#and not even glam tents
lainalit · 3 months
Rhysand having five or six(?) mansions and the Illyrian still housing in tents is everything you need to know about his politics
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that-fic-girl · 1 year
Hey lovely
Can I request a Glamrock Bonnie and afab reader nsfw pls
Like reader is bantering with Bonnie while fixing him only to discover that he’s secretly sensitive inside especially his wires~ and the reader teasing him all day long
ofcourse my luv, I’ll do this for you.
Glamrock Bonnie x AFAB reader. || NSFW ||
Note: this doesn’t follow the plot of the FNAFSB game, this is just my fantasy land. Please suggest any fics you think I should do in the future. And if you want part twos to anything let me know:)
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It’s always a long day working for the glam rocks, the layout of the place is confusing and the hours are exhausting but going down to Bonnies bowling alley was always a relaxing part of the job for you. The room felt so cooling and the lights made you feel like a little kid again, but the best part was seeing your favourite bunny there.
“Y/N! What did I do to see you today?”
You laughed walking up to his tiny stage, hands on your hips.
“I heard a kid was being a little too rough with you, I want to check your wires just in case they’ve been damaged”.
He nodded, giving you a smile. You didn’t want to admit it but as you have previously worked on Bonnie, you could the manufacturers had not put as much effort into making Bonnie in comparison to the other glam rocks.
“Alright. Aslong as I get to spend more time with you!”
He never failed to make you blush, his sweet Aussie accent just smoothes all of your worries. You both walked to parts and service, talking along the way.
You entered the elevator to parts and service, it was a little cramped in there with your back against the bottom of Bonnies stomach, he was huge compared to you. You have to admit, the height difference definitely made you feel some sort of way.
You both walked into parts and service and you opened the operation dome for the bunny to go in and lie down. You sat down next to him and opened his hatch, your hands wandering inside.
“N-ngh.. please be c-careful..”
Your eyes shot up to his face, what did you just hear? Does this make him feel sensitive? WHAT WAS GOING IN??
“A-ah, I’m sorry bunny but I have to be a little rough with these, they’re all messed up.”
He let out an agitated sigh, clenching his huge fists. You moved your hands deeper, working on getting these wired out of your way. Little did you know that the tent in his pants was getting bigger and bigger by each second.
“Y/N, please, can you be more gentle-mMN!”
His body shot up, moving your hands away from his chest cavity. He grabbed your hands, it was obvious now that he really wanted you to stop.
“My sweet little bunny, I understand that this is your job, but how would you like it if a fairly attractive person was all up in your chest area? Can’t imagine you’d be able to keep still either”
You brushed, starring at him. His hands left yours, trailing up and down your shirt.
“B-Bonnie, come on! I’m trying to help you-“
“Look at me, I’m just fine. But I think you need a check up”
He smirked grabbing your hips. Your head went all fuzzy, you felt so overwhelmed under his touch. You said nothing, just kept your eyes locked with his.
His finger went underneath your shirt, slowly lifting the hem up enough so he could see your bra.
“Mm, you’re so beautiful bunny”
His finger went behind you to unclasp it, don’t get me wrong, he loved seeing you in a bra, but he wanted to see what was behind it more.
Your nipples perked at the cold breeze in the room, your breath got heavier by the second.
“Mm.. Bonnie please-“
“haha bunny, I’m only trying to help”
He said, mimicking you. His hands wandered to your nipples as he started to rub them and make them even more sensitive than they usually would.
Your breath hitched, letting out a slight moan. This did something to Bonnie, his body couldn’t resist you. He needed you. Your smile, you’re pretty body, your hair and the way you managed to make him smile swooned him over and over again. He was captivated by you.
He let go of your breast and picked you up, placing you on the bed he was originally sat on. His fingers gliding up and down your thighs, resting on the hem of your pants. His eyes looked as if they wanted to rip them off which if your being honest, would be so fucking hot, but alas, you need these pants. He pulled on your pants, trying to not make you uncomfortable but wanting to make this feel sensual for you.
As he moved your pants to the slide, his hands swiftly glided to your legs as he parted them, revealing your sweet spot between them. Even though you had underwear on, Bonnie could see how wet you where and my god did it turn him on even more.
“You’re so wet my little bunny, do you like what I’m doing to you?”
You nodded as you bit on your fingernail, nervous but excited. His finger skimmed across your clit making your hips jolt from the sudden action. He let out a chuckle and started to remove your underwear.
His eyes widened when seeing the beautiful scene right in front of him, the tent in his pants throbbing with anticipation.
“Fuck, bunny, I need you right now.”
With that, he let out his member, making you stare enticingly at how large it was.
He placed it at the entrance of your hole, and kissed your neck, holding your hips for support. He slowly pushed in, hearing your whimpers he went slower, trying to ease the pain.
“I’m sorry bunny, it will only hurt for a second I promise”
Your back arched as he slid in, his hands moving to your lower back to keep you supported.
After a while of getting you adjusted, he starting moving, replacing your pain with pleasure. Your mind got foggy as his grunts and breathy moans filled your senses.
Your moans drove him insane.
“That’s it.. fuck you’re such a good little bunny for me”
He loved the way you made him feel. Your beautiful body trembling underneath made him fall more and more for you.
His hands traveled up your body, fondling your breasts. His head coming down to kiss your vulnerable skin.
“Mm gonna cum”
You said lazily as You’re body was ready to give out. His eyes lit up.
“Yes bunny please, cum for me”
He started to pound harder into you, his fingers gliding down to your clit, making the sensation better.
Your back arched, Bonnie put his nose up to your chest as he felt you let go all over him, following your actions it didn’t take long for him to finish with you.
He let out a breathy sigh and kissed your forehead.
“Thank you little bunny, why don’t we get you all cleaned up?”
His smile never failed to soothe you. Your warm body against his made you feel safe.
“Yes, we should but I don’t think my legs can walk all that way haha..”
He leaned over you, hands beside you.
“I guess I’ll just have to carry you then, show everyone your mine”
Who’s excited for the fnaf movie bc I got my whole family excited for it 😍😍
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collabpartners · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel: The Contract of Blood Ep. 6
*Hello, peeps! We're back with another chapter! I'm think we can release the chapters every three days since we're like ten chapters ahead of this one. Yes, we're almost done writing it, but we need to publish it! LOL! This episode is published on March 19, 2024. If you guys like this episode, don't be afraid to vote, reblog, and comment! That would be greatly appreciated! Warning: Vulgar language and gore. Read at your own risk! Enjoy!*
Episode Six: The Kill-Switch
“Let go of me!” Angel cries, being choked to death by Val’s hand. Flashes of Angel getting hurt by Val and Husk trying to help him goes by quick. Husk tries to call out Angel’s name to show that he’s here.
“Angel! I’m right here! Let me in! Please!!” Husk cries in his dream.
Husk gasps and jerks his body away from the unfamiliar touch to realize it is just Fizz shaking his shoulder gently to wake up. He blinks and realizes that he’s in the back of the limo with Fizz and Ozzie.
“You okay there, buddy?” Ozzie asks with a brow raised.
Husk rubs his tired eyes and sits up. “Yeah, yeah.” He looks out the window to find the green smoke everywhere.
“We’re in the Greed ring now,” Ozzie replies before Husk can ask where they’re at.
“It looks like shit,” Husk responds.
“Don’t let Mammon hear you say that,” Ozzie sasses back.
Fizz gulps and looks at Husk. “Listen. We can’t be seen around here. The last time we’re here, we pissed off Mammon. So, it’s better if we don’t even come with you beyond this point. Mammon can be an asshole and he’s going to want you to sell your body for a quick buck.”
“Don’t let him,” Ozzie replies firmly. “This is the last guy I want anyone to go to for help. But he knows more about the greed chains than most, so, if he’s not such an asshole, maybe he’ll be able to help you. Just don’t mention that we are the ones who sent you to him.”
Husk nods in understanding. “Yeah, yeah, I ain’t gonna say any shit.”
“Thanks,” Fizz replies happily as the three of them notice that they stop in front of the tent.
“Well, we’re here,” Ozzie says. “Remember, don’t let Mammon sell your body.”
“I never let anyone sell my body,” Husk responds before getting out of the limo.
“Good luck,” Fizz replies as Husk exits the vehicle.
Husk nods and faces the tent. He hears the limo drive away, taking deep breaths.
“Alright, let’s get this over with,” Husk mutters to himself. He hears music inside of the tent, walking into the tent. He sniffs addictive food like popcorn and churros. He sees posters everywhere of two fish-like ladies known as Glitz and Glam, exposing their breasts and crotches. He looks away from the posters and notices the music performed by the two lady fishes, twerking in front of their horny audience. Glitz starts to sing passionately, showing off her curves.
“Get ready for the new era!
A new song, a new trend!
I don’t need love, more like leave you a mess.
Double-trouble, ya, that’s right.”
Glam starts to rap in her song, jumping over her partner.
“See your taxes
Greed is where the cash is.
Let’s see how horny you can be for us.”
With that said, Glitz and Glam notice Husk not paying attention to them and looking for Mammon. They exchange mischievous glances at each other before jumping off stage, surrounding Husk like predatory vultures. They start to sing together, touching his body to get him aroused.
“Whatcha doing here, new face?
Haven’t seen you around here before.”
Glitz caresses Husk’s face, turning him to face her.
“Let’s take this to the bedroom, what do you say?”
Husk pushes the two women away from him gently, not willing to take part in the song they’re singing. He tries to search for this Mammon guy in the tent, but he can’t find him in the crowd. However, the girls look at him confused as if they had never been denied before.
Husk hears the girls singing, but the lyrics are faded in his mind. He looks up to find a bigger and rounder demon, two bottom set of arms holding the popcorn while the top set of his arms were eating the pieces. He has a green and black jester outfit, his green eyes staring at the performance in front of him, sitting on the web.
He looks at the poster that has the exact image of the demon above him with his name ‘Mammon’ on top of the image. He shifts his gaze back up at the demon above him known as Mammon. Husk extends his wings and flies up towards Mammon, standing on the web next to him.
Mammon looks around to find a voice calling him.
“Down here!” Husk calls.
Mammon glances down at the cat sinner demon. “Oh, hey, if you need something from me, you’re going to have to wait until after the show. Popcorn?” Mammon offers popcorn to Husk, who pushes it away.
Mammon shrugs. “Suit yourself.”
Husk groans and watches the show, cringing at the performance until it’s over. The audience cheers, thirsty for the bodies of Glitz and Glam.
Husk watches Mammon getting up, jumping down from his web. “Hey, wait!”
Husk jumps down with Mammon, who’s striding towards the sales.
“Let’s sell more of these plushies,” Mammon replies to the vendor while holding up the plushies of Glitz and Glam. He notices the body pillows. “What the fuck is this?! You didn’t get them in their sexy poses!”
“Mammon! I need to talk to you!” Husk calls.
“Look, if you’re looking for autographs, go up to Glitz and Glam,” Mammon responds to Husk, noticing the body pillows when the fish twins are naked. “Holy shit, now that’s more like it!”
Husk grumbles, “I’m not looking for autographs--”
“These then?” Mammon says, shoving the pillows of the naked celebrities in Husk’s arms.
Husk’s face contorts in disgust and throws them away. “I ain’t looking to buy your fucking products! I’m looking for you!”
Mammon glances at Husk and shrugs. “Well, my performing days are over--”
“I ain’t gonna ask about your celebrity days! I need your help with this!” Husk responds, gripping his throat to reveal the green chain wrapped around it.
Mammon widens his eyes in shock. “Holy shit, that’s the greed chain.”
“Yes,” Husk responds, the chain disappearing when he lets go. “I need your help on how to get out of them. Do you know how to get out of them?”
Mammon appears to be confused. “Who’s your overlord?”
“Alastor, the Radio Demon.”
“Th-The Radio Demon. Oh shit!” Mammon gasps in shock while turning around to think of something.
“How do I get out of these chains?” Husk questions.
“Why should I be helping you?” Mammon responds with sass in his tone. “You don’t look like you have a lot of money.”
“I was told that you can help me. Now answer the fucking question. How do I get out of these chains?”
Mammon turns to look at Husk, a smirk cornering his face when an idea pops into his brain. “How about this, uh, who the fuck are you--?”
“How about this, Husk? I got a fighting ring in the town called Ransom. It’s paid good money and, if I think you’re good enough, you might get an answer out of me about your chains. Just win five rounds and you should be set, mate. What d’ya say?” Mammon offers with a smirk, his hand stretched out to shake Husk’s.
Husk is about to decline, but he realizes that there’s no other way of getting Mammon to answer him. He sighs and extends his hand to shake on it. “Deal.”
Mammon smiles mischievously. “Perfect.”
Husk doesn’t have his overall straps. He’s not wearing his usual pants, except for boxer shorts. His ears are lowered at his reflection in the mirror in the lockerroom before the boxing match.
“Well, shit,” Husk responds to his reflection. He hears the crowd cheering with Mammon’s booming voice announcing the round.
Husk turns to the opening curtain that shined lime green. A sigh escapes his lips, rolling his shoulders to hear them pop. He pulls out of the photograph of Angel’s selfie with Husk smiling and Angel holding Fat Nuggets. He smiles at the photograph selfie before tucking it away into the pocket of his discarded pants on the bench.
“Here we go,” Husk replies to himself while facing the curtain and walking through it.
Once Husk steps into the limelight, he listens to the crowd booing at him. He doesn’t know why, but he didn’t care to know. He hops over the wooden fence surrounding the ring, noticing the first opponent to be a buff shark demon, bigger than Husk has ever face.
Husk gulps, getting ready to use his cards while Mammon announces the fight.
“Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Ransom Fighting Ring! Place your bets on who’s going to be the winner!” Mammon replies while watching the crowd placing bets by putting their money in the plate of the first brawler. However, a familiar black robotic arm reach over to place a hundred on Husk’s plate, which Mammon glances around to find who did it.
Husk arches a brow at someone making a bet and looks up to find Fizz in a black hood and hiding himself in the crowd with Ozzie hiding in the shadows. He blinks in shock that they showed up, but he shifts his focus on his first opponent.
“The rules are simple,” Mammon replies, continuing with the announcements. “No weapons and no magic. Your opponent has to be close to dead in order for you to win the round.”
Husk gasps in shock, putting his cards away and taking out his claws.
“And have some fun! Let the fight begin!”
Husk takes a deep breath, facing his first opponent.
The brawler charges at Husk, who uses his wings to dodge the attack. Husk focuses on the attackers fists, dodging them until an unexpected fist slams against his cheek. Husk flies back into the wall with a groan in pain. Fizz, from the audience, gasps in fear of Husk’s life.
Husk feels his tail grabbed by the shark brawler and is thrown across the ring into the wall. He doesn’t have time to dodge another attack as another fist pounds on his other cheek. Husk feels punches coming from different directions by the same brawler, bruising his face and his torso.
Fizz and Ozzie watch in horror and glance at Mammon, who’s smiling evilly at Husk’s loss.
Husk is gripped around the throat and thrown to the other side of the ring. Breathing heavily, Husk’s vision is nothing but a blur as he looks to see the brawler charging at him. Having enough of getting beaten down, he dodges the attack quickly. He swipes his claws at the brawler, drawing a lot of blood out of him.
“My turn, motherfucker,” Husk growls as he flies towards the brawler, scratching him up like a feral cat.
Mammon losts his smirk when he sees Husk rising and taking down the brawler.
The brawler falls back with blood on his body, close to being dead. The crowd stops their cheers and looks at Husk, with a black eye, bruised cheeks, and bruised chest. The crowd cheers, including Fizz clapping excitedly at Husk’s sudden victory.
“The matches ain’t over yet! He’s got four more rounds to go! Let’s see if he’s truly the winner!” Mammon scoffs at Husk’s first victory.
Ozzie growls lowly from the audience. “That motherfucker.”
Fizz nods in agreement. Ozzie gives Fizz another hundred dollars to make another bet on Husk. But this time, Fizz and Ozzie aren’t the only ones placing bets for Husk. Some of the audience members placed the bets on Husk as the second brawler comes out. The second brawler is a woman demon imp, with long black hair and horns grown to the sides.
“FIGHT!” Mammon calls.
She leaps at Husk to throw a few punches onto his shoulders. Husk only staggers back until another punch lands on his already bruised cheek. But Husk manages to recover quickly, using his claws to swipe at the woman imp, nearly killing her with his slashes.
Once she’s down for the count, the audience starts to cheer more for Husk. Husk looks up at Mammon with a shit-eating grin. Mammon grows a bit more angrier and summons the next fighter in the ring. More audience members place bets for Husk to win, including Fizz and Ozzie.
The next opponent is a cheetah transman demon, spikes on his back and claws like Husk’s. Husk narrows his eyes and gives a cat-like snarl at the other cat.
The cheetah demon pounces on Husk, but Husk flies away from the cheetah’s jump. The cheetah swipes his claws towards Husk, leaving claw marks on his chest. Husk realizes that he’s bleeding, but he shields himself with his red wings from the cheetah’s claw attack. Husk yelps from the scratches on his wings, causing him to punch the cheetah right in the face. He flaps his wings off the ground slightly to kick the cheetah in the chest.
He lets his adrenaline kick in as he flies towards the cheetah, putting him in the chokehold. The cheetah attempts to scratch him, but Husk shields himself with his wings from the scratches, He wraps his legs around the cheetah’s arms until the cheetah blacks out from being choked.
Husk throws the cheetah’s limp body aside and stands up, breathing heavily. The audience starts to cheer for him, leaving Mammon growing more angrier that he’s winning three rounds so far. Husk’s legs are wobbly from the fight, but he pushes his body to stand up more firmly.
Fizz and Ozzie notice this with concern looks on their faces.
Mammon summons the next fighter, who’s a lanky imp with white hair and horns.
Husk prepares himself for the fight, despite being bruised and having blood dripping down his stomach. The next fighter charges at Husk, but his fists doesn’t hurt when the punches were thrown at Husk. Husk smirks at the easy victory, using his claws to scratch up the imp. The imp is down quickly without another fight. Husk watches his last fighter being carried away as he looks up to see more people making bets on him.
However, he notices that Fizz and Ozzie stop placing bets for Husk, trying to motion him to quit while he’s ahead. Husk is confused on why they were trying to get him a quit until Mammon announces the final fighter.
“For the last fighter! We have---CHAZWICK THURMAN!!!”
Husk glances to see a buff shark with brown hair slicked back, assuming that his name is Chazwick. However he doesn’t have teeth or jaw as if it’s ripped off of him.
“Yeah! Make some noise!” Chazwick shouts, showing off his muscles to his fans cheering.
Mammon smirks at Husk as he announces, “Chazwick here wins all five rounds before! Let’s see if Husk can beat him!”
Fizz and Ozzie’s faces contort in concern for Husk as they look on fearfully.
Chazwick turns to see the bruised and bleeding Husk and laughs. “This kitty has beaten the last four opponents?! This is gonna be easy.”
He charges at Husk, who dodges out of the way. Chaz’s fists swings at Husk, but he dodges them swiftly. When Husk swipes his claws at his opponent, Chaz manages to snatch Husk’s wrist and slams him onto the ground.
Husk groans in pain and sees Chaz’s hands wrapped around his throat to choke him.
“It’s time to die, little kitty!” Chaz responds, appearing more manic than before.
Husk tries swiping his claws to defend himself, but his vision is starting to black out.
Fizz shakes his head when he watches Husk being choked by Chaz and is about to get up from his seat to help Husk, but Ozzie stops him when he sees Mammon noticing them. He shields them from Mammon’s sight. Fizz continues to watch Husk being choked in horror.
As Husk is starting to black out, flashes of Angel being hurt by Val and coming to the hotel in bruises and scratches fills his mind. Husk loses himself in his mind, remembering Angel’s voice and smile as they talk at the bar of the hotel. Angel’s stupid sex jokes while Husk grows used to it. Husk starts to tear up from seeing the memories of Angel holding Fat Nuggets and showing him to Husk as if he’s introducing his pet pig to him. It’s sudden that his vision starts to turn green.
From Chaz’s point of view, he notices Husk’s eyes turning green. Before Chaz can question what’s going on with Husk, the tentacles shot out from the ground and stab through his body. Chaz is slammed onto the ground, earning silence from the audience, including Mammon, Ozzie, and Fizz. They all stare in horror as the tentacles drag Chaz through the ring and slam him against the wall. Chaz starts crying in fear.
“Help me! HELP ME!!!!” Chaz cries before the tentacle stabs through his open jaw, going into his brain. Another tentacle zooms into Chaz’s throat, going through his body and breaking his bones. Chaz’s eyes turn green as he screams in pain before more tentacles dive into his body to tear more into his organs until they rip him in half.
Husk stands up to look over at the split Chaz and looks up at the audience, who stares at him in horror. Fizz and Ozzie appears more in shock at Husk’s unknown abilities than horrified.
“Holy fucking shit,” Ozzie mutters under his breath.
Husk glares at Mammon, green eyes lit in his eyes. He zooms towards Mammon, using his tentacles to hold his arms up and grip his throat.
“I’ve won five rounds! Now give me the fucking answer!” Husk snarls at Mammon.
Mammon gulps in fear, trembling. “U-Uh, mate, listen, if you let go, I’ll give you the answer. Just let me go.”
Husk breathes heavily in anger. The audience scream in terror and hurry out of the tent so that they wouldn’t get killed by Husk’s tentacles.
“Husk,” Fizz calls out.
Husk glances to the side to see Fizz and Ozzie trying to inch their way to calm Husk.
“Did you fuckers set him up to kill me?!” Mammon screams at them angrily.
“Shut the fuck up, Mammon! You’re going to make him more mad!” Ozzie argues back with Mammon. “Just give him what he wants!”
“I don’t fucking know how he can out of the chains of the Radio Demon!” Mammon barks at Ozzie.
“Are you serious?!” Fizz shouts.
“Yes, I’m serious! Now get your killer’s tentacles off of me!” Mammon barks an order. The tentacle squeezes his throat. “I’m serious, mate! You wouldn’t want to see me when I’m mad!”
Husk snarls like a cat.
Mammon growls. “You ask for it!” The green smoke appears all around him, breaking the fighting ring. Mammon legs grow underneath him like a spider, throwing Husk down like a rag doll. Husk crashes onto the ground before getting up to summon more tentacles to attack.
However, Ozzie rises up in his full demon form in between Husk and Mammon while Fizz jumps in front of Husk to get Husk to snap out of it.
“Husk, calm down,” Fizz responds, putting his hands up.
Ozzie glares into Mammon’s eyes. “You better back the fuck up, Mammon!”
Husk breathes heavily in anger, ready to attack anyone near him.
Fizz notices this while putting his hands up. “Hey, I’m not going to attack you. Please, calm down. Think of Angel.”
Husk softens his gaze, his tentacles relaxing. “A-Angel?”
“Yeah,” Fizz replies, smiling in relief to find something to calm him down. “Angel is at the other ring right now, waiting for you to break your chains. That’s why you’re here right now. He’s the reason you’re here right now, right?”
“A-Angel,” Husk mutters, his green eyes fading. The tentacles disappear around him as he falls forward from all the bruises and the blood loss.
“Oh shit!” Fizz yelps and catches Husk into his robotic arms. “You’re okay, pal. You’re okay.”
“W-What the fuck just happened?” Husk stutters, noticing Chaz’s dead body. “What the hell did I just do--?”
“Shh, just relax, man. You won the fight fair and square. Now, Mammon owes us an explanation,” Fizz says while glaring up at Mammon.
Ozzie gives Mammon the same glare as Fizz. Both Ozzie and Mammon go back to their original form.
Mammon sighs tiredly. “Fine. C’mon before we summon anymore tentacles that kills people.”
As Mammon is walking out of the ring, Ozzie notices Husk passing out in Fizz’s arms. Fizz tries to help him up, but Ozzie approaches them.
“Here, I got him, Froggie,” Ozzie whispers to Fizz, picking Husk up in his arms to carry him out of the ring with his short boyfriend following behind him.
Husk groans in pain. He hears two voices arguing over something, but he can't understand them until they become clearer.
“Ugh, fuck,” Husk moans.
“You're okay. You're okay,” Fizz’s voice echoes in the chambers of his mind.
Husk groans more and flutters his eyes open, realizing that he’s staring at the green ceiling. He tries to move his sight around to find Fizz tending to his wounds.
“What the fuck?” Husk questions and sits up, noticing bandages around his torso. “What the fuck happened to me?”
Fizz clenches his teeth. “Hey, don’t move around too much. You’re going to strain yourself.”
“D-Did I win?” Husk asks with a soft gaze at the cyborg imp.
Fizz smiles nervously. “Yeah, fair and square. Just relax yourself for a moment. I have to get this scratch mark right here.”
Husk winces when Fizz is cleaning the wound with the washcloth. They hear Ozzie and Mammon arguing at the other room.
“Uh, so,” Fizz begins with a nervous tone. “Nice way of using tentacles at the end. Although it tore someone in half. Remind me to not get on your bad side.”
Husk widens his eyes and glances up at Fizz. “I used those powers again?”
“Uh...have you used them before?” Fizz asks.
Husk grabs his head. “Ah, shit! He’s going to find me and kill me!”
Fizz puts his hands up. “Whoa, hey, calm down.”
“Alastor is going to fuckin’ find me and kill me--”
“He won’t--”
“How would you know? I used his powers. That’s what I get for being on a leash,” Husk says with a gruff.
Fizz softens his gaze and notices Ozzie and Mammon storming into the room where they are.
“You can’t possibly have lost the book!” Ozzie responds angrily, his blue flame turns red angrily.
“I didn’t think there’s going to be souls wanting to get out of the greed chains. A lot of them didn’t want to get out,” Mammon responds with his hands on his hips. He ponders for a moment. “Maybe I gave it away.”
“You gave away that of all things!”
“What?!” Mammon shouts. “It’s not like I thought I was going to use it in advance! Why are you gettin’ onto me about helping your lower-class friend?! Didn’t you just admit that you love your little sex imp in public--?!”
“You don’t fucking talk about Fizz like that, you bastard!” Ozzie growls, his head turning more red.
“Oz--” Fizz utters his boyfriend’s name.
“No, he doesn’t have any right to talk about you like that,” Ozzie responds to Fizz and then turns his glare to Mammon. “Husk beat your games fair and square--”
“He used fuckin’ magic--!”
“It’s not magic! It’s a part of him!” Ozzie argues with Mammon.
“I gave the fucking book away to Belphegor probably!” Mammon blurts out.
“Are you kidding me?!”
“I ain’t pullin’ your leg, mate!” Mammon growls. “Maybe Belphegor has it! I don’t fucking know!”
“Will you bitches quit yellin’?! It’s hurting my head!” Husk snarls, holding his headache.
“Well, if you haven’t killed my best fighter, we wouldn’t be in this mess!” Mammon barks at Husk. “Besides, you’re supposed to beat them up until they’re ‘close’ to being dead. Not kill them like some kind of maniac!”
“Says the maniac using Froggie’s body as a sex toy!” Ozzie growls at Mammon.
The green smoke appears around Mammon as his legs grow under him. Ozzie grows bigger, his head glowing red.
“Oh, you want to fucking go, mate?!” Mammon snarls at Ozzie.
“Bring it, bitch!” Ozzie yells.
Mammon charges at Ozzie, tackling him against the wall. Ozzie wrestles him onto the floor, attempting to put him in a chokehold, but Mammon uses one of his legs to bring Ozzie over his fat body.
Fizz and Husk watch the fight unfold while Husk appears more irritated and Fizz appears more concern about Ozzie.
Ozzie and Mammon stop their fighting, noticing Husk’s eyes turning green slightly before it fades away.
“Whoa, fuck, don’t summon those tentacles again,” Mammon responds, backing away from Ozzie.
“Yeah, let’s not kill anyone else tonight,” Ozzie adds.
Husk blinks and rubs his head. “Ugh, what the fuck is wrong with me? I can’t think straight.”
“That’s because you’re not straight,” Fizz quips back innocently.
“I don’t mean it like that,” Husk responds, blushing. He groans and looks up at Mammon. “You gave the book away to Belphegor, right?”
“Yep, the queen of the Sloth ring,” Mammon answers with a grin.
“Let’s go there,” Husk responds.
Fizz clenches his teeth. “Yeah, about the Sloth ring, just a heads up. Don’t take pills, otherwise, you’d be asleep for a long while. I’ve done that before.”
“I’m not planning to,” Husk replies.
“Thanks for all of your useless help, Mammon,” Ozzie growls. “Enjoy your lousy knock-offs.”
Mammon growls as Ozzie, Fizz, and Husk start to walk away from him. An idea comes into his head as he catches up with them. “You know, since I might not know the way to break the chains from greed, it’s good if I learned by going with you guys.”
“Nuh-uh, there ain’t no way an asshole like you is coming with us--”
“Look, Ozzie, mate, I know Belphegor personally. Her and her husband, Sid. Trust me, we three go way back,” Mammon states. “You ain’t gettin’ in the Sloth Ring unless I tag along.”
Ozzie growls at Mammon.
“Uh...sure, I guess,” Husk says before Ozzie can say no to Mammon.
“YES!” Mammon replies happily. “Maybe next time, I might know more about this whole soul chains situation. As Ozzie promotes in his own ring, it’s all about the exploring, ain’t it?”
“In sex, Mammon. I meant in sex,” Ozzie responds with a deadpan tone.
“C’mon, I promise I won’t hurt your cyborg slut--”
“Call Froggie that again one more time--”
“Oz, it’s okay.”
Ozzie glances down to see Fizz rubbing his arm up and down. He picks Fizz up on his shoulder and glares at Mammon. “As long as you don’t make any derogatory comments against Fizz, you can come with us.”
“Okay. Okay, yeesh. Sooo protective,” Mammon teases Ozzie as he walks with the others to the exit.
“Fuck you,” Ozzie snarls.
“And here we are!!” Mammon announces, showing off the Sloth Ring of purple surroundings.
The others walk through the ring, noticing everyone sleeping as if they’re dead.
“Are they dead?” Husk questions.
“Some are,” Mammon answers with a shrug. “You can never tell sometimes.”
Fizz shivers and scoots closer to his boyfriend’s head. Ozzie notices this and rubs Fizz’s shoulder in reassurance.
Mammon leads them to the pharmacy of Belphegor.
“Look, I understand that. We all need a day...or days to sleep in. That’s why I recommend these sleeping pills.”
The others enter the pharmacy watching the tall slender figure wearing black clothing and dress, pink eyes staring at her clients. She has a cape with pink stars on the inside of it. Her tail flicks at the sound of other customers coming in. She looks behind her current customer to notice Mammon, Ozzie, Husk, and Fizz. She then glances at her current customer and gave him a couple of sleeping pills.
“Here, these will let you sleep in,” She responds, letting the customer walk away. “Have a fantastic lazy day.” She glances up to see Mammon. “Mammon, what brings you here with--Ozzie? I thought you hate the guy--”
“Oh, don’t worry, I still do,” Mammon replies, causing Ozzie to throw a glare at him. “How’s your hubby, Belphegor--?”
“You can fuck him now. We’re divorced,” Belphegor answers carelessly.
“Yes!” Mammon reacts with a grin before pretending to be in distress about the divorce. “I mean, oh no--”
“It’s fine,” Belphegor replies while waving it off. She notices Husk and leans forward. “Hey, I haven’t seen you around before. Would you like some sleeping pills?”
“Uh--” Husk looks up to see Ozzie and Fizz motioning him to not accept the offer. He smiles nervously. “No thanks. I’m good.”
Belphegor huffs in disappointment. “Whatever you say.”
“Look, we’re here because Mammon here gave you the book that, you know, shows how to break the chains from the greed ring,” Ozzie responds.
“Hmm, he did. But I don’t know where it is. You might want to check with Sid since he’s got all the books since we divorced,” Belphegor replies with a careless shrug.
Mammon claps his hands giddily. “I know where he is. C’mon, I’ll show you!”
Mammon exits the pharmacy a little too excitedly. Ozzie, Fizz, and Husk exchange glances in confusion before shrugging and following Mammon out of the pharmacy.
Mammon shows Ozzie, Fizz, and Husk the library across from the pharmacy.
“So, this is where Sid lives,” Ozzie assumes.
“Yep! Sid loves reading so much. You are going to have to go into the library to spend time with him. It’s about time that he’s divorced with that cunt,” Mammon responds a little too excitedly. He enters the library as the three others following him had their eyes wide in shock at all the books around them. They notice a giant sloth-like demon, sitting with his used purple shirt with tan suit pants.
Mammon hurries up to Sid and taps on the desk to get his attention. “Hey, Siddy, how are ya doing, mate?!”
Sid looks at Mammon, blue eyes flickering. “I...am...doing...good.”
“Oh geez,” Ozzie mutters to himself to hear Sid’s slow speech.
“How...are...you...doing?” Sid asks in a slow manner.
“Doing good. Doing good. Soooo, do you have any plans tonight~?” Mammon asks with a flirty smirk.
“Oh, that’s good--”
“--I...don’t,” Sid finishes his sentence, interrupting Ozzie.
Husk sighs deeply. “Look, we’re looking for the book that will help me break out of the chains from the Radio Demon. Can you help us?”
Sid blinks slowly. “I...don’t...know--”
“You don’t know if you can help us--?”
“--where...the...book...is--” Sid continues his sentence, interrupting Husk’s.
“Just let him finish, mate,” Mammon whispers to Husk.
“--let...me...go.......look,” Sid responds as he turns inch by inch to look through the books.
Ozzie and Fizz watch in discomfort while Mammon stares at him lovingly. Sid slowly reaches his fingers and drag across the book so slowly.
After two hours of Sid searching through the book titles, Sid sits back down at a snail’s book.
“Sorry...I...can’t...find...the...book,” Sid replies.
“Did you guys give it away to someone else?” Ozzie asks.
“I...must’ve...given it...away...to...Zelus,” Sid responds.
“Seriously?” Ozzie groans to himself.
“Do you know how to get someone out of the chains of the Radio Demon at least?” Fizz asks Sid.
Sid blinks slowly. “I...can...write...it...down...if...that...helps--”
Husk sighs in relief. “That would be wonderful--”
“--you...with...getting...out...of...the...chains...of...the...Radio...Demon,” Sid finishes his sentence, interrupting Husk again.
Husk starts getting annoyed.
Sid takes out a piece of paper and pen slowly. He starts to write something, but no one could read it since he writes slower than a snail.
Mammon looks at how impatient everyone else in the room is. He smirks and looks at Sid when Sid’s hand drifts in the middle of the page.
“Hey, Siddy, wanna hear a joke?” Mammon asks.
“NO!” Ozzie, Fizz, and Husk shouts at Mammon simultaneously.
“Sure,” Sid answers as he stops writing to hear the joke.
Mammon smirks. “Okay, okay, listen, why is Cinderella so bad at soccer?”
“I...do...not...know. Why...is---”
“Cinderella,” Husk groans to try to speed up the speech.
“---Cinderella...so...bad...at...soccer?” Sid finishes his question.
Mammon snickers. “Cause she keeps running away from the ball! Hahaha!!”
Fizz looks at Mammon with a judging gaze. “That’s one of the corniest jokes I ever heard you say.”
The others look to see Sid’s face slowly stretch into a slow laughter, his nails tapping on the desk ever so slowly.
Ozzie laughs a tiny bit. “Ha Ha, yes, it’s funny. Um, can you--?”
Sid slowly takes out the microphone.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Husk utters.
Sid taps on the microphone slowly and announces throughout the Sloth Ring. “Joke...of...the...day. Why...is...Cinderella--”
“Oh no,” Fizz utters in horror.
Husk clenches his teeth. “Because she keeps running from the ball, we get it, hahaha--”
“--at...soccer?” Sid finishes his question while Husk groans from getting interrupted.
Sid is finally done writing two hours later after telling one of Mammon’s horrible jokes. He slowly gives the paper to Husk, who snatches it.
“Thanks for nothing,” Husk grumbles and storms out of the library.
Ozzie and Fizz follow Husk while Mammon waves Sid goodbye.
“See you later, Siddy boy,” Mammon bids goodbye happily, blowing flirty kisses at Sid.
Sid is left alone, a blush slowly growing on his face.
Meanwhile, Husk looks at the piece of paper to see another language on it in Danish.
“Du er kneppet,” Husk reads aloud while Fizz and Ozzie look over his shoulders to read it.
“Oh, that’s Danish,” Mammon replies immediately. Then he giggles. “Ha, classic Sid.”
“Why would he write shit in Danish?” Fizz questions.
Mammon shrugs his shoulders. “Sid’s fluent in Danish. Which I know someone from the Envy ring that can translate that.”
“Not Zelus,” Ozzie groans.
“Yes...Zelus,” Mammon responds excitedly. “C’mon, he can translate all the languages of the living world. Even the dead ones.”
Ozzie groans at the thought for a moment. “Fine, but he’s not taking Fizz.”
“Aw, come off of it now. Sid says he gives the book to Zelus if any of you fucks paid attention to what he says instead of interrupting him,” Mammon responds coldly. “Now come on. Let’s go!”
The four reach the Envy ring, which is full of tall towers competing to reach the sky. They manage to reach to the top building where the tall, lanky teal-colored demon reads through the books. The demon is muttering some things to himself, letting the gang assumed that it’s Zelus, the ruler of the Envy ring.
“Hey, Zelly!” Mammon announces, scaring Zelus from his studies. “How have you been?”
“Hey, man, I’ve been studying up the storm. I need to know this more than that janitor guy downstairs. Tch! He claims to know so much more about the Ancient Chinese culture than me. That fucker,” Zelus responds with a scoff.
Ozzie sighs heavily at Zelus.
“Oh, hey, Ozzie. How are your sales?” Zelus asks, fidgeting his hands.
“Better than yours,” Ozzie replies with sneer.
“Fuck you,” Zelus growls.
Fizz looks up at Ozzie. “Are you guys not best friends?”
“No, he tries to take stuff from me--”
“That’s because you’re always better than me,” Zelus whines like a younger sibling.
“You try to take shit from me. I ain’t lettin’ you!” Ozzie growls.
Zelus notices Husk and shape-shifts into Husk. “Huh, too old.” He shape-shifts back to himself and then looks at Fizz.
Ozzie pulls Fizz behind him. “And you’re not taking my boyfriend.”
Zelus scoffs. “You love that thing?”
“That’s what I’m sayin’--” Mammon realizes Ozzie’s glare at him.
“Do you want me to fucking kill you both?” Ozzie snarls at both Mammon and Zelus.
Husk sighs tiredly and shows the piece of paper. “Look, Sid said that he gave the book to you.”
“What book?” Zelus asks.
“The book that tells us how to get out of the greed chain and out of the hold of the Radio Demon. Do you have it?” Husk questions.
“Uuuh, no. I gave it to Mal,” Zelus points out.
“You gave it to Mal?!” Both Mammon and Ozzie gasps in shock.
“Yeah,” Zelus responds.
“You idiot, you know she burns books when she gets angry!” Ozzie barks.
“That’s why I gave it to her. I didn’t think I was going to need it,” Zelus responds. ��You might be lucky to still find it unburnt.”
“Well, can you at least translate this? It might answer to how Husk can get out of the chains of the Radio Demon,” Fizz asks, taking the piece of paper out of Husk’s hands and give it to Zelus. Zelus puts on his glasses and reads the paper.
“It appears to be in Danish,” Zelus observes while reading the words. Then he looks up at the group with a deadpan expression. “You’re fucked.”
“What?” Husk questions.
“Yeah, Du er kneppet translates to you’re fucked,” Zelus responds.
Mammon’s laughter echoes in the room. “Ah, classic Sid!”
Ozzie groans and takes the others out of the office. “Well, thank you for the translating that for us.”
Mammon is laughing on his way out of Zelus’ office.
The group reaches the Wrath Ring in the hopes that they would find the book not burned at all. The buildings in Wrath ring appears to be in ruin with angry demons burning down buildings and killing each other.
Husk shivers from the sight while Fizz keeps close Ozzie, who puts a protective arm around him. As they enter the main ruined building, they reach the top floor where they see two imps running from the fire.
“¡Ustedes, malditos idiotas, pueden hacer bien su maldito trabajo!(You fucking idiots can’t do your damn job right!)” they hear an angry female voice yelling in Spanish down the hallway. A short petite woman of five foot five, charcoal hair lit on fire from the anger. Her red shirt glimmers under her open black hoodie, sneakers showing colors from her anger. This woman is assumed to be named Mal.
“Uh, you talk to her, mate,” Mammon responds while pushing Husk towards her.
Husk gulps and then speaks to her in Spanish. “Hola, mi nombre es Husk y me preguntaba si tienes el libro que me ayudaría a romper las cadenas de la codicia o liberarme del control del Radio Demon.(Hello, my name is Husk and I was wondering if you have the book that would break me out of these chains or free myself from the control of the Radio Demon).”
“I can speak English too, fuckhead,” Mal grumbles angrily.
Husk twitches his ears from her rudeness, now more gruff with his tone. “Do you have the book that can help me break the chains out of greed or liberate me from the Radio Demon?”
Mal rolls her eyes irritably. “Yeah. C’mon in.”
The four men follow her in her office. She looks around her small library of burnt books.
“Ah, there it is,” Mal states as she slams the book on her desk, covered in charcoal and pages burnt up.
“Shit,” Fizz curses to himself.
“This is why we don’t trust you with books,” Ozzie responds to Mal.
“It’s not like I want to burn the fucking books,” Mal growls, her eyes lit up in anger.
Husk flips through the pages, no pages saved except there’s one word that is not touch by the fire. He squints a bit to see it.
“Selflessness?” Husk responds, letting the word sink in. “I’ve been doing nothing but selfless acts! Why aren’t the chains breaking?!”
“Aren’t you tied to the Radio Demon?” Mal asks Husk.
“Yeah,” Husk answers.
“Then, you’re fucked. Alastor is tied to someone down here. As long as Alastor is tied, you can’t get out of your chains unless he breaks through his own first,” Mal responds back.
Husk softens his gaze. “Shit.”
He tries not to cry, clenching his teeth. Fizz notices this and rubs Husk’s shoulder to comfort him.
“Fuck,” Husk manages to say sadly.
Meanwhile, back at Imp City, Angel looks out of the window to look for Husk. Blitzo has been pacing back and forth in the front room while Alastor, Lucifer, and Nifty wait in the front room with Moxxie, Millie, and Loona. Loona plays with her phone while Moxxie fiddles with his rifles.
“So, when is Charlie gonna get back here?” Nifty asks out of boredom.
“Probably never, dear,” Alastor responds sarcastically.
“She’ll be back. Demons don’t last long up in Heaven,” Lucifer adds with his hands behind his back.
Angel approaches his group from pacing around the room. “Has anyone heard from Husk?”
“Uh, I’m sure he’s with Fizz and maybe Ozzie,” Blitzo responds.
“Should you give them a call?” Angel asks Blitzo worriedly.
“Hold on, I got Ozzie’s number,” Blitzo replies immediately.
Before Blitzo can dial Ozzie’s number, the bullets crash through the glass. The others duck down immediately.
“What the fuck?!” Blitzo curses. He crouches to the window, careful of the broken glass. He looks down to find a familiar white-haired demon imp with a black fedora hat. “Ah, fuck, Mox, your pops is trying to kill us again.”
“Wait, what?!” Moxxie gasps in shock.
“Your pops?” Lucifer questions.
“Crimson,” Millie growls.
“I know you have this Angel Dust guy along with Lucifer,” Crimson’s voice echoes. “Turn them in. This won’t have to be a fight.”
Angel starts to breathe in anxiety. “Shit. Shit. Shit. Val must’ve sent them after me. Shit! He’s going to kill everyone here.”
“Shh, calm down, kid,” Lucifer shushes Angel. “I’m sure they’re easy to take down.”
“Shit! We’re outnumbered,” Blitzo responds in fear.
“I can take them all out. No problem,” Alastor responds with a manic smile.
“Let me stab him, boss!” Nifty begs.
“Yeah, let’s fucking fight ‘em,” Millie says with determination.
Blitzo breathes heavily. “Alright. But you guys better be ready.”
With that said, Blitzo starts shooting his rifle at the gang. The others sneaks into the elevator while Blitzo distracts them. They go down the elevator and hurry outside. Alastor is the first to step in.
“Hello, you must be Crimson. Pleasure to meet you, good sir. Too bad you’ll die soon,” Alastor replies.
Crimson scoffs at Alastor. “Aim your guns at him.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Alastor snarls while slamming his staff down, black tentacles sprout out of the ground. The I.M.P crew jump behind Alastor to fight alongside with him. Lucifer spreads his wings out, glaring at them with sudden red eyes.
“Don’t fuck with me!” Lucifer growls.
“Dad, this doesn’t have to end this way,” Moxxie responds.
“Don’t even call me Dad,” Crimson growls. “Fire!”
The gang members start firing guns. Millie and Nifty launch into battle as Nifty starts to stab one of the gang members with a knife. Millie notices this and hurries by Nifty.
“Wait, don’t do that,” Millie replies.
Nifty glances up in confusion in her one eye.
Then Millie hands Nifty a large war axe. “Try this instead.”
Nifty takes the short axe and laughs maniacally, slashing the gang members with the weapon given to her.
Loona bites into one of the gang members stomach and shakes him around like a rag doll. Then she charges at the other gang members, breaking their rifles apart with her snout.
Moxxie and Angel sticks together with Angel taking out his tommy guns and firing them. Moxxie fires his rifle, managing to get the gang members with Angel.
Alastor uses his tentacles to stab through the imps before visions flash before his eyes to find that he is being choked by a shark demon until he sees Mammon being held hostage by the tentacles he’s using for battle.
Lucifer notices Alastor is out of it with his vision as he notices someone shooting a bullet at Alastor. “Watch out!”
Lucifer shoulder bumps Alastor, taking the bullet in the shoulder.
Alastor snaps out of it and notices Lucifer on the ground. “Fuck!”
Blitzo catches up with the group. “We’re fucking outnumbered! Run!”
The others start to make a run for it as Millie picks up Nifty. Angel helps Alastor with getting Lucifer up on his feet.
Blitzo watches as Crimson destroys the building that his crew works at. “Oh, shit.”
“Sir, we got to go!” Mox manages to snap Blitzo out of his sadness.
Blitzo is guided away from the chaotic situations, running through the streets of the city.
“We need to head to the Gluttony ring. I know someone from there,” Loona suggests, guiding the group away from the city as Alastor carries injured Lucifer with them.
“What were you two thinking?” Vaggie scolds both Nora and Bella once they’re outside of Heaven’s gate.
“Cool your jets. They’re just kids,” Cherri reassures Vaggie, carrying a couple boxes of holy bullets and a wooden box of holy grenades.
“That’s no excuse for their behavior,” Vaggie responds firmly.
“It’s not like they can cast us down again,” Nora back-talks Vaggie.
Vaggie groans in frustration. “Alright, that’s it. Bella, don’t spend anymore time with Nora until she behaves better.”
“You’re not my mom,” Nora talks back with a growl.
Vaggie snarls, “Maybe not, but I’m sure your parents will hear all about it.”
“Go ahead, they won’t fucking care,” Nora argues.
Vaggie glances at Bella in Charlie’s arms. “I can’t even believe you went along with this. We thought you can behave better than this!”
Bella lowers her gaze away in shame.
“What were you thinking, Bella?” Vaggie questions. “You can get us banned from Heaven doing shit like that.”
“I’m sorry,” Bella utters tearfully.
“Don’t be hard on the kid,” Cherri responds. “They’re both from Hell, they wouldn’t know any better.”
“Yeah, I was just trying to get Bella to let loose and have fun,” Nora adds.
“Well, that’s something you should’ve done any other day in Hell,” Vaggie growls at Nora.
Charlie stands at the edge of the surface, realizing that the portal isn’t opening. “Guys?”
“What?” Vaggie responds, finally done chewing out the girls until she notices that the portal isn’t opened. “Wait, isn’t your Dad going to open the portal?”
Charlie feels a slight pain on her shoulder as if she’s been shot. But it’s weird. She’s not shot at all. However, she has a feeling that someone else is.
“Dad,” Charlie calls in fear, left at the edge of Heaven’s clouds. 
To Be Continued...
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irisopranta · 7 months
The power of glamour lets us dress up our characters in any way we want! With that in mind, do you always have your character(s) tastes in mind when you put together glams for them, or are there ensembled you've put together they'd absolute despise? Bonus points if you have pictures!
Asking the hard hitting questions. The simple answer to this is Yes and no. With a character like Iris, someone who loves fashion and dressing up in general, canonically she could be in anything without too much fuss from the character. However, what it is will depend on what the occasion. Cut below as this is long and a bit spoilery.
I would like to start out where I as well as the character disagreed to wear and why. The biggest thing I think that me the creator and Iris the character can agree to is showing her midriff outside of swimsuits. Luckily this list is very short in her canon as I can only think of one example where we ran into this.
When she first became a dragoon and was rewarded the Drachen Armor. She disliked that the armor shows off her midriff when she has to fight dragons and she would be dressed like Estinien which is a fashion forward person's worse nightmare. I agreed and changed her outfit to cover it up while still having that HW feel for her story by going with the Titanium Cuirass of Maiming.
Likewise, the level 80 Dancer Artifact top is something that she would dislike wear in front of strangers or those she doesn't want to see her like that. this is obliviously noncannonical for Iris the character.
So what does she like? Well if she's in normal day to day, going to take care of business at the shop, she'll be in her proprietress outfit. She finds it suits her quite nicely and it fits her standing as a shop owner and lady of a high house.
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Now if she isn't running her shop and is around the city of Ishgard, then it's likely she is in normal noble women gowns, covered in fur and thick wools.
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For warmer climates, you may see her in her more lighter clothing like her ruffle skirt with lightweight shirt.
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Well that's for her casual outfits. What about her armor during her journey? Well....
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She was a standard girl that knew a bit of healing. Just starting out, even if she didn't want to be an adventurer. She's just dressing how she would normally dress as.
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I kind of when over this one above. She didn't like the open space on the Drachen Armor nor looking like Estinien. We just cover that up and let her have a lance.
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She goes back to healing but through Astrology instead of conjury. Seeing that she is going to be in Ala Mhigo and Doma, she decided on showing some skin in favor of being cooled down.
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Depending on what was needed in her fights, She either went as a Dragoon or as an Astrologian in the fights on the first. For dragoon, she was more armored up as she expects the sineaters to be fearsome foes.
With her Astrologian outfit, She figured to dress in the stars so that she can channel it a bit better. We are not sure if Astrology works that way but she likes to think it does.
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For her dragoon appearance in Endwalker, she wanted something that lightweight considering she would be in Thavnair for a while. She's very confused how Estinien can be in his usual armor without feeling overheated.
Her Astrologian appearance is more formal in the cases where she has to interact with Sharlyan's Forum. She figured that it help present herself to not be a murderous savage.
DT (tentative):
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Going to Tural is very much her honeymoon vacation with Stephanivien as they just got married (yes he is with her in my HC for DT as a treat.) So instead of the usual armor, she's more dressed for traveling.
(As a creator's note, this glam is an all role glam, which works great for me as I have yet to decide on my main job in Dawntrail due to the possible rework on both Astrologian and Dragoon.)
Outside of her casual glams for her day to day life as well as her combatant life, she dresses up just for the fun of it. In fact, All Saints Wake is her favorite holiday. As her Mun, I try to keep up with holidays and special events for glaming her up to fit the season. I haven't felt too inspired as of late but here are some of my favorites I had done.
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Thanks for the ask @gatheredfates
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madefate · 7 months
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so, like, why clowning ?
some worldbuilding headcanons about imps & clowning ! cw for mentions of classism ( fantasy, but still ) that also borders on racism ( fantasy but STILL and i'm trying not to touch that as much as i can ).
let's get out of the way that viv just seems to really love a good circus theme - like, yeah, okay, it's everywhere. we can understand that as an aesthetic choice, and then dig into why it's interesting and honestly, why it fits! because it does fit.
o1. wow, it's brutal out here.
hell is not kind to imps. it's explicitly in the text of the show that imps are not well respected or privileged within hell, and widely held that they actively hold the position of the bottom of the social ladder. specifically, we know that economically there's very little room for mobility - see, striker's it's rare to see an imp start their own business. we also see the assumptions and prejudice faced outside of wrath, see the waiting room scene in western energy, and striker's monologue about hard lives in the same episode.
entertainment in general is not a vein that is even particularly conducive for imps, just one where they can succeed. the most famous performers that we see in the hellaverse are angel, a mortal sinner, vox and alastor, mortal overlords, verosika, a hellborn succubus, and ozzie and mammon themselves, deadly sins. even the performers at mammon's contest aren't exclusively imps - most of them are just another form of hellborn, and the glam sisters in particular seem to come from envy and have money behind them.
fizz is unequivocally the most famous imp performer, and most famous imp in general, that we see. even in the flashbacks, the buckzo circus was billed as the all imp circus - indicating that it's not a common practice.
given how hard it is to find a foothold in economic and social mobility, it makes sense that the one venue we do see it in, performing, is extremely important.
o2. i've ( don't ) got the magic
thus far, imps and hellhounds are the only beings in hell that we've seen without any access to magic. even sinners are granted some inherent power and we see that increase dramatically if they gain power as an overlord. it is, simply put, hard to stand out in a world where some people can snap their fingers and conjure up the most incredible displays, or even just neatly get the job done.
a lot of the social / economic mobility we see for imps comes from their willingness to put in the work. I.M.P. has access to the living world, which is not unheard of but rare, but they are also willing to hunt down a target and get blood on their hands on behalf of those who can't get to the living world (and we know the other ways to access that living world are rare and expensive). striker also does assassination work - but largely for those who are simply not a position to get the job done themselves.
we explicitly see how hard fizz works to have the station and reputation he does - how much pressure he puts on himself to be perfect. in the flashbacks, we see that blitz & fizz (and barbie presumably) are already performing real shows at the age of five or six, and cash is already putting an enormous amount of pressure on fizz as one of his highest earners and biggest draws. it would be a lot easier to attract attention or create these entertaining displays if you have access to magic - or at least MONEY for a better tent, better costumes, better special effects.
so to succeed as a clown as an imp? you have to be very, very good. the pressure is always on, which leads me to -
o3. you're simply the best
when you're working with a deck that's not nearly as stacked as everyone else's, you have to be on top of your fucking game, no questions. the reason fizzarolli wins that contest every year, the reason why he's the face of mammon's brand, is because he's so utterly charismatic - a real showman. magic and pyrotechnics may get you some fancy spectacle, but there's no replacement for being an absolute fucking delight with a killer joke and banger music and a natural rapport with the crowd.
it's why, even if blitz wasn't as skilled as fizz - or at least TOLD he wasn't - his acrobatic skills are above and beyond. those circus instincts come in handy on a daily basis - he has to be quick thinking, fast on his feet, able to improv and roll with the punches, able to distract someone with patter and banter, and yeah - he needs some Sick Flips.
he holds a little shame that he never really pursued a clowning career, mostly because it was such a fundamental part of his life for the entirety of his formative years. he didn't LOVE it - in fact, he was deeply disillusioned by first his father and then mammon - and it only got worse as he got older, but we see on screen how much the idea of performing can send him into a spiral - and how much it means to him if he succeeds.
when you can hold your own against people you're told are better than you, it means a hell of a lot - it's a source of pride, a way to make a life, and an unwitting tradition among some circles of imps.
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☆This is still a work in progress, but this is mostly what the first part will be. I will most likely post this on Archive of our Own at some point, just cause some people might prefer to read it on there.
☆I absolutely adore feedback, so please let me know if I can use some work on certain spots or even if it's just to tell me you enjoy it.
☆Double spacing exists solely cause I felt it looked better, I may take it away. Idk
Metal Institute
You're not good enough
You'll never be good enough
Everything you do only leads to disappointment
Your family hates you
Your mother
Your sister
Even Your father
They all hate you
"Shut up."
You're a mistake and that's all you'll ever be in this life
"You're wrong."
Why do you think they put you in here then? Do you think this is some camp? Get to play around outside all day then go sleep in a tent? Tell stories around the campfire while indulging in sweets?
You're living in a fucken fantasy, Glam.
A laugh. "My name isn't Glam. It's Sebastion and You're nothing but a voice in my head, schizophrenia as the doctors call it. Father put me in here to make me better and that's exactly what the doctors are doing." A smile crossed his lips.
Blasphemy and you know it. We both know it. I'm your conscience and you need to accept that cause guess what, You're stuck with me.
You hate the name Sebastion and you hate playing the Violin. You love rock music and your best friend was a guy you met by the dumpster, remember that?
"I don't know what you're talking about. Father never allowed me to have friends and I would never make friends with someone near the dumpster no less."
How about your favorite song, huh? What about Twisted Sister?
"That music is unholy, shouldn't even be legal. It's rubbish. Bach and Vivaldi are-"
Bach and Vivaldi are the real rubbish. You hate that shit. That's all you were forced to listen to, forced to play.
The father you claim to love you beat you with a ruler. Remember that?! Remember how he made you bleed?! All because you were off by an eighth of a pitch!
"Stop it. You're lying."
These doctors that you claim are helping you are doing the fucken opposite! They're brainwashing you into staying under your father's thumb!
You should've ran, should've went back to your friend, but instead you stayed and look what happened! He beat you and now your in a mental asylum! All because you didn't want the type of life he was making you have!
"S-Shut up!" His hands went to his face, covering his eyes as tears slowly began to trickle down. It wasn't true, was it? His father wouldn't lock him away just cause he... wanted a different life, right?
Look at yourself! Look at your wrists! Look at the scars your father inflicfed upon you! Look at the marks from the binds that held you down while the doctors performed their sick experiments on you! What about your ankles? Tied so damn tight that it nearly cut off blood flow, all so you couldn't escape!
Look at those wounds covering your body and tell me that I'm not speaking the truth.
He moved his hands down from his face, leaning over to the dim moonlight that shown in through the plexiglass window. Tears rolled off his cheeks now, one after another as he examined his wrists, the scars that will forever remain due to his dear father.
Look at them, Glam.
Tell me, does this look like something a loving father would allow? Would a loving father allow such experiments to be had on his one and only son? Would a loving father beat their son?
He placed his hands over his mouth, trying to muffle the soft sobs that followed his tears. He'd been so far gone with all the 'treatments' that he blantly accepted them. He blantly accepted being strapped to a cold metal table, allowing the doctors to inject God knows what into his veins.
The food he ate, the beverages he'd recieved... who knows what was in them, what sort of shit he was being slipped. Not to mention the effects he'd been feeling. The nausea, the headaches, the fuzzy memories, and now he was hearing voices...
You finally get it, don't you?
Your father doesn't love you. You will forever be a disappointment in his eyes and you will forever be in your sisters shadow.
"L-Leave Lydia out of this... she doesn't deserve to be... placed on the same platform like father." He spoke again, dragging his hands down his face and pulling his legs up.
As much as he despised being constantly compared to the likeness of his sister, she'd never once laid a hand on him. She'd actually used to be the one to bandage him up when they were younger, while their mother hid in the shadows, too scared to stand up for her children.
Tell me, Sebastion... what sort of platform does your loving father deserve to be put on? What sort of outcome does he deserve in all this?
"Outcome? He won't get to receive the deserved outcome. In the end, I'm stuck in here and... those doctors will continue to try and... 'fix me'."
Oh, don't you worry about that. He will get his fill of Karma. Don't frazzle your pretty mind with such worry. Besides, you have me! I will get you out of here.
"How will you help me escape? You're nothing but my own conscience. Besides, the guards in this place are armed."
You needn't worry. All in due time. Why don't we look at the future, though? Why don't we look at what will come to your father?
So tell me, when we do escape, and we will by any means necessary, what end does your father deserve?
He began to laugh, his eyes seeming to fill the dark room with vivid thoughts. Then his laughing grew. It became louder and louder, more maniacal. The things he was seeing, the actions he was performing... Violent actions. The same actions he had once written down, the same actions his father had confronted him about upon finding his journal.
He still felt like such an idiot for that mistake. If he just... double checked, and made sure that the 'line of defense' wasn't at a risk of being found out about. None of this would have happened. He might still be stuck at home, sure, but he'd have his best friend. He'd have access to his records. He'd have access to THE record.
"I'll tell you what he deserves! I'll tell you what end I want to grant him!" He stood, going to the window and placing his hands firmly upon it, glancing up at the moon.
"I want to see his blood spill. I want to beat him with that fucken ruler until he's begging for mercy. Maybe even a baseball bat!" He turned, facing the darkness of the room, more laughing emitting from his mouth. Now he really did sound like he belonged in such a place.
"I want him to suffer and bleed, the same way I had to. I want to see that bastard cry and beg for forgiveness!" He could only continue to laugh as he fell to his knees, the vision growing more and more realistic by the second.
Glam ran his fingers through the tangled mess of hair, looking up at the ceiling for a moment with more maniacal laughter.
"Maybe I'll make him play the Violin. Then I can stand there and criticize every bar and note he plays! Slap his wrists until blood it dripping to the floor!"
Good! Good! You're getting the hang of it! That's the spirit! You're spine is tingling with the excitement, the anticipation!
So remind me, what's your name again?
"Glam! My name is Glam..." He spoke calmly now, placing his hands on the ground in front of him.
Right, you're finally getting it. What else do you know?
"I-I have a best friend... what was his name again?" He glanced around the moon lit room for a moment before scratching his head, fingers getting tangled in the matted mess of hair.
You know this answer, Glam. Don't expect me to help you with such stupid questions.
"I-I don't remember..."
You need to remember him! Don't let your memory start fading away, now think harder. What was his fucken name?!
He held his head in his hands for a moment, more tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He couldn't remember him, no matter how hard he tried. He couldn't remember his name, why he was called that...
Just... who he was physically. What he looked like, how he had helped Glam through the bullshit. The messy brown hair, the disgusting green jacket, that annoying voice and those horrid yellow teeth.
"C-Chive..." He finally mumbled to himself after a moment. That was his name, right? He knew it at least started with a C.
Good boy, Glam. You're making progress. Do not forget Chive. Don't forget what he looked like or what he did for you. If you forget him, then that might as well be the end.
Glam put his face in his hands again. Don't forget? How was he supposed to manage that when he was being tortured and experimented on day in and day out. Hell, he barely remembered the last this he ate.
The fact of the matter was that without his friend, he'd never discover the beauty of rock music. The beauty outside of that fucken prison of a house. Sure, he had to deal with some... painful repercussions, but it was so worth it. Getting to play in front of a crowd, especially play music he was actually proud of? It was the best feeling in the world to him.
"He probably thinks I abandoned him..." He gripped his hands into fists. "M-my one and only friend... thinks I abandoned him..."
Who would ever know what became of Glam outside of his family. -He was sent away to a special music school, one that didn't allow such... worthless talent to blindly be accepted- That was probably along the lines of what he'd say to the school anyways. Chive would never step foot near his front door, so it's not like he'd come knocking.
Stop worrying. We'll get out of here in no time. Soon enough you'll be back at his side and the two of you will be playing again before you know it. You'll even have your favorite record back.
Remember that song Glam? It's your favorite.
He began to chuckle softly, tears still rolling down his cheeks. "We're not gonna take it..." He started singing, the vocals raspy and sloppy.
No! We ain't gonna take it!
"We're not gonna take it anymore..." He pulled his knees back to his chest, tears continuing to flow as his off key singing kept up, his voice seeming to echo in the emptiness that was his confinement cell.
That song. It'd got him to discover life outside of classical bullshit. Now it was gonna be the song to help him escape this hell. No matter the cost.
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melis-writes · 2 years
A prompt for Michael fingering Victoria in the bathroom at a party/ dinner party and after she comes keeping her panties in his jacket pocket (not letting her put them back on for the rest of the party) 🤪
Omgggg filthy, filthy, filthy!! 🥵🥵 I love it! Something about these two sneaking off and unable to wait until they get home… Ugh, all the sexier with Michael keeping her panties like that! 🥴🥴🥴!!!
If it wasn’t for much of the guests at the dinner party turning their attention to a new round of refreshments being served and distracting themselves amidst conversation, Michael would be stuck exactly where he is—sitting in his seat reserved next to yours, except unable to get up and do much of anything with his erection tented up in his trousers.
Michael lets out a soft exhale, letting his mind wander onto anything but you who had all of your fun just moments ago sitting on Michael’s lap—acting completely innocent and clueless when you were grinding and pressing your ass against your husband’s cock on purpose to get a reaction out of him.
Had this little “happy accident” happen anywhere else where the two of you had privacy, nothing would stop Michael from hiking up your dress and fucking you roughly from the back against the table.
You know all too well Michael’s not a man to make idle talk or offers with, let alone ever tease. He gets what he wants—always, no compromise, and you know just how good he fucks when Michael doesn’t get what he wants.
You hum quietly to yourself back inside the central family compound, stopping just near the foyer to search through your clutch purse for your lipstick and mascara to freshen up in the bathroom.
From the moment Michael confirms no eyes are on him nor will he be missed if he slips away from the distracted guests, he quickly moves to get into the central compound where he knows you are—relieved his erection has gone down but insistent to find you.
Your hands grip your lipstick and mascara at the bottom of your purse and you look back up, unaware your husband’s come into the estate from the back entrance and can see you heading into the nearest washroom.
You lock the bathroom door behind you, putting your purse down on the counter before looking at yourself in the mirror—all glammed up for tonight’s dinner party from head to toe and ready to freshen up before dessert is served.
From the moment the bathroom door clicks and locks shut behind you, Michael begins to make his way over casually as if he’s going to use the restroom.
You run your hands through your hair carefully not to mess with the way you’ve styled it for tonight and are just about to reach for your lipstick when you hear a knock on the bathroom door.
“Occupied!” You call out, but before you can do anything else, you hear a response from an all too familiar, sexy voice.
“And?” Michael speaks out.
Even as you look in the bathroom mirror now, you can see how quickly your cheeks flush red from blush just from Michael’s voice alone, and you’re not aware that you bite down on your corner of your lip when you turn to unlock the door.
Pulling the bathroom door open, Michael stands before you in his three-piece navy suit—a very annoyed expression on his face that desires to get even, and both hands in the pockets of his trousers.
“You knew I was here.” The blush spreading over your rosy cheeks double.
“Just as you knew what you were doing back there, isn’t that right?” Michael doesn’t give you time to react, taking his hand out of his pocket to push the bathroom door open further and step in—immediately locking it behind him without taking his eyes off of you.
“Oh, come on, baby,” you playfully tug on Michael’s silk tie, pulling him closer to you. “Mm, you know I was just teasing you. You want to get even with me here?”
“I know how to make you beg, darling.” Michael speaks in a completely calm and confident tone.
‘Fuck… Please.’ Your eyes widen slightly as arousal immediately begins to rush through your body—something Michael can easily see over your face.
With that sexy, smoldering look in Michael’s eyes, he takes a few steps towards you until your back touches the bathroom wall, leaving you face to face with your husband.
“Michael,” your breath hitches as Michael tilts your chin up to face him, letting his thumb graze over your bottom lip.
“Go ahead,” Michael murmurs, looking into your eyes. “Tease me just as you did out there. There’s nothing stopping you now, nobody to see.”
“I…” Embarrassed, flustered and deeply aroused all at once, you’re unable to answer but only react back to Michael beginning to push two fingers into your mouth slowly.
“Or what?” Michael feels your warm, wet tongue wrap around his fingers. “You’d rather I do the teasing this time?”
Obediently suckling on Michael’s fingers, you glance away out of embarrassment—refusing to nod and give in just yet.
“Look at me when I speak to you.” Michael’s quick to tilt your face right back to his. “Answer me.” Michael pops his fingers out of your mouth.
Giving out a shaky breath from how heavily aroused you’ve become, you answer, “think I’d say no to getting even when you’ll give me what I want?”
“And what is it that you want, hmm?” Michael presses his body up against yours, placing his hands on the hem of your cocktail dress. “For me to leave you here wet and aroused with nothing to look forward to until all of your friends leave or—” Michael easily pries your legs apart as you let him—feeling your dress beginning to be pulled up.
“Oh, please,” you whine out, tilting your head back against the wall and unable to take anymore. “Michael, I—”
“Let me hear you since you want it so badly,” Michael breathes hotly against the side of your neck, raising your thigh up and resting it against the crease of his arm before placing the palm of his free hand against the lace fabric of your panties. “How long will it take until you moan loud enough for one of your guests to hear?”
You put your hand over top of Michael’s, pressing down on it insistently. “Depends on how long you decide to tease me, doesn’t it?”
“I do no such thing.” Michael leaves a harsh, sloppy kiss over your neck, causing you to whimper already as he pulls your panties to the side—revealing your pussy. “You know how I feel about being teased, don’t you?”
Whimpering in response and bucking your hips up further onto Michael’s palm, but he’s quick to pull his hand back.
“Dirty girl,” Michael’s tone falls deep and husky as he licks off your spit from his slender own fingers, lubricating them again before his hand is back to spreading open your pussy. “The things you do to get a reaction out of me…”
“Oh!” You cry out, instantly clasping a hand over your mouth to silence yourself when you feel Michael’s wet fingers grazing against your swollen clit.
“Will be your own undoing. Look at me.” Michael demands eye contact as he rubs his forefingers against your dewy clit, spreading your own wetness and the lubrication of his and your spit all around the folds of your pussy. “I want you to look at me and only me when I touch you because you couldn’t wait until your guests left. I’m giving you just what you want, sweetheart.”
“Mm!” Balancing your thigh over Michael’s arm and feeling your hand grow shaky—unable to silence yourself any longer—you’re just about to rest your head against Michael’s shoulder to muffle out your moans when Michael moves his hand up, still holding your thigh and pins you tightly against the wall, now clasping that hand over your mouth.
Your moans are only loud enough to be heard by Michael now, kept quiet against the palm of his hand as you feel Michael’s gold wedding band touching against your bottom lip.
“Look at me, baby,” Michael demands, toying with your clit.
Your arousal and shyness triples as you gaze back into Michael’s eyes, feeling his fingers rubbing over your clit at an angle in a quickened pace.
You whine against the palm of Michael’s hand but keep your eyes on him nonetheless, knowing you’re not only going to cum in the palm of his hand but while looking right at him—exciting you all the more.
You roll your eyes back in pleasure when you feel Michael applying a bit of pressure over your clit, filthy yet mostly silenced moans coming out of your mouth again and again. “M—Mhmm!”
“That’s right, baby.” Michael licks over his lips, glancing down at how soaked your pussy has become. “Holding back won’t do any good for you. You want to cum, don’t you? Earn it like a good girl.”
You may end up screaming, “oh my God, YES!” if Michael’s hand wasn’t over your mouth right this minute, as the sensation of Michael’s thumb circling over your clit back and forth becomes almost unbearable in the most erotic way.
Your eyes widen to feel Michael now slowly beginning to snake one finger inside of you, feeling how comfortably wet you’ve grown.
Michael’s always brought you to orgasm through foreplay alone and not just once; your comfort and sexual pleasure being his priority, only when Michael feels you’re fully aroused and comfortable does he continue.
Watching your body language, the way your muscles writhe and thighs beginning to tremble, Michael curls his finger inside of your pussy—beginning to build up a delicious orgasm deep inside of you.
“You know I’d rather be in you right now,” Michael leaves a kiss over your jawline, giving your face a little shake with his hand still clasped over your mouth. “I’d rather fuck you in here and let everyone else wonder.”
You continue to push and grind your hips against Michael’s hand and fingers, desperate to feel him finger fucking you more and more on the verge of pure ecstasy.
“You like that, huh?” Michael begins to insert a second finger ever so slowly, seeing how your thighs only begin to shake more in response. “Love it when I fuck you with my fingers like this? Want more, don’t you?” Michael tightens his clasp against your mouth.
“Mmmmmmmm!” Feeling incredible waves of pleasure rock over every inch of your body, you begin to feel a weak, tingling numbness coming over your knees as your orgasm approaches.
“See how fucking wet you are for me?” Michael glances down at his fingers—completely soaked with your pussy juices as more trickles down your inner thighs each time his fingers enter you. “Soaked and dripping wet, you’ve wanted this all day.”
“Y-yes!” You attempt to moan against Michael’s hand, giving out a shuddering gasp as your orgasm releases out of you in spurts of squirt.
“Cum baby, cum. Cum for me, just like that.” Michael watches in amusement as you squirt a little over his palm and fingers. “Make a fucking mess.”
You almost collapse in Michael’s arms as he takes his hand off of your mouth, watching as your orgasm continues rushing over you.
“M-Michael, Michael,” you moan shakily, attempting to catch your breath. “Oh my G-God.”
“Mmhmm,” Michael slowly takes his fingers out of you, licking them clean in front of you.
“Oh, please…” You swallow hard, noticing Michael tugging your panties off of your thighs.
“You can hardly keep these on as is, isn’t that right?” Michael raises your thighs up, quick to take off your panties. “I’ll be keeping these.”
“What?” Your face flushes red in embarrassment as Michael pulls your dress down promptly.
“You heard me.” Michael bunches up your panties in his hands, showing you them before tucking them inside the inner pocket of his suit jacket. “It’ll give you something to think about for the rest of the party.”
“Michaelllll!” You whine as he wraps an arm around your waist, moving you towards the door of the bathroom.
“What?” Michael turns on the tap, beginning to lather up soap on his hands. “Have you forgotten we’re hosting tonight’s dinner party? Your guests are waiting.”
“But you’re teasing me!” Your cheeks flush red as you throw your lipstick and belongings back into your clutch purse. “Taking my panties and—”
“Just teasing.” Michael washes his hands, gesturing with his head to the bathroom door. “And when you want them back, you can do so while asking nicely on your knees after the party, won’t you?”
“Oh my God, you’re impossible.” Utterly flustered and even hornier than before, you quickly take your purse and unlock the bathroom door, heading out and trying to figure out how you’ll be able to face your friends and colleagues again when you can’t ignore the wetness pooling between your legs.
Michael exits the bathroom only a few minutes after you, much more nonchalant and calm yet very curious to see how you’re taking in the “teasing”.
“Victoria! Where were you, honey? I saved you a glass!” One of your friends calls out, holding up a glass of French champagne.
Smiling sheepishly and trying not to clench your legs too much when you walk, you attempt to blend back into the crowd with your guests but notice Michael over your shoulder sitting back down in his seat and smirking at you.
No panties for the rest of the dinner party meant to last another three more hours, Michael knows just exactly how and when to tease the hell out of you. Tonight’s little affair in the bathroom is merely scratching the surface.
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jennandblitz · 2 years
today’s ‘microfic’ ended up being 500 words but I’m not mad about it. Of course it turned into an ode to Sirius and glam rock, who do you think I am? 😂
Get It On
The first time Remus heard Get It On by T.Rex was in first year, not long after the record was released. The sixth year Gryffindors had a record player in the common room and Electric Warrior was all they played that autumn.
Sirius was sitting on the sofa next to Robert, the sixth year, looking at the sleeve of the LP like it had just told him the greatest secret in the world and Remus couldn’t stop looking at him: those high, aristocratic cheekbones, that sweep of dark hair.
Remus must’ve heard the song a thousand times by sixth year. Their shared record player in the dorm often had that LP whirring around on it, though Sirius was fastidious about his records and never left them on the turntable, unlike James who often fell asleep with his copy of Kate Bush’s The Kick Inside still turning around and around, playing white noise.
Sirius was dancing in the small space between the beds when Remus came out of the bathroom, towel around his hips. Sirius seized his hands and pulled him to dance along, one of his pale hands going to Remus’ waist. That had been the first time they kissed, when the song had faded away to white noise. They needed to flip the record but they were a little preoccupied. Remus smiled against Sirius’ lips and kissed him so much that year he thought he might keel over from it.
After that, Remus didn’t listen to any T.Rex.
Marc Bolan had died just as seventh year started and Sirius had taken it hard, never mind the fact the war was brewing. Remus expected Sirius to christen their new flat out of school with Electric Warrior, but he didn’t. Remus wondered if he was saving it for better times, but they never came. Sirius played a lot of Bowie’s Heroes during that time and Remus’ heart hurt every time Sirius avoided being alone with him.
Remus kept Sirius’ records though, even after the worst happened and Remus was left to clear out the flat they used to share.
It felt like the first time all over again, when Sirius—thirty-three and with shaking fingers—set Electric Warrior on the turntable of Remus’ mam’s record player. He stood by the player all through the first five songs—even Lean Woman Blues which had been his favourite for many years—silently watching the record spin.
Instead of flipping the record, Remus lifted the needle and set it back to the beginning of Get It On. Sirius lifted his gaze from the record as Remus took his hands and pulled him into the tiny space in front of the sofa. Sirius smiled as he danced, the lyrics coming back to him like a slow dawn over the valleys.
They kissed again at the end of the song, like the first time all over again, tentative and questing. They left the record spinning while they went upstairs.
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cowboy-lover69 · 3 months
Don't Act Like You Don't Know
(Paul Allen x Patrick Bateman)
(Am back!! I was supposed to post this on the first anniversary of my first-ever fic which has now been orphaned, but I got busy. I just wanted to thank all my returning readers for all the support I've been receiving since I first started writing, it's really motivating and I really appreciate it :) I've only improved so much because of you guys!
also, Patrick's parents are out of character in this fic, for plot reasons.)
The small black car rolled down the pothole-filled country road. Sun glimmered into the windows and Paul's head leaned against the glass.
“I had no idea your family lived in such a beautiful place, It's like straight out of a movie.”
Before Patrick could respond they hit a pothole causing Patrick to just grip the wheel tighter. He was almost white-knuckled as he drove. They were going 80 miles per hour, Paul didn't seem to notice.
“Are you nervous Pat?” Paul asked, finally taking his eyes from the window to Patrick, whose eyes were glued firmly on the road.
“Why would I be nervous? It's in and out. I just need to be there for them to read the will.” Patrick said with a sharp edge to this tone. He didn’t want to talk. If he could he would glue Paul's mouth shut so he would never have to hear his fiancé speak for the rest of the trip.
“I just know you don’t have the best relationship with your family”
“I don’t know what you mean Paul, me and my family get along fine.”
Paul sighs and turns his head back to the window.
“Just so you know Paul, you will be waiting in the car”
“Huh?” Paul whipped his head around to look at Patrick.
“My family will be weird about our situation, and frankly having you there might lead to us wasting even more time there than we have to.”
“First of all Patrick, why did you call it our situation, we are engaged for Christ's sake. I thought you were over the whole embarrassment about being gay deal. Second of all I just want to be there for emotional support, I won't say a word.”
Patrick was agitated, why did it matter so much what he called their relationship?
“Don’t kid yourself, Paul. your a fucking social butterfly. Everyone just loves you and you love talking to everyone.” Patrick said, his tone rising a bit.
“You don’t need to be a dick Patrick. I get it your on edge from having to see your family but don’t be a jackass”
“Well, you're staying in the car at the end of the discussion.”
Soon enough they start pulling up on a large house hidden by the trees hardly in view from the road. They pulled into the freakishly long driveway and parked next to the few other cars. Soon enough a glammed-up older woman stepped out of the house. She had stringy hair curled into a suitable hairstyle. Her face and the rest of her body looked like they had been maximized for sex appeal at least maybe to a 16-year-old boy. She was curvy but unhealthy and skinny. She looked like she had one too many plastic surgeries on her face to maintain her youth.
Patrick sighed and stepped out of the car.
“Ah Patrick, it's good to see you. Glad you came.”
Paul followed Patrick out of the car. Patrick heard the car door open and shot a glare at Paul, but it didn't stop him.
The older woman tentatively went up to Patrick. Then she turned her attention to Paul, who was standing a bit behind Patrick.
“Oh Patrick, this is Paul?.... Sean told me about him.” The woman seemed distant like she wasn't all there. She talked slowly and had an indescribable glaze over her eyes. Patrick didn't seem to care, to him she's always been this way.
“Ah, of course, he would,” Patrick muttered through gritted teeth.
“Good to meet you Ms…?”
“Ms. Bateman…”
Paul’s eyes widened and he pulled his arm back before grabbing Patrick’s mother's hand and shaking it nervously. Patrick’s mother seemed a little shocked by the handshake but she didn't pull away from it. Patrick seemed embarrassed from the whole interaction pinching his nose bridge in frustration.
After the Awkward handshake, Patrick’s mother turned her attention back to Patrick.
“Can we talk Patrick?” she asked.
Patrick scowled at his mother but nodded.
“If we must.”
His mother started to walk towards the gated courtyard that ran on the side of the house. Patrick followed. He looked back at Paul with an indiscernible expression, then disappeared behind the large hedge-wall that went around the courtyard. Paul was a bit worried for Patrick, he was worried by coming along he may have made things weird, but nothing he could do now. He turned around to face the front of the mansion once again. He saw that Patrick’s mother had left the door open, so he let himself in.
He stepped into the house, It was eerily empty. It was a wooden interior, mostly dark woods with green accents coming from what few pieces of furniture were about. Paul was about to turn into the living room but he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Paul turned around and saw Sean, Patrick's brother.
“Oh, hey Sean. I was curious when I would see you around.”
“Paul, it's great to see you! Where is Patrick?”
“He went with his mother, they went into the gated courtyard.” Sean's face darkened a bit.
“I hope she didn’t give you much trouble.”
“Ah never mind.. I am going to go find Pat. Have a good time Paul don’t get too lost.”
Paul watched Sean turn the corner into the living area, then into the backyard via the glass sliding door. Paul walked into the living area, it was mostly empty, just filled with barebones furniture and some pictures on the mantle above the fireplace.
Paul walked over to the mantle to get a better look at the pictures. The first one was a wedding picture of Patrick's mother and what Paul assumes is Patrick's father. Patrick's mother looks so different, She looked lighter. Patrick’s father on the other hand… looked empty. He had a serious straight face and looked inhumanly stiff.
Paul glanced over to the other photo sitting on the mantle, It was a family photo. This must have been more than 10 years ago, Patrick couldn't have been older than 14 in the photo. He looked cold and distant. I guess some things never change, Paul thought to himself.
Before Paul could make any more observations he heard someone behind him.
“Hey! Who are you?” an older man said in a gruff tone.
Paul turned around to see a fat short older man. He was balding and had a terrible graying mustache under his nose.
“Paul Allen! I am Patrick’s fiancé!”
Paul reaches his hand out to shake the other man's hand, but the man doesn’t shake it.
“I told Cheryl not to invite you two.” The man huffed under his breath as he walked towards the clear sliding doors. Behind the door, the man started arguing with someone out of sight.
‘That was weird’ Paul thought.
It was only a few minutes until Paul felt an arm wrap around his waist.
“We are going leave Paul”
Paul looked up and twisted his neck to see Patrick. He's not looking at Paul, he's giving a dead-eyed stare into the back patio through the glass.
“What’s going on?”
Patrick doesn’t say a word simply tightening his grip around Paul. Patrick starts escorting him outside, Paul almost stumbles over his feet at the sudden movement. Patrick keeps hold of them until they get to the car. Paul awkwardly opens the door and slides in. Patrick silently gets into the driver's seat and starts the car. They quickly make their get away.
“What was that about Pat?”
Patrick doesn't respond at first just gripping the wheel tighter.
Paul gets cut off promptly.
“Don’t act like you don’t know Paul.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Am so sick and fucking tired of you acting like you don’t know how others think of us.”
“Oh, this is what this is about?”
“Paul, you can pretend in your pretty little world that it doesn't matter what others think of us and how others treat us, but that isn’t true. You consistently embarrass me in front of our co-workers, in front of strangers, and now in front of my family. All you had to do is stay in the fucking car.” Patrick's tone was harsh and sharp. Patrick is cold and Paul knows that but this is real raw anger.
“ Jesus… Why can’t we just be ourselves, you don’t even like your family.”
“Well sometimes Paul you have to sacrifice some happiness to get things done and to have an overall pleasant life, but clearly you're too dense to understand that. Now I am an embarrassment. I will miss opportunities because I couldn't keep a handle on my fiancée who likes to make a show of things”
“A show of things? I have not gone rubbing our relationship in your family's face unless you count me introducing myself as your fiancé a show of things”
“You didn’t need to tell anyone anything. I warned you how my family is and you deliberately went against my request.”
Paul couldn't deny that, it was true. He didn’t realize Patrick would be this upset. Even if he knew in this case he was wrong he was too prideful to apologize, he didn't like the point Patrick was making about their relationship. Like it was some secret affair they had to hide. Patrick never seemed to shake his embarrassment of being queer. Paul is usually sympathetic but he's tired.
The rest of the car ride was silent. Patrick dropped Paul off at his apartment. That's the last Patrick Paul would see for the rest of the day.
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e-m-p-error · 5 months
Tagged By: Stole This
Tagging: Anyone That Wants To Do It!
Man, I write so many characters, but I'll do the ones that are awake the most often. Assume that any of these can be threesomes/moresomes.
Valentino - Vox, Angel Dust, Vox's Assistant
Velvette - Vox, Valentino, Chaz
Niffty - Husk, Valentino, Alastor
Alastor - Valentino, Angel Dust, Niffty
Ostello - Valentino, Vox, Alastor
Anya - So far she's only ever been shipped with other OCs! I don't have canon ideas for her as of now, but she is bi!
Mammon - Ozzie, Fizzarolli, RoboFizz
Ozzie - Fizzarolli, Mammon, Beelzebub
Andrealphus - Striker, Stolas, Stella's Male Friend
Paimon - Barbie, Cash, Mr. Butler
Charlie - Vaggie, Velvette, Cherri Bomb
Barbie - Paimon, Chaz, Fizzarolli
Chazz - Velvette, Glitz/Glam, Valentino
Glitz - Mammon, Chaz, Verosika
Adam - Lucifer, Lute, Sera
It depends for me. In Hazbin, with Sinners, I don't care too much about the age gap on when people were born. That said, if the younger character is under 18 I won't write any usft with them, but I am open to letting Teens Date Teens. Teenagers date, and that's perfectly acceptable. I don't care as long as they're within two or three years of each other as teens. If they could share a biology class in high school I'm okay with it.
I would say once pants are coming off or things go beyond second base, usually. I'll put things in a community thing for sexual content. I will put things under a read more only if my partner does.
Not usually! My muse may be low for certain ships, though.
Going with the same list as before! Assume that OCs are welcome with everyone provided there is chemistry! Any of these can be threesomes/moresomes.
Valentino - I will literally ship him with anyone but Vaggie. I don't like erasing canon LGBTQ+ characters' sexualities due to trauma I have personally with that. Val's type is vaguely bipedal and possibly a heartbeat.
Velvette - I am willing to throw her at anyone, but I really like Cherri Bomb/Velvette and I would LOVE to play with it.
Niffty - Literally will throw her at any man period, minus Angel for the same reason as Val/Vaggie. Love her with Pentious, too.
Alastor - Rosie, Mimzy, Vox (Tentatively)
Ostello - Literally any man that likes men and will give him attention lol
Anya - Anyone of any gender. She is particularly fond of Val but mine won't give her the time of day.
Mammon - Beelzebub, any of the Sins really, Adam
Ozzie - Stella, Stolas, Paimon, Charlie
Andrealphus - Any male character, though he prefers either a Distinguished Gentleman or a Wild Man.
Paimon - Anyone that isn't Poor (minus Barbie and Cash, they are exceptions)
Charlie - I'm hesitant to say 'no' to ships for her. I'm most interested in Valentino, Niffty, and Emily (and OTPs).
Barbie - I'll throw her at anyone that isn't Moxxie and Millie, tbh. I've shipped her with Mammon before, that's a fun ship. I'm hesitant to ship with Verosikas, however. That is one we have to work up to/I MUST trust you to write.
Chazz - He's a slut, I'll ship him with anything twice.
Glitz - She'll ship with anyone pretty much, though preferences for OTP/3 is important here.
Adam - I'm willing to try him with anyone, though he may need time to warm up to people.
I prefer that we talk a little outside of the rp before we assume we're shipping, but most of the time I will say 'yes' even if we haven't written much/at all. I'm pretty flexible with shipping and I always love seeing how dynamics grow!
Obsessed. I am so not normal about shipping. I will ship all the things, please hit me up if you want to try a ship. I will most likely say yes, even if it is a crackship. Sometimes even especially then.
Honestly, I cannot lie and say it isn't VoxVal. I love them, and I always have the most muse to write them. Val's muse can be finicky but he's always up for writing with Vox.
¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
I'm quite literally a ship whore and a collector of ships I really like. I have like, twelve Voxes and Angels for Valentino, for example. It's not hard to ship with me, really, just follow these guidelines.
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justcallmecoby · 1 year
I was tagged by @viky-somebody
People I wanna know better: Iam not sure currently. Desperately need to find muturals sometime
Favourite colour: I shalln't pick a favourite child. I like the combination of red,silver and black.... nevermind its grey...or no its that one specific shade of green
Song stuck in my head: currently its all the songs in MCR's album I bought you my Bullets you brought me your Love so lets say Vampires will never hurt you from said album.
Last song I listened to: its eighter Early sunsets over Monroeville by My chemical romance or Welcome to paradise by Green day, cant remember.
Favourite food: anything that has to do with cheese and also doughnuts from Lidl
Last thing I googled: Thales's theorem. I was learning for a geometry project :,)
Dream trip: go out with a friend into some random place in the world and just wander around forests and nature for like a week. Even better if we stayed in tents we'd impulsevly set up as we go with zero plans.
Thing I want right now: time travel into the 80s, get a bag of money and use said bag of money to visit random glam rock band concerts. Also David Bowie.
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rosethornewrites · 2 years
12/10-12/24 T & G reading
The usual
you are my chosen family, by jinyinhua
“Wait!” Lan Jingyi blurts out. “If me and Sizhui were cursed by her and we can’t remember you, does that really mean—does that really mean you’re our parents?”
Lan Sizhui winces at Lan Jingyi’s bluntness but he doesn’t correct him.
(or: 5 times sizhui and jingyi accidentally call wei wuxian and lan wangji dad, and the 1 time they do it on purpose.)
Rescue, by snowberryrose
In which Jiang Cheng finds Wen Qing in the Unclean Realm
Or: Wen Qing heals
Walking Back To You, by vesna (mrsronweasley) (reread)
They bring him in just before dawn. Wei Wuxian does not remember it, not really. He remembers nothing but pain.
Glitz & Glam, by edenguard (2 chapters)
Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are invited to the annual Jin Appropriated-Christmas Party, which happens to be a masquerade. General shenanigans and fluff follow.
and all the air a solemn stillness holds, by stiltonbasket
On the day Lan Wangji bid goodbye to Wei Ying in the woods beneath Dusk Creek Mountain, he never dreamed that it would be the last time they saw one another alive.
But when Luo Qingyang is kidnapped from the Jinlintai on her wedding day, Lan Wangji finds himself in pursuit of a demon who might be no demon at all.
Wherein all roads lead to Yiling, and death is no obstacle or object to the bereaved Light-bearing Lord.
Cursed Sword, by Nika_Raven_Celeste (4th in a series)
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are not the only one who collects something on hunt to discover the mystery behind chopped up fierce corpse.
Nie Huaisang hides more than scheming mind behind his fan.
These two facts, are related.
Rumor Has It, by Ulan
"They say,” says the woman from the other table, her voice low, “that Hanguang-jun and Wei Wuxian are already cultivation partners.”
Wei Wuxian chokes on his tea.
Making Different Choices (For A More Hopeful Future), by Preludian_Staves (10 chapters, locked to ao3 accounts only)
Through a bout of unexpected time traveling, they decide to usurp Fate's plans and do their best to make different choices to create a more hopeful future.
The Path Less Traveled, by Moonanstars
Wei Wuxian hadn’t been back to Lotus Pier since…well since a lot of things…
Even though there was this tentative peace between himself and Jiang Cheng neither one of them was good at reaching out to try to fix things so both sides had somehow managed to avoid anything other than the most business-like of meetings if they happened to cross paths.
That might be why on the way to Lotus Pier for a meeting and he saw the tiny, overgrown path full of brambles and the merest hint of a worn path in the grass heading into the vegetation, Wei Wuxian paused and looked at it thoughtfully.
Or - in order to distract himself and be late for a meeting Wei Wuxian goes off the beaten path and finds mystery.
Talking to Strangers, by thetrickisnotminding (7 chapters)
It's just a little curse...
Well, actually, he's still big for his age.
Cabbages, by dreaming of your qin (sherleigh) (9 chapters)
In which Lan Qiren gains a son-in-law.
a second set of footsteps, on the lonely road, by stiltonbasket
Wei Ying looks up as he enters the courtyard. To his dismay, Lan Wangji can see that he has dark bruises under his eyes, as he did in the three days he lay unconscious after the battle at Buyetian.
“Lan Zhan!” he calls, rising from the battered stool he was sitting on. “Lan Zhan, what are you doing here? Did you come back to see our A-Yuan?”
“I came to see you,” Lan Wangji tells him. “I want to bring you with me as a guest to Maiden Jiang's wedding.”
Or, the one where Wei Wuxian attends his sister's wedding in disguise, and that makes all the difference.
don't the stars look very different today?, by enbysaurus_rex
Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan are both musicians! Their next piece-- an arrangement of a piece that leaves Lan Zhan emotional and Wei Wuxian a little confused
Post Hunting Thought, by Preludian_Staves (locked to ao3 accounts only)
Lan Wangji thinks about where his contentment used to lay and where it laid now.
A place to rest, by Leahelisabeth (fortheloveofcamelot)
Lan Wangji needs a break and Wei Wuxian helps him take one.
The Warm Paths We Follow, by Preludian_Staves (locked to ao3 accounts only)
His path diverges with the blessing of the one who loves him and knows when to let go.
rfb: Where Are They Now, by sami (16th in a series)
Life goes on, even after a brush with immortals who like to get involved.
Muted, by Akabara_13
Jiang FengMian thought the boy would talk again once the storm passed, but Madam Yu praised his silence. The boy would not talk to anyone, but his brother and sister.
Talking is Better than Silence, by KuroiWrites (blackcatkuroi)
"This path harms the body. Harms the nature of one's heart even more." Lan WangJi spoke those words upon first seeing Wei Wuxian alive after the Burial Mounds, unknowing of the truth.
Wei Wuxian, though, didn't need to be told, and he accepted that he'd lost whatever he might have once had with Lan WangJi. Several nights later, in a moment of drunken weakness under the melancholic light of a full moon, he tells Lan WangJi the Truth. He'd never needed Lan WangJi to spell out his fate for him - he'd known since he walked out of the Burial Mounds alive.
But one small bit of honesty can go a long way, and Talking is far better than Silence.
Instead, by apathyinreverie
Wei Ying is found by someone other than Wen Chao after the Core transfer.
Or, the one where Wei Ying is never thrown into the Burial Mounds, never invents demonic cultivation. He still manages to become the lynchpin of the Sunshot Campaign anyway.
In Walls of Glass, by Comfect
Lán Qǐrén thinks about different Lan rules when Wei Wuxian brings up resentful cultivation in class.
Everything goes better from there.
Seriously, everything.
Bright Voice Roughly Rendered Softly Silent, by Preludian_Staves (locked to ao3 accounts only)
The fight between Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian after the Fall of Lotus Pier goes differently, changing the course of events that should follow, but now don't.
Lan Wangji goes looking for the boy that captured his heart. (Also known as Wei Wuxian goes to the Gusu Lan earlier than in canon)
Deleted Scenes, Outtakes and Castoffs, by Sami
Sometimes you realise that something doesn't really fit anywhere or that the way you just wrote it isn't actually quite right, but maybe it's still entertaining.
Additional sections to be added on an irregular schedule.
A drop in the ocean, by ibuttermybagel
“How can you still stand on your legs after all you’ve done?” the voice had his head whip up. Eyes interlocking with those of the man he called his younger brother not too long ago. Angry eyes meeting those filled with nothing but sorry. “How can you still ask to be excused after bringing pain to so many?”
(Or: The ambush on Wei Wuxian is stopped by Jin Zixuan and instead he takes all Wens and WWX back home. Wen Ning has enough and lets everyone know what he learned in drunken talks with Wei Wuxian.)
To Repeat, Repay, and Repair, by adrian_kres (locked to ao3 accounts only)
Wei Wuxian has died again and his family grieves. Lan Sizhui, now married and with children of his own, grieves the loss of both fathers, as Lan Wangji has entered seclusion. But somehow, he unknowingly sends himself back to the time he spent in the Burial Mounds at three years old. Will his family take his confused, nonsensical warnings seriously? Are they doomed to repeat the same fate?
Told from alternating points of view.
Serendipity, by midnight_soul (locked to ao3 accounts only)
Lan Wangji is tired of his family’s passive-aggressive persistence in his love life. He will not go on another blind date; the first two times were disastrous enough.
Wei Wuxian has had enough of his family telling him no one would want to stick with him, no one decent at least.
One trying to live his life peacefully and another wanting to prove his family wrong, how can their plan fail? They’re practically meant for each other.
Grand Master of Rogue Cultivation, by waterphoenix21
A Wei Wuxian raises A-Yuan fic!
After Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli die a mysterious death, Wen Qing and the rest of the Wen Clan are found guilty and Wei Wuxian speaks in their defense. This naturally leads to a rift between him and Jiang Cheng.
Then one night, the last surviving member of the Wen Clan is found asleep on top of Jiang Yanli's grave. Nobody knows how or why. But feeling as if he no longer belongs to any clan, Wei Wuxian decides to raise little Wen Yuan on his own, as he sets on a path to becoming a rogue cultivator, following in his mother's footsteps and seeking to find the mystical mountain of the legendary immortal, Baoshan Sanren.
Pulled Against the Grain, by youleeyeah
“We found him walking injured just outside the Jingshi. He said-” Sizhui paused for a moment and then lowered his voice before continuing, “he said it was Young Master Jin who did this.” The boy couldn't look into Lan Wangji’s eyes as he spoke and turned his head to the side.
“You know,” Wei Wuxian started again after the pain subsided a tiny amount, “if I had my old body, I could've had intestines falling out of my gut and I’d still be able to fight for a few more hours.”
Lan Wangji furrowed his brows.
He has heard this before.
Wei Wuxian wakes up in Gusu with a fresh stab wound he claimed was caused by Jin Ling. Lan Wangji is confused because the last time that happened was three years ago. Something is wrong with Wei Wuxian.
Lies and Truth, by parodismal
What happen if Lan Wangji decided to actually check Qiongqi Path after Wei Wuxian leave?
It leads to a domino effect towards a new Chief Cultivator
Is it a better?
Or worse?
The Trouble With Politics: a Treatise on Jiang Sect Deputies Gone Rogue by Sect Leader Wei Wuxian, by stiltonbasket
Jin Zixuan dies. A siege is called at the Nightless City. A bodyguard flees from the Jinlintai, and journeys to the Burial Mounds to fulfill a life debt to the Ghost General.
Lan Wangji just wants to woo Wei Wuxian in peace, and figure out if Jiang-zongzhu's ex-deputy will ever stop trying to chaperone them.
(Or, the one where Yu Zhenhong stands by his da-shixiong, and becomes the head disciple of the rising Yiling Wei sect.)
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
Camping Princess: Bring Your Glam Squad to the Great Outdoors
The term "Camping Princess" beautifully encapsulates the fun and adventurous spirit of little girls who love the great outdoors. This concept merges the whimsy of princess-themed play with the excitement of camping, encouraging young campers to embrace
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nature while exploring their imaginative side. Whether it’s setting up a tent adorned with fairy lights or roasting marshmallows over a campfire, the Camping Princess experience promotes creativity and outdoor skills.
Parents can enhance this theme with fun accessories, such as princess-themed sleeping bags, charming campfire storybooks, or playful camping gear. Activities like nature scavenger hunts, crafting nature crowns, or storytelling under the stars offer a magical twist to traditional camping.
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The Camping Princess experience also fosters resilience and independence, allowing girls to connect with nature while having fun. This blend of adventure and imagination creates lasting memories and promotes a love for camping, nurturing the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts. Celebrate the joy of camping while inspiring young girls to find their inner princess in the wild!
A cute outdoor camper gift is the perfect way to delight any camping enthusiast. These thoughtful presents combine functionality with charming designs, making outdoor adventures even more enjoyable. Consider options like adorable camping mugs featuring whimsical graphics, cozy blankets with nature motifs, or playful insulated water bottles.
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Accessories such as personalized keychains, fun campfire cooking utensils, or unique lanterns add a special touch to their gear. Cute camping-themed apparel, like T-shirts or hats, allows campers to showcase their love for the outdoors in style.
Whether for birthdays, holidays, or just because, cute outdoor camper gifts inspire joy and enhance the camping experience. They create lasting memories while encouraging a love for adventure and exploration in the great outdoors!
Caravan gifts for her are perfect for the adventurous woman who loves life on the road. Thoughtful options include stylish travel organizers, personalized mugs, and cozy blankets for chilly nights. Consider practical items like portable cooking gear, cute travel
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journals, or unique wall decor for her caravan space. Fun accessories, such as customized keychains or whimsical cushions, add a personal touch. These gifts enhance her travel experience, making every journey enjoyable and memorable, while celebrating her passion for adventure!
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chasingcrystal · 3 months
What a whirlwind of a weekend!
It took me a week to get from Morocco to the UK for ABR @adventure_bike_rider and it was totally worth it. I had the privilege of speaking on the Bridgestone Stage and even having some photos on display in the beautiful Ragley Hall. If you asked me when I started my motorcycle journey 15 years ago, would I ever imagine my life would be like this? I would say absolutely not. I was content with my corporate architecture life, but I needed to see what else life had to offer.
I’ll be honest. The glitz and glam is the least important aspect to me. What is my favorite part of ABR? Having meaningful conversations, listening to your dreams, seeing old friends I made last year, making new friends in the most random way (like napping by the hay bales, hiding from the rain in the Ducati tent, huddling in Magic Teapot, my camping neighbors being utterly concerned I ate cheese I dropped in the grass).
It’s always the people. That’s the most important thing. Motorcycles are the bridge of connection.
REQUEST: If anyone has any photos or videos of me on stage, I would be forever grateful if you could share them with me.
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redwayfarers · 9 months
2, 11 and 18 from the spicy asks for Nika? :3c
2. what is their romantic preference or inclination?
pretty evenly bisexual, all things considered, with somewhat of preference for women :>
11. how do they feel about foreplay?
i think he slept on the pleasures of foreplay (for himself) for a long time? as a service top TM he's all about that foreplay, for his partners. usually, that's enough to get him going too - he really does get off of his partner's pleasure, but i do feel like he missed out on a lot of feeling good it can bring when he's on the receiving end of it, if that makes sense? then again it's all tied to how much of his own preferences he missed out on out of a fear of vulnerability.
18. what is something they wish to try? why haven't they tried this yet?
remember my fortemps choker post? i can't find it for the life of me, but it's the halonic choker skin i have on some of his glams that just so happens to have the fortemps sigil on it, as well as the earrings? anyways, nika's been wearing it but only after he and artoirel get engaged/married does he feel bold enough to ask for something he's been.. tentatively curious about, now that he isn't living in absolute denial of himself and what he likes.
he asks to submit, because he's had enough of people looking up to him as this big, strong hero, and he's finally with someone trusts enough to even think about engaging in such a thing with. that choker becomes their little sign of submission on nika's end, as well as of.. belonging, in a kinky sense. he brings it out whenever he's in a mood to sub, but can't verbalize his desires yet. artoirel brings it out when he wants to ask the same of nika.
(if you're sensing any similarities between this and elandrin and livion, you're absolutely right! except in the grand scheme of things, el and liv are grumpy x sunshine, and nika and art are bastard x bastard.)
it gets all professional with titles, too. nika rather likes sir and my lord. as to why he didn't do this before, it's ye olde fear of vulnerability and intimacy and running away from anything that isn't a hyper independent, stoic, made of stone image, and relying on other people. and he's slowly unlearning that, one kink at a time (now if we could just get him to therapy too, that'd be lovely)
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luxoglamping · 11 months
Glamping Outfit Ideas: How to Look Chic and Comfortable
Ready to elevate your camping experience? Discover stylish and comfortable glamping outfits that allow you to make a fashion statement while embracing the great outdoors. Whether you're at a luxury campsite or creating your retreat, we've got you covered with outfit ideas, tips to add personality, and a comprehensive packing list for the ultimate glamping weekend.
Table of Contents
Glamping Outfit Ideas: How to Look Chic and Comfortable
What is Glamping?
Easy Outfit Ideas for Glamping
Adding Personality to Your Glamping Outfits
Cute Summer Camping Outfits
Outfit Ideas for Kids
Ways to Look Cute While Camping
What to Pack For a Fabulous Glamping Weekend
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What is Glamping?
Experience the merger of glamour and camping with glamping. It's not your typical camping; it's about recreation and comfort in rustic cabins, deluxe tents, and even treehouses. Reconnect with nature without sacrificing style. When selecting glamping outfits, prioritize lightweight and versatile garments. From maxi dresses to jumpsuits, the options are endless. Accessorize with hats, scarves, and jewelry to add a touch of glamour.
Easy Outfit Ideas for Glamping
Comfort is essential when glamping. Try black leggings with a fuzzy jacket and a beanie – effortless and low-maintenance. For a more elevated look, pair them with fashionable boots. Accessorize with a statement necklace, a vibrant scarf, or a bold hat. These touches add uniqueness and style to your glamping wardrobe.
Black Leggings: Versatile and comfortable.
Fuzzy Jacket: Keeps you warm and stylish.
Beanie: Low-maintenance and cozy.
Statement Necklace: Adds a fashionable touch.
Vibrant Scarf: A pop of color to your outfit.
Bold Hat: Elevates your style.
Adding Personality to Your Glamping Outfits
Elevate your style by incorporating statement pieces like vivid necklaces, striking scarves, or eye-catching hats. Experiment with patterns and textures. Opt for ankle boots, espadrilles, or vibrant sneakers. Don't be afraid to experiment with hairstyles and makeup. Be true to yourself, and you'll look great and feel confident.
Statement Pieces: Add a unique touch.
Ankle Boots: Stylish and comfortable.
Espadrilles: Perfect for glamping.
Vibrant Sneakers: Combine style and functionality.
Hairstyle Experiments: Try braided hairdos.
Bold Makeup: Enhance your look.
Cute Summer Camping Outfits
Explore stunning outfit ideas for a stylish and comfortable glamping trip this summer. Whether stargazing or trekking, these suggestions will turn heads:
Flowy Boho Maxi Dress: Perfect for hot summer days. Complete the look with a wide-brimmed hat and statement sunglasses.
Casual Playwear: High-waisted shorts with a graphic tee and sneakers. Add a cute backpack and delicate jewelry.
Cozy Evenings: Distressed jeans, an oversized sweater, a beanie, and a plaid scarf.
Chic Jumpsuit: Lightweight and breathable fabric, trendy espadrilles, and a straw hat. Stylish and comfortable.
Flowy Maxi Dress: Ideal for summer days.
Wide-Brimmed Hat: Sun protection with style.
Statement Sunglasses: Complete the glam look.
High-Waisted Shorts: Comfortable and trendy.
Cute Backpack: Carry your essentials in style.
Delicate Jewelry: Adds elegance to your outfit.
Oversized Sweater: Cozy and fashionable.
Plaid Scarf: Extra warmth and style.
Chic Jumpsuit: Easygoing and trendy.
Outfit Ideas for Kids
Dressing your kids for glamping can be creative and fun. Ensure they're comfortable and stylish with:
Cute and Comfy Rompers: Easy to put on and take off.
Practical Playwear: Think shorts, t-shirts, and lightweight pants for boys, and shorts or skirts with comfortable tops for girls. Make sure their footwear is suitable for walking and running.
Hats and Sunglasses: Protect your children from the sun with stylish hats and sunglasses. This not only keeps them safe but also adds a fashionable touch to their outfits.
Layering for Chilly Nights: Depending on the weather, layering is key. Pack some cozy cardigans or light jackets that kids can put on when it gets cooler in the evening. You can even choose matching family outfits for a cute and coordinated look.
Durable Footwear: Kids are bound to get dirty while exploring. Choose durable and easy-to-clean footwear like closed-toe sandals or sneakers. Remember to bring extra socks, as they might need them.
Pajamas for Campfire Stories: Don't forget comfortable pajamas for your kids to sleep in. Opt for fun and themed pajama sets to make the camping experience even more special.
Accessories for Fun: Let your children express their personalities with fun accessories like hats, bandanas, and colorful belts. These small additions can make their outfits stand out.
Ways to Look Cute While Camping
Create a unique camping style with fun and colorful accessories like statement jewelry, vibrant scarves, or stylish hats. Choose breathable fabrics and cozy knits for a fashionable yet comfortable camp ensemble. Experiment with playful patterns and prints. Express your personal style and have fun creating functional looks for your outdoor adventures.
Statement Jewelry: Adds a touch of elegance.
Vibrant Scarves: Colorful and stylish.
Stylish Hats: Fashionable sun protection.
Breathable Fabrics: Keep cool and comfortable.
Cozy Knits: Stay warm during cool evenings.
Playful Patterns: Create a unique look.
Express Personal Style: Bold and fashionable.
What to Pack For a Fabulous Glamping Weekend
Pack versatile clothing, such as leggings, comfy pants, and snuggly sweaters, to create different looks. Consider footwear for exploring and relaxing. Don't forget essentials like a quality sleeping bag, insect repellent, sunscreen, and entertainment options. Your glamping weekend will be fabulous with these items.
Versatile Wardrobe: Mix and match for various looks.
Quality Sleeping Bag: Ensure a comfortable night's sleep.
Insect Repellent: Protect yourself from bug bites.
Sunscreen: Guard against sunburn.
Entertainment Options: Books, board games, or a deck of cards for downtime.
Glamping lets you embrace the outdoors without sacrificing style and comfort. Your outfit choices can make a statement while keeping you relaxed. From easy and stylish glamping outfit ideas to expressing your personality, enjoy the beauty of the wilderness. Embark on a fabulous glamping weekend, looking stylish, feeling comfortable, and creating unforgettable memories in nature's splendor.
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