#and my roommate and his family rlly want all of our families to get together
stargarland · 6 months
question in the tags ugh sorry for complaining
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
hi. currently my boyfriend and i planned the decision to move in together. though we honestly have no idea where to begin. the only thing we rlly know at the moment is the fact we want a one bedroom one bathroom. neither one of us have vehicles and are both paying bills/rent at our parents. any advice on how we can even begin this step? i always appreciate your advice that your share on here!!
Hi love! Thanks so much for your kind words and support. Sharing a huge disclaimer here that I've never lived with a romantic partner, so all of these suggestions are based on old roommate experiences and a hypothetical context (I personally would never live with a man I'm seeing, but that's personal preference). Here are some tips/things I would consider:
Discuss and determine why you're choosing to live together and want expectations that sets up in the relationship. Is this mainly a decision you made to give you both more autonomy from your parents/for financial reasons or another life convenience? Are you moving in together with the expectation of engagement/marriage/kids in the future? It's important to be on the same page for why you're choosing to move in together. There's only one wrong answer – it's not right for you as individuals or as a couple
Discuss how you will split costs/finances and division of labor (cooking, cleaning, chores, errands, etc.) ahead of time. Know who is paying for what, and which chores each of you can reasonably commit to doing (if one person hates cleaning/laundry less and the other person doesn't mind cooking and grocery shopping, for example). Considering you don't have any plans set in stone, create a budget for what you can realistically afford rent-wise (with some padding in case, honestly) and the financial situation you would need to maintain both your desired standards of living
State your hygiene dealbreakers upfront, especially regarding the shared bathroom and inside/outdoor allowances (e.g. no shoes inside/outside clothes on the bed, etc.)
Know and respect each other's work and sleep schedules
Prioritize still dating each other – having date nights (whether that's going out together for dinner or a movie or a special night in with a dimly-light homecooked meal and your favorite TV show)
Don't allow your sex life to become an obligation or a routine – have "sleepover" nights scheduled to create anticipation and introduce the fun of a new flame into the dynamic of your long-term if desired
Retain your own hobbies, self-care activities, and social life – still ensure that go to that workout class, watch that TV show only you love alone, get your nails done, go out to dinner with your friends, etc. without your partner. You now spend most of your time together, so make sure not to lose yourself/isolate yourself in your relationship
Be upfront about your social expectations with the other person – are you the type to always want people over/go out with friends or are you more introverted? What about your partner? How about family visitation/expectations for holidays, birthdays, etc.? Make sure you're on the same page or can find a compromising arrangement that doesn't feel like a self-sacrifice
Hope this helps xx
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chaoticpanenergy · 2 years
god. god. okay. so. im in a dnd campaign. yes? yes. im going to rant about my character's plotline. the campaign's theme (vaguely) is political intrigue. also fair warning there are going to be a number of sex mentions because the players are all horny college students (except technically i just graduated). also lots of morally questionable and straight up morally bad choices from various characters, all done in the name of entertainment.
relevant characters to what im abt to talk about:
kaede kipling (pc) (ze/hir, fae/they/she): my character, heir apparent (second heir in line) to House Kipling, an extremely rich and powerful family of professional assassins.
min (pc) (she/they/fae): played by one of the humans who i make out with (M, any pronouns); is a changeling (shapeshifter) noble seeking to form political alliances to benefit her family.
kenneth kipling (npc) (he/him): kaede’s uncle, heir to House Kipling (first in line), extremely cruel and also extremely hot and flamboyant; is. like. a vampire weeb (veeb) and has body modded fangs (is actually a half elf); seduces all his victims before killing them; decided kaede was his arch nemesis when kaede was about six (and he was like 22) and has personally made faer life a living hell since then.
santino (npc) (he/him i think? or he/any, most npcs use a variety): an aasimar (angel) healer who has a preexisting political alliance and close personal friendship with min
yersis (npc) (she/her or she/they i think): a powerful political leader in the country we live in (although not at the top of the government hierarchy). very hot. a lot of "yes mommy" jokes get made ooc anytime she does anything. vaguely allied with min, mostly because min wants to ally faerself with her and yersis doesn't object to this. tolerates but dislikes kenneth.
also!! the dm (R, they/them) is the other human i make out with, and is dating min’s player. they are both so cool :)
okay okay okay SO. M and i are the two players who are the most deeply invested in the Complicated Plot part of the campaign (the whole campaign was actually a birthday present for M from R, it was rlly cute). so M and i have a ton of lore that we've created together. and a ton of plot. in this post i am mostly talking about just the plot that directly impacts my character. there is a ton more i am not touching on in this post. here we go, buckle up:
so! the whole party met each other upon being summoned by a deity of chaos and anarchy to do some quest that he won't actually tell us the details of. we were sent to a party, which we are given to understand various important political things are happening at, and we each have different goals in attending. however, before gaining entrance to said party, we had to pass a series of tests. while working on these tests, min came up with the bright idea of barganing with the deity who summoned us all (we refer to him as Sexy Deity, since we do not yet know his name and R makes all the npcs so hot. it's amazing. we're all super gay.)
so min bargained with the deity. she came up with a proposal to sell him the souls of the rest of our party in exchange for herself becoming a warlock (and the more souls from the party she gets for him, the more additional perks she gets). she can keep her soul under this bargain also. it's very much a ton of perks for faer at the expense of the rest of the party. we refer to this bargain, and her attempts to deliver on it, as Min's Villain Arc. the party is not thrilled when she suggests we should all sell our souls, so she drops it for a while and we keep doing our fancy magical tests.
now. kaede's backstory is that they went to assassin school in their late teens, and had an extremely codependent relationship with their roommate, sorra, a changeling who used he/she/they pronouns. they had 0 boundaries with each other, never defined what their relationship was, and also had a lot of sex. it was very unhealthy. neither of them was aware of any of these many issues. after graduating, kaede panicked over the fact that she missed sorra (not being used to caring about other people this much), had an identity crisis, and ran away from home. kaede's parents hired sorra to go after kaede and bring them back, and kaede panicked again and killed sorra. this was about 2 weeks before the campaign started, and kaede has been dealing with significant amounts of trauma, grief, and guilt since then.
that context established, skipping back to the plot of the campaign! min goes through kaede's belongings (for reasons that actually were not super nefarious and did make sense at the time) and finds a locket with a portrait of sorra. curious about this, she shapeshifts into sorra and lures kaede off to a separate room. they proceed to sleep together, even though kaede knows this is some kind of ruse and not the real sorra. afterwards, kaede starts crying and traumadumps to min about having killed sorra and regretting it.
min has a bright idea. fae suggests to kaede that fae have the ability to take kaede's grief and pain away. kaede, who is not fully out of subspace at this point, and who has just experienced Having Some Serotonin And Endorphins for the first time in several months and associates min as being the cause of this, is distinctly more suggestible and open to this than ze would normally be. ze probably is not in a state where ze can truly consent to things. min is not fully aware of this fact, and also is on her villain arc, so continues with her proposal. (all of the really horrifying aspects of this situation were my idea btw, i enjoy traumatizing kaede. M helped me make it worse and more fun, but it was not her idea to do all the really horrible questionable parts of this lol.)
min explains that if kaede agrees to sell min their soul, for min to then immediately transfer to Sexy Deity, min would be willing to temporarily erase all of kaede's traumatic memories about killing sorra, with the goal of getting kaede into therapy and then slowly giving the memories back as kaede becomes better able to process and healthily deal with them. kaede, due to their extremely suggestible state and the fact that they are so tired of hurting so much all the time, agrees to this, and promptly signs away faer soul to min. min passes the soul on to Sexy Deity and gains her first level in warlock. kaede forgets all about killing sorra, for the time being, and switches their alignment from chaotic evil to neutral evil.
the problem with this bargain, that neither kaede nor min anticipated, is that kaede traumadumping about killing sorra to min directly before the "selling their soul" conversation made their memory of selling min their soul one of the memories that gets temporarily erased as part of this deal. due to this, kaede now 1) doesn't know they don't have a soul anymore 2) falsely believes that sorra is alive, and most importantly 3) believes that min is sorra in disguise.
min does not know this miscommunication has taken place. we continue on with our magical tests, pass them all, and gain entrance to the political event; it's a masquerade ball.
now!! we need the info about the npcs that i mentioned up at the top of this post. remember them? they're important now. they're all attending the ball.
midway through the ball, kenneth attempts to assassinate yersis (although he does not do this personally, instead sending some goons to do it for him, and is likely using the assassination attempt as cover to perform other nefarious deeds while everyone is distracted with yersis almost dying). yersis survives, thanks to magical healing from various sources (remember santino? he is here; he can restore anyone to full health regardless of injury level), but it does appear that people with various political agendas are attempting to do different things under the cover of the chaos.
because of the assassination attempt, the palace that we are all in is put on magical lockdown, with a magical barrier surrounding it to prevent any of us from leaving until Things Have Been Gotten To The Bottom Of. around this point, due to a conversation with yersis, min officially ends her Villain Arc, because yersis reveals that she does not trust Sexy Deity and does not believe he should be allowed to own more souls. and again, yersis is hot, so most of the pcs want to do what she says, including min.
kaede and kenneth run into each other. kenneth insults kaede and then orders them to do another assassination for him. kaede tries to blackmail their way out of this, threatening to tell their grandmother (his mother and the head of the family) about a time he killed someone off the family's Do Not Kill list. he counter-blackmails kaede with a piece of information kaede didn't know he knew about them. kaede grumblingly agrees to do the job for him. he gives them some poison to coat their knives in and tells them to kill santino; he then goes off to distract min (the only party member both powerful enough to stop kaede and politically savvy enough to notice what kaede is doing in time to stop it) by having an orgy with min and several other party members (kenneth is aware kaede believes min is sorra, although he is also aware that min is not actually sorra, so he makes sure kaede knows about the orgy, because of the thing where he enjoys viciously tormenting kaede). (side note: earlier during the masquerade ball, min figured out that kaede thinks fae is sorra, and has been silently panicking over what to do about that since then.)
kaede, fuming and devastated, goes off to kill santino. NOW. a relevant piece of information here is that kaede is kalashtar; ze has a little bit of essentially angel ancestry, and this ancestor has a spiritual connection to them (which kaede mostly attempts to ignore) and is supposed to guide them in the pursuit of good deeds. (kaede was adopted on purpose because of this, to give faer parents a power trip about overcoming the influence of this celestial being by raising kaede to very much Not Pursue Good Deeds.) (none of kaede's family are good people lol.)
so!! kaede gets santino (the angel) alone by claiming to have been stabbed and need to be healed, and implying that it was kenneth and that ze is very scared and innocent and needs help escaping from him. (all of which is a ruse.) kaede then proceeds to stab santino several times with the poisoned knives, saying "it's not personal" (which kaede believes is the "no homo" of killing people ajksdhksfh). in between getting stabbed, santino starts crying and apologizes for "not being able to save kaede," presumably meaning save kaede from kaede's own family, presumably relating to him being an aasimar and kaede being kalashtar. he also hints at kaede not having their soul (although not outright saying so) and says he hopes they get it back someday. he then sends a magical cry for help to some of the other pcs, but he also tells them "it's not kaede's fault" (which. lmao yes it is my guy, you are actively being murdered on purpose by kaede at this exact second). (he had a lot of hp, it took several stabs to kill him, so he had time to say/do all this lol.) then he dies and i steal his cool magic angel sword to keep. >:)
however! some of the other pcs show up, because of santino's call for help, in time to cast Revivify on him and bring him back to life. this is Not Good News for kaede, since she wasn't killing him for her own goals, but rather for kenneth, and so now ze is in trouble with kenneth. especially because the newly-alive santino got immediately rushed to a safe house to hide so that he will be safe from future assassination attempts, so now kenneth cannot just go kill him himself.
kenneth immediately denies all involvement in any of this, but, to protect the family reputation, begins negotiating with yersis on kaede's behalf. he manages to finagle out an agreement that kaede will be tried for murder under the laws of House Kipling, who are powerful enough to count as a city-state, and not under the laws of the city-state we are currently physically in. this is good news for me since yknow i have the funniest feeling the laws of House Kipling, The Famous Assassins, will not be particularly unfriendly to me doing murder, and will be deeply in my favor since i am a prized member of the family and my grandmother's favorite. in the meantime, though, yersis does arrest me. (which i am deeply offended by; how dare she act like she has any authority over me just because she is a government authority of the country i live in?? how dare she try and impose consequences on me for my actions????? this is just insulting.)
also! kenneth tells kaede that min is not sorra, and helps them realize that some of hir memories are missing. he does not tell them that sorra is dead, or that they killed sorra, or that they sold their soul to min, even though all of this is information he has. meanwhile, min confesses everything about the "kaede's soul" debacle to yersis, who is horrified for many reasons.
min is also now giving kaede a cold shoulder, because of the thing where she has a preexisting close friendship with santino, and is therefore very angry that kaede would try to kill him (even though kaede has disavowed all personal responsibility in this many times by saying that 1) it wasn't personal and 2) kenneth made them. so kaede is very annoyed that everyone is still for some reason blaming them for being a grown adult who attempted murder).
this is approximately where we are currently in the campaign. kaede has been observing min's behavior, and has satisfied themself that kenneth was telling the truth when he said min wasn't sorra, but kaede hasn't realized how significant what's going on actually is; kaede's current theory is that min somehow found out about kaede's relationship with sorra, and intentionally tricked kaede into thinking she is sorra in order to be able to utilize kaede's assassin services without paying them. kaede has no idea how many of their memories are missing, or that sorra is dead, or that their soul is gone.
now. the thing is. next session. i want to confront min over this. and confuse her very much because she will have no idea what i'm talking about when i'm all "why are you so mad over me killing someone for kenneth when you literally were going to do the exact same thing as he did" because yknow. she had no intention of doing the same thing. because i am Incorrect about what is happening. all of which will be very fun. HOWEVER. it would be super in character for kaede to bluff and say "kenneth told me Everything" while saying all this. BUT if i do that i am Almost Certain that min would take it at face value, go "oh cool, so i don't need to figure out how to break it to you that i took your soul and memories" and proceed to immediately give back all my memories of killing sorra. which would be Very Bad because kaede would 1) have a huge breakdown and 2) want min dead, and both try to kill her themself and also sic kenneth on them (which would be Very Very Very Bad because kenneth is 6 levels above us, and has a blackrazor sword, which kills you dead and eats your soul when he stabs you with it). so probably i should not say that even though it would be super in character.
so the goal rn for me personally is for kaede to Not Yet figure out that ze sold hir soul to min, or that sorra is dead, for at least another few sessions. ideally not finding any of it out before kaede's Going On Trial For Murder arc concludes. which will be Difficult because min has already almost given back all my memories Twice and will definitely do so if given the Slightest actual reason to. but as soon as she does, kaede will try and kill her, which is. not ideal since we are both player characters and need to remain on non-murdery terms in the long term lol. so. all of this is going to be So entertaining but also will take a lot of figuring out as we get closer and closer to everything about kaede and min's soul deal exploding in our faces (which we have known was coming for a long time and have been looking forward to, lol). i don't yet know how all of this is going to resolve but i do know i am going to have a Great time.
okay. rant concluded for the time being. i love this campaign so much. it's incredibly chaotic and every single time i have a bad (read: extremely entertaining) idea, R lets me add it in, and it's the best thing ever.
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mooniefics · 4 years
in the grand scheme of things [ 3 ]
pairings : zeke jaeger / reader, referenced eren jaeger / reader
word count : 5.5k
tags : unhealthy relationships, relationship discussions, implied cheating, drinking, break ups, mutual infidelity, dubious morality, love triangles
warning : descriptions of alcohol and drug use
summary : you and eren hadn't been doing the best these past few months, and no one that you knew seemed to have any answers for you, or pointers in the right direction. who better to offer you some sound, insightful relationship advice than his older brother. or so you thought.
— originally posted 1 / 28 / 21 on ao3 —
✧·゚: *✧·゚:  *:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚*:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚:*·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚:*
sasha  3:47 pm hey u down to party tonight?? jean told connie he could get us into another one of the azo parties again
you sighed at the sight of the notifications on your phone from its place on the passenger's seat, pensively drumming your fingers on your steering wheel. the most recent party of the most popular fraternity chapter on your campus you'd attended had been the last party you'd subjected yourself to attending—the halloween party where you'd gotten ditched out and subsequently cheated on. though you could admit that it had been fun in the moment, especially when you had caught the struggle between sasha and historia when she saw your roommate snap a picture of her kissing the standoffish sophomore that always helped her with her english lit homework, ymir, rather than the fraternity guy she was meant to be with.
the memory of that night, at least the time before you'd realized your boyfriend and his annoyingly attractive best friend were nowhere to be found, made you consider. classes did start back up next week, and the most eventful thing you'd done over the break was your quaint little family get-together for new year's eve—and your two rendezvous with zeke, meetings that you were slowly beginning to feel more and more skeptical about as time went on—and you were sure that your second semester would drown you in work just as much—if not more—than you'd had in your first semester. so as soon as you came to a stop at a red light, you picked your phone up to shoot her back a message, laughing to yourself when she replied instantly.
               you  3:51 pm party on a wednesday?                            really?
sasha   3:51 pm come onnnn please??? i heard nikos gonna be there! ur rlly gonna make me go all alone??
so that was why she wanted to go, to see the foreign culinary major that somehow always managed to send her back to the dorm with a large plate of food and a blinding smile plastered on her face for at least the next hour. you were honestly surprised that they hadn't gotten together yet, considering how many common interests they'd shared.
a pleasant thought suddenly popped into your head, the thought that she was probably asking you because mikasa had already declined, meaning that she wouldn't be in attendance. armin was out in turkey with eren, ensuring his absence. that fact made you feel a bit less anxious about accepting sasha's invitation. you could catch up with the friends you'd been unable to see while you were off-campus—or too swamped with work to be able to reach out to—let loose one last time before you were trapped back in the monotonous cycle of working, sleeping, crying, and eating for the next couple months until spring break. your mind had been made up.
                          you  3:52 pm    fine. i'll go as moral support. but no promises u won't have  to babysit after you've had ur                          fun with nikolo  this break has been rough for                                       me lol
sasha  3:53 pm oh god my i loveyou so much already picking out our outfits
you chuckled to yourself, slipping your phone into the cupholder as the brake lights of the car in front of you flashed off and you eased your foot onto the gas. you made it back to the dorm relatively quickly, sasha more than elated to see you even though you didn't have any food to bring back for her. and just as her text message had read, she'd already laid out one of your nicer dresses and a set of heels that didn't absolutely kill your feet by the end of the night by your bed, digging through the closet with a pile of discarded clothes growing on the floor.
"thanks sash," you giggled, "but don't you think it's a little to be getting ready? what time's the party?"
"connie told me seven-thirty, but jean said for us to come an hour later so we aren't the only ones there." she spoke over her shoulder, huffing as she tossed another piece of clothing aside, "but i wanna look good! i'm gonna hop in the shower as soon as i find the right thing to wear."
holding out your dress before you, you frowned. it was simple, black and made of a sheer, clingy material with lace accents decorating the low neckline, thin straps that bared the entirety of your shoulders and a modest amount of cleavage. it was one of your favorites, but the half-healed bruises scattered across the skin that would be exposed by it wasn't ideal.
"oh, don't forget to take a cheap coat that you don't mind forgetting. it's kinda chilly out, and i always end up losing track of mine during the night."
you let out a breath of relief, remembering that covering up a bit more would be weather appropriate. "yeah, i'll wear a long-sleeved undershirt and something light on top." perfect.
you waited until sasha had gathered her toiletries and scurried off to the nearest bathroom to change clothes, feeling your face heat up at the thought of zeke, the initial deep pigmentation having faded out over the last two days but still a very visible shade of faint red. you were fully dressed upon your roommate's return, earning an excited slew of compliments from her as she wrapped up her hair in a towel and settled down beside you to get started on her makeup.
you were actually grateful for how early she'd insisted on getting ready considering how long she'd agonized over her eyeliner, or how many times she'd applied and removed her lashes, complaining that "something was off" or "it just didn't look right". your suggested time of arrival came in no time at all, and by then sasha was more than eager to start rushing you despite the pace she'd been moving at earlier.
"hurry!! if niko brings food, i don't wanna get there by the time it's all gone!" she whined, jiggling the doorknob to your room impatiently, "for the thanksgiving party, he brought a charcuterie board with all these nice cheeses on it and it was so good, he looked so happy watching me eat it, it was so cute!"
you chuckled softly at her enthusiasm, shoving the last of your things into your clutch, zipping up your phone in the small inner pocket to insure that you didn't drop it and forget on the floor of someone's house this time. "i'm sure that even if we got there late, he'd set aside plenty of food for you."
the walk to the fraternity's designated house was made much shorter by sasha's insistence, practically dragging you along by the wrist the whole way at a near jog. you couldn't deny that you were feeling a bit nervous about the whole ordeal, knowing that you would have sasha, connie, and jean at the very least, but unaware as to what you would really do besides mill around. at the halloween party, you'd been able to play the variety of drinking games that had been set out for the guests with eren and his friends, but now you weren't entirely sure who to stick to for the majority of the night.
you didn't want to bother jean or connie after they'd gotten secured you an invite, and you were sure that sasha was expecting to be able to spend some time alone with the guy she'd came to see in the first place, meaning you'd have to spend a majority of the night alone, or the unfavorable option of mingling with unfamiliar people. but you realized that was a pill you'd have to swallow as you approached the steps of the house, nearly tripping up over your feet from the speed that sasha was hauling you along at, watching her furiously knock at the door.
there were people wandering about in the yard, some on their phones, most likely waiting for their own friends to arrive, and a smoky stench of something that definitely wasn't just tobacco wafting from the group of men camped out on the porch murmuring amongst each other. you could hear the volume of the music inside the house, almost able to feel it thrumming across the floor if you focused enough.
"thomas!" she exclaimed at the sight of a younger-looking blonde boy when the door opened, whose existence you honestly had no idea about until just now, grinning so broadly it made your own cheeks hurt for her, "jean invited us!"
"oh, come right in." he beamed right back, calling loudly over his shoulder, "yo, jean, your friends are here!"
the inside of the house looked just as you expected, already crowded to max capacity, jean having to maneuver past the throng of people gathered near the front to approach the two of you. "damn, i feel like i haven't seen you in forever." he did his best to speak over the music, wrapping you up in a friendly squeeze, "glad to see you could finally make it." he turned to sasha. "niko's already in the kitchen, by the way. asked when you were coming just a few minutes ago."
sasha's face lit up with glee, turning to you, silently asking for permission to go off on her own as if you could ever deny her and her overly-eager expression. "go get 'em, tiger." you smiled, giving her a few pats on her shoulder to send her off on her way, watching her disappear into the crowd in record time.
but before apprehension of her absence could set in, you felt jean's arm sling around your shoulder, pulling you into his side. "c'mon, you didn't think i was gonna ditch out and let you hang alone all night?" you giggled, turning your head up to look at him properly for the first time.
you'd first met jean in your statistics class, an unfortunate requirement for your major of choice, and initially bonded over your mutual connection through sasha. they'd been good friends in high school, and you'd just moved into a room for at least the next year with her, so you figured it'd do you well to have someone who could get you in her good graces in the event that you two didn't get along. but, thankfully, you two were just fine on your own, and sasha and jean became your first friends outside of the small group you and eren shared.
the only real conflict of interest between the two of you seemed to be your aforementioned boyfriend, and you couldn't really be upset at him for that. eren could be difficult to get along with even at the best of times, he wasn't a terrible person—at least before he'd cheated—but he wasn't exactly the most friendly either.
"is this piercing new?" you asked, reaching up to brush your thumb over the small earring hugging the shell of jean's ear.
"yeah, got it for new year's. pretty hot, right?" you snorted, earning a grin from him, "by the way, if you need to use the bathroom just tell me, the one on the main floor is fucking filthy. and also probably has no toilet paper."
"will do." you could feel the tension ebbing away in his company, at least when you ignored the annoyed glances other girls were sending your way when they noticed his arm around you, "so, what's on the menu for tonight?"
"well, we probably have every kind of alcohol known to man," he said, leaning down to speak into your ear as he began to guide you through the crowded first floor, "beer kegs are out back, junk food and all the inexpensive shit is in the kitchen." he stopped at the opening to a hallway, smile evident in his voice. "but i'm feeling pretty generous tonight, so if you want some of the good stuff we have stashed, just say the word."
"wow, such a gentleman. do you say that to every girl that comes in?" you playfully replied, thankfully far enough away from the music now that you didn't have to talk at nearly a shout.
"only the ones i like." he added a terribly over-exaggerated wink, earning another small laugh from you, "so, what'll it be? vodka, tequila, or triple sec?"
you blinked up at him. "that's it? when you said 'good stuff', i imagined a little more variety."
"beggars can't be choosers, sweetheart. and anyways we're a frat, not a restaurant, so either take your pick or go enjoy some cheap wine while you watch nikolo and sasha drool over each other."
you rolled your eyes, feigning anger in the face of his attitude, huffing out your answer. "surprise me then, frat boy."
"good answer." he said with a grin, "wait here."
he disappeared down the hall, leaving you to stare in silence at the wall before you and listen to the barely muffled sounds of the party going on just a few meters away. you opened up your clutch to fish out your phone, opening it to find your text conversation still open, catching a glimpse of connie's name. you felt a little guilty that you'd almost forgotten about his expected presence, seeing as he had messaged you and you hadn't heard anything from sasha or jean yet. you decided to shoot him a quick text letting him know that you and sasha had arrived, not surprised when he didn't respond as quickly as he usually did, knowing that he was already wrapped up in getting high out of his mind somewhere here or doing so elsewhere.
you opted to kill time tapping through your feed, making it a point to quickly scroll past any posts with armin's handle attached to them. the thought of eren having fun halfway across the world was both pleasant and disheartening at the same time. you felt stupid for still clinging on to the second thoughts about ending things the second he got back. sure, all the dots connected suspiciously well to create a picture that led to the clear conclusion of cheating, but eren wasn't good at hiding things. you remembered the time in your junior year when he'd barely been able to keep your surprise party that your friends had organized you a secret before one of them slipped up about it and exonerated him from blame, and you couldn't help but ask yourself if he was really capable of hiding such a terrible deed when he couldn't even conceal the harmless types of secrets from you.
the more confrontational part of you said that that was ages ago, that both you and him had changed so much since your time in high school, and maybe one of those changes was what made him put so much distance between the two of you these last months rather than hang around you and risk airing out his dirty laundry. you knew you should be angry with him, you would be more than right to be angry with him, but you force yourself to stop clinging to the simpler times, the days when he'd look at you like you'd put the stars in the sky and said all he ever wanted to do was be around you. you couldn't believe how much had changed in so little time.
"ta-da!" jean's voice interrupted your self-pity, a tall plastic cup suddenly occupying your vision, "long island iced tea for the lady. with a straw."
"christ, jean, are you trying to kill me?" you guffawed, taking the cup from him anyways, "my first real party in months and this is what you start me off with?"
"at least give it a try! after i took all that time to make it for you.." he furrowed his brows at you, only relaxing after you took a tentative sip. it was surprisingly not as strong as you thought it would be, a little on the sweeter side, but it served as a good distraction for the burn of five different alcohols sliding down your throat. "pretty good, isn't it?"
"meh. five out of ten." you snarked, giggling around the straw between your lips.
"typical," he lamented, clutching his hands over his heart, "all you and sasha ever do is use me."
"don't lie to yourself, jean. you love us."
you didn't know if it was the dim lighting casting a shadow over his face, but you could swear that you saw his cheeks flush at your assertion. "anyways.. speaking of love, you still dating that asshole? eric?"
"eren." you corrected, laughing at the error, "and, well, it's complicated."
"complicated? then i'm assuming he fucked up big time, considering he's not even here with you this time around."
you took a long sip of your drink, fiddling with the bendy part of your straw, the thought of his infidelity weighing heavily on your heart. "well he'd probably be here if he wasn't out of town, he's been planning to take his trip for a while now.."
jean shot you a displeased look. "i seriously don't know how you put up with that guy, you're selling yourself short honestly. planning on breaking up with him anytime soon?"
you cast your gaze to the floor, thankful that the warmth of the alcohol in your stomach was helping to ease the cool hollowness settling deep into your chest. "oh hush. you don't even know the whole story, jean."
"well i know enough. if you're in the market for any new guys, i'll scout out someone nice for you." you scoffed at his offer, but didn't outright deny it either, unable to help smiling along with him when he smirked and nodded over to the party in the other room, "now, come play me in beer pong, then you'll really have something to complain about."
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
zeke could confidently say that his night had been utterly unremarkable.
another quiet day spent working at the library, where he'd actually glanced at the door more times than he was willing to admit with the hope that it would be you walking in. he'd actually been quite tempted to message you, to ask what you were doing, if you had anywhere between two and three so that maybe he could see you, but he'd ultimately decided against it. he couldn't quite figure out the exact cause of his newly-found infatuation with you, but the rationality of it didn't concern him as much as it probably should've, he was simply pleased to relive the very recent memories of your encounters together and anticipate your next meeting—at least until his younger brother returned.
eren had attempted to goad a reaction out of him with an assortment of unsavory texts calling him just about every name in the book, a constant stream of questions asking why he did it, or what he'd done to deserve such a thing, and even a few desperate pleas begging him to say that it wasn't really you. of course, he'd ignored all of them, and he wondered if eren was trying to contact you as well, knowing that you wouldn't be able to see the messages even if that was the case, though still curious nonetheless.
but for the moment, he was lounging at his usual downtown bar, seated in a booth beside reiner and across from porco at their rescheduled night out, since both marcel and porco were unable to make it yesterday, the latter sulking after his noisy attempt to flag down the waitress ended in failure.
"is marcel actually gonna make it tonight?" reiner asked, plucking a stick of celery from the appetizer platter in the middle of the table.
"no clue." porco replied, sipping his mojito, "said he got caught up at work again, so either the let down text is gonna come any minute now, or he's gonna show up for an hour and then disappear."
zeke chuckled. "post-marriage life sure is tough, i guess."
"you can say that again. he's always calling me, freaking about the idea of kids and his mortgage and stuff that i didn't even think about until he complained about it, scary shit."
"you say that like you're not two years away from being his age."
porco began what was sure to be one of his smart-ass replies, but the waitress had finally approached their booth, hiding her annoyance with his friend with a forced smile as she took the orders for their entrées. zeke pulled his phone from the back pocket of his jeans when he felt it buzz, feeling the slightest hint of disappointment by the fact that it wasn't you.
"who is it? your new girlfriend?" reiner grumbled, smirking when porco shot up in his seat.
"girlfriend?!" he exclaimed far too loudly.
"yup. zeke didn't tell you he's dating a high-schooler?"
so much for "your business", zeke thought to himself. "oh, fuck off. she's in college." he frowned at his roommate, only met with another tired expression of disappointment.
"just barely." reiner turned back to the man across the table, "it's one of his brother's ex-girlfriends too."
porco stared at him incredulously, eyes wide and judgmental, falling back against the cushion of the seat with a low whistle. "shit zeke.. that's kinda fucked up, don't you think?" he seemed uncomfortable by the unexpected revelation, "you're almost thirty and you're screwing around with someone who's probably not even twenty? is this an afraid-of-getting-old thing? mid-life crisis??"
"she's an adult, she can make her own choices." zeke didn't appreciate the sudden scrutiny, finishing off his old fashioned in the hopes that the bourbon would wash away the self-conscious feeling settling unpleasantly in his gut, "not my fault that her choice happens to be wanting to be around me rather than the guys her age."
"what ever happened to you and pieck? she's hot—"
"and actually over the legal drinking age."
both porco and zeke pointedly ignored reiner's interaction as the former continued. "—i thought it was working out between you two.. what happened?"
zeke shrugged. "just wasn't the right fit for me. but you liked her, didn't you? before we had our thing." he looked up at his friend, forcing a casual grin, "maybe you could give that shot now."
he felt a bit more at ease seeing porco's ears and cheeks flush red, now fiddling with the lime garnish on the rim of his glass. "we still talk here and there.. i don't really know much about what she's up to these days."
before he could answer with more words of encouragement that detracted from the previous, morally-incriminating topic, his phone began to vibrate, and he felt his heart leap into his throat at the sight of your name on the screen. "sorry, gotta take this."
he tugged on his jacket and slid out of the booth, ignoring reiner's chastising glance and porco's bewildered look, passing the waitress who was now carrying a platter with their food and refills on his way out. the cool night breeze was refreshing in comparison to the awkward, almost cramped atmosphere that had developed over their discussion, his breath coming is foggy puffs in the chilled, january air as he pressed the answer button. immediately upon raising the phone to his ear, he was met with a blurred assortment of background noise, able to discern the muffled sound of music and the sound of footsteps outside of whatever room you were in.
"oh, zeke, you answered!!" he could hear in your voice that you were clearly intoxicated, much more than you had been when you were at his house, words stringing together and ending syllables unnecessarily drawn out.
he felt uncharacteristically worried at the realization that you were at a party, one that sounded quite large and crowded, most likely crawling with unsavory individuals that he knew prowled around those sorts of events when he himself was in college. "are you alright? where are you right now? do you need me to pick you up?"
zeke was already digging around in his coat pocket to check if he had his keys, more than prepared to take off without his meal or saying goodbye to his friends inside. "'m at a party on campus, 's okay. in the bathroom. just thinking."
zeke didn't feel eased at all at the sound of loud knocking coming from somewhere, hearing you becoming distant for a moment as you presumably pulled the phone away from your ear to call out that the bathroom was occupied. there was shuffling on the other line, then silence for a short moment. "can i ask you something?"
zeke frowned. the idea of not being able to know who was monitoring you in this state wasn't sitting well with him. "go ahead."
"but don't call me stupid, ok? i already know it's a stupid question, but i still wanna ask it."
"there's no such thing as stupid questions." he assured you, ignoring the buzz of a text notification, most likely porco or reiner telling him to come back in before the burger he ordered got cold.
"do i really have to break up with eren?"
zeke felt something odd flicker in his chest, that unfamiliar feeling he'd felt when he caught you staring at you and his brother's one-sided chat logs, but yet the affirmative answer he thought he would be able to give with no problem sat on the tip of his tongue, undelivered. he thought back to that face reiner had made when he told him who you were, and porco's hesitant words trying to rationalize his actions but ultimately failing to do so.
zeke didn't understand why he felt so conflicted all of a sudden. this was meant to be a simple ordeal, one where he got what he needed to teach eren a lesson and moved on with his life. but now here he was, concerned about your whereabouts, focusing hard enough on your muddled words that he managed to catch the wobble in your voice that betrayed your own state of emotional unrest. he realized a moment too late that he hadn't said anything, hearing a small sniffle on your end before we began speaking.
"god, i can't believe i said that out loud, you must really think i'm dumb r'now, but.. i just can't let go of what we had." he was sure that you were crying now. "i keep thinking about what you said, an' you're right. he's been an ass to me, he practically ignored me for, like, three months, probably fuckin' cheated on me with his hot best friend, so i can't understand why i just wanna keep trying to fix things... and its so confusing 'cause everyone just keeps telling me to enjoy myself an' have fun, but i have no idea what i even want anymore, and i don't even know what we are right now and i can't fuckin' believe i cheated on my boyfriend with his fuckin' older brother and i don't know what i'd ever do if he found out."
by the end of it, you were letting out small, hiccuped sobs, breath fast and uneven just as it had been the night he'd invited you over. he honestly didn't know what to say, listening to you cry, staring at the steam of his breath as it dissipated out into the night. you were a good person, someone who was undeserving of such treatment from either him or eren, but it was simply an unfortunate coincidence that you had been caught in the fray.
he took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts, preparing to deliver an affirmation similar to the one he'd given you a few days ago when you first laid all your relationship troubles out on the table, but there was a rapid, more insistent knocking at the bathroom door on your end. he could hear a female voice calling out your name, and the jiggling of the door knob.
"hold on," you paused, sniffling, "it's my roommate."
you steadied yourself enough to say that, tossing the phone somewhere before he heard the sound of the door unlocking. "there you are!! are you seriously wasted already? it's only, like, eleven?! why are you crying???" your roommate sounded tipsy, but nowhere near as intoxicated as you currently were, which eased zeke's initial worry, "jean! can you c'mere for a sec! wait, were you calling someone?"
there was a brief pause, and zeke could practically see your tiny nod and teary eyes in his head, then heels clicking over tile and the sound of the phone being lifted, followed by a hurried, "hey, this is her roommate! she's fine, gotta go!"
then silence, just him and the faint noise coming from inside the bar behind him. he didn't know what to think. from the sounds of it, it seemed like your friends were taking care of you for the time being, friends who names he vaguely remembered you speaking of when you'd been detailing your time at the halloween party—people that were unfamiliar to him, people he wasn't sure that he could trust. and a small part of him, a tiny voice at the back of his head, scoffed at his flimsy mask of worry that barely hid the true emotion, his possessive nature, driving his desire to go pick you up and bring you back to the apartment to take care of so you'd have to be there with him another morning with your thankful gazes and blunt, half-awake words.
he knew he was in no place to begin laying judgement at these unknown people in your life considering what he'd done, but it was an innate sort of feeling, the thought that always clouded his mind when he laid eyes on people that were younger than him, that he knew more than them, that somehow he would always be above them in an invisible hierarchy. that same feeling that he felt when he found himself looking down at you.
"zeke?" a warm, friendly voice broke him out of his thoughts, his eyes turning up from the ground to find a tired-looking marcel standing before him, "what are you doing out here by yourself?"
"smoke break." the lie slipped between his lips before he even thought of the fact that there was no cigarette between his fingers, no scent of smoke in the air or clinging to his clothes, "glad you could make it, everyone's inside. pretty sure porco already ordered you something."
but instead of immediately heading inside for zeke to come after him, marcel stood for a moment, lips drawing back and eyebrows knitting into a concerned expression. "is everything okay?"
zeke thought for a moment, giving a non-committal shrug in response.
"still having family troubles?"
despite having been quite fixated on his negative feelings revolving his own younger brother for the last few days, zeke had almost pushed out a majority of the sordid details of the entire situation out of his head, which now seemed to all flood back with such a short, simple question.
"you could say that." zeke scratched the back of his neck, now wishing he'd actually had a cigarette to take his mind off of all these turbulent thoughts, "all the arguing and shit subsided already, but..."
"anything from your dad?" marcel's voice was almost tentative asking that, frowning when zeke said nothing, "sorry.. didn't mean to be insensitive about it."
"it's not insensitive. just," he swallowed, tucking his phone back into his pocket and reaching out to push open the bar door, a silent, less embarrassing way to signal that he no longer wanted to talk about it anymore, "just kind of fresh. that's all."
they both stood in silence for a moment, marcel's eyes wandering his face, features expressing a clear concern, but thankfully, he didn't push the issue any further, simply following him inside like zeke wished he would've done minutes earlier to save him the trouble, proceeding to the booth housing their friends. the conversation didn't wander back to the topic of him and his morally dubious relations nor his current familial situation, much to his relief, making it much easier for him to just allow the conversation to flow around him, finding himself not having much of an appetite or desire to speak much with so much on his mind.
for a moment, zeke wondered to himself if this was a punishment from the universe, feeling so downtrodden on what was usually one of his more enjoyable nights in the week. not to say that they were always amazing to be around, but spending time with porco, reiner, marcel, and sometimes bertholdt made up most of the meaningful social interactions he had, and to have lost out on it today of all days just seemed like some odd form of karmic justice as a result of him behaving so selfishly.
but he held out for the rest of the evening anyways, going through more drinks that he probably should've, finding easier to tune in to porco and reiner's usual bickering, marcel's attempts to quell them, the ambient sound of bustling waiters and clinking glasses and plates to bury down any thought of you or his family or what was to come at the end of the week, the consequences with much more magnitude in his life than an just an unpleasant night out.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:  *:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚*:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚:*·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚:*
previous chapter⥽
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soobasaur · 4 years
hello <3 if you could can you write something domestic for minchan? (minho x chan) just cute little headcanons !
minchan as boyfriend headcanons
i have loved you since we were 18
minho x chan headcanons warnings: the gif at the end has a bit of flashing
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« masterlist part two »
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before they started dating, they were roommates
and they were roommates
only for the first year of college tho, after that they just visited each other more and more until it felt like they were practically living with one other
minho was the first to confess
he just woke up one day and saw he fell asleep beside chan (with his cute bed hair might i add) after helping him with a project and was just like “yeah i’m in love with him.”
minho doesn’t really like to beat around the bush bUT EVERYTIME HE TRIED TO CONFESS SOMETHING WENT WRONG!!
the first time he tried to while they were watching a movie and the power went out so he fumbled around looking for candles with chan instead of declaring his love
the next time they were out on a walk where, chan, being the klutz he was, fell over and sprained his wrist
the THIRD time he was just gonna visit chan in the college studios, but when he went in chan laid his head in his lap and immediately fell asleep
and chan never sleeps so minho wouldnt wake him up just to say i love you
the fourth time chan was making ramen and minho just walked in and as nonchalantly as possible went
“i’m in love with you, do you wanna go on a date?”
chan may or may not have gotten a burn from being so shocked and splashing boiling water on his hand
to which minho rushed him to the faucet and fussed over him while chan tried to express he wanted to go on a date but minho was like
“stfu ur hand is burning!!” and chan is all like “ok but like i wanna date u!!”
they just sorta forgot to tell their friend group they were dating?/$:$: it was just so casual they just assumed their friends could tell
like all eight of them were literally out eating dinner and minho was just like “babe you have something on your lips,” and just swipes a napkin and pecks his lips and chan goes along with it cus that’s his boyfriend duh
like no one could tell they were dating hsjdj
and that’s how they ended up paying for everyones meal as an apology
(they would’ve paid anyway but don’t tell them that)
they both occasionally said i love you while they were friends but when they started dating minho slipped it in when he was making breakfast
and chan replied back with the same ease but his heart was shjdkfkllglg
they decide to move in a year after dating since they had been friends for so long and had lived with the other before, so why not?
chan was a hoe for all things anime and always tried to get minho to get into it as well, and even though minho never did he never resisted when chan asked him to watch one with him
cus that meant cuddles :’)
chan did get him into playing mario kart with him and a lot of disputes were deicided by it
chan will just go “i don’t wanna take out the trash right now-”
and minho will go “whoever loses a round of mario kart has to.”
they’re both board game addicts
nothing makes a relationship stronger then beating your significant other in uno!!
“WHAT THE FUCK YOU DID NOT GIVE ME A PLUS FOUR- ending this relationship,”
“minho this is the twentieth round give up already—”
minho often called chan the sugar daddy he had always wanted
if minho even showed the slightest interest in something you bet it would be in his room in less then a week
“that kid has really cute shoes-,”
*chan already ordering it on his phone*, “consider it done.”
chan just liked spoiling minho :((
he deserved it :(((
grocery shopping ಠ_ಠ
it was an entire event if you decided to go with minho, who had the attention span of a five year old and wandered off every two minutes
chan would always look to his side and find it empty and then get texts from minho along the lines of:
minho 💓: [4:26pm] i’m in the stroller section pls find me there’s so many kids screaming i’m going to die
minho 💓: [4:33pm] somehow i ended up in the cheese section and i don’t know how to get out and also can we try strawberry cream cheese
minho 💓: [4:37pm] im in the cat food aisle
chan 🐺🤍:[4:38pm] bub we don’t even have a cat
minho 💓: [4:38pm] hear me out
yeah so they end up getting a cat,,,or maybe three
minho couldnt just say no!!! how could you say no to three kitties :(
chan did get jealous of the cats,, but can u blame him!?
and when minho found out he teased him endlessly about it
but makes sure to reassure him and tell him how he has nothing to be jealous of cus he loved him and only him like that
“awe do you want me to scoop up your shit too baby?”
“minho i will kick you,-”
chan does not sleep.
minho knew this since they used to live with one another but he didn’t realize how bad it had gotten until they were living together again
as someone who loves his beauty sleep he didn’t get how chan could stay up till the ass crack of dawn
as a dancer he used to stay late up practicing but nOT TILL 6AM IN THE MORNIN):$:
and chan didn’t always do it for work, he just couldn’t sleep so he would stay up and do anything but
minho would literally hear him rummaging around as he sits upstairs
he didn’t like knowing his baby was awake all alone every night so he started sitting with him and attempting to tire him out at night
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
nskddjdj no he just suggested chan work out at night so he came home tired
(and seeing him in sleeveless tops and all sweaty was a bonus)
and when that didn’t work he made him some hot chocolate and played with his hair until he did
one time chan asked if they could play a game until he fell asleep so minho suggested truth or dare
minho: okay truth or dare?
chan: truth
minho: how many hours have you slept this week?
minho: go to bed
chan: i don’t like this game
and if that doesn’t work
minho just seduced chan to sleep
“hey channie, you’d look so good bundled under our comforter right now, so warm and snuggled up,—”
“...are you seducing me? to sleep?”
“no,” *bites lip*
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
chan rlly wanted to beat minho in proposing so he devised a plan to do it during christmas cus what better gift then the gift of marrying his lover?
(and maybe an abundance of cat toys)
chan was a poor stuttering mess throughout as he fumbled to get the ring box out but what he didn’t expect was minho to get on his knees as well and pull out his own box
they both obviously said yes and had a cute wedding a couple months later
chan was prepared to spend as much as minho wanted but minho suggested something just with their friends and family
(they were both a crying mess during the ceremony)
during the first dance minho led the way and when he dipped chan his heart went sbjdkko
minho in a suit
after they both get married, minho starts introducing chan as his ex boyfriend wherever they go
when chan introduced him to his coworkers after getting signed to jyp he said chan was his ex ಠ_ಠ
(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) poor chan came back to the table all confused when his co workers were giving him weird looks
but minho thought it was hilarious
“this is chan, my ex boyfriend.”
changbin off to the side, “THEY’RE MARRIED!”
their relationship would be lowkey, they don’t do much pda whenever their out with their friends and save it for private
but when he feels like it minho will reach other and peck chan’s cheeks or thread his fingers through his and swing their arms
chan often started to skip whenever they went on walks and ended up dragging minho along with him
sometimes, after a long night, minho will turn on some low music and pull chan in for a slow dance in the living room
he’ll just moonwalk into the kitchen and bow down, “may i have this dance my good sir?”
and chan is a blushing mess the entire time
just happy fluff
on the rare occasions they do have disagreements it’s usually over in a few days (or less)
chan hates fighting so he’s usually the first one going back to talk and work things out
we love communication 😩
all in all it would seem like they were just always together, no one around them could imagine them at a time when they weren’t :(
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thank you for reading !
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bo0zey · 5 years
Pick your favorite questions from the list.
i will do them all for u 0.o
1. Name cianna [see-ah-nah]
2. Nationality mexican irish german romanian hungarian french
3. Age 20
4. Birthday december 17, 1999
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign) sun: sagittarius; ascendant: leo; moon: aries
6. Gender female
7. Sexuality uhhhhhhhhhhhh idk but i will willingly kiss either gender
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself) /tagged/my-face or u could just google pictures of fat rats
9. What do you/did you study? I’m currently a sophomore nursing major!
10. What's your current job like?/What job would you like to have? I’m currently a microbiology TA and I love it :) My dream job would be something with animals, like a vet tech or veterinarian
11. Your birth order i’m the oldest!
12. How many siblings do you have? 2 younger brothers
13. Do you have good relations with your family? my mom was my best friend, my dad and i get along better now that i’m in college, my brothers and i get along pretty well & we’re staring to get closer now that they’re getting older n growing up n developing their own personalities lol
14. How many friends do you have? errrr idk this is a hard question. i have a lot of acquaintances but i’d say i have maybe like less than 10 real friends??
15. Your relationship status single :D
16. What do you look for in a SO? funny!!!!!!!!!must be humorous!!!!and sarcastic and a little weird w darker sense of humor so we can laugh n be dumb together!!!!!!! also i would like them to be kind to me and those around them bc mean ppl suck. also they have to like animals. also i would like them to be loyal and trustworthy and 110% in love w me. and for physical stuff idk kinda attractive but NOT CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE like i personally don't really like the typically ‘attractive’ person??? 
17. Do you have a crush? currently in love w the cute chinese boy who lives across from my dorm room even tho i have never even spoken to him n he is totally unaware of my existence!!!!!!!! hahah oops :D
18. When did you have your first kiss? i mean technically 3rd grade i think but that doesn't really count so like maybe 16????
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands? i mean in the long term i would definitely like to have a serious relationship but at the moment i’m only into casual stuff bc my heart isn't ready to be broken again sknfkjdbnkjd
20. What are your deal breakers? errrr i’m not sure....cheating is a no no, ppl that are interested in fucking every single person they see is a turn off, DUMB PEOPLE like ppl you can't even have a proper conversation with bc they're so DUMB, and ppl who r mean/judgmental/arrogant
21. How was your day? ok! accidentally slept thru my math class but caught a glimpse of my crush across campus when he was abt to smoke a cig and i got chipotle n i online shopped a ton from shein
22. Favourite food & drink deep dish spinach pizza from giordano’s & orange vitamin water
23. What position do you sleep in? i fall asleep on my left side hugging a body pillow
24. What was your last dream about? ate a braid of hair and inside the braid was bacon
25. Your fears not going to make it thru nursing school, not being financially stable as an adult, not having a family of my own, probably more but those r currently top 3
26. Your dreams i don't have any idk....maybe having like a house of my own and having as many animals as i want?? and i would like a loving partner with a daughter of our own
27. Your goals survive nursing school and lose 40 pounds and don't die before my cat
28. Any pets? i have a dog named cherry Cola, a cat named Leto, and a betta fish named Perc
29. What are your hobbies? writing stories about people in love, listening to music
30. Any cool places in your area? in my college town??? NO it sucks. in my hometown??? Not really it’s a small lil village with only restaurants and parks. but at home i’m near downtown chicago so that’s cool i guess
31. What was your last awkward situation? the first thing that comes to mind is my FIRST and so far ONLY encounter with my crush. we live in the same dorm building and i was wearing my nursing scrubs and had no make up on and about to go upstairs to my dorm, and then i heard footsteps and i was like ‘hahaha what if its my crush’ AND THEN HE FUCKIGJNG appeared from down the hallway to go back to HIS DORM [which is RIGHT ACROSS FROM MINE] and i literally STARED at him, then threw open the door and RAN UP THE STAIRS LIKE I LITERALLY DIDNT EVEN HOLD THE DOOR OPEN FOR ME AND HE WAS LIKE SO CLOSE BEHIND ME I WAS JUST SO NERVOUS MY FLIGHT OR FIGHT RESPONSE TOOK OVER AND I FUCKING FLED I LITERALLY RAN AWAY FROM HIM I AHTE MYSELF SO MUCH IM SUCH AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
32. What is your last regret? errrrr idk i regret a lot of dumb things.......
33. Language/s you can speak English n a LITTLE bit of Spanish
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.) i’m really into zodiac stuff and i have got to say they are pretty spot on in accuracy idk
35. Have any quirks? ummmm ofc!!i am the quirkiest person i know hajnjfxbkjx like if u asked my roommates/friends they’d probably be better at answering this than me bc i don't see anything abt me as quirky but they always tell me i am quirky and do weird things but idk man I'm just existing 
36. Your pet peeves err idk currently its ppl that constantly brag about dumb shit
37. Ideal vacation somewhere warm with me + the ocean + the loml + unlimited alcohol
38. Any scars? yeah :D both emotional AND physical!!!!
39. What does your last text message say? ‘ok thats a more than fair statement’
40. Last 5 things from your search history how many carbs should i eat, chipotle bowl calories, is the grim reaper the angel of death, ceftriaxone adverse effects, red man syndrome
41. What's your [device] background? lockscreen is a peach-theme background i made and home screen is my weight loss goals
42. What do you daydream about? the characters in my stories.................and being skinny 
43. Describe your dream home pretty brick house??? flowers outside??? 3 floors--main floor, basement and upstairs??? 3 bedrooms n 3 bathrooms maybe??? master bedroom has its own bathroom!!! and open concept main floor. big kitchen and very homey n warm all around. as for like an apartment i want something cozy and aesthetically pleasing and warm 
44. What's your religion/Your thought about religion i don't have a religion but if ppl do have a religion then thats not my business
45. Your personality type entj but only bc i got 3% extraverted; i am very closely related to intj tho n i think i fit that one better
46. The most dangerous thing you've done uhhhhhh probably operating a vehicle while high out of my mind. definitely the dumbest thing i ever did 0/10 would recommend anyone ever doing that
47. Are you happy with your current life? its ok but it could probably be better. i want to be done w college and skip to the part where i have a successful career and my own home and i can lay up w the loml every night
48. Some things you've tried in your life alcohol???weed??gummy edibles....
49. What does your wardrobe consist of? sweaters/sweatshirts/leggings
50. Favourite colour to wear? black, maroon, peach, purple, gray, idk
51. How would you describe your style? oh jeez idk i wear whatever i want so like e-girl when i really try and basic white girl when i don't care
52. Are you happy with your current looks? no i hate everything about myself lol
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be? more freckles on my face....also be thinner n have longer hair
54. Any tattoos or piercings? my nose and septum are pierced!
55. Do you get complimented often? kinda by my friends but i always yell at them to stop so they don't compliment like as much bc they know i hate it but they still do it sometimes idk
56. Favourite aesthetic? i wanna be an e-girl yo!!!!!!!!! 
57. A popular trend that you dislike nobody has a crush on me and i hate it
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with? pied piper by BTS
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like. anything by BTS lol i used to like be embarrassed for how much i like k pop but now i don't really care lol #stanBTS2020
60. Favourite genre? rap/r n b/alternative
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? i listen to every genre except country sooooooo yeah i really like billie eilish, BTS, the weeknd, juicewrld, lil nas x, trippie red, post malone,
62. Hated popular songs/artists? i don't rlly like selena gomez or justin bieber or taylor swift
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5 only - RY X i.f.l.y. - Bazzi novacane - frank ocean jungle - drake bang! - trippie redd
64. Can you sing or play any instruments? no and no
65. Do you like karaoke? no but i like to sing along to songs when I'm alone
66. Own any albums? haha noooo i got apple music son
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations? errr RARELY i used to listen to r n b stations tho
68. Favourite movie/series? idk donnie darko?? i also just finished tharntype n that was really good. also i liked tokyo ghoul. AND GIVEN IS REALLY GOOD
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc i like horror/scary/paranormal/funny movies and i like love stories in books
70. Your fictional crush/es danny phantom, ken kaneki
71. Which fictional character is you? uhhhh idk...
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so frerard, ryden, taekook, mewgulf
73. Favourite greek god? idk they all kinda suck but maybe hades
74. A legend from where you live that you like i don't really know any:(
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist? i like to look at art! i think van gogh is cool
76. Can you share your other social media? ig: ciannnna venmo: ciannnna
77. Favourite youtubers? i don't really watch youtubers but maybe shane dawson and emma chamberlain
78. Favourite platform? twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet? too much time
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite? i once played GTA5 that was fun!
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts) idk i don't really read anymore:/ i was into the hunger games and the twilight series when i was young. now i kinda read online manga and i really liked BJ Alex and killing stalking. and like for online books the unholyverse series, a splitting of the mind, the anatomy of a fall
82. Do you play board/card games? no but i like to play checkers and uno and cards against humanity
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? nopee
84. Favourite holiday halloween is cool also christmas is alright bc gifts
85. Are you into dramas? i’ve been getting into thai boys love dramas lol sue me
86. Would you use death note, if you had one? um YES.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to? everyone needs to be a little kinder and have a crush on me
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? absolutely not I'm not physically fit and don't have useful skills
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? vampire duh [or maybe ghost]
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death? i want to see my mom
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick? idk something cool ... i love the name Daisy
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week? idk probably kylie jenner
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo idk the alien? 94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true -im very productive with my time management skills -my favorite color is purple -i don't get nervous when I'm alone in public
95. Cold or hot? cold
96. Be a hero or be a villain? anti-hero
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme? sing if i’m good at it but if I'm not good then rhyme
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time? shapeshifting
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?immortal
100. ..... or .....? ......?
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aftgficlibrary · 6 years
best fics of 2018?
This is so subjective so some of our staff are gonna put our 2018 favs here below!!
This is my favorite fic ever and the author just started updating it again so im in tears all the time 
i’m here right now (just be here right now with me) by Talls (M | 27,606 | 3/7)
Neil first meets Andrew with a racquet to the stomach in a locker room when he’s eighteen. Andrew first meets Neil with a hushed conversation on a beach in California when he’s five. They still manage to meet on rooftops, fall in love, find family, and heal together, just not quite at the same time and definitely not in the same order.
(In other words, Andrew is the Time Traveler’s wife.)
This fic is so soft and pretty
Translation Errors by SensationalSunburst (Not rated | 3,127 | 1/1)
“Andrew doesn’t love me,” Neil said simply, “So if he has a love language, I don’t know it.”“Oh, honey.” Allison drawled, “You don’t actually believe him when he says he hates you, do you?”
Lucky by sunrise_and_death (T | 4,328 | 1/1)
At thirteen, he’d lived in eleven different cities, gone by as many different names, and seen his reaper twenty-eight times. Some people would have called him lucky.
Live Once More (This Time Will Be Better) bypurpleeyesandbowties (T | 2,457 | 1/1)
Very carefully so as to not wake his roommates presumably sleeping off a night of regrettable choices, Andrew pulled a notebook towards him and opened to a fresh page to make a list. Two lists, actually. Changes to make and things to keep the same. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to sort out what was important.
To change:get off pillsno Kathy no Seth dying (Neil was upset)no Thanksgivingno winter at Evermoreno Baltimorekill Riko soonerkill Nathan myself
Keep the same:get Neil to the Foxes
changing tides - titanic au by missbolton (M | Incomplete | 4/5)
When Nathaniel Hartford boards the RMS Titanic, it is a death sentence. He will be shipped to New York with his brutal father and his soon-to-be wife, Lola. There’s no escape.
Until he meets third-class artist Andrew Minyard.
if you’re lost you can look (and you will find me) by paleromantic (T | Incomplete | 5/?)
Neil Josten jerked awake, his cigarette falling from his fingers as he did. The frigid air bit at his arms, his neck, his face, but he didn’t notice, too busy looking around.
“What the fuck.”
Neil and Andrew wake up back in Millport, and get the chance to start over.
I’m Just Killing Time by thesaroscycle (T | 10,666 | 1/1)
He was sat in the most comfortable armchair in the back, the book in his lap closed but well-worn and dog-eared, one of the things that annoyed Bee to no end. His glasses sat on the table next to him, along with the hot chocolate Bee had made earlier in the morning that had gone cold. He stared out the window into a cloudless blue sky, squinting at the late morning sun and blurry trees. It was getting warm enough outside for the frost to melt on the grass, and late enough for people to start coming in. He couldn’t wish more for fall, when the sky would be gray and the chill would last all day rather than just early morning. Everything seemed to be holding its breath for the coming summer, for longer days and warmer mornings. Andrew couldn’t be less excited for summer; of all their town’s 70-degree-high summers, it was still hot enough for Andrew to melt in his stubbornly consistent black wardrobe.
Paper Skies by exybee (T | 4,662 | 1/1)
Andrew’s a quiet librarian who treats his library much like how he treats his person. He spends his time searching for the color blue in hopes of finding something real, but when he meets Neil Josten, he finds that maybe blue isn’t the only thing out there.
Or, Neil’s a kaleidoscope of colors, and Andrew gets a lesson in self-care.
Honey, we should run away by allyasavedtheday ( T | 8,836 | 1/1)
“We’re moving on soon,” his mom says casually as she’s plating up their food. As if it’s an inconsequential detail and not something that rocks Neil to his core.
“Why?” he asks, keeping his voice calm and measured like she taught him to do if he was ever taken.
“We’ve been here too long,” she says like it’s obvious, setting down a plate of pasta in front of him.
“It’s only been ten weeks,” he can’t help pointing out. Ten weeks with Andrew. Ten weeks that aren’t enough.
“That’s over two months,” she retorts, neatly spearing a piece of pasta with her fork. “Two more weeks and we’re leaving. Just as soon as I have everything organised.”
Andrew and Neil meet when Neil is on the run with his mother.
Show Me How You by smokesprite ( Not Rated | 6,825 | 1/1 )
“They thought they would stop the show; they thought they could cut the act, but Neil had been sulking around too long now to not know where all the necessary equipment was. He was a ghost, and he would do the ghost dance, goddammit.”
Neil is a ghost with a house to haunt, but the Moxie Foxy Burlesque Troupe refuses to be chased off. If you can’t beat em…join em.
stay as long as you need by lolainslackss (T | 2,955 | 1/1)
The soulmate timer counts down to your soulmate’s death. Apparently, Andrew’s soulmate doesn’t have long to live.
Oh, Catastrophe by TheKingIsDead (witch_lit) (T | 1,447 | 1/1)
Aaron and Katelyn are at a concert and Aaron can’t shake the feeling that the drummer is familiar.
it’s a long way down byionlyloveyouironically (T | 6,506 | 1/1)
The sound of rushing water, the moon overhead, bare feet on a muddy riverbank, and a weeping woman reaching a dead hand out. 
A Mewment Like This by fuzzballsheltiepants (T | Incomplete | 9 Works)
tenuous by undertow (cendal) (M | 7,431 | 1/1)
Neil Josten is trying to learn to be a normal person. He has an apartment and a cat. He goes to therapy every Wednesday. He has friends and attends their study group regularly. He eats lunch with his best friend’s brother.The hardest part is letting people in, but he thinks that one day he’ll get there.Series: Part 1 of all of me wants all of you
The Continuing Adventures of the Nine-Nine by gluupor (G | Complete | 10 Works)
A series of short, ridiculous, mostly plotless stories featuring the Foxes as the cops of the Ninety-Ninth Precinct.
Back to the Start by fuzzballsheltiepants (T | 29,277 | 11/11)
Andrew has been on his pro team for 6 months when he takes a ball to the head. Neil flies to Boston to see him - only to find that Andrew doesn’t remember him.
Funky Happenings with the Fox Family by dobbypussypopper (Not Rated | Incomplete | 17/?)
naughtygayweedcrime: did I rlly just see neil say woke
naughtygayweedcrime: what a surreal timeline we live in
dumbfool: allison is trying to teach me how to meme so I can get hip
naughtygayweedcrime: bless your poor soul
davidwymack: sometimes I regret living
davidwymack has muted exyllent, damnwilds, + 7 others for 30 minutes
The Real Folk Blues by moonix, nefelibata (E | 42,365 | 4/4)
Captain David Wymack and the bounty hunter crew of the Bebop spaceship might be a little out of their depths chasing down the infamous hacker and notorious runaway Neil Wesninski, whose bounty exceeds even Kevin’s wildest dreams. Worst of all, Andrew might actually enjoy it.
/Graphic Depictions of Violence
a world alone by ephemeralsky (T | 54,850 | 6/6)
“It will not be cheap,” Andrew finally says.
“I know,” Wymack says. “Two bottles of Johnnie Walker sound good to you?”
“Four,” Andrew says without missing a beat. He thinks about having to deal with Nicky later on, about the additional work he has to do, and decides that he will not do anything for less.
“Three,” Wymack argues.
“Four or we have no deal.”
Wymack mutters something about blood-sucking hooligans under his breath before he concedes with a, “Fine.”
(or: a High School AU where only some of them are high-schoolers)
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mx-sfthrs · 5 years
so ummm spill the tea abt your crush i wanna know 👀 - i’ll be 🌻 anon for now
🌻 anon just remember, u asked for this (i literally cracked my knuckles before typing this out jsjskdkdk)
SO ill spare u most of the bkg but idk if any of yall live in america, specifically the south but high school marching band goes HARD espeacially here in texas so because of this i spent a LOT of time w the band kids and so junior year i started to get kind of close to him and long story short we got very close very quickly and ngl i kinda started talking to him more because i thought he was a lil cute anyways cut to senior year im band captain and he's my lieutenant so we spent a LOT of time together then i was first chair trumpet and he was first chair trombone so we sat next to each other in concert band and yeah so we were inseperable in hs
so now he goes to school four hours away from me and i never rlly get to see him because he marches for a drum corps over the summer so we have like 3 weeks total over the summer so idk maybe i just miss him ???
but i think ive just always have this crush on him but lately got i just miss him and cant stop thinking about him
and like i said im a very firm believer in the idea that the strongest love starts in a friendship and like i love his family and he's always been so accepting of me ?? like he became my best friend during prob the worst time of my life and would always just listen to me ????? he did not have to take on all of my problems but he did and we were only 16 and god idk
he has this weird neck beard now and i never get to see him and he's SHIT at texting back like rlly rubbish (once when we were 17 he texted me at like 2am this paragraph abt how he's rlly glad that im in his life and i still think abt that like once a week) but i hadnt talked to him in like a month so i called him last night and he picked up and my heart went 💞💞💞💞 and i knew i was in trouble and be started talking abt his week and his classes and we laughed and part of me just wanted to jump through the phone and be with him because i miss his stupid smile and his stupid laugh and i just like being near him but part of me was glad that i didnt because i was smiling like an IDIOT like a COMPLETE FOOL the whole time and he was just ... talking abt his week like that was it
and THEN as if i wasnt already whipped (i also worry because he never rlly calls or texts that he doesnt wanna talk to me) i was thinking while we talked 'im gonna just call him once a week since he's so bad ag communicating' he was like "we should do this more often ! we should make it a weekly thing" and i was literally 🥺🥺🥺 on the other line like "yeah we really should" and he was like "friday nights?" and i was like "friday nights" and NOW I CANT wait for fridays i already miss him but
now the messy part he's dating someone (which idt he wants to be dating this girl but he's v nonconfrontational) and i know that another one of our close friends is in love w him because she told me when she got wasted on her birthday (and theyre roommates like they literally share a room) and also my gaydar is bad for dudes (to be fair mine only needs to work for ladies lmao) but he may be gay and like also he may not be fully gay like maybe bi idk but he's Such a closed book it's such a chore to get him to open up so idk it's messy messy messy but like at least every other day i think abt how nice it would be to spend the rest of my life w him :(( like i just cant get crushes on ppl anymore because my stupid head literally sees him as endgame u know ???? like i love his family and im close w his sister and like he's the kind of person that can charm anyone like he has such a high eq but is a little bit of a dumbass but im very blunt with a resting bitch face but im like crazy smart so idk if yall get the dynamic ?? but for us it's functional and like we're funny seperately but together we're funny as fuck
anyways sorry for that BOOK but it felt good to say haha i cant talk abt this irl for obvious reasons lol
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slcttyscv · 6 years
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heeey loves. might as well post a quick intro and get it outta the way before i head to bed. i’m julia, and i’m excited to bring one of my fave muses here and hopefully getting to develop her some more. some info about savannah is under the cut and as always don’t hesitate to slide into my ims if you wanna plot!!
ahhh asgdhf, there’s a lot that can be said about our girl savannah here, but right off the bat most have always known her as the resident proverbial “wild child."
her mother got pregnant at a young age, she had just started college, her father was a few years older but was still in college too, that’s where they met. both were dependent and had unfavorable financial conditions. her dad dropped out of college and got a part time work to save as much of money as he could until the time the baby was born.
after she was born her mom went back to college and got a degree in business while her dad got a job museum since he majored history in school
when they got financially stable they decided to have another child and her parents finally decided to move in together. from this moment her family was getting richer.
at the same time that savannah was a spoiled kid, she values the money that they have, she knows how much her father worked to give her the good life she has and that it wasn’t always that way.
is vry close with her father and knows she can get whatever she wants but she tries not to take advantage of it. TRIES but ends up doing so but her dad doesn’t mind at all
at the age of 13, savannah walked in on her mom banging the family lawyer and her parents relationship when down the drain.. after a vry messy divorce her mom got full custody of her and her brother.
after that savnnah think that her family became vry dysfunctional family. they weren’t like a lot of the families that they seen on tv or even heard from others in school. she didn’t really mind though since this was her family and is what she grew up around.
she has one younger brother whom she loves and cares for most out of the entire family. even if they bicker and definitely don’t see eye to eye a lot, but at the end of the day she will always have his back!! ( for the good and bad things!!)
her relationship with her mother and step father...it isn’t much of a relationship! throughout the years cass grew a hatred for them as she got older. realizing that neither gave a fck about any of them.
she had been trying to be the goody goody child throughout her whole childhood and during a vry little time of high school. bring home straight A’s to her parents … if they were ever around.
in high school everything changed for cassidy. she was definitely what you would call a loose cannon – totally disrespectful, obscene, and unpredictable, always doing whatever it was she felt like doing at any given moment.
of her life, what w being THE party girl and always reveling in her sexuality w/out shame, so she’s just learned to embrace it.
w that being said, she gives 0 fucks and it’s landed her in hot water more times than she cares to count, and a lot of her bad habits followed her into her adult life
present day, savannah’s basically that party girl/bordering alcoholic trope who’s always just… doing too much like w EVERYTHING, not just when it comes to the partying scene.
savannah is apart of the elite social club and is the vp of omega beta tau!!
studying to be a nurse ( typical ) but she honest has always been into the medical field. would always sew up her own wounds and was always looking at things to keep healthy
she can’t seem to stay out of drama bc she’s the cause of it 90% of the time.
aside from what’s already been mentioned, when most people hear her name, they immediately know drama is prob gonna follow. and a lot of it probably stems from some deep-rooted insecurities she harbors and this need to matter and be SEEN, y'know.
because of that, she’s also a bit on the argumentative side – she knows how to push people’s buttons and does it well, but it’s kind of paradoxical bc the moment she’s dragged, she kinda plays victim and her feelings get hurt???? lmao, anyway.
anyway, atm she’s kind of spiraling – the drinking, the partying, etc. but it’s not really something that’s been addressed yet??
but ig it’s worth mentioning, that she’s always drinking these days, always the first to be drunk at functions and shit and when i say drunk, i mean like.. sloppy, blacked out drunk. can’t walk on her own drunk. ig that’s more of a headcanon than anything to rlly relay the extent of this bitch’s problems, but yeah, that’s all :) plot w me :)
personality & headcanons
she writes a lot of poems; usually having something to do with the stars or planets or flowers bc those are all her fav things
hypersensitive as hell !!
impulsive as fuck!! she actually has a icd (impulsive control disorder)
she’s v protective of her friends but most of all her family and of herself
she def puts up a lil bit of a front when it comes to sharing stuff about herself, like her sensitivity & emotions
she likes to think she’s badass as fuck when in reality she’s kind of a loser (who most definitely laughs at her own jokes)
she’s a positive and caring girl, savannah gets attached to people easily and is always showing how much she cares about them, even with little things that the other person probably doesn’t notice.
speaking of jokes lbr, she pretty funny and sarcastic so she isn’t the only one laughing
always thinking, always learning, always caring
v v romantically compulsive !!! it might be a problem !!
she constantly longs for partnership; whether it’s romantic or not
she is a problem-solver, and will spend a lot of time helping others solve problems if needed v good at talking and well-liked
while her spirit’s lively, it is also cunning & she often acts without thinking, throwing herself into things
can sometimes be easily angered, depending on who it is or what it is about !! is vry opinionated as well !! like she doesn’t have filter at all
she has a good sense of organization and she loves life and all it has to offer <3
wanted connections
ride or die, partner(s) in crime, friendzoned, enemies because of a girl/boy, exes that still hook up , toxic friends, friends with benefits , close friends, best friend(s), squad, first love , exes ( good or bad ), first boyfriend, first girlfriend, family friends, one night stand , smoking/drug buddies, almost lover , spurious relationship, hate/love, dealer, flirtatiouship (f/nb), unrequited love , ex hookup , summer fling , hateship, unlikely friends, recent crush, or roommates.
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pearlaquahearts · 6 years
AUs part 2 lads
queer eye au: my dudes, how can we even have two ot5s as wonderful as the queer eye babes and shinee without meshing those two worlds? so in my head: kibum is the fashion icon of the century, jjong is home decor with a perfectionist eye, minjung is my beautiful nb grooming gay, taemin is our lil culture bub who does the emotional makeover on their clients, and jinki is food and wine bc he knows how to reinvent people’s diets in rlly clean and easy ways.
minkey parents au sorta?: it’s rlly just an au that popped in my head bc my mom came home from getting my brother out of daycare one day and apparently one teacher had been like bouncing a rubber ball on this little girl’s head kinda antagonizing her and my mom was immediately like “well time to pull my son out of this daycare,” so like that but instead of my mom and my brother it’s minho and his little bro yoogeun who he’s raising with his trans gf gwi.
hybrid au: because i’m That Bitch, but don’t worry all my aus like this avoid icky trope stuff and delve more into the underlying themes of social justice that are like, begging to be evaluated. so like humans onkey who r roommates and jinki is a self-proclaimed bleeding heart and they end up taking in more abandoned/homeless hybrids than they should logically have space for, but key and jinki both love them all like family so they can’t turn them away. minho is a big cuddly doberman hybrid, jonghyun is an egyptian mau hybrid, and taem is a v tactile nd playful havana brown hybrid who’s been described as “dog-like” despite bein’ a kitty hybrid.
a/b/o au: but the previous disclaimer still stands; not icky and has more commentary on social dynamic. onjongtae are (in respective order) an alpha/alpha/omega polyship, and minho is an omega despite all appearances and key is his beta bf.
criminal masterminds au: because ;) you know. kibum’s trusted allies are jinki and taemin, and they work together to pull heists and gather intel and such. jjong is a solo mastermind whose path has crossed with kibum’s more than once, and they’ve upgraded through the years from rivals to friendly acquaintances to friends and now it seems to partners in both craft and personal life. minho is just the poor weapons supplier who deals with both of them and maybe,,, possibly,,, mayhaps is crushing on jinki and taem.
band au: like i know shinee is literally a group but i mean like lame-ass high school garage band shit like jjong uses too much untrained falsetto and is always complaining about his sore throat & drinking tea like that’s what he was born to do, and key doesn’t think he’s good at singing despite having the vocal chords of like,,, an angel so he’s on drums, jinki does sub-vocals and bass, taem does sub-v. and synth, and minho is on electric guitar, and they’re fuckin’ poets and musical geniuses despite being high schoolers they’re just also gay nerds/emo!punk babes and troublemakers y’all i literally love this au.
important high school au #3: taemin is jinki’s adopted brother, and they’re childhood friends with minho and key who live around their neighborhood but go to a private school nearby (they low-key despise it). jjong is a recent transfer student to the school jinki and taemin are at, and he’s a bit of a lonely bub bc he was bullied for being openly queer at his old high school and now he’s scared to make friends but taemin gets paired with him for an assignment and they end up playin’ video games together a lot and jjong becomes rlly good friends with them and wins the hearts of like everybody in the entire goddamn school.
that’s all for now lol i hope y’all enjoyed :)
i’ll start posting my oneshots on here once I’ve got some finished up and polished the way I want them <3 !!
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