earnestsasian · 11 years
     Was this person serious? Did he really think he could disrespect their lord so easily?! How absurd. Even if he may be a traveler, it didn't excuse the lack of proper wear. But what was he doing here anyways? His clothing seemed obviously foreign to the common attire of Sasan, and they very rarely had traders come through here since they knew what would happen if they didn't respect the kingdom's religious traditions.
     He gave the older person a displeased frown, adjusting his turban as it was slightly made askew when his head was pat. The boy was stubborn, and he really wasn't going to let this stranger walk away so easily. He trailed after, keeping his composure as words came out. "You don't understand. You have to. If you don't, you'll get in big trouble."
     People who didn't follow teachings could be exiled from Sasan without resources, and, on a rare occasion, executed. Spartos had never seen one himself, but they were only used in extreme measures.
     "Are you even listening to me?" he questioned with a slight pout.
Dress Code
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earnestsasian · 11 years
Dress Code
     Today was scheduled for prayer in the public church for his family. They went there five days a week, and on two days they would pray at their own private shrine at home. It was very important to do public prayer if you were in a higher-up position of the theocracy. He was a prince, so hence why he did it so often as he did. It was very important to have the people remember your respect of the god which would encourage them to pray more often as well.
     Spartos had been doing it since well before he could remember, and he found it to be nice. His favorite part was going through the city and seeing all the life of the people. The Kingdom had good fortune because of their deity he was told. Everyone was happy and sometimes he would see kids his age playing together. Sometimes he wanted to go and play with them, but when he asked the first few times it was met with the same response.
     "Maybe later."
     The prince never objected to it, and assumed it was because he was far too busy with his studies to do so. No matter, though. The scarlet-haired boy had a chance to go and do some things in town today since he was supposed to go wish good health to one of his sick inspectors. As they departed from prayer, the boy bid his family farewell for a bit and began to travel down the street.
     As he did so, it was easy to spot a group of... odd-looking strangers. They didn't wear the traditional religious clothing, which was very much frowned upon. Which was why he had no problem going up to the taller males, his hands behind his back. "Excuse me?" he spoke in a rather shy, quiet voice before quickly saying it again a bit more strictly and louder to get their attention. "Where are your turbans? You have to wear them or you'll upset our god."
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