#and oh so involved 😆
alyjojo ¡ 2 years
Astrology For Beginners
The Sun (and it’s house) is your identity, ego, and personality, it’s the most important part of your chart. It’s why we say “I’m a Gemini”, and leave it at that. You can, it’s the most important. Some people don’t identify with their Suns and don’t know about the rest of the signs, which could help it make sense. Everything revolves around the Sun, so everything following just modifies your Sun. Can show aspects of the father (along with Saturn & 10th house).
Rising sign (determined by birth time) is the life path you are walking as a Gemini. Every person has every sign influencing some aspect of their chart, lives, and behavior. 1st House (the Rising sign) is second in importance, because it’s how you appear to others, the impression you give, how you look, and equally how you act. A person is like an equal marriage of their Sun + Ascendant. A Gemini with Cancer rising (Moon ruled) is not walking the same path as a Gemini with Sagittarius rising (Jupiter ruled), which is why you find such contrasting differences between the same signs. Nor will they look the same. Genetics matter too. Everything aspecting the 1st house affects it, if you’ve got Leo rising with a lot of Pluto aspects to the 1st, you’ll probably have the deep, intense & hypnotic eyes of Scorpio too…with great hair 😏 and a sunny disposition. The ruling planet of the sign your Rising is in, is your chart ruler, and where that planet is in your chart (sign/house) is as important as your Sun and North Node, it’s what guides you. Mars ruled? Less talk & more action. Venus ruled? You follow your heart.
South Node (and it’s house) is 3rd most important (imo), it’s the sign you have mastered, it’s what’s most comfortable to you, it’s what you are leaving behind in this life. The North Node is where you are headed on your path through the houses, it’s your soul’s destination, what you learn and how you will evolve as a person. You don’t have to know these, you will unconsciously end up here whether you know them or not. When you are feeling down about life, out of control, losing it and at rock bottom, look to your North Node (and it’s house) for direction. You’re probably too comfortable in South Node energy, and it won’t work out, it’s not supposed to, your soul yearns to get back to its path.
The Moon is your emotional responses, it’s what you need to feel comfortable in your life, relationship with the mother (along with 4th house), your mother’s energy or place in her own path at the time of your birth, your inner self, feelings, habits. Negative aspects to the Moon hit us at our core. A Gemini with Leo moon craves the spotlight, friends, overcoming challenges and can be very dramatic with emotion, mother probably gave them a lot of positive attention and helped them succeed. Whereas a Gemini with Virgo moon is squared, anxious, uncomfortable in their emotions & endlessly searching for answers with double Mercury energy. Mother was probably health conscious (or ill), critical, intelligent, and obsessive. Negative aspects to moon can show the sign traits of things they need and didn’t get as a child.
Mercury (and it’s house) is how your brain processes information, how you learn, how you communicate, what stimulates your mind. A Gemini with Gemini Mercury is a lightning fast thinker, an endless student, probably a great rapper 😆 A Gemini with Taurus Mercury learns at a much slower, more practical, more thorough pace. They may have had a speech impediment or had delayed speech as a child (Taurus takes it’s time). They may only focus on subjects that will help them with career, and don’t care about wasting time learning the rest, seeing things from a more practical & black/white perspective.
Venus (and house) is your way of expressing love, what romance and love is to you, the smells, colors, artists, musicians, books, and things that touch you deeply. A Gemini with Gemini Venus values casual friendships and endless interests over deeeep relationships and expresses love with communication and connection. A Gemini with Cancer Venus values children, romantic nights in, movies and fantasies, emotional expression.
Mars (and house) is your energy, sex drive, who/what attracts you, (along with the 5th house, where the 7th shows what you attract to you), what lights your fire, your anger & passion and how it’s expressed. Where you most apply your energy, your focus and where it’s applied. Can show aspects of your siblings (along with 3rd house). A Gemini with Taurus Mars is patient & slow to get angry (boy when they do watch out), but are always loyal and consistent. A Gemini with Aquarius Mars lets most things slide off their back and doesn’t care to get too involved, could be sexually fluid, or at least generally more accepting of “different” people in society, they may not be around much, loners, and are more of the holiday visiting sort, before they disappear again, on some wayward off-the-beaten path.
Jupiter (and it’s house) is your personal good luck charm when positively aspected by other planets. May be seen as “a gift from God”, how Spirit moves through you, where/how you’ve possibly been “saved”. Can show aspects of your spouse, Jupiter returns can be a time (not always) when you meet a spouse. When negatively aspected, can indicate growth, which may materialize as weight problems, literal growth on the body (like tumors), cancer, negative things…that grow, and anything that’s excessive (eating, drinking, studying, working, partying, etc.), things you’re susceptible to overdoing that need to be overcome.
Saturn (and it’s house) is the father, authority, discipline, restrictions, where life throws a grenade at you because grow tf up 😆, ��the system” and how it affects you, where you have continuous long-term issues and how, karmic cycles you have to learn on your own how to break (though aspects to Saturn in synastry may show others that can help…or trigger), your motivation to overcome problems and how you do this, what needs to be “broken” in you so to speak, so you’re not a wild crazy horse anymore, you’ve grown up. It’s aspects are very difficult lessons to overcome as they’re long lasting or take years (several cycles even, and maturity) to learn. The Saturn return at around age 30 is known to be a time in your life where everything changes to get you back on your path…if you’ve strayed from it, which isn’t so bad if you’re already there, but can be quite painful for others. How many of us have it all figured out at 30…not everyone 💯 It’s effects last a long time. It signifies age as well, especially in the 7th House, partners may be much older or younger, or take a long time to come in, there are lessons involved.
Uranus (and it’s house) is a wild card, spontaneous changes, actions, responses, impulses, like a lightning strike out of the blue. It can be good, like lottery wins and sudden job offers. It can be the literal Tower tarot card, and lightning strikes your home, you never saw it coming. It can show your natural impulses, and aspects (good or bad) show you the effects of those impulses (good or bad).
Neptune (and it’s house) is dreams, sleep, substances and drugs, what’s illusion, what you dream of, but also can’t see clearly. Positively affected is living out your dreams, manifesting, negatively aspected causes all sorts of chaos. Responsible for psychics, astral projection, intense spirituality, ghosts, any level of occult interest (plus the 8th, 9th & 12th houses, especially with Neptune in them). Can also show confusion, lack of direction, negatively aspecting Mercury/Moon/Jupiter/6th & 12th Houses can show mental health problems or addictions.
Pluto (and it’s house) is a bitch 😆 I’m sorry, mine is. Needed some humor. Ruling over Scorpio, those with many aspects to Pluto have Scorpion & 8th house themes ruling their lives, even if they have no Scorpio in their planets. Death & rebirth, what ends will be born again, obsession, control, taboo subjects and dark, very intense situations & relationships. What will die and be transformed in your life, usually symbolic deaths, can be actual deaths sometimes, sometimes several times throughout life. Can show struggles and dangers with the world around you, and how it affects you, being a generational planet. Pluto describes an entire generation of people and the changes they make to society and the world. In synastry, it’s best unaspected imo, in its little corner just existing, positive is still obsession and negative is control and power trips. Often plays a role in your own death, being aspected in some way, though astrologers can’t and won’t try to specifically predict these things, just that difficult times are coming. We are not God. The same aspects that causes one person’s death causes another person’s struggle & rebirth…that’s Pluto. After death, the aspects at the time of death are apparent in the chart, especially regarding the 8th and what Pluto is aspecting at the moment.
Dark Moon Lilith (and it’s house) is the darkest and most negative aspect of you, your darkest traits, the kinks, sexual deviancy, obsessions, and temptations. Your worst behavior. I find it as important as the South Node in realizing what needs to be released, but with Lilith, it’s more what needs to be tamed. You are this way, you can’t hide it, you can’t kill it, you can only accept it, learn about it, and control it. Many celebrities have Lilith in the 1st, people are obsessed with them/their looks and they channel their Lilith in positive ways (usually), while still being provocative. In regular life, the same placement may bring opposition, especially from/towards women. When it’s you, hi, you’re the problem, it’s often Lilith being aspected by something in the current astrological lineup, or in synastry with another person. Lilith is obsession, lust, desire, acting “out of character”. At worst she’s a she-demon from hell, in whatever house she’s in. People that aspect your Lilith may bring out the worst in you, the quiet closet freak in you, all of your most intense triggers and deepest secrets. It attracts intensely or repels intensely, you have to have them or you cannot fn stand them, there is no middle ground. Also best unaspected imo, at best they’re simply compatible, my dark side understands & accepts yours, but you can’t change your/their chart. If a connection is toxic as hell, Lilith is probably front and center in one or both people.
Chiron (and it’s house) is your deepest pain. It’s also where you may cause pain (hurt people, hurt people). It’s how you heal yourself, and can help others heal in the same way. People that aspect your Chiron may deeply wound, or help heal, or you do this with them. Hard telling which.
Placidus is my way of calculating charts, I don’t find whole sign to be authentic because of degree theory, intercepted signs, and the following paragraphs, and it being proven to make sense to me over a lifetime of study. Some disagree. That’s your choice. I don’t discount it, it’s just not for me. If you’re a whole sign person, your time reading probably ends here.
Degrees matter. The degree of your planets (and houses) are how those planets and houses are expressed most often. Sag rising on a Cancer degree, you may spend a lot of time teaching…children, cooking, home matters, art. Cancer things. Venus Virgo on an Aquarius degree is helpful, detailed, acts of service in behavior, but towards everyone as a whole, for the greater good, could be a volunteer or social worker, or are known for these things, depending on other placements. 18 & 22 degrees are known as negative degrees, along with others, there are many pages dedicated to just this topic. I don’t really pay attention to these two, unless they’re together. Those people have seen (or done) some intense shit, and have probably dealt with violence at some point 💯 29 degrees is difficult as well, it’s a placement of fame, but it’s the master, you’ll find these placements as naturally more mature in its planet/placement’s sign’s energy, having mastered every angle of the degrees prior. 0 degrees is the baby, is brand new to the sign’s energy and very eager to jump in and…make mistakes. Learn. It’s a very excitable and naive (The Fool) type of energy.
Intercepted houses are two opposing signs that are not comfortable being expressed, and though they are 100% valid in the house that they are in, they are often hidden. Part of your karma is learning to become comfortable expressing these energies in yourself, which may have been ridiculed or otherwise unable to manifest themselves in younger years. The ruling planets of the more than one houses you have opposite signs ruling, and where those planets are (house), are more powerful and affect you more than they normally would by just ruling one house.
Every sign in a house matters. So do their ruling planets, they work as a team. If you have a 7th house of Aquarius and Pisces, it’s ruled by Uranus and sudden unexpected encounters, but you attract both. Along with Capricorn (Aquarius’s co-ruled Saturn ruler) and Sagittarius (Pisces’ co-ruled Jupiter ruler). That’s 4/12 signs, you’re bound to be compatible with one of them. Then you would find Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn in your houses. All signs of those houses also apply. Could be three or more signs. There are many possibilities and you’re not stuck to one sign you often can’t stand 😁 I see those questions more than any other. So if you’re full of Taurus/Scorpio, and have a hard time getting along with Aquarius, the 7th may show them specifically more as lessons, enemies, and the other signs may actually show up as your spouse. Similarly, if your 1st is Aries 29’ & Taurus, you’re ruled by Mars, at the tail end of the sign having mastered its energy, and may look more like Aries, but act more like Taurus, because it’s an entire house of Taurus. Your personality contains both. Plus The Sun. 2nd question I’ve seen asked more than any other, especially when it’s Cancer/Leo, they feel more Leo, it’s because they are. These explain many contradictions people have with astrology.
Touching on enemies, 7th and 12th are known as the enemy houses. 7th because there is a fine line between love & hate, you attract both, or your enemies may act in the way of the sign towards you (like Aquarius 7th, ick people may ghost you a lot, and act condescending towards you, even not being Aquarians, for example). 12th describes secret enemies, ones you don’t see in the open and don’t expect, they consciously or unconsciously work against you. While that may be true, I find the 12th to be intense spiritual & karmic connections, those you’ve known in past lives, spiritual contracts, Twin Flames. Being the house of the unconscious, it difficult to pinpoint how positive or negative a 12th heavy connection may be. Some are very spiritual. Some may be dangerous or toxic. Mercury especially, in 12th synastry, has a mind control effect on the other person, the 12th person may not understand why they do what they do while Mercury pulls the strings. The same placement can show intuitive understanding of how the other person expresses themselves, or non verbal communication, being able to speak and understand with expressions & body language. It’s like they can read your mind. Mostly positive. Positive or negative, 12th synastry (along with Pisces, Scorpio, Neptune, and Pluto) is very intense, powerful and can indicate soul ties.
Aspects - things may be in the same sign, or even squared/opposite, and still give each other space, and those are more tolerable. You can have Mars and Pluto in the same sign but one is at 1’ and the other is 27’, they’re not conjunct. Similarly, someone’s Scorpio Sun may square your Jupiter Leo, by sign, but the degrees are far enough apart that they’re largely unaspected, and less likely to cause issues. Aspects are usually within a 5’-10’ orb, conjunctions are within 2’ at their most powerful. When it comes to asteroids, they all exist somewhere but only really apply when tightly conjunct one of your personal planets or the AC/DC/IC/MC or 1st, 4th, 7th & 10th house cusps. When The Sun is within 10’ of another planet, it tends to combust that planet’s energy, or make it harder to express, even in synastry.
A synastry chart is laying yours and other persons chart on top of each other and seeing what affects who and where they are. A composite chart is the combination of yours and another persons chart. You know how married people act like the same person after some years? That’s a composite chart, the personality they become together. A progressed chart is how you have progressed in the time since you have been born. Though you are your same signs existing as you, you have learned many lessons and are now, currently, expressing yourself in this way, based on how far you’ve come. Current projects, interests, difficulties, lovers, what’s going on last week, tomorrow & today in this moment, may be shown here.
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dracimexidae ¡ 1 year
Sofia and Ale my beloved 🥹🥰
#padel#I wonder#I got to watch only the last part of the match because I forgot about time zones in finland#also I had stuff to do#but despite being conflicted because I like zazu and jess as well#sofia is my crush and I love ale and I've been squealing about the news of them together#since rumors started to spread - dreading that they weren't true because it would have been too good to be true#but here we are 🥰#and they seem to fit well together and to go along and have the same motivation and energy#I'm so rooting for them you have no idea they are my dream team#and though I have to suffer to see them play against other players I like#like today and tomorrow against virginia and tamara#I really REALLY need them reaching the final#against maybe triay and ortega - and ale getting her freaking revenge against gemma oh yes#that's a pareja I want losing badly - marta for leaving sofia and gemma for ditching ale#yeah yeah I'm well aware these things happen but I'm still vindictive as hell about this 😆#if you told me one year ago I would have been this passionate about a sport I would have laughed at your face#what the fuck did padel do to me? I only started watching little more than one year ago I should be over it already#yeah I watch some sports and I like it but I'm not that involved generally#anyway now onto suffering for italbasket (who make me way less excited 😒#at least they seem to play better than the previous matches - as they should against serbia)
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aeribbon ¡ 2 months
you ready ? | carlos sainz
summary; when one time in ibiza, you made a deal with a random spanish man that if if in 5 years you weren't dating someone you would marry him... it's been 5 years !
pairing; carlos sainz x diplomat!reader
warnings; swearing ?? english isn't my first language !
an; also i'm taking requests pleaseeeeee give me scenarios i would gladly make them
fc; chiara king
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yourusername - 2016
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liked by carlossainz55, yourbestfriend, and 235 others !
yourusername me after doing handstands in the pool to impress him but see ya in 5 years ig
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carlossainz55 I hope so !
yourbestfriend that is a crazy bet but i'm here for it
yourfriend1 damn you're stunning
yourfriend2 okay period girl that tan ate
yourfriend3 yummy
username mmhm why is carlos liking and commenting ??
▮ username literally ahaha no way the f1 gossip pages still haven't found this
(yn's pov)
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5 years later
yourusername - 2021
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liked by yourbestfriend, yourfriend1, carlossains55, and 789 others !
yourusername single life means gno everyday !!!
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yourbestfriend thank god cause i couldn't stand that ugly rat
▮ yourfriend1 and he had the audacity to cheat !
▮ yourusername gotta get that rebound tonight
yourbestfriend i need you to stop traveling, i can assume you pookie no need to work and leave me every monday
▮ yourusername ily babe but i'm not gonna fuck up 10 years of studies for you <3
▮ yourbestfriend well i tried, ...
y/n's pov
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yourusername - 2021
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liked by yourbestfriend, yourfriend2, carlossainz55 and 1290 others !
yourusername i love my job
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carlossainz55 so... it's been 5 years ! you still up ?
▮ yourusername omg carlos hi
▮ carlossainz55 yeah hi y/n (liked by author)
▮ maxverstappen1 ☕️
yourfriend2 when i'll buy france you'll be my prime minister and minister of international relationships
▮ yourusername how much will you pay me ?
yourbestfriend can i pls come with you next time
▮ yourusername no youre gonna distract me and yk i can't say no to you
▮ yourbestfriend i promise we'll go out only the last day !
▮ yourusername ok we might have a deal
yourfriend1 stunning
username let me spell gorjus right !
yourfriendwhichisamale loveeee never knew what i was missing
▮ yourusername bro if you don't shut up you're gonna make me fumble
▮ landonorris ouh 👀
▮ carlossainz55 cabron leave
carlos' pov
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carlossainz55 - 2024
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, alex_albon and 3m others !
carlossainz55 fell in love with her way before that deal trust me ! can't believe i actually get to call you MY wife after 3 years of relationship and the best years of my life, i love you y/n more than you could ever imagine ❤️
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yourbestfriend WELP I LOVE YOU GUYS
yourusername i love you too carlos and i think you've got an idea of how much i love you
maxverstappen1 congrats guys, i'm so proud of you guys and also for being part of that deal 😆❤️
▮ carlossainz55 shush that's a secret
▮ yourusername YOU WERE INVOLVED ?
landonorris my parents awww ily
username carlosy/n nation we are so alive omg
username i'm such a proud mom omg i love them so much
rĂşbendias congrats mate (like by author)
username their history is so wattpad coded please it's too cute for me
oscarpiastri can you please adopt me now ?
▮ charles_leclerc WHAT ??? NO WTF
▮ yourusername ofc my cutie osc anything for you my love
▮ carlossainz55 oh
▮ landonorris they're already my parents move and i'm y/n's favorite
▮ oscarpiastri i'm gonna hold your hand when i'll say this
▮ yourusername yeah sorry norris
yourusername - lake como
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liked by yourbestfriend, carlossainz55, maxverstappen1 and 12k others !
yourusername made the deal for the plot but actually found my soulmate on the way, i love you carlos ! you're the love of my life ❤️
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yourbestfriend the way this story ended is my roman empire
username she's beautiful
username i knew this wedding wouldn't disappoint after seeing y/n's aesthetic
▮ username she's literally a diplomat and he's literally an f1 driver i was excepting something as big as they served us !
▮ username fr love them for this !!!!! this is so iconic imagine having your wedding in lake como
lilymunihe my baby i'm so happy for you awwww
▮ yourusername ily lily
carmenmmundt wedding of the year !! thank you for inviting george and i it was an incredible experience !
▮ yourusername awww thank you for being here carmen ily
username oh to be marrying the y/n
username idk if i want to be carlos or y/n
▮ username trust me i would kill to marry y/n
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i tried ahaha pls i would love to have your feed back or any ideas for an smau !!
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maplesyrupsainz ¡ 10 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙no saving u | LS2˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: logan sargeant x piastri!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au, break up, brother's best friend/childhood friends to lovers
warnings: trigger warning many max verstappen mentions unfortunately /j
summary: in which they are pulled together following a particularly messy crash during the last race of the season and an even messier break up
a/n: i got this plot as a request and i love it ahhh i linked the request below!!! hope u guys enjoy i lowkey luv writing logan fanfic especially when max loses something 😆
request!!!: max is getting too cocky and dangerous on the track and he knows you disagree with his antics which causes tension between you, he continues his dangerous streak even though he’s just had the pit lane rules changed for abu dhabi and ends up crashing into logan during fp2, you’ve had enough of max putting himself and others in danger whilst he’s on an ego trip and rush to check on logan after he’s been taken safely from his car and end up going to the hospital with him (you’re childhood friends because he did karting and f3 with your brother), you leave max that night and end up spending more time with logan as he recovers, the summer is spent exploring your new relationship and you go public when you’re spotted in his paddock in 2024, max is humiliated beaten by the worst driver on the grid in his opinion, he’s finally humbled, you could also maybe have logan doing better as he’s had an opportunity to be involved with the cars development, and he even gets a couple podiums in his sophomore year :)
my masterlist
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, and 47,038 others
yourusername life lately:)
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maxverstappen1 the true artwork is you!
oscarpiastri cringeee
danielricciardo he's trying
yourusername max verstappen most bullied f1 driver on the grid
logansargeant assuming we will see you in the williams garage in abu dhabi
maxverstappen1 no!
alex_albon it's our turn
oscarpiastri nope it's our turn
yourusername shame it's none of you lot's turn. you will see me in mercedes perhaps
lewishamilton i always win
georgerussell63 😊
user1 y/n x f1 2023 grid interactions are my absolute favourite
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 10,384 others
maxverstappen1 wont you swing by?
yourusername yes of course hehe i will come see you before free practice 🧡
alex_albon u didnt cheat but ur still a traitor
yourusername 🐱
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yourusername posted a story
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liked by lilymhe, oscarpiastri, and 12,321 others
maxverstappen1 you are ignoring me
yourusername i just dont want to talk right now
maxverstappen1 why? you didnt even see if i was okay
yourusername i knew you were okay
yourusername im just very upset and angry it wouldn't be productive to see you right now
maxverstappen1 you are not coming back to the hotel?
yourusername no so dont wait up, i'll see you tomorrow
maxverstappen1 okay i am sorry y/n
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, and 64,734 others
yourusername im only welcome in one garage now
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logansargeant this is literally false information
lilymhe she knows where she should be
landonorris im so lucky i get to see y/n before every race now
oscarpiastri you literally told her she stinks like 5 min ago
yourusername oh great thanks maybe im not welcome anywhere
mclaren we love you y/n
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mercedesamgf1 you know where to find us y/n
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user11 the caption...... is this a break up confirmation bc she isnt welcome at rb garage anymore
user12 i love how all the teams fight over her lol
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liked by yourusername, user10, and 13,384 others
f1wagupdates we are gathered here today to mourn the alleged death of f1 couple max verstappen and our favourite aussie y/n piastri. please leave your respects below 🙏 we are celebrating with some of our favourite maxy/n moments!
tagged: yourusername, maxverstappen1
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user13 wag death 🙏
liked by yourusername
user14 one of my favourite couples😢
user15 dont cry coz it's over.....
user16 this has rattled me
user17 the caption CELEBRATING? Hahahah
f1wagupdates whoops freudian slip
user18 😭 i will never know peace
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liked by lilymhe, carmenmmundt, and 8,743 others
carmenmmundt dodged a bullet 100%
yourusername then why does it feel like i got hit anyway 😐
carmenmmundt you are so strong y/n/n
yourusername somehow it's worse because he would have me back if i asked lol
carmenmmundt omg he has no idea what he lost .. you are going to be thriving whilst he is flopping by next season i promise
yourusername i hope ur right 😀
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon, and 24,924 others
logansargeant vacation time 🏝️
tagged: yourusername, oscarpiastri
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yourusername vacay vacay
oscarpiastri baecay baecay
yourusername ur so weird
oscarpiastri noo hahahh ..
user19 "baecay" what does that mean 🤔
user20 not oscar shipping his best friend & sister together 💀
user21 love seeing y/n hanging out with everyone now instead of being hidden away in max's dungeon
yourusername DUNGEON i just shrieked
user22 😀😀😀 im fine
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 284,929 others
danielricciardo woohoo woohoo woohoo
tagged: yourusername, lilymhe, landonorris, alex_albon, oscarpiastri
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user23 omg more y/n x grid content
yourusername yoohoo
danielricciardo hi y/n
yourusername hey 😄
lilymhe my fav ppl
landonorris should we all give up our seats and hang out 24/7 instead
alex_albon no
danielricciardo no
oscarpiastri no
yourusername yea yay!
lilymhe yes wahoo
user24 i wish i was their friend
user25 max verstappen found dead
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 454,183 others
charles_leclerc what we've been up to
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user26 y/n & charles taking a flight together🥹
user27 omg she is everywhere loll
yourusername exposing my weird airline meal
charles_leclerc still dont know what it was
oscarpiastri lol flying with y/n/n is an experience
user28 who is y/n dating im confused ??
user29 no one her & max just broke up but she's oscar's sister so she's always been friends with a lot of the grid
alexandrasaintmleux i can't believe u saw y/n without me
yourusername 😭 i miss you
alexandrasaintmleux get on a plane now
yourusername i genuinely will
charles_leclerc dont steal my gf
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yourusername posted a story
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liked by lilymhe, carmenmmundt, and 14,204 others
lilymhe oh hello
yourusername 👀
carmenmmundt excuse meee mrs
yourusername perhaps you were right
carmenmmundt not surprised
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername, and 27,924 others
logansargeant ...where should we go next?
view all 4,193 comments
user33 looks like y/n .. anyone else?
user34 that is deffo y/n
user35 why would we assume y/n is dating logan everyone has been posting them hanging out with her lately
danielricciardo go to japan
liked by logansargeant
user36 aww daniel giving travel advice
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liked by logansargeant, charles_leclerc, and 18,204 others
yourusername new favourite place
tagged: logansargeant
view all 6,283 comments
user37 omg not them going to japan because daniel told them to
user38 i rly think logan & y/n are an item
user39 aww she is having so much fun since the breakup
danielricciardo did not expect u guys to actually go where i said
yourusername we were feeling crazyy & impulsive
oscarpiastri come home im bored
yourusername make some friends
oscarpiastri why make friends when i have u
user40 lol i love their sibling relationship
twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 4,294 others
carmenmmundt omg this is giving hard launch
yourusername 😭 this is special circumstances
logansargeant couldn't have done it without you
twitter ->
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liked by logansargeant, carmenmmundt, and 17,294 others
yourusername bahrain bahrain p.s he was tired after getting p3
tagged: logansargeant
view all 7,294 comments
oscarpiastri just got the strongest urge to bully you for this post
yourusername u hate to see a girl win!! ur a misogynist or something
landonorris u didnt win anything y/n
logansargeant she won my heart actually
oscarpiastri omg.... lose my number.
yourusername lose ur seat!!! ur a b word
user44 not them arguing over literally nothing
mclaren we're on your side, y/n
yourusername i will always be a mclaren girl!
user45 lol y/n x grid interactions own my heart
user46 i love her relationship with mclaren in general
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whatsapp ->
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instagram ->
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 32,294 others
logansargeant me and my gf in murica
tagged: yourusername
view all 11,284 comments
yourusername 🦅
oscarpiastri you hate america
yourusername no need to mention that rn
logansargeant ???
lilymhe never been so happy
liked by yourusername, logansargeant
carmenmmundt i told you so, y/n
yourusername you did :)
logansargeant dont know what you told her but thanks 👍
user48 AHHHH i love y/n
logansargeant you and me both
yourusername WHAT?
oscarpiastri that's my sister bro
user48 omg what did i start
alex_albon oh shit
logansargeant urmmmm
yourusername i love you too 😜
carmenmmundt 🥰🥰
1K notes ¡ View notes
writingstoraes ¡ 1 year
tour guide 🎥
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!actress!reader
type: instagram imagine, social media au
notes: saw the post abt apex filming at silverstone this week and got this idea lol lmk what u guys think! atp you already know who my fc is (it's hailee steinfeld 😝)
about: a well-known actress stars in a film that is set in the world of formula 1 and scuderia ferrari happens to be the leading team to guide the production team and its cast!
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, madelyncline, and 1,249,247 others
yourusername Film prep starts now. Currently glad my parents forced me into getting my driver's license as early as I could as well as my brother introducing me to Formula 1 years ago 🏁
Beyond excited for this movie!
filmthusiast this is such a new role for her im so excited
f1lover film + f1 is always going to be the biggest bestest combo ❤️
zendayyn mans a fan norrisbaby Oh hes quick 😆
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yourusername recently added to her instagram story!
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yourusername recently added to her instagram story!
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, pierregasly, and 1,482,2058 others
yourusername 3/4 done with filming for First Gear 🤍 So much work has been done for this movie and it's been the good kind of overwhelming so far. I've learned so much and experienced so many new things.
Included the one and only charles_leclerc here because majority of the things I learned came from him. He's pretty nice except he was beyond nervous when I drove the car for the first time.
scuderiaferrari We're glad to know Charles was the best tour guide ever! ❤️
hamilfilm charles leclerc making his way into y/n's official ig account is not something i have on my bingo card
popgirltay u guys r so cute <3 friendship goals!
livelovelecs no, dating announcement next LOLOL
charles_leclerc Why do I seem like the bad guy here, I taught you pretty well didn't I?
yourusername I didn't say you were a bad teacher 😕
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liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, and 1,102,358 others
charles_leclerc Everyday's karting day 🚘
lecsferrari the red nails??? sir u aint slick who is that
sainzmclaren It's Y/N 😭 She posted karting pics today too
yourusername What do you have to say for yourself that you lost?
charles_leclerc I let you win, jolie 😁 Pretty. ferarrimercs HE CALLED HER PRETTY?????
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, kendall, and 1,395,299 others
yourusername The student has become the teacher 😎
charles_leclerc Anyone would win if they were fighting kids on track
yourusername I sense sore loser 😝
scuderiaferrari ❤️❤️❤️
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, florencepugh, and 2,034,551 others
yourusername Feeling so emotional that filming for a movie that holds a special place in my heart has come to an end 🤍 I am so ecstatic for all of you to see First Gear because everyone involved put everything they had for this film. I hope you guys love this as much as I do, possibly more.
So many people to thank — the directors, producers, scriptwriters, my co-stars, everyone who's worked so hard to make this into reality, I owe you all so much.
But I also never thought I'd meet someone so special. Charles, this past year for us have been so crazy and I'm glad I got to spend it with you. If it helps, the moment they told me you would be giving me a tour of the paddock, I fell instantly 😝
scuderiaferrari We are so proud of you, Y/N ❤️ The whole team is waiting for the movie!
charles_leclerc What do you mean if it helps, I was literally sweating while telling you what a pitwall is
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liked by landonorris, ynleclercs16, pierregasly, and 1,673,992 others
charles_leclerc Most talented person I've come across. Watching you on set has become one of my favorite things to do; it reminds me of just how amazing you are. To more karting sessions with you ❤️
Your paddock tour guide
lecshamilton hes owning the tour guide title, mad respect
f1luvr power couple me thinks?
yourusername Get ready to lose 🥱
tagging: @slytherheign, @honethatty12, @siovhanroy
notes: why i take so much time making these ill never understand anyway i hope u guys like this hehehe thank you sm for reading <3
2K notes ¡ View notes
nahoney22 ¡ 5 months
Alanah, my sweet, darling friend, congratulations to you on your many, many followers!! 💜💜 You deserve all of them and I'm more than delighted to be one of them!
My request is for Hunter (surprised? 😜) with the following 2 prompts, pretty please!
🫧15: “Smiling is the second best thing you can do with your lips.” (Fluff list)
🫧4: “The truth is I don’t hate you. I…I tolerate you.” / “I thought you were going to say love.” / and if I did?” (Enemies to lovers list)
Little angst wouldn't hurt, leading to something fluffy and nice...I trust you 🥰
I cannot wait!! 😆💜 Love you so much, bestie!!
Fall With Me 🌊
🫧 Pairing: Hunter X Female Reader
word count: 1.4k
“The truth is I don’t hate you. I… I tolerate you.” / “I thought you were going to say love.” / “And if I did?”
“Smiling is the second best thing you can do with your lips.”
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Summary: When paired up with Hunter for a mission, it takes a near death experience for you to say how you really felt about the Sarge… but you weren’t prepared for how you really felt either.
Warnings: Safe for Work, Little Angst, Fluff, Reader Is Scared of Heights, First Kiss, Mutual Pining, Female Reader. Not Proofread.
Authors note: I love you too bestie! And no, not a surprise at all 😉 Hope this is okay! Enjoy! Love you so much, thanks for always supporting me. 🩶
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“And that leaves yourself and Hunter to pair up.”
After Tech outlined the upcoming mission, the realisation of being paired with Sarge left you feeling a tad uneasy. It wasn't due to any discomfort around him or found him horrible; in fact, quite the opposite. However, the thought of potentially failing in his presence was unsettling.
There had been occasions where you'd caught him casting a displeased glance, not directly at you, but in response to mishaps involving you. So, there was a heightened sense of pressure to perform well. But, you took it with a pinch of salt and hoped to prove yourself to him today.
As Hunter nonchalantly announced, 'Alright, let's head out,' you silently appreciated his professionalism in not opting to change partners. With a quick exchange of well-wishes, the team gathered their gear and set off, Hunter leading the way while you followed closely behind.
Navigating the outskirts of a dilapidated settlement teeming with mercenaries and rogues, Hunter paused to comm the others, prompting you to remain vigilant and on lookout. When happy that everyone was in position, he refocused his attention on you as he inquired, “Ready to get up there?”
Your eyes widened beneath your helmet as you nervously asked, “Up where?”
Stepping aside, Hunter revealed a rusty and precarious ladder partially concealed by vines. A surge of apprehension washed over you; it seemed that Wrecker weren't the only one with a fear of heights.
“Oh.” you involuntarily squeaked, hastily composing yourself. However, Hunter picked up on your hesitation.
“Don’t tell me you're afraid of heights too,” he remarked with a sigh, adding to your mounting anxiety about the partnership. Despite your concerns, you hoped he wouldn't view you as a liability. Before you could formulate a response, Hunter secured his backpack and tethered it to both of you, assuring, “There we go. If you fall, I'll catch you.”
Though his expression was concealed by his helmet, the gesture provided some reassurance and even added a little flutter in your stomach. You may be scared of failing him but that didn’t make him all the less attractive. As you glanced at the connecting cords and then at the daunting ladder, a knot formed in your stomach. “Do I go first?” you tentatively asked.
“Yes. Now, let's get going.” he instructed, giving you a gentle nudge forward.
As you began the ascent, your heart raced with each rung of the ladder you grasped, your gaze fixed firmly ahead, avoiding the sight of the perilous drop below.
"Keep going, don't look down," you whispered to yourself, your fingers gripping the ladder tightly, praying that each rusted bar would hold.
Halfway up, the realisation of the height hit you with full force. Two hundred meters above ground, you reaffirmed your determination but then, as your hand clasped onto the next bar, it gave way, knocking you off your balance.
With lightning speed, Hunter surged upward, positioning himself behind you and using his body to steady yours, preventing you from falling back. "Are you alright?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.
Speech eluded you, your chest heaving as the gravity of the situation sank in. Tears threatened behind your visor as you grappled with the near miss. "Just... give me a moment," you managed to utter, completely overwhelmed.
The sudden realisation of Hunter's close proximity jolted you back to the present. "Let's... let's keep going," you rasped, nodding slightly. Hunter obliged, stepping down but keeping a reassuring hand firmly planted on the small of your back, providing much-needed support until you regain your composure.
When you both finally reached the summit, you had to restrain yourself from collapsing to your knees and kissing the ground beneath you. Your limbs throbbed with exhaustion, and your mind reeled from the harrowing ordeal of nearly meeting your demise.
By then, a feeling of embarrassment washed over you. You watched silently as Hunter detached the cord connecting you both and proceeded to relay updates to the team. However, overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, you found yourself leaning against a nearby wall, sinking to your knees as you removed your helmet, frustration evident in the way your fingers raked through your hair.
As Hunter's voice filtered through the comm, he briefly looked at you and concern crossed his face. “Hold tight until we are able to move forward.” He relays to the others before he abruptly cuts off the transmission, takes off his helmet and approaches you.
"Hey," he said softly, drawing your attention, "are you alright?"
Though you wanted to respond with an affirmative, your throat constricted with unspoken emotions, preventing anything but a shaky denial. Biting your lip to stifle any whimpers, you just shocked your head but found solace in his company.
"Why are you upset?" he inquired, his confusion mirroring yours as you struggled to articulate your feelings.
Sniffling, you released a heavy sigh, avoiding his gaze as you confessed, "I just feel like I always mess up around you, and that I annoy you… and I just nearly died!”
Your words tumbled forth in a torrent of insecurity, your ramblings a desperate attempt to verbalise how you felt. However, Hunter remained patient, allowing you to unload your burdens until you uttered the words that hung heavily in the air.
"What did you just say?" he interjected, genuine confusion etched in his features. "You think I hate you?"
Meeting his gaze, you hesitated, uncertain of how he would react. "I just thought..."
"You thought wrong," he interrupted gently, a small chuckle escaping him. "I don't hate you. I..."
His words trailed off, leaving an unspoken sentiment lingering between you. He seemed in deep thought as he pondered whether or not it was appropriate to express how he really felt.
Perhaps not, and so he held back, his silence speaking volumes as he searched for the right words. But you stared at him, wondering what he was really thinking.
Catching your expectant gaze, he offered a wry smile. "I tolerate you," he quipped, the humour in his tone breaking the tension and eliciting a relieved laugh from you, tears wiped away.
"For a second, I thought you were going to say 'love,'" you blurted out without thinking, only for Hunter to match your unfiltered honesty.
"And if I did?" Hunter's response caught you off guard, his eyes widening slightly, but he didn't retract his words.
Tucking a loose piece of hair behind your ear, you tilted your head at him. "And do you?"
He visibly gulped. "I don't think it's a surprise that I'm not great with talking about how I feel," he admitted nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
Stunned, it took a moment for his words to sink in. "I don't know what to say," you whispered, completely bashful as your cheeks burned.
"You don't have to if you don't want to… I just thought you should know that my strict ways come from a place of me caring about you. A lot. I'm just not good at expressing things," he explained, his quiet vulnerability bringing a smile to your lips, a sight he secretly always adored. "I'm happy to see you smiling again. It suits you."
"Oh yeah?" you teased, mischief gleaming in your eyes as the newfound revelation sank in. "Your smile isn't too bad yourself, Sarge."
He chuckled, placing a hand over yours. The two of you gazed at each other for a moment, the mission completely on hold as you reveled in this new adventure. However, there was no hiding the signs of him looking at your lips and then back to you. "You know," he started, taking a nervous breath, "smiling is the second-best thing you can do with your lips."
Reading the signs and anticipation hanging in the air, you closed the distance between you, pressing your lips to his. Time seemed to stand still as the galaxy around you faded away.
He sighs against you, the kiss deepening with a loving desire. Your hands found their way to his face, fingers tangling in his hair as he pulled you closer. Hunter responded eagerly, his arms wrapping around you, holding you in tight as the kiss ignited a fire within both of you.
Lost in the moment, you explored each other's lips with a soft hunger that had been simmering beneath the surface. The kiss was electric, sending waves of happiness through your body, making your heart race and your skin tingle in excitement.
Finally breaking apart, you gazed into each other's eyes. "I've wanted to do that for a long time," Hunter confessed, his voice low and husky.
You smiled, feeling a rush of warmth flood through you. "Me too," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Without another word, Hunter pulled you close once again, his lips finding yours in another searing kiss, revealing all the unspoken words. The mission could wait for a minute or two.
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Tags: @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @jesseeka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @lamiliani @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia a @thesith @raevulsix @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @imalovernotahater @sithstrings @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @yunggoblin @photogirl894 @the-bad-batch-baroness @lulalovez @thiswitchloves9904
221 notes ¡ View notes
newtonsheffield ¡ 6 months
while I know all the Bridgersibs are ultimately happy for Anthony (esp now that he’s less of a hardass because he’s distracted by his beautiful wife LOL) I can’t wait to see the look of exasperation on their faces the 1000th time they’ve seen Kanthony giggle and kiss like lovesick teens on a random Tuesday afternoon. I know Eloise is the snarkiest about it at least 😆
Oh they’re super happy for Anthony. There’s such a difference in him after he tried to burn down the entire ton to be with Kate. He’s calmer, he’s more relaxed and they all love Kate. They loved her before it was certain that they’d be married. They love how she rolls her eyes and ignores Anthony. They love how she has no shame in taking a sly little dig at someone who expresses their concern and delight to find her still in England.
“Well, Lord Bridgerton and I have decided that our marriage might work best if I were to stay in England. A distant marriage isn’t suited for us I fear.”
Eloise and Francesca found themselves hiding their laughter behind their hands very poorly as the other woman gaped at Kate who seemed entirely unbothered as she sighed.
“Girls, your mother is expecting us for tea, we’d better be getting along.”
“I think you’re who I’d like to be when I grow up.” Eloise said still laughing as they made their way down the street. “You always seem to be able to get things exactly the way you want them. Anthony told me many times I couldn’t have a dog as he wouldn’t allow one in the house. I found Newton on the sofa the other day.”
Kate scoffed. “I find the trick to dealing with your brother is ignoring him and doing exactly as you mean to any way.”
They love Kate. They love that she gets so involved in their family games, they love her.
But the thing about Kate and Anthony is… they’re also Kate and Anthony.
They’re always tossing one another smiles and looks across the room and they sit after dinner with their heads bowed together giggling at something or other. Some private joke between the two of them.
It gets to be a bit much some time.
“Oh please!” Benedict groaned one night at the dinner table as Anthony grinned at his wife beside him. “No more I beg of you!”
“Yes!” Eloise hissed, “Some of us, are eating.”
“Some of us,” Anthony said easing his eyebrows, “Should be thankful that their brother hasn’t mentioned the articles I found tucked into a book calling for revolution.”
Eloise fell silent but Benedict only tutted, appealing to Kate. “Kate, I love you. You know I do. I would… fight a duel over you with Anthony if I thought you’d have me.”
Kate rolled her eyes. “I doubt that.”
Anthony looked affronted, “Don’t tempt me.”
“If you’ve ever cared for me,” Benedict carried on, “Please, please go and sit at the opposite end of the table.”
Anthony scoffed, “I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“Who are you?!” Benedict hissed, “You used to care about propriety!”
Kate gave Benedict a slow smile, winking at Anthony. “No, darling. Benedict’s right, this isn’t proper.” She turned down the table still smirking. “Violet would you swap with me?”
Violet looked a little wary but stood and took Kate’s seat so Kate was sat at the opposite end of the table from her husband, the entire family between them. She cleared her throat, talking loudly enough that they all had to hear.
“As I was saying, Darling: You look very handsome tonight.”
Anthony grinned as his siblings groaned, “You’re right Benedict. I do prefer this.”
“Yes!” Kate called out, “This is much more proper!”
“Thank you, Benedict.” Eloise sighed, “Thank you for this.”
“This isn’t exactly what I meant, obviously.”
169 notes ¡ View notes
amethystfairy1 ¡ 6 months
I JUST READ THE NEWEST CHAPTER OF SIGHTLINE SUNRISE AND broooo....... tango's crop top being an accidental assassination attempt was NOT on my bingo card but I AM THRIVING WITH IT......
god... zed buddy there's no saving you.... no level of feather falling could save you from how down bad he is......
also tango just cannot catch a BREAK can he?? keeps getting picked up like a pile of grapes, silly man I love him
and now I'm imagining how doc and zed meeting would go as well like. that would be so funny to me specifically but terrifying for just about everyone else involved
you've inspired me to try to draw humanoids, so take a tango
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and also a weapon of destruction
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I gave tango earrings because I think he deserves them as a little treat. like with all those glass beads he makes, why not?
Nah Zed is doomed. Doomed doomed doomed. He’s so down bad for Tango and Tango has no clue what taking off his vest has done, he nearly killed his new friend because he wears a CROP TOP
I love his little earrings! And his little goggles are ADORABLE!!!
I can’t help having people keep snatching Tango off the ground to all of his friends Tango is just a fiery little kitten that they want to cuddle and he just has to deal with that 😂
Local biotech researcher found dead after blaze-born proves to be too hot, and not in the way you’re thinking. 😆
Also you’re very good at drawing humanoids because this lil Tango looks AMAZING!!!!
Zed and Doc meeting is gonna be…an event. I will say that. 😆
105 notes ¡ View notes
mymelodymia ¡ 11 months
first period with dad!Tony?
Sorry I know it's kind of a weird topic I just thought it would be a funny and awkward situation haha 😄
First period Dad!Tony stark x tween!daughter!reader
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summary: you get your first period......oof
Warnings: mainly everything involved in periods
A/N: this is gonna be so awkward to write oh my god 😆
You were extremely close to your first period, but you and tony did not notice this. Pepper definitely did.
she watched as you spent more time in your room. how your emotions could turn around so fast. She noticed the mood swings, and soon, the cravings kicked in. And tony being tony he did not notice all of this, and neither did you.
One day at school, you suddenly felt wet down there. You asked to go to the restroom, and you were greeted with a pool of blood in your underwear.
You gasped in shock, looking around frantically in search for something to help in the small stall. You only found the toilet paper as an option. So you rolled it up quickly and stuffed it in there.
You uncomfortably walked back to your class, blushing in Embarrassment, you sat down and zoned out quickly.
When tony came to pick you up, he noticed your uneasiness, and asked about it, "whats wrong kid?" He asked, wrapping his hand around yours for comfort. "....i got my p-period" you replied, not taking your eyes off the window.
"Oh......ill call pep to come help you when we get home, dont worry, she'll take care of it" the rest of the car ride home was silent.
As you got home you walked into the bathroom waiting for your mother to come, given that you sent her a text saying 'hey, i need you. Its an emergency'
She ran in as fast as she could, in a frenzy she panted out the words "what happened" she asked leaning on the counter.
"I...umm...got my period." You were extremely embarrassed and couldn't even look her in the eye. She simply laughed and walked out, returning a few minutes later as she got back from the store.
She had a few boxes of pads, some wipes, and a few other things as well.
You thanked her as she helped you through all of it. You sat in your bed for a while before tony came bursting into your bedroom, with lots of cookies, chips, snacks in general.
He also had a heating pad for cramps. And he had gotten you ice cream ❤️
You ate them up in the few days of this dreadful week. But luckily it was over quickly for you since you mainly slept through it.
Once your period fell into a track, he had Jarvis set a alarm ⏰️ so if you had a mood swing, he'd ask Jarvis like "hey J, is it....you know"
"Deadly week sir?........yes"
A/N: im sorry, my writing has been really far behind 😔
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @zebralover // @carellmcu //
162 notes ¡ View notes
bangchansgirlsblog ¡ 11 months
Warning: hurt/fluff, stutter, insecurity, bullying
Pairing: Chan x reader
Summary: You have a stutter and you’re getting better.
Enjoy! 😆
"I-I w-would like to-to say thank y-you to the s-stay that stuck w-with us t-through all t-the ups and downs when...when t-things we're hard. T-this is for all of us-of you," I manage to say into the mic. I was clearly nervous, this was the first time speaking in public and an award show was honestly very intimidating.
Everyone cheers and Chan gives his last speech before we all go backstage to prepare for our performance.
"You did so well out there Y/nie!" Changbin boasts. He wraps his hands around me in a hug while everyone else is talking or getting their makeup fixed.
"Y-you really think s-so?" I smile and look up at him. Happy that I was able to make him proud. They had been trying to get me to talk a lot more and be involved in interviews, radio stations or shoes in general and this was the first big step.
"Yes I do! I'm so proud of you!" He exclaims and carries me in a spin. I laugh and yelp trying to fidget out of his grip knowing he wouldn’t let go unless I wrestled him.
Chan walks over to the both of us. A big smile caused by me and Changbin. Once Changbin releases me and gets distracted by Han throwing a ball at him. Chan gives me a kiss before spinning me around like in the movies. I let out a small squeal and giggle at this.
"I'm happy with what you did out there and I’m so proud baby."
"W-well when you asked s-so nicely I had too. Did-did I s-stutter a lot?" I ask him tilting my head. Slightly nervous that no one understood what I was saying. He shakes his head no.
"Nope, you did amazing and do you know what you get?" I look at him confused. Wondering.
"A treat later tonight," he whispers in my ear causing me to turn red and flustered. Butterflies flattering in my stomach.
"O-oh I-I...umph...C-Chan!" I exclaim and smack him. He was towering over me and smirking. He lets out a small chuckle, amused Ofcourse.
“What? You know you-“
"We are on in 10!" A producer yells. I feel myself jump a little due to the loud voice. A normal thing that happens whenever loud sounds came out of no where.
"Hey…are the hiccups still really bad?" He frowns at me but I shake my head no.
“Stop calling them hiccups Chan?” I playfully shove him. "O-only when it's really loud and there's a lot of people b-but now it's n-not as bad." I explain to him while playing with the hand that was in mine.
"Okay my love, just remember whenever you feel overwhelmed tell me okay?" He slightly relaxes.
"Yes I-I will Channie," I smile and give him another kiss.
The venue was really packed and they were a lot of people around us but we seemed to always be in our own little world, drowning all the sounds.
His face smooth and shiny. His hair neatly put together, his ear peace dangling around his neck and eyeshadow put perfectly round his eyes. Looking at him and admiring his beauty.
I let out a gasp suddenly when I remember something that I had to tell him. I was excited and very much filled with so much joy, I had to tell him right there and then.
"C-Chan I-I got us t-tickets t-to a-a s-show a-at- ugh..." I sigh frustrated failing to speak a normal thing when I was extremely happy.
He frowns then rubs my knuckles,
"Hey it's okay take your time and breathe no rush, just breathe." His face turns into a worried look. Making me feel guilty but I nod and take a breath.
"I-I got us t-tickets for a s-how I-in new y-York when we-we got there!" He smile widens.
"You see there you go. Now this show you speak of…. Am I allowed to know what it is? Or is it a suprise? Hm pretty girl?"
"S-suprise! But y-you'll know soon." I smile and he kisses my forehead for the 100th time that day.
"I'm excited I can't wait!" He beams.
"Alright people! Let's go! Let's go!" The producer yells at all of us and we walk towards the stage.
"Good luck everyone!" Chan says,
"G-good luck Chan!" I say back before we make our way on stage hearing thousands of people screaming.
When we go on stage we perform a few songs. Ofcourse I didn't stutter because whenever I did sing it didn't come but it only happened when I was really upset or just talking in general.
The permformace was 15 minutes long until we could get offstage.
Ofcourse everyone said thank you to the dancers and crew then we made it backstage when we changed into more comfy clothes so we could go home.
"I think that today we should celebrate Y/n! For getting on stage and giving her speech!" Han yells excitedly in the car.
"O-oh n-no no n-no, we-we shouldn't!" I cover my face shyly and Chan chuckles.
"We should babe, come on! I'm so proud of you!"
"O-okay but n-no drinking," I wave at all of them and they laugh.
"Okay no drinking!" Seungmin says,
We go to a restaurant near by and the waiter comes over. The place was empty, thanks to Changbin, he was able to find a quiet place.
We all hated loud places after concerts or shows because our bodies are very much drained.
She was blonde and really pretty. Her eyes lit up when she saw everyone.
"Oh my God!" She squeals, "you guys are straykids!" She screams. Quite literally. I see Chan move uncomfortably. The boys too.
"Yeah we are, um can you do us a favor. Don't tell anyone we're here." He asks politely.
"Ofcourse! Ofcourse! Can I please have an autograph?"
"Maybe after we're done with dinner yeah?" Leeknow steps in.
"Thank you so much! And oh my God Y/n! I saw you on tv today! This is the first time we've seen you talking in public! We didn't know you stutter! That’s new…" She says almost in a mocky way.
I look up at her and give her a nervous smile. Trying to forget her tone.
"Y-yeah I-i have a stutter-"
"How come you sing so well tho? Aren't you like damaged good in the entertainment industry?"
"Excuse me?" Chan steps in obviously offended on my behalf.
"Can you do your job instead of making fun of her?" I.N also steps in looking pissed as well.
"I-it's o-okay g-guys. A-and n-no i-I'm...." I trail away frustrated and huffing at the fact that my body and brain can’t even defend myself without going all out of control.
"Can I speak to your manger?" Chan says harshly causing the girl to take a step back.
"O-oh um yes sure!" She leaves looking terrified while everyone looks at me.
"I-it's o-okay g-guys I-its n-normal!" I smile half heartedly and they give me a worried look. Chan’s hand wrapping around me, pulling me closer to his side.
"Ignore her please. She's a bitch for that." Felix says trying to comfort me.
I just nod my head and look down at my hands that were playing with Chan's.
"I love you," he whispers. "We'll talk about it later yeah?" I just nod. Refusing to Speak now.
The manager comes over and they all complain about the lady and Ofcourse since we were idols they fired her straightaway and gave us a new waiter plus our meal was free.
She took our orders one my one and when she came to me she was so nice.
"Hey ma'am, what would you like to eat?" She smiles.
I look over at Chan who just tells her my order and she walks away.
The night consisted everyone having fun and laughing but I couldn't help but feel insecure. So I kept quiet. Letting out a giggle here and there but refusing to speak more than 4 lines.
"Should we head home?" Chan asks everyone and we all agree and get into the cars that were parked outside.
When we get to the dorms we all say our good nights and I head to our room. I try and avoid Chan because I just knew he would want to talk about the restaurant incident.
I quickly get into the shower and when I’m out he’s laying on the bed scrolling through his phone. His black sweatpants on and no shirt.
I make my way to my vanity and sit down.
"Hey baby, you good?" Chan asks sitting up our bed.
I just nod and continue removing my makeup. I hear a sigh and instantly feel guilty again.
"Talk to me please, I know you're upset." His voice is low and slow.
"I-I...n-no," I quickly shut down when I see the stuttering getting worse.
"Baby, come here." He says softly. I walk over to him and sit by his side refusing to fight the fact that I need him. I need his touch.
His hands wrap around my waist and I sit between his legs.
"Remember what I told you? That if anyone mentions anything about your stuttering..?"
"T-that I s-should tell them I-it’s cause I-I'm s-special in m-my own way." I softly say looking up at him.
"They are many people looking up at you, many kids that have the same stutter that love you and look at you as a role model. Show them that you are. Show them that if you can do it they can do."
His touch is soft as he carreses my cheek.
"B-but I-I c-Chan I-it's...ugh!" I exclaim frustrated again.
"Take your time my love, breathe and concentrate,"
"I hate it," I softly say and he frowns wiping the tears that fell.
"You shouldn't because at the end of the day it's the way you react to the situation that matters right?"
"Yeah," I sigh,
"So if you decided not to go for that audition because you had a stutter or if you gave up halfway through because of it, would you be here right now?"
"Then a bunch of nobodies shouldn’t affect you okay?"
He was right, I shouldn’t allow a few people to bring me down. I was already learning to be confident.
"Y-yeah, t-thank you Channie. For l-loving me the way I am,"
"You don't need to thank me baby and remember whenever you struggle saying things,"
"Just breathe and concentrate,"
I smile when he kisses my cheek.
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mha-quotes-and-such ¡ 6 months
Random headcanon no one asked for!
Mina and Aoyama have a secret "Shipping book", in which they keep all updates on possible ships between their friends. They frequently have little meet-ups in the alleys close to the school to discuss any changes in behaviour among their friends. They both act so serious about it as well. Like, both will wear their best suit and tie to meet in the alley.
"You got it?" One will ask to the other. The other will then pull out a whole frickin briefcase with a single notebook laying inside, labeled "Secret stuff". They then discuss things like how "Bakugou and Midoriya have been fighting an awful lot lately" and "Tsuyu hugged Ochako 4 times over the last three days" and how "Kirishima has been taking Bakugou to the gym a lot"
They store this book in its briefcase, behind one of Aoyama's many mirrors so no one will find it.
Even if you don't agree with the book headcanon, Mina and Aoyama are beasties and no one can convince me otherwise.
Pls let me know what you think of this random headcanon 😅😆
Oh my god this is SO cute. The way theyre so secretive about it too? As tho this is somehow the coolest, most classified thing they’ve ever been involved in. You just Know that thing would be set up like a scrapbook, with all sorts of photos of their friends together. One of them gets a text of Midoriya and Todoroki sleeping on the same couch or Momo and Jirou posing together and suddenly the school library’s printer is being Flooded with photos
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kimetsu-chan ¡ 7 months
Heyy! I’m back! I was wondering if I could ask for another request! I’m so sorry if this seems like a lot to ask, and you don’t have to accept the request if you don’t want to!
My 2nd request would be the same concept (Tokito Muichiro X Hashira!Reader)
But this time we get a different point of view! Through Shinobu’s!
Of course she has already built a sibling-like relationship with (Reader) and treats them like they’re her own flesh and blood, though she never thought she would hold a sort of resentment towards a certain air-headed Hashira!
Of course Shinobu only wants the best for (Reader) so seeing that they are going after this forgetful and blunt boy didn’t feel like the best decision on (Reader)‘s part.
And when she sees that Muichiro might see (Reader) more than a friend, oh she’s livid
She thinks (Reader) is way too young to be involved with a relationship like that! She barley allowed (Reader) to become a Hashira at their age, but this was crossing the line!
Ever since then Shinobu’s been sort of passive aggressive towards Muichiro, each time he came to the Butterfly Mansion to get his wounds treated, Shinobu always seemed quiet and her smile a lot more strained as she asked about him and (Reader)
Of course Muichiro began talking before quickly trailing off, his mind wandering. The only thing that brought him back was the slight stinging sensation from how tightly Shinobu had been wrapping his wounds-(If this is a one shot like the first one, please add this part! Idk I think it would be funny😆)
But Shinobu was only being over-protective, always putting herself between (Reader) and Muichiro, most of the time with it ending with Muichiro eventually wandering off since he had forgotten who he was speaking to in the first place-
Add more if you’d like! I hope this request reaches you in a good place, please take your time and have a good day!
~Passive Aggression~
A/N: that’s totally okay! As long as I’m accepting requests and as long as it doesn’t break any rules, I’d be happy to take requests at pretty much any time! Once again, thank you so much for making it detailed, it really helps a lot. This one might be a little(a lot) shorter as I haven’t eaten all day and I’m kinda tired, so I apologize for that! I hope you enjoy this one as much as the first!
TWs: none, I don’t think. Shinobu’s just upset at Mui :>
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Shinobu had been picking up on… things.
She had been observing the way her younger sibling would always conveniently disappear during lunch, and how they would always get just a little bit happier at the mention of a specific mist hashira.
And that irked Shinobu to no end.
One, she felt as if [Name] was far too young to be in a romantic relationship. And two, him? Seriously? Of all people?
She would almost rather [Name] fall in love with… Genya… or literally anyone else.
Not only was he crass and rude, he was also rather irresponsible. Shinobu couldn’t count on both hands the amount of times she has had to patch up wounds of his that could’ve been easily avoided.
Ever since she had learned about their mutual interest in each other, Shinobu had been more careless in how gentle she was when patching up the amnesiac boy. She would be talking to him and “accidentally” tighten the bandages just tight enough to elicit a hiss from the boy. She’d throw in a sarcastic, “Oh sorry, did that hurt?” before continuing.
Every time she heard [Name] ramble about Muichiro, and vice versa, it took everything she had not to roll her eyes. Whenever she saw the two alone, she would always approach them with a very strained smile.
And if Muichiro ever got a little too close to [Name] for Shinobu’s comfort, she’d would suddenly need their help with something, urgently.
And if that didn’t work, she’d physically get in between them. She would do her best to keep a polite tone of voice, but it was always clear that she was running thin on patience.
Thankfully, for Muichiro’s sake, he would always get quickly distracted and go off to do something else.
Shinobu also really like to “joke” that she was always in need of volunteers to try her new medicines, to test if they were safe to use on patients or if they would have any bad side effects.
Oh, and if Muichiro were to ever fall sick? Oh he’s getting the grossest tasting medicine that Shinobu has in stock.
So long story short, Muichiro better mature up a bit and wait until he and [Name] were a bit older if he ever wanted to Shinobu to even consider letting him court them.
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A/N: it was really fun to imagine Shinobu reacting to Mui and [Name]. She’d def get really petty too.
this was not proofread, bc I’m too lazy for that—
Taglist: @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @larz-barz @sweetstarryeyedgirl @cloudymistedskies (ik cloudy didn’t specifically ask to be tagged, but KURA said I should tag them :3)
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novelcain ¡ 2 years
Oooooh~ just imagine, once Wukong realizes (and finally accepts) his feelings towards Reader..
He just gradually (and subconsciously) starts trying to Woo her! 😆 doing little things like hunting for the best food MEAT to show he’s capable of providing for her as a Mate, being an✨EXTRA✨show-off when taking down Demons, and protecting the group.. Randomly grabbing her✨princess style✨whenever he sees even the vaguest opportunity to do so. Not to mention all the Demon courting rituals involved..
(Plus of course Sandy’s LIVING THE DREAM!! Egging him on ALLLL the way, like “Oh, I heard elder Sister say she wished to eat (Insert desired Meat here) today..” Because by buddha, he WIlL see his OTP become Canon! DAMN IT!!)
And if Pigsy tries to sabotage Wukong’s endeavors to be Reader’s Mate.. Then.. ~Oh my, would you look at that, for some strange reason Sandy has Pigsy all hogtied~
Tripitaka: Please stop you’re supposed to be Buddhist!😭😭😭
Omg Wukong was already a menace when it came to precious items but gods is it so much worse now. He’s in full blown courting demon brain now. Him seeing anything shiny or soft is far to much for his sweet little impulsive monkey brain to handle. He’s stealing from any thief he comes into contact with now and just hiding the bodies instead of trying to negotiate with them. And when Tripitaka and Reader ask where and how he got all this stuff he just says he bought it or traded for it but that’s not ANY better to them because the others know he doesn’t have any money or anything to trade so that would mean that he’s been using his fur to make his own money which is illegal.
But he can’t help it! Every single cell in his body is telling him to woo his potential mate and it’s to the point that his demon instincts are tell him to just steal her away to Flower Fruit Mountain where he can properly shower her in all his treasures like the queen he intends to make her.😌😌
Also Wukong when learns that Pigsy would dare stand in his way of wooing his mate:
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saintmeghanmarkle ¡ 2 months
Sinners that are 1 or 2 degrees separated from our Saint share your stories! Ill share mine. by u/ContentPineapple3330
Sinners that are 1 or 2 degrees separated from our Saint, share your stories! I’ll share mine. So, bear with me. Let me set up the scene. It was 2021 (so our Saint still was popular in the US)— I was on a flight to California, and I was bumped up to first class. And I found myself seated by the most beautiful man. He exuded confidence and his clothes spoke real money. Honestly, my first thought was “Crap. I’m sitting by a famous actor, and I don’t know who he is. Crap, crap crap.”
Well, he wasn’t an actor — as I soon discovered before the plane took off, when he took a call to speak to what I presumed was a coworker about logistics, “Monticieto, blah, blah, blah, Jaguar, Range Rover, blah blah…” and my curiosity was piqued. Was he a lawyer? Real estate agent? Who was this mysterious moneyed man? I didn’t know, but somehow the ice was broken when he asked me a very boring question — and we fell into easy conversation. And once the stewardess gave us drinks (yay first class) the conversation flowed quite freely.
We were around the same age (late 20s / early 30s) — and he mentioned he used to live in Toronto. I asked him casually if between Monticieto and Toronto if he ever ran into Oprah’s latest interviewee, St. Meghan Markle, and he looked me dead in the eye. “Yes. Oh yes I have,” and gave a deep sigh. I then said, as chill as I possibly could muster, “Tell. me. more!” (At this point, thanks to wine/vodka soda water we were chatting like long lost best friends), and he got a bit standoffish and said, “well… I don’t really like talking about her because… people don’t really like what I have to say.”
I decided then and there to show my cards (recall 2021 — it almost felt dangerous to say you disliked her! Oh how times have changed!) — and I told him point blank that I thought she was pretty phony (though I was not nearly reliably informed about her antics as I am now.) He looked relieved by my response and replied, “oh you don’t know half of it!” And the next half hour he spilled anecdote after anecdote about her behavior.
So he was very much involved in Toronto’s high society, and was/is actually friends with Corey her ex. (Like, he pulled up his texts with him to share recent pictures of him and his wife and their cute kid.) After sharing many anecdotes of her pretentiousness and ultimately that “no one was missing her in Toronto,” he told me people only really tolerated her because of Jessica Mulroney, who according to my travel companion is very likable “once you know her.” (He only had nice things to say about Jessica, for what it’s worth. 🤷‍♀️)
His (and my) favorite story that he shared was that one time Corey took her for a romantic getaway somewhere tropical. But when they went to check into the hotel, Madame tried to get their hotel rooms upgraded. She started throwing a tantrum at the front desk staff, and in a fit of rage said “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” (Recall, she’s Rachel from Suits 😆) And everyone was like….. um…. No?
This was apparently the moment where the scales fell from Corey’s eyes, and he realized what he was dating. Apparently, he was considering proposing soon / during that trip, but instead — he decided to head back to Canada and end the trip early. I don’t think they immediately broke up — but I think Corey was starting to rethink everything. And was very much NOT heartbroken when things ended, but very much relieved.
Anyways, it was a rather entertaining flight!!!So that’s my story, but I know there’s people here that have better! post link author: ContentPineapple3330 submitted: July 11, 2024 at 01:57AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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Hello, let's say one would like to court a Gallifreyan: what would be the (general) best course of action and what is best to avoid.
How should you court a Gallifreyan?
Of course! Courting a Gallifreyan can be a bit of a minefield, so here's a general overview of pointers you may find helpful:
🧠 Be intellectually stimulating: Gallifreyans have brains bigger than their egos, and they adore a good intellectual debate. Your comprehensive knowledge of 21st-century reality TV shows won't score points, but a deep dive into the existential implications of time travel might just do the trick.
🍽️ Pick the right meal: Go for refined dishes or dishes that have historical or cultural importance. Gallifreyan taste buds are finely tuned instruments: a diverse range of flavours is welcome, while a chilli pepper apocalypse is probably not.
❌ Avoid mind games: Attempting strange human customs like "hard to get" with a five-dimensional being is idiotic. Not only could most Gallifreyans find these concepts primitive and pointless, but also confusing.
🫨 Don't be overly emotional or impulsive: A lot of Gallifreyans value control and stoicism over emotions. Engaging them on an emotional level is extremely rewarding, but it can take a while to get there. Trying to do this too early can scare them off.
🙏 Be forgiving: Gallifreyans, and Time Lords especially, can be insensitive and pompous. Their sense of superiority might slip out ('Oh, you still use linear time? Quaint!'). Don't take any of this personally, or else you're in for a very short courtship.
🌍 Choose good date locations: Your date's idea of a wild night likely involves a lecture on quantum entanglement rather than a rave. Keep your date locations less Ministry of Sound and more BBC4/PBS.
🤫 Keep it quiet: Don't pick overly crowded or chaotic places to go - a bustling environment might distract their telepathic senses, turning your date into a telepathic traffic jam where they're too busy listening to what all the drivers are saying to bother listening to you.
👏 Laud their achievements: Nothing warms Gallifreyan hearts like recognition of their brilliance, so remember to nod and say, 'ooo, you're so clever!' every so often.
🤲 Show respect for Gallifreyan traditions and customs: Even if you don't fully understand them, acknowledging and appreciating their cultural heritage can go a long way.
😍 Take it slow: Many Gallifreyans don't place the same level of importance on physical intimacy that some humans do. Make sure to build a foundation of mutual consent and respect before exploring that aspect of the relationship if you require it.
🔮 Embrace Telepathy: Just as some humans might require physical intimacy, for some Gallifreyans, intimacy might involve a telepathic connection. Don't shy away from this even if it's mainly one-way traffic.
Despite all of this, remember that every Gallifreyan is unique, with their personality traits, interests, and views. Tailor your approach based on the individual you're courting.
How should you court a member of Faction Paradox/a Celesti?: Advice on dating someone from Faction Paradox/a Celesti.
How do Gallifreyans flirt?: How Gallifreyans approach flirting
Factoid: What gift would suit my Gallifreyan and their biology?
Hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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junosmindpalace ¡ 2 years
hi! i've been rewatching a few tdliosk eps every once in a while and i kinda missed kusuo 😩 and since it's christmas season i was wondering if u could write a saiki x fem reader one-shot in reference to season 1 ep 16 where saiki dresses up as santa and distributes presents to the kids in their neighborhood? so uhm when he was about to go home, he sees reader walking in the street (she lives nearby) also dressed up as santa for some reason lol. saiki and her are friends to say the least but there's an unspoken mutual pining stuff going on between them. saiki walks her home then she suddenly sees a mistletoe on one of the houses... reader froze and blushes hard and saiki got confused so he read her mind and he was like oh... he's hesitating on whether he'll kiss her or not but much to his surprise reader makes the first move 😆 tysm and pls take ur time! ❤
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hi there! Thank you so much for your request! I couldn’t resist writing one of my more recent requests especially with the holiday theme…i hope you enjoy!
ps., dialogue in italics are kusuos inner thoughts/talking via telepathy!
warnings: angst? maybe? if you squint?
wc: 1.4k
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The last person Saiki wanted to see today was you. 
It was already a pain going door to door dealing with all the brats in his neighborhood, but suddenly it was a hundred times more embarrassing when you were nervously eyeing his Santa get-up in confusion. 
But something that sort of lessened his dread upon running into you was that you too were also wearing a costume like his.
Saiki had spent his entire evening playing this Santa delivering presents to the children in his neighborhood, courtesy of his parents. He flew around the sky with a sack full of presents, just like the real deal. He’s dealt with all sorts of headaches tonight- a scared child, a non-believer, and a family conflict, to name a few. By the time his sack was empty, Kusuo was exhausted and ready to head home, opting to simply walk with his empty bag instead of teleporting as he didn’t live far. He regrets this decision immediately, however, when he runs into you. Which leads him to the dilemma he’s put himself in right now. 
“Oh no…of course I'd run into Y/N at this very moment. Why didn’t I just teleport home as soon as I finished?”
Just like with the rest of his friends, Saiki found you a nuisance, someone who interfered with his ability to lead a “normal” and peaceful life, but for a different reason than the rest of his peers. The two of you had been friends for a long time, longer than any of his current ones, but your relationship has felt different recently, and it’s been stressing Saiki out. 
As of late, Saiki has taken notice of some new uncomfortable feelings that only arise around you. Tightness in his chest, a weird sensation in his stomach. He doesn’t get sick, so obviously these symptoms alarm Kusuo. What was even more alarming was the fact that they were recurring, and most alarming of all, they were only recurrent around you. 
He’d been trying to avoid the most dreadful conclusion for these feelings ever since he noted that they only arose around you. He’s heard the signs a million times thanks to his love-crazed classmates. Clammy hands, he’s got it. A burning feeling in his chest? A blazing feeling, even. It brought him a sense of horror unlike any other, but after being unable to rid himself of his troublesome feelings, he’d come to the conclusion that yes, he, of all people, has a crush. Even worse, it was a crush on one of the only tolerable people in his life.
Maybe this conclusion wasn’t all that shocking, but it certainly didn’t make Kusuo feel any good. He’d been friends with you for years, spending all that time getting to know you and growing comfortable with you, and now suddenly he feels something more than friendship? Him of all people, the psychic who thought that it was his very nature not to be romantically involved with anyone? It turned his view of himself upside down. 
Saiki reached this conclusion not too long ago, and he’s still trying to figure out what to do with it. What was even worse about the ordeal was that your thoughts, as of late, have also been worrisome, seemingly more eager than usual to be around Saiki and questioning yourself whenever you caught yourself thinking of him in a not-so-just-friends kind of way. He's been trying his best to avoid you until he can figure out how to dispose of these feelings without them growing and without you catching on, as it seemed that they only intensified each time he saw you, and that wasn’t something he wanted.
Yet here you were, and for some reason, you were also in a Santa getup like Kusuo.
And after recovering from your initial moment of shock, you spoke out into the quiet, frigid atomosphere.  “Kusuo? Is that you?”
As you lived near Kusuo, the two of you accompanied each other on your walks home. You both removed your beards and hats to see and talk to each other properly, and you anxiously explained to Saiki the reasoning behind your getup after he explained his own, flustered that he caught you at such an embarrassing time. 
“Well, my work required me to wear something festive, and I got stuck with Santa out of all our costumes. I would have preferred an elf or even a snowman over Santa. I’ve been sweating all day.” You laughed nervously as you held your gaze to the ground and your beard up in defeat. But then you let your arm drop to its side and you turned toward him with a small smile. 
“I think it’s nice what you did, even if your parents coaxed you into it. Not many people would step up like you did tonight.”
Saiki stared at you exasperatedly. Usually Saiki doesn’t care for any sort of praise he receives, and he really (and I mean truly), doesn’t mean to brag, but he usually receives a lot. He doesn’t think much of it, but something about it coming from you makes him reflect, which pained him. He hates the effect you have on him, which is why he’s been trying to stay away. But somehow, he always keeps finding his way back to you, and you to him. He has to deal with a lot of irritating people on a daily basis, but you were his ultimate headache. Just how was he about to go about this new development in your relationship? It made him uneasy to think that things would have to change between you two, that things were already changing. Was it because he let you so close to him that he developed these feelings for you? That he’s gotten so vulnerable, so much more anxious and scared? Was he right about relationships in general being nothing but an inconvenience? 
Your house came before his, and out of respect, Kusuo walked you to your doorstep, deep in almost dark thought about his feelings. You didn’t mind Kusuo being quiet, and for the most part, your dynamic has usually consisted of you being the more talkative one. Besides, you were both exhausted from your eventful evenings. What you didn’t expect was for Saiki to follow behind you as you climbed up the steps to your porch. When you turned around behind you, your eyes widened in alarm.
“Oh no, Saiki, it’s okay, you don’t need to-!”
By the time he stopped in his tracks, your warning was futile. Saiki stared in confusion over your panicked face, your eyes carrying a sort of frenzied look in them. “What? What’s with the sudden dismissal? I only-”
And suddenly his own eyes widened in panic as he realized his error, his miscalculation. He’s beating himself up for not being more cautious, especially during this time of year. How could he be so careless?
Kusuo slowly turned his head up, almost in fear, to get a better view of the mistletoe that hung above the two of you. 
“My family thought…it would be sweet…”
Saiki stared in horror with his mouth open at the plant before quickly turning his attention back to you. What was he supposed to do? He wasn’t entitled to kissing you, he could obviously refuse. But his stomach churned. Did he really want to be turned down? The thought, even if it cropped up for a second, made him want to slap himself and hurl. 
The two of you stared at each other nervously in silence for a couple of moments before you suddenly took a deep breath. Saiki’s eyes widened even further. “Are they seriously going to kiss me? I didn’t think they’d have the courage to make a move like that. Their thoughts never indicated-”
Warm lips met his cheek for the swiftest moment before only a tingling sensation lingered. It had happened so quick it left him feeling dazed from being pulled out so suddenly from his thoughts. His surprised gaze still firmly held your nervous one, and silence fell between the two of you for a brief moment. 
“Thank you for walking me home. Merry Christmas, Saiki.” You quickly sputtered out these final words before turning on your heel and quickly heading inside, thankful that the door was left unlocked by one of your family members like you had asked earlier that evening. 
Saiki couldn’t help but linger at the porch for a few seconds, staring at the closed door before slowly turning around and continuing the path toward his house.
There was good reason for him to want to avoid you, especially tonight. When he got home and headed into the kitchen to greet his mother, she commented absentmindedly on the deep rose that settled into his face from the cold, and talked to no one in particular about how wonderful and joyous the Christmas season was.
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wishing you all a happy and healthy 2023!! thank you for all the support i’ve received this past year <3
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