#and ofc if you ever have trouble with something i can always help you translate or teach you anything please dont hesitate to ask me
knightzp · 3 months
Hi Miki!!! Was wondering how did you learn english? I'm gonna start working on spanish soon and I'm trying to think what would be best for how to get a basic knowledge of words and stuff because I don't know much
HII TIA!!! ohh in my case i learned a good part of my english just going to classes. english is like the compulsory second language in almost all schools here so i remember starting learning my very first words when i was just like. three years old lol. apart from the lessons i had every year at school my parents also made me attend a lot of extracurricular english classes growing up and i even went a couple of months during summer to the uk where i spent the time living with a family there and so i had no other option than to read and talk in english all the time and it helped a lot too
but ig this isnt very useful to you so thinking of something that can help you in an easier way and that has helped me a lot too was reading a lot and watching shows in english! i was always very lazy to start reading books in english ngl but when i started with fics i had no other option so i slowly began doing it and tbh it took me a while to get really used to it, bc even if i already had a good english level there were still words and expressions typically used in writing that i had never come around just yet. i was slow at first, looking words on the dictionary from time to time, but i really felt like it helped me lots to get better and it still does. and not only fics. unironically reading posts here on tumblr also helps a lot bc it makes me read in english every day and so i can easily maintain my level and even improve it. for the tv shows, i found that watching cartoons especifically helped me a lot since i hear the voices clearer than in other shows and even if you dont know that well the language i feel like this helps. ive done this not only with english but also with french, which im by no means as fluent as im with english but even if i didnt understand every single word i think it helped me quite a lot!
however its true that for what i said abt the reading and the tv shows you need at least some basic level on the language and since you said you dont know much.... mmmm i remember that back in school we used to read some thin books during english classes that were basically adaptations of other actual books (like one i remember was frankestein for example) but with simplified language and they were available for each level you had so something like that might help ! idk if it would be possible to find them online for free but i dont think itd be very expensive to buy one or two if you want to
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
—Lips Over Your Nightmares
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader/OFC
Summary: You've been having trouble sleeping. Nightmares haunt you every time you close your eyes, and Wednesday offers a solution in the form of comfort only she is capable of.
Warnings: Soft!Wednesday. Possessive!Wednesday. Intimate. Wednesday ran out of patience. Emotionally charged confessions. Kissing. Lots and lots of kissing.
Masterlist | Library Blog | AO3
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Note: I said wednesday is soft for her girl and I will take no arguments about it. The act of kissing in this fic is peak wlw. I'm sleeping on the highway tonight and taking you all with me.
Count: 2.6k
Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
Nighttime could be hellish.
It was probably why Wednesday adored it so much. 
You loved it too. There was something divine about the nighttime. People feared the dark, but you saw it as an opportunity to rest your weary eyes and bones. The night gave way to being invisible, and there were some days when that was all you could bear to be. 
But to Wednesday Addams, who loved the dark, you could never be invisible to her.
It was a blessing and a curse. 
To be seen by Wednesday—it was something more than many people could ever hope for. 
But to be seen when you wanted to be invisible? It was like being dragged without anything to hold onto. 
Nighttime was hellish, and you wanted to disappear into the dark as your nightmares plagued you until you couldn't even tell what was the dream and what was the reality.
But Wednesday Addams saw you. 
You've missed Enid's late-night studying session again. It's the second week in a row that Enid's gotten a text from you two minutes before the session started.
"I guess we can start," Enid told the group with a disappointed smile. "She's not coming today either."
"Fuck," Xavier sighed. "She's the only one who's good at art restoration. I was hoping she'd help me with my assignment."
Wednesday's face scrunched together mildly, and Xavier rolled his eyes. "Except for you, Wednesday. But you hate teaching me and I hate learning from you."
"I can't help it if you're stupid," Wednesday dully replied. 
"Not all of us can do it perfectly after being told what to do—told only once might I add," Xavier raised his brow at her.
Wednesday shrugged, which only seemed to irk Xavier more and to prevent them from bickering further, Yoko turned to Enid and asked, "Why isn't she coming?"
Enid shrugged, her lips quirked to the side as they pressed together. "She texted to say she wasn't feeling well and couldn't make it."
"She does seem tired lately," Bianca commented, her expression in deep thought as she recalled the last two weeks when she saw you. "Also, really quiet. Well, quieter than she normally is."
There were murmurs of agreement around while Wednesday sat silently. Of course, she also noticed, but she was waiting for you to say something to her. You always told her whatever was plaguing you, even when Wednesday told you she didn't ask. Wednesday was used to hearing your mundane thoughts or solving your problems. 
But there was nothing this time, and Wednesday couldn't figure it out. She tried to think back to see if anything had changed—if something had happened, but there was nothing. 
Two weeks of leaving you be was enough, though, Wednesday decided as she packed her things into her bag.
"What! Wednesday, are you leaving too?" Enid groaned. "But I need help with botanical sciences!" 
"Ask Bianca," Wednesday didn't even look up.
Enid looked at the siren, who had a deceitful, happy smile.
"I'd be happy to help you, Sinclair. Let's talk The Poe Cup negotiations first."
"Absolutely not!" Enid scoffed before turning back to Wednesday with pleading eyes. "Wednesday..." she whined.
"Ask Xavier," Wednesday didn't budge.
"But all he does is draw in class. There's no way he's doing well."
"I'll have you know I'm getting a C," Xavier looked affronted.
Enid merely stared at the sullen boy for a long moment before she turned back to Wednesday. "I'll just wait for you tomorrow after school."
Xavier was about to say something else when Wednesday briskly nodded, standing up and leaving the group behind without another word. 
It was completely silent on the other side of your door, and from its looks, it was dark as no lights were shining underneath it.
Wednesday knocked in three successions. 
There was no answer. 
If it were anyone else, they would've believed you weren't there and left, but not Wednesday.
No, she knew you far too well. 
This was a place where you could truly be invisible with no roommate.
Wednesday knocked insistently until she heard shuffling, an agitated huff, and footsteps approaching the door. 
The door only opened marginally. You looked mildly surprised to see her, but Wednesday supposed you had too little energy to manage anything more. 
There were dark circles under your eyes, and they looked puffy and slightly red around the edges from lack of sleep. Your skin was pallor, which suited someone like Wednesday, but she decided it was not on you. Your hair lacked its usual shine, and Wednesday's eyes narrowed as she finished scrutinizing you.
"What are you doing here?" You asked quietly. 
"Are you going to just let me stand out here?"
"I'm not in the mood for company, Wednesday," you blinked slowly. 
It was new.
You were usually happy for Wednesday's company whenever she stopped by, and you often visited her dorm. 
"I have had enough of this," Wednesday glared at you through the gap in the door. "You will let me in."
"And if I don't?" You challenged back, and Wednesday almost wanted to applaud the snippy attitude you've mustered through the tiredness.
"Then I will wait out here and ensure you don't get a. Single. Wink. Of. Sleep." It was a threat that tugged at your nerves. You looked at Wednesday, and for a brief moment, she thought she won before you shut the door in her face. 
Disbelief clouded over Wednesday's eyes. 
Then, Wednesday began to knock incessantly over and over on your door. Her knuckles knock with a vengeance, and she'll be damned if you think she doesn't take absolute joy in torturing you. 
It worked because you open the door wider this time, as you stare at Wednesday with a glare.
"What part of 'I'm not in the mood for company' was unclear, Wednesday?" Your voice was gruff, and Wednesday could tell that you were still trying to not snap at her despite how tired you were. 
And that in itself was everything. It was like that all the time. 
You were always trying to be considerate of whatever feelings you thought Wednesday might have while gently pushing her to admit which ones she was truly feeling. 
Maybe that was why Wednesday could never leave you alone now.
You were a gateway to things Wednesday never wanted, and she genuinely thought you should pay for making her desire things she swore she'd never want. 
"Say you don't want my company then," Wednesday said haughtily. 
Wednesday knew you wouldn't—couldn't, even. You never would. 
Just as you were her exception, she was yours. 
You pursed your lip at her, starting to close the door swiftly, and Wednesday stuck her foot partially into your room, preventing you from shutting the door in her face again.
"Wednesday!" You called her name, concerned you might've hurt her when the door hit her foot, but the macabre girl used the opportunity to press her palm flat against your door and pushed it wide open.
She took a step forward menacingly, forcing you to take a step back. She took another step, and you took another one back. When she was inside your room fully, she used the back of her heel to shut your door.
The resounding click of it made you swallow.
"Wednesday," you clenched your jaw, fighting against something you weren't even really sure why. But you were terrified—of her, you don't think, but rather what she was capable of doing to your heart.
"I have been patient," Wednesday's voice is quiet, but her tone is sharp, expressing every bit of her lost tolerance. "I have waited for you silently."
Wednesday kept walking towards you, backing you up until your back bumped into your desk. She looked positively irritated. "I have even refrained from saying a single unkind thing despite them running through my mind at the sight of you moping at whatever has been keeping you up at night."
"How did you know—"
"Do you take me for an idiot?" Wednesday's eyes flashed dangerously at your insinuation. You shook your head.
"Then you must take me for a fool with endless patience," Wednesday glared at you. "I don't take kindly to the kind of games you're playing."
"I'm not playing anything—"
Wednesday cut you off again. "Then explain concisely what has been keeping you up and why you've been keeping it to yourself."
Silence filled the room as you didn't speak, but Wednesday had already waited this long. She could wait a little more. 
Wednesday watched how you gripped the edge of your desk, your finger tapping underneath in rapid succession before you closed your arms over her chest. 
The stance was defensive, but you looked more reluctant than wary.
"I'm having nightmares about you."
The admittance stunned Wednesday, and she didn't know how to take it. Initially, it felt like a compliment because nightmares were so fascinating and exhilarating to experience, and Wednesday hoped to have nightmares every night she slept based on that logic. 
But you were not her. 
Nightmares, illogically, were typically not desirable.
"Wednesday, I—" You swallowed. "I have feelings for you. You're the best and worst part of my days because I actually feel clinically insane everytime I see you, spend time with you and then have to face the fact that you're not mine and I'm not yours."
Wednesday's jaw clenched, and it was noticeable. She wanted to open her mouth and demand how you could feel the exact same way she did, but she kept her mouth shut, waiting for you to continue on. 
"And I have nightmares about losing you," you confessed. "I have nightmares about losing you to Tyler or another deranged supernatural being. I have nightmares about losing you to Xavier or Enid or somebody like Tyler, minus the whole mass genocide. I have nightmares about losing you in every single imaginable way, only to wake up and realize you're not mine, and you can't lose what you don't have."
"I can't tell if the nightmare is when I'm asleep or when I'm awake." You put your hands to your face, laughing hollowly. Tears well up in the back of your eyes, burning as they were so dry from lack of sleep. "I think I'm going crazy."
Wednesday wanted to tell you that going crazy was supposed to be wonderful. But she, herself, has been experiencing the whirlwind of elation and torment you put her through and believed that going crazy wasn't as wonderful as she thought. 
But Wednesday decided then and there that there was no way up from crazy. And while it's unfortunate that she's not the brand of crazy like Uncle Fester, she's been driven mad nonetheless. It's the only thing that could explain all of this and everything that's about to come. 
Wednesday grabbed your wrist, moving your hand away from her face. No visions plague her, and all she knows is that this meant her decision wouldn't end in misfortune and it wouldn't drive her down a lonely path. 
"Enid's not expecting me back tonight," Wednesday told you as she dragged you over to your bed. Her succinct tone leaves no room for you to ask any questions. 
"Um, okay?" You said anyway, thrown off by her response and feeling exhaustion saw at your bones, dragging the invisible knife back and forth.
Wednesday guided you to get into bed, and you complied. Resignation settled over you as you rested your head on your pillow. It was cold again with you being away from it, but it brought no comfort. 
You lay facing the wall, about to pull the blanket up to your chin, when you heard something drop against the floor. You turned your head and saw that Wednesday had set her backpack down, and now she was zipping off her sweater, hanging it on the pole of your bed frame, leaving her in her black long-sleeve.
Wednesday took her shoes off before using every bit of her vulnerability to steadily and carefully climb into bed with you. It was dark, with only a little light from the moonlight shining just barely into the room, and you could make out the barest hint of her features and knew she was staring intently at you, trying to ascertain if this was a boundary both of you could bear to cross. 
Her touch was slow and hesitant, revealing this was something she's never done before, but the moment you were in her arms, you clicked into place like a puzzle piece. 
Wednesday was cool against your body, but she was warming from your touch and shared heat trapped under the blanket. She smelt like rain and dry leaves, and you felt like you were going insane. You buried your face into her neck. 
Wednesday wrapped her arms around you, holding you close, allowing the things she's been desiring for a while to come to fruition. She couldn't tell if this was making her saner or driving her closer to insanity.
It was deliriously pleasant.
"Who said you're not mine?" Wednesday muttered into the shell of your ear.
It's suddenly not enough, and Wednesday now knew the answer was that it was driving her closer to insanity. 
Wednesday pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes that were so tired just moments ago. The dark circles remained, but you were wide awake, speckles of oblivion in your eyes.
Despite how everything else changed as you became sleep deprived, your lips still remained full and soft. 
Wednesday moved to close the gap, sighing softly as her lips slanted against yours. 
How could she feel like jagged glass, splintered and sharp, while you felt so soft, practically melting around her serrated edges?
Wednesday only pulled back marginally, cupping your jaw and the back of your neck. "Who told you that you don't already have me? I want names."
You couldn't even think straight with how her breath felt on your lips. You pushed forward again, pressing your lips against Wednesday's insistently.
Was it possible for reality to be better than a dream? 
Your lips slotted over Wednesday's over and over and over. Wednesday tugged at your bottom lip, smoothing over it with her tongue before it dipped at the edge of your mouth where your tongue met hers. 
It was dizzying, something that frequently happened to Wednesday when it was too warm. She usually hated the sensation of it, but, of course, as many things were exceptions when it came to you, this was one of them too. 
"Your nightmares are inane."
You couldn't help but laugh against Wednesday's lip. 
"I think I am actually insane," you grinned, and you saw a ghost of something similar on Wednesday's lips. 
"Sleep," Wednesday ordered you, kissing you chastely initially but ending up biting your bottom lip tenderly. Her hands pull you closer, her lips resting on your forehead. "I'm here, so nothing will plague you."
The softness of Wednesday is unimaginable, and you're nearly skeptical.
"No." Wednesday countered bluntly. "I'm telling you that I'm here and yours. You may come to regret it, knowing how...difficult I am. But you're stuck with me. Congratulations," Wednesday tilts her head slightly, brushing against yours, "or condolences."
But you could hear Wednesday's heartbeat, and it was dark, and you were so tired, but you were close enough to hear Wednesday's heartbeat. 
Your lips tingle from Wednesday's kisses. You felt your eyelids grow heavy along with your body, and the way Wednesday shifted told you she was satisfied.
Nighttime could be hellish, but Wednesday Addams saw you—she always would. And all she had to do was put her lips over your nightmares.
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
while i was away (pt 1)
a series recapping my experiences during love me february 💘
i hope everyone has been well !! i’ve decided to begin this series: “while i was away,” which will highlight my experiences while i was taking the month off of my blog. i had the most wonderful time while i was away ! absolute adore.
my hope is that i will help to inspire someone else out there, as much as i’ve found inspiration within myself this past month.
so let’s get right into it ! 💫
(creds to @allisdone for inspiring me to take on the month from this perspective 💘)
like. literally. and when you realize how this world is just a perfect mirror of you, it makes even more sense why you should be your primary (only lol ?) focus.
i also came across this post before my break. it’s not based on the law, but can definitely be related to it if you want it to be. the energy of this post was everything to me (i loveeee bimbo culture idc) and it became inspiring as i embarked on focusing only on me.
when i began this, i had the happiest days of my life. i felt so free and carefree, literally on top of the world because nothing mattered except me and my feeling state ! and if im not using others or the world around me as an excuse/reason for my troubles, then what else is there to do than to simply live and have fun !
i discovered how much of my daily anxieties were caused by habitual thinking that was centered on worrying about others and the world around me. when thinking of only myself, i simply do not have the time to think of others. and i’m saying this with ALL the love.
really, it’s a loving place you come from in all aspects because you don’t even have time to be mad or hate on others neither. for example, i didnt like the way they talked to me ? okay ? now i’m thinking about how loved i am and how gorgeous i look today. problem solved. i’m not even thinking about whatever happened a few mins ago. there are no hard feelings.
in other words, this isn’t about putting others down so you can get ahead. it’s far from that — it’s all about your within yourself. you’re simply making inner choices that eventually translate to pure, loving outer choices. not manipulation and harm. don’t get it confused.
during this time my motto basically became, “whatever, im over it.” such a simple, but freeing phrase. it was essentially a prompt of, “is this really about to bother me rn or do i have the choice to go in a different direction ?” ofc, i always had the choice !
while living that way, i had the most easy flowing manifestations i’ve ever experienced. literally, everyday was filled with effortless successes i started losing track. it just became my new normal. and i always felt really good without needing a reason to feel good.
*i also want to make sure it’s understood that i’ve done the healing work and i know the difference between making a choice in a moment vs surpressing something that’s asking to be seen. i still have my days where i know it’s time to sit down with an old story and face it. but through my daily practice and persistance in this lifestyle, i’ve gotten to a point where i can let things go more quickly and choose new stories for myself on a moment to moment basis. so in other words, don’t force anything. you will never get anywhere by force ! make sure you are daily practicing getting to know yourself, so that you are doing the things that feel good to you and are able to provide yourself with the support you need.
anyway i hope this is fun and inspiring to some of you <3 catch you in the next part of this series !! 💐
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the7thcrow · 3 years
indulgence | part one
pairing: felix x (fem) vampire!reader series
summary: an indulgence grows to become dangerous, as the society of hampden college takes note of y/n’s new blood bag.
series masterlist.
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word count: 4.9k
genre: forbidden love, angst (sorta), fluff, suggestive.
warnings: blood, suggestive content (kissing and a shirt comes off, nothing too crazy lmao), hook-ups (but nothing is explicitly described), strong language, and vampires ofc.
rating: 16+
a/n: hi everyone! this is my first fic, so i’m sorry if it’s a little messy. this is part one of what will be a series. i’d love to hear some feedback, so don’t be afraid to shoot me an ask or message! i hope you enjoy!
You are late. The pattering of rain echos from atop your umbrella, the puddles of pooling water soaking your loafers as you hurry along the busy street. However, you pay no mind as the liquid seeps into your shoes, mud embedding itself along your pant leg. On a normal day, you’d scowl. You’d curse the shitty weather, and grumble as you marched home to change into a dry pair of shoes. Only today is different. Today it doesn’t matter, not when you have far greater troubles warranting your concern.
The Council isn’t pleased. They’d be even more upset, if that were even possible, if you arrived tardy. You can imagine their old, petulant faces, looking down on you with disgust. Perhaps even pity, seeing you as nothing more than a childish young girl, who’d been foolish enough to break her vow. You frown to yourself, that’s all they would ever see you as. It didn’t matter how the years passed by, to them you were, and would always be simply that. A child. Always younger, always naive. Most of all, always beneath them.
The headquarters becomes visible in the distance, clouded in the slight haze of fog. It appears to be like any other building on the Hampden Campus. Old and rustic, elegant in the way it was shaped and carved, a relic of history reflected in a modern day era. Only this building holds a far different tale than those surrounding it.
Far more bloody. Far more gruesome. A home to monsters.
Monsters like yourself.
You knock on the door. Twice, slowly. Then a pause, before three times quickly. A code, letting anyone inside know that you are, in fact, a member of The Society. 
The door opens with a creak, a young boy with electric blue hair peeking out through the crack. After recognizing your face, he smiles, ushering you in quickly as the door slams shut behind you.
“Y/N! It’s good to see you. It’s been a while, huh?” The boy says, casually leaning against the door. It has been a while, you never came to this god awful building unless it was absolutely necessary.
“I guess it has been. But it’s nice to see you too, Jeongin,” you speak warmly in return. You’ve known Jeongin for a couple years now, since he first arrived at The Society doorstep. Alone and confused. A freshling, having just been turned. While perhaps not physically, he’s certainly grown since then, in both confidence and courage.
Suddenly, the smile drops from his face, his expression becoming sullen. “I hear you’ve gotten yourself into some trouble,” he states. When you don’t respond, he continues. “It’s not true, is it? I know you wouldn’t-”
“Listen, Jeongin,” you cut him off quickly. You aren’t in the mood to be lectured, especially not by someone whose opinion you actually care about. “I’m already running late. I’ll catch up with you after, okay?”
“Wait, Y/N!” He calls after you, but you’ve already disappeared down the hall, heading towards the council room. You quickly cast a glance at your watch. Shit, five minutes late. They wouldn’t forget that.
With only a quick breath to gather yourself, you burst in through the large wooden doors. The silence in the council room is deafening, as all heads turn to face you. In all your life, you’ve never seen so many dissatisfied faces. 
“Ms. L/N,” the head councilman calls. He has an old face, embedded with wrinkles and a scalp of thinning white hair. Unlucky. He could have been beautiful, or at the very least, young. However, he must’ve been turned late. A pity, to stare at such a reflection for eternity. 
You stifle a laugh. The frown he always appeared to be wearing probably wasn’t helping. 
“Take a seat,” he states, motioning to the chair seated in the center of the room. How dramatic you think, to put you in the middle of so many staring eyes. While the council was only composed of three individuals, the room seems to be full of other lower ranked members of The Society. 
As you take your seat, your gaze wanders the room, landing on a familiar head of shaggy brown hair. His eyes bore into your own, his expression serious. Perhaps even angry, the longer he stares at you. 
You want to say something. Mostly, to ask him what the fuck he’s doing here. This isn’t any of Chan’s business, yet for whatever reason he has the audacity to stare at you as if it is. As if you will grant him answers. As if he deserves answers.
“Ms. L/N,” the chairman interrupts your thoughts. “Do you know why you’re seated here today?” 
Why are you seated here today? Well, that answer is complicated. How could you have possibly gotten yourself into such a mess? How could you have been so foolish? You knew the rules. You knew what was permitted and what was not. Yet, you chose to ignore these conditions.
Why? What could possibly have made you toss everything you’d promised to the side? 
Well, that story starts with a head of bright blonde hair, and a set of curious eyes.
The library of Hampden College had become something of a second home to you. Late nights spent bent over a book, transcribing various philosophies and literature into latin. Sometimes greek, however you didn’t have quite the same knack for it. That’s where you found yourself tonight, your beaten down copy of The Iliad staring back at you from its place on the table. 
Your classics degree was coming along just fine. You didn’t mind the endless books to read and poems to analyze. Nor the papers you often found yourself crafting from this very spot in the corner of the library. It was always quiet, always solitary at this time. Even the night owl students having gathered their books, departing the library for a brief rest before their early classes the following morning.
Tonight however, was different. You heard the door creak open, glancing up as a boy appeared in the doorway. He had long blonde hair, fluffing at the nape of his neck. Sporting a sharp blazer and a pair of oxfords, you couldn’t deny he was well dressed. Perhaps that’s why he grabbed your attention immediately, you were attracted to effort. To someone who was put together, who cared. 
The boy took a seat just a few tables away from your own, gently setting his books down and disappearing into the maze of shelves to your left. You attempted to go back to your work, but couldn’t seem to find your focus. Who was this boy? You’d never seen him before in all your time at Hampden. Also, why would he possibly be at the library so late? You recognized the faces of those who while rare, might possibly be here at this time of night. He wasn’t one of them. 
You would remember if he was.
You strained your neck trying to find his figure, having lost him almost immediately.
“A fan of Homer?” A voice rang out from beside your ear. You jumped in shock, greeted by a sweet smile and wide eyes. The boy chuckled. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
You smiled sweetly, trying to calm your beating heart. “No worries. And well, you translate the entirety of Book Eight overnight into Greek, and tell me if you could still consider yourself a ‘fan of Homer.’”
The boy laughed before beginning to pull a chair out beside you. “May I?” He asked.
Looking back, you should have said no. You had a lot more work to do, and near no time to do it. Not to mention of course, rejecting him initially could have saved you from this whole mess. Instead you nodded, a grin forming at the corners of your lips as he sat down. 
“What’s your name?” He asked. His voice was sweet, sultry. Alarming in just how deep it was, not quite fitting his bright and youthful exterior. 
“Y/N, classics department. Yourself?”
“Felix,” he answered. There it was, the first time you heard the name that would cause your undoing. “I’m majoring in history. Listen,” he began, leaning in slightly closer as if he were going to tell you a secret, his voice lowering further. “I must say, I’m in here all the time, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.”
You hummed, leaning in closer to him as well. His eyes glinted. “Well that’s simple, I’m assuming you don’t frequent the library at-” you glanced at your watch- “2:32 in the morning.”
Felix’s eyebrows furrowed with something like concern. “You’re here every night at this time? Why?”
“Hey,” you began, not wanting to lose the playful nature to the conversation. You’d heard enough concerned voices to last a lifetime already. “Aren’t you here this late yourself? You’re in no place to judge.”
He laughed, and you knew you could get used to that sound. “Fair enough, I’ll leave it be.”
“Why are you here this late, anyway?” You asked.
“Oh, so you get to know my secrets, but I can’t know yours?”
“Of course.”
He rolled his eyes playfully, resting his head on the desk, cradled by his crossed arms. “If you must know, I couldn’t sleep. Figured I’d read some of your classics, thought they might help me doze off.”
You shoved his arm, to which he feigned a groan of pain, clutching his shoulder. “Excuse you,” you laughed. “I have a lot of Homer to struggle through, and no time for your cheap shots. You can go ahead and leave now.”
You were surprised when he got to his feet, worried for a moment he’d taken you seriously and was actually about to make his exit. Instead, he disappeared into the philosophy section, emerging with a copy of The Odyssey. Felix flopped down back in his chair beside you, extending his feet on top of the table and leaning backwards. 
“Well, then I guess I’ll suffer along with you,” he said. Without another word, he flipped towards the first page.
Felix was a good person to study with. Well, technically you weren’t studying with him, but nonetheless it was nice to have him in the room. He didn’t bother you, didn’t speak, just let you do your work. Sometimes you’d look up and meet his gaze, his eyes imploring you. Curious. Mischievous. 
“Alright,” you yawned after an hour or so had passed by, stretching your arms high in the air. “I’m done.”
He smiled, slowly closing his book and setting it down on the table. “Yeah? Finally going to go home and sleep?” 
“Sleep? What’s that?” You said, playfully scoffing. “Nah, it’s already past 3:30, it’ll be 4 by the time I get back to my apartment. Not worth it at this point.”
“Hmm,” Felix hummed, a flicker of mischief in his growing smile. “What ever will you do to pass the time?”
“I don’t know,” you returned, excitement building in your chest. “But I suppose I’ll leave you now. You still have about 3 quarters of The Odyssey to get through, and I don’t want to tear you away from-”
You shouldn’t have been surprised when his lips crashed into yours, but you were. You let out a small “mff” against the sudden impact. It took your brain a second to catch up to speed on what was happening. Here you were, with this incredibly beautiful boy of whom you literally just met, kissing in the middle of the library. 
Your second thought was about how you’d never done this before. Not kissing someone, hell you’d done a lot more than just that. But never a stranger, and certainly never a human, for that matter. You had to be careful with who you got close to, you never knew who could be dangerous, who could be a hunter. Besides, The Society had rules, and this alone was undoubtedly breaking a few of them.
So what the hell were you doing?
You should stop this, you thought. But the more you settled into a rhythm, the more your worries trailed from your mind. Felix was a good kisser. A really good kisser. His lips were soft, warm, his breath sharp with the taste of mint. When the dork had a chance to pop a tic tac you didn’t know, but it made you smile against him. 
You ran your fingers through his hair, leaning into him. He groaned in response, moving his hands down your figure, settling in on your waist. Carefully he began to fiddle with the buttons at the bottom of your blouse, and with that it all suddenly became real.
“We can’t do this,” you breathed, finally breaking away from him. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I went too far, I-” he began to apologize, frantically removing his hands from your body and shifting backwards into his chair.
“No,” you replied, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips at his sweetness. You grabbed the collar of his shirt, gently tugging him closer to you. “We can’t do this here.” 
The Society had rules, plenty. Human’s, in any sort of relationship, were out of the question. Public displays of affection with even your own kind, especially of the more vulgar sort, were off limits as well. The idea was to not bring attention to yourselves, to not cause a scene. And if you were going to break one of these rules so terribly, you figured you could at least pay the respect to do so privately.
“Okay,” he mumbled, placing his forehead against your own. “Where should we go?”
“My place? It’s a little far from here, but I don’t have any roommates. So..”
Felix smiled, planting a soft, lingering kiss at the nape of your neck. “Lead the way.”
The walk over to your apartment wasn’t awkward per say, it was simply...charged. Felix had his arm looped around your own, making your way silently down the dark, lantern lit path through campus. You could feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest, a desire thrumming down inside you, resurfacing. It had been a long time since you’d last been with someone. That last person being Chan, your ex as of eight months ago.
Things had been good with Chan. Great even, in the beginning at least. He was intense, thoughtful. He loved you deeply. Most of all, Chan understood. Like you, he was a member of The Society. He was under every restriction you were, and felt all the same frustrations. 
Of course, not all good things can last. Eventually your relationship began to sour. Your arguments became full on brawls. Your differences and quirks became unbearable. You couldn’t be in the same room without being at one another's throats. You were the one who finally decided to end things. 
Chan was the only man you’d ever loved, and since him you’d never entertained the thought of being with another. Until now, that is. You glanced towards Felix, who was staring ahead down the street, his eyes dark. You could feel his own desire radiating off of him, visible in the way he slowly swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing. Besides, Felix could give you something more. Something Chan could never.
No. You stopped yourself. That wouldn’t be happening tonight. It would only make things more complicated, more dangerous. Still, you could feel it deep inside you, pounding for control. That familiar, incessant hunger. The more you tried to ignore it, the more it was there. Becoming stronger as your ears focused in on Felix’s heart beat, the sound of blood pumping through his veins.
You were pulled from your thoughts as the sight of your apartment complex appeared in front of you. Quietly you entered, making your way up the stairs and towards your own door. Releasing your arm from Felix’s, you fumbled for your keys in your purse. Giving him a small smile, you twisted your key in the lock, and allowed him inside.
The moment you closed your apartment door, all bets were off. Felix tossed his books onto your kitchen table, clashing into you with a speed that almost made you lose your own breath. You felt your back press against the wall behind you, Felix’s lips devouring your own. Desperate and wanting.
He quickly revisited the buttons of your blouse, this time starting at the top and beginning to make his way down. All the meanwhile his lips traced your neck, gently brushing against your skin. With every new kiss fueling your own desire, you slowly began to rock your hips into his own. This was escalating. Fast. As he finished with the last button, he allowed your blouse to drop from your shoulders, smiling to himself as he took you in. 
“Your turn,” you breathed, tugging at the collar of his shirt as a signal to take it off. He did so, absent-mindedly tossing it aside into your living room. He took your chin in his hand, forcing you to look up at him, staring deeply into your eyes. Then he proceeded to say the very last thing you ever expected him to:
“Look at your eyes… You haven’t fed in weeks, have you?”
You slapped his hand away and shoved him off of you, rushing to the otherside of the room, putting the coffee table between yourselves. “How-How do you?” You stammered, physically unable to form a complete sentence. How could he possibly know what you were? How did he even know you existed?
Felix’s eyes widened, clearly shocked by your reaction. “No, no. Don’t worry!” He said frantically, outstretching his hand to you. “Listen, I’m not going to hurt you or anything. I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry! I’m sorry.”
You stared at him, disbelievingly. “Yeah? And how do I know that?” You let this man into your home, your safe space. How could you have been so stupid?
“Look, I grew up around Vampires okay? My neighbors, back in my childhood home, they were like you. I know the signs. I know how your eyes blow out when you’re hungry, the way they glaze over when you haven’t fed in a while. That’s it. I didn’t even realize until I got a good look at you, back when you were translating. It’s no big deal, really.”
You scoffed. No big deal? Felix didn’t seem to realize just how big of a deal it actually was. Humans weren’t supposed to know what you were, certainly not at Hampden. The Society had made well sure of that. God, if The Council saw you now...
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I should have told you back at the library. I honestly didn’t think it would freak you out this much. That’s on me,” he said, inching slightly closer to you. Despite yourself, you didn’t move away.  “I’m serious though, it’s been a while since you last fed. Hasn’t it?”
A while was an understatement. The Society had been going through a shortage of blood bags, after having severed their connections with one of the nearby hospitals. Meaning if you wanted to drink, it would have to be from one of their Certified Donors. Which was another, fancier and far more innocent way of saying prisoners. These were humans who had given their lives to The Society, some willingly and others not so much.
You didn’t like going to their quarters. Located in the basement of the main district, it was always quiet down there. Always solemn. You’d never been to a place lacking so much hope. You’d only gone once, and drinking from that man still haunts you to this day. The way he didn’t move or speak, or even wince when your fangs broke his skin. The way his eyes were hollow and empty. How when you were done he simply laid down in his bed and turned away from you, without another word. 
The Certified Donors were what made you begin to hate The Society in the first place. Since then, your resentment only seemed to grow. 
You sighed, walking past him and flopping onto your couch. “Yeah, it’s been a while,” you confessed.
Felix carefully approached you. Instead of seating himself next to you, he got down on his knees, resting a hand on your thigh. “It’s okay, you can use me. I don’t mind.”
You were ready to tell him no, the word lingering on the tip of your tongue. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to deny him. Perhaps it was your hunger, the fact that a few more weeks in this drought, you might actually become ill. 
Or maybe, just maybe, it was the fact that you wanted to disobey the society. That this little act of rebellion, this utterly wrong indulgence, was what made your desire grow unbearable, unchained. You hated The Council, you hated the Certified Donor system, and you hated the way they had such a firm grip and control on your life.
A beautiful boy was seated in front of you, begging you to drink from him. How could you possibly say no? Better yet, why would you say no? To deprive yourself of something so great, for something you despised so deeply seemed ridiculous. That was the moment your judgment lapsed, that you crossed the point of no return. If you drank from Felix, there would be no going back. If the council found out, there would be consequences. Big ones.
But who doesn’t love a little risk?
You sunk down to meet him on the floor, staring at his bare chest. You could hear his heart pumping, its pace quickening the closer you got to him. 
“Are you sure about this?” You asked.
“Yes,” he whispered. You shifted your position. Not quite seating yourself in his lap, but hovering above, your knees on either side of him. 
“This might hurt a little bit,” you warned. You extended your fangs, approaching his neck, carefully. You didn’t realize until then how nervous you were. It had been a long time since you’d fed from a human. You’d drank from Chan of course, but he was also a vampire, and your blood didn’t have quite the same effect. There was pleasure in it, usually accompanied in moments of ecstasy, but it didn’t replenish you. It didn’t heighten your senses, nor fill you with energy. Most of all, it didn’t satisfy your hunger, your thirst. Not at all.
Felix’s blood would. 
You kept this in mind as you finally plunged your fangs into his neck. Felix let out a gasp, tensing beneath you, his hand clutching onto your arm for support. The taste of his blood grazed your tongue, metallic and warm. Delicious.
Fuck, did blood ever taste this good before? You didn’t think so.
The sweet taste consumed you. Intoxicating. Raw. Cascading over your mind in a blanket of pleasure, reveling in the way its effects seeped over your body. You could feel your mind growing sharper, your senses becoming more alert. It was a relief, after weeks of blurry weakness, of being too close to humanity in your thirst. You felt yourself again, the monster you are. The monster you are glad to be.
Here you were powerful. Invincible. And all you wanted was more. More. More.
More of this power, this sensation, this strength. This is what feeding should be. What feeding can give you. Not from a blood bag, nor a helpless prisoner, but from someone you want. Someone you desire. Someone who desires you in return.
It was as you felt Felix’s grip on your arm loosen that you finally broke away, breathing hard as you caught your breath. Felix’s eyes shifted to yours lazily, dazed. Perhaps even delirious. For a moment you feared that you’d taken too much. He blinked slowly, his eyes regaining focus.
Then he smiled. “Shit Y/N…” he began, his voice appearing more of a croak. “That felt really fucking good.” 
You grinned, leaning into him and pressing a series of kisses up along his jaw. Felix shivered, allowing his hands to slowly slide up your figure. Wanting.
“Yeah?” You whispered, your lips brushing against his ear. “Then how about we continue where we left off?”
The next morning you woke to the sound of your alarm buzzing, sunlight peeking through the opening of your drapes. You heard a low groan next to your ear, quickly becoming aware of the hand wrapped around your waist. 
So last night really happened. The reality of your situation dawned on you. You’d both drank from and fucked a human. There was no going back now, you’d completely disobeyed The Society.
Worst of all? You didn’t care. At least, not near as much as you should have. 
You shifted to face Felix, seeing his eyes still closed, eyebrows furrowed. “Hey,” you whispered, planting a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. “We have to get up. I have class.”
He groaned again in protest, shaking his head and burying his face into the crook of your neck. Between last night's events and the ringing of your alarm, you both only got about two hours of sleep, and that was being generous. This was no problem for you, as while sleep was a luxury, it was not a necessity. The same didn’t go for Felix.
“Come on,” you laughed, worming out of his grasp. “You’ll be fine, I’ll go make us some coffee.”
You rolled out of bed, throwing on Felix’s discarded shirt and heading towards your kitchen. Flicking on the radio, you felt oddly blissful as you grounded the coffee beans into a filter. It had been a long time since there’d been another person in your apartment. It made the space seem less… haunted. No longer lingering with the essence of Chan’s ghost. It felt fresh. New. 
Felix emerged from your bedroom, rubbing his eyes sleepily, sporting only his khaki’s from the past day. His gaze met yours and he smiled. “So, I take it my shirt is yours now?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, leaning forward over your kitchen counter. Felix bent down, causing you to become nose-level with one another. The close proximity made your heart race.
“Mean,” he murmured, leaning forward to kiss you softly. There was no unchained desire, no promise of more. It was simple, warm. A morning of peace after a night of wildness.
You could get used to this, you thought.
The thought sunk in your chest like a stone. This wouldn’t be as simple as you wanted to be, as you needed it to be. There would be sacrifices to make, and cautions you’d have to adhere to. You had to get the truth out in the open. Better to rip the bandaid off now rather than later.
 “Felix, you can’t tell anyone about this.” You said. The smile faded from Felix’s face, and for a moment he looked so… hurt. He stepped back.
“About the feeding? Y/N, I wouldn’t tell anyone what you are, don’t worry about-”
“No, not just the feeding. About us. About any of it.”
Felix opened his mouth to say something, but then quickly closed it. His gaze hardened. “Ah. Got it,” he stated sharply, grabbing his blazer and motioning to the door. “I’ll just head out then.”
“Wait, Felix! No, it’s not like that,” you said, rushing around the kitchen island and reaching for his arm. He turned around to face you, his expression wounded. “Listen, I don’t know how it was with your old neighbors, but here at Hampden things are different. There’s certain rules we have to follow, and what you and I did? Well, that broke about a hundred of them.”
Felix was silent for a moment, then sighed. “Okay… But what do you mean rules? Who’s enforcing them? Hampden?”
“No, it’s bigger than that. There’s a group of us here, a society. There are rules we abide by, and they’re meant to keep us safe. Keep us united,” you explained.
“Like a cult?” Felix asked, and you had to refrain from rolling your eyes.
“Well, if that helps you, then whatever. Yeah, sure. A cult.”
“Where do you-”
“I’m sorry,” you cut him off. “But that’s all I can really tell you, at least for now. Honestly, the less you know, the better. Just for safety’s sake.”
“Oh. Alright,” Felix said, his lips pursed. He wasn’t pleased, that much was obvious.
“I know this sucks, I’m sorry. But if we want to keep doing this-”
“Wait,” Felix interrupted, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “You want to keep doing this? I thought you’d get in trouble?”
You smiled, and were pleased to see the corners of his mouth curve up in return. “I’ve already risked getting myself in trouble.” You trailed your finger along the bare of his chest, feeling the warmth radiating from his skin. He was so alive, so real. And it only made you want him more. Perhaps, that’s why he wanted you as well. You were unpredictable, wild. A challenge. 
A match made in hell.
“I dug myself a grave, Lix.” You looked up at him, entranced by the curiosity swimming in his eyes. “Might as well lie in it.”
next chapter 
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sapphicyanli · 3 years
some of the loud thoughts that i have after finally watching the devil judge is about how they handle and write soohyun's character, especially in relation to gaon and yohan's relationship. trigger warning for the conversation about her death in the latest part of this post.
i think it has been agreed upon collectively that basically TDJ's love triangle is between yohan and soohyun competing for gaon's heart and we were supposed to root for gaon and yohan to end up together, that's obvious imo. thus, the way they portrayed soohyun was, uhm, a choice.
they wrote her that she joined the police academy to basically so she can protect gaon more because god forbid women can have a genuine, personal ambition without it being about a man(side not, its rare to see the main male character framed as someone who needs protection that much. further proof that gaon is literally the "female" character that soohyun & yohan fighting over), always worrying over gaon, willing to put up with more works as long as its for gaon, willing to always be there for gaon when he's overwhelmed with the kind of sorrow that he's only comfortable to show to soohyun, his best friend that has seen him broke down so many times.
even when after those times, gaon choose yohan over her again and again.
in a mainstream het drama context, she's usually the "side, nice guy who actually treat the main girl better but the main girl is somehow fall for the abusive & annoying male lead"(except yohan is not abusive ofc).
basically a lot of her actions, always have something to do with gaon and its makes me raise my eyebrow. there shouldn't even be a "romance" between gaon & soohyun in the first place imo, if that's how they did ber character. her and gaon's friendship could be a powerful representation that platonic relationship is just as precious as the romantic one. gaon too didn't need to always choose between two of the most important people in his life which is cruel btw, yohan and soohyun could get to know each other and be friends, elijah also could get a sister if yohan and soohyun get along, its a win-win for everybody. the amount of traumas that gaon already have and troubles coming his way is enough to supply that boy for a lifetime already, and gaon's love for soohyun and yohan run deeply, albeit in a different way for each of them. if he can have his best friend soohyun and his lover yohan by his side without tearing himself apart into two, why not?
yohan and gaon get pulled to each other like they have their own gravitation even since their first encounter, and i think soohyun knew that. she's gaon's best friend after all, she knew how gaon is when he's in love with someone else and she can tell it is different than how gaon's feelings towards her. all this time it has always been her and gaon only, and now suddenly there's this charming guy who's winning gaon's heart in a short amount of time, soohyun didn't stand a chance to be gaon's lover.
thus, the portrayal of her devensife and suspicios behavior towards yohan could also be linked/&translated to jealousy. to see her best friend that she loved for years being swept away off of his feet by this new, cooler, richer, older guy... well what a way to then made her character seemed desperate to prove to gaon that "no yohan is a bad guy he just manipulate you gaon you cant trust him ever i'm the only one you have and can lean on to gaon-ah" and even made us the audience can't help but wonder too; is kang yohan really a monster? is he capable to love gaon like that?
not to mention throughout the drama her one sided romantic feeling towards gaon is often being brought upon which made me like,,, what was the point?? once or twice is enough. like tell me about her favorite movies, her favorite season, her memorable stories as a police, tell me about HER that isn't about gaon like damn even her affectionate actions towards gaon all this time was also used to paralleled a lot of yohan's caring and loving behaviour towards gaon to literally show that yohan is gaon's "new" love
her death is so dissapointing too in my opinion. she died protecting gaon, she died for him. at the end, she lived and existed FOR gaon, that's it and that's not fair. she should and could be so much more than that. she didn't even have a little background story of her own life being shown, all we knew that she was a gaon's best friend since they were kids and a cop, that's it.
what a waste for a potentional absolute girlboss character in this drama tbh.
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valcalico · 3 years
Athena and Ares
(Just my thoughts on them and their relationship)
I have a lot of feelings about these two. They have a very complex dynamic, where they don’t really like each other, but they can’t work without each other either.
Athena provides rationality to the cruelty of war. She is the strategy and logic behind it. The objective. One might say she represents the generals, and the politicians and the main heroes. Basically the big players.
And Ares? He’s the opposite. He represents the emotion associated with war. He is the bloodlust and the desperate fight. Where the battle is thickest, where there is no room for thought, and when its pure survival instinct that drives you, that’s Ares. He represents the worst parts: the blood and the violence and the cruelty. He is accompanied by fear and terror (Phobos and Deimos). One might say he is the god of soldiers.
So they need each other. If they actually worked together, they’d be one of the dangerous forces ever, even in god circles. But they don’t. Not only because of how differently they view the world, but also because of deeper nuances in their relationship.
Athena is beloved. She is Zeus’ favourite child and his right hand goddess. The people love her. She is the patron of one of the most powerful, influential cities, Athens. She is highly respected everywhere else too. A protector of heroes and a friend to humanity.
Ares, on the other hand, is disliked by many. Zeus says he is “the most hateful of all gods” and says he would have thrown him into Tartarus if he wasn’t his and Hera’s son. (Its in the Iliad) (This part always makes me sad poor ares) He is highly respected in Thrace and Sparta. But Athens dislikes him and worships him out of necessity only.
Even in modern times, Athena is considered a feminist icon and badass lady, while Ares is labelled a brute.
Most people know this. So why did I just type out all that? Cause context is important when delving into the myths.
So first of all, let’s debunk that last point I made. In the ancient myths (and I’ll try not to include romans esp. Ovid), it didn’t work that way at all. Of course it’s important to keep in mind that ancient Greece was very misogynistic. But still, Athena was not feminist at all. Her being a “masculine” woman (mostly) was what made her so acceptable to Athens and she was regularly used to shut down other women. Also:
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(The actual translation of this scene was circulated a while back. So you’re probably familiar with this. Also I’m not saying this to offend any worshippers of Athena or anyone who admires her. There are a lot of bad things in greek mythology and Athena’s internal and external misogyny is probably the least of my concerns. Plus if the greek gods did exist, i believe they change with the society, so they will no longer be Like That in the present day.)
Ares, on the other hand, was incredibly feminist, especially for that time. He surrounded himself with women he loved and respected. (Aphrodite, Eris, Enyo, etc). His lovers were often famously women who challenged the status quo (Otrera, Cyrene). He was regularly show to be a good father to all his daughters, immortal and mortal. (Harmonia, Hippolyta, Penthesilia, Alkippe). Also:
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If that isn’t the coolest thing EVER-
Anyway, I won’t delve deep into that (well, any more than I’ve already rambled about it).
Now that we have gotten that out of the way, we can get to the hypotheticals.
I headcanon that despite ALL the evidence to the contrary, they maybe don’t despise each other completely. I see them having more of a love-hate relationship.
The thing is, gods are very contrary creatures. Zeus and Hera’s fights shake the world one moment, and in the next, they are as loving as any. Apollo is smiling and singing in one moment and skinning a satyr alive in the next. This complexity should be given this relationship too.
Like I said above, they need each other. Both general and soldier are equally important in war. And I don’t think you can completely truly need someone and hate their existence at the same time. (There are exceptions)
This scene in the Iliad really got me thinking:
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If you take the scene at face value, this is probably not something to think too much about. Its Athena going to Ares, insulting him a bit, and taking him away from the war.
But its more than that. First off, Athena goes upto Ares and can calmly convince him to listen to her. Second, look how she frames the question. She says “shall we” which i think is pretty important. Athena doesn’t need to worry about Zeus’ anger or his rules, as she shows later on in the Iliad, and before, during the Rebellion. Both Athena and Ares knows this well. So why does she also need to withdraw? She can make the point without adding herself to the equation. She can also fairly easily run him off the battlefield like she does later. But she doesn’t. And there isnt any hostility from Ares.
Instead, they go together, away from the battlefield and...sit down near a river bank? Basically relax as much as they can? That doesn’t sound like a hateful relationship.
There is also the fact that Ares was going to join sides with the greeks (aka on Athena and Hera’s side) until Aphrodite convinced him to join her instead.
Its clear from this that Ares doesn’t really have much of a stake in this fight. He doesn’t care much about the greater objectives of the war. The only thing that can convince him to take a side is the people one the sides. He fights for the people he cares about, not for any greater good. He easily changes his loyalty because of his love for Aphrodite. He frequently gets into fights to save his children. He goes against Diomedes partly because of how he wounded Aphrodite. All of this means that he cares for Athena too. (And for Hera ofc). Maybe he doesn’t care for her as much as he cares for Aphrodite, but its not really fair to expect him to.
I like to think they genuinely do care for each other a great deal, they just kinda suck at showing it. Maybe that changes as time passes. I can see Athena being quietly protective of Ares (maybe she makes up an excuse to send him away during the Rebellion because she knows he will be in danger otherwise). I definitely think she felt a little guilt (guilt, not regret) at stabbing Ares, seeing as it wasn’t really fair. Ares didn’t know she was there.
I also think that Ares, who spends a lot of time with awesome women and is very fierce in standing up for them if the need arises, will be the one who calls her out a lot of the time on her misogyny or hypocrisy. Athena also has a habit of suppressing any “vulnerable” emotion. She likes to keep all her guilt, sadness, fear, hurt, and regret all locked up tight. I feel like Ares is one of the few people she lets a few of those emotions out around, even if she still tries not to. And in the lighter moments, in private, maybe they joke around a bit and laugh, too.
Okay, now for the heavier bit. While i do think they care for each other, there is also a lot of resentment there. A lot of it, unfortunately, comes from how they are treated by their peers and elders. They like different people, they are liked by different people and they are liked to different degrees. Let’s talk about 3 of the main players.
1) Zeus. Does this surprise you?
I do think Zeus loves all his kids. He doesn’t like some of them, but he does love all of them. And he isn’t as bad of a father as everyone thinks. People have discussed that better so I’ll not rant about it here.
All that aside, he definitely has favourites. Athena is his favourite child (Apollo, I think, being his second). And this favouritism is SUPER OBVIOUS. Its like none of the rules apply to Athena, which is weird considering Zeus isn’t forgiving of those who defy his authority (did someone say Prometheus?)
Ares, on the other hand, is on the other side of the spectrum. The one Zeus dislikes the most.
We can see how this affects them in several instances. The most notable is probably in the Iliad, after Athena deceitfully stabs Ares and forces him to flee to Olympus, injured.
Ares calls Zeus out on his favouritism. He says that gods weren’t allowed to fight each other and if it were anyone else, they would have been punished. He says Zeus always does this, always lets Athena get away with everything, and that he needs to start getting his daughter under control.
Zeus doesnt like this too much and basically tells Ares to stop whining and that he isn’t much better when it comes to destruction. He says Ares is the most hateful of all gods and loves bloodshed. He says he would have gotten rid of him if he weren’t his son, but seeing as he was, Zeus cannot bear to see Ares in pain. He then gets Ares healed.
I can definitely see how this kind of blatant favouritism from someone who should be better to Ares would affect him. Ares is the firstborn son of Zeus and Hera. He should be getting a lot of respect, as per ancient standards but instead, he is overtaken by his virgin half sister from Zeus’ previous marriage, and many bastard half siblings.
Athena being able to break rules left and right, and Ares having to be nervous about even toeing the line will cause distance between them.
This in addition to his position as a god of civil order is a reason that i think he wouldn’t want to break any rule until he deems it absolutely necessary, like if someone he cared about were in danger.
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I can totally see a situation where both of them try to help a hero but Zeus orders them not to. Athena then wants to break the rules, but Ares is very hesitant about doing so. Athena convinces him, either by taunting or by calmly urging him, to go along with it. They get caught but only Ares gets punished. Ares can then truly show Athena the difference between her and everyone else.
Remember when i headcanoned earlier that Athena sends Ares away during the Rebellion? That ties into this. She knows that if they get caught, ares could get into trouble whether or not he did anything. I expect Ares will be furious about it when he returns and finds out what happened though, thinking it was just to get him out of the way, until its revealed why she did it. Then he’ll probably be super awkward.
2) Poseidon
The equal and opposite force to Zeus.
Well, maybe not equal, but quite close.
Lets start with the canon. Poseidon HATES Athena, despises her completely, and he frequently clashes with her father too. They worked together one (1) time and as a result, Athena wasnt punished while Poseidon was enslaved for years. Then there is the fight for Athens, the whole epic of the Odyssey, and so on.
Meanwhile he and Ares are actually shown to be close. Other than the Halirhothius incident, they are pretty chill. Poseidon is the one who vouched for him after the Net Thing With Hephaestus. Poseidon is also pretty cool with Aphrodite and they work together occasionally.
I think Poseidon thinks of Athena as this bratty kid of his brother, who is constantly working against him. You know that one annoying cousin you have who you try to avoid during family reunions because you KNOW you will clash? This is that, but a thousand times worse.
Meanwhile Poseidon really cares for Ares, and Ares takes fatherly affection from anywhere he can get it. Poseidon maintains a good relationship with both Aphrodite and Ares. He is closer with Aphrodite and doesnt love Ares quite as much as Zeus loves Athena, but he still cares a lot.
3) Aphrodite
It is no secret that Athena hates Aphrodite. Even when Athena warns Diomedes not to harm any god, she says Aphrodite is the exception. Athena, along with many of the other Olympians, see her as nothing but a silly, flighty, hysterical goddess.
On the other hand, Aphrodite and Ares are known for their intense love for each other, from even before her arranged marriage. They have a lot of kids together, and are shown to be close with all of them. They each have like one story of jealousy/one story where they are at odds with each other, which is pretty good for such a high-profile couple (Aphrodite curses Eos and Ares kills Adonis). They are there for each other, like in the trojan war, when Aphrodite was wounded and Ares gave her his chariot to go back to Olympus. He also changed sides very soon, just because Aphrodite asked. Athena complains about this too.
I think I wouldn’t be far off in saying that Athena is definitely resentful of how close they are, and how much sway Aphrodite has over her brother.
While Athena definitely doesn’t see eye to eye with Ares, and disagrees with his domain, she still sees him as a War God. One of her kind. And she just doesn’t see how a War God can go for someone like Aphrodite. Basically, she doesn’t think Aphrodite is, for lack of a better term, good enough for Ares, seeing as she is a Love Goddess.
Ares, on the other hand, does not want to hear anything like this. He is fiercely defensive of Aphrodite. He defends her warlike aspect (Aphrodite Areia), while everyone else tells her that she has no place in the battlefield. He sees Aphrodite as more than what people have labelled her to be. Which is why I believe (other than Eos and Adonis), they have one of the healthiest open relationships in greek mythology.
This can definitely cause animosity between Athena and Ares, because of Athena’s scorn and Ares’ temper. It can also increase the conflict between Athena and Aphrodite.
Maybe as time goes on, Athena can start seeing Aphrodite as having more depth. I certainly hope so. While they wouldn’t be best friends, I don’t see why they can’t learn to get along. This could also strengthen Athena and Ares’ bond. As long as people don’t insult her or lay their claim on her domain of Love and Beauty, Aphrodite is often very supportive. I truly think Aphrodite can help Athena overcome her misogyny, with Ares.
In conclusion, Athena and Ares have a very complex relationship. They do not simply hate each other, and neither do they have the most loving relationship. But they do care for each other. But strain can often be put on their relationship from their relationship to other people as well. Hopefully as time passes, they can overcome that, and have a healthier relationship, instead of sharing a good moment and then proceeding to fight each other for the next 500 years.
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animaniachan · 4 years
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ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ᴘʀᴏꜰɪʟᴇꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ʀɪʀᴜʜᴀᴘɪ, ᴏɴᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴀᴘᴘᴇʟʟᴀ ɢʀᴏᴜᴘꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀᴏᴘᴘᴇʟʟᴀ!
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riruhapi’s name can also be translated into lil’ happy. but since idk if the devs meant this translation i’m just gonna leave it as the original katakana pronunciation.
otowa high is a metropolitan high school meaning that it is directly governed by the state. metropolitan in japanese is “toritsu” this is also where the name team toritsu or toritsu-gumi comes from when referring to riruhapi and “shiritsu” on the other hand, means “private school” and that’s why team shiritsu or shiritsu-gumi is used to refer to fya’m’
otowa high is a metropolitan high school meaning that it is directly governed by the state. metropolitan in japanese is “toritsu” this is also where the name team toritsu or toritsu-gumi comes from when referring to riruhapi and “shiritsu” on the other hand, means “private school” and that’s why team shiritsu or shiritsu-gumi is used to refer to fya’m’
edit: from now on, otowa will be referred to as a public high school based on the english official translation! just to clarify, the reason i didn’t initially translate it to “public” is because public is usually referred as “kouritsu” 公立 in japanese instead of “toritsu” 都立 so it was semi-confusing TT
the two emblems/logos you see at the top left of riruhapi’s image is of their school emblem and group logo respectively. top one is school logo, bottom is group logo.
Suzumiya Hajime:
“my-pace” is essentially a term used to describe people who does things at their own pace without being considerate of others around them. in hajime’s case, he often causes some trouble to others by being so my-paced.
his name is hajime (means “the beginning” in japanese) because his birthday is 1/1
he’s in class 2-D
his favourite food is miso
his hobby is watching game livestreams and he’s a big fan of a streamer named “zou” (the name also means “elephant” in japanese)
what he likes about a cappella: all of it
others introduce him as the following:
he’s unbelievably directionally challenged
he’s super duper good at singing
and he looks at his smartphone way too much
a word to his group members: “from now on, let’s do our best together!”
Tanba Rin:
his name is actually a pun—can’t figure it out? repeat it a few times in your head and you’ll see :))
the third section of his translations which includes the “clown” and his “comebacks” refers to the typical japanese comedy style of “boke” and “tsukkomi.” you see a lot of it in japanese comedians and manzai where one person intentionally acts dumb and air headed so the other can reprimand them as a joke.
he’s in class 2-D
his favourite foods are ramen, beef bowls, fast food, and basically food that he can gobble down a lot at once
his hobby is bike touring
what he likes about a cappella: it feels good to be able to sing loudly and it’s fun to do things like this with everyone
others introduce him as the following:
he works the same part-time with maito
he’s the most fashionable in his group
his tsukkomi’s are smooth af
a word to his group members: “i’ll never get bored when i’m around you guys!”
Kariyazono Michitaka:
he’s in class 1-C
his favourite foods are milk, dairy products, and all dishes that use milk in them
his hobby is randonneuring (but by himself)
what he like about a cappella: we can make people smile with our singing
others introduce him as the following:
he helps at his dad’s shop and cares about his family a lot
he wants to drink latte art someday
you would want an older brother like him
a word to his group members: “it’ll be great if we can keep singing forever and ever with these members...!”
Shihou Luka:
luka’s last line in his character dialogue is translated to “i’ll always be watching over you” but the original japanese phrases means more like “i’ll always be watching you” if translated directly. even if it’s not meant to sound creepy, it kind of does when directly translated over so therefore i added the “over.” but basically think of it like he’ll always have his eyes on you (non-creepy ofc :p)
he’s in class 1-A
his favourite food is the vegetable-filled blt that his father makes
his hobby is going to the gym
what he likes about a cappella: he can come closer to being his ideal self through the support from everyone
others introduce him as the following:
the smiling prince
he’s kind of an airhead
he worries about calories way too much
a word to his group members: “singing in front of other people, this was something my past self could’ve never imagined...it’s thanks to all to you, thank you.”
Soenji Sayo:
when referring to sayo’s “overwhelming behaviours due to his wealthy family background,” i’m pretty sure it doesn’t mean that he acts like a spoiled brat. in this context, it’s more so referring to how he does unthinkable actions (like calling a helicopter to help search for a missing cat or smtg idk) for everyday trivial problems.
sayo refers to his twin brother as “asaharu-niisan” because due to japanese culture, even if they are twins, there are instances where the younger one refers to the older one as “older brother/sister.” and sayo respects the hell out of asaharu hence “niisan” with the “san” honorific
sayo’s name means “rainy night” in japanese where asaharu’s name means “sunny morning”
he’s in class 2-D
his favourite food is french cuisine (the specific dish name is too long)
his hobbies are visiting airfields (to fly planes I assume???) and reading
what he likes about a cappella: he can make the audience happy by giving form to his emotions with the people he likes
others introduce him as the following:
occasionally air-headed
he can actually do kado (japanese flower arrangement)
a word to his group members: “the high school life that i’ve experienced with everyone is one of the most precious treasures in my life.”
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
This Night (40s!Bucky Barnes x Hispanic!OFC)
Summary: When she saved a scrawny blond in a back alley, she would never have anticipated the ripple effects it would have. Nor how meeting someone with a pair of baby blue eyes and cocky smirk would draw her in, encouraging her that for one night, to taste revelry like she never had before.
This is my submission for @allaboardthereadingrailroad​ Marvel Diversity Challenge! My prompt was “a little danger never hurt”. 
I am going to admit, I’m super nervous to post this. I’ve never written a person of color before and would be horrified to accidently offend someone. That being said, I also had so much fun writing this piece. I adore 40s Bucky and Steve, so I was excited to finally have the inspiration to write them. 
Few notes:
-All translations are via google and what I can remember from university (if any of my Spanish is wrong, please please please someone tell me and i’ll correct it!)
-I threw in some 40s slang for fun, so that will be in italics.
-In the little research I did (again, someone please correct me if I am wrong), in the 40s there were not many Hispanic or Latino people living in NYC yet. So for my OFC and her family, they would very much stand out. 
Warnings: a few swear words, some angst, sexual tension, topic of racial discrimination and inequality 
Words: 8k (the story kept growing, i’m so sorry)
<gif is from Pinterest>
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She clutched the parcel to her chest, trying to avoid the muddy puddles on the sidewalk. Mr. Hendricks would be furious with her if she got any mud on the packaging of the parcel. He always said it reflected his reputation.  
 Weaving through those walking down the busy Brooklyn sidewalk, she could feel the few glares and inaudible comments following in her wake. She tried to ignore it, knowing was not the first nor last time others judged her for her different skin tone. Though she doubted she would ever get used to it. One of her older brothers would try and cheer her up saying the white folks were jealous since they burned when in the sun too long while Spaniards became more beautiful. Without fail, she would smack him but end up laughing along. 
 Peeking at the address scrawled in precise handwriting, she surveyed the street names around. A sinking feeling in her gut confirmed her fear- she had somehow gotten lost. 
“Mierda.” She hissed, turning around in a circle. Not just to try and relocate her whereabouts but on the off chance her mother happened to be behind her to whack her over the head for swearing. 
 Not wanting to be run over by a fellow pedestrian, she stepped off the sidewalk into an alley nearby while she tried to get her bearings. She brushed down the front of her workwear, dark blue, princess style dress with its Peter Pan collar, double pockets and pleated skirt. A glance at her tights showed a couple spots of mud she somehow managed to still get on her even though her kitten heels were still mostly clean. A miracle really. 
 It was only mid-afternoon but Mr. Hendricks hated when she returned late from delivering parcels. He was the best tailor in Brooklyn and practically thrived off that title. He employed her to help keep things organized, the shop looking nice and delivering parcels to their patrons. It was mindless work but that did not bother her. It was a job...and she was lucky to have one. Being from one of the few Hispanic families in the area was not a perk when trying to find work. She knew the only reason she even got this job was she willingly took half the pay he would have given to anyone else, she could sew well, and she was pretty. 
 A crash at the end of the alley drew her attention behind her. There was some hushed talking followed by another sound of something hitting the ground. Hard. 
 Logically, she knew she should walk away. She was already lost. Her mother frequently reminded her to not involve herself in other people's business, it would only get her in trouble. The problem was her curiosity was a near palpable thing, driving her forward, along with her independent streak the size of the Upper Bay. So when she heard what sounded like a smack and another crash, her feet started moving without a second thought. 
 She darted around a half brick wall to find herself at an "L" intersection. And at the end of both alleys, stood a tall man with a face like a bulldog and the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows, fists at his side. Below him lay a much smaller, blond man who was sprawled out on the dirty ground. The smaller man groaned, rubbing a hand on his jaw. He rolled onto his side, then slowly and painfully rose back onto his feet, his own fists in front of him in a poor imitation of a boxer. 
 "You think you somethin' special, huh?" The larger man jeered, a nasty smirk on his face. He leaned on his back foot, preparing to throw another punch. 
 The smaller man raised his fists but made no other move, prepared to take the hit and most likely go back down. 
 So, she decided to do something stupid. 
 "BILL!!" She cried out, her voice echoing off the brick walls of the alleys. 
 Both men froze, turning to look at her. 
 Tucking the parcel under her arm, she jogged over to the smaller man, uncaring now of the muddy puddles. "There you are, Bill. I've been so worried. You promised to show me where Mrs. Wilcox lives. I tried to find her myself but I got so lost." Ignoring the quizzical look from the blond man, she stood between the two men, meeting the eyes of the larger one. She twirled a strand of her long, black hair around her finger, nerves getting to her but she pressed on. "I'm so sorry for whatever trouble he has caused you. He won't bother you again. We have to go now; our boss will dock our wages if we aren't back soon."
 The man trailed his eyes over her as if looking for a lie tattooed on her skin or dress. Finding nothing of interest, he stared hard at his victim for a long moment. She found herself holding her breath, silently praying her ruse worked. 
 Finally, he rolled his shoulders and unclenched his fists, his thick jowls still tense. "Keep ‘im away from me or next time his ass will end up in the hospital."
 Slowly, she released her breath as she watched the bulldog of a man turn on his heel and stomp away, back down the alley and onto the main sidewalk. 
 "Are you hurt?" She asked, looking over the smaller man. As he dusted off his brown trousers and tan jacket, she was surprised to realize he stood about her height, and probably about her age, in the young twenties. If her guessing was any good. 
 He rubbed his jaw again and winced where an impressive bruise was already growing. "I've had worse." 
 She could not help but smile at his nonchalance. His bright blue eyes met her own honey brown. A timid smile echoed hers, his face so open and expressive. Something about the man she found endearing already. Maybe defending him was not such a stupid action.  
 "All that stuff you said, about lookin' for me and gettin' lost…"
 She huffed a laugh. "I am actually lost. I'm trying to find this address here." She showed him the scrap of paper with the address scribbled on it.
 It took only a glance before he handed the paper back with a smile. "You're not too far. Only three streets away….I... I can take you there if you like."
 "Oh, I'd hate to impose on you."
 "No, it's really fine. Seems you saved me from...well…" He shrugged, sticking his hands in the pockets of his tan jacket. 
 "And... you...don't mind, you know, being seen with me?"
 "No, why?" Eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed slightly, he stared at her like that was the strangest question. 
 It was in that moment she knew, whoever this scrawny man was- he was a good man. The difference in their ethnicity made no difference to him. He was a rarity in her experience with most New Yorkers. 
 Even though it was 1940 and this was supposed to be a land of equal opportunity. 
 It was not. 
 With a shrug and momentarily, awkward silence as they both thought about their own answers to his question, they fell into step with one another as they headed back out of the alley.
 "So, what's your name? Or is it actually Bill?" She spoke up once they hit the sidewalk. 
 "Do I look like a Bill?"
 She squinted her eyes then shook her head giggling. "No, you don't."
 "It's Steve…. Steve Rogers."
 "It's nice to meet you, Steve."
 He directed them down another street. Their shoulders brushed occasionally as they walked, due more to their need to maneuver around puddles and other pedestrians than any sense of intimacy. "You gonna tell me your name or do I have to make one up for you?"
 "Oh! Sorry. It's Elana Morales-Díaz. So, what caused the fight?"
 The tips of his ears and cheeks turned pink as he ducked his head. "He, um, we...we had a disagreement."
 "Obviously. I would hate to know you're friends and beat each other up for fun."
 "My best friend is a boxer. He's tryin’ to teach me some moves…. does that count as beating each other up?"
 She pretended to think about it. "I may let that one slide but it sounds like you might need some new friends."
 "Yeah," he chuckled and peeked over at her. "Know of any openings?"
 "I just might."
 They stood at an intersection waiting to cross the street when they heard a shout from further down the road. Neither paid much attention initially until the shout repeated itself. 
 The blond looked down the road, a smile on his lips. He waved and tugged on Elana to move away from the curb. She followed along, surprised since he told her they needed to cross. 
 A man glided through the pedestrians easily, a few lingering looks thrown his way by some of the women. When he noticed her standing next to Steve, his eyes widened for a brief moment before a lazy smirk appeared on his face and his strut became more pronounced. With boxing gloves dangling over his shoulder, his white shirt and black trousers, he looked like he just walked out of a gym. Especially with the way his dark brown hair ruffled in the breeze, a few strands sticking up like he had run his hands through it a few times. 
 "I leave you for one afternoon and I come back to find you with the prettiest gal in all of New York." 
 Steve rolled his eyes. "You're always at the gym now."
 The man put Steve in a teasing headlock. Only after a flirtatious wink at her, he released the smaller man. "So, you gonna introduce me to this wolfess, Steve?"
 "Ah, right. Elana, this is my best friend, Bucky Barnes. Buck, this is Elana."
 "Nice to meet you." She said, a small smile at their interactions. It reminded her of her brothers.
 The man -Bucky- reached over and took her hand but instead of shaking it, pressed a kiss to her knuckles, maintaining eye contact the whole time. "Pleasure is mine."
 Oh, he was a charmer. The kind her mother warned her about. Then again, her father had the same devilish charisma and Elana liked to remind her mother of that. To which her mother would laugh and say that's why she warned her daughter of those men, she knew from experience. With just a wink and kiss, she would fall madly in love, leave her home and give him five babies before she even knew it. It was always after this statement often said loudly and with feigned annoyance that Elana's father would wrap his arms around his wife, lovingly kiss her temple and remind her how long he had to chase her before she even agreed to go on a date with him. 
 "So how do you guys know each other?" Bucky asked, those blue eyes bouncing between the two of them. 
 Steve coughed, rubbing the back of his neck. It was then Bucky finally seemed to notice the slowly darkening bruise on Steve's jaw. 
 "Steve!" He grabbed his friend's face and glanced over him, concern etched in his movements and expression. "What happened this time, punk?"
 "Nothin'...just a disagreement. I had 'im on the ropes."
 He dropped his hand, running it through his brunet hair. "You gotta stop pickin’ fights, one of these days…" The implications hung heavily in the air. 
 "Ah, Steve…" When he looked over at her, she nodded toward the parcel still in her arms.
 "Oh right! Sorry. Buck, I gotta take her to drop somethin' off."
 Bucky shrugged. "Lead the way, punk."
 The three of them quickly crossed the street. Steve, and soon Bucky when he understood what was going on, pointed out markers for her in case she got lost again. In a short time, they arrived at the house, one of the nicer ones in Brooklyn. The boys waited on the sidewalk as Elana walked up to the front door and handed the parcel over with the man's tailored suit. 
 "Where you off to now, doll?" Bucky asked when she approached them. 
 "Oh, I need to get back to the shop. Mr. Hendricks will most likely be upset with how late I am anyway."
 "The tailorin’ shop near Prospect Park?"
 "Yeah." She played with a strand of her hair, trying to hide her nerves.
 "What a coincidence. We were headed that way ourselves, right, Steve?"
 "What?" Steve looked at Bucky, head tilted in confusion. Bucky cuffed him in the back of the head. "Oh, yeah. Yeah. Um, gonna take a nice walk in the park."
 Elana could not help but giggle at the two. With Bucky looking skyward like he was silently praying for patience to deal with his best friend; meanwhile Steve rubbed the back of his head and glared at his best friend. Although she just met them and hardly knew them, she found herself enjoying their presence. Friends were not something she had in great supply...or any supply really. 
 Plus, if she was being honest with herself, she found her gaze drifting to the tall, charming brunet more times than she cared to admit. The butterflies in her stomach did not help the situation. She knew it was foolish. He was attractive and knew it. But when he turned those baby blues on her and winked, she could not help but be drawn to him, like a moth to the flame. 
 "How come we ain't seen you round before? I know I'd remember a dame as beautiful as you round Brooklyn." Bucky said on her left side while Steve walked on her right. Neither one crowded her space. Sometimes one would touch a hand to her back to direct her steps or hold her elbow when she jumped a puddle. It was sweet instead of condescending. 
 She shrugged. "I recently got the job at the tailor shop and I live in Queens."
 They both winced making her laugh. She would never understand this animosity the boroughs had with each other. 
 "Well that explains a lot." Steve muttered. 
 "Hey!" She nudged the blond with her shoulder as she muttered. "Me gusta Queens. Ustedes dos están celosos."
 "What language is that?" Steve asked, curiosity evident. 
 "Is that why you have an accent?"
 She nodded, unable to meet their gazes as she answered. "My family moved here from Spain when I was six." Although she had grown up here in New York City, gone to school just like the other kids, she still maintained a slight accent to her words, different from the stereotypical New Yorker's accent. 
 "Say somethin’ else." Bucky smiled down at her. 
 She laughed. "Like what?"
 "I don't know. Anythin’."
 "El cielo es azul. Me duelen los pies con estos tacones. Me he reído más con ustedes dos que en semanas".
 Bucky had almost a dazed look on his face. "That's beautiful."
 "You have no idea what I said."
 "Doesn't matter." The brunet stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Steve can talk in Irish." 
 "I mean, a little." He rubbed the back of his neck. "My ma came from Ireland." 
 Bucky snorted. "You wrote a poem for a girl in the second grade in Irish and read it to her on the playground. I'd say that's more than a little."
 Steve's face was red and jaw dropped as he stared at his friend. "How...how...how do you know that?" He sputtered. "We weren't even friends yet."
 Bucky winked at Elana as he answered. "Gotta be friends with the right people."
 The three of them walked back, talking and laughing. Well it was mostly the boys talking and teasing one another but she enjoyed just listening to their banter. Occasionally they would direct a question to her or she would throw out a remark that had them laughing. 
 She guided them to the back alley of the street front shops. Mr. Hendricks disliked her walking through the front unless she had her work apron on and clean shoes. 
 "Well thank you for helping me and walking me back."
 "It's not a big deal." Steve said. 
 "We'll see you round, yeah? I'd hate to just meet a gorgeous dame like you then never see her again." Bucky threw a wink at her, adjusting the boxing gloves still over his shoulder. 
 She opened her mouth to tease them then stopped. She truly hoped this was not the last time she saw these two. In a spur of the moment decision, she stepped closer to say goodbye. She pressed her cheeks to Steve's first, giving the traditional cheek kiss. She did the same to Bucky, though she had to rise on her toes to reach his face, and she suspected he bent over slightly. 
 "Hasta luego, mis amigos."
 "What was that, doll?"
 She looked from Bucky's smirk to Steve's red face and back. "A traditional goodbye."
 "Mmm…I could get used to that." The boxer teased, nudging his friend who refused to meet her eyes now. 
 She smiled and started to open the back door when Bucky's hand grabbed her forearm, stalling her movements. 
 "Hey, wait." Those baby blue eyes met her honey brown ones. "It's Friday night.  We usually go to the Stork Club for drinks and dancin’. Come with us."
 "Oh, I don't know…"
 "Come on. It'll be great. If it helps, we'll pick you up from your house."
 She could not help the laugh that slipped out at the thought.  "You'd come to Queens... to get me?"
 "It might break my heart to leave my beloved Brooklyn but I'd do it for you, doll."
 "Honestly it'd be dangerous for you to come to my house." 
 "A little danger never hurt." He brushed some of her hair behind her ear, sending shivers down her spine. 
 He was trouble, complete trouble for her...and she knew it. But the longer he stared at her with those pleading eyes and hand now at the nape of her neck, she could feel her resolve crumbling. "I have three brothers and a protective father."
 "They can't be that bad… Come on, please? Steve, help me out!"
 Steve just laughed, raising his hands in surrender. 
 She bit the inside of her cheek thinking about it. Her brother Mateo owed her for when she covered for him when he almost got caught smoking cigarettes behind the apartment building. Tonight, her parents were supposed to visit her eldest brother and his new wife in the Bronx. 
 "Ok…" She whispered. 
 "Yeah?" A beaming grin spread over his face.
 "Ok...I'll meet you there though."
 "Yes!" Bucky bent over and kissed her cheek loudly. "You won't regret it! Nine o'clock!"
 "Nueve. Estaré allí."
 "I still don't know what you said, doll, but I love it."
 She laughed, pushing him away from her. "Go! Before I'm even more late."
 Before they were three steps away, she ducked inside the back of the shop. Hopefully she was able to slip in unnoticed. The shop should be closing soon so Mr. Hendricks would be in his little office room. 
 She leaned against the back door, hands pressed against her cheeks to will away the warmth in them. Thankfully with her brown skin, the blush would be harder to notice. As she stood there, the realization of what she just agreed to finally hit her. An icy fist landed in her gut, drowning the blush away. She had never been to a club before. She had no idea what to wear...or how to act. How was she even going to get there? 
 Underneath the fear though was a determination to go. Why couldn't she have fun for one night, like other young women she regularly saw and envied. Both of those Brooklyn boys seemed nice. Thinking about them brought the flush back to her skin, especially when she thought of the kiss on the cheek from Bucky. He was trouble and fun and charming and devilish and… and she wanted to spend more time with him. And Steve, the sweet, kind, funny guy that he was. She liked them both. But when thinking about those baby blue eyes, insufferable smirk and broad shoulders...her heartbeat sped up and butterflies erupted in her belly. 
 "Oh Dios, ¿qué voy a hacer?" She whispered to herself. 
 Just after nine o'clock, Elana climbed out of the taxi. She stared up at the sign that brightly screamed ‘Stork Club’. So many people milled about, either walking into the club or chatting, waiting for others in their group. A couple people already looked like they had been hitting the bottles for some time, if the rambunctious yelling and obnoxious laughter said anything. The atmosphere was loud and vibrant with an air of debauchery...and she had not even stepped foot in the door. 
 "Oh Dios, ¿por qué estoy aquí? Estúpido. Tan estúpido. Debería irme. Ni siquiera se darán cuenta." She murmured to herself, her hands wringing the strap on her clutch. Actually, it was not even hers. She "borrowed" it from her mother's closet and prayed that she could return it before her mother noticed.
 At the call of her name, she turned around to see Bucky and Steve crossing the street, dodging a car that decided they were taking too long. 
 "You made it!" Bucky exclaimed, bubbling with excitement. He scanned her over, giving a low whistle. "Damn, doll, you look beautiful."
 "Gracias." She smoothed down her floral-patterned tea dress that reached mid-calf, her kitten heels still on from earlier. Her raven hair hung loosely down her back, unstyled in the typical curls that most women wore. There had been no time to try one of those hair styles and not bring attention to herself before she snuck out. Just to make her even more self-conscious, the cherry red lipstick she wore felt heavy on her lips. Something she only wore on rare occasions. "You fellas clean up nicely."
 Checking over them, they each wore nice suits. Though Steve's looked a size or two too large and the prominent bruise on his cheek ruined the look a bit. Bucky was practically sinful in his suit, showing off his broad shoulders and strong legs, his hair slicked back. Improper thoughts flooded her mind and a heat warmed her cheeks. She had a feeling she would need to go to confession tomorrow. That was tomorrow’s worry though, tonight was about fun.
 "Ready to have the time of your life?" Bucky asked, excitement practically bubbled under his skin. 
 "That's a high standard."
 "Guess I better not disappoint. C'mon!" He grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the crowded, open door. In her sudden fear, she reached back and snagged Steve's hand, dragging him along. She would never admit it but having both of them on either side of her made her feel better. 
 There were several different calls for Bucky, vying for his attention. He just waved or yelled something back but kept her hand in his, pulling them through. She noticed more than one disappointed female face when Bucky passed them. It churned something in her stomach which she tried to ignore. 
 When they finally entered the dance hall, she froze. It was nothing like she imagined and so much better. At the far end was a stage with a large band playing an upbeat song that made her bounce on her toes without realizing it. A large bar area was set up, packed with people already looking for something to wet their throats. Booths and tables lined the walls. Already the hardwood, dance floor looked packed with couples jiving. Mirrors and photographs hung on the walls making the place feel bigger even when it was so crowded. The air smelled of alcohol, sweat and a youthful zeal she had never experienced. 
 It was intoxicating and nerve-wracking. She could not wait to join in. 
 The next thing she noticed when she glanced at all the people...she was the only non-white person there. 
 "Let's get a table." Bucky tugged them along towards an open booth on the right side of the dance floor. 
 She slid in on one side while Steve scooted in on the other. Bucky stood at the end, grinning ear to ear as he seemed to quickly survey the place. 
 "Right." He tossed his suit jacket on the seat next to her then clapped his hands, the sound muffled by the volume from the band nearby. "What kinda drink would you like?"
 "Ah, vino?"
 He nodded and waltzed towards the bar, throwing an arm around the shoulder of one of the men standing there waiting. 
 She turned back to the blond. "You're not drinking?"
 "Nah, too many health issues to make it worth it." 
 She hummed and took note of Steve's fidgeting. "Is this your first time too?"
 He chuckled. "No. I just don't...well, this isn't where I'd prefer to be on a Friday night...but don't tell Bucky... though he probably knows."
 "What would you rather be doing?"
 "Drawin’ or paintin’, maybe playin’ cards but I'm terrible at them."
 "You're an artist?" The realization warmed her heart. This scrawny man with a heart too big for his body and kindness an invisible cloak around him. It made sense somehow. He could look past the ugly and see beauty and somehow capture it. 
 "I don't know if I'd say that...I just enjoy it. It's usually what I end up doin’ when I come here. Doodlin’ on a napkin while Buck dances with every girl he can."
 Her stomach dropped while hearing that, which was stupid. So stupid. She swallowed thickly, hoping Steve did not notice, before she spoke again to distract herself. "Well if you doodle something tonight, can I see it after?"
 "If you like."
 Bucky appeared a minute later with a foamy glass of beer and a glass of red wine. Carefully, he placed them both on the table. "Ready to cut a rug?" He asked, looking at her expectedly. 
 "Um, I don't...I've never danced like this before." She hesitantly admitted. Steve gave her a sympathetic smile like he understood. 
 "Don't matter. I bet you're a swell dancer." He held out his hand for her. When she did not immediately accept his hand, he wiggled his fingers. "C'mon, ain't that hard. I'll teach you."
 With a sigh, she took his hand, his smile beaming as he tugged her out of the booth. She could not help but smile back at his sheer enthusiasm. It was contagious. 
 He led her off to the side of the dance floor. Putting one hand on her lower back and taking the other in his hand, he began demonstrating the steps. Her eyes stayed glued to his feet while he moved, willing her brain to understand and not make a fool of her. 
 "You got this, doll. Told you, you're a natural. Just follow my movement, let me lead."
 So she did and before she knew it, they were flying around the dance floor. 
 Bucky was an amazing dancer and it showed in how he effortlessly led her. A couple times she stumbled or stepped on his toes but he would just grin and encourage her to keep going. The faces of those around them blurred. The music seemed to sink into her blood and with every beat of the drum or clap of the hands from the band, her heartbeat echoed it. It was intoxicating and she had not even had a sip of alcohol. Now she understood why people flocked to these dance halls. There was something freeing in them, losing yourself to the music and movements. For a short time, you could ignore the outside world and all its trials. Here, you could be free. 
 Eventually she begged a break, practically panting from the several songs they danced through. The brightness in her eyes and smile though showed how much fun she was having. Still holding hands, they weaved through the crowd back to their booth where Steve sat with a napkin in front of him, pencil in hand and eyes focused downward. She slid into the booth first, Bucky right behind her. 
 "Have fun?" Steve asked, eyes bouncing between the two before him. 
 "I can't breathe." She giggled out, hand pressed to her chest. Her lungs struggled to fill up properly but instead of installing fear into her, it only made her laugh. 
 Bucky took a long sip of his beer and slung his arm behind Elana, on the back of the booth. "Told you, you'd have fun. You're a great dancer."
 "Only cause I had a great teacher." Taking a sip of her wine, she focused on the quiet artist.  "Did you draw something, Steve?"  
 "Yeah, just a little sketch."
 "Can I see it?"
 He slid the napkin over to her, nerves obvious. Giving him a small, reassuring smile, she flipped the napkin over and felt her heart stop and jaw drop. The pencil sketch was of Bucky and her dancing. His mouth was next to her ear, whispering instructions or flirtatious comments, his hand on her lower back. Her gaze was on his chest but the brilliant smile on her lips gave her away. The sketch was so realistic, it was astounding. It completely captured Bucky's confidence and her nervousness but somehow the opposite emotions only added to the image, bringing a sense of balance and trust between the two dancing partners. 
 "Steve, esto es…. hermoso…. increíble." She breathed out, never taking her eyes off the napkin. When she finally looked up to see him blushing and fiddling with the pencil, she smiled. 
 Bucky had been leaning against her so he could see the sketch also. "That might be your best one yet, pal."
 "Thanks, guys. S'nothing."
 "May I keep it?" She softly asked, eyes tracing the delicate lines and shading.
 The embarrassed blond flapped a hand at her. "Course. It was for you if you wanted it anyway."
 Silently, she reached across and squeezed Steve's hand, unable to convey all the emotions she was feeling. "There's one thing you got wrong."
 "What's that?"
 "I'm not that pretty."
 Both Steve and Bucky chuckled.  
 "Elana," Bucky started, gazing down at her. "He drew you like-"
 "Bucky!" A silky voice interrupted. A young woman stood at the end of their booth. Her blonde hair in perfect curls, bright red lipstick matched the equally bright red dress she wore. Her eyes zeroed in on the handsome brunet at the table, ignoring the other two patrons like they were just wallpaper. "Wanna dance?" 
 The sun-kissed woman could feel Bucky's hesitation. Nudging him gently in the ribs, she nodded towards the interloper. "Go. Have fun. I still need to catch my breath."
 With a nod, he slipped out of the booth and followed the beautiful woman onto the dance floor. The two easily fell into step like they had done this a million times, each movement flawless and smiles on both of their faces. 
 She turned back to Steve, ignoring the churning in her gut. "What's your favorite thing to draw?"
 They talked for a few minutes about art classes he had taken and the few commissioned pieces he had done for local businesses. The passion he spoke with about art, hands flapping and eyes alight, it was impossible not to join in his enthusiasm. 
 The presence of someone standing at the end of the table drew their attention away from the quick sketch of a monkey Steve had drawn on another napkin. This young woman had a haughty expression on her otherwise pretty face, glaring down her nose at Elana. 
 "You shouldn't be here." She stated, venom lacing every word. Hands on her curvy hips, the gold stitching in her emerald dress catching the light from above. 
 "Ruby, we-"
 "No one is talkin’ to you, Steve." She barked then continued glaring at Elana. "I bet you're a real floozy, comin’ in here lookin’ like that. Well news flash, no one wants you or your kind here."
 Tears stung in Elana’s eyes, threatening to fall. She knew this would happen. It always happened. There was always someone to remind her she was not one of them, even if her own eyes could see it. She had hoped tonight would be different. That for once, she could fit in. 
 "I want her here. She's my date."
 The lady -Ruby- spun on her heel so quick, her dress flared out. "Bucky," she crooned, her voice sugary-sweet, so different than a moment ago. "You're lookin' like a real Fred Astaire out there tonight. Let's go-"
 Bucky did not even look her way as he slid back onto the bench, eyes focused on Elana. "You alright there, doll?"
 She nodded numbly, staring at the table. Twirling a strand of hair absent-mindedly around her finger, she tried to force the tears from falling. It was not even the worst insult she had heard hurled at her, but it still cut her to the quick. Every time. 
 "Why don't we head out, yeah? Steve there looks like he's gettin' a little warm and the music ain't so good tonight." Bucky said gently. 
 She nodded again, not trusting herself to speak. 
 "Bucky, stay…" Ruby tried one last time but he leveled a glare at her that made her take a step back. 
 "Take a powder, Ruby, I ain't interested."
 Bucky wrapped his hand around Elana's, entwining their fingers as he slid out of the booth with her right behind him. Without even a backwards glance, he led the three of them out of the dance hall. Elana kept her head down the whole time, unable to meet anyone's eyes for fear of what she would see. 
 The night air was blissfully cool after the heat of the dance hall. It kissed her skin as if trying to help calm her down. At this point, the street was not as busy, everyone mostly inside now. Only a few pedestrians and cars interrupted the quiet scene. 
 "Elana, I'm so sorry."
 "Debería irme. No debería haber venido. Soy tan estúpida." She muttered to herself, not even hearing Bucky's statement. It was a foolish idea to come out. For so long she had tried to fit in, especially as a child. Her mother always told her to be herself and embrace her difference. That was easier said than done. Tonight felt like a taste of it when she was on the dance floor. What things could have been like if everyone was accepted. If where she was from did not matter. She had been so happy dancing with Bucky, this handsome devil who treated her like she was special, holding her hand in front of everyone. Sure, Steve said he danced with a lot of girls but for tonight, she was someone while on his arm. She was someone special. 
 And oh, did she love the feeling of his hand wrapped around hers. Him holding her close as they danced, his warm breath hitting her neck just right. He was trouble, through and through. Her mother would call him a Casanova and tell her to run the other way. Yet she did not want to. He drew something out of her. An almost recklessness. A desire for more. More in life. To experience life with a passion. Both this new feeling and Bucky’s presence were addicting...and she found herself unable to turn away. At least not for tonight. She wanted to revel in it tonight. 
 It was not until a hand cupped her cheek and tilted her head up to meet a pair of worried baby blue eyes that she was jolted from her internal spiral. 
 "Hey, hey. I have no idea what you're sayin' but it don't sound good. Why don't we walk for a bit, mmm? The night's still young."
 Wordlessly, she followed. It was then she noticed Bucky was still holding her hand, palms flat against one another's. That realization drew a small smile on her lips. On her other side walked Steve, hands in his pockets but a genuine smile on his face when he caught her eye. Even after all this, these two Brooklyn boys wanted to be with her. With that in mind, she shoved her despair and pain away. Let tomorrow bring what worries that came with it. Tonight she wanted to be reckless without fear of the consequences. Tonight was supposed to be fun.  
 "Can't believe Ruby would say that. Always thought she was a nice dame." The brunet mused, slipping his suit jacket back on before taking Elana's hand once again.
 "She only showed what she wanted you to see, Buck."
 "Dance with a girl a couple times and she thinks you owe her or somethin'."
 The blond quirked an eyebrow at his friend.  "Was it only dancin'?"
 "What you gettin' at, Rogers?"
 "You ditched some other girl for her once before."
 His head swiveled to stare at the smaller man in shock. "I did?"
 Elana spoke up. "Sounds like you have quite the selection of dance partners to choose from."
 Steve snorted. "Guy has been doll-dizzy since he was twelve."
 "What can I say? I appreciate fine art." Bucky said with a self-satisfied grin.
 "Don't usually lock lips with paintings or statues…"
 "You know what, Rogers!"
 Elana laughed as Bucky let go of her hand to race around her and put Steve in a headlock. The two pretended to box for a couple minutes, grins on both their faces. When finished, the champion boxer slid up to her, a rakish smile teasing his lips as he claimed her hand back.
 "Well if those gals are fine art, you sweetheart, are a masterpiece." He twirled her around once, making her dress flare out around her legs. "Have I told you yet how beautiful you look tonight?"
 "Yes, Bucky."
 "Good, I'd hate for you to forget." He winked and the trio started walking again. 
 "Oh, here." Steve suddenly said, fishing something out of his pocket. He held out his hand almost shyly.  
 She took the offered item to see it was the napkin with the sketch on it. "Oh, Steve. Muchas gracias." She leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek, leaving a red stain behind. "Oops."
 "Here." Bucky tossed over a handkerchief to Steve. 
 She glanced at the napkin one more time before reverently placing it in her clutch. She already knew where she was going to put this in her room so she would always remember this night.
 "Oh drat." Steve said after glancing at his watch. "It's almost eleven. I have class early tomorrow."
 "Go on, punk. I'll look after her."
 Elana hugged Steve and was thrilled when he squeezed her back just as tightly. "I'm so happy to have met you."
 "This isn't goodbye, right?"
 "I hope not. You have more artwork to show me."
 He blushed yet nodded before giving Bucky a quick hug. 
 "Night, Steve."
 "Night, jerk."
 Together, they watched Steve walk down the sidewalk, wave back at them then disappear down the next street. 
 "Wanna keep walkin'?"
 She nodded. She knew she should go home. It was getting late and she still had to get back to Queens. Yet walking side by side with this man whom she had only met several hours ago, she found the idea abhorrent. Glancing up at the night sky, only a couple of the stars were visible through the smoke, clouds and street lamps. They were lovely though, a reminder that there were greater things out there, one just had to look for them. At least, that is what her father always said. 
 "Hey," Bucky's voice pulled her attention back, "I never got to say it earlier but thanks...for havin’ Steve's back earlier today. Punk doesn't know when to quit."
 "I'm glad he got in that fight...is that odd? If he didn't, I wouldn’t have met either one of you."
 "Alright, this ONE time I'm glad he got in a fight. Though, we probably would have ran into each other eventually."
 They walked in comfortable silence for a couple minutes. Two cars passed them separately and only a handful of people walked their way. Otherwise it almost felt like they were alone. It was peaceful, still holding hands and wandering the streets of Brooklyn.  
 "Y'know, I was kinda hopin' we'd get at least one slow song at the dance hall."
 "Me too." She confessed. 
 "Well, we should!" An idea sparked in his eyes. "Wait here." He moved over to one of the parked cars near them. He tried to open it but it was locked so he moved to the next one. This one opened without hesitation and he slid in. The whole time Elana switched between watching Bucky and scanning the streets for someone to yell at them. What was he thinking? Suddenly music came on, drifting from the radio through the open passenger door. 
 Bucky stood there, leaning against the car with the biggest grin on his smug face. "Who needs a dance hall?"
 She laughed, understanding what he had done. "We’re going to get in trouble."
 "No, we ain't. C'mon."
 "Oh, Dios mío, yes we are!" 
 "Dance with me." He cooed, standing before her looking like an Adonis. 
 With that lazy smirk and enthralling blue eyes staring down at her, refusal was not an option. The words died on her tongue as she stared up at him. The music was slow, a singer crooning about his love. The moment felt like something from a fairytale story her mother would tell her as a little girl. She knew she should go home. Stop this heat that seared through her when she found herself caught in his eyes. Stop the butterflies in her stomach when around him. Stop the way she melted under his touch, his hands always so gentle. 
 But she wanted this. Right now. To pretend this was her reality. To dance with her prince under the stars. That love did not care about the differences in their skin tones. For when the sun rose and this dream faded, reality would seep back in. Plus, he was a charmer. Doll-dizzy. She would not keep his attention past this night. 
 For now though, she could pretend. Enjoy the night in a way she never had before. 
 He placed her hands behind his neck and his on her hips. Standing there under the streetlight and distant starlight, they danced, swaying back and forth. Her head landed on his chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath it. So steady and soothing. The world faded away around them, the only things that mattered was their dancing and the music. It wrapped around them like a warm, thick blanket. Enveloping them in a sense of security and vitality. One of his hands slowly traced her spine leaving a trail of fire behind. His cheek pressed against the top of her head. She felt safe...and wanted. A heady feeling that she could sense herself beginning to crave even more. Her hand tangled in the hair, her fingers lightly scraping the back of his neck. 
 "Say something in Spanish." He whispered, his lips against her scalp. 
 "Gracias por esto ... todo esto. Ha sido la mejor noche de mi vida".
 She looked back up at him, hoping to convey without words what she said. As she lifted her head up, their eyes locked. Tension filled the empty space around them, pulling them closer. For a split second, his eyes drifted to her lips and back up. Her heartbeat began racing anew. Slowly, as if waiting for her to turn away, his head tilted towards hers, his hands gripping her just a little tighter. His breath fanned across her face, warming her inside and out. She swore her heart was going to beat out of her chest. His nose brushed hers, an almost timid action that drew a smile from her. He chuckled silently then somehow pulled her even closer. She closed her eyes, a gasp escaping her when she felt the faintest touch of his lips on the corner of her mouth. 
 "Hey! Hey, you kids! What ya doin’ with my car?!" 
 All the tension evaporated like rain drops under the scorching sun. 
 "Shit...c'mon!" He grabbed her hand and started running away. Holding on tight, she ran next to him, as well as she could while wearing heels. The yells of the car's owner soon a distant sound behind them. 
 Finally, they stopped two streets later. He let go of her hand, running his hands through his hair and pacing. She leaned against the brick wall, hand over her mouth, giggles spilling forth between gasps of air. Never in her life had she done anything like this. She closed her eyes as the giggles turned into full-body laughter. One hand covered her mouth and the other wrapped around her own waist to try and contain the sound. This night was nothing like she expected but it only seemed to get better and better. This newfound revelry of youthful zeal, this silly recklessness...she wanted more and more of it. 
 When the laughter dissolved into small chuckles, she wiped her eyes as she opened them, hoping her make-up had not smudged too much. Not that she particularly cared in the moment.
 What she saw standing before her killed the laughter on her tongue. 
 Bucky stood just at arm's length, staring at her like she was the stars in the heavens. 
 In a single step, he crowded her against the brick wall. "Elana…" he growled, voice low, and it might have been the most exhilarating sound she had ever heard. One of his hands cupped the back of her head, as he lowered his lips to hers. The kiss was gentle, their lips just pressed together. A soft pressure that made her melt into his arms. 
 He leaned back to press his forehead against hers. His breath just as shaky as hers, both still breathing hard from their run. 
 "That was my first kiss." She blurted out, immediately regretting the words once they escaped. 
 He leaned back to look her in the eye. "Really?"
 She shrugged nervously. "Not many fellas lining up to kiss a girl like me."
 "Their loss, doll face." He smirked, running a thumb over her bottom lip. "May I have the honor of your second kiss ever?"
 She giggled and nodded. 
 This time when their lips touched, it felt like more. The first was like licking the spoon used after mixing cookie dough. A taste of what was to come. The second kiss was eating warm cookies right out of the oven and practically ascending to heaven. 
 His lips slanted over hers perfectly, as if they were formed just for her. Their mouths moved in tandem, picking up speed. No longer were the kisses sweet and gentle. His tongue traced her bottom lip and she willingly opened her mouth to receive it like a present. These kisses were all-consuming and fiery. It was as if his touch seared into her soul, leaving an imprint there for all eternity. 
 She knew right away when she met Bucky Barnes, he was trouble. He was the kind of man her mother warned her about. The kind to sweep her off her feet and make her forget the world around her. He was kind, charming and so full of life. Yet she knew even as she was wrapped in his arms, lips pressed against his, that there was one truth that would haunt her. Even if she ignored it for now. That truth would never leave. So she overlooked it, sinking deeper and deeper into his kisses and embrace. Drowning herself in him. With her back pressed against the wall, her hands tangled in his hair and mouths devouring one another, she had never felt more alive. 
 Tonight, she would choose the fire he poured into her. Tonight, she wanted to enjoy life without fear. Tonight, she wanted to pretend that this night would never end. To thrive in this feeling of passion and life, that nothing could go wrong. 
 For the truth was one day, he was bound to break her heart.
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Leave No One Behind
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Ch 12: Win Some, Lose Some Co-written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Part 1
Summary: After 2 years of being at the resort Ari and the other agents are gearing up for yet another mission, but there’s a little bit of trouble in paradise for him and Hannah…
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, 18+ only)
Pairings: Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Song for Episode:  More Than A Woman- Bee Gees  https://youtu.be/DtxBUp6hBaI
A/N: So there’s a little jump in time in this chapter as we fast forward towards the big dramatic end to their time at the RSDR….   Translation: Vete a la mierda = Fuck off.
Series Master List //  Main Masterlist 
Here in your arms I found my paradise, my only chance for happiness. And if I lose you now I think I would die. Oh say you'll always be my baby, we can make it shine. We can take forever, just a minute at a time
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March 1982
Ari felt it the moment he woke up that morning. Even before stirring or cracking an eye open he knew the pressure on his left cheek was Simon. After almost two years the pooch still insisted on sleeping on the bed with them, crawling his way up between him and Hannah the moment they fell asleep and ending up on Ari's face sometime during the night. So by now, after many a mistake so to speak, Ari knew all too well what he was feeling wasn't Hannah looking for early morning cuddles but Simon's fat butt. 
Ari groaned and shoved Simon away causing the dog to give a little growl and grunt of his own being as he was on the most comfortable pillow ever. Some things never change Ari thought as he stirred lightly and rubbed his eyes, unable to avoid a lazy smile when he realised what day it was.
 It was the morning of his and Hannah's second anniversary and though the news about the clampdown and heavy military presence on the streets had screwed his plans to take his Firefly into Port Sudan again, like he had done the previous year, he was still going to make sure they celebrated.
He would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit pissed about his plans going awry but at the same time he had to admit the last two years had been the best years of his life and that called for any kind of celebration they could get, be that in Port Sudan or in a fucking dump. Or a dump turned into a flourishing hotel for that matter. It was crazy how they had gotten used to life at the resort two years after that afternoon when he had made the call to turn their cover hiding hole into a real hotel. Their alter egos didn't feel false anymore, and he was as much Guy now as Ari. Mind you, Hannah sometimes called him Guy or Mr. Thomas, often with a fake accent to imitate Colonel Madibo to tease him.
He gave a contented sigh at the thought of his and his Firefly’s relationship which could only be described in one word, amazing. It was as normal as it could be given the circumstances and they had both built something solid out of their feelings for each other once they had admitted to them, that was undeniably true regardless of the true nature of their stay in that slice of paradise along the Red Sea. They argued, that was equally true, and they had disagreements mostly about silly little things which was to be expected in a long-term relationship, but nothing major that they couldn’t figure out at the end of the day. Hannah had moved into his hut a little over two months after her birthday when Ari had jokingly asked her to move in with him. She had laughed but done it anyway as it was the closest they could get to living effectively together, and now here they were, two years of being together nearly 24/7, except for the mandatory week of home leave. It didn’t escape either of their notice that it was more than the time she had been married to Andy and now that he thought about it, it was probably more time than Ari had spent with Sarah in the entire 7 years they were married for that matter. 
Speaking of his family life, Ari was still exchanging regular letters with Maya and on his visits to Tel Aviv he had grown even closer to his daughter than he could ever have hoped to. He was on fairly good terms with Sarah too, although that had gone through a bit of a rocky patch. The first visit home he’d had following the time Sarah had accosted Hannah, they’d had quite a heated argument when he had told his estranged wife that she was out of order to do what she had done. In a blaze of bitter anger, Sarah had accused him of all sorts, including the usual about him loving his job and his new woman more than his daughter, which had culminated in Ari snapping. He’d loudly informed his ex-wife that this was to be his last field mission, and that he was leaving it behind for Maya, not Hannah or anyone else for that matter. And the little petulant brat inside him had enjoyed the complete shock on Sarah's face as well as the mumbled apology she had given him once his words had sunk in.
All in all, everything seemed to be finally falling into place and the fact that Mama Navon had invited him for lunch during that same week’s leave, having obviously been informed by Ethan that he would be around that week, was an added bonus. He had always had a smooth relationship with Maria Navon but they both knew she was not merely his best friend's mother anymore. The fact that she had invited him to come over without Sammy or Hannah being there too spoke for itself. They’d had a heartfelt conversation over the best Sunday roast he had eaten in months, probably even years, where he had come clean about his feelings for Hannah and his intentions towards her. It had been easier than he had anticipated, he had never been a man who liked or found it easy to speak about his feelings, but for whatever reason, when it came to talk about Hannah and what he felt for her, it just flowed out smoothly and Mama Navon had read that in the soft smile and the sparkle in his honest blue eyes when he explained how they had got back together and he assured her he had no intentions of breaking her heart a second time.
No, it wasn’t a “normal” life by any stretch, but it was good. He was doing something to help people and he was doing it with the person he had always loved. They had successful mission after successful mission over the past two years and the team had assembled as perfectly as Ari could have ever envisioned when he had written those five names down before handing the piece of paper to a reluctant Ethan. Hundreds of refugees had been smuggled to Israel and it was set to be another couple of hundred more in a couple of days. That said, given the way things were going with the religious and political landscape in Sudan, he wasn’t sure how much longer they had. A few months, maybe 6 at a push. It wasn’t a particularly comforting thought, as they still had so many people to help, but in the same breath Ari knew he had to be realistic. They couldn’t do this forever, they’d always known that. All they could do was their best, and the best was to simply go as long as they could, saving as many refugees as they could in the time they had.
And when they finally did have to quit, and Ari said goodbye to a life in the field, the fact he was doing that with his Firefly by his side made a future behind a desk in Tel Aviv seem that little less frightening.
Ari was dragged back from his wandering reflections by Simon who had jumped off the bed and was now scratching at the door. He looked at the dog and groaned as he swung his legs out of bed.  "All right, I get it, just don't tear the door down." he whispered to the anxious animal before he walked  to the door and  opened it to let the mutt out for his usual morning pee and wander round the beach, mumbling as Simon trotted past. "Tell you what pal, when we do leave I'll be waving goodbye as you fade into the distance..."
"I heard that Ari, you little shit." Hannah's sleepy voice suddenly rang through the hut's space.
"He’s the little shit Firefly." he stated somewhat childishly, turning to look at his girl as he shut the door.
"Stop being mean to him." she said as she rolled on her back, yawning, her eyes not even open yet.
"He insists on sleeping with his butt on my face. That's what I call mean." Ari protested as he slid back into bed, reaching for his girl, holding her flush against him.
Guided by Ari, Hannah rolled onto her side again, snuggling against his chest, eyes still closed as she smirked.
"That's because your face is so pretty mi Lobo."
"Yeah? Well, in that case why don’t you sleep on it?" he purred, his voice an octave lower than usual.
Hannah cracked an eye open at that and looked up at him "Something tells me if I was on your face I wouldn't be sleeping."
Ari chuckled, dropping his face closer to hers, brushing their noses together as he drawled. "You’re right Firefly. You’d be seeing stars." 
"You have a very high opinion of yourself Mr Thomas." she said, smiling against his beard so that Ari could feel the vibrations of her voice as she tilted her pelvis up to meet his.
"Wanna bet?" he challenged her, his voice almost a groan.
"What’s the cost if I lose?" she asked as she brought her right hand to his face to stroke his cheek.
Ari paused for a moment. So you want to play Firefly , and then smirked as it came to him- the perfect forfeit. "You have to lead the aerobics classes,  not Rachel." he stated as he wriggled his eyebrows playfully at her, knowing she would loathe the idea of having to wear that leotard Ari so loved seeing on her. 
Yeah, having a leotard kink when you spent half of the day surrounded by women in swim gear was kinda odd when he thought about it, but anyway…
Hannah glared at him before blurting out. "Oh, fuck off Ari! No deal."
"So you don't want my face between your legs?" he asked innocently.
 "Fuck you. I hate you." Hannah groaned.
"No you don't..." he purred as he kissed her neck "...you love me..."
And that was it. He knew it the moment Hannah closed her eyes as he gently guided her onto her back and kissed his way down her body.
"Times like this I wonder why..." she sighed out, her hand fisting in his hair which made Ari pause at her belly before peeking up at her.
"Yeah, protest all you want but you love it, you just hate losing. And you’re gonna lose Firefly." 
An hour later, after having breakfast with the team, Hannah was at the front of the group of guests, clad in the infamous leotard leading the class as Jake leaned on counter watching. It wasn't too long until Ari walked over and spotted him. "You, out. Now." he barked, glaring at him.
"What? Why?" Jake protested.
"Because you’re a pervert. Out." Ari ordered him as he gestured to the way out with his right thumb.
"That's so not fair." Jake tried to fight back as he straightened himself. "You never kick me out when Rachel is leading the class."
"That’s because you're never here when Rachel leads the class. Out!" he hissed, trying not to make a scene in front of the tourists. “I won’t tell you again.”
At that point Sammy walked in and came to the desk, frowning. "Where’s Rach? Why is Hannah running the aerobics?"
Ari shrugged and glared at Jake when he snorted on his way out. At that point Rachel came out of the office holding some papers.
"I’m here and apparently Rosa lost a bet." she explained to Sammy who was looking at her puzzled. It took him a second before he groaned.
 "I don't wanna know do I?" he asked as he squinted his eyes at Ari.
"Nope." Ari smirked as he stole a glance at Hannah who was now stretching and bending forward.
"Come on, you two are disgusting." Sammy groaned.
"Ok, that’s it. Everyone out. You too Ari. You never come to my classes, you’re not staying for this one either." Rachel cut them off.
"I’d come to your classes…if you’d let me." Sammy pouted. 
"Oh, come on. You two are disgusting." Ari repeated Sammy's words, mimicking his voice. 
"Ha! You coming Sammy is exactly why she won’t let you." Jake quipped.
"Weren't you gone?" Sammy spluttered, spinning round to face him "Fuck you both." 
Ari couldn't help but laugh at his friend's signature reaction. It had been well over 18 months since Sammy and Rachel had come out as being together but Ari knew he still hated everyone teasing him about it, but he couldn't help it. It was fun and, in a way, it was payback for all the time Sammy had spent holding a grudge against him and Hannah. That said, Rachel was the best influence they all could have wished for. Not only was Sammy far ess grumpy and tense all the time but he was also more willing to enjoy any treat life at the resort had to offer without thinking too much about it. 
"Ok, enough, I said, out...go on." Rachel insisted, shoving Ari on the shoulder.
"Hey, remind me…who's the boss round here?" Ari raised an eyebrow at her.
"It’s me when y’all start acting like pre-schoolers or horny teenagers. And honestly that happens far too often for my liking." Rachel simply stated as she held a stapler and menacingly pointed at each one of them with it. 
And with that the 3 of them made to leave, just as Max appeared from the kitchen with a snack, Simon following him hoping for food.  He looked at the three of them in turn, and then at Rachel, who pointed sending him out too so with a shrug he followed suit. The 3 men passed the front row of the group and Hannah glanced in their direction and Ari grinned at her as he left. Her eyes were positively shooting daggers at him and if looks could kill he’d be dead on the spot. But he would be a corpse with a semi boner having seen her the way she was. So just as he exited the main area, he peeled off his t-shirt and started running directly into the sea without much of a word to the rest who were now staring puzzled.
"I’d swear I can see steam coming from him." Max cuckled and Jake started singing quietly.
"Gimme some hot stuff baby this evening..." as he moved his hips suggestively causing Max to start howling so loud that the sound drowned Sammy's groans.
 "Watch out for the fish, man!" Max howled at Ari just before he flipped them off over his shoulders, which didn't stop Max from teasing him again "They’ll think you’re happy to see them."
"That’s gross." Sammy glared at them, who were both bent with laughter.
"What's more gross…” asked Max. "Us or the fact he's boning your sister?" 
"You had to say it." Sammy groaned again. "I’m done with you two."
"I wouldn’t describe boning Red as gross." Jake, who was now wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes, quipped.
"Fucking fuck you." Sammy snapped at him.
“Ok, ok keep your pants on!” Max chuckled.
"Yeah, come on man, it’s us that aren’t getting any." Jake whined in an attempt to appease Sammy.
"Try fucking each other then." Sammy bit back, still pissed. Max looked at Jake, giving a shudder.
"I’d rather fuck the dog."
At that Jake slapped him on the back of the head "Asshole." 
Sammy snorted and turned to leave, crossing paths with Simon who had spotted daddy Ari in the water and was now trotting towards the sea. "I'd stay away from Max, pooch." Sammy said seriously. Simon just looked at him, before barking and continuing on his way.
As he approached Max, he grinned “No food pal, sorry." but the dog completely ignored him and started running towards Ari who had now come out of the water and approaching them.
"That was fast.”  Jake jabbed at him.
"I just needed to cool off.” Ari shrugged
"Yeah, well, I hope you last longer with Red." Jake smirked at him.
“Don’t hear her complaining." Max told Jake with a grin. “Quite the opposite actually.”
"Ok seriously, shut the fuck up." Ari growled at them as they began to snigger.With a glare he started walking towards his hut, but Ari knew them too well, especially how things were when the two of them teamed up, and he fully understood they wouldn't be willing to let him off the hook that easily so he prepared for one last quip which came from Jake.
"Still wanna hear about that bet she lost." he shouted at Ari's retreating back.
"You wish." Ari yelled back.
"I knew it. You’re my hero, man." Max howled.
Ari didn't look back at Max, he just smirked to himself. Of course Max would get it, he always did. "Yup." he shouted instead, popping the p, as he passed a group of female tourists on the way.
 "Ladies." he greeted them with his signature cocky but friendly smile, which made them giggle and start whispering to each other as they passed him by.
"Seriously, how does he do it?" Jake gasped as they watched the group of women all pause to watch Ari as he walked up the sand.
"Animal magnetism." Max shrugged. "And I don't mean the fact he has Simon running at his heels."
After a refreshing shower, more refreshing than he actually needed as he had changed his usual morning run for other activities that morning, Ari changed into a pair of fresh shorts and a light blue shirt. He was just about to leave hut as Hannah arrived back wearing that damned leotard, causing him to flash his signature wicked smirk at her.
"Don't even think about it. I'm pissed at you, Levinson." she warned him as she passed him by, trying her best not to surrender to that damned smirk of his.
"Oh, I'm thinking IT firefly." Ari laughed as he smacked her butt, causing her to yelp in surprise, and leaving her to shower and change clothes. He went to the main building to sort the arrangements for the call to Ethan later in the day about the last details on the mission and then just spent some time being Guy Thomas. The batch of tourist currently at the resort were leaving the day after next so he chatted with them for a while, ensuring they had enjoyed their stay and would recommend the resort to their family and friends back home. Satisfied real guests were as important as the ones whose number hung from hooks on the board at the reception desk as without them, their cover would be blown.
He was still chatting to the guests when Hannah came into the main dining area, her eyes roaming the room for him and she rolled her eyes when she spotted him being charming Guy, smiling softly as the ladies fawned all around him reminding her of herself when she was a teenager with a crush on her older brother's best friend.
Cliché much.
But those memories weren't the only ones that flashed across her mind. She had been feeling quite homesick lately but as she stood there watching Ari, she began to feel especially down. So, she took a dep breath and decided that baking her Mama’s banana and date loaf, which had been at the back of her mind ever since she had spotted some days before that Chef Aziz had a basket of fresh dates, was just the ticket to cheer herself up.
Of course, Ari had also spotted Hannah the moment she had entered the room, how could he not?  But he hadn't noticed her leave and, after giving the ladies some recommendations as to what to buy in the souk at Port Sudan the following day, he turned around looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen. He wandered off to go find her bumping into Rachel in the reception area who told him she had seen Hannah last heading to the kitchen, which was exactly where Ari found her.
"You ok?" he asked softly from the kitchen's threshold.
Hannah raised her head and turned to look at him for an instant before her eyes were on the dough she was working on again. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"You just disappeared." he drawled, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned on the doorframe.
Hannah shrugged. "I have more important things to say than watch you flirt, Mr Thomas."
"I wasn’t flirting..." Ari protested immediately and she once more looked at him. "Ok, maybe I was. A little."
"Satisfied guests, uh?" she teased.
"Well, need to keep the tourists happy, Han..." he conceded playfully.
"So I assume they’re happy enough and that’s why you’re here instead of with them now?" 
She was smiling though he couldn't see it. All he could see was the way her ass cheeks were contracting every time she exerted force on the dough.
"That and the fact I wondered where you'd gotten to." he managed to say, after swallowing, his eyes moving back up her body.
"You missed me Mr Thomas? Who’d have thought?" she teased once more.
Ari rolled his eyes and approached her from behind.  "Stop being a brat Firefly."
"I’m not being a brat, Ari and stop rolling your eyes at me." she scoffed, her tone hardened this time. "I can't see you but I know you just did."
Ari stopped behind her and cocked his head to one side and frowned. Despite her casual tone she wasn’t being as playful as normal "Han...what's wrong? You're not really pissed at me for talking to those girls, are you? Because I'm not interested..."
She sighed. "I know, Ari. It’s just... not today."
Now he was really puzzled. "Hey, come on Firefly, talk to me...what is it?" He asked, as his hands landed cautiously on her hips.
"Nothing really, it’s just I’m a bit homesick today." She said, not wanting to react to Ari's touch.
Ari sighed noticing the stiffness of her body and the sadness in her voice "Oh, baby come here." he said, gripping her hips and turning her around to hug her. And as he wrapped his arms around her back, his chin rubbing against the top of her head, he noticed the ingredients on the side for the first time and he let out a groan "You making... no...  you're not?"
Hannah grinned and looked up at him. "I am."
"That's my favourite thing your mama makes" he groaned.
"I know baby." she gazed at his eyes, in the hope that he realised why he was baking that particular treat.
"So...are you making it because you're homesick or because it's our 2 year anniversary?" he asked, winking an eye at her.
She beamed at him, her grin now reaching her eyes. "You remembered?"
"Of course I did!" he said, holding her tighter, before pausing. "Wait...did you think I'd forgotten?"
Hannah felt her cheeks went red with embarrassment . "Yeah, I did."
"Han..." Ari started as he shook his head, chuckling. "2 years ago we got our second chance. Like I'd ever forget that."
She bit her lip. "I’m sorry it’s just you never mentioned us going to Port Sudan like last year and I assumed..."
"Baby, we can't. I wanted to take you, I really did  but, with the talk of stuff going on in the cities, the whole clamp down and Sharia law that’s coming in, well, we're not married so..." he shook  his head again sadly. "It's not possible or even worth the risk. You understand that?"
“No, I know. You’re right." he sighed. "God, I feel stupid now."
He chuckled as he swayed her in his arms. "That doesn't mean I haven't got anything planned."
She grinned at him, playing with the upper buttons of his shirt. "Do you have something planned?"
"Well I could tell you...but then I'd have to kill you." he drawled.
"Rude Levinson."  she scoffed, pushing his chest as she turned around back to her baking station. "For that you’re not getting a single ounce of this loaf I’m making."
Ari laughed heartily, wrapping his arms round her from behind again and kissing her neck. "Don't be like that firefly."
"Like what? You don’t wanna tell me what you’re planning but I’m more than happy to tell you what I am planning. Which is not letting you eat any of this fucking delicious banana and date loaf."
He chuckled again. "You really want me to spoil the surprise honey?” Hannah smiled and this time he could see her doing it from the corner of his eye. "No. I’m just teasing you."
"What else is new?" he said as he pushed his groin against her from behind, his lips soft on her neck.
"Stop teasing me Lobo or you won’t get any and now I’m not talking about the loaf." she threatened, raising the rolling pin at him.
"Ok, ok." he chuckled and he kissed her cheek again. "You win." And at that she turned to look at him.
"What else is new?" she asked as she winked at him.
"Shall I remind you of the leotard you were sporting just this morning?" he raised an eyebrow at her and Hannah gasped, narrowing her eyes.
"Vete a la mierda." she grumbled and Ari snorted.
"Ok, I don’t know what that means but I’m assuming it’s not I love you Ari, you’re the love of my life."
"You assume correctly, Lobo."
"All right" he said, raising his hands up. "I surrender. I’m gonna go..." and he started walking backwards "...talk with some..." now a side smile on his face "...lady tourists. Keep them satisfied you know."
Hannah smirked. "You do that. Maybe I'll go talk to that group of boys that Jake took out diving before. They seemed nice." 
Instead of falling for her trap Ari merely shrugged. "Talk to them as much as you want as long as you remember you’re mine." And with that he cocked an eyebrow, giving her a stern look and turned to leave, smug smirk on his face, his hand running through his hair. 
Bastard, Hannah thought as she resumed her work.
**** Later that day, after having called HQ to fill Ethan in on the last details of the upcoming mission and a bit of an argument about the change in rendez-vous point at such short notice, Ari was sat outside in the sun with Rachel and Sammy. He was trying to relax, he was always on edge the days before a mission and having to call Ethan was always a task he wasn't overly fond of. Not because of the man, Ari had learnt how to deal with him over the years the same way Ethan had learnt how to put up with Ari's attitude which caused him the biggest migraines a boss could ever endure. The thing that stressed Ari the most about those calls was the fact that he had to sneak from the tourists and staff, away from prying ears and hope communication was cooperating. And that day in particular the resort was overflowing with people everywhere he went so the office was out of the question and the huts didn't seen secluded enough to him, so he had had no option but to drive a few miles into the desert and set the radio in the back of the jeep connecting it to the car's aerial. 
Thankfully it had worked and an hour or so later he was back and had settled in the same spot he was in now,  drinking a beer and trying to ease his mind as he had another secret mission to perform in a few hours, one that got him equally anxious but in a different way.  He looked at Sammy and Rachel and saw Sammy's arm resting around her shoulders, gently rubbing her arm. It was good to see them like that for once. Unlike him and Hannah, Rachel and Sammy didn't feel very comfortable with PDA and they kept it to a minimum which had meant it was only after months of being together that Max and Jake had found out there was another couple within the resort management team.
Ari was so lost in his thoughts that he inadvertently gave out a big sigh earning an amused look from Rachel.
"I take it you’re still planning on not joining us for dinner tonight?" she asked.
Sammy frowned. "What? Where you going?"
"I’m taking Hannah for a picnic. It’s a surprise so don’t tell her Sammy." Ari warned his friend, pointing at him with his beer bottle.
Sammy rolled his eyes. "Soppy bastard."
"Leave him alone, he wants to celebrate properly." Rachel defended Ari.
"You’re celebrating something?" Sammy asked again, puzzled. It wasn't anyone's birthday, not that he recalled.
"You could say that." Ari grinned at him.
Sammy frowned, not following his friend, and Rachel chuckled. "It's two years today since he and Hannah got back together."
 At that Sammy opened his eyes wide. "Already?"
Ari nodded. "Time flies, huh?"
"Yeah..." Sammy agreed, nodding absentmindedly. "Feels like only yesterday I punched you in your perfect teeth."
"You’re still calling that a punch?" Ari snorted.
"Don’t make me do it again you smug bastard." 
"Wouldn’t dream of it pal." Ari conceded, raising his hands in mock surrender.
Sammy smiled at him. "I guess congratulations are in order then."
Ari smirked wickedly, making Rachel raise an eyebrow at him, before speaking. "Save it for the proposal..."
And there it was, Rachel thought. He had got Sammy again, he always did, who was now choking on his drink as Ari bursted out laughing. 
"You’re a shit Levinson." Sammy growled, wiping the spilled drink off his chin.
"Funnily enough that's exactly what your sister says too." Ari smirked again, raising his beer in a mock toast before gulping it down and standing up, heading back to his hut.
Hannah was in the shower after having been on a dive later that afternoon with Jake and Max, so Ari quickly changed and when she emerged she smiled at him, taking in his navy shorts and casually smart green button down.
“Hey.” She took the kiss he offered and he pulled back, smiling.
“So, tonight we’re having a night ‘out’ at the resort” he told her and she frowned, her expression puzzled. But he didn’t go into any more detail. “Just be ready in half an hour.”
With that he disappeared off to set up his surprise. With a little help from Aziz, who’d packed the food for him, and Rachel who’d managed to get him everything else he wanted, he quickly laid everything out and headed back to find Hannah was putting the last touches to her hair, pulling it back into a loose braid. She was dressed in a pale blue sun-dress which pulled in at the waist, falling to her knees, thin spaghetti straps resting on her sun-kissed skin.
“You look beautiful.” He smiled as she stood up.
“Thanks.” She said, that adorable flush evident in her cheek and he held out his hand.
“Come on Firefly.”
He led her to their cave but as they approached he tugged her in front of him, his hands gently moving to cover her eyes.
“Ari!” she protested as he chuckled, walking them forward
“Just humour me okay?” he whispered, his lips brushing her cheek. Once she was positioned in the mouth of the cave he moved his hands and Hannah blinked, looking around. On the floor of the cave was a rattan blanket, which held a picnic hamper in the middle, and various candles were lit as they nestled in the many little nooks and crannies of the rock that formed their cave. Hannah felt the tears in her eyes at the thoughtfulness and she turned to look at Ari.
“Ari..” she whispered and he blinked before he realised they were happy tears.
“I just wanted to do something special.” He shrugged, “seeing as we couldn’t go anywhere.”
“It’s perfect.” She assured him, standing on her toes to give him a soft kiss.
They settled down next to each other, Hannah tucking her legs underneath her as Ari poured her a glass of wine and the two of them began unpacking their food. Before long they were tucking in with gusto, laughing and joking as they always did, the light starting to fade outside as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, Simon led at the mouth of the cave, napping. It was quiet, romantic, and they could have been anywhere as they sat and simply enjoyed being with one another as the night passed them by.
“Shit.” Ari sighed as he tipped the last of the wine into Hannah’s glass “We drank it all.”
“You only bought 2 bottles?” Hannah teased and gave her a look as she giggled.
“I’m sorry.” He said sarcastically causing her to laugh.
“Don’t pout Mi Lobo.” She set her glass down and shuffled over to him
“Ya know, my feelings are pretty hurt.” He muttered as she pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth.
“Yeah?” she asked, her lips now making their way down to his jaw line.
“Yup…” he sighed, eyes closing as she brushed over the whiskers on his face, his breath hitching as she reached his neck.
“Feel better now?”
“Not quite…”
“How about now?” Hannah asked, her teeth grazing his ear lobe.
“Gettin’ there.” Ari mumbled, turning his head, his mouth finding hers. The kiss was deep, their tongues sliding effortlessly together as Hannah let out a little whimper, a noise Ari would never, ever tire of hearing.
Pulling away he ran his nose up her throat to her chin, nudging her head back a little and Hannah’s weight fell backwards onto her arms, her palms burying into the cool sand. His lips gently placed a warm, open mouthed kiss onto her neck, causing her to shiver softly as his right hand traced up her side, over the top of. With a fluid movement he slid the strap down, and his head dipped, mouth sucking gently at her delicate collar bone. Hannah gave a soft sigh and Ari moved, his arms circling her waist as he pulled her into his lap, her knees falling either side of his thighs as his hands slid up to cup her face. He looked at her for a moment, her blue eyes shining in the reflection of the moonlight on the ocean outside.
“God, I love you.” He whispered, his eyes closing as her fingers tangled in his beard, her lips ghosting over his.
“I love you too Mi Lobo…”
And that was it, those 2 fucking words that she’d spoken so many damned times over the past two years sparked something primal, animalistic in him and his hands moved her face back to his as he kissed her hard.
Hannah palmed her hands against his chest before her fingers carefully began popping the buttons of his shirt. As her fingers brushed his skin as she worked it open, the sensation of her touch caused goosebumps to bubble over his entire body, and as usual,  her infectious smile brought forth a pulsating desire from deep within him that was impossible to ignore. Once his shirt was undone she reached up and pushed it down over his broad shoulders and Ari freed his arms, tossing it off to the side somewhere as Hannah’s mouth met his once more in a furious kiss. Her tongue was in his mouth, seeking his and he felt her teeth gently nibbling at his bottom lip. At that, Ari gave a growl and he pulled away, dropping his head to the spot on her neck once more, hands moving from her hips to pull her dress over her head. With an easy snap of his fingers, he undid the clasp of her bra and she pulled it off, dropping it besides them. Ari took a moment to look at her chest, his hands sliding up her ribcage, his eyes flicking back to hers so he could watch her response as he began to play with her in a way he knew she loved. Over and over he gently kneaded and palmed her sensitive flesh, thumbs skating her nipples before he softly tweaked them both, teasing them to soft peaks as he dropped his head, his mouth engulfing her right bud. He sucked and teased with his tongue before gently grazing with his teeth all the while feeling her grinding down on him, her hands tangling in his hair.
“Shit…” she groaned, nails biting into his scalp as he pushed upwards, the bulge in the front of his shorts grinding up against her spot through her now soaked panties, mouth and hands still teasing at her breasts. “Ari…”
“What do you want baby girl?” he whispered against her skin as his mouth moved upwards, beard scratching, teeth nipping her neck as she continued making those noises that he could listen to all damned day. Her hands let go of his hair as she fumbled to unbutton his shorts and he moved slightly so that she could pull them down a little over his hips.  Her warm palm wrapped around now aching cock and pulled it free from his underwear and Ari gave a slight hiss through his teeth, slipping his hands under the hem of her dress. His large hands cupped her ass cheeks, fingers digging into the underneath just where the curve of her globes met her thighs and he pulled her tight against him. The grip of her hand around his dick drew a groan from his mouth and he swallowed, his voice raspy as he spoke again. “Tell me baby…” he instructed and then when she answered, her words combined with her hand tightening around his cock almost made him shoot his load there and then
“Fuck me Ari…”
With a growl, Ari moved his hands, pulling her panties aside as she shiftedd herself, her hand guiding him towards her. Lining him up, she lowered herself down, giving a long, drawn out whimper of delight as she felt him fill her.
“Shit, Han…” Ari groaned, his hands on her hips as he bucked upwards, feeling her hot, warmth tighten around him. “God you feel so good baby…”
At his dirty talk Hannah moaned again, her hands moving up to rest on his shoulders and without warning Ari thrust his hips up in a dirty grind, pushing himself into her as deep as he possibly could.
“Fuck!” she cried out, her nails digging into his skin, one hand moving to tangle into his hair at the back and she gave a sharp tug, pulling his head back.
The bite of pain made his cock twitch even more, but the noise he made was swallowed as her lips crashed onto his, and it was all too much. He needed release. Ari began to matching her motions, the wet sound of his balls slapping against her ass echoed off the rough, rocky walls of their hidden little hideout and his lips moved from hers to her jaw, nipping at her skin.
“You've had me hard for you all day, Firefly…” he panted and Hannah gave a soft wail at his words, “Such a fuckin’ tease…”
His movements picked up, becoming faster as he rutted upwards into her again and again, and she began to move herself, her hips rocking forward and back furiously as she ground her clit against his pubic bone, her eyes locked on his as she moved. Ari’s fingers dug into the skin just above the waist band of her panties, nails biting her delicate hips as she worked herself into an almost frantic pace, and Ari knew he wasn’t gonna last much longer.
“Come for me baby…” he said, his mouth back on her neck “Come on, good girl…”
At his words, Hannah was a complete goner, powerless to stop the pleasure that was lancing through her very core. She came, with a surge that shook her entire body, her head falling back as she gasped, mouth open, a broken, trembling cry escaping her as she pumped her hips wantonly against his crotch, riding the wave of her orgasm bucking once... twice... before she collapsed against his chest going completely limp, breathing hard. Ari’s own hips were still pumping upwards as he raced towards his own end, Hannah completely spent on his laps before he felt that coil in his belly and groin snap and with a loud groan, he came, the intensity shocking him slightly as he bit down on her shoulder, his hips stopping and he collapsed backwards, crashing onto the sand behind him, Hannah clutched to his chest.
Time just stopped for them both, Ari’s hands gently caressing her back, his eyes closed as he pressed a kiss to Hannah’s forehead as they both lay, breathing deeply, waiting for the earth to right itself. Ari had no idea if it was 1 minute or 5, but eventually he felt Hannah stir a she snuggled further into his chest.
“God, Ari, that…that was incredible.” She croaked. "Yeah....." was all he could manage in return.
Part 2 
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brandyllyn · 4 years
In our own image... (08)
Chapter 08
(Poe Dameron x OFC)
Other chapters...  My Masterlist
Word count: 2100. Read it on AO3.
Rating: Teen & Up (PG)
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"You would waste our one endless ration on sugar?" Poe’s voice was incredulous.
"You would waste it on caf?" Finn shot back.
"Caf keeps the Resistance running my pal, none of us would be doing half so much if we ever run out." Poe snaps.
The argument had started innocently enough. Poe was sitting on one of the workbenches, legs swinging over the side as he puzzled over a bit of metal Chewbacca had brought. The group had been bantering back and forth amongst themselves for the last hour while Kina was working on the droid that Wexley had brought in that morning. They needed a new sensor array, a tedious job that was requiring all of her concentration. Something that was hard to come by in the ongoing clamor. At her feet, K-0 was beeping happily to themself. As long as BB-8 wasn’t acting as a translator the little droid seemed to be happy.
Honestly, if she had known that her workshop was going to become a social hangout every night she’d have built it bigger. As it was, having six bipeds in it - one of them a Wookie - was making the space feel incredibly claustrophobic. Kina eyed the wall in front of her, trying to remember what was on the other side. Could it be pushed back a few feet? It wasn’t like she didn’t have enough help to make it happen.
"I just don’t understand your addiction to that stuff," Finn grumbled. "It’s nasty."
From the corner of her eye Kina saw Poe roll his eyes. "I can’t believe you… Chewie, if you could make one thing an endless ration here on base what would it be?"
The Wookie was out of sight behind her, but the low rumbling response vibrated through Kina’s body. "Wasaka berries."
Threepio translated the words almost instantly, giving the illusion that the words were the Wookie’s. Ever since they had realized that Finn couldn’t understand Binary, and that neither he nor Kina could understand Shyriiwook, the droid had been invited to hang out in Kina’s workshop whenever the group got together. The Wookie mostly avoided her, seeming awed by her presence in the room. It wasn’t unusual, but it did make nights like these a little awkward.
"Wasaka berries?" Poe turned too Chewie. "Aren’t those poisonous to anyone who isn’t a Wookie?"
"More for me," Chewie replied and Kina snorted, setting the panel she was working on to the side.
"You’re all being silly," Rey’s voice came from the side, from her hammock. The woman was almost never out of it when she was nearby. "What we need are high calorie, high nutrition bars."
Poe sighed, setting the metal down and rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Why are you always so practical? Kina, tell me, what would you pick. One food we could have an infinite amount of."
Kina thought for a second before whistling her answer. "Tibanna gas."
"That’s not a food," Finn pointed out.
"Beldoni eat it - so I think technically it is a food," Kina retorted, listening to Threepio translate. "And that way we’d have endless coolant for the blasters and ships."
Poe grinned at her, "Now that is a great loophole." He drummed his fingers against the table as he said it, one foot kicking the air.
Kina reached out, catching one of his hands. "What’s got you in such a tizzy this evening?"
"A tizzy?" Poe scoffed. "I’m not in a tizzy."
"It’s sabacc night," Finn said and Kina turned to look at him. "He’s always in a bad mood on sabacc night."
"You don’t like sabacc?" Kina asked.
"They don’t let him play," Finn said before Poe could.
Poe glared at him before responding to Kina. "My pilots have a weekly sabacc night. But I’m their commanding officer so…"
"So they don’t let you play?" Kina’s eyebrows drew together. "That doesn’t seem right."
"That is not the reason Acclaimed One. They don’t let him play because Dameron is a sore loser." This information came from Chewie, via Threepio.
Kina jumped in before anyone could latch on to the honorific. "Oh? Is that so? Mister Best Pilot in the Resistance is a sore loser? Color me surprised."
Poe rolled his eyes. "I am not. I’m just not used to it."
"He’s not a terribly gracious winner either," Rey pointed out.
"Hey," Poe set his hands on his hips. "Is this 'make fun of Poe' night?"
But Kina saw an opportunity and was ready to grab it. "You know," she said, keeping her whistles even, "if this space was a little larger we could set up a sabacc table and play here." She pretended to study the space for the first time. "If we pushed a couple of these walls back a few feet… yeah I think we could fit a table in the middle…"
Thirty minutes later it was done. Rey and Kina had moved one of the smaller tables to the center, scratching out an Interference Field on it. Finn was breaking up pieces of different colored foam insulation to use as wagering chips. Poe had managed to rustle up not just a sabacc deck and timer, but also a bottle of Corellian whiskey. He waggled his eyebrows as he held it up. "What’s the harm?"
Soon enough, the five of them were sitting around the table. Kina smiled when she saw Poe slip into the seat next to hers, his foot reaching over and tangling with hers for a moment as he leaned his elbows on the table and held up one of the pieces of insulation. "Okay, so these red pieces will represent small favors. Things like 'go get that thing for me across the base'. The blue ones will represent big favors. Something like-"
"Wash all of the lokka worm spit out of my clothes," Finn butted in.
Poe winked at him. "Yeah, like that. Everyone be sure to write your name on your chits."
At her feet, Kina felt K-0 wedge themself between Poe’s foot and her own, beeping angrily for a moment before settling themself in the space they had made. She gave Poe a rueful look and he gave her an equally sad one in return.
"What are the grey ones," Rey asked, holding one up. Poe looked stumped.
"Loyalty," Kina offered, raising an eyebrow at Poe’s narrowed look. "That person has to side with you on something. Against whatever."
Poe nodded slowly and then grinned. "Loyalty, I like that. Okay, does anyone not know how to play sabacc?" He asked, picking up the shift timer and turning it on.
No one spoke up, but Kina noticed dubious looks on both Rey and Finn. Possibly Chewie too, but it was hard to read the Wookie’s expression.
"You gonna share that whiskey?" Finn asked, and the game was on.
Within a dozen rounds Kina had managed to only lose a couple of small favors. She wasn’t one to bet big, wasn’t as prone to risks as Poe was. The real standout of the evening, however, was Chewie, who had a tendency to drop giant bets and then win on them. He also always folded whenever it came down to just him and Kina - a fact Kina was hoping no one else had noticed.
"Are you counting cards," Poe asked dubiously when Chewie raked in yet another main pot.
"How dare you," Chewie replied, "I am a person of honor."
"Mmhmm," Poe hummed, tapping the table for everyone’s antes.
On Kina’s left, Rey was leaning her chin on one hand, staring at Kina as she tossed in a small favor token. Kina glanced her way then smiled to herself. The human woman was not used to drinking. She had only finished one glass and was already looking loopy and on the verge of sleep.
"Rey it’s your bet," Poe prompted, face serious as he tapped the table.
"Oh, sorry," Rey mumbled, glancing at her card and then tossing them back at Poe. "I’m out."
"Rey," Kina clicked, trying to keep her voice quiet even though Threepio was translating it at the same volume he did everything else. "There’s nothing to call. You can just stand."
"Oh," Rey blinked. "Then I’ll stay."
"I raise," Finns said immediately.
Rey leaned closer to Kina, speaking in what she probably thought was a whisper, "Do you mind if I ask… how far do your spots go?"
Poe gasped, looking up from his cards with a scandalized frown, "Rey, you can’t just ask someone…"
"I asked if she minded!" Rey shot back.
Kina just grinned at Rey and then gave Poe a wink, whistling. "They’re called rosettes. And they go all the way down."
Poe froze. He swallowed hard, his throat working as he struggled to continue looking at her face. She could feel the tension in him as he fought not to follow the line of her rosettes down with his eyes. "Poe?"
"Mm?" Oh, he was blushing. From the tips of his ears down his neck.
"It’s your bet, Chewie called," she gently prodded him.
"What?" Poe blinked at her then turned to his cards. "Oh, yeah. I call."
Kina laughed, only the huff of air giving away her mirth. Without looking at Poe she gently moved K-0 out of the way and hooked her foot around his ankle, sliding up his calf as she said, "I fold."
"They’re very pretty," Rey commented and Kina thought she heard Poe muffle a moan next to her as her foot continued its journey. Kina heard K-0’s disgruntled mutterings as they darted off to find a place to power down for the night.
"Thank you," Kina replied. "They’re unique. Like fingerprints for humans."
"Can I touch them?" Rey asked, slumping slightly onto the table.
"That’s enough," Poe stated, rising from his chair and crossing behind Kina to slip his arms under Rey’s and hold her upright. "I think that’s enough for you. Chewie can you help?"
"Of course," Chewie said, using one arm to brush his pile of chits into the bag across his chest before getting up. "I have you," he said with a low rumble, reaching an arm down and lifting Rey up against him.
"That’s my cue too," Finn grinned, stuffing his chits into his jacket pockets. He held one of the blue ones with Poe’s name scrawled across it up. "Do not think you will be getting off this one easy."
Poe smiled at him, gesturing for Finn to help him move the table back to its place before he followed Chewie out. Kina carefully scooped Rey’s chits into a bag and set it off to the side before looking through her own winnings. Grinning, she found a grey one with Poe’s name on it.
"I wonder what trouble I could get into with this," she asked, turning to look at him.
His hand closed over hers, pulling her to him. "I don’t think you needed to play sabacc to get that."
She raised an eyebrow, biting her lip. His own gaze dropped to her mouth, then slid lower, tracing every one of the marks on her body until they disappeared under her shirt.
"All the way huh?" She nodded and felt him step closer, his chest touching hers. "Maker what you do to me," he muttered before his lips touched hers and she felt everything inside of her catch fire and then melt in one sharp burst of light.
His mouth was warm, soft, gently pressing against hers. Varying the pressure, occasionally using his lips to pull on hers. He tasted of whiskey and himself, an intoxicating combination even if Kina hadn’t already had her own drink. He was taking his time, exploring, going so incredibly slowly that Kina thought she might jump out of her skin. She slid a hand around his neck, sinking her fingers into his hair and tugging him closer.
It was like she toggled a switch. His lips parted, his tongue caressing her bottom lip until she opened for him and then he was inside her. Stroking her. His soft moans reverberating through them both. His arms wrapped around her and he lifted her slightly until she was sitting on the edge of the table. She clutched him to her, returning kiss for kiss, letting her tongue play along his until she was forced to break for air, softly whistling.
As one they both froze at the sound, and then turned to look at Threepio. The droid cocked their head, looking at them both before looking behind themself. When they turned back they raised their arms and asked, "I take it my services are no longer required?"
"I think we can take it from here," Poe said solemnly and Kina had to hide her smile against his shoulder. She listened to the droid’s shuffling footsteps recede and then felt Poe place a finger under her chin, tilting her face back up to his.
"Where were we?"
Chpt 9
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anestheticrage · 4 years
Be me: Japanese honor student🎓, 15, with half a brain and even less of a plan. Hunting bitches by day and witches by night. Livin that dank only child✌️ life while mom n dad yeet all over the globe, leavin me plenty of time to forget not to make 2 lunches for myself #quirky 😜
no time for socialization or basic electronics skills ???📱??? when your best friends are an alien demon rabbit🐰👽 and the inexplicable Hole ™ in your brain. lmao, btw did i mention im ✨M✨A✨G✨I✨C✨A✨L✨
dreamin bout my 2D waifus again when familiar pink haired cancer patient dances through my brain passin out fliers: Kamihama Meguca Dating Service: Sponsored by Cult of the Magius. 250 stones per session 🤔
seems legit, Mr. Moneybags. wasn't spending my unwieldy sack of gemstones on anything else anyway. lets pull 💎💎💎
first up we have Redhead Radagast and her plethora of plants. 🌿☺️🦎
anndd, nearly dies immediately. 
well not off to a great start but i guess shes pretty cute at lea- oh FUCK its her girlfriend, Tsundere Poseidon😒🔱💦, and their exasperated, straight and single Sword Mom 😔🗡️🔥. fml gonna have to save up for the next pull. might as well play a few rounds with what i got tho. 
get in some good girl talk about things like school, color coded hair styles, body count, permanent soul damage, and our personal demon pacts. ya know, the usual 😚 . realize my dark backstory seems to be missing, so the girls take me to Ketchup Queen Sappho 🍅🥧 (wtf?) to molest my glowy egg stone. whatevs, more action than ive had since Kuroe 🖤 got added to the story anyway
the gang agrees it's time to hunt down the cutest rabbit pimp 🕶️🐇💵 in the city. >> say 🎵mukyuuu🎵 one more time and ill hug you so hard my backstory will pop right out, you adorable fluffy bastard. plz be my new best friend 💕
Form brand new friendship pact with Kyubae, and remember that my lil Sis 🐥 was always the best wingman for pickin up magic chicks, and kept her side of the room so spotless i forgot she existed. whoops 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ Maybe if I find her i can stop paying these exorbitant pull fees.📵💎
speaking of which: hot damn this week's featured bachelorette is a 19 year old model and magical detective🔎 with massive levels of PTSD and self loathing 🥵💙💦 more likely to stab you or dramatically jump off a rooftoop than utter a single positive comment. wow, maybe i really COULD find true love…
... if i had MORE THAN A 1% FUCKING DRAW CHANCE. 😡 smh
hard to make much progress finding sis or winning the broken heart of a hard boiled detective amidst the never ending lover's quarrel of the Trident Vine Lesbians. 💔 Sword Mom tells them if they don't behave a monster will take them away. LOL classic mom 🤣
declare all-out war on urban legends, starting with staircases ⚔️ to reunite the dysfunctional trio, and hope that I net a way better lineup with the next 10x pull. at least sad sleuth lady came to help out. they say combat is the best way to bond wi-   and there she goes off the rooftop again 🙄 fml
alright that got way off track, we need a fresh start, away from all the loli drama. how bout a little B&E🔓🔨🤷🏻‍♀️ at the local house of worship to clear my head. ahh nothing like the unanswered prayers of the masses to get you in the mood for another wasted pull, and the 🔥 MIGHTIEST 🔥 headache you could ask for with a side of Double Cooked Pork 🐖🍜 (meh 5/10🧾)
venture forth into the spiritual unknown with your new human flamethrower🔥🌻🧡 and ask your favorite private eye to please, for the love of Eve, trade Meguca accounts with me~~~ Head through the eastern spirit portal to meet up with hologram propaganda sis and detective crush's evil ex, who joined a dating-app cult (#fuck) and also turned into the moon?🌕?(that's rough buddy)
get ambushed by Acid Horse on Wheels 🌈🐴 and vomit up my soul so hard that its time for a crossover episode. T U R F F F   W A R R R *que operatic harmonies* 💛 Blondie with the hair drills and enough attitude and guns to fill up a noble phantasm tries to ban my account permanently, but PI heartthrob denies her admin privileges. aww babe i didn't know you cared. 😭♥️
get kidnapped by my new true love and go back to her place 😏  defs enough empty rooms to house five emotionally traumatized girls and at least two ghosts hehehe👻 XD 💚🃏💜🎸 decide to form the anti-gossip brigade and recruit my blazing sunflower after getting ambushed by the witch living in my fruit loops🥣
❌outvoted 2:1 that cults are bad. mf. fiinneee one last pull to round out the team and then I'll delete the app. cmonnn Karin 🎃~
Always wanted a daughter 💜🔨🐄 with a penchant for pissing off the local Martial Arts & Books Club and drinking suspicious liquids offered by total strangers. Well if it's good enough for her AND the sexy mayadere with enough game to seduce a mermaid, might as well get in on that myself. 
#curseddrank 🤢 0/24 would not recommend to a friend, 'cept maybe Ria
win alot of cash 🤑, blow up a fountain, meet the pied piper²🎶🖕, moon cult, monochrome feathers, something about liberation✊🏻; adopt temper tantrum cow girl. aces 💜🥩
Next up!!! skydiving with DJ Hammer! Jump to apparently-not-certain death after suicidal A.I. 💚💾🗼 tells you to rescue her hostage before they run out of Radiohead albums and have to move on to Thom Yorke's solo discography. save the invisible shield kitten 💚👑😿 from happiness and get chased through the internet by the sexiest homicidal Paint Pallette 💚🎨😈 since Caravaggio. (apparently green is the color of the digital apocalypse. i’m deleting Kako from my friend's list)
that’s it, fuck this app. 250 stones 💎 per-life-threatening-experience is more than i’m willing to deal with 😓 don’t wanna mess with the perfect nuclear family anyway. we've already got: 
✔️the two emotionally traumatized moms with memory and commitment issues
✔️the adhd daughter with anger management problems and a giant hammer
✔️the psychologically abused scizophrenic cat
✔️and the eccentric aunt with crippling anxiety
now that were done hoarding bitches, its time to hunt the witches. and the bitches makin the witches. btw did i mention the witches ARE the bitches! AND WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!? 📽️⁉️💀 wait fuck lets back up a second
This is Nemo📕 and Token🧪 and they have all the answers but prefer if you only ask vague questions in exchange for vague responses so they can fill in the rest by discussing their superior intellect 🧠 at length. not to mention they built that dating app, so of course everyone in my harem decides to be a FUCKING. TRAITOR.🤬
cept waifu prime ofc 🥰💙. [PTSD > brainwashing] 'yOu CaN bE tHe LeAdEr NoW'. i have been from the very beginning you traumatized Hinedere nightmare. maybe if you weren't so caught up collecting surrogate daughters you would've noticed IM👏THE👏ONLY👏 ONE👏PROGRESSING👏THE FUCKING👏PLOT✨
rescue the rest of dysfunctional found-family™ from selves before my adorable firebender burns down Disnihama🎡🔥😱 during her weekly anxiety attack. (love the makeover T B H) 
CHAPTER 8: Magical Girl Massacre🩸🗡️
   - everyone has like, the shittiest day ever
   - the new Pope really needs to be extradited from the church
   - make friends with a really pretty tree 🌺🌲✨
i swear, if i don't finish this god damn story in time to get that free pull im gonna beat the shit out of every mirror i find in that giant mansion that i haven't even had any time to even mention yet. 🖕🏚️ let alone EVERYTHING happening with the prequel [fuck you, I'm the star] girls 💗💜💙💛❤️️ and their multidimensional melodrama. We don't need that many repetitive af episodes to emphasize that Homo-ra is a shitty person. we've all seen Rebellion. 🙄
uhhhggggg where were we… Topple a cult and burn down Hotel Denoument only to realize that Sis was fused with the dating app servers this entire madokafuckin time (told ya she was the best wingman 😊). 
Dilemma: Sis =🥚, Triumvirate of Trouble want 🐣. What do? vote now:
Help Hatch - IIIIIII
Not Do That - IIIII
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lets just fight everyone until something good happens.
Kill (???) the artist-in-chief of the italian reindeer murder police after teaching her the true meaning of Christmas 🎄 hatch 🐣lil Sis and realize she WAS your wingman all along🐰 MUKYUUUU! we're just gonna ignore how much trouble it would have saved if you'd just mentioned that. "yOu DiDnT aSk..." 
anywho, somewhere along the lines we of course summoned the Antichrist ⚙️ because why not raise the stakes to max and still not kill off a single character. Madofuckinkami, can we PLEASE wrap this up. 😩💤
feathers (not the culty kind, tfm) rain from the sky, and the power of friendship and not having the Urobutcher 🔪🩸as a lead writer saves our peacefully sectioned off alternate reality 😇
TL:DR fuck cults, real life waifus DO exist, don't sell your soul to space rabbits, or your stones to megacorporations. Enjoy arc 2 on the JP server with your shitty translation patch you filthy fuckin weebs 
Yours Truly, 
- Thirsty Weeb Eroha 💗💎😘 
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janiedean · 4 years
I feel so frustrated, I mean.. I read so many bullsh*ts around and I'd like to know your opinion. I think that making a villain sympathetic through their backstory is not *insert bad action* apology. I'm so tired of people trying to make me feel guilty just because I think 100% of times a bad person is not born bad but turned into a monster because of a lot of reasons. It's dehumanizing to consider someone bad without taking into account their past. There's always a reason in the past, even if a villain looks like they're enjoying doing bad things. It's sad and something to be compassionate to that a person find enjoyable hurting others because something in their past made them reach the point where they think hurting others is acceptable or even the only way out
eh I... agree with you on all accounts but again this is... the ultimate reaping the sows of this idiotic attitude cool motive still murder in fandom everywhere lately which like, some times it could be a fair objection to... people not owning up to their favorite being actually an asshole (and even then it would be valid just if they’re harassing you), but most times it started like that and turned into AH IF YOU JUSTIFY BAD DUDE’S BACKSTORY OR EXPLAIN IT THEN YOU EXCUSE HIM, which like.... shows at least some things:
a complete lack of being able to analyze a story going outside the ‘good guys vs bad guys scheme’ which is why I really wish people stopped consuming only media aimed for ages from fourteen under because that’s not going to do anything to help you
refuse to consider the fact that what happens to anyone in life shapes them negatively or positively but negatively is... a... thing, thus falling back on the usual calvinist bullshit of either you’re good or you’re bad and the best thing you can do to redeem yourself is dying to help someone else, which again.... the world doesn’t work like that
a complete refusal of actually trying to understand how trauma and abuse works because like cool motive still murder for someone you don’t like 99,9% of the times translates in the good victim vs bad victim dynamic, which in turn basically translates into ‘if you’re an abuse victim/you have trauma but you don’t react in The Appropriate Way or don’t fit the Good Victim points then your trauma/abuse isn’t valid’, which like... sorry but all victims of trauma/abuse are valid in that sense and you can’t write off someone just because they didn’t react the way you think they should
(which then usually means that they treat fans of problematic character who might in their turn have trauma etc in the same way and like... lol no)
now, thing is, one thing is fiction and another is real life - in real life if someone hurts you and they’re a shit person and they have exceedingly good reasons to be but they’re still a shit person you don’t have to be in contact with them and if they don’t get their shit together even moreso (or if they try to and reach out for help you can accept to or not), but when it comes to fiction the point is: it’s up to the damned author.
like, one thing that people don’t get is that obviously fictional bad actions are not happening in real life and a narrative is usually built to either redeem the person committing them or not, but if they want to, then... that character will be redeemed and there’s like nothing the reader can object. now, like... I mean if this ask isn’t about b*n solo I’ll eat my hat but if it’s not let’s just take him as the poster child example for this entire bullshit trend: ofc if you kill your father irl you go to jail, but since star wars is a SPACE OPERA where real life world consequences don’t exist and patricide is a literary device since the history of ever (GREEK TRAGEDY FFS) to symbolize freeing yourself from your roots and needing to find yourself and so on, the act of ben killing han in itself means shit narratively beyond telling you that ben has ISSUES that made him go to the dark side and that he’s conflicted, and in the moment that someone is conflicted you already should see he’s a decent person or has the potential to be. now, ofc ben solo did an amount of exactly not kosher things and is a shit at declaring his feelings and has issues, but the point is: if the sw sequels (as bad as the overall narrative eventually was) wanted him to be conflicted and then do the right thing (reconciling himself with his parents ahahahahah HAN FORGAVE HIM LIKE.. XDD) then they want you to see him as a human being who made mistakes but then could still do the right thing. the fact that he died after bc they couldn’t commit to one damned side and do a sensed story doesn’t matter, but the concept of ‘he did x y and z fictionally so BAD’ is stupid bc x y and z never happened irl and you can choose to forgive a fictional character because he’s fictional, and a lot of people who are ‘’bad victims’’ or not poster children for trauma management actually do find hope in seeing characters like that getting another chance. because guess what, catharsis through fiction. like guys I realized I could actually not settle for someone out of fear of not ever finding anyone the moment I realized why I was into jb that much, someone else can find catharsis in bensolo being redeemed or whatever and people refusing to see it can’t engage with an adult-driven story (and not even for children bc a lot of media for children has bad guys who turn good).
and in that sense like.... I mean personally if I see a character like that I don’t even count them as villain bc I know they won’t eventually be (like I didn’t consider bensolo a bad guy since... ever) and for me villains are 95% of the time just people who are assholes without redeeming qualities that the author doesn’t care for redeeming even if they explain why they’re like that (see instances c. lannister for one I hate and randall flagg for one I actually love) so I have troubles like.... seeing them as bad guys (I mean the... supposed one from luke cage s2? for me went from vague villain to antagonist the moment they exposed his backstory lmao) and idg this mindset but personally I just hope fandom goes back on the ‘you do realize you can like antagonists without being a bad person for relating to them’ train because this entire mindset is just... fucking... tiring.
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madfantasy · 4 years
hii! sorry if you've answered this before, but how did you find your own art style? it's nothing like i've seen before, very dream-like (: i feel like with so many artists out there it can be hard to find one's own style but yours is truly unique. if it's not too much to ask, do you still have any of your first drawings? thank you 💕💕
(Oh & I'm sorry if I have answered it before, I didn't find anything on my blog so woop here comes my blaber)
Hello dear!
Thank you so much, you flatter me and my bit-som of art-som, heh. Specially that you have called it dream like— cuz 1/4 of my creations does come from my dreams. I even had a dream about Severus a couple of days ago- was explaining to him the concept of gestures in smartphones, I told him it's like pulling down a scroll, to get the notifications, lol.
Before I start side-tracking too much, yes- I can't say I do know how it happens, I guess I wasn't on the base of looking for an art style for myself, or ever considered myself an artist— or a real one? Idk. The idea of having an 'art style' doesn't register with me so I'm possibly always confused what to make of it.
I mean, I didn't go into art for art's sake. I don't enjoy beauty just for beauty's sake. It has to have a meaning, purpose, hidden dilemma you need to solve just by looking deeper; is it speaking to me, or am I speaking for it?
My only concern since the beginning of time of Mani apparating this earth and what got them into drawing anyway is: telling the story as best as possible.
I was drawing before I learned speaking. It was my instinctive language. I had something to say? Illustrated it on a piece of paper to show.
Everything I see in my surroundings or mostly in mind, I had a story to tell about. So I didn't even consider that I was making art.
I remember when I developed enough cells to be aware- I started trying to copy or capture the basics of family members, making stories about them, also games or shows I played; I drew Crash bandicoot, driving into a cliff because he was hated by his family, Tiny wearing an abaya. Pink panther cuz how tall he was weirded me out in a fascinating way, Tarzan and his special muscles, a story about an abused squid lady that eventually turn into a mermaid, a guy turning into a hero coz of some near death experience.. mmm stories about my favourite stuffed rabbit CeCe Bobo— probably the only innocent adventures I drew as a child— I wanted so badly to make them into a video game, having their parents fall into a pit of flames, heh.
And because I had daily TV episodes in my brain of whatever to occupy me from unsanitary real life; I associated with many people I love to see materlized; my characters. So I had to try & draw them exactly how they look/feel, and that's what my art slowly developed based on; is this guy the way I seen and felt him look like? If not, try other ways.
At first, I drew them with literal basic shapes, like a character would have a square face, and another heart, and if I couldn't draw circle, I used my pencil sharpener that was shaped as a circle. A method still I use to differentiate my characters (without the pencil sharpener lol)
Later, since my characters have generally my favourite things, or things I enjoy, things I appreciate— basically things from me directly or from my choices, conscious they were or not—had them chopped and scattered between the lot of them. And to learn how to do some favourite factors of them is what drives my art style I suppose. I knew I didn't want it realistic, but I also didn't want it unreal. What makes art real? That's probably the always questions I face.
Ofc, I was face with so many problems to deteriorate my passion for drawing. Like, not being allowed to draw in the first place. I had wait till everyone is gone or occupied, had to always look over my shoulder and must constantly hide every inkling of any art making, and act like the project I'm making is for school, and draw in breakfast breaks at school. I used to draw under my blanket and store my art between my books or under my pillow (never related to anything so hard like when Harry was studying magic and Dursley keeps checking on him, honestly heh). Either all that or I get the whip.
Or being told what's the point of having a style like that while everybody obviously enjoys popular styles like anime or cartoon? Why don't I draw like the popular to get noticed? I don't know how to draw anime or cartoon even if I tried. It will just show as my art style, no? Exactly like speaking two different languages with the same letters.
Or like the idea of strictly sticking to gendering things while the idea never occurred to me. The base line of how men has to be ugly and women pretty. My motto is showing beauty in everything, even in scary or messed up things hehe. But I had to consent to making my guys 'ugly' as possible to continue drawing, and if u notice a line on their throats, that's one other thing I had to do, wasn’t allowed to draw girls either. And I wasn't happy with any of that at all.
But I was able to win my right to draw anytime I like in recent years, and able to draw how I like how I use digital means. So it got better heh.
And no it's not too much, if anything, it was took me on a dusty beautiful trip of nostalgia, I thank you for it. Sadly I don't have my first drawings, and I do treasure them but they all been tossed, torn and burned before me over the years, heh.
The oldest thing I got is this, a comic made, was 11 years old I think:
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Medo, a guy so beautiful that he was forced to work as a femal model, concept that felt the best to me, heh. Even tho I was in no contact with the outsider world.
He is my first solid character and I made endless comics of him.
He's develop into this -dated 2014- , he's fairy sentinel.
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And I found few of my old or first time drawing them pics of the main characters in my stories, I'd love to share:
Juicy and X-bi— second ones I made. But these drawings are maybe 2 or 3 years after I made them
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I know I said that lots, but x-bi was a mask wearing imaginary friend I translated into X-bi. He has almost always cold hands so I used to put my skin on cold metallic surface and imagine it his hands trying to ease the pain.
And since I had no audience home, my stuff showed at school as i drew alone, always with various replies of 'its good, but'
Juicy got me in trouble with a teacher, by a careless student that was browsing my drawings In front of them, and I was classified as mentally deranged and need help for not drawing the usual princes and white knight.
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Fernando and Carlos are also old characters that expressed romance in everything they do, so when I had a drawing of them Carlos tending to a fevered Ferry, and it was snatched from me, everyone considering it intimacy and I had to punch my way through them to get it back. Being called perverted and sick in the process, even tho all they talk to me about is marriage and the process of making babies. One of them literally told me on random occasion that their heart was like a ten story building for rent, there's always someone new in and out.
Carlos is Fernando's soul guardian💛
I created General Pumbkin in school! expressing fashion in strictness with my fav hooked nose!
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Axel was my joy in everything, and the most common character I got beat up for, for being girly. I don't draw him too much anymore but seeing him again made me auto happy , hes all about giving loff, darling hehe
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Candy, a less brain developed babyy
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Brain and Pain, my sibs fav characters from my bag, heh
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And Sabine was said to me that he should be a girl to be that scared in a scary story, his story is like dark and twisted fairytales vibe that I love dearly. I'm trying to continue writing his story.
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Despite whatever, I love doing art, I have to. It what gives me soul juice heh.
And thank you for sticking on my prolonged answer. I hope I didn't bore too much, I'm flooded with memories happy and bad, and they are all okay. It made me feel passionate again, so thank you for the opportunity 🙏
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greycappedjester · 4 years
What is your take on Barbara in your Young Justice story? As in what comics or shows inspired you? Also, how is she handling(i don't know another word) her feeling for Dick? From what I can take is that she still loves him; she wants him to be happy and will do things for him to accomplish that. Idk i don't think she has time to really "move on" even if she tried because she will always be there for him... along with the other bat-family
Thank you so much! Hmmm, I love Babs a lot but I’m trying to think of where I primarily draw her character from--probably a mix of her Oracle days, Birds of Prey, some Batgirl Year One, with a bit of fandom in general, Young Justice (ofc), and the Batman animated show I watched when I was younger. Anything that shows Barbara as competent, efficient, a badass but also clearly cares about her family and the people she works with. She’s such a great example of a character that can both act marvelously and unhesitatingly in a support role without making supporting others seem lesser in any way--because really how would any of the Batfamily in the 90s-early 2000s get anything done without her--while also being a hero/ main character in her own right (with Oracle and Birds of Prey).
For how she’s dealing with her feelings--I think what you said is fair: she loves him, she wants him to be happy and is glad that he seems to be with Kory, she does have trouble moving on completely because they always work together. It’s essentially Barbara’s a wonderful person about prioritizing her goals--her top goal is to keep her loved ones (and Gotham) safe through anyway she can help them. As long as she has that, she can be happy...even if she sometimes is too selfless in that she removes herself from (or allows) situations where she thinks she’s too biased even if she thinks the situation is ill-considered.....that’ll make sense a lot more after the next year arc, promise.
Bonus very short story under break because I feel like it explains it better than my ramble.
Here is a piece of dialogue I wrote from a short story in Barbara’s POV. It’s not finished so I won’t post all of it; but, it’s called “Prom” and takes place between Year 2 and Year 3 (so post Batgirl, pre-Kory’s arrival on Earth).
Barbara Gordon is in love with Dick Grayson.
She doesn’t let it affect her that much. 
There’s more important things to worry about.
Namely being Batgirl, Gotham’s newest vigilante of about a year and a really good one if she does say so herself. And with that comes other worries. Like containing Arkham breakouts. And patrolling Crime Alley. And tracking down leads on whatever new addition there is to Gotham’s ever expanding list of batshit insanity. And going through the next torture mislabled as a training exercise because “we can never be too prepared, right, Babs?”. Or, hey, speaking of which, trying to make sure neither she nor Dick die in this nightmare of a city that she adores so much.
And then, there’s the additional joy of keeping all of the above mentioned vigilante activities out of the attention of her father aka the Police Commissioner aka one of the most observant men in Gotham.
The point is Barbara doesn’t have time to be part of anyone’s unrequited teenage love story, even if it’s her own.
All of which normally works out pretty darn well except for one occasional fact.
Dick Grayson is an idiot.
Big blue eyes look up at her imploringly from across the lunch table and Babs momentarily contemplates stabbing him with her fork.
“I just thought it would be a good idea,” he explains before hurrying to add, “if you don’t already have someone you want to go with, I mean.”
“You’re asking me to prom,” she says incredulously. “Wait, you’re telling me you don’t have a date to prom?”
Dick hesitates. “Um, well, no, I don’t. Not exactly.”
Barbara blinks, narrows her eyes, and then mentally translates that through her built in Dick Grayson decodifier. The answer comes alarmingly quickly.
“In other words, people asked you and you turned them down. So now, you have to find a date if you want to go and not look like an asshole,” she concludes.
Dick blushes and she knows she’s right.
Not that there was ever really a question because, unlike her, Dick actually is popular. Insanely so considering, like her, he’s two years younger than most of their classmates and makes the absolute minimal effort to be part of any extracurricular activities besides sporadic decathlon appearances.
Then again, maybe it’s not that surprising when you factor back in the whole billionaire heir status plus the...well, okay, the unfair levels of attractiveness and grace Dick exudes as unconsciously as breathing.
Dick smiles sheepishly and Barbara swears she hears a girl two tables away actually sigh.
“I just thought it would be more fun to go with you,” Dick insists and Barbara’s traitorous little heart might have skipped if he didn’t immediately follow it with, “as friends, you know?”
Barbara continues to stare at him because dang it, she might have tripped into a bad teen movie but she still has her pride.
“If you’re just asking me because you think I don’t have a date--”
Dick’s eyes immediately widen. “No! Babs, that’s not it at all, I swear!” He sighs, checking the cafeteria before leaning in. “It’s just...you know how things can get kind of, ah, busy all of the sudden for us, right?”
Barbara nods, feeling like an idiot. She should have known it would all come back to vigilante stuff.
Dick looks relieved. “I just don’t want to agree to go to prom with someone when I’ve got to ditch them last minute if something comes up.”
“Oh,” she says, mostly on autopilot. “And at least if we go together and something happens…”
“We won’t be letting anyone down.” Dick smiles before shrugging. “And, if nothing happens, then I still get to go to prom with one of my best friends. Win-win.”
Barbara forces herself to swallow. “Win-win.”
“So, what do you say?” Dick’s smile goes a little bit mischievous. “Barbara Gordon, will you go to prom with me?”
The sad thing is that when it comes down to it, she doesn’t have to think about it.
“Sure, Dick.”
Dick’s face lights up, endearing in all the ways it’s not infuriating. “Really?”
Barbara shrugs, pulling up a smile. “What can I say? You know I love dancing.”
Since apparently this is her life now, Barbara gives in to overdramatic impulses and throws herself onto the couch before finding a thick enough pillow to scream into.
When she finally lets the pillow slide off her face, her dad’s staring at her from over a heavy stack of case files.
“Bad day at school?”
She smiles sardonically. “I got a date for prom.”
“....Oh.” He frowns and there’s something Babs always finds oddly touching about the utter panicked confusion the hardened police commissioner shows with anything approaching the emotions of teenage girls. He shoulders through. “I thought you weren’t going to prom.”
“I wasn’t,” she agrees. Frankly, she thinks she could go her entire life without seeing classmates she barely talks to swaying awkwardly in a cramped gymnasium.
Her dad’s frown deepens. “Who’s the guy?”
She sighs, closing her eyes, already knowing how this will go. “Dick Grayson.”
“Ah...well that’s--”
“He asked me as friends,” she finishes.
Silence greets her response and Barbara shuts her eyes a bit tighter.
If there’s one thing she absolutely hates about being in love with Dick Grayson, it’s the fact that everyone else in her life already knows. Everyone except Dick.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“It’s fine, Dad.”
“You want me to shoot him?”
She chokes on a laugh, finally opening her eyes. “You can’t. You’re a cop. The police frown on things like murder.”
He gives her a look, a smile creeping in under his moustache. “It’s Gotham, Barbara.”
She stands up, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
“Don’t.” She smiles. “Gotham still needs one honest cop left.”
“Drats.” He catches her hand, smile evening out as he meets her eyes. “If he doesn’t see what’s in front of him, honey, then he doesn’t deserve you.”
Barbara squeezes his hand in lieu of answering.
That’s the thing no one ever seems to get. 
It isn’t that Dick doesn’t see her. In fact, she’s pretty sure Dick sees her better than anyone.
He’s her partner, the best friend she’s ever had, the one thing she knows she can always count on.
But, he’s not in love with her.
Thanks for the ask!
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coasttocoastreads · 4 years
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Welcome back to Week 2 of Coast to Coast Reads! Who’s still alive? Katya and I are dying while social distancing, but at least we had a few laughs discussing this book:
Crescent City (House of Blood and Earth) // Sarah J Maas
★★ / ★★★★★
Summary in one two gif(s):
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Real Summary:
Crescent City, a place where vanir (supernatural beings such as angels, fae, shifters, etc.) and humans freely mingle and go about their days. Bryce Quilan is a 20-something fae/human who’s still reeling from the murder of her friends 2 years ago. But after she’s commissioned to help search for an ancient artifact, Bryce, along with her new angel partner Hunt, unearth previously buried secrets about the murder that threaten to expose a worldwide conspiracy. 
Great side characters. I would die for each and every one of them.
Lots of different mythological creatures! Not just another Fae Book™️
It’s literally ToG 2-7 combined. If you read Throne of Glass, you’ve already been spoiled for this book. 💀💀💀
It’s wayyyy too long
Drags a lot in the beginning
Plot .5/5 (the .5 is for you, Lehaba)
What can I say. SJM literally plagiarized herself by taking the plotline of the tog books and translating it to this new setting. The writing itself was subpar, and most of the time it felt like the author herself had no idea where the plot was going, instead letting it drag on until a plot twist that makes no sense is revealed. (You’ll know which one I’m talking about when you get there.) I’ll compare CC with ToG with spoilers under the cut. 
Pacing 2/5
The beginning is full of info-dumping as SJM tries to set up this world which is metaphorically like ours, but everyone’s hot and does fantasy cocaine all the time.  It narrates boring day-to-day schedules that could have been condensed into a paragraph and at times I was tempted to skip ahead. The plot does pick up near the last 25% though, so I’ll give it that. 
Worldbuilding 2.5/5
It was confusing. To be fair, after all the info was dumped at the beginning, I didn’t bother going back to try to figure things out when they popped up again after. But like still??? I think I only started understanding the hierarchy of the government with the Asterrii(?). Also what are the Triarii I am still lost. SJM attempts to blend a more modern society with one of fantasy creatures, and for the most part it succeeds, but it often just feels...strange. I think the one thing I’m most hung up about is why swords and guns still coexist. Like ??????? it’s one or the other plssssss abandon the “aesthetic” Also while they literally have cell phones and keurig machines there aren’t common things like cars? Why.
Characters: (This is unconventional, bear with me)
Main Characters: -infinity/5 they could go die for all I care
Bryce and Hunt were both super unlikeable, 10/10 would let fall from a cliff. They are literally just rewrites of Aelin and Rowan? Bryce is like ahahaha yeah people think I’m Just a dumb vapid Female™️ who parties too much and gets trashed but SIKE I’m actually the chosen one and I’ve been hiding it this whole time because I didn’t want to hurt people’s feelings uwu. And did I mention I’m actually a trained Warrior who can keep up with The Boys? It’s Aelin y’all. There are numerous times where a character says that she’s not stupid and I’m like...are you sure... This girl makes the poorest decisions, yet ofc, there aren’t any long term consequences... (Also 99% of her problems come from ghosting people literally just respond with “k” sis)
Hunt is... idek what to say about Hunt. He’s just Rowan but in angel form. His inner monologue cycles between I must pay off my debt so I can gain Freedom 😔, why is Bryce so hot 🥴, and Shahar 😭. Once again, literally Rowan who also was bound to some evil villain, had the hots for their CENTURIES YOUNGER pupil/protectee, and had an old lover die tragically which led to them believing they can never find love again UNTIL BryLin comes along. Snooze. 
Side Characters: Infinity/5 
Ruhn Danaan was the most valid character and that’s the hill I’ll die on. He literally just wanted to protect his sister cuz she’s stupid af but she keeps pushing him away bc he’s an “alphahole” (haha how subversive :/) I want a whole book about him and Hypaxia, preferably fanfiction so I don’t have to read “soft feminine breathing” ever again.
Literally all the supporting cast- Lehaba, Therion, Ithan, Jesiba, Flynn, Connor, etc, etc. had more compelling characters and side stories than Bryce/Hunt. I was 100% more invested in them and I can’t wait to read/write more about them. 
(Pls let me marry Jesiba Roga or Therion 🥺)
But while the people on the “good” side were spectacular, the villains all felt one-dimensional and the product of over-recycled and overused tropes mashed together. Sandriel and Pollux are literally just Maeve and Cairn (is that his name)
I’d recommend for:
People who loved Throne of Glass and are lamenting the absence of new content. Please read about Rowaelin 2.0
People stuck at home during this global crisis and have too much time on their hands. (If you need that free epub, hmu)
People who are willing to skip all scenes that feature just Bryce and/or Hunt 
People who hate themselves
Would I travel here?
Sorry, what? Already shredded my passport, not getting a replacement, sorry. 
Overall thoughts:
I wish I could somehow take those hours of my life back but alas. 
See y’all in two weeks with a hopefully better book selection,
Spoilers under cut
Okay time to VENT
OKAY so CC=ToG, let’s break down how
Danika’s death is the Nehemia Incident, setting the mc up for a journey of self discovery/reclaiming their power. They both show up as ghosts later to encourage mc in a time of great self-struggle.
Syrinx if Fleetfoot. bc all female mc’s need a pet to reveal her Feminine and Soft side
Sandriel and Pollux are Maeve and Cairn. Evil female character with vast power and her torturer? COOKIE CUTTER FORMULA. The scene where Bryce offers herself up for Hunt in the lobby also kinda mirrors that scene in..HoF? QoS? Don’t remember, but pretty sure that happened. Also that scene was so fucking dumb, I really thought Bryce had a Smart Plan, but I was bamboozled once again. 
A gem from my notes: “Bryce is Aelin but with cocaine”
I think the whole demon portal thing is a ripoff of ACOWAR (or is it KoA I can’t even remember), sacrificing yourself to close the rift, etc, etc. 
Anyways, Bryce = Aelin, a party-girl front with a sob backstory that’s her superpower origin story who always has a Plan. 
Hunt = Rowan, broody warrior busy repaying debts getting orders they don’t want while pining over a lost love. They reluctantly let the female mc in and voila they’re in LOVE
The whole “plot twist” that revealed Hunt’s true plan along was so fucking dumb...
It wasn’t a plot twist, it was just plain bad writing
There was no set up at all, nothing alluding to Hunt secretly masterminding an attempted coup with the help of Magic Meth
The whole time I was like “...this is part of their plan right. There’s no way he legit planned this...”
Character’s POVs should reveal what they’re thinking, even if you’re just hinting at something to reveal later...this was just lazy
Another thing that really rubbed me the wrong way was the sudden reveal that Fury and Juniper had been in a relationship the whole time? Despite like above, there was no prior allusion to that?
It felt like half-assed representation at best and completely irrelevant to the story with it coming up again in a throwaway line near the end
Also? I’m fairly certain there was a scene in the beginning where they were all out clubbing and Juniper hooked up with some rando while Fury was also at the club with them? Was this before they got together or did SJM insert this so last minute that no one caught it?
Wtf is sunball. Can someone just help me out here.
Some people have been saying Hunt is Asian coded? Where???!!!!! All I’m seeing is the same stuff she pulled in ACOTAR where all the Illyrians were tan so people could claim they were poc for woke points but not get in trouble for art depicting them as white ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SJM pls stay away from “like calls to like” you don’t deserve it
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hamsterwritin · 6 years
Our Bloody Pearl (Book Review)
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I want to begin with a small note. I don’t write reviews. Like...ever. It’s not really my thing. The reason I’m doing this is one: I enjoyed this book and want to spread the word, and two: I study journalism at uni and need to write a buncha stuff and a book review fits right in. This means I began by writing this in swedish, so what you’re about to read now is a translated version. Because of that it can sound a bit clumsy, so sorry about that heh...
Well let’s get to the review now shall we!
Syrens have for a very long time been the masters of the sea. They have protected their territories wildy and effectively with teeth sharp like knives and bewitching songs. No one could resist their beautiful melodies that sucked you to the bottom of the sea. They were unbeatable, though this was doomed to change.
Kian, a pirate and captain of what was now one of the most feared ships, were able to create a device that could block out the song, and ever since the hunters has become the prey.
The first one to fall victim to Kian’s hunt was our main character, a siren we come to call Perle. They are captured and chained to a tub, stuck in dirty water where they are tortured. That is until another pirate, also a human, saves them. This one doesn’t seem to posses the same dark soul that Kian has, but Perle doesn’t know if he can be trusted. They know that that kind smile and those sparkling eyes could be hiding something dark. Though they don’t have any other options with Kian once again hunting for blood.
D.N Bryn takes us on a wonderful journey filled with both laughter and fear. You never really know where it’s taking you and what it is that’s waiting on the other side of the upcoming corner. But it is a small and very focused story.
We see the world through Perle’s eyes and the way it is written makes it very clear. Through the whole story you can see those details, like how a lot of the words they have chosen has to do with the sea and how some human words have been given new names by Perle. You’re always aware that you’re not following the perspective of a human, but you never see them as less than a person, you always sympathise and relate with them still.
As I said, this is a small story and we don’t see much of the world, but it’s never hurt by it. I always had the feeling that Bryn spent a lot of time and energy on developing and expanding it. I can from personal experience imagine that there are notes somewhere with more details and information that never made it into the finished story.
The main group of characters isn’t big. Apart from Perle, we get to spend the most time with Dejean; the pirate that saved them, his sister Murielle and her fiance Simone, who’s also Dejean’s right hand out on the sea. We only get to meet Kian in Perle’s memories and later in the story. There are of course other characters, both humans and sirens, but they don’t get any bigger roles.
The characters had a lot of room and time to grow on us and we really got to get to know them. Bryn really succeeded here. All three of them are so easy to like. They ofc course got their flaws, like we all do, but how they handle them and their positive sides shine so bright that I almost got this motherly feeling of wanting to protect them. I really want to see them succeed and get that happy ending together.
The best way to describe Dejean is warm. The way he cares about his family and his friends is just so warm it’s contagious. Murielle is a whirlwind that is impossible to resist. She takes you with her with that big and happy personality. You can’t do anything but smile. Then we got Simone, who’s more like a sturdy rock or a mountain. She’s not very fast when it comes to trusting others, but her love for Murielle and everyone else she cares for is unshakable. You can have nothing but respect for her.
Lastly we got Perle, our main character. The word I would use to describe them is just strong. Not the same way as a rock like I called Simone, but more like a strong wave that either crushes everything in its path or gives you that last push you need to reach land.
Another thing I want to mention is the representation. To see LGBTQ+ people just exist isn’t something you wee very often, and it’s just so nice. It’s normal and it’s not questioned. Of course are stories that focus on the struggles these people face also important, they help spread awareness, but it’s almost also just as important to make these stories where they just exist and live. We often read to escape to another world. To have somewhere we can go, where we don’t have to face our daily troubles, can be such a relief.
In short; this is such a lovely book. It doesn’t do too little or too much. It’s just enough. I hope for and can imagine more stories with these characters, because it feels like there is a whole world that can still be explored, and there would be a lot of room to do so since we already know these characters now (*wink *wink* *nudge*).
I take my hat off to you Bryn! You did good.
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