#and pip means a seed
anachronic-cobra · 7 months
Me: I'm writing this fanfiction because I haven't seen enough what-if canon divergence fics in Hazbin Hotel
Me, internally: I'm writing this because pippin is an adorable nickname from Lucifer for Charlie and I have to see it used
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hayatheauthor · 1 year
How To Get Away With Murder Part Two: Writing Murder Mysteries
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Murder mysteries are possibly one of the most complicated genres in fiction. Unlike other genres, authors need to create a very comprehensive backstory and worldbuilding that seamlessly ties into the present story while also creating intriguing characters that move the plot forward. As an author, you need to weave a complex web of clues, red herrings, and twists that ultimately lead to the big reveal, all while maintaining the integrity of the story.
Writing a good murder mystery is a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, you can create a gripping tale that keeps your readers on the edge of their seats. In this blog post, I'll be sharing my personal tips and insights on how to craft a compelling murder mystery that will leave your readers guessing until the very end.
Establish The Rules 
Before you jump into your murder mystery it’s important to first set the scene and establish the ‘rules’ for your murder mystery. Your readers need to know what’s at stake here. Who was murdered? What is the most likely reason for their murder? Why is this particular character investigating their murder? You need to set up a clear foundation for your story. 
Authors should also attempt to establish some semblance of a ‘stage’ for where the story will take place. If a character was murdered in their hotel room the hotel itself would likely be the ‘stage’ for your book’s murder mystery. This is where the detective will live and uncover clues until the end of the book. 
Once you have a clear story and setting, move on to the characters and their role in the murder. Who is the investigative figure? Do they have to face any obstacles or follow certain rules while investigating? A great example of this would be Pip’s legal restrictions in A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder. Her position as a teenager significantly limited her investigative methods. 
Plant The Seeds 
Foreshadowing is the key to a good murder mystery. You need to start foreshadowing as soon as possible. As a writer, you need to plant subtle clues throughout your narrative that will keep your readers engaged and guessing.
But it's important to strike a balance between too much foreshadowing, which can make the plot predictable, and too little, which can make the conclusion feel like it came out of nowhere. Start foreshadowing early on in your story, and use a mix of subtle hints and more overt clues to keep your readers engaged without giving away the ending. Remember, the best foreshadowing is often invisible until the reader looks back on the story as a whole.
The Repitition Rule 
Writers are often advised to repeat foreshadowing at least three times to help readers remember it. While this can be a helpful guideline, it's important to use your own judgment and avoid overdoing it. After all, if you repeat the same clues too often, you risk telegraphing the ending and ruining the suspense. 
Instead, aim for a mix of subtle and overt foreshadowing that will keep readers engaged without giving too much away. Remember, the goal is to keep readers guessing until the very end.
Misdirect The Reader 
In order to keep readers engaged and invested in the mystery, it's important to misdirect them from time to time. This means leading them down one path only to reveal that it was a dead end, or presenting a red herring that turns out to be unrelated to the actual crime. 
There are many ways to accomplish this, from introducing false suspects and motives to using clever misdirection to steer readers away from the truth. One effective technique is to present conflicting evidence that suggests multiple possible solutions, forcing readers to constantly reassess their theories and stay engaged with the story. 
However, it's important to avoid overdoing it or making the misdirection too obvious. You want readers to feel challenged and intrigued, not frustrated or misled. Ultimately, the goal is to keep readers guessing until the very end, when all is revealed and the pieces fall into place.
Add Depth To Your Characters 
Developing your characters is crucial in murder mysteries. Not only does it make them more interesting and relatable, but it also helps to create a sense of connection and investment in the story. Make sure each character, even minor ones, have a distinct personality and backstory that ties into the plot.
When it comes to suspects, be sure to give each one a clear motive and opportunity to commit the crime. Think about their relationships with the victim and other characters, and how those dynamics could have played a role in the murder. Consider adding red herrings, false leads, and hidden secrets to make the investigation more complex and engaging.
Adding depth to your characters also helps create an emotional connection. This is especially important for the victim, you need to show your readers why they should care about this character’s death. 
In A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder everyone’s illtreatment towards Sal’s family made the readers empathetic and had us rooting for Pip. It is important to establish some semblance of this empathy, or any other emotion such as anger, for your victims. 
Use The Setting To Your Advantage 
In a murder mystery, the setting can play a crucial role in providing clues and red herrings. Think about the location where the murder took place, and how it could provide hints about the killer's identity or motives. Perhaps there's a hidden object or a peculiar feature of the setting that only the killer would know about. 
On the other hand, you can also use the setting to throw off the reader's suspicion, by including false clues or misdirections. For example, a character may have a motive to commit the murder in a particular location, but it turns out that they were actually somewhere else at the time. Overall, the setting is a powerful tool that can enhance the suspense and intrigue of a murder mystery, so make sure to use it to your advantage.
In addition to using the setting to provide clues and red herrings, it's also important to use it to create a mood and atmosphere that supports the murder mystery genre. Consider using a dark and moody setting, like a creepy old mansion or a foggy alleyway, to create tension and suspense. 
You can also use the setting to create obstacles for your characters to overcome, like a hidden trapdoor. By making the setting a key part of your story, you can enhance the overall experience for your readers and make your murder mystery even more memorable.
Tie Up Loose Ends 
Tying up loose ends is an essential part of writing a murder mystery. The reader expects a satisfying conclusion, and that can only happen when all loose ends are resolved. It's important to address any unanswered questions and resolve any plot holes.
Plot holes can be frustrating for readers and can ruin the entire reading experience. As a writer, it's your responsibility to make sure that there are no unresolved issues in your story. If there are any inconsistencies or plot holes, they need to be addressed and resolved.
To ensure that all loose ends are tied up, it's helpful to create a list of all the questions that need to be answered by the end of the story. Go through your manuscript multiple times, checking to make sure that each question is answered and that all loose ends are resolved.
By taking the time to tie up loose ends and address any plot holes, you can create a satisfying conclusion that will leave your readers feeling impressed with your attention to detail.
Practice Makes Perfect 
To write a good murder mystery, you need to practice. Writing a successful mystery requires a skill and experience, and you can't expect to get it right the first time. Practice by reading other murder mysteries and taking note of how other authors structure their stories, how they use clues and foreshadowing, and how they misdirect the reader.
When you're writing your own murder mystery, don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's common for writers to encounter plot holes or inconsistencies in their story. The important thing is to recognize these mistakes and fix them as soon as possible. One way to do this is to get feedback from other writers or beta readers.
Remember, the more you practice, the better you'll become. Don't get discouraged if your first attempts aren't perfect. Keep writing, keep learning, and keep honing your craft. Eventually, you'll be able to write a murder mystery that will keep your readers guessing until the very end.
I hope this blog on how to get away with murder and write a murder mystery will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and marketing tools for authors every Monday and Thursday
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cloudydayjoy · 1 year
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Pip ⦵ (PMD Explorers Hero) | (Partner)
Bold, blunt, impulsive, and extremely emotional
Seems to be an adolescent based on Chatot's estimation
Autistic, bipolar (not BPD), ADHD
Short term memory issues from the brain damage that gave them amnesia
Often relies on their partner's habit of taking extensive notes
Loves showing off their knowledge
It– like their common sense– is primarily from what they learned in the future.
They know more about legends than Chatot and can identify almost any Pokemon, especially rare ones.
But basic facts about the world are patently wrong.
Friendly and chatty.
Yet surprisingly cautious of strangers.
Ever since they met Drowzee they always insist on shaking hands.
Duskinor refusing didn't help with the bad feeling they got from him. Yet they tried to ignore it and trust their partner's judgement.
Well-meaning, strange morality.
Dark humor
Never throws out items
Gets extremely upset if someone throws out food. Will even eat hazardous seeds and grimey food so they aren't "wasted."
They were malnourished when they washed up on the beach.
Small for their age because food was scarce in the future
They kept overeating when they first came to the guild.
Now their appetite has stabilized and they're happily fat.
Loves learning to cook from Chimecho.
Grovyle's younger sibling
Was his last remaining family
They turned into a Piplup because their mom (Empoleon) always dressed them as one to avoid Dialga's detection.
They "evolved" by switching to a Prinplup disguise shortly before travelling back to the past.
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laski-and-sage · 1 year
Pip: Blowing a dandelion is basicall you helping a weed to ejaculate
Alucard: I was having a good day... We were ALL having a good day!
TJ: I mean it's kinda not, seeds aren't analogous to sperm. Hell, pollen isn't analogous to sperm! Plants don't do dimorphic gametes like that. A better analogy would be firing a couple dozen fully-formed babys from a t-shirt canon. Just like... fyi...
Integra: Now we're having a good day again!
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creekfiend · 2 years
you were also my first encounter with personal it pronoun usage and that association with 'oh, kinda like pip, who puts words to things in ways that stretch my brain in a good way' and your talking about your why of doing so helped me be a better educator when I then encountered a kid who was just figuring out the whole 'you mean i've got options?' thing and settled on 'it' but wasn't quite able to articulate why when another teacher (through their own well-meaning ignorance) made vague 'but... objectification' noises and i had the ability to say 'well, some people view it this way... and it doesn't need to articulate a reason beyond 'i like this' anyway'
...it also planted the seed for me to use it myself
Aaaaaaa 💜💜💜💜🥺
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writingforfishes · 9 days
*creaks door open just enough to show a raised eyebrow*
i dont have much of a reason for re-reading the first hiatus story other than remembering some dialogue that i wanted to look at again (and then rediscovering "what?? i can cook eggs..." 😭😭) but uh i re-read that and
not asking for a full explanation or what exactly the poem even said
but atticus wrote and published a poem. discussing pomegranates. and it was aBOUT THEIR JUNK?????????
idt i wanna know a lot abt that but. what the hell does that mean. w hat. what does it mean. how did they connect those two things. is that like a fuckin greek pantheon's kore/persephone reference or somethin. what
I've actually been meaning to explore and write that poem.
I figure it has something to do with experiments in satiating arousal as well as the discoveries of how to do it after bottom growth.
I've always found pomegranates fascinating in how they open and what the pips (seeds) look like.
There is an unexpectedness in a pomegranate compared to other fruits whose seeds are only to be discarded while pomegranate seeds are meant to be consumed.
Anyway, I won't be specific about genital similarities from my perspective because of possible discomfort it might inspire, but I have my thoughts about it.
And, no, it's not something from mythology because I'm definitely not that smart.
I think maybe it would be something like:
People like to talk about forbidden fruit. They say it's the apple from the garden of Eden. Scholars say it's a fig from the same tree. I say it's the pomegranate. Beneath its tough skin it hides Fleshy red pearls Each a seed A potential at life, wrapped In succulent red flesh. I spent most of my life not knowing How to open a pomegranate. When I did, I realized I didn't know What to do with what I had Found. I was shockingly impassive to The texture and the Taste. Was I doing it wrong? Was my pomegranate inherently Bad? I ignored the pomegranate For a long time after that. I pretended it didn't exist. I pretended I wasn't jealous when Everyone else was enjoying their Pomegranates, lauding the fruit for its Luscious and satisfying nature. It took too long to Realize I needed to wait For the pomegranate to Ripen. I was Impatient and, thus, The pips were tasteless, Acidic, and abrasive. I let it grow inside its rind. I gave it time and Paid it gentle attention Until both it and I Were ready. When I cracked it open this time It shown like rubies and I Gasped with the flavor and gulped The juice the pips provided as if they Were life, themselves. I finally understood why Eve Felt such elation at seizing the temptation and Why she needed to show Adam her discovery. What sort of deity keeps this sort of pleasure At the periphery of their most beloved of creations And forbids them from imbibing? The humble pomegranate asks nothing but To be cherished and attended to, Opened and consumed, Appreciated and cared for. If that is not the most holy of expressions, I don't know what is.
Writing a poem on the spot for your ask, worm. Atticus' was, no doubt, much better (at least the final draft).
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reluctantjoe · 2 months
Emma Myers dishes on A Good Girl's Guide to Murder's big reveals
The Wednesday star speaks to Yahoo UK about playing Pip Fitz-Amobi
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Pip launches her own investigation into the disappearance and apparent death of Andie Bell to prove that her boyfriend Sal Singh —who confessed and died by suicide— was not involved, and unravels many of her town's dark secrets as a result. The places that the show goes to will not be what you expect, and Pip star Emma Myers tells Yahoo UK of how much she enjoyed the plot twists in the series, as well as her thoughts on whodunnit.
"I have never played a character like Pip before and so I just instantly fell in love with her," Myers says of the show. "It was very daunting playing a character that people love so much already, you don't want to get it wrong, you want to do the book right."
Pip's challenge to Max
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The biggest reveal from the series, which is the same as the books, is who was involved in Andie's demise: Max Hastings (Henry Ashton), Elliot Ward (Mathew Baynton) and Becca Bell (Carla Woodcock).
Each played an integral role in the events leading up to Andie's death; Max purchasing Rohypnol from Andie meant he drugged and raped Andie's sister Becca, who was so distraught when her sister didn't seem to care about the assault that she pushed her during the confrontation. This exacerbated the injury she got whilst arguing with Elliot, a teacher at her school with whom she was having an affair.
It all begins with Max, and as his crimes are not limited to his assault of Becca Pip vows to take down in the finale. Myers says that she enjoyed working with Ashton the most of her co-stars, despite the dark paths their characters are forced down on screen.
"Honestly, the things that I shoot with Henry were some of the most fun because he is the sweetest guy ever I kid you not, he is so not like Max but it's so scary to watch him because it comes out of nowhere," Myers admits.
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"He's a lovely guy, I had fun with him every time. It's always fun doing this baddie-goodie dynamic, he's just the pure evil of the show. But it was really fun, we had a lot of fun and he's a sweet guy, really good at what he does."
She adds: "I hope that if we continue on this show that we get some more scenes together because honestly those were, I think, the highlights of the show when you watch them."
Reflecting on Pip and Max's future clash, should the show be renewed, Myers adds: "He needs to be stopped and she's going to be the one to do it. So I'm really excited, if we get to continue, to go head to head with him more."
Elliot Ward's warning for Pip
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There is also a similar encounter between Pip and Elliot, who is revealed to have kidnapped a young woman after mistaking her for Andie and then kept her locked up in an attic for five years. After he is arrested, Pip goes to see him in police custody and the pair share an emotionally-charged scene about what it means to be a good person.
Myers reveals that while she was not meant to cry during the scene she was moved to tears time and again because of Baynton's depiction of Elliot: "Anytime I filmed a scene with Mathew that was confrontational I wasn't supposed to be crying but I always ended up crying anyways.
"It's just because he's so good at portraying that, like he says in the show: 'everybody has a little dark seed inside of them'. He portrays that so well and he really puts it into place, I mean if you've read the books it's foreshadowing a little bit and I think it sets up [things well] for future seasons.
"That's a good thing to have in the back of your mind, like 'oh, that's what he's saying', so don't forget that. Those things are very integral to setting up future plot lines."
Reflecting on the Ghosts actor's performance in general, she adds: "The scenes we did together, especially when he's in the police station, were so good, he's so talented and also he's so funny and personable.
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"He definitely portrays Elliot so well, he's got that pathetic vibe to him. He's just amazing to watch, he's so talented and he's been doing this for a very long time, so he's a great person to learn from. I think he's really good at playing that charismatic person that you wouldn't expect to have anything [he's] hiding."
What Myers did appreciate though was the way that the narrative examined the subject of violence against women without "glorifying" it: "I think the TV show definitely draws light to the subject, because it's still sort of an uncomfortable thing for people to talk about but I think the show does it in a good way where it makes people aware that this is an issue.
"A lot of things media struggles with glorifying violence against women, but I think this show did a really good job of highlighting the issue without glorifying it."
The Wednesday star went on: "We had intimacy coordinators on set anytime we had a scene that had any sort of content like that. But we're all people working on this, we all understand the gravity of these topics and these situations.
"We don't want to ever make light or make fun of it, so everybody is very sensible and very mindful of it. We all were just looking out for each other to make sure we all felt safe with what was going on. But we never ran into any issues with it because we understand that this stuff happens in real life, it's not just fictional."
Foreshadowing future seasons
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Myers also weighs in on the clues and Easter eggs that foreshadow Jackson's future books, and set the stage for the series if it is renewed. One nod is the name drop of the Duct Tape Killer, or DTK, who Pip investigates in the third novel As Good As Dead.
"I was honestly excited to see what they would do because I wanted a mention of the killer anywhere," Myers reveals. "I don't want to spoil anything obviously if people haven't read the books, but man I was so happy when I saw that they gave Jude [Morgan-Collie] that line.
"All of us were were like, 'oh, we're going to talk about it. We're going to talk about it'. But I think it was a good idea to put that in there because obviously people will point to Easter eggs and will get excited about them for future each seasons, if we do them."
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Even if the series sets the stage for the third novel more so than the second book, Good Girl, Gone Bad, Myers reassures viewers that this doesn't mean the show won't adapt it: "I don't think any of us, if we were to do future seasons, expect to skip the second book.
"I think it's integral as well, and just because there aren't any references to it in season one, doesn't mean that we're going to skip it. I would definitely like to see that one adapted first before we do As Good As Dead because it's just as important to the rest of the story as As Good As Dead."
The hope, Myers reveals, is that the show continues to do well on BBC and on Netflix in the US that she and the cast can return to the characters. If they were to get the chance, the actor already knows what she's looking forward to most: "I’d love to see [Pip's] downfall, I just want us to adapt the rest of the books. I hate stories that are unfinished so I hope that we will be able to see it through to the end."
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funnywormz · 2 years
idk who first came up with the idea of caleb using "pip" as a nickname for philip but it is So Fucking Good i have fully adopted it into my headcanon. it's a rlly cute nickname for someone who turns out so horrible and i appreciate that juxtaposition lol
there's also a lot of metaphorical potential in there, with "pip" meaning "seed"........ like caleb coming up with it as a nickname for philip when he was still a little child who hadn't realised his potential yet or who he was, like a seed yet to germinate.......... but also it fits with the common metaphor of "bad seed", the fact that philip and caleb were brothers but they turned out to be such different people.......... it's also heartbreaking in the aspect that it's such a sweet and loving name, symbolising caleb's love for philip as his little brother.......... and we all know what philip ended up doing to caleb................
idk it's just such a galaxy brained nickname for him, big props to whoever first used it for him
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blubushie · 1 year
woww they look like theyre actually the source material for the scugs¹ 🥺 that is AMAZING
slugcats are, mostly, omnivorous! Saint is an exception
while they are omnivores, they have their preferences or more efficient food options - for example, it's much more efficient for Hunter or Artificer to eat meat, while Survivor or Rivulet can't eat big creatures at all
here's the more common foods:
Batflies - think a bat as an insect! 🦇 they fly around and take a moment to catch, but there's mostly consistent spawning points with them, so they're pretty reliable
Blue Fruit - not actually fruit, but pupae! not sure what insect they belong to, but they're a good food for almost every slugcat. except Spearmaster he can't eat them
Eggbug eggs - they're bugs that keep their eggs on their back! as a last effort attempt to save the eggs, when they die the eggs pop off of them. sadly it just makes it easier for slugcats to collect and eat them
Popcorn plant - BELOVED!!! put a spear into this plant, crack it open and receive infinite food! all slugcats get a full food pip from one popcorn plant seed, so that means all of them like poppycorn!!
4/4 from here will just.elaborate on curiosities!
- the infodumping 🧀 anon
I'm digging this. Tell me more, cheeseanon!
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harpygon · 2 years
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#it’s silly but i don‘t want to because then my father can see that i watched it because of the sky receiver and i watch the show on sky go
My Top Posts in 2022:
I like to believe that Pixandria has a Base 12 number system.
For those who don't know, a Base 12 number system means that you have twelve numbers before the numbers become two digits long.
I got the idea because of Pixl' s candle monument. Because after twelve candles he puts a lantern.
So maybe, the citizens of Pixandria have a Base 12 number system. Before they started to become more exposed to common (which has a regular Base 10 number system) they used it exclusively, both for their official trading and their personal matters but now it's mostly used for tradition/religion related stuff.
Like mourning candles...
76 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Honey always held a certain importance for Pixandria.
It‘s non perishable. It can be stored for as long as need be, meaning that when the droughts ruined this seasons crop, or when sand storms interfered with any plans to go fishing, they at least had something to keep them from starving. A little sweetness to help in their ruin.
If your live wasn‘t currently intercepted by natural disaster, having honey meant that you could bake honey cakes. Soft, dense, sweet cakes that filled you up enough to go on with your day. Everyone has their own „special“ recipes. Some add Poppy Seeds, others the sweet flesh of a cactus fruit, but the base recipe barely changes from household to household. It‘s the most eaten treat they have. It‘s their national dish and the Pixandrians hold pride in it. Because it shows how they have made something out of nothing, how they have made the uninhabitable dessert their home and the sickenly sweet honey and boring bread into an amazing sweet.
Of course, the honey itself made a great sweet if eaten with fruit or cooked down to candy. These sweets had none of the balance of their honey cakes, but they were sweet and both young and old enjoyed it.
Honey was synonymous with safety, with community and pride and the citizens of Pixandria cherished it.
82 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Also reminder for the first time watchers: Take the trigger warnings for the inbetween cut scenes (if there are some) serious. It's not a joke.
Look after yourself. It's okay to stop watching, you will be able to find multiple recaps of the events on Twitter.
182 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
Wake up babe, new Empires lore just dropped. There is a demon school system. and Scott didn‘t come to Xornoth‘s graduation apparently.
193 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Soon, Tommy will write a cover of „Jubilee line“ in which he just describes all the illnesses he has gotten while living in Brighton. But instead of sad, its going to be hyper-pop.
823 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rescue-ram · 2 years
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#sorry for reblogging rather than replying but im still in tumblr timeout for sending too many dms last month and cant reply/send messages
My Top Posts in 2022:
Name Meanings in Severance
Some of these are obvious, but I love name meanings and similar so posting for posterity...
Kier means dark and Eagan means fire, so if you were unsure if he was literally Satan before, be certain.
On a similar note, Lumon means light, Helena means shining light, and Lucifer means 'lightbearer'. On a related but hopefully less Luciferian note, Eleanor, the name of Devon's baby, is a variant form of Helena. Helly's (fake?) last name of Riggs evokes a "rigged system" or game to me.
Mark is named more for the sense of being the "target" of a scam or con, and his last name Scout is obviously evocative of investigation. I think his sister Devon was named more for the unisex tomboyish vibes then any deep meaning. Same with Ricken- his name has that too special/slightly fake quality that suits his vibes, though Hale can mean both "healthy" or "hollow".
Dylan and Irving were probably named more for vibes than meaning as well- Dylan has a very youthful vibe, especially when contrasted with an old fashioned name like Irving. But they do have interesting contrasts in their name meanings- Dylan relates to the Welsh god of the sea (hunting eels anyone?) while Irving means fresh water. Their last names, George and Bailiff, don't seem to have any special significance, meaning farmer and, well, bailiff/officer/manager.
Burt is another light themed name, meaning bright. His last name, Goodman, has an obvious meaning.
Harmony has an obvious meaning, that in context evokes balancing the four humors in the Kier cult. Cobel, meaning rock or famous, sounds very similar to the mythical creature called a kobold or kobalos, which is a sort of hobgoblin or household spirit with an ambivalent nature. Her fake last name of Selvig means seal-cove and evokes selkies, shapeshifting seals who can remove their skin to appear as a woman and marry.
I think Milchick is another vibe name. It just sounds like a substitute teacher or something. It means milk. Same with Graner- the name just sounds kind of scary.
Peter means rock, and Kilmer was a potter's surname, relating to kilns, but while Petey might be meant to evoke a foundation for the start of Mark's journey to the truth, I think Kilmer relates more to Petey being killed then anything else.
There's a few interesting meanings in the Eagan CEO names: Ambrose means honey or sweet. Myrtle is a tree sacred to Venus, sometimes identified with Lucifer as the morning star. Baird means poet. Gerhardt means brave. Phillip means lover of horses, while Pip mean a small seed, and is the name of several variants of apples. Leonora is another variant of Helena/Eleanor, and Jame is an unusual version of James meaning usurper.
Gemma means gem, something precious, and Casey means watchful.
Finally, Angelo obviously means angel, and his wife Gabriela was named for the angel Gabriel, meaning strength of God.
EDIT TO ADD: The closest meaning I could find for Reghabi is open minded and generous!
24 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Insane Thoughts About Les Mis Below
What I truly cannot get over is the absolute perfect blending of the universal and the specific. Like Hugo does this in a lot of his other works, notably Hunchback, but Les Mis is truly a masterpiece in that regard.
Because it is a profoundly universal story, whose theme resonate across time and culture! It's the story of souls seeking salvation, it's a question about what good and evil are, it's an exploration of morality and nurture vs. nature. You can retell it and readapt it easily because the core narrative around which everything hangs- a man is shown mercy upon his release from prison and tries to redeem himself for his past crimes but can never outrun them, and through his efforts causes a series of coincidences that deeply impact his life and the lives of those around him- that's a good story! If I fleshed out that one sentence summary with more plot points, you could still strip them down and reskin them while keeping the outline recognizable, you can shift the characters between context, because it's just a really strong narrative with compelling character conflicts! Further, it's rebuttal of the "great men of history" narrative is STILL one of the strongest- it so perfectly explores how characters are shaped by circumstance, rather than innate traits, and that circumstance likewise is not earned by goodness- but neither is it totally random- but is rather the sum total of many many decisions made by EVERYONE, and that even the smallest and most inconsequential lives can have huge impacts, and that you shouldn't judge others because you don't know their story.
But by that same token- it is SUCH a specific story!! There is a reason it was written at the time it was written and set in the decades of was set- the fact that Valjean went to prison during the reign of Louis XVI and came out AFTER the defeat of Napoleon- understanding just how much the world changed is critical to understanding his character! The unprecedented social mobility of the period is PLOT CRITICAL- multiple character make and lose fortunes multiple times in the span of two decades, the industrial revolution is both necessary for the plot and deeply symbolic (THE FUCKING JET MAKING PROCESS STILL MAKES ME INSANE), nevermind the climactic very specific political conflict at the end of the novel, nevermind the incredibly context specific jokes and references throughout the novel, nevermind the literal ESSAYS on Waterloo, convents, and sewers which are symbolic but also so so SO specific! Aah!! Screaming!!
Truly, you can adapt Les Mis endlessly, and I think it will be a story told for centuries- maybe even a millenia- because the characters and the core themes they are used to explore are so deeply resonant. But you can never completely "lift and shift" the story and characters to a new setting- you will ALWAYS lose nuance in the process- because they are so deeply entwined with the setting and it's history and with each other- and I think that's beautiful.
26 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
Long Post of Marius Being Awesome and Respected by Les Amis and Generally Well Liked by Enjolras Because the Jokes Are Truly Getting Old By Now
Enjolras trusted Marius with Revolutionary Matters:
"At the Barrière du Maine there are marble-workers, painters, and journeymen in the studios of sculptors. They are an enthusiastic family, but liable to cool off... There is urgent need that some one should go and talk with them a little, but with firmness. They meet at Richefeu’s. They are to be found there between twelve and one o’clock. Those ashes must be fanned into a glow. For that errand I had counted on that abstracted Marius, who is a good fellow on the whole, but he no longer comes to us. I need some one for the Barrière du Maine. I have no one.”
Marius saves Courfeyrac and Gavroche with good marksmanship:
Before the bayonet had touched Gavroche, the gun slipped from the soldier’s grasp, a bullet had struck the municipal guardsman in the centre of the forehead, and he fell over on his back. A second bullet struck the other guard, who had assaulted Courfeyrac in the breast, and laid him low on the pavement.
This was the work of Marius, who had just entered the barricade.
Marius, still concealed in the turn of the Rue Mondétour, had witnessed, shuddering and irresolute, the first phase of the combat. But he had not long been able to resist that mysterious and sovereign vertigo which may be designated as the call of the abyss. In the presence of the imminence of the peril, in the presence of the death of M. Mabeuf, that melancholy enigma, in the presence of Bahorel killed, and Courfeyrac shouting: “Follow me!” of that child threatened, of his friends to succor or to avenge, all hesitation had vanished, and he had flung himself into the conflict, his two pistols in hand. With his first shot he had saved Gavroche, and with the second delivered Courfeyrac.
Marius saves the Barricade:
Marius had entered the tap-room, and had seized the barrel of powder, then he had taken advantage of the smoke, and the sort of obscure mist which filled the entrenched enclosure, to glide along the barricade as far as that cage of paving-stones where the torch was fixed. To tear it from the torch, to replace it by the barrel of powder, to thrust the pile of stones under the barrel, which was instantly staved in, with a sort of horrible obedience,—all this had cost Marius but the time necessary to stoop and rise again; and now all, National Guards, Municipal Guards, officers, soldiers, huddled at the other extremity of the barricade, gazed stupidly at him, as he stood with his foot on the stones, his torch in his hand, his haughty face illuminated by a fatal resolution, drooping the flame of the torch towards that redoubtable pile where they could make out the broken barrel of powder, and giving vent to that startling cry:—
“Be off with you, or I’ll blow up the barricade!”
Marius on that barricade after the octogenarian was the vision of the young revolution after the apparition of the old.
“Blow up the barricade!” said a sergeant, “and yourself with it!”
Marius retorted: “And myself also.”
And he dropped the torch towards the barrel of powder.
But there was no longer any one on the barrier. The assailants, abandoning their dead and wounded, flowed back pell-mell and in disorder towards the extremity of the street, and there were again lost in the night. It was a headlong flight.
The barricade was free.
Everyone likes Marius, he's respected as a leader:
All flocked around Marius. Courfeyrac flung himself on his neck.
“Here you are!”
“What luck!” said Combeferre.
“You came in opportunely!” ejaculated Bossuet.
“If it had not been for you, I should have been dead!” began Courfeyrac again.
“If it had not been for you, I should have been gobbled up!” added Gavroche.
Marius asked:—
“Where is the chief?”
“You are he!” said Enjolras.
Marius is considered a leader:
Marius, fasting, fevered, having emerged in succession from all hope, and having been stranded in grief, the most sombre of shipwrecks, and saturated with violent emotions and conscious that the end was near, had plunged deeper and deeper into that visionary stupor which always precedes the fatal hour voluntarily accepted.
...He looked on at everything as from without; as we have said, things which passed before him seemed far away; he made out the whole, but did not perceive the details. He beheld men going and coming as through a flame. He heard voices speaking as at the bottom of an abyss.
But this moved him. There was in this scene a point which pierced and roused even him. He had but one idea now, to die; and he did not wish to be turned aside from it, but he reflected, in his gloomy somnambulism, that while destroying himself, he was not prohibited from saving some one else.
See the full post
33 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
God House and Wilson really were "It's rotten work" "Not to me. Not if it's you" AND "It's rotten work" "Especially for me. Especially if it's you" simultaneously.
56 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Saw a post about "formative gay books from your youth" which set off my third fruitless quest for a YA novel I read once when I was like 12 and has lived rent free in my head ever since. Objectively, as an adult, when I reflect on the scenes it burned into my neurons, I acknowledge it was probably not that great. But it made 12 year old me have insanely complicated feelings and it's MADDENING I can find no trace of this novel.
I've searched several times over the years, and just tonight spent an hour going through Amazon, WorldCat, Google Books, Goodreads, and like three other book search databases to no avail. My last hope is that someone on Tumblr has also read this novel and recognizes it.
If any of the below ring a bell, PLEASE let me know!
Young adult novel published prior to 2008
Set in a Houston art school. I might be having false memories that it was specifically the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts.
Centered around two boys- an extremely shy visual artist and a very confident but secretly depressed writer.
Very shy boy might've had selective mutism? Definitely had a strained relationship with his family
At the beginning of the novel, shy boy has to submit a portrait for admission to school. He initially draws a caricature of himself wearing art like armor, but his mom laughs at him and tells him he misunderstood the instructions and he was supposed to write a personal essay. Shy boy struggles with this.
There was a weirdly vivid metaphor about social anxiety being like being eaten by wolves? There was also a very vivid description of being a puppet or marionette.
There was a conflict over shy boy wanting to do cartooning but having to learn painting instead?
He was initially intimidated by confident boy, but confident boy sees his cartoons and really likes them
As they get closer confident boy opens up about feeling crushed by pressure and expectations of others, conflict with his family as well? He may have been self-harming?
They keep their friendship a secret and it's either extremely homoerotic or confident boy was explicitly gay. I do not remember clearly. It gets very intense and shy boy is conflicted and uncomfortable about the secrets he's keeping.
At the end of the book, confident boy kills himself in a way that looks like a tragic accident. He intentionally overdoses on medication that induces a heart attack, but injects into a healing injury on his arm so there's no puncture marks. He leaves a suicide note for shy boy, encouraging him to be himself and be a great artist, but to tell no one confident boy killed himself because he doesn't want his family to be upset?
Shy boy is traumatized and initially keeps the secret, but at the end of the book opens up to... Someone. One of the teachers? It ends on a bittersweet but hopeful note that now shy boy is opening up and is forming healthier relationships.
As an adult, this summary sounds rather maudlin, but I remember being really struck by the writing style as a kid, especially the imagery and descriptions. I just feel crazy that this book really affected middle school me and then seemingly disappeared into the ether. If you have any idea what I'm talking about, PLEASE let me know!
150 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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basicsofislam · 1 year
ISLAM 101: Belief in The Hereafter: Part 3
Stages of Life in the Hereafter
5. Gathering after Resurrection and Gathering Place
Gathering is Allah’s sending men to the gathering place after the resurrection for reckoning and bringing them together. The place where men gather is called the Gathering Place. There are a lot of verses in the Quran about gathering. We can give the following verse as an example.
“One Day He will gather them all together, and say to the angels "Was it you that these men used to worship?" (Saba, 40).
Verses: “They will come forth― their eyes humbled― from (their) graves, (torpid) like locusts scattered abroad,  Hastening, with eyes transfixed, towards the Caller!― "Hard is this Day!" the Unbelievers will say. ” (al-Qamar, 7-8).
It is stated in a hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) that the gathering place will be a smooth flat place, men will be sent to the gathering place as naked, barefoot, uncircumcised and faultless; while men wait in the gathering place, the sun will approach and they will sweat, that day men will be sent to the gathering place in three groups; on foot, riding and crawling face downwards.
6. Receiving Book of Deeds
The Books of Deeds, in which the good and bad deeds men did in the world were recorded, will be given to men in the gathering place for reckoning. We do not know the true nature of these books.
Without doubt, they do not resemble the books we have in the world. If we use the jargon of today’s technology, we can liken them to candid cameras that record the vision and sound and then show these recordings to viewers.
Verses: “Every man's fate We have fastened on his own neck: on the Day of Judgment We shall bring out for him a scroll, which he will see spread open. (It will be said to him:) "Read thine (own) record: sufficient is thy soul this day to make out an account against thee." (al-Isra, 13-14)
An owner of knowledge and power, who can save plants in tiny seeds, big trees in small pips, men and animals in a drop of water and maintain their species, can record the deeds of men in a book; just as we save hundreds of pages of information and documents in a small CD.
This issue is stated in the Quran as follows:
“And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed (before you); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein; they will say "Ah! woe to us! what a book is this! It leaves out nothing small or great, but takes account thereof!" They will find all that they did, placed before them: and not one will thy Lord treat with injustice” (Al-Kahf, 49).
The Books of Deeds will be given to the people of Paradise from the right side and the people of hell from the left side or from the back. Receiving the Book from the right side indicates good news that reckoning will be easy and receiving it from the left side indicates a hard reckoning.
7. Reckoning
After men receive their books in the hereafter Allah will start reckoning in accordance with the records in those books, nobody will be treated with injustice.
Verse: "O our Lord! cover (us) with Thy Forgiveness― me, my parents, and (all) Believers, on the Day that the Reckoning will be established!" (Ibrahim, 41).
There are a lot of verses in the Quran related to this issue. Some of them are as follows:
“That Day will every soul be requited for what it earned; no injustice will there be that Day, for Allah is Swift in taking account” (al-Mumin, 17).
“(It will be said to him:) "Read thine (own) record: sufficient is thy soul this day to make out an account against thee." (al-Isra, 14).
The Prophet (PBUH) informed us that men will definitely be questioned of the following five things on the Day of Judgment:
Where they spent their life,
Where they spent their youth,
Where they earned their property,
Where they spent their property,
Whether they applied what they knew or not. (Tirmidhi, Kıyame, 1.)
8. Mizan (Scale)
Mizan, which means scale and balance, is the measurement of the divine justice that weighs the deeds of everybody in the hereafter following the reckoning. However, its true nature and the inside cannot be known by men. It does not resemble the scales or any other measuring or weighing devices in the world. After the weighing of the deeds, those whose good deeds are heavier than their bad deeds will reach salvation and those whose good deeds are lighter will go to Hell and suffer punishment there. The believers who go to Hell will be taken out of Hell and sent to Paradise after they suffer the punishment accounting for their faults. It is stated in the Quran that those whose good deeds are heavy will be in a pleasant life as follows:
A verse: “We shall set up scales of justice for the day of Judgment, so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least. And if there be (no more than) the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it (to account): and enough are We to take account” (al-Anbiya, 47).
“Then, he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) heavy Will be in a life of good pleasure and satisfaction. But he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) light― Will have his home in a (bottomless) pit.”(al-Qaria, 6-9.)
“Then those whose balance (of good deeds) is heavy - they will attain salvation: But those whose balance is light, will be those who have lost their souls; in Hell will they abide.” (Mumenoon, 102-103).
9. River and Pool of Kawthar
A verse: “(O Muhammad!) To thee have We granted the Fount (Of Abundance).” (al-Kawthar, 1)
Kawthar is one of the rivers of Paradise and it is also the name of the pool into which the waters of this river flow. The waters flowing from the river Kawthar gather in this pool in the Day of Judgment. When men are resurrected and gathered in the gathering place, our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) will be given the Kawthar pool. The first person to reach this pool will be our Prophet. Those who reach it and drink from it will never get thirsty again.
As it is stated in hadiths, one side of this pool is so long that it takes a month to walk it; its water is whiter than milk, its scent is sharper than musk, its glasses are more than the stars in the sky (Bukhari, Riqaq, 53).
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 2 years
Ranger Rankings - Power Rangers Dino Fury
Now that I've managed to finish the season, time to resurrect this feature.
Bearing in mind that I started Dino Fury when the first like 5 episodes were out, and then watched literally every other series in between before Dino Fury finished, so this is probably going to be coloured a little by that fact.
Premise - 3
Honestly, I'm surprised the idea of fighting the bad guys for some finite resource (the Sporix) hasn't been done more often.
I suppose Operation Overdrive was close, with the whole Crown thing, and both it and Dino Fury fall into the same trap - the bad guys are always going to just steal them all directly from the Rangers so the actual divide of said resource between the good and bad guys feels a little arbitrary.
And the fact that Operation Overdrive made it more of a scavenger hunt rather than just a fight over and over again actually means it pips Dino Fury at the post.
Character Dynamics - 4
Surprisingly fun, actually, and I enjoyed how much the characters evolved over the season, specifically Ollie and Amelia, and not just because of the whole relationship deal.
The spotlight episodes made sure that everyone got some time in the sun, except perhaps Zayto whose spotlight stuff was usually overshadowed by the Rafkon plot.
Also, Izzy and Fern are absolutely adorable.
The supporting cast were also pretty good - Pop Pop never outstayed his welcome, I loved Ollie's mom, and even the Buzzblast team managed to fall onto the right side of annoying-but-endearing. J-Borg4lyfe. And Solon! I love Solon so much.
Sixth Ranger Arc - 2
I can't really help it, but I just didn't like Aiyon at all. He always seemed to learn the same lessons about not being selfish or over-confident and then forgetting them as the plot required. Plus he didn't feel like he added anything to the whole Rafkon plot that Zayto didn't already contribute.
Plot Development - 4.5
Yeah, very solid stuff here. I was worried when they introduced Lord Zedd, but even that managed to become part of the main plot as well when he attacked Rafkon for himself (plus he's likely the big bad for Cosmic Fury too so it's nice to get that seeded here).
The Void Knight - Void King - Void Queen stuff was also solid, and even though most of us guessed the whole reveal, I didn't see them being Rafkonians coming, so there was one last twist to keep us on our toes.
Plus Dino Fury felt really connected to the Power Rangers universe as a whole, much like Beast Morphers did, with the little nods to other teams, as well as the Beast Morphers actually showing up, and Mick from Ninja Steel as well. I like my cohesive universes.
Oh, and having the Morphin' Masters playing a bigger role in the series was a great choice. We love a stupid 'A Wizard Did It' retcon in this house.
Villains - 4
Void Knight/Void King and Void Queen were excellent, exactly the kind of scenery chewing that I like in my villains, plus it doesn't hurt that they did a face turn for Tarrick not once, but twice, and that Jared Turner's hot.
Mucus also managed to be stupid without driving me mad, and I fucking love Slyther. Campbell Cooley slayed that dude's voice so well.
I wasn't a big a fan of reusing all the old villains over and over as I thought I would be - I thought having them come back around would make them more interesting, but they were mostly just the same over and over. I did enjoy Wreckmate, though.
Overall - 3.5
Hottest Ranger - Tarrick doesn't technically count but Javi is a very close second.
Notable Episodes:
Old Foes - Well, hello Lord Zedd.
Rafkon Revealed/Morphin' Master - The closest we've gotten to a two-parter in a while, and some great little retcon things too.
The Invasion/The Truth/The Nemesis - Three part finale!
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secondquaritch · 1 year
I hope you are having a wonderful day.
I noticed something in your description and I wasn't sure if it was a mistake you made and didn't notice or not but I wanted to tell you that It's not "kernel" my love, it's "Colonel".
A kernel is the edible portion of a seed, nut or fruit that is inside a stone or shell. It comes from the Old English word cyrnel which means seed, pip. A colonel is a high-ranking officer in an army or air force.
Just wanted to let you know...
//Eep! I fixed it, hopefully it should be all good. Man, I’m always embarrassed when I make typos. But thank you for pointing that out!
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ohheyidothat · 1 year
♥️ My current save of Pokémon Y ♥️
ID No. 32038 Alex
Time: 271:31
Adventure Started: Dec 27, 2021
First Hall Of Fame: Dec 15, 2022
Pokédex Status:
Seen: 526 Obtained: 474 (National)
Central Kalos: 👑 150
Coastal Kalos: 131
Mountain Kalos: 124
Other Accomplishments:
Current Money is 2,381,857
Wardrobe Status: Almost 100% Purchased (boy)
TM Status: missing 03, 05, 29, 34, 48, 51, 59, 60, 64, 72, 85, 87
Level 100 Gogoat “Clover” (first level 100 Pokémon I have ever raised in any game! I didn’t even manage it in Diamond, which I played during high school for over 800 hours)
Level 97 98 Talonflame “Pip”
Double Battle Maison Team: Heliosk (with Dry Skin, Rain Dance, and Thunder; usually partnered with a Starmie with Surf (heals Heliosk) or a Noivern with Hurricane (100% accuracy in rain) and Aggron (with Aggronite)
Perfect Travel Team:
Absol (False Swipe, Thunder Wave, Thief, Cut)
Hydreigon “Shade” (Rock Slide, Strength, Thief, Rock Smash)
Gogoat “Clover” (Horn Leech, Rock Slide, Razor Leaf, Milk Drink)
Togekiss “Soren” (Fly, Extrasensory, Ancient Power, Wish)
Dragonite “Chai” (Surf, Twister, Waterfall, Extreme Speed)
Travel Team Friends (sometimes accompany)
Venusaur (Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed) for Sweet Scent/Hoard Encounters
Gallade “Dandelion” (Hypnosis, Mean Look, False Swipe, Psychic) for Absol substitution
Talonflame “Pip” (Fly, Roost, Aerial Ace, Overheat) for Togekiss substitution or Flame Body for hatching eggs
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 1 year
Tumblr media
You can see the allegiant facility is still going up and there isn't any opposition. No it means that they're not supposed to it. Small buildings kind of crappy around here maxintendo I'm taking it over but the quality of construction is poor it probably means about 80% of the design criteria and it was only designed at one point one five, but but what's crying by cold is Matt by it and it seeds code by about 5%, which is kind of abysmal from modern building as in one year it'll be out of code and we're talking about the structure when Charlotte harbor settles the resort will be destroyed anticipate settling from 1 to 3 ft all around the building area and within the building footprint and different increments but not vastly different it's going to be like a ramp, the building will also crack in two. And that was Dan walking by is on the defensive knows what we're talking about, he isn't complete idiot. 100 drops the building will literally slide into the harbor half of it will. The smaller diamond tunnels the 20s and the 30s are being excavated. No they're not excavating them in Charlotte harbor the harbor will still drop about 8 ft and will depressurize underneath all the structures around the harbor and most of them will be damaged beyond repair in the City walk will collapse a bit they'll try to jack it and it won't work. It won't be for some time now maybe 3 weeks or less. And it's like a 50 million dollar structure but they charge more money because they know the owner is an ass. The rest of the harbor buildings will be broken as well. However some of them have piles the hotel in our concrete that's ruined anyways all the walls are delaminated and the structure is failing would have been fine if they put a roof on it has piles to go down 100 ft although they're wood they are mostly petrified wood. Fisherman's. Piers are only 20 ft deep and even though it's wood it would splinter into nothing. There's a couple of new hotels one is not far enough away and it's the one with the tiki bar they're always harassing them it's going to drop one foot in the north side the whole length in about 20 ft in the building will rip in half. They can put piss in the allegiant structure but they have to also put gray beams it's a major structural overhaul they probably take them a year. They also don't have the skill and knowledge to do it a few other buildings will be destroyed and besides small buildings The boathouse will be gone and the small boat building by Ashley will be gone even the restroom will probably be destroyed the buildings across the street down by fisherman's village and most of the houses that are within 180 ft or 200 ft will be gone and being in them at the time is very dangerous. The CityWalk will be ultimately destroyed it's going to drop about 4 ft like a ramp and it's going to be a mess down here the whole City Walk all of the wharfs and piers will be destroyed not only will sink down will be destroyed and at the first drop the bridge will be intact. John remillard plan to kidnap our son at the hotel and turn it into a courthouse and he showed it with the State Assembly that he wanted to turn it into a courthouse and have our son stay there as he's planning to depart to Utah he want to try and convict him and imitate the courthouse in Massachusetts Tommy F too and it's going way too slow and her son did work on the Suffolk county trial courthouse. Odds are they can't figure out how long 3 weeks away is and they're stupid place will be destroyed and if they don't dispose of it then they will be forcibly removed.
You think about retrofitting it and son says you have to put it underneath supports and he said he could bridge to the side of them and said how the hell you going to do that it's like 10 it'd be like three four feet away cuz the pips have to be like 10 8 ft wide or 6 ft wide to go that deep he's going oh my god he has a huge case on massive unless you put in like 5,000 of them then you'd have to like you could put in like 5,000 pips they'd have to be really deep and like two feet wide it would be 5000 be a lot and you just drill the s*** out of the whole floor and you could do it in segments cast a new floor and you jack your supports and you put the supports on a new footer and a new case underneath I don't know how the hell that explain to you there's a few ways to do it you can do it like a structural slab there really has to be in the supports so you have to do it either side of a wall and then you could cast like a new floor and have it connected to the supports this connections you can embed I wouldn't last but it would work but still I mean that's a lot of work you have to add ramps would be like this big humongous massive eyesore like the trial of courthouses anyways it's kind of sneaky of Mac cuz sometimes he builds buildings like that and puts people on trial in public you like fascinated with court or something it's a cultural thing you have to watch out for it he's doing to me he's using you an effigy so you can imagine that you don't like you.
Those are fun interjecting and of course he can and we did learn something all of it is true and a son does know it and Mac knows it and he is doing that now and we learned that John remillard is stupid thankfully we got the organ music to celebrating his stupidity I mean Jesus Christ what a nightmare so. It's kind of really cuz the place is going to be gone and the max wanted it around. I don't mind reversing it that's really a piece of s*** and we don't want our son in it and we have a few ideas and our son just came up with one it's pretty good it put a structural slab with gray beams underneath it, you still need to sandwich the supports and why you doing it the the structure would then set on the structural slab with huge grade beams and then you can put pips every other space and the grade beams will carry it for now and the pips will carry it after this kind of what you have to do but it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of effort and you have to put piss in already and you can put them in so you can use them but these guys don't really get that it's a ton of work because the way it's designed it's a it's a complete waste of time that building I mean
It's a goner and soon the clones are already working on the diamonds South Mexico and John rimelord is there to try and stop him cuz his building is not ready and he has to take over the government again
Thor Freya
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