#and no television. director chairs
starwarsarthistory · 2 years
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Living Room - Modern Living Room
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felassan · 2 months
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SAG AFTRA news update:
"SAG-AFTRA Members Who Work on Video Games Go on Strike July 25th A.I. Protections Remain the Sticking Point SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director & Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, acting under the authority delegated by the SAG-AFTRA National Board, and with the unanimous advice and counsel of the Interactive Media Agreement Negotiating Committee, called a strike of the Interactive Media Agreement, effective July 26 at 12:01 a.m. Today’s vote to strike comes after more than a year and a half of negotiations without a deal. The convenience bargaining group with whom SAG-AFTRA is negotiating includes Activision Productions Inc., Blindlight LLC, Disney Character Voices Inc., Electronic Arts Productions Inc., Formosa Interactive LLC, Insomniac Games Inc., Llama Productions LLC, Take 2 Productions Inc., VoiceWorks Productions Inc., and WB Games Inc. Any game looking to employ SAG-AFTRA talent to perform covered work must sign on to the new Tiered-Budget Independent Interactive Media Agreement, the Interim Interactive Media Agreement or the Interim Interactive Localization Agreement. These agreements offer critical A.I. protections for members. Negotiations began in October 2022 and on Sept. 24, 2023, SAG-AFTRA members approved a video game strike authorization with a 98.32% yes vote. Although agreements have been reached on many issues important to SAG-AFTRA members, the employers refuse to plainly affirm, in clear and enforceable language, that they will protect all performers covered by this contract in their A.I. language. “We’re not going to consent to a contract that allows companies to abuse A.I. to the detriment of our members. Enough is enough. When these companies get serious about offering an agreement our members can live — and work — with, we will be here, ready to negotiate,” stated SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher.   “The video game industry generates billions of dollars in profit annually. The driving force behind that success is the creative people who design and create those games. That includes the SAG-AFTRA members who bring memorable and beloved game characters to life, and they deserve and demand the same fundamental protections as performers in film, television, streaming, and music: fair compensation and the right of informed consent for the A.I. use of their faces, voices, and bodies. Frankly, it’s stunning that these video game studios haven’t learned anything from the lessons of last year - that our members can and will stand up and demand fair and equitable treatment with respect to A.I., and the public supports us in that,” said Crabtree-Ireland. “Eighteen months of negotiations have shown us that our employers are not interested in fair, reasonable A.I. protections, but rather flagrant exploitation. We refuse this paradigm – we will not leave any of our members behind, nor will we wait for sufficient protection any longer. We look forward to collaborating with teams on our Interim and Independent contracts, which provide A.I. transparency, consent and compensation to all performers, and to continuing to negotiate in good faith with this bargaining group when they are ready to join us in the world we all deserve." said Interactive Media Agreement Negotiating Committee Chair Sarah Elmaleh.  For more information and to search whether a video game is struck, please visit sagaftra.org/videogamestrike."
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its-avalon-08 · 5 months
okay so fernando crashing (that one crash in 2016) and y/n almost dying because thats the scariest crash ever, and a little onto how she takes care of injured fernando at home afterwards
just died and already joking (fa14)
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the roar of the engines was a familiar symphony to y/n, a comforting background hum during race weekends. but today, at the 2016 australian grand prix, the sound was a jarring dissonance. a tremor ran through the mclaren garage as the race director's voice crackled over the speakers, "red flag at turn 3. incident involving car number 14..."
y/n's blood turned to ice. fernando's car number. the television mounted on the wall flickered to life, showing a replay of the corner. fernando, attempting a daring overtake, misjudged the speed of the haas behind him. the cars made contact, a sickening crunch echoing even through the speakers. fernando's mclaren, a once sleek machine, became a crumpled orange projectile, launched into the air before slamming back down onto the tarmac.
a suffocating silence descended upon the garage. y/n's vision swam. her breaths came in shallow gasps, each one a struggle against the rising tide of panic. her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs, threatening to burst free. she grabbed the nearest technician's arm, her voice barely a whisper, "is he alright? is fernando alright?"
the technician, a young man with a perpetually worried expression, could only offer a helpless shake of his head, glued to the replay on the screen. every agonizing second stretched into an eternity. then, a miracle. the camera panned to the wreckage, and a figure, miraculously, emerged from the cockpit. it was fernando, limping slightly, but alive.
relief washed over y/n in a wave so powerful it nearly knocked her off her feet. tears streamed down her face, a mixture of terror and gratitude. the garage erupted in cheers, the tension finally broken. but for y/n, the ordeal was far from over.
the sterile white of the hospital room pressed in on y/n. the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor was the only counterpoint to the crushing silence in her head. tears welled up again, blurring the figure of fernando lying motionless on the bed. she sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand, desperately willing herself not to make a sound.
a groan escaped fernando's lips, his eyelids fluttering open. he squinted against the harsh light, his vision slowly focusing on the hunched figure by his bedside. "y/n?" he rasped, his voice dry.
y/n's head snapped up, her eyes wide with a mixture of relief and something else, something fierce. "fernando!" she choked out, scrambling to her feet and rushing to his side.
he tried for a weak smile. "so, that's how they greet their favorite formula one driver in this place, huh? with tears?"
the lightness in his voice did nothing to dispel the storm brewing in hers. "don't you joke about this, fernando alonso!" she erupted, her voice surprisingly strong despite the tremor that ran through it. "do you have any idea what i've been through these past hours? seeing you on that screen, mangled..." her voice broke, a sob escaping her lips.
he reached out a hand, wincing slightly at the movement, but she swatted it away. "don't touch me," she said fiercely, tears streaming down her face now. "don't you understand? i almost lost you! and you... you joke?"
fernando's smile faltered. he saw the raw fear reflected in her tear-filled eyes, a fear that mirrored his own. he squeezed his eyes shut, the memory of the crash flashing before him.
"y/n," he said, his voice softer now, "i'm okay. i'm here. look at me."
she hesitated, then slowly met his gaze. the anger in her eyes had softened, replaced by a deep well of worry.
"i know you are scared," he continued, his voice laced with sincerity. "believe me, i am too. but i'm here, and i'm not going anywhere. not as long as you need me."
y/n's breath hitched. she sank onto the chair beside the bed, burying her face in her hands. a choked sob escaped her lips. he wasn't wrong. the thought of losing him was unbearable.
fernando shifted slightly, wincing again. "hey," he said gently, "how about we ditch the tears and celebrate the fact that i'm alive? we can order your favorite greasy hospital food, how does that sound?"
a watery chuckle escaped y/n's lips. "you're unbelievable," she mumbled, wiping her face with the back of her hand.
"just the best kind of unbelievable," he said with a wink, a hint of his usual bravado returning.
y/n shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. maybe, just maybe, they could find some normalcy amidst the wreckage. as long as they had each other.
days later, fernando lay sprawled on the couch in their apartment, a bandage adorning his forehead and a deep purple bruise blossoming across his left cheek. the crash, which y/n called an absolute shitshow, had left him with a cracked rib and a severe case of whiplash.
y/n hovered over him like a protective hawk. "don't even think about getting up," she said sternly, her voice laced with a tremor that betrayed her worry. "the doctor said complete rest."
fernando, normally a picture of restless energy, found himself subdued. the crash had shaken him more than he cared to admit. he reached for her hand, a weak smile gracing his lips. "alright, alright, mama bear. but don't you think you're being a little overprotective?"
y/n swatted his hand playfully, the concern still evident in her eyes. "a little? fernando, you could've..." her voice trailed off, the memory of that terrifying crash still raw.
he squeezed her hand gently. "i'm okay, y/n. thanks to you keeping me grounded, literally."
the following days fell into a quiet routine. y/n transformed into a florence nightingale, fetching him food, helping him shower, and reminding him to take his medication. the normally bustling apartment became a haven of forced stillness.
one evening, as they sat in comfortable silence, fernando broke the quiet. "you know," he began, "seeing your face in the garage... that scared me more than the crash itself."
y/n looked up at him, a flicker of vulnerability in her eyes. "me too." a beat of silence followed. "seeing you walk away from that... it was a miracle."
he pulled her close, his voice a murmur against her hair. "amore you're too good for me. you're my miracle, y/n. always."
the crash might have left physical scars on fernando, but for y/n, it was a deeper wound, a reminder of her greatest fear. yet, in the quiet moments of recovery, they found a deeper strength in their bond, a resilience forged in the crucible of fear.
well i hope you liked it! thank you for sending in your request and do send more <3 happy reading!
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walking-in-the-sun · 3 months
Some of y'all analyze 9-1-1 way too damn much for a primetime network television show. I promise you none of the writers/directors/scenery team are thinking this hard about chairs and couches. They're playing so much of this by ear. The only reason there are chairs at all is because someone is paid to put them there, can we please stop trying to find hidden meanings in this stupid show and just enjoy it?
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On Air
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~700
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You're the news anchor for all things crime, and you often cover the cases your girlfriend's team works on. she is always watching you when you're on TV, so you take every opportunity to make sure she knows who she's going home to.
Square Filled: “it’s amazing how quickly things can go from bad to total shit storm.” for @anyfandomgoesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You use the small compact mirror you have at your desk to check your makeup before you go on air. You’ve done this a million and one times but you’re always so nervous because you don’t want to mess up. One of your coworkers got fired because he screwed up badly on air. You’re not saying you’re going to cuss out a news reporter but that doesn’t make you any less worried about it.
Your phone rings and you turn it over so you can see the screen. You will always have your phone with me because you never know if it’ll be an emergency. Your sister has young kids so you need it on you at all times just in case.
JJ: I know you’re on in a few minutes. Kill it!
You smile at the sweet message from your girlfriend. She always watches your news broadcast since you cover all things crime. You’re the person who usually releases things before the press gets a hold of the information if she doesn’t request a press conference herself.
“Alright! We’re on in ten!” the producer says.
You place your phone face down and fix your hair just as the director points to you to begin talking. One of the weather girls had just got done with her segment which means it’s now your turn.
“Thank you for that update, Lucy. Over the past two weeks, there have been a string of murders where the killer has removed the hearts of all his victims only to leave behind a toy heart in its place. We are unsure of where the real heats are located as they have never been found, so we urge the public to be cautious when leaving their house. The FBI has been called in to assist local police on this investigation, and they’re making headways into potential suspects. Their names haven’t been released to the public as of yet, but as soon as we know more, that information will be available to the public.”
You and your co-anchor talk more about the case but there is so little information to go off of. JJ and her team are working hard to try and put together a profile that can be released to the public, but nothing has come forth yet. Aside from this major news update, there isn’t much in the crime world that needs to be televised at this time. So, you’re back in front of your makeup mirror in no time to do some touch-ups before you go on air again.
Your phone rings and you smile when you see JJ’s picture pop up on screen. You took that picture when you two were on a friend’s boat for an afternoon on the sea, and the sun hit her eyes at the right moment. They are so blue but in the sunlight, they sparkle.
“It’s amazing how quickly things can go from bad to total shit storm around here,” you answer the phone.
“Why are you teasing me?”
Her voice is low which makes you think she’s in a room with her teammates.
“What do you mean?” you smile.
“The button on your shirt is open. I can practically see the pretty pink lace bra you’re wearing underneath it.”
You look down and see that she’s right. It must have come undone from the time you left the makeup chair in the morning to when you sat down at the news anchor desk.
“Oh, would you look at that. You’re right, it is undone.”
“When you do have to go on again?”
“Not for another hour.”
“Good. I’m coming over.”
“Why? Don’t you have to put together a strong profile to catch the bad guy?” you bite your lip to hide your smile.
“I’m not a profiler. I’m the liaison. That’s their job, not mine.”
“So, this visit you want to make isn’t a social call?”
“Not in the slightest.”
Someone comes into the makeup room and knocks on the door to get your attention.
“There’s been another murder. You’re on again.”
“Looks like you’re going to be busy,” you say into the phone while nodding to the man. “I gotta go but I’ll make sure to give you a good view. I love you. Bye-bye.”
You hang up the phone and unbutton one more button that makes the shirt look more open but still looking professional. After all, you have a job to do and you’re going to make sure JJ knows what she’s coming home to at the end of the day.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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@rosekillermicrofic // may 1st - rose // word count: 471
Barty grinned as he leaned back in the director’s chair. Not much could be considered comfortable in the setup, not with the bright lights pointing at him and cameras waiting to catch and broadcast every cheeky word that left his mouth. 
Most people would have likely felt uncomfortable—if for no other reason then because of the chair he was sitting on. Barty on the other hand was grinning from ear to ear, his legs crossed and his elbow propped up on his knee so he could lean his head on his hand.
“So, it’s quite a getup you get into for this movie, isn’t it?” Rita continued, correcting a tight blonde curl as she glanced at her prompt cards. “It’s of course nothing new to see you with tattoos, we all know you’ve got a good handful of your own.” 
Barty let out a chuckle, his hands running briefly over his decorated arms.
“I hardly know what you mean,” he teased. 
“Mhm, well, a lot of your fans seemed to notice a.. new addition to the rest? Someone online had a theory you just got fond of it while filming.” As Rita spoke she motioned a long, manicured finger towards Barty’s neck.
Mostly untouched except for the beginning curl of a snake that stretched across part of his chest and around his arm, the skin was now decorated with a delicate rose with thorns and leafs poking out from the stem. 
Barty’s expression softened briefly as he sat up properly, bringing a hand to the spot.
“Ah, nothing really gets past them, does it?” he asked, leaning back in his chair. “Well, as fun of a theory as that is, this is entirely on purpose.” He moved his hand and exposed the tattoo again. 
“Is there a meaning behind it?” 
Barty licked his teeth under his lips before exposing his teeth. “It’s a dedication, actually. To someone special. My very own Rose,” he explained, staring directly into the camera as he spoke. He lifted a hand and waved. “Hiya, Rosie.” 
Evan stared blankly at the screen, his grasp on the remote tightening. His face felt warm and yet at the same time his stomach curled. Not only did Barty get a tattoo for him—Evan already knew of it, of course, the man had run along and shown him the second it was done—but now he’d exposed their relationship, or at least parts of it, on live television. 
He let out a breath. Part of it was exciting. A secret but not quite a secret. Barty was his, he belonged to someone and that someone was Evan. And now everyone knew it. Rubbing his face he let out another breath. Leave it to Barty Crouch fucking Junior to make Evan feel all over the place yet again.
Fucking typical. 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Request: Wally with a Child!Reader who snuck backstage during a special live taping of Welcome Home to see him, as he is their favorite character
Oh this idea is cute!!! I like the trope of humans and puppets/cartoons coexisting (like in who framed roger rabbit) so im absolutely using that here
"Aaaand that's a wrap! Thank you all for coming to our exclusive live taping of Welcome Home! Be sure to gather up all your things before leaving through the exits on either side of the studio. Wally and his friends appreciate each and every one of you visiting their neighborhood!!"
The director's voice echoed over the intercom as the audience's applause gradually died down, with you being the last one to clap. Your hands almost hurt, but you didn't care. The smile on your face was huge
You still couldn't believe that you and your family got to actually see the entire Welcome Home cast in-person!
Especially Wally.
It's probably lame to say you liked the main character as a majority of the show's fans probably did...but it was true. You loved listening to his narrations, seeing him paint, and getting into all sorts of shenanigans with the gang.
During this live taping--which you won tickets to--he interacted with the audience a lot with his sweet eyes and warm smile, taking all of you on a journey into his world. You could see he was really happy to interact with all of you.
And that's why you were kinda sad when the curtains closed and the camera crew started packing up things, realizing it was already over. They still had a lot of work to do before they could put the episode on the usual television station Welcome Home was featured on, so they made sure every guest was out of the studio.
But fortunately, none of them noticed you sneaking down the steps and managing to find the door conveniently labelled "Backstage Access".
You knew you could get into a lot of trouble, though your family was catching up with some friends and their children. So surely they won't notice you were gone for quite a while.
You just really wanted to see Wally and personally tell him you're his biggest fan. It would make his day!
Eventually you did find him sitting by himself at the makeup booth, in front of a mirror surrounded by lights. His blue cardigan was draped over the chair, and he rolled up his sleeves before undoing the ascot around his neck. All the while, he smiled at his reflection dreamily with half-lidded eyes.
He looked a little tired, but happy nevertheless.
You would have approached him...if not for the director abruptly showing up, a stack of script papers in his hand. He seemed upset and annoyed, compared to the cheery tone he had earlier, so you just hid behind one of the large loudspeakers, eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Look, Wally. How many times do we have to go over this?" He huffed. "You need to ease up on the excessive eye contact. It's been giving a few of my cameramen the creeps."
"Oh, I'm awfully sorry, sir. But..I thought that's what people liked.." Pouting slightly, the puppet looked at him, resting his elbow on the armchair to prop his chin up. "Where else can I look if not the camera or adoring audience? I can't just stare at the ceiling, y'know."
"..well it helps to blink every once in a while. That's what we humans do so it doesn't look like we're staring into each other's souls....like you're doing right now."
"Ah...am I..? Haha.." Wally laughed uncomfortably, forcing himself to blink as he fidgeted with the ascot in his hands. He looked down at the floor. "Sorry. It's just a habit-"
"Don't make excuses, Wally. I know eye contact is essential to your character but...I'm sure you wouldn't feel comfortable if I stared at you like that all the time, right?"
"Actually that wouldn't bother me at all." He gazed at the director with a polite smile, only for it to drop as he looked furious.
"Are you being sarcastic?"
"...no? I'm only being honest, sir."
"...whatever. I have my lunch break now, so just...try to get what we discussed through your head." The director huffed, shaking his head before he turned and walked away, bumping into one of his assistants.
"You good, boss?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine..it's that damn puppet. I keep reminding him about his staring problem, but it's like I'm talking to a brick wall.."
Although he could barely hear them, Wally knew that he made the director upset...again. And that turned his usual smile upside down as he looked back into the mirror.
"I don't get it...everybody loved the show..." He muttered to himself, touching up his hair, but not even seeing his own reflection could cheer him up. "So why is he so...angry at me all the time?"
You frowned slightly as you watched his shoulders slump, hating how sad he sounded. That director of his was so cruel! He didn't know what he was talking about!
Determined to help your favorite character feel better, you finally gained the confidence to say something and emerge from your hiding spot.
"What am I doing wrong?"
"I...think you're doing your best, Wally. Don't listen to him."
"Huh..?" Surprised, he looked over and saw you shyly standing beside the loudspeaker, blinking in bewilderment that you were able to sneak back here unnoticed. "Oh hello, Neighbor--! I mean..." He paused, a bashful smile on his face. "S-Sorry, it's-
"Habit? Don't worry, it's okay." You reassured, stepping closer to him as you tried your best to contain your excitement. "You can call me Neighbor..or [y/n], if you wanna."
"[Y/n]..that's a nice name." He nodded, although his gaze turned serious as his eyes flickered left and right, before he leaned down to get closer to you. "It's nice to meet you, but I'm afraid you've must've taken a wrong turn. You can't be back here."
"I know, but..I really wanted to see you! You're my favorite and..I didn't like what that mean man said to you."
"Oh..him? Don't fret, my friend." Wally softly chuckled. "That "mean man" is my director and...he's only suggesting how I can improve myself! He can be blunt sometimes, but I have to listen to him. Just like how you have to listen to your parents and teachers."
"Yeah.....but he didn't have to be so rude." You huffed, hands on your hips. "If he has a problem with your staring, it's his fault, not yours. He's just a big ol' dummy."
He was amused by your attempts to defend him so fiercely, and he couldn't help but break into an even bigger smile.
"I agree, he is a big dummy..but that's a secret between you and me." He winked, before hopping down from his chair, opening his arms up to you. "Well thank you for lifting my spirits, dear [y/n]. I wish I had something for you, but...this is all I can offer."
"That's okay! I'm happy to help!" Nodding, you eagerly hugged him, feeling how soft his plush body was. "You're...not gonna tell anyone I'm here, will you?"
"Nope. Why would I do that to my number one fan?"
All you could do was beam at his compliment.
This was truly the best day ever. Not only did you get to meet Wally face-to-face...but you also helped him feel better!
Sneaking backstage was absolutely worth it.
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holly-opal · 5 months
Please more mr puzzles x Reader ! 
Yes sir
You always enjoyed television, ever since you were a young child, you would dream of acting in movies. So far though, you have been rejected by multiple studios for "not being good enough ". You grew depressed for a while, and you lost the motivation to do art. One day, as you were walking in an alley way, you got taken by someone with long ass arms and took you inside a studio. You panicked. Great, the Italian Mafia caught up with you and now you're going to get your ass whooped for stealing their spaghetti. To your surprise (and relief) that it was actually someone else. A tall man with a TV for a head. He extended his hand for you to shake, a very polite gesture.
"Hello, my good friend! My name is Mr. Puzzles, pleasure to meet you! And your name is?" His voice was very loud and bombastic, his energetic was through the roof, his hand was shaking super fast, which made you very dizzy. You managed to utter out your name, and he smiled widely. He practically dragged you onto a set. The kind you'd find on TV sitcoms. He set you on the stage and sat on a director chair, he snapped his fingers and the spotlight was on you now. He was waiting expectantly, his legs crossed and a hand on his... TV chin. You were confused, and asked him what he wanted.
"Act! Dance! Sing! Just impress me!" He said with a giant smile on his face. You were pretty nervous. You have to make a great impression, you didn't wanna get murdered after all. So you take a deep breath, and start sing. Your voice was so delicate and breathtaking, it was fantastic and mesmerizing to any ears nearby. Mr. Puzzles stopped smiling. He wasn't angry or anything, he was just... Shocked. In all his years of watching television, he had never heard a voice so beautiful. And he started to observe your looks now, and my god, you looked like an angel to him. You were the most gorgeous being he had ever seen, and he watched all the movies with Margot Robbie in them! Once you were finished, you noticed that he wasn't smiling anymore and was just staring at you. You grew more anxious by the minute and laughed nervously, not knowing what to do. Mr. Puzzles had no words, he started stuttering and muttering nonsense, he couldn't take your voice out of his head! He got up and started clapping and cheering, you could see tears in his eyes. He ran up and hugged you, you were shocked but hugged him back. "Thank you! You are just the right person for me! You were stunning! Absolutely stunning! Be here tomorrow at 10 in the morning, with your gorgeous voice and even more gorgeous face, this show will be fantastic!" He said with enthusiasm. You blushed from his complements and smiled, you left in a good mood. You were now going to be a star!
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
Imagine that someone—perhaps a man from Florida, or maybe even a governor of Florida—criticized American support for Ukraine. Imagine that this person dismissed the war between Russia and Ukraine as a purely local matter, of no broader significance. Imagine that this person even told a far-right television personality that “while the U.S. has many vital national interests ... becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them.” How would a Ukrainian respond? More to the point, how would the leader of Ukraine respond?
As it happens, an opportunity to ask that hypothetical question recently availed itself. The chair of the board of directors of The Atlantic, Laurene Powell Jobs; The Atlantic’s editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg; and I interviewed President Volodymyr Zelensky several days ago in the presidential palace in Kyiv. In the course of an hour-long conversation, Goldberg asked Zelensky what he would say to someone, perhaps a governor of Florida, who wonders why Americans should help Ukraine.
Zelensky, answering in English, told us that he would respond pragmatically. He didn’t want to appeal to the hearts of Americans, in other words, but to their heads. Were Americans to cut off Ukraine from ammunition and weapons, after all, there would be clear consequences in the real world, first for Ukraine’s neighbors but then for others:
If we will not have enough weapons, that means we will be weak. If we will be weak, they will occupy us. If they occupy us, they will be on the borders of Moldova and they will occupy Moldova. When they have occupied Moldova, they will [travel through] Belarus and they will occupy Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. That’s three Baltic countries which are members of NATO. They will occupy them. Of course, [the Balts] are brave people, and they will fight. But they are small. And they don’t have nuclear weapons. So they will be attacked by Russians because that is the policy of Russia, to take back all the countries which have been previously part of the Soviet Union.
And after that, if there were still no further response? Then, he explained, the struggle would continue:
When they will occupy NATO countries, and also be on the borders of Poland and maybe fight with Poland, the question is: Will you send all your soldiers with weapons, all your pilots, all your ships? Will you send tanks and armored vehicles with your young people? Will you do it? Because if you will not do it, you will have no NATO.
At that point, he said, Americans will face a different choice: not politicians deciding whether “to give weapons or not to give weapons” to Ukrainians, but instead, “fathers and mothers” deciding whether to send their children to fight to keep a large part of the planet, filled with America’s allies and most important trading partners, from Russian occupation.
But there would be other consequences too. One of the most horrifying weapons that Russia has used against Ukraine is the Iranian-manufactured Shahed drone, which has no purpose other than to kill civilians. After these drones are used to subdue Ukraine, Zelensky asked, how long would it be before they are used against Israel? If Russia can attack a smaller neighbor with impunity, regimes such as Iran’s are sure to take note. So then the question arises again: “When they will try to occupy Israel, will the United States help Israel? That is the question. Very pragmatic.”
Finally, Zelensky posed a third question. During the war, Ukraine has been attacked by rockets, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles—“not hundreds, but thousands”:
So what will you do when Russia will use rockets to attack your allies, to [attack] civilian people? And what will you do when Russia, after that, if they do not see [opposition] from big countries like the United States? What will you do if they will use rockets on your territory?
And this was his answer: Help us fight them here, help us defeat them here, and you won’t have to fight them anywhere else. Help us preserve some kind of open, normal society, using our soldiers and not your soldiers. That will help you preserve your open, normal society, and that of others too. Help Ukraine fight Russia now so that no one else has to fight Russia later, and so that harder and more painful choices don’t have to be made down the line.
“It’s about nature. It’s about life,” he said. “That’s it.”
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luvnami · 2 days
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not a glory hole! - chapter 15
an | wow... a few more chapters till the end chat... / mlist cw | ageless/mdni (18+)
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“let’s take a 10 minute break!” the director yells. 
relieved, you collapse onto a chair in the restaurant’s corner and crack open a bottle of water. it’s been a long day. 
for the most part, you don’t see ushijima often anymore. he spends his days with the adlers and you spend your nights at work, filming that midnight diner series that your boss promised you’d get a bonus from. 
ushijima wouldn’t really say that he misses you. ‘miss’ is a strong word. the more appropriate phrase would be to say that he’s lonely without you. after all, he doesn’t hate it (‘it’ being this… hole-in-the-wall situation). 
loneliness isn’t a foreign concept to ushijima, since he grew up as an only child with divorced parents. he usually woke up to an empty house and ate microwaved leftovers.
besides, ushijima was barely at home. he wouldn’t have had to interact with you if it wasn’t for the injury that left him stuck in his apartment. most of his time is spent training or in the gym. his off-days are used for chores and stocking up on groceries, and he doesn’t have friends to meet with or other hobbies to keep him occupied. 
volleyball is his life. it’s all he’s ever known. so when you crawl into his daily routine through a hole in the wall shaped like him, with your morning rendition of the latest pop hit and home-cooked meals for dinner, ushijima thinks he appreciates your presence more than he lets on.
for you, ushijima was someone that broke the mundane routine of your corporate life. a fresh-grad thrown into television business was like meat tossed in piranha-infested waters. you barely got through each day of work by the skin of your teeth, continuously plagued by office politics and snarky seniors who were bitter about the new hire. 
coming home to an empty, silent apartment at night was the real kicker. it made you want to drop your bags and crawl under the covers, hoping that god would strike you down with lightning in your sleep. of course, that (un)fortunate scenario never occurred. 
instead, you had an adult man compromise the structural integrity of your apartment building by barreling through your living room wall. you're honestly just grateful he avoided your shelf of sanrio gachapon and smiskis.
as much as you’ve enjoyed the fun times (including but not limited to that one time ushijima sleep-walked into your own living room and woke up on your sofa), hiroko-san will have to repair the wall eventually. 
one day, this too, will have to come to an end.
your phone screen lights up on the restaurant table. 
<< 10.29pm: I’m heading to bed. I hope filming goes well. Please take care and come home safely. 
you smile. 
>>10.30pm: goodnight wakatoshi-kun!!!! sweet dreams 
“let’s get back to filming! c’mon!”
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monarcascension · 1 year
the less they know | j.w
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summary : You were always the kind of person to stay focused. You were determined to prove yourself in this new job and never let anything deter you from your path, that was … until you met Jung Wooyoung.
pairings: wooyoung x blk!femreader
tags: light fluff , angst, SMUT WARNING, foreplay, unprotected sex, vulgar language, creampie, MINORS DNI ♡
word count: 7.2K
Since you were a little girl, you were always interested in the fashion scene. Your grandmother would frequently watch fashion shows, whether on television or in person. Even designing clothes of her own. In fact, she was the one who taught you how to use a needle and thread in the first place.Thanks to her, your addiction to the art grew over the years, which led you to the heart of Seoul, South Korea for the Summer International Fashion Seminar. A home for artists, like yourself, who wished to put their works in the public eye. All of your accomplishments in your youth, made you the first Black woman and fashion creator to have ever made it to the Korean Division. Whether your luck went any further after this point, the feature itself was impressive.You worked your ass off every day to prove to everybody and to yourself, that you deserved everything you earned.
That was only the good part of it though.
Your nervousness was starting to overcome you little by little. This was your sixth interview this year with a company in South Korea and you were sure that it could possibly be your last if this didn’t go well. You had a dream of designing that you wanted to follow, and your parents sent you off on that quest in support of your journey, but for months you had nothing to show for it but half truths. Your mother would call and ask how work was going at your new job, and you would lie and say “Great!” almost half heartedly every time. You weren’t necessarily lying that you were working, which you had been — creating new pieces for yourself as well as filling your sketchbook with new designs for the future. Despite your lengthy background, despite your qualifications nothing ever worked out.
So, this company was your final hope or you would be leaving Korea for good.
Your leg shook violently in the chair as you stared forward at the empty seat behind the Director’s desk. Scanning over the structure, pictures of family and other knick knacks lined the wooden surface, making it known that it was clearly a space that was lived in and lively, which was not customary of most offices.
The other company buildings you visited were grand and uniform in design and color, but this one — still holding on to extravagance— had murals, pictures of staff, and plaques commemorating important figures. From what you could tell this was almost like a familial space, everyone had a bond with one another here. It was sweet to see, but it only made you realize just how alone you had been in Korea all this time.
You were pulled from your thoughts just as you heard the doorknob to the office click. You immediately stood to your feet as a woman stepped through the door, seemingly shocked by your presence. You greeted her with a polite bow and she returned the gesture.
“I apologize if I kept you waiting. I had to make some rounds throughout the department and lost track of time. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Director Yoo.” She said kindly, stepping around you to get to her seat. “Please, please sit.”
You retook your spot in the chair and re-adjusted so that you presented yourself well. You were perfectly dressed for the occasion, wearing a hand-crafted black plaid blazer that fit well against your frame; matching with a skirt and a nude turtle neck. It was formal, but also fashionable and eye-catching as well.
“Director Yoo. I appreciate you choosing to discuss this opportunity with me. I was happy to hear back from you.” You started, sweetly smiling at the woman.
“I must say, I was quite shocked to hear that you chose to apply here. What made you choose us?” She asked bluntly.
“Well, I have been in Korea for some time now and being in a foreign country you tend to do a lot of research on the things that are around you. Your company landed on my radar. So, the more I found out about you and the groups you have here it was an obvious choice.” You tried to explain with as much happiness as you could muster, hoping that it would hide your fear.
“I see..” Director Yoo spoke flatly. “I hope you don’t take this wrongly, but we.. don’t usually tend to higher foreign residents.”
You flet a cold shiver run across your body. Swallowing your saliva, and clearing your throat, you righted yourself to speak again. “Of course..”
“I’m well aware of the work that you have done. You’re extremely talented, however, it is only your Nationality that is an obstacle.”
“Director, if I may?”
She motioned for you to go on and leaned back in her chair, the leather stretching against the pressure.
“I’ve been into fashion my entire life. It’s who I am. And it’s everything that I have ever wanted to do. I applied at your company because I know that I’m good at what I do. Really good. I’m more than qualified. I understand that you take care of yours at home, and I respect that, but if you give me a chance, You’ll see that I’m trying to do the same. And I will work diligently to prove that hiring me erases all other obstacles for you in the future.”
Director Yoo stared at you as you spoke, intently taking in every word you said to her. It felt like your life was being analyzed in a weird way, and it made you nervous. As if you were being graded somehow without her ever seeing your work.
Suddenly, she sat up in her chair and rolled closer to her desk, clasping her hands together before letting out a soft sigh.
“We run a tight ship here. We work for the artists, and it's my job that I have the best of the best working on my team. They’re idols so their image is everything. Their image is our image. And we have to take care of that diligently or else we’ll be out of a job. Everything we do has to be quick and efficient. When I ask for you, you’re there. No If’s, Ands, or Buts. No distractions. Can you handle that?”
This woman was intense. That soft and sweet demeanor you thought she possessed was then replaced with business motive. She didn’t play around when it came to work, but you expected no less from the Head of the Fashion Department. You nodded your head quickly, accepting her challenge without fear.
“I’ll do more than my best.”
Standing from her seat, she walked to the other side of the desk where you sat and extended her hand. “Then welcome to the KQ family.”
You suddenly felt lighter as she said those words to you. Your shoulders affixing themselves to the light and feathery feeling now bestowed upon you. The opportunity to break down crying in front of her presented itself to you many times as you bowed to her with gratitude, but you maintained what resilience you had left. “I won’t let you down ma’am.”
“Good. We’ll finish the rest of the paperwork later. I would show you around myself, but we’re trying to finish prep for their comeback and we need all the hands we can get-“
“I can help!” You chimed.
The Director appeared confused at your eagerness and looked as if she was ready to shoot down your proposal, which made you feel guilty for speaking up in the first place, but she smiled and pulled open the door to the office.
“Let’s put you to work then.”
Following the Director through the KQ building, the two of you spoke in length about the expectations for this comeback as well as their concept. You didn’t know that much about Idol schedules, but from what you were being told, you definitely had your work cut out for you, and it excited you nonetheless. Taking the elevator up to the third floor, you were introduced to the calm chaos of the Art Department.
Racks of concealed clothing were parked outside in the halls or being loaded up by other employees, followed by them writing something on the labels in Korean. Some of them bowed at the presence of the Director, and looked confused at you but still greeted you warmly anyway before running past you to their next destination.
“We’re usually a little more organized than this, but it’s a little hectic today since we only have three weeks before the music shows. We were down a stylist so we are missing the finished pieces for one of their music show appearances. That is of the utmost importance and where you come in.” Director Yoo motioned you into one of the empty work spaces.
When you stepped inside it appeared like a dressing room combined with a waiting room with a vanity and a long body mirror, a couch and two side seats accompanied with a wall-mounted television and coffee table. In the corner was a rack of strewn about clothing and a desk with a large sewing machine and measurement map.
You took in the comfortable feel of the room , making note of everything at your disposal.
“Since it’s your first day, I won’t overwhelm you, but I want you to get used to things. The stylist left all of the equipment so use what you need. You’ll be working with Wooyoung today— he should be here in a moment. So take care of them. Any questions?”
“No- well, yes. One. I have complete creative control??”
“Anyone else's opinions would just slow you down in the moment. Just show us what you got and we’ll go from there. Good luck. No distractions!” The Director swiftly exited the room just as soon as she entered, leaving you standing in the center of the room with no idea where to begin.
It felt like you had been thrown in the heat of battle without a weapon, but if you didn’t find something quick, you were sure to be killed.
You placed your belongings on the couch, all except your sketchpad. Knowing what ATEEZ’s concept was, you tried to brainstorm something fast. From the research you had done on the group, you were privy to their style already, which gave you something to go off of. Since you of all people had the knowledge of what was hip, your pen started moving across the pad without hesitation.
“Excuse me?”
In the middle of you sketching, you heard a soft voice from the direction of the entrance. You quickly shot your head up from your paper and turned around to see—as unprofessional as it was to say— the most beautiful man you had ever laid your eyes on. You knew you shouldn’t stare, but it was almost impossible as he gazed upon you. His skin was a gorgeous light honey color. His jawline was chiseled to an inhuman perfection, accompanying his sharp nose and plump lips. He looked like trouble incarnate with long dark hair, but his brown eyes were so kind, you felt like they would suck you in within a matter of minutes if he stared at you any longer.
Shaking yourself free from your trance, softly patting your cheek as a nonverbal “pull yourself together”. You gave him a soft smile before bowing to him.
“I.. Hi. Hello. Sorry about that. I might have zoned out a little bit.” You chuckled nervously.
To your surprise, he laughed softly as he entered the room. “I noticed. You were staring at me for a while and didn’t speak. I thought I broke you for a second.”
That’s because you did.
But you didn’t say that out loud. “And you must be Wooyoung.”
“Gosh, what gave it away?” A sarcastic tone lining his words as he pulled his hair back behind his ears.
“The Director told me a loooooot about you.”
Wooyoung scoffed. “Waah. I don’t know if that’s a hidden compliment or an insult.”
“A compliment.” The two of you laughed for a moment.
“If I would have known I would be working with you, I would have prepared some compliments of my own.”
You grinned. “Well there’s still time for that.”
“You’re very pretty- I mean your outfit is. Pretty.” He stammered over his words, but tried to save himself and you laughed.
“Thank you. I made it myself. Which is exactly, what I’m going to do for you as your new stylist, so why don’t we get started?”
Throughout the rest of your session together, the conversation would flow as easy as it ever had with anybody else. While you dressed him like your personal doll, making him try on outfit after outfit in order to see your vision, he would hammer you with questions. Spilling jokes that would send you into laughing fits that had no return. It was non-stop. You don’t think you ever had this much conversation with someone since you came to Korea, but it felt nice. Being around him felt nice. Oddly, it was as if you were friends for a while instead of people who just met. It was so easy to talk to him, considering that he was an idol as well as a stranger to you. You would have thought he was snobbish in every way possible, but he just felt like a friend.
You had taken all of Wooyoung’s measurements and dimensions and finished up a good enough sketch that gave you an idea of how you wanted to style him, and he sat there with you and explained what kind of vibe he wanted to go for. You took all that information and drew it within minutes. It was complex, but doable. Portions of the design would have to be hand stitched, but that didn’t stop you.
“Alright, done!” You exclaimed proudly, flipping the sketchpad around to show him. “What do you think?”
Wooyoung kept his eyes on you the entire time, his fist resting on his cheek as he smiled. “Beautiful..”
You looked to him happily at the sound of his words and were met with those bright brown eyes flushing over every portion of your face. You thought he was referring to the drawing, but he was staring at you. Did he mishear you perhaps?
Your heartbeat was starting to pick up rapidly to the point you could hear it in your ears. You just met him mere hours ago, how was it that he managed to get you flustered so easily?
Laughing lightly to yourself with the hopes of trying to play it off as a joke, you set the sketch pad down and started gathering your belongings. “ I see why the girls love you, Jung Wooyoung.”
“Why’s that?”
“You're a flirt.”
“Here and there.” Wooyoung leaned back in his chair, working the corner of his lips up into a sly smirk while his head tilted slightly upwards. “But..I only flirt with the people I want.”
You believed that you had choked on air at that moment with your lungs seemingly collapsing in on themselves. From what you had learned about him since your conversation began, was that he was very up front with how he feels. He was one of the blunt ones in the group, but there was nothing that could have prepared you for that. A part of you wanted to believe that he was messing around, however the look in his eye was saying otherwise. He was staring at you like you were the only meal on the menu– his glare alone was a danger to you and you desperately needed to separate yourself from it.
Maybe all idols were like this with the new girls or the women that worked with them . Him flirting with you didn’t mean anything and even if it did, it didn't matter. He was an Idol and you were an employee with everything to lose. It wasn't like you could give into his advances anyway, if the two of you were even caught stealing sideways glances at one another, or touching each other in any way that was not becoming of an idol and staff relationship, it would be a disaster waiting to happen.
After months of agony you had finally managed to secure the job that you had been looking for to jumpstart your career, and nothing could get in the way of that. And a workplace affair was not on your bucket list of plans for your future.
“Boy, you play too much.” You played off Wooyoung’s statement once again, pushing the thoughts of his flirtatious notions to the back of your head.
No matter how unnervingly attractive he was. There could be no distractions. Not one. Not even him.
“Hey you two. We’re wrapping up for the day. Everything good here?” The Director’s voice came crashing into the room from the doorway, and you felt your heart lighten.
Saved by the bell. Thank god.
“Yeah! All done.” Quickly scrambling to your feet, you tossed your bag over your shoulder and fixed yourself accordingly. “I’m putting the pieces together tomorrow.”
“Perfect. You’re a lifesaver. Wooyoung. Hongjoong and your manager are looking for you, it's best you start heading out too.”
“Thank you, Director.” Wooyoung said, nodding his head in acknowledgment of the woman’s position and authority just before she walked away, leaving the two of you alone again.
You took the opportunity to try and weasel between the awkwardness brewing in the air, but you felt a light tug on your arm pulling you back. Your eyes landed upon Wooyoung who had your hand clasped in his. As strong as his physique was, the hold he had on you was gentle. The way the pad of his thumb brushed across your smooth brown skin sent goosebumps up your arm.
“W-Wooyoung?” You stammered, searching his face for some kind of reasoning behind his sudden actions. “What is it?”
And like he had just stepped out of a romantic movie from the 90’s, he brought the back of your hand up to his lips and softly planted a kiss in the center. The gesture set your entire body on fire. All of the gears in your brain halted for a moment, scraping roughly against the other as none of what you were experiencing made a single lick of sense. Not that you had the energy or time to make sense of it in the first place, but all you knew was that this shouldn’t happen. Right?
Wooyoung flickered his soulful gaze upon you once more. “Have a good night. I liked spending time with you today.”
Not knowing what else to say to him, you mustered up a smile through your obvious confusion and relative anxiety and bowed to him politely before pulling your hand out of his.
“Goodnight, Wooyoung.”
╚ ╝
When you arrived at your apartment, you collapsed in your bed almost instantly after finishing your nightly routine—plopping face down into your linens. The emotional weight of the day had completely tired you out, and you wanted nothing more but to sleep now. Letting out a thunderous, muffled groan into your bed sheets, you flipped your position to stare up at the ceiling.
Out of everything you had experienced today, only one thing— one person— was on your mind.
Jung Wooyoung.
And not the one thing that mattered which was keeping your job.
He kissed your hand. He flirted with you.
How could he be so careless to do something like that in public?
But he was so sweet. Gentle. Kind. Even staring up at the tall ceiling above you, you could perfectly trace out his smile with your eyes. The tender look he gave you when he called you “beautiful”. The spot on the back of your hand still tickled with the kiss he left behind, and you ran your fingers across it softly. His laugh made you weak in the knees and you could listen to it every day if you could. It made you laugh even thinking about it.
The words he said to you before you parted ways played on loop in the back of your head. You pondered for a moment if he was actually serious about them, but wiped the thought from your mind entirely.
You did not have the luxury for fantasies and what ifs. You had a job to do. The lives the two of you led were too different, continuing like this with one another would be dangerous. He was an idol. You only worked with him and nothing more. You could not allow yourself to be distracted by him any longer.
You had to come into work tomorrow focused.
And you did just that.
The next day, you came to KQ Entertainment a bit later than the other staff members at the request of the Director. You were more dressed down than yesterday now that you felt a little more comfortable. You wore a long sleeve, green, textured halter top with blue washed jeans that hugged against your waist, with green, suede sneakers you had made yourself. Your thick, kinky hair pulled into an up-do with wild strands falling across your forehead. Your makeup was done lightly, mostly highlighting your key features like your eyes, cheeks, and lips.
You greeted some of your co-workers as you passed them by in the hall towards your new office space. Flicking on the light in the still and empty space, you threw down your bag and immediately positioned yourself at the back of the room where you rummaged through the leftover clothing. Pulling a few pieces from the rack you folded them over your arm and turned towards the desk where you noticed something there that had not been there before.
Laying the clothes down on the table to get a better look, there had been a small rectangular box filled with the delicacies of Korean culture that you had grown to know over the half a year that you had been here, companioned with a beverage and a note that was written in the language left on top of it. Pulling the paper off, you put your months of studying to work and read the note.
You look even prettier with a smile on your face
so i hope this brings you one today, while i'm away
- Woo Young
So much for no distractions. You had just managed to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and insisted that you would not think about him again, just for him to go and do something like this.
You wanted to be angry , however you couldn’t help but smile.
“Ahh… Jung Wooyoung. You will be the death of me.” You ran your finger over the note and your heart fluttered.
You had never had anyone show you such kindness before. Regardless of his intentions, the gesture was sweet and you were grateful. Knowing that he was on schedule today saddened you a bit, but you had work to finish and now was the time to do it. Setting the lunch box he had gifted you to the side, you set your desk up with all of the equipment you needed and got to work.
Music played at a medium volume from the television across the room, giving you some kind of sound to work with as you attempted to create Wooyoung a dynamic look for his stage using the information you gathered from him yesterday. The sewing machine whirred as you raced against time, feeding it with a bright color that you imprinted onto the dark gray shirt you had found, which had taken a few hours at least to replicate it front and back.
Once it looked as good as you wanted it to, you cut the sleeves off of it, dipping down into the sides of the shirt so that the holes could give him some mobility while he was dancing. You would clean everything else up later, but your vision was coming to fruition. You continued on like this well into the late evening, and soon realized after almost pricking your finger with a needle, that you had not eaten a thing. Completely forgetting the meal that Wooyoung had left you hours before. You stood and admired your work, wiping the sweat off of your brow and nodded feeling accomplished with what you had gotten done.
Grabbing the box from the side table, you stepped out of the room and walked down the hall towards the break room that had a kitchen inside of it. There were a few lingering employees there, but it was mainly empty, not that it mattered to you. You stepped over to the microwave and heated your lunch before returning back to your work room, and to your surprise you found someone else there waiting for you.
You stopped in your tracks and peeked to the side to get a better look at them, but he did you the favor of turning around to greet you.
“Wooyoung? When did you-“
“I just popped in. Schedule ran a little longer than usual, but I wanted to check in on you. Something told me, you would try to work into the night if no one stopped you.” Wooyoung explained, looking you up and down from head to toe. “I see I was right.”
You snickered to yourself, walking back over towards your desk where you had been working. “Well, I have a job to do, fortunately enough for you. Somebody has to keep up with your image.”
“Sometimes work can wait. Look at you, you’re just now eating something and it’s almost eight o’clock.” He sounded as if he was almost scolding you, but more out of concern than anything.
You took the chopsticks apart that came with the meal, pulling open the plastic covering as your nose was hit with the most delicious aroma. “At least I’m eating now right?”
Wooyoung cursed under his breath and shook his head, “You’re really stubborn, you know that?”
You took a few bites of your food before setting the box to the side begrudgingly with a sharp sigh.
And for some reason, you snapped suddenly. “We only met yesterday and all of a sudden you think you know me?”
Wooyoung seemed taken aback by the tone in your voice, but for some reason you could not hide your growing frustration. “Well, I’d like to. But you won’t let me.”
“There’s a reason for that.”
“Why?” He asked sternly, furrowing his brows at you.
You laughed in disbelief . “Are you seriously asking right now? You’re an idol, Wooyoung. I work for you. I shouldn’t have even let you know as much as I have told you anyway..”
“If I cared about any of that shit, I wouldn’t have come here at all. I wouldn’t have asked you a single thing about your life. I meant what I said to you yesterday-“
“Jesus Christ..” You stood to your feet, completely thrown at his lack of understanding of your current predicament. “You don’t get it.”
“This is so unserious. I am not having this conversation with you, Wooyoung! I have work to do.”
“Does anything else ever matter to you other than work?” Wooyoung retorted, standing to his feet now.
You quickly moved over towards the door and shut it. “Look, I don’t know what image of me that you have carved in your mind in the last twenty four hours, but you do not know me. I don’t know you outside of work alone. I can’t even believe that half of what you said yesterday was the truth or how many times you have said it to every other girl that works here with you.”
Wooyoung stepped closer to you, an uncontrolled fire burning deep inside of his gaze. You felt like you were shrinking in his presence alone the closer he got to you. Your eyes darted across his face, terrified of what his rebuttal to you would be.
“Ever since I saw you yesterday, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you for a second. I asked you every question under the sun just because I liked the way you spoke to me. I told you the dumbest jokes just to hear you laugh because your smile made me smile.”
“Wooyoung-“ You tried to stop him, but he continued speaking and moving towards you.
“I wanted you the moment you looked back at me. When you left me last night, all I did was think about you. Today, I couldn’t think straight without seeing your face. You have been the only thing on my mind from the moment we met. Time means nothing to me.”
Wooyoung was towering over you now. Your back was pressed against the curtains on the door’s window leaving almost no room between you and him. You hung onto every word he spoke like it was his last. They were tied together so beautifully that it was almost hard to refute them. You wanted to believe them, but none of his words changed your reality: the two of you couldn’t be together. You swallowed thickly, licking over your lips to soothe the dryness lingering there.
“This can’t happen, Wooyoung. We could lose everything if someone found out that the mere possibility of us existed. One scandal could ruin your career. My career.”
You were almost pleading with him at this point, you had worked so hard for this life only to have it threatened by the possibility of a prohibited moment of weakness. However, you could not deny that you did feel something for him, though it did not yet have a name. Maybe it was because you were lonely all this time and just needed someone to make you feel good, or maybe you were just desperate for attention but were lying to yourself to make you feel better. You weren’t sure.
But you felt something, you just couldn’t say the words.
“So they won’t know. They won’t have to.” His voice had lowered into a sweet whisper now that caressed your ears like a tender melody. Wooyoung pulled his tongue over his lips, flicking his gaze between your dark brown pools and your glossed pair. He placed a finger underneath your chin and tilted your head up to face him. “But if you tell me, right now, that you feel nothing for me…I’ll walk away.”
“I..” You desperately wanted to say the words. In fact you were trying to force them to come out, but your tongue could not forge the sentence in time. Your eyes, instead, we’re carving out the line in his lips and how much softer they looked up close.
You felt like your heart was going to pound out of your chest. The pressure of the moment building and building so fast that you couldn’t keep up.
Just say it.
“Nobody would know, right?” You exasperated.
Wooyoung nodded his head. “No one.”
As soon as he gave you the confirmation you needed, you pulled him in closer by the nape of his neck. Your lips crashing hungrily against the others like you had been waiting for this moment your entire lives. Your hand brushed through his dark tresses, gripping onto them as the kiss intensified. Your bodies pressed firmly against the other with no promise of letting go. You could taste his cool breath swirling in your mouth as his tongue pressed between your parted lips and claimed entry.
His strong hands found purchase on the back of your thighs after sliding over every curve in your frame. He pulled you up in the air, you instinctively wrapping your legs around his waist as he moved you over to a new— more comfortable location. To where, you had no idea nor did it matter to you where he chose. In the matter of seconds, you found yourself placed on a high platform of some sorts, completely stable against it and him. The cool surface he had you against being a dead giveaway that he had you against the vanity with him trapped right between your legs. The next thing you know you were tearing off his clothes. Removing the distressed denim jacket he had on and tossing it to the side, along with the dark graphic tee he donned as well. Each article of clothing hitting the ground with a thud somewhere. With his upper attire now removed, you could fully admire the true beauty of his skin tone — the way it shined in the light and melded beautifully against your own as you caressed his shoulders and chest. Meanwhile, Wooyoung started going for the buttons on your jeans, undoing the fastenings prior to tugging them off of your waist and letting them fall onto the floor, kicking them off to the side in one push.
Hands falling down the ripples of his abs and down to his dark colored sweats, you hooked your fingers inside of them and started to pull them downwards and Wooyoung assisted you, leaving him in only his briefs that showed the massiveness of his growing bulge.
“I want you..” You moaned into his mouth, breaking the kiss to speak, which Wooyoung took as an opportunity to dress your skin with his lips. Canvassing your cheeks and your neck with ticklish, pillowy love notes that made you smile.
“Tell me what you want baby hmm?” He cooed sensually, pulling back for a moment to look at you, taking note of your desperate and needy tone with a devilish grin. His hands ran up your thick thighs, feeling the warmth growing between them. His fingers lightly brushed against your lips, pressing into the fabric with his middle finger just to feel how wet you were. “You want to feel me like this?”
You groaned in response to his touch, biting down on your plump bottom lip as you watched him explore you. Wooyoung was enthused by your reaction, but even more so at the slickness he felt in your panties alone. You hastily nodded in response to his question.
“Fuck, you’re already dripping and I barely touched you yet.” Wooyoung brought the tips of his fingers up to his mouth and sucked them, which turned you on even more.
He kept his eyes on you the entire time he tasted you, taking those same two fingers and dipping them back into your crevasse, pulling your panties to the side while using his other free hand to hook one of your legs around him while the other remained spread, giving him a clear view of your pussy. Using the pads of his fingers he circled your clit, soaking the duo with your juices as you moaned out for him, slowly writhing in place.
You threw your head back from the sheer ecstasy and cried out at the ceiling above. “Ooh shit-“
“Look at me.” He commanded, bringing your focus back to him once more. “I want to see how pretty you look when you cum on my fingers.”
Wooyoung planted a soft kiss against your cheek just as he inserted his two digits inside of you, pushing past your slick walls and beginning to pump his wrist inside of you, picking up that speed and translating all the power into his forearm and then his entire arm. The room was filled with the harmonious sounds of your juices squelching against his hand and your pretty moans that were music to his ears.
“That’s it baby. Let it out..” Wooyoung coached into your ear, holding you tight while he watched his middle and ring finger appear and disappear inside of you repeatedly, fully coated in your liquids. “That shit feels good doesn’t it?”
“It feels so fucking good..” You cried out to him with a shaky voice. “Please don’t stop..”
The intensity of him pushing into you was almost too much for you to bear, but it just felt too good to have him pull back now. You wrapped your arm around where his wrist and forearm met and gripped onto him tightly, your toes curling at the sensation running through your body. You were teetering at the edge now— your eyes rolling steeply to the back of your head, your vision growing more hazy by the second. Wooyoung kissed the side of your head, your jawline, your neck rhythmically fulfilling your every desire.
You were growing closer to your end, every moan increasing in pitch and frequency. If there were anybody passersby outside the door, you were sure that they could hear you, but you almost didn’t care. It felt too good to hold back.
“Your moans are so pretty. I can’t wait to hear how good you sound when I fuck you…” Wooyoung growled into your ear.
You inched your hand up towards Wooyoung’s neck, cupping it just around his jaw and turning him towards you. “I want to feel you inside me. I can’t take it anymore..”
You searched his face for a moment. His eyes were glossed and practically sparkling with a deep, unsatiated lust. He had a need for touch— a thirst for it. A soul that required physical connection. That was a quality you both shared. Now that you experienced him, you couldn’t get enough and wanted more. If you didn’t have him now, you felt like you could explode. Wooyoung recognized this and pulled his fingers out of you, soothing your throbbing mound with the palm of his hand; giving you some time to breathe. He stepped back and removed his last article of clothing. His briefs hit the ground with a dull thud as his girth jolted from the seams, pointing stiffly towards you. Your mouth started watering at the sight. His dick was just as pretty as the rest of his body and the size fit him perfectly.
Inching towards you, the man pulled you off the surface of the vanity by your waist and eagerly flipped you around to face the mirror. With your frame slightly bent over the counter you saw him snake himself into the cusp of your neck, moving the thick strands of your hair out of the way so that he could see your face. “I want you to watch yourself.. don’t look away.”
You couldn’t believe that you were doing this. Tucked away in a dressing room with an idol. With him. At your own place of work. As much as you wanted some semblance of shame to come, it just never did. As all you could think about in this moment was him taking you and equally how bad you wanted him. You were reminded how good this moment truly felt when he planted a kiss on the exposed part of your shoulder and slowly eased his way inside of your slickness. Your mouth fell agape as did his; your tight walls gripping around the curve of his inches the more he pushed inside of you. His length fit you perfectly, as you completely gloved his inches.
“Fuck..” he whined. “You feel so good.”
With him so close, you could smell the freshness of his cologne. It was strong and commanding, but also hypnotic in many ways. His breath capes your neck, making your hairs stick up on end. His deep, guttural groans as he started stroking inside of your moist cavity only triggered your own moans. And still you did as he instructed you to and watched him fuck you so lovingly. The vanity rocked underneath your weight, causing you to slightly shift off balance and grip onto the table so it did not move. Wooyoung started to pick up his pace, the force of him hitting you from behind, sending your ass colliding against his pelvis in thick waves. He pulled back, catching the force head on as he reached forward and grabbed a handful of your coils and pulled your head back just a bit to where you can still see yourself in the mirror.
“Mmm, you’re such a pretty fucking whore for me.” Wooyoung chuckled lowly. “Look at how good you take that shit.”
The sensation was overwhelming your senses. Your walls pulsated across his thick member, releasing and gripping him constantly. Still reeling from when he was fingering you just a few minutes prior, you could still feel yourself coming closer and closer to your inevitable demise. The pressure in your abdomen was building like a dam about to burst. Even with the stamina that you two had, you could feel that he was close along with yourself. His breath was beginning to hitch and grow more rapid than before. You could feel his dick twitching inside of you as well even with the strength of his pumps.
You dared to stare at him amidst the euphoria you were experiencing out of curiosity as well as purely being enamored with the beauty of the man before you. You watched the way his chest rose and fell from his heavy breathing followed by the intensity of his orgasms. Sweat beads across his skin, giving way to the light that shines overhead. It was more pleasurable for you to know that he was enjoying himself as much, if not more, than you were.
Your lips curled upwards, licking across your own as Wooyoung sang your praises for taking him so well. Especially since it wasn’t just coming from anyone. Despite the circumstances of how you may have gotten here, you knew that he felt that this was more than just sex. You weren’t just engaging in a little hit it and quit it, no, it meant more. The purest form of connection that any person could ever experience, especially, when it stemmed from deep yearning – hoping that each other would wake up to the truth. There was no turning back from this moment forward.
“Fuck, I’m about to cum!” You exclaimed in a huff, urging him on as his thrust kept pumping into your tight walls, and his grin grew wider as he felt your coming climax brewing.
“That’s right, be a good girl and cum for me.” He coaxed. You felt like you were on cloud nine as you coated his dick with your juices. He leaned down into you, pressing your stomach against the table, and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and gripped your neck so roughly that you could see the veins in his arms poking from beneath his sandy skin.
Your moans were broken and incomplete, forming into a ball of nonsense tumbling from your mouth. You put the last bit of your energy into giving him everything you had, bucking your hips against his length.
“Cum in me baby..I want all of you. You primed softly. You didn’t know what came over you just then as you had never uttered those words to anyone before, but you just couldn’t control yourself in the moment and neither could he.
Sending his hips forward in powerful bursts of passion, Wooyoung growled hellishly into your ear the closer he got to his own end. The fullness of his climax painting your insides like his own personal canvas. You came with, riding out the last of your cum, before you dropped to the table, digging your nails into the wood and scratching against it from the final feeling of release. All your pent up frustrations over the last few months flowing down your thighs and onto his inches.
A light laugh escaped his lips, sighing as he closed his eyes and hovered over your weakened and fragile body.
“Do you think they’ll know?” He asked playfully.
You let out a half-hearted chuckle. “I guess we’ll have to find out.”
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foreverdolly · 2 years
baby fever | daddy!austin x mommy!reader
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yet another request from my "three days of blurbs" event. i'm expanding this event in a very exciting way. so be on the lookout for that announcement.
request: just more daddy austin pls ! and then another person requested the same thing saying: how are daddy!Austin and mommy!reader doing? how is the baby?
requested by: anon and @stephthestallion
word count: 1.3k
warnings/notes: a whole year later and austin is sitting across from the same interviewer who officially broke the big news about the birth of his first child. austin's ready to gush some more about his little family. basically tooth rotting fluff. austin is the best dad and husband. basically part two to 'baby bliss'.
“Here we are, Austin.” The interviewer shuffled her question cards around in her hands, smiling down at her lap for a few moments as she readied herself. “Last week marked an entire year since our last interview.” The woman looked a tad bit older. She wasn’t decked out in bright colors and tight fitting clothes like the last time around, rather she looked well put together and business casual. The years had changed her, and for the better it would seem. 
It was hilarious to look back on last year's interview. He remembered how much he had been dreading it. How he had doubted the interviewers integrity and her ability to carry herself professionally. This time around he felt relaxed in his folding chair, his ring clad fingers gripping onto the wooden armrests so that he could pull himself up a little higher so that he could straighten out his broad shoulders.  He didn’t need to look at his manager to know that she was smiling. Todays interview felt light and carefree, and for once Austin didn’t feel nervous in the least to answer questions about his life. 
“One whole year, huh? Time flies by when you’re having fun. . . or something along those lines.” He flashed a smile before laughing at his own awkwardness. 
It was odd to think about how far he had come since the Elvis movie. He’d been a part of so many projects since then. It really had been his big break, and he was thankful for that. The blessings in his life had been immeasurable after the film. To say that time flew by would be an understatement. 
Taking care of business in a flash. 
He smiled fondly down at his boots, clearing his throat as he readied himself for more questioning. He was prepared today for the more personal direction that this interview would be sure to lean towards. Austin could be a very private man, but he had gotten the go ahead from his wife to discuss the smaller details of their life. Gushing over his son just so happened to be his favorite pastime. 
“A ton has happened in this last year for you. Awards, new movies, cameos in television shows, partnerships- through all of these personal triumphs for austin, do you still feel even slightly influenced by Elvis? Or was that just a necessary phase in your life that’s come and gone?” 
Austin straightened out his jacket, as he leaned an elbow on the armrest, shifting his weight from one hip to the other. The director style chair was horrifically uncomfortable and dug into his thighs. 
“I’m not Elvis, but I dedicated almost three years of my life to becoming him. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to shake him and all of his mannerisms, if that’s what you're asking. He feels like less of a role that I played and more like a family member to me now. Like an older brother, or even a best friend. I’ve never truly loved someone that I’ve never met before, but that’s Elvis for me.” 
She nodded her head, shooting him a warm smile before switching to another card. 
“The interview that I did with you practically broke the internet. Still, to this day, it’s the video that has the most views on our channel.” 
Austin nervously chuckled, using his hand to gently pinch the soft skin of his bottom lip, shaking his head in disbelief. It was still crazy to think that he went from being a low paid actor who could only book romcom gigs to this. Gone were the days of playing the doting boyfriend in cheesy television shows. He still felt like he was dreaming when he was reminded of his influence. He mumbled a quick “that’s insane” before she continued. 
“You announced that your wife had her baby, so I was hoping that you’d fill us in a little. What’s going on in the Butler household? What’s new?” 
He had been prepared for the personal questions, as was his wife. 
“Y/N’s doing really great. She started up her own business about two months after Finn was born, and it’s just exploded for her. I’m incredibly proud of her. She was always into metal work, but seeing how her jewelry brand has taken off? I’m just in awe of her.” Austin could talk about his other half for hours. Y/n never ceased to amaze him. Everything she did just sparkled to him. He still had to pinch himself sometimes, just to make sure that he hadn’t dreamed her up. “Finn also just celebrated his first birthday, and that just absolutely blows my mind. I’d be lying if I said that the wife and I didn’t cry. He got so big and so fast. Too fast for my liking.” 
“Do you like being a dad? You used to be pretty inactive on your social media accounts, but you post about your family pretty consistently. From the outside looking in your life looks perfect. We’re all so happy for you.” 
“I love being a dad and I love being a husband. When you find the person that you want to spend your life with, it never feels like settling. I don’t miss the bachelor days at all.” Austin’s rings glimmered in the bright set lighting as he continued to talk with his hands. “If anything, I’m relieved that they’re over. It’s like I’m just now starting to live my life. These last few months have been incredibly busy, but with the holidays coming up I’m just happy to have a little break.” Thankfully he didn’t have any interviews or shoots booked for the two weeks leading up to Christmas. He was ready to give his little family his full and undivided attention. 
“Do you have some things planned for the holidays?” She asked, setting her cards down. It seemed like they were getting off topic, but the interviewer didn’t seem to mind. 
“Tons, actually. Y/n grew up with fake Christmas trees, so it’s become a Butler family tradition to go and get a real fur tree. Some of our family are going to be visiting, so our guest rooms will be occupied for the first time in a while. She’s been decorating the house nonstop. She’s always been crazy about celebrating, which I appreciate more than she knows. It’s special every year.”  
The interviewer asked a few more questions regarding his current projects, and he divulged all that he could. The small piece of paper was starting to feel heavy in his pocket, and he was beginning to get more and more nervous as the minutes ticked by. Him and his wife had been planning something special. 
One year later. 
Doing it this way felt right. 
“Well it was a pleasure, as always, to speak with you, Austin. Super quick, tell the people where they can find you and what you’re working on.” 
“I’m on instagram. I really only post about my projects and family, so I’m pretty boring. And,” He lifted up in the seat, shoving his hand into his back pocket so that he could pull out a piece of paper to flash at the camera- and his manager who stood behind it. “We’re currently working on baby number two.” 
He watched his manager’s jaw drop as she stared at the sonogram picture, quickly blinking away excited tears. There, in black and white, was a picture of their new baby. “R-Really?” She screamed out excitedly. 
“We’re having a valentines day baby. We wanted to keep it a surprise until now.” 
And after the cameras had been cut and he had been properly scolded by his suddenly emotional manager, Austin found himself eagerly hoping back into his car. 
And just like last year he sped home. Eager to get to his baby boy and his two bestest girls.
@knoxvillesshoes@cosmorant@ol1viam@simply-sams-things@haim80s@gabbcabb@8hgel@slutt4him@busy-bee-angel-misska@kaitaesupremacy@dazedshoon @4rt3m1ss@cryingabtab@kittenlittle24@austinsrealgf@austinbutlersgirlfriend@clearbolts @dark-as-love@anni-secret-account-75@ab4eva@starcatchxr @julietamidala @obbsessivereader@gwuide@blurredcolour@the-little-red-haired-girl@meladollsims@poppet05@shrekstheloml@randomwriter888@idc123sworld@vane28282@mirandastuckinthe80s@girlblogger2002@rockerchick05@screechingstrawberrysong@simpforevery1@girlabirla@dre6ming@obetrolncocktails@fairyjanes@jensenswinchester@lo-bells @in-my-body-bag@fxntxsix@petrparkrslut@eliseinmemphis @lelifesaver @screaching-cookie@fantuhsise@areuirish @bcofl0ve@mslizziesblog@shynovelist@ssstrangersblog @harrysthecraic@hangmanswhore@jyvnho@mymamalife @melodydior
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sycamorelibrary754 · 10 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 3: You're Still Worthy
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Summary: Emotional conversations and difficult choices were on the table for everyone the moment Wanda stepped back into the Avengers compound for the first time after Westview. But just because Wanda is starting over doesn’t mean she has to do it alone. 
Warnings: Trauma, angst, cursing.
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: This chapter has two distinct parts. The flashback of Wanda’s first moments back in the compound (italicized) and the present day, approximately one year after Westview.
Guardian Angel Masterlist
Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair. Stepping foot back in the Avengers compound for the first time after Westview was freed was the latest in a series of painful and tragic chapters in Wanda Maximoff’s story.
Fury was seated in his spacious office with a glass of Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon. He had a stern expression as he intently watched Wanda's movements on the numerous security monitors placed strategically around the compound. Fury closely monitored every twist and turn she made, remaining vigilant and alert throughout.
A soft knock on his door broke his concentration as he sat there, lost in thought. He straightened up in his chair, alert and ready to face whatever was coming. The door creaked open slowly, and a faint light spilled into the dimly lit room, revealing the outline of a figure standing in the doorway.
“Director, Ms. Maximoff is here,” Maria announced. 
“Maximoff, have a seat. Or do you prefer Scarlet Witch now?” Placing the glass down on his desk.
Maria glanced from Fury to Wanda before taking her place next to the Director's desk. Wanda sat down, trying her best to hide her nerves. The two of them sat in silence for a moment until Fury finally spoke up.
“You know, it’s crap like this that gives me trust issues,” leaning back in his chair, reading the file on Westview. 
“Really? I thought your sparkling personality gave you trust issues,” the redhead whispered under her breath.
“Come on, don’t give me that shit. What the hell were you thinking? Throwing the file onto his desk. “3,892 people. Three thousand eight hundred ninety-two people manipulated, tortured, and held hostage so you could live out some television family fantasy!” he shouted. “Do you know what I went through to keep Westview classified? What I went through with SWORD to make sure you walked out of there alive and not thrown in the Raft?” His anger was growing. 
"It wasn't a fantasy!" she exclaimed, as her emotions finally surfaced.
“It was selfish!” Fury shouted. 
Maria flinched at the sound of Fury's voice before the room fell silent again.
"Director, have you ever lost someone?" Wanda asked, her gaze fixed on his desk.
“I was a Colonel in the United States Army and a CIA Operative. I’ve lost more people than I can count, including my parents. You’re most certainly not the first person to experience grief.”
Wanda looked determined as she raised her head to speak. "I cannot help but feel sorry for the ordeal those people went through," she said with a heavy accent, her voice filled with emotion. Their suffering will continue to trouble me for the rest of my life."
Tears glistened in her eyes as she continued, "When I finally realized the agony I was inflicting, I knew I had to put an end to it. It was a difficult decision, but I have no regrets about my life with my husband and children. We had our struggles, but we also had many happy moments together."
As she spoke, it was clear that Wanda had gone through a lot in her life. Despite the pain and hardship, however, she remained resolute in her determination to do what was right and to find peace in her memories.
Fury exhaled heavily and asked, 'Where are your boys?'
The redhead immediately tensed up, her heart pounding against her rib cage. 
“I need you to be completely honest with me, starting right now,” Fury said. “If you want to remain a member of this team and continue to be a productive member of society, it's important that I know everything. Please understand that no one will hurt them.”
In a moment of urgency, Wanda found herself making a quick decision. Despite her reservations, she hesitantly slipped into Fury's mind as his thoughts were too loud to ignore. She knew that this was the only way she could be certain of his intentions and confirm that he was telling the truth. When she emerged, she was certain that Fury was to be trusted. She responded with confidence, "Billy and Tommy are with Darcy Lewis."
 Fury nodded. “Where is the Darkhold?”
“I destroyed it.” 
“That’s not what the wizard thinks. Strange is sure you wouldn’t have survived the destruction of that type of dark magic.”
Wanda leaned forward in her chair and cleared her throat. "Given everything that's happened, Director, it would be unwise to bet against my abilities."
Fury finished his drink; the ice clinked at the bottom of his glass. "You are dismissed for now, but do not leave the premises," he said.
After leaving his office, Wanda rose to her feet without saying another word. Maria locked eyes with Fury before hurrying after the redhead out the door.
When they were out of earshot of the Director, Maria called after her, "Wanda, wait!"
Wanda stopped moving and stood still with her back turned towards Maria.
“I’m… I’m sorry,” Agent Hill empathized. 
"Sorry doesn't undo what I did or what I've lost," she countered. "Every season of my life has led to a goodbye. My parents, Pietro, Vision. No matter what I've done to try and be better, to help others, to heal. It never ends," her voice cracked. "I don't know how the boys survived, but my heart can't take anymore.”
Maria gently placed her warm hand on Wanda's shoulder, feeling the tension and pain in her friend's body. In response, Wanda turned around and fell into Maria's embrace, her composure crumbling as she sobbed. Maria held her tightly, offering a safe and comforting space for her friend to release her emotions. As Wanda continued to weep, Maria could feel her tears dampening her shirt, but she didn't mind. All that mattered was being there for her friend.
Wanda wandered aimlessly around the compound for the rest of the day. The cold and judgmental gazes of numerous SHIELD agents going about their daily routines bore into her like a hot iron, making her feel like she had committed a grave mistake. The compound was the same as she had left, but everything felt different. The once-familiar surroundings now seemed foreign and unwelcoming.
Wanda was not ready to return to her room. The memories of her past life seemed distant and unfamiliar to her now. She was unsure of what to say if she encountered any of her former colleagues. The fear of their judgment and condemnation made her hesitant and unwilling to face them. Lost in her thoughts, Wanda wandered around the compound, hoping to find solace or peace. But the echoes of her past mistakes and the fear of the future kept haunting her, making her feel helpless and alone.
The sight of the gym brought back a flood of good and bad memories of the time spent within its walls. She hesitated before peeking through the sliding doors, ensuring no one was around before stepping inside. The gym had become a sanctuary for her, a place where she could channel her inner strength and work on honing her abilities. Countless hours were spent in this space, sweating, training, and pushing herself to the limits to discipline her body and mind. However, all that hard work, all that dedication, was shattered. The unspeakable grief and loss that followed had left her broken, both physically and emotionally. Yet here she was, standing once again in the same space, her heart heavy with memories and emotions that she had thought she had left behind.
“No matter how often I tried to train you to fight without using your powers, you always resisted.” 
The distinct and familiar sound of a deep, slightly raspy voice reverberated through the spacious gym. She turned her head and was captivated by the sight of Natasha Romanoff, who stood poised and confident on the other side of the room. Natasha's hair was elegantly styled in double braids, and her black workout attire clung to her fit and toned physique in all the right places, accentuating her curves and strength.
Wanda sighed, "Why fight with one hand tied behind my back?" She moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Because it makes you stronger," Nat replied, strolling towards her.
“I don’t feel very strong right now,” Wanda admitted.
“I beg to differ,” the widow argued. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be here.”
Nat quietly observed Wanda's demeanor, noticing the subtle nuances of her body language. The woman standing in front of her seemed to be a mere shadow of her former self, weighed down by the immense burden of grief. It was evident that Wanda was still struggling to come to terms with all that had been lost in Sokovia, Wakanda, and most recently, in Westview. The pain and sorrow etched on her face spoke volumes of the emotional turmoil she was going through, and it was clear that she needed someone to talk to, someone who could understand her pain and help her find a way forward.
Natasha took another tack. “Get in the ring.” 
“What?” she asked.
Natasha put down her water bottle and stepped between the ropes. "Get in the ring," Nat repeated.
“I’m in no condition to spar,” Wanda argued.
“Says the Scarlet Witch,” Nat smirked. “Now, come on.”
Wand released a long, tired sigh and slowly removed her jacket. With a hint of nervousness in her movements, she cautiously stepped closer to the ring, her eyes fixed on the ground beneath her.
“No hand tied behind your back this time,” Nat said, securing her Widow Bites to her wrists.
Natasha took her fighting stance. Wanda mirrored her as wisps of red danced between her fingers. She took the first shot, summoning a wave of telekinetic force toward her opponent. With lightning-fast reflexes, Nat rolled out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the destructive force. Sensing an opening, Natasha launched herself into an acrobatic assault. Her strikes were precise, knocking Wanda off balance. The split-second window allowed Nat to grip her arm and flip her over her shoulder. 
With a flick of her wrist from her backside, Wanda unleashed a barrage of red energy crackling with otherworldly force. The sparring became an explosive dance as Nat deftly dodged and rolled through the chaos, narrowly escaping each attack. Seizing her only opportunity, she countered with a well-timed Widow's Bite. Grunting in pain, Wanda launched her backward into the ropes with one swift motion. 
With a fierce determination, Natasha charged forward. Wanda used the last of her depleted stamina to summon a swirling vortex of red. As the intense aura surrounded her, she directed one final blast towards the Black Widow. Nat mustered every ounce of strength and somersaulted forward through the explosion, landing sprawled on the mat. 
Wanda collapsed, her knees hitting the mat with a thud. She was gasping for air, her body wracked with sobs. Natasha lay nearby, her chest heaving and her breath coming in short, ragged bursts. The widow slowly rolled over and crawled towards her, her movements slow and labored. She reached out and wrapped her arms around the redhead’s body, pulling her close. The two women held each other tightly, neither of them speaking. Wanda's sobs echoed through the room, the sound of her pain filling the air.
Secretary Ross glared intensely at the team gathered around the conference table, his virtual presence towering over his desk in a show of authority. He spoke up with a tone that conveyed both anger and concern, "I'm genuinely curious. In what universe do you think I'm going to look the other way while you jeopardize the safety of everyone in existence?" His words hung heavily in the air, leaving no room for doubt that he meant every word.
“I don’t know, Mr. Secretary. Why don’t you pick one, and we’ll find out,” Natasha remarked coldly. No love was lost between herself and Ross.
Maria gently placed her hand on Nat's arm, silently signaling her to maintain decorum.
"If you had taken my warning about Wanda Maximoff seriously eight years ago, we wouldn't face the dangerous threats to all universes she has unleashed. Her actions have repeatedly proven that she is a clear and present danger, and it's time we take action before it's too late." Ross urged.
"We don't judge people based on their worst mistakes," Natasha declared.
"Perhaps you should," he said, his gaze fixed on the Black Widow.
Yelena stood up slowly from her chair, her voice laced with a hint of malice. "Maybe it's time the world knew about your worst mistakes, Thaddeus," she threatened, her eyes flashing with anger.
“And we’re sitting,” Kate said, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend and pulling her back down.
"Excuse me, Mr. Secretary, with all due respect, we are not seeking your permission in this matter. As a courtesy, we intend to inform you of our decision. This meeting is solely to share our plans with you and ensure that you are kept in the loop about our steps,” Steve interjected.
“Tell me, Captain Rogers, what is your intended course of action when the witch inevitably betrays your moral compass yet again?” Ross asked, rising from his virtual chair.
“We never abandon one of our own, Sir,” Steve said.
“To be honest with you, Mr. Secretary, the only one here who lacks a moral compass is yourself,” Maria hissed, swiping away his hologram in frustration.
A hard silence fell across the room.
“That went well,” Clint said, as he placed his head in his hands.
“I know you don’t want to hear this, but he has a point,” Fury concurred, leaning up against the door frame.
"Are you still here?” Tony asked. “I thought you were off to sail the seven seas,” he snarked as he got up to pour himself a scotch.
“Fury might be right,” Bruce interjected. Are we all forgetting how we met Wanda? Or would you like a replay of the nightmares she put in our heads?” 
“No, I’m not,” Natasha said heatedly, turning toward Bruce. “And I’m sure as hell not forgetting who destroyed the Mind Stone when it meant losing the one she loved. Or who was a split second away from defeating Thanos single-handedly, had he not blitzed the shit out of his entire army.”
“Maximoff took an entire town hostage! She manipulated the realities of 3,892 people,” Fury argued. 
“In a state of shell shock and overwhelming grief,” Maria countered. “You and I both know she would never hurt anyone intentionally or of her own accord.” 
“Are you sure about that? Do you know where the Darkhold is today?” Fury yelled. “Because I can tell you right now, Strange sure as hell doesn’t believe it’s gone.”
“I think you’ve made your point,” Bucky interrupted sternly. His Vibranium hand on Fury’s shoulder.
“Buck,” Sam cautioned.
Thor's booming voice cut through the tense and chaotic chatter, demanding attention from all present. "Wanda is still worthy!" he declared with the power of a god. "We shall leave no stone unturned in our quest to help her regain her belief in herself."
“That’s more like it,” Nat said.
“Let’s go,” Maria ordered.
Upon her return, Wanda made it clear that her priority was to provide a normal and safe environment for Billy and Tommy, free from the influence of her past mistakes or her sterile work environment. She was determined to create a loving and secure home for her boys. After multiple meetings with Stark, Wanda decided to move out of the compound and into a house that Tony had designed. True to form, the billionaire created a spectacular home for her and her family.
The elegant craftsman-style house painted in a soft, creamy white hue exuded a warm and inviting aura, beckoning visitors to enter. The stunning embellished concrete path, beautifully winding its way up to the charming wraparound brick porch and the wide entryway, added to the home's alluring charm. The interior was just as captivating, with each room meticulously furnished and perfectly decorated. Tommy and Billy couldn't contain their excitement as they had room to adorn and personalize to their heart's content. She encouraged the boys to let their imaginations run wild, and they eagerly reveled in the opportunity to showcase their unique interests and personalities.
Photographs adorn the walls, each capturing a distinct memory the family held dear. As Wanda gazed upon them, she was immediately transported back to the bittersweet moments of their life in Westview - a life that was nothing more than a fabrication. Despite this painful truth, she remained steadfast in her desire to preserve a fragment of that existence for her sons, who knew no other place to call home. Though tinged with sorrow, the memories were a testament to the love and bond that the family shared, and Wanda was determined to keep that flame burning, no matter how difficult it was to revisit the past.
The family room is tastefully decorated with a large navy blue sectional couch, two elegant Paisley armchairs, and a beautiful Cherry coffee table that seems to beckon you to come and sit. The room's focal point is a stunning painting by Wanda hanging above the fireplace—a reflection of her creative soul and a way to channel her emotions and thoughts. The built-in bookshelves are a treasure trove of knowledge, holding a vast collection of books for all ages. The shelves are adorned with a few carefully chosen plants, each in its decorative pot, adding a touch of nature to the room. The cozy atmosphere of the family room is perfect for relaxing and spending time with loved ones.
As you enter the kitchen, a beautifully arched doorway frames the entrance, inviting you in. This is Wanda's favorite room in the house, and it's easy to see why. The spacious area is furnished with sleek granite countertops and a convenient center island, making it the perfect place for her sons to sit and share stories of their day at school. As you take a deep breath, the delightful scent of Paprikash or homemade pies fills the air, reminding every guest that Wanda's favorite way to show love is through her cooking.
Through the off-white French doors, one could step into a tranquil and inviting backyard that Wanda meticulously cared for. Her passion for gardening was evident in the way she transformed the space into a lush oasis of greenery. The fragrant air was filled with the aroma of the citrus trees that she had lovingly transplanted, and the raised bed, bursting with a variety of colorful seedlings that had sprouted on the kitchen windowsill, was a testament to her dedication to creating a verdant sanctuary for her family to relax and enjoy together.
"Boys, it's time for cake and presents!" Wanda shouted through the window.
"Coming, Mom!" Tommy shouted in response.
Wanda organized a cozy and warm birthday bash for Billy and Tommy and cordially invited the team and their families to attend. It was the first time they had a group gathering outside of work since Wanda's return to the team. While the adults chit-chatted and caught up with each other in the cozy family room, the youngsters were having a blast playing games in the backyard. Cooper, Lila, Morgan, and Nate were among the kids who enjoyed themselves with Billy and Tommy.
Let's go," Clint exclaimed, clapping his hands. "Bring on the cake!
“Relax, it’s not your birthday,” Yelena teased.
Steve and Bucky, with their arms full of colorful gift-wrapped presents, walked over to the elegantly set dining room table. At the same time, Wanda gracefully lit the candles on the birthday cake, decorated with blue and green icing. As soon as Wanda finished lighting the candles, the friends and family sang "Happy Birthday" in unison, and the twins, Billy and Tommy, eagerly blew out the candles.
After the birthday song ended, Billy and Tommy opened their presents excitedly while their mom looked on proudly. The team made sure to honor Wanda's request for no Stark-enhanced gifts. Tommy's gifts included a pair of stylish Nike sneakers, a shiny new scooter, a high-quality baseball glove, and a popular video game he had been asking for for months. Billy, on the other hand, received a high-tech microscope that he could use to explore the world around him, a remote-controlled drone that could fly up to 100 feet in the air, and a brand new sketchbook with Prismacolor Premier colored pencils, so he could continue to develop his artistic skills.
"Okay, here's one more small gift, but let's not devour it all at once," Wanda cautioned as she placed the personalized candy bags from your shop in front of the boys.
"You can each choose a couple of pieces, and we'll save the rest for later," their mom instructed as the boys rummaged through their bags.
Tommy whirled around the table and embraced his mother. "This is the best birthday ever, thanks, Mom!"
“Yeah, Mom, this was awesome!” Billy followed. 
"Mmmm, this is good," Tony said, returning from the kitchen where he had raided the bag of candy you made for Wanda.
“Excuse me, that’s not yours!” Wanda scolded.  
“I don’t see your name on it.” Tony argued.
Crossing her arms, the redhead insisted, 'Turn it around.'
“Well,” Tony paused. Calligraphy is a lost art,” tossing her the bag.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought you said,” she muttered.
Maria and Natasha decided to stay with Wanda to help her with the post-party cleanup. As they put things away, they noticed red wisps of magic floating gently around the room, lifting empty plates and glasses to the sink. Wanda had always been careful about using her powers outside of missions. Still, resisting the temptation to make things a little easier for herself was hard, especially when her house was full of messy superheroes who weren't particularly good at cleaning up after themselves. As she was putting away dishes, one of them unexpectedly slipped from her grasp and hit the floor, shattering into two pieces.
"Are you okay?" Maria asked as Natasha carefully picked up the broken plate.
“I’m fine, just a bit clumsy,” the redhead insisted.
“Like mother, like sons,” Natasha teased.
“Oh yeah,” Maria said with a grin. “Nat told me all about your little adventure. She said you were smitten.”
"I was not smitten!" Wanda insisted, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“You had a goofy grin when you came back to the cafe,” Natasha said, scoffing.
“I was simply being a good Samaritan,” Wanda argued.
Natasha's lips curled into a playful smirk as she said, "Oh?" And who were you pretending to be when you purchased those candy bags for Billy and Tommy from Y/N's shop?"
Wanda's eyes widened as she asked, "How did you find out? And more importantly, how do you know her name?"
“Wands, I'm a spy. If one of my friends leaves with a stranger and goes to their apartment alone, you can bet I will check them out.” 
“Well, nothing happened. I got her some ice for her ankle and left, and I didn’t even know it was her shop,” Wanda dismissed. Besides,” Wanda whispered, peering over at her boys asleep on the couch. “Billy and Tommy are just starting to feel at home here. I would never do anything to put that in jeopardy… Not again,” fidgeting quietly with the wedding ring still holding tight to her finger. It had been a year, but she still hadn’t found the strength to remove it.
“We know you wouldn’t,” Maria reassured, placing her arm around her shoulder. “But you are still worthy of the chance to be happy again, honey.”
“Just because you’re starting over doesn’t mean you have to do it alone,” Natasha added. “Is that what Vis would have wanted?” 
*Chapter 4 coming soon*
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steven--lim · 5 months
I mean... "Watcher is a production studio that is focused on creating television-caliber, unscripted series in the digital space". A streaming service as the end goal always made sense to me - knowing full well if it happened I might not be able to pay for it.
I mean GMM has been around for over a decade but they're also a show within a production company that belongs to Mythical Entertainment. They have mythical society (which is paid), mythical kitchen, a cookbook, a cereal brand, sporked, they bought Smosh, they have annual ticketed events, they go on tour, etc. And they've chosen to remain on YouTube but because they're backed by so many other stuff.
I've seen so many people say they don't want quality content, they just want Ryan and Shane sitting in folding chairs in the dark. Well then go back to watching Unsolved. They wanna grow up in their careers and why shouldn't they get to? They left buzzfeed for a reason. If you can't see that for what it is then their content it's for you, Watcher is not for you. If you can't be happy "your favorite content creator" wants a better career for himself then just leave them alone.
Many followed Shane and Ryan to Watcher to only keep watching them, completely ignoring the fact that they have a production studio. The idea has always been to keep adding new talent. To hire other hosts. They even had to explicitly say that in yesterday's video as if it wasn't obvious already.
Guys, Shane and Ryan (and Steven) are not YouTubers. They're not David Dobrik or Cody Ko. They're creators, writers, directors, executive producers, editors (etc) of their own series on their own production company.
Now does that mean they're exempt from making financial mistakes? No, they're not. This is their first time running a company. Mistakes are always gonna be made and maybe they could've handled the news better but your response as "fans" could've been A LOT better too.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
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wang yibo - seminar on TV drama "War of Faith" held
On April 12, a seminar on the drama "War of Faith" sponsored by the China Television Arts Committee and Jiangsu Provincial Radio and Television Bureau was held in Beijing. The meeting was chaired by Yi Kai, Secretary General of China Television Arts Committee.
At the meeting, Tan Songzhi, director of the TV Drama Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Radio and Television Bureau, believed that the drama promoted the national spirit with patriotism as the core, pioneered and innovated in subject matter, techniques, and content, and provided rich opportunities for theme creation. Experience and inspiration demonstrate the enduring charm of classic narratives.
Ma Jun, deputy director of the TV Drama Project Department of the Film and Television Drama and Documentary Center of China Central Radio and Television Station, believes that the drama has a novel perspective, vivid characters and a clear theme. With faith as the soul, the protagonist's process of finding faith, establishing faith, and strengthening faith is described in detail, which is highly contagious. Let the audience, especially young audiences, receive patriotic education while understanding the history of the party and modern economic history.
Dai Ying, senior vice president of iQiyi and chief producer of the show, said that the show responds to the mood of the times, integrates traditional espionage themes with current audience needs, and resonates with the audience; it focuses on the experience and destiny of small people, and in financial espionage. A glimpse into the reality and complexity of human nature, arousing empathy from the audience. The drama has achieved good ratings in Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, the United States, Indonesia and other regions. It has broken the user profile of previous spy dramas and significantly increased the proportion of young users and female users.
Long Qian, president of Ruyi Pictures and chief planner of the show, believes that the show is a carefully polished work of ingenuity, a reproduction and tribute to China's excellent traditional culture and the original mission of the Communist Party of China.
Zhang Shuwei, chief producer of Enlightenment Pictures and chief producer of the show, believes that the characters in the show are flesh and blood, and the characters have strong vitality, allowing the audience to feel the power of faith while being moved by the protagonist.
The chief director of the drama, Yao Xiaofeng, shared the process of creating the drama, as well as the details and gains during the filming, expressed the original intention of paying tribute to the faith, and hoped that through this work, the audience can feel the original intention of the Communist Party of China to serve the people.
The drama’s screenwriter Weng Liangping shared his creative ideas and expressed his creative ideas of revealing the inevitability of the KMT's defeat and showing that finance under the leadership of the Communist Party serves the people. He believes that the Chinese Communist Party leads the people to victory, which is the choice of history and the people.
article source.
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goldrushenthusiast · 2 years
No bc what if Snow’s hatred and realization of Katniss’ power started before the berries? Think about it.
The obvious, shooting an arrow at the game makers. All of them thought about how cool it was, blah blah blah, but what if Snow looked at that and saw Sejanus? Sejanus, throwing a chair at the screen when they brought out Marcus, his dead friend. And Sejanus was raised capitol. And he didn’t have a romance going on.
Snow knew the potential that Katniss had, if she saw something unfair. He heard about the tribute who was in love, who was causing a ruckus in the training room, and he knew what that led too because he’s seen it. He wasn’t as worried about Peeta because he didn’t have the same fire that snow himself once had in him. He knew how people swooned for a love story (director people being romantics, saying he cheated in the games for love and letting him off the bad hook), and the power Katniss would have if she turned rebel.
Second reason, which is way less obvious. MEADOW SONG. Lucy Gray didn’t sing it at the Hob. She only sang it on television, and to her family. And Dr. Gaul said that she had destroyed every last tape of it, save for one for herself. And how easy would that have been for him to get and destroy, especially once he had killed her (which I believe he definitely did, but that’s unrelated. Mostly).
Katniss sang the meadow song. The meadow song, which has only one (possibly destroyed copy) of it on record. So where else would she have learned it? Someone connected to Lucy Gray. Snow is terrified of anyone coming back from that part of his past to haunt him. He now knows Katniss is somehow connected/related to Lucy Gray, the girl who nearly shook his entire value system and made him rethink everything (just like Katniss did with Panem, btw).
Snow knows how dangerous this girl is. He knows what she could do with her power, but he has to make sure the country doesn’t know what she has because they will be the ones giving it to her. He has to make sure the (possibly STILL ALIVE at that point (he probably checked she wasn’t during his visit before the quarter quell)) Lucy Gray didn’t know how dangerous she was.
That’s why he had her dress up. Not to make her seem like a lovesick schoolgirl, but a harmless lovesick schoolgirl. One with no fire in her. Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire, extinguished, along with any trace of rebellion. The capitol and all of panem has seen her strategies, her brutality, and her soft side. They can’t be fooled by dresses, unless Katniss believes she can fool them through dresses.
It’s so many layers. The capitol people at the bottom, who needed no convincing. Then the district people, who wouldn’t be able to afford to not care about how Katniss saw herself. If they saw Katniss seeing herself as unfit for the rebellion, they would too, thus eliminating any chance of it (to Snow). Next, Katniss. She thinks she knows why she has to wear the stupid dresses. She thinks she knows her power if she stayed strong, and she must do everything in her power not to do that. But she doesn’t understand the extent of it (until the tour and uprisings in 8).
Snow knows ALL of this. He made the layers, separating them. He perfected it and he is all around it. He knows what each layers thinking, because he has thought it too. He’s thought it all through, all the steps, all the layers, and he only has one conclusion; Snow lands on top.
As always thank you for reading this if you did! And I truly did mean to make this bosas analysis short, but as you can see it is not (unless you compare it to my others). What’s amazing to me is the last line in this, the snow lands on top. Because so far you are thinking about how it’s Katniss’ actions and Snow’s reactions, but he’s kind of on top of it all in the end. This whole post was about him, and that’s also sort of a metaphor for the books themselves. How Katniss was the main character of the rebellion, but Snow/Coin were the real ones behind the rebellion (both sides). Just brain candy, yk?
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