RP Help!
192 posts
RP memes and advice, icon help, research, tutorials, PSAs! We take submissions for advice as well! sideblog to fairymint
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mintymemesandrpshop · 3 days ago
Send "chrysalid" for your muse to find my muse infected with Resident Evil's C-Virus
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mintymemesandrpshop · 15 days ago
What would yo do?' based sentence starters, super heated edition (As always, feel free to change name/gender/occupation, as well as incorporate NPCS! These are not intended for timid muses and are said with physical approach, direct eye contact, no interruptions.)
"Will you shut up and leave her the fuck alone?!" "You're not talking! You're belittling her and making her cry and you're nasty!" "That is not a way to talk to a human being, especially your wife!" "Don't 'm'am' me! You're a nasty son of a bitch and she should leave you!" "What're you doing buddy? You can get the fuck outta here right now bro. Yo go get the fuck outta here What're you doin' yelling at your girl in public you gotta problem? You wanna go in a police station right now? Exactly!" "You don't have to understand why I'm getting involved, but when you make threats to a young girl? In public? It becomes everyone else's business." "I'm letting you know now, if you keep- if you keep saying what you're saying I'm gonna get the police involved. So please take that with some consideration." "Put his phone down. put his phone down. put his phone down. That is not funny. Put it down. (takes and returns it) put it down." "Take your hot sauce and go. You do not take someone's phone like that." "No I do not, but that is disrespectful. Walk away." "You're not going anywhere." (While grabbing an arm.) "Just give it back and I won't make an issue out of it." "Are you out of your fucking mind? Put it back right fucking now." "Right fucking now! Or I'll bust your ass right in this restaurant." "(softly) Oh fuck you! what a terrible thing to say." "i'm sorry i don't know him but what a fucking asshole. i told them, i told him to fuck off." "Don't even speak to me." "Way to be a dick bro. Let them work! You have no reason to be talking to people like that, bro! No fucking reason at all." "I'm a fucking immigrant say that again. I'm a fucking immigrant say that again!" "We're filing a complaint against her because she's a horrible customer. She's a disgusting person. He's working very hard and she's- She's got problems." "You young lady. Are entitled. Talking to that man like that, horrible, horrible." "I can defend anyone I want to. I won't defend you because you're nasty." "What's in your fucking pocket?" "I could put mine on your nose." "You didn't bring this on yourself. He can tell you that as many times as he wants...But you didn't bring this on yourself. You have the right to your privacy, You have the right to everything. You. deserve. happiness."
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mintymemesandrpshop · 18 days ago
Quirky Typos Meme 😋 (aka things I've misread/mistyped)
⛓️‍💥 Name something that my muse does when ✨arrested✨ ✧ and i’ll bold all that happy to my muse~ without having to RP it out cuz you’re a tired busy slut? your opinions of men a lot and I will bold all that therapy to your muse come into my askbox late and kiss my Muse with no warning or explanation send to catch my muse dying when defeated what does your muse poop greyfaced angela Do you find this autism? all espeon and umbreon know what you are
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mintymemesandrpshop · 22 days ago
Set's been updated to include the anthology!
Yuu Koito Icons
1174 1308 icons, full set from the manga!
Series: Bloom into you (series tw: self esteem, NSFW* [offscreen, explicit], arospec/demi issues + aromantic rep, homophobia impled. Genre: slow burn romance/shoujo ai
Free to use, Please Like/Reblog, and credit if you edit! (especially heavy filters/shrinkage). Originally made for my self-insert muse!
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mintymemesandrpshop · 24 days ago
What would yo do?' based sentence starters, 'antagonist' edition (feel free to change gender/occupation/etc.) "I'm sorry but the car service was supposed to send a younger man, okay?" "Sir, you're too old, Okay?" "I can see you've had this job for years." "I prefer male drivers to female drivers, okay?" "I've had issues with women in the past, okay?" "Really, Are ya gonna be doing your makeup the whole time?" "You're so stupid, I know what we're doing here." "You better be done when I come back!" "Are you really bothering these people?" "You know what happens when you test me like this!" *Snaps fingers right in the victim's face* "Mind your business, bro." "Are you gonna make things difficult?" "You just make it so hard for me to look at you sometimes, you're disgusting!" "You're just gonna cry out here?!" "You would serve me, and you could serve man better." "Aren't all black people athletic?" " 'Objectifying'...? no..." "I'm not deleting it until you hook up with me." "Fine. We're Done!" "If Not, I'm gonna send that video to all of my friends." "If you don't want me to do it, you know what you need to do!" "Well, we're just trying to enjoy our dinner." "Summer job only for the money, let's go." "Come on, I don't have all day, let's go!" "So get the look off of your face, have some fun, and don't embarass yourselves or me, thank you." "yeah well, you don't know them like I do, and they're monsters." "tell them we're having such a fun day- go!" "I'll talk to you however I want." "You guys are idiots, you should be done by now!" "They're idiots, and they don't listen." "The game's name is throw the ball at nanny!~" "Oooooooowwwwww~ Stop!~" "Nanny, stop bothering these kind people, they don't wanna listen to you!" "She's not good, our last nanny was way better than her." "We're gonna get you fired!~" "She was being so mean to us!" "And she called me stupid for not catching it!" (a golfball. on a golf course. where no throwing is being done.) "Mom you should fire her!"
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mintymemesandrpshop · 27 days ago
i think people get so used to their own creative work that they forget how amazing it is so i’m making this post as a reminder You are the only person capable of making art the exact way you make it. nobody else on earth can do that. there are always going to be those little habits and intricacies and details that simply cannot be replicated whether it’s in writing or painting or textiles and you make life all the better for it i love my friends’ art i love art from strangers im trying to love my own art I LOVE YOU!!! THE PERSON READING THIS!!!!!!! YOU ARE A PART OF THIS WORLD NEVER EVER STOP MAKING THINGS THAT CAN IMPACT IT
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mintymemesandrpshop · 27 days ago
okay so here's something
if you push up against or cross a boundary and someone has to enforce it
don't just apologise for crossing the boundary. you also need to praise and thank them for enforcing it
standing up for yourself is hard, and enforcing a boundary might make someone feel like they're disappointing you. so praising them for expressing their boundaries takes the sting out of it
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mintymemesandrpshop · 28 days ago
'What would yo do?' based sentence starters, 'heroic' edition (feel free to change pronouns/etc.!) "You do not need whatever that was." "He doesn't need to be anything!" "I'd have been on him like a spidermonkey on crack." "What is it in you that makes you wanna do that?" "She's going to stay right here, you can go." "Take a Walk!" "You want me to go back and whoop his ass?" "You're still shaking." "I have no fucking idea, leave me alone." "As long as it's not affecting my world, I support what you're doing." "I don't think you should be touching me like that." "Don't train with him anymore, we'll take care of that." "You're going, bro." "You don't threaten people like that." "I'm not going to let you leave with him." "I don't think you were. I don't think you Were." "That is not funny. Put it down." "It looks like he wants to say something..." "The only monster that I see right now is you." "That's very hurtful, what you said to this gentleman." "This is not the way we do things here." "You're an adult, sir! We're children and we're correcting you!" "I can't believe these words are coming out of your mouth right now-!" "I don't need to know someone to defend them. Your voice changes things." "I did, I did tell her that she doesn't have to stay." "Unfortunately, coming from another woman, that is not a compliment." "You wanna sit down and order somethi- Order something, and I'll pay for it!" "I was like 'oh my god, don't stay!' " "We've already got the police coming." (lying) "Can you stand up, please?" "No, you're not. You're not taking her anywhere." "No it's not 'fine', she doesn't feel safe with you. It's not fine." "Maybe go find that water. Move on now." "Come sit over here, sweetheart. I'm gonna stay with you." "Excuse me m'am, this woman was just offering drugs to this child." "I'm a little shaking and nervous 'cause like, that's like really scary, that like, somebody would just lean over and say something like that!" "You're young, you just really don't want to be getting into that too early, man." "I didn't wanna get involved, it was kind of a crazy situation." "I thought I overheard something about 'meet me out back.' " "She's gonna hate us!~" "You don't know me, I don't know you, I'm a college professor....Run!" "Growing up in my neighborhood, there's friends of mine that I'll never see again." "If you've got a child on the way, then you gotta do the right thing and make the right step and the right move." "Everyone has a story, right?"
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mintymemesandrpshop · 28 days ago
Hiura Mihate icons!
not the whole series, but 3209 (including variation shots of the same panels at times!)
Series: I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend into a Girl Genre: crossdressing/romance Some expressions are suggestive/ecchi at furthest character shows both confident and nervous tendencies
Please like or Reblog to use, credit is really appreciated! Feel free to edit, but credit is required if it's heavily edited.
Google Drive link
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mintymemesandrpshop · 29 days ago
PLEASE do yourself a favour and check out this wikipedia-styled template for google drive, made by @ Rukidut on twitter
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I decided to try to sort my ideas and whats canon regarding my ocs with this and ITS PERFECT. IT ALL FEELS SO CONRETE. and i sure as hell AM Going to continue to use this with every single OC I have until google drives is set ablaze- Just!!!!!!!!
Also; link directly to the doc, just copy the file and you have your own lil template!!!!
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mintymemesandrpshop · 1 month ago
Misheard lyrics Starters "I can't believe how everyday gets swiss for me." "Usually, I like my situations bein' official." "Sliding down to show off your cassette..." "It doesn't matter where you are, dummy..." "Ain't frontin', need no brakes." "sit in back of the bus, hiding around my neighborhood." "I went my own way, animated!" "You make me lose control, it's out of my head." "you're just my human-type..." "But I got all of what you did already." "How many of your friends fit in my walls?" "baby, A mess, but you dropped it bad." "We're out of touch, No More." "iku iku dan-cho, ganbare ganbare ganbare dan-cho!" "with your lips, I'm convinced that you know it's not over." "I'm so fucking thankful for my eggs." "struggle on your shoulder 'til it's all in vain." "Only you know the strength of your tea."
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mintymemesandrpshop · 1 month ago
Send a pokemon species to see how my muse would raise it!
from role to moveset, nature and gender and etc. Good for comparing individuals of the same species!
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mintymemesandrpshop · 1 month ago
Indirect NSFW meme- send these to plot or otherwise preview some headcanons or meta! meant for ships/specific pairings.
💧 What is a sexual fantasy about the sender's or a specified character that they may have? Is it a serious desire, or just their brain making shit up? How likely do they think it is to happen? ✨ What parts about a specific muse turn them on? How often? Is it very specific, or just a general interest? 💚 What would sender's/a specified character have to do to turn them on to get sex? What would turn them off? Is there anything specific, or is it more general or disciplined? 💓 How long might the sex last? Why? 👾 Are there any hobbies or conversations that might take place during, or right after sex? Any that might start it, or design a situation where they'd get close enough for it? 🧶 Would your muse have biological children with them? Why or why not, what would need to happen first in lifestyle/conversation to make it happen? 🕯️Are there any kinks that they would let them do, or want in particular with them? (Alternatively, sender can ask about a kink instead) 🎀 Is there anything the receiver's muse might use to try to attract them? Or, is there any body part or personality quirk that they'd like getting praised? Is there anything attractive about them that they don't know about that the sender/specified muse might like? ❌ Is there anything about sender's/specified muse that can, will, or does turn them off? Anything that makes them unsure or may be taken as disinterest? 🌹 Would your muse be really attached to them as a partner, or are they more promiscuous or holding out? What is the 'competition' here? 💫 Does the sex have a lasting effect on them? Can they go back to normal life without getting all romantic or full of desire, does it affect their health? Do other people figure it out and know? 💋 What kind of pillow talk or dirty talk is to be expected? Does your muse plan or anticipate any of it? What kind of person in bed do they think the other would be? 🎁 What kind of sex would they want if it were a present, if they were told by the person they could have anything that they wanted? Is it any different from mutual, usual, or spontaneous sex? What kind of 'favor' would it be in particular? They're not 'allowed' to defer to the partner's wishes on this one unless the action is described directly. 🎂 Is birthday sex a thing for them? What's different about that, if anything? 🥩 What's the closest that food can get to 'the bedroom' for them? If they don't have a food kink, what meals might they eat before or after sex? How would they get it, in regards to their partner? 🏖️ Exactly how many different scenarios have they thought about this muse? Are they romantic/domestic, or different from romantic/domestic thoughts? 💖How down bad are they for the sender's/specified muse? Does it affect much of their regular free will at all, or just how often/eager/easily they can have sex? 🪄 What could be tried about sex that they wouldn't admit, or don't know about themselves that is within the senders/specified muse's ability? Or taste, is there anything that could be introduced? Or, is there anything that turns them on because of them specifically by association? 💀 Is there anything taboo or 'problematic' that plays into their attraction, the sex, or their life? Does any of it count as a turn on or turn off? Or, is there anything the muse might be self conscious about when it comes to sex? 🌸 Would they want or expect a certain kind of sex from specified muse? Is it soft or rough, romantic or not, certain positions? How would they feel if they were surprised with something different? 🍄 How do substances affect their sexual encounters? Are any recommended, or do they ruin the fun? ⏰ What ends up happening before and after sex for them? What about each other's schedules is significant, and affects it? 🏳️‍🌈 Is there anything unique about the muses or relationship that's worth noting? A lifestyle change, social life update, or major thing affected by them having sex regularly or being together in general?
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mintymemesandrpshop · 1 month ago
Send me a plot, dynamic or wishlist point and I'll comment on it!
whether to 'help' with it, discuss it, or headcanon exchange, etc.!
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mintymemesandrpshop · 1 month ago
Peter Park is Stan Lee's OC. All Might is Kohei Horikoshi's OC. Liu Kang is Ed Boon's OC. Ash Ketchum is Satoshi Tajiri's OC (as well as a self-insert). So if you can't handle "non-canonical" OCs then you most certainly can't handle "canonical" OCs. And if you can't handle overpowered female characters then you most certainly don't deserve your beloved overpowered male characters.
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mintymemesandrpshop · 1 month ago
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Assorted memes of a suggestive and sexual nature, intended for the spicier type of interactions. Be mindful of your partners' boundaries! Change pronouns / etc. as needed, and feel free to combine the sentence prompts with the action and / or location prompts when sending if you want.
tw: strong sexual content , minors DO NOT interact with this meme at all!
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❝ I just want to look at you like this for a moment. ❞
❝ Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this? ❞
❝ Your heart is beating so fast. ❞
❝ Be gentle with me. Please. ❞
❝ I’ve never done this before. ❞
❝ I want to learn. Teach me. ❞
❝ Show me how to please you. ❞
❝ I want to give you everything tonight. ❞
❝ That feels so good ─ ❞
❝ Don’t stop ─ ❞
❝ You won’t break me. I promise. ❞
❝ I want your hands on me. ❞
❝ Make love to me. ❞
❝ I need you, your lips on my skin. I need you deep inside me. ❞
❝ Can’t you see what you do to me? ❞
❝ I don’t want to repeat my innocence. I want the pleasure of losing it again. ❞
❝ There is no taste sweeter than yours. ❞
❝ Look at you, what a mess you are. ❞
❝ You’re doing so good for me. Keep going. ❞
❝ I’ll taste every part of you before the night has ended. ❞
❝ No one else can make me feel this way. ❞
❝ I am already yours. Now I want you to lay your claim. ❞
❝ Your body sings to me. ❞
❝ I know you’re close. Just let it go now. Give in to it. ❞
❝ I want to feel you come undone. ❞
❝ Shh. Quiet love. They’re going to hear you. ❞
❝ I want to feel your fire, even if it burns me. ❞
❝ You take me so well. ❞
❝ You look so beautiful like this. ❞
❝ I never knew I could feel this good. ❞
❝ God whispers to us in our pleasures. ❞
❝ I’m going to fuck you until your legs shake. ❞
❝ Take me. I can’t bear this anymore, just take me. ❞
❝ You’re dripping already. ❞
❝ Good girl, take it all. ❞
❝ I’m going to fill you over and over again. ❞
❝ Harder, god, harder ─ ❞
❝ Did I say you could stop? ❞
❝ Show me how much you want it. ❞
❝ Give me your mouth. ❞
❝ Spread yourself for me. ❞
❝ I’m going to leave you aching in the morning. And then I’m going to take you again. ❞
❝ Louder. Don’t hold back on me. Let me hear your pleasure. ❞
❝ I want to hear my name on your lips and make you come. ❞
❝ Don’t come until I tell you to. ❞
❝ If you wanted soft and gentle, you’ve come to the wrong person. ❞
❝ I don’t want soft. I want to ache for you when you’re done. ❞
❝ I like the marks. They stay with me even when you must leave. ❞
❝ Use me. Fuck me. Do whatever you want, but god, please touch me. ❞
❝ They’ll all know your mine when they hear you screaming my name. ❞
❝ You need relief. I can give you that. ❞
❝ You’re not leaving this bed until I’m done with you. ❞
❝ I want to spend every night buried inside of you, pleasing you, fucking you. ❞
❝ I like it when you lose control, when I can feel how desperately you need me. ❞
❝ You’re my good girl, and my girl deserves the best of me. ❞
❝ Such a good boy, always eager to please. ❞
❝ You look like an angel; it’s only right that I fuck you until you see heaven. ❞
❝ Your body is my place of worship, and it’s time for me to say my prayers. ❞
❝ This is my favorite seat. ❞
❝ Watch me ride you. ❞
❝ Does he fuck you like this? ❞
❝ We shouldn’t be doing this. ❞
❝ I missed you beyond words. Every night I dreamt of you, of what it would be like to hold you again, and I’ll be damned if I let the chance slip through my fingers when you’re right here. ❞
❝ Why can’t I keep myself away from you? ❞
❝ This could be our last night together. I’m going to make it count. ❞
❝ Don’t bring emotions into this. This has always been about pleasure, nothing else. ❞
❝ We fuck. It doesn’t need to be more complicated than that. ❞
❝ I have no right to touch you, so why do you ask it of me when I know I am unworthy? ❞
❝ You should be mine. I don’t care what they say, you are mine. ❞
❝ You dare have the audacity to pretend like you’re not mine in front of them? We both know the truth; even now look how your body reacts to me. ❞
❝ Do you honestly think I could possibly want anyone else when this is what you do to me? ❞
❝ You’re mine. Only mine. ❞
❝ I want them to hear us. I want them to know you belong to me. ❞
❝ Claim me. Have me in a way that anyone who looks at me will see your passion written upon my skin. ❞
❝ You’re not mine. You could never be mine. Yet I want you anyway. I want you so badly that it burns me inside. ❞
❝ You’ve ruined me for all others. ❞
❝ I can’t stop myself from wanting you, no matter how much we both know we shouldn’t do this. ❞
❝ I don’t care if they see. Part of me wants them to. ❞
❝ You’re not good for me. So how can you make me feel something no one else can? ❞
❝ This is the last time, then never again. This has to stop. ❞
one muse gives the other oral
one muse rides the other
one muse grinds on the other
one muse takes the other from the front
one muse takes the other from behind
one muse takes the other anally
one muse holds the other down during rough sex
one muse pleasures the other with their hand
one muse sits on the other’s face
one muse controls the other’s movements by grabbing their hips
one muse ties up the other
one muse uses a toy on the other
our muses engage in edging or orgasm denial
one muse makes the other have multiple orgasms
our muses engage in sensory play (blindfolds, ice, etc.)
one muse shows the other a new position
one muse touches the other on the outside of their clothes
one muse dresses up to seduce the other
one muse undresses the other
one muse strips for the other
one muse (or both) pleasures themself for the other’s view
one muse leaves marks on the other
one muse watches the other have sex with a third party
our muses are being watched by a third party
our muses have a threesome
in a bed
on the floor
on a couch or chair
in a bath, shower, or pool
in a semi-public place
against a wall
on a table or counter
in the kitchen
in a tent
on a rug in front of a fireplace
in a sacred place
in a stairwell
in a ruined building / castle
in a garden
by the ocean
in an inn / hotel
while traveling
in an office or conference room
in a dream
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mintymemesandrpshop · 1 month ago
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