#and packing mostly masculine clothing when she leaves
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autism-swagger · 9 months ago
I sincerely hope you all know that when I say "baby butch Jackie Taylor who died before he had a chance to realize/explore it" I'm not just pulling that out of my ass. Literally just look at the outfits she wears over the course of season 1.
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Are they the most masculine things ever? No, of course not! But when you compare them to the outfits we see her wear before the crash, when they're still in Wiskayok?
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It paints a very interesting picture.
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betweenthepoems · 1 year ago
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Finally got myself to actually draw a decent pic of Loki. Coupled with an older pic I’ve made of Sigyn.
Note that those are my interpretations of those deities as the characters for my Wattpad YA novel project. This is meant to be a retelling but with some major changes to the Norse lore filled with some extra details from me, so look at them as if they were OCs.
OK, with that out of the way, here’s some stuff about each of them:
AFAB, genderfluid, but mostly stays in masculine forms, although isn’t shy about being born as a girl. Will punch, however, if someone brings it up in an insulting manner.
Even if he’s male at the moment, still has some feminine traits in his looks. More beautiful than handsome, like in some old shoujo manga. For this pic of him I specifically used a panel of Lady Oscar from Riyoko Ikeda’s The Rose of Versailles as a reference.
This Loki is half Aesir, half Jotunn and a shapeshifter, capable of changing every part of his body as he wishes… except his eyes that always stay the same, showing who that person really is. That wouldn't be much of a problem if he didn’t have very unique eyes. Their odd colors and shape, coming from his Jotunn DNA with some mutations don’t help him with appearing as a good person or not standing out from the crowd.
Exhibits traits similar to that of ADHD. In universe they say he has bees inside his head. Also an extrovert.
Using high school tropes, he’s more of a class clown with some believing he’s a hopeless case.
Homeless by choice, but sometimes crashes at one of his few friends' places. This includes Eir’s, whom he sees as the closest thing to a mother figure and teacher, Thor’s, Sigyn’s and Balder’s.
Before Sigyn, Loki wasn’t ever in a serious relationship, at best flirting. Other than with her, the closest he was with Balder, but had to shut it down because of Frigg’s disapproval. Balder is still open to starting again.
Autistic and an introvert, very fond of being left alone. Takes pride in being independent and doesn’t like asking for help unless she really can’t do something alone.
Hates being touched without permission, especially touching someone else’s bare skin with her own. She finds it gross, with all that pores secreting stuff and living, moving flesh underneath.
Recently she had survived being mauled almost to death by a pack of hungry wolves, leaving her with both physical and mental scars as well as chronic pain in one of her legs and hand. Despite this she still tries to live as she used to, even if she needs to take some limits into account.
Sigyn is a demigodess. She used to live as a hermit deep in Migdard woods, believed by local humans to be a cryptid, but now, after the attack, lives in the outskirts of an Asgardian village in Thor’s domain.
Being half god, half human, height wise she’s in the middle: at 175 cm not as tall as the average goddess but taller than the average human at the time of the vikings. The best way to describe her is as if someone made a lifesize clay sculpture of a girl and then, when the material was still soft, stretched out some body parts and toned down to the absolute minimum all feminine traits. She’s still looking like a girl, but could pass as a young man by just wearing male clothing.
Sigyn likes to keep her hair short and would cut whenever it became possible to tie them into a ponytail. That’s because she finds them hard to maintain and bothersome getting everywhere even when tied.
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TW imagine the Scott tells Malia of how he got bit and how he got bit and told Malia how the pack works and who he's lost and how he met Allison.
How It All Started
Summary: Ever since the nogitsune, everyone’s been feeling quite down with grief. Except for one person, ex coyote, that has a craving to learn. One day, when Stiles needs some time for himself, he sends Malia to Scott. And there, Scott tells her the story of how he met Allison, and how he became a werewolf.
Word Count: 1288
Pairing: None really, mention of Siles x Malia
Characters: Malia, Scott, Stiles
Warning: Mention of death, grief, guilt
A/n: Thank you for your request and sorry it took so long!! Hope you enjoy!
If you liked it, don’t forget to leave a feedback!
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In a small town in California, it was calm for once. No enemies had been reported, at least, none that needed the attention of the few supernatural people that lived there.
Needless to say, it was calm. And it was boring.
It was Christmas break, finally. Most teenagers were happy to have a break from school, excited for Christmas but for others… It was a time for grieving. Not many knew, but they saved the world, back in October. 
But they lost people along the way.
Scott was a mess ever since he lost Allison. Everyone tried to cheer him up, Stiles stopped by his house everyday and sometimes, Melissa had to kick him out, that was how much he spent time there. Scott appreciated it, but he needed time alone, mostly. But he knew how much Stiles felt guilty for what happened to Allison, and part of the reason for his presence with him was to heal himself.
Everyone needed healing.
In the midst of the grieving teenagers was a newcomer. Spending all of her childhood stuck in her coyote form made her miss so many things, and now, she wanted to know, learn, she wanted to catch up all the years she lost.
At first, it was not too bad, having her all around. She would show up uninvited at Stiles’ house, to cuddle, to ask him questions, to talk or to learn, and it didn’t bother him that much. But then, she showed up while he was in the shower, and the scream that left his mouth was so loud and not masculine… Shame took a reddish color on his face.
That was why, the day after…
“You want me to babysit Malia?”
The hyperactive teenager was pacing in his best friend’s room, his hand gesticulating the words that weren’t leaving his mouth.
“Not really, more like, entertain her? I mean, my dignity took a real bad stab in the back when she walked in my bathroom and saw me naked, okay? I mean, she already saw me naked once, in Eichen House, but that’s not the point, the point is, Scott, I need a break!”
Scott closed his mouth that was left agape. Damn, his friend talked fast. “She saw you naked before?”
“That’s all you got from everything I said?” Stiles exclaimed, indigned, his hands in the air. “God. Unbelievable. I can’t believe you’re my best friend.” Stiles rolled his eyes and walked to the door. “She’s waiting in my car, I’ll let her know you’ll spend the day with her today.”
“Stiles! Wait!” But it was too late, Stiles was already gone, his car making an infernal noise as he pressed hard on the accelerator, and Scott was left with…
“It’s nice here.”
Malia Tate.
“Listen, Malia,” Scott squeezed the bridge of his nose between two fingers and sighed. It wasn’t her fault, he just wasn’t in the mood to babysit the werecoyote.
Malia sat down on the floor, making herself a nice, comfortable pillow with Scott’s clothes. “Yes, I’m listening,” she declared once everything was perfect.
“What are you doing?” Scott asked, walked closer, and detailed what she did. Before she even answered, he knew. 
“A nest,” she said like it was obvious and totally normal. And it was normal, after years of being an animal, it would take more than a few months for her to forget her old habits. “So, I’m listening.”
“Listening to what,” Scott sighed again and sat down on his bed, avoiding looking at the werecoyote currently making herself at home in his room.
“Everything.” Scott took a quick glance at her. “I want to know everything, about the pack, how you got bitten, and Allison…”
At the mention of the person he loved and lost, Scott seemed to close on himself like in a shell. It was still fresh and painful, like a cut that wouldn’t really heal.
“I don’t…” Scott started. He didn’t want to talk about it, not to her, not to anyone. Talking about it, about her, it would hurt. And it already hurt enough.
Scott lifted his head, surprised to hear Malia’s voice softer. Usually, it was rough, pressed, like she was always in a hurry to do everything at once and tell all the words she couldn’t say when she was stuck in her animal form. 
When Scott met her gaze, he understood. She lost people too. There was the same pain, guilt and anger in her eyes. She would understand.
So Scott sighed again, made himself more comfortable, and started telling Malia the story of how the hunter and the werewolf fell in love and how they started the most forbidden relationship.
“But first,” Scott’s gaze was on the ceiling as he recalled the events that happened so long ago. “I have to tell you how I turned into a werewolf. It was a normal night when a certain person you know well climbed the vine near my window to tell me he found half of a dead body.”
Malia was drinking his words like his story was the only source of water in the whole word. She listened, attentively, her eyelids barely fluttering, scared of missing a single thing Scott would say. She learned the story of the bite, how they defeated the alpha that turned out to be Derek’s uncle. How Scott discovered he was a werewolf and how Allison, the girl he fell for, was the daughter of the hunter that wanted him dead. How he lied to her at first but then, she knew about him, promised her dad she wouldn’t date him anymore… But did it in secret.
Scott told her everything. And without him realizing, talking about it to someone he didn’t really know, it made him feel better. To share his story, to be listened to and understood, it helped him.
When Scott finished his story, he didn’t look at Malia at first. Truth be told, he forgot she was there, listening. He got so caught up in his memories, living them once again, falling in love for the first time with Allison, the fear of losing her, of losing control… And then losing her… He lived those memories again.
“That was…” Malia ended up breaking the silence, and Scott finally gathered the courage to look at her. She had tears in her eyes, but a smile on her face. “A really good story. You really loved her.”
“Yeah,” Scott agreed with her.
“And she really loved you. A lot.” 
Malia sighed, slapped her thighs loud, and jumped on her feet. 
“I…” Scott didn’t know what to say. He didn’t expect to feel so much better after talking to her, and he also didn’t expect her to be so understanding. He really misjudged her and had to fix his mistake. “If you want to be part of the pact…” Scott changed the subject before tears would fall again on his cheeks. He didn’t want her to see how broken he still was. “There’s some rules to follow.”
“Rules, perfect,” Malia hastened to say, clearly excited at the prospect of joining his pack. “Anything.”
“First,” Scott lifted a finger, “you leave poor Stiles some dignity. Knock before entering, or call, but don’t break in his room.”
“No breaking in Stiles’ room, got it,” Malia nodded, frowned, and shook her head. “Why?”
“Okay. Before any other rules, I need to teach you about personal space and privacy. I know, as a coyote, you don't need to think about those things.”
“No,” Malia agreed quickly, like it was obvious.
“This will be a long night, I hope you’re ready,” Scott laughed when Malia sat back down on her makeshift nest.
“I have all night.”
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Teen Wolf taglist: @stixnstripesworld
Forever taglist: @nitnat6245 @b3autyfuldisast3r @eevvvaa @wickedinspirations @fictional-affairs @cryptichobbit @awkward-and-indecisive
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okay-victoria · 4 years ago
Random Personal Rant
For anyone somehow here not from the original thread, this started off me getting asked what finishing school is and me getting shit off my chest that is only mildly relevant about how I could both be of the social class that gets sent to finishing school and grows up on welfare.
With an understanding that in many parts of the world it wouldn't qualify as so, as far as the US goes, my dad is from what counts as a very old money family from Baltimore & Philadelphia. Both his siblings went to college and one now owns a major hedge fund, and his sister is married to a C-level executive at a huge conglomerate. His parents went to college. His grandparents went to college. All eight of his great grandparents went to college. My dad...did not go to college. He was not about that life, and while I don't mean it as an insult, when I say his primary occupation until I was ~5 was a drummer in a mediocre band I mean that he opened for a lot of great acts, and if you lived in the Boston to Atlanta area in the 80s you may have heard him play, but he was never a huge national name. But he wasn't an amateur band playing for free at some random local gig either.
My mom grew up on a chicken farm in a Mennonite family in Pennsylvania but also completely rejected her heritage and became a model, sort of like my father, of mediocre status. Not Giselle Bundchen, but had national contracts and if you have a Graco ad/box from 1990-1993 you might see both me and her on it. They met because my mom's friends placed bets, one each, on who could sleep with a member of their favorite local band first and my mom picked my dad and...my mom was actually supposed to go be a model in Tokyo and found out she was pregnant with me and couldn't go 😂
So, after my parents had two kids back to back with a third on the way and determined they needed lifestyles more in line with having three children, they became much poorer than they originally were because my mom stopped working and my dad, with a barely-passed-high-school education but needing a true "day job" worked day labor in construction. My dad's father was too proud to give us money/help if my dad didn't beg for it; despite having eventually four young children my dad never did so we ended up on all the state assistance programs one could imagine. My grandma jokes that dinners at my parents house were BYOC - bring your own chair, because we didn't own any.
My mother and paternal grandmother had no such pride issues and I live in eternal gratitude that my welfare childhood was not as crappy as it should have been because my grandmother would have my mom accompany her on grocery runs and buy us food without my father or grandfather knowing, and every Christmas and birthday my grandparents/godparents could give us the one big ticket gift all the kids wanted that year. But, on the other side, I once got stung by a bee inside my mouth because my brother threw a hairbrush through a cracked window at me and broke it and we couldn't afford to fix it for about two years and a hornet got in one day and rested himself in my coke can (my parents were the very American type that fed me coca-cola in baby bottles at age 8 when I was jealous of my younger siblings lol).
It is hard not to believe in "toxic masculinity" when two men warring over dumbass pride issues would rather their children/grandchildren go without food than suck it up and decide 'help' isn't the worst word in the English language, and you know you've only been saved by two women who came from totally different backgrounds and entirely disapproved of each other but reached out the hand to shake when it came down to toddlers getting the short end of the don't-bend-the-knee stick. It wasn't that either of the men were bad people, I loved them both and got along great with both, but on a societal level I feel they were socialized in a very fucked up way if that was the end result, as both claimed "male pride" in these instances [my dad took multiple thousands of dollars I'd saved from working during college from me during the 2008-2010 financial crisis and didn't tell me and that was the reason I was given for why I hadn't been informed/asked, because it would be too emotionally difficult for an adult man to ask a young woman. My graduation present was them repaying me 1/3 of the money they'd taken from me without asking because I'd like, trusted them when it had been in a joint account that was a holdover from when I was <18 and couldn't have my own bank account].
While in some ways my parents on the surface achieved the American dream of going from nothing to a bunch of money, the real factor in play was that my dad's father was the bank. My parents had no credit and couldn't get real loans. My dad worked construction and during the two major periods that flipping houses was very lucrative, he never had to get an actual loan or pay actual interest, he just had to ask his father to pay out cash and then repay him at a flat 2% interest rate that didn't even accrue over time, just...whenever you are ready, repay the value of the loan + 2%. Because my father was doing something productive, in these instances, my grandfather was happy to pay, because it wasn't giving away money, it was loaning it. I had a very weird situation of mostly being poor but like also getting taken to the "big donors" events at the Kennedy Center and my grandparents regularly buying me a dress as a child worth more than my mom's wedding dress and also needing to pretend I fit in with these people.
And look. When I say "these people"...honestly, by and large, most wealthy people, whether inherited or not, are not the assholes you want to imagine. Most of them are extremely nice. Most of them are generous when it comes to the less fortunate who are in their personal sphere of being. Most of them are just really out of touch. The 100% kindest of all of them that I know once relayed to me that she thought people would be happier if once a year they did what she did...go to the airport with a purse packed full of absolute necessities, buy a one way ticket to the most appealing destination on the flight board, buy your clothes and book your accommodations after you'd arrived, and come back after you felt you'd 'centered' yourself. She didn't understand why there were so many unhappy people who weren't taking this very obvious route to being happier. I didn't quite know how to explain that saying "most" people couldn't afford to do that either financially or from a job/career angle didn't even cover it, as "most" sounds like 70% instead of 99.7%.
I was both my parents eldest son and eldest daughter in the worst combination possible. I was the eldest son because I was the most stereotypically male of all my siblings, in everything from desire to physically fight the battles I was given to dislike of shopping/fashion to lack of emotional connection to my relationships, so I can now fix your average household plumbing/drywall/electrical issue better than most "city" guys I interact with and remain less clingy to them in the process. I was also very much the oldest daughter from a responsibility perspective, I managed our household and from age 10 - 24 managed the finances of our family business, my mom almost died giving birth to my youngest brother after a ruptured uterus that should never have happened in the first place if we had adequate insurance to get her a non-emergency C-section (I was just past 9 years old at the time) and I was informally withdrawn from school for two years to take care of the family when she couldn't because there is no paid parental leave in the US and we got double-fucked by the medical industry because she got a bad "mesh" put in and then had to have a further surgery to repair that which we also had to pay for and didn't have the money to win a lawsuit over.
I don't know quite how to put this, but in the deepest fuck you of the universe, my rich-immigrant-ggggg grandfather's money led to him owning banks, insurance companies, etc, and the family cashed out in a big way when their ownership was bought by and merged with what is now Cigna, one of the biggest US healthcare insurers, and my nuclear family specifically got screwed by the American health insurance industry, but anyway, we were the people selected for that karmic comeuppance so if you want to feel schadenfreude at my expense, I'll allow it without begrudging the sentiment, my family might have fucked up your family’s life too, not just their own.
I got up twice a night to feed my brother because my dad had to sleep unmolested in my room to get to work and my mom was too weak to carry my brother or even hold him against her while she nursed so I had to hold him up to her. Adjusting to living in a city and hearing lots of random noises all the time was not easy when I'd had mom sound instincts from age 9.
I learned to drive the fall my youngest bro was born because my mom couldn't and I had to get my middle brother to preschool and go the grocery store on my own. While I hold absolutely no ill will towards my father or grandfather for this and given that about 1/3 of my paternal family either has an autism diagnosis or should, I fully feel the struggles they both went through to be communicated with, my father wouldn't ask for help, and my grandmother that lived 20 minutes away couldn't give enough help because my grandfather refused to do a single dish on his own as that was outside their "marriage contract" type agreement and she couldn't ever stay with us overnight when there wasn't a clearly-communicated need, so they let the burden fall on a 9 - 11 year old child and that really shaped a lot of my life in both good and bad ways. My youngest brother is 22, and we have only just climbed out of the medical debt his birth left us with between my dad's life insurance and my oldest brother and I paying for the extra cost of out-of-state college tuition.
The irony of all of this is that because my father died before his father, when my grandmother dies, my siblings and I will all inherit enough money (as a non-blood relative my mom, despite keeping her vows to part at death and not having remarried in eight years, is cut out entirely) to make this a non-issue, but my grandfather couldn't conscience spotting his unluckiest child some money in the end of days to pay for my youngest two brothers' education and take that worry off my father as he was dying. The day before he died I had to hold him down in bed to keep him from trying to climb in his truck to go to work because he was so anxious about trying to provide for us in spite of his father having fuck you money, because his father didn't think it was fair to the other siblings (who, at the time, still owned a major hedge fund and were married to a C-level executive of a huge conglomerate). A day and a half later I went back to my job because at the time I was then the sole provider for the family and didn't want to risk asking for the standard week's bereavement leave when I knew I was capable of showing up at work the next day and was fresh out of college so hadn't built up a reputation yet.
My father worked the day each of us was born, so I suppose it is only fair and he smiled at the choice. In spite of what it may seem, I gave a baller and very heartfelt speech at his funeral to all his rich friends that over and above everything, he'd taught us how to be happy with our own lives no matter what, and multiple of them emailed my mom in the aftermath to say they'd reassessed their relationship with their children in light of it, although...tbh I kind of doubt that lasted and they probably changed nothing 😅. The last good talk I had with him, two weeks before he died [his liver was going and it sent toxins to his brain that de-personed him after that and he no longer recognized me as his daughter, but as his sister], I reassured him that though we would all be sad he'd gone, we'd live on just fine without him because that's how he'd raised us, and according to my mom that was what gave him the final bit of peace he needed. Although honestly, I don't think I will ever see the strength in another human again that it took my grandmother to sit next to him and stroke his hand and tell him to close his eyes and imagine he was happy on a beach and die, for God's sake, because he was unaware and in pain and just prolonging it for our sake by then.
That type of obsession my grandfather had with assessing his children and grandchildren on the basis of economic productivity and a very black and white idea of "fair" is one you don't easily forget, I promise you. My hedge fund uncle is currently positioning himself to screw us out of our inheritance because of janky writing in the will and I'm doing my fuck all best to gain the wherewithal to go toe-to-toe with this cold motherfucker in court as the oldest and representative member of my happily much nicer and softer younger brothers who I want to remain that way not because I even care that much about the money, I know what bills affect your credit first and what you can put off paying and all of us have good enough career prospects to do our own thing, but just because I want to give the middle finger to a man that was a multi-millionaire and drew lines on his milk and orange juice bottles when I came over so he knew if I drank what my parents couldn't afford when I was approximately six. Anyway, ask me why I support major reforms in wealth taxation. I don't care who it goes to, just not that guy, you feel?
Having expendable income was very exciting for a bit after I started working but once I got to the hateable point of assessing my annual bonus and internally complaining that I'd spent the money I should have spent on a Sauternes cellar to drop five digits on bedset materials (to be fair they are drop dead gorgeous, very comfy and the factory pays a living wage for people to handmake the sheets/duvets/pillows to people in San Francisco, which is not cheap, so maybe I did more good than harm with that), I two seconds later nodded to myself and went "the government needs to confiscate more money from me". The narrative is always that the "undeserving" will use it for dumb things they don't need like iPhones or refrigerators...?...but like...I could also have gone to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought a very nice sheet/comforter set for at most a tenth of what I paid so am I really spending it responsibly either....?....who is going to get more joy out of this misspent money....?....not me, that is for sure, I probably would have had more fun going to BBB and laying on all the demo beds and buying something there.
My lifelong dream, which may become possible if/when I do have something of an inheritance, is to provide food security for one of the many towns in the US were most residents don't have it. It's the thing I remember the most distinctly over the years. I never could quite believe it when I got to the point that I could just...pay to eat at a restaurant. One of the most disappointed my mother has ever been in me is when I was twenty five and confessed I actually had no idea how much a gallon of milk cost in a city grocery store besides that it was probably between $1 and $5, because I didn't have to know. For now I make a weekly drop off of my excess produce to a mom group I met under somewhat weird circumstances but I was walking through the cut-through that went through the low-income housing back to my apartment at like 2 AM on a Saturday and these moms were out there partying and smoking weed with their kids all strapped in strollers around or the older ones watched by a rotating member of the group and I felt very safe and like these moms had a very good vibe of both living their own lives [seriously for mental health parents but in most cases specifically mothers need to be able to keep up relationships with people their age] but keeping their children safe and accounted for while doing so and trying their fuckin' best against all the odds to figure out how to make that happen when life had dealt them a shit hand.
...anyway, looping way back to the original question of what finishing school is, when I was almost done with middle school my dad had built a legit construction business that then very quickly took off because we lived in a commutable zip code to the now-rich-in-their-own-right people he went to high school with who trusted him to redo their homes. We eventually moved to that zip code but I stayed and commuted back to my old high school. But, i was a pretty wild kid which my father appreciated for a long while because I would follow him around on jobs and enjoy doing physical labor, but once I was mid-puberty and also he had to maybe show me to his high school friends that did not fly.
I snapped - not broke, snapped - my left thumb and my parents had to trap me like a wild animal to get me to go the hospital. Then I got a deep cut that partially injured a tendon in my leg and at eleven I tried to beat the shit out of my dad to prevent him from picking me up to strap me in the car and go to the hopsital. Next I got a deep splinter due to my eternal-barefoot tendencies and it wouldn't come out so got infected and I refused to go to the doctor [another weird back story but I was minorly sexually assaulted [[to be clear, not raped or anything big traumatic]] when I was eight and had to stay in hospital for a week and my parents couldn't be with me all the time so I have a permanent heebie-jeebie about going to the hospital, not true anxiety, I will go if I know I need to and I don't breathe heavy or anything, and I'm actually not permanently weirded out by sex or anything, just doctors in hospitals specifically I kind of unconsciously try to justify not needing to the extent I can rationalize it] and my dad was tired of my antics so he was like "fine if you don't go I will slice your foot in half with a Swiss Army knife to get it out" and I called his bluff and laid down on the floor, stuck my foot on his lap, and he didn't really know what to do when a barely fourteen year old girl called his bluff so my brothers watched in fascinated but horrified awe as I got my foot sliced open spectacularly so that the infection/splinter could come out and I didn't even make a sound out of spite despite it being quite painful to my recollection almost twenty years later.
They saw me cry from pain exactly one time when while trying to break up a fight between all three of them (it was over ice cream) I got pushed and my ankle got dislocated and what actually made me cry was snapping it back in place and they realized it was not a joke. These dumb assholes that I love have ragged on me for "skipping" chores the day after I was in the hospital because the day before that I had to spend 18 hours running Thanksgiving as a good sub-hostess like I didn't have a serious infection that needed treating and couldn't rest because none of them were up to any task beyond peeling potatoes.
After the Swiss Army knife incident, my dad's discussion of sending me to finishing school became real, which I knew when my mom made me take a walk with her and talked about it. Finishing school is like...etiquette school....? In ye olden day when finishing high school was not the norm for anyone, wealthy men finished high school and wealthy women often went to "finishing" school to have a combined education on being a proper lady but also being able to hold a decent conversation with your presumably-educated husband, so it wasn't entirely etiquette non-academic. It was more just like "what a rich man wants in a wife" school, which was sort of household management and knowing enough about cleaning/cooking to correct the staff if they fucked up, how to be a polite hostess, and how to not entirely bore him when you were alone together and had done your five minutes of sex or whatever so actually had to have a conversation. In modern times it has obviously expanded to be less bleak.
I said miss me with that, I can be a girl on my own, so I went full throttle into the girliest sport they offer in high school and ever since have gained the inestimable advantage of knowing how to also use femininity to my advantage, which I am very grateful to my parents for making me learn. It would be great if we lived in a world where that didn't count, but it did/still does, and they really set me up to operate in all the worlds.
It is weird for me to tell the story to Internet strangers because it's one of those things that makes your parents sound terrible and abusive in the general tone of the Internet nowadays, and while I support gender nonconforming children I don't remember my childhood or parents that way. But, I feel like the bits and pieces of my life I've given don't always make a ton of sense together without the context, so here it is, and in the end, I think a number of parts of it are areas where you can probably understand where it makes me have the opinions I do when I write.
Anyhoo, this makes my life sound far worse than it is, I actually have a great life and I am not unhappy with it at all and feel I was on the whole blessed with many more turns of luck than unluck, so, please, do not take this as a depressed artist rant, it is more like a rant of a very energetic person who rants about a lot of things all the time and didn’t need to come out but just did because the question was asked and the time was right with my life being in a bit of flux to think about how I got where I am and where I want to go and why.
Always remember no matter what problems it seems like I have, if I didn’t solve them on my 2 year round the world traveling hiatus I took from working, it’s my own fault, I definitely had the time and money to solve them and just chose not to.
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mommymooze · 4 years ago
Big Girls Have More Fun
You were always a very big girl. Your mother had complained when giving birth to your brothers that their shoulders were so wide it was a miracle that they ever made it out. When the midwife had problems getting you to leave the warm comfy space known as your mother’s womb, Mommah cried because it was going to be another boy. She and Father were so happily surprised that after all these years they finally had a girl. Weighing in at almost 10 pounds, you were also the biggest of her children. Everyone who saw you when you were little thought you were a big boy. It didn’t help that you had plenty of hand-me-downs from your brothers so your clothes were always masculine. You were bald headed until you were two, until your (h/c) hair finally started to grow in. Mother always styled your hair so cutely with lots of ribbons and bows. Being the girl and the baby of the family, you did have a few beautiful dresses that you wore on special occasions, but you preferred the tough pants that were from your older brothers. Girls clothes never fit very well in the shoulders, so your dresses were custom made. Having 6 children’s feet under the table did not call for a lot of extra money for clothing, and you preferred your older brothers castoffs anyway.
Always chasing after your brothers and their friends, you were as much of a boy as they were. Instead of dolls and dress up, you preferred wrestling and play fighting. If someone said you couldn’t do something because you were a girl, you had to push yourself until you could climb higher, run faster or swim farther than any of those silly boys. Mother tried to get you to wear makeup when you turned 13, hoping that some feminine influence would stick. They found out all to quickly that most of the powders and eyeshadows made your face break out until you looked like a chipmunk. Since you would not wear dresses, when you were older your mother convinced you to wear loose-fitting long-sleeved blouses that had a bit of frill around the neck or cuffs. This was to make you look more feminine because…well because you had muscles. No tea parties for you. It was much more fun to hang out with one of your brothers. Your oldest brother was a carpenter so helping lift stacks of wood, hammering nails and learning to build things was fascinating. Your next brother was a bricklayer. Helping him move pallets of bricks, stir the bonding material to go between the stones and hand him bricks as quickly as he could lay them was always fascinating. It was so satisfying seeing a line of bricks suddenly become an entire wall by the end of the day. The middle brother was apprenticed to the blacksmith. This was your favorite brother to work with. He would let you pump the bellows and work on basic metal pieces and he would finish them. Your fingers were a bit smaller and more nimble than his, so he had you assembling pieces together he would hammer in the rivets to join them into the finished work. He taught you how to make shoes for horses, some in different lengths and widths. You really loved hammering on a piece of metal, molding it into something new and useful.
Shortly before you turned 18 your parents were killed in a tragic fire. Having nothing left to keep you home you had heard of the Academy at Garreg Mach. With the blessings of your brothers you headed out to become enrolled and most importantly, to see what you could make of yourself. The atmosphere at the school was exciting. You had been homeschooled by your parents. Taught the basics reading and writing, a bit of etiquette (though your brothers still attacked every dinner like a pack of ravenous wolverines.) You were invited to join the Golden Deer, a mostly wild and boisterous bunch except for Marianne and Ignatz. It was a perfect fit for you. Raphael was just like one of your big brothers and loved to spar and wrestle with you. You found Leonie to be a great friend, easy to hang out with because neither of you were extremely ‘girly’.  That word was more for Hilda and Marianne, who would dress up and fix their hair for hours, complain about getting dirty. Still, they were still sweet and became good friends. Even Lorenz could behave himself and tolerated in small doses.
Claude was the ‘leader-man’ for the deer. He certainly was mischievous, playing pranks or generally annoying at times. Much of the time he follows their Professor, Byleth, always asking questions and trying to get more information than Byleth probably wants to supply. You arm wrestled him once. He’s an archer, great upper body strength, you thought he would be a challenge. But he lost pretty quickly, telling you that you should stick to someone more of Raphael’s or Caspar’s build.  It was really strange when one day Claude and Byleth are called away on a special mission. A few of the other students, the heads of the other two houses and Hilda are not seen for a couple weeks. Some of the knights filled in for teaching when they are available. Otherwise the Deer are thrown in with Professors Manuela and Hanneman for most of the classes.
You are thrilled to get extra training on brawling from Catherine and Alois. Alois is okay, great at brawling, but his jokes are something hard to stomach. Being a brawler meant you were always well armed. Ugh. Catherine is a ton of fun, she is built a lot like you. Broad shouldered and incredible upper body strength. She is a plethora of knowledge. She’s constantly giving tips on the best holds, the best way to take someone down. Knowing that you would come across a lot of male opponents as there were few female brawlers such as you two, she gives tips on distractions, specific grabs and holds that were very effective against men. Some of it feels like cheating, especially the sudden fake flirts and the like, but any weapon in a battle for your life. The other students may not have enjoyed the few weeks without Professor Byleth, Claude, and Hilda, however you are having a blast.
Byleth and all of the missing students return without a word as to what happened while they are gone. You decide to trail Claude today because he’s acting extra suspicious. He stops at an area close to the sauna, not far from where Byleth’s room is located. He is talking to that shifty merchant guy that hangs out over there at times. Your curiosity gets the best of you and you approach greeting Claude loudly.
“Hey (y/n) talk about timing! I can use a strong pair of arms if you have a few minutes.”
Instinctively you point to yourself. “Me? Sure, I’ve got a few.”
Claude grabs your arm and pulls you behind the merchant showing that there is a hidden entrance to somewhere underground. The air is cooler down here, but a bit stuffy. After a couple turns down the corridors you are met by a tall guy with a deep voice and purple hair. The two are speaking in low voices, you can’t make out what they are talking about. The new guy looks as you so you give a little wave of your fingers. The two men lead you down several more corridors, you feel like you are going in circles now. Finally, they stop and the new guy pulls out a key and opens the door, ushering everyone inside.
“Glad you brought Muscles here, Balty is a bit busy at the moment.” Says new guy.
“I want a look see before I hand over the payment. I’m sure you understand.” Claude says with a grin.
Yuri grabs a dagger and works on a board, loosening it to reveal the contents of the box is a large cache of lances.
Claude pulls one out and invites you to take one in hand.
“Dagdan construction.” You spin it, twirl it and look it over carefully. “Decently made.”
“Who made you the judge, friend?” Purple hair snips.
“Apologies. Worked as a blacksmith for a time. Repaired lots of stuff from lots of places.” You place the weapon back in the box. “I’m (y/n)” you give a bit of a smile introducing yourself. You really get a good look at purple hair. Is he…wearing makeup? It looks good on him. Your face grows into a bigger smile.
“Yuri.” He says. At least he grips your hand firmly.
Claude puts the weapon back in the box, so you grab the board that was pulled off, put it back on and hammer it into place with the butt of your dagger from your belt. You pick up the box (use your legs not your back) and hoist it onto your shoulder. Yuri silently escorts you and Claude back to where you first met him.
“Glad to do business, friend.” Claude gives Yuri a tap on the shoulder.
“Always.” Yuri turns to you, “Come visit sometime. I’ve got a friend who would probably be interested in a spar or two.”
“No prob!” You wave with your free hand and follow Claude back to the surface.
A few weeks later, after the Golden Deer have returned from a successful mission, Claude pulls you aside.
“Can you spare some time, friend? I have a special sparring match you might be interested in.” Claude’s eyebrows waggle a bit, a half smile on his face.
“Spar? I’m always up for a challenge. So what’s up?” You answer, it’s been a while since you’ve been in a good match, and the Professor has been teaching you some cool moves and holds that you want to try out.
“Remember Yuri? He’s got a friend that just loves to fight and grapple. Thought you two should be introduced. Maybe teach each other a thing or two?” Claude informs you as he leads you down into Abyss. He leads you to their tavern and you see Yuri seated there with a big dark haired guy wearing chains across his chest. His chest is very muscular and well developed, certainly a brawler like yourself. Claude introduces you to Balthus. The both of you reach out for a handshake, you grasp each others hands and it immediately turns into an arm wrestling type of match to see who can squeeze the others hand the hardest. After a minute you both stop and laugh at each other.
“Way to go, Pal!” Balthus laughs, slamming his large hand down on the table making everything on it rock and wobble.
“Good to meet you too.” You say back to the big guy, a shy smile coming across your face.
Yuri is the next to speak. “So friend, we thought it was time to introduce the two of you. Are you interested in a friendly competition to perhaps determine who is the better brawler?” The half smile on his face lets you know there is some sort of mischief behind this invitation, making it all more enticing to accept the invitation.
You agree to the match. Yuri slaps you on the back. “You won’t regret this, come on.” He says as he leads you off to who knows where in Abyss. You’ve turned left and right and gone through enough doors you do your best to simply keep up and stay with him until he’s led you to a small room. Hanging on a hook is a soft gold tunic and short pants.
“You weren’t exactly dressed for this, hope you don’t mind we’ve provided clothing for you. I’ll leave you to get yourself ready. Be back in a minute.” He says as he closes the door behind him.
Just what kind of a setup have you gotten yourself into?  You wonder as you put on the clothes. You do a few squats, throw a few punches and hooks. They are easy enough to move around in you suppose.  Just before your mind starts to spiral wondering what the heck is going on, Yuri appears again, grabbing you by the hand. He’s leading you to a door that he pulls you through then slams the door shut behind you.
You find yourself in a well lit but small auditorium. There are rows of benches filled with people of the Abyss. On the opposite side of the dirt floor area you are in is Balthus, wearing pants like yours, but in a shimmery gray color. He looks like someone spread oil all over him, his muscles are shining in the light. He’s waving and blowing kisses to the audience.
A voice booms loudly into the room and the crowd quiets, “And now for the main event, our own Balthus vs. (y/n)!”
WTF? This was going to just be a wrestling match. What is this horse and pony show?
“Brawlers, meet in the center and shake hands. Start at the ring of the bell.“ the voice booms in the room, bouncing off the walls with a slight echo. Balthus wiggles his fingers in a “come here” sort of gesture.
As soon as your hands touch, the bells go off and he’s grabbing you trying to throw you to the ground. You grab his wrist, twisting it behind him, kicking at his knee to get him off balance. He tries to use his free elbow to jab you in the side as you pull him back towards you shoving your knee in his ribs. The crowd surrounding you is yelling and jeering, throwing garbage at you for trying to hurt their champion. For good measure you grab the back of his head with both hands, smashing his face to your knee.
The grappling goes back and forth for a while. You’re able to grab him and throw him against the ground, then he grabs your foot, pulling you off balance and you land face first in the dirt.  Next he’s got an arm pinned behind you, so you pull him quickly over your back to flip him down into the dirt. Most of it is arms flailing, smashing into the other to get a good grip and really pull the other into a good position for a finishing move. You’re still confused as to how all of this is happening. Claude and Yuri have some explaining to do.
Balthus is smiling. Smiling! As he grabs you around your waist and flips you upside down dropping to a seated position forcing you into receiving one hell of a piledriver to your skull. You were able to brace a bit on his thighs, so your neck wasn’t broken, but you were going to have a hell of a headache after this match.
The crowd is now screaming “Bal-tie! Bal-tie!” and stomping their feet so hard the ground feels like it is shaking.
He flings your legs to the ground and leaps up to give you a hard elbow drop, but your instincts kick in and you’ve rolled out of range. Once he hits the ground you’re behind him, knees in his back, your right arm grabbing him under the chin pulling it straight back. Balthus’ neck is straining against the pull. He’s stuck in your powerful chinlock.
“Tap out or I break it!” You scream.
You feel the slaps on your calf as you let him go and fall back on the ground. The crowd is booing and screaming and throwing rotten food at you. You struggle to your feet, raising your fists in the air. Your head is screaming at you, bruises in places you haven’t had in a while as you limp back to the door that let you into this goddessforsaken place. You bang on the door once, “Let me in before I bash it down.”
The door opens a little as you smash it open into the wall behind it.
“Great going there kid! I knew you could do it!” Claude is beaming at you until you grab his shirt and pull it tight around his throat and shove him against the wall and as far off the ground as you can get him. “Gah!” he screams as he’s holding on to your hand, trying to take some of the pressure off of his throat.
“What. The. Hell. Was. THAT!” You are seething with rage. Your teeth are grinding so hard he can hear the crunching as your eyes are fixed on his, burning with hellfire.
“Calm. Calm d-down (y/n).” He stutters, patting your fist still holding him up on the wall. “Let’s talk. C’mon. You had a great fight, just like I promised.”
You let go and he drops to the ground sitting against the wall. You move to a nearby bench, taking a seat you close your eyes and shake your head. The Claudster had manipulated you into this. You should have known.
Claude gathers himself back together. Standing he brushes himself off, straightening his collar as best he can considering most of it around his throat is now shredded material.
Yuri pokes his head in the door. He looks at Claude. “You’re still alive? I’m surprised.” The violet haired man takes a small step into the room. “Catch, Tiny!” he laughs as he throws a bag at you, coins jingle inside as you catch it. Before you can look back he’s closed the door.
“Tiny?” you ask.
“That’s what everyone said when you walked into the arena. She’s so tiny compared to Balthus. Your head doesn’t even come close to his shoulder. Now they’re calling you the Tiny Terror.
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toindeedbe-agod · 5 years ago
random hcs for the deeply complex modern au i still thinj abt sometimes
hes in keatings class n hes a peer tutor for one of his lower grade classes AND in mr keatings secret club (dead poets society)
dads still forcing him into a career path n he gets so stressed trying to stay on top of all of his classes n he started emailing mr keating late at night, first it was like Teacher Approved venting but now he sends him memes at 3 am. mr keating always responds.
he n charlie got "married" in kindergarten
endlessly watches howls moving castle. he pretends that he only watches broadway bootlegs or artsy gay films but he literally watches howls moving castle in class all the time
hes on good terms with all his teachers so sometimes hes allowed to just... leave and take a nap in keatings class. keating repurposed the classroom closet to be full of soft things n a quiet space for kids because hes a good goddamn teacher
unironically still listens to be more chill
has a secret tumblr account bc his dad only lets him have a heavily monitored instagram
adores rent but pitts is rhe only one who will watch it Willingly with him anymore bc when he made them all watch it they were all so devastated. charlie didnt talk to him for 3 days
just moved here, hes neil's neighbor. charlie also lives in the neighbohood, and knox spends more time around there than his own home
his brothers the all star american boy meanwhile todd won the spelling bee in 3rd grade and gets star stickers on his creative writing assignments
has had like 3 interventions from teachers and he has to be like im really not super depressed i promise im just quiet
draws on himself a lot. hes not a spectacular artist but like... neil loves it
unfairly good at soccer but was too anxious to try out for the high school team
rlly rlly likes samurai jack. he keeps it a secret but hes absolutely obsessed
has a tik tok n most of his videos are of the dead poets its very sweet. he manages to get on the weirdest sides of tik tok tho, involving prison tik tok, serial killer tik tok, cartel tik tok, glitchcore tik tok, and one memorable time, bdsm tik tok
half his playlists r full of hozier.
shares his spotify premium with neil
that cool guy at school whos parents dont care about him so he can do whatever but unfortunate hes lame so he does nothing about it
tik tok famous
keating lets him grade papers, and doesnt say anything when charlie fixes his friends mistakes, and once let him get away with erasing cameron's name from his paper so he had to redo the assignment
adopts freshmen
advertises parties on his snapchat
throws parties but not at his own house
horror movie fanatic.
obsessed with the sonic movie
his phone is full of selfies and really cursed memes
all his contacts have emojis
calls mr keating mom with confidence
has a massive crush on jim carrey meeks thinks its the funniest shit in the world
on a first name basis with the principals
ppl paypal him to do their work for them
goes randonauting with pitts n sometimes charlie
little witch boy, but on the downlow
rlly into bugs
has every single streaming service but also watches more stuff online than charlie does
teaches all the boys abt queer media and teaches underclassmen or anyone who needs to know abt actual sex education despite being ace
office aide so hes rlly tight with the principals
watches a lot of bad tv from the 80s
has a terrible taste in music
eats sticks and rocks and mud
has 2 pet rats. secret rats. their names are rice and piss
says he shoplifts to look cool but has never stolen anything more than 2 dollars
has a rlly overbearing mom like he loves her but jesus christ please get a life other than watching over ur child all the time hes trying to be cool
hosts all the dead poets on holidays when he can. halloween is a blast
cant drive. none of them are very good at it but he doesnt even have a license
so mad that thats his name
owns 4 different radios
actually in robotics. all the poets try to come to his matches, despite meeks being the only one who even vaguely understands it
2nd best driver. picks up neil if he ever gets stranded somewhere by his parents. it happens a lot.
owns a car
has been hunting a lot?? he doesnt even like it
bakes for the poets
takes cooking lessons sometimes, he likes to be self sufficient
likes to get into what all his friends r into so he can talk about it with them :) pitts is such a good guy id die for him
always packs snacks n stuff to feed to the boys throughout the day bc neil is physically incapable of eating at lunch time and the rest of them forget a lot
has a respectable amount of twitter and tik tok followers. is unaware of the significance of this. he just likes giving ppl helpful advice
gives good life tips and has high grades but hes stupid. set his hair on fire on a dare but it was mostly an accident. crashed a car into a brick wall. consistently has a burn on his hand
twitter bio definitely has "sad boy" in it
no thoughts, head empty
disaster in heelys and a cute top
LOVES tik tok
hydroflask full of pepsi
wears skirts bc fuck toxic masculinity
either shows up to school in a fit meant for the met gala or a hoodie and pants that are half on. there is no inbetween.
has tutoring after school like hes not behind in class or struggle too badly but he doesnt grasp what teachers fucking say half the time so they cover what he may have missed. good teachers. ideal world with teachers who care. jk only keating and his math teacher do it meeks helps with science
watched a livestream of a tv screen with the little blue ray video thing bouncing around for 6 hours and missed it when it hit the corner and cried about it for a day and a half
broke his wrist sophmore year in a heely related incident
has a snap score of like 30,000 idk i dont use snapchat i just know ppl who dont shut the fuck abt their snap score being like 30,000
goes thrifting a lot! barely owns fitting clothes
he n chris are bffs she taught him how to skateboard. is skateboard a verb? taught him how to skate using a skateboard
oh yeah. skater girl chris.
has a lot of anxiety about the state of the world anyways hes a vegetarian and tries to be zero waste to manage it. like he knows its corporations but it makes him feel good
plays lacrosse!
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jossisarose · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
Name: Joss Alex Rose
Alias: Joss , JossIsARose (Social Media)
Pronouns: They/Them & He/Him
Age: 29
Date of Birth: November 13th
Gender: Genderqueer (AFAB)
Sexual Preference: Queer
Occupation: Costume Designer and Professional Cosplayer
Mom: Millie Rose
Twin: Marley Rose
Cat: Lena
Hometown: Plant City Middle of Bumfuck Nowhere, Florida
triggers: instance of misgendering and reference to Joss’s dead name early on, stalking, violence, rape, self harm, substance abuse
[dead name mention] Joss Rose wasn’t always who they are now. Once upon a different time, Joss was Jocelyn and “she” was troubled. Or so people liked to think. Born the youngest of a set of twins, to a single mother, Joss never really fit into gender norms, or societal norms, for that matter. Whether it was going without a bra until long after most girls started wearing one, a disinterest in anything outside of their art, or an increasingly morbid sense of humor, Joss was an outcast from day one. Small town life was often the bane of Joss’s existence.
As a child, Joss enjoyed Little Mermaid, but more importantly, Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea. Joss related to Melody on a level that they didn’t quite relate to Ariel. It sparked a love of all things mermaid, and all things Disney, in them and their art portrayed this. Their mother, Millie, taught them to sew and crochet, two activities that seemed to be the only “feminine” thing about their interests. They would alternate between drawing and painting to crochet and sewing, often designing their own clothes. They weren’t necessarily nerdy, but they had their loves. Mostly it was things like Harry Potter, Doctor Who, or other such media, but they also had a love of sports, predominantly hockey. They were a huge Tampa Bay Lightning fan and would often go to games when they had the chance. They were an excellent runner and ran track all throughout middle and high school.
However, in school they did often struggled with anything involving a majority of their body being seen by other people, but especially changing for PE and track. The idea of getting changed in front of other people unnerved them. It was when they felt most vulnerable, most exposed. It was also when they felt the least like themself. Seeing a female body under typically masculine clothing really hurt, but living in a small town, that was only known for a festival based on strawberries that often invited country and Christian musicians, being anything but straight and cisgender was asking for trouble. More trouble than Joss needed.
In high school, as their sense of self wavered further they withdrew into themself, their passion for costume design became even more apparent. They started cosplaying, attending conventions all over the state of Florida, as a way to be themself, without being themself. They tended to cosplay male characters, taking pride in their ability to pass a male, but refusing to think anything of it, in terms of how they felt. It was this that led them to find a college with a crafts department, where they could major in costume design.
They skipped eleventh grade and then received an early acceptance letter to Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. With permission from their mother, and a number of legal officials, Joss took off. Moving from small town life, to big city, took Joss by surprise. They were in a place where people who weren’t straight and cisgender were more widely accepted, which made trying to find themself much easier. As a freshman, Joss began to experiment, with a lot of things. Between sexuality and gender identity, they found out a lot more about themself than they were ever expecting. This included the realization that they were trans.
For Joss, the idea of being anything but a female made perfect sense. They tried a lot of things over the next few years, in an attempt to figure out just who they were. They knew they didn’t identify fully as male, and definitely had no intentions to transition, but for the longest time couldn’t figure out just how they felt. Outside of gender being a completely social construct, they needed a label. It came in the form of the terms “genderqueer” and “non-binary” as well as the idea that there was an area between female and male. To Joss, being both agender and male made more sense and they quickly began to explore it as a full identity.
By the time Joss graduated, they had legally changed their name, going with a gender neutral name, as a way to alleviate the pressure from being misgendered, which quickly became a sore spot. Given their more feminine features, being called by male pronouns was a difficult thing to get across, especially given their decision to not transition. When they discovered the singular they as a pronoun, Joss jumped at the chance to use it. While it’s still hard to get people to use it, and they often encourage people to use male pronouns if unable to use it, the singular they felt right.
While in college, between balancing a job with the Pittsburgh CLO and cosplay commissions, their career as a cosplayer, youtuber, and twitch streamer took off. They won a number of cosplay contests and with their youtube channel they really became a household name in the Pittsburgh convention scene. Shortly after graduating from college they were a featured cosplayer on Syfy’s Heroes of Cosplay. They would then go on to be one of Twitch’s first partners and earn the money needed to move out to LA.
Once stationed in LA, Joss went headfirst into life as a streamer and cosplayer. Between winnings at cosplay contests, being invited as a guest to larger and larger conventions, their streaming, and their cosplay commissions, Joss was able to establish a life for themself. One that allowed them to take on international conventions and get their name even more known around the world. In 2015, they were invited as a guest to San Diego Comic Con, and took on a job as a costume designer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Thus sparking both their spot as a returning guest to SDCC, NYCC, and a job with DC as a costume designer for their films and consultant on their shows.
[stalking tw / violence tw] However, after a number of years in LA, Joss found themself overwhelmed by a growing fame that was starting to trouble them. They were more frequently recognized in public and with that came danger. Joss ended up being stalked repeatedly and it ended in a number of physical altercations and the cops being called. After over a year of court battles and a restraining order, Joss decided to leave LA. Their initial destination wasn’t Clover City, TN but they had someone who had commissioned a costume dress from them for some big pageant and was informed that the town could use someone with their talent. It was close to Nashville but just far enough that Joss didn’t think they’d have to worry about being recognized too often.
In the two years they’ve been in Clover City, Joss has flourished. They’ve done more work for the DCEU and found their place in the world again. Just famous enough to be recognized when they visit bigger cities for conventions but just the guy next door with the great sewing skills to everyone in town. The perfect balance they’d been missing in their life while in LA.
[rape tw / self harm tw / substance abuse tw] Under the seemingly perfect surface, however, Joss is starting to fall apart. While it’s been two years since they escaped the hell that was LA, Joss has only now started processing everything that happened to them. Including the fact that part of the court battles involved reliving multiple instances of rape. In trying to cope with it all, Joss has started being self destructive, both in the form of self medicating and self harm. Doing anything they can to stop the way their hands constantly shake and the nightmares that plague what sleep they get around their busy schedule.
Joss maintains various forms of social media that pertain directly to their career. Their twitch channel is often filled with in-cosplay gaming, cosplay building, and even live convention coverage. Their youtube channel is full of cosplay videos, tutorials on everything from how to sew to how to pack cosplays for conventions without breaking them, and everything in between.
When they’re not working, Joss spends their time running, watching hockey, hanging out in clubs, playing video games, or hanging out with their cat, Lena. They run at least one marathon a year, but typically more, and have even run the Boston and New York marathons. They have a giant comics collection and an annual pass for both Disneyland and Disney World. They’re also an avid swimmer.
Syfy’s Heroes of Cosplay (2013) - Cast Youtube (2014) - Hit 1 million subscribers Twitch (2014) - Became partner Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) - Costume Designer Wonder Woman (2017) - Costume Designer Birds of Prey: And the Fabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2020) - Costume Designer Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) - Costume Designer San Diego Comic Con (2015 - Present) - Featured Cosplay Guest New York Comic Con (2016 - Present) - Featured Cosplay Guest
Face Claim: Melissa Benoist
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brunet & Blond
Height: 5'8"
Biological Sex: Female
Gender Identity: Genderqueer
Gender Expression: Androgynous
Tattoos: tbd
Scars: tbd
Piercings: Ears and Nose
Hair Cut/Style:
Joss typically wears their hair loose around their shoulders, but will occasionally pull it back into a braid or low ponytail.
On a regular basis, tends to stick to more of a punk-lite style, mixing comfort with style. They enjoy wearing beanies, leather, and anything with studs. If they go out, they definitely tend to wear a lot of necklaces and/or bracelets. When it comes to formal wear, they really like suspenders and bowties.
Make Up:
While Joss doesn’t always wear anything more than concealer/foundation to correct for sitting in front of bright lights while on stream, they appreciate a good lipstick and are rarely seen without black nail polish, at least outside of cosplay.
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lesbianmonsterlover · 6 years ago
Beauty and the Beast, Part 1
I’m absolute Beauty and the Beast trash.  We’re going with my own take on the tale with a female beast.  This is going to have a fluffy as fuck relationship, some smut, and a happy ending, but yeah I had to make this angsty in places so just be forewarned.
Per period standards you wear dresses and have long hair, but otherwise as usual I try to leave the rest of your appearance to your imagination.
Deep in the woods, down an overgrown and forgotten road, lies a castle.  If you were to ask the surrounding towns and hamlets who their liege was, they would answer that they had none, they never had in fact, and they were lucky enough to govern themselves for the most part.  In this castle lives a queen, forgotten and bitter, ruling over nothing but empty halls and bleak gardens.  As an arrogant young woman, left to rule early by the untimely death of her father, she spurned an old hag who had come asking for shelter.  Turning away her ugliness, declaring that such a visage had no place in the gilded halls of her palace, she watched awestruck as the hag morphed into an enchantress of such perfect and ethereal beauty the queen began to weep.  
The queen begged for forgiveness on bended knee, but the sorceress looked down her nose at the gesture.  She saw the queen for what she was: hardened, vain, cruel.  So the sorceress cast her curse.  The castle and its inhabitants would be forgotten by the world, left to rot for a century.  If the queen could learn to love, truly love, and earn the love of another in return, the curse would be broken.  So the servants all became avatars of their work, left sentient and mobile enough to keep things running.  The queen was cursed with a twisted, dark visage to match the cruelty and malice hidden within.
Nearly nine feet tall with a shaggy coat of auburn fur, matching the hair of her human form.  Her face was unrecognizable, like some cross between a cat and a goat, with rams horns curling over her ears.  Her eyes, at least, were the same cool green they had always been, although as the years went on she became less thankful for the burden of knowing that what she saw in her reflection truly was her own face.  She was broad at the shoulder and at the hip, with a feminine waist and figure, although the hugely muscular arms that came from helping to propel herself with her knuckles were new.  She dressed mostly in masculine clothing now, her father’s old shirts and trousers altered to fit her frame. Of all of the changes this curse wrought, this she was the least upset over.  Even as vain as she was, she had always hated gowns and preferred the elegant lines of men’s court dress.  Having an excuse to don breeches and shirts was the only silver lining she could find.
It had been nearly ninety years since that night, and her time was growing slowly to a close.  It had been three decades since a human had even set foot in her castle or on its grounds, and none of them could leave the bounds of their land.  It had been years since she had even left the castle grounds and ventured out into the surrounding forest, still technically part of the estate.  She’s walking the garden when the sound of muffled sobs near her rose bushes draw her attention.  A human woman is huddled on the cold ground, the first frost taking hold and leaving nothing but freezing hard earth.  Her face is in her hands, head bent and hair loose from its plait and curtaining her.  When the human sniffles and wipes her cheeks, the queen gets her first look at you, eyes glassy with tears and face slack with grief.  You’re still so beautiful, and she’s intent on wooing you to break this wretched curse.
You had never really fit in when it came to the other townsfolk of your small hamlet.  You had your father, your horse, and your books, and that was enough for you.  Well, mostly.  It would have been plenty had it not been for the others in such close proximity.  While it’s convenient to live within such close proximity to the market square, and therefore the book shop, you still feel incredibly out of place.  
“Ah, my sweet lovely bride, there you are!”  Oh, and there’s also Gerard, who you really wish had just died on the front lines at war instead of coming back lauded as a hero.  Not only did this inflate his already massive ego, but the hero worship he received made him feel entitled to the attention and affection of any woman he so desired.  It just so happened he desired you.  You’ve lost count of the number of times you’ve spurned his advances, getting progressively sterner with each no you’re forced to give.  You’d have thought after the first few times he’d move on to someone else in the village, but he seemed absolutely stuck on you.  
The glares from other eligible women that come with the attention from Gerard make you even more reluctant to go into town. You had a hard enough time interacting with others out in the world without the constant heat of glares on the back of your skull.  Honestly, you wish those glares really would set you on fire.  Maybe then at least you’d be rid of Gerard, what with the disfiguring scars that would be the result.  “I am not your bride, Gerard.”  Your deadpan reply and flat stare do nothing to deter him.
Perhaps, if you were interested in him in the first place, his attention would be flattering.  You cannot deny that he is an attractive man, tall and muscular with an angular face and masculine jaw.  His clear blue eyes are cold though, and calculating.  You want love, desire, passion, the things that your parents had in their marriage.  He wants you because you’re beautiful, not because you’re you.  “Come now, don’t be so difficult pet.  What more could you want in a husband than myself?  Rich, powerful, handsome.”  The way he purrs the last word makes the two girls peeking out from the baker’s shop sigh and swoon.  It just makes you sigh...in exasperation.  
“I don’t know, Gerard.  Love, respect, intelligence?”  Your biting remark makes him scowl at you darkly, grabbing your jaw painfully with one of his large hands.  
“Listen here, pet.  You can refuse me now, but your father won’t be here to protect you forever.  What then?  We all know unmarried women of your station are worth less than nothing.  Or do you want to wind up out on the street?”  He shoves your face away like it burned him, scowling as he gruffly calls for his footman to follow him.  You cup your tender chin and walk back home, foregoing a trip to the bookstore today as you had planned.  You try hard not to let what Gerard said get under your skin, but it isn’t as though he’s wrong… Still, you have your father, and your home, and as long as you have that you have the hope that you can hold out for someone who will love you.  
Returning to the little cottage you shared with you father you were immediately struck by how quiet it is.  This is unusual, especially considering that at this time of day your father should be wrist deep in his latest noisy project, humming along to some internal song that only he can hear.  Instead you find him slumped over the table, still breathing but not conscious.  You’re rushing, and do what you can to make him comfortable on a pallet on the floor while you run out to get a doctor.  
Sadly, along with the doctor you find Gerard, and he insists on coming along.  A stroke is what the physician called it, and there was the possibility that your father would never wake.  Gerard gave you a pitying look, but tried to twist it to his advantage.  “See, pet?  What are you going to do now?  How will you care for him?”  You kick him out with a teary glare, and the physician helps you get him situated into a cart in order for your father to be taken to the local clinic where he’d at least get round the clock care.  
When you wake up the next morning, you’re worried.  If nothing else, your father was at least cared for.  There was enough money stashed to keep him at the clinic for months, but not much else.  You’d get by on your stash of preserved food for a few weeks, but what would you do for money after that?  It is with this thought on your mind that you pack a bag with enough to get you through the day and take off on your horse into the forest behind your village.  Instead of taking the well worn road out to the larger village a few hours ride from here, you decide to take a detour down an overgrown path.
You remember walking this little road as a child, but cannot seem to remember where it leads.  You stop for lunch at the side of a small stream, allowing your horse to graze and drink while you relax with your feet dipped into the cold water.  When you mount back up the sun is well into the sky, although not quite at midday, and the air is warm enough that you can remove your cloak.  The fresh cool air is nice, and you take your time following the path until it ends at a rusted wrought iron gate.
When you dismount and walk up to the gate, curious, something spooks your horse and sends her bolting back the way you came.  You run after her for a while, but as the sun crests in the sky at its highest point you know that you’re going to have to find somewhere tonight to hunker down in order to make it back to town tomorrow.  With any luck, your horse will have made her way back without you and she’ll be waiting when you return.  
The walk back to the gates is long and by the time you reach them again the sun is dipping below the trees, casting long foreboding shadows.  When you try the rusted gate it pops open with a groan that shakes your ribs, just enough for you to slip through.  The walk from the gate is lined with beautiful and terrible statues, the lifelike marble women being embraced and devoured by demons.  Gooseflesh raises on your arms, but it isn’t like you have much of an option anyway.  You cannot be out in the forest at night without protection, and your cloak and bag are still draped over your mare’s saddle.  Rubbing your arms for warmth you continue trekking up the path, although you’re distracted by a branch off of it that leads to a garden full of rose bushes surrounding a fountain.  Sitting on the fountain’s edge you sigh, gazing at the blood-red roses peeking out from the verdant green.  
You aren’t sure when you begin crying, but a chill wind cools the tracks of your tears along your cheeks.  When you lift a hand to wipe them away, more come unbidden, until you’re heaving on the stone with great, body wracking sobs.  It takes a few moments for you to calm, memories of your mother’s casket, covered in roses.  Your father’s limp body slouched on your shared table.  It would be so much easier if you could just disappear.  
The crunch of gravel under heavy feet makes you startle, sniffling and trying to compose yourself before you call out.  “H-hello?  Is there someone there?  I’m lost, and looking for a place to stay for the night.”  You call out to the wind but hear nothing back, but you still follow the sound as best you can.  There’s nothing there, although if you were a tracker you may have noticed the huge, clawed footprints disturbing the chilled grass.  You follow the path back up to the huge castle, standing trembling in front of the giant wooden doors.  
As soon as you place a hand on it, it opens as if by magic.  “Hello?  Is there anyone there?”  The way your voice echoes around you is haunting, and you can almost feel the tingle of something otherworldly in your bones.  “Hello?  Please, if there’s someone here, I need help!”  You shiver at the breeze that passes through the castle, but the murmur of voices and a faint flickering coming from down the long hall to the East seem to draw you in.  “Hello!  Please, I’m lost in the woods and need a place to stay for the evening, until I can find my way back in the light of day.”  
The murmuring you thought you heard stops, but the faint flicker of a fireplace still glows in the distance, growing ever closer as your feet click solitary footfalls onto the marble floor.  You enter what looks like a sitting room, with one huge fireplace along the back wall, two wing back chairs in front of it with a small side table between them.  There’s a chaise perpendicular to the two chairs on one side, and a settee on the other with a huge black waistcoat draped over it.  You marvel at the size of it, surely whatever man wore this must be the biggest person in the world.  It looked to be in good condition, if a little frayed at the buttonholes, and importantly much like everything else in this castle it was without a speck of dust.  
“So, you’ve decided to let yourself in then.”  The voice makes you gasp, and as you turn to greet whoever owns that voice you stumble.  Falling, you’re prepared to hit the unforgiving stone with your skirt-covered bottom but you’re surprised to feel a cushion beneath you instead.  It’s an ottoman, a sentient ottoman, and it gives a rough bark like a dog before scurrying away with you firmly seated on its back.  It settles down by the fire, with you still on it, and you’re frozen there with confusion.  You look back over at the doorway, finding a hugely imposing figure standing there silhouetted in the darkness.  “Has no one ever told you it is rude to impose yourself on others?”
The voice is somehow feminine, but that seems impossible considering the size of the figure before you.  Surely they are at least as tall as the door frame, if not taller, and nearly as broad across.  “I’m sorry to intrude, I was out for a ride when my horse bolted without me on her.  There was no way for me to make it back to town before nightfall, and surely out there alone I would freeze to death.  Please, I apologize for my rudeness, but I would appreciate a place to stay for the evening.  I do not have much to give you, but I will do my best to repay you as you need.”
There’s a low growl from the shadow, and then a rough laugh.  “A place to stay, hm?  Are you sure you’re any safer in here than you are out there, girl?”  The shadow steps out into the ring of light emanating from the fireplace and you gasp when you catch your first sight of the beast.  Your heart is beating like a rabbit and your breath coming in fast gasps.  The snarl and scowl on their face bares huge teeth at you, but their eyes are full of more fear and self loathing than they are burning hatred.  Something about their eyes draws you in, there’s the same burning desire for love and acceptance deep in there that you can read much like your own.  “Well?  Nothing to say then?  Too scared to run?  To scream?”  But you simply fix her with a shy smile, pulse still nervously flitting in your neck.  
“I’m not going to run from you.”  You aren’t prepared for how cute she looks as her face goes slack with confusion, like a lost puppy.  “I just wasn’t expecting you, that’s all.”
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nationaldvam · 6 years ago
After the New Year a few years ago, I bought myself a copy of Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It wasn’t a book I actually felt I needed; if anything, I’m almost annoyingly tidy already, a veritable Roomba of a human. I’d moved fifteen times in the decade since I’d turned 18, each time trying to shed whatever I no longer wore.
I bought Kondo’s book mostly as a ploy to get my boyfriend, Rob, to clean out his nightstand. Our courtship had been a steady reclamation of his less-tidy space by my relentless wave of tidiness. (Whatever’s going on in Marie Kondo’s brain that makes her say “I love mess!”, I have it, too.) His nightstand, though, was The Place He Put Things. A place I ached to clean.
The book arrived, and after weeks spent suggesting he read it, I finally decided to live by example. I did as Marie Kondo prescribed: I emptied my closet and bureau into a pile on the living room floor, separated their contents into a peak of jackets and a peak of dresses. One by one, I picked items up and asked myself whether they sparked joy. If they didn’t, into the discard pile they went.
I didn’t take me long to see it, what the discard pile was. It was only the skirts, only the dresses, only the flowers and lace and sparkles. It was everything I’d bought hoping that some colleague might say: Isn’t that cute?
I burst into tears, shame filling me entirely, and then I laughed about the fact that this book had made me cry, this silly, stupid cleaning book.
For months — well, years — I’d carried around a stack of telling moments in my mind, ones I’d shuffle periodically, ones I knew told me something but something I didn’t want to acknowledge to myself, let alone admit. For example, there was this one moment back before I’d quit my job. I had worked at a start-up media company. It was the sort of office that looks fun and has fun snacks and there’s pressure to dress up on fun holidays like Halloween. One Halloween, I’d come as Ace Ventura.
After lunch they were giving prizes to those who’d really gone above and beyond costume-wise, myself not included. I stood in the crowd next to a colleague who’d come dressed as her boss. Earlier her costume had gotten a big reaction, though, because it was her dressing as him: sneakers, jeans, glasses, of course the hoodie. Everyone laughed. Now we were standing around, drinking booze, eating sugar. I told her I liked her costume and she looked embarrassed.
“I feel so awkward. Don’t you feel awkward?” she asked.
I didn’t get what she meant.
“Dressing like a guy!” she said.
“Oh,” I said, and without thinking added: “I always dress like a guy for Halloween, or at least a lot of the time.”
(I mentally flipped through prior Halloweens: My first costume, at age three, an authentic lederhosen. In elementary and middle school, I’d dressed as a male nerd, a male tourist, Charlie Chaplin. When I was in grad school in Iowa, in my mid-twenties, I’d won second place at a roller derby halftime costume contest dressed as Justin Bieber. When I said “Justin Bieber” into the judge’s mic, someone in the crowd shouted, “That’s a chick!”)
“That’s funny,” I said to my colleague, “I haven’t noticed that before.”
Which was funny, because just getting dressed, day-to-day, I struggled with, always. Most mornings my bedroom floor would be lost beneath tops and skirts pulled on and torn off. I’d apply eye makeup or lipstick, then remove it, then change my mind again. I’d pause at the door and cringe and end up back in my room, eyeing the clock, and pull the shirt from the day before from the laundry. It had always been like this.
Back then, I was always sweating. At work I sweated through shirts and cardigans and sometimes jackets, too. If I thought about the sweat it seemed to get worse. In the summer especially I’d go hide in the bathroom a while, wait until the whole joint was empty so I could crouch with my pits beneath the hand dryer. Sometimes I told myself little lies about how I was getting better, generally — getting better at having style, getting better at faking confidence.
I knew deep down this was all a fiction. If anything, I sensed I was getting worse at even leaving the apartment. It grew harder to dress for work; I eventually wore the same few items over and over: a black maxi dress, lace-up sandals, a jean jacket to mop up sweat.
But then I sold a book, and realized that to finish it, I had to quit my job. This meant no more office or coworkers. It meant I didn’t have to leave the house at all. This idea — never having to dress for work again — was appealing for reasons I still couldn’t quite explain.
Now with no office to go to, I rarely dressed, and if I did I wore sweatpants. The days I did go out, for an appointment or a meeting, I might force myself to dress up. Tripping down a cobblestone street one afternoon in heels, I wondered who the hell I was trying to fool.
I eventually ran out of the one makeup item I still sometimes wore, red lipstick, and now found myself incapable of making the trip to Sephora to buy more. The place had always make me melt with nervousness, but now, so unpracticed at being in public, I felt somehow incapable of going inside. I finally convinced a friend to come with me. I found myself trying to explain to her that doing something like buying lipstick was very hard for me. I don’t think she understood what I meant. I don’t think I understood what I meant.
A few days later I wrote about the lipstick incident in a blog post. I published it hurriedly, before I could talk myself out of it. In the post, for the very first time to anyone, I acknowledged what that day I termed “my gender stuff.”
A month later, kneeling and sobbing before my Marie Kondo discard pile, it felt silly, sure, that this book is what had finally done it, but I also couldn’t unsee my actual preferences: so much of the feminine clothing I owned did not spark joy.
I donated it all. I hung and folded the items that remained: flannel shirts, baggy jeans, t-shirts. I had kept a few dresses and heels and feminine winter coats, ones that had seemed really special when I’d bought them. I knew Marie Kondo wouldn’t have approved of my choice to keep them. Each day I passed them and they stared right back at me.
During the months that followed, I steadily shed feminine things. One day, all my makeup: gone. Another day, all my earrings: gone. (My ears had been pierced when I was two!) I tried to do as Marie Kondo said and thanked these items for what they’d given me. I guiltily threw them out, and then felt wonderful.
One August day, I donated the last of my heels and dresses, the ones that had once been my absolute favorites. I happened to run into someone I knew in line at the thrift shop, and he offered to take my box of things to donate. I put them in his trunk and watched him drive away. I didn’t say to him, nor could I have articulated, that I was throwing out the last of me pretending to be a woman.
Walking away, I felt joy, an almost ridiculous joy. I also felt terror, like when a cartoon has walked off a cliff and is standing blissfully on air.
A few days later, Rob and I happened to be flying to another city on vacation. I packed a mostly empty suitcase. When we got there, I said, I’d force myself to go shopping.
Rob knew I’d gotten rid of a lot of my clothes, and I’d begun to talk about gender, but, like me, he didn’t know where I was going with any of this.
The first store was GAP-like. To my left were waifish white mannequins wearing blouses and skirts, cashmeres and scarves; to the right were slightly bigger ones in belted khakis and button downs.
I walked straight ahead, wanting to turn right but afraid. I broke left through the dresses, feeling immediately disappointed in myself, Rob following behind.
I swerved back to the right, hurriedly walking through the men’s things now, wondering if anyone was on to me. I looked at a pair of pants, willing myself to pick them up. How would I ever figure out my size? How could I ever work up the nerve to walk back to the dressing room? I felt like I was going to throw up or pass out. I marched back out the glass doors, with Rob behind me.
We found a café and I cried and tried to tell him some of my story, the first I’d ever told anyone any of it, really. I recalled being three and learning my bedroom walls were painted green because my parents had expected me to be a boy, a fact I had always loved. I recalled how the nickname I’d had since birth, Sandy, was a name for boys and girls both, another fact I had always loved.
“For as long as I can remember, this is who I’ve been,” I explained to him: internally not-female, or not just female, though I didn’t know what this made me instead.
“I love you,” he said, “I support you.” He seemed less surprised than I’d have guessed he be. What fear I had that he would love me less if I were honest about it all was quickly dissolving.
I finished an iced tea. I felt better.
We resolved that I could try going into a second store. He held my hand. I nervously felt along the side that had masculine things. The woman behind the register was wearing a ballcap herself and didn’t seem bothered. I went into a dressing room and tried on item after item. Every time I emerged, Rob beamed.
I couldn’t afford to buy much of anything that day, so when he took out his card, I didn’t stop him; I’d never felt so grateful.
That evening, we went on a date. I wore a new button down, trousers, Oxfords. We moved down the street, his hand in mine, which was shaking, so terrified by the question of what we must look like to others.
Nobody much noticed, or if they did and cared, they didn’t show it. This, I’ve since learned, is often the way of things.
Before that night, I realized, I had never before been both “dressed up” and comfortable.
“You look hot,” Rob said, and unlike how I’d always reacted to such sentiments, I didn’t want to swat away his compliment like a gnat.
The best feelings are the converse of this cisgender othering: the moments of communion, however brief, I share with other queer and trans people out there in the world. Like last June, I walked down Sixth Avenue during the NYC Dyke March, one body in a long splay of bodies, bodies with voices, bodies with drums, and I felt, for the first time ever, like I was surrounded by my peers.
That year I didn’t leave the apartment much because there was always work to be done, and because what would I wear? Because what was I even doing? Because sometimes I’d cry so hard.
I had learned words for myself, words like nonbinary and trans, but I couldn’t yet imagine saying these words about myself to anyone. Trump was elected. The apartment was high in a building with a terrace. I’d stand on it barefoot and study the traffic on the avenue below.
That year I read books — books for the book I was writing, but also books about gender, books I’d finally let myself get after years of not buying such books. When I finally read Julia Serano’s Whipping Girl, I reflected a long time on my choice of Halloween costume that time at work, Ace Ventura. Serano reminded me that the entire plot of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective turns on the “reveal” of a transgender woman. At the movie’s climax, Ace outs a trans woman for the “fake” that she is — literally spinning her around to show her tucked genitals — at which he and everyone else vomits profusely, including Dan Marino and the Dolphins’ mascot, a dolphin.
I recalled other transphobic — specifically transmisogynist — cultural artifacts that attracted me when I was younger, realizing in fact that so much of the comedy I loved growing up hinged on the joke of crossdressing: Mrs. Doubtfire, Monty Python, Little Britain. Also the joke of gender non-conformity, in the case of It’s Pat. I probably loved these things both because they brought up the topic of gender, which did greatly interest me, and because they shamed me, bullied me away from acknowledging my own truth.
Sometimes I would be forced to leave the apartment. I’d put on new clothes, ones that made me feel a flutter of pride. Friends wouldn’t recognize me. Strangers would stare. Or they’d call me “sir” and I’d be stunned but also unsure whether I wanted to correct them. I also felt that these were the first times I’d ever dared to show myself honestly to the world.
Sometimes I’d run into someone I knew — a girl from back home, a guy from grad school. I’d see them avoid my eyes, sure that they didn’t know me. I’d feel hurt, and then I’d see them realize, say something like, “You got a haircut.”
Sometimes I’d have to attend some event or occasion I hadn’t since the change, like a job interview or funeral. Attempting to dress, I’d fall apart, totally lose nerve. Rob would stand with me, tie my tie, wipe my tears. At that funeral, some relatives didn’t recognize me, and others thought I was my brother. But then they did see it was me.
“Sandy!” they said. After, I’d feel a supreme relief, like at least now they know, even if they don’t get it.
I worked up all the courage I had and made an appointment at an actual barbershop. For years I’d gone to a salon that smelled like chardonnay and chemicals, pretended the whole time I wasn’t having a panic attack.
In the barbershop the men didn’t seem to notice me. I got the cut I wanted. I exited feeling something like pride, rubbing the buzz on the back of my neck. Walking through the park on my way home, I stopped and did something I’d never much been tempted to do before, which was post a selfie. I shook with nerves.
I never used to picture myself in middle or old age, but now I do. That began happening after I came out. Another new thing I started to feel was that I love myself. Not just how I look, my haircut, my style, though I do love those things. I now love my body itself to an extent I’d never have imagined was possible. Before I hated everything about me, body included, totally, powerfully, if for reasons I couldn’t quite spell out.
Presenting myself now, in a way that’s honest about how I’ve always mentally straddled the gender divide, I also feel the cruelty of gender-segregated spaces more sharply. I hate the TSA and avoid changing rooms. Cis women in bathrooms sometimes look shocked or horrified when they see me, or they make frowning remarks (like “This the men’s?”). I contemplate going into men’s rooms but frankly, I’m too scared of men. If I’m being honest, I avoid being in public still, as much as I can.
These days, I’m called “sir” and “ma’am” with equal frequency. Sometimes people think I’m male at first and then realize I’m not, usually when I talk, and sometimes I then see a wild anger in them. In those moments, I feel my vulnerability. Though in other senses I feel safer; I am no longer constantly catcalled, as I was before — that drumbeat of male violence, muffled. All the time I feel how arbitrary these categories are. All the time, I know this is all just about power.
Some who see me now are excited about my apparent difference. In a restaurant, a waitress ran over, grinning, nearly shouting, “What are you?”
The best feelings are the converse of this cisgender othering: the moments of communion, however brief, I share with other queer and trans people out there in the world. Like last June, I walked down Sixth Avenue during the NYC Dyke March, one body in a long splay of bodies, bodies with voices, bodies with drums, and I felt, for the first time ever, like I was surrounded by my peers. I felt really quiet that day, like no words would work. I still find myself unable to describe that feeling of having community. Suffice it to say, it sparked joy.
I’m 31 now, and living a life that a few years ago I couldn’t have imagined. My book’s paperback calls me Sandy and they/them. Rob and I married and moved to an old farmhouse in the country. I now have two floors of rooms to tidy. I often wander delightedly for hours, scrubbing and straightening and vacuuming cat fur and flies and once, with a whoosh — to my great surprise — the skeleton of a baby mouse.
Rob and I write out our chores on a big spool of brown paper by the fridge, to ensure we contribute evenly. I am proud of us, of him, for how we’ve managed to share the responsibilities of maintaining this home. And yet, through all this change, a constant remains, bulging with wires and papers and who knows what else, the one place I’ve accepted I’ll never tidy: his nightstand.
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luckyspike · 6 years ago
Adventures in America, Ch. 6 - In which Adam learns about the formation of shelf clouds (literally, this is not a metaphor)
and this chapter took so long because in order for adam to learn about the formation of shelf clouds i had to learn about the formation of shelf clouds
thank you to wikipedia, and the 5 hours of meteorology youtube videos i watched, as well as the many, many hours of storm chasers i watched
reminder that this fic is not on AO3 yet bc tbh i want to finish it first but here’s the link to the other chapters
or follow this link to my fanfiction tag
ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5
Four-thirty in the morning, and it was still dark. Generally, Adam wasn’t a fan of getting up before the sun, but generally, Adam was not hunting tornadoes. He rolled out of bed the minute the alarm went off, silenced it, and moved to turn on the light. Lucky beat him to it.
“You ready?” the other boy asked, dark eyes bright and eager. “You ready to go?”
They threw on clothes - whatever they could find - and stuffed the few things they’d actually unpacked back into their bags. Adam paused only to send a text to his friends - ‘Day 1, here we go!’ - before he and the other student walked quickly into the parking lot, their excitement poorly-disguised. They arrived at the truck and stopped. It was dark. Rachael and Noel were absent. Lucky frowned, and looked at his phone.
“Oh. We’re early.” He dropped his bag to the ground, and sat on the asphalt next to it. “Oh well, better early than late.”
“Sure,” Adam agreed, leaning back against the truck and wondering if maybe the extra 15 minutes of sleep might have been worth it. He sighed and looked around. In Tadfield, the streets would have been empty at this hour. But in Austin, by the airport, cars came and went. At a lower volume, certainly, than they might in a few hours, but still, the road was not deserted by any stretch of the imagination. He wondered, distantly, where all those people might be going. 
“Hey, Adam.” Lucky held up his phone. “You wanna do a snap?”
“Oh, selfie? Yeah, sure.” He crouched down next to the other boy, Lucky beaming through his beard and Adam holding up a peace sign while his blonde hair spilled over his face and shoulders. It probably would have been a good picture, had it not been so dark that the only discernible thing was two dark shadows crouched in front of a slightly reddish shadow that may have, with better lighting, looked like a truck. Undeterred, Lucky nodded approvingly and captioned it ‘day 1 fuckers!’ before sending it off, presumably to a group of friends. 
“I should probably take another one for my parents and stuff, too.” This was done as a selfie only, Adam standing back up to look to the east instead, watching the sky turn purple with dawn. Although Adam didn’t like to look over anybody’s shoulder, he did note that the caption on the second photo was a tamer ‘Bright and early for storm chasing day 1!’. He smiled. 
“Your parents are cool with this, huh?”
“Eh.” Lucky shrugged. “My dad is. He’s like super stereotypical masculine dude - his only concern was that I didn’t plan on taking a gun with me.” He rolled his eyes, while Adam tried not to look too shocked. Well, that was America for you. “My mom was kind of worried, but like, we always watched those storm chaser shows when I was a kid, so I think she’s excited too. She told me to send a ton of pictures.” He looked up, over his shoulder, to Adam. “Yours?”
Adam shrugged a shoulder. “They felt like it was a good opportunity, they just felt it was maybe more dangerous than needed but … eh.” He laughed. “I was more worried about my godfathers trying to stop me, but they just let me go.” He frowned. “Which is kind of weird, actually, ‘cause they seemed really worried at first, but I did tell them it was really not that dangerous, so I guess they believed me.”
Lucky was watching him with a puzzled expression. “I don’t have any godparents. Well, I mean, not that I’ve stayed in touch with. I think my parents picked some of their friends or something. But you know yours?” He thought about it. “Was your family really religious or something?” And then he winced. “Yikes, actually, that’s really personal. Sorry, don’t feel obligated.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I mean … kind of.” He snorted. “It’s weird, but I guess we’re kind of religious in a way. They taught me a lot about religion, anyway, but like, I dunno.” He shook his head. “I was heading for trouble when I was younger, and that’s sort of when they started hanging around more, I think at first to help me? But now they’re just kind of cool weird uncles.”
Lucky nodded appreciatively. “Nice.” He picked up a stone from the parking lot and chucked it, idle and bored. “I learned most of my religion from, uh, well, we had a nanny and a gardner until I was like, eight, and it was mostly them.” He laughed. “So weird, honestly - the gardner was like, a monk, I swear to God, and my nanny was actually like, a literal Satanist, like pentagrams and the whole thing, but they ended up getting married after they retired together.” Adam frowned. That was … odd. “Nanny used to like, tell me to destroy all lesser humans and stuff, and then she’d hand me off to the gardner for a few hours and he’d be like all into love of all living things or whatever.” Oh, she. Adam relaxed. A little.
Very strange.
“Up and at ‘em, eh, boys?” Noel’s voice rang across the parking lot, loud and clear even over the steadily-increasing airport traffic. “Excited for the first day?”
Adam nodded and Lucky said, “Yeah!” Rachael, tagging behind, laden with camera bags and an oversize travel mug, offered up a weak and drowsy smile. “Lots of driving on the agenda today, guys. Hopefully will get us into position to see some stuff this afternoon. But first -” she wagged the mug in the air, “we need to find a Dunkin.”
Lucky made a face. “You’re a Dunkin devotee?”
“What’s your brand?” She was packing her things into the bed of the truck, and Adam and Lucky followed suit. “Please don’t say Starbucks.”
“... Well.”
She sighed and laid her hand on his shoulder. “So I have to teach you more than just storm chasing this trip, I guess. It will be my cross to bear.” The truck started up, and Rachael brandished her mug like a sleepy knight charging into battle. “To Dunkin.” She trod around to the front passenger seat, and Lucky laughed, shutting the bed cover and heading to his seat. 
Adam waited until they were in the truck and on the road before he asked, “What’s Dunkin?” He thought it over, trying to remember where he’d seen the name before. Online, certainly, but in relation to … what?
“Oh.” Rachael was watching him in the rearview mirror. “Oh, Adam. Oh, you sweet, summer child.” She turned around, slinging her arm across Noel’s shoulders. “Do you drink coffee? Or tea?”
“Both.” He considered it. “Coffee’s nice in the morning.”
“Dunkin Donuts has the best coffee in the world. Hands down, best.”
“Sometimes they burn it,” Noel said, already flinching away from the playful slap she aimed at his shoulder. “I said sometimes! Not every time!”
“Never. They never do.” She looked to her phone, where a GPS was chirping out directions to the nearest Dunkin. “I will convince you boys by the end of this session that Dunkin coffee is superior to any other coffee, and not to be unappreciated.” She sighed. “It is better than Starbucks, mark my words.” Lucky hummed, uncertain. “What’s your preferred brand, Adam?”
He thought about it. “Uh, well. I dunno. Costa is what we have in town, and that’s pretty good, but I don’t think there’s any of them over here. Starbucks is okay, I guess, in a pinch, but my godfather makes the best coffee.” He shrugged. “He’s super into it.”
Rachael nodded. “Oh, well, obviously home-brew rigs are going to beat out chain places every time.”
“She does make an amazing cup of coffee,” Noel agreed.
“But no, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Costa.” Rachael looked thoughtful. “I’ll have to try it some day. I’ve always wanted to visit the UK, so I’ll put it on my list of things to do for that trip!”
Adam laughed. “There are definitely better things to do in England than go to Costa. If you’re serious about going, I can give you a list of stuff if you’d like.”
Noel turned into a parking lot, and Rachael yawned. “Ah, sorry. Yes, I’m definitely going to take you up on that. But first, coffee. You alright taking the first leg driving, Noel?”
“As always!” He hopped out and waited for the rest of the party to join. “The donuts are also fairly good here, so if you guys want breakfast this will probably be our stop. They have sandwiches an’ all that, too.”
“I do like their hashbrowns,” Lucky added, half a step behind Adam, hands in his pockets. “You have to have a donut though, Adam. Just to try one. It’s like … I mean, America runs on Dunkin.” He laughed. “Or at least that’s what their commercials say.”
Ultimately, Adam selected a donut for breakfast, as well as a cup of coffee. He debated getting the hashbrowns as well, but on reflection it seemed likely that this would not be his only opportunity to eat at Dunkin, and he decided to save it for another day. Rachael paid for him - “The first hit is free,” she said solemnly - and they took their leave.
The coffee was pretty good, Adam thought, sipping at it on the way back to the truck. Maybe a little too sweet. But good. Wouldn’t be the worst thing to drink for the next six weeks, anyway. He assured Rachael he thought it was delicious, and they loaded back into the truck.
Rachael spent the first portion of the drive north looking at her computer, studying the weather maps, and drinking her coffee. She and Noel talked in low voices about where to go - maybe a bit more east? Or stay westward? - and the truck rolled on. Adam, a stranger in America, watched the desert of Texas go by, pink and gold in the dawn and then bright and brown in the harsh light of day. Lucky, in spite of drinking his coffee faster than anybody probably should, was asleep within the first hour, leaned against the window with a string of drool running from the corner of his mouth. Adam considered taking a photo of him on Lucky’s own phone - it was laid on the seat between them, idle - but decided against it, instead pulling out a book about supercell formation and other weather patterns, and starting to read.
Rachael and Noel switched drivers after a few hours, stirring Lucky from his nap. With the students more awake, and no driving duties at hand, Noel took the opportunity to talk Lucky and Adam through the weather tracking software on the laptop, and discussed what they were looking for. “You want to see a big, cool system meeting with some warm air where there’s a lot of moisture,” he explained. “So here’s the barometric pressures as they stand now, and the current radar. Either of you have an idea of where we should go for ideal storm tracking?” Adam and Lucky, each with their own notebooks, did their level best to calculate the possible and likely movements of the systems. Adam considered his work and, eventually, penciled in a careful ‘x’ over a part of the map where it appeared two states met on the north side of the Oklahoma panhandle. Lucky had already finished his own calculations, and they passed their notebooks forward. 
“Alright, let’s see here.” Noel turned around, one notebook in each hand and laptop open in front of him, comparing each of their calculations to his own model. Adam shifted nervously. He was pretty sure with the jet stream so far south, they wouldn’t need to go as north as Lucky had calculated, but then again he hadn’t been confident about the low-pressure area … “Both good maps,” Noel concluded at last. “But I think today we’re going to end up closer to Adam’s.” He turned back to them, smiling, and passed the notebooks back. “Partially because we won’t be able to get that far into Kansas without losing daylight, sorry Lucky, but I don’t know … we’ll have to see. Time will tell.”
“Part of storm chasing,” Rachael added in, “is guesswork. Doesn’t matter how good your models are, doesn’t matter how correct your math’s been, the weather always seems to end up surprising us. It’s part of what makes it fun! And scary, sometimes.”
“Oh, which reminds me: safety briefing.” Noel turned around, suddenly serious as the grave. Adam nodded attentively, shutting his notebook and folding his hands on top of it. “We’ll go through some of Rachael’s lightning equipment afterwards, because eventually you two are going to be doing a lot of work with that, but we need to talk safety.” He sighed and rubbed his neck. “It’s not all fun and photos out here. Let’s talk the anatomy of a storm. Lucky, you first, go over what you know about inflow and outflow, and why that’s important.”
The safety “briefing” actually lasted an entire 3 hours which, honestly, Adam appreciated. They discussed the anatomy of a supercell, the places where you were more likely to get caught off-guard by a rain-wrapped tornado, the places where lighting is more likely to be active, where and how hail forms, and how to best stay safe while studying storms. Noel showed and taught them about the ‘bear’s cage’, and made it very clear that for the most part they would be avoiding that portion of the storm, as neither Noel nor Rachael had a death wish. At the conclusion of his briefing, they stopped for lunch - fast food, which Adam viewed as a particular treat, not having much selection in Tadfield - and switched drivers again.
As they entered the Great Plains region, Adam was taken aback by just how flat everything was. Miles and miles stretched out on either side, level and grassy in the places where it wasn’t level and covered with farmland. Cows - so many cows - grazed and stood and slept and stared at the highway, sometimes, and although Rachael’s instruction on lightning and atmospheric electrical activity was truly interesting, Adam found his mind wandering. 
“Adam?” he was startled from his reverie and study of the plains of the Texas panhandle by Lucky. He turned to find both the other student and Rachael smiling at him. 
He blushed. “Oh, sorry.”
Rachael shrugged. “Don’t worry. It’s a lot of information. We’re probably a few hours out yet, too - are you tired? We can take a break and you can have a nap. We have you both at our mercy for the next six weeks anyway, right?”
Adam laughed. “Yeah. I might nap. Uh, if that’s okay, I mean.” Rachael waved a hand, the universal gesture of ‘go ahead’. Lucky nodded too, slouching back against the seat and stuffing a bundled-up sweatshirt between his head and the window. He was asleep in minutes, eyelids fluttering as he dreamed. Adam leaned up against the window, too, wishing he’d had the foresight to pull a sweatshirt or something out of his own luggage as a makeshift pillow. Still, even without, he found a comfortable position between the headrest and the side of the cab, and drifted off to the sound of the road beneath the truck. 
He wasn’t sure how long he slept, but he didn’t dream, and when he woke up, it was because Lucky was nudging his shoulder. “Hey, dude. We’re getting there: look!”
“Whazz?” Adam blinked, bleary, and then remembered what he was doing. He focused his eyes, rubbed a bit of sleep from them, and looked to Rachael, or at least her shoulder. Her laptop was open on her lap, Baron running. Although he could only see her face in profile, she didn’t look happy.
“Check out the clouds,” Lucky said, pointing across the back seat and out of Adam’s window. “Look. Cumulonimbus.”
Noel glanced out of the window at the clouds. “Yep, for sure. Capped, though. How’s the radar looking, Rachael?”
“Not great,” she replied, glumly. “Honestly it looks like … I hate to say it, but it looks like it might fall apart.” She ran a hand over her hair, pulling a few dark strands loose from her already-messy ponytail. “It just isn’t hanging together like we want it to be.” Turning in her seat, she set the laptop on the center console, the better to show the students in the back seat what she was looking at. “You see this line of storms here? Ideally, I would have liked to see them consolidate more, but they’re spreading out into a squall line.” She pointed to one of the still-consolidated blobs on the radar. “That’s going to be a low-precipitation system, but it might be a good one to see for your first day.” She scowled as she zoomed out. “Look at that - the storms to the east look much better.”
Noel shook his head. “That’s the business, unfortunately. And things might change - you get hooks in squall lines, sometimes.”
“Well, I didn’t want to start these guys out on a bust day.” She studied the radar again after pulling the laptop back onto her knees. “I guess this looks somewhat favorable here, up by Sturgis. No hook, though.” She sighed. “Still might get some lightning and hail, though. You guys want to practice a little with the lightning equipment?”
Adam nodded eagerly. He was disappointed, a little, that the storm was falling apart, but still, a big storm and some lightning would be exciting. Maybe hail. The biggest hail he’d ever seen wasn’t even pea-sized, but he’d seen videos and photos of much larger and he figured it might be cool to see that in person. Providing the windscreen didn’t shatter. He’d seen videos of that, too. He also, he considered, might not want to be out in the hail, setting up monitoring equipment, especially if it was very large.
“Alright. Onwards to Sturgis, then.”
They arrived in Sturgis in the mid-afternoon, moving from blue skies and fluffy cumulonimbus clouds into a giant wall of white and gray. “Shelf clouds,” Rachael said, tracing across the front of the cloud formation. “Adam - what’s the difference between shelf and wall clouds? They look similar, but they’re not the same thing, yes?”
“Right.” He answered slowly, deliberately, making sure he responded as accurately as possible. “Shelf clouds typically form at the front of a storm line, where wall clouds are usually at the back. The shelf cloud is usually because the uh … The downdraft -” Rachael nodded encouragingly, “- Right, the downdraft at the leading edge of the storm cuts under the warm, moist air and forces it up which makes it have the wall shape.”
“Right! Good start for description of a shelf cloud. So a wall cloud - ?”
“Is … is due to uh, en, uh …” He flapped a hand, as if grasping for the word. “En-something, um …”
“Entrainment.” Rachael nodded. “Yeah, that’s right, good start, keep going.”
“Okay so entrainment is when the warm, moist air gets drawn up and like, starts to push out the colder air. And then the warm air continues to gather moisture and condenses into a cloud. It usually happens really quick, and in supercells wall clouds usually rotate due to the mesocyclone.” He was on firmer footing there - he hadn’t done all that reading on supercells that morning for nothing. “Usually they’re under the rain-free base of the storm, not on the leading edge.”
“Right!” She turned back to the windscreen and gestured to the clouds ahead of them. “So these are shelf clouds. They’re still in the distance a little, but what should we expect as we get closer, Lucky?”
“Gusty winds,” the other student answered quickly. “As the cold downdraft shoots forward over the warm air.”
“Right. And what will the clouds look like?”
That was tougher. “If it’s very strong winds,” he said slowly, after a break for thought, “then uh, like the clouds will be kind of messy at the leading edge, and there might be scud along the ground, right?”
“Yep. In really strong storms you can get straight-line winds, vortices along the ground, and gustnados. Which are not tornadoes, right?” She grinned as the boys in the back seat each fixed her with looks of varying puzzlement. “Yes? Either of you know the difference between a gustnado and a tornado?” Neither did, and Rachael was more than happy to explain. Adam diligently took a few notes - outflow, not inflow, and straight line winds versus cyclonic activity - and let Lucky read them over his shoulder. 
“I’m not sure I really understand straight-line winds,” Adam said, when she’d finished her explanation. “I’ve read about them, but can you explain more what -”
“Yeah, for sure!” She continued on, going through the details of a straight-line wind, and how that might be more likely in a squall line than a supercell. Noel would chip in on occasion as well, although for the most part he drove deliberately, watching the clouds, taking measures of the surrounding roads and towns, and following the highways to some nebulous destination. Rachael would add a direction to him mid-lecture sometimes, after consulting Baron, and then would return to the rapt students with more information.
“This is a lot of information,” she added at the end of her lecture. “I’m glad you’re taking notes, but I don’t think many people could remember all of this after one day. We’ll go through it a few times over the weeks, alright?”
“Perfect,” Lucky said, a little glassy-eyed. “Adam, do you mind if I copy your notes? I left my notebook in my bag.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
Noel pulled over on the main highway, as if arriving in some predetermined destination that only he knew, and put the truck into park. “Seems as good a place as any to wait for it to roll in, huh?”
“Not a soul around.” Rachael kicked her door open and jumped to the dusty ground outside. “Great place to practice with the lightning instruments. And we can hang out in the car and watch the storm, as long as it’s safe, yeah?”
Adam and Lucky were already hopping out of the car and headed toward the back gate. Under Rachael and Noel’s tutelage, they set up two of Rachael’s field instruments - a high-speed camera station and a small portable weather monitoring station - and fixed them into the ground with spikes. “Not any good if you can’t find your data-gathering instruments,” Rachael laughed. “Learned that one the hard way early on.”
“Before she met me,” Noel added, and she rolled her eyes. “First chase with me and I asked her ‘so you just let the tornadoes take your high-speed cameras every time?’ and she stared at me like I had three eyeballs all of a sudden.”
“I only ever lost one to a direct hit,” she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest and then, suddenly, wrapping them around herself more tightly. A cold breeze, no, a cold gust blew toward them, kicking up the dust and tossing it into their eyes. “Yep, there’s the gust. In the car, guys, unless you want to experience hail first-hand.”
Two minutes later, and Adam found himself wincing in solidarity with the truck as marble-sized hail hammered the roof and the windscreen. “We use special glass,” Noel shouted to them, over the noise. “It still breaks sometimes, but I have a guy that puts it in for us when we need it.” Lightning forked across the sky, and a blink later a crack of thunder split the air. Lucky jumped, right hand clenched on the door handle and left wrapped tight around his phone, forgotten. “You get that?”
“I don’t think it was a clear shot.” Rachael had her window rolled down as far as she could without letting in undue amounts of hailstones, her camera pointed out toward what had thus far been the most active part of the storm. “Working on it.”
“She can sell these shots,” Noel shouted. “Honestly, taking students and stuff is a good steady source of income, but sometimes the lightning shots are what makes a season for us.”
“No pressure or anything.” Rachael leaned back as the hail pinged off the side of the truck and into her neck. “I dunno, I think there’s too much hail and rain here.”
“You wanna move? We could run east and see if we could get ahead of it.”
She shook her head in response. “Nah, not today. Let’s wait for the worst to pass and then we’ll grab the instruments. The remote might’ve got something.” She didn’t look away from the storm, but she called, “How you two doing? You’re awfully quiet.”
“This is wicked,” Adam said loudly, over the hail, wide-eyed and watching the storm surge around the truck. It almost looked like snow on the road, the hail was falling so heavy and fast. Lucky, still glancing at the lightning shooting through the sky above, had recovered from the shock of the thunder enough to bring his phone up and start taking video. Adam, prompted by that, pulled his own phone out and started recording. “Marble-sized hail,” he explained to the video. “Just outside of Sturgis, Oklahoma.” He’d have to send it to the group when he got back on wi-fi, he resolved, before he stopped the recording and tucked his phone back into his pocket. Definitely the whole extended family of The Them - the core four and the rest of the Nahpocalypse crew - and his sister. He would decide whether or not his parents should see it later. 
When the message dinged onto Crowley’s phone late that night, he and Aziraphale studiously watched Adam’s video of the hail and the storm. “Well, he doesn’t sound afraid,” Aziraphale said. “That’s good.”
“What’s he got to be afraid of?” Crowley reclined his seat and took his phone with him, swapping from the video to some game or another. “Hail wasn’t even that big. We’ve been through bigger storms than that.”
“Not while avoiding miracles,” Aziraphale replied, testily. He had not enjoyed the storm. Crowley hadn’t either, but only because the demon had spent the majority of the time threatening the 4-Runner that if it dared allow the windshield to crack, there would be absolutely horrific repercussions. Aziraphale had had to cut him off when he’d started getting into really descriptive methods of car torture. 
Crowley made a noise of vague disagreement. “There were loads of humans out in it. Weren’t even scared.”
“Because they don’t know better.”
“Or because there wasn’t anything to be worried about.”
Aziraphale relented, slightly. He sat back in his seat, watching the motel across the street with disinterest. The red truck in the parking lot shone in the light. “And you didn’t sense anything evil about it?”
“Not in the slightest.” The music from the game paused. “Why? You get anything?”
Aziraphale frowned, and shook his head. “Not … exactly. But I’m uneasy about this whole thing, Crowley. Not just the weather, bad as that is, but … something feels wrong.” He crossed his legs. “I can’t put a name to it, exactly, but there’s just a strange feeling about all of this.”
“Yeah, two kids you like a lot are in a truck chasing tornadoes. Gives me a weird feeling too, angel.” He propped a foot on the steering wheel and crossed his other ankle over it. “S’called anxiety, not sure you’re familiar with it.”
“I’ve known you for 6000 years, of course I’m familiar with anxiety.”
“That was unfair.” Crowley sniffed, only theatrically offended, and the game resumed. “I have a condition.”
“Which I am familiar with, my dear demon. You’ve made my point.” He waved a hand. “Either way, that’s not the feeling I’m talking about. It’s … Well, it’s almost like we’re being watched. But I don’t sense any goodwill, and you said you’re not sensing any hatred or anger, so?” He made a vague gesture, and then settled his elbow on the windowsill, chin in his hand. “It’s a bit hard to describe.”
Crowley looked to him over the rims of his glasses. “You know, now that you brought it up, I’ve noticed it too. Just thought it was being out of England, though. Or a demon thing.” He shifted in his seat. “We’ll have to pay attention tomorrow.”
“Yes. Yes, quite.” He glanced sidelong at Crowley. “You don’t notice it now, though?”
“There’s a cow about 600 yards that way staring at the road,” Crowley said, pointing to the west. “Only thing watching us around.” Aziraphale hummed a noise of agreement, and settled back. “Do you ever get bored of your games?” he asked, at length, gingerly sliding the seat back and propping his feet on the dashboard. The 4-Runner’s engine purred and the fuel gauge needle, which had been on ‘E’ since early that morning, fluttered. Crowley glared at the radio. “Don’t you start that. Bad enough the Bentley loves him.”
“Possibly slightly.” Crowley tapped the phone screen a few times, and then groaned. “‘Course I get bored of this stuff. But, you know.” He let his head fall back. “Can’t read, didn’t pick an audiobook yet, and I’m not interested in the thing you’re reading right now, sorry.” He unpaused the game. “I’ve got a few podcasts but, eh, you probably wouldn’t like them. Suppose I could get out some headphones,” he considered, after a moment. 
“What’s a podcast?” Aziraphale asked, hands folded on his stomach.
Crowley looked at him, eyebrows raised, although he wasn’t sure why he was surprised. Aziraphale had yet to even get a mobile, and his technological comfort zone didn’t go much past 1945. “Like a … ah, like a radio show? Can be about anything. Educational, entertaining, unsolved mysteries, ah … interviews …”
The angel looked intrigued. “Like a radio play, you said?”
“Some of ‘em, yeah.”
“Let’s try it.”
The game paused again. “Really, Aziraphale? Go on, I know you’d rather read your … what’s it called? Mainlander? The one with the time travel lady, right?”
“Outlander, yes.”
“Right. You can read your book, I’ll put headphones on if I feel like listening -”
Aziraphale pouted. “But I’d like to listen to one.”
The demon looked dubious of this assertion. “Really? You’re serious?”
“You like them, don’t you?”
“Then pick one you’d think I’ll like and we’ll listen together.” Crowley looked shocked. Aziraphale sighed, and reached across the center console, hand outstretched. Comfortably, Crowley slid his into it. “You listened to me read an entire Outlander book, even though you hated it -”
“I didn’t hate -”
“Let’s try a podcast, Crowley.” He squeezed the demon’s hand. “You like the funny ones, I’m sure.”
Crowley watched him for a minute, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop, and then cautiously, closed his game and flipped to a different app. “If you’re sure.” He chewed his lip. “And, uh, yeah. I prefer the funny ones.” He considered the options, squinting at the enlarged print on the screen over the tops of his glasses. “Right. What’re you in the mood for? Murder, dungeons and dragons, advice, ah … no, that’s technology, you wouldn’t like that one, ah, oh, and history.”
Aziraphale’s eyebrows had gone up when Crowley had started listing the options. “I thought you said you preferred the funny ones.”
“I did do, yeah.”
“It’s a comedy murder podcast.” Crowley caught a glimpse of his expression, and snorted. “It works but we can skip that.”
Aziraphale pursed his lips. “Hm. What kind of history?”
“American, mostly.”
“Do that one.”
“Right.” He tapped something on the screen, and then handed the phone to Aziraphale. “Pick a title that looks interesting. Just tap on it when you want it, and then tap the little triangle in the bottom left.” There were a few quiet minutes while the angel browsed, and then he grinned. “Do you have any idea what ‘whalesplosion’ might be about?”
“At a guess,” Crowley sighed, “an exploding whale?”
“I suppose we’ll find out. I wonder how it relates to American history.”
“Never paid as much attention to America,” Crowley agreed, adjusting himself in the seat to hold Aziraphale’s hand more comfortably, while the other laboriously hit ‘play’ on the podcast. The 4-Runner, which had never linked its bluetooth capabilities with Crowley’s phone, and indeed hadn’t really wanted to, nevertheless did so, projecting ‘You’re listening to the Dollop on -’ over the top-of-the-line speakers* with beautiful crystal clarity.
[*Which it hadn’t had, until Crowley had sat in it.]
Twenty minutes later, and Aziraphale and Crowley both were laughing, exchanging incredulous looks, and wordlessly agreeing that they really should be paying more attention to America. And that they would certainly be choosing a second episode at the conclusion of the first one.
Now with Chapter 7!
4 notes · View notes
zeroconnectionn · 6 years ago
alternate music video for Sucker by Jonas Brothers feat. jaime and brienne in fancy clothes chase-dancing each other through a museum. I’m keeping it under the cut because it’s super long (it’s just text... in bullet points again bc i can’t write unless it looks like lists... mayhaps there is a drawing at the end...)
so pretend this is one of those music videos with an obnoxiously long introductory scene where the music starts late in the video. We see doors being pushed open and Brienne storming out of it with tears in her eyes, Jaime following closely behind her, calling out to her. 
When he catches up, he starts apologizing for something that happened inside (he’s not at fault). Maybe they bumped into nasty Lannister relatives at the function or maybe the press was annoying them with questions about their relationship, either way it soured her mood and she just wants to go home.
(btw Jaime’s looking sharp in a fancy suit and Brienne is in a tailored dress that fits her perfectly because obvs Jaime got the measurements right!)
We see them walking briskly down the street, Brienne assuring him she’s fine (she’s not) and stops to hail a cab. Jaime doesn’t want the night to end yet, not like this at least, so he looks around to find a place they can be together a little longer, away from people. He spots a museum across the street and grins, tugging her arm and walking them there. Brienne groans and shakes her head all the way there. Jaime tells her ‘Trust me, it’ll be fun’. They approach the man at the counter who tells them they have 30 minutes before the museum closes. Jaime pays for the tickets, thanks the man, and ushers Brienne into the first exhibit. To their relief, they seem to be the only ones there.
Jaime starts cracking jokes at everything he sees, animatedly gesturing at things as an attempt to cheer her up and distract her. Brienne offers him an appreciative smile but stays mostly quiet and crosses her arms, distant and still feeling insecure from earlier events. Jaime sees this and sighs. He doesn’t want her to think that he’s uncomfortable with being seen in public with her, like he’s ashamed to call her his girlfriend. Like he doesn’t enjoy her company. He plots a way to save their night (and possibly their relationship).
At the second exhibit, he tells Brienne he has to go the men’s restroom but actually goes to see the man behind the counter for a favour. When he comes back, they walk around the exhibit in silence, examining things separately. Brienne sighs, a little frustrated and turns to him, "Can we please go now?". Jaime stays silent but holds a finger up, motioning her to wait. Brienne looks at him confused but before she can ask, pop music starts playing from the speakers. Jaime grins at her. And Oh, she Knows that look too well, he's planning something. Brienne watches him closely, one eyebrow raised.
Jaime, still grinning, walks a few paces away from her, then turns around and does a dramatic popping arm wave and passes it to her. He raises an eyebrow at her, encouraging her to accept the wave. Brienne scoffs at him, bewildered but secretly amused. She turns her back to him and walks away. For a second, Jaime’s worried he's pushing things too far tonight with the sudden dance, afraid she’ll leave. As his arm lowers, Brienne rolls her (BEAUTIFUL MUSCULAR BARE) shoulders and cracks her neck. A pause. And she tentatively extends her arm, bends it 90 degrees and does a robot wave, passing it back to him. Sucker starts playing, ‘We go together’. Jaime's face immediately lights up, captivated by her and her trust in him. Brienne looks at him embarrassed but determined, wanting to give this a try.
And they dance. Brienne totally does that Pick Up Gown/Skirt And Sway It Left And Right like Emma Stone did in La La Land. There are also disco moves, attempted hip hop moves, a little waltz here and there (Jaime leading and dipping her effortlessly, sometimes Brienne twirls him), looking at each other while doing the side shuffle from The Breakfast Club
When the chorus hits, ‘I'm a sucker for you, you say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly’, they’re running around exhibits, touching things they're not supposed to, Jaime twirling her, Brienne teasing him, Jaime chasing after her, Jaime doing the splits and failing (and Brienne laughing at him)
Everything is magical and playful, bokeh lights everywhere. In one of the hallways, they do the back and forth shimmy towards each other. In another exhibit, they sit on a bench and do something like the tap dance scene in La La Land
Also like.. the best thing about brienne's dance moves is that it's based off her longsword training. The way she spins her body and arms? Her wrist and feet? She's channeling her training, but it’s a little different from Arya’s water dancing. Brienne’s movements are more masculine and powerful but it makes her feel so good because it's what she's familiar with. And Jaime loves it, heart eyes and admiration 24/7. But Brienne also dares to step out of her comfort zone and try more feminine movements, because she Wants to and Jaime + empty museum is giving her a safe space to explore that side of her. "And you're making typical me break my typical rules" <3
For our viewing pleasure (lmao), their movements start having more finesse and we watch as they transform into skilled contemporary dancers. We see Brienne grabbing his tie and pulling him towards her, pressing her palms onto his chest to push him away, Jaime’s hands running down her sides before she slips out of his hold, Jaime picking her up and pressing her close against him, LOTS of almost-kisses, and the finale... Jaime on his knees crawling towards Brienne as she grips his tie tightly in one hand and a high heel on his shoulder WITH LEG PEEKING THROUGH THE DRESS AAA 
This dance is totally trying to parallel their fight in the books.... it’s just.... sex guys....
Eventually, they stumble into the lobby and Jaime is tryna steal a kiss but the song abruptly stops. We see a security guard staring at them with a flashlight. He tells them the museum closed 10 minutes ago and they need to go now. Brienne and Jaime awkwardly apologize and leave in silence, Brienne covering her face in embarrassment... but once they're outside, they burst out laughing uncontrollably, sides hurting. Jaime wipes a tear from his eye and fishes out his phone to book them an Uber. We see Brienne touch his wrist and shake her head, "I have a better idea”. She smirks and juts her chin towards a building down the street. Jaime gives her his famous s7 “fuck loyalty?” confused look
In the next scene, the song continues with the chorus “I’m a sucker for you” but this time they're in some downtown club, wearing the same clothes, pressed closely to one another, beaming and bopping to the music. Time seemingly slows down, we see Brienne and Jaime doing shots and letting loose, having so much fun on the dance floor. And even though it’s packed, their eyes are only on each other.
As the music fades out, the scene transitions to the next morning, we see Brienne drooling and sleeping naked under the covers, hair disheveled, their clothes scattered on the floor. Jaime, equally disheveled, rises up quietly and presses a kiss to her temple. He walks to the kitchen to make them coffee and as he’s waiting for the water to boil, we hear a shit ton of notification sounds from his phone. He unlocks it and it's from.... everyone. He opens his chat with Tyrion first. "Had fun last night??? Father is gonna be so pissed. Proud of you two". Confused, Jaime scrolls down and opens a link Tyrion shared. It's an article about him and Brienne's night at the club from the night before. The title is something like "Lion of Lannister parties hard with Mysterious Tarth Girl". Whoever wrote it (in my head it was Ellaria Sand hehe) said very interesting but glowing things about Brienne, which amuses him. He’s not at all surprised by how fast the media works by now but he’s grateful for the pleasant change in the way the media is reporting their relationship today. 
He scrolls through the gallery of pictures attached to the article and stops at a somewhat blurry but candid picture of Brienne, looking confident and free. He stares at the picture for a solid minute, drinking in every detail. Her arms thrown up, legs bent, eyes wild, toothy smile. Brienne living in the moment. Brienne being herself. Brienne happy. Jaime doesn’t think twice before saving that picture and making it his lock screen picture. As he switches back to the messaging app to reply Tyrion, there's a loud crash and scream coming from the bedroom. "They said WHAT about me!?" Jaime shakes his head as he laughs, pours them both a mug of coffee and walks off screen with their mugs. The music video ends.
I have no life so I also drew this!!!!!!!!!
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Also for whatever reason, I couldn’t stop thinking about music related AU’s like:
Music and Lyrics AU: Jaime, the former 80′s pop music heartthrob and Brienne, his neighbour who’s looking for more jobs to pay her rent. Imagine them writing and singing Way Back Into love again
Pitch Perfect AU: Brienne, the new Barden Bellas recruit and Jaime, the leader of the Treblemakers. Everyone knows they’re in love except them.
The Office’s Jim & Pam Wedding March but it’s Jaime and Brienne and Sansa + Tyrion (together or not together, up to you) planning it
Lip Sync Battle. Who wins? What are the two songs they perform? How extra were they?
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adultstories4u · 6 years ago
I had no idea now many enemies I had made while a city traffic cop for nearly six exciting years. That was until I was fired from the job for trying to fix some politicians speeding ticket another veteran officer had written up two days earlier. Unable to land another state wide Law Enforcement job for nearly three long searching months, I finally took a thirty hour a week rather low paying position as a security doorman at a well know downtown Gay Club. Christ only into my second hour of my very first shift, I caught some older fag merrily sucking away on a large stiff cock right in front of the two mensroom urnals! Right on the spot I made a citizens arrest for lewdness and marched him straight into Mr. Hendersons private office. It was there I learned that I was always supposed to just look the other way when it came to any Sexual Activities within that private club. So as the weeks flew by, I found myself witnessing first hand, a great deal of sex acts going on in many different parts of the club. Most were blow jobs performed right out in plain sight. Somehow viewing these as well as a few after hours closed locked doors anal and sucking orgies on the front stage soon had me a bit more than curious! So as my first month ended, I allowed some lavish pink clad queen to suck me off in the back beer storage room. God, I couldn’t believe how wonderful his/her practiced mouth made my nice sized neglected cock feel! No woman had ever come even close to giving me so much wonderful physical pleasure. Soon I found myself getting almost nightly blow jobs during my half hour mid evening breaks. Mostly from Pixie as she choose to call herself while every now than, allowing a few other of the regular CD’s to also suck me off! By this point in time, everyone had openly started calling me Officer Dick! So with each new nightly sex experience, I found myself not only loving it more and more, but also starting to think about actually trying to suck another mans cock! No not the fem acting prancing queens, but rather the bike leather crowd gay faction who all seemed so much more masculine and manly to me. It was one named Butch who I found myself having the most interest in. He was a very dominant type who seemed to be the self appointed leader of that group that called themselves the Top Riders. As our new friendship blossomed over those next few weeks, I confided in Butch about my new gay urges and feelings! He would always laugh and tell me To stop being a sissy and to go for it! Adding he was sure I was going to love switching from women to men! So with my mind finally made up, one Saturday nite after hours, I sat with his bunch and smoked my very first pot ever! Within a short time, I guess I had gotten stoned real good and found myself accompanying Butch into the mens room. Having to rid myself of some of those four or five beers I had just downed, I stood in front of one urnal while Butch pulled up to the other one on my right side. Somehow as I began pissing, I looked over in secret hopes of grabbing a glance at his DIck! An Oh what a majestic oversized Dick Butch had! Even soft it was almost as long and much thicker than my own seven incher when rock hard! After peeling back his pocketed foreskin, Butch just stood there holding it while I was unable to take my eyes off of it! Advertisements God just its sight had me feeling so Strangely Gay and Different than Ever Before! Noticing my interested eyes, Butch smiled while asking me if I’d like to follow him into one of the stalls? Maybe thirty seconds later, I found myself standing along side the open cubicle door while Butch dropped his leather riding pants and sat down. Moving forward a bit on the seat, he let his balls hang down over the front edge of the toilet while that massive cock of his had me completely spellbound as it began to lengthen and thicken into a more than impressive erection! Right then and there, I had already made up my mind to become submissive for him as I stood waiting for some kind of direction? “You know the cocksuckers comode drill by now!” he said to me while adding, “Get on your knees and get busy!” Yes while feeling a bit unsure and a bit afraid, I also felt some building excitement as I knelt down on that hard marble flooring. After weeks of secretly suck fantasizing while jerking myself off alone in my appartment, It was actually going to finally happen! My right hand was slightly shaking as it moved forward to feel a cock other than mine for the very first time ever! A cock so much bigger and so thick then that my hand barely was able to wrap around its girthy shaft. It was like I was helplessly hypmotised in some sexual trance as I began to quite gayly explore a good solid nine inches of then thobbing warm manmeat! Stoned good from both the pot and the beers, all of my resistence or sound reasons were gone as I began to loveingly stroke its entire length. Now as it stood sticking out at a 45 degree upward angle, both of Butchs strong hands together grabbed the back of my head and pulled it downward and forward. Quite willingly and submissively I parted my quivering lips as my flairing nostril inhaled the strong fregrence of Butche’s Big Prick! Then I was actually taseting it as its large oval knobby bulbus head slipped well past my outstretched lips. As my mind raced in the reality that I had Stiff Cock in my mouth, its strong musky like flavor began to sting my tastebuds. Next as I instinctively tightened my lips just beyond Butche’s glans, I felt a new kind of peaceful contentment as if my tongue suddenly had grown a mind of its own. Yes it began to lick warm hard Prickhead that immediately began to throb in response. Now fully beginning to understand the many Thrills and Joys associated with Sucking on A Hot Thick Cock, like every new first time dicklicker, I found myself overrun with wanting yet more of it to worship and sample. Butch told me then to watch my teeth as I began to breathe through my nose. Next those strong hands of his were guiding my head back and forth in three to four inch strokes as it began to Mouth Fuck Me a bit deeper! With each new exciting introduced inch, I found myself feeling so incredibly excited and more turned on. While my slopply novice mouth was making loud sucking noises, I reached down to my uniformed pants to free my own rock hard dick. While I wasnt at all expecting Butch to suddenly remove it from my mouth and to stand up, I did lean back far enough so that it now was nearly level with my lower face. His deep voice was firm and in total control as he ordered me to “Suck It Like a Bitch in Heat!” Having shed every last ounce of my pride or shame, I became Butches Toilet Stall Blow Boy as I crudely but greedily began to deeply mouth that magnifficent Dick of his! God how alive and sexual I felt as my head began to bob like it was a mouth cunt made just for Butches selfish pleasure. When his head found my tight throat opening, he told me to relax and not to even think about trying to swollow as I began to slightly gag in relex. Then almost magically, his powerful hips suddenly thrust forward as it was rammed right down my throat. For maybe 10 seconds, Butch left it in all the way as I felt his hairly balls resting on the cleft of my chin. Then he withdrew most of it to only again shove it all the way home. This made me feel not only proud, but also so Wonderfully Submissive as well. Yes I was then loving Giving Head more than anything I could ever remember. Now Butch became quite verbal as he told me He had a Big four day old Hot Load that my new Faggot Mouth was just going to Love! “COME ON YOU SUBMISSIVE COP COCKSUCKER”, “SUCK IT REAL GOOD BOY” ‘GO AFTER MY BIG HOT FOUL SOUPY LOAD” “OH YEAH BITCH” “KEEP THAT UP AND YOUR GONNA HAVE TO DO SOME FAST SWOLLOWING” Butches words then only servered to excite me yet greater. Now not onlywas the reality that I submissively sucking on a gigantic thick stiff cock turning me on, but also the fact that the he soon would be forcing me to take his big hot load as well. Both thoughts excited me greaty durning those next few minutes before the feel of thick warm wetness began to sting my tastebuds. God Butch was shooting off right inside of my mouth and just like the many Fem Queens I viewed over the past several weeks, I too was loving it and allowing it to really happen. Sex stories: My teacher and me After blasting himself off to a long enjoyable Cum. Butch only smiled down at me before stepping aside and leaving that often used Suck Stall. Remaining on my knees, I freed my own rock hard dick and with eyes closed, jacked for no more than a minute before getting off a great long lasting powerful feeling load. Yes the taste of three quarters of a mouth full of fresh strong biker sperm only served to excie and enhance my wonderful climax. That night I hung in the mens room forgetting and neglecting my duties. Word had gotten out around the main room about Officer Dicks sudden emergence into a toilet stall Cocksucker. Yes it was mix of both Leather clad bikers as well as Drag queens that I took on for nearly two wonderful action packed hours. Later a popular older club Queen named Sherry Beth took me out for coffee and then to her place to talk to me until well after the sun had come up. I was totally amazed when she told me that with the right makeup and clothing, I would make an almost passable Cross Dresser. Somehow this triggered a strange new curiousity on my part. Yes while she only briefly did up my face that morning. I was mezmerized at how different looking at myself in her dressing mirror made me feel inside. Now with my buzz completely vanished, I sucked her small cock off to full competion loving the lip stick marks my many quite fem planted kisses had left on it. Yes after weeks of curious thoughts and strange new gay feelings, I had given in and had discovered that Gay Sex was far more exciting and erotic to me than any of my many past expericence with woman had been. Seeking yet more stimulation while working, a few nights later under my uniform security pants, I wore a pair of tight fitting pink thongs that had my cock hard most of the night. During my half hour breaks, I too became a rest room stall Cocksucker! While the anal part of gay sex didnt seem to interest me at all. I had become fully addicted cocksucker who couldnt wait the hit the club five nights a week. Loving to suck mensroom cock while wearing bright red or pink glossy lipstick, soon all the regular members and staff were calling me Officer PeterMaid instead of Officer Dick. Soon besides wearing womans panties, I also wore nylon stockings under my uniform pants. Oh how great and electric their silk tightness felt tightly clinging to my legs. More and more I found myself attracted to the always numerous Club Cd Queens, Ts”s and Tv’s. I found great excitement in viewing their wide variety of many different sexy fem outfits! Yes often I would go to Shelly Beths apartment and loved it when she would do a make up job on me and let me wear some of her vast wardrobe of Femmine attire. Yes Shelly much rather preferred taking stiff cock in her Bitch pussy rather than in her mouth. So as a reward for her making me up and dressing me, I began to fuck her tight smooth bitch pussy quite often! One night she even gave me a wonderful rim job and then used her tiny finger to introduce me into the vast joys of anal pleasure. I liked it so much , that two nights later in an out of town Porn shop, I bought myself both a small butt plug as well as a very narrow soft latex anal vibrator. Yes soon besides my cock craving mouth, I had a second hole that also craved and enjoyed firm round sex toy penetration! Now was added another sexual article under my uniform trousers. Yes shear hose, sexy panties and a inserted butt plug to make my asshole feel so alive and wonderful each and every work night. Needing far more pay to make ends meet, Mr. Henderson let me also fill a part time bartenders position! Within a month in which I loved and took to it like a duck to water, I became one of the two main night bartenders and was earning almost as much money as I had when on the Police force. Most in tax free tips! Yes no longer a secuity guard, I was far more happy as I could spend my time socializing instead of patroling the lounge or checking IDS! Now with my hair much much longer than my former required police force short haircuts, I had both ears pierced and began to wear both sets of ear rings Shelly Beth had loaned me. Also just enough lipstick to show I was gay and had a fem side to me. Next came light but detectable brow liner and within a month, enough makeup to leave no doubts I had become the clubs newest queen! Yes after work many a night, I would allow my self to be picked up by regulars or customers that I found interesting and quite Sexy! One of the first was a friendly stranger name Bob who put the make on me all night long. I found him quite attractive and loved the way he was always checking out my fairly round ass. In fact by closing time, he had made it clear that he would love to take me back to his motel room and fuck the shit out of me till daylight. Bob was a married businessman from the mid west who had such a sexy accent. Yes more than long overdue to take my first real cock up my ass, I let Bob pick me up and take my to his room. Bob’s cock was more than perfect as he waisted little time stripping down bare ass naked. Perhaps not quite six inches, it was slender with a small head that I know wouldnt be the least bit painful in deflowering me. Sex stories: First time skinny dipping Bob loved my lavendar panties and black fishnets. After only a few minutes of submissivelly sucking his lovely dick from my knees, he couldnt wait to mount me doggy style. Oh how wickidly naughty and aroused I was as I got on all fours at the end of his hotel bed and stuck my naked excited soon to become a pussy ass out over its end. Yes at last instead of rubber or latex, I was going to finally get the real deal! How heavenly were those ten exciting minutes for me! Such wonderful discoveries of new feelings as my sensitive nerve endings delivered such divine sparks of pleasure from the friction of Bob’s stiff two way sliding dick. Yes I found getting fucked was every bit as Erotic and Enjoyable as Sucking Cocks had ever been for me. Waiting some 40 minutes for Bob to get it up again was well worth the wait, as it took him over half a hour of screwing before his second load arrived. To celebrate my having become a full fledged Cock Bitch, that very next night I showed up at work in full drag! Shelly Beth had spent well over an hour on my complete makeover transformation. Wearing her favorite white button down silk blouse with a nicely matching pink short mini, my freshly shaved legs looked stunning in her carefully selected white flowertopped fishnets. A pair of size 12 two inch black patten leather pumps finished off my street clothes while below them I wore a shear set of matching silver panties and bra that has cost Shelly Beth a small fortune. With my eye lids masked heavily in a med shade of blue mascaria, my now long jet black eye lashes really stuck out! The lipstick Shelly Beth had chosen was a glossy soft off tone pink that seemed to match perfectly with the long golden blonde wig Shelly had carefully chosen. With it being my one short four hour workshift to work per week, eleven clock rolled around fairly fast I removed my bar apron and became a customer. Already a host of the regulars had hit on me as I found myself being bought drinks by them right and left. By midnight, I was so carefree and felt so wildly sexy as well! Unknown to me then, Butch and his gang of the Leather Tops had planned a special private party at their large rented club motorcycle garage! Yes myself, Shelly Beth and Clitty Cock Chantel as she liked to call herself, were the three carefully chosen Bitches of the Night! With seven bottom pretty boys also on that special invite list, 10 of us cocksuckers and cocklovers arrived just before one am. along with some 26 different tops into many kinds of Gay Fettishes. Yes leather types, muscle men, jocks, skinheads, masters and even a few normal dressed men all offered us a wide varitey of exciting male meat to choose from! With the flirting, drinking and drugs all done back at the club, little time was waisted once Spider chained the front garage door shut from the inside! Such electrical engery seemed to be flowing from everywhere as a few already stiff cocks were openly exposed. One was seated sidesaddle on a full dressed harley as Clitty Cock Chantel quicky made her way over to it. Soon she was kneeling with it deep embeded inside of her brightly painted fem lips. Almost instantly, two of that bikers club brothers moved in to explore Chantels very sexy well rounded pettite inviting ass. Yes her skirt quickly found it way up to cover one side of that harleys handle bars as her white silk bikini panties were hurridly removed. Soon she was lifted back up on her feet and was bent over sucking side saddle cock while Bruno slipped on a lubed skin and moved in behind her. Dam how hot I felt watching from perhaps 12 feet away. Then looking around, I viewed five different cocks being taken into five diffferent submissive gay mouths. This while viewing Shelly Beith sitting sideways in Buches lap while heavily making out with him. All night long I had felt so wonderfully attractive and sexy and popular in my brand new cross dressing role! Why now was I being totally ignored and so much alone? All around that garage were so many men or girly boys engaged in wide open lustful homosexual acts ! So much sucking was going on as well a few hot backdoor fucks. It was then that Spider came over to me. He told me many of the Leather Tops were going to party with me a bit later on. I almost fainted when he told me he wanted to have me strip down to my sexy lingerie and go for a ride with him on the back of his Harley Chopper which he planned on riding ball assed naked! If I wasn’t a bit tipsy, I would have certainly never even considered it at all. However after smoking half a joint with spider, I weakend and somehow agreed. Soon a completely naked Spider was kickstarting his chopped Sportster with I care folded Shelly Beths borrowed blouse and skirt and put them safely aside. I guess the sudden sounds of Spiders roaring 1250 cc engine alerted the garage. While Butches younger cousin Frenchy unchained and opened one of the front garage doors, everyone seemed to stop and began to watch. Just before sitting on the back of Spiders custom two level seat, a smiling Shelly Beth suddenly walked up to me while holding a med sized already lubed butt plug! She told me that Butch personally wanted me to put it up my ass so I would never forget my Erotic Ride and be fully ready and hot for the gang bang that awaited me upon Spiders return. Looking over, Butch was then wearing a broard smile as he motioned for me shove that toy up my ass and to climb aboard! Never having taken anything so dam thick up my almost new pussy ass, I let Shelly Beth take off her silver panties and bent over. Yes it felt so dam big and wide and caused me some pain before its large thick girth slipped beyond my tight stubborn spinchter rim muscle. Next I felt those unmistable Harley vibrations as I centered my ass on the back of the seat and tightly wrapped both arms around Spiders waist! “Hold on tight honey! ” he said before reveing the motor and releasing the cluch. Over the powerful motor noises, I heard a few low cheers as the I felt the cool night air hitting my face and half naked body! Sex stories: My wife bought me a massage God how queer and feminine I felt as Spider weaved his way around those city streets never once stopping for a stop sign or red light! That dido felt so wonderful inside of my turned on ass which was receiving such stimulating Harley vibrations! Perhaps ten exciting minutes had passed before I saw the flashing blue lights of the cruiser in both of Spiders rear view mirrors. As Spider pulled his Sportster over to the curb, my Erotic Ride had instantly changed to one of complete fear and terror! Both grinning cops I had known well during my time on the force. Neither had the sightest clue to who I really was! They referred to me Gay Lady Gidiva while calling Spider Nude Keinevil. With no licience or regestration to show identy or ownership, they were going to run us both in and call a tow truck before I pleaded for mercy. With no real choice, I identified myself to them. Both had to take several deep long looks before breaking out in laughter! Yes they let us go but not before a few lewd remarks which included telling the entire dept. how Officer Dick Murphy had turned into a Drag Queen. Yes tears were flowing from both of my heavily made up eyes as that Harley again came to life and did a U turn to get back to the Leather Tops garage. Upon our arrival, Spider spun his tale which everyone took with a great degree of laughter. Climbing off I sought out Shelly Beth and wanted to go home as quickly as possible. Removing that butt plug from my ass, I threw it in a cruddy looking tash can and went to get my blouse and skirt. However both were gone from where I had left them and one of the few visable Top Riders told me they were in the back clubhouse room along with Shelly Beth. Yes after knocking on the locked door and identifying myself, I was admitted into almost total darkness not knowing that nine stiff biker cocks were awaiting my tight nearly virgin ass or my now recently converted cocksucking bitch mouth. After unseen hands guided me along several feet, the lightswitch was hit and I found myself almost completely surrounded by the main core of the Top Riders. Looking beyond them, I spotted Shelly Beth completely passed out. Her expensive nylons were full of long runs and her bra was ripped and hanging down with only one of her intact shoulder straps keeping it from falling off of her. I felt instant fear as those lewd grins each one wore had Gang Bang written all over them. Butch seemed so different than his regular self. Much more hardline and cruel as he infomed me that after six or so stiff cocks got my tight pussy to open up and fully respond, His big cock was going to fully brand me as his FEM FAGGOT FUCK FORMER PIG! Dressed in only my garter belt, fishnet hose and Shelly’s silver bra, I began to shiver as they moved in on me. Yes they were going to take me rough and selfishly as I began to pleas for mercy and understanding. It wasover an old faded tan couch arm that my lower tummy was laid as the open hand spanking of my exposed ass cheeks began. Yes stinging non stop hard slaps that soon had me squirming and kicking to try to escape. But so many strong hands were holding me down in place. Yes dispite having taken advanced lessons while back on the force, I was destined without hope to be used any way they chose. Yes totally unknown to me, most of them had served some time behind bars, they were true cop haters and certainly not my friends. Since my very first day at the club as a secuity guard, this night of revenge had been well planned and looked forward to. Yes Butch had turned me into a cocksucker and along with his cousin Shelly Beth, I was blindly lead down the path leading to homosexuality. Slowly turned into a Queer Queen who truly deserved to be brutally fucked up the ass. Yes I was in pure hell taking those first three stiff punishing bareback pricks up my ex cop ass. But somehow somewhere along the line, began to start liking it both physically and mentally as well. My moans had switched from moans of pain to moans of enjoyed pleasure. The madder they got, the most savagely my ass was pounded which only served to excite me yet greater! By the time a very pissed off Buch mounted me from behind, I had ejaculated twice without even being touched. Yet my ex cop cock remained rock hard as his giant mushroom cockhead rammed 10 inches of my sensitive bowel linings in bliss! I began to beg him to fuck me harder, faster and deeper. I told him how I loved his big balls bouncing off of my backside. I guess after five more minutes Butch gave up and actually went soft on me. I did offer to suck him off and recieved a hard back handed bitch slap across my face. So I was allowed to wake up Shelly Beth and gather up as much of her clothing as we could find. On the way home she cried telling me she was Butches cousin and was so terribley sorry to have betrayed our friendship. So soon after at the club, I took up with the hard core B@D or S@M fettish groups. Yes rough sex fit my needs so perfectly. Soon I met and became a Slave to Mistress Mago, a tall man hater who loved strap on sex with sissies. Yes while I’m nothing more that a sissy slut pig, I love my new lifestyle and have never been happier. Oh yes a few times I’ve been pulled over and asked by a grinning cop Whats up! Hey fuck them all as far as I’m concerned. To each his own. So tell me, “What turns you on the most? ”
The post Going from being a Cop to becoming a Sissy Cocksucker appeared first on Desi Stories.
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i-am-your-dragon · 6 years ago
Its time to meet the King of the dragons: Bio Roark
Human form:
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Dragon form:
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Name: Roark
Species: Dragon
Age: over 600 years old
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Looks:  Roark is a 6'0"tall over 600 years old dragon.
In his human form he is a bald muscular man around 50 with wide shoulders, six-pack(Face claim is Bruce Willis) His eyes are bluish green with brown spot in his right eye, his nose is straight, his face masculin and his lips full. He clad his body in suits red, black sometimes grey without a fly or tie. His only jewelries are three massive golden rings with his kingdom sign and a ring with a drop of the a lock of his queen in it a gift to his 500 birthday.
His dragon form has three heads, three personalities, one is calm and polite it has ocean blue eyes, one is wild and rough one eyes dark golden and one is neutral and the leader of both deciding wich head to listen to has green eyes. Kinda like Angel and Devil on shoulder.
Scars: He has many scars from many battles with humans and other enemies. The worst is decorating his back after he was struck by lightning as child thought.
Clothing: Like said above he is wearing mostly suits and casual clothes like button up shirts, shirts and mostly long pants.
Weapons: He fights with one sword a gigantic one because if he fights he fights in his dragon form. Not that his human form is any weaker but he likes to scare his enemies with his gigantic sword and dragon form.
Personality: Roark is a strongwilled fair and calm ruler. He who would do all for his family and folk. He loves children and is popular with the kids on his island. Beside his age he is still a modern man and likes the inventions of humans. Even thought he rarelly leaves his castel to see them for himself because he need to keep an eye on his folk.
Relationships: He only fell in love once with his queen and had two daughters and three sons with her. Sadly the queen and princesses died on the virus who is killing the female dragons.
Thats why he is forced as the young male of his folks including his sons to search for a bride in his case a queen to safe his race.
Likes: -Roark likes fruits he has a weakness for sweet fruits like strawberries.
-He is satisfied when his folk is happy and trys his best to please them.
He loved his queen over all and his daughters and visits their graves every day.
-He likes to go climb the mountains on his island, it keeps his body beside the training with his much younger royal gards healthy.
-He is a romantic deep hidden inside and enjoyed to go on walks under the starlight with his queen or have picnicks under the moonlight.
He loves children and is a protective, strict big teddy bear father.
-Roark loves music and sometimes sings with his folks at little festivals. His voice is and and raspy voice makes the female dragons falling in love with him.
-He prefers baths over showers mostly using them at the evening to relax and think over the day.
-The king of dragons dislikes lies! Honesty is important for him even if the truth could be rough. He would never lie.
-In many battles he surivived he took lifes but he hates to kill and only does it if there is no other way.
-Roark hates hunters and he knew they are still out there trying to find his folk.
-He dislikes any violence against woman and childrend punishes it mercyless.
-He cant stand it if someeone calls him old king. He does not feel old and always tells them to wait until he is over 1000. He does not planning to die anytime soon.
-Roark hates traitors and knows no mercy for them. Traitors are in his eyes are dragons who hurt humans who didnt started the battle. Killing out of hate who is sadly still living within the hearts of many of his people.
-Hurt one of his children thats how he sees his folk and you will feel his wrath. Mercyless he will hunt you down no mattr where you hide he will find you and take revenge for his child.
Background Story:
Roark was born over 600 years ago by Queen Regina as the youngest son of King Seoras. His older brother Neacal who was born to become king over the kingdom sadly was killed by dragon hunter as Roark turned 2 years. To soon his childhood ended four years later as his father left their kingdom for war. His days where endlessly filled with many lessons and hard training to make a strong king out of him. Only his mother took care of it that he sometimes could be a child and took him out on walks through his kingdom to be closer with the folks and learn from them as well. With eight years old he was almost killed by lighting striking him as he run away from the castle after a fight with his teacher. To his luck and all of his folks, he could be saved but a scar where the lightning hit him was decorating now his back. The young dragon king met his queen Rhiannon as teen when he was sixteen. She was one of the lady’s daughters who where friends with his mother. He just saw her and knew she was it. But she had eyes for another dragon at that time. That didn’t stop Roark to fight for her heart. First he tried to impress her with this title and spoiled her with gifts. But soon he realized the red haired beauty was not touched the slightest by it. Only as he showed her his true wild, kind hearted self he managed to win her over and after his father return he asked for the blessing by his and her parents. Three years later he married her and was pulled in to his first battle. He disappeared for one and a half year missing the birth of his first son prince Alasdair. In the war he lost many of his loyal men. It hardened him and almost filled his whole heart with hate. Only his queen Rhiannon could save him from it by introduccing to him his son Alasdair and only two years later making him the gift of twin boys Keane and Seoras. He soon began to teach them how to read, to fight and climb. His three boys are his pride. Alsadair is more like his mother while the twins come after their father. As the war with the humans became worse the dragons made horrible decision what still haunts Roark until this days. They find out that a human bride who was burn to ashes while giving birth made the dragons become stronger.
But the horrible act made the humans fight back with wizards and witches. Making Roarks father their traitor through mind control spell. His father and he had to fight but it ended as the father broke out of the spell and attacked the hunters. King Seoras found it end through their hands as many dragons.
Arman a dragon who kept his bride alive showed the dragons too late that human and dragon could live in happiness together. This made now King Roark decide to save the rest of his folks by calling one of the first dragons for help through a old wind ritual, after all was said that the soul of a dragon became one of the many colors fo the sky and can be seen carried by the wind. The dragon appeared in his dreams that night and showed him a island made grown on his bones and told him old forgotten words of a spell to hide this island from humans and any other beings. After he woke up in the deepest night he ordered his folk to build ships. He worked side by side with them driven by the hope in a better future for his kind. From over 40 big ships only 34 arrived safely at the island. Where Roark immedatly put on the spell like the old dragon told him letting his kind disappear for the rest of the world. Many, many years later the queen gave birth to his two daughters: Jovia, and Junia. The kingdom was blessed the folk started to grew more and more. But the king didnt liked how they where cut out from the rest of the world and decided to send young brave dragons out from time to time to visit the human world and keep an eye on them. Soon he danced on the weddings of his twins and after them his oldest son finally find his mate. It made the much older dragon King happy to see his family grow and his folk with them. Roark also decided to give festival every year for the many human brides who where killed so horribly by his kind. It was build a statue of the last bride who was killed in such a way and beg their forgiveness with flowers, salty pastery as symbol for the tears and red wine for the blood that flown. Sad songs will be carried through the whole island on this day. Also to remember how they forced the human to give away their beautiful virgins they have a special wedding ritual the dragon man is waiting on the island while the bride with her family is on a ship prepared clad in her white dress traditional jewelry. She is put in to boat to lay down and sing a song. An old song who humans sang to call the dragon in to their village to take away his bride. The bride and her family will sing it and the dragon male will take her with the boat in his dragon from to the island there they will be awaited by the priest. Roarks kingdom was growing through the inventations his spions brought to it and it seemed like he really brought his kind in to the perfect paradise... Sadly a few years ago a horrible virus started to take away the female dragons lifes. His heart broke as his queen and daughters fell to the virus. He himself carried them alone in his dragon form to their family grave to put them to rest beside his mother. Who was one of the first dragon women who fell to this horrible invisible death. As he saw the hate growing inside his young dragon men and his sons hearts, the dragon king decided to send them out in the world to find their happiness and see the human world for themselves. He gave them three months to find a bride or the cure for the virus.
But after almost the end of the third month he grew tired of waiting and decided to visit the human world himself.
To may find some help for his kind and a new queen.
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hari-writes · 7 years ago
Three Sides to the Story - Chapter 13
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Pairings: Adrien/Marinette Marinette/Chat Noir Summary: It’s been almost three years since Adrien Agreste walked out of Marinette’s life. An accidental meeting at a party starts a course of events that will either drive them together or further apart. Meanwhile, Plagg and Tikki have had enough of their holders’ indecision and obliviousness.
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
5th April - before sunrise
Cat Noir ran.
He didn’t know what else to do. He needed to think.
He had returned home from Marinette’s and paced for what felt like hours before deciding that the best way to clear his head would be to get out of his house.
He transformed and vaulted out the window and ascended the first building he reached. Running on the rooftops up Rue de Rivoli, he barely took in his surroundings as he passed Le Louvre. He didn’t have a route in mind, he simply ran, bounding over the gaps in the hotels, shops and apartment buildings. The lights of the Champs Elysees were like a beacon and before he knew it, he was leaping the Place Charles de Gaulle to land lightly on the top of the Arc de Triomphe.
Leaning over, hands on knees, Cat Noir caught his breath. The cold night air stung his lungs, but he didn’t care. Looking south from his vantage point, he took in the beauty of the Eiffel Tower and remembered he and Ladybug’s first battle there, against Stoneheart. He recalled the pep talk he gave Ladybug after she saved Chloe’s life.
“... without you, she'd no longer be here. And because without us, they won't make it, and we'll prove that too .”
He asked her to trust him and she did, every day onwards.  When Hawkmoth’s face appeared in thousands of black butterflies, Cat was suddenly less sure of everything he had told his Lady, though. Then, watching her stand up to Hawkmoth and purify those akumas was a sight to behold. That was the moment he fell in love with Ladybug.
And then there was Marinette. She came into her life on the same day he fell for Ladybug, but until he accepted that he and LB would never be together without knowing each other’s identity, he’d never thought of her as any more than a great friend. Until he’d fallen for Marinette, he hadn’t considered that he might have a ‘type’, but both were incredibly similar. He was attracted to plucky, determined and creative women with midnight hair, bluebell eyes, and cute freckles.
While he was thinking about Marinette, how did she know about his pep talk with Ladybug? It was never on the Ladyblog, no TV cameras caught the moment. Unless Ladybug herself told her about it. He wanted to ask her about it that evening but knew that doing so would require more explanation than it would yield answers.
And then there were the nicknames. Only two people called him ‘Chaton’, ‘kitty’ and ‘minou’; Ladybug and Marinette. He knew they weren’t exactly a stretch, given his feline form, but it was still odd.
Could she..?
6th April
[23.00] Alya: Tomorrow. Lunch. Bears and Raccoons. 12pm. No excuses!!!
[23.01] Marinette: Cool. Got to leave by 2, that ok?
[23.01] Alya: Yeah, no problem.
[23.02] Marinette: À demain!
[23.00] Nino: Dude, I have news. Please tell me you’re free for lunch tomorrow?
[23.00] Adrien: Oh, the intrigue! Yeah, I should be free. I’m doing a charity fashion show for Gabriel in the evening, but don’t have to be there until 4pm.
[23.01] Nino: Haha! I like to keep you guessing ;)  Does 12 work for you?
[23.01] Adrien: Sounds good to me. Where?
[23.02] Nino: Do you know Bears and Raccoons? On Rue Richard Lenoir.
[23.02] Adrien: Love that place!
[23.03] Nino: Same here. I totally know what I’m having already.
[23.03] Adrien: Bro, you’re making me hungry!
[23.04] Nino: I make no apologies. See you tomorrow :)
[23.05] Adrien: À demain!
7th April
“Hey,” Adrien waved to Marinette as she entered the cafe. “Are you meeting Alya and Nino too?”
“Yes. I thought I was late, but if I’m not the last here, I count that as on time.” She grinned, pulling up a seat next to him.
“So, how have you been?” He asked awkwardly.
“Good, thanks. You?”
“Fine.” Oh God, why was this so difficult? He’d been hanging out with Marinette a couple of times a week recently so why was it so strange? “Um, I meant to thank you, actually.” “Really? What for?” She asked.
“For keeping quiet about my visit to your place. I don’t think Nino would ever let me forget it if he knew I turned up at yours, cried, threw up, then fell asleep in your bed.” He looked at her, “I can’t believe you slept on the floor.”
“Honestly, it’s fine. You repaid the favour when you carried me up to Alya’s apartment, I doubt they’d have got me up the stairs without you.” She said.
Silence fell between them and they smiled at each other. The self-consciousness he felt when she arrived had dissipated and they relaxed into each other’s company. When Nino and Alya arrived, ten minutes later, giggly and red-faced with wrinkled clothing, Adrien and Marinette shared a knowing look.
“You guys are about a subtle as a brick to the window, you know,” Marinette said.
“Now, now. Just because you’re not getting any, doesn’t mean you can hate on us.” Alya arched an eyebrow.
“Well, actually…” Marinette started to say. “No. You’re right, I can’t begrudge you getting yours. I know it’s been a while since anyone scratched my itch.”
Adrien swore she gave him a sideways glance at that. He knew the suit’s limitations were leaving him frustrated, but he had never considered that Marinette felt the same. He didn’t trust himself not to give away his identity if he de-transformed with her, no matter what safeguards he put in place. The times he and Ladybug had de-transformed in front of each other were risky enough, but to do it with a civilian? No, he wouldn’t.
“Anyway.” He said loudly, changing the subject, “shall we order so you guys can tell us why we’re here?”
“Good idea.” Nino agreed.
The two men went to the counter to order sandwiches for the table. Marinette insisted on pushing a €10 note into his hand, in spite of Adrien’s best attempts to treat her. Once they were all back at the table, they poured their drinks. Nino and Alya each had a beer, while Marinette and Adrien drank sparkling water.
“Ok, so the reason we asked you two here today,” Alya said, “is because Nino and I are getting married.”
Squealing commenced. Mostly from Marinette, but Adrien was secure enough in his own masculinity to admit that he also squee-ed. Next to him, Marinette was firing questions at the couple.
“When? Where? Are you having toasts somewhere? What are you thinking for the dress?” She asked. Adrien couldn’t help but watch the freckles on her nose as her face crinkled with excitement.
“Ok, calm down girl.” Alya laughed. “In a month from now, the Mairie here in 11eme arrondissement, yes, but we haven’t decided where yet - mum wants to cater the party so we’ll probably do it at our place if we can squeeze everyone in. And, I was going to ask you to take care of the dress, if you have the time?”
“I have so many ideas.” Marinette grabbed a notebook from her bag and started scribbling a couple of initial sketches. Adrien could think of a few designs she had shown him three nights ago that would suit Alya’s body shape. He made a mental note to point them out to Marinette next time he visited as Cat Noir.
“Congratulations, man.” He said to Nino as they fist-bumped. “I’m so happy for you.” And, he was. Sure, he fleetingly felt like the world was moving forward with their lives while he kept treading water, but he was genuinely chuffed for his friend.
“Thanks, bro. I was hoping you’d be my witness. What do you say?” Nino said.
“Of course!” Adrien beamed, “I’d be honoured.”
“And, obviously, I want you to be mine, Mari,” Alya added.
“Really?” She looked up from her notebook. “I’d love to. Thank you.” She looked overwhelmed, like she was trying not to cry with happiness. Adrien knew how she felt.
Their sandwiches arrived and the four tucked into lunch. Chattering happily about wedding plans and Adrien’s fashion show that night, time moved quickly until Marinette got up to leave. Glancing at the time, he decided he should go too. He was required at the runway rehearsals at 4pm and his father wouldn’t tolerate tardiness. He decided to order a couple of lattes to go while Marinette packed her notebook in her bag and hugged her friends goodbye.
They stepped out of the cafe together and Adrien handed Marinette one of the coffee cups. She took it gratefully, admitting that she’d pulled a few late nights to get a design finished. They reached the end of the street and the Gorilla was waiting in the limo.
Her face lit up when he asked, “can I give you a ride somewhere?”
“Um, well, I’m going as far as Rue de Lisbonne/Rue Rembrandt but just drop me wherever is convenient.” She said.
They were headed to practically the same location so Adrien settled into his seat.
“It’s great news, Nino and Alya, tying the knot.” He observed.
“Absolutely.” She agreed. “They’re a great team.”
“I know Alya’s going to have the greatest wedding dress ever.” She smiled at that. Emboldened, he continued. “I bet you’ve already got a hundred designs that would fit the bill as a wedding dress.”
“But only a month to pull it all together.” She frowned.
“If anyone can do it, it’s you, Mari.” He realised he had his hand on her shoulder and he removed it.
She opened her mouth to say something, then appeared to change her mind. She bit her lip and searched his face. Unsure what he’d said to prompt this study, he tried to keep his face impassive.
“I thought this would be more awkward.” She finally said. “You and I have barely spoken in over two years until recently so it should be weird. It’s not, though. It’s like chatting with an old friend.”
Conscience pricked at him and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He had a unique perspective on these matters, but it wasn’t one he was willing to share.
Gorilla pulled up on the corner of Rembrandt and Lisbonne and Marinette thanked them both for the ride before getting out and walking smartly into the street and out of view.
Walking towards Rue de Courcelles, Marinette felt an unfamiliar weight in her bag. Snapping it open, she found two kwamis in an embrace.
“Guys. Your enduring love is adorable and all, but you’re going to break my purse at this rate.” She whispered. “Adrien’s going to be looking for you, Plagg.”
“So what?” He floated up and settled into the collar of her jacket. “You’re both going to the same place.”
“We were just discussing how successful your campaign to mess with Adrien is.” Tikki added and settled into the other side of her collar.
“Please. I’m feeling really bad about it all now.” She admitted.
“Not at all. You could go bigger if you like.” Plagg said. “You’ve got him squirming. He’s wondering how much he might have given away about his identity. Plus, he’s in a tizz over the whole thing about how you weren’t over him until Cat Noir kissed you. He thinks he cock-blocked himself.”
“Plagg!” Tikki admonished. Marinette just laughed.
“I just, I still don’t understand why he was so upset about my friendship with Cat Noir when he knew all along that it was totally innocent.” She mused. It was the thing that was bothering her the most.
Plagg sighed. “Adrien’s life is strictly controlled, his father dictates every element of his schedule, even now. He had to behave a certain way in public because he’s the face of Gabriel Fashion.” “I know this, Plagg.”
“I know, but you don’t know what happened when he became Cat Noir.” Plagg continued. “He tasted freedom for the first time and he could be whoever he wanted to be. He let himself be the goofy, emotional, funny, unselfish, cocksure and heroic guy that was always there, under the surface. For him, Adrien and Cat Noir were opposite ends of the scale. He is both, but he struggles with that. If he had the choice, I honestly think he’d be Cat Noir forever and leave Adrien behind.”
A tear ran down Marinette’s cheek as the reality of Adrien’s situation hit home.
“He thought you liked Cat Noir more than you liked Adrien because that’s how he feels,” Plagg said.
“Thank you for explaining that to me, Adrien’s lucky to have you in his life,” Marinette told the black cat kwami.
“I know,” He purred, “Will you tell him that for me? I don’t think he realises how great I am.”
They reached the hotel where the fashion show was being held. It had a beautiful art deco ballroom that was being artfully lit when she’d popped in earlier that morning to show Gabriel her dress. They were starting to construct the temporary catwalk when she left for lunch so that should be ready to go by now.
Flashing her ID at the staff entrance, she wandered through the labyrinthine corridors of the hotel until she reached the staging area. Gabriel noticed her arrive and waved her over.
“Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, your dress is exquisite.” He told her. “Modern, elegant and unique. It’s more than I asked for.”
She blushed at the compliment. “Thank you, M. Agreste. I worked hard on it.” “There aren’t many young designers who can design and create and piece like this in such a short timeframe. You will be an asset to the fashion house that snaps you up.” He looked across the room and saw that the models were milling into the ballroom. “Ah, time to get started.”
Marinette grabbed her notebook from her bag and opened it at a fresh page. She stayed a few paces behind Gabriel, trying to blend into the background. He stood tall, hands behind his back and waited until the assembled models fell silent. She was in awe of the respect he commanded. She knew he had a reputation of being a difficult man to get along with, and she knew, now more than ever, how oppressive Adrien found his home life, but Gabriel had revealed a more caring side to her and she felt compelled to prove herself worthy of it.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Gabriel spoke. “May I take this opportunity to thank you all for giving your time to such a worthy cause. This may be a charity event, but we owe it to the audience to make sure it is a slickly run, professional show. I ask each of you to pay attention to Nathalie as she explains the running order, then get acquainted with the dresser you have been assigned. We will have a run through at 5pm sharp, but you will not wear the outfits until the show proper at 9pm. Please ensure you avail yourself to your dresser for fitting, if your pieces require alteration I’d prefer that was dealt with sooner rather than later. Nathalie? If you will.”
At that, he turned on his heel and walked back to the backstage area. Marinette followed. A smattering of applause followed them as they went. She saw a group of familiar faces huddled in the corner of the room.
“Ah, your team is here, Miss Marinette.” Gabriel gestured towards the group. “Students from ESMOD, here to lend a hand with alterations and dressing.”
He handed her a list of names. Model’s names in one column matched to a student in another. She looked at a row of mirrored tables lining the back of the area, each chair had a name taped to it. Plan in place, she approached her peers and cleared her throat to get their attention.
“Everyone? Thank you for so generously agreeing to volunteer your time tonight. I promise it will be a valuable experience. Getting behind the scenes at a fashion show is what we live for, right?” This was met by chuckles from most of the team. “I have here a list of the models each of you will be required to dress. Please take a moment to locate their makeup chair here,” she waved towards the bank of lights and mirrors, “and their outfits here.” She pointed to racks of clothing on the opposite wall.
Earnest nodding and note-taking answered her. She smiled at the awed eagerness of her classmates, it was an emotion she recognised in herself every time she was backstage at the Palais de Garnier.
“Let’s keep access to the catwalk free, ok? Only use that area for quick changes. I suggest you watch the rehearsal at 5pm and take notes. You need to know when your model is due to walk and what they should be wearing. In the meantime, your model should come and find you for final fittings. If you have items that need to be altered, let me know and we can share the workload. Yes?” She said.
“Yes!” The group echoed back at her. She lifted the list and started reading. As each student heard their own name and their model counterpart, she was pleased to see them split from the group to find their assigned makeup chair and selection of outfits.
“Lucinda?” She called, “you will be dressing Claudine. Marc? You will be dressing Paul. Agnès, you have Zoe. Adam, you’re dressing Axel. Leo’s with Hugo. Léonie, you’ve got Mimi. Honoré, you have Chantelle. Estée has Fay… and I will be dressing Anaïs… and Adrien.”
She finished as the models were ushered into the staging area. They were hesitant, not sure how things were going to work so Marinette grabbed a chair and readied herself to climb on it. Adam and Agnès, two of her best friends at ESMOD, took her hands and helped her ascend the chair gracefully.
“Hi, everyone? My name is Marinette, I’m coordinating the backstage effort tonight. Please, go to your allocated makeup chair and your dresser will come and introduce themselves to you. I’m sure you understand that time is of the essence when it comes to alterations so do assist your dresser by making that a priority. I ask that you try on your pieces before the rehearsal so that we can ensure that everything looks awesome on you for the final show. Thanks.” She looked at her friends and smiled.
Agnès grinned back at her and placed her hands on Marinette’s hips. She supported herself on Agnès’s shoulders as the blonde lifted her off her makeshift stage.
“Thanks for arranging this, Mar,” her friend said. “It’s the most amazing experience. We’re all stoked.”
“You know me, I like to share the love when I can.” Marinette joked.
Agnès’s eyebrows quirked.
Adrien wasn’t sure who he was maddest at, his father for not telling him that Marinette would be at the fashion show (running things backstage, no less), Marinette for not thinking to mention it on the limo ride across town, or the tall blonde girl whose arms Marinette was currently laughing in.
She said tall blondes were her ‘type’ and this girl fit the bill. “Jealousy’s a bitch”, he’d said the other night and yet, here he was, envious of the girl who was holding Marinette in her arms. He watched her doodle something in her notepad before ripping out the page and folding it up. Marinette slipped the paper in her friend’s jeans back pocket and slapped her ass as she walked away. The girl took the note out, unfolded it and laughed, then carefully refolded it and placed it back in her pocket. Whatever had passed between them, they were obviously close and once more, Adrien was reminded of how much he was no longer a part of her life.
He found his makeup chair, wondering which fashion student would be his dresser. It looked like males were dressing males and vice versa, but a quick count suggested they were one short. Perhaps he’d be with the classmate Marinette dated. He tried to work out which of the two blonde males in the group was Adam.
Snap out of it, Adrien. Be professional. He scolded himself. He knew Plagg would have some choice words if he knew about his jealousy. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen his kwami for a while…
“Hi, I’m Marinette, I’ll be dressing you tonight.” He watched as she introduced herself to Anaïs, the stunning redhead seated next to him. “If you’re ready, I’d like to check that your outfits all fit. Would you like to come with me?”
She was incredibly competent at this job, even though he was sure his father had thrown her in at the deep end. Gabriel adopted a ‘sink or swim’ approach to mentoring and liked to observe how his trainees coped in difficult situations.
A hand on his knee got his attention. “Earth to Adrien,” Marinette smiled, “I’m dressing you as well so as soon as I’ve sorted out Anaïs, I’ll be back for you, ok?”
As soon as her back was turned, he fist-pumped the air in celebration. It was an inopportune time for his father to look his way.
Gabriel’s mouth curled into a knowing smile. It was deeply disconcerting.
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missbrightsky · 5 years ago
Velaris National Park
Fics Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Chapter 3
Rhys left to check on the other campers in the park to make sure everyone was okay and there was no damage. The downpour continued but if he was right, it shouldn’t last too long.
I watched him ride off into the park and simply enjoyed the sounds of the rain for a few minutes.
I turned and pushed my way into the office, the small bell letting off a ring, announcing my entrance. It seemed like other people had the idea of seeking shelter with Mor. The was a handful of others milling around, chatting with each other in quiet tones or looking at the gift shop. Ray was there, deep in conversation with a short woman that had her straight, black hair cut in a severe bob, probably discussing new ways to improve the park. Mor was behind the counter in conversation with what looked to be the mom of a family.
I wandered over and gave her a smile in hello, not wanting to interrupt them, in which Mor returned.
I pulled out my sketchpad to check if there really was no damage. The water that had splattered on the pack hadn’t seeped through and my book and pencil case were completely dry. A small smile crossed my face, my mind mulling over the events of the last half hour.
Flipping to the drawing of Rhys on top of Mona, I deepened the color of his eyes and added more shadows to the background, sharply contrasting the images. I absently continued working on the sketch, thinking back on how close we were.
Even though it was a warm day, I could feel the heat radiating off of him when he joined me on the rocks. He was so easy to be around, I felt no pressure to hide my work like I did when I was dating Tamlin when I was an undergrad. He would get so possessive and jealous if I did a character study of someone other than him. My work (and my mental health) suffered from it and eventually, it became too much to bear. Breaking it off with him was the most gratifying experience.
But with Rhys…. He had nothing to offer but praise, even if he had seen only a small sample of what I can do. His praise felt genuine, like there were no strings attached. As if he would have said the same thing if it was hanging in a gallery.
And then there was the ride to the office. The surge of adrenaline wasn’t just from racing through the forest at breakneck speeds. There was no inch of space between our bodies. Even with the wind whipping around us, I could still smell him, like citrus and jasmine and something wilder. Like his time outdoors had become a part of him.
He was so solid. Yes, because I was holding onto him, I could feel the steel bands of muscles shifting in time with the beat of the horse, but his presence was steady, secure. The world could have faded away around us and I wouldn’t have noticed.
“That looks like my cousin.”
The words broke my internal monologue, causing me to jump slightly and ears to redden with the embarrassment of being caught.
I looked up to see Mor had finished her conversation with the mom and decided to see what I was so enraptured with.
“I… uh..,” I cursed myself inwardly for not being able to respond, my head still too wrapped up with thoughts of him instead.
Mor had a dangerous glint in her eyes, like she knew exactly what I had been thinking about. She started with a feline grin at my flustered state which soon morphed into full-blown laughter that caught the attention of everyone in the room.
My ear burned even more with everyone’s attention on us. “Mor,” I hissed through my teeth.
She clamped her lips closed, her chest still shaking with contained giggles. Thankfully, the attention melted away as everyone went back to talking or browsing.
Even though I had only one conversation with her, I shot her a glare that I couldn’t hold before a small smile played on my lips and I looked back down to my drawing.
I let out a sigh, “Yes, that’s your cousin. I saw him after we left the office yesterday.”
“So you saw him only yesterday?” she smirked with a raised eyebrow.
“And last night and just now,” I muttered, defeated.
“Mhm,” she hummed with a nod, triumphant at my admittance. “Every girl that has come to this park has noticed my cousin.”
“Great, add me onto the adoring fans.”
“Honestly, I don’t know what they see in him, he’s a giant dork.”
I laughed at that, the color starting to fade from my ears and cheeks, it was nice to know that I wasn’t the first, and probably not the last, to gawk at him.
“Yeah, well he’s a dork who saved me from the rain. My backpack isn’t waterproof, and I was worried that I wouldn’t make it back in time to save my sketchbook.”
“Oh really. Well, that sounds like my stupidly, chivalrous cousin,” she confirmed.
“Fucking phenomenal,” my embarrassment morphing to anger. Mor saw my change in emotion and knit her eyebrows together in question. I glanced at her and then away to bore my eyes into my sketch. Of course it was too good to be true, his quiet and helpful attitude was just a front to get me alone and probably try to get into my pants. Stupid, stupid, stupid agreeing to go somewhere in a big park with a guy I barely know at night.
“Your ‘stupidly, chivalrous cousin’ said that I could say ‘thank you’” putting air quotes around the words, “by going stargazing with him tonight, which was probably just codeword for blowjob,” I finished, gritting my teeth to stop myself from yelling the words.
He probably does this with any girl that comes into the park, performs a good deed for her and then tries to get payment in kind.
“What? Feyre, no, no, no,” Mor hastily said, trying to calm me down from my inner and outer rant. “He is stupidly chivalrous, but he has literally never asked any girl to go stargazing with him, or anywhere else.” She blew out a breath and muttered a prayer to the Caldron under her breath.
“Ok, I’m only going to tell you this because I think you’re a good person who would be good for Rhys and my cousin is a little dumb sometimes so here it goes.
“In college, Rhys was this sweet, kind, naïve boy who thought the best in everyone. A TA in one of his classes saw that and took advantage of it. She knew our family had money and influence and thought she could use it to further her academic career. A lot of ugly shit went down but he was forced to mature too fast and he hasn’t dated anyone since. It’s a little hard since he’s out here a lot but if someone had come along, he would have figured out a way to date her. But he hasn’t. With anyone,” she emphasized that last word, willing me to understand.
I released a slow breath, cooling down from my jump to conclusions. I met Mor’s golden brown gaze and almost flinched with the raw honesty I saw there. She was telling the truth. This wasn’t some dumb, masculine play to get some action. This was a risk he was taking with me.
“Ok,” I said with a nod, “I shouldn’t have assumed so fast.”
“It’s ok, you didn’t know. Hell, if a guy had done that to me, I would’ve kicked him in the balls right on the spot. I’m glad you didn’t though,” she finished with a laugh. It was so infectious I couldn’t help but join in.
I turned my eyes back to the drawing, I had been so angry I was ready to rip it out of the book and tear it to pieces but that would have been a big fucking mistake.
At that moment, the rain started to slow and then die off. Just as quickly as it had come, it was over and the sun was starting to peak out again.
Other campers saw the change and began to file out, back to their tents or to resume the hike they were on. I hope Elain and Kevin were ok and didn’t get too wet.
“Thank you, Mor,” I turned back to her, “I’m going to go make sure we didn’t lose anything at the campsite.”
“Of course, Feyre. Have fun tonight,” she said with a devilish wink and smile. I shook my head at her and exited the building.
By the time I was back at the campsite, the sun was out in full force, scaring away the offending clouds. Rhys was right, it was looking to be a clear night.
Our tent had survived the downpour, just covered with a few scattered leaves from the wind, all of our stuff was still dry inside.
It was getting to be late afternoon at this point, the others should be returning soon. I had forgotten all about my sandwich and chips I had packed for lunch and it was too close to dinner time to eat them.
I ducked into the tent and sorted through the clothes I had packed for the trip. It was just shorts and t-shirts, not much of a choice and definitely no makeup. Rhys had already seen me sweaty and still thought I was attractive so confidence would be my best outfit. I changed into a fresh shirt with fewer paint stains and tied my hoodie around my waist. Hopefully, it won’t be too cool tonight.
From the car, I grabbed tonight’s dinner of ground beef stew with prechopped veggies, fresh fruit salad and French bread that could be wrapped in foil and left to heat on the stove. Ray had appeared when I was in the tent and already started up his grill.
I dumped my stuff on our slowly drying table and turned to start up my grill.
“Hey Ray, hell of a thunderstorm, huh?”
“Yup, just glad I was in the office already when it came through. I got to talk to Mor and Amren about that swimming hole. They weren’t too excited at first, but I assured them that I know some good people who would be willing to invest, and I would love to design it pro bono. Amren is scary so I didn’t dare lie to her about anything, she could sniff out blood a mile away if she wanted to,” he chuckled.
“Oh, was that the short woman with the black hair you were talking to?”
“Yep, she and Rhys are the main people who keep the park running. Even though it’s national land, they mostly take care of it. Rhys keeps all the campers, hikers and environment safe while Amren handles the logistics of it all.” I nodded along, listening to his plans and what he wants to put whereas I got the stew mixed and warming in the pot and wrapped up the bread. It would be at least an hour until everything was ready, so I got to draw more while Ray went on.
“And how was your day?” he asked.
“Good! Really good, Elain and Kevin led the way to the Starfalls, they were truly beautiful. I stayed behind to draw the valley while they went on. I hope they’ll be back soon, I feel bad leaving them behind when the storm came through,” I flipped to the page to show Ray the rendering of the valley I had yet to finish. He murmured his appreciation and studied it.
“Truly amazing, Feyre. I hope you get a gallery all to yourself someday.”
I blushed at his praise, I hoped so too.
“And what do you mean left them behind?”
“Oh, umm,” I had made a mistake. “Rhys was with me when the storm had come up. He may have given me a ride back to the office.”
“Uh-huh,” Ray hummed with a humorous glint.
“And he may have asked me to go stargazing with him tonight.”
“UH HUH,” he said, his lips bursting into a full-blown smile. “I thought I saw something between the two of you last night. So tell me more…” his grill now forgotten about.
“Nope, nope, no, I don’t need this from you right now, I’m already nervous enough,” I backpedaled, there was no way I was going to pick over every detail with Ray.
“Awww come on, I never get any good gossip around my coworkers, they’re all a bunch of nerds with no life!” Ray pleaded, giving me big, brown, puppy dog eyes.
I almost gave in, there was no way I was going to spill every detail with my sisters, they would just tease me too much or tell me not to go with a guy I just met.
“No, I can’t,” he looked so disappointed I nearly gave in again, “Maybe tomorrow morning at breakfast, how about that? I want it to go well first.”
“Ok, fine, I’ll have to accept that,” he pouted, sulking surprisingly well for a full-grown man.
I laughed at his disappointment, some of the nerves disappearing at his display.
We chatted more about our days until Nesta, Elain and Kevin finally showed up.
Azriel had checked on Elain and Kevin, they were fine, just a bit wet but thankfully the trees and a well-placed awning on the trail kept them dry. Nesta was a bit luckier and an outcropping of rocks kept her out of the rainstorm.
More conversation flowed as the night set in and dinner was eaten. I kept shooting glances at the entrance of our campsite and listening to the familiar pounding of hooves. Thankfully, only Ray noticed my distraction and gave me conspirator winks.
Too soon or maybe not soon enough gravel crunched, indicating the arrival of Rhys and Mona. He appeared into our circle of light. Rhys had changed out of his ranger uniform to dark pants and boots, with a navy three-quarter sleeve shirt that was cut to show off the underlying muscles that I had felt earlier. His hair was casually mussed up, making him look younger than when he is in his uniform. Mona had a pack strapped to her saddle.
Rhys grinned when he saw me, I returned the smile, ignoring the questioning looks from my sisters and Kevin. Ray looked like he was just about ready to burst out of his skin with giddiness.
“Ready?” he asked me.
“Yep. Can y’all handle clean up tonight?” I asked my sisters. The mutely nodded yes, still unable to find words to respond to Rhys’s sudden appearance.
I turned back to him and took his offered hand. It felt so natural to slip mine into his, like it was an everyday occurrence. He led the way back down the path and to the trailhead. The very last of the light was fading fast and more and more stars broke through. I thought that the sky at the end of the day looked just like his eyes, endless blue and perfect.
The moon was full and provided light to show the ghostly path, but I could see a massive flashlight strapped to the front of the saddle in easy reach.
“I’ll hop up first and then pull you up, similar to what we did earlier today.”
“Sounds good.”
He swung up into the saddle, the motion easy and fluid. Mona stood still at perfect attention. I firmly gripped his hand and put my foot into the open stirrup. A good hop off the ground and his arm had me situated behind him in no time, the strapped-on pack acting as an extra seat. I hooked my legs around his like I did earlier, and we set off down the path.
The night was a bit cooler than I expected from the rain, but he and Mona radiated heat. I told him about the others and how they avoided the rain today, and he told me how flustered Az was when he was asked to check on Elain. We laughed at the two’s painful shyness and secretly plotted in own our heads on how to get the two to talk more. He told me of how Cas was actually the one to point Nesta to the rocks that kept her dry and I made a mental note to question her about it on the way home tomorrow.
The trail sloped gently upwards, smooth and well-kept; no doubt part of what Rhys did to keep the park beautiful. I caught glimpses of the stars between the trees and soon we climbed high enough to where we broke out of the tree.
I gasped as the whole valley laid out in front of my, framed by the wide, night sky sparkling with millions of stars. We were so far from any light pollution that I could even see the faintest beginnings of galaxy dust weaving through the stars.
“You like it?” he asked, his voice husky and barely above a whisper.
“I can’t even begin to look at it all. I could spend years just taking in every constellation,” I whispered back.
He gave a low chuckle at my amazement. “Trust me, I’ve tried and I’m still finding new shapes up there.”
We continued to climb, the moon even brighter up here that Mona had no trouble sticking to the path. I thought that I would be more scared to trust my life to an animal, but she was steady and sure in every step.
Rhys stopped her at the top of the hill, “Here we are.”
He slipped down first and turned to help me. I balanced on the pack and swung my leg forward, careful not to hit Mona on the head. Before I was ready to dismount, I started to lean too much to my left.
Rhys saw that I was about to eat shit off his horse and reached to catch me. His right arm ended up around my shoulders and his left supported my knees.
To my eternal gratefulness and embarrassment, he only let out a small “oof” and barely even stumbled, like he caught girls falling off his horse every other day.
“Well, well, well, falling for me already, darling?” his voice brushed across my ear. I couldn’t suppress the small shiver that ran down my spine.
“Maybe,” I shot back, doing nothing to squirm out of his embrace.
He hummed his amusement and gently lowered my legs to the ground, making sure I was steady. His arm around my shoulders was slow to leave and I missed his warmth as soon as he removed it.
He moved to undo the pack from the saddle while I took in our surroundings. We were on top of one of the highest points in the park, the mountains flowing away into the distance to our right. The river and meadow from earlier were laid out in the distance, the Starfall flowers glowing white in the dim light.
There were so many of them, it looked like the whole meadow was made of moon rock, perfectly white and smooth with shadows acting as the craters. I couldn’t bring myself to look away, even when Rhys’s heat appeared at my back.
His head hooked over my shoulder, his temple resting against mine. “The Starfalls are gorgeous in the daytime, but they’re really meant to be seen at night. Not a lot of people know that.”
I had no answer for him, the beauty of the night had taken away any speech.
Then, a bit quietly, “This is my favorite spot in the park, I like to come up here alone when it’s been a long day or a particularly frustrating one. The stars always seem to know how to relax me.”
I leaned back into his frame, simply enjoying him and his warmth and the world around us. We stayed like that for a few minutes, breathing in the night air.
“This way,” he entwined our hands again, taking me to the far edge of the hill. Mona gave us the side-eye and decided to continue grazing where she was.
There was a flat expanse of rock that dropped maybe 20 feet below to where the hill flowed down into the valley. It was still warm with the days’ heat, even the rain wasn’t able to wash it away.
Rhys unfurled the pack and laid out a thick blanket, a camping pillow expanding back into its normal size.
“There’s no alcohol allowed in the park, but I did bring M&Ms and water,” he said a bit sheepishly.
I joined him on the blanket and popped some of the chocolate into my mouth, “I love M&Ms,” crunching down on them.
I could see his smile glow in the dark, almost tempting me forward. He followed suit and started to munch on the sweets with me. We sat crisscross, his shoulder pressed into mine, already becoming familiar and easy.
It was just so easy to sit there in the quiet and listen to the sounds of animals settling in for the night and the nocturnals come out.
“So, what’s your favorite constellation?” I asked him.
“Oh man, I’m going to sound really basic but it’s Orion.”
I hummed to encourage him to continue.
“When I lived in the city, you can’t really see any stars there,” a glance at me, “you know, of course.” I nodded.
“I was really obsessed with space when I was little but unable to see many constellations but Orion’s belt is super bright, so yeah, I was always able to look up and pick it out of the sky and then find Betelgeuse…” he trailed off, lost in the memories of old.
“It’s one of my favorites too,” I said softly, leaning into him more.
“What’s your absolute favorite then?”
“The swan, Cygnus. As a child, I was absolutely obsessed with Barbie Swan Lake. When I got older and listened to more classical music when I studied, Tchaikovsky was my go-to. All of his works are beautiful, but Swan Lake broke my heart every time.”
“If not for the Barbie part, you would have beat me with deepness,” he teased.
“Shut up!” I shoved his shoulder away with mine.
His laughter rang out across the valley, filling every crevasse with light and happiness even in the dark. I laughed right along with him, our shoulders shaking with renewed fits.
Eventually, we died down, occasional giggles escaping our chests. His eyes glinted in the moonlight, the silver flecks shining, making it seem like the universe was trapped in his irises. He captured my gaze, they dipped down to my lips that were still wrapped around a chuckle. I noticed his attention and the giddiness died down.
We were so close now, our warm breath tinged with chocolate mingling in the cool night air. I shivered, goosebumps raising on my exposed legs.
His violet eyes took in my every move, flitting around my face like he was trying to memorize every detail. As he watched me, I watched him. Taking in the exact shape of his slightly parted mouth and how the moonlight played along the edge of his high cheekbones.
I angled my head towards his, my eyelids dropping in a silent request. A small puff of a laugh greeted my lips before he closed the last amount of space between us.
Electricity shot down my body, urging me to bury my hands into his soft hair, the air suddenly trapped in my chest. To return the favor, he encircled one arm around my waist, his other hand grasping the back of my neck.
He swallowed my gasp, his lips bruising into mine. Not to be outdone, I leaned back and pulled him onto me. He followed me down, pressing me into the blanket and rock below, trying to close every single gap between us. His lips moved to my neck, nipping a trail up and down.
I groaned, arching into him, begging him to not stop. I could feel his grin against my neck, enjoying my request.
He found his way back to my mouth, taking in every sound I emitted. If I was cold before, there was no way I am now with him covering my body. His heat unraveled every thought in my head, his lips banished any rational thinking.
All sensation pinpointed to him and him only. The stars were forgotten as we forged a new universe between us. I nipped at his lip, my tongue traced the sweetened edge of his mouth until he yielded permission.
Deeper, harder, I asked for more and he gave all he could. The sky could have crashed down and we wouldn’t have noticed.
I came up for air, out of breath. I had messed up his hair fair beyond repair, his lips were swollen from my attentions. I’m sure I looked the same, mirror images of each other.
He brushed his mouth against my cheek, tender, sweet, after the wild nature of our kiss.
I released a small laugh, gazing up at him.
He smiled in response, “What?”
“Nothing,” I replied breathlessly, “I’m just happy that it rained today.”
His smile widened.
“Me too.”
0 notes
tessatechaitea · 5 years ago
Black Canary: New Wings #4
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Black Canary on the future site of the EMP. Sorry, EMP Museum. Sorry MoPOP.
The covers of this series scream, "Seattle is a major character in this comic book!" But the story whispers, "Do you know where I take place? Shh, shh. Don't worry about it, baby. We took care of that on the cover." You know how when a movie takes place 20 or 30 years ago, the writer and director have to make sure to pepper it with tons of nostalgic references from that time? What if they did the same thing with movies that take place in the present? Father: "Holy baloney! A dinosaur made from fire that spits tornadoes is ravaging the Museum of Pop Culture! We have to skip seeing The Rise of Skywalker and get out of town!" Daughter: "Just let me finish my Fruity Pebbles that turn the milk blue!" Father:: "Hurry up! And don't forget to grab your Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures!" Daughter:: "Okay Boomer." Hmm. I just realized that maybe current movies already do that just to seem current and I just don't notice because why would I notice people mentioning mundane things I hear about every day? I suppose if I watched a movie that was current in 2000, I'd probably roll my eyes at all the stuff they packed in their to remind me of what the year 2000 was like, like meeting people at the gate in airports and being able to keep your shoes on at airports and being able to arrive at an airport five minutes before your plane departed and leaving my machete in my carry on bag at the airport. For some reason, the airport experience was super different in 2000. This issue begins with an advertisement for Hercules Luggage.
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That elephant is coming its brains out.
The issue begins like this because the suitcases play an important role in the way the drug smugglers offload the cocaine from the ships. I suppose the reader doesn't need to have this much information about the suitcases being used though so I have a different theory. You know how David Finch's contract says that he will only draw a comic book if the writer puts at least one scene with a woman in a towel fresh out of the shower? I bet Trevor Von Eeden had the same kind of stipulation in his contract but with elephant orgasms. While the suitcases filled with cocaine float three feet under the surface of the ocean (as you would expect being that they were Hercules Luggage!), Black Canary and Gan Nguyen are being threatened by racists. I bet some readers in 1992 wished they could log onto a popular social media platform, find a bunch of other lonely and pathetic assholes, and complain that this comic book is a social justice piece of shit. But instead, they actually had to pull out their letter writing paraphernalia, sit down at their writing desk, and place a pen in their mouth while looking up at the ceiling to decide how to compose their letter. Do they begin stating that they're totally against racism but maybe comic books aren't a good place to shove this stuff down their throat? Maybe they could point out how they're so not racist that they think portraying a bunch of white guys as racist is the real racism? Or maybe they could point out how, not being racist, they already know not to be racist but they think this comic book's nagging about racism might be the real cause of racism? Whatever their letters wound up being about, I bet editor Mike Gold told them to fuck right off, just like he did with all the racist letters sent in reaction to Teen Titans Spotlight on Starfire! Black Canary and her new sidekick escape the racists and run off into the wilds surrounding Seattle. Meanwhile, the racist assassin's son decides to fuck off and run away from his racist home because he knows racism is bad. I don't know how he figured it out though. I bet he read a comic book about Green Arrow battling werewolves or something.
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Black Canary discovers the sheriff is in on the racism by finding his racist stationary he keeps right out in the open.
Not having found the cocaine, Black Canary heads back to the wharf in the morning to stake it out. She discovers the racist assassin going out in a fishing boat with the Senator's son and some semi-automatic rifles. Some people might call them assault rifles but if there's one thing I've learned from Twitter, it's that calling them assault rifles really pisses off the idiots who have no other argument against gun control than to scream, "The AR in AR-15 stands for Armalite!" Oh, also, the racists are using M-16s so none of that matters. It's probably okay to call those assault rifles since the "M" stands for "My assault rifle." To catch the racists, Black Canary tarts herself off and follows them in a speed boat.
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Instead of finishing the quote with "What the fuck," she flips the bird. That must be why this comic book isn't approved by the Comic Code Authority!
I wonder how many super cool valedictorians in the 80s gave speeches that ended with them putting on sunglasses and saying the Risky Business quote? I bet it was like 90% of them. While Gan and Chad, the racist assassin's son, get help from the Quinault Indians whose backyard the cocaine-filled suitcases are floating, Black Canary rams her speed boat into the drug smuggler's boat. She pretends to be unconscious while they pull her aboard to save her life.
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"Aww, she can't feel nothin'!" is the title of my sex tape. Aww, I Can't Feel Nothin'!" is the title of my memoir.
If there's one thing I've learned about empathy, it's that you can't feel any for any creature that isn't comparable to a creature you love. I don't love any dogs so I go around killing dogs all the time. But I have cats so I love cats and would die for them. I also don't have children so fuck children. Not like that! You must not know any children to have acquired empathy for them if you thought I meant that kind of fucking! Speaking of the cats I love, look who came to visit as soon as I typed that!
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It's Gravy!
Maybe Gravy just visited because she heard there was a canary somewhere. Speaking of Canaries with nice asses, Black Canary captures the drug lords and saves the day. Everybody exclaims, "Yay Black Canary! You knew what was going on all along! Next time we'll believe you instead of thinking, 'This woman is hysterical!' At least, that's what it feels like in the moment. But, you know how it is! Tomorrow is another patriarchal, misogynist day and it won't be our faults when we think you're crying wolf again simply because we've learned to take women's words less seriously than men's for no real reason and, I mean, your tits are right there under that shirt and jacket, you lascivious vixen you!" Oh yeah, also Chad kills his dad to save Black Canary's life. And his dad was finally proud of him! Is that toxic masculinity? Black Canary: New Wings #4 Rating: A. A well written book that mostly looks good too. Sometimes people look weird and I wonder if somebody was slacking on the pencils or inks because they were doing a load of cocaine at the time. And other times, Black Canary's ass was totally hanging out there which didn't make me think about the male gaze at all. It just made me think, "Look at that fine ass!" But then, 90% of my thoughts any given day are simply "Look at that fine ass!" Except when I'm near a schoolyard, you perv. Then most of my thoughts are, "Please don't make fun of my clothes, you delinquents!" The only complaint I have about this comic book is that it didn't have enough Seattle in it.
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