#and mint chocolate chip ice cream too
tiredlez · 2 years
I was about to watch Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix, but immediately before that, I received a message that my account had been "suspended".
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Re: your mental health comic - I hope, if any of those characters are based on real hallucinations youve had, that you don't have them anymore. You're a good person who doesn't deserve to be talked to like that.
(Referencing this or this post, I’m not sure which)
Thank you so much for your kind words! The characters in those works are representations of actual hallucinations I’ve experienced. They were real nasty pieces of work, but I haven’t actually hallucinated one in a severe enough manner to talk to them in about… Shoot. Hang on, I need to think… 5-ish years now? I think? And the last time I did, I heard a brief sentence before I took some heavy-duty meds that knocked me out and took care of the hallucination by the time I woke up. I’ve gone through a lot of growth between now and then, and I’m now in a place where the only lasting legacy those losers have had is making me very good at abstract descriptions + personifications and self-reflection. Their cruel words are fuzzy and vague things that I barely remember.
Heck, I went through some old notes to remember some nicknames I gave them, and it was a blast from the past that I actually laughed at! They actually called me “less than worthless” to the point I internalized and verbalized it many times? Wow. That’s pretty cringe, guys. You spent your entire lives bullying a teenager. Cool. Now I love myself and forgot that was ever a mantra I recited at all times in my head.
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I once had a project I was working on where I made a fictionalized autobiography set in a fantasy world starring a self-insert and these jokers. It was going to be a kind of field guide to hallucinations I experienced. I stopped working on it after a while because it was too painful for me to develop, as it was meant to dig deep into the pain and struggles I went through on a daily basis… and now I’m looking back at it and considering making it a humorous story about how ridiculous my hallucinations were— at least the ones with consistent personalities. Comedy equals tragedy plus time, truly.
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I might end up posting some of the more solemn journal comics I made about these chuckleheads... It'd be weird to dig up my significantly older work, but I think it would do me some good and maybe be enjoyable / educational for others!
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mymelodyisme · 1 year
Helloooo farmer friends!! So last night my friend @pavusprince mentioned how she doesn’t understand the toothpaste mint chocolate chip ice cream comparison and that got me thinking!! Let’s talk about food!!
Does your farmer like mint chocolate ice cream? Does it taste like toothpaste? Are they neutral, or do they hate it?
During the summer does your farmer visit Alex’s ice cream stand? What flavor/treat do they buy? What’s their least favorite flavor?
What is one treat your farmer will ALWAYS have in their home? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
If your farmer was a snack item what would they be? (It cannot be a food that could be eaten like a meal, but it may be a dessert) Here’s some examples: chips, cookies, M&ms, Twinkies, crackers, bubblegum, lollipops, etc
What’s your farmer’s comfort food, favorite meal, and least favorite meal?
What’s something they will NEVER eat?
What do they cook if they know they will have a guest over?
If the town’s potluck didn’t matter so much, what ingredient would they take? And what food would they put at an event table if you had to bring something?
Finally, if your farmer was real, what would YOU give them to eat.
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 7 months
You deserve ice cream and cookies
It’s like 7 AM but I might make brownies after school :D
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spiked-mall-goth · 8 months
mmmmm i could get ice cream OR cake rn... i have options..
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candied-cae · 2 years
And Who Are We At The End Of The World? - The Party Has a Party
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Chapter 10/? - - - Read it on AO3
Word Count : 11,746
Summary: Something is clearly going on with Max. But what? Why was she missing? And what is the Party supposed to do now?
More ST Fics
El came back into herself with a certain lightheadedness. She wobbled a bit as she opened her eyes and readied herself to grip the bedrail for stability, but Jonathan was behind her the second she started swaying with a hand on her shoulder and the other on her back to steady her. She relaxed a little into his hands and brought her own to her upper lip to check for a nosebleed. There’s a tiny drop she wiped away with her finger.
“Hey, you okay?” Jonathan asked her, voice soft with concern.
“Yes.” she nodded,” Yes, just tired.”
Dustin spoke up first,“ So, you saw Eddie?”
“He was in there, and you talked to him?” he reiterated, pointing at Eddie’s still body.
“So why- why wasn’t Max… in there?” Lucas asked, sounding somehow more scared than he had been before.
“When I- When I brought them back… it wasn’t the same.”
Nancy was next,“ What does that mean?”
“With Max, I got to her late. I had to put in… more. More feeling, more memory, more work; to get her back. With him. Less. It was easier. I didn’t need the feelings and memories.”
“Why?” Mike muttered.
El’s eyes went distant as she tried to piece it together for everyone,“ Papa said that when Henry kills, he does not just end the life, he absorbs it.”
“Absorbs it?” Lucas’s face went confused as to what that could even mean.
“Takes it. All of it. And keeps it to himself. It becomes a part of him, makes him stronger.”
“So- wait- what does that mean for Max?” Lucas questioned her, glancing back to the hallway door toward Max's room.
“I think he is holding on to her. He absorbed her. But Max is still here, her heart is beating, she is not dead… but, when she did die, he took some of her. And he hasn’t let go. Eddie was just... running low. I only had to keep him from letting go until he made it here to get fixed up.”
“So, Eddie’s fine because he just nearly bled out, and you were right there to catch him, no biggy. But, since Venca marked Max, got her himself, and held you off for a minute after... that means…?” Steve tried to explain it to himself in a way that made sense, and left the end for her to fill in with her own suspicion.
“I do not think we will get her back until Henry doesn’t have her anymore,” El concluded.
“So, it’s really not over.” Robin figured,” We’re really, really still stuck in the middle of all of this-”
Nancy interrupted what was surely going to be Robin spinning herself into a crisis,“ So what happened to him? To Henry/Vecna/One after we…? I mean, really. We hit him with a lot of firepower, but we didn’t see what happened.”
“I do not know. I haven’t tried to find him since… I’m sorry I haven’t-”
“Hey, no. It’s okay.” Jonathan stopped El in her tracks, refusing to let his little sister try to blame herself for anything, and sat down with her to pull her into his arms,” You have been doing more than enough. It’s been way too busy since Lenora. I’d be surprised if you still had any gas in the tank to try. It’s okay. We’ll take it easy for the rest of today and start fresh tomorrow.”
El let her limbs lay boneless at her sides. She wanted to hug him back, but she was tired. Felt worn through. She just closed her eyes and let her face rest against Jonathan’s shoulder.
“Yeah, we will. We can figure this out. You can beat him.” Mike stated.
Robin didn’t put much stock in that,“ How? We had a good plan, this is what happened when we tried it. The whole town was nearly destroyed. What better plan can we come up with besides burning and shooting his physical body at the exact same time El’s hitting him with her… stuff?”
“I don’t know…” El said, still looking guilty.
Which is ridiculous. Because she hasn’t done anything wrong. She’s done so much right it’s unbelievable. They'd all tell her as much. But she won’t really feel better until it’s over.
"Hey, Jonathan’s right. We can keep working on this in the morning.” Steve said.
Jonathan was a little surprised to hear Steve directly say he was right.
Their relationship had always been strained. Steve was a dick until his last year in school, they all agreed on that. But the guy has put in the effort to be better, apologies and Christmas presents, sure. But Jonathan disliked him even after that because he liked Nancy and hated seeing them all over each other. Then, he ended up being the guy who got the girl. Which seemed so out of left field at the time, and the two of them never really took the chance to see each other eye-to-eye after that. They just kind of let the unspoken things go unsaid. Kept their distance.
But, here he was, saying ‘Jonathan’s right’ without any reservations.
Weird. Nice, but weird.
“And the crew from California needs to eat and lay down, I’m sure,” Steve continued,” So why don’t we-”
Then the door opened. They all stilled and silenced out of reflex whenever they were talking about the Upside Down in public. It was a nurse coming to check on Eddie. But when she looked at them, it was with a face that said they were in some kind of trouble.
“Excuse me, what are you kids doing in here?” she asked them in a stern tone.
“Uh, nothing?” Dustin shrugged, though his voice jumped like it had when he tried to lie to the police.
“Visiting,” El said calmly.
“Just talking to the guy.” Robin tried to sound casual.
”Visitation’s still open-” Lucas started.
“And did any of you check in as a visitor here?”
Lucas and Erica were the lone children to raise their hands, visitation stickers on their shirts displayed confidently.
“The two of you signed in for Ms. Mayfield’s room, not for this one.”
They put their hands back down.
The rest of the group realized the mistake they’d made in their rushing to get inside. They’d completely forgotten to actually get permission to be in Max and Eddie’s rooms in the first place. They all stood there silently as they waited for the nurse to decide what became of them.
She let out a sigh and rubbed at the bridge of her nose,” If you all go to the nurse’s station and sign the visitors log for Mr. Munson’s room while I check over him, then we'll call this good. Am I understood?”
They all nodded quickly and shuffled past her out the door as she called back,” And make sure you check in properly, every time you want to visit, for each person you want to visit!”
After a few minutes spent writing their names on the sign-in sheet with the room numbers for Max and Eddie, they were each given their own visitation passes with “237 - Mayfield + 238 - Munson” scrawled onto them. By the time they returned to Eddie’s room, the nurse was tucking the sheets back under his arms after having inspected the site of the stitches.
“Are we all taken care of this time?” she asked them with a raised brow.
They all pulled forward the material of their shirts around the stickers, and she gave an approving nod in turn before heading out of the room. Steve thought for a minute and joined her in the hallway while the rest stayed inside.
“Excuse me,” he called for her.
“Is there any chance Max could be moved into Eddie’s room? So the kids don’t have to split between being able to spend time with one or the other?” he asked the question carefully, as respectfully as he could.
The nurse's face went pitiful,“ Not until Mr. Munson wakes up and gives the police his statement. The hospital won’t put that little girl in the same room with him until the charges get dropped.”
“But he-”
“I know, ‘he didn’t do it’,” she quoted what he would’ve said back to him,” But it doesn’t matter. If it turned out that he was some maniac who killed a teenage girl, two boys, and put Ms. Mayfield in her current condition? Nobody is going to risk the worst-case scenario where Eddie wakes up in the middle of the night and does something worse to the girl before anyone can stop him. It’s for her safety, even if you don’t think she needs it.”
With a dejected expression, he nodded,“ I understand.”
“Good. By the way, it’d be nice if you kids could try to keep visiting him right now.”
“His numbers look better now than the last time I checked them. Looks like he’s finally on the up and up, so I suggest you kids keep talking to him, seems to be doing him some good. And he could use the company.”
The last line drew Steve’s attention, and he finally thought it was a fitting moment to ask,“ Is his uncle not…?”
“He wants to be here.” the nurse assured him that Wayne Munson wasn’t some heartless deadbeat who didn’t want to stay with his nephew and explained,” It’s the saddest thing, he’s one of the floor managers at the power plant. And, now that so many people are suddenly skipping town, they’ve barely got the staff to keep the lights on. He just isn’t able to come down to sit with him right now. But we’ve got the number to his trailer, if he ever gets back in it, the number to his hotel, and the number to his office at every nurse's station. If anything happens, we’ll be sure to reach him.”
“Oh, that- that makes sense.”
“Yeah, it’s tough on him. ‘Bout broke my heart when he had to leave yesterday and told us the situation.”
“We’ll be sure to visit.”
“Good. Now scamper on back to the rest of the kids so I can continue making my rounds.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Steve returned to the room in the midst of conversation. In his absence, they started explaining to the Sinclair siblings what happened in California and what they do and don’t know about Vecna. He sat in one of the chairs along the wall, a spot saved for him by Robin. He was trying to listen, but he wasn’t really doing a very good job. He knew it all well enough anyway, so it wasn’t anything important he was missing to worry about, and he honestly didn’t want to hear it all again.
Instead, he just looked at Eddie.
Eddie. Whose uncle was too busy at work to be there for him.
It wasn’t the same as his dad. He knew it wasn’t. It would’ve been insulting to Mr. Munson to compare the two. Wayne seemed like a good guy who really cared about his nephew. But it was a familiar kind of loneliness to look at him.
He must’ve been looking at Eddie for a while because the next thing he noticed was Nancy trying to get his attention.
“-ve… Steve...” Nancy said, leaning forward towards him and waving her hand.
“Where’d you go just now, bucko?” Robin asked, slanting over to connect the two of them at the shoulders.
“Just lost in my head.”
“Nothing I need to worry about?”
“No, nothing you need to worry about.” he assured her, pushing back against her before looking back to Nancy,” Sorry, what’d you need?”
“Wanted to know what you talked to the nurse about,” she answered, sitting back in her chair now that he was listening.
“Oh. I asked to see if Max and Eddie could get set up in the same room, so it wouldn’t feel like the kids could only spend time with one of them.”
“And what’d she say?” Lucas was quick to ask, clearly wanting to have that choice taken off his hands.
“They won’t until the charges on him are dropped. Which he needs to wake up to get done.”
“Makes sense.” the boy recognized, not happily, but he understood why there'd be rules like that.
Steve didn’t like to see his face like that, all fallen and tired, so he was quick to add,“ But she did say he looked better.”
“She did?” Dustin pipped up next to him.
“Yeah, said his numbers were up or something. Dunno if it was just because a bunch of people are talking around him, or if it was El popping in to visit him that did it, but she said he was ‘on the up and up’. Hoped he might wake up soon.”
El looked pleased to hear that. She thought it meant she did something right. At least she might’ve helped Eddie wake up sooner. Which she really needed to hear, if she was honest.
“That’s good,” she said a little shyly.
Steve agreed and sent a small smile her way,“ Yeah.”
Nancy glanced down at her watch and sighed,” They said non-family hours only go until four,” she looked back up at them,” It’s almost 3:45.”
A silence came over them. They were nearly out of time for the day, but they haven't gotten to do much yet. Most of them had barely gotten to look at Max, much less try to let her know they were there for her.
“How about we go pull the cars around and let you kids have a minute alone with them before we leave?” Jonathan proposed.
The children all nodded to the suggestion and padded across the hall to Max’s room. Jonathan, Argyle, Nancy, Robin, and Steve started to head for their cars, but Nancy stuck behind a second. She rolled and fluffed up the blankets under Eddie’s hands until the space had closed and he could actually rest his wrists on the cushion, instead of letting them hang limply against the cuffs. Hopefully, he won't bruise as badly like that. Then she followed after Jonathan and Argyle. They all split up in the same grouping that got them there, minus all the rugrats, of course, to bring the cars around to the front doors.
Once Steve had Robin all to himself, however, he didn’t waste any time.
“So? Vickie?” he asked her with knowing eyes, turning the key in the ignition.
She tried to look mad or annoyed, but she couldn't hold back her smile at the other girl’s name.
“Vickie.” She answered curtly, not wanting to just give it all away without a fight.
“Yes… Tell me about it…”, he urged.
“Is this really the time for- Our friends are still- And we don’t even know-”
“Robin, It’s Vickie.” he said seriously,” It’s always going to be the time for this.”
“Well, she… makes good sandwiches…”
“Yes! I know this because I ate one! Give me the juicy stuff! You talked to her for an hour, Rob, tell me about it!”, he demanded of her, reaching over with his arm to jostle her shoulder.
She kept her lips tight together and turned to look out the window.
“Robin!” he yelled, shaking her around again until her hair was flying all over the place and she threw her hands up in defeat.
“Okay, okay! So she’s… really, really great. She’s, like, so sweet, and really funny - more than I thought she was - and we both ramble, but it’s super endearing because I find her rambling really cute, and it just makes me feel safe. So I’m not as embarrassed to ramble in front of her. And she got so many of my jokes, Steve, even the ones that most people would usually just ignore, she laughed! She laughed! And she said she broke up with her boyfriend, and it could mean nothing for me, because… well it might not even matter in the world of Vickie and Robin because she might not be... But they aren’t together anymore, and she talked about him not enjoying Fast Times like it should’ve been her clue that he wasn’t right for her and… and it’s Fast Times, Steve!” she reached over to jerk his shoulder in turn,” Fast Times!”
“Fifty-three minutes and five seconds, I remember it well.”
“I just, I feel like I’m electric. Like a livewire. I’m just buzzing in this seat even remembering one conversation, and that’s ridiculous!” then her face sank,” And- and I’m also terrified. I’m- I am so scared to consider it a real chance.”
“Because, if I actually have a chance with her, then that means I have to actually try. I’ve never gotten this far, Steve. I crush and sit tortured and move on. But, to have someone I might be able to risk it trying for- and- and what if I’m so bad at it and I ruin the one chance I have in a hundred-mile radius and-”
“Stop,” he interrupted her building stress and asserted,“ Robin, you’re the one who got me back up and running. You know how to flirt with girls-”
“No- I know how to make you flirt with girls-” she corrected him.
“So we’re just cutting out the middle man! Easy peasy!”
“But how do I make those words come out of my face in front of her?”
“Well, maybe don’t use my exact words. I work a very different angle than you’ll want to use if you haven’t noticed. But,” he dragged out the word and turned to look at her as they were almost in the waiting lane,” You can put together your own words, 'be yourself' and all that junk, and I’m sure they’re going to be great.”
“But are they going to be good enough?”
Steve shifted the car into park along the front entrance, just behind Argyle.
“She likes you!”
“You don’t know that!”
“I do! I know what it looks like when girls like someone! Usually, it’s me, but I can still pick it up when it’s not! She likes you. She’s into you. She wants you to be the one to give her stupid, dumb kisses now!”
Robin’s fingers found a lock of hair from the back of her head to twist and worry with,“ How can you be sure?”
“Do you trust me, Robin?”
“Against my better judgment?”
“Fine! I do. It might be ill-advised, but, yeah, I trust you. Too much, if anything.”
“Then trust that I know what I’m talking about. Trust me when I say you don’t need to be scared of Vickie. This is a good thing!” he grabbed her shoulders again, and violently shook them to get a smile out of her,” This is great fucking news! We should be excited!”
“Fine, we’re excited.” she pulled on a pitiful excuse of a grin, so he kept shaking her.
“Good! It’s Vickie, Rob!”
“It’s Vickie! It’s-” But then, Steve slapped his hand over her mouth, resulting in a confused glare aimed at him, just a second before a knock came from behind her on the passenger door.
Robin’s eyes widened as she slowly turned her face, still half covered by Steve’s hand, to look out the window at Nancy. She leaned against the car and looked at them both with a quirk in her brow. Robin reached to roll down the window, Steve released her mouth from his grip.
“What’s up?” he asked, bending over the console.
“Should probably figure out the ride situation. Decide who's going with who to get home.” Nancy reasoned as she reigned her expression back in.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Of course.” He nodded and climbed out to stand with her under the front awning, while Robin elected to just lean against her arms on the open windowsill and listen from still inside the car,” Well, you and the Sinclairs are practically neighbors, so whoever has you and Mike should have those two…”
“And it only makes sense to put El and Will back with Jonathan and Argyle...” Nancy led.
“Yeah…” Steve's brain started processing how much room either vehicle really had as he realized where Nancy was talking this,” but-”
“So, if Robin and Dustin ride with them, there’s enough room for the Wheelers and Sinclairs to fill up your car.”
Robin looked at Steve like it was a crime to even consider kicking her out of his car. She was his best friend. But, she had been wanting to squish Steve and Nancy back together, so separating Nancy from her whatever-ship with Jonathan and pairing her with Steve would’ve been the right move for that mission... But she needed more time to freak out about Vickie with him... This was a real conflict of interests for her.
“I can’t get rid of Rob.” Steve said,” We have… important things to discuss.”
“Yeah, debates to be had. Negotiations to resolve. Before the markets close overseas, you know how it is.” Robin said it with practiced nonchalance, like how she imagined a businessman in a movie would lie to his wife so he could head off for an affair.
“What’s going on?” Dustin asked as he appeared with all the others.
“Nancy’s trying to kick us out of Steve’s ride!” Robin threw the other girl under the bus.
“Nancy! Why would you want to do that? I thought we were cool.” Dustin looked so betrayed it was comical.
“I’m just trying to figure out how eleven of us are going to get home with two cars!”
“There’s not-” Dustin paused to look around at their group and take count of how many of them they had gathered.
There was Steve, Nancy, and Robin by his car. Jonathan and Argyle by the van. To his left were Lucas and Erica, and on his right were Mike and Will. Plus himself…
“There’s only ten of us!”
“Did you forget the girl standing behind you?” Robin pointed over his shoulder.
Dustin spun fully around to see El standing next to Mike, tucked right in his blind spot.
“Oh yeah, Eleven’s with us...”
“So yeah, there’s eleven of us,” Nancy repeated.
A small smile came to El’s face despite being nearly forgotten. Something about the sentences being so similar was funny to her ears.
“Alright, so, smart guy, how would you arrange the passengers?” Nancy pressed, her hand on her hip as she set the challenge for him.
Surprisingly, though, Dustin didn’t bother to engage,“ Don’t know, don’t care. But Steve’s my ride.”
“Same here.” Robin insisted with a cheeky grin.
“Mine, too.” Erica stepped in for herself.
“What?” Steve asked, surprised that this was something that had her putting her foot down out of the blue.
“Well, if Erica has to go with Steve, her brother goes with her, and Mike and I live too close to reasonably be with the Byers. So to make the four of us fit, we’d have to move Robin an-”
“Nope. Not happening. I need both of them.” Erica argued,” The rest of you can deal.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Robin was the one to question the girl this time.
“That’s just not a match-up that makes any sense, Erica.” Nancy tried to reason.
“Too bad. That’s not my problem to solve.”
“What is it, small child, that you need me and dingus for this afternoon?” Robin asked.
“I want ice cream,” she said it simply, like it was supposed to have been obvious.
“Cool. I want a vacation. Why are we discussing elusive dreams right now?”
“Because both of you are indebted to me. Sworn to provide one Miss Erica Sinclair with all the ice cream she wants, for life.”
“That was last summer.” Steve tried to correct her.
But Erica dropped her chin to look at them with judgemental regard,“ Do I really need to explain to the two of you what ‘for life’ means?”
“Scoops is gone. The mall fire eradicated it along with the secret Russian Base. Nearest one is over an hour away, kid. No dice.” Steve waved his hands like they’d dispel her unreasonable request.
“Funny thing,” she cocked her head to the side and brought her hand to her chin with her patented sass,” I didn’t make the deal with the establishment of Scoops Ahoy. I made it with Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington, who happened to work there. Do you see what I’m getting at?”
“Are you trying to say that I have to actually sling your ice cream until the day you die, even though I don’t work at the ice cream shop anymore?” Steve asked, shock painting his face with a certain seriousness, like the three of them had actually signed a legally binding contract on the matter that he could be found in contempt of by a jury of his peers.
“Ding ding ding, he gets it now, folks,” she responded with a snide smile.
“Hey, bud.” Robin reached up to his arm and pulled him to lean over so she could loudly whisper to his ear,” Remind me again why we swore our frozen fealty to the trickster god that stands before us?”
“Because we needed someone small to crawl in an air vent, and we couldn’t make Dustin fit,” he responded, same loud whisper for all to hear.
“That one that led to our personal agony and near death at the hands of the secret Russian Military Regime?”
“Yeah, that’s the one.”
“Huh. None of that sounds like it’s all that worth it to me in hindsight, you know?”
“No, no. I agree it was not worth it.”
Erica interrupted their game,“ Whether it was a bad deal or not, it's not my problem. You took the arrangement, I gave you a few months of freedom,” she laid her hands over her chest to emphasize,” out of the kindness of my heart, and now I’m getting back to business.”
“You know what I think-” Robin began to oppose her.
“I do not care-”
“I don't think you ‘gave us a few months off’. I think you forgot about the deal until just now, and now you want to take advantage of us.”
“And even if I did? Erica gets busy. Doesn’t matter. You took the deal, I did my part last summer, and now it’s time you two start fulfilling yours again.”
Steve got down to her level, hands on his knees to aim his eyes right into hers. Squinting them in an attempt to dissuade her grip on their honor. But that girl is nothing if not tenacious. She squinted right back at him, unflinching.
"Just. The. Facts." she punctuated the phrase by crossing her arms and daring to lean in closer.
Erica wasn't going to back down.
Steve broke first.
He let his head hang with a deep groan,“ Fine. We can get ice cream,” he stood up straight to set a condition,” But only if you get your parent’s permission to-”
Before he was even done, Erica was at her brother’s side, pestering him for money to use the payphone outside to call home.
“Is that an open invitation, my dude?” Argyle asked from a few feet away,” Because I, myself, would not be one to turn down a tasty treat at the end of this very long journey.”
“Alright,” Steve clapped his hands together to announce,” Anyone who has felt true fear for their lives in the last week is invited, so I guess everyone here qualifies. As long as everyone calls parents. I do not want the cops on my back again because someone thinks their kid’s missing. Again.”
Everyone perks up a bit at the prospect of an ice cream party after everything they’d gone through. Steve was starting to plan with Robin and Jonathan which diner they could corral the kids into for shakes or something when Erica yelled from her spot by the payphone that ‘she heard that’ and ‘their agreement stipulates that they serve Erica, not some waitress’. Which meant Steve needed to go grocery shopping and would be playing host for all of them.
As the kids confirmed with their houses that it was fine to go to Steve’s for the afternoon, it seemed like Arygle’s mind had tumbled back to Steve’s comment about calling parents so nobody thinks their kid is missing. And it hits him that, as far as his mom knows, he just went to work Sunday and never came back home. His eyes suddenly went wide, and he cried out,” Oh shit, dudes, I gots to call my moms! Outta the way littler dudes, outta the way!” as he scrambled between them, shooing them away as he ran to the payphone to cue in his own parent who had no clue her son had wandered off during his shift and ended up states away chasing superpowers and monsters.
“Alright, since we’re all going to the same place, the kids can seat themselves however they want.” Steve figured.
And they thought that’d be the end of it. But these kids… it came down to Dustin, Robin, the Sinclairs, and El. All five were swearing up and down they should get to go with Steve on the grocery run. Well, except for El. She just smiled while Dustin and Lucas argued that they deserved to spend some more time with her now that she’s back in Hawkins. They were originally demanding to get Will in with them too, but he wanted to stay with his brother and get cleaned up a little… and perhaps there was another reason as well. Robin and Erica both refused to budge for them though. They narrowed their eyes at each other, Robin clinging to the door, claiming her stake on the shotgun seat-
When Argyle called from the phone booth, the phone of which, was currently tucked into his chest as he asked them,” Wait a minute, dudes, where are we going after snacks? Like to live in?”
“In the Wheelers’ Basement”, Will beamed. They’d talked it over with Mike on the way back, and part of him was looking forward to sleepovers in there again, even if it was with Jonathan and Argyle, too.
“Oh no,” Nancy said,” Basement’s already taken.”
“What?” Mike asked her.
Nancy began to explain,“ Holly’s friend Marissa-”
“Isn’t Marissa the one who got both of their hair stuck together with gum last year?”
“Well- Yes. Not the point, though, Mike. Her family’s house got demolished in the earthquake. Mom visited them, and, since she knew Marissa’s from the playdates and PTA, invited them to stay with us in the basement instead of at the high school. There’s already a family of four down there.”
“Shit.” Mike looks back at Will and El.
“Can’t you guys stay at a hotel?” Nancy offered.
“We burned through all the cash we had on hand just getting here,” Jonathan answered, hands in his pockets like he considered checking but knew the inventory.
“Shit.” Nancy copied her brother's remark.
“What about Hopper’s cabin?” Mike offered.
Nancy blinked at him like she couldn’t believe he came to that conclusion,“ You mean the cabin we watched a monster stab holes through on the Fourth of July last year?”
“How bad could it be? It’s been nearly a year since then.” he shrugged.
“Considering nobody even bothered to look at it between then and when I saw it a few days ago?” Lucas questioned him back,” It’s pretty bad.”
“Yeah, okay, fine, that might not work,” Mike admitted.
“Well, we can stay at the high school like all the other homeless people, right guys?” Argyle yelled from the phone line.
Steve crossed his arms over his chest,“ You guys can stay with me.”
Jonathan looked at him with shock,“ What?”
“It’s just me at my house. There’s plenty of space, and it’d be way better than sleeping on those cots surrounded by dozens of strangers.”
“Oh, uh. Thanks, man.”
“Can’t let heroes fighting off the end of the world get bad backs.” he shrugged, joking to try and keep everything from getting too serious.
“Thank you, dude!” Argyle called over,” You must be one of the nice guys around here, huh?”
The comment made Steve’s throat constrict. He wasn’t, or at least he didn’t use to be, a nice guy. He always hoped he was getting better at it, but Steve Harrington used to be a menace. But here’s this excitable, weird new guy just smiling at him and calling him a nice guy. Someone who didn’t know who he used to be…
“Don’t mention it. I’ll need to run and get supplies for this Ice Cream Party,” he shot Erica a look,” but you know where my place is, right Jonathan?”
“Uh, yeah. I remember.” he nodded.
“Alright, you guys can head on over, get comfy, take showers, and stuff. If you want. You know, make yourself at home. Um…” He paused and turned back to Robin,” You know I want you as my shotgun passenger, but could you get started showing them around the house? You know it better than Nancy would.”
Robin’s lips curled up a bit as she bared something of a snarl at him before relenting,” Fine. But you’re getting peanut toppings for me!”
She pushed open the car door in surrender, and before any of the boys could argue or try for the passenger seat, Erica slipped into it and locked the door. Wearing a victorious smile as they climbed into the back.
“Any other specific, special requests?” Steve asked.
There were a few. They needed to get vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, but not a Neapolitan because El didn’t like when the flavors mixed. Argyle wanted mint chocolate, which earned him a side eye from Jonathan. Jonathan didn’t want to make his own request, but Argyle said he liked coffee bean if they had any. Aside from getting all their bases covered with the ice cream itself, they wanted pretty much every syrup they could find, whipped cream, cherries, chocolate chips, and the aforementioned chopped peanut topping. Safe to say they wanted to bleed Steve dry and turn his kitchen into a full-service ice cream parlor.
When they were all sufficiently convinced Steve remembered each of the items he was supposed to look for, they got ready to head off.
“I’ll be there a few minutes behind you,” Steve said, removing his house key from his keyring and holding it out for Jonathan.
“Okay,” He answered, carefully taking the little piece of cut metal like it was something fragile that would blow up in his face.
Steve kept surprising him.
Kept being this really, as Argyle put it, nice guy. He could ignore it last summer with everyone being in different groups nearly the whole time. And it was so bad at the end they all split off, but Steve really was different. He’d been changing. And not just with how he treated Jonathan himself. He wasn’t just being agreeable to him since they'd been at odds in the past. He was different to everyone.
“Alright, now all four of you better behave, or I’m breaking out the leashes,” Steve commented as he got into the driver’s seat.
The kids started laughing at him until he gave Dustin the most serious look he could hold together,” You think I won’t do it? Everyone got a pass when the world was ending, you got your twenty-four-hour grace period of Nice Steve. But if I have to yell at you in a grocery store, I will leave you all behind. Got it?”
They all zipped up at that, except for Erica, who nabbed his sunglasses from the cup holder, slipped them over her eyes, and told him to start driving because her parents wanted her and Lucas home by 7:30.
That was a force of nature right there. Jonathan smiled to see El in the back seat, grinning between Dustin and Lucas, seemed to be having fun and perking back up already. He trusted Steve with them. The greatest babysitter in town.
In the other car, Jonathan was back at the wheel so they wouldn’t have to direct Argyle across town, and surprisingly enough, Nancy was in the passenger seat. Argyle was laying down in the back lamenting to Robin about how hard the last few days have been, trapped sitting up in the pot-and-pizza-smelling metal box. She laughed when he started talking about ‘the goddess he met in the Mormon house of horror children’. That’s when she asked about Suzie.
“So, is she?”
“Is she what?” he asked her.
“What Dustin said. Is she hotter than Phoebe Cates, or was that just something he made up?”
Argyle said he couldn’t say anything about the kid, but her sister, oh boy, her sister Eden… Which had Jonathan rolling his eyes. Then Robin looked at him in the mirror for a comment, to which he shrugged and told her “What he said. Minus the Eden part.” Next Robin looked to Will, but he didn’t answer her either, for reasons Jonathan now understands, even if he’s waiting for his brother to tell him himself. Finally, she turned to Mike for someone to confirm or deny the topic of much debate in Hawkins after they heard the love song proof that she was real. But Mike wouldn’t say she was ‘hot’. She was… whatever, pretty maybe, but he wouldn’t say the word hot in regards to the mystery girl in Utah.
“Ugh, you people are useless. You specifically stop by and meet the girl Dustin never stops talking about, and you don’t even bring back a good field report on the situation.”
“Why does it matter so much, Bobbin’ Robin?” Argyle wondered, already assigning her a nickname longer than her own.
“Well, it doesn't, not really.” She admitted,” But when a kid makes claims like ‘she’s a super genius and hotter than Phoebe Cates’? When every time he comes into Family Video he picks up Fast Times and says it again ‘Linda can’t measure up, Suzie’s got it all plus brains’? A girl’s gotta know if it’s something she can start making fun of him for with witness testimony saying he’s being a hyperbolic little shit.”
“Oh, she’s a genius alright, no doubt. We had to tell her this whole thing about Americantendo, and she almost saw through it too, but once she got her attention with her boy's birthday, we set this whole, complex series of events so she could use her dad’s computer and find the exact location where they took my girl, El. It took her no time at all, me and Eden barely lit up by the time we had to keep rollin’ on.”
“Fine, but trust me when I say Steve’s going to be pushing you for an official statement on the matter later, too.” she shrugged,” Speaking of, here we are.”
She announced to them as they pulled into the Harrington driveway. Nancy’s been there before, and Jonathan’s seen the back from the woods, but to the rest of them, this was new territory.
“Oh damn, that boy really does have the space for this epic sleepover,” Argyle commented, gapping at the size of the place.
Jonathan ended up passing the key to Robin. She knows the place, and even though Steve gave it to him, it felt weird being the one who was supposed to unlock the door. She took it and strode up to the front door with everyone trailing behind.
“Alright, the first order of business, I assume, is showers. A few of you - I won't name names-" she looked between herself and Nancy as if to say 'but it's not us'," look a little worse for wear. And we'll need a change of clothes… alright. This way!” she led them on, pointing out the kitchen to the left, living room straight back, and staircase to the second floor on the right, which they climbed.
“Back that way is his parent’s room and double shower, Dingus’s is over here, guest’s at the end of the hall,” she told them while she stole towels from the hallway closet.
And then she threw open the door to Steve’s room and went in like it was nothing. Nancy almost wanted to comment on how caviller it was that she just walked around like it was her own house, her own bedroom. Both Robin and Steve have told her multiple times that there is certainly nothing going on between them, but really, there had to be something. Robin even dove into Steve’s closet and dresser and pulled out clothes for each boy - and grabbed an extra set for El when they got back from the store - without any hesitation.
“I did the best with what I've got, but if it’s not your style then you only need to put up with it for a few hours. We can run a load of laundry for what you’re wearing now.”
“Are you sure? I mean, we’re already using the guy's showers, soap, and clothes, ya know?” Jonathan asked, becoming less and less confident about the whole arrangement as they just kept giving and giving.
“Don’t worry about it. Honestly. Just don’t break anything, and we’ll be golden. Oh, and you all look fine, but if you need anything, his mom’s bathroom is the one with the medicine cabinet. Besides that, you should all be set, and I’ll be getting comfy downstairs if there are any other questions.”
And then, she just trotted off, pulling Nancy along with her. Or at least that's how it felt. Robin didn't actually reach out for Nancy's hand to lead her to the living room, which the girl noticed with an unsure disappointment. Which she didn't really have an explaination for, it wasn't something they'd done a lot, but nevertheless, there was something... Besides that, Robin's energy and manner just swept Nancy away without the need to grab her anyway. She followed her down the stairs and onto the couch until Robin had her feet kicked up and flicked on the television set while they killed time sitting maybe a bit too close.
Will and Mike went into the parents' room. Will said he had a headache, and when they arrived, they both saw how huge the double bathroom was. It wasn’t just two sinks and a big closet, it had a tub with jets, two separate showers, a whole vanity, as well as a massive walk-in closet. Will popped a pill from the cabinet and stalled until Mike turned the corner towards one of the showers before running off to the other. Jonathan initially opened the door across from Steve’s bedroom, but upon seeing Steve’s discarded clothes from that morning on the floor, he immediately turned around.
“Nope. Can’t do it. Too weird. I’m taking the guest.” he told Argyle, pacing down the hallway while his best friend only shrugged and helped himself to the perfectly fine washroom.
At the grocery store, Steve padded along behind the kids pushing a cart they inevitably tried to throw in way more stuff than they agreed on. But Steve kept them to their list. Gave them stern eyes and a hand on his hip when they tried to sway him. And then they tried to question him.
“Why are you grabbing milk? You know that's not what we meant when we voted for whipped cream.” Dustin emphasized the ‘whipped’ part.
“It’s heavy whipping cream, Henderson.” he corrected the boy, turning the carton over so he could read it,” It’s cheaper to buy this and whip it up at home. Tastes way better too.”
“Better's what Erica wants.” the girl said as she set a jar of cherries into the cart.
“Happy we agree,” he told her and pushed them along.
By the end of it, Steve sent the Sinclairs off to grab some bathroom stuff for his new guests. Now wondering if it was the smartest idea to give away all of the travel stuff they’d previously had at the house that same day. Perfect timing, of course, to donate as he tried to welcome a batch of temporary housemates. They joined back up with them at check out with four sets of hairbrushes, soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, and toothpaste. Steve told El to approve of their selections, but when she screwed her nose up at each of the soap scents, Lucas took one and ran across the store to bring a different option for her. She liked the lavender one he brought back way more than the others.
When Steve got them all ran back to his house, he had to knock on his own front door to be let in. Robin, of course, was the one to open it to all of them. As he entered the kitchen, the kids followed behind like a row of ducklings after him to unpack the grocery bags. Robin grabbed El from the lineup and showed her to the shower in Steve’s parent's room. She’d originally planned to bring her into the most glamorous bathroom she could offer and hand off the towel and set of clothes so El could properly relax after what has clearly been an incredibly re-traumatizing week. But the girl seemed nervous to head on in, even with her bag of shower supplies and sweet-smelling soap she was excited to use.
“I could hang out over here if you want.” She motioned to the vanity that would leave her in the bathroom, but just around the corner from the showers,” I’ve been looking for a chance to slow down and repaint my nails anyway, and I'm sure Mrs. Harrington has to have some color I’d like in her collection.”
The girl nodded and waited. Robin pulled on a few drawers until she found said collection. It was mostly shades of pink, beige, and a few other pastels that weren't quite what Robin was looking for, but there was a red and maroon that seemed neglected and spiked her interest. Robin grabbed both of them and asked El to pick for her. She chose the maroon. And once Robin got settled, sitting cross-legged on the countertop to start on them, El turned the corner and began her shower.
Fifteen minutes later, Robin was adding the girl's clothes to the washing machine and they both joined everyone else downstairs. It was also the first chance to see all the Steve-ish dressed people together. Robin hadn't done a terrible job in trying to find pieces from Steve's wardrobe that wouldn't make them feel entirely unlike themselves. She left the various horizontally striped polos behind, obviously.
Jonathan was in a long brown shirt that hung a little loosely around his frame - just what happens to a guy with narrower shoulders than what Steve's have stretched the fabric to - and a pair of tan sweatpants that were bunched up around the drawstring. She'd given Argyle the worn, slightly cropped, gray 'Hawkins Phys. Ed.' t-shirt, for her own enjoyment, seeing as he's the only one who has never dealt with Coach Taylor. And, because the guy seemed to like himself some patterns, she carded through Steve's pajama pants until she found a pair with, funnily enough, a green argyle print.
She'd thrown Mike a simple black long-sleeve top and gray sweats with some company's logo on the pant leg, neither of which fit him any kind of right. The kid was so skinny but still so lanky in the limbs. Everything shifted around on him no matter what he did. For Will, she assigned a red sweatshirt - similar to the yellow one that was presumably still in the boat on Lover's Lake - which she paired with grey sweatpants. He was also a little small for Steve's clothes, but he filled them out more than Mike did, to his credit.
Finally, there was El. She was harder to pick out for. Since she clearly liked girlier things and Steve's father had previously convinced him that if he even looked at purple for too long, they'd both explode. But, there was a sweatshirt that matched the red one she threw at Will, and it was this pretty soft blue color that El seemed to like when Robin handed it over, along with a pair of dark blue flannel pajama pants. All in all, she looked downright cozy, all wrapped up in them, the way they tried to swallow her smaller frame.
All the younger kiddos were sitting on stools along the island in the kitchen ‘to get the proper serving experience, handmade right before their eyes’, while Steve was moving a hand mixer through a thickening bowl of whipped cream.
“Alright, now that my partner has joined us, please, let’s all be seated and make our orders,” he told them, calling forward Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle to sit with the pack of freshmen plus Erica while Robin joined him on the other side.
“Wow, nine customers, Steve. You sure let the line back up while I was on break.” she chided him, nabbing an apron off the counter, throwing it on over her clothes, and tying it tight around her waist.
“Oh, absolutely. I was not dealing with them alone. You kidding me? Look at him and tell me you'd want to face the wrath of this kid’s fury without any backup.” Steve said, pointing at Will with his scoop, a kid who couldn’t look any kinder at that moment.
“You’re right, a real wild child in that one. Alright, let’s get this show on the road.”
And they performed a show with their service, indeed. Snarky commentary and groan-worthy pizazz. Really milking the moment as their private, stand-up comedy hour. Steve was in charge of scooping all the flavors and plopping on the whipped cream, while Robin dealt with artistically styling all the syrups and toppings.
Kids were helped first, of course.
El asked for strawberry ice cream, a big dollop of fresh whipped cream, and a strawberry syrup drizzle with rainbow sprinkles. Will got classic vanilla but went for both chocolate and caramel syrup on the whipped cream. Then he paused, looked at El’s, and went a little shy as he asked for some sprinkles, too. Robin was more than happy to oblige. Mike had a scoop of vanilla and one of chocolate, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and a cherry.
And Dustin was practically going for a chocolate overdose. Chocolate ice cream, chocolate chips, peanuts, wanted Steve to re-whip the cream with chocolate sauce, then drizzled chocolate sauce on top. He even took a bite of the coffee ice cream because it looked good, but decided he didn’t like it right after and asked for more chocolate chips to recover from the bitter surprise. Lucas wanted a bowl of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, with chocolate and strawberry sauce, and whipped cream. And, since Steve made some for Dustin, he wanted some chocolate whipped cream too. But Steve didn't want to make any more, so he dared Lucas to try the dreaded coffee bean and if he accepted a scoop he'd make it. Turned out the kid was stronger than Dustin and ended up finding out he does like the flavor. Earning himself that magical chocolate whipped cream.
And Erica asked for pretty much everything, as one would expect. She ended up with small scoops of each flavor, minus the coffee bean, strawberry syrup on the strawberry ice cream, caramel on the vanilla, and chocolate on both the chocolate and the mint. Then, she had them throw a healthy pile of whipped cream on top with peanuts, chocolate chips, three cherries, and so many sprinkles they cut her off.
Then they turned to the older ones.
Nancy had herself some chocolate and some coffee scoops in her bowl, topped with whipped cream with chocolate drizzle and a cherry. Jonathan tried to serve himself, but Steve and Robin insisted they were going to see the event through for everyone at that point. So he got a few scoops of coffee ice cream with whipped cream and chocolate syrup, even if it felt silly to order from them. Argyle got his bowl of minty chocolate chip absolutely swimming in chocolate syrup with a big smile across his face. Making him the only ‘customer’ who didn’t want whipped cream on his ice cream, then he later asked for some on the side, which he ate on its own.
And finally, Robin and Steve left behind their specific jobs and simply served each other, so it wouldn’t feel like they were the only ones who had to make their own bowls.
Robin requested vanilla with whipped cream, chocolate syrup, peanuts, chocolate chips, and a cherry. Then Steve threw on a few sprinkles without her asking, just for his amusement. And minutes later, Steve was handed his order of vanilla, chocolate, and coffee bean with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Robin also threw down some sprinkles for him, since he felt the need to do so for hers.
When all was said and done, everyone had a bowl they were practically licking clean, and they each looked a lot less beaten down by the week they had seen. Obviously, some sweets don’t make it all okay. Nothing could make it all okay. But it helped remind them they weren’t so alone in it. Reminded them that life didn't have to completely suck in the moments between horrors.
“Is this what you do after every bad guy?” Argyle had asked, scooping a spoonful of just whipped cream and chocolate syrup into his mouth,” Ice cream slumber parties?”
“Not a slumber party,” Nancy conflicted,” And not really. This is the first post-Upside-Down-crisis-get-together we've had.”
“You're kidding. So you’re telling me you’re all saving the world all the time, and you guys never have any fun after?”
“This is just the fourth thing in three years we’ve dealt with, and we’re still not even sure how set the ‘save the world’ part is this time,” Nancy corrected Argyle's presumptuous optimism,“ But yeah, we usually just kinda go back to business as usual.”
“How is that weird?” Jonathan asked him.
“Well, I mean, I’ve only been in one of these things, but I already feel like I’ve been bonded to all of you dudes for life. Even the ones I’m just meeting now. I think, if you’re doing all of this and you can’t even talk about it, you should at least get a party at the end of it.”
“Well, usually it’s busy after,” Jonathan explained.
“Taking down labs,” Nancy remembered.
“Essays,” Steve thought.
“Getting new jobs,” Robin added.
“School Dance,” Lucas said.
“Doctors,” Will mentioned, to which El nodded.
“This is the first time the whole town has shut down with us.” Jonathan shrugged.
“Alright. I’m just saying, new rule, you gotta celebrate after.”
“Hopefully, once we figure out what happened this time and fix it, we won’t need another after,” Steve mentioned.
But there was something clawing at Nancy about Argyle. About how he was just so... fine. With this. With all of this bullshit.
“How-" she started," How are you handling all of this so well?”
“Oh, do not get me wrong, I was truly not handling it earlier," Argyle assured her, which seemed true enough if the other three boys' nods were any hint.
"Particularly when it started with the guns and the dead guy and the burying him in the dessert part. Oooh, your boy Argyle was not making much peace with that. But now I’m chilling, meeting new people, my gorgeous locks softer than they’ve ever been. I mean, you do not skimp on the hair care, my guy.” he said particularly towards Steve,” Fabergé Organics? You’re kidding me. And I was served ice cream in this mini-mansion? I feel like I’m receiving Indiana’s greeting to a king right now, dudes. All in all, Argyle’s calling this weekend a win.”
“Well, congratulations Argyle.” Robin clapped for him and his happily well-off journey into their reality.
They continued to chat amongst themselves. Argyle had more questions about the previous adventures he missed out on. The other three wanted more details on what happened in Hawkins as far as they knew. They asked more about the trip from California. Steve, indeed, asked if any of them would go on the record for ‘Suzie Bingham is hotter than Phoebe Cates’, just like Robin knew he would. And once more, no one would back up Dustin’s claim except the boy himself.
"You all have shit taste in women!" he declared as he jumped to stand on the couch.
"She's just a girl, Dustin." Steve tried to dissuade him," Sit down."
But the boy insisted," She's a woman! And the best woman any of you people know!" he yelled with a sweeping arm over the rest of the room.
And, thus began The Great Lady Debate of '86.
Mike and Lucas stood up to join Dustin's level and defend their girlfriends' honor. Jonathan threw in his two cents about Nancy being pretty great but wasn't going to go toe-to-toe with children over the matter. Steve was less mature. Bounded up on the recliner so he could tower back over the boys and tell them how much cooler his best friend was than any of their weak pursuits of romance. It got a little heated there for a bit. Entertaining enough for the rest of the room to watch instead of depressing news stories.
When they all winded down, they thought it'd be a good time for a movie. Get to use the tv, but ignore the rest of the world instead of stew in it. Steve had a couple of VHS tapes, one of which they all considered a staple for a group like theirs. The Goonies. It had only just come out the year before, but it was one of the last things the kids saw together before Will and El moved away, so they liked rewatching it.
And interestingly enough, none of the freshly showered Cali kids ended up changing back into their own clothes when the dryer was done with them. They all just stayed mounded up together under layers of blankets with bowls of popcorn until the movie was over.
Then, the night came to 7:15.
And they were reminded it was about time to start running everyone back home. Mike ran off to change into his stuff about then while everyone else pulled their shoes back on. By the time they had the living room cleaned up, bowls and cups were waiting in the sink, and trash was thrown away... it was time to split off.
They did the math again, and for Steve to get the Sinclairs, Wheelers, Dustin, and Robin all back to their parents… It was going to take two trips. He took the sets of siblings first. Seeing as Claudia already liked him and El asked Robin to paint her nails like she had. Except she wanted a pretty light blue color, like the sweatshirt she had on.
As they were about to load the car, Dustin made a fit about everyone having a walkie-talkie. It ended with Lucas handing off his walkie to Steve and Dustin giving his to Robin. They both said they'd use their older models at home until the Radio Shake reopened and Dustin could make each person keep one on them 24/7. They agreed to his conditions and set out on getting everyone they could, back to their families for the night.
By the time he was returning to the Harrington House, he entered the door to the phone ringing. Jonathan and Argyle had already walked towards it to pick it up but stopped as Steve came in. Assuming he'd do so himself. But then he just froze. Looked at it and knew it would be his parents on the line. And given that he didn’t want to even think about talking to them, he personally would have liked to let it keep ringing until it rolled over to voicemail.
But he had guests. Guests, who looked at him like they couldn't understand why he wasn't rushing forward to pick it up. And then, the unexpected happens. The closest guest picks up the phone to save him from missing the call. The closest being... Argyle.
“Helllllo, this is-” he paused, a realization coming to his face as he pulled the phone away from his mouth to ask,“ Hey dude, what’s your name again?”
“You never picked up his name?” Jonathan asked him in response,” Where did you tell your mom you were staying?”
“With some guy you knew. It was enough for her.” he shrugged before turning back to the man at the front door.
“Steve Harrington,” he told him.
Argyle nodded and continued to speak into the phone,“ This is Steve Harrington’s new friend, Argyle, picking up the phone for him. Can I ask who’s ringing the line this time of night?”
“It’s his mother,” she told him.
“Oh, of course, Mrs. Harrington. Let me go grab your boy for you.” he smiled as he spoke to her and then told Steve separately,“ Steve, it’s your mom.”
“Yeah, I figured. Thanks,” he said as he finally willed himself to come forward and speak to her. Not like he could get out of it at that point.
“Here he is, have a good one,” Argyle added before handing over the receiver.
“Hi, Mom,” he said as the boys returned to the living room to watch the movie they'd popped in after everyone left with the other two.
“Who was that?” she asked quickly.
“Uh, his name’s Argyle,” Steve answered.
“Like the pattern?” his mother's voice questioned. She clearly thought it was an odd name, but wouldn’t say it directly herself.
'It's not polite to judge, but…' he could practically hear her whisper that overused line of hers.
“I guess?" he huffed, honestly working himself up more than was necessary considering she hadn't actually said it," I don’t really know him that well yet, haven't asked.”
“So why is he at the house?”
“He’s a friend of Jonathan’s. They needed a place to stay after the earthquake, so I invited them to crash over here in the meantime.”
“Them? How many of them are there?”
“It’s just Argyle and the Byers. Jonathan, Will, and Jane?”
“Quite a few people to have over on such short notice, Steve,” she commented. Again, it was evident in her voice that she had some opinion about the choice, but she wouldn’t just say it.
“Is it a problem? I figured, since I’m the only one here anyway, it’s better than sending four kids to sleep in the high school gymnasium. With a bunch of strangers, on their own, while their parents are out of town.” he paused between each point to emphasize them, painting a clear picture of exactly why it is that he was not going to be kicking them to the curb.
“No, no, it’s fine,” she assured.
“Well, your mother tried to call you back hours ago, you know.”
“Yeah, I mentioned in my voicemail that I was heading out. The city has a relief center running out of the high school, so a few of us dropped off donations and volunteered for a bit. I’ve been busy.”
“That’s nice of you, but I wanted to check in.”
“And? What do you want to know?”
She didn't answer quickly, seemed like she only really planned so far so to get him on the phone and let him know she'd been waiting,“ Well, what’s going on down there?”
“There was an earthquake. People got hurt. People are freaking out. Those of us that know each other are banding together to keep ourselves afloat. That’s about it, Mom. It’s only been two days since things stepped out of the Hawkins norm.”
“And everything’s fine at the house?”
“Yes. Just a few things got knocked over, but nothing broke, and everything’s otherwise running smoothly over here.”
“Even the pool? No cracks in the patio? And you know those lights have flickered ever since you had that party a few years back. It wouldn’t surprise me if they just went out completely this time.”
It felt like ice water poured down his back.
“I haven’t been out back yet.” He tried to excuse,” But I’m sure the pool is fine.”
“Will you check for me?” she asked anyway.
Steve bit back the thing inside him that hated even drawing the curtains to look at it and told her,“ Fine, give me a minute.”
He set the phone on the table so it wouldn’t hang up and walked through the living room and past the guests out the back door. Jonathan tensed a little as he did, catching a glimpse of what was back there. One of the parts of the first adventure they didn’t mention in much detail to Argyle. Steve walked around the pool’s edge, checking the poured cement, the chairs, and the pool house.
Even turned on the lights.
Watched them fizzle and flicker as they came on.
Fought the urge to run back inside as he saw it.
But they were fine. He was fine. The whole thing was fine. Certifiably fine.
Fine, fine, fine. Fine enough to report to mom and get her off the phone.
He turned the lights off and went back in to report his findings,“ Everything’s fine.”
“Alright then. And you’re in for the night?”
“Yeah, I’m just going make sure everyone gets settled, and I’ll probably make a grocery run in the morning.”
“Okay. I know your father and I have already been away for a while, but there’s a lot happening at the main office that he’s needed here for. So we probably won’t be headed back that way for a bit longer.”
“He’s already on his way to a dinner party, otherwise he’d say hi.”
Yeah right. He’d say ‘hi’. Steve doubted that.
“It’s fine.”
“I’ll be headed off the join him after I freshen up, but he might call when we both get back tonight.”
“Anyway, you’ll keep things in order, right? Even if you have friends over every night? You'll make sure the house stays cleaned up and nothing gets ruined? And you’ll keep up your job-”
“Yes,” he said, hoping it’d get her to wrap up quickly.
“Good, your father wouldn’t want you slacking off and getting fired from that job, the one over there at… at…”
“At Family Video?” he gave.
“That’s the one.”
“I’ll keep everything together back here. Was there anything else?”
“That’s all dear, have a good night. Oh, and try not to run up the water bill too bad, even with five kids in the house.”
“Do my best. Have fun.”
He put the phone back down and wanted to brace himself against the hall table, try and breathe out all the feelings that always bubbled up when he spoke to his parents. The way they made him feel like he was expected to mess up, the way they made him feel like they didn’t care what he did until it reflected on them, the way they made him feel like he was doomed to be stuck in place and he was never going to-
Argyle’s voice called from the couch,“ Dude! You didn’t mention you have a pool! We have to-”
“Slow down, it’s March. In Indiana.” Steve argued,” That water’s nearly freezing.”
“Isn’t your pool heated?” Jonathan questioned, not particularly jumping at the chance to get in, but curious that Steve wasn’t.
“Well, yeah, but I haven’t cleaned it in a while. It’d be super gross right now. And you guys weren’t even able to pack. You trying to tell me you all happen to have swimsuits to put on?”
“I know we don’t know each other well yet, Stevester, but don’t you ever assume I don’t bring a pair of board shorts with me everywhere. I have two in my van, right now, for this exact circumstance I could find myself in.”
“Okay, um, impressive prepared-ness,” Steve nodded, but still tried to dodge the suggestion,” but you’re still two kiddos down, and I am not cleaning that pool right now. Plus, it’s just water, it’s not that fun.”
But then, El spoke up,“ I’d want to swim.”
And Steve didn’t know what to say.
“I’ve never been... for fun,” she added, averting her gaze a little. Remembering all the times she was set up in sensory deprivation tanks or the one time in the kiddie pool, and yet had never been able to actually swim.
And… fuck.
Steve can’t say no.
Can’t even think of it.
Not when it’s El.
“Okay. Okay, We can swim. But not tonight, you guys need to buy swim gear, and I need to get some more pool cleaner and chlorine before anyone’s getting in.”
“But we’ll get to swim?” she asked, turning her eyes back to look in his.
“You’ll get to swim. Scout’s honor, kid.”
She smiled in her place on the couch. Cuddled in close to Will as her eyes went weary. It looked like it was time for everyone to get ready for bed.
“Well, I’m ready to sleep. Let’s get you all loaded up with toiletries and pillows. I don’t mind where you nod off, you can stay piled up on the couch, take the guest room, steal the master for all I care. Knock if you need anything. Besides that, treat the castle like it’s yours.”
They ended up liking the idea of turning the living room couch into their setup. So, Steve retrieved a bunch of pillows for them so they could really make themselves comfortable. They had practically nested themselves together under all the blankets and cushions. And he went upstairs for his own bed.
And honestly, he was relieved. Just a little relieved that he didn’t have to go to sleep in that house alone. He was still in his room alone, but he didn’t feel so isolated. So empty. There were people just down a flight of stairs. Sharing his house with him.
Then he remembered.
Remembered that some people were alone that night.
Max and Eddie.
His relief was short-lived.
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revvethasmythh · 2 years
I'd thought my mom buried our cat without telling me but actually I just found the body in our back freezer trying to get ice cream and actually this is much worse can we PLEASE just bury her I am begging
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eggtqrt · 2 years
is frankie steins favorite ice cream mint chocolate chip or does frankie hate the flavor of mint
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m0rgangutterratz · 10 months
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I dunno but it was Fluro green lmao
what’s your favourite flavour
I am a simple person; anything with chocolate, and I eat half the carton in one sitting
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rafey-baby · 29 days
sweet treat 4
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Construction worker!rafe and shy!reader spending their day off together as one does but Rafe simply can not keep his hands off her, can he? And maybe she just really needs him. 
cw: fluff, Rafe being a tease, semi-public thigh riding
wc: 1.9k
part 1 part 2 part 3 & part 5
i have such a soft spot for him so hope u enjoy xx
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It’s a tranquil Tuesday; they’re strolling around town and soaking up the last lemony rays of the August sun before autumn drops all the marmalade leaves and brings a chilly breeze along with its visit. 
The balmy weather of the sunlit afternoon coaxes her to remove her cardigan; a featherlight fabric she brought in case the wind decided to pick up. However, she doesn’t need it, not when it’s so pleasantly mellow and thermal. Without a word, Rafe reaches an arm out and plucks the piece of clothing from her, nonchalantly throwing it over his shoulder and holding it for her.
She mumbles out a soft thank you, and even if the thin material really doesn’t weigh a thing and it wouldn’t have been that much of a bother to hold onto it herself, she still feels all gooey inside from the attentive sentiment. 
They have lunch at her favorite place; a small picturesque restaurant with leafy vines and scarlet roses trickling down the brick wall as they sit outside on a little patio, enjoying their meals with cheery bluebirds chirping and the passing laughter of pedestrians on the lively streets as their background music. 
When their tummies are full of yummy food, they decide to get ice cream. But as they’re padding along the pavement and she’s licking her cone contently, some of the sweet treat drips down her chin without her noticing. 
”You’re so messy,” Rafe tuts and reaches out to grab her jaw in his hand, tilting her up to face him.
”What would you do without me, hm?” he murmurs out as he swipes a thumb under her bottom lip; catching the cold dessert and tucking the digit into his mouth, humming when strawberry ice cream melts on his tongue.
Her eyes round out at the nearly obscene sight. 
”Mm, that’s good. But mine’s better,” he thinks out loud, laving his tongue over his own mint chocolate chip flavor. 
He notices her gaze lingering, the corners of his mouth tugging up. “Want some?”
“Um…no. It tastes like toothpaste,” she complains, trying to clear her suddenly foggy head. 
”Yeah, but in a good way,” he grins.
”There’s no good way for ice cream to taste like toothpaste,” her brows crease.
”There is, alright? Here, try it,” and instead of offering his cone to her like a normal person, he dips his thumb (the one that was just in his mouth) into the frozen delicacy and pushes it past her lips before she has the chance to refuse. 
A surprised noise escapes her throat when he presses down on her tongue, letting her get a proper taste of the minty sweetness. He lingers for a moment too long when there’s an itch in his lower abdomen from the sight of her sucking on his thumb; an urge to tuck another digit in and push in deeper, make her gag around his fingers. 
He clears his throat in order to shake the thoughts away, pulling his thumb out from her greedy little mouth, no complaints or grumbling about toothpaste following after. She solely blinks up at him with her doe eyes all dumb, seemingly having lost the ability to speak. 
”It’s good, right?” He asks, a mocking lilt to his tone.
”Mhm,” she manages out, brain mushy and mind clouding over with a starry haze that seems to follow her for the rest of their walk, merely nodding and humming out responses to his questions. He finds all this entirely too amusing, unable to wipe the taunting smile off his face. 
When a group of people pass them by on the narrow sidewalk, Rafe settles a heavy palm on her waist, pulling her closer and preventing her from stumbling into them. However, instead of removing his hold on her altogether after they’ve successfully bypassed them, he opts to slip a warm hand in the back pocket of her jeans; tugging her to his side. And she really can’t withhold a stupid smile from pulling at her lips or the way her cheeks dust over with a plum tinge. 
He continues on with whatever story he was telling her (she stopped listening halfway through the moment she felt his touch on her) as if this is all completely mundane for him and they aren’t walking around like an enamored couple right now.
Then, as if for good measure, he mindlessly squeezes her ass with the hand stuffed in her back pocket, making her look up him, but there’s merely a lazy grin hanging on the raspberry mouth she remembers all too well kissing just the other day on his couch. 
Her cerebrum short-circuits and she has half the mind to scold him. After all, they’re in public and he’s groping her rather immodestly. However, how is she meant to do that when he gazes down at her and his eyes mirror cerulean droplets of early morning dew underneath the amber glow of the waking sunbeams? 
”So, what do you think?” His question suddenly reaches her eardrums. 
An amused chuckle tumbles from his throat. 
”Said your boss wanted to renovate the cafe, right? Could help with that, give her a discount and shit?”
”Oh. That’d be— great, yeah. I’ll make sure to…let her know,” she barely manages the words out because his palm resting on her ass is making her thighs press together and it’s getting more arduous to inhale and exhale like a regular human by every passing second. 
Once they’re back in the shelter of his truck, instead of starting the engine, he turns to look at her. She shifts ungracefully in the leather seat, trying to ignore the ache deep in her marrow that’s been bothering her their whole way back. He’s wearing shorts and her eyes zone in on his legs, heavy lids blinking sluggishly as she avoids his piercing stare.
”You want something?”
”Hm? Oh, no… what— what do you mean?” She stutters. 
”You don’t think I see the way you keep looking at me?” He rasps out, brows raising. ”Been feeling a little needy after you sucked on my thumb, have you?” 
”Bet you’re so sticky right now. Shit, must be uncomfortable at this point, no?” His face creases in mock concern as a faint whine leaves her.
”C’mere,” he encourages, patting his thigh. 
”O— okay,” she clumsily wobbles over the console, settling on his lap. 
”Didn’t tell you to sit there, did I?” He says before he’s lifting her up and then setting her back down until she’s properly straddling his thigh. ”Now that’s better, isn’t it?”
”Rafe…someone could see us,” she suddenly remembers, turning her head around, peering through the car window at the busy parking lot, people striding along the pavement; girls in bikinis carrying towels, couples laughing and chatty families all thriving under the beaming sun. 
”Honestly don’t really give a shit. Why don’t we just…let them see how much of a dirty girl you are, yeah?” He grins at her; showcasing pearly white teeth and making her whine in response. 
With her eyes flitting to the window once more, she inspects the seas of people loitering about, but she doesn’t think anyone’s noticed them yet. However, she doesn’t have any more time to observe them before he’s yanking her back to face him, fingers digging into her jaw. 
”Look at me,” his brows furrow, seemingly upset that her attention isn’t on him.
”Sorry, I just...”
”Relax, alright? They can’t even see your face, just a horny slut humping my leg,” he reassures her, mushing her cheeks together and smudging a sloppy kiss on her puckered lips when she drags out his name, flushing in humiliation. 
”Why don’t we take these off, hm?” He mutters, not even bothering to wait for a response before he’s dragging down the zipper of her jeans. Then he’s tugging them down her legs, leaving her in just a flimsy pair of underwear. 
She gasps, eyes rounding out when she feels his firm thigh against her drippy cunt, relieving some of the tension in her limbs.
“This shit gets you off, doesn’t it? The fact that anyone could just look through the window and see how fucking desperate you get for me?” He asks, something mean glinting in his gaze.
”Go on then, if you want it, gotta work for it, yeah?” He’s lazily leaning back against the seat, long legs spread out and a smirk painted on his face as he simply gazes at her. 
She doesn’t think she’s ever felt more embarrassed, cheeks burning when she gives a tentative roll of her hips against him, whimpering out because the fabric between them is not only paper thin but also soaked through at this point. 
”There you go, Sweetheart. That feel good?” 
She mewls, nodding all frantic; rutting against his thigh some more. Then he’s plucking at her panties, pulling the sodden material to the side, allowing for her to really feel the sturdy muscles there; skin to skin.
She’s becoming louder and louder as her swollen clit keeps occasionally bumping against him, making him smear his mouth on hers; muffling her whining in the process when her thighs begin to grow sore. 
”Rafe…I’m tired— can you…” she complains.  
”You’re tired? What if I’m tired too?” There’s something in his mocking question that tells her he’s anything but. 
 ”Rafe, can you just— can you help?”
”Where’d your manners go, hm? Why don’t you ask nicely?” 
”Rafe please, I need to…can you help me please I need you to— need you to help,” her distressed eyes are becoming watery and he chuckles, low from his chest.
”You don’t even know what you’re saying, do you? Get so dumb every time we do this. Couldn’t even fuck you properly before you passed out on me that night in your bed, remember?”
”Hey, that’s not fair. I was so sleepy—”
”What’s not fair is me constantly having to do all the work while you just whine like a helpless baby,” his voice is condescending, making wet droplets stain her cheeks.  
”I’m sorry, don’t mean to...” 
”I know, Sweetheart. I know,” he says while gripping at her hips, supporting her weight and dragging her over his solid thigh, making her moan out loud. 
”Can’t do anything yourself, can you? Need my help with everything, yeah?” His rugged paws roll her hips against him, hard, again and again. ”Mhm. Need you—” a loud noise leaves her throat when he pushes his leg up against her; forcing her puffy clit to harshly rub against the skin that her weepy cunt has made so wet, to the point where he can feel it whenever she glides against it. ”Rafe, I’m gonna…”
”Yeah? Gonna come? Soak my thigh more for me?” She whimpers when he presses her down firmer on his thigh.
”Shit, Sweetheart. Look so fucking pretty like this,” he mutters out, blue gemstones fixated on her trembling form before the knot in her stomach begins to loosen, the piece of yarn snapping as she begins to unspool in his arms, crying out because she feels so delighted she doesn’t know what to do. 
“There you go, just do anything I ask, don’t you?” He murmurs when her head drops against his steady chest as he rakes his fingertips through the strands of her hair; blunt nails scratching at her scalp.
There are stars in her eyesight, nearly a full blown galaxy and she thinks she could die happy right now; his strong grip steadying her and making her feel like nothing else matters. There’s only this moment. Him and her.
She wants to stay in the safety of his hold for evermore because she’s positive the only reason her poor heart is beating in her ribcage these days is because of him.
As an afterthought, she wonders if maybe she’s just in love.
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junislqve · 4 months
ᯓ seasons — ot7
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syn i used to hate it, until i found out it was your favorite thing. (1504 words)
pairs ot7 + reader | cw petnames — mlist navi
note synopsis was actually more of a prompt but err i hope you guys enjoy anyway >< also im writing this half asleep so im sorry if there are any mistakes !! everybody thank peng cause without her this wouldn’t even be here rn
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“why don’t you warm me up?”
heeseung never liked winter. he hated the coldness and the gloom that came with it. ever since he was young, he’d stay cooped up in his room refusing to go out and play with the snow.
even as an adult, heeseung would be more silent during the season, chattering his teeth even though he wore about a dozen coats.
well that was until he knew you. you were the complete opposite. you loved the coldness and the festive feeling of winter. finding the beauty in the falling snowflakes.
ever since heeseung started dating you, your love for winter created a small fondness in him. he loves it when he gets to see your pretty smile and your nose red-tinted from the cold.
he loves it most when you both would take the train back after a day out and you would fall asleep on his shoulder, hands tucked on his to keep yourself warm.
jay had never really been picky with anything. having being the cook back at home and even now cooking for you made him accustom to people’s likes.
one thing, however, that never had he enjoyed was caffeine. he hated the bitter aftertaste of it. the smell that always lingers.
but when you once bought him an americano back when you both were still friends, he downed the whole thing. making you laugh, he liked hearing your laugh, it was addicting. he saw how you were savoring the taste after every sip. thinking that if you liked it, it shouldn’t be that bad.
and now, every morning before you woke up, he’d add coffee-brewing to his routine. making both of you coffee before heading for work. but really, he just loved seeing you hum in delight after a sip, a small smile on your lips.
“you’re so good at this, babe” you say, complimenting his brewing skill.
“why don’t you give me a kiss for it then”
you loved musicals. from hamilton to phantom of the opera, you’ve always loved watching them if they played in theaters near you.
jake, however, would rather spend his time playing soccer or watching a movie at the comfort of his home. he didn’t find musicals interesting, refusing whenever his friends offered to go watch one together.
however, when you offered, he found himself sitting near front seats in a large theatre. completely invested in the story line. he took down internal notes in his head knowing you’d start talking about it the moment you both walked out the theatre, just so he could give his own perspective in case you asked.
he would listen to you talk all day if it meant having to watch musicals often. asking you to repeat things to see your smile grow. his eyes linger on you, observing the pretty smile you have and the excited glint in your eyes as you talked away.
“wait, can you explain again about what happened to her in the end?”
possibly the biggest hater of mint chocolate chip ice cream, sunghoon would not get near it. if he had a choice, he’d rather choose something more simple like vanilla.
but all in all, sunghoon never really liked ice cream. he doesn’t understand the enjoyment people get whenever they’d crave it.
apparently all it took for him to finally try the flavor he most despised was for you to (barely) beg him to hang out with you. he was too flustered when you asked him what flavor he wanted and when you asked if he wanted the same order as you did, he just nodded. barely registering what you said.
he unfortunately did not realize this until he scooped up a spoonful of the ice cream and tasted the familiar, yet, unfavorable taste. however, after much thought and probably the sweet smile you were giving him, he concluded that it didn’t taste as bad as he thought it would.
after dating, sunghoon would often pick up ice cream for you two after a long week, eating it together while huddled up watching a movie in your living room.
the taste of it was always there, but he understood why you adored the flavor. it growing on him more than he’d expected, especially when you’re the one he’s eating it with.
being alone creeps him out. he gets terrified if he was ever left home alone. that’s one of the reasons why he loved going out.
he finds it comforting being surrounded by people, chatting along with anyone and everyone, catching up with them.
before you were in his life, he felt like being alone further makes him feel unwanted. busying himself with anything if, in a case, he were to be left alone.
when you did come into his life, though, it was like you rearranged the meaning of being alone. you love the peace and quiet of being alone. the silence that seems to fill the room letting you breath for a moment.
technically, he still didn’t really like being alone. sometimes, he’d call you to his apartment to ‘be alone’ with you. none of you speaking any words to each other, just laying down and listening to each other’s breathing. so many words unsaid but the feelings able to be conveyed through gestures.
you’d taught him how to enjoy the quietness. he finds that when he’s alone he felt more calm and centered. still, as a person who loves talking, he would always prefer being with people.
but, you redefined the meaning of being alone and he loves you for it. he loves the way you look happy and at peace all the time, he loves it when you both be alone together.
“babe, can you get my socks pretty please?”
as a person who gets cold easily, you love bundling yourself up before sleeping. your necessities were your 2 blankets, a pillow for your side and socks.
jungwon always found it iffy to wear socks in bed. even if he were to buy new ones to wear only in his house, he still wouldn’t like the feeling of it.
that was until he was introduced to you by a mutual friend. when you two started talking, he found your many quirks adorable.
however, one that he only found out when you started dating, was that you loved wearing socks to sleep. his horror back then showed on his face when you asked him if he were okay.
overtime, you gradually convinced him. especially if it was winter and the coldness would go up by twice the usual weather. being used to your routine, he didn’t even realize he started wearing socks to bed until you pointed it out when he was sleeping over.
the realization he had was baffling, but as he accustomed to it he didn’t find it weird at all. he would start buying you both matching socks when he was out and was thinking of you.
“let’s get back to bed, love”
everyone knows riki is not a morning person. he hated waking up early more than anyone. it’s not weird to find him coming out of his room at 1 pm.
by 1pm, you’ve probably already went to a cafe, had breakfast, catches up with a friend, and had a 2-hour lecture.
when you got involved with riki, you tried your hardest to wake him up early. his friends had told you to give up many times saying they’ve tried over and over again.
but miraculously, on your 7th try, he woke up. although, grumbling, he started sitting up and asking what you were doing at his dorms.
the first time you tried you were just there to drop off some food to your big brother. but when you knocked and no one answered, you were about to leave. until one of his dorm mates opened the door to let you in.
they were all stood crowded in front of his room, shouting at him to wake up, but he never moved. still sound asleep after a whole debate session ensued in the dorms.
after your brother and his friends collectively decide to leave him alone instead of trying to wake him up, you put it upon yourself to try as well. little did you know, he’d heard all your wake up calls, just too afraid to face you, seeing his bedhead and all.
7th times the charm however, when he finally braved himself to wake up and reply to you, although his heart pounding abnormally when you smiled at him.
when you two started dating, he couldn’t not wake up before you. much more aware of his surroundings when he’s around you.
riki however is riki. if he were to wake up earlier, then you would also have to wake up later sometimes because of him. deciding to stay in for a bit longer when he asks to, surrounded by his warmth.
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© junislqve 2024. liking, commenting, and rebloging are appreciated.
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
terrific accident:
recently, as ive been iterating and tweaking a brownie recipe i got from my family's recipe catalogue (my cousin collected all of the "family recipes" we had in our small extended family, typed them all up, and it amounted to a few hundred recipes. they printed out 5 copies in the form of binders full of laminated pages and they were passed out among my family members. my family's copy currently belongs to my sister. i dont know why i typed out all of this info, consider it extra exposition from my dialogue tree), and something ive been fixated on is melting the sugar lately.
in the process of melting it this time around, i added the butter far too early at way too low of a temperature and it ended up cooking with the sugar for a bit too long. when i tried combining it with the dry ingredients, i spent way too long working it with the rubber spatula (i was high while making them) and the solids were staying very distinctly separate from the liquids. it wasnt until my roommate came over and offered to stir it with a fork that the gigantic blob of gummy semisolid roasted molten sugar began to break apart and combine properly. as i stirred and the chunks began to fracture more and more and cool rapidly, for a while it felt like i was stirring shards of glass. after a while i thought "this is good enough", even though it still felt like i was stirring 3 parts pudding 1 part gravel, and plopped it in the oven.
what i believe ended up happening, funny enough, is i turned the base of the brownies into toffee. turns out, toffee is just butter and sugar cooked together. the only other thing i had combined them with is a splash of vanilla, so the liquid base was effectively just molten toffee and three eggs.
sugar spread out quite a bit, but not nearly enough to make it taste sweet, and as a result the chocolate part has a very soft bitterness to it, like dark chocolate. and in the base of it there's little chunks of, basically, toffee brittle, which is where the majority of the sugar is, but it doesn't take away from the acute bitterness since it's cooked to the point of not quite being burnt, bringing out an almost coffee-ish taste from it. and it's good! i just had it with some mint chip tillamook ice cream and im really, really rockin with it.
consider doing this if you make brownies! fuck up, i mean. maybe it'll be good.
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valsverse · 15 days
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• just thinking about percy jackson as your summer bf. fumbling with sunscreen, smearing it on each other’s noses, missing spots on purpose. sticky cuddles under the blanket, even though the air is way too hot for any kind of physical contact. popsicle juice dribbling down your chin, and him kissing it away, his lips sweet and a little too eager. racing into the ocean, him pretending to trip just to make you laugh. stealing sips of each other’s lemonade, but only when you think he’s not looking. screaming on the rollercoaster while he pretends to be fearless, though you catch his knuckles white around the bar. arguing over the best ice cream flavor—he insists on mint chocolate chip, but you know it’s cookies and cream. beach volleyball that always ends with him picking you up and spinning you around, both of you laughing too hard to keep score. running barefoot on the hot pavement, hopping between patches of grass. falling asleep in a hammock, legs tangled, with the smell of saltwater still clinging to your skin, and waking up to sunburned shoulders and his lazy grin. • or how fall coded leo valdez is. going to haunted houses together, hiding your face in his shoulder every time you get freaked, while he grins and teases you, but never lets go. sharing one scarf because he insists he’s not cold, but somehow the scarf always ends up wrapped around you both. carving pumpkins together, where he makes his a goofy, over-engineered contraption while yours is just happy and crooked. attempting to watch Saw for halloween, but halfway through, he grabs the remote, and suddenly It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! is on. apple cider kisses, warm and sweet, his lips tasting like cinnamon. drowning tea with lethal douses of nutmeg because he swears it makes everything better, and it does. walking through piles of fallen leaves, and just when you’re admiring the colors, he kicks a bunch of them at you, laughing as you chase him down the path. ending the night with bonfires, where he messes with the flames, making them flicker in shapes just to make you laugh. • and winters with luke castellan, him cupping your face in his hands, palms warm and soft, trying to chase away the chill from your cheeks, always grumbling about how cold you are, but never pulling away. sharing caramel apples, and him struggling to take a bite while making a mess, albeit with a small grin. snowball fights that start with playful teasing and end with him catching you in his arms, both of you laughing and brushing off snow. walking through the frosty streets, his arm around your shoulders, making sure you’re never too cold. stopping by a food cart for hot chocolate, where he burns his tongue but pretends he's fine, playing it off with a casual shrug while you laugh. driving through the city, holiday music low in the background, his eyes flickering between the lights and your smile; and his peppermint scent clinging to your sweater, lingering long after he’s gone. • while jason grace is undeniably a spring bf. feeding each other freshly picked strawberries, sweet and sun-warmed, his smile soft as he knows just how to choose the best ones. stopping by the convenience store for a snack run, where he knows your favorites by heart, grabbing them without a second thought. stopping by a local café for iced coffee, his fingers brushing yours as he hands you your drink.
playful water fights by the fountain, where he always ends up drenched, his hair sticking to his forehead, but he’s still grinning, water dripping everywhere as you both laugh at the chaos. visiting farmers' markets together, where he picks out the freshest fruits and insists on trying every sample with you. sharing ice cream cones that melt faster than you can eat them, him sneaking bites from yours with a playful smirk, wiping away a stray drip with the back of his hand before it hits the ground.
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©valsverse— do not steal, edit, or repost my works. plagiarism is prohibited.
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
not so different
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt ‘graduation’
rated t | 994 words | cw: mention of past character death, mention of alcohol, language | tags: childhood friends, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, good uncle Wayne Munson
Steve Harrington didn’t cry, not even when he fell off the slide at the playground and his knee bled for 15 minutes and his nanny had to call his mom.
But this was a special instance where he was allowed to be sad. His nanny even said so. He watched all the kids in his kindergarten class taking pictures with their moms and dads, uncles and aunts, grandpas and grandmas, and wondered why he didn’t have anyone here for him.
He found an empty classroom in the big kid hall as soon as the ceremony was done, sat behind the teacher’s desk, and cried into his knees.
“Did your daddy not show up either?” A voice asked from in front of him.
He lifted his head, vision blurry and face wet, to see Eddie.
Eddie had already done kindergarten once, but he had trouble with his phonics, so they kept him behind. He was the first kid to talk to Steve in class, but within a few days, Tommy and Carol and Heather had scared him away from Steve entirely.
“Um, no.”
“What about your mama?”
“She’s with my dad.”
“My mama is with God. Or that’s what a lot of people say. I dunno if she was friends with him or not, though. I think she just got buried in the ground and people are scared to tell me,” Eddie was sitting next to Steve now, his leg knocking against Steve’s.
Eddie didn’t sit still very well, and the teacher always said he had ants in his pants. Steve hoped he didn’t have them in there now; he didn’t want any ants on him.
“Where’s your dad?”
“He’s probably getting ‘rested again. He showed up being silly and my Uncle Wayne had to take him outside,” Eddie shrugged.
“Is he tired?” Steve asked, sniffling and leaning more against Eddie.
“No. Uncle Wayne says sometimes he has too much of the drinks in the bottles I’m not allowed to touch and it makes him act like he don’t got a brain,” Eddie didn’t sound that sad, but Steve still wanted to hug him. “So your daddy isn’t here?”
“No. I think he forgot.”
“Sorry he forgot. My Uncle Wayne never forgets. He even came to the lunch room for my birthday. He brought me a piece of pizza!” Eddie always sounded more excited than anyone else. Most of the kids in the class thought it was stupid, but Steve kind of liked the way his eyes got wide and his smile got so big it took up most of his face. “Maybe he can bring you a piece for your birthday next year.”
“He doesn’t even know me.”
“You can come meet him!”
The classroom door opened just as Eddie started to stand and reach for Steve’s hands to pull him up.
“There ya are, Ed! Been lookin’ everywhere. You want some ice cream?” An older man stood by the door, button up plaid shirt only half-tucked into his jeans.
“Can we bring Steve? He’s my friend.”
Steve’s head turned, shocked that Eddie would say that.
“We gotta ask his parents first, Ed.”
“His parents didn’t come.”
“Oh.” The man looked Steve up and down before seemingly settling on something. He gave a small smile and gestured for him to come closer. “What’s your favorite flavor, then?”
“I dunno. Never had anything except vanilla,” Steve admitted, afraid to look at the man who had to be Eddie’s Uncle Wayne.
“Well, that just won’t do, will it? Let’s go try every flavor at the diner. Benny just added a few new ones. Think there’s even a bubblegum one.”
Eddie clapped his hands and dragged Steve out the door by his arm.
“I bet you’ll like mint chip,” he said as Wayne followed behind them, fond smile on his face.
Steve Harrington had only cried a few times in his life, but this was the second time it was happening in front of Eddie.
Eddie wasn’t conscious this time, though.
“If you wake up, I’ll take you to the diner and we can have ice cream. They’ve got a new raspberry white chocolate flavor that you’d like. I could use some mint chip right now,” Steve said around the tears.
Wayne had left the hospital an hour ago to freshen up and grab one of his crossword puzzle books. Steve had been crying for most of that hour, holding Eddie’s hand and quietly begging him to wake up.
Two days without hearing his voice or watching his smile light up the room was too long, especially after having it for the last 13 years.
“How’re you gonna walk at graduation if you’re still asleep here, huh?” Steve closed his eyes and wiped at his cheeks.
“You can walk with me.”
Steve’s head shot up at Eddie’s quiet, but surprisingly strong voice.
“Hey, Stevie. Heard you’re takin’ me for ice cream,” Eddie’s smile was crooked, the bandage on his cheek covering one of his dimples.
It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except for Eddie being awake, being alive, being okay.
“Yeah, Eds. Every day if you want,” Steve wanted to crawl into the bed with him, hold him close and feel him breathing and listen to his heartbeat, be sure he was there.
“Gonna hold you to that.”
“Soon as you can leave, that’ll be our first stop. Promise.”
Eddie closed his eyes, but the smile remained on his face. “You slept?”
“A bit.”
“So no.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “A bit.”
“Honey, you’re hurt-“
“Come here.”
Steve got in bed slowly, making sure he kept space between himself and Eddie’s injuries.
“Think I’ll graduate?”
Steve snorted. “They’d be stupid to hold you back after you saved everyone.”
“Yeah. ‘M a hero. Fuck Hawkins High.”
Steve could feel more tears trickle down his cheeks, but these were different.
These were relieved tears, happy tears.
“Yeah, honey. Fuck them.”
“Love you, though.”
“Love you so much.”
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inkdrinkerworld · 4 months
hello love ! I see that you were asking for domestic aaron hotchner requests and I had a thought !
reader was recently discharged from the hospital after a major surgery, and aaron being the amazing man he is, decided - since it’s his day off, he’d make her breakfast in bed?
( maybe jack helps too ?? )
changed it a tad, so it's mom!reader who's just given birth and i hope that's okay <3
“All set?” Aaron asks as you sit up on the hospital bed, a pain between your legs as you watch him hold your little baby with one hand and reach for you with his other one. 
“I really wanna go home and have mint chocolate ice cream with Jack and the baby,” you’re tearing up as Aaron sits you in the wheelchair they provided, settling your baby in your arms the moment you’re comfortable. 
“He’s with Penelope and Derek in the cafeteria, he said there were chocolate chip cookies on display.” you hum, leaning your head back tiredly. Aaron kisses your forehead, something more than love nestled between his ribs. 
You hear him before you see him, a smile already on your face as you hear his shoes squeaking on the tiles. 
“I got you this, and it’s warm!” Jack says, kissing your cheek with all the energy of a kid hopped up on sugar. 
“Thank you Jack, did you have yours already?” you break yours in half and give it to him when he nods, Aaron shaking his head fondly at the action. 
“How’re you feeling mama?” Derek asks, watching you chew on the cookie and stroke your baby��s cheek. 
“I could sleep for a week, but the pain is mostly gone.” 
Penelope hooks a gift bag on one of the arms of the wheelchair with a smile. “That’s a care package from the girls and I.” she kisses your forehead and Derek and her leave, your little family strolling out of the hospital chatting together, with you mostly listening to Aaron and Jack’s master plan of taking care of you and the baby.
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