#and people in the comments. are doing anything and everything to defend their man they’re blaming the damn dragon and anthony head etc 🙄
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liebgirl · 10 months ago
yesssss haha YES!! btw!!!!
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livwritesstuff · 1 year ago
“Papa has to put five dollars in the jar,” Hazel proudly announces the very moment she and Steve arrive home from her evening dance class.
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie groans his place at the stove where he’s cooking dinner, “What’d you do this time?”
The Jar is actually a repurposed animal crackers container – the big plastic kind shaped like a bear. Most people think it’s a swear jar which, honestly, Steve and Eddie are fine with because that’s probably better than the reality of the situation – that they (it’s mostly Steve, actually) need a system to keep in check the petty fights they get into with practically everyone they know.
“I just–” Steve starts, and then he rolls his eyes, “I don’t get why some people have kids if they clearly don’t want to be part of their kids’ lives.”
“Little pitchers,” Eddie reminds him – as in little pitchers have big ears, as in their children hear everything they say, whether they want them to or not.
Steve ignores him.
“So her class was about to wrap up – they had, like, five minutes left – and they all came out of the room looking all excited and they said they wanted to show us their recital dance so far because they’re almost done learning it.”
“Sure,” Eddie comments.
“And this one kid is, like, rushing to put her shoes and coat on over her little tutu thing because her mom’s waiting in the car outside, and she goes to get her, and then, like, five minutes later she comes back inside in tears because her mom didn’t want to come in.”
Eddie shakes his head, equally unimpressed.
“Anyways, they do their little routine and – Ed, they were so excited, and they tripped over each other the entire time and none of them know what they’re doing and it’s so fucking cute, man. I have no idea how anyone wouldn’t want to watch that.”
“Right,” Eddie said slowly, because he knows Steve well enough to start piecing together where The Jar might come into play. 
“So when it was over,” Steve continues, “I walked the kid to her mom’s car and I told her that she missed a good show and that her daughter very obviously wanted her there.”
“I really don’t think I did anything wrong,” Steve defended.
“Cough it up, big boy. Jar.”
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1mlostnow · 8 months ago
I hope that caught your attention :)
I’m also hoping to get more input from the queer community here so please comment or rb with anything you have to say.
Please read I think this is incredibly important.
Okay ⬇️
I am a trans man and I have only socially transitioned. I don’t usually like to talk about the fact that I’m trans, because I have this underlying fear that it will somehow remind people that I’m “not really a man” or something. Internalized homophobia, I guess. But this feels really important to talk about.
The 2024 Election. I am confident in my belief that we will have a second trump term. It is so incredibly important for trans kids to build community. If he gets elected, that puts us and queer people as a whole at risk.
Depending on which state you’re from, you may have already gotten a taste of this. I’m from a primarily red state and we’ve got bathroom bills, book bans, and transparency bills.
Bathroom Bill -> bans trans folks from using the bathroom which aligns with their gender identity, requires them to use bathroom that corresponds with their sex at birth. I know for a lot of states, this also removed gender neutral bathrooms in a lot of places.
Book bans -> thank you Ron Fucking DeSantis (florida governer, ran for president but dropped from race in January 2024(?)) Lawmakers can decide what books they consider inappropriate for schools, and have them removed. They defend it by saying they’re banning “sexual content” but majority of it is mentions of queer folks in books. To them two boys holding hands for one sentence may as well be a book full of smut. Overall, they’re only retracting what they want to, excluding gender/sexuality mentions and critical race theory.
Transparency -> OH MY FUCKING AHSHDHDRRR. Okay so. In my state and many others, there’s something referred to as a transparency bill. It was advertised as transparency in education and a right for parents to know what the schools’ curriculum consists of. Part of this bill requires teachers and administrators to out a student to their parents or guardians if they come out at school. — Going into this school year, I was unaware this bill had passed. I emailed my teachers the week before school and on my second day, the principal was legally required to phone home. Luckily, everything was fine on my end and my mom already knew.
Now these are the things that have already happened. There is so, so much more. Bans on gender affirming care, legally classifying marriage as between a man and a woman, and SO much more that I can’t even comprehend enough to type out. Please do your research.
It’s so hard to stay positive when I fear for my wellbeing, my future, and my life. I am a teenager. I am meant to be going to school to learn math and science, not the Ten Commandments. I’m meant to be able to use the bathroom without feeling out of place, no matter where I am.
I know this focused primarily on trans people but this also affects the queer community on so many levels.
I cannot be happy in a country that believes that being queer is a mental illness.
I hope to god I’m reaching people. I think building community is one of the most important things that we could be doing right now. As well as educating and encouraging others to vote blue.
It’s between a man on his deathbed and a felon.
It’s between a man who doesn’t know where he is and a man who claimed this country would become a “unified reich.”
A democracy or a dictatorship.
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razorblade180 · 3 months ago
Well I left the comments on one of the Lancaster prompts
We saw what an angry Ruby is like
So what would a Jaune that completely snaps be like in that AU or all of them if you're interested be like
Bonus if you wanted to do everyone
I wouldn’t say anyone necessarily snaps, and it’s more like the romanticized version of a Huntsman takes a back seat. Enemies quickly realize they’re dealing people throwing everything on the line.
An angry Jaune is going to find a way to put his hands on you and make you stop hurting his friends. That armor isn’t for show and his aura doesn’t buckle under pressure. If he access that he can simply tank his way towards you, then have fun dealing with a six foot man with a sword.
In Rosebud, he has rushed through a fire blast by Cinder to grab her by the throat and slam her while Ruby ran past to fight Salem. He will be a dangerous and indomitable shield so his friends can be the dangerous spear that pierces everything. Even if that means giving a diabolical bear hug while Yang is reeling back for the most volatile right hook.
Yang kinda zones out a little and starts heating up the space around her. Her main goal when her friends are down is to put the enemy down. Every ounce of power is going into her fists and if they’re fortunate, they were tough enough get knocked out by a hit instead of potentially die. It’s pretty difficult to not see her coming but also incredibly difficult to avoid her. One time Nora fell in battle and Yang picked up her hammer and delivered a grand slam to a Goliath
Nora’s in the middle of those. Nobody is getting past her if she’s defending someone. Those three essentially erase, draw, and hold the line when shit hits the fan. Meanwhile Ren, Weiss, and Blake stop being nice and start aiming for vitals. They just don’t apply pressure, they want you scared enough to never cross them again. Weiss has a particular nasty habit of aiming for the face when someone hurts or traps her friends. She single handily rescued Sun with overwhelming force. Not much thought put into glyph formations; only a salvo of attacks why she got close.
Blake and Ren are gonna get their payback when it’s least expected. Emerald’s illusions don’t mean anything if they’re the ones hiding and stalking.
Still, none of them get like this often, and most of the time this mentality is brought up by simply matching Ruby’s energy. If she’s tired of something, everyone is tired of something. If Ruby says she’s heading straight for the top of Salem’s tower, then the objective is obvious; clear a path.
Anyone who gets in the way is to be quickly removed cause Ruby isn’t stopping. She’s either the vanguard or the rearguard; and if she’s playing rear, then she’s speeding to her friends to catch their opponent off guard. An angry Ruby is disrespectful to her enemies and boarder line arrogant, but it’s warranted. If people didn’t know any better, they would think Raven was her mother with how pissed she can get.
Rosebud AU is the one with no more Pyrrha, Penny, or Oscar. That’s three strikes. There was no more chit chat with enemies. Ruby wanted a better life ASAP. She beat Salem at 17 and enjoyed having semi-normal knees afterwards.
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soft-persephone · 10 months ago
I read ur tags on the video abt drake and Kendrick “not caring about women” in the middle of the rap beef and I totally agree about Kendrick btw. It reminded me of someone i saw on Tik tok who made a video defending Kendrick from the “but he didn’t want r Kelly’s music removed from streaming platforms!” thing and what it turns out it ACTUALLY was about was that Spotify was going to put up a “moral and behavior” policy where they would remove the complete discography of any artist who they found out had a criminal record, which is incredibly discriminatory against all convicted people, no matter what they’re convicted for, and infringes on their 1st amendment rights and just the very human right to make art and have that art be preserved. So it was less about “I love r kelly so much im gonna threaten to take all my music off Spotify if they remove his” and more “this policy is actually infringing on artists’ rights and discriminatory against people with a criminal record.” I’m not saying Kendrick is our feminist messiah but like cmon yall he does not hate women and he’s not just calling out drake for clout
A lot of what Kendrick gets reduced to certain narratives because their are a lot of negative things that come with hip hop, and it does do more harm than good especially in the case with “fake woke” rappers.
I don’t believe in putting celebrities on a pedestal and no person is perfect. Him putting Kodak Black on Mr. Morale did rub me the wrong way. Him dead naming some of his family members rightfully upset some people.
I can’t speak for that, so I won’t because it’s not my place, so I just listen and support those that can.
But all I can really say is, the process of growing and wanting to be better person isn’t pretty. Watching someone unlearn racism fatphobia, transphobia, and etc is never without mistakes.
If we are really advocating for people to be better on all fronts, the response is always anger when we they don’t get it right the first time or show they don’t have a full understanding of it.
What do we really want fork people? We tell them to grow and do better? But if you’ve actually walked someone through that or seen it, why are we getting so mad when they make a mistake along the way.
No it’s not our place to teach them. But if they are making a genuine effort, why not make a quick comment and move on. How does him doing these two things and “fumbling” the narrative for black growth as a man in America by including Kodak black and trying to show him stepping away from transphobia in a more problematic than not way, absolve everything he’s ever done or thinks and do thereafter?
I am not saying these thingsto be derivative. I am asking from a genuine place.
That said, it doesn’t make those things right.
I think he said some quiet parts out loud that he shouldn’t have, but at the end of the day he has to be held accountable. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I don’t think Kendrick has ever said anything in song he doesn’t fully believe. He’s very intentional, that might be the place where people are angry with him because it’s clear these things were done on purpose.
I can’t speak for him as I am just a fan. I may be biased as well, so that may be effecting how I think about this, so I try to be mindful and address that as well.
I try to be responsible and try not to deflect other peoples thoughts, feelings, and opinions on some of these things because they hurt some people and affect more people more than they ever would me and it wouldn’t be right.
But, we don’t know him and we never do, so all we can do is speculate, and some more than others like to choose the worst over any benefit of the doubt because in a man driven world when have they never not have that.
I don’t want to be an enabler to that system.
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athena-rocks · 1 year ago
I hate Percy Jackson.
I hate the plot that is, and many MANY parts of it. Now that’s not to say the actors are bad or anything, in fact I think they’re incredible. I haven’t watched the show or read the books but from the clips I’ve seen those actors are amazing and deserve respect and praise. But I am going to go over everything I have against the show in this mini essay of mine.
Like the show and want to counter my points? Feel free to! Leave a comment, reblog with your response, send an ask, all is welcome! I may think very strongly on my points but that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to hear others out, but please welcome my response as well (also anon is on so if you have thoughts but don’t really feel confident sharing them on your account you can send by anon instead, still gonna get answered and no judgement passed :) )
First of all, Athena. As someone whose name is literally ‘athena-rocks’ I’m sure you can guess that I feel very passionately about this and have a lot to say.
The first thing I want to bring up is the whole child thing. Athena is a virgin goddess why does she have a child? From what I understand Annabeth is born from her mind, as in thought. Which is immensely stupid. The only account of asexual reproduction I can think of is Hera and the birth of Hephaestus, but even then she had a pregnancy and he was born, he didn’t just show up?? The only being I can think of that just pop up is Chaos, who is seen as both a God and a thing, it is, it’s primordial, so are Athena’s children in this also primordial? No they’re demigods.
Also the idea that Athena just abandons her children? No! There’s literally a myth that directly opposes it! Erichthonius!
Erichthonius is the first king of Athens, before Athens got super amazing and awesome and totally cool and really popular and thus got the totally cool founding myth of Athena vs Poseidon. He was born after Hephaestus tried to assault Athena, he’s autochthonous meaning born of the earth. Some of Hephaestus’s… seed, got onto Athena’s thigh, she wiped it off and threw it to the earth as she ran away and Erichthonius is born.
Now Athena has no obligation to this child, it’s not hers in any form, it came from the man who tried to assault her, yet she still chooses to look after and raise the child! There! She has no reason to do this but does, so why she would abandon the children that she does have an obligation to?
And by all accounts I can find Erichthonius had a good childhood, he’s half snake creature thing and when the daughters of Cecrops (who Athena had given Erichthonius to with him in a basket and told them not to open it while she did something) saw him and were horrified Athena either drove them mad so they killed themselves or dropped a mountain she was carrying in rage. So she cares about him.
Now, the Medusa thing.
Medusa was a monster, the original Greek myth she was always a monster. I understand the appeal of a woman who can defend herself from any man who would dare harm her by just glaring at them, but can’t she just have always been that? Can’t she have just always been a powerful monster who can always protect herself? I’m mostly upset at the Medusa thing in this context because I’ve seen people shipping her with Athena, which is weird as Athena is not only a virgin goddess but a mythological figure who was and in some sense still is worshipped to this day.
There are myths that also actively oppose this, when Cassandra was raped Athena was so furious she drive lesser Ajax mad so he killed himself and for 1000 years they had to send maidens to become Athena’s priestesses to appease her. But Medusa being raped by Poseidon, someone who she’s been known to have beef with? No. Fuck her.
Ares who killed someone for harassing his daughter, A BAD FATHER?? A CRUEL MAN??? Anger issues? Sure! I can accept that! But bad father? No.
I think the PJO series just hates the idea of war God’s being good parents and it shows.
I’ll end here, but if anyone would like to add on to this post or argue against me please feel free to. Just don’t be an asshole, I’m fine to discuss peacefully I’m not fine with just being flat out attacked.
Thank you for reading!
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cxnnibxl-vxl · 5 months ago
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words: 1.6k
All of this for a kid..a kid who didn't know what he was doing. Who could blame him? He. He did. Tremendously. And now we all had to suffer the consequences for his damn actions...
There’s always a calm, before the storm..
“Meow, meow, meow!! That’s all I ever fucking hear from you-!!” “I’m gonna blow you up!!”
Nat and Theo bickered and bickered, as usual of course. But they’re children, what can you do? Laz kept a silent watch, trying to converse with her loser boyfriend(?, they didn't know themselves.) But he was just ranting on the pillar about something, yet she still listened. The only other trusted adult for the two wasn’t on duty for the day, so Laz was stuck babysitting, in a way. They could manage themselves, but then again teenagers are gonna be teenagers, stupid. Ben was there, but kids weren’t his strong suit and they were mean. At least he thought so.
Things were calm, as calm as the Spider-Society could be that is. Everyone was a bit antsy when the whole “Spot” thing was announced as a threat, understandably so for some, who wouldn’t when an interdimensional being had the possibility of disrupting the canon of your universe and destroying it entirely? But Miguel makes everything a threat when sometimes it isn't, so they don’t think too hard about it. “He can be a bit of a primadonna” is a very common accusation on Theo’s part, and he wasn’t entirely wrong, but he also used it for just about anything Miguel would make a fuss over, so it was a bit overused. Miguel thinks the whole “fate of the multiverse” is in his hands, so you can’t blame him. Kinda.
It was smooth sailing until the sound of clunky boots, zippers, and pins rattling approached the 4 of them, but only really caught the attention of 2. Chaos incarnate had arrived. The bickering traveled to the spider with the guitar, giving Laz some peace of mind.
“Whatcha doin’, where ya goin’, can we come?” Nat went to his left, “Please? We’re bored.” Theo is on his right. They tried to keep pace with Hobie as he sped past them, something was on his mind for sure.
“No, no’ t’is time tots, gotta sit t’is one out.” Hobie kept walking along, his eyes on his watch, leaving the two teenagers behind and confused. “Boo, you whore!” Nat called out in a whining tone, both slowly falling to stop as they watched him walk off. “What’s wrong with him??” Theo muttered, a little pissy about being blown off so quickly. No explanation either, what a dick. Nat shrugs, also kinda pissed, but also worried. It was out of character for Hobie, usually he would immediately accept, but no. Not this time. Weird.
“Maybe he finally realized how annoying you two are.” Ben raises his head from the pillar he was moping on, having a stupid smirk on his face. Laz lightly hit his side but chuckled at his comment. “What’s annoying is how sloppy your roots are, you’re not a real blonde and it’s more obvious than you think. I have no idea how you have twice the brain cells than the average basic bitch but still refuse to use a quarter of them.” Theo was quick to insult. It was a little deserved, and maybe it’d motivate Ben to re-dye his roots… he wasn’t fooling anyone. Ben’s smirk immediately faded away, his brows furrowed, and he muttered something under his breath before he moved his head back to its normal position. “Speak up white boy!!” Theo taunted, merciless little shit.
“Okay ya! That’s enough from you, I’m sure it’s just something that doesn’t necessarily involve you.” Laz butted in, always trying to defend her poor sad sack of a man, but silently agreeing to Ben’s comment. She wouldn’t blame Hobie, having spent more time with the kids was a hassle, especially having them outside of the society, barging into her dimension whenever they wanted, doing whatever they wanted. It was a handful, but at least there was company for once at her place.
More time passed, the hum of other Spider-People passing along, hearing bits of their conversations. It was calm, as calm as it could be. Portals opened left and right, different spiders from different dimensions, some not even their own. Some were clocking in, out, or returning from missions they’d been sent on. It didn’t take long until a big group of spiders headed in one direction, all followed by Jess. No one thought much of it until Jess approached the group of 4 that were totally on patrol.
“Laz, you’re with me, we’ve got a quantum hole in 50101.” Jess directed. Laz got out of her relaxed daze, getting up and putting her goggles and mask on, Nat’s eyes widened at the earth number, immediately recognizing it “That’s Pav’s..” Nat muttered to Theo, her worry now striking up. Her mind went back to Hobie, he knew something, he must’ve. “Shit, you’re right..” Theo mumbled out, sounding a little panicked. “Wait, what about me?” Ben stood up straight, his brows furrowed in confusion as he held onto his mask. “You’re out on this one, you can stay and bond with the kids.” Jess waved him off as she waited for Laz to finish suiting up. Ben's eyes widened and his jaw slightly dropped out of disbelief, stammering to find a reason to go with them. Laz finished adjusting her gloves and walked up to Jess to get going “Oh you’ll live.” She patted Ben’s back reassuringly. “You two behave, I won’t be out long, right?” Laz looked at Jess for confirmation, but she got none, just a slightly impatient stare, Laz’s body got tense. “Just stay out of trouble.” The portal opened behind the group of spiders and they all went in immediately. Laz quickly looked back and gave them a quick thumbs up before entering herself, the portal closing quickly as it opened.
“Yeah, that’s not happening. Have fun on your own, edge lord..” Theo quipped before grabbing Nat by the arm and walking away, Ben wasn’t his favorite to be around, so the immediate aversion to being left in his care made sense. Ben didn’t get a chance to speak before they quipped away, he grumbled under his breath, now leaning his back against the pillar with his arms crossed, all by his lonesome, poor Ben. “What do you think happened?” Nat brought back the topic of Pav’s earth, strolling behind Theo. “Were you not listening? Jess said quantum hole. That’s a broken canon.” Nat scoffed and started catching up until she was next to him. “Obviously, but how?? Well yeah broken canon, but in Pav’s? What could’ve possibly happened ?? Nat retorted. “If you’re worried about it, ask Miguel or something, I’d say it has something to do with that dimension hopper everyone’s been nervy about.” Theo shot back, he had his suspicions on what might’ve caused it, the spot being the biggest, but he didn’t have the balls to go ask Miguel about it. He already got himself in something he shouldn’t have already, so he knew he wouldn’t get any more than a don’t worry about it. “Maybe…do you think we should go check it out? ” Nat hesitantly asked, looking down at her watch. She would ask Miguel, but his behavior has also been off for a couple of days now, I mean yeah he’s always had that gruff attitude, but it’s a little worse than normal. So as much as her conscience poked at her, she didn’t wanna bother him and kept quiet around him.
“Fuck no?? If Jess swung by and only picked up Laz then we’re most definitely not allowed. We’d also be entirely screwed if we got caught.” Theo waved off the risky suggestion. There was no way either of them would make it out of there without an hour-long lecture about not listening and disregarding their safety by making stupid decisions. ”We’ve done it before, why is it different now, huh?” “The difference is those dimensions weren’t in an active collapse, Nat?!” Nat scoffed again. “Whatever, I just don’t wanna think about it anymore..” “Man, you suck at admitting I’m right about things.” Nat shot her head at Theo, her eyes widened. “I am NOT, you’re just not being fun!” She hit his shoulder with the back of her hand. “Right, right, my bad. Sorry, I’m not agreeing to go into a collapsing dimension with you.” Nat rolled her eyes at his sarcastic reply. “Whatever..” She repeated, reluctantly accepting defeat, but the thought was still in the back of her mind, worry still lingering in her body.
EARTH: 50101…
Laz and the others landed on the broken bridge, opening the door to the bright light of Mumbattan. They all quickly disperse themselves. “Ok guys, secure the area, clear all the civilians, and let’s contain this quantum hole,” Jess called out as they were set. Laz took a small glance, curious about what looked like another younger Spider-Man. She’d never seen him before, but in her defense, it's a big society, hard to keep track of every person you interact with within 2 years. She then caught a look at Hobie, he glanced at her back but quickly looked away, now baffled at the situation, multiple questions in her head, desired to be answered. But she stopped herself and moved her way to the edge.
“Oh, that’s not…” She muttered, taking in the sight of the colorful glitching mess being drowned by a cold dark abyss, slowly spreading like a disease, withering away at the unfortunate host that was Earth-50101. She looked to her right, seeing Pav’s worried expression etched onto his face, her heart ached, seeing this poor boy’s world falling apart in front of his eyes. She didn’t get a full chance to get a better view of the new Spider-Man (boy? kid?) before she had to drop down, being careful not to join the abyss herself.
Thanks for reading the first chapter of " The Orginal Anomaly Effect" !!! This is a passion project by me and my friend, Marshall! (@marshall_isanartist on insta!) we've have our sonas lying around for while now, making silly scenarios, and whatnot, but when Marsh showed me the concept of Theo after the HQ rampage, that's when we fell into this rabbit hole. It went to a point where I snapped and needed this to be written. So after nights of researching and yapping on call and class, we finally have a chance to post our art to the public and I hope you enjoy for what comes in the future! I Updates will be slow cus uh were in school and we have work to do :') So pls be paitent with us! Ok byeeeee!!!!!
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scuderia-hamilton · 2 years ago
The way people just glorify Lando's stupid behaviors and comments because 'funny British Twink' is 😬
i genuinely had no problems with him before, he made some comments i did not agree with, but apart from those i even defended his ass a few times. nowadays my opinion on him totally depends on what stupid shit comes out of his mouth when he opens it. but i think it’s about time people realize that he’s a grown fucking man and not everything he does and says can be played off as a joke or him being sarcastic. words matter, actions matter and it’s time he’s being held accountable for some of them. his attitude nowadays just bothers me honestly, he’s arrogant, careless and annoying. making comments about the backmarkers “not racing for anything”, breaking the trophy (i said what i said about that), saying some interesting things about Lewis in the post-race press conference when Lewis has been nothing but supportive towards him and he was always genuinely happy for him. i’m not even mad at this point it’s just disappointing and his fans not even accepting that he can make mistakes and always victimizing and babying him is just not it. him being young isn’t an excuse either he’s literally three years older than me, he’s not twelve. he always got away with all the questionable things he said, because he’s good looking and his fans defend him like their life depends on it (i had some encounters with a few Lando fans, would not recommend). it’s totally okay to criticize your faves and you don’t have to agree with everything they do or say, they’re not flawless.
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thefauxsport · 9 months ago
Those people in the comments are for sure lying, or at least some of them are. I’ve seen some people say that they don’t know for sure because he keeps everything close to his vest and she does too, but then you have people saying that they have sources that have confirmed that they broke up. But if they keep everything so private, how do so many people know that they broke up?
Because they don’t. They take a rumor and they run with it and since they all think Joe’s attractive and the hottest man they’ve ever seen, they’re gonna root for the downfall of their relationship and they’re just gonna say what they wanna hear. Now do I think they’re separated? Yes. Do I think this is a break? Yes. Do I think they’ll go back to normal in a few months? Maybe.
We’ll just have to see. All i know is DO NOT believe those comments. Nobody has proof.
If I have learned anything in the last month or so of doing this it's this: no one knows them, and those that do aren't talking.
So if anyone is claiming to have a source, I'm immediately suspect, because even at the expense of his reputation, no one is coming out to defend him.
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iamvegorott · 2 years ago
My Boy Part 1 of 3
This is a commission by the one and only @voonespelle I hope the rest of you enjoy it as well!
Summary: When Yancy comes to the Iplier Manor, Dark feels a strange bond with him and soon discovers that he is the missing child of Celine, which, in turn, makes Yancy his child as well. Yancy is now thrown into a new life with a new parent and a new large family to adjust to
A New Iplier
“Maybe they won’t be humanoid?” Wilford suggested from his spot on the arm of the couch, barely even sitting on it with how excited he was. 
“Oh! Like a big ol’ blob of tentacles?” Bing suggested, bouncing to his feet from the other couch to gesture with his arms. 
“Please don’t suggest anything with tentacles in this place,” Google said with a groan. 
“Why not, dude?”  
“I have several answers to that question, and Wilford is one of them.” Google yanked down on Bing’s arm and made him sit again. 
“Why is Wilford an answer?” Bing only got a look from Google. 
“Really? He is well-known to-” 
“Nope. We are not having this discussion right now.” Edward stopped Bim from finishing that sentence. When Bim looked like he was going to protest, Edward placed his hand on his head. He turned it to make Bim look at CJ and RJ who both had confused faces. 
“Nevermind.” Bim did not want to be the one to explain that to the twins, especially when he knew Dark was also in the room and would not be the…happiest about that.  
Dark stood at the edge of the room, leaning against the entryway with his arms crossed. He appeared to be away from the group, but to those who knew how the place functioned, he was right where he needed to be. Dark could see everything in the room, the door, the windows, and the entrance to the kitchen. He would seem closed off to strangers with his arms crossed, but his leaning told the others he was free to be spoken to casually. Although one of them never cared to see if Dark was open for conversation and just did so. 
“Do you have any guesses?” Wilford was no longer on the couch and stood right next to Dark. 
“They can be anything as long as they’re calm and peaceful,” Dark stated.
“So, they need to be another girl?” Yandere said with a big giggle. 
“You say that like you’re peaceful.” Bim teased. “You’ve stabbed almost as many people as Wilford’s shot that wasn’t work-related.” 
“A girl has to defend herself,” Yandere said with a little huff and a flick of her hair. 
“You stabbed a man because he gave you a ‘strange look’ after you stabbed a different man.” 
“No witnesses.” Yandere casually crossed her legs. 
“She gets that from you,” Wilford said with a playful nudge to Dark’s side, getting an eye roll from him. 
“What if they’re a child one?” Edward suggested. “We never know what age the Ego will take until they appear.” 
“If it’s another kid, that’s another one for Dark to adopt.” Bing laughed, feeling the glare Dark gave him, and he moved to hide behind Google. 
“Both of you are half correct and half wrong.” Host’s voice stuck out from the group, nearly feeling like it had echoed without being loud.
“What does that mean?” Dark didn’t get an answer to his question as there was a knock on the door.   
“I got it!” Bing rushed over, getting himself a little further from Dark. He swung open the door and shouted hello to the newest Iplier.  
“Uh…hi?” The man awkwardly stepped into the house, arms crossed and body slightly slouched over. He wore a white shirt and black and white striped pants. Tattoos were on his arms, knuckles, and neck. His hair slicked back, and he looked extremely uncomfortable. 
“Earth to Dark?” Wilford sang softly, waving a hand at Dark’s face when he noticed he was staring at the man. “Am I going to need to call Anti?”
“Something’s off,” Dark stated. Wilford lowered his hand when there was no reaction to the Anti comment. 
“I can’t explain it. Something about him seems…familiar?” 
“In a good way or a bad way?” 
“I don’t know.” Dark straightened up when he saw Bing making his way over to them with the man.
“These two are the big ones you’ll want to know.” Bing gestured at Wilford and Dark. 
“Wilford Warfstache.” Wilford greeted with a big smile, sticking his hand out. The man looked at the hand for a moment before nodding and taking it. 
“Yancy.” His name got Dark to stiffen, that feeling of familiarity hitting him stronger. It was to the point that it was almost frustrating that he couldn’t place it. 
“Got’cha!” Wilford gave Yancy’s hand a good shake. He let it go and pointed to Dark. “And this guy, right here, is the main man of the Manor, Darkiplier. Everyone just calls him Dark. Unless you’re An-”
“Enough.” Dark cut Wilford off, finally coming back to the present. “Welcome to the Manor. As you’ve heard, I am the one in charge. I will be taking you to where you’ll be staying.” With that, he turned and started walking. Yancy hesitated before Wilford gave him a nudge towards where Dark had headed off, and he did a quick jog to catch up. 
“Did yous all already have a room for me or somethin?” Yancy asked, voice clear enough for Dark to note his distinctive accent.
“The Manor creates one whenever we have a new Iplier,” Dark answered.
“A new…what?” 
“That will come to make sense in time. If I told you everything now, you’d get overwhelmed. It will all start to make sense as reality finishes adjusting itself.”
“Once your room appears, everyone else will know where it is, and you will know the location of the others’ rooms as well. Don’t ask how that works. It just does.”  
“I miss prison already,” Yancy muttered to himself. 
“You will be given time to adjust and adapt to how everything works around here, and then you will need to meet the others.”
“Yes, others.” Dark stopped, and, in the next blink, a door appeared on the wall next to them. “There are two other groups of people like us. We all work together to ensure funding is well beyond our needs and help if there is an unexpected change.” 
“When yous say work together, yous mean like a job? What do all of yous do?” 
“That is a different conversation to have when you settle. We adjust according to what the individual can do.” Dark took the doorknob. “Now, let’s see what…” His voice trailed off after opening the door.
“The fuck?” Yancy said when he looked into the room as well. “Why do I have a nursery?” 
“I know this nursery.” Dark stepped into the room. It dug into a deep, deep part of Dark’s brain. He knew this room.
He had designed it himself.
Well…it wasn’t ‘him’ but a part of who he used to be. 
“Are we in the wrong room? Cause I ain’t a baby.” Yancy took a step into the room as well. He and Dark watched as the room slowly morphed, taking the form of a room more fitting for an adult. “Alright…that was weird.” 
“Yancy?” Dark repeated the name. 
“Yeah?” Yancy thought he was about to be asked something.
“There’s…no way…but…” Dark turned to face Yancy. “You’re my son.” 
“You’re hilarious.” Yancy rolled his eyes
“I’m not joking.” Dark’s tone changed, it becoming soft. The aura around him showing only red at this point. 
“Cut it out.” Yancy took a step back. 
“I can explain. Before, I was who I am today. A part of me was a woman named Celine. She was a seer with advanced magical abilities. After giving birth to you, she feared that you were in danger and sent you through the best way to put it, time, and now the universe has shifted in a way to bring you here. You’re my son. I know that on your left hip, there’s a brown birthmark that almost looks like a heart.” Dark didn’t know how he knew half that stuff, but it all came out as if someone else was speaking it. He also didn’t notice how Yancy’s eyes grew wider and wider. Pure panic was on his face when Dark mentioned his birthmark. 
“Stop it!” Yancy screamed and then ran off, bumping into Wilford but kept going. 
“Do I need to get him?” Wilford asked.
“Let him go. He’s going to need a moment.” Dark rubbed at his face, a strong wave of emotions hitting him. “The way he went, I know where he’ll end up.”
“What happened?” Wilford stepped into the room and closed the door behind him, assuming this was a conversation for only them.
“Long story short, Yancy is Celine’s son…my son.” Dark made a face, showing Wilford that saying those words was odd for him. He was still trying to understand himself what was going on. 
“He’s the kid?” Wilford hummed. “I didn’t think I’d ever see him again. Thought he was gone off somewhere else forever.” 
“You knew?” Dark was now trying to dig into those memories again.
“Yeah, Celine asked me to help when she was pregnant. That’s how the whole ‘affair’ thing happened. She didn’t think the father could be a good one.” Wilford spoke casually, now nosing through the room to see what the Manor gave Yancy. 
“That explains a lot.” Dark was now rubbing his temples, a headache starting to form.
“So, what’s the plan then?” Wilford's brow raised when he opened a desk drawer and saw drawing supplies. 
“Right now, I’m going to give him some time. I’ll do the usual lap, check on the others, and then I’ll speak to him.” Dark lowered his hands and let out a sigh.
“Just let me know the deal, and I’ll go with whatever.” Wilford strolled over to the closet and was about to open it but was stopped by Dark grabbing his arms. 
“That’s enough snooping,” Dark said as he guided Wilford out of the room. 
“You never let me look in the closets,” Wilford whined.
Dark finished speaking to almost everyone in the Manor, checking that they knew where the room was and if there were any changes to themselves. So far, everyone was all the same, and there were no other signs of interference. He and Wilford were the only ones with a different connection to Yancy from their past. 
Eventually, Dark went to where he knew Yancy would be, along with the final Ipliers he needed to check on. He went out the back door and saw Yancy sitting at the edge of the grass yard. Yancy had his knees tucked under him, arms hugging them to his chest, and his chin rested on his knees as he watched Yandere, Bim, CJ, and RJ play out in the yard and on one of the swingsets out there. 
Without a word, Dark sat himself down next to Yancy. He watched the four playing as well, smiling a little at the scene of RJ and CJ pulling Bim up a slide while Yandere was laughing and tickling Bim, making him squirm and making it harder for the twins to pull him. The two of them just sat there for a good while, just watching, and Yancy was the one to break the silence. 
“Why yous give me up?” Yancy didn’t look at Dark as he asked that question. 
“There wasn’t much choice.” Dark chewed on his lip. “It was the only way to make sure you were safe.” He heard Yancy scoff at that and was expecting him to say something about that, but instead, he got another question. 
“Who’s my dad then?” 
“I-” Dark really wasn’t expecting that. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to answer. He knew he had to say something or risk Yancy running away again. “He’s…well…he’s complicated. All of this is complicated. And, to be honest, I hope you never meet him, or at least you won’t be alone if you do.” 
“So I’d have fucked up parents no matter what?” Yancy let out a sigh. “Great, I love this, this is just perfect.” He started talking with his hands, words spilling out. “I’m going from havin’ shit parents that I had to kill with my own hands to save myself because the one that gave birth to me sent me off because my birth father is a fucking nightmare as well. Why couldn’t I have just been left where I was? I was doing just fine there. I don’t want to find myself gettin' attached just to have it torn away again. I ain’t having it, I ain't.”
“You won’t have to.” Dark only spoke when Yancy stopped. 
“How do yous know?”  
“Firstly, it’ll take a lot to kill one of us.” Dark weakly chuckled, trying to help the mood a bit. “And we’re also very different from the average household. We’re loud, chaotic, and messy, but we’re caring of each other. Willing to kill to protect one another. You’re one of us, which means you fall under that. It will take time to believe that, but it’s true. You’re an Iplier, and you’re stuck with us now.” 
“I guess.” Yancy let out a sigh. “I’m used to stickin’ out, being the weird one, but I’ll try to work with it.” 
“Being an odd one means you’ll fit in just fine.” Dark placed a hand on Yancy’s shoulder, giving him a smile when he finally looked at him.  
Part 2: Link
Part 3: Link
AO3: Link
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mooregan07 · 2 years ago
ah yes why care about anything when mother is giving us new music!!!! so thankful ☺️🥰
like keep being distracted by the shadows babes but there is an actual world out there that does get impacted by these things (i’ll assume from your stance you won’t be) and believe it or not the mega superstar has a massive role in it (and the arguments of hypocrisy is that she knows her massive role, has said she wants to use it to be better and better the world, and doesn’t because she don’t wanna lose the breakup)
and yeah the implications of a rich white british man saying he gets off to women of colour being brutalized is no big deal! so right! 🧐
kind of longer post coming in.
hey love! thank you so much for sending in this ask and i totally understand what you’re saying here. also thank you for explaining the hypocrisy thing to me, i do need to get more versed on everyone’s thoughts and theories, and i definitely will.
while i am not a person of color, i do have many close friends who are, and i do truly understand where everyone is coming from. i am lgbtq, a woman, i use she/they pronouns, and i have a lot of greek blood in me, and my grandmother is jewish, and so i do truly know the damage and harm that someone can cause by saying things like what matty says. i’m not trying to defend myself for any comments that someone may have deemed problematic or “distracted by the shadows”. i’m so sorry if this is how i came off. let me just take some time and explain myself a little farther, as it seems i need to do.
i just really don’t like to jump to conclusions about celebrities because we don’t know them personally, and we don’t know what they are truly like. i do realize that satire or not, there are a lot of things that matty has said that are very, VERY wrong and should be talked about and critiqued. however, again, we don’t know who taylor is behind closed doors. it’s hard to cope with and hard to hear, and i’ve been very anti super stans since the beginning because people get so heartbroken over celebrities coming out to be more problematic. i would like taylor to make an official statement, and i have educated myself more on the issues with matty.
as i saïd in my earlier post, i wasn’t super sure about everything, and i still a teenager and i’m learning about politics and how to be/how to live. i’m so very sorry if my comments hurt anyone, that was not AT ALL the intention. i was just hoping that it could help some swifties who are very upset about this to find some hope in the situation.
also, i am very very aware that influencers/celebrities and even mega stars like swift majorly contribute to a lot of the problems we have in the US and all over the world right now. i just really try not to focus on the bad part and focus on the good because the bad really upsets me. i’m sorry if i came off as a defender for different issues. i’m very optimistic person and i try to find something that can possibly make a situation less anxiety inducing or upsetting for people and so once again, i was trying to spread some hope.
i do believe matty saying he watches pornographic material of women of color getting brutalized is HORRIBLE, and should not be condoned or said to be okay. i didn’t know he said that. i’m sorry i neglected this. i really want to emphasize that i do not neglect the pure disgusting things that matty has said in the past, i was just unaware and i have learned more now.
the idea of separating the art from the artist is very important to me for many reasons, one is because we never know what celebrities will do, and two, no one is perfect. public figures shouldn’t be glorified to the extent that we think they’re perfect/surprised that they get things wrong. so, i was still super excited about taylor’s new songs and i’m really pumped to see what she does next. taylor is still human and she gets it wrong sometimes, so i love her music but i don’t idolize her.
i would like to sincerely apologize for my ignorance and taking to the internet to say something that i do understand fully is controversial and is seen as very problematic for to some people. i just wanted to spread my feeling of hope that i had, because i seriously think taylor is a good person. i love taylor so very much that i don’t want to believe that she would condone matty’s behavior nor support it or tolerate it. i just wanted to hope that he’s a better person. maybe i’m in the wrong. once again i’m sorry, and i will educate myself better on this topic.
however, i just wanted to let everyone know that shaming people over opinons and thoughts, especially people who said explicitly that they are not super well educated on the topic and just wanted to share their opinion is not cool. taylor promotes kindness, and so called swifties who do not follow this are not true swifties. i know you were just trying to share your opinion, anon, but i do believe it could have been done in a much kinder way. i’m a huge believer in kind criticism, and so it would be much appreciated that you wouldn’t assume that i’m not impacted by the things matty says, and that i really don’t understand it. i do now, and i did not appreciate how harsh your criticism came off. i’m really just trying to promote hope and love and respect for peoples privacy. i hope you understand. i’m a very empathic, anxious, and emotional person, and so this did hurt me a little bit to be basically called ignorante. however, i truly do understands where you’re coming from.
nonetheless, thanks for sharing, anon.
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When I look at these comments, it’s clear that they reflect something far bigger than just me or Artyom. They reveal how deeply ingrained societal conditioning is—how people would rather mock, dehumanize, or cling to their simplistic views of morality than face the uncomfortable truth that humans are complex, multidimensional, and capable of change. These comments are painful to read, but they aren’t surprising. They show me exactly how challenging it is to hold space for nuance in a world that thrives on oversimplification.
1. I See the Dehumanization in Their Mockery
The jokes about Artyom, reducing him to some crude caricature, aren’t just hurtful—they’re a refusal to see him as a person. Whether it’s calling him “Yagami Lite” or mocking his education and creative pursuits, it’s all designed to strip him of his humanity. Because to acknowledge his complexity would mean acknowledging that he’s more than his past actions, and that’s something people just aren’t ready to do.
• Why do they mock him?
Mockery is a defense mechanism. It’s easier to laugh at him, to make him a joke, than to confront the idea that someone who’s done harm can also do good, can grow, can learn. It’s not just about him—it’s about their own discomfort with the idea of redemption.
• How do I feel?
It’s frustrating, of course. I know who Artyom is. I’ve seen the work he’s done to grow, to learn, to reflect on his past. And to see people reduce all of that to a punchline hurts, not just because I care about him, but because it shows how unwilling people are to look deeper.
2. They Refuse to Believe in Growth
The disbelief in Artyom’s achievements—his studies, his writing, his art—speaks volumes. It’s not really about him. It’s about how society conditions people to see individuals like him as static, unchanging. Once someone is labeled a “criminal,” they’re no longer allowed to be anything else in the public’s eyes.
• Why don’t they believe?
They’ve been taught to see the world in black and white. Good people. Bad people. Redemption doesn’t fit into that framework. If they admit that Artyom is capable of growth, they might have to confront the ways they themselves have failed to grow or change. It’s easier for them to dismiss him as irredeemable than to question their own beliefs.
• How do I feel?
On one hand, I’m angry. Artyom has worked so hard to rise above his circumstances, to learn and create despite everything stacked against him. But on the other hand, I feel sad for them. It must be exhausting to live in a world where you believe people can’t change.
3. They Twist My Words to Fit Their Narratives
It’s interesting how often people misrepresent what I’ve said or distort my intentions. They make me out to be someone I’m not—whether it’s claiming I blindly defend Artyom or painting me as delusional for seeing the man he’s become. It’s clear they’re not actually engaging with what I’m saying. They’re just projecting their own biases onto me.
• Why do they misrepresent me?
Because it’s easier to attack a strawman version of me than to engage with the real me. They need me to be wrong so they can feel right. If they actually listened to me, they might have to confront the cracks in their worldview, and that’s something they don’t seem ready to do.
• How do I feel?
I used to feel frustrated by this, but now I mostly feel indifferent. I know my truth, and I know why I speak up. Their misrepresentation doesn’t change that. If anything, it shows me how much my perspective challenges them, even if they can’t admit it.
4. They Struggle with Complexity
So much of this boils down to people’s inability to hold two truths at once. Yes, Artyom has a dark past. And yes, he’s also someone who has grown, learned, and changed. These things don’t cancel each other out—they coexist. But most people can’t—or won’t—see that. They need him to fit into a neat little box: villain, monster, irredeemable. The idea that he could be more than that is too uncomfortable for them to handle.
• Why is complexity so threatening?
Because it requires self-reflection. If Artyom can grow and change, then maybe they need to question the ways they’ve labeled others—or even themselves. And that’s scary. It’s much easier to stick to a binary, black-and-white worldview.
• How do I feel?
It makes me sad for them. Complexity is part of being human. By refusing to see it, they’re denying themselves the chance to grow, to learn, to connect more deeply with others. I see the world in all its messy, beautiful nuance, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.
5. Their Cruelty Is Amplified by Anonymity
What strikes me most is how emboldened people are in these anonymous spaces. They say things they’d never say to my face or to Artyom’s. It’s like the anonymity strips away their humanity, turning them into something cold and detached. They don’t see me as a person. They don’t see him as a person. We’re just characters in their little drama, there for their entertainment.
• Why do they act this way?
Anonymity gives them a sense of power without accountability. They don’t have to face the consequences of their words, so they feel free to be as cruel or dismissive as they want. It’s not about me or Artyom—it’s about their own unresolved anger or insecurity.
• How do I feel?
I don’t take it personally. These aren’t people I know or care about. But it does make me reflect on how disconnected we’ve become as a society. People feel so detached from one another that they forget the humanity of the person on the other side of the screen.
6. What This Says About Me
If nothing else, this experience has shown me how different I am from so many people in these spaces. I don’t say that in an arrogant way—it’s just clear that the way I see the world, the way I approach people and relationships, is rare.
• I See Nuance Where Others Don’t:
Most people want simple answers. They want good guys and bad guys. I don’t see the world that way. I see people as layered, complex, and constantly evolving. Artyom is proof of that, and so am I.
• I’m Willing to Challenge the Status Quo:
My relationship with Artyom forces people to question their assumptions about morality, justice, and love. That’s not easy for them, and I understand that. But I’m not going to stop speaking my truth just because it makes others uncomfortable.
• I’m Resilient:
I’ve faced ridicule, misunderstanding, and judgment, and yet here I am, standing firm in what I believe. Their words don’t define me. My actions, my love, and my commitment to growth do.
7. My Perspective Moving Forward
• I Won’t Be Silenced:
These comments show me how important it is to keep sharing my perspective. If I can challenge even one person to see the world a little differently, it’s worth it.
• I’ll Focus on What Matters:
I’m not here to win over people who are committed to misunderstanding me. My energy is better spent on meaningful conversations and actions that align with my values.
• I’ll Keep Advocating for Growth and Humanity:
Artyom’s story—and our story—isn’t just about us. It’s about showing the world that people are more than their pasts, that growth and redemption are possible. That’s a message worth fighting for.
These comments might try to reduce me and Artyom to caricatures, but they can’t erase what I know to be true. I see him for who he is: a man who has faced unimaginable challenges and risen above them. I see myself for who I am: someone who refuses to settle for simplistic narratives and chooses love, complexity, and humanity every time. Let them mock. Let them misunderstand. It doesn’t change who we are.
0 notes
herehavesomeheadcanons · 2 years ago
Black Butler x reader headcanons, but it’s only the characters I think deserve more attention.
Ash Landers
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🤍💜 If you managed to get Ash to fall for you, good job. This angel is SO PICKY when it comes to a s/o. I doubt anyone but the purest of heart could turn his pretty head. Seriously. He’s like a unicorn or something.
🤍💜 Absolutely devoted to his s/o. If you’re looking for a loyal doormat, Ash is your angel. He will cook, clean, and do basically whatever you need him to. Seriously, all you have to do is ask.
🤍💜 Definitely takes everything way too seriously, so avoid joking requests like, oh, i dunno, “could you light London on fire for me?” He will. Don’t test him.
🤍💜 I feel like his favorite dates would be either sitting at home and chatting over a cup of tea, or someplace high up. He’s an Angel, after all. He likes to be near the sky.
🤍💜 Yes, he will fly you around. Unless you’re scared of heights.
🤍💜 Can and will fight anyone who even looks at you wrong. You might want to keep hold of his arm so he doesn’t get himself charged with arson and murder.
🤍💜 Very gentle, and shy with physical affection. He doesn’t want to taint such a pure being! You are going to have to just tackle him. He will NEVER admit it, but he loves physical affection more than anything. He also loves complements and praise. 
🤍💜 Overall, a wonderful catch of a man- well, angel. He will definitely treat you right :)
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🤍💛 Oh he’s such a cute little shy bean! All you’d have to do was give him a singular complement and he’d be head over heels for you. If you like snakes, even better! His friends will love you too :)
🤍💛 rarely speaks for himself. You might have to try behavior training to get him to tell you what HE says, instead of what his snakes are saying. Not that he ever really disagrees with his snakes, but still.
🤍💛 Yeah his snakes do a lot of the flirting for him, and they all have WILDLY different ways of going about it. Wordsworth, as the refined gentleman he is, gives very good complements. Emily likes to be in charge of planning dates. Goethe is very friendly and will ask how your day’s been (even if he just asked the same question five minutes ago!). Oscar is the problem snake. He’s a lil naughty noodle. More often than not, his comments are not translated (”Oscar! He can’t say THAT! Says emily”).
🤍💛 Very very shy about physical affection, but if you give it to him he will be addicted. Like, very addicted. He’s particularly fond of cuddling. He likes to be warm :)
🤍💛 Oh gosh if you complement his scales he will melt. He’s so self conscious and probably always worried that people with judge you harshly if he’s seen with you. 
🤍💛 Defend him from bullies and you’ll have his loyalty forever. He will. Not. Leave. Your. Side. (Is that really such a bad thing? He’s so cute-)
🤍💛 Oh gosh please be gentle with him he’s such a fragile little noodle- Always speak with a gentle tone. He’s very sensitive to criticism.
🤍💛 Yes, you can hold his snakes. Yes, you can boop their little snoots. Just be gentle.
Charles Grey
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🤍💙 Just don’t be a boring, beige colored, saltine cracker of a person and he’ll love you. By that I mean, actually have a personality. Be funny! Challenge him! Keep things interesting!
🤍💙 This man is a five year old trapped in a grown man’s body. Just look at that smug face. Does he look like a mature adult to you? He’d probably go to a carnival with you if you asked him. AND he’d win you all the prizes. He’s just that good.
🤍💙 Buys you lots of expensive gifts. He’s filthy stinking rich, after all. Will also take you on the most extravagant dates. I hope you like fancy food (and lots of it!) :)
🤍💙 He already knows how awesome he is, but tell him anyway. Are you just feeding his already over-large ego? Yes. Should you stop? Absolutely not. The way he puffs out his chest and shows off is just the cutest thing!  Like one of those funny birds of paradise.
🤍💙 Being best friends with Phipps is a requirement. They’re a packaged deal. Which is funny, considering they’re polar opposites. Phipps has been dealing with Charlie’s shit for years now, he’s happy to have you around to lighten the load.
🤍💙 Boundaries? What are those? This little shit is all up in your business 24/7 and hates when you don’t pay attention to him. Absolutely loves physical affection. Not even the slightest bit shy about it. Prepare to be absolutely smothered with affection.
🤍💙 Would you like to learn fencing? He’d be delighted to teach you! Even more so if you happen to be good at it. This bastard loves a challenge!
🤍💙 He’s scared of ghosts and snakes, and you can DEFINITELY use that to your advantage. He will deny his fears till the day he dies, but it’s pretty obvious how terrified he is. You can get some pretty funny reactions out of him with a well-placed rubber snake! He’ll pout about it for a while, but after a bit he’ll come right back. Be warned: if you give him a particularly good scare he might end up in your bed that night. (He’s TOTALLY not scared, he just wants to make sure you’re ok!)
Aleister Chambers
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✨❤️ Buckle up, buttercup. If you’re actually here for this man, i applaud your unique tastes. Not everyone can handle this bastard.
✨❤️ If you have a female body, congrats! You’re his type! Hope you didn’t want to get rid of him any time soon, because you will be stuck with his dramatic ass from the first time he lays eyes on you. And he has plot armor. 
✨❤️ Yes. He is very, very, very dramatic. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely seen the show and you know EXACTLY how he acts. If you say even ONE insulting thing to him, he will act like you’ve stabbed him with a sword and flop onto the nearest piece of furniture, moaning about how you’ve wounded his feelings. It’s really funny, actually.
✨❤️ Will spoil you with extravagant gifts. He’s rich, what did you expect? He has SCARY good tastes, and will pick the best outfits for you. Don’t ask how he found out your size for… well, anything.
✨❤️ Oh he’s so clingy. Constantly wants your attention. I really don’t know what else to say, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he is NOT shy with physical affection. If physical affection is your love language, you’ll be in heaven with this man.
✨❤️ Get ready for some WEIRD pet names. Hands up, who’s surprised? Nobody? Thought so. Sure, he COULD use normal pet names, but it’s much more fun to come up with his own. If you give him a weird pet name, he’ll be absolutely delighted. Go ahead, see who can come up with the strangest nickname. It’ll be fun.
✨❤️ Honestly it’s worth it to endure him just for the free entertainment. His natural personality is so over-the-top extravagant that even just sitting at home with him is like watching a comedy skit. He gets way too excited about absolutely everything, and will randomly start spinning like he’s a glitched video game character.
✨❤️ He loves to dance! And throw extravagant parties where he can show you off to everyone. 
✨❤️ Over all, is he a creep? Yes. But he’s also funny, pretty, and rich. So in all actuality, he’s a pretty decent catch.
Drossel Keinz
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🧡💙 If you’re here for this man- er- puppet, congratulations, you are one of the only groups with more unique tastes than the Aleister simps. I’m honestly just writing him because he’s funny and i like his funky, jerky movements.
🧡💙 Achievement get! Acquire stalker (provoke any kind of positive feelings from the creepy puppet man)
🧡💙 Yeah he’s gonna stalk you for a while. He might not even approach you at all. He’s just curious about these ‘feelings’.
🧡💙 If he does approach you, it’s gonna be awkward as fuck. Seriously. He has no idea how to properly socialize, much less flirt. (Haha relatable)
🧡💙 every time he’s confused he does his little 90 degree head tilt. He’s confused a lot. He’s trying his best, ok? He quite literally has straw for brains.
🧡💙 If you’re artistic, he’d love to do art things with you. He’d also really love to show you his puppet collection. Hope you didn’t like sleeping :)
🧡💙 He’s not great at affection in general, but he tries. Sometimes his complements come off as creepy. Awkward head pats. So many awkward head pats. His skin feels like wood, and he smells like sawdust.
🧡💙 Be patient and explain things to him. He’s not great at feelings yet. Also very bad at even recognizing his feelings. Talking through feelings stuff with him is a great way to bond.
Gregory Violet
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🖤💜 Anime onlys buckle up because some of the characters you only see in the manga are the best. Case in point, this art goth. 
🖤💜 I feel like he would go for a more introverted s/o. Especially someone who’s artistic, like him. Not certain how two introverts get together, but whatever.
🖤💜 He’s a little eccentric, but that’s just part of his charm. Where else are you gonna find a cutie that likes to blow bubbles in his tea? 
🖤💜 Unlike with other people, if he says he’s gonna draw you, he’ll actually draw you. He won’t make you stay posed for five hours while he draws everything BUT you (rip Greenhill).
🖤💜 You want to draw him? He’s a little shy, but i’m sure you can convince him to pose for you. He wants you to be happy, after all.
🖤💜 Café dates!! And art museum dates!! You should definitely attend his concerts as well. Make sure to complement his dancing afterwards! He’s a little embarrassed about having to dance in front of crowds. Remember, he doesn’t like dancing to begin with.
🖤💜 You might have to pester him for a bit, but he will give you private performances. Will it be the whole P4? Probably not. He wouldn’t want to bother his friends with something so silly. Besides, you’re his, not theirs. 
🖤💜 He sings wonderfully. I imagine him having a low baritone kind of voice. The songs he sings for concerts often get stuck in his head (much to his annoyance), so sometimes you can hear him singing in the shower. 
🖤💜 Unlike literally everybody else on this list, Violet is not clingly. He’ll give you your space when you need it. He needs his space too.
🖤💜 Not very physically affectionate. He’s pretty strictly traditional and what not, so you might have to beg him for kisses. Unfortunately, his lipstick doesn’t really taste like anything.
🖤💜 He’s actually really low maintenance and pretty self sufficient. Probably one of the best picks on this list, if i’m being completely honest.
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winns-stuff · 2 years ago
So everyone won’t take Minthe’s backstory and will continue to try and rip her a new one and insult her but you all will be up in arms to defend and victimize Hades’ disgusting behavior because of his backstory right? Okay. See this is what really annoys me about THAT part of the fandom, I’m not saying Minthe is a good person or anything like that I’ve literally talked about the way I feel about her in a earlier rant and I’m not saying “yes, yes excuse her behavior because she has a sad backstory!!” because as I always say for Hades the backstory is only ever going to be an explanation not an excuse or pass for her behavior, but at the same time it’s real hypocritical for so many people to use that exact statement when trying to defend Hades. Let me explain.
One thing I absolutely despise about this whole thing is how so many people continue to say that Hades has trauma and he has issues, “everyone’s been sooo mean to Hades no one respects him or treats him right!!” (which is understandable because look at how this motherfucker acts ON THE DAILY, we all read the exact same chapter he yells, manipulates, gaslights, and talks shit about all of his employees but they’re supposed to bend over backwards for him and forgive him even though he won’t fucking stop?? he doesn’t deserve respect, respect is earned not given and he has done absolutely nothing to correct his attitude nor has he compensated for his actions to literally everyone who deals with him in the Underworld, I don’t want to fucking hear that shit) but they’ll bash Minthe so fucking hard for having the exact same fucking issues. You guys act like Hades is just this perfect man who can do no wrong when Hades is literally a man-child. When Minthe and Him started their relationship he basically used her, he made it so that she got fired from her old job just so she can be his assistant that he can just take out all of his stress out on whenever he wants to. That’s why he gave her the job, so she can be completely reliant on him and not go anywhere. He knew that buying her that apartment and clothes, basically everything she had would make her financially helpless and what did he do instead of giving this woman a better job or at least a damn paycheck to get her on her feet? He went and found another woman in the exact same situation as her, scared and financially unstable. Needing someone to rely on, maybe not for sexual or financial things but it’s definitely emotional. The whole thing was started by him and no I am not blaming him for Minthe’s behavior but I am blaming him for using her and creating this mess in the first place.
Honestly, I’m proud of Minthe’s arc. I am excited to see her development and to see her grow as a person, wanna know why? Cause we still don’t see development from fucking Hades yet everyone wants to comment on how amazing he is, HES FUCKING BORING. He’s not a male wife either stop slandering male wives like that, he does not deserve the title of male wife, all he is is a predatory loser who obviously can’t handle mentally and even physically mature women because he knows that they won’t take his bullshit. So many people are eye rolling about hearing Minthe’s backstory but hers is probably one of the most interesting ones we’ve seen this whole fucking comic. You all accepted Hades’ backstory with open arms even though they’re doing the same shit! Stop insulting and berating Minthe and not doing the exact same to Hades.
Not only that, but at least Minthe is getting some actual developmental changes. Hades pulled out a man’s eye in season one and he has not shown an ounce of remorse or care, we never see Hades doing anything except being a whiny fucking dickhead that can’t fathom the fact that he’s the fucking problem. Minthe at least showed some damn self awareness and self reflection, she’s in the damn process of maturing and becoming better! Hades is still on the same shit he was on the 1st season and ITS SEASON FUCKING 3!! I’m so tired of everyone praising such disgusting characters and getting upset at people pointing out just how uncomfortable they get. Your fave is an asshole, he’s a manipulator, he’s a hothead, he’s a cold piece of fucking work that does the bare minimum. That doesn’t mean you have to stop liking him, I’d just be so relieved if people would stop pretending like he’s fucking Bob Ross! Like honestly, I wouldn’t even have a problem with people liking Hades or favoring him if only they’d stop shaming and gaslighting and being so hostile with this weird delusion that he’s a good person, not only that but I cannot stand the hypocrisy that comes out of this how are you mad at one person saying that they favor Minthe but you favor and defend Hades with your whole life no questions asked. You’ll shame that person for liking Minthe because she’s a bad person who’s made terrible decisions that’s affected everyone around her but you cross the line to Hades that’s also a bad person who’s made terrible decisions that’s affected everyone around him. Make it make sense please, it’s getting super annoying.
But anyways that’s the end of this rant, honestly I’m just really disappointed about how some of the fandom treats situations like these. I feel like this comic makes it it’s mission to have as many poorly written female characters as possible just for them to be hated on by the fandom. I’m probably overreacting though I am really upset at the response of some fans. Anyways, this was completely and entirely biased and it should not be used as fact since I literally just started writing this with little to no evidence, I’m basically running on thoughts and piling them together. These are just my plain raw emotions about the situation and how I chose to react, a little extreme and more aggressive I guess so I’ll fix that later. But if you agree or disagree is both fine I don’t mind either, disagreeing or agreeing with anyone is human nature and it would be really creepy if we just agreed on everything honestly.
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maoam · 3 years ago
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I wanted to take a deeper look at Hinata’s character, considering there are a lot of claims about her out there, that she’s strong, that she’s kind, that she’s complex and relatable, that she’s the perfect woman and that she’s at least better than Sakura. I don’t really think so, and I’ll explain why. I’ll be focusing on canon, so no fillers or novels will be included in this post. I’ll say this as a warning, if you’re a fan of her character this probably won’t be something you’ll like. This will be tagged with the anti tags and put under read more so please do not complain if tumblr somehow puts this in the normal tags, it is not intentional. Also Sakura stans please don’t write lengthy comments about Sakura under this, I’m not a fan of her either and I’ll write about her later. Make your own post instead.
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Hinata is generally really bad as a shinobi and I’m not sure where the claims that she is strong come from. Hinata's entire character revolves around her being weak. This could have been fine if she actually developed, or if she found some other area for herself, yet she's mediocre at best and a waste of panels at worst, because she never becomes good or strong at anything. She’s not only physically weak from start to finish, but she’s also the equivalent of a damsel in distress. Everytime Hinata attempts to do something, she ends up failing, getting beaten up and having to be saved. She lost to her sister who is five years younger than her, which is what marked her as a failure in her clan. She tried to fight Neji in the chunin exams and ended up coughing up blood and losing her consciousness, and Naruto had to beat Neji for her. After Kabuto heals her fully, she spends the rest of part 1 either sleeping or missing in action. Very underwhelming.
If this had been only the beginning, it would have maybe been fine, but it’s a reoccuring pattern with her character. She throws herself in front of Pain, managing to do nothing but get one-paneled and almost killed. Even at the start of the war she had to be saved by Naruto. She tried to run to Naruto and tripped over a rock. Actually, she’s so weak she got Neji killed, when he had to jump in front of her so she wouldn’t get impaled. Why is she even in the front lines when she can’t fight? Even in Naruto the Last movie she had to be saved multiple times. In Boruto the movie she is still useless and reckless, leaving her daughter’s side to help Naruto, ending up defeated and having to be healed by Sakura once again.
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I can’t say she’s mentally strong either. She has the personality of someone who hates conflict and tries to avoid it as best as they can, to the point of agreeing with others on everything, as Neji pointed out. Even without him saying it out loud, most of Hinata’s moments that aren’t her thinking about Naruto are her doing exactly this. This is not the personality of someone who is strong mentally. It’s the personality of someone who is too weak to have their own mind, someone who will go with the flow and is easily led and convinced. It can be dangerous the more you think about it. Hinata is also the bystander who never stands up for Naruto despite liking and admiring him. If she’s a compassionate girl, why isn’t she showing this by reaching out to Naruto and befriending him? Why doesn’t she show he’s not alone? Why is she only drawing inspiration from him? I don’t normally watch fillers, but there was one filler scene unrelated to Hinata where this girl says if you only look at the loser and do nothing, you aren’t much better than the oppressors, which probably wasn’t meant to be a call out for Hinata, but ended up being so anyway. Another thing that’s annoying is how she is berating herself often, yet doing nothing, it comes off as self-pity. Even in the Last movie, she is talking about how she must be a bad sister for knitting a scarf when her sister is in danger. Then why are you doing it and not stopping? Of course everytime this happens Naruto must cheer her up because she just can’t stop moping around and doing something herself.
Aside from all this, from the very beginning Hinata’s honor needed to be defended by Naruto because she couldn’t stand up for herself. Of course, after Naruto’s words she did stood up for a moment, and that was good, but it should have been a wake up call which altered her course. Instead, she kept doing the same she always did. If we take the Last movie into consideration, she’s still not strong enough to do anything even about her crush on Naruto. She needs genjutsu and Sakura to do the work for her. So even when it comes to the only thing she cares about 90 % of the time, which is Naruto-kun, she can’t do anything about it. That’s really sad.
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There’s one mistake I see people make often, and that’s assuming characters that are quiet and shy are automatically kind. I wouldn’t say Hinata is as kind as the fandom makes her out to be. She simply comes off that way because you don’t really see her have her own opinions or disagree with the other characters. Hinata’s shyness on the other hand is most of the time a fetishized quirk to appeal to certain subset of fans. Her shyness doesn’t stop her from taking exams or hanging around Shino and Kiba, or talking to characters other than Naruto. She also has enough attitude to rub Neji’s status as a house slave in his face during their match, but because she stutters Naruto-kun every five minutes she’s supposedly kind. Kindness is shown through actions, not through standing around and stuttering. For comparison, we see Ino befriend an unpopular kid like Sakura, and give her confidence. That’s an act of kindness. Did Hinata ever cared about helping the branch members in any way? No.
She's supposedly "kind" but like I mentioned before she never shows this kindness by standing up for Naruto, or reaching out to him. She simply stares at him behind a tree and draws inspiration from his suffering. The only time she can actually stand up is to selfishly confess her love and die. She even said she felt like being selfish, and like I said she knew there was nothing she could do, she was told she’d only be in the way. She came there only to confess and commit suicide. This actually reminds me of another anime where this female character, after being unable to receive a male character’s love killed herself in front of him and said ”now you’ll never forget me”.
In the end, she cares about nothing but her own hormonal urges. Hinata tried to help Naruto cheat to pass an exam at the risk of disqualifying her whole team. This is the first individual action we see her character take. Did she consider Shino and Kiba during that moment? No, she didn’t even have an inner conflict on whether she should do this, whether it’s right towards her teammates. Even Naruto considers he might get Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura all in trouble if he accepts Hinata’s offer, which is why he doesn’t do it. Then when Hinata wonders if she can cheer for Naruto during his and Kiba’s match, she thinks Kiba might get mad. It’s more about how Kiba views her rather than whether she should cheer for Kiba because they are in the same team and should support each other. During the Pain attack, she left an injured shinobi, who couldn’t move, to go to Naruto, even when said shinobi told her she would only be in Naruto’s way. She didn’t try to save people, she simply wanted to confess and act in front of Naruto. This is about a threat to the entire village, which includes her comrades and her sister and she’s thinking only about her romantic feelings towards a guy she had maybe two conversations with and who barely remembers she exists. How is she better than Sakura? War arc really was the icing on the cake that Hinata’s character is only about Naruto. We should not forget the infamous ”Naruto-kun’s hand is so big… so manly...” is that really the right time to be thirsty? When Neji just died? Shikamaru mentions that he could help out Naruto as a right-hand man and then Hinata thinks “I-I want to be by Naruto-kun’s side too.” Then there’s of course the scene where she starts running to Naruto, leaving her post and teammates, even when Naruto is a mile away and already in the hands of medical ninjas, and even that ends up her pathetically tripping over a rock. Kiba has to remind her to use her byakugan because she is too busy gushing about Naruto. Eventually her only last line is “Naruto-kun”, when everyone is put into IT. It’s like a parody by this point. She doesn’t have any concern for her sister, her father, her teammates, Kurenai or her baby. It’s just “Naruto-kun” like it always is. Even in the Last movie, she is knitting a scarf for Naruto during the mission where they’re supposed to save her sister. Who brings a scarf on a mission? Why is she thinking about her romantic gift to Naruto so much she has to take it with her on a mission which focus is saving her sister? She even looks more devastated when Toneri tores the scarf apart than she ever does for Hanabi’s sake. It’s just silly and selfish.
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Is she complex though? Her development goes from standing behind a tree looking at her crush she never talks to, to committing suicide for feelings that could never be reciprocated, to… waiting that a genjutsu and Sakura guilt trip Naruto enough for him to be with her? Like I already mentioned her character revolves entirely around Naruto, she has no hobbies or interests we know of aside from him. She has no motivations aside from being by Naruto’s side. She once had an interesting goal and backstory, but that was never fully explored, and it turned into her wanting Naruto’s attention and thinking about him. Her clan plot was irrelevant, she showed no interest in wanting to be a leader or even wanting to make things better for the branch members. It’s funny because immediately after the ending, no one cared about the Hyuuga branch and how the storyline was dropped and had no resolution. It was only when Hinata was being attacked for not showing to care did her fans start to over-analyze all the panels looking for the tiniest little clue that might hint at some changes.
It’s possible to be both shy, anxious and quiet and also to be strong, motivated and have interests and dreams. Hinata is never strong for herself, she’s only strong to be with Naruto, to die for Naruto, to motivate Naruto, to have Naruto look at her even for a moment. All the while Naruto doesn’t pay much attention to her unless she’s literally dying in front of him or she slapped him. Even when a big climax is happening, what’s on her mind is always her romantic feelings and her crush. I saw someone say if she were a male character, and she pulled this pointless sacrifice and theatrical confession in the final fight of an arc, she would’ve been universally mocked. Actually, I think even if it was Sakura who did this instead of Hinata the former would have been mocked, because their stans are unable to see the same flaws in their own fave as they see in the other girl. Naruto is a battle manga, characters are supposed to contribute to the defeat of the villain in some material way. The only reason people praise Hinata for what she did in the Pain arc is because they either pity her or because they’re men who think women killing themselves for a man is great because it boosts their ego.
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I also notice many Hinata fans don’t notice the vanity in their own fandom. They call Hinata “princess”, ”heiress”, ”Konoha’s first lady” and draw fanart glorifying these concepts and how it makes Hinata good, because they like the superficial status, what they don’t care is the titles are unearned. I thought Hinata’s appeal was that she’s the underdog and a loser? Or maybe her real appeal is the idea of getting everything you want without doing much in order to get it?  Another claim is that Hinata is the perfect woman, which you might see from men. This is what I might dislike the most. Men judge Hinata’s worth and whether she’s a good character based on what kind of woman they want and think is the right kind of woman. Hinata has big breasts, she’s submissive, she has no other interests than the man she likes, and she’s the only girl in her class who didn’t go for the popular guy. Many men hate Sakura, Ino and Karin for being fangirls but praise Hinata for being a fangirl. Basically to them if a character is a fangirl of the wrong guy, she’s a stupid slut. If she fangirls their self insert, she’s wife material and the ideal woman. If Sakura has to be saved, she’s useless. If Hinata tries to kill herself for Naruto, she’s ”so kind”. Rin is a one-dimensional character, but Hinata saying Naruto-kun for the 50th time is depth. Hinata is also claimed to be better than the other girls because she had more kids and thus is more ”fertile”. It’s like feminism never happened and we are back to the 16th century. Why are we judging women’s worth on how many kids they have and how much they can please a man?
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I could also talk about how Studio Pierrot turned Hinata into a hentai bait for otakus, which also plays a part in her popularity, but I don’t think it’s necessary, so I will just offer this picture which speaks for itself.
Hinata is simply just a sexist stereotype, a shadow of a real woman, with not much depth, and who is certainly not better than Sakura either. Both of them are fangirls whose characters revolve around men. It’s wild to me how there are women who genuinely act like one must be a misogynist if they reject Hinata’s superficial, one-dimensional and boy crazy character. Her character itself is misogynist for crying out loud. And honestly, what does it say when even the creator himself assumes that Hinata is someone’s favorite character because he must like big boobs?
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americancowgirl19 · 3 years ago
Summary: You take extreme measures to get your mates back.
Warnings: angst, death, a little fluff
Reader: Alpha Female Reader
Pairings: Beta Frank x Alpha Reader x Omega Matt
Word Count: 3021
A/n: Guess who’s writing a part four!!!! Let me know if you want to be added/subtracted from the tag list!
Also! I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the reblogs/comments. I love the compliments; it truly means so much to me. So thank you everyone for you support for this mini series. I love you all and I wouldn’t be writing this without your support.
@insanelyobsessedwithdilfs @liffydaze @tsukishimawhore @glowstick-lesbian @izzy-jez�� @cuddle-pie​  
Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Four
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“You know where he is,” You state, standing by the window in your chamber. Natasha is standing by the door shifting her weight.
“Surveillance shows that he was headed for Fisk’s kingdom,” Natasha informs you. “He would have arrived about four hours ago,”
“Fuck,” You grumble under your breath.
“I believe his reasoning was-”
“I know his reasoning,” You hiss cutting her off.
Never have you doubted Frank Castle’s love for you. He’s proven it a multitude of times. Now, the crazy man has entered Fisk’s territory by himself to get Matt simply because you were missing him.
Although, missing him is a bit of an understatement. You were showing signs of becoming feral. You’d never get to the point where you’d be fully feral - you knew this - but it seemed too much for Frank to just watch.
It’s been nearly a month since you met Matt. You needed him with you. Your instincts were on haywire. You were normally a balanced person but recently you were becoming more alpha than woman. You were starting to get reckless in your desperation to get your omega back. You weren’t thinking things through.
You were thankful to have a council you could trust. They helped you stay in charge. They helped you stay on the winning side of this war instead of throwing everything away for a quick battle. You had to be strategic. You couldn’t win with brute force, not against Fisk.
“What are the odds they’re out?” You ask her. Natasha is hesitant.
“With Franks skill level and knowledge... If we don’t hear from him in another four hours...” Her voice falls off with a soft sigh.
“My marks are all over him, Nat,” You whisper.
“I know,” Natasha says.
You marked Frank where he could easily hide them. If someone were to see them and inspect them, they’d quickly be able to connect the dots that he’s bound to you. Fisk knows what your scent smells like. One look at the mark and your fragrance mixed with Frank’s musk will be enough to paint a picture for Fisk.
Fisk might not know the level of desperation you feel towards Matt, but he will with Frank. If Frank’s captured, he knows you’ll do anything to get him back. Anything. Only you didn’t want to wait that long. You weren’t going to wait until Fisk had Frank and a plan to use him against you.
“Send Yelena,” you tell her. “Recon only. I want to know Frank’s status... and Matt’s. We’ll move behind her. I won’t risk losing them both. Within the next two days I want Fisk’s head on a platter and his lands as my own,” you snarl. 
“I’ll put everything in motion,” Natasha bows before leaving the room.
You weren’t a king that allowed everyone to do your dirty work. Yes, so far, you’ve managed to stay out of the battlefield but now things were personal. You didn’t trust anybody else with the lives of your mates.
You packed your bag and prepared to infiltrate Fisk’s territory. You sent out messages to your allies warning them of what was about to go down but stayed on the vague side. You didn’t want someone blabbing your plan to the wrong people.
“Is this everyone?” You ask, Natasha standing in front of a line filled with men and women.
“I figured you’d want a small party. We’ll be able to sneak in with fewer numbers as well as keeping our forces here to defend the castle,”
You hum and step closer to the line. In front of you stood Scott Lang, Hope Dyne, Maria Hill, Sam Wilson, and Clint Barton. You would meet Yelena on the road.
“This will do,” You nodded. The seven of you then climbed into the long van. Clint put it in gear and began to drive towards Fisk’s kingdom.
While on the way you began to plan your attack. You put Clint and Sam on the perimeter. Clint would find his scouting point and call out routes while protecting the back entrance. Sam would fly around the building, and further out if he had too, and try to prevent support from coming to Fisk.
You assigned Hope and Scott as a search and rescue. Once you get the recon information from Yelena, they will use that to track down Frank and Matt. Whether they work together or separately you leave up to them. You made it clear that the instant they find your mates they’re to bring them directly to you so that you can see them safely to the car.
Natasha and Maria’s job is to take out as many of Fisk’s men as possible. You wanted all his true loyalist out of the way. You didn’t want any problems to arise when you relieved Fisk’s shoulders of his head.
When you meet up with Yelena, she’s to aid you in the finding, capture, and removal of Wilson Fisk.
“Any questions?” You ask. Scott opens his mouth. “None? Good.”
You meet up with Yelena about ten miles from the Fisk’s castle.
“Fisk has them both,” Yelena mutters to you. “I couldn’t tell where in the castle they are, but I would guess in the lower levels. They’re not together, Fisk is keeping them separate. If he hasn’t figured out about the markings then he will soon,” Yelena explains.
“Where’s the easiest point of access?” You ask.
“Honestly? The front door,” she tells you. “They get visitors, random people, all the time. All we have to do is walk right in,”
“Perfect,” You mutter. “You and I will go through the front. Natasha and Maria, I want you going in through the back in case we get stopped. You’ll take Hope and Scott with you. Immediately go to the lower levels then split to do your separate jobs. Where’s the best vantage point for Clint?”
“This building. It covers not only the back but the East wall as well,” Yelena describes.
“Clint and Sam, gather your things. You’ll depart first. Sam, stay with Clint until all of us are inside. I don’t want you spotted too soon. Once I’m inside and in place I’ll give you the signal,”
“Yes, ma’am,” Sam nods leaving the table with Clint.
“Now, where’s Fisk?” You ask.
“He’s got a lot of heat with him. It won’t be easy, but he’ll be here. It’s his war room. I reckon there’ll be roughly six others with him; four I know will put up a decent fight,” Yelena states. “But we can take them, easy,” she says confidently. You smirk at her. 
“What do you know about them?”
“What do I know about them?” Yelena scoffs. “And if I’m not your top informant,” You just smirk and wait for her slide show. She turns the computer towards you with a file pulled up. “Maya Lopez. She’s deaf but very skilled in hand-to-hand. She’s gone up against Clint and Kate a few times. I do think we can turn her against Fisk, her loyalty to him is already fractured. She suspects he’s killed her father but doesn’t have solid proof,”
“Do we?” You ask.
“Why do you doubt us?” Natasha asks, pushing an iPad over to you. You scroll through the evidence. “When do you want us to send it?”
“When we infiltrate the building. I want her to see it and wrap her head around it by the time Yelena and I enter the room,” You decide.
“The second woman goes by the name Elektra Natchios. She’s a skilled assassin. Has quite the rap RAP sheet. She’s the only one I would say we would struggle getting past. She has a weakness, however. One that might already have her on our side,” Yelena mentions.
“Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this?” You ask, crossing your arms.
“Because you’re not going to like this,” Yelena states, swiping to a picture of Elektra and Matt. The two were too close to be friends. You couldn’t help but to growl and glare at the picture.
“Was he marked when you met him?” Natasha asks. Your growl becomes more vicious, and you send a glare her way.
“No, he wasn’t marked,” You snarl. Natasha bows her head and steps back. You huff and look back at the picture.
“I’m sure Matt told her about you. If she sees you moving against Fisk and she cares about Matt, she’ll join us,” Yelena says.
“Or she’ll try to kill me in an attempt to keep Matt to herself,” You snip.
“Or - yeah - there’s that,” Yelena agrees avoiding eye contact.
“Who else?” You grumble.
“Stick,” Yelena says.
“Stick?” You deadpan. She hums and shows him to you.
“Despite being blind he trained Elektra and rumored to have trained Matt as well. He’s another concern but if Elektra is on our side she can handle him,” she says confidently.
“And if she isn’t?” You ask.
“Really wish you woulda brought another pair of hands with you,” Yelena says giving you a sarcastic grin. You sigh pinching the bridge of your nose.
“And the last one?” You ask.
“Someone I’m sure you’ll be happy to be reunited with,” Yelena says showing you, his picture. You snarl.
“Rumlow?” Natasha asks. “Didn’t we kill him like two years ago?”
“Apparently not,” Yelena states. “I don’t consider him much of a threat,” She shrugs, and you agree.
“Alright. I want to move in tonight. I don’t want to wait. Get prepared, we leave in three hours. Clint and Sam, you leave in two!” You shout toward them. The simply give you a thumbs up.
Three hours later you and Yelena are making your way to the front entrance. Everyone’s checking in through the coms. Clint and Sam are in their positions are the southeast building. Natasha and Maria were able to disguise themselves as staff to sneak into the rear entrance with Hope and Scott on their shoulders.
Two minutes ago, Maya received a text with all the incriminating evidence against Fisk. If you plan it right she’ll turn right when you make your entrance. You doubt she’ll move against Fisk on her own but with you and Yelena? Fisk is as good as dead.
“I want to be informed the instant they’re both found,” You mutter under your breath.
“Copy,” Hope and Scott reply.
“Alright, Yelena and I made it through,” You tell the others.
“Just like I said,” Yelena mutters.
“Maria and I are making our way to the basement,” Natasha informs you.
“Where’s Fisk’s war room?” You ask Yelena. She wordlessly leads you.
Without having to tell each other the plan, the two of you momentarily separate. You pick up a stumble as you head towards the door.
“Ma’am, you’re not allowed over here. Private access only,” The broad man warns.
“Oh! Silly me!” You giggle falling into his arms. “My mistake,” you whisper a moment before Yelena comes up behind him. She rips him away and down to her level. Into the adjacent closet they go. With a swift twist, his neck is broke. Nobody wanted to risk guards waking up. No prisoners tonight.
Yelena snatched his badge allowing you both into the private access. You both make it down two hallways before you’re stopped. Needing to release some energy you take the first one.
Wanting to move quickly you don’t bother playing mind games with him. You use his height and weight against him quickly taking him to the ground. You retract a small knife from it’s holster and slide it across his neck leaving him to bleed out.
You pick up a jog to reach Yelena - who’s handling two men. You slip past her and take the oncoming guards. You both work together to get to the war room quickly. You try to keep quiet, but someone blows the alarm. When surprise is thrown out the window you send Sam into action while the two of you pull out your guns and open fire.
“This way!” Yelena shouts and you quickly follow her. “It’s locked,” She growls, trying the access card but it isn’t a high enough clearance. Unwilling to check everyone for their cards you muster up your frustration, desperation, and anger before kicking the door off its hinges.
“Hello!” You greet sarcastically while entering the room. “Fisk, darling, you never responded to my proposal,” You smirked. “Figured I’d come to hear it for myself,”
By the time you’re finished talking Brock Rumlow had reached you. The dumbass never laid a finger on you. Yelena sprung from behind you and sent a bullet between his eyes.
The second opponent, Stick, wouldn’t be easily killed. You trusted Yelena with that, although you knew if she couldn’t put him down soon she’d need assistance.
You took a few steps closer but was stopped a third time by Maya. You didn’t raise your weapons nor try to fight her. You just stared into her eyes and waited. Apparently, she saw what she needed too and slowly nodded before stepping out of the way. She turns to stand beside you against Fisk.
Between you and him is a woman. It’s Elektra. You’re more tense when facing her. You don’t raise your gun but you’re gripping it and ready to strike should she move against you.
With a great amount of speed, Elektra raises one of her Twin Sai’s and launches it at you. You duck out of the way and prepare to shoot her when you hear a rough groan. Turning your head, you see the weapon lodged in Stick’s back. You look back at Elektra to see her marking past you and straight for him.
You straighten up and notice Maya moving to Fisk. The man has the decency to look nervous. He’s typing away on his pad but nothing will save him.
“Stop!” Fisk shouts, standing from his chair and moving away from Maya. Only when Frank and Matt are shoved into the room on their knees does everyone freeze. Guns are pointed at their heads. “Now, I am walking out of here alive,” He states.
You ignore him and take in the appearance of your mates. Frank is beaten up pretty good. You can hear him wheezing and struggling to stay upright. He’ll need immediate medical attention. Matt is a little better but not much. He’s still bruised and wounded but nothing that won’t heal within a couple of weeks.
“You got them?” You ask. Fisk looks at you.
Simultaneously, the two men holding guns at Matt and Frank begin to groan and crumble in on themselves before falling to the ground unconscious. A moment later Hope and Scott return to normal size.
“We got them,” Hope states, nodding to you. Your head then turns to Fisk.
“You were saying?” You ask, tilting your head. Before he could respond Maya went after him. You turned towards Yelena, Stick and Elektra allowing Maya to get her frustrations out.
Yelena gives you a small nod assuring you Stick is dead. You then look to Elektra wondering if you would have to continue fighting for Matt. 
One look at you and Elektra knew you would fight her until death for him. You weren’t willing to share him. As hypocritical as that is it’s different when there’s more than one alpha in a pack. One of the alphas would have to submit to the other or else there’d be chaos. Neither you nor Elektra would submit to the other. It would destroy your pack.
You’re king and Matt is your true mate. You have a high claim on him than she does. Besides, you didn’t know it, but her and Matt hadn’t been together romantically for years. Even their friendship was strained. They’d always care and even love each other but their time was over. As much as Elektra would love to find out how skilled you are against her, she backs out of the challenge allowing you to have an open claim on Matt.
With that settled, you look back at Fisk and Maya. Fisk is on his knees and Maya is breathing heavily. She looks a little tossed about, but she was backing away from him.
“So, a house in the middle of nowhere it is then, huh?” Fisk asks laughing.
“That was before,” You stated calmly.
“Before?” Fisk asks. You pull your knife back out and thrust it into his throat. Blood instantly squirts over your arm and covers your hand.
“Before you laid your hands on my mates,” You whisper, twisting the blade before swiping it to the side. You lean back and kick Fisk to the ground. “I want this castle burned to the fucking ground,”
“We can arrange that,” Yelena smirks disappearing. You turn to Maya and give her a nod. She returns it before leaving as well.
You don’t acknowledge Elektra knowing she would most likely want to talk to Matt. You’d allow it but not before seeing him yourself. 
When you look at them all the tension begins to seep from your body. You go to them like a magnet. Your left arm wraps firmly, yet gently not wanting to hurt his ribs, around Frank while your right arm does the same to Matt. Their heads instantly go to your neck. The rub their scents on you while you take turns doing the same to them.
“I’m so glad you’re both safe,” You whisper, tightening your grip.
“You came just in time, baby,” Frank huffs. You nip at his shoulder in annoyance.
“We’ll talk about your actions later,” You growled. He just smirks and nips your neck in retaliation. You roll your eyes and turn to Matt. “Hello, love,” He huffs before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get you,”
“You’re hear now,” He whispers.
“I won’t force you, Matt, but I’d like to take you home with me,” You mutter giving him the freedom to walk away should he want too.
“Keep me,” Matt whispers. You smirk kissing his forehead.
“I’ll never let you go,”
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