#and now she doesn’t have them and honestly she’s become kinda basic
Giving your main character amnesia for this long is such a gamble and I’m still on the fence
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huiyi07 · 1 year
GENSHIN MANGA SPOILERS! but honestly if you haven’t read it by now it’s your fault alone
So why did Kaeya initially try to hurt Collei?
The obvious answer- he was trying to defend Mondstadt, Collei was a very suspicious figure at the time, and he knew that being aggressive towards her would probably draw out her hidden powers and reveal herself as the culprit of the Black Fire incident.
But there’s more to it than that.
Kaeya canonically loves, LOVES kids. He adores them- there’s lots of times in the game where he talks about how precious childhood is and how he wants to protect the purity of childhood dreams for as long as possible before kids have to grow up and face the real world (kinda similar to Childe). In 3.8, it shows how he is literally willing to do anything to protect a child- Klee, when he literally throws aside his own sibling issues in order to shield Klee from being exposed to the same thing and scolds a couple of bickering brothers for upsetting her.
Additionally, there’s his whole thing with Mika and how he’s basically a big brother figure to the entirety of Mondstadt’s population under 17. The highly implied bond between Bennett, Razor, Fischl and him, even.
Anyway this whole aspect of his character obviously stems from his own childhood and how tainted it was by his hidden identity, so like he probably doesn’t want any other kids to have to go through such hardship especially while they’re still young.
So if he loves kids so much, and wants to protect them so badly, why did he not hesitate to become a full blown villain against Collei, literally wounding an innocent 12-year old girl?
Because he sees himself in her.
Collei hates herself (or at least she used to LOL). She hates the burden (her powers) that was forced upon her from a young age, and those powers inevitably label her as a bad person, one who can harness evil powers to kill And hurt and whatever. It makes her feel like she has no real control over herself, and that she has no self-identity- she doesn’t think of herself as a regular person, instead a monster. And she hates, hates, hates herself for it, but she shoves all of it down under a mask.
Sound familiar to a certain cavalry captain?
That’s why Kaeya didnt hesitate to Go after her. He knows her too well, knows that she’s hiding her true identity under a well-crafted face, that there’s something evil and dark in her- because that’s exactly who he was as a kid.
But then this panel happens.
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Collei, evidently so tired of living such a torn life, gives up and offers her life to Kaeya just so that the torment can end, which stops Kaeya in his tracks, because that’s when she reminds him off himself just a little too much.
Kaeya, so caught up in her uncontrollable evil, forgets that she’s just a child, one who never should’ve been forced to deal with such a thing, and certainly not want to die because of it.
That’s exactly what happens internally to him, as well. Over the years, Kaeya internalized being a traitor so much, that often he convinces himself that he’s truly not a good person. Yes, he acknowledges that it’s really not his fault, but that still gets lost and it shows through when Kaeya shows us how willing he is to get himself harmed- because of his self hatred, he places so little value in his own wellbeing and his own life, because he thinks that all harm that comes to him is deserved and that it’s better off if he’s dead anyway so that he doesn’t have to deal with being torn apart every day.
No I’m not making this up, it’s in how he literally covers for Diluc all the time and risks himself in the process, and how Adelinde told us about that one time Kaeya literally took Diluc’s punishment for himself when they snuck into the wine cellars. There’s lots of times, even throughout in the game where Kaeya tries to convince us he’s not a good person- he quite literally says that, at some point.
Only when Collei shows that she’s in the exact same position does Kaeya realize what he’s doing and stops himself. Only then does he remember how painful and hard it really is, and he ends up helping to save Collei and removing her powers, because that’s one burden he can help take off, unlike his own.
Idk man for me the Kaeya vs Collei fight (I like to call it the chapter where collei gave us the hottest panel of Kaeya choking ever) told a story about Kaeya’s internalizations, too, and his own-self hatred and how deep it really goes. BRB CRYING
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nicomoon69 · 9 days
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hello yuri timber enjoyers, here is regency era timber inspired by @littlegreekhero and my pride and prejudice obsession
possible au yappings under the cut
ok so we have bernadette dowd and timothy drake
bern is from an upper middle class family (father is a rather succesful merchant) and lives a rather simple life
tim is from an aristocrat family who after the passing of his mother moved to the town bern lives in so his father can start a new with his new wife without high societies eyes on him and their family
they meet and almost instantly become friends, tho its mostly due to bern’s pestering. they end up relating to each other (being different from everybody (read being gay)) and swap stories abt their lives
they slowly fall in love, though neither of them really realize until tim is to be betrothed to either male steph or kon (depends on if everybody gets gender bent or not lol)
anyways they both kinda have an “oh shit I love her but she’s gonna be outta reach if I don’t do something right now” moment and bern has the very sensible response of deciding to start cross dressing so she can become tim’s secret lover to prevent her getting married
the thing is neither of them is honest abt why they’re going on along w the honestly kinda stupid plan. bern says she doesn’t wanna see tim unhappily married and tim says she doesn’t wanna be married bc she’s not ready
oh yeah and the plan literally only works bc bern is basically a recluse since her parents are almost always away on business and she didn’t care for anybody in the town until tim came along so a haircut and binding did wonders for making her unrecognizable
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twdgwritings · 4 months
Hello, sorry English is not my first language, but I would like to ask you for Mitch's headcanon, please, if it's not a bother and thank you very much.
Mitch Headcanons
Parings: Mitch x Fem! Reader
Warnings: death of a parent, typos probably, swearing, my opinions, everyone lives AU, did I miss any?
Summary: General and Romantic headcanons about Mitch!
A/N: I had two requests for Mitch headcanons, so here there are! He is a good guy, wish we got more of him. Sorry this took so long my brain is gone, it left me.
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We all know Mitch was sent to Ericson’s because he fought his neighbors and blew up shit, including his father’s garage. Though to add more depth into his character, I believe Mitch had a little sister, whom he was fiercely protective of. The neighbors he was fighting would sometimes pick on his sister, which lead to the fights though no adult knew that was the reason. I also think Mitch’s father is widowed, his mother died a two years before he got sent off.
He LOVES cowboy boots, don’t ask me why I just feel it in my bones(and it looks like he is wearing them in game). Mitch has a few pairs, probably from some walkers or he found them around the school. Everyone is wondering how his feet don’t hurt all the time, he doesn’t even know.
Mitch is a bigger nerd than he lets on. Other than the fact he is smart enough to understand chemistry and make bombs, but I also think he was a comic book guy. Though he never let anyone else know thinking he would get made fun of.
Pretty close friends with Ruby. Kinda like a sibling relationship, but she smacks him in the head when he does dumb shit. (Which is often)
Puffs his cheeks out when embarrassed, which only gets him (playfully) picked on by the others.
He still has a lot of energy and likes to play fight with the others, but mostly Willy. Of course he doesn’t hurt anyone and it’s all in good fun. One time he was wrestling Ruby (probably because he wasn’t resting hen he got hurt or something, and she wasn’t having that.) so he was holding her down on the ground, giving her shit over how he is stronger than her… and then all the little kids Tenn, Aj and Willy tackled him and began tickling him. (It was Willy’s idea)
Mitch REALLY likes cats. He likes dogs too don’t worry, Mitch loves Rosie. Like if he found one he will steal it and bring it home, congratulations you have a furry baby with him now. Best cat dad 10/10.
He is ticklish and he hates it, the only ones who get away with tickling him are the little ones. Expect Willy, that’s basically his little brother so he will get him back. But if all three kids gang up on him (as mentioned before) he will try to run from them.
Honestly Mitch is a super sweet guy, once you get past all the attitude. He loves playing with the kids and can be the biggest sweetheart towards them, but instantly becomes an asshole when called out on it.
You know how some people are like; “he picks on you because he likes you!” Yeah that exists because of guys like Mitch. He teases you and makes snarky comments because he has no idea how to handle his feelings, Ruby knows he likes you and she teases him.
His confess probably came from an argument between you two, yelling at him for being so mean and then he snaps back with something like; “I just REALLY like you!” Followed by crickets as you stare at him, Mitch is looking anywhere but you.
When it comes to PDA, he acts like he hates it and pouts but he loves it. I can see him totally being into the holding pinkies thing, it’s simple but adorable. You two standing together, pinkies interlocked and he is blushing like crazy.
He will teach you how to make bombs if you want, but he is super paranoid the whole time. Mostly worried you’re going to get yourself hurt, so he stands over your shoulder and watches like a hawk.
Mitch feels like a super cheesy guy, like romantic cheesy. But it’s an apocalyptic world, so he’s hard to have romantic dates. Your first date was sneaking out of Ericson’s at night, climbing a tree and looking at the stars together. That kind of cheesy, if that makes sense.
He gets too embarrassed to ask you to move into his room with him, so he just waits for you to do ur. Or just hint at it continuously. “Your room seems cramped, maybe you should come sleep in mine.” All the rooms are the same size lol. When you finally move into his room, he becomes hella clingy in private. Cuddling you all the time, has to be touching you. Mitch will let you decorate his room if you want, even if it’s something silly or girly. He will make a smart ass comment but if you try to take it down he gets upset like; “Hey, what are you doing I liked it there.” >:(
Sleeping in the same bed with Mitch is a pain, mostly because he rolls around and will roll ON YOU. He also sleeps kinda heavy, so you’ll have better luck pushing him off yourself rather than waking him up. When Mitch does wake up he kinda cranky like an old man, which you tease him about and he only mumbles a “shut up.”
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raygirlramblings · 9 months
Hey so I know we have stuff and comics on Rabbid Mario and Rayman’s friendship, but what about Rabbid peach?
I kinda want to see how Rayman becomes friends with the diva. (BeSides from beep-o’s weird romance series)
oooooh now THIS is interesting!
Ok so originally I said a while ago that I want to se Rabbid Peach messing with Rayman and getting on his nerves, and I think that fits her personality. But having finished the dlc I think there could be way more to this relationship.
The thing about Rabbid peach is that while she gives off this diva air of only caring about herself she is also one of the best healers in the game. She’s self absorbed and prone to jealousy but she DOES care about her friends and uses her powers to heal them when they need her. At the end of the Phantom Show dlc she’s the one who presents Rayman with a surprise gift after initially seeming standoffish towards him. And despite her jealousy towards how Mario and Peach interact she clearly values Peach as a close friend and inspiration.
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So what does this mean for her and Rayman’s friendship? Well the good thing about Rabbid Peach is her extrovert personality. She wears her heart on her sleeve, doesn’t hold back her opinions, and is honest to the point of rudeness. She’s not afraid to call a spade a spade. And while this might take a bit of getting used to I think Rayman would appreciate this aspect of her character.
Despite having a good number of female friends (Ly, Barbara, Betilla etc) Rayman doesn’t really have a female friend he can unload his more petty side onto. Basically have a good old fashioned bitch fest with. I imagine he holds Ly in too high regard to dump his problems on her, Barbara doesn’t strike me as the ‘girly chat’ type, and Betilla is his adoring parental figure who’d probably not be as impartial as she could be.
But Rabbid Peach? Now there is a lady he can have proper girl talk with. I can see Rayman being able to be very honest about his frustrations and anxieties with Rabbid Peach. She in turn can give him frank and blunt advice about how he’s too self sacrificing and encouraging him to follow his heart the way she does. In turn Rayman is very relaxed in his gender identity and wouldn’t mind having a make-over slumber party with Rabbid Peach once in a while. Basically they’re good stress relief to one another and a safe space where they can vent about their lives (provided Rabbid Peach promises to stay off her phone ;) )
Honestly, I got the image of that one scene in the Looney Toons show where Daffy is doing Bugs’ hair and they’re having a girl chat and I had to draw it XD
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Sometimes it’s ok to just unwind, have some me time with the girls, and feel pretty. XD
So yeah, that’s basically my impressions of Rayman and Rabbid Peach’s friendship. I imagine this might take a while to develop but I could see them forming a very unique friendship with a lot of love and support between them ^_^. Almost the complete opposite of Ray’s chaotic and physical friendship with Rabbid Mario XD
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rosypenguins · 2 months
I’m kinda bored so have some TMF backstory predictions:
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His dad is out of the picture, it’s just him, his mom and his brother. His mom’s single and as a parent she’s pretty relaxed, just as long as you don’t piss her off. Like she is not beyond throwing a slipper at Jake because he sassed her or something. (Slippers are her main weapon probably.) She’d also probably drag her son’s by the ear before telling them off for something stupid. She cares a lot about her sons and is trying her best, but she’s usually pretty busy with work and is probably exhausted 24/7 so Jake has to help out with Milo a lot. She’s very close to both her children and is very supportive of Jake’s passions. She’s also just a very warm person overall and views the Jomies as her sons. (But one time Liam made a joke about how he was gonna try and flirt with Jake’s mom and become his step-dad and Jake nearly fucking cried so Liam never did it again.) Jake’s probably pretty protective of his mom, too. He cares about her a lot.
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I imagine his parents are pretty wealthy, honestly. Like, not Drew-level wealthy but they’re pretty well off. He has younger sisters that he helps take care of, and he’s pretty close with them. His parents are also very caring and he’s pretty close with them, but they hold him to very high standards. They view him as their ‘Golden Child’ almost so Luke works hard to maintain that image. Also, his parents are probably homophobic and Luke doesn’t know if him having a boyfriend will change how they feel about him. He doesn’t want them to hate him, so he keeps his relationship a secret.
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Milly’s parents are probably pretty strict. They want Milly to be this perfect little girl but she’s not and she’s pretty defiant of them. They probably argue quite a bit and Milly’s parents always claim that they just want the best for her, which only makes Milly more angry because she just wants to be herself. They care about her deep down but also somewhat feel disappointed in her and she’s fully aware of it. She pretends like it doesn’t bother her but it totally does.
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His parents fucking hate each other. They argue 24/7, and the only reason they’re still together is because Sean’s still living with them. The moment Sean moves out, they’re planning on getting a divorce. Sean’s fully aware of this and views himself as the problem, which does wonders for his self-esteem. His parents are probably pretty hard on him and have lashed out at him before as a way to let off anger. Sean does not like them. He is not close to either of them, and will find any and every excuse to stay out later just so he doesn’t have to go home. (Which usually just gets him in more trouble.) He doesn’t really try to fight back against them. Just kinda nods and goes along with whatever they want. When Sean is home, he probably locks himself away in his room, and keeps his headphones on full blast. One of his parents is probably an alcoholic, too. He’s considered running away at some point but doesn’t really know where to go and he wouldn’t want to worry any of his friends.
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…I’m gonna try to keep this brief I’ve done SO many posts about this but basically his parents are rarely around because they’re always busy with work. Drew resents them for this, and the only way he can even tell that they care about him is because they buy him whatever he wants, causing this whole ‘gifts=care’ mindset he has and expresses with his friends. Anyways, he barely knows anything about his parents, and rarely talk to them. And as long as Drew remains respectful and keeps his grades up, they don’t really pay any mind to him. Also, calling it now, Drew doesn’t have a mom. Whether this means he has a single dad or TWO dads is up to you. (Also, I know for a FACT he got a hug from Jake’s mom at some point and nearly cried because he’s not used to having a positive parental figure.)
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Henry would have the chillest parents ever, I just know it. I feel like they’d be lower middle class, but Henry would have ZERO responsibilities while under their roof. Like, they still probably do his dishes for him. They still probably fold his laundry for him. His only real ‘responsibility’ is to clean his room, but there’s no sort of consequences if he doesn’t so it’s just constantly a disaster. He could probably get away with murder and all his parents would do is just say: “Well, son, that wasn’t very cool of you. You shouldn’t do that again.” He’s pretty close with both of them, though.
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Last one. I feel like his dad’s the one who works while his mom stays at home. He’s in a similar financial situation to Henry, (probably why they hang out with Drew-) but unlike Henry, Liam has responsibilities. He has to help his mom with a lot of the chores, and if he tries to blow it off or give her sass he’ll probably just get smacked with a hand-towel. But as long as his chores are done Liam���s kinda allowed to do whatever. As long as he’s home for dinner, he has the freedom to go wherever. He’s not really all that close to his dad but he cares a lot about his mom.
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You guys just don’t understand
You can’t even begin to grasp the amount of pranks Danny could pull on super heros (is that one words? Superheros?)
Added a read more because I hate long posts
Danny as a ghost is so powerful. Like our boy can walk through walls, disappear, and fly! Do you even grasp how much more unique he is than the others guys??
Jokes aside just imagine if you will. Danny could leave batburger cups next to Batman all the time (he comes back later to toss em out of Big ol B doesn’t)
Like hell we talk about Danny just showing up basically stalking the heros but ok hear me out. He didn’t mean to figure out Batmans identity ok but he was in the right place at the right time and over heard some stuff. Now he follows Bruce Wayne around instead. Always spitting out if a batburger cup. Maybe Bruce makes eye contact with him and one time Danny just leans his drink out to as one does to offer a sip xD the man is horrified.
For the ?Robins? The other bats maybe he leaves gifts of sorts. Stuff they would like made from his ice or something. He can understand becoming a hero young and most (if not all) of them did that. He plays favourites with the younger Heros for sure. But hes still making them have there “God?? Is that you” moments like everyone else.
Hell he could follow Superman around and always make his cape flow against the wind and the Hero wouldn’t know wtf is going on. Maybe Superman hears a very slight snickering maybe but the prank is harmless enough so why worry too much. I mean it’s probably bad someone can do this without getting detected till they give themselves away by laughing but nothing harmful yet. (Yet would emphasise Batman)
I don’t know anything about GreenArrow but I assume he uses a bow and arrow so I could imagine Danny grabbing his arrows and making them fly in crazy wild paths before hitting their mark.
Idk honestly how he would fuck with GreenLatern besides like using his ghost powers to try and one up his ring. Like Lantern makes a shield? Danny makes a better one next to it or in front of it. Tbh it’s actually helping Danny get better at his powers so he does this a lot rip Hal (I did not know he was played by Ryan Reynolds maybe ill watch the newer movie)
He refuses to mess with Wonder Woman because the Phandom has told me she is his fav thus he refuses to prank her. He respects her too much and is a huge enough fan that hes too nervous to even approach. Thus she thinks she is this pranksters least favourite since she is never bothered.
Aqua-man (thx for the correction siri) is pretty fun to prank because Danny can follow the man underwater. Idk anything about science of it but imagine Danny like making a space he can talk in with his ice powers (making a bubble of sorts) to make spooky noises at ?Arthur? (R we seriously going with Arthur in this one?) like I assume without actual fish related powers, or with them I havent seen any thing aquaman, you can’t talk underwater. But also if Danny figures out his real name hes 100% gonna be playing the Hey Arthur theme at this man all the time.
He just lowkey overshadows cyborg. Not in a controlling way but just along for the ride kinda way. He was gonna make remarks about his tech but ended up being stunned by how good it is. “Fam I aint gonna lie. I came here to follow you around and make comments like a streamer but your tech is crazy cool. I mean you could have saved a little room with a more compact cooling unit but I mean this is probably some of the best stuff I have seen outside my family!” Or something idk. Maybe he goes full on antman in coldwar
As for the Flash thats pretty simple. He doesn’t let the Flash run from him. I don’t think Danny could keep up with the Flash at all. Like man cants have everyones powers (can’t he tho) but he just hangs on and pretends to have followed. I mean hes invisible the whole time so not like anyone can see lmao though if (idk who the flash is? So ill use Barry cause thats why google say) if Barry goes too fast he might get Danny to give up the game cause boy is on the side vomiting. Barry is pretty smug about probably being the first to throw the prankster for a loop but Danny is just on the side like “how can you go that fast and not be sick dude”
Like tbh I was gonna just make a list of pranks he pulls on Batman but yall seem to enjoy the Justice League so here go off I guess.
Honestly I had to charge my phone so I forget a lot of the post rip this kne
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As a Jake kinnie and supporter, an Aiden enjoyer, and Jakeden shipper- deadass the story would be more exciting if they dated.
Hear me out- Tom x Jake? It’s cute, but it honestly feels a little empty. If ONC wanted to focus on the Jam ship, they should’ve added more. The stupid “will they won’t they” should not be in my indie gay show!!
James x Aiden- nothing. No seasoning. No spice. No chemistry. Just fanservice. In my opinion, it doesn’t help that the first kiss they ever had was a little non-consensual. Aiden agreed to kiss him for like 2 seconds- not 10. Aiden was probably really uncomfortable considering that he didn’t like James at the time. Plus James’ entire personality is “Aiden” and “Social media” it feels like he’s an NPC.
So what if in DCAS Aiden used to love James, he really did. But recently, every kiss feels fake, every hug feels fabricated. James still loves Aiden, but Aiden doesn’t feel the same anymore. Getting back into the show was perfect! Maybe he could have the privacy to talk to Lake, maybe the spark between him and James would relight! But as soon as Aiden walks onto the plane, he spots Jake. Aiden LOVED Jake in season one- so he has a little fanboy crush as is. James gets voted off, and Aiden doesn’t really feel that upset, if anything he’s a little glad he won’t have to act super lovey dovey. He had a conversation with Lake before she gets voted off, and she basically tells him “It’s okay to not be in love anymore. Things happen, you should just be honest with him and break things off when the show is over.”
Jake on the other hand gets jealous of Tom and Aiden hanging out- but this time.. it’s not because of Tom. Jake is jealous that Tom is hanging out with this cute boy. Jake tells himself that he’s jealous of Aiden, as Jake has slowly begun to realize that him and Tom just might not be meant to be and he needs to move the fuck on. Eventually, Jake starts to realize that he’s thinking more and more about Aiden and tells this to Ashley- and she basically says “Well it sounds like you got a crush on Aiden, not Tom.” Jake understands this now- but because he’s bad with his feelings, he still acts kinda passive aggressive with Aiden. Yet he can’t help but joke around with him sometimes. When the merge happens and Connor gives everyone the speech, Jake realizes that he should be more honest with Aiden. So Jake and Aiden start to develop a friendship! Episode 13- the superhero one! At the end of the challenge! Make Aiden kiss Jake in the moment!! Because over the course of the show- Aiden was like “God Jake is so pretty” and then their friendship arc made him go “God Jake is so cool” then after the challenge- Jake and Aiden talk to each other- and become a couple.
This adds more to Jake’s character! He’s finally in a relationship that isn’t based off looks, they have chemistry, they have a genuine relationship arc and not that “will they won’t they” bullcrap. Then when Aiden gets voted off! Jake is like “I need to win this for me, AND Aiden!”
Also the moment when Jake finds out James is his helper in the final challenge? That “James.. oh g o d” is so much funnier because Jake and Aiden are dating now. And Jake has no idea about how James feels about that. (Don’t worry they establish that James and Aiden break up in the motel episode- James is sad but he understands)
hey hey hey as a big jakeden fan i am NODDINGGGGGGG
this is my own personal bias but i'd love to add james to their relationship anyways, jajames enemies to lovers is SO FUNNY - but i can totally get behind just jakeden. seriously they had so much chemistry.
i think i would change the kiss though, i'd let them get a kiss just maybe in the finale, granted that jake is in it. just so everything is consensual and sorted out, so we don't have to bear with 'cheating' drama with jaiden. they can still have those nice, awkward & romantic moments, like the hug in the lie detector episode (my god was that peak jakeden. that whole episode was spectacular for them)
i fw this hard
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animeomegas · 8 months
You saying that Neji is one of the most requested characters actually reminded me of an angst plot line I thought about a couple weeks ago.
I don’t usually think about Neji dying (because he shouldn’t have but that’s besides the point) but it does have really good angst potential.
I imagine an alpha who’s a bright person, kinda like Naruto but to a lesser degree and they have a huge crush on Neji. I’m talking ginormous crush on him. They meet Neji when they both enter the academy because they’re also a shinobi but they don’t interact with him very often because he’s Neji.
During the Chunin exams when Neji reveals what the Hyuga clan has done to him they make it their mission to help Neji get out of the clan. They go to see Neji after his match (they lost in the previous matches) to make sure he’s alright and then they promise to help him be free from his clan. Neji being Neji denies the alpha at first because he’s stubborn and doesn’t want the help but as they get older he can’t help but think about the promise the alpha made to him.
During the war the alpha almost dies and when Neji comes to check up in them they tell him that they refuse to die so easily because they made a promise to him and they intend to keep it for when the war is over. I like to think it would reflect when the alpha first made the promise to him with the alpha being hurt instead. Neji is the tiniest bit less stubborn and while he doesn’t directly accept the alpha’s words it’s clear by his body language that he is more accepting to the alpha now that he’s older. Then he dies :D
The alpha basically falls apart when he does. They feel like a failure, like an awful alpha, their chest hurts so much they feel like they’re dying. They don’t understand why it had to be Neji (I’d change his death to an accidental one honestly because his canon one is bad) he just wanted to be free and live how he wanted but instead his life got cut short at 18 with him still being a prisoner.
When the war ends the alpha can barely do anything. They can’t eat, can’t go anywhere, can’t get out of bed and can barely sleep because they see Neji is their dreams. In said dreams Neji often blames the poor alpha for not protecting him like they promised they would. Their friends come to see them to comfort them but it doesn’t work because they can’t bring Neji back to life. Their friends are super worried about them because it’s been almost 4 months and the alpha hasn’t had any improvement and just keeps drowning further and further into their grief.
I had 3 ideas for the ending 1 angst, 1 bittersweet, and 1 hopeful. One was that the alpha dies from the heartbreak of losing Neji. They weren’t mated but they loved Neji so much that they just couldn’t take it.
The second one is that the alpha decides to just give up and waste away. They’re friends stop them and get the alpha help but they will never be the same. Yes they have their friends with them but they don’t have Neji. They appreciate their friends but they just wanted to be with Neji again. The alpha keeps living as a husk of what they were before but at least they have their loved ones to help them.
The last one is that the alpha decides to live for Neji. To help make the change Neji wanted in the Hyuga clan. When Hinata becomes head they help her fight for the side branch members to be treated equally to main branch members and they adopt a child from the Hyuga clan. They don’t mate or court anyone else but they are content with their child and other loved ones.
Also Hinata treats them like family because I love found family and she knows how much the alpha loves Neji. She also is their biggest supporter both while they are grieving and after because I said so.
I swear this is the biggest idea I’ve had in a while. My brain has been legit empty ever since. Neji both fills my brain with many thoughts and empties it all the same. I wanted to make this into a story but seasonal depression hit hard so :\
This broke my heart in the best way, anon, thank you so much, but also how dare you 🤧 No thoughts, only Neji. Seasonal depression is rough, and I hope you're doing okay. If you do ever write this though, please tag me, I would love to read it, even if it would probably make me cry :(((
I adore the idea of the alpha dedicating their life to living in a way that honours Neji. They help fix the Hyuuga clan with Hinata, they adopt a Hyuuga orphan, they look after his old team and make sure all his friends are doing well. It's bittersweet, but 🥺
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iincogneeto · 2 months
here is what happens to all my current ones! (These are just quick doodles lmfao)
(kinda) feat. @larz-barz @flowerpea-tt @nothingtoseehere1-2-3
( keep reading for all the infooo)
Elliot and kanan: in the IC (infinity castle) kanan knocks Elliot out (against his wishes) to keep him safe and hide him.
He later wakes up to find kanan on one of the floors kneeled down hunched over holding her spear lodged in the ground, she is unconscious, but still alive.
Kanan later gets all fixed up and is in a coma for a while (2-3 months or so?) and while that is going on, Elliot stays with her the whole time. the poor kakushis are worried for him since he doesn’t want to eat or sleep 😭 (they may or may not have spiked his tea with sleeping medicine..)
Kanan eventually wakes up without her left ear, her left eye, and without an arm..😭
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Akemi and Akane: akane leaves with small scars, while Akemi leaves nearly unharmed (demon powers lmfao) and a while later becomes human again because of super cool medicine
they get an actual happy ending good for them
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Akira: he leaves in alright condition, but his birthmark…
He got basically his birthmark SPREAD??? (Kamado style) and now his birthmark is on almost everywhere on his right upper body 😭
He thinks he’s really ugly and incapable of being loved and he’s honestly like an insecure teenager in highschool (Kaori is still down bad for him ofc)
they uh..perchancably have like 7 babies in the future.. 🤭
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Jinsei: him and qishi leave VERY HARMED they both take a while to wake up and Jinsei has like scars EVERYWHERE LMFAO (idk what else to add. 😭)
him and qishi also have like 2 kids 😝
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He gets a few scars on his abdomen area but is mostly alright (he’s goated)
but (I’m pretty sure) tomiko DIES 😭😭 so he’s very very depressed 😭 (and even more of an alcoholic)
(Cw topic of suicide on next text)
Due to this he’d want to “commit” but for the sake of tomiko (and the fact that he keeps failing anyways) he decides against it
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tae-jun, Xiaocheng, and asahi.
These three pass away.
Asahi is killed by kanan by beheading him. (My baby killing my other baby???)
Xiaocheng is killed during the fight with kokushibo. He loses an ear, two fingers, and gets many many many cuts and lacerations on his body, resulting in death by blood loss.
Tae-jun is also killed by kokushibo. He gets his eye stabbed out, and gets his heart ripped out of his body) resulting in his death.
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umeumeumee · 1 year
moonlight on the river
ahsoka tano x fem! reader
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The cold midnight breeze blew by you.
Your hair rose with it, eyes shutting to avoid the gust.
having trouble sleeping wasn’t a problem you had. You could always sleep, it was simple.
but lately, since an unfamiliar feeling inside you had arose, you couldn’t seem to be able to join the place of slumber.
a sigh left your throat as the feeling inside you began to show itself again.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in your room?” Ahsoka’s voice rang behind you, earning a huff of air to escape you at being caught.
“aren’t you supposed to be in your room?” you retorted, missing the small grin that made itself present on her lips. She came to sit beside you, her clothes shuffling with her movements.
“why are you out so late?” she asked, you could feel her eyes on you.
you inhaled lightly. You knew you couldn’t tell her the true reason you were breaking the order’s rules by being out so late— but, at the same time, it doesn’t even matter. You’ve broken the main one.
don’t fall in love.
“Mayn snores too loudly.” you replied, earning a chuckle from the Togruta beside you.
“he does. he shakes the building.” you two laughed, the breeze, the swaying of the water against the muddled land was playing in the back, comforting your spacing nerves.
the soft giggles dissipated slowly, ahsoka subconsciously scooting closer to you.
“but… what’s the real reason you’re out here? You’ve.. I don’t know, kinda been off for a few days.” she mumbled, her eyes still focusing on your side.
You fought roughly against the pounding in your chest, the dizziness in your head and the sweat that coats your body. You tried to follow the order’s rules.
You didn’t reply to ahsoka, simply ducking your head into your arms.
it went silent, the air suddenly becoming unbearably tense. Ahsoka swallowed, you could hear it from beside you.
“honestly y/n.. with how you’ve been acting, i’m.. I’m worried about you.” ahsoka confessed, causing you to melt in guild. “You’ve been so distant. I don’t know if i did something to make you upset, or angry and if i did i’m sorry— I’m so sorry but please tell me. I—”
“ahsoka, It’s not you.” you interrupted, finally facing her fully for the first time in a while.
“It’s never been you. I just… kriff, I’m having trouble with something. It’s not you, I’m sorry i’ve been so strange.” you admitted, watching her face twist with concern.
she moved closer, so close you could smell the light scent of Jogan fruit lingering from her form.
“what’s bothering you, then?” she asked, the short distance between you both making your head light.
“Just.. something like an internal debate, really.” you replied, voice just above a whisper, your eyes moving up lock with hers.
the eye contact between you both was so thick you could cut it, eyes searching for answers of unasked questions in each other.
ahsokas eye darted to your lips for less than a second before she shut her eyes and moved her head away, seemingly shoving down a thought she had.
“do… you still like that boy?”
you furrowed your brows, confusion following on your features soon after.
“what boy?”
“I dunno, the one that would visit you in the temple every now and then? his name was ju—ja.. jau— ju—”
ahsoka nodded. “yeah.”
you stare at her, her eyes obviously fighting the urge to look at you, but losing the battle when you laugh.
“what’s so funny?” she bites, huffing.
“Juaro is my cousin. not biologically, but we are basically cousins.” you told her, watching as her face shifted.
“but— that’s against the order, to.. have family.” ahsoka said lowly, her voice dropping sadly.
you frown. “I know. but, I’ve known him and his mother for so long. You know ahsoka, you’re the only one who knows about them.”
she quickly looked at you, her lekku moving softly with her rash movements.
“what? i though Obi-wan knew.”
“Nope, only you.”
she seemed to be in deep thought, her cute face scrunching in thought.
“you.. trusted me with that? I could’ve told the council.” Ahsoka said, her eyes flickering to the lake, and to your face that was so close to hers.
“I know. But, i trust you.” you comforted, smiling.
“why what? why do i trust you?”
you didn’t reply, knowing that if you did you’d ruin everything. Your friendship, your best friend, your ahsoka— your everything.
yet, at the same time— it was already too late. You were head over heals in love with the togruta, nothing but time could change that and you weren’t sure you were willing to wait that long.
with a heavy heart, you inhaled.
“because i think i’m in love with you.”
silence engulfed the air like a wave swallowing a city, your heart not knowing which way to beat. your mind racing like a racing fathier.
ahsoka hadn’t moved— for all you could see, she wasn’t even breathing.
you began to move, preparing yourself for the loss of your world, and the humiliation of your confession— right before she caught your arm, you didn’t even have a moment to process what was currently happening before you were pulled down, and a pair of unfamiliar burgundy lips landed on yours.
it took you a few seconds to gather what was currently happening, but within no time you melted into the affection. Your lips dancing with hers in a rhythm you didn’t know you were capable of doing.
the way her hands reached for your waist after a shy moment, kissing you deeply when her hands found solace on your body.
If this wasn’t heaven, you didn’t know what was.
The gap between you both opened once again, providing you both with fresh air once again.
Ahsoka hadn’t moved her hands, preferring to keep them on you.
“I think love you too.”
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wisteria-lodge · 6 months
badger primary + rapid fire/actor bird secondary
Hi! I’ve passively loved this system for a couple of years now but it’s only now that I’ve discovered that you actually do real people sorts! Anyway, I am pretty sure of being a Snake primary, but I’ll have you be the judge of that.
My Dad is a double Snake, however, my Mum I think is a Badger/Lion and this obviously creates a lot of conflict between them. I really care about both of them and though me & dad understand each other better on a fundamental level, he can also be quite a harsh and manipulative person (he has the typical Snake secondary thing where he tells you whatever you want to hear until you get close to him or he’s exhausted enough  to let the masks drop, and at that point he becomes quite harsh, which my Badger/Lion mum does NOT like, and she especially doesn’t like how “fake” he is), and my Mum always reacted very negatively to my behaving like him. 
A Double Snake and and Badger Lion could easily have periods of looking very similar, and very in sync, and then just… circumstances change and they couldn’t be more different. That’s a tricky one to navigate. So you’ve got a bit of cultural negativity surrounding Snake secondary, noted. 
So I kind of spent most of my life feeling torn because the two people I cared about the most had very opposing expectations of my personality
Definitely getting inklings of a Loyalist primary (Badger or Snake.) 
my Mum’s love in particular felt very conditional even though she was always very supportive of all my intellectual endeavors.
I spent the first 18-ish years of my life with “saying whatever I need to get what I want” as my primary strategy in life 
Definitely sounds quite Snake secondary (sounds a lot like your Dad’s Snake.) 
 and constructing a “cool, popular girl” personality that would give me enough social capital to get whatever I want.
Oooh, have we got some Bird secondary going on? Because this sounds like it could be Actor Bird. The very conscious way you went about building “Cool, Popular Girl” (even using words like “constructing”) and fact that this persona has a name, probably had a costume, and is purpose-built for a specific environment, not a specific person... sounds very Bird.
What I wanted, though, wasn’t anything particularly ambitious: I’m very conflict averse so I made shit up to avoid conflict. 
I associate this with Snake and Bird, the two “I move” secondaries. They’re water, flowing around obstacles. Lions and oddly Badgers are far more likely to pick fights. 
I wanted to be have strong “ride or die” friendships with people I could protect and who could protect me in turn (I first wrote “group of friends” but I now realize that I kind of struggle with groups of people - I just never have the feeling of being part of a group, just having ties with individual people, so I guess I want to be part of a group in the sense of having ties of affection and loyalty with several people who also have them with each other).
This is such heavily Snake primary-coded language, that I’m kinda wondering if that’s on purpose, and you’re looking for a specific answer from me… :) 
However, because what I got from my mum and, quite honestly, the media I liked was basically “my personality=villain.” I tended to seek out other people perceived as “villains” as some way because I felt that they would accept me more easily. 
I wish it weren’t the case, but you’re right, that’s a common thing. Especially if you’re a Double Snake or a Snake Bird, which I think are your two most likely sortings right now. 
I also really hated people who treated their friends badly or arrogantly and tended to bully them 
I mean that’s the human thing, but it’s definitely something that would bother a Loyalist (Snake or Badger primary) a LOT. 
there was this one swotty girl who was constantly looking down at her friends and treating them badly, and I just decided to make her life living hell because I was so morally affronted by it. 
I’d love to know exactly what your strategies were, because that would tell me a lot about your secondary. But there does seem to be a suggestion that there was a Mean-Girls-stye *plan* here, which kind of makes me think Bird. 
Another friend also abandoned us and found another friend group where everyone was basically in love with him and he was using them for attention seeking purposes and I also reacted to this quite harshly.
“Abandon” is a very dramatic word to describe a friend [entering a slight fuckboy phase?] and switching friend groups. 
The thing is, I also tended to abandon some people, which doesn’t clash well a Snake primary, I guess? One of my HS friend groups were really quite asshole-ish, and I ended up ditching them, but that was because I felt like they were treating other close people (of theirs, not mine) badly? 
Okay. So here’s what I think is going on. You’re a Badger. Hear me out. 
Yes, I think that your Badger looked like a Snake for a good long while. But you’re close to your Dad, and your Dad’s a Snake, and young Badgers will do that, look like authority figures or beloved people in their community. It really hurts you that your parents are not a united unit, not a community. A Snake would have an easier time just having separate relationships with each of them, even if they didn’t get along. Same thing with your friend that switched friend groups. That’s a very Badger way of looking at the situation. The Snake thing would be, well - he’s your friend, and it doesn’t really matter what group he’s him. But a Badger would want him to stay in the better group, the group that was better for him. 
You hate it when people mistreat their group. You hate bullies (Captain America style.) That’s all Badger. You also talk about multiple, conflicting groups of friends, and that whole “Cool Popular Girl” - I mean, it’s not exclusive to Badger primaries, bit it is definitely a very common way for High School Badger primaries to present. 
I had also decided to start taking school and stuff more seriously and I just kind of felt like their affection would be conditional on my bad bitch persona, got scared and ran? It was a long time ago, I don’t really remember.
This is Bird secondary thing. Getting “suck” in a persona, and worrying that people only like you / you only have value because of it. 
The turnpoint came when I met my first serious boyfriend, who is definitely a Snake secondary but I’m honestly not sure if he’s a Snake or a Bird primary.
The so far elaborately constructed web of lies and reputation building that was my life led to the downfall of our relationship, because it combined with some external circumstances made trust difficult
You have a complicated relationship with Snake secondaries, but you yourself are a Bird. “Construction,” “reputation building,” the web metaphor… it sounds like a Bird. That’s just not how Snake secondaries think. 
what I somehow got out of it was a deep fear of betrayal and abandonment 
and possibly Burned your primary a little bit (probably another reason you’re picking Snake for yourself, Burnt Badgers look like Snakes. 
and the impression that if I wanted people to love me and stay by my side, I should be very open about who I am (so that I’m sure that it’s me that they’re loyal to and not their personal image of me), and just try to be the kind of kind, morally upstanding person that people couldn’t fault for anything.
These are two mutually exclusive goals. If you’re totally honest and open about who you are (the Lion secondary thing) - then you will absolutely ruffle some feathers and rub people the wrong way. It’s a totally different approach than being the “kind [person] that people couldn’t fault for anything.” (Which is more of a badger thing.)
Forcing myself to act like this led to a plethora of mental health issues because being very open about who I am is just… not who I am? 
You also just set yourself for failure. There is literally no way you could have achieved what you set out to achieve. And how is “forcing” yourself to act a certain way more open and genuine? It sounds like you built a Badger secondary model out of fear, and just sat in it for a while.
And it was very anxiety-inducing for me. Even now, when my mental health is much better and I’ve settled into who I am, I like showing off my playfulness and wit and keeping the rest of my personality behind a neutrally charming mask.
And that’s… good? Normal? That’s also very Bird. Just have a charming, Badger-flavored ‘customer service’ face that you wear as you go through the world. Go into Neutral when you feel comfortable. (Birds go into Neutral very much like Snakes do, but the change usually isn’t as dramatic.) 
Also, my success until that point was based on a lot of improvisation and quick thinking, and while I kept that to a point, it also always led to a bunch of moral panic because in my head, being this kind of person is what gets you abandoned.
Rapid-Fire Bird. There’s a little bit of your Bird coming through here, in that you want a foundation, you don’t want to just do the Snake thing. 
Anyway, I was a psychology major (I always liked understanding how people tick and how to get them to see or do what  you want them to without having to explicitly argue with them or convince them)
Very Bird. 
but I felt alienated with the “bleeding heart helping profession!!” people around me.
I am not at all surprised that the profession skews Badger secondary, and that it did not feel at all good being around all those Badger secondaries... when you’ve got such a messy relationship with your Badger model. 
I eventually settled for doing research on children growing up in harsh circumstances who develop externalizing symptoms, but it was just because throughout my life I met a lot of people like that and a lot of my close people are “misunderstood” because they sometimes behave harshly due to their harsh upbringings, so I wanted to vindicate them in a way, as well as vindicate myself because I cared about explaining why people sometimes act less than morally and yet can still be loyal and worthy of love and not automatically “bad people”.
I love this for you. It seems like this would just fit into your primary so nicely. You’ve got a category of people, who are your people and you’re going to vindicate them, and protect them - especially from other people seeking to dehumanize them. It’s so Badger, but in that lovely universal way. 
In the meanwhile, I kind of developed a Badger primary model, I guess, in that I do dedicate a lot of my time to helping people
… or you were a Badger all along…
 and being kind and open and inviting
yeah, that has absolutely nothing to do with being a Badger primary. I’m serious. That’s just your neutrally-charming mask. 
but whenever this is put to the test my Snake loyalties always always come first. 
I honestly haven’t seen this so far. The only individuals you’ve talked about are your parents (who bothered you by not being a group, your fuckboy friend (who left the group) and your first boyfriend, who you broke up with. 
And I also still always get morally outraged when people are disloyal to their close ones or treat them badly, 
This your primary talking. (your why, what gets you out of bed in the morning)
whereas the general kindness and the work I put in towards making sure the world is a kinder, fairer place is just something that I do, no emotional attachment to it, and I don’t expect other people to do it at all.
This is your badger secondary model talking. (how you go about doing things, how you present to the world.) Both Badger, yes. EXTREMELY different. 
I honestly don’t think a lot about morality, aside from the generic “be kind and try not to fuck people over unless you really have to”
I mean, you did just say. “I also still always get morally outraged when people are disloyal to their close ones or treat them badly.” I think you just must not consider that sort of thing… really morality, in some way. But Badgers get their morality from their group. Their highest moral good is to make sure the group is doing okay. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. 
rationally constructing a system of morality or trying to arrive at some kind of internal hunch both feel kind of empty to me? 
Because you’re not a Bird or Lion primary? Of course it does. 
Now, as for the secondary, my knee jerk reaction is to say Bird because I’m in research, and ever since childhood I’ve always been a very logical person. I’ve eventually learned to be quite systemic in my problem solving process because I need it for research, but what I like about this career is the problem solving aspect of it, like you have a goal (for example, an effective psychosocial information or the acquisition of a certain kind of information) and you have to figure out how to get to that information. Basically the most efficient way of getting from A to B.
 I make sure to be systemic and thorough and analytical because it’s the most surefire way to get things right in my line of work, but I also take pleasure in kind of categorizing and putting information in order, and connecting it along different lines. I also really care about proper methodology and not half-assing things to get the results that you want, because I think that the results that you want are the results that are accurate and useful in the real world, not the ones that make you look better.
Wait, am I a double Snake?
Okay, now you’ve got ME worried - I must have really screwed up explaining something, because how can you write something THAT bird secondary, love systems as much as you do… and arrive at the conclusion that you’re a Snake? 
What I know for sure is that I absolutely do not identify with “knowledge for knowledge’s sake”, but I do have a really broad criteria for what “useful knowledge” is because I’m capable of thinking quite abstractly, so I can see the utility of almost anything.
That is very, very, very Bird. I’m starting to see the problem though. “Knowledge for knowledge’s sake” is an older phrase that owes more to the parent system than I would like, but it does essentially mean “no knowledge is wasted, the most useful way to solve problems is to preemptively hoard knowledge.” 
What I am really also passionate about is presenting things in the right way. I love writing, and I love public speaking, because I get to put myself in the other person’s shoes, imagine how they will “receive” what I’m saying and then tailor my presentation or short story or whatever to lead them to the conclusion that I want them to reach. But I dislike manipulating people with this: the conclusions that I want them to reach are the ones that I personally consider accurate, not the ones that benefit me.
First thing, you sound like an absolutely incredible person, and by pretty much any metric you want to use, a *good* person. (And no, that’s not because the way you’ve written this is manipulating me. This is my little game, I’m good at it.) 
What I can tell you that tailoring a presentation to an audience - that’s just a Rapid-Fire Bird who knows their stuff doing trick-shots, and I bet it’s beautiful to see. You are delivering information in a way that the audience can properly take in, because you know both your audience and your information well enough to do that, and that is incredible. 
My knee-jerk reaction is always to improvise, but I feel like this makes me come off as a “fake” person if I change my mind on what I said later (I change my mind A LOT), so I try not to say what sounds good in the moment because it will bite me in the ass later and lead to a reputation of a flaky, fake person, I guess?
Not 100% sure what you mean here. Changing your mind… is just a personality trait, it doesn’t really have to do with why you do things or how you do them. I think you would call tailoring your presentations improvisation, and I really wouldn’t. It’s not improvisation, it’s just looks like improvisation because you’ve come up with a hundred different ways to say this thing, and then on the day you can pick the one that works the best. If you had to do the same thing, but not in your preferred subject matter/environment, it would be basically impossible.
But I also really pride myself on my logical and thorough assessments of situations, and I tend to like thinking things through when I get the chance for it, often postponing decisions until I’ve thought about all the eventual longterm consequences of all the courses of action I might take. 
What trips me up is my trauma-induced fixation with being “honest” and avoiding “lies”, which are more about their eventual inefficacy and worthlessness and less about their moral rightness or wrongness (and also because manipulative=bad, as my Mum spent all of my life saying). My line of thinking is, “Things built on lies or self-delusion always crash down and burn, and it is right that they do so that more stable and honest things can take place”
What are you building on lies? If anyone’s work has a solid foundation, it’s yours. And as we’ve previously discussed, even IF you were doing your mom’s brash Lion secondary thing, wouldn’t that be in a lie in itself, because it’s not your natural presentation, it’s something you need to force yourself to do? 
but I also kind of use it to do shady shit - like I don’t feel morally wrong in hitting up a man in a relationship, because if he really cares about his woman the only person who’ll get burned is me and if he doesn’t I saved her the trouble of wasting more of her time on him?
This is actually a really interesting aside, because it’s you telling me how you handle a moral issue (that makes it a Primary thing.) 
Is it wrong to hit on a married man? Your answer is No: either you get turned down because he’s staying faithful, and that’s your own personal risk, or he cheats, in which case he’s kind of … dehumanizing himself? And therefore you are doing his partner a favor because she can now get rid of this unhealthy member of her community. There’s a logic there, and it’s a kind of ruthless Badger primary logic. 
So not sure if Snake or Badger secondary?
P.S. After some self-reflection, I realized that I’m probably not a Bird secondary
I’m listening. 
because I really hate following plans and situations where I have to rely on concrete skills and not abstract problem solving terrify me. OTOH I am very proud of my general ability to assess a situation and act appropriately.
Not sure how you’re distinguishing between “concrete skills” and “abstract problem solving.” From what you’ve been telling me, it sounds like you need the concrete skills before you can do the abstract problem solving, as in they work together. 
I’m also known as the person who changes PowerPoint slides in the middle of a conference based on whoever’s speaking before her and adapting her speech accordingly, which freaks the shit out of my coworkers, so I guess any “planning” type is probably out for old me 
That’s the most Rapid Fire Bird thing I ever heard. You made a plan. The PowerPoint and the speech exist. You’re just adapting them on the fly, based on previously-existing knowledge. I’m starting to think that you’re one of those Bird secondaries who is SUCH a loud Bird secondary, that it can be hard to get your head the idea that your skills are skills, and not sort of neutral abilities that everyone has. 
my latent distaste towards being a Snake secondary is my burny oppressive bullshit against anything that’s not “stalwart honesty and consistency” that I’ve been imposing on myself for years.
which I really wish you didn’t feel like you had to. 
Because I do love winging it and just saying whatever’s the most situationally appropriate thing regardless of how much it reflects me and I’ve just been treating any kind of play acting like a recovering alcoholic treats drink so I no longer even remember how it feels anymore lol.
I hope you find a way to play with your Actor Bird, at some point. One more little thing before I sign off though - thinking of actions as “situationally appropriate” is a very Actor Bird secondary thing to do. Snakes don’t go that big. Snakes think - what response do I want from this person, in this moment, and how do I get it? They also constantly reset. Snake secondaries have this “seducer” reputation because they generally are better one-on-one, or in small groups. Even Snake secondary actors will talk about the way they perceive the whole audience as one “person” … it’s all very interesting, but a very different way of approaching the world than the way you do.
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thepictureofjune · 4 months
The music of Noah Temel
— from anger to loss to self discovery and love
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this has been in my docs for two months now and it's (hopefully) the last day to actually post sad Noah content so might as well drop it now.
What is this? Songs I associate with Noah and kinda why I chose to associate them with him. Kinda Nolin focused tho obviosuly. :)
Nolin Playlist in case anyone is curious abt other songs
Verschwende deine Zeit by Edwin Rosen
Ich verschwende meine Jugend Verschwende mein Geld Ich verschwende meine Hoffnung Und alles zerfällt Ich verschwende meine Zeit Meine Zeit mit dir Verschwende meine Zeit Meine Zeit mit dir Du verschwendest deine Liebe Verschwendest dein Geld Du verschwendest deine Hoffnung Ich schau zu, wie du zerfällst Du verschwendest deine Zeit Deine Zeit mit mir Verschwendest deine Zeit Deine Zeit mit mir
Noah doesn’t want to be at Einstein, he has a hard time making friends and is basically just wasting time until he is allowed to leave again but then Colin comes around and suddenly they are wasting their time together. They make movies, they watch movies, they joke, they banter, etc. It’s all easy and there are never any issues between them as they are only wasting time together by staring at walls and thinking of nothing. Through this motion, Colin becomes Noahs best friend, his favorite person because he is the only one Noah can waste his time with and have it actually not feel like wasted time.
1980s Horror Film by Wallows 
It seems so long I need someone I don't know what to say She was sitting there I could touch her hair But still we watch A 1980s horror film Jamie I don't know what to say to you I feel You're always on my mind
Colin invites him to see a movie as an apology and also to demonstrate that he truly wants to be his friend. Noah seems like he hasn’t had a friend in quite a while now and that he missed having one and well, after the visit theatre and some quick resolved tension, Colin is always on his mind, isnt he? He is in fact so much on Noahs mind that Noah has to make a whole own movie in order to focus on his feelings.
Crush Culture by Conan Gray
I don't care if I'm forever alone I'm not falling for you 'Cause this baby is loveproof (culture) I don't care what you're sayin' I don't wanna participate in your game of manipulation (crush) And no, I don't want your sympathy, all this love is suffocating Just let me be sad and lonely
Basically Noah after the kiss up until 1056 and you can't convince me otherwise
When you’re gone by Shawn Mendes
I need to learn how to cope without you I'm tryna protect myself, but only you know how to, yeah Oh, I know what we're supposed to do Oh, but I hate the thought of losing you So I'm just tryna hold on Hold on, I don't wanna know what it's like when you're gone I don't wanna move on I don't wanna know what it's like when you're gone for good You're slipping through my fingertips A little bit, by a little bit I didn't know that loving you was the happiest I've ever been
Noah misses Colin as soon as he is gone, coming down with the realization that aside from Colin, he really didn’t have a lot that kept him at the school.
Deep End by Felix (Stray Kids)
How've you been? I guess you're fine It's been pretty long Since we've last seen Honestly Throughout my life Deep inside I never felt alive The way you used to touch my soul Was always so sweet and lovely No matter how far apart we were You'd always pick up the phone But now I'm truly all alone in this world I miss the way you felt so close to my bones
To be Alone by Hozier 
All I've ever done is hide From our times when you're near me Honey, when you kill the lights and kiss my eyes I feel like a person for a moment of my life But you don't know what hell you put me through To have someone kiss the skin that crawls from you To feel your weight in arms I'd never use It's the god that heroin prays to Oh to be alone with you
I do feel like if Noah ever admits his feelings, he’d go crazy Hozier-level obsessed with Colin. Also I’ll leave you with Hozier himself explaining the message of the song: "The artist explains that being alone is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be a source of self-discovery and self-reflection, allowing one to discover their true self."
Pretty Noah at the end of 1056 + 1057 to me up until the Ava talk scene.
so american by Olivia Rodrigo
He says I'm pretty wearin' his clothes And he's got hands that make hell seem cold Feet on the dashboard He's like a poem I wish I wrote I wish I wrote When he laughs at all my jokes And he says I'm so american Oh god, it's just not fair of him To make me feel this much I'll go anywhere he goes
Hear me out. It makes sense
I guess I'm in love by Clinton Kane
Oh, I'm obsessed With the way your head is laying on my chest How you love the things I hate about myself And no one knows, but with you, I see hope again Oh, I'm a mess When I overthink the little things in my head You seem to always help me catch my breath But then I lose it again, when I look at you, that's the end And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes? Butterflies can't stop me falling for you And darling, this is more than anything I felt before You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak But I know now I found the one I love
Extra: I won’t say (I’m in Love) 
No chance, no way I won't say it, no, no It's too cliché I won't say I'm in love I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming "Get a grip, girl Unless you're dying to cry your heart out" You keep on denying Who you are and how you're feeling Baby, we're not buying Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling (Oh, no) Face it like a grown-up When you gonna own up That you got, got, got it bad?
Pretty self-explanatory…The little vocals obviously relate to Ava and Joel and how they feel about Noah not admitting anything.
will upload the colin version of this in a bit, see ya then and happy calm before the storm day :]
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cloudyswritings · 2 months
Moth Biology: Actually biology this time I promise
She’s physically not got a heart, and her chest sometimes leaks essence.
She her Light is way way hotter than Grimms, especially towards the time Ghost arrives in Hallownest. By then she’s basically a star going supernova.
That said her body is actually cold to the touch, or at least colder than the average bug should be. This is because she’s literally a walking corpse without the nightmare heart.
All of her fluff is actually very sharp and spiny, taking after caterpillars who have a similar defense mechanism and generally inject venom into those who touch them.
She’s got some sort of connection to Bardoon, but I’ll leave it at that for now.
Her whole stiff posture and pale color is because she’s in rigor mortis, she doesn’t know about this of course because it’s outside her tunnel vision.
she doesn’t even eat or breathe anymore, but she hasn’t actually noticed this and would be started/concerned if someone pointed it out to her.
Theres a lot of things like this for her honestly, she doesn’t really understand what’s happened to her and her realm since the heart was excised. She’s even slowly been losing control of it and it’s turning back into wild dreamlands controlled mainly by the mortal minds passing through it.
Moths: the species
A common birth defect among moths is holes in the heart or a lack of a heart all together. They reflect their maker in that way.
Kinda like dolphins I imagine they can be both awake and dreaming at the same time, this helps them stay in contact with the radiance
They each carry their own little dream realm from the day they’re born, think of how the dreamers each have an actual space in the dream realm you can visit, moths are like that but tend to actually decorate their spaces and such.
honestly they’re more like demigods than normal bugs, but they’re still also mortal.
Seer ascended when she died, which is a capability only made possible by being one of the moths who was originally made in the dream realm. In this form she’s at least a higher being, and given time and worship could become a god.
Interestingly moths were actually created by radiance during her war with the heart, some like Grimm(as well as others) defected to fight against her, this saw her take a more spiteful position in regards to how she treated her followers. After the war moths stopped being created directly from the dream itself and became physical beings
the best way to think of it is like elves, the older they are the more power but also more detached from the mortal world.
Anyway, moths don’t have eyelids.
they can’t eat any meats, but do need some salt in their diets, so salted smoothies made of nectar and plant matter are popular.
Dreamroots often grow from places where moths have been buried, their corpses can sometimes act as a bridge between the waking world and the dreaming.
He was originally a moth, but over time he’s become a distorted caricature of himself due to the ways bugs having nightmares see him. Each Grimm looks a little different as a result of this.
His eyes are actually just a thin crystal pane, underneath them is a portal/wound leading directly into the heart. If you managed to crack it, we’ll the results would be catastrophic to say the least…
He can’t really fly anymore? Like at the start of the life of each Grimm he can, but as time wears on he starts burning up from the inside and his wings are often the first thing to go.
As he begins burning he often begins coughing out ash, it usually stains his wings a bit.
Certified candle eater(if you know you know)
he’s got a semi variable number of limbs? This is kinda based around his shapeshifting abilities, which basically are tied to taking elements from different nightmares to change shapes(this is how he turns into a flock of grimmchildren).
His body has a really large heart compared to the size it should actually be. It doesn’t pump blood though, it just pumps nightmare essence and feeds back into the nightmare heart.
He likes long naps, and usually visits the nightmares of mortals he found interesting.
I’ll most likely do a part 2 to this, but next up is more wyrm biology.
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Translation: I’m back and I’m making it everyone’s problem
So yes, I saw the new pages, and as it turns out I was right about Sonic! As suspected, he’s hiding how he really feels about his new bodily features, and I think he’ll continue to do so for the rest of the comic. The finale for this series is right around the corner, and this issue is gonna have a lot of Eggman fighting, so based on what we already know… Yeah. Unless Sonic’s development is intended to be kinda rushed or last-minute, I don’t think he’s going to stop faking his optimism. It also has to be remembered that Sonic doesn’t always have to fake said optimism because he is at heart a hero and a snarky little gremlin. During the earlier days of the comic, Sonic was seen being elated at the prospect of Shadow willingly keeping a secret for him. Bro danced and sang all the way home just because someone was being nice to him. But even still, he’ll most likely continue faking his true emotions at least until the very end of the comic when things go back to normal for him. Because at the end of the day, Sonic is a happy little guy who just does what’s best for him and his friends, and that is that.
About the secret base, I honestly find it so funny and so realistic that the Chaotix have to basically beg for new cases in order to pay for their home and the secret base. It’s like families who thought they’d have enough for two homes but then a year or two goes by and they’re like “Oh crap, we’re broke.” It makes so much sense and it’s so funny to me! Meanwhile the others just appreciate the fact that they have a secret base and not the fact that they pay for both homes. 🤣
Chaotix: 🥲 Yeah yeah we’re fine we’re not broke we’re totally alright 👍🥲
OH AND HERE IS SOMETHING I JUST THOUGHT OF. There is of course a reason why the Chaotix have a secret base, and I wondered for a second why they would need it in the first place. They’re detectives, journalists, problem-solvers. In their field of work, it doesn’t take too much effort to become targets of the government. So, in case they got noticed by either GUN or some other important people, they have a back-up place where they could continue their work in secret. I think they specifically anticipated GUN, because they make a point to mention them in their explanation in the newest page. Probably not something SuperEm thought too hard on, but uh. I did. So… Guess I did their job for them???? idk I thought it would be cool to flex my worldbuilding skillz
Now I wanna talk about Rouge here. She, along with Amy, know far more than they let on and I’m wondering if that will have a part to play in Sonic’s story moving forward. In the newest page, we see him standing awkwardly and trying to grasp the fact that his friends knew about him for a while! He figured Tails might have taken the hint a while ago because he knows Tails better than anyone, but Amy?? That’s a different story. The two haven’t properly interacted in a while, almost 2 years (Or maybe 1 year I’m terrible at this) in our time and a week or two in their time. Amy and Rouge have been investigating Dark Gaia and Sonic’s new form for probably a month or so, meaning that they’ve known for a long, long time! I think Knuckles and the Chaotix were the only ones left in the dark the longest. So if Sonic were to find out about this, how would he react?? I’m thinking it wouldn’t be too different to his reaction about Tails and everyone else knowing, but him and Amy have had a rocky relationship status over the years, so it could also be different. I doubt we’ll get to see anything since it doesn’t make much of a difference to the blue blur at this point in the comic, but if we do I’m excited to see how he’ll react!
Now I’m going back to Sonic for a bit because I noticed something intriguing about him in the newest page. In the first panel, we see him standing awkwardly with his hands tied behind his back, fidgeting with his fingers impatiently. Then we see him immediately walk over to Shadow, who’s waiting for him outside. When he opens the curtain, we see him squint upwards towards the sky, a warm light seeping onto his face and his whole stature seeming softer. (For lack of a better word) Thematically, this sequence of movement/expressions is used to indicate a character’s growth, or to just show that they are willing to become better. I mean, that’s my takeaway from that. I’m not a theatre/film professional. All I do is stare at animations and talk about each frame as if I know stuff. But for me that’s the kind of vibe I’m getting from this page, that Sonic is learning or growing, and that he’s willing to step out into the light and be fine with who he is. Earlier on in the comic, he would’ve requested for Shadow to come inside or for him to not be seen by others, but now that he’s been through quite a lot and after being appreciated by the small snowy village, he feels much better about himself and is thus willing to just. Walk outside for a bit and talk to someone. Sonic is learning how to be around people again, learning to trust others with his secrets, and I love that for him.
Again this most likely is not SuperEm’s intention and I highly doubt those were the actual the thematically correct rules, so if anyone is reading this and is a film/comic geek, please Please PLEASE correct me via a reblog or a comment. I need some correction desperately please. I don’t wanna spew incorrect information.
Now, I would go ahead and talk about Shadow because he clearly has a lot going on in his brain, but OH MY GOD THIS THING IS HUGE. PROBABLY THE BIGGEST ASK IVE EVER WRITTEN HERE ON THIS FINE WEBSITE CALLED TUMBLR. So please do yourself a favor and give your eyes a break because holy crap I did not skip any corners for this one. Your pupils will thank you later, I promise. Go read a real book or go outside or something, please.
Anywhizzle, thank you so so so much for reading this whole thing, and have a good day/night!
(Also SuperEmeralds, just know that I adore your outdoor backgrounds so so much and they are not being overlooked. Your background skills are amazing and I’m so hype for what you have in store for the next few pages)
i think it is interesting how split the opinions are on sonic having learned nothing throughout the story and sonic finally having accepted his flaw and adapting. the mirror snap has divided the thoam theory community like no other askfjhasjkfhajk
who says they're paying for that run down place though? trust me i think super hard about literally everything, im sometimes embarrased abt it bc literally no one ever points most of my little details out but it makes me happy to connect dots so i just keep doing it
though sonic already reacted in a way, he knows everyone knew. granted the explaination happened off screen because quite frankly i didnt want the same conversation to happen twice back to back with the end of issue 8 and the beginning of issue 9, its better to just fill in the blanks yourself with everything.
the way i wrote sonic's emotions after waking up hopefully convey everything going through his mind well. there's a whole lot more pages to this so rest assured it's not over! your interpretation definitely makes sense! though i'd def disagree with the idea that in an earlier state of the comic sonic would've called for shadow to come inside? if his secret came out earlier in the comic he would still have reacted similarly and learned his lesson equally. the difference with the way it is in the comic is that he learned more about himself, and shadow, by dragging out the resolution to his (non)problem
thanks btw i love drawing environments and ur gonna get a good view of some really cool stuff soon ^_^
btw i have a name.. u can call me talaka, it's a little awkward to be called by my @ lol
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talltoontales · 6 months
// Kung Fu Panda 4 Rewrite \\
PROMPT: Kung Fu Panda 4 felt a little lacking, wanted to try my hand at maybe making it better.
PROMPT BY: Me (ToonMan)
Alright, Ground Rules:
Jack Black’s cover of “One More Time” by Britany Spears is amazing, and I will not argue otherwise.
This rewrite is coming from my enjoyment of the series, not just bashing a “bad movie” for the sake of bashing. So, if you’re just here to hate, you’re in the wrong place.
I’m not a professional writer. I only started writing semi-consistently this year. So, take this rewrite with a massive grain of salt.
To make this whole process easier on me, no world-shattering changes.
Zhen’s still gonna be chosen to be Po’s successor
No Furious Five for most of the movie
No killing or reviving characters that don’t originally die or return.
We good? Good. Now, let’s get this party started!
So, the opening fight doesn’t need to change much, save for one thing. Tigress fights alongside Po. Seeing that she’s the only member of the Furious Five to get any development in these movies and has the most chemistry with Po, it makes sense. The two beat…whoever Po fought in the intro (I think it was a stingray that could fly) and have a short dialog after explaining that Tigress, along with the rest of The Five, have moved on from being warriors and transitioned into being teachers/masters of their respective styles.
SIDE NOTE #1: I know that Po and The Five are already masters, but in my head, master sounds like a better term for “teacher” than sensei.
I like this better than having The Five be “on a mission” or whatever excuse was used to keep them from helping Po in this movie. Also, seeing that the main lesson Po needs to learn by the end is to move on from being a warrior, having The Five, his long-time heroes, retire around him helps get that ball rolling.
Po is honestly excited for Tigress and offers to support her however she needs it, just like he does with the rest of The Five. However, Tigress uses this moment to, not so subtly, ask if Po has any plans on doing the same. Po gives a vague, jokey answer before the two walk off into the title screen.
Back in the Valley of Peace, everybody’s celebrating Po at his dads’ noodle shop, but the celebration is interrupted by Shifu summoning Po to the Jade Place.
SIDE NOTE #2: Let me just take this moment to say that while their scenes in the movie do basically nothing for the plot, Ping and Li deserve a short or web series or something. They were seriously a joy to watch every time they were on screen together. #CoParentingGoals
First major change is why Po needs to become a master:
“As the world moves on, so must we. As to stand still is to be left and lost to time.”
Right now, Po is at the top of his game. He’s mastered Kung Fu, led and kinda trained The Five, found inner peace, beaten General Kai, and mastered Ki. However, there will come a day when Po faces a foe he cannot beat, a foe that can challenge Po in a way that he can’t adapt to, as Tai Lung did to Shifu or Kai to Master Ooguay.
Those who become Masters don’t do so because they’re past their prime; they do so because they know the world in which they thrived is coming to an end, and in the new world that follows, their wisdom becomes more needed than their fists. To lose such wisdom could be detrimental to the next generation of heroes. Of course, Po denies that he has any real wisdom to give (aside from food), only seeing his value as the Dragon Warrior. However, Shifu has never been a patient man.
The next day, Po is just messing around the palace when four warriors (No Mr. Beast Pig) attack him. During the fight, Po mocks his would-be assassins by pointing out all their errors. Shifu then stops the fight, explaining that this was a test to prove that Po is more than ready to be a master and to introduce Shifu’s candidates for the new Dragon Warrior.
Still firmly in denial, Po and Shifu go through the Peach Tree Scene the exact same way. The only difference being that when Po notices Zhen breaking in, he thinks she’s another candidate who was late or something.
A broad change I’d make that I can’t really put in writing is just to put a pinch more focus on the fight scene. KFP4 had the most out of the series at seven, but they all felt like an afterthought.
To make Zhen a bit more unique, she’s more of a “fight your surroundings” kind of fighter. She’s never standing still, never uses the same weapon more than twice, and never really fights head-on. Po can claim that she’s not fighting fair, which she’ll laugh at before he locks in and captures her. This fight being short is expected because Po is a Kung Fu legend and should have no problem taking down a random thief.
SIDE NOTE #3: Totally a personal opinion, but did bother anyone else that they named the fox Zhen? Not that the name was bad or anything, but we already have Lord Shen and those names are waaaay too similar…You know what, here’s another change. Zhen is now Vox.
Fast-forward a bit, and the two are now traveling together. Po explains how the Staff of Wisdom can’t be stolen; it must be given, and Po shows Vox genuine kindness and generosity. Vox thinks it’s some kind of long con but accepts it anyway.
The Friendly Bunny goes about the same as it did with Vox being the loot goblin she is, but I don’t want this to be an actual fight. It’s more like Po trying to keep the situation under control. Keep Vox from stealing, protect Vox, protect the helmsman, protect the bunnies, and keep the entire restaurant from falling over.
Instead of getting knocked out of the restaurant like a fool, Po uses his weight to force the patrons away from the exit, and with a mighty leap, Po exits the Friendly Bunny with Vox, the Helmsman, and the bunnies and lands on the boat like a boss. While sailing to Juniper City, Po talks about his dads, but Vox doesn’t share her backstory. Instead, mentioning how the Bunnies were safer at the restaurant.
Introducing the Chameleon and Entering Juniper City goes about the same except that Po and Vox get caught because Vox keeps casually stealing, which she does undetected, but the police only notice when Po is trying to return the stolen goods.
In the Thieves’ Den, Vox isn’t hated, but the vibe is still the same. Everyone casually messing with/ stealing from/ hurting everyone else. They find Han, who says something to the effect of “never thought I’d be seeing you again,” gives them a map of the chameleon’s temple and the scene goes on as usual from there.
Alright, time for a BIG change: The Chameleon’s Motivation/ Plan/ New Name
Every other villain in the Kung Fu Panda movies has an actual name, and if I had the power, Chameleon would be named Tai Zhi for reasons that are probably obvious now but will be explained later.
Tai Zhi’s new backstory is that she was bullied, and all she could do was hide, just camouflage, no shapeshifting yet. Until one day, she learned about Kung Fu. Tai Zhi would find a master, they’d train her for a little bit, then they’d sense how evil she was and kick her out before she could learn anything actually dangerous. She then found a dark master in hopes their similar moral alignment would convince him to train her. Instead, he was the first master who refused her outright, verbally destroying her before threatening her to leave.
Tai Zhi then turned to sorcery for her claim to power but could never let go of Kung Fu. So, she found a way to open a door to the spirit realm, but there was a catch. Equivalent exchange, she’d kidnap citizens of Juniper City and sacrifice them to the spirit realm and get a D+ spirit at best in return. To get around this, she’d need the Staff of Wisdom, and she could get anyone she wanted, no matter how strong.
SIDE NOTE #4: Tai Zhi isn’t collecting the money from the mob bosses for any particular reason. It’s just a power flex. I assume she needed the gold and stuff for her cages, but they never made that clear in the original move. Plus, why would she buy the metal when she can just steal it.
Vox finds Po practicing Kung Fu, and Po offers to teach her. Vox doesn’t believe him, but Po reassures her he’s being 100% honest. He teaches her some basic stuff, and she picks it up pretty fast, and when she doesn’t, Po incorporates what he’s seen Vox do into his lesson. This all leads to a short spar where Vox almost beats Po but gets cocky and loses to a good ole’ fashion belly gong.
Vox questions why Po does what he does: He offers a thief a cookie, saves those who want to kill him, and teaches a thief his own moves. Po opens up about how Oogway chosing him to be the Dragon Warrior changed his life for the better. He’s made friends across all of China, found his biological dad and his people, and saved China at least three times—all just because of one moment.
Because of that, Po believes everyone deserves the same chance, no matter who they are. Those words visibly touch Vox as she almost reveals her big secret before the two are kicked out of the Thieves Den. Po and Vox sneak into Tai Zhi’s lair, and things go about the same. Now for how Tai Zhi met Vox…
Vox had been a thief well into her adult years, and a really good one, but she was tired of stealing, tired of watching over her back every second, tired of not being able to walk the city streets without seeing her face on a wanted poster. Vox wanted a new start where no one would know who she was. The problem was that most people in Juniper City were pretty poor, even the mob bosses, and Vox didn’t feel comfortable forcing someone else into poverty. So, the choice was simple: steal from Tai Zhi. Even one gemstone from her temple would set her up for life.
At the same time, Tai Zhi needed to steal the Staff of Wisdom from the Dragon Warrior, but due to all the stories she’d heard during her research, she didn’t want to risk taking him head-on. She needed a thief, and it just so happens that she knows about the best thief in the city. Tai Zhi sets up a fancy trap to bait Vox, who sees it, knows it’s a trap, but falls for it anyway. However, Vox manages to escape without a scratch until the artifact she stole is revealed to be Tai Zhi in disguise.
Tai Zhi marks Vox with a tracking spell, and while Tai Zhi could care less about Vox, there’s a pretty big bounty on her head. Not to mention, she’s stolen from some pretty powerful people who don’t really care about the reward. All Vox had to do was bring the Dragon Warrior to Tai Zhi, and she’d not only lift the curse but also let Vox take whatever she needed to disappear.
SIDE NOTE #5: I’d have Vox always scratching her neck because that’s where Tai Zhi marked her. She’d just play it off as if she had a flea problem.
Now, I don’t hate the “Villain raises a child to betray the hero” thing. It just doesn’t hit the same in the movie. We’re not given enough time to feel Vox and Po bond in the original movie. Also, if you’re like me and are unable to not analyze movies while watching them, you noticed almost immediately the aztech-esq earring Vox wore and figured out the twist.
Plus, I feel like having Vox be a reluctant thief just trying to get out of the game makes it a little easier to explain how she can betray the Tai Zhi in the end.
Now, I obviously cut the amazing Ping and Li scenes so how does Po not fall to his Death? The answer is simple: watch the Po vs Tai Lung fight again.
Seriously, go watch it. I’ll wait.
Done? Pretty awesome, right?!
Anyway, we can have Po swing from tree branches while fighting the lizard soldiers until he hits solid ground, or we can re-do KFP2 and have him fall into a river or large body of water. Back at the temple, Tai Zhi and Vox go through with the ceremony, and we’re keeping the bit about the blood moon—it’s honestly the funniest joke in the entire movie! Now, for the big reveal I set up a while back.
Tai Zhi summons Tai Lung from the spirit realm and calls him “Master.” Before he was freed in KFP1, Zhi broke into Chorn-Gom Prison to free Tai Lung in exchange for training. Instead, Tai Lung verbally destroys her, insulted that Zhi would ever believe he needed her help. Maybe even have him almost brute force his way through his restraints just to scare her.
After Tai Lung’s death, Zhi took the “Tai” part of his name to never forget how weak and powerless Tai Lung made her feel. She steals Tai Lung’s skills and proceeds to wail on the guy, maybe even paying homage to the end of the Tai Lung vs Shifu fight, before throwing him into a cage.
Tai Zhi then releases Vox from the tracking spell and gives her a choice:
“Stay by my side and witness my rule or help yourself to however much treasure you can hold, find the farthest, darkest corner of the planet, and pray I overlook you.”
Then we cut back to Po at the bottom of the temple for the Po vs Vox scene. The only change I’d make here is just making the fight longer, showing off how much Vox has learned on this journey as well as how outclassed she is compared to Po.
Vox reveals that she is gonna to run away, and wants Po to come with her to help save as many people as they can. Po refuses but is proud of Vox and her mission, saying that if he can’t beat Tai Zhi, he’ll buy as much time as he can for Vox to escape with her people.
While Po goes Assassin’s Creed on the temple guards, Vox returns to the thieves' den and tries to convince the criminals to do the right thing because “it’s the right thing to do.” When that fails, she reminds them that if Tai Zhi is taken down, they can loot all the treasure stored in her temple.
As the army of thieves goes to war with the temple guards, Vox sneaks in after Po. Inside, Po sneaks around as Tai Zhi fights General Kai, noticing other warriors and Lord Shen. He’s then stopped by Tai Lung, who’s disappointed in Po and remarks how Oogway may have been wrong in the end.
Kai loses and is thrown in a cage as Po makes his dramatic entrance. Tai Zhi gives the staff back and does her “you and I aren’t so different” monolog, which Po acknowledges. There’s a possibility he could have ended up like Tai Zhi if he never became the dragon warrior (Throw in one of his villains laughing in disbelief), so he offers Tai Zhi a chance to be better than the villain she is now, to learn from him.
Tai Zhi then proceeds to mock Lord Shen, General Kai, and Tai Lung about how Po stopped all of them from achieving their goals. The mocks Po, claiming that for all the good he did, for all his adventures, no one in Juniper City and beyond has ever heard about him and that once she’s done with him, Po will become what he was always meant to be, nothing.
Have Tai Zhi call Po weak because he needed a master to make him the Dragon Warrior. Just to have the line, “Alone I mastered magic, took over the entire criminal empire of Juniper City, defeated all of your greatest enemy and treasured masters, I am my own master!”
Now, something about the original Po vs Tai Zhi fight bothered me. Across three movies, over and over again, there’s always a moment where Po gets to nerd out over Kung Fu legends and flex his knowledge. He even figured out the Wuxi Finger Hold on his own. Yet, he’s going one on one with the ultimate echo fighter of those same warriors and his knowledge does nothing to help him. Let’s fix that.
Here’s how this fight could have gone: Tai Zhi changes into a warrior, Po does his nerd bit while caught off guard, but he then picks up on the fighting style and proceeds to body Tai Zhi in record time. Rinse and repeat that a few times and then Tai Zhi tries to use Po’s old villains which backfires horribly. Eventually, she runs out of warriors and must repeat, and with transformations getting predictable, Po starts winning the fight. Until…
Tai Zhi's frustrated that she has the forms and skills of at least one hundred kung fu legends, but she can’t beat one dorky panda. In that frustration, she loses control of her shapeshifting and mixes two forms together, catching Po off guard. Tai Zhi then starts using chimera forms to gain the advantage, but before she can deal the finishing blow, Vox swoops in and saves Po.
The two hatch a plan to make Tai Zhi so mad that she loses control long enough for Po to use the Staff of Wisdom to return the stolen skills. The plan starts to work as Tai Zhi turns into that chimera dragon form, but before Po can use his staff, Tai Zhi grabs Vox, forcing Po to save her by making Tai Zhi crash.
In the aftermath, Vox finds Tai Zhi transformed into Po, and we could have a short chase before the real Po saves Vox. Po has Vox find and bring him the staff while he fights himself, which does not go well at all. Tai Zhi traps Po in a cage before Vox can get the staff back to him.
Vox is now the only one who can stop Tai Zhi. Vox tries to fight Tai Zhi head-on like Po but fails miserably. However, Vox notices that the entire temple is fit to collapse. So, Vox sticks to the shadows, taking potshots at Tai Zhi, and every time she transforms, whoever she transforms into tells her their weakness/ tell from their cage. This continues until the temple starts to collapse, and as Tai Zhi tries to escape, Vox fights her head-on again to keep her inside (this is where she’d scream, “You fool! You’ll kill us both!”).
As the dust settles, Po stands up from under the rubble and helps Vox up, noting that he could have escaped earlier but she was doing such a good job and didn’t want to interrupt. The other spirit warriors get from under the rubble and thank Po for freeing them. As Po prepares to open a portal to the spirit realm, let’s say Master Wolf tries to sneak attack Po from behind but gets decked by Tai Lung, transforming back into Tai Zhi.
Tai Lung mocks his wannabe successor by saying; “first lesson, know when to quit.” Tai Lung then steps out of the way, and Po returns all of the skills to the spirit warriors. As they return to the spirit realm, Tai Lung acknowledges Po and what he’s become and also recognizes his “pupil,” referring to Vox. Not wanting to be outshined, though, he takes Tai Zhi with him into the spirit world, finally taking her on as his student, whether she likes it or not.
And the story ends basically the same: Vox and Po return to the Valley of Peace, Po offers to train Vox at the Jade Palace to Shifu’s frustration, and credits.
Wait! One more change…
Shifu meditates under the peach tree with Po joining him shortly after that. Po can’t meditate to save his life, so Shifu questions why he’s here. Po admits that Shifu was right, that it’s time for Po to pass the torch, but also thanks Shifu. Po knows it wasn’t easy for Shifu to train someone like him, but he did, and because of Shifu, Po has never been happier with his life.
I don’t know if this will be the last Kung Fu Panda movie, but if it is, I’d like a nice moment between Shifu and Po and maybe ghost Oogway. Just wrap a nice bow on it.
///// The End \\\\\
And that’s it—that’s the rewrite. Wow! That’s a lot of words (3,573, to be exact). Like I said, I’m not a scriptwriter. I’m just a guy with a little too much time on his hands. Kung Fu Panda 4 was, and still is, a solid movie that I’ll definitely watch again, along with the other three, and so should you.
I had a total blast writing this, and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
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