#and sending her stuff about her basically messing up kids chances at getting help just because she got annoyed at doctors in that field
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Feel like with the Iris and Kiera fanfic depicting the two dads of Iris and Kiera as bad and evil for just...wanting to get help for their daughter's mutism and taking her to see Doctor's, we really need to discuss Lily's writing of gay men in her fanfics because this and the whole male Pokemon trainer and his male Pokemon being busted by Lily's self-insert in Pokemadhouse and the male Pokemon being sent to a sancutry where he became depressed while the male trainer was sent to prison to be expiermented on basically, because for someone who screams about representation, Lily sure doesn't seem good at writing gay men. Well, unless the gay men are Poe and Finn. But let's be real, she doesn't really care for that ship beyond getting Finn out of the way of Rey so she can ship her OC with Rey in a more toxic ship then Reylo and the bar for that was in fucking hell already, with the only contributions they really seem to have to story being Aliana's yes men who support her no matter what she does and I guess eventually the two stop being important to Rey even if they not dead before them and Aliana because Rey according to Lily ends their life just because Aliana is dead and sees no toher reason to live.
#lily orchard#lily orchard critical#these are the ones off top of my head btw#if lilys written more then i dont know about them but would be curious if they better then these examples#also like lilys one 'good' moment for kiera and iris dads was....the dads supporting iris being-medicine as an adult#and sending her stuff about her basically messing up kids chances at getting help just because she got annoyed at doctors in that field#as a kid#and being all supportive about it#like they only 'good' once and its when they supporting lil- i mean iris' anti-medicine stance
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Bradley, Bob, & Jake as Brothers
Just imagining the dynamic if these three because of the Dagger Squad and Mav and Ice began started to bond.
Bradley: An only child who was suddenly given 2 baby brothers.
Goose and Carol's only son, became a Mama's boy
After Goose died, the class of '86 helped chip in to raise him, meaning before they settled in with their own families he got the attention of so many uncles.
Mav of course took the most active role, basically being the father-figure to Bradley after Goose died. Bradley sees him more as a dad than Goose, that's why it hurt so much when Mav pulled his papers.
Then suddenly, the mission happened, they turn into a permanent squadron, and wow is Mav bringing Jake and Bob around more and more.
Hmmm, so Bob's former squadron giving him some trouble? No they're not.
Goddammit, Jake, give that back, right now!
Bradley: Hangman's the worst, selfish prick (Jake ate his leftovers). Some guy: Yeah, the guy's a fucking selfish assho- Bradley: What the fuck did you just say?
Bob: The youngest child given an older brother that actually pays attention to him and a younger brother that he needs to protect.
Big age difference between him and his siblings, he's the baby, was born when his siblings were already teenagers and young adults, focused on their own lives than him.
He was spoiled and loved by his family though, but they couldn't give him a lot of time and attention. His siblings were building their own lives, his parents were getting older, and he was an "easy kid". Bob was quiet, easy to please, easy to ignore.
When he said he wanted to join the Navy, his family was not supportive and doubted his ability. Deeply hurt him.
Then Bradley came, who would actually listen to him. Ruffle his hair and offer to hang out with him. They would play instruments together and stuff. Who defended him against his former squadron when they were making fun of him.
Then there was Jake who loved poking fun at him, but never in a mean way. Who would forget to eat when he was busy or having fun, making him have to shove fruit snacks in his mouth. Who would simultaneously teach and make fun of him when playing pool.
Bob: Come on, Rooster, not the hair (Bob rolled his eyes as Bradley ruffled his hair) Bradley: Awww, you're taking after Jakey, caring about your hair so much. Bob: Well, we actually want to look presentable (scrunches his nose at Bradley's Hawaiian shirt) Bradley: How rude.
Jake: The forcibly responsible, yet ignored middle-child, being given 2 older brothers who are protective of him, and finally gives him the chance to be free.
Jake is the middle child, have two older siblings and one younger sibling. His parents were neglectful, did not care enough.
He and his siblings used to be tight, but due to circumstances falls apart.
His older brother is a Navy SEAL, but suffers from PTSD, when he's on leave, he gets into trouble and drinks too much. He has to bail his brother out a couple of times.
His older sister began to be distant, he doesn't know where she is, she sends money and calls every now and then, but she started a new life. Whenever Jake asks for help, she refuses, claiming that Jake is strong and smart enough, that he can do it. (Jake simultaneously can't blame her and is resentful of her)
His younger sister needs financial support since she's just a teenager, she's in college right now and Jake is extremely proud of her. Just lonely as well. She's doing well for herself, Jake wants to protect her innocence. He acts more like her dad than their dad ever was.
Jake always has to be the rock, steady and strong. He's just tired.
He's a twenty-something, and he wants to be a twenty-something, careless and free. Fuck up and have fun every once in a while.
Then Bradley and Bob comes in.
He can't help but allow himself to play around with them, mess with them, tease them. They make him let his guard down, it's fun being around them, he's not responsible of them outside of being their teammate.
And they actually pay attention to him, and dote over him. He grumbles about them being overprotective or being too much of a mother hen, but he's sad whenever they hesitate to ruffle his hair, wondering if they were overstepping.
Maybe one day, he'll tell them about his family.
Jake (sinks 8-ball in): HAH! I won this game Bobert, pay up Bob (rolls his eyes as he pushes the cup of peanuts towards Jake): Eat up, you mean. Bradley (Ruffles Jake's hair): You gotta let him win once in a while. Jake (pouts): But how will he learn? And plus, how else would I be able to get some peanuts?
#fanfic#top gun maverick#top gun#bradley rooster bradshaw#top gun fandom#jake hangman seresin#jake seresin#mavdad#bob floyd#headcannons#just a bunch of ideas that I just decided to word vomit out#not proofread just post might proofread later#yes bob is older than Jake here he just has a baby face#mavdad and icepops are in the back supervising#Bradley suddenly has a handful of baby brothers and doesn't know what to do#its okay he takes after his dad(s)#I just realized I should have added Javy in here#probably in another post Javy and Jake brotherhood is the shit#Jake is neglected over-responsible middle child that finds work less stressful than his home life
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SpiderPool Steddie Part 3
Part One | Part Two
Welcome back to Steddie secret identity shenanigans ;)
This part is kinda long, but it's helping set up stuff for future parts lmao
As always, if you see any typos no you didn't
It's a beautiful day in the city: the birds are chirping, a nice breeze is blowing the smell of coffee over the streets instead of trash, and there are just enough clouds to create consistent patches of shade as they block the sun.
It's the perfect day for being out and about, the perfect day for Steve to meet Eddie at a coffee shop and flirt his way to lunch as well.
He just wishes Vecna hadn't gotten the fucking memo, too. And, if he had to get the memo, Vecna could have at least had the decency to cause problems in the evening. Seriously, it's just basic manners to not cause chaos and mayhem the same day Steve has a date.
Of course, to make it all worse, Vecna chose to let his demobats attack while Steve was on the way to said date. Not even the 30-minute buffer from leaving his apartment early will help him here, not when he has to knock the demobats out with his nail-bat, keep citizens safe, and not get himself eaten at the same time.
Maybe the worst part, though, is that Steve didn't get the chance to text Eddie that he'd be late before hastily ducking into an alley, haphazardly shoving his clothes into his backpack while tugging his mask over his head, and securely webbing his bag to the underside of a fire escape.
Steve thinks of his phone tucked into his backpack as he sends a demobat flying before it can attack a civilian trying to run away. He waves to the woman, returns the fist bump the toddler in her arms offers, and then dashes to catch up with the main swarm of the demobats. He shoots a web at a streetlamp and tugs sharply, using the momentum to send himself into the air. Once Steve is off the ground, he uses his webs to swing from building to building.
Fighting demobats is always the same routine: aggressively flapping wings, unholy screeching, claws and fangs tearing at Steve's suit as he tries to balance swinging past buildings and swinging his nail-bat. With each swipe of talons across Steve's suit, he tries to think of a plausible explanation he can give Eddie when he finally gets to the coffee shop.
A demobat dives into his face, resulting in a sharp pain across the bridge of his nose, and Steve is trying to figure out if walking into a doorway is a plausible excuse when he hears a familiar voice shout, "Yo, Spidey!"
Steve blinks, completely messes up the timing to web the next building, and suddenly starts to free-fall as demobats continue to swarm around him. He curses under his breath, catching himself on a streetlamp and wincing at the harsh yank to his shoulders.
"Oh, shit, sorry!"
Yep, definitely the person he thought it was. Steve swings off the streetlamp, landing in a crouch in front of Eddie. He spins around as he pops up, swinging at a pair of demobats that dove after him. "Hey, man, you should get outta here. You don't wanna get hurt," he says, glancing over his shoulder to look at Eddie.
Eddie just flashes a grin and shrugs. "I won't get hurt, remember?" he asks, holding up his hand and wiggling his fingers. Steve blinks, recalling the super-fast healing of Eddie's hand after he stuck a few nails through it.
"Right," Steve says, frowning slightly under the mask. He hears a shout a few feet away and doesn't think twice before sprinting toward it. There's a group of kids huddled together, trying to use their backpacks to smack away the demobats currently dive-bombing them. None of them look older than twelve, and the worst part is that Steve recognizes one of them as Dustin. He pushes himself to run faster, trying to ignore the guilt he feels at letting the demobats get near Dustin and his friends in the first place.
That guilt is for later when he can curl up under his blanket and try to tell himself that he's just doing his best and he's only one person and...man, being a hero is tough.
Dustin happens to look over as Steve is about to reach them. Despite the situation, he lights up, relief visibly washing over him. "Spider-Man!" he shouts, forgetting about keeping the bats away with his bag long enough to wave erratically like Steve hasn't already seen him.
"Hang tight!" Steve tells him, sliding behind the group and crawling up the side of the building there. He sticks to the side and takes note of the trees on either side of the kids, a vague plan starting to form in his mind. He just needs to get the bats to leave the kids alone long enough for it to work.
Just as Steve is about to throw himself into the fray as bait, he notices Eddie scramble up one of the trees by the kids, scoot out along one of the sturdier branches, and pull the guitar case off his back. He grins at the kids, winking at Dustin before swinging the guitar case like a bat. He's got a much wider range than Steve's nail-bat, and he manages to sweep most of the demobats away in two swings.
Steve sighs with relief; this is much better than the plan he had half-formed in his brain. He jumps off the building and lands next to the group of kids. "Don't just stand there!" he says, gaining their attention as he herds them toward an alley that lets out onto a street that isn't swarming with demobats.
And then, because Steve can't fucking help himself when Dustin walks by, he leans down and whispers, "Aren't you supposed to be in school right now?"
Dustin blinks. "We get attacked by demobats, and that's the first thing you ask?"
"Don't avoid the question, Henderson. I will tell your mother," Steve hisses, more upset that Dustin encountered danger in the first place.
His tension must be more obvious than he thought because Dustin sighs and raises his hand in surrender. "Geez, fine, we wanted pizza for lunch. But we'll head back now, okay? I'll even text you a picture of the school when we get there," he promises, flashing a grin from the edge of the alley before running to catch up with his friends.
It will have to be good enough. Besides, Steve doesn't exactly have time for arguing; his spider senses start screaming not a second later. He whips around in time to see the demobats attack Eddie and his branch. Steve feels his heart drop into his stomach as he runs back to the trees.
The branch breaks when he's a few feet away, and without thinking, he shoots a web at Eddie and yanks as hard as he can.
Later, Steve will look back on this moment and realize he might, in fact, be just a tiny bit dumb. If he took even a second to review the facts, he'd have realized Eddie 1) wasn't even ten feet off the ground and 2) could heal himself at an exponentially faster rate than Steve.
Steve realizes none of that in the moment, though. So what he gets is Eddie crashing right into him, his guitar case digging painfully into Steve's stomach and his elbow jabbing the side of Steve's neck and his boot just two centimeters from neutering Steve free of charge.
He lands roughly on the concrete, a dull pulse of pain beginning to radiate from his tailbone. Steve winces, groaning as Eddie rolls off him and hurriedly says, "Holy fuck, sorry, Spidey. Are you okay?"
Steve groans again, trying to shake off his disorientation. "Yep, all good, totally fine, quick question," Steve says, taking the hand Eddie offers to help him up, "What the hell were you thinking jumping in like that?"
"That some kids needed saving? I don't know, man, I didn't really think. It's not like they could really hurt me," Eddie replies, shrugging as he glances over at the trees again.
His subsequent frown makes Steve realize that, oh yeah, there are fucking demobats. He tenses and follows Eddie's gaze only to find absolutely nothing there. Steve blinks, wondering if he's hallucinating somehow, and walks over to the trees.
Broken branch? Check. Webs that will dissolve in a few hours? Check. Splatters of demobat blood on the concrete? Check.
The demobats themselves? Nowhere to be fucking seen.
"Where'd they go?" Eddie asks, looking at Steve like he'll somehow know, and Steve has to suppress the urge to reply with something snarky. Snark for the sake of being mean isn't nearly as fun as snark for the sake of banter.
Steve takes a deep breath and shakes his head. "Not sure. I'll patrol the area and surrounding blocks," he says, trying to hide how confused he is. It's not like the demobats to fly away before Steve has lowered their numbers by at least half. Something feels wrong, but he has no clue what the actual problem might be.
"Right," Eddie says, sliding a foot back and smiling apologetically at Steve. "Well, I gotta run. Got that coffee date with Stevie. But share all the fun details about your patrol the next time you're on the roof!"
And with that, Eddie rushes off, absolutely clueless that he's about to get a text from Steve apologizing for running so late that at least an hour will pass before he can make it to the coffee shop.
Steve sighs, pushes down the guilt that builds in his stomach for a completely different reason now, and scales the side of a nearby building so he can start swinging through the surrounding blocks.
Steve really did spend an hour looking for any sign of the demobats before swinging back to where he stashed his bag. Thankfully, Steve has become an expert at changing into regular clothes in mere seconds. There aren't too many wrinkles in his polo or his jeans, and his high-tops aren't bent, which is even more of a relief.
Once he's changed, Steve swings his bag onto his back and dashes toward the coffee shop. Eddie might have texted back after Steve's first message that he was okay with waiting, but that doesn't mean Steve is going to make him wait any longer than necessary. Plus, he can't shake the anxiety that Eddie might decide Steve isn't worth waiting for and leave.
At least he had plenty of time to come up with a believable lie.
Steve practically rams into the door of the coffee shop, catching himself just in time to yank it open instead. He tries to get control of his breathing, his heart pounding against his chest as he looks around the shop before seeing Eddie waving at him from a corner table, his guitar case slung across the back of his chair.
A wave of relief surges through Steve, and he walks toward Eddie with a grin. "Hey," he says, barely holding back a grimace at how breathy he sounds, "sorry for taking so long."
Eddie waves his hand dismissively before gesturing to the seat across from him. "Don't worry about it, Stevie. Is that--" Eddie gestures once again, this time pointing at Steve's face "--what held you up?"
Steve blinks as he sits, raising a hand to his cheek. He winces slightly at the burst of pain. Right. The demobats had managed to get a few hits in, not to mention Eddie crashing into him at the end. "It's, uh, kind of a funny story, actually," Steve says. He drops his hand to the table, only then noticing the iced coffees in front of him and Eddie. "How long ago did you order?"
"The coffees just got here," Eddie replies, nudging the one in front of Steve toward him once he's sat.
Their fingers brush together when Steve reaches out to take the cup, and he can't help noticing how Eddie's rings are surprisingly warm, like he's been fiddling with them. He also can't help noticing a speck of dried blood at the base of Eddie's thumb. He frowns slightly, forgetting about the drink to gently rub at the spot. "What happened? Are you okay?" he asks.
He misses Eddie's grin but not how Eddie twists his hand so he can grab Steve's, boldly lacing their fingers together. "How about this, sweetheart," he says, leaning forward to prop his chin in his free palm, "You tell that funny story, and I'll tell you about how I heroically helped save a bunch of kids."
Steve already knows about that, though, and he's flustered enough over their hands to almost say it.
He stops himself at the last second, grateful that his blush can still be attributed to Eddie, and clears his throat. He picks up his coffee, takes an experimental sip, and relaxes some as vanilla and coffee coat his mouth. "I had to babysit last night and into this morning. One of the single moms on my floor, Carla, had an emergency shift, so I had her toddler, Miguel, until this morning. Carla was running almost an hour late to pick him up, so I started playing with Miguel to keep him occupied. And then he threw one of his Hot Wheels at my face and it cut my nose," he explains, gesturing to the slash across the bridge of his nose.
"Was it at least one of the cool ones?" Eddie asks, amusement obvious in his voice.
Steve snorts. "They're all cool, I'll have you know," he says, shaking their hands and hoping Eddie doesn't notice how sweaty his palm is becoming. "Anyway, Miguel apparently thinks my pain is the funniest thing ever because he starts giggling so hard he falls over. And once he finally stops laughing, he throws more of his Hot Wheels at me!
"So there I am, stuck in a Hot Wheels fight with a toddler and losing, when Carla finally comes to pick him up. She takes one look at the cuts on my face and immediately starts apologizing and trying to convince me Vix will somehow make them heal faster while trying to shove like three twenty-dollar bills into my pocket, even though I'd already told her she didn't need to pay me."
Eddie's grin widens, and he leans in closer, the ends of his hair brushing against the table. Steve has to fight the urge to tuck the strands behind Eddie's ear, which he does by taking another sip of his coffee. "What, did Carla somehow cop a feel?" Eddie asks, waggling his eyebrows playfully.
Steve barks out a laugh, almost choking on his coffee. "She almost did," he admits, "but she managed to get the money in my pocket first. I slipped it back, of course."
"Of course," Eddie says, nodding once.
"Anyway, I finally get them to go, but then they keep coming back because Miguel keeps realizing he left one of his Hot Wheels behind. Between finding, like, 30 Hot Wheels and trying to get ready to meet you and Carla being chismosa, as she calls it, I didn't manage to leave my apartment for another hour and a half."
Eddie hums softly, his smile having gotten soft while Steve was talking. "You know, I had a feeling you were good with kids," he says, and the statement would have caught Steve off-guard if he hadn't already heard it from behind his mask earlier.
"What gave you that idea?" he asks.
"Just something about you."
Steve finds himself wondering what, exactly, about him gives off that vibe, but he doesn't ask for now. "What about you?" he asks like he doesn't already know, "What's this heroic story?"
Eddie practically lights up, and Steve wonders how long he's been crafting the perfect retelling of the story in his head. "Well, first of all, how do you feel about Spider-Man?" Eddie asks.
"Uh, he's cool, I guess," Steve says, a little thrown by the sudden question. Though, when he thinks about the story Eddie is about to tell, the question does make sense. "He does a lot for the city, and his web shooters are really cool, but I don't follow him super closely."
"Well, yours truly helped Spider-Man save a group of kids from a demobat attack today," Eddie says, his chest puffing out slightly and his expression practically begging for Steve to look impressed.
And the image is so endearing that Steve can't help playing along. He widens his eyes, perks up a little in his seat, and says, "Seriously?! Wasn't that, like, dangerous?"
"Danger is my middle name, Stevie. I mean, it kinda comes with the whole heavy metal thing," Eddie explains, winking at Steve.
Steve raises an eyebrow at that. "Okay, you should definitely explain that next, but what about Spider-Man?" he asks.
That gets Eddie back on track, and Steve finds himself relaxing as Eddie talks. He plays along to the story, gasping in the appropriate places, looking awed when Eddie tells him about beating away the demobats with his guitar case, and laughing when Eddie plays up the comedy of crashing into Spider-Man.
And it's easy once Steve stops overthinking. Being with Eddie, laughing at his jokes and flirting back and holding his hand the whole time is wonderfully, blissfully, incredibly easy.
He could get used to this.
Tag List (there's still room, so let me know if you'd like to be added!)
@soaringornithopter, @suikatto, @murdblurdock, @starman-jpg, @somegirlsomewhere, @heaven428, @vacantwatchers, @sidebarre, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @imjust-that-shy, @spookednsaucy, @7shrewsinatrenchcoat, @fanshipper4ever, @amrice, @spectrum-spectre,
#steddie#spiderpool steddie#spiderman steve harrington#deadpool eddie munson#steddie fic#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#there is a vine reference here#I hope someone sees it lol#anyway i'll be working on addams family steddie next so watch out for that hfjkds
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Uh, hello? I hope my connection's well? Hi. Hey!
The second commandeer of the Hex dragged me here. She said people can ask me stuff..
Now why would she think I'd want that.. But, then again, it certainly beats being bored half of the time.
So, feel free to ask, or send stuff my way. :) It's nice to meet you all, by the way. Names' Nebulae.
Psssst, hey, over here! click this! ↓
Aoi here! I did a little something to edit this in, since Neb's not making it any better for herself.
Basically this is about why I asked her to make the account. I just want her to interact with more people, she just seems a little lonely. I try to keep her company, but I'll need the others' help too.
Please trust me when I say she's a kind-hearted person, and to not be scared! Even if she does look terrifying with her gloomy outfit. (;^ω^)
So, please don't be afraid to talk with Nebulae, 'kay? Just don't act creepy or something or I'll deal with you myself. >:(
( otherwise known as @warframeinfested )
recently updated at ; Feb. 9 2025.
Hehe, did I surprise you?
I've been wanting to do a Nebulae roleplay account in a while!
So, lemme crack my knuckles and tell you the basics of my drifter.
Nebulae uses she/they, and my use of their pronouns may be inconsistent, which is okay since they don't have pattern when it comes to it's usage.
Aoi & Nebulae — Aoi may be the closest friend Nebulae has yet. They call eachother best friends.
Nebulae won't admit it but they've grown to like On-lyne after Aoi suggested the band to them numerous times.
Amir & Nebulae — They're close-enough friends, with a little bit of that kind of tension since Nebulae has a habit of teasing the poor guy, all of it leaving him a flushed mess.
Quincy & Nebulae — Ah, ahem. Sometimes, it feels like walking into something when these two are talking. I swear..
They do have some misunderstandings, since no one's perfect, but hey— they make up..somehow, and not in that way. SOMEHOW.
Eleanor & Nebulae — They're friends! They get eachother. They understand one another. The fear of hurting people, and restricting themselves from it. Nebulae understands deeply, especially ever since that day that...
(ignore how I ran out of colors for these two LMFAO)
Leticia & Nebulae — Surprisingly, they get along. Like, very well..at least, in chat. Nebulae doesn't want to bother Lettie in real time, considering Lettie is always the one to end their conversations, but the Drifter does come up to chat and check in on their medic.
Arthur & Nebulae — Mainly professional for the time being, not sure if they're friends yet. But, his trust is certainly a win for Nebulae.
Nebulae actually doesn't know that Arthur thinks of them as a bestfriend. —A
Surprise OCS ! Won't tell the names yet, except for my Operator, Neutron. You'll have to ask Nebulae, or they may spill the beans themselves.
Neutron (they/them) — Truly, the closest thing she has to a family. It's silly..no, it's sad that another version of herself in a totally different life and time is the closest thing she has. Regardless, she treats the "angsty" teen well.
??? — Another family, celestial member..-ish. The two of them are pretty cool, so as long as it isn't trying to cause destruction.
??? — It's the oldest amongst the bunch. Nebulae finds them pretty annoying, since they're relentless when it comes to teasing and treating them like a bunch of kids.
??? — check them out here!
..pssst, did you know, there's a biiig chance Nebulae may had a past lover
#introduction#roleplay blog#send asks#//#warframe#warframe 1999#wf 1999#the hex#warframe drifter#warframe oc#warframe rp#mentioned characters:#aoi morohoshi#warframe aoi#amir beckett#warframe amir#quincy isaacs#warframe quincy#eleanor nightingale#warframe eleanor#leticia garcia#lettie garcia#warframe lettie#arthur nightingale#warframe arthur#tennocreate
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living after experiencing sa is so weird like, the same piece of writing about assault could do nothing or it could send me into a week long spiral and its just a matter of dumb luck or pure chance that determines my brains' reaction to it. i've had moments where im legitimately triggered in the middle of re-reading something i actually enjoy as porn. over the years i figured it was because i had small triggers that are abstract or wasnt easily noticeable or doesnt feel like anything until its in the spesific context of sa. like being trapped in an enclosed space with strangers, begging to be sent home, being deceived, having your preferences and interests weaponized against you, the really lonely and painful walk home afterwards where no one comes to save you but maybe its better off this way since you dont want to be seen, those are things im particularly sensitive with. for example, a few years ago i got really messed up about this anecdote of a kid who got kidnapped by a neighbor for a few hours. he offered to see his cat and then lock them up in a room while theyre playing with said kittens. nothing actually happens but that made me legit depressed for a few days. while im fine talking with my friend about an incident where she got followed by a creepy guy who groped her while she's walking home. both situations are horrifying and bad ofc, but i cant exactly communicate or find an easy way to filter out the bad. like, i can handle hearing the graphic details, the bare bones account of what happens, but if it touches on how the victim was tricked or deceived or gets taken advantage of, even when its basically the least upsetting part, i just couldnt do it.
idk, maybe its because my experience was more in the mental stuff. yeah sure, it was only some groping, an almost kiss, and some sex talk. but the context was that i asked for help, someone friendly comes along, they say theyre just helping me but turns out they actually have ulterior motives. i was stuck in a car for hours to god knows where, fully knowing i was gonna get raped when the car eventually stops, trying to plead or at least delay it with someone i thought was a friend without being too harsh because i know they could do even worse things if i drop this thin veneer of friendliness we got going on. and all the while this asshole kept touching me in spots i didnt even realize was a sensitive place for me and i had to keep a straight face the whole time because if they see a hint that i liked it, its over. did i like though? yeah. do i want it? fuck no. never in a million years. and i felt betrayed because im supposed to have that moment of discovery with a boyfriend or a girlfriend and it was supposed to be nice and comforting but its not. and i might associate gentle touches with this forever. and there's also a part of me that said, hey somebody wants me. dont you want to be wanted? i might as well enjoy it because no one's gonna offer me hot car sex like this. i should try to get myself wet! this is a new experience that i should just see the bright side of. im supposed to be a kinky slut right? i just turned 20. and after all, i promised myself, after the first time i had my sa as a kid, the next time it happens im gonna fight. and what am i doing right now? i'm just running my mouth. im laughing at my soon to be rapists' joke and i tell him we should meet up later instead of doing everything right now since i had work later in the day. this isnt fighting, its bargaining. and all the while im wondering if i look pretty while im doing this. i hope i look pretty. im just wearing sweatshirt and pajama pants. this is sick, why do i want to look good while im sexually assaulted?
i never told this to anyone except a friend. but even she didnt get the whole account. she just know it happens. its the part that actually upsets me that i didnt tell her. the whole violated trust thing. and how dumb i am for instantly accepting help from an acquaintance i dont even know that well. and what happens after the car stops. all she knows is that when it stops, i pushed him off of me and i left the car and run.
to her it just seems like im valiantly fighting off an asshole. she didnt know that after i ran, a bunch of men saw me running. they asked me if i need help. they were kind. but i thought of the hassle of reporting to the police, being grilled with questions, have my entire behavior scrutinized, and my parents vacillating between unhelpful anger or chastising me for being so trusting and eventually isolating me because i cant be trusted to exist in a public space without being harassed and god i dont want to miss work today and theyre gonna ask why if i had to miss a day and theyre gonna know too. so obviously i shut up. i couldnt say anything. the fuck who assaulted me came, and get this, i went back to his car. i didnt sit next to him, i was sitting at the backseat, and he was angry and yelled at me the entire time while driving me back to the closest bus station. i didnt say anything, and i actually paid him money before leaving. i was a coward.
in hindsight, what happens after the next few month after that was just me trying to compensate for the shame and utter incompetence i felt. i thought i was good at being confrontational and assertive, but when it actually matters, i cant speak. it was awful. i mean, it was a moment of self improvement, i did evolve from being an awkward self-important debate kid to an adult who relies on being good with persuading people for a living. im proud of that. but the feeling of helplessness still remains. im still afraid that when it happens again, i'd just clam up like usual. even though i already successfully fend off several people trying to fuck with me before anything that bad ever happens because im a hot saleswoman now. it felt weird calling myself a victim or a survivor because, it just happens. i didnt survive shit nor do i want to be a victim. i dont want to be pitied. and i dont want to be called brave or anything because im anything but.
except that everytime something reminds me of my sa incident, i kept having this urge to tell somebody, and i'd wrote a long paragraph detailing everything that happened including all of the uncomfortable details that didnt make me look good as a victim. and then i'd delete it before sending because its not good to tell your personal triggers online right? but i have no one i want to talk about this irl. and i cant imagine any well-meaning response that doesnt make me angry. i kept thinking about it. if anyone acknowledged this happens to me, i have no socially acceptable response. im not sure if anyone could understand or be sympathetic. i mean, imagine someone told you a grave secret about them and then they get angry and throw a tantrum when you say youre keeping their secret to the grave. youre in the right to be angry and confused at them. and its one thing to write a retrospective like this, and its another thing talk about it directly. i wouldnt be self aware to control myself. i'd just ruin another friendship because i got pissed off for no discernable reason.
i dont really know where im going with this. i think i just wanted to get this out of my system. its been what? three years? im sick of keeping that shit in. i think i just need to talk about it, sort of like a confessional before moving on for good. anyway, your usual shitposting will resume shortly. bye bitch!
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Aizawa, Todoroki and Shinsou bringing their kids to work
Request: I just binged your whole blog and let me tell you Hawks bringing his kid to school was fhrqhelfifreh so could I request todoroki shinsou and aizawa bringing their kids to work - anonymous
Okay till the end of this week I’ll be giving you fluffy stuff because starting next week we are entering angst territory . I hope I finish the fic with Shirakumo’s daughter and then I have some angst requests to get to. So this is like a parting gift to happiness. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warnings: fluff
Aizawa Shouta
-He loves being a dad.
-Unlike his students his son, Kaito, is a very very calm two year old.
-They take naps together in their matching sleeping bags, Shouta is the only one who can feed him his vegetables and they usually grade papers together.
-You are the one who looks after Kaito while Shouta is at work and once he gets home you go off to your agency.
-So basically Kaito spends half of his day with you and half with Aizawa.
-When you were called in that morning because of a villain attack, you had to leave Kaito with Aizawa.
- “I’m so sorry Shouta, Midnight was assigned on this mission with me and I don’t really trust Hizashi with a two year old.”
-He chuckled, taking a sleeping Kaito from your arms and giving you a kiss on each cheek and then on your forehead.
- “Don’t worry kitten, I’m sure he will be an angel.”
-In the teachers lounge, before class starts for the day, nearly half of the staff is cooing over the still sleeping toddler.
-They keep complimenting Shouta about how much they look alike and how cute he is.
-He just grumbles about how he wants them away from his son.
-He was saved from the bell, dashing to his class surprising all of his students with his sudden appearance.
-They hadn’t yet seen the baby in his arms until he stirred in his sleep, a few baby words tumbling from his mouth.
-Mina was ready to let out a really really high pitched squeal when Sero slapped her mouth shut.
- “Its sleeping!”
-Aizawa just let out a sigh and set his stuff on his desk.
-He went to start his lesson like usual but that apparently wasn’t an option.
-Sir you have a baby in your arms don’t expect us to stay silent and learn something useful.
-Kaito woke up a few minutes into the whisper shouting argument Shouta was having with 18 teenagers.
-He slowly blinked the sleep from his eyes, letting out a small yawn before looking around, his e/c eyes landing on all the new faces.
-Everyone was silent, expecting the toddler to start crying at the change of scenery and at the absence of his mother but surprisingly no.
-He rested his head on Shouta’s shoulder and shyly waved at the class.
-Since he was awake Mina could be a little more vocal.
-All the girls wanted to hold him, their main mission being to make him laugh.
-Some of the boys were asking Aizawa some questions while others were entertaining the toddler.
-Kaito was really amazed by Shouto’s flames and he let out a heart warming laugh.
-Uraraka made things float around the baby while Kaminari made small sparks.
-Aizawa has never heard his baby boy laughing that much before.
-At home he’s quiet, laughing only when you tickle him or when Shouta’s stumble scratches his plush cheeks.
-Maybe taking him out more and letting the class hang out with him a little wouldn’t be so bad.
-The last person who approached the kid was Bakugou, who crouched down to his eye level and they just stared at each for a solid minute.
-Then Bakugou activated his quirk and the mini explosions made Kaito giggle and reach out to Katsuki.
-The rest of the day was spent fawning over Kaito, nothing changed even after three hours of toddler entertainment.
-When it was time to leave, the kids begged Aizawa to bring him again.
- “Maybe I’ll bring him to the dorms at some point. But don’t irritate me you brats because otherwise he’s staying home.”
“I heard that you, little man, were a heartthrob today!”
*baby babbling*
“Yeah he didn’t let me teach.”
“Like it bothered you.”
“I never said that”
Todoroki Shouto
-You had to go on a mission abroad for a week and today the twins’ preschool had informed you that they wouldn’t open today.
-Frantically you called Shouto, proposing some solutions to your problem.
- “I’ll take them with me.”
-He wants to spend more time with his girls anyway.
-Both of them are very curious about their parents’ job and they have asked both of you to take them to work.
-This was their chance.
-You went to protest, knowing how stressing hero work could be and not wanting to stress your husband out more.
- “Love, I want them with me. I want to spend time with my snowflakes.”
-You couldn’t argue with that.
-He woke them up and helped them get dressed, leading them to the kitchen for breakfast while he simultaneously did their hair.
-The twins aren’t really morning types so they tend to be really quiet until noon.
-Telling them what they would be doing today, Shouto grabbed his things and stretched out both of his arms.
-When people at the agency saw the youngest Todoroki with two little girls clinging to his hands they were confused.
-They knew that he had a family, you two worked at the same agency after all, but they had never seen your kids.
-And let me tell you that 90% of your coworkers are now cooing at the three year olds.
-Shouto knew that his daughters didn’t really like crowds, even Rei who was the talkative one of the two would get shy and hide behind him when new people approached.
-Because of that he scooped both girls up and quickly made his way to his office.
-A few staff members greeting him and the girls but not many stopped him.
-Once inside he set them down and went straight to work.
-The girls are really quiet in general.
-They pulled two chairs on either side of their father and sat there, coloring and doodling or just staring at his reports.
-Surprisingly, Ren asked some questions while Rei stayed quiet.
-The crowd at the entrance must have exhausted her social battery.
-Pushing his chair back, he pulled both of them on his lap kissing their foreheads before going back to his reports making small comments here and there to keep them updated.
-Rei fell asleep after half an hour and it was the cutest sight.
-Ren followed soon after, the little white and red haired humans clinging to his shirt like a life line as they snoozed off.
-He took a picture and send it to you making you jealous beyond belief.
I want cuddles too!!! 😣😣😣 Someone’s jealous.🥰🥰
-He leaned his head on one of them at some point and he too fell asleep.
-His secretary walked in to inform him of his father’s arrival and had heart eyes for the rest of the day.
-She took a picture and sent it to you, informing you that your husband was sleeping on the job.
-They were too cute though so she couldn’t bring herself to wake them up.
-But alas there’s no rest for the wicked so he woke up at some point.
-The rest of the day was spent with the three of them going to meetings, filing reports and training at the agency’s gym.
-Watching two mini Shoutos running around the gym pretending to train is top tier stuff.
“Rei sweetheart don’t freeze your sister.”
“But she’s the bad guy!”
“Am not!” *flames flying*
“Ren don’t burn the place down.”
Shinsou Hitoshi
-Kei is actually the one who wanted to go to the agency.
-She had asked both you and Shinsou to take her with you one day.
-She may be using it as an excuse to skip day care but you do you hun.
-It was her birthday and the little shit used that to her advantage.
- “Can I come with you to work? Pretty please?”
- “Kei...”
- “And it’s my birthday today.”
-You just level Shinsou with a glare.
- This is all you
-Now you have no choice but to take her with you and hope that everything goes smoothly.
-The main reason why you didn’t want to bring her with you was the looming possibility that someone could attack and your little girl would be in extra danger.
-Hitoshi reassured you that everything would be fine.
- “Her parents are two of the best heroes in the industry, she’ll be completely fine. I promise.”
-He woke her up the next morning, scooping her up and bringing her to the kitchen for breakfast.
-She was really clingy in the mornings and wouldn’t function correctly if one of you didn’t hug her until she fully woke up.
-Hitoshi is really soft for her during her birthday.
-He’s soft for her everyday but today he’s ten times softer.
-Gets her dressed and ready for the agency and is out the door in no time.
-Shinsou talks about his family a lot.
-He has like fifteen photos of you and Kei in his office and a bunch of her drawings tapped to the wall.
-He adores his family okay?
-So your coworkers aren’t so surprised when they see the small mess of violet hair resting in his arms.
-She too doesn’t like crowds but won’t cower away.
-She’ll put on a brave face and greet the strangers with acute politeness.
-As long as one of you is in a ten inch radius she’ll be fine.
-She answers all the questions that are being thrown her way.
-She even sat there and suffered through a handful of cheek pinching.
-Shinsou sees her suffering and scoops her up, excusing them and taking her to his office.
-You kissed her forehead and headed out to your own office, making her promise to visit you at some point because you too need some cuddles during work.
- “We’ll catch bad guys momma!!”
-She is a curious little girl, so for the next two hours or so she’ll be exploring every nook and cranny of Hitoshi’s office, opening drawers and cabinets, digging through case files and boxes.
-Then she might play with Hitoshi’s capture tool before visiting you for an hour or two.
-You love having her attention but you know she’s simply taking a break from her dad’s office.
-She’ll be back to Shinsou in no time.
-Daddy’s girl.....it iz what it iz.
-Around noon she starts to get tired.
-If she was in day care she would be taking her daily nap.
-Her exploring tired her way too much and that’s why she’s now snoozing off in one of the armchairs in Hitoshi’s office.
-He draped his jacket over her and let her sleep.
-Later on you two took her to a meeting, allowing her some insight in the hero industry.
-Plus she gets to hear the tea.
-For training she tags along with you, doing some laps and trying -and failing- to do some push ups.
-At the end of the day she was exhausted, sleeping soundly on Hitoshi’s shoulder as you made your way home.
“I don’t want her to grow up.”
“Well we could always make another one.”
“Way to be subtle mister....”
“Let me smash...”
@iwaqchan @the-arcana-fan-fic @angelwritings @axerrri @reinyrei @dnarez
#aizawa shouta#aizawa sensei#aizawa imagine#mha aizawa#aizawa x reader#aizawa x y/n#aizawa x you#todoroki shouto#todoroki x reader#todoroki shoto x reader#mha todoroki#todoroki x y/n#todoroki x you#dad todoroki#domestic todoroki#domestic aizawa#shinsou x y/n#shinsou x you#shinsou fluff#shinsou x reader#my hero academia shinsou#domestic shinsou#dad shinsou#shouto x reader#bnha x you#bnha
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Hunter Noceda AU!

So, this has been an au that's been developing on my mind for the last two weeks, and Yesterday's Lie has helped to rough out the start of the story but it's still not very developed.
The basic is, Hunter would have somehow ended up falling on the human realm through a leak caused by Titan's blood (i haven't figured out exactly how that happened yet) when he was pretty young, like three or four years old and Camila (and presumably Luz's dad) found him and adopted him!
Then, years later, when Luz is being sent to the camp, he would be going too, working as a counselor-in-training there. But then the whole Owlbert thing happens and he ends up following Luz and Owlbert to the demon realm and the story goes from there.
- He and Luz are pretty close since neither of them are exactly popular or even well liked. They’re two ND kids who mostly only trust eachother since they almost always were the only ones who understood and stood up for the other. They both love Azura a lot and often end up in hours long discussions about the lore and theories.
- He has felt like he didn’t belong there for a lot of reasons. The pointy ears, magenta eyes, just appearing out of nowhere when he was small, having no idea where he’s from, anger issues, being very obviously ND and having weird interests, and the list goes on.
- Generally he's more cautious than Luz about almost everything, trying to think things through first, he likes being sure of what to expect. But that gets dropped down quite a bit when they're in the Boiling Isles because everything is so interesting and he's excited to know more, ending up more impulsive, even if its a bit out of his comfort zone a lot of times.
- He's hesitant to stay on the Boiling Isles at first (for obvious reasons) but he decides to stay because 1) Luz 2) He wants to know more about witches, since that's his chance to finally know more about who he is 3) Magic nerd number 2.
- It takes a while for him to discover he's powerless. He at first thought it was because of Earth not having natural magic like the Boiling Isles do, and then he goes to the assumption that his magic is funky because of having stayed on earth for so long, but that it will come back one day. But he does end up realizing he just never had a working magic bile sac. Takes a little while for him to accept that.
- He's autistic/ADHD, aromantic and trans (trans guy Hunter and nonbinary Luz solidarity).
- King loves staying with him, often leaving him trapped in the couch not able to leave because he fell asleep on top of him (and no one disturbs King’s naps).
- He has the habit of hiding his ears quite often ever since Jacob one time bugged him about it when he had the displeasure of bumping into him one time on the coffee shop. He still does it on the Boiling Isles out of habit, but kinda drops it after a while, specially around the owlfam.
- Most if not all the emotional problems Canon Hunter has are still there, but not as outward/extreme as in canon or they appear in different ways.
- He’s also a magic nerd because of Azura, as well as a history nerd, who sneaks into any library near him, be it in Gravesfield or Bonesborough. He would love Hexside, he’d probably choose all tracks like Luz, but maybe not going all out like her.
- Idk If he's still a grimwalker here. Maybe? Could be interesting
- And I also don’t know how the second season could play out . If he's a grimwalker, then there could be an even younger Golden Guard. That’s a fun and horrifying idea, i think I'll go with it. Would be a hell of an existential crisis.
- I think that, while extremely invested in the glyphs too, he would be searching for other ways of doing magic too, to not have to rely on only glyphs.
- His and Luz's father is still alive (we didn't get confirmation that he died and the possibility of him being alive makes some good small bit of angst for the au, as I’ll explain on the next points), but divorced/broke up with Camila some years ago and she ended up with the custody of both Hunter and Luz, and they still sometimes see him.
- There wasn't any way of Vee knowing about Hunter and his relationship to Luz before she decided to escape to the human realm. She only finds out about him when Camila asks about him and she doesn't immediatly associate him being the witch she saw with Luz at the start, she just assumed he was another witch who lived there, she only realizes who he is when camp ends. He had agreed to wait with Luz for the bus until some colleagues who were also going to be counselors-in-training were going to pick him up and give him a ride to the camp (to not “embarass Luz by the otehr campers knowing they’re siblings”), so when Camila found Vee alone, she assumed he had already gone.
- And just like Luz, he lied about going to camp to Camila, and lied to the colleagues that he gave up on that (and Vee accidentally helped by giving the same answer when asked about it and panicked). He really wants to know more about where he’s from and about all kinds of magic and everything going on, and he doesn’t want to worry Camila and if he said the truth while Luz was lying it wouldn’t end well for both of them. He’s scared of being forced away from all these things he wants to discover, and doesn’t want it for Luz either, and like her, he loves this new support group they both have. His plan was to keep the lie until camp ended, but we all know this doesn’t go as planned and he gets really nervous about this, like, barely able to keep himself from having a crisis.
- He is very attached to Camila, he would send her messages everyday, and the guilt eats him alive. Luz and he talk a lot about this in the middle of the nights.
- So, portal gets destroyed, camp ends. Camila is (obviously) stressed out by only finding one of her kids and discovering that Hunter never even got there in the first place. She can’t contact him in any way so she’s pretty sure he ran away, maybe to her ex’s house, so this already makes her feel horrible and like she messed up a lot, assuming he hated living there. It worsens a lot of stuff for Yesterday’s Lie.
- Luz does tell that Hunter is fine and with her (he wasn’t on the portal realm doing this experiment with her), and it breaks Camila’s heart to know that, while Hunter is okay, both of her kids are trapped in a different realm, there’s a kid that acted as Luz ever since camp started and she didn’t even know, and that Hunter and Luz chose to stay there and lied to her. I don’t think that, when Luz gets out of the portal, she even tells Hunter about everything of this situation.
- Yeah Yesterday’s Lie made this so fucking sad
There isn't much on the story besides the start and where the second season has stopped for now, the relationships haven't been fleshed out yet and his design also isn't finalized, but I'm so excited to share this au!
#toh#long post#toh spoilers#the owl house#golden guard#hunter toh#king clawthorne#hunter noceda au#alec talks#my art#au#this second golden guard is peak another adopted sibiling also sgdhdjh
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The Worries and Woes of Heroic Hair
Y'all were busting out hair headcannons before I left, so I saved a few and wrote a fic for them.
Pre-maturely grey Twilight
Curly haired Legend
Long haired Four
(As well as a reference to long hair Sky)
Warriors had gained the unfortunate title of ‘pretty boy’.
In a group of beautiful men and boys that literally sent women swooning, no matter what world they were in, he’d somehow been labeled the “pretty” one. Never mind he was more mature looking than half of their number. Never mind that Legend and Hyrule looked like a pair of porcelain dolls hand painted by a master artist. Never mind that Wild literally had half of his world falling heels over head for him. No matter how many women in the War of Ages had gushed about the adult Hero of Time (much to Mask’s annoyance). And sure, let’s just forget that Wars had heard not one, but two princess’s complimenting Twilight’s ass.
Yeah, okay, he was the pretty boy, sure.
Maybe that was because he was the only one in the group that actually had any understanding of a little thing called personal hygiene! Honestly! Had no one introduced the vet to a bathtub when he was younger? Or Wild to a hairbrush? And Hyrule... oh Hyrule...
Honestly, it was a pain, trying to not say something to his brothers that might be taken as rude or offensive. At least his own two boys were a bit better. During the war he’d pounded some sense into their heads after scrubbing their ears clean enough that they could actually hear him when he spoke, and Time and Wind both showed some (although not much more than the others) level of personal grooming, even if it was the basic wash and brush that Wars had required of all of his soldiers.
The others though? He had been beginning to think they might be hopeless, but then he’d had a chance to do something about it.
“Hmm?” Bright blue darted up from the journal Warriors had been writing in, meeting Wind’s pout with a soft chuckle at his baby-faced brother. One day, Wind would be as grizzled and scruffy as his grandfather (would be his grandfather) but for now he would take him time teasing the kid for his baby-face. After all, it wasn’t like he’d be getting another chance to get revenge on the man who’d teased him up to his wedding day for his “lack of masculine charm”.
“My hair is knotted. In the back.” Wind didn’t even bother waiting for a signal, instead just plopping down in the captain's lap and dropping a brush by his knee. And really, with how the war had gone, Warriors should have expected that.
Any injury that impeded movement meant Wars was helping his two boys with whatever was needed during the war, and near the top of that list had been brushing hair. Broken arm or sprained wrist or whatever Hyrule had diagnosed it as (he’d been a bit too wrapped up in helping hold Wild still so he and Legend could treat the kid’s crushed hand to hear the healer’s final word), he was always happy to help the younger hero sort out his problems.
At least Wind let him help, instead of sending him scandalized looks and rude signs at the mere mention of a bath, like Legend did, or simply darting away like Hyrule.
“Wind,” Sky frowned slightly. “You didn’t have to disturb Wars, any of us would have been willing to help.”
The sailor cocked a brow, leaning back into his touch as he worked over the knot with nimble fingers well accustomed to working through tangled golden curls. “Says the Hero of Eternal Bedhead.”
Crystal blue eyes darted up to messy bangs. “Is it really that bad?”
“Yes.” Sailor and captain deadpanned together, matching grins on their faces as they stared at the Skyloftian.
“Oh feathers.” Sky huffed, running his hands through his hair and looking at the two expectantly. “Is that better?”
Wind snorted. “Sky, you need a hairbrush for your bird’s nest.”
“But,” Sky cocked his head like a confused puppy. “I don’t have a bird’s nest?”
“He means that your hair is a mess.” He chuckled, pausing in his work to pat the ground at his side. “Here, I’ll do you next, ‘kay?” And bless Sky for being a patient and reasonable person, because at the very least the Skyloftian just sauntered over easily and sat hot-cross-buns on the ground beside him, watching lazily as he worked at the sailor’s messy hair.
“It’s not that bad,” The Sailor huffed. “You can’t honestly be taking this long.” The kid wasn’t fooling him though, Wind was leaning into the touch, almost slumped against his chest in a boneless pile of teenager.
“You’re dry as a desert.” He scolded softly in response, rubbing some of the bristly hair between his fingers. “I’ve told you salt water dries your hair out, you need to take care of it or it’ll never grow out properly.”
Wind shifted awkwardly. “I didn’t have time. I did try, I mean it! It just... We’re always so busy and...”
His hands were already reaching for his pack. “You’re lucky mine dries out too. I’ll need to get more in the next town, but I think this oil can last us both long enough to get you some again.”
“Oil?” Sky frowned thoughtfully. “What for?”
“Split ends and dry hair.” Came the practiced answer as he rubbed the substance in question over his hands and began to card it through the sailor’s parched curls. “I suppose you could say it’s like with birds. They have to oil their feathers to stay healthy, right?”
“Oh! Okay, yeah, that makes sense.” The Skyloftian mulled over the concept for a moment. “We need to do that to our hair?”
Long fingers stopped mid stroke, royal blue blinking slowly in the clueless sky child’s direction. “Oh, you poor, clueless bird-boy you, your hair must be parched!”
Wind’s giggles shook them both, but Sky simply looked hurt. “I try. How was I supposed to know?”
Fingers slick with hair oil curled to point at the other hero. “I am massaging this stuff into your thirsty scalp right now. Wind, move.”
The sailor tumbled, giggling from Wars’ lap, leaving Sky to stare down at the captain’s crossed legs. “I’m- Warriors I am not sitting in your lap.”
“I don’t expect you to.” Brush in one hand and bottle of hair oil in the other, Warriors moved to stand behind the Skyloftain. “Just stay right there and let me work, and I swear if someone else tells me to my face that they’re not taking care of themselves- Sky! Look at this!”
The Skyloftian shifted, trying to look for only a moment before huffing. “Warriors, I can’t see the top of my own-”
“When’s the last time you trimmed this?” Brittle tips crinkled under his fingers as he stared at the mess that was Sky’s hair. “Your split ends are horrible!”
“Crimson usually trims it for me.” Came the softly mumbled response, and Wars had to hold back an affronted squawk at the words.
“You’re entrusting the care of your hair to a bird? Sky, my lovely, my dear friend, my brother, what the actual Ladies?”
“He does a good job!”
“If you call this rat’s nest a good job! Honestly, it’s no wonder Legend finally agreed to let you cuddle him, he must feel right at home with this mess!”
“Ouch.” Sky huffed, crossing his arms loosely and pouting.
“That aside,” He began working the first knot out, fluffing Sky’s hair lightly in his fingers. “It’s a good color, nice volume too. Have you ever considered growing it out? Without the split ends?”
Caramel hair parted easily in his hands, springy and soft despite the brittle ends. “You’d look fetching with long hair, Chosen One. My, imagine what Sun would say if she saw you!” Sky stiffened as the soldier ducked down, voice lowering and eyes glinting with mischief as he whispered in his friend’s ear. “If she wasn’t already swooning at seeing you again, she’d be dizzy at the sheer beauty.”
“Wars!” Long ears twitched, tellingly red as the Skyloftian battled a fierce blush.
But the captain was already lost in his rant, taking pleasure in making Wind continue to giggle as Sky whined softly in protest at his teasing. “I can see it now! You arrive fresh out of battle, sword in hand and hair whipping in the wind, cape swirling like the wings of the goddess herself! She sees you. Your eyes meet. You shoot her one of your dashing smiles and she stumbles back, breathless, and you have to dart forwards to catch her before she swoons away altogether, so bedazzled she is by your handsome visage!” He flourished with a smile, letting oiled locks fall over Sky’s eyes with a laugh as the Skyloftian blushed brighter, not bothering to shift his bangs and instead hiding behind them, trying and failing to hide a pleased smile.
Wind didn’t stop giggling until Sky had had to punch the captain in the leg to make him finally cease the teasing.
“Smithy,” Twilight’s laughter rung through camp as he brushed long bangs out of the smithy’s eyes, the younger hero still smushed against the rancher's side sleepily, headband askew and half hanging in his eyes. The boy’s hair curtained his face, falling back into place the moment Twilight lifted his hand again, producing rumbling laughter form the farm-hand. “Four, you- when in Ordonia’s name did you last trim your hair?”
“’s not that long.” Came the murmured reply as Four pressed his face further into Twilight’s side, nestling closer with an irritable huff. “Leave ‘lone, Twi.”
The smithy might have denied it but... his hair really had grown out.
It wasn’t really that apparent with the headband keeping it back, and Four was decent enough at keeping his hair out of his face. But headbands, no matter how trusty, didn’t stay up forever, and when one was as active as a Hero of Courage, it wasn’t uncommon to find one’s self with their hair swinging loose in battle. Not that most of them minded, Wild kept his hair tied carefully and Legend tucked all of his under a hat, meanwhile the others all had shorter locks that, other than the swishing of their bangs, mostly stayed out of their faces.
Four on the other hand...
Four’s headband had fallen loose into a mud puddle, and until he was able to clean it the smithy had been walking around like a sheepdog, bangs fluffing into his eyes and making the shortest hero huff in an annoyed manner as he kept swiping his bangs aside. Unfortunately, they weren’t long enough to tuck behind his ears, only to hang in his face and send him stumbling over and into all sorts of things with sharp yelps and soft swears as the hero closest to him would have to offer a hand or scoop up the small smithy again.
Wars didn’t say anything, but when Four finally approached him one evening, eyes flickering icy blue as he dashed his bangs out of the way and tugged at the scarf draped around the captain’s neck (the others’ favorite way of getting his attention he had found).
“Hey there, smithy, what’s up?”
“Cut them.” Four huffed, pushing the loose hair back again only to have them drift back over his glinting eyes, and then, as if an afterthought, he tacked on ‘Please?’.
Royal blue darted up to Sky, who smiled on the edge of the campfire, a knowing look in his eyes. “Did Sky tell you I could help?”
“No. I figured that out myself. He just... pushed me.”
Laughter bubbled up in his chest. “Ah.”
“So, can you help? Or do I need to wander around looking like a Mogma?” Sky could be heard muttering across the camp at that, and Four’s ears twitched as he huffed, clearly having taken offense at whatever had been said.
He nodded, a bit unsure why Four glared across the fire at Sky, but willing to help. Oh goddesses, was he willing to help; Four’s hair bugged him nearly as much as Wild’s did, and he had been dying to fix it for the smithy. He wasn’t sure what Sky had said, but he was thankful for the other knight’s willingness to aid him in his battle against poor hygiene, and if he could turn another hero with the power of a good haircut, well! “Anything you have in mind? Just what you had before, or...?”
“Bangs.” Four dropped down hot-cross-buns, just like Sky had the other day, in front of him, arms crossed and expectant as he huffed at his long bangs.
“Right.” His brush and scissors were already sitting at the ready as he reached out to gently push the hair out of his friend’s eyes. “You good?”
“Annoyed.” Four sulked. “I can’t see anything and Twilight has been called me a sheep-dog.” Accurate. “I just want my hair short again, but the last time I cut it, it looked like I was attacked by a cat.” The smithy shivered, clutching at his sleeves as he shook his head, hair falling back into his eyes as he did so. “I just let it grow after that, but the bangs bother me if I can’t push them back.”
Four’s hair was a bit silkier than the others’, but similarly brittle, although that was likely due to the heat of the forge rather than sea salt and extended time in the sky. He didn’t even bother asking about oiling the locks as he worked, brushing out all of Four’s hair with care and sectioning out the bangs with the same amount of agonizing detail Legend put into his paintings or Wild put into his cooking.
“Hair cut?” Twilight called from across camp.
“You could use one too,” Four huffed, unmoving save for his eyes darted to glance over his shoulder. “Your hair is beginning to look like wolf ears, rancher. Wolfie might take offense that you’re stealing his look and come maul you.”
Chuckles sounded around the camp, Legend wheezing lightly while Time and Wild shared a look. Wars didn’t know what that was about, but he smiled as he worked, humming lightly under his breath as he clipped a bit here and a touch there, releasing the hair to stare at it, adjusting it a bit, taking another section in hand and snipping it, and repeating the whole process.
Four was still as a statue the whole time, occasionally humming along to whatever tune happened to be on Warriors’ mind at the moment, but otherwise as poised and picturesque as a statue as the captain worked over the smithy’s blond locks.
This close up, Warriors was beginning to wonder why they never met any lovely admirers of the smithy, Four was certainly not lacking in the looks department, and had the kid lived in his time he’d find himself having to beat off girls with a stick. Honestly, how was he the pretty boy here?
“Nearly done?” Came the patient hum, and he snapped himself back to reality as he brushed Four’s bangs back into place, trimmed and tidy, along with the rest of his short hair.
“Yep.” The scissors finally came to rest in his lap as he whisked away the cloak that he’d used to catch the trimmed hairs. “My, my, smithy, you almost look as if you were going courting! Legend, lend a man your shield for a tick, would you? Four needs to see his new cut.”
The veteran rolled his eyes, but the shield was offered readily enough when Four trotted his way over, and while the smithy looked a bit surprised that Wars had bothered to braid most of his hair out of the way during the cut, he didn’t look at all displeased.
Wars counted that as a win.
He’d run out of oil a few days ago, and already his hair was beginning to frizz in this thrice-forsaken heat.
Being born with curly hair was nothing of the blessing his mother had made it out to be, no matter how she liked playing with her ‘baby boy’s’ hair. Of course, his beloved liked it too, but he was going to chalk that up to being a woman thing, curls were a pain if they weren’t on kids, especially if they were eon him.
Thank Hylia that Lilith had taught him to straighten it all out, he would have been driven half out of his mind if he hadn’t been able to control it on his way through basic, and the teasing would have been so much worse than it actually had been.
As was, the captain was only too happy when they next came to his Castletown, and after he’d made sure the others were settled in the castle with his cousin, he’d gracefully made his exit and headed out to the town. Getting through the streets was a pain, his armor and scarf giving him away as the hero and practically inviting the whole market to start competing for his attention, along with the hundreds of shoppers who surged close with questions and thanks and admiration. Not for the first time, Warriors found himself thankful that he handled crowds better than many of his fellow soldiers, and even if all the attention was a bit much, he wasn’t overwhelmed like poor Wild would have been.
Oh heavens, the day they finally figured out how to explain the portals and heroes nonsense to the public to excuse the sudden aging of the Hyrulian Hero’s child, Wild was likely going to have to start wearing a hood or something when they went into town.
The dye shop was a way into the market, and it had taken quite the bit of fancy footwork to avoid stepping on anyone as he’d answered questions and received thanks from the enthusiastic, if not slightly push, people of Hyrule. If he closed the door of the shop after him with a sigh of relief though, that was between him and Gyssel, the shopkeeper.
“Back again, Link? Same materials as the last time?”
“If you please.” He nodded with a smile. “Though I might have a bit of a glance around, I’ve a friend in need of a few things.”
The old woman nodded with a chuckle. “Right then. Oh, and if you see those two lovely gents who popped in here earlier, would you be willing to lend ‘em a hand? Poor dears looked lost as two minish in a fairy pond when they stumbled in here, but I’ve been batting a thousand with the customers all day and haven’t had a chance to pop over and offer help. You know the shop same as I do, so, if you have a moment, could you check in on them while I wrap your things?”
“Of course.” He nodded, smiling his best as he moved towards the back wall.
The other voices in the shop were mostly those of tittering ladies and mischief making pranksters, all too young and too high to belong to the ‘lovely gents’ that Gyssel had been speaking of, and it wasn’t hard to trail the rumble of a man’s voice to the back of the store where the hair dyes were. He grinned as he rounded the corner, but froze when he found himself face to face with a startled, and maybe somewhat abashed rancher.
“Shit, Wars is here?”
Royal blue darted down to meet the snapping violet of the veteran. “Legend? What are the two of you doing in here of all places? Are you lost?”
“No.” Legend huffed, foot tapping agitatedly at the floor as he gnawed his bottom lip, a sure sign of awkwardness if one knew the vet.
“What are you doing- oh.” Twilight’s face faded from confusion to understanding. “You’re the city boy, of course you shop in joints like this.”
He cocked a brow, hands coming to rest on his hips as he stared down the two other heroes. “Says the guy who’s been wandering around looking for something long enough the owners worried. Honestly, what could the two of you even need?”
Midnight and violet glanced warily at each other, and to his surprise, twin flushed lighted his friend’s faces as Legend had crossed his arms and Twi had rubbed at his neck.
“Hair dye.” The rancher admitted softly.
“And shampoo.” Legend had tacked on.
Warriors let his eyes blow wide an overdramatic gasp sounding in the small corner of the shop as he rested a hand on his collar. “Why, vet, you don’t mean to tell me you’re planning on actually taking a bath, are you! My heavens, what next? Will Hyrule somehow produce a wedding cake in time for Time and Malon to announce they’re having a baby?”
“They’re what!?!” Twilight yelped, sounding, ridiculously, like a dog that has just been kicked.
“I’m teasing, rancher.” He chortled. “Trust me, if Time knew of such a thing, he wouldn’t have shut up about it. Miss Malon’s still trim and terrifying as last we saw her; I have little doubt.” At the rancher’s breath of relief, he shook his head. “Honestly though, soap? Vet, last I checked-”
“It’s hot.” Legend interrupted, avoiding meeting his gaze by rolling his eyes.
“And in case you didn’t know, our resident vet is a-”
“Don’t say it!” Legend huffed, glaring at Twilight and tugging his blue cap tighter over his head.
Come to think of it, Legend hadn’t taken the baby-blue cap off in ages...
“Is a what?”
Twilight looked down warily at the seething veteran, face twisted up between a playful grin and a wary frown, as if he didn’t yet know whether he wanted to tease and face the vet’s wrath or hold his tongue and avoid making a scene.
“Look,” Warriors sighed, glancing between the two country boys with a sigh. “I won’t tease at all, alright? But the sooner you own up to whatever nonsense you did to yourself, the sooner we can find you what you need and get ourselves out of here.”
The flush on Legend’s face darkened, eyes darting down as the vet shuffled his feet, and Wars found himself being reminded that for all the vet’s snark and sass, he really was as much of a kid as Wild and Wind were, just more accustomed at having to act otherwise.
Thin fingers rubbed at the rings on the vet’s pale hands. “Well, you see- that is- augh!”
Something inside him blossomed with warmth, a smile stretching across his face. Golden Three, Legend really was just an awkward teenager, wasn’t he? He even stumbled over his words when he was embarrassed, just like Time used to. Of course, Time had been twelve and Legend was nineteen, but that was beside the point.
“So-” The vet was nearly pouting as he struggled with his words, fingers rubbing steadily at his rings as he avoided Wars’ gaze. “You know how Ravio has curly hair?”
“And you know how Ravio and I are- uh, each other's- reflect-”
A laugh bubbled out of his throat unexpectedly as he reached out to ruffle what could be seen of the vet’s frizzy bangs. “You’re a curly top! Why didn’t you say sooner?” Legend glared at him with a huff, but violet didn’t shift to indigo, so he knew it was all just an act. “Wind and I are too, I was actually in here to get some things for the two of us, and Sky too. I can help you as well if you don’t mind, just let me-” He motioned to the blue cap that was pulled snig down to Legend’s ears.
The vet huffed, but reached up to finger the blue fabric. “You won’t laugh, right?” Stern eyes met his own.
“Of course.” He smiled reassuringly.
Legend’s gaze searched his face for a moment, wary, but open, and even if it made him uncomfortable (the odd glint of gold at the edges of the vet’s eyes was a bit unsettling) he withstood it until Legend nodded, seemingly to himself, and pulled off his cap.
Pink curls spilled down to the vet’s shoulders as a bright blush colored pale cheeks. Twilight didn’t make it any better by reaching over to ruffle the vet’s head, chuckling soft and warm and surprisingly fond as Legend hissed back at him.
“Can I- that is- do you mind if I touch? I can help you find what you want better if I know what you need.”
A stiff nod.
The pink hair was just like fairy-floss, but less sticky (still dirty though) and he had to remind himself what he was doing once he got his fingers in it. A quick check at the texture and ends of Legend’s hair, as long as a quick check of the scalp and roots told him all he needed.
“Whatever dye you used to do this messed you up, vet. Honestly, I don’t know what you were thinking, but you’re dry as a mulduga’s arse. Did you bleach your hair before dying it or something?” There was a murmur in reply, but not anything he could really make out. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I said that’s me natural color.” Legend huffed, tensing under his hands. “I bleached it blonde a few months back, but no, I didn’t dye this shit, it just happened.”
Twilight, very unhelpfully, giggled.
Warriors blinked. “You have pink hair?”
He fought the chuckle that built up in his chest, but it did little good as he ruffles the frizzy curls and let Legend replace his hat. “Alright then! Well, I’d avoid bleaching again if I was you. The pinks out and it’s healthier if you give it a rest between dyes. I have to admit though,” He settled his hands on his hips and looked between the two other heroes with a smirk. “I never took either of you two as the sort to dye your hair.”
“Throws off the guards.” Legend huffed, tugging his cap back over his hair and making Warriors wince. Ah yes, Legend’s Hyrule’s guards.
“Fair enough. I can find you something to help with the drying out and dye damage. Twi though...” He frowned, stroking his chin in thought. “Why do you even need hair dye? Trying something new?”
Now it was the rancher’s turn to look embarrassed, rubbing at his neck and ruffling his hair. “No, actually. I jist need- rather- want? I guess? I-”
Legend huffed, patting the rancher’s arm in a rare show of compassion. “He’s been greying early and it’s making him self-conscious. I told him we could look for a dye to hide it, since he didn’t want to go about stealing Time’s position as the resident Old Man.”
Oh. Well, that made sense. “Right! Fair enough. So, you want your natural shade, yes?” At the rancher's nod he pressed on, clapping his hands as he listed what they needed. “So, hair oil, some dye, and shampoo for Legend, preferably meant for damaged and curly hair. Anything else?”
Even though the two shook their heads, they all walked out with a bit more than what Warriors had listed, but despite the fact that Legend complained about it all, no one seemed to mind too much when he pulled the three of them together after the others had gone to bed and helped show them had to use the various toiletries without making too very much of a mess. It cost a pretty penny to get them all sorted, but Legend was clean, Twilight was a brunette again (the silver streaks were rather fetching though, and he’d made sure to make sure Twilight knew that before they dyed it all away) and Wind and Sky had what they needed to prevent their hair drying out again.
And even if it made a sizable dent in his wallet, he’d refused to be paid back. It was worth it anyway, since now he and Legend both had straight hair again (and the vet had actually washed!).
He could see now why Wild and Hyrule liked playing with their respective mentors’ hair though, it was almost addictive.
Time took one look at the three youngest and groaned, and Warriors almost echoed the action.
“What were you three even doing?” His now-eldest huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose with a heavy sigh as he tried not to look at the three teens, all of which were covered in mud and grass stains, and only looking slightly remorseful, despite their horrid clothing and scraped faces.
Had it been anyone but Wild and Wind, Wars would have sat back and watched as karma paid her long overdue visit to the mischievous mask-loving hero, but since it was his kids that caught up in paying back the silver in his own hair, Wars had to stand with Time and try his very hardest not to chuckle at the sight before him.
It took no trouble at all to picture Mask sitting, unrepentant, amid the other youngsters, a challenging look on his face as he dared the captain to even try and ground him for running off again.
“We were exploring.” Hyrule grinned sheepishly, rubbing at the mud that had dried on the side of his neck. “We um-”
“We fell in a swamp.” Wild snorted, wrinkling his nose and shaking some gunk from his hands with a pout. “Even I think we stink.”
Time’s lips twitched, brows struggling to remain in a scowl as he answered, voice wavering with a hint of laughter that made Wars smile to himself. “Is that so, Cub?”
“We smell like boko guts.”
“Or boko crap!” Wind cackled, the only one not soaked in swamp goo but instead spattered with ordinary mud that came from likely tripping and falling in the dirt from laughing too hard.
“Bathe.” Time chuffed, shaking his head fondly. “All three of you. Rivers there and I’m sure Wars has soap aplenty to help.” Hang on, what? Time’s eye met his own, blinking- winking? with a bright and shit eating grin. “Have fun with you sons, dad.”
Oh Ladies, Karma messed up again, didn’t she?
“Mask, I swear-” He growled, glaring at his- was Time his eldest now? His middle child still? The youngest since he’d been the last to join the family?
“Don’t, you’ll set a bad example.” The overgrown forest gremlin chuckled, walking away with a condescending pat of the shoulder.
Some things really never changed, huh?
“Right then.” the captain turned to glare stillness back into the three youngsters, two of which were already trying to sneak away, and the third- of thank Hylia for Wind, the kid was standing at perfect attention with a smirk on his face that screamed ‘I’m the eldest and I’m about to watch my little brothers get scolded and I’m going to enjoy every second of it’, snotty little salt-bathed brat. “Jump in or I punt you.”
Hyrule and Wild exchanged a look, a sure sign of danger, and both sprinted in opposite directions.
He huffed a laugh. Amateurs. Mask and Wind had run him ragged during the war, but once you’ve fought to pre-teens on the daily, there's nothing a pair of teenagers can pull on you that will truly surprise you or throw you off. It was the work of moments to have Wild slung under one arm (wolf pups, honestly, Mask was the same way) and Hyrule by the back of his collar (Wind’s customary position).
“H-how?” Both boys stammered.
“Experience, mud moblins.”
“Do I weight anything to you?” Wild stammered, staring up at him with wide blue eyes.
The grin on his face was easier than usual in situations like these, but then again both teens had given up fighting against him sooner than the last two had ever done. “Hardly. You’ve always been a lightweight.” And with those words he promptly administered a light kick to Hyrule’s lower back, knocking the kid floundering into the stream, and following up with a well-practiced toss that send Wild rocketing in after.
Wind, already stripped down to his shorts and standing waist deep in the water, raised his hands with a shit eating grin. “Six out of Ten, Wild.” The little sea monster called to a spluttering Wild as the kid surfaced, only his face peeking above the surface as he treaded water with a pout. “You need to work on your form, but otherwise- ack!”
A wave splashed up from Hyrule’s direction and Wild sent an appreciative grin the other boy’s way while Wind’s grin melted into a playful one, eyes glinting dangerously.
“Oh, that’s it! You’re just asking for trouble now! Never start a water battle with a pirate, you two, you won’t like how it ends!”
Another, mischief filled, glance was exchanged and both feral heroes descended on the young sailor. It was like watching cucco’s descend on a bokoblin, and Warriors watched with laughter bubbling in his chest as he stripped off his gunk-stained tunic, courtesy of the mud-covered boys he’d wisely decided to pick up, and moved on to his chainmail. The sound of the three youngest heroes' shrieking and shouting sweet music to his ears as Time and the other older heroes made camp just off of the riverbank, teasing each other and generally messing around.
“Wars, why are you- are you joining us?” Wild cocked his dripping head with a curious look as he watched him.
The undershirt slipped off easily as he waded into the stream’s center. “Of course, you two got me muddy too after all, and it’s not like I trust y’all to actually clean up by-” At the slowly spreading grins on the faces of the three, the captain realizes his mistake. “I don’t trust you all to clean up properly, so I’m-”
“Warriors said ‘y’all’!” Wind chortled, eyes glinting madly as a grin stretched over his face. “Oh boy! Just wait ‘till I-”
“Slip of the tongue.” He clipped back, hands settling on his hips as he stared down the three teens. “You tell Twilight about this and I will personally wash your mouth out with soap.”
“You’re the one who said it!” Hyrule pointed out.
“And whoever tells the rancher is committing a verbal atrocity that will only lead to far more in the future.” He huffed. “No one tells, you hear me?”
Wild looked between the others, brows furrowed and lips pursed as he took in Wind’s triumphant grin and Warriors’ scowl. “What’s wrong with saying ‘y’all’?”
The captain staggered back dramatically, hand on his chest and a horrified expression on his face as he stared at his son. “No! Never say that word! That word is an abomination!”
“What word?” Hyrule cocked his head, eyes glinting knowingly, but the captain failed to recognize it in time.
“’Y’all’!” He spat with contempt. “We do not say ‘y’all’ in this house! ‘Y’all’ is a cursed word and the next person who says it is-” - ‘Is on Mask watching duty’ was his go to consequence, but that wouldn’t exactly work right now; Time was a bit old to actually need a supervisor- “is on clothes washing duty with Legend.” He settled on at last, choosing the chore that everyone except, surprisingly, the veteran minded.
“Say the man who just said it four times in a row.” Wind teased, darting out of his grasp with a wide grin.
“Wind! I was trying to see how many times I could make him say it!” Hyrule huffed, pouting at his brother adorably.
“I still don’t get it.” Wild grumbled. “It’s a word? There’s nothing wrong with it as far as I know, ‘y’a-” The captain’s hand was clamped around the kid’s mouth before he could finish his sentence.
“Let's just not.” Warriors huffed; he was beginning to mourn Twilight’s mentor position at the moment. Fortunately, Wild was willing enough to still in is hands and not push the topic, unlike the other two who just egged each other on with ever widening grins. “Right.” He rolled his eyes. “First one with a clean face gets the strawberry scented soap; go.”
Silence fell as nothing save splashing rang over the stream as faces ducked beneath the water, all three boys falling for his favorite trick of all time. Heck, even the old man would probably still cave to the offer of strawberry soap, even now that he was an adult, and Wars couldn’t blame him at all; strawberry scented bubbles were the best bubbles and Twilight and his goat-milk soap could go sniff a skunk if they wanted to contest that.
It took hardly any time at all for all three to emerge, fresh faces and glowing, three sets of eyes al sparkling up at him as a warm chuckle blossomed in his throat. Naturally, he gave the promised soap to all three, citing the ‘I can’t tell who finished first so you all win’ excuse that Grandfather had taught him ages ago.
Wind dutifully set about scrubbing himself clean, and in the meantime, he guided the less experienced duo. “Take so much,” He dolloped a generous potion into Hyrule’s cupped hands. “And rub your hands together, yes, just like that, work it up to a nice lather and just scrub it all over. Take care you get the smelliest bits first so you don’t run out of soap before you get there, yeah?” Both forest children nodded, dutifully following his instructions as he moved to help scrub the traveler’s sopping curls.
It was an easy pattern to fall into, scrubbing the two heads with especial care to remove any sticks and twigs he found along the way. Hyrule was the easier of the two, but Wild held still better while he worked, almost melting under his fingers as he messaged suds into his son’s long locks, a light smile playing over both their faces as he worked, content to sit in the cooling water of the stream as the sun began to set, hands buried in his kid’s long hair as he worked out mud and filth and who knows what else.
Rinsing the sweet-scented bubbles started out innocently enough, but Wars was given a front row seat to watching an accidental splash descend into a full-on war on the water as he scrubbed his own hair clean, and well, if he joined in once he was finished, well, someone had to show Wind that he wasn’t the only hero with some experience on the water.
Wars sighed as he watched Time stirring quietly on his bedroll.
Honestly, his middle kid (he’d finally settled on letting Wind retain his position on oldest, since there was no way Time could be the eldest brother with his gremlin behavior) was something of an idiot. Oh, he loved all three of his boys dearly, but Time was an ass and everyone who knew him well knew it (except maybe Twilight, but that guy was an ass too).
Time hadn’t been sleeping recently, and it was easy to see in the dark bags around his eyes and the almost drifting expression on his face at nights. It was for lack of trying either, the kid- man? - the hero would settle down on his bedroll every night same as the others, but even with sharp eyes shut tight and blanket pulled to his ears, the ‘Old Man’ couldn’t lie still for more than thirty minutes, constantly shifting and fidgeting on his bedroll even as the other heroes steadily dropped off to sleep.
It was just the two of them now, the captain on watch and their leader trying to pretend he was asleep with a scowl on his face.
He was scratching again.
“Alright, that’s enough of that.” war clapped his hands against his knees and pushed himself p, staling over to stand over the largest of the bedrolls and staring down at the lump within. “What’s up, Sprout? You normally snore like a hinox all night long, what’s eating you?”
A single blue eye stared up at him wearily. “If I knew, I would have killed it by now.”
Oof, bad night then. “Do you have any idea what it could be?” He was already settling down next to the group leader’s head, hands reaching to grasp Time’s own and bring them down from where he was, likely unconsciously, clawing at the sides of his face.
“No.” Came the frustrated huff.
“Missing Miss Malon?” He suggested, running his fingers through short blonde hair thoughtfully, mind miles away in a two-story house at castle town as he fell into the all too familiar trap of playing with one of his boys’ hair.
“I thought so at first, and while I do, it doesn’t usually stop me from sleeping.” Time grumbled, staring up at the night sky with pursed lips. “It’s not nightmares or visions either, if anything my dreams have been normal for once.”
“Anxiety perhaps? Are you worrying about the others? Twilight, maybe? Wild?” At the questioning glance he received he shrugged. “Kept me up enough nights, even if you two were there. A bad thing happens once and you're not likely to forget it.”
“Hmm.” Time hummed, leaning unconsciously into his hands and settling on his bed-roll, shoulders falling lax as his single good eyes fluttered softly. “Maybe.”
Whatever it was, it wasn’t bad enough that War’s fingers didn’t put it to rest, and time was asleep in mere minutes, soft snores rumbling over the camp as the captain continued his ministrations, eyes and ears sharp and alert for any disturbance near in within the camp, but body relaxed as he kept the steady rhythm of his fingers through short and silky hair.
When his watch was over though, and it was time to wake the veteran to take his, Wars found himself stuck. Time's fingers were curled tightly in his blue scarf, the man’s head resting easy against his thigh, and any motion small of subtle, would likely send majestic blue fluttering open again with an exhausted air.
Ah well, time to be creative.
Legend grumbled, as usual, at being woken by having his feet touched, and the captain echoed his discomfort as he wrings is sore and likely sprained hand. Time was still asleep though, so there was that at least. Now just to figure out how best to position himself so he could sleep.
Soldier’s experience won over logic, and Wars was asleep in seconds, leaving the camp under Legend’s watch and Time snoozing blissfully at his side.
#lu warriors#dad warriors#warriors is wild's dad#linkeduniverse#linked universe#lu wind#lu sky#lu four#lu twilight#lu legend#lu wild#lu hyrule#lu time#curly haired legend#silver twilight#linked universe headcanons#long haired sky#fluffics
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One Possible Read of The Green Knight
I say one possible, because this is the story as I understood it as I was watching the film. When I mentioned it to my partner, he didn't take that away. I'm not saying my take on it is right or wrong (I think it's hard to say that about most reads for a movie like this), but I submit it for your consideration.
(Spoilers and a fairly thorough plot summary under the cut)
(Holy moly this got long)
A brief caveat:
Caveat the First: I'm basing this off a pre-existing understanding of medieval stories, which don't necessarily follow the same narrative structures as modern ones. The world they lived in was weird, so sometimes weird shit just happened for no reason, often very conveniently. (If anything, I think this movie did less of that than existed in typical medieval stories.) They also heavily relied on archetypes rather than distinct characters with backstories, as well as a pre-established understanding of the story you're listening to. Like the puppet show that shows up in the story, the kids in the audience had already heard the story enough times that they could follow it without any actual words. On that note, I've also read a version of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Caveat the Second: I immediately distrust anybody who talks about any story older than three centuries or so having an "original" version. There are some stories that have distinct authors, but often these stories were retold and rewritten to suit the tastes of their latest audience. So I refer to the version I read, not "the original". I take my reading of that story into my interpretation of what I saw. I'll note the details from the version I read where it's relevant.
The Story
We start with Gawain, King Arthur's nephew, waking up in a brothel with his sex worker lady friend. She sends him on his way back home to Camelot where his mother greets him and kindly asks him where he's been all night. Oh, off at Christmas Mass, naturally, is what he tells her. She counters that clearly he's been drinking all the communion wine, because she can smell it on his breath.
She tells him she's not feeling well, so he should go to the Christmas celebration without her and tell her all about it afterward.
[I don't recall hearing her name in the movie, but in the version I read, the Green Knight is sent by Morgana. Between his mother being described in dialogue as Arthur's sister and a known witch, I'm gonna run with that assumption and call her that.]
This is where my reading diverges: I take all of this as being almost entirely Morgana's story. And from her perspective, it's kind of hilarious. Because this isn't the story of Gawain's journey into Manhood, but of a very frustrated mother's attempts to save her beloved (if disappointing) son.
While Gawain is partying with the sickly King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table, Morgana joins three of her fellow witches and they enact a spell, summoning the Green Knight and a very specifically worded challenge. The Green Knight presents a game: any one person in attendance may injure him and get his badass axe as a prize, but in a year exactly he'll have to go to the Green Knight's chapel and allow the Green Knight to return the exact same blow to him.
Arthur says he wants to do it, but acknowledges he's too sickly to do so. Gawain, already embarrassed once at this party, jumps up and volunteers to be his champion. And when he steps into the ring with the Green Knight, he cuts off his opponent's head. He'd think that was the end of it, but the Green Knight just picks up his severed head, reminds him of the deal to bring the axe back and let himself get beheaded in a year, and leaves.
[In the version I read, this was a ploy on Morgana's part just to freak out Guinevere. Seriously, that was the entirety of it. Just fucking with her rival/sister-in-law.]
In the movie, I got the vibe that Gawain was never meant to be in the line of fire. I suspect that either Arthur or one of his knights was meant to be the Green Knight's opponent, who would die after a year to get his affairs in order. Given that Gawain was Arthur's next-of-kin, that would have given him plenty of time to pass the crown to Morgana's beloved son. Unfortunately, Gawain stepping up messed up her whole plan.
During the intervening year, we see Morgana and the other witches working together to weave the Girdle of Invulnerability. As the name suggests, it's laden with magic to protect him from all harm and all blows from anyone. So long as he wears it, she explains, he'll make it home in one piece.
[In the version I read, the girdle is given to him by another woman later on at a weirdly convenient time. More on that later.]
Gawain barely makes it out when he asks directions from a young man looting the corpses on a recent battlefield. Being the idiot that he is, Gawain takes the young man's directions straight into a trap, where the young man and several other bandits are lying in wait. Despite his mother's assurances that he's invulnerable, he stands down immediately, allowing the bandits to take the Green Knight's axe, his Magic Girdle, all his money, all his supplies, etc.
During all this, three things happen: first, we see A Fox. Second, when the bandit takes the axe he goes all weird and runs off on the horse, forcing the other bandits to chase after him and leaving Gawain unobserved. Third, we get a weird vision of the future where Gawain remains where he is, tied up, until he rots away and he's left nothing but a skeleton.
My read is that The Fox is either Morgana or one of the other witches shapeshifted to keep an eye on him (alternatively, the fox is Reynard or a similar magical creature employed by them for the same purpose.) The Fox then enchants the bandit into running off with the Girdle and the Axe, leaving Gawain relatively safe. And when he fails to do anything with this spectacular opportunity, the Fox gives him the vision of what's gonna happen to him if he just waits around to be rescued.
Prompted to action, Gawain manages to free himself and continues his quest on foot. Eventually he comes across an abandoned manor. Inside, he meets a ghost who asks him to retrieve her severed head, which was thrown into the nearby spring. After some hemming and hawing, he does. When he returns to the surface with the woman's skull, the ghost is gone, but the Fox is watching him.
My take is that the ghost disappeared. They do that. The Fox, being sent to watch him, saw him actually step up and do a brave and selfless thing for once. This is what cements to the Fox that Gawain isn't a perennial fuckup, he's able to grow and mature if he's given the chance.
Gawain returns the skull to the rest of the ghost's skeleton, and he's rewarded by regaining his lost axe. (The axe placed there by the Fox, who took it from the enchanted bandit.)
So this is great, right? Gawain's fuck-upery has been cured and he's doing the responsible thing. Yay, right?
Except he's a fuckup who spends more time drinking and hanging out in brothels than doing Knightly stuff, so he doesn't know basics. Like how to start a fire or get food. Offscreen, Morgana must have been bashing her head into a wall, because her beloved son is going to get himself killed.
The Fox appears to him, and after his initial attempt to drive it off, Gawain lets it stay with him. From this point forward it stays by his side, not-so-subtly giving him directions and keeping him generally safe.
Later we meet some giants, because sometimes there are just giants. We don't question these things in Arthurian fantasy. Gawain asks them to give him a ride to his destination, but when one agrees to help him, he freaks out at the last second and refuses. The Fox speaks to the giant, quite possibly apologizing for its very rude human friend, and the giants go on their way without him.
Gawain is most of the way there by now, but it's late December in Wales, he's super cold and hasn't eaten anything but trippy mushrooms, he can't build a fire, he's been walking for days. He collapses, but the Fox urges him to go a little further and leads him to another manor house. Fortunately for him, this manor has living people in it, who clean him up, put him in a warm bed, and give him food.
We get a dreamy scene where he's being tended by his mother before he wakes up in the care of the manor. My read on it was that this manor and the people in it were sent directly by Morgana to save him. I don't think the manor was even there ten seconds before he collapsed the first time. Because Morgana loves her son, but he is REALLY bad at this.
Notably, it seems that the only people here are the Lord and Lady of the manor, as well as a blind old woman who seems to be the lady's maidservant and/or mother? Hard to tell.
Some flirting happens between Gawain and the Lord and Lady. The Lord of the manor explains that conveniently, Gawain's destination is only one day's walk away and he's several days early, so why not take some time to rest and gather his strength. The Lady shows off her library and her fancy daguerreotype-like mechanism, etc. The Lord suggests another game (mirroring the game presented by the Green Knight) : the Lord will go hunting the next day and give Gawain whatever he catches. Gawain will in return give the Lord whatever he gains throughout the day.
[In the version I read, this happens over the course of three days. Each day the Lord leaves, the Lady tries to seduce Gawain but he refuses, only accepting a kiss from her on the first two days; when the Lord returns with a hunted animal each day, Gawain gives him the kiss that the Lady gave him. On the third day, the Lady also gives Gawain a previously-unmentioned enchanted Girdle of Invincibility, which he neglects to pass along to the Lord, opting just to kiss him instead.]
In the movie, this is condensed into only one day. Gawain wakes up with the Lady creepily watching him sleep, wearing the Girdle of Invincibility that Morgana made for him. She invites him into bed and offers him the Girdle, reminding him that it can render him invincible. The scene gets a bit weird after that-- sex acts of some sort ensue, and the Lady walks away, leaving Gawain with post-coital shame and the Girdle.
Upset, Gawain grabs his stuff and makes to leave. Along the way he runs into the Lord in the middle of his hunt, and he declares that he's going to meet the Green Knight a day early. Citing their game, the Lord presents Gawain with The Fox (who is alive despite having been caught by a hunter, hmmm) and requests Gawain's "winnings" in return-- which he claims by stealing a kiss. I dunno about you, but it seemed to me that Gawain was Into It, at least before he remembers to be freaked out and runs off.
He's nearly at the place where he's to meet the Green Knight when the fox stops him. Now it starts talking, its voice shifting from masculine to feminine. It tells him that he's done a great job, and he can turn back right now and go home and nobody will know but the two of them. He doesn't have to go through with this. But Gawain, determined to fulfil his quest, drives the Fox off once again and goes the last bit alone.
Here he meets the Green Knight in the ruins of an old chapel, though because he's early the Green Knight is little more than a statue, awake but unmoving until the appointed Christmas Day. All the while Gawain just has to sit there and stew in the knowledge that he's gonna die. Finally the Green Knight stirs, asks Gawain if he's ready to die, and readies the axe that Gawain returned to him.
Throughout this, the light hits the Green Knight differently, making him look an awful lot like the Lord of the manor. After Gawain flinches away from the axe the first time, he speaks gently to him, almost tenderly.
[In the version I read, the Green Knight and the Lord of the manor are the same person, and the Lord/Knight is aware of Gawain's magic Girdle, because this was all an elaborate ruse. Because of Gawain's invincibility, the Green Knight only scratches his neck, permanently scarring him as punishment for lying about it and cheating in both their games, but doesn't hold it against him. Gawain then returns to Camelot and they keep the Girdle at the round table as a symbol that all of them have their failings.]
In the movie, Gawain flinches one more time. We then get a second very lengthy vision of an alternate future: Gawain flees the Green Knight and returns home, where he's welcomed back without external consequences. However, he's haunted by his own cowardice, giving up a difficult love in favor of living up to expectation, only to lose everything in the end anyway. His life following the cowardly route was longer, but it wasn't a better life.
He stops the Green Knight one last time, only to remove the Girdle and set it aside before declaring himself ready. The Green Knight is genuinely pleased by this, and he leans in and simply traces a finger over Gawain's throat, before happily saying. "Off with your head."
The movie ends there. Whether the Green Knight leaves him alive or kills him is up for interpretation. But even if the Green Knight wasn't on Morgana's payroll, I feel like he's way too fond of Gawain to do him real harm at this point.
And so Gawain has grown up-- he's brave, he's honorable, he's learned to keep his word and face the consequences of his actions. And Morgana, after some major struggles and a lot of called-in favors, has managed to keep her son from dying on his quest. Victory all around.
There's also an after-credits scene: just a little girl playing with Arthur/Gawain's crown. Notably, this little girl is neither of the children Gawain had in his vision of the cowardly future, so I interpreted it as a new future with a new child with potential all their own.
But that's just my take.
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Chapter 12: Date Night
Summary: A chance meeting that all started with almond butter
Pairing: Jean Kirstein x black!fem!reader
Warnings: smut: fingering (f), titty sucking, oral (f), multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, breeding kink lmfao
Word Count: 4992
A/N: It is here LMFAO, the moment we’ve been waiting for
"Hitch, you really don't have to do this," you say once you let her in.
"I said I'd be here. And I can't believe you used your kids as an excuse when I have been here the whole time to watch them." You let out an audible huff, following Hitch to the hallway where the kids' rooms are, and she swings the door open to both rooms. "Alright, kids, it's time to rise and shine!" she yells, and Cole groans, rolling over, Alyssa doing the same but silently. "You kids sleep like you have a job."
She moves into Cole's room first, shaking him lightly causing him to push her hands away. "I got ice cream," she tries, and Cole peels his eyes open.
"Not right now, but I could get you some," she responds. "You and sister are staying with me for the weekend."
He wakes up a little more, sitting up as Hitch backs away from him. "Why?"
She frowns as she holds her hand out. "You don't wanna stay with your Aunt?" she asks. "I'm giving your mom a break."
"Can I get two scoops of ice cream?" he questions.
"If you get dressed right now, I'll make it two and a half." He quickly gets out of bed, rushing to the bathroom.
"Why are you always bribing my kids?" you ask, amused, and she just gives you a lazy shrug.
"Makes things easier. And knowing him, he probably won't remember until tonight." You help get his clothes together as Alyssa gets in the shower, noticing that your son always forgets essentials like clothes whenever he packs, too excited about bringing his books. When all of their stuff is packed, Hitch carries their bags as they walk to the car.
"Call me when you're deciding what to wear," she says before walking to her car, grunting as she adjusts their bags on her shoulder. "Jeez, you guys, you pack the whole house?"
She tries to set them down carefully, sighing heavily before closing the door. She walks to the driver's door, sending you a wink before getting in the car. You shake your head as you watch her back out of the driveway and down the street.
"You're not supposed to be here," Ymir states, her arms folded over her chest. "You're supposed to be getting ready for a date."
"Is there anything that Hitch doesn't tell you?"
"Well, after we both came to a mutual agreement that you work too much and never put yourself first, we work to make sure that you're not doing anything to change that."
You give her a look as you walk behind the counter, slipping on an apron. "It's not happening until this evening anyway, and I need something to do."
You couldn't just sit there and wait for the time to go by, and it's been a while since you've been on an actual date. You can't even remember the last time you've felt this excited about going on one, and you busy yourself in your cooking, taking your mind off of it for the time being.
"What's with all the food? Niccolo sent to you to get all of this?"
"No, Connie. I'm cooking tonight," Jean sighs, wishing that Connie would've stayed at work, and Jean's convinced he loves to mess with him for a living.
"And why is that?"
"Because I have a date tonight."
Connie nods before she frowns. "Wait, a date? You're telling me that you've been seeing her for almost three months, and you haven't taken her out on a date?"
"We've been busy," he replies lamely.
"But you've seen her naked?"
"It just happened, okay?" Connie holds his hands up.
"Hey man, I'm not judging. People go out of order all the time." Jean gives him a look as he throws the next item on the list in the shopping cart, shaking his head as he starts walking down the aisle.
Jean had asked Niccolo for some pointers along with what some of your favorite foods might be, and he spent the whole morning him showing him the basics, so he wouldn't at least burn the house down. He's not awful at cooking, but it's definitely not something he could do as a hobby and the food turn out as amazing as yours.
"And that's about it, nothing too hard, right?" Jean gives him an uneasy nod as he sighs, and Niccolo chuckles as he pats his shoulder.
"Don't stress so much. It'll taste great. If you just follow the recipes then you can't go wrong." Jean looks down at the papers on the counter, laughing as he reads over the steps.
"You dumbed it down for me?"
"Well, you are woefully out of your element," he teases with a shrug. "And it doesn't hurt to be thorough. You don't want to give her food poisoning on the first date."
"You say that like it's happened before," he says after he laughs.
"I tried to do something out of my element on my first date with Sasha," he reminisces. "You could say that I did not plan to hold her hair while her face was in the toilet." Jean laughs heartily as Niccolo shakes his head. "And she's still with me today, so don't sweat it. You'll be fine."
"Thanks, Niccolo, I really appreciate this."
"It was no problem," he say, waving him off before handing him a piece of paper. "And here's the list of everything you want. I even wrote the brand names down just in case you find yourself stuck between which one to pick."
"I seriously can't thank you enough."
"I haven't seen you this happy in a long time. That's enough for me."
"Seriously? That's what you're wearing? You look like you're going to the prom." Jean looks down at himself after Eren's comment, giving him a look of confusion.
"Is it too much?"
"You said you were gonna cook dinner at her house," he deadpan. "Just wear something casual."
"Oh! Wear the jeans that make your legs look good." Both men look at Connie like he's crazy, and he holds his hands out, his eyebrows raised. "What? Am I not allowed to know what makes my friends look good?" he asks. "I seriously don't know where you guys would be without me."
"Probably paradise," Eren boasts, and Connie flips him off.
Jean shakes his head as he picks out something else to wear, stepping out of the closet to reveal what he's wearing. "See? That's so much better. You look like an adult."
Jean blinks plainly at the brunet's words, rolling his eyes. "She won't be to keep her hands off you," Connie adds, and Jean shakes his head as he scoffs.
"It's the first date."
"And?" His eyes are bigger, looking around the room before meeting Jean's eyes again. "There's no harm in going all the way, I mean, you're basically halfway there."
Jean rubs his fingers over his eyes, trying to figure out how the hell he ended up with these two helping him out. He moves towards his dresser, picking up a bottle of cologne, and Eren stops him before he can spray it. "Nope, pass it here."
Jean groans, Eren's eyebrows raised expectantly as he holds his hand out. He begrudgingly passes it to him, and Eren sprays it once in the air, taking a deep breath before his face morphs into horror as he goes into a coughing fit. "What the fuck?" he wheezes, waving his hand across his face. "Where the fuck did you get this from?"
"It was a gift."
Eren holds his hand under his nose as he stands. "Okay, so what we're going to do is put this here." He sets the bottle at the very back. "And what you are going to do is never touch that again." He forces him to move back with a wave of his hand, stepping in front of him as he looks at the different bottles.
He picks one up before handing it to him and sits back down, not saying a word. Jean looks at the bottle before sighing, spraying it a couple of times as he moves his hand across his body. "Now, will you two finally leave me alone?"
"Hey, man, you asked us for help," Connie says intently.
"No, I did not. You were supposed to leave after the grocery store."
"Well, it's a good thing we were here anyway because God knows what you would've done by yourself." And this time, Jean chucks a pillow at Eren.
"What in the hell is that? You're going on a date, not chaperoning a school dance." You sigh, laughing to yourself as you slide the straps off, and she catches you before you step out of the camera. "What the hell is that?!"
"What?" you ask, freezing.
"Nuh-uh. Take the bra off." You frown as you look down before looking back at your phone.
"What's wrong with it?"
"It's not first date material at all," she comments.
"Hitch it's the first date. He's not even going to see it."
She moves her face closer to the camera, looking at you like you're crazy. "Excuse me? You're telling me that I gave you a free night, and you're not going to have sex with this man?"
"You're ridiculous."
"It's called being optimistic. Take it off." You roll your eyes, pushing your dress off your hips and to the floor before hesitating to change your bra. "How about that dress you wore to that party? The one that was for like your friend or something."
"Hitch," you start, but she cuts you off.
"Ah, there's no harm in trying it on." You scoff as you dig through your closet, finding the one that she was talking about before slipping it on. It's a lot tighter than you remember along with a lot more revealing, and you jut out your hip as you stand in the frame. "See? You look amazing. You should go with that one."
"Do you see what I'm wearing?"
"Yes," she says pointedly. "It makes your tits look great."
"I am not wearing--" You jump when you hear knocking on the door, and you look at the clock on your nightstand. "He's here early," you gasp as you start to scramble around.
"Well, it doesn't look like you have time to change. Oh nooo," she drawls, putting a hand to her face, and you pick up your phone with a scowl on your face. "Have fun! And remember to practice safe sex."
She hangs up the phone, and you dart out of your room, rushing to the door, taking a deep breath before you open it. "You're here early. Like really early," you observe, and he gives you a shy half-smile.
"I know, I just wanted to surprise you," he says, lifting the basket he has in his hand up for a split second. "You look amazing."
"I should be saying that about you." He smiles as you step to the side to let him in. "So, what's the surprise?" you ask, following him to the kitchen after you close the door.
"I'm cooking," he answers, setting the basket on the counter.
"Really?" you beam in surprise, and he turns to face you.
"Yeah, but what I'm making is a surprise too, so you can't look." You scoff, a frown and a smile mixed on your lips before you sit down on the opposite side of the island. "And don't try to guess what anything is," he adds, and you hold your hands up before you close your eyes, resting your hands under your chin.
You hear him chuckle quietly before you hear footsteps and rustling, and then it goes quiet. You raise your eyebrows, peeling an eye open to see him just standing there. "Pots and pans are on your right."
"Right," he responds, and you laugh quietly before closing your eyes again. You bite your lip, trying to maintain your excitement, and you find yourself raising your eyebrows again when you don't hear anything.
"Is something wrong?" you ask playfully, your eyes staying closed, and you hear him say another rushed-out response, and you open your eyes as you stand. You walk around the island, standing behind him, moving your arms so that they wrap around his waist.
He jumps, and you rest your head in between his shoulder blades. "Are you nervous?" you ask softly, a smile playing on your lips, and he sighs heavily as he places his hands on yours.
"Maybe," he admits quietly, and you lift your head in his direction, and he smiles when he sees that your eyes are still closed. "I don't wanna give you food poisoning."
He can see the amusement in your eyes through your eyelids as you laugh. "Food poisoning? I don't think that's possible."
"I told you I'm not good in the kitchen," he reminds you with a soft huff, and you hum as you rest your head on his back, your arms wrapping a little tighter around his waist.
"Well, I'm not worried about it," you sigh. "You'll do fine."
"You're not gonna move?" he asks, even though it's the last thing he wants you to do, and he feels you shake your head.
"Nope. I'm gonna stay right here and help you out." You against him does make him feel a little bit better, along with the fact that you're not looking because he doesn't want to do anything stupidly embarrassing in front of you.
"Don't try and guess what anything is," he tells you again as he opens the basket, and your laugh vibrates against him.
"No promises," you tease. He gets everything out that he needs to get started, asking you where a couple of things are, and he finds himself having a stupid smile on his face as he cooks, more than loving the feeling of you on him. You make small talk, branching from work to your past lives, and he's in the middle of stirring the sauce when he feels your hands run under his shirt.
He falters slightly, shuddering as your nails graze over his abs. "You smell really good," you sigh, and he has Eren to thank for that, but he'll never say it out loud. He doesn't respond, trying to focus on what he's doing and not your hands against his skin. "Am I distracting you?" you whisper, a light laugh on your tongue.
"A little." He turns around as you hum a little louder at his answer, and he plants his lips on yours, his hands tightening on your waist as he pulls you into him. Your arms rest loosely around his neck as he deepens the kiss. He pulls away, smirking when you chase after him. "It's almost done. I want you to at least try it," he says, his hands squeezing your waist once. And you look at the stove as he turns around.
"You made my favorite?" you gasp, and he nods as he turns the stovetop off. "It smells amazing."
"Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells," he says, mostly to himself, and he grabs a fork putting a bit on the fork, blowing on it before passing it your way. He waits in anticipation as you chew, feeling like he might die if he waits any longer, and he raises his eyebrows when you jump a little.
"Oh, my God! This is amazing!" You grab the fork from his hands, getting some more.
"Really?" He feels pride rise in his chest, and you nod quickly.
"Yes! Oh, my God. This is really good." He definitely doesn't stop the smile growing on his face, and even if he did, he doesn't know if he could. "Here, you try it."
You move the fork over to him, your hand under the fork, and he nods as he tries it. "It actually is." He's more than surprised that he was able to cook it, and it tastes good.
"Of course, it is," you respond, grabbing a couple of plates so that you're not eating out of the pan. "I would've loved to see you playing lacrosse." The conversation's continued to the living room, both of you sitting on the couch as you eat.
"I wasn't all that," he dismisses you with a shrug.
"Yeah, right. I bet you were the best one on the team," you oppose, and he gives you another shrug, frowning for a split second.
"Maybe." You laugh softly as he grabs his phone, showing you a couple of pictures that he found of him back in college.
"Were you at Sasha and Niccolo's wedding?" You both have finished eating, your plates on the coffee table, almost no space in between the two of you as your bodies face each other.
"Yeah, I was," you answer after a hum and a nod. "I actually made all of the food and the cake. Thought the groom shouldn't cook for his own wedding."
"No wonder the food was amazing," he says, and you scoff as you rest your head on your hand, your arm resting on the back of the couch. He wonders how he didn't run into you back then, and it makes him think that if he did, would he be in this position sooner? Would his life have taken a different turn?
"I couldn't stay long though," you start. "I had Alyssa and Cole young, so they were in elementary school back then."
"I hate that I missed you," he tells you softly, and the smile you give him is just as.
"Yeah, me too." Your legs are crossed, touching his, and his hand moves over to yours.
"Did I tell you how amazing you look in this dress?" Your smile widens as you shake your head.
"No, I don't think you did," you reply sarcastically, and he huffs softly.
"Well, you look amazing."
"Yeah?" It's his turn for his smile to get bigger, and his fingers curl around the back of your knee.
"Yeah." He pulls your leg towards him, and you move your body so that you're straddling him, and his lips on yours as soon as you settle down. His hands stay on your thighs, his fingers dipping under the hem of your dress as you rub your hands over his shoulders. He deepens the kiss, his tongue moving into your mouth when you give him access, and you sigh as you wrap your arms around his neck.
He breaks the kiss, moving to plant them across your jaw and down your neck, and his hands move to your hips when you moan softly. He pulls the straps of your dress down as he kisses up your neck, goosebumps breaking out all over your skin, your bra straps following. The soft kisses continue, like he's teasing, and you pull on his hair softly when he kisses down the plush skin on your chest.
You nearly scream when he suddenly stands, hoisting you up in his arms as his hands move to your ass, walking to your room as his lips meet yours again. He kicks the door closed, falling down on the bed as he leans back against the headboard. He wastes no time pushing your dress and bra down, groaning quietly against your skin as he turns his attention to one of your tits, his mouth encasing your nipple, the movements of his tongue against the pert bud making you drool in your panties.
You start to grind against him, and he hikes your dress over your ass, his hand moving towards your panties, and he rubs his fingers over the crotch before moving it to the side. He moves to your other tit as he smiles against your skin at how sensitive you've become. You pull at his shirt, and he's quick to slide it off, tossing it to the floor.
He doesn't stop moving his fingers through your folds, but he does meet your lips halfway when you lean down, and he keeps one hand on your hip as he slides his fingers inside, swallowing the moan you let out. You ride his fingers as he speeds up the pumping of them, and he groans when he can feel how you're soaking his fingers.
You try to reach for his pants, but he curls his fingers in a way that has you moaning louder, pulling away from the kiss, and he smiles softly as he opens his eyes, watching you fall apart above him. He undoes the clasp of your bra, sliding it down your arms and tossing it to the floor as your drip down his wrist, and he latches back onto your tits, alternating between them.
"Jean, come on," you urge breathlessly, and he can't help but smile against you again as your hands try for his pants again. He finally lets up, sliding his fingers out of you before taking your dress off, the clothing joining your bra on the floor.
You move off of him, and he slides out of the rest of his clothes, those hitting the floor as well before pushing you down, your back hitting the bed as he hovers over you. You don't get a chance to say anything because he starts kissing down your body as his hands lightly trail up your sides.
He teases you as he settles between your legs, putting them over his shoulders as he kisses over them softly, getting closer to where you really want him but not giving you what you want. He can't do it for long, having the urge to taste you since you both showered together, and you jump when he licks a thick strip up your folds. "Fuck, you taste so good." It's the only warning you get before he dives in.
He pulls you closer to his face, his tongue circling your clit with tight circles, making you moan loudly against your will. He laps at your hole, pushing his face closer to you as he tries to get as much of your slick on his tongue as he can. He brings his fingers back up, sliding them inside of you as he focuses his tongue on your puffy bud. Your hand slides into his hair as his fingers stretch you out as they simultaneously press on that sensitive spot inside you, the stuble on his face tickling you but heightening the feeling all at the same time.
Your moans sound muffled to your ears, blood rushing through them as you feel your high approaching, repeating his name like a mantra as your legs start to shake. Jean can tell you're close, speeding up the movements of his fingers and his tongue, moaning against your folds as he feels the grip on his hair tighten.
A shout of his name is the only indication of your climax as your legs squeeze around his head, and he's able to move down, licking up everything that you give him as you cum. You ride against his face as he keeps moving his fingers, only stopping when your legs relax. He slides his fingers out of your sopping pussy, licking them clean before he moves above you, his face glistening with your release.
He smiles down at you as you return it with a dazed smile, and he groans quietly when you grip his throbbing dick in your hand. His eyes slip close as you move your hand up and down, and he opens them in time to see you spreading your legs wider, guiding him towards you. His hands dig into the sheets by your head as he looks at you.
"Are you sure?" he asks, and he didn't expect things to go this far, so he doesn't have any protection.
You nod quickly, barely sparing him a glance. "Yes, Jean, I want it," you breathe, and he groans louder this time, looking back down at your hand as he relaxes his body. He starts to sink down as you guide him closer, both of you moaning at the contact. He replaces your hand, sliding the tip in, and you whine softly, letting your head fall back against the pillows.
"Fuck," he moans, using his other hand to grip the sheets so tight that his knuckles go white. He's practically vibrating when he bottoms out, knowing that it's been a while since he's done this, but he knows it's been a long time since he's been inside someone raw, and he lets his arms collapse as he buries his face in your neck.
He tries to think about anything else besides your warm walls pulsing around him, attempting to control his breathing as he feels your hands slide up his back. He's waiting for you to adjust, but he doesn't even know he if can, and he takes the motion of your arms tightening around his neck as a sign that you're ready for him to move, and he grips your hips softly before slotting his hips back, rushing back into you nearly against his will.
Your legs wrap around his waist as you let out a moan slash scream as you find yourself suddenly full at the intrusion once again, and Jean doesn't wait to pick up the speed of his hips. He kisses down your neck, trying to ease himself into a rhythm, but his hips are already desperately snapping against yours.
He pushes one of your legs up, using his other hand to rub hard circles at your clit. He's not too far from his crest, knowing that he's not going to be able to last much longer. "Fuck me, you feel amazing," he moans against your skin, lifting his head up to kiss you firmly. He rests his forehead against yours when you clench around him, and he knows you did it on purpose, a smug smile mixed in with the pleasure on your face.
Your legs tighten around his waist, lifting the one to join the other, your arms draped around his neck. "Want you to cum inside," you whisper, and he whines as his hips falter, and you hover your mouth over his ear.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me--"
"Wanna make you a Daddy, Jean."
His body freezes as he cums, those seven words whispered in his ear sending him over, his dick pulsing as he shoots into you. He releases a deep groan as he fucks his seed into you, and you hum in content, unknown to what you've just released inside of Jean.
You gasp when he peels your legs from around him, pushing them towards your chest as he digs his knees into the mattress before he leans down over you, your legs smashing into your body. You let out a moan in surprise when he starts moving his hips, even faster than before, the tip of his dick ramming that sensitive bundle of nerves inside of you.
"Wanna make me a Daddy, huh?" he prompts, his breath fanning against your face, his eyes dark as he watches your eyes cross as you nod before they flutter close. "Want me to fill you up with my seed until you're carrying my kids? Till you're round and full of me?"
"God, Jean, yes," you moan, your orgasm coming up on you out of nowhere, causing you to dig your nails into his taut shoulders. He fucks you through the high, groaning as he feels you pulse around him, but he doesn't stop, continuing his pace, plunging into your oversensitive pussy.
His head falls against yours against, feeling that knot building back up in his stomach, moving to kiss you, your lips moving against each other sloppily. You can't help but pull back and moan loudly against his lips, your toes curling as the overstimulation starts to send you higher again.
"You're gonna be such a good Daddy, fuck," you say, your words ending with a high-pitched whine. His hips seem to move faster, bruising your cervix with every thrust as his eyes land on your tits bouncing with every slap of his hips against yours, and his thoughts run wild. Thinking of your body swollen with his seed, your tits full of milk, and his eyes roll as he moans.
Your climax hits without warning, your mouth dropping open in a silent scream, your chest pushing into his as your back arches to the best of its ability with the position he has you in. "Nngh, shit," he groans, his eyes screwing shut as he cums, his balls twitching with every spurt of cum into your womb. He meets your lips again, slowing his hips down to deep strokes as he rides out the high, the smacking of your lips loud, echoing in the room.
He finally slows to a stop, sighing heavily as it feels like his heart is going to beat out of his chest, and he smiles softly when he opens his eyes to meet yours. "Damn, baby," he whispers, a satisfying hum coming from you as he chuckles softly.
He sets your legs down slowly, his hands running over them softly. "How you feeling?"
"Amazing," you jest, both of you exchanging a quiet laugh as he rests his claims forehead against yours before he meets your lips again, resting a hand on your cheek and kissing you passionately before kissing you once, twice, and three more times.
"You wanna hop in the shower?"
"Mm, in a minute," you sigh, letting your eyes fall close as you wrap your arms around him.
He ends up carrying you to the bathroom, the sight of his cum dripping down your legs spurring him on leading to another round, and after drying off, putting on some lotion, and changing the sheets, you both fall into bed, sleeping overcoming the both of you in an instant.
Chapter 11|Masterlist|Chapter 13
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this is so random but can you do a fluff headcanon of seeing his s/o in a kimono for Sakusa, Suna, and Atsumu. And maybe kuroo, komori, and kita too I watch this todomomo CD drama the other day where the two saw each other in festival and they're like so cute frickin' cute todoroki compliment Momo, being kinda open towards her, and Momo just being really soft and cute makes me giggle and smile.
AHHH that is just such a good idea. I'm always so soft when they see each other wearing yukata's or kimono's at festivals. I only wish they had that sorta stuff where I live too 😭🤚💕💕💕✨
And omg yghhhh todomomo is such a cute ship, like I genuinely adore them both so much >:(
The boys seeing their cute s/o in a kimono
Characters: Atsumu, Kita, Suna, Kuroo, Sakusa
Warnings: none
Okay so Atsumu would definitely be extremely smooth. like he's internally freaking out and thinking you look so adorable!! but on the outside he's just trying to play it cool so you don't catch on.
His eyes would literally not leave you and he's just taking in how you look the entire time.
“yer ready ta go babe?” with this hot ass smirk on his face.
You're just blushing and you nod and follow him, your geta making sounds beneath you.
When you reach there, you're buying takoyaki, and you ask him if he wants some.
He ends up eating almost everything, like what the heck, man?
Apologizes and buys you more.
Would definitely try to show off and win you stuff at the festival to prove how manly™ he is, and also hopes he impresses you in the process.
“hey babe, watch me win this for you” and he's having a full-fledged war with the kid he's competing with.
He ends up winning and sticking his tongue out at the kid. Because it's basically canon that his mental age drops to 5 when he's competitive about things.
You just ruffle his hair and congratulate him.
Would definitely do the whole yawning and bringing you closer to him thing, when you've decided to take a break and rest.
He's trying to be slick, please don't call him out.
Your friends text you, telling you about the firecracker show and you ask Tsumu if he'd be okay to stay for that.
He practically jumps!! at the chance!! I mean, more time spent with you is always good :]
Asks if he can have your first kiss under the firecrackers. He's a consensual king
After you say yes, he'd just gently cup your face and lean down (WE LIVE FOR MFING HEIGHT DIFFERENCES!!) and kiss your lips gently at first, as the sky is filled with bursts of colour.
Y'all definitely end up making out but that's a different story
Walks you home after everything is over, and tells you how much he liked spending time with you on the way home.
“ya looked beautiful today, y/n-chan” and he has the shyest look on his face.
You kiss his nose and walk inside, leaving him flustered on your doorstep.
Plans this weeks in advance, after hearing about the festival, and musters up the courage to ask you to go with him.
You jump at the chance. At first you think the whole team is coming along, until a flustered Kita says “i hope it would just be the two of us.”
Your eyes widen and you're both just blushing messes looking at the ground.
You both arrive early, and laugh, seeing how you had the same idea to come a bit earlier.
He looks at you in the kimono and takes a few deep breaths before genuinely complimenting you in the most poetic way possible?
“your beauty is unrivalled, y/n-san. Even the brightest lamp is nothing when compared to the radiance you emit.”
And you're just so Mcfreaking flustered™?????? Like where did he learn how to make your heart go doki doki like that omg
You guys would probably be very rational about making your way around the festival.
Food first, and maybe we'll play some games later?
He definitely pays for everything ugh, such a gentleman, eventho you told him it was okay.
And old lady at one of the stalls flusters the two of you by saying he has such a pretty girlfriend.
And he just smiles, with flushed cheeks. Neither of you disagree.
It starts drizzling and the two of you find shelter under a tree.
You're a bit sad about how your kimono got a bit ruined after slipping in some mud, and he gently helps your roll the area up and wipes it with a tissue.
He also smiles and tries to crack a joke by saying “the clouds thought you were so beautiful, they started crying” as he gestured to the rain.
Although the fireworks show was cancelled, Kita wrapped his arms around you and kept you warm, as you talked so many things, whilst waiting for the rain to stop.
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise :)
He gently holds your hand at some point too, and plays with your fingers, pressing a small kiss to the back of your hand.
The rain finally stops and he walks you home, thanking you for spending time with him.
You take a deep breath and kiss him before entering your house, and he smiles through the kiss.
“i've always wanted to do that” he says softly, after kissing you gently again and waving goodbye.
Going out with Suna was definitely an impromtu plan of some sort. Like he just randomly texts you, asking if you want to go and you agree.
Definitely sends you a few memes about how he can't wait and begins to get ready.
You guys meet there and both of you are just so shocked at how the other looks.
Suna thinks you look gorgeous, and he tries to tell you in a teasing way. Much like Atsumu, he's trying to play it down when he's actually so flustered.
“hey dork, you don't look too bad”
You're not good at hiding your thoughts though, and you blurt out a rushed “Suna were you always this hot?” gesturing to his Yukata.
Y/n-chan I think you broke Suna.
He's just a flustered mess and he doesn't reply, instead saying he's hungry and buying something to eat. He buys one for you too, and suggests you guys walk and eat at the same time.
Definitely shows you memes and takes videos of you as the night progresses and the two of you loosen up and start doing dumb stuff.
Takes lots of pictures of you so he can document how pretty you look and keep it with him.
You pose for some, whilst some are just totally candid, with absolutely no pretense, your beauty in its natural glory.
Suna is just so whipped, and he knows he'll regret it if he doesn't tell you honestly, so he wipes some sauce off from the side of your lip and kisses you gently.
It's a quick peck, but it took lots of courage.
“i mean to tell you earlier, y/n, but you look beautiful in this kimono”
You smile, and he's just so super happy he got over his nerves.
“thank you Suna. I think you look amazing in your yukata” you say softly, as you run your fingers along the hem of it, feeling the soft material beneath your fingers.
The fireworks are just streaking bursts of colour across the sky, and you're looking into each others' eyes with so much adoration.
“just now's kiss was too short” you murmur softly as you capture him in a passionate kiss.
It gets really late, and you guys go home. He makes sure you're walking back with your friends before heading home himself.
Calls you after he reaches home and tells you he had an amazing night.
He definitely looks over all the pictures he took of you and makes one of them his lockscreen
I actually mean this if I could date any of the hq boys I would date Kuroo. He's such a sweetheart and I adore him to bits and pieces.
So Kuroo asks you to the festival with a bet. He's like “if Nekoma wins this match, you'll go on a date with me to the festival, kitten.”
And he has the hottest smirk on his face. Like stfu and leave some pretty for other men >:(
You're so flustered but you eventually agree.
No surprise that Nekoma wins both sets and it's mainly because Kuroo didn't let a single ball go past him, he was literally on fire.
So he's smiling and tells you he'll pick you up at 8.00.
I'm pretty sure Kuroo is a total gentlemen, so he meets your parents they totally love him and he's just waiting for you to come down when he sees how lovely you look in a kimono, and he's the literal embodiment of the 😍 emoji.
Like he can't tear his eyes off of you and you're getting so flustered, so you just drag him out of the house and to the festival.
“Such a dom, aren't you kitten?”
When you're at the festival he tries playing a game. He wants to win you something, so he's pretty serious and focused.
He ends up winning and he's all like “so I got reward for you. Do I get a reward from you?” and he's just lowering his face to meet yours.
So you grudgingly kiss his cheek but you definitely loved it, ok?
He definitely buys food and will not eat any of it unless you feed him.
Feeds you too, and takes cute selfies to post on his Instagram.
You guys end up taking a lot of selfies together and trying out all the cute filters. Kuroo's favourite picture is one of you looking at him whilst talking to him, your eyes super bright, and he's just smiling for the camera, but his eyes are on you.
Makes it his phone wallpaper on the spot, to your delight.
Informs you of a fireworks show happening in a little while, and settles down to find an empty place to enjoy it.
Wraps as arm around you because it's apparently "cold" and "your kimono won't keep you warm like his arms will"
You complain but secretly love it.
He then goes full-on nerd more and explains the science behind fireworks, whilst the colours are filling the night sky.
But he soon goes quiet after seeing the colours reflected in your eyes. He's so shy, and he literally can't help himself, he kisses your lips softly.
You guys totally smile into the kiss ugh this is so cute.
Takes you home responsibly and thanks you and your parents before leaving.
Sends you a thank you text before falling asleep, dubbing the night he saw you in a kimono "the best night of his life, to date"
I'm gonna cry Kuroo is so important to me, I love him so much.
Okay in my opinion, you'll have to be the one asking Sakusa out. He'll be super moody about it, but internally, he's dying to go.
You arrive at his doorstep to pick him up and he's just blushing at how cute you look in the kimono.
Like wow aight thank God I'm wearing a mask because this blush is fresh as heck +_+
Silently passes you a tube of hand sanitizer and you're so confused.
“if you put this on, we'll be able to hold hands.”
You're close to dying, no one has ever been able to touch Sakusa's hands, or hand sanitizer before. So you eagerly put it on, and intertwine your soft hands with his.
He's just so touch starved, so he holds your hand tighter as you guys make your way to the festival.
Sakusa hates it there. He waits for you to buy food before finding a secluded area to get away from the crowds.
You're also kinda glad you'll get to spend some time alone with him, so you aren't complaining.
You guys talk about lots of things, you definitely being the more flirty one in the conversation.
You suddenly muster up the guys to tug his mask down softly, seeing his pink cheeks and soft smile.
“can I kiss you?” you ask gently, eyes fixated on his lips.
“yes” he breathlessly replies, as your lips make your way to his, the sky is lit with fireworks, but the two of you hardly notice.
Your hand is tangled in his soft curly hair, and you're both blushing messes.
He walks you back, this time, and thanks you for spending a wonderful night out with him.
Low-key feels bad that you didn't get to enjoy the festival properly, so he tries to make it up to you by buying you lunch the next day. Very wholesome 10/10
[Ari's note: AHHHHH This was such a whirlwind to write it actually took me so long so I hope you enjoy this <3]
Taglist: @k-sakusa-old
#inarizaki#inarizaki x reader#inarizaki manager#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuufanfics#haikyuu hcs#haikyuu#atsumu hcs#atsumu x y/n#atsumu headcanons#atsumu x you#miya twins#kita headcanons#kita shinsuke#kita haikyuu#kita fanfics#haikyuu kuroo#kuroo x you#kuroo imagine#kuroo headcanons#kuroo tetsurou#kuroo x reader#sakusa hcs#sakusa x y/n#sakusa imagines#sakusa drabble#sakusa kiyoomi#suna headcanons#suna rintaro x reader#suna x reader
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Dunno why this came to mind...maybe calculating Jakurai’s deal here...Who knows but here I am imagining how much schooling these boys have gone through.
As a note, I am not saying their schooling level as any jab to them. All people are different. Some would prefer going to school, some do not have the opportunity and some have other things to do. It really is many reasons why they would or wouldn’t go on. And I’m just guessing what I think they’ve done based off information we have of them.
Buster Bros!!!
Ichiro I feel only completed compulsory school and some of high school. He was too busy supporting the orphanage and his brothers to really keep up with it. And considering Yorozuya Yamada is likely their only source of income, he hasn’t really gone back either. I don’t that particularly bothers Ichiro since while he wasn’t bad at school he wouldn’t say he liked it either.
Jiro is at the age where he didn’t have to go to school anymore but Ichiro made him stay. As it was just better options for Jiro if he does finish school. He also doesn’t go to cram school as 1) he can’t stand school as is, 2) he likely goes to help Ichiro with the business and 3) there’s a chance they can’t afford to send him. Despite the latest drama tracks, I don’t see school being a point of contention between them even if Jiro doesn’t like school. I don’t see him pursuing a traditional higher education, if he even goes at all.
Saburo is still in compulsory school as far as I understand so it’s not really a question of if he goes. But obviously Ichiro would want him to stay. Especially him because he’s good at it and seems to like it. That and it might help Saburo’s social skills to have to be around kids his age. For the most of the same reasons, Saburo doesn’t do cram school either. If anything he probably could tutor if he didn’t get so easily frustrated with people. I do feel he could make it to the top schools when he gets older but I see an interest in going overseas for uni.
Mad Trigger Crew
Samatoki I don’t think went past compulsory schooling. He was too busy with yakuza stuff to really deal with school. I see him getting into a lot of fights over his background, namely badmouthing of his parents. He probably had Nemu stay though because he wanted her to have options. I think he’s really good with money even though he probably hasn’t had to worry about it for a long time
Jyuto I initially was gonna say did go to college but researching a little bit, he probably didn’t. He only would need to finish high school and pass exams. Which I feel he was prepared for. Like I think he’s been set on being a cop for a long time and worked for that. Which is why I’ll also go out on a limb and say that in high school this boy was a runner so he was also in shape for his training when he passed exams. I also think Jyuto was a good boy student.
Rio likely went into military service as soon as he could, which I believe is 18 over there. It’s a little harder to tell about how the service was since the world of hypmic is one that had another war, so it’s likely his time was busier than what it would be normally for someone in the navy. He absolutely could’ve gone to uni and come back to get a better rank but I don’t think Rio really cared about that aspect of it. (This man knows communications and some hacking, you cannot tell me he couldn’t have gone far) I will say he likely took advantage of his half-American status and is fluent in English as it would’ve been useful for joint exercises with the states. I think the dissolution of the navy really shot him in the foot but he’s just too resourceful to keep down with that.
Fling Posse
Ramuda...obviously didn’t. And I don’t think his records would show anything. Like if it had to show anything, it would probably show him going to a super large school where it’s completely possible no one knows who the hell he was (because he was never there). And if he was based off someone, he likely had some of his credentials taken from them. He understand the culture of schooling though, I mean his style and personality does seem to draw girls high school age and older.
Gentaro is pretty hard to imagine to be honest. I don’t see him enjoying his school life and being around classmates for an extended amount of time. And while I think he could’ve spent some time in academia in literary research, I also see him finding it way too stuffy for writing. But I think ultimately...he went to uni for a short time. For some reason I just don’t see him vibing with how the system is for it.
Dice did not. I don’t think he finished high school although he could’ve if he wanted. But he probably avoids it because it’d be an easier way to keep track of him and run contrary to his stray sort of life style.
Jakurai...is a doctor...I sure HOPE he went to school for his profession. So he studied some of the stuff you need for doctoring during his time as an assassin but he didn’t actually go into studying to be a doctor until he quit his killing at 23. He probably went into the national defense medical college, which seems to be 6 year program but you have an extra 2-3 years of compulsory service with it. I think he likely finished his compulsory service, at the latest, a year before the Dirty Dawg timeline. Or OR he faked his schooling and just knew the equivalent knowledge from his time as an assassin and was able to pass his exams and later studied whatever he lacked. He’s basically fully legally certified NOW, don’t worry...
Hifumi I just can’t see going past high school. Like I’ve always seen the incident happening in his last year of high school and it made it difficult for him to even finish. And considering he claimed in the first Matenrou drama track that he didn’t find a way to live with his phobia until he was 20...I don’t think he went. Not that he would’ve been interested in it. Hifumi is interested in what he likes and wouldn’t want to put the effort either way. I don’t think he really cares and he has more than enough skills (and money) to do just about whatever he wants.
Doppo likely went to uni. He couldn’t get into the real prestigious schools and knew he couldn’t so just went for wherever he could get into rather than wait to test again. I feel like his degree is in either accounting or business. I think he had a part-time while in school to pay for it since it seems like his family might not be as well off or he didn’t want to burden his parents (in a passing conversation I think he mentioned paying for his brother’s exams or schooling). For some reason I also can see him having a minor in biology because I see him either knowing a lot about plants or knowing a lot about marine life. What kind of person just thinking of a water flea for like a small creature?
Dotsuitare Hompo
Sasara I feel like he didn’t go past high school. Not that he couldn’t. Just that he didn’t find a need to? Not when he was set on going into comedy. Like it was either make it or be trapped with his family. And he was hard noooope.
Rosho....is a teacher? I sure HOPE he went for his teaching certificate. I don’t think he was going to initially and might not have while he was doing the comedy game with Sasara? Their time line is a little fuzzy, I haven’t found the indicator of if Rosho and Sasara disbanded before he went to MCD or after. If it was before, then yes he went to school after they disbanded. If not, then he was in school while doing the manzai thing. So yeah dual major of mathematics (or statistics) and education (he didn’t need both but I have faith in him).
Rei most definitely went to fucking uni. This bastard would let you think he didn’t but he did. He’s probably a fucking doctor or just shy of it. Drives me mad. Why am I sure? Because if Rei is behind the hypnosis mics. As in the designer and/or inventor of it, he is a scientist or engineer of some type. I see him having a degree in either biotechnology or neuroscience. I learn towards the latter because I feel like he also got a minor in psychology (or y’know what, business is possible too for a minor). Just to mess with people.
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko I feel was the same as Ichiro in that he went to high school but not necessarily finishing it. I don’t believe he would’ve had to...if anything he’s gone back to his teachings at his temple. Yet it seems he doesn’t do that either so I’m not sure. I just don’t think he did anything past high school.
Jyushi I think he might’ve just finished high school? I don’t know if he was just finishing or he’s soon to be doing exams. But I think he’s going to finish regardless. Y’know I feel like Jyushi would’ve liked going to uni. I can’t think of what he’d go to school for though! Would it be adding too much work to a passion if he did something with music theory?
Hitoya...is a lawyer? So yeah? And you have to wonder if Hitoya is a masochist or loves to learn or what have you. Because he was in medical school WITH Jakurai. And then when they part ways, he quits and then goes into LAW. Are you kidding me? Hitoya, Hitoya please...I looked it up, he HAS to be a masochist! Law in Japan is super hard to get into! It has one of the most difficult bar exams to exist! What are you doing, man??? Although...I think Hitoya is still fairly new as a lawyer though because him starting when I assume Jakurai started school at 23, would have him only being fully practicing for 5 years. And that’s assuming he dropped out the first year and not later...which would only shrink he years outside. Unless whatever he got for his bachelors was applicable for law too (behavioral science?)...either way, yes he’s done it and he sure does do a lot to beat a guy that doesn’t even know they’re competing.
#hypmic#hypnosis mic#buster bros#mad trigger crew#fling posse#matenrou#dotsuitare hompo#bad ass temple#Ichiro Yamada#jiro yamada#saburo yamada#Samatoki Aohitsugi#jyuto iruma#rio mason busujima#ramuda amemura#Gentaro Yumeno#dice arisugawa#jakurai jinguji#hifumi izanami#doppo kannonzaka#sasara nurude#rosho tsutsujimori#rei amayado#kuko harai#jyushi aimono#hitoya amaguni
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Christmas With the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 2: Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita
Part 1 (Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita) here!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
This boy has a secret soft side for Christmas istg
He HATES showing it to other people on his team and shit
But holy bejeezus he is mesmerized by the holiday in every way possible
Lights, sweets, snow, just like,,, the general magic of December is the most awe-inspiring thing to him
Since he is still a sporty and pretty active mofo, you decided to fuel that on your holiday-themed date as Kags had noted that he’d never gone sledding before
Your jaw was on the FLOOR when he first told you because he would 10000% enjoy the hell out of it
And so you dragged him out to this popular sledding hill that you frequented as a child and taught him what to do
Not gonna lie, he was kind of nervous
“Well you’re experienced at it. I don’t wanna mess up”
🥺🥺🥺 bubby
“You won’t, Tobio! I can already tell you’re gonna be a sledding pro”
Feels a little better after that, but he asks you to help him out for his first run down the hill
He sits behind you with his arms secured snugly around your waist and his head nestled on top of your shoulder
Which would probably seem really funny to passerby because this boy is tol and intimidating in most other situations
As soon as the sled started down, Kags tightened his grip and made this cute little yelp of surprise
But you were laughing insanely hard at the combination of going really fast downhill whilst also having your boyfriend cling to you for dear life
And then when the sled stopped safely at the bottom he started to chuckle
That shit is rare
Y’all stayed at that hill for half the day because it was so fun
You got him a new, very high quality athletic roller for Christmas because his old one was just not cutting it anymore
And you also gave him this really cute bracelet with a volleyball, his jersey number, and a little strawberry milk set of charms attached to it
It matched this really pretty and subtle chain he’d bought for your birthday
His blueberry eyes got all wide with affection dfjdskfjsdk—
Got super blushy and couldn’t get a handle on his speech for a fat minute
He thinks you’re the coolest person ever no I do not take criticism
Geez you’re both adorable together, ideal “stoic boy becomes warmer during the holidays around his love” movie plot and I love it
He is all in on Christmas. Not a chance this boy doesn’t get excited as hell
Will openly go into holiday mode as soon as November is over
Was secretly already listening to his Christmas playlist before then
He is one of the sweetest gift givers, that is FACTUAL
If you want something really badly, he will take notice and get it as your present immediately
He’ll also gift you an extra thing that’s handmade 🥺
Like some pastries that his mom helped him make, or a specially made basket of soaps with your favorite scents in it
It’s absolutely adorable and you cherish those ones especially
Is happy if you simply get him something; mans doesn’t care what it is
New practice volleyball? A brand new sweatshirt? Elated either way
You had seen an advertisement for a friendly match between Japan and Poland’s men’s volleyball teams, so you waited online on the ticket sales website until the minute it opened
Spoiler alert: you got some banger seats 😌✨
Shoyo may or may not have tackled you when he read the ticket details, letting out his excited giggle (you know the one)
“I can’t believe you got these, angel! You’re coming with me, right? You’ve gotta! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Gives you sweet little kisses between each individual ‘thank you’
“Of course I’ll go with you, Sho! I’m really glad you like it!”
He will give you the brightest smile of all time — that shit makes Christmas lights pale in comparison
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
Hold his hands to warm up together when temperatures drop pls :)))
It’s become a weekly December tradition to watch a Christmas movie with Natsu at the Hinata household
She’ll sit in your lap while the three of you are cuddled under a blanket together, and Shoyo will lace his fingers with yours all discreetly
In conclusion, I am a sucker for holiday Hinata 🥺🥺🥺
His room is decorated to the very minimum simply because his mom and brother had insisted on him being festive
You know those holiday instrumentals that are really calming and jazzy and stuff? Yeah, that’s the only Christmas music he will tolerate in his house
While he’s still got his usual icy demeanor, this blond bitch does get slightly less snippy with the Karasuno boys
Is always on the nose with getting you the exact thing you wanted for a present
You don’t even have to bring that shit up beforehand, he just KNOWS
“Tsukki, how did you—?”
“It’s pretty obvious, with the way that one ad kept showing up on your phone.”
b r u h
How does he pay such good attention without even letting on??
As for his own present, you’ll usually get him two: one gag gift and one more serious gift
His dino plush collection size is partly due to the former’s contributions this time of year
Yes the dinos have names
You exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve with all the team (you made him go) and he saved your more serious one for last
It was a scarf that you’d gotten custom made, which had a Spotify code knitted into the fabric
Scanning the code opened the app to a playlist you’d created especially for him
He got pretty quiet when figuring it out and scrolling through the playlist
Would let out a certified Tsukki Nose Exhale™ when he came across certain songs
The more subdued reaction was expected because it’s Tsukishima
His little chuckles and warmer eyes were enough of a giveaway to tell you he very much enjoyed your gift
But on the walk home, he took the scarf and wrapped it around you both, and then brought his arm around your waist
“Thank you.”
You deadass almost combusted because it was so unexpected??
“You’re welcome. Merry Christmas, Kei”
Way to respond calm and collected 😌👍
But on the inside your body was in freak out mode
He wears the scarf all the time jdfsklfjdsk
Take the most tooth rotting fluff you could imagine
And then double that and put a fucking cherry on top
That’s the equivalent of what Christmas is like with Yama Yama
Y’all are like kids in a candy store — literally
For your Christmas dates it’s all about sweets and shared giggles, so frequent trips to the candy and baking isles of the grocery store is a must
Making gingerbread houses, peppermint tasting (mostly trying those different and wild ass candy cane flavors), you name it and it’s there
Stomach aches? I don’t know her
Yeah you do but they go away with enough butterfly kisses 🥰
Tadashi is exceptionally good at decorating gingerbread houses for whatever reason
He put a poll on his instagram between yours and his final products and he won by a landslide
It’s not like yours was necessarily bad, more like he’s just an icing master
You also might have eaten too many gumdrops which left your rooftop lacking in ✨spice✨
But it’s okay because Tadashi donated some of his leftovers to you
He’s such a sweetheart uwu
Please for the love of everything get him something heartfelt as his present
You know those long distance bracelets for couples?
Basically if your s/o taps the icon on the bracelet it’ll send a little vibration to the other person’s as a notice that you’re thinking about them
This boy seeks constant reassurance, and you love to give him his deserved love and validation, so it was the perfect present
It takes a second for him to figure out what it is, but after reading the directions and testing it out, the most adorable smile erupted on his face
And then since you already had yours on, he tapped the little icon again with a giggle
“Hey there”
It becomes common habit to tap it at least once every couple hours
He is just so soft this time of year, give him all the love and he will return it tenfold ☺️
This boy is absolutely an awkward cutie and an avid romantic
Give him the cliches and he will eat em up, no doubt
It naturally gets more apparent around the holidays
He’ll take you on pretty winter walks, give you lots of little gifts (while blushing a hell of a lot), and is just a professional at stumbling upon some mistletoe
Wow wonder how it got there, Hisashi
He’s quite a bit more confident when simply alone with you than in a crowded space
And that definitely shows when he takes you out on a secluded sleigh ride around town
Yeah you heard me
A fuckin’ sleigh ride
Horses and blankets and everything
Don’t even ask how he managed to pull it off, because he loves watching the cogs turn in your head and simply will not give you a straight answer
Of course there’s the nice driver guy who’s there, but in the back alone Kinoshita’s confidence goes 📈📈
Lots of flirting, tons of skimmed touches and shared giggles throughout the ride
I legitimately simp really hard for him
Anyways it was a gorgeous ride through town and super fun
On Christmas Eve you both exchange gifts together and tbh whatever you got him will leave him happy and flustered regardless
But when he opens the wrapping paper to find an entire set of vintage VHS tapes, he’s stunned
He owns a VHS (actually canon!) and honestly loves it to death, and the fact that you’d get him tapes of pretty high quality for his collection meant a lot
Gosh he’s so underrated but a definite sweetheart, give him all the holiday love
Another underrated bby 🥺
He’s so chill and is pretty open to anything during the holidays, so long as he gets to spend ample time with you, his friends, and his family
Definitely more of an indoor person despite being accepting of most situations
Hence why you thought a cute little indoor winter picnic would be right up his alley
Which it absolutely was 😌✨ nice work
You’d made plans while in secret communications with his family members about the whole thing
He’d been pretty stressed lately with trying to handle his schoolwork, while also helping out others with theirs
Despite being a wonderful tutor, it was clearly becoming a bit overwhelming as he tried to grapple with so much at once
So when he came home one day to find a pristine house with you settled on a blanket in his living room, he was quite surprised
There’s a cheese plate, soda cans in a cute ice box, sandwiches, snacks, a presparked fireplace — you and his family went all out
Really adorable I cannot lie
“I thought you said you were going gift shopping today?”
“I might have maybe lied :P”
So he gives the sweetest little smile and sits across from you
Y’all stay there and talk for hours
After finally getting through everything previously laid out on the blanket spread, you slid him a little rectangular box that he looked at curiously
“Already? I haven’t wrapped yours yet!”
“Mine can wait a bit! Just open yours”
And so he does, and you watch with a face-splitting grin as he looks down in awe
You got tickets to see his favorite rock band in concert while they were on tour
He sprung onto you and pulled you into the tightest hug ever
“Holy shit you’re the best I love you so much how do you get even more loveable every day—!?!l”
It’s a jumble of words but you’re able to put it together and it makes you giggle
He deadass sprints upstairs to go get your gift and make sure that you feel as equally appreciated as he does
In simple words: wholesome holiday sweetness 🥰
#haikyuu!!#haikyuu#hq#haikyuu anime#haikyuu to the top#haikyuu x reader#hinata shoyo#hinata x reader#hinata shoyo x reader#hinata shouyo x reader#kageyama tobio#kageyama x reader#kageyama tobio x reader#tsukishima kei#tsukishima x reader#tsukishima kei x reader#yamaguchi tadashi#yamaguchi x reader#yamaguchi tadashi x reader#kinoshita hisashi#kinoshita x reader#kinoshita hisashi x reader#narita kazuhito#narita x reader#narita kazuhito x reader#haikyuu hinata#haikyuu fanfiction#hq fanfic#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu christmas
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ROTT Review
SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE. You have been warned.
FYI: I just finished the movie. So my opinions may change a bit but here I am writing a full review.
Before I talk about the movie, I have to say this movie has fantastic animation. The music is as good as usual.
Ok now the story. Let’s start with the our Trollhunters.
Fair Lady Claire. My girlie Claire really brought her all into this. I’m really proud of the young woman she has grown up into. However for the sake of the plot and story they make her run out of magic juice quite a bit. But my girl is still the best and gives it her all.
Wingman Domzalski. I will be perfectly honest. Toby is kind of the annoying best friend at times and bothers me as a plus size person. (They really push the over eating thing to the point that it’s his biggest factor.) Toby is a very eager kid who is ready to get in the action. Never being negative to his friend but the best emotional support who will always be at his side. Sure Toby was used a bit as comedic relief in the movie but when push comes to shove, Toby will always be there to do the right thing.
Blinky is amazing as always. One of the best father figures out there.
Aarrrgh was there. Was great for the scenes he was in, but all together didn’t do much that altered the story.
Our Trollhunter, Jim Lake Jr. Someone I admire and basically see as my little brother/child. Kiddo really did it. I know everyone is upset that Jim’s arc was redone when we had the “Unbecoming” episode. If I could come to a peaceful middle ground, I saw we all need to blame Merlin. He really rocked Jim’s world and self worth. When the creator of the object you need to save the world with tells you “You’re not enough”, it really can be a great setback. But once we past that, Jim really pulled through. Amulet or not, he is our Trollhunter.
Mommy Dr. Lake was there. Barbara was mostly there for our emotions.
Dilf Strickler. I felt that he was changed a bit since we last saw him, but he had a new purpose. He was more cautious and happy because he had a chance at a happy life with Barbara. Which makes what happens to him more upsetting.
Nomura my sweet. This movie did not deserve you. At least she was with Draal.
And Not-Enrique (seriously why didn’t they ever give him an actual name) just wasn’t in the movie.
How about some CreepSlayers?
Bumbling knight oaf Steve the Palchuckian was great as usual.
I will say though. The whole pregnancy plot was just a way to get Eli and Steve out of the way. I could feel that the writers maybe didn’t like Steve so much since Wizards. But Steve was once again someone to laugh at. Pregnant and out of the way.
How about some Akiridions?
Aja my darling girl, oh how you’ve grown. I understand some think she has changed. However I must say that her preparing a plan B on the side was smart. She isn’t just a princess on earth anymore. She is a queen on a distant planet. So if she thought evacuation was best, it would ensure that everyone would live. And avoid losing more valuable people from her life. So no, I can’t blame her.
DJ Kleb was there. He was kinda doin his own thing and messing with Steve. Brother-in-law stuff.
It was good to see Varvatos Vex.
Stu was the man in the background working on the busy important things like working on the amulet. Personally I feel like the series REALLY underutilizes Stu A LOT so I was so happy to see him being a part of something huge.
And finally some Wizards.
Douxie my love, you were amazing as usual. His powers have grown greatly and have contributed to the adventure. But god the writers really do love to take everything away from him don’t they. It’s unfair.
Archie was kinda just there and just... I understand leaving Douxie but that doesn’t mean I like it.
Nari the sweetest. I can only imagine the guilt she felt to end Nomura. Her self sacrifice was probably the one in the movie most called for.
Alright now I’ll talk about the movie.
I can whole heartedly say this movie was rushed. To be honest I feel like the original writers weren’t completely in this. At least it felt kind of not so much Trollhunters or 3Below vibes but more Wizards, if that makes sense whatsoever. Something is off.
I just want to blame Merlin for everything. To hell with that guy.
The beginning sequence was great. A car chase to a moving train. Which ends up with Toby of course screwing up and breaking the brakes. Of course. The train falling off the tracks which ultimately ends up with Nari gone. Oh yeah, and video recordings of Magic, trolls and being taken in by the police. Great.
Our heroes go back to base on the new and improved Camelot. Where we discover that Barbara and Strickler are now engaged. Happy news and would secure that Jim has another Father figure in his life and his mother’s happiness. Which explains Strickler’s “stay behind” advice. Now he has a family to watch over. He must be careful and warns that Jim’s actions could cost so much that he might not be able to afford.
Enters our Majesty Aja and the new stud on the block, Eli. Dang I wish puberty hit me like that.Truck-kun strikes again. And also enters... the pregnancy thing. I will say, I didn’t mind it too much... at first. But there are complications. Steve is too young to be a father and dang 7 kisses?? I can’t help but feel like Aja should have mentioned that or it was a last minute plan to write out Steve and Eli. (Which it was.) It was funny sure cuz omegaverse and ALIENS but all together it’s really iffy.
They really had Douxie preform a body-swap spell only so it would be undone. And undoing the spell only hurt them both?? C’mon. C’mon.
And they mention the Krohnisfere. We’ll get back to it. Jim gets a brand new amulet infused with Akaridion tech. However theres an issue. It was created by Merlin right? Who is a wizard right? Who uses MAGIC. Shame Douxie wasn’t there to help make it. Ya know. 1/2 of the original creator of the AMULET. So it’s missing a huge part and for the sake of the plot, Jim doesn’t test the Amulet which is out of character personally.
Toby makes a silly big deal over a penny. I was actually hoping they would make it a silly Chekhov's gun later on. But no, it’s just Toby being loud and comedic relief.
The titans are released and we visit a very pregnant Steve. Ok so it’s a rushed kind of thing. ok.
Aja suggests evacuation. You can say it’s out of character but we need context. When Aja helped in the Doomsday Battle, she was ensured a way out but if she let the people of Arcadia perish. She decided to stay and help. But now the Trollhunter himself can’t help. So to ensure the survival of everyone, evacuation. A best chance for everyone to survive. Plus she is now a Queen. She rules over a whole planet which must change her thinking.
Now our characters are split into 3 teams:
Blinky, Archie, Archie’s dad and Claire for the Krohnisfere.
Jim, Aja, Toby, Strickler and Barbara for the Glacial Titan.
Nomura, Douxie and Aarrgh for the Earth Titan.
Now here is where I have problems. WHY. DID. THEY. SEND. TROLLS. TO. BRAZIL. IN. THE. DAY. Nomura dying was just so out of pocket. Unnecessary. I couldn’t even grieve properly I didn’t have a chance to process. The best thought I could think was “At least she’s with Draal now.” 10 seconds later, Strickler makes the choice to sacrifice himself. Because of Jim’s heroic’s, Strickler decided to try to save the most important people in his life. The person who was always dishonest finally had a chance to live a happy life with his family. The one who played it safe now had to make the final impulsive move. And unfortunately, his death was in vain. These deaths were just so forced. It wasn’t in any way good. And Strickler being one of the best written characters just going in such a way was just off. He died for nothing. He could have turned back and fought another battle but... no.
(BTW Barbara was just there... for Strickler’s death.)
We move to Babara and Jim having a heart to heart. I’m glad she didn’t blame Jim but a small moment of anger. Something a little more real for me but no I guess. Barbara will always just be Jim’s mom. She mention’s Jim’s father and it passed so quickly I missed it on my initial viewing. I’m happy that Jim’s father is never revealed or made a bigger part in his story. This is good representation for those of us who did have our fathers walk out on us. That we can grow despite our parents failing us.
And finally team Krohnisfere. Archie just leaves. He’s gone. Poor Douxie. A mentor and now his closest companion.
Our heroes meet up to go against the Volcanic Titan. In comes Varvatos Vex on a Gun Robot. Nice to see some good ol Gundam with a character mentioned throughout the entire trilogy. However it doesn’t last. BTW for the sake of survival, Aja leaves Jim and Toby. Iffy.
Douxie pulls a “Jason stop. This isn’t you.” thing with Nari and is reunited with his friend.(+ points for the shippers. It’s kinda winning me over?) Also, Claire now has the power to teleport a Titan. I know she’s much stronger than she was for the Trollhunters Sn 2 finale, but cmon. You can’t just say she’s out of magic juice and then pull this. C’mon.
(btw did the titan make a War of the Worlds tripod sound? No? Just me?)
Nari sacrifices herself and takes the other god with her. Which takes away Douxie’s other companion. Mr. Stark I don’t feel so good. Why does this movie hate Douxie so much. (I am so sorry shippers. Angst.)
BLINKY DIDN’T SEE A PAGE? ADDRESSING IT IN THE SHOW DOESN’T GIVE YOU A PASS. I forgot the word but this irony isn’t greatttt.
Jim now has to pull out the legendary sword Excalibur. But he can’t cuz he hasn’t harnessed the power of friendship.
And Steve is giving birth. At the worst time. What is this a zombie movie??? C’mon.
Jim says “Magic is friendship” And Stu is finally being used for one grand act. Seriously Stu is just so unappreciated. So he fixes the amulet with magic.
Basically everyone who went on top of the Volcanic titan falls off at some point. Except Jim cuz of course some 1v1.
ONCE AGAIN Claire is out of magic juice. Because... reasons.
Toby makes the choice to race to Jim’s side with the technology to cancel out magic. (Wait how does science stop magic again)
BTW, For the Good of all doesn’t hit as well BUT it’s not mentioning any glory towards stinky Merlin so I am happy with the change.
Toby races to Jim and his helmet falls off the taco truck. That honestly should have been a huge warning sign. I was worried he didn’t have armor but we know how this goes.
Jim defeats the final titan and everyone is happy. The fight is finally over.
Seeing Jim run to Toby was heartbreaking. Now this is the one scene where the movie really let out actually process a character’s death. How on earth can you process your best friend, your most faithful companion dying. Jim goes through too much I swear to god.
Now let’s discuss the time travel plot. I honestly feel like they pulled some kind of Attack on Titan ending. The main character burdened with knowing the future and what could have been. And if everything is meant to be how it will be, destiny will reconnect them again. (Jlaire reincarnation AU???)
I’m actually ok with this ending. I understand people would want the time stone to return only a few minutes. But even then, the kiddos still have police records, so many people dead at the titan’s hands (or feet) and now the world knows about the existence of trolls thanks to the internet. In New York no less. And people are still dead.
We return the the beginning of everything, reflecting the “Unbecoming” episode.
(NGL I’m bothered that they didn’t do anything to stop Steve from bullying Eli, but Jim can’t do it. He’s saving it for Toby.)
And now finally, let’s discuss Toby becoming the Trollhunter. From the beginning, Toby never considered himself good enough to be the main star. Always the wingman, the 2nd best. Support. Now it was Toby’s turn to climb the ranks and be the Hero he’s always wanted to be. It’s Jim’s turn to live an easier high school life. I don’t doubt that he won’t follow Toby. But now he knows what to avoid and how to make the story process more smoothly.
I understand some are unsatisfied with this ending, which is kinda trademarked with Dreamwork’s shows. I get it. But honestly as of right now, I think I like the ending.
The amulet didn’t choose Jim because this Jim is not the same Jim as in Sn 1 Ep 1. He is a new man. And I think we all can agree that it’s his turn to be happy.
I still love this series so much. It is my favorite cartoon. Of course it has it’s flaws, but this ending is at least satisfactory and not heartbreaking. Now it’s up to us to either continue the story or contribute our ideas in fanfiction. I look forward to everyone’s creations.
Don’t think. Become.
#rise of the titans#rott spoilers#trollhunters rott#wizards rott#3below rott#Trollhunters#3below#wizards#tales of arcadia#toa trollhunters#toa 3below#toa wizards#toa
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Ended up skipping day 2 of @hitsukarinweek as I had no ideas for it but here’s my fic for day 3! Also on AO3
Dear Toshiro,
Can you please explain to me how the hell Soul Society managed to copy mobile phones from humans, and even put hollow tracking technology in them, but didn't make them able to send stuff across realms? I know you explained that SS phones in soul society can only contact those in soul society, and when they're here in the human world they can only contact those here, but I only realised how ridiculously stupid that is until after you left. What if there's an emergency and you need to contact someone across realms for whatever reason? Surely you need to get this fixed, I cannot believe if I want to talk to you I'm stuck writing letters like it's the 1800s. I'm even writing more formally than I expected, apparently letter writing brings it out of me and I absolutely hate it. You've gotta fix it. Not to mention I'm not a fan of leaving letters for Urahara to pass on for me, I'm not totally convinced he won't read them.
Anyway, it's been a couple of months since I saw you last. That's probably a good thing, that a captain hasn't been needed here, but I'll admit I wonder about you sometimes, I hope everything is ok on your end! I don't know what it was about turning sixteen but all of a sudden all of this stuff about trying to figure out careers is on me constantly. Yuzu figured out years ago that she wanted to go into healthcare, she took to it way back when we were kids. She was originally planning to go into nursing but her grades have improved a lot recently, she might be a doctor instead, but she's also thinking about midwifery. So there's stuff she's gotta figure out for sure, but at least she knows what area she wants to go into? I don't even have that. I mean how do you figure out what to do with the rest of your life when you're sixteen? I haven't even figured myself out yet. How did you decide to become a shinigami?
Other than that though things are ok. School is a little stressful because grades suddenly feel so much more important, but the work's manageable at least. Hollow level seems to be stable at the minute too which is great, one less thing to worry about! And Urahara improved his reiatsu blocking bracelet thing, I've had this one for almost four months and it hasn't broken so even less chance of getting eaten! Always a plus. But anyway, I hope things are good on your end as well, and that you aren't buried up to your ears in paperwork. Let me know if you ever have any plans to pop up in the human world!
Best Wishes,
P.S. - I sent this on the 22nd of June, let me know when this gets to you/when you send yours, I wanna know what sort of delivery time we're looking at here.
- - - - -
Dear Karin,
I don't even remotely have the skills or know-how to fix something like that, that's what the Research & Development Team is for. I agree it's a little daft that our mobile phones can't send things across realms, but I'm sure said team knows this and is likely working on it, as you said, it would be unfortunate in an emergency situation. Plus I know Urahara can be a little eccentric, but do you really think he'd read the letters? I'm sure it's fine.
It is a good thing I've not been needed, the last thing Karakura needs is more trouble and destruction. Have they managed to rebuild that major bridge you were talking about yet? Everything is alright here, or at least in my division anyway. I've been kept busy recently, a set of students graduated from the academy last month so I've had 18 new recruits to introduce to squad 10. As for the careers stuff, I honestly assumed from the work you did here and there for the clinic that you were interested in healthcare as well, I take it that's not actually the case then? Do you at least have rough ideas of the sort of thing you'd want to go into? I'm not sure I'll be much help in that respect, I can't wrap my head around half of the jobs that seem to exist in the human world. In some ways I had it easier, the choice was out of my hands. My reiatsu was getting stronger and Hyorinmaru came to me before I even knew what was happening, I needed to go to the academy to make sure my reiatsu didn't become dangerous, therefore I became a shinigami. I never had to wonder what to do with myself in terms of employment.
I'm glad to hear things are going well with you, I'm certainly glad to hear you don't have to worry as much about the bracelet breaking. Is your reiatsu still increasing? If it's stabilising that might be part of why this new bracelet is managing better. I know you're not particularly interested in getting involved with shinigami stuff, which frankly I agree with, but if your reiatsu is still increasing I do think it's worth training you to hide it properly. I am unfortunately always at least a little buried in paperwork, particularly recently with the new recruits, but it's manageable. I don't think I'll be in the human world soon, but I will let you know if I plan to.
Best Wishes,
P.S. - I got your letter on the 2nd of July, I should be handing this letter over to be sent on the 4th, schedule permitting.
- - - - -
Dear Toshiro,
Well I hope you make sure that the research team are working on it, because this really is ridiculous. And you're kidding right? I trust Urahara about as far as I can throw him, which is probably all of three feet.
The bridge is still being rebuilt, but I think they're in the last stages now thank god. All the diversions needed really messed with the traffic, maybe I can finally stop leaving the house half an hour earlier just to get to my soccer club. It's supposed to be twenty minutes max by bus and it's been taking easily twice that. Let me know if you find out which shinigami it was that released their zanpakuto on that bridge, I have some choice words for them.
An entire class of students graduated and you only got 18 newbies at the tenth? Was it a small class or is that the normal kind of numbers you see? I assumed there's like, thousands and thousands of shinigami, is there less than I thought? Is that why I only ever see you and Rukia besides the dude who's currently stationed here? And I don't know about going into healthcare, that's my whole problem! I don't know what I want. Healthcare is fine but I don't feel like it's my life purpose to go into it either so yeah, I don't know. Healthcare would be alright, sports would be cool maybe? But I don't think there's a whole lot of sports careers outside of professional (which is definitely not happening) or teaching, and I'm not convinced I'm the teacher type. I just don't seem to have this strong urge to go in a particular direction like Yuzu does. But wow, I didn't know that, you basically HAD to train to be a shinigami? I didn't know that was a thing that could happen, that your reiatsu can go that far on its own. That kind of sucks though doesn't it? That you had no choice? I hope you enjoy being a shinigami at least.
To be honest I think my reiatsu probably is still going up. I don't think it's as quick as it was before, it's settled a little bit, probably because there hasn't been much danger around recently, but I do think it's still inching up. Is that a huge issue? Obviously it became a huge issue with you so now I'm kinda nervous. I'm not gonna get kidnapped into the shinigami am I? I can train to hide my reiatsu without actually becoming a shinigami right? Frankly I trust you more on this than Urahara. And you better let me know in advance if you can, Yuzu says she wants to make you those dumplings you liked again.
Best Wishes,
P.S. - I got excited at first thinking that sending these took less than two weeks, that didn't seem that bad considering we're sending them via Urahara whenever someone comes through realms, but then your letter took almost a month to come, it arrived on the 27th :( I'm handing this letter over on the 28th.
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Dear Karin,
The Research & Development Team is not under my command, they belong to the twelfth, I cannot make sure that they're working on it, but I shall ask at the next opportunity I get. I think you're selling yourself short, I'm sure you could get at least five feet, but I do see your point, I can't say I fully trust him either, not on an individual basis anyway. I trust him to want the best for everybody, and to work towards that, but I don't think he pays attention to what that means for the individuals in the situation. More of a 'the end justifies the means' sort of person from what I've heard. And I'm afraid I have no idea who it was who damaged the bridge, but given they were fighting a powerful hollow at the time I imagine it was the correct course of action. Better on the bridge than in the middle of town.
I get the impression there is less shinigami than you think. Most squads have just over two hundred or so members, so 18 new recruits is actually a pretty good year. As for why you only really see me or Vice-Captain Kuchiki, it's a combination of needing a strong enough shinigami to deal with the sort of problems that crop up in Karakura, while also needing said shinigami to have a vague clue on how to navigate the human world. Vice-Captain Kuchiki presumably has rather extensive knowledge having lived in the human world for months, and I've been known to visit for years so they know I'm alright with being there as well. I think it's alright to not have an idea of a 'life's purpose' when you're in your second year of high school. Maybe just pick something for now as a sort of in-between while you continue working out what it is you want? Sometimes a job is just a job after all. You could always try a career in sports and see how it goes if it interests you now, and switch later on? I'm sure you'll figure something out. I'll admit I was definitely reluctant to train as a shinigami at first, it was never something I wanted originally, so it was hard to deal with to begin with I suppose, but I don't mind it these days. It's stressful, but at least I'm doing something where I'm trying to keep people safe, that suits me well enough.
Unfortunately yes, in my case my reiatsu continuously going up was an issue, but I don't think it's as serious with you. Firstly, you've not got a zanpakuto knocking on your subconscious as far as I know (the telltale giveaway is weird dreams where someone/something is trying to talk to you and tell you it's name, in case you were worried about that), and the people around you aren't vulnerable. You're unlikely to cause issues with your reiatsu because everyone around you has some degree of spiritual power already. As for the other questions, I certainly hope you won't be kidnapped into the shinigami, and I don't think your brother or even Urahara would let that happen, but it's possible you'll get Soul Society's attention if it keeps going unchecked. Of course with Urahara keeping on eye on it and keeping the reiatsu blocking bracelet on you, I'd argue that it's largely taken care of and shouldn't get other shinigami on you. There isn't much shinigami training you can do without becoming a shinigami, but you can learn to withdraw and hide your reiatsu even as a human so don't worry about that. I would say to ask your brother but he's never been very good at controlling his, Urahara is your other option, or possibly Vice-Captain Kuchiki if she's around. Or if those don't work out and your reiatsu gets to a point where you're truly worried about it let me know, I'll train you in it myself if it comes to it. Also, I appreciate the thought but your sister doesn't need to go to trouble like that for me.
Best Wishes,
P.S. - I got your letter on the 17th of August. I think it's safe to say they take anywhere from over a week to just under a month to arrive each time.
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Dear Toshiro,
Let me know what the research team says! If they say they're not working on it please heavily suggest that they do, and if they say they are working on it, please ask how long they think it'll take them. Just think how much easier communicating would be if we could just call each other. The end justifies the means is EXACTLY Urahara's vibe, which is exactly why I don't really trust him. So yeah, it wouldn't even remotely surprise me if he's been reading these the entire time, better to assume the worst and be pleasantly surprised than the other way around. I suppose you have a point about the bridge being a better location than in the middle of a bunch of people, I'll put up with inconvenient travel times over unnecessary death.
Only a little over two hundred per squad? There is less than I thought! That's way less than your average university over here, that's crazy! 18 newbies is good in that case, your squad must be pretty popular. And no wonder I only really ever see you or Rukia, you guys clearly need to work on getting more people up to the speed with the human world or you're gonna end up over-worked! I guess I could just go for sports now and switch later? I don't know, you kinda get it into your head that you've gotta figure out what you want and stick to it, but I guess there's nothing actually stopping me from changing paths later. Once school goes back in I'm gonna get a meeting and talk to the careers lady, see what she says. I'm glad you're alright with being a shinigami now, hopefully it isn't stressful too much of the time.
Well, I'll take your word for it, you know more than me on this but I'm still kinda wary. You're right that there's no zanpakto trying to get my attention so far at least so that's something. If I do get kidnapped by the shinigami I'm trusting you to break me back out, but yeah that is kind of the whole point of the bracelet, that it blocks off my reiatsu from others so hollows can't find me so easily (and shinigami apparently, yeesh) so hopefully this won't actually be an issue. I don't really want to ask Urahara to train me but I will if I have to I guess. Asking Rukia's a good idea though! I'll ask whenever she next pops up, she seems like she'd be good at that sort of thing, maybe that'll solve this whole situation. Or you know, you, if you happen to come sooner, whoever comes to the human world next I guess! I'd feel better knowing that I myself could do the thing the bracelet's doing. Although I do have a question, how do you do it in your sleep? Or is it not possible and you're just vulnerable a third of the time? That seems unfortunate. Also you're kidding right? Cooking is the primary way my sister shows her care and affection, if she wants to cook for you there's no stopping her so you can at least give us notice so we can get ingredients and stuff.
Best Wishes,
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Dear Karin,
I will let you know what the research team says as soon as it actually comes up. I can see your point, I suppose it is better to plan for the worst and be pleasantly surprised otherwise. Good to see you have your priorities in order, is the bridge finally finished though?
I remember being surprised by the size of your high school, I assume universities are even bigger? Must be an administrative nightmare to keep track of all those students, I feel like I can have a hard enough time with the 226 members I have. Squad 10 was surprisingly popular this year, the only other squads who had numbers like that were the sixth and the eleventh, both of which always have high numbers. We did have 'human world' classes at the academy at one point, but they ended up being scrapped a decade or so ago, any information learned was rendered almost completely obsolete within a few years, meaning the stuff the students learned was more or less useless by the time they were actually getting stationed in the human world. These days we just give a brief information pack about the human world before they leave, currently being updated semi-regularly by Vice-Captain Kuchiki. Meeting with a staff member whose job it is to deal with career pathways certainly sounds like a good idea, I hope it goes well if it hasn't already taken place.
Once again, I certainly hope Soul Society would try such a thing, it would be incredibly stupid considering I don't think your brother, who damn near took on the whole of Soul Society and pretty much came out on top, would ever let you get kidnapped in the first place. And I'm fairly sure me, a captain, breaking out someone Soul Society captured is probably considered treason of some kind, but I can promise I'll be in your corner one way or another. Not to mention, I don't think most shinigami would be prepared for you anyway, most are too used to sword combat, I don't think the average shinigami would handle your hand to hand very well. I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about. As for hiding your reiatsu in your sleep, generally speaking you just practice it enough that it becomes second nature, most shinigami do it subconsciously after a while, including in sleep, although nightmares and the like can interfere a little bit. Your sister has met me what, three times? She feels strongly enough to cook for me? It really is unnecessary although I'm sure the thought is kind. I did say I'd give you notice if I came to the human world though, our sensors are showing an increase in hollow activity in Karakura recently. We're currently just monitoring, we're holding off for now as it might be temporary, but if it gets worse I'm coming to monitor the situation properly and to make sure no incidents happen with the hollow increase. Judging from the current rate, if it keeps going as is I'll probably be there in two weeks or so. With any luck this letter will arrive before I do but if not, I'll make sure to meet up with you somewhere.
Best Wishes,
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Dear Toshiro,
Your letter got here super quick, less than a week after I sent mine! Looks like there's increased shinigami activity to match the hollow activity, which boy, you're not kidding that its increased. My reiatsu's jumped up again and I couldn't tell you if it was a response to all the hollows around, or that the hollows arrived because of me. I really hope it's the former. Hopefully you'll be here soon! I think I could do with the training sooner rather than later and if I'm being honest I'd feel safer. But anyway, in response to your letter:
The bridge is actually finished! Just in time for the increased hollows to fuck it up again I'm sure! Most universities are like 10,000 to 30,000 easy, and I think some are bigger than that? So yeah, only two hundred or so shinigami per squad is insane to me. I'm pretty sure the universities have whole administrative teams just for the purpose, does your squad have an admin person at all or is it just you? When I first found out about the shinigami I didn't think I'd sit here wondering about the bureaucracy of it all but here I am. Oh wow I would've loved to sit in one of those human world classes, would've been hilarious I bet. At least you give newly stationed people something, I imagine the culture shock must be a bit much, I'm sure Rukia's information is very accurate given how much time she's spent here. And the careers meeting is actually in two days, I kinda nervous about it to be honest, but hopefully it'll be helpful.
Well I suppose when you put it that way Soul Society kidnapping me would very much be poking the bear huh? I'm extremely saddened to hear that you wouldn't commit treason for me though, what kind of friendship is this??? But I suppose I'll take comfort in you being 'in my corner one way or another', whatever that means. Does it mean in the event of soul society kidnapping me and forcing me to be a shinigami you'd immediately put me in your squad? That's the vibe I'm getting. But that's good to know about the hand to hand combat and the reiatsu withdrawing while still asleep, I'll bear those both in mind. As for your potential visit, given hollows seem to be popping up left right and centre I'm assuming you're probably coming in a week or so, I'll look out for your arrival! I get the impression this letter isn't going to get to you before you arrive in the human world but just in case it does I'll let you know, Yuzu added the dumpling ingredients onto her shopping list. That means you've gotta be at our house for at least one dinner! Consider it repayment for the training I'm gonna demand from you.
Hope you get here safe,
#hitsukarin#hitsukarinweek#hitsukarinweek2021#toshiro hitsugaya#karin kurosaki#bleach#my writing#once again strongly recommend reading this on the blog itself or ao3#the dash formatting is not great and this is a little under 4k
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I think I’m only protective against people against platonic fairstairs (romantic fairstairs can like not) because…I get the feeling that idk; sometimes Matthew is the only merry thief the fandom at large doesn’t want to grow beyond their small circle of friendship, like he’s friends with Anna but like him and Cordelia being friends is good for him, I think? Good for Cordelia too. I think, at least. They like a lot of the same stuff, they have been nothing but warm to each other, and they honestly enjoy each other’s company? I really don’t think Matthew had any ulterior motives in befriending her other than he thought she was nice (him expressing “love” for her in the romantic sense feels like the biggest comphet “I feel a way for you and I am a guy and you are a girl, I should feel romantic for you” and “I want to emotionally hurt myself” which aren’t really actual romantic feelings), they spent time together (the road trip was cute and one of the rare moments that I felt “oh these two are actually allowing themselves to enjoy something good for them” before Lilith ruined it), he came out to her! Something he seemed actually very scared to do! I even think him telling her what he did isn’t even that bad because he spilled it to try and make her feel better (even if it’s not I would have done in the slightest) because he honestly does value her as a friend, and wants her to feel better even if the only way he can think to do that is “you can’t be a monster, I know a monsters and I am one.” Matthew doesn’t have to put on an act for Cordelia because Cordelia DOENST know him as well and know what he used to be like, Matthew doesn’t put Cordelia’s hero complex on edge because he’s also a natural care taker mom friend so he also doesn’t give off “I need to save him energy, or I need to do this myself, because he’s ready to give her his everything already and without conditions so like it’s complementary.
Oh and I think there is a another reason they bonded: Grace.
Grace basically is the driving force in at least the main plot of the books so far that’s moved Cordelia and Matthew from their main friendships, with Lucie and James, in a way. Lucie because she’s helping Grace, Cordelia’s assumed love rival, which must sting even if Cordelia doesn’t have the full story to why she’s helping grace but from Cordelia’s side she’s seeing her best friend and the man she loves pick grace over her and that sucks, then you have Matthew who is trying to slowly bring UO to James that Grace isn’t worth it and getting screamed at over it. Basically, both of them are kind of “left behind” and they formed a friendship from that general state of just being the only ones left to pair up like the two kids without partners for a school project who end up liking each other and staying friends but wouldn’t have become friends if they hadn’t had this series of events leading them together.
They are fine as friends, love triangle bullshit is dumb, should have just been the tlh version of Emma and Cristina is my ending point sorry for annoying you with a thesis called “platonic fairstairs made total sense, cc is just too romance minded to not fuck it up and I don’t blame people for rejecting romantic fairstairs but to say their friendship is fake or came out of nowhere is a little bit of a stretch for me personally.”
hi anon!!
i feel you and I'm with you!! I hate romantic Fairstairs, but platonic?! I love that relationship.
That's frustrating, true, but it's as simple as people hate Matthew and therefore don't want him associated with the characters they like, or even worse, accept that he could be an important part of their lives, and will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to discredit their friendship.
Anna and Matthew are a whole other topic, but from what I remember, it's only said that they're close, and we barely see that relationship. Plus I personally don't like Anna, so I like him being friends with someone else. I love TMT - hope they can work out their issues ofc - but they all can and should have friends outside of that.
Oh absolutely! I think their relationship is awesome! They have great banter and are comfortable around each other, and caring and they pay attention to each other. Matthew never took advantage of her, genuinely cares about her as a friend, and did that even before he was "in love", and he was nothing but respectful and clear about his feelings. He said he'd respect her boundaries in Paris, too.
I know some people will try their best to ignore the good things about him and that relationship, but Matthew was the only one that was there for her throughout all the mess with James and other things. (just so we're clear, it's on no way am attempt at shitting on Alastair; he was there for her all their lives and he's trying his best and I love him; also, Cordelia herself didn't give him a chance to help in this case; but I'm just stating a fact)
He was a steady friend who supported her all the time - made her laugh, cheered her up. Remember how free she felt during their little trip? Matthew gave her a chance to feel carefree and reckless for a moment, something her golden child syndrome and lonely upbringing with Elias didn't allow much of. James (tho it's not his fault) only stressed her out and she was suffocating in that relationship, while Matthew let her breathe more freely. Overlooking that just because you hate him is,,,, a choice.
Even the scene after Elias's death - it wasn't Matthew's intention to be insensitive about it (was he, actually? it did make her feel better, so I'm not sure what to think) He attempted to cheer her up, and then the monster thing was also supposed to do that. And perhaps it wasn't the best way of doing so, but that's not his fault. He didn't make it about him - he just tried to help the way he thought would be best. I saw people say that trying to relate to someone else's problems is a thing many ND people do as means of showing support, and Matthew is sometimes suggested to be ADHD, sooo
You're right, they seem to work well together and not make their respective "fatal flaws" worse.
And Matthew is more relaxed around her, but also more open and vulnerable - as you say, he doesn't need to pretend so much, doesn't need to put on a show.
That's a very interesting point about Grace, and you're totally right! I think Matthew is even aware of that - he kinda feels like both him and Cordelia were abandoned by James and wants to somehow make up for it to her, but also is looking for a friend himself, for someone to support and see him. They're both losing James to Grace, and can bond over that.
The little kids in a group metaphor is beautiful, thanks dear.
yes yes yes
i still remember how my heart raced when Matthew told her that their group was missing something - and it was her. It seemed like a start of such a beautiful friendship, and I'm starving for m/f friendships. But alas, CC can't write those :'))
so yes, thank you, I agree, and you don't annoy me at all!! feel free to send whatever thesis you wanna share <3
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