8 in
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ personality  ♥ ♡ ♥  — 
mbti: infp-t enneagram: two, with a one wing hogwarts house: ravenclaw temperament: melancholic theme song: rabbit heart (raise it up) by florence + the machine
hobbies: tending to the gardens at the front of her house; volunteering at the local library; cooking / baking; language-learning; playing the harp
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ favourites  ♥ ♡ ♥  —
i’d do anything for love (but i won’t do that) by meat loaf come as you are by nirvana a rush of blood to the head by coldplay
television series:
the good place (2016-2020) medici: masters of florence (2016-2019) pride and prejudice (1995)
rebecca (daphne du maurier, 1938) frankenstein (mary shelley, 1818) howards end (e.m. forster, 1910)
i am the pretty thing that lives in the house (2016) rebecca (1940) a streetcar named desire (1951)
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ summary   ♥ ♡ ♥  —
so here’s the hoe-down throwdown about my baby capri:
eclectic. if it can keep her interest she’ll love it.
many bookshelves and annotated copies of books and the first editions that she’s never written in so she has more than one copy of every book and polished desks and half-full notebooks and cups of tea she forgot about and flowers from her garden that just seem to live a little longer than they might otherwise though she can never work out why.
accidentally ethereal and vague sometimes but if you need specifics please ask her she’s trying. 
always trying to learn something new! educate urselves! but sometimes she just doesn’t have the patience and that’s okay too ( she gave up on learning woodworking, for one. the splinters weren’t good for her hands. )
so passionate when you get to know her okay. 
degrees in pride of place above the fire. silk pyjamas.
quietly intellectual. soft bean. literally the duck with knife meme because she protective but just because she could cut a bitch with her jawline doesn’t mean she’s going to.
spiritually the village wise old woman even though she’s literally thirty. automatically everyone’s mother she has adopted everyone i do not make the rules. you’re hungry? you want tea? you need help? need someone to talk to? go to caprice’s she’ll never snake you out.
if you live in the town she automatically cares about u that’s just how it is she is concerned about everyone always except herself she actually do be kinda self-hating tho my baby :(
she won’t seek you out because she prefers to keep to quiet places but you can find her at her house, in her gardens, or in the library she likes to volunteer at! 
you know that house everyone goes past and they’re like, ‘if i had the money i’d live in that house’? she lives in that house. it’s a bit like the tallis house in atonement with the view of jocelyn’s home in broadchurch. really pretty, relic from times past, unmatched view of the sea, everyone wants it. carefully looked-over gardens, a swing-seat where she sits and reads. you get me, it’s just... so pretty.
really sweet accent. like, italian accents are pretty and i’m a lesbian so i’ve gotta say it here you know.
so basically her getting her ( fake ) family’s fortune was one big ol’ mistake. her mother wasn’t of sound mind when she changed the will but someone didn’t check properly so guess she’s got it now. think murdoch media, grovesnor group, that kind of collective; conservative assholes and caprice de luca is not one jot like any of them. 
she just wants to write her books and help out as much as she can god bless her she’s such a sweetheart. ( she writes historical fiction and you’ve never met someone more cautious about accuracy. her one exception is medici masters of florence but we’re not having no philippa gregory in this bitch. elizabeth of york didn’t fuck richard iii thank you for your time. )
it was a difficult decision for her not to come clean abt the whole situation because she felt bad about taking advantage, but it meant she could really help people with the insane amount of money she came to have! she doesn’t flaunt it, and if it wasn’t for the last name most people probably wouldn’t even know she had it. 
she tried going to law school like her parents but she just couldn’t get into it. she’d rather pay for people’s legal advice rather than do it herself and not be any good at it! 
that’s particularly true of the winter though she can never really work out why.
hopeless romantic!1!1! even tho she’s been burned in love before like she’s a daydreaming sweetheart please protect her sweet lil bby
she’s the kind of person you feel spiritually should’ve belonged to the renaissance. just that sense of displacement that lingers around a person, and you wonder, just for a moment, if they’d have been happier. of course, it’s a futile thing to wonder, because we’re born and we die as it happens.
honestly she’s baby but so easily manipulated. like make her feel bad and she’ll bend over backwards to make u feel better... someone please give her a new backbone.
please... be gentle with my child.
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ wanted connections   ♥ ♡ ♥  — 
someone she tutors maybe? like she’s a smart little bean.
do your character’s actual fake parents suck? well then you can live at caprice’s house now. i don’t make the rules she does.
someone who’s taking advantage of the sweet but absolutely loaded bean for her money.
people who like her books because tell her you do and she’ll cry out of happiness and it’s the softest thing ever.
people she’s helped out with money for tuition etc. who are now friends with her and go visit to make sure the introverted smol is okay! like give her soft friends please.
ik she’s like the oldest person here right now but. hopefully at some point someone give her a soft partner. she’s a soft bi so anyone works.
a de luca relative who’s salty about the family inheritance??? conservative, entitled, still rich enough, pushy and trying to make her life a misery bc they hate everything she stands for 
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annakie · 5 years
Notes on a Blog Cleanup (& some other stuff) Part 4
Made it all the way back to  to page 1000. 
Started with 3021 pages.  Currently have 2954 pages, adding in posting 10 - 13 times a day for the last month... deleted somewhere around 87 pages of posts (or around 1300 total).  I’m in April 2015.  So it took two and a half years to do 50% of my posting here and nearly another year and a half to get that down to 2/3rds. It’ll just speed up from here.
Anyway, here’s a bunch of words about tumblr, fandom, and Doctor Who.
I’ve found myself deleting more news articles lately.  There’s almost no cringe-y stuff left. If I go back and do this again it’ll be even more deleting current events stuff unlessI connected to it somehow.
A LOT of the content creation I ever did happened in this time.  I did so much giffing for Who’s Line, a lot of video game stuff, especially Mass Effect, cause you know, it’s me, and a lot of edits and such.  Some way better quality than others.  I was also getting thousands of notifications a day from the few things I did that were really popular back then (still sometimes get notes on that Whose Line/Elmo/Game of Thrones gifset to this day).   
I know I’m not like, the best at gifs and edits, but hey, I think some of it is like, pretty good?  There’s a few things I’m a little sad about that just never took off, but I bet all people who try and post OC on Tumblr feel that way about some of their stuff.  A few things I made did surprisingly well, though.
I still will make the odd gif/photoset there that’s more than just “here’s some nice screenshots I took slightly edited” but honestly, I feel like these days it’s so hard to get many notes on tumblr at all?  Like there’s just so fewer people making stuff, and even less reblogging gifsets/photosets?  Idk, maybe it’s something more specific to my overall followers and who you all follow?  But I made a joking post a couple of days ago about my dash feeling weird because not everything is specifically tailored to me after scrolling through my blog, but on the OTHER hand, I also feel like, overall Tumblr has become just yet another place to post memes and text posts and has the big problem of the Reddit/Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram (+TickTock) circle where each place is like 50% screenshots/reposts of content the others?  This obviously isn’t a criticism of any actual people, but just... what tumblr has become the last year or two?  Is it just me?  Like you can find some gifsets and such with a couple thousand notes here and there but... just not as much is being produced now?  Does that make sense?
Like a month or two ago I spent a couple of hours specifically looking for good general fandom blogs specific to several fandoms I’m in and... it’s hard to even find those blogs anymore.  Like, “fuckyeah” type blogs that are someone’s sideblog about a specific topic.  And hey, believe me, I’ve created and abandoned several of these kinds of blogs on my time here (and at least one I’d keep up with but.. it just doesn’t have any content being generated for it so it’s just... sparse) so I get it.  Maybe I’m just not looking in the right places, I don’t know.  
I keep wondering how much longer I’m going to keep doing this little project, and then every 10 or pages I come across a post I didn’t tag properly that’s now been found, or something I just really wanna get off my blog and I’m like “Welp, when I stop finding these, I’ll stop looking.  So maybe in like, 2018. :p  LIterally finding posts I forgot I ever made in the first place and like has made it worth it.
Notes on TAH Fandom
This was also the phase of being heavily heavily like SO heavily into The Thrilling Adventure Hour.  And I have a lot of thoughts on that, too.
Literally, one of the best decisions of my life, tbh.  Not every moment of being like a SuperFan of this thing was sunshine and roses, but most of them really were.  Honestly, I made such good friends.  I had some extraordinary experiences, doing things that I wouldn’t have otherwise done, for sure.  I traveled to Seattle, Chicago, New York twice, and LA three times, hanging out with new friends, and getting to know the cast of a thing I loved so much, and also somehow getting to be known by them as well.  There were things that happened that I didn’t blog about here because I never wanted to come off as braggy, or just to keep a confidence.  There were a few not-as-great things that happened during that time, but basically, 2014 through mid-November 2015 will likely go down as one of the best time periods of my life, for a lot of reasons, but a good chunk of that was the experiences I had through TAH.
Hoo boy though, I blogged about it a LOT.  Like, it felt like almost as much as early blog was about Doctor Who.  I was, uh, real enthusiastic and am now kinda regretful about some of those early fandom tags.  Also turns out some of the TAH people looked at my blog more than I knew, I think, so a little yikes there thinking back on it now.  But also I was kind and helpful a lot, so all of that was good.
This is a good recap post of all of the awesome stuff.  And even that glosses over a lot of the really cool stuff, or skirts around some of it, just to try and stay brief about it.
One of the big things I learned from that experience was that being a very involved person in a fandom is such a double-edged sword.  For one thing, it honestly became somewhat of a second job for me, which I 100% put upon myself.  But running FYTAH (with Shannon!) and admining/writing a large percentage of the TAH Wiki (with Ange!), working in the booths at conventions (with Jena + Shannon/Kitty/Jamie/Dani) and being available to help in a variety of other ways was A Lot.  Which again, I took on willingly.  And Ange warned me about it several times but I was like “No I want to do this.”  So then it also kind of turned into like a customer service job even outside of working at the cons.  After awhile you gotta smile and be nice allllll the time. I ended up taking a lot of things offline to a small subset of friends.  And most of that came from other fans, not from the show itself (except like, feeling like I couldn’t show my true disappointment when the show was ending, or feeling like I couldn’t air any criticisms I had about the show except in very private conversations.)  
At one point I was having an email conversation with a couple of those friends and realized that, for the first time in my life, I was like a “popular kid”, which was weird.  And I tried my damnedest to be as welcoming and inclusive and not to let anyone feel left out.  But also there’s a point where like, you can only take on so much, and you can only be actual friends with so many people?   You can be kind and welcoming and enthusiastic and all, but you only have so much time and energy to give away.  There were so many messages I never answered still sitting in my / the FYTAH inbox or in email and some on twitter because I just didn’t have the bandwidth to give away sometimes.  It was a weird lesson to learn because I knew it so well in general in my personal life, but had never had to apply it... in this way before?  Does that sound weird?  Or braggy?  I feel like I’m walking on land mines with this one.
For a more specific example of what I mean, in March, 2015 ten of us rented a house and lived in it for a long weekend for the TAH 10th anniversary show + a fun getaway vacation. Everyone invited was someone I knew or were close with someone else in the group.  A few more people had been invited but couldn’t afford it, so word got around a little bit.  And it was AMAZING.  But I later heard that there were a few people, most of whom I didn’t really know, were hurt that they weren’t invited.  Jena and I spent dozens of hours and put a lot of financial risk into being the custodians of the trip for even the ten of us, and it was a huge undertaking.  It was never meant to be a thing for the entire fandom, just a group of people who were already friends.  But there was still a small kerfluffle from a few people about it.  Which, I TOTALLY get feeling bad about being left out but... it was always supposed to be a relatively small thing, never any kind of “Official Fandom Get Together”.  And we definitely didn’t have the time/money/ability to host an “open call for anyone to come” type thing.  Just coordinating 10 people (and about 25 - 30 overall getting together to hang out at designated times over the weekend) was... more than enough.
At one point sometime later people started suggesting that we organize and hold an actual TAH-Con and I... let that one pass me by without really talking about it.  It was definitely too much, and even then I knew it.  And I mean, the shadow of Dashcon was still hanging over all fandoms heavily in those days.  I wasn’t about to become the next Dashcon.  It never got past a few emails being passed around.
So yeah, to be honest, if I could go back and do those years again, I absolutely would, it was like 95% awesomeness.  But I think in regards to some of the fandom-specific things, I’d be a little less of a doormat, and I’d be a little more careful about spreading myself too thin.
So now that the show is “back”, I am enjoying listening to it, and I’ll reblog some things or post big news on FYTAH, but I’ve been lazy about even helping out with the wiki (I keep meaning to get back to it, Ange is still doing great) because... although I’m still a HUGE fan, I also am gonna be more laid back about it now.  
I also haven’t REALLY loved a thing in the same way since TAH.  The closest there has been is Critical Role, and I’ve been real careful to stay out of any actual fandom stuff there.  I really love the thing, but I’m gonna keep with my group of 5 or 6 other fans I already know (all from other fandoms) who love the thing too, and stay out of wider discussions.  With some of the stuff happening there lately, it was a good decision.  
Wow, that was a lot of words.  Sorry. 
Hey one last thing to catch up on.
Doctor Who Rewatch 2019!
I’m now already at 6x01, into the Silence episodes.
So I did finally rewatch the Desert Bus episode that I hated so much before and like... this time... it was fine?  Cheesy and all, but not so bad that I should have hated it as much as I did?  Also noticed the Doctor doing the classic “gonna hit on this girl really hard in the beginning then drop her so quick at the end” thing to the companion of the week.  Ah, Ten.  The most bi-polar of all Doctors.  I’m gonna be honest, I decided to skip on through Waters of Mars because I realized I was just ready to be done with Ten at that point.  I’ll probably go back to it at some point but I wasn’t ready for another Ten Temper Tantrum, maybe the worst one of all, in that episode.
So I finished Ten (and oh man that whole two-parter to end Ten with... like the whole Master plotline is such a stinker.  The first half, in particular, is so bad, the only really good scene is the one in the cafe with Wilf.  The rest of it... wow.  Wasn’t that whole thing written like the week before filming and never really edited or something? IDK.)  The last half hour or so is really good though, with Ten’s sacrifice (after a tantrum) and then all the companion goodbyes (except Joan Redfern’s granddaughter, bleh).  
But yay, on to Eleven and Amy and Rory and more River!
Season Five is... wow it starts off strong and really stalls there in the middle for a bit.  Picks back up a bit with Rory returning, then somehow has two great episodes without Rory and ends strong, though the first pretty nonsensical Moffat-era “this doesn’t make sense but it looks and sounds so good you don’t care, right?” season arc and ending.  Season six, I’m already remembering, is way, way worse for that.  But anyway.  Rory remains my second favorite companion ever.  And episodes with Amy, Rory and River continue to be my favorites.  Also? Matt Smith is so good.
But even early on in season six I’m remembering how really dumb the overarching plotline is... Moffat is great at “Oh man this will be cool so I’m gonna throw it in there! (and it really is some very cool stuff!) and hope it all makes sense later!  Or just don’t think about it too hard!”
Honestly though, despite all the quibbles, most of the episodes work on an individual level if you don’t think about the the overall arc Moffat is trying to do.  Even those that are a bit sloggy, like the Cold Blood/Hungry Earth two-parter, have enough great moments to justify watching them.  (Ambrose is still maybe one of the worst “regular people” characters to ever be on this show, though.)  There’s still no “Fear Her”.  And that’s pretty good.
Also?  The blog itself is now about as Doctor Who oriented as it is in the last year.  Like... oh the season is airing?  There’s a lot more good stuff to reblog, I’ll reblog good stuff.  Season not airing, a scattered post here and there.  It’s a much better place to be.
After Amy and Rory leave, that was about the end of my true like “Doctor Who Obsession” phase.  On my Blog we’re in the break between Amy and Rory leaving and Clara showing up. I never really clicked with Clara, I think like a lot of people.  Like I really liked the season with Danny, but after that season I never really rewatched episodes, so I’m looking forward to getting there and experiencing some stuff again for the second time.  
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i-writeandread-blog · 5 years
A Portrait of a Tortured You and I - Chapter 4
Jared looked to Emma and then to Shayla. He honestly didn't know what I was talking about. Shayla made it clear silently that he was not responsible for my trip. Emma stopped me from getting up and in a loud enough tone so that anyone listening could hear said, "Catherine, you're at this table because there is an odd number of guests. You were the last person booked, so when I did the seating chart, I had placed you here. If you go to one of the other two tables you would be facing away from us. I didn't think that any of our guests would want that." I understood instantly and felt so ashamed.
Jared leaned in. "That's a beautiful shade of red in your cheeks." I turned even brighter. "That happens when you've been put in your spot, apparently." I said loud enough for Emma to hear. "I told you a mad Emma isn't good." I agreed with him.
"You gonna explain what your question meant?"  He asked.
"It's nothing. It's not important."  There wasn't any real reason to involve him in this.  I doubt he'd be much interested in the story anyway.  The waiter came to the rescue and started placing our food in front of us.
The dinner was a five course meal and better than anything the other island guests were encountering right now but for the price of this package, it would have to be. I wasn't really hungry, but I tried to eat everything. Jared plowed through the first three servings as if it were the last meal he was going to have. I half expected him to start eating off of my plate, but he didn't. As eccentric as he can be, he knew his boundaries.
"Are you not enjoying the food?" He inquired.
"It's very good, but I'm not used to so much food. I live on a budget. Give me a burger and fries any day. But this is exceptionally delicious."  I didn't want to sound like a snob, ironically speaking. 
Jared mentioned Shannon several times to Shayla and seemed agitated that he hadn't come to dinner yet.  After the third time, I looked up and there he was walking around greeting the guests.  "Finally!" Jared huffed.
"Excuse me, kitty cat.  Enjoy the rest of your meal."  He stood up, walked to Shannon, whispered something, then bid farewell to all the guests.
Shannon came over and sat down next to me and spoke first. "Hello darling, how's the grub?"  Typical Shannon, not one to be all prim and proper.  "It's very yummy.  You should have some." I suggested.  "No way.  I just had pizza.  I just came to say hello to everyone."  And with that he stood up and left.  He was clearly just doing his obligated duty.  I couldn't blame him.  I'm not a fancy kinda gal either.
The last two courses came out and once we had all ate, it was rather late.  Oddly enough, I was wide awake.  Everyone made their way back to the main part of the island, but I asked Emma (after apologizing for the misunderstanding) if I could hang back and just enjoy the lack of people and peace and quiet.  I wasn't afraid out here.  I came to realize that this is the area where the crew and possibly Jared, Shannon, and Stevie were staying.  I had no intention of seeking them out and Emma didn't seem to think I was a threat, either.   She said I was welcome to wander around as much as I'd like.  I thanked her and set off into the water.
I was wearing a long sundress and lifted the bottom of it up and tied it around my upper thighs.  I watched everyone cleaning up and slowly disappear, until I was the only one there. It started to get dark while I waded around in the warm Adriatic Sea.  The peacefulness was astounding.  I wanted to take it all in.  I didn't know if I'd ever have the chance to see anything like this again.
I started to drift off into my imagination and completely forgot about space and time when a voice not so far away spoke up.  "I talked to Shay.  You need to know that I am truly sorry about what happened."  I didn't know what Jared had been told so I played dumb to see.
"What happened to whom?"  I questioned.
"I know you were bullied by someone on Vyrt." I heard him sigh loudly.  "I know what happened at your job."  At hearing that - I did a double take.  "Excuse me?  How can you know that?" I wasn't expecting him to have any idea.
"Cat, it was Shannon who had you upgraded.  Come up here and sit down by me, I'll explain everything."  I did as I was told and went over to the large rocks jutting out from the shore into the ocean. I climbed up to where he was and sat facing him.  He grabbed both of my hands in his and began.
"I was going to get rid of Vyrt."  He paused.  Looked off at the distance, then continued.  "I was upset after what happened at the Bowl.  Anyway.  I was going to get rid of it, but people were still going on there and I couldn't bring myself to do it.  I had Shayla go on there one night just to see how much activity was still going on.  She saw what that girl Natalie said.  She felt bad.  The next day, she went into the system and marked your account as paid.  She found an article about the attack and a few weeks after she emailed you she was talking about it to some of the people in the lab and I guess Shannon happened to overhear on his way out.  You with me?"  I must have been in a daze, but I was hearing everything he said.  I nodded.  "Okay, so Shannon said to her that he wanted you to have the vip.  He made sure she upgraded you, then told her to send you the money to cover the cost of a flight and hotels.  It was Shannon and not me.  He doesn't want you to know, but I felt you deserved to since Shayla said you're having a hard time and you're on edge.  Cat... I wish it had been me.  If I had known, I'd have flown you here with me."
I pulled away from him, desperate to let this sink in.  I stood up, but didn't leave.  I pondered what he had just said, I was clearly stuck on the part where he was wishing it had been him to come to my aid.
He clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth.  "Ohhh kitty cat! Is it not obvious to you that I like you?  You're so fucking innocent."
"Wha.... what do you... you mean?"
He stood up and closed the gap between us.  He grabbed my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.  "I've been looking for a way to get your attention every time I've seen you at the shows and meet and greets.  I thought that was obvious.  But you always seemed so disinterested, so much to the point that I doubted I could have you. Am I wrong in thinking that?"  I almost passed out.  I felt my knees buckle and I became lightheaded.  Jared sensed that and slowly lowered me back to a seated position.  He not once let go of me.
"Of course I was always interested in you.  I am but a normal woman. However; I'm a realist, Jared.  You're a super famous guy.  You can have damn near anyone you want... guy or girl.  Hell, I thought you were in a relationship anyway!  I never thought I stood a chance with you and even if I had thought I did, I would never have made a move first.  What was I supposed to do? Throw myself at you at a five second hi and bye?"
"Hi and bye?" He busted out laughing.  "That really is kind of what it is, isn't it?"  He kept laughing.  "I guess you're right, I do seem unavailable.  I have to have this perfect balance of appearing single and yet unobtainable at the same time.  Like, you can dream about me, but you can't have me.  It's the mystery.  People need that.  I am single, by the way."
“That's a weird juxtaposition, Jared.  But I think I get it. People most often want the one thing they can't have.  That's how it is with fans of celebrities."
We stayed silent for a few moments and then it dawned on me that this may just be our undoing.  "Jared, is this a classic case of what I just said?  You want me because you thought you couldn't have me?  But if you get me, you won't want me anymore?"
He sighed.  "Cat, I can't honestly know that.  You'd be putting me in the worst spot by having me say no, when I can't know the future.  But what I do know is I'd love to see where this could go."
I shook my head.  "This is all too over the top for me.  I'm just letting it sink in that this was an inside job getting me here.  And I'm so thankful that I am here and I can definitely feel a sense of relief knowing the circumstances.  But, remember what I said earlier.  I'm a simple person.  Burger and fries, Jared. I just don't see how I fit in your world.  It is one thing chasing you and your band around the globe and happily paying to do so, but being more than just another Echie... I just don't know about that."
"But you've always been more than that in my eyes.  Let me tell you a story. My story about a girl named Cat. I remember a shy girl dancing close to a stage while a small band was just getting their start as the opening act. There was a mosh pit right next to her and she was so oblivious to it... she just kept dancing. That image stuck with me. I burned her face into my memory. I didn’t see that girl again until a year later at The Roxy. I knew instantly. Then miraculously I saw that girl three more times within the span of a week. I went up to her and said hello, she smiled and I could tell she was nervous, but she remained calm on the surface. I hated myself for not catching her name. Through the years I’d see her. As our band got bigger it became increasingly harder to catch her in the crowds but inevitably she’d be at least one show during our various tours and I’d spot her. Then I created Adventures in Wonderland and I started doing what you call our hi & byes and she’d come. One day, I asked her, her name. She almost forgot it. She glowed. And every time I’d see her she was more and more beautiful and more and more of an enigma to me. I never knew when she’d pop up, but when she did those were always my best shows. You don’t understand the power you have in your hands, Cat. You made me want to perform at my best. Just so that girl could have fun and dance. Your support meant so much. You were there kind of from the beginning, no clue who we were, but you gave us a chance. And you didn’t choose to just like us, but you helped promote us too. I promise you... you are more than just an Echelon. You embody the reason I make music. For the kindred spirits, for the ones who get it. For the ones who are willing to dance to the beat of their own drum amidst the chaos and craziness of a mosh pit.”
I was putty in his hands. I had no idea he had paid that much attention. Never would I have guessed that in a million years. I knew he would recognize me. It’s kind of hard not to when you see each other at events so often, but to have really truly noticed me and looked forward to seeing me. That was hard to believe, but I believed him. He knew the timeline. He even knew what shows I was at. And I know the man has a bad memory, at least when it comes to lyrics.
“Let me prove to you that this could be not only real, but also worthwhile.” With that he leaned in so close. His eyes searching mine, asking an unspoken question. The answer was yes, he read me very well. His lips found mine, kissing me and taking my breath away.
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