#and ranks rewards up to 35
pasharuu · 1 year
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results of my wandering. thats fascinating how i got this many bodies in no time. especially bailu, she dropped twice in less than 20 warps each.
it seems like my personal devil decided that it'd be better to give me all of these instead of just a single clara.... may i
may i have clara one day?
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gravitycircuit · 5 months
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Version patch 1.2.0 is out now on Steam! This is accompanied by a hefty sale, 35% off until May 27th! Other storefronts and platforms will follow in due time, we ask for your patience! Artwork in the image above by @teoft. Go give them a follow! Read the patch notes for this release after the break!
Version 1.2.0 introduces new Game Modifiers, that allow you to spice up the game, and provide additional challenge! When starting a new save (or New Game+), after choosing which difficulty mode you want to play on, you can choose up to five modifiers to enable. These modifiers were made based on some player suggestions or feedback.
The modifiers are as follows:
MASTER LEVELS: Remixes the game's levels to provide more challenge for those who have mastered the game's movement.
RUDE ENEMIES: Changes up enemy and boss behavior to make them all, well, ruder. If this is picked in tandem with Hard Mode, bosses have more health.
DOUBLE HAZARDS: Makes the game's hazards (spikes, lava, crushing) deal double damage. Ouch.
SINGLE CREDIT: Levels need to be beaten in a single go from start, and no restarting from checkpoints via the Pause Menu. Death sends you to the Guardian Corps HQ (or beginning of level if you haven't reached that far yet). Can not be enabled with Iron Circuit.
IRON CIRCUIT: No saves until the game has been cleared, and no restarting from checkpoints via the Pause Menu. Death sends you to title screen. Can not be enabled with Single Credit.
FLIP WORLD: Walk on... Ceilings? Who's the joker that asked for this? (Note: doesn't necessarily flip everything)
Game Modifiers become available upon completing the game on any difficulty, or by inputting the following code on File Select screen: LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, BURST! A legend has it that if you beat the game with any of these modifiers enabled (or when "Everyone is There"), you might even see something little extra? Only one way to find out! ...Just make sure Speedrun Mode is disabled!
Of course, this is not all. Below is a list of other things that have been added, tweaked or fixed!
Added a checkpoint menu in the mission select screen. This allows you to warp to checkpoint in a previously cleared level, as well as toggle any in-level cutscenes to play again (like boss confrontation dialogues). Mission rewards and certain challenges are disabled if this feature is used.
Added an extra toggle in the game's settings, which determines if speedrun mode is enabled by default or not when starting a new save file. If the setting is set to "default", speedrun mode is enabled by default when accessing file select screen. Otherwise, it's off. However, even if the setting is set to "off" or "default", you can manually toggle speedrun mode on/off on the file select screen, like you have been able to do up to this point. The intention is to remove any confusion caused by some players wanting to have the on-screen timer on during normal play (which determined if the speedrun mode was toggled on/off when launching the game).
Added an additional setting for enabling an aiming arrow that appears around Kai, which can help with aiming the hookshot during platforming sections or similar. There are three different settings for its behavior. The aiming arrow is disabled by default.
Added a toggle for adjusting double tap tolerance.
Mission Complete screen now shows the target values for max rank in relevant categories in square brackets (clear time, enemies defeated, damage taken). Rescues, if available for the level, are displayed with the icons as usual.
Made it possible to cancel to divekick (down+attack while mid-air) from air jab (attack while mid-air).
Made it possible to gain sprint speed if the run button is held down, or "inverse" run button behavior is in use, when exiting quick warp portals in cyberspace (Warehouse Area).
Similar to above, certain aerial Armor Paint abilities are refreshed when exiting a quick warp portal.
If Loadout Swap button is assigned to the same button as Accept or Cancel, the Accept and Cancel buttons override the Loadout Swap button on the pause screen (ex: when exiting out of the pause menu with Cancel, the game won't do double input by closing the pause menu, and also swapping loadouts).
Fixed an issue where pressing attack after a wall jump might lock you out, and prevent you from moving back towards the wall. The game was simply treating like you were still in wall jumping state, and as such was applying some forces onto you.
Fixed an issue where crumbling blocks (Ore Mines) may sometimes block the hookshot from going through them when they've been crumbled.
Retracting metal spike blocks (final level) have had their hittable boxes increased in size, making them easier to clear out.
Fixed an issue where Kai did not gain sprint speed if he jumps out of a crouch while run button is held, by releasing the down button roughly on the same frame as the jump input is detected.
Burst Spark's hitbox has been increased to hit a larger area. Does damage ticks slightly faster, duration slightly shorter. Essentially you're stuck in place for a shorter duration (overall duration reduced by ~25 frames, or ~0.42 seconds).
Support Platform has been buffed. Creates three platforms to cover a wider area, the platforms take few frames longer to start falling, side platforms do slightly less damage than the main one. You can still perform the original version by holding the Burst button during the startup.
Cycle Kick can now be cancelled with a jump or hookshot at any point. Can gain sprint speed out of it if run button is held down.
Hot-headed Red Armor Paint's Float Beam now does its damage ticks faster. How it affects boss invulnerability times has been adjusted.
Heavy Orange Armor Paint now grants a slight damage boost for hookshot on top of its other effects.
Scheming Pink Armor Paint can now be set to activate by pressing and holding jump while holding up, or double tapping jump while holding up. The setting can be found in the controls menu. Shop description changes to match the selected setting.
Fixed an issue where the "powered up" state of certain Burst Techniques (Heavenly Piledrive, Surface Render, Catch Interrupt) were not handled correctly if they whiffed, or Kai got struck by hazards, when using the ability of a certain Armor Paint. Similar fix was applied for Powered Walker's Self-Destruct ability (Ore Mines).
Contact damage has been removed from Flip Panel Turret enemies (City Center).
Crystal Floater enemies' contact damage has been removed (Cyberspace).
Fixed an edge-case game crash involving the Battie enemies. It was unlikely to happen, but there was some potential for it.
Fixed an issue where the Virus Zombie and Turret Zombie enemies had their usual behavior code running when they were grabbed by the player (normally, any normal behavior is paused on grabbed objects). This led to some weird interactions at times.
Trace's (Patch Circuit) Burst Technique can now hit her own minions. This is so to prevent situations where her minions might cause undodgeable damage.
Fixed an issue with Ray (Optic Circuit), where after a certain action he always jumped towards the wrong direction from what was intended.
Fixed an issue where Crash (Break Circuit), in rare circumstances, might wind up defeating themselves due to some of the larger falling blocks.
Fixed a minor visual error where certain bosses' mugshots in their lifebars got mirrored on the horizontal axis during their Burst Technique activations.
Fixed Crash's (Break Circuit) mugshot to have a "weak flinch" animation during his boss fight. He can now properly feel pain.
And a few [SPOILER] worthy changes...
[SPOILER] Fixed a phantom hitbox from one of the later game bosses, where they grabbed an object off of the floor, and threw it. During this throwing animation, the boss would have a hitbox beneath them for one frame, that could hit the player if the boss jumped before the throw.
[SPOILER] During the Final Battle, if you have gotten to a certain phase, the transition to the next happens much faster. This behavior happens by default on Speedrun Mode. If you hold down the run button before the transition were to occur, the transition plays normally without any skips.
[SPOILER] During Final Battle, if you have gotten to a certain phase, on subsequent attempts the game will drop little health before the transition described above occurs. You know you'll be receiving the health drop if your opponent is different color from before. This behavior only occurs if you are playing on Easy or Normal Mode. Hard Mode won't see this extra drop. The intention for this change is to make the Final Battle little easier for first time players, by giving them a little token of encouragement on subsequent attempts at the final portions of the game, while retaining the challenge of clearing the encounter in one go the same as before.
Adjusted the clear time goal for the main eight levels from 5min45s to flat 6 minutes for max rank.
The final level in the game has had its target clear time increased from 6 minutes to 7 minutes for max rank.
Adjusted the enemies killed goal count from 45 to 40 for the first two of final levels.
Adjusted certain enemy positions in a couple of levels to make them a bit less messy or rude.
In the Steelworks level, adjusted geometry to remove a single tile gap that was possible to squeeze into with Support Platform Burst Technique.
The final level of the game has had its level layouts slightly touched on the blue floor.
Am I hearing things in Cyberspace (Warehouse Area)?
Note: When playing levels with the Master Levels modifier (or Easy Mode), target clear times are increased by one minute. Playing with Rude Enemies modifier adds another extra minute. This is to account for the more difficult platforming, and giving players more leeway during boss fights if playing with self-imposed minimalist challenge in mind.
Fixed Medley's (Wave Circuit, City Center) concert billboard's despawn and respawn radiuses, so it doesn't disappear if you weave back-and-forth between the screens.
Fixed a minor edge-case oversight in Warehouse Area, where in a certain portion of the level, you weren't able to drop from a ledge-grab-jab with the 'up' button, like you are supposed to. Had to press 'down', like you generally have to in all other instances.
Fixed a little oversight where during Bit's (Shift Circuit) Burst Technique, if you position yourself in certain ways, one or two of the screen slashes may not render because they're deemed "off-screen" based on their starting positions.
Fixed a scenario where if Kai is using a certain Armor Paint to carry an object, and Kai then picks an end-of-level item, releasing the hookshot button to throw the object may softlock the game entirely.
Fixed an issue where if Hardware Barrier Burst Technique was active at the same time as Emergency Accumulator Booster Chip, taking a hit would trigger both at once.
Changed the order in which certain damage calculations are applied, to fix an issue with Underflow Guard (Booster Chip). Underflow Guard is supposed to prevent you from going below 1 health if you had 2 or more, but if Function Overload (Burst Technique) is active, the damage becomes fatal anyway (because Function Overload multiplied the incoming damage after Underflow Guard's reduction by 1.2, and rounded up, meaning at low enough health any damage would bypass Underflow Guard).
Fixed an oversight where if player took damage from hazards (spikes, lava, crushing), this was not reflected in the damage number reported on the Mission Complete screen.
Fixed an oversight where when Kai grabs a stunned (gray blinking) enemy he is standing next to, the enemy may become overkilled (red blinking) from the grab action itself. This means that upon throwing the grabbed enemy it would not do any damage to other objects, due to overkilled enemies becoming intangible.
Fixed one minor color tag issue in some dialogue in Japanese localization.
Fixed some missing text strings in Chinese (traditional) localization.
Fixed some text overflow issues in a text box in Chinese localizations.
Applied a fix that should prevent any flickering issues while streaming the game through Discord.
Wrote additional code to better ensure that, if in the event that the file that locally tracks player's challenges progress (ie. "Pat's Challenges") has through whatever means become corrupted, the game treats that as though starting from scratch. This prevents the game from crashing during startup.
Made the game crash screen little more readable with a darker blue background, as well as deploying an additional support Pat for your comfort (PC versions only).
Improved the code efficiency of various objects (ex: gray breakable crates, explosive barrels, goop dispensers, and several others). These changes help with general performance on lower-end hardware.
...And maybe some few smaller things. This has been a big patch (bigger than we anticipated), so might have forgotten to list a thing or two!
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itonashi · 1 year
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SUMMARY : Known around the world — a genius scientist named [Name][Last Name]. Everyone sought to be her as she was deemed perfect. A young prodigy that managed to climb up the ranks alongside her friends. She met her demise at the age of 35. It shook the world. Tears fall because of her. Will there be another her?
PAIRING : aquamarine hoshino x fem!reader
WARNINGS : implied deaths, stalking, drugs, slow burn romance, more will be added.
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[Name] Yoshino got a mind that's an adult and make her way through the reality show. Making a name for herself 'The Child Who Can Ace Anything' . The child actor have become viral through her personality and talent. Her parent claimed that they are open to let their child go their own path in the future.
What will [Name] Yoshino show more about her talent in the future?
"An article about me..." You mumble while mindlessly eating the dessert that was given to you as reward by your mother. After the released of the episode reality show you were in, you got an article written for you.
'Well, it's only fair they do that for me.'
Your eyes were locked at the tv when suddenly your mother picked you up "[Nickname], do you like idol?" She said with a smile. "Idol?" You mumble the word while looking at your mother's eye. She looked at you dead straight in the eye, waiting for you to answer her question.
"Yes, I do like idols." Her eyes lit up and she snuggle you while squealing. Does she want you to be an idol? It seems so. That crushed dream of yours were never fulfilled as you were busy researching and helping the world. That's right, being an idol was one of your dream.
It's a shame you couldn't be that.
"You think too highly of me, [Name]. My era already ended. There will be no Diva Eden anymore. Who knows? Maybe it will be you this time." Eden, one of your friend in the world organization. She was the brightest star but it all ended. She muttered those word with a tint of sadness.
"I'm just a scientist."
"Do you want to be an idol?"
"Yay! I love you so much, my dear [Nickname]! I'll put in good word for you at a biiiiggg company!"
Was being an idol my mother's wish before? If it is for her. I could do it. After all, the reason I became a scientist at my past life was because I cared too much about promises and wishes — but, I don't care in the slightest. If I can top the world, then so be it.
Let's just fast forward to high school, shall we?
You're in your third year of Yoto Highschool and it has been three years you've become an idol. A soloist specifically. You got into a big company so it was natural you straight up turn popular when you debuted.
What people didn't understand was why did you choose the general program? You are an idol. The reason was you thought that you should balance it out. Being an idol is already tiring enough when people want you to act in a show too.
"Yoshino!" A male voice called out to you in a hurry. You faced him and tilt your head "What's wrong, Masaru?" He stopped infront of you and took a breath "Explain this." He hold up his phone up your face that you had to lean back.
People said they were seen a lot together at school. Students from there speculate they could be dating with how much they're together. Even in music shows they could be seen interacting.
"I don't know anything about this." You said with a neutral tone. "I'll make a live today to clear out this misunderstand and you should too." You added while looking at him straight in the eyes, he nod and stuff back his phone into his pocket.
"Then, I suggest we don't meet eachother as much."
"You're the one who kept 'bumping' into me. You're literally in the performing arts program."
"Geh! I'm sorry."
"I'll be going now."
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Kana Arima was showing the twin around the school like that... To be honest, I don't what she was doing but you get the point.
She also pointed out some people from the performing arts program on who they are.
"That one is an actor."
"Those two are from a big idol group."
Something like that, of course she couldn't miss on one person that's practically more famous than her. She just had to point out that [Name] Yoshino was in the same school as them.
"And that big crowds of people looking at someone is [Name] Yoshino's fanclub. Are you surprised that someone like her is here? Well, you better be!"
"Welcome to Yoto Highschool! Oh, just a reminder that [Name] is on the general department." Kana Arima reminded the twin. To be honest, the twin wasn't surprised that [Name] was here. I mean, it was already leaked to the public on where she get education from.
But Ruby couldn't help but gush out of happiness knowing that she could meet [Name] Yoshino out in the flesh! "I can't believe I'm actually seeing [Name]! She's so beautiful! Don't you think so Aqua?" Ruby cried out of happiness towards her brother.
Then she realized something, it hit her hard into reality. She slump "She's in the general department and she's a third-year..." She said with a low voice before continuing "And you, Aqua! You're in the same department as her! I'm jealous!" Ruby exclaimed with the clear evident of her jealousy tone while pointing finger at her brother.
Aqua looked at Ruby with bored eyes, and looked at the crowd that is still gushing over [Name] amazing features. I mean who wouldn't, Aqua won't deny that she's a beautiful person. Especially after seeing her in real life.
While Ruby is raging over the fact that Aqua may or may not see her everyday from now on . "Can't we get to class now?" Aqua said, looking at Ruby with bored eyes. Ruby stop her behavior and agreed not before crossing her arms and puffing out of jealousy.
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"[Name], that guy from that middle school has been staring at you for a long time, you know?" ■■■■ pointed out beside you, you glanced at your guy friend and glanced to the guy that had been staring at you. The guy noticed you know that he had been staring at you and look down blushing.
"Just let him be. It looks like he isn't the type of guy to harm me. No need to get too protective over me, ■■■■. It'll be okay." You chuckle lightly, and looked at the sky.
Years later, you never thought that the guy from your past that was from that middle school would be your lover.
How lucky Goro Amamiya is...
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A/N: hi, im back! it has been a long time hasn't it? life had been hectic but i managed to made one chp lol.
TAGLIST : @glitch-karma @kult-o @miyakoa @pandaswitch @ignorxntf00l @nambii @kenma-izhu @lumiriai @luvkvni @atomi-mi @sentieence @yevene @valeriele3 @theday-dreamer17
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itonashi © // don't plagiarize, copy or edit my works.
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
I am still ranking the Super Mario Galaxies and none of you can stop me
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Hello! Thanks for your patience. It's time to get back to ranking all of the Super Mario Galaxies. There is nothing to be afraid of. If you are afraid, we will look together.
I'm still ranking the A-tier galaxies this week, since there are a lot of them and I couldn't fit them all in the previous post. If you want to read the series from the start, look here, and also here's a link to the post with all the B-tiers, for completion's sake.
We have fifteen more galaxies to rank today, so prepare for liftoff! All rankings are under the cut!
35. Slipsand Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
We're starting off today with the other desert galaxy! The better desert galaxy. Yeah, you heard me! Dusty Dune Galaxy fans are in shambles, except I'm not sure if that's a Hot Take at all because I don't know what the general fan consensus on all the Super Mario Galaxies is anyhow.
If you may recall from my previous rankings, my general take on Dusty Dune Galaxy boiled down to "I like it, it has pretty consistently solid missions, but the theming is a bit generic for my liking." But as I stated, it's not that "desert" is a bad theme, just that I felt that Dusty Dune didn't do anything particularly interesting with that theme. While Slipsand Galaxy does still have a little bit of that desert mismatch I chided in my Dusty Dune review, I think the much stronger emphasis on a "desert ruins" theme ends up making it feel a lot stronger.
Heck, this might be one of the few times where a galaxy from the sequel wins points for atmosphere over the first game! I really, really love the skybox in this one, with threateningly huge towers looming over the horizon everywhere you look, with bits of space peeking out from in-between. Again, theming isn't everything, but it can contribute a lot more to a galaxy's experience than you might expect.
But to be fair, the missions in this galaxy are pretty great too! Stuff like the room where the gravity changes so you're always walking on the walls, the return of the Sand Bird (albeit a more compact version), the somewhat tricky sand slide with all the Rhomps, and the Squizzard boss fight all come together to make a galaxy that is as fun as it is stylish. A great galaxy all around!
34. Hightail Falls Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
This galaxy serves as the introduction of the Dash Pepper, and I think it's a pretty great time! The dash pepper gives you extreme speed in exchange for being really difficult to control, and I think this galaxy does a really good job showing that off. I think that once again, I love the optional challenges they put here, with more rewarding routes generally having more obstacles. Sure, you can just take the straight path, but then how are you supposed to gather all the coins you need for the Hungry Luma star?
The galaxy's obstacles also escalate really well, with the walls Yoshi has to climb gradually gaining more turns with more walls to bump into and knock you off clean. Generally there's enough ground to fall back on that it's not too unforgiving, but since you have to clear them to grab the star, the galaxy's making sure you know how to control this vehicle (dinosaur) that is speeding out of control!
As a side-note, I really love the Penguru easter egg on this galaxy. There's not really any rewards (besides a chat with our good friend Penguru) but it's a fun little bonus for anyone who knows where to look!
33. Bowser Jr.'s Fearsome Fleet
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
You know, the E3 2009 trailer of this game showed a clip of the airships appearing out of the portals from a cool angle, and I so badly wanted to use that as the picture for this galaxy, but I wasn't able to find a high-quality picture of that, which is a shame.
Doesn't change the fact the galaxy is still pretty cool! This one's mostly an autoscroller, but I've never really minded autoscrollers personally, and this one is fun in how it makes you multitask, often having to mix platforming with dodging projectiles, all while needing to hold a Bullet Bill in Yoshi's mouth to break the glass cages in your way. And they break up the autoscrolling just often enough that it rarely feels like it drags to me, which I think helps this mission a lot.
And that boss fight! Even though I spent most of Megahammer's post talking about how it looks like it has boobs -- because it does and I stand by that, the boss fight is still really fun, making good usage of the Bullet Bill mechanics and multitasking utilized throughout the rest of the level.
It's one of the trickier bosses in the series (even if still not that hard, I don't know if any of the Galaxy bosses are), mostly due to how getting one hit from Megahammer throws you off your Yoshi, causing him to panic a bit. In hindsight, I don't know if the Daredevil run is really necessary here, a Time Attack mission might have been more unique. Or they could've given Megahammer a bra. I still stand by that part of my post, also. Hire me, Nintendo! Put my bad ideas in your games!
Either way, this is a pretty fun galaxy with a pretty great boss at the end! Thumbs up from me!
32. Upside Dizzy Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
I mentioned in the last post how much I love these gravity walls, right? Well I love these gravity walls a lot. They're a fun mechanic that ties in nicely with this series' gravity mechanics, and make for fun 2D platforming segments! And while the first game had a few segments built around them, the sequel took the opportunity to build full galaxies around them, which I am more than happy about!
I consider the two galaxies that utilize them to this extent about equal in quality (take a wild guess now what #31 is gonna be) but for the sake of this list, I have to like one slightly less than the other, and unfortunately, after thinking it through, Upside Dizzy ended up losing out. Which is weird, given I usually prefer the later "harder" versions of missions... oh well!
But I mean, it's a tight race, because Upside Dizzy has a lot going for it. Having moving strips with different gravity from everything around them makes for some fun platforming challenges, and I really, really love the segment at the end where the gravity of the backdrop changes in time with the music, and you have to plan around it accordingly. I wonder if this galaxy would outdo Rightside Down if that bit was a bit longer, or the whole galaxy's gimmick? It probably would, but since it's not, at least we get to hear these galaxies' great music for a little longer.
And since this is the first galaxy we're talking about that largely highlights this gimmick, know that I'd love to see them bring it back in future titles! Unlike the Flip-Swap tiles and Beat Blocks, they were largely absent from the 3D place games (which makes sense, given well,) but they made a welcome comeback in a few places in Mario Odyssey, and all I'm saying is I wouldn't mind if they got used a bit in Super Mario Bros. Wonder as well...
31. Rightside Down Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
whoa. didn't see that one coming.
Jokes aside though, I like Rightside Down Galaxy about as much as Upside Dizzy Galaxy for pretty much the same reasons: I just love this gimmick a lot and I'm always happy to see a mission built around it!
And Rightside Down Galaxy uses this mechanic for a lot of fun platforming, though that's sort of to be expected for any galaxy that uses this mechanic. I especially love the bit pictured above, where you have to run through a long hallway of Thwomps with a gravity flip in the middle, though the bits where you have to jump between moving platforms in different gravity is pretty neat, and I really love the bits where you get to flip the gravity yourself, experiencing the level from a couple different perspectives. Maybe not as cool as the timed-to-the-beat iteration in Upside Dizzy, but still pretty cool.
Ultimately what gives Rightside Down the edge to me is I think it feels like it has a little more variety. Stuff like the Thwomps and Chomps, the Fire Flower segments, and the brief top-down segment all make for fun changes of pace throughout the level, making it feel like they're showing off a bit more of what can be done with this mechanic. Still, I consider these two really close, and I went back and forth on which is higher when making this list.
If there's one thing I think we can all agree on though, it's that the bonus missions where you have to destroy crates with a Fire Flower are kinda lame. Not as frustrating as the versions with the bombs from the first game, but also not as interesting. Given how little of these galaxies those missions take up though, I'm willing to let them slide when compared to the really fun main missions.
30. Buoy Base Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: A
As I've mentioned in many of the previous posts, most of the small, one-off galaxies from the first game are pretty forgettable and not especially fun, but there's a handful of exceptions, and Buoy Base is absolutely one of them, and I think the developers knew that too, because they put one of the game's three Green Stars in this one, and also gave it a top-notch soundtrack. And honestly, I think that was the right call. I don't know if Buoy Base is elaborate enough to sustain more than a couple missions, but it's definitely cool enough to deserve a little more love than most of the weird one-offs in this game.
While my gripes with these games' water physics aren't completely absent here, I do think luring the Torpedo Teds to destroying the weights can occasionally feel a little tedious, I think the platforming that follows more than makes up for it. I love how it feels to gradually climb up this tower while avoiding its numerous obstacles, particularly the part where you have to line up a Spring Topman right to get the height you need, that part is really nifty.
I also really love the part where you have to collect the Pull Star Chips around a bunch of moving platforms, given how they intersect each others' paths and often need good reflexes to navigate. Again, you kinda know Nintendo had a hit with this one with how much they'd revisit pieces of it elsewhere, with a similar segment to the top of the tower showing up in Melty Molten Galaxy, and a familiar-looking tower making an appearance in the sequel's Space Storm Galaxy.
Buoy Base Galaxy might not be one of the most elaborate galaxies in these games, but for the brief time you're there, it's sure to provide a very memorable experience.
29. Bowser Jr.'s Boom Bunker
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
The last Bowser Jr. galaxy in the series is also going to be the last Bowser Jr. galaxy we review, on account of I Like It Quite A Lot! Talk about going out with a bang! Or... a boom.
The Boom Bunker brings back the gimmick from the Airship Armada in the first game, where you launch yourself out of cannons from planet to planet, but here I think it's executed a bit better. Having the targets to hit, where getting a bullseye gives a 1-Up, adds a bit of a fun optional challenge that always feels rewarding when you pull it off, even though 1-Ups are admittedly never in short demand in this game. I also love that they progressively make this more challenging, later adding mines to avoid, adding an element of timing alongside your aim. It's really neat!
I also really love that this galaxy starts off on a planet with Megahammer's remains, making you bring a Bullet Bill to unlock the first cannon. I appreciate the throwback to Megahammer's top surgery, even if it makes sense that Megahammer's remains would be in a completely different galaxy... Then again, Bowser Jr. made both of them, so it's probably just recycling. Bowser Jr. may be the son of an evil warlord, but even he cares for the environment, kids.
Enough talking about the previous boss though, let's talk about this boss, because it's also great! If you can make inferences from the previous posts, "Cloud Flower" and "Climb to the top of big tower" are both formulas I like a lot, and this boss has both of those things! Combine that with a solid sense of escalation where the tower gains more height, more guns, and more mobility, and it ends up making for a fun, hectic, and memorable final Bowser Jr. encounter!
28. Melty Monster Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
Melty Monster Galaxy is another of those galaxies that I feel kinda gets overshadowed by its Cooler Older Sibling, in this case being Melty Molten Galaxy. And like, that's completely fair, hardly any galaxies out there are capable of beating Melty Molten. Melty Monster never stood a chance in this fight. May as well throw in the towel.
Which to some extent, Melty Monster does, given that after its first mission it completely shifts focus and makes all the remaining missions about bowling as Rock Mario. But that's not necessarily a bad shift in focus, because bowling as Rock Mario is really, really fun, and this galaxy makes really good use of it. If you're gonna have a sudden jarring shift in focus, that's not a bad thing to make the jarring shift to.
And it's not like the first mission is bad at all, either! The segment where you have to use Pull Stars to avoid Magmaarghs (pictured above) is really dang fun, and I love that you gotta play around with Pull Star momentum a bit to reach the first Launch Star, it's the right move for a lategame galaxy like this one. Most of the remainder of the first mission involves timed platforming over lava waves, which is a pretty fun gimmick, and the final planet, surrounded by asteroids that occasionally get engulfed by an ocean of Magmaws, is really nifty too.
Basically: Melty Monster is kinda two galaxies stapled together, but it's two really good galaxies stapled together, so I don't find myself minding the sudden shift in focus all that much. It was never gonna beat Melty Molten, so it may as well see how well it can do at something else, and both the Chimp Bowling Challenge and the very long alley in the second mission make for a pretty memorable time, as well as where I always go to grind out Star Bits in Super Mario Galaxy 2.
27. Bowser's Dark Matter Plant
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: A
Congratulations to Bowser's Dark Matter Plant for being the best boss level that isn't a final boss level! That has to be some sort of worthwhile distinction, right?
The Dark Matter Plant is a really cool galaxy, introducing the Dark Matter which will instantly kill Mario when he touches it, so your goal is to Not Do That! Of course, as the level goes on, they only make that more difficult, such as when they start introducing stationary holes in reality, that the platforms underneath move around. It kind of reminds me of how the textures on clothes work in Chowder, for some reason.
Of course, the highlight of the level to me is, you guessed it, the gravity wall segment, which this time features green walls that push you right and gray walls that push you left, while you have to regularly adjust your positioning on a plus-shaped block, since each change in gravity will push you into the dark matter if you choose to stay still! It's a really creative application of the gravity walls, and a fun way to handle an autoscroller.
Combine that with the Dramatic Staircase returning from the Star Reactor and a solid Bowser fight to top it all off, and you end up creating a Bowser mission I won't forget any time soon!
26. Puzzle Plank Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
Puzzle Plank Galaxy! :D I'm not sure how many galaxies bring me this level of raw joy when I reach them in a playthrough. Like, I wouldn't really consider it one of the best galaxies, it's in 26th place for a reason, but dang it, this galaxy just makes me happy. The combination of the creative theming and the bopping music just gets me really excited whenever I reach it.
And it's a pretty fun galaxy, too! I love how it utilizes the Ground Pround to move wooden blocks into the right spot, and especially memorable is the part of the level where you have to dodge saws that are slowly cutting apart the ground you're walking on. It's a really fun and inspired platforming challenge, and fits the theming of this galaxy so, so well. I especially love that it ties into how you grab the Comet Medal for this galaxy!
It's why I hate to admit it then that I think Puzzle Plank Galaxy is a bit underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, I still love this thing to death, but culminating the first mission in a fight against the Mandibug Stack is... sure? Whatever? I dunno, Mandibug Stack is one of the least interesting fights in the game, and part of me feels I may have been less disappointed if putting the puzzle block together just gave you the star outright. And the secret mission being a Bugaboom rematch is like... I mean I love Bugaboom, it's a great fight, I'm glad it's here, but also this is a galaxy concept so fun and creative, that I wish the secret mission was dedicated to more original content, y'know?
Still, when my complaints about a galaxy boil down to "I desperately wish we got more of it," then I think you can probably figure that I really like what we did get here. It's just that I can't help but feel that in a timeline where some of the recycled content was replaced with more original content, it'd be hanging out with the S-tiers in next week's post.
Don't let my nitpicking undermine how much I like Puzzle Plank. I only moved it up the rankings while writing these reviews. That enthusiasm I feel when playing it goes a long way!
25. Boulder Bowl Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
More bowling! Yeah, I like Rock Mario. Not as much as Cloud Mario, but I like Rock Mario. Bowling is fun. There's something so enjoyable about curling up into a ball, and knocking anything that gets in your way into the stratosphere! (Figuratively. Very few of these planets have stratospheres, or even atmospheres at all...)
And I think the developers knew this, because for one part of this galaxy, they just fill a planet with as many Octoombas as they can and let you bowl them over. And like, when you only get down to a few left, it becomes more practical to just stomp on them, but where's the fun in that? You don't get to use Rock Mario much. Are you gonna deny the opportunity to try and roll into that Octoguy, miss, and throw yourself off the edge? Yeah, that's what I thought.
And I think that's the key to what makes Boulder Bowl Galaxy work so well, it feels like the developers really understand that when you're playing as Rock Mario, you want to have some reckless fun. You want to go on a rampage and take out everything in your path, even though you might not know where you're going. Not only does Boulder Bowl Galaxy show us how to use the Rock Mushroom and what it can do, but it also shows us why we should love the Rock Mushroom, which I think is what makes it really effective.
Oh yeah, it also has a boss fight. It's alright, but I think it'd be better to lean into that "roll over everything that dares stand in your way" mentality for this one. Still, it's not like it's making the galaxy any worse.
24. Battlerock Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: A
From one rock to another, up next we have the Battlerock Galaxy! Today's post is a big hit for all the Rock Fans out there. Unfortunately, no Rock Mushroom here because it didn't exist yet, but we can't have everything...
Still, Battlerock is a pretty great time. You could say... it's ROCK SOLID! I love most of the missions in this galaxy. The cannon autoscroller uses the gravity mechanics in really fun ways, having you switch to different sides of the UFO you're standing on to avoid the electric fences in your way. The second mission is also really fun -- all the Bob-ombs and cannons make it an absolute BLAST!
But the highlight has to be the third mission, being your first encounter with the Topman Tribe. The Topmen are really well-designed and unique enemies, and this level does a good job introducing them, capping off with a pretty fun boss fight at the end. And this mission has gravity walls! I honestly forgot that. Can't go wrong with gravity walls.
Of course, the reason I have to specify "most" instead of "all," is because I don't like that mission where you have to help the Gearmo blow up his garbage. Kinda frustrating, not especially fun. It's not enough to bump this galaxy down too much, but I may as well mention it.
Lots of the ideas introduced here get elaborated and improved upon in Dreadnought Galaxy, but hey, we'll get there when we get there. For now, let's just say Battlerock Galaxy makes some great first impressions.
23. Clockwork Ruins Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
And for our second Ruins-themed galaxy of this entry, we have Clockwork Ruins Galaxy, which... hey, wait a minute! Those are the same towers in the background we saw in Slipsand Galaxy! I knew these two galaxies shared the same music, but that's something I'd actually never noticed before. Is this Lore? Who constructed these impossibly huge, presumably ancient towers, and why come they show up in multiple galaxies? I mean, the actual explanation is they probably just wanted to save time by reusing assets for another galaxy with a similar theme, but let me have some fun about the Implications of these reused assets, okay?
Sorry for getting sidetracked there. Clockwork Ruins is a very cool and distinctive galaxy, partially due to its theming (taking the "desert" out of the "desert ruins" somehow makes it feel way more distinct than it should), but also due to its layouts and platforming challenges. They get a surprising amount of depth out of all the Rotating Platforms here, making for both interesting terrain to navigate, and later on, interesting obstacles! Especially the part at the end, where you have to ride on top of the rolling stones to grab the star with the right timing is particularly cool.
Actually, this galaxy also has one of the best purple coin missions. The rotating platforms at the start of the mission make for interesting obstacles to navigate, given the mission has a time limit, but obviously not every part of the rotating walls can be accessed at all times, forcing the player to carefully plan their routes. I like it!
Not sure what else to say about this one besides "pretty fun and pretty distinctive". I like that planet where you ground pound the button, and what was previously the wall becomes the floor, but now it has more holes in it. That's pretty nifty.
22. Space Storm Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: A
I guess after a certain point, I worry about repeating myself in these posts. Like, how many times can I say "yeah, this is a galaxy with a cool aesthetic, great music, and really fun missions" over and over again before it gets tiring? I mean, that's basically what makes an A-tier galaxy to me. "Really dang good, doesn't quite go above and beyond, but one I'm always excited to play on."
But at risk of repeating myself: Space Storm Galaxy is a galaxy with a cool aesthetic, great music, and really fun missions. I think the gimmick of having to lore Bob-ombs through a glass wall to make an exit is pretty neat, and maybe a little underutilized? I think there's a lot of mileage you could get out of that. But it's not like I particularly mind, because the rest of the galaxy is still fun. I honestly really love that thin cylindrical rocket ship with the electrical fences at the start. Once again, good platforming challenge.
And while I know I've pooh-poohed galaxies with reused content a bit, I don't even mind the Buoy Base remake in this galaxy, partially because Buoy Base Galaxy is already great, partially because they changed the layout a bit so it's not a one-to-one remake, partially because the time slowing gimmick is done well here. I only have love for one galaxy that brings back an old planet and adds a time slowing gimmick to it in my heart!
Also, I don't know if this is just me, but is Space Storm meant to be the "hard version" of Sky Station Galaxy? World 5 of Super Mario Galaxy 2 has a lot of "sequel" galaxies, like Upside Dizzy, Fleet Glide, and Boo Moon (which we still have yet to see). I dunno, there's some similar-looking spaceships here, and the background goes from a sky on a cloudy day to a sky on a stormy day, feeling like a callback with a bit of a gloomier atmosphere. Either way, I dig it.
21. Good Egg Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: A
And wrapping up today's post we have... well, it's not the first galaxy because technically you go to Gateway Galaxy first, but it kinda feels like the first galaxy, because Gateway Galaxy is kinda more like a tutorial to me, and this is like, the first true mission of the game, though I think that's not really fair because the Gateway Galaxy is a fully fleshed-out mission with a star and everything? Ah, whatever. I'll just say it's the first galaxy you can access from the Observatory and call it a day.
And as the ostensibly first galaxy in the game, I really like this one! Compared to Gateway, it gives the player a lot more freedom to figure things out on their own, and play around with the game's mechanics. The first planet is pretty brilliant, it's small enough that players can quickly get on with the mission if they like, but large enough that there's a bit of room to explore, with the orange pipe to the music note room, and a tower with two paths up it, where only one gets used at a time.
As you probably know, I always appreciate having a little room to goof off, and I appreciate it here as much as anywhere else, if not more so! It's nice to highlight this sense of wonder and discovery so early on in the game, and honestly the balance between a more clear linear progression with a little wiggle room to goof off and have fun is something I've always appreciated about these games, particularly the first. While I still enjoy Sky Station Galaxy quite a bit, as a first mission, I felt it was always a bit weaker in that regard.
Good Egg Galaxy isn't especially thematically cohesive, it kinda just feels like the devs threw whatever ideas they could think of into this one, but I don't really mind that at all. As the first "proper" galaxy you get to visit, it mostly exists to acquaint the player with how the game works, and show off some of the things they can do here. They're gonna have a bunch of differently shaped planetoids, a 2D section with gravity walls (they're back!), show off all the game's motion control gimmicks, and throw in a couple fun boss fights, for good measure. It's important to make a good first impression, and Good Egg Galaxy understands that very well.
And that's it for the A-tiers! Lots of gravity walls this time, apparently, though I think I might have talked about all of them by now...
Hope you're still enjoying this series! I mean, you probably are if you've made it this far. Tune in next week, when we'll start covering the top-tiers... We're reaching the cream of the crop, everyone! Or at least, the cream of my crop. As always, you're free to disagree, I don't mind. Mostly.
Take care!
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hananoami · 2 months
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𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ ℎ𝑖𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑢𝑝𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑡.
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From July 15th to September 11th 4:59 AM (server time), this Promise (battle pass) has been upgraded where you can receive more rewards, at no extra cost! Up to 2 limited max-ranked 4-Star Memories - Rafayel: Tipsy and Sylus: No Way Out.
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Promise Level o1: 10,000 Gold Secret Promise: 32,000 Gold + universal headwear [Mechacat Ears]
Promise Level o2: 2x Bottle of Wishes: SR (500 exp) Secret Promise: 6x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1500 exp)
Promise Level o3: 48x Ascension Crystal Box: N Secret Promise: 114x Ascension Crystal Box: N
Promise Level o4: 2x Bottle of Wishes: SR (500 exp) Secret Promise: 6x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1500 exp)
Promise Level o5: 1x Energy Capsule: Powerful (100 stamina) Secret Promise: 2x Energy Capsule: Powerful (200 stamina)
Promise Level o6: 48x Ascension Crystal Box: N Secret Promise: 114x Ascension Crystal Box: N
Promise Level o7: 2x Bottle of Wishes: SR (500 exp) Secret Promise: 6x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1500 exp)
Promise Level o8: 2x Core Energy: SR (500 exp) Secret Promise: 6x Core Energy: SR (1500 exp)
Promise Level o9: 10,000 Gold Secret Promise: 32,000 Gold
Promise Level 1o: 1x Empyrean Wish Secret Promise: 1x Deepspace Wish
Promise Level 11: 16,000 Gold Secret Promise: 48,000 Gold
Promise Level 12: 3x Bottle of Wishes: SR (750 exp) Secret Promise: 9x Bottle of Wishes: SR (2250 exp)
Promise Level 13: 72x Ascension Crystal Box: N Secret Promise: 216x Ascension Crystal Box: N
Promise Level 14: 3x Bottle of Wishes: SR (750 exp) Secret Promise: 9x Bottle of Wishes: SR (2250exp)
Promise Level 15: 1x Energy Capsule: Powerful (100 stamina) Secret Promise: 2x Energy Capsule: Powerful (200 stamina)
Promise Level 16: 72x Ascension Crystal Box: N Secret Promise: 216x Ascension Crystal Box: N
Promise Level 17: 3x Bottle of Wishes: SR (750 exp) Secret Promise: 9x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1500 exp)
Promise Level 18: 3x Core Energy: SR (750 exp) Secret Promise: 9x Bottle of Wishes: SR (2250 exp)
Promise Level 19: 16,000 Gold Secret Promise: 48,000 Gold
Promise Level 2o: 2x Empyrean Wishes Secret Promise: 2x Deepspace Wishes
Promise Level 21: 21,000 Gold Secret Promise: 64,000 Gold
Promise Level 22: 4x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1000 exp) Secret Promise: 12x Bottle of Wishes: SR (3000 exp)
Promise Level 23: 48x Ascension Crystal Box: R Secret Promise: 144x Ascension Crystal Box: R
Promise Level 24: 4x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1000 exp) Secret Promise: 12x Bottle of Wishes: SR (3000 exp)
Promise Level 25: 1x Energy Capsule: Powerful (100 stamina) Secret Promise: 2x Energy Capsule: Powerful (200 stamina)
Promise Level 26: 48x Ascension Crystal Box: R Secret Promise: 144x Ascension Crystal Box: R
Promise Level 27: 4x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1000 exp) Secret Promise: 12x Bottle of Wishes: SR (3000 exp)
Promise Level 28: 4x Core Energy: SR (1000 exp) Secret Promise: 12x Core Energy: SR (3000 exp)
Promise Level 29: 21,000 Gold Secret Promise: 64,000 Gold
Promise Level 3o: 2x Empyrean Wishes Secret Promise: 2x Deepspace Wishes + Rafayel: Tipsy & Sylus: No Way Out
Promise Level 31: 27,000 Gold Secret Promise: 80,000 Gold
Promise Level 32: 5x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1250 exp) Secret Promise: 15x Bottle of Wishes: SR (3750 exp)
Promise Level 33: 60x Ascension Crystal Box: R Secret Promise: 180x Ascension Crystal Box: R
Promise Level 34: 5x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1250 exp) Secret Promise: 15x Bottle of Wishes: SR (3750 exp)
Promise Level 35: 1x Energy Capsule: Powerful (100 stamina) Secret Promise: 2x Energy Capsule: Powerful (200 stamina)
Promise Level 36: 60x Ascension Crystal Box: R Secret Promise: 180x Ascension Crystal Box: R
Promise Level 37: 5x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1250 exp) Secret Promise: 15x Bottle of Wishes: SR (3750 exp)
Promise Level 38: 5x Core Energy: SR (1250 exp) Secret Promise: 15x Core Energy: SR (3750 exp)
Promise Level 39: 27,000 Gold Secret Promise: 80,000 Gold
Promise Level 4o: 2x Empyrean Wishes Secret Promise: 2x Deepspace Wishes + Rafayel: Tipsy & Sylus: No Way Out
Promise Level 41: 32,000 Gold Secret Promise: 96,000 Gold
Promise Level 42: 6x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1500 exp) Secret Promise: 18x Bottle of Wishes: SR (4000 exp)
Promise Level 43: 72x Ascension Crystal Box: SR Secret Promise: 216x Ascension Crystal Box: SR
Promise Level 44: 6x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1500 exp) Secret Promise: 18x Bottle of Wishes: SR (4000 exp)
Promise Level 45: 1x Energy Capsule: Powerful (100 stamina) Secret Promise: 2x Energy Capsule: Powerful (200 stamina) + Awakening Heart: SR
Promise Level 46: 72x Ascension Crystal Box: SR Secret Promise: 216x Ascension Crystal Box: SR
Promise Level 47: 6x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1500 exp) Secret Promise: 18x Bottle of Wishes: SR (4000 exp)
Promise Level 48: 6x Core Energy: SR (1500 exp) Secret Promise: 18x Core Energy: SR (4000 exp)
Promise Level 49: 32,000 Gold Secret Promise: 96,000 Gold
Promise Level 5o: 2x Empyrean Wishes Secret Promise: 2x Deepspace Wishes + Rafayel: Tipsy & Sylus: No Way Out
Promise Level 51: 38,000 Gold Secret Promise: 112,000 Gold
Promise Level 52: 7x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1750 exp) Secret Promise: 21x Bottle of Wishes: SR (5250 exp)
Promise Level 53: 84x Ascension Crystal Box: SR Secret Promise: 252x Ascension Crystal Box: SR
Promise Level 54: 7x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1750 exp) Secret Promise: 21x Bottle of Wishes: SR (5250 exp)
Promise Level 55: 1x Energy Capsule: Powerful (100 stamina) Secret Promise: 2x Energy Capsule: Powerful (200 stamina) + Awakening Heart: SSR
Promise Level 56: 84x Ascension Crystal Box: SR Secret Promise: 252x Ascension Crystal Box: SR
Promise Level 57: 7x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1750 exp) Secret Promise: 21x Bottle of Wishes: SR (5250 exp)
Promise Level 58: 7x Core Energy: SR (1750 exp) Secret Promise: 21x Core Energy: SR (5250 exp)
Promise Level 59: 38,000 Gold Secret Promise: 112,000 Gold
Promise Level 6o: 3x Empyrean Wishes Secret Promise: 3x Deepspace Wishes + Rafayel: Tipsy & Sylus: No Way Out
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288000x Gold
81x Bottle of Wishes: SR (20250 exp)
240x Ascension Crystal Box: N
216x Ascension Crystal Box: R
312x Ascension Crystal Box: SR
27x Core Energy: SR (6750 exp)
6x Energy Capsule: Powerful (600 stamina)
12x Empyrean Wishes (valued at 1800 diamonds)
If you've purchased either Secret Promise or Heartfelt Vow; additional Promise rewards are as follows:
Universal Headwear [Mechacat Ears]
864000x Gold
243x Bottle of Wishes: SR (60750 exp)
240x Ascension Crystal Box: N
660x Ascension Crystal Box: R
936x Ascension Crystal Box SR
81x Core Energy: SR (20250 exp)
12x Energy Capsule: Powerful (1200 stamina)
12x Deepspace Wishes (valued at 1800 diamonds)
4x Rafayel: Tipsy OR 4x Sylus: No Way Out (choose only one)
1x Awakening Heart: SR
1x Awakening Heart: SSR
The following Promise rewards can only be obtained from Heartfelt Vow:
+20 Promise levels
Exclusive Title and Sole: Fully Charged Kitten
4x Rafayel: Tipsy AND 4x Sylus: No Way Out
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What happens after you've completed all of the Promise Pass?
After you've completing the Promise pass and obtaining all of the above rewards before the end date any promise mark earned will be converted into Promise Gift upon Lv. Max, which contains the following materials:
40,000 Gold
50x Diamonds
4x Bottle of Wishes: SR (1000 exp)
8x Bottle of Wishes: SR (2000 exp)
8x Core Energy: SR (2000 exp)
*NOTE: Every 200 Promise Mark can make 1 Promise Gift.
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I just finished Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys. I have a lot of mixed opinions on a lot of things, but I'm gonna keep this post abridged:
The puzzles gave me Ransom of the Seven Ships vibes. While there were certainly way more than in Midnight in Salem, they were way too hard, especially on Amateur Detective. I dread to think what this game is like on Master Detective mode. Maybe I'm a weenie and just way worse at these games than I thought, but this game, RAN, and The Deadly Device are the only three ND games that I've ever played where the puzzles got my so stressed I had to split my play time across multiple days because I kept getting headaches. I think I used the hint system or video walkthroughs to get answers more times than I solved the puzzles myself. Overall, not a rewarding experience, and I'm glad I didn't buy this game. This is the first Nancy Drew game I seriously considered not finishing.
The plot was fine. It would've been better with better graphics, a better environment, and better puzzles, but with those aspects missing, the plot was meh. I much prefer MID's over this game's, even though I really don't like scary games that much. It also felt like they were trying to win brownies points and distract longtime fans by including as many references as possible. I also feel like they realized what a botch job they did with Ned and Nancy's relationship last game, and they were trying to make up for it in this game. The problem, though, is that it felt... a bit forced and overdone. Like they were trying too hard to undo what they did last time.
Graphics were an improvement from MID, for sure, but still looked worse and more soulless than every past Nancy Drew game, even SCK and STFD. This game reminded me a lot of Supermarket Simulator... which is a solo-dev, Unity asset, early access Steam game...
The villain choice was interesting. Don't wanna get too spoiler-y, but but I just can't help but feel it was a shallow, surface-level, and rushed decision to chose who they chose to be the villain.
The navigation in this game sucks. I mean this wholeheartedly when I say I would've rather had MID's hybrid navigation system than either of these. The Modern Mode is soulless and makes the game a little harder. Part of the fun of point-and-click games is that they tend to only show you things that are relevant for the story and puzzles, allowing you to focus more on the puzzles and story as opposed to navigating this big open world looking for small items to click on. The Modern Mode in this game removes that and adds too much vagueness. Not to mention, the movement and gliding-ness of the movement gives "default Unity" vibes... which is fitting since the entire game sorta gives that energy. The Classic Mode isn't much better. This is the worst point-and-click system in any Nancy Drew game, ever. The click boxes are harder to find that SCK, but their more unpredictable in where they'll take you than MID. Truly an awful point-and-click system that only added to my stress playing the game. It was the clear that the new devs were totally fish out of water when it came to designing this system.
Overall, for the majority of this game, I was on the verge of stress tears, telling myself I just wanted it to be over. Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys placed 32/35 on my ranking spreadsheet, just below Phantom of Venice and above Ransom of the Seven Ships. For reference of it's nearest games, age-wise, Midnight in Salem (2019) placed 15/35 and Sea of Darkness (2015) placed 7/35... so... I won't be replaying this game... ever... unless I absolutely have to.
Ultimately, the difficult puzzles were the Achilles heal of what could've been an semi-enjoyable game. This game, alone, has burned me out, and I think I'm gonna take a break from playing Nancy Drew games for a while...
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itsjustlux · 1 year
figuring out who the hell Crowley is
Huge disclaimer: bible related things are extremely contradictory and i have not studied it formerly. I'm doing my best and this is all just for fun. Buckle in, this is a long one.
And yes, pun absolutely intended in the title. Now, I'll take you through my thought process step-by-step here.
Now, it's stated in s2 that Crowley must have been a throne, dominion, or higher in order to access the file. That's a great starting point. So, we're going to be looking at any angels that are a throne, dominion, cherubim, or seraphim.
I thought a good place to start would be to actually look at Crowley's rank as a demon. My thought process here was that Crowley's rank should sort of 'carry over' (at least in theory). We know he's not a duke because he's offered that as a reward in s2. But it's very difficult for me to believe he's just some random demon. I mean, he was *the* snake. Having him be the snake theoretically should place him as Lucifer, but he mentions 'hanging out with' Lucifer by name sometime in s1, so that's not right.
Here's where I hit a snag. Based on what we know of Crowley's fall (which is not a lot) he should either be a king (again, he mentions being around Lucifer in s1), a prince, or a marquise. Problem is, he can't be a prince or a king if he was offered the position of duke by Beelzebub. He's probably not a count on account (see what i did there?) of him being a demon before humanity really existed (Counts are, to my understanding, angels who Fell over being jealous of humanity).
So he's probably a marquise. Great! This would (again this is taking some massive hypothetical leaps) place him originally as a dominion. If he was a president, the equivalent would probably be a principality, which is too low. This should all work out then, right?
NOPE! It's very unlikely to me that Crowley would be a marquise especially after a) hanging out with Lucifer before Falling (which would actually place him as a king if they were close) and b) being all but outright stated to have been incredibly powerful (to the point where he basically runs a meeting between all the fancy archangels despite them all hating him).
So what gives? There's only one decent explanation I can think of.
Crowley was demoted after Falling.
Think about it for a second. Why does Shax (an actual marquise) keep asking him for help if they're the same rank and they could get in serious trouble for doing so? Why is Crowley of all people trusted to deliver the antichrist to the hospital? There were probably other options. Why do people keep asking if Crowley remembers them? It's because he was probably higher up than he is now. It's the only way any of it makes sense.
Adding onto all of this: Crowley disappears back to Hell for 35 years after doing one (1) good thing. Next time we see him, he has a cane and asks for Holy Water. Obviously the implication is...unpleasant, but I suspect this is not the first time its happened. Maybe it was worse this time for one reason or another (leading to him asking for the water), but there are thousands of years of Crowley being a good person unaccounted for. He's probably endured far more punishment than we know. The end of s1 was just the last straw.
So who is he? Well, you're probably not going to like my answer.
I don't think it matters.
I think his angel name might start with a J (Jegudiel if I had to guess right this very instant) but other than that I genuinely don't think his biblical counterpart is going to tell us all that much. I mean, does Aziraphale’s? In actuality the angel Aziraphale is fairly low down, but Neil has since clarified Aziraphale's ranking within the show. He's not the highest up, but he's certainly not no one.
And this is something I realized while making this post. If I am right and he was demoted (or at least punished by Hell more than once for being good) that has some pretty major implications for his character and why he's so insistent that he's not a good guy. 'Goodness' as a trait becomes dangerous to Crowley, something he can't identify with. He has to be evil or he'll risk punishment, even if he isn't by default. And when you're told you are (or at least should be) evil for so long, you must start to believe it at some point. And you can never open up to anyone because that emotional closeness puts you both at risk, especially if the other person is an angel. So you spend your engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors all alone because that's what you're supposed to do. And love, loving someone, well isn't admitting that just the antithesis of what you should be? Angles are characterized by their ability to love. A demon can't do that. That's what makes his little realization moment so incredible to me. It's a moment of realizing how much he cares for Aziraphale yes, but it's a look of something else too. May I propose: fear. It's a look of fear. I mean, Crowley can't even admit he might love his houseplants. How in the Something is he supposed to admit he loves an angel? He can't. Not when saving one (1) girl one (1) time had him dragged to Hell for 35 years and scared him so badly he asks for something he knows could end him.
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swgohgamer · 6 days
WEEK 46: Shifted my farming priorities a bit to focus on wrapping up the Mando journey, which has been a loose end for a while now. I’m sitting on 208 Razor Crest ship blueprints, which I believe put that ship at 5 stars. So it can’t help me on the last two tiers of the Millennium Fla on journey as-is, but once I get BAM done I can at least unlock the RC and start working on its abilities. Then I’ll get back to work on the bounty hunters and their ships. Then I can use the Millennium Falcon to help with the last tier of the Chimaera journey. And after that, it’s full speed ahead for the Executor.
I did finish the Chewie journey this week, which is good because that was a tough one. I also realized I’d never gotten around to 3-starring all the light side/dark side battles, so I went through and finished those. Cantina & mod battles have been finished for a while. I do still have the last 3 nodes of hard fleet battles to do. Those are tough, but I did do some climbing in fleet arena this week, so all is not lost on the ships front.
I’ve been dropping the ball in Grand Arena- I no-showed the last 2 battles. I’m back down in Carb 4, ranked #3090. #30 within my guild. We’re doing an Endor raid, and I got 785.5k personally, which is a new personal best. I’m slowly leveling up Ewoks each day to prep for the 3PO journey, so I expect that raid to keep improving. The next personal reward is 800k, so I’m close. Oh and speaking of the 3PO journey, I knocked out tier 3 there. We’re wrapping up a LS TB and looking at at least 35 stars there, which is pretty good for our guild.
Ahnald dropped a YouTube vid yesterday highlighting some upcoming events that were revealed in a datamine. The salient takeaway for me was to try to grab Cal Kestis and Ashoka Fulcrum shards wherever I can. Fulcrum is 50 shards shy of being done. Cal is only 3 stars. So I don’t know if I’ll be able to make anything happen there, but I’ll give it a shot.
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sewmice · 1 month
This event is making my head spin. I really thought the only gambling component was pulling, but this event’s ranking rewards are also a gamble. Theoretically, 500 keys = 1 item. Theoretically, 7 items = 1 rank up. So my dumbass thought 500x7x35 meant we could just finish the event after 122,500 keys but NOPE. The items that come out of the boxes are freaking random, which means it’s totally possible to use thousands of keys and not go up a single rank.
So currently I’m stuck on rank 14, but have used over 100,000 keys to do so. That’s over 7100 keys per rank. For a 9 day event, every day we need to clear 4 ranks to have a chance of finishing it and getting the UR coin at rank 35…. But how many keys do we really need to get there? At my current rate I am guessing 250,000. Is anyone else feeling like this Live Emotion is predatory? Jesus.
Currently I've heard a lot of people are getting the max UR between 200,000 and 280,000 keys. Entirely depending on luck, so yeah it's....rough. But we have a long time to do it, and as people are getting further into the event, more people will have at least the base UR and SR as their guests, or have given in and pulled for Nagi and Shion. And that will up your keys a lot.
I've definitely seen some people already call out how predatory it is to make tiering as a whole, and now just getting decent rewards with this event type, almost dependent on the gacha cards. Because it's not like the cards are gonna match the event boy, so you're likely pulling for a boy you don't want. And they're doing this with a Heavens gacha which is liked the least??? It is...unfortunate.
But unless you're tiering, it should??? Still be as feasible as the previous events, just a bit more work and luck dependent than before. And we're gonna hope they listen to complaints and change it.
There's also a kinda random pity system? It's not consistent at all, I've gotten after only 1 dupe but sometimes not even after 5 dupes. But occasionally one of the boxes and the remaining items will start shaking. Click the shaking box! It will guarantee one of the items you need! But it's random when it shows up. And I think I saw someone say the auto pull might ignore it sometimes?? It's clicked the shaking box the couple times I've seen it though so idk.
Tips to maximize your keys, song length and difficulty matter the most! ESPECIALLY LENGTH. So you're just gonna want to play Masato's solo the entire time. I think I get 100 more keys on his than any other? And I've seen people say if you wanna not have such a long song, Shion's solo is a bit more time efficient. Also Shion's solo matches the color of the Nagi card, so you'll see more Nagi guests there. But people can set, and you can see, Nagi on Masato's as well.
Difficulty def matters a bit. I can only hand play on normal and hard typically, and I get 60 more on hard. Auto subtracts enough I'm still better off playing on normal before I auto expert. So hand play the highest difficulty you can manage!
And honestly, just scour/refresh the guest page to find those with the event boosts. Don't bother with just any guest. The boost is a LOT. And if you find like a max Nagi (because they're out there), use 5lp or the most you can. Probably not 10 unless you're tiering and spending bottles, because the it's still not very efficient for your lp. 10lp is really only when you need to be fast and don't care about your lp.
People are still figuring this stuff out but that's what's been learned so far!
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duelbraids · 9 months
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under the cut: basic plot summaries for my four main Tadpoled Adventurers. Their quests are written as if they are companion characters, but can also be interpreted as Origins as well.
this post is so, so long.
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NAME: Kirsi Ninelives ( orig. Kirsikka Virtanen ) AGE: 23 HEIGHT: 5'0 RACE: Mephistopheles Tiefling CLASS: Draconic ( White ) Sorcerer 9, Assassin Rogue 3 BACKGROUND: Urchin ENDINGS: Speak Now, Hold Your Peace
The bastard daughter of Dame Ilmi Virtanen and Vetle of Elturel, and disowned early in life, Kirsi grew up alone. Alone, save for her cat, Bast. She turned to a life of thievery to survive. Climbing the ranks of the Guild, Kirsi eventually joined a gang called the Horned Syndicate. While in this gang, she gained the attention of Agni, the head of the operation. The two eventually entered a very... unbalanced relationship, with Kirsi being barely 18, and Agni nearing 40. A few years later, the two had an explosive breakup: Agni attempted to overtake the Guild, and Kirsi finally decided she was more loyal to Ninefingers Keene than Agni. She rats out his plan, and in the ensuing battle, Kirsi believes she killed Agni, a burst of ice magic causing Agni to fall off of a roof.
Kirsi is a stealth-centered magic character, with an ability to summon Bast, her cat companion. She has a fairly reticent outward persona, fueled by the belief that her ice magic is tied to her emotions. She seems very afraid to use her magic outside of combat, seeing it as a last-resort. As a child, her mother forced her to wear a human glamour, and eventually faked the death of "Kirsikka Virtanen" to kick Kirsi out of the home. Kirsi believes this is because her draconic magic was out of control.
As a companion, Kirsi is encountered between the Druid's Grove and the Blighted Village; Tav will get a tadpole resonance without any clear source, and after looking around, The Narrator says, "You feel a chill, as if being watched; then, an ice storm under your skin. The name Frostbite enters your mouth." It is then that Bast will emerge, rubbing against the player's leg, followed by Kirsi dropping down from a tree. She will offer to join the party, explaining that she was scouting out the village ahead, which has been overrun by goblins.
Kirsi approves of actions that will preserve Tav, like de-escalating fights, and not sticking your neck out for others (except in the case of the Tiefling Refugees, especially the children) She also approves of killing Kagha. Kirsi disapproves of unnecessary cruelty, and turning down quest rewards. Kirsi will automatically turn hostile in the event that the Grove is raided.
Her questline, titled The Cat Burglar, focuses on the fallout of the Horned Syndicate falling apart, and Kirsi's noble heritage.
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NAME: Malinah Stormcrown AGE: 348 ( ~35 ) HEIGHT: 5'6 RACE: Wood Elf CLASS: College of Swords Bard BACKGROUND: Criminal ENDINGS: Death and Taxes, Just the Taxes, And a Bottle of Rum
Once a swindler and daughter of a jewellery magnate from a distant land, Malinah is the captain of the pirate ship The Hangman's Heart. As a child, she ran away from home with her little siblings, and joined a pirate crew. First as the ship's doctor, then as the Tidesmaster alongside Captain Nadia Shrajur and her brother and first mate, Tendaji. Aboard The Hangman's Heart, they were the lords of the sea. Malinah and Tendaji had a long standing romance during this time, and a few decades before the Absoluist plot, they were engaged to be married. The crew took a final, easy job, transferring cargo to Baldur's Gate before the wedding. This was their downfall - the easy job was not cargo, but transporting a Vampire Lord to her new lair. The crew were feasted upon, night after night until only three remained. Mal, Ten, and Nadia knew they had to corner the Lord.
Though they succeeded, this did not come without a price - Tendaji was turned by the Lord, and refused to live on as a vampire. He begged Malinah to spare him that future, and she did so, ending his life with heartbreak. No longer wishing to sail the sea without her brother, Nadia relinquished the ship to Malinah. Like a typical pirate, Malinah is a dexterity-based fighter, starting with two scimitars ( cutlasses, technically ) She has a very funny, loud personality; she is quick to act and quick to anger. She will openly talk about her little siblings, Florian and Ysebeau, who live on the ship alongside her new crew.
As a companion, Malinah will be encountered on the destroyed wharf of the Ravaged Beach, trying to wring out her map. The player's tadpole resonance with her begins with the Narrator saying, "High winds sting your skin, ocean spray blowing sunbleached hair back from your face: You are Malinah Stormcrown, Captain of the Hangman’s Heart." Malinah will explain that she was taken from the deck of her ship, and offer to join the party.
Malinah approves of actions that support the little guy ( refugees, the Gur, specific situations like letting One and Three escape, etc. ) but also enjoys the violent answer to problems. She will disapprove of trading with the Zhentarim, as they have a history of getting in her way. She approves of knocking out Minthara; on the flip side, raiding the Grove will cause her to disapprove (-5) but it will not cause her to leave the party. She disapproves of statements saying that nobility deserve to be on top / praising of the Flaming Fist.
Her questline, Master of Tides, centers around her history as a pirate captain, her love for her siblings, and letting go of her grief for her late fiance.
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NAME: Naomi Flores AGE: 28 HEIGHT: 5'11 RACE: Half Wood Elf CLASS: Gloomstalker Ranger BACKGROUND: Folk Hero ENDINGS: Best Left Unserved, She Who Harps, The Harper's Inheritor* *this ending can happen con-currently with her other two endings
A young Harper, Naomi is a master of investigation and disguises. She takes her oath to fight villainy and protect the innocent seriously. An orphan, Naomi eventually found herself as ward of Jaheira, the High Harper. Much like Jaheira's other adopted children, her relationship with her mother is positive, but strained by distance. More commander than mother dearest, and all that. She is incredibly close with her siblings, especially Rion. Naomi is sometimes too much like her mother; upon understanding the purpose of the Harpers and her mother's disappearances, Naomi wished nothing more than to be a Harper, a hero, to actually help people. Jaheira forbid her from putting herself in that kind of danger. Naomi, characteristically, took this as a challenge. Using a combination of her mother's documents, intuition, and Disguise Self, Naomi's plan got her the approval of the rest of the High Harpers; thus becoming One Who Harps.
Despite her nearly perfect track record previously, her most recent mission ended in disaster, with a fellow Harper, Eden, missing and presumed dead, and another, Quintus, having betrayed them to the Zhentarim. She was taken by the Nautiloid on her next Harper mission. Combat-wise, she takes after her mother's old friend Minsc, Naomi honing her skill as a Ranger. She tracks evil like prey, preferring long range and two swords. Naomi is a quick, a dexterity-based ambusher. She is sharp, quick witted, and sarcastic; she prefers to think and plan things out. Naomi is prickly at the start of the game, quick to assume the worst. Sometimes she's Machiavellian - but only because she cares.
As a companion, Naomi is encountered in the edge of the Wetlands, stalking a deer. The narration begins, "A woman catches your eyes, long bow drawn tight. You feel her holding her breath, as if the air catches in your lungs too. She is predator, and you are startling her prey." The player can pass a stealth check to allow Naomi to shoot the deer, or intentionally scare her. Though she will be annoyed with the latter, she will join the party. ( Allowing her to shoot the deer allows her to start with more Camp Supplies. ) She will keep her status as a Harper a secret for as long as possible.
Naomi approves of defusing situations, turning down rewards, sarcastic dialogue, and bad puns. She, naturally, disapproves of Obviously Evil Actions, disregard for nature, and insisting upon rewards up front. If raiding the Emerald Grove, Naomi has to be talked into staying, and will refuse to join the party until the raid is over. If pressed to join during the raid too many times, she will leave anyways, annoyed with the player. If she leaves, she can be found with Jaheira at Last Light Inn. If Jaheira is killed by the player or turns hostile to the party, Naomi will side with her mother.
Her questline, She Who Bows, unravels the betrayal that cost her her best friend, as well as her loyalty to Baldur's Gate, and her family.
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NAME: Rajya Nejem AGE: ~380 ( ~36 ) HEIGHT: 5’2 RACE: Drow Elf CLASS: Oath of Vengeance Paladin 6, Draconic ( black ) Sorcerer 6 BACKGROUND: Noble ENDINGS: Bodyache, Hopestar
A devout of Eilistraae, Rajya has already seen one cult rise and fall. She was born into the Cult of the Dragon, alongside her twin sister Ruya, both meant to be conduits for Tiamat to return to Toril. Raised in a high position, akin to a noblewoman among the cult, Rajya only had her rude awakening when she realized that Ruya would be sacrificed in the attempt to bring the dragon goddess into the material plane. Escaping alongside Ruya to the Underdark, they take shelter in the Priory of Darkfire. The vastly different religious atmosphere allows both girls to come into their own. Ruya finds love and settles down with a foreign prince, returning to his homeland, and Rajya finds faith, staying in the priory.
However, age and wisdom means she feels the tingling of trouble long before it starts. Though they had escaped the Cult of the Dragon, Rajya knew they would strike once more. She seeks out her father, Fahim, on a quest of divine-mandated revenge. She's interrupted by the Nautiloid. Rajya is a serious woman, well educated, and sometimes still shows elements of her noble bearing. But, for the most part, she is a gracious, kind healer.
As a companion, Rajya is encountered inside the Emerald Grove, healing one of the Tiefling Refuges, as they are no longer allowed lower to speak with Nettie. When the player's tadpole reacts, the Narrator explains, "The woman’s mind opens to yours; a shimmering of black dragon scales, Darkfire dancing across her memory. You see the mystical beauty of the Underdark; strange flora and fauna growing outside of a priory, a safe haven dedicated to Eilistraee." The player can ask if she knows how to heal the tadpole; Rajya will explain that she'd done it once before in the priory, but ever since the tadpole was inserted, she can no longer access that magic. She will join the party's quest.
Rajya approves of actions that help others, sacrifice, open mindedness on the views of others, and disapproves of attacking others without reason, letting crimes go unavenged, and underhanded tactics. She will leave the party if the Grove is raided, returning to the Priory of Darkfire.
Her questline, The Golden Iconoclast, centers on her past with the Cult of the Dragon, her father, faith, and help her stop a needless sacrifice.
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aimlessarchery · 1 year
June Activity
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Skill Points
+1 Monthly +1 Riding [Thread]
Total: 35
Riding: B+ → A Bow: A → A+
Class Accessed: Bow Knight
Rank Up Reward:
Terrain Resistance
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magiamemoriareview · 2 years
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Until Late Tonight...?
Obtainability: This is a limited memoria that can be purchased during the “2000 Days Since Release” Campaign.
MLB Effect: HP Restore [35%] (Self) & Defense Up [37.5%] (Self / 3 Turns)
Effect Definitions:
HP Restore will instantly restore health to the character upon activating the effect.
Defense Up increases the target’s base defense stats. Defense Up is generally worse than Damage Cut.
TLDR: This memoria is Enhancement Fodder for most players. It can see use in Magia Stall strategies but otherwise is outclassed by more offensive gameplay.
Review: “Until Late Tonight” has a few possible uses but is largely forgettable. It’s a defensive memoria in a game that doesn’t reward defensive strategies-- you are almost always better off going with more offense than defense in this game.
With that said, it gives a high amount of Defense up for three turns. This actually puts it in the same range as several limited and unlimited memoria:
(3*) “The Strongest, Even at Basketball” Defense Up [60%] & Status Ailment Resistance Up [50%] (Self / 1 Turn)
(Limited Gacha 4*) “Equal Destruction to All” Defense Up [52.5%] & Attack Up [35%] & Provoke [100%] (Self / 1 Turn)  
(Limited Gacha 4*) “Even Games Are Serious” Defense Up [52.5%] (Self / 1 Turn) & Attack Down [65%] (One / 1 Turn)
(3*) “She'll Definitely Be Happy” Defense Up [52.5%] & Attack Up [40%] (Self / 1 Turn)
(Limited Gacha 3*) “Unexpected Real Intentions” Defense Up [45%] (Self / 1 Turn) & Attack Up [30%]
(2*) “Closely Watched Heart” Defense Up [45%] (Self / 1 Turn)
(Limited Welfare 4*) “Until Late Tonight” Defense Up [37.5%] (Self / 3 Turns) & HP Restore [35%] (Self)
(Limited Gacha 4*) “The Wind Rising Before The Resolve” Defense Up [37.5%] & Attack Up [30%] & Critical Hit [30%] (Self / 3 Turns)
(4*) “I Won't Stray From This Path” Defense Up [37.5%] & Attack Up [30%] (Self / 3 Turns)
(4*) “Survival Date on a Deserted Island” Defense Up [37.5%] & Anti-Debuff [2 Debuffs] & Attack Up [30%] (Self / 3 Turns)
You’ll note that the only memoria that have higher Defense Up all last for one turn or have some features that make them less desirable to use outside of special circumstances. This makes this memoria useful at least for purely defensive purposes-- you don’t need to worry about lower stats like you would with the three-star options and the fact that it will last for three turns means your equipped unit can stay safer for longer.
When comparing effects, Defense Up isn’t generally as good as Damage Cut for a character’s protection, but still-- 37.% Defense Up can still help a character survive and it’s better than nothing.
The HP Restore on this memoria is useful, but note that it is different from something like Regenerate HP. The HP Restore will apply to your character right away, while Regenerate HP will apply after the enemy’s turn is over. This can be good or wasteful. It means that this is a good “oh-shit” memoria to press if a character is in danger of dying, but it also means that you’ll waste the HP Restore if you’re trying to take preventative measures.
Because of how defensive this memoria is, it’s best used on Tanks and in Magia Stall Teams. It’s cooldown is too long to be of use in areas like Mirrors or Ranking and it offers nothing helpful for places like Kimochi.
The last thing to note would be that there is another memoria in the game that is exactly the same as this one:
(Limited Welfare 4*) “Holding Hands to Tomorrow” Defense Up [37.5%] (Self / 3 Turns) & HP Restore [35%] (Self)
“Holding Hands to Tomorrow” is another welfare memoria given to the playerbase for Madoka’s Birthday October 2022, meaning players who have “Until Late Tonight” are also going to have that one as well. What this means for new players and some free-to-play players is that they now have two options for a defensive memoria to use, but for everyone else it means they have two next-to-worthless memoria that do the same thing.
If you already have a lot of really good memoria and don’t need to rely on defensive strategies such as Magia Stall, you can treat “Until Late Tonight” as Enhancement Fodder. However if you do struggle or if you’re just starting out, keep this memoria around.
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tyliocellier · 1 year
About Tylio
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Name: Tylio Vincent Cellier Age: 35-40 (plot dependent) Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual, heteroromantic Occupation: Cyber Security Manager Traits: Loner, depressive, over-analytical, self critical, intelligent, secretive, hard working, diligent Addictions: Cigarettes, gambling tendencies and brief gambling addiction Face claim: Swann Arlaud
Backstory [under construction]:
Tylio grew up in Lille, France, alongside his two brothers, Mylan and Aristide. The family was not poor but not rich by any means, and both of Tylio's parents were very invested in their careers. More often than not, their busy and conflicting schedules resulted in them not having enough time to spend with their kids so the three brothers were largely raised by their uncles.
During his teen years, Tylio spent a lot of time learning. He was not as sociable as his brothers, his temperament was rather shy and he did not have many friends at school. He was, however, decent at studying and while his social life suffered, his academic life thrived. Out of the three brothers, Tylio was undoubtedly the most gifted academically. He was also the first one of the three to take working seriously and land a simple job at a convenience store. His decision would bring in extra income for the family, which his parents very much appreciated. All of a sudden, for the first time in his life, his mother and father were proud of him for something. Making money. Of course this only lasted a little while, and Tylio ultimately decided that he would need to make a lot more money if he wanted to keep impressing his folks.
At the age of 20, Tylio fully finished his studies. With a master's degree in cyber security under his belt and a little bit of money saved up, he left the town he grew up in and moved to a small apartment in Cranford. For a while he would share this apartment with his brother Mylan, under the condition that they both find jobs as quickly as possible and split the rent. This worked for Tylio - it didn't take him long to find what he was looking for in the form of a job at a New York based IT-company. However, job opportunities failed to materialize for Mylan, who struggled to pay rent for several months until Tylio could no longer bear the financial burden. Mylan moved back home and Tylio was forced to move into an even smaller place. He was then faced with a decision: find another job that paid more money, or keep at it and work his way up in the ranks of the current company.
For the next few years, Tylio struggled. He stayed working for the same company, earning just barely enough to live off of. Not having much money to send home to his parents became a source of shame for a while but his loyalty to the company was eventually rewarded with a higher position and a pay raise. And then another, and another, until he had earned a relatively respectable position at the company. At the age of 35, Tylio had achieved what he set out to do. He was living a nicer place and earning a comfortable wage, enough to even send some money to his family every month.
But it was never enough. Aside from the fact that his family overestimated his earnings and began asking for more money, Tylio had done nothing but work for the majority of his life. No deep friendships, no girlfriends, no wife, no children. He had nothing to look back on, except his job and within him, Tylio fostered resentment towards his family for always wanting more out of him financially.
Disillusioned with life, Tylio began trying different things. First it was shopping. He bought a new car, fishing equipment and a whole lot of tools but when all of these items lost their shine, he realized he still needed something more. Then he tried gambling. Regrettably, this new hobby held his attention for quite a while, getting him to the point where he was no longer sending money back to his family but instead spending it on slot machines. Always hoping to hit the big prize. Instead, what he found was the increasingly familiar feeling of his pockets getting emptier and emptier, and the eventual realization that he was dealing with a deeper issue. He needed company.
Spending so much time at work didn't leave many opportunities to find friendship and thus, for several months, Tylio tried desperately to make friends with some of his coworkers. When one of his new 'friends' decided to try and steal his position at work, Tylio realized that this was not a viable strategy.
[Under construction]
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nieded · 2 years
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I posted 1,680 times in 2022
That's 135 more posts than 2021!
52 posts created (3%)
1,628 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 938 of my posts in 2022
Only 44% of my posts had no tags
#queue away! - 96 posts
#good omens fanart - 96 posts
#ofmd - 41 posts
#sebastian vettel - 39 posts
#good omens - 35 posts
#rainbow road - 35 posts
#formula 1 - 34 posts
#ni speaks - 31 posts
#daniel ricciardo - 29 posts
#good omens fic - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#but just imagine for a second that they did and what that would be like knowing that he threw a party on the day of her husband's funeral
My Top Posts in 2022:
I've love a little teaser from Accept a Little Spin!
Have some tumblring! This Part Two of #Rainbow Road
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@ajconstantine & @kookaburra-laugh
13 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Relationship: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Sandalphon (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), OCs Additional Tags: Alternative Universe - Human, Alternative Universe - No COVID, Alternative Universe - Sports, Screenplay/Script Format, Rainbow Road
Summary: Hey babe, wake up. New season of Drive to Survive just dropped.
S5: E6 "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Ezira?
Synopsis: Newcomers, GO Force 1, bite off more than they can chew when signing on former Formula 3 champion and Formula 2 veteran Ezira Phale as their second driver.
Yes, it's here! I got inspired after watching S4 of Drive to Survive, so now you get their episode with some additional behind the scene insights.
Thank you to @the-bentley for the beta!
15 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
Hey, for any #rainbow road followers, I was thinking of writing up a post explaining how the Russian invasion of Ukraine is directly affecting Formula 1. It ties into the concerns addressed in the author notes about F1's decisions to continue holding races in places like Russia, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.
Obviously, the concerns of a multi-billion dollar international sport is low ranking compared to everything else happening right now, but looking at how other nations and corporations respond to the situation can help determine how it affects operations globally.
So, I'm just putting feelers out there. It's been a rapidly changing situation while F1 starts pre-season testing. Shoot me a comment or ask if you want to know more. I am tentatively drafting a post.
Eta: let me know if you want to be tagged so you see it, thanks!
17 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Accept A Little Spin
It's the 2023 season, and sophomore driver, Ezira Phale, is out to prove he's worthy of his seat at McLaren F1 as the world tests the boundaries of his confidence and his relationship with IndyCar driver, AJ Crowley.
This is Part Two of a three-part series. While this story does cover some difficult topics and has challenging moments, I promise you that the reward is utter fluff. Part Three is in progress. I have written about 10k and will be spending NaNoWriMo completing it. It will most likely be shorter. And sweeter.
Again, this story uses CSS so it's important to read it with the 'creator's style' or work skin on. The story is COMPLETE and will be updated on a routine schedule. Massive thanks to @the-bentleyBentley for beta-reading and cheerleading, @dustandhalos for the wonderful artwork, and the F1 Discord server for giving me an opportunity to scream about F1 literally every day. Special thanks to @kookaburra-laugh for the you-know-what at the place with the thing.
74 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
All right, after reading @kookaburra-laugh's fic rec list of 2021, I decided to make my own. This is in no particular order, my favorite stories I read this year (even if they all weren't written in 2021).
1. The Way We Are by @entanglednow, E, 2k
I personally enjoy stories about real sex, which is weird to write about snake!Crowley, but it certainly feels real and loving. This story is less sexy and more just romantic and supportive. It changed how I view and write Aziraphale.
2. Omens of Another Kind by WorseOmens, NR, 189k
Do you want an immersive setting with high stakes, a rich fleshed-out alternate universe full of magic and wonder? This story is so good, I couldn't put it down.
3. (Slow) Burn, Baby, Burn by orchidlocked, E, 279k
This is maybe my favorite story I have ever read, ever. I love the setting. I love that it could easily slide into a canon timeline. I love that they are still supernatural, but the emotion and stakes are so very human. This story doesn't shy away from difficult themes, and it makes the universe so rich. It doesn't hurt that it also comes with a fantastic playlist. Please, please give this a go. You will not be disappointed.
4. Curse of the Witchfinder by KitschyKit, M, 2k
I have this story under a tag in my bookmarks called, Makes Me Feel Seen. It's a story I come back to again and again about an unusual protagonist, Shadwell, and the burden he's carried throughout his life grappling with his queer identity. It's a love letter to the older generations in the LGBTQ+ community, and I love the role Crowley plays here as well.
5. out here making news by sabinelagrande, G, 1k
Featuring bastard!Aziraphale, this is the Untitled Goose Game/Good Omens crossover you didn't know you needed.
6. side effects by darcylindbergh (@forineffablereasons), E, 7k
This gut-punched me and falls under the tag Makes Me Feel Seen in a big, big way. I come back to this on the days I'm feeling my worst not because it makes me feel better but because it makes me feel less alone.
7. Faster Than a Speeding Bentley by nightbloomingcereus (@moondawntreader), M, 76k
God, this story is delightful. It has all the best comic book archetypes while still feeling true to Crowley and Aziraphale. This story scratched a huge itch I had for a good superhero AU.
8. A Shifting Spectrum of Grey, by PenroseSun, E, 21k
I can't fully express how this story makes me feel. It's aching at times and so beautifully written and explored.
9. Part and Parcel by sabinelagrande, E, 2.5k
If you haven't noticed, there's a theme in my list about identity and acceptance, and this is a very hot, hot way to go about it. I just love anything with Crowley and gender feels, and this hits the spot.
10. Dinner and Diatribes by KitschyKit, E, 8.5k
Please heed the tags. This is a love letter to consensual non-consent. It's well-written, excruciatingly hot, and so loving, but of course, it's not for everyone.
104 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
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coineagle · 2 months
Seedify.fund (SFUND) Price Prediction 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030
In this article, we aim to provide a detailed price prediction for Seedify.fund (SFUND) for the years 2025 to 2030.
Our forecast is based on a thorough analysis of key technical indicators and an understanding of the broader market dynamics surrounding SFUND.
We will present an unbiased and informative year-by-year prediction, offering insights that may assist you in making informed decisions about your potential investments in SFUND.
The focus of our analysis will be on the potential price fluctuations and the contributing factors to these changes.
As we delve into the intricacies of SFUND’s future, we hope to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of the token’s potential trajectory.
Seedify.fund (SFUND) Long-Term Price Prediction
Year Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price 2025 $20 $30 $40 2026 $25 $35 $50 2027 $20 $30 $45 2028 $18 $26 $40 2029 $22 $35 $55 2030 $30 $40 $60
Seedify.fund Price Prediction 2025
In this optimistic scenario, a favorable regulatory environment and easing inflation rates could lead to significant growth.
With the approval of Bitcoin and potential Ethereum ETFs attracting significant investment into the crypto space, we predict Seedify.fund could reach an average price of $30 with a potential peak at $40.
Seedify.fund Price Prediction 2026
As the effects of favorable regulation and increased investment continue to ripple through the crypto market, SFUND’s price can potentially improve further, with a projected average price of $35 and highs of up to $50.
Seedify.fund Price Prediction 2027
2027 is projected to be a year of market correction. Though SFUND may experience a dip, the crypto market tends to rebound strongly after such periods.
The average price for the year is projected at $30, with a high of $45.
Seedify.fund Price Prediction 2028
As the market correction continues, prices may dip further with SFUND’s average price estimated at around $26 and the highest price point potentially reaching $40.
Seedify.fund Price Prediction 2029
With the conclusion of the correction years, 2029 is expected to see a return to high growth.
The adoption of cryptocurrencies is predicted to continue rising, pushing the average price of SFUND to $35, with a high potentially hitting $55.
Seedify.fund Price Prediction 2030
By 2030, it’s predicted that blockchain technology will be integral in various industries.
In this favorable market, SFUND could potentially enjoy an average price of $40 and peak at as high as $60.
Seedify.fund (SFUND) Fundamental Analysis
Project Name Seedify.fund Symbol SFUND Current Price $ 1.5 Price Change (24h) -0.48% Market Cap $ 92.9 M Volume (24h) $ 5,846,738 Current Supply 61,502,705
Seedify.fund (SFUND) is currently trading at $ 1.5 and has a market capitalization of $ 92.9 M.
Over the last 24 hours, the price of Seedify.fund has changed by -0.48%, positioning it 392 in the ranking among all cryptocurrencies with a daily volume of $ 5,846,738.
Technological Innovations and Competitive Advantage of Seedify.fund
Seedify.fund offers a unique incubation program for innovative blockchain projects, allowing them to get the support they need to reach their full potential.
It differentiates itself with its innovative DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) structure, which involves community members in decision-making processes.
Moreover, Seedify.fund employs a unique DeFi (Decentralized Finance) model, giving users access to staking that allows them to earn rewards while contributing to the project’s development.
These unique features engage users in an active community that drives growth and fosters innovation, creating a competitive advantage for Seedify.fund over other traditional blockchain project incubators and venture capital firms.
Strategic Partnerships and Ecosystem Enhancements
Seedify.fund has forged strategic partnerships with key players in the industry, including top blockchain firms and digital asset exchanges.
These partnerships extend Seedify.fund’s reach and enhance the overall ecosystem, allowing the project to tap into the partners’ technical capabilities, networks, user bases, and credibility.
These partnerships bolster Seedify.fund’s ecosystem, supporting wider adoption and utility, and increasing the project’s visibility within the rapidly growing blockchain and cryptocurrency markets.
Strategies to Sustain Competitive Advantage
To sustain its competitive advantage, Seedify.fund continuously adapts to new technologies and market trends.
It constantly adds value to its ecosystem by rolling out additional features, such as an innovative blockchain-based voting system that ensures community engagement and fairness in decision making.
Furthermore, the project keenly observes the shifting regulatory landscape. As laws and rules around cryptocurrencies evolve, Seedify.fund prepares to adapt as necessary, a move that assures its users of compliance and security.
Community Engagement Efforts and Strategy
Seedify.fund has a dynamic and growing community that regularly engages on platforms such as Telegram, Twitter, and Medium.
To foster growth and engagement, the project consistently updates its community on recent developments and seeks input on proposed initiatives.
The project has several community-focused programs like Bounty Programs, Community Votes, and Reward Pools. These initiatives serve to incentivize community participation and engagement, supporting the project’s overall adoption and success.
Seedify.fund (SFUND) Technical Analysis
All Time
Line Chart
Technical Analysis in cryptocurrency trading refers to the study of past market data including price and volume to predict the possible future movements of an asset’s price.
Technical analysis is especially crucial when doing Seedify.fund price predictions because it helps traders to understand the market sentiment and other key indicators influencing the price.
Trend Lines: Trend lines are used to identify the general direction of price movement. They are drawn by identifying a series of peak and troughs. If the price is increasing, it’s an upward trend and if it’s decreasing, then it’s a downward trend.
Moving Averages: Moving averages is an important indicator used to identify the trend direction over a certain period and to generate buy and sell signals. When the price crosses its moving average, it may signal a change in the trend.
Relative Strength Index (RSI): RSI is used to measure the speed and change of price movements to detect overbought or oversold conditions. When RSI exceeds 70, an asset is considered overbought and when it falls below 30, it is considered oversold.
Seedify.fund Price Predictions FAQs
What is Seedify.fund?
Seedify.fund (SFund) is a decentralized gaming innovation fund and community-driven crowdfunding platform, which provides support and guidance for gamers and game developers in the form of financial and technical resources.
Is Seedify.fund a good investment?
Whether Seedify.fund is a good investment or not depends largely on individual investor goals and risk tolerance. It’s advisable to conduct thorough research and consider several factors like market trends, technical analysis indicators, and the overall state of the crypto market before making an investment decision.
What drives the price of Seedify.fund?
The price of Seedify.fund is driven by a combination of factors including supply and demand dynamics, the overall sentiment in the cryptocurrency market, technological advancements within the Seedify.fund platform, regulatory news, and macroeconomic trends.
Can Seedify.fund reach $10?
As a predictive figure, it’s challenging to assert whether SFund will reach $10. While many factors could potentially influence its future price, it’s important to note that cryptocurrency investments come with considerable risk and price predictions should not be the sole basis for any investment decision.
What is CoinEagle.com?
CoinEagle.com is an independent crypto media platform and your official source of crypto knowledge. Our motto, “soaring above traditional finance,” encapsulates our mission to promote the adoption of crypto assets and blockchain technology.
Symbolized by the eagle in our brand, CoinEagle.com represents vision, strength, and the ability to rise above challenges. Just as an eagle soars high and has a keen eye on the landscape below, we provide a broad and insightful perspective on the crypto world.
We strive to elevate the conversation around cryptocurrency, offering a comprehensive view that goes beyond the headlines.
Recognized not only as one of the best crypto news websites in the world, but also as a community that creates tools and strategies to help you master digital finance, CoinEagle.com is committed to providing you with the necessary knowledge to win in crypto.
Disclaimer: The Seedify.fund price predictions in this article are speculative and intended solely for informational purposes. They do not constitute financial advice. Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and can be unpredictable. Investors should perform their own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. CoinEagle.com and its authors are not responsible for any financial losses that may result from following the information provided.
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hananoami · 2 months
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From July 15th to August 1st, PULSE HUNTER is a limited-time event where you can select five 5-star Memories within the given selection. The 5-star memories you can choose from includes all the 5 star memories currently available in the permanent wish pool, Xspace Echo. Essentially this banner ensures that you are guaranteed one of the five 5-star memories you have selected for every 70 pulls (which is pity, though it may come earlier than that or in multiples if you are blessed with rng luck).
It's important to know that this limited-time banner allows you to do up to 350 pulls. So that's total of 35-10x pulls. You're better off using your Empyrean Wishes here instead of Xspace Echo since you can control which 5-star you get. If you don't have Empyrean wishes saved up then it'll cost you 1500 diamonds per 10x pull.
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There is also a rewards system called Desire Blessing that rewards you upon completing a wish milestone. 25th and 75th pulls give you a Wish Crate: SR to select a solar 4-star memory. 100th pulls gives you a Destiny Crate: Random, where it will randomly give you one of the 5-star memories you selected. 200th pulls gives you a Destiny Crate, where you can choose one of the 5-star memories from your selector.
If you were to ask me which ones I would recommend you select I would highly suggest you choose a solar memory, especially if you don't have their companion unlocked. Solar memories are harder to come by since the base probability of obtaining a 5-star memory when wishing is 1%.
I don't really recommend you selecting any of the lunar memories because they will eventually be available for purchase for 180 stardust in the Exchange shop. However, you do you. Just be aware that those 5-star lunars are on a rotation every month, so keep an eye out for the ones you are missing in your collection!
More details about my 350 pulls below.
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Thanks to a fellow deepspace hunter who told me I should start saving my Empyrean Wishes long before Sylus was revealed as a new love interest I had quite a bit of saved up before I had to use my diamond reserves for this limited-time banner.
For my selector I choose the following 5-star memories
Xavier: Lightseeking Shadowrend
Zayne: Forever Sealed
Rafayel: Deep Sea Promise
Sylus: Captivating Flavor
Sylus: Captivating Lesson
My reasoning?
Xavier's [Lightseeking Obsession] is fully ranked out at R3, so I wanted to get his other myth pair to at least R1 for the memory pair bonus.
Zayne's [Promise Everlasting] is currently at R2, so I wanted to get his other myth pair to R2 as well for the memory pair bonus.
Rafayel's [Deep Sea Riches] is currently at R2, so I wanted to get his other myth pair to at least R1 for the memory pair bonus too.
At the start of this I didn't have any of Sylus's solar myth pair. So I wanted to see if I could pull any before I had to use my Destiny Crates to select them.
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I feel like I made out like a bandit with the amount of 5-star memories I was able to pull from this limited-time banner before using the crates, hahaha. You can pull up to 350 wishes, but if it takes you to pity (70 pulls) every time then you would only get 5. However I got super duper lucky with a few of my pulls, obtaining some 5-stars way before reaching that number. By the end of it I was able to pull seven of them!!
Here's the order and amount it took to get them:
Sylus: Captivating Flavor (65)
Xavier: Lightseeking Shadowrend (62)
Sylus: Captivating Lesson (64)
Zayne: Forever Sealed (19)
Zayne: Forever Sealed (49)
Sylus: Captivating Lesson (25)
Rafayel: Deep Sea Promise (63)
For my crates I got and selected the following memories:
100th pull wish crate*random: Captivating Flavor
200th pull wish crate: Captivating Lesson
This event is so GOAT'd I really can't stress that enough, especially if you're looking for a specific 5-star memory from the permanent banner. If you can afford using your diamonds here I would suggest that you take advantage of it while you still can.
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In the end my memories upgrades are as followed:
Xavier [Lightseeking Shadowrend] starting -> Rank 1 ➢ Lightseeker Duo Rank 1 memory pair bonus unlocked!
Zayne [Forever Sealed] Rank 1 -> Rank 3 ➢ Foreseer Duo Rank 2 memory pair bonus unlocked!
Rafayel [Deep Sea Promise] starting -> Rank 1 ➢ Abysswalker Duo Rank 1 memory pair bonus unlocked!
Sylus [Captivating Lesson] starting -> Rank 2 Sylus [Captivating Flavor] starting -> Rank 1 ➢ Captivating Duo Rank 2 memory pair bonus unlocked!
*note: for Sylus's [Captivating Flavor] I used one of the Wish Crate: SSR obtained from the Deepspace Gift (450th) to rank it up to R2 in order to unlock the duo rank 2 memory pair. Currently holding onto the other one obtained via 600th wishes made since I'm not sure who to use it for. I might just wait for the 5th love interest--
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