#aleister chambers x reader
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herehavesomeheadcanons · 2 years ago
Black Butler x reader headcanons, but it’s only the characters I think deserve more attention.
Ash Landers
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🤍💜 If you managed to get Ash to fall for you, good job. This angel is SO PICKY when it comes to a s/o. I doubt anyone but the purest of heart could turn his pretty head. Seriously. He’s like a unicorn or something.
🤍💜 Absolutely devoted to his s/o. If you’re looking for a loyal doormat, Ash is your angel. He will cook, clean, and do basically whatever you need him to. Seriously, all you have to do is ask.
🤍💜 Definitely takes everything way too seriously, so avoid joking requests like, oh, i dunno, “could you light London on fire for me?” He will. Don’t test him.
🤍💜 I feel like his favorite dates would be either sitting at home and chatting over a cup of tea, or someplace high up. He’s an Angel, after all. He likes to be near the sky.
🤍💜 Yes, he will fly you around. Unless you’re scared of heights.
🤍💜 Can and will fight anyone who even looks at you wrong. You might want to keep hold of his arm so he doesn’t get himself charged with arson and murder.
🤍💜 Very gentle, and shy with physical affection. He doesn’t want to taint such a pure being! You are going to have to just tackle him. He will NEVER admit it, but he loves physical affection more than anything. He also loves complements and praise. 
🤍💜 Overall, a wonderful catch of a man- well, angel. He will definitely treat you right :)
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🤍💛 Oh he’s such a cute little shy bean! All you’d have to do was give him a singular complement and he’d be head over heels for you. If you like snakes, even better! His friends will love you too :)
🤍💛 rarely speaks for himself. You might have to try behavior training to get him to tell you what HE says, instead of what his snakes are saying. Not that he ever really disagrees with his snakes, but still.
🤍💛 Yeah his snakes do a lot of the flirting for him, and they all have WILDLY different ways of going about it. Wordsworth, as the refined gentleman he is, gives very good complements. Emily likes to be in charge of planning dates. Goethe is very friendly and will ask how your day’s been (even if he just asked the same question five minutes ago!). Oscar is the problem snake. He’s a lil naughty noodle. More often than not, his comments are not translated (”Oscar! He can’t say THAT! Says emily”).
🤍💛 Very very shy about physical affection, but if you give it to him he will be addicted. Like, very addicted. He’s particularly fond of cuddling. He likes to be warm :)
🤍💛 Oh gosh if you complement his scales he will melt. He’s so self conscious and probably always worried that people with judge you harshly if he’s seen with you. 
🤍💛 Defend him from bullies and you’ll have his loyalty forever. He will. Not. Leave. Your. Side. (Is that really such a bad thing? He’s so cute-)
🤍💛 Oh gosh please be gentle with him he’s such a fragile little noodle- Always speak with a gentle tone. He’s very sensitive to criticism.
🤍💛 Yes, you can hold his snakes. Yes, you can boop their little snoots. Just be gentle.
Charles Grey
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🤍💙 Just don’t be a boring, beige colored, saltine cracker of a person and he’ll love you. By that I mean, actually have a personality. Be funny! Challenge him! Keep things interesting!
🤍💙 This man is a five year old trapped in a grown man’s body. Just look at that smug face. Does he look like a mature adult to you? He’d probably go to a carnival with you if you asked him. AND he’d win you all the prizes. He’s just that good.
🤍💙 Buys you lots of expensive gifts. He’s filthy stinking rich, after all. Will also take you on the most extravagant dates. I hope you like fancy food (and lots of it!) :)
🤍💙 He already knows how awesome he is, but tell him anyway. Are you just feeding his already over-large ego? Yes. Should you stop? Absolutely not. The way he puffs out his chest and shows off is just the cutest thing!  Like one of those funny birds of paradise.
🤍💙 Being best friends with Phipps is a requirement. They’re a packaged deal. Which is funny, considering they’re polar opposites. Phipps has been dealing with Charlie’s shit for years now, he’s happy to have you around to lighten the load.
🤍💙 Boundaries? What are those? This little shit is all up in your business 24/7 and hates when you don’t pay attention to him. Absolutely loves physical affection. Not even the slightest bit shy about it. Prepare to be absolutely smothered with affection.
🤍💙 Would you like to learn fencing? He’d be delighted to teach you! Even more so if you happen to be good at it. This bastard loves a challenge!
🤍💙 He’s scared of ghosts and snakes, and you can DEFINITELY use that to your advantage. He will deny his fears till the day he dies, but it’s pretty obvious how terrified he is. You can get some pretty funny reactions out of him with a well-placed rubber snake! He’ll pout about it for a while, but after a bit he’ll come right back. Be warned: if you give him a particularly good scare he might end up in your bed that night. (He’s TOTALLY not scared, he just wants to make sure you’re ok!)
Aleister Chambers
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✨❤️ Buckle up, buttercup. If you’re actually here for this man, i applaud your unique tastes. Not everyone can handle this bastard.
✨❤️ If you have a female body, congrats! You’re his type! Hope you didn’t want to get rid of him any time soon, because you will be stuck with his dramatic ass from the first time he lays eyes on you. And he has plot armor. 
✨❤️ Yes. He is very, very, very dramatic. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely seen the show and you know EXACTLY how he acts. If you say even ONE insulting thing to him, he will act like you’ve stabbed him with a sword and flop onto the nearest piece of furniture, moaning about how you’ve wounded his feelings. It’s really funny, actually.
✨❤️ Will spoil you with extravagant gifts. He’s rich, what did you expect? He has SCARY good tastes, and will pick the best outfits for you. Don’t ask how he found out your size for… well, anything.
✨❤️ Oh he’s so clingy. Constantly wants your attention. I really don’t know what else to say, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he is NOT shy with physical affection. If physical affection is your love language, you’ll be in heaven with this man.
✨❤️ Get ready for some WEIRD pet names. Hands up, who’s surprised? Nobody? Thought so. Sure, he COULD use normal pet names, but it’s much more fun to come up with his own. If you give him a weird pet name, he’ll be absolutely delighted. Go ahead, see who can come up with the strangest nickname. It’ll be fun.
✨❤️ Honestly it’s worth it to endure him just for the free entertainment. His natural personality is so over-the-top extravagant that even just sitting at home with him is like watching a comedy skit. He gets way too excited about absolutely everything, and will randomly start spinning like he’s a glitched video game character.
✨❤️ He loves to dance! And throw extravagant parties where he can show you off to everyone. 
✨❤️ Over all, is he a creep? Yes. But he’s also funny, pretty, and rich. So in all actuality, he’s a pretty decent catch.
Drossel Keinz
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🧡💙 If you’re here for this man- er- puppet, congratulations, you are one of the only groups with more unique tastes than the Aleister simps. I’m honestly just writing him because he’s funny and i like his funky, jerky movements.
🧡💙 Achievement get! Acquire stalker (provoke any kind of positive feelings from the creepy puppet man)
🧡💙 Yeah he’s gonna stalk you for a while. He might not even approach you at all. He’s just curious about these ‘feelings’.
🧡💙 If he does approach you, it’s gonna be awkward as fuck. Seriously. He has no idea how to properly socialize, much less flirt. (Haha relatable)
🧡💙 every time he’s confused he does his little 90 degree head tilt. He’s confused a lot. He’s trying his best, ok? He quite literally has straw for brains.
🧡💙 If you’re artistic, he’d love to do art things with you. He’d also really love to show you his puppet collection. Hope you didn’t like sleeping :)
🧡💙 He’s not great at affection in general, but he tries. Sometimes his complements come off as creepy. Awkward head pats. So many awkward head pats. His skin feels like wood, and he smells like sawdust.
🧡💙 Be patient and explain things to him. He’s not great at feelings yet. Also very bad at even recognizing his feelings. Talking through feelings stuff with him is a great way to bond.
Gregory Violet
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🖤💜 Anime onlys buckle up because some of the characters you only see in the manga are the best. Case in point, this art goth. 
🖤💜 I feel like he would go for a more introverted s/o. Especially someone who’s artistic, like him. Not certain how two introverts get together, but whatever.
🖤💜 He’s a little eccentric, but that’s just part of his charm. Where else are you gonna find a cutie that likes to blow bubbles in his tea? 
🖤💜 Unlike with other people, if he says he’s gonna draw you, he’ll actually draw you. He won’t make you stay posed for five hours while he draws everything BUT you (rip Greenhill).
🖤💜 You want to draw him? He’s a little shy, but i’m sure you can convince him to pose for you. He wants you to be happy, after all.
🖤💜 Café dates!! And art museum dates!! You should definitely attend his concerts as well. Make sure to complement his dancing afterwards! He’s a little embarrassed about having to dance in front of crowds. Remember, he doesn’t like dancing to begin with.
🖤💜 You might have to pester him for a bit, but he will give you private performances. Will it be the whole P4? Probably not. He wouldn’t want to bother his friends with something so silly. Besides, you’re his, not theirs. 
🖤💜 He sings wonderfully. I imagine him having a low baritone kind of voice. The songs he sings for concerts often get stuck in his head (much to his annoyance), so sometimes you can hear him singing in the shower. 
🖤💜 Unlike literally everybody else on this list, Violet is not clingly. He’ll give you your space when you need it. He needs his space too.
🖤💜 Not very physically affectionate. He’s pretty strictly traditional and what not, so you might have to beg him for kisses. Unfortunately, his lipstick doesn’t really taste like anything.
🖤💜 He’s actually really low maintenance and pretty self sufficient. Probably one of the best picks on this list, if i’m being completely honest.
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strandedincivilisation · 3 years ago
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@blackbutler-readerinsertsandjunk LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO
This surely was a peak moment in your life, really. Whether a high or a low, that is yet to be decided. And you lean towards the low, as of now.
You prided yourself on aiding the Queen's Guardog, Your wit, smart-thinking and quick brain make for a perfect asset in some of his missions, and he's come to regard you as being dependable enough. So much so, that it is not uncommon for the young Earl to invite you for tea and a game of chess.
This time, however, it seems he was playing chess while you were within the board, playing the part of a mere pawn.
A favour, he had asked of you, and confident in yourself, you agreed. Foolish for someone who usually caught onto intentions so quick, really. Almost embarrassingly so. In retrospect, you really should have known. Could you blame him, though? By asking you to play the part as bait for his mission, he avoided being stuffed into a dress and quite the few lady-like lessons (that fell upon your shoulders instead).
And now, here you were. You, yourself, stuffed into a dress, that they made sure would compliment your eye colour, with your hair styled the way Madame Red herself ensured would bring the best attention, getting out of the carriage with Sebastian's aid, and into the party. You feel like you're walking right into a wolf's mouth, but you push forward nonetheless.
You walk around for a couple of minutes, but it hardly takes you long to find the Viscount. Lord Phantomhive warned you, he told you you might be taken away today, but that they would be close on your trail just in case, and perhaps that had you feeling a little too comfortable when you saw the blonde man approach.
You have to admit, you understand why women fawn over him so. He is attractive, symmetrical features, long soft hair, a sharp jawline, smooth-looking skin and deep, lavender eyes with long lashes.
You put on your best smile.
"Ah...I'm terribly sorry, sir" you start off, taking a small, minuscule step back. You play with your hands for a moment in feigned innocence, trying to act as flustered as you can bring yourself to "I didn't mean to bump into you..." Your eyes scan over him discreetly. If his own eyes and their incessant travelling over your body are anything to go by, so far you've got his attention.
And his attention you had. How absolutely delightful. A beautiful little bird, fluttering about the world, so naively, such easy prey for any predators out there that it almost made someone want to put them in a cage, still able to flutter around and be admired, but safe from the dangers of the world. Beauty was pain, for it left so soon, oftentimes because it was taken away by greedy leeches, sucking it away from the world. It almost made one sick to their stomach to think about... Still, there were little lights in the dark. Special kinds of beauty, rare ones, like gems within a rock beach.
You sure looked and acted the part.
"Please-" his voice is smooth, and almost pleasantly warm, like melting butter, easy on the ears. Melodic even, as it rings at such a private volume it makes you have to lean in a bit, bringing about an almost exclusive moment amongst all this people, like you are sharing some kind of secret "- don't apologize, little robin. I should have looked where I was going. I trust you weren't hurt?" His expression seems nearly grim at the thought, and you almost forget you're on a mission as it sets free a nest of butterflies in your stomach. You hold your breath for a moment, and just gently shake your head. He smiles, and this time you think you really might forget why you were here in the first place.
"I'm glad" he speaks up again "It would be such a shame to have any harm come to a beautiful hummingbird..." He looks around for just a couple of moments, like looking away from you bothers him, and his eyes land on you once more quicker than you anticipated "Oh my...are you all alone here? That just won't do...why don't you join me?" He holds his hand out, and you become aware of the mission once again. This is it. The plan has been set in motion. There's no doubt now that he's seizing you up as possible next victim. You take his hand you almost despise the way your body sends an involuntary shiver throughout you. His hand is bigger than yours, yet remains delicate. The hold is firm, but soft. "Allow me to get you a drink, and you can tell me about yourself, yes?" His voice interrupts your thoughts, it's sweeter this time, more alluring, like honey, with this undertone on it you can't put your finger to is it a hint of desperation, or do you just wish it would be?
You comply, accompany him to his seat, and chat for a while as he offers you a glass. The conversation is entertaining, and his smile never falters, however, you start to get uneasy after a while, and it's not because of his eyes trailing your figure or resting on your lips and hands a little too long every now and again. It's more about what he's not doing...you're still here. He didn't put anything in the drink, didn't try to take you to another room. You stay seated, you haven't been bait before, and you just figure patience is of the essence- "I'd be honoured if you allowed me to take you away for a moment, somewhere nice. Just you and me, dear songbird" Ah, there it was. You nod your head, and give your most naive smile, following after him.
You'll be fine, you think, the young Earl and his very capable butler are hot on your trail.
Then, the Viscount takes you out the front door, and to a carriage...Well, unexpected, but you aren't sure about his modus operandi, so you go along. It's a slow ride, but the destination stop arrives quicker than you expected. It's a sort of forest, in it, a clearing with a gazebo. A nice spot, for sure...but far away from the party and all its people...far away from everything, in fact. Regardless, he offers his hand to help you down, and you take it. He doesn't let go as he leads you towards the gazebo, and he doesn't let go when he sits down with you. He doesn't let go.
His free hand cups your cheek, and you focus on remaining as bait, for as long as you can, until you have any kind of lead, anything, no matter how hard your heart is hammering, and no matter if you can't tell whether it's adrenaline or something deeper, and perhaps more carnal.
"You're so very sweet my songbird...I had to bring you here, a place deserving of your presence, without all of that noise...My little songbird, you mentioned having no suitors...I hoped my ears were deceiving me, in a way. To think that no one has been able to appreciate such a masterpiece before...it pains me deeply. Even then, I find myself rejoicing at the thought..." The hand on your cheek slowly moves down, nuzzling down your neck for just a fleeting moment, leaving you aching for the touch again, in a way, and he takes both your hands this time "My little songbird...be my betrothed" You almost choke on your breath, suddenly the aim of the mission hits you like a train and your chest tightens uncomfortably. You splutter and stutter through your words, dumbfounded, thrown off your game scarily quickly "...I...I beg your pardon, My Lord, I am sure I misunderstood you, please come again...?" You ask slowly, voice a mixture between hopeful and shaken "My little songbird..." His grip on your hands tightens. It's not painful, but it's a tense reminder that you're still being held in place "You captured my heart the moment you came in...what is it you desire? Money? Travels? Wonders shown before your very eyes? I can give you all you could wish for, if only you'd be mine."
Damnit. You work too well.
"...My Lord, I...I don't know what to-" His voice cuts through quickly, like he is trying to crush any counter arguments with it alone " Please, my little songbird...if you don't........I really wouldn't want to have to take drastic measures..." You gulp slowly, but you choose to push through. This is a change of plans, but it may guarantee that kidnapping. That's what you came here to do in the first place, is it not? This is surely just some twisted trick to get you to fall victim to his business. It will be fine. Sebastian said he can track down the gas they believe he uses to knock out the victims at his home. It will be fine.
You shake your head "My Lord, you flatter me, but we just met..." His grip tightens further "Darling please just say yes..." It comes out in a whisper, so gentle that it throws you for a loop when paired up with his expression and his hold on your hands "Please say yes" he repeats again "I would hate to have to get...upset" His voice almost drops, for a moment, and you try to remind yourself that it's going to be fine, and that this is the outcome you've been looking for, being a victim to his business, so you shake your head once more "I'm really sorry, Lord Chamber, but I can't accept your offer just like that..." His eye almost twitches, but his smile seems unfaltering. It's eerie, almost. One of his hands leaves yours, and you untense. If only you had seen it reaching into his pocket slowly .
"Little songbird...one last time...please reconsider. You're making a mistake right now" His voice has definitely lowered this time, and you have to gulp a knot on your throat. You dread to even think for a moment that the knot may not only be there out of fear
You shake your head one final time, attempting to free your hand "I apologize, but I couldn't possibly marry you after knowing you for just a few hours-"
The movement is too quick for you to register. He pulls you close by the hand, into his chest, and a cloth is pressed against your mouth and nose. A strong, chemically sweet smell hits you, and your whole body grows heavy, your eyelids falling closed moments later.
By the time you wake up, you find yourself carefully tucked in, in satin and silk sheets, and with soft pillows. But the moment you look around, there's metal bars. Golden ones, and you are inside a cage...and this is not an auction. It's a manor room.
"Hello my beautiful songbird...I'm glad you're awake again! Welcome home...don't fret, I'll take good care of you...you'll be let around the manor soon, when I am sure you won't fly away" His smile is wide, and cheery, and so alluring that it's unnerving. His voice is honey-like and dripping with such delight that something within you flips in the best way and it almost angers you.
After the night falls, and the Earl and his very capable butler don't show up, you think back to their claim of being able to track down the gas used in the rooms and how they were paying close attention in case you were taken to one within the party... You start to lose hope that they will be able to come for you...
But when Aleister steps into the cage, arms encasing you against his chest in an almost desperate passion, and his lips slowly ghost over your skin until they finally meet yours with a fervor you have never experienced before... You are no longer sure you mind that anymore.
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excitedlysuffering · 5 years ago
For your 300 follower event could I get the word “ethereal” with Sebastian Michealis? I would absolutely die and I know it’ll be amazing bc you’re amazing! Ugh! I love you so much and thank you doll!💘
Ethereal Miracles- Sebastian Michaelis x Reader
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You’re too sweet girl ugh ily🥺💓💓 I hope you enjoy this!!❤️❤️
You sighed quietly to yourself as you carefully prepared the decorations for the ball that the Viscount of Druitt was throwing. Ordinarily, you’d love a party, but ever since you’d found yourself reluctantly employed by Aleister Chamber, things that had made you happy didn’t inspire the same joy anymore.
“(Y/N)! Are you almost finished?!” You winced at his obvious irritation. “Y-yes, Master, I’m just applying the finishing touches.” He huffed. “Fine, but be quick about it.”
You moved as quickly as you could, to avoid his wrath. Although the blonde was passionate and poetic most of the time, however, his anger was something you did not want to experience.
Thanks (or no thanks, really) to the ‘excellent’ motivation, you completed your tasks in no time. You wiped the sweat from your brow with your sleeve as you left the ballroom. Next on the list was to prepare yourself for the long night ahead of you.
Much to your relief, your master was proud of your work, going off on one of his signature ‘poetic’ tangents about how elegant the room was and so on and so forth. As much as his excessive talking bothered you, it was better than being scolded, you supposed.
By now the party was in full swing and you had your hands full, literally and figuratively, with drinks and waiting on the guests. A child and his butler waved you over, clearly in want of a drink.
You passed a snooty looking couple and averted your eyes, just missing the lady stick out her foot in your direction. Almost in slow motion, you went flying, your platter of expensive glasses filled with even more expensive beverages, shattering on the floor.
Everything went silent for a moment, and it felt like you were under a microscope. Everyone could see you sprawled across the floor, surrounded by a mess of wasted champagne.
Then you heard those dreaded footsteps of your enraged master, the Viscount of Druitt. “Why, you wretched waste of space! How dare you embarrass me in such a manner?!”
You watched, frozen on your knees, as his hand prepared to make contact with your face. Just before his hand reached you, it stopped and gasps rose up. The black-haired butler from earlier had stopped your master’s hand in mid-air, a chilling smile on his face.
“You would hit a lady for a simple mistake? Especially one not caused by her? If anything, you should be angry at your guests for tripping her.”
Even in your current predicament, you couldn’t help but acknowledge how... utterly beautiful the man was. The light of the chandelier shined directly on him, making him look ethereal. If it wasn’t for his distinct red eyes, you could say he almost looked angelic.
A new wave of gasps and murmurs reached your ears at the revelation. “Here you go, Miss,” The butler smiled, politely, his hand outstretched to you. Shakily, you stood up with his help.
“Thank you, sir, I apologize for the inconvenience…” You bowed the weight of your humiliation heavy upon your shoulders. The butler patted your shoulder, reassuring you. “Nonsense, the only people who should be apologizing are them.”
He pointed at the couple from earlier that you had passed. They rushed away frantically the Viscount on their tails.
“Are you alright?” The boy, the butler’s master, appeared in front of you. “Y-yes! Thank you both for your assistance.” The child merely nodded and walked away to continue his conversation from before.
“May I have this dance, Miss…” You flushed, placing your hand in his outstretched one. “(Y/N)... what can I call you?” He smirked as he spun you onto the dance floor. “Sebastian Michaelis, at your service.”
You giggled, in slight disbelief. This man, with unnatural beauty and charm, was giving you the night of your life. You had only just met, but you were already hoping to see more of him.
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akatmitsu · 6 years ago
that’s an order | sebastian michaelis
i recently finished black butler and i am so in love with every single character in the series. sebastian especially, of course, you just can’t ignore someone that drop dead gorgeous. this is an au concept, i hope you enjoy! i almost wanna do a part two but we’ll see.
( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡
pairing: sebastian michaelis x reader
word count: 2,749
warnings: nudity but not really
summary: you are ciel phantomhive’s older sister, you and the household are preparing for a ball that was set to take place in the late evening. as you help the three servants get ready for the ball, ciel is given a notice that a skeptical man was attending the ball. not wanting to worry you or the servants he tells sebastian, his butler, to keep it between them. the evening starts and ciel begins to get nervous about having you there unattended, he orders sebastian to not let you out of his sight. the evening gets tense as the man arrives. the skeptical man has brought many men to target you at the night’s event. 
                                                                                                         NOT MY GIF
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Though it seems you were just starting to fall into deep sleep, you hear a faint knock on your bedroom door. You ignored it figuring you were just hearing things in your sleep. Surely it couldn’t have been the next morning. The door opens, the creaking of the door making you alert. It was oddly quiet, surely somebody would’ve said something by now. A deep feeling of panic sits at the bottom of your stomach. Thinking you hadn’t heard a knock at all but now the door has opened. 
“My lady?” 
You sigh in frustration, the tight grip you had on the duvet that was held to your chin released. You sat up on your bed, moving long stray hairs from your face, you gazed at the tall, strikingly handsome butler. You held the duvet against your bare chest, flushing slightly.
“What are you thinking sneaking around like that while I sleep?” 
You watched as he stepped into your bedroom, clothes in one hand, the other behind his back. “My apologies, my lady, I assumed you had heard me knocking,” Sebastian Michaelis bows before walking toward the curtains, pulling them back with just one hand. You flinched, expecting a bright sun to hug the room, not noticing a change in brightness behind your eyelids you opened your eyes to see the gloomy outdoors. 
Still clutching the duvet to your chest, you swung your legs over the side of the bed, one exposed after the other. You stood up, letting the duvet fall and follow you as you make your way to the window. Sebastian stood aside, eyes following every move you made. He was mesmerized by the way your body moved, the sinful thought that you were completely bare beneath that duvet hovered over. He smirked at the thought.
“What an ugly day.” 
“Now, now, my lady. You’ve just seen a brief glance of the day, the clouds could move and it could be the most beautiful day you could’ve ever wished to see,” Sebastian’s smooth voice made your eyelids flutter in the slightest. He was a charming man, every word was captivating. 
You gaze out of the window, Phantomhive manor stood tall, the view breathtaking no matter the weather. Sebastian took brief glances at you as you did, he had admired the outside view one too many times, the sight of you, a fresh faced natural woman standing before him, a man could never complain. 
Though the day was much too busy to be standing around gazing at beauty. Sebastian clears his throat, “We do have a big day ahead of us, my lady,” he offers his gloved unoccupied hand to you, “Shall we get you dressed?” 
You hesitated, “Where’s Mey-Rin?” 
“She is downstairs preparing for tonight’s ball like I asked. If you so desire, I will be more than happy to send her upstairs for you,” Sebastian still held his hand out for you. This wouldn’t be the first time he has dressed you, though the thought of it made your whole body flush every time. 
“No, it’s alright,” You rested your hand on top of his, he tightens his grip slightly, you look up to meet his eyes, “I won’t look.” The soft gesture could’ve made you melt right at the spot. He lead you over to your bed, he stood tall in front of you blocking your view of the window. He started to close his eyes, placing the other clothing items other than your dress and undergarments on the bed behind you. 
“Whenever you’re ready, my lady.”
You shyly drop the duvet onto the floor, you watched as it fell to your feet leaving your body exposed in front of the man. You gaze up at him, eyes wide, mouth open slightly. Just open them, you thought. Gazing at him for just a few more moments, you took in a breath, heart beating slightly faster. 
“Open your eyes, Sebastian.” 
The room was silent, the word slipped from your tongue. Your eyes never leaving his stoic facial expression, eyes still remained closed. Sebastian leaned closer to you, his right cheek brushed against yours, he stopped just before he passed your ear, “Is that an order?” 
Your breath hitched, eyelids fluttered closed. 
“M’lady! Oh m’lady! I’ve come to dress you!” The shrill excited voice of the hand maiden Mey-Rin surrounds the silent room. Sebastian quickly reaches for the duvet that fell to the floor, covering it around your frame just before Mey-Rin reached the entrance. 
“M’lady! Oh, Sebastian!” Sebastian slowly opens his red eyes, Mey-Rin stands at the doorway with her mouth agape not expecting to see Sebastian there with you. She paid no mind to your covered frame, her gaze focused on the handsome butler. 
“Mey-Rin, have you finished what I asked you to do?” You gaze up at him, Sebastian kept his gaze on Mey-Rin, you flushed as you thought he was slightly annoyed that Mey-Rin had fulfilled her duties so quickly. 
“Yes, Sebastian! I finished what you asked for, yes I did!” 
Sebastian leaned closer to you, shocking you, he made eye contact as he set down the dress and undergarments on top of the rest of your clothing. He was so close to you, you had almost completely forgot your hand maiden stood just a few feet away. 
“Quickly dress Ms. Phantomhive. We have a busy day ahead of us, in fact it’s almost time for tea.” Sebastian walked away from you leaving your body feeling slightly cold, you watched as he left. He walked by a flustered Mey-Rin giving you one last glance before leaving the ladies’ sight. 
Mey-Rin lets out a deep breath, “Oh, that man is the most gorgeous man.” Realizing what she had just said in front of her majesty, she tenses up. “M’lady! Let’s get you all dressed up for the day shall we? Yes, we shall!” She shuts your bedroom door and begins to dress you, you were comfortable in front of her. You couldn’t help but zone off as she dressed you, had she not interrupted your explicit intentions, what bizarre thing could’ve happened? 
As you offer to help Mey-Rin, Bardroy and Finny with decorating and prepping for tonight’s ball, Sebastian Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive migrate to his office. Sebastian held a sealed letter in his gloved hand, already knowing the contents withheld inside the envelope. 
“Young master, you have received the official guest list for tonight’s ball. While you overlook the list may I offer you some tea?” 
“What kind?”
“Jackson’s Earl Grey, my lord.” 
Sebastian starts to pour a glass of tea for his master as the boy skims over the list he was given. Tonight’s ball held a new look on some new toys created within the Funtom company. He skims over each and every name, Sebastian patiently stood in front of his desk, gazing at the boy. His mind trailed off as he continued to watch his master.
The sinful thought of him given the opportunity to see Ms. Phantomhive bare in front of him. A dangerous woman, he thought. The older sister peaked the demon’s interest from day one though respectful of his master, he never intended on making any not so smart choices. However, recently it’s been difficult, you were growing, you were graving every need a growing girl could muster and Sebastian knew it. It thrilled him. 
“Edward Adley, where have I heard that name before?” The young master’s voice broke Sebastian’s dirty trailing thoughts. 
“Edward Adley was a common bidder who was favored by Aleister Chamber, viscount of Druitt.” Sebastian’s words seep into the young master’s head. The words disgusting him, a human trafficking bidder was attending tonight’s ball. 
Ciel Phantomhive did not bother reading the rest of the list after this man’s name. He impatiently tapped his finger against the desk, he pondered what should be done about this. Taking a few sips of his tea, he thought of what Edward Adley would want to do with Funtom toys. 
“If you’ll excuse me young master, I must see to it that Lady Phantomhive gets her tea.”
Ciel stopped tapping his fingers. That’s it. He mumbled your name to himself.
“Pardon me, my lord?”
“Sebastian. This man is not just attending this ball without a purpose, this man is after something, or rather someone. We must be fully alert during tonight’s ball. This man is not to be underestimated.” 
Sebastian smiled at his young master, “Of course, my lord.”
The evening has begun, after much too long of corset tightening, you were finally tidying things up before heading downstairs to greet your guests along with your younger brother. You met both Ciel and Sebastian outside as soon as the first few guests had arrived. You greeted them politely, Sebastian stands at your side watching you greet them but trying his best not to be too distracted. He was on the lookout for this Edward Adley, there was no time to be in another place. 
One of the last few cars had arrived, a handsome man just a tad shorter than Sebastian had stepped out of a nice carriage. His attention immediately set to the gorgeous woman greeting her guests. He stood awestruck by your beauty, Aleister Chamber’s words not false in the slightest bit. Ignoring the two men that stood beside you, he focused his attention on you. 
Out of nowhere the man grabs your hand almost too roughly for your liking, “Good evening, my love. My name is Edward Adley, I must say I am absolutely mesmerized by your beauty.” His predator eyes made you extremely uncomfortable but there were other guests around, you didn’t want to cause a scene. 
“Oh, well thank you, Mr. Adley,” You politely curtseyed, you tried to lightly tug your hand from his but his grip seemed to tighten. “Please, my love, call me Edward,” The man placed his lips over your hand. 
“Mr. Adley, I do hate to intrude but please do not touch Lady Phantomhive without her permission.” 
Sebastian’s deep, stern voice made Edward Adley jump in his place, he released your hand. Deciding this weird man was the last guest you would greet before heading inside you announced you were departing to the young master and his butler. They made sure to keep you until after Mr. Adley had been long gone into the manor. 
You were uncomfortable to say the least, you had felt grimy after that man had kissed your hand. Finding time to distract yourself by chatting with numerous guests inside the ballroom, the thought of that man had simply left your mind. 
Ciel Phantomhive stood near the food display with his butler, his mind strictly focused on Edward Adley. He did not let the man leave his sight for one second. He began to feel uneasy, the way that man had grabbed your hand, confirming his earlier assumptions about him being there for you and you only. 
“Yes, my lord?”
“Do not let (Y/N) out of your sight, you are to be near her at all times. Should you see that something strange is going on you act on it immediately. You take her away from here if need be. I do not trust that man.” 
There was a pause, Sebastian smirked to himself waiting for his young master to finish.
“That’s an order.”
“Yes, my lord.”
You were exhausted, the impact of not getting enough rest the night before has you losing your energy for this ball fast. As the guests quickly make their way to the dance floor, you found this the perfect opportunity to sneak away and catch some air. You were sure if Ciel or Sebastian had seen you they would be upset, you were extra careful making sure their attention was elsewhere. 
Exiting through the kitchen to the back door, you caught your breath once you hit the outdoor air, gazing up at the beautiful sunset laid out before you. It was stunning, Sebastian’s words from earlier this morning were remarkably true. You slowly make your way toward the gardens, you loved coming to the gardens when things became too much to handle. It was something you had carried on from your parents. Both of them loved the gardens, they told stories so your father would put it. 
You closed your eyes listening to the ambient sounds of the outside. They were closed for just a few moments. Opening them once more you noticed a man standing far from you, you couldn't quite see who he was but you could make out an object in his hand. The sound of a gunshot pierced through the soft ambient noise. There was an immediate impact of pain searing through your right shoulder. Your hands start to shake, your knees had given in from the sudden weakness surrounding your body. Blood cascaded down your exposed chest into the small crease of your dress. 
You were shocked at the sudden turn of events, you noticed three men running toward you, their faces covered with masks. One of the men lifts you up and carries you to a familiar carriage just behind the manor where no one would see. You tried to scream or fight back but it seemed nothing was happening. 
The man who carried you to the carriage roughly shoved you inside, he shut the door harshly. Expecting him and the three other men to pile inside and take advantage of you, you sobbed and awaited your untimely death. You looked around the carriage, the three men were talking outside, they were muffled but as they spoke you started to recognize this carriage, it was Adley’s. 
Sobbing even more once you realized who was behind this, you lay on the carriage floor. It took nearly all of the strength you had in you to rip a piece of your dress to create a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Painfully, you tied the fabric around your shoulder as best as you could. You noticed that it was quiet outside of the carriage, you sat up and peeked out of the window. 
You jumped and screamed as you saw a bloody hand press against the window, Sebastian’s face appeared in front of you, his eyes soft once he realized you were okay. His beautiful face was covered in blood spatter he was almost unrecognizable. 
“My lady, may I ask a favor of you?” Sebastian’s voice muffled through the glass window. Confused by what was happening, you merely sat there looking at his stoic face. 
“Cover your eyes and ears. Please, my lady.” 
You nodded slowly, obeying his request, you lay back down on the carriage floor. Covering your eyes and ears, you waited patiently, you counted to ten before you felt soft hands remove your hands away from your ears. 
“Keep your eyes closed, love.” 
Sebastian carried you bridal style away from the three dead men, you rested your head against his neck making sure to keep your eyes closed knowing fully well what was beneath you. 
He carried you through the manor careful not to run into any guests along the way. He hummed as he walked up the stairs making his way to your bedroom. He was gentle with laying you down on your bed, untying the pathetic excuse for a tourniquet, he placed the blood stained cloth on the nightstand. He reached underneath your nightstand to find a kit with gauze and thread. He had asked you to sit up so he could see the wound better, he let you lean against him as he proceeded to fix the wound. 
You could’ve slept being leaned against him like you were. You were almost numb to the pain now, not too worried about it since there was no worry from Sebastian. 
“I’m going to have to undress you, my lady.”
You nodded, he helped you stand, turning you around he unzipped the back of your dress, letting it fall to the ground. It was faint, faint enough to where you could've sworn you were feeling things but a soft kiss was pressed lightly to your injured shoulder. Sebastian gently untied many tightened strings until your corset was limp, he took off the corset, your back still facing him. 
He closed his eyes waiting for you to get comfortable in your bed. He gathered the dirty clothes on the floor and started to make his way out of your bedroom. 
“Yes, my lady?”
“Stay with me. Just for tonight.” 
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waiting4inspiration · 6 years ago
Be Ruthless I : Arranging Marriage
Summary: You have been controlled by the men in your life ever since you can remember. Now, your brother has decided to marry you off to the leader of the Great Heathen Army thinking that he’ll gain some power from the alliance. Thinking that you could never love a man who uses fear as a weapon, you expect your life with Ivar to be completely miserable.
Warnings: slight angst
Pairing: ivar x reader
Be Ruthless Masterlist II Vikings Masterlist
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Strange ships dot the horizon of the sea, sending the city into a panic. The gates around the city were bolted shut, but not as tightly as those that lead into the castle. Soldiers were assembled within seconds and not a single post of the city defenses was left barren.
Ever since the heathens attacked a neighboring city last summer, your brother - King Drefan of your small country - had prepared an army that would be able to try to defend the city within a snap of his slender fingers. But upon seeing the number of ships making their way towards your shores, he realized that it would be a battle he could never win. And so, a council meeting was called to discuss what would be offered up in exchange for peace between the two countries.
As for you, the only place you were allowed to be once the ships were spotted was your chambers. You didn’t mind it though. You were used to having to spend most of your times there.
Leaning against the wall and gazing out the window, you watch as the ships slowly make their way closer. You’re mesmerized by the different colors of the sails and the monstrous heads protruding from the front. When your room door swings open, your head snaps towards the group of people entering.
The first person you see is your brother (no surprise there) followed by his bodyguard, Sir Aleister, and then your mother a few feet behind. Your eyes linger for a moment on the bodyguard, fear flooding your veins every time you see him.
Forcing yourself to look at your brother, you push yourself off the wall to walk slowly towards him with your hands folded neatly in front of you. “The council has decided what we shall offer to the heathens,” your brother says, your head slightly lifting as you wait for him to continue. “You shall be a part of our offer their leader and king.”
Your face falls at his words as your mouth hangs open slightly. Glancing over to your mother, she does nothing but keeps her eyes on the floor beneath her feet. “Excuse me?” you sneer, pulling your hands apart from each other and placing your hands at your sides.
“It is time that you marry someone. Someone powerful,” he states, walking around you in a circle as you puff your chest out in confidence. “And as your brother and head of the family, I have chosen the heathen king to be your husband. To create an alliance between us.”
Of course, you know exactly what it is Drefan wants. He wants the power of the Great Heathen Army at his disposal and he will use you to get it if he must. You’re nothing but a pawn, a chess piece in his game to become a powerful ruler.
“No! I’m not going to marry some…brute just so that you can have some kind of control over his army!” you shout at your brother as you fold your arms over your chest.
He takes one stern step towards you to try and make you flinch in submission, but you only glare at him. “You will do as your king commands, dear sister,” he hisses, roughly grabbing your face in his hand making you whimper in slight pain. “If I say jump, you jump. And if I say that you’ll be that heathens wife, or whore, or whatever it is he wants from you, you will do just that without letting this mouth of yours run off with those sharp words.”
Pulling your face out of his grip, you glare coldly at him before turning towards your mother sitting in the corner of the room. “Mother…”
“Listen to your brother, (Y/n),” she interrupts you, folding her hands in her lap as she looks up at you timidly. “He is the king.”
Shaking your head at her, you swallow the lump in your throat as you take in a sharp breath. “I won’t do it. And you can’t make me,” you sneer, glancing back up at your brother.
He sighs out, walking past your before leaning against the wall. “I might not be able to make you, but I’m sure Sir Aleister wouldn’t mind stepping in,” your brother says, his bodyguard at the door taking a step forward.
You flinch at the sound of his armor moving and quickly drop your head making your brother chuckle, proud with himself for drawing out that submissiveness in you he was looking for.
“When they land on our shores, we will offer them to join us at a feast tonight where we will discuss the term of peace between us,” Drefan states, taking a hard step in front of you and harshly lifting your head back up to him. “And you will be down there before we start. Even if I have to drag you by your hair and you’re in nothing but your undergarments,” he sneers, making you gulp nervously and take in a shaky breath. “Though, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind that sight.”
He turns on his heels to walks out of the room and followed shortly by your mother and Sir Aleister. The moment the door shuts, your knees give in and you sink to the ground as you let out a loud sob. Your head lifts when you hear the sound of horns from outside and your eyes land on the cross hanging on the wall. 
Staring at the figure of Christ nailed to it, your jaw clenches as you coldly glare at the symbol of faith leering down at you. Pushing yourself off the ground, you storm towards the religious figure, rip if off the wall and quickly throw it into the fire that burns in the hearth. “If you really exist, why are you putting me through such misery?” you hiss at the burning cross, wrapping your arms around your body as tears roll down your cheeks. 
A few moments later, your door opens again. Turning around, you see your timid handmaiden gently shutting the door behind her before folding her hands in front of her. “M’lady,” she softly says with a small bow in her body. “You’re brother said that I was to help to prepare for tonight,” she states, giving you a small smile before walking over to a small basin in the corner of the room. “You must be nervous about being in a room with a bunch of heathens.”
Glancing over at the window, you notice how quickly time has passed and how the ships are basically on your shores already. “Nervous isn’t the word I would use,” you mutter, placing a hand on the wall as you continue to stare out the window. 
Tags: @rororo06 @tephi101 @flokidottir-imagines-br @chipster-21 @walkxthexmoon @faeeryy @megzdoodle @lol-haha-joke @inforapound @uwucthulu @ciochesono @youbloodymadgenius @we-are-only-halfway-home93 
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fandomlife-giver · 8 years ago
Mission Impossible (Black Maid One-shot)
Summary: The reader and Vincent attend the Viscount’s ball. They split up during the ball. Things don’t exactly go as planned.
Pairings: Vincent x maid!Reader
Warnings: Violence, crossdressing
Word Count: 3816
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
The sound of Vincent's foot tapping against the floor filled the room. As you placed the cup of tea in front of him, you raised an eyebrow when he didn't react.
"Master, is something on your mind?"
His leg was bouncing in anxiousness. He exhaled through his nose and glanced up at you. "Maxwell Chamber. He's our target her majesty gave us."
You rose an eyebrow. "Yes?"
He sighed and pushed the open file to you. "That is his son."
You tilted your head at the picture of a young man with blonde hair and the same violet eyes. You looked back up at him as his fingers tapped the picture.
"His name is Aleister Chamber. If we want to get to Maxwell, we need to get to his son."
You nodded as you placed a scone beside his tea. "And do you have any plans on how to do that?"
He clenched his jaw. "They say that Aleister is a ladies' man. He is easily woed by any and every woman that catches his attention. The best way to get to him, it would be through that method."
You rose an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but I don't see the problem here. I can easily and gladly obtain any information from him, let alone something as simple as seeking audience through him."
He sighed and stood up. "That is the problem. As effective as I'm sure your methods are-"
"Hm, yes, you would know, wouldn't you?"
"As effective as they are, I need you to do something else for me." He stopped in front of you and pulled something out from behind his back. You glanced down and saw a folded up piece of paper.
You took it from his fingers and unfolded it. What you saw made you look back up at him. "A map?" He nodded and you rose your eyebrows expectantly. "And...what is this a map of?"
He pointed at the first half of the map. "This here is a layout of the manor." He then moved his finger over to the second half. "And this is a directional route of the air ducts, of which lead to every room in the manor."
He kept the frown on his face as he locked eyes with you. "I need you to retrieve the children we believe our being held hostage for the black market auctions."
A smirk formed on your lips. "And, um, who will be the one to seduce the viscount's son, if I may ask?"
He narrowed his eyes at your smirk. "Well...because we don't exactly have any other females and we can't involve any simple civilian, it appears I will...have to fulfill that role."
You covered your mouth with your hand to hide the grin and to stifle the laugh you desperately wanted to let out, then folded your map and looked down.
"In that case...it seems you will have to undergo some lessons."
He furrowed his brows. "Lessons? I don't think that will be necessary..."
You bit the tip of your finger as you crossed your arm over your stomach and walked around him. "Tell me, have you ever even kissed a girl?" You spun around and caught the faint redness to his cheeks.
He gave an unamused look, but the answer was already obvious. "Is that a trick question?"
You smiled and kept circling around him. "Have you ever actually seduced anyone before?"
He watched you like a hawk as you circled around him like a cat toying with it's prey. "Not particularly..."
You hummed, then stopped and stepped close to his face, making him unconsciously step back, but he still stared you down.
"Can you or can you not hold your breath for at least a full minute?"
This only made him look at you in confusion. "What? What does that even have to do with-"
You finally let your suppressed grin show. "Oh yes, much training for many lessons is required."
You picked up the tea cup and handed it to him, along with the scone. "You best enjoy yourself for another hour." You had a devious look in your eye. "It is going to be a very long night."
. . .
His arm was firmly around your waist. His breath was hot and nearly colliding with yours. His eyes stared deep into yours with no intention of breaking. Your chests were pressed up against one another as his lips kissed your soft flesh.
"My Lady...will you allow me to-"
He glanced up at you and straightened up. "What?"
You shook your head. "If I'm being perfectly honest, it was perfect. However, you forgot one crucial detail."
He rose his eyebrows as you removed his arm from your waist and placed it on your shoulder, then wrapped your arm around his waist and pulled him close.
You smiled. "You are the Lady, remember? You will be in the warm embrace of a gentlemen. A gentlemen who I am sure will be more than happy to get a little friendlier with you." Your hand traveled further down his waist and this made his eyes go wide.
"W-What are you doing?!"
You smirked. "I'm not making you flustered, am I? My sweet..."
While he stared at you, he tried to cover up his blush with a frown.
You rose your eyebrows. It took him a second, but then he coughed and put on a sweet smile.
"Oh, don't be silly, my Lord. I am a Lady, now would a Lady become that easily flustered over a little friendly touch?"
You laughed, partly as the imaginary man, and partly because it was funny.
"Such a gentle Lady you are." He went stiff when you pulled him closer to your body and moved your lips over his ear.
"You intrigue me, my sweet. By keeping you in my embrace, you excite me...I can hardly control myself."
Your lips ghosted across his face until you were hovering over his. You leaned in closer and slightly parted your lips. But that was until a hand covered your mouth.
Vincent narrowed his eyes playfully. "If you wanted something of this level, you do have the option to simply ask."
You sighed and moved his hand from your face. "Master, if you wish to seduce the viscount's son, you must be prepared for anything he may try. Covering his lips is not a guaranteed way of playing hard to get."
"And how do you even know if he will attempt that particular action?"
You have him a look. "I'm a female. If there's anyone with experience, it is me."
You pulled out your pocket watch and checked the time. "Oh! There's only 6 hours left until the viscount's ball. We need to move on quickly."
You grabbed his arm and pulled him away. . . .
His frown was practically stapled to his face. He looked at you from the corner of his eyes.
"Is this really necessary?"
You matched his frown with a serious look. "Very. Perhaps the most crucial ability to possess as a Lady."
He sighed and spoke under his breath.
"Don't mumble. You'll look suspicious."
"Yes, well I have a lot to mumble about at the moment."
"Don't move your head, keep still."
He groaned. "This is very uncomfortable."
"Shh!" You kept your eyes on him as he walked. "You need to display your behind more."
His neck snapped to you. "I need to what my what?"
"Ow!" He flinched when you smacked the pointer over his legs. "What was that for?"
You smacked it in the palm of your head. "You moved. Any clumsier and you would have lost your balance, thus causing the books to fall."
He huffed as he spread his arms out and continued walking, this time while pushing out his behind.
You smirked. "Yes. Very good, master."
His eyes narrowed. "You just shut it." . . .
He sneered through his clenched teeth.
"This is...very...difficult...Ahg!"
You shushed him with your lips beside his ear. "It's all right, master. We're almost done, just clench yourself a little longer."
He grunted as you pulled tighter. His grip on the bed grew tighter along with it.
"Is this...ugh!...is this really what women have to go through?"
You frowned. "Every single day since the damned thing was created."
You pulled one more time, making him yell.
"Aaagh!" . . .
*knock* *knock*
"Master, are you ready?"
You pressed your ear up against the door and heard muffled sounds of someone cursing under their breath.
*knock* *knock*
"Master? We must depart soon, are you dressed?"
"Get in here. Now."
You rose your eyebrows at his hard tone, but still opened the door and walked inside. The sight of him honestly made you want to laugh harder than before, but you kept it inside.
The wig you gave him looked as if it were about to fall off his head. The back of the dress wasn't tied and it's strings were hanging around. It was a miracle he got the dress and shoes on.
He was pulling up the elbow-length gloves as you walked inside and caught his hair as it fell. You gave a small laugh as you grabbed the hat that was placed on the bed and reattached the wig, before placing the hat over it.
You then walked around him and pulled the strings to tighten. "My, my. If you were my Lady, how would you survive? You can't even dress yourself properly."
You tied the strings into a perfect bow and stepped back. He turned around and your smile enlarged.
He sighed and placed his arms beside him. "Well? How do I look?"
You adjusted the hat a little and looked into his eyes. "A vision of beauty, my Lady."
You then flicked your wrist and pulled out a fan. You opened your other hand and a pile of blue jewels that matched the dress appeared.
"Now, it is time to accessorize." . . .
Once you had finished adorning him with jewelry, he was looking at his reflection in absolute horror.
"This is...this is ridiculous."
You only hummed as you finished chaining the necklace around his neck.
"The life as the Queen's Guard Dog has it's own luxury. But you must be willing to sacrifice just as much to have it."
You held out the fan in front of him.
He sighed as he took the fan from you. "Are you certain I have to wear this?"
You smiled. "Master, you must live with these consequences of being the Queen's guard dog."
He narrowed his eyes as he snatched the fan from you, turned, picked up his sapphire dress and mumbled to himself as he stomped out of the room. "That still doesn't explain why I have to wear these jewels."
You watched him go and smiled to yourself. "This is going to be very entertaining." . . .
It wasn't long before you arrived at the party. Once you entered the viscount's manor, Vincent surprisingly became more and more confident.
He stood beside you as his eyes searched the crowd for the son, Aleister Chamber.
In a few short minutes, he had located him, surrounded by women who were trying to catch his attention.
He glanced back at you. "There he is. Go, find any prisoners on the property and release them to safety. Don't let anyone prevent you from doing so. Only come when I call you."
You leaned in to him. "Is that an order?"
He nodded. "It is. Go."
You bowed your head as you curtsied. "Yes, my Lord."
As a waiter passed by, you quickly matched their pace and yours beside them to keep out of the viscount's or his son's view.
Once the waiter had passed over an entrance to a hallway, you departed from his side and continued walking at a regular pace.
The hall didn't appear open to guests as it was practically empty. It was odd, which meant good for you.
Unfortunately, there was a man that had nearly fallen on top of you that was preventing that. You moved to the side as the man collapsed right where you were standing.
By the sound of a blade sharpening, you turned your head to be met with a Chinese woman, holding a samurai sword. She looked up and noticed you, but you only smiled and continued walking.
These balls certainly are interesting. Perhaps I should attend more of them.
You stopped once you heard the sounds of people talking and moved up against the wall.
"Did you get any new produce?"
"Maxwell had us pick up some fresh meat last night. It's a real pain in the lower back, though."
"Will you shut up and just take them to the billiard room? Worry about yourself later, I would like to get home, y'know."
"Yeah, yeah. We're going as soon as Maxwell does his announcement. God knows that distraction will be a real blessing."
"Make sure they don't cause any unwanted attention. The last thing we need is someone finding out about this."
"Yeah, that would be really bad."
By hearing them walk away, you poked your head out. You waited until you saw them disappear down the hall, before walking down it.
"Ah, is this the Lady you were talking about, Ran Mao?"
You looked behind you and saw the China woman from earlier who was now accompanied by a china man.
Said china man was smiling as he looked you over. "My, my. And what a lovely Lady you are, indeed."
You didn't even say anything as you turned and began walking away. Well attempted was more like it, since the china woman had pulled a knife to your throat, which made you stop.
The man laughed. "Now, Ran Mao, play nice." He gently put down the woman's arm and looked at you with the smile still on his face.
"I do apologize, but it seems, according to Ran Mao, you had witnessed something undignified a few minutes ago."
You forced a smile. "Excuse me, but I have a task I must attend to. I don't believe I have sufficient time to chat right now. Perhaps another ti-."
You turned when two large men stomped towards the three of you. And by the sound of it, it was the men who were just talking.
"What are you lot doing here? This hallway is off limits to guests."
You bowed your head. "Terribly sorry, if you'll excuse me-"
You tried to walk away, but one of the men had grabbed onto your arm. You looked back at him with an annoyed glare as he grinned.
"Actually, maybe you should stay with me, darling."
Your eyes narrowed.
"We could have a little fun together. What do you sa- aghh!!"
He began screaming when you twisted his arm around and jumped up to wrap your legs around his head, then pull him to the ground and snap his neck.
"Hey!" The second man had pulled a gun out on you and fired, but you quickly placed your hand over the barrel. The gun fired into your hand, but you managed to muffle the sound. You crushed the barrel in your fist and it fell in pieces to the ground.
The man's eyes widened as he turned and sprinted down the hallway.
He didn't get far as you jumped up and landed on his backside, which caused him to fall to the ground. You kept your knees on his back as you held his head to the carpet.
"Sorry to inconvenience you, but where exactly is the billiard room?"
He only screamed and you had to push his face into the carpet.
"Now, why don't you try cooperating?"
You used your other hand to break his arm. His screams were muffled.
"Where is the billiard room, if you would be so kind?"
"Agh! The...It's on the other side of the...agh!...the manor!"
"Thank you." In a split second, you twisted his neck. His body went limp after.
You stood and began running down the hall.
The china man and woman watched you leave and the china man smiled. "Ooh, how interesting this lovely Lady is, indeed." . . .
You had stopped running once you located a vent on the ceiling. You had to look around and make sure there was no one around, before jumping up. Your fingers wrapped around the holes of the vent, before you pulled it off. You jumped back up inside and closed the vent with it's cover as you entered it.
There wasn't much to be said about the journey in the ventilation shaft, just the sounds of people laughing, air blowing through, Vincent walking with the viscount...wait.
You looked back through the small sliver of light to where you saw the outline of Vincent, or Veronica, as he had decided to be called, was walking beside the Viscount, Maxwell Chamber.
Well master, I am sorry to have doubted you. It seems those lessons have really paid off.
You continued crawling through, until you heard the faint sound of crying. You looked down and saw the outline of what appeared to be a child. Without a second thought, you latched your fingers through and tore off the vent from its hinges. You placed the vent aside and jumped down.
You landed on your knees, and as you looked up, you realized you had landed in the middle of a room filled with children. The only problem was that they were all locked in large cages that resembled bird cages. Very odd.
You stood up and once you did, the children had all noticed you. Every child's hands were tied and every child had been gagged with a rag in their mouths. You ran to the first cage and inspected the lock that kept them prisoner. Though you didn't really ponder to open it, because you found your own way.
They watched with wide eyes as you tore off the entire door from the cage, then proceeded to run and tear off the rest off every cage. You moved in a blur, too fast for them to comprehend, and before they knew it, you had not only freed them from confinement, but had taken them all out and placed them all in a circle in the center of the room.
They all looked down and realized where they were, and discovered the ties around their wrists were all cut. They removed the gags from their mouths and you slowly turned when you heard ramped stomping coming from the other side of the door to the outside.
Your brows furrowed. "Impossible. How could they have heard that?"
You unfortunately didn't have time to ponder that further, because the door flew open just a few seconds later. Several men ran inside with their guns drawn, but they all looked at each other in confusion when they found themselves in an empty room.
Of course that was before the door slammed shut behind them and locked. You looked over at the children who were shaking with fear and sighed. But as you looked the other way, down the hall there was a window. A moment of relief swept over you as you vastly walked down the hall. The children followed closely, too scared to do anything else.
When you tried to pull up the window, you realized it was locked. But a few seconds after, it wasn't a problem since you shattered it. You cleared the shattered glass and looked down. There was several carriages and a number of men surrounding them. From the looks of it, they appeared to be officers.
Scotland Yard... You smirked. "How convenient." . . .
*boom* *boom* *boom*
All the officers looked up when several kids jumped from a window and landed on the roofs of the carriages.
The man in command gasped. "My God! It's the children! Get them off of there!"
As the officers helped the kids onto the ground, the one in command looked up and saw a figure watching them from the window they had jumped from.
You smiled in accomplishment. "Hm, my work here is done."
'Y/N, I order you to get me out of here now!'
You froze up and looked behind you. "Well, never mind then." . . .
You wiped the dust off your hands and frowned at the amount of blood splattered on your violet colored dress.
"Oh, dear...what I mess I've created."
You looked over at Vincent, who was staring at the pile of bodies that dropped like flies once you came to his rescue.
"Yes, I'd say so. It is quite a mess."
You hummed as you placed a hand on your hip and looked at him.
"Scotland Yard arrived some time ago. The imprisoned children are with them. We should depart before they discover this, master."
He sighed and nodded. "All right. Let's go, Y/N."
He walked towards the door, but stopped at the sound of someone clapping.
"Ah, so your name is Y/N? A lovely name for a lovely Lady."
You both turned around and you narrowed your eyes in annoyance. The china man and woman were standing off in the corner.
Vincent looked at you. "Y/N, do you know this man?"
"Sadly no. I'm afraid I don't have the pleasure...yet." He walked over a few bodies with the woman by his side.
He outstretched a hand to Vincent. "A pleasure, I am the branch manager of a Chinese trading company. My name is Lau." He gestured to the woman. "And this Lady is my sister, Ran Mao."
Vincent glanced down at his hand, then paused to remove the hat and wig, before shaking hands with him. "Vincent, Earl of Phantomhive."
He smiled as he shook his hand. "A real delight to make your acquaintance. I couldn't help but overhear...you are on business from her majesty, I assume?"
He chuckled. "You see, I came to take care of business for myself. But if I may...I have a business proposition for you."
He looked over at you. "And I think the both of you will be very interested."
Vincent glanced at you as you continued to watch Lau, then he smiled. "Well, I think you are worth hearing out. Why don't you come to my manor? I can change into some proper attire and Y/N here will prepare refreshments. Y/N, why don't you introduce yourself?"
You stepped forward and bowed. "Hello, I am Y/N L/N. Head maid to the Phantomhive Estate."
He rose his eyebrows. "A maid, hm? You could've easily fooled me, darling. With those magnificent skills, you could be a skilled assassin. Well, you are certainly one hell of a maid."
You contained a smile. "Yes, I guess I am simply one hell of a maid."
Lau then looked to Vincent as they began walking. "Well my Lord, I think this is the start of a long, beautiful friendship."
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herehavesomeheadcanons · 2 years ago
On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 10 Sugar Cookies! (Part 2!)
Y'all get pictures again! Yay!
Lacus Welt
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💜✨It was your suggestion. He originally wasn't on board with the idea, you probably had to bribe him.
💜✨He has no idea what he's doing. Absolutely no clue. You're going to have to help him along.
💜✨His favorite part is decorating, but he doesn't take it seriously at all!
Freed Justine
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❤️🎄It was his suggestion. It'll just be you and him, he doesn't trust Bickslow in the kitchen!
❤️🎄Freed is a master chef. He knows what he's doing, and will probably be helping you along. He's an excellent teacher, and he's excited to share his passion for cooking and baking with you!
❤️🎄His favorite part is the actual making of the cookies. Although, he does enjoy eating a few of them!
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🤍🖤It was your idea, and you practically had to beg him to join you.
🤍🖤He's not the greatest baker in the world. Half the time he's not even paying attention to your directions! Also he's going to fall asleep halfway through.
🤍🖤His favorite part is eating the cookies. He'll eat two or three before laying down to take a nap in the middle of the kitchen floor.
Doppo Kunikida
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📔👓It was your idea, and you legitimately had to threaten him to get him to take off work.
📔👓He's probably doing most of the work, let's be honest. Kunikida knows what he's doing. He's cooked and baked before, and he's probably the one giving you instructions!
📔👓His favorite part is when the cookies are done and he can get back to work!
Renzo Shima
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💓🐛It was your idea, and he agreed without hesitation! He's very eager to spend time with you!
💓🐛He's a disaster, honestly. You have to help him with everything! He'll get it eventually, he's not completely hopeless!
💓🐛His favorite part is eating the cookies, of course!
Aleister Chambers
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✨❤️It was your idea. It didn't take much to get Aleister to agree! He always wants to spend time with you, plus he loves good food!
✨❤️He's never done this before, so he's kind of useless. He certainly doesn't lack enthusiasm, though! He finds the whole process fascinating!
✨❤️His favorite part is eating the cookies. Yes, he will moan about it. You know how he is.
Hitoshi Shinso
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💜🐱It was your idea, and Shinso agreed without much of an argument.
💜🐱He's decent. Not fantastic, but certainly not a disaster! At least you don't have to watch his every move!
💜🐱His favorite part is decorating. All his cookies are little cats!
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🖤🐀It was your idea, and it took a bit of begging to get him to give in. He has important plotting to do!
🖤🐀He's a pretty decent help. He's just glad the work isn't too physically taxing! Otherwise, he might faint!
🖤🐀His favorite part is watching you decorate! You just look so cute with how hard you're concentrating!
Kenji Miyazawa
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💛🐄It was your idea, and Kenji enthusiastically agreed! He loves cookies and other baked goods!
💛🐄He's a great help! Despite never baking these specific cookies before, he catches on quickly to the process! His super strength is a big help with rolling out the dough!
💛🐄His favorite part is eating the cookies! He'll eat about half of them in one sitting and then take a nap!
Snow Lily
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💖🦋It was his idea! He thought it would be such a cute couple thing to do!
💖🦋You might have to help him a little bit, but he does catch on quickly. He thinks everything is 'charming'!
💖🦋His favorite part is decorating! He loves to express his creativity! He does go a little overboard with the sprinkles, though!
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herehavesomeheadcanons · 2 years ago
✨~Black Butler Masterlist~✨
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It won't let me have my favorite stupid Black Butler meme, so here's just another stupid meme I found on Pinterest.
Basic HCs (Ash Landers, Charles Grey, Aleister Chambers, Drossel Keinz, Gregory Violet)
Father to Two Children (Charles Grey)
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waiting4inspiration · 6 years ago
Be Ruthless II : Heathen King
Summary: You meet the man that Drefan want to marry you off to. After refusing to carry out his plan, your brother reminds you who is in control
Warnings: angsty
Pairing: ivar x reader
Be Ruthless Masterlist II Vikings Masterlist
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After you were all dressed up and ready for the forced feast your brother had prepared, the Vikings were already on their way to the castle being lead by a messenger. You watch them walk through the gates like a heard of sheep and you try to think which one of them is their leader and your possible future husband.
The moment the last warrior walked in the gate, you made your way slowly towards the hall. Instead of taking the direct route, you take the longer route to try and delay your fate. When you reach the huge doors of the hall, your heart drops a thousand feet through the earth and you take in a deep breath before nodding to the guards standing on either side of the door.
You close your eyes as the reach over to the handles and let out the breath you’ve been holding in your lungs as you hear them open. The sounds of harsh shouting and cheering make your eyes snap open but slowly fade as the lords in the counsel stand from their chairs when you walk into the room.
The sound of your feet hitting the ground as you walk towards the empty seat beside your brother echo through the cold room. Your eyes lift from the ground at the feeling eyes burning into your skin hits you. They land on one of the heathens and your slightly cringe when you notice his eyes traveling up and down your body while his tongue darts out to lick his lips.
“King Ivar, this is my dear sister, princess (Y/n),” Drefan speaks in your language as you reach your his side. You follow his gaze to the leader, finding that it’s, in fact, the man that eyed you like you are a piece of meat. Lowering your eyes as you sit down in your seat, you straighten the skirt of your dress with your hands as the noise in the room picks back up.
Drefan leans over to you, resting an elbow on the arm of his chair. “You’re late,” he whispers making your head slowly lift up at him.
You so desperately want to tell him off but you know what would be coming for you if you ‘embarrassed him in front of the heathens. Not to mention that the look on his face is that of pure anger and annoyance and it’s not a nerve you want to pick at. Not even if you were alone with him.
Biting your lip, you lower your gaze back down to your hands that are folded in your lap. “Forgive me, my king,” you whisper back at him, glancing up through your eyelashes when he slumps back in his chair with a loud sigh.
“Shall we discuss the terms of our alliance?” he questions directed at Ivar. You glance over at the heathen king and feel your heart sink into your stomach when the reality that he might agree to marry you becomes all too real. Especially after the way he looked at you when you walked in.
You notice how Ivar rolls his eyes and glances over at the man beside him before turning towards your brother. “You want an alliance with us. To use our boats and warriors,” he states, pointing at Drefan with a smirk on his face. “And what will you offer us in return?” he questions and your eyes flutter shut as you prepare for your brother’s words. 
“You came here with the intention of taking back gold and jewels,” he states as you chew on your lip. “My country is a resourceful nation. I can see to it that your warriors are well taken care of on each voyage they make and together, we can share in the treasure you collect in your raids from other kingdoms,” he negotiates, making your head snap up at him. 
Drefan glances at you for a second before turning back to Ivar as he licks his lips. “And my sister is unmarried. You can have her as your wife and we can unite our families.” 
Turning your face towards the heathen king, you lock your gaze with him for a moment, before pushing yourself harshly off your seat and storming out the room without saying a word. You know that your brother’s eyes burn onto the back of your head but you don’t care. You can’t take being in that room for one more minute. 
“You’ll have to forgive my sister,” Drefan says, Ivar’s head turning away from your disappearing figure down the hall back towards him. “She’s slightly free-spirited.”
Ivar chuckles slightly before lowering his head. “Take the offer, Ivar,” Ubbe says beside him, speaking in their language for privacy. “We need the resources they have otherwise we’ll never make it back to Kattegat alive,” he mentions and Ivar glares at him. 
“I don’t need a wife, Ubbe,” he sneers at his brother as he glances to where you walked out. 
“Perhaps not, but we need the supplies,” Hvitserk speaks, drawing Ivar’s gaze to him. “And this alliance can make us stronger. We’ll have a place to land our next raid without having to worry about our backs,” he mentions. Ivar’s eyes drop to the table at his brothers’ words and he bites his lips. When he glances back up at your brother, he sighs out before nodding his head.
A few minutes later, Drefan storms into your chambers with Sir Aleister close behind him. “How dare you make a fool out of me in front of those heathens!” your brother shouts, pulling your attention from the ships outside to your infuriated brother.
The moment your eyes land on your brother’s face and his bodyguard, you jump up from your seat and press your back against the brother. You know that when your brother is this angry and with Sir Aleister, nothing good ever happens. “You insult me in front of them, Drefan,” you timidly say, your body slightly shaking as he takes a menacing step towards you. “You’re practically selling me like a broodmare for gold and power. And you never even stopped to think about how I feel about all this!”
“I don’t care about how you feel about this!” he shouts back at you. You flinch at his harsh tone and shrink into yourself as you tear your gaze away from him. “He has agreed to marry you and you will see it through. Even if I have to tie you to the mast of their ships myself when they leave,” he states after taking a deep breath. “And you will make him happy to see that he carries out his side of the bargain. Even if it means you open those legs of yours for him whenever he wants. Do you understand me?” 
You cringe at his words and try to step away from him when he stands in front of you. Nodding your head quickly, he chuckles proudly and takes a step back. “And I thought you would never be of any good use to me,” he mutters, tears breaking in your eyes and rolling down your cheeks. “By the end of all this, I will have the most powerful army in the world when you are the queen of that miserable city. Not that cripple.”
He starts to walk towards the door and you feel your lower lip tremble in anger. “I hate you,” you whisper out. Quickly covering your mouth at the words that have just slipped out, your hope that he hasn’t heard them. 
But he stops in his tracks and slowly turns around to face you. You’ve seen that look before and you step back against the wall as he glances over to Sir Aleister. Giving him a nod, the bodyguard marches over to you making your body tremble like a leaf in the wind. The giant man looms over you before bringing up a hand and hitting you across your face.
A loud ‘smack’ echos across the room and the force of the hit sends you to the ground with a small cry falling from your lips. Sir Aleister steps away as Drefan walks towards you and kneels in front of you. “And I despise you,” he sneers, grabbing your face in his hand to inspect the red mark across your face and the tears rolling down your cheeks. “You have been nothing but a burden to me and this family. Do yourself a favor, dear sister, and keep your sharp words to yourself,” he hisses, shoving your face out of his hands as he stands and storms out the room. 
When the door closes, you touch the tender mark on your face and slightly flinch at the tingling feeling racing across your face. A timid whimper leaves your mouth as your arms wrap around your body. The only good thing you can think of that will come out of this marriage is that you can get away from your brother and the man he uses to ensure that no blood gets on his hands. And the man that haunts your dreams.
Tags: @rororo06 @tephi101 @flokidottir-imagines-br @chipster-21 @walkxthexmoon @faeeryy @megzdoodle @lol-haha-joke @inforapound @uwucthulu @ciochesono @youbloodymadgenius @nohemi2500
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fandomlife-giver · 8 years ago
His Maid, Capricious: 2
Summary: The Viscount's ball has approached us. With only two young "women" within this investigation, it leaves the question who will capture the Viscount's attention...and how exactly will they keep him interested?
Pairings: Eventual Sebastian x Demon!reader
Warnings: Cross dressing, Implied sexual activity
Word Count: 3431
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Ciel's grunts and moans echoed throughout the room along with the sound of stretching as he clenched his fists against the door. "S-Sebastian!" Ciel panted as sweat ran down his face.
"Please hold on a little longer, sir. You can do it." Sebastian coached as he stood behind him. Ciel groaned and gasped as he threw his head back.
"That's it, you're going to kill me!" He shouted.
"I doubt any woman has ever been killed by a corset alone." You stated from the door as Sebastian pulled the strings tightly again, earning another grunt from Ciel.
"Besides, you should be grateful that you do not have to endure this on a daily basis like most women." You said before there was a knock on the door.
You walked over and opened it, revealing Grell and Madam Red. "(Y/N)! Just the person I wanted to see!" She exclaimed with a smile.
"Oh? You wish to see me, my lady?"
"Yes, we—" She was cut off as Ciel did another cry of pain.
"Ciel, darling, you might wanna spread your legs and clench, it might be a while!" She called out.
"Now, as I was saying, we need to get you ready for the Viscount's ball!" She grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the room. "You will look so beautiful in red, I just know it, it is definitely your color!"
After Madam Red had forced you into a dark red sweetheart Sunvary luxurious dress with red ruffles across the top of the bottom, red ruffled ankle boots, black elbow gloves, a red and golden tassel choker and matching red lipstick, you all rode in the carriage on the way to the Viscount's ball.
Just like before, you sat in between Sebastian and Lau while Ciel and Madam Red sat across from you with Grell driving.
You couldn't stop smiling in amusement at Ciel as he wore a flowy pink dress with black ribbons, a matching hat and a black wig of pigtails. Who knew he would make such a pretty girl?
"The Viscount Druitt, also known as Aleister Chambers...He graduated from medical school, but has never gone into practice." Sebastian stated as he adjusted the glasses he wore as a disguise.
"Lately he's thrown several parties at his home. But behind the scenes at these same soirees are secret gatherings that only his intimates may attend." You added as the carriage neared his estate.
"I've heard that he's into black magic and those occult sorts of things." Madam Red said.
"So your suspicion is that he's holding these parties to perform ritualistic sacrifices of local prostitutes?" Lau questioned.
"Tonight is the last party of the Season." Ciel stated as the carriage stopped and the door opened, one of his servants helping Ciel down. "Which means this is our last chance." He finished as he crossed his arms.
. . .
Once inside the manor, amongst the crowd of people, you stood in between Ciel and Sebastian. "Ciel will be my niece visiting from the country, (Y/N) will be Ciel's governess and Sebastian will be Ciel's tutor." Madam Red stated as you placed your hand on your hip and Sebastian adjusted his glasses with a smirk.
"And just why do I have to act like your niece?!" Ciel complained.
"Because, dear, I've always wanted a girl." She simply said with a smile
"You're kidding me!" He snapped.
"You don't want them to know you're a Phantomhive now, do you?" She whispered as she leaned into him. "Besides, I've heard that Lord Druitt has an eye for any pretty little thing in a skirt, both you and (Y/N) have that advantage and we do want to catch his eye, right?"
You watched Ciel's face go red and smirked. "'By any means necessary', you do remember saying that, do you not, sir?" You questioned.
He turned his head and glared at you, but he looked so cute that it only made you chuckle.
. . .
"First thing's first, we need to locate this murderous viscount." Sebastian stated as you, him, and Ciel walked around the party through the crowd of people who talked amongst each other.
"At least Elizabeth isn't here. I would never want her seeing me like this..." Ciel muttered.
"Oh, that dress is so adorable!" You heard a squeaky high pitched voice say from behind you.
You all froze and turned to see Lizzy talking to a group of girls. "I adore all the dresses here! They're lovely!" She exclaimed with a smile.
"Se-S-S-(Y-Y-Y)..." Ciel stuttered out.
"Sir... er, I mean, mistress, please calm down. Let's move quickly..." You quietly said as you all turned and went to walk, but froze.
"Oh! You two in the pink and red, your dresses are just beautiful!"
Sebastian put his arms around both your shoulders' and pushed you both forward. "Moving this way now." He muttered as he pushed you both to hide beside a table with a large cake.
You watched her approach, so you stood up. "(Y/N)! What are you doing?" Ciel whispered.
"Distraction, my lady." You simply said before walking in front of the table and turning your back as Lizzie approached.
"There you are!" She exclaimed and you turned around with a giggle. She gasped. "(Y/N)? You look so beautiful!" She said with smile.
"But where is your friend?" She asked as she looked behind you.
You quickly blocked her view. "She is quite a social person, my lady, and has gone to get to know the fellow guests." You said with a smile as you began to walk away with her and lead her away from Ciel and Sebastian.
"This isn't good. I didn't expect her here..." Sebastian muttered as they saw you both walk away.
"If someone was to see the head of my family dressed this way..." Ciel thought.
"The Phantomhive name would be ruined for generations." Sebastian finished.
Ciel's eye widened as he looked back at Sebastian. "Let's go join Madam Red."
. . .
"(Y/N), why are you here? I would expect you to be with Ciel." She said before gasping. "Is he here?" She smiled.
"No, I'm afraid not. I was invited as a guest by Madam Red." You stated as you both stopped walking.
She suddenly squealed and gasped. "There!" She yelled as she pointed behind you. You turned around to see Sebastian grabbing Ciel and pulling him away as Lizzie ran after them.
"My lady!" You called, but she kept running. You were about to follow her, until a group of women approached you.
Damn, the one time you had to socialize with humanity.
"Oh, good evening. I am Lady Sophia Van Prier, this is Lady Anastacia, and Lady Eleanora, and who might you be?" One of the women asked you.
"Good Evening, my ladies, I am (Y/N) (L/N), hea-um, governess of Lady Celeste Blackwood." You stated with a bow.
"What a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N), I must say, that is a lovely gown you are wearing." Lady Eleanora said.
"How kind of you." You said with a smile.
"So, tell us, have you seen the Viscount? Lord Druitt looks as gorgeous as ever tonight. His hair shines like the sun!" Lady Anastacia exclaimed, very loudly in fact as she stared at a man with blonde hair who was dressed in white.
He turned around for you to see his purple eyes with him holding a glass of champagne. You smirked, realizing he was the Viscount as he locked eyes with you.
Music began to play and flood the room with men and women beginning to dance across it. You turned away as you saw a man with white hair and grey eyes approach the four of you.
The women blushed as he outstretched a hand to you. "Pardon me, but will you give me the honor of this dance, my lady?"
You smiled and looked back up at the Viscount, who was now staring at the both of you before taking his hand. "I would love to."
He wrapped his arm around your waist and began to lead you across the dance floor and he was quite good as he glided through the many other dancers. "Now, as lovely as you are, perhaps you should tell me exactly who you are?"
You slightly laughed. "I am (Y/N) (L/N)."
"(Y/N)." He rolled your name off his tongue. "You are as enchanting as ever, (Y/N). I am Lord Edward Scriven." His eyes never left yours as he kissed your hand.
You rose an eyebrow, before looking behind him, seeing the Viscount staring directly at you with a smile, but also Sebastian staring at you as he and Ciel danced towards the Viscount.
You looked to your right to see that Lizzie was also staring at you with a smile as she through you a wink and a thumbs up, making you crack a smile.
. . .
After the music stopped, Edward had released his grip on you and once again kissed you hand. "It was an honor dancing with you, my lady."
You bowed to him. "Good evening, Lord Scriven."
"Good evening, (Y/N)." He smiled at you, before walking away.
The sound of someone clapping behind you made you turn around. "Your dancing is exquisite like a lovely little raven, my sweet lady." The viscount said as he approached you.
You glanced to your right to see Sebastian and Ciel watching you. Ciel breathed a sigh of relief while Sebastian only glared at the Viscount.
You looked back to him as he stopped in front of you. "Good evening, my Lord Druitt." You said with a bow.
"I do hope you're enjoying the party..." He said as he grabbed your hand and kissed it."...dear raven." He said in a husky voice, which you assumed was his way of flirting.
"Oh, yes, certainly. It's a wonderful party, but...My lord, I've been waiting to speak with you all evening." You stated with a smile as you stepped closer to him.
"Oh?" He smirked.
"I'm bored to death of dancing and eating. It seems that is all there is to do." You turned away from him to face the people who have begun to dance again. His smirk grew up the side of his face.
"What a spoiled princess you are, my dear raven." He said as he wrapped his arm around your waist and turned you back towards him.
"Looking for something more entertaining?" He asked as you felt his hand travel further down your waist.
On the outside you blushed and leaned into him, but on the inside you shuddered in disgust at how repulsive he was.
"You know of other amusements?" You questioned before leaning over. "I'd be most interested." You whispered in his ear.
"Of course." He grabbed your chin and got close to your face.
"I'd be happy to show them to you, raven, my sweet thing." You smirked at him and bit your lip...and from the looks of it, not only the Viscount was being affected by you as you saw Sebastian with a cold, murderous look out of the corner of your eye.
If he could, you were sure he would've ripped him apart right then and there. It was obvious at how much he wanted to kill him, which only made you enjoy yourself.
"Really, like what?" Right now, it was your mission to find out his secret before the dance was over. You glanced to the right to see Lizzie on the opposite side of the room, smiling at you, blocked by the group of dancing couples.
Great. You now had to make sure that she wouldn't come over and interfere.
"You want to know?" Druitt asked in a low voice.
"Indeed, I'm simply dying to, my lord."
"Well, you certainly seem old enough." He stated as he looked you up and down.
"Now don't tease me, my lord, I'm a lady, not a little girl." You said as you placed your hands on his chest.
You looked over again as the dance ended with Lizzie now running towards you. Oh no. Aleister grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. "What has you so distracted, my delightful butterfly?"
You laughed. "It's nothing, my lord..." You said as Lizzie nearly reached you, until a large white cabinet suddenly landed in front of her, Sebastian kneeling next to it, now wearing a white and red mask.
Everyone murmured amongst themselves as he stood up. "Ladies and gentlemen, if everyone would all please gather round, this evening's magic show will now begin." Sebastian announced, before turning towards Lau, Grell, and Madam Red. "Pardon me, sir, would you kindly assist me?" Sebastian asked towards Lau.
"Assist you? Certainly." Lau said as he walked over.
"I don't recall ordering any parlor tricks this evening..." Aleister pondered as he rubbed his chin.
"Now My lord, I've seen more than enough parlor tricks. May we please leave?" You asked as you rubbed his arm.
"Yes, anything for you, my sweet." He grabbed you by the waist and lead you away.
Sebastian watched as he lead you up a flight of stairs up to a back room.
"Right this way, dear." He said as he held open a long curtain for you to enter. You smiled with a slight laugh as you walked inside.
Sebastian waited until you both disappeared before returning his attention to the crowd.
. . .
You walked down a dark hallway and reached a door. You stared at it in suspicion. "My lord, where exactly are we going?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
He smiled at you and opened the door to a dark room only lit by florescent purple lights. "We're going somewhere I'm sure you'll find very amusing. I know I do." He stated before you walked inside. "Please." He said as he closed the door and walked ahead of you.
As you got a smell of the room, you realized it was quite a suffocating and toxic scent of some type of knockout gas.
Aleister looked back at you with a smirk, but it dropped as he saw you were still conscious with an amused expression.
"Surely you didn't believe it would've been that easy." You said with a smirk.
"How foolish of me, you are far too smart to fall for such a trick, my dear." He stated as he walked towards you, before you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your head and your vision became fuzzy.
It was painful, but it wasn't enough to knock you out. For a human, it would've been.
You pretended to close your eyes and fell back against the door, sliding down. "See, aren't you enjoying yourself... my raven?" He said while looking down at your 'unconscious' body.
Not yet...You thought as you felt yourself being picked up.
. . .
You opened your eyes and realized you were blindfolded as your hands were bound with a rope that went around your neck as you sat inside a covered cage.
You sighed and reached behind your head, snapping your fingers the cloth around your eyes was torn and fell from your face. You pulled your hands apart, which automatically broke the rope.
"And now, what you've all been waiting for: tonight's crown jewel." You heard Aleister from outside the cage as you stood up.
The cloth that had been covering the cage was removed to reveal a crowd of people all wearing masks including Aleistair who stood next to the cage, now wearing a black cloth that covered his eyes.
Everyone gasped as they saw you, including Aleister as he had expected you to still be tied and sitting down.
"My, my, it seems she had unbound herself all on her own." He said with a laugh as he covered his surprise. "Just another quality to add. I'm sure she'd make a lovely decoration, or sweet little pet. You can keep her whole and healthy. Or sell her for parts, if you'd like to." He shrugged while you looked over the audience. "Her gorgeous (H/C) hair and enchanting (E/C) eyes only add and enhance her special beauty."
You hummed. "A black market auction?" This surprised the entire room that you were brave enough to speak.
Aleister laughed. "The bidding shall begin momentarily." He announced as you slowly turned to look at him. He stared at you as you grinned at him, flashing him with your demonic eyes, before he quickly looked away.
"We'll start at a thousand guineas." He said.
"3000!" "4000!" "4500!" "6000!" Multiple people bided.
"As flattering as it is to be wanted by so many, I'm afraid I only have one master."
The candles that had lit the room all blew out.
All the people in the room gasped and murmured. "What's this?!" Aleister exclaimed, before the sounds of people's screams and furniture being thrown erupted through the room.
The flames of the candles all ignited as you now stood in the center of the room, with the bodies of the men and women surrounding you.
The doors in front of you suddenly opened to reveal Ciel and Sebastian as they ran into the room. Ciel's eye widened as he stared at the scene in front of him while Sebastian only smirked.
"Really, (Y/N)? And here I was expecting you and I to be rescuing our master. Instead, you decided to have all the fun." Sebastian stated as you walked across the bodies over towards them.
"So, you rather the young master should've seduced the Viscount?" You questioned as you stared at Ciel.
Ciel shuddered and walked away towards the stage. "Well, I would much rather prefer him, then my future mate." Sebastian said through gritted teeth.
"Then you have no need to worry." You replied as you turned and followed Ciel. Sebastian gave you a cold look, before walking after you.
"I suppose this solves the Jack the Ripper case. Well that was easier than I had expected." Ciel stated as you all looked down at Aleister with his hands on his hips.
You smiled at him. "I imagine Scotland Yard will be here before much longer. We should take our leave." You walked away.
Sebastian nodded. "Indeed." He said before picking up Ciel and removing his glasses.
"Well, miss, are you ready?" Without waiting for a response, you both ran and jumped out the window.
You all soared through the sky and landed on the roof of the building across from the mansion.
. . .
Lizzie stood on the balcony and turned as she saw something on the opposite building, but saw nothing was there. "I could have sworn I saw something up there...I guess I was wrong." She said as she rubbed her eyes.
The Next Morning...
"'Jack the Ripper Strikes Again' ?" Lau read from the morning newspaper as you all stood in Ciel's study.
"So the viscount wasn't our man after all." Madam Red stated.
Ciel slapped his hands on his desk, shaking with anger while you and Sebastian stood by the door.
You both looked at each other, before discretely leaving the room. "You know what this means, yes?" You questioned.
He nodded. "How long do you expect it will take the master to figure it out?"
"Well, they are rather convincing, but I have a feeling the answers to all our questions will come as quite a shock to our poor master." You stated.
"Yes, he is still a naive child after all." He agreed.
"Once we've finished everything, I'll have to make him a nice sweet to take his mind off things, but until then...let us continue doing as we always have." You stated.
He chuckled. "Indeed. We are of course one hell of a maid and butler."
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