#admins oc posting
the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
basic summary because I'm too eepy and I'm still in my "I'm not used to publically talking about my cringe self indulgent ocs"
Rose (oc) and Davis (another oc, need to make my own post for him and other ocs tied in with Rose's lore). Dating, high schoolers. Prom. Rose goes to Davis' school prom, skipping the one at her school. Benedict and davis go to the same school so they're there, ben doesn't come into play until later. Davis ditches rose to go hang out with others, he subtly flirts with another girl while rose is nearby
Car ride home is TENSE. Rose offers to drive ben home because his dad isnt picking up. His presence makes things tenser. Benedict just awkwardly sitting in the backseat while this couple fights
Does NOT know what to say
Davis gets dropped off, rose tries to break the tension with small talk
Short one night friendship that probably would've lasted longer if rose wasnt already making preparations to move out of town with her family
Tldr; Benedict played witness to the beginnings of a breakup after getting a ride home, petty high school drama that doesnt really have anything to do with him, rather its the seeds for rose to start growing a spine and not taking shit being planted. Because rest assured she DOES go on to set hard boundaries for her st the time bf and my future partners
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druidshollow · 2 months
cloud finds themself on a smoke break with rivers' new admin
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ellovett · 2 months
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🦇 finally posting my farmer oc: lucifer!!! heres his profile + his seasonal outfits :3 theres more info on him below the cut.
1. He gets horrified when u give him bat wings because it reminds him of his newly fallen brethren ..💔 like..those wings belonged to his 4th cousin on his grandmas side! ..or so he thinks.
2. while he is a blood-sucking beast, he decides to cut back on all the blood eating considering he wants to fit in with the humans, a good alternative for blood is: fruit! he likes blackberries in particular, bug meat is also a good option if hes feeling *really* peckish for blood.
3. speaking of feeling peckish for blood, i like to think he and elliot are that one vampire romance trope where the human is like "its okay 🥺 u can feed on me" and the vampires like "noooo bae i dont wanna hurt u 🥺" theyre corny and poetic its stoopid
4. breaking a stereotype here but lucifer isnt all that affected by the sun, he doesnt burn into ashes when in contact with sunlight (what he DOES get though, is a rash)
5. lucifer had such a dorky schoolboy crush on elliott it was actually insane my guy was ENAMOURED and ENTRANCED and ENSNARED by this man. courting techniques consisted of VERY intense eye contact and obscure gifts that elliott somehow found endearing. lucifer came off rather strongly to elliott at first (mainly cos lucifer has not a clue how to be a proper human) but he learns eventually!! N its the effort that reels elliott into knowing what was this vampires deal
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6. And also, i imagine lucifer being a vampire brought him a lot of intrigue, esp from elliott, i feel like in their pining stages elliott would some times dabble into writing gothic literature when he feels uninspired from his novel with lucifer as his main muse (which he was ALREADY dedicating to lucifer anyway)
7. doesnt enjoy the beach because the sand is inconvenient for him, but goes regularly js to see elliott and chat w him, and if hes lucky, he'll hear elliott playing his piano. on those days he leaves the beach with a beautiful tune to hum with as he feeds his animals.
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faerieostara · 7 months
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Here's my toontown oc art. I'll probably go into more detail with some of the characters in a later post but for now I'm just going to post the art.
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leavingautumn13 · 9 months
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redesigns of main characters + their starters for a pokemon emerald fic i'm performing necromancy on
[i have commissions open now]
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amourninghost · 6 days
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Working on refs for art fight! Here's my irken OCs Vell and Go! They're coworkers of my partner's fancy table drone, Pilk.
(you can find my artfight page here, i've been trying to follow back anyone i recognise!)
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askthekoopsandjr · 27 days
Updated Suzie ref! :3
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random-meme-bot · 4 months
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Bottom Screen full Scroll:
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It includes:
Looping music (End of the Summer-Sonic Runners)
Custom Sound Effects
Looping bottom screen art
And art from the IDW Comics for both top and bottom screens.
I've only tested it with "Anemone Theme player", don't know if it will work on other hombrew theme apps.
Link to the Theme Plaza page:
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I'm new to the community, it's nice to meet you :) Can I ask, very politely, for Wump prompts based around a brother and sister in a post apocalyptic labor camp (based of of my ocs. I'm sorry if this is rude, I'm bad at social skills)
not rude at all, love. nice to meet you too! apologize for the wait. I hope you’ll find some of these prompts useful.
the siblings struggle to find food and water as their situation forces them to keep moving from place to place, for safety reasons.
the older sibling gives their own food to the younger one and insists the younger one has it by saying that they’re not hungry anyway, which is a lie, but the older one wants to make sure their younger sibling isn’t starving.
maybe one of them suffers from PTSD and often has nightmares, thus the other has to be strong for them, even though they’re traumatized too.
could diseases be at play also? some outbreaks maybe. another challenge for them to survive.
how hostile are the people around them? are they friendly or are they a threat?
if one of the siblings fell sick, or is injured, and is unable to work for their master, the other has to work twice as much to make up for their sibling, so that they can keep staying in the camp, otherwise they’ll get kicked out and it’s nothing but danger lurking in every corner outside of the camp.
but no matter what, they’ll never leave the other behind. if one of them is being exiled from the camp, the other will go with them.
or maybe they realize the camp is just as dangerous as the Outside is, if not more, and they should escape together.
throw in some angst where the siblings are somehow separated, and they don’t know where the other is or if they’re still alive at all.
how emotional will their reunion be? will they reunite unharmed?
them staying as quiet as possible at their hiding spot, with their hands over their mouths, in order to hide from the predator that’s been hunting them down.
or some fluff? them cuddling together at night and sharing a thin blanket to keep the cold away.
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sammydem0n64 · 3 months
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slavhew · 5 months
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massposting some doodles done between Suffering
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the-s1lly-corner · 27 days
I promise I'm not gonna make it a habit to post art in a writing blog buuuuuuuut WOE PONIES UPON THEE
I had loads of fun working on this!!! Gave me an excuse to do colored line art!! Woo yeah woo yeah baby!! Arnie (pegasus) belongs to @rejaytionships !! Rose (unicorn) belongs to me!! Complementary pony father to fill space!! Woo yeah woo yeah!! So happy with the end result ponies are so fun to doodle
Two versions, one with my usual filter and the other without!!
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lottie-dottie-gal · 1 month
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H-O-T-T-O-G-O !!
you can take me hot to go!!!
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Lottie Vanido (OC) spooky month blog! Since she’s most rped character :3
Roys older sister and the vanidos family first child!
17 years old and a unique character, an official glam girl (her friend group) and a granddaughter to the local hermit (don’t tell her parents)
Have fun, don’t be a douche, nsfw jokes and innuendos fine but don’t be serious/don’t be a creep!
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Various Lottie Thoughts
Lottie Facts
Lottie art dump
Lottie inspired characters pt 1
Lottie inspired characters pt 2
Lotties voice claim
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ellovett · 1 year
🐈‍⬛ | The covers for A Man and His Cat sure look a bit different today huh..
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had to draw the cat grampas!! mozus and andré my worlds ❤️‍🔥 they deserve all the kitties
🍷 Rbs>likes, og versions under the cut + a doodle of André's cats!!
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faerieostara · 1 year
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I apologize for this being extremely self-indulgent. I had some dumb scenario in my head of my toon and Holly playing Monster Hunter World. I feel she would definitely main a great sword, lance, or sword & shield.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
This post is tagged with some of the tags listed for easy navigation.
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Character Tags: I tag every post with character tags that are formatted like this: #obey me [character name] example: #obey me barbatos
OC/MC Tags: I tag every post that's about my OCs with the following format: #misc oc [character name] example: #misc oc arsenios The only exception is my MC, whose tag is #misc mc ciaran.
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General Tags: ❖ self reblog: I put this tag on everything I reblog from myself ❖ icymi: for things I'm reblogging from myself for time zone reasons ❖ cc mutuals: the tag that I put on ask answers from my mutuals ❖ anon asks: the tag for anons without a sign off ❖ [username]: for asks that are off anon ❖ [anon sign off]: for asks from anons with a sign off ❖request: the tag for requests
Misc Tags: ❖ misc writes: all the writing ❖ misc admin: just a tag for my masterlist/about posts ❖ misc naughty times: anything slightly suggestive or nsfw ❖ misc rambles: whenever I just talk about stuff ❖ misc answers: the tag on all my answered ask posts ❖ misc lesson recap: every lesson breakdown post ❖ misc writing update: when I write little status updates about what I'm currently working on ❖ misc queues: all the posts I queue - if this tag is on a post it means I queued it up at some point so I might not be actively online when it posts ❖ misc scenario: short quote/script format posts
Super Secret Tags: ❖ nonsense posting: when the thing I'm posting seems especially ridiculous to me ❖ late night nonsense posting: my super secret nonsense tag that I add to things that I post after 12 am my time - peruse at your discretion (much worse than regular nonsense posting) ❖ midday nonsense posting: my even more secret & quite rare nonsense tag for things I post during work hours - usually while waiting for zoom meetings or if I can't get something off my mind
Obey Me Specific Tags: ❖ obey me game play: any and all Obey Me tutorials/explanations/references on things game play specific ❖ obey me mc: any and all MCs (except mine, but including canon) ❖ obey me oc: any and all OCs (except mine)
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As always, I love you & thank you for reading!
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