#and photography nerds everywhere
cricket-moth · 4 months
Kon: Tim is taking me into his darkroom today!! :D
Clark (familiar with the concept of a photography darkroom as he has been a journalist for a long time): NUH-UH NO HE IS NOT!!
Clark (even more embarrassed): I DIDN’T THINK IT WAS??
Kon: WAIT— then why do you care lol ?
Clark: …do you not know what kind of lights they use in darkroom photography
Kon: riddle me this superman. why the fuck would I know that.
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(the answer is red safelights) (clark figured this out the hard way)
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pictures that remind me of meeks for seemingly no reason, part three :))
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angelicsjn · 3 months
Yams with a darling who loves photography
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He likes the fact that you have a hobby, especially one that may come in handy job-wise.
He will use this as an excuse to keep you at his side, travelling with him; you can take photos across the world while still staying by his side!
Roman genuinely likes to look through your portfolio, though. He likes to look into your eyes and see what you find beautiful in the world.
If you take photos of him, even better. He won't admit it, but he likes it when you take photos of him and he would love if it he were your muse - he would definitely let it get to his head.
He's a famous Formula 1 driver, of course his ego is massive.
He wouldn't appreciate it as much if you take photos of the other drivers, though, even his team mate.
Roman should be the only before in front of your lens, why would you want to take photos of others?
Laten is super excited when you start to talk about it, for multiple reasons, actually.
First, he's really happy with the fact that you like him enough to speak about your interests. I mean, he already knew that you loved photography, he found you Instagram account and stalked it, he also looked through your laptop that one time. But he's just so happy that you're talking so freely and happily with him.
He will ask you to attend his games - as always - but with your camera to take a few pics of the game, and he will really show off for the games that you attend, making sure to take photos of him where he looks good...
If he notices you posting these photos on your photography account, he will literally combust - like seriously. To him that's like hard launching your very very serious and committed relationship.
He will take photos of you as you take photos yourself, finding it cute when you go out with your camera - he is also the type to purposely look around at places he knows you would like to take photos in.
Jae already knows, he knew early before you two even officially met.
Him knowing things about you is dangerous, though. He will use it as punishment.
You piss him off? Your camera is gone for a week.
He sort of treats you like a child when he's like this and takes your favourite things away, if its your camera? Say bye to it!
The once he took your laptop away, he looked through all of your photos and deleted the ones of other men...
If you're aiming to be a photographer in the KPOP industry, good luck because that man will throw a literal fit over it.
Stick to nature, love.
He truly believes that you got into photography for him, since he's a model.
Even if you showed proof that you've been taking photographs for years, he won't see that it isn't all for you.
Kaidan likes it when you take pics for him for social media, he will constantly ask you to take pics of him and makes sure to look good everywhere you go in case he finds as 'aesthetic place' to take photos in.
He will tag you in his posts with silly captions like, 'with my favourite photographer', 'my girl is so talented'.
If you aren't social media official, the internet will go crazy with his private girlfriend, wondering who you are.
He eatssssss this up. He wants you both together openly, so he kind of hopes they find you...
He's so excited.
As a photography nerd, he will be so excited to start yapping on and on about cameras and pictures and different styles and oh my God, give it a rest!
But, since you're just as into photography as he, you both chat for hours and meet up in different places to take photos and he even makes a checklist for you both!
He honestly feels happy that he can talk about an interest of his and not feel like he is boring the other person.
To have someone match his energy, he is basically ecstatic over the fact that he can share one of his biggest loves with his other biggest love, you.
Joshua finds it sweet! He loves to listen to you speak about photography.
He will frame his favourite pictures that you've taken and he will also show your skills to the people at the church.
He sort of gets you small jobs, since the people love your photos they will ask for you to take photos at their weddings, their children's christenings, that sort of thing.
Joshua is proud of everything that you do, so he cheers you on and for Christmas buys you a new camera as a folder of all of the photos that you've taken over the year.
He's genuinely such a sweet guy and just wants to see you happy and doing what you love best.
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obriganeatspeople · 27 days
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uooaagh a rushed post n rushed drawings but whatever!!!!! its 6 am i dont care at this point!!!!!! + a @Jimothy-hopkins ...intro..thingy..!!!!!
Okaay so..a little about Yuri,, im not good at writing stuff like this so excuse me ^^" might write more later if i think of anything ______ - snooty, full of herself and absolutely, impossibly greedy. Doesnt really like other nerds, except for Beatrice. The only student she respects in the whole school is probably Jimmy. - Considers herself to be the main source of all the fresh gossip. And who doesnt love finding new dirty laundry about their classmates? Especially in Bullworth! For a fair price, can tell any new information that didnt have the time to get to others. And not just some random buzz, but the real deal. Something that could potentially ruin lives! *thunder sfx* - Carries her camera on her 24\7\365, not a single "sneaky" make out session or a backstab from some dweeb wont get by her. Takes double the price for pictures with proof. Gives discounts only to some girls. - Adores Ms. Philips, practically to a maniacal obsession. When not searching for dirt, always hangs around her class asking "absolutely important questions" about art or photography. Ms. Philips most likely knows about all of this. - Regularly tries bribing in search of self-advantage (better grades, protection from bullies, etc.) Smaller fun-facts: Broke her glasses herself just to tape them. Taught herself to walk as quietly as possible. A good listener, if you can actually manage to get her attention. Can climb trees surprisingly well (yes in the skirt(thats where the best shots can be taken from)). A single shuffle can wake her up. Her favorite arcade is ConSumo. Broke a foolish amount of couples. Does a surprisingly good job at keeping her own information in secret. Has eyes and ears everywhere.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Spideypool identity reveal fic rec
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :) 
Two Idiots and a Baby by riseofthefallenone - Rated T
Peter’s roommate bails with little notice before the renewal of their lease. Not wanting to give up the apartment, Peter puts out an ad for a new roommate. He didn’t really expect to end up living with a newborn and her “ex-special forces” father, but… Here they are, and he wouldn’t change a thing about it.
cracked halves by Scarlet_Ribbons - Rated M
"So… what is this?" Deadpool asks faux-brightly, even though he looks like he might lose it. Peter takes a deep breath, willing his voice not to crack. "It's, um. Hot water with salt and oregano so I can trick myself into thinking it's soup." (It starts with food. As with most things regarding Deadpool, it hardly ends there.)
hey you (who the fuck are you) by fancastical - Rated T
For some reason, Peter thinks Deadpool knows his secret identity so he thinks its not a big deal to chat with the merc in his civilian identity whenever he bumps into him in various locations. Wade, meanwhile, is confused on why a cute but grouchy nerd keeps talking to him like they know each other but hey, its New York! Eccentrics are everywhere and this guy is really cute and doesn’t seem to mind hanging out with him!
let me explain by jilliancares - Rated G
Wade scoffs, shaking his head and elbowing Peter in the side. “Sure,” he says, sarcastic. “That’s why your spidey-sense doesn’t see me.” Peter’s on the verge of laughing, wanting to join Wade in his amusement, but he freezes. His entire body goes still. He finds himself staring at a roof three buildings over, not even looking at anything. Two blocks away, a car alarm finally shuts off. “I never told you that,” Peter says, the realization startling him. Or: Peter's starting to realize just how much Wade knows about him.
Chiaroscuro by Purple_Mind - Rated T
Peter needs to take a good picture for a college course photography assignment, but can't, for the life of him, find a decent subject, and time is running out. It's a good thing Wade is willing to lend a hand (or, rather, another part of his anatomy). Pure fluff: definitely not half as dirty as that last sentence would have you believe.
Of Blizzards, Coffee, and Jackets by chasing_the_sterek - Rated T
Peter didn't expect agreeing to borrow Deadpool's jacket would lead to his secret identity being found out. Although maybe he should've considered the repercussions before he wore it outside. In civilian clothes.
Lobster Biscuit by Scarlet_Ribbons - Rated T
Peter goes on a terrible, terrible date, cashes in a favor on behalf of Spider-Man, and begs Deadpool to crash it. Deadpool delivers.
Dressed to Thrill by mokuyoubi - Rated T
Wade takes every aspect of Halloween very seriously, right down to the costume. So when he goes as Spider-Man, his costume isn't complete without all the accouterments. There's one person who can help with that, but is he ready to give up his secret identity like that?
It Just Takes One Look by TimidTurnip - Rated T
Peter is running late and doesn't have time to deal with Deadpool on his campus. Especially when he's not wearing his Spider-man suit.
Not One Hundred Percent by HashtagLEH - Rated M
After being drugged at a party, Peter is lucid enough to figure out that he needs help. But who does he even know (and trust) enough that he can just pop up on their doorstep at two in the morning? Meanwhile, Wade would just really like to know who this random college kid is that showed up at his door.
are you sure you wanna' love me? by scarlett_starlett - Rated T
Spider-Man is everything Peter Parker wishes he could be—witty, confident, loud, sassy, and sexy… This is no more apparent to him than when Deadpool walks past him without a second glance the first time they meet. It sucks, considering Peter Parker has an embarrassing crush on the ex-merc.
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borhapparker · 2 years
since your requests are opened... maybe peter parker having a polaroid camera (or a disposable camera) and constantly taking pictures of you both together and some of just you and then compiling it all for you for an occasion or after a fight 🥺🥺🥺 and iDK IT MAKES YOU FALL IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN
this is adorable!! (also i'm back hehe)
send requests here! (now accepting stranger things characters!)
buy me a coffee! / request a commission
Peter had always loved photography. It had been a passion passed down from his father, then uncle, and now he held the camera in his hands, having captured memories over decades. He never had a reason to use it other than to fool around while on patrol, until he met you.
You were a work of art to him, something to admire, something to photograph occasionally. He had asked you out after you partnered with him for a photography assignment, a candid of you laughing caught by Peter with a note under that said "Will you be mine?"
Cheesy, you will admit, but you loved it. That was one of the things you loved about Peter, along with his photography skills, it was like having the ultimate significant other. He could capture your good side and compliment it, but also your 'bad side' (as you put it), and still be called beautiful because in his eyes you were.
There was never a time, whether you were on a date with Peter, in class or just studying at your apartment, he always had his camera with him. He never let you see the film or answered your question as to what he was photographing. He always just smiled and shrugged.
Sometimes you thought he was married to the camera, taking it everywhere with him, even if it was just a quick trip to the grocery store. And when it broke that one time he took it on patrol, you made sure to get him a replacement the very next day.
Both of you were calm together, loving and never getting into arguments. But when there was an occasional argument, it was important, and something the two of you had to address.
"Here's the thing, Peter, you can't just schedule a date with me and bail on me last minute. Yes, you may be a superhero, but you still have your life outside the suit."
"Look, babe, I swear it wasn't on purpose. I wasn't even going to bring the suit with me until my senses kicked in." he sighed and rubbed a hand over his face, "I wanted to go out with you, I swear, time just got away from me."
"That's not the first time you've used that excuse. Peter, I'm getting sick of this. How are we going to make this work if I'm always going to be second in your life?"
"You are always first on my list, I promise. This is the last time, I promise it won't happen again. We can go again tomorrow, re-do our date, and go out together."
"I don't want a do-over, I wanted the date today. I'm done waiting, Peter. I need someone who wants to be with me no matter the circumstance. How can I be sure that's you?"
"Let me make it up to you, please. Baby, give me another chance."
Walking out of the apartment, your eyes burned, tears pooling and blurring your vision. Wiping away the stray ones, you headed on the bus, taking the route straight home, wanting nothing but to be alone.
Your keychain clinked with the pressure you placed on turning the key as you walked into your apartment, breathing in the comfort of your own home. Locking the door behind you, you made your way to your room, as you opened the door and gasped.
On your bed, and the floor, were countless polaroids, all spread out. Each of them is a different picture of you, some candids and some from a photoshoot, and others of you and Peter together. Tears brimmed your eyes as you picked one up and examined it, recognizing the date immediately before turning the polaroid to verify the date scribbled behind in your handwriting. March 15, 2016
It had been your first date with Peter, one you had actually asked him on as you didn't want to wait anymore for the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation with the loving nerd in school. You were surprised when he said yes, and even more so when he still showed up at the diner, hair messy and panting like crazy, but he was there.
Picking up another polaroid, you noticed the handwriting on each of the polaroids, your pet names decorated the front trim of the picture. You had fallen for him because of his love of people and photography. He always told you never to look at the film and pocketed it before you were able to see it.
Yet, even with the argument you had with Peter earlier, nothing could stop you from forgiving him in a heartbeat, and maybe even falling for him just a little more.
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wolfhunter89 · 6 months
Gale Dekarios would love photography and its history.He would be one of the biggest nerds ever,taking a camera everywhere with him and making sure to explain everyone how it works.
He would also be taking secret shots of the camp, the companions and of course the tav,oh, _especially_ the Tav. After meeting theme probably didn't even realize it at the start until he had to develop the phots and he saw how many he took of them.
But he would also love to take photos of libraries and monuments, his walls would be full of those photos.
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c00kiesart · 7 months
Hey, I just wanna say I really like those mha ocs u made! The two girls and that one curly haired guy. Can we get more details on them? Anything u wanna say about them?
Oh yo?? Thanks for showing interest my man?? I’ll put it all under the cut so I don’t flood anyone’s screens
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Let’s start off with my gal! cuki chokochi, she’s in the hero course at UA by the name “Precious pockets” and her quirk is, u guessed it, portal pockets! she can store basically anything inside ANY pocket/bag and be the only one to access it! She even knows how to sew to add more pockets, It can’t be organized for shit so she takes a while to find stuff but she is incredibly versatile on the field! she def keeps you on ur toes! But don’t fret normally she’s sweet as she is fluffy, And fun story actually, the reason why her design is kinda misleading is cuz the first quirk concept I had for her was a beast transformation quirk, but the idea was already taken by a canon character and thus had to be changed xD Izzy actually helped spark the pockets idea, I just liked the design too much to fully redo it. Her horns are unevenly grown and she’s a little insecure about her furry features but her friends reassure her she’s lovely way she is, she likes fairy kei/decora fashion but can’t wear too many layers due to her fur, and her favorite things are waffles and stars. she’s also dating iida, she helps him learn to relax.
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Next up is my bestie @needs-to-stop-looking-at-valves ‘s girl! Kokomo kiri. she’s in the support course and has a real knack for creating countless new support items/costumes. Her signature is brass knuckles lol and her quirk is nightmare noms, She can make nightmares reality just by eating them from her victims minds when asleep, thanks to her eyes she can visually see their dreams. They can even look different based on the contents of said dream. Once eaten, she can conjure up very convincing illusions and use all your senses against you, She’s a master at mimicry and can even make someone fall asleep just by making eye contact, it’s why I designed her eyes to be hypnotic swirls! basically nightmares are her fuel, but if she gets too backed up she vomits a black sludge that if touched can make one more prone to fear. It’s actually why her hands are permanently stained. She also suffers from insomnia, she’s an acquired taste for sure and she speaks very weirdly but she just loves in her own special way! Albeit she’s very crude and impulsive. And very blunt. with a super dark sense of humor too. But I promise she’s nice! She wears a beanie to hide her messy bed head and Her favorite things are banana bread and bats, she’s dating sato. And yes. He makes her banana bread whenever she wants.
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And lastly but not LEAST we have our absolute LAD tomonari jishaku! Him and cuki are in the hero course together! He goes by the name “checkmate”. Cuki gives him confidence whilst kiri keeps him humble. By bullying him. but she loves the nerd, she really does. His quirk is magnet, he has metal protrusions on his chest and arms, with the left hand he pushes and with the right he pulls, he’s super skilled and trains hella hard but if he over uses it’s a lotta stress on his poor nerves. despite his very anxious and quite frankly pushover demeanor, when the time calls for it, he for sure can kick your ass. He just needs a little encouragement?? Don’t we all? He’s a huge video game nerd and he actually tends to avoid cursing, and conflict. his favorite things are pineapple pizza, pink lemonade and photography. He has pictures hung up everywhere and He’s dating tetsutetsu. They’re very homo gym bros
And all together this trio is called the creation crew, like how the big three call themselves. Well. The big three! These guys all create things in their own ways, pretty fitting team name if you ask me, And if you really read this far? I SUPER appreciate it! ✨
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Baking's a science
For my darling @brightlycoloredteacups. A very happy, very belated, New Year to you! ❤️❤️❤️
Tony Stark x f!reader
Warnings: fluffy, emotional
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Who would’ve thought Tony Stark would enjoy baking? Not you, at least not at first. Though once you thought about it, you suppose it made sense. It’s a science, after all, and if there’s one thing aside from you that Anthony Edward Stark cares for, it’s science. Still, what greets you as you arrive in the kitchen after having bought more butter to sate this newfound interest of his manages to shock you. There’s flour everywhere: on the white lace curtains, on the sturdy wooden table gifted to you by Clint - he’d made three of them when he was bored during house arrest - and even on the tip of your husband’s nose. The aforementioned husband is currently bent over the kitchen table, studying one of the cookies under a microscope that he must’ve brought up from the basement while his dark hair sticks out in every which direction.
“Anthony?” you wonder out loud. Though you say only his name, what you’re really asking is ‘what the hell happened here?’.
He remains bent over the microscope, laser focused, though he replies without hesitation:
“There was a mishap with the blender, I’ll have Dum-E clean it up once we’re done here.” That’s one of the benefits of living with a bona fide tech genius; there’s few chores he hasn’t found a way to outsource to one of his creations, leaving more time for the two of you to just be with each other. Just years ago, walking into the kitchen and finding this level of mess probably would’ve caused you a minor heart attack. Now, you take it in stride because you know it’ll be taken care of by someone other than you.
“There’s fresh coffee in the pot if you need it.” He sticks his thumb out behind him, indicating the pot on the counter. You absolutely need it, having spent twenty minutes in line at the grocery store while the girl working the cash register tried to figure out why it was malfunctioning. To top it all off, the lady in front of you then decided that the best way of handling her frustration was to yell at the poor girl. You’ve had your fair share of customers like that, before you got out. When it was your turn to pay, you told the cashier to keep the change and wished her a good day. You set the butter on the counter, knowing that It’ll need about half an hour to reach room temperature before you and Tony can move on to the next recipe in grandma’s book. The coffee’s still warm as you pour yourself a cup and take a seat to wait for him to be done with the microscope, and for the butter to soften. You’re about two thirds done with the cup when he stands up abruptly, setting his hands on his hips.
“If you let me tweak the recipe, we could optimize this whole-”
“It’s not about optimizing, Anthony,” you interrupt, “it’s about family traditions, remembering where we came from, spending time together.” Tony’s face scrunches together. You can tell he wants to retort, that he wants to break out his businessman persona - the one that he was raised to have since before he could talk. But, just as abruptly as he stood up, he deflates.
“You’re right. And I’m sorry. About this-” he gestures to the flour covered kitchen, “-and, well, about this.” He gestures to himself. Indicating more than just the flour dusting the tip of his nose. You shake your head, stepping forward and putting your hands at either side of his face.
“That’s alright.” Running one hand along his hair, you chuckle a little to yourself as the attempt to smooth it out only leaves it looking even more disheveled. “I know you get excited when you get to be a nerd.”
“Pretty sure that’s why you married me,” he says casually. “You just can’t resist the nerd, no woman can.” The very first thing he nerded out about with you was the development of photography. It was preceded by you taking a picture, having set up the timer on your camera to capture a memory of the picnic he’d invited you to less than 48 hours after you first met each other. That photo opened a dam, and it was well past 1 in the morning before you made your way back to the car and drove home. You brush the flour off of his nose before planting a kiss there, feeling his cheeks heat in immediate response, then retreat and nod to the microscope where the - now cut in half - cookie is still resting on the slide.
“Peanut butter or cinnamon?”
“Peanut butter,” Tony replies. “I was curious as to whether the distribution of peanut crumbs was affected by the oven settings.” Of course he was. You nod along as if that’s a perfectly ordinary thing to think about while baking. 
“Leave the microscope for a bit,” you instruct and Tony’s features sharpen as he focuses on your words. “I’m going to read the next recipe to you, and I want you to follow the instructions. Whenever there’s an urge to tweak, you resist it.” You raise your hand and without, without so much as a femtosecond of hesitation, Tony answers the fist bump. His face cracks open with a boyish smile.
“You got it, boss.” He rounds the table, picking a clean bowl from the shelf, then whirls around to face you - body tense like he’s a sprinter waiting for the start gun to go off. You start off with measurements and Tony floats back and forth on the other side of the table as he brings out tablespoons and measuring cups, exacting out the correct amount of each ingredient in preparation. It seems as natural to him as the circuit boards he’s been building since he was four.
“Whisk together flour,” you instruct next, reading tita Javiera’s precise handwriting, “salt, lemon zest, ginger, baking powder, and baking soda. Set aside.” Tony goes to work immediately, adding each mentioned ingredient to the bowl. Is this what it was like for tita Javiera? you wonder. Her and tito Theo side by side in the kitchen, flour dusted on their clothes and the room filled with laughter and warmth as they moved around and with each other to test the recipes she’d gotten from magazines, friends, older relatives. Did Theo’s hair stick up just like Tony’s is doing right now? Your heart clenches in an unexpected way. Not unpleasant, but overwhelming.
“Now what?” Tony asks, his back turned to you as he washes a measuring cup. You swallow thickly. He turns to look at you, a smart comment written on his face but it dies out as soon as he sees you.
“Honey?” he asks, concerned. “What’s wrong?”. You wipe away the stray tear before it can make a run for it down your check,
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just happy,” you hiccup and wipe away another tear, “real happy that I get to do this with you.” He joins you, but just as you think he’s about to bring you in for a hug he instead pushes the bowl further away.
“Don’t cry over the bowl,” he chides, “the salt will throw off the balance in grandma Javiera’s recipe.” You swat at his arm but he dodges it, pulling you into the embrace you were waiting for as he laughs.
“Asshole,” you murmur into his neck, smelling strongly of nutmeg. He must’ve gotten some on his fingers earlier, then scratched absentmindedly at the collar of his shirt as he is wont to do.
“Yeah,” he sighs, “but I’m your asshole.”
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hughiecampbelle · 24 days
Hi, I’m pretty new to making requests and I’m quite shy about it so I’ve tried making a few here and there recently but I’m still learning how much detail to include and stuff like that so please bear with me!
Firstly, congratulations on your achievement and I hope you are feeling better 😊 I saw on your posts that we can request specific characters for the ship so I would love to request to be shipped with Frenchie as he’s one of my fave characters in anything, not just in The Boys. I’m female (she/her pronouns), have dyed dark red hair, green eyes, only 5ft tall (but I love being short), and I have a lot of tattoos, including both my calves/upper arm/wrists/foot, and many of which I collected while travelling so they have very sentimental meaning. I’m British but not a Cockney like Butcher. My style is all over the place but I have a huge love for jackets and hats, and I love both black and pastel colours.
Hobbies - I write poetry, and have done since I was very young, but I’m still shy about it. I’m an amateur/hobbying archer (barebow recurve) and it’s really becoming a big passion of mine and makes me feel like a badass Robin Hood whenever I practice. I love a lot of media – movies/tv/videogames and co-run a movie club. I also absolutely adore a really diverse amount of music but rock and metal have a particularly special place in my heart and I love rock gigs. Two of my biggest passions are wildlife and travelling, I love all creatures and any time I’m travelling or caring for animals that’s my happy place. I take part in local quizzes and try (not very well) to learn various languages like Spanish, Finnish, Japanese and, yes, a little French as well. I love crafts and photography and try to be creative. My fave place I’ve ever been is southern Africa. Fave movies include Edward Scissorhands, Fight Club, Everything Everywhere All At Once.
Personality – I’m a Libra and naturally super flirty but I struggle with esteem issues so I tone it down because of that. I think my friends would say one of my best assets is being funny, not in a comedian kind of way but in general conversation, I have quite a strong sense of humour. I’m very emotional and sensitive but see these as positives and I have a strong sense of justice as well. I’m a proud nerd and love the family feeling that fandom brings. I think my HP house would be Ravenclaw. My dream job would be running a sanctuary for animals. I always fall for people I’m friends with first, and I love sweetness.
I hope this is all ok and enough/not too much!
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The second Frenchie sees you with your bow and arrow, that man swoons. He's a puddle of himself, a mess. For the first time in his life he's speechless. He absolutely adores watching you practice. You laugh at him, saying he has better things to do, but there is no place on Earth he'd rather be than with you
You two do this thing in the car or at the office where you switch off playing songs. Most of his French techno or rap, but there are definitely a few gems you've found because of him. He has an entire playlist of music you show him titled Mon Couer and he is constantly bragging about your perfect taste in rock and metal
Frenchie promises you, when this whole mess is over, when you finally take down Vought and Homelander, you'll travel the world. He makes you make a list of every place you want to see and he assured you, you'll see it all together. You'll be free to explore and travel. You'll never have to come back to this disaster of a city
That man loves your humor. If you can't laugh off the ridiculous and dangerous situations you find yourselves in, what's the point? He has a habit of making wildly inappropriate jokes that you can't help but laugh at. He's quick witted and he appreciates that you can keep up with him
Your sense of justice is what keeps both Frenchie and the team on the ground. It's what keeps everyone level headed in this fight instead of, like Butcher's thought process, an act of revenge. When the team is feeling defeated, you're the one to give him a pick-me-up speech, you're the one to remind them that this is a fight you can't give up on
Hope you like it my love!!!! Xoxoxo💜💜💜💜
Want to request a ship?
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pavedinashes-if · 11 months
can we get some author lore maybe!!!!!
Whaaat? Why would you want thatttt?!
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Imma make it short..
huge book nerd, owning more books than i can ever read
huge video game nerd, pc and all consoles
huge music nerd, loving live music and festivals
huge animal lover, got a pup
huge outdoors lover, I'd hike everywhere for days and eat only what i find and harvest
huge sports lover, mtb, skateboarding, rollerblading, basketball, boulder and many more
huge moto lover, moto bikes and cars
huge art lover, love photography and drawing
huge foodie, asian cuisine being my absolute favourite
huge science lover, studied nerdy n cool stuff too
more? dunno... ah yes, never enough time for anything
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lyssified · 1 year
okayyyy uh new intro post because i hate my old one
hi :) you can call me lyss ! they/she a woman liking women. probably pansexual infp-t, libra sun scorpio rising gemini moon, enneagram 9 (in case anyone cares ab that stuff) usamerican :/
film kid AND theater kid (scary) a little bit of a nerd slash freak :) a MINOR so don't be a creep please however i do love new friends so don't be afraid to DM me/send asks/spam like or reblog/tag me in stuff/send me stuff you think i'll like
don't be mean, creepy, or a bigot, if i think you're a bot i will block you :) tone tags appreciated if warranted here's my pronouns page, feel free to add me to your circle if we're mutuals!! i have a tagging system now :0 if i need to be tagging something please let me know !
main things i post/rb posts about atm are: my life (there are a lot of these), queer things, movies, dr who (currently on series 6), good omens, ofmd, music recs, theater kid shit, dracula daily also
the show i am currently working on is (please ask me about it): theater season is over AHHHHHH
more stuff abt me under the cut !!
love u all !!!!!
things i enjoy (hobbies ig): bass guitar, musical theater (costume design/tech in general, acting & singing), baking, reading, sewing, makeup, photography, film (chronic film kid taking film class), really any kind of arts&crafts, most water sports, music listening, watching bad tv to make fun of it, swimming in the morning, coffee, funky earrings/socks, vintage clothes/fashion history, and my dog :)
movies/shows i like (i consume so much media): heartstopper, young royals, umbrella academy, bee & puppycat lazy in space, the pjo show, TEOTFW, gravity falls, good omens, ofmd, i am not okay with this, doctor who, takin over the asylum, much ado about nothing (2011 tennant and tate version), stranger things (sometimes), moonrise kingdom, amelie, honestly anything by wes anderson, shit from the 80s like the breakfast club etc, knives out (and glass onion), scott pilgrim, lady bird, everything everywhere all at once, any kind of movie musical and anything by studio ghibli
music people: los campesinos!, arctic monkeys, boygenius, sorry mom, car seat headrest, phoebe bridgers, queen, the neighbourhood, sir chloe, noahfinnce, mcr, the front bottoms, radiohead, the smiths, eleven hours, beabadobee, mazzy star, the cure, pixies, mitski and many more
musicals i like (obligatory theater kid section): amelie (london version), heathers (west end and world premiere), wicked, in the heights, dear evan hansen, into the woods, the lightning thief, six, phantom, anastasia, bmc (both recordings), the prom, mean girls, beetlejuice, hadestown, hairspray, west side story, moulin rouge, les mis, chicago, newsies, grease, little shop
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lou-wilham · 3 months
Hi, sorry to bother you! I saw one of your reviews, and I’m a person getting back into reading. I was curious in what ways you’ve found work best for finding people and connecting in the writing and reading community as an author? I only use YouTube and Reddit for the most part, but I really find myself wanting to engage more. I have no desire to use twitter or instagram, so I’m kind of at a standstill on where and how to get more involved.
No bother at all!
I personally prefer instagram, because I have a great love of photography and graphic design to go along with my love of words. But that aside, I know there are several authors and readers right here on Tumblr who you could engage with. Also, BookTube is definitely a thing. I don't personally use Youtube, but I have an author friend who regularly tells me about review videos she found on BookTube (the book community on Youtube).
But really book people are everywhere. My recommendation would be to use the search engine on your favorite platform, and look for "book" and see what comes up. On Tumblr the tags you might want are booklr. On TikTok you'd want booktok. On Instagram it's bookstagram. On Youtube I'd try booktube. Not sure about Reddit, but I'm sure there are book people there too!
Another idea might be to try out Fable. I haven't used it extensively myself yet, but I know that app in particular was built for readers to create virtual book clubs. So that feels like it might be a good way to meet other book lovers.
If it's authors, in particular, you're looking to connect with, many of us have our preferred platforms or modes of communication on our websites.
Also reaching out just like this to authors and book lovers is sometimes a really great way to make new friends in the community. Many of my author friends I've made over the years I've made because I ignored my brain when it said, "you're just going to be annoying" and reached out anyway. It doesn't always work out. Sometimes I reach out and am either ignored, or the conversation is off and on. But I've made at least a few friendships who are people I now speak to every day by simply reaching out, saying hi, and talking books with them.
The friend I mentioned above who regularly uses booktube is one of them. We started by my asking her to beta read one of my early works back in 2019. Then we moved on to talking about anime. And now we speak every day about just about anything; work, politics, family.
So you really never know what those connections will lead to, and how they'll last. Sometimes they won't amount to anything. But from what I've seen of the book community, most of us (myself included) just want someone to nerd out with, and don't have those people living near us so we're happy to make new online friends.
I know the community can seem daunting, and huge at times, but trust me, you'll find your people. And I'm more than happy to chat books or craft with you if you want to reach out to me as well.
I hope this helps!
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souryeen · 1 year
Tumblr media
A vote for Ro is a vote for autistic nerds everywhere!! #RosannSweep2023
Ro is messing around w/ one of her photography buddy’s new camera! She’s having a great time just chilling out with her friends :)
{click image for better quality, seriously, Tumblr really destroyed this one.}
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lazaefair · 2 years
15 Questions
Tagged by @astrabear, thank you!
Are you named after anyone? Nope! My parents went through some kind of convoluted line of reasoning involving two different languages and arrived at a name that doesn't correspond to a conventional name in either one.
When was the last time you cried? Today, when I was writing a response email to my cousin about my aunt's recent passing.
Do you have kids? Never.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I'm a '90s kid who hit adolescence around when Joss Whedon was the nerd culture king, so, no. I haven't honed my expressionless delivery of ironic statements to a fine art in any way at all.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Facial hair and mouth shape. I find eye contact intensely uncomfortable, so I tend to look at the lower half of people's faces.
What's your eye color? Brown-black.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! The world is shit, I don't need to be told this fictionally as well.
Any special talents? I am very, very good at spelling. (American English, but I have a pretty good handle on British English, too.)
Where were you born? The U.S. Pacific Northwest.
What are your hobbies? Besides giving over my time and pieces of my soul to mindless social media scrolling, you mean? Writing fanfic (sometimes), making graphics and fanvids (allegedly), editing @thisweekinfandomhistory (or rather, procrastinating on it), running @oldguardbigbang (when it's going), baking (except when I'm trying to reduce sugar consumption), photography (when I can be bothered), and playing the piano (once in a blue moon).
Do you have any pets? Two - a small fluffy white yapper named Kingsley and a goofy husky named Lilly. They are very good dogs, even when they troll each other and upset their food bowls so kibble ends up scattered fucking everywhere. :)
What sports do you play/have you played? I have not.
How tall are you? Solidly average.
Favorite subject in school? During K-12, probably English, because it was the easiest for me and therefore (I know now) the least impacted by my undiagnosed ADHD.
Dream job? I honestly don't know. I'm pretty happy with mine right now, but of course I'd be even happier with it if I was paid more, so like. The answer to this question truthfully depends on the definition of "job" and whether it exists in a society where we have to work to stay alive.
Not going to tag fifteen people, but here are a few: @northstarfan @agent-aurelie @iwritesometimes @poemsingreenink @rompofotters @avi17 @the73rdpostscript @brigdh @boutiquetraveltravelboutique
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kulturegroupie · 2 years
hello! i was wondering where you find all of your zeppelin information! i’ve been digging up things for quite some time but i always find you have photographs and stories that i have never heard of!
hello dear, first of all i'm happy to hear that some of the stuff i post is new to you! 🤍
tbh i don't really have an answer to this question, as i look for pictures nearly everywhere on the internet. google, pinterest, instagram, weheartit, getty images, zeppelin and yardbirds forums, you name it... i search until i see something that i have rarely seen before, i haven't seen yet, or i've already seen but i particularly like and want to post. by now i know exactly what to search to find what i'm looking for (like keywords, certain websites i find particularly useful etc.), i know what comes up if i search a certain date or word on each of the sites i visit most regularly and i constantly get new ideas for new content and where to find it. sometimes i spend hours digging up for it and sometimes minutes. knowing jimmy's / led zeppelin's career timeline by heart and being a big nerd in that field (and the field of rock photography) certainly helps 😅
so ultimately, what i find is more a result of me digging the shit out of google rather than having a secret site where i take all my pictures, lol.
i'm usually not even looking for rare stuff, i'm just listening to a bootleg or thinking about a particular event, i look for pictures of it and suddenly i'm thrown into the big jungle that is google images.
as for the quotes, i own and used to own quite a number of led zeppelin books and always write down things i find interesting, and i'm also constantly looking for and reading lots of interviews (that i pretty much find in the same way that i find the pictures).
sorry i don't really have a definitive answer! but i'm glad you find my content interesting <3
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