#and probably considers her as a little sister because she doesnt have one
dullgecko · 2 days
I think that if Riz were to like actually sleep on his own, and like actually sleep *well*, he'd need like a whole set up. Like he needs a white noise machine at a specific volume to block out his thoughts, but not so loud he can't still hear the world around him. He needs a sleepytime tea, it needs to be dark, possibly enclosed. Bonus points if there's someone else there. He makes due with four hours of passible sleep because I don't think he has ever put that much thought into sleeping.
The person with the next neediest sleep needs is probably Fabian, who can sleep in adventurer standard places, but he's so much more used to sleeping on expensive sheets. After Sophmore year you know it's cream sheets all the way. He has a white noise that plays mostly ocean sounds, and an entire skin care routine that he does at home. Kristen is probably the laxest sleeper, and could sleep anywhere, honestly. She can actually get rested from how Riz sleeps normally.
Goblins prefer sleeping around other people, it helps them maintain body heat and makes them feel more secure. They also need just a baseline level of noise from other people so they know there's someone on watch. If the entire horde is asleep at the same time things are liable to get in and eat them.
Riz's moms not home at the same time he is very much, and if they are home at the same time she's usually exhausted from work and sleeping so Riz just stays awake and works on stuff so she can get a good nights rest. His mom and dad would go to bed at different times when he was little so they could swap off who would keep watch, but its just the two of them now and Riz is a self-sacrificing idiot for the people he loves.
If he's by himself and exhausted and actually has the energy to get ready and go to bed rather than passing out at his desk or on the couch its a whole ordeal. He'll have something hot to drink that's not coffee, have some melatonin tablets (his circadian rhythm is completely shot from being a nocternal creature going to school during the day), he'll have a hot shower and get changed, and he'll smoosh up into the tiniest ball possible in one corner of his bed. He still doesnt sleep super well like that though.
He's actually better rested now that he's in highschool because he has friends who are so much larger than he is with comfortable bags. He'll usually at least get a solid nap in two to three times a week because the background noise of his friends classes, combined with the knowledge that they're awake and 'keeping watch' makes him fall asleep easier.
Fabian can sleep practically anywhere if need be. Sitting upright against a tree, on an uncomfortable sleeping mat, straight up on the ground, on a rocking ship. ANYWHERE. He is, however, a man with refined tastes and if he's given the option of luxury he will grab it with both hands. His party was actually a little shocked because they thought he would be the most precious about how he sleeps but if they're on an adventure he doesn't really give a shit. This is how adventurers do it. If he's at home though it takes him a whole hour to get ready for bed.
Fabian is Riz's favorite party member to nap on partly because he doesn't move around very much in his sleep too. Gorgug tends to toss and turn a little and the first time Riz crashed next to him he nearly got squished. Kristen is straight up a menace in her sleep and kicks so she's also a no-go and Adaine wakes up too easily if he lies down near her and he doesnt want to disturb her. Fig is a close second to Fabian but only in winter or if he's pissed off at their fighter for some reason (he considers her basically his sister by this point so she gets all the cuddles when he's in a cranky mood. its not weird they're family their parents are dating).
Kristen is one of those infuriating people who, even if they only got three hours of sleep, is super chipper and loud most mornings. Noone is sure how she does it given that she should be exhausted all the time from the gymnastics she does in her sleep. Her party is convinced its some weird cleric thing.
Fig is fairly normal about her sleep arangements. She just needs somewhere comfortable and horizontal preferably with a pillow. She is a hugger though and if you get too close while she's half-asleep you'll get trapped. Before the whole archdevil thing she also needed a decent sleeping bag but now she's totally fine until it gets to the point there's snow on the ground.
Gorgug like Fabian can sleep in the most uncomfortable positions if need be. He sleeps better if his party is close by though, preferable touching, otherwise his heart rate spikes in his sleep sometimes and he'll rage. If his friends are close they keep him calm and he gets a better nights sleep, even if he's in a weird position that will leave him sore in the morning.
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plumeriacosmos · 3 months
colin really thought that without eloise, he can finally monopolize pen for himself, but hon hon hon,,,, little does he know, hyacinth is there to mess up his plans lmao.
show! pen may not have felicity, but she has a hyacinth who’ll adore her for the both of them uwu
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yuridovewing · 7 months
okay so.
alderheart mouths off to a kittypet because he was being rude over him losing a toe. said kittypet jumps him for it, and sparkpelt rushes out to save him. you would think here that maybe alderheart has had some character development and maybe got the stick out of his ass and stops thinking that his sister breathes to spite him?
lmao of course not, he throws another hissy fit cause poor baby got emasculated.
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“was she TRYING to rub it in???” she probably just doesnt want you to worry about her considering you got beat up.
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how dare sparkpelt be concerned over her brother. what a selfish bitch. i bet shes only doing this for clout somehow. she CLEARLY concieved herself in squirrelflights womb alongside alderheart JUST to steal the spotlight and make him look like a pussy. what an inconsiderate bitch!
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little side tangent, it’s quite interesting how sparkpelt was retconned into not wanting skyclan around and totally hating their guts and pushing for xenophobia and hatred when that 100% was not how she was in the first half of the arc. but alderheart’s own hatred for outsiders (in this case, kittypets) is consistent from book 1 to this very scene. and no one cares. because that’s “acceptable” xenophobia. its almost like the erins dont think xenophobia is all that bad actually and its kinda stupid to hone in on sparkpelt being twisted and bent into a strawman in this arc and act like shes the source of xenophobia when this whole damn series has a problem with xenophobia. sparkpelt’s xenophobia is only bad because it’s directed at the “wrong” group. and even then we’re supposed to gasp in horror with twigpaw as she gripes about how weird and bad skyclan is for the daylight warriors and leaders patrolling.
anyways back to alderheart’s tantrum. “we were so close!” oh, were you? this isnt new, youve been bitching about her being a selfish brat since book 1. you complain that she wouldnt understand your unique tortured soul, then you complain that she wants to help? and i guess the right thing to do would be letting you bite the dust. i honestly wish she did. itd be funny.
also the phone works both ways and she has a life. get a grip for fucks sake.
after this they admittedly have a nice moment where alderheart apologizes for being sensitive but it comes after spark is made to apologize for no good reason. so it hits weird. she reassures him about vague prophecy number 37384838. they have a nice chat about larksong.
and then because we need alderheart to have the ultimate w this chapter, a dog attacks sparkpelt and the medic with no training and no good fighting skills is able to epically save her life.
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“omg alderheart that was so brave… youre the REAL hero…. youre so cool and awesome……….”
this would have been fine without this bullshit at the end to make alderheart win back his pride and get his sister back for emasculating him.
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rise-my-angel · 6 months
Do you have any thoughts about Jamie and Brienne vs Jamie and Cersei? Would love to hear you speak about them cause you're so well-versed in all things GOT!! ☺️☺️
DO I EVER HAVE THOUGHTS (you've made a mistake this is so many words im so sorry I love talking about Jaime Lannister).
Jaime and Cersei are so superficially codependant on each other. In reality they know very little about who the other is in small details, and their attraction is based on a massive amount of vanity because they look so similar. But at the same time, if we're looking at Jaime, he is always the worst version of himself with Cersei.
They promote the worst in each other and it shows. Because Jaime is not that vindictive with others. He is way more honest with characters hes known for far less time then his own twin sister. He is close with Tyrion and their interactions are Jaime at his most normal. He is very himself with Catelyn to the point he confesses a strange number of things to her he doesn't for anyone else. But not Cersei.
He's closed off when he's with her. He's back to being vain and destructive and vindictive. Jaime loves the idea of being with Cersei rather then Cersei herself. He is addicted to this codependant relationship based on physical attraction to the point he ruins his own life to keep it going.
But then he is seperated from her by war. And then he meets Brienne.
Jaime, is actually not yet at his lowest when they meet but he is at the worst in terms of what his relationship with Cersei represents. When he meets Brienne he is a prisoner, chained up, filthy, stinking, probably a bit septic and quite literally covered in his own shit. He is at the opposite place which he would be with Cersei when he meets Brienne. Cersei wouldn't stick around for this version of Jaime, but Brienne has oathed to. And so their story starts at Cerseis opposite.
Then it gets interesting. Brienne is verbally combative with him and does not hesitate to push him on what she disagrees with or opposes. She is actually similar to Cersei in that shes physically close to him. But wheras Cersei is in looks alone, Brienne is in size and strength. Something that clearly peaks Jaimes interest since he switches between making fun of her size to asking things like if she wants a man strong enough to be able to wrestle with her because hes strong enough. He's interested in her for the same reason of physical, but the why is completely opposite.
Cerseis physical similarity goes no deeper. Briennes physical similarlity represents that Jaime doesnt just want more then looks, he needs more then just looks. He thrives on verbally sparring with her to the point they bond without even realizing it because theyve spoken so much.
Then Jaime inadvertantly makes a sacrifice. His hand for her honour. He makes a deal to save her from being raped and in turn his hand is cut off for his audacity of thinking making deals is how the rest of the world works. Jaimes identity shatters here.
Since like his relationship to Cersei, his identity is so superficial. Without his ability to sword fight he thinks he has nothing, just like how without their physical attraction he and Cersei, have nothing. But Brienne begins to care more. Tries to pull him out of depression and doesnt give up on him.
Then Jaime does something for Brienne hes never done for Cersei. Cersei claims Jaime would've killed Robert for hurting her, but it isn't true. We know Robert has clearly been physically abusive before considering both their reactions when he slaps her indicates he has done it before but not in front of other people. But Jaime wouldve seen the marks. He knew Cersei was physically abused. And did nothing.
Then Brienne is thrown in a bear pit with a wooden sword. And Jaime with one hand, jumps in to rescue her when he already was on his way to safety. He goes back to save her and refuses to leave without her by his side.
Now Brienne in the books is younger, but I think for their relationship dynamic I think the shows version being older works better. Beacuse now Jaime is dealing with a woman similar to his sister in age. Now he has a direct comparison on what life has turned them both into and Jaime realizes that he is full of life with Brienne.
Jaime confesses about the day he murdered the Mad King to Brienne, when hes never spoken of it before. He has never told Cersei anything like that, we know. Beacuse by then, Brienne represents everything he wishes he had with Cersei but with someone whose bond with him is the opposite of superficial or vain.
Ironically, Cersei has a version of this too. Cersei watches Margaery and Loras and is seeing what she and Jaime could have been if they did not have this toxic physical relationship with each other. Margaery and Loras love each other deeply, trust each other, protect each other and work together in harmony but without any of the hangups Cersei and Jaime have.
So when Jaime comes back and hes a different man, he tries to fit into the mold of someone he used to be and it doesnt fit him anymore. Cersei knows it, and she knows she will never actually have with Jaime what she wants.
Jaimes defining moment he could never come back from, should have been pushing Bran out that window to protect his secret relationship with Cersei. But it isn't.
It's when he sacrificed everything he didnt even really have anymore to protect Brienne in the bear pit soley because he cared about her too much to turn his back on her. That was the moment Jaime did something he could never come back from.
Jaime with Cersei is at his lowest, and with Brienne is at his highest but then when he sends Brienne away to find Sansa not knowing if theyd ever see each other again, and then he leaves to settle the remaining fights in the Riverlands, and in the books, literally burns a letter from Cersei pleading for him to come back.
Jaime has had a taste of who he is with both, and now he has to go alone for a while and figure out who he is after both of them and find out what version of Jaime Lannister was closest to who he is between them. And it's Brienne hes the most himself with, since he has literally nothing to hide from her. They started at his worst and it only got better.
He has nowhere good to go with Cersei because once the illusion of physical attraction was shattered, Jaime realized there was nothing tying him to being undyingly loyal to Cersei that mattered.
Its an interesting case of Jaime and Cersei needed each other to pretend to be whole, but Jaime and Brienne are whole without each other, and therefore are still whole when they do have each other.
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dyns33 · 1 year
Fucking fate - part 2
Vaas x soulmate reader are back 
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Y/N had been living in a pirate camp on Rook Island with her psycho soulmate for two months when a group of natives attacked and some hostages offered her to come with them, taking advantage of the panic to escape.
They knew who she was, but they considered that it wasn't her fault, that she was unlucky, and that she deserved to be free.
Two months was not enough to develop Stockholm Syndrome, as Y/N agreed to follow them almost immediately.
It was only later, after several days in the jungle and when they had found a boat, that she hesitated.
On the way, they had heard some conversations, hidden in the bushes. The pirates were terribly talkative.
     "Did you hear what happened at the central camp ?"
     "Yeah. Fucking rakyats. Francisco is dead. He was selling the best shit, too bad."
     "I was thinking more of Vaas' mate. She disappeared."
     "He must not be happy."
     "Not happy ? He was already mad, but now he completely lost his mind. He killed all the hostages, and the guards who survived the attack. He ordered that they searched everywhere for her, and as long as he doesnt have any news, he goes around in circles in the camp, hitting those who are not looking."
     "He knows she's already dead, right ? The jungle must have eaten her."
     "I know. But it's his mate, man. Shit, he needs hope. When we find the body, he's going to be impossible. Whoever brings the news will probably be hanged. If he just doesn't burn the whole island."
Y/N tried not to think about it as the others got the boat ready to go home. It wasn't her problem what would happen here after she left. She had been kidnapped, she had seen people being tortured and killed, and she deserved to return to a normal life.
Even if it meant rejecting her soulmate.
Except that while he wasn't perfect, not perfect at all, Vaas wasn't that terrible.
It was weird to say, because he was crazy. He was dangerous. He was doing the worst things in the world. And yet, with her, Vaas could be adorable. A tiger that was turning into a little cat, purring against her.
He hadn't hit her, not once. He was even upset when she was afraid of him. He also didn't shout, whereas Vaas shouted a lot at others. He always asked her if she was ok with doing something. Yes, he naturally made it sound like it was a bad idea to tell him no, but Y/N had told him no several times anyway, and Vaas had simply nodded, accepting the answer without further ado.
     "You know, mi corazon. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." he had said one evening, while cuddling her in bed. "It's true. I had a shitty life. A shitty family, a shitty sister. A shitty job. Yeah, I like having fun with people, but it's still shitty. I'm drinking, being high and kicking idiots every day. Even my beloved island has become bland over time, controlled by an asshole and populated by tattooed morons. Then you came, mi amor, mi vida. I waited for you my whole life. I'm so happy."
He sounded so sincere that Y/N couldn't not believe him. He had told her what her sister had done to him.
When he had been pissed off that she was talking to his men, not liking her getting out of his crip, she had used it against him, quite deceitfully.
     "You or them, right, Vaas ? Right ? You or them ?!"
He had looked at her. He understood very well what she meant. He had wondered if he was becoming like his sister, if he was doing to her what she had done to him. So he hit a wall, smashing his hand, before leaving. The pirates, frightened, had avoided him.
Y/N felt bad. She had followed him, she had apologized, taking his bloody hand, trying to hug him, to kiss him, to bring him back because he seemed very far away. He let her do what she wanted, listening to her excuses, then following her back to camp without saying anything, like a child.
To cheer him up, she had cooked, she had put on his favorite movie, she had put on some music and invited him to dance with her, and after a long time, he had sighed, with a tired smile, accepting to join her, laughing together.
Her soulmate wasn't perfect. He had a lot of problems, and it was impossible for him to change, since the situation on the island wouldn't change either. But above all he was a broken man, alone, lost, who needed her.
Most of the little moments they had spent together were happy.
Maybe two months was enough to develop Stockholm Syndrome after all.
Several voices were heard behind her, as Y/N ran along the beach, then through the jungle, looking for the nearest pirate camp. It wasn't easy, as he often said Vaas's men were a bit stupid, but she approached with her hands up, saying she was his mate.
Since they had all heard of the attack, they were very careful with her, calling their leader right away.
When she arrived at the central camp, Y/N noticed two things. 
The place was in a terrible state, and no one had started the repairs, probably too busy looking for her, not to be killed.
And Vaas didn't seem happy to see her.
He said nothing, his eyes blank, simply thanking his men for bringing her back. Then he ordered Carlos to take her to his room, bringing her something to eat, before going to fetch the doctor to check that she was not injured.
For several days, he seemed to avoid her like the plague. It was hurtful. Y/N could have left, she might already be in her country, with her loved ones, but no, she had chosen him, and that was how he thanked her.
She tried to talk to him, but it was a disaster.
     "If you're not happy here, you didn't have to come back, nena." he hissed, playing with his gun. "You could go see my sister. Find a cabin near the beach. Swim to shore."
     "I'm just saying you act like a fool."
     "Oh, a fool ? Me ? That's probably true. I was stupid enough to think everything was fine, but one day, poof, you have the opportunity to leave, and you leave. You leave ! You leave me !"
     "But I came back !" she cried, starting to get scared, because it was the first time he had raised his voice with her.
     "She came back ! She came back ! Great ! Welcome back, hermosa ! I have work to do now, leave me the fuck alone !"
It was too much. Y/N went crying with rage in a corner of the camp, far from everyone, while Vaas continued to shout at his men. Maybe she should have left. Maybe she still could.
Pushing a crate against the wall, she jumped over it, walking quietly away from the camp to the beach, where she sat down to think. Could she really swim to shore ? Vaas had probably said that in jest, he had warned her about the sharks. Maybe he wanted her to be eaten. He didn't really seem to care.
     "I found her, jefe !"
Or not.
Y/N recognized the voice of Carlos, Vaas' right-hand man. There were several footsteps, then mumbles, and finally a single person who came to sit next to her.
     "Nena, come back to camp. You scared us, that's not nice."
     "I'm staying here. You don't want me on your side anyway."
     "Mi corazon..." he sighed. "You know very well why I am angry."
     "No, I don't know. I mean, yes I left. It was chaos, and I didn't want to die. But I came back, you should be happy."
     "But you had no choice, right amor ? I guess your friends died, or you lost them in the jungle, and you thought 'Damn, what do I do now ? Oh, I know, I'm going to go back to Vaas, that idiot Vaas. He adores me, he never refuses me anything, he's my bitch, he can't live without me, he's going to take me back.' And of course I'll take you back, because I'm really an idiot, and I love you more than anything hermosa, but it hurts. It really hurts, shit."
After that, Y/N finally stopped sobbing, continuing to watch the ocean. He was stupid and angry, but not for the reasons they both thought.
     "The others took a boat."
     "... What ?"
     "We found a boat. I left before they started it, but I guess they're home now. Or drowned. I don't know. But they were fine when I left. When I decided to leave. To return to the camp."
To return with you. Because I wanted to.
Vaas stared at her for a long time, before rubbing his face and then his skull, visibly embarrassed.
     "Damn, nena... I'm an asshole."
     "You came back... Shit. You're as stupid as me."
     "Excuse me ?" she was indignant, finally looking at him, annoyed.
     "I thought you had no choice, but you chose me. Me ! Me, and this shitty island, and this shitty life, when you could have left, been safe, happy, found a good guy, and have a great life. I would have understood. But no, me ? Shit. I'm super happy right now. I feel like my heart is going to explode. Can I kiss you ?"
     "Go to hell."
     "Come back to camp with me, tesoro." he whispered in her ear, his eyes sparkling, his hands hugging her tightly. "I was an asshole, sorry."
Vaas was not perfect. He knew it and he knew that she knew it. Even though he did his best to make her feel good and have everything she wanted, he understood why she had disappearred, he would have understood if she had left the island, and he couldn't imagine that she came back of her own free will.
     "You're as crazy as me, aren't you nena ? Mi nena. Mi mejor mitadn mi media naranja."
     "Fine, we're going home." she muttered, feeling a little too hot between the sun and Vaas kissing her again and again on the neck while purring words of love in Spanish.
No doubt he was right, and she was just as crazy as he was, but it was fucking fate after all, and she had accepted it.
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mamadarama · 2 months
Re: Leo Ruka ask anon
Oops I meant in general! I keep thinking about the songs and I know Knights do it for their fan service, but I always wonder if there's someone they want to be a knight and protect. And when you think about it, they all do. Tsukasa wants to protect Kohaku, Leo's could be Madara, Izumi (begrudgingly I say this) could be Makoto, Naruchan's could be her friend, and Ritsu, maybe Mao?
Honor, protect, guide and live for these people, like a Knight would to their princess. Always in their heart and back of their minds. And what I meant with Leo is that I just think it'd be cute if Ruka is his little princess/p 😭 he gets so excited and happy about her. I can see him going around playing and cheering her up by acting as her knight. Then again, I admit I don't know much about Ruka, but it's cute to think about.
(irrelevant, personal opinion: as a guy enstars player I sigh a little whenever I hear words like "my lady" or "princess" being used. It's not that I'm bothered with Anzu, I actually like that we play as her, a solid character. I'm just referring to songs in general 😭😭 where are my MLM enstarries at... Do you guys not exist HELLO)
ohh i see. i was thinking abt knights awhile ago and i realized something similar to this, actually youre super close to what i found the knights have in common with each other that makes them fit under the same theme— they all have at least one person that their relationship with is a load bearing part of their character (either a positive or negative relationship) . for tsukasa its tori and kohaku, for leo its izumi and madara, for izumi its makoto and leo, for ritsu its mao, and for arashi its akiomi and mika.
leo does care about ruka a lot and that would be super cute... i think he sees her as more of an equal though and wants to protect her more like how a knight would protect a fellow knight than how a knight would protect a princess . which is still so cute . hes probably written songs for her though
what i find interesting abt this theme is that even though they are metaphorically knights of the respective people they care about, the devotion and allegiance that makes them fit that role is cranked up to 11 and either almost or does borderline obsessive . im gonna jus make a list explaining this one by one for convenience . also readmore cuz i typed too much woops lol
tsukasa - his rivalry with tori is nothing short of ridiculous. even though they dont get along tsukasas commitment to continuously butting heads with him absolutely counts as devotion. as for kohaku he feels its his duty to protect him as part of the head family (ironic considering the oukawas role to the suou family is to protect them)
leo - he cant function efficiently without either izumi or madara being within arms reach (metaphorically). he needs someone to talk to that knows him like the back of their hand and he gets lonely if he doesnt have that . you dont have to look too close to see how loyal he is to the both of them
izumi - his devotion to leo and makoto is so strong that the thought of them being in distress will literally make him snap . the whole reason hes Like That with makoto is because when he was unable to help leo when he was depressed during the war, he panicked and started overcompensating for makoto because he was worried the same thing would happen to him , and if he didnt do something it would be too late.
ritsu - this is the most obvious one i think. ritsus mental health would immediately collapse without mao and he will not under any circumstances let anything or anyone take mao away from him. tbh mao is more of ritsus knight, but the devotion between a noble and their personal guard goes both ways . most of the time mao is the one protecting ritsu but if mao was in danger i think ritsu could probably split the earth in half by force of will alone .
arashi - being a big sister figure shes already somewhat protective of everyone she cares about, but with mika its a lot stronger. notably her aggression towards shu on mikas behalf despite mika and shu not being on bad terms . with akiomi, if youre not familiar with narus backstory, she was his modeling partner as a kid and looked up to him so much that she would even try and copy his appearance. their relationship has changed since he retired from being a model but still she wouldnt be even remotely the character she is now without akiomi and if you were to change that part of her backstory it would butterfly effect her whole character.
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unicornsaures · 4 months
Redcoat OC lore dump!!
By no means is this EVERYTHING about these guys, just the base layers. I also dont go into specifics for a lot of these just because if i did it probably wouldnt line up so..yeah!
Right, starting off with Charles Gray! He was born in Maryland on April 14, 1753 to Eleanor Gray and John Gray with three sisters - Mary Gray(last name changed to Fields when she gets married), Eleanor Gray Jr, and Frances Gray. His family was originally from London but they moved to the colonies in 1750, 3 years before he was born. His parents were devout loyalists, so he and his siblings quickly picked up on their beliefs. He primarily lived on his parents' plantation, so he was pretty well off financially and he had no struggle with money his entire life. Come 1773 when Charles is 19, his sister Frances dies and they were pretty close, he struggles to cope with her desth while being in the area she died so, he decides to move out to Pennsylvania where he instead meets Henry and William who become his closest friends and help him through all of that.
Soon enough, April of 1774 comes around and he meets Charlotte Brewer(new character alert~!), who he begins courting soon after. In august of 1774 they begin dating, and in April of 1776 he gets married!! Yeah, he doesnt get happily ever after though. He joins the british army with William and Henry not but a few months later, leaving his newly wed wife behind and hes extra guilty about it. When they meet Hamilton though, he takes an instant liking towards him and tries to make him feel welcome to distract himself from the guilt he feels. Problem is, he never actually told Ham hes married. So, whoops. The rest of the story is whats already written so ah, Hamilton still doesnt know he's married.
Okayyy, William Fletcher! William was born in Newcastle on August 12, 1754 to George & Mary Fletcher. He has 6 siblings(im not writing out names.) Though 2 die before William even reaches the age of 1. This hasnt been brought up in the story, but he also can't remember most of his childhood other than the fact his father was shit. It wasnt anything too out of the ordinary for the time period, but it was a borderline abusive dynamic that sparked fights and fucked up his trust, making it really hard to keep stable relationships with anyone in the future. Ever wonder why he 'dislikes' Hamilton so much? Yeah thats why.
Anyway, his family moved to New York in August of 1765, and to Pennsylvania just a few months later. Life is pretty uninteresting for a few years until 1770 comes up(William is 16) and he meets Henry Reed!! Its almost instantaneous how fast they become friends, and in the future William HEAVILY cherishes their friendship because of how rare it was for him to open up to people, moreso with the gender norms in their time period. They bond a lot while theyre in Pennsylvania together and honestly fuck around and get into trouble like normal teenagers until, come 1773, they meet Charles!! He keeps them in check kind of, and they create this little trio. For william, it takes a lot longer to consider him a friend but it does happen, in which he also helps Charles court Charlotte in 1774!!
William is the one who encouraged them all to join the army, and Henry was quick to follow his word. When Hamilton came along in 1777, William really disliked him. He did warm up to him, and they were friends, but then ah..the whole Laurens thing..That trust was INSTANTLY broken and so that leaves us with William as we have it in modern chapters where he comes off as bitchy and rude. Yes, he is bitchy to Hamilton, but thats not his whole character and there is genuine reasons he acts so cold towards Hamilton, and sometimes even Charles. Charles less so because he's known him for longer, but Hamilton is someone he deemed as 'untrustworthy,' and therefore he sets up walls around him.
Right! Henry Reed! Out of the group, he's the most tragic. He was Born in South Carolina on January 5, 1757 to Oliver & Molly Reed. He was also raised with two siblings though one died during his childhood and the other was almost an adult when he was born, so he has little recollection of them. His family had originally been from Norwich, but they moved to the colonies in 1745. They moved again however when he was 6 to Pennsylvania, where his mother left him and his father when he was 12. His childhood is kind of shitty overall, and most of his recollection is working in a trading company with his father to support them both after his mother had left. Even before she had left she was emotionally absent though his father had done his best to make up for that loss to little avail.
After his mother had left, Henry and his father did their best to keep afloat and it worked pretty well, though Henry felt somewhat responsible for the reason his mother left. He met William when he was 13, and like i said, they became very close very fast during some of the worst years of their life. Henry became quickly attached not only because of their friendship itself, but because he looked up to William in a sense? Like i said william was 16 when they met and often did things himself and was overly confident, Henry stayed on the sidelines and tried to hide as often as possible.
Anyway, when Charles came along Henry almost saw him as a sort of 'big brother,' and also became attached to him though not nearly as quickly or as hard as he did with william. During the whole Charles-Charlotte thing he kind of stayed off to the side and watched it all happen. He didnt like getting involved with ladies and honestly, he thinks charlotte looked too similar to his own mother. I might as well add on that he ws also extremely jealous of Charles for 'taking williams attention,' but thats not too important other than the fact that he has unresolved attachment issues.
The reason he wants to join the army is mostly because life is boring and he wants purpose, but also he wouldnt have done it if william didnt offer to join first. When he meets hamilton he doesnt mind him, theyre buddies kind of. Though a small disdain grows when he realizes william doesnt like him, and again, he looks up to william so he usually listens to his judgement. This dislike only grows during the laurens fiasco, but like charles, he doesnt HATE hamilton.
I could rant about william and henrys whole dynamic if i really wanted to, but in short theyre two guys with similar traumas who found comfort in talking to each other !!! Their friendship in general isnt the healthiest, they both are overly dependent on one another with william having unresolved trust issues and henry with unresolved attachment issues but for the most part they arent miserable so thats what matters the most ig?
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kraviolis · 1 year
I can’t wait to see Lilith discover that Luz came to live with her criminal sister.
She probably would have a stroke.
oh god i really have to figure out luz & lilith's relationship in this au.
like i WANT her to be cool aunt lilith still and have that fun dynamic. but that would require them to not have any history together which just. isn't feasible, considering that the chain of command went "belos > kikimora > lilith > golden guard > coven heads"
so luz would obviously be familiar (but maybe not friendly) with kikimora, and while she didn't meet all of the coven heads she was still known to/friendly with a few of em. and then obviously hunter knew her the best.
so luz HAD to have known lilith on some level. when she was little and had even less freedom around the castle, hunter would tell her about all the coven leaders. i know for a fact that like 10 year old hunter was AWED by lilith and probably would tell luz all these stories about her time in the emperor's coven and how powerful she was.
so luz would know lilith that way, but there's also no way they hadn't met before. BUT THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM ARISES: i dont know how lilith would feel about luz.
see, cus, lilith obviously hated hunter. because despite him being lower in the chain of command, he still had more authority and power over her because he was the "genius teen prodigy" which she absolutely resented (this is definitely partly because eda was seen as a prodigy by their parents but thats for another time)
but would lilith dislike luz for the same reasons??? luz isn't technically in the coven, but she has the authority to order people around. hunter & belos are sorta the only people who she cant command. she's given special privileges just for being the princess when she isn't even from this realm. she was just given one of the highest titles in the whole isles and she uses her power to... order scouts to retrieve the newest azura books for her.
but luz isn't snarky and smug like hunter is. she can be a handful, sure, but i just. even in lilith's Prime Bitch Phase, i can't see her disliking luz but its also so hard for me to imagine Head Of The Emperor's Coven Lilith Clawthorne regarding luz with anything but neutrality at best.
maybe lilith does the whole power-worshiping thing??? like she did with king??? but luz doesnt have any inherent power, not like king does. so she'd be respectful of luz's rank, at the very least.
but maybe it's LUZ who dislikes lilith after they meet, but only because lilith is an asshole to her brother most of the time and it sort of sours luz's view of her. but would luz being prickly to lilith be enough for lilith to not like her back???
god lilith is SUCH a complex and fascinating character. i have no idea what to do with her
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butterflytoxin · 5 months
hear me out: frozen fanfic where hans actually kisses anna, but it still doesnt work
The kiss wasn't an act of TRUE love, but hans does actually love he and isn't a bad guy (he has his reasons [like pride, trying to stand out from his brothers, ect. ] but he's mostly marrying anna cus he loves her) Anna only loves the idea of him, the idea of romantic love, of finding her "true love". Anna does loves him, but it's not deep enough to be considered "true love" (having just met him), so it doesn't work
Hans takes her to Elsa, tries to save her, and Elsa learns that she is able to control her powers and that the key to controlling her powers is love (ofc she's still mad at Hans for locking her up, doesn't trust him AT ALL and disapproves completely of their marriage, but won't do anything outright because respects her sister's wishes, and overall he was only trying to help Anna)
After Elsa reverses things, and everything is back to a new "normal", Anna tries to figure out why Han's kiss didn't break the curse, and is postponing or basically avoiding the wedding; during this, she starts spending more time with Kristoff (😏) and one moment, while they're hanging out, she realized that she cares more about Kristoff that she initially thought. She's slowly realizing, as she spends more time with him, that he's not as bad as she thought, that he's better than she thought, that she might actually quite like him, and loves spending time with him. One moment, while their together, Kristoff does an act of kindness that startles Anna a bit, when she realizes that she might like him a little bit more than a friend.
Hans by this point is getting a little agitated, as Anna spends more and more time with Kristoff than with him, and when was that wedding going to happen anyway? He talks to Elsa, hoping she could give advice (because she knows Anna best and would be completely honest with him). She tells him the truth (honestly have no idea what this is yet, but it'll help him realize that she actually likes Kristoff, and that maybe they weren't meant to be). Already anxious to get home knowing that he isn't impressing anyone, and that the one person he was supposed to impress doesn't even love him, he leaves.
That's when Anna learns that she doesn't love Hans, as she's not even that sad that he's gone. It felt more of a loss of an acquaintance than of heartbreak. She was tamping down her feelings for Kristoff, being almost married and all that, denying that she liked him, not letting herself think about it at all. Now that Hans is gone Anna can admit that she likes Kristoff, but doesn't immediately confess or show that she likes him in that way at all, no, it was too soon, too early to say anything. Anyways, Kristoff probably only thinks of her as a friend, right?
This leads to a buildup of pretty much pure fluff, and sister bonding with Elsa, where Anna and Kristoff get closer until one day, Anna (kinda sporadically lol) tells him that she likes him. Ensue cute love story with Elsa totally being like 'I knew it'
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acaciapines · 5 months
hey acacia pleaaaase tell me more about dess and chara in the dess raises kris au
this got. long as hell so its under a cut. can you tell ive thought about this so hard. literally more people need to consider this relationship okay IT HAS IT ALL...
so! youre dess. you've just had what asriel is calling 'a mental break' but what is to you descending down into the bunker which is REAL and WRONG and NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED, and its done something to you, and your best friend doesnt understand, and nobody understands, and this thing is going to kill your sister and it is going to use asriel's little sibling to do so. and then one day, weeks later, when asriel still wont believe you and you are slowly losing your mind, he goes out to tour colleges.
and kris is staying at your house. and there is nobody to stop you. and asriel doesnt believe you but if it is his little sibling stuck up in everything, and, and, and...
and then the next thing dess knows she has descended into the bunker with a five year old and come out somewhere else, somewhere FAR AWAY, and. by the time shes back in her right mind shes in way way too deep to ever go back. she CANT go back. besides, what help was asriel? he never believed her! her BEST FRIEND, and he wrote off everything she was scared about!! thought she was making it up, but she WASNT, and she'll PROVE IT, and she'll SAVE THE WORLD, and then they'll see. then they'll all see.
that town, that bunker--it is going to kill her sister. and dess will do everything to keep her sister safe.
even if it means she has to lug a kid around.
so, time passes. dess wanders. kris wanders with her. dark worlds here work sort of like mystery dungeons in the pokemon mystery dungeon series, but a lot fewer people know about them. there ARE, though, forums, and small local places where people meet up and swap stories and try to defeat them, which is where dess needs to be, but she cant do any of that with a five year old. so she takes to leaving kris at hotel-rooms and daycares and doing her best to schema-hunt (this group calls dark worlds 'schemas'), and its when picking up kris one of these times that dess meets chara.
chara has also had xir own run-ins with schemas. its what led to xir having frisk--getting stuck in a schema that was Awful for xir mental health, led to a lot of self-hatred around being a loveless aromantic, and a few dubious situations later xes pregnant and after xir own childhood of never being wanted and realizing that as bad as everything leading up to this has been xe WANTS this kid, xe has frisk. for two years chara struggles as a college dropout and a single parent barely scraping by, still dealing with lingering schema-trauma xe cannot talk to anybody about, and...then xe meets dess.
its not a love story, because both of them are aromantic, and chara doesnt love, anyways. but its two people who have been struggling and alone and scared finding someone else who UNDERSTANDS. its how dess finds someone who believes her when she talks about the schemas, who doesnt write her off. its chara making a friend for maybe the first time in xir entire life. its how theyre both trying to raise kids on their own but its not so hard when theyre together.
the honeymoon stages are REALLY good. its chara who has never been anybody's first priority, but now xe is dess's, and it is probably the closest xe will ever get to understanding why romantic love appeals. its dess who has a place to actually REST, not her and a five year old hopping around hotels, but somewhere she can call home. dess and chara can talk to each other about everything, about anything. about the things they've seen in the dark and the deep. about how scared they are for the kids.
they get an apartment together. they get married. they make up a new last name to share. the kids start going to school. chara officially adopts kris. neither of the kids remember a time without dess and chara both around. things seem like they might actually work out.
but dess is so RESTLESS, see. she has this amazing place, with the people she loves most in the world, but as chara settles down xe starts to put xir time in the schemas behind xir. devotes xirself to being a parent, to going to parent-teacher conferences, sitting through meltdowns and fights and being the parent xe never had in xir life. dess hates how kris clings to her whenever she is around. it makes her itch. like shes being held down.
dess starts spending more time on online forums. staying out later and later. goes out on trips--for a day, two days, a week. meets other people like her, people who dont know how to stay in place, people who need to find and close schemas, who save those trapped in them. she maybe starts to miss chara's calls. she maybe misses kris's birthday. she loves chara more than she loves anybody else, and that includes the kids. she comes home and can barely last a few days before she has to go again.
shes not meant to be pinned down by kids. shes supposed to be OUT THERE, saving the world. she and chara fight, more than they ever used to. she hates it when chara cries but she doesnt know how to make it better. maybe if she keeps running, keeps diving into the dark, she'll figure it out. maybe when she saves the world everything will be okay. then she can rest. then there wont always be this nagging fear at the back of her head, this nagging fear that everything she has is going to come crashing down around her. then all the missed calls will be worth it, all the broken promises made okay.
she's dess. defeater of schemas. and one day she'll make it back to that bunker, and destroy it, and her sister, the sister she hasnt seen in a decade, will be safe. one day she'll call asriel and this time he'll believe her, and forgive her. one day she'll go home and sit down next to chara and this time when she promises to stay, she'll mean it.
just a little longer. then she'll fix everything.
(meanwhile, chara is back at home, waiting for a wife that wont come back. sometimes in the middle of the night frisk creeps into xir bed and asks why dess is never home, why chara doesn't divorce her. chara doesnt know how xe is supposed to tell this child xe very nearly did not have that dess is the only person who chose to love xir because she could. that dess is the only person who was there when chara had nobody else. that sometimes when it is very dark xe thinks back to the schema xe was stuck in, for so very long, and the prophecy xe heard there. how xe saw dess and some part of xir knew, then, that surely, this is who those ancient words spoke of. dess, with her glorious warmth and light.
chara is the one who stayed behind. chara is the one who deals with all the struggles of raising two children-now-teenagers, who watches kris, waiting always for dess to come home; frisk, who doesnt speak of her at all. xe doesnt know if xe's doing the right thing. xe just wants xir kids to be OKAY, and, selfishly, to be loved by someone even if xe can never return the feeling.
one day frisk comes sobbing to chara and spills everything: that kris, who has only ever wanted dess to be proud of them, who knows dess is one who slips into the space between light and dark and comes out again, has dove into a dark world of their own, and has not come back out.
and chara who already knows xe will dive into the dark xirself if that is what it takes to bring kris back safe wonders if maybe xir selfishness is what will get xir children killed.)
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xxchthonicreaturexx · 2 years
Low key gonna blow your inbox up but I just love your writing sm. How do you think the boys would be with someone who loves to cook/bake? :)
Awww thanks darlin :) <3
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Darry Curtis
Honestly helps him so much. Like- considering the gang is almost always leeching off the food in the house and he's usually working or taking care of the boys, you cooking helps him so much.
Also double points if the boy's like your cooking too. Gives him time to relax and not hear anyone complain about he cooked the damn food.
Definitely the type of boyfriend that would come up behind you and hug you from behind while you mixed something or cut up some veggies. Also a worrywart if you happen to cut your finger or burn yourself on a pan or something. May yell at you to be more careful because he can't afford a hospital visit over some sliced carrots.
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Sodapop Curtis
He thinks it's kinda cute. Definitely the type to ask you to cook some random ass box of brownies he found at 2 am. Little midnight baking dates. Definitely to spend time with you though and not because someone usually calls dibs on the bowl before him.
Oh yeah, he automatically dibs licking the bowl and spoon. He doesnt care about the raw eggs. Fight. Him.
Brags about you nonstop. Like you could walk into the DX for a quick visit and he'd be bragging to this old lady about how good your cookies are compared to anyone else's. Sorry grandma.
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Ponyboy Curtis
You remind him of his mom. Kinda wholesome and kinda sad. A good amount of memories he has with his mom is standing on a chair as a young kid and helping her mix some stuff for dinner.
He'd probably be the one that preaches constantly about the recipe. "YoU cAnT gUeSs! UsE tHe MeAsUrInG cUpS." A huge gremlin about following the recipe precisely. He helps you but you might have to kick him out so he'll shut up about how you didn't put enough salt into the batter.
He's kinda a 7/10. Helpful if you're precise and he loves to help you out with making food, but sucks if you know your stuff and go off taste. because you don't need no damn measuring cups.
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Steve Randle
Ughhhh such a pain. Kick him out. He like- he'll offer help but will literally just make everything ten times messier and worse on you if you accept his offer. Like he sucks in the kitchen with a passion. He always compliments your cooking though. Compliments to the chef.
Begs you to bake him cake and pastries and encourages you to cook constantly. This dudes always hungry but like he usually cleans his plate. Biggest motivation right here. Probably has competitions with Soda over who has the better lunch for work. He usually wins lol
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Twobit Matthews
Will ask if you can research how to make homemade beer just for the hell of it. He's actually not as big of an alcoholic as he's told to be, but he does wonder if he could create some homemade beer because honestly? Free and he won't have to use a fake ID.
Other than that he's pretty chill about it. He thinks it's cool you can cook. Probably asks you to make him and his little sister dinner sometimes whenever his mom and stepdad are out. I headcannon him as someone that burns absolutely everything. Somehow almost burned the house down by trying to make warm milk for his sister when she was much younger. He's probably too scared to offer his help for the sake of not wanting to mess up any of your cooking, but he usually lingers around while you cook and watches what you do.
Also is not afraid to pick you up and distract you from your food though if he's excited about something.
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Dallas Winston
Pain in the ass 2.0 He's worse than Randle.
"Doll, why cook when I live above a bar?" He definitely doesn't have a great diet. Mfer lives at DQ whenever he's not at Buck's or the Curtis house. His diet consists of Dairy Queen, random ass bar food that Buck finds to give people, sometimes meals at the Dingo if he's not too busy flirting or causing trouble, and stolen ice cream from kids off the street.
"You're just wasting money on all those ingredients. We have plenty of good food all around us." Probably doesn't even own a fridge. Probably the type that has a mini fridge but it's not even plugged in and he just puts sodas or alcohol in there and constantly complains it's broken even though he doesn't think once to look at the plug.
Lol anyways, after you feed him a few good healthy, non leeched, meals, he'll probably shut up more. Still doesn't quite understand, but he gets it a bit more once he tastes the stuff.
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Johnny Cade
Honestly probably the only one that actually can cook. He doesn't spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but after watching a few times he's somehow a natural? Like the best one out them all to help you cook because he may even be a better cook than you without trying (no offense.)
He doesn't spend a lot of time at home and or good reason, so it's safe to say he probably doesn't get decent meals a lot unless it's from the Curtis house, but I think that's why he's so good with it? Like- he's so grateful for homemade food because it's rare that he gets it that he just subconsciously is super good at making it. Does that even make sense?
Anyways, like I said the BEST to help with cooking and baking. Even draws cute little hearts and stars with icing when you guys make cake <3
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Tim Shepard
Similar to Darry but less open about it. It helps him, it really does, especially with Curly who eats like a horse, but he won't be as sweet or verbally thankful about it. He'll offer to help if he has time, and would hit the backside of Curly's head if he ever made a negative comment about the food, but that's pretty rare so 🤷
Will ask you however, if you can wear nothing but an apron. You'll have to smack him for such a bad flirt.
He'd actually be super soft though if you made him breakfast in bed one day. Like, he'd gently tell you he doesn't deserve you and has you sit so he can share the food.
"Good shit."
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Curly Shepard
Like I said previously, he eats like a horse. I don't care how lean and scrawny he seems, he can outeat a neighborhood. But it's okay, he runs it off lol
"Geez guys, slower than usual today because my doll made this bomb ass pasta tonight, ya dig? Almost ate the whole goddamn thing."
Goes on this mini rant about how he'll miss your cooking at the reformatory.
Definitely begs you to leave school with him at lunch time because he doesnt want that shitty cafeteria food now that he has his own personal chef.
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Lab Rats' Headcanons
(Mostly just neurodivergence & sexuality/gender headcanons.)
THIS SUPERHUMAN IS TRANSGENDER & AUTISTIC. someone get this boy some sound-canceling headphones. his transness is a huge source of insecurity for him, & adam's constant teasing does NOT help.
he is also a bisexual disaster(TM).
Bonus! Spike
mostly i consider spike to be like a fragment in a DID system, or a more realistic version of AI--he has a very specific purpose & behavior parameters & beyond that, he doesnt really. think? especially since he only comes out once in a blue moon.
the commando app triggers differently for everyone. chase's trigger is his social anxiety & general insecurity, not fear, thus why spike never activates when he's in actual danger.
ace or demi spike is an interesting concept. he's only attracted to dainty feminine people or muscle-bound gym rats, no in-between.
i know people love spike angst but i think he's actually pretty happy with his life. he comes out, fucks shit up, then sleeps for another year. what more could a guy want?
she is so. lesbian with comphet. and also adhd (hyperactive-type).
transfem bree is also very compelling (it explains why she's so desperate to separate herself from her brothers & fit in w girls her age). i think bree could've had a nice arc realizing that womanhood isn't defined by the clothes you wear or how you act, you're a woman regardless of all those things. unfortunately disney is full of misogynistic cowards 😔
Adam 🤝 Bree -> comphet. Adam is soooo aroace to me. he pretends to be attracted to women because he knows that's what's expected of him (& also it's funny/allows him to make fun of Chase more).
he is cisgender unfortunately 😔 but the biggest trans ally ever (effects of having so many trans family members)! it takes him like. a single day to get used to the idea of nonbinary people. a little longer to get used to they/them pronouns but he's TRYING.
he teases Chase for being feminine but in a weird way it's supposed to be gender-affirming? i mean, you don't make fun of girls for being girly, that'd be stupid (<- his thoughts, not mine lmao).
he has autism AND adhd (combined-type). double whammy. his sensory issues & rsd combine to make him kinda irritable/sensitive. he's social but crowds make him nervous, especially from season 3 onward. his special interest/hyperfixation is weird collectible items (an interest he & bree kinda share).
nonbinary. chill with any pronouns but most people default to he/him. doesn't like dresses but does wear skirts on occasion.
pansexual or unlabeled. or possibly aspec? i don't know and neither does he, honestly. he just got here.
soooo adhd it's unreal. combined-type like adam. finally started taking his meds around season 3.
AUTISTIC. it runs in the family.
straight trans guy. kinda homophobic ngl.
also trans (it runs in the family). i fully accept the headcanon that he's adam, bree, & chase's egg donor.
HEAR ME OUT. schizophrenic douglas? schizophrenia is often misdiagnosed with things like autism or npd, since they have a lot of overlap (eccentric ways of thinking, paranoia & trust issues can at times look like grandiosity, etc.). he probably made his own medication since he didn't like the ones his therapist put him on.
sooo bisexual disaster that's where chase gets it from <3
not trans not cisgender but a secret third thing <3
(no seriously. technically he's cis because he was designed to be a guy & he has no desire to be a woman. technically he's trans because robots have no assigned gender & he's a guy. technically he's cis because robots have no assigned gender & he doesn't really view himself as having a gender. technically he's trans because he was designed to be a guy but he wouldnt really mind being a woman. technically--)
i also like the idea of transfem marcus? no real reason it just appeals to me. bree would be so excited to have a sister <3
ace. not aro but he views romance very very differently from most people. he'd only date someone who's really interesting to him. he gets his taste in romantic partner from douglas lmao.
SOOOO NPD & BPD. the constant lying. belief that he's better than everyone else but Not Really. mood swings. tunnel vision. dramatics. black & white thinking. feelings of emptiness. daddy issues. it's all there baby. he also has anxiety but don't bother telling him he'll just deny it lmao.
marcus knows a fair bit of ASL. he became aware of it because someone in drama club is Deaf; he likes how expressionate and to the point the language is.
marcus was originally one of the robots that the davenport brothers built to handle bionics. it's possible that donald helped build him at one point.
when they were building him, douglas went behind donald's back & equipped marcus with all sorts of things, such as a very primitive version of the triton app, mostly serving as a communication channel. that's why his eyes glow green.
(based off of this post) marcus also has a commando app named mike. mike's trigger is marcus' anxiety about not being "human enough", thus why he's just a Normal Guy.
transfem, obviously. major tomboy. actually 15 but looks younger due to the puberty blockers she's on. (her being thirteen fucks up the timeline in my head.)
she was adopted by a lesbian couple but they're. kinda neglectful. scratch that, really neglectful. thus how quick she was to accept douglas as her father.
bree is really excited to have a sister. she ends up mildly disappointed because she wanted to do things like go shopping & to the spa & talk about boys etc etc but danielle's not really into that stuff. luckily they can still bond over pranking adam & chase.
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miffybnuy · 10 months
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i probably will not be finishing this unless i get a random spirt of motivation in the future. for those who dont know, this is my newly designed homestuck (+humanstuck) au based off the movie parasite 2019 that i will NOT shut up abt. information abt the au under the cut (THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR PARASITE)
mainly just going to talk abt the character choices just bc the au follows the same plot as the movie
the kim family (the set of main characters) includes karkat in place of the dad, terezi in place of the mom, vriska in place of the sister and sollux in place of the brother. none of them are related, its more of a tight knit friend group if anything
karkat: i chose karkat for this role as the dad due to the fact that he is known to be the "leader" in most situations, looking out for his friends and has their best interest in mind despite his anger issues and trouble showing it through words and otherwise. his love language is defending his friends at any cost
terezi: terezi in more independent although still looks out for the people she lives with, in this au i wanted her to be a bit more serious and more aggressive, labeling her as more morally grey. she believes the actions portrayed by the mom in the film as morally correct due to the fact that she sees it as a sort of way to get equal ground to those in the higher class. i thought this would be an interesting approach to the whole justice thing, personally. she wants whats best for her and her friends in a more financial state, considering the household of friends are in a state of poverty
vriska: i chose vriska for the role of the sister due to the fact the sister tends to be very easy to trick people for her own benefit, being able to twist lies to benefit her and her friends. she cares the least about the friends she has (although this doesnt mean she doesnt care for them at all), leading her to be more independent as well. vriska is more cold, and more snaky than the other people in the household
sollux: as the brother figure i thought sollux would be the best fit due to the fact that the brother in the film is more so concerned about the rich families daughter (who in this case is aradia. big surprise ik) who he wants to essentially get with. while his wants are a bit more selfish in this case, he figures he can try to make this a better thing for his group of friends rather than just himself considering the situation their household in being put in
the park family (the rich family) has more of a role that i couldnt really pinpoint character wise? some of these can be replaced with other characters, which also goes for the maid and her husband as well. i just chose these characters personally to fit my vision, others are allowed to modify them as you wish!
kanaya + rose: these are the parents, theyre both a married couple and the household is known as the lalonde-maryam residence. kanaya in this au is far more different than the wife from the family, while the wife was more clueless, kanaya is just more trusting. she suspects something is going on but doubts herself in the fact that she thinks shes doing the right thing for her family, ultimately believing the lies of the friend group household. rose is more skeptical as well, usually having kanaya be the one to tell her to not worry as much because kanaya thinks the extra help could benefit their family
the little boy and daughter are replaced with roxy (little boy (girl in this case)) and aradia due to the fact that there... wasnt really anything i could go off of since the characters in the film lack the screentime to really show character development or a major personality. these are essentially just fill in roles and can be changed in the future
the maid and her husband are nepeta and equius (bc i am soooo normal abt them /lie) (these characters can also be changed if wanted)
nepeta: as the maid, nepeta is very sweet and compliant, usually very caring of the family and values the job more than anything due to the fact of her and equius' living situation. she feels bad having to use the rich family for selfish reasons, but ultimately she has to do whats best for her and equius for them to survive and she doesnt want anything coming inbetween them or to take away what they fought to have in the first place
equius: as the husband, he has a sort of unspecified condition or illness that needs treatment and is unable to work and is mostly bedridden. the specifics are unknown as of now. the illness he has causes him to be more aloof although able to defend himself and nepeta. spending so much time in an isolated place also caused him to be more mentally unstable as a result, again, specifics are for the most part unknown
guh thats all i have for rn... i hope this is good just know im making my own shit up and these r not supposed to be lore accurate to the canon personalities they have in homestuck ok bye my hands hurt
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cannibalslut · 25 days
Cannibalism and Kabru? Interesting. I wonder how he would do with such thing, considering that he’s most likely traumatized by seeing people from his home village being devoured by monsters…
Anyways, I wanted to ask this for a while now:
So, what are your ideas for this ship? What is your s/i like? How did she and Kabru meet? What is the dynamic? What role does cannibalism plays? Just, I’m dying to know what is going on.
Fun fact: I myself have been eyeing Kabru before properly watching Dungeon Meshi, suspecting that I might get a crush on him. But then shit happened, and here I am, obsessing over Thistle instead... Kabru is still cool, though. I especially love how the manga shows that him lying to manipulate people has consequences, so now he has to supress his honest emotions and do things he doesn’t want to do. It’s hilarious, I have never seen it done anywhere before.
(By the way, I’ve seen many people joke about being disappointed by Kabru being a man because they though he was a beautiful butch woman. Thoughts on that?)
– villain-in-love
so sorry to say… the cannibalism is mostly symbolic…. 😔 it’s like sentiments of “i want to eat you” and sexual biting and like. heavy cannibalism allusion used in smut. that kind of thing. kabru i think wouldnt be able to stomach survival cannibalism much less pleasure cannibalism like hes not that kind of guy. cath is a different story.
speaking of cath shes my s/i. her name is Catherine Entrailé she’s fantasy french (unfortunately, that was just too good a name…) and she’s a vulture beastman (were-vulture?). she can shift between human and vulture forms and was cursed to be this way (like izutsumi). she needs to turn fully into a vulture every so often or suffers consequences, she disappears from the party for a few days at a time and they notice a vulture following them, etc etc…
i havent decided who cursed her shes still a fledgling character. likewise i dont know how cath and kabru met (shes in his party) and suggestions would be appreciated lol. i am thinking of giving her a dead sister or something as backstory.
also, as backstory, she has past trauma from being poisoned, so she has to know EXACTLY whats in her food at all times. she eats carrion because its one flesh with no extra ingredients. this sets up conflict with senshi bc nooo why are you putting extra things in my food are you going to poison me!! so she’s like izutsumi bc they’re both picky eaters. she and izutsumi would either get along like a house on fire Or become lifelong mortal enemies. also there might be an arc there about growing past it because shes a vulture now and can digest many toxins without being harmed.
i think thats probably all i have for her for right now, hopefully i can come up with more stuff soon~ i know her dynamic with kabru, though. the reason why she’s in the dungeon is because she’s a murderhobo actually. she’s like kabru in that she hates monsters, but she hates Literally Everything Else too and thinks all humans should die. if she doesnt kill things in the dungeon she will start doing it on the surface. kabru is worried by and captivated by her weird psychology. they also hook up before he realizes she’s a beastman bc she keeps it well hidden. after he realizes he fucked a girl thats part monster he gets so upset it gives him cramps. i still dont know how to get over this obstacle lol i do not think kabru wants to be shipped with a demihuman. sucks for him bc im doing it anyway hes my little toy 🤍
other assorted thoughts: cath heavily enables kabru’s desires and they have like hungry hands-everywhere can’t-get-enough-of-your-body-sex, laios is the reason why cath became more comfortable telling people she’s a beastman and existing in an state between human and vulture (kabru wants to kill himself so bad rn), tension between rin and kabru and cath happens where rin absolutely despises cath bc kabru wont give her attention but will give cath attention. cath kind of doesnt care about rin too much bc shes aro/polyam like me. if they one sided hatefuck it will go nuclear and tear the party apart.
anyways to the rest of your ask! yes kabru is such an interesting and unique character! i like how hes shown as sympathetic and with good intentions but has some very worrying traits like what is up with his freaky stare when he straight up executes those guys? and when he attacks falin? and also the way his trauma affects him is pretty well done. sometimes he reminds me of light yagami but better lol. he also does take it upon himself who gets to live and die based on a moral framework of “some humans are irredeemable vermin that must be removed” but he’s actually a likeable character and DOES NOT have a god complex. my poor little fucked up guy im gonna use him
i never thought kabru was a butch woman but sometimes i wish he was 😔 though i’ve been doing surprisingly well with the idea of him as a cis man. it pisses me off a little bit that he and cath are m/f and both cis. at least hes bisexual. usually my s/is are lesbian but i cant do that here lol. ALTHOUGH i was thinking genderfluid or crossdresser kabru maybe inspired by ryuko kui’s r63 art (Manipulative Girlfriend kabru you will always be famous) plus this tweet: https://x.com/bedtimecreature/status/1768118459693682865?t=2IniV5ZjNZ9m-fdhHU-Vcg&s=19 idk he just looks really good here man i love him. (i dont hc him as transmasc tho)
this is getting long lol so i think ill end it here. hey i got it in earlier than “in the next week”! thanks for reminding me i had to write this haha
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
I wish to hear about the knd oc
Give us the lore Silly!!!!
Sososo sorry for taking so long to get to this! Admittedly I was putting this off simply because theres so much lore! I'll be adding a cut to this because with me summarizing stuff, it's still a lot! I'll try to break it up in sections, since there are different.. chapters... for lack of a better word.. this ocs entire life is plotted out! From early childhood to present day when the show takes place! That's a lot of lore considering the character is well into adulthood by the time the main series happens!
Apologies if it's all over the place and some points are.. whack.. this is my first time putting everything into writing! I'll also need to talk about other ocs so this main one can make sense, mostly it'll be talking about their sector, in regards to other ocs! Also its 3am at the time of writing this + my stomach is being MEAN
With all that said, let's hope this doesnt turn into a novel!
Also also** lore may contradict what's in canon, maybe.. I'm not sure! I'm still not done reading the comics and I havent touched anything GKND so I'm unsure if theres any extra info that in unaware of that would complicate things
Feel free to send any questions about the oc!! Lore stuff, interactions with canon characters, ect!
cws: mentions of controlling/toxic parents but i dont go too in depth about it but just know that this is a part of her story. mentions of sexism as well, obligatory its there because "admin uses his ocs to process his experience with his gender as well as being afab and other stuff" but i dont go toooooo deep into it
Name; Rose Wood
Pronouns; she/her
Age; obviously since we're sliding around all over her time line I'll let you know based in the section... but shes in the same age group as Benedict and Monty
Appearance, present day; short, rocking a chubby mom bod! Red hair that's a little faded with a prominent streak of grey. Green eyes. Very curly and fluffy hair! Not sold on a length, but currently it's just last her shoulders! Often wears cardigans or sweaters, though I'm yet to make an "official" outfit for her... her default outfit! Short :( she stopped growing in her early/mid teens height wise, about 5'5
Appearance, KND era; assuming this is in the later half of her time as a KND operative shes tall by kid standards (assuming like. 4'6 is the average for girls as google is telling me). Lanky!! Very long hair, hair is more vibrant but that's really just a design choice rather than an in universe thing. Hair changes length, it starts at mid back but she cuts it to her jaw a few months before shes decommissioned. No default outfit but she swaps between her school uniform and baseball uniform (sports kid before her dad made her stop!!)
Personality; very sweet and kind, patient.. however shes no nonsense, though that develops slowly over time and really roots and shows itself in her young adult years. Lots of internalized feelings, as a child and teen, she feels she had to suck it up and put on a happy face because to do anything else would be "unbecoming", at least according to her parents. As an adult shes oblivious to the whole child vs adult war and doesnt realize how serious it is, shes just vibing
Occupations, past and current; knd operative (decommissioned), teacher (current)
Family; she doesnt talk to her parents all that much however she keeps in touch with her grandfather (very old, think 80s, rose was an oops baby + so was her dad LMAO), and 2 younger sisters. She does have other family members however they're not very fleshed out currently. She does have a son who is a teen by the time the main series takes place! Maybe I'll make a short follow up post on him!
Former Sector teammates, numbers and names; Numbuh 246 (Rose Wood), Numbuh 165 (Jamie Robinson), Numbuh 162 (Kimberly "Kimmy" Wilson), Numbuh 527 ("Sammy" Jones), Numbuh 129 (Davis Peterson) (the leader of the sector)
i'll probably make a separate post for her teammates, this post is already pretty long LMAO
KND days;
she joined within the very early days of the KND, after monty started it. i would go further and say shes a "first generation" knd operative, being there when they fought and overthrew grandfather. she didnt actually join a sector until the last year or two of her time as an operative, working solo prior on missions and helping built up the operation. thanks to her experience, she was sent to go basically work and "pass off her knowledge" before shes decommissioned.
a actually wrote in parallels between her sector and sector v for thematic reasons but i wont get into that here; but if i had to make a comparison shes like the numbuh 5 of the group. fairly level headed and in tune with whats going on as well as being able to step up when it counts to push through on a mission
"if she was sent to basically pass her experience, why wasnt she made the leader?". tight schedule on her part, parents cared a lot about keeping up appearances and they worked rose like a horse by having her sign up to a bunch of extra curriculars + her having her share of chores as well as her parents being strict. she just did not have a lot of time to spare. a lot of her ark is her slowly becoming more and more independent as time passes, but as of now shes pulling herself between being this model student to appease her parents and fighting for the knd's cause. ironic given the whole fighting against adult tyranny thing
there was some friction in the beginning when she first joined the sector, shes the second newest member the newest being 527 (Sammy). a lot of coming from 165 (Jamie), actually throws her failures in her face if they ever fumble a mission because of her whole history. they do eventually become buddies though, but its a slow burn!
she does get what she was sent to do done before she turns 13, her decommissioning is your standard decommissioning albeit with some pizzazz; she was a first gen operative but she was one of the last remaining ones at that time so its like. a whole chapter ending in their history with only a handful of others remaining. she doesnt get to be a secret operative
probably the most underdeveloped part of her story, i mostly focused on her childhood as well as the present day.. so this section and early adulthood is a little under baked. a lot of the themes as before are still here, overbearing and controlling strict parents completely dominate her time so she doesnt have much time to just. be. she does end up reconnecting with some of her old teammates, but theyre all of course decommissioned at this point in time. the only one who is still an operative is sammy, but thats due to them being so young in comparison to the rest of the sector and even then theyre at the end of their time as an operative. due to the whole "operatives arent to mess with the lives of ex operatives" rule thats mentioned, sammy doesnt interact much with rose or the others unless they approach them first.
main thing to note is that rose and davis have a short fling that quickly burns out due to teens being dumb: short explanation davis was insecure and jealous and rose did not want to deal with that on top of everything else going on with her. good for her for looking out for her health
she was not an evil teen, though, far too deep in her studies to really do anything rebellious as well as being afraid of falling behind and disappointing her parents
around this time, not long after her and davis break up her and her family moves out of town
Young adult;
she went NC with her parents not long after she turned 18, moving out soon after. she does keep in touch with her younger siblings, though. the breaking point was really her parents confirming that theyre disappointed with her existence. literally all but saying they wish they had a son instead of a daughter as a first born, lots of old values/views there that finally pushes rose over the edge. noting now that rose did have some feelings about her gender but never really explored it due to feeling the need to conform + this takes place pre 2000s so... but moving forward she does start to embrace herself and slowly take the time to get to know herself now that shes got the time and space to do so. i do like the idea of her experimenting between now and present day, and while she does eventually lean more towards presenting feminine there are instances where shes presenting more masc/feels more masc
while at college she meets someone, obligatory "i havent given him a name yet", they get together. everythings good, they have a kid. they break up. im still cooking up a reasoning for why they split but for now its just "they changed because they got married young, and now theyre older"
Present day;
a few years before the events of the show she moves back to town, i was going to say she moves in during the current events but i decided to be nice and give her a chance to get accustomed to being back in her hometown. i havent decided how it happens but she ends up getting in with the villains but like. not in the way that shes a villain too, in the "shes like the nice lady from down the street who makes some killer brownies so we all vibe with her". kind of just started as a joke that i turned into the canon for her because i can... kind of see that happening... this leads to her meeting benedict, blah blah she vaguely remembers him, they catch up and it leads to them getting together
i actually didnt originally ship them because "ooooooooouuugh father kinda...." actually it was because "the delightfuls need a decent parent figure because GOD!! i love father and my take on him does soften him a bit with time but GOOD LORD" and then it mixed with that and the "ooooooough hes kinda..." LMAO
not much to say other than shes the cool mom at the PTA meetings and just gets along with everyone, probably thinks the delightfuls and sector v are friends. which drives both of them up the wall they HATE it LMAO
Post series finale;
Okay well, that's just a concept. Admittedly I dont know what to do with her after the series finale takes place. Logically one can assume she just continues on with her day to day because shes not really involved in the fight against children, shes quite literally. Vibing and staying in her own lane asides from when she gets dragged into things by the people around her; even then shes still.. oblivious.. not much different than how Monty reacts to the knd stuff, when hes not recommissioned. Simply thinking it's this elaborate game of sorts, ESPECIALLY if she were to get dragged in through the delightfuls (who are. You know, effectively her step children thanks to her relationship with father)
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palestickyprinces · 2 months
on my hands and knees begging for a family tree (or multiple ones!!) for your original hotd/asoiaf characters...
anon your hand in marriage immediately. how did you know about my one true passion. reveal yourself in my dms within three days else you'll start to cough
some of these are way more in depth because i. well. i only just made some (cough the tullys and martells cough) while others i worked for a day or two on. the targaryen ones look weird bc this site doesnt like incest (or even when two siblings marry another set of siblings). i will put it under a read more lest it take 5 days to scroll past
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me looking at anon
we're just gonna go in order of how i have them saved el oh el. also i was gonna link the trees but then realized anyone can edit them and i dont trust people not to fuck up my hard work so now you have to suffer my shitty screenshots. sorry
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Maryce Redwyne
(ignore the fact it links to aemond, its just how the site works) now this one is a little weird bc i never fully committed to when it takes place in her canon so some people are dead who shouldnt be some people arent dead who should be etc... also daeron doesn't exist here cuz uhhh. well. i just never put him in.
this verse is also the ones my ocs vaerra targaryen and alyssa targaryen (of pentos), but i ended up removing them since its really maryce's story and i didnt want to include them for like two appearances worth of time
you may notice she has a child who's formerly gone entirely unmentioned...
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Lorea Baratheon
this one is straightforward its just the canon family tree plus lorea. i have various other ocs and possible cousins in mind for her story but i dont think any are included in this. however i did go insane adding practically the entire lannister and baratheon/targaryen family trees theres like 60+ people in this one
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House Errol
never mentioned these guys (because i forgot they existed) but theyre fairly important players in lorea's story, she runs into the kingswood after (spoiler!) her mom tries to 🗡 her and ends up at haystack hall. sebastion ends up agreeing to let her stay, then as the war continues is the one to push her to claim the throne. totally not because he wants to be her hand and marry his son to her. who would ever do that.
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House Mallister
theres a couple more piper cousins/siblings in law on the other side lyman but thats fine. lyman has a wife named lynette swann and i never decided if his name would remain lyman. also i forgot to ever name one of elinor's brothers in law oops
after the hashtag scandal of elinor having a bastard baby her mom gets her brother lucas to marry his son to elinor and elinor is shipped off to pinkmaiden forever. sad!
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Ellyn Hightower + Daemion & Alyssa
considering daemion didnt even have his own tag until like yesterday i dont think i ever shared that he's criston's son so. spoiler! theres nothing like giving your affair baby nearly the same name as your husband ❤️ also daeron is again not here. sorry. would be funny to include him just for the sake of the recent headcanons about criston being his daddy tho. when ur cousin is also ur brother and its not even from the incest side of the family
(im not actually doing that. daeron will probably just not be included. unless i really like him when s3 comes out in a decade)
all the stuff to the side is just canon targ bullshit i added
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House Tully
these crop weird on tumblr oops. click on em to see it better. i made alys larys's sister bc i just thought being tortured by ur sister in law is funnier than aunt etc. i considered naming zoe and elmo's dad ernie
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House Martell
alia and aelyx are twins <3 i did not add all of daeron's various descendants or ancestors because frankly theres kind of a lot of them and again this site hates incest and it starts looking funny real quick. given more time i mightve added them and the great bastards and all but this is what you get for now
maron said their first kid could have a targy name since they'd be a martell either way so daenerys insisted he give the second one a dornish name and then with the twins they just followed their previous pattern of girl gets dornish boy gets targy. these guys are arguably the happiest family of ocs i got
maron had a paramour before wedding daenerys and he sent her away before the marriage because he knew daenerys would take offense to it, and he didn't want to risk the still fairly new targ-martell alliance, or risk angering daeron, which could theoretically pose a risk to maron's own sister. the family's one real conflict is that the paramour has a son who later shows up claiming he's maron's REAL oldest child and that aeron is actually a blackfyre. thankfully the dornish are not stupid and basically just go ????? before kicking the kid out. well actually a lot more happens than just that but yk how it is. that plotline is also only barely existant. i havent even read a knight of the seven kingdoms yet
if you actually read all this then YAYYYYY come be my friend pls. or just send me more asks about my ocs. i love answering questions and talking for way too long i NEED more asks
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