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rafesbuzzcutseason · 2 days ago
wicked game
chapter 1 - welcome to kildare college
synopsis: y/n is sarah’s roommate and the embodiment of sunshine. rafe, on the other hand, is her complete opposite. when the boys place a bet that he can't win her over, rafe takes the challenge without hesitation. after all, he never backs down from a dare. the closer rafe gets to y/n, he finds himself drawn to her warmth in a way he never expected, and for the first time, he wants to be more than just the guy with a bad reputation.
but secrets don’t stay hidden for long, and when y/n finds out the truth, rafe is left to face the consequences. now, he has to prove that somewhere along the way, the bet stopped mattering, because losing her was never part of the plan.
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here it was. the day you had been counting down too for the last 6 months.
you took a deep breath, and entered the room the resident assistant had told you was yours.
the room was already half-decorated. fairy lights strung along one side, polaroids pinned to a cork board, and an expensive looking tote bag tossed on the bed.
before you could even process it all, a blonde girl spun around from where she was unpacking, eyes lighting up. “oh my god! you must be y/n!”
before you could do more than nod, the girl was pulling you into a tight hug.
“i’m sarah cameron, your official roommate and new best friend” she said, grinning.
you laughed, already liking her energy. “nice to meet you sarah. i'm y/n."
“so, tell me everything. where are you from? do you have a boyfriend? what are you studying?" she asked.
you shook your head but smiled. “well, i'm from south carolina, i do have a boyfriend, and i'm studying education as i want to work with kids!"
sarah gasped dramatically. “a boyfriend? oooh, tell me everything. long distance? is he at KC? is he hot?”
you laughed, shaking your head. “yes, no, and… yes."
sarah smiled. “that's cute. and studying to be a teacher? even cuter. you're a little ray of sunshine."
"i get told that a lot." you smiled back.
she leaned forward, eyes gleaming with curiosity. “okay, real talk. how do you feel about frat parties?”
you hesitated, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “uh, i mean… i’ve never really been to one.”
sarah’s jaw dropped. “never?”
you shrugged. “not really my scene, i guess.”
sarah gasped like you had just confessed to a crime. “okay, nope, we have to fix that. there’s a huge party at kappa tau tonight. it’s basically a ‘welcome back to chaos’ event. you have to come with me.”
you hesitated, nerves starting. “i don’t know-”
sarah gave you a squeeze. “come on, y/n. you don’t have to love it, but you can’t start the semester without at least going to one.” she nudged you playfully. “i promise i’ll be your personal bodyguard if the frat guys get annoying. plus i have a few friends who came here as well who you'll love.”
you sighed, already knowing you were probably going to cave. “fine. but if it’s terrible, you owe me coffee in the morning.”
sarah grinned. “deal.”
before you could respond, a loud ding! came from her phone. she glanced at the screen and groaned.
“what?” you asked.
“ugh. my brother,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “he’s already texting me about the party.”
you raised an eyebrow. “you have a brother here?”
sarah sighed dramatically, falling back onto the bed. “unfortunately.”she continued. “year above. he’s a frat guy, the frat guy. throws wild parties, and thinks he’s god’s gift to campus.” she shot you a look. “so, if he or any of his little minions try to charm you tonight, run.”
you laughed. “duly noted.”
"good. he's a pain in the ass."
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a/n: first and foremost, my baby @darlingstarkey deserves every ounce of credit here possible. she is my own ray of sunshine and i can't thank her enough for how much she helps me and lets me throw all my ideas at her. i love you my cherub
secondly, first chapter AHHH scary. hope u guys are ready for this one <3
🏷️: @heartzshiftamy @hoefordrewstarkey @luvrclub @yesterdaysproblemm @leleee3 @yktayy9669 @miumiuestmoi @anacamofficial @cokewithcameron @bloodofadoll @shorttandsweett @mysticbby2009 @emmiesummers @wintercrows @drewrry @starkeyxcameron @xxbirkindoll2 @stoned-writer @drewstarkeyslover @hannieskzzz @verycherryblossomhideout @letstryagaintomorrow @jjsbbg7 @mariamadison6-blog @laniirackssss @xeneasworld @countryclubwhore @drewsphswife @mattyskies @moonywhisp3rs @starkeygirls @lmaolmaos @thereallifebambi @emeloyy @vcnillafairy @rafecameronswhoore @st8rkey @angeldiaryy @therealfairybatman 
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treefish815 · 2 days ago
I've talked about this a lot on other sites, but as a queer man and OG fan of Kingdom Come Deliverance, I really want to talk about the canonisation of Hansry in KCD2 and just how healing it was for me as someone who escaped through this game and the ship hard as a young teenager.
Look, I just need to put out into the world how much it meant/means to me, and I think of all places, Tumblr will probably appreciate it the most. I also just kinda want to write it for myself because I've never written ALL of this out and it's something I've been thinking about for nearly 2 months now, so it's a little long, which is why it's under the cut.
So, I've been playing KCD pretty much since it released, which was when I was about 12. Living in a conservative area as an effeminate, sensitive, very obviously and loudly queer little boy, at around the age of 11 or 12 I reached a point in growing up when I think the people around me realised it wasn't just a weird little kid phase, and that I really was a faggot, and, as I'm sure you could guess, I suffered a significant amount of bullying over the next 3 years.
But, as silly as I feel saying this, KCD was an escape from that for me. I was miserable in my own life, so, between the ages of 12-15, I threw hundreds of hours into KCD1 dedicating myself to Henry's life instead. And I think there 2 big reasons why I latched onto that game in particular over others- the world was so immersive and beautiful that it was easy to get lost in it, and Henry and Hans's relationship. (It's also just a great game- but there are dozens of great games that I played in that time that never quite captivated me in the same way).
Putting aside the fact I had a fat crush on Hans, his and Henry's relationship was something I always looked forward to watching the development of every playthrough, and I would often spend a good chunk of my playthrough not actually advancing the main quest to instead make up (usually very angsty) little scenarios where their relationship evolved into something more. I'd follow Hans around Rattay and pretend he and Henry were secretly in love but could never show it, lest they be beaten and ostracised, or have conversations to myself while sitting with Theresa where I would imply that Henry had to be with her for his own safety or to distract himself from Hans, that type of thing. Considering I never thought to write KCD fanfiction until this year, I would've had a LOT of material if I'd started then, but I digress.
My point is that Hansry was something that, in a way, I think I used to cope with the homophobia I was facing. They were characters who lived in a time where they could never openly love each other, Henry was a character who could stand up for a queer monk who was being ostracised in the monastery when no one else would, Hans was a character who put on an act of arrogance and "I don't give a fuck" that we can see in more serious end-game moments isn't 100% true to his personality much as I did at a younger age to pretend what was happening to me didn't bother me, and I just... connected so strongly with them.
I've been waiting for KCD2 for 7 years. In those 7 years, I always wistfully hoped for there to be a possible Hansry path to go down, but never in a million years did I think it would ever actually happen. I'd been to KCD Twitter. I'd been to KCD YouTube. I knew the anti-woke and by extension mildly homophobic section of the fandom was far larger than I'd have liked it to be, so as much as I yearned, I knew in the bottom of my heart that Hansry would forever just be a silly little daydream of mine.
But, that brings me to 2025. I'm nearly 19, I've been living in arguably the most progressive and queer-friendly city in my entire country for 3 years, I'm openly queer and haven't heard a negative thing about it since I left my hometown, I'm happier than I've ever been and have almost no anxiety in my day to day life, and I cried for a good few hours when I watched the Hansry romance scene for the first time.
I'd seen a spoiler that Hans was the main male love interest a few days earlier, and that had WORRIED me. I thought either 1. it would be a drunk fuck that was played entirely for laughs and that ultimately meant nothing or 2. it would be a tragic story that no matter what you did, could only end badly as an attempt to uphold historical accuracy (which... could be done well, but I thought it would probably be hard for me to play through and could spark its own form of homophobia in the fandom wherein people specifically had that outcome happen to stick it to the gays, or whatever. I'd seen someone on Steam complaining that Hans was the male LI because it meant he couldn't kill him and "protect Henry from the potential of sinning" and it really stuck with me.)
Holy hell was I wrong. Daniel Vavra, you may be kind of a cunt on Twitter, but I will sit back and let you cook from now on before I make a judgement.
I cannot tell you what an incredible feeling it was to see those two characters, who I escaped through and who I adored with my whole heart not only both canonically be bisexual, just like me, but also actually have a loving, and intimate romance scene (seeing the intimate naked making out when I'd been so afraid of a drunk, no strings attached fuck was such a strange feeling of relief) after 7 years of desperately wanting that even while knowing there was no way Warhorse would ever go through with it considering their target audience. That alone would have made my year, even if they did have an unavoidable tragic ending no matter how hard Henry tried to salvage it.
But there was another thing about their romance that really really stood out to me, and that was so unbelievably healing. Their romance is generally... quite happy. They never experience homophobia first hand. They never go through the whole "it's a sin... we should stop seeing each other..." rigmarole. They're never found out and outed to the wrong people who try to tear them apart.
Sure, Hans is engaged to a woman against his will, but as a noble, that was always a strong possibility regardless of whether the person who truly has his heart is a blacksmith's son or a butcher's daughter. And it's never even a suggestion that his marriage would end his and Henry's relationship- Hans's angsting over the marriage comes more from the fact it's out of his control and will give him less freedoms than he currently has. And yes, their story is filled to the brim with angsty moments, and so much death or near death, but that's completely separate to their love story- they suffer just as much if they're best friends as they do if they're lovers. The queerness is not the angst, the war they happen to be living through the beginnings of is the angst.
Henry and Hans are two men, in love in a time when they could never openly be together, in a time when most people around them would object to them being happy together and living true to themselves, and yet they have a happy love story anyway. And, as silly as it sounds, I don't care, I'm going to say it anyway- that positive portrayal of their love felt like telling my 12 year old self that everything would be okay, and he wasn't doomed to be miserable for the rest of his life. Because if those characters he identified so strongly with could be happy in their queerness when living in arguably worse circumstances to be queer, why couldn't he? As much as I processed the trauma of the bullying I was going through through angsty plotlines involving Henry and Hans, and as much as I'm an angst lover period, that... that healed me. It was like hugging my younger self.
As much as KCD is just a game and Hansry is just a gay ship, it's always been something that means so much to me, and this silly little video game romance made me realise just how far I've come and how different things are for me, while simultaneously comforting that past version of myself who still lives deep inside me somewhere. I feel him less now than I did in January 2025, and that's insane.
"No one asked for this!" the snowflake conservatives cried on the steam discussion boards in their 1 star reviews of a game they boycotted and never bought. The 12 year old boy who processed and coped with traumatic homophobic experiences through those characters did.
Representation does matter, and always will.
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gabriella-arareyes · 16 hours ago
Reasons why I absofuckinglutely loved First Frost:
Okay, it's 1 a.m., and I just finished First Frost. I need to unload all my emotions, thoughts, reviews—everything—because there’s a LOT.
First of all, it has been a hot minute since I’ve enjoyed a Chinese drama this much. But First Frost reminded me why I love East Asian dramas in the first place. It pulled me in, chewed me up, and spat me out in the best way possible.
And since I’m now a full-fledged adult (ugh), I no longer have my childhood bestie to call on our landline at 2 a.m. to scream about a new drama. So here I am, dumping my thoughts onto the internet instead.
Reasons why I absofuckinglutely loved First Frost:
1. Wen Yifan is NOT your average female lead. She’s layered, mysterious, and in my opinion, the series's hero. Sang Yan, while being the main male lead, honestly felt more like her love interest. We see everything through her lens, and unlike many dramas where the male lead gets all the depth, First Frost had its focus on our complex female lead.
Sang Yan? We know a little bit about his character—but we don’t really get to know him beyond his role in Wen Yifan’s life. And honestly? I find that dynamic super refreshing.
2. People say Wen Yifan is "boring"— IMO: she’s real. Some might say she’s too quiet or reserved, but that’s what makes her character so compelling. She had died so many times in her lifetime through numerous heartbreaks at such a young age, so I don't think it's very fitting to see a typical bubbly female lead.
If there’s a sun in this drama, it’s Sang Yan (don't let his cold demeanor fool you, he is actually very warm).
3. Wen Yifan standing up to her mother was everything. As a Filipino, I understand how deep family ties run. But I also know that family is more than just blood—it’s about who actually shows up for you. So when Wen Yifan didn’t just blindly forgive her mother for being her mother, that was one of the most satisfying moments in the entire series.
<<SPOILER ALERT>> Wen Yifan cutting off her mom? BADASS. And completely justified. Asian culture often pushes the narrative of the ever-filial child, but this drama made an important statement: Parents have a duty to their children, too.
4. The plot is THICC. It’s not just romance. Not only do we get the layered, slow-burn romance between Wen Yifan and Sang Yan (which, by the way, is the epitome of first love-to-mature love evolution), but this drama also tackles:
Family issues (Wen Yifan’s mom, Su Haoan’s family struggles)
Sexual harassment (Subplot of a crime, can you believe it?)
The reality of enduring love is not all butterflies and roses. It goes through pain, patience, and healing before it can stand the test of time.
It’s a deep, emotionally rich story with multiple subplots that actually get proper resolution (a rarity in dramas, let’s be real).
5. Their time apart was NECESSARY Yes, it hurts that they didn’t date for six years. But let’s be honest—if they had, they wouldn’t have grown into the people they needed to be for each other. Their separation made their reunion even stronger, and it set them up for a long and enduring love with lots of understanding and deep connection.
6. Su Haoan & Zhong Siqiao? Adorable!!! Their relationship added just the right amount of fluff when things got too emotionally heavy. There are times when I look forward to watching these two, because I can't wait to see how their love story unfolds.
7. The intimacy was perfectly done. Not over the top, not underwhelming—just right. Through their long embrace and sweet (and hot) kisses, you can feel their yearning for each other after being apart for 6 years. ALSOO DARE I SAY, by East Asian drama standards? Those make-out scenes were intense. Bless.
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8. I was on my toes the whole timeee!! The ending tied up every loose thread beautifully. No plot holes, no random forgotten side stories (we are fully aware that other dramas introduce subplots just to ghost them).
9. The acting? EXQUISITE. Bai Jing Ting and Zhang Ruo Nan understood the assignment. Bai Jing Ting’s micro-expressions are on point! Specifically, I love how his eyebrows are very expressive. While our girl Zhang Ruo Nan’s ability to embody Wen Yifan's quiet, reserved, shy, but also assertive demeanor is just chef's kiss!
10. The OST? Absolute banger.
The story does not end yet:
I just found out that First Frost is a spin-off of Hidden Love! Which makes SO much sense because I knew there was something familiar about Sang Zhi and Duan Jiaxu. And now? I need to:
✔ Read the First Frost and Hidden Love novels ✔ Watch Hidden Love ✔ Read the First Frost manhua (Eternal Love)
So yeah. I am deep in this rabbit hole now, and I have no regrets.
10/10. Would spiral into obsession again.
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Wen Shuangjiang, don't you get it? After all these years, I still only like you.
The First Frost 难哄 (2025) dir. by Chu Yu Ning [upcoming]
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tio-trile · 1 day ago
Hi, sorry if my question is inappropriate or if my English isn't that great. I've seen your blog (I actually follow it) and I know about the hatred toward the Good Omens TV series. I even understand and agree very well with the points where the show's plot could have fallen short. Personally, I'm a fan of both the book and the show, and I really enjoy the fandom in general, despite all the controversy surrounding Neil and the fact that season 3 will ultimately be just a single feature-length episode that the writer contributed to (however, he didn't participate in the production of this last episode). I thought and wondered, is that what primarily bothered fans of the book material so much? That the writing and plot of the show were more Gaiman than Pratchett? So... now that we know it was primarily Terry's descendants who pulled off the project for the series finale and that Neil won't be present in it, are you more interested in seeing this final installment?
Like I've always said, it's completely fine that people enjoy the show! I think it's really hard to assert what constitutes as "more Gaiman" or "more Pratchett", because style is something mostly subjective, and even in the book, since it's co-authored, you can't really find a clear separation of saying oh this part is 100% Gaiman or this part is 100% Pratchett, only vague ideas and guesses. So I cannot conclude that the main thing that bothered a number of book fans about the show is just that it's "more Gaiman", but it's an amalgamation of many different aspects. As to your second part of the question, I'm sorry but I don't think Terry's descendants are Terry Pratchett, and after all Neil Gaiman WAS one of the original authors, so this just means that none of the original authors have a part in the "final installment", and I don't think there's anything they can do to "fix it" for me. If they continue on with what season 2 is doing, I didn't like season 2, so likely I wouldn't enjoy this; if they try to completely flip season 2 on its head, that also usually doesn't work well in a media setting (like the Last Jedi to the Rise of Skywalker situation), so I also have little hope for it. I don't mind that fans are looking forward or excited for it though, I just personally will not be watching it.
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notsodelirious · 1 day ago
Cloud 9 — Dick Grayson
synopsis: you enjoy Dick’s company during a quiet evening
notes: NSFW MDNI, also while this has been edited, I wrote this high (I’m a legal adult and was in the safety of my own home don’t come after me) so read at your own discretion
tags: heavily implied recreational drug use (you and Dick smoked weed before this scene), smut, anal, reader has a dick, friends with benefits, 1.3k words, no use of y/n
everything in this fic is consensual even if you’re both high <3
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Smoke curled in the air as beams of dim light soaked it. Laughter and jazz permeated the space, warm and bright despite the darken sky and street lamps outside. Two bodies pressed together, tender and enamoured. It made the room suffocating, a pleasant chokehold.
Fingers scraped against your scalp gently, running through your hair, scratching the base of your skull like you were a cat. You nuzzled into Dick’s chest, giving a pleased hum as you leaned into his touch.
You laid on top of him as he sprawled out on the couch, burnt out roaches and an empty water bottle littered the floor by his hand, that hung limply off the sofa.
“You’re so well and truly gone,” he chuckled softly as he watched you lean into his scratching, talking as if his eyes weren’t a matching bloodshot red. His fingers trailed from your hair to your back, tracing idle patterns, making small shivers of pleasure wrack down your spine.
“That feels nice,” you mumbled into his neck before you absently start to nibble his skin, kissing and suckling all in an attempt to satisfy a craving just below your teeth. Sure, a bag of crisps or a slice of cake would have probably satiated the hunger but occupying your mouth with your friend’s throat was so much more entertaining.
He groped your ass in retaliation, holding you firmly before he hiked you further up his body. You giggled softly at the harsh movement, the entire world tilting as you now straddle his hips. The room tipped forward, and you almost expected the furniture to slide into the walls as you rested your forehead against his.
“Is that a boner against my leg?” Dick asked with a grin and you can’t help but laugh again, grasping the armrest above his head, in order to stabilise yourself as you sat still.
“No,” you said, smiling cheekily. “Maybe. Maybe there’s something in my pocket.”
Dick laughed as he brushed his nose against yours before tilting his chin up so his lips could kiss you. Slow and uncoordinated, he brought his hand up to cup your face, holding you close. He tasted of strawberries and cream. Not doubt from the cake you both devoured for dinner a couple of hours prior.
“Let me fuck you,” he mumbled against your lips when you pulled back for air.
“Sure?” you said softly, looking down at him then your rager, as if you’d forgotten it was there. You had forgotten, truthfully.
Dick had probably only remembered because you’d be subconsciously grinding against his own, seeking pleasure absently as you made out.
“Do we have lube?”
“Yeah, between the cushions,” Dick answered before he wedged his hand between the sofa cushions to pull out a small bottle of lube. You chuckled as you stood to shuck off your jeans.
“I honestly forgot you put that there.”
“What can I say? I’m prepared for anything.”
“You’re prepared for the movie nights when I crash on your couch.”
He shrugged as he he drew you back closer to him until he was sat up a little more and you were straddling his lap again, hovering a good couple of inches over him this time, dick bobbing between your legs.
Dick flicked open the bottle cap before he beckons you forward. You leaned over while he reached under you. Your knees near collapse when you feel his fingers prod at your puckered entrance and soon he’s pushing in, stretching your ass open with two fingers.
“Good?” he mumbled as he tilted his head up to kiss your temple. You nodded furtively, eyes screwing closed in pleasure and dizziness. Your breaths tasted of rose water and your body stuffed with cotton. He fingered you carefully, tender and considerate. He knew what you liked, you’d been friends with benefits for what felt like forever.
You’d met him through Jason, an unlikely friendship that happened through many circumstances Jason would have rather avoided but it was too late now. You had gotten on like a house of fire since day one—the fire had been kindled and now it was too late to put anything out. Now, just about every time you were left alone in a room together, one of you ended up with a thick cock shoved up their ass.
But Jason didn’t need to know that.
And you’d never complain. Because your friend’s brother was hot and getting fingered open by Dick was the highlight of your week.
“Dick,” you whined softly as you rolled your hips back against his hand and began to pant softly as he brushed the tips of his fingers against your prostate. “More.”
“More?” he smiled as he used his clean hand to pull down his fly. He shimmied out of his boxers just enough to pull his hot throbbing dick out of his underwear, holding it upright in his fist. Precum pearled out of his pretty red tip as he pumped himself with a loose grip, making your mouth water.
“Come here,” he beckoned in a soft voice as he pulled your hips closer when he pulled his fingers out of your ass. He positioned you just above his cock—the tip of his penis caught on your rim, he dragged it across your entrance once, twice, before he was pushing in, groaning softly as heat enveloped him. You keened quietly, sinking down onto his cock, then slowly pressed your front against his. Lazily, you rolled your hips, just enough to make the dick nestled in your ass throb, but slow enough for your weakened muscles to keep up.
The air became heavy and syrupy as you continued to fuck slowly, basking in the hazy headiness settled over your minds.
“Just like that, sunshine. Doing so well.”
His arms loosely wrapped around your waist as you arched your back slightly to raise your head to kiss him sloppily. You continued to rut against him, pulling his cock out before pushing back down onto him, stretched asshole swallowing him whole. Your own dick remained wedged between your bodies, making the coil in your belly grow tighter with each thrust.
“Talk to me, sunshine. How are you feeling?” Dick said softly as he ran his hands through your hair, brushing your fringe away from your sweaty forehead.
“Mhm, good,” you moaned out, as soft punched out breath leaving your lips when he raised his hips to meet yours. “Feel so good, close…”
The slow, molasses pace continued, even as the air turned thick in your lungs. You rutted your cock against Dick’s lower belly, panting softly in his ear.
You startled as you finally came, only just remembering to feel your body, a stinging pleasure running through you as you spurt cum between your bodies. Between your stuttered moans, Dick groaned, holding your hips down as he followed close behind, flooding your bowels with cum as you clenched down around him.
“Fuck, just like…” he trailed off as he rolled his hips, fucking his cum deeper into your loose asshole. You both fell limp, breathing hard and satisfied.
Before you could properly doze off on his chest however, you felt a hand rub your back kindly.
“Don’t sleep,” he said softly, “Gotta clean up first.”
“Do it tomorrow,” you whined as you nuzzled your face between his pecks, refusing to face reality while the high and afterglow lasted.
“Your belly will cramp tomorrow if you don’t.”
“Leave it,” you mumbled determinedly. You raised your hips, arching your back, just enough for his limp dick to slip out of you, leaving your asshole gaping and leaking cum. “ ‘S fine.”
“Don’t want you in pain if you can avoid it, baby,” Dick protested but didn’t move, just continued to rub your back.
“You’ll take care of me tomorrow, right?” you asked as you raised your head enough for tired eyes to meet.
“Of course I will.”
You tuck your head back where it was against his shoulder, sighing softly.
“Thank you,” you yawned, trying to stifle it behind your hand as you fight the urge to let your eyes flutter closed. “Night Dickie.”
“Sleep well Sunshine.”
(yeah idk, but I had a blast writing this, hope you enjoyed reading — if you have any requests for more Dick content, don’t hesitate <3)
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boxxing-flavored · 1 day ago
Part 3 of oil and water
I did not edit this so… yeah
The whiskey burned smooth, warming Sevika’s chest as she rolled the glass between her fingers. The silence between you both wasn’t uncomfortable, it seemed natural.
You sat across from her at the worn table, one boot kicking up against the other chair as look into your own glass. The porch light outside cast soft shadows across the room, flickering as moths danced against the bulb.
“You travel for work a lot?” you asked, breaking the silence
Sevika shrugged. “Comes with the job.”
You nodded like that made sense, but she saw the way your eyes flicked over her—the fitted button-down, the expensive watch, the way she carried herself. You were still trying to figure her out.
“You married?”
Sevika scoffed before she could stop herself. “Not anymore.”
That made you pause, eyebrows lifting. “Oh?”
“Yeah,” she said, swirling the amber liquid in her glass. “Divorced.”
You let out a low whistle. “Damn. That why you’re always on the road?”
“Part of it.”
There was a beat of silence. She could feel you watching her, like you wanted to ask more but weren’t sure if you should.
Then, with a teasing smirk, you asked, “What kind of man was able to tie you down?”
Sevika huffed a quiet laugh, shaking her head. “She, she was the the stubborn kind.”
“Figures,” you mused, taking a sip of your drink.
For a moment, the conversation felt easy. But then she saw it—the flicker of realization in your eyes as you processed what she had said.
She had corrected you ‘she’
Sevika felt the shift before you even opened your mouth. A slight stiffening of your shoulders, the way your fingers tapped once against the table before going still. It was subtle, but she caught it.
You stared at her, just a second too long.
“You were married to a woman?”
Sevika exhaled through her nose, setting her drink down with a soft clink. Here we go.
“Yeah,” she said, meeting your eyes evenly. “That a problem?”
You blinked, mouth opening, then closing again, as if you weren’t sure how to answer.
Sevika had seen this before. Felt it before.
She knew exactly where she was. A place where people like her weren’t exactly welcomed with open arms. She thought about the town, the way people had looked at her, the quiet disapproval that lingered in the air. And now, here you were, sitting across from her, staring like she’d just told you she worshiped the devil.
She tensed, waiting for it. The judgment. The distance. The polite way people around here might suddenly decide she wasn’t worth talking to.
But instead, you just… leaned back in your chair, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
That was it?
Sevika narrowed her eyes. “‘Huh’?”
You shrugged, lips pressing together like you were trying to find the right words. “I mean… I ain’t gonna lie, that’s not what I expected.”
Sevika scoffed, pushing back in her seat. “Yeah, I gathered that much.”
You held up your hands, defensive but amused. “Not in a bad way. Just—y’know. Around here, you don’t meet many…” You hesitated, searching for the least offensive way to put it.
Sevika arched a brow, daring you to finish that sentence.
You sighed. “Look, I ain’t gonna pretend like I was raised in some progressive paradise. Around here, folks see things one way, and that’s just how it’s always been.”
Sevika rolled her eyes. “That’s a fancy way of saying ‘people here don’t like people like me.’”
You went quiet for a second, then nodded. “Yeah. Some don’t.”
Sevika huffed, shaking her head. “Figures.”
“But I ain’t one of ‘em,” you added, voice softer now.
That made her pause.
You leaned forward, resting your forearms on the table, eyes steady on hers. “I ain’t gonna lie—I ain’t used to this. But that don’t mean I got a problem with it.”
Sevika studied you for a long moment, trying to figure out if you were just saying what she wanted to hear. But your expression was open, honest in a way that felt real.
It wasn’t the kind of blind acceptance she was used to from the city, where people didn’t give a damn about anything but their own business. No, this was different. This was a choice. A real-time adjustment of what you thought you knew, a slow untangling of the way you were raised.
That was something Sevika could respect.
She exhaled, picking up her drink again. “Guess there’s hope for you country folk after all.”
You smirked. “Guess so.”
And just like that, the tension eased. The night stretched on, the drinks got lower, and by the time the conversation had drifted to easier topics, Sevika realized something surprising.
Maybe getting stuck out here in the middle of nowhere could be good… but probably not.
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fadelbison · 1 day ago
I'm still not clear of the full story, except that you're being harassed and cancelled because people don't have a grasp over how fandoms work and that it's been happening for a while now.
I hope you're doing okay though. You might be used to handling bs like this but il sorry it keeps happening. Your writing is some of the best, and I always look forward to a bew fic.
And here's the thing, I don't read all of them. If the tags or summary does not tinkle my kind of delulu I MOVE THE FUCK ON. I thought this was commob practice but apparently not.
Didn't know we were out here setting dictates on whose delusion is valid and whose isn't jeez. The puritans have come for us even in the horny jail. ;(
Anyways I hope you survive the attack of the delulu police and come out with more unhinged stuff (not all of which I'll read because, yk, not my delulu, so that I can ehem... MOVE THE FUCK ON)
Hi anon, first thank you so much for the compliments. This is exactly how I and many fandom creators want to be perceived. Creators in fandom share their work for free and the only payment in return is for the like-minded people who enjoy the work to come hang out and have some fun. But the reason this ask has been on my mind for days is that, well, in general, we are currently in an era where the very act of having any type of influence over any amount of people, who will give you their time and attention, has become a 'marketable' trait.
That has entirely changed fandom and it's really apparent in the way that fandom creators have been greatly struggling with being treated like content creating influencers for years now aka they have the 'commodity' that make socmed influencers, socmed influencers but they are uniquely different in that they have no desire to wield it. I'd like to talk about the "commodification of self" that BL actors, in particular branded pairs engage in (and really any idol or even celebrity engages in this) and the position it puts fandom creators in. And some things I'd like to bring up in relation
I'm still not clear of the full story, except that you're being harassed and cancelled
I'm not being cancelled. I have spent the last 2 years in this fandom making a concentrated effort to keep my sphere of influence very, very low. I never promote any of my works. I suddenly drop fics no one knew I was even thinking about, my writing blog has a blessed 10 followers. I follow no update schedules. Often I will stagger updates on purpose even when it's done, so people can forget about the fic and their excitement can die over it (I am doing it this very second with my FK Little Mermaid AU). When a popular thai twitter linked my canon verse alangaipa I privated that story within days.
After all that, if people don't stop giving a shit about me on twitter then I would have to be Arthur Conan Doyle to not have some goddamn peace. And truly, no one cares two shits about anything I do or say 🤣 (other than that one very dedicated Tumblr user with three different accounts.
As for the full story, well. I think if you want to ethnographically trace when and with what the constant barrage of fighting started then the earliest we can trace it back to is at this point over a month ago, maybe even 2-3 months (month ago is when I started paying attention bless my angry anons) to pannjed (an OG FK translator) tweeting a translation of an FK clip with a comment akin to "Kt has badboy energy" and great offense was taken at the comment by as far as I can tell many people including another much newer FK translator quizii (who became the face of the pannjed opposition) because pannjed was allegedly using their translations to influence the fandom towards an unfavorable image of Kt (hilarious criticism for quizii to make btw if you read their translator notes hahaha).
BUT this answer is NOT about the wrongs or rights of pannjed and quizii, feel free to go to their twitters and read their viewpoints on your own time. The thing to talk about here is the nature of the accusation and the logic that it follows.
I say Khaotung could date Joong? SIN against FKs brand. Khaotung loves no one other than First.
I say Khaotung could be or could have dated women? BL logic dictates that inhaling any molecule of a woman can make a man straight so also a sin.
OhmKhaotung banner? SIN against the FK brand etc etc
However, I don't think it's the people yelling at me who are missing the point of specifically a branded pair's fandom (heavy heavy overlaps with stan culture), it might actually be "us" the people trying to exist in the non-capitalist version of fandom who might be missing the point of what FK could be trying to achieve with their pairing. I have complained about FK starting to go harder and harder into heteronormative styles of fanservice literally since THK was announced LOL because I have followed ZNN and I know very well what the tightening of the noose around nuance looks like and why it happens.
There's no hard distinction between pairs striving for fanservice commodifying themselves and fanservice done to promote their work and really any pair successfully gaining a following via their work will ultimately be pushed to sell the fantasy of their relationship as well.
And there is certainly no moral judgement for pairs that sell their image divorced from their works, most pairs do this in fact, but it makes the pairs that lean towards fanservice vastly for the fun of it really rare. And I am certainly sad to lose Firstkhao to the capitalist vortex of fans who spend money on them to get a feeling of ownership of them and then self appoint themselves protectors of their brand and image. The LINEMAN mission failure outbreak of terribleness on twitter was such a beautiful closure on what's really going on.
Which is that we have now reached the end stage capitalism phase of the FK fandom, where fans that spend money, fans that give them constant unwavering attention specifically on X specifically using hashtags and @ to add to their engagement are The Very Best Only Real Fans and fans that don't do that, for whatever reason, even if they have been fans of FK since before the brand of FK (like me) Are Not Real Fans.
Didn't know we were out here setting dictates on whose delusion is valid and whose isn't jeez. The puritans have come for us even in the horny jail. ;(
They have. They really, really have come into my jail cell and armed with bleach and brillopad scrubbing away all the penis variety I have scribbled on the walls.
But honestly? I have no idea who is right.
FK have funneled themselves hardcore into heteronormative monogamy, on purpose, once more not a moral judgement (though there is personal disappointment). They are selling the demure khaotung, protective husband first image Hard. First makes the appropriate jealousy comments. Khaotung who spent most of OF drooling over Force's biceps (god bless his gay soul) suddenly can't see men who aren't First. It's like they read this post I wrote about Branded Pair Heteronormativity and took every pointer LMAO
Puritanical fans are on a mission whose ultimate goal is to line up First and Khaotung's pockets. And by gosh do I really not care about that ! I do care that theyre not being exploited (I mean....they definitely are so like apparently I don't care too much abt that either) but whether Khaotung made enough bank this month to buy a $5000 bracelet for First or whatever the price of luxury items are these days is simply something I have never once thought about!
I hardly know the validity of statements like head cannoning Khaotung as naughty or dominating is bad for his job opportunities because I don't understand the industry well much less its values. I know that there were many thai fans also yelling at pannjed.
Is claiming that a fan creator can influence the type of jobs the artist themselves can get absolutely PSYCHOTIC? Hell Fucking Yes.
But— is it inaccurate? 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
And here is my very last arsenal that if people did start hating on me for calling Kt a slut on twitter then I will actually stop (but I know none of my haters can read let alone a post this long). Not because I care what they think of me but because I am genuinely unsure if that is bad for Kts image in getting brand job opportunities hence why I *exclusively* do it here now.
Anyway, your ask made me go to twitter and dig into this terribleness and so you must deal with my (of dubious quality) findings. Lots of love ❤️
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mossker · 2 days ago
i’ve been rewatching the mcu timeline and i reached iron man 3. as a ty simpkins fan, and a harley keener enthusiast, i adore this movie
however, watching it back, i honestly think they did the character of harley keener such a disservice by just up and leaving him in iron man 3. like yes he gets a cameo in endgame, and yes that is one of the coolest things ever, but i hate how he just never got explored and doesn’t seem to be on the list to get explored
yes maybe i am biased, but i loved harley when i saw iron man 3 when it first came out. i remember watching it with my dad, and saying how cool i thought it was that a kid was helping the tony stark. i remember hoping that he’d get brought up again in future projects
then, i forgot about him. until avengers endgame. it was 2019 and my love for his character just went through the roof when i realised he was there. i waited and waited to see how they’d take the now dead hero’s story forward, as well as my favourite niche/minor character in the universe
i fell out of the marvel fandom after the release of NWH in 2021, that being the last film i watched until late 2024. when i was rewatching the entire mcu again, i was once again pulled to harley’s character (and then was introduced to the existence of the parkner fandom, which oh my god). i love him so much!!!
when i looked into him when i got back into marvel, i learnt he’s mentioned in a what if…? episode and he’s a WEB recruit in the disney spiderman attraction, as well as in the web of spider-man comic (2021). so there is stuff there, he is a character that could be explored, there are ways to bring him forward
i’d give anything to have harley even be mentioned again, or have another cameo. of course at this point it would have to be through spider-man which is almost impossible with the way they’ve reset him
i wish he was explored more before. i wish we got to see him even just once more. i wish it wasn’t all just left to the viewers imagination
i know why they did it, and i also know that it probably was the best choice. and i also know that the fanfics and arts and everything else is only so creative because of the freedom we get with his character
i just wish we had more canon stuff with him. i want to see one of his phone calls with tony, i want to see how harley grew, i want to see his reaction to the blip, i want to see him meeting peter/spiderman for the first time, i want to see tony talking about him with pepper, i want to see harley meeting everyone at tony’s funeral, i want to see how he moved on. any of that would satisfy me
letting him be a more fleshed out character than a throwaway would be so incredible. because he is so important to mcu!tonys story and i’m tired of pretending like he’s not!
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balrogballs · 3 days ago
Happy Tolkien Reading Day!
A Tolkien Ask for You:
Give us your 5 favorite headcanons about Celeborn, especially things about his life/personality most writers haven't considered!
Ahh thank you, I love Celeborn! I tried doing this one by writing out things I imagine he’d say in different situations — did just 3 because it’s pretty lengthy 😭
To Frodo Baggins: “Heavy, isn’t it? The world, I mean. But think of this, Master Baggins: think of the rush of cheer that’ll greet you when you’re in The Shire at last. I don’t mean your fellow Hobbits even! I mean that moment when you’re back, and the door swings open and that rush of air, you see. Joy in the shape of a breeze, the knowledge that there is something that not only welcomes you as you are now, but has been waiting all this while for that very thing. I have lived for thousands of years, and slept in all climes, and yet nothing compares to opening the door to my house in old Doriath after a night spent singing and dancing with Daeron and the rest of the fellows. You have that to look forward to, and what a breeze it will be, that what hits you at last. What a wonderful day that will be for you, Frodo Baggins. What wouldn’t I give…”
To Celebrían, at the Grey Havens: “It has always been a forest-world for us, Cello-baby, and so it will always be. When I think of you, it will not be through shadows in the house or the books you left open, but the trees. The way you knew them—by touch, by scent, by the shift of light through their branches. How you could walk a path only once and never lose it, because all you love you love forever. I will catch you moving ahead of me, fingers skimming bark, stepping over roots as if the earth itself is making space for you.
I will see the way you would stop, oh — only waist-high, head tilted, listening to them—not to me, but a secret hymn sung only to you, something I never quite heard myself, but understood through the intricacies of your little face, because I am your father and I know every inch of it by heart. I will listen to the song each day we are parted. So do not worry about your father, Cello-baby, for he will not be alone. And all he hopes for is that you never stop listening so loudly. And that when you wander in the forests of Aman, the trees will know your name.”
When Bilbo Baggins jokes about how sometimes it feels like Galadriel is the protagonist of Celeborn’s life story: “Of course she is! Heroes are born from fracture. They step forward only when the world splits, when war or ruin calls them forth. The moment you ask why wasn’t I the hero? you summon the restless if only. If only I had fought more, if only I had bled more, if only I had burned more— as if the worth of a life could only be measured in regret.
And why must there be a hero at all? Because other people think my story needs one? Because they think that to live alongside one another is not enough? Such an idea assumes that every life must shape itself into a standalone narrative, but we are creatures of companionship. Nobody’s story stands alone. It is the first gesture every infant learns — to reach out. To reach out for comfort, to reach out to break a fall. And that is not something I know because I am Celeborn of Doriath, but because I am Celebrían’s father.
So I have not much use for protagonists, I am afraid. I have no use for if only. I am here. I love and am loved. I will sit within the bibliography, in communion with all the others who have come and gone from my life. I am not only content. I am the happiest man alive.”
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tarantulasagna · 23 hours ago
It was an odd case, this one, thought Jack Spanner, Private eye, as he crept down the corridor toward the laboratory. The details had been vague; witnesses reporting strange lights and sounds in the night, electrical appliances in the village below the castle switching on and off at random, televisions and radios picking up strange signals. By day, nothing. The tentative search parties from the village had found nothing in the parts of the building they could access, and had given up in the face of endless locked doors. After 3 weeks, they had called in the professionals. When they weren’t available, they called in Jack. And when he had read the file, he had called in an old favour. Those same doors now posed little obstacle to Jack and his team. He watched in admiration as Special Agent Melusine, France’s greatest contribution to international law enforcement, opened the latest in a series of doors with her signature panache and elegance.
After a moment, the roar of the  chainsaw faded, and she shook the sawdust from her mane of golden hair.
“Do you want to do the next one?” she asked, dangling the tool from one hand, and brushing herself down with the other.
“Well, if you insist.” Jack said, loping forward to take the chainsaw and the lead as they pressed deeper into the castle.
The large tiger skin rug in front of the hearth in the room behind them yawned, stretched, flexed her claws, and Elsie the Siberian tiger sauntered after her companions, hoping that this investigation turned out tastier than the last one.
Deep in one of the castle’s many cellars, Count Nicodemus Atwater was annoyed. Partly on account of the intruders currently cutting the way through the rather nice antique doors of the castle he had found conveniently abandoned 3 weeks ago. Partly on account of the fact that the interdimensional transporter he had used to get here, and which was his only route out of here without causing all sorts of further problems, still wasn’t working. And now there was an added time pressure of whoever was on their way to, presumably, detain him, ask a lot of questions he couldn’t really answer about technology that they really wouldn’t understand. He barely understood most of the time, and he’d built it. But mostly, all things considered, because this was not at all how he had imagined things going for his reunion with Princess Isabella of Portua for the first time since they had met at the academy. Now she hovered by his elbow, looking over the tangle of phlogiston pipes, aetheric conduits, and the complex array of mirrors and lenses that set in the centre of the room.
“Alright. What haven’t we tried yet?” she asked.
They both turned to the section of wall they had been taking notes on, and the lists of all the variables they had tuned up and down in different combinations, all so far without success.
“Too many things,” replied Nicodemus, with a slight shake of his head, “No time to brute force it now… need something drastic…”
“Restart from first principles?”
“Not sure what they are any more… everything we’ve tried, not so much as a reading on the dials. It’s like there is no aether here…”
“So you keep saying.”
“I know, I know… It is a fairly significant variable, y’know”.
Isabella rolled her head around, stretching her neck and quite literally changing her perspective.
“We’re still agreed there must be something equivalent here?”
“There’s light, heat, motion and so on, so there must be something.”
“What if we try running it off that?”
“Got to work out what it is first” Nicdomeus said, gesturing despondently at their failed experiments so far.
“So what are we missing?”
“Light. Matter interaction. Heat. All happens, but by a different mechanism. If we can work out what it is…”
He trailed off. They had been through the same cycle several times, swapping who asked which questions in the hope of inspiring some new thought. 
Nicodemus tipped his chair back and stared at the ceiling. Too many mysteries. How did light work in this universe? Where was the aether? Why were there no lamps or candles in this castle? And what were those strange glass bubbles on the ceiling? Some hint of connection began to tickle the edges of Nicodemus’ brain. He swung forward and stood up, scanning around the room. 
Isabella perked up. 
“I know that look. What is it? Looking for something?” 
“yes… But I'm not sure exactly what…”
Nicodemus explained his theory, and they began their search. 
Upstairs, Elsie stopped and turned, facing down a staircase, ears twitching. Melusine was the first to notice. 
“Jack, I think Elsie hears something.”
“What's that?” replied the private eye, stepping back from the half sawn-through door, his own ears ringing like windchimes in a hailstorm from the chainsaw. 
Melusine pointed down the stairs, where Elsie's black and orange striped tail was now disappearing round the corner. 
“Heard something, has she? Well, lead on!” shouted Jack, still deafened.
“You should have warn the ear defenders,” said Melusine, heading down the stairs after Elsie.
“What was that?”
Back in the cellar, Nicodemus and Isabella had found what they were looking for; a small switch on the wall, which had been hidden by an inconsiderately placed back-to-front bookshelf.
Nicodemus stared at it, as though by concentration he could see through the casing and into the mechanisms behind.
“Are you sure about this?” asked Isabella
Nicodemus waggled his head and one hand to indicate uncertainty.
“If it was dangerous, they wouldn’t have put it there? Whoever built this place.” she added.
“That’s true… Alright. Let’s try this.”
Nicodemus reached out to the switch… and there was light.
 There had been a light under the door at the end of the hall, briefly. It had switched off moments after Jack, Melusine and Elsie had reached the bottom of the stairs. They approached quietly; the sounds of movement and muffled voices were now audible on the other side. Melusine tried the handle carefully, quietly; unlocked. A moment of silent communication, then- action!
Melusine slammed the door open, Elsie bounded through the gap with a roar, Jack covering her with a ducksfoot pistol and hitting the lights. Two of three lights illuminated, showing the third, in the centre of the room had been removed, wires fitted to the socket, which now lead to an array of bizarre equipment. It looked like a glassblower, plumber, and electrician had engaged in a particularly creative and acrobatic orgy of creation, and possibly other things, leaving a mass of brass pipes, copper wire, deep green glass, and mirrors pointed at an ominously empty space in the centre.
They had a brief moment to register the shocked expressions on the faces of two young people, a man and a woman in something resembling victorian costume adjusting an array of lenses. Then the lights blew.
Nicodemus and Isabella had been working fast, connecting the dimensional bore to this strange energy source, having turned it off again. They were just aligning the last set of lenses when three strange figure burst through the door; a man in a long brown coat and a broad brimmed hat with a dent in it, a tall blond woman in a black outfit covered with pouches and pockets, and between them a tiger. Then the man hit the switch. They didn’t even have time to shout a warning before power surged through the equipment, sparking and crackling. The other two bulbs exploded in a shower of glass, there was a sound like several pounds of blancmange being blown through a large sieve, then sucked up a tube, and dust and darkness descended over the room.
Jack flicked on his lighter, casting a dim light over the room.
“Alright. Anyone…”
The question died in his throat as he stared at the giant rubber duck that now loomed over him in the centre of the room.
“Uh… right. How… What?”
Melusine sat up from behind a bench.
“What is …” She stopped as she saw the duck as well. She paused, pulled a torch from one of her pockets, and shone it up at the thing. Dim firelight had made it quite sinister; bright torchlight from below simply plunged the face of the duck into the shadow of the beak.
“Ah. D’accord”
“Well, I’m prepared to call that a partial success,” said a refined voice somewhere on the other side of the duck.
“We blew up the lights and… and summoned a duck, Nic.”
“That’s closer to working than nothing happening at all”
That comment was followed by the deep sigh of someone who has been subjected to relentless optimism for far longer than is healthy for a conventionally calibrated mind.
1# A giant rubber DUCKY has come to challenge your characters!
The ground shakes. The ground rumbles underneath your characters. The fog clears revealing... A GIANT RUBBER DUCKY!
Okay, so I've been posting a bunch of character prompts, mostly focused on a singular character.
But the challenge of this prompt is to see what would happen, if you threw a bunch of your characters into an unknown situation. This will help you straighten out your character dynamics. So if your characters sound clunky when put together. I hope these prompts I'll help you with that.
To make this extra challenging, try writing a small one-shot of your characters interacting. You don't have to, but it might challenge you more.
I will be posting these every week (hopefully) on Monday. These prompts will range from funny to potential trauma.
Have fun!
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pastafossa · 10 months ago
I love you guys. I hope you know that.
Ok so I posted the new TRT chapter the other day. Obviously. And I had to force myself to do it, to click that final, 'post' button because at that last moment, this big wave of imposter syndrome hit (that had already hit on and off as I'd started working on the chapter again). And it was just this cycle of, 'It's been like 6 months since you posted a chapter or anything other than a couple one-shots and you're out of practice, I bet it's bad, it's probably terrible, I bet everyone's left and no one cares about this thing you love so why do you? What if no one likes it, you're gonna drop this and everyone's gonna god 'wtf is this, pasta? what happened?'' And so I forced myself to post it, took my meds to ensure I slept, and then kinda just bunkered down and slept/hid because I was halfway convinced that all the trauma in the previous six months had just bopped any ability I had to write.
Instead I got this outpouring, of just like, 'WELCOME BACK' and people telling me they're happy that mom is ok (which made me cry but in a good way) and they're sorry Cato passed away (more tears, but comforted tears), but also delightful jokes about the funny lines I put in or screaming over that romantic line or about missing Jane and the dynamics and comments about being eager for the next chapter, and how now I can be one of those AO3 authors with those notes of 'yeah my life blew up so I was delayed, but hey I'm back!' which... yeah. And much like when I first started TRT, I didn't... really expect that at all, and it's made me really emotional.
So if you've dropped into my ask box or the comments or the replies, seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, because the excitement and love and just you all being the best little fam and continuing on this journey of TRT with me - a journey that has now included both Matt and Jane's journey, and a real life journey through a pandemic, a huge move, a passing of two of my pets, my mom's hospitalization and recovery, some heart issues, the cancellation and resurrection of the show, me meeting Charlie Cox and getting him to hold a red thread, my first wood carving event, etc - and I know I say this a lot, but you all really, really help me keep going when things get hard. I'd write TRT for nothing, I would, because I love this story and I intend to see it through, but ya'll just... I love you all tons. I'm hoping to get through the asks and fic comments and replies in the next few days, but I just wanted you guys to know that.
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saltynsassy31 · 7 months ago
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Frye Fest - Final Countdown
<- Previous - Part 19 - Next ->
♡Back when it was just us♡
👋Team Paper👋
Splatfest World Premier 27-08-2022
[Master Post - coming soon]
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
hello!! i just want to tell you that your art is so goddamn scrumptious, you are literally feeding my xmen brainrot and I find myself smiling when i see your art come across my feed. I love how you draw charles, pretty privilege and post (lets be fr he's serving every time)
i hope you always have fantastic brainrot and id kiss your blessed hands for giving us the gift of cherik and charles xavier, you are literally an icon
hope you have a great day ahead of you and more!! you deserve it !!
well i'ma absolutely have a wonderful mornin after readin this AWWWW thank you so so much !!!! i haven't been postin xmen long, so it's been really heartwarmin seein the warm reception to my work in the wonderful tags people have been leavin on my posts- and especially gettin to answer the lovely asks y'all've been sendin in (❁´ ▽ `❁) !! im glad people also like my goofy text posts and esp quotes from my brother he really has no right being so funny at the most random times
i hope to be xmen posting a while: ive got at least 60 years worth of stuff to look through and ongoing, so i dont imagine my interest'll wane anytime soon :]] !!
#fave#snap chats#'xmen posting' is so generous ive been posting the same two freaks day in day out !!!!!!#my blog desc does not lie i am cherik posting near exclusively because these two have captivated my brain in such a diabolical manner#that doesnt mean i dont love the rest of the xmen cast ofc ..... its been fun getting back into this franchise more in depth this year#its funny honestly: i was more of an avengers kid growing up but like. by the SMALLEST technical margin#i Vaguely caught eps of 92 as a kid and i distinctly remember the 'real raven' scene from first class when i was a teen#because of course thats the one (1) scene i saw as a kid while channel surfing jELJEA like Hello mr lehnsherr. Your zesty turtleneck.#and mystique. hello. but it didnt really go any deeper than that ... until recently HIIIII#i missed the train like a mfer tho all Three of my friends had watched the xmen movies growing up but better late than never !!#i got into comics through my bro and he only really took me to see avengers movies and the like but avengers hasnt really. stuck with me#not in the way xmen has recently. maybe its cause im older idk i just find myself attached to it and more interested in it as a whole#BUT ENOUGH OF THAT PRATTLE thank you so much for the kind words !!! they really do mean a lot i'll cherish this ask forever#im very happy people like how i draw charles i love drawing him sm.... pretty privilege and post thats heinous vjlkjvALVJELKJ#BUT VERY TRUE HE'S ALWAYS HANDSOME THO i love me a bald mfer im so serious this is no game#dark phoenix gets my ire for having mcavoy be bald the whole time but then i have to deal with The Rest Of The Movie#he just looks so good .... i mean Granted but he just looks especially good ... do we catch my cold ... ill stop now ...#point is i look forward to drawing charles many more times in the future Bald Or Not with his ex by his side <3#i dont even wanna post this i just wanna keep readin it. and replyin to it vJEALKAEJKL BUT i must thank you ... so thank you !!!#i hope to continue makin the people happy with my silly postings :]]]
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chromxena · 4 months ago
joined a local choir and ah, singing with other people is just so fun and nice and beautiful <3
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arolesbianism · 6 months ago
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Doodle I did of my girl Juliet earlier
#keese draws#lobotomy corporation#oc art#not super happy with this but I do enjoy looking at her so I can lower my standards for her#at least I feel like I have a better idea of her general shapes now#I spent hours and hours today on the lob corp grind and I think Im Finally ready to actually move forward with they story#Ive also been thinking abt my nuggets during their lor eras and thats been fun#in particular its been fun to think abt my ogs because half of them are experiencing their crash from finally being free from lob corp hell#and the other half are like frolicking in fields and making friendship bracelets and have made peace with their past and upcoming futures#and that half is the half that are all just godawful people who do not deserve that peace and happiness while the people they actively#traumatized are just left to deal with it#this is mostly abt juliet and loki they both suck I love them sm <3#juliet is the one thats caused more active harm tho since shes that type of boss that will obsess over those she thinks have ~potential~#and once youve caught her attention you are guaranteed to have a horrible time as she will get what she wants out of you no matter what#she doesn't even work on abnormalities anymore just just breaths down ppls necks and fights when need be#loki is very similar in that regard he puts a lot of pressure on his team to provide the results he wants#hes less likely to like. directly psychologically torture those who are under him. but he still isnt a good boss.#hes also more openly rude and disrespectful towards those around him because while neither respect anyone but eachother#loki much more frequently openly states that fact to ppls faces because he feels like everyone around him is wasting his time#now loki actually does legitimately like a few other ppl he works with which is smth that cant rly be said for juliet#but hes also the one whos always on team 'lets murder the newbies for science' so y'know#ding is like his least favorite person here and its like 30% because he specifically accepted her into the info department because he#planned on getting her killed to finish off some research on a tool abno that was being worked on#but she survived the process so now she just like actually works here and he despises her despite the fact that shes rly good at her job#juliet doesn't usually send ger guys to die on purpose but if they do die she doesn't care#she simply feels that if they die early they were weak links anyways#she will still be 'nice' to newbies and to all of her coworkers for that matter but she still has quite the bad reputation regardless#some newbies do fall for her polite act but anyone whos been here for more than like a few days knows that she doesn't give a shit abt them#theyre both doing fine in lor theyre just like we may have lost everything but at least we have eachother :) (mason wants to strangle them)
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pepprs · 2 years ago
last few hours in boston :(
#purrs#conference tag#we literally just got here and now we have to go 😭💔 i havent rly felt as enriched by this conference as i have in the past (though there’s#still 2 more sessions to go to incl the closing plenary and we’re getting lunch in the station before the train ride home) but ive walked#around so much and have spent time with people i love and some people i miss. and have been on adventures i have been looking forward to for#a rly long time though i am kinda bummed i never made it down to fanueil square. but… idk what happiness feels like anymore but maybe for me#it’s just absence of misery and despair. or contented ness. i have gotten a little triggered from time to time these last few days and ive b#been lonely in my hotel room but MAN it has been nice to not be miserable and suffering and to take walks and to not go to every session (ev#even though i do feel bad abt it like i missed 2 plenaries and an afternoon concurrent session which is more than i usually miss) and to#be in this city which feels so much like brighton and so uncity like in some ways. it’s so charming and omg i went to harvard and it was#NOTHING like what i imagined it to be / feel like.. just a quaint artsy quirky town. and the rest of the places ive been have been like that#too. and people LIVE here every day!!!!! there’s a big beautiful world here both above ground and below!!!! and im gonna be late to#breakfast but… i just feel nourished and healed in a way i wasn’t expecting to. I haven’t been this far away from home in 3+ years and#it’s just been really nice being somewhere else and going on adventures and seeing things surviving. i miss my grandparents a lot and im sad#to not be visiting them and to be unable to visit them now lol but it’s just rly nice and special being here. im goingto miss it so much and#im trying to savor every second. i wish we had one more day here and im a little sad to be going home lol#* what i meant when talking about happiness earlier is that i think… i have been happy these last few days. for the first time in a really#really long one. and that’s nice. it’s good to be happy again. and good to be here
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