#and people on tumblr are always the nicest imo
des-fangirl · 1 month
Gravity falls moots. Friends. Anyone- pspspsps-
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ki-yomii · 4 months
is there a reason that you’re ceasing to write? wishing support and success for you of course but you will be missed on here :(
There’s a couple different factors that’ve gone into my decision, and the fandom is a big one unfortunately :/
Some of you are absolutely lovely! Honestly some of the kindest, nicest people I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with.
And then others… in all my years of being on tumblr, writing fic, and being in fandoms, they are some of the most toxic I’ve ever encountered.
I’ve received more hate mail on this blog in a few months than I have in the entire 17+ years I’ve been writing fanfic on the internet. I’ve had posts flagged because someone reported it. All things I’ve never had to deal with until joining the BTS fandom.
Plus it always seems like some new drama is stirred up every few weeks. Not only am I too old to entertain that, it goes against everything the boys promote imo.
Another reason is how… weird some of the fandom is about the boys in general. I love them, I support them, but they’re also regular dudes with their own lives and some people are too comfortable with encroaching upon that.
And lastly, the interaction.
I’m so so thankful for all the support and love I have received from everyone. Honestly it’s why I kept writing for them as long as I did.
Though for me personally it boils down to this: I don’t care about notes, I don’t care about the amount of followers I have. What I do care about is the sense of community and belonging, of having conversations and sharing with others.
It’s what I thrive off of creatively - I’d take 100 note posts with asks/comments/replies over 10,000 notes of likes and empty reblogs any day.
That said I know I’m not entitled to engagement. I’m not entitled to asks or comments or messages. It’s their prerogative 100% to not interact. But it’s starting to feel too much like a popularity contest for my liking.
And after taking a break to write for a different fandom where I am getting my creative needs met, I realized that the BTS fandom just might not be the place for me - and that’s okay.
I’ll keep my love and support for the boys to irl. I’ll keep watching their DVDs and YouTube videos and listening to their music - I just won’t be active in regards to them online.
And if I do get the desire and inspiration to write for them again, I’ll post it to AO3 exclusively. I thought about deleting this blog as a whole because I don’t know when/if I’ll begin reblogging gifs etc again.
I ultimately decided against it as I didn’t want to do that to anyone who likes my account/doesn’t have any other way to read my fics.
I’m sorry this got so long winded, I just wanted to be transparent and honest.
Thank you for the support and well wishes 💛
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vindicia · 2 years
hiya if you have a spare minute could you maybe do a quick summary on the process you use to make gaming gifs? 😭 i cant seem to get the capturing and frame rates right when im trying to make them and yours are so smooth and pretty and some of my fave!! no pressure at all if you dont have the time or dont want to then please feel free to just ignore this!!! 🧡
hey hey! first of, thank you so much!! i'll quickly walk you through my process!
Making gaming gifs - from PS5 (or PS4)
I'm not sure what platform you're on, I'll be showing you how I capture footage on my Playstation 5 (PS4 is kind of similar!) and how I transfer it to Photoshop on my PC - after that I'd refer you to one of the many gif tutorials on this website!
This first section is about capturing footage on PS5. If you're on a different platform, I'm not sure what the best way of recording is, on PC i usually use the built-in xbox game bar screen recorder (windows button + alt + R). I'll be telling you step-by-step what I do from gameplay to a finished gif, so whatever you already know you can just skip.
Firstly, take a look at the settings on your PS5. Specifically, the Captures & Broadcast settings. Mine are like this:
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(Click to enlarge images!) If you have a 4k tv, you can also record games in 4k - I do not, I make do with 1080p, which is fine imo! (this specific method on PS4 will give you 720p footage, which is still ok but gifs won't be as crisp)
To record on your Playstation, use the share button:
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On both PS4 and PS5 you can choose to save the last seconds/minutes as a video (depending on your settings), on PS5 you can also start a recording using this button. I usually press this right at the beginning of a cutscene, and then again when it ends, to perfectly fit a cutscene in one video file. After doing this, go to the Media Gallery on your home screen:
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If you're not familiar with it, this where you will find all your clips and screenshots! At this point, make sure to have a USB drive with plenty of space, because that's what we're using to transfer the files to PC. You can also upload clips straight to youtube for example, but it does diminish the video quality quite a bit in my experience. Once you find the footage you want to transfer, click 'Select Multiple':
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And then select all the clips/screenshots you want, and then press '...' and then 'Copy to USB Drive':
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Then your PS5 will copy the selected files to your USB drive! This allows you to get your footage in the best possible quality.
As long as the game your record is running at 60fps, you should be getting 60fps clips as well. Once you insert the USB drive in your PC, you can start importing files into Photoshop using File -> Import -> Video Frames to Layers to import every frame as a layer. From here the process is the same as importing any other video file (TV, movie, etc.)
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Then, select the part of the video you want to make a gif of by adjusting the sliders:
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and press OK. For the smoothest gif, do not tick 'Limit To Every ... Frames', because that will make Photoshop skip frames.
After this, you can do all your coloring and such - plenty of tutorials on that on Tumblr and I'm also always urging people to try out the many options for themselves - but the last part I want to touch on for you is the framerates. After inserting this video file, the Frame Animation framerate is 0,02 seconds per frame:
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Generally when you make a gif, you end up sharpening it using the Timeline and saving it. What I usually do is save the gif (File -> (Export ->) Save For Web), then open in again in Photoshop, and change the framerate there. The nicest looking framerate depends on the footage, and, of course your own taste. This is my gif right after sharpening and saving (this is 0,03s per frame):
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This is a high framerate, which looks okay for this gif because there isn't a lot of movement. For 60fps footage like this, I recommend setting the framerate to 0,04s, so open the gif again and change it on every frame by pressing the option I highlighted below, and pressing 'Other':
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And then set the frame delay to 0,04s. That's the setting I usually use, while for 30fps footage I set the delay to 0,05s. But, again, it might depend on the footage which looks best. This is the same gif with a 0,04s frame delay:
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To illustrate the point of it depending on footage even more, I'll show you a gif with more movement with frame delays of 0,03s and 0,04s respectively, which hopefully shows you the difference quite clearly (I have to add to this that the speeds tend to look quite different on mobile and PC. 0,03s delay looks fine to me on PC, but way too fast on mobile):
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That is basically it for my process. As for your specific problems, if you use this capture method and the same options in Photoshop, you should be getting a pretty smooth gif. I hope there is some info in here that helps, if you have any other questions I'd be happy to help, but I think the most important things are using high framerate footage, importing these into Photoshop as layers and saving them for web correctly! 💗
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jennibeultimate · 1 year
I don’t think people necessarily hate varfolomeev or her routines, they more just dislike the scores she gets compared to others (not always just the artistry)
For example clubs qualification she dropped the club, a small drop but still a drop, yet she still had an 8.35 execution score?
I am sure there is also valid criticism for her scores. But to me a lot I saw at first glance was just hating on her for winning. There was no talk about either artistry or the scores just writing under the FIG posts "shame" or "RIP Rhythmic Gymnastics" and these were about the nicest things you could read. Being the death for a sport is certainly not just criticism of scoring. Also if it would be about the judges wouldn't you just say "shame on the judges" or demand for an explanation? Why tell your criticism for the judges this way?
And as I mentioned I am completely out of the loop with anything fandom related. If this is what I see without even seeing much of the fandom, I don't even want to know what ppl say about Darja in real fandom spaces. The only RG content I constantly saw over the last 2 years was on Tumblr and we see how much notes rg post on here get nowadays which is like about 1- 20 ppl interacting with the posts.
I just brought up the artistic score because I think this is the one I see as most problematic myself and where I can understand the anger a bit even if I think that lots of anger is also based on personal understanding what artistry is.
As for the execution example you used: a drop has a penality range from 0,5 to 1,0 (if I am not wrong) and when she had a small drop that could have been taken as 0,5 from the execution. You don't know what gets deducted and what not. I was surprised with Vika's ribbon execution with multiple mistakes today yet I would not claim to know everything about it or say it's unfair. From what I can see and judge Darja is rarely out of the trajectory in catches, finishes her body elements, penches and turns mostly without any adjustment, doesn't do extra steps between her elements and so on. So imo her execution score is deservedly high. But I am open for any discussion to show me a different sight?
We can always argue about scores in this sport or many other sports as well where human judge artistry and execution. But to simply claim that Darja only won because she is originally Russian and implying bribery and bought scores when other competitors made obvious mistakes and Darja has the skill to challenge the top spots with her insane difficulty and consistency is not fair.
In my experience with another fandom figure skating such "dislike of scoring" discussions are often just disguised hatred. Those ppl are not interested in a real discussion where their opinion could be proved wrong, those ppl just need a "valid" reason to dislike someone. I don't say it's always the case but take a look at other comments of those ppl and you can see how much they really care for those scores.
Scores are always debatable because it's humans who judge it, so another judge, another day, things will turn out differently. I think in the end what matters is that the right person wins and sometimes that also means that more ppl deserve the win/medal but there is only one winner or this number of medals. There were times in RG were medals were unfairly won and given to gymnasts who should have placed 4th or 5th but instead received medals, but imo this isn't the case with Darja here.
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h4amarch · 2 years
AvA/AvM Headcanons
(Designs here)
Headcanons such as pronouns, in-depth personalities and relationships, and other miscellaneous details. Liberal usage of memes. Will edit as I change/add ideas.
Color Gang in General
World’s most colorful polycule along with TSC 🦀. All the same height (taller than TSC).
Red: He/him. Most impulsive of the group + the nicest = himbo energy imo. LEEROY JENKINS indeed. Has so much energy he takes jogs around in the sticksfight.com house every morning. Bullied the most often in the group but they all hug him when he gets genuinely upset. The most socially active outside of their group, and has a lot of other stick figure friends on social media (as well as from monster school). Prefers stylish but relatively easy-to-put-on outfits. Is the first to get up to fight whenever someone insults his friends. You wanna fight??? Huh????? You gotta problem??????
Yellow: They/them. The most competitive of the group, but only by a slight margin. Insomnia just because they hyperfocus on something and boom suddenly it’s 5 hours past what is supposed to be bedtime. Wikipedia surfing is their best friend and also their worst enemy. Also the most philosophical of the group; asks questions about the nature of the soul and consciousness to the others until they beg them to please shut up Yellow, I’m trying to eat my baked potato and I keep having existential crises because of you. Closest to Blue. Prefers comfortable clothes—even their shoes have elastic laces.
Green: He/they. Has a Spotify Premium account but he won’t let anyone else use it. Plays music loud as fuck but as soon as someone breathes too loud while he’s composing he yells at them to pipe down. Never tells anyone where he’s going when he leaves ALANSPC so this becomes a common exchange: “Has anyone seen Green?” “He probably glitched out of existence again”. (He’s actually just exploring museum websites and Google Earth.) Always up in everyone else’s business when they try to build something decorative. Closest to TSC. The only person actually able to understand what “business casual” means.
Blue: She/they. Talks about the hat man but nobody knows what the fuck she’s talking about. (If you got that reference no you didn’t.) Likes watching cooking tutorial channels on Youtube. Once made actual cookies out of website cookies which disturbed the hell out of Alan. The rest of the Color Gang + TSC made and gave them a Blue Prize Ribbon for being the best cook and now she wears it everywhere. Has a secret garden hidden away somewhere that nobody knows about. Closest to Yellow. Wears either farmer gear or battle gear, no in-betweens.
Alan-Made Sticks
The Second Coming is the shortest. Victim, The Chosen One and The Dark Lord are the same height. TSC has a slightly bigger head size than the other three.
The Second Coming: He/they. SC for short (verbalized as Esse). Helps animate during the day/afternoon so doesn’t have the same sleep schedule as the Color Gang. Pretty chill person in general, people go to them for problems they can’t figure out and they give pretty solid advice most of the time. Probably a Genshin player /lh. Still thinks TCO took down TDL and revived everyone, because they don’t remember going super saiyan. Closest to Green. Wears clothes directly inspired by real-life clothing they see Alan or other humans wearing.
The Chosen One: He/she/they. Cho for short. Has trouble verbalizing/expressing herself, and prefers to let someone else do the talking/gesturing. He becomes a bit more open around TDL but it’s a subtle change. Posts ominous one-sentence (and sometimes one-word) posts on Twitter and/or Tumblr and nobody knows what the fuck they mean. Their posts are locked so you can’t retweet or reblog them. Everyone goes wild every time they post. “Thinking about salami on the ceiling.” What does it mean? There is no answer. Lives with TDL. Wears only outfits that look like they’re from a Marvel comic or an anime.
The Dark Lord: He/she. Dark for short. Very talkative and social unless she’s angry, in which case he’s the scariest sight you’ve ever seen. Eats horror movie files for breakfast. No, literally. Grinds up pirated horror movie files into bytes and puts it in a cereal box. Keeps up an Instagram but doesn’t show his face because then everyone would say “hey isn’t that the stickfigure that terrorized the internet for a while”. Thinks Marvel is cliche but then turns around and binge watches Madoka Magica and Bleach in one sitting. Lives with TCO after crawling out of the laser explosion TSC nearly killed him with and passing tf out. The most fashionable of them all.
Victim: She/they. If she were more conscious she would sign her name as “V”, but as-is, cannot remain coherent enough to remember or decide on a name. Can’t be seen. Lost data. Has her own influence on the flow of things ever so slightly—like letting SC become conscious, helping Cho break through the internet barrier just in time before the bluescreen, etc. Not conscious as much as they are just subconsciously drifting. Follows dream-logic and can only communicate with other stick figures when they are unconscious or dreaming, through bizarre non-sequiturs and topics that make sense while you’re dreaming, but become undecipherable upon waking.
Minecraft Shorts-Exclusive
ADOPTION STORY REAL (NOT CLICKBAIT)?!?!? Purple is the same height as the Color Gang. MT is taller than everyone, but Cho and Dark can float, so it doesn’t look like it. I imagine they move into MT’s house, considering we never see Purple’s.
Purple: They/them. Actually has a pretty solid set of morals regarding protecting your loved ones—they just hadn’t included the Color Gang in that category before. Has trouble developing a healthy balance on self-esteem and ambition-chasing because they’re afraid following through with any sort of goal or project will end up with them hurting others and failing again. Follows Dark’s instagram for fashion tips. Wants to open a flower shop someday, though they don’t realize it yet. Rickrolls someone once every six months. Might be crushing on Green and Red but they want to do a lot of working through their own issues before they act on any feelings.
Orange: He/him. You dropped your crown king Calls himself Orange but everyone else calls him MT for his Mango Tango color. Hates this. Hates it a little less when Purple does it. That’s not because they’re family now, what are you talking about. Doesn’t like to talk with people (anymore). Logical to a fault. Baffled at the fact that Purple is still willing to let him improve himself, but trying to make the most of it. I feel like he would like either story-heavy games or puzzle games (or games with both). A completionist at heart. Wears shit that looks like it’s from a vampire’s closet from the 16th century, and Florida dad shirts. There is no in-between.
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henrysfox · 2 years
Hello, I'm a new fan to 911 (just finished season 2) and I wanted to know how this fandom was? Is everyone nice? I had to step away from another fandom because of the toxicity. I want to join a new one, that will allow me to engage with other fans respectfully, talk about my favorites, and get me excited for the new season.
if you want my actual, honest opinion (which might get me executed asdfg) i would say that the best word to describe this fandom is: intense.
there are some lovely people here, some passionate and nice people. but there are also a lot of not great™ people. there are people who are always happy to talk about everything with everyone, and there are people who are in cliques and only talk to their fans/friends. there are people who create amazing content and are so happy to just be happy about this show, and there are people who complain about every little thing. there are people who are downright delusional about things that are happening in the show, and there are chill people who are in for the ride. for me, personally, the fandom has become a little too much™ and a bit too annoying, so i unfollowed a bunch of people. imo the most fitting comparison is the marvel fandom circa 2016-2018, around the time civil war came out asdfghj. BUT that being said - if you pick who you follow carefully, and curate your fandom experience - the 911 fandom can be very fun. but i'm not gonna lie to you and say it's the most chill or nicest fandom i've been in. but i think that's the trend now with many fandoms on tumblr, not just this one.
EITHER WAY - welcome to the fandom <3 if you ever wanna talk about this show I WILL GLADLY talk about it too. the show is amazing, i'm so glad you started watching it! i hope your fandom experience is great!
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
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something crazy just happened...
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i started this blog a year and a half ago and i honestly never imagined i would reach 100 followers let alone 15k!!! so i want to thank you ALL for being so lovely, welcoming and supportive - whenever i come on to tumblr, the studyblr community never fails to make me smile
this studyblr has been such an important journey for me and since i’ve made it i’ve grown as a person and as a student. it has taught me so much, from good study habits and self-care tips, to even some things about who i am as a person!
since i’ve created this blog and particularly in the past few months I've had the honour to meet and get to know some truly incredible people and i want to tag some people who i love and im so thankful to for being so kind: 
(you should all go follow their blogs if you haven’t already)
(btw it is probably gonna be quite long cause i have so much to say about these incredible people!!! sorry but im not really sorry XD)
@redlitmusbluelitmus MIA!!! i have already told you so many times how glad i am that you are my friend but i am going to do it again right here cause i can!! you are quite possibly the nicest, funniest and supportive people i have ever had the pleasure to meet. we haven't known each other for that long but in that time you quickly became an amazing friend and we have always just *got* each other!!! 💕💕💕
@study-van yasemin - our first conversation was pretty much a car crash and every one since has made me laugh and look like a proper idiot cause im usually just staring at my phone! i’ve followed your blog for so long and i’m so proud of all the amazing things you are doing and i’m so glad to have you as a friend after so stalking your blog for so long 💕
@museeofmoon zainab!!! we’ve known each other only for a short time now but our friendship was pretty much immediate!!! our conversations are filled with emojis, emoticons, capitals letters and XDs and i wouldn’t have it any other way!!!!! your posts are works of art and i will forever stan them <3
@headgirlstudy Ellie - discovering your blog was one of the best things to come out of my 2020 quarantine challenge cause you have this incredible style and simple beauty to your posts that i just can’t get enough of! i’ve loved having our fangirl conversations about taylor swift and all her incredible songs! you probably don’t know this but one of those conversations took place when i was feeling very low but discussing all the songs with you lifted me up so much so thank you xxx
@jeonchemstudy DAPHNE!!! if i ever create a bujo, i want it to look like yours because honestly, i don't understand how you managed to create such beauty!! we are interested in such similar things and it’s been so cool to find a fellow Gallagher girl lover (i was so shook when i found out you loved the books cause i usually feel very alone in my loved of them XD) and someone who is obsessed with last week tonight as me!!! x
@bulletnotestudies sabrina... you are just incredible and such a joyful person!!! i will always remember you messaging me when i posted that i was stressed about an exxay exam and your message was the last thing i saw before doing it and honestly if gave me such a boost! you’re positivity and supportiveness blows me away and i want many many more conversations with you xxx
@lattesandlearning laura - you were one of the most dedicated posters throughout the quarantine challenge and i loved seeing each and every one of your posts! i’m so glad to be following your journey and seeing what you’ve accomplished even in the short amount of time that I've known you <3
@upside-down-uni mo!!! another incredibly dedicated poster in the quarantine challenge and one that i always specifically looked out for! you and your blog have truly opened my eyes to other experiences and educated me more than you know just from your responses and posts! i always see that you like my posts and even on my dumb little text posts you often reply and it always makes me smile! i’m so glad that you’ve created this officially studyblr and thankful to you for making the community even more colourful 🌈
@coffeeandpies pat, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again but you are the basically the third person that i followed in the studyblr community and to think that we’ve actually had conversations and we are friends and mutuals is downright crazy to me because you are imo just one of those iconic blogs!!! you are a beautiful person inside and out and your text posts are hilarious and tell the best stories. thank you so much for being so lovely <3
@coralstudiies you were the first person ever to really message me on tumblr and i remember being so shook because i think your blog is just mind blowingingly incredible! every picture of your notes looks like a work of art and i don’t know how you manage to make them look so perfect!!!
@problematicprocrastinator beth, you are a pillar of positivity in this community and your supportiveness and openness is at a level that i aspire to! your morning messages are usually the first thing i see (at least when i still was going to school on the bus every morning before all of the corona stuff) and it always gave me a little boost for the day! you are an incredible writer and your dedication to supporting everyone in this community is amazing <3 (also your blog name is probably the best one i’ve ever seen and i’m so jealous ngl)
i could wax lyrical about every studyblr i know but this post is getting really long so here are more of my favourites (just know that if you are in this list i have a little monologue about how amazing you are in my head and i appreciate you so much 💕💕💕)
@chazza-studies-alevels @stuhde @captainofstudies @sosiaalitieteet @elleandhermione @mid-afternoon-tea @athenastudying @learning-to-think @serendistudy @philology-studies @rivkahstudies @emili-a-a @nabasynth @divinity-study @cals-desk @abbieestudia @studywithprincess @studybuddiesareoverrated @casual-minimalist @stu-dna @coffe-in-cup @adelinestudiess @intellectys @eintsein @einstetic
there are so so many more that could be added to this list and i’m sure i’ve forgotten people!! basically i ADORE every single person in this community and i’ve loved getting to know all of you and i hope i’ll be able to meet more people in the next few years 💕💕💕
Now here’s the blograte celebration!!!
I did a blogrates for 10k followers but i enjoyed it so much and it was a while ago now that i want to do it again with all you amazing people!!!
Must be following me although new followers are welcome too!
Must be a studyblr or at least mostly (cause I want to find some more studyblrs to follow)
Reblog this post
Send me an ask : in the ask begin with your favourite emoji so I know it is a blog rate then tell me a funny story! 
Please don’t send anons - if your studyblr is a side blog just tell me this in the ask
Please let me know what you tag your original content with (specifically if it is not in your bio) 
Please be kind and patient! i am very busy this summer with lots of work as well as running my Summer Studying Challenge so it may take me a little while to do it but hopefully, i’ll get it done as fast as possible
I will be doing these blogrates until Wednesday 22nd July 
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
i will be tagging my blograte posts with #myhoneststudyblr15k if you wanna blacklist them so your dash doesn’t get filled up!!
Thank you everyone!! <3
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stasammenarchive · 3 years
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@mixnmuse​ asked: MY URL
Send me your URL
My Opinion on;
Character in general: i love all of your characters.. even the ones i don’t really know or interact with.. i love them because you love them and you have great taste :) seriously, though.. i love so many of your muses.. luca, melody, mattia, punz, ronan, nod -- SO many..they’re all such good character choices and i love to see it. How they play them: your portrayals are ALWAYS chefs kiss. every time you write a character i can always hear their voice, and you put so much love into them.. honestly i love it sm, it’s awesome. you always just hit the nail on the head with them and i love seeing you write them.. be it on discord or tumblr, it’s always a delight imo!! The Mun: i’m hannah-phobic everyone knows this. .... jk i love you so fucking much? you’re literally the first person i wrote with in the luca fandom.. my first luca.. my beloved.. i’ve had so much fun building verses and aus and ships with you.. you’re 100 percent one of my favourite people, even if i bully you for making typos sometimes. 
Do I:
RP with them: ABSOLUTELY, U BETTER BELIEVE IT Want to RP with them: literally always.. my beloved
What is my;
Overall Opinion: hannah is wonderful and deserves all of the love in the world.. she’s such a sweet person and such a good friend.. i can always count on her.... she also introduced me to the goes wrong show so i owe her my life at this point. if you’re not following her.. what are you doing honestly? you’re missing out on one of the nicest, funniest people i know <3
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jimlingss · 4 years
Thank you, everyone, for your words of encouragement. In this short amount of time, I’ve been absolutely overwhelmed with messages of support. I want to reassure you all that I’m by no means as hurt as some of you think, or at least not after so much kindness. I’ve always encouraged all kinds of feedback!! From compliments to constructive criticism. And I’m (supposedly) an Adult™, so I can definitely take someone’s opinion.
Regardless, thank you to everyone who reached out to me. I want to respond to each and everyone of you under this post so I don’t flood other people’s dashes.
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Anonymous said: about the anon who said your fics lack emotion, hmm i wouldn't quite agree tbh, i remember reading tears of a villian and deadass crying, it hurt me so much!! also, in "fall in hatred" their feeling are so well portrayed and i could understand why they acted a certain way! to conlclude, there is always some space for constructive criticism but your stories, are to me, something very attentively built and created, it's apparent that you completely enjoy writing, I can feel your enthusiasm!!
--to that anon; pls don't get this wrong way but it's just the way I see it and I've read quite a lot till now
nah deadass crying isn’t good enough anymore, anon. You have to be keening and violently sobbing until you’re brought into the ER for my fics to be considered to have emotion. lol I’m only kidding, thank you for the message.
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peachiest-hun said: To that anon who said your work lacked emotions, I beg to differ! I have read Jungle Park so many times I know at exactly which chapter when the heavy angst starts happening and I read those parts when I just want to have a good cry (I still cry every. single. time)! Also Head Over Heels to Hell, The Colour of Our Voices, Love So Shallow (because I so relate with OC), and many more have given me the FEELS (happy and sad ones). 1/2
So what I'm trying to say is that Jimlingss is doing a great job in her craft. She does deliver emotions in her work and the reason I love it so much is that it's SUBTLE and not completely in your face. Sometimes emotions that are subtle and they hit you slowly, but powerfully it hurts even more for me. On another note, I'm loving Sugar and Coffee. In times of darkness which are often these days, I have something to look forward to every week to keep me motivated. So thank you Jimlinggs! 2./2
Istg Jungle Park is one of the most unexpectedly beloved fics on my blog but I love it hahaha I can’t believe you’ve read it to the point of knowing what chapter is what though. that’s an honour. There’s definitely stories of mine that are less subtle than others, but I’m glad that you enjoy the latter of them too :’) Thank you.
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Anonymous said: This is my first time ever leaving a message on someone’s tumblr, but I just felt that I HAD to after reading that anon’s comment about your stories lacking emotion. I wholly disagree (in the nicest way possible, not throwing any shade at anyone). I’ve read all of your fics (for the past two years) and I look forward to when you release new material (the highlight of my Mondays right now after I come home from working at a clinic). Your stories have really lifted my mood during this pandemics an
Anonymous said: Sorry for that long tangent. Don’t even know if I made sense. You don’t have to respond to any of this, but you deserve to hear some positive words as well.
Oh my god. Did I just take your tumblr-message virginity? asdfghjkl I’m kidding. but thank you for reaching out to me. I can’t believe you’ve been around for such a long time and that I’m a part of your Monday routine :’) 
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Anonymous said: OK that ask about "constructive criticism" was def imo RUDE. You don't just anonymously go into someone's asks and bluntly tell an author that their fics "lack emotion". That is not the way to encourage someone to improve and continue to work hard. That's just flat out mean. That person clearly doesn't care about your feelings or the fact that you write and share your stories for FREE for us to enjoy. I love your stories and appreciate what you've shared with us. Thank you for your hard work ❤️
I like to give the benefit of the doubt to anons and anyone sending me a message online in general. God knows there were times I meant well but it was received wrongly. But anyway, my mind was more boggled than I was hurt, that’s one thing for sure.
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joonie-mono said: + it was called love so shallow which genuinely made me see myself in a character, but my point was that your writing has a specific feel to it, it's made me laugh and cry (His Name personally killed me :] ) and that's my opinion. You and your writing are amazing and I'm sorry but that anon was just so wrong.
oof bringing out the evidence. be my attorney please.
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Anonymous said: As someone who has read your entire masterlist (and going through it again) i will have to wholeheartedly disagree with that anon. The way you portray SO many emotions in your fics is *chefs kiss* and I honestly thought that the ones that “lack emotion” were meant to be that way, with an open ending, the idea that their love just started, soo.... yeah, I’ll have to disagree.
There are definitely stories of mine that are a bit looser on romance. Such as Kitchen Romance, The President’s Son, The Heiress’ Son, Arcadia, etc. But I have a loooot of fics that are quite emphasized in either despair/sadness or cute fluff.
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ladyartemesia said: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I am here to disrespectfully disagree with anon who probably doesn’t write effing ANYTHING and has no idea what it takes to produce the content you do. I have followed for months and I’m still not through your masterlist BECAUSE reading your stories is a bloomin EMOTIONAL EVENT. When I read Brass and Strings, I LOST A WHOLE DAY. Like I was so into it, my DAY was gone. Anon is prolly salty there isn’t more smut I guess. That’s whatever for them. (Part 1)
It’s subtle, deep, meaningful, and incredible and you’re one of my favorite authors. I can’t FOR A SECOND let that comment go cause it’s RIDICULOUS. You’re literally so gifted. You don’t need to change a thing. Every artist, no matter their medium, should continue to improve. So in that sense I wish you all the growth in the world as you work towards the perfection of your craft. BUT SERIOUSLY you’re an incredible writer. That anon is loony. I’m so sorry you had to even read those crazy words.
As I answer these messages, it’s starting to feel like I’m the third party mediator of a dispute and all y’all are just HAMMERING it to this anon, LOL. I’m not sure if the anon is necessarily requesting for more smut but if they are, they might be happy this Friday (*COUGH spoiler for those actually reading my responses)
Anyway, you’re too kind. thank you. I am definitely not as hurt as I was earlier.
((and tbh you’re hilarious, you’re actually making me laugh irl))
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krystle1990 said: Woah!! Ok first that Anon is absolutely crazy. I literally stalk your page for new work being put out! I probably blow up your notifications daily. I've never been disappointed in any of your work. You always give a heads up if it will take time for the characters to realize their feelings which I absolutely love. It always leaves me ready for the next part and I am glued to my phone with every update. You're amazing and I can't wait to see how you grow with your work. 💜😘
ASDFGHJKL PLEASEEE if it’s someone who’s worried about blowing up notifications, it’s me. To those who have notifications on I sincerely can’t fathom how often I blow up people’s phones. I digress, I always give out warnings to keep people patient since I know slow burn can be excruciating haha thank you for the message.
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kigurumu said: Also just want to add that saying you have good intentions or "don't mean to be mean" does not cancel out whatever offensive thing you just said. IT WILL STILL RUDE. Not saying all negative feedback is bad. Criticism can be hard to take no matter how it's phrased, but telling a writer to be more like another writer is like telling them their style isn't good enough which is NOT helpful. Your writing is your own. If the anon wants to read fics that are like gukyi's, they can read gukyi's fics 🙄
Also I've been waiting until Sugar and Coffee is done so I can binge it all at once but avoiding spoilers from all the asks is so hard haha! I keep seeing all these good things about it and I'm SO tempted to just read it now but I've already waited this long so I don't wanna give up kfnrjrofvjskdh guess I'll reread your other fics in the meantime
The message was fine on its own but I think dragging in another writer at the end was definitely not ok. When will comparing writers end. But regardless, gukyi and I are cool with one another - i mean we wrote 100k together so it’s gonna have to take a reverse Zuko arc for us to be on bad terms lol
Anyway, oooh you’re one of those bingers. Can’t say I blame you cause I love binging myself, so it’s understandable for readers to wait till the series is over. and since you were so kind in following up your original message with two more and expressing so much appreciation for me :’), I’ll let you know that the finale of Sugar and Coffee will be posted by July 20th! by then, the entire series will be completed. 
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Anonymous said: Tbh i think that neither you nor that anon is wrong. Some people like it more romanticised and cheesy, some people dont. I believe that your stories are more on the realistic side of life. People (whom your characters represent) cant always be cheesy and passionate for love, there are other things in life! Maybe you're just the type who's too realistic for any hopeless romantic things like i am and it's fine. Not all writers can write dramatic romance
Tbh, I agree. It’s a matter of opinion and there’s no one wrong in the fight of opinions. As I’ve said many times on my blog, the cringe factor varies between person to person. What someone might think is fluffy is absolutely cringey to another. What someone might think is a good amount of fluff is not enough for someone else. I’ve written a lot. And I’ve made sure to add lots of variations between the amount of romance in my stories. Indeed, some are definitely more subtle and “realistic” while others are completely cheesy and makes me gag from the amount of sugar in it lol I just think the anon should take a look at more of my stories before coming up with such a conclusive opinion.
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Anonymous said: I’ve been reading your fics for over a year now and religiously follow updates every week. Why? Because they make me feel something whether it be joy from fluff or grief from angst. I’ll remember a story of yours months after I first read it and return to it just to feel those emotions again. I understand that emotional responses are usually subjective but I think that anon needs to read your works again, because they sure are missing out.
I replied to that anon that they should check out more of my fics and then come back to tell me if they haven’t changed their minds, so I don’t know if they’re missing out or not lol
I don’t expect my stories to elicit emotional responses or fanatic feedback for everyone. God knows there’s been other people’s writing styles that just didn’t resonate with me no matter how hard I tried to read their stories. But all I ask is that people try. It’s fine if you give up halfway but at least try reading. That’s fair to ask, right?
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harringroveheart · 4 years
I would honestly just approach them in the nicest way possible and straight up ask them about it. Bookmarks etc can be private on ao3 so they may be deliberately copying you. Sometimes imitation is not always flattery imo 🤷‍♀️
Thanks for the advice, anon. I’m going to find a way to talk to them gently (and privately, if I can find them on tumblr somehow).  
Just in the last hour one of my fave people on here left a comment gushing about the latest chapter, and it’s an almost line for line copy of a scene from mine. 
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gentleroads · 5 years
1, 2, 11 and 15 if you’re still taking asks for the identity ask meme?
My core interests are so different each & every week, so it’s kinda hard to pin me down to a few categories imo. But because you took the time to ask me, I would gladly answer these questions for you hdkdjdk💖💖💕
(under a read more for ask length) (x)
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
So many things… Not necessarily my favorites, but these feel like me somehow.
my natal chart. Honestly, I know astrology’s a pseudo-science - you can’t actually prove what’s true or not - but I deeply feel like my signs are accurate to my personality.☀️🌙
(Virgo sun means I’m a perfectionist, kind, & smart. Aries moon means I have a childish outlook & am quick-tempered, moody. Capricorn rising means I take things seriously & am image-conscious, but have a sense of humor still. I’m also Libra & Aquarius dominant, which means that I mostly seek balance in my life & relationships, but I come off as distant, too. Libra is also home in Venus, or the planet of love, so I naturally interpret things through a romantic lens.)
interactive fiction🥺🥺🙏🏼
esp. The Wayhaven Chronicles & Creatures Such As We
Greek myths (esp. “Eurydice & Orpheus”, “Psyche & Eros”) & fairytales
a lot of poetry & web-weaving about the human connection
my about page, lol
(youtube) Jubilee, WIRED, Try Guys, vine compilations
Jubilee: Middle Ground, but Seeking Secrets hits me in a way no other videos have
WIRED: Technique Critique
Try Guys: I just like them? I think they’re hilarious & I enjoy watching guys being guys & having fun.
(movies) To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, A Silent Voice, The Edge of Seventeen, Mean Girls
(tv shows) The Good Place, The End of the F***ing World (more s2 than s1 in content), Black Mirror s1e3, Queer Eye s3e7 (24:03)
(comedians) John Mulaney, Mitch Hedberg, Trevor Noah, Bo Burnham, Catherine Tate
Team Starkid’s Starship musical
…both sides of a story before coming to a decision.
…these songs, which I listed in the order I thought made them sound the nicest:
Lower Your Expectations - Bo Burnham
Someone To You - BANNERS
Pardon Me - He Is We
Memories - Thutmose
Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitski
Learn Me Right - Birdy, Mumford & Sons
Liability - Lorde
Do I Wanna Know - Hozier
Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran
A Thousand And One Nights - Starkid
Can’t Handle This - Bo Burnham
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
Yes, actually! Sylvia Plath, Franz Kafka, & E.E. Cummings wrote in ways that completely agree with me. Most everything they wrote, I could find myself in it.
11. describe your ideal day.
My ideal day would be super chill - it just involves a ton of relaxing. I’m wearing comfortable clothes & am hanging out with people I like (friends/family). We can go somewhere new or stay where it’s familiar. We eat together & tell stories that make each other laugh. We watch a theatre performance/tv show/movie.
15. five most influential books over your lifetime.*
NatGeo’s Weird But True! debut book
This little book jumpstarted my intense craving for any & all trivia. I read it, cover to cover, in elementary school & would spew the relevant ones during class. Since then, I’ve kinda just had a reputation for knowing things.
a book filled with Grimm’s fairytales
I learned about love through fairytales. It was actually the illustration accompanying “Rapunzel” that made a shiver run up my spine. I couldn’t have been older than 10. I stared & felt wonder, & I believe that love is good & rewarding.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
A surprisingly engaging novel. IIRC Shelley wrote it when she was my age & I had to read it for class. It opened my eyes to the idea of taking responsibility for the creation/guidance of life & education. (Also, apparently, there has always a literary struggle between man vs. God. Wack.)
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson
^ These two explored the concept of soul mates & how we determine how our lives unfold - if that makes sense? Like, choosing what to do with ourselves in a moment & then dealing with whatever follows from that.
*I feel like books haven’t influenced me as much as just talking to people has. I like to watch the interviews of creatives & behind-the-scenes clips because I’ll never know as much about a certain topic as said creative does. I am genuinely interested in knowing what anyone says always.
I also read sooo much (but not novels nowadays). Everything from YouTube comments to video game lore to bodily illness to historical fashion to love letters between poets to Tumblr posts to the backs of cereal boxes. Most anything I come across & have no info on, I want to know about. There is so much to discover in everything. My memory is long & I am young still.
Books are written by one person; they hardly have an answer I’m looking for.
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chaparritabellita · 6 years
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sergeantskam · 5 years
grace in skam austin for the character thing 😈😈😈
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (hard work.. dedication.. loving her friends.. come on)
best quality: she’s always trying to help her friends even when she’s down, like she basically saved megan in season 1. she fights for what’s right and works for stuff she believes in.
worst quality: she can be insensitive to people who aren’t her friends, she tends to shut down when something happens that she doesn’t like, a little preachy, kinda closed off
ship them with: daniel (obviously but they’re cute together, especially that diner scene), megan if i didn’t love her with shay
brotp them with: ZOYA!!! MEGAN!! THE GIRLS!!! (kelsey when they actually talk it out)
needs to stay away from: blaming herself for everything (lol) but seriously she needs to never see clay again!!
misc. thoughts: ppl characterize grace as a white feminist and a homophobe but as a queer immigrant whose dad is a poc i don’t see it as vividly as some of y’all do? her joke in the locker room seemed more insensitive to shay’s feelings than homophobic, quite honestly, because the joke hinged on shay being into megan and not shay being into girls imo. everyone was also freaking out about her response to tyler at the party but come on. tyler has been an asshole to megan this entire time (and no, he was not ‘just protecting shay’ in the first season. come on. he was a dick) and even though he was justified in this situation, megan is grace’s friend and she was her top priority, not shay since shay obviously has a good friend to take care of her in tyler. she didn’t say that what megan did was right (it wasn’t) and she DEFINITELY wasn’t being homophobic. her treatment of kelsey, while dishonest and not the nicest, stems from genuine concern for her and i feel like they can talk it out. grace’s feminism looks to me like the same as most american feminism– a bit preachy, a bit concerned with appearances, a bit insensitive– but it’s nothing she can’t get over with time and growth. most people i know used to be like that it’s not a sign that she’s a bad person tumblr just can’t seem to understand character growth. the fact that they use refugee/migrant children as a plot device is just shitty writing but you know what? it’s shitty but realistic. people suck and teenagers especially can often not see past their own situations and that’s shitty. but it’s not irreversible shittiness for her character. anyway, i would love for people to stop hating her 24/7 and find a hobby.
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punk-aziraphale · 6 years
hey ♥ you seem very sweet and very into the knitting community! i recently discovered sewing helps with my mental health, so i thought do you maybe now some diy/selfmade blogs i could follow, that you like?
Imo crafting is always a huge boost to my mental health as well, I’m so glad you’ve found something that makes you feel better!!
My top three crafting blogs on tumblr would be these:
- @lazy-vegetarian. Lots of knitting patterns with so many pretty pictures and links to the patterns on ravelry. A lot of the patterns they post are the free ones too, which is always nice :)
- @sew-much-to-do. General DIY, and VERY well tagged so if you search you’re for sure gonna find something you like. Plus they take requests!!! And they always come up with a nice list of things when people ask. (like if you, for example, asked for “beginner sewing patterns with strawberry themes” they’d probably find at least three. I’m always impressed with what they do with people’s requests.)
- @bluephone is a wealth of inspiration for quilting and knitting and crocheting and drawing too! Seeing her bug quilt is actually what made me want to try my hand at quilting something again!
There are many others on and off tumblr, obviously, but these are for sure my top three maker inspiration blogs on tumblr.
I know that pinterest is controversial because it’s easy for people to steal art from there, and yes it has it’s issues, but I've also found it to be a wealth of sewing patterns that I wouldn’t have found easily without it.
Here’s links to my personal DIY fashion board and general DIY board if you wanna check out what I mean.
I really hope this is helpful and that you’re enjoying your sewing!! Share what you make! The crafting communities and by far some of the nicest I’ve been a part of.
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calzonekestis · 6 years
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So, I’m older. I’ve got about 1130 followers. Gonna give a shout out to my homies, with a follow forever/bias list thing where I also compliment y’all bc you deserve it.
@prof-anity Davis is my best friend in the world. Davis is my best friend in the sea.
@thelordvader Bethany is the coolest nerd I know. She’s smart, witty, pretty (selfie game unparalleled), and pretty… much always right. We had been mutuals for years but somehow over the past two years or so became friends and it is still an honor.
@viktorfrankensteins Listen I’ve followed Royan for a while bc Bethany did and I trust Bethany’s judgement, but in just a matter of a few months Royan somehow managed to become one of my most beloved and valued friends. I’ve only known her for a short while but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone on this hell site and then myself.
@jjoelswatch Sarah is honestly one of the first people I remember following on tumblr, like back around 2012, and it’s bc of her I became exposed to Bethany and like… I don’t even know when we really became friends? After being mutuals for so long, it just sort of happened and she’s been a constant and comforting presence ever since. Except when she sends me sad Star Wars videos. That’s not comforting. She’s one good natured people I’ve encountered on the internet tho.
@thealbooty  Alberto is someone I met through Davis years ago, and again, I don’t even know how it happened. One day they were just there, and tho I don’t talk to them nearly enough they are just one of the nicest and raddest people you could meet. I’ve seen them grow from a youngling into an Adult, and gosh, the word could use more people like them. Kind, pure, smart, amazing, spectacular. Killer eyebrows, tbh.
@frostborn is someone who I believe I first encountered through the wonderful ladies listen above, and she herself is just really nice and awesome? She’s another person I don’t talk to nearly enough, but she’s just a lovely presence on my dash. Always liking and reblogging things, making me feel valid.
@rocktheholygrail Dana makes gifs and things, and is always willing to let me exploit her skill by taking requests. She’s also just super chill and friendly, and likes my selfies when I post them, ergo she also makes me feel valid. We also enjoy the same terrible bleached asshole, which I’m not gonna give any context for whatsoever. That’s a bond that connects us tho~
@readytocomply IDEK how or when I started following Stef. She’s another person who is just super nice and chill. She’s talented when it comes to both edits and cosplay. She’s just a great person and I’m glad I know her.
@uncleclustersthirdbrain and @helenawayne, I hope you’re not offended by me lumping you together, but I mean… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Two people who I also first encountered around 2012ish, when I was an obnoxious outspoken teenager. We kind of drifted apart and fell out of touch for a while, but we reconnected actually around this time last year. Because Donnie’s fucking talented, and I wanted to reach out and tell him that I was happy for him/proud of him. Buy his comics here. Morgan ofc is also talented, and has a YouTube channel here. They’re just both good people, who care about people, and they have a cute dog.
@88ecto Derek is someone I’ve respected for going on a decade but somehow over the past year or so, we’ve become really good friends? I’m not even sure how that happened, it’s still surreal for me. He’s actually the one person on this list I’ve had the pleasure of actually meeting. Not to sound like a broken record, but he truly is just a good person. Also, plug.
@apol-lo Cristian. Again, someone who I don’t talk to nearly enough. He’s a good person. Another person who I’ve seen grow up, better himself. He should be proud, cause I’m proud of him. You’ve did alright for yourself, buddy.
@diaryofawriter Again, I don’t remember I met Jess tbh. She’s just been another presence. Whenever I need to rant or vent, she’s there to provide an ear or distraction. Good writer, good friend. She’s rad.
@fullonzombae Kim also likes the bleached asshole. No, I still won’t give you context. She’s got a kind heart, a sharp wit, and is a talented writer. She’s also British, so that automatically gives her some class.
@timelessmulder Emily-Alice and I aren’t even the same fandoms anymore but I wouldn’t recognize my dash without them. Again, they’ve followed me since my tumblr beginnings. She has seen things. The highs, and the lows. A rational and grounded person, who is lovely and deserves good things.
@kryptonians I think I encountered Gil through Davis? I’m not sure. He’s just a good dude. Decent. Rational, funny, and all around good people. He likes Superman. That makes him alright in my book. Pretty much all of my DC exposure comes from his blog these days.
@thejazzdalek Max is another awesome guy who has been a mutual for ages, and that I don’t talk to enough. There’s a pattern here. We have a lot of the same fandoms though, and he’s always been friendly towards me.
@cimikat It’s Katie’s fault I started watching critical role, tbh. Yet another person I’ve followed since the beginning of time. Or at least, 2012. She’s just really sweet and chill. Marvel, Star Wars, whatever content she puts on my dash is Good Content.
@chujo-hime Stacy was “tumblr famous” imo and I remember having a mini freakout when she first followed me. Again, just a constant and friendly presence. A voice of reason, and back during the fandom wankery and ship wars that were going around 2013 or so… that was hard to find. Nothing but respect for her.
@ilikethequiet Ally is the photoshop fairy, and another friend who lets me exploit her talents. She reminds me of Bubbles from Power Puff Girls tbh. Really endearing and happy and fun, tho she’s not afraid to call out bullshit when she needs to. We need to talk more/write together more, friend.
@dreamimpcssiblethings Kath, you honestly are the sweetest person I think I’ve ever met tbh. We don’t talk as much as we used to, and that’s on me. You’re smart, and I love listening to you ramble on about things you’re passionate about and I’m sorry I suck and usually only reply with emojis. You’re another person the world could do to have more people like, but you’re one of a kind my friend.
I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone, and if I have, I’m truly sorry. It’s not a slight. Ilu. I know there are some people I’ve left off bc they’re not really that active anymore on tumblr so.
Also. @mulaney. Notice me.
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larrydoinglaundry · 2 years
hiya, just poping in to say i hope you're not giving too much weight on what you see on twitter; imo it's most often a mistake to venture there. Coming back to the topic of fics rec, i've rarely used them myself. I've always used the tag systems on ao3 to find my fics and the fics recs i came across here on tumblr are just bonus. And call me an optimistic but I like to think many people do so. After all if me and you do, we can't be the only ones can we? I mean there's something called a silent majority (thinking of an expression in my mother language here, no idea if it translates the same in english) and we tend to focus on the louder people which are sadly, rarely the smartest nor nicest. I guess what i'm trying to say is, your works are lovely and it'd be a shame if some people's lazyness (to search properly) and the consequent lack of visibility you feel it's giving your stories discouraged you. First, because no matter how many, there's still people seeing, reading and enjoying your fics and also even though people are still going to discover your work; readers using the tags system are people stumbling upon it through tumblr... Anyway i'm rambling. In the end the most important is that you have fun doing what you're doing. If writing takes too much of your time or energy, it'd make sense if you'd wanna stop. Just wanted to try and offer some perspective, but mostly support. Do what feels the best for you to keep having an enjoyable experience and in any case, thank you for what you've shared with us already <3
First of all, thank you for all these kinds words, nonnie <3
I ventured to twitter after someone told me my fic is being discussed and I was too curious to see. I mean they were nice about it, but I was dumb enough to stay around, and I saw the general tone of discussion with fanfics they have and boi am I disappointed. And sad, tbh. The way they treat authors and how they feel qualified to give "constructive criticism" is absolutely ridiculous. A friend of mine said it,,, what twitter is doing is not constructive, it's destructive.
I always try to go by Wentworth Miller quote: "If what I do resonates with no one, that's fine. If what I do resonates with one person; beautiful."
But sometimes it's just a little hard. Thank you though, I highly appreciate your words.
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