#and now I rest because it is extremely late
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en-trashy · 3 days ago
Little love
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Heeseung takes care of his baby alone, after some struggle his wife needs time away and he takes charge of everything.
Tw: slight suggestive almost nothing, fluff daddy Heeseung pure comfort in my opinion
6k words
It was never easy, it started without planning anything, back then Heeseung only felt how she drifted away from him, how she stopped answering or wanting to see him he waited until he couldn't take it anymore going to her apartment waiting in the rain for her to open she was coming back from the convenience store down the street when she saw him soaking wet and with an apologetic face, she quickly put her umbrella over both of them.
-I’m sorry- she looks at him confused not understanding why he was saying this- I'm sorry, I know I'm sometimes don't know when I fucked up, that I work until late night when you need me but I swear that I love you and nothing is more important to me than you're
-Hee I'm not angry with you- Heeseung always apologized for things that he even sometimes didn't knew made her upset, always wanting for her to feel loved and appreciated- let's go inside you're gonna catch cold, you left clothes here from last time
He just smiles following her letting her prepare a warm bath for both, undressing himself before help her do the same and getting both inside, his gentle hands started to caress her body, he was smiling giving kisses on her neck and shoulders so happy that she wasn't angry with him, but that relief lasted only a few minutes when she started to cry, he was petrified.
-did I hurt you? Sweetie, what's wrong?- her sobbing broke his heart and he thought only in the worst, what if someone harassed her, hurt her, what if it was him? He could never forget himself- I think I'm pregnant- Heeseung’s hands stopped completely shocked by the news, but then extreme happiness rushed all over his body.
-i'm gonna be a dad, we should definitely move together now for our baby- Heeseung back hugged her spilling some water kissing her neck with more passion- maybe we need a bigger space so he or her can grow happily and have their own room- he was blinded by the happiness that he almost didn't noticed how she cried more- what's wrong? You don't want the baby?- he felt a pinch of pain on his heart thinking about that possible escenario where she have an abortion, he could never push her to do something against her desires and even if he really wants this baby he won't pressure her to feel the same as him.
-you're not angry?
-why would I be? You want me to be angry?
-i I don't know… your career your dreams… I ruined things I should have take better care to avoid this- she cried harder scared of the future
-no, don't ever say that- he manhandled her to make her straddle him cupping her face and looking straight into her eyes- listen this and listen well… nothing in this world is more important to me than you, you're my dream, I can change career, job, house, the car, I can replace anything in this world but you, there's not a single person in the entire universe that can replace you, I don't love anyone else you're my true love I want you for the rest of my days- she was pouting looking at him Hee kissed her softly- and to be fair probably it's my fault that you're pregnant because I can't never have enough of you- he squeeze her butt shamelessly, pulling her closer to his body, feeling her naked breast on his chest making her squeak surprised
-stop now… this is serious I need you to think with your head not with your little friend
-we both know is anything but little- he wriggle his eyebrows
-you're impossible- she finally let out a sincere laugh, but soon enough her brows knit with worry- are you sure you want this baby?
- I want what you want princess, if you wanna keep the baby I'll be more than happy to be a dad, but if you don't I'll take you to a clinic- Heeseung kiss her forehead taking the body wash to help her clean her skin- since the first day we started to date I told you I was your slave that didn't change
- I don't know what I want yet
- we can figure it out together- Heeseung finished bathing both of them taking her out.
In the bedroom he started to dry her, playfully he started to touch an kiss her naked body until they ended up making love, he was so enchanted by her, reassuring her that everything will be alright, and she did believe that, how can it be wrong when everything feels safe inside his arms? The morning after that Heeseung woke up early to make breakfast for her putting extra effort to the best his cooking skills allowed him to, by the time she woke up the apartment smells like pancakes she could hear him cursing putting only a long t-shirt to cover herself, in the kitchen he was struggling flipping things in the pan making her laugh, seeing her genuine smile made him happy himself.
-good morning baby mama- he kissed her passionately
-good morning baby daddy- Heeseung blush hearing her- I just suspect that I'm pregnant the test is still on my purse ready to be done just that I'm afraid
-you want to do it together- she just nods and Heeseung takes her hand following her to the bathroom, waiting for her outside until he heard the gasp, he opened the door and found the pregnancy test with the two lines confirming his new dream come true- oh fuck we need to buy a crib a house, diapers, I'm gonna schedule an appointment for the doctor- Heeseung takes her face on his hands kissing her so passionately
- are we sure? I mean… you really want a baby?
-did you notice that I almost go out to yell everyone on the street that I'm gonna be a dad? - he said playfully and she let the worries go for now, he dropped to his knees pulling her close to him giving kisses on her belly- hi honey, it's your daddy, I found today that you're here and I can't wait to meet you, I love you, I love you so much you can't even imagine, please grow healthy mommy and I will wait for you
That melted her heart, hearing his usually carefree boyfriend to be so soft for a human being they both created, she felt safe and for the first time in the last couple days she didn't feel afraid of the future, Heeseung was there and will be for the rest of her life, she didn't have to worry.
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The following months were a rollercoaster of emotions, Heeseung change completely his dream of being a singer, he left his group and was now dedicated to be a producer and songwriter for the same company, he move out of the dorms to buy a small house were they moved together, the appointments to the doctor, how she left her job as a barista when her bump was so prominent she couldn't do anything and had no other option but to take a break until the baby was born, the remodeling of the house the build up of the baby's room the small wedding they had, along with Heeseung's needy persona she didn't have a break, everything was pure happiness with small episodes of sadness, worries, emotional meltdowns, morning sickness, sore feet and back pain, but overall a constant feeling of safety, she felt it on her chest that warm every time Heeseung did something for the baby and her; then the actual labor, Heeseung cried for half an hour holding their new born, a beautiful baby boy, it was the most perfect human being Hee has ever seen.
-we made him- his tears didn't seem to stop while he carried the fragile body on his chest- can you believe that we did the most perfect little being
-don't cry Hee, he's gonna think you don't want him- she said extending her arm to wipe his tears, tearing herself seeing the scene in front of her
-never in life… daddy is so happy to finally be able to hold you my little Junghee
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Things were smooth for as long as Heeseung had the paternity leave, when he have to be back at work she started to crumble down, little by little she started to feel bad about this whole thing, she didn't feel capable of taking care of herself much less another human, slowly her capacity to take care of them deteriorated, Heeseung was working extra hours because of a comeback of his ex members he was on recordings until late night sometimes coming home to find her crying while carrying their sleeping baby, he noticed how the dark circles under her eyes where prominent and noticeable, how her voice was strained of the constant crying, he knew it wasn't alright, trying to find another way to actually manage his work and family life. It was when Junghee turned 3 months old that he arrived around five in the afternoon only to find his wife curled up in a ball in bed
-sweetheart I'm home now, where's the baby- he looks around the room only seeing her, his thoughts always searching for the worst escenario
-I don't know, I can't anymore- he felt his body run cold, desperate to find his baby, but in that moment Junghee cried on his crib he ran to the baby's room quickly took him on his arms, bouncing him to pacify him, he quickly noticed the state of his son, he sighed preparing the bath for his baby cleaning him and removing his dirty diaper, he peaks at the room seeing his wife crying.
He started simple, bathing his son, changing his clothes and giving him a bottle until Junghee fell asleep he put his baby back in bed to go attend his wife, he prepared the tub for her too, making sure it's the way she likes it, back in the room he gently took her on his arms undressing her.
-let’s go sweetheart you're gonna take a bath and we'll go to the doctor
Y/n was unresponsive, letting him do anything to her crying some more feeling the lovin hands of Heeseung helping her to wash her hair, it's been days since the last time she did it, when he took her out Heeseung made sure to wrap her in the softest towel, combing her hair and dressing her up like a doll, he even put on her skincare and she couldn't help but to feel disgusted with herself, since Junghee was born she haven't take care of herself. Heeseung got her ready the diaper bag for them to go out, taking his son on his arms and his wife's hand to go to the car, he secured their baby on his chair in the back seat and also secured y/n on the passenger seat, he drives singing softly for both of them smiling at them until he parked outside the doctor, he made an emergency appointment knowing it wasn't normal the way she feels, he knows that motherhood is hard but not the point she's reaching now.
Doctor Min was a really kind and patience human, that's why he liked him and trusted him to take care of both his treasures, the doctor first examineded Junghee prescribing an ointment for the diaper rash he develop due the lack of constant changing, then y/n when she started to explain what she felt Heeseung feels his world crumbling down too, how he couldn't notice? Was that horrible as a husband and dad that he failed to notice?
-I truly love Junghee I'll never do something to hurt him on purpose…just that I can't…I don't know… I'm not ready… I'm a bad mom don't wanna be one- and she broke down there crying her soul in the doctor's office- I feel like he hates me because he knows I'm the worst can't even take care of myself much less him
The doctor listened and gave her a tissue to wipe her nose, Heeseung was bouncing Junghee to not wake him holding her hand to reassure her, he gave the prescription in bold letters on top it reads “postpartum depression” he indicated for her to take a break from taking care of the baby and pills to regulate her hormones and help her get through this, Hee stopped at the pharmacy on the way to their home buying what she needs, also stopping at her favorite place to have dinner, when Junghee woke up in the restaurant and started to complain her eyes immediately teared, Heeseung was fast and took a baby bottle from the bag feeding him.
-is okay princess see?, he just was hungry… you must be too choose whatever you like- he leans to kiss her temple
She let him love her and take care of both, even if she felt that pinch of guilty leaving all the responsibility on him, she ordered and took a few bites of her food, Heeseung started to hand feed her while eating himself and holding Junghee, smiling brightly and making silly conversation about something that happened on his work, even making her laugh a little.
-I think it would be beneficial for you to go on a break… your cousin Youngseo lives in Jeju and you haven't saw her in years, maybe you can go for a few days to clear your mind and your heart- he proposed still smiling
-but what about you? you don't wanna come?
-I have to work darling, also some alone time will help for your mental health
-Youngseo doesn't know how to take care of babies how am I going to make it alone if you stay here?- she started to panic but he hold her hand
-Junghee will stay with me, I'll take care of him
-but your work you have… you can't… I have to take care of my baby- he cups her cheek making her look at him
-princess you need to rest, what's happening to you is not something easy… I'll sort myself and work, besides I'm sure the members will be so happy to help me while I'm at the company… I haven't been fair with you I promised you that will be together to solve everything but I haven't been around that much… I can take care of my little boy while you take care of that beautiful brain of yours- he pulled her to kiss her lips softly
-what did I do to have you? To even deserve you?
-I don't know maybe being the most beautiful girl ever to lay your eyes on me even when I was a pathetic looser
-you were never pathetic
-but yes a loser… and now I look hot as a dad, don't you think little Hee?- he baby talked to their son- little Hee said yes very much- she looks at both with love on her eyes, she truly loves them just couldn't understand why she couldn't take care of her baby or herself
-i love you… just a couple days okay? And I promise I'll be fine- she leaned to kiss him
-take all the time you need, just come back to me
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The next day in the afternoon he dropped her at the airport, saying their goodbyes, she was holding her baby hugging his tiny body and kissing the top of his head.
-I'm sorry I promise I love you… I'll be back to be the mommy you deserve- she gives her little son to Heeseung- please take care of him
-you offend me, you sound like I can't take care of my son- she looks at him judging her husband
-you didn't shower for three days because of a videogame I have reasons to doubt
-it was one time and before I even knew you were pregnant I changed, I'm a new man and this one is responsible of himself, his hot wife and his cute son- she giggles pulling him for a kiss
-please forgive me… I'll do things right when I come back… I love you
-you don't have to be sorry and I have nothing to forgive, I love you you're the only one that I care about… oh sorry no, the second one I care about- he looks at Junghee who is giving one of those baby smiles and babbling- he says that he loves you that he'll wait for you to be ready… now go or you gonna loose your flight
He kissed her one last time seeing her go, he hates the idea of letting her go, or be apart for longer than a work day, but he knows is the best for y/n and for Junghee, he stayed in the airport until he was sure the plane took off.
-just you and me now, I hope you trust daddy to take care of you- he got in the car securing his baby on his chair- listen you may think or be confused about why mommy left, well she wasn't at her best, but is not because she doesn't love you… in fact she loves you a lot sometimes I'm jealous because I meet her before you and I think she loves you more than me- Junghee giggle and Heeseung acted surprised- what? My own child laughing at me
He kept talking to Junghee when they arrived home, his baby was already sleeping, he took him to his crib, putting the baby monitor to start cleaning the house. How couldn't he notice the state of everything in their home? The big loads of undone laundry piling on the washing machine room, the almost empty pantry, the dirty dishes, he did everything he could accomplish before Junghee wakes up he almost finished with the laundry and vacuuming the house when the baby complained he quickly got there to hold him making him stop crying.
-oh so you like daddy's arms, well I still need to clean so you'll come with me
Heeseung searched for a video tutorial on how to use a baby carrier, to make sure Junghee will be safe while he does the housework, while his baby was in bed he was crying.
-i'm sorry, I'm doing my best okay? Just give me a second, are you hungry?- he checked twice that everything was secure before even putting Junghee on the carrier or take a step, once his baby was flushed to his chest the crying stopped- so you really like daddy's arms, do I have a little spoiled baby?- Junghee giggle and Heeseung couldn't help but to smile feeling warm all over his chest- so this is what love feels like? I felt it with your mom the first time I saw her, the same I feel with you right now- he looks at his son with deep love enchanted by him and how tiny and fragile he is, he does have the same Bambie eyes as him- so that's why your mommy tells me no to do those eyes I feel like I can do anything you ask me for
Heeseung spend solid 30 minutes just looking at his baby, caressing his soft hair and kissing his head, even hugging him and rocking him to soothe his complaining, it was until he realized about the time that he started to do the chores again hearing the babbling and baby talk even answering like if they're having a proper conversation, he was completely exhausted sitting on the couch with his baby drinking his bottle.
-my beautiful boy… are you enjoying being only with daddy? I'm enjoying very much being with you, don't let mommy hear me but I think you're the love of my life- he traced his little features with one finger, enjoying how soft his skin was looking at his Bambie eyes attentive of every move Heeseung makes
Heeseung was like an expert taking care of his little son, even if he relayed on his phone and YouTube tutorials to do things for Junghee, like washing his clothes on a separate laundry load how to apply lotion and make a baby massage to relax him and put him to sleep, he took the bassinet installing it on his room next to his bed.
-You'll be daddy's roommate until mommy comes back, to keep each other company even tho you have your own room… but I'm not used to be this lonely- he changed his onesie and rocked him to sleep before laying him down, only watching him with love eyes, Heeseung couldn't believe how eye-catching his son was.
He got himself comfortable sending y/n a message, wishing her good night and telling her how much he loves and misses her. The next morning he got up really early checking on his sleeping baby, grateful that he only woke up once hungry and for a diaper change, he showered with the baby monitor on the bathroom afraid that he might wake up and cry for being alone, as he learned yesterday he likes to be held, he got dress and even made quick breakfast and prepared a bag for the day, counting diapers and bottles when Junghee cried, but this time different more heartfelt, Hee quickly picked him up looking with worry at his son rocking him and patting his bottom, hearing his little sobs slowly changing to his regular breathing.
-what happen? Did you get scared? I'm sorry daddy didn't want to make you afraid, I was making my breakfast and yours too- his baby was cradle in his arms and he was swinging him softly he leaned to give him kisses on his hair.
Hee went to the baby's room to choose his clothes, Heeseung was so happy taking a shirt similar to one he owns looking for a matching outfit, he started to fill the baby tub to bath him, doing it with so much care making sure to hold Junghee tight enough, he never put that much of an effort to be soft with someone, he wrapped him on a towel only taping his body to dry his skin, Hee put him on the changer talking to him so he doesn't cry, once he was done he place him on the carrier to go take breakfast he gave a bottle for Junghee helping him burp after before even thinking in eat himself, he checked the time hurrying up to get on time for work.
-I didn't think that much what I'm gonna do with you, but I just know you're really well behaved you just like to be held all the time which is inconvenienti if I need to do something, but you also stay pretty well in your chair or whatever if I talk to you… guess you don't like to feel alone but I know you love daddy so much and that's why you're gonna be a good boy and behave at my office
He kissed his forehead starting to put things on his car, toys, the baby gym, the stroller everything just in case he needs something to entertain Junghee, he secured him on the car seat driving to his office, in the parking lot he found his ex members who came to say hi but we're astonished seeing his baby there too, the last time they saw Junghee was in hospital after he was born, surprised by how much he grow and overall how much he looks like Heeseung in a mini version.
-it’s definitely yours… don't miss understand I'll never put in doubt y/n but he's your copy… just much cuter- Jay said- can I hold him?- Heeseung nods giving authorization, he'll need a lot of help to take everything out from the car if he doesn't want to come up and down all those floors to the parking and to his studio.
Everyone took something to help, Jay was holding the baby careful with his head all of them went up and everything was smooth they helped put together the baby gym while Heeseung went to the cafeteria to ask for hot water to have in case his baby is hungry, when he came back he found everyone panicking giving toys to his crying son, he immediately frown.
-what did you do to my baby?
-nothing he just started cry- Sunoo said with embarrassment, Heeseung got close seeing his little son extend his tiny arms to him, he understood what happened, holding him to his chest and giving him a kiss on his hair
-you don't like your uncle's either only daddy… what am I gonna do with you?- Junghee stopped crying immediately like all those times when Hee holds him
-so he's a daddy's boy- Sunghoon looks at them with fondness
-also a mommy's boy, he just loves us way to much I like to think
-where’s y/n by the way?- Jungwon asked
-she's in Jeju, with her cousin it was a family matter and I'll be taking care of Junghee alone until she's back
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The day was easy even with Junghee on the studio, his ex members went for periods of time to watch and play with the baby, even the staff, everyone was enamoured by how easy it was to be with him, how well behaved he was even when he was this tiny, by the time of his naps Heeseung improvised a bed on his sofa, putting the cushions so he can't roll and fall, he watches him sleep for sometime feeling inspired to write a song about this love he feels everytime he looks at his son, he worked on it for most of the afternoon until it was almost time to leave, Y/n called him, he answered happy to see her through the screen, she looked better, relaxed and at peace.
-hi gorgeous, how is everything going?
-hi… good I think I went to an spa today and for a walk at the beach… but- she stopped herself having this unsure feeling of share what's on her mind
-but… is okay you know you can tell me everything
-it's just I felt guilty that I'm enjoying here alone but I don't feel like this with my baby- her eyes fill out with tears
-no, don't do that to yourself… I know is not easy, but this is what you need, to relax to be alright for you and Junghee… also it's my fault too I left all the responsibility only to you- she shakes her head denying him
-you work so hard for us, I should be able to take care of him
-you work hard too… all the house work, Junghee, you… dealing with me is a lot sweetheart
-no more but… is okay to need time and space, we'll wait for you at home, besides we're also having a good time, he's a super star here at hybe, everyone come to see him do nothing just like now- he focused their little baby sleeping peacefully- I understand why they do I also just stare at him… I still can't believe we made the most perfect human
-you're not angry with me?
-no, why would I be?
-for everything I did
-what being hot? No darling that's not something to be angry for… giving me the most perfect little being? That's actually the best thing someone ever did for me… try so hard to do everything even when you weren't feeling well? That's something to admire… I'm so lucky to have you I could never be angry with you- she finally cried on the phone, but she was smiling
-i love you so much
-i love you too, keep having fun I'll see you in a couple days
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The week pass, everyday with the same routine, Heeseung got so used to take care of Junghee that he couldn't imagine going to his studio without him, everyone else also was so used to see him carrying his baby that now people asked how's Junghee not him, he smiles knowing that his son stole everyone's heart with his calm demeanor and how he asked always for his dad, almost like if he wants to only be glued to Heeseung, his ex members constantly went to the studio to see his baby even taking gifts with them, from toys to baby clothes, he was spoiled there; even in the meetings Heeseung had to attend Junghee was there with his pacifier looking with Bambie eyes at everyone in the room, they made sure to not talk so harsh or yell to not upset him, everything seems to revolve around this tiny human and Heeseung feels so proud that it's his son the one everybody loves.
-what type of sorcery did your mom and I used to make you? Everyone is in love with you- he baby talked after the CEO went to check on his son, not him and the song he was producing- even my boss comes to see you and admire how cute you're
Heeseung took a break from his work to lay on the floor next to Junghee who is on his baby gym, he likes to play with him watching the new movements and sounds he makes, smiling when he babbles almost like replaying to the previous conversation. He took him on his arms and lay down with Junghee on top patting softly his back putting him to sleep, Hee did the same dozing off holding his baby and feeling complete like nothing in this world is important only this little moment, minutes later Jake arrived to see the baby but seeing the scene unfold he just snapped a pic and sent it to Heeseung with the caption I'll come back later, sweet dreams mini Hee.
When he woke up his baby was still sleeping he looks down at him kissing his head sitting carefully to not wake him, he saw the photo Jake sent putting it as his lock screen, he sent it also to y/n telling her how much he loves her, he got to work again holding Junghee in one arm cradling his body and using the other one to finish the sending of some files, he works in silence until the little complain made him look down, Junghee was slowly opening his eyes and when he focused properly first thing he saw was Heeseung smiling immediately melting complete his dad's heart.
-did you like it more to sleep with daddy?- the baby babbling came immediately- you did? You're so spoiled by daddy and you know that- the little giggle makes Heeseung smile wider- you enjoy having daddy wrap around your little finger don't you?- and like if he knew his tiny hand closed around Heeseung's finger making both giggle- yes you know and you enjoy every bit of it… guess what? mommy comes back tomorrow- the little scream of excitement melted him more- yes, she missed you so much
He video called his wife to let her see Junghee, since she haven't saw him everytime she calls he's already sleeping or playing with someone else, when she answered the strong wind of the beach and her telling them to wait makes Heeseung laugh, she went inside the cafe looking at his baby.
-hi my love- Junghee looks at the phone seeing his mom, trying to grab de screen babbling happily- you miss me? I miss you too- he babbles smiling and moving his feet excited- I wanna hold you and kiss you too… he looks so happy Hee, like he really loves me- she started to tear up
-he does loves you just like daddy does
-i miss you so much, both of you… being away only helped me to reaffirm how much you meant to me, how much I love having a family with you… that it was the right thing to keep the baby he makes me happy I was just afraid of hurting him or not being enough
-sweetheart if something I learned taking care of him is that he doesn't care he just likes to be with us, he already thinks you're the best- the happy babbling made her cry happy tears- see? He just said I love you mommy, you're the best- he focused his tiny face and just by seeing her he smiles and giggles melting her heart too
-i love you too my love, you're the most important being in my life, your dad is second
-i heard that but I'm not offended
-i talked with a psychologist here I think I wanna go to one regularly
-I’ll help you find one
-you don't think I'm overreacting right?
-you offend me again, I'll never think something like that
-you're the best that why I married you
-I though it was because of my looks and how good I'm in bed
-don't say stuff like that in front of Junghee- she blushed
-I was thinking that I wanna make another one, or just have the practice of making one- he wriggle his eyebrows
-you're like a horny teenager
-can you blame me, I haven't seen or feel my wife in days
-you still find me attractive? I saw my cousins in a bikini and she's just wow… I have tummy now and stretch marks
-yeah because you carried my baby there, you look so hot because your boobs did grew and now they're bigger… I'm imagining it and God I'm gonna have a problem in my pants- she blushed so intensely hearing how much he still desires her body, the one she sees with a lot of imperfections
-thank you
-for what? For loving my wife?- he huffs- no thank you for being this hot- she giggles like a teenager hearing her first love confess
- I love you
-I love you too sweetie… I was thinking that maybe you can go back to work at the café, maybe take a part time in the morning, I can bring Junghee here and take care while you work then you can come pick him up and I'll see you at home
-really? Can I?
-of course, you loved your job… this way we both take care of him, we both work, we have more money and weekends to go out like a family
-i'll consider it thank you… for being the best husband someone can ask for and for choosing me to be your wife and help me get through everything
-nothing to say thanks for I do it because I love you and my mini Hee
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The next day he was waiting at the airport for her, with the Junghee on the carrier and he holding a sign “Heeseung's wife Junghee’s mommy” when she came down and spots them she ran to hug both of them, Heeseung holds her by the waist pulling her on his side to kiss her passionately, he didn't care who can see them or what they can think, he was so into the kiss that he only pulled apart when the babbling became little yells of excitement.
-Envious you don't want to share mommy with daddy- he laughed taking him out of the carrier so y/n can hold him
-my love how much I missed you- she kiss his head hearing his little giggle- I did missed you a lot- she hugs her tiny body crying
-don't cry he's gonna think you don't want him- he repeat the words she said when he crying when Junghee was born, wiping her tears
-never if he's the most precious thing that I have… then it's you- she smiles seeing him leaning to kiss her temple and Junghee's head
-let's go home you have to tell how your vacation went and I have to really bury my face on those titties- she gives him a smack on his shoulder, laughing
Heeseung wrapped his arm on her shoulders guiding her to their car happy to see her being herself again, to hear their baby happily reply to them and be so attached to them only, this was truly his dream come true.
So there's baby fever in my family now, and I just couldn't help but to imagine Heeseung like this.
Also I activated my anon messages if you by any chance want to talk, thank you again little stranger for reading me.
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fables-if · 3 days ago
Imma send them all in one go, so please take your time!
Time to line up the classics asks! MC goes up to the romanced ROs and cups their face: “What if I told you I could fit the whole world in my hands?”
Additional for Rami: What if MC said that while snuggling their face into Rami's fluffy little body (not for healing, just cause 'You're so cute!')
I'M BACK. And here I come. I love this ask. Ana: Ana would be completely flabbergasted for a second and then she'd get a mischievous spark in her eyes, would reach for MCs wrist, pull it out of her face, and force them to cup their own face. She'd smile flirtatiously and say "You got confused, but don't worry, I corrected your mistake. Now, How does it feel to fit the whole world in your hands?" And she would immediately leave MC alone with their thoughts. Probably had a laugh too. Diana/Diego/Dix: Diana/Diego/Dix would literally panic, but only on the inside. From the outside, they would just be looking at MC with their resting bitch face frozen. It would get uncomfortable because of the silence, then they'll snap out of it and start to flirt as a coping mechanism because they never get flustered lmao. They would get close to MC, while they still hold their face, and say "I would tell you're thoroughly mistaken but since you're pretty cute, I might show you the world myself" If MC continues with the flirting or asking, they'll probably just take MC to a mirror. In private they would be freaking out tho wondering if MC was flirting with them or just being friendly. Anne/Antón/An: Anne/Antón/An would just laugh at MC and then squeeze their cheeks for being too cute. They love cheesy stuff like that but only when it comes from MC. They would probably just shout "MCCCC YOU'RE TOO CUTEEEEE" while squeezing their cheeks. Anne/Antón/An would take it as a sweet friend gesture and never think it was intended as flirting. They have a hard time realising that someone is interested in them so they're just friendzoning everyone without realizing it lmao. Bingen: Bingen would start to blush furiously, his heartbeat would rise dangerously, and would start to stutter. He would just stand there, with MC cupping their face, red as a tomato and panicking. Once he calmed down, he would get extremely clingy, giving MC back hugs and blushing continuously. Not say much because flirting makes him nervous and never knows what to say but making a lot of sweet physical contact. Rami: Rami looooves cuddling and loves spending time with MC. He would just curl their serpent-like body around MC's face and just fall asleep like that. If MC says that to him, he'll just look at them and say "Ooooh, are you talking about "Romancable character or Best friend in the game"?" and would just start to tease them a lot. Thank you so much for the asks, I hope I get to answer all of them between today and tomorrow. I've been waaay too busy for my liking lately.
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cremdotexe · 2 days ago
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Heard season 4 is coming back in July and suddenly boom, my demons are back.
Haven't drawn them in years though, so here's the sextuplets in my style, with my headcanons. More in-depth details under read more :D
Whenever I draw their full body, I'll go more into detail on those, but for now it's just the face and general stuff
Doesn't do anything special with his appearance usually because 'I'm the original, I don't have to make the effort to stand out', and partially because he cannot be bothered to.
Literally just woke up like that, and doesn't really care. He'd wait for it to just go back to its usual style on its own, and somehow??? it works???
Have considered getting piercings after Karamatsu and Totty went to get theirs, but hasn't committed his mind to anything specific, and probably won't for a long time.
Congratulations to my canon bisexual king.
Takes good care of his appearance, very clean-shaven, and intentionally style his hair and bangs. Shares some cleanser with Totty, who surprisingly let him because he's aware Karamatsu also wears make-up and 'you getting another acne breakout would be embarrassing for both of us'.
Have his brow pierced to accentuate it (and because he thought it looks cool). He also considers getting ear piercings, but is kind of nervous to because the first one hurts LMAO.
Puts on eye shadow, literally the most sparkly, shimmery, glittery one in blue, along with a little bit of eyeliner. Botched it the first few times, doesn't care, and is now really good at applying it. Said it's to amplify his beautiful eyes.
The most put together appearance wise. He combs his hair and always keep it neatly trimmed. Still thinks about getting his hair dyed, but has been afraid of going there again ever since The Incident.
Have short sighted vision and needs glasses, however, doesn't actually wear them very often. Usually, he'd just live with his vision being slightly blurry, but also have contact lenses and back up glasses, just in case.
Refuses to get any kind of piercings or tattoos specifically because he wants to appear as professional as possible.
Definitely care the least about his appearance. Does not comb his hair at all and leave it messy pretty much everyday, and unlike Osomatsu, his hair will stay like that.
Rarely shave. So much so that even though the brothers were already not very hairy to begin with, he still have stubbles around his jawline.
Have eyebags because he is a light sleeper and is prone to getting woken up late at night, usually because one of his brothers being noisy or snoring. Even on nights he's well-rested, his eyebags simply will not go away.
Although hard to tell, his hair is a little longer than his brothers. He doesn't take care of it much necessarily, he just doesn't trim it as often.
Will often have a bandaid plastered onto his body, sometimes face, from sliding on the floor outside for baseball and not being careful enough. (I actually forgot to add this oops).
Has intermittent hypertropia, a type of upturned cross-eyedness that happens when he's particularly stressed or tired about something. He doesn't actually know what this is called though.
Really enjoy accessories, so constantly wears hats, hair clips, etc. Eventually, when he found out Karamatsu was planning to go get his brow pierced, Todomatsu decided to tag along to get his ears pierced too.
Takes extremely good care of himself, the best at this of all his brothers. A lot of the money he have saved is for his 7 steps skin care routine and face masks. Combs his hair, but only enough to be cutely neat.
Uses mascara to make his bottom lashes more prominent. Sometimes uses eyeliner as well, but not as often, since he prefers to be more subtle with his make-up.
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rowlfthedog · 2 years ago
Someone called this a world heratige post, I have gotten yelled at for using this characters preferred pronouns, All that and it’s not even my own content!! Too much for one anxious college student. I apologize. There is much more muppet content to be seen on my blog…
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He is everything to me.
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wonder-worker · 6 months ago
"As for the government of the kingdom, [Edward V] had complete confidence in the peers of realm and the queen."
"According to the Crowland continuator, [Elizabeth Woodville] seems to have taken the king's place in listening to his council immediately after Edward IV's death. It does appear that she expected to have some role in her son's kingship, and the Crowland continuator’s report of the letters sent to her by [Richard of Gloucester] indicates that she had good reason to expect to be able to work with him and the other councillors: 'the duke of Gloucester wrote the most pleasant letters to console the queen; he promised to come and offer submission, fealty and all that was due from him to his lord and king, Edward V, the first-born son of his brother the dead king and the queen'."
"[However], in what was Gloucester's first coup, Edward V was separated from his household and Woodville advisors. When the young king questioned the move, Buckingham was reported to have told the boy 'It is not in the business of women but men to govern kingdoms'. The blunt remark referred to the authority of Elizabeth Woodville as queen and the power she must have anticipated within the new political climate left by Edward IV's sudden death. [...] While the veracity of this scene is questionable*, the words attributed to the duke no doubt seemed plausible to Dominic Mancini who believed they exemplified the popular sentiment held by men [...]."
— Dominic Mancini, The Usurpation of Richard the Third / J.L. Laynesmith, The Last Medieval Queens: English Queenship 1445-1503 / Alexander R. Brondarbit, Power Brokers and the Yorkist State, 1461-1485
*One of Mancini's key sources seems to have been Edward V's own doctor, John Argentine, who attended to him in the Tower. It's very likely that he was the one who recounted this scene to Mancini, which suggests that it should probably be considered more credible than not.
#historicwomendaily#elizabeth woodville#wars of the roses#15th century#english history#my post#Croyland wrote that 'The counsellors of the king - now deceased - were present with the queen' so yes#He clearly seemed to view Elizabeth as taking on Edward's role after his death#Which is striking since her son - the new King - hadn't even arrived in London yet let alone be crowned#It's also interesting that Richard wrote letters to *her* rather than the rest of the council and that she was the final deciding authority#when it came to her son (she was the one who wrote to him for his military escort) - it's a clear indication of who was seen as important#This is also reflected in 16th century chronicles like the claim that the Archbishop of York gave Elizabeth the Great Seal#We don't know if this is true - the Archbishop was definitely opposed to Richard but More may have embellished or invented the story#But either way it reflects the perception that Elizabeth would have a major role in the realm's governance during her son's minority#Which makes sense as Edward V would have been used to his mother governing for him as part of his council his whole life#It's also interesting to compare the impression we get of Elizabeth's role with that of former kings' mothers in late medieval England#Because that can help us understand her activities (and perception of them) within proper context rather than purely in isolation#From what I understand kings' mothers could be very influential (eg: Joan of Kent) but were almost never visibly/directly associated#with the governance of the realm. It's striking that the most extreme and arguably the only exception - Isabella of France - assumed#her unofficial regent-like role only after literally deposing the former King aka her husband in the most atypical situation imaginable#So it's striking that Elizabeth *was* visibly and directly associated with it despite her situation being entirely standard; despite the#lack of precedents; and despite the physical absence of her son. Especially since she was effectively the king's mother for only 20 days#I do think it's possible to argue that it says something about her power as queen#(Edward *did* give her unusual positions of authority either way) and may also suggest a more direct personality on her part#It may also explain why historians were/are so readily prepared to believe that she wanted to 'usurp the sovereignty' to quote George Buck#Ofc this is my interpretation based on my (limited) knowledge - feel free to correct me
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keeps-ache · 11 months ago
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#art#my art#artists on tumblr#digital art#oc#pink space#i really like the subtract glitch i've been doing recently - so here's some of that again lol :3#the way it interacts with their palettes is so fun i like it a lot ehegh :33#//anyway do you ever consider just tossing out any part the human body you've learned to draw and just drawing dumb little guys with arms#like pipecleaners forever or what hfhs#//oh this is was doobled in traditional originally#i need to digitize more of these. Because#though aura's hair was more extreme in the second panel in that version - i'm tired though and 3 days ago it was the same so no feelings to#change that lol :)#also i didn't shrink the noise enough so it didn't look right - and i was not going to reimport it so Bon Voyage my dude hfhs#was Supposed to fit on a 900x900 canvas but i made the panels a liiiiitle bit too big so it's 950x950#which is Fine it's a round number but it's not a Round-Round number so [gesturing]#1000x1000 was way too big for this little thing so she sits at a pleasant halfway point :>#//anyway i was also up til 3 a.m. last night doing ?? something ?? i genuinely don't even know what lmfhsbvh#nice though maybe my brain'll get a reset lol :3#stay up really late some random nights and jumpstart your brain!! it's foolproof!! never fails!! [<- these statements have not been reviewe#by the FDA or the Center for Sleep Control]#//ANywho now i'm going to be on my way#/oh i also forgot to post the oath n aura refs i made for artfight lol-#i'll prolly put those up w/ the kira and hid ones though :>>#i like to have the whole ensemble :D i Do feel bad when one of them gets left out hghsfh - like forgetting a stuffed animal somewhere#even though they're all together for small portion of the story it still feels off lol#i should prolly introduce the rest of the cast at some point. .... ......... ..........hm yea prolly. maybe one day hfhs#//anyway NOW i'm going i've run out of tag space i think hfhs - toodles !! :>
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sibyl-of-space · 1 year ago
I actually finished everything, it's all sent off to Steam to review and all I need is their thumbs up and the demo goes live THIS FRIDAY.....
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moved-to-slayfk · 6 months ago
posting here because this just doesn’t feel right to talk about in the horseimagebarn voice but this is extremely important to talk about.
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my partner and i have returned to our hometown to stay with her family and my own has gotten a hotel here too (they moved to the town we currently live in after we did) so we are all safe and out of the thick of it
however there are tens of thousands of people who are not both in my own town and in the many surrounding it. appalachia will take an extremely long time to recover from this and there are more storms on the way. all i see on social media right now is people asking for shelter because their homes have been destroyed, or people asking for help searching for family members who are missing. hundreds of trees have fallen. hundreds of homes have flooded. roads are literally falling apart. preexisting sinkholes due to shitty pipes are opening up and consuming land. dams are on the verge of bursting and the only way to stop it is to release water so quickly it floods whole towns. all but one of our cell towers are down, so only people with at&t have service and the rest can’t contact anyone. over half the town still doesn’t have power. a major water supply issue occurred and the entire town is on a water boil order with no electricity to boil with. people are trapped in their homes and workplaces or out on the street because they have nowhere to go. law enforcement is blocking off roads but trapping people in the process. people have to be rescued by helicopter. our animal shelter has no water or power and boarding facilities have been flooded. entire villages like chimney rock nc are gone, and entire cities like asheville are cut off from the rest of the state and are completely inaccessible. ALL OF THE ROADS IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ARE CLOSED. 400+ roads are closed because they are unsafe . that is INSANE!!!
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when people say that climate change isn’t real, they don’t know what they’re talking about. climate change and its father capitalism are only going to continue to worsen lives in every way possible. i live in the mountains and our infrastructure is completely unprepared to handle hurricanes and it’s only going to get worse. it’s such a strange and eye-opening experience to live something like this when you think that it could never happen to you because that type of weather shouldn’t reach you in your environment. climate change doesn’t care where you live. it’s real.
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western north carolina and the rest of the southeast that has been hit by helene need help. more people need to be talking about this so that the government DOES SOMETHING because the government historically fucking hates appalachia and it still does!!! the major state institution near me took DAYS to respond despite being the only place in town with power and wifi connection because they had to wait for the state to approve their response—they could have allowed thousands of people to evacuate days prior to the hurricane hitting us but they didn’t do anything before or after until it was too late!!! it’s bullshit!!! PLEASE get talking about this because something has to be done. climate change is going to continue happening and our mountains and the people in them are going to suffer immensely. hundreds if not thousands are now homeless. please talk about this look at the footage online of the wreckage and look how quickly our infrastructure crumbled. we need better. the people of appalachia deserve better.
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i’ll get back to posting horses soon. but for now this is a lot. my friends are homeless and my family had to get off the mountain or be trapped there without power and water for days. we’re all safe but exhausted. i hope everyone who has been affected by this is staying safe. if you are in western nc, dm me. when i come back, if you’re in my area, im happy to bring supplies. stay safe everyone
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idiopathicsmile · 9 months ago
School Gymnastics: A Tragicomedy
So one day when we were in third grade, our P.E. teacher divided us into girls and boys. (I don’t remember what the boys had to do. Wrestling? Tackle football? I don’t know, probably not at age nine, but that’s not the point. Gladiatorial combat? I still don’t really understand kids’ sports.)
What matters for this story is that all the girls had to do gymnastics. Now—and I suspect this won’t surprise you if you know literally anything about me—I was always terrible at any form of school athletics. I am intensely, almost impressively uncoordinated. This doesn’t affect my life much at 36, but it was often a miserable way to be a kid. The only playground game I liked was playing pretend, because when you are playing pretend, you don’t have a bunch of people ostensibly on your side screaming in your ear, “Pretend faster! Pretend over there! Pretend with greater accuracy!”
Anyway, gymnastics and my clumsy, doughy little body. I couldn’t do a cartwheel. I couldn’t do a backwards somersault. I couldn't do any of it. We had an entire unit on this business and I literally did not learn how to even safely attempt a single move besides the log roll (lie flat and roll sideways on your belly). In retrospect, this seems like maybe it was in part a teaching problem, not a me problem, but that’s actually not the point either.
The point is, at the end of the unit, we were told to divide ourselves into little teams and choreograph a group gymnastics routine. My group, faced with my long list of limitations (more limitation than girl, really) decide my role will be to just forwards-somersault around the rest of the group as they do their moves. (This is itself kind of embarrassing but trust me, it is but the appetizer.) My friend Ashley has the Lion King soundtrack and we all agree that it is a great choice. The movie has only come out a couple of years earlier, and it of course features some funny, peppy options. 'Hakuna Matata'? 'I Just Can't Wait to Be King'? It's all coming together.
Carried on a wave of youthful enthusiasm, none of us even think to double-check which track Ashley has picked. Foreshadowing!
So the day of the performance comes. Another group goes right before us. They had picked “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls, which was a huge hit at the time. I mean, it still is because it’s a classic, but then it was big and new. They step onto the mat and immediately begin to do choreographed dance moves, which they have worked into their routine. We had not thought of this. Oops. Dance moves, of course! So they incorporate the necessary gymnastics, it goes over really well, the energy is high, and now it’s my group’s turn.
I take my place at the edge of the mat, the mat we are required to stay on for the length of the piece. Ashley cues up the track she’d chosen.
A song starts up. Instantly, I recognize it from the movie. It is the very slow instrumental music that plays when Simba realizes his dad is dead.
‘Well, this is not optimal,’ I think. I've been on this planet for nine years; I can see that much. But it’s too late to change the track, and so I tell myself, ‘It’s okay. I’m a performer. I can sell this.’ I put on an extremely solemn face and begin to execute a series of the world’s saddest somersaults.
Friends, when I say “sad” I mean it, in every possible sense of the word. Picture a nine year old with the gravest possible affect, determinedly doing somersaults to the slowest, most serious music she can imagine, in a careful ring around her friends who have actually learned any gymnastics whatsoever. Okay, now as the music starts to pick up and get more hopeful, imagine she gets real dizzy and in front of everyone, she rolls all the way directly off the mat, careening dangerously towards the assembled students.
Somehow, I roll myself back onto the mat, we survive what feels like hours of humiliation, we stagger away, and I blessedly avoid adding “puking my guts out in front of all of my peers” to my very short list of gymnastics tricks.
Later, I asked Ashley what in the world possessed her to choose that song.
“It didn’t have any words,” she said.
(There was absolutely no rule against using songs that had lyrics.)
Anyway, that’s why being an adult is better than being a kid.
I may have to do laundry and make my own dinner and wrestle with more complex existential angst, but you know what I haven’t been asked to do in like 26 years? Somersault for three minutes straight to the musical shorthand for “this cartoon lion cub has no choice but to process the weight of unimaginable grief for his dead dad.” And you know what? If I live another 50 years, I can be pretty confident nobody will ask me to do it then, either.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year ago
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How they’d react to you not kissing/hugging him before leaving for a mission…
Dick acts as though you told him his ass isn’t that fat in his spandex suit-
He’s insulted.
You always, always remember to kiss his cheek before he leaves. His ‘good luck, be safe and kick ass’ cheek kiss!
It’s your thing as a couple! Do you want to see him cry because he fucking will! He’ll do it!
Dick will pout, huff and whine loud as possible in hopes that you’d realise your error and rectify it tenfold. He won’t tell you what’s wrong. No, he wants and expects you to figure it out for yourself, which doesn’t get him anywhere when you’re looking at him confused and lost as to what he was whining about; Literally.
His mood will be down for the entirety of the day and you’ll no doubt have texts from his teammates and family members asking what was wrong with Dick to look so down.
You’re just as confused as them seeing as how Dick didn’t disclose his innermost thoughts and feelings to you despite being his partner, so you were at a loss on how to help them with something even you weren’t privy to knowing…it’s probably one of your biggest issues as a couple but that’s for another time.
Dick will do that pathetic thing where he looks back at you expectantly the closer he gets towards the door, even going so far as to walk extremely slow when he was within reaching distance of the door handle as to buy you enough time to notice before he genuinely had to leave.
When you don’t however, Dick acts like a kicked puppy for the rest of the day and will proceed to exaggerate to anyone with ears about how his lover was restricting him of his affection.
On the other hand, If you do manage to remember to give him a good luck kiss, planting an extra one on his other cheek for extra, extra luck. Dick will have a permanent smile on his face that will not go the fuck away, even when he’s beating someone’s ass, the smile remains glued on his face as though with gorilla glue.
Seeing Dick brutally beat someone’s ass with a smile was horrifying for anyone to witness but it’s okay bc he’s happy that you remembered to kiss him good luck.
Jason will immediately call you out on your bullshit.
And by that I mean cross his arms over his chest and stare at you saying. ‘Well?’
And you’re like: ‘well what?’
And he’s like: ‘where’s my good luck kiss that you owe me? Roy is waiting on me and here I am waiting on my kiss, so give me my kiss chipmunk.’
Jason doesn’t piss about and gets to the meat of the issue at hand. He wants his good luck kisses and he wants them now and he will not leave the apartment until he gets them.
You’d raise a brow at his not so subtle neediness for your affection and decided to tease him. ‘I thought you didn’t need my good luck kisses remember? You’re a big boy who can fight with or without my good luck kisses.’
Jason groans, not expecting you to pull that out. ‘I said that one time. One time and I was being a dick back then too because all you wanted to do was show me that you cared about me and didn’t want me to get hurt.’
You smiled and got up from the couch and walked over to him, resting your hands on his biceps. ‘So now that you admit that you were a dick and the way that you acted was wrong…’ you trailed off as you pressed a kiss to his lips once, twice, three times because you loved to kiss Jason whenever possible and will try to plant as many kisses as you could.
‘Thanks chipmunk.’ Jason murmurs against your lips, feeling everything has gone back to being right again. ‘Now I better be off or Roy will tease me for lingering too long-‘
‘Too late.’ Roy said from the doorway and Jason closed his eyes and silently curse while you smiled and waved at Roy. ‘Hi Roy!’ You said. ‘Hi y/n, mind letting Jason come out to play?’ Roy joked. You played along by making a thoughtful face as Jason mutters under his breath; ‘are you being serious right now?’
You snapped your fingers. ‘As long as you make sure Jason doesn’t get into trouble then yes, he may go out and play.’
‘I hate you both.’ Jason groaned as he walked past you and playfully shoved Roy aside to leave the apartment. Roy then cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted after him. ‘Are you sure you don’t want your goodbye kisses?’ You and Roy laugh together upon hearing Jason cursing him out from a distance.
Damian acts indifferent about it.
He doesn’t need a good luck hug, hell! he doesn’t need luck at all!
He’s skilled enough to win any fight without relying on something silly as Luck. Luck was just probability under a different name and definition. (A/n: Don’t quote me on that.)
So when you forget to give him a hug before a mission, Damian doesn’t think anything of it but it will linger in his mind unnecessarily much to his annoyance.
Why was he so hung up on not getting something a silly as a hug? Or was he instead more upset over the fact that you, his closest friend/partner, completely forgot about it as though it wasn’t anything worth remembering.
Either way he was conflicted and didn’t know how to go about saying any of this to you without getting frustrated over his apparent loss for words. He was a man of action more then anything so when he finally catches up to you, he will stride towards you and stop just a couple of inches and silently stare at you with his resting bitch face.
‘Damian?’ You asked. ‘Are you okay?’
Damian doesn’t say anything because he couldn’t think of anything to say in that moment and instead stays silent as to save himself from further embarrassment.
‘Damian?’ You asked again, getting worried over his unusual silence. ‘I can’t help you if you don’t tell me-‘ before you could finish your sentence, Damian had lunged towards you and brought you into a very tight hug. You smile softly and gladly hugged Damian back, not saying a single word other then;
‘You don’t need me to say it but I’ll reaffirm it anyway, you’ll do great out there Dami. I know you will.’
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jung-koook · 6 months ago
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240917 - hoseok on weverse: “one month, that’s right just 30 days!
time originally only felt cruel but now ive started to grow fond of it that now it feels affectionate.
i organized my stuff, and i’ve handed out the items i that i used well to my successors, and now seeing the empty locker/storage
* t/n: locker/storage in the barracks where ones personal items are stored)
it feels like my feelings are growing even deeper.
looking back, i wonder why i was so nervous and worried when it’s nothing much really.
heh (those days when even the sound of the locker opening would stimulate my nerves)
lately, it’s been times where i feel sympathy towards the new recruits who have moved in, and thinking of them as cute from seeing myself in them.
sigh.. im looking back at my days in the military, being filled with a lot of feelings and emotions**.. but im pleased! and proud!
** t/n: literal translation he wrote was: “after being in a state of an extreme F”, with F having the meaning of the 3rd letter in one’s mbti
but of course now, im a sergeant at the later stages of service, lying in bed writing these words haha
the holidays are truly nice!! because i can rest well! this letter has become unnessarily long now but i came to say happy chuseok~ but as if it’s fate, today’s also the day i have exactly 30 days left~
right now when everyone is peacefully with their families, my mind is filled with a pigeon flying about.
it’s quite a warm chuseok!! but i wish that you have a prosperous/filling hangawi*** and i am sending my greetings to you.
*** hangwai is another name for chuseok
i hope fall comes quickly so i can pile up the falling foliage/autum leaves in my mind~ 🍃 🍂
i will see you next month, on this day.
until then, i hope that you will please stay healthy and take care of yourself..!
A(R)M(Y) IL(ove)Y(ou)**** 💜🕊
**** abbreviated “army i love you” ” (trans. cr. miiniyoongs)
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miumura · 3 months ago
TREATIN’ ME LIKE AN ENEMY 。 。 。 。 엔하이픈 🪽 ✦
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( 𝓢 ) ﹕ in a secret relationship with your “enemy”
──── enhypen hyung line x f ! r ╱ ⌕ est. but secret relationship, workplace / co-workers au, fluff, comfort ( ? ) ∿ w. petnames, rude co-worker + mention of blood in sunghoon’s ( nothing graphic ) wc. 1.6K+ ( 1645 ) 。 。 might need to make jey into my top 5 bc i love this song 😆
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“You’ll be working with…Lee Heeseung,” your supervisor said to you during a team meeting, unknowingly dropping a bombshell. It left your co-workers to exchange nervous glances around the room. Everyone knew you and Heeseung were practically sworn enemies, your relentless competitiveness with each other being the worst-kept secret in the office.
“So, go sit with your partner and start working on a new proposal,” your supervisor wrapped up the meeting, leaving everyone to scramble around to switch seats.
You chose to stay put, looking extremely disinterested as Heeseung was making his way over to the empty seat next to you. As you glanced at him, he seemed to wear the same look too as he sat down.
He scooted his chair closer to you, opening up his laptop. “Let’s work on this project with no hiccups, alright?” he says, his voice loud enough for others to hear.
To everyone else, you two were like oil and water—certainly not a good pair in other people’s eyes. What your co-workers didn’t know, however, was how Heeseung sneakily chose to get closer to intertwine his hands with yours under the table.
You subtly squeezed his hand back, both of you trying—and failing—to suppress the smiles threatening to creep onto your faces.
They certainly didn’t know how good of a pair you two could be.
“Oh come on, you’re avoiding me even when we’re alone now?” Jay teased after trying to get your attention for the past few minutes. “It was just an act, I promise.”
You didn't even look up from your screen. “Suddenly sending me spam emails at once in front of our co-worker, and telling me I can’t delete them because one of them has important project details…” You tried to grit your teeth to hold back your frustration, but the words still slipped out. “And now I have to go through every single one of these with the same titles but blank emails? That’s a bit mean, don’t you think?”
"People were getting suspicious," he said, rolling his chair closer to you, only for you to shove it away with your leg. He just smirked, clearly amused by your reaction. "They said I’ve been too ‘normal’... or I guess, too nice to you lately."
“Well, I rather have a nice boyfriend right now, instead of him watching me go through these emails,” you huffed, your eyes still fixed on the screen. “You could at least share me another copy of it or just tell me now if it’s actually anything important.”
“I would think it’s rather important,” Jay replied, drawing out the last word in a teasing sing-song tone.
Finally, you glanced over at him, your frustration barely contained. He wore a small but sly smirk, his eyebrows slightly raised, clearly waiting to see what you’d do next.
“Are you going to tell me?” you asked, not sure whether to be more annoyed or curious.
“Shouldn’t you be getting back to those emails for that?” He said, causing you to abruptly spin around, with your eyes glued once again.
“You’re really mean,” you said, thinking of the plan to ignore him once again.
He lightly chuckled, getting up from his chair and walking behind you. His hand rested on the back of your chair, and you felt a familiar warmth when his other hand slid over yours on the mouse.
“It’s this one,” he whispered close to your ear, his voice sending a shiver down your spine. You jolted slightly, turning to face him, eyes wide in surprise as his heartwarming smile spread across his face. “Why don’t you read it?”
You cleared your throat, your fingers lingering on the mouse as you clicked on the email. But there were no project details—just a simple message:
“Let’s go to the place you’ve always wanted to go to?”
Your heart skipped a beat. You quickly turned to face Jay, lips parted in surprise as you watched his eyes light up, clearly waiting for your reaction.
“So, what do you say?” Jay crouched down to your level, holding your hand gently.
“Let’s go on a date?”
"Do you not know how to do a single thing?" you asked in disbelief, flipping through the “messy” weekly report Jake had written.
"Are you seriously trying to criticize my work right now?" Jake shot back, his voice sharp enough to make heads turn outside the break room.
He stepped closer, reaching for the paper in your hand. His brows furrowed, and his expression hardened, his frustration clear as he tilted his head to meet your gaze.
“Do you think you’re my bos—” Jake stopped mid-sentence, his ears perking at the sound of hurried footsteps outside. His eyes darted to the window of the door, catching a glimpse of a group of people quickly scurrying away. He walked closer, double checking to make sure everyone was out of sight.
Letting out an exasperated sigh, his serious demeanor melted in an instant. He turned back to you with a cheeky grin, a sight you started to get familiar with. Without hesitation, he crossed the room to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight hug.
“Not at work, babe,” you said as you nudged him away from you, although you still wanted to be in his embrace. His pouty expression had you lightly chuckling as his hands stayed firmly on your hips.
“Are you really the same person a minute ago?” you teased, wondering how your boyfriend was able to change expressions that quick.
“Is my acting that good?” Jake asked, his grin growing even wider, his pride written all over his face.
"A little too good," you admitted with a small laugh, your fingers tracing gentle circles over his knuckles. "I wonder what you were going to say next? Do I think I'm your... what?"
“Boss,” he clarified where he had left off from, his tone softening as he added, “and we both know that’s not what you are.”
“So, what am I?”
“I think you’re my girl,” he said confidently, but then he quickly shook his head. “Scratch that—I know that you’re my girl.”
“And… Y/N,” your co-worker trailed off, his tone suddenly sharp as he glanced over your report. The air in the room grew heavy, and an uneasy silence filled the space. “You’ve done better work than this.”
The sound of a pin dropping could have echoed in the room. All eyes shifted to you as heat rose to your face. Your own gaze flickered from the report in his hands to the floor, shame creeping in.
“Are you going to say anything?” he pressed.
“I’m sorry…” you managed to mumble, your voice barely audible.
“That’s it?” His tone grew harsher, and your eyes darted back to him, surprised by the sound in his voice. “Aren’t you going to reassure us that you’ll do better next time?”
“I…” You bit your lip, trying to steady yourself, but the sting from the broken skin sent a jolt through you.
“I don’t know why you’ve been so—“
“If you don’t mind letting her finish her sentence instead of acting like a jerk, that would be greatly appreciated,” Sunghoon’s voice cut him off, making everyone turn toward him.
You blinked, shocked to hear him speak up for you. The whispers started immediately—no one expected Sunghoon to defend you, not given your so-called “bad terms.”
“Instead of giving her constructive criticism, you’re just trying to tear her down,” Sunghoon continued, his voice calm but serious. He picked up a copy of one of the very reports laid out, flipping through it with sharp precision. “And honestly, I don’t think you’re in any position to talk about anyone else’s work.”
“Excuse me?” The co-worker looked both offended and startled.
“When was the last time our supervisor called your report anything more than average?”
The room filled with hushed murmurs, and you saw the co-worker’s face turn red. He fired back, “Why are you defending her? Aren’t you two supposed to hate each other?”
Sunghoon leaned back slightly, crossing his arms. “Should I just leave my morals because of some petty label people decided to put on us? I won’t stand by while you talk to her like that.”
“You two clearly have something going on—” the man started, pointing an accusatory finger at both of you, only to stop mid-sentence when Sunghoon suddenly scraped his chair against the floor and stood up.
The entire room fell silent as Sunghoon grabbed your arm, his touch firm but not forceful. Without a word, you stood as well, letting him guide you toward the door.
“If you’ll excuse us both,” Sunghoon said, his voice having an unmistakable edge, “call us back when this team can manage a respectful meeting.”
The door shut firmly behind you, muffling the chaos of the room. Sunghoon immediately turned to you, his hands gently cupping your face.
“You’re bleeding,” he murmured, his thumb brushing over your lip with tenderness. You winced slightly, and he frowned. “I’ll get you some ointment.”
“Hoon, you didn’t have to do that…” you said softly.
He shook his head, his hands still framing your face. “Come on, even if everyone thinks we’re enemies, I wasn’t going to just sit there and let someone treat my girlfriend like that. And I’m sorry I didn’t step in sooner. I didn’t think that jerk would keep going like that.”
A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you smiled up at him. “He’s always been like that. I’ve just dealt with it for so long.”
“Well, you don’t have to anymore,” Sunghoon said firmly, his hands moving to gently hold your arms. His eyes softened as he looked at you. “Regardless of what people think or what they call us, I’ll stand up for you.”
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‘💬’ ─── this was supposed to be an 0t7 work but i started blanking out 😖 but hey first hyung line work !!
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beloveds-embrace · 1 month ago
Hiiii hshsh
So I got this idea on a car ride late at night after going to an extremely loud pub!! Which gave me this idea:33
Poly!141 plus reader
None of them know how to cook because they're used to having premade meals at the messhall or rations on missions! so when reader comes along (they can be part of the task force or they can be civilian), and they cook for them the lads decide that they're theirs now!! :3
I love this idea anon 😩😩
You didn’t think much of it at first, truly.
Cooking had always been second nature to you- something soothing, something tangible in a life filled with chaos. And in the military, chaos was the only constant.
It didn’t take long to realize something alarming, though: none of your teammates knew how to cook.
Not even the basics.
Soap, bless his heart, thought instant noodles counted as a proper meal. Gaz once tried to scramble eggs and somehow set off the smoke alarm. Ghost? The man could survive in the wild for weeks but willingly lived off protein bars and black coffee when left to his own devices. And Price could grill, sure, but anything beyond that? No chance. And it wasn’t as if a grill was always available.
So, you cooked.
Not because they asked. Not because you had to, or were made to feel like you had to. But because the first time you made something decent- just a simple stew, hearty and warm, after a grueling training session- they all looked at you like you had hung the damn moon itself.
Soap groaned after his first bite, tipping his head back in dramatic bliss. “Marry me.”
Gaz, already going for seconds, nodded solemnly. “Seconded. You can’t just cook like this and expect us to let you go.”
Ghost didn’t say anything outright, but the way he cleaned his bowl and then, after a pause, slid it forward for more? Yeah. That spoke volumes.
Price took his time eating, but you caught the way his gaze softened as he watched you. Like he was making a decision.
You didn’t realize what that decision was until the next morning.
You woke up to find all four of them stationed in the kitchen, waiting. Gaz leaned against the fridge, Soap sat on the counter, Ghost loomed in the doorway, and Price stood at the stove like he had any idea what to do with it.
“What,” you mumbled, still groggy. “Are you all doing?”
Price met your eyes, calm and sure. “Waiting on breakfast. If you do wanna make it, that is.”
And that was that.
You should’ve known. Feeding a group of hungry, half-feral soldiers meant claiming them.
And, apparently, it meant they claimed you too.
The first time you all came back from a mission completely wrecked, it happened without thought.
Everyone was exhausted- cut up, bruised, dragging themselves through debrief with only the promise of a hard-earned shower keeping them upright.
You were just as battered. Just as drained. But the moment you stepped into the barracks and saw the half-hearted collection of protein bars and tasteless ration packs sitting on the counter, something inside you rebelled and cracked.
No. Not tonight.
Your body screamed for rest, but you ignored it, rolling up your sleeves and getting to work. It’ll be worth it, you kept telling yourself, and the promise of an actual meal kept you going.
You weren’t alone for long, thougg.
Kyle trudged into the kitchen first, watching with quiet amazement as you moved. “You don’t have to do this, you know.”
“I know.” you murmured, but kept going. A warm, fresh meal…
Soap dragged himself in next, blinking at you blearily before rubbing a hand over his face. “You’re an angel, bonnie. A bloody angel.”
Ghost leaned against the doorframe when he came a little later, watching. He didn’t say a word, but when you swayed slightly from exhaustion, he moved- one steady hand pressing against the small of your back, grounding you. He didn’t tell you to stop, or get in your way- just stayed by you, a steady, comforting presence.
Also helped chop the vegetables when you asked.
John didn’t say anything either. But he sat at the table, waiting patiently, eyes tracking every movement like he was memorizing you.
By the time you put the food down- something warm, filling, real- they were too tired to talk, but their gratitude was written in every movement and shone through every appreciative sigh they let out
Soap sighed into his bowl like it was the only thing keeping him alive. “If I die tonight, at least I die happy.”
Gaz nudged your foot under the table, a quiet thank you.
Ghost, ever quiet, simply refilled your plate before his own.
And Price met your eyes across the table, something unreadable yet warm in his expression, before nodding once. “Good work, soldier.”
The second time, it was worse.
The mission had gone sideways, backwards, and right into hell.
It had been long, brutal, pushing all of you to the breaking point. When you finally stepped back onto base, none of you were unscathed- Soap’s knuckles were split, Gaz’s jaw was bruised, Ghost had a gash along his ribs, and Price carried exhaustion like it was part of him.
And you? You were running purely on fumes.
But the moment you made it back to your quarters and saw the way they all moved- silent, weighed down by the kind of tired that settled in your bones- you knew.
Without thinking, you made your way to the kitchen.
Soap’s voice, hoarse with fatigue, followed you. “You don’t have to, lass. You gotta rest-“
“I know.” You croaked out. And you still did it anyways.
The stew took time. Slow, steady, the scent filling the air like something solid. Something safe. It gave you enough time to lay your head down just a little, eyes slipping shut just long enough for you not to pass out.
They didn’t argue.
They didn’t tell you to sit down, to rest, to stop.
Instead, they hovered- Soap setting the table, Gaz nudging a chair toward you every time you leaned too hard against the counter, Ghost watching you in that way he did when words weren’t enough.
Price stood beside you near the stove, his hand brushing your shoulder in quiet appreciation.
And when you finally sat down, they made sure you ate first; Soap nudged the biggest portion toward you. Gaz made sure your glass was full. Price made sure you didn’t lift a finger once the meal was done.
Ghost was the last to move, reaching over to take your wrist, squeezing once. A quiet thank you in the way only he could say it.
That night, none of them let you leave, either.Soap pulled you down onto the couch between him and Ghost, resting his head against yours with a tired sigh, and Simon pulled your legs to rest on top of his thighs.
Gaz, already half-asleep with his back rest against the couch, muttered.” You’re stuck with us now, you know.”
And Price draped a blanket over your shoulders, the weight of it solid and grounding. He patted your head, then his hand slid down to squeeze your shoulder while your eyes slipped shut, drifting off into a much-needed sleep. “That’s how it works.”
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obsesssedblerd · 7 months ago
Shut me up
“No, no, please, you don’t understand—we need to have a room with two beds instead of one.” 
From the middle of the bed, Satoru scoffs at the sound of your desperate pleas to the receptionist over the phone. You pace back and forth, groaning when you’re told that it was the last room. “I know that we booked last minute, but— Oh…. this is the only room available? …I see. Goodnight.” 
When you hang up, Satoru doesn’t stop his laugh, and the sound of it immensely amplifies your frustration. “You’re so pissed off,” he says as you cross your arms and glare at him. “It’s hilarious. Well, princess, looks like we’re here for the night. Get comfortable.” 
“Hell no,” you say, reaching into your bag to grab your phone. “I’m gonna ask Yaga for another place. There has to be another inn that’s close to the curse we’re tracking, and has two beds.” 
Satoru gets up from the bed and walks over to you, gently plucking your phone out of your hands and placing it on the dresser. “Yaga is asleep right now, and he worked his ass off to get this place for us at the very last minute.”
Good point. “Fine, I’ll sleep on the floor.” 
“Quit being ridiculous.” The asshole smirks, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously. “So flustered at the idea of sharing a bed with me. We’re just sleeping. You’re not thinking about anything dirty, are you?” 
“Huh?! No,” you hiss. “What the hell is wrong with you?” 
He doesn’t stop his teasing. “Hm. Sounds like you’re lying.” 
“Fuck you, Satoru,” you say, walking over to your bag and grabbing some clothes comfortable to sleep in. “And I’m not flustered. Just hate the idea of being so close to someone I can’t stand.” You head into the bathroom to shower and change before he can say anything else. “If you snore tonight, I’m kicking you.”
You can’t sleep. How could you? The room is quiet, and all you can think about is the man beside you. Speaking of, you hear Satoru shift, and the faint aroma of the expensive body wash he used while showering fills your nose. You hate to think it, but he does smell good. You look at the clock on the nightstand, and sigh quietly. Almost midnight. 
“Are you awake?” Satoru asks, and you pretend that you don’t hear him. 
You feel a poke in your ribs, and you shriek. “What the hell?!” 
“Pfft. Knew you were up.” He chuckles. “Ticklish?” 
“Do you need something?” 
“Nah, I just wanted to bother you.” 
You inhale sharply in an attempt to calm yourself, then turn around to face him. Though the room was mostly dark, you can still see him due to the moonlight shining through the window of the room. He’s lying on his side with his head resting against his arm, which was propped up on his pillow. 
“You’re like a child,” you say flatly as you roll your eyes. 
The corner of his mouth lifts in amusement. “Mhm.” 
“And you talk too much.”
“Tell me more.” 
“Extremely annoying, I can’t stand when you show up to missions late sometimes because you want sugar, and you joke around way too much when we’re supposed to be serious. Yaga, Suguru, and Shoko think that, too.”
He chuckles again, and you ignore the way your stomach flutters at the sound of it. “Aw, come on. You tell me that almost everyday. Give me something new.” 
“And give you that satisfaction? Nope,” you say, popping the ‘p’ as you turn back around to face the wall. “I think you’re the most ridiculous person I’ve ever worked with,” you conclude. 
“Well, you know what I think?” He asks, and you hum in question. You hear the bed creak as he moves, and your heart begins to pound when you sense him directly behind you. If you were to shift back even just a tiny bit, your back would be against his chest. 
“I think you’re full of shit,” he says near your ear, his voice dropping an octave lower. You feel his hand gently rest on your shoulder. 
“How so?” You whisper.
His hand begins to slowly slide down your arm, goosebumps rising on your skin. “You think I’m the most ridiculous person you’ve ever worked with, but you keep working with me,” he purrs, his breath fanning the shell of your ear. “At any moment, you can tell Yaga to quit having us do missions together, but you don’t. I always end up seeing you even though you say you hate looking at me.”
You feel his hand softly drift across your hip, then rest there, his fingers lightly playing with the hem of your shirt. Then, they slip underneath, drawing light, teasing patterns on your skin. Your breath hitches. 
You feel warm. 
“Saw how you looked at me when I got out of the shower earlier,” he says, and your stomach twists. Of course he did. Nothing ever gets past Satoru Gojo. “You were practically drooling while watching me put a shirt on.” 
“I-” You clear your throat. “I wasn’t.”
“You’re such a liar.” 
His lips press a feather-light kiss to your neck—on a spot where you’re very sensitive, and you gasp, but instinctively tilt your head to give him a bit more access. When you catch yourself, you straighten, and Satoru only scoffs. “See? It’s obvious.” 
“...What’s obvious?” 
“You want me.” 
You turn around again, ready to tell him that this was the dumbest thing you’ve heard him say all night, but he puts a finger to your lips, effectively stopping your words before you can get them out. “You want me,” he says again, “but you don’t know how to deal with that. So, you pretend that you hate me when you and I both know that it’s not true.” He then smiles again, his eyes dark with want. “But I see right through it. You’re not subtle. Anyway, you have a choice. You can either continue with your lying, or you can actually do something about it.” 
It takes a lot out of you to keep your hands out of the way so you don’t strangle him and then pull him closer. “Something like what?” You ask.
“You think I talk too much.” He leans closer to you; your faces nearly touching. You swallow once, his eyes tracking the movement of your throat as you do. Then his smile grows, inviting—no, daring you to make a move. 
“So shut me up.”
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lilietsblog · 1 month ago
the fandom infantilization of Siffrin upsets me. like yall thats a whole ass adult!!!! he lived on his own for like 10 years!!!! without a home or a community to call their own they survived and did well enough that their first meeting with the party was SAVING THEM from a Sadness!!! the entire party's impression of him was on a scale between "extremely suspicious stranger" and "cool and mysterious"!!!! their reaction in the first loop to odile bringing up the super potion incident was to bat their eyes cutely!!!! they start the touch therapy thing in the garden room on their own initiative becasue they're aware of their own mental health needs!!!! Siffrin is a chaotic gremlin ADULT who manages his own shit perfectly fine until he's put in a situation tailored to target his personal weaknesses with laser precision!!!!
like... yall. Siffrin looks after people around him. Siffrin has strong opinions on taking care of children. Siffrin is second oldest in the party after Odile and shares a unique understanding with her.
Siffrin. Is. An adult. An asexual, nonbinary, short adult who's managed to remain functional and autonomous despite serious neurological problems without any support network. The rest of the party thinks he's cool because he is. They have strong moralðical principles that they act on, rather than just personal duckling imprinting loyalty ("I love you personally because you're mine" comes up nowhere in his speech to Bonnie about why he would protect them at the cost of mutilation again - it's purely about Bonnie being a kid and adults having an obligation to protect them)
Like... there's this perfect storm of Siffrin being - explicitly asexual, implied on the aromantic spectrum, - mentally ill with brain damage (the memory shit) and also physically disabled (the eye), - nonbinary, - short and thin, - quiet with cutesy mannerisms, - specifically needing care and affirmations at the end of the story, that combines to people lumping them into the "cute baby to be taken care of" category, consciously or subconsciously to various degrees
but like
no it's actually pretty important that Siffrin is an adult who needs those things
mid to late twenties is an adult
mid to late twenties having lived on his own since mid to late teens is VERY MUCH an adult!!!!
give me Siffrin who drinks. give me Siffrin who gambles. give me Siffrin who used to engage in a variety of high risk hobbies/games/activities that they've scaled back on since joining because they identified Mirabelle and Isabeau as impressionable youngsters to be kept safe from bad ideas. give me Siffrin who is competent at a wide variety of random odd jobs because that's how they used to make a living. give me Siffrin who has a wide pool of mostly but not exclusively shallow medical knowledge and an unsettlingly deep expertise in first aid because he's had to take care of himself for a decade (and who picks up Healing Craft quickly&effectively compared to the years people usually need to study it due to this 'field experience'). give me Siffrin with multiple failed relationships in their past, some of which ended amicably due to the natural process of self-discovery and drifting apart, some of which ended because the other person was an asshole, and some of which ended because Siffrin himself was an inconsiderate jerk. give me Siffrin who used to be a much more unpleasant person, including on purpose, when they were younger. give me Siffrin who can in fact be trusted with sharp objects post-canon but avoids some of them of their own volition now because they're aware of self-harm urges being a bad thing to be avoided and are capable of managing that for themselves when outside of an active ongoing mental breakdown!!!
give me Siffrin who is better at flirting than Isa is!!! give me Siffrin who can talk Mirabelle through her hangups and anxiety attacks!!! give me Siffrin who engages with Odile as a peer when the rest of the party sees her a an elder!!!! give me Siffrin who is good with children from the position of an adult who has the patience and empathy to indulge them!!! ALL OF THESE IN THIS PARAGRAPH ARE LITERALLY CANON FACTS ABOUT SIFFRIN!!!!!
sickfic about Siffrin is great!!! give me sickfic where at one point everyone else falls apart from fear and pressure and Siffrin, all while still having a fever and stumbling while walking, steps up and picks up the slack!!!
give me a fic where Siffrin helps Odile deal with the unsettling experience of her new research topic having antimemetic properties by sharing his own tricks for dealing with memory loss!!!
give me a fic where Siffrin keeps having to scale back their flirting with Isabeau because they keep stumbling on Isa being unable to articulate or even realize his boundaries and have to make a project of walking Isa through basics of healthy relationships!!!!
give me a fic where Siffrin teaches Mirabelle about the wider world outside Dormont and outside her sheltered bubble as a Housemaiden!!!
give me a fic where Bonnie increasingly relies on Siffrin as an adult to come to with problems, and Siffrin keeps having to develop new skills and areas of knowledge to effectively help!!!!
give me a fic where the party has no idea how to help Siffrin with a problem because Odile has never had a problem quite like this in her life and the rest of them just feel completely lost in the face of experience they have never had!!!!
(also, on a tangentially related personal preference aesthetic note, give me Siffrin with scars. give me Siffrin who overdid Healing Craft in the last loop so bad Mirabelle couldn't heal them cleanly and who is happy to have reminders that these events really happened and are over now and he's still in the same timeline. give me Siffrin with top surgery scars deliberately kept as an aesthetic affectation. give me Siffrin whose face did not heal cleanly from the loss of an eye. give me Siffrin whose body reflects their history and experiences)
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slvt4chrissturniolo · 2 months ago
chris sturniolo headcannons ♡ bf!chris x reader ♡
《 nsfw 》
bf!chris who... loves stomach bulges
chris was on top of you, slowly thrusting into your hips, making sure you feel every inch of his cock inside. everytime he'd go so deep, filling you up, there'd be a bulge on your stomach. he smirked when seeing it, pressing down on it, causing to let out a whine.
"you feel me right there, ma?"
bf!chris who... doesn't use condoms, he just wants it raw
"are you not gonna-"
"no, it doesn't feel right"
bf!chris who... is extremely dom and rough. he's always dominant, but on rare occasions is sub. he's always pounding into you, but again on rare occasions he will fuck you slow and Intimately. ( Occasions like valentine's day, your birthday, christmas, etc.)
bf!chris who... loves any position when he can see your ass. but mostly, he loves seeing it bounce off him in doggy (his favorite position)
bf!chris who... fucks your face with no mercy for your throat
chris's hands were gripping the back of your head, shoving it further down his throbbing member. saliva was spilling out of your mouth, your eyes were rolling to the back of your head, and chris was only increasing the speed. while your head was pounding into him, he paused when your nose was pressed against him, and you felt his warm, sticky cum shoot down your open throat.
"good girl, swallowing my cum like a little slut"
bf!chris who... humps you while you two are falling asleep, insisting on not needing help.
it was late at night, you and Chris were cuddling in bed falling asleep. you felt his hard cock on your ass for a while now, but he started to grind on you now.
"baby do you need help"
"no I got it"
his speed increased, and so did his breath. his grips on your hips grew tighter, and you felt his throbbing dick twitch against you, even through the layers of clothes between you two. you felt his sticky cum spill out of him, and a wet patch for the rest of the night.
bf!chris who... loves to overstimulate you until your left sore.
chris was pounding into your wet pussy with his huge member causing a bulge in your stomach every time he went all the way in, with every inch inside of you. your head was already spinning, but chris started to rub your soaking wet clit. he was doing both at insane speed, you legs were shaking. your entire body started to squirm under him.
bf!chris who... has a daddy kink
chris was pulling down his boxers, setting his aching member free. he pulled your thong to the side, rubbing your wet pussy with 2 of his fingers. he pumped himself a few times, staring into your needy eyes. he slipped his cock inside of you, easy and quick because of how much pre cum was dripping off him.
"mm so wet for daddy"
bf!chris who... is always touching you. when watching TV, his hands are in your shirt, massaging your tits. when you're laying on him, his hands are in your pants, squeezing your ass. even when you're standing in public, his hands are all over rubbing you up and down your waist and hips.
bf!chris who... loves giving over receiving
chris was on his knees eating you out. you were holding his hand, and your other hands tangled in his hair. moans are escaping your mouth as chris's tongue is flicking between your folds. he's staring into your lust filled eyes, in awe of how he'd able to make you feel.
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