#and my blogs have 0 audience that can help
vt-scribbles · 28 days
I cannot donate to/spread fundraisers of any kind unless I know you personally.
I know that there's lots of people in need right now. But I am barely surviving right now, and I DO NOT have the mental capacity to verify the legitimacy of the dozens of fundraiser Asks I've been getting.
On top of that, my blog has almost 0 reach. I am not able to help. I'm sorry.
From now on, anyone asking for money will be blocked on sight and the asks will be deleted. Please stop sending me these. I don't have anything to give, and I don't want to risk spreading misinformation.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 9 months
Why I don't "ship" them
Ok, before anyone comes running me down, please hear me out! I have solid points to make here! I Promise!!!!
Btw, I'm absolutely ok with people disagreeing, but please, if you want to critique me in the comments, do it nicely! I won't tolerate any rudeness. My blog is a safe space and it should stay that way 💙
‼️Now, of course, like with all my analyses, this one is also based on my very own observation and my personal opinion. Also note, I don't hate Amaya! I hated her actions and dislike her for it. And I have very high standarts when it comes to romance‼️
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We are told that these guys are married. Ok. Good. Nice. Naturally you then expect to actually see solid poof that tells us (audience) that this is true. After all, disney has a veeeery long history of displaying true love/soulmates, so this should be no different right? Right? Wrong! Let me tell you why!
I payed very close attention to Magnifico and Amaya throughout the whole movie and there was 0 romantic tension whatsoever! Love is displayed in actions and words, and actions there were none. At least none that had me believing they are more than close friends the least. Even my Mom was utterly confused as to what they even are to each other. In my Mom's words : "Anything but a married couple! More like brother and sister."
Let me explain why I believe that we have a marriage of convinience here.
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First of all, Amaya calls Magnifico "Mi Rey" all the time. This is spanish btw and means "My king" And she doesn't even say it in a romantic way, she calls him that like any other person in the kingdom would.
Now, my Dad made the point that back in the days people of high status didn't call each other by surnames, but Magnifico does! He calls her Amaya. So that arguement falls. Also, others are all calling Magnifico either by his name or they say "King Magnifico" so her not calling him by his surename in private is odd.
Of course, not everyone uses romantic nicknames but I think it's just weird that Amaya never calls him anything but 'king' and later to Asha and the others she says "Magnifico". It makes no sense.
She's hardly ever around him in private.
And if she is, she does what she does when in public as well. She mostly just stands around. The most touch we see her give is her placing her hand on his shoulder! No hugs, no caressing the cheek, no loving gestures. Please, any polite human being can place a hand on someones shoulder or give a smile. My dog shows more empathy when I'm in distress than Amaya does to her husband.
Her support is the worst! Literally!
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You'd think she knows her "husband" right? You'd think if he's upset, she'd do her best to calm him down and support him, right?
Well, after "Star" appears, his light floods Rosas and Magnifico panics, all Amaya does is telling him to breathe. No : "Hey, I know you're upset and scared, I understand, lets talk about it and try to find a solution together!" I mean, he's told her earlier that he thinks he's being threatened. (Clear PTSD response here)
We saw how Magnifico reacted to "breathe!" She could have given him a hug and told him something more soothing. She could have taken his hands and shown him, she cares. She should, after all, know that he's traumatized. She should know why he reacts the way he does and help him get through it.
The fact alone that the first thing Magnifico does when he's upset is to withdraw himself to figure his problems out on his own rather than seek his spouse for comfort tells me a lot!
Yes, she asks him to put the book down by telling him it's bad and he needs to protect himself, and he does in the end, but what she does then makes me facepalm myself.
Get this, Magnifico's ptsd causes him to panic, he wants to protect himself and his subjects/kingdom and Amaya tells him "Look at your people, they love you because you're their handsome king."
You good Amaya? Your husband just had a panic attack and your best reply to that is, "Breathe, your people love you and you're handsome." ? What in the good grief kinda advice to panic is "you are handsome" ? And mind you, his subjects are one of the very reasons he even panics in the first place!
But of course he reacts nicely, cause he is a sweetheart.
And her not wanting him to get posessed by the book isn't a solid proof she loves him. It only tells us she cares for him. Not how much. And also, she might know that should he get posessed, things are going down.
So what about the hand kiss then?
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I'm tired of people taking this little scene as proof for everything. It's a moment of affection. But enough to make me buy they truly love each other? Nah.
A kiss to the top of the hand used to be the bare minimum form of respect a man could pay a woman. Women would have even held their hands out for men to kiss as a form of demanding respect.
We could have gotten a real kiss. If not on the lips, on the cheek, on the forehead, anything that clearly shows us, yes, they love each other. But no. And also, the patting? He patted her hand like I pat my dogs head and the kiss was more a quick peck. Imagine Magnifico would have lingered for 3 seconds, held eye contact or looked at Amaya a little while longer, now that would have been romantic tension, that would have told me, there are solid feelings there!
Yes, in english he calls her "my love" but in german he says "my dear" which you could call anyone as a form of being nice! And even if he meant it in a affectionate way, his actions don't add up to it.
If you say you love someone, you prove it with actions. If there is no action to prove words, it's just not true. And no, even people who have a hard time expressing their emotions do show they love you in their own ways. So let's move on and examine Magnifico's behavior more.
Again, he doesn't seek her comfort! He rather runs across half his castle to let out his thoughts and emotions than talk to her. That means, he doesn't trust her enough. He doesn't feel safe enough to show his vunerability in her presence, open up, vent, cry and let out his feelings. But he should! You should be able to do that in a marriage. He calls her "my love" but other than that? Do his actions underline what he says? No.
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If you didn't agree with the above so far, I have this 👇🏼
He knew she'd betray him! He sent out Simon instead of going on his own.
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If she were his true love/soulmate, he wouldn't have even spent a single thought about if she could eventually betray him. If you truly love someone, you don't betray them like a snap of a finger. Of course ptsd people have trust issues but Amaya is said to be his "loyal wife"
Loyal my butt!
The first thing she did after he snapped wasn't try everything in her might to get him back and safe him, no, she immediately ran to Asha and her teenage friends and was like, "Oh, I'm sick and tired of him, I've seen so many horrors, I suffered so bad. Yup, he's evil, let's destroy him." (Yes, literally! I'm pointing at that "trample the cookie to pieces" scene ...)
She sings : I've seen too many bad things that I can't keep count!
Huh? Like what please? All of the sudden she acts as if he'd been abusing her all the time. He never called her names, never threated her badly (until he became posessed by the evil in the book that is) he never raised his hand to her. He even told her he's lucky to have her, which (pfff. What did she even do besides sitting and standing still and look pretty?)
Look at what's going on here. And study the facial expressions, please. Magnifico is tired here. He's tired, annoyed, disappointed and upset at his subjects and Amaya is straight up confused. Look at her. She cannot understand why he's so upset.
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The situation escaletes, he storms away and she tells him "they question you because you make them feel safe enough to do so."
*holding my laugh right here* Again, what a way to trample into a wound!
Subjects questioning their king is normal in a way, but right here, Magnifico is on the edge of his nerves anyway and she might have aimed to calm him but in the absolute wrong way! If you as "wife" know that your husband has ptsd, and is venting or reacting to a trigger, you don't go talking about that trigger even further. People with ptsd will understand me here. Even if someone means well, if you keep talking about the very thing that just triggered a ptsd response, you're making it worse!
She could have told him, "They're just as confused about the situation as you are. You are their king and they look up to you. I'm sure they didn't mean to question you in a bad way."
But anyway, he pushes her away, saying he doesn't want to be disturbed. Which, ok, sometimes you need to cool down on your own but he does that every single time. And she just runs along clueless and helpless like some sort of servant.
To be fair, people with ptsd/c-ptsd are difficult to handle. Even in a relationship of true love, it's not always easy. But with Amaya and Magnifico, I'm looking at the whole picture and not just a single moment. I looked at every moment we get in the movie and how they react and behave.
Amaya was all smiles until the moment he snapped. Then all of the sudden, yes, he's an evil monster! And oh, her too ignoring the fact that he got ptsd and that it's the evil that has a hold of him now that makes him go bonkers, nice! So much for : in good and in bad times.
Amaya - "The good in him, I watched it melt."
Yes, that is exactly the problem! She watched! Magnifico was suffering and she watched! Also the good was only swapped because he got posessed by evil, lady Sherlock.
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Furthermore, when she and Dahlia look into the evil book, and Dahlia states the book says that once posessed by the evil magic, there is no going back forever. And Amaya doesn't bat a lash. Excuse me? What ever the heck happened to : true love breaks any curse? True love's kiss breaks any spell? We even had true love tears breaking curses! (Tangled and frozen)
Amaya didn't even shed one singe tear. None. At this point, Asha cried more over the situation than Amaya did. Just how quickly she was ok with everything, how quickly she accepted the situation ....
Heck, if he'd been her true love, things would have looked way different. Yes, disney tried to pull the "but he's the villain" card, but I don't buy that for a second. They could have made her heartbroken at least but she even snapped at him after he was on the edge. It's him who betrayed everyone. The evil magic book is suddenly forgotten. No, no, no! Ya'll backstabbing him and ignoring the fact he's got PTSD got him into this shit situation in the first place. And if AMAYA hadn't totally failed at being a good wife, Magnifico most likely wouldn't have even gotten as far!
But, the answer is simple. She doesn't love him! Or at least not nearly enough! When she sang, I was fooled by the love I felt, I was like 🤨? What exactly did you love, dear? His handsome looks? His magic? The only praise we saw her give him was when he did magic. When he did magic and or granted wishes she cheered like a child but other than that? Nothing like, "I see how much you give, how hard you try to protect us all everyday. I wish I could help you more, take some of that burden from your shoulders or at least carry it with you."
And if you're still not convinced, this tops it all! 👇🏼
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Again, no tears, no sadness, nothing. She even approaches the whole situation with humor! And then she picks the mirror up like a dead rat on its tail and proudly declares "to the dungeons with him!" Not at all a reaction from a wife who truly "loves/loved" her husband.
She gives the tiny mirror away like a trashbag.
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So to add things up. There is nothing to prove they truly loved each other. Cared for one another to a certain degree, yes. Magnifico at least showed a sprinkle of affection but on the other hand, he's a gentleman.
So, no, I personally will never ship them. I love Magnifico and the fact that Amaya wrote him off as easy as shrugging off a bug from your shoulder upsets me. 😬
He deserves so much better! He deserves true love. He deserves a healthy relationship full of compassion, support and guidance. He deserves respect and acknowledgement. He deserves healing!
Give that poor ptsd suffering man a break!
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cinamun · 3 hours
any advice for new simblrs? i don't really post for the likes or commentary but it would be nice to build community the way you have here. i utilize the tags, interact with other simblrs and still my story gets 0 likes like clockwork.
If you're new, have you done one of those new simblr posts? I always see those get traction and also help introduce you to the community, gain followers/mutuals and help get your story out there! You can also comment on or reblog other stories/posts you love and that sometimes sparks people to take a look at your blog and perhaps even your stories! There is a simblr storytelling community too but I don't know how to link to it. Its a great way to meet other storytellers and learn tips and other ways to build an audience. Most importantly, give it time. If you're newer you may not see those notes come in right away, but you will. In my case, I've been here since the dark ages lmfao good luck to you friend and whatever you do, don't give up on your story.
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sprinklecipher · 1 year
A Case Study in Using Tumblr Blaze to Collect Survey Data
A little while ago, I ran a very niche survey about the vernacular names used for a specific type of North American bug, and I used Tumblr Blaze to try to get more survey responses. I figure that others who’d consider using Blaze to promote surveys might want to know how it went, so here's a graph of the number of survey submissions, with the “Blazed” periods highlighted in dotted orange:
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Additional details below the cut.
Response Numbers: Between 4/17 (when I first posted the survey) and 4/30 (when I analyzed data for it), I received a total of 291 responses.
There were 14 responses in the first 24 hours after I posted the survey (before Blazing the post related to it).  For all subsequent days that the post was not Blazed, I received between 0 and 2 additional responses. By contrast, I received 145 responses during the first Blaze period and 110 responses during the second Blaze period. It isn't possible to definitively know exactly how many responses can be attributed to Blazing the post, but from this data, I'm comfortable assuming that it's a large majority of the responses.
The Blazed post: I exclusively advertised the relevant survey on Tumblr, and with one, specific post. The post itself was nothing fancy—just a quick description of the survey and some emojis, basically. It looked like this:
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I’ve left the survey running (although I don’t promise I’ll analyze new data for it), so if you would like to complete it, you may do so here (NOTE: the survey contains a photo of a bug). Current results for the survey are also available here (NOTE: the results post also contains a photo of a bug).            
Blaze information: Both times that I Blazed the post, I purchased the second tier level (which provides 7,000 estimated impressions, although in both cases, the actual impressions ended up being ~10k, per the post-Blaze summary reports). I also opted to specifically target a US audience.
Data quality: One worry I had about Blazing my survey was that I’d get a bunch of joke responses or (worse) harassment, but that fortunately did not happen. I can't know for sure just how honest any individual respondent was, but the overall pattern of results was plausible and suggested there wasn't any widespread bad-faith responding. One respondent gave a clear joke answer, but that was it.
Conclusions: It’s hard to express this honestly without sounding like an ad, but I had a generally positive experience Blazing my survey. As someone with a very small blog, Tumblr Blaze helped me get enough survey responses to crunch some numbers on my (perhaps aggressively niche) project idea, which I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to do. I didn’t receive a staggering amount of data or anything, and the response rate I got might not be worth the cost for all projects, but it served its purpose for me. All in all, I'd say it's at least worth considering for anyone interested in running an informal survey without having a pre-existing audience to lean on.
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It's very funny to see that people who hate and look down on my indie blog still use all my resources. Their blogs are full of the resources I made. And then they don't even have the decency to give the resources a reblog. Also, I have a very "viral" gif pack. Almost everyone in the indie world uses THAT particular faceclaim and my gif pack doesn't even have 50 notes in total. Why do I see these gifs being used by nearly everyone of you? Not one single person I saw reblogged the thing on their blog!!! NOT ONE. And this is something I want to tell all roleplayers now: if you use a theme, a muse page, any code, gifs, icons, you name it, from a content creator and you don't pay a single cent for it, give it a reblog. It won't hurt you and it won't hurt the aesthetic of your blog. Don't use a "resource sideblog" for that. Because mostly those blog are dump blogs with 0 followers. Guess what, reblogs are not to annoy you but to spread a content creators works to a wider audience. Do you really think it helps the content creator when the post has 1000 notes but 900 of them are likes? No. Many notes are great, sure but the post is not as viral as you think. It lingers in the likes of 900 people, no one will see it there. And from those 100 reblogs, 50 are from dump blogs who have no following. Effectively, it has 50 notes from the total of 1000 that can HELP the content creator. This adds up to all of you who whine they want free content and that everyone only does commissions and paid content these days. If you want more free content then stop paying and glorifying those who are only here to make money. $90 for gifs? Are you insane? Do you know why free content makers stop? Because you treat them like SHIT. Imagine, gifs of the same quality, both are packs of 700 gifs. The free one gets 40 notes (20 reblogs/20 likes as an optimistic ratio), and the commissioned one gets 300 notes (150 reblogs/150 likes). Do you think the free content creator will do that again for you? No. The commissioned one got about $70 for the pack AND got more exposure. Why? Probably not because the quality is so much better but because they have the bigger following or the popular roleplayers as friends. And I'm not saying the free gifs are always better quality, but the commissions aren't always better quality either. All I'm saying is: don't make a shocked pikachu face if roleplaying turns into a hobby you can only do when you have either A+ photoshop and coding skills or enough money to pay someone else for the resources. If you don't support those who take no money by giving their stuff a single reblog, you don't have to be surprised if they don't spend their free time on stuff for YOU anymore.
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daineic-art · 1 year
-taps mic- Is this thing on?
Okay uh
Hi everyone!
It’s been a… long time since I’ve been actually active, hasn’t it? Well- I have a few explanations if you’d like to sit down and hear them.
To make a really long story short, I fell out of love with SSO. The game was not fun for me anymore and I found no joy in it due to multiple reasons. My own general drama moments, there were multiple things the company did, different things I got into, etc.
The biggest thing (now don't laugh I know how stupid this sounds in relation to Star Stable) was trauma. Yes, trauma. When you've been groomed using a game you've loved since you were 9 years old… you kind of stop playing that game. I resented this game for literal years due to trauma and SSO didn't help themselves by making some dumb decisions. But I was also a kid with trauma I didn't know how to handle. I can't even pinpoint exactly when everything happened, but I know it was around my mid-teens, and has been years since. I have done a lot of soul-searching and development since then because, wow, people can change! Some developments include; I started going to college, didn't like it, and I dropped out. I quit my very awful retail job and got something more akin to my field of study. Then finally, probably the most important one, I got out of an abusive relationship that I got into due to desperation. I'm in a new one with someone I genuinely care about and, frankly, want to spend the rest of my life with. It's insane how one person can open up your eyes so much and help you truly heal and change.
And because of that… I want to say sorry to those I might have hurt when I was still young and hurting. I know trauma isn't always an excuse but when it's all you know and you don't know how to control those feelings you are extremely volatile. I'm sorry to the friends I pushed away, I understand why you left. I'm sorry to the friends who stuck around and had to help me but I am also thankful for you. I'm also thankful to my audience who probably has 0 clue what I'm even talking about! I'm also sorry to those who had to witness my crippling hyper-fixation on You-Know-Who. I promise I'm over that LOL (while I still might draw That Specific Man, I am no longer mentally ill about him)
But why am I talking about this? Why all this deep conversation over a game where you ride around on a horse? Because I want to set my own record straight for myself and I want to start with a clean slate. This might involve a blog name change, maybe even a blog cleanse. But it starts here, with this post. And I'm really hoping this is the start to something better. I won't be posting right away as I want to get my own lore in order but I figured putting something into the world announcing my return (or that at least I've dropped my malice for the game) would be a good start.
I hope yall stick around! Lots of love from Sam 🦌🌿💚
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cuteniarose · 2 months
also this anon came here from ur art blog!
can you tell us more abt ur ocs?? infodump plz
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Hey, it’s fine, don’t sweat it! That was all on me, tbh, I have a habit of not putting too much info about my OCs into posts because they have a target audience of two, me and my partner in crime, and obviously we both already know pretty much everything there is to know about these guys. It’s very rare that anyone stumbles upon my art blog, let alone likes it enough to come here and send multiple asks about my characters, so thank you for that!! Maybe I should start putting small bios in the descriptions of my art posts, at least ages and sexualities and who they are in relation to whom 😅
Anyway, I did make a long infodump post about my main OCs, Suiren and Midori, here, and 99% of that information is still accurate, so I’m not going to repeat myself. And the rest depends on who you wanna know more about, Kat and I have over 20 between us, if I were to talk about everyone we’d be here until next year. But for now.. how about a rundown of the ones I currently speak of most often?
(Under the cut because this got LONG)
Haya – Born in 120 AG, she/her, cis, thinks she’s straight but definitely some flavour of queer, will most likely never figure it out :/. She’s Ghazan’s older sister who raised him after their parents fell victim to a plague when she and Ghazan were 14 and 5 respectively. Obviously, life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for the two of the after that. Haya had to quit school so she could work to provide for her brother, and she worked herself to the bone at any job that would take her because what else could she do? Let her brother starve? Not pay the bills so they’ll eventually end up homeless? And with how tired she was, of course she had little capacity remaining for kindness. She became hardened, mean and immensely overprotective, always yelling at Ghazan whenever he didn’t do as she told him, particularly he ran off to play in the Swamp despite it being where the sickness that took away their parents had come from, even more so when he made friends with Ming-Hua, and eventually she started hounding him endlessly about how much money he’s costing her. And it all boiled down to Ghazan running away as a teenager and joining the Red Lotus, later reuniting and falling in love with Ming-Hua, and having Suiren and Midori. When the time came for the plan to kidnap Korra, the girls were left with Haya, and that’s where things take a sharp turn for the worse. Haya saw her brother in Midori and the swamp rat who stole him away from her in Suiren, they were living proof that her brother abandoned her and she couldn’t stand it. And so she became physically, verbally and emotionally abusive, and the effect that childhood had on the girls will stay with them long after they’re out from under her roof. Haya is easily the most emotionally conflicting character that I have. You want to hate her, you SHOULD hate her, she’s an absolutely awful person with 0 redeeming qualities, but then you remember that once upon a time she was very much like Suiren, a young girl who loved her mother very much and just wanted the best for her little sibling, and now she’s older and alone and miserable. It’s.. a sad fate, and a part of me can’t help but sympathise with her. Not that it excuses her actions, but it adds a layer to her for sure.
Summiya – Born in 124 AG, she/her, cis, aromantic allosexual, no exact sexuality label beyond that since for her, sleeping with people isn’t about the partner, but rather what they can give her. Zaheer’s older sister, the stereotypically perfect eldest child who sets impossible standards for her siblings. What sets her apart from the rest is that her face is perfectly symmetrical, as if someone put a mirror to one half of it, and while she’s undeniably beautiful, the symmetry tends to freak people out a little. She doesn’t look human, more like a perfect porcelain doll, and that’s exactly what she was raised to be. She was born into a noble family and given the patriarchal structure in place her only role in life is to uphold her father’s reputation and political status by being married off to the highest bidder and becoming the perfect wife and mother. When she was 16, Zaheer ran away from home and she denounced him as a brother with no hesitation. When her sister Aiza did the same thing three years later, Summiya struggled a lot more to do the same, but she was already married and pregnant at that point so pushed the event deep, deep down and focused on her own family. Following her siblings’ betrayal, she was placed under a lot more pressure to not end up like them and not let her kids do the same, which resulted in her becoming an overbearing control freak who hates that both her children (a girl and a boy, just like her own siblings were) were born with birthmarks on their faces, making them imperfect, and her carefully concealed but still obvious hatred of those marks drove her daughter to attempting to bleach her skin. And all her efforts were for nothing, because they still end up rebelling against her as teenagers, not too long before she discovers her husband is cheating on her and only a few months before Zaheer is imprisoned. Tough year, what can I say? And she just.. cracks, completely loses it, and Kat said she’d write a proper fic about it so I’ll leave the details to her, especially considering tumblr won’t like me talking about them, but she begins cheating on her husband too and is a complete masochist, to the point she deeply scares her partners and they end up breaking it off. Essentially, Haya on steroids 😅
Aiza/Emran – Born in 126 AG, she/he/they, genderfluid, pansexual, polyamorous. Zaheer’s other sister, the middle child in the family. The three siblings were never close with each other, they were never allowed to be, but Aiza and Zaheer still managed to share a few moments where he told her about Air Nomad culture and philosophy, thus causing her to gain an interest in it too. After he ran away she started reading a lot more and aching for the freedom described in the texts. At age 17, a few days before her arranged marriage, she gets into an argument with Summiya about duty, sacrifice and wanting more from life, much more than being married to a guy she never even had a proper conversation with and birthing his children, and upon finding no support in her sister she decides to run away too. She cuts her hair, disguises herself as a boy under the name Emran and becomes an air acolyte at one of the temples. She struggles at first since she never had to work for anything before, but eventually begins to love this way of life and gains a lot more confidence in herself. She makes friends and grows so close with them she sees them as family, and at some point reveals her deceit, but no one is too mad at her because ultimately, she’s still her. But after that revelation, she realises that she didn’t dislike being a boy, and she doesn’t hate being a girl as long as she’s not under the intense pressure her parents placed on her, and becomes genderfluid, using different pronouns and both Aiza and Emran as names depending on what they feel more like that day. They also start experimenting with their sexuality and fall in love with a bunch of people of all genders, forming a polycule though never settling down officially. After Harmonic Convergence they will gain airbending, and eventually, several years later, they’ll reunite with Zaheer and the two will get to need out about Air Nomads together like they were always meant to 🥹🥹
Ehuang – No exact birthdate yet, but most likely >180 AG. She’s still a bit too young for us to really decide on gender and sexuality and whatever else, but for now, cis, she/her. She’s the daughter of Midori and Opal Beifong, conceived with the help of Bataar Jr (Midori was the one pregnant). Midori and Opal adopt several kids together, but at some point Midori decides that she wants to know what it’d feel like to carry a child herself, to be there when they’re born, to see traits of her family reflected in them. So she and Opal talk, ask Bataar for help, one thing leads to another and nine months later, precious baby Ehuang is born. She’s the love of my life and light of my world, genuinely the most good and pure thing to ever exist, the representation of everything finally being okay with the world, and I adore her beyond what words can convey. She’s named after a character from the same legend her great grandmother’s (Ming-Hua’s mom, Nuying) name comes from, and will eventually reveal herself an earthbender, though not a metalbender like Opal’s family, but a lavabender like her grandfather. Truly the perfect mix of her entire family <3 This section is a bit shorter than the rest, but that’s simply because she doesn’t have too much going on with her yet. Hopefully one day we’ll find the time to add to it (and finally design her siblings, maybe???)
Ila and Alasie – Grouping these two together because they tend to go hand in hand with each other. Going off how old I imagine them to be compared to Suiren, Alasie was born in 152/153 AG and Ila in 150 AG. Cis and she/her for both, but Ila is a lesbian and Alasie is aroace (and a waterbender, though she’s rather bad at it). They’re not related to each other or, surprisingly, anyone else either on my OC list or out of canon characters. They both work as handmaidens in the Northern Water Tribe palace under Malina, Unalaq’s wife. Now, there’s quite a bit of lore surrounding Malina, but the basics are that her and Unalaq’s marriage was arranged, he has no interest in her because he’s a spiritfucker and only into Vaatu, she hates him, dislikes her kids, and was generally unsatisfied with life right up until one of her handmaidens showed interest in her, and in the nearly two decades since then she’s formed a proper harem out of both maids and guards who are all utterly enamoured with her. It’s not a permanent arrangement, a lot of them end up leaving their positions to get married or whatever else, and Malina chooses not to mourn and simply move on. Ila is a girl very much like the rest, in love with Malina and becoming absolutely obsessed after the one night she had with her. The difference is that her affection is completely unidirectional, she looks at no one else but her lady, completely and utterly devoted to her alone. Alasie, however, is aroace, and after being propositioned by Malina one evening tearfully confesses that she never wants to be touched by anyone, and Malina smiles and calms her and allows her to sleep in her bed, no obligations or anything, just so she can feel the warmth because she comes from a poor family and her clothes aren’t nearly as good at keeping her warm. What she ends up having with Malina is most similar to a queerplatonic relationship, and through that she becomes friends with Ila too, as they’re the two that Malina is most fond of at the moment. I will admit that Alasie is basically just a projection of myself that was created when I first figured out I was aroace and having a whole crisis over it, and Ila shares quite a few traits with Kat, so… yay for self inserts? They’re just fun characters to play around with when we need a break from the general doom and gloom of our main universes, that’s all :)
Oof, this took a looong time to write, and again, these are only about a sixth of all the OCs we have, so if you have any more questions about them, or wanna know about anyone else specifically, feel free to ask!!
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infectedtale · 7 months
Welcome Taleblr!
I am Manny and this is my take on the mlp infection AUs- with a Taleblr twist. This blog is an Ask blog where you, the audience can ask the infected and survivors questions.
With that out of the ways, let us address the infection of this AU:
The Unicorn Virus
The Unicorn Virus is a psychological and magical based infection that originated from the unicorns. Papa Acachalla was patient 0 having been infected by the cursed book. He attacked his family before fleeing and has not been seen since. In this next paragraph we will be addressing how the virus operates.
The virus spreads through three common forms: Bites, sparkles, and contact with cursed objects. Bites are self explanatory, an infected bites a healthy victim and spreads the unicorns magic. This method is considered the least dangerous as the bitten limb can be amputated before the virus progresses too far. Sparkles are the spores that the unicorns hosts expel. Almost like a glittery aura, these small spores surround the host. When threatened the spores will cover a greater distance to eliminate the threat. These spores if inhaled or eaten will cause immediate infection in victims. They will immediately progress to the second stage. Cursed objects are the rarest form of infection but they are no less dangerous. Each item holds a potent form of the virus. One that makes its hosts much more dangerous than the common infected. They too will progress quickly.
Above I mentioned that the virus has stages. There are currently five known stages of the viral progression.
The first stage is the initial infection. For those infected via bite, the first stage will be pink spores that surround the skin around the bite. For those infected via cursed object or sparkle spores, the first stage is pink spores that leak from their orifices. This is the only stage currently curable.
The second stage is the mental infection. The virus has spread to the hosts brain. There is no saving them. They will begin to hear the unicorns within their own thoughts. They will seek out brightly colored objects and blood. During the later half of this stage, the host will experience a loss of identity. If asked what their names are they might answer with “Cuddly Kittysnuggles” or “Stardust Sprinkleshine.” They are still killable during this stage, do not let it progress.
The third stage is the growth stage. The hosts skeleton will begin to grow, though each hosts growth varies, all will grow a horn. The horn appears to be made of pure bone, it will grow through the hosts forehead skin and continue growing until [unknown]. The rest of the hosts skeleton will also elongate, the skin does not seem to be able to keep up with the growths and will split. They still appear conscious as they have been observed talking to others. Easiest to avoid as they attempt to lure survivors.
The fourth stage is the spore stage. Until this stage the infecteds spores cannot spread beyond their body. The spores will leak from the horn surrounding the host. They will attempt to share these sparkles with anyone uninflected. Do not let them, use gas masks and bandage wounds to avoid infection. Bites are no longer their goal. Avoid at all costs, they are no longer waiting.
The fifth and final stage is the complete stage. Not much is known. The hosts seem to lack any former memories, they seem to believe they are the unicorns. Walk on four legs.
Now onto the characters. (More tba! Feel free to ask about your blorbo)
Billy Acachalla (Bio)
Maddie Friend (Bio)
Gertrude Acachalla (Bio TBA)
Johnny Ghost (Bio)
Papa Acachalla Stardust Sprinkleshine (Bio TBA)
Tag list
#unicornvirus- this AU, all posts
#uvasksanswered- in character asks
#manny the immune- ooc answers and posts
I’m looking for artists if anyone would love to help. Until then it’s all text posts ^^.
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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2023/07/26 Blog post by Wakana 熱いビルボードライブを振り返ろう♪〜オレ!〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Let's Look Back on a Passionate Billboard Live♪〜Oh Le!〜
It's way too hot, I'm melting every time I step outside...Like every year, I carry around my three sacred must-have items for the summer time, a hat, a parasol and a portable fan. They are indispensable to me so this year, I am once again doing all of my activities with the help of them👒⛱. I recently realised that wearing a hat can trap a lot of heat so whenever I feel too hot, I take off my hat and put the fan on my head to cool it down! 😂This is a pretty good method! It cools down my head quickly and feels refreshing! (Of course, it is also effective to use the fan on your neck and back ♪) Your head can get surprisingly hot, so when you go out, try to cool the top of your head frequently♪\(^o^)/
Hi, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
Today, I would like to reflect on "Wakana Billboard Live 2023 ~Sono Saki e~" and share a lot of photos from the performances\\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Some group photos first! This first photo is right after the 1st stage of the Yokohama performance on July 6th♪ (I felt relieved that I had successfully finished KEMONO so I look pretty refreshed here). From left to right we have our music director Satoshi Takebe, myself, manipulator & keyboardist Yugo Maeda, and guitarist Tetsuro Toyama♪ The next photo was taken right after the 2nd stage ♪ (Everyone was waiting for me to come back. I'm looking really smug here for some mysterious reason)
Then we have a picture of us after the 1st stage in Osaka on July 20th♪ (Billboard Live Osaka's dressing room has been renewed and transformed into a truly wonderful space!) And another shot after the 2nd stage♪ (Our infamous Sushi Zanmai pose~)
I'll also post some stage pictures\(^o^)/ First of all, a couple of shots of the Yokohama performances! Yokohama 1st stage and Yokohama 2nd stage. And then two shots from Osaka. The 1st stage and the 2nd stage! I already noticed it during the release event, everyone in Osaka is so freaking energetic, it's amazing! 😳 Of course everyone in Yokohama is also full of energy but the reactions I get in Osaka are on another level! 😂 A lot of people called out to me, I was so happy and surprised, for a while there I actually thought I was hallucinating 😂This really helped me recharge😭✨Thank you 😭✨ (And here is the view of the audience area from the stage @Billboard Osaka. We actually moved the tables a bit closer to the stage for the performances)
At the Osaka performance, the creator duo "two two two" who made the music video for "KEMONO feat.Shinya Kiyozuka" came to support me! I received a special souvenir from them, look at Kemono-chan hiding on the packaging! Cute~♡ I didn't even notice the two of them in the audience. Maybe there were two gentlemen with a hat standing on the side... 😭(It was delicious and we ate it all right away, of course I shared it with my musicians! I tried the Kodai cheese flavour of Shikajika)
Next up are my dresses! Here's the dress for the 1st stage♪ I like the botanical pattern and it has a nice breezy summer vibe♪ Then we have the dress for the 2nd stage! This time, I went for green and blue inspired by the album covers for "Sono Saki e". The blue dress makes me think of the waves of the sea and the beautiful sky, I love the delicate colour 😍 I was sweating a lot in it though *laughs* The hair style with all the braids was also amazing! I could never do this by myself so I can only have this kind of hairstyle with the help of a stylist and makeup artist!
Once again, I wanna say a big thank you to everyone who came to my Billboard Live performances😊 I put a lot of thought into "Sono Saki e" and took on various challenges. This live was special because somehow I felt it was needed in order to properly complete the album production. This way you could fully enjoy the music in a special atmosphere on a special day. I want to continue to walk “to the future” together with all of you. I hope that this feeling was conveyed to everyone. Being able to share these moments with you and being able to sing while looking into your eyes makes me happier than anything else😊And since it was also quite challenging I'll definitely never forget about it😂 I will continue to do my best \\\٩( 'ω' )و //// It has truly been a passionate summer! I'm really thankful to you for these experiences!
Last but not least, here are some pictures of me singing and dancing a Matsuken Samba all by myself before the 2nd Yokohama performance! (Oh-le-oh-le-♪ => Matsuken Samba~♪) Amazingly, no one was watching! I was completely ignored. Outrageous!
I have another story to share with you about something exciting I did the day after the Osaka performance so I will post it on the blog soon! Until next time☆(*'▽'*)/
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gurokichi · 10 days
bsd? ive heard its a good show. tho i hope not as good as me.
and puppy was jealous that i was talking to its god? now thats something~
i would say… not too far back? not sure if i can make a rough estimate on that, puppy. i think i figured since you dont see many kokichis in yanblr. your pinned layouts are also quite similar. and you are a very thoughtful puppy for thinking of your audience, taking your manic ramblings else where. dw tho, i dont judge.
the popplio evolution line? i admit, its very pretty, but im more of a rowlet line kind of person. still, truly godly taste.
also, that is a lot of leafeon. i wish i had the balls to ask my parents to get me pokemon stuff. im not sure where they sell gardevior merch apart from online (even then, its probably made by the borderline z0os…). also, perhaps ill decide to keep your god at a safe distance, since puppy doesnt seem pleased with that. what a cute puppy being so jealous easily~
It’s a very good show! Definitely worth a watch if you ever have the time. Elise is so me. But, of course, a mere show couldn’t ever be as good as my melody. I really didn’t mean to take so long to answer your other ask! Tumblr is just mean and didn’t give me a notification.
I get possessive easily.. bleh. I can’t help it. I’m trying to tone it down for the sake of others, though. I don’t want people to feel like they have to walk on eggshells around me. I’d hate to do that to someone else, as I know how it feels.
Ehehe, I guess the Kokichi theme and pinned are pretty big giveaways. I’m too lazy to come up with a new pinned. I also wanted this to kind of double as a Kokichi fictionkin blog, so there’s that too. I was considering other themes, but decided I liked the Kokichi one the most! I was curious if anyone would be able to figure it out.
Rowlet is cute… but popplio is better!! Sorry!! /silly
So much leafeon. Too much leafeon. Anyways, if you ever do work up the courage to ask, I’m sure that you’ll be able to find some gardevoir merch that you like!
Perhaps? You better. This pup is absolutely not pleased with that (¬`‸´¬)
And you think my jealousy is cute? Reallyyy?? You promise??? :0
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kpopsexstories · 4 months
I just finished editing the final story – Winwin's – and now I'm feeling sad 😆
I started this blog in September (I think it was) with the goal of posting one short smut story about each member of NCT 127, NCT Dream and WayV.
Next week, the final story comes out.
Tonight, I just finished editing the final story. I first wrote it months ago. Perhaps it's because I'm slightly tipsy, but I'm suddenly overcome with a bittersweet feeling.
I've poured at least one sleepless night into each of the 21 stories. Sometimes more. I've brainstormed, drafted, rejected, rewritten, edited and proofread each story so many times.
Some came naturally and effortlessly, some went through multiple new drafts. Some admittedly felt like an impossible burden to write, others felt like a breeze and some of the best storytelling I've ever written. Regardless, I'm proud of every single one of these stories and the fresh take they each bring to the series.
I've received hate for not handling certain 'characters' the way some people expected – or for writing k-pop smut in the first place – and I've received love for giving some exactly what they wanted and opening others up to new genres and ideas.
I've done my best work while fully focused on the craft and not at all turned on in the moment even by the sexiest scenes. But I've also been incredibly horny so many times. I've masturbated more times than I can count throughout this project, and secretly it's been my wish that at least one stranger has done the same at least once while reading my work.
At times, I've given up my social life for this project. At the same time, I've re-connected with old friends as I've told select people in my life about what I secretly do on Tumblr. I've found this project incredibly rewarding.
Now, as I've re-read the final story and scheduled it, I can't help but feel melancholic about it. Right now I think it's the best story in the series, but I know that's not true. Each reader has their unique preferences, and each story caters to a different inclination. Still, I've found my audience – you! – and a creative outlet I genuinely love.
In total, the MMSE of NCT series ends at over 104,000 words. That's longer than the average novel! If you include my other series on this blog, that's two novels altogether.
All in less than a year, which is pretty insane to me considering that I once wrote an actual novel which took me 5 years to complete.
So, Winwin's story – which is the last of the 21 members I intended to write about – will be published on Monday (May 27, 2024), and it marks the end of an era.
No matter if you've been here from the start (which is highly unlikely as I had 0 followers at the time) or just got here, I want to thank you! Your likes, follows and messages have been a huge motivator, and the reason I want to keep going.
Because no, this isn't the end. I still have a lot of stories in me, and I intend to explore other groups while also writing more about NCT going forward.
I hope you'll stick around for many years to come 😃
-> Master List (all my published k-pop smut) -> Series: Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT -> Series: Quick Fix Dirty K-pop Imagines -> Series: Mixed One-shots -> Buy Me a Coffee
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i'm completely new to rping and i have like 0 experience in writing. i have two muses atm and both of them are from shows that aren't very well-known or popular. i'm worried that i'll be a bad writer or that no one will care. any help or advice?
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oh of course! Everyone starts off somewhere; from daydreams, to school, and whatever you enjoy can be a big inspiration! The two things I can recommend Always;
Keep in mind that people will care, but it may take some time to find the people who can express that in a timely fashion (or not!) Honestly the best way to get a 'lot' of interactions is make a lot of tiny 'investments'; follows, a self promo post, sending asks/ims, and in a passive way, writing of your own to set an example and get people excited for your blorbo. Since your muse is obscure, you're gonna want crossover-friendly or fandomless blogs for sure. In the climate of tumblr though, it's often very give-and-take: you may be 'fighting' your followers anxiety. And their schedule/workweek, but I feel that it's best to give things a little time and set up for Later™. Check after 5 minutes, an hour or twelve, and for certain blogs it might say if they may take a week or month- Point being that a lot of it's not on purpose, but a good start is by showing a blog that you care- directly or indirectly.
As for writing skill, the only way to really grow is to fuck around and find out- experience, I mean! The best way to go about it is to try to have fun with it- you can always practice or draft things in a private manner- draft your post (tumblr autosaves to drafts now!) or a word doc or something. Personally, since I majored in English in school, I don't become very impressed with myself often and find more value in entertainment+attention+sharing my fun blorbo thoughts! How you format is truly up to you and can change with time; my own writing started in para, dipped down to scriptish on my tumblr debut, formalized a bit, before I met writing partners whose narration is a bit more casual and fun- I find scholarly narration a little dry personally and try to get somewhat into the character's head while still being thorough!
Right now my advice is to reach out first, and often, until you can build up your audience! Once you have some reliable actives you can relax a little and get to writing with each other! Try to stay on top of it to fit your needs as we all have bad days, quiet days! hell I've been quiet this month due to the heat alone 💦 hehe... I've gotten into entire fandoms through RP myself- excitement is contagious!!!
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violet-varicoseveins · 6 months
Intro post because why tf not 😎
Block don't report - reporting me is not going to help me.
Hi, I'm chloe (she/her). I'm 26 and live in the USA. Formally diagnosed with a slew of mental health nonsense since I was around 13, and it's gotten better and worse over the years.
Formally diagnosed EDNOS, anxiety, depression, adhd, and autism. Suspected BPD???? But it could just also be the autism???? I'm not sure. Also I have fibromyalgia and that shit fucking hurts.
I will post whatever the fuck I want to because this blog is for me and not for thee. Been on tumblr on and off since the beginning, rage deleted my heritage account about a year ago, but I'm back again because.. well..
Things I post:
Eat!ng di$order content (pro for me, not for thee)
Sometimes porn
Horror movies and shows
Various TV shows and movies
General hornyposting
Weed related shit
I generally don't tag many things. I just don't care enough to, again, since this blog is for me. There are some exceptions.
Porn is usually tagged as #hornyposting
Gore/blood is usually tagged as #tw gore or #tw blood
DNI if:
Just kidding. I'm an adult and have used the internet since like 2003 and am keenly aware how stupid DNIs are. I don't care if you interact with me. If you're a minor and you choose to follow me, that's on you.
A note: Harry Potter has been a part of my life since before some of y'all were born. This does not mean that I support JKRs view on trans people in any way, and I really shouldn't have to defend liking something to rabid internet audiences, but I am because I really just can't be assed to have to explain myself over and over again. I have 0 problems with trans people, and support them. I just like Harry Potter. As far as I'm concerned, JKR didn't write it, it wrote itself. If this is a problem for you, alright, then we can agree to disagree and have a nice day.
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smugpugchimera · 1 year
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Hi! I don't do this kind of post often, but since I've been trying to establish a firmer platform here, I don't always know what's the best curse of actions to take :0 So, basically, if you have a minute I'd really appreciate if you could share some feedback\advice on the type of stuff you like and would like to see more in the art I post here? You can send annon suggestions if ur shy, I just need a little guidance, cause it often feels like I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to self promo stuff :P I always had very rigid boundaries between the platform I sold my art on and my personal blog spaces, but the other platform kinda died on me and I can't sustain myself with it anymore, and my audience here is still very small, so I don't get a lot of offers. A couple of rly cool people helped me with re-blogs whom I super grateful to! but I can't rely on them forever. Thanks in advance and have a great day Ya'll!~
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bewitched-bullet · 7 months
Hi Bullet, thank you for answering my ask. You know, I don't get the impression that mods are terrified but that they are not proud of this outcome. Here's what I've noticed of this group. I've followed the characters for about 8 months (I mainly follow artists like you) and this is not a well-organized, well- communicated group. It's not uncommon to takes days for posts to be interacted by characters, even some big posts that were supposed to be pre-organized*. Everyone of them appears to be working on their own, except for the characters who have the same mod (I can kind of tell which ones because of the consistent instant responses).
*For example, John RP's last posted case file "The Adventure of the Speckled Sound". The science details were not in there because it's supposed for Sherlock to show off. Sherlock RP was tagged at least 3 times (John RP and 2 followers) to answer the toxicology aspect of the case, they didn't reply or participate at all (0) while complaining on their blog that nobody asked for the case details. I probably sent an anon ask for the toxicology as well. However, the case before, "The Aegean Sea Smugglers" were organized perfectly among all mods. It was beautifully executed.
*Another example is the both John RP and Sherlock RP didn't know when the New Lestrade RP joined them based on the discrepancies in their responses. Basically nobody informed them when a new member joined.
Those are just some big example of lack of communication; smaller ones are easy to spot as it's really not uncommon. I'm thinking that maybe this group has gradually fallen apart over time. The anon mod did say that John RP said he was gonna quit. I guess at that point nobody was actively managing this group so no actions were taken and now it has become extremely messy. All speculations, of course, based on their group dynamics.
These are very good observations. I haven't gone that far to check that out (yay, life). But if you or someone could gather these examples together, that could be helpful.
When doing roleplay (rp online accounts, Larp, D&D, etc) it's very important to stay coordinated. This helps with story and event continuations, the quality of entertainment (cuz let's be real, online rplayers are unpayed actors providing artistic content. Bless you all.), and in the event an actor needs to switch out, the transition is smooth and not confusing or hurtful.
As a DM, it is my responsibility to coordinate everything and ensure a positive experience for both the players (and when I did this online) for the audience.
If these rplayer decide to rebuild, it may be beneficial for them to get someone that can act as a DM.
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eighth-house-tarot · 7 months
how to pick-a-card
I assume that most people who come across my blog will be very familiar with pick-a-cards (in the least, the ones on tumblr), but in case you've never encountered them or would like to see how I advise to use them, then read on!
what is a pick-a-card?
most tarot reading (and the most accurate readings) are done personally between the client and reader. pick-a-cards are a way to reach a more general audience, offer generalized help and guidance, and show the world the readers abilities and overall vibe. not every reader is for you, so this can be a way to find the people you rock with.
sometimes pick-a-cards involve the audience picking a tarot or oracle card, picking a pile of cards or card deck, a crystal, a charm, or an image. images are most often used on tumblr, as we all know that aesthetic is a principal value of a tumblrina, members of the hellsite congress / parliament.
important note
before getting into my suggestions, I want to share a personal opinion. I do not believe that every pick-a-card post and video is meant for you, even if it is suggested by the algorithm. many readers will say "if you see it / if you're here it's for you", and while I think many say that with good will, there are also many who (I believe) are using peoples' anxieties, compulsions, and limerence to drive up their engagement.
so, before you engage with pick-a-cards, ask yourself how you are feeling. if a pick-a-card (also a personal reading) were to say something you don't want to hear, would it feel like the world is crashing down around you? or would like feel like a bit of a bummer, but you'd be glad to be prepared if that thing were to happen? if it would feel like the world is crashing down, DO NOT engage with any tarot readings and find something else to offer you help or comfort. even tarot readers have to be mindful and careful with how we engage with this magical stuff. don't feel ashamed for needing a break. <3
remember, while this is a spiritual practice, this is for entertainment purposes only and should never be taken as medical and/or legal advice. you are responsible for how you choose use the readings and for your own decisions. you are responsible for your life (you badass <3).
how to pick-a-card
intuition, any Pages drawn from your own deck, random number generator 0-3, if you feel a "pull" or a "resistance"
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