#and of course. my contributions are.......... the shitposts...............
athenianblessings · 6 months
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CaMilo dynamic in Soul of Gold in a nutshell
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chainsawcorazon · 5 months
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August 26th - September 1st, 2024
Monday, August 26th - Rescue // Doppelgänger // First Time
Tuesday, August 27th - Moving in Together // Multiverse // Sex Accidents
Wednesday, August 28th - Scars & Disabilities // Ex's // Aftercare
Thursday, August 29th - Double Date // Phobias // Secret Rendezvous
Friday, August 30th - Superfam & Flashfam // Fourth World // Control
Saturday, August 31st - Realizations & Confessions // Only Lovers Left Alive // Fuck Nasty
Sunday, September 1st - People of Manchester, Alabama & The Ravers // Nightmares // Accidental Kink Discovery
Continuing to celebrate the BartKon Renaissance in the modern era. Since the ship has historically been a rarepair since its conception in the 1990's, this fanweek acts as both a way to celebrate the BartKon narrative in DC Comics, as well as engage new fans in our small yet mighty collective.
Why should we participate in this?
Because you like BartKon. Because you saw fanfiction and fanart and shitposts, and decided you wanted to see what's poppin' in the BartKonosphere. All creators are welcome. Our romcom lovers, the darkfic connoisseurs, and of course, our smut specialists.
So how does it work?
The release date for fanworks is from Monday, the 26th of August through Sunday, the 1st of September, 2024. 
You have four months to write, draw, and create fanworks. On top of fanfiction and fanart, we also encourage meta, essays, ship manifestos, playlists, and poetry.
This is also an opportunity for new fans to engage with an old ship with a robust body of work, hence why this fanweek is dedicated only to BartKon depicted in DC Comics from 1994-2024. This is not a YJ-centric week, nor it is a BartKon+third week, nor is it a my-ship-is-better-than-your-ship week. Please be courteous and treat each other with respect when engaging with fanworks and their creators. If you misbehave, I will be cursing you with ten thousand years of bad luck on top of car/train/transportation trouble every day for the rest of your life.
BartKon of ANY comic book universe is acceptable. If you want to spend the entire fanweek exploring Luthor-El and Bart because you love horrific love, then be my guest! If you want a crazed version of Bart to kidnap Kon from Gemworld, go for it! Let that imagination run WILD!!!
Both safe and not-safe-for-tunglr dot hell tropes are welcome. Just make sure that you post any Mature content on a landing page that doesn't restrict Mature content (like AO3). I don’t want anyone getting their blog banned. We cannot defeat our capitalist overlords, but we can definitely work around them.
This fanweek will not have a dedicated blog. These prompts are free for anyone to use. Because it is a non-traditional, non-monetized, and free-to-opt-in casual event, there will be no mods but moi, no advertising of paid services, and no ratings or participant restrictions. I will open a collection on AO3 in August for anyone who wants their work collated for this event.
In order to ensure that both creators and the audience are making informed decisions about what they engage with, all creators are encouraged to include triggers and any other squick warnings. 
Please utilize the read-more function for fanworks that are longer than 250 words. We're tryna read yer stories, not get spammed with a wall of text. Please Be Courteous.
And last but not least - if you are engaging with any of the fanworks, reblog, reblog, reblog! Share the work with your followers. Send all the love to the creators for crafting their masterpieces!!
What can I contribute?
Fanart (standalones, comic strips, etc.), fanfiction (one-shots, multichapter, etc.), fanmixes, gifsets, graphics, meme collections, fanvids, ship essays and meta, songifics, playlists, poetry, whatever your heart desires! Go wild!!!
Can I create/write not-safe-for-tunglr dot hell content?
Yes!!! All creators are encouraged to include triggers warnings, sub-genre specifications, and other warnings in their posts. I will not discourage you from writing your 16k Bart Goes Insane Over Kon fic, but please... Be Courteous and tag your fanworks appropriately so people can make an informed decision about what they're comfortable with engaging with.
What does (X) prompt mean?
Each day has three prompts!! You can either pick a prompt OR you can combine prompts in different ways. Although the prompts range from The Basics, to Things That Frighten The Barts and Kons, and end with They're Fucking Nasty in Cissie's Basement Because They Can't Afford a Motel, I challenge you to let your imagination take you where you want to go with each prompt!! If you want to explore all three in the same fanwork, then be my guest!! I will not stop you :'>
Mainstream Canon, Elsewords, and AU content is acceptable! Just make sure to stay within the comicsverse. We have SO MUCH BARTKON MADNESS IN THE COMICS, SO PLAY AROUND WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL CANON!!! Creativity is key! Have fun!!!
Can I crackship/multiship/harem/OT3/polyam the characters?
No. It's literally BartKon Week, Heart & Bones Edition. There's like six active fans left on this bitch of an earth. Don't do this to me :'<
Does this have a tag?
During release week, use the general “bartkon” and "konbart" tags to share your work with the wider BartKon fandom on tunglr. You can use whatever other tags you fancy. The best way to share, however, is to directly @ me so that I may reblog it.
I didn’t read a damn thing before this, Ava.
TL;DR: Nearly four months until the fanweek!!! For all fanwork creators out there, now’s the time to start thinking about what prompts you want to utilize for your creations. There are no creative restrictions, but I do ask that you follow these posting tips:
All fanfiction should be under a read-more.  
Not-safe-for-tunglr fanwork should be LINKED to whatever landing site the content is being hosted on (Twitter, AO3, etc). This includes both fanfiction and fanart. I don’t want your blog getting flagged bc tunglr hates gay people.
Provide content warnings for all triggers, squicks, and sub-genres. Unfortunately, in my ten odd years away from DC Comics, the fandom's seen a resurgence in puritanical behavior and tons of censorship and self-censorship. Please list content warnings on your work but do not be discouraged in sharing your work. If a fancop gets on your ass, block them. Please block as MANY as you can. They're like pests, they're always gonna be there, but their influence can be diminished by staunch blocking and reporting.
You can participate as much as you want!! Maybe you only wanna create for one day? Cool! Maybe you’re an overachieving corporate clown insomniac like myself, and wanna create for every day of the week? Go for it!!! 
The most important thing is to have fun :)
Closing Remarks
Like all my other events I host, this event, too, is entirely selfish. I've loved BartKon since I was a child when I was first introduced to it in the form of Bart/Clark on Smallville. Although I only recently came back to reading DC's mainline comics, BartKon still holds a special place in my heart even after all these years, and the few who still create and engage in their fanworks inspired me to host a little something-something for our small community.
Take your time, look through the prompts, and get your creative juices flowing! I will be sending out reminders until the go-live date.
For the people who showed interest during the initial interest check, I hope you're able to participate. To the people who hate me, your mom's a hoe. Thank you.
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katyahina · 8 months
Burial Blade and Blade of Mercy are made out of meteorite, but WHY? Inspiration and context behind them (+ the source of snake infestation)
This one is a reply on ask from @bobbyzombiegg that I decided to put here because I really keep forgetting to use THIS blog for lore and not my personal/shitposts one...
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I know, and this is such a good observation! I am glad that you've noticed what else connects Burial Blade and Blade of Mercy! Even better - whereas Burial Blade severs the ties of a person with the Dream, Blade of Mercy, in a way, helps to create it!
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The interesting thing about these blades is that, of course, they must have been created before the conception of the Hunter's Dream! It makes it oddly coincidental that both weapons are useful for the cycle of Dream and Hunt, doesn't it? Blade of Mercy is at least believed to contribute to this as of now; the more we hunt the more messengers get added in the Hunter's Dream, so, perhaps, Blade of Mercy is not necessary! My personal interpretation of this is as Paleblood Hunter, our character has the privilege otherwise special for these weapons! Regardless of which weapon they use, they can send those they killed to be messengers (or add them in the cycle of the hunt, like how Henryk or Yamamura will become summonable after we kill them)!
Still, it starts to look like too much was planned ahead? Blade of Mercy said to be made in an old workshop would imply Old Hunters, likely created by Gehrman himself, from the same material as his own weapon! But I think the answer here is that Messengers, something akin to Hunter's Dream and similar weapons existed since Pthumerian times!
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Starting with the weapons observation here! Pthumerian Descendant, interestingly, displays the similar style of transforming their blade into two same as how Blade of Mercy does it! Meanwhile, Gehrman's blade is fashioned similarly to Mergo's Wet Nurse's blades! In isolation, I would not think this means anything.. but crows, according to Hunters of Hunters lore, ARE connected with taking the souls and passing them into Dream realm, which is also Nightmare realm!
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(Link to my other post explaining why Vilebloods descend from Pthumerians ( x ) in case someone who doesn't know already finds this post)
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Wet Nurse herself is very bird-like (crow-like, specifically), and very coincidentally, Baneful Chanters pray to those who "have no blood" as those who'd have enough power to curse the hunters (which is to ensure they go in the Nightmare realm). Wet Nurse not only coincidentally fuels at least one section of Nightmare by nurturing Mergo, the center of it, but also, Nightmare realm has Winter Lanterns whose heads are made of Messengers!
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So we have: Wet Nurse already being quite Pthumerian with her accessories and fighting style, Pthumerians and their descendants (down to Cainhurst!) honoring symbolism of crows, Yharnam (a city named after Queen Yharnam, after all) having depiction of BIRD-like Messenger in its oldest part, superstition about crows taking souls of the murdered in Hunter's Dream, people praying to "bloodless ones" to take the souls into Nightmare instead + evidence of it happening with Winter Lanterns.. In my opinion it is fair to assume that the weapons Gehrman created had a pre-existing inspiration and their similarity to pre-existing Pthumerian weapons is not coincidental!
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Alright, first - I want a Bloodborne prequel where I could make a Pthumerian Paleblood Hunter. Second, as you can see, concept of the Messengers, the "Hunter" symbol/rune (depiction of the hanged man of course), and even the MOONLIGHT Sword were a thing since Pthumerian times! (It is safe to assume Ludwig found this sword somewhere in the Dungeons, as obtaining Radiant Sword Hunter badge is what lets you buy Tomb Prospector set!)
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^ The note already mentioning Laurence associating with Moon Presence, THE Great One of the Hunt and the Dream, is found in Byrgenwerth already! Basically? Without maybe predicting that he would be trapped in the Hunter's Dream one day, Gehrman already knew what he was doing with the weapons.
Conclusion: there was the clear idea in mind! Blade of Mercy, intended to kill people from the start, immortalises the hunters as the HUNTERS and brings them in "Heaven" of Moon Presence, before they turned into beasts, whereas Burial Blade, initially intended for hunting everyone that was no longer human (for example, poor Fish People), ensures they, on the contrary, never go to "Heaven". What later serves to sever a Hunter from the Hunter's Dream initially intended to sever non-humans from it, in a way sentensing them to "Hell". :) Gehrman is a fun person.
+ Also some bonus observations regarding the topic of Yharnamites still continuing Pthumerian traditions, likely brought back because of Byrgenwerth, and then Healing Church, diving into dungeons:
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(Context for those that didn't play Bloodborne because Sony hates you and you in particular: both this trap in the dungeons and this bath in Yahar'gul warp you in another area, connected by the circle of candles)
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Forbidden Woods, surrounding Byrgenwerth, are full of formations that resemble the Tonsil Stone very much! However, when you examine the woods, you will see that sometimes there are body parts near these "heads"! This could be another case of petrification upon strong arcane impact, similarly to petrified body of Rom near Ebrietas, to petrified bodies of other Kin in Upper Cathedrals covered by fabric, bodies of victims in Yahar'gul, all that!
Were they people living in the woods that started to turn into Kin (like Garden of Eyes that are also found in Byrgenwerth) but didn't live until petrification, or were they baby Great Ones born only to instantly die? I am not sure. Both can work.
But, snakes are an interesting clue here. Besides Forbidden Woods, they are only also found in Hintertombs - a dumping ground for corpses of Pthumeru Ihyll that became venomous! Forgotten Madman, who is a former Choir member as he uses A Call Beyond, is found in these dungeons + getting Cosmic Watcher Badge is what lets you buy Poisonous Knife. Doesn't it look strange for Choir members to pick so much interest in this? Snake infestation might be a strange result of burying cosmic Kin in the ground, a corruption of what would normally be a process of multiple parasites/phantasms settling in a corpse of a cosmic being, OR someone affiliated with one! We do have precedents:
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Cosmic creatures, "downgraded" and "filthied", becoming something eartly instead, such as snakes! One of them was able to raise human children (Madaras twins), so sure they are unusual!
So, what I am trying to say is, it is possible that Tonsil Stone is a result of burial of a dead (and rapidly petrifying) cosmic Kin, one that was yet not rotted like what we see in Forbidden Woods! Maybe even more directly so, it is a petrified skull of a cosmic Kin, most likely of Amygdala's kind, and a "meteorite" in the sense of them coming from space! So, creating weapons both of which are connected with burial ritual from the buried Kin is appropriate! This or similar technology maybe also was discovered by Pthumerians long ago, so examining Hintertombs was a great help with figuring what material to use for Burial Blade and Blade of Mercy!
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^ These disturbing dead cosmic Kin fetuses are found in Byrgenwerth in two forms: one depicts a petrified corpse, something we already knows happens with Kin, such as Rom and eldrich creatures in Upper Cathedral. Another is dead, rotting, showing horns, and has multiple tiny skulls on its head! The latter one gets my point about corpses of Kin, or maybe anyone touched by Kin, sprouting smaller life forms from within. People infected by snake virus sprout several snakes from their heads, rather than turning into a snake or something!
It is entirely possible that Byrgenwerth used to bury creatures like this in the grounds around the college, and that those gigantic graves in Forbidden Woods were for much larger Great Ones: "Hunt the Great Ones. Hunt the Great Ones." note is found in Byrgenwerth as well! They might have been able to resist the full rotting that results into snakes due to their size and development, hence their graves still show sluggish phantasms. Burying other ones, on the other hand, was a big mistake. Or, should I say.... a GRAVE mista- *gets sniped*
These are my thoughts on the topic! You kinda got two theories at the price of one here, but snake infestation was somewhat relevant in the context of burial and my idea of what IS this "meteorite"! Thank you so much for prompting me to tie this theory together at last!!
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Oh man, I have some THOUGHTS (as in, I agree with you and I have another side to contribute from a similar opinion) and a STORY-
I started an AI art project recently, mostly about playing with absurdist concepts, shitposts taken to their logical extreme, the weirdness that really only comes from asking for an absurd concept from an inhuman mathematical model that doesn't understand what makes it absurd and tries to take it as seriously as anything, using the freedom to rework from the ground up almost instantly as an expression of what ADHD is like, and all kinds of other stuff like that, with the aim of recreating or modifying them in physical media.
Yesterday I decided to do something pretty serious from step 1 with it and write down my thoughts about how it's used for...pretty shallow, anti-artistic, and even outright malicious ends, put it in flowery poetic language, and feed THAT to the AI as a prompt.
First attempt gave me some pieces I'm going to be working into physical pieces as planned today!
Second attempt got weird. I was working with a model that is notoriously bad at making human faces in any style. It gave me MULTIPLE good, coherent human faces in MULTIPLE styles. Some had some AI wonk, but were still significantly more lifelike than what you'd usually get if you asked it for a face, even a single known one. Some...looked human-drawn at first glance. The level of detail and coherence was actually terrifying. I even reverse image searched them to make sure it wasn't just recreating one specific thing by accident and that absolutely wasn't the case! One of them clearly took inspiration from the Mona Lisa (likely because that's the portrait that will show up the most if you ask around about the nature of art itself) but the face was 1) exaggerated in the kind of way that usually confuses this model and makes it create just a creepy swirling void instead and 2) more coherent than you usually get asking for a differently styled variant of the Mona Lisa!
It is haunting me. It almost feels like the computer itself saying something about not wanting to be used for some shallow and greedy bastardization of art - I know that's silly to presume as a literal interpretation, of course, but it sure did stir one hell of an emotion.
Like art is supposed to.
This is why I find it...absolutely unbearable how people use this technology just to make shallow pieces with a nice immediate visual impact for quick viewing and treat the uncanniness that appears when you look deeper as a non-element, because imo if you want to treat it as actual art, that weirdness - and what words reduce it unexpectedly - should be some of THE defining elements that set it apart from any other tool you could use!
And if I had the space to complete the project I would totally generate my OWN uncanny flowery cathedral, invite people to look at it until the weirdness sets in, and then unveil a physical model of it in all of its bizarre and unreal glory.
Yes absolutely
I have a sideblog that I post to occasionally, @ai-generated-xenobiology , that plays with the weirdness of the medium a lot. The images there are mainly generated using a combination of several keywords.
I thought, why not interpret uncanny AI generated landscapes as alien worlds, which WOULD be uncanny to us, and figure out how to optimize that?
I've also messed with inputting images to influence the final result and with editing results and using them as inputs again. Which is a lot more "human influence" than otherwise would be included.
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See, I think this is thought provoking art because the uncanny nature of it is a feature, not a bug—it invites you to keep trying to figure out "What am I LOOKING at?" and I think the "otherness" is great. Cool inspiration.
I think the unreal flower cathedral would be great. Imagine an art piece that really messes with the perceptual boundary between "natural" and "man made" space. Impossible geometry but in a "natural" setting. Lots of possibilities.
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a-room-of-my-own · 2 years
I have no idea whether it's accurate or just nostalgia but I feel like radblr has decreased in discourse quality over the years. When I first joined Tumblr around 2016-17 I remember that I was hooked by the thoroughness of the posts, they were uncompromising, thoughtful and sourced.
Atm my impression is that it's mainly rants, shitposting and TRA receipts, which is fine and already existed, but that the actual thinkpieces are gone. If it were a newspaper it'd be like they kept the editorials and comics but got rid of the feature articles. At some point the umpteenth "Moids will really do x while[...]" gets old. You've been here for some time, what's your impression ?
Same 🤷🏼‍♀️
I think many people were not necessarily prepared for transactivism to last a decade, and for a while fighting against it - even at a very small scale like a simple blog - felt like being Don Quixote fighting against windmills. It's only now that the tide is beginning to turn, and it's not exactly a tsunami yet. When something unfair or shocking becomes a part of daily life it's hard to keep the energy you had in the beginning when you thought it was still possible to overturn it before it became too bad.
And to be honest, there were some things I anticipated years ago that were in my mind worst case scenarios, like rapists in women's prisons, sterilized minors, etc... That became reality. I observe all that remotely of course, there is a distance that comes with just being an anonymous blogger and not an activist, but still that gets to me. Sharing receipts and press articles is a way to keep contributing to the discussion, but when the worst became a part of daily life sometimes you just don't know what else to say except I told you so.
I think a lot of women who used to post long, sourced think pieces just took a step back when they observed that, same way I did. Specifically on Tumblr, I think there is also a problem with a certain side of radblr who's not exactly into feminism, but rather into bullying. They're a vocal minority but it's enough to discourage discussions. Writing a long post takes time and hard work, I'm not sure someone coming here today would feel like her ideas would be welcomed and politely discussed the way they could be a few years ago.
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 07/03/2024
Mr. 2​.​718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547594571382178525166427427466391932003059921817413596629043572900334295260595630738132328627943490763233829880753195251019011573834187930702154089149934884167509244761460668082264800168477411853742345442
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume FF
Ripped by The Green Spy
I'm forever going to be mad that I missed the chance to post this rip on February 7th (2.7) instead of Battle Emergency...but hey, 3.7 is pretty close to e as well, isn't it? Also, formal congratulations to the longest-yet title of a rip to be featured on the blog, up against stiff competition like The expanse of meme in past was split, A fiendish trap has now been set; Behind a tree the villains sit, Terror of sport, the Robbie's Net. and If I chopped Pikachu up in a meat grinder, and the only thing that comes out and is left of him is his eyeball, he's PROBABLY dead. Nay, I say, today's rip stands head and shoulders above them both! Today's rip, is Mr. 2​.​718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547594571382178525166427427466391932003059921817413596629043572900334295260595630738132328627943490763233829880753195251019011573834187930702154089149934884167509244761460668082264800168477411853742345442.
Setting aside the absurdity of the title for a moment though, there is some really fun stuff to dig into with this rip. You may recall, be it through having kept up with the blog or just being aware of SiIva's most well-remember rips in general, one of MtH's finest works in 【=3】e-MUNO Disco (vs. 音MAD AGENT) - a Season 2 rip that I think permanently altered the way my brain functions in some way by being my first-ever exposure to Yousuke Yasui's music. Yet sitting amidst the primary jokes in that rip, be it "Minecraft With Gadget" as part of the Inspector Gadget takeover, as well as other then-relevant sources such as Rock My Forum of LAST YTPMV​^​2 OF 2016 fame and the greatest French rapper of our lifetime, there was one quite bizarre source - "e", by the math education YouTube channel Numberphile.
Numberphile's channel itself is incredibly wholesome and useful, and the people contributing to it like James Grime have a genuinely excellent knack for explaining and demonstrating complex concepts in a concise yet wholly understandable way. Their output isn't exactly something you'd think of as memetic - that is, of course, with the exception of the video featuring the funniest thumbnail ever put onto YouTube: e (Euler's Number) - Numberphile. It was simply a perfect storm: the rise in the use of "e" as part of deepfried ironic shitposting of the mid-2010s, the absurd enthusiasm James Grime shows in both the thumbnail and the video's introduction, the eloquence of which he explains the meaning of this silly letter. It only first showed up on SiIvaGunner itself during the start of Season 2, with the aptly titled rip "e", and became sort of a sleeper hit gag during the Season: hell, during this year's SiIvaGunner MAGFest panel, channel manager MtH confirmed that e is still one of her all-time favorite channel memes. And, yeah: its funny factor is shown to great effect in (brace yourselves!) Mr. 2​.​718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547594571382178525166427427466391932003059921817413596629043572900334295260595630738132328627943490763233829880753195251019011573834187930702154089149934884167509244761460668082264800168477411853742345442.
You take a source as prime for YTPMV-ing, sentence mixing and pitch shifting as the original Numberphile video, and attach it to perhaps the greatest YTPMV song of all time in Mr. Patch from Banjo-Tooie (Mr. PACs ~ Obamjo-Roomnie, anyone?), and the result is almost destined to be gold. Putting a source so reliant on making out what the narrator is saying together with a song infamous for its hectic tempo may well have been the biggest challenge preventing a rip like this from having been made, but let us not forget that this is The Green Spy we're dealing with here. And if there's anything I've gathered about The Green Spy as an anonymous contributor through their rips alone, rips like (YTPMV) Bob​-​Omb Battlesources and ESPECIALLY Mad Mew Mew Becoming Uncanny, its that they truly know their stuff about YTPMVs.
The added visuals is just the cherry on top of it all. Though its standard for YTPMVs off of SiIva, and occasionally even on the channel itself such as with Crompton Racing, the visuals on Mr. 2​.​718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547594571382178525166427427466391932003059921817413596629043572900334295260595630738132328627943490763233829880753195251019011573834187930702154089149934884167509244761460668082264800168477411853742345442 are so effective at punctuating every little surprise and detail made to the rip. Be it the surprise appearance of Jack Black's famous "dick!" sample, the brief change to suddenly start listing the number One repeatedly instead of the sequence of numbers that define the joke (and the title!), the uses of "e" from the fonts of WarioWare Smooth Moves, feature in the aforementioned first appearance of Numberphile on SiIva...while the joke hasn't been featured all too frequently on SiIva as of late, its rips like this that make the joke's reappearance always feel triumphant - its the kind of source you have to WORK for to make funny, and The Green Spy pulls it off with absolute aplomb.
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verladyweek · 10 months
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FAQ & General Information
Who can participate in Verlady Week?
Everyone can! You do not need to pass some sort of Verlady shipping proficiency test and it does not matter whether you have been interested in them for years or have just recently discovered them: if you think this event looks interesting and you’d like to be a part of it in some way or another, you are more than welcome to join in on the fun!
What kind of contributions are allowed?
Everything is allowed! Fanart, fanfic, moodboards, memes, shitposts, playlists, headcanons, wips and snippets, poetry, image manipulations and collages, posing your tsums or action figures and taking a picture - there is literally no limit and no restrictions! If you have a fun idea for any of the prompts, go ahead and do it!
What are the minimum requirements for a contribution?
To have fun! Aside from that, absolutely none. There are no minimum word counts or language restrictions and a stick figure drawing will be just as cherished, celebrated and loved by this blog as a fully rendered artwork. All of you are amazing and cool and deserving of some spotlight! We are here to share our love for Vergil and Lady and no matter how much or little you wish to contribute, you are welcome to join in and celebrate with us.
Are there any content restrictions?
No. This event is and forever will remain open to all flavours of Verlady: the good, the bad, the dirty, so to speak. You are allowed to share the most tooth-rotting and wholesome fluff as well as the raunchiest, most depraved PWP you can think of. Dark themes as well as Dead Dove content are allowed. The one single rule every contributor will have to follow through meticulously is to. Tag. Your. Stuff. Thoroughly.
I feel uncomfortable when I see [content] on my dashboard…
And you are so valid! This is why it is so important for everyone to tag their contributions properly - so that you can practice self-care and filter it out! We want to share our love for Verlady together, and we also want to respect each other’s boundaries. When sharing and reblogging contributions, this blog will follow a strict convention of “content warning: [content]” in the tags and you are, at every single point in time, allowed and encouraged to reach out and send a message requesting any content you’d like to be added to the tag list. (Anon asks are always enabled, and you will not need to justify why you would like a certain tag to be added.) The default warnings like “content warning: dub-con” etc. are already part of the tag list, but if you have any more obscure triggers that others might not even consider potentially upsetting, please do not hesitate to request additional content descriptor tags for your convenience!
Why are there so many prompts per day?
Because sometimes one prompt sparks joy but another prompt doesn’t - the prompt list is designed to give you some variety and you can fill as many prompts as you want and as little as you like! Feel free to stick to one prompt only, or to throw everything together into one prompt fill.
Can I combine prompts from multiple days into one fill?
Knock yourself out my friend! The prompts are meant to inspire and if you feel inspired, then they have fulfilled their purpose.
Can I submit my own already published work as contribution?
Yes and no. Fanworks already published that just so happen to coincide with one of the prompts are, of course, allowed to be reblogged by yourself if you feel like you have already created the perfect fit to one of the prompts, however, this blog will only reblog and share content created specifically for this event! That can be something entirely new, made completely from scratch. That can also be a continuation to the thing you have already made and want to expand upon (i.e. a new chapter of a fanfic/new entry to a series, the continuation of a comic, a new fanart to accompany another you have previously made, etc.)
Do I have to participate each day?
No! You participate as much as you want and as little as you like! We all have obligations IRL and sometimes they get in the way of fun things like Verlady Week. You are more than welcome to try and participate each day, but you are just as welcome to only participate on one single day, and just as welcome to not participate at all and just sit back and enjoy and share the things other people want to contribute to the event.
Do I have to be a creator to participate?
No! There will be prompts geared towards people who do not feel confident sharing something they have created. You can still spread the love if you want to!
I really want to do something for a prompt but I think I might not make it in time for the event week.
I feel you! Worry not, friend, for late entries will still be accepted and shared and showered in love. Best case scenario, this event will become a recurring annual thing and I will see your new entry to the event even if you stumble across the prompt list for 2024 in 2025 and still felt inspired to create and share - but at the very, very least I will guarantee you that the event tag (#verladyweek) will be monitored up until December 31st. If you want to be extra sure your late contribution is seen, please feel free to tag @verladyweek in your post.
Where can I share my contributions?
Verlady Week is on Tumblr and AO3. Be sure to tag #verladyweek and feel free to ping @verladyweek to make sure your contribution will be seen and shared by the event account. (There might eventually be an active Twitter account as well, but you will be informed ahead of time if it comes to that. For now, don't bet on it.)
I have a question that was not answered in this post.
Please feel free to reach out and submit an ask, you are never a bother!
-- Mod Sonder
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scary-lasagna · 8 months
Can you give me writing tips kitty? And how to attract readers 🙏🏾
Of course!! This is just whatever came off the top of my head but I’m happy to share more if asked :]
Writing Tips
I’ve taken two years of Creative Writing in highschool, so I’m calling back from whatever I remember.
One of the main things I’ve been trying to do recently is lack filler words. “Was, has, had, were, are, could, etc”. Using these words often will make your writing seem less exquisite than it is, and it can also contribute to the creation of run-on sentences.
Use grammarly. It’s really great and lives up to the hype :]
Writing exercises. They work! Theres different kinds, ranging from simply writing whatever you want, to writing what you don’t want. It will expand your horizons and dip your toes in uncomfy waters that you should be uncomfy in.
Another writing exercise that we did was different styles of writing. Poetry, instructions, descriptions, and even mimicking authors’ writing styles to understand how they write like they do.
A thesaurus is a good investment, not saying you have to buy one, but grammarly has one built in. You can switch out certain words to make them sound more well-thought out and better spoken.
Rereading your work, revising and editing is very important. You will catch your mistakes, and add in words and sentences to accentuate your text.
Another pair of eyes can also help with this, and will also give you an unbiased view of how well your writing flows, as well as any errors you may have missed.
Write convos how you would speak. Dont make it stiff like how the characters are taking, but rather if you were in the conversation yourself. Dont be afraid to add in the spotted “‘Uh, ‘but’, stutters, pauses, and even using ‘voice’ in words.
How to attract readers
Comedy sells! People will always love a quick laugh, no matter what it is. Could be a quote post or even just a shitpost that will take off overnight. Either way, it will guide people to your blog.
Know what people like. Post polls, pay attention to notes and reblogs, and see what’s popular on others’ blogs. Certain audiences may like short headcanons, and others may like long paragraphs, and some will even like full stories!
Play into the algorithm with tags. Tag your heart out, because ultimately this is your blog’s main income for new readers!
Think about what you would type if you’re searching for a certain something. “Creepypasta x reader”, “[Character] x reader”, “Creepypasta headcanons”, “platonic”, “yandere x reader” and the like. You won’t be able to control who reblogs your posts, but you’ll be able to plop your post right into the laps of those who ask for it!
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breakingblorbos · 5 months
Pinned Post/Blog Info!
Hiya!! Welcome to my BrBa & BCS focused blog! 👋🏼😊 The primary purpose of this pinned post is to give some info about me, my blog, and what you can expect to find on it. Everything below the cut is not required reading to follow or interact; merely just additional info if you are interested, or if you want to make requests. The only thing I require you to read is the following disclaimer:
This is an 18+ blog ran by an adult. You will find NSFT art/fic, dark and potentially upsetting themes, as is common for the BrBa/BCS universe. And I make very thirsty comments & posts about my blorbos, so just keep that in mind. However!! I am not going to restrict anyone from following/interacting with my blog. Use your own discretion and awareness. That's your responsibility, not mine. Anything that needs a content warning will be tagged appropriately, of course.
🌌About Me!🪐
Basic info - You can call me either Orion or Riley! I'm 25, neurodivergent, trans masc & nonbinary, and bisexual. Pronouns are he/him and they/them. I do also live in New Mexico (born and raised babyy!), which makes the shows that much more special to me!! I'm very friendly and open, but also very shy, so I tend to not reach out to folks even when I want to talk to them (which, honestly, is most of y'all. Oops.) If you ever do feel compelled to chat with me, please don't hesitate! I'm super excited to talk about BrBa/BCS with literally anybody!
I'm a writer, but I struggle hard with getting anything actually published on here or AO3. I try to write but it's not nearly consistent enough to ever expect anything from me. I'm working towards getting better at this! My main hurdle to overcome is my perfectionism and my fear of rejection (RSD).
I have a lot of interests, being autistic, so the only important one to list here is obviously Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. You can certainly ask about my other interests, and I'll be happy to tell you more! I like to keep my special interests all separate on their own dedicated blogs, so that was the main motivation behind creating this one. Which leads me to the next section:
☣️About This Blog!⚗️
Most of the content is gonna be reblogs from others: fanart, fics, writings, memes, shitposts, etc. I myself am not an artist and cannot contribute with art even though I wish I could, but I may sometimes write little drabbles, oneshots, and universe willing, fic chapters for my ships/blorbos (more info on that below ↓). If you want to see something in particular, you're more than welcome to submit a request! I think I have a lot more motivation to write when I get specifically asked to write something, perhaps?
My main blorbos: (red shows the character currently occupying my braincell the most rn)
🥊Tuco Salamanca
🐍Nacho Varga (and by extension, Vaas Montenegro. I simply love MM.)
💀Marco & Leonel Salamanca
❤️‍🩹Jesse Pinkman
🎭Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
Of course, I adore all the characters (except Walt ofc) and they're all very special to me!! But these seven men listed above have an absolute chokehold on my brain at any given time lmao, so they will be featured prominently in this blog.
My fave ships:
Default ship is character x reader
Vaacho (Vaas x Nacho)
Lacho (Nacho x Lalo)
Beef Sandwich (Nacho x Twins) I fucking love this ship name holy shit
Tucho (Tuco x Nacho)
McWexler (Kim x Jimmy)
Jesse x Jane
Jesse x Andrea
Jesse x happiness (this is a joke, but also not. Man deserves it.)
My asks are always open for questions, requests, or really anything! I love sending/receiving asks and interacting with this fandom! If you're interested in requesting a writing from me, first read this list of what I will and won't write before you submit your request:
Yes, no problem!
Vast majority of ships
Reader Inserts
Gender Swaps
Toxic Relationship
Most Kinks & Fetishes
Please ask first!
Fandom Crossovers (mostly just to ensure I know the fandom)
Consensual Noncon (depends on character)
No, I will not!
In/ce/st Ships (i.e. twincest, cousins)
Explicit content involving underage characters
Ageplay (calling a character daddy doesn't count lol)
Extreme Kinks, such as s/ca/t, v/or/e, n/ecr/o, etc.
Keep in mind that I reserve the right to deny your request for any reason, including no reason at all! 9 times out of 10 this won't be necessary, but if you're rude or demanding non-jokingly, I won't write for you! Just be chill and it'll be Saul Goodman! :)
Also I don't have a Masterlist to link here, because I've never posted anything ever! It's all just vibing in my Google Docs while I polish and tweak until the end of time! Fun! :D /s
So, yeah, I suppose that's the long and the short of it. I didn't expect for this to be so long, but I have a tendency to just keep adding details to things! Good for writing; not great for writing a blog intro. I'll edit as needed over time, though. Thanks for reading if you got this far! Seriously, props to you. Here's a cookie mwah 🤲🏼🍪
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freelanceexorcist · 8 months
So I'm a-speculatin' again. I was bored, and you know how these things go.
Wouldn't it be funny if any of my crazy shitposts end up actually happening? Maybe some of my dad's talent rubbed off on me. He was a wizard when it came to guessing the twists and endings to stories. My mom never let him live down spoiling the ending of The Sixth Sense in the middle of the movie.
Anyway, on with the show. Under a cut for spoilers and length.
I’ve had the feeling lately that Ever Crisis’ First Soldier story doesn’t take place in the prime timeline of Remake. There are a couple of things that lead me to think this.
First, there's a retcon that Sephiroth was given a picture of Lucrecia and knows she's his mother but was given the wrong name. But what if it wasn't actually a retcon?
What if in another timeline Sephiroth having at least a picture of Lucrecia made his story progress in a different way? In the original game timeline, which I presume Crisis Core takes place in, him not even knowing what his mother looked like was a big deal. It's probably a big part of why he so quickly cleaved to Jenova. He didn't have anything to compare her to. What if the past change that the end of the Whispers enabled was for Hojo to take at least a little bit of pity on the kid and give him a picture of his actual mom?
Another one that may or may not be a whiffed translation has Sephiroth saying that he’s one of Hojo’s SOLDIERs. That implies that he wasn’t the only one produced by Project S. Him knowing how different he was contributed to his isolation and feelings of otherness. What if there were others in this new timeline who were like him? Yes this could absolutely be a localization brain fart that conveyed something that wasn't intended.
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I mean, even if they thought he was a Cetra at first, it would make sense for them to engineer more than one of them. It’s not smart to put all your eggs in one basket. What if he got sick and died? What if he ran away? What if someone kidnapped him and put him in hiding? Then it would be back to the drawing board and all those years wasted.
So they made some more. The heir and the spares if you will. But that would mean that Sephiroth wasn’t so damn alone growing up. There were others like him. And like him, they were all repurposed as SOLDIER when the Promised Land Finder thing didn’t pan out.
They could be his half-siblings or the product of incentivized (or let’s face it, forced because this is Shinra we’re talking about) pregnancies. I actually had a fleeting idea a while back for an AU where Shinra pulled off a secular version of the “crisis pregnancy center” scam where they lured abortion-seeking pregnant women in then pulled a bait and switch with “if you continue the pregnancy, we’ll take care of all your needs, pay you a stipend then pay you handsomely to give the kid to us for adoption once it’s born. You just need to undergo regular ‘medical care’ (wink, wink). Don’t worry about those visions of your kid murdering everyone, that’s just pregnancy brain messing with you.” The women who changed their minds at the end and tried to escape with their babies were, of course…dealt with. *makes knife slash gesture across throat with thumb*
There’s also the potential difference of “recreate the Cetra” not being a thing in the first place. What if creating child supersoldiers who are better able to withstand mako infusions was the objective from the very beginning? If any of the original First SOLDIER game lore is in play, the program began fifteen years before the events of Sephiroth’s chapters in Ever Crisis. Shinra stopped giving mako treatments because they were killing the potential SOLDIER applicants and they went instead with the P-0 SOLDIERs who got their skills and strength through Training from Hell (warning: TV Tropes).
If I was a human rights-violating psychopath, I'd say that it would make more sense to mass produce kids who already have the ability to tolerate a lot of mako infusions than to expose the company to the PR nightmare of a bunch of deaths.
It just makes sense for there to be more than just one if Sephiroth was such a successful outcome. It makes sense for there to be a small army of Sephiroths trained up, indoctrinated and ready to make short work of all of Shinra’s enemies worldwide.
Anyway, I feel like I kinda veered off track, so I’ll wrap this up by saying what if Ore Sephiroth is Baby Seph all grown up and his life turned out quite a bit differently?
If you've stuck around this long, thank you for reading!
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chainsawcorazon · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
i was tagged by cousin @radioactive-earthshine
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
175 published works! I do not count any WIPs, outlines, notes scratched longhand, or random shitposts I make on the tunglr because that's another 1700+ 😂😂😂
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
According to my stats page.... 1,218,398. So 1.2 million+ words published since maybe 2010. Everything prior to 2010 was deleted because I was super embarrassed of what I used to write 😭
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I follow my heart so my AO3 is basically my fixation chart in real-time. Way too many specific fandoms to count, but in terms of medium: I write for a lot of manga fandoms, used to write kpop fanfiction as a kid, still write kdrama fanfiction whenever something catches my eye, and of course comic books and wrestling. I also have a handful of fanfics for books.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Shadow Dance (Captain America/Avengers movies) Sometimes Love Starts in the Bed [Or that One Week Kamui Tried His Parents' Approach at Romance] (Gintama manga) To the Rhythm of His Love (Black Clover manga) Tere Liye, Hum Hain Jiye (Black Clover manga) Red Bangles, Black Anklets (Naruto manga)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments!! It makes me feel special lmao 😂
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ephemeral (Hunter x Hunter manga). I basically wrote the ending for the Dark Continent arc (since it's unlikely it'll ever get finished), and sank the boat and all its passengers while making my OTP end up together in heaven after they both died 😂😂😂
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Leoht Unfæger (Beyond Evil kdrama). Basically wrote a novella repairing my ship's relationship that the kdrama had done serious damage to. They got married in the end even though one half went to jail for contributing to the other half's sister's demise. Oh, and the same guy who went to jail also used to bang the sister 😂😂😂
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Regularly! I'm pretty vocal about my likes and dislikes, and many times, by behavior has invited demons into me house. During my Black Clover fandumbing days, a crackhead used to make it their mission to leave hateful comments on my fics. I don't delete them however. Most of the time it makes me laugh bc you can figure out the speech patterns and tag exactly who it is that wrote it. I like to think ten years down the line, they'll look back on their clownery and let the shame eat them alive.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
It depends! During my kpoppie days, I did a crossover of my favorite band and one of my favorite kdramas, and never finished it (even though I have the ending outlined on paper). It really depends on the fandoms and if I find synergy between them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Probably lol, but not that I know of. I grew up during the asianfanfics days, and used to post fanfiction on other sites before I got an AO3 account. It was not uncommon to see fanfiction stolen from LJ and other sites that were then posted to asianfanfics, which had a notorious plagiarism issue.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I have three in circulation in the Russian language, and one that was translated into Chinese!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Nope, unless RPing during the third grade on Naruto forums counts as collaborating on fanfic 😂😂😂
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
It changes every day bc I am dynamic and go with me heart. But also note, for some of my favorite ships, I've either never written fanfiction for, or it's no longer available cuz I done deleted it, so I'll just note my CURRENT haunts (which may or may not be decades old... sad 😂).
Comic books: Jon Kent/Jay Nakamura, Bart Allen/Kon El
Manga: Asta/Liebe, Jack the Ripper/Yami Sukehiro
Who knows what I will like tomorrow.... I certainly don't 🤪
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Smallville Earth 2 post-canon fic outline I've had sitting in my drafts for over ten years....... Inshallah one of these days, but I sincerely doubt it 😂😂😂
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Building dread, purple prosing, and writing the saddest sadz before giving folks the happy ending. I'm also a slowburn maestro. Love horror, but usually end up writing more romance than plain horror LOL 👽
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
I be overthinking shit, or I be outlining something and saying I'm finna write it but then I don't because I end up getting distracted by something else. I have a Prison Playbook kdrama fic outline that's nineteen pages long that I will never write out bc I got distracted by ANOTHER kdrama. I have OCD but that shit apparently has no impact on my publication goals 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Love it! I'm fluent in multiple languages, so I love peppering in different languages in my fanfics, and regularly borrow from Hindi and Arabic language songs, poems, and other media to title fics. Maybe 30% of my fanfiction is inspired by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan songs. It do be like that sometimes djhfgdfgdf
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I genuinely don't remember anymore, it has been SO long. All I DO know is that I deleted it all because I was an embarrassed baby and really wish I hadn't. It can be anything between the following fandoms: Yugioh, X-Men comics, Bleach, Smallville, some variant of old teen movies, etc. I seriously don't remember which one, but ONE of them. lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
All of them. I bleed words. I be rereading my own fanfiction like they're the hottest novels on the stands. I try to read other fanfiction when the mood strikes, but I myself am my target audience, so I be writing things that I know I'm gonna reread years down the line. For example, my HxH fanfics are still my favorite fanfics from the fandom cuz nobody else was writing Hisoka/true!form!Bisky, and few people were dedicated to Melody/Kurapika. I'm a narcissist 👽👽👽
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
Here’s a thing:
I’ve seen a lot of Talia fans bothered by various posts about the Dick and Talia scene in Urban Legends, and like.....they’re absolutely right to be, IMO. I get it. I don’t blame them in the least and I’m not a fan of my own part in that.
So yeah...I don’t actually love the joke posts I made about the Dick and Talia thing the other night, or the atmosphere they’ve helped extend around that. They were just reactive shitposts I made in the moment without really thinking things through or how they’d be received or impact they could have. And not only are they not really representative of how I really see Dick and Talia’s dynamic, which DOES diverge significantly from a lot of greater fandom opinions on them....I also just shouldn’t have taken that Talia characterization at face value, and the whole thing (both the story and my own reaction to it) does a great disservice to her character and fans. After actually thinking about it a bit, like, that was A Mistake and one I’m not thrilled about and I can’t really walk it back but hopefully I can course correct a bit with some follow up.
The thing is, I don’t fuck with Morrison’s characterization of Talia, or Talia As Rapist, whatsoever. Hate it with a passion. But that doesn’t change the fact that it informs a lot of how she’s treated and talked about in both canon and fandom, and that awareness needs to be prioritized as a factor in convos about her. I don’t actually like emphasizing Dick and Talia at odds over Damian, as I think Damian has absolutely nothing to do with why they might not like each other. I’m firmly in the camp of Let Dick Be Damian’s Brother as opposed to seeing him as one of Damian’s parents, but I AM aware of how others view Dick and Talia as pitted against each other like rival parental figures where one is seen waaaaaaay more favorably than the other, and I really should have taken that into account before posting stuff that could easily feed into that regardless of whether or not that was my intent.
And above all else, there’s the fact that Talia has long been subjected to racist takes by both canon and fandom in ways that Dick absolutely has not. Even if like me you absolutely do view him and engage with his character as a character of color as well, this is not interchangeable with the way racism has factored into Talia’s writing and reception, and not factoring that in to how we talk about these characters or the dynamic we give them is a problem.
None of that was anywhere in anything I said on the topic the other day, and the jokes I contributed shouldn’t be more central to how Talia’s being talked about right now, than all of that instead.
So, here’s a better exploration of how I view Dick and Talia, or think they can be portrayed.
I do see Dick and Talia as mutually antagonistic but for reasons that have nothing to do with Damian. I think a lot of it is Dick’s fault, actually, and I do think there’s potential for humor in the idea that Dick’s attitude towards her is kinda childish and rooted in resentments he built up towards her as a kid, and that he’s never actually unpacked as he got older. But that only really works if its kept centered that he ISN’T rational about this and shouldn’t be validated for it.
This is as much headcanon as canon because I DON’T like the reasons canon has given for why Dick and Talia don’t get along. But I think that you could go with an angle that builds on Dick’s own insecurities and fears of impermanence about his living situation and relationship with Bruce, back when he was younger (assuming you’re interested in takes that build or assume a history of interactions that predate when they first met in pre-Reboot continuity, as Dick was already in college by then).
Point is, I think there’s angles from which Dick might have felt threatened by Talia’s presence in Bruce’s life in ways he never was by Selina’s, because Selina herself is rarely shown entertaining the idea of actually making her relationship with Bruce a cemented, permanent thing that WOULD affect Dick by extension. 
In contrast, Talia’s presence in Bruce’s life (pre-Morrison) came with more visible conflict for Bruce, because both Talia and Bruce could more obviously be seen as struggling with the desire to turn their back on their respective beliefs/methodologies in order TO be with the other.
(After all, in the original story in which Bruce and Talia had a child, this was literally what happened.)
So, in any fic, headcanon or continuity that has Bruce and Talia engage in a will-they/won’t-they narrative while Dick is Robin....Dick might have worried about Talia’s impact on Bruce - and the impact this would have on him - in ways he never did about Selina. Because historically, there was never really much of a question of if Bruce would give up being Batman or uproot himself to be with Selina. It was a non-factor. In contrast, the eternal conflict in Bruce and Talia’s relationship might well be that they’re both too steadfast in their personal convictions to ever be willing to fully put them aside in order to be with the other, despite all the ways and areas they disagree - BUT the conflict there is more evident, or might have been in a younger Dick’s eyes. Whether or not Bruce might actually do that could very well have been less of a given, from a third party perspective.
And again....this could absolutely be something that Dick worried about and felt threatened by, because he didn’t take it as a given that if Bruce did drastically change his life to be with Talia, he would prioritize or de facto take or keep Dick with him, no matter how much things changed. As I frequently talk about in terms of the juvie origin or headcanons or narratives stemming from it, those things don’t exactly lend themselves to a younger Dick Grayson having absolute belief that his place in Bruce’s life and household was unshakeable. And even when he was younger and he and Bruce were arguably much closer, they still didn’t necessarily have the kind of dynamic where Dick would voluntarily raise his fears or concerns about this kinda thing.
So yeah, I do think there’s room for Dick to default to being a childish asshole about all things Talia, even if the reasoning is he’s gotten used to just being that way ever since he was a kid and he’s never really interrogated himself on WHY that is, or if it...HAS to be that way.
And on Talia’s side of things, it could be as simple as....she’s not the kind of person who’s going to put up with that or being treated that way, no matter who’s doing it. Ironically, you could say her very willingness to regard Dick as being as mature and capable as his vigilantism from a young age suggests he should be or at least COULD be.....this could absolutely be an angle for her being yeah, I’m not gonna try and be nice to someone who’s being an absolute shit to me because I DON’T view him as just being a kid who doesn’t know better. I’m viewing and engaging with him as the chosen partner of my beloved, who fully trusts his capabilities and judgment in the field and when encountering all kinds of enemies and hostile adversaries.
On a somewhat related note, I think it could be argued that Dick ‘gets’ Selina more than he does Talia, because he finds it easier to relate to or understand Selina’s flexibility and adaptability when it comes to fitting into various situations or how she engages with different scenarios. It makes sense to him because he’s the same way about a lot of stuff and how he’s adapted to the major changes throughout his life. In comparison, it could be argued that Talia and Bruce are a lot more of a matched pair there, more obvious foils in the way that they’re a lot less apologetic about planting their feet and stubbornly resisting attempts to change their mind or get them to go another way - they absolutely might have doubts or second-guess themselves internally, but that’s for them to process in their own ways and time, and not something they’re gonna just let anyone in on. 
And its not like Dick or Selina are ‘apologetic’ about their own approaches or convictions, or that they don’t also play their cards close to their chests, its just....it looks different when they do it. So when Talia does it - like Bruce - its not as apparent to Dick, he doesn’t intuit it or innately assume there’s more going on under the surface or that their words or actions might not one hundred percent reflect what they’re thinking or how sure they are about what they’re doing or saying.
What this then could translate into, practically speaking, is that Dick’s always seen Talia as a more direct parallel to Bruce. And the thing is.....we all know Dick has Issues with a capital I, when it comes to how Bruce does a lot of things. How resistant he is to bending on various matters, how unapologetic he can be....his dad pisses him off a lot, is the big takeaway there. But at the end of the day, Bruce is still his dad, and Dick can always look back on the history of love they have between them, the breadth and scope of their relationship as partners and as father and son. Dick’s biased when it comes to Bruce, is the thing. And this factors into how Dick views some of Bruce’s worst acts, how willing or not he is to forgive him for stuff, how far outside of his own comfort zone or personal worldview he’s willing to make an EFFORT to step in order to try and see where Bruce is coming from with stuff or understand his POV. 
How well Dick knows Bruce OUTSIDE of just the areas where they conflict, how much he WANTS to understand where Bruce is coming from when he doesn’t get why Bruce would do something....this of course plays a huge role in how invested Dick stays in his relationship with his father no matter what happens between them. How quick he is to give him the benefit of the doubt even when everyone else is pissed at Bruce and condemning him for something, why he’s so willing to advocate for Bruce even when he feels personally hurt by his choices as well.
But this investment flat out doesn’t exist in his own dynamic with Talia....and vice versa, because again, I think its just as true that Talia finds a lot of Dick’s choices and priorities equally baffling. Where Dick might not get why Bruce does something or agree with his choices, he still wants to reconcile that with the father he loves and knows loves him....but he has no such need or willingness to try and reconcile or understand Talia’s motivations. Similarly, where Talia might be frustrated by how stubborn Bruce is on something, even how naive she might consider him for a divergent point of view or methodology....she makes allowances for it, doesn’t prioritize that in how she views him overall, because she’s invested in the man Bruce is BESIDES just the times and ways they disagree. She adjusts and compensates because Bruce matters enough to her that she’s looking for reasons to find common ground or a workable compromise. 
But even when Dick does or professes something identical to what Bruce would do or believes himself, something he might even have picked up from Bruce or been taught by him....Talia’s more naturally inclined to lean into how stupid she thinks this is or how frustrating she finds it, because she has no real stake in TRYING to do otherwise.
And honestly - I think you could also make a case or a story out of how much Dick’s antagonism towards Talia is because he, well, kinda scapegoats her in order to compensate for how frustrated he is with Bruce when it comes to ways and areas Bruce and Talia ARE alike. Dick might not be willing to LET himself be as frustrated or upset with his father as some of his choices make him.....but he sees no need to make such allowances when it comes to Talia even if what she’s doing isn’t much different from what Bruce would in a similar situation.
Cue up my feelings about Vengeance Academy, and how Dick knowing Talia’s involvement in it is all you’d ever need to explain them being eternally at odds.
Because, for instance, both Bruce and Talia show a history of being willing to train people from a very young age and put them into situations most people would consider them far too young for, because they do view them as capable of handling themselves and see this as a way to empower them or even enhance their chances of survival if they viewed them as inherently endangered because of who they were or other circumstances surrounding them.
And again, I think most people would agree that even with all the good things Dick associates with being Robin and his childhood of vigilantism, that same childhood vigilantism majorly contributed to ways in which he is fucked up. But even when in the throes of PTSD garnered from something that happened when Dick was Robin....the good things Dick associates with being Robin, being Bruce’s partner...those are still there. There’s no way for Dick to ever fully untangle the good from the bad, they go hand in hand. For all that he got hurt, too much of the very foundations of his and Bruce’s bond are rooted in those very same years of fighting side by side....for Dick to ever be able to truly regret being Robin or condemn Bruce for his role in the bigger picture, even when he does resent or blame Bruce for choices he made in specific stories.
But the same influencing or mitigating bias doesn’t innately extend to Talia’s role in enabling (his words) or empowering (hers) other kids from a young age. In fact, Dick’s views of Talia in this regard could easily be fueled or amplified by all the things he might deep down believe about how his own childhood vigilantism impacted him....but will never actually voice or maybe even face, because that risks straying too close to suggesting he regrets things he’s afraid or unwilling to regret, because of all the good he associates along with it.
He CAN’T judge Bruce too harshly, for all the things he associates with his childhood vigilantism....without feeling ungrateful for the stuff he DOESN’T regret, or without risking condemning himself for the mentoring and leadership role he’s had with other young heroes and his own successors.
Its too personal to him, he’s too entangled in it all.
But with Talia, it looks totally different, and he might honestly believe he’s being objective here. 
But TO Talia, this is only ever going to look one way: hypocritical. She’s understandably not going to be down for being judged for a lot of the exact same things Dick gives his father and family friends and himself a pass for, because they all do it ‘for the right reasons.’
And its not like being hypocritical here makes Dick a terrible character, or invalidates any of his own stories or choices, or sacrifices him for the sake of Talia’s character, lol, it just means what most of us are all in complete agreement about: he needs more therapy than he’s actually had! He’s got soooo much more to unpack about his entire life than what he’s actually unpacked! He can’t tell he’s not being objective because he has no clue how truly unobjective he actually is in a lot of instances!
But bottom line is.....I don’t think any of this has to vilify either Dick or Talia. It can just be conflict that’s born of them both being human and having very different perspectives on each other and their mutual dynamic. Either of them sniping at each other, preemptively or reactively, doesn’t have to be anything other than just....messy. This absolutely doesn’t make Dick her victim, it actually makes him the majority of the problem, to be frank, and I like that, honestly? I’m never going to NOT be one of the most annoying people in the room when I think Dick’s being condemned or criticized for shit I don’t think was his fault or that there’s context for that’s being left out of the conversation, let’s be real. But this is not that, and its actually a really good venue for showing how he IS flawed without asking him to be held accountable for more than his fair share of stuff.
And I think in character, Talia would roll her eyes at the very idea that being antagonized by her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend’s oldest kid is anything other than annoying or inconvenient for her - but it can still be those things! But it only works if things are kept appropriately framed and we’re not tipping the see-saw into trying to hold her accountable for a conflict that even IF you claim Dick only started when a child, he’s still perpetuating in stories where he’s an adult. Like, I’m just not a ‘turn the other cheek’ kinda person or fan and in favor of expecting a person or character to take the high road instead of just paying back in kind, the same energy someone gives them. But that’s a two-way street and it ONLY works as a two-way street.
So anyway. That’s my actual take on their dynamic, or what I headcanon or interpret their dynamic as being in various stories or when I write them myself. But even as the basis for how I view them and talk about them, it was nowhere on display in the posts I made the other night. So there’s no way it COULD have informed the conversation and how it was picked up and passed along and perpetuated by other people. And that’s one hundred percent on me, and not what I’d really like my contribution to the conversation to be.
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chuu-huahua · 2 years
about this blog!
lol this is actually my bsd/shitposting side blog, my main is @rei-venus
account has been abandoned ‼️
also my bsd oc ideas here (need to figure out nice tags for them first of course), so i hope that whatever i write wont be taken to heart/as the actual representation of the characters! if you guys have any ideas for the plot as well feel free to send an ask, be it anonymous or not, and contribute to my ever growing plot that i am never going to actually write out :)
i’m not actually gonna be writing a lot of bsd x reader content (it feels weird). there might be a few bsd x oc because i need to actually plan out stuff, but most of it is ship content like skk 
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hoodie-prince-kid · 2 years
it's crazy to me that not one but t w o posts have gone by on my dash by an artist i follow whose work is absolutely amazing and more people should appreciate it and yet the most popular posts the artist has are the shitposts. and that really strikes a bad chord with me because not only do i know how this feels, but seeing it happen with one of my favorite creators just makes it worse to me. like, the shitposty comic has almost 10k notes already when the comic that takes the artist literal d a y s to get a single page out is barely under an average of 700 notes per page. like, that's painful, and i really wish people didn't do that. this is why i make it a point to always reblog the higher-effort art when i see it. (of course i like the shitposty stuff too, but i don't want to contribute to someone feeling inadequate about their work.)
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soulfullionbunny · 3 months
Profiling Man or Woman based on their post and interactions.
You know how guys always get shit on by girls bcs they don’t validate girls emotional rant. For example, girls talking about their problem and guys instead of riding the conversation and emotional wave, just downright solve the problems. Yeah a lot of people talking about this and the point mainly is guys is logical creature that is tasked to solve problems in the world, while girls are emotional creature that is tasked to feel the world. And based on what I see. This is a reliable male and female split. Some sources online try to change this split by making the logical (male typically) to be more emotionally aware when their partner (female typically) bidding for emotional connection. Now that you mention it, x de lak aku nmpk orng suruh the emotional to be logical. Memanjang kena layan emosi susah ah. Anyway, my point is this logical emotional split is kinda reliable to determine the gender of someone. Of course it’s a rough guess and not a sure hit every time because behaviors not only determined by the environment, but also their social interaction growing up.
So now I have established the traits, now I want to explain how I use it. Im one of those logical people yg a provider or solution rather than lamenting on the problem itself. Due to that I got shit on by my ex. So I learn how to differentiate a bid for emotional connection and a request for solution. With this ability it is useful on a different platform, which is… the internet comment section. Im active on Reddit, a place where shitpost is easy to get. Of course, Reddit is popular for annoying people to gather, especially when they spend most of their time on it. They are of course what you call them chronically online people where a touch of grass could kill them. They infested most of the forum. No forum is safe whether arts, STEM, News, or memes. They are everywhere. Diorng ni annoying sbb 1) they always complaining and 2) they never contribute anything useful.
So what is the connection between logic-emotion thinking with reddit? Well recently I found out that I can profile someone whether they are guy or girl based on their writing style. I have guessed 13 post/rant, and correct 10/13. I would say this is reliable so far but do need further testing. Women selalunya ranting about stuff, and they get mad when the comment section provides the solution instead of melayan hahah. Men however would post about their opinion about a problem and solution but then get mad when people question the morality and/or the ethics or their “solution”. Basically they want people to approve their take on a subject even though it lack the humanity behind it. Not necessarily evil, just out of touch and too pragmatic. So if this happened enough time for it to be a reliable pattern, shouldn't it make sense that this split is not only a mere intentional social construct but actually has a proper basis through years of social interactions and observations for its existence? Further research is required. Maybe if honed, i can determine their age and rough background. Who knows?
Side note: This also not only applied in reddit je, dia also viable kat anywhere yg ada orang commenting or typing. Twitter contohnya. The weakness of this technique however is the need of a long post and the interaction of the poster with their commentors for the patterns to emerge.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 20/04/2024
5 Nights of Snop Dog
Season 1 Featured on: Five Nights at Freddy's Original Soundtrack
Ripped by The Living Tombstone
Requested by Sabybeal, fezaki, robvatopper and an anonymous reader! (Request Form, Discord)
Yes, you read the ripper's name right. The very same The Living Tombstone whose headlining Five Nights at Freddy's fan song was recently featured in the franchise's debut feature film, has three credits to his name on the SiIvaGunner channel. And while yes, there's lots to say on the latter two as well, his debut rip back in Season 1 has been THE most requested rip for me to cover on here for a very good reason. For the annual weed day of 4/20, I shall provide you all with your long-running request - 5 Nights of Snop Dog.
For as much as SiIvaGunner as a channel has grown over the years, it's easy to forget that it all just started with a group of SoundCloud shitposters fucking around. The indirect nature of the channel's usual content means that this history isn't exactly one that gets brought up a lot, you can find traces of it in rips like History of the Enemy and anecdotes from team members on Twitter or Discord, but it really isn't all that important to how the channel has evolved since. SiIvaGunner began as an evolution of ideas flirted around with by SoundCloud's shitpostier side - "SoundClown" - and gradually grew to form an all-new audience completely unaware of just how the channel was started to begin with. I wrote a narrative in my post on Shopping on Star Road that the rip felt extra impactful as a tribute from one side of SoundCloud to the other, but really - how many of you reading knew that the SiIvaGunner team had notable history on the platform?
Of course, all of this talk about SoundCloud and SiIvaGunner's origins all circles back to the channel's founder, Chaze the Chat. He's contributed to many a good rip that I've covered on here, be it passion projects like Everyday Goodbyes (SiIvaGunner Band Cover) or sillier stuff like Take You To The Desert - but sure enough, he was on SoundCloud making silly mashups as far back as mid-2015. In that timeframe before SiIvaGunner but during his mashup days, Chaze the Chat would receive an outright legendary comment on his profile, a comment that you'd see echoed from time to time in the early days of SiIvaGunner itself from others in on the joke. Sometime in 2015, user Crimpsonfang9 handed Chaze the Chat one very simple ask: "I have a request - its five nights of snop dog".
It's the kind of unintentionally hilarious thing that was bound to become a running gag, the perfect storm in so many ways. The misspelling of Snoop Dogg, the completely unclear idea for the mashup (what music does FNAF have to put snop dog in?), the idea that this would have to be requested rather than just made by the person themselves...SiIvaGunner itself would, and still do, get tons of requests from new fans, but if you want something made, the best way to do it is to get it done yourself - but for this one legendary request in particular, Chaze the Chat saw it fit to go the absolute extra mile. "Five Nights of snop dog" HAD to involve The Living Tombstone's Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Song, and what better way to get that done was there than to ask the man himself?
And so, on one July day, we were treated to 5 Nights of Snop Dog, with an opening dialogue directly referencing the inside joke, bringing it all full circle. The rip delivers exactly what you'd expect from that story and its title, with Drop It Like It's Hot's vocals tuned to sound like the ones in the FNAF Fansong, althewhile being synced and pitched to the former song's instrumental. Nowadays we have rips like Bloody Freddy doing much the same thing, made by people from the SiIvaGunner team itself, but to clarify - back in Season 1, back in 2016, NOBODY knew how to get these vocals to sound that way other than The Living Tombstone himself (And I don't even think we had the song's instrumentals available?). It's a bit similar to how Grand Dad Metropolis absolutely amazed people back in the day as a seemingly-impossible feat, but more than even that, 5 Nights of Snop Dog was the kind of rip that could've ONLY been made with The Living Tombstone's involvement. Amidst all the laughs at the meme finally being realized, I very clearly remember just how many people were full-on in awe at how good the rip sounded, marveling at its mere existence.
Granted, it is still a little rough around the edges - the robotic tuning of the Snoop Dogg vocals paired with the pitch shifting makes it a bit difficult to even identify what's being sung from time to time, but that doesn't mean this was in any way a rushjob. It's still a banger, for one, but also sprinkles in some tributes to SiIvaGunner itself, showing that this was more than just something the team paid TLT to do for them. There's of course the opening dialogue exchange mentioned before, there's the bit where the vocals are suddenly yet surprisingly seamlessly pitch-shifted to The Flintstones theme partway through, and the song signs off with the iconic introduction to The Next Episode - where Snoop is edited to introduce himself as "It's the motherfuckin' D-O-G", referencing Crimpsonfang9's original misspelling. Those are the kind of tiny touches that I absolutely live for: It reminds me of how all the Jay Eazy rips on the channel, like You Are Book Smart, eventually started editing the introductory "S-R-G" to just say "S-G" as a reference to the channel's name.
And, hey - speaking of Crimpsonfang9, he actually got to see 5 Nights of Snop Dog, and he's seemingly still following the channel today! A comment of his approval was left and pinned on the video, truly bringing it all full circle after over 7 months of waiting. He did it! The "five nights of snop dog" guy got what he wanted! And his legacy lives on even today with many of us oldheads who still follow the channel, as I still see the meme occasionally pop back up in comments sections from time to time, even showing up in videos on the channel sometimes I'm not mistaken. It's such a fun reminder of just how far the channel has come, how this gag started by a SoundCloud user who would get bizarre mashup requests by the handful of people who found his work, has grown into this massive community of enthusiasts - in some ways, I might not even be here writing this today if it wasn't for everything that 5 Nights of Snop Dog represents!
So, Crimpsonfang9 - Thanks for the request! It alone led to one of the most perfect examples of how SiIvaGunner loves to play with its fanbase, iterates on its in-jokes - and gives you the sort of payoff you'd never think would be possible.
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